#i do not think i will ever recover from her. thank you bestie you know who you are
cr-arnival · 1 year
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happy one year anniversary of me being introduced to this character. i have never recovered 👍
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Your Hunky Werewolf - Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
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Pairing: Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
Prompt: @bitteroceanlove requested this...I tried my best with this 🙈
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Warnings: Smut, D/s undertones, praise kink, nickname bunny used.
(if you do not like the outfits you can imagine something else I just like people to know what I'm seeing when I write it.)
Thank you to my lovely Beta @lets-imagine-fanfics for always editing.
You let out a sigh as you flopped onto your best friend’s sofa, letting your eyes flicker closed. She silently sips her tea as she lets you have your dramatic moment before setting down her cuppa and chuckling at you in amusement. You open one eye and glance at her before finally sitting up and opening both eyes. 
“Was it that bad?” She chuckled rubbing her tiny baby bump. 
“He came in the first five minutes, then had the audacity to ask if he could see me again.” You deadpanned making Lily snort behind her hand. 
“Can’t say I’ve ever had that problem.” Lily bragged playfully making your sneer at her. 
“Yes, I’m sure your very handsome Marauder has no problems making you cum. Bitch.” You huffed making her smirk at you. 
“I think the other two are still single if you want one.” She giggled softly making you roll your eyes. 
“We’ve both known those lot since school and not once has either shown an interest in me. I think it’s safe to say I was never invited to board that ship.” You snorted as you picked up your cup and took a sip of the hot liquid. 
“That’s only because I told them to leave you alone. Didn’t want them breaking your heart specially Pads. He broke a new heart every week that boy.” She rolled her eyes making you chuckle. 
“Who said I’d have gone for Pads? Hmm?” You smirked making her eyes widen. 
“Moony?” She exclaimed gaping at you. 
“Oh yeah, I’d have let that hunky werewolf bang me all over Hogwarts if I’d of had the chance.” You whispered as you pretend to fan yourself though your cheeks had blushed. 
“Is that so?” A male voice chuckled behind you making your eyes widen. 
You spun around to see James stood there with a smirk on his face. Your eyes widened as you looked at Lily for help making her roll her lips to suppress her laugh. You looked back towards James with an awkward smile. 
“Keep that to yourself, Prongs, or I’ll kill you.” You huffed as you pressed the back of your hands to your cheeks trying to cool them down. 
“Hell, no. I’m gonna tell him word for word!” James snickered as he started to run off like a bloody child making you set your cuppa down and run after him. 
“James! I swear to fucking god you better not sa—heeeey, Moony, Pads.” You greeted as you ran into James’ Office to find him hiding behind Remus his face smirking at you over the man’s shoulder. 
“You keep your mouth shut, Potter, or I’ll de-ball you while you sleep!” You hissed as you prepared to run at him again. 
“Oooo scary!” James taunted with fake fear on his face. 
“I will honestly never understand why my smoking hot bestie even fell in love with such a giant man child.” You growled as you ran around Remus, James instantly going to opposite way making you glare at him. 
“What exactly did you do, Prongs?” Remus asked as you both danced around him.  
“He overheard girl talk.” You muttered shyly as you looked up at Remus who was smiling softly at you. 
“Oh yeah, she was talking about someone we knew from school and about how she’d happily have let said person bang her all over Hogwarts, back in school.” James smirked as he wiggled his brows suggestively. 
“Shut your face before I shut it for you, Potter. LILY!” You screamed as you launched at James effectively tackling him to the floor which instantly winded both of you. However, James recovered and stood up throwing you over his shoulder just as Lily came in looking at the scene before her. 
“Prongs, let the poor girl go.” Moony sighed as he gripped your waist and lifted you off James shoulder with ease making your face flush instantly. 
He lowered you to the ground with ease that made your heart and pussy clench. ‘Oh Merlin that’s hot’, you thought as you looked up at him with flushed cheeks. He smiled softly but the sound of James and Sirius laughing hysterically broke you out of your trance as they stared at you knowingly. 
“You two are bloody arseholes!” You huffed before storming out the room but hearing Lily scold James as you stomped downstairs. 
“Why did you marry such a wanker?” You asked seriously making her almost choke on thin air. 
“It’s the multiple orgasms for me.” She snorted making you burst out laughing.  
“Lily Potter!” You scolded playfully. 
“So…” She whispered wiggling her brows but making sure not to say anything out loud fearing the boys were being nosey. 
“How mad are you that I didn’t tell you?” You asked softly as she shook her head in response. 
“Not mad, but had you told me, I totally could’ve set you guys up sooner.” Lily chuckled with a raised brow. 
“You’re not gonna set us up because he’s not interested.”  
***** Meanwhile in James Office.***** 
“You should stop teasing her she’s always been shy and rather innocent.” Remus scolds James making him smirk. 
“She’s not that innocent the sentence ‘I’d of let that hunky we-man bang me all over Hogwarts if I’d of had the chance’ doesn’t really scream innocent.” James snorted making Remus’s eyes widen a little.  
“Yes, talking to her best friend of 8 years. She wouldn’t of said that to you, me or Sirius would she?” Remus chuckled as he sat on the sofa in the office. 
“No, she definitely wouldn’t have said it to you that’s for sure.” James snickered to Sirius making Remus look at James with a glare until everything kind of clicked in his head.  
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Remus asked with a smirk. 
“That your favourite innocent little y/n said she’d let you bang her all over?” Sirius smirked making James snicker. 
“Does Lily’s no dating or shagging her bestie rule still stand?” Remus asked seriously making James’ eyes widen. 
“I think she’d make an exception for you however if you hurt her, I’ll kill you myself. I may tease her but she like my little sister and if your gonna break her heart, Moony, don’t bother.” James stated seriously making Remus raised a brow at him. 
“Do I look like Pads?” He chuckled making James laugh as Sirius scoffed dramatically clutching his chest. 
You were stood in the small baby shop with Lily scanning through different cute little sleep-suits and baby vests as soon as you saw one with auntie on it you squealed excitedly and threw it over your arm knowing you’d buy it. You turned around to show Lily just in time to see the marauders walk into the shop looking around until they spotted you and Lily.  
Remus had a dark red v neck oversized jumper on with a pair of light denim baggy jeans that were rolled up at the bottom and a pair of brown combat boots. Fuck he looked good. Lily nudged you quickly, effectively snapping you out of your daze. 
“What are you boys doing here?” Lily chuckled as she kissed her husband’s cheek. 
“We were at the bookstore and decided we’d drop by and see if you ladies would like to take a break from making a dent in my vault and grab lunch with us?” James snickered as his wife shot him a glare. 
“Yes, I’m starving! Let me pay for these and we’ll get going.” You exclaimed, grabbing all the ones out of Lily’s arms before you ran over to the till to pay. 
You ignored Lily as she protested that she would pay for them. You quickly paid as the boys wandered over to take the bags. You raised an eyebrow at Lily who was looking at them with narrowed eyes. They were up to something. You and Lily shared a knowing look as you followed the boys out of the shop, intent to find out what they were up to.  
Lily clung to James’ bicep as you walked to the pub to grab lunch. Sirius had his arms around James should as Lily scolded him which made you smile. You guys weren’t in school anymore, yet everything still feels the same. Sirius would flirt with everyone and sleep with the ones he felt like, while you and Lily constantly told him off for treating women like toys and he did love a good prank.  
Then there’s obviously James who was an arsehole. He couldn’t take anything seriously, he bullied plenty of people, and much like Sirius, loved a good prank. Well until Lily kept scolding him like a naughty child, until eventually he did stop, then he was more like the puppy that would follow Lily everywhere. 
Remus’s nose was always in a book he was his own brand of ladies' man. He was mature, kind, handsome yet he still he held an air of mystery to most women. Though you being best friends with them meant you knew what that secret was.   
He’s a werewolf. The week leading up to the change he was always more protective of loved ones but then in the days before the full moon he’d switch. He’d grow distant, more snappy and could be territorial over everything. You shouldn’t find that hot, as you can imagine he always felt guilty after the full moon, but every time he growled at someone it sent shivers down your spine straight to your core. 
Remus walked next to you silently as he held onto two of the bags that you girls had been carrying, you more than Lily as she’s pregnant. You glance at him noticing he’s looking down at you. You instantly flush as you looked back towards the ground. 
“You look very pretty today, Bunny.” Remus whispered as he leaned over so he was at your level continuing to walk towards the pub, purposely keep the same pace as you. 
“I-I do?” You stuttered as you glanced down at your puffy long sleeved black turtleneck jumper, an Aline brown and red plaid skirt that went past your knees and a pair of black Mary Jane heels.  
Your hair was in a messy low ponytail with curly pieces falling around your face. You had eyeliner, mascara and wine-red lipstick. Honestly you hadn’t put much thought into your clothes not realising the boys would be joining you. You should’ve worn something sexier, you thought sadly as you looked back up to meet his deep brown eyes. 
“Yes, you do.” He chuckled as he offered you his free arm making you blush as you shyly took his offered arm and wrapped your arms his much like Lily and James were doing. 
You walked for another minute or so, arm in arm with Remus as you entered the pub immediately following Sirius, James and Lily as they sat at a table big enough for all of you. Remus slipped his arm away from yours much to your disappointment, however that didn’t last long as he pulled out a chair for you, easily moving your seat closer to the table with you sitting on it.  
You flushed as Lily watched with a suspicious gaze which you quickly returned as if something was going on and thats when it clicked and you let out a gasp before picking up a salt shaker from the centre of the table throwing it straight at James head making everyone except Lily look at you like you'd gone mad.  
“You fucking told him.” You hissed making his eyes widened.  
“N-No! He figured it out himself!” James defended as he rubbed his head staring at his wife for help but Lily just shot a glare at him.  
“How’d you figure it out, anyway?” Sirius chuckled making your eyes snap towards him with a look that would’ve frozen him had he not been used to getting that look during school. 
“You guys hate coming shopping, you hate carrying our bags and Remus is being flirtier. You think I wouldn’t figure that out? Remus never flirts with me.” You snorted as you shot Remus a glare.  
“In all fairness I never flirted because of Lily’s rules.” He defended himself as he leaned on the table his chin perched on his palm as he stared into your eyes causing you to flush a soft pink.  
“You’re so lucky your pregnant Lily or I might’ve given you the pepper to match your husbands salt.” You whispered over the table making her smirk.  
“I was protecting your heart, body and soul.” She argued making you roll your eyes.  
“You do realise I did all of those things, right? I wasn’t bloody innocent virgin, Lily!” You whisper yelled at her making her eyes narrow.  
“I thought your first time was last ye-OH MY MERLIN! It was 7th year, right?” Lily glared making you look away with flushed cheeks. 
“Maybe.” You mumbled making every look at you in shock. In 7th year you often disappeared reappearing looking dishevelled but thankfully no one even noticed. 
“Who!?” Lily shrieked making you flinch. 
You glanced between your friends and looked at Sirius flushing bright red making him frown as all your friend looked at him with anger. You looked away unwilling to saying hoping Sirius would correct them because you sure as hell didn’t want to.  
“Sirius!” Lily scream making his gape at her.  
“It wasn’t m-OH for the love of merlin! You DIDN’T?” He groaned as he pulled a disgusted face.  
“Regulus? Seriously?” Sirius gagged around his name making you flush bright red.  
“Don’t judge me Pads!” You hissed as you avoided looking at anyone.  
“Eww. Do you have any other school sex stories you didn’t tell me?” Lily huffed with a pout.  
“No just Reggie.” You huffed as you rolled your eyes. 
“And since then?” Lily asked with narrowed eyes making you roll yours. 
“Only the ones I’ve told you about.” You chuckled making her nod in response. 
“So: him; last year; and then the date last week.” Lily confirmed making you flush bright red. 
“Can we stop talking about my very short and boring sex life. Please and thank you.” You huffed as you began chugging your butterbeer whilst glancing at Remus who had been more quiet than usual. 
“I love how everyone just forgot that Y/N said she’d let Remus bang her all over Hogwarts.” Sirius exclaimed making you choke on your butterbeer. 
“Actually, she said: ‘Oh yeah, I’d of let that hunky werewolf bang me all over Hogwarts if I’d of had the chance’ in those exact words.” James snickered making you flush a brighter red as Remus bit his lower lip to stop from smiling. 
“I actually hate you.” You groaned as you repeatedly smacked your head off the table until a hand was slid onto the table underneath your head. 
“Bunny, stop or you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Remus scolded you as he lifted up your face by gripping your chin gently.   
You stared into his eyes the nickname he’d also used earlier making your heart melt. He brushed away the hair from your face, assessing the damage already done to your forehead. You got lost in watching him fuss over you completely forgetting that your friends were there. 
He finally finished fussing his eyes instantly gazing into yours as he smiled happily. You smiled back shyly before moving to fiddle with your now empty glass. You glanced up to see James, Lily and Sirius staring at you with smug smirks which you returned with a glare. 
After lunch you all decided to call it a day to which Remus instantly offered to escort you home. You gave him a smile as you wrapped your arm around his and began walking the short distance to your flat. You stopped at your door, turning to unlock it before turning round to face Remus again. 
“Would you like to come in?” You asked sweetly. 
“I would but it’s getting close to the full moon so I was gonna grab a smoke and chill out.” He muttered awkwardly making you laugh. 
“I have weed and I promise I won’t steal your food.” You giggled as you gave him a sweet smile. 
“Deal.” He chuckled as he followed you into the flat quietly.  
It wasn’t his first time there as you all spent time at each other’s places. He flopped onto your sofa as you grabbed snacks and your tin filled with weed, tabaco and papers. You flopped down next to him and began rolling a joint. You lit the joint with wordless magic taking a few drags before passing it to Remus. 
He laid back smoking the joint for a while before passing it back to you. He used his wand to turn on your vinyl player letting the sound of music fill the silence. You both zoned out as Remus started laughing making you giggle as you looked at him. 
“What?” You asked making him laugh more. 
“What is this music?” He laughed making you grin as you listened to which vinyl was playing.  
“This is my mix-vinyl. I tweaked the songs with magic so I could have more than one artist on it.” You giggled as the song playing had ended. 
“Oh my merlin, I love this song!” You squealed as you stood up doing a little carefree spin as you looked down at Remus who was watching you in amusement as you began dancing around the room. 
“Wooo shake it, bunny!” Remus shouted as you began shaking your hips to the beat.  
“Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight!” You sang with a grin as Remus cheered from his seat. 
You kept swishing your skirt around you as you danced happily to the music as Remus began munching on a pack of walkers crisps. You flopped down next to him panting from your impromptu dancing session. Remus wiped the sweat from your brow with his sleeve before holding on of the cans of pop toward you urging you to take a sip before giving a crisp in your mouth. 
Your eyes widened unsure if he even realised he’d not only gave you his food despite always being so territorial about it and sat fussing over you. You’d noticed him do that a lot today, but you were unsure whether it was unintentional or if he’d known he was doing it. 
You decided to just take a leap of faith. You were high and feeling rather confident so without another thought you climbed onto his lap and planted a kiss straight on his lips. He didn’t even hesitate. His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer as he tilted his head kissing you deeper.  
You whined against his lips as his hands slid down your back to you ass gripping it firmly in his hands. You moaned into his mouth your tongue tangling with his as you tugged on his hair. He finally pulled away, looking into your eyes with a lustful gaze. 
“I don’t want a one time thing. I want all of you.” Remus whispered huskily making your heart leap with happiness. 
“Y-Yes, totally down for that.” You stuttered, blushing bright red as you fiddled with the hem of your sleeves. 
“Fucking Lily’s fault. Could’ve had you all this time, Bunny.” He groaned before pulling you into a heated kiss. 
He wrapped your legs around him before standing up and walking towards your bedroom. He kicked the slightly open door before using his foot to close it before lowering you both onto the bed, your lips never breaking apart. You gasped as he ground his hardened member against your clothed heat, your long skirt lifted completely exposing your panties. 
“Need you to tell me if I get too rough, Bunny.” Remus growled as he began ridding you and him of clothing until you were both naked. You flushed but nodded softly making him shake his head. 
“Ah ah, I need verbal response, baby, or I’ll stop now.” He instructed making your heat clench around nothing. 
“Y-Yes Moony.” You whispered shyly making him smile softly. 
“Good girl.” He chuckled softly as he began placing kisses all over your body, biting the spots that were more sensitive. 
He moved down until you could feel his breath on your heat making you flush bright red. Yes you had this before, Regulus had been a generous lover but not since school. Remus practically inhaled your scent while biting the inside of your thigh. 
“Spread your legs for me, Bunny.” He whispered against the now stinging skin of your thigh. You instantly spread your legs gazing down at him in a daze. 
“Such a obedient girl, aren’t you, Love?” He chuckled teasingly as he ran his finger through your soaking wet folds. 
“M-Moony…please.” You whined as he kept edging towards your clit with his fingers before moving away. 
Without another word Remus did what you asked. His tongue licking up you slit before he began drawing random shapes with his tongue gently. Your back arched off the bed as you moaned desperately, your hand clutching the sheets as you resisted the urge to thrust against his tongue. 
“Fuck, you taste so good, Bunny, could do this all day.” He growled against your heat making you blush as you let out a needy moan. 
“S-So good—Remus f-fuck!” You cried out as he eased two of his fingers inside you curling them upwards perfectly hit that sweet spot as his tongue continued lapping at and around your clit. 
You’d never felt this good. You could feel ever nerve ending reacting to him as you spread your legs more, using your feet to push your hips off the bed as you began to chase the release you could feel building. However, when you began moving your hips Remus’s free hand came down on your inner thigh slapping against the skin hard. 
“Stay still or I’ll spank your ass, bunny.” He scolded and that was all it took you came clenching around his fingers as your legs shook from the intensity. 
“Fuuuuck, Remus!” You moaned loudly as you clutched at the sheets as if to ground yourself. 
“Did you just cum because I slapped your thigh or because of what I said?” He groaned as he helped you ride out your orgasm with his fingers. 
“B-Both.” You whimpered as your legs twitched a little as he pulled his fingers away from your heat and bringing them up to his mouth and sucking them clean making you soaked sensitive heat clench around nothing. 
You suddenly remembered this whole time Remus had been naked and you had yet to look at his cock. Your eyes wandered down your body as you took in his sculptured abdomen that was littered with scars just like the rest of him. He was perfect. Finally, your eyes found his member and you suddenly leaned your head back silently praying to Merlin it would fit. 
“You look like a scared little bunny.” Remus chuckles teasingly as his hands grip your hips. 
“You’re so mean, Remy.” You whined as you flushed bright red. 
“Come here, Baby…don’t worry M’gonna treat you so good.” Remus mumbled as he kissed up your thighs with a smug smirk on his lips. It was something you rarely got to see with Remus as he was usually the sweet, mature one. 
He lifted your legs bending them so your hole was shamelessly exposed making you flush a deeper shade of red. You felt so exposed and vulnerable in this position, yet you were so turned as you got a full view of Remus gliding his cock through the wetness of your heat.  
You moaned at the feeling of the head of his member pressing against your clit before he dragged it back through your folds. His lips twitched into another smirk as he finally began pushing his member inside you.  
“Fuck, you’re tight.” Remus growled as he pushed in inch by inch. 
You mouth widened in a silent scream as you clawed at his forearms there was a burn yet you’d never felt so full. When he was fully in, he stilled in that positions as he brought his hand down to softly tease your clit causing you to whine and whimper as you felt yourself relaxing and the pain subsiding. 
“That’s it, Bunny…taking me so well.” He praised as he began thrusting so slowly inside you, never stopping his motions on your clit. 
“M-Moony.” You panted as you wrapped your arms around the backs of your knees your eyes flickering to the sight of his hard member sliding in and out of you. 
“So good for me, aren’t you, Baby?” Remus groaned as he picked up his pace a little instantly brushing past your sweet spot with each thrust. 
You couldn’t speak the only thing coming out of your mouth was a string of loud filthy moans that seemed to make Remus’s cock twitch the louder you were. His fingers never stopped teasing your clit making another orgasm build faster than you’d expected. You had, had multiple orgasms but never this intense and never this fast. 
“You gonna cum again, pretty little bunny?” He teased with a wicked grin on his face. 
“Mhmm.” Was all you could say making his grin widen. 
He didn’t comment but his smile spoke volumes. He sped up his thrust and his fingers making your back once again arch off the bed as you felt your legs start shaking from the intensity.  
“Cum for me, Bunny.” He growled as he spit on your clit when it started getting dry. 
That was enough you felt yourself tighten around him making his thrust slow down with how tight you’d gotten. You screamed his name as your leg shook in your arms, your nails digging into the flesh of your inner thighs. He paused his movement for a second letting you come down, his hand moving from your clit before he began fucking into you like a man possessed.  
You were so sensitive from your last orgasm you screamed as you released your legs and wrapped them around Remus as he gripped your hips tightly as he pounded into you. You could feel something building again but it felt different. You reached up and bring him down to cling onto him, your nails biting into his skin. 
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuck!” You screamed as you felt the cool inside you begin to snap again. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” Remus growled as he began cumming inside you. 
You came against but it caused Remus to slip out as he counties jacking himself all over your heat watching with dazed eyes making you look down to see little gushes of clear white liquid coming from your pussy. You flushed bright red as you twitched, finally you stopped cumming. You felt embarrassed you arms instantly coming up to cover your face. 
“Hey. Bunny, I need you to listen to me, okay?” He whispered as he moved your arms. 
“You did so good for me baby. Such a good girl for me.” Remus stated as he left small kisses along your face. 
“R-Really?” You mumbled shyly as you looked into his eyes. 
“Mhmm my good girl. Gonna keep you forever.” Remus chuckled making you giggle. 
You woke up to the sound of someone pounding on your door making you sigh as you threw on Remus’s jumper that he had somehow took off with magic but also folded it. You looked at the sleeping naked man in your bed smiling happily before you dragged yourself to the front door and opened it slowly. You saw Lily, James and Sirius stood there with raised brows. 
“Come on get dressed, we’re gonna go see Moony before he has to lock himself away for the moon.” Sirius exclaimed cheerfully as he pushed into the flat, Lily and James following as you stood there with a blank look. 
“Sure, come on in guys.” You scoffed sarcastically as you walked over to the kettle and flicked it on grabbing to cups. 
“Forget the tea. We’ll have tea at Moony’s.” Sirius groaned dramatically as he rested his head on your shoulder watching you make tea. 
“That’s not how I like my tea.” Sirius huffed making you roll your eyes. 
Suddenly the sound of growling was prominent in the room making Sirius spin around to see Remus stood there in only his jeans from yesterday. You raised a brow at Remus stepping away from Sirius making Remus’s face relaxed which for some reason made you grin. You stepped closer to Sirius again putting your hand on Sirius’s chest and Remus glared at him letting out another growl. 
“So hot.” You giggled as you bound over to Remus who instantly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against his chest possessively. 
“Fuck yes! Gimmie my money, gentlemen!” Lily laughed as she held out her hand. 
“Couldn’t of waited till after the moon?” Sirius groaned as he handed over his money. 
“Better than me, I said it would take another 6 months!” James sighed passing his pregnant wife money. 
“Idiots.” You snorted before snuggling into Remus who pecked your forehead gently.  
Fuck yes! You got the hunky werewolf. 
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Time for me to request!!! If youre requests r on ✌️✌️
Yanqing, Bronya, Blade, Gepard with a reader whose like "i cant fight!" And then proceeds to do a zhongli ult (you know what i mean bestie 😌) sorry if its vaguely described idk how to describe it..
Wowoowowowow ✌️✌️❤️❤️!!
A/N: Hey there! Thank you for the request! It was honestly funny to think about lol.<33
Content: unserious, established relationship, mentions of fights/violence, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Yanqing is more than willing to protect you, in fact, he'd prefer it. He wants to impress you with his strength and skill after all! Therefore he didn't mind, when you told him that you couldn't fight.
So you can also imagine the shock he was in, when he saw you practically throw a whole meteor onto your enemy out of nowhere. He recovers quickly though and immideatly asks you how you did it. He'll probably wants to try it out in training too with you, but you'll have to stop him, because you don't want him to get hurt.
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Blade never expected you to be really able to protect yourself and usually kept you safe himself. It gave him a sense of control and strength he liked to have alot. So when you told him, that you were unable to fight, he didn't comment on it nor paid much mind to it.
However, seeing you just casu summon a meteor out of the skies to throw at your enemies made him feel nearly deceived, if he wasn't absolutely confused on why you didn't deem that as a form of self defense. He eventually just decides to not even question it, deeming it as too much of a headache, despite how impressed he was.
》Bronya Rand
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Bronya takes great pride in keeping you and the people of Belobog safe, which is why she doesn't mind your incapability to protect yourself. Why should you anyways, when you have her after all? She even reassures you, that it's alright and that she'll take care of everything for you gladly.
That is, until she just sees you casually use your abilities on your enemies. To say that she is baffled would be an understatement. She wouldn't really know how to react at first and decides that praising you for your strength was a good start. She'd question you throughly about this later though.
》Gepard Landau
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It's his duty as the captain of the Silvermaneguards to protect all citizens of Belobog and you are therefore one of his priorities. That's why he doesn't mind your inability to fight either and swears to keep you safe with his own life.
And so, seeing you summon a whole meteor down onto your unfortunate enemies was certainly not something he could've ever seen coming. He might scold you for keeping that hidden from him and then praise you for your strength after. He'd also like to know more about your powers, just in case it might come in handy again somehow.
A/N: I hope this was okay for you! And I thank you again for the fun request hehe<33
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melanieph321 · 29 days
Dominik Szoboszlai x Reader - The Double Date Part 1/2
Part 2
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Reader unwillingly joins her best friend on a double date with Andy Robertson and Dominik Szoboszlai.
"Hurry Y/N, we're gonna be late!"
"Yeah, late for a double date at an arcade. How will I recover?"
"Ha ha, very funny. Just pipe down on the sarcasm when we meet up with the guys. Believe it or not, but I really like this one."
"Anything for my bestie."
You were surprised. Crashing a date was not included in your plans this friday evening. But apparently, your best friend, Lexi, met some guy at a football game a couple of weeks ago, and the two of them have been texting ever since. However, when it came around for them to meet, Lexi kept putting off the date for no reason. Your offer to chaperone was the only thing standing in her way of chickening out again.
"So....what do you want me to do exactly, linger in the background the entire date?"
"No, that would be creepy. It's a double date Y/N, ergo two guys and two girls."
"But I have a boyfriend."
Lexi laughed. "Please, Y/N. If you call your situationship with Mike a healthy relationship, I don't wanna know what you think I toxic one is."
"Hey, Mike is not toxic. He's a great guy, soon to be a doctor, actually. It's the only reason he's been so cold to me lately. He's stressed about school."
Lexi slowed down the strides of her heels, matching your pace. She did so, grabbing your hand. "I know Mike's a good guy, Y/N. But you two together....I don't know."
"I mean, is he really your type? You're the total opposite. He's so sophisticated and fancy, and you are....well, you are....."
"You're cool, Y/N." She blurred out. "You're cool and fun to be around. Mike, on the other hand, is so uptight. And he said my shoes were cheap."
You rolled your eyes. "I see you're still on about that."
"Cheap Y/N. He called my Saint Laurent that I spend two months' salary on, cheap. CHEAP! Just because I bought a pair from last season."
"Okay, okay. I admit that sometimes he can be a bit blunt and snobby. But he is definitely my type."
"You mean rich?"
"Yes, rich. I like 'em rich."
The two of you laughed all the way to the arcade. You arrived about ten minutes late and had to search for the guys who were already inside. You prayed that your date was at least cute.
"There they are!" Lexi pointed to the punshing bag machine surrounded by two guys, one of them getting ready to take a swing.
"Andy!" Lexi waved.
The guy standing by, holding a drink, turned around and met the two of you with the broadest smile. "Lexi, you made it!"
"No way." You chuckled.
"Be nice." She muttered.
The guy approached you and went straight in for a hug, even you got a hug.
"You ladies look gorgeous. Let me buy you drink."
"That's so sweet Andy, thank you."
You struggled to hold it in. Lexi gave you a stern look to hold it until her date had made it to the bar. She then gave you thirty seconds to burst out in laughter, gagging like you've never gagged before.
"Yes, yes, very funny. Are you done now?"
"Andy Robertson." You laughed, holding your stomach. "How on earth did you bag Andy, Robo, Robertson?"
It wasn't much dating a Liverpool player that tickled your soul. Lexi was gorgeous and well connected through her father's financial successes. A lot of famous men have been interested in dating her, including several professional athletes. But to throw Andy, Robo, Robertson, a bone  out of all those men, was simply outrageous to you. And quite hysterical.
"Will you stop it." She whispered.
"And no mentioning of our nickname for him."
"Erm....because it's racist?"
"Lexi." You stopped and stared at her. "Calling someone, Groundkeeper Robo Robertson, is not racist."
"If you're Scottish it is."
"It's just a character from The Simpsons. Who doesn't like The Simpsons?"
Just then, Andy was seen returning from the bar. "I see you two ladies haven't met my friend yet. Come, let me introduce ya!"
You were quick to wipe your tears while Lexi's date took you to your table. It was right next to the punshing bag machine where a man stood clenching his sore knuckles.
"Dom, meet the girls. Girls meet my friend Dominik."
Again, no way, you thought. It was Dominik Szoboszlai, as cute as ever, dressed for a casual night out with....well, you.
"Hi." He smiled and shook your hands.
"This is the girl I was talking about." Andy said, and proudly but respectfully draped an arm around Lexi's shoulder. "This is her friend..."
"Y/N." You smiled.
Dominik looked you up and down, a flash of something curious in his eyes. But then, just like that, it disappeared.
"How about some games?" Andy suggested. "Since we're all here now."
"Yay!" Lexi cheered but ended up sucking at every game you played. You weren't doing very well yourself, but that was only because your opponent, Dominik, played against you as if his life dependended on it.
"Fuck, my nail!" You winced as his shot during Air Hockey ended up breaking the tip.
"Sorry." He shrugged. His attitude was quite shitty throughout the whole night.
"I'm going to the bathroom." You said, grabbing your purse.
"I'll come with you." Lexi offered, perhaps aware of your newfound mood.
"So...how are thinks going with Dominik, he's cute right?"
"He's a dickhead." You turned to the bathroom mirror, applying more gloss to your lips.
"Is he?"
"Yes. I wanna leave."
"But Y/N, you promised..."
"Honestly, Lexi, I don't see why I had to come along in the first place. Robo— I mean Andy... seems like a genuinely nice guy. I'm still curious about how you met him at the Liverpool game with your dad. Wasn't he on the pitch, playing?"
"It was after the game." She sighed. "And yes, he is really nice. The only problem, I guess, is all the songs we've made up about him."
"Right, the songs."
You had made-up songs about most players in Liverpool. As fans, you and Lexi loved doing it. It was sort of your thing. People on TilTik loved you for it.
"Yeah. Andy and I had a laugh about it, but now I just feel sort of guilty for the one we made about him and Groundkeeper Wille."
"Well, if he thinks it's funny I don't really see the problem."
"I guess you're right."
"I am. Now, get back to your date while I find a way out through the back."
"You're not ditching me, are you?"
"Of course I am. I just told you that Dominik Szoboszlai is a dickhead." Which was a shame since he was undoubtedly attractive.
"Please stay." Lexi pleaded. "I'll pay you."
You laughed. "Fine, but I'm not playing anymore games."
The two of you walked out of the ladies' bathroom and back to your table. The guys were still there. However, the two of them looked ready to leave.
"Heya..., do you ladies, maybe fancy going elsewhere?" Andy said in his lovely Scottish accent.
"Why, are you bored of us?" Lexi said, angst in her voice.
Andy chuckled. "I was thinking the opposite. The two of you look so beautiful tonight. It's too beautiful for a place like this."
"Oh, Andy." Lexi hooked her arm with his. "We don't mind playing more games. Right Y/N?"
"Right....." You glanced over to Dominik, who stood with his eyes glued to his phone. He was texting someone. Probably a girl that he found more entertaining than you.
"It's no worries, really. Andy said. "Dominik actually knows the owner of the best rooftop bar in Liverpool."
"Gallaways?" You perked up.
"Yeah, how did you know?" Dominik frowned, his eyes on you and not his phone.
You shrugged cooly. "I've heard about it. My boyfriend says it's okay."
He seemed surprised.
"Yes, boyfriend. Maybe I should give him a call and see if he can help us get—"
"We're in." Dominik said, shoving his phone back into his pocket. "My friend has a table waiting for us."
"How fun." Lexi squealed. "Doesn't that sound fun Y/N?"
"Yes, delightful."
Dominik was watching you in the same way you watched him, quite spitful. It was lucky you were going to another bar. If you were going to make it through this double date, you were going to need something stronger to drink than beer. Much stronger.
Part 2
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
Okok fr questions because I’m obsessed with Tim figure skater AU
Because the bats aren’t aware of tim being the one behind his vigilante mask, how are his relationships with them out of the suits? Do they interact often or on spare few occasions? (I see the happy birthday Bruce message and think they don’t talk *too* often? idk)
ALSO JANET AND TIMS SIGNATURES… them being so similar has me rocking back and forth crying (interpret as you will)
be prepared i am about to YAP cause i love this au sm and now i gotta talk about it LFMAO
So far, the backstory is that Jay ended up not dying and was just extremely injured after the Joker incident. When he got back on his feet again, he joined a hockey team to make more friends outside of the hero community. Cass wanted to try figure skating and they start going to a rink in Gotham, and that's where they met Steph, who is "not" a vigilante. (She is, but more on that in a sec.)
While there, they start to hear more about "Tim" who comes by sometimes and is Steph's friend (they met when they were much younger and they are besties), and they end up connecting that the Tim they're talking about is "that famous figure skater from Bristol" that's always in the news. Cassie is a huge fan of Tim's, and she freaks out when she hears from Jason and Cass that this rink is one that Tim frequents. That's why she ends up dragging Bart and Kon to the rink to see Jason's practices or to hang out with Cass- so she can meet Tim.
However, it's sort of a well kept secret that Tim and his rink friends have. He's not supposed to go there anymore, because he has a private rink. Janet lived, but Jack went into his coma still. He eventually woke up and while Jack is recovering, he finds out they moved back to Bristol full time and there's no more travelling. In turn, they spend more time with Tim, but it's also a strain on their relationships. Jack gets on Tim's case about school, and Janet becomes Tim's manager and pressures him about skating. So Tim doesn't get to visit the rink as often anymore because of his workload. Like, he's in the gym 24/7, does his schoolwork online (he's grades ahead), doesn't ever get a break. Meanwhile, Jack and Janet are always fighting and sort of using Tim as an outlet/weapon against the other.
Buuuuuut, when he does visit, he meets Jason, Cass, Cassie, Bart, and Kon through the connection with Steph and other unnamed rink friends. They start getting to know Tim through the times that he's at the rink, and Steph, who is Janet's #1 hater and an instigator at heart, starts pushing for the vigilantes to look more into Tim's life and befriend him.
The dynamics at play are super funny because Steph and Tim are a vigilante. "A" vigilante, as in sharing the same identity. Tim doesn't have the time in his schedule to go out there, so Steph takes up that part of the role and they share this identity together- Steph taking out the bad guys as "Bird Watcher" and Tim doing the computer/tech work as "The Ornithologist". They're both detectives in their own right and work so well together that it's incredibly hard to distinguish that they aren't one person. They both know that the Bats are the Bats, but the Bats are unaware that these two are the same vigilante they've been trying to figure out for years now.
The rest of the family meets Tim through Jason's hockey stuff, away from Janet and just who he is as an individual. And then they see his figure skating side and the dynamic he has with Janet when Cass enters the same competitions as Tim. (This is my world and they compete against each other.) Obviously, Bruce sees this black haired, blue eyed kid who has parents that treat him like shit and goes "Another one, thank you!" So Tim ends up getting closer to them that way and Steph (again, Janet's #1 hater and looking for members for her club) is having the time of her life causing chaos on the side.
There is... a "tiny" little detail that I won't share yet, cause I truly do want to write this au at some point, and it's way more fun to see people react in real time to it. (I have SOOOO many Tim aus it's not even funny. Blame alighterwood for that.)
Also YESS Tim and Janet are so alike but so completely different it makes me CRAZY
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shadowqueenjude · 3 months
Coming out with my truth 🙋‍♀️
So I read the Throne of Glass series before I read the ACOTAR series, and you know my favorite character is Lorcan (Chaol is a close second). And when Azriel was first introduced, I thought he seemed similar to Lorcan in many ways:
1. Being preoccupied with the same woman for 500 years
In Lorcan’s case, it was a little different. We don’t know when exactly Maeve took Lorcan in, but he reads as a teenager. Imagine being a poor kid on the streets, having these death powers you’re terrified of. Then this beautiful, rich queen takes you in and tells you you’re worthy and gives you a home and a life and a purpose. It’s only natural to develop an idyllic relationship and even a crush on them, especially when they’re actively manipulating you and abusing you using the blood bond. Unfortunately, poor Lorcan had no idea what the fuck love even was, so he thought it was love. Then he met Elide, his mate, and realized it was not.
In Azriel’s case, it seems like he’s convinced he’s unlovable and therefore he has latched onto Mor because he knows he has no chance with her (as she prefers women) but she’ll also never go away (or so he thinks). There are no stakes in going after someone like that, and so he continues to do it. When he finally stops going after Mor, he latches onto Elain instead, another unavailable woman. Because no matter how much he rants and complains about the cauldron, Elain is still Lucien’s mate and will never be able to give herself fully to him. I must confess I was genuinely shocked that Moriel at some point was endgame, but I am not at all surprised she retconned it because it would’ve been extremely icky.
2. Their mates are exceptionally well loved by everyone who meets them and they both have a cunty “mean girl” bestie who would literally die for them. Elide’s “mean girl” bestie is Manon, of course. Gwyn’s “mean girl” bestie is my bbg Nesta.
3. Both of them have strange shadowy “death powers” that are so rare and unheard of that no one really knows what they’re about.
4. Both of their mates have experienced some kind of SA.
Now, many characters have, but the reason it’s so important for these two characters particularly is how much it has affected them compared to other characters. Elide and Gwyn’s arcs, in many ways, revolve around their experience. Gwyn’s journey from being raped and rescued and brought to Night where she mainly lived in the library, afraid to come out because of what happened to her. Then later learning the mental and physical techniques of the Valkyries to eventually overcome it to an extent (but she still returned to the library at the end of ACOSF which shows she hasn’t fully recovered).
Elide’s SA in the Morath dungeons leading to her having difficulty believing in the goodness of men. In her POV saying that the only way she’d ever feel desire is with someone who she trusted so deeply all the horrors went away. Her finding that in Lorcan. Her journey from being a scared woman with some wits to being the bad bitch who lifted Lorcan’s axe to kill the ilken and came up with the plan to destroy Erawan.
Also a bonus: Azriel and Lorcan are the subbest men SJM has ever written😂
Things that we saw with Elorcan that I think we’ll see with Gwynriel:
In Kingdom of Ash, there is a scene where Elide watches Lorcan torture someone and she does not balk from it. I believe Gwyn will have a similar moment with Azriel.
With Elide, we saw her make the first move on Lorcan. Just like that, I think Gwyn will be pursuing Azriel.
We eventually saw Elide take up a leadership position as Lady of Perranth. I believe we’ll see something similar when Gwyn becomes the High Priestess of Prythian.
That was long. Anyway if you read this far thank you!
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hello! can i req a Mary Satome x fem! reader where reader is oblivious to mary’s hints and clues? maybe mary says onetime like “maybe we can be more than friends, y/n.” and she’s like “omg! so like bffs??” and mary’s like Omfg and leaves, maybe later, idk like mary kisses the reader and she’s like “HUH” idk how to end it but maybe something cute at the end? Ty!!
What Isn’t Clicking?
Mary Saotome x She/Her Reader
A/N: Thanks for the cute request. Hope you like the result! Word Count: 900
“Oh my god, Mary! You did it!” (Y/n) stood from her chair so fast, it scrapped against the floor. She wrapped her arms snuggly around Mary’s rigid shoulders and hugged her tightly, even shaking her a bit in her excitement.
“You totally saved my life! What would I do without you?”
“You’d have a tag around your neck and have not a single yen to your name, probably.” Mary grumbled, her cheeks just a tad rosy from the attention. She attempted to distract herself by counting and neatly packing away their winnings.
“So true bestie. Gambling is hard enough without everyone trying to cheat all the time. I barely knew the rules as they stood, so they shouldn’t have felt the need to try to cheat at all! Good thing I can count on you to tell me what’s up, you’re the best.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Mary held (Y/n) out at arms length so she could get up from her seat, but did not protest when (Y/n) looped her arms around one of hers only a moment later when they exited the gambling den. “Let’s get lunch.”
They left their competition to wallow with their heads in their hands, (Y/n) still singing praises on Mary’s behalf. When (Y/n) began turning in the direction of the cafeteria, Mary pulled her back on the path to the school’s main entrance.
“Let’s go out to eat, I don’t feel like dealing with Yumeko and Ryota today. It’ll be my treat.”
“Really? Another reason why you are my best friend to add to the list!” (Y/n) grinned.
Mary inhaled deeply. Now might be a good time to finally broach the subject she had been working up the courage to ask about for nearly a half a year.
“Do you ever think about being more than friends?”
(Y/n) blinked twice, then smiled wide… oh, here it comes! She must be going to say yes with a smile that cute! Mary felt like her heart just might pop out of her chest.
“Like best friends forever?” The clueless reply came and for the first time since they met, Mary felt compelled to shake her like a rag doll. She took another deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“That’s not what I meant. At all.”
“What did you mean then?” (Y/n) titled her head to the side, “Super mega ultra best friends for ever? Hey, why are you walking so much faster all of the sudden?” (Y/n) picked up the pace so she could keep up with Mary’s stiff strides.
“Let’s just play the quiet game until we get to the restaurant.” Mary needed some time to recover from this new level of obliviousness (Y/n) had just unlocked.
“Ooo, this place is nice. Look at all these couples. It kinda looks like they’re all on dates.” (Y/n) chuckled.
Mary chose to ignore her observation in favor of checking in with the host. They were then ushered to a table and left alone with the menus.
“You actually had a reservation? When did you start planning this?” (Y/n) asked.
“A couple weeks ago.”
“Well, I think it’s really sweet that you decided to let me tag along. You try not to act so sentimental, but you really are a softy at heart. It’s been hard to find a moment to relax since Yumeko came along and Ryota can be so awkward. I never know what to say to him.”
“It’s been harder to spend time alone with you since those two idiots started tagging along, that’s for sure.” Mary grumbled.
“Aww, you really like me that much?”
“Yes,” she answered a bit harshly, “I like you more than I like anyone else.”
“Careful Mary,” (Y/n) giggled, “People might think you reeeeeaallllly like me if you keep saying nice things like that.”
“Oh, for the love of god!” Mary spoke loud enough that some of the other patrons turned to look her way as she stood to lean over the table and grab (Y/n) by the front of her jacket. “Just get over here!”
She pulled (Y/n) further over the table and kissed her hard. When she pulled away, she found a baffled look had washed over (Y/n)’s face. When she let go of (Y/n)’s jacket to sit back down, (Y/n) just sort of fell back instead of consciously deciding to sit.
“Oh,” she breathed, realization finally dawning, “oh, oh wow.”
“Do you get it now?” Mary blushed, the reality of her impulsive decision had finally hit her.
“Do you really mean it?”
“Why would I kiss you if I didn’t want to?”
“I don’t know! I just never thought you felt that way!”
“Well, not like I haven’t been pretty obvious this whole time. So… so what do you think? Was that okay? Did you like that?”
(Y/n) nodded, then said, “Yeah, yeah I did. Could we maybe… do it again?”
“Yeah… but maybe not right now.”
Mary’s eyes flicked to the side and (Y/n) felt her cheeks warm when she followed her eyes to the various patrons who were looking their way.
“Yeah, maybe later.” She whispered.
The rest of lunch went without incident and they left hand in hand and satisfied. When they returned to the school gates, (Y/n) pulled Mary towards the trees with a smile that held a bit of mischief. They may have arrived late to class sometime later.
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Kallus concept art- artificial leg
*long post ahead, let me rant about my art*
If you remember this post, then you know this has been sitting in my head for ages, but only lately I decided to start actually working on the fic to it, but it's going poorly in between The Fall of Fulcrum and my new multichapter fic I posted lately a blind man needs no looking glass (*wink* check them out). I also don't feel educated well enough to write the aftermath of loosing a limb and getting an artifitial one, at least not yet, I'll need to make a huge research on that before I write it (any of your suggestions are welcome)
I wanted to share this after the fic was published, but it's been waiting for so long that I just wanna post it regardless of the status of the story so here
Important note: If you use any of the art as reference for your fics, which you are welcome to do, it would be nice if you let me know and credit me (out of respect for my art but also I'll probably be super excited to read and see your work ♥️)
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In my idea for the fic, Kallus looses a leg as a result of a serious injury on a mission to break out some Imperial prisoners with the Ghost crew. He gets injured when he pushes Sabine out of the way of the explosion. I wanted to write the fic both for the reason of writing Whumped Kallus™ again (it's not my fault my boy is made to be hurt) and writing some of Sabine and Kallus Being Besties™ (I will never ever get tired of this friendship concept) but I only have one scene written so far, as I said, I need to make some research to continue and I'll post the story as soon as I think it's good enough. Don't know if it'll be a long one shot or a multichapter, but I know I wanna write it, so bear with me ♥️
Here are some closeups:
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I really took my time with the details here:
Kallus is wearing friendship bracelets from Sabine and Ezra
Sabine has pins with meanings (the logo of Phoenix Squadron, the number 5 for her "Spectre 5" title and an "S" for her name)
the meteor necklace decorated with golden and purple beads 💛💜
the leg was decorated by Sabine mainly, I changed the design a bit and played with the colors. The paintings include the Fulcrum logo, the logo of the Phoenix Squadron, the logo of the Rebellion Alliance and twin moons of Lothal from Fulcrum's codephrase as well as just some colorful splashes and patterns. Also, the story takes place before Hera was pregnant, but, just as in the original post, after Jacen comes around he likes to decorate it as well so we can thank him for adding a Tooka head, hearts and flowers to the foot
the card says "get well soon" and it was made for Kallus by the entire Ghost crew when Kallus was still unconscious and recovering in the medbay after loosing a leg- I have the interior already done and I'll post it another time with the explanantion of what's written inside, cause it's all in Aurebesh 💕
also putting Kallus in a crop top was something I just had to do for personal reasons also you are welcome✨
adding his freckles is always so rewarding
Sabine's shirt is covered in paint because of course it is
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
I think the one thing that still haunts me about lavender is all the time they wasted and spend with other people when they could’ve been together the entire time. Like it hurts my soul.
I know sometimes people will say things like “they had to suffer to get to where they are now/to realise they need each other” and stuff like that but no, I do not accept it.
They could’ve been together and try to heal together. Try to keep each others broken pieces together. With them, it didn’t even matter if their pieces mixed up because they’re Joel and Doc. They could’ve loved each other and held each other and they could’ve just been together.
And I know Joel has so much trauma with Sarah’s death but the way he treated Doc still gives me a bitter feeling and I don’t know if I ever truly forgot and forgave that, even at the end of lavender.
I have very strong feelings about QZ Joel and personally, I disagree with your friend that QZ Joel wouldn’t have been able to love someone. He was definitely closed off and grieving and terrified of letting people close again. But I think he actually needed someone to fight through his walls and armour and be there for him. Someone he can be open and honest and sad and scared and all these feelings, with.
He’s been the protector all his life. We all know Joel as the protector. But who has ever protected him? Tommy just left to join the fireflies, then joined Jackson and never even bothered to tell Joel he’s okay and safe. With Tess, sure they had each others backs but Joel was definitely the muscles and more of a protector. And obviously Ellie was a kid so she had to be protected.
I think if there was someone in the QZ just really there for him, putting in effort and fighting to get through to him… I think that would’ve been so important to Joel. I don’t think he was some emotionless asshole some people say he was. (And I don’t mean you or in Lavender! But many people see him as this hard killing machine lol) He’s been through so much shit and always did so much for other people. I think he really needed someone to do things for him for once. And I think that person would’ve meant the world to him and yes, he would’ve been absolutely terrified of losing them. I’m sure there would’ve been moments where he just wants to run but I do think he would’ve been able to love. Joel loves so deeply and sincerely, I don’t think he could’ve stopped himself with the right person….
Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk. Lavender still haunts me deeply apparently lmao HAVE FUN with you friend!!! 💕💕💕
Hi Bestie!!!
OK so I love these thoughts because YES I feel like Lavender, while it ends happily, is a tragic story. They lost so much time and they were in so much pain.
That being said… I’m not sure it really could have gone any other way for Joel, for a few reasons.
Joel is, I think, the opposite of an unfeeling person. I think he’s a person who feels very, very deeply and that’s what makes it unsafe. Post-outbreak Joel is defined by loss and his inability to live with loss. Everything he does, to a certain extent I think, he does to not suffer that again. He does literally anything to protect Tommy. He keeps some kind of distance from Tess. In Lavender, he forced the one person who makes him feel deeply as far away as he can manage to keep her. To his traumatized mind, loving someone too much is a death sentence. He loved Sarah, she died, he almost died, too. His animalistic hind brain sees love as a threat, the same way it does a gun or a knife. Feeling that way activates his fight or flight because his survival brain goes FEELING THIS WAY LEADS TO DEATH. In Lavender, he fights this feeling for months but he’s living in a constant state of deep, intense fear and panic. Doc tries desperately to help him integrate into the QZ and help him process his feelings and tries to take care of him but his trauma brain won’t let her.
The other core issue is I don’t think he really can recover while in the QZ. Living under military occupation is too close to the source of his trauma. There are armed soldiers everywhere, he sometimes needs to burn children’s bodies - children who were killed by soldiers (even though they were infected at the time.) There are nothing but constant reminders that the thing that damn near killed him is still a threat, he cannot put himself at risk. It’s no coincidence that he can’t really let himself love Doc until they’re outside the QZ and he has some semblance of control, that’s the first time he’s been outside that state of panic since Sarah died.
I guess it’s less that I feel like Joel couldn’t love someone - he loved Doc pretty much since the day he met her, he never stopped, even when he was at his coldest and leaving her - but that his trauma response would be actively trying to keep him from doing it. Being with someone, embracing how he feels about someone, would be like constantly standing in the middle of a wildfire and not trying to escape it. I’m not sure anyone can really survive that for a few months let alone a decade and a half, even someone who loves as strong as Joel.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!! I love hearing things like this and I love that my fic made you think and consider this and I love the character of Joel so much. He’s so rich and dynamic and exploring things like trauma through him is so rewarding.
Thank you for reading! Love you!!
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h-doodles · 1 year
hi, can I ask for your top ten favorite fics ? :)
Hi anon hiiiiiiii welcome!!! u caught me at a good time, ur soooo lucky bc i just glanced at my notifs and saw this ask get sent <3 KDBDKDKK its been literal years since i checked my ask box 👉🏻👈🏻
BUT ANYWAY! top 10 of all time???? be warned that while i am currently enchanted with ONE (1) 6 ft 3 in actress, I still do consider myself a girlie with varied tastes so. my old & other fandoms are mixed in my current list!
without further ado:
#10: knowledge for knowledge's sake by tigriswolf (ao3) || quite an old piece detailing how a change in the personality of one Hermione Granger could have had a massive impact to the story— and while I don't fuck with JKTerfling, the fics I've read from the old fans in the HP fandom are still honestly, some of the BEST I have EVER read. This one in particular irrevocably changed me as a teen, and is one story that I continue to draw inspiration upon when I create dark!AUs for my SI/OCs.
#9: Zutopia by itslivybear (ao3) || the fluff, the worldbuilding, an AU where Izuku is mentored by our beloved Rat God & together, they fix the world problems? GIRLIES catch me forever LOVING this concept like you could NEVER believe <3
#8: (not so) Bad Idea by @sarahpaulsonsoftie (tumblr post) || HEE HEE ITS LIVING IN MY MIND RENT FREE LIKE HELP THESE BITCHES GAY!!!!!! GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!!! ft a meddling plantita who really mothered; Marilyn Thornhill <3
#7: Hold my Soul by connyhascontrol (ao3) || I got into Trixie/Katya completely by one @montaguehphm introducing me to UNHhhh (HIIIIIII bestie I hope everything is going good and that ur gay keeps slay <3) and I haven't recovered ever since— reading the fics by writers on AO3 was a happy little accident, but one i will FOREVER love, nonetheless. Anyway, this particular fic was SO brilliantly original and YET so entrenched in the personalities between T&K that it ABSOLUTELY just wrecks me everytime I reread it. anyways hi @connyhascontrol pls know ur brilliant <3
#6: I think I'm gonna call him out by hellelf (ao3, users only) || again, another AU for Hermione fic, that's chockfull of world building and interesting relationships! It's been unupdated from its 5 chapters since 2021, but I still LOVE to look back at it from time to time 💖
#5: The Confectionary Chronicles series by cheshire_caroll (ao3); Into the Black series by angelholme (ao3); Hermione Granger & the Serpent's Renaissance series by epsi1on (ao3) AND New Blood by artemisgirl (ff.net) || if it's not evident, i am an absolute slut for fics ft. Hermione being badass & put into a v cool plot w/ insane amounts of world building, so yeah, def a top 5 most contender <3
#4: The Infinitely Curious Woman by chararii (ao3) || literally ALL of their fics are absolute bangers, and while I forever mourn their decision to stop all Naruto fics thanks to the great harddrive incident of 2022, I have nonetheless the GREATEST respect to their skill & talent to bring SUCH LIFE to their stories. In particular, I chose this particular fic of theirs because the premise of Sakura making her own way by shedding off her morality the more she learned & got influenced by her 2 greatest teachers was absolutely nothing short of DIVINE. It was and IS such an inspiration to read, reread & explore, and I will forever love @chararii for this brilliant piece of a fic
#3: The Endgame that never was series by @heleneplays aka me (tumblr masterlist) || ok I know this seems self-absorbed but DEAR MOTHER OF CHRISTIE i literally WENT OFF for a whole ass day and a half going feral for the Relics of the Lost Age series book 3 finale (hi @jamesshawgames pls know im still here and STILL simping even tho i am currently having a brainrot for a different thing on main sjdhdkdk i hope ur doing well dearest mr. chief author sir!!!!) and created this series from my dreams + nonstop ben&ben playlist— and honestly, I think it's VERY sexy of me <3 bc I rarely like things that I do after a while, but THIS— alongside Universal Constant (ao3) are truly my BEST work <3
#2: Across the Stars by nomisunrider (ao3) || I CAN NEVER STRESS THIS ENOUGH, HOW MUCH THIS FIC ALTERED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY LIKE. its been 4 YEARS since it was completed but HOLY. MOTHERFUCKING. GOD. The story between Michael & Philippa persisting beyond the odds, in a twist of the canon happenings in Star Trek: Discovery is FOREVER ingrained in my heart and soul and honestly once again THANK YOU @nomi--sunrider for SUCH a beautiful story 🥺🥺🥺
and drum roll please!!!
#1 (current): I literally cannot pick between Better than Gold + Little Cat by @lady-dimimi / @azu-zu (tumblr post for BtG | LC ao3); How to woo a Hot Principal by @softshrimpy (ao3); and Lipstick Stains by @weemssapphic (ao3) || LIKE HOLY SHIT THE FUCKING AMOUNT OF TALENT, PLOT, FLUFF, DRAMA AND UTTER GAYNESS THESE FICS BRING ME— its SOOOOO insanity inducing in the best of ways <3 also, i really count myself lucky to get into a very active (x reader) sphere LIKE ITS SOOOOO INSANE i get to consume CONTENT daily for such wonderful characters and these special morsels be like. authors, I am sending you all a MWAH from me
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up-in-space-reading · 1 month
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 2: Motorbikes and Movie Nights
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 1908
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: i was gonna wait until i had more written to post another chapter but i felt bad making you wait so here is another chapter! i wanted to title this chapter differently but the one i first came up with rhymes so we've GOTTA stick with that.
Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy!! <3
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Jimmy Jabbers
[11:23am, Thursday]
Queen G: okay we NEED to go to a party this weekend or im gonna start pulling my hair out Queen G: im being semi-serious btw
RoRo: name a time and place RoRo: I just show up if I feel like it
Pineapples: gina ur a genius Pineapples: party this weekend is a m u s t
Mr Grapes: I’m in but does anyone even know someone having a party
Four Eyes: I’m with Rosa, name the time and place and I’ll see if I can make it
Queen G: firstly – ur not getting out of this one amy, nice try tho Queen G: secondly – charles I know MANY people and at least one of them will be having a party Queen G: give me 10 and I’ll sort everyones weekend plans
Pineapples: love u gina
Queen G: thank u
Sexy Bitches
[11:28am, Thursday]
Sexy: what are ur weekend plans ter?
Ter Bear: James is throwing a party at ours on Saturday. Claims its his birthday but his birthday is in summer
Sexy: and im assuming ur gonna invite ur bestie gina?
Ter Bear: Sure, but you can’t DJ
Sexy: seriously??? Sexy: what if i sent u my playlist Sexy: u can make an informed decision
Ter Bear: Fine, but I’m not making any promises
Jimmy Jabbers
[11:33am, Thursday]
Queen G: great news! Queen G: ter bear having a party at his
Pineapples: count me in!
Mr Grapes: me too!
RoRo: yeah sure
Four Eyes: I don’t know..
Pineapples: still recovering from the last party??
Four Eyes: Very much so Four Eyes: I’ll come but no drinking
Queen G: boooooooo
Four Eyes: I’ll be designated driver?
Queen G: amy ur the beessttt
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:38am, Thursday]
Ferris: u dont have to come
Cameron: I know, I’ll probably regret if I don’t though. My mother keeps bothering me to make sure I’m making the most out college
Ferris: what if making the most out of it is being a regular in the library and handing assignments in a week early Ferris: has ur mom ever considered that
Cameron: Haha I don’t think she has but I’ll bring it up next time she calls me
Ferris: tell her i said that Ferris: i want credit
Cameron: Will do
Jimmy Jabbers
[9:06pm, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Leaving my dorm now, you all better be ready. Meet you in the parking lot.
Queen G: rosa and i on our way
Pineapples: charles and i also on our way
Four Eyes: Can’t believe I wasn’t invited to any of the getting ready sessions?!
Queen G: we were pregaming Queen G: next time u will be invited
Four Eyes: Fine. Now get your asses down here.
[10:04pm, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Can’t believe I’ve already lost Rosa, does anyone know where she is?
Queen G: with me Queen G: we’re dancing and drinking
Four Eyes: Fantastic
[11:24pm, Saturday]
Pineapples: anyone seen amy?? Pineapples: cant find her
RoRo: shut up or come to the kitchen and drink peralta
Queen G: charles hitting on a girl Queen G: trainwreck
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:26pm, Saturday]
Ferris: where r u?
Cameron: Outside, it was too loud inside
Ferris: u okay?
Cameron: I’m fine, will be in soon
Jimmy Jabbers
[12:28pm, Sunday]
Pineapples: my whole body has dry mouth
Four Eyes: I’m not surprised considering you almost threw up in my car
Pineapples: worth it
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[12:43pm, Sunday]
Ferris: u alright?
Cameron: I’m fine, I just really don’t think I was in the mood for that party last night
Ferris: fair enough Ferris: when i feel like that i pretend to be a different person
Cameron: I’m not surprised you do that, maybe next time I’ll try it. For now I’m gonna focus on studying
Ferris: as if u need to do more
Cameron: There’s always new material to be worked on, you know
Ferris: news to me lol
Jimmy Jabbers
[06:54pm, Tuesday]
Pineapples: calling it now Pineapples: anakin is darth vader
Four Eyes: Wait what???
Mr Grapes: jake, have you ever seen star wars??
Pineapples: this is my first time! Pineapples: i get why people like these
Four Eyes: Oh my God..
Pineapples: i gotta ask tho Pineapples: why the purple lightsaber
Mr Grapes: don’t worry about it, it really doesn’t matter
Pineapples: sure thing!
[07:45pm, Tuesday]
Pineapples: im literally so smart guys
Four Eyes: Jake in the nicest way possible, everyone knew about Anakin
Pineapples: seriously??
Queen G: even i knew that and i dont watch movies like that
Pineapples: aw man…
RoRo: Jake ‘I worked out that Anakin was Darth Vader all on my own’ Peralta
Pineapples: idc i still liked the movie
Bi Besties
[04:02pm, Wednesday]
Dagger: if you message me one more time about this I’ll burn your die hard poster
El Baboso: i know about motorbikes I swear!
Dagger: gina knows more about motorbikes than you do
El Baboso: wanna take that bet?
Dagger: NO JAKE
Jimmy Jabbers
[04:04pm, Wednesday]
Pineapples: @Queen G can u name some motorbikes?
Queen G: sure thing babe Queen G: bike 1, bike 2, bike 3, bike 4, bike 5, bike 6, harry Harley, harriet Harley, henry Harley, hobie Harley, hotel Harley, and bike 7
RoRo: I have nothing to say
Pineapples: check. mate.
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[08:03pm, Friday]
Ferris: amy can i be super honest with u rn?
Cameron: Of course, is everything okay?
Ferris: this is hard for me to admit tbh Ferris: but ive gotta do whats best
Cameron: Jake, you’re making me worried
Ferris: i need help
Cameron: Are you alright? What’s going on?
Ferris: im behind on assignments and idk what im doing Ferris: can u help me???
Cameron: That’s it?! You scared the hell out of me! Cameron: Yes, I can help you with the assignments as long as you don’t do that again
Ferris: pinky promise! Ferris: library tomorrow??
Cameron: Sounds good
Dance Squad
[01:32pm, Saturday]
G-Hive: ive just gotten some incredibly interesting news
Charlese: dish sis!
G-Hive: ignoring that G-Hive: jake and amy are studying together at the library
Scary: and?
G-Hive: and?! G-Hive: they’re getting cozy
Charlese: they didn’t invite anyone else? that’s weird
G-Hive: i never thought id say this but thank you charles! G-Hive: you get it!!
Scary: so what, you think there’s something happening?
G-Hive: nothing serious because its just studying but voluntarily spending time alone together G-Hive: bit suspish if u ask me
Charlese: its all coming together and im on track to win this bet Charlese: get ready to pay up guys
Scary: absolutely not happening, just because they’re studying alone together doesn’t mean they’re gonna get together in the next three weeks
G-Hive: but its a step in the right direction
Charlese: i still have confidence
Scary: and its still misplaced
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[10:06am, Wednesday]
Cameron: Holt has just sent out an email cancelling this afternoon’s class, do you want to go to the library and work on your assignments for a bit?
Ferris: thats great news i should really check my email more Ferris: library sounds good as long as we get food Ferris: im hungry
Cameron: Did you not have breakfast this morning?
Ferris: ran out of fruit loops Ferris: heartbreaking tbh
Cameron: Your nutrition (or lack thereof) scares me
Ferris: thank u!
Jimmy Jabbers
[09:35pm, Thursday]
Queen G: manifesting that one day ill have a famous bf
RoRo: are you doing anything to actually achieve that goal?
Queen G: chris evans is bad in bed and if he wants me to stop saying it he’ll have to come prove me wrong
Pineapples: i second that!!
[11:32am, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Does anyone want to come get lunch at Sal’s?
Queen G: cant, getting my nails done
RoRo: also can’t, gina dragged me to her nail appointment
Pineapples: yeah im down for lunch
Mr Grapes: I’m ordering in Ethiopian so I’ll pass Mr Grapes: next time though!
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:34am, Saturday]
Cameron: Meet outside the building?
Ferris: see u in a few!
Dance Squad
[11:34am, Saturday]
G-Hive: its all happening babes
Scary: sure it is
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:08am, Friday]
Pineapples: i wanna start by saying that i will NOT be held accountable for my own actions Pineapples: now, free of judgement Pineapples: how do i get red wine out of carpet
[01:13am, Friday]
Pineapples: you guys suck
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[01:16am, Friday]
*Ferris made an audio call to Cameron*
“Jake, what’s wrong?”
“I spilled a drink on the carpet of my dorm and I don’t know what to do, they’ll charge me to replace the carpet or something and I can’t afford that-“
“Okay okay, calm down it’s gonna be fine. What did you spill, and be honest with me”
“Red wine..”
“I wanted to try it because I’ve never had it before and I went to put the glass down on the table and miscalculated and knocked my hand and it spilled”
“Is your hand okay?”
“Yeah its fine”
“Okay great, the next time you drink red wine in your dorm I’m going to kill you. Now, you’re gonna need two cups of warm water, tablespoon of dish soap, tablespoon of vinegar and mix together. Pour on the stain in little bits and blot until its disappeared”
“You’re a lifesaver Ames, I owe you big time”
“Yes you do. Now I’m going back to sleep, goodnight”
[01:29am, Friday]
Cameron: 1 image attached Cameron: good as new!
[08:02am, Friday]
Ferris: I’m glad. Never drink red wine in your dorm ever again.
[10:12am, Friday]
Cameron: i promise!
The Night Boys
[10:15am, Friday]
Sidewinder: sorry I didn’t see your message in the chat Sidewinder: how did u go with the stain?
Deathblade: i called amy and she told me how to clean it up Deathblade: looks good as new now! Deathblade: 1 image attached
Sidewinder: THAT’S SO GREAT
Deathblade: thanks
Dance Squad
[10:17am, Friday]
Charlese: 1 image attached Charlese: well well well
G-Hive: boyle if u win this bet im going to delete my insta
Charlese: tempting offer but I’ll do you the kindness of just taking your $50
G-Hive: god i hate u
Jimmy Jabbers
[11:49am, Saturday]
Pineapples: anyone up for a movie night tonight?
Queen G: only if its a fun movie
RoRo: why not
Mr Grapes: absolutely!! looking through my DVDs as we speak
Four Eyes: Yeah sure, I could use a break
Pineapples: wonderful!! Pineapples: pls gather at mine at like 8 and bring ur best movie suggestion Pineapples: everyone give me money for Chinese food
Queen G: god ur cheap
Pineapples: im not made of money gina
Four Eyes: How much do you want?
Pineapples: lets call it an even $12 each
Mr Grapes: worth it for a movie night with my buds
RoRo: boyle ruined it
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[08:23pm, Saturday]
Ferris: btw i liked ur movie suggestion Ferris: even if gina didnt
Cameron: Thanks :)
Dance Squad
[09:03pm, Saturday]
Charlese: they’re sitting next to each other
G-Hive: and im sitting next to rosa G-Hive: doesnt mean we’re in love with each other
Charlese: its gotta mean SOMETHING
Scary: it doesn’t mean shit except that there’s hardly any seating in this dorm
Charlese: you guys have no sense of romance
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: Fun fact: that star wars thing is literally me, i didn't know anakin was darth vader and then guessed it when i watched the movies for the first time and everyone was like "you didn't know???!!!". The motorbike one is also a direct quote from my bestie <3
I tried to be less party heavy this chapter, they do have a life outside of going to house parties but i will warn the next chapter involves a party (i am gonna tease that there's non-texting writing in it tho). Also this chapter now with added terry for one of the lovely commenters on the first chap, it isnt much but i hope u liked it!
Thanks again, i love you!! <3 next chap will be out as soon as its done!
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
And we're back Bestie! Thanks for the patience while I recovered & got caught up w life.. I figured there wasnt much sense in providing a semi-coherent ask ha.
Ok so: First, it will make sense after reading but I so wish I could provide some pics for you via anon..
Went to the Sunday game. I didnt even ask to know in advance, but by chance the group/person that took responsibility for tickets to the game got seats a handful of rows up from behind the Dallas bench. I was just in disbelief w that given our jokes on the blog here. Our dear Lou is just so damn cute in person. And by every indication from that afternoon, an incredible teammate. Shes constantly supportive, super engaged, and you can tell things will come together for her before long on the court. Her being such a lovely professional didnt help lessen any appeal! 😣 Anywhooo it would be generous to say shot my shot Im afraid - but as luck would have it, there was a moment where she did a little happy dance spin around to the crowd when celebrating a teammates made 3 pointer (they led at this time) and ended up having genuine eye contact and a small smile back with me. So guess we can say there remains some small hope afloat for LouTea? Or at least argue that it wasnt an absolute failure by me on your behalf lol! My shy, yet somehow also overly confident self (maybe a certain attitude tends to come w being 5'2"?) will take it 🙈
So sitting where we did, actually found ourselves not far from Jacy Sheldons family who were at the game! Seemed nice, pretty quiet during the action. As a College WBB follower that was just kinda wild to me. And there was one other woman (maybe one more in the group) seemingly around Jacy's age w the fam in a custom top w her name, but I didnt recognize at a quick look. Dont think they were former teammate(s) though, so curious who they mightve been? Dont know much about JS off the court. Last but not least, a little down from me, I kid you not there was a woman wearing a VT Kitley jersey. I could only die laughing internally to myself, thinking of sharing this later. Not the most implausible place/location to see one tbf, but we honestly cant escape the OG lore!
Anyways the event was a great time all around. Highly recommend a WNBA game to anyone ofc. I was happy to see a Mystics win (and an interesting game) since Im usually bad luck for my/home pro teams in person.
Actually P.S. Li has such a cool vibe! Very sad to not get to watch her play but gives a fun, animated energy from the bench, to her credit. Easy to see why shes so well liked. And I dont know if you happened to see Shakira Austin that day, but holy hell. She is so tall and so stunning it blows the mind in real life. And while Kira is actually single (perhaps a nice fyi for some of you), I should be clear, Lou doesnt need to worry at all about competition. Theres no way little, sweet me would ever dare to handle a 6'5" woman with such a crazy side 😅 said with complete and total affection for her
Ok I should stop. 🫶
Ahh unfortunately you can't send pic on anon. You can dm them to me if you'd like but it's totally fair if you wanna just stay an anon, I'mma just imagine the pics!
DAMN bestie I'm jealous of those seats but I'm so happy for you and so happy you got to see Lou so close! Awww I knew Lou was a sweetheart but I love hearing that for you. OMG DO I SENSE A MEET CUTE? She was dancing and then your eyes met? Personally I think that's a sign! I'M STARTING BRIDESMAIDS DRESS SHOPPING! You know what babes, I think you did great, just means you needa go to another game of hers and shoot another shot! Also hi twinnnn, I'm also barely 5'2 lol
I LOVE JACY! And her relationship with her sister is so sweet so that's so nice you saw her family! That's inchrestingggg info. I guess it could be a cousin but hmmm?
LMAO ofc there was something VT/Kitley related there, of course
Glad you got to see a W! And Li sounds amazing, I hope you get to see her play eventually too. Ooooh I bet Kira was stunning in person like I find her so freaking gorgeous so this totally checks out.
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romanarose · 6 months
I know this is from the example, BUT I NEED ANSWERS. What if Sam met Becca? (thought please 💚) I think they would be beasties? Maybe even....... kiss??????? 👀👀👀
Sam: Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside Becca: Seattle
For the sake of simplicity, since sam is dating Marc and Steven and Becca is dating Marc, lets say in this though experiment, Steven and Marc are separate bodies, Sam is dating Steven and Becca is dating Marc.
They would get on immidietly. Like so fast. Both are characterized highly by empathy, boldness, zest for life. Maybe Sam was the daycare provider for Becca and Marc's kids, or maybe they met going to the same temple. Either way, besties so fast. Marc and Steven, OFC, would become best friends, the four of them hanging out.
Sam and Steven canonically are childfree by choice, but Sam absolutly adores children. She has a lot of younger siblings and now her sister, Teresa, had a son that Sam and Steven help watch some weekends. Between this and Sam's normal family drama, realistically Sam and Steven don't have a shit ton of time, but still Sam loved to take Marc and Sam's twins overnight sometimes to give them a break.
Sam and Becca and Marc all grew up in abuse, so they would all empathize with each other. Steven would be there to support them. Sam and Becca both suffered from sexual violence in different ways and as much as they love their husbands they find sollice in understanding each other. Becca's face is visibly and permantly scared by the burns from her ex-husband, but she doesn't let that get her down. Sam would find her so inspirational. Sam has many visible scars she's ashamed of, and Becca's confidence helps her see her scars with pride. They overcame things.
After Becca's chemical relaxer came out and slowly her hair recovered, the changes she made to her appierence to appease Jack, to make herself look less Jewish, it faded away and soon enough her thick, poofy, brown hair was back. It was cut short, just how she likes it. Sam also went through a change. After Jordan's attack, Sam chopped off her long red hair and dyed it brown. Pretty much right away she started growing it out again lol. Sam and Becca both got very thick hair. I bet they share hair care tips. Becca is def not the kind of girl do to a whole lot with herhair, prefering to hair hats, ponytales, and hankerchiefs; whatever keeps it out of her face. To be clear, Sam doesn't try to change her or make her more "girlie" but sometimes Becca does like to dress up nice and do something with her hair. She still dresses like herself, don't worry.
Maybe Sam does her hair for the wedding.
as for KISSING!
Sam is bi coded most of the series, and by the last chapter I think it's Steven and Marc that are explaining to an oblivious Jake that shes bi. Sam doesn't really connect the dots at this point until her shit-ass dad tells her everyone assumed she was a lesbian until she started dating Steven.
Becca was never really stated one way or another. In fact, her only relationships with Jack and Marc. most of Becca's life was about survival and her intimate friendship with Marc didn't exactly make her look too available. Then she mat Jack and they were married really fast, like within a year. then were married for a few years at least? Then after Marc rescues her, she doesn't date anyone until she's ready to date marc. All that too say, she didn't really have much time to think about it.
But Fen, i will rarely if ever say no to a bisexual head canon in my series. IF YOU WANT SAM AND BECCA TO KISS< SAM AND BECCA WILL KISS!
thank you for the ask fen <3
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@bytepire sent: talk about lizzy and doll! your thoughts on their relationship, lizzy's opinions on the absolutesolver program that doll is using, just gimme allll the deets
Let me ramble | VERY SELECTIVELY accepting
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// OOOHOHOHOHOHO, FASTEN UR SEATBELT, 'CAUSE I AM GONNA GO ON ABOUT LIZZY AND ALL THAT'S HAPPENED TO HER AND HER FRIENSHIP WITH DOLL. Although I am gonna try and put everything in order so that my ramble about her truly makes sense, so bear with me here.
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// So to start, before everything went down, Lizzy's life was pretty much great. She was one of the most popular folks in RoboPrep school alongside her best friend Doll and some others, and they would do everything together-- from slumber parties to ditching class to teasing the Purple scrub who's always rambling about killing all humans and railguns. Life, as they both know it, is great-- they wouldn't have it otherwise.
Doll is the friend she's known the longest, as they met when they were literal Babies/Untrained Neural Networks. She doesn't even mind Doll and her family's faulty vocal chips (which make them speak Russian rather than common). Though to be fair, it's not something drones would mind anyways as they are programmed with a built-in translator in their brains, but I digress. In fact, it was thanks to Doll that Lizzy learned she likes girls. Doll happened to be her first crush, too.
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Then, the Purple Scrub leads the murder drones to the colony, and while some drones die and most survive, there IS a major difference afterwards. For starters, Doll is more... quiet. Distant. Not as happy as she used to be, as if something happened to her. And when Lizzy asks? Doll reveals that her family had been killed by a murder drone that calls itself 'V'. Lizzy at first assumed she's joking (as her own father survived so Doll's parents must have too), but when she actually goes to Doll's house that weekend? She realizes that it wasn't a joke. Doll's parents are actually dead. It's... a shock, but Lizzy doesn't think about it too much. Until one day, by circumstance, a murder drone sneaks into her room with intention to kill-- the same drone that killed Doll's mom and dad. But while initially frightened, Lizzy manages to keep V from killing her by feigning immediate attraction to her and promising 'friendship'. V is confused slightly, but views it as a chance to trick a dumb worker into letting her kill everyone and... goes along with it.
Doll eventually discovered this when Lizzy shared a photo of herself and V by accident, and so shecalled Lizzy over saying "I want to show you something". Lizzy, of course, visited her bestie, and what happened next shocked her; Doll stated that ever since her parents died, she's had this... new ability... inside of her. She even showed her some of what her new ability could do. And seeing her friendship with V, she offered a proposition; Lizzy keeps up the friendship so that Doll can get some good ol' fashion payback. Which involved killing the Prom queen candidates. Of course Lizzy was against it at first due to having a weird gut feeling about Doll's new power, but relented because Doll was her friend and no one would miss a Murder Drone, right?
Well, as the deaths counted up and Prom day grew closer, Lizzy was kept in the dark about what Doll was specifically doing with the bodies, and when the day finally came, she found herself warning V-- who she thought she'd never get attached to-- to RUN. Of course that failed, and V was trapped and Lizzy was flung away as what was basically a massacre broke out. She recovered and helped N and V fix themselves before escaping home, and after that called Doll to see if she was okay. But... nothing. No responses, even after a message spam or two. As if Doll's just... gone. And that hurts.
For the following days up until the camping trip actually arrives, Lizzy was constantly wearing a vapid facade, hiding behind empty popular girl smiles. She acts like she's 'replaced' Doll with Rebecca and some other popular drones, but... she hadn't. She missed Doll greatly now that she had just... vanished, and nothing was the same anymore. Not even wiping her feet all over that Purple-eyed freak was as fun anymore.
Of course, said freak later turns into a monster and massacres the class. And while some drones make it out alive (Lizzy included again), at this point, she is... utterly traumatized, using her phone to get her mind off of everything and not doing a good job at it.
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By now, her perfect life is in shambles. She's lost a lot of people close to her, the purple freak is even MORE unapproachable and not just because of her ugly fashion sense but because she just ate almost everyone in the most violent and gruesome way possible. And Lizzy herself played a part in her snapping, for all she knows. And worst of all... Doll is gone. Following that failed plan to kill V, it's like her bestie dropped off of the face of Copper 9. She hasn't responded to any of her texts, and she's... probably dead for all that Lizzy knows.
Her best friend is dead for all she knows, and almost all of the popular kids she would even bother hanging around are all dead no thanks to that purple monster. By now, Lizzzy acts as if nothing is happening to her and her life is still the same 'alpha ritch girl', but... it's not. She's deeply traumatized from all that's happened to her, and she's wearing a smirky-face-mask to hide all that's bothering her ever since all that's happened.
She wants Doll to be okay. But the radio silence is making her lose hope. And she has no friends to talk about it to. And her father (AND teacher) is practically apathetic to everything so he's automatically no help. If that damn purple freak hadn't led those drones here, none of this would have happened. Doll would still be here. No one would be dead. She'd... still have her perfect life.
But she can't show anyone her sadness, not now. She still has to keep that smirky-face-mask on for a little longer.
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itlivesproject · 2 years
hellooo!!! happy holidays to my favourite people ever 💓💓 you treated us this week for sure 😏😏 here’s my chapter 19 thought dump!!
connor did NOT need to go for lincoln like that
oh god now he’s coming for abel
amalia slapped him😳😳😳 QUEEN
completely coincidentally my game crashed as connor was coming for rowan and it scared the life out of me
abel lunging forward to protect me … that’s my man!
you guys don’t know me personally so you won’t understand how precious the line “you don’t want anyone to think you’re too soft, too kind, too naive, but you know abel doesn’t think that. he thinks the world of you” is to me. i’ve been known to let people walk all over me, so that line really hit home, thank you
amalia and rowan having a bestie bonding moment🥹 THE HUG ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
abel screaming “I KNOW THATS WHAT IM SAYING” in response to rowan screaming on the rollercoaster is the funniest thing ever
hearing abel call rowan his girlfriend and him referring to himself as her boyfriend is all i’ve ever wanted for them😭😭
they do not kiss in the rain.
AVA’S DAD ?!?!
anyway! that chapter was such a rollercoaster (no pun intended😉) my emotions were EVERYWHERE you really fed us this week. as always, i love you guys and can’t wait to see what you bring next!! hope you all have a great christmas if you celebrate <3
-abel simp anon:)
This chapter be like:
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So glad you enjoyed it, from the sweet sweet Abel moments to the more angsty moments 😏 now full speed ahead to chapter 20!!!
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lanternlightss · 2 years
Hi yes I am looking at "to see the sky and sea" please elaborate 👀
shsjsjdkrkdlsk your wish is my command!
thank you for enabling me u_u
under the cut because i’m gonna ramble a Lot XD godbless the read more option
okay okay so first off: this all starts when nameless bard is Still Recovering from his Life-Threatening injuries. (actually, BOTH amos and and nb are recovering!)
so now when rag and gunnhildr get into a fight that venti cannot mediate they just 😦✌️to nb’s tent. rag always ends up dragging them back to Wherever the crew has set up shop but somehow venti always ends up back at nb’s side…..
trying to remember what i named nb in this au. it might’ve been cecil again……. hmm……..
actually vito (alive, life) would be so fucking funny—especially since nb and amos nearly die at one point during recovery.
anyways! got off topic a little! back on track….
so. so. ragnvindr has Many Many issues with venti taking vito’s form—most notably, he believes that vito does not want to be an image of worship.
(which. vito Doesn’t want to be, yeah. but, like, he’s never told rag that. a lot of misunderstandings come from rag assuming vito is going to die and putting words into his mouth.
he tries to do something of the same with amos, but stops soon after, because. amos would absolutely try to kick his ass. why he thinks vito won’t, who knows….
venti is very upset about that, because they are vito’s bestie and they know much more about him than anyone else does. ragnvindr hasn’t seen vito have countless breakdowns over the what-ifs and should-beens, he hasn’t seen vito at any low or high of his life up until this point. why does—why does he get ANY say in this matter?
but they keep that to themself, because the group is already so close to falling apart, and they don’t. they don’t want to lose any of them.
they can’t.)
to add insult to injury ragnvindr hardly ever visits amos or vito during their recovery. but when he Does, he’s strangely silent throughout it all. during visits to vito, he keeps an intense watch on venti the entire time, even waking up out of a dead sleep so he can continue watching.
it’s like he’s scared of venti.
it…. well, that doesn’t feel good, for one.
venti and gunnhildr are the ones to visit the most, and while gunnhildr visits amos the most, venti tries to give them both equal amounts of attention. they still, ah, do end up coming by vito’s tent more often XD.
mostly to sleep by them. (they can’t go to sleep without vito…)
because of this, venti is actually the first to see when vito awakes. they wake up to a hand running through their hair!
(and then they alert everyone by uprooting every flora in vicinity through the power of unbridled joy—)
so now vito is awake! and when he learns of what the hell has been going on with the other three, he’s very very pissed off!
he has quite a talk with ragnvindr (and a little talk with gunnhildr XD), and they manage to settle things…….. only for an absolute shit-fest to occur when ragnvindr keeps finding problems with venti taking vito’s form.
(also venti once entertained vito by taking many different forms and when vito asked them if they could look exactly the same, they kinda maybe completely forgot to change back—
um. yeah. that did not go well…….)
anyways so gunnhildr worships barbatos, vito is okay with barbatos because of the fact that venti is his friend, and ragnvindr does not like barbatos. (amos is still fighting for her life. tfw ur god lover took all the air out your lungs and fucked up your veins and nerves trying to take you out with him.)
but, as vito once puts it: “would you rather it be someone else, say, another decarabian? i imagine that andrius fellow would’ve made such an Amazing god, huh.”
hm. then again, ragnvindr tells vito he better be prepared to kill venti if they ever start to become like decarabian.
ah, such a pity, though.
vito could never lay a hand on venti.
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