#i don’t super ship it anymore tbh but like !!!!!
lady-tortilla-chip · 6 months
TBH the most compelling part about Itafushi is that Yuuji unintentionally became the love interest who would let the rest of the world fall apart in order to save Megumi. Like. do you see it
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meitantei-shitpost · 2 months
Detco m27 spoilers under the cut!!! ⚠️
So. I figured I would rant a little about the big reveal that’s been going around as I’ve already been spoiled. I’m not a huge kaishin shipper although I did do a big bang event a while back. But to anyone who does ship kaishin, I’m begging you, please don’t delete your works.
Please don’t delete your fics, art, or blogs!!! They are precious works of art that you’ve worked so hard on. I don’t want to see any of it lost.
Detective Conan canon is ridiculous! If we cared about canon we wouldn’t be making all of this stuff in the first place. It’s been over 20 years and we’re suddenly supposed to accept this reveal? Hell nah. Make an AU where that shit did not happen and keep shipping it. It doesn’t matter and I imagine the fandom will already have some sort of AU tag ready that excludes movie 27 from canon (if movie 27 even ends up becoming canon).
Also, don’t bully anyone for still shipping kaishin! It doesn’t make you morally superior and it’s okay if people ship something you don’t like. Akemi and Akai dated and were cousins in canon so tbh it’s kinda par for the course in the franchise. Also in hannin no hanzawa hanzawa has a huge crush on his cousin. Idk what’s going on in this series anymore 💀
I’ve been on dcmk tumblr for about 7 years now and the fandom is honestly such a small, wholesome group. This is the first time we’ve had any real “drama” and I don’t want it to tear us apart. I hope that kaishin shippers keep doing what they’re doing regardless of whatever Gosho is cooking up.
(I also just think the whole situation is super funny. This truly is the fandom’s 9/11 I have been cackling at the absurdity. He really dropped that bomb after decades 😭😭)
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esxvspy · 1 year
Just something that I’ve noticed, but why is it that whenever I look at the anti byler or anti mileven page (they both make me giggle tbh) that people don’t seem to care about mikes feelings in these relationships?? Like usually it’s like “oh but if byler happens El will be sad” or “if mileven stays together will would be miserable” but what about what mike thinks? That’s bc we don’t know what he thinks. The duffers have been purposely ambiguous as to what mike is feeling towards both of them. The way he couldnt say ily to el during their fight? I mean she was basically begging. I mean he couldn’t even say ily to her through a store bought card. A STORE BOUGHT CARD
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BRO WENT OUT OF HIS EAY TO GET ONE THAT SAYS “I LIKE YOU” ON IT. Also literally the whole monologue was so easily debunkable. He didn’t fall in love with her when he first met her, he let her stay in his house for one night and then was planning on sending her back to, and I quote, “pennhurst or wherever she comes from.” That doesn’t sound like love. Plus everything in season 3?? With the “I dump ur ass”?? Not doing anything about it?? El kissing him in front of an open closet?? Like from this standpoint it seems fairly obvious that he’s NOT in love with el, at least not anymore. However, on the other hand, everyone on the cast has been super hush hush about byler as well. No serious talk ab it in interviews, just casual “wait and see”s. Like we know will is in love with mike but mike might not feel the same?? It’s definitely plausible with all the theories I see (and btw I’m all for these theories I eat them up) but even with all the heart to hearts we rarely see mikes perspective. The only time I think we do get his pov is on the upside down couch in the finale. In which mike is seeing will bathed in light. And the blocking for the finale with will and mike paired together?? Plus the lighting, they really play with lighting. Overall mileven is based on hard canon and byler is more up to subtext. Both are fairly obvious though. The only thing we rarely see in both of these ships is MIKES PERSPECTIVE. It’s always from wills or els, it’s almost never mikes. And the duffers have to be doing it for a reason, like it’ll make one more obvious then the other. So that could be why people who are so anti mileven/byler could be using so little of mike in their arguments, bc there’s nothing to work with. We DONT know what he wants. Hell he’s still figuring that out himself. Give Mike wheeler a break and let him figure out what he wants! (I hope this was coherent bc I am tired and it is 11pm and I was mostly just rambling)
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elvendorx · 1 year
Hi! I really like your blog! I was just wondering, how do you manage to find canon-based marauders content? I’m pretty new to Tumblr and while I follow the main tags, I’m tired of the short and shallow Siriuses, activist Jameses, and naive Lupins that don’t seem anything like the marauders I fell in love with. And the hatred for Snape and the condescension towards his fans makes me super scared to interact with blogs since I have posted Snape content on my main blog and I feel like I’d be eaten alive. I’m so overwhelmed! Do you use filters to help you? Or is it just finding and following the right people? Thanks for any and all advice!
hello and thank you! <3
a lot of it honestly is just finding and following the right people. the exact balance of that is personal that it will take a while to feel like you're consistently seeing things on your own specific wavelength but it's definitely doable. i think once you find one blog you really align with, see who they interact with regularly, check out those blogs, then check out who those blogs follow, etc etc. i used to systematically go through likes and reblogs on posts i liked, but once you find a few blogs you really enjoy, you'll end up finding more like-minded people quite naturally. and honestly, anyone who expects you to have the exact same tolerances for different characters as they do is probably not going to be much fun to interact with anyway.
i use filters for things i absolutely never want to see but not everything gets tagged/not everything that is tagged is the thing you don't want to see (so much sirius solo art/gen marauder stuff is tagged wolfstar) but it works and i would recommend it for absolute no-gos.
the main tags unfortunately are not safe spaces anymore and tbh if there's anything worth seeing in there, someone else will reblog it so it ends up on your dash anyway. sometimes i look in the prongsfoot tag but if anything look at anti (ship)/anti (character) tags lol and sometimes finding people who dislike the same things as you is also a good way to find like-minded people - hating can work, kids.
specifically for mwpp stuff, in my broad experience, snape fans are often more comfortable with the morally grey thing so they have solid views on snape AND sirius, james and remus, tho obviously you get the ultra protective stans too. but def follow snape fans if you are even slighty interested in snape, it's a great way of seeing how other pockets of hp fandom function. also, you could have identical views on a character as someone but you love them and they hate them, for the same reasons, and i feel like the joy is in finding the same interpretation, it's very fun and just in life it's good to see different perspectives. i got unfollowed a while back for a snape post i can't even remember but it was like 5 people and honestly the right people will probably be cooler than you think about it :)
so really my advice boils down to:
know what you do and don't want to see
know what you can and can't tolerate seeing (things that annoy you or more serious triggers)
find connections through sources you trust
try finding a mix of people who like the same things as you do/people who dislike the same things you do/people who you might not always agree with in judgement but whose analyses and approaches are objective
and eventually you'll have a great balanced lil circle <3
anyway a few recommendations of people i follow who i think offer great hp ideas:
@remus-poopin @narcissa-black-supermacy @ashesandhackles @urupotter @act-more-like-a-dog-sirius
but also consider anyone i follow/interact with a lot an endorsement! hope u have fun exploring :)
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caffeiiine · 2 months
hi :3
do you have any short (like, 4k-10k words) fics you can recommend? any ships/characters are fine tbh
i just need to read more so i can improve my own writing. and i have trouble writing fluff while still making it interesting :(
(if you have any writing tips they’re greatly appreciated too!! /nf)
admittedly i don’t read ao3 much anymore lemme go through my bookmarks rq
Baking, an important skill - Siglai - by Northwind [1.8k words + one of my favorite platonic siglai fics <33 it also loosely connects to a series that’s basically full of platonic siglai hurt/comfort\fluff]
the problems in my chest (my heart is cold as ice but it’s anybodies guess) - akuatsulucy- by TaintedWrites [2.9k words + hurt/comfort but it gets super fluffy towards the end <3]
tell me it’s love (tell me it’s real) - sskk - by amythecinnabunny - [14k words + super good but took me like an hour and a half to read]
circle of praise - ada [not a ship-fic] - by oxalisasis - [1.8k words and super funny and silly i love the ada]
my pronouns are U/S/A - the guild [not a ship-fic] - by starlitshadow - [3.2k words + crack fourth of july fic with the guild! super silly they’re all so stupid, bonus mention, mark gets his guns taken away by hawthorne within the first few paragraphs]
There’s three of us - Fyosiglai - by Distant_mooing - [each chapter is its own oneshot, i think they’re about 1-3k in length and there’s about 14 chapters last time i checked i think?]
as for writing tips:
i don’t have many other than what you’re doing rn; as that actually helped me to write better bc i tend to learn by copying and taking techniques and developing my own style from that
also prompts work super well if you’re stuck someplace!!! i lvoe prompts
and stretching characters out is super fun ifykwim, though usually that works best if you’re trying to do angst
also you don’t need to make sure every thing you create is good, it can be bad sometimes and that’s part of the process of making your style. pretty much like art, what works works and what doesn’t doesn’t and over time you take the things that worked and it becomes a style🎉🎉
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soft-mafia · 8 months
Not Buggy simping for once but I am looking at your oc like the stupid little bisexual that I am and I am looking oh so very respectfully and I am so polite and I am not even trying to steal her away from the captain please captain put me down I did not stare at her bad okay, her bippedy boobedy boobas, her massive ockers on purpose I promise.
But real talk I like her. She cute. Would love to hear more lore if you ever have the energy
HAHAHAHAHA😭Buggy has to deal with people trying to snatch his girl from him 24/7 he’s used to it at this point.
But dw she’s as much as a simp as we are for him❤️(and as Boa is for Luffy😭)
Sorry if this seems really obsessive and is way too long or whatever but It’s so common for me to make so much lore whenever I make an oc specifically to ship with a canon character (I have ideas that could literally be a novel franchise for my Hisoka oc ugh) the tism in me just gets way too ahead of itself tbh and whenever someone is like “ooh tell me about them :D” I literally go crazy.
Veteran one piece fans, please let me know if any of this goes against one piece logic, I’m still really new to the fandom and this is a new oc too, so if I need to change anything/get rid of a piece of lore then please let me know😭
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So if you haven’t seen my latest info post on her name is Ivyeri(pronounced Ivory) VanHelsing, she ate the stitch stitch fruit which is a mythical zoan fruit that’s a Frankenstein/Monster type.
This devil fruit her replace her body parts with quite literally anything, she can use whatever she replaces her parts with like it’s apart of her body; she often puts weapons on her body, and into her body as well.
In Impel Down, she lost her leg from severing it to get out of her chains so she had to replace it with the wolf leg.
Whenever Ivy takes off a body part, since it’s not connected anymore her brain can’t control it, so it becomes sentient. Since the parts she can control are determined by if her brain can connect to them or not, this means if her head is completely served her entire body can become sentient as well. Whenever Ivy does this(usually when she’s using her full body weapon suit which I haven’t drawn yet) she keeps her headless body sedated in a tank.
SO, on to her entire story and how she meets Buggy(under the cut if you’re interested bc it’s super long oof) warning for me rambling and on going sentences bc I wrote some of this on my break.
I created a town that she lives in, it’s a really corny name that I don’t feel like saying bc I’m gonna get roasted for it😭but, it’s located on a desolate island, literally nobody knows it even exists and the people who accidentally come across it just leave bc they’re so freaked out. Buggy and his crew see the island in the distance and he thinks “another town to pillage hehe” however, upon arriving there and making a flashy✨ entrance he’s met with the towns people just staring at him with dead glares in their eyes. Buggy and his is obviously freaked out, so he just tells his crew to just stock up on food and booze before getting the hell out of there.
Ivy sees him when he arrives and immediately falls in love, love at first sight. She wants to approach him but is too nervous and thinks her appearance will scare him away(she thinks her stitches make her ugly and grotesque). So Ivy comes up with the idea of moving some signs around to lead Buggy into getting lost in a graveyard. It works and when Buggy is lost in the maze of gravestones, Ivy appears behind him, sitting on a grave and subtly flirting with him, thinking that the heavy fog of the town obscures her appearance.
Buggy can clearly see her, but he has seen crazier people in his time of being a pirate so Ivy’s stitches don’t even register in his head bc he’s too busy panicking over getting lost in a graveyard and now some lady is talking to him?
They talk, flirt with each other, Buggy obviously letting her inflate his massive ego, Ivy offers to lead him out of the graveyard(even though she’s the one who led him there in the first place). Ivy leads Buggy back to his crew. One of the pirates accidentally bumps into her and she face plants right into Buggy’s chest and they have this “ooo accidentally falling right into your crush’s arms🥰” moment before it’s ruined by her wrist coming off and holding onto Buggy’s shirt when she pulls away. They’re both freaking out, Ivy apologizing profusely while trying to take her hand back.
Buggy screamed only for a moment before being like “This girl can take her body parts off too?!” And he falls in love and (politely)demands her to join his crew(not because he wants to bang her immediately or anything..) after that they’ve been together for 8 years🥰
She doesn’t really have a prevalent role in the orangetown arc, however she does take control of Buggy’s crew after he’s bazooka-ed to a whole other island.
While Buggy was presumably pronounced dead by his crew, Ivy strayed away from them to mourn by herself, which meant she didn’t get kidnapped by the cannibal tribe(she didn’t care about Buggy’s crew at that point since she thought he was dead) however, when Buggy came back with Alvida, Ivy was even more heartbroken than she was when she thought he was dead.
K so I kind of ripped off one of my own fan fictions with this part of her story, I just thought it would’ve been good character development for her so if you want the basics of what happens, here’s the fic.
Ivy breaks up with Buggy bc she thinks he’s cheated on her, or is going to cheat bc Alvida is literally gorgeous. After that, she leaves the Big Top and devises a plan to make a name for herself and become a fearsome solo pirate just to make Buggy jealous and show him that she’s doing just fine without him.
Overtime she becomes extremely brooding and even more colder than before; each one of her accomplishments are fueled by anger and jealousy. Over time she convinced herself that Buggy had forgotten about her and moved on with Alvida which fueled her to succeed even more.
Which, she did succeed, but she got way more than she wanted to. After an accidental conflict with the marines, she ended up getting a Impel Down level 5 worthy bounty.
Buggy and Ivy don’t directly interact much during Impel Down and Marineford bc both of them think that the other hates them/forgot about them, but when they do reunite they start this dynamic where the two of them are trying to look cool/badass just to get the other’s attention(Also, Ivy’s severed leg I mentioned earlier, it somehow found Buggy on level 2 and he’s been keeping it from her the entire time).
The entire time, Buggy didn’t know why Ivy broke up with him, he thought that she broke up with him bc of his “ugly red nose” and cried for months. Everything reminded him of Ivy. He hoarded all of her old clothes that she left behind and used one of her old tops as a pillow case.
They finally get back together during the cross guild, Ivy joins alongside Crocodile and Mihawk. When she sees the way that the two men beat and abuse him over everything she gets pissed off and vows to protect Buggy at all costs, leading to them having a heart to heart, finally talking things out and getting back together again.
I have more lore with her but it involves other ocs I’ve made for one piece and it doesn’t really add to her relationship with Buggy loool
I have another oc I’m not sure about adding to her lore since idk if this is already an existing character in One Piece bc he’s vaguely mentioned in canon, but Davy Jones is her father and had the same fruit as her when he was alive. They’ve never met.(This is an excuse for me to make a goth dilf)
More facts about her!
-Ivy is a weaponsmith, she makes weapons for herself and Buggy’s crew(when she was apart of it)
-She’s 5’9, 27 years old before the timeskip and 29 years old after
-Ivy likes collecting bones.
-Ivy has a pet cat named Princess who was Richie’s biggest opp. Before the time skip he was the same size as a regular house cat, but currently he’s the size of a Liger.
-She stole Alvida’s old ship when she left the Big Top and customized it to fit her vibe
-She stole a manticore from Impel Down, adopted it, and named it Buggy Jr.
-She also adopted a giant frog and named it after Buggy as well
-A week after the breakup Ivy tried to make a replacement Buggy by digging up a recently deceased guy and playing Frankenstein(using a toy ball as a replacement nose). Things didn’t work out when the guy regained his memory and reunited with his wife.
-As a pirate, people call her by her last name. No relation to the actual Van Helsing though I just thought the name sounded cool.
Her playlist:
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chiaraeliz · 2 years
Got any Surge x Amy headcanons?
ohhh lemme think… (a warning that this turned more into an outline for how they’d start dating instead of just random headcanons lmao)
totally one sided at first. surge would be head over heels for amy and amy would be like “damn is this how sonic sees me”
surge probably would lose more than a few fights with amy because she’d be like “wow she’s pretty” then would immediately get hit by amy’s hammer
kit would be surge’s wingman and hype her up every time they come across amy
surge is the one to get flustered all the time. she acts smooth and tries with pick up lines, but then amy has immediate come backs to them that leaves surge at a loss for words
after so many times of surge acting like a love struck idiot around her, amy eventually starts finding it endearing and slowly starts to develop feeling for surge
i think at the point where they ask each other out it would be super emotional in some way. like their relationship up to that point would’ve been comedic bantering and fighting with each other, but it would just get to the point where one of them is like “i really like you and i don’t want to fight you anymore and this sucks that we’re against each other”
when they do actually start dating they’re both complete flustered messes around each other and it’s so damn cute
interesting thought would be for them to start dating when surge and sonic are still at each other’s necks so it would create a bit of an awkward tension
going off the last point, i don’t think amy would really bring surge anywhere near her friends. amy is the only one in that whole group surge would be civil with. surge would probably be the type to get mad that amy would hang out with those people, but amy would shut that down real quick
tbh they’d probably argue a lot because they have very conflicting morals and worldviews but as time went on i think surge would mellow out a bit and they’d figure things out
i think that’s all i got for now! thank you for making me think about this i love the ship even more now
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I’m so happy I’m following you because sometimes in this fandom it does feel like you’re in the trenches alone regarding ace Eddie ESPECIALLY when it comes to Buddie. Im personally of the opinion that Eddie is demiaro ace and Buck is aromantic allosexual but honestly either of them benign canonically on the aroace spectrum would be absolutely amazing. We can dream. Anyway, thanks for your Eddie takes, much appreciated
!! this made my day week etc!! because this was exactly my goal when i decided to be even more annoying about aspec eddie and amatonormativity in fandom i just was sick of feeling alone in fandom and i wanted to make a space for aspecs in the 9-1-1 fandom because that’s what’s gotten me through other fandoms , having a group of people who support or understand. if we are going to be in the trenches we should at least be in the trenches together
and i agree so much when it comes to ships it’s super hard!! this past year it got super hard for me to the point where i felt so alone i couldn’t even enjoy buddie anymore but i didn’t like that so i’ve been trying to make it better for myself by not keeping all the aphobic or amatonormative things i see inside anymore but talking about them and it’s really helped.
i don’t have much hope for canon aspec rep in anything really tbh but it would be AMAZING!! but until we live in a world that i can have hope for aspec rep i have aspec hcs to keep me going.
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russilton · 1 year
"but some people can’t stand it." tbh fans have always been weird about Lewis and his ships with his teammates. Nobody shipped Valewis when Valteri is probably Lewis' closest friend on the grid. It all goes back to Nico and the fall of Brocedes tbh, so much of Lewis' career is tied to him and that particular rivalry. Lewis is also super closed off (again thank you Nico), George and Mick are probably the two people he actually interacts with in some capacity. It's difficult to ship him with anyone tbh, I quite like Britcedes btw but I can see why people may not feel too comfortable.
People being weird is the tagline to fandom, you could present them with a perfect ship and someone would still hate it. In a way I appreciate the freedom it gives me to do whatever the fuck I want.
I don’t ship valewis either bc again, Monoshipper, but if you want valewis, anon, I should recommend @milflewis - I love platonic and especially bromantic valewis with my entire soul, but if you want romantic, Niamh is the way to go. You can also see @princemick for mick and Lewis. It’s not my ship, but Kyle would drown just trying to swim to that boat
I think with Lewis ships it comes down to a perfect storm of Lewis being genuinely quite reserved and protective of his interactive circles bc he’s got trust issues you can see from space, the fallout of brocedes, and people just not liking George and Val. Sewis is without a doubt popular for a reason, I love Seb as Lewis’ friend, but seb is also undeniably more popular than George or Val will probably ever be, and that’s why sewis is much bigger.
And that’s someone Lewis really likes, If you need proof of how some people prefer character over interaction, look at Ch*wis. If Lewis so much as stands near Charles half my dash gets filtered for the next few days. Val and George don’t get that hype, Val only gets slightly more favourable treatment now he’s not Lewis’ teammate anymore, and I’ve literally seen folks get mad at George for breathing (on radio). That’s the nature of fandom, people like what they like and gravitate toward it.
For me, I mean Lewis has naked framed photos of vals ass and secret pics of George’s tits, he takes ice baths with George and travels to tracks with Val, he posts about them both fairly often, but that tends to get swept under the “well they’re teammates” umbrella. Some people find that less interesting, I’m personally frothing at the mouth and shredding paper because of it, but that’s me.
The scars of brocedes run deep. I hate it with a passion, it’s one of the few ships I genuinely cannot stand. For some people I’d assume that means shipping Lewis with a teammate again is out of the question, but to me I think that actually adds to the allure of them.
Val taught Lewis he could trust a teammate again, that he could be friends with them again, that it was safe to be vulnerable and it wouldn’t be used against him. George compounds that by showing Lewis that even if he’s competing with his teammate, they can still love each other. They can still work together, they can still share a family, they can still grow together. George is louder than Val, different, he’s got a spark Lewis sees in himself and it also scares him because he remembers what he went through. But George has been with them since 2016, as long as cal, he hangs on Lewis’ every word even now and smiles like sunshine when Lewis glances at him, and Lewis has grown too, he’s not who he was in 2016, and he’s not Nico.
I love writing about Lewis and Val and George BECAUSE they are the tree that grew from rotten fruit, as a concept the three of them are about growth and change and recovery from trauma. They’re about understanding what George and Val go through as the teammates of the greatest of all time, but also them having to understand the unique fire Lewis was forged in and the pressures he is under. They are my addiction and I love teammate stories bc it’s the classic trope of together against it all, and of found family within Mercedes
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the-bi-space-ace · 29 days
for the Bad Batch ask game: 8, 24, 31, and 49! (or just a few of those if you’d prefer :D)
8. What song(s) do you associate with the Bad Batch?
I love this question bc I associate a really weird array of songs with The Bad Batch and I am beyond excited to list them.
I Got You by Devon Cole (tears 🥹)
Mr. Know-It-All by Young The Giant (mainly a Tech song for me)
The Less I Know The Better by Tame Impala
Brother by Kodaline
Don’t Leave Me Alone by David Guetta & Anne-Marie (acoustic)
Human by Jon Bellion
Burn The House Down by AJR
everything i wanted by Billie Eilish (mainly bc it gives me Calling Me Home series Echo vibes tbh oof)
This Was A Home Once by Bad Suns
Older by Alec Benjamin
Bonus Tracks:
Going Home by The Aces
Don’t Freak by The Aces (This one is a bonus bc in my head when I hear this song I have always imagined baby Fives and Echo going to 79s for the first time and Echo not being totally sure how he feels about it and Fives basically going ‘hey, don’t freak out. I’m here, you’re smart and capable. A bar is the easiest mission we’ve ever been on.’ idk I get so much inspiration from music tbh.)
^ The Aces are so feel good and endearing and give good fluff inspiration
24. Do you have any hot or controversial takes?
Oh yeah plenty of them tbh lol
My hottest take? Honestly? I’m super disappointed in how cruel people were to people with Tech Lives theories on this damn site. Not just in the way that I’m sad about *gestures to everything* but I have seen some really nasty takes and have blocked people over them even though they were never directed at me. It shows me who you are when you’re cruel to a stranger over simply *checking my notes* wanting their favorite character to be alive. Some people in the Star Wars fandom are mean as hell. Maybe it’s because I’m fandom old (mid 20s) so I’ve been around for over a decade in fandom spaces but I can say that Star Wars fans can be really really mean compared to other fandoms. That’s more of a problem on reddit (never again) but it happens on tumblr and twitter (which I don’t have any longer but have heard… stories.) My little corner is GREAT. No complaints about this little corner I’ve found myself in but every time I venture out I see some shiiiiiiiiit and it takes me a minute to remember that this fandom can be really volatile. This is supposed to be fun. I say my piece, I agree or disagree with other people’s piece. Then I move on. I won’t argue. It ain’t my style. I get really upset when I see people being downright nasty to each other over fandom stuff. Stop it.
Also. Listen. I started in the Teen Wolf and Merlin fandoms in high school. There’s a lot of great stuff to use from those shows but canon was rarely awesome. I got used to letting the fandom do the work, fans shipping everything under the sun, and making up wild plotlines that wouldn’t actually make sense because who even knows what’s going on in the actual show anymore. Fandoms are wild and I like different opinions and different content and everything coming together in a way that is both weird and wonderful. Sometimes people want the entire fandom to like exactly what they like and get really aggressive with other fans over it. That is not my vibe. If I see something I don’t like then it isn’t for me and I move on! Enough said.
Instead of moving on, blocking tags, or blocking users many fans straight up call people names! Start arguments! Post cruel things! It’s stupid! I’ll say it, it’s stupid as hell! Just block shit, man! You can’t control other people. Protect your peace and block stuff you don’t like. I promise it’ll feel better <3
(that was so long I’m so sorry I needed to get that off of my chest so bad lol)
31. What other Star Wars characters (regardless of the timeline) do you think would be BFFs with each Batcher?
(This’ll be fun bc I know very little of the greater Star Wars Universe so some of these are based just on ✨vibes✨)
Omega and Leia Organa! I loved the Kenobi show and I just think these two would get along SO DAMN WELL.
Hunter and…. I’m going to be honest I thought about this over night and I STILL can’t pick somebody. I need to watch more Star Wars
Tech and Luke Skywalker. Flying! Ships! Podracing! This is the only thing I know of Luke Skywalker! They’d bond over this and make ships go faster together so they’d be besties.
Crosshair and Merrin. In the way that I think he’d look at her like she hung the moon and the stars because she’s so cool and she’s scary and Crosshair appreciates intimidating people and would want to see all of the things she can do with her magic even though he’s kind of terrified of her. (I’m projecting, I love Merrin.)
Echo and Cal Kestis. This is an inspired choice, I feel. Cal has a really big connection to protecting people and Echo WOULD LOVE to work with him to protect people from the Empire (play Jedi: Fallen Order 👀)
Wrecker and Chewbacca. Wrecker really thrived in that episode with the wookiees and I think he’d have a great time with Chewbacca.
49. What has been your favorite part about being in the fandom?
All of my friends!!! I’ve made a lot of great friends in the past two years and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s not very easy for me to make friends, if I’m being honest, so having friends that I talk to about the clones and star wars and fic ideas means a lot to me. It is the ultimate draw for me. I love talking to people about things I love, hearing everyone’s opinions, seeing everyone write and create art and do deep dive analysis. I love seeing people run role play blogs and come up with ask games. I love love love the fun parts of fandom just existing. Seeing people get excited about ideas and share them with others and create gifs and have fun. That absolutely has my heart. We’re all just here trying to express ourselves and that is something I think gets overlooked sometimes. This is something we do in our free time. We’re here because we want to be, not because we have to be. It’s a beautiful thing, to find connection over a shared love of something, and I love that. It’s kind of the same thing I love about concerts. Concerts are a unique place where it’s acceptable to have big emotional reactions with other people over the shared love of the music being played for you. For one night you aren’t just a fan of a band standing in a room listening to some people sing at you. You’re a part of the crowd, experiencing a million different emotions all in the same moment but not one of you is feeling the exact same way as the person next to you. It’s a wonderful thing to experience. This fandom, my little corner of it at least, feels about the same. We’re all experiencing life differently, different day to day things, different upbringings, different opinions, likes, and dislikes. But we’re all here, watching the same thing, and coming away with different emotions and opinions.
I think that’s beautiful.
Link To The Ask <3
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yomi-hellsimp · 1 month
fun story but I used to be friends with someone who became an anti for a short period of time
It was a mutual friend, they weren’t close to me but to my best friend. We all connected over one thing: genshin
my best friend, me and our mutual friend we all like Diluc x Kaeya as ship. The English translation isn’t the best tbh, it describes the characters as adoptive brothers but in non western fandoms (and especially in china) they aren’t seen as that
we were shipping those two entirely fictional characters for ~2 years at this point when one of the characters got a “hangout” story in which he specifically mentions the other as “his brother”.
Before that this friend didn’t care one bit about what antis thought, but it suddenly changed with this quest. They wanted nothing to do with an “incest ship”, were ready to get rid off all the merch they bought and made themselves and the worst was that they then told my best friend that they should stop being friends because it made them uncomfortable
Like… imagine saying this to someone you consider a friend over pixels on screen. It was just mind boggling! And this person isn’t a teenager or something, they’re around 20-30 years old.
But like adults they are, my best friend and the suddenly turned anti friend talked it out and were able to mend their friendship. kind of
after this debacle, it wasn’t the same anymore and every time I’m in the same call as them (in discord), I feel uncomfortable. Naturally I’m not treating them like dirt or something like that. They also kind of lost interest in Genshin overall, even after finding interest in other ships.
and ever since then they’re also like 5-10 minutes in a call before they go off to do something else or hang out with someone else. Which is their right to do but it just makes us feel like we’re super boring. And whenever we want to do something with them too, they just don’t care.
so the moral of the story is - don’t treat your friends like this if you care about them, and especially not over something as so irrelevant as fictional ships
Omg, I feel so bad for y'all. Like I couldn't imagine treating friends like that over a fictional ship. Like I'm not too into Genshin anymore but I like Neuvifuri and Sigewrio. And antis have been absolutely atrocious with those ships. Even though they're all adults and not related. Like I saw an anti one time say that people shouldn't ship Neuvifuri because they're "incest-coded" because they have the same hair color (???) Even when a ship isn't "problematic" (like Kaeluc for example), antis will still find a way to make it problematic. Like a character could say "You're like my brother" to their best friend and if you ship them from that point on, you're an "awful incest glorifying freak". People need to calm the hell down over some pixels.
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blowflyfag · 5 months
Eriiiiiis, my dude! You mentioned seeing Kane with partners like RVD and Mankind so I was curious - How do you feel about Kane and X-Pac together?
<3 - Mitch
MITCH HIIII IM SO GLAD YOURE HERE. I’m pretty stoned so I apologize for the ramble here and now.
I literally love every fucking pairing with Kane tbh. Like. I like them all for different reasons too which is super fun. And Kane and X Pac was like my first wrestling ship so like it’s special to me too. Like man… so much monumental stuff to Kane’s character happened with them together.
Like he first spoke on his own with X-Pac. “You don’t need that anymore.” And then he did. He did it with x pac right fucking next to him. THATS LIKE. UGH-
And then the fucking…. Betrayal….that shit hurt man… cause Kane fucking never had anyone. And he had someone. X-pacs fucjing reason for the betrayal too is like… so real and understandable in its own way???? It’s just. Compelling. It’s so compelling to me and ITS UGHHHHHHH. I’m slamming my fists against the walls and wailing.
I love Kane so much he’s so compelling to me as a wrestler. He used to be such an interesting character. And his relationships to others are so fascinating.
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droppofsaltt · 7 months
Thanks to @offdutym0del for tagging me, this was fun to do, even if a lot of my answers are I don't know
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
6! Though I have two more in the works, gods on your side and another instalment of the Meandering universe, even if I said I was done.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
only hotd rn and I don’t think I’ll ever do anything else, hotd is what got me back into writing fanfic since I was like 16 I think
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I only have 6 so I’m only doing top 3 lol
Dirty Feet and Cigarette Burns
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to!!! But I am a mess and sometimes I don’t know what to say, but I appreciate comments more than anything!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um…hm either Our Fathers, Our Gods or Teeth
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
None of them?? I mean I guess maybe Dirty Feet and Cigarette Burns because Luke gets out of town, but Aemond has to stay so maybe not?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, not yet at least
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, kind of, I try. And it’s bad and unhealthy and I condone none of it
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I’ve never really been drawn to it? I can write things that are inspired by other works, but never crossovers in that sense
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I have seen? Maybe when I was younger?? I can’t remember
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, at least not that I know? But that would be very easy to hide from me considering the languages that I know are not v big in the fanfiction world
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but I kind of want to! I’m a bit slow in my writing, or super fast depending, but idk I really want to try and write something with someone!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship
You can get me onboard with most hotd ships tbh, there’s pain everywhere. ....Daemond
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I only have 2 at the moment so I hope I finish them, wait I am lying, I have a wip called Cerberus that is very Velaryon brothers centered, and yeah idk, I don’t feel like anyone would really connect with it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I…don’t know??? Prose maybe?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Length…I want to write long and detailed
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I used to do this in my younger days just using Google translate, but I don’t do that anymore. I don’t mind other people writing dialogue in other languages, but I will usually just write that the characters change language than actually doing it. Also I guess I’m always writing dialogue in another language as it is not my first language (1 free fic for whoever can guess what my first language is omfg)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
…Hetalia…leave me alone
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Dirty Feet and Cigarette Burns, it is my first baby, and it is horrid and I love it
Okay um, offdutymodel is my only mutual so I am tagging whoever wants to do this xx
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iced-coffeebean · 3 months
Fic Writer (of doom) Interview :)
Thank you for the tagged my beloved Stars (aka @starsmadeinheaven)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I apparently have 31 works on AO3. Christ, that's a lot.
21 of them are Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
4 are Original Works
3 of them of Hetalia
2 are Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's
And 1 is Yu-Gi-Oh! DM
What’s your total AO3 word count?
72,638 words apparently. Slay. I didn't think I'd have a lot of words tbh.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oh god, I wonder.
1. Everything Stays (Hetalia GerItaPan Oneshot)
2. Sakura Petals Blossom But Love Blossoms Faster (Hetalia AmeriPan oneshot)
3. You Know I Love You Right? (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Wishshipping Oneshot)
4. My Remedy (Hetalia ItaPan oneshot)
5. This Is Home (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's fic collab with my brother)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to but sometimes it feels like they don't need me to respond to them if that makes sense?? Sometimes it's just a statement more than a comment of appreciation if that makes sense???
So yeah, it depends.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't really know tbh. I have a lot of unfinished YGO fics that in theory, are supposed to have lots of angst and possibly angsty endings but I never finished those but they don't really count ig??
I haven't really written angst but maybe Cross My Heart In Hopes To Die
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Probably almost all of them have neutral/happy endings.
Everything Stays and My Remedy
Do you write crossovers?
I don't think I've written any currently unless it's Yu-Gi-Oh! related since you can smack some of the shows together. If it isn't YGO shows being smacked together, it probably won't exist. Maybe a series AU for another series but them meeting that series' characters?
No </3
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I've gotten some hate on my Anikishipping fics but tbh idc anymore. I'll write whatever makes me happy and if people have a problem with that, they can suck my dick. Like idk what else to say.
If you don't like it, go write something else then.
Before going onto AO3, I was on Wattpad and we ALL know how THAT must have gone.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write smut but I rarely ever post it and if I do, it's anon LMAO.
I just feel like it's too awkward and I'm just scared people are gonna judge me LOL.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I wouldn't know and I SURE hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. I'm not that famous yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
This Is Home is a fic I'm writing with my brother. It's kind of on a hiatus cause of life and cause of the YGO fandom break we're both taking. We'll talk it out and see if we can continue it.
I'm actually gonna hopefully work on new micronation related works with other lads so I'm SUPER excited for that!!!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hetalia: GerItaPan and MolSeb.
DM: Wishshipping
GX: Anikishipping
5D'S: Toolshipping
Zexal: Aztecshipping
Arc-V: Candyshipping
Vrains: Respectfulshipping
Sevens: Moonlightroadshipping
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I had a Spamano/ItaPan/MolSeb werewolf fic that I was gonna do but I gave the fic away to a moot to write instead since I lost interest in it and didn't want to write anymore.
What are your writing strengths?
Tbh, I don't know. Probably internal dialogue and emotions. I like writing arguments and deep conversations cause it's so fun playing around with people's emotions <33
What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't wanna sound repetitive with words but god, I need to work on having a bigger vocabulary.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I try to use it in fics considering I'm in the Hetalia fandom but I do try to add translations at the bottom/on the notes if it's something that most people wouldn't know by now or more complicated items. I try to not use it cause I don't want to be that person with awful Google Translate or sucky translation app language errors but yk, sometimes duty calls.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Probably Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal or Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V if I'm being honest. I don't remember y'all. It's been a SECOND.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I wanna write Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains content but the show is so SLOW and BORING for me but I really LOVE Spectre and I would love to maybe write some Respectfulshipping.
I'd also love to write some Gakuto fics for Sevens cause they did his character SO WRONG it's makes me SO MAD.
For Hetalia, I'm not really sure tbh.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
For YGO, maybe Imaginary Friend (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Anikishipping oneshot)
For Hetalia, it's definitely gotta be My Remedy
I tag these lads (you don't have to do them if you don't want to)
@stardust-revolver @starfishes-and-watercolors @apalonespinifera
This concludes my ask <3
(I'm going to be honest, most of the fics I mentioned here I kind of hate now but I left to see any possible growth or progress when I work on new stuff. I only really like my more recent content but we won't go into that <3)
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Who do you think would have had the highest chance of suitor for OTMAA? (Pre-revolution and war) as well as (after revo if they survived).
Olga nikolaevna= Princes Vladimir Paley or Grand duke dmitri pavlovich romanov (there are some who thinks paley might have been).
Tatiana Nikolaevna= Prince Alexander of Yugoslvia or Prince Roman petrovich(idk about roman petrovich but from what I read he was mostly mentioned)
Maria= Prince Carol of Romania or Prince Louis Mountbatten( carol said he liked her at some point)
Anastasia= Princes Frederick of Denmark or Prince Paul of Greece and Denmark(Tbh, I feel like she would chose herself heheh)
Alexei= Princess Ileana of Romania or Princess Elizabeth of Greece and Denmark.
Hi!!! This is a very interesting question and I’m so excited to answer!
Olga: Dmitri Pavlovich. I think Dmitri because there was lots of rumors that they were going to get married (they were all false) and they spent a lot of time together. They also were in a very good place to get married if that’s what they chose. Dmitri was single and living a stylish lifestyle and Olga was single and eligible to get married. I think that these two were certainly an option before 1916. Dmitri helped kill Rasputin and Alexandra despised Felix and Dmitri because of that and I think wouldn’t let Dmitri marry Olga. Vladimir Paley to me would’ve been a better option because he wasn’t known and had no bad strings attached to him. Olga also said that she wanted to “remain a Russian” so I think she would’ve been happy with him. But he was a child of a morganatic marriage (his father married without the Tsar’s permission) and I don’t think Nicholas would allow that marriage to happen. So I think because of those reasons Dmitri would’ve been the first and more eligible choice but after 1916 I think Vladimir would’ve been a better option even if Olga survived the revolution (her family wasn’t the imperial family anymore so I think it would’ve been ok).
Tatiana: Alexander of Yugoslavia. I think him because I have never heard of Roman Petrovich as an option for her marriage. Tatiana also never stated that she wanted to be Russian so she definitely was considered a lot to be a future queen. Also Tatiana was nicknamed “the governess” by her family and some of her major traits were being organized and super kind and those are good traits for a queen.
Maria: Carol of Romania. As much as I hate to say this I really think that a marriage with Carol was the option that was most likely to happen. I ship Mashka with Dickie (Louis Mountbatten) and Carol is mean and gross and Mashka deserves Dickie but that was probably never likely to happen. In Russia there was a rule that if you were a royal, you can’t marry your first cousins (I said “was” because I don’t know what the rules are today), and Tsar Nicholas II went by that rule. Louis and Maria were first cousins through their mothers (Princesses Victoria and Alix of Hesse before marriage) so because Nicholas stuck to this rule and Maria was his own daughter, I don’t think that she would be allowed to marry him. And Carol did prefer Maria over her older more eligible sister Olga. He even asked Nicholas if he could marry her! Nicky said no (because she was too young) but I think that if Maria were to wait a few more years then they would be able to get married.
Anastasia: Prince Fredrick of Denmark. I think Fredrick because i have heard rumors of them being together. They are very close in age and have sort of a similar personality! Even though Paul is closer in age with Anastasia, when Anastasia was closest to her prime marital age, Greece was going through lots of political and monarchal problems. Even though Nicky is very close with his Greek relatives I don’t think he would send one of his daughters to a country that is going through a revolution (A was with her family during the Russian revolution and I’m kinda ignoring it in this case). Also Anastasia would really fit in with the Danish Royal Family. She has lots of relatives their and they are honestly a hilarious royal family. And when Anastasia was little, her and her family made visits to Denmark and I think that they would welcome her into their family with open arms.
Alexei: Princess Elisabeth of Greece and Denmark. I would choose Elisabeth because her and Alexei are much closer in age than him and Ileana. Alexei was 5 years older than Ileana but him and Elisabeth were only a few months apart. Also as @romanovsonelastdance said, Elisabeth’s mother Elena Vladimirovna was very ambitious in marrying off her daughters into very prominent families (meaning she would kind of ignore the whole hemophilia business).
sorry this took so long to get out!! Thank you for asking me this!!!
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covenofwives · 1 year
I know that you ship HD and 4K and tbh oh my god same hello??? So far the stuff you've shown of them together is so fucking cute I wanna cryyyyyy.
Can you tell me more about them and the development of their relationship throughout the au's timeline? :((( How things sort of developed, who fell first, do they end up together 🥺🥺🥺 I wanna knowwwwwwww
You’ve opened so many cans of worms on this Emma cause I could talk about these two for hours! And I’m going to :D
They had met long long ago but didn’t really know each other if that makes sense. They knew of each other of course as they were in a war together and when they were blessed to be Gods of their realms they knew one another but they weren’t close.
They had a few interactions before and after their time as gods but they really started talking after HD moved to the Godly Realm. 4K found and saved HD in the midsts of a panic attack that threatened to destroy part of the realm he was in and hurt himself. 4K calmed him down and stayed with him. This is when HD first developed his crush.
When 4K kept coming around HD realised he was “stuck” with the nether god as a friend and each day the crush developed more and more. I imagine he realises he’s in love with 4K while they’re doing the most mundane task. Like a pillow fight or goofing around and HD realises how hard he’s fallen for 4K and can’t just think of him as a friend anymore.
Of course these feelings scare HD and he doesn’t want to fuck up the friendship so he distanced himself from 4K, like noticeably avoiding and leaving when he arrives. Just until the feelings pass. But 4K thinks he’s done something to truly upset HD and goes to try and make it right, whatever it is he wants to fix it. Which leads to a blurt out confession of HD’s feelings.
4K is more hesitant to return the feelings but he doesn’t reject HD either. He realises he’s not allowed himself to think of HD as anything more than a friend because he thought HD wouldn’t want that and when he takes time to put it all together he wants to be more than friends with HD and they start a slow dating so they can both work out their feelings to each other. Which is of course just confirmation that they’re in love with each other.
When they first start dating they keep it a secret from everyone. They’re not embarrassed or ashamed but they are both just starting to repair the relationship ship with their brothers and HD is growing more okay with being on the Overworld and they don’t want to drop another bombshell for them to accept. This of course means they have to sneak off for dates and time alone which they are totally fine with.
Still, even with the secrecy I imagine Sapnap had figured it out. Not right away but he sees the looks they give each other and their closeness when they don’t think people are looking. Sap is happy for them and he tries to tell it to George who is in full denial.
When a few more GodSibling fics are out and the timeline is better managed I super want to write a fic from Hd’s crush to their coming together. I did cave and am almost finished a tickle fic of them while in a relationship which I hope to post soon 🤞but until then, for where the fics are in the timeline right now, HD is crushing hard on 4K and 4K isn’t allow himself to feel anything more out of what he believes Hd wants. They are for sure ending up together and eventually will tell their relationship to the others.
I’m so so happy you love them too 🥺 I was literally shipping them for ages but was so worried how people would take them since I know shipping can be scary and serious to some people. Luckily I had friends encouraging me and the response to them has been lovely. Thank you all for validating my silly cute ship 🙏
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