#i do not accept criticism at this time 😌
ianmckellen · 2 years
Ppl who always have to bring up how much they hate The Hobbit movies are inferior honestly and that’s just how i see it.
Skfbdjk no you’re right and you should say it 😌 like do I think the hobbit movies are incredible? No. But they get more hate than they deserve and I would love to return to 2013 hobbit tumblr where everyone was just vibing over thorin/bilbo
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Sebek, Trey: Sugar Sweet and Bitter Step
Finally 👀 Sebek interacting with the dude that reminds him of his father… This is the juicy content I’ve been waiting for 😌 (It fucking slapped btw, did NOT disappoint 🦷 ✨ I especially loved when Sebek was describing the new candies he has tried and he describes pop rocks as candies that fucking attack you asduqbdoas) ASHDBAIDAIDqwehqbyoe8y IT WAS REALLY CUTE WHEN MALLEUS, LILIA, CATER, AND VIL'S VAS WISHED SEBEK-KUN HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN THE TWST YEAR III ANNI LIVESTREAM...
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What do you do on your days off?”
"Hmph, I'm glad you asked, human!" Sebek's laughter was smug and resounding. "I spend days off training!"
"You... train to relax? That sounds like an oxymoron."
The birthday boy scoffed. "As a knight and an attendant, there is no such thing as 'relaxing'! I must remain vigilant so as to best protect and serve the young master!!"
"I get that, but... your muscles would be sore after working out so much, right? You'd need to take some time off to recover, otherwise you'd be pushing your body to the brink and risk injuring yourself," Trey calmly pointed out. "I used to train back when I played soccer. Had to cut that short when I worked myself too hard, so I wouldn't want that to happen to you."
A sound like rumbling thunder collected in Sebek's throat. "O-Of course I know something as basic as that! I know to take breaks!! Don't belittle me, human!!
"When I say 'training', I don't mean it purely in a physical capacity! If I am not able to train my body, then I train my mind! As Lilia-sama says, tactical might has changed the course in many critical battles in the history of--"
"Oooh, I get it. You mean general self-improvement." His interviewer snapped his fingers as the clues all neatly fit together in his head. "So you like to read? What sorts of things do you usually go for?"
"A variety. I frequent the Mystery Shop to browse their selection, but Diasomnia and the school archives also contain a number of older volumes.
"Lilia-sama has advised that I expand my worldview, so I have taken it upon myself to read literature from many genres and eras. 'Even picture books have merit, Sebek! You should open your heart to them!' ... so he said."
"No kidding." Trey raised his brows. It certainly sounds like something Lilia would say... though I'm not sure how serious he was about it. "Hey, I've read some books to my little brother and sister before, so I could recommend a few to you."
"Picture books from the Queendom of Roses... I've yet to read those. I dislike having to make requests of others, but... on Lilia-sama's orders, I have no other option. You will provide a list of acceptable readings to me the day after today, understood?!"
"Sure, leave it to me." Trey offered a patient smile. "I gotta say though, I didn't think you'd be concerned about being so worldly. You seem a little too set in your own ways."
Ace and Deuce described him as hard-headed. Even Riddle said Sebek has a hard time handling horses in Equestrian Club because of his attitude.
Sebek looked as though he'd be struck in the heart. He recoiled, his face crumpling with upset.
"Hnngh!! I-I've heard as much from Lilia-sama that this would be a detriment if I am to serve the young master, who will no doubt face many diplomatic issues with other countries. That is why I'm making efforts to expand my horizons by diversifying my reading materials and experiencing new things."
"Such as...?"
"I have read in some texts that a good way to learn about other cultures is to consume their cuisine. I have taken to snacking on baked goods and sweets from different regions of Twisted Wonderland to this end. Cookies, muffins, and candies that the Mystery Shop stocks.
"There are lollipops in various shapes, candy so sour it makes your mouth bleed and colors it bright blue, and little granular candies that assault the taste buds with explosions when they hit your tongue...! Hard candies flavored with apples from different farms in Harveston, chewy taffies made with salt from the Coral Sea, gummy bugs from the Afterglow Savanna that gets stuck between my teeth, candied flowers from the Queendom of Roses..."
"Has the snacking helped you learn anything new about those places or the people that live there?" Trey asked, cocking his head.
Sebek paused to think. Moments later, he, with his full chest, proudly replied, "An Octavinelle student was monopolizing all the peppermint sticks in the shop, so I saw it fit to liberate them from his grasp!!"
"... In other words, you picked a fight with him." Trey sighed. "It’s… a start. A small one, but still a start if it gets you to interact with those outside of Diasomnia. You'll just have to keep working on that—baby steps now so you can be where you want to be in the future, yeah?"
"Indeed...!!" Sebek slammed the end of his broom into the ground, the motion hard and resolute. "If I wish to stand by Malleus-sama's side, I must do all that I can to be worthy of him. To go wherever the young master is... that is my greatest dream!!"
He grinned with his teeth, displaying prominent canines. poking out from between two rows of pearly whites. It was a smile as radiant as the sun.
"Oh, that reminds me." Trey indicated his own mouth. "I hope you're remembering to properly floss and to brush your teeth well after eating all those candies. It's important to take care of your dental hygiene, especially after eating sugary snacks."
"Grrgh...!! Where do you get off on, giving me orders!?"
"I wouldn't call them orders. They were just suggestions--though I think your teeth would be happier if you followed them," Trey joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Sebek's expression creased all the same.
"That you would see fit to suggest anything of the sort to me is offensive!!" the birthday boy grumbled. "My father makes similar remarks, no matter how often I remind him that I am a grown man!"
"Ahahah... I'm sure that's just his way of showing you that he cares. It's hard for any parent to watch their kid grow up. To them, that kid will always be their baby.
"Hmph! R-Ridiculous," Sebek declared. He haughtily turned away, his cheeks tinged pink. There was hesitation, and then an uncharacteristically quiet voice that slipped out. "You... really are like him in every conceivable way. I cannot fathom humans like you sort."
"Exactly why you're trying so hard now." Trey nodded to the sky above. It was a cornflower blue morning with a healthy sprinkling of clouds. "You've been training hard, so let's see you in action."
"D-Do not presume to understand my skill! I'll show you just how powerful I am!! Faster than light, stronger than lightning... I AM HE WHO HAS SWORN TO PROTECT THE YOUNG MASTER!!"
The vow was made, his ambitions announced.
In response to his decree, the broom fizzled to life. It lifted off the ground in a single strong stroke, Sebek easily swinging on. His robes fanned out behind him, fabric flapping loudly in an errant spring breeze.
Magic crackled in the air around them, hot as sparks, bright as stars. His spells matched his energy: loud and proud.
His grip on the handle was as steady as his resolve.
His fierce gaze, focused on the future.
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aleksanderscult · 10 months
If there were anything you could change about Aleksander's and Alina's core personalities what would you choose?
Ooh interesting question...
Let's start with Aleksander. I don't think I would change anything about him, to be honest. Maybe I'd make him have less trauma because I really feel sorry for him. But that's impossible for a man that has lived for so long. When you're immortal you are bound to get traumatized by manyyy things. But no, I don't think I would change anything. I love him and accept him as he is. In fact, I admire many of his qualities (won't elaborate on them now because this requires a different ask or its own post).
Now about Alina. Boy. I would change many things. But the one thing I would absolutely change in her character is her avoidance of responsibility and selfishness. I would make her think less of Mal and more about her country and the Grisha. Literally the whole trilogy was "Mal", "Mal?", "Mal!", "Oh my Saints, Mal!", "Where is Mal??", "Don't hurt Mal!!". Like there's people that are dying here, Alina😭😭
So yeah I would make her more responsible and take the reins about this whole Grisha persecution. In a perfect world Alina would take a leading position and change things for the better for her people (while still having her powers). Try to make right from wrong. Help Nikolai restore the balance between the First and Second Army and aid him to the Fjerdan wars. Be a good diplomat in time to make Ravka have a decent (at least) relationship with Shu Han and other countries. With a powerful Grisha as Queen and a charismatic otkazat'sya as King, Ravka could change for the better. Even without her powers her influence would be great, I think. Alina could grow herself to become a good leader only if she stopped thinking about herself and getting overwhelmed with her feelings. Like in R&R when she thought "I wish I had cut that rope and let them all drown" or something. So yeah. Thinking more rationally, be a pragmatist and work for the greater good of her country. She saw the state of Ravka, the state of Dva Stolba (the place she was born) where people were living in exhausting and terrible conditions. She felt pity for them. Did she do something about it? Nope.
When the Darkling died she should have said "Yes, what he did was horrible. But why did he do those things? What pushed him over the edge? What made him be this way? What he was fighting so ardently for?" and then try to fix these things in her own way. She should learn from the Darkling (his mistakes, his words to her, his actions, his cause), instead of running away and leaving everyone behind.
Everybody always criticizes the villains and their deeds (characters and readers alike) but nobody ever asks why and what made them this way. And nobody ever tries to solve the problem they were fighting for.
No. We only care about their defeat.
(Oh and I would have her have more badass moments like when she used the Cut to destroy the dome in the dining hall of the Little Palace in S&S or when she used her powers to stand up to the Apparat and his men in R&R. We needed a more assertive Alina, let's be honest 😌).
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genericpuff · 2 years
*pst* #anti lore olympus stalkers, this one's for you <3
here's a fun lil' story
i know i do the lil glow edits and 'fixes' and have a lot of 'hot takes' that undoubtedly tick you off and that's all well and good! i know not everyone will like them or agree with the intention behind them.
but what's wild is I used to be one of you. A devoted reader who loved LO to the world and back and thought the 'anti's' were a bunch of asshole losers. And i TOO would lurk the anti/critical hashtags just because morbid curiosity i guess ?? or maybe it was because i felt 'smarter' than them simply because i disagreed with them. idk, it was likely a combination of a bunch of different things, but what DID happen was as time went on , the more i started to think about what they were saying, i realized a lot of it was true. i wasn't happy about it - no one's happy to come to the realization that something they love so much could be problematic or "not as good as it used to be" - but i couldn't keep being mad at them (the critics) because they were just saying shit i didn't want to hear. the comic was obviously declining before my very eyes in a way that i couldn't accept anymore and it wasn't because of them, their criticisms existing wasn't the issue - the comic that spurred on the criticisms was.
critics exist. people will always talk about shit they don't like, whether or not the criticisms are actually "deserved". if you don't agree with those criticisms or think they're unfounded, then just ignore them, they can't take away your enjoyment of the comic, that's literally not the goal.
but if you can't ignore it, if their criticisms are somehow making you "not enjoy the comic", then maybe they're telling you something you don't wanna hear because you know, deep down, it might be true?
so yeah, here i am, living my villain arc and all the happier and educated for it 😌🤙❤ watch ur back stalkers, if ur not careful i'll pass it on and convert you next 💀❤
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lipglossanon · 6 months
Coming here is so comforting I swear. Sometimes I go through the pro ship tag to see what people are doing and saying cause idk if I should consider myself pro shipper or not, cause some of the stuffs I read are definitely too dark and taboo for a lot others but at the same time I know that I do not need to label everything about myself so I'm like well I like this thing and that other thing and that's it. But it makes me kinda angry seeing people só easily and simply judge others based on what they like as if it immediately makes them a bad person, as if thoughts are harmful and dangerous like they're actions.
And I hate specifically when I myself feel uncomfortable with what I like cause I know that rationally it makes no sense but???
Have you ever felt like that? Writing and reading things that have made people mad™? And if so how do you deal with it? Most of the time I'm pretty good at just being like 🙄 but sometimes it just bothers yk
Howdy anon!! 👋
And I’m so happy my blog’s a comfort to you!😌 🥰
It’s so funny to me how different the term pro ship is now; back in my day 👵🏻 it just meant that you were pro someone else’s right to ship who and what they want. Nutjobs took that to mean you accept any and all things instead of using their brain to think just cause you accept certain things doesn’t mean you condone others 🙄 fucking idiots
Anywho, I will get fired up about that so best move on 🤣
It’s sort of this new wave online where media literacy has been tossed out the window. Honestly just any critical thinking. And people are so scared of being criticized or hated on that they’re quick to jump on what’s considered ‘the correct’ bandwagon
Like some 1984 shit where they’re off tattling to Big Brother cause you like something they find an issue with 🙄
But to answer for real, I think it bothers all of us who enjoy/write/read darker content (hell even in the dead dove community some people get crap for liking things that other find distasteful—like bitch we’re all in the same boat lmao)
I feel like I’m just all over the place anon and for that I apologize lol
Not sure if it’s much of an answer but I’m the same as you; I do tend to overlook it, let it slide off my back so to speak. I’ve also taken to blocking a lot more than I ever have before. If I see a blog sharing or spouting off about censorship of any form or fucking asinine comments like “people who like x y z should just kill themselves” then they’re blocked and off my feed for good.
It pisses me off though; I really don’t understand where this purity policing and being jerk asses to strangers online started to pick up speed. They can go back to their sad little chat rooms and bitch to each other in that echo chamber and leave the rest of us to enjoy our online experience without being hated on (but no they gotta feel like they’re in the right 😒)
Sorry to the long ramble/rant of an answer, anon. Just know you’re not the only one! And that the block button is your friend!! 💜
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inthehytes · 1 year
9, 20, and 36 for the asks, please!
20. do you say soda or pop?
Soda is the only correct way to say it I won’t accept criticism tyvm
36. how many times have you changed your url?
Liek three or four times in my 10 years on tumblr but inthehytes is here to stay besties 😌
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seiwas · 11 months
hi sel!! i hope you’re having a lovely weekend filled with love and light and freshly baked goods 💕 (if not i am aggressively stuffing fresh baked cookies in your mailbox 😌)
anyway, for your ask game i am sending you ⛔️,🌞, and 🛒!!
augustine 🥺 hello!! it’s so timely you mentioned that because i actually did just make cookies earlier 🥹 (i’d gladly accept more tho 😌) i hope your weekend is filled with love and light as well!!! thank you for dropping by and playing!! 🩷
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
yes omg. i have a whole friends to lovers shouto plot outline, with 1 scene written out but idt i’ll ever continue it aisnwkzj 🥲 writing shouto feels tricky and idk when/if i’ll ever be able to get a good grasp on him tbh (i am also this 🤏 close to scrapping ex! bakugo but i feel like it’s smth i need out of my system so let’s see!)
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
i prefer writing at night and editing in the day!! i think i’m more creative at night but more particular and critical in the daytime! 🥲
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
for col, i use the sky/ocean motif for gojo’s eyes a lot! & as for themes it depends on the character but love is a big theme i try to stretch out in as many ways as i can! things like: love in names, in the unspoken, between the lines, in different love languages (i have an iwa wip for this) etc. col is also an exploration on questions about love: do you believe in love? how do you love? what does it mean to be in love? and so on! i also somehow always include morning scenes in my fics 😭 but i just think!!! i love the mornings and how soft it feels 🥺
send me an emoji and i’ll answer!
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skzshiplore · 1 year
Hi Hi!! My name is Love, I’m bisexual and use she/her pronouns. I’m new to tumblr and sorta new to fic writing but also not really lol. I’ve been reading and writing fics for years but I’m pretty new to my current genre of interest.
Most of my current works are either y/n / OC x Skz or ship content 🤗
The fic world is a lot more diverse than it use to be and so is the realm of sexuality!! So as I explore and evolve so will my writing 😌
Also, most of my work is conjured from random thoughts that pop into my head throughout my day so if it seems messy and all over the place then that is why 😅
I do accept requests but for now only on concepts I am privy to.
As far as ships go I don’t prefer any more than the other and I do plan to eventually write them all lol.
You can also find me on:
AO3 @ https://archiveofourown.org/users/SkzshiplOre/profile
Twitter @ 5kzshiplore
Im definitely in the market for a beta reader to help with more serious works From time to time so if you’re willing to assist be my guest 😌
Also I thrive off of feedback so please feel free to leave constructive criticism when necessary!! I appreciate all comments both good and bad!! (Just not too bad thanks 🙃)
I look forward to this journey with you beautiful humans!! Please be kind to me 🖤
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themournwatcher · 2 years
For the ask meme, give me more on Mahanon and Zev 😌
Somehow my dumb ass missed this ask in my inbox (but I guess that's what being on mobile for most of the day does for me). I'm either busy at work or running around my apartment doing little tasks that I have to catch up on the internet lore once I sit down at my desktop.
Mahanon and Zevran--I didn't go into much detail about them the other day but I have rambled about them sooo many times to my mutuals and my besties in DMs so I will go ahead and try to put my thoughts together as to how I feel about their relationship.
I talked in one of my previous posts about how Mahanon has a lot of built-up resentment due to the fact that he is always shouldered with the burden of decision and yet is often criticized after he makes those hard decisions. One thing that I appreciate about Zevran is that (unless it comes to the matter of slavery), he does not judge or criticize a decision that Mahanon makes. In fact, in the DLC when Mahanon chooses to engage with Sophia Dryden (to later double-cross her) Zevran is impressed by Mahanon's willingness to test his own limits of acceptability in order to do what has to be done.
So overall this great theme in their relationship is the idea of accepting each other without judgment; Mahanon is not going to change for Zevran because Mahanon is very staunch in his own identity and Mahanon will not ask Zevran to change for him, either--instead they come to know each other well and tend to each others' wounds without any inclination that they will become better people because of it. Love can be revolutionary but for a long time, what they share isn't love; it's trust.
Trust is, after all, the backbone of any great relationship. And they do eventually fall in love; there's this theme of having each others' backs and Zevran covering Mahanon's blind spot when he loses sight in one eye and it's so sweet but such a slowburn build up... at the end they don't marry, but they still have an exclusive commitment to each other and Zevran travels with Mahanon for a long time thereafter--even when apart, there's a piece of them bound together.
Another big thing that I like to focus on when writing them is the fact that they both enter into their relationship with a lot of trauma and it's not expected that either of them can kiss it better. Zevran's hypersexuality where he comes onto the Warden to try and endear himself to the party actually puts Mahanon off at first because he is so repulsed by physical intimacy. They are both two deeply wounded people who walk a long path together but they are side-by-side at the end of it.
other thoughts that don't cohesively fit above: i made a post abt zevran's hypersexual trauma responses and how people treat him as a racialized fetishization here and i stand by that and try not to write into those stereotypes because i LOATHE them; mahanon was really endeared to zevran once they started their little relationship because it was his first romantic interest who affirmed his gender; mahanon is the top bc i was mad at bioware for assigning my m!warden pc as the bottom when i first played origins.
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
That's My Beat by Mantronix 2002 Hip Hop / Electro / Post-Disco / Synthpop / Funk
Man, this is such an amazing little document of a late 70s/early 80s New York City club sound era, when DJs could spin so much different cool shit and no one would complain about it at all. Nowadays you have DJs who stick to one style of music, like dark and moody progressive house or something, but back then, there were way less barriers and specificities as to what one could play; the singular hard and fast rule was that as long as it could move bodies, it was acceptable. And we need more of that open-minded, anything-goes ethic now more than ever, I think. DJs, diversify your damn sets! *shakes fist*
Anyway, this recounting of an excellent period of Big Apple dance is told through the eyes of 80s music legend Kurtis Mantronik, a much vaunted DJ, producer, and remixer who was the brains behind hip hop group Mantronix and whose creations went on to inspire hip hop and party rap movements in the south like Miami bass and trap, despite the fact that he and his crew hailed from New York.
With this collection of tunes, Mantronik simultaneously shows us the music that inspired him to start making music of his own as well as a diverse blend of bangers that lit up dancefloors across the five boroughs over a relatively short, yet tumultuous period of time. That's My Beat comes with unforgettable hip hop classics, like the Funky 4 + 1's "That's the Joint," a song that beloved NYC-based critic Robert Christgau ranked as his top song of the entire 1980s; it has early Japanese electro goodness from Yellow Magic Orchestra and its co-founder Ryuichi Sakamoto, whose "Computer Game" and "Riot in Lagos," respectively, proved to be influential on the development of Detroit and UK bleep techno as well as Afrika Bambaataa-styled hip hop and electro; there's Machine's "There But for the Grace of God Go I," a super uptempo one-hit wonder bit of disco-funk and proto-house brilliance that Christgau also rated as the best disco single of 1979; and then there's probably my favorite song within this whole slate, an irresistible post-disco-funk bop from a briefly extant group called Unlimited Touch, whose "I Hear Music in the Streets" reached #6 on Billboard's dance chart in 1980 and manages to leave an impression upon me like no other song on this compilation does. Clap-along beat, funky bass groove and guitar riff, dazzling high-pitched lead vocal, and a chorus that very unexpectedly pounces on the soul 😌. Good lord.
New York's dancy late 70s and early 80s period—when DJ sets were full of ephemeral flakes of hip hop, electro, disco, post-disco, funk, and synthpop gold—seems like one of the best times and places to have ever been around when it comes to music. And this compilation that was put together by Kurtis Mantronik proves to be a shining example of why that's the case.
Yellow Magic Orchestra - "Computer Game" Suzy-Q - "Get On Up and Do It Again" Visage - "Pleasure Boys" Funky 4 + 1 - "That's the Joint" Machine - "There But for the Grace of God Go I" Yello - "Bostich" Jimmy Spicer - "Super Rhymes" The Art of Noise - "Beatbox" Unlimited Touch - "I Hear Music in the Streets" Ryuichi Sakamoto - "Riot in Lagos"
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evansbby · 2 years
Is it okay to say that I love you! I have been waiting patiently for poyt 4 and I want to say thank you for doing such an amazing job! I love you’re writing and the detail you put into it makes it easy to really feel the emotion. I don’t normally cry about anything I read but….THIS. Ugghhh I love you. Also I saw that you didn’t really like some parts as you were writing, but let me tell you something. I bake and I don’t eat my own desserts because I’m my harshest critic and I will ALWAYS find something wrong, even when others tell me that my cheesecake is one of the best damn things they’ve ever had. Poyt 4 is you’re cheesecake and it’s easily one of the best damn things I’ve ever read
ahhahaha omg, okay I’ll accept that because cheesecake is my fav dessert!! so thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoyed my fic and took the time out to send me feedback, really puts a smile to my face ugh bestie thank you!! 💕😌✨✨✨
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Today was a nice day, and it was nice spending it in a quiet home without the usual voice criticizing me on every action I make. ☺️
Took the day off today and spent the afternoon talking to a loved one while enjoying my afternoon, and it was SO nice being able to relax without the usual feelings of stress that I usually feel this time every day.  I just needed a break to refresh from all of the usual duties that I’m obligated to do everyday.  It’s also made me realize that my lifestyle has been slowly killing my spirit, and all of this time I’ve just been coping with it.  I mean, I’ve known that for years already, but I’ve just been accepting it to keep everything the same so that I don’t end up upsetting anyone.  It’s really hard to be selfish and practicing self-care, but it’s something that I’ll have to do eventually.  I still have so much to learn, and I need to make some real changes if I ever want to live the life I deserve and desire.  No excuses, no bullshit.  I have to start making those changes now.  Like today, I took the day off and it was okay.  I need to do that more often because it felt good to do my own thing without anyone telling me what to do or how to feel. 😌    
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things that bsd men would cheat on you with!
Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings:Various Characters X reader
Genre:Angst (i mean it this time)
Warnings:Cursing(all done be me😌),Suggetive content,spoilers from the manga
A/n:im pissed as fuck right now😐ive been trying to write this post for three times,and the page suddenly goes blank in the middle of my writing. I'm angry bro.i also dont accept any type of criticism on Dazai's and Fyodors's part🚶🏻‍♀️have fun reading this! (if you can)
no offence to anyone btw
Haikyuu Edition
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↬Atsushi Nakajima ⇝ i cannot believe you! are you seriously looking for something here? 😶
↬Ryuuosuke Akutagawa ⇝ His death (why god why)
↬Osamu Dazai ⇝ anything made with crab (crab cans, crab sticks, seafood boils that contain crab, noodles with crab, etc etc), whats that alcoholic shit he drinks at night?saki?, Oooo almost forgot:bandages, that waitress from the coffee house, all women tbh?, Chuuya😏(Dazai is my fav now btw lmao)
↬Chuuya Nakahara ⇝ Wine (he wont cheat, but he has a lot of shit going on, let him drink)
↬Doppo Kunikida ⇝ cheating is againts his ideals (little does he know he already is cheating on you,and with his ideals)
↬Michizo Tachihara ⇝ wont cheat (my ass)
↬Ougai Mori ⇝ do i really have to say it? i dont want to🚶🏻‍♀️ (and theres no shit you can do about it cuz its his fucking ability)
↬Yukichi Fukuzawa ⇝ bold of you to assume he'll cheat =\
↬Motojiro Kaji ⇝ Lemon, Lemon shaped bombs, Science
↬Junichiro Tanizaki ⇝ His sister (Bingo🚶🏻‍♀️)
↬Ranpo Adogawa ⇝ Pffft sweets🤭
↬Fyodor Dostoevski ⇝ has been manipulating you from the very beginning, and has literally no feelings for you. youre just a tool for him to achieve is goals (what? fight me🚶🏻‍♀️)
↬Sigma ⇝ his casino (just realised that we dont know his last name lmao)
↬Kenji Miazawa ⇝ Cows (why did i get him into this🤧)
was this supposed to be funny? yup. is it? oh hell no. do I give a fuck? nope. am I satisfied with the results? you bet. am I going to ask you to reblog after the pain I put you through? yes please…?🥴 but seriously,be realistic and please reblog :') (also im not on my period,but my tooth hurts as fuck so yeah)
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✨ Hello! My name is Parker, welcome to comfort character central!! This is my self ship blog where I post imagines, scenarios, and other self-insert related content (f/o + comfort chars!!)
✨ My posts are all my own, feel free to create art and other fun things based off my posts, credit is not needed but feel free to tag me if desired, I love seeing others' ships!!!
✨ I do not mind sharing f/os!!!
✨ I also enjoy having mutuals so let me know if you want to be muts at any point.
✨ I tend to stay in my own little creature corner of my blog, so if I'm more reserved/less social/talkative it isn't personal to anyone! /gen
✨ Requests are closed for now!!
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Here is some information about me aka the triple c silly goose who runs this account 😌💕
🌟 I'm queer , and I go by she/they pronouns! I'm also 23 years old. My birthday is January 12th.
🌟 I am autistic, have adhd, and also have a few mental disorders/am disabled!
🌟 In my free time, I enjoy music, writing, self expression, YouTube, etc!
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These are my pals, my besties, my wholesome amigos and chaotic buddies IF YOU WILL!! 😌
🫂 Glamrock Freddy + Sun & Moon from FNAF: Security Breach
🫂 Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, & Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia
🫂 Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
🫂 Sonic, Silver, & Shadow from Sonic the Hedgehog
🫂 Donatello & Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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These are my silly little meow meow darling baby sweetheart pookies!!!! 🤭
🫶🏻  Mileena from Mortal Kombat 11
🫶🏻  Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
🫶🏻  Damien LaVey & Brian Yu from Monster Prom
🫶🏻  Wade Wilson from Deadpool
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🔥 Pretty standard stuff, basic dni criteria obviously, don't want any weird bigot meanies on here. Pr*ship as well.
🔥 If you support cringe culture, it is DEAD HERE YOU WILL NOT FIND IT IN THE COMFORT CHARACTER CENTRAL PAGE OF SELF ACCEPTANCE! To be cringe is to be free.
🔥 You're close minded or mean. Pretty self explanatory, just don't be a big meanie head jerk person.
🔥 You're overly judgemental or critical. Goes along with my other points but I'm usually an open minded person, I don't want my blog to be used or partially utilized as a way to be hurtful or anything.
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Thank you for your support, appreciation, and for reading this!! Have a great day, your f/o loves you!
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1111jenx · 4 years
Placements that like to cuddle a lot? :)
Hey you,
This is so cute haha. Yes I have for sure seen some trends when it comes to this! While some people are so reluctant to physical touches others seem to love it, we'll talk about the latter for this post;)
Love language astro:
Physical touches
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Taurus rising/ Libra rising: I have never met a Venusian child that don't like physical touches from their loved ones (assuming they don't have any other placements that cancel this out). Taurus rising especially, LOVEEE cuddling and holding hands it's honestly adorable. I'd say that while some of these natives don't enjoy PDA everywhere everytime, they do love a lil spice here and there in public. But in private, they're the sweetest most wholesome people ever. Venus is love. So these people love love, they live for that affection, for that heartwarming moments. Being surrounded by Venusian people, I have now got used to this habits of theirs. My friend would try to hold my hands everytime we're crossing the road and my s/o (also a libra rising) honestly give me butterflies simply by playing with my fingers😭 Y'all are that flirty huh. ( OH also this is why they're great flirts too, they're not that afraid of physical flirtations like brushing others arms or touching their faces LOL)
All earth moons: Lemme elaborate, I'd put a warning here before y'all go off on me about Capricorn moon🤣 earth is physical, it is the material world, it is what concrete and real and the moon-our emotions, our inner feels and basic foundations -> earth moons in general THRIVE off physical affections with their loved ones (literally only their loved ones don't come to them and start hugging them if y'all just meet, please.) in my opinions, earth moons can come off so so so cold? like they just look unfazed and unimpressed sometimes, so dry tbh💀 HOWEVER, they're not. thats the thing. most earth moons i know really really really like it when their loved ones curled up with them and give them hugs and kisses. even if they acted all grossed out and unbothered, trust me they love it. These people are most likely to crave your attention physically once they're used to it. Taurus moon, Venusians right here, so not much of a surprise when they ask you to come over and cuddle on the sofa while ordering takeouts huh, such sensual people tbh. Virgo moon, more harsh than taurus moon in terms of it can seem a lil awkward here and there with them, but they will show love in multiple way, they will hold your hands tighter as you cross the road, will hug you before you leave for work, will kiss your forehead and make a sarcastic comment after a fight, truly cuties. Capricorn moon maybe is the least obvious out of the three, their faces would literally look shocked if someone start hugging them or opening up to them ( its rly funny im sorry i love yall tho LMFAO). but they will accept it and get used to it so fast, believe it or not they're the one that needs physical reassurance from their s/o all the time HAHAHAHA capricorn moons yearn for closer connection but they hate people (true story) so they just don't look for it and expect it to come to them LOL. give your cap moon friends a hug for me!
Leo Venus/ Leo Moon/ Leo Rising: To be fair I put Leo Rising here without thinking much because I have Leo Rising, but when I think about it critically I think Leo Rising can be extremely similar to earth moons when it comes to physical affections, they secretly love it but can be a bit shy about it (cancer 12H). But Leo Venus and Leo Moon on the other hands😌 Their need for attentions is insane. Gonna ask you every 5 minute is it true that you don't love them anymore because you didn't look at them for a sec💀 Kiss them in public and watch their eyes brighten in happiness and awe. Squeeze their waist tight and intertwined your fingers with theirs and watch them fall in love with you even more. PDA kings and queens. If its not extra they don't want it. I'm not gonna lie, Leo Moon/Venus is the one who wants to keep cuddling for hours and keep jumping on their s/o bones💀 Also they're that annoying couple that can't stop kissing HAHAHA. Me and my s/o literally have separation anxiety and boundaries issues LOL (both Leo Venus).
Cancer Venus/Mars: secretly lowky, they know they get attached and needy fast when they let loose so they put up a front. VERY AFFECTIONATE.
Mars in the 4th house: They are honestly such softies. They love love loveeeeeee physical attention and thrive in their blankets🤣
Libra, Aries, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo Mars: Libra Mars might seem the most detached but similar to Cancer Mars, its just the front:) They require a lot of cuddles too.
Taurus/Libra Venus/Scorpio Venus: Scorpio Venus the type to ask you whats your deepest darkest secret and will fall for you when you open up to them. they like constant attention (surprise) and physical attention is greatly appreciated. may be very shy sometimes but so lovable and adorable. Libra&Taurus Venus on the other hand is very relaxed and can come off as easy going, but they're HELLA demanding in love, very forgiving but need as much of attention as Leo placements haha💓
Mars conjunct Moon, Mars sextile/trine Moon too ( Bonus points if they're in house 2,4,7 haha )
Ceres(our second moon sign, show what we need to feel nurtured ) conjunct/trine/sextile Mars
Moon sextile Venus: the Moon and Venus are both very soft and unique planets, they both require A LOT of attention
4H ruler harmonious aspects to ASC/ Moon/ Mars
Up here are a few I can think as of right now:) I'll keep you updated if I do come up with more!!💖
saint jenx🖤
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seungstarss · 2 years
Ive seen a lot of accs do this moot game recently & it seems fun ! u shld do it if u want ---- "if you n youre moots were in a kpop group together whatd be your each positions, group lines (based on personality traits) and group concept"
@wonvelvet — yeonie is 100% the main vocalist and I take no suggestions period. IDK?? LIKE YEONIE IS SOFT AND SEEMS LIKE SHE'D HAVE A REALLY PRETTY AND ANGELIC VOICE??? as for concept, I definitely see a concept like red velvets "feel my rhythm?" I feel like it matches bc yeonie doesn't exactly fit the "cute" concept? She's more elegant and mature which matches the whole rv's concept
@maiverie — mai hi ily 😘 I feel like mai would be the main dancer? Mai feels like the dance leader that gives all the proper feedback so the group can improve and enrich their performance skills? Mai would be that one person the leader really leans on and she probably does a lot of the dorm cleaning,,, LMAO IDK I JUST FEEL LIKE MAI IS SUPER RESPONSIBLE. but she's also really down to earth and someone you can go to for advice! As for concept, mai gives me like itzy vibes?? I'm getting wannabe Era
@httpheeseung — emma gives me leader vibes HOHO,,, idk something just matches??? Like emma is really down to earth and she has lots of patience (have you read this girl's fics?? Like they're so long but yet the quality still remains perfect at the end?? Idk how she's does it but it's amazing) BUT I'm getting the overworked leader vibe where she needs to take care of her members bc they're a bunch of screaming crackheads FQHAFAAB. as for concept, emma gives me like sporty girl crush vibes? Like if stray kids' my pace was a girl group song? iDK HELP
@acciomylove — fae feels like she'd be the visual? Idk something about fae is really caring and soft??? Like whenever we interact, fae is so so so kind and 🥺 but she's also a crackhead at times (eHEM wHEN rpatz is brought up) as for concept, I think like chocome's super yuppers? Like the cute outfits with the fluffy fur things?
@lunaflvms — luna is def the moodmaker of the team + main dancer! Luna's humor is outta this world and GOSH IDK IF ITS BC OF THE HYUNJIN GIFS BUT I FEEL LIKE LUNA WOULD BE THE MAIN DANCER??? IDK IT JUST SITS RIGHT WITH ME??? but luna is that one member everyone goes to when they're feeling down. I feel like she'd be the type to scream and yell abt gaming with other members. As for concept, I think maybe like aespa's dreams come true mv??? It fits okay, it just does 😌👊
@jaesvelvet — cha gives me the vocalist vibes?? Like you'd have a really nice voice which contrasts your visuals?? Like I imagine cha having really sharp facial features but having a really soft voice?? Like cha looks all badass and all but in reality she's soft 💖🥺 as for concept, I think like a monochrome concept and really like elegant??? Idk? Like red velvet ish?
@atrirose — roselyn is a badass period. Rapper vibes here we come! No arguments made here! Like it's not even the seoyeon theme, like even before you had the theme, you gave off seoyeon vibes. Like you can sing , dance, and compose, but you're strong suit is rapping?? IDK IT JUST MAKES SENSE??? As for concept, I'm getting like nmixx vibes? (Girll I love nmixx sm, so pls this is not slander or anything. I genuinely love their concept)
@iz-hoonz — do we even have to think abt this one?????! YUI IS THE VISUAL PERIOD. I ACCEPT NO CRITICISM AT ALL!! yui gives off like hoon + wonyoung vibes??? Like tall and really friking charismatic? Hellaur yui just gives off big visual vibes🤩 as for concept, I think izone's concept matches you?? Like it just fits
@juniblvssom — liv is giving me like unhinged leader vibes (totally not bc of the jyp fic /j) but idk liv seems really responsible and I think people would really find comfort in her? Gives the best advice and Is pretty much good at everything. As for concept, I think like fantasy concept would suit liv?? Like a lighter version of dreamcatcher's concept?? IDK QFAHQFABQ
@ethereal-engene — ash is the eldest of the group no doubt. (plus, main vocal) ash is really mature and also fun, so I think the members would really love communicating with her and she'd give great advice 🥺💖 ash is giving me like old bts vibes??? Idk?? Like anything from Like boy in luv to Like spring day?? SCRATCH THAT, SPRING DAY IS PERFECT??? LIKE IDK IT FITS SO WELL
@enloveclub — miyu is probably the youngest, but she's the main dancer hellaur. Like the power she holds??? Everyone is so in awe that she can dance so well even when she's the youngest? Like miyu gives me niki vibes except with the personality of like sunoo or smth idk HAHAHQ. but like miyu reminds me of kyujin from nmixx! As for concept, I think like gfriend's concepts match miyu!
@twilightau — macs is giving me the lead vocalist hello yes. I HAVE NO EXPLANATION FOR THIS, I JUST THINK IT MATCHES REALLY WELL?? macs is also the most mature in her group I think, and she keeps the group from going crazy on vlive or sum. As for concept, I think gidle's lion matches macs!
@liliansun — lilac is definitely leader material, like this is one responsible and respectful women right here! Lilac is always taking care of her group mates to make sure they're feeling okay! I feel like lilac would have daily check-ins with the members before they head to bed. She's probably an idol that people really look up to due to her maturity and skillset ofc! As for concept, I think lilac matches dreamcatcher's concept
@vmpnoo — fray gives me maknae on top vibes. Like a you're maker but also the group really cherishes her HAHA,,, but ofc fray is also very mature and Intelligent hohoho. I'm getting like niki vibes bc i feel like fray would be a dancer IDK WHY I JUST THINK AGAJQHA👊 as for concept, I think fray also gives me dreamcatcher??? MAYBE ITS THE HORROR THEME U HAVE?? IDK BUT ITS SO PERFECT
@jungwoniics — Lia is the vocalist hello. Like it just makes sense. Lia is really soft and kind and her group members would wonder how such a kind soul exists?? hahahHQH IDK but i feel like Lia would have like a lower voice than expected??? Idk like a very unique voice! As for concept, I think ive's concept would match lia
@haechanhues niwa I like the lead vocalist and has a low range?? Idk niwa seems like she'd look like the main rapper but actually is the lead vocalist??? IDK IT FITS IN MY HEAD GAHHHH,,, as for concept, I think like mamamoo's starry night would match!
@jalnandanz xae is like the youngest and I feel like xae would be good at everything?? An all-rounder 🤩 but excels in vocals and dance?? As for concept, I think xae matches ive's concept or even stayc!
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