#just take the yummy colors and draw something
pkuinn · 3 months
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i’ve decided to share the color palletes i use for my sketches. these are for any starving artists out there who want to try something new/are suffering from artblock. i hope someone can find this inspiring and helpful :)
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astrozuya · 6 months
☆ svt + subtle ways they show their love.
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⊹ . ♡ pairings. svt hip hop unit x gn!reader. fluff. 0.8k wc. warnings: established relationship. ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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absentmindedly playing with your hands.
it’s no secret that seungcheol loves holding hands with you, but sometimes he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. when he’s talking to someone and you’re standing next to him, he’ll absentmindedly link pinky fingers with you and then eventually just take hold of your whole hand.
he does it often when he’s focused on other stuff, like if you’re watching a movie together. his eyes are fixed on the screen, but he has your hand in his, occasionally playing with your fingers or unconsciously drawing little patterns on your palm and stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
massages whenever you seem stressed.
it’s like cheol has a sixth sense for when you’re tired or upset. he’ll silently sit by your side or stand behind you and place his hands on your shoulders. he’s great at giving massages, strong fingers knowing exactly how to work the tension out of your skin. he’ll use just enough pressure to make it feel good, all the while carefully gentle— he’d never want to hurt you. once he’s done and you’re sighing contentedly, he’ll hug you, murmuring, “d’you feel better now, baby?"
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letting you have a bite of food he’s preparing.
mingyu loves cooking for you. it’s one of his love languages, and you’re always the first person to get a taste of whatever he’s making— he adores the sparkle in your eyes when you take a bite of something yummy. plus he’s a sucker for your praise, and can’t help but smile smugly when you compliment his food.
he’ll call you over to the kitchen and feed you some, blowing on it to cool it down. he asks you how it tastes, carefully holding a hand under your chin just in case something drips from the spoon. when you tell him it’s good, the obvious pride on his face makes you laugh and call him cute.
holding hands while walking.
it’s more than wanting other people to know you’re together. mingyu just likes the warmth of your hand in his. whenever you cross a road, he’ll make sure you’re holding hands, and if you’re in a crowded place together he’ll keep a firm grip on your fingers so you don’t get separated from him.
his favorite thing is taking walks in the park together, holding your hand in his and swinging them together as you walk. his natural body temperature is hotter than yours too, so if you say you’re cold he’ll immediately use his warm hands to heat you up.
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worrying about your safety.
one of wonwoo’s most endearing features is how he’s always watchful and attentive to you, pulling you to the side of the road when cars pass, picking cat hairs off your clothes or brushing a few stray crumbs from the corners of your lips.
in particular, he’s careful to make sure that you’re safe all the time. when he sees you stumble even slightly on a pavement crack, he’s reaching for you in panic, a hand outstretched, always ready to catch you if you fall.
sending you pictures throughout the day when you’re apart.
whether it’s a picture of a cute cat he saw at work, a café that he went to with his friends or even the pretty leaves adorning the trees during fall, wonwoo loves to share small things about his day with you.
especially if the two of you are apart, he likes to send you pictures as a reminder that he’s thinking about you. even if you can’t experience these moments together, he can at least share them with you, and he would love it if you did the same.
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unconsciously smiling whenever you smile.
even his friends have noticed how whenever you’re together, vernon’s eyes are always on you. watching you while you talk, eat, or simply do nothing— he can’t seem to be able to look away from you.
whenever you smile, the corners of his lips curve up into a smile too, fondness coloring his expression.
if the two of you are at a café with some friends, and you’re laughing at something they said, vernon will see you giggling and won’t even notice he’s started smiling too, his grin mirroring yours, until one of his friends teasingly points it out.
hugs from behind
vernon is quite comfortable when it comes to showing you physical affection. he likes being able to be in contact with you, even if it’s something small like having your shoulders touching or occasionally squeezing your hand.
his favorite thing to do is come up behind you and wrap his arms around you. he’ll simply hug you from behind and stand there, happy to have you in his arms, while you continue doing whatever you were doing. <3
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Protecting What’s His
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x reader (Bodyguard AU)
Word Count: 2,590
Summary: Bucky has been your bodyguard for some time now and it’s been hard to deny how badly you want him to be more than that. 
Author’s Note: All these new pics of long haired beefy Seb have got me thinking and I thought I’d try a crack at Bodyguard AU. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: flirty tension, some fluff, Bucky is a bit serious and grumpy but he’s soft, mention of s-c-ar-s, a moment of slight p-a-ni-c in the elevator 
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Bucky holds the door of the elevator open and motions for you to step inside. You walk in and plant yourself along the far wall. Once Bucky is inside he presses the button to close the door.
He dwarfs the entire elevator.
A heavy silence falls between you and your entire body zings with hyperawareness. You try to control your breathing so he won’t notice how affected you are but you’re already concerned it’s written all over your face.
It’s been several months since he’d started being your bodyguard and every one of them has been pure torture. Every inch of him is intimidating with his broad shoulders and thick biceps and legs that go on forever but it’s his eyes that really draw you in. A beautiful blue color like the ocean, framed by long, dark lashes and filled with a softness that contradicts everything about his physical presence.
As ex-military he’s more than qualified for the job and he takes it seriously. He seems to take everything seriously, that’s why making him smile has become one of your favorite pastimes.
As the elevator moves downward you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. His dark blue tailored suits fits perfectly, accentuating all of the aforementioned yummy parts of him.
“Did you enjoy the party?” you ask in a teasing voice.
He’s so focused on his job that you’ve rarely seen him indulge in any of the fun activities he escorts you to but this party had been particularly enjoyable.
His expression softens slightly and you even seen the corner of his mouth turn up.
“I had fun watching you have fun,” he states, matching your teasing tone.
You look up and grin at him.
His gaze turns intense once again as his eyes drop to your mouth.
You open your mouth to ask how come he didn’t even steal a glass of champagne to indulge when the elevator jolts, metal creaking and squeaking as it stops.
It throws you off balance and you fall back against the mirrored walls.
“Are you alright doll?” he asks as he reaches out a hand to steady you, his brow furrowed with concern.
A sliver of fear runs through you. “Are we stuck?”
He reaches over to press the ground floor button, and nothing happens. “I think so.”
Your eyes dart around the small space and you feel the tightness of anxiety starting to make your breathing difficult.
His eyes narrow and he pulls his cell phone from his pocket, quickly typing something.
“Oh no,” you whisper.
You start to feel light headed and your fingertips tingle as your panic increases.
“Doll face.”
Your chest heaves with your struggled breathing.
A large, warm hand settles on your bare back and you look up to find his head bent toward yours.
“Are you feeling claustrophobic?”
You nod rapidly.
“It’s ok,” he assures you, pulling you closer to his body. “Look at me. Keep your eyes on me.”
You do just that, imagining you’re sitting on the sand and staring out at the most beautiful ocean.
“Breathe in.” He takes a slow, easy breath in and the releases it. “Breathe out.”
You do the same.
“Keep doing that and stay focused on me. I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
His face is so close you can see every hair of his beard, even the gray ones. Your eyes drop to his mouth as you continue your slow breathing. You lick your lips and glance up at him, shocked to see his stare locked on your mouth.
Your breath hitches and you feel a new wave of tingles shoot across your skin.
He straightens. “Sit down.”
His command is blunt and quick.
“In this dress?”
At your bemused expression he unbuttons his suit jacket before holding out his hand for you.
You look down at it and slowly place your own in his. With your free hand you reach for the silky material of your dress and part it at the slit, exposing the skin of your leg. His grip on your hand tightens.
Your eyes fly to his before you carefully slide down the wall. He copies your action and leans back, his knees bent and his suit pants straining against the heavy muscle of his thighs.
“Better?” he asks.
“Yeah, thank you.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure this will get fixed soon,” he says assuredly.
“I hope we aren’t high up.”
Your words are slightly shaky and it looks as if he wants to reach out for you but thinks better of it before answering, “no, I think we’re just above the opening to the ground floor.”
You nod. “I guess you don’t have problems with confined spaces.”
“They don’t bother me,” he replies.
“I bet there isn’t much that does. Bother you, I mean?”
He turns his face to you and you study him as he answers, “not much.”
You feel a smile pulling at your mouth so you bite your bottom lip to stop it. His jaw tightens as the muscle ticks and he drops his eyes to your mouth again.
“What have you been reading lately?” he asks.
The question surprises you and now you can’t stop a full-on grin.
“Everything and anything,” you admit. “Mostly romance.”
“Is that your favorite…?”
Before you can answer his question his cell rings and he gives you a quick apologetic look before standing and answering it. After several nods and mumbled “okays,” he holds out his hand to help you stand.
“Thanks for calming me down,” you say before taking it. “I owe you a drink.”
His large and calloused fingers close around yours and he pulls you to your feet. At the same time the elevator jerks upward and you fall against his chest.
He catches you in his arms and you cling to him, startled, as you press yourself along his body.
His eyes drop to your mouth before he looks away.
“You don’t owe me anything doll,” he grumbles. “It’s my job.”
You’re about to respond that calming you down isn’t part on his bodyguard protocol but the elevator moves again and then the doors start to open. He releases you gently.
Two maintenance men stand outside with smiles.
Bucky gestures for you to step off first, and you do, smiling in thanks to the elevator mechanics. You turn to watch Bucky walk out and notice his eyes slide down your body before moving back up to your face.
“You good?” he asks.
“Yeah, fine now, thanks again.”
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“I don’t know why he’s keeping me at arm’s length,” you huff sullenly. “We’re both adults and I’ve seen the way he looks at me when he thinks I’m not paying attention.”
You drop your head to the table and groan.
“Maybe he’s worried he’ll lose his job?” Nat suggests as she sips her coffee. “I mean he shouldn’t be distracted…”
“I’m not a distraction!” you scoff. “It’s not like I’m going to try to seduce him while we’re out in public where there are threats…although…the thrill of public sex is…”
“Babe,” Nat admonishes but she can’t hide her smile.
You give her a sad face. “I want to climb this man like a tree.”
“Then just do it. The next time you have him alone. Do it. Make sure there’s no doubt he knows what you want.”
You give her a raise of your brow and take a sip of your coffee as you contemplate her advice then your lips turn up into a mischievous smirk. “I might just do exactly that.”
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“I really don’t feel like going to this party,” you admit as you sit in the passenger side of Bucky’s SUV. “I’d rather stay home.
Bucky’s gaze quickly flicks to you, his eyes running down your body before he focuses back on the road.
“I thought you liked these parties.”
“I do. But not all the time. Being home in pajamas is nice too.”
He nods in agreement.
“I don’t even like this dress that much. I’m not sure it suits me.”
You turn his way and note the white knuckled grip he has on the steering wheel.
“What do you think?” you ask.
“About?” he counters.
“My dress.”
“It’s fine,” he states.
Your mouth drops open with indignation but apparently he wasn’t done commenting.
“You always look perfect.”
“Thanks,” you whisper, looking away to hide your triumphant smile.
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“Bucky,” you say quietly as you walk up next to him. “I’m ready to go. My feet hurt and I’m kind of tired. Take me home.”
He nods as he stares at you.
You lean up to kiss his cheek, breaking him out of his trance. “Thank you.”
He gives you his arm and you wind yours through it, leaning into him as you walk toward the elevator.
“Not another elevator,” you mutter.
“We can take the stairs if you prefer,” Bucky offers. “It’s only two flights.”
You look down at your shoes, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. The action draws his attention to your mouth and you catch him staring. Again.
“What are the chances we’ll get stuck again?” you ask warily.
“Very unlikely,” he tells you with a soft smile.
He helps you into the car, the ride is mostly silent other than your few short questions and his even shorter answers.
“You know I never got to thank you with that drink,” you say when you pull up to your house.
“For what?” he asks, looking genuinely confused.
“For helping me in the elevator last week. If you hadn’t been there I’m not sure how bad it would have gotten.”
“Doll,” he starts. “It was nothing. I’m glad I could have been there to help. It’s all in a days work.”
You hold his gaze, shifting in your seat at its intensity. Your movement draws his eyes to your legs and you see heat replace some of the intensity.
He clears his throat. “Let me walk you to the door.” Without another word he gets out and rounds the SUV.
You try to hide your disappointment and take his outstretched hand, sliding from the seat. You stumble on your heel and your palms land flat on his broad chest just before he reaches out to steady you.
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I’m ready to be out of these shoes.”
He chuckles and waits until you’re steady on your feet once again. His hand rests on your lower back as you walk toward the door.
You’re not even half way up the walkway when the sky opens up and the rains starts. You screech and try to run but Bucky grabs you, motioning down to your shoes.
“Easy doll. Don’t want you taking a tumble.”
You cling to him as you move toward the porch, already soaking through.
“You can’t go home like this,” you tell him when you reach the door.
He looks down at his clothes, wet and sticking to his skin. “I’ll be fine doll face.”
“Bucky,” you sigh. “At least come in and dry off.”
The muscle in his jaw flexes as his eyes flicker to your body, your wet dress molded to every last curve.  When he meets your eyes again you startle at his expression. His blue eyes are darker and filled with hunger, something he does little to hide now.
You turn away, still unsure if he’s going to follow but then you feel his heat at your back as he comes inside and shuts and locks the door.
“Hang on. I’ll get some towels.”
Before bringing him the towels, you quickly peel off your dress, dry off and change. When you arrive back downstairs he’s standing in your foyer and trying to take off his suit jacket.
You giggle at the sight and rush over you help him pull off the sleeves, the material sticky from the rain.
“Thanks doll,” he murmurs as he takes the towel.
He begins to dry off, patting his shirt and running the towel over his hair.
“You need to take his off,” you tell him sternly then reach up to the buttons of his shirt. “I can put it in the dryer for you.”
He whispers your name, his eyes on your fingers as they slowly undo each button. You separate the sides of his shirt to reveal his skin, glistening from the wetness of the material.
You press your fingertips to the upper right side of his chest, touching a circular scar.
“Is this a bullet wound?” you ask, your voice thick with emotion.
“A sniper,” he answers quietly. “And not a very good one.”
“What do you mean?” you whisper, looking up into his eyes. “He shot you!”
“I’m sure he was aiming for my head.”
He says it so casually, but the thought makes you feel sick.
You swallow hard, your fingers trembling as you move them lower, trailing them across a large gash that runs over his ribs.
“And this?”
“Bar fight. Some assholes like to pick fights with soldiers.”
“It looks bad.”
“Yeah, it wasn’t pretty. But I survived.”
Your fingers move over his cool skin, his abdominals flexing under your touch as you slide them lower, through the dark trail of hair that disappears into his pants.
“Doll?” he growls, gently grabbing your wrist.
You wrench your eyes away from his body and look up at him in surprise.
“I…” you start, “I’m sorry. It’s just…I want….”
“This isn’t a good idea,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Why not?” you counter, wanting to pout like a child.
You must be doing just that because he lifts his free hand and brushes his thumb across your lower lip before he traces the curve of your jaw.
“I can’t do my job properly if all I can think about is getting my mouth and hands on you. I need to keep you safe.”
His words are pained and you can see the war in his eyes.
“But there are no threats right now. It’s just you and I, safe at home.”
He’s still holding your wrist and you slip free of his grasp, taking his hand in yours and placing it just above the neckline of your tank top.
“Touch me Bucky. Please.”
You leave his hand there and lift yours to push his shirt from his shoulders. You have to tug the wet material off his arms but once he’s free of it you let your fingertips ghost along his skin, goosebumps forming in their wake.
“Doll,” he pleads, his eyes closing.
When you reach the button of his pants you toy with it before deftly popping it open. His arousal strains hard against the fabric and you suck in a breath.
He finally stirs, his eyes opening and focusing all their intensity on you and the path of his hand across your collarbone.
His calloused fingertips are feather light as they slide along your shoulder until they trace along the column of your throat. His large hand closes around the back of your neck and he tilts your head back, dragging you into his chest.
He dips his head, his lips hovering just above yours as he whispers, “if we do this…”
“Yes,” you breathe out, your eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks.
“You need to know something doll.”
His nose bumps yours as he brushes it over your skin, his lips moving to shell of your ear.
“What?” you gasp, your nails digging into his chest.
“You belong to me now.”
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@book-dragon-13 @goldylions @hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @lookiamtrying @late-to-the-party-81 @laineyreads @justkinsey @beccablogsthings @flordeamatista @sstan-hoe @littleseasiren @blackwidownat2814​ @buckysdollforlife​
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multidxni · 2 years
but "just friends" don't look at each other like that
pairing: Hyunjin x fem!reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers
warnings: none, just a lot of kissing, kinda making out in the end
summary: Hyunjin comes over to help you with your homework, but you end up completely forgetting about it
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Hyunjin is a very good friend. An amazing one, something which makes this so much more difficult for you to shut down or ignore your feelings for him.
How can you possibly not fall for him when he's always. Always there for you, with you.
How can you stop thinking about him after he leaves, when he lets you cry on your favorite shirt of his, completely ruining it, telling you it's going to be just fine with that soft, calming voice.
How can you not imagine how it would be like to be more than just friends when he's so, so perfect.
Even his imperfections seem to be perfect and he makes everything look so easy.
You can't help but miss him when he's gone, you can't even stand a day without him being around.
Sighing, you finish your cup of tea, placing it down, when your phone vibrates on the mini table of your living room.
"Hello?" You pick up, not looking at the display.
"Y/n, hey! Are you busy?" Hyunjin asks enthusiastically.
"Hyunjin, hi." You smile. "No, not at all, what's up?"
"Guess what?" He also smiles.
"What?" You bite your lip, a habit you picked up while talking to him.
You love it when he calls you randomly, just when you don't expect it.
"I got some yummy, fancy food. And your favorite wine. Are you free?" He says full of hope to see you again, the last time he saw you last weekend feeling so far away.
You want to scream "yes" in happiness, but then remember you have a homework you still haven't finished and got to study for the next exam too.
"That sounds amazing Hyunjin. But I have so much to study, I don't know how I'll make it to be honest." Your voice breaking, your disappointment and discouragement are obvious to him.
"Hey...it's okay." He knows you're about to cry. He knows you so well even through a call.
"I'll help you study. Then we eat together, what do you say? Hmm?" He suggests.
"Okay but...it's a lot Hyunnie, you better hurry." You let out a small chuckle, wanting to hug him so tight.
"I'm on my way cutie." He laughs silently hanging up.
You smile, spreading your books and highlight pens on the table, as you wait for him.
He always knows what to say or do to make you feel better. To make you feel special.
After a few minutes you hear a knock on the door. You rush to open it and reveal a tall, black hoodie dressed Hyunjin, with boxes of food in his hands, along with your favorite Rosé wine.
Your eyes soften at the sight of him, smiling so brightly at you.
You take one of his boxes from his hands and bury your face in his chest, hugging him tight, arms wrapping around his neck.
He chuckles in your hair, breathing in.
You can't help but stand up on your feet and press a light kiss on his cold cheek.
"Thank you Hyunjinnie." You say, stepping aside to let him walk inside your apartment.
"Something is different in here." He notices looking around.
"Yeah...can you guess what?" You smile walking into the kitchen with the food, sitting down on your bar chairs.
"Y/n..." He says in a serious tone as you look at his face.
His eyes light up with a new, completely unknown emotion to you.
"You hung up my drawings...even framed them, really?" The look on his face is so soft, you think you're going to start crying.
"Yeah...I just love your drawings. Also I painted the walls a different color and..." You shrug. "I don't know, I just felt that it really matches it and the atmosphere."
He stays quiet, starring at you for a couple of seconds, but then comes closer to you.
And man, your heart is skipping so many beats at once, is this even possible?
"Hyunjin...if you don't want it I'll put them awa-"
And then, he kisses you.
Places his lips on yours, not even moving them. Just holding them there. When he pulls away, way too quickly by the way, your legs suddenly become like jelly. Heart beating so fast, you fear he can hear it too.
It happened so fast, it was almost like just two seconds.
Your mouth hangs open now, the feeling of his lips still on yours.
When you don't have the power or idea to say something, he apologizes, looking away in shame, his ears and cheeks turning pink.
You think you're going to throw up eventually, the emotions overwhelming you.
"Don't. Don't apologize." You simply say, embarrassment making your cheeks become a bright shade of red.
"I just kissed you, oh God, it's not okay." He panics and you pray he doesn't regret it.
"But Hyunjin. I liked it..." You let out, now looking at the ground. Playing with the rings on your fingers, the long shirt you're wearing, anything.
When you say that he looks at you in surprise almost, exhaling.
"I just...I'm sorry it was so sudden." He pauses. "I'm such an idiot."
"You're my favorite idiot then." You hear yourself say, locking eyes with him for what feels like the first time after the kiss.
He's so pretty, all blushy like that, his lips swollen.
"It means a lot to me." He chuckles. "Also the way you hung up my drawings...thank you." He says looking you in the eyes.
"You're so passionate about the things you do...so delicate. I just find you really..." You can't find the right words to tell him.
"Perfect." You look up and feel your cheek burn like they never did before. Are you having a fever?
His eyebrows furrow together in a soft 'aww' way.
"I find you really perfect too." He smiles, finding your hands, holding them into his big ones.
He smells so good and you suddenly want him close. Need to feel him close.
"Hug me." You whisper looking at the way he holds your hands, brushing over your fingers with his thumb.
"Anything for you." He whispers back and it's so romantic that you can't help but melt into his large arms, and oversized, good smelling hoodie.
You're addicted to him, the way he looks, behaves, the way he is with you, how he smells...you're in love with everything he is.
"I love you." You let out, not caring about anything anymore, because you never needed anyone more than you need him right now.
"I love you too." He places kisses on your head and forehead and you think if you could die from feeling so full of love for someone, you would definitely die on the spot.
Still holding him in your arms, caressing his back, you look up to see him already looking at you.
"Can I kiss you? Just making sure I won't scare you away this time." He laughs, now holding your chin.
You nod, smiling.
Everything seems to be so easy with Hyunjin. It's like you're made for each other.
"The food is cold now." You say sadly after the kiss.
"Really? That's all you care about right now?" He looks at you with one of his judging faces.
"Hyunjinnnn, we have so much to do." You say, fake crying.
"We have timeee." He assures you, sitting down to open the boxes.
You sit down next to him, admiring his side profile.
"I have an idea." You suddenly say, standing up.
You bring some good smelling candles lighting them up, placing two big glasses for the wine on the table too.
"This is so romantic." He compliments, loving every second of it.
You look satisfied with your work and as you see the tteokbokki with extra cheese, your mouth waters.
"Oh God." You groan just looking at it.
"Indeed." He agrees. "Bon Appétit, mon amour." He says in a fake french accent and you laugh it off, saying the same.
You eat in silence, a few things such as "it's so good" and "thank you hyunjin", the only sentences spoken.
When you finish eating he opens the bottle of wine, with a bow.
"For you madame." He pours into the glass with so much elegance you can't help but think again, he really is perfect.
"For the lucky boyfriend." He pretends to talk to someone, bowing again. "Oh wait that's me." He quickly moves on the chair pretending to thank the waiter (who is also him).
You laugh so much your tummy hurts.
He loves to make you laugh, loves to hear your laugh.
"Are you my boyfriend?" You ask as he puts the bottle away.
"Well...are you my girlfriend?" He asks instead, smirking.
"Hyunjin-ah!~" You say tired of the playing.
"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me? Yes or yes? There's only one correct answer." He smiles like he said the most logical thing on earth.
You raise an eyebrow smirking. "Are you proposing to me, or asking me to be your girlfriend, Mr. Hwang?" You joke back.
"Both." He says with an eye smile.
"Anyways, yes." You shrug, ignoring his comment, drinking your wine unbothered.
He laughs again, and you want to learn lots of jokes to hear that sound again and again.
"Yes to what?" He raises his eyebrows like he's in shock. "Just kidding."
You push his shoulder and smile, while once again admiring his handsome face.
Taking your hand while holding his glass of wine in the other, he leads you to the balcony.
You didn't realize it already got late, but you're glad it did, because you hope he'll want to spend the night with you.
Looking at the night sky full of stars, you decide Hyunjin is still your favorite thing to look at.
Taking the almost finished drink from your hands, he sets it down on a small table next to him, along with his.
He holds your waist closer, pulling you into his chest, holding you close again.
"Don't ask me anymore if you want to kiss me again." You say when he stares at your lips.
He nods, kissing you for the 3rd time tonight, but this is the first time he holds your face, waist, and kisses you so deeply, full of passion.
"You're my favorite person." He whispers in your ear, brushing your hair away from your face.
The wind is blowing, and it's really cold, but he makes you feel so warm, it's insane.
"You're mine too." You say finding yourself holding his face close, putting your lips on his again.
His kisses are like drugs and you end up wanting more of them. More of him. All of him.
You end up kissing on your way out of the balcony. Then on the way to your room and finally on your bed, where it gets more intense.
He kisses you like he never gets enough, just like you.
"You're so beautiful." He says when kissing your shoulders and collarbones, neck and jaw, then lips again.
"Hyunjin." You sigh, throwing your head back, when he sucks on a certain spot on your neck.
"Hmmm." He says satisfied when he hears you squirm under him.
"Oh God, Hyunjin." You exhale, as he presses his knee between your legs.
Pulling his hair, you can't get enough of the feeling of his lips on you.
"What do you want me to do?" He asks, still kissing your neck.
"A lot of things... But for now just please... kiss me more." You tell him, holding his face in your hands.
"Where do you want me to kiss you, my princess?" He seductively looks at you.
"Anywhere, everywhere." You let out, pulling his face closer to yours.
Kissing him, you know that is a thing you'll certainly miss when he's not gonna be around.
"We have time the whole night, love." He whispers.
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viburnt · 7 months
Some Hawks thoughts:
Keigo playing in rain puddles and drawing with crayons.
—Do you have those scented markers? The fruity ones.— He asks, laying on his tummy as he keeps coloring the drawing you printed for him. It was a racing car, he picked it himself.
You kneel to pass him a can full of markers.
— Here! You are doing a good job, Kei. That car looks very fast!
Keigo buying another Endeavor doll and all the stuffed animals his heart desires.
—How many squishmallows are too many squishmallows?— He asks, laying on a pile of pastel colored plushies. You laugh, joining him between the soft cushioned toys.
—Never enough! Do you wish to get another one?
—Can we? I'm missing a cow.— He says excitedly. You just nod and pat his head.
— Mamma is gonna get you a cow then.
Keigo staying up all night watching cartoons and reading comics.
— Kei, I got you season one and two of Adventure time. Do you need a drink? Want some blankets?— You offer, watching the pro-hero cuddling in the couch as his eyes drink every detail of his current favorite show.
—Do you think you could sit with me?— He says, patting the seat by his side. —I wanna watch this with you.
He fell asleep after finishing the whole season.
Keigo dressing up for Halloween and trick or treating with you.
—You look adorable, Kei! Want me to take your picture?— You say, holding the camera.
He decided to dress as Endeavor for Halloween, his wings carefully decorated with paper flames.
— Do you think it's OK?— He mutters a little insecure. — You know how media can be.
You kissed his cheek tenderly.
— We are doing this for you though, not for them.
Keigo eating chips and playing with “kid toys” when he is bored.
—What the hell is a fidget spinner?— Hawks says, licking of the cheesy Cheeto dust that had stuck to his fingers.
You lazily look at him, and type the name of the toy on your phone.
—Something like this. You place it between your fingers and simply make it spin.
—What? That simple? It doesn't sound very entertaining. — He remarks, munching on his second bag of chips.
— It can be for a while. Wanna try?
Keigo learning current slang and allowing himself to listen to popular music.
— What's updog? — Keigo says, making you snort.
He wonders why you are laughing, confusing your reaction with slight mockery.
— Hey, don't me mean. I'm asking because a kid said to me today.
— What. Is. Up. Dog.
—Oh- Oh, fuck- Does that mean rizz is also a joke or something?
Keigo being a person instead of a hero, picking up on your habits and implementing them as his own.
— What are you doing?
—Putting fries on my ice cream, it's yummy.
Keigo looks a little grossed out by your dessert arrangement but decides to give it a try anyways.
—Holy crap, you're right! It does taste good.
—Show me your secrets-
Wow, Keigo being enamored with life, being enamored with you.
—We should get married.
—We are already married, Kei.
—We should get married twice then.
Like my content? Comment and follow! The feedback encourages me.
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favoritedreams · 10 months
𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒-𝐴 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑜 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠
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𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝐝𝐨 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 , 𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒂 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌. 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇. 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝟏𝟎 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞.
Reset day - A day to just relax & sleep in let’s take back the word of being “ lazy ” it’s ok to be just that for a day.
Go shopping - Who doesn’t like a little bit of retail therapy , you don’t have to buy anything expensive.
Movie night - watch any movie you desire , who cares if you watched that movie a thousand of times.
Bake - Bake something sweet , fulfill your sweet tooth.
Go out and take pictures - Don’t miss out on golden hour , you know ur best angles anyways!
Dress up - Go out and look good for the day , run errands looking your best. You’re beautiful!
Draw/Color - Even if you can’t it’s relaxing , you’ll make any picture look beautiful.
Have a picnic- Even if it’s just in your backyard. Grab some snacks , bake , and cook a few little yummy dishes and relax bring any electronics to entertain yourself.
Make a scrape book - Collect your memories from these solo dates and make your own scrapbook to look back on your own beautiful memories.
Spa day- Go get your nails done , take a bubble bath , do an in-depth skin care routine , put on a facial mask & wear silk pajamas or robe .
…𝑇���𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑
Follow @favoritedreams for more ♡︎
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Ok, I'm in a better place this evening, so I am ready to post about the good things. Today was alright, but I had my moments of not being ok. I did something hard, something outside my comfort zone, but I also had a pretty intense anxiety attack, and struggled to bounce back. So here are my good things from today and yesterday:
Going to the color guard training yesterday, I got to hang with my coworker that I like (in the car) and we had a really good time.
Yesterday, I made a yummy minestrone type dish out of old soup.
Yesterday I was talking to my boss and she was like, hey, if HR wants to make up new rules and not tell anybody until we break them, I'll have your back, which was really nice of her.
Moving into today, I had some yummy coconut shrimp and mango.
I managed to salvage most of a package of cherry tomatoes that I thought all of them had gone bad.
I went to my friend's bridal shower. While it was uncomfortable at times, I'm really glad that I pushed myself to go, and that I did not leave early. I also managed to put something that was causing me anxiety beforehand mostly out of my mind during the activity.
I did some DIY art therapy (visual journaling/emotion drawing on the floor) tonight and that was good.
Also! I have done journaling like four times this week and that is wild because I have never been a journal-er. Perhaps I'm turning into a journal writer who can stop pestering her friends about her problems and just write them to deal on my own.
Lastly, but certainly not least-ly, I am alive. I am still going and plan to keep going. I think a lot about the song Harmony Hall, and this phrase echos in my mind:
"I don't want to live like this. But I don't want to die."
This has kept me going before. It just speaks to me, like a lot of music. I take so much meaning from the songs I listen to. And if it's a song lyric that makes me feel seen, well I guess that's what it is.
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rednleafff · 10 months
So I just noticed something
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The more pink yummi gets, the more she forget herself and forget where she came from.
It kinda sounds like my sona but she doesn't get more pink and forget herself and forget where she came from, shes just normal.
I dont post yet but I already plan what power my sona will have
This is what my sona look like
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(Art belongs to @/theserpentsnight btw, I cant draw yet 😔)
Her power is similar like the kraang but instead of pink tentacles or whatever its called, its pink crystals
Her powers can spread to anything and even people. If you're wondering what happens to the people, well they're dead. Her crystals can be any size, so her crystals can be inside the people and crush their inside 🙂. oh and her horns are edible, I think it will taste like rock candies and it can re-grow but it takes 10 minutes. She can also make the pink crystals as claws.
so, im imagining yummi (kraang or just her normal self) interacting with my sona. My sona will absolutely like yummi, why? Because if she meets someone like the color pink like her, she will instantly like the person
Sorry, if it's long as hell. I just kinda want to info-dump about my sona to someone, I guess?
They sound really cool 😌
I like the crystal aesthetic a lot-! I used to have an oc with similar powers- really cool 👌🏻
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(Post Kraang arc - which is the main story line of my AU sort of)
Yummi doesn’t really forgets things when she’s in Kraang form- she was forced to forget will be more accurate-
I just don’t want to give away to much of the story eheh
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craftycoola · 5 months
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Happy NYE/NY everyone!
Because 'tis the season for reflection, I went through my camera roll and picked out the 9 projects from this year that I'm proudest of.
(We all know what posts from this year got the most online attention, but I think it's important to be introspective and think about what projects and posts were actually most valuable to me. Anyways. /soapbox)
Swan Song Scarf (Jasmine Lin, Crafty Coola). This is my design, and although I released it a good while ago, I'm still incredibly proud of it. I spent a lot of time sketching, charting, knitting, ripping back... it was a labor of love, but I'm proud that I stuck with it and got a result I'm happy with. Yarn: Miss Babs Yummy 2-Ply (World in a Book and Light Clematis)
Woodland Cardigan (Anna Johanna, Where We Once Knitted). This was my first time steeking, and yeah, I'm pretty gosh-darned proud of that. Yarn: Knit Picks Palette (Wonderland Heather and Calypso Heather)
Anza Dress (Kennis Wong, Itch to Stitch). This was my first time installing buttons, making (sewn) buttonholes, using interfacing (...don't judge me), and sewing scoop pockets. So many new techniques for me, but it created such a polished product and was an excellent learning opportunity. I'm so glad I took the leap with this pattern. Fabric: Singer Brand Cotton Poplin (2 yards)
Color Triangle (p: do you love the color of the sky?). This was my first time using powdered acid dye (read: Big Girl Dye instead of tie-dye/Rit/food coloring)! Obviously the whole color-formulating process for the Color of the Sky shenanigans remains in progress, but I'm proud of this triangle as it is anyways. Fiber: Knit Picks Stroll Bare, Dye: G&S Acid Dyes
Custom Intarsia Blanket. This depicts DNA replication using restriction enzymes and DNA ligase. I did this one for a custom commission, and I'm proud of myself for a) designing it, b) being so free with it, and c) getting to make something science-y! I sketched a rough plan before beginning, but I had to make an absurd amount of adjustments along the way -- in the end, I even had to duplicate stitch over the restriction enzyme bit with a half-strand (i.e. half the plies) of yarn since the stash yarn was too fine. I'm so used to planning everything and then being stubborn; this was a great exercise in adaptability and letting go.
Elderberry Dress (Shavonne Cruz, Mood Sewciety). I'm not one to do muslins or even much fitting on my sewing projects. I tend to just take patterns straight out of the envelope and then sew them, consequences be damned. This dress, though? After each wear, I've been making little adjustments to improve it; shaping the neckline and adjusting the fit, amongst other things. That's something I want to carry forward for my future projects.
Eliane Scrubs (Jalie). These aren't anything particularly special from a technical perspective, but they are possibly my most-worn me-made EVER. They've held up to weekly wear and washing and I'm proud of them for that, as well as of myself for letting my babies "do their job" instead of hiding them way out of fear. Fabric: cotton poplin
Fractal Yarn (p: swirling solar winds). I spun most of this for Tour de Fleece (which feels like a lifetime ago!) and it's a huge accomplishment for me. I'm often afraid to break down gradient braids, so doing a fractal spin was a first for me! I also got it nice and fine; a practical weight for what I usually work with. Fiber: Emily C Gillies (now House of Wool) Luck of the Draw December 2022 on Merino/Silk
Handspun Sweater (p: we pull apart the stars). Ok, so this isn't finished, but handspun sweater. I think that speaks for itself as far as why I'm proud!
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elysiuminfra · 7 months
any more thoughts on color symbolism to share?
i have so many. let me reveal my hand for but a moment
there’s reoccurring colors i use in palettes a lot (greens, reds, a Specific shade of pink, oranges) that are significant to me.
in regards to amphimal related stuff, i typically associate greens with artificiality / façades, danger or even snakes in my head. it’s also associated with arsenic, which was used in green dye in the early to mid 1800s. scheele’s green fell out of favor around the 1860s, years before amphimal takes place, but it sticks out to me a lot. a poison was used for fashion, wallpaper, and so many other things.
with red it’s all about the flesh, muscle, viscera. i LOVE vibrant reds because they invoke such a feeling of rawness. of fresh meat. it’s a very human color. all our insides are shades of red and pink. some organs aren’t but for the most part it’s red in there. it’s a very loud color, it’s bold, and i use it a normal amount. it’s my favorite color :)
there’s a specific shade of reddish pink that I’ve used in my art for years and years now that’s the LOUD color. it’s the LOOK HERE color. it’s just light enough that it’s not quite as natural. it’s always represented something unnatural to me, something off putting. but it’s never used for realism. i draw hyde with that pink shade in his iris a lot, but that’s not his eye color. it’s naturally blue, but you’re looking at him from his own perspective when it shows up. it’s the color of hallucinations to me
and orange….. orange is all about life and vibrancy. my favorite fruits are orange. my favorite foods are orange. orange is a tasty color. it’s yummy on the eyes. it’s the color of excitement and energy for me. it’s my year of orange
there’s other colors I think about a lot, like blue (grief, water, underground, silence) purple (nobility, strangeness, connection) black (sleek, elegant, shrouded in intrigue) and white (death)
ive rambled on long enough but I hope this makes sense. i think about colors a normal amount and i try to be very purposeful with my palettes. there’s always some kind of meaning in there
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awesomedurraworld · 2 months
Saw littlewitchbee do this tag game and i thought it was super fun! And since i was bored i thought I'd jump ane do it ( even if i wasn't tagged 🌚)
are you named after anyone?
I wasn't named after anyone, but I was named after a very important elemant in my parents’ wedding! A gem that my dad gifted my mom 🫶🏻
when was the last time you cried?
Yesterday’s night actually haha, i was having very emotional thoughts while i was reading a fic. But the real strong was... Good3 week-ish ago?
do you have kids?
No kids yet, or even a man to have kids with 😩 But! I am so excited to have tiny babies to love and grow
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Unfortunately ( or fortunately.) no, haha. I wish i was quick to make up sarcastic comments but i am not, and even slower when it comes to understanding them, tho i am starting to be quick 😌
what sports do you play?
No sports, but i do like working out even if i haven't done that in a while ( oops.)
what's the first thing you notice about people?
Their smile and aura. Always.
what's your eye color? Same color as tree logs and yummy chocolate
scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way, or bittersweet endings as well. I just need to feel satisfied and good after I watch a show’s final or a movie
any special talents?
Hmm.. Nothing that comes to mind sadly no haha, but i do have those mom’s special powers when you lose something or can't find it, i probably can find it
where were you born? At an pretty oasis, next to the sea ❤️
what are your hobbies?
Drawing, coloring, crafting with paper and writing. I picked up cleaning recently as well as make up so that is fun! I also love reading And being part of different clubs hehe
do you have pets?
Yep! Two Zerba birds that are in love, Berries and Cute 💛
how tall are you?
I barely am 5”2 💅🏻
favorite subject in school?
I loved every single one- but my top must be, world history, psychology, English and biology
dream job?
I wanted to work with children, either a physical therapist, speaking therapist, or just your normal therapist, but now i am taking a different path in life and can't wait to share it with you when i am ready ❤️
and yes! I guess you got to know more about me 🥰 Lets tag the lovely @justanotherinterneruser @wakkoroni and @user-needs-a-username
Everyone is free to tag me when they do theirs, and you definitely can join us even if you weren't tagged 💋
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imu-chan · 1 year
Tsutako is the water hashira au + Kyojuro is the therapy dog of the hashira au COMBINE!
Side note:
In this au, Tsutako, Sabito, and Kanae are all alive :)
- Urokodaki swoops in at the last second to save the Tomioka siblings from demons
- he thus takes them in, along with his newest trainee, Sabito :)
- Tsutako does later get married to her fiancé and has a baby right before she becomes an official demon slayer
- in like three or four years she becomes the water hashira, with Sabito as her tsuguko
- also Giyuu definitely has martial arts training in this au he’s just not a demon slayer
- he probably hung out with the butterfly girls as a teen, and is friends with Kocho ofc
- lmao Kanae and Sanemi are engaged and Sanemi probably doesn’t hate Giyuu in this au because he’s not a hashira
-since he hangs out at the mansion, Giyuu’s got some medical training as well, and probably spends most of his time taking care of poor/orphaned children whose families were victimized by demons
- eventually the Kamado siblings come along
- maybe halfway through Tanjiro’s training, (I’m guessing Giyuu is 19/20) Tsutako loses a pregnancy and has to take some time off to recover
- cue therapy dog rengoku!!!!!! This is probably not too long after he became a hashira
- Kyojuro probably writes a letter to Sabito first, just to ask what kind of stuff Tsutako likes
- he be like care package!!!! Blankets!!!! good books!!!! yummy snacks!!!!! maybe a candle or something????
- Senjuro adds a cool drawing of a bird
- So Kyojuro heads off to the water estate in his regular clothes, and probably meets Tanjiro or Urokodaki outside training
- I think Tsutako would drag the whole family to live with her and her husband/kid because it’s probably a big estate
- so Urokodaki initially is like ‘¿¿¿rengoku???’ And Kyojuro does his big laugh and is like ‘please, Rengoku is my father. I’m kyojuro, the new flame Hashira’
- Tanjiro thinks he’s SO COOL (because of course he does) and is like ‘I’ll show you around and take you to Tsutako’ except he ofc doesn’t tell him the truth about Nezuko
- ‘what’s wrong with your sister?’ ‘Uh she’s nocturnal’
- Tsutako is happy to see Kyojuro, and has a nice long vent sesh with him while Tanjiro goes back to training
- anyways so Rengoku eventually goes to leave before it gets too late, and Tanjiro is walking him to the door when
- BOOM who walks around the corner holding a baby and knocks right into Kyojuro? You guessed it my mans Giyuu
-he’s holding his niece btw who he JUST got to settle down
- so he’s trying to make sure nothing wakes her up so he isn’t looking where he’s going
- and BAM
- thankfully Kyojuro catches him just in time
- Tanjiro snatched the child because he wants to put her to bed
- but Giyuu is flabbergasted by this strange, flame-colored man holding him at the waist
- Kyojuro doesn’t even realize he’s also staring until Tsutako’s husband walks by and clears his throat loudly, startling the two apart
- Giyuu shows Kyojuro the way out, but extends an invitation to join the family for dinner in a week or so if he wants as a thank you
- Kyojuro accepts with a smile, which makes Giyuu short circuit
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revivemyreverie · 5 months
Hii, congrats on reaching another of your milestone goals! How've you been doing? I wanted to say something but you can skip this if this makes you uncomfortable or oversteps boundaries.
It's been awhile since I last visited ur blog, but DAMN—UR ART JUST KEEPS EVOLVING!!! I said this in a previous ask, but your colors holds both vibrancy yet natural flow that draws attention to the focal point but also gives love to the details (especially w/lighting and shadows (Caldera's fire glow effect still lives rent free in my head, but I also saw PL cards and THE SMOOTH SHINE OF LOTISE AND LUCERO'S HAIR THAT'S JUST ADDS DEPTH&CONTRAST TO THE BACKGROUND, THE SUBTLE GLOW OF THEIR EYE CLOSETS(probably saturation but it's making me feral) HOW THE SATURATION OF COLORS DON'T CLASH BUT WORK PERFECTLY TOGETHER AND STILL DRAW DISTINCT ATTENTION TO THE SCENE AND THE DETAILS—)). The way you draw characters, I feel like there is a lot more flexibility and freedom in dynamically angles and posing for them! I still feel a lot of anime nostalgia but also a uniqueness in how aesthetic shows up in design (toytoria dorm room has roblox royal high nostalgia for me hsksj). THAT COMIC YOU POSTED FOR TOYTORIA ANNIVERSARY THO, THE FLOW OF THE COMIC IS JUST INCREDIBLY WELL DONE!!! It really does feel like a small glimpse into a natural interaction between characters. For characters, I unfortunately am not up to date but from what I've so far, ur characters are expressive in this dynamic way that comes across so well when writing dialouge or from their perspective. I feel like your sense of direction w/the lore you want to establish is even more refined and I think you do a mind-blowing job in conveying it (show don't tell vibe). I still enjoy and look forward to seeing how chaotic and mentally ill/j you make ur characters. I'm extremely elated to see just how much you've grown despite not knowing the full picture.
I apologize for the lengthy ramble and the suddenness of this, and I understand if I am being overly familiar. Don't forget to take a break and rest + hydrate and eat—your health comes first!
Hope your week is good to you!!!
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WAA im surprised u noticed the details in my rendering that i threw into the playful land cards😭 im ngl i was playing around with the add/glow layer on it FOREVER lmao. That and well. ya my old Caldera sprites rlly helped me get a hold on lighting AKDSJHAHJDJH. IM HAPPY THAT YOU FIND MY WORK SO VIBRANT YET HARMONIC.... the flexible comment too...just this whole ask AUGH CRIES
You'd be right on the Roblox Royale High part IUKASDJHJAS i still play it...it still leaks into my designs....BUT TEEHEE it becomes a nice aesthetic as u said!!! AND MY COMIC AUGHHHHHHHH TYSM.....im so picky with my comics and their dialogue in fear ill b messing up the whole vibe SO IM HAPPY MY FLOW IS WORKING WELL ATM!!!! SAME FOR SHOW/DONT TELL i consider that 2 b like. one of the major requirements in any sort of storytelling💀THEN ITS NOT YUMMY YK??
TY AGAIN FOR SUCH A NICE COMMENT...holds it like its my newborn😭😭😭 DONT APOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTH ILL EAT IT UP NONETHELESS. i hope ur week goes well too!!!
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Absolutely amazing. It could not be more perfect.
I’m gonna headcanon that Camila’s reaction to seeing Luz’ little ”Hi! I’m bi!” drawing was to respond with a ”Hi Bi, I’m mom!”
(as none of you may remember, I did say that I had an idea for something I’d do for this moment. I was gonna do another Engelsofors quote ((the scene where Vanessa tells her mom that she’s dating Linnéa, which effectively doubles as her coming out as bi))… but looking at the actual scene, it really wasn’t as funny as I remembered it as, soooo… i’m just not gonna do it)
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I love this screenshot, it looks like the other palismen think Flapjack has gone crazy. By the Titan! He’s pecking at the floor! What new spore of madness is this!?
Seeing all the palismen together like this does remind me of one of the predictions I was going to make in that post I was supposed to post before this liveblog but never did.
Assuming that Philip (what’s left of him anyway) still has enough of his mind left to form coherent thoughts and plans, his first priority will likely be to regain some of his strength. And would you look at that, there we have four yummy palismen ready to be cracked open like some radioactive coconuts. Even if he wasn’t seeking revenge on the kids (which he most certainly will be doing), those palismen alone are enough of a motivation for him to show up and cause trouble.
Now, I’m not sure what exactly he could do to cause trouble, but I’m sure he’ll find a way.
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Amity. Sweetie. Luz already loves you. You do not need to try this hard.
Hm… can I wring some symbolic meaning out of these outfits? Of course I can. Observe:
Gus At first glance, it’s easy to conclude that Gus probably just picked out what he thought looked cool and that’s most likely the case. But you’ll notice that out of the four newcomers to the Human Realm, he’s the one who’s got the most ”normal” outfit. Which makes sense. His knowledge of the Human Realm has often been played for laughs, but he’s still very passionate and interested in everything human. And his stated wish back in Hunting Palismen was to become an ambassador to the Human Realm. With this in mind, it makes sense he’d try to assemble what might be considered a ”normal” human outfit, to blend in and show respect for the human culture.
Willow Seeing as there is no flyer derby in the Human Realm, it seems Willow opted for the next best thing and is trying her hand at roller derby (which, fun fact, the only reason I know that sport exists is thanks to a Steven Universe fanfic I read years ago). Despite her threatening pose with her hands balled up into fists and the intimidating spikes on her helmet, she is still smiling brightly and her outfit is brightly colored. Willow is at heart a very caring and kind individual, but when need be, she can be tough and powerful, This is a theme we’ve seen repeated several times with her character.
Amity The events of Clouds on the Horizon saw Amity more or less disowning her mother (take note of the absence of Odalia in the drawing of her family in one of the previous shots*). There wasn’t much time to process the meaning of that at the time, since they were a bit busy dealing with the end of the world and everything. Now, however, Amity is finally free of her mother’s overly controlling attitude and enters her rebellious edgy phase. These are all likely clothes Amity would not be allowed to wear if Odalia had a say in the matter. ”Ripped jeans? Not in this household, young lady!”
(*speaking of the previous shots, before I forget… when the mutant rat from Yesterday’s Lie bursts through the board, we can briefly see Hunter’s hands without any gloves. I’m fairly certain that’s the first time. I didn’t notice any scars)
The hat looks familiar to me. Is there a character in one of the Mario games that wears a hat like that?
Hunter Sorta similar to Amity, but even worse, Hunter likely never had any say in what kinds of clothes he got to wear growing up. Having been raised the way he was, he likely has no real grasp of what his own identity is (no doubt made worse by the grimwalker revelation and finding out he’s a clone). Thus, he can’t really express himself through his clothing the same way the other kids can. But one thing he does realize is how large part of him Flapjack has become. Flapjack, in many ways, has become a part of Hunter and a fundamental piece of his identity. Flapjack is symbolic of Hunter beginning to stray from the path created for him by Belos and him eventually breaking free of his control to become his own person.
That’s why he’s dressed as a giant red chicken.
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And Vee coming in with her new form as well! I don’t even care that I was spoiled on her new look, I’m just so happy to see my snake daughter thriving.
Speaking of which, there is a noticeable difference between Vee’s Luz form and her new form. The difference in appearance is obvious, but if we look at this before and after, we can see some important differences in how she carries herself.
Luz!Vee still looks a bit timid and with a very neat appearance, much like how we saw her in Yesterday’s Lie. In her new form, she looks a lot more confident and her clothes & hair are a lot less neat and picture perfect. Her eyes and hair are also closer to her eyes and hair* in her basilisk form. She’s still disguising herself as a human, but it’s closer to the real her. In some ways, I think Vee has become herself.
(*well… reptiles don’t have hair. It’s as ridiculous as feathers on a mammal. Maybe the ”hair” basilisks have are closer to the pycnofibres you’d find on pterosaurs)
(i am honestly surprised at how good this edit turned out. especially seeing as I don’t have any actual image editing software. no, i did this in pages.)
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Honestly? Same, Camila. Same. You love to see it.
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sonofthetrigod · 1 year
Things I Almost Remember: Year of Rosegarden 4 Picnic
The sunlight is so bright she has to shield her eyes, but Ruby welcomes it. After the seemingly endless darkness of… well, she’s not sure how long it was, but Ruby doesn’t want to deal with the dark ever again. Oscar is beside her, smiling, a picnic basket in one hand and hers in the other. And it’s so, so perfect. Here they’re untouched by the war that was thrust upon them. Ruby briefly tries to remember where here is, but a large black butterfly flutters by drawing her attention away from the thought. It was a silly thing to worry about anyway, hadn’t she been fighting so she and her friends could smile again, just like this? But… Oscar is more than a friend, isn’t he? Isn’t that why they’re holding hands right now? Isn’t that why he looks at her like she’s his moon and stars?
Oscar tugs on Ruby’s hand, gently urging her forward. “Come on,” he says warmly. “It’s just this way.”
Ruby follows his lead, because it’s so nice seeing him smile so openly, so unabashedly. It’s not like him. His smiles are usually small, even when he’s genuinely happy. Especially lately… But… Why was that? What had happened? Ruby almost remembers… it’s on the tip of her tongue… “We’re here!” Oscar says cheerfully, and Ruby blinks. When had they gotten to the top of a hill? Had she really been that out of it? All around them the black butterflies quietly flit about, and this close Ruby can see white and red patterns on their wings. Something about that… Black… White… Red… Those colors mean something when they’re all together… “Would you like a cookie?” Oscar asks, suddenly holding a giant chocolate chip cookie. Ruby’s mouth waters. “I baked it just for you.”
Ruby takes a greedy bite. “So good,” she squeals, because it’s delicious. She hasn’t tasted something this yummy in… Ruby frowns. There’s that thought again. Why does she keep thinking it’s been so long since she was happy like this? The world is at peace. She’s… She’s with the person she loves. Her… What is Oscar to her? She can’t remember. She remembers loving him. Loving him so much it makes her heart ache, but… are they dating? How long have they been together, if so? And… why can’t she remember?
Oscar’s hand slides over hers. “Rubes, look at me,” he says gently. “It’s okay if you can’t remember. We’re here, together. Isn’t that what you want?” It is. She wants this so bad it breaks her heart, but… Oscar’s never… never called her…
��Mama, look!” a little voice says. A little boy plops himself on her lap, cradling one of the butterflies in his hands. Ruby’s silver eyes widen with shock. Tip… This little boy is Tip. In the scant peaceful moments where she dared to daydream of a future beyond the war (The war?) this little boy has been in those daydreams. A little boy with silver eyes like hers, and Oscar’s brown hair and freckles on the squishiest of cheeks. Her baby… Oscar’s baby… “Look, Mama! I caught one! Can I keep it, Mama? Pleeeeaassse?!”
He’s pouting so adorably that Ruby would probably give her little boy anything he wants in this moment. Oscar’s smiling at them both, his dark eyes twinkling merrily and- Dark eyes? Oscar? No, that isn’t right. Oscar’s eyes are supposed to be hazel. A pretty mix of gold and green, gleaming even more gold when he used his magic.
What… What is this? Where is she? And slowly, everything around her starts to vanish. Tip fades away, and even if she knows he’s a lie, it feels a bullet in her heart. The fake Oscar too. And the sunlight, and the grassy hill. All that’s left are her and the butterflies.
Now Ruby remembers. The butterflies are Grimm. Rare ones that trap you in a dream as they feed on your Aura. There’s no grassy field here. No light. No Oscar. The Dark Lands. She’s in the Dark Lands. They got attacked- The butterflies drain away more of her Aura causing her to slip back into a dream.
Oscar tugs on Ruby’s hand, gently urging her forward. “Come on,” he says warmly. “It’s just this way.”
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r0-boat · 2 years
Out of the Forest
Cole x gn!reader drabble
Reader is called mom and momma has a child but no pronouns are given
Now I must run before my Discord finds this and punishes me for my crimes
CW: child gets hurt :(, hurt/comfort.
word count: 1,886
You wake up to your husband, his face nuzzling into your neck his arms around your neck. The sun is shining through the cabin window into your shared bedroom, directly into your eyes. You let out a grown turning over from the Sun's beams of death into the comfort of your husband's chest. His heart beat lulling you back to-
"MOMMA! DAADDYY!" Your crotch Goblin calls out. You dramatically sobbed into your husband's chest
Cole groans in frustration" ill get him I did tell him that I was going to take him today" he gives your shoulder a soft kiss before sliding out of the bed.
"Yeah yeah Pup, I'm coming!"
You laid in bed listening to the chatter of your kid and his dad
Well… more like your kid asking Cole a billion questions and Cole giving answers
"Dad, how do birds fly?"
"They have wings"
"Ohhh! How do they do it?"
" they flap them."
"Sigh… here I'll show you, see like this…"
"Whoa! Dad! Can you fly too?"
"Wh- Forest…Wolves don't fly…"
The aroma of eggs and meat being cooked made you raise out of your bed to join your family for breakfast you put on a T-shirt and sweatpants and make your way out of the master bedroom.
Forest's eyes widen when he saw you come out of the room " Momma! Dad is going to teach me how to be just like him." He said with a cheery smile his baby canines showing scraps of egg and meat on his face.
"Hold still Forest" we took a napkin off the table and wipe your son's face. Your son seem to stare off into space for a second before snapping back to reality he got up and ran to his room. He came back out soon after with a piece of paper he gives it to you.
It looks like the crudely drawn picture of a house with brown sticks with green scribble tops.
The sun was more like a blob than a circle, and next to the house was a stick-figured person that looks like no one in particular with the same hair color as you 'momma' was written over it.
Another stick figure one with red scribbled hair with the word 'Dadi' and a smaller figure with brown scribbled hair with the word 'me' under it. all in different crayons and colored pencil
Forest swelled with pride at his masterpiece standing on his tippy toes pointing at each drawing " that's me, that's Dad, and that's you, momma"
You gave an exaggerated gasp "Oh my gosh! Whaaat?! It looks so beautiful! let me hang it on the fridge!"
Forest was right behind you. The excitement from you deeming his artwork worthy enough for The Fridge. Causes his tail and floppy ears to appear. His ears bounced along with his tail wagging behind him.
Cole has long finished his breakfast happily staring and his mate and kid he wouldn't trade these two for the world. It's been a good while since he's ever been truly happy like this.
He lets out a chuckle he gets out from the seat stretching before walking over to the fridge to kiss you on the cheek" all right my boy, today's the day, outside, come on boy!"
He calls a bouncing boy following behind him.
Cole holds the door open for his son " will be home before dinner, we'll make sure to bring back something delicious!"
"Yay! Something yummy!" Forest chimes in before Cole shuts the door.
" Are you ready? Just like we practiced. It hurts for a little bit"
Forest was completely serious he watched his dad change forms numerous times.
Cole growled this form started to change completely as well as getting bigger. his red hair became fur as it spreads throughout his body.
His face got longer forming into a snout and lastly, his tail and ears sprouted.
A clawed hand came down to gently pat Forest's head looking at him expectantly
The transformation did hurt a little bit but he was a big boy now.
Stand up like his dad but ended up falling back.
Cole chuckled licking his son's head " this way I'll show you a good spot for hunting"
Miles away from the forest a black truck pulls off the side of the road 3 men get out of the truck to unload their gear from the truck " This is the place right?"
"Yep, one of us has to stay in the truck just in case something happens, the last thing we want are cops."
One of the men nods and gets back into the driver's seat " we'll keep in touch on the walkie" he yelled. As the other two make their way into the thicket.
Their combat boots trampled through the vegetation trying to find a sound clearing to set up. That's when they saw a red blur bolt between the trees catching their attention immediately stay slow squeezing through the ticket trying not to make any noise.
They get to a large patch of vegetation in a clear shot of a small Creek appearing out of the other side of the thicket a small red wolf cub.
The Man's eyes widen he turned to his partner whispering " look at the fur on the wolf, those things are worth a fortune"
The man nods taking out his rifle "No! Alive."
He puts down the rifle and takes out another gun loading it with a single Dart " you only have one where are the- forget about it just shoot the darn thing."
Cole just finished killing an elk before hearing his son Yelp in pain in the direction that the creek. He wasn't too far till he saw a sight that made his blood boil and anger.
Two men holding his limp son like a trophy as they smile and laugh.
He let out an enraged yell as he jumped out of the thicket scaring the two men and dropping the cub onto the gravel "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SON?!"
Every rational thought left his brain as he swiped at the man that held his son his claws slicing through the hunting gear and flesh with ease.
The other man stumped backward in fear into the water.
The glint of a shotgun caught his eye.
The forgot about the other man when he reached for his son-
All he heard was a bang before his ear filled with ringing
He clenched his side holding back tears his red eyes filled with rage looked at the shooter.
The man dropped the shotgun he scrambled from the gravel talking into a walkie-talkie "Larry! Hey! I'm coming over I need you Right now!" He took off running out of sight. Cole took one step before his knees were shaking the sharp seething pain taking over his senses.
You are outside hanging the newly washed clothes when you heard the noise.
Your heart sunk into your gut as you follow the noise. Your lungs burned as you ran as fast as you could to wherever the noise was.
To your horror your husband,
Your husband… your dear husband was laying on the blood-stained gravel gasping for breath a bloody hole in his side holding his son like his life depended on it, the shotgun Laying diagonal from him.
His eyes met yours.
"Please, people… They…Take him please"
He couldn't fight back his eyes swelled as tears run down his face. His wife seeing him like this…It was too much…
"More are coming, p…please! Take him, take your car and… get out of here i-I'll be fine"
"Cole wha-"
"Sh-shh! Don't tell Forest…. don't tell him, just t-take him and leave go to a hotel or something just to leave! And get out of here!
You swallowed the lump in your throat as Cole's shaking hands gently held Forest as high as he could for you to take him.
You held back everything you could as you cradled your boy in your arms.
You turned around in the direction of your house turning your back on your wounded husband.
You looked back once more… your eyes filling with tears
"GO!" Cole shouts.
You choked as you ran back to your cabin as fast as you could… your tears streaming down your face. The safety of your son was everything you needed and more to keep going.
Whatever they did to your son knocked him out for a while when you got to your cabin you tried shaking him awake to no avail. Your nails dug into your palm in anger, your baby was still in his puppy form so you could only piece together what happened.
You got a backpack and vigorously started packing digging through the fridge for any food or snacks and scraping as much money as you could, items and your old phone. Digging through the drawers you found them, your car keys.
You put your boy in his car seat gently laying him in position before buckling his seatbelt you got into the driver's seat looking back at the life you and your husband and your child, built together before finally driving on the beaten path before getting to the main road leaving everything behind your memories, your home… and your husband Cole behind.
Forest wakes up in a bed that wasn't his… he was confused but it smelled nice it was very clean compared to his old sheets which had the crumbs of snacks that he stole without you knowing. he look around and saw you on the couch… you look so sad,
Why? He didn't want his momma to be sad…
Forest walked over to you, tears in his eyes
Your heart stopped when you saw him " Forest i-"
"Mommy… I'm sorry I took snacks without you knowing, please don't be mad anymore…"
That broke you.
Held your son close rocking him. Everything is going to be okay you will survive for him…
You lift your head out of your tear-stained pillow. Your hands cup your face " fuck… how long is that nightmare going to haunt me… It has been years…" your train of thought gets cut off by knocking on your door.
"Mom! Someone at the front door!
You sign it was probably the downstairs neighbors complaining about Forest playing the TV too loud again…
Put on a pair of old sweatpants and open the door to your living room apartment.
"Forest… I swear if it's-"
"No! It's somebody else, I only saw part of them they look like a hobo!"
What You sigh walking over to the door and slowly opening it
"Nice place you got here…"
That Voice… T-that voice.
Cole tackled you in a hug holding you tightly. Your arms wrap around his neck feeling his new haircut or lack of one.
You shake as you break down holding someone you never thought you would ever see again
A sound of water splashing on the floor
Cole's smile only widened giving Forest the same treatment squeezing him in a death grip before releasing him…
He then dugs his hand into his pocket. " also forgot something I wanted to give it back"
He gets Forest a piece of old folded paper.
he unfolded the paper and cried.
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