#i don’t hesitate to post stuff like i do literally everywhere else
aimseytv · 1 year
i like my little corner on this app
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stephbirm · 2 years
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I don't usually post things straight to tumblr, but here I go.
Eddie Munson, fixing that ending in my own head.
Probably a part 2 coming?
2.5k words... Triggers- mention of wounds and bandages, but nothing graphic. Otherwise just fluff
"My Own, Personal, Eowyn"
Part 1: The Princess Bride was Better
He was in and out of consciousness, vaguely hearing Dustin and then Steve yelling. It was all from too far away though, tinny, like hearing strains of music from someone else’s walkman. He couldn’t focus on it, and wasn’t sure if he should try. Going back to sleep was easier.
Pain jolted him awake. He heard a groan and wondered if it had come from himself. Everything hurt. He was pretty sure he had just fallen, but he wasn’t walking, so that made no sense at all… he swayed like he was in a hammock, whispered voices nearby. Should he say something? Before he could decide, he was asleep again.
Hands jostled him awake and he heard more voices - how did Gareth get to the upside down? NO!! He wasn’t going to let his friends get hurt. He tried to open his eyes, but it was all blurry and dark. He started to feel around for someone to get their attention.
“Eddie, Eddie… it’s ok, don’t move, we’re taking you to get help,” he heard Robin’s voice. 
“No… don’... don’t let him…” he struggled harder.
“We got you, man” he heard Henderson on his other side, “we’re all out, Vecna won’t get you.” 
That’s not what he was worried about, but the dark washed back over him before he could explain.
“Gar, what the hell! What’s going on?”
“Uh… this is my friend - he got hurt in the earthquake, I guess? We gotta help him!”
“No, the hospital needs to help hi-”
A chorus of “NO” drowned her out. She looked back and forth between her cousin and the strangers who had just dumped an unconscious man on her bed. They all looked nervous, haggard… filthy. She took a deep breath. Was it even possible to get to the hospital from this side of the earthquake damage? She wasn’t sure, and they all looked so scared. 
This week had been crazy - murders, a mob chasing down teenagers, now an earthquake and a red glow in the sky - this was just another layer on the insanity cake, right? If they came for help, she had to help.
“Fine. Fine.” Realizing she was literally the adult in the room, she took charge, pointing at them one by one. “You, kid, there’s first aid stuff in the bathroom next door. Gareth, grab my work bag from the truck. You, with the beret, go through that desk and find scissors. You, get towels from the hall closet. Tall guy, grab some big bowls from the kitchen and fill them with water. Everybody wash your hands before you touch anything.” 
They all hesitated a moment until Gareth ran to do his part, prompting them to scatter.
She looked down at the young man on her bed. There was blood everywhere. 
“Well, shit.”
He could hear voices again, Steve and Dustin and Gareth. His arms were being pushed and pulled. A new voice, unfamiliar to him, spoke up.
“Just the belt and shoes, I can cut the rest off so we don’t jostle any wounds back open.”
“No way!” Henderson howled, “Eddie will kill us if we cut his jacket!”
“Eddie can’t kill anyone if he’s dead from blood loss.” 
With a supreme effort, he managed to whisper, “ ‘at’s… pretty metal. Cut it.”
There was quiet and a huff of laughter. “You heard him, hand over the scissors.” He felt cold metal on his belly, and drifted again.
“I hope he stays unconscious for this part…”
“I’ll get more water…”
“One, two, three,” Harrington huffed…
“...go. It’ll be harder to hide him if there are so many people here…”
The light was brighter, and he couldn’t hear his friends. Eddie struggled to open his eyes to see what was happening but it felt like they had been glued shut. After a moment, he gave up. He moved his hand a bit and felt something soft and warm against his side. He was in a bed, with warm blankets. And someone else’s arm was touching him?
Surprise woke him up a bit more. He turned his head toward the arm, and managed to crack his eyes open. A woman he didn’t know was sleeping on a chair next to him, head lolled away from him, with her arm stretched out along his hip.  Eddie stared silently until sleep took him under again.
He opened his eyes easier this time. It was dark again, like it had been with the bats and the vines and… Eddie tried not to panic. Looking around, the stranger in the chair was gone, but he recognized the room. 
Part of his brain immediately assumed he was in the upside down, but logic asserted itself soon enough.  This wasn’t a room covered in vines, it was Gareth’s guest room that someone was clearly living in. Books and photos lined what were normally empty shelves, a desk had been placed under the window, and these were definitely softer pillows than what he remembered from crashing here after late game nights. He felt his heart slow back down a bit. 
“Gareth?” his voice came out scratchy and barely audible.When he tried to sit up sharp pain shot from his ribs and neck. He flopped back down with a small “ooph,” and tried calling again. No answer.
Ok, take in the clues, assess the situation, he told himself. He didn’t hear screeching bat demons, so that was good. He did hear water running - Gareth or his parents must be taking a shower. He felt along his chest and neck where it hurt, hands running into bandages. Someone had patched him up - this was also good. Slowly this time, he pushed himself up and back so he could lean against the pillows and headboard, immediately discovering new pains in his stomach and thigh to add to his list.
The shower stopped and he listened as Gareth or his parents rummaged around for a few minutes. No, his parents always use their master bath - it must be Gareth. That thought calmed him down further - the gang must have stashed him here as a safe house. Did they get Vecna though? I’m alive so they must have…
The bathroom door closed and he heard steps coming down the hall. “Gareth?” he managed to be louder this time, though not by a lot.
But it wasn’t his friend who stepped in the door - it was a woman. Girl? Woman. She was wearing loose pajamas and had a towel wrapped around her hair. 
They stared at each other in surprise for a moment before he broke the silence, “um, not Gareth then.”
A small smile quirked the corner of her mouth. “No, not Gareth.” 
He remembered that voice! He had dreamed that voice. He watched curiously as she turned on the light and came over to the bed. Sitting in the chair that was still waiting there, she leaned close and began to gently touch the bandage on his neck. This was fully new territory for him, but she clearly knew what was going on. How in the world did she end up here with him, instead of his friends? Why was she so casual about touching the wanted-murderer-town-freak? He considered asking, but couldn’t really muster the energy. 
He stared at her, admiring her focus as she moved on to his rib, touching the gauze just enough to see underneath it, then nodding to herself.
She was pretty, he decided. Not flashy like the girls in the rock videos, but a soft, natural beauty. 
When she went to pull down his blanket he grabbed it out of her hand, realizing he was only wearing boxers. “I, uh, I’m not decent under here,” he rasped.
She paused and met his eyes. She looked confused for just a moment before giving a tiny smile and nod of her head. “Sorry, yeah. Can I see your other bandages?” she asked, “I want to make sure you didn’t pull any stitches moving around.”
He knew he should say something cool, something funny, something to impress her, but nothing came. The scared, sore, injured part of his brain fought with the a-pretty-woman-is-touching-me part for dominance. He didn’t want to blow his chance. He didn’t think this was the right time to shoot his shot. He was too tired to figure it out. 
He finally just nodded.  “Um, where’s Gareth? Where’re my friends?”
She moved the blanket and inspected injuries on his stomach and leg with feather-light touches, seemingly oblivious to his stare and pinkening cheeks when she had to shift the hem of his boxers higher. “Aunt Terry and Uncle Joe booked it out of town this morning. Dragged Gar along.” She leaned back, seemingly satisfied with how he was holding together. “Your friends had to go home, but they promised to come back in the morning to check on you. You’re probably hungry?”
“Of course, be right back.” 
Did that just happen? Am I hallucinating? His thoughts ran around in circles while she was gone, trying to think of anything but where her hand had been on his leg, while also trying to convince himself that she was real, while also trying to ignore the deep ache of his injuries and his memories of the bats circling him. While also trying to recall Gareth ever mentioning a cousin.
She came back a few minutes later with water, apple slices and peanut butter. Her towel was gone, dark wet hair curling down over her shoulders. 
Even Prettier.
“What’s this, toddler food?”
That made her chuckle. “You’ve been unconscious for almost twenty four hours, I thought something easy to digest with good protein and stuff was the best idea?” She raised her eyebrows waiting for his agreement.
Eddie only half heard her. As soon as she had smiled he was distracted, but he managed to nod again. She sat the plate next to him and handed him the glass, which he drained in one go. 
Once she refilled it and brought it back, she leaned against the foot of the bed, watching him. Her gaze was curious, but she didn’t ask him anything, seeming content to just watch and wait.
He met her gaze as he bit into an apple slice, and then lost all focus. It was the best damn apple he’d ever eaten. It was miraculous. He hadn’t even felt hungry, but the next thing he knew he was wolfing it down like there was no tomorrow. 
Hell, maybe there wasn’t.
“Slow down! You don’t want to get sick!”
“Please, sir, could I have s’more?” he asked, holding up the empty plate and putting on a little Oliver Twist voice without thinking about it. Her laugh pealed across the room and he grinned. I am definitely making that happen again.
“Let’s make sure you keep that down for a few minutes, then I’ll make mac and cheese or something,” she handed him the glass again, this time with aspirin, still smiling. 
He could sit and just watch that smile all day. “Of course, Lady Eowyn.” 
She paused, cocking her head to the side, “Eh-oh-what?”
“From Lord of the Rings?” Crap, now she’s gonna think I’m just another nerd, another loser, shitshitshit. He watched her face closely, waiting for her to close off or give him one of those looks, the ones he got in the hallways every day.
But she just thought for a moment, and then seemed to catch on. “Oooh, the lady who nursed the younger brother back to health, right? I get it.” Her expression wasn’t judgemental or put off. There was still hope.
“Yeah, that one. You’ve read Tolkein? You’re a fan?” This was enough to distract him from his growling stomach and numerous sore spots.
“Read it, yeah. Fan, no.” She giggled a bit at his stricken expression.
“How can you not love it? It’s epic, adventurous, glorious! It changed the world of storytelling!” He surged forward without  thinking, physical injuries forgotten in the face of this travesty.
“Woah, woah, lay back. You aren’t ready for epic, adventurous anything tonight.” She sat on the edge of the bed next to him and fixed the pillows behind him before gently pushing his shoulders back to lean on the headboard again. He hands were incredibly soft, and warm.
“The stories are creative, I grant you. They also take pointless side trips to nowhere for about a thousand pages at a time -” she stopped his protest with a finger to his lips that practically stopped his heart along with it, “ - hello Tom Bombadil? And in three novels, with however many pages, with hundreds of characters, traveling across entire continents and multiple species of intelligent life representing all of freaking Europe, there are fewer than a dozen named females. Only, like, five of whom mattered at all. Five. On the whole continent.”
She seemed to notice she was still touching his lips, because she blushed suddenly and sat back, lowering her hand as she continued. He wanted extra eyes to watch her hands and her blush at the same time, but settled for her face.
“And out of that handful, one was a spider-alien-demon thing, one was a literal witch in the woods, and the other three were only there to get married, thereby fulfilling the men’s plots.”
He was in love. He had died in the upside down, and this was his own personal heaven. He had never really been challenged on Tolkein before - everyone he knew either loved it or didn’t know about it. He felt himself grinning hugely, angling for a way to keep her talking. “Shelob wasn’t an alien.”
Her eyebrows raised in disbelief. “Really? That’s your takeaway?”
“Eowyn killed the witch king?” he ventured.
She shook her head but she was still smiling, he could see that she wasn’t truly annoyed.  “True,” she nodded, “the only female character with her own real storyline. Did you notice that the entire point of it was that the demons also assumed women didn’t count?” Her smile was looking a bit smug. Adorable.
“He was writing a long time ago?” Eddie knew it was a lame argument before he said it, but he was enjoying himself too much to let it go.
“Yeah. Sure. Not like half of all the humans on the planet were female back then.”
Eddie placed a hand over his heart, miming pain. “I concede defeat my lady. But I don’t know what else to call you. What is your name?”
She looked at him from under her lashes for a moment, smile turning downright mischievous. “I’m no one of consequence,” she offered.
Eddie felt his heart skip a beat, she was playing his game! “Please, I must know.”
She lit up, delighted that he had returned her reference, “Get used to disappointment.”
They smiled at each other a moment, until the silence was broken by a loud growl from Eddie’s stomach.
“Mac and cheese it is.”
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esamastation · 3 years
Here's a sneak preview of fic I'm currently working. Working title is Loose Ends and it is post AC 3 and post the original Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters manga and anime. I guess spoilers for both. And Ac Valhalla, a tiny bit.
"You know you have to take care of it."
Desmond hesitates, hand stilling over golden threads of probability, glowing in the grey darkness. He hadn't gone over even a fraction of them yet, and there are probably a million things that need taking care of, now that Juno and Minerva aren't here anymore to literally pull the strings, but… he doesn't need to ask which it they're talking about here.
"I will," Desmond says. "...as soon as I find a way in, I will."
Clay scoffs. "You're not looking very hard."
No, he isn't. He'd been distracted by alternate realities, watching Ezio marry Christina and Altaïr enjoy quiet life with Maria and – and there's just a lot of stuff to look at, to see, to be… vaguely jealous of, sure, but –
"You know that time is still passing out there all linear like, right?" Clay points out. "Abstergo is still looking for Isu tech, and anyone with any ancestral memories about it – if they find out that someone figured out how to make the damn things –"
"Juno blurred those genes," Desmond says a little defensively. "They're literally been hidden from me. And everyone else too, so, even if Abstergo knew about them, which they don't –"
"That's not going to work forever and you know it. Minerva's protections already wore down – as soon as Juno dies, and let's hope it won't take her too long, her manipulations will go too. The genes will become visible again – Animus readable. Like a program, restarting backup after shutdown."
Desmond sighs, unable to argue with that. His hand wavers indecisively, and then he lowers it, shaking his head. "I know – I am still looking for a way in. I just don't have any ancestors in the area at that specific time. Do you?"
"Look harder."
Frowning a little, Desmond lets his shoulders sag a bit before shaking his head and looking at the threads of probability instead, where they rise in front of him into a magnificent glowing tree with infinite branches.
Look harder – look where? Into his ancestry? He has, Desmond is so aware of his lineage that it's a bit uncomfortable – had he missed something…?
"Think about it," Clay says, sounding almost bored now. "Juno wouldn't have wanted to give those memories to you, that data, so it's not in your DNA – but you do have some ancestry in the area, don't you? Even if it's the wrong time, you have ancestry everywhere. And this was thousands of years ago, and with your lineage…"
Yeah. Minerva had collected his genes from all over the world, putting Desmond Miles together like a puzzle. He has a wider spread ancestry than the average… so looking for who he isn't related to is almost easier than the opposite. The data must still be there, though. The Isu are hoarders, when it comes to genetic memories – they wouldn't have let something as big as this just die out. So somewhere there is someone with that connection – someone with afoothold in the right time period…
Concentrating, Desmond gathers the threads of his own lineage – and then dismisses them. There would be no connection there, he can't find this information from within. It would be somewhere else, obscured, hidden… He'd looked at some of the lineages in the area, and none of them connected to the right time or location either. It smacks of Minerva's obfuscation, she'd lead the bloodlines elsewhere probably, hiding them in the distance as well as time...
Something tickles at Desmond's fingers, just for a moment – without thinking of it twice, he wraps his hand around the thread and pulls –
– and gets pulled away with it.
The lineage has protections in place, it turns out – there's a trap. Pulling on that thread tweaks Desmond's own probabilities, and for a while he finds himself in a maze of chances and statistics, all of them leading him wrong. It's incredible – almost physical, like an endlessly folded space of million overlapping staircases and doors leading into more mazes, leading nowhere. Whoever wove it wasn't an Isu, can't have been – it's way too imaginative.
It takes Desmond a bit of manoeuvring to get through even some of it. Luck is on his side, though, even with tweaked probability – the trap isn't active anymore. A bit like Minerva's protection, the maze is unravelling at the edges, because probability isn't an easy thing to tame and it doesn't like to sit idle. Still fascinating, though – definitely a learning experience. If he could learn to weave likelihoods like this –
"Hello?" echoes a voice in the maze of false possibilities, and Desmond freezes. "Is – is someone there?"
… what are the chances of that?
Turning, Desmond finds himself in a sort of hall, surrounded on all sides by stairs and doors – facing a... short asian man with a partially bleached spiky hair. He looks a bit like a punk, with ripped up vest and studded bracelets – there's a belt around his neck and everything. Kinda goth punk. Huh.
"Uh," Desmond says, stunned. Definitely didn't expect that. "Hi…?"
"Hi," the other man says, frowning. "Who are you – how did you get in here?"
"How did I – how did you get in here?" Desmond asks. Desmond at least has the excuse of being a disembodied bundle of genetic data – he can just do that, now. This guy is… not that. "Do you know what this place is?"
The Asian guy frowns, looking at him and then glancing around. "Do you?"
Swallowing the urge to say asked you first, Desmond looks the guy up and down, and then peers inside. Or tries to – and it clicks.
"Oh shoot, this is yours – we're in your head?" Desmond asks and glances around with new appreciation. It's like a – a load screen, an Animus headspace. "Aw man, I'm sorry, I didn't think you might be aware – I thought this was all automated, I wouldn't have just barged in like this if I thought it was all in someone's head."
The Asian punk blinks with surprise and then relaxes a little. "Oh. Well, if it wasn't intentional – and you're not here to harm anything, I guess it's alright?"
"No, no harm intended," Desmond assures. "Sorry – hi, I'm Desmond. Desmond Miles."
"Mutou Yugi – or Yugi Mutou, I guess. Yugi is my given name. It's… nice to meet you?" the punk says and clears his throat, looking him up and down. "Um, how do you end up in someone's Soul Room accidentally?"
Have written 2 chapters currently, aiming for the total of 5 or less.
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Ok so, this has been bugging me for a while
Now, I know a lot of the fandom sees Bubba and Thomas as big plus size guys. And don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being plus size. I myself have been plus size and fat since I was about 14.
However, a lot of people, the way they talk about these two makes them sound obese.
And that really... rubs me the wrong way?
I’ll put it under a read more since this is getting long.
So, lets look at it the way I see it. I look at Bubba both in movie and in DBD model, and I see an average body typed man. Maybe just a bit thicker around the middle than average but by no means Fat. He has some fat to him, most at his middle. But for the most part? Bubba is basically all meaty muscley heft. He’s thick like a strongman is thick. Which is why he is so strong. Why he can run with a chainsaw. Why he can haul people up onto his shoulders easily.
He’s not capital F fat. And the reason it upsets me to see him be called fat isn’t because being fat is bad(it’s not, fat is good for your body), it’s that he’s very obviously Not Fat in the way most people talk about him as. And I can’t help but think ‘So... that’s what you consider Fat? What am I then? Oh My God Obese?’ because if someone who has the shape and outline of Bubba being considered Chunky Fat, it’s... disheartening? Like, he’s not overweight by any means even?
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Look, this is the original Leatherface. This is the original Bubba. He has a bit of a tummy, but I would not call him fat. As someone who is fat, I look at him and I see average male body.
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This is Bubba in DBD and here, yes, he has a bit of fat right at the lower part of his abdomen, but he still isn’t fat. He has big beefy arms, wide shoulders, some hips, and that bit of tummy. But he just isn’t Fat. I’d venture that this version of Bubba is the chubbiest, but even then he isn’t particularly chubby. And he’s also pretty tall here. His weight is distributed rather evenly. He is proportionate.
And the same thing is done to Thomas who is even LESS fat than Bubba. He carries his ‘weight’ very well and it’s basically all muscle. The person who played Thomas was a wrestler, like? He was physically fit. He wasn’t chunky. He wasn’t fat.
And yet people talk about how Thomas would be insecure about his ‘pudge’ and the only thing I can think of is ‘what pudge?’
Thomas is Thicc but with muscle, not fat.
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Look at him, that isn’t fat. He has a thick waist, which so many wrongly conflate with being fat. But no, he’s muscle. He’s strong. He isn’t fat. He’s got a barrel chest. He’s Big in a way that isn’t fat. He’s Big in a way that is spooky because it speaks strength, and we all know what he’s capable of.
And all of this just smacks of fatphobia. Because if someone like Thomas or Bubba is considered chunky fat, anyone who is Actually Fat is going to get alienated. Because the people who are doing this are doing it in an ‘uwu soft fat boi, protect him’ and like, if they were fat, that’s still gross?
Do not get me wrong, if you wanna headcanon them as being bigger, and you draw them bigger, that’s okay! But the stuff I’m talking about is these skinny people looking at someone who’s just physically bigger than them and just auto assuming that they’re fat just because they are physically bigger. And it’s gross. And damaging.
This has bugged me for so long, from the moment I stepped into this fandom.
It happens mid game too when I play Dead by Daylight and there’s a Bubba as the killer and people I either watch or am playing with will say ‘Oh, there’s the fat bastard’. Like, this is a problem. Bubba isn’t fat, none of the killers in DBD are fat. I’ve heard people call Trapper fat and he’s not? He’s built like a fucking tree. But it isn’t fat.
Just because a person physically takes up more space than you doesn’t make them fat.
Fat isn’t bad! I have a feeling a lot of this stems from people wanting to seem ~inclusive~ or woke or w/e, but they don’t actually want to respect fat people. They want to find the max size of a person they’re comfortable with existing and then label that fat, because to them, that is as fat as someone can be and still be tolerable.
I look at myself in the mirror and then look at how Bubba looks like even with all his clothes on, and I’m fatter. By a lot. I’m also afab so my fat sits differently, but still. I have a marked difference in body fat than Bubba. I’m Fat. And I can still lift people. I used to be a firefighter. I used to be captain of my volleyball team. I used to swim miles every day when I still lived close to the ocean. And even then, I was still fat.
I look at that, and think about those things, and I can only wonder and fear what the people who go ‘uwu soft chubby Bubba’ would say about me.
Words that have been thrown at me before come to mind, and I can only guess that they’d be similar.
It’s upsetting to think that people look at the actual model for Bubba in game and point and call him fat(derogatory). Because... he isn’t. And some of these people used to be my friends, until I just quietly shunted them from my life, because I don’t want that toxicity in my life. I don’t need them to find out I’m even bigger and turn around and call me the fat bastard.
I’ve had enough of that in my life already. I’ve been anywhere from just a little chubby to full on fat ever since I was a teen. I know how it feels to have your weight be the point of criticism/bullying/butt of jokes. It’s not good.
And all of this makes me really hesitant to even think about writing and posting stuff for Thomas and Bubba and really any of the other slashers who the fandom have deemed to be fat. Because I don’t see any of the slashers as fat in the slightest.
Because I won’t write them fat. I won’t write them having love handles to pinch like so many writers like to give Bubba. I won’t write them having a double chin. Because they don’t. And for me, the art I do, it’s all written. I can’t draw them, I can’t do them justice like that and be like ‘Here’s a comforting headcanon of them being actually chubby that makes me feel closer to them.’
I don’t trust the fandom to know I mean Actual Fat if I wrote those things. I don’t trust fandom to just read those things and think I believe Source Material is that.
And the whole thing that makes this worse? A lot of slashers were bullied when they were young, something a good majority of fat people understand and went through themselves. Something I went through. And I felt a kinship with slashers and fell in love with so many of them because I Get It. I have empathy for what they went through. While the things we faced weren’t the same, we still face ridicule for something we couldn’t change.
And before anyone goes and says ‘it’s not that deep’, I want everyone to think about why most people gravitate towards the slasher fandom. It’s usually out of that idea of ‘Society has cast you aside, it’s also cast me aside for whatever reason, so lets stick together’.
When you’re othered, you tend to lean more towards people that were othered as well.
When your own society has made you feel like you don’t belong, seeing someone else being cast out as well makes you more likely to bond to them. My very first slasher I fell for was Jason Voorhees. And it was real obvious why for me. I was a young little kid who had the nerdiest interests, and wore glasses, and was a bit chubby in the face even if I was thin everywhere else, and I was also the only not white kid in my area. And I had asthma? I was easy game. I got made fun of relentlessly, just like Jason did.
Kids physically hurt me as well. And when I first watched Friday the 13th, the connection I felt to him? That feeling? It was instant. I understood him, and my heart ached for him, because I KNOW how bad it hurts.
And I fell for Thomas, and Bubba, and Michael. And so many others. All because there was that connection. That moment of seeing just a sliver of my own pain in them.
And I’d venture a guess that that’s on par for why a lot of the people in the slasher fandom are even in the slasher fandom.
So why is there so much of this fatphobia? Why is there so many people who act like their original bodies are fat when they’re not? Why are we being othered in the one place we really shouldn’t be?
If you see this happening, say something. Point it out and say ‘that isn’t fat, why do you think that’s fat?’ This whole ‘body positivity’ movement is garbage and the roots of it are just so gross. ‘Don’t worry, you’re still sexy even if you’re fat’ like no. We don’t want body positivity, we want to stop being ridiculed for our bodies. It’s as simple as that. It’s literally just about wanting to be treated as humans with respect.
So please, be mindful of what you say. Hold yourself accountable for the impact you have with your words.
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berrynarrybanana · 3 years
sounds just like a song - ws pt. 3
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A/N: This is a rewrite...I did not edit...and I just...might have added a few things that some people will hate me for. I love you all though :) 
Warnings: Mentions of ex girlfriends, mentions of bullying, self doubt, smut for sure, alcohol obvi, and...maybe other stuff? 
Word count: 10K
Watermelon Sugar masterlist
July 14, 2018 Bea’s POV
“I find it kind of hysterical that we had to sneak off to a bathroom to say goodbye properly.” I let out a series of girlish giggles, dropping my head against the door as Harry continued to kiss down my neck. “Harry-”
“I don’t want to say goodbye yet.” His words were muffled by the skin of my neck. “Give me five more minutes.”
“Champagne makes you needy.” I gasped, lifting my hips up when he bit a little harder than the few times before, his tongue immediately swiping over the skin. “Fuck, that feels so nice.”
“I bet it does.” He hummed out, his chest vibrating under my palms as he tilted his head up to nip at my earlobe. “I can’t wait to have you all to myself.” 
“Believe me, I can’t either.” I pressed my palms against his chest, slightly holding him back from my body. “But you have to get to soundcheck eventually, and I have plans with the girls.”
“I know.” He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. “I just….fuck, I think I’d take you with me everywhere if I could.”
“I’d gladly follow if I didn’t have prior engagements.” I gave him a soft smile, brushing my thumb over the collar of his shirt. “We’ll only be apart for a few hours, that’s not so bad.”
“It can be when we know our time is limited together.” He nibbled on his lower lip. “We only have until Tuesday-”
“Which means we still have three days.” I reminded him. “Besides, I’ve spoken to Claire about Saturday, and I think I might be able to sneak away.”
“Yeah?” His brows lifted, a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Well, I guess it’s a date then.”
“I guess so.” I chuckled. “Now, give me one more good kiss before I go.”
Harry smirked, his dimple flashing as he leaned forward like a shark chasing after it’s prey. 
Harry’s POV 
I pressed the key to my Tesla into Bea’s palm as I kissed her forehead. 
“Don’t argue with me.” I whispered, glancing down at her as she squinted up at me. Her empty hand rose to her forehead, shielding her sensitive, blue eyes from the california sun . “Just take my car so you don’t have to uber around, and we can drive it home tonight from the venue.”
“But Harry.” She sighed, licking over her bottom lip as she looked back at my car. “That thing costs more than...well, everything I own.”
“Shut up.” I snorted, rolling my eyes at her before I stole another kiss. “Take it, okay? It’s just a car, and it literally can drive itself. If you have any questions about it, just shoot me a text and I’ll respond.”
“This is unnecessary, but I really appreciate the gesture.” She smiled. “Thank you for not leaving us stranded.”
“I would never.” I pressed one more kiss to her lips, my fingers squeezing her sides. “Alright, go have fun with your friends. Send me a few pictures while you’re out, yeah?”
“I will.” She took a step back, watching me with an almost sad smile. “I’ll see you in a few hours, darling.”
“I’ll see you in a few hours.” I repeated back to her. “Be safe, and have fun.”
“You too.” 
I turned on my heel, checking both ways before I jogged across the street to the car Gemma and Michael drove to brunch. I slipped into the passenger side, shutting the door with a quick huff as I reached for my seatbelt. I looked across the street as Bea turned to Claire, her arms crossing over her abdomen as the wind blew her long cardigan around her body. 
“She’s a wonderful girl.” Gemma gave me a smile, her eyes practically sparkling. “Mum thinks so too.”
“You’ve told Mum about her?” I asked her, pushing my sunglasses up with raised brows as Gem smiled wider. “Gemma, tell me-”
“I didn’t tell Mum, The Daily Mail did.” Gemma rolled her eyes, putting the car in drive before she pulled out of her parking spot. “The bloody paps have already sold pictures of us at brunch to the rags, and I guess a few fans got some snapshots of you and Beatrice entering and leaving the bathroom.”
“Grand.” I huffed, slumping in my seat. “I didn’t want that for her.”
“Harry, she’s a smart girl.” Gemma said. “She knows what she’s getting into with you. She might not know the extent of what she’s getting into, but she knows enough about it.”
“I just don’t want them to chase her off.” I mumbled, pulling my phone out of my pockets, pressing my finger to the home button. “She’s got such a good heart, Gemma. She doesn’t deserve to have her name raked through the mud because of some asshole like me.”
“She doesn’t think you’re an asshole, and I guarantee if I asked her right now, she would say that you're worth it.” Gemma glanced at me with furrowed brows. “Don’t be bothered by it, Harry. Beatrice seems like a strong girl, and she’s got a decent sized support group to look after her.”
I sighed, biting my lower lip before I nodded. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” I whispered. “I just can’t help but worry about her.”
“I think that’s natural.” Gemma hummed out. “But I do have to say, this is the first time you’ve ever been worried about your bird and not yourself when it comes to being in the papers. You aren’t even a little bit annoyed that they plastered your face on the front page.”
“I couldn’t care less about myself right now.” I cleared my throat. “She’s not used to this, I am.”
“Well, maybe you should just have a talk about it.” Gemma said. “And you should definitely call Mum before she decides to fly over here to meet Bea herself.”
Bea’s POV 
“Do you think I can pull this off?” I held the maroon colored bodysuit up, twisting the hanger around as I looked at the lack of fabric. “I mean, it’s really cute, but I’m just-”
“Perfect in every way, shape, and form.” Tara pressed her hands to my shoulders, kissing my cheek as I rolled my eyes at her. “I think you would fucking kill in that thing, babe. It’s perfect for your body shape.”
“My body shape is blob, Tara.” I glanced back at her with a wild expression, shaking my head as she laughed. “What could I do for this thing?”
“You have a fucking hourglass figure.” Jackson snorted out a laugh. “And you keep it locked up all the time, so let it out.”
“But I have a tummy.” I lowered the bodysuit, turning towards my friends. “Won’t that look a little unflattering if I just walk around with my stomach sticking out? And my arms-”
“Go put the damn thing on.” Tara carefully ushered me towards the dressing room, snagging a belt and a leather jacket along the way. “Try it, I think you’ll like it.”
I inhaled sharply, pushing the velvet curtain aside before I slid it shut again. I put the items down on the bench in front of the mirror, wiping my palms on my pants as I tried to soothe my nerves. It wasn’t like I was anxious about trying on clothes, I just hated the entire process. I had to undo my shoes, slide my pants off, put the bodysuit on, and then put my pants back on. After I finished all of that, I’d have to do it over again to get redressed. I started the process, balancing my hand against the wall as I stood on one foot. It took me a few minutes, but when I finally finished getting into the bodysuit, I looked at my jeans with a heavy frown. 
“Hey, Tara?” I moved the curtain aside, catching her attention. “Can you find me black jeans? I don’t think this shade of blue is gonna look good with the maroon.”
“Yeah, give me a sec.” She turned on her heel, strutting towards the jeans without a care in the world. 
I pulled the curtain back before I turned to face the mirror. 
The bodysuit had a bottom that was far more comfortable than any other bodysuit I’d worn. It was almost as if it had a pair of boyshorts at the bottom, the material stretchy and comfortable as I moved around. I especially enjoyed the zipper on the side that made it easy to slip on. I didn’t have to flail around like a fish out of water to pull it over my hips or to get it zipped up either. It was absolutely perfect, and the more that I looked at myself in it, the more I loved it. 
I twisted and turned, looking at myself from different angles as I waited for Tara to return with a pair of jeans for me. As I turned around, admiring my bum in the pair of cheeky boy shorts, an idea popped into my head. Harry did ask me to send him pictures throughout the day so that he would feel like he was with me. I rolled my lips in, holding back a giddy laugh as I thought of sending him a picture of me in just the bodysuit. It was quite a scandalous idea to me, though I knew there were people who’d sent pictures of far more intimate things to their boyfriends. 
I nibbled on the inside of my cheek as the wheels in my brain turned. On one hand, I knew that Harry would never say anything insulting to me about my picture. He would never point out a flaw, or offer a backhanded compliment. He would tell me that he loved it no matter what I sent, I knew that...but I was still nervous to show him my body in such a vulnerable state. 
I didn’t even know how to pose for those types of things, and surely someone else would need my dressing room before I finished figuring out the perfect post. I hesitated, my heart beating faster and faster in my chest. I finally grabbed my phone with a heavy exhale, trying my best to expel all of the negative energy from my body as I swiped over to my camera app. 
I held the phone up, tilting myself to the side before I looked at the screen of my phone. 
I groaned when I saw how I actually looked in the bodysuit. 
My legs were far too short, and my skin was far too pale. 
I looked like an old picture of me as a chubby child in a bathing suit, my stomach pushing out ever so slightly and the skin of my thighs dimpled. I rolled my eyes, pushing away the tight feeling in my chest as I lowered my phone down. It was no use even trying to take a picture of myself for Harry. The lighting of the dressing room wasn’t exactly helping me too much either. 
“If you want to take a picture, you weren’t doing it right.” Tara’s voice interrupted me, causing me to jump as I looked back at her. “You need to learn your angles, babe.”
“How long have you been standing there?” I asked, pressing my hand to my chest. 
“I walked in when you started pouting at your phone.” She snorted out a laugh, tossing the jeans onto the bench. “Give me your phone.”
“I don’t think-”
“Listen to the master.” She glared at me, holding her finger in the air. “Do exactly as I say, and we’ll get the perfect set of naughty pics for your man.”
“Tara-” I felt my cheeks growing warm, my eyes growing wide as she swirled her finger around. 
“Turn around and drop it girl, Harry will literally have a heart attack.” Tara said. 
“I’ve never dropped it, and I never will.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m not….I don’t like my ass, okay?”
“It is one of your best features, babe.” Tara looked at me over my phone, a soft look in her eyes as she sighed. “Do you feel insecure?”
“No, I just…” I shifted on my bare feet. “I’m just not as confident as I could be, that’s all. I’m working on it.”
“I truly think this will help.” Tara said softly. “We’ll save dropping it low for the wedding pictures, okay? For now, just… turn towards the mirror and stick your left over your right...that’s perfect Bea! Now just turn your head to the side, hold your hands in front of your stomach, and glance back at me like you’re modest.” 
“I am modest, you heathen.” I grumbled, following her instruction as she snapped a few pictures. “How did that look?” 
“Perfect.” She said. “Your hair did a lot of work, and we got the perfect shot of your ass without making it the focus.” 
“Oh my god, I don’t want to see it.” I groaned, turning towards her with a pout on my lips. “Can you see-”
“How positively exquisite you look in that bodysuit?” She asked. “Yes, you can. Now put the pants on and sit on the bench for me.”
I did as she said, sitting down on the edge before I crossed my legs. I extended them out, pressing my palms to the edge of the bench before I turned my head just like Tara asked me too. I wasn’t sure how she managed to avoid putting herself in the photo, but she did an excellent job of getting me in a raw, natural state with a smile on my face. 
When we were done playing around, I changed back into my old clothes before tossing the bodysuit, the belt, and the jeans over my arm. All three articles of clothing would be going home with me, and they would carry this memory with them forever. Tara handed me my phone back with a proud smirk, the device buzzing in my hand as I noticed a picture of Harry on the screen. 
“You sent them already?” I asked her. “Fuck, I’m not prepared.” 
“Go take the phone call.” She said. “Give me your shit, I’ll get you checked out.” 
I handed her my purse and the clothing before I answered the phone, holding it to my ear. 
“Hi.” I said softly. 
“You’re trying to kill me.” Harry whined out, his voice strained. “When I said send pictures, I meant ones with you doing innocent things. Now I have to wait for hours to touch you again, and all I can think about is you in that changing room.”
“I thought it might be a nice preview of things to come.” I bit my bottom lip as I crossed my free arm over my stomach. “I hope that you liked them.”
“I fucking loved them.” He said. “I plan on having them framed.”
“No you don’t.” I rolled my eyes. “No one wants to see those hung up in a gallery anywhere.”
“That’s not a bad idea…” He hummed out. “I wonder if the Guggenheim will take them?”
“Stop being so cheeky.” I tossed my head back, laughing loudly. “I allow you to put one in your wallet, so that you shall have to squint to see any flaws.” 
“That just won’t do.” He tutted softly. “I’m putting them in my house, in large frames! I might even commission an artist to paint you like a little renaissance princess...but you’d have to send me one without the lacy thing for that.” 
“In your dreams.” I mumbled, snorting out a soft laugh. “Have you done rehearsals yet?”
“Just about to go on stage and test it all out.” He said. “I was at the mic stand when I got those pictures by the way. I might have had to wobble off stage to take care of some things before I called you up.”
“Did you jack off to those?” I asked him bluntly. “Holy fuck, there’s no way-”
“Um, yeah, I did.” He said plainly. “My girlfriend sends me pictures of herself in lingerie, giving me bedroom eyes, and you expect me not to get hard? You’re insane.”
“You are insane.” I chuckled. “I’m happy to give a little inspiration to you in such desperate times, darling.”
“You sound so smug right now, honey.” His voice was soft, but there was a teasing edge to the tone of his voice that sent shivers down my spine. “Just you wait until I get on that stage tonight. I’ll have you dripping down your legs the second I walk out, and you know it.”
“Fuck.” I all but wheezed the word out. “Maybe I should cut my shopping trip short?”
“Now, now.” He taunted. “I don’t think your friends would like that very much, honey.”
“Alright, I’ve learned my lesson.” I cleared my throat. “Don’t tease if I don’t want to be teased back.”
“My clever girl.” he laughed. “Thank you for the pictures, honey. I think you looked positively stunning, and I really love them a lot.”
“You’re welcome.” I smiled, looking down at my feet. “I’ll see you soon, darling.”
“See you soon, Beatrice.” He whispered. “Be good.”
“Same to you.” 
I hung up, taking a deep breath in attempts to hold in a squeal. 
I fucking loved having a boyfriend. 
Harry’s POV 
I slammed my fist into Dave’s covered palm with a loud grunt, biting down harder on my mouth guard as I ducked to avoid his right hook. I didn’t need a bruise on my face during the last show of my world tour, even if everyone would love that. I jumped back up, swinging my arm around for a side hit as Dave grunted in front of me. I took a few steps back, exhaling heavily as I heard chatter around me. I turned my head, my eyes landing on Beatrice and Claire standing by the ring. Claire was busy talking to Gemma, but Beatrice had her eyes glued on me. Just as I lifted my hand to wave, I felt a hard hit land on my ribcage, causing me to fall to the ground. 
I heard Bea gasp as Dave laughed loudly. 
“You shouldn’t have let your guard down, mate.” He tapped my hip with his glove. “Number one rule.”
“You prick, I was admiring my girl.” I groaned, falling onto my back. “It’s not my fault she’s so bloody gorgeous.”
“Oh my god, you’re ridiculous.” Bea’s laughter caught my attention, my head lolling to the side to see her standing at the side of the ring with one hand pressed over her lips.
“You think this is funny, huh?” I asked her, my words muffled around my guard. I turned my head to the opposite side, spitting it out before I looked back at her. “You wanna get in here and show me what you’ve got?”
“No thank you.” She laughed. “I’d rather stay down here and watch.” 
“I see.” I looked up at the ceiling, trying to catch my breath before I sat up straight. I started removing my gloves, pulling at the velcro around my wrists with my teeth. “Come in here and give me a kiss at least?”
“If you insist.” Beatrice mumbled, pressing her hands onto the floor of the ring before she hoisted herself up with a small grunt. “This is too much physical exercise for me, Styles. I’ve already done one workout with you.”
“I’m just getting you prepared.” I smiled up at her as she stood over me. “I want you nice and prepped for our big workout tonight.” 
“You two are disgusting.” Gemma groaned, her face twisting up. “I don’t want to hear this.” 
“Bugger off then!” I laughed, tossing my hand about. “I ain’t gonna stop now, so here’s your warning.”
Beatrice dropped to her knees beside me, holding back laughter as she grabbed my arm. 
“I knew you boxed, but seeing it in person is extremely erotic.” She mumbled, pulling the velcro away from the glove before she pulled it from my hand. “You’ve already seduced me, you don’t have to keep trying.” 
“That goes both ways.” I let out a breathy chuckle, shaking my head at her. “What on earth possessed you to take those pictures in the changing room?”
“You.” She glanced up at me as she started to undo my wrap. “I was sitting there, looking at myself in that bodysuit...and you just popped into my head. I wasn’t gonna do it first, though. I couldn’t get a good picture by myself, so Tara helped out a little.” 
“Remind me to buy her a car or something as a thank you.” I teased, bumping my shoulder into her arm. “You do know that you’re beautiful, right? Like...not to be a proper dick, but you’re one of the fittest girls I’ve ever seen in my whole life, and that’s coming from my heart and not my trousers.”
“Harry.” She laughed, shaking her head as she moved to the other wrist, her eyes avoiding mine at all costs. “You don’t have to sing such high praises-”
“Apparently I do, because you don’t seem to get it.” I whispered, sliding my free hand to her side for a quick squeeze. “You. are. Beautiful.”
I watched her cheeks turn red, her hips shifting about as she pulled the other glove off. 
“I won’t stop saying it until you feel it.” I leaned closer, pressing my lips to her collarbone as she started working on the wrap. “I’ll say it a million times a day.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you see me that way, Harry.” She mumbled. “It’s just that I can’t believe it or see it myself, you know?”
I stopped, looking at her as she continued to work on my hand. 
When my wrap was fully removed, I lifted both of my palms to her face as I sat up on my knees in front of her. I brushed my thumbs over her cheeks, my brows pulling together as she swallowed harshly. I could see a light glaze over her eyes, almost as if she were going to cry. 
“Who made you feel like you’re not beautiful?” I asked her, watching her eyes cast down towards her knees. “Who hurt you?”
“No one.” She mumbled. “It’s not like I can sit and point fingers at every major company or magazine that put me down because of my weight or my body. I can’t individually list every person that’s ever called me names. I can’t sit and add it all up, because that makes it worse. So I just...let it go. You should too.”
I watched her look up at me with an unsure smile, and it nearly broke my heart. 
“You are perfect the way that you are.” I moved my forehead closer to hers. “Fuck them all, Beatrice. From the magazines, to the fashion industry, to the people around you that make you feel less than perfect for feeling comfortable in your own skin. I saw how much fun you were having when you took those photos, and I knew that you were feeling good about yourself...so why let those people drag you back down?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I guess that’s just how the female brain works. We take one step forward in progress and then we leap five steps back when we get a glimpse of peace.” 
“Well, we’re not taking steps back anymore.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead, closing my eyes as I inhaled the scent of her shampoo. “I know it’s hard to love yourself, especially when the whole world is telling you not to, but we have each other now. We’re not alone in this.”
I watched her eyes narrow, her head tilting to the side as she stared at me. 
“What?” I asked. 
“Who hurt you?” She asked. “Harry, please tell me that you don’t...if anyone in this relationship is perfect, it’s-”
I pressed my lips to hers, sliding my palms to the side of her neck as she let out a surprised squeak. Seconds later, she melted into my kiss, her fingers gripping my shirt tightly as I brushed my tongue over her bottom lip. It took us seconds to find our way to the floor, her legs spreading just enough for me to slot my hips between them. I felt my hand slip down, cupping her breast over the thin, satin tank top that she put on. The soft pink color looked beautiful on her, and I was envious of the blouse as it clung to her body in such a flattering manner. 
“Don’t ever do that.” I pulled back, looking into her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. “I know that the world has me on some pedestal, but I’m just Harry. I’m your boyfriend, and I’m going to make mistakes just the same as you. I’m not any better than you, Beatrice, and I never want you to feel that way. We’re equals, and I will never let you put yourself down just to build me up.”
“Kiss me.” She gripped my shoulders, pulling me into her lips again. 
I felt the stirring in the lower pit of my stomach, a soft burn accompanied by the blood flowing straight to my cock. I groaned, sliding my tongue past her lips just so I could hear those beautiful noises she made in the heat of the moment. It was almost as if she couldn’t contain her feelings in her body, so they had to escape in soft hums. I felt her fingers gripping at my arms, desperate to pull me closer to her body as she shifted her hips against the mat. 
I pulled away, pressing my forehead to hers as my chest heaved. 
Kissing her made me more breathless than my workout. 
“You’re intoxicating.” I let out a breathless chuckle, sliding my palm from her breast to her neck. I brushed my thumb over her jaw, closing my eyes. “And you smell fucking amazing, what is that?”
“I spoiled myself with a new perfume today.” She chuckled, sliding her fingers over my forearm before wrapping them around my wrist. “It’s by Chloe.”
“It smells delightful.” I ducked my head down, brushing my nose over her skin. “Like roses.”
“I think it’s called Roses De Chloe, if I’m not mistaken.” She let out a shuddery breath when I kissed over the skin of her neck. “You’re dangerous, Harry Styles.”
“You have no idea.” I chuckled, lifting my head up. “C’mon, I need to shower before dinner.”
“And I need to be present?” She lifted her brows up as I settled on my knees. 
“I would prefer that you’re present.” I chuckled, reaching for my water bottle. “I want to hear about your day.”
“I suppose that’s fair.” She sighed, raising her upper half with her palms behind her on the mat. 
“And maybe, I can sneak in a couple more kisses before tonight.” I watched her drop her head back, laughing until a little snort slipped out. “Just when I think you can’t get any cuter, you do something like that.”
“Oh, yes, the snort is so cute.” She rolled her head forward, sending me a blank stare. “Let’s go, casanova, you do need a shower.”
Bea’s POV 
“I almost got a haircut today.” I scrolled on my phone, curling my feet under my legs as Harry continued to shower. “I mean, that’s not that interesting seeing as I didn’t, but I thought about it.”
“I think you would look cute with short hair.” Harry called over the spray of the shower. “I just don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have something to pull into a ponytail when you’re-”
“Don’t say it.” I glanced over my phone, watching him smile at me through the steamed glass of the shower. 
“C’mon, you know you’d miss that feeling.” He chuckled, sliding his abnormally large hands over his head as he tilted it back towards the spray of the shower. 
“I’ve only given you one blowjob, sir.” I tilted my chin up. “I don’t know that I would miss it.”
“Giving me blowjobs or having me pull your hair?” He asked. “We can test both of those theories out right now if you want.”
“Maybe later, darling.” I rolled my eyes, glancing back at my phone. “Are you excited for tonight?”
“I am.” He said. “I’m so thrilled to get this tour over with, honestly. I love every single moment of it, don’t get me wrong, but I need some time off.”
“You’ve been a busy boy.” I nodded. “You never really took a serious break between the band and your solo stuff, squid.”
“I didn’t want to.” He said casually. “I need to be working, Beatrice. I literally don’t think I could ever stop.”
“I know what you mean.” I chuckled, shaking my head. “I mean, I’m not necessarily pulling the hours that you are, but I am a workaholic like you.”
“That’s not good.” He turned the shower off, talking through a soft chuckle as he pulled the door open. “If we’re both workaholics, who’s going to take time off to visit the other.”
“You.” I pointed at him with my phone, offering him a smile. “You’re the one on break, aren’t ya?”
“Touche.” He stepped out of the shower, reaching for the towel on the hook next to the sink with furrowed brows. “Why are you on the floor?” 
“It’s comfier than sitting on the sink.” I shrugged, looking up at him. “You smell delectable.” 
“Thanks.” He leaned down, stealing a kiss. “Want a taste?”
I rolled my lips in, looking into his eyes as he toweled his hair off. 
“Yeah, actually.” I mumbled, dropping my phone to the floor on top of my shoes. “I might want a taste.”
Harry’s eyes snapped to mine as I rolled onto my knees, pressing my palms to his damp thighs. 
“Fuck.” He whispered. “I didn’t actually think… you don’t have to.” 
“I want to.” I dug my nails into his thighs, smirking when he hissed out. “Lean against the sink for me? I don’t want you to fall.”
“Okay.” He shuffled back a few steps, pressing his bum to the edge of the sink as I moved closer to him. 
Harry’s eyes were glued to me as I kissed over the small tattoos on his legs. 
They were mostly silly little words, but I found them adorable. 
I let my right hand move from the tiger tattoo on his thigh to the base of his cock, my fingertips trailing over a vein in his shaft. I watched his cock twitch, a small drop of precum bubbling from the red tip. I was curious to know more about Harry’s body, and the things that I could do to it. He was only the second guy that I had seen naked like this, but I was proud to say that he was my favorite. I liked his cock, and I loved how it reacted to the smallest of touches from me. 
“You have a very pretty cock.” I mumbled, glancing up at him as he gripped the edge of the sink with white knuckles. “It seems to like attention, huh?”
“Just yours.” He cleared his throat, shifting his hips around. “Please, angel.”
“Be patient.” I whispered, sliding my forefinger over his tip. “I’m admiring it.”
It was slowly growing harder with each second that I stared at it, my fingertips still lightly tracing over the shaft. Harry was breathing heavily above me, his chest heaving and his grip tight on the porcelain behind him. I loved watching his thighs and his tummy tense when I leaned closer, my breath brushing over the sensitive area ever so slightly. I had him wrapped already, and I couldn’t wait to test just how much willpower he had. 
Part of me wanted him to tangle his fingers in my hair before pulling my mouth onto his cock. I wanted him to groan and growl out filthy words while I gasped for air. I wanted to be everything he wanted me to be while I was on my knees in front of him. I knew that he had a bit of a dominant streak in him, just like I had a submissive one in me, but we weren’t quite there yet. 
“What are you waiting for?” I glanced up at him. “I thought we were testing out if I’d miss having your hands in my hair while I sucked you off?”
“You are trouble.” He lifted a hand from the sink, cupping my chin gently. “I see it in your eyes, you know? I know what you want me to do, but I won’t do it unless you beg.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” I said sweetly. 
“Don’t play coy, angel.” He brushed his thumb over my lower lip as he mumbled, causing me to smirk up at him. “You want me to fuck your mouth, don’t you?”
“Sounds pleasant, I suppose.” I shrugged my shoulders
Harry’s lips curved into a smirk that reminded me of the cheshire cat. 
“You’re a bit of a brat, aren’t you?” He tilted my chin up higher, watching my face as I tried to contain my smile. “Sweet Beatrice, you are treading on very thin ice.”
“Am I?” I asked softly. “I feel like I’m being such a good girl.”
“You know that you’re not.” 
I moan when I felt his thumb slip past my lips, brushing over my tongue before he pulled it right back out. I leaned forward, pulling it back into my mouth as Harry’s eyes turned from light to dark. I could see the intense look burning behind the soft Jade color of his irises. 
“You’re teasing me again.” He let out a shuddery sigh, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back. “You’re going to be in so much trouble when I get you home.” 
I pulled back from his thumb with a pop, smiling up at him as his hand gripped the base of his cock. I watched him stroke over the shaft twice, holding back soft whimpers as he did. 
“Open your mouth.” He said it sternly, but I could see the hint of softness left in him. 
He wanted to make sure that I was okay. 
I stuck my tongue out, settling my palms on my thighs as I waited for him to finally give me what I wanted. He rested the head of his cock on my tongue, the salty taste of his precum mixed with a hint of his body wash. I closed my mouth around the head, lapping my tongue over the slit of his cock as he hissed. Seconds later, his right hand was digging into the roots of my hair. 
“Your fucking mouth, angel.” He dropped his head back, letting out a high pitched whine. “Feels so good wrapped around me, Beatrice.”
I hummed softly, moving as far as I could go on his shaft. 
He was thick, but not overly so, and the length of his cock was perfect for my mouth. 
I could hardly make it to the base of his cock, but I was happy with making it halfway at least. I pulled back, suckling harshly when I made it to the tip. Harry’s hips jutted forward in response, causing his cock to slip right back into my mouth. I moaned around him, closing my eyes as I dug my nails into his thighs. I moved my head slowly, trying to figure out the perfect pace. 
I hadn’t had much practice, but this was my third blowjob, so I liked to think I had the basics down. Harry seemed to think so too, his fingers pulling my roots tighter as he moved his hips gently in and out of my mouth. He was nowhere near my throat, and I was thankful for that. I wasn’t quite ready to test out that area of pleasure when it came to blowjobs. I didn’t know how I would handle having someone literally pushing into my throat just yet. 
“I’m gonna cum.” He whimpered. “Open your eyes, Beatrice.” 
I did as I was told, looking up at him. 
“Use your hands and…” He inhaled sharply when I suckled on the head of his cock again before moving my lips down. “Please just play with my-”
I knew what he was trying to ask, my fingers already finding their way to his balls. 
I brushed my thumb over the skin at first, testing out the waters before I started to really massage them between my fingers. Harry’s hips stuttered forward as he cursed loudly, dropping his head forward as I stared up at him. The second his glazed over eyes locked with mine, it was all over. He lowered his left hand to my head, sliding his fingers through the roots as he held himself in my mouth, his cum coating the center of my tongue as he cried out. 
When he was done, he pulled himself out, and I swallowed with a scrunched up nose. 
“You didn’t have to swallow.” He chuckled, reaching down to brush his thumb under my lips. “I would have moved for you.”
“It’s okay.” I shrugged. “I didn’t mind it.” 
“Your face said otherwise.” He laughed a little harder. “Thank you, honey, that was really nice.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” I rolled my eyes, holding my hands up towards him. “Help me up, my knees are sore.”
“Sorry.” he grabbed my hands, pulling me up to my feet. “Give me a kiss.”
“You want to kiss me?” I asked him, pulling my head back as he leaned forward. “Don’t you want me to like, brush my teeth first?”
“No.” His brows furrowed. “I want your lips.”
“But...I thought guys didn’t like…” I paused, tilting my head. “Nevermind.” 
“No, finish that sentence.” he said. “You thought guys didn’t like what?” 
“Kissing someone after they’ve...you know?” I felt my cheeks heat up as Harry stared back at me. 
 “Is that what the guy before me said? The guy that you tried this out on a while ago?” He asked softly, his thumb brushing over the back of my hand in soft circles. 
“Yeah.” I mumbled. “He also kind of didn’t give me a choice on the whole spit or swallow thing.”
“He sounds like a fucking prick.” Harry’s jaw tensed as he inhaled sharply, shaking his head with a stern expression. “Don’t ever let a man treat you like that again, do you hear me? I don’t ever want you to do something because you think I’ll like it. We both have to enjoy it if this is going to work.”
“I wanted that with you.” I brushed my palms over his pecs, sliding them up to his neck. “I just...I didn’t know.”
“Well, you do now.” He leaned forward, brushing his nose against mine. “I’m a lucky bastard for being able to have your mouth like that, the least I can do is kiss you after and call you a good girl.”
“Don’t call me a good girl.” I closed my eyes, pressing my thighs together. 
“S’that turn you on?” He laughed, sliding his hands to my lower back. “But you were so good for me, angel. After you were a total brat, of course.”
“That’s my favorite part.” I opened my eyes, offering him a smile. “I like being a brat.”
Harry let out a soft sigh, his lips pressed together as he tried not to smile. 
“We’re going to have so much fun.” He whispered, leaning closer to my lips with his own. “I’m going to wreck you.” 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” I snorted out a laugh, but Harry cut it off with a kiss. “You really are the type to kiss someone in the middle of-”
His lips pressed into mine again, and I melted. 
Harry’s POV
Beatrice and Claire were a force to be reckoned with. 
Three tequila shots and a watermelon margarita later, and they were both ready to party. I watched Bea toss the tequila shots back like water, reaching for the lime as her nose scrunched up ever so slightly. I tried to hide the proud smile I was wearing, but it was hard to do that when my girlfriend was crushing my favorite liquor like it was water. Gemma wasn’t quiet about catching my smile either, her elbow digging into my side. 
“You’re in love.” She sang out. “Look at her, like another version of you.”
“In my younger days.” I snorted, crossing my arms over my chest. “I can’t party like that anymore.”
“Yes you can.” Gemma rolled her eyes. “You’re dramatic.”
“Eh, just a little.” I smiled over at her. “Have you two been getting along?”
“We’ve talked some, yeah.” Gemma nodded, digging her spoon into a mountain of mashed potatoes. “She reminds me a lot of you in certain ways, but there’s something about her that I can’t put my finger on.”
“Something that you don’t like or?” I waited for her response as she let out a soft noise of uncertainty. “What?”
“I just think that she’s one of those people that puts her own needs aside to please everyone else, you know?” Gemma sighed. “It's not a bad thing, but it can be harmful.”
“I’ve noticed that too.” I scratched at my jaw. “But it doesn’t make me want her any less.”
“Oh, I know.” Gemma rolled her eyes. “When you fixate on someone, you’re like a fucking dog with their new favorite toy.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I bumped her shoulder with my own. “I get it, you think I’ll forget about my favorite sister.”
“You did when you were with Hannah...and Madison...and Samantha-”
“Got it.” I said sharply, glaring at her. “Gemma, I know that I’ve been a proper dick about relationships in the past, but I just...I want someone to love. Is that such a bad thing?”
“It is when you put everyone else aside and focus on someone toxic.” She was such a smart ass sometimes, and I hated it. “But I don’t think Bea is toxic. I just think she’s a little innocent.”
I snorted, but I quickly wiped my hand over my mouth. 
“You’re disgusting.” Gemma narrowed her eyes at me. “I meant in worldly matters, not in the bedroom.”
“She’s pretty innocent in the bedroom too.” Claire’s voice made me jump, my hand pressing to my chest as Gemma turned her head back. “She’s still a virgin...right, Harry?”
“Oh my god.” I felt my face heat up as Claire plopped into the seat beside Gemma. “Can I see your spoon, Gem? I would like to scoop my eyes out now.”
“So many things that I didn’t need to know.” Gemma mumbled, glancing at Claire. “You’re insane, I like that.”
“Good.” Claire smiled at Gemma, reaching over to steal a green bean off of her plate. “I think you’re pretty fucking awesome too.”
Gemma laughed, shaking her head at Claire as she reached for a water bottle. 
“In all honesty, she is pretty innocent, but she’s also pretty smart.” Claire said. “Even though she’s most definitely losing it with Sarah over there.”
I turned my head around, watching Sarah and Beatrice lean into each other as they both laughed. I raised my brows, looking back at Claire who just shrugged her shoulders. 
“They both had an emo phase, and to them, that’s hysterical.” Claire sipped at her water. “I didn’t know Mitch’s birthday was yesterday, by the way.”
“Oh, yeah.” I nodded. “We did a pre-party for him, it was fun.”
“I feel bad for stealing his birthday thunder.” Claire pouted her bottom lip out. “Had I known, I wouldn’t have soaked up being in the spotlight light last night.”
“I’m sure Mitch enjoyed it.” Gemma said. “He’s not one for being the center of attention.”
“Very odd, isn’t it.” Claire hummed. “For both of us to be cancers, but to be so different.” 
“Natal chart.” Gemma pointed her spoon towards Claire. “It makes a world of difference.” 
“On that note, I’m leaving.” I stood up from my chair, pressing a quick kiss to the top of Gemma’s head before I nodded at Claire. “I’m keeping my eyes on you two tonight, you seem dangerous.”
“Wait until she starts trying to take her clothes off.” Claire moved her eyebrows, biting her tongue between her teeth. 
“Oh fuck me.” I groaned, dropping my head back before I walked around the long table, heading in the direction of Sarah and Bea. 
“You two look like you’re having a good laugh.” I looked between them with raised brows. 
“Sarah showed me a picture of her hair in highschool.” Bea pressed her palm over her mouth, her eyes watering as Sarah laughed harder next to her. 
“Oh my goodness.” I chuckled, sitting down next to them. “I haven’t seen that, let me see.”
“No, for Bea’s eyes only.” Sarah wheezed, snatching her phone against her chest. “You wouldn’t get it.”
“You’re stealing my friends.” I glanced back at Beatrice as she silently laughed, hunching over as I let out a breathy laugh through my nose. “Is this the tequila, or do I need to get you an inhaler, honey?” 
“I’m fine.” She waved her hand about, taking a deep breath before she wiped under her eyes to collect the fallen tears. “I just haven’t laughed like that in a while.”
“I’m glad my hair was amusing.” Sarah giggled, patting Beatrice’s thigh. “I’ve got to go find my boyfriend, I haven’t shown him this picture yet.” 
“So everyone gets to see it but me?” I watched Sarah nod as she stood up. “Rude, Sarah Jones.” 
“I love you, Harry Styles.” She dropped her hand to my head, ruffling my hair. “But, no.”
Beatrice let out another round of giggles at that, and I turned my eyes towards her. 
“I’ll get you for this later.” I reached over, tickling her side before she squeaked out. “You seriously can’t get any cuter.”
“Stop.” She groaned, swatting my hand away as she pouted. “I’m ticklish.”
“Good.” I chuckled. “I’ve been away far too long, where is my kiss?” 
“Needy man.” She leaned forward, pressing her lips to mine. “I’m excited for the show to start, I can’t wait to see you dancing around like a fool on stage. What was it that you said earlier? You were going to have me dripping down my legs?”
I inhaled sharply as she tilted her head, kissing the soft spot below my ear. 
“Claire warned me that tequila made you horny.” I brushed my palm up her thigh. “Easy there, honey.”
“Oops.” She pulled back, her cheeks practically glowing red. “I forgot about the other people in the room.”
“S’alright.” I lifted my hand, brushing my thumb over her chin. “Just don’t want to get worked up before I have to sit in the hair and makeup chair.”
“Oh, makeup!” She exclaimed. “I still have to get ready.” 
“You can get ready with me.” I said. “We’ll sit side by side.”
“How cute.” She pouted again, tilting her head to the side like she’d just seen a cute puppy dog walking down the street. “You’re sweet.”
“And you’re tipsy.” I laughed. “You haven’t eaten yet, have you?” 
She shook her head. “I was waiting for you.”
“C’mon, let’s grab a plate or two and figure out what we want.” I reached for her hand, standing up before she followed suit. “One more kiss?”
“Okay.” She pressed up on her toes, kissing my cheek. “Oh, I wonder if you have fries around here somewhere. You know the old saying, fries before guys.”
“Excuse me.” I followed behind her as she giggled, shaking my head. “No, it’s guys before fries here.”
I was going to have my hands full with this one. 
                                                 🍟  🍟  🍟🍟
Bea’s POV 
When I walked out of the bathroom, pulling my faux leather jacket on, my jaw nearly hit the ground. I stopped in my tracks, looking at Harry with parted lips and wide eyes as he turned around and held his arms out for Lambert. I watched him shrug his jacket on, shimmying his shoulders until it rested comfortably on his frame. Harry looked up at me, shooting me a grin that made me knees feel wobbly. I cleared my throat, adjusting my own jacket before I walked closer to him with sweaty palms and a frog in my throat. 
“You look gorgeous.” He leaned forward, holding my elbow with his massive hand before he pressed a kiss to my temple. “Have you put on the lacy thing for me?”
“Yeah, I have.” I sucked in a breath as he lifted the lapel of my jacket, his eyes burning when they landed on the bodysuit. “Better in person?”
“Much.” He mumbled, glancing up at me with a lopsided grin, his dimple just barely visible. “If there weren’t other people in this room, I’d kiss the breath right out of your lungs.”
I pressed my lips together, holding back a groan as his voice dropped. 
“Sadly, there are plenty of people!” Lambert interrupted. “And I refuse to see this shirt ruined by that gorgeous red lipstick you’ve got on, Beatrice. What is that?”
“Um, Revlon.” I said softly. “I think the shade is Black Cherry or something like that.”
“Revlon.” Lambert muttered. “You wear it well, darling.” 
“Thank you.” I felt my cheeks heat up as Harry smiled at me, almost as if he was proud of my ability to impress his friends. 
“Now, you two are off to watch Kacey’s set, but please be careful with the jacket.” Lambert brushed his hands over Harry’s arms. “We don’t want too many sequins gone before your set.”
“I’ll try to keep the dancing to a minimum.” Harry laughed, shaking his head at Lambert. “Thanks for being such a wonderful addition to the team, mate. I don’t know what the fuck I would done without you.”
“Probably would have worn those dreadful black skinny jeans on stage for the entire tour.” I tried to hold back my laugh, slapping my palm over my hand at Lambert's words. “And those chelsea boots, the tan ones? I’m getting nauseous thinking about it.” 
“Oi, I was fit!” Harry exclaimed. “I pulled it off well, didn’t I Bea?”
“There was a reason Niall was my favorite.” I shrugged. 
“Excuse me?” He blinked at me, his face blank. “Niall looked like a fucking frat boy-”
“You had a phase.” I pointed out. “You all went through a frat boy phase with your snapbacks and your cut off shirts.”
“But I was the only one who pulled it off well.” He held his finger up, waving it about. “Niall was nowhere near as attractive as I in the snapback.”
“You fucker!”
Harry and I snapped our heads around at the new voice in the room. 
The second I lay my eyes on the dirty blonde Irishman, I felt like my heart was going to fall out of my ass. Niall stood there in the doorway with his hands held up, a look of mock offense on his face. I turned to Harry, my jaw practically on the floor as he stared at his old mate. 
“Niall!” Harry said. “You made it, lucky charms!”
“I heard what you said, Styles.” Horan pointed his finger, putting on a fake angry expression before his eyes darted towards me. “Is she alright?”
Harry looked back at me, his brows raised as I looked between him and Niall, my finger weakly pointing at my childhood crush. 
“That’s Niall Horan.” I said softly as Harry walked up to me. “That’s Niall Horan.”
“Okay, let’s breathe.” Harry chuckled, brushing his hands over my biceps, holding me in place as I tried to peer around him. “I’m offended that you weren’t this shell shocked when we met.”
“You aren’t Niall Horan.” I said, looking up at him. “That’s….I had such a huge crush on him.”
Harry ducked his head down, his breath tickling my ear.
“Do I need to take you into the bathroom and remind you who you’re here for?”
I felt my eyes flutter shut, a soft whine catching in my throat as Harry nipped at my earlobe before pressing a quick kiss to my pulse point. I almost felt dizzy when he lifted his head up with that dazzling smirk on his lips. I cleared my throat, shifting on my feet. 
“Answer me.” He said. “Do you need that?”
I opened my mouth, but no words came out. 
“Oh, angel, you look flustered.” He cooed, brushing his knuckles over my cheek. 
“I’m good.” I cleared my throat, willing my voice to go back to normal. “I was just a little shocked, that’s all.”
“Gimme a kiss.” He puckered his lips out dramatically, and I let out a breathy laugh. “There she is.”
I pressed up on my toes, kissing his cheek. 
“Sorry.” I mumbled, avoiding his gaze. “I just...he just popped up out of nowhere. I need a warning for these kind of things.”
“Next time I’ll sing a good ol’ pub song while I’m walking down the hall so you know I’m coming for you, love.” Niall laughed at himself, and I couldn’t help but laugh along as Harry turned around with an unamused expression. “You gonna introduce us, Styles?”
“This is my girlfriend, Bea.” Harry slipped his hand over my back. “Beatrice, this is Niall.”
“Hi.” I held my hand out, but Niall swatted it away before opening his arms. 
“I like hugs.” 
“She’s not hugging you.” Harry held me back, scowling at Niall. 
I turned my head back to look at Harry, my lips pressed together and my brows raised as if to say ‘oh, really?’ to his comment. I could hug whoever I wanted, and right now, I wanted to make Harry jealous by hugging Niall fucking Horan. 
“I’m hugging him.” I said, moving closer to Niall. “Don’t be sour.”
“He is a bit of a sour patch kid, isn’t he?” Niall laughed as I wrapped my arms around his middle, giggling when he tossed his arms around my shoulders. “I can’t believe Harry’s got himself a decent girl.”
“You just met me, you don’t know that I’m decent yet.” I pulled back with a laugh, retreating to my spot next to Harry. “But I’ll take the compliment all the same.” 
“Thatta girl.” Niall winked at me before stuffing his hands in his pockets, turning towards Harry with a bright smile. “I’m excited to see your show tonight.”
“It’s gonna be weird, knowing that you’re out in the crowd watching instead of performing with me.” Harry blew out a nervous breath, shaking his head. “And it doesn’t help that you’re not the only one here. Liam is coming tonight, fucking Kendall will be here...I’m pretty sure a few other people will be here tonight too.”
“Well, Kendall is fucking tone deaf, so I don’t think she’ll notice if you fuck up.” Niall cackled, tossing his head back. “And I doubt you’ll fuck up at all, you’re a star mate.”
“So are you, Horan.” Harry reached out, tapping Niall’s shoulder. “I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah, I’ve missed you too.” Niall’s voice was softer, a happy smile still on his face. “Can’t believe it’s already been two years apart.”
“I’m gonna cry.” I whispered, waving my hand in front of my eyes as they started to water. “I’m having flashbacks of the History music video, I don’t need this today.”
“You got yourself a fan.” Niall asked, his brows shooting up towards his hairline. “Is that why she was so wigged out a second ago?”
“Yeah.” I spoke up. “You were my favorite.”
“I was?” Niall asked, his head tilting to the side. “Am I not anymore.”
“I mean…” I turned towards Harry, sliding my arm around his waist before I looked back at Niall with a small giggle. “Look at this one, mate! He’s so dreamy and he’s romantic.” 
“I can be romantic.” Niall exclaimed. 
Harry snorted, turning his head to spit out a fake cough to save himself. 
“What was that for?” Niall said. “I can be romantic!” 
“Sure, mate.” Harry reached out, patting Niall’s shoulder again as a knock sounded at his dressing room door. “Oh look, more people.”
I turned my head to the doorway, suddenly intimidated by the three women walking in. 
Claire, Kendall, and Hannah (Harry's most recent ex) walked in together. 
I automatically felt inferior to them, and not just because I was much shorter. 
Even my own best friend fit in better with that group than I did, her perfect brown skin and long legs practically identical to the other two women. Harry clearly had a type for summer goddesses with a knack for modeling, and it made me wonder why he didn’t pick Claire over me. They would have made such a beautiful couple. 
“I want you to meet Kenny.” Harry squeezed my side. “She’s a good friend of mine.”
“Sure.” I gave him a tight smile, swallowing my nerves as I felt my palms sweat. 
I didn’t know a lot about Kendall or her family, but I never heard anything good. 
I also didn’t know how to talk to someone of her status. 
“Ken!” Harry said her name so casually, like he was used to calling it out. “I’d like you to meet someone.”
She set her eyes on me, scanning me from head to toe before plastering on a smile and strutting over in her mega high heels. I owned a pair similar to hers, but mine came from Walmart, and hers were probably from Dior. She stopped in front of us, affectionately touching Harry’s bicep with a soft hell before she turned to look down at me. 
“Hi.” She said. “I’m Kendall.”
“Beatrice.” I stuck my hand out to her nervously, but she just looked at it. I had a feeling that she wasn’t a hugger like Niall. “Um, you can call me Bea though.”
“Bea.” She nodded as I pulled my hand back. “Where did you two meet?”
“At a bar last night.” Harry laughed softly, squeezing my side as he shot me a wink. It eased my nerves just a little. “Swept her right off of her feet.”
“So that is how we’re telling the story?” I chuckled, turning my attention towards him instead of the nerve wracking situation in front of me. “I suppose you’re not entirely wrong.” 
“I never am.” He sighed dramatically, pursing his lips before he leaned in for a quick kiss. “So, Ken, where’s your man tonight?”
Oh, thank god. 
“He’s just talking shit with Jeff, I think.” She turned her head, scanning the dressing room before she rolled her eyes. “I honestly don’t want to see his face tonight, he’s being annoying.”
“Oh no.” Harry laughed softly. “What have you done?” 
“Me, I did nothing?” She pressed her fingers to her collarbone, scoffing playfully. “I merely said we should vacation in Mykonos with my family-”
“There it is.” Harry interrupted. 
“What’s wrong with vacationing with my family?” Kendall asked, tilting her head to the side with a frown. “Everyone loves it!”
“No, they don’t.” Harry shook his head. “I remember your Mum made us-”
He stopped, shifting on his feet as he looked at me. 
“Don’t mind me.” I said. “You can keep talking, I can go find Claire or-”
“That would be great-”
“Don’t go-” 
Harry and Kendall spoke at the same time, and I rolled my lips into my mouth as they both looked at each other in shock. 
“Um, well,” I stuttered, slowly pulling myself from Harry’s arm. “You clearly need a moment, so I’m just gonna go somewhere that isn’t right here.” 
I turned, walking towards Claire and Niall like there was a fire under my ass. 
“Oh my god.” I whispered, grabbing Claire’s arm. “I feel like I was just met the fucking queen or something! I mean, the way she looked at me, Claire-”
“She’s not very nice.” Claire laughed, sliding her arm around my shoulder. “It’s alright though, I’m a much better model than her and I plan on dragging her ass down the runway one day.”
“Thank you.” I squeaked out, letting out a laugh as Niall chuckled in front of us. “Sorry, I know you’re probably friends with her too, I just-”
“Not friends.” Niall said, shaking his head. “Never have been, never will be.”
“Fair.” I sighed, taking a few deep breaths. “Oh, Claire, it’s Niall!”
“Yeah, we’ve been chatting for a minute over here babe.” She laughed. “He introduced himself.”
“Right.” I laughed nervously. “There’s a lot happening.”
“You need a break?” Niall asked. “Because the three of us can sneak off for a drink, I doubt anyone will notice we’re gone.”
I turned my head, looking at Harry as he laughed with Kendall and Hannah. 
It hurt just a tiny bit to see him so chummy with his exes, but who was I to judge. 
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” I turned back to Niall with a fake smile. “Let’s go.”
Harry’s POV
“So, what’s the deal with this new girl?” Kendall asked. “She’s...different.” 
“I don’t like what you’re insinuating.” I said slowly, my brows pulling together. “Why did you say it like that?”
“She just, doesn’t seem like your type.” She shrugged, brushing it off as if it was no big deal. “I haven’t seen you with someone like her before.”
“Kenny has a point.” Hanna interrupted, looking at me with raised brows. “You don’t typically go for her type.”
“Okay, you’re both being vague and annoying.” I let out a frustrated huff. “What are you getting at?”
“She’s not stepping on the cover of Vogue anytime soon.” Kendall shrugged. “That’s all.”
“Because-” I waited for them to speak, but they both glanced at each other. 
“Well, she’s bigger than what you normally go for, and she’s a little plain.” Hannah said. “It’s not really like you to downgrade.”
“Right.” I let out a bitter laugh, lifting my hand to scratch at my jaw as I felt anger boiling up from my chest to my throat. “Fuck you...both of you. I don’t know where you get off insulting someone you don’t even know, but that shit doesn’t matter to everyone. Beatrice could put a paper bag over her head, and it wouldn’t make me want her any less. Do you know why?”
They both stared at me as I waited for an answer. 
“Because she has a fucking heart, and a beautiful mind.” I snapped. “You two are a bunch of gossiping trust fund babies with no morals.”
I turned around, stalking towards the door of my dressing room without second thought. 
I slammed it behind me before I turned down the hall, walking straight for catering. 
When I walked into the room, Beatrice was sitting between Niall and Claire sipping on a watermelon margarita with pink cheeks and a bright smile. I felt my anger dissipate in my chest, her laughter distracting me from the cruel words replaying in my head. I let out a sigh, feeling my shoulders slump before I walked towards the cheerful group. 
“Hey.” I said, dropping into the seat next to Bea’s. “I missed you.”
“Did you?” She asked me, squinting playfully with pursed lips. “You seemed like you were having fun.”
“It was dreadful, believe me.” I leaned closer, stealing a kiss from her. “Are you having fun?”
“So much.” She smiled, kissing me once more. “I can’t wait to get out there though. I think Kacey is on in ten minutes.”
“Sounds right.” I let out a breath, pressing my palm to Beatrice’s thigh. “Finish up your drink, honey. I’ll have Larissa make us more before Jeff takes us to the side stage.”
“Okay.” She gave me a bright smile. “Thank you.” 
“For what?” I asked, tilting my head to the side curiously. 
“For being so sweet.” She mumbled. “I adore you.”
My heart practically screamed in my chest, the hairs raising up on the back of my neck as I felt my lips pull into a huge smile. I let out a giggle, ducking my head down as my cheeks warmed. 
Beatrice brushed her fingers over the back of my neck as I moved closer to her, wrapping my arms around her the best that I could from my chair. 
“I adore you, too.”
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lettrespromises · 4 years
@luveranime​ wrote : ❝ Heyyy! Could you do one where kuroo and akaashi and atsumu are leaving to another country for volleyball purposes and they have to say goodbye to their s/o?🥺🥺 ❞ A.N :  ❝ Dear reader,  this is my first request and i’m nervous as heck, i’m trying really hard not to scream right now. anywhoopsie! i tried to make these both sad and fluffy because all my posts are kind of angsty and i don’t want to be pinned as a heartbreaker. i had so much fun writing this so thank you so much for requesting, sending lots of love and kisses your way! mwah!  Sincerely yours, Nikki ❞ Genre: Kinda sad, kinda fluffy. Warnings: Bits of crying, mentions of sex but no actual smut (post time-skip for Atsumu).
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Kuroo is the type of person who gets emotionally attached slowly, but once he’s attached to you, there’s no going back. His passion is unmatched (yes I may be writing this because he’s a scorpio and so am I), meaning that he will pour every ounce of love he possesses into your relationship.
He loves hard and will always put you before anything else. As a matter of fact, you were the one who had to force him to go abroad to study new volleyball techniques and come back as a better, more experienced player.
It took forever to convince him though. He felt guilty for leaving you behind and as stated before, you come before anything else, including volleyball. (Lucky you, he’s putting his first love after you.)
As much as he is excited to meet new players, learn new ways to be a more efficient middleblocker and discover a new country, his excitation counterbalances with the thought of leaving you. He’s both looking forward and dreading leaving Japan, and you in the process. 
The latter causes him to lack slumber, he has terrible insomnias because his emotions are tearing him apart. Thankfully, you’re here to whisper sweet nothings to him and secure him in your embrace to make him fall back asleep (although, the few nights leading to his departure often result in him squeezing the life out of you when you’re sleeping, send help.)
The atmosphere of the ride to the airport is very close to pure denial. You’re both singing until ripping your vocal cords, his palm has found a permanent place upon your thigh, sometimes he squeezes your flesh to print this sensation into his head because deep down he knows this is the last time he gets to see you and touch you before a long time.
At the airport, you’re the kind of cliché couple to melt into each other’s embrace amidst comforting silence. You both feel like you’re all alone in the airport, like there’s nobody else there.
Your hands grip his Nekoma jacket hard, as if your life was depending on it, but after all, you just needed to keep this feeling with you at all costs- the feeling of your boyfriend’s toned arms around your waist, squeezing you like there’s no tomorrow while you keep your eyes shut.
Kuroo, on the other one hand, runs his digits through your hair in a comforting manner and delivers occasional pecks on the crown of your hair. 
However, you both know it’s time (although you might have been trying to purposefully make Kuroo miss his flight), which results in Kuroo saying “Kitten, I know it’s hard but I have to go now.”, cue your cute self looking at him with pleading eyes. “Don’t give me this look, baby, I hate this as much as you do.”
He envelops your cheeks with both of his gigantic palms and presses one final kiss upon your lips, it’s everything you wanted and represented Kuroo so well- passionate, caring, both soft and rough on the edges. His thumbs wipe away the tears crashing down on your cheeks, once he pulls away due to the lack of oxygen, he doesn’t miss to slap your butt because... Kuroo...
Upon leaving, he puts his Nekoma jacket upon your shoulders while flashing you his toothiest smile : “I’ve always thought you rocked it better than me, kitten.” 
As he makes his way to the main hall, he looks back at you and mouths a very touching “I love you, I’ll be back to you soon.” and blows a kiss your way, you stare at him and squeeze his jacket against your chest, at least you have a new cuddle buddy as a replacement.
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Ahh, Akaashi, or as I like to call him: agASHEHHHH.
It’s safe to say that he is the polar opposite of Kuroo regarding display of affection. Love with Akaashi echoes to comfortable silence, but that certainly does not mean he wouldn’t get the moon for you if you asked.
Akaashi becomes unconsciously a bit more distant and a bit more silent the week leading up to his departure. He thinks that gradually separating himself from you will hurt you less once he’s gone, he just wants his absence to cause you as little pain as possible.
You, on the other one hand, get quite frustrated with this semi-silent treatment. He doesn’t come at your place as often, he cuts the conversations short and says he’s too busy with Bokuto-san to hang out with you. 
The truth of the matter is, he’s hurting so much from the inside, and this idea of his is just eating him alive. It eats him alive because you’re away, and he’s the one blocking you off. He absolutely hates the way he’s acting.
Hence why, the day before of his departure, he crashes at your place with takeout, a bouquet of everlasting flowers and all the good stuff to have the perfect movie night.
Needless to say, you’re shocked once you see him and all these things he brought specifically for you. He takes time to carefully explain why he chose to bring you all of this: he ordered this peculiar takeout because it’s your favorite, he got you this bouquet of everlasting flowers so you can have a permanent proof of his love for you and the full ‘movie night’ equipment to light up the mood of this fatidical night.
Although he doesn’t really initiate any kind of affectionate touches, this night is the total opposite- he delivers pecks everywhere on your face, envelops you safely into his embrace, plays with your hair while you’re watching the movie and whispers a few “I love you so much.” in the crook of your neck.
Eventually, you both fall asleep and he carries you bridal style to your bed where you both spend the night together, comforted by each other’s embrace.
Akaashi insisted on going to the airport alone, the will to cause you as little as possible still embedded in his brain. Thus, he leaves you while you’re sleeping and admires you one last time before delivering a sweet peck on your forehead and whispers “I’ll be back before you can say it, dove.”
Once you wake up, you pat the other half of your bed only to realize you’re alone and Akaashi has already left. However, there’s a curious bag next to your bed. As you open it up, you realize it’s filled with Akaashi’s clothing and his signature smell is locked in within the fabric, there are also a bunch of neatly handwritten notes for each day he’s gonna be without you. All of them are reminders of your qualities, how much he loves you and memories of your dates with polaroid pictures.
 Upon seeing all these precious things specially prepared for you, you go back to sleep, hugging his pillow close to your chest with a soft smile on your face, Akaashi’s favorite smile.
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Oh well, now this is a wild one.
Dating a professional volleyball has its pros and cons, and needless to say, the biggest disadvantage of dating Atsumu is how often he needs to go abroad to play against a foreign team. 
Now, of course you’re his number one fan and rightfully so and Atsumu asks you to come with him all the time but you can’t just leave your professional life aside, hence why it’s always bittersweet when he has to leave.
However, if it’s bittersweet to you, to Atsumu, it’s the best occasion to tease the hell out of you because you pout every time he brings up the fact he has to travel to another country. Cue the inevitable “Aw, is somebody gonna miss me or what?” and the obvious wink sent your way.
Teasing you is a way to make you crack a smile or laugh, which indirectly makes you forget about his trip for work or at least it makes it less painful because you’ve been laughing so much with your boyfriend. And to Atsumu, it’s the perfect way to capture a few candid pictures of your beautiful grin so he can admire them all once he’s far away from you.
Now, I hate to state the obvious but when I said that Atsumu is a wild one... I meant it. Hence why the night before his departure, he always makes sure to please you in bed and make you scream him name, because God knows when he will be able to do it again and hear such a sinful melody coming out of your mouth.
He does insist on you coming to the airport with him, and there again, he’s a wild one : Atsumu has no shame in making out with you right there, right now in the airport in front of the incredulous looks of the passengers around you.
He won’t hesitate and honestly has no shame regarding public display of affection : open mouthed kisses, trails of kisses left on your neck, a hand adventuring on your derrière, hell, even hickeys if he’s feeling like it.
Atsumu takes pride in leaving a few love bites, it’s a literal physical reminder that even though he’s not here with you, you know who you belong to. And nothing makes him smile more than imagining you staring at your reflection in the mirror once the bruises have healed up.
Nonetheless, the full make out session is broken by none other than the MSBY Black Jackal team’s obvious coughs, you know, a way to say “Hey, lovebirds, we don’t actually want to assist to the creation of a baby live in an airport and we kinda have to go.”
Both you and Atsumu know it’s time to part ways... But not before he plants a series of kisses on your plump lips and whisper a succession of “I love you so much, babygirl” or other “I’m gonna miss you so much, you have no idea”, orrrrr “You drive me crazy, baby.” and eventually the obvious “I can’t wait to make you walk weird for three days straight once I come back, princess.”
Eventually, you wave at Atsumu with a shy grin plastered upon your face, now that everything he said to you has sunk in, in return, he blows an obnoxious kiss your way. 
Once he returns to the team, Kiyoomi keeps his distance, even more so than usual because, I quote, “Do you have any idea of how many bacterias are shared in a kiss, Miya? 80 millions, which gives me 80 millions to stay away from you.” cue Atsumu replying with a smirk “I don’t regret a single one of these bacterias you’re talking about, totally worth it.”
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feathered-serpents · 4 years
Fic WIP That’s Literally Just Dialogue (And some notes in parenthesis) 
Disclaimer: This is a bare-bones scene WIP, I write dialogue heavy scenes dialogue first so there will be lots of stuff that goes in between all the dialogue so it’ll be more uh. Paced. Than what you see here. I’ve been hesitant to post this but the fic’s super long and taking forever so here’s this to prove it exists
(This scene happens after Martin has come into the room and admitted he can’t sleep. The two of them sit side by side on the small twin bed in Jon’s room. There is conversation before the exchange below.)
J: “Martin, do you remember anything? About being in the Lonely?” 
M: “Sort of? It’s less what happened and more how it felt.” 
J: “How did it feel?” 
M: “You were there.” 
J: “I wasn’t part of it, not like you- were.” 
M: “It felt... You know how the air feels on gloomy days? The grey gets everywhere. Even the brightest yellow taxi looks dull. That’s what it felt like.” (Might cut this) 
J: “I’m sorry.” 
M: “Me too.” 
J: “Do you- do you remember anything you said?” 
M: “A bit? You might have to remind me.” 
J: “You said you loved me.” 
M: “Ah.” “Right.” “I did, didn't I?” 
J: “Did you- did you mean it?” 
M: “I… yes?” “I meant it but- I didn’t care that I meant it. I didn’t care if it hurt you or destroyed whatever it was we had or both. I didn’t feel anything I just... said it.” 
J: “Right” 
M: “I care now.” 
J: “Do you,” “Do you mean it?
M: “Yeah.” “God do I mean it.” 
J: “Martin…” “Martin I don’t-” 
M: “Hey!” “That’s alright! That’s- this is fine. This is more than I ever thought I’d get. It’s enough. It’s plenty.” 
J: “No, no that’s not- that’s not it.” 
M: “What?” “Jon?” 
J: “I don’t understand.” “Why? What did I- I was so awful to you.” 
M: “You weren’t awful, Jon.” “You weren’t nice but…I was there. Everyone else I was just- someone who made tea appear in their hands or smiled when they walked in but they didn’t see me. I wasn’t really there, not for them.” “You saw me, maybe you didn’t like what you saw but it was more than I’d gotten in a long time-” 
J: “I like what I see.” 
(There is a pause here. Martin stares at Jon, scanning his face. He leans forward and kisses Jon on the mouth. Barely. He pulls back almost instantly.) 
M: “Oh-h god-” 
(Jon leans in and kisses him on the lips. Gentle and lingering) 
M: “Oh...”
(Another kiss, lingering even longer)
J: “I’m sorry.” 
M: “It’s alright, Jon.” “It’s alright.” 
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
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Warnings: language, arguing? A lil violence to your wrist, weave grabbing and bodyguard running! NOT PROOF READ OR BOLD, IM JUST KINDA LAZY TODAY!
A/n: oh god what did I just write?
T.H| You Shouldn’t Go Out Anymore
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We all know he is gonna feel some fuckin way y/n, don’t fight it” your friend said, sipping her cherrie slurpie after you all left the club.
“Well I don’t know what to say, I was fucking around with anyone I was just handlin my own” you let out a ‘tuh’ as you looked out the window.
“This is a man? You have been out since what? 6” your gay best friend stated, handing you your Reese’s as you only rolled your eyes.
“This is your stop, good luck babe, although you can most definitely handle your own” you opened the door as she pulled up, grabbing your stuff and hopped out the door, big ass mistake. You didn’t fall but your knees didn’t agree with you.
As your friends laughed you flipped them off and closed the door, fixing your purse as your heels clanked against the stone, you walked up to the door step, grabbing your keys and putting them in the door, before you could twist it was already opened by you great full.... angry? Boyfriend.
You jerked your head at him and came in the house, taking off your heels and going into your shared room, throwing them in the closet.
“Where’d you go?” He asked from the kitchen, soon angrily coming into the bedroom. “I got caught up in some traffic” “bullshit, where did you go?” “To the club? Why else am I wearing this?” “Why is your hair fucked up?” He asked, looking at your figure. You shrugged “I have no idea” you bit your lip as you walked up to the mirror attached to the closet, trying to unzip yourself. He stood there watching you with his jaw clenched, you could see him but you tried to ignore it your best, it wasn’t happening.
“Thomas what the fuck is your problem?” “My problem? Why are you out so fucking late!?” He raised his voice. “Why? I’m here aren’t I!” You yell back. “Why are you avoiding the fucking question, you fucking cheated didn’t you? Your a fucking slob” “A slob?” You cock your head at him, furrowing your eyebrows. “I AM SOBERRRR!” you yell at him, he only ignores you so you dance around him yelling “soberrrr! I am so soberrrr! What’s 2x2? Fourrrrr”. “Can you be serious for two minutes?” “Not when you don’t know what your fucking talking about, wanna know why I was really late?” You snapped back and he only nodded, you threw the Reese’s at his face “maybe I should’ve cheated on yo dumbass” “fuck you!”
“Haven’t you already? Unzip me” his face all scrunched as he walked up and unzipped you, you turning around and his face so close to your own “I went to the fucking store Thomas, they don’t sell snacks at the club” “did you drink at all?” “No thomas, there was just an achol free club where we all sing Barney, I love you, you love me” you smile, tilting your head to the side. “Well I’ve been sitting in this bed waiting for you” “then wait some more baby, wait some more” he grabbed your wrist pulling you closer, him towering you “look smartass, if you want to go bloody fuck around you can, just stay away from me, you don’t answer your phone, you stay out late, you have the fucking audacity to come home and try to talk to me as if I did something wrong?”
“No I’m actually talking to you like your dumb, because you are, get out of me!” You snatch your wrist back “next time you touch me I swear to god I will punch you square in yo fucking face” you take off your dress and grab your suit case, rubbing your wrist because it hurt, like hell. You know he wouldn’t ever hurt you and maybe he was caught in the moment but you were pissed. You took out all of your clothes and threw them on the side of your bed.
“Where are you going? You don’t have anywhere to go” Tom said, grabbing the clothes on the hangers and putting them back up. “Thomas put my shit down” and one thing you both knew, it is your shit, you bought it because you aren’t one of those types for when the time comes he takes everything that he bought for you.
He hesitated before he put it back on the bed “you aren’t leaving me” “I make my own decisions” you started to fold up your clothes as Thomas left, walking into the livingroom taking in what all happened.
You walked up to the door and slammed it, hissing in pain from the slight sting in your wrist, you only pushed yourself more by folding everything and throwing it in your suit case.
You set it next to the door and sat on the bed “fuck” you whispered to yourself thumbs on your temples and your hands rested on your eyebrows. it isn’t your fucking fault at all and you needed to know that but right now you’ve never ever had these kinds of fights with Tom, it was just about dinner or something petty. You ended up falling asleep.
You woke up and found yourself in the messy bedroom, hangers everywhere and suit case still next to the door. You grabbed your phone from your purse that was also on the floor, calling your friend, Imani.
“Yes” she said, you only bit your lip. “We had a fight” you went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, “I know” “how?” “It’s Thomas, and your sarcastic as hell” “well I’m leaving” “the house or the man?” “havent talked about it yet” “well you should, I got to go, text me the apartment though” you let out a hum and hung up, turning on the shower to a warm feeling.
You got dressed and flat ironed your hair sitting on your fluffy pink chair that matched your marble vanity. Then he walked in “hey” he whispered. “Hi” you said back, taking out the last section. “Are we like... not together anymore?” He asked, sitting on the bed watching you. “A break” you said, turning back to him as he nodded. “Can I ask why your doing your hair” “no Tom” “okay” his lips in a thin line.
You unpacked your stuff, getting comfy in your new but not replaced home. You were gonna move in with one of your friends at first but them you knew you wanted some alone time for yourself, you scrolled through your explore page on Instagram- stacked with zodiac signs and Evan peters, skinny girls in bikinis, generic ones.
As you scrolled through you thought ‘maybe I should- nah’ you looked in the closet looking at the small bikinis and the tight skirts and tube tops. Sooner or later the door opened revealing-
“Tye? What are you doing here?” You asked, your gay best friend entering. “I’m not the only one, and don’t come over here talking to me like I’m the enemy” “shut up” you stood up and gave him a hug, soon revealing Imani also. “You know for a fact that we was comin over, yo hair is poppin” she said “stiff where?” You shook it, silky.
Over the few days that you’ve been alone Toms been doing actually pretty well, he did miss you of course but he also did freak out and get mad that you weren’t accepting his calls, he didn’t know if you were safe until-
“Stop!” You laughed, currently in the Pool with the most smallest bikini EVER- the hot red just making your skin shine, your hair done, sunglasses on, teeth white, feet done nails done, okay? Everything is done, by your wallet to.
Tye and his muscular lil boo, throwing pretzels at you. “Have fun!” Ray said, “we didn’t take you here for no reason” Tye added both of them sitting down in the seats while you were in the pool, leaning your elbows on the brim “I know!” You lift yourself up, little did you know Imani was taking pictures of you, from behind of course, your ass the main course of the picture, everything about you was just so sexy, like you had a magnet on you that everybody needs to be attached to, but luckily that was Thomas. Did I mention it was a public pool? “Look at Jesus, he’s starring at you” everyone grabbed there black tinted sunglasses, making sure nobody could see yours and your friends eyes you looked. “Sexy” ray said, “nice and hairy, it’s time for a grown man y/n” Imani said, basically dissing Tom because it doesn’t look like he has any hair on his body ‘golden beauty’ as he’d call it.
“I don’t know, what if he’s like a hobo or something?” You said, coming up to Tye and laying down between his legs, resting your head on his pec. “Your right, he might be hairy in the business to” ray commented, making everyone laugh as Tye played with your hair. You smacked your lips as ray took out his phone “stoppp!” You said, knowing what he is doing to embarrass you, he made a boomerang of him zooming in on Jesus, but acting like he was recording himself. He labels it “JESUS?” and posted, making everyone else but you repost it on their story. “Y’all do to much” you sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“What the fuck is this? Jesus?” Tom said, sipping his beer. Looking at Harrison who is trying to hold on a laugh “you might have to fuck some since into her if ya know what I mean” a chuckle leaving his lips. “She isn’t fucking around, just leave her be” Harry rolled his eyes, all Tom was doing is looking at him phone, every, single, day. “You think she likes him? Or might have sex with him?” “You are literally so bloody annoying, what do you think?” Haz glares at him. “Well I don’t know! Fuck! She wouldn’t” Tom didn’t even wanna think about it, having another hand on your neck, hearing you moan someone else’s name, opening your legs for someone else.
“Might wanna check her profile” Harrison shrugs, Tom nods and checks it, clicking on your story and finding you say “hallelujah” while your laying on someone, a chest. You soon flip the camera “put your legs down!” You slap them, making whoever it is chuckle, you zoom in on Jesus and end up getting caught, your phone drops as the story ends.
“Your fucked” Harry laughed “shut up!” Tom said, throwing the bottle cap at him.
“No this didn’t happen, I don’t believe it” you hide in tyes chest while everyone laughs at you “stopppppp!” You whine.
You smiled as you got in your tight dress, orange and spaghetti strapped that shows a bit of your side boob, you wore thigh high black boots, your hair flat ironed again, inches inches inches, lace front, lace front, lace front, Self love yeah? You put on your dangle earrings, lipgloss eyelashes just lookin so pretty.
“You ready?” Ray asked, coming in with his loose oversized shirt and jean shorts, converse, he looked good of course but never over top, it isn’t his thing. Tye on the other hand came with a black loose unbuttoned loose shirt and black dress pants, a new pair a j’s wouldn’t hurt anybody right?
Imani didn’t like dressing up so she came with a yellow ripped crop top and black cargos with some combat boots everyone’s hair done.
No drinking and driving, you all had money of course and you were planning on just taking care of yourself, so when you got there you just went to the bar.
Of course a lot of eyes were on you, all races all genders, but you could care less. “One shot of-“ “a Shirley temple, get this fine young lady a Shirley temple” Tye said, “we don’t need you losing your mind in here, y/n” “whatever but yes please”
“Of course gorgeous” the waiter winked at you. “Ooo” Tye said making you slap his arm “where is Imani and ray?” You asked Tye, he only pointed at the dance floor, the shoes helping both of them dance better.
“You should dance” “you and I both know I look like I’m getting electrocuted” he laughed as you got your drink, taking the straw and sipping it. “Can’t we like get a table or something?” You asked, Tye nodding and asking you to step forward, a gentle hand behind your back trying to keep the drunkies away.
About an hour in is when Imani started to party “IMANIS A LESBIAN?” you shouted, only enough for you, ray, and the to hear as they eye her on the dance floor. “Aw shit, here we go again” “private story activated” Imani just making out with the girl non stop.
“Oh fuck- we need to save her!” You say, watching as they giggle and record her. “Let her have her fun, she will just wake up in another girls bed and be happy” “she looks like she has an std” “how?” “She’s way to pretty” you laugh at tye “AH- HAIR PULLING? OH MY” “BAHAHAHA” you all scream laughing, Imani must of pulled to tight because that lace came off, as Imani pulled away and looked at her her eyes got bigger, she slowly lifted the lace compared to her head, “oh my fuckin god she’s gonna do it” “no she isn’t” “yes, yes she is” she ran off.
The lace in the air as she disappeared like a magician “OH MY FUCKING GOD” Tye posted it, you instantly took out your phone, biting your lip and seeing the missed calls, but ignoring it and opening Instagram, finding tyes private story and posting the post on your own.
“That’s sad, I feel bad for the girl” ray said, holding in his laughs as he looked at the and started cracking up. “We should’ve saved her-“ you got caught by heavy breathing “what the hell happened?” “Sis, you drunk forreal” you only shook your head “yo hair is lookin mad frizzy, let’s go sneak somewhere” you say getting up. “Look at y/n, sober but crazy” “shut the fuck up” you leaded them into this little space where the hallway is, not supposed to be there but fuck it. You found an iron “let’s get you back on track” you say, plugging in the iron “girl no” “it’s going to help” “that is hella ghetto” “you hair is lookin hella ghetto” as it got done heating up she took out her phone “look at her” “I’m making your hair look good, the fuck you expect? Hermiones bag so I can pull out a flat iron?” You picked up the iron and took her hair making the part straight first before pressing down. “Why y’all laughing?” You say looking at Tye and ray giggling in the background “you hookin her up that’s- that’s a good friend” and just like that, POW, her lace was lookin fresh.
“Now that we are here should we take some pictures?” Tye asked, everyone nodding as you set up your phone against the wall, everyone posing, you squatting, ray laying across all of you infront, imanis tongue out and Tye throwing up the finger, it went on for a while so the laughs were covered by the bodyguard walking in. “ Oop” “RUN!” Ray yelled, how the hell is you finna run in heels? Ray the fastest, Tye behind, Imani after him and you trying not to roll your ankles. “Get back here!” You don’t even now how but you made it infront of everyone, leaving them eating your dirt as you went to the exit “HURRY UP!” you yell “WE ARE FUCKIN TRYING! HOW THE HELL YOU RUNNIN?” Tye yelled, you opened the door everyone running out and you know behind them, the big ass guard almost catching you but you locked and shut the door, giving blowjobs did give you some extra skills.
You all ran to the car, hot and sweaty “I GOT IT ON RECORDD” Imani yelled making you all laugh. “You a real dumbass” you said, ray starting the car as everyone’s breath was heavy. You pulled out your phone on live, a lot of people entering “bitch we made it out!” “Sure did!” You switched the phone to behind the camera revealing ray and Tye in the front seat. “It was a crazy ass night” “I’m ready to take a fat ass nap” Tye joked. “Shit forreal, my piggies is killin me” you say giving your phone to Imani as you took off your heels. “Hold up- look at this” she said, putting her phone under yours showing your fans all y’all runnin and the big ass bodyguard getting dusted.
You sighed as you laid on your bed, already missing the night and taking off your dress after posting the pictures, which had the bodyguard in the back.
Buzz buzz
You saw the caller ID and huffed, rolling your eyes and leaving you in only your panties.
“She still won’t answer” Tom sighed. “Well did you expect her to? She just ran away from a bloody bodyguard she might be tired” haz said making a point. Tom only nodded his head looking at your recent pictures from the past few days, big pearly whites everywhere, ass boobs everywhere, just you everywhere. “Fuck it, I’ve called her and called her, I’m going over” “go ahead we aren’t stopping you” Harry shrugged “it might just be the best option” Sam nodded.
You turned on Cartoon Network but adult swim was playing, Robot chicken which actually scared the shit out of you. You heard a knock on the door, you mentally screamed and got up, going to your door but covering your boobs before answering the door.
“How did you find me” “I guess you could say your friends miss us together” Tom simply said, now looking down at your figure “is someone in here?!” He asked, voice slightly raised. “No thomas, come in!” You snatch him by his arm, he steps in and you close the door, not holding your boobs anymore you go to your room.
He follows you in your room, watching you as you put almost shirt. “You looked good tonight” “you were watching me huh?” He only walked up behind you taking the back of your neck and bending you over on the bed , pressing his self on you and reaching over to whisper in your ear “I guess” he pressed kisses to your neck, soft delicate ones as the coldness of his ring digging in your colored skin.
“Thomas what do you want?” You ask, clearly annoyed. His movements stuttered as he just sat on the bed, you stood back up straight and put on your shirt to sit next to him. He looks at you then down at the hardwood floor “I miss you” “and that was your way of showing me? You miss me or my body?” “I miss all of it” you put your legs up to your chest. “Really?”
“Yeah” he nods, turning to you “can I?” He asked and you nodded, he pulled you into a hug. “I love you and I was worried about you honestly, I have no idea what happened to me that night, I guess I was trying to hide me being vunrable” he whispered, your head on his shoulder as he speaked to you.
“Well I was just hungry ya know” you chuckle, making him let out a distant laugh. “I-yeah, it was a good chocolate” “you ate it?” “Yes I did” you both laugh. “But I seriously want to apologize, I don’t own you and you don’t deserve to be treated that way, at all. I love you, y/n” he whispered, taking your hand and playing with your fingers.
“I love you too” you look at him and he smiles, kissing your forehead to your nose and down to your lips. “Can we-“ “I’m tired, can we just lay down?” “Of course darling”. He helped you get rid of your makeup and you both laced down, both of you only on your underwear and your tops exposed, skin to skin as you both just admired each other, taking in each other’s scent and pressing kisses randomly as the tv ran in the livingroom.
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
Us Against Them
Book: Queen B, (after) Chapter 11
Pairing: Zoey Wade x MC (Bea Hughes)
Genre: Mostly fluff but there’s a little angst in the beginning 
Rating: Uh, PG13?
Word count: 3,348 (It just keeps increasing lol)
A/N: This occurs directly after Chapter 11. For the sake of this fic, Carter will be put to use. As soon as MC finds out about the folder, she tells Carter to post the cards instead and immediately goes to search for Zoey but she’s still too late.
"You are Poppy," her cold voice rang in my ears, leaving me rooted in my place. Those three words played over and over again on repeat in my head.
"Zo, wait!" I reached out to gently grab her hand. I saw her flinch then tense at my touch. I could feel my heart start to break. Physical affection was always our thing but now I've lost that too.
She made no move to pull her hand away but with a defeated sigh, she asked, "What do you want, Bea?" Her voice was tired, cracking as she spoke.
It hurt to see her like this. To see this confident, exuberant, sunshine of a person almost on the verge of tears again made my heart hurt like nothing else ever had.
"I swear as soon as I found out, I only told Carter to post it and then immediately went to look for you! But I was too late!" I exclaimed. "In that moment, all I could think about was you, but I thought I had at least a few seconds to tell him what to do. I was wrong and I'm so, so sorry, Zo."
She looked me straight into my eyes. Her teary eyes shining under the streetlight while mine pleaded at her to listen to me.
"Please, Zo," I begged. "You have to believe me. Please."
"I... I want to believe you, Bea," she admitted. "I really do," she paused again. "But I'm not sure I can... I don't know if I can forgive you yet." She pulled her hand away but remained her gaze on mine, conflicted.
"Zoey," I uttered her name, slowly stretching my hand out to touch her face, giving her time to pull away. She didn't. I stepped closer to her as my palm cupped her cheek. I felt her hesitant before leaning into my touch. My thumb swiped just under her eye, wiping away the tears.
I hated that I was the cause of these tears. The fact that I hurt her enough to make her cry was making me sick to the stomach, even if it wasn't intentional.
"You don't have forgive me, not yet," I whispered. "Just let me make it up to you."
"Bea..." she started but I cut her off.
"I can't lose you, Zo. Just the thought of you being mad at me kills me."
"I'm not mad. I'm just... disappointed." That somehow broke me even more.
"At least let me take care of you, just for tonight. You've been through so much already and you always take care of me, it's the least I could do. Just... let me treat you right."
Defences crumbling down, she pulled me into her and buried her face into my shoulder despite being taller than me. My heart leapt at the contact.
"Damn you, asshole," she mumbled into my shoulder. "I can't say no to you."
I let out a small laugh of relief as I hugged her back. I kissed to crown of her head before speaking, "I know this doesn't mean you forgive me, but I'll try to make it up to you. Promise."
We broke apart and made our way back to our place in comfortable silence. Once we stepped foot into our apartment, I spoke up, "We should probably get cleaned."
"Yeah," she agreed. "Sorry I got you dirty as well."
"No, don't say that." I move towards her. "We're in this together." To demonstrate my point, I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her tight. More squashed tomatoes and wine found their way onto my skin, hair and lingerie. I paid no mind to it, just simply enjoying her embrace.
"I'll always be here for you. We'll get through this together."
I couldn't gauge her reaction to my words as I couldn't see her face but I felt her nod and that was enough to let me know she understood I wasn't going anywhere.
I lead her to the bathroom and turned on the shower for her. I looked back and saw Zoey already stripping off what little fabric she had on.
"Uh, don't you want to wait till I get out first?" my breath hitched as I averted my gaze elsewhere. She was quite literally breathtaking but I knew this wasn't the time.
"Actually," she said quietly, almost shy. "I want you to join me. If you want to, that is."
I smiled at her gently. "Of course, I'd love to."
I removed my garments and toss them onto Zoey's pile. We stepped into the shower, hand-in-hand.
Nothing about this was sexual but it was it was the most intimate thing I've experienced. We held onto each other as the water washed away the tomatoes and the wine. I scrubbed her soft skin, worshipping every inch of her body as I did so.
Washing off the stains that were left behind on her body, I looked into her eyes, trying to express how much I cared for her, that I'd do anything for her. With the way her captivating brown eyes stared back into mine, I knew she'd do the same for me.
The eye contact alone was enough to make my cheeks burn with heat. I leaned up to plant a kiss on her lips and she held me closer to her. It was all so overwhelming. The kiss was full of eagerness and adoration for one another as we poured all our emotions into it.
"You mean so much to me," I whispered into our kiss. "I hope you know that."
"I can tell," she joked back and I smiled. There's my Zo. "You mean a lot to me too."
I could cry just hearing her say that.
Once we were done showering, we put on some comfy clothes before I reached down to grab our dirty lingerie.
"It's fine, Bea," Zoey said from behind me. "I'll wash my own clothes, you don't have to do it ."
"No, I want to, let me do this for you," I replied, looking over my shoulder at her. "Just go put on a movie or something, I'll be with you in a sec."
Zoey looked like she was going to argue but instead, her face soften and she lets out an infectious grin. "As stubborn as always, I see."
She leaned down to peck me on the cheek and the turned to go to the living room.
"You know it," I called out after her and smiled. It seems like she was warming up to me again and I couldn't be more grateful. I didn't know if I could survive with Zoey being upset with me for much longer.
I wasn't sure if the stains would come off but I went to go soak our underwear and stopped by the kitchen before joining Zoey on the couch. I grabbed a bottle of wine, a tub of ice cream, two spoons and two glasses.
"Brought the good stuff, huh?" Zoey mused when she saw what I was carrying.
"Ice cream always makes people feel better, you can't tell me otherwise," I kid. "Plus you always give me wine so I thought I'd return the favour. And it won't really be a 'Zoey/Bea Night' without it, right?"
"You're definitely right about that, babe," she laughed and my heart swelled.
'Babe,' I thought to myself as I tried but failed to fight the smile working it's way onto my face. I wasn't sure I'd ever hear that again.
"What are you smiling about, you dork?" she giggled and patted the seat beside her. "Come, sit with me."
I wasn't sure what was playing on the screen but I was too elated to care. I plopped myself beside her, setting down everything I was holding onto the coffee table. I poured the wine into the glasses and offered her one. I gave her a spoon and cracked open the tub of ice cream.
She took a sip from her glass. "Wine is much better when it's not thrown at you," Zoey laughed weakly.
There was a long pause before I finally spoke. "Do you... want to talk about it? It's fine if you don't want to, but I'm here if you do."
She's silent for a few minutes, thinking about it before letting out a sigh.
"I should have known something like this would happen. I should have known better. I shouldn't have pushed for us to go," she said quietly, looking everywhere but at me.
"What? Zo, no!" I responded, exasperated. "Don't you dare blame yourself for what those idiots did!"
"I'm not, I just..." she exhaled deeply. "Like I've said, I've always had to deal with people like Poppy, I've always had to looked out for myself. I just shouldn't have let my guard down, especially since we were walking into the lion's den."
"Hey, look at me," I brought my finger under her chin and guided her gaze to meet mine. "Don't beat yourself over it. You just wanted to enjoy the party, it's those jerks' fault for ruining your night, okay?"
"I know, I just can't help-" she began but I interrupted.
"Zo, I will beat your ass."
The frown on her face instantly quirked up. "Are you threatening me with a good time, Ms. Hughes?"
I couldn't help but laugh, of course she'd find a way to make this conversation flirty.
"I mean it Zoey."
"That you'll spank me?" she laughed.
I rolled my eyes but I couldn't stop the grin on my lips. "That you shouldn't blame yourself. It's not your fault Poppy and the Zetas are a bunch of assholes."
She didn't look entirely convinced but I gave her a glare and she raised her hands in defeat.
"Fine, I know it wasn't my fault. I do, but sometimes I just wished that it was different. That I wasn't so low in the rankings and-" I stopped her yet again.
"Zoey Wade, do not talk about yourself like that!" I fumed. How dare Poppy and her stupid gang make her feel this way? "You of all people should know that the ranks mean shit, you became my friend when I was right at the bottom! And even if it does count for something, who cares? You're Zoey Wade! I wish you could see yourself the way I do." I whispered the last sentence but she caught it.
"How do you see me?" she asked, genuinely curious. "Actually. For real."
"I don't even know where to begin," I plucked the glass and spoon from her hand and placed it back on the coffee table along with mine. I cautiously took her hand in mine, still afraid she'd retract. She let me hold her hand as my thumb stroked over her knuckles.
"Besides being insanely gorgeous and talented? I think you're an absolute goddess, and I feel so lucky to even be in your presence. The way you carry yourself is so powerful, it's hard to notice anyone else when you're in the room. You're unreal and I'm in utter awe of you, Zo. You're a incredible person and an even better friend."
I could tell she was a little flushed after my string of compliments but that didn't stop her from replying with a witty remark.
"Just a friend?" she teased.
"Well, maybe not just a friend," I grin and brought her hand up to my lips, giving her knuckles a soft, gentle kiss. "I'll be whatever you want me to be to you."
"I think it's safe to say we're well past that stage by now," Zoey joked with a smile.
"I think so too," I responded before being taken by surprise. She grabbed the back of my neck and pull me into her until our lips met.
"Mmm," I whimpered as she snaked her arms around me and flushed her body against mine. The heat radiating off our bodies kept each other warm in the cool night.
"I really can't stay upset with you," Zoey whispered against my lips.
My heart pounded against my chest, hard enough that I'm sure Zoey could feel it too. I was so glad to hear that. "Lucky me," I smiled.
She broke the kiss after a while. I was a little disappointed that it ended but I wasn't gonna push it. Tonight wasn't about me, it was about her.
So instead, I offered to hold her. "Cuddle with me?"
Zoey looked at me for a second, dazzling soft brown eyes boring into mine. "Okay."
I leaned back against the arm of the chair, stretching my legs out and spreading my arms to welcome her.
She laid her head on my chest as I embraced her. Her dark curly hair tickling my nose as she did so. I moved to toss the throw blanket over us and we shifted to get into a comfortable position.
Neither of us were paying attention to the movie even though our eyes were trained on the screen. It's not like I could've focused even if I wanted to. It didn't matter that we've cuddled a million times before, Zoey's close proximity to me still affected me in a way I couldn't even fathom anyone else's would.
Zoey's ear was pressed against my chest and I was positive she could hear my heart hammering like crazy. 'Listen to how hard my heart beats for you,' I thought while looking down at her. I felt her hand creep up my side to finally rest on my chest as well. I could only assume it was to feel it better. "You're the only one that's made me feel like this," I muttered quietly into her hair.
Not long after that, I felt her sob softly. She buried her head in my chest and clutched me tighter. I started rubbing one hand along her back, the other lightly massaging her scalp.
"It's okay, Zo," I reassured her. "It'll be alright, I'll take Poppy out for you if I have to, she won't know what hit her."
I heard her let out a small laugh in between sniffles which surprised me. "It's not that," she said into my sweatshirt then tilted her head up to look at me, a small grin playing on her lips and her eyes a little watery. "Well, it is, but I was just thinking about how glad I am to have you here with me. I don't know what I'd do without you."
The thrill I felt at her words were unmatched. I leaned down to kiss her on top of her head and she wiped away her tears. "I'm always going to be here for you, I'm not going anywhere. And I should be the one that's glad you're even still here with me."
The hand that was stroking her back landed on her right shoulder, lightly squeezing it. "You still feel tense," I told her. "Do you want me to help you with that?"
"Mhm, I'd like that," she replied.
I gently helped her up to shift positions again. I motioned for her to lay on her stomach as I straddled her thighs. I lifted up her hoodie to her shoulders when she spoke, "Y'know, if you wanted me out of my clothes you could have just said so," she teased yet again.
"Where's the fun in that? Where's the charm? If I'm getting you out of your clothes I'm going to be suave about it," I joked back. "I'll smooth talk my way into doing it. Cuz I definitely am. I'm so smooth."
"Oh. My. God. You're such a dork, that's what you are," she giggled, clearly embarrassed for me. "Why do I even like you?"
"Cuz I give you free back massages?"
"Mm, yeah, that could be it."
I started kneading into her back, applying pressure from the heel of my palms to the tense areas and working the knots out of her muscles. I felt her hum in approval.
"Oh, yeah, right there, babe," she encouraged. "You're really good at this, you should do this for me more often."
"My room's just down the hallway from yours, you know where to find me."
"Wine, ice cream and massages? Looks like I have competition as best roommate," she said and I chuckled.
"You scratch my back, I scratch yours."
After a while, I felt all the knots go away and her tensed muscles became relaxed. I turned to look at Zoey only to see her eyes closed. She looked like she was falling asleep. I ran my hands up and down her smooth back then saw goosebumps appear when I trailed the tip of my fingers along her spine.
"Hey, babe? Are you awake," I asked her softly.
"Mhm," she replied groggily. "Did you call me 'babe'? That's what I call you." Her voice was so cute when she was sleepy, it made my heart flutter.
"Yeah I did."
"I like it." I saw the corners of her lip turn up ever so slightly.
God, this girl was adorable. "C'mon, sleepyhead. Let's get you to bed."
I pulled down her hoodie and got off of her. She turned over to lie on her back and was about to sit up when I bent over to picked her up, bridal style. This seemed to alert her.
"You're gonna carry me?" Her arms clung  around my neck as I lifted her off the couch, almost wide awake again.
"I thought that was obvious," I grinned at her.
"You're pretty strong," she commented as I walked us to her room, being careful to make sure I had a good grip on her and that I didn't bang into anything on the way. She buried her face into the crook of my neck.
"I did grow up on a farm, after all."
"Is it weird if I said that that's kinda hot?" Her tone was playful.
"That I grew up on a farm?" I joked and was rewarded with a blissful, bright laugh.
"Is this pay back for when I said 'spank me' earlier?"
"Maybe," I glanced at her, pretending to look mischievous.
Using my foot to nudge the door open, I entered her room and set her down carefully onto her bed. I pulled the comforters over her and tucked her in, making sure she was comfortable.
Zoey grabbed onto my arm and gently yanked me down to give me a kiss on the lips. "Thank you, darling."
I kissed her on the forehead and smooth her hair back. "Anything for you, sweetheart. Goodnight, Zo."
I straightened my back and turned to head out her door but Zoey's grip remained on my wrist, refusing to let go. I looked at her hand, then at her.
"Spend the night with me?" Her eyes pleading as she gave me a little pout.
I let out a small breath. "Looks like I can't say no to you either."
I made my way to the other side of her bed and got under the covers, turning on my side to hug Zoey from the back. I pulled her into me and secured my arms around her. "Is this okay?"
"It's perfect. I feel... safe," she said and let out a contented sigh. She intertwined her legs with mine and held onto my hands.
"So... does this mean you forgive me?" I asked innocently.
She lets out a beautiful laugh. "Yes, babe. It does."
As I laid with her, I couldn't help but think once again how lucky I am that I still had her here with me. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I lost her.
"Promise we'll always stick together? No matter what?" she asked softly into the darkness, bringing my hand up to her lips to kiss my fingers.
I placed a light kiss on her shoulder in return and replied. "Forever and always."
We drifted off to sleep peacefully in each other's embrace, forgetting about the events of that day, knowing we're in this together.
After all, it was us against them. And I couldn't have asked for a better partner in crime.
(More fics!)
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eclecticwordblender · 4 years
Part 3 of the Mahabharata High school AU:
(I’ll attach the link to the first two oarts below. Check them out if you haven’t uwu <3.)
Junior students in the limelight:
Is everybody’s favourite- seniors, teachers, principal, classmates, juniors- EVERYONE LOVES HIM.
Is literally perfection.
Very popular.
All the dirty politics which makes the people in school hate each other is put aside when it comes to going to the junior section and pampering Abhi.
Ma’am Kunti once saw Abhimanyu hanging out with Arjuna and Subhadra, she clicked a picture because she couldn’t stop uwu-ing.
Has all the good qualities he looks up to in his seniors.
Is a precious baby who must be protected at all costs.
“I’ll be better than the best someday.”- boy isn’t wrong!
Super tall.
Is sick of being taller than all his classmates.
A senior, Hidimbi tends to use him as a comforting source. It is very wholesome.
Often goes to Bheema because he wants to be just as good at basketball.
“Hidimbi didi, thanks for the amazing food. I’ll now go practice basketball with Bheema bhaiya.”
The nice rich kid.
Always puts others before himself even at this tender age.
Stays mostly to himself.
But one knows he’s going to do wonders when he grows up.
Once Shiva cane to school for a guest lecture and say Iravan offering someone else his lunch and staying hungry himself. Shiva gave him a chocolate and told Iravan that whenever he needs help Shiva is just a call away. Fr though Shiva always checks up on this kid.
“Umm it’s okay. You can have my life too if you want.”
Has a twin brother.
Cute kid.
too mature for her age.
Heart eyes for cutie Abhi. Abhi heart eyes back.
Teachers don’t let her and Abhimanyu sit together because they don’t stop talking and smiling.
Is a pro dancer. Already has a diploma in Kathak.
Kind of emotional. Cries a lot.
But is still strong, regardless.
“No Abhimanyu. We cannot have a play date today. I have my dance performance.”
Uttara’s twin brother.
Overexcited but in a good way.
Gets into accidents A LOT.
Uttar’s most visited spot is the infirmary. The person who knows him best is the school nurse.
Uttar always finds ways to miss dance and music and English class.
“Ah! A fracture again! At least I get to skip the annoying girly dance stuff though.”
Abhimanyu’s bestf because they’re so similar.
Tends to be a little attention deprived.
Can make anyone a friend, LITERALLY.
Krishna group and Dury group come together when it comes to meeting this kid.
Arjuna and Karna put aside their differences to train him for soccer together. One can say Arjuna and Karna could’ve been very good friends had it not been for coach Drona.
“I wish Arjun bhaiya and Karna bhaiya didn’t dislike each other so much.”
(I didn’t include any more kids because there isn’t much to write and I don’t want to make this boring. I’ll leave footnotes if I use any other kids in the fic stories later.)
Present day staff:
(that I forgot to mention)
Being helpful makes up for 90% of his personality.
Very approachable.
Never turns his students down.
Volunteers to take up a substitute class whenever possible.
“Let me handle this!”
The only person who finds him tolerable is Sudeshna.
Extremely controlling.
Filled with toxic masculinity.
Pervert 2.0 (1.0 being Dushasana and 3.0 being Jayadaratha).
Keechaka was passing lewd comments to Draupadi. She was on her way to make him face the consequences but before she reached Bheema had already taken care of him ;).
Indecisive and flaky.
Messes up his schedule and ends up in the wrong classes.
Speaks a lot.
Always confused.
“I don’t know what I’m doing dude!Let alone why!”
Toxic Gossip monger.
Can be very selfish.
Turns blind to her bestf, Keechaka’s glaring and problematic flaws.
Created a scene when Bheem gave Keechaka the beating he deserved.
Also defended him when Yuyutsu publicly called out and humiliated Keechaka for disrespecting women.
Hates Draupadi.
Can be narrow minded.
“Keechaka isn’t wrong. You have a misunderstanding! These are the ways of the world”
Coordinator but everyone ignores him.
Probelmatic in all caps.
Has to interfere everywhere.
Shows up at the worst possible times.
Creates unnecessary problems and then plays the victim card.
“This isn’t a woman’s work.”
Grossly incompetent.
Is in school only because Satyavati insisted.
Doesn’t show up to classes and even when he does the students decide to bunk. He doesn’t even find out.
Has a history of showing up to classes drunk.
“No I’m not drunk. You are.”- passes out in the middle of a lecture.
Senior students in the limelight:
(that I couldn’t fit in the previous post)
Happy go lucky.
Literally an angel.
Only one in class who finds Yudhishthir somewhat tolerable.
Is dating the head boy. Nobody understands why she thinks he has potential.
Sorted and organised.
Probably has more kinds of stick notes than books in her school bag.
Highlighted text books.
Calm but will fight you.
Karna’s girlfriend. Only one who can scold him and show him the right thing to do, ngl.
Vrushali tries very hard to get Karna out of the Dury gang, however, doesn’t try to manipulate/control him.
Once Vrushali dragged Karna while he was mid conversation with Duryodhana, planning to pull a mischief that would land him into trouble. Everyone just stared. It was very iconic.
Mountain girl uwu.
Industrious to the fullest.
The friend who can calm down Bheem.
Straight A student.
Gives Sahadev full on competition in topping the class.
Reads a lot.
Vijaya looks so cute with her oversized glasses barely able to rest on the bridge of her adorable button nose.
Sahadev fell for her over a conversation about the meaning of life. They kind of have a thing going.
“*random classic literature reference*”
Is well aware about how pretty she is.
Nakul talks to her without hesitation.
A word around the campus says that Nakul might even ask her out soon.
Shishupal spread the word though, can’t say about the credibility.
Although for some reason Shishupal is very protective of her.
Plays bass and drums.
Link to part 1 of Mahabharata high school AU: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625462681921568768/foundation
Link to part 2 of Mahabharata high school AU: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625553068102139904/senior-students-in-the-limelight
This is the last post dealing witch characterisation. I’ll be publishing fictional stories after this. Will leave footnotes if I use a character I haven’t mentioned yet. Let me know if you want me to write about a specific character (via asks, comments or direct messages).
Tagging fandom mutuals because I need attention to matter in life: @bigheadedgirlwithbigdreams @supermeh-krishnafan @soniaoutloud @1nsaankahanhai-bkr @lemponkoira @incorrectmahabharatquotes @chaanv @hoeticulture @hindumythologyevent
The support on this series has been overwhelming so shoutout to these people for all the validation: @the-rambling-maiden @muralofmyths @starsailororastronaut @blueguardian1306
Also, y’all check out @askhindumyths if you like such content uwu.
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noddytheornithopod · 3 years
Okay, now that I’ve gotten all the Bad Batch controversies out of the way... I can finally talk about the actual damn episode properly.
Like I said on my whitewashing post, overall I liked it, but I am kinda hesitant for reasons I explained there. I now want to focus on the actual story itself on its terms, and see how I feel about that. Apologies if I jump all over the place.
Probably my biggest issue narrative wise was that I felt some of the stuff around Crosshair was a bit contrived. Like, I was fine with him going full GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS and all that, my issue is that I feel like the others took a while to realise he was following Order 66. Like, Tech even says he can’t be certain their mutations entirely screwed up their programming, with the camera even cutting to Crosshair. And like, before that Crosshair is berating Hunter for letting Caleb escape. When Tech said what he did, I feel like Hunter should’ve probably said something like “that must be why Crosshair tried to kill the Jedi”. Granted, it probably would’ve then led to questions like why Crosshair’s genetics let his chip work and not the others (something that isn’t answered, but it’s not something I felt that needed to, different genetics affect things in different ways we can’t always predict), but like, when they’re on Onderon and Crosshair’s like “yeah let’s shoot literal child refugees”, I feel like they shouldn’t have just conflicted with him, they should’ve outright wondered if he was falling for his programming. It doesn’t break the episode for me and I guess they probably just assumed Crosshair was being his usual dickish self, but I guess that also is a reminder that this is the second time we’ve seen him, so we don’t know if he’d normally be up for killing innocents if a mission requires it (since TBB are still given missions, their thing is they just do them the wrong way). It’s just like, you’d think at least Tech would make some comment about it. As Saw said, he’s supposed to be the smart one lol.
On the topic of inhibitor chips, I was surprised that Crosshair’s was only partly working. I guess it’s because he still had a level of personality to him? The more you know, I guess.
I do think the Bad Batch work better here as many have said, I guess probably because they’re the focus of the story so they have more room to show who they are and nuances to that. My favourite is probably Tech, I tend to gravitate to the nerd characters in things. Shame he has to look so fucking white for being a clone of a brown man though. :/ Kinda like Wrecker too, even with the issues HE has too. Great, even in my main comments my issues with them are popping up. :v
On that note... I do appreciate the idea behind the Bad Batch, being clones who turned out different and it’s about accepting and embracing your differences. It’s just in execution, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. Like, it could be a commentary on things like ableism, but thing is, these characters are basically superpowered (if people weren’t fixated on bashing women they don’t like and were equal in their vitriol, you could EASILY call the Bad Batch a bunch of Gary Stus). It’s one of those things where a sci-fi/fantasy allegory is well intentioned but because of things that don’t apply to our reality, the allegory kinda falls apart. Like yes, “be nice to people different to you” is one thing, but it does lowkey feel a bit like “they’re judged because they’re better than everyone else, those stinkin regs are just jealous”. Well no jealousy is shown in the episode, in fact a normal clone calls them defects... which is weird because even if yes TECHNICALLY they are, they’re basically presented as turning out different, but those differences are things that are beneficial to them, and not impairments. I guess I feel like the message would be stronger if they actually had major weaknesses, aka why they’re “defective”, but their strengths are something they excel at so much they’re allowed to serve (which I GUESS was the idea, but we don’t know what made them defective originally and what got their mutations enhanced). And yes, you can infer things like Wrecker being “dumb” (which has its own issues, and even then he’s still competent enough on a battlefield, honestly he might even be more just impatient and impulsive and thus can’t sit still to learn more complex things), but yeah. It’s kind of a mixed message here, I appreciate what they’re going for, but like many fictional allegories, it kinda falls apart and it’s also presented in a very individualistic way.
Okay let me say something positive: AZI-3 IS BACK! I assume he got memory wiped so he wouldn’t have any memory of Fives, but I really liked him in the Order 66 arc of The Clone Wars so I was happy to see him again. Well, until he was hit with that stun blast. I hope he’s okay and able to be repaired!
Echo’s attack with his probe arm thing is pretty cool. It was also cool seeing how he was integrating into the Bad Batch. I also theorised he was most likely to be immune to the inhibitor chip out of the group, because while I felt the Kaminoans wouldn’t overlook inhibitor chips in even mutated clones (they do explain that they kept them around because they were always successful at what they do despite their unorthodox tactics), I had a feeling that the Techno Union putting all those cybernetics in his head maybe screwed with or even removed the chips. Get the poor guy some skin colour though.
I have also seen some people bring up the potential issue of ableism with Echo given he’s an amputee with prosthetics, but I don’t have much to comment on in that regard. But yeah, using disabled bodies for shock value and it being seen as a measure of humanity like in The Bad Batch arc of TCW is a trope I could really do without.
I’m liking Omega so far. She’s definitely got a different vibe to other kid characters we’ve gotten in these shows, probably because she was raised on Kamino. Also appreciate that her voice actor is New Zealander too (she’s not Maori which would’ve been the ideal, but was born to Indonesian Chinese parents). Her curiosity makes a lot of sense, she’s not just mischievous because kid. Was nice to see Hunter open up to her too.
I’m intrigued to see where they take Crosshair. IDK why his genetics allowed his chip to still work, but it’s nice to see at least one of the Bad Batch follow Order 66. I guess they decided against it for more (as much as I’d liked to have seen it) because Order 66 doesn’t just make clones decide to kill Jedi, it basically removes any level of humanity and personality they may have developed and makes them basically stormtroopers. That, and well they want our heroes of the show to be the Bad Batch, and that can’t work if they’re now the goody two shoes batch.
On the topic of Crosshair, my favourite scene in the episode was actually when Omega talks to him. She tries to empathise with him, and whether she’s just naturally intuitive or is Force sensitive in some way, she can tell that Crosshair despite everything seems to be struggling, and it’s ultimately beyond his control that he’s like this now. And then he’s off to get his chip working at full capacity and is now a full on Imperial, RIP.
Also yeah, I’m on team “Omega is Force sensitive”. It’s possible she just has some heightened abilities because she’s an enhanced clone, but the way they framed her firing the blaster especially just screamed Force sensitivity to me.
On the topic of inhibitor chips, Crosshair proves that it’s possible to make them stronger, so it does potentially mean that if members of the Bad Batch are captured, their chips could be dialed up to make them loyal Imperials. I guess one could also wonder if they could be slow for the effects to come into play for some of them, so some maybe slowly turn later on? I doubt they will go that route because they probably want to keep all our heroes around, but it’s something, especially if they eventually conclude they have to remove their chips to be safe.
Seeing Saw in the first episode was surprising but also pretty cool, especially with how the model is transitioning from his Clone Wars appearance into Forrest Whittaker. Love how he sees right through Palpatine’s bullshit, especially when he makes that jab at Tech that seems to be a bit of a blow to his ego, lol. Some have wondered why he’s so chill here, but you have to remember this is early days Saw. He’s still cautious, but he’s not paranoid and overly violent. The way some of those refugees reacted to the clones does make it seem like there’s already Imperial forces occupying Onderon (well, they’re literally out in the forest at a camp). Mainly bring that up because I have to wonder how much time has passed, and how quickly Imperial forces showed up to Onderon.
Seeing Tarkin be a dick is always glorious. He just goes everywhere and KNOWS he’s in charge, lol. It was also interesting how even if he’s feeling like he’s ready to abandon clone forces, he sees potential with Clone Force 99 if they can follow Imperial doctrine.
The Kaminoans also seem distrustful of the Empire, not because they’re against it but because they want to keep their current deal. Maybe if Tarkin heard them out the Empire would have a better army, lol. Taun We from AOTC even cameoes. I do wonder what’s eventually going to happen though, given the clones are obviously abandoned in the end, I wonder how the Kaminoans are going to take it.
Also, Nala Se is back. Yeah, THAT Nala Se. Wonder what she’s doing with Omega as her medical assistant, lol. Oh yeah, she also stopped the doors and let the Bad Batch escape. I have no idea what she’s planning, but I feel like she’s being shady, given not only the Fives stuff but also because despite having a fondness for Omega she does seem like she’s very controlling of her (after all, she’s just property to her), hence why Omega wants to get out and be with the Bad Batch.
Okay, I think that’s everything I wanted to say? But yeah, have a lot of reservations, but still curious to see where this goes despite that.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Take You for a Ride (Crystal x Gigi) - Catrina
A/N: hi! it’s been a long while since i posted here. my mental health had a lot to do with that, but here i am again, hopefully as a better writter lmao. apparently i’m obsessed with gigi and crystal and since it’s still crystal’s birthday here i wrote this inspired by dua lipa’s levitating (thanks gigi’s performance at wtw tour). hope you enjoy it and share your thoughts with me. thanks for reading!
Summary: It’s Crystal’s birthday, and nothing comes out as she expects.
Disappointment. That’s the definition of Crystal’s day.
Disappointment and alcohol… maybe some red velvet cake Jan bought for her. She tastes the bitter liquid and sweet frosting in her mouth as she stumbles in her way to the backyard of Jaida’s house.
She’s sick. Sick and tired, of both the party behind her and her day in general. It had really worn her off, first with her teacher grading her project with a humiliating score of 67 points out of 100, then the ridiculous fight with her mother over the phone (she can still listen to the woman screaming at her if she focuses enough) and her cat destroying her One Direction album with her small and deathly paws, and now — oh fucking now, with some idiot pouring their drink all over her dress in a party that she didn’t even want to attend, or happen for that matter.
This isn’t how her birthday is supposed to be. This isn’t even how any birthday is supposed to be, in fact. Crystal doesn’t get how Jan could get to the conclusion that a party at Jaida’s house would make her feel better.
“It’ll be fun!” Jan had said. “You deserve to celebrate your birthday. I’m sure it’ll improve your mood!”
Spoiler: it didn’t.
Crystal feels just as miserable as she would feel in her dorm. Being in bed and watching bad tv was her original plan for today. Was too much to ask for? Why did she let her friends drag her to a party full of people she doesn’t even know?
Right, because Jan and Jaida had made her puppy eyes and Crystal felt terrible for rejecting such a gentle and thoughtful gesture from her friends.
She groans, sitting down on the grass of Jaida’s backyard and rubbing a tissue over the huge stain in the blue fabric of the area over her chest, groaning again when she realizes the stain isn’t moving at all.
Perhaps more miserable.
It’s a sequin blue dress she had purchased a while ago. It wasn’t really expensive, and it isn’t even her favorite, but fuck, it hurts. It’s like today everything in the universe accorded to make her feel terrible. She usually would shrug it off and continue as if nothing has happened, and she can’t quite understand why her natural sense of positivity can’t wash the sadness away.
Giving up, she tosses the tissue to a side and lets the upper part of her body give up to lie down completely on the grass. She’s lucky everyone else is inside, enjoying the music so loud it makes the whole house pound in rhythm, the intermittent lights that must hurt their eyes, the colorful drinks served by Jan and the closeness of dancing bodies rubbing against each other, so she doesn’t have to worry about someone going out and seeing her throwing a tantrum.
The party is a success. She shouldn’t ruin it with her bitter existence.
The sky is quiet tonight, with some stray stars and the moon shining bright. It makes Crystal breathe heavily, over and over again, until she’s sure she’ll be okay.
But, as her breathing regulates, imagines of every earlier moment when she felt everything but okay flash through her mind, and her lungs are not cooperating anymore.
Her heart feels heavy, stupidly hurt. She knows tomorrow her terrible grade will still be there, and her mother will still be pissed at her for whatever she even got mad about, and her favorite album will remained ruined and her fucking dress won’t be wearable anymore, and it’s fine, because she can make work for extra points to improve her final grade and text her mom an apology and replace the material stuff that isn’t even that important whatsoever, but that won’t help her stop feeling so helpless.
Helpless — that’s a good definition for her.
Gigi Goode looking down at Crystal interrupts her pathetic thoughts.
More than the interruption, her mere presence is what makes Crystal blink twice and wonder, for a brief moment, if she fell asleep on Jaida’s backyard grass and she’s dreaming.
She’s used to see Gigi everyday, but since today has been a short taste of hell, it wasn’t surprising when Gigi texted her to say she had to miss part of her classes and Jaida’s party because she needed to find someone to fix the broken temperature system in her apartment.
She hasn’t come to terms of how she feels about Gigi yet, and it’s not something she would like to do at all. For the past two months, Crystal has noticed the way her heart starts pounding violently in her chest when Gigi smiles at her, or takes her hand to lead her through the corridors or when she simply looks at her with those big eyes full of emotion and it’s ridiculous but somehow fitting that the only person she craved to see today was the one she couldn’t.
“What are you doing here?” Gigi tries again at her lack of response, not hesitating to offer her hand to help her up.
Crystal takes her hand without thinking (she doesn’t do a lot of thinking in Gigi’s presence) and lets her pull her up in a sitting position.
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking what are you doing here? I thought said your temperature system was giving trouble.”
Gigi chuckles, crouching to be at the same height as her.
“Well, I really wanted to come and Heidi said she could manage it. The girl knows about mechanics, did you know that?”
Crystal shakes her head, breathing out a laugh. “I never would’ve guessed.”
Gigi hums thoughtfully. “Well, she does, thank fuck, because I really wanted to see you, birthday girl.”
Heat creeps up to Crystal’s face incredibly fast, leaving her cursing the power something so small can have over her.
“Yeah. I asked Jan where you were, actually. She said some dickhead poured all his drink on you and you were probably in the bathroom but you weren’t there.”
Crystal opens her mouth to vent about her now ruined dress, frowning as soon as a different thought crosses her mind. “But there are like five bathrooms here. You went all around the house looking for me?”
Confused, Gigi nods. “Is that weird?”
It’s extremely sweet, is Crystal’s first answer.
“No, of course not,” she giggles instead. “But why were you looking for me?”
Gigi looks suddenly flushed, as if she was caught doing something she shouldn’t.
“Well, I…” she tears her eyes away from Crystal to look at the party behind her through the glass doors. “What happened to you?”
The change of topic takes Crystal aback.
“What? What about me?”
“Yeah, you’re here all alone, looking like a child who dropped their candy, when you’re usually a little happy ball, and in your birthday,” Gigi remarks, although not harshly. “Had a bad day?”
Crystal hates this how easy is for Gigi to read her. She knows she looks terrible, beside her dress the signals of her terrible day surely mark her face in dark bags under her eyes and pale tired skin, but Gigi has always had a talent to read her beyond that. The simple fact makes her feel even more embarrassed.
“A horrible one,” she finally confesses in a low whine. “A straight up disgusting, draining, fucked up, impossible day! And, I know I shouldn’t feel so pressed about it, but birthdays are supposed to be happy and I — I am not. At least not now.”
Gigi snickers, taking Crystal’s hand in her own to give it an affectionate squeeze.
“It’s okay to have bad days. Now, to have a bad birthday is really fucked up, but it is what it is. Wanna tell me about it?”
“I’m not really in the mood of talking about me being mediocre in life,” Crystal means to joke more than to actually vent, and she loves the way Gigi giggles.
“Dramatic much?”
“Oh,” Crystal’s eyebrows raise as she laughs. “I can be more dramatic.”
But Gigi doesn’t laugh along this time. She purses her lips, and then stands up, offering her hand to Crystal again.
“Let’s go.”
Crystal looks puzzled. She takes Gigi’s hand, allowing her to pull her back on her feet. With her hand still covered by the other girl’s, Gigi begins dragging her back to the house.
“Where are we going?”
“Let’s go for a ride,” Gigi suggests, looking back over her shoulder just to give her a smile that reassures everything.
In the middle of the dark since the backyard lights don’t reach there, the path changes; Gigi takes Crystal through a small hallway that connects the porch with the patio to the front of the house. They meet a few people in the way; some passed out on the ground, others drinking in their friends and some couples making out. Crystal turns to watch them before she realizes they’re crossing the garden.
“Gigi,” she breathes as she spots the motorbike parked on the sidewalk.
The blonde reaches in the pocket of her jacket, her hand still on Crystal’s. She finally pulls out her keys and twirls them on a finger.
“Every time I’m sad, or mad… or high,” she grimaces and Crystal laughs, “I get on this thing and ride away. It usually works to clear my mind and calm me down, so I thought it could work on you too.”
Crystal feels something very close to gratitude. Instead, she knows it’s pure adoration for one called Gigi Goode.
“Okay,” excitement starts filling her face as she smiles. “Oh my god, I’ve never been close to a motorcycle before, wow!”
Gigi laughs, rolling her eyes. “You’ve literally seen it everywhere with me.”
“I know, but—” she eagerly motions to Gigi and then to the motorcycle. “I always see it as, I dunno, part of you. Like, yeah, there’s Gigi and her bike, you know? I’ve never seen it up close.”
Gigi’s light hearted laugh is the answer she receives again. “Well, now is your chance.”
The motorcycle shines in its black neat color, with not a single particle of dust on it or sign of being neglected; Gigi’s perfectionist personality reflecting. Crystal finds herself so absorbed by its beauty that she doesn’t realize when Gigi lets go of her hand and gets on the bike, using her legs to adjust herself as she takes the two helmets from the space behind her on the seat to make room for Crystal.
She reaches forward to pull the key in the ignition, and it only takes a firm move from her hand for the motor to start growling. The sound makes Crystal gasp.
“You think you can get on? I don’t want you to fall,” Gigi warns, but Crystal is already jumping behind her.
Of course, the gravity plays a cruel trick and she has to grab onto Gigi’s jacket to prevent her from sliding off, but Gigi doesn’t seem to care as she snuggles closer. She offers one of the helmets to Crystal, smiling.
“Safety first.”
“This is so pretty,” she drawls, passing her fingers over the shiny, baby pink surface of the helmet.
“Thanks. Heidi suggested me to get it customized that way,” Gigi comments as she puts her own helmet, of a white color, on. “She’s pretty much the only person who I give a ride, so I thought, why not?”
A tinge of jealousy pops in Crystal’s chest, but she forces herself to ignore it as she notices Gigi reaching over the hand grips, preparing herself to move. She rushes to put the helmet on and forces the image of Heidi taking her spot behind Gigi to fade away.
“You’ll probably resent the motion, so please hug my waist as hard as you can and hold your legs onto the sides of the seat,” says Gigi, so easily it makes Crystal think it’s something she has memorized. “I’ll go slowly anyway, since it’s your first time.”
Crystal complies immediately; she wraps her arms around Gigi’s waist and the stupid butterflies in her stomach seem to fly all the way up to her throat, suffocating her for a second, until she realizes it’s just Gigi’s perfume.
Fuck, she thinks bitterly. She smells really good.
The short heel of Gigi’s boot kicks on something at the same time she rotates the key one more time, and the motor growls fiercely.
They start moving — it’s almost magical. At first, Crystal can’t really feel it. It starts as such a gentle motion, but when she looks around, she sees Jaida’s house becoming smaller and smaller in the distance, and the houses around moving around them. That’s when it hits her; they’re moving.
Gigi speeds up once they’re out of the block, turning on the left and then right and moving smoothly until they’re exiting the neighborhood, but Crystal doesn’t mind in following their path.
She’s too busy giggling at the wind hitting her face and making her hair twirl, creating ginger waves at the sides of her head.
The world around them is moving so fast, and all she can recognize in the city at night are deformed street lights and bright colors everywhere she looks at; everything seems so distant but so close at the same time as they slide on the asphalt, and the late life of Los Angeles never looked so appealing.
Nothing seems important now. Her grade, the fight with her mother, her album nor her fucking dress. Her mind is full of Gigi; of her beautiful hair, her endearing voice, her flawless face and how soft she feels under Crystal’s hands; almost as if she belongs there, in her arms.
If Crystal wasn’t starting to feel dizzy for the speed, she would probably never think such a thing; her feelings for Gigi are something unexplored and feared, threatening to destroy their friendship because Gigi is everything and Crystal is barely something that exists. And Crystal isn’t ready to lose her.
It’s the little things, like the fact she went all around the house looking for Crystal or that she even wanted to see her, that she thought of a way to cheer her up, that make Crystal’s stomach coil and tie itself in a too tight knot that won’t probably never be the same. Gigi has some kind of security aura around her that, as Crystal learned, was impossible to ignore. She’s confident, sure, but there’s something more to that attitude; something that demands to be trusted under that bitch façade. She’s kind and loving and funny, and if Crystal has to swallow her feelings to make sure Gigi is always at her side, then she will.
As they speed up into a steady pace, Crystal notices how Gigi relaxes and leans back into her just a little, and without a second thought she leans on her as well.
“You okay back there?” Gigi asks, voice muffed by the violent wind and motor growling under them.
“Yeah!” Crystal exclaims. “Oh my god, Gigi! This is amazing!”
“Wait until you see this!”
Crystal is about to ask what she means, when they turn into an empty street, where a tunnel leans out. There are no more cars or motorcycles around them and Gigi speeds up even more as they approach the tunnel, lights flying around them.
A raw “puff!” echoes in their ears as they storm into the tunnel, and Crystal laughs as she feels the force the motorcycle is traveling through it. She feels light, like the butterflies flying around her stomach, levitating at the right speed and watching the world around them as secondary.
Gigi starts slowing down at the middle of the tunnel.
“Hold your arms up,” she tells Crystal, eyes locked at the front. “Just for a second, so you can feel the wind.”
At first Crystal hesitates, but the speed is steady and there are no more vehicles around, so she slowly pulls her arms away from Gigi.
She raises both arms, wriggling them at her sides. She makes a quick mental note to remind herself to thank Gigi later, because the air hugs her limbs in a way that almost tickles her, the soft touch running on her naked arms and she closes her eyes for a moment, wondering if she could fall asleep like this.
Of course, when the motorcycle runs over a bump and she has to hold on Gigi’s torso to avoid jumping out of the seat, that idea is quickly denied.
“Oh, right,” Gigi laughs. “I should’ve warned you about that.”
Crystal huffs, sleep knocked out of her as they leave the tunnel behind.
The rest of the way is calm; Gigi decides to go slow this time, so Crystal has the chance to see everything in a clear way (according to her, it’s very important to appreciate the view) and Crystal takes the moment to rest her chin on Gigi’s shoulder and wrap her arms around her middle, just like before, but this time without the messy rush of fearing being thrown out of the motorcycle by a bump.
The proceed to threat a way through town messily, going around buildings and onto streets Crystal doesn’t even know, but Gigi moves skillfully, like she knows exactly where she’s going, and Crystal trusts her. Soon she noticed that Gigi actually knows where they going.
She recognizes her surroundings as they approach the apartment complex where Gigi and Heidi live. She’s always complained saying that her place is small, but the few times Crystal has come over, she’s loved the cozy feeling that takes over her as soon as she crosses the door, which makes her feel even more excited.
Gigi parks carefully on a spot near the front gates. She pulls the key out and the motor shuts down, as she leans back with a pleased smile.
“I didn’t ask you if you wanted to come here, but I thought you didn’t want to go back,” she whispers, barely having to turn around to see Crystal’s face resting on her shoulder blade.
“You thought correctly,” Crystal sighs with content before a thought crosses her mind, making her gasp. “Shit, I gave Jan my phone before going out—”
Gigi reaches on the inside pocket of her jacket, pulling out Crystal’s phone.
“She gave it to me when I asked for you,” she explains to a stunned Crystal. “She thought we would leave together eventually.”
“How smart,” Crystal mumbles.
She unlocks it while Gigi takes her helmet off, noticing the time; almost two in the morning. She tugs on Gigi’s sleeve, pointing at the screen.
“It’s late, won’t Heidi be pissed if we come in? She could be sleeping.”
“The girl wouldn’t wake up even if a rock fell in her head,” Gigi rolls her eyes, gesturing for Crystal to take her helmet off as well. “C’mon, let’s go inside.”
Crystal shrugs as she does so, too wrapped in the thought of spending more time with Gigi to care. She gets back on her feet with a little jump, following her inside the building as they carry the helmets with them. Gigi talks about her day while they’re making their way to the third floor through the stairs, blame the elevator that never came back to the lobby, by Crystal’s request. She wanted to know how she had been doing while she was miserable, and Gigi complies, walking through the empty building.
“I noticed this temperature thing was broken because, c’mon, California will never be hot enough to make fucking ice cream almost boil,” she says just when they walk into the right corridor, Crystal trailing behind her. “It was a nightmare, everything was so fucking hot. I hope Heidi could fix it.”
The metal of her keys knocking makes the only sound that fills the air as Gigi opens the door. She reaches for the switch and the small living room lights up, cool air receiving them.
“She fixed it,” Crystal muses, smiling.
“God bless her,” Gigi sighs, taking off her boots. “Could you leave your shoes by the door and the helmet over the coffee table please?”
Crystal steps on the soft carpet on her short blue socks, watching as Gigi makes her way to Heidi’s bedroom door. She opens it just enough to poke her head inside. After exchanging a few words with her roommate, she turned back to Crystal, closing the door behind her.
“Heidi was just going to sleep.”
“Oh,” Crystal’s eyebrows raise. “Tell her hi?”
“I’m not sure she’ll appreciate me bothering her again,” she giggles. Her mouth opens again, but she closes it seconds after, thinking for a second on what to say. Finally, she gestures at the kitchen. “You want something to drink?”
The apartment is small, Gigi’s right. The living room has barely enough space for a couch and a coffee table and is too close to the kitchen. The bathroom is that white door carelessly next to the television hanging on the wall, and Crystal bets Gigi and Heidi’s rooms are just as small, although she has never seen them. The few times she has been there, with Jaida and Jan, they simply preferred to stick to the couch and a barstool they would drag from the kitchen.
Gigi’s room suddenly becomes source of her curiosity, but she nods, remembering Gigi’s question.
“We’ve got a great menu tonight, in honor of your birthday,” Gigi hums as Crystal sits on one of the stools of the kitchen bar. She opens the fridge, eyeing the content blocked to Crystal’s view by the fridge door. “We have… well, we’ve got beer, and pretty much nothing else.”
Crystal laughs. “Beer! Just what I wanted!”
Gigi is beaming under the kitchen lights as she tosses her a beer and takes another one for herself, nonchalantly kicking the fridge closed. She leans a hip on the kitchen bar, worryingly close to Crystal, and holds her beer up.
“Cheers,” she clicks their cans together.
“Cheers,” Crystal repeats. She stops right before taking a sip, frowning. “But what are we exactly cheering for?”
Sipping her drink, Gigi breathes out a laugh.
“You just killed the moment, babe.”
Babe. Crystal’s ears burn with the name, and she attempts to conceal her surprise by pretending she’s genuinely confused.
“Well, who cares?” Gigi shrugs, holding her beer up again. “Here’s to terrible birthdays, a broken temperature system, and…”
“Motorcycles,” Crystal fills in for her.
“Yeah,” Gigi grins at her. “Motorcycles.”
Crystal leans back to take a long sip of her drink, savoring the slightly bitter taste going down her throat. She notices Gigi staring at her when she places the beer back over the bar, with the ghost of a smile on her glossy lips.
“What,” Gigi repeats, snickering.
“You’re looking at me,” Crystal points out, smiling to cover her worsening blush.
“I like looking at you,” the blonde simply says, as if it’s obvious. “I always wanna look at you.”
“That’s creepy. Do I need to call the cops?”
Far from looking bothered, Gigi shrugs. “Who knows. Maybe.”
Crystal scowls with no genuine annoyance, but her face softens as Gigi’s smile somehow widens.
“You’re weird, miss Goode. I thought being weird was my gig,” she jokes, making Gigi throw her head back in laughter.
Internally, Crystal is praying this moment never ends. Seeing Gigi under the dim lights of her kitchen, toying with that beer and looking so effortlessly gorgeous is having the same effect as when she was feeling the air hit her face on the motorcycle, and her head already feels lost in space, far away from the apartment.
“Why were you looking for me earlier?” Crystal asks, voice small.
The intimate atmosphere created around the two is beginning to feel suffocating. Crystal can feel Gigi so close, like she’s the only real part of a dream and the rest of the world was nothing but a wallpaper for her wonderful figure to stand in front of and lead Crystal through the rest of the night.
“Nothing,” Gigi doesn’t even look taken aback by the sudden question.
“Oh, c’mon. It can’t be nothing,” she whines as Gigi takes another sip, purposely taking a long fucking time doing so. “Gigi, c’mon. Tell me!”
She leans forward, making her lower lip stick out in an exaggerated pout. It seems to work catching Gigi’s attention since her whole face seems decomposed when she glances over.
“Don’t do that.”
Crystal frowns. “Do what?”
“Don’t pout.”
“Why not?” she quirks en eyebrow.
“Because it makes me wanna kiss it off your lips,” Gigi deadpans. She takes a final sip from her beer before walking to the fridge again, not minding if Crystal just froze on her spot.
Crystal laughs nervously, trying to convince herself she just misheard. Her heart is beating so fast on er chest, if she watched any medical tv show she might be worried for it to pop out of her body through her nose at any second.
As time passes, she wonders if that’s possible.
“What did you say?”
Gigi sighs, returning with another two beers. She looks uncharacteristically shy, sheepishly placing the new beer in front of Crystal, eyes glued to the carpet.
“This is dumb,” she blurts.
But Gigi leans in to kiss her, and suddenly any word forming in Crystal’s head dissolves.
It’s slow and tentative at first, but any doubt disappears when Crystal’s hands move to cup Gigi’s face, pulling her even closer.
She feels light. So light, like when she was holding her arms up in the tunnel to feel the wind, and everything moved so far away from her, she felt ethereal. And now, moving her lips against Gigi’s and feeling the texture of her lipstick between them makes her wonder how Gigi can make such raw sentiments be born in her, riding a goddamn motorcycle or kissing her in the tiny kitchen of her apartment.
Gigi’s hands are tight at the sides of her waist, tugging a little tighter as she pulls back to grab some air.
“That’s why I was looking for you earlier,” she confesses after a while of comfortable silence.
Crystal feels pulled out from a deep trance… or rid over by a bus. Whatever sounds romantic as she stares at the blonde’s deep blue eyes and runs her fingers over her shoulders.
“I think I’ve felt this way with you for a while… I mean, you’re pretty, and I have eyes, so I can tell that you’re pretty,” Gigi continues and if Crystal wasn’t focusing on breathing she would’ve laughed, “I thought that I could keep it friendly, but this morning, when I knew the temperature system was broken and I couldn’t make it to class or the party, I was so pissed. I didn’t wanna let you down.”
The butterflies in Crystal’s stomach have eaten her tongue. Yes, that’s why she’s speechless.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” Gigi finally asks and everything fits in Crystal’s head.
“Why would I be mad at you? You’ve literally described how I feel for the last semester with this crush I have on you,” Crystal blurts out.
Before regrets covers her entire face, she notices Gigi raising an eyebrow, with a smirk threatening to form on her lips.
“Last semester, huh? That much?”
“Shut up,” Crystal tries to sound pissed, she really does, but with Gigi being so close, her blushing cheeks betray her initial expression.
“Don’t be embarrassed, you’re flattering me.”
They both laugh. A warm feeling spreads across Crystal’s chest at the fact.
“This day… it was hell,” she mumbles, and almost smiles at how Gigi looks at her, having her entire attention, “and I also was thinking of you. It was weird… like, as I said before, birthdays are supposed to be happy and while I was sad and grumpy I couldn’t help but think ‘I wish Gigi was here, because she would make everything better; she’d make me laugh or help me or just make me feel like I’m not alone’ and I hated the idea of not getting to see—”
“The love of your life?” Gigi suggests, sounding way too hopeful.
“I was gonna say that blonde bitch,” Crystal grimaces, “but if that works for you…”
Gigi laughs, mumbling something about who was the real bitch is as she reaches over for her second beer.
Leaning her side on the kitchen bar, freshly open can in hand, Gigi smiles again. It’s a show of her teeth and little wrinkles at the sides of her eyes that Crystal remembers noticing the day they met that morning at History of Art class.
Glancing at that very smile, Crystal’s pretty sure she’s dreaming. Did she fall asleep on Jaida’s lawn? That’d be pathetic. Someone could think she’s dead tomorrow morning when everyone’s hung over and oh, the idea frightens her, but she has to be dreaming. She can’t be this lucky — she’s never been lucky. What are the chances someone like Gigi can have a crush on her?
This flawless, beautiful girl with a golden personality that Crystal’s been making heart-eyes at for months has a crush on her.
God, she thinks. If I fell asleep Jan better never wakes me up.
The redhead blinks a couple of times, meeting Gigi’s eyes in the process.
“You were lost in thought, babe. You alright?”
The fucking pet name again. Crystal isn’t dreaming; her brain wouldn’t be mean enough to make up scenarios like this.
“Was I? Sorry.”
That’s not the answer Gigi wants. She drags the other barstool from the other side of the kitchen bar to Crystal’s side, sitting down with her beer still in hand.
“Stop overthinking.”
It’s not a suggestion. Crystal attempts to laugh, but no actual sound comes out of her mouth.
“Well, I can’t,” she babbles, “it’s hard. This doesn’t feel real.”
“Doesn’t it?”
“No,” she whispers, more to herself than to the other girl. “I always thought that you were…  romantically different than me.”
Gigi looks utterly confused. “Please elaborate?”
The butterflies are not dead. They’re flying around Crystal’s stomach now, begging her to not fuck it up.
“I never thought you’d feel the same,” she admits, too quietly for her taste.
Vulnerability is not a good look on her, she has decided years before, and definitely not in front of Gigi. She has all the time in the world to be a cry baby in the comfortable privacy of her dorm, not right now, for Christ’s sake.
“This is real,” Gigi gestured at herself, then at Crystal. “We’re real. Everything is. I can’t understand why you’re so impressed about it, but I know for sure it’s not enough of a reason.”
Crystal nods. Gigi’s right, as always, and she’s just wasting time questioning why has her day taken the path it did instead of enjoying it.
“I’m just being stupid.”
Gigi rolls her eyes, pulling her again for another kiss — a shorter one, but Crystal can’t help but try and memorize how her lips feel against hers. She’s never stopped and think of how it would be to kiss Gigi, and she’s somehow glad; none of her expectations would have been better than the real thing.
“I like you stupid,” Gigi comments once they part, receiving a smack on the arm by Crystal. “You know I’m kidding; you’re never stupid, but I do like you.”
“I like you too,” Crystal breathes, feeling every of her limbs relaxing. Gigi doesn’t say more, and maybe it’s the end of their conversation, but there’s something else forming in Crystal’s throat and before she knows it, she blurts out, “thank you.”
Gigi looks up, puzzled. “For what?”
“For the ride. It was the best birthday present ever.”
Under the dim lights of a small kitchen in an even smaller apartment somewhere in Los Angeles, Crystal knows there’s nothing better than Gigi Goode.
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halowastaken · 3 years
Why I Left (Chapter 10.)
read on ao3
“What about his card? You gave him a card when you gave him the internship right?” Pepper asked typing something in her laptop “He converted all of it to cash in the atm in the museum downstairs and then threw it in the recycling bin right next to said atm. At this point this the spider is just making fun of me” Tony said frustrated “It is tuesday. I can go check if he attended to school” Happy said on his phone “Nope. I already did. Been doing it for the whole two weeks we’ve been looking” Pepper said and Tony was honestly shocked that it has been so long. He looks around and there are coffee mugs everywhere, random papers and tablets where they are not supposed to be, every screen in the room had to do with Peter’s search ---
“Kid, how are you doing?” Tony said while working in the suit update
“Good actually. The new webb formula is looking great!” Peter says with a smile while mixing some stuff that Tony didn’t get. He didn’t need to though
“That’s cool Peter. When you are done with that, I need you to fix the code in the Ironman suit that connects it to the arc reactor” Tony is expecting an answer from Peter, but when he doesn’t he turns around to find a really hesitant Peter “What is it?”
“I don’t really know how to code” Peter says stuttering
“You hacked your suit” Tony said confused
“No. I asked my friend to hack it for me. I have cero clue how coding works” Peter says and Tony sighs
“Ok then. You are in for a treat today, because I am gonna teach you how to code. Call it coding 101 with Tony Stark” Peter’s eyes widened and he starts smiling
“That’s awesome Mr. Stark! Thank you so much! I promise I will pay attention to do whatever you teach me perfectly!” Peter said really excited
“I know you will. First thing you need to know about coding is the ‘three u`s’ rule. Undetectable, Unbreakable and Unexpected. Ever since I started coding, these three rules are my secret to always get to what I want” Tony says. Peter raises an eyebrow giving away that he has no idea what Tony is talking about “Ok so, when your friend hacked my suit, I had ho idea that the suit was hacked at first. That’s the first U. Undetectable. Also I am not gonna lie to you, when you gave the suit back I did try to put the training wheels protocol back on, but I couldn’t. Unbreakable. And lastly, you are the last person I think of that would hack a million dollar suit. Unexpected” Peter wanted to argue back about the last point, but he decided not to. “Now, go grab your laptop, cause we are coding today” Tony said and Peter with a smile ran to the other side of the lab to grab his laptop
“I’m so sorry it took me so long. The elevator was malfunctioning but I am-” Pepper was looking to her phone while talking, and when she looked up she was...concerned “You are sticked to the floor”
“I am fully aware of that. In Peter’s desk there should be a bottle with the level ‘unsticky spray’. Can you reach it please?” Pepper was confused. She still did what she was told, but that didn’t answer questions. Tony did seem off. Last time she saw him off was right before Germany, but that didn’t last long because Peter started to be part of their lives around that time. But Peter wasn’t there. It was weird considering that she told Tony to not let him out.
“Where is Peter?” She asked. She shouldn’t have asked that. Tony looked like his world was vanishing
“He ran away Pepper” Pepper was confused now but she let Tony talk “Something is going on with that kid Pepper. He’s in trouble. I can just feel it. I need to track him and make sure he is ok” Tony says, really worried. Pepper wanted to argue but instead she just nodded
“What do you need me to do?” Pepper asks and then Tony stands up
“Call Rhodey. Tell him that I need him here and right now. I am finding my kid.
And then he starts. He pulls up the coding in the hologram screen. The kid did really well because at first sight it looked like he did nothing but little did Tony know that was just the beginning of one of the biggest hacks he’s ever seen.
“Tony” It’s been seven hours since Peter left. Tony hasn’t gone out of the lab since Peter left. He refuses to leave until he finds his kid “Tony, Rhodey is gonna be here tomorrow morning”
“Pepper I love you but if you are here to ask me to take a break I hate to break it to you” Tony says without stopping working
“Actually, I am here to tell you that I am going to look for him” Tony raises an eyebrow and turns around to look at her “If he left without being noticed, he would at least use the Spiderman suit. He must be out in the streets somewhere. If not I’ll go to his department to look for him there, I’ll also call his friends to see if they know where he could be, and all of that stuff” Tony was surprised, in fact. His wife never encouraged him to stay all night in the lab “Don’t look at me like that. He is my kid too. You are not the only one that is gonna stay up all night today” Then Pepper left the lab.
Well that was new. Tony was a hundred percent sure Pepper would just tell him to go get some sleep. Tony then just kept trying to break the code. What he didn’t know is that it was gonna take him a while. He tried literally everything that he could think of and none of it worked. He was Tony Stark for god’s sake. Tony fucking Stark was being outsmarted by the same sixteen year old that he spent time with. But he needed to keep trying. For Peter. For his kid.
“You look like you visited hell” Tony then looked over his shoulder and scoffed
“I’ve looked worse” Tony says and Rhodey shakes his head
“So, Pepper mentioned about the spider kid and his aunt but we didn’t really get into the details so I would like to know why am I here?” Rhodey says looking at Tony’s screen
“Peter is in a lot of trouble and I don’t even know where he is. All connections were cut and I’ve been trying to find any kind of connection with him since yesterday but I am losing my mind” Tony says without taking his eyes out of the screen
“Have you tried locating the ip address of his phone or the suit?” Rhodey asks 
“Yup. Also, do you think you can try to find something on Ben Parker? For some reason I have the feeling that he has something to do with all of this. Called him a few days ago and the man was not in a good mood” Tony explains which makes Rhodey doubt about this
“You think that the kid’s uncle killed his aunt or something?” Rhodey asks
“Nah. The police report says that the guy that killed May hasn’t been found, which by the way I also have to look into that guy” Tony says thinking out loud
“So the kid hacked FRI? Is it bad?” Rhodey asks looking at Tony’s screen 
“He knew what he was doing. This is advanced level shit. Almost unbreakable” Tony says remembering the first time he teached Peter how to code. The kid learned every single bit that Tony teached him. 
“Have you tried looking in the news for spiderman? Even the smallest thing could help. Even if it is just some girl posting in her stories a picture of him or something like that” Rhodey said grabbing a tablet
“I already did it but do that again just to see if there is anything new. Just know that if I have to reunite the Avengers to find him, I'll even get Thor to visit midgard” Tony said confidently. He was sure that he was gonna find his kid. Or even better, he was sure that his kid was in danger. That terrified Tony. and fear is the greatest motivator. After a couple hours they called in Happy to go question his friends (“Keep it legal Happy! Can’t handle looking for a kid and a lawsuit at the same time!”). Pepper came back with no luck. But that wouldn't make them give up. They will find out what happened.
“What about his card? You gave him a card when you gave him the internship right?” Pepper asked typing something in her laptop
“He converted all of it to cash in the atm in the museum downstairs and then threw it in the recycling bin right next to said atm. At this point this the spider is just making fun of me” Tony said frustrated
“It is tuesday. I can go check if he attended to school” Happy said on his phone
“Nope. I already did. Been doing it for the whole two weeks we’ve been looking” Pepper said and Tony was honestly shocked that it has been so long. He looks around and there are coffee mugs everywhere, random papers and tablets where they are not supposed to be, every screen in the room had to do with Peter’s search
“Well, this can’t be right” Rhodey said out loud, catching everyone’s attention. “The first thing I did was look into mister uncle dearest and got nothing. I left it alone but now I decided to double check and there is an ip address. Ben’s phone” Tony then took a look into Rhodey’s tablet and he was right. He was surprised actually. He could tell that Peter was so precise and careful with all of his personal info, and everyone else that could have a connection with him. He forgot his uncle. 
“This is-” Tony made a pause to think of something to say that properly describes the situation
“Unexpected” FRIDAY said and Tony raised his eyebrow
“Yeah” Tony said and then he started looking into Ben’s phone. He was connected to the same wifi connection as Peter’s laptop and phone. That’s where they had to be. He finally looked into the address. Peter’s department
“That can’t be. Last time I was there, it was empty. No lights or sound” Pepper said and Tony got up his chair
“I am gonna go check this time. Something tells me we got him. Rhodey, you drive. Pepper, stay here in case something happens, and Happy, go get his favorite stuff for when we get back here” Tony said determined. 
He is on his way.
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Survey #362
(this is actually from yesterday but i never posted it and now i don’t feel like updating the answers, so yeah)
Have you ever been cheated on? No. Who’s car were you last in? My mom's. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It's been pierced multiple times, but each time the hole closed after my piercings had to be taken out at the psych hospital. The final time though, it closed because the damn stud fell out in my sleep for the billionth time, I couldn't find it, and I let it close out of annoyance. Have your parents ever smoked pot? My dad has. Do you tend to make relationships complicated? I mean, I don't think so. I hope not. Are you good at giving directions? NO. Like, I can't. I would accidentally lead you to the middle of the ocean. Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room? She'd be confused as fuck because I live with her so she knows for sure I'm not seeing anyone. Did you speak to your father today? No. Did you kiss someone before you were sixteen? No, it was actually a month after turning 16. Could you go a day without eating? Nooo. I've said before and I'll say it again, I don't deal with abdominal pain well, so yeah. Are your nails always painted? They never are. Have you ever met any bands/band members before? No. What color is your hair? Boring 'ole brown. .-. Your best friend needed somewhere to stay, could they live with you? She absolutely could. I know Mom would welcome her without hesitation. Have you danced in the rain? No. When you said something naughty when you were little, did your parents wash out your tongue with soap? No, but it was threatened. What do you think of spanking little children when they do something wrong? Okay or not? No, it is absolutely not okay. You do not teach children through fear, ever, nor do you show children that it is ever okay to hit people when you're upset. Who was the last male you hung out with? Uhhh, I think Girt? I haven't truly hung out with a guy in a long time. Who is your favorite person to text? Sara. Who did you last take a picture with? My sister. What’s your favorite brand of jeans? I don't have one. Which show is better: Spongebob or The Fairly Odd Parents? The latter. Both can be funny, but Cosmo cracks me up. Has anyone ever told you that you looked like someone else? I actually think the only time I was ever compared to someone else (make-believe, at that) was when I dressed up for Halloween one year and a friend told me I looked like Eileen Galvin from Silent Hill 4: The Room. Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning? Yesssss. Who is the most overrated singer? Idk, I don't even know who's "in" right now. What is your favourite planet? Saturn. Do you have any pets that you had since you were born? No. Do you own anything that you had when you were a baby? Yes, stored away. Do you enjoy Mario games? Mario Kart is fun, but otherwise I'm not a massive fan. What’s your favorite online game? World of Warcraft. Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class? I think so. I was always terrified of the days we got to play dodgeball or whatever, like that shit hurts. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? No. Who was last to cook for you? My ma. Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? Usually. Who is your most trusted person? My mom, probably. How late did you stay up last night? God, I don't even know. Last night was my sleep study, and I was so uncomfortable in that bed that I slept maybe only an hour or two. Hell, or less. I also couldn't sleep on my stomach, which really didn't help because that's always how I sleep. I'm exhausted now and have such a headache. When/where are you most likely to sing? In the car, I guess. I very rarely sing anywhere. Would you ever wish to explore a cave? FUCK YES. You see the person you fell hardest for. What do you do? Panic like a motherfucker internally, avoid eye contact, and try to evade him (not like he'd actually pursue me) without being too obvious. Have you been/are you depressed? Both. Are your pop-ups blocked on your computer? Yes. Have you ever ridden in a car with someone who was high? Yes, because I was afraid to tell her I didn't want. Thank fuck we got home safe. I was absolutely, positively terrified we'd be pulled over. Who is the best hugger you know? Ha, actually the person I just mentioned. Have you ever had to be put to sleep for an operation? Yes. Does anybody have any proof of stupid things you have done? Oh, Facebook comments... Why did you text the last person in your inbox? I was replying to my mom. Have you ever been able to do a split? No. Did you ever date the last person you kissed? Yes. Are you intimidated by the last person you know talked badly about you? She doesn't "intimidate" me, no. She just gets on my last goddamn nerve every time she opens her mouth. Have you ever cried in school? Yes. Last person of the opposite sex you screamed at? I've never screamed at a guy because I'm afraid of them. I've sobbed at Jason, so like my voice was raised, but it definitely wasn't screaming. Do you have any weird sleep habits? Well, speaking of screaming, my nightmares have me shrieking in the middle of most nights. I also talk in my sleep like, a lot. Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Very. When was the last time you had a headache? This morning, I'm sure because of how shitty I slept. When was the last time you encountered a puppy? Prepare for a rant... We have one right now, even though our landlord told us specifically no puppies because of all the housetraining they require. My mom has been wanting a dog, and Tobey finally agreed to it, and she's been looking for a while. So my sister Ashley randomly shows up with a stray puppy a friend was keeping, terrified and LOADED with ticks, and she's reminding Mom and I why we DON'T WANT A PUPPY. She's peeing everywhere BUT outside (specifically on a stupid fucking expensive carpet that Tobey will have a cow over just ONE stain), is terrorizing my cat, and has an overwhelming amount of energy. Ashley specifically told me that if Mom doesn't let Ash know, I needed to tell her if the puppy was stressing Mom out, "because this isn't supposed to be a stressful experience for her." Well, she's been sobbing again and again and I literally just came back mid-question from comforting her because she broke down so hard she could barely breathe because now she had diarrhea on the fucking carpet. Ashley's all bitchy now about it for no apparent or even remotely valid reason, and by God do I want to cuss her the fuck out over this bull she brought on. Safe to say we're not keeping the dog, but not quickly enough. When Mom hurts, I hurt, and I am so goddamn furious. Is there anything that happened a long time ago that you still laugh about? Yeah, a number of things. Do you ever try to interpret your dreams? No, given I don't believe most have any meaning. It's brain word vomit, lol. What was the last thing you bought impulsively? I don't have the income for impulse purchases. When I get money, what I'm after is well-planned. How do you feel about singing songs out loud in front of other people? I don't, usually. I'm very self-conscious about it. When was the last time you were feeling really, really nervous? That nervous, I'm unsure. I've been nervous, sure, but I haven't had a massive anxiety episode in a while. If you’re no longer in school, what is something you miss about it? If you’re still in school, what’s something you think you’re going to miss about it? I miss feeling productive and like I was going at least somewhere. Do you use your turn signals when you’re driving? Yes; I hate when people don't. How exactly are you feeling right now? Mad at my sister. Have you ever had to board up your windows because of a hurricane? No. Do you tell anyone to chew with their mouths closed? No, to avoid "confrontation" that is too negligible to even quality as conflict. I'm just a lil bitch when it comes to stuff like this. Have you ever ordered pizza and sent it to someone else’s house? No. What was the first thing you drank when you woke up this morning? My nurse or whatever her position is (I don't mean that dismissively, I genuinely don't know her title) brought me some orange juice. Do you think stretch marks from having a baby are ugly or badges of honor? Oh my god, fuck off. Anyone who can carry a child for nine months and then endure what I assume is the worst pain (usually) survivable has every ounce of my goddamn respect. The natural result of making room for a like 6+ lb. human being is not "ugly." It's a part of life and to me shows an incredible amount of bravery and love to be willing to go through something I could absolutely never. Ever done a keg stand? Haha, no. My dizzy ass will pass. Who is the last person you lent money to? My mom. Do you share clothing with anyone? Mom and I will share bras or pants sometimes. Have you ever visited anyone in a rehab? No. Was the last thing you drank a Coke or Pepsi product? No, I have lemonade right now. Honestly, do you think that you’re going to be an overprotective parent? IF I wanted to be a parent, I feel like I definitely would be. Not like... overbearing, but still extremely protective in cases I think it's called for. What was the last kind of chips you ate? Veggie chips yesterday, actually. They're honestly not that good, but it's a doable snack with salsa. What is one thing that you really wish you could understand, but don’t? Economics. I dread taking care of my own money because idk what the fuck to do with taxes and such. What is the last thing you charged? My phone. Have you ever held a snake? I've held plenty of snakes, I love them.
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
F, K, N, S, T
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
From Come Back to Me, Part 2 of the Picture Perfect Series, the end of Ch. 18: Nightmares, Monte Carlo, and Our Tradition
“I'm going to make you very happy. I promise.”
Tony grinned and kissed Loki's forehead. “Save it for the vows, kitten. Now, go.” He lightly pushed Loki away. “The sooner you go, the sooner you'll come back to me.” Loki slung the garment bag over his shoulder and grinned softly at Tony. “What?”
“Do you know those are the exact words I said to you the night before you left for winter vacation when we first got together?” Tony thought back to that night: the rain falling outside Loki's window, the scent of the tea Loki had been brewing when he walked in, lying completely naked in his dorm bed. “Oh, yeah…that was the night you first gave me a —”
“Yes, I remember that,” Loki interrupted, turning a light shade of red. “And you gave me your Black Sabbath shirt that night. Your favorite."
Tony hooked his thumbs in the belt loops of his jeans. "Where is that shirt?"
"At home, in my dresser with my other things," Loki answered with a small smile.
"You kept it?" Tony asked, obviously surprised.
Loki felt a sudden rush of emotion and had to look away. "Of course I did. I never wore it after we…" He cleared his throat and set his eyes on Tony. "But I carried it with me everywhere I went. You were always with me, Anthony. Always."
Tony's eyes started to sting and he laughed it away, but the laugh came out stuttered and nervous. "Jeez, I should marry you."
"You already did," Loki responded almost proudly. "Good night, love."
"Wait." Tony stepped forward and Loki paused, glancing over his shoulder. "I said my part. You didn't say yours." Loki fully faced him, that faint line appearing between his brows. "Consider it our own tradition," Tony explained with a half-shrug.
Understanding, Loki raised his chin. "Say it again."
Tony fought not to smile too widely and moistened his lips. "The sooner you go…the sooner you'll come back to me."
Loki set his eyes directly on Tony's, slowly nodded. "I will always come back to you. Remember that."
I was going to pick their wedding vows, but this spoke to me more. When I wrote Dark Side, I had no intentions of writing a sequel, much less a trilogy. But people demanded it and I kind of wrote the whole thing on the fly, by the seat of my pants from start to finish. This is the night before their wedding in Monte Carlo (tho they’re already legally married in New York) and Natasha (Loki’s BFF) and Sif (Loki’s ex and mother of his son) told them they couldn’t spend the night together. Since the rest of the wedding is pretty non-traditional (no groomsmen for either, only a ring bearer — Loki’s 4yo, Sebastian — and a nondenominational ceremony) they reluctantly agreed. I liked harkening back to the first fic, especially bc by this point they’d both been through some shit, separately and together, broken up, got back together, Loki had a freaking kid and Thanos made an appearance— they deserved something a little cheesy and extra sugary. :)
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
probably the one I wrote for the last prompt of the 100 ways to say ILY challenge. I actually hesitated to write it, then I hesitated to post it. And it was my first time writing the pairing of Bucky/Tony. They were a couple in a LDR, feeling disconnected, and meeting up after a long time apart. It’s told from Tony’s POV, and he’s an anxious mess who thinks it’s all his fault and Bucky’s finally realized what a loser he is, but for some reason, he’s not dumping him quickly. They eventually talk about it, realize it’s just not working for either of them, and they decide to break it off while they’re still friends. It’s angsty for me because I literally wrote my own breakup into a fic.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
yeah I wish someone would take my notes for the Maleficent/Loki fic @vikishus and I came up with years ago and just write the damn thing for me. I would love to write it, but I have zero time and fantasy isn’t in my area of expertise.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I’m a sucker for friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, rekindled relationships, and that whole thing of Person A being a giant asshole to everyone until Person B comes along and they turn into a giant puddle of feels and Person B is the only one Person A is *not* an asshole to.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I actively avoid alpha/omega fics, daddy kink, and any kind of torture porn stuff. I have no issue with people writing it at all. I just don’t like to read it.
Fic Ask Meme
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billdenbrough · 4 years
so, a while ago, @audraphillipps tagged this post with a tag saying that bichie were on ron/harry levels, and like... i have literally not stopped thinking about it since? i was talking to @neibolttrio when nat’s reblog popped up on my dash and i went completely feral (ara can confirm, and also was right there with me) bc there’s just like. so much there!!
i know i said in the neville/eddie ask that i tend to think mapping characters onto each other is reductive, and i stand by that (there’s a difference between loose parallels and trying to make them fit neatly, you know? and sometimes equating the characters isn’t the most effective way to express that), and it’s not even what nat was saying, but like. there are parallels
just to get the basics down: bill/harry, richie/ron
(which is interesting bc @benverlesbians and i were having a discussion (well, in tags) where i posited stan as logos and eddie as pathos, and bc jem is galaxy brain, she carried it home to position richie as ethos, and i stand by our choices, but for the golden trio, i’d put harry as ethos and ron as pathos and hermione as logos (like i think there’s other combinations that fit too, but i think this fits best for me), which is interesting. not bc i think the parallels need to map perfectly, but it’s just really fucking fascinating to me how people can shift in different contexts, like new dynamics lead to new positionings... [siken vc: what can you know about a person? they shift in the light. you can’t light up all sides at once] anyway tangent over)
like on the most basic of levels, bill leads his friendship group, and richie is his Loyal Best Friend who follows him everywhere, even places he doesn’t want to go (ron LITERALLY invokes the idea of following. “follow the spiders,” he says, twelve and terrified and going anyway, because harry’s going, because hermione’s hurt and needs them, because hagrid’s been accused, because ron loves his friends)
i think something we don’t talk about super often (at least recently, i don’t want to presume about earlier content i missed) is how anger plays its part in bill’s story, in terms of the degree to which it motivates his quest to kill It. like at one point in the book he even frames it as “using his friends, risking their lives — to settle the score for his dead brother”, which i think is indicative of the anger/desire for revenge that drives it (and that’s not all that motivates him, but it’s definitely a major component)—-that sense of revenge isn’t present as much in the films, mostly because bill is desperate to try hold onto the idea that georgie is still alive (haha, harry after sirius goes through the veil, anyone?), but it’s still there, i think, mostly in the moments bill charges off (even when all his friends are shouting at him to wait or not go) bc he’s so determined that It won’t get away, not this fucking time. and that’s something true of harry too, the way his anger can consume him. we see it throughout the whole series, but order of the phoenix is the most relevant part rn, with how enraged he is after sirius’ death. how gasping and jagged and burning with fury he is. he tries to hurt bellatrix, wants to hurt her in ways we’ve never seen from him, and it’s desperate furious grief leading him to chase her from the room with the veil. and there’s a line, a little later, that always hits me in the chest: when harry is shouting I DON’T CARE and destroying dumbledore’s office, the reply is “you care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it”. which honestly is just generally applicable to the losers, given how much heart they have and how much trauma they endure, but i look at baby book bill, with his revenge-seeking, and i look at jaeden’s bill, with his trembling voice but resolute expression as he gives the “walking into this house is easier than walking into my own” speech, and this quote hits me in the chest
(wrt the bill quote abt risking their lives: it’s important, i think, bc it’s incredibly cognisant of what he’s asking, which is illuminating. but ig to balance it against some things losers say, so that it’s... like he leads them there, absolutely, but they all follow him, and that’s important too. they do choose to, and their choice matters, it’s not just on him. anyway something eddie says, while looking at bill (and it’s not like. in the context of dying for bill’s quest, but it’s got the love and hero worship mention that suggests it applies to more than just the moment), “some stuff has to be done even if there is a risk. that’s the first important thing i ever found out i didn’t find out from my mother”. also, when the werewolf has bill, he’s shouting for richie to go, to get out, and richie stays and tries to save him instead. and i think both their choices there matter)
richie, as much as he Jokes, is one of the more pragmatic and resourceful losers, and really fucking smart, and so often underestimated. (hello, master strategist ron weasley. hello, prefect who literally nobody expected. hello, insecurity) like... we all know how richie is brainy, but also, like. when he’s not clouded by his own fears, he sees things with clarity so sharp it could cut you. (“It’s a monster,” Richie said flatly. “Some kind of monster. Some kind of monster right here in Derry. And it’s killing kids.”) there’s a line, bill says it when talking abt richie and eddie in fights, and it’s about how richie simply can’t keep his mouth shut, like he has to insult bowers, even when he’s got his hands on him. which is actually pretty harry energy, but ron’s the closest thing amongst any of the hp characters to a trashmouth, ron’s the one who doesn’t hesitate to be rude on behalf of his friends (harry tends to be worked up when he says these things; ron’s just naturally got that energy. “light reading? that’s light reading?” is the same energy as “can only virgins see this? is that why i’m not seeing this shit?” don’t @ me), ron’s the one who drags harry for filth when he’s being an idiot. ron follows harry, even when he’s mad about it. and boy oh boy. richie is ambitious, richie is always practicing his Voices because he wants them to be worth a damn one day, richie is constantly trying. and ron’s erised is based in simply wanting to stand out in a family full of people he thinks are more interesting or valued than him, amongst best friends who are more incredible, which is a different motivation, sure, but look at his dreams. look at how high he rises when he lets himself want it. richie’s always doing Voices because it’s easier to Pretend to be someone else than be himself, and ron is constantly scrabbling for purchase in a world where he thinks he’ll never be worthy
(there’s room for discussion about how ron’s fears are primarily creature based—spiders, werewolves, the grim; how sirius hurt him, even unintentionally, how he was betrayed by peter, how his father was attacked by a snake, how his brother was attacked by a werewolf—and how richie has his famous werewolf, but that’s more abstract of an analysis than i’m doing here, i’m just thinking about the parallels, so this is more throwing a thought out.)
and, boy oh boy. my favourite part of this. i mean, we get ron and harry always together (consider: neibolt house (in the book, when bill and richie go there; in the film, when they’re confronting the doors, separated from eddie) as their chamber of secrets), them being best friends, ron having harry’s back even against his own family (ron angrily tearing up percy’s letter and calling him a git, esp after harry doesn’t know how to react in a way that doesn’t show how much it upsets him, has my entire fucking heart), harry having ron as “what [he’ll] sorely miss”... but. but but but. we also have the goblet of fire fight. even more crucially, we have the blow up in deathly hallows. they fight, they fight, and it’s bad. harry and bill you could compare a little with their focus, ig, but the crucial part is ron and richie. ron throws harry’s parents in his face when he’s terrified for his family (and under the influence of a horcrux); richie says georgie’s dead and for the first time all film, doesn’t take it back, not when eddie’s gone and stanley’s terrified and ben’s leaking blood and richie doesn’t want to die, doesn’t want his friends to die. it’s best friends fighting viciously, with something too sharp to hold—-it’s words that cut like knives, fists in the middle of the street and leaving when they’ve always followed you.
but. it’s also coming back. when harry needs him, ron is there. they haven’t had a chance to talk about anything, but ron is saving him. when bev goes missing, when bill goes to richie, even though thing are still fractured, still angry, richie comes back. richie follows. even when they haven’t talked about anything as far as we can tell, even when there’s no resolution to their fight, richie’s the one who stands up and makes the choice that mobilises the losers, the one who tells bill everything bad that’s happened from following him but follows him yet again, doesn’t leave him behind, stays and saves him. it’s about the coming back, the saving, the i’d follow you anywhere of it all. like god but georgie/bill is the dynamic that informs chapter one & richie/bill is the dynamic that drives it // lily/harry is the dynamic that informs the hp series but ron/harry is the one that bookends it—-the first person he ever chooses, who ever chooses him in return, and he’s right there at the end, when all is well. billrichie ronharry best friend RIGHTS
not really part of this but other things that make me scream: bill and richie on silver when richie’s catatonic/harry and ron when ron’s out of it bc of the brains (and also, now that i think abt it, injured from sirius’ bite). ron clinging to harry’s side in the forbidden forest w aragog/“i’m stickin’ with you, big bill”. ron imitating harry’s parseltongue to get to the chamber of secrets, taking hermione down the path they took/richie remembering confronting the doors with bill, trying to take eddie down the path they took.
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