#i don’t digitally paint often so this has been fun
sillygirl-sketches · 9 months
silly little wip of a silly guy
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airrec · 2 months
will you ever make janitor ai or character ai bots out of any of the characters from your fanfics? if not.. can people make them? (please i’m dying to make a Dream Blob au bot i’m on my hands and knees begging here)
In short: no. Please, please, please do not.
In long: please do not feed my fics or posts to A.I. To do so would be actively against my wishes, and even the thought of it is upsetting and angering to me.
A.I. has a lot of potential to do good – in the medical field, in the sciences, etc. There is nuance to the subject of A.I. in general. Regarding specifically A.I. art, the technology is not yet advanced enough to be used as a tool in the way that a tool is meant to be used – it is not a brush you can download, or a digital model you can pose. It is “trained” through being fed lots and lots of real, human-created pieces of art, and copying that art.
It does not learn how to use specific brush strokes, or specific colours, or how or why certain details are included or left out. It is wholesale lifting from what it is fed and mashing it together into new configurations, Frankenstein style – there is nothing creative about it. Similarly, when fed fictional writing, it does the same: it copies and pastes common tropes, common story beats, common plots, common phrasings – there is nothing of creativity in there at all.
There are currently no legal protections for artists of any kind against A.I. algorithms; the technology is still too new, and already it is causing harm. Even just on the practical side, the environmental impacts of the excessive electricity usage needed to run the A.I. is immense.
A.I. generated art is theft, pure and simple. It cannot be currently described as anything other than that. And creative writing is a form of art. A book that you pick up in an airport, or a fanfic you open in a tab on your phone, or a well-thumbed novel you found on a shelf in a café – these are pieces of art. Perhaps you do not think of them that way, in the same way you might look at a painting and say, “Yes, that is a piece of art,” but they are.
I was talking to a friend of mine some time ago, and they said (and I agreed) that writing is often devalued as a form of art, because the idea that “anyone can write a book” is so pervasive. And, yes, anyone can write a book – or anyone can write letters onto a page in a specific order. In much the same way, anyone can draw a picture, or paint a mural. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t a creative process involved, and it doesn’t mean that there isn’t the development of skills and immense amounts of knowledge and experience going into story-crafting as much as there is visual arts. Quite frankly, anyone who says, “Oh, anyone can write a book,” has almost certainly never actually tried to write a book themselves.
My friend went on to say that very often books are considered objects, just things, not pieces of art that have been handcrafted just for you, just for someone to pick up and immerse themselves in and enjoy. In much the same way, fanfic has also become a commodity – perhaps even more so, because its content is based on a pre-existing canon that does not belong to the writer. But fanfiction is still art, in much the same way that fanart is still art, and the devaluation of it and its creators is upsetting and frustrating.
I am not a machine. I do not press some buttons, pull some levers, and start outputting fanfic. This is something I do for fun, because I enjoy it. It is something I post online because I want other people to come enjoy it, too, and for it to be an expression of art meant as a part of a fan community’s expression of love for a canon. That is what being a fan is all about.
I am a real human being, and I don’t deserve to have my art stolen from me, fed to a shambling corpse spouting out things it has “learnt” from both my art and from every other piece of art that has been stolen to feed it. Anything it would say – that would not be my story, because it doesn’t come from me. It would just be an amalgamation of thousands of people’s stories, cut down into something mainstream and palatable because the point of so-called A.I. art is not to create unique and interesting stories – it is to create generic ones that will sell easily under the model of late stage capitalism.
You know, I got the email notification for this ask last night. I have my email notifs on because I spent so long being shadow-banned on this blog, and I fear missing things in my inbox. I checked my phone in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep, and while I was reading the ask I could hear my mother breathing in her sleep just nearby – we’re in a caravan together, because it’s been a while since I went away with my parents. I am typing this answer up from that same caravan, and I’m squinting a little because the sun is reflecting off my screen. We’re going to have a barbecue later for dinner – we just bought the food for it not three hours ago. Did you think of that? Did you think about the way that I am a person, living my own life, and now I am being forced to beg for you to respect me as one?
Because that’s what you would be doing, if you did this: you would commodify me, and you would commodify my art. It would be just another machine-made thing, not something that’s handmade for others’ enjoyment; not something that work – my time, my energy – has gone into, that my passion and love has gone into. But I am not a thing, and I resent being implicitly treated like one.
If you really want to know more about people’s fanfics – talk to them! Leave a comment, send in an ask, engage with them in some way. Fanfic is created by fans for the enjoyment of other fans, and fan communities are still communities, which means there is a social element to them. Stealing from others, as one might expect, is frowned upon greatly – they gave that to you, for free. You pay nothing for it – and shouldn’t – and now you want to plagiarise and thieve what was shown in good faith?
I suppose that, ultimately, if you were truly determined, there is nothing that I can do to stop you. You could copy/paste my works into your A.I. bot creator and go on your merry way, despite how I’ve told you that such would make me extremely upset, and that it isn’t something I want. I can say, “I forbid you to do this,” - and make no mistake I do forbid you – and ultimately I have no power to actually stop you, because there is no law in place to prevent you from doing exactly as you please.
I can do nothing to stop you except this: I am asking you not to. Please.
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sharpbutsoft · 13 days
So I know you do digital art, but The Hanged fireMan looks like a watercolor. Do you work with watercolors as well, or is it the program you use?
(please brag about your art process, basically)
Yeah! So I do all my (fan)art in everyone’s favourite innuendo of an art program, Procreate. (Specifically on a 2019 ipad pro with a 1st gen Apple Pencil, both of which I would tentatively recommend if you can get them 2nd hand for less than 200euro like I did)
I did a lot of painting as a teenager, and still paint often to this day. Though I mostly worked in acrylics, I have been known to use watercolours (like, when I was in college I bought a little 3euro paint set and would use the inside of cardboard cereal boxes as diy watercolour paper and paint wild little Irish landscapes… and Winter Soldier fan art, sometimes. 2017 was a different world)
So in summary - I ‘paint’ digitally using some very traditional techniques I picked up over the years, and I kinda prefer digital art now, which I will elaborate on below the cut as I detail how I created The Hanged fireMan…
I’ll start with my favourite digital art ‘cheat’ which is that I use So Many Layers. Like seriously, pretty much every new colour goes on its own layer because I am a control freak and love being able to tweak them all as needed. So for this relatively simplistic piece, I’ve still got something like 20 layers all together.
I’m also usually better at grouping layers but in this one I gave up at some point and it felt dishonest to group them nicely before showing you guys lol
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So yeah layers is my biggest hack, but the other is using specific texture brushes
I spent a while playing around with various brushes before finding this Tarraleah one which has just the most delicious watercolour-y texture and a really fun edge to it (and it’s got pressure sensitivity, so I can really control the amount of colour I want to put down on the page)
This background was painted entirely with the 1 brush & colour, and I think it turned out pretty cool. For this particular piece I did have a reference on screen to work off for the most part, but those clouded were just painted with my heart
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Next (or maybe before, it’s a while sinceI drew this and sometimes I mix it up) is the lines, which are always done with my best friend, the Procreate Pencil!! I love her, she’s so fuzzy and textured and also if you tilt the tip on the pencil you get a broader line (like with a real pencil) which is just the coolest thing!
When it comes to lines I just sort of go for bigger shapes 1st and details later, and basically always with some kind of reference. I also use a very old & well known trick of putting the most detail into the object of most importance, and leaving the background more loose and vibey
Artists will tell you that this is to draw focus with details. Artists are lying. It’s cause we got lazy after drawing he fun part & phoned the rest of it in lol (I know this because I am an artist)
Also I love this pencil because I don’t have very steady hands and I actually cannot draw straight/smooth lines to save my life! If you’ve ever seen anything resembling a smooth line in something I’ve drawn, it is almost certainly a whole bunch of lines over each other and then erased at the edges to make it look neater
But who needs straight lines when sketchy sketch lines are so fun!
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Next is flat colours (the 3layers in the middle with check marks beside them)
I used the same colours as the background, which you can tell from where they completely blend together right down the bottom, and what I genuinely do is use the Tarraleah brush to generally block out he shape, and then go back in with an eraser and smooth out the lines
Why do I do this? …good question
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Next is one of my favourite parts, which is adding the lights! Procreate has some really fun -glowy- layer effects - my favourite is probably Add (A) though Colour Burn (CB) is great too for its vibrancy.
Also those 2 layer 11s are there because I duplicated one and then used the ‘Gaussian Blur’ feature to ‘fuzzify’ it (yes, that’s the technical term) It’s a pretty quick and easy way to add a more diffused light effect around something. (I did the same for the yellow reflective strips on the turnouts too!)
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Last step now! So full disclosure - I absolutely traced that writing from a photo of a tarot card lol. I actually always trace writing, as, much like drawing straight lines, I’m bad at handwriting on a screen
I also stumbled upon the Exclusion (E) effect by accident - Originally it was going to be a plain cream boarder like a traditional tarot card had, but I wasn’t fully happy with it, so I just flipped through a few layer effects and as soon as I got to this one, I knew it was the right choice
I love the dreamy contrast of the pinks and purples to the dark navy and grey & how it makes everything looks kinda unreal and outer-spacey
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And yeah that’s about it! Everything else comes from my 15+ years of Practical Art Knowledge but these are the specifics of how I utilise it digitally!
This was a lot of fun to write out, and I hope that if you’ve made it all the way here, it was fun to read too!
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letsberealgenz · 6 months
how to exit your lazy era — level up, stay motivated and make 2024 your best year🕯️
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Firstly why do we even get stuck in our lazy era?
no motivation
you just faced a major failure
not seeing the results you want after working for so long
a way of procrastinating
an easy way to put away all your important task aside
“It’s easy to not do anything in life. It doesn’t even require any effort whatsoever.”
How to overcome this?
Plan your days earlier
Honestly we often hear people giving all sort of tips and tricks to be productive, but the thing is nothing works unless you have a vision for how your day is going to look like. Didn’t they say this?
“Visualization is the key to manifestation.”
2. Start your day with a boost of motivation
This is coming from a personal experience of mine. The only way I overcome my morning sickness was actually by quickly hitting the play button of my favorite motivational podcast as soon as I switch off my alarm. Now it feels like an autopilot mode. For real, try it out.
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” — Jim Ryun
3. Do what you love first thing first
Game-changer. It is one of the prime reason why I LOVE (not like) but LOVE getting up early after discovering the main hack of morning routine which is to do something that truly excites you to your very core.
It could be painting, reading, dancing, journaling, writing, singing, working out, walking, sitting outside sipping your favorite coffee, walking your dog, or literally not even doing anything. Whatever that soothes you, calms your soul and rejuvenates your being. BOOM! That’s exactly what you need to do as soon as you’re up.
For me personally, I love meditating, reading while sipping my coffee and just spending time with nature. The serenity and tranquility can’t be put into words to be honest!
“Slow morning is the recipe to my productivity for real.”
4. Sweating it out
Have you ever been in a situation (I'm sure we all have been in this one) where your body feels sluggish after lunch probably in the late noon? YES! It feels so horrible like you can’t keep your eyes open without consuming doses of caffeine.
Plus working from home is becoming a norm after the pandemic, therefore being stagnant is becoming more of a common trait that binds all of us together. Sitting still in front of your PC, sending emails through your handphone, recording content and et cetera.
This constant stagnation is actually preventing the daily movement our body needs to rejuvenate. Therefore, when we don’t get it that’s when the laziness kicks in. We do know the root problem right now and the root solution would be to move your body as often as you can.
Working out doesn’t need to fit into this standard practice social media has eluded us all by the frame of being in the gym. Honestly there’s more than that.
As long as you are sweating, you’re good my friend.
5. Vision board
Vision board is one of the easiest, accessible and FUN thing you can do to get yourself out of the rut. I don’t think so we need to go all around again to get the gist of vision board but it would be incomplete if I don’t share this secret with you.
Make a physical and a digital board. The physical one plays a role to be sitting in a space where you spend most of your time at. For instance, your office, work-studio, hostel and et cetera.
And the digital one is as important as the physical one because most of the time we are indulged or I would say obliged to our gadjets these days. Therefore, by setting your vision board as your lock screen wallpaper is definitely going to give you the sense of awakening your mind needs whenever you feel you’re slacking off.
PS: Pinterest is a great tool you can start off with.
6. Use your bank balance as a source of motivation
This is such a good way to actually get you moving. It’s a source of trigger that makes you question yourself like:
How am I supposed to achieve all of my goals on the vision board if I am not taking any sort of action from my side?
That million-dollar home, vacation and experience is not going to come alive if you’re just sitting and wishing for it.
7. Read self help books
I am sure everybody who’s legit on 
 platform is an avid-reader. I am not going to speak about the power of books because you know it all. The key is just to pick the right books according to your current life’s situation.
The main gist today is to help you exit your lazy era. So here are some book recommendations from my side.
Atomic Habit by James Clear
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor E. Frankl
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod
Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
The Concise 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Stillness is the key by Ryan Holiday
PS: What’s your favorite self-help book? Reply to this.
Stick till the very end because I am sharing with you the main HACK that nobody talks about.
8. Design your environment in a way that motivates you
We all have heard the phrase how your environment influences you. The least you could do is be conscious of how powerful your social circle is, the people whom you hangout with, the people whom you work with, the people you choose to have relationships with and the place you choose to live in.
It’s these little things that makes the most difference in your life at the end of the day.
9. Step out if that’s what you need
Honestly, a change of environment is what you need sometimes. Our body, out entire being recognizes when we are stuck in the same space for quite some time and this could be the #1 reason why you’ve been procrastinating. Probably you could do this:
Go to your favorite restaurant/café
Work from the library
Honestly choose a spot where you feel you could really maximize your potential and somewhere that actually motivates you to step up. Do better!
10. Allow yourself to be lazy at times
AHHHH! This is the magic pill I was speaking about. I realized nobody seems to tell you this but let’s be real. The only way to exit your lazy era is by giving yourself room to actually be lazy. You can’t expect yourself to transform overnight. You can’t expect to be productive 24/7. You can’t expect yourself to meet all the high standards you’ve set yourself up to.
And I want you to know this. It’s okay to be lazy sometimes. It’s okay to catch yourself not doing anything sometimes. But always remember this.
You shall only reward yourself to be lazy when you’ve absolutely fulfilled the promise you’ve made. The tasks you need to complete. The assignments you need to submit. The thesis you need to work on. The presentation you need to deliver.
Trust me if you implement all of the above habits, you would realize this:
“It’s the small changes in your daily life that you needed all along for your long-term success.”
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 7 months
hiii i'm wondering if i could request a jjk matchup when you have the time! (no rush!! and thank you in advance)
jjk / male (adult) preference / villian types okay as long as they're humanoid
personality traits: introverted (distant, disinterested in getting close to many people, does not get lonely), extremely independent (often refuses to rely on others, hates when people step in to help without me asking), confident (arrogant, a bit prideful), straightforward (blunt, sometimes tactless), even-tempered (somewhat apathetic, rarely has strong emotional reactions, but is baseline content almost always), good sense of humor, playful, teasing, mischievous, realist that leans optimistic, curious (nosey, loves gossip), a bit of a troublemaker/rulebreaker, does not shy away from conflict (a bit combative with authority and people who don’t know what they’re doing), not sentimental, does not hold onto regrets, good at self-reflection, cold and a little mean when upset with someone.
hobbies: video games, watching anime, drawing (digital), painting (watercolor, acrylic), baking, cosplay, reading, taking care of plants, thrill-seeking activities.
likes: cats, sweets, good food, lattes, aromatic candles, cool weather, traveling, piercings, tattoos, puns, lazy days, learning foreign languages, cleaning, new experiences, people with a good sense of humor (quite subjective), when people banter back with me, people who let me tease them, people who develop their own opinions but are still willing to listen to other perspectives.
dislikes: bitter foods, strong scents, pessimism, hot weather, feeling restricted, possessiveness, conformity, having to be responsible for others, when people don’t stand up for themselves (i tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure), overly anxious people, people-pleasers, when people act condescending towards me, people who try to force conversation with me.
types: intj-a ; 7w8 ; love languages: physical touch, quality time.
misc.: clumsy ; accidentally misuses slang or phrases ; able to pick up new skills relatively quickly ; studied french, korean, and latin in uni (also studied abroad) ; majors in international cultures/languages + minors in psychology and medieval history ; prone to being a bit directionless in life ; prone to bad luck but tries to find the humor in most situations ; life approach: to live a life of varied experiences, to not take life too seriously, to not dwell too much on the past
(Hey hey! Thank you so much for being patient! I hope you enjoy this and have a chaotic-ly fun day)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- He likes how independent and confident you are.
- You two will pull mischievous pranks together on the others.
- He thinks it’s hilarious when you misuse slang and will teasingly correct you (while laughing)
- You guys will spend quality time together in a variety of ways such as: playing games together, watching shows together on a lazy-feeling day, going out together (some days he’ll take you somewhere the both of you never been before and other days he’ll take you someplace THRILLING)
- Sometimes he likes to cosplay with you and act like the character he’s cosplaying as.
- When you guys are serious serious in the relationship the both of you will get tattoos together (it could be matching tattoos or not, it’s depends on what you and him wants)
- Puns make him laugh and often times he will try to one-up you to see which person can make the best pun.
- If you want to draw him he will gladly pose for you with the biggest smile on his face (he will be in the most goofiest poses too) but he’ll most likely get bored quickly-
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subzeromoonlight · 9 months
The Sims 4 Aesthetics Legacy Challenge
This is a challenge I've been working on for a while, and I thought it would be fun to try myself! So maybe you'll see me doing it someday 👀 feel free to tag me if you wanna! ^^
I found most of these aesthetics on the aesthetics wiki https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Aesthetics
Keep in mind:
Some of these “aesthetics” are more so subcultures.
These generations are mainly based on stereotypes, and what’s most commonly associated with these aesthetics/subcultures.
I tried my best keeping these aesthetics/subcultures as gender neutral as possible
General rules:
Money cheats are allowed, but don’t abuse them. (you can use them for your starter home shell).
Resetting your sim when they’re bugging is also allowed.
Spouses/partners don’t have to have the same aesthetic as your sim.
You shall only complete the aspiration and/or career when it’s necessary to that generation.
You don’t have to live in a specific world unless the rules say so.
Only reload your save if a major disaster happens. (your main sim dies, etc.)
And most importantly, have fun! :D
Generation 1: Hippie ☮️
You grew up with strict parents, and it was so not cool. You always dreamed of the day when you could get out, and be wild and free. And now that day has finally come...
traits: vegetarian, loves the outdoors, green fiend
aspiration: Zen Guru
career: none
complete the zen guru aspiration
master the wellness and herbalism skills
Generation 2: Artsy 🎨
You were the quiet kid in school. You preferred to doodle rather than socialize, and you were quite good at it! And once you became a young adult, you decided to pursue your artsy dreams!
traits: creative, art lover, loner
aspiration: painter extraordinaire
career: freelancer (digital artist)
master the painter extraordinaire aspiration
master the painting skill
Generation 3: Grunge 🎸
You grew up surrounded by art, and you've always wanted to make your own, and make a statement with it. But instead of paintings, you would do it with music. Now it was time to have you and your guitar conquer the world!
traits: music lover, lazy, gloomy
aspiration: musical genius
career: entertainer (musician branch)
master the guitar and singing skills
live in a needs TLC apartment for their entire young adult life
perform on the streets often with your guitar
Generation 4: Dark Academia 📖
"Nose stuck in a book" is a phrase you heard a lot about you growing up. You would always hang out at libraries after school, to either study or read. Yet, you wouldn't let people's shallow assumptions about you prevent you from reaching success.
traits: bookworm, genius, perfectionist
aspiration: renaissance sim
career: law (private attorney branch)
complete the renaissance sim aspiration
have a library in your home
complete the law career
master the research and debate skill
Generation 5: Cottagecore 🌱
Ever since you could remember, you've always loved animals and nature. And you wanted to make caring for them a priority for you. The perfect countryside paradise.
traits: animal enthusiast, generous, loves the outdoors
aspiration: country caretaker
career: none
master the gardening skill
master the country caretaker aspiration
own a dog and/or cat
Generation 6: Spacecore 🚀
While you grew up in the countryside, you've always thought that the life of strolling green hills wasn't your thing. You've always loved space and astronomy. While other kids would put Sulani on their bucket lists, your dream destination was Sixam!
traits: nerd, genius, paranoid
aspiration: nerd brain
career: astronaut (space ranger branch)
master the rocket science and logic skills
complete the nerd brain aspiration
master the astronaut career
visit Sixam
Generation 7: Y2K 🩷
Your biggest life dream is fashion, and you've always valued dressing in style. You were the life of the party in school, but your dreams have always been bigger. Your career had to revolve around your passion.
traits: outgoing, romantic, self-assured
aspiration: party animal
career: style influencer (trendsetter branch)
master the charisma and photography skills
complete the style influencer career
Generation 8: Scene ☠️
Growing up you've always been told you're... different. Like, "You're too much!", or "You're so obnoxious..." but you won't let those people stop you. You will make friends, you will be popular, you will be iconic.
traits: nerd, insider, party animal
aspiration: leader of the pack
career: social media (internet personality branch)
master the video gaming and charisma skills
complete the social media career
complete the leader of the pack aspiration
Generation 9: Uptown 🌆
You had a stable childhood with a loving family, so why have you always longed for more? You want to climb the ladder all the way to the top, no matter the cost. Making the big life in the city is the life for you!
traits: materialistic, foodie, snob
aspiration: city native
career: critic (food critic branch)
must live in a San Myshuno apartment
complete the city native aspiration
complete the critic career
Generation 10: Punk 🧷
As a kid, you were never fascinated with power and authority. And once you grew up, you finally understood why. Those in power can't let the people down for much longer, and you will fight to get that future!
traits: maker, freegan, hot headed
aspiration: neighborhood confidante 
career: none
master the neighborhood confidante aspiration
master the fabrication and handiness skills
Happy simming <3
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Helloo <3 I’d like to make a fandom ship request! Heathers, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and/or the DC universe would be wonderful :D
My name is Jupiter, my pronouns are they/she, and I’m a heavily female-presenting nonbinary sapphic! I’m 5 feet and 8 inches tall, but I usually wear heels and platforms that make me a lot taller. I’m of mixed descent (African-Japanese) and brown-skinned with lots of freckles and moles. My hair is 4C, and I always style my Afro to have bear ears!! I think it’s really cute to do, so my head always has two little puffs at the top. My style is mostly coquette since I’m a coquette girly, but I’m also open to pastel goth, Yume Kawaii, and Decora Kei 💖💖
Personality wise, my friends say I’m pretty much the mom of the group lol. I like checking in on my friends whenever I can, and I always make sure to bring around snacks with me in case someone (including myself) gets hungry. I like to think I’m great with kids, and I’ve actually babysitter a couple who have called me Mama! Almost collapsed to the floor in cuteness-aggression fueled tears, but I think that’s a pretty normal reaction :}} Besides all of that, I’m generally a bubbly person and I don’t care about social norms all that much. Maybe it’s cuz I’m autistic, but I don’t care if people think it’s strictly romantic to kiss someone - I kiss my friends all the time and I love showing them affection, especially since some of them really need it
As for my hobbies, I love love LOVE crocheting! My mom actually taught me how to make my own bags and purses, and I’ve sold a few when I was younger. Arts and crafts is a huge passion for me - whether it’s painting, sketching, digital drawing, whatever!! I enjoy it all, and I make free commissions for my friends too. I also like to cook and bake, which are two skills I’ve been learning since I was 11. And when I’m not making art or cooking, I also love a good ol’ self care routine! Face masks, bubble baths, pedicures, the whole shebang. I’ve struggled with my mental health a lot over the years, so spoiling myself is something I’m trying to do a lot more now that school is almost over
Fun fact about me; I’m not southern, but my family always says I act like it. I say “y’all” constantly and I tend to call people things like sugar, sweetheart, baby, honey, etc.
Aaaand that’s it! Would love to see who you pick for me. Have the most wonderful day, sweets<3
Your Fandom Ships: Sissy Slaughter (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and Selina Kyle (Aka Catwoman, DCU)
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Explanation: first things first I think that she thinks you’re insanely hot like she doesn’t see anyone anyone like you around I mean from your height which you’re already tall but when you wear those heels whoa what makes her jelly… I mean usually her brother gets all the pretty victims, but she definitely thinks that she’s going to keep you for herself. she thinks you’re adorable and she loves your hyper femininity. She is obsessed with you (literally)… and your style. It almost makes you seem more innocent and cute and she absolutely has a corruption kink.  she thinks that it’s adorable that you’re the mom of the friend group and absolutely supports it because she’s often the one that has to take care of her family so she absolutely forgets it because she’s the only one who knows how to do things like sewing around her family, and, she thinks that your attractive whenever you take up the leading role in your friend group. She also doesn’t really take notice to a lot of social norms because she’s been in and out of a lot of cults in her life and things like that and also you know she’s a serial killer but she’s just kind of loopy and I don’t feel like she pays much attention to what other people think so she gets that and I think that she’s also very good with your autism like she would absolutely understand if you ever got overstimulated or if he didn’t like certain textures or anything like that she would be on it and she would be the most caring out of the family about things like that. But I don’t think she cares about and she was definitely in a lot of cults where it was very casual to be sexual and things like that so I don’t feel like she sees kissing as an entirely sexual thing either she sees it is more of a friendly thing too. She loves that you can crochet and I feel like if you ever made her a purse or a bag or anything like that she would wear it in such pride and she would never take it off and if anyone made fun of it, they would for sure get their throat slip, but she just loves everything you make and thinks that it’s really adorable. She also is a pretty good artist I feel like and she would draw with you and draw around the house because she lives out in the country where there’s very very pretty views so I feel like she would help you draw those and draw some on her own and paint and things like that and ask for your love of skin care I feel like she would totally have a girls night with you or you guys both just do your skin care. Do it up do the whole thing and do your entire routine and I feel like she would just love that and how makes her feel and she feels like a pretty little princess, and she rarely gets pampered, she’s used to that farm girl lifestyle. Also, I can see this being really cute for you. You say that you’re not southern but act like it but sissy is legitimately southern and I think you guys calling each other sugar honey Sweetheart things like that would be absolutely adorable and I shifted this so bad because honestly, I could make like a little comic about it or something because of how much I shipped this I just like you calling each other sugar, honey, and she would definitely be obsessed and possessive of you and I don’t know just like I don’t know I ship your relationship a lot. ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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Explanation: physical appearance I think that she would be absolutely in love with you. She just loves you guys have the opposite kinds of femininity like you guys are both very feminine, but in very different senses she’s more of a dark feminine and you’re more of a cute light feminine and I just think that you guys contrast so well with her kind of dark feline energy and you’re kind of more like innocent coquette type energy. I just love the clash there and I feel like she would absolutely be attracted to you and how tall you are I just like you guys both are so similar but so different and I just love that like, oh my gosh I can’t even tell you how much I love you guys and you’re aesthetics clashing together but then also looking so pleasing you guys just are so cute. She loves the way that you wear your Afro and I feel like she just finds you absolutely adorable and just loves the way that you look in general because it’s again such a contrast from her because you guys are both very feminine, but she’s more dark seductive type you know siren and you’re definitely a doe like she’s definitely a siren you’re a doe that’s a really good way to put it. She definitely needs to be checked in with because she’s the chaotic friend and her group so I feel like you guys would have the greatest dynamic ever of you like checking in with her making sure that he said she’s OK and constantly pulling her out of danger because she gets herself in a lot of situations. I just feel like you would be the one reigning her chaos back. She thinks it’s adorable that your so good with kids and it definitely got her thinking about maybe adopting a kid with you because she just loves you so much and thinks that you would be a great mom. You also treat her a lot better than the past guy she’s dated which I feel like she would really appreciate because of the way that she dresses an act she’s super used to be used as a sex toy and nothing really more so whenever you come into her life and treat her like she matters more than just for her body and you see her as a person. I just feel like it means the world to her and she finds you so precious and out of all the things that she stolen in her entire career of thievery I feel like your heart is the most valuable thing she laid her hands on. She doesn’t care that much about social norms either and I feel like she’s also definitely platonic kisser even before you guys started dating she was kissing you casually on the lips cheeks, etc. just because you know she could and she found it kind of a friendly way to do. But they got a lot more intimate as you started dating I don’t know, but I feel like she agrees with you on that. She thinks the fact that you crochet is actually adorable and even though it’s not really as much of her style as a hobby, she finds it super fascinating and is always watching you and your hands and she just thinks it’s so cool that you can do such complicated maneuvers with the string and things like that. she’s not as much of an artist herself, but she would totally support you, but I actually do think that she’s pretty good in the kitchen so I feel like you guys would have a lot fun baking together and cooking together and I feel like if you guys ever made like dinner and stuff it would actually be really good and you guys would just feast like the queen you are for the night and I feel like a really good day for you guys would be a stay at home day where you guys both just cook for each other and then afterwards and with movie and the full skin care routine because she absolutely loves skin care I mean, I cannot, say this enough, but I feel like she would also be a skincare queen and you two would have the Korean glass skin and just be such a good couple. Anyway, if it isn’t obvious enough, I totally ship you too, and I think this is maybe one of my favorite out of all these you know fandom ships I’ve done, I think this is the one that I’ve genuinely shipped or at least top 10 because this is like you guys would be so perfect together.
I mean you’re both feminine but opposite ways and I just love this. 💙💙💙
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petalcheeks · 2 years
hi flower! i feel like i’m online/using technology a lil too much~
i want to be one of those girls that are barley on their devices and are doing their hobbies and like playing outside!! but the thing is…where i live isn’t the best to go outside at all and i have adhd so it’s pretty difficult to get myself to actually do the things i want to do; it’s a lot easier to scroll or play video games than to for example get my painting things out…
do you have any tips for me?🫧
hello sea foam ~
technology has been fine-tuned to keep you captivated especially for those with short attention spans, so don’t feel alone in this !
some tips that help in escaping digital time warps:
🤍 have a set mood for the activity you are doing; play a playlist that fits the mood of a painting you are working on, play music suited to the genre of whatever book you’re reading, etc.
🤍 do your hobby as soon as inspiration is sparked, do not let it escape you like a falling star
🤍 have technology be apart of your hobby, you don’t need to fight to escape from it but you can use it as a tool for furthering your hobby or even accompanying you with inspiration photos, movies, audiobooks, videos, etc.
🤍 for painting, perhaps try out sketching out any work that suddenly comes to mind, whether on a sketchbook nearby or even on your tablet/phone so that you get excited to make that piece come to life
🤍 try out different hobbies in other safe environments, besides having home hobbies (drawing, sculpting, reading, gardening, knitting/sewing, etc.) try out some hobbies that get you out of the house but in safer environments (indoor sports like ballet{can do at home too!}, figure skating, swimming, painting clubs, reading in libraries, etc.)
🤍 schedule your hobbies, whether it’s a sport or activity, force yourself to do it at least once a week; it sounds discouraging but you often find yourself remember how fun it is and find yourself doing it more often than you planned
🤍 record the progress of your hobbies on your phone, seeing it on the device you see often can motivate and inspire you to keep doing it !
even as technology can seem like an enemy, you can utilize it in many ways to further the growth of your other hobbies whether finding inspiration from others, using it to do your hobby, or using it to keep the progress of your work/activity. keeping attention to hobbies like art is especially hard since it requires lengthy times, but sometimes masterpieces are made in a flurry of quick strokes while other masterpieces are created gently over time after revisiting countless times- so find a pace that works for you, i wish you luck and happiness ♡
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digitalsatyr23 · 2 years
Anime/Show Idea: An outgoing, popular, and athletic girl is roommates with an introverted fat nerd. Rather than simply being wish-fulfillment shlock, the main focus is on how the two people who otherwise avoided each other start socializing and learning little by little what they’re like, changing their perspective on what it means to lead a fulfilling life.
The popular girl has many, many acquaintances, but social stigmas kept her from being her true self in front of her peers out of fear of alienation. She has an interest in a niche hobby like making terrariums and wants a snail as a pet. The fat nerd is a well-known artist who has deep connections online because all his best friends are all over the world. At first the girl wants nothing to do with the guy (he barely leaves his room anyway), but she stumbles onto an online gallery of his and sees all the digital art of fantastical characters and lush landscapes he’s painted. This leads her to reach out to him and the chubby guy starts coming out of his room more often. At first they get on each others’ nerves because of how different they are, but they later get used to each others’ quirks and form a bond. The girl tries to help the guy work on his social skills and diet while the guy teaches the girl all about digital art and suggests various shows and movies she ends up really enjoying. Guy: “I’ve wanted to join a gym before, but I always thought that I’d get bullied for my weight there and made fun of. I’ve always been fat so I figure I should just stick to what I know.” Girl: “That’s... That’s not how that works. People like me love to see overweight people at the gym. We know you’re trying to improve your health and put in the effort, so you don’t have to be scared. And hey, if someone starts making rude comments, I’ll tell them to fuck off!” Or Girl: “So what’s a sona? I keep seeing that word passed around on your blog.” Guy: “Ah, well, it’s basically like an OC meant to represent yourself online. Some people make them look just like themselves with maybe a small twist, whereas other artists like to make them completely different from their true selves and have fun with the design. Your sona could be a dragon, a vampire, or-” Girl: “A spider girl!” Guy: “Oh, like maybe this?” *shows girl a typical cute monster girl* Girl: “No no, more like this!” *shows guy a terrifying horror movie monster. the guy nervously puts his thumb up and helps design a sona for the girl, learning new art techniques in the process* Neither person is trying to fundamentally change who the other is, but rather give the other an insight into their world and help them become more well-rounded individuals who each learn how to accept themselves in their own way. No matter what, the girl remains an outgoing tomboy but maybe she learns how to form closer bonds with her other friends who may have also been into weird stuff but were equally scared of talking about it. Even if the guy loses weight, his personality doesn’t totally change. He’ll always be a big softie at heart, but now with a bit more confidence. A big theme of the story isn’t so much “a clash of two worlds” but more like not judging a book by its cover and learning to be more comfortable in your own skin. Another key point I want to make about the idea. These two NEVER hook up. They get close to each other by the end, but they never hold romantic feelings for each other. I’m tired of the idea that guys and girls can’t be friends. We need more stories where guys and girls are friends! Not “just” friends like it’s a downgrade, but actual friend friends!! Anyway, thanks for reading my idea I came up with while cooking spaghetti. If Netflix staff wanna talk and green-light this, my asks are always open. ;)
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wadeswebs · 2 years
Hi! I really love your art, especially the piece you did of Marc Spector and the one of Javier Peña—the textures and the colours and just the whole feel of your pieces is phenomenal. I was wondering if you would mind sharing what sorts of brushes and canvas textures you use? I’m learning digital art right now so I’m always super fascinated by what other artists use.
Hello Anon, thank you for liking these ⭐️
I’ll try to make this understandable and clear to some extent !
I draw on my IPad but you can really get stuff done with a regular drawing tablet (that’s how most people start and it’s a great tool for beginners )
I use procreate which isn’t a free app but it’s really worth every penny. Also it’s not a subscription and just a one time payment (I paid about 16 euros but the might change depending on your country)
If you are using a drawing tablet I really don’t know what program is the best because it’s been a while and it will depend on your budget and computer. However I do recommend that you use chonky brushes. The point is to mimic brush strokes to some extent and play with these.
For procreate :
Free brushes ! : The app comes with a bunch of great brushes. A favorite is definitely Nikko Rull. It is chonky and has strong edges that you can make harsher or softer with pen pressure. Over all all the brushes under the paint and textures group are fun to play with. Try to play with shapes. Erase with other brushes to get them to look like splashes or brush strokes. Be messy
Brush Packs ! : These one aren’t free but they’re great and they’re the ones I use. I mainly use two packs from MaxPacks . For lineart and sketches I use the Gouache Pack although I believe you don’t necessarily need it for the artstyle you’re trying to achieve., it is still a great pack to go and try brushes if you want a gouache like style. The Watercolor Pack is GREAT. It provides really useful brushes to achieve unique textures and blending styles. Also not a necessity but it’s really unmatched. The paper/canvas texture I usually use for my drawings comes from this pack. (The brush is the MaxU Paper Hot Press). They will also give you a pre made canvas with a cold press and hot press style, use what fits your taste better.
If you do not want to buy brush packs (or can’t), you can also look for paper textures for procreate and you should be able to find some for free. You can layer the texture as the top layer and use it as a filter (usually it’s the multiply filter but I believe other filters could also be applied). If you’re editing savvy you could also just take a good quality picture of textured paper and use it as a base.
My overall advice is to : Play with brushes, make them random, erase, bring texture and body to the drawing. I’m still learning but the clue is to experiment ✨
I recommend you to look for gouache paintings as they are often really textured and make great inspiration :) . Some favorite artists of mine right now are Dean Cornwell, Ludek Marold and J.C. Leyendecker
I also recommend you check awesome artists like : Foxystaches @dracarysgang
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it is raining.
you can see the sunset now.
my birthday is in july.
i have been to the movie theater in the past week.
i have a test in school tomorrow.
people think i’m smart.
i am good at drawing.
i take long showers.
a horror movie has scared me so much that when i’m in the shower, i always have to look outside the curtain to make sure nobody’s there.
thunderstorms scare me.
i never wear a watch.
we have lunch too late in school.
i write on everything with sharpies.
i am an only child.
a bird has somehow gotten inside my house.
i have/had a pet parrot.
i like frozen dinners.
i have curly or wavy hair.
i don’t like my hair but i get compliments about it.
there is no good music on the radio.
i have brown eyes.
munchkins are better than donuts.
jelly munchkins are the best kind.
i like the color green.
i have never broken a bone.
there is a room in my house with reddish walls.
my basement is unfinished.
i never paint my nails. 
i’m using an optical mouse.
i have never been to my state’s capital.
i hate it when people say your mom.
i have not eaten for a day straight.
i only do my homework if i feel like it.
i have made a fake screen name just to bug someone.
i have stalked someone.
i’m good at playing pool.
i don’t need an ipod because i still use my portable cd player.
there is a plant in this room.
there is a buddha statue in my house. 
i like making charts and graphs to explain things.
i like the font comic sans.
i always use the same font.
i like screaming as loud as i can when no one is around.
i keep track of how many calories i consume daily.
i have multiple striped shirts.
i sometimes wear skinny jeans.
i wear jeans 99% of the time.
i have been in a casino.
i have won money from a scratch ticket.
when websites have counters, i go on and keep refreshing them.
buttons are fun to press.
i am employed.
i have seen a rated r movie in school.
i went to a private elementary school.
i am terrible at singing.
i buy a lot of things on ebay.
i don’t like shopping.
i hate hollister.
when it snows, i sometimes shovel the walkway.
i have a notebook just for doodling and scribbling.
i have more mix cds than regular cds.
i love playing the sims.
i don’t like pie.
i know the number pi up to 10 digits.
i used to live in another country.
i know someone from china.
i can balance a spoon on my nose.
i crack my knuckles a lot.
i can crack my back.
i take piano lessons.
it is some time from 8:00 to 9:00.
i wake up early in the morning.
there is school tomorrow.
i have skipped school because i had nothing to wear.
at hotels, i sneak out at night.
hotels have comfy beds.
i don’t want a boyfriend/girlfriend.
i take showers at night.
i wear the same perfume every day.
my ears aren’t pierced.
gift cards are the best gifts to get.
i have been to alaska.
i hate using mechanical pencils because i never have extra lead.
i have seen a shakespeare play.
i know how many cups are in a quart.
my hair color changes often.
i cut and paste instead of copy and paste.
my birthday is/was this month.
i have a tattoo.
i drink 8 glasses of water every day.
spongebob is funny.
i don’t drink soda a lot.
i can’t roll my tongue.
0 notes
alsjeblieft-zeg · 10 months
545 of 2023
it is raining.
you can see the sunset now.
my birthday is in july.
i have been to the movie theater in the past week.
i have a test in school tomorrow.
people think i’m smart.
i am good at drawing.
i take long showers.
a horror movie has scared me so much that when i’m in the shower, i always have to look outside the curtain to make sure nobody’s there.
thunderstorms scare me.
i never wear a watch.
we have lunch too late in school.
i write on everything with sharpies.
i am an only child.
a bird has somehow gotten inside my house.
i have/had a pet parrot.
i like frozen dinners.
i have curly or wavy hair.
i don’t like my hair but i get compliments about it.
there is no good music on the radio.
i have brown eyes.
munchkins are better than donuts.
jelly munchkins are the best kind.
i like the color green.
i have never broken a bone.
there is a room in my house with reddish walls.
my basement is unfinished.
i never paint my nails. (lol)
i’m using an optical mouse.
i have never been to my state’s capital.
i hate it when people say your mom.
i have not eaten for a day straight.
i only do my homework if i feel like it.
i have made a fake screen name just to bug someone.
i have stalked someone.
i’m good at playing pool.
i don’t need an ipod because i still use my portable cd player.
there is a plant in this room.
there is a buddha statue in my house. (for sale)
i like making charts and graphs to explain things.
i like the font comic sans.
i always use the same font.
i like screaming as loud as i can when no one is around.
i keep track of how many calories i consume daily.
i have multiple striped shirts.
i sometimes wear skinny jeans.
i wear jeans 99% of the time.
i have been in a casino.
i have won money from a scratch ticket.
when websites have counters, i go on and keep refreshing them.
buttons are fun to press.
i am employed.
i have seen a rated r movie in school.
i went to a private elementary school.
i am terrible at singing.
i buy a lot of things on ebay.
i don’t like shopping.
i hate hollister.
when it snows, i sometimes shovel the walkway.
i have a notebook just for doodling and scribbling.
i have more mix cds than regular cds.
i love playing the sims.
i don’t like pie.
i know the number pi up to 10 digits.
i used to live in another country.
i know someone from china.
i can balance a spoon on my nose.
i crack my knuckles a lot.
i can crack my back.
i take piano lessons.
it is some time from 8:00 to 9:00.
i wake up early in the morning.
there is school tomorrow.
i have skipped school because i had nothing to wear.
at hotels, i sneak out at night.
hotels have comfy beds.
i don’t want a boyfriend/girlfriend.
i take showers at night.
i wear the same perfume every day.
my ears aren’t pierced.
gift cards are the best gifts to get.
i have been to alaska.
i hate using mechanical pencils because i never have extra lead.
i have seen a shakespeare play.
i know how many cups are in a quart.
my hair color changes often.
i cut and paste instead of copy and paste.
my birthday is/was this month.
i have a tattoo.
i drink 8 glasses of water every day.
spongebob is funny.
i don’t drink soda a lot.
i can’t roll my tongue.
0 notes
dwimepon · 1 year
Just Finished Weird West!
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(2022, Created by WolfEye Studios, published by Devolver Digital, PC / PS4 / PS5 / XBO / XSX / Switch)
A funky imsim / CRPG / sandbox hybrid made by Arkane seniors where you control 5 characters with their own storylines living in a version of the Far West filled with weird fantasy creatures, from pigmen to werewolves to terrifying cryptids. It all meshes surprisingly well, although it sometimes feel more like a dark fantasy setting with a cowboy coat of paint than a proper spaghetti western.
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Every protagonist’s story is self-contained, but still happening in the same world and in a chronologically linear fashion; once you’re done with Jane Bell, for example, you’ll be able to meet her, have her join your posse or even kill her if you want to. Even when you’re done playing with them, they still -belong- in the world; it reminded me of how your actions with a character in Prey: Mooncrash persisted when playing a different one in the same run. And well surprise surprise, a lot of the people who worked on Mooncrash worked on this too!
The multi-character gimmick is even a plot point! Every protagonist is “branded” with the same symbol when you start playing as them, and some NPCs know you’re hopping from body to body and react accordingly. The finale plays heavily into that, turning it into a downright allegory for role-playing games and the emotions that comes from temporarily putting ourselves in someone’s skin. It’s a great ending and message, even if it has virtually no buildup until the final character’s arc starts.
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A shame the gameplay isn’t as interesting. Weird West has a handful of fun mechanics designed to be combined together in a way that allows for fun, emergent gameplay, like any proper imsim should, but it’s just not… enough, and what is there isn’t reliable enough to be considered a viable option in the first place. You COULD kick barrels of oil towards an enemy and light the spilled liquid on fire by throwing a lamp nearby, except it’s REALLY hard to put an oil puddle exactly where you want, and it will more than often backfire on you. You COULD spray water all over the place and then chuck a lighting bottle to electrify the whole thing, zapping anyone inside, but it deals so little damage you’d be better off shooting them instead. (Plus, a lot of what could be considered imsim elements is just... messing with liquids and surfaces, something Divinity Original Sin 2 did MUCH better without advertising itself as an “imsim” in the first place)
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All of that could have been fine if the game had at least interesting CRPG mechanics to keep it compelling, but it… doesn’t? You don’t really have any stats per say, only health, mana, a protection value depending on the one piece of armor you can equip, and that’s it. I don’t mind a game being light on stats, but here it prevents you from building a character in the first place: without any kind of social stats or ways to influence dialogue through your character’s abilities, there are very few ways to deal with a given situation and they generally all have the same outcome. I think that’s where Weird West should have put more focus on, instead of trying to equally attract imsim and RPG fans and ending up pleasing neither.
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I don’t think I can recommend that game unless you’re really interested by the (honestly fantastic!) premise and story. Despite being about 13 hours long, I was only able to play it through small 30-minute chunks every day because of how whatever it felt to play. The ending was so cool I thought it was worth it, though, and I can't wait to see what WolfEye does next!
0 notes
hangonimevolving · 1 year
Phun with Photos…and Phungus…and Phelines!
The kids and I have been messing around a lot with photos using the app Procreate, which I often use to design things to make on my Cricut. I started a video course on how to use all of Procreate’s tools and features on Udemy a few years ago - I never did finish the course, and I should prob go back and watch the portions I completed just for review - but even using the app near daily for a few years now has made me comfortable enough to tinker around and try to figure things out.
So the other day, we woke up in the morning and discovered this BEAUTIFUL, almost perfect mushroom growing in the landscaping right outside our garage:
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Don’t ask me why, but I was completely enraptured with this thing. Maybe it’s bc it sprung up overnight almost like magic, or bc of its perfect shape, or bc of the way the pretty morning sunlight hit it - but I dropped down in the ground and shot about a dozen pictures of the thing. I had this vision of having a little fun with it, and making some creative photo edits that would give the kids a laugh. And so I did!
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I then honored a request from Vev to do a Pixel-centered edit:
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Hehe….some good, clean, nearly-free fun!
Not nearly as free (in fact, it’s sort of expensive)…. but the kids finished school last week! (Oops, that deserves a photo of its own) and started a five-day summer camp at a place called iCode in our neighborhood - it’s a center that teaches kids all about different aspects of coding, computer programming, and the use of various softwares for web development, digital design, video and audio creation/production, and other techy topics like robotics, drone aviation, game development, etc. I signed both Vev and Dey up for a five-day camp focused on 2D and 3D digital design. They seem to love drawing and painting, and also futzing around with digital photos - so I thought they might enjoy it. Day 1 got off to a good start! Here are some pics, as well as photos from iCode’s social media:
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Phun for the entire phamily :)
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mister-chu · 2 years
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hello everyone! it’s me, moth, your fav enby. ~ i’m gonna be honest, i don’t usually write femme muses because it makes me dysphoric but i’ve been obsessed with chuu (and loona in general) for a while now so why not try it out? i can’t wait to bring you all along on this journey with me. (: anyways, below the cut i put some info on this sweetheart but i am working on a carrd for her also so be prepared for an update post. once again, i can’t express how excited i am to have muse again so let’s have lots of fun, okay? ♡
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{ moth, 23, cst, they/them } —— look who’s joining the infinite tour! only JINAE "LOLA" JUNG, who is the MAIN VOCALIST of FLORA. i’ve heard whispers that the TWENTY TWO year old is pretty BUBBLY but lowkey SENSITIVE. also, doesn’t she remind you of KIM JIWOO (CHUU)?
quick facts:
ꕥ jinae, or lola, was born and raised in a lower class section of seoul by her father after her mother passed away shortly after her birth due to struggles with addiction.
ꕥ life wasn’t easy but her father did his best to provide, he worked hard and laborious jobs, often dangerous as well. he is a skilled handy man that is now retired due to flora’s success so don’t worry. 
ꕥ singing came naturally to lola, her father often brags and shows off family video tapes of her singing well at an early age. she isn’t religious anymore but as a child, she sang in the choir at their local church.
ꕥ other than singing, lola enjoys art of all types. visual, classic, digital, written, drawn, painted, all of it. she often shows off her art to fans on live and it’s become a way for them to connect to her personally.
ꕥ speaking of fans, she has a real connection to them and her love for them is genuine. without them, she’d be struggling with a minimum wage job, barely making it, doing a job that she doesn’t have passion for.
ꕥ now, lets back up again. lola is one of those rare cases where she performed at a local talent show and was scouted by an infinite team member. she was only fourteen and trained two years before debuting as lead vocalist in flora. 
ꕥ since lola is so softhearted, she does struggle a lot when it comes to idol life and hurtful words thrown by netizens. they often pick on her, especially for her upbringing, making it out like she isn’t worthy since she wasn’t highly educated. this makes her work harder, however, and the only way is up for her.
ꕥ due to the bullying, she is in therapy and takes anti-depressants as well as anxiety medication multiple times a day. she is open about this in attempt to end stigma surrounding mental health and in attempt to be a good role model for her fans.
ꕥ although this hasn’t been plotted, i really see her being a genuine and true friend to her group mates. she really thrives off of feminine attention since she grew up without a female guardian and definitely shows her appreciation with affection plus skinship.
 ꕥ lola does have a large group of supporters, despite the hate, and often gets extra gigs on the side like mcing or small drama roles. she’s even released a few osts! some even call her korea’s sweetheart because she is a happy and bubbly person, it’s hard to hate her once you know her; you just have to get past shallow level thinking.
wanted connections:
!!! fair warning !!! i’m a big softie and don’t like enemy plots. me and lola don’t have a mean bone in our bodies, okay? don’t judge us. ):
ꕥ a bad influence since lola is pretty straightedge and hasn’t done anything except socially drink, she gets nervous about the consequences but i wanna see her let loose.
ꕥ a girl that she experiments with romantically and sexually because she’s a closet bisexual but she’s never been with a girl, despite having crushes on them since she was a child.
ꕥ a few friends that she trained with or debuted around the same time as her, they would have been someone that supported her emotionally (she’d do the same back) and she’d be eternally grateful for them. 
ꕥ her absolute best friend. they love to do each other's nails and gossip about cute idols together. they are bluntly honest but also loving with each other. they’re soulmates and she could never replace them. 
ꕥ maybe someone she mc’d with or a co-star in a drama she did. or even did a song together or a special duet stage. just a co-worker other than her group mates!
ꕥ childhood best friend or even crush because i love cute stuff like that. >:)
ꕥ someone she loves, someone that loves her back, but things are just too hard for them to be together right now. they could be end game or not, idc, just give me angst!!!
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icollectyoursins · 4 years
Kira Yoshikage x Fem!Reader Hand Fetish First Time NSFW
Anon said: "Ok but I love your work oml. Could I request a nsfw KiraxReader? Something where she and Kira have had a kinda vanilla sex life up until now, but during sex she decides to take control and realizes Kira has a hand kink and is actually into it? With lots of praise for her and degradation for him if possible 👉👈"
Once again, tumblr tried to screw me over with this one. Wrote 700 ish words, saved and then wrote another 400-500, clicked somewhere on my mouse pad and it closed the draft. I was nowhere near the close button. Tumblr. Do better. Auto save posts. And then my browser closed out of nowhere while I was trying to rewrite it. Fun, am I right?
Wanna know what I’m willing to write? Rules here!
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: Mostly sweet kisses, breast play, hand fetish/kink (both parties), praise, oral (cunnilingus/vaginal and hands) choking (Kira receiving as well as reader at the end), degradation, teasing, riding, cream pie.
Word Count: 1523
     Gentle lips trailed down your body, leaving kisses wherever they could. A light gasp left your mouth as they press into your soft breasts. Kira hums in appreciation, using his thumbs to massage into your hips. He wraps his mouth around your nipple, tongue swirling around it. You arch into his touch, letting out a pleasant moan. 
     Satisfied with the state he’s left you in, he lifts his head up, bright blue eyes looking sweetly into yours. You bring your hand up, cupping his cheek, watching him seemingly melt into your touch. More kisses were placed on your palms and fingers, gradually getting more feverous with every passing moment. You chuckled. He’s always been a little weak to your touch, it was sweet really.
     You couldn’t count how many times you had watched him get distracted from whatever he was doing as your hands drift over his sides, wrapping your arms around him in a hug. Or how often he came home from work, clearly stressed about something. Without fail, you would walk over to him, gently brushing your delicate fingers across his cheekbone. And without fail, he would lean into you, lavishing your hands with gentle kisses until he felt better.
     Though, it never quite lasts as long as you wanted. Kira’s kisses had always been special, but when your hands are in his; when his lips are brushing against your palm, there’s a rush that surges throughout your body. He always seems to notice this and cuts things off before you have the chance to make sense of the wave of feelings. You begin to wonder what would happen if he stayed. What would he do?
     Your mind begins to wander as he continues to decorate your palms with his lips, gradually moving down to your collar bones. You feel his hips roll into you, sending you further into your fantasies. Images of his mouth wrapped around your thumb, enveloping it in warmth. A moan dances over your lips. The image changes to him cleaning something off your palm, but it’s only there for a minute.
     “You’re so good, (Y/N).”
     He breaks you out of your daze, moving his attention lower and lower until he’s hovering above his genitals. Kira places a delicate kiss above his prize before diving in. His tongue licks a long stripe up from the bottom of your vag then up to your clit. You keen, lifting your hips up into his mouth.
     “Don’t move, (Y/N)-that’s it. Stay right there. So beautiful.” His voice is barely above a whisper as he kisses into your plush thighs for a moment, basking in the warmth of your skin. His lips return to your wet folds. Your hands run through his blonde locks, careful not to mess his hair up too much. The hum he lets out vibrates throughout your body, encouraging him more. 
     Kira’s eyes roll back into his head as your fingernails graze against his scalp, setting his nerves on fire. His hands dig into your hips a little more rough than he normally would, attempting to shift his focus to something other than your hands. He knows his nature all too well and has been trying to avoid it, not wanting to lose you just yet. The grip on his hair gets tighter as he hits a nerve in you, one finger slipping in, pushing on your sweet spot.
     “Oh!” You cry out, not caring about his hair anymore, just wanting him to- “oh! There! Yes, yes, yes!”
     The same dialogue is running through his mind as your hands tease him more, threatening to push him over the edge. His boner is almost painful now, pressed into the mattress. He moans again, losing himself in the moment all too quickly. 
     Suddenly, he pulls back, practically throwing your hands off him. Too soon. Not yet. 
     Kira catches his breath while you catch yours, avoiding your gaze. You lean up, bringing your hand back to his cheek. The desperate moan he lets out surprises both of you, wrapping his hand around yours. His breath is heavy. You’re so soft. So warm. 
     “Kira?” You whisper his name. Very rarely have you seen him like this, so riled up. Normally, he would leave, but your touch has him under some kind of spell. What would happen if you push him a little more? The images of him from before return to you, hanging in front of you, tempting you. You graze your thumb over his lips, testing the waters.
     A desperate, breathy moan rips through his throat and he leans in further, holding your hand close.
     “Do you like that?” You ask. 
     “Oooh~ yes,” he moans. You think for a minute, then decide to turn the tables.
     “Get on your back,” you order, gently pushing on his neck, forcing him to lean back.
     “What.” He looks at you a little perplexed, but there’s something in his eyes, some kind of spark that urges you to go further. 
     “I said-” you drove him further back, letting your voice drop into a more serious tone “-get on your back.”
     He complies, hands drifting to your hips, helping you situate yourself on his lap. God, what a temptress you were, turning him on like this. You rocked your hips back and forth, teasing the tip of his cock with your slick folds. He loved it. Your hands squeezed a little more, watching his eyes roll back in bliss. You don’t know what came over you two, but you were thankful. Not that your sex life was boring by any means, but seeing him so-
     “Uuuhnn!~” He moans loudly, matching the movement of your hips.
     Submissive. It makes you wish you had done this sooner. 
     “Not so fast, dear.” You coo, brushing his cheek with your free hand. “Be good for me and stay still, you can do that, right?”
     “Yesss.” Kira hisses. Control was what he did best, of course he could stay still. You moved your hand again, this time, gently raking your nails down his chest and he moans loudly again. Maybe he couldn’t control himself. You were so close, mere centimetres away from pushing him over the edge. “M-mooorrre.” 
     Your thumb glides up his chin, settling on his bottom lip. He opens his mouth, expecting you to put it in, but you don’t.
     “More? Tch, greedy.” You smile down at him, slowly replacing your thumb with your index and middle finger. “Open.” He obeys eagerly.
     With your free hand, you reach behind you, positioning his cock at your slick entrance. Slowly, you slide your fingers into Kira’s mouth. At the same time, you spear yourself on him, relishing in the way he stretches you perfectly. You both moan at the combined feeling, basking in each other’s warmth. His tongue swirls the underside of your fingers, setting your nerves on fire.
     His fingers dig into your thighs, nails no doubt leaving crescent shapes in your skin. The confidence he had in his control was quickly fading the more you pushed your digits into his mouth. You rolled your hips forward, equally losing yourself in the newfound pleasure. Why hadn’t you tried this before? The feel of your fingers, enveloped in warmth affected you more than anticipated, leaving you with an ache in your core that was quickly satisfied by his length pushing into every sweet spot you had.
     You wanted more. You bring your unoccupied hand to his throat again, watching his eyes roll back into his head. 
     “Do you like this, Kira? Do you like when I take control like this?” He groans under you, unable to contain himself. “Who knew you could be tamed this easily? I would have done this sooner if I had known it would have made you such a mess.” 
     That was it. That was all he needed to break. Your hips rocked just so, causing you to slip, pushing down on his neck more. Kira saw white as he pinned your hips to his, keeping you still while he quickly unloaded himself in you. Slowly, you pulled your hands back, watching his face as he came down from his orgasm. He seemed to be stuck in a perpetual state of bliss as you massaged circles into his collarbones.
     Finally, he came back to you, satisfaction painted all over his face. He traced a delicate finger over your cheekbone before cupping it in his hand. You nuzzled into it, basking in the warmth. Then, his thumb trailed over your lower lips just like yours did before. You enjoyed it for a moment, then realized what he was doing, shooting him a shocked look. Playfully, you try to pull away, not wanting to get trapped, but he was too quick, grabbing hold of your neck and pushing you back while he sat up.
     He was still between your legs as your back pressed into the mattress. Kira’s eyes seemed a little darker now. 
     “Did you really think you’d get away with that, (Y/N)?” He pressed his lips into yours, biting the lower one gently. You had a sneaking suspicion it was going to be a long night.
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