#i didnt stick to it perfectly cause i did wanna make it
I like the new Percy Jackson show but the theme song is absolute trash so I decided I wanted to redo it. Not done yet, this is just the rough first draft, but I think it's pretty nice so far.
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!Ranpo with an s/o who prefers spicy snacks over sweets!
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Scenario:- Ranpo tries spicy snaccs!
Pairing:- Ranpo Edogawa x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- oneshot/hc
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Honestly,one thing that brought you together was your love for snacks
Although you liked savoury and he liked sweet
It didnt really matter tho
At first~
Everyone knew that ranpo edogawa didnt share food,and they all soon learned that neither did you :’)
But the only exception to your rule seemed to be eachother
He was a bit reluctant to try your snacks,but seeing you enjoy them(the pure look of satisfaction and enjoyment on your face always made it obvious that you were eating) made him want to try them too!
So one fine day he suggested you both swap snacks
You looked at your spicy bites and then at his marshmallows,deciding it wouldn’t be the worst to switch over to sweet for a second to calm your taste buds,you agreed and the swap was made.
You started gobbling up his marshmallows and the switch from crunchy and spicy to soft and sweet definitely helped you,it almost balanced it out!(perfectly balanced;as all things should be!)
But ranpo....he was a little adamant to try yours.
Now you were the kind of person to keep eatin ur snacks even if your mouth was SCREAMING for relief.you just loved the flavour!
But um,ranpo didnt wanna go thru that so he hesitated,contemplating whether or not he should just swap back your bites for his mallows
You saw this and clarified that these one’s werent the rly spicy ones,they were mild at best.
And after hearing that he popped the first one into his mouth!
It was a stark contrast from his usual nom-ings(yes ik thats not a word it just sounded right!) but he welcomed the challenge!
After all, a master detective should be flexible,adaptable and able to withstand anything!
He took bite after bite,digging into the bag like a raccoon in a trashcan! And soon your bag was finished!
He tossed it aside and drank from his bottle of cream soda before looking back to you,who had done the same(finished the snacks i mean!)
“Soo...,” you began, “how were they??”
He thought for a second before replying, “a stark difference to be sure but a welcome one...although....i think I’ll stick to my sweets thank youuu very much~”
You laughed to yourself and shook your head
“Sure ranpo,go ahead”
And with that you each opened your next bag of snacks and dug in
While you were enjoying yours,you felt eyes watching you ,and sure enough when you looked at ranpo he was watching you.
“Want some??” You asked,shaking the bag in front of him.
He looked back to his bag,then to you,your bag and then back to his.
“Dont worry i wont take any of yours...” you said knowing he was wondering whether taking yours would mean hed have to give you some of his again.
But after Your clarification,he took a few pieces and popped em into his mouth
He uh quickly regretted not trying one first
These ones were significantly spicier than the one he’d had before and the effect it had on his tongue was causing him to chug his soda and the next one too
Soon once he felt better he cleared his throat and glared at you snack bag,clutching his to his chest and holding on for dear life
After a few seconds, he hissed out in a tone filled with the purest sense of betrayal, “NEVER AGAIN!” And then went back to practically inhaling his gummy bears
You laughed again and them resumed your snacking too, “dont worry popo,we’ll build up your spice tolerance!”
“Oh well.” You said with a shrug as you made a mental note to definitely make him build up his spice tolerance~(but not if he really doesnt wanna k?!🔪)
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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faerunsbest · 3 months
Tell us about Sybyll's family-- kids, parents, siblings, etc.
Who are they and how close is he with each one?
jesus fucking Christ i had long thinky on this, theres a lot of moments i didnt include cause i wanna go to bed lol
Older brother: lennox
Older sister aster
Younger sister irma
and the baby: Sybyll
Sybylls mother and father and endlessly obsessed with each other which while sweet resulted in some poor decisions. They as youths had decided to continue his family's treasure hunting tradition together, when she became pregnant with their first child it didn’t even occur to them to slow down or maybe even stop the adventure. They simply went on and brought him along for the ride, same for the second kid. 
The difference now being that they have help taking care of the baby. This line of thought continued all the way to sybyll, there were three other pregnancies but those failed and neither mourned at all.
Its safe to say that due to this, none of the kids were particularly close with their parents. The father did however make a point of teaching Lennox as much as he could without neglecting his wife. Since Lennox knew so much it was Lennox who shared information with Aster as well as the new things he’d learned on his own. As Aster grew up they learned skills by themself as they followed their parents, being given a new sibling Irma the cycle started again. And the last time was Sybyll, it was after Sybyll that their mother decided she no longer wished to get pregnant again. On her say-so they went into town to get her sterilized and then immediately went back out.
Now because Sybyll would notably be the last child she would bear, she seemed pay sybyll more attention although it wasn’t until he was slightly older.
Lennox is wall and broad and strong, he is the one who wound up watching all the kids when their parents wanted to enter ruins alone. However as lennox grew stronger he was expected to come along and help, but unlike his parents he wouldn’t pass the buck. He brought his siblings with him and kept an eye on them. It was here that he was able to show off much of the skill he had.
Unexpectedly however, Sybyll seemed to have a knack for reading symbols and runes. Perfectly capable of putting two and two together especially when his mum began teaching him to read. Something she didn't do for any of the others. The way she spoke to him was like a lukewarm welcome and he found himself adapting to her demeanor more because she would give more if he asked for less or asked carefully. More information, more lessons. 
There was a time when Sybyll was very small and felt quite useless beside his siblings always being carried  and protected, it was Lennox who cheered him. IT was lennox who sat with when he warbled by a lake shore, telling him its alright. He takes after mother, and mother is smart- so maybe he can work on using that. It’s a great strength, Sybyll took this very much to heart.
He could read and they couldn’t, not really. So he read and learned as much as he could everywhere they went. Irma helped by taking every intact book she could find and bringing it back to him. Aster was unknowingly more or less helpful by bringing virtually any paper with text. This included maps, blueprints and schematics that hadn’t been destroyed over time. By the time Sybyll was 10 and Lennox was 16, Sybyll was able to coordinate maps and navigate his way to and through ruins. 
At some point they realized their parents were taking a backseat and letting them lead the way to the next broken down castle or demolished city. Lennox found himself grinning as he watched from a rock while sybyll drew maps in the dirt with a stick to show the path they should take to find the next big thing. It was thanks to sybyll reading every little scrap that they found themselves able to open hidden vaults and tear out treasure.
Finally Lennox was allowed to take the lead formally. He allowed Sybyll to make the map, somewhere between a and b  the two began to argue as Sybyll kept saying the way Lennox was leading them was wrong. Lennox was sure he was right, he could just knock down a wall and they’d have an easy way into a particular ruin. When the wall came down Sybyll was right. Not only was the structure unsound but old traps suddenly exploded, a slew of sized arrow flying through the falling rubble nearly perforating aster.
It was at this time that Sybyll employed his first make as an artificer, an expanding shield. Lennox was horrified and ashamed of himself, astounded and jealous all at once. Not only had Sybyll sold him the entire time that he was wrong but he cleaned up the mistake when he made it. Humiliating wasn’t a strong enough word.
It was here that their parents decided maybe Sybyll could lead the next one, and he did. He led the way through thick forest down to a crumbling city that shouldn't exist to find an angel's halo. He found it. Or the item labeled as such.
Unfortunately his find came with a price, he would follow tradition and choose a tattoo for every successful mission. He was 11 years old when he hunched over to allow himself to be inked with a small needle and hammer. Lennox watched as his skinny, tiny little brother stayed hunched and still, eyes glassy but not letting a drop fall. And he felt worse. When she was done Sybylls mother patted the top of his head congratulating him for not making a sound. Very brave, very strong.
Another mission came and went, Aster and Irma both learned very quickly that whatever Sybyll said was with point and purpose, he was quite good at delegating tasks and  leading them to success at every turn. They watched as Sybyll managed to pick and choose what artifacts he would keep and what they would sell or squirrel away into hiding. With every mission he became slightly more proficient in his every endeavor. They came to trust him entirely, especially as he managed to perpetually point out flaws in their movement and how to fix it, he created little things to help them along and stay safe. These two trust him with everything.
Lennox yes he trusted his brother but that didn't mean he wasn't angry, he wasn't recently that his right to lead them was taken. So at some point it overflowed and burst and Lennox left. He left to prove that he was also capable, that he could do this just as well. He left to search for something on his own, something that would help him the way all those toys and trinkets helped Sybyll
When Sybyll found him again he was alone naked in a field doused in blood that didn't all belong to him. Long slashes across his body, dents in his face, blood gurgling from the rip in his neck. Aster and Iris shrieked at the image of him, parents only freezing at the image he made. Sybyll however kneeled down and unfurled a long scroll, laying it over lennox chest. He opened his own shirt and with the tip of a glass knife traces the same runes and images across himself with an disturbingly steady hand. 
As it was done, the knife settled at his center and deep, drinking him up until it was a lovely bloody red. Sybyll flipped the blade and swiftly sunk it deep in the center of his brother's ribcage. It was the 1st time in years they all heard Sybyll scream, shriek. After a bright flash and burning heat, Sybyll lay thrown panting in the grass and Lennox was sat up screaming, but alive. 
It wasn’t until the next full moon that they realized what he’d done to himself, Sybylls family watched in outright horror when Lennox’s skin split and shredded revealing a werewolf beneath. Aster and Irma were charged with protecting their parents While Sybyll employed every trick Lennox ever taught him, to keep him back. Sybyll utilized everything he had to keep his brother not only at bay, but within his grasp to keep him from harming anyone else.
When the sun came up Lennox was left on his knees watching Sybyll stare him down , exhausted. When Sybyll collapsed, lennox realized he fucked up again, he put them all in danger again. When he tried to leave again, Aster asked him, they would just chase him.
 Their next mission was a belt, a very specific belt. Simple as always, Sybyll led the way and this time he allowed choices to be handed off to Lennox.  Month and months of searching and suddenly finally Sybyll had his hands around the damned  thing, more like a harness than a belt, a ratty old thing. Leather with sterling buckles and runes carved in, Lennox couldn't meet Sybylls gaze when the belt was set around him. 
A full moon came and the belt was fastened shut, Sybyll sat beside his brother when he realized what the belt was for. Just another way Sybyll was cleaning up after him.
“You know, I hear you when you talk to mother and father. You tell them you're not the smart one, but you fail to recall. I really wouldn’t know anything if It wasn’t for you. I think you are well suited to this.”
Lennox and the rest of them stood in shock as Sybyll, took his rucksack and just left.
He hasn’t seen any of them since.
lennox: loves sybyll but is jealous// sybyll looks up to him but doesn't show it very well
aster and irma adore and trust their baby brother and also understand that he a lukwarm weirdo who shows love by making sure they're safe
parents are unnamed cause they're neglectful and didn't really do a lot for any of them
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
FB gave us some SAVAGE scenes this week, like praise be!
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You know full well I did bits with Finn and my petty ass is over here smirking that we got away with it😈 BUT THEY GAVE US AN OPTION TO SPRAY HIM WITH COLD WATER?!?!?! Comedy gold.
I also told Dana I wanted him to do the romantic gesture to me and told Kat I hoped Finn raised my HR the most, like girlie pop if the shower bits get spilled maybe you won’t be so shocked now!?
HR challenge… not worth talking about. But whatever I danced my sexy heart out for Suresh and the gem dance for him too. Mama was gonna treat him right and remind him of that time I got paid for accidentally stripping❤️ come on baby let this little cowgirl whisper (moan) in yo ear😮‍💨
Fucking Alfie man. FB, why why why do we keep spending so much time on him?! Clearly Suresh wanted to talk then too so why did we not get the option? The man spilled his heart out and I said NO yet he still wanna take us on a “love tour”? NAUR. Rejected again! Wasted time.
GABIIIIIIIII, the one thing FB kinda got right this volume😂😂😂 I got to tell her I’m through with her stories, give her sass, make her look like a 🤡🤡🤡🤡 over a ring that was clearly meant for us from the minute she opened her mouth, and she’s finallyyyyyyy out of the villa BUT NOT BEFORE I COULD TELL HER SHES NEVER GOING TO FIND ANYONE AND BE SINGLE FOREVER💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 when I tell you I cackled at that, I mean I CACKLED! But also too much time spent on her leaving. Like GIRL BYE!
Biggest plot hole though was MC saying that the ring was like the one she always wanted but literally no one ever described the ring…🤔🤔🫢
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I’ve been playing Finn and Suresh routes at the same time for the last 2 volumes and especially this go around but idk if Daddy Resh wanted to marry us I might have to stick with my OG baby boy. Cause like what if we go that route and he proposes to us at the finale?!😮‍💨🫡
Also this volume set up @mrsbsmooth perfectly for more Jaded chapters🥹🥹
BESTIE I LOVE UR SYNOPSIS!!!! I am dying lolol I cannot believe u told Gabi she was going to be single forever 💀💀💀💀 I didnt have the heart LMAO
As for Alfie....FB LEAVE ME ALONE...I DONT WANT HIM. the love tour. LIKE omg ...im sure the alfie girls ate but how many times must I reject this man?!
As for the ring, I actually did get a description of it! They said mine was a gold band...did people not get a description?? I think this was based on what you said in excess baggage to alfie.
and YESSS @mrsbsmooth is going to kill it on jaded, as she has been, with all this new tea in this volume!
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crowsareverytired · 2 years
just heard "thinking about a potentially awkward interaction with an old friend" by crywank. by the lyrics im guessing its about toxic friendships or relationships but uh some of the lyrics really hit and almost made me cry so im gonna say it here. this turned into a vent but maybe just a tw for a mention of suicide and EDs, its like one sentence for each but yk just in case. really didnt mean to vent but here we are
I don't know when I will see you again
Don't know what it is now or if we're still friends
And I'm sure if we did we'd have so much to say
But we'd both be polite and then just walk away
i know we havent talked in two months but i still miss you, im still not sure if were friends or not anymore but im guessing not. i would have a lot to say to you, i would say i miss you and i hope your happier now, truly.
Loving scenes played out in my head
All the things that you taught me and all the things that you said
So, to be honest, I've missed you, but I've pushed it away
Because the hurt that you've caused me sticks with me to this day
all the memories are really awesome, you really felt like im home, im so sorry, you taught me so much and you made me wanna live, you really made me reconsider it. i really did start pushing away the missing you, its not a nice feeling but it still hurts, it has been hurting for so fucking long even when we were still friends, maybe we just werent meant to be? it was so fun but maybe its the wrong time, right person wrong time as they say.
Like fits of rage in the shower, getting drunk every hour
Becoming perfectly content with being someone you resent
And all the ways we felt we've never talked about
We just whispered all amongst our friends and now we're also losing touch with them
the first lyric is just relateble. but yeah it seems your happier now, i cant make sure of it but it looks like it, it looks like you moved on and thats awesome but it hurts, im not even sure, you never showed any signs that you didnt like me, well except in the middle there but in the end you were a great friend, and it was mostly me but it feels like you are better without me. also yeah i think we both talked to our friends about each other or at least a diary or tumblr, at least i hope i was special enough. but i hope your not losing touch with your friends, i hope your getting better, i have a suspension that your not because the last time i saw you i saw your ed get worst and it fucking kills me to know i cant be there for you but then once again it was me who left. still yk i know you now have therapy so hopefully thats helping, i really want you to be better, i want you to be your best version, i love you so much, im so sorry, im so fucking sorry for leaving, maybe not all of it was great but fucking most of it. im not getting better but thats not your fault, its not, i am losing touch with my friends.
i know the logical choice would be to reach out to you, repear our relationship but what if you never liked me? what if your better off without me or you already moved on and dont want anything to do with me, what if reaching out would just hurt us more. but it hurts to see you anyways, so idk, i really dont blame you in any way, i fucking love you so much, it's just me
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here4theheartbreak · 4 years
Debuting and Dating (2Seok)
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⭒ AO3 Link Here!
⭒ Relationships: Hoseok x Seokjin (2seok)
⭒ Genre: smut
⭒ Rating: Explicit
⭒ Word Count: ~3.6k
⭒ Tags: smut, PWP, getting together, idol-verse, loss of virginity, makeshift sex toys, face fucking, barebacking, coming untouched, dirty talk, clothed sex, semi-public sex, almost getting caught, bottom!Jin, top!Hoseok
⭒ Summary: Jin's had a crush on Hoseok since he met him, and it finally paid off. Now if only he could get more than a minute alone with him.
⭒ A/N: This fic is for @thebtswritersclub​ January Prompt - New Beginnings/Beginnings. 
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The first time that Jin saw Hoseok he was both intimidated and in awe. The way he moved, the professionalism, the maturity for his age; Hoseok was the perfect man in Jin's eyes. Unfortunately - Jin knew he didn't have a chance with him. In addition to being absolutely perfect, Hoseok was also likely absolutely straight. That, and he seemed to hate Jin with a burning passion. Not that Jin was surprised. He wasn't that good of a singer and his dancing was horrendous; more times than not after practice Hoseok would need to pull him aside and work with him longer. It was embarrassing in and of itself, and made far worse with the fact that Jin's crush wasn't going anywhere.
It wasn't until a week after debut that things came to a head. Jin and Hoseok were - as usual - stuck in a practice room far later than the other five as Hoseok went over a few moves that Jin had been struggling with. Jin was near tears, exhausted and ready to quit. The response from the potential new fans hadn't been all that good - with the negativity outweighing the positivity in Jin's mind. He was a failure and he knew it. Though the fans weren't all specifically calling him out for being bad at his job, there were enough.
"Why do you even bother?" Jin asked softly as the two sat on the floor during a few minutes of rest.
"Hm?" Hoseok glanced up from his phone.
"Bother with me. I'm no good."
"You debuted."
"Being dragged along by everyone else."
"Namjoon can't dance perfectly either," Hoseok said simply.
"Right, sure. So he's in the back with me. But he raps perfectly. And he writes most of the music. And he's the leader. What can I do that can't be done by someone else in the group just as well if not better?"
"Cook?" Hoseok said, trying to smile.
"You're a good singer."
"Jimin's just as good and can do all my parts."
"You've got the looks."
"So does Taehyung."
Hoseok remained silent for a moment. Jin looked over, surprised to see a sad look in Hoseok's eyes.
"I know one thing that you do that they can't."
"What's that?"
"Beat yourself up like this. You're good at your job, Jin-hyung. And even if you weren't... We all love you and want you to succeed. You deserve so much. I'd be heartbroken if you left. I mean we, we would be."
"I won't leave you guys," Jin said. He sighed and rose, his knees wobbling a bit from exhaustion. "One more time."
Hoseok nodded and hopped up, seemingly full of energy once more. They went through the moves four more times, and Jin thought maybe was improving. Until the fifth. Brows furrowed, he counted under his breath as he stepped to the music. He could feel Hoseok watching him, having asked him to do this one on his own. Step, step-- Jin's knee finally gave out on him. The world tilted as he went down, throwing his arms out to brace for the impact.
It never came. Hoseok had rushed forward, catching him and keeping him upright, their chests pressed together. Jin opened his eyes, surprised to find himself nearly nose to nose with Hoseok.
"Thanks... Sorry."
“Don’t worry about it. You’re exhausted. Come on, enough for today.”
Jin shook his head. “One more.”
“No. You’re falling over. Once more and you might collapse. Come on, let’s go shower and head home.”
Jin nodded, letting Hoseok guide him to the shower room. He sat as he stripped, his muscles barely able to keep him up. His legs were cramping in the worst way, and each movement was agony. Though he kept his groaning silent, Hoseok seemed to notice. He crouched down, working his strong, slender fingers into Jin’s tight calf.
“You’re hurting, huh?”
Jin hissed, falling backwards onto the bench. “Sorry—“
“Don’t apologize,” Hoseok said. “I get it. Just relax. Let me help.”
Hoseok began to work his muscles loose. It went from agony to calm to pure pleasure as his hands moved cleanly over Jin’s legs. He rose, sitting on the bench to work on his thighs. Jin’s eyes were closed.
Hoseok chuckled. “Glad I’m good at this,” he said.
Jin opened his eyes and looked down. Much to his embarrassment, Hoseok was looking pointedly at his crotch. Wearing only boxers, it was obvious he had an erection, tenting the front of his shorts. He scrambled up, covering the tent as well as he could.
“I didnt— I’m not— I don’t—“
“Breathe,” Hoseok said simply. He rose from the bench and approached Jin. “Do you get hard during massages normally?”
Jin considered lying. Saying yes would help him escape trouble, but lying to Hoseok felt bad. His hesitation seemed to be all Hoseok needed.
“I thought so. So it’s me then?” Hoseok asked, as if Jin had given an answer. Jin lowered his gaze.
“I’m sorry.”
“Silly thing to apologize for. You should ask me out instead.”
Jin’s head snapped up quick enough to make his neck ache, his eyes bulging. Hoseok laughed. He stepped a little closer to Jin, shifting so his chest was pressed against his arm. It took Jin a second to realize what he was doing. His cock, just as hard as Jin’s, was pressing against his hip. Hoseok shifted, his eyes fluttering shut.
“I’d say yes, spoiler alert,” he whispered.
Jin’s heart may have stopped. The world seemed to go a little fuzzy as every sense he had focused on the feeling of Hoseok’s cock, sliding over his hip. It felt big. It was hard. It seemed - if Hoseok was being honest - to be Jin’s fault he was in that condition. So, being polite, it would only make sense…
Jin let his hands drop from his crotch. He turned, cupping Hoseok’s cock through his shorts. Hoseok gasped, smirking a little.
“Is that a yes to the date then?”
“Mhm,” Jin breathed. He began to stroke Hoseok through his shorts. “Do you think we’re alone?”
“Hm… Nobody else would need the shower room,” Hoseok said.
“Good.” Jin sank to his knees. “I should fix the problem I caused.”
He pulled Hoseok’s shorts down, his heart skipping a beat and his stomach knotting up when his cock was revealed, hard and curved, thick in all the right places.
Jin had no idea what he was doing. But Hoseok needed pleasure and dammit he’d do it. He wrapped his lips around the tip, moaning at the salty sweet taste. Hoseok gently pressed on his head, urging him forward. Jin relaxed, letting more slide into his mouth, sitting heavily on his tongue.
Hoseok fisted his hair, guiding his head back and forth.
“That’s it. Suck on my cock, Jinnie. Make me come.”
Jin moaned happily around Hoseok’s cock. His own throbbed in his pants. He reached down and squeezed himself through his shorts. Hoseok pulled him off his cock, and Jin instinctively went forward, sticking his tongue out to lick at the silken tip, dribbling clear precome.
“Perfect,” Hoseok cooed. “Made to have a dick in your mouth.” He drove two fingers into Jin’s mouth, stroking his tongue all the way back.
“Do you have much of a gag reflex, pretty cocksucker?”
Jin shook his head no, letting himself drool around Hoseok’s fingers.
“Good.” Hoseok removed his fingers and grabbed his spit slicked cock. He rubbed it over Jin’s plush lips. “Can I fuck your throat?”
Jin nodded eagerly.
“Just open your mouth. I’ll do the rest.”
Jin obeyed, opening his mouth wide. Hoseok slid his cock over his tongue before fisting his hair. He slammed him forward, his cock driving past Jin’s throat. Jin gagged hard, eyes watering. His cock jerked and dribbled precome as Hoseok began to pump his hips, his cock sliding almost all the way out before slipping back down his throat.
He held still, balls pressed to Jin’s chin as Jin struggled to breathe around his thick, throbbing cock.
He reached down, beginning to jerk off.
“Don’t,” Hoseok growled, pulling his cock out to let Jin breathe. “When I’m inside you - in any way - I don’t ever wanna see your hand on your cock.”
“Please,” Jin begged. “I gotta come.”
“Then you come with something in your holes like a good boy. Either from my cock or your fingers... Or...” he drifted off. “Here.” He walked over to their bags and dug in his own, pulling out a hairbrush with a smooth plastic handle. He pushed it into Jin’s mouth. “Slobber on it.” Jin did as requested, sucking it like a cock. While he did, Hoseok pulled his shorts down just over his ass, keeping his cock covered with his boxers. He spat in his hand, rubbing it over Jin’s hole.
“I’m gonna open up this hole soon,” he commented. Jin moaned around the brush. He nodded. Hoseok pulled it out. “Relax.”
He lined up the handle to Jin’s ass and pushed.
Jin moaned happily, his ass opening for the makeshift toy until it could go no deeper. Hoseok bunched up their shirts, balancing the brush.
“There. Now you can bounce on it like a cock while I use you. Come from that.”
He stood back up, watching Jin start to ride the brush for a moment. It wasn’t perfect, but it hit his spot and made his cock dribble, so it worked. He opened his mouth, letting Hoseok slide back down his throat. He began to fuck his face, not holding back.
Jin’s cheeks burned both from lack of oxygen and from the pornographic clicking, gulping noises he was forced to make as Hoseok used his throat like a sex toy. He continued to ride the brush, chasing his orgasm.
A little surge of pride struck him when Hoseok shuddered. “I need to come. Hold your breath and swallow.” Hoseok said. He drove deep and held Jin’s head. Jin obeyed, swallowing around his cock. He felt it jerk, gagging I instinctively. The thick come filled his throat, forcing him to swallow or choke. Above him, Hoseok moaned his name, shivering as he came.
Jin reached back, fucking himself hard and fast with the brush until his orgasm hit, cock spilling down his thigh. He moaned, coughing as Hoseok pulled out, one final rope of come dribbling over his tongue. His entire body shuddered as his orgasm washed over him, as well as the lack of oxygen. Hoseok crouched, immediately hugging him close.
“That was amazing,” Hoseok whispered.
“Still on for that date?” Jin asked.
Hoseok grinned against his shoulder. “Of course… Come on, let’s clean up.” He helped him up and out of his messy shorts, leading him to the shower.
 The two quickly became inseparable. Though they kept their relationship under wraps from everyone but Namjoon, they spent as much time together as possible. Whether it was training after the group choreography sessions, going to lunch or dinner together, or taking ten minutes to make out in one of Big Hit’s broom closets, Jin could not get enough of his beautiful boyfriend.
 Their relationship progressed naturally and quickly. Nearly eight months into their relationship, the two were crawling out of their skin. They were both eager to take the next physical step. Unfortunately - getting time alone to take that step was near impossible. Jin didn’t want to rush it. He was losing his virginity, and it would be special. Hoseok was understanding though, admittedly, impatient as well.
One weekend, Jin crawled quietly into bed with Hoseok. Not a new thing; they often spent evenings kissing quietly while the rest of the group slept in beds far too close for comfort. But Jin had a different plan tonight.
 As the shared quiet kisses, covered up to their necks with Hoseok’s blankets, Jin pushed his hand down the front of Hoseok’s shorts.
“Take me,” he whispered against his mouth, cupping Hoseok’s thickening cock.
“Here?” Hoseok leaned back, staring at Jin, wide eyed, in the darkness.
Jin nodded. He stroked Hoseok slowly to hardness. “If we move slow enough the bed won’t creak. I need you, I— I know you want it too and I’m tired of waiting.”
Hoseok nodded. He kicked his boxers off, pushing them further down the bed. Jin rolled over, pressing his bare back against Hoseok’s chest. He felt Hoseok slide his shorts down just over his ass, keeping them up in the front.
He reached under the mattress, finding the little bottle of lube he knew Hoseok kept there, and passed it back.
The click sounded loud in the room, and Jin kept his eyes open, searching the other members’ beds for any sign of movement. He bit down hard on his lip when Hoseok began to rub his opening, the cool lube sending chills down his back and bringing his flesh into goosebumps.
Hoseok’s fingers were long and skilled, pulling his tight rim open, slow and steady. preparation. Within minutes Jin was swallowing down his moans, biting on the pillow to remain silent lest he wake the other members. Hoseok’s breathing was almost infuriatingly steady; only the persistent nudge of his cock bumping against Jin’s leg as he stroked it gave away his arousal.
“Please—“ Jin finally whispered, glad for the snoring and shifting of their members to bury his weak sounds.
“Be silent,” Hoseok returned. His fingers disappeared from Jin’s hole, only to return with more lube. Jin cocked his knee higher, letting Hoseok shift and kick one leg between his. His tip bumped Jin’s virgin hole.
“Ready?” Hoseok’s question was nearly a breath. Jin nodded quickly.
Hoseok hesitated until a member moved, their bed creaking, before he pushed at Jin’s resisting rim. They both gasped.
Jin chewed at his lip to remain silent. Hoseok worked his cock forward agonizingly slow, burying it centimeter by centimeter in Jin’s ass. He felt like he was being split in two. His own cock throbbed in the confines of his shorts, balls already aching for release.
“Just push it in,” Jin hissed. “I can take it.”
Hoseok nodded against his shoulder. He reached up, covering Jin’s mouth with his hand. Jin felt his hot breath on his shoulder, then his teeth, gripping firmly in a bite. The persistent tip disappeared... Before his hips snapped forward.
He buried half his thick, bare cock in Jin’s ass. His teeth dug painfully into Jin’s shoulder, muffling a deep grunt.
Jin shouted into Hoseok’s palm, tears of surprised pleasure pain springing to his eyes. They both went still, waiting to see if anyone woke. When the normal sleeping sounds of the members continued around them, Hoseok began to push more in. He kissed the spot he’d bitten, letting his hand drop from Jin’s mouth and instead rest on his belly.
Jin shuddered softly on each press. Hoseok’s cock was splitting him open in a way he’d never imagined. The steady throbs and twitches seemed to bump his prostate directly, urging weak droplets of precome to dribble into his boxers. He wanted so badly to strip them off and roll Hoseok over, settle onto his cock and ride him until they both were exhausted. But it was impossible. The risk of getting caught - while arousing to both - was too high.
Jin sighed contentedly when Hoseok’s balls pressed tight against his ass, the final few centimeters of his cock now holding Jin’s hole open. The two began to shift slowly, shallow thrusts that wouldn’t make the springs creak, moving in time with other members’ snores and noises.
Jin began to milk Hoseok’s cock, shifting and clenching, bearing down and relaxing. Hoseok’s fingers bit into his belly and he smirked.
“Feel good?” He breathed.
Hoseok huffed against his ear, nipping the lobe before kissing it.
“I’m going to wreck your hole the second we’re alone,” he threatened.
Jin’s cock throbbed. “Yes—“
Hoseok pulled halfway out and drove in, the squeak of the bed mixed with a member shifting a few mattresses over. Jin flailed, struggling not to cry out.
Hoseok chuckled darkly. “Yeah, just like that... But you’re gonna scream for me.”
Jin huffed, nodding quickly.
“‘M never coming anywhere but this hole,” Hoseok continued. His fingers dug into Jin’s stomach and hip when Jin began to wiggle and clench more quickly.
“Never— Ah!” Hoseok’s hand clamped over Jin’s mouth, silencing him.
Next to them, Jimin sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked around blearily. Even in the dark, Jin could see his scowl; he’d definitely heard that.
The two held their breath until Jimin laid back down and was still, only relaxing when he hadn’t moved for a few minutes.
They began to move again, doing their best to muffle their noises in the bed or each others’ skin. Hoseok’s cock seemed to swell the longer they went; Jin’s ass beginning to ache from the constant steady pressure and onslaught.
Hoseok found a lazy rhythm that let him give Jin deeper, longer strokes. Jin panted into his pillow, his cock throbbing, aching for release. He reached down to stroke himself but Hoseok grabbed his hand, pinning it to his chest.
“You come on my cock.”
“Please—“ Jin whispered. “I need—“
“You will come on my cock. I watched you come on my fingers last week. I know you can do it.”
Jin nodded. They went still for a moment when Namjoon shifted and rolled in his bed, afraid their quiet arguing had woken him. While they laid still, Hoseok began to tense and relax, causing his cock to twitch and shift deep inside Jin.
When Namjoon settled back down, Hoseok began to move more freely, covering Jin’s mouth with his hand once more. He angled his thrusts to bump Jin’s sensitive prostate, driving him closer and closer.
It felt like ages that Hoseok’s thick cock was buried in Jin’s hole, teasing and edging him but never quite letting him get there. Jin knew he’d be sore, but couldn’t bring himself to care. It was the most delightful torture he’d ever experienced.
Four times, six, on the eighth time of dragging him right to that edge, Jin sobbed brokenly, muffled by the pillow.
“Just let go,” Hoseok whispered. He pulled out and hesitated until Namjoon snored loudly before slamming in. Jin squeaked, his cock throbbing. Hoseok repeated the action twice more. Jin’s stomach knotted. His balls drew right to his body, goosebumps breaking out over his skin despite being covered by a few blankets and sweating already from the strain.
His cock twitched. It began to spurt rope after rope of come into his boxers as his entire body convulsed. His stomach began to ache and his balls felt like they were being squeezed dry as his orgasm continued, Hoseok’s cock bumping his prostate and milking it for all it was worth. He could hear Hoseok huffing, just barely over the sound of his own racing heart. His rim was sore, lower back burning as the muscles in his ass fluttered and clenched rhythmically around Hoseok’s shaft.
He worried he was hurting him until Hoseok’s breath caught. His fingers dug almost painfully into Jin’s hip.
“Take it,” he huffed. His balls began to throb against Jin’s ass, matching the steady twitch of his cock deep inside him.
Jin’s eyes rolled back. He gave a full body shudder even as his orgasm began to fade. Hoseok was finishing inside him, no condom, filling Jin’s sore, used ass full of his come. Jin couldn’t hide his smile as Hoseok’s cock twitched with each rope splashing inside him.
“Give it to me,” Jin whispered, his smile growing when Hoseok shuddered. “It’s where it belongs— Oh—“ Hoseok pushed impossibly deeper, his entire body shivering once more.
“There you go,” Hoseok whispered against ear. “All full of my come.”
“Thank you—“ Jin was cut off when Hoseok turned him as well as he could still buried in his ass, and kissed him hard.
“If you two are finished, can you fucking go to sleep?” Came Jimin’s sleepy voice. Jin squeaked, looking over at him.
Jimin was peeking out from under his pillow. “I don’t care,” he whispered. “I’m not mad. I just wanna sleep.”
Jin laughed a little and nodded. “Sorry we woke you.”
“Go back to sleep now, we’ll be quiet,” Hoseok said.
Jimin nodded. He smiled a little. “You two are cute together. I’m happy you found each other.”
“Thank you, Jimin,” Jin whispered.
Jimin rolled over, wiggling deeper under his covers and sighing.
Hoseok grabbed Jin’s hip, gently pulling out. Jin grimaced, soreness setting in.
“Sorry,” Hoseok said. He pulled Jin’s boxers back up. “You should change.”
“In a minute,” Jin said. He rolled over to face Hoseok and cuddled up to him, kissing him once more.
“Was it good for you?” Hoseok whispered against his mouth.
“Perfect. You’re perfect.”
“Hm… Same to you. You should go back to your bed though, before we fall asleep.”
“Let’s just sleep together,” Jin sighed, wrapping an arm around Hoseok. “The others do.”
“Think it’d be okay?”
“I wanna sleep with you,” Jin said instead. “Who cares. We need to come out to them all soon.”
Hoseok nodded against his shoulder, wrapping his arm around his middle. “We do. We’ll talk to Namjoon tomorrow. Get some rest, hyung.”
“I love you,” Jin mumbled against Hoseok’s chest. The silence drew on for a moment as Jin listened to his steady heartbeat.
“I love you too,” Hoseok finally said in return. Jin couldn’t hide his smile; that was the first time Hoseok had verbalized that particular phrase. As he drifted off to sleep, Jin realized he felt more at peace than he’d ever felt before. The group was doing well, we finally felt like he fit in, and he’d found the man he hoped to spend the rest of his life with. It was perfect.
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underworldwitxh · 5 years
#8 nsfw with bakugou please!
#8: "Like what you see?" 🍋🍋🍋NSFW🍋🍋🍋 Warning: Bakugou swears alot NSFW: Blowjob, PIV, rough sex, bdsm elements, Dom Bakugou/Sub Reader, Reader has boobs and vag, reader is female. (Will try to make it so theres no mention of skin tone so reader can be any ethnicity. I may fail but please know im trying)
The morning had started out pretty normally you say. You woke up, got a change of clothes, took a shower and now you were making breakfast for you and your long time boyfriend Katsuki Bakugou. Who was as far as you knew still asleep in bed because of the very eventful day he had, had before. "Y/N? Y/N Where are you, you dumbass?" You could hear being called groggily from your shared bedroom "I'm in the kitchen babe, try and sleep some more? I'll come back to bed once im finished with these eggs." You call back.
A few minutes passes when you hear heavy footsteps coming down the hall. "Come on Y/N, come ba...." he trails off as he sees what it is your wearing. Before him all you're wearing as a lingerie set that was made to look like his hero costume. He could feel himself getting harder just by seeing your ass, which was barely covered by the bottoms. Your top half he, unfortunately couldn't see at the moment because you were wearing an apron over it to protect your delicate skin from grease splatters.
You turn your head and smirk at the current numer 3 hero "Whats the matter baby? Cat got your tongue? Dont ya like what you see?" You ask him innocently as you turn off the finished eggs and plate them up. You then make sure to completely face him as you take off the apron.
The low growl he admits to seeing your front half for the first time sends a thrill up your spin.
He couldn't believe what he was seeing, before him there you stood, in the most revealing lingerie top he has ever seen on you. Where the orange "X" is on his costume it looks like a shibari harness on your chest. Your breasts being compressed in the "X" because the breathable black undershirt he would normally wear is completely missing. On your wrists, where his grenades are you have two cuffs that have strong metal loops. The kind that fit perfectly in the harness straps that the two of you have hidden on your bed.
"Get in the bedroom now Y/N." He growls softly at you. "When I get in there i want you to have pulled our harness out from under the mattress and to have locked yourself in it. You may eat before doing that you did work so hard on preparing this wonder food. It'd be a shame to let it go to wast. Take yours with you in the room. After your done eating and have done as i asked. Call for me." He told you, his voice taking on a more dominant authoritative tone. You shivered and nodded.
You had just finished buckling the the last strap, with some difficulties, the harness you were now strapped in used you own body weight as a means to keep you in one position, it was an akward dance that was for sure. Thankfully the bottoms of your new set were crotchless so you hadnt bothered taking them off. Not that you would have anyway because you Sir hadnt told you too.
"Sir, I'm in my harness" you call out. Your voice soft and meek but still strong. You hear heavy footsteps coming back to you. "Now what am i going to do with you? Hmmm wondering around the house letting sll the neighbors see whats mine? Ah ah ah no speaking. I didnt give you permission to speak." He chuckles softly at your distressed whine, "Now then what to do with you? Hmmmm should i spank you? No no you'd like that too much. Hmmm should I.." suddenly Katsuki was above your chest his sleep pants and boxers dropped to the floor his hard length bobbing slightly in the air above your face. Through it all you keeped your eyes on his, not in a "assert my domain" way but more in a "I love you, let me please you. Please?" kind of way. Katsuki smiled down at you "Now tell me Peaches, how bad do you want me?" He purred to you. His voice getting gravelly.
He smirked hearing you whine as your arms struggle against their restraints, as you try so hard to reach for his hard cock. "Please Sir, may i have it in my mouth?" You ask your voice going soft. Katsuki could see in your eyes that you were starting to slip into subspace. "Peaches, what's your color? Do you remember you safe word?" Katsuki asked, "Green Sir and yes i remember." You tell him.
He smiles before grinning down at you "Good, then open up Peaches" he takes his dick and runs it over your lips gently back and forth. Once you open your mouth he starts feeding his dick into your mouth stopping every few inches to pull out and then go back in until he starts a very gentle rhythm of slowly fucking you mouth. "Mmmmm fuck Peaches your mouth feels amazing." Katsuki tells you through gritted teeth your tongue at that moment licking the underside of his dick head "Fuck Peaches do that again." He gasps out as you had accidentally nipprd the tip of his cock kissing his dick before swallowing it back into your mouth and waiting throat. Katsuki growled deeply ripping his dick out of your mouth, you always were an amazing cock sucker. Your lips were now a pretty red color and your chin and cheeks glistened with a combination of his pre-cum and your spit. "God you look so fucking beautiful like this Peaches. But lets see how wet you are for me, hmmm?" Katsuki trails his hands down from your hair over your neck, squeezing it gently and causing you to moan wantonly, over your chest making sure he palms both your tits, before getting to the apex of your being. The very center of you. By the time he got there you were squirming so much and whining with soft pleas to him to "please touch me Sir please, i need it. I need to feel your hands all over me. Please please" he smirked at hearing you beg for his touch so he did, on the thigh rubbing it softly but not touching you where you wanted him to.
He used his hands to spread your thighs apart so he could see your glistening core. "Aww look at that Peaches, youve made a mess of yourself down here. Hmmmm maybe i should clean you uo first before i stick my dick inside you? How does that sound do you want me to clean you Peaches. Use your words Peaches i need to hear you say it." Katsuki slapped your thigh lightly when you tried to give him a non-verbal response. "Please Sir, please clean me. *moans* please" your body twitches from every movement Katsuki makes against you.
The blonde smirks finally puts his hands on you, he spreads you open before lowering his mouth your center and taking a long lick, groaning at your taste "Fucking hell Peaches you always taste so good. Like my own personal candied peach. Fuck" he emphasized each word with a lick or small suckle on your clit. Your moans ratched up each time he sucked on your clit. He smirked again and went to work on you. He sucked you clit into his mouth while one hand went and slowly started to place a finger inside you. At that feeling of penetration your back arched and you tried to force your hips into Katsuki, the moans leaving your mouth sounding more and more wanton then ever before.
Kstsuki suckled on your clit, for what felt like hours but was actually probably only 3 minutes. He was bound and determined to make you cum on his face first before he started to pound your pretty little pussy. When he started to feel those tell tale signs that you were about to cum he redoubled his efforts. The scream you let out was so loud Katsuki was surprised the neighbors hadn't come knocking to find out whar was wrong. "You liked that Peaches, you liked cumming from just my mouth and fingers? Want me to make you scream like that again?" He asked as he lined himself up with your still pulsating pussy. He smirked when all you could do is nod and whine at him. He drew himself back before grabbing your hips and slamming into you hard. The resulting scream you let out was music to his ears and set the pace for the next few moments. "You like it when i slam my hard dick into you don't you my little cock sleeve" he demanded of you. All you could do was moan and nod because everytime you try to answer him he slams himself back into you just as hard as he had before. "Fucking answer me bitch you want me to make you cum?" He yelled at you slamming harder and harder. His fingers grabbing hard enough to leave bruises "YES! PLEASE YES PLEASE KASTU FUCK ME, FUCK ME SO HARD PLEASE!" You scream out your body feeling like your about to explode if you dont cum soon "FUCKING CUM THEN. CUM ON THIS COCK LET EVERYONE HERE KNOW WHO YOU BELONG TO FUCKING SCREAM MY NAME" Katsuki screamed one hand letting your hip go to start rubbing on your clit "ooooh fuck oooo fuck ooo Babe fuck im gunna cum please let me cum please Sir please" you beg "scream my name bitch scream it loud so everyone here can hear how much of a slut you are for my cock" Katsuki growls out at you his fingers rubbing against your throbbing clit faster and faster until finally the dam breaks and your cumming "OoOOOo FuCK KATSUKI FUCK OOO BABY IM CUMMING PLEASE BABY BABY CUM WITH ME I WANNA CUM WITH YOU" you scram out your hips arch up into his. He roars his climax his hips pounding down into you one last time as he emptied himself inside you. He groans softly as he pulls out, seeing his cum slowly drip out of your pulsating and twitching hole. "Fuck babe you look so hot" he tells you as he unbuckles you from the harness "you feeling ok? Need me to run a warm bath? Maybe get you a bottle of water?" He asks softly running his hands over your sweaty hair smiling down at you as he gently runs his hands across you in a soothing manner. "Yeah but i think your going to have to carry me babe. I cant feel my legs." You both chuckle and he gladly picks you up and carries you into the bathroom setting you down on the toliet to take care of business and so he can start the bath for you, he adds some epsom salt to the water along with some of your relaxing bath fizzes. Once youve finished your business he helps you get undressed and into the bath "I'll bring you a bottle of water and a small snack ok baby? I love you" he whispers that into your hair as he heads towards the door. "I love you more" he hears you call back. He smiles and goes about grabbing you some water and a snack. He also takes the time to put the harness back where the two of you store it.
I hope this is what you wanted anon.
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K-Pop life lessons (2 year old blog anniverary project)
I believe that music is something that can bring people together. I believe that the musicians we listen too and the things they create can teach us things. This goes for every genre, not just K-Pop. But there is a stigma around K-Pop of it just being men and women dancing around singing about ice cream, rainbows and happiness. It can be that, but it can be incredibly meaningfull and the artists teach us things. 
Here are some things I have learned: 
Monsta X , BTOB and Seventeen taught me that family isn’t just blood, it can go further than that. Your friends can become your family. 
SHINee and VIXX taught me that it’s perfectly fine to go against the grain of what others do. As long as you stay yourself. 
Day6 taught me that it’s okay to feel alone sometimes, but in the end you are never truly alone. 
Sistar, Girl’s Generation, AOA, Mamamoo etc have taught me that it’s okay to be confident and speak my mind when I feel like I am being done wrong. 
Here are some life lessons that other Kpop fans have chosen to share with me
“stray kids taught me that it's perfectly okay to be sad, depressed, or have anxiety because there's always a light at the end of the tunnel and so there's so many people just like me”
“Super Junior taught me how to smile and laugh again after I had spent so much time barley going through the motions.”
-signed, A Shy Male ELF.
“VIXX and BTS taught me that even when you might feel down and think that nothing matters, eventually everything is going to get better.”
-        @michelleherrera16
“Day6 taught me that’s it’s okay to go at my own pace and everyone can feel lonely and thats okay Stray Kids thought me that everyone feels lost at some point and going into adulthood is scary and longing to go back to the easier days is normal”
“BTS taught me that I can't always think about everyone else, I'm young and I have my own dreams to go after. If I need it, I'll take the time to sort my sht out. That's thanks to SUGA's 'Nevermind'. Mikrokosmos made me realize I have a reason for being here right now, and my existence does matter. These two songs had lyrics that pulled me out of suicidal thoughts i'd been dealing with for 6 years. It’s so weird that certain lyrics had that effect on me. Although I still have depression and social anxiety, I’m slowly getting over it. I’m finding myself.”
“This is pretty basic, but BTS and Got7’s Jackson are teaching me to love myself since I hate myself to my core. It’s a long road but I know I’ll get there eventually ❤️⭐️”
“I know this isnt strictly what you asked butVixx and esp, Hakyeon inspire me. I see him being a leader and helping his members, vlogging, serving his country, moving out, spending time with friends and family, doing charity work in a very super low key way, being kind, gracious and just a lovely human being and it reminds me that's what I need to be. I want to inspire and carry myself with the level of maturity and grace he has.”
“Wanna One taught me the right way to life with memories, to not get stuck in the past holding onto memories crying because they're not coming back, instead I've learned to treasure memories and see them as something beautiful without pain, but with a smile on my face.”
“VIXX and BTS showed me that there is nothing wrong with being sexually dominant and identifying as a woman -- their subby concepts gave me metaphorical wings. (my name is Coral but I don't have a tumblr I just check yours sorry)”
“Monsta x and Dreamcatcher taught me to never give up on your dreams, no matter what anyone says, the amount of pain and heatbreak, or how long it takes. Dreamcatcher specifically taught me that it is okay to start over if what you were doing in your life did not turn out to be what you wanted. Sometimes it takes a little more time to figure yourself out before you are happy. ( Their story of how they went from Minx to Dreamcatcher really inspires me)”
“N.flying taught me that it’s okay to be weird, out of the box, and different. Taught me how to accept my weird personality and find others that accepted it as well.”
“So for me, it was VIXX. They were my first group and they came into my life at the right time. I had hit an all time low with my depression. 'Error' distracted me from the bad in the world and it was through them that I learned that there was still beauty in the world. Their lyrics inspired and Ravi in particularly inspired with his own struggles and his outlooks on life. I don't think I would be here or at least as happy as as stable as I am if it wasn't for them.”
“A lot of the groups have fought me the families don’t end in blood, that you can make your own if needed, mainly 17 and Victon”
-🦋 anon
“iKON, EXO, and Monsta X taught me what a real family looks like, and how to support my fam through thick and thin. The most important lesson is that family doesn't end with blood, and sometimes it doesn't even start with blood. After all, the blood from a pact with your real family will always be thicker than the water of the womb.”
“Red Velvet didn't really teach me much, but they gave me a reason to smile. Wendy said this on VLIVE a little after RV's 5th anniversary: "I will always be there for you, I will be there even when you leave because you can always come back to me." (paraphrasing) It made me cry a little on the inside because I found them the summer before I started high school. It was really rough but I had their music to make me happy.”
“Tbh I got into kpop at a crazy time I'm a young mom and I felt so out of touch with who I am. It was more than one group, but the combination of "fun thing for me " and BTS had just started the love yourself series... it meant the world to me to remind myself that the me that exists under "mom" was worth love too.”
“Got7 taught me that it's okay to have fun while chasing your dreams and ambitions. You're not doing anything wrong while having fun cause you're still on the path you wanna go. Even if there are people that don't believe in your dreams remember that you're doing for yourself, not for them. Do what makes you happy.”
“Blackpink taught me to be the badass woman i am today. I think without them i would still be in my shell of depression and fear. Got7 didnt teach me anything they saved my life. Their music calms me and makes me feel loved with saying how beautiful, amazing, and perfect you are in their lyrics. I know it may sound cliche but their music has helped me a lot feel beautiful and good about myself. Bts did the same. both got7 and bts had taught me that i deserve better. They became my safe space when i have panic attack. They both helped me get me out of sexually abusive relationship and helped me gain the friends i have today. I have great friends that arent toxic and a closer relationship with my mom. I even met my boyfriend because without got7 and bts words i would have never gotten out of my house, get on dating sights, and go to japan. They have helped me immensely when i used to be shut in.”
“RM of BTS reminded me that I love writing poetry to express the things I can't tell anyone. TOP of BIGBANG showed me that someone with anxiety issues can still do anything. Most of all, most of the groups I love have given me a community I can trust with more than just Kpop stuff- I feel safe telling fellow Kpop stans that I'm trans and nonbinary because I've seen such a supportive and loving community here.”
“Kpop fan culture has taught me that you will always have a friend if you need one. Also that if someone is in distress another WILL come to help. Stray Kids, Bts, Seventeen etc.: have taught me that it’s okay to love myself and that if they love me I should love myself too.”
“Stray kids taught me to never give up no matter how long it's going to take, it's okay to take your time and that no matter what I'm going through everything is going to be okay. Bts taught me that's it's okay to not have a dream and to just do whatever makes me happy and they also taught me how to be myself...like I should be always be myself and that there is nothing 'wrong' with me...if that make sense”
“Kpop has taught me a lot of things subtly over the past couple years. But the ones I can really pick out are that. It taught me how not to give up on life when things get tough but just step back. It taught me how and when to cut out toxic people from my life. It taught me that I can still do so much despite my mental health and that my mental illnesses don't define me. It's also inspired me to start drawing again after a long bout of art block.”
“Kpop as a whole has taught me to be myself, to live more creatively and not to hide anymore.”
Alot of these brought me to tears and I am so glad you all decided to participate in this and I really appreciate it. Please stick with me for the years to come ♥
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nastyboyluke · 5 years
Tumblr media
ARE YOU OK? - calum hood
words: 1.2k
warnings: curse words & mentions of drugs
based off ARE YOU OK? by daniel caesar
“are you ok?”
he looked at her with this gaze. he didnt even really hear what she said but whatever it was, it made him giggle a little.
“calum? whats wrong with you?”
“nothin’” he answered. “im perfectly fine.”
she gave him a concerned look before staring at the bottles scattered across the house and even some drugs. she looked back at calum, shaking her head.
“you’re crying.”
“no im not, you are.” he smiled. however, there were tears streaming his cheeks. she was the girl that broke his heart and she thought she could come up into his house and simply ask: are you ok?
a sigh left the girls lips, running her fingers through her hair before picking up empty bottles. calum watched her carefully before picking up the bottle of beer he was currently working on and taking a sip from it.
“is this all you’ve done since i’ve been gone?” she called from the kitchen, throwing the bottles in a trash bag.
“maybe.” he answered quietly, pushing himself off the couch to follow her.
she dropped the trash bag, standing in front of him. her eyes were warm, comforting. and so was her touch. she brought her hand up to his cheek, her skin baby soft and still smelt of the perfume he bought her ages ago in paris.
“calum, this needs to stop. its not healthy, mentally and physically.”
he shrugged, chuckling a little. “i seem pretty okay.”
“well its not..” she replied, her eyes getting watery. she pulled and it made him sad seeing her sad. she turned away from him, continuing to pick up more bottles, sniffling a little every few seconds.
“i miss you y/n,” calum spoke up. “come back.”
she scoffed, dropping the bag again, leaning against the counter looking at him. “calum we can’t work if you’re like this. and correct me if i’m wrong, but you’re the one that fucked up; going around and messing with women behind my back.” she spat, biting down on her lip quickly after. calum frowned, walking over to her, arms wrapping around her.
“i told you i’m sorry..”
“yeah will sorry doesn’t always fix things.” she mumbled, pressing her cheek against his chest even tho she wanted to punch him at the same time.
“stay the night,” he whispered. “please, baby.”
her stomach did a little flip at the pet name, her arms squeezing his sides. sighing, she nodded stiffly before pulling away to go back to cleaning up the house a little. while she did so, calum wandered back to the couch, just gazing into space. it wasn’t until she finished cleaning, she sat next to him.
“when was the last time you showered?”
“i dunno, a few days ago?” he shrugged, grabbing his pack of cigarettes, pulling out a cancer stick and shoving it between his chap lips, lighting it.
however, he didn’t get to smoke it for long as she grabbed it from of his mouth and putting out in the ashtray full of old ashes and cigarette buds. “go shower.”
“but i dont wanna,” he groaned, still getting up anyways. she pointed toward the bathroom, calum sighing as he went.
while calum stood in the shower, the hot water trickling down his back as he stared at his feet, sighing. he knew his actions were wrong. he knew that the reason they fell apart was him. yet he still pretended to ignore it just so it didn’t hurt him even more than it already did.
once he was cleaned and washed, he stepped out, drying off and putting on fresh clothes before walking out to see her sitting on the couch still. when she heard his footsteps, she turned and looked up at him.
as much as she didn’t want to miss the maori boy, she still cared about him dearly. she missed waking up to seeing him smile, the smell off his cologne that stuck to every article of clothing he owned & driving around town at stupid hours in the night.
“don’t you feel better?” she gave him a small smile.
“nope.” he sadly smiled back at her.
“c’mon cal,” she sighed. “quit being like this.”
“being like what? depressed?” he shot her a look before looking at the coffee table. a cigarette or a blunt? he chose the one that made him feel the most numb.
just as earlier, he lit the blunt, letting the smoke fill his body before letting the thick smoke fall past his lips as he fell back on the couch. she watched him do this and she just felt anger bubble inside her.
“quit fucking being like this calum!” she finally snapped, making him jump. “you act like you havent done shit, when it was all you. to be honest, i wouldn’t even be here unless it was for ashton because you wanna know why?” she leaned forward, tears building up in her pretty eyes. “because i knew you were such a mess and it hurts me to see you like this. but i did it anyways because i care about you but how can i help you when you cant even care for yourself?”
calum saw a tear slip from her eyes as she got up and wandered somewhere in his house but didnt know where. a lump began to build up in his throat, now realizing he has once again messed up hurting his girl. he sat there for a minuet or two before getting up and looking for her, calling out her name.
there was no answer. but he heard her.
when he pushed open the door to his bedroom, he saw her, sitting on his sheets, crying and wiping her eyes. calums heart was racing and he felt so bad for hurting her. for hurting them.
slowly, he stepped forward, sitting in front of her, putting her chin up. she looked at him with her glossy eyes as she looked back at his bloodshot ones. while he continued to gaze at her, calum brought his hand up to her cheek, causing her to lean into it, his thumb running across her skin.
“are you ok?” he asked her this time. she shook her head, letting out a sob, shutting her eyes as tears fell into the palm of his hand.
calum knew it was a stretch but, his other hand held her face, kissing her lips. everything felt gentle. the way he held her pretty face in his hands, the way his lips molded with her own, even his breathing. he felt as if he was on a high. but one that was different than one he normally felt and he was pretty sure she felt it too because she melted at his touch.
she leaned backward, letting herself fall onto his pillow as he hovered over her, reconnecting with their lips, causing a soft moan to slip from his girl at the feeling. he pulled from her lips, kissing her jaw, her shoulders and down her arms to her hands before back to her mouth.
she was no longer crying but her heart was beating out of her chest. in that moment, she felt a little bit more than okay, being taken to back to old memories and stolen kisses when the two weren’t so toxic.
“calum,” she whispered, pulling and opening her eyes. he looked at her, eyes sparkling, looking for a glimmer of hope for the two of them. maybe they can learn to love each other again. maybe they’ll be okay. maybe they can he happy again.
“i cant do this.”
and just like that, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces like the first time.
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Roll for Panic Attack
*Trigger warning: mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts*
I am afraid of a lot of things. Clowns. Death. Answering the door when i’m not expecting it. Sticking my foot out over the edge of the bed at night. You know, rational, normal stuff. But right now, I'm scared of something that feels like it shouldn’t be as scary as it feels. For the 2nd time in my (albeit young) life, am taking online classes at my local community college. My first time was 2 years ago, and it sent me reeling into a deep depression. As ridiculous as it sounds, I never want to get back to that place. Who would have thought, right??? But im getting ahead of myself, so let me explain the past so one can see where the issues in my grimy future lies.
Sophomore year of high school is where our intrepid young hero begins (read in the voice of Brennan Lee Mulligan: DM to the stars). As anyone in a fiery hellscape would do, I explored a program that gave me a glimpse of freedom: Running Start. In this wonderful program, high school students can attend college classes either online or in person, and not only earn college credit, but can be at the high school less. Great! At first, I thought it would be amazing! I love to learn, and I love not being at the highschool. Suffice it to say, I rolled really low on my perception. But my perception got steadily higher the farther I got in the process of applying. I felt like it might be too much. That I might not be able to handle this. But everyone in my life told me, “you’ll be fine! You’re a smart girl! And your so independent!” So I continued on… feeling like something was off.
Cut to a month before Junior year starts. I feel…. Nothing. I’m bored all the time, and nothing really makes me happy. I’m so scared im going to fail college and it hasnt even started yet… To my family, I am the same. After all, I am used to faking emotions thanks to all those years of thinking panic attacks were SUPER normal right! But I began to explore what was happening. Our hero rolls her dice: 18. I realized something that made me break down in tears of shame. I realized I didnt feel love for my family. I knew I loved them, but I didnt feel anything.What was wrong with me? I tried to imagine horrible fates befalling my family to see if I could muster up some feelings then. No dice. (get it? Dice? RPG’s? Shut up this is comedy GOLD) My sister found me sobbing in the garage. Grabbing my mother, they went to see what was wrong with me. I explained how I was feeling, and even voiced my fear of being depressed. My mom wrote it off as burnout. Which to be fair, I don't blame her for. I had been acting just as I always had.
Skip ahead some more. High school is in full swing, and my college classes begin. Things feel...okay. I was taking 2 classes: General Psychology, and Introduction to Art. Psych was tough, and its reading was intense. 1 page took about 10 minutes, so 6 pages: one hour. The professor thought that because we were online, we needed to make up for being lazy and not going to a classroom. We had around…. 120 pages on a good week. Wanna do the math there? Let me break it down for you: 10 pages=1 hour, 120 pages divided by 6=  hours. About. Add to that the 5 hour assignments every week, 1 hour discussion forums, and hour long tests every week. Our total for this class hours per week: 27. Now, remember, I was also taking highschool classes too, and one other class. Also remember that I was 16. With an undiagnosed anxiety disorder. All it took was a month to break me, and send me hurtling towards depression with all the force and speed of a bowling ball dropped from the top of the Empire State building.
Thanks to my natural ability to repress my emotions and fears, my body decided to send a clear message that something was afoot! I began to get full body HIVES. We went to the doctor, and she basically went, “umm wow, that's definitely an immune system reaction…. But you aren't sick…. And you haven't been sick…. So I don't know why this is happening…” Always what you want to hear from a healthcare professional! So at this point you might ask: did any of this alert you to the fact something was off? No. At this point, I was in complete denial that anything was wrong. Surely getting up in the middle of the night to count pages and double, triple, quadruple check that I had planned every single second of my week was written on my planners pages. What did catch my attention, terrorizes me to this day.
I am religious, and I do my best to pray every night. During this delightful stage of my life, I began to ask God to let me die. I asked that when I went to bed, that I wouldnt wake up. That it would all just stop. That way, I wouldnt keep on down this path, suffering. I thought if I quit, everyone would be disappointed in me. What a waste. How pathetic, right? Of course, this was myself talking. But I wanted to die. I didnt even care if I went to heaven. I thought even if I ceased to exist, it would bring peace. Inkey, dark, peace filled sleep. 
This is what scares me. Because I can never get to that place. I hated myself so much. But what was worse was how I felt about my family and friends. I began to resent them a bit. Just a little. How dare they love me! Why do they have to keep me here? I knew that if I died, it would destroy them. I had no illusions that those I loved would be better off without me. While I thought I would cause them shame and disappointment in life, I knew that in death I would kill them with me. And while I might not have felt love as I do now, I never wanted to cause them pain or suffering. Ever. So here I am now. Better, because I can tell you it can get better. Scratch that, it WILL get better.
And now to the present: a full circle of sorts. I am so scared that this course will be too much, that I wont be a college graduate. Please understand: I honestly thought for a long time that I wasn't going to go to college. Not because I couldnt. But because I didnt see the point, at least for the art fields. And honestly I still do. But I know that even with a stupid certificate that I probably could have taught myself all the same information for a 10th of the price, it will open doors for me. And to be perfectly frank, I want to make my family happy. I want them to be proud of who I am. I want to be proud of myself. To prove that no stupid mental illness will take this away from me. Not again. I know I can pass and even excel in a college environment. In fact, during my tenure at Running Start, I was invited to join the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.But I want to be able to mentally handle this. I want to be strong enough for ME. I know that finishing this won't make me weak, or if it is too much that it means I am lesser than. But I'm going to try damnit! And if it is too much, then I will stop, or at least work with my therapist to see what would be best for me. 
And so, our hero begins her journey. Roll for Initiative.
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purplebenjy · 5 years
1997 Part Three
Ollie starts kissing his neck and Benjy drops his controller. He laughs when his boyfriend picks it up and places it in his hand.
“Keep playing.”
Benjy sticks out his lower lip “but I wanna kiss you.”
Ollie smiles at him and tugs at the back of Benjy’s white tank top, pulling it over his head and pressing a kiss to his collarbone.
“You can kiss me in a minute. I wanna see how long you can last playing the game with me distracting you.”
A thrill shoots through Benjy at that, Ollie’s light eyes suddenly quite dark.
“Um, okay...”
He hits start, and when his screen pulls up the beginning of the level, Ollie starts too. He settles on his knees between Benjy’s legs, kissing down his chest.
“You’re killing me.
Ollie laughs. “You’re so dramatic.”
Benjy watches as Mario flashes twice before falling off the screen.
“I mean literally. In the game.”
They both laugh but Benjy’s turns into a gasp as Ollie presses a kiss just above the top of his jeans.
“What are you doing?”
“Eyes on the screen, Fenwick.”
Benjy groans slightly but does what he’s told, his hands tightening on the controls when Ollie undos his jeans and presses a kiss to his erection over his boxers.
“Jesus Christ.”
His voice is too loud, it echoes in his room. Ollie pauses.
“You’ve got to be quiet, Benj. Unless you don’t want me to do this?”
“I’ll be quiet, I’ll be quiet. Please don’t stop-“
Ollie smirks at him from his position between his legs. It’s the hottest thing Benjy has ever seen.
“I wont stop if you don’t stop. Keep playing.”
Benjy takes a hand and cups the back of Ollie’s head for a minute, takes a breath, and turns his attention to the screen. Ollie keeps kissing him over his underwear, and Benjy heats him chuckle softly when he grows harder at the attention. Benjy lifts up his hips when Ollie starts tugging at his boxers and soon enough he’s naked, playing fucking Super Mario, and trying not to come right there.
“You get to the checkpoint yet?”
“Uh...yeah?” Benjy says, his voice shaking with lust. Without warning, Ollie licks a stripe up Benjy’s shaft, making him moan.
He whines before he can stop himself, forcing himself to keep his eyes on the screen. Ollie laughs softly.
“Did you just whine?”
“God that was hot. You’re so fucking hot, Benjy.”
A noise of need escapes him but he falls totally silent when Ollies lips close around the head of his cock.
“Oh my god-“
He tries to keep playing, his hands shaking so badly the control can’t keep still. Ollie lets out a breath close to a laugh and his hand catches Benjy’s wrist, gently pushing the controller away. It clatters you the floor loudly, but Benjy doesn’t even notice. His hands fist in Ollie’s hair and Benjy forces himself to keep his eyes open so he can take it all in. Ollie’s breath is hot and wet and his mouth feels so perfect-Benjy doesn’t last long. He watches in disbelief as Ollie swallows his cum and collapses against Benjy’s legs. Benjy flops backwards onto the bed, spent and soon enough he feels Ollie get on the bed with him too. “I didn’t last long”
Ollie picks up his hand and kisses his knuckles.
“That’s okay.”
“I meant in the game.”
Ollie laughs and Benjy lolls his head to the side to smile at him.
“That’s okay too.”
Ollie looks so beautiful just then that Benjy almost wants to cry. His hair is framed perfectly by the dark green of Benjy’s comforter, his smile coming to him easy. His smile that’s just for Benjy. He’s not in love with him, but for the first time, Benjy wonders if he could be some day.
“I’m nicer than you.” Benjy says, sitting up on his elbows. Ollie’s smile clouds with confusion.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
Benjy slides off of the bed onto his knees.
“Cause I’m gonna blow you and I’m not gonna play games.”
Ollie’s laugh seems to get stuck in his throat as Benjy starts undoing his pants.
“Ollie did the FUNNIEST thing yesterday-“
“You never shut up about that kid.” Curt says, cutting Benjy off. “You a fruit for him or something?”
It’s Sunday, which means all of his siblings are there to witness Benjy turn bright red.
“You never shut up about him. It’s kind of f*ggy isn’t it? You’ve got a crush, sounds like.”
“Hey man, fuck you.” Robbie says, almost spitting at their step dad, before Benjy can get another word in.
“He was in the middle of a story.”
“Robbie-“ Suki says, her voice dangerous.
“Ma, I’m not gonna let this dipshit you married disrespect my brother like that.”
“Robbie, cool it on the swearing maybe?” Jules says, her hands over Izzie’s ears. She catches Benjy’s eyes and smiles at him.
“What was funny, Benj?”
“Forget it.” He says, looking down at his plate. He feels Mack hit him with her foot but he doesn’t say anything.
“Ma, I dont understand why you got married again.” Leo pipes up, his mouth full of potatoes.
“I wont be disrespected in my own house!” Curt says, his pale skin flushing with anger. Drew laughs, nudging Robbie. “His house, you hear that? Hilarious.”
“Enough!” Suki shouts, causing everyone at the table to turn to her in surprise. She never raised her voice.
“Curt is my husband, and as long as you are in MY home, you will treat him with respect.
“That’s the thing Ma, I don’t exactly respect him.”
“Then you can get the hell out of my house, Robert Muhammad.”
The anger in their mother’s face is unnervingly palpable. Robbie sucks his head, his voice low.
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry.”
“He was picking on Benjy.” Mack speaks for the first time that night. Her hair has purple in it on the bottom, Benjy just noticed. “You never would’ve let that happen before. You wouldn’t let anyone treat us like that. Not before him.”
His sister pushes her chair back so violently it falls over, her fork clatters onto the plate and she stomps off down the hallway towards the back door.
“I’ll go.” Benjy says, setting her chair upright and following before anyone else can say anything. He walks out onto the back patio and sees his sister sitting beside the pool, her head in her hands. Benjy rolls up the legs of his skinny jeans and crosses the yard, sticking his feet in as he sits beside her. Wordlessly, Mack puts her head on his shoulder.
“I miss dad.”
Benjy hears the tears in her voice without even needing to look at her.
“I know.”
“You don’t, Bb-“ BB standing for Baby Brother, a nickname he’d only recently grown to like. Usually.
He inches away from her, hurt filling him suddenly.
“Just because I dont remember him doesn’t mean I dont miss him! Do you have any idea what it’s like? Living with fucking Curt? It makes me miss Dad so much cause like-I can almost see what it would’ve been like. But it’s not. Not even close. He’s such a dick. And you all treat me like I’m a stupid baby who can’t stand up for myself or-“
“Hey.” His sister turns to him and takes one of his closed fists in her hands. She rubs on the back of his palm until he starts to relax, just like she used to when they were little kids.
“You’re right Benj. I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair of me. I wish he was he here. God. He loved us all so much. You look like him the most I think. He would’ve loved that. He always used to joke that we were all Mom’s clones.”
Benjy smiles slightly, turning so he’s the one resting against his sister. He kicks his feet slightly and makes waves in the pool.
“You can come live with me.”
Benjy snorts. “Funny.”
He glances over at his sister and sees how serious her expression is.
“Mack. You live in a studio apartment.”
“We could make it work.”
“How would I get to school?”
“I could drive you.”
He thinks about it. He lets himself picture it. They’d drive each other nuts, but they’d have a lot of fun. He lets it go.
“I dont want to leave mom alone with him.”
“It’s that bad?”
Benjy shrugs. “I mean they fight constantly? About a bunch of different shit. It’s never gotten you know, physical-“
“I don’t think he’d still be alive if it did.” Mack says with a laugh. “Mom isn’t one of those weak people who stays with someone who hits her.”
Neither of them know it yet, but in a few years, Benjy will play this sentiment over and over in his head. It’ll be the reason he keeps his first ever secret from his sister. Now though, Benjy decides Mack can be the one to know the truth.
“He was right though.”
“Curt. I uh, have a crush on Ollie.”
Mack tucks some of his hair behind his free ear.
“Yeah? Are you...are you gay?”
“Nah.” Benjy sits up to look at her. Her expression is soft but hard to read.
“I’m bisexual. But uh, even though I like girls still I...I think I like boys more?”
He hadn’t told anyone that part. Mack takes his hand and squeezes it.
“Whoever you like is okay as long as they’re nice to you. Do you think Ollie likes you back?”
“Well he gave me a blowjob yesterday so I’m thinking yes?”
Mack laughs and smacks his shoulder. “Don’t tell me that! You’re like, eight still. You don’t know what blowjobs are.”
“Hmm except I knew what they were then too cause I heard Robbie and Drew talking about if they thought Drew Barrymore would give good ones.”
“Oh my god.”
“He’s my boyfriend, Mack. I mean, as much as he can be with me not uh, telling anyone.”
His sister raises her eyebrows. “Mom doesn’t know?”
Benjy shakes his head. “No uh, I dont want to be the subject of more fights with her and Curt. And uh...”
He didn’t wanna lose his mom too. He’s too afraid to say it. Even to Mack.
“I’m just not ready.”
“So I’m the first person you’ve told?”
His sister pulls him into a bone crushing hug, her feet knocking against his in the water.
“I’m so proud of you, BB.”
Benjy squirms out of her grasp and fixes his hair.
“Thanks? I mean, I didnt like, decide this or anything.”
“I know. So what was this funny thing your boyfriend did the other day?”
Benjy feels warmth spread through him at Mack’s easy acceptance. At how she doesn’t even have to tell him that she’ll keep his secret. At how she’s still got her hand over his as she looks at him, waiting to hear his story.
“He uh, used both of our skateboards like skis and made me push him around the park.”
“Jesus. He sounds perfect for you.”
“Benjy!” Ollie waves him over from his car on the street. Instead of skating into the park, Benjy skates up along side him.
They look each other up and down. Benjy lets himself imagine a time in the future where he could greet him with a kiss.
“You up for an adventure today, Fenwick?
Benjy’s face breaks into a wide grin.
They chat about nothing and everything as Ollie drives them to their mystery destination. Benjy sings along terribly to Nirvana and makes Ollie laugh. As they get closer to the ocean, Benjy’s curiosity gets the best of him.
“Where are we going?”
“We’ve never been on a real date.” Ollie says as he slows at a stop light. “Thought I’d change that with the beach.”
Benjy’s heart stops. A date at the beach. Out in the open. Where people can see them together. Where people can see them together and start talking. Where they’re out in the open.
“It doesn’t have to be the beach, we can go anywhere really-“
“I can’t.”
As Benjy says that, they pull into a parking lot covered with sand. Ollie doesn’t say anything until he parks. When he turns to face Benjy, pain is obvious on his face.
“How is this different than us meeting at the park?”
Benjy shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “I dunno. It just is.”
“Is it cause I called it a date?”
Ollie doesn’t believe him. He nods once, his mouth twisting to the side, upset.
“I’m sorry.” Benjy says, almost a whisper.
“No, I’m sorry. Really.” There’s no malice in Ollie’s voice, which almost makes it worse. He’s not pissed-just sad. “You told me you’re not ready. I shouldn’t have pushed it.”
He backs out of the parking space, Benjy’s hand tentatively comes to cover Ollie’s. He watches him smile slightly in profile.
“I want to go on a beach date with you so badly. So bad, Olls. But I-“
“Can’t. I know, Benj. It’s alright. I should’ve said something before I drove out here.”
They don’t say much on the drive back, but Benjy’s hand never leaves his. He was going to tell Ollie that he’d come out to Mack, but it seemed out of place now. When they get to Benjy’s house, instead of pulling in the driveway, Ollie idles on the curb.
“I need to get home. My dad and Chris are uh, leaving for vacation tonight and I wanna see them before they go.”
Benjy hopes his face doesn’t look as crestfallen as he feels.
“Oh okay.”
Another silence.
“Can I kiss you?”
Ollie sighs and smiles at him.
“Of course you can. I’m not being fair.”
Benjy kisses him deeply.
“Maybe not. But you’re allowed to be upset.”
They kiss for several minutes, the strangeness between them disappearing as they bite at each other’s lips.
“I’d come in, Benj. But Chris and my dad really are leaving.”
Benjy laughs. “I believed you.” He kisses him again as the thought crosses his mind.
“So with your sister at camp...you have the house to yourself?”
Ollie’s eyes glint. “I do.”
“Could uh, I come over? Is it rude to invite myself?”
Ollie kisses him. “Absolutely and absolutely.”
Benjy laughs, his hand closing on the door handle as he gets out to grab his skateboard. He walks back to the open passenger door and looks at Ollie, his eyes flitting to his kiss swollen lips.
“Well good. Cause uh, I’m not ready for a date. But I think I’m ready to be done with this whole “Virgin” thing.”
Ollie groans. “Oh my god.”
“If you’re okay with that.”
“You’re something else, Benjy. You know that?”
Benjy grins at his boyfriend, wishing fiercely he could be everything Ollie needs, but glad he can at least be something else.
“Oh, I’m well aware. See you tomorrow, baby.”
Benjy blows him a kiss and turns on his heel to all but skip up the driveway. When he looks over his shoulder, Ollie is still parked, watching him. He waves, his heart skipping a beat, realizing that before tomorrow was over, everything would be different.
He had no idea how right he was.
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You Need A Break
AN: Hello! I’m getting so much inspiration recently! I have. An entire page in my notebook of ideas for different chapters! So here is the Minho chapter! So now Changbin, Jisung, Felix and Jeongin are left!
Plot: On the days following their elimination, Yena has been practicing non-stop. Deciding she is in need of a break, Minho drags Yena out of the practice room to spend a day in his hometown.
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Yena and Minho sat in the very back of the quiet bus, the morning sun shining through the windows. Yena stared out of the window with headphones in her ears while Minho leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed. The bus was quiet due to it being so early in the morning so Minho had decided to use the time to take a nap. Yena, on the other hand, stared blankly at the cars passing outside, leaning her head against the cool glass of the window. A yawn escaped her lips as she picked up her phone, changing her music to something upbeat from the soft piano that was playing. The music would be enough to put her to sleep if she didn’t change it. She then closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the glass, ignoring the stuffness in her neck.
Minutes pass like this until Yena feels Minho shift in the seat beside her. She opened her eyes and looked over at him, watching as he blinked his eyes open. He reached into his pocket and took out his phone, Yena saw the screen flashing on his phone indicating that the alarm was going off. He let out a yawn and stretched his arms out in front of him, his face scrunching up as he did so. He then turned towards Yena, raising an eyebrow when he saw that she was already awake and looking back at him.
“Did you sleep at all?” He asked her. Yena shook her head in response.
“Nope. My neck is too stiff, so it was uncomfortable.” She replied and Minho chuckled.
“Thats what you get for sleeping on the practice room floor all night.” He comments and Yena nudges his side with her elbow.
“Shush.” She said jokingly. “I didn’t even mean to fall asleep. I literally just closed my eyes for a second and somehow ended asleep.” She defended, causing Minho to roll his eyes.
“And this is exactly why I’m dragging you away from the practice room today.” He stated. “You need to take a break to relax. You’ve been working youself to death lately, Genie.” Yena huffed.
“No I haven’t! I am perfectly fine.” She retorted. Minho raised his an eyebrow.
“Really? When was the last time you had a proper meal at a normal time?” He asked. Yena opened her mouth to answer but stopped to think. “And when was the last time you had more then three hours of sleep?” He continued when she didnt say anything. Yena sighed and looked away, knowing she couldn’t answer.
“I guess you’re right.” She replied.
“Thought so.” He said with a smirk. “So today, we are not going to worry about practice at all. We are going to spend the day exploring Gimpo and playing with my cats. Practicing can wait until we go back tomorrow!” He stated, causing Yena to chuckle. He bumps his shoulder against hers and smile at her.
“But first thing’s first. We need to get food because I am starving!” Yena says. Minho nods in agreement.
The bus slows to a stop a few minutes later at the place Minho and Yena needed to get off. The two of them threw on their jackets and shouldered their bags as they climbed off the bus and onto the pavement. Yena stopped in her tracks right as she got off the bus and took a deep breath of fresh air. Minho looked at her and chuckled, waiting for her to finish her little antics. She turned to face him and smiled as Minho made a point to dramatically roll his eyes. Yena went to stand right beside Minho and link their arms together.
“Come on! I’m hungry!” She excalimed and started pulling him in a random direction.
“Do you even know where you’re going, Genie?” Minho asked her with a chuckle making her stop in her tracks.
“I do not..” she replied. “But I’ll find my way to food eventually!” She said with determination.
Minho smirked. “With your record of getting lost? I doubt it.” He said causing Yena to huff. He used their linked arms to pull Yena in the opposite direction from where she was going. “Come on. There is a restaurant a few blocks away from here.”
They walked peacefully through the streets with their arms linked together. Minho led Yena down a couple of blocks until they reach a small restaurant.
They entered the restaurant and were immediately welcomed with by the smell of coffee and food. After they had ordered their food, they sat down in one of the small booth that was placed against the wall. Yena lets out a small yawn as she sits down in her seat and Minho chuckled.
“You really need to sleep more.” He said to her.
Yena sighed, “I know... but I need to practice”
Minho rolled his eyes. “How’s practice going anyway?” He asked her, changing the subject. He could lecture her about her health later, they had all day. “Did you come up with any new choreo ideas recently?”
Yena’s eyes lit up immediately. “Actually, yeah I have. I found a few songs that I could come up with some choreographies for and even came up with some ideas for them!” She said enthusiastically. Minho leans forward in his seat, resting his face on the palm of his hand.
“You need to show me when you finish. Your choreographies are always interesting.” He says.
Their conversation is briefly paused when a waiter comes by with their food and coffee. They both thank the waiter and instantly begin eating, enjoying the warm food.
“I might need your help with the choreos, actually.” She said between bites, earning Minho’s attention. He hummed in question, taking another bite of food. “Some of the songs are more suited for two people.” She explained with a shrug.
Minho nodded his head with a smirk. “I’m up for it. Partner dancing always ends up being really fun with the two of us.” He answered, laughing as he remembered the last time the two of them teamed up for a choreography. He took a sip of his coffee as Yena nodded.
“Oh I know!” She said. “And I have this one idea we could try...” Yena began talking passionately about the choreographies she had in mind, Minho interjecting with his own ideas as well. By the time they had finished their brainstorming session, the fod was all gone and the two of them were just nursing the last of their coffees.
They head out of the restaurant soon after they finish their meals, their stomachs full of delicious food. They aimlessly walked through the streets for a while, going into some stores as they walked. Suddenly, Yena gasped and grabbed Minho’s hand, tugging him towards one of the buildings.
“Min! Let’s go here!” She said with excitement. Minho looked at the building and laughed, letting himself be dragged toward the arcade.
“Okay, but just letting you know, I will take you down, Genie!” He said as they entered. He turned to her with a smirk, causing her to roll her eyes.
“Bring it on! I will destroy you in any game!” She answered. They ran into the arcade, going to the first two player arcade game they found.
“Yes!” Minho shouted, hours later, jumping up in victory. “Told you I would win!” He as Yena sulked behind him. They had played several games in the arcade over the past few hours going neck and neck until Minho they reached their last game. Minho managed to pull ahead right at the end of the game.
Yena scrunched up her nose at him. “You just got lucky.” She said, causing Minho to laugh.
“Sure, sure. Believe what you want.” He said with a smirk. “But we both know I won because of my amazing skills!” He said and bumped his shoulder against hers. She pouted as they made their way towards the exit. However, they stopped in their tracks when they reached the door and looked outside.
The sun had set not too long ago and thick, dark rain clouds covered the sky. The people walking on the streets all carried umbrellas as rain poured down from the clouds. Yena and Minho looked at eachother, thinking about what to do next.
“Do you wanna call a cab? Or should we just risk it and walk home?” Minho asked Yena. “My house is only a few blocks away.” He adds.
Yena smiled mischievously. “Let’s just walk. What’s a little rain gonna do?” She said. Minho shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.
They zipped up their jackets and adjusted their bags on their shoulders, bracing themselves for the rain. They then stood behind the doors leading outside and Minho grabbed Yena’s hand.
“Ready?” He asked her, earning a nod in return. “Alright, let’s go!” He said and pushed the door open, pulling Yena along with him as he exited the building. Yena let out a laugh as they broke into a sprint, getting soaked in the rain.
They ran through the streets, dodging people and laughing as they made their way to Minho’s house. Yena’s wet hair hit her face as she ran and her clothes were already soaked through but she was enjoying the feeling of the rain too much to care. Minho turned the corner and finally saw his building come into view. He ran faster, pulling Yena with him until they reached the entrance and pulled her inside.
Once inside the building, they stopped to catch their breaths. Minho looked at Yena and stifled a laugh when he saw her wet hair covering her face. Yena smiled and pushed her hair back away from her face, sticking her tongue out at him. He throws his arm around her shoulders and started leading her to the elevator.
“Come on! We need to dry off and I need to see Soonie and Doongie!” Minho said with amusement in his voice.
They made their way to Minho’s apartment, immediately taking off their soaking jackets when they stepped through the front door. As Minho was taking off his shoes, he heard Yena squeal which caused him to jump in surprise. He looked over to where Yena was standing, her shoes already off and a bright, excited smile on her face.
“Kitties!” Yena squealed as she found Minho’s cats sitting close to the door. Yena ran towards them but they both ran away from her. She pouted as Minho chuckled.
“Cats don’t seem to like me...” she said.
“They will. They will” he reassured her. “But we should dry off and change before trying to make you and the cats friends.” He said, drinning as he grabbed her arm. “Come on.” He lead her farther into the, currently, empty apartment. Minho’s parents were out for the day and wouldn’t be back until late at night.
Minho left Yena to change in the bathroom while he walked into his bedroom. He placed his things down in his room before picking some clothes to change into. After he was done, he walked out of the room and discovered that Yena was already done, seeing as the bathroom was empty. He looked around in confusion when he didnt see her before walking into the living room. He smiled at the sight in front of him.
Yena was sitting on the floor dressed in black sweatpants and a dark red hoodie, her long black hair tied black in a french braid going down her back. She was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, her hand held out towards Soonie and Doongie. Both of the cats cautiously approached Yena’s hand, examining her for a moment. Yena waited patiently for them, smiling brightly when they finally moved closer to her and nudged her hand with their heads.
“Looks like they’ve already taken a liking to you.” Minho said, walking over to where Yena sat. Yena smile up at him and pulled the cats into her lap, looking up at him.
“Hey Min! They are so cute!” She exclaimed, petting one of their heads, a childish spark gleaming in her eyes.
Minho nodded his head. “Yeah they are.” He said with a chuckle. He sat down on the floor in front of her, taking Soonie from her and placing it into his own lap.
Eventually, Yena and Minho stopped playing with the cats when they got hungry, and decided to make instant ramen for dinner. They sat on the couch in the living room, watching Harry Potter as they ate their dinner. Soonie and Doongie sat peacefully beside the two on them, climbing into their laps when they were done with their dinner. Yena leaned her head against Minho’s shoulder and glanced at the window, watching the heavy rain hit the glass.
“It’s really raining cats and dogs out there.” Yena stated. Minho nodded her head.
“Good thing we’re staying here for the night.” He said, throwing an arm around Yena’s shoulders.
Yena nodded her head. “Yeah, definitely.” She agreed. She snuggled closer to him and they both focused their attention back on the movie that was playig on the TV.
Goodness this was longer then I thought it would be! Hope you enjoyed! Lets see who is next!
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chimcharstar · 4 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
nnnnooooooo. its called holding onto my last marble.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
1. sometimes i can freak myself out going to the bathroom at night but bro. i take walks at like 11pm or whenever the hell i please. and i LIKE IT.
3. The person you would never want to meet?
i would not care to meet dick face
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
well darn i dont really knowwww!!!!!!! the big jungle one from minecraft. but i love weeping willows of course.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
i didnt think
7. What shirt are you wearing?
my pyjama shirt from new vegas. las vegas. oh my god. not that i went there. my friend did. ive been wearing it for 3 days now. because its fine.
8. What do you label yourself as?
androgynouOOUUSSSSSSS i heard it described the most accurately for me as “in between blue and pink, purple is a blend while not being either of them.” yes this SPECIFICALLY. i could never be feminine while female presenting, but now that im usually read as masculine i go around seeming gay as fuck. and even though this sounds like heresy considering how i instinctively want to throat punch people who feminize me, i have comfortably considered myself a woman lately ONLYYYYYYYY BY being as butch as a butch can possibly butch. maybe without the cars. i would NEVER go by she/her NEVER NEVER NEVER. like there literally are butch women who go on T and use he/him pronouns. that brings me euphoria too and i find people reallllyyyyyy get mind-bent at this point. i really also get irritated at the idea that identifying with both lessens one or the other... thats why i like the purple thing so much. like im 100% of the thing. i was watching on queer eye, once, there was this part where all these women met up and one of them who was really masculine was saying how “a woman can look like this too” and i was like “i am probably crying for an important reason right now” and sometimes i feel attraction to women that is nOT of the ManTM just... i can do what i want. 
but my point is it’s like im only happy if i have a blend. theres even a particular quality of it i can put my finger on, like a rugged, handsome feel... and then a flamboyant, passionate feel... mix em all up... 
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
transition juice, or fucking around with cs paint with some gentle existential dread
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
this one, because my life is not hell, and i know a few basics about adulting now
12. Who told you they loved you last?
the sister. i said it for damage control because she had blown a fuse the other day. i was being very fake on purpose because i’m not being vulnerable with someone who will blow up. when she says it all i feel is pain. like cold paralyzing needles in my soul. i cant say i love you to her and mean it, even if i want to. honestly i wish people would say this to me. the most i love yous i remember are from family members putting band aids on the wreckage of our relationships, so i can feel a little twang of guilt and longing for what could have been and should have been. and feel like i should be doing something more. and feeling awkward because you both know they fucked up and it’s the elephant in the room. and i can feel their confusion and sickness causing them pain, feeling that pain for them. 
13. Your worst enemy?
hmmm. anyone who made me feel like less than i am. anyone 
14. What is your current desktop picture?
cherry blossoms and a city at night that i stole off the internet
15. Do you like someone?
like like crushes right? i fucking wish. i am so god damn sick of myself. i dont feel fuck or shit for anyone. its a fucking wasteland. yes im on T so i want to fuck anything that moves. and yet? can i please have some feelings? please may i have some feelings? not aesthetic appreciation. not moral, personality appreciation. or even just a deep respect and compassion. these are all fine things of course. but cant someone just drive me crazy? cant i have that extra spice of life? cant i just have a little bit of happy crazy? i will know a perfectly lovely person and ill WANT to have feelings for them. but i FUCKEN DONT. I DONT!!!! SHIT!!!!! WHAT IS THE MEANIGN?!?!??!??!?!1 i have fucking YET to meet anyone im more obsessed with than some really gay ocs. come on universe!!!! bring it!!! poor oscar. poor fucking oscar. whatever wavelength im vibing on man you are not on it. i wish you were on it. i wish you were on it oscar. you are hot you are hot with your bike oscar. and the rose quartz i gave you. the rose quartz you wanted. but i feel no authentic electric connection to you. i feel like all i just see is how your brain works with a coolheaded certainty. all i do is analyze what you are wearing so i can be as hot as you. maybe id like to draw you. and girls from work. you are so beautiful and amazing. i see you in bikinis on instagram. and im like oh beauty standards. look at you go, adhering to them. my heart rate goes right along at the same old pace. dont tell me this is principles. does someone have to smell bad? like edward cullen?? CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE JUST SEDUCE ME?!!!?? ID LOVE SOME EXTRA WILL TO LIVE! THEN MY STORIES WILL BE BETTER!!!! see this is the whole problem
16. The last song you listened to?
what am i to you by finn the human or actually that asgore fight song that i do not know the context of and dont want to until i play the game for myself
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
i would save this button for a karen.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
jk rowling. every time i see her face in a news article about why her bland new transphobia anvil book is pretty bland without addressing the raging transphobia in it and around it, i take a minute and contemplate shoving a pie in her face, and agonizing that i cannot do it from this distance.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
a... slave? is this a kink thing? im fucking laughing this is going to be so honest. probably a toxic person from my past i have unresolved sexual tension with, especially since i was in my abused kid shell and was a huge doormat so now im all vengeful with issues. since this is totally something i am open to considering right now i would like to browse this concept’s menu
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
yknow what? yknow what? i am just going to say all of me. i am feeling very body positive right now. i often feel isolated as fuck because of trans stuff and male body standards, but thats Also What Makes Me Special :) i like me, i like my face, i think i am very cool and unique, and i can walk fast.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
yes. but it’s a secret.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
deep sea creatures. idk. even if its small and not even ugly. i just lose my fucking mind. i jump out of my chair. i get the heebies and the jeebies.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
okay. chicken. cheese. something spicy so it wont be boring. a fuck ton of veggies so i can be healthy. and some olives, fuck olive haters.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
mexico city to see what all my friends are talking about.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
w    h       y
okay. i would go around tasting a bunch of fucking. really fancy old wines. listen i dont really drink okay. but with a very fancy old wine i can go around with a like, glass and look really sophisticated and tell gay things to gay people. hello boys. so id find one that strategically i would like the most for the rest of my life and choose it. and if its expensive i can sell it.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
i would stick a bell in the middle of it and all of us have to go there at six o’clock and throw bread at each other and fuck.
29. What is your favorite expletive?
cunt. i dont really use it ever, but boy it can pack a punch! 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
that means my trees because theyre living things? good. my phone. i need it to function. everything else i have on the clouds and i can just write on a napkin if i really need.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
i wanna say nothing because the good and the bad made me who i am and all that. and they’re learning experiences and healthy stuff. but some of my sisters abuse that has destroyed my psyche, literally just ruined my life, it would make things easier if that hadnt happened.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Okay i’m moving to... greece and i’m going to study ancient greek everything and live right on the edge of the sea where the water’s lapping the doorsteps. and im gonna learn greek by immersion
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
i am not surprised whatsoever death is a cool entity.
probably someone who died really sadly and too soon in my life (no one close to me thank god) but just as a service to society
34. What was your last dream about?
wolves with bombs were chasing me around a giant university. it was all part of the game. i was trying to protect some people... soldiers were chasing me... i was hiding under the floor... hiding from authorities and war are VERY common dreams for me
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Writer? Yes. am i saying that to sound full of myself? no. i am fighting very hard to maintain some self-confidence. i have done some writing recently and i am proud as fuck of myself. i caught myself thinking, “now that was banging, i know that was banging.” and so i just admitted it to myself.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
nooooot reeeaaaalllyyyyyy. i went in an ambulance for my face swelling up! still dont know if i needed to. still think i was allergic to the person i was talking to at the time. seriously when i stopped talking to them the hives went away. they literally gave me hives sdjfnskjndsjknfkjsfnjskdnfdsjknfjknf
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
they have inuyashas on them
39. What type of music do you like?
dark, longing, aching, angry, raw, disappointed, serious, low songs that get intense as fuck.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunrises for the concept, sunsets for the looks
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
you know what? i dont really like milkshakes. they dont feel good in my tummy even if it’s not my stomach having a fucking meltdown.
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
the fuck is football
43. Do you have any scars?
yes, most of them are from dermatillomania, two big cool-looking ones on my hands from touching a cookie sheet without an oven mitt and pouring microwaved coffee all over my thumb because literally every inch of the counter had a foot of dishes on it and i didn’t simply heat up the water normally because everything was dirty
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
i want to be a psychologist and an author
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
id like a dong please
46. Are you reliable?
yeeeeeesssssss...... but the adhd wins sometimes
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
future self: even if you’re in a worse off place than where i am right now, don’t regret anything, don’t beat yourself up. sometimes it’s realistic to have hope. you don’t have to be hard on yourself all the time just because it’s familiar and natural to you. so stop thinking “if i see a note from my past self ill be filled with rueful self awareness”
48. Do you hold grudges?
yes. i feel like im saving my soul a little and taking some power back when i am able to say “that hurt, that was wrong, and you don’t get access to me anymore, i don’t have to forgive you” it’s admitting that my own pain is real so i can listen to and protect myself. i wish i was more of a forgiving person but i spent too much time trying to forgive unorganically for the sake of being moral that i just can’t, can’t can’t now. it hurts so existentially and i deserve better. time for me to be mean and hold grudges. a little mean is okay.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
a DOG  CAT????????
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
“doesn’t having a human-shaped robot with smoke coming out of it in the corner of your shop scare you late at night?”
“yes, sometimes i see it and jump a little”
51. Are you a good liar?
yes, when i’m dedicated. getting my birth certificate back? oscar worthy
52. How long could you go without talking?
i live like this lmao
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
once upon a time i had bangs. and a bob cut
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
yes bitch
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
yes bitch i can do a convincing british accent but i don’t want to broadcast that fact because being british is cringe and plus my name is gordon and im already trans and interested in cooking and my greatest fear is that people think i am trying to become him when i am deeply offended when people assume i make personal decisions for anyone other than myself. no one has ever actually voiced this theory to me but it haunts me late at night. i can honestly probably do any accent if i listen to it for a little bit. i find it very easy to imitate sounds and like individual speaking styles to the point of stealing them even when i dont want to. like actually this is something that just comes to me easily i think.
56. What do you like on your toast?
fuck toast. i make a grill cheese. cheese and garlic.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
i tried digitally painting a generic girl who ended up looking really simliar to someone i went to school with only i made the eyes way too small and i would show you except it’s too much work
58. What would be you dream car?
vw bug with giant monster wheels, black with flames, big booming stereo. eyelashes in a drag way. ill run pickup trucks off the road
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
i sang in the shower back when i felt free to annoy everyone in the house. oH WAIT IT DOESNT ANNOY PEOPLE WHO ARE KIND TO ME
they taught me i was annoying. ANYWAY. i am too shy to sing in the shower but id love to. i dont really do anything unusual except that i take really long in there but yknow im not actually doing what people think im doing when i take long. im literally just sitting there decomposing, head empty.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
yes, of course, i have been telling everyone theres water under mars since day one and now look. now look
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
yes. im a sagittarius and clearly it is needed because CLEARLY theres no other fucking sagittariuses
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
G, because my name starts with that and i’m just great. really, i like... it has a chonk to it. like a reliable chonk to it
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
YKNOW WHAT? im going with dragons because of the fantasy, fire breathing and so on but yknow for my wip i was going to have both dragons and dinosaurs at a reptile like shelter
64. What do you think about babies?
i think they should be loved and nurtured, but they are too much work for me to want for myself at this point of life, and you should definitely read some manuals before having one if you can because people can and do mess this the fuck up
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
you didn’t ask anything here so im just going to tell you something. i am going to tell you that i have always been so hell bent on writing even when i hate it because sometimes when things are going well i feel like i am just so in another world and i feel like im doing something im really really supposed to do. it is such a euphoria and it has an effect on my whole aura. i really wish i had never made myself stop but we can’t change the past so i shall just have to never stop again.
0 notes
Ultear x natsu x erza. 1, 3, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27 (ignore the last part question as its irrelevant) 32, 38, 39, 40. xD. Im sorry. I didnt know if i had a limit you dont have to do all of them xD I literally just jotted down numbers xD Much love, Darky ❤️ xD
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1. - How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
            Well, goingwith an offshoot of my AU (Fervent Crimson Flame), Natsu’s a Wizard Saint, andso he’s a part of the new Magic Council. Ultear’s his assistant because Natsuknows nothin’ about politics, and he’d probably get Ishgar into war with thewhole world if left up to him. Mercifully, the new Magic Council doesn’t meetup as often (or, you know, meet up with every member, Natsu included, inattendance). Erza’s the successor to Makarov, so she can’t really “do” anythingabout official Council business thatUltear pulls Natsu away for.
            … The moresuspicious stuff – stuff she doesn’t hear about via frog-man messenger – shekeeps the two detained until she gets more concrete confirmation about Councilactivities. Wouldn’t do to let Ultear spend toomuch time with her dragon…
            With allthe duties piled on them, they rarely get a relaxing day at home. … At leastwith all three of them together. Sometimes, Erza gets to stay home with Natsu.Sometimes, Ultear gets to stay home with Natsu… And sometimes, Natsu just goesout to fish, because that’s way too much time spent in… bed… XD
            There is alot of snuggling involved with bedtime, of course. They needed to get a bed bigenough for the three of them because Erza doesn’t trust Ultear to share Natsuwith separate beds, and Ultear thinks her jealousy and suspicion are justadorable~ Plus, more often than not, Natsu’s head will find its way to betweenher breasts when they sleep, and waking up to that is always amusing,especially when Scarlet sees it happen more than once. And the redhead istightly wrapped around the Dragon Slayer, so it’s amazing how his head keepswinding up between those soft, firm “pillows”. n___n
3.- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feelabout public displays of affection?
            By the timeUltear started gaining traction, worming her way into Natsu’s heart, Erza wasin a relationship with Natsu and was pretty open about it. She didn’t like thedevelopment of Ultear becoming Natsu’s girlfriend as well, and there was alengthy rocky period of time for the three because of it. Hell, it’s still noteasy for Erza to accept she’s part of a harem with Natsu… But she’s gottenbetter at… handling it. She wouldn’t give up Natsu for the world.
            On Ultear’send, she’s pretty surprised she made it this far with Natsu. She really wasn’texpecting anything. She knew Natsuand Erza were close, knew that since her time on the Magic Council. She was justhaving fun with her teasing, lustful ways, but somehow, the Dragon Slayer hadmelted the ice around her heart, and to her surprise, she’d come to besignificant to the pyro as well. Because she wasn’t expecting to get this farwith Natsu, though, Ultear is more open about a polygamous relationship thanErza is.
            On Natsu’send, he just wants both the girls happy. Doesn’t want to hurt either one –especially not Erza. Though the thing is, he doesn’t pay attention to the factthat they’re watching for his happiness, too.
            Ultearlikes making her affection public. Natsu will be caught off-guard half the timebecause she flaunts it about so much, but he returns it easily enough. Erza ismore reserved, but is not above looping arms together, hand-holding, and theoccasional public kiss. Natsu, with his free spirit nature, is a bit closer toUltear in personality when he wants to show affection; basically, he has norespect for decorum. “Screw the rules!” n_____n
12. - Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Anykind of honeymoon?
            With Erzain the mix, yeeeah, there’s a wedding. She might not like to share it withUltear, but there is that desperation to be married~. Ultear kind of forces itwhen she helps Natsu throw together the proposal, taking place at Akane Resortwhile Erza’s enjoying strawberry cheesecake… The wedding is formal and held atKardia Cathedral, with everyone from Fairy Tail and the guilds they’ve alliedwith (Mermaid Heel, etc.). … Also, Kagura is Maid of Honor, and Gray is BestMan (mostly Ultear’s choice). The honeymoon is more harmonious, since there’smore of a willingness to… “share” – even if it’s grudging, on Erza’s end.Ultear’s simply more mature. They have a relatively… isolated time, as Ulteartook them to her old home in Isvan. To properly appreciate her new hubby, y’know?Weather’s cold outside, but hubby keeps her warm and tingling all the way downto her toes~
13. - What do they do for fun? Do they have a favoriteactivity or do they like to switch things up?
            Ultearlikes to taunt Erza by being openly affectionate with their dragon~. Beyondthat, this is a fairly unique OT3, with their similar and clashing personalitytraits. Sometimes they’ll go to a jazz club, sometimes they’ll go see a theaterplay, sometimes they’ll spar (well, Natsu and Erza will), sometimes they’llfish… sometimes they’ll cook (Erza’s not allowed in the kitchen), sometimesthey’ll just spend time in the guild… And sometimes, they just spend the day in…bed. XD
25. - How much time do they spend together? Do they sharetheir feelings, or hold things in?
            They spenda lot of time together – whether it’s just two of them or all three. Erza andNatsu are ready and perfectly willing to share feelings with one another,though Ultear is more reserved than them, and it takes some work for her to comeforward every now and then. Only when she has to, and it’s usually with Natsu…of course.
26. - How do their friends feel about their relationship?Their families?
            Meredy’sjealous. Jellal… tries to keep happy for them. Gray is… a little pissed forvarying reasons; most have to do with Ultear, and the fact that if Natsumarries her, they’ll be related. Kagura’s a little miffed as well, because toher, it’s as if Natsu’s saying Erza “isn’t enough”. Takes everyone a littletime to adjust to it, but thanks to the fact the dynamic between the threeremains largely unchanged, it’s a fairly easy adjustment period.
27. - Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
            Erza andUltear have at least one kid with Natsu each; Erza being the more competitiveof the two, she might have a second child, or a third if they’re twins. ForUltear, she’s just happy she can bear Natsu’s child and give him or her a childhoodshe herself never had the opportunity to have. It’s similar for Erza and herchildren, and Natsu wants to make sure all of his children never lose theirdad. And definitely not lose him like he had lost Igneel. (ignored the lastpart of the question, as requested; for anyone curious, I think it’s fairlyobvious that these three stick together. XD)
32.- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or arethey just mischievous?
            Natsu andUltear are obviously the more mischievous of the two. Their troublemaking islargely smalltime, but sometimes, Natsu causes enough trouble that it affectsErza’s duties and reputation as Guild Master, so there’s definitely some “Punishment”that gets dished out occasionally. It’s just how it’s always been, though. Evenwith how rowdy he is, Erza can still rein in her dragon. n___n
38. - What are they like in the bedroom? Anykinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
            Passionate.Things get heated pretty quickly, though Ultear is pretty firm in not lettingNatsu (or Erza) yank her hair or do anything super wild with her. She’ll allow Natsu’s instincts to take over andravage her body, but only after working him up first. In other words, she hasthis tendency to dominate at first and get him worked up, then she lets him have his hungry, lustful way with her nubile body,and makes damn sure he hits all the g-spots. n___n
            For Erzaand Natsu’s part, it’s not always about the lust, or even the lovemaking. Withthe two of them, they will do anything and everythingtogether, simply because they have this “need” for their bodies to bejoined together. Only when joined do they feel “whole”, and everything they dojust feels… right. Even whensomething Natsu does hurts at first, and Erza digs her nails into his skin, thepain eventually melts away, and she’s bouncing on him, hugging him for all she’sworth, and nibbling at his skin, leaving marks of her own. Natsu certainly hasno qualms leaving marks in inappropriate places on her that will beuncomfortable to answer later, when Gray or someone asks. XD
            A lot ofthe time, they’ll just take turns. Erza soon grows weary of Ultear “double-teaming”her, and it’s not like watching Natsu ravage Ultear is a bad thing… Okay, so she gets a little worked up when she sees thedazed expressions on Ultear’s face, and gets extra demanding when she renewsher carnal acts with Natsu, but that’s still a pretty good boon, yeah? Makesthem appreciate each other more~… A little jealousy goes a long way~.
39. - Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed whofirst?  When did they realize they werein love?
            As statedpreviously, Natsu and Erza were already in a relationship by the time Ultearstarted becoming part of the group. You wanna be technical, Ultear “did” peckNatsu on the cheek before Natsu and Erza were in a relationship, but that wasjust to set Scarlet off, and nothing was really meant. … Not ‘til later,anyway~. In this AU, Ultear and Meredy join Fairy Tail, and Zeref held offAcnologia on Tenrou, so there was no “seven year timeskip”, per se. Not atimeskip that the characters experienced; the readers still did, but nocharacters were “behind” any of the others. It was in the seven years beforethe GMG in X791 that Ultear started to become a part of the harem, and itlargely happened because Natsu had been so supportive in giving her a chance toturn her life around. Natsu was already aware that Ultear meant something tohim; he just didn’t think she reciprocated. Again, Erza wasn’t happy in makingit a harem, but the rough patch between them eventually ended, or at leastsmoothed out a bit.
40. - Any special memories? Do they have a special placethey like to go to?
            Erza willalways be thankful for what Natsu did for her at the Tower of Heaven, and allthe times he saved Fairy Tail and their allies. Similarly, Natsu cherishes allthe times that Erza smiles – and especially the times when Ultear genuinely smiles (not mischievous orforced). For Ultear, there was Tenrou Island, when Natsu (and Gray) helped showthe error of her ways; and then there was during the dragon invasion, when she’dbeen about to cast Lost Ages, and Natsu stopped her. Ultear still can’t getover how much Natsu cares for her.
            Specialplaces, they like to be out in the woods near Natsu’s home when they can.Ultear likes to bring them to Isvan, and Erza likes to revisit Akane Resort.
And Pyro answers this Ask with love~ ❤️ n______n
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str-spangled-banner · 7 years
Home - Part 5 - Bruce X Daughter!Reader
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4
Summary: Life carries on in the Avengers Tower. You make new friends, and certain friendships starts to climb towards something more.
Warnings: None.
Words: 2 572+
(Also, don’t even get me started on how cheesy my summaries always are...) So, I’m posting once again, trying to makeup for being away by posting my most requested thing ever, which is Home Part 5, if you didnt get that.
Hope you enjoy, please tell me what you think and comment “Steve “Pimp Daddy” Rogers” if you read this cause I honestly, fucking, doubt people read my A/N’s.
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She crossed the lounge, her bare feet barely making a sound against both the areas of wooden floorboards and those of polished concrete. The Stark Industries shirt she was wearing reached her mid thighs. They were practically all she had worn since moving in, considering the massive amount that had been stocked in her wardrobe as she had gotten her room, she could grab a new shirt every day for a month at least.
“Morning.” Her head snapped to the sound of a voice, spotting T'Challa in an armchair by the wall of windows with a newspaper held in his lap. She opened her mouth to reply but was caught of guard upon realizing she didn’t know whether to greet him in royal fashion or not, which in case of it, she was screwed. She had no idea how to greet royalty. Your liege? Your highness? Instead of saying anything, she found herself stuttering upon nothing, her mind blank. “Ms. Banner?”
“Of course. I- I’m sorry. Yes, morning.” She blurted out, causing T'Challa to laugh lightly and fold the newspaper together.
“I do not bite, despite the characteristics of my mantel… You don’t have to be nervous.” He assured with a subtle yet warm smile as he could tell how uncertain and shy she was. “You can call me T'Challa. There is no need for formalities between friends.”
“Then you can call me Y/N.” She bartered quickly, trying to gather her bravery and ease her nerves.
“As you say.” T'Challa bowed his head respectfully and left a moment of silence before changing the subject. “You’re up early. People your age have an international habit of sleeping a lot longer. Our mutual friend, Mr. Parker, is making for an extraordinary example this morning.”
The way he talked was almost fascinating to her. He was well educated and equally as well mannered, his choice of words chosen deliberately each time. It was a nice change compared to the shallow vocabularies of the people she most often conversed with. “I find my productivity to be at its highest in the morning. That, and I also very much dislike to sleep the day away.”
“Fair reasons.” T'Challa smiled, noticing how Y/N adapted her own choice of words in his presence and liking the small touch. He too found the vocabularies of those around him to be boring and the people themselves to often be a bit slow minded. It was nice to see that Y/N enjoyed a diverse, witty yet formal conversation in the same way that he did. “Are you on your way to the kitchen for breakfast?”
“I am. Care to join me?” She was brave enough to ask him. T'Challa smiled even wider, impressed of her courtesy as well as noticing the newfound bravery she had just noticed herself.
“It would be my pleasure.” He assured and rose from his seat, joining to walk alongside her to the kitchen across their current floor.
“Do you have any plans for today, or perhaps tomorrow?” She began their conversation, taking a left down a short hallway before a quick right turn into the sleek kitchen, which had been decorated with multiple breakfast choices made by the hired chef.
“Not anything out of the ordinary. Mr. Stark and I will be joining in a meeting to discuss the new yet continuous connection between Wakanda and the United States, more specifically the collaboration between the Black Panther and I with the Avengers. If I find any time for it, I would enjoy some simple time to merely relax. How about yourself? If I were to guess I believe you will spend as much time reveling in Tony’s resources and your new workplace as you can?”
“I would say that’s far more a statement of what will happen rather than a guess.” She commented humorously with a slight smile, following T'Challa’s lead and grabbing a plate off the counter. It was her first breakfast as she had been so late for school the day before. It was difficult to believe that breakfast looked like that every morning. In her eyes, it was a five star buffet. “But yes, if nothing else comes in the way, I will be found in my workshop for the majority of the weekend.”
“More people should have such productive and awarding hobbies. What are other things you have worked on? I overheard Stark and your father speaking of a generator of yours?”
They made their way to the long table, taking a seat in front of one another. “Nothing very spectacular, considering what I’d like to think I’m capable of. I did build a robotic vacuum a couple of years ago to not have to vacuum the floors myself. I designed a program in eight grade to scan physical notes and convert them into digital documents, adapting it to fit my own handwriting specifically.”
“I would not label those things as unspectacular. I can only imagine how low the number of individuals at that age with the capability of creating those things is… I’m sure your guess of that number is very close to my own.” T'Challa began to peel an orange, placing the cloves on his plate just as Y/N swallowed her bite of scrambled eggs and bacon.
“Maybe, but like I said, compared to what I think I’m capable of myself, they are nothing spectacular.”
“Then why have you not built something to match your level of competence? If what you have built so far is unremarkable compared to what you potentially could make, I am very intrigued.”
“I’ve never had the resources. School has granted me multiple opportunities to build and create, but I’m only allowed to do so within their guidelines. They do not fund personal usage of their materials and tools, and I couldn’t afford it on my own. This is the first time in my life where I have been given the possibility to show what I’ve got.” She smiled, realizing the truth to her own words and the meaning behind them. She really did have her first chance to create all the things her heart had wanted to over the years of suppressing them. The thrill of that fact alone was enough to cause an involuntarily smile to spread across her face.
“I say you should seize the moment then. Life is far too short to let opportunities slip away from us. Knowing Stark and your father the little that I do, I have a strong feeling they will do everything they can to make your, engineering, dreams come true.” T'Challa advised, surprising Y/N with the wise words in the same way that Steve had when seeing her in her lab only seven hours before.
“Then I shall.” Y/N replied, the two of them coming to an understanding at that moment of their respective like of the academic tone and their efforts to keep it going simply for the enjoyment.
“Hey? Good morning.” Bruce entered the kitchen, furrowing his brows slightly out of surprise at the same time as he hinted a smile from finding his daughter so casually talking with T'Challa. He was glad to see her shy side subsiding and to see her become more and more comfortable around the team. He knew all too well she had it tough with friends. If she couldn’t make any her own age, he was glad that the ones she made was on the team. Despite bickering amongst them, the Avengers were good people. “I was sure you wouldn’t wake up until at least another hour or two considering how late you stayed up last night.”
“Six hours of sleep is just the right amount for me. Besides, with the bed I now have, six hours of sleep might as well be twelve. It’s level of comfort is nearly ridiculous.”
“Level of comfort?” Bruce questioned, not recognizing her intellectual way of speaking. T'Challa smiled to himself as he looked between Bruce’s confusion and Y/N’s reddening cheeks, remaining quiet.
“I mean… It’s just super comfy.” Y/N changed quickly and flashed an awkward smile towards her father. “Anyway, you wanna join us?”
“I’m sorry but I’ve already eaten. If I would have known you were such an early bird, I would have waited.” Bruce smiled back apologetically, already regretting having confessed to eating and wishing he would have just had a second meal instead. Sadly, he had things he needed to do. Yet another round of breakfast simply wasn’t something he had time for. “If you need something, anything, you’ll find me up in Tony’s workshop. Friday can help you there.”
“I think I’ll be alright. Thank you though. I’ll see you later.” She subtly implied in her voice that she was ending the conversation, in a way asking Bruce to leave as she knew he was most likely in a hurry. The only reason he was sticking around was because he was worried about her, which was absolutely unnecessary.
“Alright then... Could you maybe watch her back, T'Challa? Make sure she’s okay?” Bruce turned towards the king, unable to judge Y/N’s level of capability and feeling uneasy for leaving by herself.
“I think Y/N is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but for the sake of your worrying, I promise to keep an eye on her.” T'Challa assured before Bruce left with a parting nod and flashing a smile towards his daughter.
“You really don’t-”
“I am fully aware you do not need me to breathe down your neck.” T'Challa cut her off with an almost playful smile. “You’re a grown woman, and if anyone can get by in this place, I believe it’s you. You father has yet to adjust to how mature you’ve become, that’s all. I would not take that personally if I were in your shoes.”
“Thank you.” She bowed her head down subtly. “And like I said before, I simply plan to spend the day in my workshop.”
“And that is truly a place where I am not needed, at least not to be your personal caregiver. However, I must confess that you are much more pleasant company than most others around here. If you are ever in the mood for conversation, do not hesitate to seek me out.” T'Challa said truthfully. He had been slightly judgmental when he first encountered her two days prior, he could admit that to himself. She had been so quiet and shy he had drawn the immediate conclusion she was also dull. That was his mistake which he had happily had proven wrong.
“I would say that goes both ways.” She confessed, mentally beaming with excitement for the fact that she was speaking to a king. It sounded so impossible yet it was completely true.
“And there he is.” Tony entered the room with his hands gestured at T'Challa, interrupting the conversation and turning towards Y/N. “Morning, Banner. I see you’ve made a wise choice in who to befriend around here. Royal connections can always be useful.”
Y/N found herself at a loss of words again, not knowing how to respond to the exploit that Tony jokingly insinuated. “I’m not- I was just-”
“Ignore him... The rest of us do.” T'Challa said whilst rising from his seat.
“Ouch.” Tony said theatrically. “Well, that hurt.”
“I figured you would be used to it by now.” T'Challa smiled, clearly not as intimidated by Tony as Y/N was. “I take it you’re here to get me for the conference?”
Tony sighed, giving up the previous subject and forcing himself to settle with not having the last word. “You know me so well.”
“Alright. I hope I will see you later then, Y/N. Perhaps for dinner?” T'Challa turned towards the quiet teen, who felt at a loss of words again and sensed yet another stutter claw its way up her throat, butshe made a simple yet quick recovery.
“Of course.” She assured with a smile which the king happily returned. Tony looked between them, confused by the formality and understanding glances shared mutually between them, but he was far too tired to question it.
Y/N watched them leave the kitchen, Tony grabbing a paper cup of coffee on his way out. She turned her focus to her breakfast which had practically gone untouched whilst T'Challa had occupied her with talking. She grabbed the fork and hungrily dove into the delicious meal, but wasn’t left alone for long. To her luck, it was a very sleepy Peter Parker who dragged himself into the kitchen, and she would not pause her eating for him.
“You look sleepy.” She stated with her mouth full, catching Peter’s eyes as he looked over at her.
“How are you up so early?” He asked with a husky voice and furrowed brows. “Let me rephrase that… How are you up so early and how do you seem so fine with that?”
She chuckled and almost coughed at her food which threatened to slip down the wrong throat. “I never gave in to the urge to sleep for longer once I came into my teens and eventually it went away. I’m fine now. Six hours of sleep is just right.”
“Just hearing that number makes me nauseous.” He confessed, starting to pile his plate with a bit of everything that was offered. “I need at least nine, preferably ten to eleven.”
“But you sleep half your day away?” She argued, not understanding how someone could be fine with that.
“And still I found myself bored to death from having nothing to do four days out of seven… I don’t need more time. Some days I almost need less.”
“What about school nights? You go to bed at eight? I find that very unlikely.” She took a sip of her orange juice, her eyes following Peter as he came to sit at the table, taking what previously had been T'Challa’s seat.
“Of course I don’t.”
“Then you’ve kind of lost me…” She admitted, a bit confused which seemed to be a mutual feeling considering Peter’s, deeply furrowed, brows.
He groaned, waving his hand in front of him like ushering her away, but more accurately trying to usher the subject away. “Just let it go. I’m too tired to talk about it.”
“Too tired to talk about sleep? Now that’s a first.” She chuckled, finding it far too amusing to tease Peter whilst he was so out of it.
“Yeah, yeah…” He groaned again before his features softened out, his eyes focusing at nothing as of thinking about something, his ears suddenly turning red. “Hey, you… You wouldn’t happen to, you know, have a date for, ehm… For homecoming?”
Her eyes widened slightly, taken back by the question and what she believed he was indicating. “I- no… I don’t usually tend to go to them…”
“Oh…” Peter swallowed his breath harshly, the red in his ears creeping to his cheeks and his eyes dropping to his lap almost disappointingly. “I just- never mind.”
“I mean…” She began, noticing how much the two of them were stuttering but being far too shy and insecure to change that fact. “If you’re going, I- I could go.”
He looked back up at her in a snap. “You wanna go with me?” He questioned, realizing he had added the “with” part of his own and wishing he could smoothly take it back to not scare her off.
“Uh… Yeah. That would be nice, actually.” She pulled her lips between her teeth, releasing them as she chuckled quietly. Peter watched her as she did not look at him, a hollow feeling in his stomach of thrill and excitement as he watched Y/N smile at their sudden yet settled date for the homecoming.
Tell me what you think? What do you want to happen next?
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The kissing was intense the minute the door closed and the other boys had left. The entire night he had been eyeing you. Like he needs you right then and there, he even cut the meeting short complain about a pain in his lower stomach and as time passed you knew what pain he meant. Tearing clothes off, and not waiting a moment he left you take charge slowly sliding down his length. Being such a vocal baby Jin will let out a loud string of airy moans as you slowly place your self down his length. Gasping for air as you avoid movement, attempting getting use to his length. Your actions seemed harmless but they were killing him, “Jagi-“ he moan your name then bit his lip, pushing his head in the pillow, in attempt to hold back from thrusting into you. “Move.” He begged, You smiled a bit, biting you lip. After he had teased you earlier infront of the boys you weren’t going to let this opportunity slip. You slowly rocked your hips at a painfully slow pace even for yourself. Feeling him twitch inside you, you looked down at his handsome face, sweat dripping down the side and his eyes scrunched up and what may be pleasure, pain or both. You finally let in and pick up your pace earning a gentle groan as his hands grip your hips harshly, his hips snapping up to meet yours. “God, Jagi your such a tease.”
Today wasnt different from any other day. Yoongi was in the studio producing beats for the come back, Min Holly was running around excited for no reason and the smell of food lingered around the house as the noodle slowly boiled in the pot. “Why can’t your daddy be as energetic as you?” You whine as you gently run your fingers over Min Holly. “Why do you give me more attention?” You sigh and lean back into the couch and Holly follows, resting his head on your lap. And as if on cue Holly whines back. “I know it makes you sad when I’m sad, sorry baby.” You scratch Holly and decide maybe you would get attention from Yoongi, maybe you had to earn it? Maybe you had to take it? Both seemed like great ideas and one was bound to work. As soon as you opened the door to the studio your ears were blessed with beautiful melodies, gentle beats creaping up fitting perfectly. “Yoongi.” You call out but get no response. “Yoon-“ he cuts you off as he spins around in the chair. “I heard you, but me not replying means what princess?” You lower your head and frown “that you don’t wanna talk right now.” But that wasn’t stopping you, you lift your head as he turns back around and creep over to the chair and run your fingers over his shoulder and feel him relax. “If I don’t wanna talk do you think I’m in the mood to be felt on?” He snaps but his body was acting differently. You don’t reply causing his to groan in annoyance as you ran your fingers along his chest getting his attention. He spins the chair around so he’s not facing you and gives you a smug smirk. “You’ve got my attention. Now what is it you want baby?” You straddle him, letting your fingers graze the back of his neck but not letting you lap meet him and he sighs against your chest. His breath send chills down to your core and you gently place your lips against his as guides your hips down forcefully to his and pressed him self right against your core. He broke the kiss, biting your bottom lip and tugging it gently and let his fingers slip into your pants earning a gentle moan from you. “Use your words,” he kissed along your neck and let his hands roam all over your body not leaving a section untouched. “What is it,” he whispers into your ear as he slips your pants off, and tossing them some where beside the computer desk, followed by his “you want?” He said asking again before lining himself up with you, and lowering your hips forcefully. Again you don’t reply, causing him to click his teeth, as he slowly pulls out and snaps back into you without letting you adjust, before ramming into you and a speed you had never used before. Maybe he wanted you to come in here. Maybe he knew this would happen this way. You grasped his shirt as loud moans feel from your lips, “yoon-a….slow…..ah” he placed his head in between your neck breathing hard, although you were on top he controlled everything. He gently bit your ear then groaning so close to your face you felt his pleasure. “Use your big girl word baby or you get nothing.”
His hands wandered down you back as the kiss heated up. You could get caught any minute now and that turned you both on even more. Public sex had always been a thing he loved almost as much a dancing. “Hurry Jagi, the boys will be back soon.” He moaned against your collar bone, taking it in and gently sucking on it. You comply and take him in, he gasp and the your cold touch and nods you on. You stick 2 fingers inside and begin to rub up and down Hoseoks length. He leans back into the seat and shuts up eyes. After a while of moans and whimpers you slowly slide his top into your heated core but give him nothing more that, and he whines loudly, hips jerking up in need of friction. At any moment he could force you down but he loved the feeling this was giving him. The pain yet pleasure as only his tip went in and out while your hips quivered needing the friction as much as he does. “Y/N pleaseee” he moans and grabs your waist but doesn’t move you an inch. You slowly lower down, coming up before going down lower than the last time til he was buried inside you fully. He grabbed his shoulders and began to roll your hips in circles earning and loud groan from Hoseok, his hands placed firmly on your waist guiding your movement. “YA-! HYUNG OH!? YA WHAT THE HELL?!” Jungkook yells as he drops the keys to the car and runs back to the other members who are staring in complete judgment. Jimin begins to turn red unable to look, “Really Hyung, in my new car?”
You had really fucked up. And you could tell. It wasn’t the way he was looking at you. Or the way your name slid off his tongue. In fact it was the exact opposite. He wasn’t even looking at you, and he wasn’t even saying you name, addressing you as ‘her’ or saying ‘ya’ when he wanted you attention. What did you do? You apologize for messing around with jungkook while he was trying to sleep and he should be mad that your broke a mug, in fact he broke 2 this morning. So that meant you had dont nothing wrong as far as you knew. “Joonie?” You called out for him but he ignored you as he began to explain the stage set up to the other members. Taehyung began to notice the tears form in your eyes, confused he pointed it out to Namjoon. “Hyung I don’t know what she did but die that down around us please?” Taehyung said as he mention for the other members to leave so you could talk in peace. “Joon-“ he glanced up at your causing you to jump, not expecting to actually lock eyes. And you could see why he hadn’t spoke to you. Only you were reflected in his eyes and the way he licked his lips while staring at your lips, then your breasts, waist, and hips. His eyes spoke for him, then he slowly began to move his hands from hips lap inviting you over and you happily placed yourself down causing a small moan to leave his barely parted lips. Without a care in the world about the other members being close by he let you undo his pants and grind your self against his boxers. The material in between making more friction that planned making you both moan loudly. “Joonie we have to be quiet” You giggles and placed your lips against his, his tongue moving in your mouth gracefully and he rocked his lips into yours. “I need to be inside you baby girl.” He whispers in your ear as he lowers his boxers and presses himself against you, rubbing his length along your folds. His hands grip your ass as he lift you up and places you down on his length making you both moan out swears. He leans back completely, eyes locked on your as you bite your lip and begin to bounce slowly earning quiet praises and whimpers of pleasure. “God your so tight baby.”
The way he looked at you, tied on the bed like that. Only you and him knew about this. Only you knew that he acted like a dom, but was really a hardcore sub. Only you knew he loved to be tied down, he loved calling you mommy, he loved being called baby boy, and only you knew what got him riled up. You slowly began to lick up his tip and he moaned loudly and arched his back from off the bed, “please!” He whines out and shut his eyes tightly. “You’ve been such a good boy you know that?” You begin to take in his length and hum as he hits the back of your throat, making a deep groan fall from his parted lips and you can hear the metal along the ropes clank against the bed frame. His knees quivered as a tear fell from his eye and you began to trail wet kisses up his stomach, “Ya Jagi can I cum?” He whispers and turn his head to the side burrying it into the pillow. “Nothing stopping you.” And because you didnt say ‘yes’ he held back. A load airy moan left his throat as you quickened your pace making him cum without warning “Ah...Fuc..Jagi” and his moans got louder as you continue the same pace. His sensitive tip sending chills down his back as you chased your own high. He whines as you clench around him, your heat making an orgasm approach, “Ah Jagi..I cant cum again not this soon...keep going god you feel so good though”
“I thought I told you to only look at me” Tae growls against your neck as he placed himself against you, and you can only feel him and the wall against your back. “It wasn’t like that” you try to explain my his hand creeps up to your throat cutting off your explanation. “IT WASNT LIKE WHAT?” He exhaled and locks eyes with you “you see that slutty look your giving me, its the same one you gave him. Y/N follow me.” He says but grabs your wrist so you have to choice but to follow him. Angry sex with Tae is amazing but at times he can get out of control so 'Roses' was your safe word. You had never used it though. He sat down on the bed, pulling you over him and ripping your shirt off of you making in unwearable from here on. He threw you off so that you were on all fours and pulled your pants down to your knees and slipped a finger inside you thrusting it brutally. Without warning another finger slipped inside you and curled up reaching your G-spot with every thrust. Your moans getting louder and close together, and the clenching of you walls let him know you were close to coming, and a gentle sigh left your lips when his fingers left you and was replaced with his hard warm length. A loud gasp left his lips as he began to pound into you u harshly. You wanted to see his face, kiss him,hold him, apologize, but all you could do was close you eyes and moan loudly as he snapped his hips harder with each thrust. “Taehyung-ah” you moaned. He responded with his body, his hand snaking up you back and to your neck gripping it tightly, pulling you back against his chest so you were not up against him as he continued to pound into you. “God Tae... I’m sorryyy ah shit.” You moan hoping he will calm down but you pleased him by moaning, making him speed up as he leans back and pushed his length into you while digging his nails into your pale skin, leaving marks. “Look at me and only me.” He groans as he bite your shoulder a bit harder than normal, and thrusts faster. You eyes begin to water, “don’t you ever look at him again understand?” You gripped his wrist as his finger dug into you drawing blood. This was no longer sex. He was pissed off and wasn’t taking his anger out. “Tae- that’s enough-Roses”
Firsts times are the the moments it all go down. Weather it’s good or not determines it all. So when kookie said “I want you to be my first” it was all over. In fact it was your first as well and he would most likely wanna take charge and murder you with his unnecessary strength and determination to make you shiver under him in pleasure. “So...” he began to fidget nervously and mess with his clothes. “So..” you repeat just a nervous and he leans in gently brushing his hand against your waist and pulling you in. The same butter flies from before, and he pulled you into him he sat down on the bed and tugged at the bottom of your shirt, resting his head in you chest. “Come on, you made a move, and that’s it?” You laugh and brush his hair around “Nn” he replies and moans and the touch of your fingers at the nape of his neck. You run you fingers along his chest as he slowly looks up at you and leans in closely, lips inches away before stopping, “Noona?” He asks staring at your lips as if asking for permission. You press your lips against his as he lets his hands fall to your thigh as he grips it tightly. “God...” he groans and you feel his length press against you core and you begin to grind slowly making him break the kiss and gasp into your neck. “Please..” he was never one to ask or beg but since he was so cute you would comply, you began to undress and he stared at you completely amazed before you lowered his pants and straddled him again. “You’re Okay right?” He asks and glances down, your folds inches away from him. You smile and nod as you grab him and slowly lower him so your heated core is hot around him. “God Y/N it feels so warm” he places his head against your shoulder as you set a steady pace and pull his hair gently earning a loud moan as his hands find there way to shoulders pushing you down so that he was fully buried inside you. His hands grabbing your waist when you tried to move again. “Let me stay like this for a moment please”
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