#i do not want to update my theme to match this because i am very tired and still really like apples
staryarn · 1 year
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Wadda hael is a 'gender' ?
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
knock knock who's there it's me 🥺🥺🥺 politely asking for an update on de-aged max?
WHO'S THERE, oh yes, more de-aged Max.
(this link shows the stuff I’ve already posted in chronological order if the tag isn't working. But anyway, this bit follows directly on from this part.)
The package with the new nightlights in arrives after lunch, and Max pads silently around Daniel's apartment after him, watching him set them up. The Jimmy or Sassy cats come too, of course, winding their troublesome selves around Daniel's feet and the trailing wires. They are an accident waiting to happen, so Daniel tries to make Max giggle by doing a silly dance to step around the cats, but Max is quiet today, like Daniel's little shadow, and just hooks his little fingers through Daniel's belt loop.
There's a cat shaped light for the hall outside their bedrooms, and Daniel has to position it on a little stool because there's not a useful surface near the plug. It has a selection of settings, from a changing wave of colours to single colours at various brightnesses. Max carefully touches the cat's head, in between its ears, to get it to change colours, before settling on a soft blue glow. The one for the bathroom is shaped like an otter, and Daniel has to move some of their shit out of the way to find space for it on the counter. There's a new package of Pokemon-themed face cloths and towels and a matching toothbrush that he hasn't sprung on Max yet because he's waiting for bath time, a routine Max still does not approve of and Daniel hasn't figured out how to make fun yet. Max could go back to being big at any moment, but until he wakes up his normal size again, Daniel is committed to ensuring that Max is clean and fed and safe and warm for the duration, even if Max seems to believe that baths are a very bad thing indeed, and bath time in general is exhausting for them both.
Even given that Max does not approve of bath time, and he keeps wetting the bed and Daniel hasn't slept through the night since that brave little knock on his door last week, getting to spend all of this time with Max like this is great. He wouldn't change it for anything. He's sort of dreading the moment it all comes to an end and Max wakes up normal-aged again, if he's honest.
It doesn't make it any better, however, when it all goes wrong when Daniel tries to set up the night light he'd got for Max's bedroom.
"No," Max says, little arms folded, bottom lip jutting out, cheeks red.
"No?" Daniel asks, after he's tried to put the animal themed night light on the drawers by the bed more than once, and Max has pushed it away.
"No," Max says again, stamping his foot.
"Don't you like it?"
"I'm not scared," Max says. "Take it away."
Daniel hadn't been entirely certain if Max was afraid of the dark before he'd ordered the nightlights. It was another weapon in the online parenting websites' arsenal of tools to combat bedwetting, something he thought he might try, but one look at Max's bright, scared eyes as he mutinously maintains he doesn't need it, and Daniel is convinced he's terrified.
Which is— well.
"Okay," Daniel says. "That's okay, Maxy-Max. Can I tell you a secret?"
Max still looks mutinous. He hasn't unfolded his arms, his little bottom lip sticking out. He's frowning. It would be cute if Daniel wasn't secretly so worried.
"I'm scared of the dark," Daniel says in a whisper. "But I didn't want anyone to know, so I never had a light. But if you don't need this one, then maybe I can have it in my room, so I won't be scared any more. Do you think that might be okay?"
Max's expression does something complicated. His eyes have gone very wide. He's looking up at Daniel like he's one of those monkeys with the huge eyes. "You are not scared of the dark, Daniel," he says, after a moment of staring, unblinking, up at Daniel like a very worried little alien.
"I am," Daniel says. He lets that settle for a bit. Max looks worried, but he's also thinking. Daniel's learned to recognise that thinking face.
"But you're a grown up," Max whispers. He twists his fingers into Daniel's t-shirt, just above the waist, like he can keep hold of Daniel if Daniel tried to leave him behind. Daniel's not leaving him anywhere.
"Grown ups can be scared of things," Daniel says, in as gentle a voice as he can manage. "Big Daniels are scared of lots of things." Max looks amazed, and more than a little bit worried, which Daniel does not like. "I told you I was scared of the dark," Daniel says. "I don't like it in the middle of the night when I wake up and it's all dark. I don't like it when you go swimming in the sea and there are fish and they swim up to you. Sharks are scary too." He does a pretend full body shiver, to make Max laugh, but Max isn't laughing. He sits down on Max's bed, and pats the mattress next to him. Max obediently clambers up next to him, tucking himself into Daniel's side. "And can I tell you another secret?"
Max nods uncertainly. His fingers are pulling on Daniel's t-shirt, holding on tight.
"Charmander scares me," Daniel tells him, "because his tail's on fire."
Max's eyes go even wider. He blinks up at Daniel, then buries his face in Daniel's t-shirt, mumbling something that Daniel can't make out.
"What did you say, Maxy-Max?"
"You'll get in trouble," Max whispers, without unhiding himself from Daniel's shirt.
Oh, Daniel thinks, and does not cry. Instead, he wraps an arm around Max's shoulders. "It's okay to be scared of things," he says, without much hope that Max is able to listen and understand. "Nobody gets in trouble here for being scared of things. Everyone is scared of something."
Max shakes his head, face still buried in Daniel's side.
"Do you think you can help me set up my new nightlight in my bedroom?" Daniel says. "That way, tonight I won't have to be scared any more. And I was thinking that we could put the light on in the bathroom, and the one in the hall, and I'll keep my bedroom door open too, and then it'll be light if I wake up in the middle of the night. Is that okay, Max?"
Max tucks his hand into Daniel's, but won't let go of him.
"Do you want to sit here for a bit? We could look at your flag book for a bit, if you'd like. Have a cuddle."
Max shifts a little, face tucked into Daniel's side. "I know about your flags," he says, because they've been reading about Australia, and about Italy.
"You do," Daniel agrees, reaching for the flag book on the drawers by Max's bed. "Do you want to pick a page?"
Max flicks through his book for a while, before coming back to Daniel with the book open to the chapter on South America. If there's ever a point where Daniel is racing again, and there's a geography Grill the Grid, he's going to smash it. Race Max to the winning place. But not yet. Not just yet. Daniel leans down and kisses the top of Max's head.
Max looks up at him with a worried little smile.
"Do you know who my favourite little boy is?" Daniel asks.
Max's brow furrows. He shakes his head.
Daniel leans in and blows a little raspberry into Max's ear so that he giggles and squeezes Daniel's hand. "You, Maxy-Max. You're my favourite."
Max is quiet today. That's okay. His hand's tucked into Daniel's. One of the Jimmy or Sassy cats comes and sits on the other side of him, and Max strokes their little fluffy head. Daniel reads him the flag facts about Brazil, about Argentina, about Uruguay. Later, he can set up the nightlight in his bedroom, on the drawers by the door so it'll light up the hallway. He'll leave all the doors open so that the light will bleed into Max's room, and hopefully it'll help. Hopefully he'll let Daniel buy him his own nightlight. Maybe one day soon he can say that he's scared and not worry about getting into trouble for it.
Until then: this. He's okay.
Thank you to @flawlessassholes for reading this over! And the other lovely people who listen to me go on and on about small Max.
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ali3nboyfriend · 3 months
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a while back i was looking around for mods that give companions very subtle visual tweaks. i didn't want stuff that turned astarion into edward cullen, but i'd seen a few around that made minor edits to them that made their designs, in my opinion, just ever so slightly more interesting.
below the cut are my findings, some of which are illustrated above! the most major ones are total edits to karlach's face; the rest are hair changes, texture changes, and other small things.
Early Access Karlach - changes Karlach's face model to be more like her early access version. has optional dreads.
Karlach's Glowing Horns - makes the text on Karlach's horns glow and pulse. theoretically compatible with any mods that edit Karlach's face.
Datamined Karlach - another face mod, replaces Karlach's face with a datamined version. there are optional other edits to her eyes and hair.
Euphrosyne - Karlach Edits - various edits to Karlach's face and hair.
Wyll's Devil Form - the OG and what got me interested in finding and compiling mods like this in the first place. edits Wyll post-transformation to look more like a tiefling/devil.
Wyll's True Bloostone Eye - makes Wyll’s eye actually a bloodstone. imho this makes it pop way better.
EOW - Romantic Long Hair for Wyll - gives Wyll long dreads. compatible with Devil Form but you have to install the provided patch mod from the Devil Form page.
Portraits for Romantic Long Hair for Wyll - updates Wyll’s portrait to match the long hair mod.
Terpsichore - Wyll Edits - various edits to Wyll's face, hair, and clothes.
That Unsightly Mole - A Very Subtle Astarion Edit - makes Astarion’s mole slightly more prominent and optionally gives him white eyelashes. i am honestly obsessed with how it ages him.
Astarion's Earrings - earrings for Astarion. these are wearables and can be put in either the underwear slot or the helmet slot.
Astarion's Glasses - cute little grandpa glasses for Astarion. these are fucking adorable. requires Appearance Edit Enhanced.
Astarion's Gear - adds outfit and armor options specifically made for Astarion. admittedly this only technically follows the theme of this list, but I'm including it because I do really like these clothes for him.
Alt Lae'zelhawk - Hair Replacer - gives Lae’zel an undercut based off of this fanart.
Lae'zel Makeup Edits - various makeup edits for Lae’zel. the one that removes her eye makeup is the one i'm using in the screencap up top. it REALLY does something for her eyes.
Gale's Wizardly Updo - tbh this + the slightly older Gale mod are the only ones you need installed in your game ever. gives Gale a manbun.
Slightly Older (And Disheveled) Gale - exactly what it says on the tin. really gives Gale a little something i think he was missing before.
Unique Starter Robes for Gale and Camp Robes for Gale - makes Gale's starting armor more unique. the camp robes mod is the same set of robes, but as his camp clothes instead.
Gale's Concept Art Armor - gives Gale an armor set based off his concept art.
More Prominent Scars for Shadowheart - exactly what it says. there's a few different options as far as visibility and placement of her scars.
Shadowheart Hair Tweak - tweaks Shadowheart's hair to make it look less like a helmet. there's some options that only affect her bangs or her sides.
Asymmetrical Shadowheart Concept Outfit - gives Shadowheart the armor from her concept art.
Shadowheart's Tattoos - gives Shadowheart the tattoos from her concept art. made to go with the armor listed above.
Shadowheart Makeup Remover - takes off Shadowheart’s makeup. same as I feel with Lae'zel, this really does something for her eyes.
these are not in the same genre as the previous mods, but felt worth mentioning for making companions feel a little more alive.
More Camp Idles For Wyll And Astarion - gives Wyll and Astarion more idle animations in camp.
Astarion's Hairbrush Replacer - goes w the previous mod. gives Astarion a wide-toothed comb instead of a bristle brush so he doesn't damage his POOR FUCKING CURL PATTERN.
More Reactive Companions - makes companions in general more reactive by adding in banter lines you normally only get while playing as them.
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icejinlov3r · 6 months
ART CONTEST!!! - Frieza and Frost’s Fashion Show!!
So, I’m very much burnt out from writing (at least from my big stories, I’ll probably still drop occasional oneshots) and am taking a small hiatus. But turns hiatus can be a bit boring. So how am I gonna change that?
By hosting a random art contest for fun!!
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I thought this might be a fun little thing to drop. No idea how many participants they’ll actually be, but we’ll see 😁😁.
So, here’s how it’ll work. The theme will be my two fav bois, Frieza and Frost. Specifically, with the two of them wearing cute outfits that you guys come up with! There will be a time limit of one week (meaning March 26th, 2024 is the due date). And when that day comes, I’ll share everyone’s drawings in giant post - make it a little “fashion show” for everyone to see! And then the next day, I’ll set up votes so YOU guys can vote on the winner!
I’m gonna have votes set up for different categories too, such as “cutest outfits” or “most unique outfits” that people can also vote on. But the main winner at the end will get to request a drawing from me - on any character, fandom, or ship they want!
There are gonna be a few rules, but really it’s more like a guideline on the contest:
You don’t have to draw ship art of Frieza and Frost together - just a simple piece with these two wearing an outfit of your choice will suffice, or even two separate pics of each individual character will work (that said, ship art is welcome too).
They don’t have to wear matching outfits, have them wear whatever you come up with.
You are not limited just because both characters are male - you can dress them up in either male or female outfits, but they both only require ONE outfit each.
If you want to dress them up in outfits from a crossover show (for example, dress Frieza up as Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, etc) you can absolutely do that.
You can have Frieza and Frost be in any form you want - obviously most people recognize their final forms, but I’d be delighted to see them in their first forms, or Frieza in Golden Form.
Art can be digital or on paper, you’re free to choose.
You don’t have to follow me to participate - everyone is welcome!
Okay, now for the ACTUAL rules: please keep your outfits and drawings PG-13. I don’t know how many minors actually follow me, or look at my content, but I wanna make this available to everyone.
Leave some sort of signature on your art. I know most artists do anyway, but I don’t want anyone’s art to get stolen.
No AI art. I shouldn’t have to explain why.
And finally, please show good sportsmanship. No matter what category someone wins, or who wins the contest at the end, the point of this is just to have fun and show the creativity of many artists! If I catch word any any artists harassing me or other artists for any reason related to the contest, your art will immediately be disqualified. No if, ands, or buts. Be respectful.
Okay, I think that covers everything, but if I need to, I’ll update this later. Like I said, you have one week to submit your art. You can either DM it to me in my private messaging, or send it in my inbox - just don’t do it anonymously, otherwise giving proper credit to your art will be much more difficult. In any case, good luck, and I can’t wait to see your guy’s art!
@anonymous-harpy @bluberryboom @justme068 @purrfectcellz @gojiberry-bbq @airplaneear2 @amiz06-certified-b1mb0
(These are just great artists I’m tagging to see if they’re interested 😊)
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runwayrunway · 11 months
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I was recently surprised to see this livery while boarding, and snapped a pic. Apparently enough people asked the crew questions to the effect of "Why is the plane yellow?" as we were boarding that the captain explained it during his take off announcements. Turns out we were on 'New Mexico One' (N8655D).
Maybe they were worried they accidentally got on a Spirit flight. Happens to the best of us. (Also, knowing pilots I think there's a legitimate chance he was excited about it himself and would have brought it up no matter what.)
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This is your girl! This is actually New Mexico 1.2.0 - the New Mexico One livery is the fifth Southwest state livery, and one of the first special liveries they had full stop.
Southwest Airlines has had a lot of special liveries. The documentation is incomplete, but they have a timeline for them up to 2013 publicly available. It turns out there were at least three Shamu jets (unfortunately I cannot find the purported pictures of Herb Kelleher in a penguin suit), and that my guess was right - their first state-themed livery was a Texas one to commemorate their origin as an intrastate carrier.
Since then, they've released quite a few more in honor of some of their more-served or milestone states. The states with special liveries are Arizona; California; Colorado; Florida; Hawai'i; Illinois; Louisiana; Maryland; Missouri; Nevada; New Mexico; Tennessee; and of course Texas. These really vary in level of detail and inspiration, and I definitely have no desire or plans to do a massive joint post on them all. That is thirteen liveries. But there's one or two that have been hanging out on the distant fringes of my interest and one (Colorado One) has already been requested, so if anyone particularly wants to see any of them covered just know I am treating them as full, separate, self-contained liveries even though they're technically sort of a set. It just doesn't make any sense to do it any other way.
(I never want to see a Massachusetts One. The concept is actively repellant to me.)
Most of Southwest's special liveries have 'one' at the end, like Air Force One, you know, it's the famous plane, Air Force One, they made a film about it with Harrison Ford in. I do think hypothetically the implication of 'New Mexico One' would be a plane transporting the governor of New Mexico, but, well, that's their name scheme.
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image: Southwest Airlines
This is the original New Mexico One, N781WN. Thanks to the information Southwest provides on its website for once I know the exact date a livery was debuted - 18th September, 2000. I'm not sure how to feel about the fact that this picture is younger than me, because it looks incredibly crunchy and vintage, like it couldn't have been taken later than 1985. I have a Polaroid SX-70 that was kept in working condition by a relative and it takes cleaner-looking pictures. It must have been taken very early on in the livery's lifetime because when Canyon Blue was introduced the tailfin was updated to match. As with all Southwest's special liveries - the tailfins remain untouched from the default.
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image: Eddie Maloney
The initial iteration with the mustard-yellow and red tail looks very nice, seamless with the main body. Although the placement of the name on the fin is quite subdued and against the ethos of the low-cost carrier it is in the case of special liveries useful, making the interaction of the wordmark with the main design a non-issue. Part of me really wishes that they'd kept the old colors for longer or maybe even done custom schemes for the stripes on each of their special liveries, because the blue looks pretty out-of-place on the New Mexico livery. I'll be completely honest, I also think the older, more angular shape of the stripes suits the similarly geometric bulk of the design while the modern incarnation - the haphazardly placed little wordmark with no natural home on the tail, the fin which looks like it was removed from a wholly different plane - is just sort of generally worse than the original state. The use of a minimally-altered tailfin with a crammed-on wordmark does seem to be something about which Southwest is unwilling to negotiate, though, and I guess that's what I'm going to have to live with.
(...generally, I do have to live with all the liveries I discuss here, until the magical day that someone at a massive company decides that the opinions of a blog with under 1,000 followers are something they want to capitulate to.)
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The basis of the livery is extremely straightforward. It's...the flag of New Mexico. This is a fantastic starting point. The New Mexico flag is my favorite of the US states' - though, to be fair, that's damning by faint praise in the extreme. Just based on the sorts of people I've met I feel like at least a few followers of this blog will have particularly vivid opinions about vexillology, but it doesn't take someone with the level of investment I have in liveries to know that most US state flags are just absurdly poorly designed. New Mexico's flag is not just acceptable but good.
Yellow and red aren't uncommon colors in flags, but the complete absence of very popular choices like blue and white definitely is striking. Unlike many US state flags, which are morasses of complex and jumbled iconography, it contains only one image - the sun symbol of the indigenous Zia (Tsi’ya) Pueblo group. Unfortunately, not only was the design not suggested by Zia individuals but it was used without the group's knowledge or consent, and there has been an ongoing discussion about this being properly acknowledged by the state - a good summary, albeit from 2012, is this El Palacio article written by the Zia Pueblo administrator.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Southwest actually did consult the Zia, including administrator and author of the above article Peter Pino. A contemporary news release from Southwest even discusses Zia children performing a Crow Dance as part of the ceremony. I was able to find a photograph of this in a blog post by a Southwest employee.
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So safe to say people were pretty excited about this livery! Southwest's state liveries tend to be pretty beloved by the people from said state, as far as I can tell.
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N781WN was retired earlier this year and sometime in the late summer the livery was repainted onto N8655D. The livery is largely unchanged except for the fact that it's on a longer plane now.
Anyway, I like New Mexico One. Not terribly much happens here in the way of detail so there's not much to say about it but I like the way it's placed at a sort of angle instead of just smacked in the middle of the plane directly above the wings or something. The fact that there's some yellow and red in the tail prevents it from looking as bad as it could (and definitely does on other state liveries) even though I kind of really genuinely dislike the wordmark placement like a lot. I'm not sure how they could have done it better. I just think if you're making it that small and out-of-the-way you could honestly just go without. Not like there's even one other plane flying around with this livery.
Why is the inside of the winglets totally bare? I can't be the only one that thinks that's strange, can I?
I'll give her a C+. I think there's a pretty low ceiling on how good a livery that's just the flag of New Mexico can be, and Southwest did a job I would call 'correct' - they didn't really mess anything up and they didn't have some sort of brain explosion that let them create a design more captivating than putting a good flag onto an airplane but leaving the tail Southwest colors. This is a good special livery and it seems like a nice little tribute to New Mexico, and it's always nice to see a beloved old livery be preserved on a new airframe. Congratulations to the people of New Mexico, particularly the Zia, on a pretty neat commemorative livery.
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petitelepus · 3 months
AaaAaAAaaah, I'm so sorry everyone for taking my time with Matchups and Requests!
Lately, for the last hecking month, I haven't been feeling good. Like, AT ALL.
I wake up and I don't want to get up from the bed, and even the smallest negative thing can trigger my anxiety and depression.
I know and understand that this isn't healthy and I've talked about it with my private nurse and she booked me a meeting with a doctor in August because that was the earliest time she could get.
Until then, I'm on my own... Or so I thought, but I am positively surprised by my online friends who I someday wish to see in person.
To you, my friends, thank you for being there for me and so patient with me and my complex feelings. I know I can be tricky, but I also know that I can trust my feelings and such to you because you have been here for me at my best and lowest.
And YOU, My Readers, THANK YOU!
Even if I'm slow as heck and not as good as I hoped I was, you're here and you like my Matchups, stories, and such!
I couldn't wish for better Readers, you and my friends make writing and Matching worth it. Your happiness is mine and it makes my day when I see you enjoying my writing or such.
Midsummer is coming and I will be busy with my personal life, but I promise, I will try my best to get something done!
I might even start a brand NEW Demon Slayer-themed Poll, but it will take a moment because I want to match you guys first and answer at least a couple of writing requests.
To be able to do this, I might have to close my Ask Box at some point, but that point isn't here yet.
Also, if you know anyone who takes Demon Slayer Writing Request, please lead me to them! I might be a writer, but sometimes even I crave a story made by someone other than me!
I think that is it for now, thank you, everyone, for reading, and thank you for understanding. I'm sorry if I let you down, but I swear, I'm trying my best!
With that in mind, I wish you all a happy and very festive Midsummer!
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starchyu · 4 months
𝓟𝓮𝓷𝓹𝓪𝓵(𝓼) 𝓦𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭
Seeking soft like-minded penpal!
            Hoping to find someone with overlapping tastes and interests with interested and passionate in writing and exchanging letters~
Howdy! My name is Quinn (Doll, Jinx, Ghost, etc~) I’m in the US and I’m looking for a penpal! I’m hoping to find someone with similar tastes and interests to me so we can talk about all sorts of wonderful things together! I’m AuDHD, have some other things on the side, and a chronic pain condition that keeps me from working a “normal” 9-5 job so I freelance and do graphic design/illustrator work which usually ends up being commission work for people!! I’m passionate about art and have a wide plethora of interests that I would like my penpal to match up with to some degree! 
ABOUT ME Born in the US. English speaking. I was born in Texas before relocating a bit north. I’ve been penpalling semi-regularly since 2013 and really enjoy what I do. I sometimes will record the process of preparing a letter to post to my very small tiny youtube channel and use it as a way to preserve the letters i send out? I do a lot of decorating so it’s a way to preserve these pieces of “interactive art” that I send to people~ I’m a student currently in school for graphic design and someday I’d like to become a tattoo artist but I don’t know if I will ever be able to accomplish that goal because of my joint pain.  I’m hoping that if someone answers this they’re wanting the same things I am? I’m pretty prompt with snail mail replies and would love a semi-regular exchange or updates if you expect for letters to get sent out slower? 
Hobbies Sewing - crafting - journaling - writing (rp and fanfic, but some original things on the side!) - embroidery - art!! I use a lot of different mediums from watercolor to oil pastels!! Someday I hope to get into model making or miniature making à la “Studson Studios”!!! - Collecting (teacups, stamps, stickers, stationery, postcards~) - reading! - character/oc design~
Interests & Passions This is going to be a longer section, sorry in advance!! A lot of my interests rattle around in my head and because of the autism I cling to these things feverishly. They all overlap and I talk about them obsessively, tbh? So if these things and vibes aren’t something you enjoy please just skip over this~  “Cozy” Gaming ♡ Genshin Impact (wanderer main, thats my pookie) ♡ BG3 ♡ Anime (specifically magical girls and romance! I love a select few shonen anime such as Naruto!) Big favs include Naruto, Death Note, TBHK, Horimiya, and Orange just to name a few ♡ JFASHION!; I *love* Gyaru and EGL specifically and also enjoy mori kei quite a bit! But I love fashion in general and am always eager to talk about style and clothing (especially on a budget!!!) ♡ MUSIC!!! I’m very particular about my music tastes. I listen to a lot of jrock/jpop, rock, metal, nu metal, post hardcore, EDM, house, trance, and techno! I also love a lot of music that was very popular circa 2010s youtube~ ♡ Vocaloids!! ♡ BDSM/Kink lifestyles~ ♡ Dolls! Specifically BJDs, though ♡ Ballet ♡ Renaissance and baroque art ♡ Dungeons and Dragons and TTRPGs in general ♡ Tea ♡ Bridgerton ♡ Period Peace romances~ ♡ Romance in general ♡ Fairies ♡ angels ♡ new age beliefs and practices ♡ journaling ♡ therian/otherkin identities ♡ ghosts/spirits/paranormal/occult things ♡ vegetarianism/veganism ♡ photography 
If I had to sum myself up in a few words I suppose I’d say something like… “Dusty regal doll left on a shelf or in a glass box, haunted by an ancient spirit of questionable origins.” Or something along those lines. Sounds a bit cheesy but again, these things are important to me!!
Style Preferences I tend to send wildly different letters. I specialize in “themed” letters, though. I love to decorate pertaining to certain things- Seasons, media that I and my penpal like, or even focusing on specific colors and color palettes. If everything before this sounds good, and you do end up reaching out? Please let me know what kind of letters you like the most! What are your favorite styles? You can probably get an idea of my tastes from my blog so I’ll spare the ramble. 
IDEAL PENPAL Above 20 years old Long term! Snail mail *and* email penpals welcome!! Though I do prefer snail mail~ LGBTQIA+ friendly. Someone inclusive who is also maybe a part of the community. Any gender, identity, etc welcome.  Someone open for heavier conversations who are looking to form a genuine friendship?
So! If any of this sounds good to you/is interesting? Or if you have questions, comments or concerns, feel free to DM here? Or you can reach me at,,,
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chaiandsage · 23 days
Hello, it is me, I am back. I'm being insane about TL... again... It's my constant state at this point I fear.
Anyways, I was making myself a playlist for the story and was wondering if you had any songs that you personally associate with the fic and/or characters.
I may or may not also be reformatting the bind for a second print with a couple new features (that may or may not pretty much just be making all the comms messages formatted with the Minecraft font so they look more authentic... That's... definitely not the only think I am changing.... Listen, I know I'm insane, we do not need to talk about it)
Okay, so, sorry for the delayed reply, but you probably had no idea just how insane this question was going to make me. Because a lot of these songs are ones that I hold very close to me and some, in one way or another, were even the inspiration for a lot of major plot points that happened in the story. Others, however, I got really into while the fic was still being updated because some of my readers would comment about their own songs that they connected to Trust Life or would even make entire playlists for it--which I LOVED. So anyway, here's two different lists for each of those, complete with explanations that no one asked for on why I think they vibe with the story :D
My Personal Vibes
So quick side story, I worked in retail while I was writing up the story outline for this and most of my job involved doing some very repetitive and boring tasks that left plenty of brainpower to spare for me to think about and plan out the story while I was doing them. And I'm sure you know that most stores will just play a bunch of generic, upbeat, bubbly, pop music on loop the entire day (I kinda vibe with it ngl, but I get that it's not for everyone), but that was what I had to listen to throughout the day and like it or not, that was the music that I ended up coming up with a lot of ideas and fixing a lot of plot holes to. And honestly? I wouldn't have had it any other way. But my point is, if a few of these songs are kinda cheery sounding and don't seem like they have that much to do with the story's usual theme, just know that that's why, lol.
Can't Remember to Forget You - Shakira
Something, something... memory loss, Scott and Jimmy forgetting they were already a couple during Double Life... Neither of them being able to forget each other after the breakup--plus that one "kissing in the moonlight" line inspired that flashback scene that Scott had in chapter 43.
Part Of Me -Noah Kahan
Recognize the title? Chapter 30 baybeee. This was kind of how I wanted Tango's feelings for his previous boyfriends to come off. Not all of the lyrics are accurate, but most of it matches the tone I was trying to go for.
Pick Me Up - Sam Feldt, Sam Fischer
This one made had me thinking about snowbugs 24/7 and for as arguably disconnected from the theme of the story that the lyrics are it had absolutely no right to inspire as many scenes in this fic as it did. It's how I came up with how Scott's escape went after stealing the enchanter back in chapter 31 with him jumping off the roof (fun fact: that fight was originally gonna be during the day and it was gonna be Scott who threw the water and TANGO who jumped, but I changed it). It's also the inspiration for chapter 45 when they're storming the fortress and Scott and Tango have to help protect each other. ALSO--Remember the title to chapter 49??? Yeah, that's literally just one of the lyrics from this song. It freakin inspired the burning garden scene too. Get this song out of my head man, it's taken over my whole personality at this point...
Good Grief - Bastille
More of Scott and Jimmy just missing each other achingly and Scott in particular only being able to watch from the sidelines as Jimmy "moves on" with another man.
Still Into You - Paramore
Pretty self-explanatory. Kinda captures the vibe of the ending imo. Could be applied to almost all of the relationships and not just our main throuple.
Find an Island - BENEE
JOEL AND ETHO!!--Something about them moving too fast in their relationship during Double Life, the "storm" that was them getting their memories back, how they drifted away from each other thinking they'd be better off going without any contact, and of course the whole shipwreck and sailing theme here was just screaming "boat boys" to me.
Avalanche - Christian French
Less on-the-nose, but still a really fun vibe to me. Basically the insanity that followed after Double Life. The players realizing their feelings for other people. Can sort of be viewed more from Grian's perspective since he more or less "started" all this or at least he partially blames himself for it even if he didn't as much as all his friends all thought he had. He started the small tumble that spiraled into an avalanche as the drama continued to influence nearly everyone he knew.
Stitches - Shawn Mendes
More of Scott beating himself up both mentally and physically as he goes through his breakup at the beginning of the story. He can't sleep, can't eat, can't stop thinking about Jimmy... He's barely dragging himself forward on two feet as it is.
Thank Me Later - Sigrid
SCAR AND GRIAN--Basically Grian's whole perspective on Scar. He thinks that the person he loves will be better off if he just let him go. He knows that Scar isn't going to let go of him easily, but he deserves better. He just needs to convince him of that and maybe, as painful as it will be for Grian, Scar will move on.
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
Mostly vibes. Tango, Scott, and Jimmy doing crazy things together during the first three days of the game. Scott and Tango continuing to be menaces to everyone together even after Jimmy died. All three of them being like: "Hey, let's break into people's houses. Let's set things on fire. Let's steal and murder and fight monsters together. And while we're at it? Let's fall even deeper in love--because I kind of just realized that all of this is only fun to me because I'm doing it with you."
Hate You - Poylow & BAUWZ
THIS FUCKING- Okay... I hate that this very simple tune that I heard over a freakin YOUTUBE SHORT ended up inspiring a scene that was so fun to come up with that never even made it into the final outline, but picture this with me for a moment:
Tango doesn't realize his feelings for Scott right before the Wither attacks back in chapter 50. Instead, they're closer to their base when it happens. They just got done having that whole tense argument and "confession" and are still holding hands and staring at each other when Scott points out Tango's eyes again, not knowing what it means. Tango's eyes go wide. He pulls away, running over to their fish pond to see his reflection and... Oh god. No. No, no nonono-- His breathing is picking up. Every soft, caring interaction he's ever had with Scott now pass through his head in a blur. He realizes it was love. Scott asks what's wrong. Tango doesn't respond. He can't. What would he even say? Instead, he curls into a ball and tries to control his breathing while Scott crouches down and puts his hands on him, holding him in a hug as he panics and tries to sooth him, telling him that it's okay even though he doesn't quite know why Tango is acting this way all of a sudden. Tango hates it. He hates that he's fallen in love again and through that, might have very well ruined everything. Instead of being blown up right away, they have a few minutes to talk to each other. And in that time Tango, still not in the right headspace and through panicked breathing, asks Scott the straightforward, hypothetical question: "If I were to break up with Jimmy after this game ends and tell him to go back to you, would you ever forgive me for it?" And Scott can only look at him, horrified as he tries to form some string of words that make sense enough to give a proper response to that question that even he doesn't know how to answer... Up until the wither comes back once more to blow them up before they can even have a real conversation about it.
Haha... Oh well. I don't regret cutting this out to make the plot flow more smoothly (I needed a reason for Tango to check his comm in that moment) and it's mostly the same reaction from Tango either way. But still, it would have been a very fun scene to write that might have added a bit more spice to everything that was going on at the time.
Curses - The Crane Wives
You knew there'd be at least one Crane Wives song in here. I don't think there is a single person in this fandom who hasn't heard this song yet. It would have been a disservice not to add it here. But other than that, obviously, it's the title for chapter 56. The chapter where everything goes wrong and all of the remaining players die in quick succession to Grian and his traps. It's definitely the kind of song you listen to when you're trying to picture a scene where everything is meant to to go wrong all at once. And I love it for that.
Allies Or Enemies - The Crane Wives
No explanation needed. To me, this is the enemies to lover's national anthem.
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
Another Scott POV song, 100% (can you tell he's my favorite yet?). But it could also apply to all three of the Flower Ranchers depending on which lyrics are being sung.
"I could have been anyone else" Scott not believing Jimmy when he says he fell in love with him back in Third Life in only a week's time like he had with Tango. Scott thinking that if that really were the case, then he could have been anyone to Jimmy. He is convinced that Jimmy could have stumbled upon and teamed up with any other player during that game and the result would have still been the same.
"Before you made the choice for me" Jimmy being sad and angry with Scott for not accepting that he loved two people and refused to choose between them. Scott making that choice for him by outright leaving instead of trying to talk things over.
"We walked in the dark", "I never gave a single thought where it might lead" Tango and Jimmy, them falling in love while being in blissful ignorance brought about by their amnesia. Not even taking a second to consider that what was waiting for them on the other side of Double Life wasn't all rainbows and sunshine.
"All those empty rooms" Scott feeling alone, going back to a home that feels empty, one he used to share with the person he loved.
"I shine only with the light you gave me" Could be applied to Tango or Jimmy. They have self confidence issues. Tango thinks that Jimmy is the only one who isn't afraid of him. Jimmy thinks that both Scott and Tango could do better than him at some points in the story. They complete him. His life would feel so dim without them in it.
"We could have had anything, anything else. Instead you hoarded all that's left of me." Scott again. He and Jimmy could have had so many more long, happy years together. All that potential is gone now. Why did he have to leave him? Why did he have to such a large chunk of Scott's heart with him when he left?
"I wanna feel the fire that you kept from me." Kinda silly, for a while I thought this line was "kept FOR me" and not "kept FROM me", and I tied it to the act of Jimmy and Scott keeping their hearts warm for each other (whether they wanted to or not) in case the other decided to come back to them. They were mad at each other, but in all that time their love hadn't dimmed in the slightest. But after reading the actual line, I now think it's giving more like, Tango letting his fire out and Scott and Jimmy both accepting that as part of him with open arms, each during their own separate points in the story.
Songs from Readers' Playlists That I Fell In Love With
Can't Sleep Love- Pentatonix
Scott is a tired, tired man.
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
2nd enemies to lovers national anthem.
Hot Tea - Half Alive
Lots of themes of tea and love going on here.
The Fall - Half Alive
The person who added this song single handedly got me into Half Alive and made them one of my favorite bands.
Human Touch - Olen
Themes of waking up, breaking up, touch starvation... Also just a really fun listen in general.
Where We Started - Bailey Bryan
I think they added this as more in reference to Scott and Jimmy and how they were reconnecting during the first half of the game. But honestly? I listened to this back when the fic was only updated to chapter 29, and as the only person who knew how this whole story was meant to wrap up, it made me think more about the ending, or more like the final few chapters that I had planned out at the time where Jimmy and Scott finally figure out the kind of love that they want from each other after the game ends and try to figure out how to get back to how things were between them before their breakup. And it's a bit of a messy path for them to take, with them being all hesitant to kiss each other at the start of it, but they make it back to where they were before eventually, and I think this song captures all that beautifully.
Dandelions - Ruth B.
Ties to flowers, hopes, dreams... This one had no right to make me as emotional as it did, but damn.
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
TANGO SEEING SCOTT'S EYES--Seriously, he is so transfixed by them the entire fic and only finally gets to see their true color in the last few chapters. I love this.
Human - Christina Perri
Scott again with his self-destructive tendencies during the majority of the fic. He is very sad. This also kind of reminded me of Jimmy? Just cause its both him and Scott who are hiding their true emotions throughout the story.
Head Over Heels - Tears For Fears
@Milo-media made an animatic of the fic to this song and now it lives rent free in my head. What happened here. I don't even like 80's music but this song has been on my personal playlist for months now...
Go check it out if you haven't seen it cause it's awesome: https://www.tumblr.com/milo-media/740042336270254080/this-song-is-so-snowbugs-based-of-the-fic-trust?source=share
That's everything (I think?). If you actually did read all of that then... I'm sorry. Lol. Seriously though, please feel free to message or @ me if you ever post your full playlist. I will literally never get enough of people giving me the songs they think relate to Trust Life.
And if you'd like to see the full playlists made by the other beautiful people who read the fic, they can be found right here:
Playlist by Checkmace (Ao3):
Playlist by @nerdyenby (Tumblr):
Playlists by AndIcarusFell (Ao3)
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roleplay-theme-recs · 26 days
hello! I know the last reblog on this account was over 3 years ago so I'm not sure how up to date you may be or if you can help but I've been trying to find as many of the old "glee" themes as I can to have on hand for use as they're some of my favorite styles from back in the day. themes today, as pretty and nice as they are, seem to mostly be very complex or not easy to edit for personal use, there's also so many that are paid and not free (which I totally understand that reasoning! just not feasible for me when I don't always know if I'll wanna actually use the theme once I have and see the code) and so anyway like the ones I'm thinking of are ones like agleerph have done and there's a few others I've found through this blog and just trying to go back through old reblogs of my own or remembering urls to the best of my knowledge and hoping they haven't either changed, deactivated, or have deleted their codes/themes. Like one I wanted to look through was diannasroleplays but it seems the live previews don't work and all the pastebin links say they aren't public. Would you possibly be able to make a list of all theme makers that made themes like that and still have them up and available? I know some I've found I did also have to add a -blog at the end of their username because the blog has been inactive so long and tumblr does that to blogs not in use after awhile before fully deleting them. Thank you in advance!
Ah ha I found the message after you tracked me down elsewhere.
I had been thinking over the last week to actually go through this blog and either archive themes or delete themes that I cannot get the code for. I myself was trying to look for a theme this week that could be useful, but again I came across the same problem you did.
If you are willing to come off anon and contact me in private either here or fionaroleplays (more active here). I would be happy to find a suitable theme for your current needs.
I double checked diannasroleplays themes. While their theme previews are up on their blog (after going through their tagged page). They removed the pastebin codes. So I am not able to find the code. An interesting thing is that I found that on Wayback Machine their blog is listed. So i'll see what I find there.
If you want a similar style theme then I can suggest the following whose pastebin's are still active:
grpcthemes - Pastebin still there
stcarebearrps (tagged on this blog) - Blog deactivated but Pastebin still there
josieposierps-blog - Pastebin active
You may have to do some code management because these are old themes and don't match with new Tumblr updates, but that doesn't take long.
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
A Living Legacy, Chapter Two: The Beginning of All
A/N: After a few months of not updating, I have finally completed the second chapter! With this chapter, I officially say goodbye to August and my summer. Enjoy!!
Summary: Henriette learns of a new world ... and a few things about herself
OCs featured: Changeling Betwixt @hphmmatthewluther
Warnings: There is a scene where a poor girl is burned at the stake and mature themes are explored, reader's discretion is advised
Word Count: 1.8k
Tagging: @hphmmatthewluther @camillejeaneshphm @gaygryffindorgal @that-scouse-wizard
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I shook my head. Could it be possible? “Me?!” I cried “A—A witch?!”
Helga nodded, a wide smile on her face “Why, yes!”
This was surreal, I thought. I must be dreaming, right? I told myself. But I was not dreaming “You do not remember anything, do you?” Helga inquired.
I searched in my head any plausible explanation, and while drinking more water, a sudden image came into my mind.
I was back in that alley, and the best men were surrounding me. I closed my eyes and screamed. They all fell backwards. Everything shook. And then someone took me. Could I truly could’ve done something so incredible without barely even trying?
“But,” I rebutted “magic’s not real. It is a tale to scare misbehaving children.”
Helga smiled bemused while she shook that stick again “Then what is this, my lady?” Sparks of pure golden flew and I gasped. I shook my head. Was she playing tricks with me? Was this a prank by my betrothed? “Magic is real, my love. You may not see it, but it is there. Among us. In your blood. You may be lost now, but once you get the hang of it, trust me, no one will do that again.”
“I—I cannot be a witch. I shall be burnt alive!” I cried.
“Not if you’re smart about it.” Helga said, with that amiable smile that must win many, many hearts.
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“Wait,” Primrose blurted, notebook in hand “I thought the witch-hunts started in Salem in the 17th century.”
Henriette chuckled “Those are the most famous, yes. But there have always been witch hunts. It definitely increased over those times. Some were not recorded, but there were. I, Helga, Rowena, and their female allies were always at risk, because witchcraft in women was viewed as a threat.”
“Because witchcraft means freedom, independence, knowledge, and the men do not want that in us.”
Henriette smiled “What a delightfully insightful young girl. You shall go far in life, my dear.”
“And did you ever? Almost got burned at the stake, I mean.”
The blonde woman shook her head “No. But I got to witness them. Such ghastly thing. I am glad that your people are beyond that and just spurn them socially.”
“When did you witness such a thing?” Primrose asked.
“That same day. My first day in an unseen England.”
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Helga and I walked through the murky and sandy streets, not yet paved, observing everything. Some people talked and traded goods and food, and others duelled with said sticks, which Helga told me were wands.
“If magic is real,” I hesitated “does Merlin, Arthur, Camelot and those fantastic tales exist?”
“They did. It has been a century since the happenings, but we have him very present in our lives. Many try to match him, but it is quite impossible, you see. Not even I compared with my dearest friends can stand a chance together against him. Consider him our Charlemagne.”
“Papa told me we descend from him and one of his mistresses.”
Helga smiled “Lucky girl. You must be veneered back home.”
I bit my lip “Many of my kind descend from him. He had quite the impact in our livelihood.”
It was true. Many could trace their lineage back to Charlemagne or Roman emperors, it was almost a question of blood supremacy and who got the better lineage. My family was only a minor Saxon noble family who got lucky after a mistress of Charlemagne, after having her firstborn son with him, married with his permission and settled in east Wessex. Many others descended from the Romans and even the very first kings of our country. Compared to them, we were just average nobility.
“Oh, Lord,” Helga breathed as I, too, heard the cries for help. From a woman, as many others cheered.
“We ought to go. Now!” Helga whispered, but I was not sure.
“We must aid her! Do I smell smoke?” I followed the scent, until it took me to a crowd of people. Many roared as a woman walked on her chemise, crying that she was not guilty and the horror on my heart when I saw that she was younger than I.
“Burn the witch!” One man cried.
“Kill that bitch!” Another cried.
“We don’t want abominations in our land!” One woman with a child cried as well.
My blood ran cold as I realised, they were burning her under the accusations of witchcraft.
“Please!” The girl cried “I am innocent! I am but a poor healer! Mama! Papa!”
I looked in her directions as their parents cried, helplessness in their eyes as a bishop blessed her before he lit the bonfire. I couldn’t help but look in pure horror. I was paralysed. All I could see and hear were that poor girl’s screams, piercing through my ears and heart, wrenching it in a thousand pieces.
Before I could do anything, a soft but firm hand took me out of there and into a small pub—it was Helga, saving me from the terrors yet again. She had a knowing and sad face in her eyes “Now you see why you must be careful, dear. Especially being a woman of range. They will eat you alive, no hesitation.”
I nodded. I knew what she meant, deep down. Wiping my tears, I sighed and Helga asked for some water, and I nearly swallowed whole the pint. Not my most ladylike moment, if you ask me.
After that, Helga and I decided to talk more about what we’d do.
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“But, wait,” Primrose asked, seeming confused “what did you exactly knew? That they’d burn you as a witch?”
The portrait sighed “So much more, my love. You see, wizards like Merlin are revered and worshipped by muggles and wizards alike, but when it comes to Hecate, Morgana, Nimue and many other famous witches and even women accused of witches, the situation changes. They are evil, petty, ugly, and a menace to mankind. Magic is always seen as this enormous responsibility, burden and responsibility. And men can’t conceive a woman being able to harness such power within them. To them, we are still unreasonable, meek and with a childish mindset, unable to undertake such responsibility. To them, we are not worthy of it. And thus, punish us by injuring our pride and personalities, twisting the story to give future generations of women the same message.”
“Know your place.” Primrose ended. A shadow had crossed the young woman, now fully aware of what Henriette was saying “I can’t tell how many times I’ve been told that I ought to marry a man of rank for me to be taken seriously as a future heiress. It is the only way to be heard: to have a man backing you, or to give up such privileges in order to not insult his ego, regardless of our pride and rights. We may have advanced, but,”
“The customs and those in power have not.” Henriette chuckled bitterly “This is the problem with the wizarding community. We never learn the lesson. We never advance. No matter what hero comes to save us and open our eyes, they will be immediately shut down and forced to take your position in this unmoving and unfair society. The history book on our shelves keeps repeating itself, no matter what we try to do. If those capable of changing the ways don’t enhance their campaign, then we will never advance nor learn the lesson, no matter how many of us we bury.”
“When did you find out all of this?”
Henriette lighted up again “Pretty quickly.”
“How so?”
She smiled “…Someone from the outside helped me see their way.”
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Helga and I walked away from the commotion, hidden in our cloaks and looking like lost tourists from the highlands. By then, the House of Alpin reigned in rather turbulent times. As many knows, my eldest daughter Denegifu would marry on that country, but that is a tale for another time.
After making sure we’d lost them, I realised we had exited the capital and would be walking towards a cove. Not used to walking much, and still with my wedding shoes, I panted heavily, my feet hurting.
“Do not fret, sweetling, we shall soon arrive to somewhere comfortable.”
I nodded. I had no option but to trust that she wasn’t exaggerating to comfort me. After reaching its darkest part, she waited a bit, and finally, a strange voice called out “Why, Lady Hufflepuff, how kind of you to honour me with your venerable presence,” the tone had some irony to it.
She curtsied respectfully, and I did the same easily, thanks to the hours of training with Mama.
“Your Highness. I am aware that you are busy, but we must make use of your Portkey.”
Finally, the hooded figure stepped into the light, and I couldn’t help but gasp and back away: it had black eyes and their hair was white, as well as their skin, and had an amused look “What mess have you dragged yourself with your kindness, Helga?”
“My new apprentice, Lady Henriette of Wessex.”
I quickly curtsied again “Forgive me if we have disturbed your peace, Your Highness. We shall be on our way soon.”
Their eyes loomed over me, as if they were analysing me, then looked at Helga “Another Muggle, I take?”
“Excuse me?” I blurted out before I could process it.
“It is a term to reference those who had grown up outside the magical world.” Helga quickly explained.
“Besides,” Betwixt added “I am not the one to insult beautiful ladies I’ve just met. If so, I should be offended.” He was surely teasing me.
“Forgive me for my ignorance.”
They waved a hand “It’s alright, love. You couldn’t have known. By your looks, it’s been less than three days in this world. But something tells me that you shall learn.”
“I shall make Lady Hufflepuff proud.”
The Portkey opened and Helga gave the creature a bag of silver coins “I shall not forget this favour, Your Highness.”
We both passed through the Portkey and, when the journey was over, we found ourselves in a tower. If I looked hard enough, I could see other three towers a few days away. Helga turned around and smiled “Welcome to my home! And your home until your parents finds you, which should take a while.”
It was a tower of gold and orange, in which many animals and many other servants and magicians practising. It was full of life, of laughter and joy. But for a moment, my gut told me that it was too good to be true, and keep my guard for a little longer.
Tragically, I was right, for I’d find out that a war was brewing.
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natasha-in-space · 3 months
Heya Mia! I hope you've been well these days ❤️ I feel like I have to drop by and ask what's your top 5 (or more if you want lol) fav outfits of our dear MC. It could be something you'd like to wear or suits the default MC style, whatever you prefer! Hehe
Ohhh, I adore MC's outfits, especially as Cheritz's artists got more and more creative with what to put her in! While her iconic in-route outfits are very easy to recognize, and that's what makes them great, I do love seeing MC all dressed up. Top 5 just wasn't enough for me, so I settled on the top 8 instead! So, as always, I'll babble a whole lot, haha :>
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I really like MC's (and Yoosung's, too tbh) look in Yoosung's Valentine's dlc. It's interesting to see her wear warmer clothes, and I find the entire outfit to be very cozy and cute! It's a perfect look for a walk in the park date.
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MC's outfit in the recent Zen CG? Cheff's kiss. Absolutely perfect. It's not a secret that I pay more attention to her here than to the birthday boy himself. What can I say? The look is both cute and well-balanced. Zen's MC knows how to dress to impress! I'm also a sucker for cute pink-themed outfits ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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I am a huge fan of MC and Jaehee's outfits in the Valentine's dlc. Although it's simple, it's still very, very cute. I totally don't have a bias because I work in the Cafe (I totally do). I love the beauty in the casual simplicity of it all!
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Did I mention that I have a huge fondness for matching outfits? Because, God, I am so in love with this light and airy dress on MC. And it fits Jihyun's MC, too! Just the right amount of lightness and gracefulness on her. The fabric appears to be very soft to touch as well. To be honest, I would love to wear something like that myself! Especially in the Summer.
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I'm not a big fan of MC's classic sweater look simply because of the art style. Honestly, if I could have one last dream update for Mystic Messenger, I'd like to have all the old CG's redrawn in the new style, and get Casual/Deep story fully voiced. But that's not the point! This sweater look is perfect. Cozy, cute, and vibrant. Another outfit I'd honestly love to wear out too, hehe
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Another favorite of mine. Seeing everyone having fun together and dressed in beautiful traditional clothing is always a treat! MC looks absolutely adorable with a braid, and soft pinks really suit her. It's just very pretty and soft-looking!
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I definitely have a major soft spot for MC's look in Ray's after ending (the one on the cover and in the good ending that is). Firstly, it's very cool to see MC wearing pants! We really need more of that. Secondly, it's overall just such a cute and pretty look on her. Again, the pinks and whites are a real treat to my eye. It's a cute look that is not only pretty, but also seems comfortable!
And my final favorite, which is unfortunately only partially seen, is MC's dress here. What can I say? I love black. I love lace. I love classy looks. This is almost made for me. I would DEFINITELY be very giddy to wear something so pretty and elegant.
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meruz · 2 years
im gonna reply to some asks but not that many bc the last time i tried to type up one of these posts i accidentally closed the tab and lost like several paragraphs so now im scared
lots of heavypaint questions
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its the fan tool on heavypaint!! which is a free drawing app that i love a lot. and the fan tool is my fave its kind of a crutch actually im trying to use other tools gkfdhgsdg but its so fun i can do a whole painting using it exclusively. heres a video of it in action while i mess w the configuration options. u can slide the noise jitter up and down so its more or less streaky hehe ^^
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thank you!!! heavypaint ROCKS!!!!! I love it... its like the only art program ill be a shameless shill for lol
also im flattered you think of my art while playing splat...i should draw more splat i feel like i havent done enough.
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my phone!! I have a samsung galaxy note 20 that I am still not done paying off LMAO.... but I've been a galaxy note user for years. combined with heavypaint its a shockingly good mobile sketchbook.
I'm sorry it's crashing on your tablet... I don't have a tablet so I don't really have an advice. Unfortunately because HP is a small dev app it can be kind of finicky... especially in between updates. I think if you reached out to vaughn ling/heavypoly he'd probably respond though! he seems to keep up with the community pretty well.
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@hellisrealsign nice nice.. I'm glad our tastes match up a little! hopefully that means you don't mind my frequent fandom jumping LOL. I promise to always be true to my homestuck-loving infinity-train-loving self.
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idk is it worth it to read any shounen manga for female side characters?????? (??) HEAVILY DEBATABLE. on one hand the casual observer would say no but on the other hand femslash shippers are the strongest people on god's green earth and will endure great tortures for paltry table scraps.
I think mha is a good manga but it's still a shounen, some of the tropes they squeeze the girls into kind of suck. I can kind of put my annoyance aside because regardless im still a big fan of cool fight scenes and the power of friendship but I think your mileage will vary depending on how much tolerance you have for that kind of story...? There's an awful lot of chapters afterall. I will say this: though toga and ochako aren't the main characters they're not in the background either. the path of their relationship spans multiple arcs across the entire manga and is both plot relevant and relevant to the greater themes/thesis of the story. it's pretty clear that the mangaka and editorial team are dedicated to giving these characters the time and page space to play out. it's not perfect but thats better than a decent amount of big shounen femslash in my opinion? shrugs
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Thank you! for both the compliments and the concern. but I want to assure you that... to be perfectly honest I don't think I'll ever stop posting my art regardless of AI. I don't want to make this into a hot take like this is an entirely personal opinion and I don't expect any other artists to share my position but: Everything about my art that I consider valuable is inherently impossible for AI to replicate and everything about my art that is replicable and monetizable is not something I'm interested in owning or protecting. (this is also why at the end of the day i dont really care that much about art theft, tracing etc. and i think 90% of the time style theft is just silly)
I believe art should be freely shared and to restrict that is to make art into a product which is morally despicable and moreover uninteresting... to me. lol. I DO RECOGNIZE HOWEVER I'm very lucky to have both more of an online audience than I even want + a fulltime job that takes the pressure off any of my other art to make money. it's totally valid for other artists to have differing opinions on this especially depending on personal circumstances. AND also I make art that is primarily a product above all else for work everyday so im a hypocrite but. yeah thats my two cents.
I love posting art online LOL. I do it because its fun for me.
HAPPY NEAR YEAR!!!!!!!!!11111111
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the-ellia-west · 9 months
Cursed One's Throne Content
Book Series has around... Idk... 8 or 9 MCs?
Over the series I switch POVs throughout all of the MCs but it's mostly from the POV of 5 main ones
And I'm bored so y'all get to meet my Main 5 MCs from Least page time so far to most
Geon - Blind Prince, Little rose-themed boy, he has the least page time because he doesn't come in until much later in the series, but I have some big things planned for him. He's my second favorite character because his blindness is fun to write. - Both Antagonist and Protagonist depending on the scenario (He doesn't count as an Antihero or Antivillain)
Chrin - Seer boy, pretty young, very major character, but he's got the least page time here because I'm counting page time in his POV and we only really get him as a main POV Later. He's adorable and I can't wait to see if y'all like him just as much as I do. - Protagonist
Viasaki - Main Villain because why not, he's not actually that bad of a person though, His shouting matches with his nemeses are fun to write, but also the most challenging part of writing. Important but not quite as important as these next Two. He is fun and I love him, but I like his main rival better than him although she doesn't get many POV chapters. - Defo Antagonist
Marril - Another Main Villain because... He's the first character I created for this Series, ever. The first one. He's only second place in page time because y'know first place is... the Main character. He's my baby and I love him more than anything. But he's hella evil, also trauma because I can. - ANTAGONIST, like one of the most present antagonists
Kasi - The Main, main character who was the second character I ever added to draft 1. She is personally very relatable and honestly, a little bit of a brat. But then again, so am I so.......... y'know. But I don't really think she's that annoying once she settles down a bit. I bet she's gonna be the least liked out of the main trio though... her brother is pretty popular among the proofreaders - Main Protagonist and Most important to the story overall.
The fun thing about having these 5 as POV characters is that, after each of their first character arcs, they would all shoot each other with no hesitation. Well, maybe not Chrin and Kasi cause they're friends, but still.
Violence is all of their middle names
Tell me if you want me to update y'all on my writing progress
[Check out more about TCOT (The Cursed One's Throne) in my profile if y'all are interested]
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m0n0lithical · 1 year
Sims - get to know me
Tagged by @igotsnothing thanks so much I absolutely wanted to do this one! Also if ya’ll like occults you better go follow them.
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Either meteor because of HOW dramatic it is, or pufferfish since that’s like, the only way for your own sim to kill another sims (without mods, anyway).
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Mostly Maxis, but I do have mix elements (like the hairs that aren’t TECHNICALLY alpha but are so detailed they almost look it), especially in my fandom saves because the outfits in those are always alpha.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nah, if I really want a sim to stay the same weight, I lock the weight/gain loss (I do this for my selfsim every time so she’ll STOP LOSING WEIGHT oh my god woman). But if I’m playing with it on, what happens happens.
4. Do you use move objects? I don’t even have to enter this cheat because it’s always ticked on my BBB.
5. Favorite mod? I mean the most practical favorites are MCCC and BBB, and really most of the ;must haves’ the majority of people have, so lemmie pick a lesser seen one – PreferencesPlus by Helaene is a huge game-changer for someone who really dislikes all the missing likes/dislikes in the game.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? ...I wanna say Outdoor Retreat? I know, horrible pick, I didn’t know how lacking it was.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Like LIVing
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? This...is hard, but I’m gonna have to roll with Amie, because she’s evolved beyond being just a sim at this rate – she’s also my FFXIV character, as well as a VtM character. But she absolutely did START as a sim.
9. Have you made a simself? Yes – she’s set loose in EVERY save I have for sake of hilarity – I love passing by her in-game and she’s doing something utterly random. The last time I saw her she was shooting down a goth witch lady flirting with her – thrilled the sexuality update can make her proper asexual now, was so happy to see it without having to put dumb flags on her!
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Lover, Unflirty, Lazy, Cat Lover, Creative, Foodie.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? I’m a pretty big fan of the middle red tone. Or the green, if we’re picking unnatural colors.
12. Favorite EA hair? The RoM updo short locs are SO good. Honorable mention to the EL undercut half-ponytail.
13. Favorite life stage? I’m gonna be boring and say YA, because the game is LITERALLY built around them so you have so, SO many more options.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I do a little bit of everything, but CAS is my specialty. I spend HOURS in there.
15. Are you a CC creator? If some hair/eye recolors and simple tattoos count, then yeah. I really can’t be fussed learning blender beyond pose-making.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? My social anxiety stops me from interacting a lot, even if I try my best to talk to people. Like, I know the chances of someone being an asshole to me are very, very slim and that most everyone is chill and laid back like I am – REASONABLY I know I’m being dumb, but also my brain is an asshole.
17. What’s your favorite game? In Sims, I’ve honestly only played 4 (a friend sent me 3 a while ago but I have yet to fire it up). Outside sims? Uh...Okami for single player, Guild Wars 2 for multiplayer.
18. Do you have any sims merch? God I wish.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Hahahah like my internet would let me upload videos.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? Lord I have no idea...I’ve been fiddling with different types of sim face styles, but I keep falling back to the same one, really – at least for non-themed saves. And it doesn’t even stand out I’m pretty basic bitch.
21. What’s your Origin ID? Monophony! I mostly make sims, but there’s a few terrible builds there, too.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? That is a hard as hell question...but I wanna say @simandy,. For multiple reasons, but primarily because their hairs are just...to die for.
23. How long have you had a simblr? It’s been a year or two, but I took several hiatuses as I got distracted by my MMOs. I have a goldfish attention span.
24. How do you edit your pictures? I have several different reshade presets I’ll alternate between, and a good number of Photoshop actions and/or PSDs, and it’s always some combo of those. Each save has a different reshade/action (or PSD) combination to make them have their own looks (I have a word doc for ref so I know what save uses what combo).
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Vampires will always be my favorite, but I was shocked by how much I also enjoyed Werewolves – I’m not a werewolf person, really. Non-occult...Growing Together really does add a ton through the whole game.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I uh...well you see >-> I’M STUPID WITH MY MONEY I HAVE THEM ALL.
I’m only gonna tag a few peeps since I’ve seen most people having done this - @simarcana, @druidberries, @apricote, @lotus030, @salemssimblr if ya’ll wanna do this here’s your excuse! <3 Feel free to ignore if you don’t wanna!
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rosentinted · 11 months
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updated:  13 december 2023
000.  basics
hi, i’m ness and i’m looking for rp partners in doubles rp on discord.
so yeah, i'm looking for people who are willing to rp oc x idol for me. in exchange, i will do oc x idol or idol x idol for you. i write a couple of groups, but i might add more once i get to know the members better. please only request groups i already listed below for your side of the rp.
groups i'm familiar with: bts, stray kids, got7, monsta x, nct, (g)i-dle, twice, loona, red velvet, blackpink.
groups i'm not too familiar with: the boyz, txt, enhyphen, newjeans.
001.  guidelines
you must be twenty or older.
you must also be familiar with tupperbox, or willing to learn about it.
i will write all kinds of ships, like m/f, f/f, m/nb, nb/nb, etc.
i am not comfortable writing smut with idols, but things can still get pretty heated. i'm still open to suggestive themes and fade-to-black for implied smut, just not explicit detail.
semi-lit to literate partners. i write a minimum of 2 paragraphs per response, and i only write in 3rd person pov & present tense.
i'm looking for partners who are okay with lax activity. i'm talking okay with only one response a week, and no hounding for faster replies. this is a hobby, and i intend to keep it fun and light.
put in effort for both sides of the roleplay. if you only consistently reply with long paragraphs to your side of the rp, i expect you do the same for my side. if i feel you're not putting any effort in my side of the rp at all, i will talk to you about it. if it continues, i will drop both rps.
lastly, i'm here to have fun, and i want you to feel the same way. if anything i say or do makes you uncomfortable, please let me know and i'll remedy it. if you feel better dropping the rp and distancing from me, you may let me know or just do what's best for you.
002.  requesting a roleplay
if you’re interested, please send me an ask or message with the following info in this format:
name: the name you want to be called
pronouns: so i don't misgender you
age: use numbers for exact age or age range
discord: your discord id so i can add you
ship: oc x (idol's name you want for your oc) / (idol's name you want to rp) x (idol's name you want to ship)
groups/soloists: list any groups or soloists you can rp for my oc
triggers/banned topics: anything you'd like to avoid in chat or rp
prompt/plot: this is for the plot you want to rp for your side
writing sample: minimum of 2 paragraphs ; a link to your sample also works
don't worry if you send it an ask, because it will not be published. i might not also rp with everyone who reaches out if i don't like the plot or i feel like our writing styles won't match. i'll still let reach out and see if we can compromise.
003.  the banned list
i’m very into dark plots and themes, but i won't say no to lighter themes and plots. i'm pretty adaptable, however i do get bored if there's no action going on. it doesn't have to be majorly earth-shattering or some extreme conflict.
i'm just asking if you want to say do a domestic plot, please introduce some kind of conflict. maybe there's a reservation they had planned weeks ago, but someone made a scheduling mistake, so now they have to choose between the dinner reservation or the job meeting. or maybe someone's just running late while the other's already waiting at the restaurant. just something to keep the excitement going, and it's not just tooth-rotting fluff all the time.
these, however, are banned plots / themes that i will not do whatsoever:
idols being themselves as idols
abo dynamics or omegaverse
homophobic / transphobic / xenophobic / etc. themes
004.  conclusion
i promise i'm not super mean or strict as my post suggests. like i am happy to just chat with my partners about anything and everything, it doesn't even have to be about our rp. i'm also happy to share like inspo posts, musings, headcanons, or pinterest boards about our rps, so don't be put off.
if we get along, that's great and awesome, and i can't wait to write with you! if we don't, that's cool too, and i hope you find the partners who fit for you!
this is such a long post, but thank you for reading! i hope to hear from you soon 💙
* note: you can use the tags below to look through my wanted plots, writing samples, wanted opposites, and muse faceclaims.
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sixie-art · 13 days
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Jolie Mortelle
a puppet I made for my bunny for our anniversary! 🩷🧡🐰🐱🧡🩷
WIP pics and updates under the
I didn’t think to take progress pictures until after I got the base finished, and only just decided to make a post documenting the process tonight lol 😓 But I’m literally winging it- I’ve never made anything like this, and aside from the things I was taking inspiration from and a few quick videos I’ve watched for tips on stringing the puppet and help with the hair, I haven’t been following any specific patterns or anything for it, lol, so I don’t think it would have been helpful/interesting to anyone anyway…
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Update 1, 08/18: She’s coming along pretty well- I started working on her in the last week of July, and it really didn’t take me very long to make the base puppet, though now that I’m doing more of the detailed work, progress has slowed…I’m gonna have to set aside some extra time to sneak working on her at home to make sure I get her done in time, I think; I’ve strictly been working on her on breaks work until tonight; I snuck her home in my lunchbox on Friday, and sat up for an extra 3 or so hours after bunny went to bed tonight working on rooting in some of her hair.
I’m about 1/3ish done with the hair, I’d say; it’s been time consuming, but rewarding, too, seeing the hair slowly get built up and looking more and more finished. I am nervous about it holding up…once I’ve finished, I’m gonna put glue inside the head to hopefully keep it held in. It is pretty sturdy already- combing through the hair with my fingers doesn’t pull the pieces out, but I’m worried about when I have to comb and style the hair eventually…which brings up another question I have to work out: my original design idea was to have her with straight hair, but the hair I got was curly. I figured I would just find a way to straighten it, but now that I’m putting it in, the curly hair is growing on me…I’m gonna have to decide how would be best to style it and everything, either way.
I’ve also run into an issue with the paint on her face chipping off, so I’m going to be thrust into touching up her face…I always kinda wanted to learn how to do faceups on dolls to make ooaks, but never had the confidence to…guess I’m gonna have to now, lol! Thankfully it’s only her nose and lips that have gotten their paint messed up…I think I’m gonna re-do both in black to match her ~goth aesthetic~ more lol, and I want to figure out a way to seal it and avoid further paint chipping, if possible…
After I’m done with her hair, the next step is going to be attaching her ears and hat, then I’ll probably figure out the stringing/sticks situation…the baubles I’ve gotten to add to her shawl will probably go on last, because that’s probably the part I’m most excited for! 😸 I also got a cute little box for her, and I might make up some cushioning and spruce up the inside a bit if I have time to, but I guess we’ll have to see.
Hopefully my next update won’t be quite so long-winded lol!
Update 2, 08/21: hair’s all rooted! Gonna put some glue inside next to hopefully make it hold stronger…Once the glue dries, I’m gonna wash out the hair and try to style it so she looks less like a mix of Sadako and a mop dog and more of the character I had in mind lol.
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Unfortunately, I jinxed myself and a bunch more of her face paint chipped off, so now I’m officially in doll repainting territory; I’m gonna draw up some designs for her new face and see how I wanna do it…hopefully it won’t look awful lmao!! 🤞🏻
I’ll be bringing her home to work on her while bunny’s away, and I have an extended weekend off from work coming up, so I’ll try and sneak in some work on those days, too >__>
Update 3, 08/22: Okay, so that didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would…
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I DID cheat a little and used markers and not paints, because I didn’t trust myself, but I think she looks pretty nice!!
I decided to go with a clown theme, to match bunny when she does her clowning 🩷 I didn’t end up keeping her super cool, dramatic pink eyeshadow across her face, on account of the clown makeup, which made me kinda sad- it’s one of the things I liked most about this doll face to begin with! Maybe next time I’m messing around with doll repainting or anything I’ll try to recreate the look…
I’m letting it dry for now, then I’ll be adding some modpodge to keep it all sealed up!
Update 4, 08/23: Technically the 22nd into the 23rd lol. She’s nearly done!!
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I had to touch up her white paint because the modpodge made the black outlines I drew bleed a bit 😭 but I guess that makes it look a little more like real makeup lol…? and now I know not to use that kind of marker with modpodge next time!
I’m still not really happy with the way her hair is turning out, so I’m gonna try and keep playing with it- for now, I have it pulled back to try and help it lay a little flatter!
I also added in her hat and her ears; I went the super simple route and just pinned them in, which seems to be holding up well enough for now, but I might go back in and attach them more permanently later, if I have time. I added some extra hair in the spots that didn’t quite end up getting covered by the hat, and might add some more- I have to mull it over for a while, not look at her and then go back and assess lol.
I also added her strings, and now have to figure out how to attach her to the control sticks…handles? What do you call a marionette’s controller…? (i looked it up- apparently they’re called control bars lol) I have some ideas, but I’m not sure how well it’ll work out…I’ll figure it out ✌🏻 Then, aside from that and the hair, all I have left to do is add her little charms and things, if I’m remembering correctly…I might not be because I pulled an all-nighter working on her after getting home from the drive-in lolol- definitely worth it, though. 😺 I’m so excited to see her finally, fully coming together!!
Anyway, it’s almost 6am…gotta feed the cat soon, then I’m going to bed 🥱
Update 5, 08/25: Aahh I forgot to take pix for this one, oops 😖 But she’s already hidden away, I’m not gonna pull her back out right now…Anyway, I got her sticks attached! She doesn’t have really good range of motion like I was hoping, but I guess she’s supposed to be kinda simple anyway…
I’m really excited at how she’s turning out so far, and I’m so excited to give her to bunny!! I don’t have too much work left to do…my next update might be the last before her ~grand reveal!~ 🤩
Update 6, 08/31: She’s done!!!! 😸
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I really like the way she turned out, and I’m so excited to give her to bunny next week!! I might make some quick minor fixes before packing her up to be wrapped, but I think that’s about it for her!
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