#i do like Kimikos outfits though
cheynovak · 3 months
Echoes and Shadows - Part 2  
Soldier Boy x F/Reader Y/N           
Warnings:  Fights, murder, cursing, flash backs, ... 
Side note: English isn’t my first language    
Words:  3000
*Does not follow the boys storyline * 
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In the 1950, Soldier Boy had to train a train a young girl supe named Y/N, she had a "nice girl next door" persona. Soldier Boy hated it at first, until they started to work together, he seemed to start to like this kid.  
Years passed and Y/N didn’t seem to age a lot either. To her it seemed that Ben started to respect her. The two of them worked together just fine until his team Payback was assembled.  
His relationship with Crimson made her feel alone, and her bond with Noir made him jealous. It goes without saying her and Crimson Countess where never best friends.  
Back home in America, The Boys regrouped in their makeshift headquarters, tending to their wounds and planning their next move. Y/N felt a persistent knot in her chest, a mixture of unease and unresolved feelings.  
She hated the idea of leaving Ben alone in Russia. Butcher noticed her emotions. ”Relax love, he is the Russians problem now.” She couldn’t help but to look angry. “Exactly, he has been locked up for decennia! And I left him there!”  
Hughie seemed to be the only one who understood her reaction. ”I’m sure he’ll be ok.” She pinched her nose. “You don’t get it, I blamed myself for what happened to him. I hated myself for not being able to safe him.”  
“And now, now he is alive and probably confused... that makes him dangerous Hughie.” With a sigh she walked to the door. “Oi, where are you going?” Butcher asked. “You take care of Kimiko. I need to know what happened in Nicaragua.”  
“But you were there, weren’t you?” Hughie asked. Y/N felt the same wash over her. “I don’t remember anything, only that I woke up in the hospital and that someone told me Ben was gone.”  
Her hand on the doorknob, “Where are you going?” Hughie’s voice sounded scarred. “To visit an old friend.” And with that she closed the door behind her.  
She decided to seek out Crimson Countess, hoping to find some answers or at least a sense of closure. As Y/N arrived at the venue where Crimson Countess was performing, she couldn't help but notice the garish posters and promotional material.  
The sight triggered a vivid flashback, pulling her back to 1976.  
It was a glamorous night, the premiere of a new movie featuring Payback. Y/N and Crimson Countess stood in the ladies' room, adjusting their outfits and touching up their makeup.  
The room was filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter, but an underlying tension hung between them. Crimson Countess, in her dazzling red dress, turned to Y/N with a smug smile. "You know," she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness, "Ben and I are fucking.” 
“Congrats... You and many, many other women.” Y/N said in an uninterested tone while she touched up her lipstick. “He'll be mine, you’ll see, you’re just jealous that after all these years you still haven’t found the way to his heart."  
Y/N laughed, though the sound was hollow and forced. "Good luck with that. Ben doesn't do relationships." Crimson's eyes sparkled with a malicious gleam. "Oh, you think you're so special to him, don't you? Always so close to him, like a little lapdog. But face it, Y/N, he’ll never see you that way. He needs someone hot, someone who can match him in his needs."  
Y/N felt a pang of jealousy and anger, but she kept her composure. "Whatever you say. If you think you can handle him, be my guest. Just where do you think he spends most of his free time."  
Crimson stepped closer, her tone turning more venomous. "Don't act so high and mighty. I know you two don’t fuck, he told me he spends his time with you because you’re needy for his approval, crying about your little weak feelings. You’re just his little annoying sister he can’t get rid of."  
Y/N met her gaze, refusing to back down. "I know what kind of man Ben is. If you want to play your games, go ahead. But don’t come crying to me when it all falls apart." The confrontation left Y/N feeling unsettled, the seeds of doubt and jealousy taking root.  
She tried to shake it off, but the encounter lingered in her mind, gnawing at her unable to look at Ben that night, afraid she was right.  
The flashback faded, and Y/N found herself standing outside Crimson Countess's trailer. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the encounter ahead. As she knocked on the door and it opened, Crimson Countess turned to face her, a knowing smile playing on her lips.  
"Well, well, look who it is," she purred. Y/N stepped inside, her resolve firm. "We need to talk, "Crimson Countess raised an eyebrow, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "About what? The good old times?"  
Y/N clenched her fists, forcing herself to remain calm. "About Ben." Crimson Countess's smile widened, her expression triumphant. "Ah, Ben... Still can't get him out of your head, can you?"  
Y/N ignored the bait, her voice steady. "I want answers. No games, no manipulation. Just the truth." Crimson Countess leaned back, her smile never wavering. "Alright, Y/N. Let's talk. But remember, the truth isn’t always what you want to hear."  
She took a deep breath, pushing aside the painful memories and the jealousy that still lingered from years past. "I need to know what happened that day in Nicaragua," Y/N said, her voice steady but filled with an undercurrent of urgency.  
"No games, Crimson. Just tell me the truth." Crimson Countess leaned back in her chair, a sly smile playing on her lips. "You want me to talk about Ben? Fine" 
She began recounting the intimate details of her with Ben, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "He took me like no one else ever has. It was wild, passionate. He made me feel things I never thought possible. It’s a shame you never got to experience that.”  
Y/N rolled her eyes, her patience wearing thin. "You know that's not what I mean." Crimson's expression shifted, a flicker of annoyance crossing her features. "You still think you’re so above it all, don’t you? If you really want to know, he was killed by a weapon from the Russians. Some experimental thing they cooked up. It hit him, and that was it. He’s gone." 
Y/N's anger flared, her fists clenching at her sides. "You expect me to believe that? You’re hiding something. I can see it in your eyes." Crimson Countess stood up, her eyes blazing with defiance.  
"Believe whatever you want, Y/N. But the fact remains, he’s dead. And nothing you do or say will change that." Y/N stepped closer, her voice low and intense, her eyes burning with fury. "You're full of bullshit, Crimson. He's alive, you know it... and I know." Crimson Countess's smug expression faltered, shock registering in her eyes.  
"What? That's impossible." Y/N pressed on, her anger giving her strength. "Tell me the truth, Crimson. What really happened?" Crimson hesitated, then her shoulders slumped in resignation.  
"It was Noir and Vought’s idea. They made the plan to get rid of him. They saw him as a liability, someone who couldn't be controlled. And Payback... we were happy to help." The revelation hit Y/N like a punch to the gut, but her anger only intensified.  
"You betrayed him. You all did." Crimson's eyes flashed with defiance. "He was a Tiran, an asshole! For all of us, only you... his little sweetheart you could never do anything wrong!" The tension reached a boiling point. Y/N couldn't hold back any longer.  
"You used him for your fame, and to hurt me. You never cared about him." Crimson's smile was bitter. "Do you finally get it? It was always about me, about climbing higher. And you? You were just collateral damage."  
Without warning, Crimson lashed out, her hands aimed at Y/N. Instinctively, Y/N blocked the attack and redirected the blow. Crimson stumbled backward, hitting her head hard against the edge of a table. She crumpled to the floor, motionless.  
Y/N's heart raced, the room spinning around her. "Crimson?" she whispered, fear creeping into her voice. She knelt beside Crimson, shaking her burned body gently. "Come on, wake up." But there was no response. Crimson Countess wasn't breathing.  
Panic surged through Y/N. She hadn't meant for this to happen. It was supposed to be a confrontation, a chance to get answers, not... this. She checked for a pulse, her hands trembling. Nothing. The realization hit her like a freight train, Crimson was dead it was her fault. Y/N's mind raced, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps.  
"I... I didn't mean to," she whispered to herself, trying to process the gravity of what had just happened. In a state of sheer panic, Y/N realized the gravity of her situation. The room seemed to close in around her, her mind racing with the implications of what had just transpired.  
She knew she had to act quickly to cover her tracks. Her powers surged within her, fuelled by the adrenaline and fear coursing through her veins. She focused on the cameras outside the trailer, her hands trembling as she summoned her energy. With a burst of concentrated force, she sent a pulse of energy toward the cameras, shattering them into pieces.  
Sparks flew, and the security system went dark. Breathing heavily, Y/N turned her attention to the trailer itself. She knew she had to destroy it, to erase any trace of what had happened inside. The fire spread quickly, fuelled by the panic and desperation in Y/N's heart.  
She watched as the flames devoured the room, the heat intense against her skin. She knew she had to leave before the fire attracted attention, before anyone could see her. As she disappeared into the darkness, Y/N's mind raced with the knowledge of what she had just done.  
Once back home, Y/N found herself spiralling into a vortex of memories, each one a painful reminder of the tangled relationships and betrayals that had defined her past. She remembered Noir, a friend, a great friend, who had been there for her when she needed someone the most.  
Despite Ben's hatred towards him, Noir had always been a steadfast companion for her. In her mind's eye, she drifted back to the training grounds of Payback, a moment that had stayed with her through the years.  
It was a hot afternoon, the sun beating down on the training field where the members of Payback were honing their skills. Y/N and Noir were sparring, their movements fluid and precise, each strike met with a well-timed block.  
There was an unspoken camaraderie between them, a mutual respect that had grown over time. "You're getting faster," Noir said, his voice muffled by his mask but tinged with a hint of admiration.  
Y/N smiled, adjusting her stance. "And you're as unpredictable as ever." Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. The doors to the training facility burst open, and Ben stormed in, his expression a mask of rage. He marched straight towards Noir, his fists clenched at his sides. 
"You think you can go behind my back?" Ben roared, his voice echoing through the space. "Talking to Edgar about a solo movie? Who do you think you are?" Noir didn't have a chance to respond before Ben's fist connected with his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground. 
The air was thick with tension as Ben continued his assault, his punches landing with brutal force. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she watched, her mind racing. She couldn't stand by and let this happen.  
Summoning her courage, she stepped forward, grabbing Ben's arm as he raised it to deliver another blow. "Stop it, Ben!" she shouted, her voice firm and commanding. "That's enough!" Ben turned to her, his eyes blazing with fury.  
"Stay out of this, Y/N. He needs to learn his place." Y/N held her ground, her grip on his arm tightening. "He's part of this team, just like the rest of us. You don't get to treat him like this." For a moment, it looked like Ben might lash out at her too, but something in her eyes made him hesitate.  
He pulled his arm free, his breath ragged and angry. "This isn't over," he snarled, glaring down at Noir before storming out of the room. Y/N knelt beside Noir, her concern evident. "Are you okay?" Noir nodded, wincing as he touched his bruised face.  
She helped him to his feet, their bond strengthened by the encounter. They had always looked out for each other, and that day was no different.  
The flashback faded, leaving Y/N with a heavy heart. She missed Noir, but now, knowing he was behind it all. She needed to confront Noir, to understand his role in the plan to get rid of Ben, and to find out if their friendship had been real or just another deception.  
The next day, Y/N walked into Vought Tower with a determined stride, her mind set on finding Noir. The memories of the previous night and the confrontation with Crimson Countess weighed heavily on her, but she knew she had to push forward. She needed answers, and Noir was the key.  
As she navigated the sleek, modern halls of Vought, her presence seemed to draw curious glances from employees and staff. She ignored them, focusing on her goal. However, just as she reached the elevators, she was intercepted by Homelander.  
"Y/N, what a surprise," Homelander said, his voice dripping with false charm. He flashed his perfect, unnerving smile. "Big fan of your work. Can I help you with something?" Y/N forced a smile, keeping her expression neutral. "Just here to see an old friend. Is Noir around?" 
Homelander's smile didn't waver, but his eyes seemed to pierce right through her. "Noir? Funny you should mention him. Why don't we have a little chat first?" Before she could protest, he guided her into a nearby conference room, closing the door behind them.  
The room was stark and clinical, a sharp contrast to the tension that filled the space. "So, Y/N," Homelander began, leaning casually against the table, "I know about the little incident with Crimson Countess. Quite a mess you left behind. Care to explain why you killed her?" 
Y/N's heart raced, but she kept her composure. "I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't seen Crimson Countess in years." Homelander's smile vanished, replaced by a cold, calculating gaze. "Don't play dumb with me. We both know that's not true. And now you're here, looking for Noir. Another old team member. What are you really up to?"  
Y/N met his gaze, refusing to back down. "I have no idea what you're insinuating, Homelander. I'm just trying to reconnect with an old friend." For a moment, they stood in silence, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.  
Then, to her surprise, Homelander's expression softened into a smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Alright, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," he said, stepping aside. "But remember, I'm always watching." Y/N nodded, her heart pounding as she left the room. Homelander's presence was like a dark cloud, but she couldn't let it deter her.  
As Y/N walked down the corridor, her thoughts still lingering on the tense encounter with Homelander, she passed a break room where several Vought employees were gathered around a television. Their faces were etched with shock and fear as they watched the news broadcast.  
"... downtown Manhattan is in chaos after a massive explosion earlier today," the news anchor was saying, the footage behind him showing a scene of devastation, buildings reduced to rubble, fires raging, and people fleeing in terror.  
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of the blast on the screen. The signature of the explosion, the intensity of the radiation, it was unmistakable. She knew it all too well. "Ben..." she whispered.  
He had made it to America. The realization hit her like a tidal wave. The man she had once known, trained with, and cared for was now a living weapon unleashed upon the city. Her mind raced with questions and fears. What was he doing here? What was his plan? And most importantly, how could she stop him before more lives were lost?  
Y/N raced to the crime scene in downtown Manhattan, her mind a whirlwind of fear and determination. The devastation was even more harrowing in person, the charred remains of buildings, the acrid smell of smoke, and the sounds of sirens and frantic voices.  
Emergency responders were everywhere, trying to manage the chaos. As she pushed through the throngs of people, she spotted Butcher, Hughie, and MM among the crowd, their expressions grim as they surveyed the destruction.  
She made her way towards them, her heart pounding with a mix of anger and desperation. Butcher noticed her first, his eyes narrowing as she approached. "What the bloody hell are you doin' here?" Y/N didn't waste any time on pleasantries.  
She locked eyes with him, her voice edged with urgency and defiance. "You still think he's the Russians' problem?" Butcher's jaw tightened, and for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossed his face. Butcher looked from MM to Y/N, his eyes piercing and questioning.  
"You think you can stop him?" he asked, his tone sceptical but hopeful. Y/N hesitated, the weight of the task pressing down on her. She knew Ben was more powerful than her, his strength and abilities far surpassing her own. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.  
"Ben has always been stronger than me, but I’ll try." Butcher's gaze softened slightly, a rare moment of understanding. "We'll back you up, love. Just tell us what you need." Y/N took a deep breath, gathering her resolve. "We need to find out where he's likely to go next. Butcher and MM's eyes meet...  
"The legend" 
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Tag list:-> If you want to be added let me know what you like to read! If anyone feels like you're tagged too much, also let me know please. :)
@suckitands33 @mostlymarvelgirl @globetrotter28 @jackles010378 @hobby27 @call-me-mrs-winchester @muhahaha303 @deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @loving4ngel
90 notes · View notes
I just worried about how much Kimiko dyed her hair as prolonged dyeing. dyeing your hair regularly can be bad for it. The peroxide in hair dye can cause hair to feel dry and straw-like, and repeated coloring can weaken hair and make it more prone to breakage. Other damage that hair dye can cause includes: Loss of strength, Reduced thickness, Increased roughness of hair follicle, and Less ability for your hair to handle heat styling.
Don't worry, I really don't think Kimiko has ever dyed her natural hair.
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Kimiko's natural hair color is jet black. She would have to bleach it before she could dye it at all, which is much more damaging than dying.
And we always see it back in its silky, jet-black state without any change in texture or luster whenever she's wearing her monk uniform, so I doubt she's ever bleached it.
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The length of her default pigtails stays the same too, even though the length of the many hairstyles varies so much. And she's not cutting and regrowing it that regularly.
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There are some outfits where she's just styled her natural hair, and you can tell by the length and shine in those looks.
But for the vast majority of her looks, especially anything that's a different color or texture, Kimiko is styling a wig for that look.
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Which is frankly way more difficult than styling real hair, so Kimiko would pride herself in how well she's able to do it.
Kimiko's rich enough to afford the many different wigs, and stylish and skilled enough to personally style and color and curl each one herself. She can also afford all the wig tape or silicone solution sheets she would need to keep it in place even while she's moving around so much. There are plenty of ways to keep a wig secure even during vigorous sports, she'd go the extra mile.
"Wigs" is the more practical and the more impressive explanation here, and the one in line with her lifestyle and personality.
31 notes · View notes
spoopydooblr · 6 months
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Demons | Chapter 3
Pairing: Billy Butcher (The Boys) x Supe!OC
Summary: Over a year ago, Lilith Murphy escaped the experiments and torture of the Sage Grove Center. After laying low and stripping at Super Girlz, she’s found by Billy and The Boys.
Warnings: smut (girl on girl!!!!!!), cursing, descriptions of sex work, descriptions of sexual assault, drugging
AN: this is a heavy one yall!! please read with caution. also can we talk about queer lili????? lfg!!!!! we need more girl on girl sex in the boys!!!
Taglist: @seeingstarks @a-rogue-tiddy-bot @scraftsku35 @anundyingfidelity
Red stilettos clicked against pristine, white marble floor. They were always Lili's favorite pair to have on. Sure, they were obnoxious and made her over six feet tall, but hey, they were gorgeous. She remembered buying them with her first paycheck from Super Girlz. Sluttier heels brought in better tips.
They were the same pair she wore when Billy handed her that twenty the night before.
Speaking of the man, he was probably looking for her. They were leaving for Sage Grove the next morning and he wanted to strategize. Lili snuck out during dinner, stopping at her old place to get a dress and the heels. Sure, she felt bad, but she had work to do.
Lili walked through the high-end hotel, bypassing the front desk and hopping into an elevator. Pressing the button for the top floor, she looked at herself in the mirrored walls, making sure her makeup and hair were looking okay.
The elevator verged upwards, approaching the top. Lili took a deep breath, reapplying her lipstick.
Lili stood naked at the edge of the king size hotel bed, in between a pair of long legs. Her tongue spilled out of her mouth, curling around.
She smiled evilly as she cracked her knuckles.
Lili's tongue dove into the woman's cunt.
"Oh, fuck!" A smooth, pleasure-filled moan.
Lili shifted, tongue swirling and lapping at the woman's breasts. Lili's hand clamped down, holding her legs. Her other hand went lower, finding the woman's clit and rubbing it slowly.  Her fingers pawed at her entrance, running through her folds.
She kissed her. It was Victoria Neuman.
Lili hummed, pulling away and wrapping her tongue around Victoria's nipple.
"Shh..." she kissed her again.
Lili broke away, she didn't love kissing the clients much. Victoria was different, though.
She moved her position, once again in between Victoria's legs.
She moaned, her fingers pulling at Lili's red hair as the long, snake-like tongue entered her again. Lili's hands pushed down on Victoria's thighs, rubbing circles into her skin.
"Ah!" Victoria yelled as Lili's tongue pushed against her clit.
"I can't believe you're going to be the vice president."
Victoria and Lili laid on the bed, passing Lili's new cotton candy vape back and forth.
"Im not yet. Don't jinx me."
Lili smiled. "Well," she turned to Victoria, their noses almost touching.  "You got my vote."
She passed her the vape.  
"When did you start vaping?" Victoria asked.
Lili shrugged.  "Healthier, I guess."
Victoria laughed, leaning in to kiss her.  Lili froze, turning her head.  "Uh, sorry, um, I really gotta get going."
"Oh, yeah, of course, sorry."
Lili rolled off the bed, her bare ass exposed as she leaned down to put her dress back on.  As she turned back to Victoria, the older woman was holding a wad of cash. 
"Thanks."  She flipped through the money, counting the bills.  "I'll see you soon?"
Victoria nodded, smiling curtly.  Lili cringed.  Leaving was always the worst.  Especially with Vicky.  
Lili crept back into The Boys' apartment building, trying to be as quiet as possible.  Sure, she might wake up Kimiko, but the woman didn't even speak.
She almost made it past the kitchen before she heard a gruff voice.  
"Where the bleedin fuck have you been?"
Lili stuttered, "Uh..."
Butcher turned the light on, almost blinding her.  His eyes widened at her outfit. 
"You been dancin at that club again?"
"Don't fucking lie to me."
"I wasn't."
"Then where the fuck you goin dressed like that?"
Lili frowned.  Why was he treating her like this.  "Why?"  She smirked, "you jealous?"
"I thought ya'd been kidnapped."  Lili noticed how he didn't deny his jealousy.  His eyes even softened a little bit.  
"Well I'm good, okay?"
"Don't go fucking awol like that again, ya hear?"
Lili gulped.  She had clients to take care of.  How was she going to manage to sneak out again?  "I can do whatever I want, Butcher."
Billy took a step towards her, backing Lili into the side of the counter.  "I'm sure ya can, love."  He smelled like bourbon.  "But you're one 'a my Boys now, and what I say, goes."
"I'm not one of you." She looked up at him, still wedged between his body and the counter. 
Billy laughed.  "What the fuck are ya then?"
"Uh, a freelancer, I guess? I don't know."
Billy couldn't help his smile.  "Well, freelancer, stop fuckin disappearing on us." His eyes flickered to her chest.  He sniffed the air. "Why the fuck ya smell like pussy?"
Lili sniffed back, "Why the fuck do you smell like Temp V?"
Butcher's eyes narrowed. 
"Isn't that stuff what's killing you?"
He grunted, letting her push past him.  Before she could get far, he spoke up, "You use that tongue for money, love?"  He was upset, obviously, but he needed to know.
Lili looked down.  "It's really none of your business."
"You ain't gotta do that shit no more."  He said, hand scratching his beard.  "Not now."
Lili pursed her lips, looking up at him.  "It's survival, Billy."
"Lili, I told you.  You're one 'a us."
"Sure, because you all clearly love Supes."  She knew deep down Billy would always hate who she was.  What she was.  
"I brought you here, didn't I?"
Lili turned to leave.  
"You'd still be dancin at that club every night if it weren't for me.  Buncha cunts grabbin at ya."
She tilted her head to the side, unsure of how to respond.  "And that's a good thing?"  Lili raised her eyebrows at him.  "I'd rather be at Super Girlz than go back to Sage Grove tomorrow."
Billy pressed his lips together.  She had a point. "We need that Inhibitor."
"I know."  She said.  "I didn't say I wasn't going."
Billy smiled.  He knew she was tougher than she looked.
The next morning Lili was squished in between Kimiko and Annie in the back of The Boys' van.  
"You sure you're good with this?"  Annie nudged her.
Lili nodded, trying to avoid thinking about what they were about to do.  She was also avoiding Billy now that he knew about her clients.
"Do you guys know the plan?"  Hughie reached his head around from the seat in front of them.  "Butcher hasn't really told me anything yet..."
Annie shook her head, looking to Lili.  
"No clue."  She shrugged. 
The van lurched to a stop.
"Alright you cunts, here's the plan."  Butcher looked back at The Boys from the driver's seat.  "After our last little...visit to Sage Grove, they've changed their security.  You lot are going to create a distraction while me 'n Lili sneak in through the back."
The fuck did he mean?
"Um, I don't remember agreeing to that."  Lili mumbled.
"You didn't."  He said, opening his door and getting out.  
Annie gave Lili a concerned look.  "He does this all the time.  I'm sorry."
"It's fine."  
It was definitely not fine.  Lili was nervous to talk to Butcher after the night before.  He seemed to be quite adamant that she stop working, which bothered her.  It's not like she loved her job or anything, but it was the only way she knew how to live.  
"Lili."  Butcher's deep voice broke her thoughts. "Let's go."  He motioned to a path through the woods.  It was the same way she had escaped over a year ago.
"Whatever you say, boss."  She rolled her eyes at Annie and Hughie who smiled.
Billy bit back a retort, knowing it would only make things worse. 
Lili followed him to the path, there was no going back now.
He barked orders one more time at the rest of The Boys, hands firmly on his semi-automatic.  
"You don't need that."  Lili said to him as they walked through the forest.  She motioned to his rifle.  
"Like hell I don't.  I ain't like you."
"I can smell the V from a mile away, Billy."
He stopped, turning to face her.  "I think you better mind your fuckin business."
Lili stared at him, brow furrowed.  "I think you should do the same."
"This about last night?  You been avoiding me like a fucking plague."
"You can't tell anyone about what I do."
Billy sighed.  "I ain't tell no one."
"Okay, I just...just please don't.  People...people like to judge me."
Billy nodded.  "I ain't want you doin that anymore."
Lili rolled her eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that morning.  "I know, Billy, I get it.  It's beneath me, blah blah blah, I'm better than this, I know."
"It's not that..."  He muttered.  "Just don't want ya getting hurt is all."
He definitely wanted to say something else, but they both left it at that.  Billy Butcher caring about her was definitely not on Lili's bingo card.
The two finally reached the back of the institution.  There was a small, locked metal door with multiple locks in front of them.
"Ya wanna do the honors?"  Butcher asked her.
Lili nodded, taking a deep breath.  She touched the handle lightly, reading the energy in the building.  "There's a pretty clear path to the lab..."
"Go on then."  He encouraged her.  
Lili's hand clamped down on the handle as she created in explosion in her mind.  Sparks erupted in her palm and the door burst off the hinges.  
"Good girl."  Butcher praised, pushing past her.
Lili was a bit stunned at the comment but tried to shake it off.  She followed him inside, for once staying back behind him for safety.  Sage Grove put her out of her element.  If only Billy knew what really went on there.
"Lab's to the right."  She whispered, looking over Billy's shoulder.
He nodded, rifle in hand, as they crept to the lab.  The door was locked, as expected.
"How are we going to do this?  I can kick it open, but it's gonna be loud--"
Billy ignored her, taking a breath.  He focused on the door, shooting lasers out of his eyes and melting it to the ground.
"Oh my God."  Lili stared at him.  "You're like..."
He grunted in response, letting her walk through the now-gaping hole in the door.
Inside were some small lab stations and a few big freezers.  "Over here."  Lili said, gesturing to one of the freezers.
Billy peered inside, where there were at least a hundred test tubes filled with black liquid.  
"That's it?"  He asked.
Lili nodded, suddenly unable to speak.  The black sludge brought back memories she wasn't sure she could handle.  The drug used to run her life, but now it was just liquid in a tube.  It couldn't hurt her now.
But they were about to release Inhibitor to the world.  
"I feel like this is a bad idea."  Lili mumbled, stumbling away from the freezer.  "We-we can't just steal this."
"You want Homelander dead or not?"
"I do, I just..."  She stared at the vials of black.  "I know what this shit does to you."
"Exactly."  Butcher opened the fridge, grabbing a few tubes.  
"Wait..."  Lili grabbed his arm.  The touch of their skin sent shivers down her back.
Suddenly, they were in a different room in the institution.  Billy began to protest, confused as to where they were, but he stopped.  On the floor, wearing a hospital gown, was Lili.  She was younger and sickly-looking.  Her skin was peeling off in layers, revealing the red, itchy meat underneath.  Her eyes were closed, but streaks of black liquid stained her cheeks and around her mouth.  She had clearly been throwing up, but the girl laid still now.
Lili looked at her old self, still clutching Billy's wrist.  
"Where are w--"
The door to the cell flung open, revealing a few doctors and The Deep.  The Deep walked in and knelt next to Lili's body.  
"Is she alive?"  He picked up one of her limp hands, holding it up and then dropping it to the ground. 
"Yes.  The Inhibitor should be out of her system in eight hours."  One of the doctors replied.  "You can have her until then."
The Deep nodded, touching Lili's cheek.  "Thanks."
Billy looked at Lili, begging her to let him go.  He didn't need to see what was about to happen.
Lili kept her eyes forward, watching her old self.  The Deep sunk down to the floor, laying next to her body.  
"Let me take care of you, baby."  He whispered.  Lili's form croaked from pain.  
The Deep pushed her hospital gown up, his fingers brushing against her thighs.  Lili remembered everything. 
"They have to do this to you, Lil.  It's necessary."  The Deep started to undress. 
"Lili."  Butcher said from beside her.  "Let's go."
She kept her eyes on The Deep as he took his suit off.  
She spun to Billy, eyes red and teary.  "This is what Inhibitor does, Butcher."
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systastic · 2 months
Cool!! Then I was wondering if I could get a level 3 Alter with the FC of The Strawberry Floormaster from Your Turn To Die? TYSM.
ooh, meow hasn’t heard of that!!! ill check it out nya~ -🍥
full disclosure: we went a bit off the rails w this one. zir image gives ‘crazy murderer’ vibes for some reason. if u want edits, let us know. -🌲
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name :: queen, velvette, satin, lace, bliss, rose, mercy, vera (short for verity)
age :: 21
pronouns :: she/her, it/its, nameself, hy/hyr, zie/zir, other/others, gur/guro, game/games
roles :: persecutor, antagonizer, berserker, chaosnaut, obsessor, hyperrose holder
species :: doll / alien
gender identity (gore warning!) :: dulcreepic, gurolocuteic, etehungeturic
orientation :: panromantic, polysexual (obsessive love disorder)
source :: brainmade, semi-YTTD
aesthetic (gore warning!) :: yami kawaii, kimoicore, ero-guro, yandere
appearance description :: bliss dresses in cute yet extravagant ribbon-filled clothing. the more bows, lace, and frills it has on it, the better it becomes in hyr eyes. hy has long pink hair — or would it be ‘had’? no; vera’s hair simply shifts to better match her current outfit, albeit with a sort of “punk” style to it. queen maintains a perfectly clean outfit even when actively maiming someone, as she tends to use machines or traps to do the work for her. all of queen’s traps share queens sense of extravagance, whether it be glitter-laced acid tanks, ribbon-made nets, butterfly shaped axes or candy-colored saws. mercy names zir traps after the people they’ve killed: kimiko the axe, lance the acid tank, delilah the razor wire… it helps keep her company in an otherwise lonely maze. lace has pink eyes, but when other gets murderous, intense, or obsessive, they turn a bloody red. unknown to hyr guests, gur has knives strapped to guro legs underneath guro frilly skirts. if any guests try to disobey or break the rules, mercy is quick to cut them down to size.
personality description :: cheerful, sweet and bouncy, queen is the perfect example of pristine behavior. zie is friendly and welcoming to the guests who “visit” her section of the mind. visitors are invited for tea and cakes… but they taste odd… are they- drugged? indeed they are. anyone who has dared to step into satin’s realm will become a new participant in hyr games whether they want it or not. the thoughts that lie behind those eyes are so diabolical and downright torturous that it makes even the devil weep. in satin’s eyes, everything is just one extravagant game. why, you ask? well… why not? things come and go, so why not play with it a little? gambling your life away is a small choice to make with a big impact! at least, if you die, that is. queen is sadistic and revels in the pain of others. seeing hyr captives beg in fear strengths hyr resolve to chase them down and make them work for their freedom. if someone wants to live so badly, then show it! fight for it! how can your life truly be lived if all you do is cower and hide from the things that scare you?! velvette intends to instill its system mates with a deep and powerful will to live and survive — though, in all truth, this doesn’t always work. it hasn’t stopped her from trying.
likes :: any sort of game, creating elaborate traps and deadly puzzles, solving non-lethal puzzles others have made, death traps, regular traps, torture methods, breaking her captive’s minds, torturing people in zir death maze, cute lolita style dresses, strawberry cake, baking, the smell / taste of fear, the saw movies (they give zir “inspiration” for zir death mazes/games), horror games with multiple ways to die (ib, mad father, the witch’s house), anything with a large amount of gore and/or horror, slasher movies, creepypastas, and musing over new ways to kill somebody
dislikes :: disobedience, rule breakers, people who refuse to play hyr games, losing control over a situation, those who faint over blood (what an overreaction — can’t they see how beautiful it is?), bitter tastes, spiky mouthfeel like whole durians and pineapple, black clothing, goth/emo subculture and style, point-blank murder (there’s no eloquence in shooting someone! it has to be bigger than that! grander! worthy of paying attention to!), lengthy monologues (just let her play already, damnit!), people with main character syndrome, and not getting her way
front triggers :: games of any kind, horror movies pertaining to games/traps, the current object of hyr obsession
signoff :: 🍓, 💝, or 🎀
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
10 - butchlander
14 - homie
Meme link. These were challenging, Anon! I admit I had a hard time thinking of a reasonable reason for them to crossdress, and Homie, well… hahaha
10 butchlander, crossdressing
The Boys are officially invited to Seven Tower to meet with Stan Edgar and discuss how to deescalate the ongoing hostilities. Billy says he’ll only show up if HL wears women’s clothes. HL says fine, but only if you do so as well. So this starts as a childish dare, both of them thinking the other will back out but neither does because they’re stubborn and stupid. When they walk in, Annie loses it, “why the FUCK are you wearing my suit?” And HL’s like “I thought you weren’t using this one anymore?” And he’s got a point, she doesn’t know why she even kept it in her closet, but she’s like “why didn’t you just buy something online??” And he doesn’t have a good answer other than he didn’t really think ahead. Billy just opted to steal something from Kimiko, and Frenchie is livid, because he’s totally stretching her clothes out and making them smell like smoke. So HL is wearing something where his balls are barely not hanging out, and Billy is wearing what should have been a relatively normal outfit, except Kimiko is 5’2 so his hairy midriff is bare. Stan Edgar hates his life and is not sure why he’s having this conversation anymore, clearly you don’t negotiate with terrorists and people who can’t plan ahead by a day
14 homie, wingfic
Hughie wakes up one day discovering that he has a hitherto unreported long term side effect of Temp V where he sprouts massive feathery wings. It makes going about daily life pretty impossible because they won’t retract, and knock things over, and make him unable to wear a shirt. He’s very distressed, and Annie tries to be understanding but eventually they get in a fight and he leaves the house. He tries to find a quiet spot in Central Park to just sit and stew about his predicament, but people are curious and keep trying to approach him, and out of despair he actually spontaneously uses his wings to lift into the air. He doesn’t feel like he has real control over it, and so he’s terrified of how high up he is. He’s even more terrified when HL casually flies up near him. HL is shocked that this new supe he thought was visiting NYC is just Hughie, but he’s in a sudden generous mood (or just predisposed to like supes so now Hughie gets more grace), and offers to teach him how to actually fly around. Hughie doesn’t have anything better to do, especially since he’s afraid to try to land, so he tries out several maneuvers. At some point he tires out though and starts dropping, and can’t pick himself back up in the air because his wings have actually tangled with each other. But HL nonchalantly saves him well before he’s anywhere near the ground, and he’s smiling at him but it’s good natured and not at all the usual scary grin and is all “you okay there, angel?” and Hughie’s like… wtf is this feeling??? Why is he so different when I have a power, no matter how bizarre or pointless? Is he really just supe-remacist like that?
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djunkiejunk · 4 months
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 0 - First Encounters
This story takes place behind the scenes of My Hero Academia in an A/B/O world. It gives a sneak peek into the lives of Aizawa Shouta and Hizashi Yamada and the things they hid from the rest of the world.
Kimiko Ison is a 25-year-old prime omega who has spent the past couple of years becoming the ideal candidate for any prime alpha. Her goal is to try and be placed into an elite back by the Society for Prime Alpha and Omegas Pack Placing Program. Of course, the one day she needs to be the most punctual, her train runs late due to a villain attack. Her only hope is that the matchmaker will take mercy on her and still place her into a good pack.
Shouta and Hizashi have been looking for an omega for a while, but have yet to find someone they feel comfortable bringing into their pack. They almost turn down another invite from the Pack Program, but decide to try again anyway. Much to Shouta's surprise, he ends up being greeted by a familiar set of eyes.
CHAPTER 0 - First Encounters
The woman in front of Kimi made her sick to her stomach. Everything from her outfit, her posture, and even how she smelled made Kimi recoil. She wore all black, something Kimi hated to have on herself. The long-sleeved shirt, cargo pants, boots, masks, and even the fittings on the woman’s clothes were pitch black as if to spite her. The only thing that wasn’t black on this woman was the dumb white wig she had on. To anyone else, they wouldn’t think it was a wig, she did an excellent job of putting it on. However, Kimi knew that hair was fake, just like her flat chest from the binder under her clothes. This woman is trying to disguise herself and fool others into thinking she’s some intimidating alpha. She even went so far as to wear patches to hide her scent and put on alpha musk to sell the role better.
Closing her eyes, Kimi takes a deep breath in and when she opens them, the woman in the mirror does the same. Her eyes are fierce, she’s exuding confidence and her friends tell her she always looks like the definition of “scary-dog privilege”.
Kimi spent the past hour trying to mask who she was so she could escort some of her other omega friends tonight. Though she’s a prime omega, able to command the will of lesser alphas and omegas, she still needs to try and blend in as an alpha to prevent any unpleasant ones from interacting with her group this evening. She’s done this many times before, pretending to be an alpha to give her fellow omegas a sense of comfort for the night, but it makes her queasy every time. It started for one of her friend’s birthdays and soon became a regular thing when they realized how good at it she could be. About once a month they would request her to get dressed up so they could go out without worries of being poached by alphas.
Kimi knew she was being taken advantage of, but she was able to get them to agree that this would be the last time she’d have to do this. She’d just graduated college and would be meeting with an advisor to go over the next steps that were needed for her to join a pack. For the past five years, she’s been working hard to be the most ideal omega, so she could be placed with a prestigious pack. But for tonight, she puts all that on hold so she can babysit her friends.
Clipping on her waist bag for the night, she sends a text to the group chat that she’s headed their way. The last bit of her facade is gloves that hide her dainty hands. Her grandmother is waiting in the kitchen as she walks out and gives Kimi a disappointed look.
“This is the last time, I promise,” she tries to reassure her. The expression on her grandmother’s face doesn’t change, which hurts Kimi, but she knows she still has to do this.
“I’ll let you know when I’m on the way home.” Kimi’s grandmother merely looks away from her, which she appreciates and uses as her chance to exit. Kimi knows that she’ll be waiting in the living room for her until she gets home which also hurts. Her grandmother has been there for her since her parents died, which she appreciates. She’s just got to carry out this facade for one more evening and then she’ll be done with it.
The money they give Kimi is the main driving factor for why she’s doing this. Rather than paying expensive bodyguards like most groups of omegas have to do when they go out, they pay Kimi a small price instead. She tends to give most of it to her grandmother and keep the other amount for her emergency funds in case things with her new pack didn’t work out.
It’s a pretty cold night which Kimi is thankful for. All of the layers that she has on can get pretty stuff and the binder always makes her extra warm. Being sweaty means that there’s a chance the patches she has on could fail and someone could catch on that she’s not an alpha, so she’ll have to pay extra attention to what she’s doing when she’s at the club tonight.
As she leaves her apartment building and begins her walk to the train station to meet up with her friends, she puts on her gloves and her alpha persona. Her walk is different, her head is held up higher and her gaze is super fierce. Since it’s the weekend, quite a few people are walking around, getting to where they need to be. People move out of her way as she walks by, eyes following her as she practically marches by. She learned early on that keeping her eyes trained on where she’s going sells the look a little more. A few minutes later, she takes the descent down the steps to the train platform, eyes scanning for her group. They’re easy to spot, all dolled up and huddled together in a group. To any actual alpha, I’m sure they must look like a piece of meat on a silver platter. Sure enough, she can spot a couple that have that hungry look in their eyes that turns her stomach sour.
Two of the four girls notice her and make a show of squealing and latching on to her. No doubt, they caught a glimpse of the hungry eyes too.
“Kai! It’s so good to see you. I’m so glad you’re here,” says Mei, the smallest but loudest one. Kimi isn’t a fan of the name they have picked for this persona, but at the same time, it matches her distaste for the whole ordeal. She moves her arm so Mei can hug her side, but she can also pat her head.
“It’s good to see you too, Mei. You as well, Yuko.” The other girl who hung on her opposite arm, moves back and smiles up at her. Yuko was the one who came up with the idea initially for her birthday a couple of months back. She’s been very polite to Kimiko about the whole thing, so Kimiko tries not to feel too upset with her. However, the other girls keep dragging on the whole thing and seem to get more carried away with it.
For example, they’re dressed far differently than what Kimiko tends to dress. This could lead to more knot-headed alphas thinking they’re entitled to act a certain way and make more work for her. She tries not to dwell on it and focuses on the other two girls.
Rin and Riko are the twins of the group. That brings its own set of challenges, but they tend to handle themselves just fine when they work together. Kimiko gives them a nod and they smile back at her politely.
“Excited?” Kimi prompts the group. She’s met with various squeals and agreements as she leads them out of the station and towards their destination for the night. Normally, they try to pick spots where IDs aren’t needed to get in since Kimiko looks so different, but Mei insists they go to a club her friend works at. They’re hoping the bouncer doesn’t cause any issues and lets Kimiko in, but they won’t know until they get there.
The twins walk in front as Mei and Yuko walk next to Kimiko. They wind through the city for a few minutes before turning onto a street that’s been blocked off for the night. Most businesses on the street are either bars or restaurants and the club they’re going to sits in the middle, all lit up with a line out the door. Nerves start to creep up Kimiko’s spine as she walks towards the building. Taking a deep breath, she focuses on her alpha persona and pushes forward. Mei takes the lead, walking up to the bouncer at the door and exchanging pleasantries. She explains who her friend is and he nods before saying something in his walkie-talkie.
Kimi looks around, taking in the people around them, especially the unhappy faces of the people they’re essentially cutting in line. A few awkward moments pass as the bouncer converses back and forth with someone. Eventually, he gets the green light and they all move into the club, nodding to the bouncer as they go in. He gives a polite nod back and Kimi can’t help but feel like he can see what she truly is.
They make their way into the loud club that has booths all along the edge of it. In the middle is where the DJ and the lights are as well as a mass of bodies moving along to the music. The bar is on the right side which is where the group heads to. Mei waves to someone behind the bar and a girl with bright orange hair waves back. Mei squeezes in between a few people and starts excitedly talking to her friend. She says something that has the bartender make eye contact with Kimiko. She gives the typical alpha nod and they exchange some more words before giggling. Soon the group orders drinks and Mei hands Kimiko a water as they make their way further into the club.
Part of the expectations for the pack program is that Kimiko is in prime health in case she’s assigned to a pack that requires a baby sooner rather than later. As such, they constantly screen her for drugs and alcohol. Thankfully, the girls seem to appreciate this and never force her to drink with them.
Kimi takes a sip, enjoying how cool the drink is. The girls take a seat in one of the booths on the edge. They talk about their life and the latest drama before a song starts playing that has them all rushing to the dance floor.
Kimiko is left with a variety of purses and drinks. She giggles to herself and she starts watching her friends have fun on the dance floor. This part doesn’t bother her much. She gets to people-watch and laugh at her friends messing around with one another. A couple more songs play and she starts to feel a lot better about going out this evening.
Until she sees him.
Her heart practically stops as she spots him across the clubs and forces herself not to stare. The last person she wants to see tonight is in the same building as her. She prays he doesn’t notice her and especially that he doesn’t recognize her. She takes a moment to catch her breath and thinks of what to do. None of the girls have their phones on them and she doesn't want to draw attention to the situation. Leaning back in her seat, she stretches her eyes out over the top of the booth, before locking her eyes with the group, trying to mentally will one of them to look over.
Sure enough, as one of the songs ends, RIn catches her eyes, and Kimiko motions for her to come over. She collects the rest of the girls and they quickly head over.
“Everything ok?” Yuko asks as they all take sips from their drinks.
“Kyo’s here.”
“Huh?” Mei says, getting closer to my mask. She mentally chastises herself for not realizing the mask would muffle her voice.
“Kyo’s here,” she says a little louder. Mei pulls back from her with a shocked expression.
“Where?” she asks, looking around. Kimiko leans towards her ear and verbally guides her to show where he is before sitting up and diverting her eyes. It’s obvious she sees him when she looks at the rest of the table with a bit of panic on her face. The rest of the girls question what’s going on and Mei fills them in.
“Should we leave?” Yuko asks. Mei deflates a little at her question which makes Kimiko feel bad, so she shakes her head.
“No, it’ll be ok, he probably doesn’t even know it’s me. I’ll just keep my eye on him and let you know if anything changes. Just be aware.” Yuko nods and they all decide to get another round of drinks before going back out to dance.
Kimiko is left by herself again which feels less secure this time around, but she tries to ignore it. She blends in, matching some of the bodyguards who are also sitting alone at some of the tables, but she can’t help but feel like she sticks out.
Focusing back on her friends, she watches as they make their way back to the dance floor. They had something strong at the bar because only one song later it’s very apparent they’re starting to feel their drinks. They fall into a rhythm of two or three songs, a drink, another two or three songs, another drink.
Kyo has made his way around the club a couple of times but doesn’t seem to notice the group or Kimiko. She starts to feel thankful until she notices another set of eyes locked on Ren and Riko. The alpha makes his way over to the two, trying to dance on the pair. She watches as the two try to politely decline, but he seems to get more and more adamant. Quickly, she stands up and makes her way over, trying to look as intimidating as possible. Ren looks over to the table and sees that Kimiko’s gone before she realizes that she’s appeared right next to her.
“Everything ok here?” she asks, making harsh eye contact with the alpha.
“Yeah, we’re just fine here, ain’t that right, baby?” The guy directs the question at Ren who starts to make her way to Kimiko. Riko follows her and the pair starts to back up in the direction of the booth.
“It doesn’t seem like she feels the same. Why don’t you just leave her alone, huh?” The guy scoffs at her and his breath, wreaking of alcohol hits her nose.
“Why you gotta ruin a guy’s fun, huh?”
“I’m not trying to run anyone's night buddy, just making sure-,”
“Well, you are!” the guy interrupts, spit flying from his mouth, making her more grateful for the mask.
“Look, buddy, why don’t we-,”
“I’m not your buddy! Stop calling me that!” This man’s barks have gained the attention of the people around us, including the rest of the group. Looking over to the other two girls, she nods towards the booth, hoping they understand her message. They seem to catch on as the guy takes a step further so they’re practically touching chests. Normally, she would try to cower and appease this man, but she stays focused and holds her ground.
“Why you stealin’ all the omegas?” he growls.
“I’m not,” is the only retort she can think of, and immediately hates that it’s her response.
“Doesn’t seem that way to me! Looks like you’ve got a bunch there just waiting for some good alpha dick.” His comment makes her want to puke.
“Bro, don’t-”
“I already told you, I’m not your buddy!” She doesn’t feel the push but recognizes that she’s falling right before she hits the ground. Thankfully, she realizes just before she makes an impact and catches herself. People around them start backing up and they’ve officially caused a scene. Looking up at the alpha that’s now stalking towards her, Kimiko glares at him.
“Keep out of my way,” he barks. “I’ll get that omega pussy if I want it, whether you like it or not.” Quickly getting to her feet, she closes the distance between them.
“Like hell, you will,” she spits back with venom. “I won’t let you lay a finger on them.” He looks her up and down while she tries puffing out her chest the best she can. He’s taller and stronger than her, but that doesn’t stop her from putting her foot down. Security catches on to what’s happening and quickly starts separating us.
As a stronger man picks her up and directs her back to the booth where her friends are, she looks over her shoulder. One of the other security guards ushers the alpha away from the crowd. His eyes shoot daggers her way and she matches his glare.
“Come on, Kim-uh, Kai. Let’s just go,” Mei says as Kimiko is delivered to the table. She looks to the rest of the table for their consensus and they seem to agree.
“Okay, sorry,” she sighs.
“It’s ok, let’s just go,” Mei repeats, grabbing onto her arm. Though she’s probably right, Kimiko can’t help but feel bad for cutting their fun short. They make their way out of the club, but the troublesome alpha is nowhere to be seen. It makes Kimiko slightly uneasy, but she tries to focus on getting the girls to a safer area.
“Everyone okay?” The girls all respond with affirmatives which makes her feel a bit better.
“Ok, good. Sorry, that guy just wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“It’s ok,” Yuko says, leaning on her. She’s normally not affectionate so Kimiko takes that as a sign that the drinks are affecting her.
“Did we want to find another place to go or did that kill the night for everyone?” Various answers ensue. Mei wants to stay out, the twins seem to have mixed feelings, and Yuko’s mumbled answer has Kimiko feeling a little concerned.
“What if we get some food and then I’ll lead you all back to the train station? Sound good?”
They all agree and she leads them to a small bar near the end of the street where they can all get some food and the girls can get some more drinks if they want. After some small bits of food and a couple more drinks, the girls decide it’s time for them to start heading back.
They walk through the street until they round the corner and start heading back. The difference in atmosphere is eerie. The street they were just in had music pouring in from the various clubs and bars, but now the street is filled with the sounds of the girl’s heels.
Making sure to keep an eye on her surroundings, she tries herding the girls through the streets. As they round another corner, a large figure blocks the middle of the sidewalk.
“Where you goin’ with all these pretty omegas? Didn’t I tell you I was gettin’ them one way or another?” The alpha from earlier leers down at all of them. The street light illuminated his face more, making them aware of scars they couldn’t see in the club. Kimiko’s heart plummets as she realizes that this guy is probably going to fight her. She readies her commanding voice but stops when the man steps forward, running into an invisible barrier.
“Huh?” he rubs his face, confused. Trying to step forward again, he runs into the barrier again, before realizing something is preventing him from getting closer to them. Immediately, Kimiko realizes the quirk being used and uses it as an opportunity to get the girls to safety.
“Move!” She shouts, making sure not to command the girls. They all dart to the other side of the road and quickly move up the street. She follows after them, before looking behind and seeing the two alphas she was trying to avoid with one another. She’s grateful that Kyo used his quirk to help them get away from the creep, but knows it means he’s going to want to talk about it later. They’re two blocks from the train station so she slows the girls down a bit and lets them catch their breaths.
“Was that-?” Mei asks, panting a bit.
“Yeah,” Kimiko confirms, disappointment heavy in her tone. “Don’t worry about it though. Let’s get you guys on a train before they’re all done for the night.” She’s met with tired agreement and lets the girls pick the pace while she looks out for any additional problems. From what she can see, neither of the alphas are following them, which makes her feel better. Soon enough, the girls are all herded into the train station and they wait for the next train.
“Sorry that one guy was bothering you, I hope you all still had a good night,” she says to the group.
“Oh yeah,” Mei says, clinging to her arm. “We had such a good time with our strong alpha~.” Kimiko stops herself from rolling her eyes as she giggles.
“Thank you for doing this,” Ren says, her head placed on her sister’s shoulder. Kimiko smiles back in response, before realizing it can’t be seen with her mask on.
“Of course.”
The jingle signaling the next train is arriving plays and the girls all tiredly get to their feet. Thankfully none of them are extremely intoxicated or she’d have to take them all the way home. Rather, they all just seem tired and will probably pass out once they get back from their homes. She says her goodbyes and they all get on the train, leaving her to walk home by herself for the night Exiting the station, she’s not surprised to see Kyo leaning up against the light pole outside. She takes a moment to make eye contact, before heading towards her apartment.
“What? No hello, no thank you?” He says, jogging up to her side. She rolls her eyes and sighs.
“I appreciate you keeping them safe.” He scoffs at her comment.
“Kimi,” he starts, but she’s quick to cut him off.
“Don’t.” He stops and gives a heavy sigh.
“At least let me walk you home. It’s not safe this late at night.”
“I’m well aware,” she retorts but doesn’t stop him from walking with her. They walk for a few silent moments before he decides to open his mouth again.
“What is that smell? Is that you?” She glares at him.
“It’s alpha musk.”
“Ew, really?”
“Yeah, it’s supposed to ward off unwanted alphas. Seems like it’s working,” she quips. She knew if he realized who she was he’d ask about what she was wearing. What she wasn’t expecting was how much it would bother her.
“Geez, you really went all out, huh? I almost didn’t even know it was you until I saw who you were with. That and your eyes gave it way.” Those same eyes find themselves rolling once again as they keep walking. They’re about a block away from her apartment and she wants nothing more than to be done with this interaction and in her bed,
“Yeah, the goal was not to be bothered tonight.”
“Lot of good that did you,” he scoffs. “Again, still haven’t gotten a thank you.”
“Yeah and you’re not going to get one either,” she retorts.
“Oh come on, I could have let you deal with that big guy all by yourself. You just don’t want to admit that you actually needed me.” They’re almost to the apartment building and she can practically taste her freedom. She pauses, deciding to cut things off there, and lets out a big sigh.
“Kyo, just cut it out. You and I are done, we have been for a while. Stop acting like I owe you anything, especially after the stunt you pulled.”
“Oh, get over yourself! What, just because you’re pretending to be an alpha, you think you are one now? You’re an omega and it’s about time you start acting like one and submit!” He steps forward and grabs the front of her shirt, pulling his face to hers. Alcohol flows from his teeth, making her queasy.
“Stop acting all high and mighty. You need me, you dumb, quirkless omega. When are you going to understand that?” Pushing back, she struggles to get out of his grip. She hears the rip before realizing she’s free and part of her shirt is in his hand. She rushes to cover herself before realizing the binder takes care of that for her.
“You are such a piece of shit, Kyo! Just leave me alone, I don’t want you,” I bark. He snarls and sticks his hand out, using his quirk. She doesn’t bother moving, knowing he’s used his quirk on her to put her in an invisible box. She feels like a trapped mime and just glares at him.
“I didn’t even do anything to you,” he pathetically whines.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You cheat on me, beat me, and then tried to rape me.”
“But I didn’t! It could have been way worse for you.” Surely somewhere in his drunken mind, that made way more sense. Instead, the comment hits her like a ton of bricks. Reeling back in disgust, she hits the back of the box she’s in.“Let me fucking go.” “No, wait, I-,”
“Let me fucking go!” She trembles as she shouts at him. Flashes from that evening cross her mind and tears start to well up in her eyes.
“No!” She’s surprised that he’s shouting back at her. “You belong to me, you dumb omega. You’ve belonged with me for years. You need to learn your place.”
It feels as if all the blood drains from her face and is replaced with pure rage.
“I need to learn my place, Kyo? Me? You’re the one that needs to learn their place,” she snarls back at him. “You are a pathetic excuse for an alpha. You’re in and out of jobs, flunked out of hero school with your shitty quirk, and to top it off you have an even shittier attitude.” Kyo seems taken aback and starts stammering, trying to tell her how wrong she is. Having had enough of his nonsense, she decides to take back full control of the situation.
“LET ME GO,” she commands. He pauses his babbling and listens, freeing her from the box. She says nothing as she turns around to go back to the apartment. He bristles and she looks back to see him move forward to grab her. She takes advantage of the positioning to effectively trip him and pin him to the ground. She moves his hands to his back and holds them down before reaching to grab her phone.
“This is absurd. I’m calling the cops,” she tells him.
“Don’t bother,” a voice from behind her says.
Startled, she whips her head around. A tall man with long black hair and an all-black outfit that nearly matches her own stands behind her. He’s got yellow goggles sitting on top of his head and what looks like a long gray scarf around his neck. His tired expression matches precisely how she mentally feels.
“The police are already on their way.”
“For what? What did I do?” Kyo barks from below her. “I’m the one on the ground here!”
“For illegal use of your quirk on an unarmed omega,” the mystery man explains. “I was watching you both from up there,” he points to the top of one of the buildings nearby.
“You were shouting, so it was easy to hear what was going on.” He pauses and just looks at Kimiko expectantly before saying, “I can take it from here.”
Nodding, she stands up and releases Kyo. The man’s hair starts to float before the gray scarf he’s wearing wraps around Kyo, keeping him on the ground.
“Thank you,” she says, respectfully bowing to the hero before her. Something in her chest feels almost as if it's pulling her to the alpha. He has a commanding presence, yet somehow she feels safer rather than intimidated.
“Just get home safe,” he responds dryly. “How much farther do you need to go?”
“I’m just right here, sir. Thank you.”
“Oh, so he gets a thank you, but I-,” Kyo is cut off by more scarf going around his mouth before he can finish his sentence. She smiles before turning her attention to the hero.
“I didn’t get your name.”
“Didn’t give it,” he responds curtly.
“Fair,” I respond. “Can I please get your name, sir?” He pauses, seeming to take a moment to decide if he wants to give her his name.
“Eraserhead,” he tells her after a few moments. The name is a little odd, but she accepts it and moves on.
“Thank you, Eraserhead. Have a good night.” He nods and she takes that as her sign to leave. As she enters the apartment, her grandmother is practically pulling Kimiko into her arms.
“Was that Kyo? Are you okay? Who was that man?”
“I’m fine, Grandma. Sorry to make you worry. Yes, that was Kyo and the other man said his name was Eraserhead.”
“A hero?” she pulls back and stares out the window, looking back out onto the street.
“Yes, Grandma.” Outside, a police cruiser pulls up. The pair watches as the hero hands over Kyo to the police and talks with them before using his scarf to pull himself back up into the top of a building and disappear.
An hour later, Kimiko is scrubbed raw and in bed, smelling and feeling more like herself. She plugs in her phone and pulls the covers over her head, enjoying the feeling of security it gives her. The evening's events play over again in her mind until eventually, she drifts off to sleep.
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mastermojo98 · 2 years
Zhane & Vitani Chapter 4 Rachel's Wrath
It was Friday and Vitani couldn't wait for the school day to end so she, Ruby and their new friend Kimiko could head to the mall and find outfits for the fall formal.
"Girls we are just three weeks away from the dance", Vitani said excitedly.
"I know Vee, but I don't know what to wear. What about you Kimiko?", asked Ruby.
"Oh, that's an easy one, my qipao".
"What's that?", Vitani asked.
"It's a Chinese dress my grandma is seamstress, so she is making me one".
"Cool, I can't wait to see it".
"Oh, and thanks again to both of for backing me up against Rachel and Brianna."
Kimiko bowed in respect and gratitude.
"No problem, they're just a bunch bullies", said Vitani.
"I couldn't stop laughing when Vitani pushed Rachel into the desk. The look on her face was priceless!", Ruby squealed cheerfully.
"I don't think we'll deal with them anytime soon", said Vitani.
The final bell rang to go home, and the three girls raced through the hallways.
"Zhane and his friends are having Pokémon tournament at our house, so we don't have to worry him coming to the mall with us", said Vitani.
"Good last thing we need is a boy complaining about us shopping", said Ruby.
"We should at least give him a chance", Kimiko protested.
"Kimiko, we have a lot to discuss with you".
Before the girls reached their bikes Vitani stopped and her eyes stretch.
"Oh no! I forgot to get my bookbag. I'll be right back."
"Hustle, Forever 21 is having their weekend sale", Ruby shouted.
Vitani ran to her locker and grabbed her bookbag. As she raced down the hallway, a foot suddenly flashed in front her, and Vitani fell on her wrist.
"Hehehe. No running in the halls Vitani".
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"Rachel, you tripped me!", Vitani yelled.
She struggled to hold back tears due to her throbbing wrist and embarrassment.
"Did you really think I was gonna let get away with pushing me?", Rachel asked
Vitani eyes were filled with tears of anger as she got up.
"Rachel, I'm gonna--".
"What? Tell on me? Go ahead I dare you. It's not like I can stop you or anything. But everyone will know you as snitch if you do", Rachel said mockingly.
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"You're gonna regret this", Vitani said coldly.
"I have no regrets", said Rachel.
Rachel walked off laughing heavily at her misdeed while Vitani angrily headed outside.
"Jeez, what took you so long", asked Ruby.
"And why are you holding your wrist", asked Kimiko.
Vitani did her best to straighten her face, but her friends could tell something was wrong.
"What happened in there, Vee?", Kimiko asked.
"Nothing", Vitani replied.
"No, don't nothing us. Something went down in the hallway. Let's hear it", Ruby insisted.
Vitani let out big sigh.
"Fine. I was running back to you girls after I got my bookbag and Rachel came from a corner and tripped me".
"She tripped you", Kimiko shouted.
"Yeah, and I hurt my wrist, but it's not broken though."
"Are you sure you're okay Vitani", Ruby asked.
"I'm fine, Rachel is gonna get what's coming to her very soon. Now let's go."
The three got on their bikes and made their way to the mall.
While looking around in Forever 21, Ruby and Kimiko attempted to get Vitani to open up about being tripped by Rachel.
"Vee, you can't let Rachel get away with tripping you", said Ruby.
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"Ugh, would both of you stop. My mom always taught me not to get riled up because of fools. and only take action when it's absolutely necessary".
"Yeah? Well, my mom always taught me to not suffer fools gladly", Ruby said scornfully.
"Rachel had no business tripping you or spitting in my face for that matter. You can't let her get away with that", said Kimiko.
"Don't get the wrong idea girls. Rachel is not going to get away with tripping me, but I'm not going to snitch either because that's the last thing I want to be known for", said Vitani. You know this isn't how I pictured 7th grade year to turn out."
"Hey Vitani!"
Vitani turned away to see Zhane and his buddies Michael and Jose approach them.
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"We had stopped at the mall to get something eat first". What's with you sis? You seem irritated.
"It's nothing".
"Rachel Owens tripped her in the hallway", said Ruby.
"Ruby!", yelled Vitani.
"Say what!", yelled Zhane.
"Ooh Rachel Owens? She's hardcore; you never want to get on her bad side", said Michael.
"Yeah, but don't trip anyone and get off scott free", said Jose.
"Not to mention Vitani hurt her wrist when she fell", Kimiko replied.
"No, no, no. It doesn't matter if Rachel is hardcore. I know what mom always told us, but you gotta get her back Vitani", said Zhane.
"Enough already! What is this an intervention? Karma is gonna hit Rachel, and Zhane I appreciate the concern, but you worry about your own problems alright. Now move it we have shopping to do."
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Zhane and his friends walked off as Ruby and Kimiko confusingly stared at Vitani's harshness towards her brother.
"Zhane was only trying to help you know", said Kimiko.
"Yeah, you didn't have to cut him down like that Vitani", said Ruby.
"Ugh, I know but I'm just not in a pleasant mood right now, and I want take my mind off of being tripped. So, let's find something for the dance okay."
Little did the girls know that Rachel and her friends walked into Forever 21 noticed Zhane and company leaving the store.
"Hey Rach, wasn't that Vitani's brother," asked Brianna.
"Yeah, boys don't shop at Forever 21. The only reason he would be here is if his sister was here", said Rachel.
Rachel's second friend Kelly noticed Vitani looking around the dresses.
"There she is", said Kelly.
"Ooh this too perfect. I almost feel bad about doing this to Vitani", said Rachel.
"What are you going to do", asked Brianna.
Kelly took a perfume bottle off a rack and showed it to Brianna and Kelly.
"Vee is going to get a special 5 Finger discount."
"Don't you think that's a little harsh? No girl should ever be banned from Forever 21", said Kelly.
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Rachel quietly walked over to Vitani, who was too busy browsing through clothes to notice her, and quietly snuck the perfume in her jacket pocket as walked backed to the other end of the store.
"Alright girls get ready to enjoy the show in a couple minutes", said Rachel.
Meanwhile Vitani purchased a lush light green dress while Ruby bought a sky-blue version of the dress.
"We are gonna look so fly at the dance", said Vitani.
"Oh, you know it and I can't wait to see your qipao, Kimiko", replied Ruby
"Yes, there's absolutely nothing that can ruin this", Kimiko shrilled.
"Hey, let's get something to eat", said Vitani.
The three girls made their way out of the store with Rachel's group anxiously watching. When they walked pass the sensors the store alarm went off.
"Whoa! What's happening", Vitani yelled.
The store manager approached the girls with a huge frown on her face.
"Alright which one of you is stealing from my store", she said angrily.
"None of us. We brought our items. See the receipts."
The mall security guard walked in with his wand.
"Alright ladies I'm just gonna do a quick a scan if the wand doesn't beep, you're free to go."
The security guard scanned Kimiko and Ruby and the wand stayed silent. As soon as he scanned Vitani the wand beeped so loud everyone in the store could hear it.
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"You brought everything huh", she asked.
Vitani heart and mouth dropped with Kimiko and Ruby staring in shocked.
"Ma'am, I swear I didn't steal it. I didn't even know it was in my pocket someone is trying to frame me", Vitani pleaded.
"Lame excuses. No one steals from my store. Enjoy that dress because it's the last thing you'll get from here."
Vitani began to cry.
"Please I promise I didn't steal it. I'm too scared to do anything like that!"
"Come with me miss", said the security guard.
"Don't worry Vee, we know you didn't steal that perfume", said Ruby.
"Just hang tight, we'll go find Zhane", yelled Kimiko.
Rachel and her friends laughed at the top of their lungs as they watched Vitani being escorted out of the store.
"I don't think we'll be seeing Vitani in Forever 21 anymore", Rachel said arrogantly.
As she was being taken away by security, Vitani sobbed and thought to herself.
"This day just went from bad to worst. Mom is gonna blow a fuse."
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aj-thegreatest · 2 years
Character: Marinette Dupin-Chang (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir) or Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin Showdown)?
Marinette because 1) I think she deserves better writing and the world and 2) I’m familiar with ML than XS
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harley-angel · 2 years
Xiaolin Chronicles: A Disappointing Sequel
Well, I have a lot of feelings about XC, most of them not great. And so I’m just gonna talk about it here cause, I mean, it’s my blog. Also this is probably not structured well because I’m bad at doing that.
So, “Xiaolin Chronicles” was a sequel to “Xiaolin Showdown,” following the same characters and adding some new ones, having only one season with twenty six episodes. I think it started out promising, but then made multiple decisions that shot itself in the foot. Twice. It got so bad I didn’t even finish watching the show. More about it will be under cut so lets go.
Changes: So one of the biggest things to talk about in XC is the changes it made from XS, specifically in character design and names of the Shen Gon Wu. Now these changes were made due to the fact that Warner Bros. holds the rights to XS, at least in some character design and almost all of the names of the Wu. If the show had aired on a WB network, then this most likely wouldn’t have been a problem, but it aired on Disney XD. 
Disney XD did not treat this show well, as it does with many of their shows. Episodes were aired out of order, and the only reason I knew this show was on or happening was because of my friends Chase and Dolly who learned about it. The show aired on Saturdays at 9am, and again, I think it started off strong but, still. The first three episodes were aired on the same day, serving as a premise for what and who we would be dealing with through the story.
Now some of the big changes were, as follows
Dojo was no longer green and red, now having a yellow and green color scheme instead
Many new characters, which I’ll get to later
Wuya’s human form was now much LIGHTER than before (possible white washing but I wouldn’t be sure)
Kimiko no longer changed outfits in each episode, sticking to the same old, kind of plain outfit
Jack and Wuya were now kind of implied to be in a relationship which is, bad. In XS, Wuya sometimes acted as an evil mentor toward Jack, so it’s the weird teacher-student thing.
Tubbimura’s dog, Muffin Face, could talk now?
Rather than having a balance of the heroes could lose at anytime, the Xiaolin constantly won showdowns, and the showdowns were usually fought by Omi, Kimiko, or the new monk. The only time they really lost was in the first three episodes
Raimundo was no longer the leader of the monks.
The Showdowns were now done in CGI
Chase Young was no longer the intimidating Villain he was in XS, rather he was much more, cartoon ham villain.
Chase Young was no longer turned into the Heylin he was in XS by being manipulated by Hannibal Roy Bean, but rather turned to the Heylin side because he was a Nice GuyTM, because a girl he liked liked his never established before Brother.
Some of these decisions would end up rather poorly, especially with Chase Young. They kind of wanted to build up a new villain, which I understand, but you could have done the thing in XS where we had many intimidating villains. Wuya, Chase, Hannibal, etc. all had the capacity to be terrifying and intimidating. XC just proved to be disappointment after disappointment.
New Characters:
Something that wasn’t disappointing, however, were some of the new characters they introduced. Though, their potentials were wasted. I’m only going over the “main” ones here.
Shadow: Shadow was a new Heylin villain introduced. She is technically the daughter of Chase Young, as he pulled an Adam and made Shadow from one of his ribs. No, I’m not kidding. We’re initially introduced to Shadow as “Willow”, being a candidate for a new monk, where she of course betrays the monks. Kind of like Jack did in an episode of XS. I think she has potential to be a great Villain but, yeah.
Boris Antonio Rolf Jean-Pierre Gaulle LeGrand IV (AKA Ping Pong): The official new Monk to the Xiaolin, because his name is so long, rather than just call him Boris, the characters decide to nickname him “Ping Pong”, because of how fast he moves. Boris is the Dragon of Wood, and he’s basically a mini Omi, just French, wears glasses, and nicer. He’s kind of here to be Omi’s fanboy, and I think he could have had more character than that. Also I am a bit disappointed they didn’t just bring back Jermaine.
Salvador Cumo: A human-reptile hybrid, able to remove and regrow any of his limbs. Similar to Chase, he could switch between his reptile form and human form as well. He was a con man, able to charm any one with his smooth voice and flattery, and was introduced as a Heylin the Xiaolin had to escort to prison. With Salvador, I think it was interesting what they did do with him, as he seemed to be a foil to Raimundo, showing that, like in XS, Raimundo is the most susceptible to falling to the Heylin Side, especially if he has someone who shares similar experiences. It’s also shown Wuya and Salvador knew each other, but this is never expanded on as again the show only had one season.
Tigeress Woo (Tomoko Tohomiko): Kimiko’s Inter-Dimensional Traveling Spy Sister. No, I’m not kidding. She’s able to travel through dimensions by using the gauntlet mounted on her right arm. Or by whirling the Sword of Phantom in her left hand while calling out its name. Another Ally to the Xiaolin Monks basically. Also she rides a pterodactyl. Again, I’m not kidding.
Patrick “Patty” Bailey: Clay’s brother, which I can see happening. Clay seems like the type to have a few siblings, and we meet his sister Jessie in XS. Patty also felt overshadowed by Clay, so he made a superhero persona named... “Super Cow Patty.” Definitely has middle child syndrome. 
Story/Plot: So what is the overall plot of XC? Well for the first few episodes, it’s finding a new home, after the old temple was destroyed in the third episode. Then it’s business as usual, trying to save the world with an over arching plot- Sorry, an attempt at an over arching plot. Basically, there’s this new level of Xiaolin Monk called “Xiaolin Dragon Rider”, basically a Xiaolin Monk who can summon a dragon to help them defeat Chase Young. Kimiko is chosen for this, which of course makes Omi Jealous.
Now, this would all be fine and dandy, if they didn’t do the thing of making the boys dumber/incompetent to have a “girl power” message. That’s basically what XC amounts to, a girl power story where the boys are all incompetent to make Kimiko look better. This was not in XS, as all the monks were on equal grounds, though sometimes they had to work harder than the others. The show didn’t sacrifice the story to make a message work, but had a message that worked with the story. It’s why it’s so important that Raimundo became the leader in the end of XS, because he had proved himself. He was the one who struggled the most while his heart was in the right place. And Omi accepting it as, he knows he made a mistake trying to earn the leader title, and it humbles him.
Because of XC, all that humility and humbleness Omi had is gone now, replaced with his egotistical self ten times over. Raimundo and Clay barely do anything unless the story focuses on them. Kimiko becomes the most competent of the monks only because the others look dumber. Dojo becomes obsessed with Master Fung to the point it’s stalker material. Jack becomes a cult leader at one point, many of the new characters potentials are wasted. 
I wanted XC to be good, which is why I stuck with it for a long time, the first twenty episodes in fact. The last six episodes didn’t air on tv, because Disney XD mishandled the show once again so that’s great. But even if the last six did air, I’d still feel disappointed. XS will always hold a special place in my heart, it was the first cartoon I remember waking up early to see. It was a show that had great characters, could make you laugh or cry, and had a satisfying ending. XC took all of that and unfortunately couldn’t or wouldn’t do what made the show so great in the first place.
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
Since I just finished my re-binge and season 3 has wrapped filming and will hopefully be out sometime next year, here’s my wishlist. Starting with the «likelies»:
More MM period (his family would be nice too)
Seriously at least a full Mallory flashback for him, Butcher and Frenchie already have one each
Get Butcher to therapy (okay maybe not therapy but let him do some healing and growing this season please I’m begging)
Kimiko and Frenchie dancing
Kimiko and Frenchie kiss that isn’t the worst
Kimiko and Frenchie just having a great time before (and hopefully after) whatever hell is coming for the spice girls this season
Cherie spotlight and backstory like who are the Albanians what specifically is/was her deal with Jay and Frenchie what are her motivations and hopes and fears and how did she get such killer 2010s tumblr goth style??
Girl gang consisting of Annie, Kimiko, Maeve and possibly Cherie… each and everyone of them needs more female friends (some more friends period)
A-Train starting a redemption arc? (It would have to be long and grueling but if any man of the Seven could do it it is him)
The Deep gets in deeper water (badum tss… no but seriously I love seeing that asshole get in serious messes it’s weirdly well executed)
Little Ryan raised by a village of spice girls and good supes and Mallory trying to keep everyone afloat
Maeve and Starlight as good cop bad cops taking down Vought from the inside, banter included
Please don’t let Hughie’s head explode I am begging you
And maybe he can see his dad again? Or do some good on a «smaller scale» like MM did pre-season 1 before/after everything goes to hell?
Ashley redemption arc or villain arc I don’t care just let her go feral
More Black Noir. Doesn’t matter if it’s just a series of gags I just need more of him
Actually not just more Kimiko and Frenchie how about Kimiko with all the spice girls. Like weirdly cute pep talks with Hughie, actual bonding with MM, signing cursewords at Butcher, just general group friendship exercises
And now the «unlikelies»:
Girl gang girls night out I’m talking Cherie serving outfits, Kimiko dancing, Maeve making out with strangers and Annie drunk texting Hughie
Frenchie and Maeve rehab/duo therapy. I don’t know why but I feel like it would be interesting in a good way even though they’ve never properly interacted before
Black Noir redemption arc… yes it’s impossible and there’s no legitimate reason for it but somehow it compels me
Anika from IT and Deep’s (I’m now assuming ex-) wife actually becoming important to the plot
The return of A-Train’s brother. He was cool and I feel like if A-Train gets a redemption arc his brother will be part of it but they also can’t thin out the cast too much so it seems pretty up in the air to me
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sweetchup · 3 years
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Type: Shalnark x reader
Au?: Highschool Au
Word Count: 1,300+
Warnings: Sexual reference, boys being perverts, Harasment, This is pure Crack
Author Note: None of this is meant to be taken seriously. This is a drabble written based on 90s adult comedy and the recent High School Au I’ve gotten excited with. Not really edited as well but oh well.
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Become the Manager of the Basketball team, they said.
It will be fun, they said.
“Ah (Y/n)! Heads u— Ooo!” You flinch as another basketball comes barreling towards your head. If it wasn’t for your clipboard in front of your face able to deflect it away, you surely would have ended up with a concussion or a bloody nose at the very least.
“Shinchi! How many times have I told you not to practice half court shots?!” Phinks Magcubs, your Captain, shouts out as he comes out from the locker room. Seeming to enter at just the right time to catch the pure buffoonery that is going on with the freshman and Sophmores.
“Ah S-sorry Captain—!” They squeak out, quickly scattering away to go warm up. Leaving you to attempt to catch your breath as some of your fellow Juniors, who had begun exiting the locker room, come over to check to make sure you were doing okay
“Freshman, Huh? Still have plenty to learn.”
“Well, it’s not as if the Sophmores are teaching them anything good.”
“True True.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Your fellow manager, Kimiko, scoffs out as she walks over, “Don’t think I don’t see you guys making bets on half court shots after practice.”
As Kimiko and some of the Juniors begin to bicker back and forth, the gym doors suddenly swing open. Slowly, as if dragging himself in, Shalnark enters the gym, still dressed in his school wear. Which was very odd considering the fact that Shalnark is never late.
“Shal. You okay?” You asked as you hesitantly made your way over to the boy. Just as you are near Shalnark’s side, he practically throws himself on you.
“Manager-Chan!” Shalnark whines out in a high pitched tone, holding you tight to his chest as he begins to swing you around. “Why can’t other girls be like you~?”
“Shalnark…” Phinks warns out, slowly picking up a basketball from the rack as he keeps an eye on you two. However, Shalnark chooses to ignore Phinks as he puts you down, only to shove his backpack in your face.
Turning the bag upside down carelessly, you and some of the others in the gym watch as gifts just continuously pour out of Shalnark’s bag. Creating a mini hill on the ground between you two, you looked stunned. How in the world did he fit all that in there?
“Wow. That’s a shit ton of Love letters and Chocolates, Shalnark.” One of his teammates mumbles out, picking up one of the chocolates and opening it up to eat it. “Hmmm…. Not half bad…”
“Traitors…” Shalnark grumbles out as the others begin to dig in as well.
“Hey it’s free food, Shalnark. Don’t be such a butthurt.”
“Really? You would be just like me if you had to go to the main office every week to get your locker combination changed due to Fangirls finding it out. Also that’s not even the worst of it. Imagine having to scrub down your locker since girls will take a sharpie and—“
“Just get your locker changed dude.”
“Wha— you think I haven’t tried that!”
“Ok. Ok. Let’s calm down.” You say suddenly, interrupting the two. “I think you two have much more pressing matters to be concerned for. Coach will be here in less than ten minutes and if you aren’t practicing when he gets here…”
You watch as slowly both boys' faces pale; having flashbacks to being forced to do court sprints til they dropped. Quickly they scatter. Well… except Shalnark who begins to pick up the items on the floor.
“Shal. I’ll take care of this, go get ready.”
“Really? You sure?”
“Yeah.” Suddenly a thought hits you. “Wait, if all these items are in your bag… where’s your books?”
Shalnark begins to scratch the back of his neck nervously, “Well actually… I had to keep my books in my locker because this pile isn’t even half of all of it.”
“Seriously.” You deadpan, watching as Shalnark nods his head and chuckles nervously. Letting out a heavy sigh, you shake your head. “Ok. Well go get ready for practice. I don’t have anything planned after so I’ll make sure to help you clear out your locker.”
“Ah! Really, Manager-Chan?” Shalnark shouted out excitedly. Quickly he leaned down and wraps his arms around you to give you a quick hug before running to the locker rooms. “You won’t regret it, Manager-Chan!”
“I hope not…” You mumble out, sighing to yourself as you grab a nearby trash bin and begin to pick up the scattered chocolates and letters on the ground.
“Oh come on, Manager-Chan! I thought it was a good idea!” Shalnark whines out as he races after you as you leave the gym. However, instead of waiting for him you continue to trudge on, a scowl on your face showing you were clearly angry at him. “I didn’t mean it in a perverted way or anything. I just thought a maid café for spirit day would be nice to bring in funds for the team, you know?”
You let out a scoff at his explanation, turning around to give him a quick glare as you stop at his locker. You continue to glare at him as he opens his locker before reaching into the many items in it to grab a specific book.
On the cover, it looked like any normal english book but as you flipped through it, it had… less than Pg anime girls in it.
“H-h-hey what are you doing, (y/—“
You cut off Shalnark’s stumbling of words as you shove a specific page of a “Cat Maid” in his face.
“Pervert!” You shout out, making sure to sound out each syllable for him. As Shalnark takes the book away from your grasp, you turn your back to him to get to work.
“I-it’s not like that!” Shalnark shouts out, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he quickly hides the book in his gym bag. “I swear!”
“Oh really?” You questioned out, shoving some of the chocolate in a garbage bin. At this point you were no longer mad at him, you just felt like making him suffer a little more. Just for fun. “Do I have to go over what I found in your room then?”
“My room?” Shalnark mumbles out, confused, “Wait. Wait. Wait. You’ve never even been to my house before.”
Unable to help yourself, you turn yourself around and raise an eyebrow at him.
“Doesn’t mean Feitan and Phinks hasn’t let me in before when you aren’t home.” You say carelessly even though you were actually lying through your teeth.
“T-they did what?!” Shalnark chokes out, his blush now reaching his ears. Even though you had meant it as a joke, you were now curious as to what was exactly in Shalnark’s room. You knew he lived alone, his family was rich so his parents lived out of the states in Europe, and it kind of made you wonder what he was able to get away with. After all, he always had a couple of old playboys or hentai manga in his locker. What could he possibly get away with at home?
“Yeah… I knew you were a Pervert Shal but…” You mumble out, attempting to bait Shalnark. However, you weren’t prepared for what happened next.
“I’m sorry!” He suddenly shouts out, confusing you even more.
“What are yo—“
“I’m sorry for buying some of those outfits from those catalogs I read and calling you ‘Manager-Chan’ because it’s from my favorite film. I—“ Shalnark is suddenly cut off as you put your hand over his mouth to shut him up.
“I…” You pause for a second as you feel your face burn up in embarrassment. “I was joking… I’ve never actually seen your room.”
There’s a thick pause as you pull your hands away from Shalnark’s mouth. Your words slowly process in Shalnark’s head until he finally understands it and his face goes bright red.
“Manager-Chan! Why wo—“
“Shut UP! Don’t call me that if it’s based on some of your porn films!”
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quiet-kunoichi · 3 years
[ @suck-my-tomato | Halloween Party Oneshot | verse; highschool ]
It was their senior year at last, and Kimiko was not about to let it go to waste. The rest of her high school years had been spent either too insecure to show a little skin, or not single enough to get away with it without some disapproving stares. The tail end of junior year, along with the summer that followed, was spent in a near-lifeless haze: she’d become well accustomed to depressive dissociation and avoidance to the point of self-destructive isolation. Meanwhile, Sasuke likely had the time of his life as a bachelor in the paradise of their recent split: that is, until his chronically-ill brother took a lethal turn for the worse.  Upon hearing about Itachi’s sudden death, Kimiko had lassoed herself back into Sasuke’s orbit  — Invited herself inside ( she never returned the key to his apartment ), ensured that he was taking care of himself in lieu of his recent loss. Additionally, it felt like a loss of her own, too. She’d known Itachi as long as she had known Sasuke, for obvious reasons. As odd as it sounded once her feelings became obviously romantic for the younger Uchiha, Itachi felt like.. a big brother in-law. After all, he bailed her out of her holding cell after she’d caught Sasuke cheating with that bimbo redhead from chemistry. It was a wonder why he kept the kind of company that he did; the run-ins she’d endured over the last few months since her split with Sasuke had soured her to the whole ‘Akatsuki’ gang. Just a bunch of sleazy womanizers.  It’d been quite a few months since that had occured, and Kimiko and Sasuke were growing steadily more attached to one another, once again. Not nearly close to the way they were, before the letters ( still unknown to Sasuke ) and his decision to plant the seed of everlasting insecurity within her by betraying her trust for the opportunity to mesh face with someone new. For a short while before Itachi’s death, Kimi had arrived to parties solely to keep the recently hotheaded Uchiha in line. She was his designated stormbreaker, and was expected to deliver him home safely each night that he took things a bit too far. Those incidents didn’t come without their rewards, such as the few instances in which he’d cling to her in his drunken and drug-addled stupor, apologize profusely and confess his everlasting love.. Just to slip away into sleep seconds afterwards.  Admittedly, Kimiko would entertain the heartache of such a prentendedly wholehearted and pure moment before ultimately lapsing to silent tears and peeling herself from his side to take her quiet leave from his shared home. More than a few times, Itachi and the Tamashi would share a quiet and lingering look across the front room. Now that he’s departed, Kimiko often wishes she would have sat next to him and allow herself a single shred of comfort from the situation she’d found herself in. His stare had always been a little somber: Like he knew all of the things that she was shoving beneath the surface. Was this going to be her lingering reality? Harboring this blood-stained secret, playing guardian angel to a haphazard boy whom broke her heart but didn’t manage to drown her love? Perhaps she should’ve asked the wise Uchiha Itachi, before it became too late. Even if she grew back what was left of her mauled heart to learn how to forgive him, Kimiko knew now that a life of romance and love was never going to be the same, for her. Not with old memories dredged back up and spot-lit like fresh wounds, vague yet promising threats from her imprisoned and somehow still imposing father appearing two more times since that first letter made it to her porch step. Sasuke had changed faces and become someone new overnight; he squandered all of his previous promises of her being his one and only  — and it elicited a violent response that her father had only just forewarned her of inheriting. Perhaps this was just her destiny, after all.  Tonight would be different, in a sense: Kimiko was attending this senior year halloween party solely for herself. She wasn’t trailing in on Sasuke’s colonged scent, nor was she couped up at home until the siren call came and beckoned her to act as ‘Sasuke Uchiha clean-up crew’. She was here to cook up some fun of her own, solely for herself.. Which is precisely what she had told herself at the last party she attended three weeks ago for ‘Homecoming.’ That night tumbled away into a mess of limbs beneath trashed bedsheets: Sasuke and Kimiko had once again found the most intimate form of comfort in one another’s arms, for the first time in.. 8 months. Tonight would be different. Or maybe it wouldn’t. Did she actually just put all of this effort into her costume for the hopes that it would catch his attention above any other girl there? Was she hoping for a similar end to this mixed-bag night as the last party lured them to?  Perhaps. It was mostly for herself, though. Yes, the tight black latex zippered corset, a pair of short spandex that clung to her hips and ass like it was life or death, the heeled boots that cut off just below her knee and the tights that squeezed her curved thighs just at their most voluptuous circumference.. The feathered black wings attached to her back and the headband horns adorning her crown .. All the way down to her perfected makeup, the dark tinge to her lips and the dash of gloss at the very center.. It was all for her. Not to grab the attention of anyone who bothered looking her way, and certainly not to make his jaw drop. Once again, her phone buzzes from its place stashed between her breasts. With a sigh that exhales the last puff of her menthol cigarette, ( thank you, Shikamaru ) Kimi plucks the it from her corset and unlocks the device. A strange twist of disappointment curls her stomach when the texts popping up were just from the girls. Perhaps it was a tad childish to wish upon a ball of gas in the sky that Sasuke would reach out to her: provide some sort of hint that he was interested in seeing her tonight — that he wasn’t already wrapped up in some other nameless skank.  Instead, it was just Ino and Sakura, buzzing at her ear like flies and wanting to know ‘ Where the hell ’ she was. They made plans to pick her up, but Kimi had different plans for herself. Already outside the party house, the fallen angel runs out the cherry of her pregame cigarette against the side of a white Prius. It belonged to one specific redhead from junior year chemistry class. If she knew what was good for her, that bitch would keep a healthy distance from the Uchiha, and a restraining-order distance from the Tamashi herself. The rest of her flask is guzzled with little more than a post-swallow wince: the fire of honey whiskey lit her back to life. She’d shared swigs with the passenger seat of Ms. White Prius — poor decision to leave the windows open a crack. Now that her confidence was rightly bolstered by liquid courage and her anxious insecurities settled with those two cigarettes, Kimiko pulls herself off the car. She throws a single backward kick of her heel and dents the door, donning a wicked smirk as she heads up the walkway and pushes inside. The damn wings of a fallen angel knock against the doorway — but they’ll provide a healthy bubble of distance from everyone else around her as the crowd parts around her. If she learned anything from the parties she’d attended in the last year — it was to make a b-line from the front ( or back ) door straight to the booze selection.
 Although she was already feeling that hot buzz of spirits in her blood, Kimiko needed to secure a drink to clutch for the rest of the night. Any time something stupid was said, any time something unforgivable was done, she would take a drink. And if Sasuke was seen with another girl, after what happened between them at the Homecoming party three weeks ago, and how often she’s been at his apartment and patiently helping him sort through his emotions, after everything that happened between them.. Well, she’d guzzle the whole cup and then someone else’s, too. Maybe crack a skull, pluck a tooth off of the floor for keepsake..  Ino and Sakura have flocked to her side, bubbling with astonished compliments as well as soured remarks on the Tamashi’s disappearance. The familiar crimson of slow boiling rage starts to fade away from the corners of her vision. She’s standing at the kitchen counter, red plastic cup empty and surveying the options. “ Holy wow, Kimi! You look gorgeous. ” Sakura, the little angel of their trio, chimes in at her left. On her right shoulder, Ino the devil shares her opinion. “ Gorgeous? Fuck that. Kimiko looks drop dead sexy. This is definitely an ex-revenge costume. ” Silent as ever ( at least, as she’d become over the last year ) the fallen angel reaches for the rum, rolling her thumb over the cap and flicking it across the marble counter.  It glugs liquid fire into her empty cup while Sakura wraps around her arm and tucks her head against Kimi’s shoulder ( a good sign that she was inebriated, herself ). “ Ex-revenge costume? How’s she supposed to get revenge from an outfit? ” The naive pinkette asks. Ino scoffs, “ Are you kidding me? Do you know how many guys have cracked their necks just to gawk at her? I counted six, just on her trip from the front door to the kitchen. ” Kimiko adds a splash of tequila into the mix, as well as the rest of someone’s open redbull can. Then comes the mixer: some sort of grapefruit soda, and a lime. Like, a whole half. She likes the bite.  “ And other guys looking at her is supposed to be.. revengeful? ” Sakura questions after slipping from Kimiko’s arm, their polar opposite wings knocking against one another in her clumsy step to shoot a questioning look to their blonde-haired and red-clad she-devil. A hand comes up to Ino’s forehead as she sighs. “ Oh my god, I knew you had too much of my Prosecco. ” Sakura makes to protest, and Kimiko ( who has yet to acknowledge them or make an expression of either distaste or amusement ) takes a tasting swig of her drink. It wasn’t bad, but maybe it needs more grapefruit soda. “ The more attention she gets from other guys, the more jealous Sasuke is gonna get. She gives him a taste of what he’s missing out on. ” Ino explains.  Sakura pretends to understand, but she’s never been the type for manipulative revenge schemes. Her payback is served with a crack of her knuckles. Meanwhile, Kimiko uses a healthy balance of the two methods of torture. Even still, as both girls bicker over whether it was a good idea to lure that side out of Sasuke ( especially in lieu of his recent loss ) or to move on like he didn’t exist, Kimiko scanned the crowd for his unforgettable features. They had no idea of what happened between the two at that last party; they didn’t know about his once thorny exterior quickly becoming dependent on her emotional support through this difficult time, nor how she honestly felt concerned and protective over him despite still trying to figure out how to forgive him ( or if she even had the kindness left in her to accomplish such a feat ). At last, they’d found each other through the writhing mass of bodies mingling, dancing, flirting, and drinking in a kaleidoscope of lights. Yellow high-beams meet swimming pools of obsidian over the rim of her cup. The whole world deafens and stills around them: despite the five yards of distance that separated the two, Kimiko swore she could hear his shaky exhale as he drinks in her visage — wonders briefly if he could somehow hear the tripping thrum of her heartbeat as her stare flickers over his own devilishly desirable costume. Pulling her lips from her drink, the fallen vixen swipes bubblegum tongue quickly over her lip and offers a little wink across the room ( unseen from her female counterparts ). Let’s hope this doesn’t backfire.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Episode, Jeanne Epi-
Spoilers, I guess...
-Wow, Subaru Kimura does like... a really good job?
-Eitoku too, that man is a living legend.
-Tama-chan :D
-You're doin' great buddy, just keep doing what you're doing :)
-How's Genta doin???
-He's back!!
-I don't mean to harp on how suspicious I find Weekend, but I really hope getting put back into a militaristic organization involving Vistamps, demons, and Kamen Riders doesn't affect Genta's mental state too badly.
-Hug your daughter, man!
-Damn, like... Gen-chan looked really cool in that last shot. It's hard to believe that goofy Japanese dad ByTuber Genta Igarashi and hardened private military veteran Junpei Shiranami are the same person, but uh... whew, I see why Yukimi fell for him.
-Igarashi Fam got me cryin' in the old Deadmans Nightclub for real
-Oh God, we're seeing Aguilera as a kid again. ...and yep, those creepy-ass doomers trying to mold this young child into a bridal sacrifice still make me deeply uncomfortable, which... is kinda the point, so good job guys.
-Damn, even in the throes of despair brought upon by years of deception and doubt... you're still slaying in those outfits, queen.
-Hikaru, do you even have creepy-ass parents? Or are Tasuke and Kimiko the closest thing you have?
-"I'm the interrupting Tamaki-kun~! :D"
-Guess that's why they say be careful what you wish for, huh Sakura?
-"1v1 me, bitch"
-Slayin' with Queen Bee!
-"Hold my bag, Hikaru-kun. Girlbosses are talking."
-Heated drama between men... and women! Kinoshita knows exactly what we as a society want!
-"Hahaha, good job my well-intentioned soldiers! With these Vistamps recovered, we are one step closer to our ultimate goal~! Mwahahahahahahahaha! Er, I mean- Hahahaha, isn't that wild to think about?"
-Man, Jun Hashimoto looks like he's having the time of his life playing Akaishi, and honestly I respect that so hard.
-Wow, ok. "She's only your sister's stalker bro, fuck her lmao."
-Oh hi George. Akemi-san.
-"For the greater gooood~!"
-You'll go find evidence... alone, you mean? I mean, I'm absolutely living for the ladies in this show being so proactive and important, but are you sure you wanna do that?
-"Ohhhh, okay, I won't be reckless." said Akemi-sensei, the liar.
-Love-chan, help us, you're our salvation!
-She went kaboom.
-Ohhhh, I guess it's taking a toll on Lovekov.
-Is the Queen Bea Deadman... Deadwoman? Who cares, is she covered in honey?
-Damn, cool touch.
-Aaaaand, Aguilera wins on a technicality.
-"Rabu... Sakura :("
-She gone.
-Ohhhhhh, wow, that's dark.
-Raised in isolation to become a dark messiah. A Queen of All Evil for the brainwashed masses of the Deadmans.
-Fuck, dude.
-...gotta say though, that's a really good drawing of Ikki, Vice. Is there some sort of hidden artistic side to Ikki we haven't seen?
-Guess we need to be the best oldest brother in the universe, again!
-Akemi the infiltration expert. Never has inevitable shock and terror been so good looking.
-"The driver's fine." ...kinda looks like Sakura should give the screen a bit of the old iCloth though. ...maybe a spray of EVEO.
-"You need to get a grip, gurl" said Papa Karizaki in his Bane voice.
-Aww, Hikaru's actually concerned.
-As much of an asshole Tasuke is, he does kinda have a point. Regardless of the circumstance, Aguilera's a national criminal, and even if she were to live out her life as Hana Natsuki, she'd still have to deal with the trauma and abuse she suffered at the hands of Akaishi and the rest of the cult.
-I guess the big question here isn't "Could Sakura stick to her ideals?" but instead "Can Sakura live with whatever consequence that comes from her sense of justice?"
-Oh this is fucked.
-Spirited away, OH THAT IS FUCKED.
-Busting out a pun to downplay the tremendous loss of a human life, that is sick.
-"Shut up and go, Igarashi. You've got people to save."
-Rooftop time.
-Tamaki really is like a dog, isn't he? His loyalty really is unshakable, even if Aguilera dismisses him.
-Wow, Aguilera really told her to "git gud".
-"You want a job opening?"
-"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, she mad!"
-Ohhhhh, Lovekov sounds dejected.
-De-demonize her!
-Ohhh, she do the ponytail thing!
-I can't imagine how many innocent Fenix soldiers must've died because of Akaishi's plotting.
-Mmmmm, shoot 'em up, Dai-chan! It'll be great practice for the director!
-Daaaaaaamn, Aguilera's really kicking ass.
-Lovekov's rage boils over!
-They seem so removed from Junpei's Rider form too!
-Heated drama between women.
-Fuck, what am I gonna do for seven days now!?
-Ok, I read that the new Hashibirokou Genome is based on a shoebill... and Hibiki, of all Riders. Shoebills are absolutely horrific birds, but Hibiki seems a bit ill-fitting for a scythe. ...it kinda looks like the Armed Saber if I squint a bit, but this seems kinda... no, very random. Hibiki representation, even if in weird, limited capacity is nice though, I won't knock it.
-If Aguilera dies, I riot. ...I know that's not gonna happen though, so I guess I'll just have to wait.
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juniaships · 4 years
Me thinking Xiaolin Chronicles was gonna be good from the trailer then I watch the actual show:
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Sighs* Where do I even BEGIN???
Xiaolin Showdown is a huge comfort cartoon for me so to see it be utterly RUINED by the poorly executed sequel? Reboot? I don't know all i do know is its very existence left me feeling colder than Heylin Power Tsunami Waterblade Ice!
So what do I find wrong about XC? PLENTY!!!
Clay is even more in the background than the original
He has a weird goat fetish and lacks a personality (he was smart, wellmannered, down to earth but now he's just in the background)
Also his sister got replaced by a twin brother who is a lame Cow based superhero
Tomoko (Kimiko's sister) may be a spy but it's pretty clear she's a Mary Sue hate that term but it's appropriate here
Ping Pong's design is so lazy like he's literally Omi but smaller and with glasses and casual clothes slapped on
Ping Pong barely has any flaws or quirks other than a really long french name and being super hyper
His element [Wood] is the closest we'll ever have to a Dragon of Nature but he NEVER USES IT!!!
Even his signature Wu (which is a peach which is kinda lame) doesn't have any abilities that can be exploited in any useful way
Face it he's not a member of the team he's Omi's sidekick and tbe last thing Omi needs is a sidekick
We could have had another badass female character with a unique personality to add to the team & see new elements like Metal or Aether, but no we get an Omi Clone
No acknowledgement of Jermaine; who was built up to become the fifth member of the team (rest in memory Lee Thompson Young 😔)
Dojo is creepily obsessed with Master Fung his entire personality is just crying over Fung
Also the way zits grow all over his body to alert the discovery of Shen Gong Wu is disgusting af
He's yellow now (which is actually accurate to common depictions of eastern dragons) but the green made him so iconic 😔
Kimiko is now The Girl Monk; barely has her temper&sass; also she no longer switches outfits nor seem to be the tech expert
Poor Raimundo he didn't deserve this
He's no longer the leader because everyone is Shoku now depriving him of a potential growth
That episode with Salavdor Cumo helped to establish the criminal as a foil & personal enemy for Rai...
So you'd think he and Cumo fight at the end right?
WRONG!!! It's Omi that gets to fight Cumo; erasing any chance of Raimundo showing his growth
You're going to see a LOT of that with Omi
Now we get to the Tron suits call it nitpicking but idc at this point
O-KAY so the suits, where do I began?
The show doesn't clarify if the suits are the result of a new aspect of a reboot or the result of the new rank
Speaking of which the very narrative flips back&forth on whether it's a reboot or a direct sequel
Wuya's backstory was changed and now she's back in spirit form??
The CGI is unnecessary I would forgive if it took place inside a computer but no they change art&animation style
The suits themselves don't look bad but if I'm gonna be honest here their Wudai Orion forms were a lot stronger
The colors is what I have to pick apart so bear with me:
Now, Clay's orange suit kinda makes sense since it puts into mind literal clay soil & magma (molten earth)
But wasn't green his signature color? Well they gave it to Ping Pong instead
Which also makes sense given green represents life, leaves, grass, fruits etc
Kimiko should NOT have worn a pink suit that only makes her look even more of a token & her color was red for fire
Omi should've worn white (the latter because that was his wudai) but now he's wearing blue; at least it's an aqua blue
Raimundo's suit is a dark blue even though his colors were light blue and/or teal
Omi spends the show acting worse than he was in the original yet gets rewarded by the narrative
Kimiko's arc of becoming the first Dragon Rider in centuries gets overtaken by Omi because it's HIS connection that ends up saving the day
Ignoring all of Kimiko's hard work, way to pull the rug out under her 😒
New characters like Rocco and Princess Laila are introduced yet barely explained or given more time to develop
The monks' arc of finding a new temple is easily resolved in like, one or two episodes
I get the name change due to greedy WB but the names make no sense (saving thus part for another time)
Also the monks have to use wu to access their element even though in the og they could use them without the use of wu due to growth in rank&power
So yeah they had major downgrade in power
Shadow and Chase has a really gross in----t subtext
Chase is no longer the charismatic mysterious warrior but an obnoxious Pretty Boy who always has to insert himself into showdowns (basically they use him too much)
Shadow - everything about her personality reeks of try hard wannabe Sexy Villain
His redesigned dragon form is kinda bad
Jack's new outfit isn't as memorable as his OG one
Also his new voice doesn't really fit
Okay that's about it I have more to write but trying to decipher every flaw in this terrible travesty would be way too long
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kyuuzuchiha · 3 years
★  five times my muse though yours looked breath-taking, and the one time they voice it. (SasuKimi!)
@quiet-kunoichi xXx - Send a Symbol
She’s not doing anything special, just smiling while chatting amicably. Well, actually, she’s fake smiling while being fake included in a conversation with several other kunoichi. By the way they keep stealing glances directly at him, he has to assume that he’s the topic of conversation. He finds that he likes the way Kimiko doesn’t seem to play along. She just smiles softly, nods, and refuses to participate in ogling him or giggling when he looks back. If only that gaggle knew that he wasn’t looking at any of them. Even when it’s fake, there’s something special to the way a smile looks on her lips. He doesn’t see it often enough. In fact, this fake display is probably the first time he’s seen her smile since she arrived in Konoha. He has half a mind to say something to her, if only to really stick it to the group of kunoichi that he’s not interested, at least not in them, but he refrains. Instead, he turns back to Naruto, who hasn’t noticed that Sasuke tuned him out ages ago, and tries to figure out what they’re talking about now.
It’s the first evening of a spring festival, and the earth is damp from a fresh drizzle. The festivities are just getting started, and so Sasuke decides to head out early to better acclimate to what he knows will be a challenging environment. He’s not sure he’s ready for a Konoha festival in full swing. He’s still getting used to the idea that he belongs here, that he’s a part of something; and the village is still getting used to that too, especially having him there as a free man as opposed to a prisoner. He thinks this public outing is going to be difficult, so he also thinks it’s a good idea to go early. At the very least, that means he can enjoy every aspect of the festival early on and call it an early night if things get to be too much by the time the rest of the village starts pouring in. It seems like Kimiko had the same idea.
He stops dead in his tracks when he almost bumps into her, having not been paying much attention to where he was going. He’s mid-apology when he pauses, gaze raking down and then back up her form, taking in the stunning outfit she wore. He’d never seen her in anything this bold and... feminine. The way he stares makes her cheeks start to get red, and he opens his mouth to say something nice, but she just growls, “Save it, Uchiha,” and goes on her way. It bothers him that she assumed he has nothing nice to say to her. Maybe that’s his own fault...
Leaves crunch under Sasuke’s feet as he tosses a couple of logs onto Kimiko’s pile. They had both, apparently, volunteered for this same community project. Their assigned jobs were to split logs for underprivileged families to get them through the winter warmly. Sasuke would have been happy to do the chopping, but Kimiko took up that axe with a purpose. Sasuke simply smirked and quietly took the job of gathering the logs from the station where fallen trees were being chopped up instead. He paused as she swung the axe, splitting a log easily. She split those chunks each once more before throwing them in the ready-to-bundle pile.
Her gaze catches his, and she pauses. Lips pull into a slight scowl as she asks, “What?” He snaps out of his reverie and opens his mouth to voice how powerful she looks, maybe even to voice how attractive that happens to be, but she interrupts him. “Ugh, nevermind. I don’t need your snarky quips today.” She goes back to her chopping, and he smiles as he goes back to lugging her logs between stations. It might have sounded weird anyway, to say she was stunning with sweat beads dripping down her temples...
Perhaps it’s a sake-induced haze, but Sasuke is enraptured by Kimiko this evening. It was Naruto who’d managed to get the pair out for a social gathering at the same time, for it seemed like they’d been deftly avoiding each other as of late. Sasuke wasn’t oblivious to the way Naruto seated everyone individually, deciding who would sit next to who, and likely neither was Kimiko. While neither would presume to be so high on Naruto’s list of priorities to say that they were the sole reason Naruto was doing this, it still has to be acknowledged that no one else in the group was giving off will-they-or-won’t-they vibes, as Naruto liked to put it when he was alone with Sasuke.
They were seated close enough to bump elbows, but Kimiko was dead set on not looking Sasuke’s way every five seconds like she was drawn to do. Sasuke, on the other hand, was less and less encumbered by what’s socially appropriate as more sake goes down. He’d long ago taken to staring at her openly when she laughs at a joke, or smiles at a comment, or wets her lips with her tongue before she asks for more sake. This night, the first night he’s seen her be (mostly) accepted by the group, has her putting stars in his eyes. She feels tangibly here now, not like someone who’s constantly poised to run. The group isn’t side-eyeing her or getting quiet when she tries to chime in. That’s all thanks to Naruto, rallying for her at every chance out of the goodness of his heart.
Sasuke thinks it’s best to keep his mouth shut, even if he has half a mind to suddenly blurt out that she looks beautiful when she smiles, so he keeps his mouth sealed and just drinks his sake. No one misses the way she makes him smile though; and everyone sees the moment she makes him blush when she looks his way, brushing locks of hair behind her ear as she catches him ogling.
It’s a poorly-executed ploy when Naruto asks Sasuke to meet him in the corner of the holiday party in about two minutes. Sasuke can tell what’s up by the mistletoe the blond is doing a horrible job of hiding in his hand. Honestly, shouldn’t a shinobi have better tactics than this? The plan is made even more obvious when Naruto goes straight to Kimiko next, interrupting her chatting with some random guy barking up her tree. Naruto carelessly states that he has no chance, and Kimiko seems relieved to be stolen because Naruto isn’t wrong, and then Naruto drags her away to the aforementioned corner.
Sasuke can see her gaze flickering to Naruto’s hand repeatedly as the blond talks with animated gestures. Sighing, because this is about to be awkward, Sasuke makes his way to the corner he’s been summoned to. Naruto acts surprised, Sasuke deadpans, and Kimiko huffs a single awkward laugh.
“Would ya look at this....” Naruto reveals the mistletoe. “What a—”
“Naruto—” Kimiko interrupts with a firm tone. She looks at Sasuke, who’s looking at her, and makes an expression that screams ‘Are you gonna say something?’ Sasuke is too busy thinking she looks like a dream with a gentle flush to her cheeks and an ugly christmas sweater making her warm.
Her eyes roll, and she snatches the mistletoe. “Now go.” Naruto makes a defeated gesture with both hands raised and backs off. Then, she watches Sasuke watch her wordlessly until she becomes deeply uncomfortable.
Rolling her eyes again, but with an even more prominent flush on her cheeks, she murmurs, “I’d have better conversation with a wall over you...” And it makes Sasuke laugh, so much so that she starts to look at him like he’s crazy. It doesn’t feel like the right time to point out her beauty because he’s certain that he’s giving off stalker vibes with the way he’s acting. Better save it for a more fitting occasion.
Her eyes are like honey, and he’s desperate for something sweet. Her lips are like cherries, and he’s hungry for something refreshing. Her hair is like silk sheets he could easily melt into. When she touches him, a firm pressing of her fingers into the skin of his bicep, it’s meant to anchor him from his ill-timed reverie. The details of this mission—her first mission off of probation—are deeply important. Wasn’t Sasuke selected to be her partner for a good reason? If all he was going to do was zone out, she might need to request a partner change if she had any hopes of proving her worth here. The touch jolts him to alertness, and the thought that’s weighing on his mind decides it’s just coming out: “You’re so fucking stunning...”
Her cheeks get redder and redder until she has to physically turn away. With her back turned, she says simply, “I’m gonna request a new partner for this one...”
She doesn’t miss the way his posture is crestfallen when she glances over her shoulder at him. “I can—” he begins quickly.
In a stroke of honesty, she interjects, “It’s not you, Sasuke. It’s... it’s me.”
She knows she’ll stew on those words the entire time, wondering when he’ll brush against her next, wondering what he’ll be thinking when she can’t help the urge to be the one to brush against him. She knows she’ll be consumed by how close their bedrolls end up for the night, by how close they choose to sit by the fire, by how deep they choose to get when they talk late into the night instead of sleeping. No, no. Sasuke can’t come on this one. She needs someone neutral.
To her misfortune, Naruto is assigned to make it a three-cell team, and she knows it probably will help minutely, if only because she won’t let herself be so transparent around Naruto, but it’s not going to stop Sasuke from getting off track, and it’s only going to give Naruto an opportunity to play wingman, and it’s just going to make things more uncomfortable for her. So, in the end, Naruto’s presence is more a curse than it is a blessing in this case. She has half a mind to ask if she can go with just Naruto alone, but she has no idea how many strings Sasuke pulled to be assigned to her personally. She’s not gonna get rid of him so easily.
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More Avatar stuff but now it's the (main-ish?) Heylins! (The main 4 kids are here )
Jack - Fire nation citizen. Hes a non-bender but he's pretty inventive so he makes weapons for the fire nation (He works with Kimiko's dad, who is also a weapon-maker in this AU thing, so he knows her). He goes after Omi and his group on some occasions but really starts being a more reoccurring presence once Kimiko betrays the fire nation.
Wuya - The Earth Kingdom queen (whos in charge of the Dai Li and acts more like the queen in LoK). Not sure if shes an earthbender or not but if you're wondering why I made her Earth Kingdom when most Heylin are fire nation its literally just cause of the rock monsters she controls in XS lol.
Chase - Fire Lord. Yeah, Chase being fire lord was kind of an eehhh,, decision but Dragonnutt's Wu Xing Shield (on AO3 and ff.net, check it out, its amazing) brought me to the headcanon that Chase was the previous Dragon of Fire. (Personally, Guan was earth and Dashi was wind, which works cause Dashi was the previous avatar before Omi and he was an airbender and Omi's a waterbender wow that actually kinda worked out- but I'm rambling). So yeah hes a Firebender but hes not like Ozai lmao; his philosophy is gonna be more like how he is in Showdown. He looks down on using Shen Gong Wu so here he looks down on using bending to fight and prides(?) himself in fighting "traditionally", though he doesnt just,, not knowledge himself on how to fight with his bending (meaning he practices but barely uses it in fights). I didnt put him in the normal fire lord robe cause; 1. This is an AU, not the exact thing. 2. Its Chase, I couldnt imagine him in it. 3. I actually really like his og outfit.
Shadow - Idk if it's a shock to see her here cause I literally mentioned Patty in the previous post (but Kimiko doesnt have a sister here; idk wtf that was in Chronicles) but yeah. I also dont exactly like the (highkey Adam and Eve) romantic(?) dynamic she had with Chase in Chronicles and so I choose to see them as family. Shes Chase's sister? Daughter? Who really gives a fuck? TLDR; They're related (if they're siblings- exasperated older brother and bratty little sister dynamic) and shes basically like Azula in ATLA. Shes the one mostly chasing the main gang. Shes a firebender and shes one of the more dangerous ones cause shes one of the only ones that can bend lightning. Chase can bend it (but like I said, he doesnt like doing it) and Kimiko can but juuuust barely (she mostly redirects it).
That explanation was longer than I expected. So yeah those are the villains. I know I'm twisting a lot of things here but hey, I'm having fun with this 🤷‍♀️
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