#i don’t know what else to tag this as
xhanisai · 1 year
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My designs for my adrinette babies! Hugo and Mei are twins and Li is the youngest! Sure, Li may look a tad bit unsettling but he’s usually a sweet baby.
Usually that is…
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The twins deserve all the wrath in all honestly.
Below is what I envision older adrinette to be!
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parakeet · 1 year
Do you guys remember when oh joy sex toy had a comic that told everyone to use real dead sea sponges as tampons
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carouselcometh · 1 year
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zephrunsimperium · 10 months
I came, I saw, there were McGucket vibes, I shared.
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cledubs · 6 months
wrote a little something based off of @applepato ‘s cletho hunger games au!! i wanted to kind of explore a little bit what cleo would be like if they were the victor of their games with etho. it’s fairly short but oh well
The Victor’s Village is lonely.
There are other people who live there, sure, but Cleo is alone. Alone with her embroidered tapestries.
Every Victor has to pursue a talent after they win. To prove to the Capitol that they’re still alive. Still surviving. Still playing into their games. Cleo chose her embroidery.
It’s one of the only talents she had before the games. On the particularly bad nights, it is the one thing that connects her to the person she was before.
Before the reaping.
Before the games.
Before Etho ran.
He’d always said that to her, that he was a runner. Not a protector.
Cleo thinks he was a liar.
He ran, and the attacker followed. Cleo was already bleeding out on the rocks anyways. She couldn’t chase.
A cannon sounded.
And another.
And a hovercraft appeared above Cleo.
And there was an announcement that Cleo couldn’t hear through the blood in her ears.
The needle in her hand snaps. She stares down at her clenched hand, two broken metal halves digging into her skin.
She releases her grip and throws the remains of the needle on the dusty floor. Small beads of blood gather on her palm. She wipes it on her current project, adding more and more red stains.
Etho’s almost-done face stares back at her, covered in Cleo’s own blood. The Capitol won’t like this tapestry, she thinks grimly.
She finds that she doesn’t care.
Another needle is threaded and she continues to carefully puncture the white fabric. All that’s left to stitch is his eyes. His beautiful, mismatched eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul, she remembers someone saying. That couldn’t be more true for Etho. His eyes were often the only things she saw. The swirling pools of black and dark brown will forever be burned into her memory.
Cleo punches another hole with the needle. The games are happening again soon. The Capitol is setting up cameras next to District Nine’s Justice Building as she sits in her empty house, stitching her final act. Her end to the games that the Capitol wants to play with her.
A knife sits on the table next to her. A simple knife that she stole from Etho’s bedside drawer. It has leaves shoddily engraved on the handle. She slips it into her pocket, along with the finished, folded tapestry. Her pocket is big enough for this. No one will care if the silent, angry, new Victor has lumpy pockets. She hasn’t made a particularly clean reputation for herself.
The stage is the same as always. This year, instead of watching from the crowd, she gets to stare at the terrified faces of her fellow citizens.
The video of the war starts playing. She doesn’t pay attention. She thinks her heart should be pounding, but it’s calm. Almost as if it knows that it can’t do anything. Her hands are perfectly still and controlled.
Taking the tapestry out of her pocket, she started unfolding it. She drapes it across the bowl filled with male names. The Capitol representative hasn’t noticed yet. She quietly walks over to the bowl that once held her name.
The knife is warm in her hands. It’s almost comforting. Distantly, she thinks, maybe it’s Etho’s final act. Alongside hers.
The video ends, and the representative turns and gasps at her being out of place. The crowd is silent. Before the guards can take notice of what is happening, she grips the knife firmly, and plunges it into her chest.
She falls with a grin on her face. She takes the knife out and, within her dazed stupor, still manages to throw the knife at Etho’s fabricated face. The bowl shatters in a sharp noise that she barely hears. She is dragged off stage, but she doesn’t know it.
Cleo has won the games.
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transcendingblood · 2 months
My abusive father is threatening to withhold rent again…. any help would be greatly appreciated.
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leaf-in-a-boot · 2 years
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Crowley As Nebulas part 4: NGC 602!
i saw this one and immediately thought of a painting (?) of Fenrir’s (Loki and Angrboda’s middle child) profile with a sword stickin gb through it, which made me think of Crowley’s head inside of a snake’s mouth, so here we are!! i added some chains last minute because i thought it looked cool (i’m also pretty proud of them ngl)
also yes i am aware that NGC 602 is technically a star cluster and not a nebula but it’s IN a nebula so it’s close enough
The photo is a bit blurry and there are better ones if you look it up :] if you can’t see it, that’s because it’s only part of the image (it looks like a set of fangs inside another set of fangs, or possibly one set of fangs at an upward angle)
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pkuinn · 3 months
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i’ve decided to share the color palletes i use for my sketches. these are for any starving artists out there who want to try something new/are suffering from artblock. i hope someone can find this inspiring and helpful :)
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katelfiredemon · 11 months
I think it’s incredible to have such a big name in the fandom like catnippackets make more klance art and that it’s wonderful that it has so many notes! But remember that there are so many artists in the fandom and they all deserve your support! So just a friendly reminder to reblog art and support the artists in your fandom that may not be well known enough to get hundreds of notes! Reblog art you like! Don’t just click like! Reblog it and spread it around so that everyone will continue making art! Because it can be very disheartening when you post something you put all of your heart into and it gets maybe 10-30 notes, maybe 5 of which are actually reblogs. So just a reminder to support the little artists too!
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kaz-of-crows · 1 year
sorry. we tied your boyfriend into a gordian knot. yeah no one can untie him now so i guess he’s just stuck like that. sorry
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schizodiaries · 1 year
Legit questions for those that suffer from any mental illness
Do you consider what you have to be an illness, disorder, or disability? Edit: what about neurodivergence?
Do you use the terms interchangeably or do they mean different things in different contexts?
Asking because sometimes I don’t know which word to use when describing myself and I’m curious about others’ perspectives.
(my replies are only open for followers so feel free to respond in the tags, as a reblog, or as an ask)
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bri-the-bi · 2 years
Literally not a single person asked for this but I am DEEP in my last legacy hyperfixation so
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This is my Last Legacy MC and Sage LI, Elena Cervantes.
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Her entire name is a reference to the astrolabe, with Elena being a reference to the astrolabe being a “Dawn/light element” and Cervantes, possibly being related to Spanish “ciervo”, for stag, being a reference to Rime as the previous wielder of the astrolabe and yes I’m just repeating what’s in the screenshots.
Elena dyes her hair ALL THE FUCKING TIME, hence the three different hair colors in the picrews (personally my favorite is the blue).
As for personality, you know all those choices to call Sage out on his bluffs/flirt back with him, etc.? Yeah, Elena.
I kinda have nothing else for her considering I just developed her to have an MC for little mini fics (none of you are EVER going to see it because in typical artist fashion, I hate everything I create) so like. Ask shit about her and I’ll make something up on the spot.
Also random but the ship name for her and Sage is Elenage and I feel like when she gets worked up about something she’d be that one scene from B99 where someone gets Holt worked up about dentists being considered doctors and the entomology and shit and it cuts to him and Jake and he’s just “……apparently that’s a trigger for me”
She’s chill about 99% of stuff but when you get her worked up she starts fuckin GOING
Also when she’s tired and doesn’t wanna deal with shit she just defaults to Barista Voice™
Okay yeah that’s all I’ve got for Elena <3
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chromium-siren · 2 years
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I had to start it over once, but the Phasma shawl I made is done! (My neck hurts from looking down but it’s comfy)
It’ll go well with the flapper Phasma dress I’ll eventually make
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my-chemical-cas · 6 months
when you peeps are texting and you use emojis throughout the text, do you add them as you type or do you go back to the end and add all of the emojis at once?
reblog w your answer
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fence-time · 2 months
*Placing this down and scuttling away*
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leaf-in-a-boot · 2 years
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Crowley as Nebulas 5: NGC 7822!
for this one, i immediately saw the bookshop burning, so i had to do it!! i always seem to find the older photos of star clusters and nebulae, but it’s always fun to see the difference between picture quality. anyway, i know that this is another star cluster and not a nebula but i’m not changing the name
anyway, this one took a l o n g time, but it was quite fun :]
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