#i do it in videos when nervous too. my shoulders hunch and my mouth starts moving only one side of it
mejomonster · 1 year
You know when your anxiety is so bad it's physically obvious :/
Yeah I have no idea how to unlearn that
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Paper Cranes
Osamu Dazai x Reader
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fandom: bungo stray dogs
I've had this fic idea in my head since Christmas, and finally finished it up when I was supposed to be doing my homework. (Help I've started grad school and I already regret everything.) Also I've never written for Dazai before, so I'm a little nervous as to how this will be received. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
warnings: fem reader, a bit of profanity because learning origami is hard damn it, Reader is a bit insecure but she tries, and Dazai is a little shit who loves attention || words: 2.1k
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It’s nearly an hour after closing when he finds you, still hunched over at your desk.
The rest of the agency has gone home, the first rays of the setting sun streaming through the windows. He’d left a few minutes ago, just to kill time at the café until you’d finished your work. But it’s been nearly a half hour by now, and Dazai’s starting to get a little antsy.
He just wants to spend the rest of the day strolling through the city without a care in the world, with you at his side. So what’s taking you so long?
But you don’t seem to be doing paperwork like you were when he’d left; instead you’re focused on a piece of colorful paper in front of you. A shade of green, folded in half on both sides with a few messy creases down the surface.
You haven’t even noticed him yet, too engrossed on the little piece of paper. Folding it in half again, before tucking the sides underneath the top flap. Eyes dart back and forth between the paper and a little book sprawled open at your side; your tongue pokes out the corner of your mouth as you fold the sides of the paper to meet the crease in the center. 
As quietly as he can (and he actually tries to be, Kunikida would be so impressed if he saw him now), he makes his way towards your desk. Careful not to disturb you, although you seem to be lost in your own little world. You don’t even realize his shadow’s crossing your own on the floor. 
Are you…? 
His suspicions are confirmed when you pull the top half of the paper back, forming a long diamond shape with the sides tucked in. The wings of a crane, albeit a little messy. And slowly but surely, he can feel the corners of his mouth pull up in a smile—you seem to be doing really well so far… 
But then you tug just a bit too hard on the second flap, tearing the paper straight down the middle. You stare at the broken pieces in your hands, lips parted slightly, unable to tear your gaze from 
“…Fuck it.” 
You shake your head with a sigh, toss the pieces in the trash with a little more force than necessary—and nearly jump out of your skin when you see Dazai standing just a few feet away from your desk. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he says with a smile (and noticing the way your bottom lip trembles between your teeth), “I thought you’d be done by now, no?” 
Your eyes dart almost nervously back to your desk, as though you’re just now realizing you haven’t been doing any actual work for the past fifteen minutes or so. Your chest heaves with a sigh, arms stretched out in front of you as you roll your shoulders.
“Sorry, just killing some time. Anyway, you wanna head out now?”
But his eyes are fixed on the little trash can beside your desk, and the multi-colored scraps of paper decorating the top. Your cheeks flush with heat as he glances back up at you, a playful smile on his lips.
“I didn’t know you had a thing for origami!”
“I…don’t.” Your throat feels unnaturally tight when you swallow. “I’ve never done it before, I thought I’d try it out, but…”
Turns out it’s actually much harder to do than it looks. Turns out that, no matter how many instructional books and videos you follow along with, you can’t seem to grasp even the most basic concepts. For the love of God, it’s folding paper into different shapes—how hard could it possibly be?
Very fucking hard, as a matter of fact.
You’re about to slap the little book closed and shove it back under the stack of paperwork on the corner of your desk (you know, what you should be working on instead), when a shadow blocks out your sun. Dazai hums to himself as his eyes skim the instructions, the little detailed pictures above the words, bold and dotted lines to mark each fold and crease.
Then he shakes his head with a laugh. “No wonder, they left out a few important steps…”
Your mouth falls open as he grabs a random chair (probably the one from Kunikida’s desk) and plops down right beside you, his elbow brushing against your own. He takes a small slip of paper from the stack in front of you—pure white this time—and gives you a smile that makes your heart leap in your throat.
“I can show you the right way to do it, if you’re interested?”
You don’t have the strength to deny him, even when he uses that familiar teasing tone. You simply nod your head and grab another sheet, a light pink shade that’s easy to see any creases you’ll make.
He waits until your eyes are back on his to start your little lesson. Folding the paper vertically, horizontally, diagonally until eight little creases stare back at you. He nods when you’re finished; the silent praise sends your heart hammering in your chest.
“Now shift it like this”—he turns the paper diagonally—“and tuck the sides in like this. Like you’re making a smaller diamond shape.”
He folds the paper so elegantly, so beautifully, you almost don’t realize he’s talking to you. You swallow and follow his lead. A bit shaky with your creases, but at least now you have a diamond shape that roughly mirrors his own. 
“…Looks like a frog’s legs, huh?”
That gets a laugh out of him. “Wanna learn how to make little frogs next, huh?”
“If you don’t mind teaching me,” you answer with heated cheeks.
“I’d be delighted to! But one thing at a time. If you can make a crane, you can make anything.”
If you say so. Dazai can be incredibly convincing when he wants to be. Has a habit of pumping you up over the smallest of tasks. Sometimes it’s helpful (when it comes to handing in paperwork on time), other times it’s overbearing.
“See this middle line right here?” A finger slides over the crease in the white diamond. “Fold these edges so they meet in the middle.”
Seems easy enough. Now both papers look like little kites.
“Now what?”
“Take the top corner and fold it down. On both sides.”
Wait a minute. “…Could you repeat that?”
“This corner,” he points to the top of the kite shape, “fold it over like this.” He angles it down, creasing it down to meet the line in the middle.
Must be one of those extra steps he mentioned, you don’t remember anything like this in all the books or worksheets you’ve read through. But you don’t really see the point in this one. Won’t the crane still look the same if you don’t do this part?
“Here, I’ll show you.”
Dazai presses down on the newly made fold, before folding it back up to maintain that kite shape. He flips it around and glances over at you; you jump and take it as your cue to continue, following his lead with shaky hands.
“See? You got it.” He gives you a smile, and you swear you feel your heart leap in your throat.
…Stop looking at his hands.
But you can’t help it—they just look so dazzling against the paper. His fingers glide against the surface, tucking each corner perfectly, pressing along the sides with just enough pressure… He’s built up quite a bit of experience, with all the paper airplanes he’s made out of his paperwork (along with Kunikida’s and Atsushi’s).
A snicker pulls you from your daydream, and your cheeks flush with heat when you see his eyes fixed on your face.
“Don’t daydream on me now, love, we’re only halfway done!”
You clear your throat and glance back at the kite shape in your sweaty hands. “What’s next, huh?”
 “Now open it up, tuck these edges in, and it looks like this.”
You follow his lead, eyes darting back and forth between your paper and his—and you have to admit, folding the edges is much easier now with that extra top crease he’s made. The kite slowly stretches into a longer diamond, with two thick flaps on top and two skinny tips on the bottom.
“Fold these in, so it’s a thinner shape.”
You fold the edges of each side into the middle, a small smile donning your features. This is further than you’ve ever gotten on your own. Maybe all you needed was a damn good teacher.
“Alright, see these little tips?” Dazai taps his finger against each one. “You’re gonna bring them up to the same height as the top one, like this. Then the next one…”
He folds each tip upwards, meeting the top flap and pressing down on the crease.
“And now you’ve got a cute little crown!”
A laugh bubbles up in your throat as he holds it above your head, even more so when you see a soft smile on his face. You don’t have the heart to brush him away, even as you focus on your own paper. It’s a little uneven and bent a weird way, but when you’re done you hold yours up and over his head as well.
“Like this, huh?”
“Perfect,” he says, and your heart skips a few beats. “Now, which one’s your favorite?”
His finger dances back and forth between the smaller tips of each crown. You pause, and then point to the one on your right side, closest to him.
“That one? Alright, take it like this…and fold it down. Now he’s got a little head.”
He shows you with his own, expertly folding the tip down to crease right down its middle, bending it to give the little paper a head. Yours is a little clunky (you’ll never understand how he moves his hands the way he does), but it still gets a smile out of him.
“And spread his wings slowly…”
Slowly, carefully, each delicate wing pressed between your fingers.
“…Ta da! Say hello to your new little crane!”
Dazai holds up his own, a perfect white bird with no corner or fold out of place. The prime example of a paper crane.
Yours is roughly the same thing, with a few beginner mistakes thrown in. A slight tear on his nose, his head hanging a bit too low, and he doesn’t stand on his own when you place him down. But he’s here, right in front of you, next to Dazai’s own crane. To be honest…
Not bad for your first try.
“…Here, take it.”
In all your years of knowing him, you can’t recall ever seeing Osamu Dazai stunned into silence. It almost makes you laugh, the way his mouth tightens into a line, his soft brown eyes unusually blown wide. It looks…kinda cute on him.
He’s still staring at you, so you take the lead and grab his hand, careful of the bandages around his wrist, and place the tattered pink crane in his palm.
“I…I wanna give it to you.” You can feel your face start to burn, but force the words out anyway, no matter how stupid they sound. “So here, take it. It’s for you.”
It’s not perfect, nowhere near it. It’s messy and crumbled in some places, and the more you look at it the more you wonder if this is a good idea after all. If he would even want something like this in the first place.
But then his hands close over the crane and hold it up to his face, inspecting each and every crease and fold. You hold your breath, nails sinking into the corner of the desk.
You’re three seconds away from snatching the thing out of his hands and taking everything back—but then he places it on the corner of his desk, propped up against a stack of paper so it won’t fall over.
“No fair if you give me yours,” he says with a smirk, “and I don’t give you anything in return!”
So he slides his own paper crane towards you, urging you to take it. It almost makes you want to cry, the soft way he looks at the pink crane on his desk, tracing his finger along the edges. You hold his own crane close to your chest, before placing it on the corner of your desk, its nose touching the pink one’s.
“…Thanks, Dazai.”
The smile he gives you sends a swarm of butterflies straight to your stomach. And when it’s time for you two to finally leave the office, with the last rays of the sunset streaming through the window, you can’t help but steal one last look at the little pair of cranes, right there on your desk, their noses brushing against each other’s.
A perfect sight to walk into tomorrow.
The thought makes you smile, as Dazai’s hand slides into your own, and the two of you close the door behind you.
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gotham--fc · 3 years
Doctor Appointments and Ice Cream - A Kellex Imagine
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Prompt:  Kellex go with baby reader to a doctors appointment that she’s really nervous about because she doesn’t like doctors and they find out she has like asthma or something and get all protective and stuff
Same universe as “Moms”, “First Cap”, and “Protectors”. As always, you don’t need to read those first to read this one, but I would like it if you did because ngl I kinda like them lol
A/N: Do not post this to another site without my permission and do not try to claim this as your own story
“Kiddo, come on, you can’t hide in here all day,” Kelley said as she sat beside the Y/N shaped lump on the bed.
 “Yes I can, I’m sick,” Y/N coughed to prove her point and Kelley rolled her eyes.
 “If you’re sick then that’s all the more reason for us to take you to the doctor.”
 “I’m too contagious. If I leave the house, I’ll infect everyone. I can’t go.”
 “Y/N,” Kelley said, “I get that you don’t want to, but you are going to go to the doctor.”
 Kelley sighed and pulled the blankets off Y/N. Y/N cried out and tried to grab the blankets back from Kelley but Kelley held them out of reach.
 “You don’t look sick to me.”
 “I don’t wanna go,” Y/N said quietly, pouting a little.
 “I know, but you have to. It’s just a quick check-up, and me and Mom will be there the whole time, okay?”
 “Promise?” Y/N asked quietly.
 “I promise.”
 Alex stood up from the couch when Y/N and Kelley walked into the room. Y/N was fidgeting nervously and Kelley had a hand on her shoulder.
 “Are we ready to go?” Alex asked.
 “Do I have to go?” Y/N asked.
 “Kid, we’ve been through this already, yes you have to go,” Kelley said. Y/N sighed and tensed her shoulders nervously.
 “It’s going to be okay, Y/N,” Alex said, “And when we’re done, we can go out for ice cream and eat it in the park, how does that sound?”
 Y/N’s mouth ticked up a little before going back into a frown. “Okay,” She said.
 The three headed out to the car. Alex and Kelley chatted quietly as they drove to the doctor’s office, Y/N sitting silently in the back seat. When they pulled into the parking lot, Y/N slid further down in her seat. Y/N hated going to the doctor. She hated how their hands were always cold and how they would poke her and grab her and it usually ended with her foster parents yelling at her on the drive home about how much it cost. Y/N was startled out of her thoughts by the car door opening. Y/N looked up to see Alex standing beside the car, offering a hand for Y/N to take.
 “Come on, it’ll be over quick, okay?”
 Y/N took Alex’s hand, clinging to it tightly as they walked closer and closer to the entrance. The sterile white walls and disinfectant smell seemed to crash in on Y/N and she hunched her shoulders and shifted closer to Alex. Kelley checked in with the receptionist while Alex and Y/N sat in the waiting room. Too soon for Y/N’s liking, the doctor was calling her into her office. Y/N didn’t move until Alex pulled her out of her chair. Alex and Kelley went with Y/N into the office.
 “Hi Y/N, you can sit wherever you’d like and moms, feel free to stay,” The doctor said, “I’m Dr. James but you can call me Shannon.” Y/N nervously sat down and didn’t respond.
 “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Alex and this is my wife Kelley.”
 “So,” Shannon said, sitting down at her desk, “How are we feeling today?” Y/N shrugged.
 “Y/N’s a little nervous,” Kelley said.
 “I understand, not a lot of people like doctors,” Shannon said. Then, she turned to Y/N, “So what do you like to do in your spare time? Do you play any sports? Are you into video games?”
 “I play soccer,” Y/N said quietly.
 “That’s awesome! Physical activity is very good for you, as I’m sure your moms are aware,” Shannon winked at Alex and Kelley, “It must be fun having two professional athletes as your parents, huh?”
 Y/N shrugged, “I guess.”
 “Probably not as much fun when you want pizza for dinner but they’re on some special athlete diet,” Shannon said. Y/N smiled a little.
 “Alright, well, how about we get started? We’re just doing a check-up today, right?” Shannon asked. Y/N nodded, her nervousness coming back. “Can you hop up on this table for me please?” Y/N didn’t respond as she got up onto the table. “I’m just going to shine this light into your ears to make sure they look like they should, okay? Is that okay?” Y/N nodded. “Alright, perfect, now I want to look at your throat, so do you mind opening your mouth as wide as you can and going ‘aaaahhh’?” Y/N did and Shannon shined her light into Y/N’s mouth, “Looks good, now I just want to listen to your heart and lungs, okay? I can do this over your shirt so don’t worry about having to take it off, okay?” Y/N didn’t respond. “Is that okay? Would you feel better if one of your moms came and sat with you?” Y/N nodded quickly. Alex got up and sat beside Y/N and held her hand.
 “Are you okay if she listens to your heart and lungs?” Alex asked. Y/N nodded. Shannon listened to Y/N’s heart and then moved on to her lungs.
 “Okay, can you take a deep breath for me?” Shannon asked and Y/N did. “Perfect, now take another deep breath for me?” Shannon asked Y/N to breathe two more times. “Okay, perfect,” Shannon took a step back. “So you seem pretty healthy to me, your heartbeat was a little high but I know you’re nervous so that’s okay. Do you have any concerns or questions for me? Have you noticed anything that you’re worried about?” Y/N shrugged, tapping her fingers on the back of Alex’s hand.
 “She said that sometimes when she’s running she feels a pain in her chest and that it’s hard to catch her breath,” Kelley said.
 “I see,” Shannon said, “What it sounds like to me is that you have asthma. It’s not a big deal, you’ll still be able to do all the things you do normally, you can still play soccer. I’m going to get you an inhaler that I want you to use before you exercise and whenever you start to feel like you can’t catch your breath.”
 “Is there anything else we can do to help her with it?” Alex asked.
 Y/N tuned out Shannon’s answer and the rest of Alex and Kelley’s questions. Y/N stared out the window as Shannon talked to Alex and Kelley and wrote out a prescription. Y/N came back to reality when Alex tugged on her hand.
 “Come on, it’s time to go,” Alex said, “Thank you so much Doctor.”
 “Of course, it was great to meet you all,” Shannon said.
 Y/N followed Alex and Kelley out to the car.
 “So, she said she sent a referral over to the pharmacy and we should be able to pick up your inhaler tomorrow,” Kelley said, “So we just get to go home now.”
 “But you said we could get ice cream,” Y/N said. Alex and Kelley shared a look.
 “We can get ice cream another day, okay?” Alex said.
 “You said if I went to the doctor, then we’d get ice cream and eat it in the park,” Y/N insisted, “You said so.”
 “I know what we said,” Kelley said, “But we changed our minds.”
 “We just did.”
 “Why did you lie to me? Did you just trick me into going to the doctor? That’s not fair!”
 “No, Y/N, we didn’t lie,” Alex turned around so she could face Y/N, “We were going to take you out for ice cream. We just don’t think it’s a good idea anymore because of your asthma. We don’t want anything to happen to you while we’re out, so we’re going to go home and we can get ice cream tomorrow.”
 “But I’m fine! I’m not going to get hurt from eating ice cream!”
 “No buts, we’re not going for ice cream and that’s final,” Kelley said firmly.
 “You guys suck,” Y/N mumbled, crossing her arms and slumping in her seat, “I hate you.”
 Kelley opened her mouth to respond but Alex put a hand on her arm to stop her. Kelley sighed and started the car. The ride home was silent and as soon as Kelley parked the car in their driveway, Y/N was out of the car and stomped to her room.
 “I’m going to go talk to her,” Kelley said, “The way she was acting was way out of line.”
 “Kel,” Alex said, “Do you think we were too protective of her?”
 “What are you talking about?”
 “I know we don’t want her to get hurt, but she was right, ice cream won’t kill her,” Alex said. Kelley was silent for a moment, then she sighed.
 “We did act like idiots, didn’t we?”
 “Yeah, we kinda did.”
 “She probably has a right to be mad at us.”
 “Of course she does. We made her do something she didn’t want to do, and we promised her something fun if she did, and then we didn’t do it. Of course she feels tricked,” Alex said, “She’s supposed to trust us, Kel. We broke a promise, that wasn’t fair of us.”
 “What do we do now? How do we make it up to her?”
 “I have an idea.”
 A while later, Alex and Kelley knocked on Y/N’s door armed with Y/N’s favourite ice cream.
 “Y/N? Can we come in?”
 “Whatever,” Y/N said.
 “We brought you some ice cream,” Alex said as she came in.
 “Don’t want it,” Y/N said, not looking up from her phone.
 “Look,” Kelley said, sitting on Y/N’s bed, “We want to apologize. We said we would take you for ice cream, and we didn’t and you were right to be mad at us. We’re sorry, we should’ve kept our word.”
 “We were just worried, we love you so much and we don’t want anything to happen to you,” Alex said, “But we overreacted. We really are sorry.”
 “What kind of ice cream?” Y/N asked. Alex and Kelley blinked, and Y/N laughed. “It’s okay, I forgive you. Now give me some ice cream.”
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in-ky · 3 years
An Old Scent [2] - Negan x Reader (A/B/O AU)
Summary: During summer break, you decide to come back home to visit your dad, Rick. Over the course of your stay, you realize that your dad's friend is pretty hot.
Warnings: Eventual smut, A/B/O dynamics, cheating, angst, age gap, Negan, a bit of gore if you squint
A/N: ok so everything is written i'm just gonna stagger posting a little bit :') 2.7k words
The first thing I woke up to in the morning was a dull ache in my lower abdomen. Great. My heat was starting up again. Growing up, Bee always asked why I never went on suppressants. I always got a bad vibe from them. Then, a few years ago, a large brand got recalled because it was shown to cause cancer in a lot of different patients. Now suppressants were harder to come by, more regulated, and needed a doctor's prescription. A lot of omegas took the hit hard, but out of it came an influx of at-home ways to take care of your heats by yourself. Super helpful for a single girl like me. When my heats started to get really bad around my junior year of high school, Bee took me out on a shopping spree and got me a bunch of toys to try and satisfy myself. It worked for a while, but they got worse as the years passed. By my age, a lot of omegas were already claimed and had an alpha to help them through their heats. I was still relying on the toys Bee had bought me. The box was tucked neatly under my bed, waiting for me. I rolled over with a small groan and sighed. The heat wouldn't be in full swing for another few days or so, so I could still go to the courthouse with my dad. Speaking of, I heard Rick shuffling down the hall and slid out of bed, gathering my bathroom stuff and walking out of my room into the small tiled room to start the day.
"So you weren't at the garage on the night of the eight?" Negan hummed, leaning against the railing in front of the tv. His eyes were glued to the face of the man sitting on the stand. The poor guy was drenched in a nervous sweat, tight blue shirt sucking at his chubby neck. He swallowed thickly and leaned forward to the microphone.
"That's correct," he croaked.
"Oh, Jeremy," Negan chuckled, shaking his head and looking at his feet. "Don't you know perjury is a criminal offense?"
"I-I'm not lying!"
"Is that so?" The alpha held up the remote to the TV "I have some footage here that directly contradicts your story, man. One last chance." He wiggled the remote teasingly and raised his eyebrows. Jeremy held his ground. "Alrighty then, let's see what we have here." He took a step back and furrowed his brow at the remote and pressed a button. The screen in front of him came to life. I had to lean forward in order to see the video, but in reality it wasn't the security tape I was watching. It was him. I couldn't look away. He had dominated the room for the past hour and a half. His deep voice was never raised, but it still carried a commanding tone that had every person sitting on the stand shaking in their boots. My eyes trailed down his body. His suit clung to him in every perfect way. His hair was slicked back in its iconic style and the way his glasses perched on his face made my insides burn. Part of me regretted seeing him like this so close to my heat, but another part couldn't imagine if I hadn't. Rick leaned over and tapped my elbow.
"We've got him now for sure." He whispered in my ear. A smile formed on my lips as I nodded to him. There was a child-like joy on his face. He really did appreciate my presence. I turned my attention back to the video screen. The footage was fuzzy, but there was a clear figure of a woman standing still hunched over what I presumed was her phone. She was texting away, fingers flying over her screen. Suddenly a large figure, who had the same height and build as Jeremy, slunk out from the shadows. He slowly approached the woman from behind and raised a crowbar high above his head. He swung it down with brutal force. There were small gasps of horror from the jury and the crowd as the crowbar connected solidly with the woman's head. She collapsed in a heap, but Jeremy didn't stop beating her until she was a pile of mush. Negan clicked the TV off.
"Well, shit, Jeremy," He boomed "I do in fact think you are lyin' to me." He tossed the remote down on his table top and gave a grim scoff. "Everyone just saw you turn poor Miss Parker's head into your personal punching bag. You still wanna claim you were no where near there?" All of the color had drained from Jeremy's round face. He swallowed again, tugging at his restricting collar. But soon, his face turned a deep shade of pink and he slammed his beefy palms on the flat surface of the box he was sitting in.
"That bitch deserved it!" He howled, gasping for air. "She had no business-" He stopped when Negan raised his hand silently.
"I really don't care," He sighed, turning around and grinning broadly when he saw the defense team resting their heads in their hands in defeat. "I'll let the jury do the rest, your honor."
"Yes, thank you, Mr. Smith." The judge said, voice prickling with annoyance. Negan returned to his bench and pulled out his seat. But before he sat down he gave Rick a small thumbs up. And I could have sworn that he flashed me a little smile as well.
"You were incredible in there!" I cheered, giving Negan a high five. The contact made my skin tingle, but I passed it off as the consequences of the impact. "You really made that guy tremble like a kid!"
"It's what I do," Negan chuckled deeply. He looked around me and furrowed his brow. "Where's your dad?"
"He's pulling the car around," I said "I just figured I should let you know how good you did before I leave." He was so close. He smelled so good. The same combination of whiskey and campfire that could get me drunk in a few breaths. I was so focused on his intoxicating musk that I didn't notice the group of alphas that were headed our way. Negan did, though. I heard a rumbling from his chest and felt a hand clasp around my shoulder. Confusion clouded my mind and I looked up to him for some answers.
"The next case is starting soon," He said smoothly "Let's go wait for your dad outside." I agreed and he steered me out onto the steps of the courthouse. The short skirt and heels I was wearing weren't exactly comfortable for walking down stairs, so I held onto Negan's forearm as he guided me down to street level. There was a small breeze and I saw his jaw tense as a soft gust of wind swirled up from behind me and into his body. It no doubt carried my scent on it, and an alpha like Negan could probably tell what state I was in.
"So," I sighed, looking to engage him further "What's next?"
"Well," He tilted his head and ran a hand over his bear-covered chin. "Jeremy goes to jail. Your dad and the department get praise. And I get to go to the bar for a celebratory drink." He paused for a moment, looking me up and down quickly. "You want to join me?" I opened my mouth to say something. To be honest, I wasn't sure what I was going to say. I didn't really drink, but I was willing to do absolutely anything that Negan wanted. But it was then that Rick rounded the corner and gave the horn a little honk.
"I would love to," I settled on "But dad has a full day of father-daughter fun times planned, and I don't really want to keep him waiting." I gestured awkwardly to where Rick was sitting in the car, bopping his head gently to incoherent music.
"Totally understand, doll." He grinned.
"Maybe another time, though?"
"For sure."
"See you around, Negan."
"Bye, doll, have fun. And be safe"
Negan was pleasantly buzzed, as per usual. He got off his motorcycle and hung his helmet on the handlebar before lightly stumbling into the house from the dark garage. The sight he saw he did not expect. There sat his fiancé in the living room, arms crossed over her chest with a pissed expression on her face. And beside her was a woman he knew all too well.
"The hell is goin' on here?" He asked, slurring his words slightly.
"I could ask you the same thing, Negan."
"Lucille, what the fuck is she doing in our house?"
"Oh, so you know her?" Lucille growled. Negan just licked his lips and flicked his gaze between the two women sitting in front of him. "Of course you do. You have been fucking her after all." Negan groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Baby, please-" He started, but Lucille cut him off.
"Don't you dare," She hissed, jumping to her feet and balling her hands into fists "You don't get to call me that after what you've done, Negan. You slept with another woman. Hell, maybe more than one. You ruined our relationship." Negan took a step forward but Lucille raised her hand and pointed to the kitchen table. "Don't take another step. Your stuff is in that box." Negan looked to see a cardboard box sitting alone in the dark kitchen, his belongings poking out of the top. "I never want to see you in my house again."
"Lucille, can't we just talk about this? You don't understand." He pleased, extending a hand to her. She batted it away.
"There's nothing to talk about." She spat "You cheated on me, Negan! What is there to understand? How can you expect me to forgive you for that?" A moment of silence passed between them. The other woman shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Negan glared at her before turning his eyes back to his now ex-fiancé.
"I have no where to stay." He whispered.
"That's not my problem." Lucille said boldly "Take your shit and leave. Don't come back. We're done."
I stirred the pot of spaghetti while humming a song I heard on a radio earlier. The father-daughter activities had consisted of driving around town and revisiting old spots we used to go to when I was younger. We got ice cream at the shop down the street and then watched the sun set at the park that we used to picnic at. It was nice. College did really fix our relationship. The TV in the next room hummed quietly and Rick was talking on the phone with someone. I heard him hang up and walk into the kitchen.
"Think there's enough in there for three?" He asks with a sigh, looking over my shoulder.
"Should be, why?" I return, meeting his gaze. He takes a deep breath and scratches his neck.
"Um, well, Negan's fiancé kicked him out of the house. Apparently she found out he was cheating on her. He doesn't have anywhere to stay." He mumbled "He's gonna be sleeping here for a bit." I stopped stirring. The water started to bubble too close to the top, but I blew a gust of air to push it down.
"Why here?" was all I could muster.
"He really helped me with your mom. It's the least I can do."
I just hummed in acknowledgement and returned to my cooking. So Negan was engaged. And he CHEATED on his fiancé? Maybe I didn't know Negan as well as I thought I did...
"I just can't believe she kicked me out!" Negan seethed, shoveling a spoonful of spaghetti into his mouth. He was still chewing when he continued. "She didn't even give me a chance to explain myself!"
"I hate to say it, but you did cheat on her, buddy," Rick said carefully, not wanting to poke the angry alpha in the wrong way "She's upset."
"I was in a rut." Negan growled.
"For four months?"
I was making a plate for myself, listening to the conversation from across the room. Rick's phone buzzed on the kitchen table and he picked it up.
"Sorry, I have to take this." He sighed, shaking his head and standing to his feet. He left the room and suddenly it was just me and Negan. I took my plate to the opposite head of the table, watching Negan wolf down his dinner.
"This shit is really good, sweetheart," He groaned. Normally, the noise would have sent me over the moon. But there were so many other emotions clouding my mind. "You ever consider changing your major to culinary arts?" I didn't say anything, just twirled my fork in my serving of pasta.
"Why'd you do it?" I said quietly, almost in a whisper. Negan paused instantly.
"Why'd you cheat on her?" My eyes never left my plate but I could hear him shifting in his seat, rubbing his face while trying to answer my question.
"I don't know," He said. His voice was soft, sincere. Something I had never heard from him before. My eyes drifted up and met his. They were the same tawny color, but there was something else behind them. Something I couldn't distinguish. "I thought...Something was off in our relationship. I guess I thought that I could fix it by trying something different. I ran into Tanya at a bar a few months ago. She's a beta, just like Lucille. Wanted to be with an alpha. I gave in. Just for a quick fuck, didn't mean anything. I didn't like her. I told her that but...she...she wanted more, I guess. She fucking threatened me. Threatened to ruin my life unless I kept seeing her. I chose to do it. I don't know if that decision was the right one or not but it's the one I made. I texted her last night to tell her it was over. Never fucking thought she would come to my home." I was chewing the inside of my cheek the whole time he was speaking. I didn't know how much of his story was true, but he sounded like he was hurting.
"Why did you break it off?" I whispered.
"That's your damn question?" He scoffed, giving a short smile. He looked in my eyes. I knew the answer. Or at least I thought I did. He opened his mouth, but Rick reentered the room before he could say anything.
"Alright, sorry about that guys," He said, slipping back into his seat. "What did I miss?"
Negan was set up in the bedroom next door to mine. Our doors faced each other from across the hall. We would have to share a bathroom. Rick didn't seem to have a problem with it, but with my heat starting I wasn't too sure about the whole arrangement. I felt more cramps riddle my body. I was ready to bed, ready to curl up in a ball and go to sleep, but something called me across the hall. Curiosity got me and I turned slightly, walking up and leaning on the doorframe. There was Negan, clad in grey sweatpants and a black tank top, unpacking his things.
"Hey," I said quietly, not wanting to startle him. He turned around. He looked older like this, hair unkempt and his glasses on. When he saw me his lips curled in a smile. Any trace of vulnerability I had seen earlier was now gone.
"Hey to you."
"I just want to apologize for earlier," I said "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm also sorry that you have to be subjected to me and my dad for the foreseeable future." He let out a snicker and shook his head.
"Don't worry about it, doll. And you're not that bad. I appreciate Rick; he's a good man." He scratched his beard and looked over at the clock next to the bed. "It's late, you should get some rest." He took a deep breath and I nodded. I turned to leave but he called my name softly. "You know I meant what I said last night, you are looking good." I smiled but didn't say anything and crossed the hall, shutting my door and hopping into bed.
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no matter what it takes
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summary: y/n is kidnapped, and for once reid can’t think of a solution
inspired by this request: Hiiiii! I absolutely love your writing it’s so amazing! I was wondering could there be a storyline where your all working a case (the reader is dating Spencer) and have a lead and you go to the suspect’s house and while there you get kidnapped when back at the BAU the team is trying to work out how to get you back and they get a ransom vid of you getting beaten (dark I know) so they all have to work faster and they find you but while you're taken can we see it from like Spencer’s POV and his thought process on your being gone. Anyways they find you and you’re like drugged majorly injured you wake up in hospital Spencer’s there and it’s fluffy at the end.I know that’s rough but I really love your writing and hope this is ok x
word count: 2,331                                                                                               reading time aprox: 8 mins
a/n: to whoever requested it, i kinda didn’t follow your format or ending. i’m really sorry to disappoint you, but i was writing the plot one way, then suddenly it took a turn. i hope you still enjoy it!
Spencer’s POV
My eyes scanned the words in front of me, Charles Dickens displayed in between my hands. I hoped my thoughts would wander more as I explored the novel, taking my mind off of the case I worked previously.
Out of the blue, two soft hands appeared on my knotted hair, massaging the scalp tenderly. “Are you settling okay, my love? How was the case?”
I exhaled deeply, setting the book down beside me as I guided my best girl to my lap. I cushioned her to my side, nuzzling my nose into her shoulder.
“That bad, huh?” Y/N sympathized, trailing her fingers at the cut of my chin. I nodded into her, taking in her calming scent. She smelled of fresh daisies in the summer and the first layer of snow in the winter.
I lifted my head from hers, bringing my arm around her shoulders to pull her closer to me. I sighed in relief as a wave of calm brushed over me. “We were too late...we couldn’t get to one of the last hostages before the unsub.” I shook my head, taking her hand in mine. I examined the daintiness of her fingers, chuckling softly as I placed kisses upon each of them.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she whispered, nuzzling into me as we enjoyed each other’s presence. “Did you catch the unsub?”
“No...he got away last minute,” I sighed, running my hand over my face. “This unsub likes to make things personal. He only killed the last victim to mess with us.”
Silence infiltrated the conversation before it dived into the dark details of the case. The combined sounds of our breathing created a tranquil environment, lulling us to sleep with every second passed.
“I promise you Y/N...”
The shade of grey that covered the walls of the BAU prevented agents’ minds from meandering from their tasks. This proved quite effective in intended circumstances, although the caveat was the consequence of a disconcerted mind.
The film cast over my eyes exacerbated the existing burn from staring into space for too long. Although the sensation was unmatched for the void that consumed me from the inside. My limp fingers twitched beside me in a rhythmic pace, reminding me that this was real. My feet felt heavy against the granite tiles of the office, barely able to hold up the rest of my stature. I felt my muscles sag underneath my weight as the feeling of emptiness flooded from my torso to the knuckles of my hands.
“You be careful, Y/N!” I teased, watching as my lover’s silhouette disappeared into the elevator.
“Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone!”
I shook my head, amused at the incessant Marvel-themed references that had been thrown my way since our last movie night. “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
I hissed as I felt my nails dig into my palms. I hadn’t realized how hard I’d been clenching my fists until I looked down to see blood trailing around my nail bed. Shaking my head, I cleaned off the evidence against my slacks, watching it seep through the material.
My head shot up to find Penelope typing away at her computer. Her brows were crossed with worry and her eyes would flicker frantically between her four monitors. The rest of the team seemed to follow me to her station, gazing with anticipation at what she discovered.
“What do you have Garcia?”
“I-um. I’m picking up a satellite feed somewhere in Danbury, Connecticut,” she spilled out, her fingers shaking over her keys. “Ther-there’s a livestream that just went active two minutes ago, an-and it’s...there’s-oh my god.” Penelope pushed herself away from her screens, tearing her eyes away as her face grew hot.
“Reid. Out.” Hotch demanded, not taking his eyes off the feed in front of him. JJ moved beside him, further blocking my view of the monitor. Her face contorted in shock and disgust, similar to the expression Garcia beheld moments ago.
“What...why?” I questioned, taking steps forward to investigate, but was ultimately stopped by Morgan. A coil wrapped around my insides, getting tighter with every breath that I took. The sides of my forehead began to warm up with a disorienting blaze, traveling down my eyelids. The fire followed down to the pit of my stomach, sending an uneasy chill down my spine.
“Kid…” he whispered, shaking his head in caution.
“What…” I breathed, feeling my cheeks swell up. Morgan couldn’t meet my eyes--none of them could. “God, it’s my girlfriend. I deserve to know where the hell she is,” I huffed, pushing past Morgan. Although the words were launched back into my esophagus, turning into bile that burned away at my pride.
A high-pitched ringing echoed and bounced around my head. My ears thumped with a resonating drum, overwhelming my senses. Every sharp intake of air felt like ice shooting up my nostrils, and every exhale felt like fire to my lungs.
Y/N was hunched over in a chair with braces around her wrists and ankles. Her beautiful hair was matted with dirt and blood, sticking to the sides of her face. Her skin was painted with a mixture of sweat and grime, hiding the usual radiant glow of her skin. Fortunately, the blurry pixels of the video saved me from witnessing the large gashes that ran along her flesh.
A man stood next to her with a Cheshire grin, his pervasive eyes scanning every inch of his work before breaking the fourth wall. He stared at the camera with a joyful gleam, tilting his head as he inspected the lenses.
“Spencer.” I imagined her call out. A phantom chant met my ears, remembering the softness in her voice and the soothing gravity she carried within her words.
“Spencer, stop it!” Y/N giggled, burying herself deeper into our duvet.
“Why baby?” I murmured into the crease of her neck. “We should just stay like this all day. Maybe if we stay long enough we can morph into a chrysalis.”
“Spencer,” she giggled. “Spence…”
“Spence?” JJ empathized, searching my eyes. She placed a hand on the outside of my arm, lingering there for a comforting moment. Although when she realized her attempts were futile, she retracted her arm with a tight frown on her lips. “I know that-”
“The feed is displaying audio now,” Garcia announced with a wavering tone. I slid past JJ, standing my ground next to Hotch as we listened to the livestream. Whimpers echoed throughout the concrete compound she was trapped in. Her body flinched as the man inched closer to her with an object out of view from the camera. The fear in her eyes left a sharp pang in my chest as a burning resentment ignited my bloodstream.
“Stop…” she whispered, pulling away from the man. “Stop...please,” she sobbed. Her face was contorted in anticipation, glancing down at the item creeping towards her. It was only then a glint of a metal object bounced off of the camera, a foreign substance leaking from its tip.
“Stop! Please!” Y/N’s voice amplified in volume as the inevitable came. “NO!” she screamed, thrashing in her seat as the needle penetrated the soft layer of her skin. “SPENCER! HELP!” she cried out, desperation seeping through her weeps.
A suffocating poison ran its course throughout my body, entrapping me in the limited reality of my abilities. I felt my inner conscious thrash against the walls of my mind, begging for an answer, a solution. I tore my eyes away from the screen, my hand unconsciously clawing at the base of my neck. Staggered breaths blocked my airway, and the room shrank under my feet.
I needed to get out.
I let my feet sweep me away from the office, as far as it takes. My back hit the cold wall of the eerie hallway, feeling the chill penetrate through my blazer. I closed my eyes as I banged on my forehead, hoping that the gears would start working, but nothing seemed to bring me assurance.
Nothing could assure that she’ll be okay. I failed her. I failed to assure her that I was going to keep her safe. I failed at keeping her safe. I failed her.
My heart was pulled against my spine, attached tethers tearing it apart in opposite directions. Contractions of adrenaline seeped into my nervous system as her anguished screams left the room silent behind me. It was like gravity had ceased to exist, leaving me floating in a mind-numbing state of desolation.
I failed her.  
“I’m always going to love you,” I reassured, tucking in a hair behind her ear as she swung her legs back and forth atop of the counter.
“Really Spence?” she giggled, bringing the spoonful of 3:00 am ice cream out of her mouth, dangling the utensil from the bottom of her plump lips.  “Prove it?”
“Darling, isn’t there a tub of ice cream--that I bought--in your hands?” I teased, tapping at my watch. “And last time I checked it’s the middle of the night.”
“Whatever,” she giggled, nudging at my shoulder. My hands traveled to the sides of her hips, pulling myself closer as I inspected the beautiful glow of the moonlight reflecting off of her visage. “I thought you were going to say something cute.”
“That wasn’t cute?”
“Not even close, Spencer Reid,” she mumbled, tapping on the end of my nose before taking my face into the softness in her hands. She playfully scoffed as we inspected each other’s eyes for what seemed like hours. My arms found their way around her waist, melting into her, as I lessened the gap between us.
“What is it?” I whispered, my eyes flickering from her eyes to the pigment on her lips. Closing in proximity, I nudged her into me. But before our lips could meet, a chuckle filled the air and a hand was placed above my chest.
“I...am out of ice cream.” With that, she scurried away to the fridge with a bounce in her step. I shook my head in amusement, whispering to myself.
“That girl’s damn lucky that I love her.”
Frenzied feet inside the office took me out of my daze, but it was the sound of soft steps approaching me that made my shoulders stiffen in anticipation. I collected my composure the best as I can, maintaining a brave face for whoever would walk into the doorframe.
I didn’t even bother to look up to see who it was. The figure’s footsteps halted beside the door frame, leather shoes in my peripheral. Without a moment of quiet, the figure stooped down with its back pressed lightly against the wall. Although despite the thick tension, the figure remained silent.
“You know I don’t always need company…” I murmured defensively.
“I know kid...I know,” Morgan huffed, bringing his hands to his head. “But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have any.” He knocked his knee into mine, slinging an arm around my shoulders. “She’s going to be okay Spencer.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know that she’s strong,” Morgan countered. “You just gotta believe in tha-”
“Don’t- Don’t give me hope like I’m one of the victims we interview. I’m- I’m not a victim.” I nudged his large hand off of me, feeling confined in the big desolate hallway.
“I wasn’t saying you were-”
“But you implied it!” I combed through my hair, my lungs still sore from staggered breaths. “I’m...I’m sorry,” I sighed.
“I said I’m sorry!” I yelled, feeling my throat dry up from the venom dripping from my words.
“This is the third time, Spence. The THIRD time you came home late,” Y/N seethed.
“Who are you? My mother?”
“All I want is to know that you’re safe, Spencer! God! I wait here all day for you, knowing that you’re out there on the field, and something could happen. How does that make me feel?”
“This is ridiculous,” I shook my head, dismissing her ignorance. I headed towards my jacket that I strung up on the coat hanger a few minutes ago, not bothering to take my keys with me.
“Where...where are you going?” Y/N whispered.
I made the mistake of looking back and seeing the hurt present on her face. The apples of her cheeks were stained with tears, and her eyes were glistening with fresh ones. Her lips were parted ever so slightly, still looking plump and soft even in her distressed state.
“To work,” I monotonously replied, turning away from her. I shuffled out of the apartment with anger dominating every part of me, blinding me to the point where I guess I forgot to lock the door.
“I did this.”
Morgan’s head shot up at the utterance of my words. “What do you mean, kid?”
“I left her by herself...alone,” I scoffed. “We were fighting, and I just left her there. God, I didn’t even lock the door.” I rammed the back of my head against the plaster wall, squeezing my eyes tightly. “How can I be so stupid? Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
“Hey, stop that!” Morgan intervened, pulling my shoulders off of the wall. “You didn’t know that this was going to happen…”
“Yes, but I should’ve known, Morgan! Don’t you get it!”
“I had one job…” I sighed, the inner walls of my chest collapsing into themselves. “God I...I should’ve known.”
My head fell back into the curves of my palms, my tears shamelessly peeking out of the corners of my eyes. My chest heaved reluctantly, as my heart lurched forward. Heat crawled up my cheeks, combining with the coldness of the tears running down my face.
Morgan’s supporting hand felt like a phantom’s upon the skin of my back, knowing that nothing compared to the innocent touch of my Y/N.
“What is it, Spence?”
“I promise you that....that I’m always going to keep you safe, no matter what it takes.”
taglist: @rexorangecouny​ @howdycharlie @honeymilk-4​ @linthebinbag​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @ssareidbby​ @kyleetheeditor​ @tclaerh​ @jimilogy​ @lulwaxim @jhillio​ @m3ssytrash​ @haylaansmi​ @meowiemari​ @ashwarren32​ @spencerwaltergubler​
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
family- p. parker
pairings: peter parker x reader, reader x ocs, peter parker x ocs
warnings: none? ig peter with glasses and a little freaking out at the beginning
about: requested! peter meets your family
a/n: thank you so much for requesting!! i hope you like this!
your eye twitched as you stared, hearing the words peter was saying but being unable to process them. this was not as serious as you were making it out to be, you knew that, but dammit, were you still nervous. your fingers were drummed lighty on your thigh, watching peter hunched over his desk, scrawling sentences on his notebook.
“y/n?” peter asked, suddenly at your legs. “are you okay? you kind of spaced out for a second there.”
you let out a long breath, squeezing your eyes shut, “i’m leaving to go visit my family for a weekend, and- i love them so much, but i’m going to miss you, and it’s so many people, i’m just really nervous, i haven’t seen my aunt gloria in like four years and my aunt maribel always ambushes me about the boyfriend and the-”
“hey, calm down, it’s- you’re gonna miss me?” peter asked, cutting himself off and you glared at him. “okay, not the point, why are you so nervous about this?”
you shrugged, nuzzling your head into his shoulder when he sat down next to you, “i love them but they’re just a lot. it’s just-” you sighed, a stray conversation between you and your mother from a few days ago coming back to you. “hey,” you started, lifting your head off of peter’s body. “do you have plans this weekend? my mom told me to extend an invitation to you if you were free.”
peter’s face lit up, and you relished in the shine in his eyes. “yeah! yeah, i’m free! you really want me to meet your family?”
you sucked in a small breath in remembering that fact but nodded, “yes. i kind of breezed over that fact, which i shouldn’t have, but now that i can think about it, i do. i’m so sure they’re going to love you.”
“i hope they do,” peter said, nerves laced within his voice and you pouted, pressing your lips to his jaw. “they will. i doubt anyone couldn't.”
peter snorted, “yeah, well ask flash. or the vulture. or-”
“they’re literal villains! and flash- they’ll love you, you’ll see.”
you were still nervous on the day you left for the huge cabin you and your family would be staying at; although considerably less so with peter’s arm wrapped around you and his lips repeatedly pressing kisses to your cheek in the backseat of your mother’s car. you could practically feel your anxiety melting with each press of his lips against your cheek.
as he rested his head against your shoulders, you twirled his hair around your fingers, appreciating the effect the shower he’d taken hurriedly had had on his hair; leaving it damp and curlier than usual. he was silent for the most part, until he lifted his head and you dropped your hand.
“so, tell me about your family members! what are all their names?” peter requested, and your mother raised an eyebrow, “that’s going to take a lot longer than this trip.”
you nodded, “she’s right, it’s better if i just introduce them to you when we get there.”
you whisper now, “i will tell you that my aunt lauren- really skinny and small- will ask you if you’re a secret superhero. she doesn’t know anything, she asks everyone that, don’t panic.
“i have a bajillion little cousins that will be all over you, so hopefully you don’t get too annoyed by children. my uncle carlos will clap you really hard on the back, my aunt lola likes to be called lolita and will bake you too many cookies to eat. please eat them even if you hate them, she’s just trying to make everyone happy.”
peter is nodding along, as focused as you’ve seen him in class. “she sounds sweet, and i doubt i’ll have any problems with your uncle carlos, seeing as i’m spider-man and all.”
you laugh softly, rolling your eyes. “yes, well, let’s see how well spider-man can handle twenty or so relatives throwing themselves at him.”
you almost feel dumb for stressing out so much about the event while you watch peter interact with your family- key word almost, when you notice the pleading look he’s sending you while being trapped in your grandmother’s embrace. you walk over to him at once, tapping your grandmother’s shoulder lightly, “grandma? pete needs to breathe,” you point out, and she pulls away, “oh, i’m sorry!” she exclaims, patting him on the cheek, “i have to attend to rosa’s mess of a dinner in the kitchen, it was nice to meet you,” she tells peter. he nods, and your grandma begins to walk away, stopping next to you. “he’s so cute,” she whispers to you, but, of course, peter catches it and beams.
your grandmother strokes your cheek before slapping it gently as a form of goodbye, walking away.
“they do like me!” peter whispers excitedly, and you smile at him, grabbing his hand, “of course they do, but these are the easy ones.” he tilts his head at you, looking so much like a puppy that you nearly coo. “what do you mean?” he asks, and you tug him by the hand, heading to another room.
you bite your lip, “my cousins. the first boyfriend i brought here, they told me they didn’t like him, and two months later, i found out he cheated. it’s happened two times, they’re, like, psychic.”
“this is making me nervous,” peter mumbled, drawing small circles on your hand. humming, you  turn to him, promising your next words, “you’re going to be fine, you’ll see.”
you kiss his nose and give his hand a squeeze, “they’re just little kids.”
you open the door, “with surprising intuitive abilities,” you mutter before your favorite little cousin spots and immediately runs to you. “y/n!” she screams, and you grin, bending down to her level and picking her up. “hi, kami!” you greet, kissing her cheek, and she giggles. she pauses for a second, squinting at peter standing behind you. “who’s this?” she asks, and you turn slightly, “this is peter, he’s my boyfriend.”
peter extends his hand to her with a dorky smile, and she looks at him for a moment before taking it.
other small people are beginning to crowd around you, and you put kamila down, gasping at all the barbies being shown to you and eventually being directed to sit down at a chair, nodding along to an explanation of a video game you’d seen peter play before.
after a little while, diego is distracted enough for you to be able to look up and see peter, in his absolute element, playing with kamila, liam, and veronica. he’s smiling, watching kamila color with veronica in his lap. liam is poking at his arm, directing his attention to the tablet in his chubby hands. veronica swipes at peter’s glasses, which sit perched on his nose.
with brown curls falling over his forehead, black rimmed glasses on his face, and surrounded by your little cousins, you can feel yourself falling even deeper for him, because how can you not? how can you not love the boy who is sitting in a cabin with your family, entertaining the cousins you love?
before you can freak out properly, you are pulled away by kamila, who has appeared by your side and instructs you to play in the play kitchen with her.
not five minutes after, while you are in the middle of making a fake salad, peter appears beside you, offering his help to kamila. he gets right to work, turning the knobs on the plastic kitchen, and he turns to you and mouths trophy husband with a goofy smile.
seeing him mixing a bowl of plastic food, you’re reminded of the alarming realization of just how in love you are with peter parker.
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sidespromptblog · 3 years
Between the Mask: Part 3
One, Two and End
Warnings: Again plenty of tears, Virgil kinda mouths off about Janus, and Logan gets a little salty about it. 
Summary: Roman confronts Janus about how exactly he should treat him after being told that being both nice and mean to him was wrong. Only to discover that after everything that he’d been through, Janus isn’t the person that he portrays in front of everyone else. 
Word Count: 3013
Despite everything that had been promised, it started out rather slow. So much so that it felt like it was driving Roman to absolute madness, he knew as well as the others that they couldn't just rush into this without any kind of warning. They needed to build up to revealing everything, along with the fact that Logan wasn't even ready yet to face Patton let alone Virgil. Doing it too soon could and very well would go wrong, and the last thing that he wanted was for things to go back to the way that they were before. He didn't want Logan to go back to being holed up in his room, unable to be reached by anybody. Or for Janus to go back to putting on his persona every time he wanted to be even a little accepted, even if it was as the villain.
Virgil, who already panicked at the slightest hint of change in his and Thomas' life. There was no telling just how he’d react as soon as Janus showed his face to all of them, let alone with Roman now openly supporting him in everything he was doing. Not only would it make Virgil feel left out of the loop, but… it would make him paranoid as hell as to what Janus was plotting and if he had been plotting at all to turn everything around like that. Because whether he liked it or not, Roman knew Virgil, and he knew somewhat to how Virgil would react to all of this.
They needed to be smart about this.
But coincidentally… having to be smart about things just sucked.
Honestly Roman felt like he was trying to get a herd of feral cats to get used to the mere idea of comfort and love, something that Janus had been sorely lacking in the many many years of his Deceit role. As well as getting the idea across to the others that this was something that they should accept while making it all seem like it wasn’t some huge plot from the very beginning. Doing so would only shift the blame onto Janus, leaving him right where he first began with not a single shred of hope to be had for him.
Small steps, as Logan had said to Janus and him.
But small steps didn't make enduring this any easier.
Because for the first time in more than a week, Logan had answered Thomas' call to see him without any kind of hesitation. He had done so without his tie and his hair a little less than neat, it was a change, the first change that he had talked about making in order to ease the others into things. But even that little bit was almost instantly noticed by everyone. The looks that he had received from Virgil and Patton made Logan unconsciously squirm in his spot, the urge to dig his nails into his palms almost overwhelming to him. It took a conscious effort to remain perfectly still, and not fidgeting with the area where his tie would have been. Really though it felt like his progress that he was supposed to be making might as well have been moving at the pace of a snail, with how much the others seemed to notice everything about him.
Whether he wanted it or not.
"What's with the new look Logan?" Patton curiously inquired, "We just changed our outfits not that long ago, is it time for another one?"
Even the smallest and carefullest of prods from Patton felt like a harsh poke to Logan, even if the moral side didn't mean it to be. The other side had no idea that the tiniest little question could flay Logan’s emotions, leaving him wanting to retreat back into himself without a moments notice. As if… as if everything that he did was under constant question, and he couldn't just be without someone bringing up what he was doing. For a hot second he felt like curling into himself, as if that would draw less attention to himself. Or just receding back to his room like he had done before, and never showing his face.
It felt just like the infinitesimal incident.
Thankfully Roman sensing his rapidly dropping mood turned the attention to himself. "If he likes it that way then who are we to question it? Maybe it's more comfortable, I know it would be for me. Even my glorious sash becomes too much for me sometimes, and I wish for nothing more than relinquish it of its duties." It took a lot out of Roman to not immediately move to where Logan was, and to stand in front of him getting there gaze off of the nervous logical side. But even he realized that doing so would only sink their plan before it had even begun. "He looks nice without it, doesn’t he? Right Padre?"
The affectionate name was not lost on Patton, and nor was the question being brought to light. In Patton’s eyes, any change from the norm deserved its time in the light so it could either be praised or worried about. But now that the attention drifted over to Patton, his cheeks turned scarlet at the realization of the fact that he had unintentionally been putting Logan on the spot just for a single change of the logical side’s attire. He had never stopped to consider whether or not Logan wanted it to be brought up in such a way, or if he even wanted it brought up at all. He had just done so…
Kind of like when he had just blurted out Logan’s name before Logan had decided to tell it to Thomas.  
“You do look nice though…” Virgil mumbled from the side, his fingers clenching and unclenching the hem of his hoodie fighting through his anxiety of the awkward situation to get even a single compliment out of him. “Your hair… it’s… hair.”
The tiniest of smiles cracked on Logan’s lips, and just like that the protective storm welling up inside of Roman flew right out of him. Just that single quirk of his lips seemed to lighten up the logical side’s whole face in a way that had been sorely lacking before, nobody least of all Roman knew when the last time that Logan had smiled was. It felt like almost an eternity ago, when Logan still had that faded polo shirt and that pale blue tie, that was close to the last time he had seen Logan look over to him with a smile of pure excitement on his face. Not one that had constantly crushed and forced over the years that everything had been happening, especially not that one.
“He’s right,” Patton’s voice dragged Roman out of his own musing. “Your hair is lovely Logan, so.. so if you want to experiment with your style. I won’t comment on it unless you want me to.” A part of Roman felt a great deal of shock at the fatherly figure’s words, but another part of him knew that when it came to their own close circle of ordeals Patton would promise anything to make the other side more comfortable.
There was no doubt that Patton would mean those words, and there was no doubt that he’d try to stick with it too given how much their little family meant to him. It was just a matter of whether Logan would feel confident enough and comfortable enough to come to him in the future.
Logan’s gaze didn’t exactly meet Patton’s, evidence enough of the rift that had grown between them from Patton’s last actions when it had come to Logan being in the last video. “Thank you,” Behind his back Logan’s nails dug into his palm, biting harshly into it. Now here came the curve ball. “Janus has made a few suggestions, so I’ll be sure to show you when I begin to try them out.”
Just like that it was almost like the warmth in the room had been sucked out by a vacuum.
“Jan..us?” The letters of the dishonest side’s name stuck to the room of Patton’s mouth like peanut butter. “Huh?”
The confusion was clear, and the tension in the air palpable.
Almost immediately Roman wanted to motion to Logan to abandon such a topic of conversation, as judging by the way that Virgil’s shoulders had suddenly stopped hunching and the anxious side now stood towering with a withering look on his face… he clearly wasn’t ready to hear about Janus in any kind of capacity. There wasn’t anything that Logan could do to change that, especially if Patton couldn’t do anything about it considering that he was the closest one to Virgil right now. Asking Virgil to humor any kind of discussion involving Janus was as useful as asking him to stick his hands in a bee nest, not only would he not do it, but he’d probably smack the person who suggested it in the first place. It was just how Virgil was as a side, change was… bad for him, him and the anxiety he subconsciously produced.
“You’ve… been talking with Janus?” Thomas spoke up for the first time since Logan had shown up, the amazement that Logan had shown up had shifted into something that kind of resembled softness as he looked back at the logical side in question. His entire body had shifted from facing Patton and even Virgil, to now facing Logan. He gave the logical side his full attention for once. “Is that what you’ve been doing since you were gone? Have you been okay with him being around you? Is he…”
Thomas’ words trailed off once he got to the topic of Janus, clearly he too wasn’t so certain about how he was supposed to even entertain the idea of Janus. Given how Janus had introduced himself though, Logan couldn’t fault him for that.
“He is fine.”
And that was the truth.
Nervously Thomas eyes shifted from Logan back over to Roman, obviously expecting some kind of reaction from Roman. Something like dismissal, anger, outrage, or just coldness. But there was nothing as Roman kept his gaze firmly attached to the other sides, he was stiff, but stiff in the kind of way that couldn’t be mistaken for anything else other than worry over how the others would react to Logan’s rather bold declaration of conversing with Janus when he had been avoiding Thomas and the others for as long as he had. For Virgil, it would undoubtedly feel like a betrayal and nothing more given the context, or the lack thereof that Logan had been so stingy about. But for Patton… Roman wasn’t sure, despite how the moral side had prided himself in being an open book, Roman knew remarkably little about his actual thought process. That’s what had made it so hard to see Janus’ acceptance coming from Patton, he had expected Patton to stick to his guns and be determined that lying was bad, so when he didn’t…
Patton was very much of a wild card, despite how the other side liked to downplay himself.
A short irritable huff left Virgil, “Really Logan?!” Snarled the anxious side, the eyeshadow dark and thick under his eyes. “You’re actually willingly talking with him?! After he silenced you?! Why would you ever want to be around him now, the last thing you should want to do is hang around him! Do you even know what he’s like?!”
In an instant Logan’s gaze snapped up from the ground, and Virgil felt a shot of ice slam into his chest.
The look in Logan’s eyes..  it was unlike anything he had seen before…. He had seen Logan’s unbridled anger when Roman had called him stupid, he had seen him snark before, and even get a touch underhanded when it had come to things he didn’t want to talk about and things that he didn’t want to do. But this… the sheer anger that reflected in Logan’s eyes now, for the first time… made Virgil very afraid.
He didn’t like it.
He didn’t like this new Logan.
“That’s enough V-” Roman almost immediately stepped forward, a familiar look of protective rage on his face ringing throughout his entire body. He had never once been provocted into drawing his sword against Virgil, but hearing him so dismissively talk about Janus as if he knew him… It made something inside of him rage, to want to snap at Virgil and tell him exactly what he knew about the real Janus and about how far off Virgil was from the actual truth.
Roman stopped dead as soon as Logan held his arm out, his chest merely brushing against the logical side’s arm with how close he had come in just two strides. But he held himself back from saying a single word, it was Logan’s time to talk…
Not his.
Not yet.
“As if you know the real him.” Logan didn’t shout, he didn’t need to for everyone to hear what he was about to say. “And he is by far not the first person who has attempted to silence me, but he is the first person who has actually apologized for doing so. So as far as you are concerned Virgil, I will continue to hang out with him and treat him as my friend. Because he is my friend.”
A look of twin guilt blended together on Patton and Virgil’s face, a look that had said they knew the not so hidden meaning behind Logan’s words and had understood every bit of it. They had never apologized, Virgil had actually threatened Logan when he had attempted to talk about Remus. And Patton… Patton had actually silenced Logan, whether he wanted to admit it to himself or not.
Virgil looked sick to his stomach, as if just now realizing. “Logan…” He murmured, unease and guilt swimming in his murky eyes.
Patton however could only stay silent, his hands clasped over his mouth in an attempt to stop any sound from leaving him as well as to stop the shaking of his own hands. His eyes though did all of the speaking for him, betraying how Roman had been unable to get a reading on him before, as they now told everything for him without the use of words.
I’m sorry. His eyes said. I understand why you left for as long as you did after what I did to you. And even… You were right to stay away, if we hadn’t even realized until now.  
“Don’t apologize,” Logan sharply said, cutting them to the core. “Don’t apologize to me unless you’re apologizing to Janus as well. He deserves better than a one-sided apology.” He was right, or at least Roman knew that he was right even if the others didn’t. “I will see you all at dinner, set another plate out for Janus.”
Logan’s steely gaze only softened when it landed on Roman, Roman had made his apologies loud and clear to him just days ago and he had apologized to Janus as well. Not only that…
They had both kept their promise to Janus.
“See you… Roman.”
And just like that Logan was gone, leaving a vacant space where he had once been standing. Leaving Roman there with an amber-like warmth in his chest, at the thought of returning to Janus’ cozy room where they could all sit and be together without a care as to who would interrupt them. Where they would be safe, and be their truest selves without the fear of outside eyes peering in and judging them.
“So…” Thomas awkwardly broke the silence, cold tears dripping down his cheeks as his voice cracked the moment he tried to use it. Both Patton and Virgil’s combined emotions hitting him with a kind of blunt force. “You’re not angry about Logan seeing Janus?”
A rough snort fell from Roman’s lips before he could stop himself. “Go take a nap and play a video game Thomas,” He instead gently told the man who certainly looked like he could use one. “I’m not angry about Janus, and I’m happy that Logan is finally happy. It’s the way he should be.” Being emotionless and robotic didn’t suit Logan, no matter how he liked to say in the past that it did. He was supposed to be the vibrance of curiosity, combined with the endless knowledge of things that had been learned. He was the one that knew all of humanity was made out of stardust.
He was never supposed to wither like he had.  
Thankfully Thomas didn’t argue, as he nodded tiredly to his creative side and staggered back towards his bedroom. Roman suspected that he was far too emotionally drained to do so even if he had wanted to at the time. He’d have time to endlessly question them all later, but now Thomas deserved some peace and relaxation without having to worry over what came next. He didn’t need Janus to tell him that much, Thomas wanted it, so Roman too wanted it. Turning around Roman moved to sink out just as Logan had, just for a hand on his shoulder to stop him dead in his tracks. Patton finally taking this time to gather his wits had finally reached out, twin streaks of tears running down his face.
“What did you mean?” Patton softly croaked, “When you said it was how he was supposed to be?”
Roman grimaced, he didn’t want to answer questions right now, but… if he had any chance of getting the two off his back for even a little while he’d need to give them something. And it had to be something for them to think over. Something that would stop them from going after Logan as well, and even relax even the slightest around Janus and get the gears turning in their head. Something…
It had to be good.
Really good.
He knew what to ask.
“When was the last time you saw Logan smile?”
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joonie-beanie · 4 years
Game Night
Pairing: Leviathan x Reader
Word Count: 5,826
Preview: You and Levi have a game night once a week, in which the two of you get a...little too competitive.
So, when you decide block Levi's line of sight in a desperate bid to win the game, well. You get what's coming to you.
** Please note that this is a cross-posting **
This chapter was originally posted on 5/29/20 as a part of my “Devil Doms” series on AO3.
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It’s kind of become tradition—that once a week, you and Levi have a game night.
At first, it’d simply been you helping him with dungeons or runs for supplies in a game you really had no idea how to play. When you’d complained to him about it, saying you wanted to challenge him in some way—to show him that you were actually good at some games—he’d dug out the Devildom’s equivalent to games like Super Smash Bros, and Mario Kart.
He hadn’t really considered the idea of you being able to best him before then. Leviathan was used to you struggling with the controls—being a good distraction for enemies as he snuck past to get whatever rare item was held in that level.
Now, when your kart zooms over the finish line just seconds before him time and time again…he starts to go a little crazy.
Your game nights quickly go from semi-calm dungeon runs, to Leviathan jumping to his feet—cursing at you, the game, and himself as he attempts to get his anger under control before his demon form claws its way to the surface.
Before, you may have been scared to see the otaku so full of frustration, with his horns and tail threatening to sprout from his body, but now? Now, you feel giddy at the sight—full of pride each time you manage to beat him.
You know that you have a bit of a…sadistic, bratty side to you. It’s fun to watch Levi get so frustrated over losing to a “normie human” at a video game that shouldn’t be hard for him to win.
To be fair, you had warned him before playing that you had lots of experience in games like this, but he hadn’t believed you. So, it’s his own fault for getting beat by you, and you’re sure to tell him that—laughing at the way he angrily pouts when hearing so.
It’s been a few weeks since your switch in games, and tonight—like every other night—Leviathan is determined to win. He’s already got the title screen of the game loaded by the time you knock on his door and step into his room.
His eyes immediately flit to you—gaze raking you from head to toe. Beneath the pile of snacks and drinks in your arms, he can see that you’ve once again decided to arrive in your pj’s, and deep within his brain, a part of him feels like screaming.
It’s not like your pajamas are unseemly—an oversized t-shirt and a pair of black shorts is hardly an outfit to feel scandalized over. And yet, Levi finds himself inexplicably attracted to the outfit—relishing each peek of the tight, ass-hugging shorts when your shirt rides up ever so slightly.
Seriously, game nights are both his favorite, and most frustrating part of the week.
“Ready to get your ass kicked?” you ask, dumping the snacks in your arms onto the side of his desk. Rather than look at you, he busies himself with picking a snack and drink to start the night off right.
“I wouldn’t sound so cocky, if I were you,” he finally mumbles when he hears you dragging his old gaming chair over (he’d pulled it out for you a while ago, and tends to shove it in the corner until game night rolls around again). “I’ve been practicing.”
“Is…that something you should really be admitting?” you ask with a laugh, your eyes shining with amusement as you lean forward to peek at his face. “You basically just acknowledged that I’ve been kicking your ass so bad that you need to practice in your spare time.”
“T-That’s--!” he’s immediately flushing red, wishing oh-so-badly that he could shut you up as you openly laugh at him. Despite your teasing, however, your bright smile is genuinely happy. You enjoy spending this time with him, and the realization makes him feel warm, but in a different way.
“Just…s-shut up, normie…”
He reaches forward and grabs your controller, shoving it into your lap, and you giggle quietly—flashing him another smile that has his heart doing a tiny flip.
“Sooo~,” you speak, relaxing back into your chair as Leviathan grabs his own controller. He clicks out of the title screen and onto the main menu. “Best of five, like usual?”
He nods, and you watch the screen as he picks which courses he wants to race. (You’d told him before that you’d let him choose the tracks, since you’d beat him either way. He hates the advantage, but nonetheless uses it.)
After picking the tracks, the character selection screen pops up. You go to your regular—a black and purple character named “Shroom” (the first time you’d see the off-brand Mario characters, you’d gotten a good laugh), and decide to stick with the basic kart (which secretly drives Levi insane, because how the hell do you manage to beat him without picking a kart with the best functions?!)
Levi, unsurprisingly, goes for the princess, “Cherry”. He takes time building his kart—choosing only the superior parts—and finally, once he’s ready, the race begins.
He hunches forward in his chair—his forearms resting against his knees as he dials in on the computer screen. You glance at the demon, lips tugging at the corners fondly at the sight of him.
It’s cute how much he wants to win.
On screen, you hear the countdown begin, and quickly turn your attention away from him. As much as you want to watch his every reaction as he desperately tries to best you, you can’t. Right now, you have to win.
Tightly gripping your controller, you turn your eyes to the computer screen. The race starts.
Slowly, with each passing level, the game begins to descend into chaos. When Levi wins the first level, it’s impossible to keep a smug grin from coming to his face. However, at the sight, you’re quick to reassure him not to get too cocky, and—sure enough—you kick his ass on the following track. He ends up coming in 6th after you hit him with two consecutive red shells, and when the race ends, you can see the veins in his hands beginning to bulge from how hard he’s gripping the controller.
“Want to take a break?” you ask, half serious, half teasing. His response is to start the next level, so you take that as a “no”.
The conclusion of the third race is much closer—only a .8 second difference in your finishing time, but you still come out on top. The near tie has Levi quietly cursing up a storm—remarks about “stupid normies” and their “stupid games” filling the space around him.
You decide to keep your mouth shut this time—figuring it’d be best to not push him for once—and simply smile to yourself as the next race begins. The fourth track is perhaps one of the most difficult, but you manage to traverse it well. At least, until Levi trips you up on a borderless curve with a banana.
As you go tumbling off the course, Levi jumps happily in his seat—grin breaking out on his face. A little too competitive for your own good, you kick your leg out and hit him on the side of his calf. He yelps, but it’s already too late. His kart rolls over the finish line, and he’s immediately turning to glare at you.
“Hey! No kicking!”
“I mean~,” you hum innocently, finally finishing the race. “We never exactly established a rule that says we’re not allowed to physically interfere with each other.”
“It’s basic gaming courtesy!” he argues, squeaking in surprise when he hears the countdown on screen. You’d started the final race without warning him!
“Whoops~,” you feign innocence, tongue poking out of your lips determinedly as your kart revs to life. The two of you fall into silence, eyes locked on the computer as you desperately attempt to best each other.
When you finish the first lap, you’re ahead. The second lap, however, Leviathan finishes two places ahead of you. Frowning unhappily, your leg begins to bounce nervously beneath you.
You hate that Leviathan actually manages to make you so damn competitive. You’re never like this with anyone else, and usually you wouldn’t be feeling so frantic to win, but tonight is different. A burning desire to come out on top takes over your brain, and as the final stretch of the last lap appears on screen, you find yourself pressing to your feet.
Levi, immersed in his own desperation to win, doesn’t realize you’ve moved until your body appears in front of him. It’s a seriously petty move—standing in front of someone to block their view—and almost immediately Levi’s anger gets the best of him.
The frustration that had been building beneath the surface lurches forward, and within a split second, his demon form materializes.
You squeal in surprise as his tail wraps tightly around your waist—dragging you back into his lap. Your controller clatters to the floor, and your kart rolls to a stop just short of the finish line. Levi—who had already been in the lead—finishes in first.
The room goes quiet save the sound of NPC’s overtaking you and finishing the race, and your heartbeat drumming loudly in your ears. Levi is scarily still beneath you—the edge of his controller pressed against the center of your back. You can feel him puff out a heavy breath—the hot air fanning against your neck and shoulder.
“L…Levi?” you question when you manage to find your voice. He doesn’t speak, but instead you feel him shift. His hands move, the sound of his controller being carefully set on the edge of his desk reaching your ears. Then, his tail loosens around your waist, and for a brief second, you think he has finally calmed down. That notion, however, is quickly thrown out the window.
Rather than releasing you, the appendage snakes upward—curling around your neck. Your breath hitches—both nervous, and somewhat aroused—as his tail grips tightly at your throat. The pressure is enough to let you know he’s pissed, but not enough to choke you.
“Do you have any idea,” he starts quietly, his voice carefully measured as he speaks for the first time in what feels like minutes. “How hard this is for me?”
One of his hands falls against your lap, his fingers curling into the soft flesh of your inner thigh and giving it a squeeze. His touch is rough, yet holds a hint of nervousness. He’s always been flustered by physical contact, and has never gone out of his way to touch you.
Yet, now you’re sitting in his lap, with one of his hands one your inner thigh, and the other lifting to hover over your clothed breast. His fingers twitch—as if he’s holding himself back from touching you in all the ways he wants—and you swallow the lump in your throat, your tongue peeking out to wet your dry lips.
“How hard what is?” you question, biting your lower lip as you watch his hand slowly lower onto your chest. His fingers splay across the mound of flesh, giving it an experimental squeeze, and you inhale shakily.
“This,” he says, his tone almost a whine. His nose presses into your hair, getting a good whiff of your sweet scent, and for the first time you notice something stiff pressing at your ass.
Levi is getting hard.
The realization has you turning all sorts of shades of red.
“You come to my room, wearing your stupid little shorts, and looking at me with your stupid little smiles that make my heart feel like it may burst right out of my chest.”
The hand on your thigh begins stroking softly over the skin there—inching closer and closer towards your womanhood, and your breath catches.
“I…,” his breathing stutters, his voice becoming softer with embarrassment. “It makes me want you. Makes me…c-crave those cute little blushes, and makes me want to taste your pink lips and…c-claim them as my own.”
His tail marginally loosens around your neck, and you take a deep breath, completely aware of the way your heart is racing within your chest. You’ve always felt something beyond the line of friendship for the Avatar of Envy, but you’d never known he’d been struggling with those same feelings.
“Levi--,” you open your mouth to speak, but he silences you as his tail tightens around your throat—even tighter than before. You gasp, a whine building in your chest as his touches suddenly turn rough again—his nails digging into the sensitive flesh of your breast and thigh.
“But then,” he continues, his voice darkening with anger, as if he’s just remembered why exactly you’re in his lap in the first place. “You tease me to no end. Rile me up just because you can…”
His tail winds tighter around your neck, his other hand falling to grip your thigh as he grinds you against his crotch, and you struggle to breathe. He’s rock hard—his cock pressed flush against your ass.
“You try to sabotage my win,” there’s a growl in his voice, and suddenly you’re reminded of the time he nearly killed you over TSL.
“L-Levi,” you gasp, voice pitched high as your brain begins to fog over from lack of blood flow “I…I’m sorry. B-But you still won.”
“I did, didn’t I?” You can hear the sudden smile in his voice, like he’s just realized that despite your interference, he still won the game. “Then what do I win?”
Emboldened by the victory, he grinds you back against his cock one more time—letting you know what he wants as his prize.
“You…you can have me,” you tell him, voice quiet. He breathes a shuddering breath against your hair, as if he doesn’t believe what you’ve said.
His fingers dig into your thighs, like he’s trying to ground himself.
“Are you sure?” his voice is no more than a whisper, and yet you can hear his internal struggle. On one hand, he wants to tear your clothes off your body, bend you over, and stick his dick into your hot, wet pussy without any type of warning. But…on the other hand, he knows he’s not totally himself right now. He’s riled up thanks to the competition, and your efforts to make him lose, and he doesn’t want you agreeing to let him have you just because you feel you have to.
Luckily, you don’t leave him worrying for long. Your hands drop into your lap—fingers slotting atop Levi’s where his hands rest on your inner legs. You give his digits a gentle squeeze, freely rocking your hips back against his hard-on—and a needy moan bubbles in his throat.
“You won, Levi. Claim your prize. I want you to.”
His breath hitches, and suddenly his tail has unfurled from around your throat. You’re quick to suck in a mouthful of air, your hands instinctively rooting in the fabric of Levi’s shirt as he scoops you into his arms.
Within seconds, your back is dropped onto the pillows lining the inside of his bathtub-turned-bed, and Leviathan cages you in—his hands resting on either side of your head as he kneels above you. For a moment, he can only stare—still a little disbelieving that you’re allowing him to have his way with you.
Your cheeks flush under his intense gaze, and you lift your palm to cup his cheek.
“You don’t have to hold back, you know…,” you mumble, eyes shying away from him. “As the winner, you can have whatever you want.”
“Please stop trying to kill me,” he retorts with a tiny whine, capturing your lips in a kiss. He’s a little sloppy, and a little forceful, but you don’t mind at all. You’re quick to wrap your arms around him—angling your head so your mouths slot together.
Levi moans against you, his hips unconsciously beginning to grind against your own in a desperate bid for friction. As you nip at his bottom lip, one of your hands moves downward and sneaks between your bodies. You cup Levi’s bulge with your palm, his body instinctively rocking into your hand, and another pained sound leaves his lips.
“F-Fuck, Y/N--,” his voice is breathless, and needy. As he grinds into your hand—your palm sternly pressing his cock against his own hip—you feel something slick and heavy begin to curl up your leg.
Immediately you shiver, your gasp lost against Levi’s tongue as he steals your breath away. Before tonight, you had never considered all the things the Avatar of Envy’s tail could be used for, but apparently, its versatility is not lost on Levi.
Within seconds, the appendage has scaled your legs, and managed to hook beneath the waistband of your sleeping shorts. Levi groans against your lips as you squeak in embarrassment—your pelvises bumping together as you gingerly lift your hips in order to help the demon out.
Soon, you’re naked from the waist down—only covered by your oversized sleeping shirt, which Levi seems desperate to get out of the way.
With a red face, you watch him as he softly slides a hand beneath your shirt—his hot palm resting against your stomach. His pupils—which you note are now narrowed like the eyes of a snake—shake as he slowly hikes his hand higher—his fingers coasting against your skin. Your breathing hitches as he does so, but you find your gaze trained on his face—monitoring his reactions.
You’ve never seen someone so embarrassed, yet distressed by his own arousal. To you, it seems like Levi is constantly torn between running away, and giving into the deep, dark, perverted feelings he’s always kept to himself.
You bite your lip as his fingers finally skim up the valley of your chest. The cotton fabric of your shirt pools above your breasts as the sensitive mounds are finally revealed to Levi’s hungry gaze. His amber eyes start at the top, and drag their way down.
He reaches his hands out as he surveys you with his full attention—his fingers curling around your ribs, and his thumbs just barely brushing up against the underside of your breasts. Licking his lips, he slowly begins trailing his fingers down your sides. Levi takes note of every dip and curve, relishing the feel of you. And when his hands finally find your hips—his eyes falling to space between your legs—he visibly swallows.
His movement is hesitant, but he lowers his hands between your bodies and presses his thumbs at the folds of your pussy. You turn bright red beneath him—because even though Levi is obviously embarrassed as well—you’ve never had any person just spread you open before, and yet Levi does.
He peels you open, and you know you’re already wet. You don’t want to admit it, but him choking you had been a huge turn on, along with pretty much everything else.
Face burning, you lift your arm and partially shield your face. Levi is slow to notice. It seems like he’s in a trance.
Still keeping you spread with one hand, he shifts the other and curves two fingers between your walls—making you gasp.
Finally, his eyes flit up to you—taking in your cute blush, and the quick rise and fall of your chest. The swell of your tits, and your nipples that are hardened from arousal…
And here he is, knelt between your legs with two of his fingers in your pussy.
Which is wet.
For him.
In that moment, any of Levi’s reserves are stripped away.
You can sense the shift in him—see it as he jolts into action. He moves quickly—perhaps a little overly excited about what is happening.
Finally, he seems to have realized that yes, this is all real—and yes, he has consent to fuck you.
“L-Levi--!” you squeal as his tail suddenly curls around your ankle, tugging you closer to him as he hurriedly shoves his pants any underwear down his thighs. His cock springs free—longer than he is thick, but the veins along his shaft are prominent, and his length visibly twitches as Levi settles himself between your legs.
The head of his cock is already wet with his pre-cum, and you get the feeling he’s not far from coming. His breathing is shaky as he presses himself against your entrance—the first few inches of his length sinking in without much protest—and you groan happily.
“F-Fuck,” he bites, his voice pitched high as he pulls his hips back and then grinds in again—this time fully sheathing himself within your heat. His entire body visibly shudders—his face red, and eyes clouded with lust.
You suddenly feel somewhat shy beneath him—your thighs spread, and his cock stretching you out so deliciously.
“Kiss me,” you tell him, voice quiet, and Levi blinks. The next moment his lips are on yours. You quietly moan into him—accidentally breaking the kiss when he thrusts inside of you.
“O-Oh my god,” he groans, his hands finding your waist as he sits back and begins fucking into you with vigor. You raise an arm to shyly cover your face once more—your breasts bouncing at each intense thrust of his length inside of you—but Levi won’t have it.
His tail snakes up your body, wrapping around your wrist and tugging it away from your face. You startle, unable to do anything as the appendage searches out your other wrist and successfully drags it above your head. Within seconds, your wrists are pinned away from your face—and you can no longer hide your reactions from the demon above you.
“Make more sounds,” Levi speaks—somewhere between a beg and a command. You open your mouth to retort, and he purposefully fucks into you hard, effectively ripping a cry from your throat. Immediately your face flushes red in embarrassment, but the sight has a smile tugging at the corner of Levi’s lips
His dick throbs inside of you.
“Nnn--!” The Avatar of Envy continues thrusting into you. His motions are quick, and damning. Each thrust as you gasping and whining—pleasure thrumming in your gut. However, as your impending orgasm begins to build, Levi’s hips stutter, and his cock suddenly leaves you. Your gaze flits to him in surprise, watching as his dick visibly jumps. Then, he’s spurting his cum against your lower stomach—painting the soft skin streak after streak.
His breathing is harsh as he begins to come down from his high—his cock starting to soften, and honestly, you’re not mad. Sure, it would have been nice to cum along with him, but more than anything you’re happy that Levi had gotten what he needed. After all, he had won the ga—
You’re knocked out of your thoughts as the tail around your wrists suddenly tugs you upwards. It lifts you higher and higher—until you’re left on your knees, with your hands held high above your head.
“Levi?” you question, gaze falling on the male as his eyes shine.
“Huhuhu~ I’ve always wanted to do this,” he says, sounding far too giddy as he sinks into the tub and settles on his back. You’re about to ask him again what the hell he’s planning when his tail yanks you forward. Within seconds, you’ve been repositioned atop Levi, with your thighs caging either side of his head.
You feel your entire body heat up as you realize his intention—his hands lifting to grip your hips.
“Le-vi!” your voice hitches as he drags you down onto his face—his tongue lapping heartily between your soaking folds. He groans at the taste of you, his nails sinking into your skin as he keeps your womanhood thoroughly trapped against his mouth.
You feel him lick against your clit—the demon flicking the head of his tongue against the sensitive bud, and you take a sharp inhale. Your wrists strain against his tail, but you find yourself completely at Levi’s mercy as he begins eating you out like you’re his favorite food.
“Mmm~,” he moans happily, enjoying the way your body wriggles in his hold—wanton little cries falling from your lips. Applying a bit of pressure, begins rocking your hips back and forth against his face.
“Fuck,” you pant, feeling hot all over. Despite being embarrassed at your current position, the pleasure in your gut is rapidly building thanks to the demon’s bafflingly good oral. He spends most of his time on your clit—lapping, kissing, and sucking the bundle of nerves. But every so often he presses his tongue into your pussy, making you groan, and causing you to buck against him.
 Quicker than expected, you find yourself on the brink of an orgasm—your pussy writhing against Levi’s mouth.
“I—I’m gonna--,” you attempt to warn him, and he hears the hidden plea within your breathy words. Don’t stop. And he doesn’t—his tongue flicking quickly against your clit. You cry out, pussy throbbing and muscles tightening. Your body momentarily stills, a stifled moan caught in your throat as your orgasm finally arrives—a brief moment of peace before you find yourself tumbling into your pleasure. And Levi draws out your bliss as long as he can—his lips wrapping around clit and sucking. You gasp, floundering in his hold as the pleasure borders on oversensitivity, but Levi refuses to release you—not yet.
It’s another minute before he lets up—convinced by your tiny, desperate pleas that you can cum no more—your clit twitching with aftershocks against his tongue.
His hands release your hips, and you suck in a deep breath of air—your chest heaving as you struggle to regain your coherency. Your mind is hazy—body slumping forward tiredly (because god, that was one hell of an orgasm).
You whine quietly when Levi’s tail pulls at your arms—lifting you up so that Levi has just enough room to scoot out from beneath you. You can hear the cushions and blankets of the tub shifting behind you as the demon moves around.
“Mm,” you make a small sound as his tail finally loosens a bit—allowing your arms to drop forward. Your fingers grip against the edge of the tub—thighs shaky as you support your own weight for the first time in minutes. However, when a few seconds pass and his tail is still wrapped around your wrists, you pause.
His response is to saddle up behind you—his now-hard cock settling against your ass. You freeze in surprise.
You…hadn’t expected him to get so aroused just from eating you out. He’s back at full mast.
“Levi,” you whine as his hands find your ass cheeks—squeezing them together around his cock.
“Y-You said I could have—ah—whatever I want,” he reminds you breathlessly.
“Just…o-one more time,” he begs, and you gasp when he moves his hips—his cock finding its way between your wet folds. When the head of his length brushes up against your clit, your entire body shakes. You’re still extremely sensitive from your orgasm, and your body feels like a bag of bones, but nonetheless you find yourself nodding your head.
He did win, and you want to fulfill his desires best you can.
At your submission, Levi is quick to act. He shoves his cock inside of you without warning, and you gasp—your fingers tightening around the edge of the tub. The demon moans—hands firm on your hips as he begins thrusting into you. In the same beat, he drags your body back onto his cock.
Lewd, wet sounds fill the space between your bodies—your arousal slicking Levi’s cock as he fucks you—and he groans.
His pace is less frantic than before. His motions are smoother—his hips rolling against your ass. The motions manage to draw a moan from your lips, and you start to become lost in the feeling of his cock stretching your walls open.
In fact, you’re so focused on how good it feels to be full again—the head of his length finding that sweet spot within you and pressing against it with each thrust—that you don’t notice when his tail unfurls from around your wrists.
You do realize it, however, when the tip of his tail presses at your lips. Your previously closed eyes shoot open—a gasp of surprise muffled by the scaled appendage as it snakes its way into your mouth.
“Mmph--!” your whine of protest is lost. His tail fills your mouth—moving out of sync with his thrusts—and your eyes roll back when he ventures too deep and causes you to gag. The gag, however, also causes your pussy to clamp around his dick, and Levi moans.
“Oh my god.”
His tail begins to fuck into your mouth with a bit more fervor—pressing into your throat and causing you to gag every few seconds. Each time, you hear Levi’s breathing stutter, and you know he’s drawing closer and closer to his orgasm.
Despite how fucked out you feel already—spit sloppy against your chin, with your body slumping tiredly against the edge of the tub—you begin to feel your arousal building as well. As tired as you are, your body is somehow ramping up to another orgasm.
Honestly, you wouldn’t mind not cumming, though, you think to yourself as tears threaten to spill over your bottom lashes. You can sense that your clit is still overly sensitive, and you feel like you may actually fade out of existence if another orgasm rips through you.
So, you quietly decide that if you don’t cum, it will be fine. Levi, however, has different ideas.
The base of his tail curves—resting against your clit as the appendage continues to fuck into your mouth. You immediately cry out—body writhing—because with each thrust of his tail between your lips, he’s now also rubbing against your clit.
“Nnn!” your arms give out beneath you, broken sobs wracking your chest. Levi grunts, and you feel him shift forward—his chest pressing flush against your back as he readjusts his position.
“So good. You f-feel so good,” he pants. His breath is warm against your neck, and his arms wrap around your chest. He holds you tightly against him—his arm circled just beneath your breasts—and you gasp as he begins fucking into you once more.
His tail, which had also stilled, resumes its motions. The brief moment of rest is over, and you’re once again left crying around the scaled appendage. You reach your breaking point within a few seconds—tears finally streaking down your cheeks as the demon forces you to choke around his tail once more. Your pussy clenches around Levi’s dick—and with a few more rubs of his tail against your clit, you’re cumming.
Any remaining strength in your body disappears, your body going limp in Levi’s hold as you shudder—your orgasm tearing through you.
Knowing that you need to breathe, Levi removes his tail from your mouth, but doesn’t let you go. He keeps you trapped against him, his cock working inside of you with a few desperate thrusts, and then, finally, he cums as well.
The Avatar of Envy empties inside of you with a spent, but satisfied groan—listening to your quick, shuddering breaths as you attempt to recover from a lack of oxygen.
“Thank you. Mmm, t-thank you so much. That…I…that…mmm,” he’s left mumbling against the skin of your neck, his hips still pressed to your ass. You feel him going soft inside of you—his cum beginning to leak down your thighs—but you can’t find it in yourself to care.
The only thing keeping you from passing out right then and there is the purple haired demon, and his quiet, thankful praises.
“I’m glad you got what you wanted,” you eventually whisper, your hand lifting to pet against his head. He nods against your neck, shuddering when he finally slips from inside of you.
With a grunt of effort, he sits back onto his knees, and then grabs your waist. Soon, you’re both laying tiredly beside one another in the basin of the tub, and you glance over at the Avatar of Envy. At some point, he had removed his hot clothing, so now he lays completely bare beside you—his pale skin flushed, and sweaty.
You can’t help but smile at the sight of him, and when he notices you’re staring, he blushes.
“What?” he mumbles, rolling onto his side to face you. You giggle tiredly, your palm reaching out to cup his cheek, and your tender gaze makes him melt.
“Nothing. I’m just…happy. You’re cute.”
“…you can’t just say that,” he whines, but nonetheless presses into your touch. You laugh again, but choose not to comment. You don’t want to suddenly have him feeling all self-conscious after all of…that.
“We should do that more often,” you comment, hoping to reassure him that you enjoyed yourself. You roll onto your side, spent, and snuggle into the pillow beneath your head. You know you’re filthy and in need of a shower, but right now, you seriously can’t move.
After a few seconds, an arm hesitantly wraps around your waist, and you feel Levi’s chest press against your back.
“D…do you really want to?”
His voice is quiet, but full of hope. You nod, snuggling back against him.
“Yeah. It would certainly make game night more exciting for the both of us.”
At that, he finally giggles. Levi’s arms wrap tightly around you, giving you a squeeze, and he makes a sound of contentment.
Within a minute, you’re asleep in his arms, and the Avatar of Envy is quick to follow you into dreamland, but not before pressing a kiss to your hair.
“You’re cuter,” he mumbles, barely audible, and then he’s gone as well.
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The week following your ecstasy filled game night is…amusing. Well, at least for you.
Anytime Levi sees you, he turns bright red, and—more times than not—pops a boner.
He’s left running around, trying to preserve his modesty, while his brothers wonder if he’s okay. You tell them that he’s just…disgruntled…when thinking about your last game night, and—knowing how competitive Leviathan can be—they buy it.
Each time it happens, however, you’re left giggling to yourself—wondering exactly how a boy who fucked you silly can be so damn embarrassed by his own dirty thoughts.
It’s honestly adorable.
And you can’t wait for next time.
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nachohypno · 3 years
Pine’s Football Jocks (Rewritten!) - Ch. 3
Past Pine’s POV
I could barely sleep that night. Not because of nightmares or stress, or anything bad at all-
It was because Garrett- (Wait, I can call him Gary now!) Gary sent me a two minutes-long video playing with his body, cock included. It wouldn’t be a big deal normally, except that this is like the first nude I’ve ever gotten and I feel like it’s a big deal.
Sure, I ‘ordered’ him to make it and send it, but it’s still really exciting!
I was replaying it for like the millionth time, I wasn’t keeping track of how many times I’ve seen this video but it never got old.
The video showed Gary posing shirtless, flexing his arms and torso for the camera, before laying down on his bed and playing with his hard cock. It’s quite impressive how he managed to achieve that body size and definition, but it seemed proper since I think a linebacker needs to be big and strong?
Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t forgotten about all the shit he did to me and I’d like to have some payback time soon. But for now, this was enough to calm my ‘rage’.
Gary is silent for most of the video, except for when he softly moans whenever he’ll grab his own cock. I should change that for future videos, maybe some naughty talk can make it even better. But sadly, he was off to bed already. So it was just me, Gary’s video and…
[Hey, bro???]
Mike’s message from hours ago. He must be off to bed by now already, but let me see…
[Wanna chat?? U wont believe this match I just won-] I stopped reading, went out of the chat and focused again on Gary’s video. So nice looking pecs, great abs, that hard cock. Ooooof, it was making me hard all over again.
Putting a lot of will power though, I decided to put the phone down for the night (Finally, because it was almost 1 am) and went over to my bed.
‘Tomorrow will be even better. I know it’ I told myself, smiling as I closed my eyes while imagining myself playing with Gary’s body in person again.
Present Pine’s POV
I decided to start reading this thing before reading them out loud to Mikey, to make sure there’s nothing that’ll make him feel bad. Senior year was just a bitch, and there’s nothing we can do about it.
I don’t plan on rewriting what happened to make a ‘Mike-friendly’ version because these are my memories, twisting them around would miss the complete point of writing them down in the first place. I just wanted to be able to remember how we got here without missing any details, and he wanted to hear the full story. Maybe I can just skip some of the rougher scenes when he appears?
Like, I’m not an angel either. I guess I was just a bit too rough back before the ‘golden rule’ was a thing, so up until then, the wiser thing to do would be review this thing and separate the unnecessary parts from the important ones, that way I’m telling a good story and I’m leaving the unimportant stuff out.
I gave a huge sigh of relief. This was going to be much easier than what I thought. Looking up, I noticed the big guy finished his shower and was trying to untie the bag around his cast while he walked on a towel around his waist.
I was kind of surprised it didn’t fall off, since he was having a bit of trouble with the bag. “Need any help, big boy?”
Mike looked at me, a little smile appearing on his face. “Oh, uh… Sure thing!” It’s been quite a while and he still had a rough time getting used to the cast. Luckily, it was supposedly going to be taken off in a few weeks, if everything goes right.
Leaving my laptop aside again, I got up and walked over to him. Mike extended his injured arm and I began to untie the bag. “What’cha doin over there?” He asked, looking at the laptop with a bit of confusion in his face. “Is it story time already?”
It was funny. I thought about this as a little way to distract him from… reality and stuff, you know, and he ended up taking it as a new part of his schedule. Even calling it ‘story time’ now, apparently.
“I mean,” I mumbled, almost finishing with the bag. “We can have story time now if you’d like. I was just checking the stuff to come, to decide how I should divide the chapters and that kind of thing.” The bag came off his arm, and he extended it a bit.
The jock leaned in and smooched me on the lips, before mumbling a little “Thanks, bro”. It made me smile, and feel all warm and nice. “And sure, I’d love to have story time now! Been a few days already, but didn’t wanna push you to read without you bringin’ it up first…” He scratched the back of his head, looking away with a nervous smile.
“Don’t worry,” I said, putting the bag aside before looking back at him. “Today was a pretty tame day, so we can definitely do some good story time. Wat’cha think, big boy?”
“That’s a new one. The ‘Big boy’ I mean. I like it. I like you…” He leaned in for another kiss, but I grabbed him by the hand before he could reach me, thinking about dragging him to the couch. That seemed to become the perfect place for story time. Well, that and our bed, but we have used the couch more and it was closer at the moment.
What? I can be lazy too!
But first… “Aww. Well, time to drop deep, big boy.” I told him, examining his face as I watched his eyes become glassy, and his mouth turn into a dumb smile.
“Yussss, bruh…” He managed to answer, completely under already.
I looked at him, his hunk body at full display, except for the part beneath the towel. I would normally tell him to dress up first, but I knew the guy wasn’t getting much action lately. Or, barely any action at all.
The cast on his arm apparently got into his way of flirting, and it doesn’t seem like girls around campus want to have fun with ‘the broken quarterback’. That’s the cruel nickname he got, and I plan on giving him a triumphant return once his arm gets better.
I have a hunch his arm will be ready to play football again soon, but I prefer to be 100% and ask a real doctor. I don’t want my best friend to end up with a worse injury because I forced him to play or something.
“Drop that towel, too” I ordered him, and he slowly moved his hand to the towel, undoing it as the gravity took effect. Soon, Mikey stood in front of me in all of his naked glory. Cock semi hard on display, I started dragging him with me towards the couch.
I sat down, and I told him to do the same. After grabbing the laptop and opening the story file again, I looked over at Mike and mumbled a nice “Wake up now, sleepy boy”.
His expression returned to his face, but quickly replaced by confusion as he was now in a different spot. “What…?”
“It’s okay, just lay down and enjoy the story time. Got it, big boy?” I leaned in and gave him a good kiss. He kissed back, sloppy tongue and all, but of course I had the lead on the make out session.
If we didn’t have the story time about to start, I would have thrown the laptop off my lap and jumped on top of the muscular jock.
But… gotta do what I gotta do. I stopped the kiss, caressed his face, and then turned my gaze to the screen as he laid down next to me.
“So… Where were we…”
Past Pine’s POV
I’ve had an amazing day.
Still not used to the whole ‘powers’ thing, I missed the opportunity to make Garrett drive me to school. However, that was on my plans. I wanted to make the most out of my new-found mind control power!
Sadly, now that I wanted to encounter a jock so badly, it seemed like they were the ones hiding from me now. The few ones I saw (That I share classes with, at least) seemed to ignore me or not notice me at all. Which is nice but… I kind of wanted to try this thing out, okay?
Noticing Gary walking over with a few of his teammates behind him, I took a deep breath and remained in place. I don’t know if they saw me either, but there was a surprising and greatly appreciated lack of shoving today! My arm was grateful.
Mike was the last guy to leave the classroom, because he was a slow writer sometimes, so he needed to stay a few minutes more and get his stuff down to paper. Otherwise, the teachers would get very mad at him for ‘not paying attention’.
“Oh. Hey bro,” Mike said, giving me a warm smile before stopping at my side. I was staring at the passing-by jocks in front of us, and the big guy took some time to greet them as they passed by. “Huh, they looked pretty friendly today. Towards you, I mean…”
“I think so, yeah.” I wasn’t sure if I should tell him about Gary being my friend now. Of course, the slave part was off the question, no-one could know about this nor anything related to my newfound superpower. That raised the question if I could erase memories by commanding that…
Lots of experimenting will give me the answer, I hope!
“Phew, glad to hear that” My former best friend patted my back. “I was getting kinda worried yesterday when I didn't get a reply. Y’know I can see when you’re online, right?”
I rolled my eyes. It was kind of annoying how he would pretend everything was fine and nothing ever happened. Even after a month or so of barely talking.
“But hey. I have the evening free after football practice, in case you want to come over and… y’know, play some smash or something” I got to admit that watching him act all nervous just because he was talking to me was a bit funny. It made me let out an internal ‘Aww’.
“Uhm… Sorry, got a study session prepared after football practice. So-”
“Wait, what?” Mike opened his eyes wide in surprise. “Are you tutoring someone from the team? Who is it? Huh, that was a quick solution to the… uh… thing”
Ignoring that last dumb comment, I answered with a “Garrett practically begged me to help him with his homework and a few more things. We made a deal, no more bullying in exchange for passing his classes”
I made up the story at the moment, and I surprised myself with how quickly I came up with that.
The jock placed a hand on my shoulder, a look of concern on his face. “If he tries something bad…”
“He’s pretty nice, actually” Now I was just being an asshole. “He dropped the ‘faggot’ nickname and treated me nicely yesterday. I was kind of scared, but he really surprised me.” I shrugged, trying to look like I didn’t care at all.
Of course, I was making it up. I can’t just tell Mike that I randomly managed to control Garrett’s mind and apparently turned him into a slave. I had proof that it hadn’t been a dream, since Gary sent me a video playing with his body and I checked it out again this morning.
“I don’t think we’re talking about the same Garrett…” Mike started. It was nice of him to get worried, but everything was under control. Besides, I was still mad at him even though the problem was now solved, but it wouldn’t hurt to teach him that actions have consequences.
‘I’m an awful friend’ I thought, but the thought was shrugged off quickly when Gary approached us.
The mean jock punched my shoulder in a rough but friendly way, which caused Mike to shoot a glare at him, but still not move. It hit different now, not hurting as much as before and being kind of… Glad that he didn’t jump on Garrett’s jugular now.
I mean, it’s just like when you get a new toy and you don’t want anyone to break it.
“Hey bros. Wat’chu talking bout?”
Mike and Gary weren’t really fond of each other. The tension could be felt as I was trapped between them, Mike still glaring at Gary and the latter trying to ignore him by staring down at me. It was funny how Gary is supposed to be bigger than Mike, due to him being the linebacker.
Truth is, they are almost the same size, Gary surpassing my childhood friend by a bit more of muscular definition. Mike doesn’t look bad, but I know he’s fully natural. Meanwhile, I still suspect Garrett is on steroids.
“Uh… I was about to ask Pine here if he wanted to come over and play some smash,” I could practically feel how Mikey was hoping for Garrett to not jump in the wagon and ask to join. “So… What do you think, bro?”
I was going to answer him that I was busy. That was my usual excuse when Mike wanted to hang out. I was still not ready to hang out with him again, I needed a bit more time to calm down, now that Garrett wasn’t a problem anymore. There were still the other football guys, so that was a thing to take care of.
“Can’t do, bro. Lil’ Pine here and I got a study session, gotta take all those maths and shit in.” Garrett answered for me, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me a bit. It sounded a bit rougher than what I intended, but it did the dirty work for me, I guess.
“Well, how about after your study session? We barely hang out anymore…”
I gotta give it to the guy, he was actually pushing for it this time. I appreciated that.
“Sure, if we finish the studying thing quickly, I’ll head over to your place.” I patted Mike’s back, and he smiled faintly.
“Yeah, that’d be great. Gonna be practicing my fighting skills!” My jock friend seemed excited, all of a sudden. “Gonna get going now, but hey, see you later!”
Gary and I watched as he turned around and started walking away. He seemed happier now, but Gary had a look of disgust on his face. “He’s kind of annoying, bro. I don’t know how you put up with him”
“Hey, don’t talk about him like that. Just because we discussed doesn’t mean you can trash talk my best friend, got it? Besides, it’s your fault we even discussed in the first place” No, it wasn’t. Mike went around telling my business to his teammates. But Garrett played a part in me being really mad at Mikey, so he did have a bit -lots- of guilt.
The glassy eyes returned, as he mumbled a quick ‘Yeees, bro…” before his face returned to normal. “Uhm, sorry. Didn’t mean to offend you, bro”
“It’s… okay. Should we get going? That ‘study session’ won’t get done by itself.” I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself cool.
“Yeeaaaah… So… About the studying thing…” The big jock scratched the back of his head, a somewhat childish grin on his face. “I invited a friend over”
“You did what?” I was, of course, going to scold him! How could he be so… Irresponsible! I tried to keep my cool as best as I could, because I couldn’t show that I was Gary’s ‘master’ at school.
“Please don’t be mad, but he’s coming right up to leave with us…”
“This is the tutor dude, right?” A guy said behind me. I recognized that voice…
Slowly turning around, I took a moment to observe my classmate. Brent had short hair, almost a military cut. He used to keep it long but according to Mikey, his dad made him cut it and he’s kept it like this ever since.
A bit smaller than Gary, but still displaying a good physique, Brent was wearing a green shirt and jeans. His varsity jacket was tied to his bag, which I couldn’t understand. Those things are GREAT! They look really good, they are warm and cozy, AND they make the wearer 10 times hotter, like some kind of rpg armor with special stats.
I know what I’m talking about, when Mike got his varsity jacket I would ask him to let me wear it just because it’s cozy and keeps me warm in winter. The big guy was happy to do so, but he really adores his varsity jacket so I couldn’t keep it away from him for too long.
Back to the ‘extra student’ situation, though!
I was unsure if I should take Brent in. He was… okay. I mean, personality wise. I don’t keep tabs on which jocks go after me and how much they do, it’s usually peer pressure and if I go into that, I’ll have more revenge to do than the Green Arrow.
‘You’ve failed this nerd’ and then I enslave them. Hehe.
And if we go by appearance wise, the guy is hot. Most of the football guys will be hot for me, because I like big guys and they go through some rough training. Even the shortest guy has a nice build, it was surprising.
“Pine. My name is Pine” I stated, not really annoyed at being called ‘tutor dude’ but if I was going to help him, then I expected some degree of respect.
“Cool. Brent.” He extended his hand, and I shook it. I kind of expected him to be all rough about it and crush my hand, but he was quite gentle. That earned him some points.
“Uhm… What do you need help with…? I got to know what I’m going to help you with before we actually get on it.” It was logic, I’m not going to wait until we’re at Gary’s house. Not that it would matter much but… Hey, maybe I can do some good with my powers.
Y’know, proving I’m better than these guys by helping them, alongside having my little payback?
It’s also a good testing ground for my powers, to see if I can make them somehow smarter. Huh, it just sounds better and better.
“Math. My bro told me you were helping him with it yesterday and I really, really need some help before the exams. I ain’t really on edge with my grades, but I don’t wanna risk it.” Glad to hear Gary has been using the excuse I told him to use.
“Hmm. All right then, let’s get going and I’ll do my best to help you with that” I tried to sound cold, but again it fell flat. And Brent just didn’t seem to care.
He looked at Gary and said “Huh, you were right, bro. This guy’s a life-saver!”
“See? Told ya. We kinda made a deal and I’m leaving him intact as long as he helps me, so maybe he’ll extend that deal to you and you won’t need to pay!” I kind of wanted to kick Gary’s nuts right about now, but kept it to myself.
I don’t know if I could make Brent my slave as easily as I did with the first one, so I was really hoping Gary would shut up until I figured things out.
We set on our way after that, walking towards the exit and then towards Gary’s car. I sat on the back seat this time, since I figured the new jock would like to sit with his teammate on the front.
But then, it struck me.
“Hey Brent. Sit on the back with me, will you?” I said, in a commanding voice. If this didn’t work, I would have earned myself a beat up.
“Sure, why not” was his answer. I didn’t see his face, but I don’t that was just him being nice at the tutor dude. He totally glazed out when I ordered him!
There was a bit of a gap between us, as we sat on the opposite sides of the seat. Gary didn’t seem to care about the situation at all, he sat on the driver’s seat and just waited for us to be ready. Once we were done, he turned on the car and drove off.
I looked at Brent, trying to figure out what to do now that I… ‘made’ him sit on the back seat with me.
Moving closer to him, I tried something out. “Uh… Brent,” I figured it would be important to state his name, this way Gary wouldn’t get confused and get the command as his own. “Don’t mind at all what I’m about to do; It’s totally normal and you’re okay with it.”
This time, I did look at his face. Eyes glazed over, and he slurred a “Yeeaah…”.
I moved my hand and lifted his shirt up. His body was pretty nice, and I didn’t hesitate to feel him up. I was getting the hold of this ‘controlling guys’ thing!
My hand went down, until it rested on top of the jock’s crotch. Brent just stared through the window, not caring about what was I doing. This. Is. The. Best.
I kind of wanted to undo his pants and grab his package, but I think it would be better if I left that for later. I had a little idea, and I wanted to see it play out instead of just rushing things.
I did have a little idea, in the meantime. “Wrap an arm around my shoulders” And Brent did so, while still not paying attention, apparently. It was warm and it felt good, so that was enough to satiate my hunger for control, heh.
I noticed Garrett looked at us through the driving mirror and asked “Huh, getting comfortable back there, aren’t ya?”
That’s when Brent looked down at me, noticing he was hugging me. I thought he was going to pull back, but he didn’t. “Yeah, I guess so. You don’t mind, right dude?”
I shrugged. “It’s kinda nice. Pull me closer and hug me tight.”
“Okay.” It felt even warmer now, and I loved it. The fact that he’s totally oblivious or doesn’t care about it makes it kind of hotter, but I’d prefer to have him like Gary was just yesterday. Waiting for orders with a big smile on his face.
“You don’t think this is weird?”
“I would, normally. But I want to do this, otherwise I’d tell you to go fuck yourself” Quite straightforward, but I didn’t mind. It helped me think that whenever I order something to these guys, it appears to them that it’s actually their own idea.
Garrett chuckled on the front. “Don’t get too comfortable. We’re about to arrive” That’s the thing when you live in a small town, everything is right around the corner, or it feels like it.
I managed to enjoy a few more minutes with Brent hugging me like this, before Garrett parked in front of his garage. That was our cue to get down. Brent didn’t seem to mind at all what just happened, which was… okay.
On a little side note, It was weird how Garrett’s parents never seemed to be at home. I guess it fits the guy’s style well, got the whole place to himself in case he wants to bring a ‘friend’ over, or something. I wouldn’t mind having a mansion to myself either, so that’s good for him. I guess.
Once we all got out of the car (Brent wasn’t being so… ‘close’ to me anymore, but rather came back to barely interact with me), we entered Gary’s place and I took a moment to take in the big place.
“So, up to my room again? Or do you guys prefer the dining room for studying n’ shit?” Garrett asked, tilting his head a bit.
I looked at the two guys, and decided to take the lead from this point onwards. If I was going to be the ‘teacher’, then I had the choice!
“Your room would probably be a bit cozier, and your desk has enough space for you two. Just imagine we’re at the school’s desks, if anything.” I answered, my voice sounding a bit more nervous than before, but I tried to reassure myself that I could do it.
Brent didn’t complain, he just shrugged and went “No problem by me” He wasn’t being mind controlled to agree, I could tell. But my plan was going smoothly, so I didn’t mind.
That being said, I was growing impatient as we walked to Gary’s room. Once we entered, both jocks sat in front of the desk, grabbed their bags to get their school stuff, then waited for me.
I didn’t want to just be like ‘You will now obey me completely! Nyehehehe!’ because that sounded a bit lame, and I don’t know if they can break out of it if I don’t put special care or something. So, let’s give it my best!
Both guys had problems on long operations, so I grabbed my own notes and gave them a few of the exercises we’ve seen in our classes. I did my best to explain it to them, and tried to say something like ‘Remember this well’, to make sure they learn to solve it or at least keep my explanation in their heads and work their way around it.
Garrett got around the first exercise eventually, a few minutes after we started. He was a good boy!
Brent wasn’t being so lucky, sadly. “Need help with that?” I asked him, placing my hand on his shoulder before taking it away quickly.
He looked at me a bit confused, before realizing what just happened. “It’s… alright. Just can’t get how you get the two last results…”
I leaned over to see his sheet. Huh, he was barely making any progress. I see that this guy really needed the help.
Luckily, I can help him. I shouldn’t, because I remember Brent being one of the football guys that bullied me, but I’ll get to the payback later. Now, I can do some good actions, right?
“See, you missed the point of these numbers here… This one replaces B, this one goes where A is –both As- and this one replaces C. Got it so far?”
“I guess so…” Brent traced little arrows to which numbers replaced which letters in the operation. I looked over at Gary and he was silent, still doing his own exercises.
“Good. Now, just do as I say. It only gets easier from here.” I mumbled, but quickly got silent.
I noticed Brent’s face relaxed after I said that. “Do as you say…” He repeated, eyes glazed over again. Gary lifted his head and looked at Brent. A little smile appeared on his face, as he gave me a quick thumb up.
Not going to lie, it was a bit getting on my nerves how this thing worked at random. Must be something on how I phrase my words, or the way I say them? I have no idea, fuck.
Was he happy I just did something to his teammate? I mean, it was nice but… weird.
Anyway, I guess that should do the trick? I still wanted to do something else because that didn’t erase my fear of him overcoming the mind control. Gary apparently already accepted it, and he seemed happy.
I shrugged off my thoughts and kept explaining the rest of the operation. It went nicely, as Brent only focused on what I had to say. That seemed to make everything really easy for me!
After he got his results, the big jock patted my back softly. “Thanks, man. I dunno how you got this stuff in, but it just seems so easy now!”
“Hey, it’s… okay, I guess.” I answered, my voice stuttering a bit due to the nervousness.
I’m not used to being praised by the jocks, much less having them chat normally to me. And the fact that he was trying to avoid most contact before made me think that he does remember the stuff his team did, including himself.
Garrett looked up again and punched his friend’s shoulder. It seemed rough, but Brent apparently didn’t mind. He just coughed a bit and looked down to the floor. “And, uh… Sorry for… Y’know, all the stuff that happened to you. Not gonna happen again… Not by me, at least.”
A little smile formed on my face. I wondered if Gary had talked to him about apologizing, and if he did it with anybody else. It felt nice, didn’t erase all the stuff that happened, but still felt nice.
“Actually,” I started speaking, catching both jocks’ attention. They stared at me, not muttering a single word or seeming to interrupt. It was like I was a superior, which in a way, I was for Gary but not for Brent. Not yet. “I have an idea that I know you both will like.”
“Huh, what is it?” Garrett asked, leaving his pencil on the desk and turning his chair around to face me.
“Got me all curious now, hahah” Brent told his teammate, before facing me too.
“Lil’ bird told me you come from a military family, right?” I asked Brent, ever so casually. He didn’t take it as funny, though. His smile quickly turned into a frown. ‘Such a way to go, Piney!’ I told myself, wanting to bump my head on the wall.
“Uh… What’s it to ya?” I figured he wouldn’t be as open when I brought up his family. As I mentioned, I knew he came from a military family, and Mike had told me a few stories about the guy getting mad because his teammates mock him about it.
“N-Nothing, I just… uhm… thought it would be… Forget about what I said, I know the answer already.” I tried to shrug it off, trying to slip back into the ‘I’m in charge here’ mentality. “Both guys, strip down to your underwear. You won’t think this is weird, it’s actually a fun game that I’m totally not making up”
I got to see their faces blanking out, as they got up and started lazily getting undressed. Shirts went off first, which revealed some nice pecs and abs, always nice to see those.
Brent was actually a bit smaller than Gary, like, in a muscular way. He was still nice, but barely near Gary’s level. Points for Gary, I think? Brent still had a nice hunk-ish build, and I didn’t notice this before but he had a pair of blank dog tags hanging from his neck. That was a cute detail!
The shoes went off second, then the pants. They struggled a bit with those because they tried to take their clothes off as quickly as possible, but they also made weird robotic/lazy movements, which I assumed was because of the mind control. Other than that, I was very satisfied with the results.
Two semi-naked jocks in front of me, what to do now?
“The game I had in mind is called ‘The jock and the soldier’, ever heard of it?” I asked, and the guys shook their heads in denial. “Well, it’s a very fun game played by three persons. There’s the jock, that’ll be you, Gary. There’s the soldier, which will be played by Brent. And then there’s me, the game master!”
They were visibly confused. Brent was the one not enslaved yet, so he said “Wait, why are we playing a game? I thought we were studying…?”
I found it funny that he didn’t think it was weird that he just stripped to his underwear because I said so.
“The game is actually very important! Will teach you a valuable… very valuable life lesson, okay?”
“Ooookay… How do we play?”
“It’s simple enough! First, we gotta decide who’ll be the superior one between you two, or the ‘top’. Whatever you want to call it.” It was actually quite hard to come up with this stuff. “Let’s settle it with…” I blanked out. Like, not in trance/mind control way, but in a ‘I’ve run out of ideas way’. I had to get a notepad and write my ideas now to avoid this from happening!
‘C’mon, Piney. Think!’ I told myself. What would a jock do to solve a dispute between ‘bros’? Hmm… “A wrestling match. This is a very good idea and you’re both eager to participate!” I didn’t know what I was saying, but if I was correct, a wrestling match was the one where they tried to out-strength the other guy and not the one where they blow their teeth out with punches.
“Hell yeah!” Gary shouted, not blanking out this time. It didn’t bother me; I knew he already was pretty much enslaved already. “Prepare to lose, bro!”
Brent didn’t turn down the offer, so that meant it worked on him too! “Gonna make you bite the dust, Basch!” The soldier-guy replied at Gary, as they started getting in position a few meters away from each other.
At first, I thought a wrestling match wouldn’t be a good thing because this is Gary’s bedroom, but I think the space is wide enough for them to wrestle between the bed and the desk. I just pushed the chair and the stool into the desk so they wouldn’t get in the middle.
“Ready?” Grunts of approval were heard from both sides. I walked to my safe area: Garrett’s bed, and got comfortable. “Start!”
Gary had the upper hand at the start, lunging at Brent and pushing him back to his own starting line. Brent wasn’t too far behind though; he was putting up a good fight to not go down so easily. It was pretty entertaining to watch, especially with both participants being in their underwear.
“So, uh… I forgot to tell you guys what the game master does, so I’ll just explain it while you two wrestle. Is that okay?” They were too busy trying to win to talk, but they grunted again in approval. “Well, as the game master, I’m the one to tells you what to do, and you’re the ones that do it without a question. It’s totally normal, just doing what I say without a second thought”
The wrestling slowed down for a second, from both sides. Brent seemed to be gaining the upper hand now, but Gary being a bit bigger than him didn’t make that easy, at all.
“And for my first order, I want you both to get hard. You both find this game incredibly arousing.” Gosh, I hope I didn’t sound too weird.
“Yes, master!” Gary managed to say, while he pushed Brent off.
“What the… heck?!” Brent said, and I figured he didn’t like the ‘master’ thing.
“It’s okay, Brent! I’m Gary’s master, so it’s okay for him to call me that. And actually, I’m your master too, understood?” It was a lame ‘easy fix’, but it should put him to work quite fast.
“Yes… master!” I don’t know if they can resist my orders, but two guys in a row couldn’t do it so… I had my hopes up! But actually ‘master’ didn’t sound so well coming from Brent. And he is the soldier player…
“You don’t get to call me ‘Master’ though, Brent. You’re the soldier, remember? You got to try and fit your role!”
“Sir, yes Sir!” He shouted, trying to keep the composure against his rival.
“C’mon, dude… Just… lose… already!” Gary was struggling to keep the smaller guy off him. And his words only seemed to make Brent stronger.
Soon, Gary was the one losing. Two taps on the floor later and… “Yes! I did it, Sir!”
Brent had won. I didn’t want that, honestly. I would have preferred the jock to win. But… I am the game master, right?
I noticed that both guys had their rods up and going too, they seemed constrained in their underwear, and the thought of them just wrestling while having hard-ons made everything way better.
“Great work, you two!” I congratulated them, as I watched them get up again with big smiles on their faces. Seems like they had fun too! “Looks like the soldier came off as the superior one, you know what that means?”
“Nuh-uh” They replied, almost at unison.
“Well, let’s see… You guys face each other for a moment, okay?” The jocks complied, facing each other as ordered. They seemed excited to continue with the game, which made me really happy! “Brent, since you’ve won, you proved to be the superior one. And… As the superior one, you have to be good with your inferior mate and make sure he feels well, don’t you?”
“Uh… Not sure how would I do that… Do you need something, bro?” He asked Gary, who shook his head. “Nope, I’m fine. Should I need something, Master?”
“Make out, guys. I’ll take care of your underwear in the meantime” I ordered, looking expectantly at them.
“Sir, yes Sir!” “Yes, Master!” They said, before getting down to business. Garrett pulled his teammate in for a good, sloppy kiss. Needless to say, I was already rock hard.
After watching for a few seconds, I turned my view down towards the underwear. Slowly pulling Gary’s down to release his cock, then tapping his feet for him to lift it and finally throw it away. Same deal with Brent, and soon they were fully naked in front of me.
“Now, stop kissing.” They stopped. It felt weird, but funny. Like, having them do what I say. It felt nice, really nice. “Brent, kneel and face Gary’s cock.”
“Sir, yes Sir…” He mumbled, before dropping down and staring at his teammate’s dick.
“Take it in your mouth, nice and slowly… Have you ever gotten a blowjob?” I asked, and Brent nodded. Huh, never really put thought into it but I guess jocks really have better luck in their sexual lives. “Well, I want you to give Gary a blowjob to get his cock lubed up. And you’re going to enjoy every second of it!”
“Sir, yes Sir!” He started licking Gary’s shaft, nice and slowly as ordered. I don’t know if he was an expert, because I’ve only seen these things in porn. But Gary started moaning and blowing some air, while Brent took it to the next step and swallowed the tip. He started getting more and more inches in as he did so, and I LOVED it!
“How does it feel, Gary?” I asked the other guy, a big smile on my face. I was really enjoying this, and I still couldn’t believe that I was capable of doing this!
“Awesome, master! Thanks for givin’ me a slave-bro!” Huh, didn’t think of it that way, but kind of glad to see he’s happy too!
I let them keep going for a few more minutes, before I ordered to move to Gary’s bed. They sat on the edge and waited for more orders. “Now that Gary’s cock is all lubed up, thanks to Brent’s good soldier service…” Brent gave me a quick military salute after those words, which made me smile a bit more. “We’re going to take things to the next level. Brent, lay on your back and lift your legs up.”
“Sir, yes Sir!” The naked ‘soldier’ obeyed perfectly, and I had a feeling Gary knew what was coming, because he has this big smile on his face too. This ended up being a wonderful tutoring session, and it wasn’t even over yet!
“Now Gary, get behind him and place his legs over your shoulders. I want you both to fully enjoy this and… uh… embrace your status as my slaves the more you obey, understood?”
“Sir, yes Sir!” “Yes, master!”
“Great! Now… Gary, I want you to fuck Brent.” It was pretty straightforward, and I thought I would have to explain him something about it, but he got his cock aligned with Brent’s ass and started pushing in. I pushed my glasses back, grabbed a seat and enjoyed the action.
Brent’s blank dog tags started doing that ‘cling cling’ sound metal does when hitting against more metal, but it was kind of silenced by the pair’s moans. They barely trying to hide it, they loved it. And I loved it even more!
I was playing with my bulge as I admired my handy work.
“You like that, Brent? Is Garrett doing a good job?”
“Hnng… Yes, Sir! I love it! I’m fully enjoying it!” That was a weird response, but I guess that’s what I ordered him before. Eh, it was alright.
“What about you, Gary? Like that ass?”
“Uh… Yes, master! Fuck… I love this. Ugh… you’re the best master, eveerrrrr…” He groaned as he picked up the pace.
“Woah, not so fast buddy! Let’s do something. When you both cum, you will accept that you are my obedient jock slaves. No questions asked, and you are totally happy with that.”
“Yeaaaah…” was their answer, and I was delighted.
“Great. Now, feel free to cum whenever you’d like. I’ll just sit here, and enjoy the view…”
“You call me if you want a ride home, okay master?” Gary said, shaking my shoulder a bit before giving me a sort of worried look. I was just going to my old best friend’s house, so I didn’t know where that was coming from.
“Will do. I can just walk though. Would be pretty pointless to make you drive all the way over just to take me some streets”
“Hey, I don’t care. You call, I’ll be there” That’ll never seem normal. I’m used to seeing Garrett as a threat to my very being, and him acting so… friendly. It’s weird, however you look at it.
I nodded, deciding to drop the conversation, but Gary leaned in and pulled me in for a kiss. I didn’t resist, it was a nice surprise. After that, he mumbled a “Anything for you, master…”, while still looking intently at me.
“Thanks for that… I’ll be going now; I think…” I answered, before opening the door and stepping out of the car.
So… yeah. I had arrived at Mike’s house. It’s been a good while, a month or so and I already felt like I was in a strange place, for some reason.
I guess it’s because I’m not a very outgoing guy? I’m used to being in my house all the time besides school, so when I stopped coming it kind of… vanished from my mind.
Saying goodbye to Gary, then leaving his car, I started walking over to the door and ringing the bell.
“MOOOOOOM, I’M GOING!” I heard a deep voice yelled. Heavy steps later, Mike was standing in front of me after opening the door. “Hey there, bro!”
The big guy held his open hand out, waiting for me to ‘bro slap’ it. He (And probably his teammates too, I don’t think he’s the only one with this thing) have this weird thing of adding ‘bro’ before some actions and that supposedly makes them better/more fraternal.
I grabbed his hand and gave it a shake. That didn’t bother him though, he just moved aside and let me in.
“How are you doing?” I asked him. I didn’t intend to sound cold, at all. I’m just not good at making chit chat. It wasn’t a problem when we didn’t have a fight in between, but just like before, it felt pretty different now.
“Doing great! Was just heating up in my room, preparing the cartridges and etc. How was your studying?” Mike gave a step closer, and started examining me. Probably looking for bruises? It was the only thing I could think of, since he didn’t trust Gary at all.
He has his reasons though; he knows how much damage he can do. Still, kind of pointless to seem to worry without having ever stepped in to help.
“It was nice. Lots of maths and stuff” I shrugged. I wasn’t in a chatty mood, especially with him. I wasn’t going to break the ‘we’re not talking’ punishment because we were going to play. “Shall we… uh…” I started pointing up, waiting for him to catch that I wanted to be upstairs. I didn’t want to greet Mike’s parents; I don’t know if they’d be happy to see me after I cut ties with their son.
“Uh… yeah, sure! Dinner won’t be ready until an hour or so later, so we have lotsa time to play!” Mike was clearly excited, and I felt a bit bad to act like a party pooper around him.
He moved aside and closed the door once I was in. Then we made our way up to his room, while I silently hoped his parents wouldn’t pop up randomly from a corner or something.
“I think dad is making ravioli. I know you liked those, so you can stay over if you’d like and I can walk you home afterwards…” No sleeping over, I guess he had a part of his feet down to earth.
“I don’t know, mom’s also expecting me for dinner, so I may have to call first to check”
“Good ol’ Piney, always playing by the rules, right?” He chuckled, giving me a rough pat on the back. The chuckle quickly vanished as he mumbled a ‘Sorry’. Ignoring that, we made our way to his room and he closed the door there too.
Just a little head up: Mike LOVES football.
His room had a good amount of his favorite team’s posters. A football helmet was on the floor, next to its ball. The jock’s varsity jacket was neatly held on the desk chair’s back. No trophies though, because he plays mostly high school football or with the nicer teammates at the park, so no trophies for the big guy, yet.
But it wasn’t just filled with jock stuff, because Mikey here has a little secret side. He’s a big nerd too.
His desk had all his Switch games stacked up in random angles, which did make me a bit nervous. His console was settled next to his bed, while the dock was connected to a small flat screen hanging from the wall. Little action figures were displayed on a shelf, and unlike some would think, he never hid them.
He actually had a nice system that he liked to geek about too, like it was the smartest thing in the world. Most jocks (I assume) would hide those kinds of things if they had visits or something. That’s not the case for Mikey. He didn’t need to hide anything because he ‘wasn’t having anyone over’.
That way, he can keep a healthy sexual life while not having to worry about his nerdy side being discovered, and mocked by his teammates.
Oh hey, I could show his teammates that Mike’s a big nerd! Oh wait no, that would be really mean. The idea’s tempting, though.
Grabbing a controller, and passing me the other one, the game was on. He sat on his bed and patted a spot beside him, but I sat on the desk chair. It was actually pretty uncomfortable because it didn’t have any pillow or anything like that, so my ass was on the wood. That’s what I get for being a meanie.
“Gonna pick Link, don’t try to cheese it with the pink puffball, a’ight?” He said, chuckling at his own comment. I remained with a stoic face at all times, which he didn’t find as funny.
“Let’s just get on with it…” I had chosen the random character, because each minute here made me rethink why I actually accepted coming to Mike’s place. I didn’t want to mind control him, he was like a big brother to me! A big, asshole-ish big brother that tells all the stuff you tell him to everyone else!
Okay, being serious for a moment, it would have been really weird. I did enjoy looking at his body the few times he got shirtless in front of me, but I would never lust after him.
[Present|Pine: Oooh, that didn’t age well…]
We played for some good twenty minutes. It was pretty fought over, sometimes he would win, sometimes I would win. I was focusing on the game mostly to ignore his chit chat. Because Mikey was trying to make chatter with me and I would just answer a ‘Hmm…’ or a ‘Wow, yup’ or the always nice ‘Sure thing��.
He, of course, wasn’t happy with my vague answers. And the evening was turning even more silent the more I tried to ignore him.
“Okay, we gotta take a pause. I actually invited you for something else, bro.” ‘Let it be snacks, let it be snacks, let it be snacks…’ “Look, I’m… I’m really sorry about what I did. Outing you with my teammates, I mean. It really wasn’t intentional”
I would have really hoped if he brought out a can of potato chips, because that would have led to a prettier conversation than this one.
 “I never wanted for them to bully you like that… or like, in any way. You’re my best friend, and I know that I should have stood up for you a lot sooner and I’m really sorry for that too…” He continued apologizing, like hoping that it would make me more at ease, or something.
I let out a sigh, and tried to remain as calm as possible. “I still don’t get why you had to tell them about my secret, when I told you specifically to not say anything about it to anyone else. And you agreed to that. So, what was crossing your mind when you said ‘Fuck it! I’m going to tell everyone!’?”
It may have come off a bit more aggressive than what I intended.
But he didn’t have an answer. And if Mikey himself doesn’t have an answer, then who should I ask?
“Look, bro. I don’t know what you want me to do. I-I already said I’m sorry! I don’t fucking know what to do! I just want my best friend back!” Now he was being sort of aggressive too, which was good! It basically gave me permission to be aggressive too!
“You know how I stopped using the school’s bathroom, just in case I got cornered in there?! I got shoved to lockers almost every freaking day!”
“What the hell do you want me to do?! Stand up for you? I will! I will beat the crap out of anyone who tries to touch you from now on! Is that what you’d like?!”
“Well, you could have just shut your mouth and I wouldn’t have been in that situation to begin with, dumbass!” I didn’t want him to stand up for me now, I could defend myself very well now!
“What did you call me?!”
“Oh, nonono. You don’t get to feel offended! In fact, you are really a dumbass for outing me right after I told you about my stuff. You really are just a dumb jock, like the others are!” I shouted at him, and I felt like I might have fucked up a little.
By shouting like that I may have alerted his parents or something, so I started grabbing my stuff, determined to leave the room.
I noticed Michael didn’t have an answer, but I just couldn’t bear to look at him. This guy wasn’t my best friend. He’s like those persons you grow up with and end up drifting away due to stupid stuff.
But I didn’t think this was one of those ‘stupid stuff’. He outed me to his teammates, the very same day I told him about it. How bad can you be at keeping a secret?!
I went for the door and left the room, quickly making my way downstairs and through the front door. Mike apparently just noticed what happened, because before I crossed the street to start making my way home, I heard a very loud “Bro?!” coming from the upper floor of the house. It sounded… deep, and kind of weird, but I didn’t give it much thought at the time.
I just wanted to get home and be done with it. It didn’t even cross my mind at the time that my mind control might have done something to him, but I did go over our argument a couple times during that night.
My words could very well have come off as orders, which caused a series of side effects that I would see the consequences of later. But for now, I remember feeling very sad, and just wishing for that pseudo-awful day to be over.
Present Pine’s POV
I slowly closed the laptop, and put it away again. I felt like I could tear up, and I had almost forgotten about that one bit. I was rethinking the whole ‘I should write down my memories’ thing. My memories aren’t that happy and I would have preferred to forget about that one fight with Mike.
“Hey, you okay?” The big guy noticed something was wrong, but I did my best to shrug it off.
“Just… got caught in the story’s mood. Like a ‘feels bad, man’ moment, or something” I didn’t want to worry him. Mike tends to get emotional with… ‘the past’, and I’m okay with letting things go, especially if they happened years ago.
You can’t get mad for a long time when you’re a mind controller, it might cloud your judgement and do something you regret. And I just revived a prime example…
“Sorry… I didn’t want you to feel bad… We can resume any other time,” Mikey stated, moving closer to me and kissing my cheek a lot of times. “And hey, my arm is feeling way better lately. Once I get this stupid cast off, I’ll carry you to our bed ASAP” He finished, with a nice smile.
“Well, I’ll make sure of that in a few weeks. Already made a to-do list for you once you get the cast off.” I appreciated his attempt to cheer me up. I wasn’t really mad, just felt like a cold water bucket fell on me. It wasn’t serious though, it’s just like when you randomly get a bad thought. You just try your best and hope it goes away.
“Really? Like what?” He asked, looking more excited now. I noticed his cock was getting harder by the minute.
“Y’know, move a few things around the place. Clean around. Work out like crazy…”
“I’m only happy to hear one of three things in that list. I was hoping for something… uh… together?” He gave his big bud a thug, without taking his eyes off me. It was clear who was the romantic guy of the pair, of course.
I leaned in and whispered, putting some power in my words (God, reading how I wasn’t able to do that before is kind of painful, too!). “Take care of that big guy. I’ll go finish a few things around here.”
Mike’s eyes glazed over, as a big dumb smile took over his face. “Yeah… master…” He looked straight ahead now, slowly stroking his cock but quickly picking up the pace.
Hey, I don’t plan on letting him cum without my help. Going to rush the cleaning around and check my emails to go back with my big jock!
Author’s note:
Looooooooong chapter!
I like Brent. Military guys are another of my favorite stereotypes, but the jocks usually get more love! The dog tags look awesome, the obedience they display, the camo clothes are quite neat. And the few ones I’ve met so far are really nice!
I was thinking about splitting this chapter in two parts. I did so with chapter 5 in Patreon, to improve the reading quality and avoid having it like a wall of text (I feel like I got carried away with this and the next chapter, and they’re both over 9K words). 
But ultimately decided to leave it like this. May be a wall of text, but it’s probably better than having you guys searching for the second part.
Okay, that’s all I had in mind for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading <3.
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ardett · 3 years
White Monsters and White Claws
New Karlnap fic dropping!
Description: Karl drinks energy drinks. So does Sapnap (but only when Karl does).
or somehow the feeling of having an energy drink is like the feeling of meeting someone for the first time is like the feeling of having a crush
Current word count: 2251
Of course you can always check it out on Ao3!
Sapnap knows he’s being too quiet when he visits Karl. 
It starts at the airport. He texts Karl as he’s walking outside but when he looks up, glimpsing the North Carolina landscape properly for the first time, Karl is already rushing towards him.
Karl practically tackles him, yelling his name. Sapnap fumbles with his suitcase handle. Eventually he ends up dropping it in favor of bringing a hand up to the small of Karl’s back. He curls his fingers into the back of Karl’s sweater, too gently for Karl to even feel it.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Karl whispers, absolutely giddy.
Words suddenly escape Sapnap. He just nods into Karl’s shoulder. A bubble forms in his chest, iridescent and buoyant. He can’t quite describe the feeling but it’s something excited and soft and nervous.
Karl makes him feel so fragile.
“Okay, let me get you to my house. I’m sure you’re tired.” Karl grins at him, bright and blinding. Sapnap opens his mouth to respond but only manages an affirmative hum, barely a sound at all.
He grabs his suitcase and lets Karl drag him along with a hand on the sleeve of his hoodie. It’s not holding hands but it’s close.
His mouth tastes like soap. The bubble grows.
Sapnap does manage a few words during the ride. Thankfully Karl does most of the talking, jumping from general excitement that Sapnap is there to their schedule for filming to what he wants them to do while streaming. It’s overwhelming but only in the best way.
Maybe this is a bad thing but Karl makes Sapnap feel young.
There’s only a couple years between them but it’s less the years and more the experience. Karl may be a college drop out but Sapnap’s never left home, not until he moved in with Dream, and he knows it’s not the same. It’s not the awkward trying-to-find-friends freshman year and the deafening frat parties and the shared study sessions in the library while the sun rises. Half of what would have been his college experience was spent in a pandemic anyway. Obviously things have changed in the last year with the radiating effect of Dream’s success but in so many ways, he still feels like he’s the same person he was in high school. Karl, on the other, seems fully realized in a way Sapnap never could.
All those things and the cans of White Claw Sapnap finds in the fridge next to Karl’s Monster energy drinks do nothing to help his anxiety. That’s the other difference between 20 and 22, isn't it?
Sapnap knows Karl just wants him here to film and have fun. There’s not a lot of expectations except a couple of streams Karl wants to do and even those are still a bit up in the air. But those aren’t the expectations Sapnap is worried about.
Maybe he’s setting himself up for failure by worrying about this, by putting so much pressure on it, but it’s the first time they’re ever meeting in person. Does their friendship change? Does it stay the same? Can it?
Sapnap’s pretty sure it can’t, is the thing, as much as he wants it to be exactly the same. It’s not even Karl’s fault. It’s undeniably Sapnap’s and his sudden inability to properly form words. Sapnap and the stupid fragile bubble pressing against his lungs.
(It’s a secret, isn’t it? The bubble is a secret.)
There’s a tap on the already open door. “Hey, you done unpacking yet?” Sapnap glances up to where Karl is waiting. Both their gazes trail down to Sapnap’s still zipped suitcase.
The corner of Karl’s mouth tips up at the corner, teasing. “Dude, you’ve been in here for like 30 minutes. You’re not even on your phone.”
Sapnap stands.“Shut up. I’m just gonna live out of my suitcase anyway,” he mumbles.
“Okay, okay.” Karl holds up his hands, taking a step back. “Come down then. I’m gonna order some dinner and then we can stream, yeah?” He turns on his heel and heads down the stairs, not waiting for Sapnap.
Not that it matters. They both know Sapnap will follow.
Sapnap lets Karl order them delivery. He tries to offer to pay but Karl refuses to take it, “I have a real job, man. Save it for college.”
“It’s community college. It’s not that much,” Sapnap protests.
“Still though. I spent all that money on college and didn’t even graduate. You are gonna graduate, right?”
“That’s the plan.” Sapnap scratches at the table top. It’s not even the flimsy portable kind of table that he and Dream still have, despite living in their rental house for a couple months now. It’s a real wooden table.
There’s something so permanent about Karl’s life. 
His photos on the walls are in frames, not hung up by bits of tape or command strips. He has enough bowls and plates for guests. All his kitchen chairs match.
It makes Sapnap feel like a fraud.
What does he know, after all? He’s so new to all of this. He never even seriously thought about a career in streaming or YouTube but suddenly it became a reality before he could even process it. He was invited here because he was supposed to add something of value to these videos but it seems that everything that fell into his lap was partially by luck.
And he thinks about how hard it is to say a single word to Karl and wonders if he’s worth this. If he’s ready for this.
But those are two different questions, aren’t they?
Even if he is worth it, even if he deserves this, he knows he’s not ready. He just knows it. Dream wanted this so badly, to have a career in content creation, worked so hard for it, and then dragged them all along in his wake. 
And Sapnap is grateful for that, so so grateful, but now he’s here in fucking North Carolina without Dream or George or his parents or anyone he knows except Karl who’s older than him and can drink and has a real job and doesn’t need to ask his parents permission to go to another state and god—
He doesn’t even know what he is to Karl.
Are they friends? Are they pretend lovers? Are they even acquaintances? 
Sapnap’s no stranger to internet friends but he knew Dream before he knew the name of his first crush. He hasn’t even known Karl for a year. He doesn’t deny that what he feels is… intense but it feels like it shouldn’t be. Shouldn’t it take longer to feel like this? For someone to make you feel this lost?
Sapnap can’t help the rush of relief when food arrives and he can substitute eating for talking.
“Alright, you good to stream soon?” Karl asks, gathering up the trash on the table to throw away.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good.” Sapnap clears his throat. “What… What are we doing again?”
“Eh, I figured we would just go on SMP for a bit. This is just the first stream, so I don’t have a real plan yet.” Sapnap watches Karl mill around the kitchen. 
Sapnap checks his phone, seeing a message from Dream.
Dream: excited to see you guys stream soon don’t forget to have fun with your mans :)
Sapnap swallows. His hand curls into a fist on the table. The food they just ate curdles in his stomach.
Why is it so different with Karl than with Dream? Sapnap doesn’t remember feeling like this when he met Dream. It was an exciting moment of course but they settled into a rhythm so much easier than he can find one here.
But maybe the sick feeling is also because he feels like Dream is teasing him.
Dream loves to joke that Sapnap is engaged to Karl. And it’s all fun and games until Sapnap sees all the rings that Karl wears in person and he feels like… like… he almost wants a matching set.
He just wants them to be close. In whatever way he can get. It’s a desperate kind of want and need.
It’s not like he really wants to be engaged to Karl in real life but the thought of a physical token to remind him that Karl cares, Karl values him, this isn’t just a weird fling that Karl couldn’t avoid, it sounds so comforting. He wants to know Karl. He wants Karl to know him. He wants to understand what it means to be close with Karl.
It’s like missing Karl even though he’s right here.
He’s right here.
He’s right here.
“Sapnap? Come on, I’m gonna leave you behind if you don’t hurry,” Karl giggles.
Sapnap hurries.
It feels like they’ve only been streaming for a few minutes when Karl is already getting up again.
“I’m gonna grab a Monster cause my head hurts.” Karl sends a light grin Sapnap’s way. It makes him feel a little less abandoned.
Sapnap’s fiddles with Karl’s game settings while the other is gone, staying a little too quiet for being live but not quite knowing what else to say.
He startles as his phone rings, flipping it over to see Dream is calling him.
“I’m live, I’m live,” he says into the mic as he picks up the call.
“Yeah, I know, dude.” He can practically hear Dream’s smirk through the phone. “Don’t put me on speaker yet though. What are you even doing?”
“What do you mean, what am I doing?” Sapnap squirms and after a second, he mutes himself to the stream. He glances at the door. Karl still isn’t back.
“Come on, you’re like, so timid. Karl’s a nice guy. I don’t even know why you’ve been so nervous.”
“Shut up,” Sapnap hisses. The bubble in his chest aches. He hates feeling so out of his depth. He’s painfully aware of the camera trained on his face. “You know why. Besides I’m not—”
“You totally are,” Dream laughs before his voice sobers just a bit. “He’s not being mean to you or something, is he? I mean, not mean mean but you know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to for those Mr. Beast videos or whatever, right?”
“I know, Dream, relax. Honestly, it’s been fine.” Sapnap hunches in on himself a bit, curls around his phone and the sound of Dream’s voice.
“Okay, okay,” Dream placates. “I know you’re fine and I shouldn’t worry. So what have you been up to then?”
“You know I’m actually streaming right now, right?” Sapnap smiles. His eyes flick back to the screen, to the chat racing along the side asking what he’s saying.
“Sure, you just want to ditch me, I get it,” Dream teases.
“I don’t—” Sapnap snickers. Then he pauses. “He has a real wooden table,” he says suddenly before immediately flushing. He can feel it on his cheeks, see it on the monitor, the bit of red dotting the high parts of his cheeks.
“Um—” Sapnap stumbles over his words. “I don’t know why I said—”
“Hey, I’m back!” Karl calls, throwing the door open. Sapnap’s eyes dart over to him.
“Bye, Dream,” Sapnap rushes, hanging up the call before Dream can say another word.
Karl taps his Monster down on the table, slipping over to the other side of Sapnap. “Was that Dream?”
“Mm,” Sapnap hums. He grabs the drink automatically, joking, “Thank you for the drink.”
“Oh, you want it?”
Words fail Sapnap (again, he can’t keep doing this) so he just nods instead even though he never has energy drinks, he doesn’t even like coffee, caffeine has always done weird things to him, but now he’s dug himself into an even deeper hole.
“I’ll grab another one. You can have that one.”
And then Karl’s gone again.
Sapnap’s phone dings. 
Dream: U r such an idiot
Sapnap scowls and rips the tab off the Monster. He downs half of it before Karl is even back.
And he regrets it as soon as Karl walks into the room again.
The caffeine hits him immediately. It sends his heart fluttering, pushes his words up his throat, starts his hands twitching.
Everything becomes ten times harder than it already was because god, every single emotion that made his heart beat before is now making his heart pound.
It’s absolutely impossible to ignore, especially when Karl collapses against Sapnap laughing at a funny thing on the screen. He feels the way Karl shakes against him, the way he buries his face in Sapnap’s shoulder and curls a hand around his bicep. His own heartbeat is deafening in his ears, a frantic escalating drumbeat.
“I can feel your heart beating,” Karl murmurs, too low for the mic to pick up. “Relax. You don’t like the facecam?”
Sapnap shakes his head almost imperceptibly. 
Karl’s face tilts towards him. “Something else?” he asks.
“Um,” Sapnap’s hand tightens on the mouse. He clicks something he didn’t mean to. “Let’s not worry about it now.”
“Sorry,” Karl apologizes, pushing himself off Sapnap. 
Sapnap is sure that Karl misinterpreted what he meant. He’s sure Karl thinks that Sapnap wasn’t comfortable with how close they suddenly got, but maybe he wasn’t. It’s hard to know with Karl. Nothing’s comfortable but it’s more about boundaries being pushed rather than boundaries being crossed. 
And Sapnap knows that some of those boundaries are there because of fear.
Either way, the energy drink isn’t helping.
Part 1/3, next chapters coming soon!
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the-archxr · 4 years
Nobody Puts Harrington in a Corner
steve harrington x reader
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Summary: What do you do when you want to go see a romance movie but have no one to take you? You haul along your best friend and have an impromptu dance lesson after, of course.
A/N: y’all I fucking love Dirty Dancing so much, it’s not even funny. This fic is honestly just self-indulgent, so enjoy??? Even if you don’t like Dirty Dancing.
Song Inspo: (I’ve Had) Time of My Life - Jennifer Warnes and Bill Medley, Hungry Eyes - Eric Carmen
“I have a business proposition for you.”
The words come out rushed, ragged and breathless. A strange mix that Steve isn’t particularly familiar with when it’s coming from you. His eyes trail up to your hunched figure, shocked at what he sees.
Your face is a blotchy red, with blown cheeks, and a heaving chest. With complete disregard of your previous statement he speaks up. “Did you run here?”
You shrug, and wipe at your forehead. “Yeah, but that’s besides the point.” Straightening your back, you almost square up Steve as a way of proving your point.
He leans his hip against the countertop with his arms crossed and hair falling haphazardly in his face. “I need to ask you something, Steve. And before you say no, just remember that I’m literally you’re most favourite person on the face of this planet who has saved your ass more times than I can count.”
“Okay..?” He pushes himself off the counter before straightening out the ugly green vest he has to wear. “What is it?”
You smile wildly but force yourself to keep some composure as to not draw Keith’s attention, who has definitely kicked you out of the store before, and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.
“So...there’s this new movie...”
“Well there’s a lot of new movies, Y/N.” He butts in playfully, which earns a small glare in his direction (which inevitably turns into a smile, but you assume he’s too unobservant to actually notice).
“Anyway,” you exaggerate, wringing your hands together. “I want to see this movie, and no one will go with me...so I’m forcing you to be my...” you hesitate, trying to find the word. However, the one you were trying to avoid slips out. “My date.”
The boys eyes widen almost immediately as he awkwardly falls back a bit. “Your...date? Like a...date date?”
“What? No!” You say quickly, shaking your head. “No, I’m not asking you out, Harrington. I’m saving that for Family Video’s regular attendees.” You gesture to a group of giggling girls who’ve you seen here one to many times, who very obviously come here for the sole purpose that is Steve Harrington. “No, it’s cause it’s a romance movie, and I don’t really wanna’ go alone.”
He frowns and lifts his shoulders in question. “Why not?”
You laugh to yourself, the question sitting awkwardly within your mind. “Because...it’s embarrassing? I mean what would you think if you saw me by myself in that situation?”
He pauses and shrugs. “I guess I’d feel...I don’t know, pity? It’s a tough question.” He mumbles, eliciting a roll of your eyes.
You brush off his remark of it being a “tough question” and clear your throat. “Exactly, Steven. Which is why you are going to accompany me to this movie, so that way I don’t have to deal with the apparent pity.”
It’s silent for a moment. Steve chooses to lean against the counter again, as he mauls over your offer. “I don’t even like romance movies, Y/N.”
You frown and lean in closer to your friend. “I know, but please, Steve.”
You grab his hand and squeeze it, batting your eyelashes at him in the most exaggerated way you know. You don’t like manipulating people (much less your best friend), but for reasons unknown, the poor boy can never really say no to you—and you really need him to say yes.
His gaze make its way from your clasped hands, up your arm and to your face. His chest tightens and his whole body turns rigid as he watches you allow your head to lean ever-so-slightly to the side. Soon,  the tips of his ears grow hot and then -
“Um...excuse me?” Both of your necks snap to the source of the voice. It’s one of the girls from the group earlier, and you can’t help but chuckle, because she looks just as nervous as she sounds. Her eyes are quickly cast on Steve, which causes her to flick her ponytail back with a shaky smile. “My friends and I are trying to look for a certain movie, and we can’t seem to find it. Do you mind helping us?”
You turn to Steve with a smirk. He clears his throat, noticing that the hand that held his a mere few seconds ago rests casually on the counter. You look unbothered by the events that had occurred, which makes Steve’s stomach drop (and not in a good way). He frowns in your direction once more before shaking himself out of it, shooting a smile in the girls direction. “No problem.”
You laugh and stride towards the door. “The movie starts at seven, but you might as well show up thirty minutes early ‘cause you have a little tendency called ‘being late’, Harrington.”
You hold the door open, one side of your body burning with the summer heat that threatens the comfort of everyone, and the other side facing Steve and the air-conditioned store. You wait until he looks back at you, which takes him a few seconds before he’s practically shooing you away. “Yeah, yeah, we’ll see.”
You jump in excitement and wink at the boy. “See you tonight, Stevie!”
“See you tonight,” he mumbles, before turning to the jittery group of girls in the corner.
“Look who’s the late one!” Steve shouts in your direction. It’s 6:50 (which is even a little late for you) and surprisingly Steve has already arrived. “Ya know I’ve been sitting here for like, fifteen minutes.”
You shut your car door and stride up the cocky boy. “Oh, I am truly sorry, your Highness, but my dear mother was keeping me up.”
He hums, looking you up and down with fake accusation. “...Apology accepted,” he shoots back before standing up and guiding the two of you to concession.
Really, it’s a miracle that the two of you made it on time. And it’s an even bigger miracle that the last two seats in the theatre were directly beside each other; enough space for the two of you, and your obscenely large bucket of popcorn.
Steve leans over to you as the lights dim dramatically. His breath ghosts over the shell of your ear, forcing your attention onto him. “So, uh, what kinda’ movie title is ‘Dirty Dancing’?”
You shake your head at him and push his face towards the screen. “Just watch the movie, Farmer Fred.”
“You and your Sixteen Candles references...” he mutters before you kick his foot with yours in annoyance. “Okay, okay, I’ll be quiet.”
He sighs and leans back in his seat, remaining quiet for the rest of your “date”.
The movie ends quickly—way too quickly for your liking, and when the lights turn back on you can’t help but frown.
The sound of clapping from the viewers drowns out the sounds of popcorn being squished on the ground and the squeaking of the seats.
Steve is standing up, his shadow casted over you as you try to steady yourself after sitting for so long. He lets you walk past him, hand grazing your lower back as he guides you through the bustling stream of exiting movie-goers.
Soon, the two of you have left the theatre itself and face the stark cold air of the night. “So...” Steve starts, slowly walking you to your car. “What did you th—“
“It was amazing!” You shout, eyes blown with excitement as you hop back and forth. With a breath you let yourself slip into pur amusement after having to control yourself for so long. “I mean the dancing and the plot was incredible! And—and the end was just...just so good! And don’t get me started on Patrick Swayze! Like, oh my god, who does he think he is just looking like that, prancing around without a care in the world?!”
Steve laughs and stops just before your car as you unlock it. “Yeah, honestly it wasn’t that bad. The lift was something else though.” He leans against the door as you put your purse into the passenger's seat. “I mean I can’t imagine doing that! And the amount of times they probably had to do it?! Geez, it’d be hell.”
You shake your head in disbelief. “Oh, come on, it didn’t look that hard.”
Steve’s jaw drops with a shake of his head. “Well it wasn’t hard for Baby, obviously. All she had to do was jump! Johnny was the one who had to hold her up!”
You laugh incredulously at your best friend before a rather treacherous idea pops in your head. You bite your lip, slam the car door shut and look out into the somewhat empty parking lot.
“Well, why don’t we out this theory to the test...?”
Steve’s laughter dies quickly before a squeak of a “what?” slips out of his mouth. You grab his hand and lead him to a rather deserted spot just south of where your cars are parked.
“Let’s try it out! Let’s be Baby and Johnny. Let’s do the lift.” Your tone turns serious which only adds to Steve’s ever-growing nervousness.
“You can’t be serious...” His hands are deep in his pockets as he leans from one foot to the other. Strands of hair in fall in front of his face, and for a moment, in the distant light, he really does look like Johnny.
You can’t help but really notice the oddity of the whole situation. What with Steve looking like a reincarnation of Johnny Castle and you deciding to get somewhat dressed up and wear your favourite sundress—one that is oddly similar to Baby’s. It’s a funny little coincidence that you opt to point out later. But now? The two of you have to do this.
You remove your jacket, leaving it on the ground and shake out your limbs before looking straight at your friend. Steve’s face deepens with his shock. “Oh god, you are serious.”
You laugh and signal at Steve to get ready. Instead he shakes his head. “Y/N, I--I don’t think this is the best idea.”
“Steve, come on! We’re testing out are hypothesis’ as to who had a more difficult time performing the lift.”
He shuffles quickly, and with a groan, throws his jacket off his body. “I swear to god, Y/N.” You here him mumble as he nervously fidgets and bends his knees. He gets into a stance similar to Johnny’s and holds out his hands to you. His whole body is shaking—which in comparison is odd because yours simply feels light.
The cold prickles at your exposed skin, and it sends your senses into overdrive as your eyes lock onto Steve’s.
Kicking off your shoes, you dig your heels into the ground and prepare yourself.
“Oh, and Steve?” His head shoots up to you. “Don’t drop me.”
He stands up straight at that as he loses his concentration. “Oh well that’s a really comforting thing to sa—WAIT!”
You had already started running. Your feet pounding against the gravel as fly-away pebbles poke the soles of your feet; your body gaining momentum with every step.
Steve rushes into the stance, desperately trying to ground himself.
“Steve!” You shout with a laugh as you jump. His hands catch your waist as he extends his legs. It almost works but with Steve’s partially delayed actions, your head barely gets above his before he’s stumbling backward.
He falls first, with you quickly following as his grip pulls you down with him.
You land on his chest, and for a moment the air is filled with shock. Rolling onto the ground beside him, you regain your breath before bursting in laughter.
“Jesus, Y/N!” He shouts, body tingling with nerves.
By now the parking lot is empty, save for the cars of the theatres workers, which means that your laugh echoes to the neighbouring buildings.
Steve pushes a hand through his hair before inhaling deeply. His eyes cast to your figure—still rolling on the ground—and before he has a chance to reprimand you, something hits him.
It’s a sudden feeling. One that pulls the last of his breath out of his lungs and throws it into the night sky. You don’t notice his sudden change in behaviour, and to be frank, he doesn’t even really recognize what he’s feeling other than the fact that he felt this...murmur this morning. Except this time it’s amplified.
He hears pounding in his ears, and as he watches the faint, yellow light from the theatre cast over your face, he feels the pit of his stomach burst open. Butterflies flutter around in his belly and threaten to escape his throat.
The feeling—one that is shocking, but not unwelcome—is indescribable. The boy gets lost in his thoughts as he watches you finally get up off the ground and gather your things.
Steve feels as though he’s watching an old tape. The pictures move slowly, and they’re a little fuzzy, but they elicit warm, nostalgic feelings.
Suddenly your voice rings through his ears, until he recognizes that you’re looking at him a little confused. Steve is snapped out of his trance, his body jumping up to match yours. Your eyes are wide as you stare him up and down. “You get another concussion?”
The joke is familiar, but his laugh is delayed. He simply shakes his head, realizing that this is the first time he’s actually looked at you (and if he’s honest, you’re making him a little nervous). He takes note that even though you look messy--with wild hair everywhere and a breathtaking smile--he can’t help but admire you in your most natural state. However you break the moment (unknowingly) with a shrug. Spinning on your heel to your car, you continue to talk to him as he walks over to the familiar, beat-up BMW. “Anyway, I was saying that for a first time that wasn’t bad. We just need a little practice.”
“The first time?” Steve questions, leaning on the roof of his car. “There’s gonna’ be a second time?”
You shrug with a cheeky smile. “If you want...”
He allows a small smile—a smile he can’t tell if you catch from the distance, but one he hopes you feel. “Yeah. I do.”
You smile back at him, and soon your bidding him goodnight and driving out of the parking lot.
Steve, on the other hand waits. He’s stunned, obviously. So much so that part of him is concerned about this new revelation. But the other part of him, recognizes it. He may be oblivious, but he’s not necessarily stupid.
And how could he be? When he hasn’t felt this way before...and it’s such a strong feeling. If anything, he’s forced to figure it out.
He grins to himself, the sight of you burned into his memory and carved into his heart. It’s the kind of sight that he knows he’ll see behind closed eyes and dazed moments where he can’t help but let his mind wander.
It’s a sight that promises something new.
He can’t wait to tell Robin about this.
Steve Harrington Taglist:
@wigofokoye @timeladygallifrey @fairlysuitehearts @loulouloueh @bluegreyme @coltonparayyko @readinthegarden12 @hello-therree @gothackedalready @aphrodites-perfume @arielizzlewizzle @fic-cheesecake @bohemiandeakyy @nerd-domland @blueoz @laneygthememequeen @xelaalec @i-justlikewhales @elen-alambil @heykarsyn @yellowhopes @veeshthefrog @justsomeficsilike @cxddlyash @aniya21890 @billyhargrovescigarette @nugturally @daddystevee @asheseiler @enchantedcruelsummer @gwenandtheunfortunatename
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Can I Ask You Something?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
You were online a week later.
It was a boring day, with a slow start and by night, you were starting to feel restless, your feet bouncing and an empty bag of chips rests on your nightstand. You were itching for something to do, anything to distract but no show or game could hold your attention. You throw your head back and gnaw at your bottom lip.
Your fingers tap against the keyboard, and with a glance at the time, you pull up the calendar for the group time slots and with a fairly positive outlook that that you wouldn’t run into the other team members, you booted up the game, and started a simple mission but even then your attention couldn’t be held. The game had already lost its spark for you.
You admit that you reacted childishly in response to being yelled at. You were always sensitive, you cried too much and took everything personally even if you tried not to but for some reason it just hit different when he had yelled at you.
You were so angry with him at the time. But when you awoke the next day, you were angry with yourself. You made that dumb post and now you had to hold off for a month to show that his words didn’t hurt you- you had a point to prove, you didn’t want to seem as someone who reacted so childishly.
You thought you would miss the game but having not played for a period of time, you were starting to enjoy your time. You slept a bit earlier, your back wasn’t sore from hunching over and you had started to pick up old hobbies that you dropped when you got sucked into this game. Picking it back up, the game no longer felt the same. You remember you could get lost in this game for hours, you liked the customization options, the weapons, and the soundtrack was pretty good, but for now as you wandered around a forest, looking for a crystal that wouldn’t be of any real use to you seeing as you had already decided to quit the game for good, you were grateful for the distraction.
But as the clock ticked on, you had already grown bored, feeling your joints become sore and a headache forming. You were about to exit out of the game and pray that none of the members would see that you were active but then a ‘ding’ startled you awake. You peeked at the corner of the screen, a familiar icon popping up. You frowned, your shoulders slumped and you debated with yourself on whether you should open the message or not but your curiosity won over.
>Are you quitting the game or not?
“Blunt as always,” you thought to yourself, your fingers already typing at the keyboard.
His reply came a second later.
You wanted to type, “Why do you care?” You really did. You had the words on screen, the cursor blinking back at you, but you couldn’t force yourself to press the ‘Enter’ key. The corner of your mouth twitched and you backspaced, the message disappearing and replaced by another.
>I don’t know. I’m kinda sick of it, you know? The user base is p toxic and I know that can be said for most games but I don’t know┐(´~`)┌
>Plus after taking a break and coming back to it,,, the game doesn’t feel the same anymore
>I’m kind of bored of it
>That’s stupid
You let of a scoff, rolling your eyes at his answer.
>I have been known to be pretty dumb
>I’m sure you’ve called me stupid before too lol
You watch as the three dots bubble up and down the screen, signifying his reply is being typed out and having no other form of entertainment, you take in a deep breath and with butterflies flapping around in your stomach, you type out more before he can reply to your original message.
>Will you be fine without me?
>You won’t miss your bestest pal uwu
On the other side of the screen, Shigaraki narrows his eyes. His eyes shine dangerously, and he’s positive if you knew who were talking to, you’d be shaking and begging for you life. Or perhaps you’d be dead. He’s not sure.
>I have better ‘friends’ than you
“Ouch.” You cringe inwardly. “Strike one.”
>Wow, rude much??
>Well if I’m quitting, do you want my stuff? I’ve racked up a decent amount of gold and other stuff:P
“I sound like I’m dying and writing my will, stop being weird about it. You never even meet the dude,” you mumble to yourself, grateful that the voice chat function was off. “Oh my god. He could be like super old or something”
>Does it look like I take handouts?
“Is that a strike two?” You chewed on the idea of your cheek. “If I have to ask, it probably was.”
Can I ask you something?
You just did
You were about to type out your question, the four words staring back at you unblinking. It would be weird, right? Of course it would be. And even if you did ask him that, the odds of him accepting would be slim. Plus, if he did reject, that would be strike three and you really didn’t want to strike out so much.
>How old are you?
You threw your head into your hands and let out an agonized moan. Maybe you should just delete your account now. You don’t even know the guy’s name and he doesn’t know yours. So you could just delete your account and that would be it. You’d never have to speak to him ever again.
>You’re weird
You start laughing.
>Says the guy who would tell other players to be careful who they’re talking to
>Who are you? Light Yagami?
>That’s a shit reference
>You got it tho
>Why do you want to know?
“You have nothing to lose really,” you try to convince yourself as a way to just get to talk to him more.
>I don’t know
>After a while, I always thought of you as a friend
>The other members sorta liked me, but I think it was more of them putting up with me
>But I thought we were beginning to form a friendship so I don’t know
>I guess a dumb part of me thought we could’ve been friends outside of the game:P
Shigaraki stares at the screen in disbelief. You must not have much or any friends at all if you thought he was being friendly. He’s positive that he would kill you if he knew you in real life. Probably right away if he met you on the street or maybe he’d take you as a hostage. He’s sure that he’d kill you but now he’s not sure when.
>You really are dumb
>I can’t tell if you mean it or not
>Knowing you, you probably do
>Can I say good-bye to you? Like facecam wise?
He’d kill you on sight.
>You don’t have to turn your camera on!! I guess, as my last like dumb wish, I wanna say bye?
>I’ll promise to log out afterwards
Shigaraki stares at your messages, trying to gauge at what you’re trying to get at. Do you really want to just say bye? Who the hell gets so emotional in a fucking game? But he would be lying is he said he wasn’t at least a bit curious to see what you look like. Maybe if he’s lucky you’ll be attractive and he could probably jerk at the thought of you before he goes to bed.
>I’m not showing my face
You smile at his answer. It’s the best that you were hoping for and you start to brush your hair out of your face, checking the mirror on your nightstand to see if you look presentable.
>Fine by me
>It’ll be quick, promise:)
And soon he’s staring at the pop-up screen asking if he’d like to request a video call from you. He’s tempted to click no. He cranes his head behind him and once he’s certain that the door is closed, he accepts your call.
You pop up on screen. You’re cute, that’s as much as he’s willing to admit. You adjusting yourself, putting a strand of hair behind your ear before you realize that the call has been accepted. You look startled, and a shade of pink fills in your cheeks. You giggle nervously, waving a hand at the screen.
“Ahaha, hi!” You giggle nervously and he’s pretty sure you’re already regretting this decision. “So like I promised to keep this short and all, so I will.” You looked determined; you stand a bit straighter and take in a deep breath. You remind him of an anime character, someone with exaggerated movements and he’s positive that you’ve confessed your feelings to someone before in that same action.
“Now, now,” his voice freezes you in place, he reminds me you of snake, slithering towards their unassuming prey and you’re pretty sure that’s what he’s trying to convey, “what’s the rush? I thought we were “bestest friends”.” His voice is sickly sweet, taunting you with words that you’ve spoken. His words make you nervous, your hands clenching together and your stomach forming knots.
And suddenly it’s clicked in your mind that he wants to make you feel uncomfortable. He’s probably getting off at the thought of it. And while he is succeeding at that, you don’t want to lose whatever game he’s playing.
“Ha! You admitted it.” You swallow the lump in your throat and flex your fingers. “Okay bestie,” the way you say the word is like you’re trying to bait him into something, and even you’re not sure what you’re leading him into, “I gotta ask. Are you an old man? You sound kind of creepy. Not like a pervy creepy but like you’re gonna kidnap me and murder me in your basement kind of creepy.”
He laughs and you decide that you want to hear more of it- even if it does sound eerie.
“Do me a favor? If you do end up kidnapping me, can you at least bring me a smoothie from BlueBird’s?” You test out your luck, hoping that he’ll play along so you’re not the only talking and maybe it’ll disrupt whatever ruse he was planning.
“What flavor?” He sneered, playing at this sick roleplay that you made up.
You smiled brightly, as if you had gotten one over him, and surprisingly, he didn’t hate your smile. He’s seen all sorts of smiles directed towards him- crazed, trying to get into his good graces, smiles that held murderous intent but yours just looked happy, happy that you were talking to him. Illuminated by a yellow glow, his sneer looks more twisted, his upper lip curling in a twisted way and crimson eyes narrowed with revulsion.
“Mango, please and thank you.” You nodded your head, your smile wasn’t gentle as it was before, it was now playful, as if you wanted to continue this whole kidnapping scenario. He wanted to see how long this conversation would go before you said goodbye. For good. “Anyways, I said I’d make this quick and I will. I—”
“I’m not an old man.”
You laughed at his answer, covering your smile with your hand, and you looked up at him, your eyes brimming with mischief and excitement.
“Okay. And I’m not some elderly person either.”
“Yeah dumbass, I can see that.”
You crossed your arms and you continued to smile at him. “I get that we’re besties and all, but do you really have to keep insulting me?” You pouted your lips, before they broke out into a toothy smile, it was a bit forced but it was only to show that you were joking around with him.
“Is there any other type of friendship?” He genuinely sounded a bit curious.
“Mm, maybe?” You tilted you head to the side and he had a fleeting thought that you reminded him of a cat. “I mean, when I’m with my friends, we joke a lot but we don’t really insult each other too often.” You frowned a bit, your eyebrows furrowed before returning to the screen, giving out a half smile and shrugging your shoulders. “Thin skin, I guess.” A pause was in the air, too uncomfortable for your liking. “Are your friendships like that? Insulting, I mean.”
He hesitated for a second before replying, his voice drenched in fake nonchalance, “That’s a dumb question.”
You took that as a clue to not dwell on the subject any longer. You nodded to yourself forgetting that you were screen, only to hear him chortle on the other side.
“Are you agreeing that it’s a dumb question?”
You stretched your mouth into a nervous smile, heat lighting your cheeks as you racked your brain for a solid excuse on why you nodded to yourself. “Um, yeah?” You didn’t sound confident in the slightest but Shigaraki was curious on how you would save your own skin this time even if this conversation was rather dull. “Like, I guess it would make sense that you said that.” You brought your hands up, and shrugged them, your fingers curling inwards. “It was you who like really enforced the rule about not talking about your personal life so it makes sense that you wouldn’t want to talk about your IRL friend groups.” You leaned further back, your pillows providing comfort against the hard wood that was your bed frame.
No noise came from him other than that of fabric being moved around and scratching at the microphone. “Did you really just say ‘IRL’ instead of ‘in real life’?” He sounded smug about it, as if he had proof that you were a total dweeb. “I never took you for one of those people.” He said ‘those people’ as if it left a sour taste in his mouth.
You let out a nervous laugh, before it grew into a snicker with your eyes shut. “First of all, ‘IRL” is faster to say compared to ‘in real life’ so jot that down. Second of all,” you tilted your chin upwards, giving you a false sense of superiority, “you’re the only always going on about “eat shit and die” and “suck my dick”,” your voice dropped an octave, a poor imitation of the man who hide behind a black screen. “So if I’m one of those people, then you’re like the poster boy of a gamer gatekeeper.”
“It’s not my fault other players are shit.” He breathed out.
“Oh yeah, the other players are shit; it totally isn’t you acting better than everyone.” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head, your tone teasing.
“I’m glad you agree,” he replied, letting out huffs of air through his nose.
It grew silent once more, and this time you weren’t uncomfortable with it, it had actually felt nice. Comfortable, even. Well at least as comfortable as it could get when you couldn’t see the other game but he could see you and all your mannerisms. You clasped your hands together, intertwining them, your attention focused on the black that took up nearly all of your screen, save for your own square that held you on the left hand corner.
“I think,” you started out, the words heavy on your lips, “I think I’m ready to say goodbye.” Once you started, you couldn’t stop. A part of you wished he would interrupt and maybe ask for your email or phone number so you could continue to keep in contact, but you knew that wouldn’t happen. Whatever this was, this odd one-sided friendship, stayed and died here. “It was fun talking to you. Even if you were a dick.” You gave the man a smile, you hoped that it was seen as happy, teasing one. “I liked this one-sided friendship. Even if it hadn’t lasted for long.” You bite down on your lips, your teeth dragging against your dry, bottom lip and you reached over to your nightstand, grabbing your chapstick, rubbing the tube with your fingers before clenching it in one hand. “It was nice knowing you Tomaraki. Take care, okay?”
You didn’t wait for his reply- you knew that you wouldn’t get one. You scrolled your mouse of to the telephone outline, and as you were about to click it, his voice rasped out, telling you to wait. Startled you pulled back, the mouse jerked downwards, moving past the outline and you stared at him, eyes wide and head cocked to the side, waiting for him to speak further.
He hadn’t known why he shouted for you to wait. He didn’t even want to talk to you in the first place, it was your promise that you would leave him alone that even convinced him to accept your request but here he was, barking at you to wait as you stared at him with owlish eyes and a closed mouth as you gave him the floor to speak. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know why he sounded so frantic at the thought of you leaving and then quitting the game, any form of communication getting erased within minutes.
“I,” he started out, grateful that the screen was black on his end, his hands coming up to pick at his neck, “What’s that?” He was going to kick himself later, he was sure of it.
You tilted your head, your eyes narrowing before landing on the tube in your hand. “This?” You held the tube upright, a confused smile gracing your features. “It’s chapstick. It’s uh-” you turned the tube over, looking for the label where it stated its flavor- “It’s vanilla honey flavored.” You opened the tube and rubbed the chapstick on your lips, smacking them together. “Why? You looking for recommendations?”
He decided to go for a truth, knowing that it wouldn’t give anything away. “I have dry lips.”
“Oh.” You pursed your lips, and you scratched at the area where your jawline meets your neck. “I’m not knowledgeable about the different types of chapsticks, I usually like to get the ones that have a nice flavor. I had this peppermint one but I lost it. Are you drinking enough water? That should help too. You could also try lip scrubs. You don’t have to buy them, you could always make them at home but you’d need brown sugar for a rougher feel.” You rambled on, moving your hands around, and his eyes stayed trained at your moving hands, your voice growing distant. He could only hum in response as you continued to talk and mention stores that sold lip scrubs.
“Uh, Toma? You there?” You asked, your hands clenching and bringing them closer to your chest.
He raised his eyebrows at the sound of a nickname. “Toma?”
“Hah, uh yeah. Tomaraki is too long, I mean unless you want me to call you something else?” You seemed invested with continuing the conversation and he could understand why. You always craved attention- always undermined your skills, all so someone could praise you. But why did he want to continue this conversation? Was it simply because he had someone talk to him about mundane things, things that didn’t carry so much weight? Was it because you treated him as if he were a person first, rather than a villain?
“No. No I don’t mind.” His voice came out softer than he expecting, than you were expecting given that your eyes widen, your mouth pulled into an ‘o’ shape before you smiled gently at him, your lips turning slightly upwards.
“Okay.” You held your breath for a second. “Do you wanna call me by my name?” Your voice was soft, matching his tone from earlier.
He wanted to snap at you, asking why he would even want to but he couldn’t bring himself to. He didn’t know how to answer you without snapping. But you took pity on him, his silence deafening and you told him your name, you voice sweet and heating him up from within, the heat pooling in his stomach before travelling upwards into his chest, a momentary blast of warmth before it faded away. He tested your name on his tongue, the word heavy and foreign on his tongue. He repeated your name, the odd feeling being replaced by familiarity.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” You smiled, your tone playful but still soft, as you sank deeper into your mattress, your legs aching in protest from being in a still position for so long.
He didn’t have a comeback. He remained silent, repeating your name in his head, the tone of your voice when you asked him if he had wanted to know and when you spoke it, invading all of his thoughts.
“You know,” you started out, stifling a yawn behind a hand, “if you had wanted to continue this conversation you could’ve just said so. I don’t mind talking to you.”
“You’re tired.” He opted to avoid confirming or denying your accusation.
“It’s late, of course I’m tired.” He suddenly took notice of the way your eyes were starting to droop, how your eyes would widen, forcing them to stay open.
“You should go to bed.” His voice was stiff, he didn’t want to continue this conversation but he saw you frown, your lips downturned, noticing the difference in tone but you quickly smiled, any features of disappointment being erased.
“But this conversation was just getting good,” You whined, another yawn coming out, tears pricking your eyes. “Hey, I got a dumb idea,” you said.
“All your ideas are dumb,” he muttered underneath his breath, missing the fall of your face that disappeared before he could turn back.
“You want my number?” You ran a hand through your hair, swallowing deeply, your mouth suddenly dry and the chapstick on your lips too heavy. “If you want, of course. You don’t have to exchange yours. But you aren’t obligated to reply to me either. Obviously.”
He hesitated to answer; both to see you squirm in your seat but also because he was unsure. Did he want to continue this friendship that would only end sour, that wouldn’t progress further than what it already was. He reasoned to himself that if the friendship was going to stay stagnated, what was the harm of saying yes? What was the harm of talking to you a bit longer?
He nodded his head, only to realize that you couldn’t see him. The only reason you weren’t reporting him to the police, calling and screaming for heroes was because you couldn’t see him. A hand reached over to grab Father, his other hand tugging at the skin on his neck, feeling the cold air of the room sting at the raw flesh. Your reaction to his answer gave him an odd sense of pride on how you had swelled up, giving him a wide grin, the smile reaching your eyes and you sat up straighter, asking him if he was ready and you began to tell him your phone number, repeating it to make sure he had gotten it down correctly, the grin on your lips never leaving.
Ten minutes later, your account was deleted, all assets transferred over to Toma. Your eyes burned with sleep, the blankets on top of you suddenly weighed a ton, and right before you gave in to sleep, butterflies slowly started to form in your stomach.
In a dark room, only lit up by the screen of his phone, Shigaraki stays up, his eyes burning with the need for sleep as he just stares blankly at the your number. He wonders to himself why he had even agreed to accept your number, but he couldn’t go back in time and reject your offer- the most he could do was not message you. He closed his eyes, his mind drifting back and forth between ignoring you tomorrow or attempt to have a conversation with you.
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Izuku Midoriya  x Reader/OC
Warning: foul language, rated PG-13. Also I use the OC’s name twice, so you can read it as reader POV. 5k.
A/N: Commission for @dizzy-loaf​
Summary: Deku and you are third years preparing to gradate, on a mission to help Pro Heroes, reader gets hurt. 
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The third year dorm floor was quiet, it was well past the allotted lights off curfew but tonight you just could not sleep. You laid in bed, looking up at the ceiling - your room was dark as you attempted to count sheep, snuggling warm under the blankets but all you could do was count higher and higher. 
“You did really well in training today, Lily.”
Izuku Midoriya’s voice echoed in your ears - his words had come out in a sincere stutter and it made you blush just as much as him. His quirk was amazing and he was at the top of the class - had been since first year when you were in class 1-A together. Over the course of nearly three years, you watched Midoriya build his strength and power. It was especially fun to watch Katsuki Bakugo get so angry at soft spoken Midoriya. Although as third years, you had to admit the entire class had grown up and even Kacchan was not as harsh as he used to be. In fact, he was a close friend of yours which made your crush on Deku a little awkward. 
“Thanks, Deku. I’ve been training more with Tamaki.”
Midoriya’s eyes widened with delight as he grinned. “You’re going to join Fat Gum Agency, aren’t you?”
Your face went warm - how did he know? Only Tamaki officially knew and you knew he was not much for gossip. “How did you know?”
His face went red and he started to stammer over his words just as Bakugo screamed for you. “Oi! Come on, dumbass, we’re getting lunch off campus.”
“He really likes calling everyone that, doesn’t he?”
Laughing, you gave Deku a warm smile and shrugged. “He’s special like that. I better go…”
“Yah - yeah, of course,” he smiled and your chest ached, butterflies sprung from the pit of your stomach. You felt the entirety of your body warming up as your quirk took in the sunshine coming through the window. Fingers tingled as his eyes softened and his mouth relaxed as Bakugo’s voice boomed from somewhere behind you, threatening to leave without you. It didn’t matter because Midoriya’s eyes were on yours and it felt like the sun was filling you up - his mouth moved and you had to shake your head to gain consciousness.
Deku scratched the back of his head and looked over your shoulder. “Kacchan is getting angry, you better go.”
“Crap, right,” you laughed nervously, holding up a fist to him.  “Good job training today.”
He obliged your fist pump and waved you off; your chest tightening with embarrassment at the thought of fist pumping him. You dared not look back as you jogged over to Kacchan and Kirshimia, the two young men looking smug as you approached them.
“Say a damn word and die,” you warned the blond. “I am not in the mood, let’s just go get food.”
“I didn’t say shit,” Bakugo grinned, his red eyes narrowed towards you. “You looked like an idiot fist pumping that nerd.”
“Shut up, Kacchan.”
You groaned at the thought of the exchange from lunch, that’s what was keeping you up so late. If only you had not been such a spaz in front of Midoriya, maybe if you did not have Bakugo flaming the fire so much, you could have been a lot smoother than a fist pump. Realizing you were not going to bed any time soon, you got up and decided a midnight snack might help. Leaving your room, you slowly crept down the hall to the common room; Rikido often left baking goods on the coffee table. He had baked two dozen or so cookies that evening, and you were hoping there were some left. 
The common area was dark as you walked to the couch, it was easy to maneuver around since you had spent so much time with your classmates lounging around. It was easy to become so consumed in training and coursework that you made it a point to enjoy normal things on your down time. Which meant a lot of movie nights and video game competitions, it got pretty rowdy in the third year living quarters. 
Shifting down to the couch, you peered down toward the coffee table and grinned when you saw a few cookies left. Grabbing one, you started to settle down when a voice spoke out on your right. Your fist instantly glowed up with white light, crushing the cookie as you swung it toward the voice. A hand caught it and the light started to fade from the darkness - your quirk gave you the ability to resource energy from the sun. You were able to blast balls of white energy from your fist, using it to jump high and depending on the amount of energy, blow things up. The downside was the dark; your energy would slowly deplete without the sun. 
“L-Lily, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
It was Deku, his face soft in the dimming light of your fist. When it went completely out, you relaxed and noticed how close the two of you were. He had been sitting on the other end of the couch but when he spoke you had practically jumped on him. You were glad it was dark, there was no way you would want him to see the look on your face. Pushing away from him, you apologized.
“No, no,” he waved his hands in the air. “I fell asleep on the couch, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I could have blown you up,” you teased, brushing off cookie crumbles from your lap. “I couldn’t sleep, came to find food.”
In the dark, you could see the outline of his face - his green hair was swept away from his face. He sat perfectly still and you wondered if he was nervous, you realized then that if someone were to walk in it would look incriminating to find two third years in the dark together. 
“Do - do you want a cookie?”
He whispered in a hushed voice and you held back a laugh. “Yeah, I sorta crushed the other one when you scared the crap out of me.”
“Sorry about that,” he apologized, handing over a cookie. You took it and relaxed against the couch, the two of you sat in silence as you ate but you were too nervous to even chew. It was so quiet you were sure he would hear you munching on the cookie, so you cleared your throat and asked why he was sitting in the dark.
“Uh, oh,” he chuckled and said he couldn't sleep either. “I was studying for our exam and my brain went sorta hay wired. I needed fresh air, I suppose.” 
Fresh air sounded delightful, plus you were not ready for bed - not when Izuku was up too. You wondered for a second if he would go along with a plan to sneak out into the courtyard but he definitely was not Tenya. You knew Deku had broken plenty of rules, even if in the name of good and what was so bad about harmless adolescent mischief?
Your days of youth were fleeting, graduation was soon and most of your friends, including yourself, were going Pro. There wasn’t much time left to enjoy the little things in life, going Pro Hero meant dealing with a ton of responsibility. Being a hero was not for the faint hearted - somethings were going to be put on the back burner and tonight was not one of those things.
“Deku, do you want to go for a walk?”
It was easier than you thought, sneaking outside after hours. You were sure the administration had surveillance cameras for security purposes but no one disturbed the two of you as you took the stairs down to the ground floor. Inside the grand hallway, Deku told you to lead the way, keeping close as you rushed along. You held back a laugh when you rounded a corner and stopped, his chest bumping hard into your back. 
He panicked and blurted out an apology. “I wasn’t expecting you to stop so abruptly.”
“I was just making sure you were following,” you teased, turning to face him.. His eyes widened as you leaned in close and placed a finger over your lips. “Come on, we’re almost in the clear.” His face hardened into a serious expression and he nodded firmly. “Let’s go.”
In the end, the two of you climbed out of a ground window in an open classroom. Deku climbed out first, landing on his feet. He held out a hand and you gladly took it, even though you knew you were more than capable of jumping down without help. His palm was warm against yours and even under the dim moonlight, you could see he had blush painted over his cheeks. He was cute and you adored his timid demeanor but admittedly, you loved seeing the more aggressive Midoriya. 
Jumping down, he held your hand for a long second before realizing what he was doing - immediately he released his grip, and pointed out a bench hidden under a few trees. Holding back a smile, you followed him. The two of you might have looked ridiculous if someone was watching from a window above, hunched over as you ran to the bench. 
Laughing, you approached the trees and sat down next to your partner in crime. “It’s nice out.”
“It - it is,” he whispered, eyeing the UA building. “I wonder if anyone else is awake.”
You stared up towards the third year floor, looking for a light from any of your classmates' rooms. Grinning, you pointed up to a room on the far right. “That’s Denki’s room. I bet he’s playing video games.”
Deku laughed but his expression faded as his eyes glazed over to you - he stared contently as you continued to gaze up at the building. You could feel his stare and it made your toes warm, and when you finally met his gaze- the two of you smiled and looked away. It was quiet for a moment as the crickets chirped in the background until Deku spoke softly.
“Do you think we’ll all make it as Pro Heroes?”
You lifted both legs off the ground, crossing them as your body turned to face him completely. The bottom of your knees rest against the stone bench, pondering over his question for a few seconds before sighing. This was something you had thought about plenty of times over the years, school was ending soon and everyone was talking about agencies they wanted to join. Some, like yourself, have been invited to join certain agencies after graduation and others were trying to get attention from prospective agencies. Admittedly, it was hard to think about how some of your classmates would not make it as Pro Heroes. Everyone had been so close since year one and it was a difficult pill to swallow. 
“I would like to think all of us will become successful Pro Heroes - I want to believe it and maybe it’s wrong not to...but not all of us will even break the top ten.”
Deku’s face fell as realization hit his eyes, he knew you were right but it still sucked to hear it. “I admire your honesty. I guess it would be naive to think we would all make it into the top ten, but we can try at least!”
His voice boomed and you laughed, reminding him the two of you were breaking UA rules by being out after curfew. “Right,” he grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just - I get excited thinking about going Pro. We’ve accomplished so much over the last three years and I can’t wait to start saving people everyday!”
His conviction broke through once again but this time you could only admire it -his face stern with the  desire to be like All Might, it made you smile warmly. “That’s what I love about you, Deku. You’re going to be the greatest hero of all time.”
Deku’s eyes widened as you realized what had slipped out of your mouth - an accidental confession? The horror crept up your throat as you attempted to speak but the feel of Izuku’s hand on yours halted anything from coming out. Your eyes met his and he had a brave expression painted on his face as he leaned closer to you. 
Heat rose to your face, warm like his hand on yours and suddenly you were very aware that he might kiss you - right under the trees as the moon brightened the night. Your heart beated with desire, not believing he might just feel the same and when his head moved closer to yours - your eyes shut just as the ring of your cell phone went off. 
Deku jumped back, sheepishly embarrassed as you cursed and scrambled for the phone in your pocket - it was Kacchan. Angry, you answered it.
“Hey, dumbass, you and Deku better get back. Aizawa is making his rounds.”
“Shit, okay,” you groaned. Hanging up, you looked at Deku and sighed. “We better get back.”
It took five minutes to make your way back up to the third year floor, both of you seemingly shy as you walked side by side. Deku, always the gentlemen, walked you back to your room and nervously bid you a goodnight.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered and you nodded, reaching over for his hand. You gave it a warm squeeze before saying goodnight and going into your room. Inside, it was dark as you enthralled in the bravery you displayed - grabbing his hand was significantly better than fist pumping Deku. A huge smile graced your face as you flickered on the light, jumping when you saw Kacchan sitting at your desk. 
“What the hell are you doing in my room!”
He swirled around, hands folded across his chest. “Did you at least kiss the nerd? You better have, considering I stayed up past my bedtime to make sure your ass didn’t get in trouble.”
Rolling your eyes, you stood there and stared at your friend. “No. Are you happy now?”
Bakugo grinned and shook his head. “You two cowards deserve each other - can’t even kiss, ha.”
Knowing he was being a teasing jackass, you walked back to the door and opened it. “Goodnight, Lord Dumbass.”
HIs eyes narrowed as he got up from the desk chair and sauntered over to the door, stopping when he got to where you stood. His face softened up a bit and he grunted. “We’ve fought alongside each other plenty of times, yeah I’m a better hero than you - that’s just facts but I never thought you’d be afraid of Deku.”
“I’m not afraid of him, it’s the complete opposite of fear…”
“Well, then, do something about it,” Bakugo ordered, stepping out of your room. He turned to you, annoyed and clearly tired. “‘IWe’re going to be Pros soon, you never know what will happen. Plus, I’m tired of seeing you two throwing puppy dog eyes at each other - it’s sick.”
Laughing, you agreed. “It is, goodnight, Kacchan.”
He smirked as you started to close the door. “Night.”
You were alone at last and feeling regret. Time was fleeting and your angry friend was right, being hero meant putting your life on the line to save others. There was no point in living with regret, tomorrow you were going to properly confess to Deku and live life to the fullest. 
That chance never came because the next very afternoon, third year students were called to help in a villain take over. A town outside the big city was being overrun and they needed all the help they could take.It felt like an all out war as you ran alongside Bakugo, the two of you using your quirks to fly up in the air - he yelled for you to split up with him.
“Don’t be a damn extra!” He shouted as you landed next to him on a building’s roof. The sun was bearing down on the two of you - your body consuming energy from it’s rays. You felt full of power as Kacchan kneeled down, overlooking the mess below. 
“Deku is fighting on the east side of the town,” he pointed out, looking over his shoulder at you. HIs eyes hardened and he grinned. “Go help him out, I’m sure he’ll need it.”
You wanted to go to Deku, wanted to make sure he was fine even though you knew he was. Hell, he was the best of the best and you had seen him plenty of times holding his own but still - there was a need in you to go to him and Bakugo understood.
“I can’t leave you.”
He offered up a laugh and stood up, fists clenched in two balls. “Like I need anyone’s damn help! Go to your nerd, I’ll be just fine.”
There was no room to argue as you watched him rush off the side of the building, jumping off with a loud boom following a few seconds later. Yeah, he was going to be just fine, you thought, peering over the edge of the building. There were dozens upon dozens of villains running through the small town, apparently they were a small faction of the League of Villains; no doubt they were doing Dabi’s bidding. 
I have to find Deku.
Bakguo said he was fighting on the east side of the town, far from where the others from your class were - they were most likely helping with evacuations and medical care. You had gone off with Kacchan when the others readied themselves to help; neither of you were particularly made for the hero basics. Helping people get to safety was the most important thing but both of you belonged to the fight, and that’s where you went. 
I have to find Deku.
That’s all you could think about as you followed Bakugo’s lead and flung yourself off the roof; white energy surged from the palm of your hands that helped propel you into the air. The wind blew against your skin, body tingling as you flew down in the direction toward Deku’s location; your eyes peered narrowing, taking in the commotion down below. Several Pro Heroes were fighting off opponents from the League of Villains, it was chaos down below and you knew the only way to find Deku was to land.
It seemed like perfecting timing as you descended down; you spotted Deku fighting alongside Fatgum. You reached the ground, feet stumbling as you gave them no time to adjust; running towards the pair of heroes with a loud shout. A villain came towards you but a quick blast of energy from your palms brought him down as you caught up to Deku.
“I thought you could use a hand!”
Midoriya turned at the sound of your voice and grinned, his eyes set on yours as you stood in front of him. “I thought you were with Kacchan.”
“He ditched me,” you laughed, nodding to Fatgum. “Where do you want me boss?”
“See those two apartment buildings?” The larger than life hero pointed behind Deku and you.  “Two bombs went off on the ground floor, I need you two to make sure everyone is evacuated. We’re short on heroes, so make it quick and be safe.”
“Yes, sir,” Deku and you responded, giving each other a smirk before promising to meet up after.
“Be safe,” he called out to you as he raced off toward his assigned building. You watched for a second as he ran, feeling the gravity of the situation weighing on your shoulders. This was the hero life and the adrenaline in your veins had you pumping with determination as you raced inside the apartment. 
Rubble surrounded the ground floor as you made your way to the stairs - there were four floors, so you raced up and came to the first floor. It took only a few minutes to check each apartment before proceeding to the next floor. The building rumbled as you ran up the stairs, calling out for anyone that had not evacuated; the stairway was narrow as you bumped into a handful of people coming down. They were scared, a few were crying as you told them everything would be alright. You grabbed a hold of a young woman and smiled at her, your hand on her shoulder.
“Head down, lead everyone out. There are Pro Heroes just outside waiting to take you to a secure location. Do you know if there are any more people up there?”
“I didn’t see my elderly neighbors come out, we live one floor up.”
“I’ll make sure they get out, now go.”
You watched for a moment as the group raced down the stairs, the building shaking as you took a moment to catch your breath. Your heart was racing as your feet kept trekking, each step you took you calculated a way to check each apartment on the top floor. From the three floors you already evacuated, there was a max of six apartments on each floor. In the group of people that you passed in the stairway, you figured most tenants had fled.
All I need to do is a quick search and get out before the building buckles under the bomb that went off.
Hitting the top floor, you quickly ran down the way calling out for anyone left behind. Noticing nearly every apartment front door was open but one, you rushed to it. Thinking about the elderly neighbors the woman mentioned on the stairway, you opened the door to the apartment. It was quiet, all you could hear was the building creaking.
“Hello! I’m here to help!”
The living room was empty as you ran into the small hallway, searching each room. Relief washed over you when you realized no one was in the apartment. Good, everyone was out. All you needed to do now was check the other apartments and  evacuate. Remaining calm and collective, you left the apartment and did a quick round before heading down the stairs. Feeling successful, a smile imprinted on your face as you neared the third floor. 
Even though you were itching for a fight, it had felt satisfying making sure everyone in the building was safe. You felt proud and all you needed to do now was rejoin Deku but as you got to the third floor, the building started to shake violently. 
Oh, crap! There was no doubt it was on its last legs and you needed to jet out. Running faster, you tripped over your feet and went tumbling down as the walls started to crumble. The ceiling above came crashing down as you ducked out of the way. You fell against the stairway, hitting your head on the wall as the building collapsed. 
The noise was deafening, your scream muffled from the sound of cracking and creaking. Then a large boom sound went off and a searing pain shot through your right leg. It was dark and dusty as you peered down, a piece of concrete had fallen on your leg. Cursing, you lifted a hand, a burst of white light came from your palm. Looking around, you saw that you were stuck on a small landing; the wall behind you was enacted but everything else was rumble. 
The dust made it hard to breath and you could feel your quirk draining from the lack of sun; telling yourself to remain calm, you straightened out your breathing and tried to examine the situation you were in. Thinking you could use the energy you had left to burst your way through the rumble, you attempt to move the concrete off your leg. It proved to be heavy and far too painful, holding back tears, you rested your head against the wall.
I’ll be fine, you thought, pushing away the pain. Fatgum sent you into the building, he would know you hadn’t gotten out; he would find you. All you had to do was relax and not move your leg, simple as that. Settling down, you closed your eyes and listened for the quiet sounds around you; the creaking that tensed your body. 
Another collapse and you were done for. 
Your mind wondered as the minutes ticked on by and all you could think about was not having the courage to kiss Deku when you had the chance. Kacchan was right, being a hero meant putting your life on the line and there was no time cowardliness. Regret washed over you as the darkness engulfed you in a dusty haze; your leg was becoming numb. You needed to get the concrete off and desperately needed medical attention. 
I can’t go out like this, I need to fight my way through all the rumble.
Determination flooded over your body as you leaned forward; hands gripping the concrete, you screamed as you pulled with all your might. Your fingers shook as they pressed against the concrete but then a loud explosion came from the floor below. Letting go, you sat still, anticipating the implosion of the building but it never came.
Instead you heard a familiar voice yelling your name; shouting desperately. 
It was Deku. 
You called out for him, explaining that you were a floor up stuck on the stairs.. He told you to not move, that he was coming to get you but he had to be careful. “I don’t want  to cause another collapse, just - just hold on!”
His words wrapped around your body, keeping you warm as you held out both hands. Your palms lit up and you hollered if he could see the light. “I can! Okay - I think I can make it through without causing more damage. I’ve calculated the pieces I need to move without getting you hurt, you just have to be patient.”
“My leg is stuck under a piece of concrete, I’m not going anywhere, Deku.”
“Right,” he shouted back, apologizing. He promised he would get you out and you listened as he performed the tedious task of getting to you. Deku’s voice boomed through the darkness as he promised to get you out every few minutes and even in the pain you were feeling, you smiled. It couldn’t be helped, the dire desperation and conviction in his voice brought you comfort - and while it seemed like an odd time to do so, you found yourself confessing to him.
“Izuku, I need to tell you something.”
The noise of concrete moving stopped. “Are - are you okay!”
Head resting on the wall, you lowered your hands and said yes. “Last night when we snuck out, I wanted to confess to you and I chickened out.”
Deku was quiet as your heart beated, waiting for an answer; even if it was a rejection, you needed to hear him say something -anything. Tears welled in your eyes as the light completely dilapidated from your palms and everything went dark. Maybe he didn’t feel the same way, maybe all you had was friendship and that would have to be enough. 
It wasn’t enough.
You knew this and the silence was killing you, hurting you worse then the pain in your leg. All you wanted was to hear Deku say he cared about you too, that he loved you. You wanted to be brave like Kacchan urged you to and even if it meant rejection, at least you did it. At least you could go to bed at night knowing you put front your feelings, no coward’s way, not today. 
The silence abruptly stopped as Deku continued to shift the rumble to get to you; tears fell down your face as the sound grew louder. He was getting close and now you were going to have to face him after putting yourself out there. 
“I’m almost to you!”
You were grateful for his help but felt punctured at the deflection in his voice. 
“I - I can see the stairs…do you have energy left to light the way?”
Unable to speak, afraid he would hear the hurt in your voice; you lifted a hand and used the last of your energy as a guiding light. It was exactly what Deku needed because a few moments later he was at your side, lifting up the concrete off your leg. He gently touched your leg, eyebrows furrowed under your light. 
“I need to get you out, I can use my quirk to get you out of here,” he said, removing his hand from your leg. He was kneeled beside you, his eyes glancing over at you. “I’m going to need to carry you, okay?”
You stared at him, bewildered that he wasn’t even going to mention the confession. “Wait - I - you did hear me earlier, right?”
Deku’s face softened and he smiled. “I did, I just needed time to process it.”
“Oh,” you laughed lightly. “So, what do you think?”
Eyes on you, his face fell and he scooted closer; he leaned forward and placed a hand on the wall. His body hovered over you, his shoulder protecting you from the rumble piled up beside him. Slowly he moved his head down, stopping right in front of yours. 
“I wanted to confess to you too, I-I just was afraid you didn’t feel the same. In fact, that’s all I’ve been thinking about and when - when I saw the building collapse, my body moved before my brain could process what was happening.”
“Wow, no overthinking?”
Deki chuckled and brought his hand down to your face. “I - I want to get you to safety, we need to go.”
“Okay,” you whispered, nodding your head. He smiled and started to pull away but you weren’t going to miss the chance a second time. You didn't want Bakugo to be right - no more puppy dog eyes. You were a Pro Hero in the making; bravery was embroiled in your blood. 
He froze when you touched the side of his head and carefully leaned forward, making sure to not move your leg. Your heart danced as he drew in, his eye closing as yours did - and when his lips touched yours, the pain simply disappeared. 
Bakugo grunted as he raced across the apartment parking lot, the once standing building now an oversized pile of rubble. His fist clenched at the thought of you not making it out but as he raced toward the row ambulance, he relaxed. He spotted you easily, laying on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance; Deku was sitting next to you, his hand in yours. 
“Hey extras!”
HIs voice boomed as he approached the ambulance, his arms crossed against his chest. You smiled at him and Deku, flustered, gently released your hand from his. Kacchan stood next to the open doors and shook his head.
“You idiots need to be more careful.”
“Don’t be a jackass,” you warned and he sighed impatiently.
“R-right,” he grunted, relaxing his hands at his side. His eyes moved to Deku and he stared at him like it was painful. “Thanks for saving her, she’s a pain in the butt but she’s my friend.”
“Of course, Kacchan.”
The two nodded to each other and you grinned. “I heard you were kicking ass, Katsuki.”
“OF COURSE I WAS,” he gloated. HIs face softened and he gave you a grin. “Glad you’re okay, dumbass. Get better or whatever.”
Laughing, you glanced over at Deku and rolled your eyes. “He’s never going to change, is he?”
Deku scratched the back of his head and smirked. “I don’t think so.”
Ignoring your friend, you reached over for Deku’s hand and squeezed it. “You don’t have to come with me to the hospital, I’m fine now.”
His face hardened and he shook his hand, holding your hand tightly. “I want to go with you. Besides, Kacchan can handle it, right?”
The two of you looked over to the hot tempered blond and a mischievously. expression came over his face. He reached both hands out for the doors of the ambulance and smirked. “Hell yes, see you extras later.”
The doors slammed shut and you looked at Deku; his eyes were wide with disbelief and you laughed, tugging his hand playfully. “I hope he never changes.”
Midoriya’s cheeks rose as he smiled, inclined forward to touch his nose against yours. He pressed a gentle kiss on your lips, blush painting his face as he pulled away. “Me too.”
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bittywitches · 4 years
hi bby! hope you're having a great day! for the prompt list, can I have #2 and #35 for grayson? tysm!!!
You’re the sweetest 🥺 As usual I got carried away, but I hope I did alright 😅 Hope you’re doing well too!
#2: “Stay here tonight.” & #35: “You make me feel safe.”
You woke up in a cold sweat, panting in the darkness of your bedroom. Your chest was pounding, the dark only adding to your tension. You scrambled to turn your table lamp on, sighing finally when you could see the warm colour wash over your room. 
Just another nightmare.
You breathed out, rubbing your face to try and ease your tension. The past few weeks had been rough on you. Ever since your mother grew ill, it was like everything else in your life started to spiral out of control. You had to take a few days off from work to take care of your mom, that taking up most of your days now. You knew she’d probably get by on her own, but you knew her. She wasn’t one to work well alone. Your mother had raised you all on her own, but you hadn’t left her side until just last year, when you’d moved out to live in a small apartment that was a lot closer to your job. Things were okay since your younger sister had been living with her up until a few months ago, when she left the state for school. Now it was just her at home, by herself. And once she got sick, she became even more restless, and you didn’t want to leave her alone. You loved her, but taking care of her everyday was adding a lot to your stress. You were afraid if you took any more days off you might lose your job, but leaving your mom alone at her house scared you to no end. That of course was all it took to fuel your ongoing nightmares. 
You sighed, reaching for your phone, knowing that there was no way you’d be able to fall asleep now after getting spooked like that again.
The light hurt your eyes a bit, but eventually you adjusted to it, seeing that it was 1 in the morning. You opened up instagram and scrolled through the posts, but stopped when you saw what Grayson had posted. It was a picture of you from yesterday when you had crashed at the twins’ place after leaving your mom’s house, since it was closer. You were sitting on the sofa, curled up into a ball while draped in a huge fuzzy blanket. The picture was taken from your side, and you remembered Grayson taking that photo of you in the middle of the movie you were watching. You swiped to see a photo of you now looking directly at the camera, tears in your eyes as you gripped the edge of the blanket close to your face. You blushed at that, embarassed that he’d decided to post it. You swiped one more time to see a photo of TV screen displaying a scene from Love Actually. You looked down to see the caption:
graysondolan I had to hug her until she stopped crying 😅
You smiled at that. He was right, but it’s not like he did it against his will. After the movie finished he brought you both a bowl of ice cream and you guys cuddled under the blanket while you watched The Office reruns to help you cool down. 
You loved the twins, they were some of your closest friends, and you were so grateful to have them, especially during this stressful time right now. They could help you relax, wind down, and wouldn’t let you feel bad for it. You’d found, however, that these past few months, you and Grayson had been growing a lot closer. 
Closer how? That was a good question. You yourself were trying to figure that out. You weren’t going to pretend that you didn’t have a small crush on Grayson, but you knew that right now it didn’t really matter if you did or not. You had so much going on in your life, you wouldn’t be able to get into something like that. Sure, spending all that time with him was always amazing, usually the highlight of your week. And as times got tougher, the nightmares seemed to keep finding you each night, and each time you found yourself soothing yourself back to sleep by thinking of being held in a certain someone’s arms... but that didn’t mean he liked you in the way you did him. You knew not to get your hopes up.
You shook your head, going to turn off your lamp again. You flopped down onto your mattress, closing your eyes to try and force yourself back to sleep.
No, no, come back!
You shot up, your chest heaving like crazy. 
“God, why-” You turned your lamp on again, rubbing your eyes.
“Guess I’m not sleeping tonight.” You grumbled, getting out of bed and pulling on your fuzzy slippers. You quickly tied up your hair into a loose ponytail, then grabbed your phone as you headed for your living room. 
You plopped yourself down onto your couch. You sighed, turning your phone on again to be introduced with Grayson’s post again. Your eyes drifted down the screen, but widened when you saw something. He’d only posted it about a half hour ago.
That meant he was still awake. 
You sat there for a while, contemplating what to do. You really did want to see him, but could you really do anything about it, considering what time it was?
You bit your lip. Fuck it. You pressed Grayson’s contact, then pressed call. 
You held the phone up to your ear, breathing in slowly as it rang.
“Y/N?” His voice sounded a lot clearer than you expected, so you could tell that he’d been awake.
“Are you okay? Why are you up?” You could already hear the concern in his voice.
“Is your mom okay?” 
“Yea, nothing’s wrong, don’t worry.” You smiled still.
“Oh.. okay, good.” He cleared his throat. “Why aren’t you asleep?” he asked again.
“I… couldn’t sleep. Wanted to talk to someone.” You started to get nervous when he didn’t respond right away. “You know what, I probably shouldn't have even called-”
“No, no, it’s okay. I was actually just editing a video right now, anyways.”
“Oh, am I disturbing? I’m sorry-”
“Y/N,” He laughed over the phone. “It’s all good. I was just finishing up anyway.”
You chuckled. “Okay.”
“You okay?” Even though you’d said otherwise, Grayson could tell there wasn’t something going on.
“Yea… just.. Got up to make tea.” you decided, then got off the couch and went to your kitchen in search of tea bags.
“You usually have midnight tea breaks?” He laughed again.
“Haha, no. Just today.” You turned the kettle on, then turned around to lean your back against the cool counter.
“Hey, um.” You cleared your throat. “Are you busy right now?”
“Not really, no. Why?”
“Okay, um, this might sound a bit crazy, but…” You rubbed your shoulder. “Do you wanna maybe come over?”
There was a pause. “...Right now?”
“...Did you drink?”
“W- Grayson!” Your face flushed.
“Okay, so no-”
“You know what nevermind I’m sorry I called-”
“No no stop. M’sorry. I’d love to come over. Don’t you think it’s a bit late though..?”
“Just for a little bit.” You felt like you were begging at this point, but you didn’t care. You wanted to see him. “You don’t have to stay long.”
You bit down on your lower lip. “But you’re right, it’s fine-”
“Y/N, no. I’ll be there in twenty.” 
You smiled. “Okay. Bye.”
.  .  .
Almost exactly twenty minutes later, you heard the ringing of the doorbell. You gently placed your hot cup of tea down on the coffee table, and scurried towards the door.
“I’m coming!” You said, reaching the doorknob and turning it.
You opened the door to find Grayson standing there, his long hair set free from his usual bandana, wearing a loose black tshirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. He had a big grin on his face.
You smiled. “Hi-” But then your eyes drifted down to see him holding a cute little teddy bear and a take-out ihop bag; your comfort food.
“Grayson..” You brought your hands up to cover your mouth, suddenly finding tears spilling over your face, and you didn’t even know why. You’d been trying to keep your emotions at bay for so long that this one kind gesture was enough to tip you over the edge.
“Hey hey hey, hold on,” He placed the bag on the floor and reached for you, wrapping his arms around you. You buried your head into his neck as he rubbed your back.
“Mhm?” You sniffled, fiddling with his chain.
“Are you okay?” he asked one final time.
You breathed out. “No.”
He sighed. “I had a hunch.” He gently took your shoulders and pushed you away from him. “Wanna go eat this stuff?”
“Maybe later…” You said, wiping your eyes and bending down to take the bag. “I’ll put it in the fridge.”
You hugged him again, pressing your cheek against his chest. “Thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for.” You smiled at him. He slipped his shoes off, then walked past you into your living room, and you closed the door behind him. 
“Oh, I made you tea.” You pointed at the second cup on the coffee table. 
You nodded, going over to the fridge to put the food away. You made you way over to Grayson and sat down next to him on the sofa. You watched him for a bit as he drank his tea.
Finally he set his cup down. “Okay, what’s going on? Is everything seriously okay with your mom?”
“Yes, she’s fine. At least, not worse than normal.”
“Then what’s going on? Why’d you call me?” He placed his hand on your leg, gently rubbing his thumb over your knee.
“I…” You coughed. “I’ve been having nightmares.” 
He tilted his head at you, a concerned look on his face. “Is it because of your mom?”
“I-I think it’s part of it.” You looked away, embarrassed. “I know it’s stupid-”
“Y/N it’s not stupid. It makes sense. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now.”
You looked up at him. “Yea?”
“Yea.” He paused. “Is that why you called? Because your nightmares wouldn’t let you sleep?”
You nodded, and you could see the actual pain in his face when you did that.
“Y/N…” He wrapped his arms around you again, and this time you let yourself comfortably nestle into his side. He kissed your forehead as he rubbed your shoulder.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but… are the nightmares actually about your mom?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t even know.” He brushed a hair out of your face as you spoke. “Every time it’s always me losing somebody; sometimes it’s my mom, or my sister, or a friend, sometimes it’s just a weird looming entity that doesn’t have a face but.. It still hurts. Still scares me.” You looked up at him, but found that his eyes were already on you.
“Sometimes…” You continued, fiddling with the edge of his t-shirt. “Sometimes it’s you.”
His eyes widened when you said that. “Oh.” He sat there for a moment, thinking about what you’d told him. He turned to face you directly, you now lying on his left arm while his other one came up to wrap around your waist. “Well at least I can relieve you of one worry.” He bent down to kiss your forehead again. “You’ll never lose me.”
You smiled, leaning back into him so you could nestle into his chest and neck, and he rested his head above yours. You both stayed like that for a while, not speaking, but just enjoying the closeness of one another.
“Hey, Y/N?” Grayson finally said, kissing the top of your head to see if you were still awake.
“Mmm?” You mumbled.
“Why’d you call me?”
You looked up at him, brows furrowed. “Hm?”
“I mean- I know why you called me. But why did you call me? Why not someone else?”
“Because…” You faltered.
“Not that I’m not happy you did.” He smiled. “I am. I just.. Dunno. Wouldn’t you call one of your girlfriends for something like this?”
“I guess…” You sighed. “But I wanted to see you.” His eyes seemed to twinkle when you said that. “You… You make me feel safe.”
“I do?”
“Yea. Like, no matter how fucked up everything else in the world is right now, you make me feel like it’s gonna be okay. That I’m gonna be okay.”
He grinned so wide at that, and it made you blush. “That was really cheesy, wasn’t it?”
“No. It was great.” He brought his arm up from your waist to gently caress your cheek with his knuckle. “That means so much to me. Thank you.”
You didn’t know what to think. Here he was, just him and you, snuggled up together at who knows when in the morning. It was perfect. 
But of course, it wasn’t.
You thought about just how bad this situation was. You were falling for this boy, who you didn’t even know if he shared the same feelings as you did. You’d called him in the middle of the night to come over, and for what? You couldn’t get into anything right now. That would be too hard with everything going on. 
But somehow not letting him know was even harder.
You laughed, rubbing your eyes gently.
“What is it?” Grayson asked.
“Oh, I just-” You looked at him again, his hazel eyes connecting with yours sending that wonderful feeling through your body. “It’s nothing.”
“C’mon, tell me.”
You sighed, a smile on your face. “No, it’s just- I shouldn’t have called you.”
His brows creased. “Hey, I told you that I wasn’t busy-”
“No, no it’s not that.” He raised his eyebrows at you questioningly.
“I just- okay. I probably shouldn’t be telling you this either but…” You laughed. “I’m so gonna regret saying this in the morning.” You breathed out. “I kind of have a crush on you.”
His eyes widened, and you could see colour spreading to his cheeks. “...Oh?”
“Um, yea. And getting you to come over probably wasn’t the best idea considering that- well it’s not like anything was going to happen because you don’t even like me in that way but if it were to it just-” You sighed. “It wouldn’t work right now. And I kinda just screwed myself over by getting you to come despite all of that since…” You shrugged. “Well, since I really like you.”
He stared at you blankly, and his mouth had slightly fallen agape about three sentences ago.
“You don’t have to say anything though, okay? It’s fine. I just wanted to tell you. Didn’t wanna have another thing just swirling around in my brain late at night.” You groaned. “I’m sorry, I don’t even know what I’m saying at this point-”
“Y/N, relax.” He chuckled.
You brushed a hair out of your face. “Basically my point is, I probably shouldn’t have called. Getting over you has been hard enough right now and… this definitely isn’t helping that.”
“Then don’t get over me.”
“Don’t get over me.”
“Because I’ve had feelings for you for a while too.”
Your hands came up to cover your mouth again, shock clearly displayed on your face. “You’re kidding.”
“Dead serious.” He laughed again, brushing his long hair out of his face as he leaned back on the couch. 
“Grayson… why didn’t you tell me?”
“I dunno.” He shrugged. “I was just so sure you didn’t feel the same way that I didn’t see a point in telling you.”
You stared at him, your hands falling into your lap. “Are you serious?” You groaned, your head falling back onto the couch. “God, if you’d just told me sooner…”
“But why sooner?” He got up now, looking at you. 
“Isn’t this good? That we both know now?” He leaned in closer to your, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. 
“Grayson…” You started, but the look in his eyes cut you off.
“I know you said that you wouldn’t be ready for anything but- We don’t need to do anything too serious yet.” 
“I don’t know…” You bit your lip.
“Just, let me take you out for dinner tomorrow.” 
“That’s all I’m asking.”
He leaned in more, his nose now brushing yours. How badly you wanted to just close the distance between you both but…
You pulled away. “Gray, I can’t. I’m sorry.”
His hand fell away, his face falling as well. “Right. Sorry.” 
You coughed. “You know, it’s late. You should probably…”
He sighed. “Yea, okay.” He got up. “I’ll see you later?”
He nodded at you, but the look in his eyes hurt you in a way that you’d never felt before. He walked around the couch, making his way for the door. You watched his back as he reached for your doorknob…
“Gray, wait.”
His head whipped around to look at you. “What?”
“Stay here tonight.”
“God I was hoping you’d say that.” He walked backed over to you in two long strides, grabbing you as he kissed you intensely, almost knocking you backwards but his hands steadied you by gripping your back and waist. He pressed his lips firmly into yours, and you gripped his shoulder’s tightly from your head spinning.
“Ooh, Hold on,” You pulled away from him for a second. “Head rush.” You giggled.
He grinned, pecking your lips and then pressing his forehead to yours. Then his eyes suddenly turned serious. 
“You sure this is okay?”
“Yea.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him one more time. “We’re gonna be okay.”
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Sixty-One
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut.
a/n: i’m baaaaaccckkkk. mama came home from vacation. she’s still tired, but she missed her babies too much to stay away. niall and sarah did a great job babysitting. let’s gooooooooooo
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
…a week or so later…
Harry was sleeping peacefully on his back with you resting your head on his chest. One of your legs was over his and you had an arm draped over his lower stomach. He woke up to the feeling of something wet on his thigh. It took him a second, but he swore he could feel you moving back and forth on him. He looked down to see your eyes screwed shut and teeth gritted. There were beads of sweat on your brow-line.
You were dreaming. You were having a steamy dream of you and Harry. You were riding him out in an open field of sunflowers. Your hair was flowing in the wind, and he wouldn’t stop telling you how beautiful you were.
When you gasp, Harry fully wakes up. He didn’t want to wake you, but he did want to have some fun with you. He raises his thigh slightly to add a little more pressure for you. He wanted to give you a little more friction. He wiggles his thigh from side to side as you continue to grind on him in your sleep.
“Harry.” You moan. He always wondered if you dreamt about him. He always had a hunch, but the small bit of confirmation was delightful.
His cock grows harder as you move faster on him. Your hand moves to grip at his throat and you squeeze it, causing him to choke slightly.
“Jesus.” He coughs, and you wake up immediately.
“Wh, what’s happening?!” You spring up and feel the wetness from your center stick against him. “Ew, oh my god, I’m so sorry, what was I doing?”
“You were…” He coughs again, you really grabbed his throat hard. “Grindin’ against my thigh. I was tryin’ to help yeh along, but you grabbed my throat and started choakin’ me. What were you dreamin’ about?”
“I was…um…riding you.” You rub your eyes.
“And did you choke me in your dream?”
“I…don’t remember.”
“Liar.” He smirks. “It’s okay, wanna choke me?”
“Harry, stop.”
“You’ve gripped my throat before, wanna do it a little harder? S’okay, if you do.”
“Harry, it’s like two in the morning.”
“Yeah?” He reaches between your legs to collect some of your wetness, and brings it up to his face. “Seems like you’re a little riled up. Let’s fix that, hm?” He sucks his fingers into his mouth then pulls you on top of him. “Got hard while you were goin’ to town on me.”
“We ran out of condoms.”
“Take your pill yesterday?”
“Gonna take it in a few hours?”
“Alright then baby girl, nothin’ to worry about.” He kisses you tenderly.
“Fuck it, okay.”
You raise your hips and slide down on him.
“Holy shit!” Both of your eye brows raise at his exclamation. Harry would moan and groan, but in the almost eight months you had been together you had never heard him yell in such pleasure. “Haven’t fully felt yeh in so long.” You smirk at him.
You raise and lower yourself on him and his hands move to your hips to help you get a rhythm that suits the both of you. The way you were grinding on him brought you right back o the euphoric state you had while dreaming.
“Go ahead, angel, wrap that pretty little hand around me.”
You kiss him first and then slide your hand up to his throat. Did Harry like being choked, or did he just like that you wanted to do it to him? Your thumb brushes over his adam’s apple, and then you apply a little more pressure. He groans as he thrusts up into you, and your head rolls back. It felt so good to feel him without the barrier of the condom.
You weren’t grabbing him as hard as you had grabbed him while you were sleeping, he figured you just felt shy now and he wasn’t going to push you. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love when you were a little more dominant. His sweet baby girl liked to be rough, and it drove him crazy.
One of his hands dips between the two of you to rub your clit and that’s when you’re your grip tightens around him. You didn’t stop to think your fingers might leave lsting bruises, you were so far gone you couldn’t think about anything. He nearly gasps from the pressure on his throat, but he can handle it. He’d do anything to be able to see you the way you are now. Totally lost in pure ecstasy.
“Harry.” You groan. He feels you pulsate around him and he knows you’re close.
Another sharp thrust up into you and you come undone. You moan loudly and your voice cracks as he continues rubbing your clit as you get through your orgasm. Your grip on his throat loosens and you tuck your head into the crook of his neck.
“Will you, will you come on back?”
You lift off him and get on your stomach, lifting your ass in the air for him. He gives himself a few pumps before you feel his warmth all of over back and bum. You hear a few curse words leave his lips and then he sighs. He leans down to give you a kiss.
“Lemme get a rag, hang tight.”
Harry comes back a moment later with a warm rag to clean you up. You get up shortly after to use the toilet and then you return to him, spooning him and getting cozy.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?” You whisper to him.
“Not at all, felt good. Do it anytime yeh want.”
You knew you’d be exhausted when you got up in a few hours for work, but this one of the many things you loved about having a boyfriend like Harry. You could wake up incredibly horny in the middle of the night, and he’d be right there to help take care of you.
Today was the first day you’d be starting your video chats with Mark to work on your big project. You weren’t looking forward to it in the slightest, but at least in another week or so you’d be in Aruba. Harry’s mum and sister decided to stay in the U.K. for Easter since they knew Harry would be really busy with work while you were gone. That just meant he’d be spending three weeks over there during the summer instead of two, not a big deal.
You were dreading the call with him. You made sure to wear a shirt with a high neckline so he’d have nothing to look at but your face. Niall came into your office with a deep frown.
“What’s up?”
“You’ll never who’s here…”
“The three of ‘em…CEO is putting them up in a hotel so we can all work together in person. Said it would be more productive. They’re taking over the conference room as a shared office for the foreseeable future.”
“No!” You whine.
“We have to meet with them in ten minutes. Could be worse, at least you don’t have to share your office with him.”
“True.” You stand up and grab your laptop. “Can’t fucking wait for this all to be over and it hasn’t even started yet. Now I’m almost nervous about my vacation.”
“Don’t be, you’re leadin’ what you’re workin’ on. Leave a list of to do’s with me and I’ll make sure that’s all he does.”
“Thank you.”
You both walk out to the conference room. You see three men setting their things up. You wondered how they’d get anything done working in an open space, but you certainly weren’t going to question it. Your supervisor comes in and gives you all the run down for how things were going to work, when it’s over it’s around lunch, and Mark follows you down the hall to your office.
“Hey, I was thinking maybe we could grab a bite? It’ll give us more time to go over things, and –“ You both stop short when you see Harry standing in your office.
“Sorry, I already have lunch plans.” You close the door in his face. It was unprofessional, and a little rude, but you didn’t care.
“What’s he doin’ here?” He asks, wrapping his arms around you.
“They’re here for the foreseeable future. CEO thought it would be more efficient this way.” You roll your eyes. You look at him and kiss him. “Can we go for a walk or something, I need to clear my head.”
“Sure.” He smiles and kisses you again.
You go over to your desk and reach underneath for your sneakers and change your shoes. You give him a thumbs up and grab his hand as you leave the office. Niall shoots you both a smile and wave as you walk out.
“Were you tired this mornin’?”
“A little yeah…” You say blushing.
“Me too.” He walks with his arm over your shoulders, pulling you into him. “But it’s the best kind of tired, you know?”
“Mhm.” You kiss him on the cheek.
“So you’re gonna have to spend a lot of time with that guy?”
“Unfortunately.” You groan. “At least I leave soon so it’ll break it up.”
“I know Niall’s there, hell, I know you can take care of yourself, but I’m a phone call or text away if you need me.”
“Thanks doll.” You give the hand on your shoulder a little squeeze, and continue your walk.
That afternoon Mark was in your office for hours. You were both going over different techniques you used while editing.
“Well, I use Vegas so…”
“Well, you’re going to learn Premiere because that’s what I use.” You tell him. “In fact, you’re supposed to use the Adobe products here since they’re paid for already. It’s really easy to learn. There’s tons of tutorials online. I’m sure someone as smart as you can pick it up.” You say smugly.
“I think we should put a schedule or some type of calendar together for this. We’re going to be sent certain clips each day, so we need to get them into the sequence ready to go.”
“Makes sense to me.” He looks over his notes. “Can I ask you something?”
“Does your boyfriend always visit for lunch?”
“That’s not really an appropriate question to ask me.”
“Come off it will you, we’re not robots.” You roll your eyes at him.
“Yes, he visits often, and sometimes I go to his work for lunch.”
“Right, he’s at Plant Geo?”
“Yes.” You look down then back to him. “Why do you care so much what I do with my personal time? We’re given an hour or so for lunch, and I’m allowed to do what I want during that time.”
“Never said you weren’t, I was just curious. Couple of the guys have girlfriends and they never see them during lunch. Usually too busy.”
“I use my time wisely during the work day. Plus, working through lunch is stupid, and doesn’t make you look better. It just shows poor time management if anything.”
“No, I just meant like they see them at home, ya know?”
“I see him at home too, we live together.”
“And you still visit during lunch?”
“Because he, we miss each other during the day. And sometimes we both have late nights…we don’t meet up every day. When I don’t eat with him I eat with Niall.”
“Your ex?”
“I never dated him! I just told you I did because I wanted you to quit asking me to dance.”
“I was drunk.”
“No excuse. When someone tells you no, they should listen. You’re a good looking guy Mark, but you radiate douche-bag energy, and I’m just not here for it. So, while we’re working together I really would appreciate it if we didn’t talk about personal things. My goal at the end of this is to not have gained a new friend, okay?” His mouth was hanging open. No one had ever really talked to him like that before.
That was that, and you get back to work. You notice the way he steals glances of you while you both work on your own computers, but you choose to ignore it. When you get home later Harry gives a relaxing back massage, knowing that you were stressed.
“You have magic hands, you know that?” You say as his thumbs press into your lower back as you both sit on the couch.
“I live to serve.” He jokes and you both laugh. “You’re so tense babe, full of knots. Maybe it’s time we get another massage together.”
“God that sounds amazing.” You sigh happily. “You know what would be relaxing too? Forever ago we talked about doing one of those wine and paint nights. That could be a really fun group date with everyone, don’t you think?”
“Yeah! Why don’t we see what everyone’s up to Friday night?”
“I’ll text in the group chat.”
Yes, the six of you had a group chat. Mariah was officially Rachel’s girlfriend now, and none of you saw her going anywhere anytime soon.
“Rachel should just teach the bloody class.” Harry chuckles. Your head rolls back as he works out a particular knot in your neck.
“Fuck.” You say. “Right there.” Your eyes screw shut as he applies a little more pressure.
“Poor thing.” He coos. “I should really buy some oil, give you a proper massage.”
“And get our things all gross?” You laugh. “This works just fine.”
Friday night rolls around and you couldn’t wait to hang out with all your friends. They had all agreed the wine and paint night would be fun, and to go to a late dinner afterwards.
You and Harry split and uber with Niall and Sarah.
“I’m begging the two of you, when we come home later, please don’t hump each other in the back of the car again.” Sarah says. “It was disgusting.” She says giggling. Before you can answer, Harry speaks.
“Can’t make any promises, sorry.” He winks at her.
“Make an effort then.” She sticks her tongue at him and he sticks it right back. You shake your head at the two of them with a smile.
You meet Rachel and Mariah at the place and you all head in. You each pick out the wine you want, and are given aprons to wear over your clothes. Harry helps you ties yours and you help him with his. Everyone else just sort of tied their own. Were the two of you cute or co-dependent? It was hard to tell from time to time.
You grab a stool and listen to the presenter who shows you what you’ll be painting. You all giggle and take sips of your wine. You’d be painting a lighthouse by the water. Not terribly difficult. Since you were left handed you had to be a little more careful than the others so you wouldn’t smudge anything. Harry watched as you took your first strokes. You always did everything with precision.
“Everyone look over here.” Sarah says. She had her phone up to take a group selfie. You all smile.
The painting was a lot of fun, and super relaxing. Of course Rachel’s painting looked the best. Yours was okay. Harry’s came out beautifully.
“Looks great, love.” He says, admiring your work.
“You’re just saying that.”
“No! I mean it, your shadows look good.” You give him a kiss on the cheek.
You’re told that the paintings will be stored to dry, and that you could come pick them up during the week if you wanted. The six of you head out to a pub for dinner. There were more drinks and lots of bar food. Harry kept his arm around you as he always did. He was more relaxed than usual. He liked having Mariah around. Someone else to talk to when Niall would join in on the girl talk.
“Y/N, are we still going to the mall tomorrow?” Sarah asks.
“Yup, was thinking we could leave around eleven.”
“Sounds good.”
“What are yeh shoppin’ for?”
“Just need to pick up some things. Rach, you’re still coming?”
“Yup, I’m gonna meet you two there.”
“You’ll be busy at an engagement shoot tomorrow anyways, right?”
“Mariah, do you a lot of freelance work?” Niall asks her.
“A little here and there, not as much as H though.”
“Okay, I need to ask.” Sarah starts. “What is with H? How does that nickname get started?”
“I’ve been wondering the same thing actually.” You say.
“I don’t know when it started. S’not like I said call me H or anythin’.” He shrugs.
“I feel like I heard someone call you H and it just stuck.” Mariah explains.
“More formal.” He says. “Niall never calls me H.”
“Nope, always Harry.”
You lean into him, feeling slightly tipsy. You decide to switch to water for the rest of the time at the pub. This time in the uber home, Sarah and Niall take the way back seat, but it didn’t stop Harry from nibbling on your neck and whispering in your ear to make you giggle. It was a great night.
“Night guys, see you tomorrow Sarah.” Harry has it arms wrapped around you to hold you from behind.
“Night, just text me before it’s time to go.” She says and nod.
You and Harry head up to your apartment, and practically race off to the bedroom. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on you, all over you. His hands cup your cheeks and he brings you in for a deep kiss. He walks you into the bedroom and presses you up against the wall next to the door. Your tongues mold together, and you’re in pure bliss.
His hands move to the hem of your shirt, breaking your kiss only for a moment to lift it off of you. He unhooks your bra with ease, and lets it fall to the floor. He takes his won shirt off and pulls you close to him so your breasts are pressed tightly to his chest. He kisses your jawline and moves to the skin just under your ear, sucking it in between his teeth and biting down.
“Oh god.” You moan, hands flying up to his hair.
“Need to taste you tonight.”
He picks you up and puts you on the bed, yanking your jeans and panties off. You giggle as he spreads your legs apart. He kisses down your chest, stomach, and hips. He kisses your inner thigh and leaves a few love bites behind as his tongue trails to your center. He licks a flat stripe up to your clit, and starts to suck on you. Your head slams back into the mattress. He’s done this to you more times than you can count, but it always felt like the first time. A vast amount of pleasure sweeps over you, and you gasp when you feel two of his fingers plunge up inside you, curling right away. Harry knew where your sweetest spot was. His mouth continues on your clit as his fingers pumped in and out of you.
“Harry.” You whimper.
He pumps faster, and flicks his tongue back and forth on your clit. He feels you clench around him, he knows your close. Your stomach tightens, and your back arches as you come undone. He takes his fingers out and laps up everything while you come, only adding to the wonderful sensation.
You catch your breath as he moves to hover over you. He takes one of your nipples between his lips, and sucks on it.
“Wanna, ngh, return the favor.”
“Later, need to be inside you now.”
He spreads you back apart and lines himself up with you. He slowly pushes inside. You gasp as his throbbing cock enter you. You pull him down close to you as be begins to move, rocking his hips against yours. You wrap your legs around his waist, and cross them at your ankles.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He groans in your ear.
“Keep talking, love when you do this.” Your nails scratch at his back.
“You like havin’ my cock inside you?”
“Yes, it’s so big.”
“Yeh like the way I stretch you out?”
“God, yes.” One of his hands moves between where you’re connected to rub your clit. “You know my body so well.” You moan. “Always give me just what I need.”
“That’s right, always here to take care of you.” He moves to make eye contact with you as he pinches your clit and feels the beginning of your orgasm take over.
Your mouth parts as you look at him. He wants to watch every emotion you go through as you come, and you intend to show him. You nails sink further into his back and he knows he’s almost done for.
“Want you to come on my tits Harry, will you do that?” You say as you come down from your high.
He pulls out of you, and you squish your boobs together to give him a better target. That was all he needed before he released on you. You moan when you feel the heat of him on your skin. He collapses next to you and tries to catch his breath.
“Look at me babe.” You turn your head to face him. He was laying on his side. “I’ll clean yeh up in a second, but…”
“What baby?”
“Are yeh havin’ me come on you so much because you’re still afraid of me comin’ inside? I’m not complainin’ cause it’s so fuckin’ hot, but…”
“It’s just that we never do it is all…and yeah I’m still a little nervous, but at least I’m over using condoms right? Small steps.” You smile and he kisses you.
“I do like the way you look with my jizz all over you.” He smirks and gets up to grab a rag. He comes back over and cleans you up.
“Yeah, you like it when I’m dirty, huh?”
“Now, I have to go to sleep so I can get up on time, so none of that.” He gives your bum a little smack as you roll over after he’s done cleaning you up. He gets in with you and faces you.
“Oh, so I can’t be your dirty girl?” You giggle.
“You’re gonna be the death of me.”
Harry got up early, as much as he just wanted to lay in the warm bed with you, put on a nice outfit, and headed to the engagement shoot that was an hour or so away. You got up shortly after, showered, and texted Sarah. She met you down at your car.
“Thanks again for coming with, definitely need your opinions on what I want to buy.”
“No problem! You know I’ll never turn down a shopping trip. What do you need to get?”
“I’ll tell you once we’re with Rach.”
You both meet Rachel outside the main entrance of the mall, and walk in together. You lead them to a lingerie store.
“So…” You start blushing. “While Harry was in Florida a while ago, I found these pictures he had taken of himself…they were intimate.” You cough nervously as they nod. “He had mentioned he wanted to take pictures of me like that sometime, so since I’m leaving at the end of next week, I thought I would surprise him and let him take picture of me before I go.”
“Hot!” Rachel says.
“But I need your help picking out some outfits. I want to look sexy, but…I don’t know…elegant? I want it to feel like one of his professional shoots, only I’ll be wearing minimal clothing.”
“We’re on the case.” Sarah says. “Everyone, divide and conquer, we’ve got some work to do.”
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chemicalpink · 4 years
Genius Lab ♡ Yoongi x Reader SMUT
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Pairing: idol!Yoongi x reader
Genre: smut but it does have a plot I swear
Warnings: unprotected sex (you know the deal kids, wrap it before you tap it)
A/N: I wanna give credits to youtube user Johanna Sweet for her comment on some ASMR video that just made me write this, also, I know there are synastry ships in my inbox and I’ll get to it, I just had this in my docs.
Summary: Working as a producer in BigHit has its perks, like bumping into Min Yoongi late at night on a Wednesday and have him fuck your brains out in his studio, or the one where Yoongi’s crush is a mysterious producer that also happens to be his office crush, which he ends up fucking lazily while working on some music.
You've been working all day in your office. 
Being a producer for BigHit entertainment is fun and all, but recently as the boys exponentially gained fame and the team has been pressured with the new projects for the comeback, you've been having a creative block for a while and it's hard to focus on making music. It doesn't help that you've also had a lot on your mind lately, as there are a handful of things going on in your personal life right now.
You get complacent as you look at the progress you've made so far staring right back at you from the dark screen in front of you and decide it's not a good amount for a day's worth of work. Perhaps staying for a bit more would do you some good, you’ve always been kind of nocturnal and it is late anyway, the building must be empty, but what good would that do if you can't seem to think of anything anyway? Maybe a break will refresh your mind. 
You make sure the work is saved before taking the headphones off and standing up, stretching your back from all the hours that have gone by with you hunched over the keyboard; making sure to place correctly the fluffy slippers your mum got you and grabbing your bottle from the desk,  you make a stop at the restroom before refilling your plastic drink container at a water fountain by that enormous and outstanding floor to ceiling window, it's pitch dark outside, the inside lights are dim from no one being around and through the clear crystal, you can see the millions of Seoul's city lights, the sight one to fill your heart with tranquillity.
Suddenly you hear the soft swishing of sandals on the tile floors and you turn around to see none other than a messy mop of platinum hair that you so familiarly recognise as Yoongi. He goes to a refrigerator that's across the room from you, most probably having memorised the way there as there is no light except the one coming from the machine and grabs his favourite drink. As he cracks open the lid, he looks over at you through the dishevelled blond strands of hair falling into his eyes.
"You're not going home yet?" he asks, you guys haven’t really even being introduced properly, except for those times at company meetings so this is probably the longest interaction you’ve ever had. 
"Nah, I'm working late." He nods his head at your response and takes a sip of his drink, tired eyes never leaving you. He then makes his way toward the hallway that you both came from, but you stop him. 
"Hey, um... work has been slow lately. Can I chill in your office with you?" You honestly don’t know what when through your head when the words left your mouth, it is well known that Min Yoongi is very picky when it comes to his studio, even the members could count with one hand the times they’d been inside.
He seems a bit surprised as he stares blankly at you for a couple of seconds. "In my office?" Of course, he remembers you from the meetings, and you two have only passed by each other in the company building a few times and made small talk maybe once but he would be lying if he were to say he didn’t find you attractive even in your fluffy bright pink slippers you were wearing right now.
He doesn’t know why you asked him such a question when you barely know each other, but he kind of finds it endearing. Maybe you just want to know what being in the Genius Lab is like, what all the fuzz that doesn’t pass by any of the company members being afraid of even breathing next to his studio door is about.
"Yeah. I don't know," you reply, "I just thought maybe it would clear my head, you know? You can keep working like you usually do, I won't bother you." 
He takes another sip before nodding his head again. "Okay." He starts walking down the hallway and you follow right behind until you both make it to his door and he quickly types the numbers to his password and lets you in first “Make yourself comfortable on the couch, hope you don’t mind me working with the speakers on”
You shake your head and beside his working chair at the same time he does in front of the multiple monitors, clicking away to keep on working on whatever it is that he was on. A couple of minutes went by that way, with you watching him silently as he changed tunes and adjusted keys to the track, until a soft way too familiar melody made its way through the speakers had you sitting up straight in the couch “That’s..”
“I’m inspiring myself on one of my favourite producer’s tracks,” he explained as his eyes tore from the screen to look at you “I swear they are one of the most talented producers of our time, such a shame they are a complete mystery” you swore your heart stopped for a whole second when you heard his words, Min fucking Yoongi, found your tracks to be his inspiration, he considered you talented, one of the best even “But you’re an expert too, what do you think?”
“You really think so?” 
“Yeah, why?”
“Well… I used to be so self-conscious of that track you know?” Yoongi turned to look at you like you had just grown three heads in the span of a second.
His tiredness must have really caught up to him, his mind making him imagine things, he surely wasn’t sitting next to his music crush at 11 pm of a Wednesday, inside his studio as she sat next to him listening to his track, it just wasn’t possible “Wait, so you’re telling me that-” he cleared his throat in an attempt to gain some confidence back now that he clearly exposed his crush “That you’re Moz-art? The producer?” 
His sparkling amused eyes that wouldn’t leave your face made the heat rise up to your cheeks as you looked down towards your palms playing with the hem of your shirt “yeah”
“My god” he inhaled sharply and let out a nervous giggle before running a hand through his hair, this wasn’t happening to him, but what other chance would he have? He knew he had a crush on you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) from BigHit, of course, he had a massive crush on you as Moz-art but to learn that both of his crushes were actually the same person? And that he had you all alone for him right now? That was messing with his head; however, he was quick to place a gentle hand under your chin to lift your gaze to his, letting the silence settle in “Can I kiss you?”
The kiss started slow, timid even and honest to say, a little awkward as Yoongi refused to move from his spinny chair, until the room suddenly felt overwhelmingly hot and he felt the need to pull you towards him, making you sit on his lap as he caressed your sides. 
You kept your eyes shut tight, a moan escaping your lips as he trailed his mouth and teeth along the exposed skin of your neck and right shoulder from your shirt falling down a bit, his warm hands holding you tightly as his hard cock poked your clothed crotch and you unconsciously moved your hips against it, earning a groan from the blond man. His touch was gentle but somewhat rough as he stripped you of your black sweatpants and panties, leaning back to admire your almost naked form, your oversized shirt barely covering your centre.
“Fuck..” he mumbled as he holds you tight and lifted you a bit to pull his own baggy pants and boxers down enough to free his cock, positioning himself between your legs as he searched for your eyes to hold your gaze as you swallowed him whole, face contorted with pleasure as he started to thrust into you, reaching up to capture your lips in a kiss, one hand behind your lower back to keep you steady, the other finding its way to rub circles on your clit, making you arch your back at the newly found feeling, his mouth quickly attaching to your neck once again; after a few minutes of his cock thrusting in and out, he could feel your walls squeezing him. “Shit, cum with me baby” 
His hand picked up the pace in between your bodies, fingers expertly rubbing your clit as his thrust became fast-paced and deeper, as deep as the angle of being lazily fucking on a chair could allow you “Argh-I’m-I’m cumming, Yoongi” 
Moans filled the room as your legs shook with an overwhelming orgasm taking over you and you had to thank no one was working anymore or else the walk out of the studio would be hell, Yoongi’s voice lowered with each praise he threw your way, mixed with groans as he chased after his high, leaning back in the chair he finally stilled, cock twitching inside you as he coated your walls with his hot cum, sweaty forehead finding yours and stealing one last wet kiss from you, he pulled out, reaching behind him to pull some tissues from a box to help you clean yourself up.
You couldn’t bear to look him in the eye, unable to understand what any of what just happened meant as the last notes of your song kept playing over the speakers and he hadn’t said a word; you tried standing up from the now very embarrassing position on Yoongi’s lap only to be pulled back down by him, hand reaching under your shirt to rub your right side “Please be careful getting back home, yeah?” 
You quickly nodded, getting to your feet and collecting your discarded clothes, putting them on as Yoongi placed his back in place, hand reaching the door as he was already back to work “Oh and (Y/N)?” 
“Yeah?” you turned to face him, a small smile playing on his lips
“I’ll see you around”
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As Monday rolled around and the company was called for the monthly meeting, you made your way to your assigned seat, which coincidentally happened to be just in front of none other than Min Yoongi, who was cheerily talking with Jimin, his eyes finding yours as you settled your things down, him shooting a smile your way as your phone dinged with a notification
Unknown Number [09:34]: you looked so pretty last week with those hickeys all over you
Unknown Number [09:34]: how about a round two after this? 
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