#i don't give a damn what nobody said that shit taste good
sanguineterrain · 5 months
Your writing is so damn good, you execute every request perfectly 😭
Could you maybe write something where Dick's insecure partner wants to break up with him because their self-image is getting worse cause they feel they can't catch up to the Golden Boy reputation, superheroes, billionaires and so on?
hi, thanks for the request! I hope I did it justice :) a brief interlude from jaytodd before we return to our regularly scheduled program lol
dick grayson x gn!reader. low self esteem, an almost breakup, reader feeling insecure, threatened, sad. happy ending! 2.1k words
You've been tugging at your outfit for ten minutes. At this rate, you'll have to concede that this is as good as it's going to get.
"My love, you almost ready?"
You sigh and watch your reflection fold its arms.
"Yeah," you say softly. "'M ready."
The door opens. Your heart swoops.
Dick is beautiful, as usual. Your boyfriend can do a lot, including fill a suit. Both your and his outfits were tailor-made because that's one of the perks of being the son of a billionaire.
Over and over, you'd insisted you could wear off-the-rack, and over and over, Dick had said that was silly, that Bruce wouldn't mind.
And it's true that what you're wearing flatters you better than anything from Macy's or Marshall's would've. But you know it won't help tonight. Not in a room full of Gotham's elite.
"Just as I suspected," Dick says, immediately draping his arms over your hips. "You're gonna steal the show tonight."
He's lying.
That voice in your head has gotten louder recently, and you don't know how to turn it off.
You kiss him instead of responding. Dick enthusiastically reciprocates, always delighted when you touch him. You used to think it would be enough.
But ever since you found out that not only are you dating a billionaire philanthropist with a face that makes angels weep, but that said guy is also arguably the most beloved hero in Gotham, maybe second only to the Batman (who's his freaking dad?!), you've begun to have doubts.
You pull back. Dick's tie perfectly sets off his eyes. They're bright as they look at you.
"Everything okay?" he asks, brushing your cheek with his thumb.
"Uh-huh," you say, trying to smile. "Just nervous."
“Hey, it's alright. I'll be by your side all night. I'll save you from any and all small talk, promise." He winks. "And we can duck out early, get hot chocolate from that place you like. They won't care."
Dick's always doing that. Always catering to you. You're just some nobody who happened to stumble into the best relationship you’ve ever had with a golden god.
Dick never reminds you of that. That he could do better. He doesn't have to—you know it all on your own.
You swallow. “Okay. If you're sure. I... I would like to leave early, Gray."
“‘Course, baby,” Dick says, attaching his cuff links. "Anything you want."
You turn back to the mirror, wondering if you can reinvent your personality before you go and remind everyone what a mistake Dick Grayson has made in choosing you. 
The party is tasteful, though a little stuffy. You're only here because Dick is going to give a speech, and he asked you to come support him. And while you know it's better for him to go without you so you won't dull his shine, it seems Dick hasn't quite figured that out.  
You hold onto Dick’s arm as he makes his usual rounds. Dick doesn't enjoy these events, you know that, but he's fluid in his interactions. There is no doubt he’s Bruce Wayne’s prodigy. With his suit, his hair, his easy posture, Dick is almost unrecognizable from when you woke up with him this morning. 
He's in his element. All you can do is peer in and watch. 
Dick leans in and slips a hand around your waist after the fourth interaction with a donor. A donor who, again, acted like Dick may as well have been dragging around a coat rack with how intently they ignored you. Not that you give a shit about what the one percent have to say about you, except sometimes they say a lot of mean things, things you're pretty sure they don't let Dick overhear, and sometimes you start wondering if Dick is the only person who can't see truth in what they say, and sometimes—
“Hey.” Dick leans in to talk in your ear. He's warm and solid. You wish that was a comfort. “You okay?”
You're exhausted. 
He is going to wake up one of these days and realize he can have it so much better. 
Dick moves like he's about to say more, pull you closer and permeate your senses with his gold.
Sweet, tinkling laughter echoes across the room. The crowd parts for this new woman, an obvious socialite, dressed to the nines and gorgeous. 
Her dress matches Dick's tie. You feel sick.
When she reaches you two, she wastes no time grabbing Dick and kissing his cheek. He extricates himself from her, like he's done a million times before with everyone else who thinks they're entitled to a piece of Dick Grayson. He shoots you an apologetic look. You look away.
“My God, it’s been what, ten years?” she says. Then she sees you. “Oh! Where are my manners? I’m Caroline Banesbury, Duchess of Middlesworth. I heard the Dickie Grayson was going to be here, and I had to come.”
“Been a while,” Dick says, smiling blandly. “How are you, Caroline?”
“Spectacular! Father just bought another castle. You should come and see it sometime.” She plucks a flute of champagne off of a passing tray and smiles behind the rim of the glass. 
“Dick and I go way back,” she says, gaze roving over him. “I hear you're transforming Blüdhaven. Taking a page out of Bruce's book, hm? You always had a big heart, Dickie.” 
She grabs his arm and links it with hers. You sigh and take a sip of your own drink. You half-wish Poison Ivy would come in and gas the room or something.
Dick clears his throat and maneuvers out of her grip once more, letting go of her with a light pat. He returns to you, snugly holding your shoulders.
"This is my partner," he says about you.
Caroline hums, looking over you. "I see. Pleasure."
You nod. She turns back to Dick.
“If I can be of any help to your project, you let me know,” she adds, glancing down at where her empty arm now hangs at her side. “Anything.” 
“That's generous of you, Carrie.” 
Dick and I go way back.
Oh. Right. You're stupid. They've dated. 
“We should have dinner,” she continues. “Catch up. I'm dying to know what Gotham's darling has been up to.”
“I feel sick,” you announce. 
Dick and Caroline turn to you. Caroline looks perplexed, like you've just said you like to chew concrete. 
“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,” she says, hardly sparing you a glance. "Perhaps you ought to lie down."
You feel Dick's eyes on you. If you don't leave soon, he'll know you're lying. Possibly the worst part about dating Batman's protégé.
Suddenly, leaving this hall is the most important thing you've ever had to do. You feel like you'll die if you don't.
Your feet start moving.
Anyway, this is Caroline's chance. She can swoop in with her trust fund and while you think Dick can do way better than her—he can always do better—anyone is better than you. For Dick Grayson, who has been a master acrobat since he was a child, son of Batman, leader of the Titans, indubitably intelligent, capable, beautiful, the best goddamn guy you'll ever know—
You've lost your way. You're out of the gala, away from duchesses and doom. And you meant to get your coat but this hall that Bruce rented is enormous. You've no idea where you are. But you're alone.
Bruce must've known too, how unfit you are for his son. And why wouldn't he tell Dick? Unless Dick ignored him, because Dick, for all his smarts, is stupidly in love with you, thinks you're where he should put his heart, is certain you won't fumble and drop it.
Warm, callused fingers catch your wrist and you remember, suddenly, Dick telling you once, after you'd nearly stumbled into the street, that he'd never let you fall.
You meet his eyes. Why does he look at you like that? Who gave him the right to look at you like-like you—as if you could ever deserve—
"Hey," he says, squeezes your hand. "Hey, hey. What's going on?"
Dick Grayson is not a trusting man but he trusts you and good God, you're about to break him.
"I need to break up with you," you blurt.
"What?" he breathes. "What—why would you say that?"
You wish he'd give you the slip he gave everyone in that room, gently separate your arm from his hand. You never learned how to evade Dick's touch.
"Because it's true. Dick, please understand—"
"No, I'm trying to understand. Because yesterday—no, tonight, you were fine—"
"No, Dick, I wasn't fine! I haven't been fine in months!"
You wrench your arm away. He looks like you slapped him.
"You know anybody I talk to in there means nothing, right? You know that, honey." He's pleading.
You curl your fist into your eye. "It's more than that, Gray."
"Then tell me what the problem is," he says desperately. "Tell me and we'll fix it. I promise we can fix it."
"You can't!" you say, voice cracking. "You can't fix me."
Dick shakes his head. "I don't—"
"Why can't you let me break up with you with a little bit of dignity?" you ask. "Do you have to be better at this too?"
"I don't want to break up," he says, tugging at a handful of his hair. "This doesn't make sense. We're happy. You're happy, aren't you? Don't I make you happy?"
"Of course," you choke out. "Of course you make me happy. But you don't see I'm bad for you. You're wonderful and perfect and golden, Dick. And I'm a stain. I need to be scrubbed away."
"Wh—that's not true!"
"Everywhere we go, people see me with you and are immediately confused. I'm not a superhero, I'm not royalty, I'm not a socialite, and yet somehow I've managed to snag Gotham's darling. This is a mistake. I'm trying to do you a favor and wake you up!"
Dick's face is hard with anger. How could you have thought this would be easy?
"I don't need to be woken up! What is it that makes you think I have no agency over the people I choose to spend time with? Everyone I meet thinks they're entitled to touch me, demand me. Everyone but you. You, the person I chose to love, who I love everyday. Do you think you pulled the wool over my eyes and you're snapping me out of it? Is that what you really think?"
And isn't this the most puzzling thing? That he's not sad or gently accepting; Dick is mad.
"I just—" He runs a hand through his hair. "I don't mean to yell, but really, I can't bear it if you see me as some god on a pedestal, unattainable and inhuman, like everyone else sees me. I love you on purpose."
"You're so accomplished, though," you say weakly. "You're..." You wave your hand over him. "You're fucking Nightwing, D. You were Robin, you have superheroes for friends, Batman for a parent, you're beloved by, like, all of Jersey—"
"My love, you know those are just parts of me. You see all of me. You know me. And that's not a one-way privilege, okay? I'm so damn lucky to know you, to love you, to be with you, to fight with you. To fight for you. Knowing you isn't something I take for granted."
"But I'm boring," you say, tears spilling over. "Jesus Christ, Dick, I'm plain and untalented, barely a dime to my name, so painfully ordinary that—"
"Listen to me," he says, taking your face in his hands. "Flying around or shooting lasers out of your eyes, sure, it's cool, and it's helpful for taking down an alien dictator. But I don't need you to do any of that, honey. I don't need nor want you to be anyone but you. I wasn't tricked or swindled into loving you. We caught each other halfway, just like we were meant to."
You let him pull you into his arms, let him press your tear stains to his silk pocket square, let his hair fall around you.
His embrace is solid, firm, but when he inhales, his shoulders shake.
"Do you—" He swallows, throat against yours. "Do you still want to break up?"
His heart beats against your cheek.
"I'm just afraid you'll get tired of me," you whisper. "Bored. Annoyed."
"I won't," he whispers. "You're the least boring person ever. It's never boring to be loved."
You squeeze your eyes shut. Dick's warmth encloses you.
"No, I don't want to break up. I'm sorry."
He holds you tighter, and you realize you never had to match Dick's tie. Not when you've got his heart.
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♠️ What a day off of games with the aib males can look like. ♠️
A/N: Sorry, I've been absent for two days now, but for good reason. I wasn't feeling too well mentally and needed some time to myself because something happened that put me in quite a hole ... 🥲
Still, I've been thinking about what I could post here next, so I've prepared a few headcanons that define what I think a day off of games with the male characters might look like. 🙈
I hope that some of you are still around and will read through it. Feel free to let me know what you think about it or if you think any of them might have other interests! ✨
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Characters: Aguni, Arisu, Chishiya, Karube & Niragi.
POV: gn!reader
Warnings: Not given.
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A g u n i
It depends on what time we are in.
If the beach still exists, Aguni is often prevented from doing anything with you outside if he already occupies the number one spot.
You would have to live with the fact that you would hardly have any time just for the two of you, because someone from his troupe would always want something from him.
If he realises that this is bothering you - or he is annoyed by it himself - he will turn his boys away and say that they should leave him alone for the next 2 hours as far as possible because he has better things to do.
In general, no matter what time loop we are in, I would say that Aguni would adjust to your needs.
I have the following typical scenario in mind:
Aguni: "So there are no games waiting for us today. Any ideas what you want to do in our day off?" Y/N: "Uhm ..." Aguni: "Come on, you must have been in the mood for something." Y/N: "Yeah, but I really don't know for what I am in the mood for ..."
Nobody said it would be easy with you, but let's be honest: it's the Borderland, what excited yet relaxing things could you do here so far?
If you really don't know what you want to do, he would give some suggestions.
Aguni: "We could go to the pool." Y/N: "Too cloudy for my taste ..." Aguni: "We can do some sports together." Y/N: "Now your expectations are set far too high!" Aguni: "What about fishing?" Y/N: "Can't we just get some fresh air and go for a walk together?" Aguni: "..." Y/N: "..." Aguni: "You knew very well what you wanted to do, didn't you?" Y/N: "Without my lawyer, I won't say anything."
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A r i s u
If you want to do something, then Arisu is definitely the right person.
The boy is always up for a lot of nonsense and fun activities.
This is probably also because he doesn't want to constantly think about the terrible circumstances that are happening here.
He has got used to life here, but living in constant fear doesn't get someone anywhere and only has a negative effect on oneself.
So, if he is being trapped in a world that could take his life sooner or later, he at least wants to live every day as if it were his last.
You will not regret spending time with him.
He comes up with the wildest ideas, starting with taking a closer look into the various broken buildings.
Of course, he would still be cautious of entering any places just like that- not that both of you suddenly find yourself in a game, because that's what you're trying to avoid today.
Y/N: "A-Are you sure we should do this, Arisu?" Arisu: "Nope, but you only live once, so let's check this building out- maybe we'll find some interesting things in here." Y/N: "Would you define 'corpses' as interesting ...?" Arisu: "Wow, you really managed to ruin my fun."
You still wouldn't be able to stop him.
Investigating the building would include lots of laughter and piggybacks when your feet get tired from all the walking over ruins and debris.
Eventually you find out that this building was a former arcade.
You can definitely pass the time well there.
Arisu: "Would you like a game of billiards?" Y/N: "I'm going to rip you off so bad, love."
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C h i s h i y a
Listen, this boy is a damn lazy piece of shit.
When there aren't any duties don't expect him to do something special.
He has no problem putting his feet up for a day and literally doing nothing.
Feel honored if he spends his time with you at all.
No matter where you both would be, he would find ways to just doze off and relax while you - after all - lie in his arms and enjoy his closeness.
It's nice that he can do that, but you can't.
Y/N: "We've been lying around here all day." Chishiya: "Well realised." Y/N: "I'm bored." Chishiya: "Then do something."
He would definitely be a great help to you.
Jokes on you, no, he wouldn't.
Y/N: "But I wanna do something with you today since we have enough time finally." Chishiya: "We do something, darling." Y/N: "Idiot, that's not what I meant!"
Making you pout is one of his favorite things to do.
How could he be bored if you let him get on your nerves so easily?
In contrast to you, he has something to laugh about and something to amuse himself with.
Nevertheless, he would at least agree to a compromise:
Chishiya: "How about this? We'll use the time now to laze around and in the evening we'll take a look at the neighbourhood together and see which places are damned by games this time." Y/N: "We don't take part in any games, our visas count enough days for us." Chishiya: "Who said anything about taking part in a game?" Y/N: "So, if I let you lounge around now, you will promise me to stay up late with me?"
Damn, you love the nightlife.
Chishiya: "That's a deal."
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K a r u b e
To me the funniest but most chaotic one.
During the day, at least.
I can well imagine that Karube and you had already planned the day ahead the evening before.
But what would life be like if everything went as planned?
The morning is pleasant. You wake up together and after a intense cuddle-round, you start your routine as usual.
Unfortunately, Karube realizes that he can't find something.
Something very important when it comes to following his routine.
Karube: "Honey, d'you know where my cigarettes are?" Y/N: "I don't know where you put them yesterday after you got ready for bed."
In the end, it all comes down to searching your whole accommodation for his cigarettes.
I mean, when you do smoke yourself, they can be important for you too ...
If not, well, then you are a very nice and good person!
Y/N: "Did you found them?" Karube: "I would have told you when that would be the case." Y/N: "Sure you didn't throw the box away because you smoked you last one yesterday evening?" Karube: "I know my pack of cigarettes inside out, there were at least three more in there."
You can guess where this is going.
You spend the whole forenoon looking for his damn cigarettes.
You turn the whole accommodation upside down.
Both of you look under every stone.
In every room.
Two times- minimum.
Y/N: "Karube, fave it, you don't have any- ... Darling ...? Karube: "What is it?" Y/N: "What's that in your pants pocket ... at the back of your butt?" Karube: "Uh-... Oh!"
Now he remebers ...
Karube: "You found them! That's right, I put them straight in my jeans yesterday so I couldn't forge- hey!" Y/N: "Yeah, I threw your boxer shorts at you!"
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N i r a g i
Oh, my dearest reader-chan, please stay close to him no matter where he goes.
When he has nothing to do, he will go through the city streets looking for people to annoy.
He would look for trouble and find it- even if there's no reason for trouble, he'll just make it happen himself and find his reasons.
I don't know how, but at least you managed to stop him from taking his gun.
That's something you should be very proud of.
However, that doesn't stop him from doing anything and we know that.
So please. Stay. With. Him. Thank you!
In any case, you walk around the area together and check it out a little.
You'll talk about pretty trivial things every now and then, but that's still more pleasant than just talking to each other all the time.
When you meet someone, Niragi is ready to provoke them directly for no reason.
Thank god you had a firm hold on his hand or his arm so you could quickly drag him in another direction to avoid the innocent people.
Y/N: "Oh, look!"
Yes, you also like to pretend to see something that you would find interesting.
… In partially empty shop windows.
Niragi: "What the fuck should I look for?" Y/N: "See the rocks there?" Niragi: "You kidding me, right?"
The nice thing is that he would still look to something you tell him to look at.
There could actually be something interesting there.
Well, most of the times at least.
It's nearly impossible but who know?
Y/N: "OH, SEE WHAT I HAVE FOUND TH-" Niragi: "What is it this time? Another boring and ugly stone you think it's fascinating?" Y/N: "No ..." Niragi: "Oh, what is it this time then?" Y/N: "The tree there."
He will touch his nose and look at you angrily- but not without laughing afterwards at your amiable stupidity.
Damn, he loves you so much for what you are, he can't even be bothered.
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stormberry-12 · 1 year
faceless // P2: show my face? ~ charles leclerc x reader
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!driver!reader
includes/authors notes: language, lack of equal rights/ gender equality, readers an unknown figure in the races, fem!reader's gender assumed as male, use of "y/n".
Bold Italics are the past.
Normal Italics are thoughts.
summary: "There is a new mysterious driver on the grid. Nobody knows who he is, the only thing we know is that he races for Red Bull with the number 66. Other drivers call him the faceless driver for none have ever seen his face or heard him speak. The faceless driver is a legend in the making and even giving Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen a run for their money…”
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Charles had never been a good cook. Bless his sweet soul, he tried so hard but nothing ever turned out. As the pancakes sizzled on the pan, he knew he was about to burst into tears if one more of the damn things started burning. Light footsteps drew his attention from the food and he looked up to see your sleepy face walk down the stairs.
"No!" he gasped, "Go back to bed-"
"Charlie..." he watched you yawn and shuffle towards him, it was clear you were not a morning person. Wrapping your arms around his body and nuzzling into his frame, he swore he felt his heart flutter. "Hi," you whispered.
"Hi," Charles chuckled placing a kiss on your head, arms wrapped around you as well. "Happy Valentine's Day..."
You looked up at him in confusion and he looked back with a small smile on his face. 
"Oh my god..." you chuckled, with everything that had been going on you had completely forgotten what day it was. "Happy Valentine's Day Charles,"
 He grinned and hugged you tighter burring his face in your neck. Admiring the warmth, scent, and long soft stands of hair that brushed his face.
"What's that smell?" you sniffed slightly, scrunching your nose.
"Shit!" he exclaimed, cursing at himself for completely forgetting about his pancakes. You looked over to the stovetop, where Charles was frantically trying to remove the burnt food from the pan.
God, this is embarrassing-, he thought, dumping loads of syrup on the pancakes, trying to remove the charred taste. He placed the pancakes in front of you motioning for you to try it.
Your eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and adoration washing over your face. You sat down and reached out to pull the dish towards you. Gaze shifting from the very burnt pancakes to his hopeful expression.
"I can't believe you did all of this," you said, voice filled with genuine warmth. "Thank you, Charles..."
"Oh, it's nothing. Honestly, because it's going to taste like shit-"
Your laugh rang through the air and Charles couldn't help but admire every little detail about you—the way your eyes sparkled when you smiled, the gentle curve of your lips, and the way your laughter filled the room with warmth. Every moment spent with you felt like a dream come true, and Charles had to remind himself that this incredible person had chosen to be with him.
You stabbed a pancake with your fork and brought it to your mouth, Charles tried not to laugh at the look on your face. Trying to mask the disgust with a smile and swallowing the food slowly.
"It's uhh, really good!" you choked.
"Love, I can tell when you're lying." he laughed. He noticed your face falter slightly, your smile was not as prominent and your eyes clouded over suddenly, just like they had the night before on the way home from the race. Trying to reassure you he said, "Don't worry about it, I was just joking-"
Your face shifted once more, "No, I know, thank you Charlie this was very sweet!"
He took the fork from you, finishing off the pancake you had started, "Ooo, it's crunchy,"
This had you giggling uncontrollably, Charles's eyes lighting up at the sight of you. During clean up he made a point of throwing out his charred meal by seeing how many baskets in a row he could make as the pancakes fell into the trash can. He then hummed a happy tune as the two of you did dishes, it made you happy that he was happy.
Charles was very excited about this weekend and he wouldn't stop talking about it, qualifying was tomorrow and his team had made some upgrades to the car that both Ferrari drivers were ecstatic about. The promise of better results had Charles dreaming of coming out victorious ahead of the faceless driver.
"Look, I have a huge favor to ask you," Charles spoke trying to word his request in the best way possible, "So I know you don't love the media-"
"But just hear me out, love," Charles pleaded, watching you sort the forks from the knives in the cutlery drawer.
"Come onnnn," He hugged you from behind causing you to sigh.
"No." You said again.
"I'm going to talk about it anyway," Charles sighed, he looked down and played with the bracelets wrapped around his wrists. "My PR manager wants me to take you on a hot lap, it'll be so fun, you won't even know the cameras are there!"
"A hot lap?" you turned around in his arms to face him, his light eyes locked on yours making your chest flutter.
"Yeah, you know, like when Hamilton takes all his British actor friends around the track, they're on YouTube-"
"Yeah, I know I just... don't know," you sighed at the wording.
"Pleaseee?" he was practically begging, "For me? Oh! I know, for Valentine's Day because I know you forgot."
Well, shit. you thought. He had got you there.
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"This helmet hurts my head," you complained. Charles ignored the complaining and smirked at you, doing up his seatbelt. "It's just one lap, right?"
"Yes, love,"
This is actually good... you thought after a while. You had never driven this track before, so getting a little tour would hopefully help you on the weekend. The last race's crash was a little too close for comfort, you could still see Charles looking at you angrily after pulling you out of the car, his stare was intense as if he wanted to see your face from behind the visor. 
Christian Horner called you the day after the last race and made it clear there was going to be no risk-taking on your part moving forward. You had to follow instructions out on the track or he would have to 're-think his driver lineup'. His threat was surprising, but you didn't feel any worry, the team would be lost without you.
Re-think your lineup my ass.
"How are you not moving?!" Charles exclaimed, pulling you from your thoughts, "You're a natural!"
Shit. He had started driving and you were supposed to be jolting around in your seat because you were an 'amateur'. It was time to put your acting pants on.
"Well, my knuckles are turning white and I'm not breathing so I wouldn't say I'm a natural..." you choked out.
"Please breathe, love. And talk to me so I know you're not dead, I can't look over at you while I'm driving 300 miles an hour-"
"Right, right-" you said, trying to just have a normal conversation with your boyfriend and forget that there were cameras all over this car. "What should we talk about?"
"Something, anything, just don't stop breathing again-" He laughed. God, he was good at this; turning an awkward lull in conversation into a joke. He glanced over at you for a split second to try and read your face, "Do you hate this?!" Charles asked, talking very loudly over the engine of the car,  "I can't tell,"
"I don't hate it. I just don't like it at all and it's terrible," you replied calmly, trying to play the part of terrified girlfriend. The grandstands that would usually be filled with thousands of people were empty and dark, they flew past you in a blur as the car sped up on the straight section of track.
The car drifted suddenly, causing you to grip the seat and brace yourself, "CHARLES-"
Charles laughed again, but it wasn't the fake laugh he put on for the camera. It was his real laugh, the stupid giggly French laugh that he only did when you were alone in your apartment. This made you laugh too because he sounded like a little girl.
"You broke too late into that corner love," you teased him without thinking.
"Uhm..." you chuckled awkwardly and he fully turned his head studying you curiously. You just shrugged.
"Your right. I have no idea how you knew that, you surprise me every day Y/n L/n..."
"I don't know either, you're welcome though,"
Charles rolled his eyes and smirked, "Did you like the breakfast I made for you this morning?" he asked.
"Yeah, it was amazing," you lied and you could see the look on his face as he grinned because you both knew it was far from perfect. "I like waking up to the smell of bacon, " you laughed.
"Wish I had enough time in the morning, I would make it for you every day," he smiled.
"Me too, I make it work though-"
"The smell of the bacon,"
"Well, you're gone a lot and since I don't have a butler, I do it myself. Most nights before I go to bed, I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman Grill. Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill, I go back to sleep again. Then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon."
Charles cackled, almost hitting his head on the steering wheel. "I need to try this,"
"I can do eggs too, they just don't smell as good," You grinned.
"That's why I always slip on my way to the shower-" Charles wheezed with his thick accent.
"Yup. I do it in the bathroom because I don't want to get the grease all over the carpet-"
"Y/n, love, you're killing me-" 
"Don't die on me Charlie, you said it yourself we are going 300 miles an hour,"
You and Charles were laughing so hard it was bringing tears to your eyes, and before you knew it the "hot lap" was over and you were exiting the car.
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The next morning, you and Charles got up at the break of dawn and drove to the track. He pulled his car into a stall and kissed you farewell, darting off to the red Ferrari garage. You headed over to a common area in the Paddock, where you usually pulled out your laptop and pretended to be doing something important. That way, fewer people came up to talk to you and you could set up an image that you were disappearing to take work calls. However, today you had no time to set up an alibi and sprinted down the back ally of the paddock until you found a pile of your racing gear outside the back door.
You rattled the handle but the door didn't budge. 
Why were your things outside and why couldn't you get in? 
You felt a sick urge in your gut that someone was trying to set you up; but, it wasn't like you could waltz in the garage with the suit in your arms and ask the pit crew who locked you out.
This lovely alleyway would have to do. You slipped into your fireproofs and race suit, stuffing your jeans and shirt in your backpack and the bag behind a dumpster. 
It would have to do. 
You sat on the ground and pulled out your phone, 15 minutes until qualifying started. You shot a text to Christian, saying you needed him to double-check that your door was unlocked before the race tomorrow, before opening up your social media to see that the hot lap had been posted and the video was blowing up. Some comments were about Charles that made you smile at how much his fans adored him. The majority ended up being about you and you felt your pulse quicked as you scrolled through them.
What could people possibly find so entertaining about you?
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You sighed and rubbed a hand through your hair, you were breaking the internet and nobody even knew your full identity. It did surprise you however, the very small amount of hate comments that were under all of the tweets, and the amount of people that would shut down the few scattered in the mix. Random people you didn't know were defending you on the internet, it was a weird feeling.
"Holy shit-" a voice rang in your ear.
Your head snapped up, your helmet wasn't on, and Lando Norris was standing across from you with his jaw on the floor.
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previous chapter // next chapter
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yandere-plague · 3 months
Any version your comfortable with thank you
All of them at once- jk
// mentions of drugging/spiking , kidnapping
takes place sometime during borderlands 3
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without spoiling much, I leave it up to you as what your 'previous' job was.
"Huh, never thought this ship would have a bar." In hindsight that would be obvious. But for one in space? Definitely not.
Everyone calls it Moxxi's nightclub, though its more of a bar than anything else. Can you really call it a nightclub if your always in space?
Sanctuary III, the home of the Crimson Raiders. Where legendary people are formed to hunt vaults. Though you know that already.
The room gave off a radiant pink, a splash of colour from the rest of the ship. And in the middle stood who you assumed to be the woman herself, Mad Moxxi.
"Well hey Sugar. Dont think I've seen you around here." Her voice sounds like honey, a mix of courteousness and flirtiness enough to give some drunk people the wrong idea.
"Just came from Promethea actually."
"Promethea? Hope the corpo war hasn't been to hard on ya."
"Eh I'm doing alright. They raised the rent at my apartment because Atlas needed to get everyone out of the city. I don't blame him but. To be honest most of us have nowhere to go."
This became a regular occurance, after your job on Promethea you head to Moxxi's for a quick drink or a bite to eat before heading to your dorm.
[A few months later]
"Hey Moxxi, guess who finally managed to get enough funds to live back on Promethea!"
You ran into the bar, giddy with excitement.
"Aww, really? I'm going to miss you sugar."
Her makeup never changed since you first met. Still wearing the ruined mascara, intentional or not.
"Dont worry Mox. I'll visit you!" You chucked.
How about one last drink? On the house~"
She smiled, she always wanted to give you free drinks. But every time you denied her.
'Well. I- why not?" You shrug.
Looking around you notice that nobody else is around.
"You closing up early? Wait, what time is it?"
"Well after closing time, but I decided to let you in." She said while trying to get rid of a damn stain on her dress.
"Shit. Sorry-"
"Dont be, now bottoms up sugar~"
She poured the drink up to your lips. It felt kind of awkward but you went along with it for now.
It tasted familiar, like her finest blend but a little bit saltier? Maybe you're just imagining things.
"Thanks." She put it down after.
"Need some help back there? Like tidying up or something?"
"You're too kind~, mind checking the tables for any leftover drinks or anything. I say people just leave their drinks like its nothing." She sighed.
"Sure thing."
You stand up, almost wobbling a bit. Did she give you an extra strong version or something?
You look at every table, they all seem to be clear. Apart from one of the booths at the back, a few glasses lay there.
You pick them up and head back to her. Placing them on the table.
"Thanks doll."
"Oof. Yeah. I think im going to go now. I'm beat." You sit back down on one of the stools, placing a hand on your forehead.
"Jeez, how strong is this stuff?"
"Its a special blend."
"It sure is..."
"Oh sugar~, can't keep you're head on straight can you?"
The world around you slipped, as you fell on the floor.
"Dont worry. Momma Moxxi will take very good care of you. Just sleep. Kitten..."
You revealed Moxxi's true voice, a sickening sap that once she gets you into her clutches, she's never letting you go...
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(I actually have the moxxi finest blend bottle. But I've never drank alcohol before and I don't think that whiskey is a good thing to try first 😅)
I AM SO SORRY FOR MAKING THIS TAKE SO LONG. I was busy with college and then tumblr decided to not let me edit for some reason. I'm personally not impressed with what I've written :/ I
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yourlocalmikankinnie · 3 months
♤sleeping witch♤
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an: hi! I'm so sorry for the wait on this.. I hope it's to your liking! I have not been skilled in making long fanfics or oneshots *coughs as you can tell coughs* I know it's not very "fancy talking" or elegant but I still hope it's presentable 💗
request details: "Can you do kind of a gothic type sleeping beauty for Celeste, and g/n reader does the whole “kiss to wake up” thing??"
slight warning!: LOTS of uses of "you" and I sneaked in some tiny brainrot
tag: @canweseethepictures <3
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It was so secret that everybody was expecting the downfall of the noble witch. She was a cruel and greedy person. She was a liar, a cheat, everything under the sun. So there was no surprise when someone had eventually cursed her like she had done to so many before.
The witch was put to sleep, never to wake up unless given something so small as a kiss. the only problem? nobody wanted to give her one. not even her pathetic servants. funny right?
oh well, she'll never wake up anyways.
「 ✦ seems like this is where
you come in isn't it? ✦ 」
You weren't exactly the richest or well known person ever, but you made a living as a baker a year ago in the town if you'd call it that. everything seemed laid back and calm, the opposite of what you had heard from travelers before coming there.
So your interest and curiosity was caught when you overheard some townsfolk talking about something strange, for people who were supposed to be whispering, they were doing a shit job at it..
"has anyone tried to wake her yet?" One villager asked the next. "not to any of our knowledge, last person who tried was taken away right?" Another spoke. "yeah... poor fool." a snarky Noble snickered.
it wasn't really eavesdropping if they were out in the open talking was it? pfff no! with the information you've gathered from that, there was clearly some girl who was sleeping and they obviously just didn't want anyone to wake her up. Sounds pretty stupid if you ask me.
you decide to ask customers about this mysterious lady, turns out the girl is a wicked witch. for people so adamant on keeping it some kind of secret or disclosed thing, they sure do talk an ear off.
After managing to collect more information and details, you think about it for the next few days. on one hand, it seems like the witch being cursed is a good thing for the townsfolk, on the other hand, it really seemed like the witch was skilled... which is useful for certain situations.
Weighing your options, you decide to sleep on it again. in your thoughts however, a voice calls for you distantly even outside of the dream, which leads you to now. Right infront of the "heavily guarded manor" It was infact NOT guarded. it wasn't really a problem getting inside, but you can't really be careful, there could possibly be traps or this whole thing could be a trap. You never know.
Just to be safe, you start inspect the manor carefully. after inspecting, the "journey" up to where the room the witch was at didn't take long, they had quite literally not moved her. She was infact still laying face down on the floor with a tea cup spilt and shattered on the floor, the tea all moldy by now, causing a slight gag at the stench.
"God damn the towns people really hate you don't they" and with that, you grab her pale slender hand, grimacing at the sticky red tea on it and pull her over somewhere so that she was not on the dirty ass floor.
Almost forgetting what you came here for, you spend a minute thinking, making sure this was the right decision or not but not wanting to take too long to where whoever was supposed to be "heavily guarding" this place does their job.
you finally come to a decision and lean in, grimacing at the bitter, gross, moldy smell and taste of the old tea on her lips.. it was really gross
You waited a little bit, wiping your mouth with your sleeve "nobody said I had to enjoy the kiss so that's a positive at least.."
a rustle and groan caught your attention as you watched the Black haired witch open her eyes, the piercing red eyes starring into your soul that's what seemed like atleast..
"who are you. And are you the one who has awoken me?" her heavy fake accent hit your ears. you replied, not wanting her to take her anger out on the only person with her. "yes ma'am"
she stayed silent for a while, looking lost in thought, you didn't really put it past her since she has just woken up from who knows long.
"So it seems you have received my call after all.. hm. pleasant. I am Celestia Ludenberg, the Witch."
After spending some while talking to the which, you find out more about her, what she's done. a large part of it is frightening, being in the same room as her but it sounds fucking awsome being a witch.. aside from the whole "being hated and set on fire" stuff.
"So... you aren't gonna curse me are you? You practically told me uh.. everything."
"Hm? You foolish baker.. I might do just that! would you like me to?" the tone in her voice was playfully mocking with hint of seriousness.
"erm.. what the sigma" your face flushed a bit as you pulled your collar, you couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or being flustered.
"What? Would you perhaps rather receive a kiss than a curse?"
"Brush your teeth first and I'll think about that.." you shiver a bit as she laughs.
"I'm serious by the way"
"oh. I knew that."
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thank you so much for requesting! I'm so sorry I have not been active as of lately, lots of crazy stuff going on
will be trying to get all requests I have done by next week!
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bellyasks · 5 months
Bakery-related stuffing prompts? (Like with the baker, or the baker’s assistant or something?)
i dont think theres much i can say on the tried & true bakery setting that hasnt been said 8000 times before But we are just having fun here so
[disclaimer: i dont know shit about how bakeries are run & today is not the day that changes]
Your character is the assistant of an ambitious and innovative baker who's always trying to make new and interesting things. One of their roles is taste testing the baker's new creations. Usually this manifests as an occasional snack during the week, but when the baker is in a particularly creative mood, it can mean a day (and stomach) filled with dozens of various treats.
Your character and their fellow bakers have just finished putting together a huge, extravagent wedding cake when the customer calls and says that the wedding is off and they don't even want to look at the damn thing, let alone come out and pick it up. Ordinarily, the bakery might try to sell the cake off by the slice, but it's the end of the day, and it's already been paid for, so, rather than get the enormous cake put away, your character and their colleagues take care of it themselves.
Your character is a clumsy, clueless new employee at the bakery. They have little experience in the field; they're really only there because it's the only place that was hiring, and they're always screwing things up. Today, they totally messed up a small batch of bread dough. Not wanting to get caught in another screw-up, they quickly hide the evidence--by eating it. They think they're in the clear, until they realize the dough is still rising.
Your character shows up to work absolutely starving. This would be bad enough, but they work at the bakery, surrounded by mouth-watering treats and the smell of fresh bread. Unable to resist, they sneak little snacks throughout the day. Some suspicion arises, but nobody suspects your character, at least until the end of the day when their round tummy gives them away.
Your character is a pregnant baker who's been struggling to resist their cravings. Today, though, the smell of the fresh loaves of bread they're pulling out of the oven overwhelms them, and they can't help it--they tear up an entire loaf on their own. Fortunately, their coworkers are understanding and amused when they find out what happened, but an entire loaf of bread might not feel so good in your character's tummy once the frenzy wears off.
Your character just totally screwed up a big batch of pastries. They can't be sold, and they're barely edible, but your character hates the idea of just dumping them all in the trash, so they reluctantly eat the entire batch of reject pastries by themself. Whether they do it all at once or throughout the day is up to you, but they certainly won't feel good by the time they're through.
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Prompts List
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Pick from this list of many prompts. To send in requests just click 🦝 Give me a number and a few details. Let's have fun with this prompts list!
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"Your hair is so soft..."
"It's too cold! Come back!"
"No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed"
"C'mere, you can sit in my lap until I'm done working."
"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention
"Shh, you're safe. I won't let you go."
"What? Does that feel good?"
"Just pretend to be my date."
"He/she did it." "No he/she did."
"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
"It's not a double date. We're just third and fourth wheeling."
"No no - it's alright, come here."
"I'm not going to leave you. You're never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise."
"Look, I know we don't know each other that well, but I'm still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone."
"If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars."
"I think I might be falling in love with you."
"Your lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day."
"It's not bad to cry. In fact, I think it makes a person stronger."
"Mmm... you're warm."
"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this.."
"I've had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with..."
"No, you can't get up! You're my prisoner for today."
"Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream okay? None of it was real."
"You know I'm/we're always here for you, right?"
"Please talk to me about it."
"You have something in your hair... um-do you want me to get it out?"
"I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror.."
"I would've had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn't want to wake you."
"I know I've kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please."
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
"Wanna, like- I mean, it you're not busy... we could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time?"
"So I was driving past a pet store and couldn't help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home."
"Let's just stay in bed."
"We live together. You can't blame this on anyone else."
"You're beautiful, you know that?"
"Shooting star. Make a wish."
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"Wow, you're hot."
"I want to marry you."
"I want to take a shower so you should probably join me. It'll save water."
"You're just not the same anymore.."
"It's midnight! Where the hell were you?"
"What the hell is your problem?"
"Why do you run away from your problem all the time?"
"You can't keep it all inside, you know?" Bottling it up won't do any good."
"Hey, I know you're hurting.. but, you're not alone, okay?"
"I hate you! I'm sorry it took me so damn long to realize that."
"You lost your chance."
"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."
You can'y just lose your temper like this every time you get a bit upset."
"calm down! You're scaring me!"
"Don't look at me like that."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
"I'm done trying to help you!"
"Sorry doesn't fix anything."
"You didn't call. You didn't text. Nothing."
"It isn't up for debate."
"I don't know what's wrong, okay? I'm just… really tired."
"I'm fine. Stop asking."
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong, and don't try lying to me."
"I hope someday you get a taste of your own medicine."
"Pack your shit and go. Get the fuck out of my sight!"
"Is this how little you think of me."
"I can't do this anymore… not with you."
"Are you happy now? Huh? DOES THIS MAKE YOU HAPPY?!"
"You said you'd always be ther efor me… so how did this happened? Why weren't you there?"
"Did it ever occur to you that you're hurting me too?"
"I don't need help! I just want the pain to stop!"
"We can be friends instead."
"I tried to move on, but nobody is you."
"Do I look like I've moved on
"I don't remember a fight or a rason, so what happned? Why did we break up?"
"Can I at least buy you a coffee? For old times sake."
"I can't take the loneliness anymore."
"I feel like everyone just forgot I exist."
"What are you talking about? You're married."
"Maybe I'm meant to be alone…"
"I gave you your chance, and you just used it to stab me in the back."
"I've been alone for so long…"
"But you promised."
"Isn't this, like illegal?" "Probably."
"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this." "No, i'm not drunk at all. You're just blurry."
"I have a feeling we should kiss." "Is that a good feeling or a bad feeling?"
"yeah, well, I shut everybody out. Don't take it personally. It's just easier. "
"You're jealous, aren't you?" "I'm not jealous."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
"I can't beliece you dragged me into this."
" Bite me." "Eat me" "Kiss my ass."
"You think I'm dumb enough to fall for that stupid move."
"You have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. Not that that's going to stop us, but at least I'll have all the facts. "
"You weren't supposed to laugh! I'm so embrassed."
"I vote today is a pajama day."
"You aren't supposed to laugh! I'm embarrassed."
"It's a real shame nodody asked for your opinion."
"There's been some real friction in our friend group lately. I sugget an orgy to save out friendship."
"I saw that, You just checked me out."
"Are you stupid or stupid?"
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Posted on: 01/21/23
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sneak-a-cat · 1 year
Breaking bad season 1
Episode 1:
imma be honest with you i have seen the first episode before and it was like. aight from what i can remember, but it was a wee while ago
when was this made why does it feel like i can taste the screen with how it looks
2008. yeah that tracks
what a start why is walter not wearing any clothes except for pants??
they have just crashed a car, awesome i love them already
Yo Mr White why do you have hair??
jessie looks half dead this s tragic
"hartwell"? ok mr weird middle name
the weird intro twang is here, we love to hear it
i am enjoying the element puns in the names, i like that they capitalise it properly even at the end of a name
he is 50, amazing
i assure you i would taste the difference in veggie bacon, cholesterol be damned
oh he is teaching... badly?
oh nvm he took fire out quickly to grab attention and changed its colour, awesome
he works two jobs? poor guy... he must be tired
oh no i remember this, he is cleaning cars and his students find out and they make fun of him... :(
Nobody seems to like Walter?? why am i so upset about this??
i can't tell if him and his wife are domestic or like. a weirdly sad
oddest scene with a hand job i have ever seen? i think?
mr coughs a lot cancer boy, please go to the doctor.
oh and he has collapsed nice one
tell your wife you have cancer you idiot
what is his wives name... google help me Skyler aha gotcha
"i said 'fuck you' AND your eyebrows" i love this man he is hilarious and sad like a wet cat
"Cap'n Cook" thats an amazing name
Walter is appalled by the lack of professional decorum by the police force <3 (they were betting on the race of the meth cook)
ok this swat scene is fun... i'm into it, we shall see how fight scenes go
off he runs, Jesse is free, i love him <333
ok so he is out of school, previous student of Walt, interesting
jesse you are so stupid... he has his car plate as "the cap" or something, you silly guy your name is "Cap'n Cook" you silly silly boy
Skyler writes? that's fun, i hate her sister she can fuck off and die
actors are good, i don't like the characters as intended
walter is stealing supplies you go girl, commit those crimes
aw walter is being a nerd about beakers and flasks <33
he knows his stuff lets go chemistry teacher man
please don't snort chilli powder
"you can dress up like a faggot all you want, not me" bbg, jesse you are giving me some sort of vibe and homophobic was not one of them
"he's just gonna break bad" he said the thing!! yay jesse
jesse is being very reasonable, you do need to discuss why you are doing this with him walter
I like walters kid
ableist assholes in the background can fuck off, little bastards
Walt you go bbg beat their asses, you go girl
i like how Walter Jr just looks hella pleased that his dad just beat them
"cow house?" "yeah where they live? the cows?" amazing interaction, jesse you are so stupid <3
Jesse is horrified by Mr White in his underwear
they are making chemistry seem cool (and not tedious) and showing differences in the characters in a montage, awesome
jesse is shit at talking big, jesse is shit at talking in general alright then
Mr White please just bring some clothes to wear dedicated to using in the lab. stop stripping near nude
jesse i love your pathetic ass
he fell over instantly in a chase <3 he is useless <3
chemistry boy just poisoned people you, Yo Mr White your a badass
he is also the sweatiest man in the west
ok i think i'll like the fight scenes and shit, this seems to be banger, we are back at the start of the episode and now we know how we got here, nice i like it
oh jeez walter just tried to commit suicide but safety was on alrighty then
Walter just proper yarfed after being cool and explaining his plan, nice one man
why is there money in the dryer??
episode ended with him having sex with his wife awesome.
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wack-ashimself · 9 months
'Silent Night' (2023) is one of the worst movies I have seen in years.
I literally had it on 2x the speed till almost an hour in. And still turned it on more times than off.
Because the first hour is literally a montage (the longest fucking one ever made) trying to act like it is artsy because no one talks (literally, no one. Radio noise in background at most).
The first hour is the long way around to tell you the story of the movie you got ENTIRELY from the trailer. Yes: I am saying there is practically NO action in the first hour. FOR AN ACTION MOVIE.
Oh, and it's racist as fuck, with a solid white hero complex bull shit (with a nice blue lives matter after taste). This was the most basic of stories, stereotypes, and the only benefit is they didn't bog you down with even dumber lines.
Not joking, skip to about 50 minutes in. Here's what you'll watch otherwise: 50 minutes of showing his kid got killed in a driveby because of those damn non whites (sarcasm for the thick), the cops didn't do anything, so he's taking the law into his own hands. BUT if he saves some good, innocent, hard working cops along the way, so be it. Oh yeah all this happens...
AFTER A YEAR. So if you keep watching...
You get his highs and lows of the year, including being bad at something then not being bad at it, his wife being so left alone she leaves him (how original!), and remembering the dead kid in the most bland scenarios (cuz, again, no dialogue) where you WILL fast forward thru most of this movie because even fucking vanilla yogurt is looking exciting. Even some of the action was lame; going in circles in a car & missing a bunch of shots isn't as cool as you think. I know it was trying the whole move of playing it straight; what IF a nobody trained over a year to become a killer, and you had to watch step by step his struggle? But...WE DO NOT CARE. IT-HAS-BEEN-DONE-AND-BETTER! We didn't come for the bad cakes you burnt; we came the good one. <ha. that's what she said.>
It just feels like this is the order the director/writer (or both) went with: 1-ART. Great shots, scenery. Sets a tone; NO DIALOGUE. All visual communication. 2-Emotional. This man lost his son, his voice, his wife, his will to live. FEEL HIS PAIN! 3-Oh yeah, it's an action movie. And because they sold it as action, AND action is overall the only worthwhile parts of this movie, BUT since action only takes up....1/3 of the movie, it fails in all 3. If it would have done by the books basics action movie, like Bruce Willis's like last 30, they could've at least been average....
Update: It's one of the worst movies I ever saw. I went from 3 to 2 to 1 just in the last 20 minutes. Cuz not only did his mad knife skills look cooler with the DUMMIE at the beginning of the movie, but, the last big boss was THE WORST ACTION SCENE IN THE MOVIE. You made the last scene the WORST!? HOW DO YOU OPT IN FOR THAT WITHOUT ANY THOUGHT?
'Silent Night' (2023): 1/10. I'd give it a 0 but I sadly probably have seen worse.
ps-best part? It's violent, and I usually don't like those parts the best, but when he pinned 2 bad guys with his car against the building on his drivers side, and stabbed one before he knew it? Never seen that in an action film. Thought it was smart. And for a second, looked semi inconspicuous. Still glad I went double speed on 80% of this movie. FUCK it's bad.
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amoristt · 3 years
Just a Dare | Nathan Prescott x Reader
@trueloveknifefight asked, Also can I request Nathan asking you out?
here u are! i love writing convos w nathan UGH i adore his character.
as always, replies and reblogs are greatly appreciated1 i check all tags and comments <3
wanna support me for just $3? here's my ko-fi!
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The lights were bright, vivid. Almost blinding. They dance LED accents into the reflection of your drink- a dull plastic cup filled to the brim with one part whiskey, zero parts mixer. The taste could bring a tear to your eye but you would be damned to water down such fine alcohol, provided by none other than Nathan Prescott himself.
Music reverberated along the pool rooms walls, laughter and hollers distantly rising with the tempos. Your foot absently tapped to the beat- you were never one for dancing. Never one for parties, either, actually, favoring drinking in the solitude of a small friend group.
If not for Nathan you wouldn't be here at all. Some would say it's a privilege to slip past those heavy doors, entering the dully lit world of the Vortex Club. You mostly just felt like it was all for show. Somehow securing a place among Nathan's friend group, and a good friend at that, it was almost duty to show up. He insisted on it.
So, here you were. Leaning against a wall in a suffocatingly warm, cramped pool room surrounded by a sea of faces you hardly recognized.
That was, until you saw Nathan's face peer through the small break in shifting bodies. You knew him all too well.
Strikingly handsome, equally strikingly pompous. Funny, crude, an absent minded party goer just as much as he was a fireball with racing, incoherent thoughts. A drinker, a druggie. Takes the edge off, he says, but you think he does it to take away his thoughts completely. You felt like his entire life was all edges, never sacred ground.
The poor bastard.
He lures your attention in as he saunters over with squared shoulders, narrowly avoiding spilling his drink when a random student cuts it a little too close. Normally Nathan would make a bigger deal, give him what for, but this time he just shoots the poor kid a menacing glare and grumbles, 'fucking watch it'. He's walking with purpose and intent, you can see it on his face. You must have a target on your forehead as he darts straight over.
When he comes to your side, his own alcohol dripping down the sides of his cup onto his wiry fingers, you raise a brow.
"Something wrong?" You ask, as he takes a spot leaning against the hard wall right next to you.
"Just wondering why you're being so fucking lame over here," He shouts over the music, taking a sip of his drink, grimacing at the taste. "We're all having a good time over at the lounge and you're over here acting like all the other wallflower nobodies."
You roll your eyes with upturning lips. "Maybe I like being a wallflower. I like people watching. I see things no one else does."
"Yeah, okay, fucking weirdo."
"I mean it," You push off the wall and grin. "Look-" You point to a student obviously wasted, drink held high over head while he lets the music take him away. "That guy is clearly trashed- he's having the time of his life. He's gotta be seeing double."
Nathan whistles at his state, taking in the guys goofy smile, half lidded eyes. "I'll bet it's the triplets. I could breathe on him too hard and he'd fall over."
"You should go try it." You tease. He shakes his head and takes another drink.
"Nah, he'll get it himself. Guarantee we'll be dragging him out by his feet by the end of the night." He shrugs. "Or, at least someone will. I sure as fuck ain't staying that long."
You snicker. "What, got a hot date?" Nathan glares at you. "Oh don't tell me," you cup your hands to whisper, a secretive gesture, "homework?"
"Fuck no," He scoffs, and you can just barely see that he's a little more than tipsy now. His pale cheeks dusted with red, the tip of his nose ruby under the harsh lighting. It's also then that you realize he's a little more tense than usual, even despite the drinking. He's standing straight upright, his right hand gripping his cup like a crutch and his left now shoved hastily into his pocket.
He hasn't looked at you dead in the eyes yet.
"So what is it then?" You ask curiously. He shrugs and stares into his cup. You frown. "Bro, are you like, good right now? Do you wanna leave?"
For the first time since he'd wandered over, Nathan looks up at you. His eyes are unreadable, but his composure seems stressed. He shrugs again. Before you can even open your mouth to ask him about his state, he sighs and downs an entire mouthful of burning whiskey. It makes you cringe just watching him.
"Fuck it," He huffs. "Look I got some stupid ass dare to come over here and put the moves on you, okay." He sounds almost annoyed, like it's a hassle for him, or maybe embarrassing. You cross your arms. "I was dared to come over here and try to get you like, to fucking, you know, leave with me, but now that I'm over here I'm starting to think maybe that was a dumbass idea."
"Leave with you?" You say incredulously, a brow already lifting. "You were dared to come over here and try to sleep with me? By our friends?"
"No, no, fuck," Nathan seems agitated now, rushing. "Like a date sorta bullshit. Ask you out." He manages to get it out in almost the worst delivery possible, meanwhile you're just trying to pick out who would put him up to this. Hayden? Victoria?
A laugh forces its way out of you. "Aren't we a little too old for that game?"
Nathan shrugs. "That's what I said but they insisted. Fucking babies. At least make the dare a little more fun than just asking some bitch out. That's like elementary level shit."
Your eyes widen, you scoff. "Excuse me?"
Nathan sputters. "You're not some bitch, I didn't mean to-... Fucks sake, I'm clearly a little drunk right now okay, if you could cut me some fucking slack that'd be awesome."
"Hey man I didn't ask to be a victim of bullying," You tease, and he can't help but laugh. You soften. "Never expected it from you, though of all people. As ironic as that sounds."
"I'm not even bullying you, come on. Don't be a bitch. I even admitted it and everything."
You grin. "Yeah. Gotta say though, I'm a little disappointed."
"Oh what, you wanted to see my moves?" Nathan hums. "You wanted some Prescott action?"
"Shut the hell up." You shove his shoulder, an action that would be a mistake to so many others, but for you, it was welcomed. "I'm disappointed that it was just a dare. I'd probably have said yes if it wasn't. But, oh well."
Nathan doesn't answer for a long moment. First, he stares into his drink, processing. Almost like he hadn't heard that right, or like you were messing with him. It's rare to see Nathan Prescott stunned into a momentary silence. He's thinking, wondering what he should say next. Suspicious that you're just playing with him, hopeful that maybe you aren't.
And, you hadn't been. Truth be told if given the chance you would allow him to take you out for the evening. Show you fancy things, try out something a little more intimate than just laughter and poking fun at classmates together. You enjoyed his presence, looked forward to it at times.
A small part of you had hoped that he felt the same, maybe. Somehow. While grateful that he respected you enough to cut the crap before it even began, you couldn't help but feel a little... Disheartened at the prank. You'd saved your pride by denying him beforehand, but, if it had been genuine...
"So if it wasn't a dare," He began, quietly, barely audible over the booming music overhead. Eyes barely visible in the sea of vibrant lights crashing like waves. "You'd have said yes."
You shrug, trying to play it casual to save your own feelings, just in case. "Probably. I mean, we're already friends. We have fun so it couldn't have been that bad." He nods along to almost every word.
"Well what if we did it anyways." He blurts.
"Did what?"
"Go out tonight. Like, you know ditch this lame ass party and have some real fun."
"You love this lame ass party, and plus," You shake your head in feigned annoyance. "I'm not sleeping with you, Nathan."
He glares at you. "Fucking duh. I'm just saying we can go and hang out somewhere else. This party happens all the fucking time so it's not like we're missing anything."
"But, wouldn't that make me the butt of our friends joke?"
He shrugs. "Fuck em. It was a dumb dare anyways."
"Now it seems like you're trying extra hard to convince me to say yes." You state, and he's frazzled, running lines through his brain to try and save the absolute failure of asking you out. You decide to spare him, take a little leap of faith for yourself. "But, alright. I'm in."
Nathan gapes at you. "You're in?"
"Yeah, why not. I'm not busy right now and if you're not either than," You smile. "Why not. You better wow me though, Prescott. I'm talking a night to remember. Fireworks, dinner by candle light, a serenade. The whole package."
Nathan's eyes light up, but he tries to hide it, rolls those beautiful blues. "Well considering I've had like no fucking time to prepare how about we instead go to the roof and chill out."
You toss the idea around in your head for show. You already knew the answer the moment he asked if you were being serious.
"I mean I guess that would work," You say. "I was looking for fireworks but I suppose that will suffice. Feel free to go tell our buddies their joke may have backfired on them."
Nathan shakes his head. "Nah, don't even bother. They're all drunk and probably don't even remember daring me in the first place."
"Alright then," You push yourself off the wall, feeling your cheeks warm. A flutter takes wing in the base of your chest, your heart picking up just a little faster. You can't stop the smile that graces you as you say, "Lead the way, Prescott."
Nathan does lead the way. He takes your hand into his own, your fingers tracing over his boney knuckles as he drags you through the sea of bodies, out to the school hall and up winding stairs.
You giggle like a child when he struggles to find the correct key on the janitors ring he'd snatched weeks ago just in case, tease him when he almost spills his drink all over himself. Nathan's hands are almost shaking, but you chalk it up to the alcohol. You chalk everything up to the alcohol- his trembling fingers, his red face, a shy, albeit goofy smile resting upon his lovely, angular face.
The night was cool and crisp, a stark contrast to the smoldering heat of the Vortex Party.
He looks amazing out under the stars, and underneath the scope of the vast, black sky dotted with trillions of perfect, twinkling lights, you feel at peace.
Looking at him, you feel like this may be the start of something you'd denied yourself the chance of ever even imagining.
Out there, alone but together, hearing the echoes of music mixed with the livelihood of crickets in the darkness...
it truly was a night to remember.
Days later, you sit atop your desk, feet tapping rhythmically on your chair, typing away at your phone.
"Love the top," A familiar voice pipes, and you glace up to find Victoria standing before you, books pressed to her chest. She takes in your shirt, a nicely fitted long sleeve with a rather low cut v-neck. "Why haven't I see that one before?"
You shrug and set your phone down. "Never got around to wearing it I guess. Not a big fan of V-necks."
"It fits you," She sets her books down at the table beside you and brushes a hand through her hair, making sure every strand is in line. "I'll have to get one myself."
"You know what, you can have it after today," You say, and she perks up in disbelief. "As a thank you for what happened at the party."
That disbelief soon turned to confusion. "...Meaning?"
"Y'know, making Nathan ask me out. He made a whole huge deal about it- said you guys were drinking and playing Truth or Dare of all things. Gotta say, I was a little surprised."
Victoria's brows knit. "We hardly drank at that party, and I wouldn't be caught dead playing Truth or Dare. That game is for kids."
It almost knocks the wind out of you.
They hadn't even been playing in the first place.
As the teacher walks into the room, the first period bell blaring annoyingly over the speakers, you climb off your desk and prepare for the day, hardly able to contain yourself. It hadn't been a dare, after all.
And, you and Nathan's official second date was merely a day away.
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Love On-Set (Pt. 07 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
Word count: 3 K
<- Previous part (06)
Next part (08) ->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The only reason why you didn't talk to Dacre at the airport was because you thought you'd have a couple of hours before shooting. But you were wrong. The flight was terribly late, and you had no choice but to go straight to set, and as soon as you got there, you and Dacre were pulled apart so you could get ready.
Already in your outfit, you stare at the mirror as your hairstylist gives the final touches, mumbling in response to whatever she's talking about. Your leg is bouncing nervously, as you regret not having called Dacre yesterday night. Or driven to his house. Anything really. Maybe it would a lot easier if you two had some time, but life has a way of complicating things.
“And you're ready,” Laura says and you manage to smile and thank her. “Now go before James comes yelling at us again.”
“Alright.” Mumbling under your breath, you stand up and leave the dressing room only to be rushed into the parking lot. Dacre is already there, talking to James. The wind makes you shiver and you brace yourself... Well, you think it's the wind that makes you shiver, what else could it be?
“...despite the delay, we'll get everything done in time so–” James swallows the words when he sees you. “(Y/N), great. Hope you made a safe trip here. I was just talking to Dacre about the upcoming scenes you two will shoot. There's just so much chemistry that I had to add more kisses.” Oh... You should've read the new script. “But I'm sure it won't be a problem since you two seem to be getting along very well.”
“Yeah, of course...” The first thing you'll do when you get to your hotel room is read every single line of this scrip. It'll be better if you're mentally prepared for what's to come.
But you're not prepared for this.
“Alright, everybody into position.” The director announces before walking away, leaving you and Dacre alone. Well, not exactly since you can't ignore the camera guys, the microphones... All the rest.
“Sorry, we couldn't talk before... This.” Dacre apologizes, but you shake your head slightly.
“But we will.” Nodding more to yourself than to him, you hope nobody is listening to this conversation. “Right?”
“Alright, guys, c'mon,” James says and Dacre walks away as you take a deep breath. Thinking over the lines, you let yourself fall into character, remembering the backstory that leads to this moment. “Everybody set? Ok... Action!”
Turning around, you look at Dacre as he crosses the parking lot. “I can't believe you took almost an hour to get here, Hargrove!” You yell, walking to end the distance between the two of you. “There's a freaking Demidog in the pool!”
“The thing is dead. So why the hurry?” He flashes Billy's a cocky smile, and you struggle to keep the irritated expression on your face. “Chill.”
“Don't tell me to chill. Can't you miss one single date?” Giving action to Amy's jealousy attack, you punch Dacre in the chest, and he gives a small step back as he rolls his eyes. “Not even when there's an interdimensional monster involved?”
“Why the hell you always think I'm with some girl?” When you move to push him again, Billy grabs Amy's wrists. This was improvised, you think. Or is it on the new script? Dacre's grip is soft though, and you put on an annoyed face as you try to set free, uselessly.
“Because that's where you always are.” Putting a frustrating undertone in the sentence, you sigh. “But it doesn't matter. We have a much bigger fish to fry.”
“The damn thing is dead, it can wait.”
You get why Amy falls for Billy. Or are your fellings for Dacre clouding your judgment? Putting up a fight, you try to free yourself of his grip, making sure to stumble backward until your back hits a car. “Let go of me! I'm tired of this shit.” Slowly, Amy gives up fighting. Physically and emotionally. The moment you stop moving, Dacre let's go of your wrists, his arms coming to trap you in between the car and his body.
“I know you're jealous. I just need to figure out why.” Billy leans closer, and you can feel yourself drowning in Dacre's eyes, more beautiful than the ocean.
“I said it once and I'll say it again. I won't be one of your many flings...” Your voice is low, and as the cameras move closer, you know it's about to happen. God, it's so damn hard to keep up the act. You can feel Dacre's chest every time he breaths in, and you want to pull him even closer. “...so... Back the hell off.” Putting your hand on his chest, you know that the action that would make more sense here would be Amy trying to push him away again... But you fail to do that, Amy slowly disappearing as you break character for the hundredth time. Instead of pushing him away, your fingers slowly clench around the collar of his jacket, grabbing it. Dacre's eyes burn on you, and you know he wants it to.
“Who said I want you to be a fling?”
Then you don't know who moves first. If it's Dacre who leans forward or if it's you, pulling him. But it happens, fast and needy. First kisses shouldn't be like this. They're supposed to be short and sweet, shy even. But part of you is thankful for the situation you're in right now, because it justifies how you cling onto him, how deep the kiss is, hot and passionate. Billy and Amy were both craving for this moment, but so were you. And so were Dacre because his grip around you is tight, his lips keeping a quick pace, one that you're more than happy to follow. You hand find its way to his hair, as he holds the small of your back, needing to have you closer, if that even possible. The cameras are long forgotten, and there's no set, no show, nothing. Just his taste, fresh and sweet, inebriating. There's something in the background, some familiar sound trying to reach you, but you push it away, ignore it, tiptoeing even more to try and match Dacre's high, wishing he would lift you up.
“CUT!” James' voice sounds like a freaking thunder, and it wakes you up. With your heart beating insanely fast, you suddenly go back to reality, probably blushing harder than ever as you step away from Dacre. He takes a while to let go of you, intense eyes locked on yours as he tries to catch his breath, falling out of the stupor too. “That was... Good. That was good.” James says, and when you look around, you notice people staring. That wasn't... Discreet, and now you know that what you heard was James yelling ‘cut’ half a dozen times.
Running a hand through your hair, you have to fight back the urge to touch your lips, the kiss burning in your head... You really hope James will need another take.
“Are you ok?” Dacre asks, taking a quick look around before taking your hand in his.
“Yeah...” Biting your lip, you nod, staring at him. This just gave you a rush of adrenaline, making you feel brave. “More than ok, actually.”
Dacre's lips break into a smile, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. “Well, judging by James' obsession with the perfect lighting, I bet he'll need a couple more takes to get it done.”
“I really hope so. I–” You're cut short for a commotion. Several people move to surround James, who soon starts cursing. “What's going on?” You mutter, exchanging a glance with Dacre before walking over the sea of people. That's when you see the rest of the cast, and you just now remember they were here too... And they just saw everything... Millie won't let you hear the end of it.
“Who the hell did this?” James shouts, and a lot of people start apologizing. Giving the others a glance, you notice they have their eyes glued to their phones.
“Oh, no...” Something leaked, you're so damn sure. Rushing to the guys, you stand beside Noah, taking a look at his screen. “What happened?”
“The kiss. The first you shot. Someone here recorded and published on YouTube ten minutes ago.” As Noah speaks, he hands you over his phone and you read the news article he was reading. ‘Exciting scene from Stranger Things 3 leaks: Amy Halpert and Billy Hargrove are definitely a couple’.
“Shit.” You mutter, leaning closer to Dacre so he can read it too. “Who did it?”
“We have no idea,” Natalia answers, looking up from her phone. “But I watched it. Whoever did this stopped recording right before the cameras fell.”
This sucks. Giving Noah his cellphone back, you sigh. “It's really mean to do that. There's a lot of operations to keep the set free from curious eyes and someone from the inside leaks it? That's ridiculous.”
“James will sue whoever did this,” Dacre adds.
“Excuse me, guys.” Ryan comes, a tablet on his hand and a very worried expression on his face. “James wants you to stay here until we find out who did this.” He says, giving you a quick glance before looking back at his tablet. “You got the trailers here so... I think you'll be comfortable. Sorry, but James is–”
“James' orders. Sorry.” Rolling his eyes and sighing, he gives his back at you.
“We'll have to stay? I didn't do it.” Gaten exclaims, clearly pissed.
“Me neither. I was too busy watching the kiss with my own eyes.” Natalia complains but gives you a glance.
Well, you would like to get to your bed, but complaining won't help and you're exhausted from the flight. “I'm calling it a night.” You mutter, upset that this whole thing happened. The leaking, of course. “I'll take a shower to wash the 80's from my skin and I'll go see my trailer.” You haven't seen it yet, since it's meant for the Battle of Starcout scenes, which you'll probably shoot throughout the night.
“Me too,” Dacre says, then turning at you. “I'll find your trailer after if that's alright.”
“Sure.” Smiling, you blush to feel all those eyes on you. “See you soon, then.”
• • •
You're lucky to have your baggage here. Maybe the flight being delayed wasn't so bad as it seemed. After showering and handing the outfit back to your stylist, you follow her directions to where the trailers are. They're in the very back of the set, in a large area, set side by side. You're surprised to see the trailer doesn't look like a trailer on the inside, but like an actual house, only a little tiny. There's a main space with a couch, a table, and a TV, then a kitchen with a stove, an oven, and a sink. A bathroom with a shower. And on the very back, the thing you needed the most after this long day. A well-equipaded room with a huge bed. Smiling, you let your piece of baggage fall as you climb on the bed, lying on your back and sighing in relief.
Jumping back to your feet, you decide to change into something more comfortable. So you exchange your jeans for light gray sweatpants and a black spaghetti strap tank top before lying back down. You're happy you ate on the plane, or else you'd be starving right now.
But despite all the thoughts in your head, you can't help but come back to the main event of the day. Your fingers come to touch your lips, as you close your eyes to bring the memory back. You're upset you didn't get to do more takes. The cold and nervousness you were feeling vanished so quickly, at the same moment his lips collided on yours. So hot and intense. Breathtaking.
You're dragged away from your thoughts by a knock on the door. Dacre. He told you he'd come. Taking a deep breath and fixing your simple clothes the best you can, you make your way to the door, thinking you should've picked something better to put on. “Hey.” You mutter when you swing the door open, gesturing for him to come in. “Did you see your trailer?”
“Yeah. I stopped by to leave my luggage.” He answers, stepping inside and looking down at you. “These things look bigger from the inside.”
“Definitely.” Clearing your throat, you gesture at the back of the trailer, to the bedroom. You know how awkward it may be, but there's a burning on your back that won't let you sit on the couch. “I hope you don't mind but could we talk while I lie down? My back hurts real bad from the five hours we had to spend at the airport.”
“I don't mind at all.” Nodding, you walk back to the bedroom, throwing yourself on the bed. “So. Who do you think leaked the video?” Dacre asks as he sits on the edge.
“I have no idea. All I know is that is wasn't me. And it wasn't you.” Staring at the ceiling, you try not to feel very self-conscious right now. “I was too busy on scene.”
“Me too.” He mutters. “Where does it hurt, by the way?”
“On my shoulder blades.” You answer, looking at him. He looks very handsome, as usual, despite wearing a simple white T-shirt. “Those airport chairs weren't very nice to me.”
“I can give you a massage if you want.” Dacre stares at you dead serious, which means he's not joking.
You wish you had the adrenaline rush from earlier, so it'd push the words right off your mouth, and maybe you wouldn't be blushing. “Uhm... If you want to.”
“Alright, lie on your stomach.” He says, taking off his shoes and climbing on the bed.
“Fine.” Mumbling, more to yourself than to him, you roll over, grabbing a pillow to rest your head. Breathing deeply, you feel the mattress moving under Dacre's weight as he places himself beside you.
“Let me know if it hurts, alright?” The moment you nod, you feel his hands on your back. And he must know what he's doing because it does feel good. The butterflies on your stomach are wide awake now, since Dacre has his hands on you, strong but delicate at the same time, rubbing and softly pushing your muscles.
“If I knew you were good at this I'd have asked.” You say with a smile, pulling the small amount of hair that still falls on your back out of his way. Dacre gets this as a permission to put a little more pressure, just enough to make you relax. His fingers slide under the fabric of your shirt, but you don't mind.
“Glad I can help.”
You just mumble in response, suddenly feeling your tiredness taking over as you close your eyes shut. Falling asleep now is the last thing you want because it's so good to be around Dacre, and you think you may finally understand where you both stand in all this situation. What you're feelings are and if they can take you somewhere.
“It's ok, I'm alright now.” You speak up, moving to lie on your side. “If you continue I'll fall asleep in a matter of seconds.”
“If you're tired I can go.” He gestures at the door, already moving.
“No. Stay.” Bursting out, you sit up, grabbing his arm. You can't believe what you just said. What you just asked of him. “If you want, of course.”
Dacre stands still for a while, frozen before he settles down on the bed again. “Alright.” You can tell he's tired too, by the way his eyes are heavy.
“Let's play a game. Who sleeps first loses.” The idea comes suddenly to your head, and it seems to lighten up the mood.
“And what will I get when I win?” He has a cocky smile on his lips as he lies down, facing you.
“When? Don't get overconfident.” Moving a little to get comfortable, you take a deep breath when your eyes set upon his. Blue and calming. “I'm gonna win.” You say, winking at him.
“I really doubt that.” As he speaks, Dacre brings his hand to your face, fingers sliding from your forehead to your eyelids, forcing you to close your eyes. “You'll lose, so better start making peace with that.” His voice, low and deep, sends a shiver down your spine.
You were just about to answer, to say something, when you notice how his hand lingers, moving to caress your cheek, thumb rubbing the soft skin on your jaw until it reaches your chin. Slowly, painfully slow, it comes to your lower lip. His touch burns, making your head spin around. The memory of the kiss fills your head, and you know you want to do that again.
Swallowing hard, you gather all the courage you can to move closer to him, ending all the space between your bodies and, being really brave for once, going for the thing you want. That you need the most right now. You connect your lips to his, feeling relieved as if a burden was suddenly lifted when you feel him kissing you back. Dacre's hand remain on your cheek, and yours rest on his chest, feeling his muscles under the soft fabric of his shirt. The kiss is slower this time, as if you're both discovering, unrevealing each other. But you don't mind. You love it as much as you loved the other one.
It sucks when you have to break apart to breathe. But when you do, you remain close, your foreheads touching because you just can't force yourself to pull away from him now. “Sorry, I... I had to.” You mutter under your breath.
“It's alright.” Dacre's hand comes to encircle your waist, keeping you close. “If you didn't, I'd have to.” He giggles. “I've been dying to kiss you, (Y/N).”
“Me too.” You whisper. “What you said in the message... I feel the same way. That kiss... I really wanted it and that wasn't Amy, it was me.” Maybe it's the sleep winning over you, but the words just come out. You need him to know. You need to let it out and you hope it means something to him. “Dacre, I... I really like you. A lot.”
You blush when he smiles, but soon enough a giggle escapes your lips. “Then I'd like to take you on a second date. As soon as James lets us out of this set.”
“I'd love that.” Giggling like a teenager, you kiss him again, a peck on the lips that linger a little too long. But not long enough. “Uhm... You can crash here if you want.” You decide to offer since you just noticed you're already on the bed, all tangled on each other. “I think we already reached the point of no return here.”
“I agree...”
“Are we... Are we going to sleep like this?” You ask, putting a strand of hair behind your ear.
“However you like.”
Biting your lip to hold back a smile, you turn around. Dacre is fast to hold you, a strong arm pushing your back against his chest. “Is this ok?”
“Yeah.” You both move to get more comfortable and you lay your hand on top of his, on your stomach.
You've never been like that with anyone, so close, so... Intimate. But you like it. And you can't believe it's Dacre who's holding you this way.
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelaninn @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines @peakascum @thisbreakableheaven
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: If you read carefully, you knew this; if you didn't: reader was drugged at the party. Hangover from Hell ft. boys being cute, Loki being best friend material and reader fully integrating him into the Gen-Z community via Monster energy drinks and depressive music whilst being sad. I live for Loki/reader friendship tbh.
So folks, this is the last big plot thing before the endgame. I reckon it's about 10-15 chapters left until out happy ending and the next bit is going to focus on developing reader's and Stephen's relationship. There will be smutty parts too - either chapters or interludes, idk, depending on how well they'll integrate into the story.
I love y'all.
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Ow, was my first thought upon waking up. My head throbbed something fierce, the pressure behind my eyelids was unbearable and my mouth tasted like a bog on a sunny summer's day. I was warm, from both sides, and one of the bodies felt foreign in everything besides the smell - sandalwood leaked through the lead curtain of alcohol and sex.
Needless to say, I had trouble piecing together the fine details of last night but had enough coherence to remember our... Activities. I was sore and Strange's long arm was still possessively draped over both me and Tony. The luck was on my side as I carefully wiggled out of his grasp, padding to the bedroom on quiet feet. The sorcerer barely moved, only grumbling briefly at the loss of my warmth and immediately quieting, shamelessly snuggling into Tony.
I would have not exaggerated if I said it was the worst hangover of my life. It was baffling, really, because I'd gone way wilder and didn't suffer half as much after effects; my first attempt to brush my teeth ended with my face resting against the toilet bowl, my empty stomach rejecting what little liquid in it was left as the room spun on its axis. That was incredibly embarrassing and I hoped my boys wouldn't wake up to witness my best impression of a bum - and they didn't, both men still sound asleep and interwined like snakes when I put on the shirt closest to me and departed in search of coffee.
My mood only worsened. Steve and Bucky were already up, shoveling an impressive amount of eggs and bacon, as Bucky quietly teased Steve about his own hangover. The blonde man was slightly greenish, disheveled - we traded equally glum looks and nodded to each other in silence. The smell of food made my stomach churn and I retreated, one black coffee in hand, towards Bruce's lab, having been informed by Friday that neither Tony not Stephen planned on waking up.
"Morning, Princess," Bruce smiled kindly, pushing his glasses out of the way to hold me close and give me a sweet kiss. "Had fun? The boys still asleep?"
I giggled at Bruce calling Tony and Stephen boys. "Yeah. I wouldn't be wearing Stephen's shirt if he was up and about, I think." I pointed out the obvious.
Bruce chuckled, holding my face to give me a long, thoughtful look. I stared back, hoping convey my respect and adoration without having to say a word; like Tony, I wasn't particularly apt when it came to talking feelings. Whatever Bruce was looking for, he found it, and sealed it with another kiss, twice as long and twice as sweet. We stood like that, my head on his shoulder and my arms firmly holding him to myself, until the elevator dinged behind the glass wall, revealing a shirtless Stephen and Tony in his pajama pants, both men bickering animatedly.
"Aw shit, here we go again," I rolled my eyes, unhappy about the possibility of the magic being broken. I rather preferred all three men to be like yesterday: friendly, kind and relaxed.
"I will kick them out if I have to," Bruce shrugged, turning me around to face them.
Tony smiled, seeing me, stopping mid-conversation. "Princess, I am disappointed in your lack of manners. You left me with Merlin and he is mean." The engineer unceremoniously snatched me from Bruce and smooched me, hangover breath and all.
"Gross, Tony," I rolled my eyes, giving the man a light shove in the chest. "Morning, Steph," I addressed the third man who had gone back to his usual stoic expression. Just to see his resolve crack, because I loved pushing his buttons, I gave him a good morning kiss too, and was unexpectedly blown away by the eager response from his side. As I pulled back, I noticed his cheeks dusting a light pink.
"I came to get my shirt but I think you'd rather keep it," The sorcerer's fingers caressed my skin beneath the collar of his shirt, voice still low and scratchy from sleep and those magnetic eyes fixated on the exposed flesh of my chest, no trace of previous awkwardness.
"You sure 'bout that?" I pushed one of the sides off, exposing my shoulder, seeing Tony gulp the remainder of my coffee, one hand already messing with the screen that Bruce was focused on. "I think I look better without it," I would never miss an opportunity to tease the uptight man.
"Quite," He grinned, "It's a shame I didn't get to see much last night..." Two could play this game, okay.
"Oh, but you will," Tony piped up suddenly, a hint of smugness in his voice barely covered by Bruce's fond chuckle. I really didn't know what to say, suddenly overwhelmed with the attention, my emotions amplified by the hangover - party drugs tended to exaggerate my anxiety on the comedown.
And what a comedown it was. My social energy ran out very quickly so I complained about a nasty headache and retreated into my room, Bruce's gentle hands pressing a bottle of Ibuprofen into my own. Despite my attempts to tame my rioting body, it got worse before it got better and shortly before lunch, I had thrown up twice more. Pissed off, I ran a bath with cold water and sat in it until I felt somewhat human to prepare myself for a journey to Wanda's apartment - as a last resort, I was going to chug on of Pietro's Monster energy drinks that I knew he kept hidden there.
The retrieval was a success. Cans securely hidden in the kangaroo pocket of Tony's oversized hoodie I had thrown on, I had to make a haste detour to throw up once again - the closest bathroom was in Loki's apartment and I only managed to knock twice before throwing open the door and making a mad dash for the porcelain throne, a very confused Asgardian following my movements with raised eyebrows.
"Hangover from Hell," I croaked once the first wave subsided. Loki nodded in understanding, waved a hand to summon me a water bottle and shut the door behind himself.
As I sat there, desperately trying to understand why was I feeling like utter shit... It clicked. Bile rose to my throat once again, and I just dry heaving, mulling my revelation over and over again.
I didn't take any drugs. I had been drugged. My memories became hazy and dream-like shortly after someone had given me the drink... Someone, who? It was a split-second moment; Sam, even in his drunk state, didn't keep his eyes off me for too long. Maybe it had been someone the team knew? Possibilities began playing out in my head. Cursed was my overactive brain - the anxiety from the leftover drugs was making me panic.
"Fuck, FUCK," My hands shook - I only noticed it because I had spilled water on myself, adding cold and wet to the unpleasant sensations I was already experiencing. "Why am I such a fucking fuck-up." Taking a drink from a stranger seemed downright idiotic now. Middle school bullshit.
"Are you alright?" Loki's worried voice interrupted my inner monologue.
"Yes," I replied, voice cracking. "No. I don't fucking know."
The door all but flew open, the Asgardian taking several long strides to take a good long look at me. The frown on his face tells me all I needed to know about my physical and mental state.
A slender hand tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. "What happened?"
I laughed tersely, feeling tears to begin welling in the corners of my eyes. "I'm an idiot," Seeing his face get annoyed briefly, I conceded: "I got drugged yesterday. My drink."
The hand that he had slid between my shoulder blades froze. I felt his whole body go rigid and his nostrils flare, the smell of ozone and something foreign - magic - filling the small space. The air around us became charged with the power of his anger. "Pardon?" His voice was dangerously quiet.
I physically fought with the need to flinch away from him, settling for lowering my eyes and staring at the dark stain on my hoodie. "I got carried away dancing. Someone handed me a drink and my stupid ass just shotgunned it," I confessed, picking at the wet spot. "And I can't tell anybody because I had a threesome with Stephen and Tony," I suddenly realised, my voice raising in pitch. "They're gonna think I didn't want it and feel bad. You know how Tony blames himself for everything under the sun..." Another wave of dizziness and nausea hit me as I leaned against the wall closest to me.
"Alright," Loki conceded after a brief pause. "We absolutely are telling the others. I'll make sure they understand," The Asgardian stated firmly in a tone that bore no argument. Seeing me lift my head to protest, he interrupted me before I could say anything: "Did you... Did you want it?" He asked me, hooking a single finger under my chin to look me in the eye.
I nodded, feeling my face heat up.
"You're not lying. The team knows of my ability to detect lies. Nobody will blame anyone..." Loki trailed off, obviously already plotting something. I wished it were a prank both of us were conspiring on instead of... Trying to make sense of this cluster fuck of a shit show. The circus called, they seemed to have left their clowns behind. "Although I will have a word with Sam." The Asgardian muttered darkly.
"No, it's not his fault. I just got too relaxed, I need to pucker up and be responsible for myself," I protested, damn well knowing it wasn't the Bird's fault. Everyone was drunk and I should've known better.
"It's not yours either," Loki sneered, seeing right through my self-loathing. It took a deep, slow sigh for him to calm down. His expression softened and the hand that was on my back resumed the gentle stroking as he scooted closer to me to press my side against his chest. "Vile people of this kind aren't exclusive to Midgard. It could have happened to anyone."
I nodded, my logical part briefly taking over as the waves of nausea and dizziness waned. I stifled a giggle, coming to another sudden revelation. "You holding up my hair as I barf out my hangover? That makes you qualified for the position of my Best Friend," I stated with a snort.
Loki chuckled, relaxing bit by bit. "I accept the position," His voice was unusually soft and a little bit shaky; I chose to tactfully ignore it. "Shall I call for assembly in the war room?"
I sighed, the dread and anxiety creeping it's way back in. "Can we just... Wait a bit? I have something- hold on-" I rummaged around my pocket, taking out two cans of Monster. Loki eyed them curiously and I extended one to him. "It probably won't do much for you but for me it's a last-resort hangover cure." I popped open the metal cap, seeing him do the same. "Be warned though, it tastes kinda funky if you're not used to it," I announced the disclaimer but it simply egged Loki on.
The scrunched up face he made was pretty funny. "It's sour but sickeningly sweet at the same time? I can't tell," He briefly eyed the written ingredients on the can.
"There are a bunch of flavors. Pietro likes the plain one, I like the purple one better, it's not so tongue-burning." I paused to inhale loudly. "If this is what college life looks like, I don't want to go," Mustering up my courage and gathering my balls in a knot, with one broad motion I closed my nose and poured the carbonated acid down my throat until my eyes watered. "Gimme a minute," I hiccuped, trying to keep it down.
Wide-eyed, Loki took a chaste sip of his own drink, eyeing me warily. He looked part impressed part disgusted with the little stunt. "I am pretty certain that is counter-productive."
"Caffeine make brain and body go skrrt," I argued back. "Friday, play my "grant me the sweet release of death" playlist. I'm upset," I announced and the AI obliged silently, the first notes of Placebo's 'Exit Wounds' beginning to play. If I was going to mop in a stranger's bathroom, I was going to do it with style. Even if said style was just simply stealing in my own misery with emo background music.
Loki stared at me, I stared back, both of us lost in our respective minds. At one point, he began swaying to the music slightly, resting the cool tin of the can against his cheek; I followed suit, mouthing along to some of the lyrics. It took us about a dozen songs to finally finish the liquid acid that was Monster energy drink and my ass felt like the bathroom tile itself: flat and hard.
"Do you ever feel like the universe just hates you for no fucking reason?" I groused, taking Loki's outstretched hand and slowly feeling the blood rush back to my legs.
"You wouldn't believe," He rolled his eyes in solidarity, vanishing away the empty containers. "Norns, give me a Hel-damned break."
I laced his arm through mine as we exited his apartment, feeling considerably less upset than I was before. I couldn't protect myself, but one look at Loki's sullen, irritated expression was bound to scare off anyone who dared to interrupt our mission.
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95
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persephonememes · 4 years
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
the 1
❛ I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit ❜
❛ I’ve been saying "yes" instead of "no" ❜
❛ If you never bleed, you're never gonna grow ❜
❛ We were something, don't you think so? ❜
❛ If my wishes came true It would've been you ❜
❛ But it would've been fun if you would've been the one ❜
❛ You know the greatest loves of all time are over now ❜
❛ It's another day waking up alone ❜
❛ If one thing had been different would everything be different today? ❜
❛ When you are young, they assume you know nothing ❜
❛ A friend to all is a friend to none ❜
❛ I knew you ❜
❛ Chase two girls, lose the one ❜
❛ You drew stars around my scars ❜
❛ I'm bleeding ❜
❛ I tried to change the ending ❜
❛ I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs ❜
❛ I knew I'd curse you for the longest time ❜
❛ Cause I knew everything when I was young ❜
❛ I knew you’d come back to me ❜
​the last great american dynasty
❛ There's only so far new money goes ❜
❛ Their parties were tasteful, if a little loud ❜
❛ There goes the last great American dynasty ❜
❛ There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen ❜
❛ She had a marvelous time ruining everything ❜
❛ I had a marvelous time ruining everything ❜
❛ I had a marvelous time ❜
❛ I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending ❜
❛ What am I defending now? ❜
❛ You're not my homeland anymore ❜
❛ I'm not your problem anymore so who am I offending now? ❜
❛ We always walked a very thin line ❜
❛ I can see you staring ❜
❛ Second, third, and hundredth chances balancin' on breaking branches ❜
❛ You didn't even hear me out ❜
❛ You never gave a warning sign ❜
❛ I gave so many signs ❜
❛ I never learned to read your mind ❜
❛ I couldn't turn things around ❜
❛ You didn't even see the signs ❜
my tears ricochet
❛ Even on my worst day, did I deserve, all the hell you gave me? ❜
❛ I loved you ❜
❛ I swear I loved you 'til my dying day ❜
❛ I didn't have it in myself to go with grace ❜
❛ You're the hero flying around ❜
❛ You can aim for my heart ❜
❛ You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same ❜
❛ You turned into your worst fears ❜
❛ When I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave ❜
❛ I can go anywhere I want, just not home ❜
❛ I'll show you every version of yourself tonight ❜
❛ When I break, it's in a million pieces ❜
❛ I know they said the end is near ❜
❛ I can change everything about me to fit in ❜
❛ I'm still on that tightrope ❜
❛ I'm still a believer, but I don't know why ❜
❛ You'll find me on my tallest tip-toes spinning in my highest heels ❜
❛ I've never been a natural, all I do is try ❜
❛ I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me ❜
❛ Are there still beautiful things? ❜
❛ Cross your heart, won't tell no other ❜
❛ Love you to the moon and to Saturn ❜
❛ I think your house is haunted ❜
❛ I think you should come live with me ❜
❛ I used to scream ferociously any time I wanted ❜
❛ Are you sure? ❜
❛ Cause you were never mine ❜
❛ Will you call when you're back at school? ❜
❛ It was enough to live for the hope of it all ❜
❛ Meet me behind the mall ❜
❛ So much for summer love and saying "Us" ❜
❛ Cause you weren't mine to lose ❜
❛ You weren't mine to lose ❜
❛ I can see us lost in the memory ❜
❛ Cause you were never mine ❜
this is me trying
❛ I've been having a hard time adjusting ❜
❛ I didn't know if you'd care if I came back ❜
❛ I have a lot of regrets ❜
❛ I don't quite know what to say ❜
❛ I don't quite know what to say but I'm here in your doorway ❜
❛ I just wanted you to know that this is me trying ❜
❛ I got wasted like all my potential ❜
❛ I was so ahead of the curve that the curve became a sphere ❜
❛ I fell behind all my classmates and I ended up here ❜
❛ They told me all of my cages were mental ❜
❛ My words shoot to kill when I'm mad ❜
❛ At least I'm trying ❜
❛ It's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound ❜
❛ It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you ❜
❛ You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town ❜
illicit affairs
❛ Make sure nobody sees you leave ❜
❛ Tell your friends you're out for a run ❜
❛ What started in beautiful rooms ends with meetings in parking lots ❜
❛ That's the thing about illicit affairs and clandestine meetings and longing stares ❜
❛ You leave no trace behind ❜
❛ They show their truth one single time but they lie ❜
❛ Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me ❜
❛ You showed me colors you know I can't see you with anyone else ❜
❛ Look at this idiotic fool that you made me ❜
❛ You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else ❜
❛ You know damn well for you, I would ruin myself a million little times ❜
​invisible string
❛ Teal was the color of your shirt when you were sixteen at the yogurt shop ❜
❛ Time gave me no compasses, gave me no signs ❜
❛ All along there was some invisible string tying you to me ❜
❛ Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven ❜
❛ One single thread of gold tied me to you ❜
mad woman
❛ What did you think I'd say to that? ❜
❛ They strike to kill, and you know I will ❜
❛ What do you sing on your drive home? ❜
❛ Every time you call me crazy, I get more crazy ❜
❛ When you say I seem angry, I get more angry ❜
❛ You'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out ❜
❛ There's nothing like a mad woman ❜
❛ Now I breathe flames each time I talk ❜
❛ It's obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together ❜
❛ I'm taking my time ❜
❛ You took everything from me ❜
❛ It’s just a flesh wound ❜
❛ Some things you just can't speak about ❜
❛ Only twenty minutes to sleep ❜
❛ You can't believe a word she says ❜
❛ The worst thing that I ever did was what I did to you ❜
❛ If I just showed up at your party would you have me? ❜
❛ I don't know anything but I know I miss you ❜
❛ I know where it all went wrong ❜
❛ I saw you dance with him ❜
❛ I dreamt of you all summer long ❜
❛ The only thing I wanna do is make it up to you ❜
❛ Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? ❜
❛ Our coming-of-age has come and gone ❜
❛ I never had the courage of my convictions ❜
❛ I could never give you peace ❜
❛ I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm ❜
❛ I would die for you in secret ❜
❛ The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me ❜
❛ Would it be enough if I could never give you peace? ❜
❛ Your integrity makes me seem small ❜
❛ I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best ❜
❛ But the rain is always gonna come if you're standin' with me ❜
❛ This has broken me down ❜
❛ This has frozen my ground ❜
❛ Don't want no other shade of blue but you ❜
❛ You know I left a part of me back in New York ❜
❛ You knew the hero died so what's the movie for? ❜
❛ It still hurts underneath my scars ❜
❛ You knew you won so what's the point of keeping score? ❜
❛ What you did was just as dark ❜
❛ You have beaten my heart ❜
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happy-mimin · 4 years
➪𝙃𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙠𝙖 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙬 𝙭 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
➪𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨: 𝘿𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠, 𝙙𝙤𝙜𝙜𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚, 𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘 𝙨𝙚𝙭, 𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨.
➪𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙩: 10:51 am
➪𝙁𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙩: 2:15 pm
❤︎𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧’𝙨 𝙙𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠: “I’m messed up for liking this man but like cmon..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)“
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Alot of folks stared at the both of you. Having deceiving smirks that had intentions of evil in it but most of all.... having an very uncomfortable feeling that someone is staring straight into you're soul but all of them knew better than to even say a word towards you.
Remember having that feeling that someone was staring? Yeah? It was your clown of a boyfriend that had you on his lap with a smug smirk on the corners of his lips as he petted at your curves.
"You do this everytime, can't you just let my ass sit on a regular seat?" You said while puffing out you're cheeks like they had been stuffed with something, but all he did was lean towards you and creepily whispered into you're ear.
"Aww..but that wouldn't be no fun~." Hisoka patted your buns and gripped the left one with his large hand making you bite you're bottom lip. "I like you're thick ass warming my coc-" . You placed both hands on his mouth before he caused a scene between the two of you, just with the way you're heart was beating and sweat that cascaded down your face. God damn, his freakiness was gonna be the death of you someday (a pleasurable one at that.)
'Though.... a little teasing wouldn't hurt nobody, now would it hisoka?' shit. Provoking him in public would mean some kind of price: boldness would get you more like embarrassed in the naked eye of everyone and hisoka couldn't care one bit. Placing you're hands on his knees you swiftly pushed up from the middle of his lap and decided to go get something to eat because your stomach been bugging you for a good minute now.
His dark aura wouldn't go away and you didn't even know why? Was it blood lust? Nah. Horny? You was wondering half of the day as the two walked through a couple local seafood and market places, but as soon as you tried to ask him what he was mad about he'll just look your direction and tell you it was nothing to worry about. Mainly that was odd but you shouldn't really stick it out ur ass for the time being.
"Aww baby look! Won't this look good on me- HISOKA!" God did he jump in other shock and how much he probably missed you're yelling but that besides the point, he looked down at you and was still standing behind you're small frame and looping his arms to pull your back up against his chest. Wait hold up... his behaviors are very familiar..oh my God; he Jealous.
"(Nick name), I see that smile on your face. Who are you smiling at?" He said while holding onto you're hips more..in the corner of your eye you saw a man that was slight staring at you, every second he got.
"You jealous?" He scoffed and chuckled softly into the shell of your ear as he looked at the man just for a moment. As for you- you was gonna make fun of him for a moment before his hand quickly slipped into your shirt where he rubbed up his slender fingers up and down you're tummy..in an sensual way. "Y-You better not..o~oh.." a soft sigh escaped the corners of your plush brown lips as he was moving more down and playing with the waistline of your cotton panties.
"Better not what my love? Might wanna keep quiet I'm gonna give mister stalker over there a little show of what he can't have.." he voice was deep and rich which only made you shiver as the lining of his fingers was pressing up against your damp clothed crotch.
You stopped him though before pointing into a nearby changing room, hisoka caught on and you lead him in there with a small grin as while he went ahead and grinned at the stranger and whispered something into the air for only he could hear. When his skin turned as pale as a damn ghost.. this man don' went ahead and left the store.
Hisoka giggled before getting yanked into the room along with the door clicking shut immediately after. Before he could even process a word, you was already jumping on to him, wrapping you're legs around his waist and smashing your soft lips onto his own almost trying to suck the air out of his lungs. You was making a satisfied "mmmm..." sound as if tasting you combined salivas was the best feeling in the world besides the sex.
The makeout session you two was having probably only last a few seconds before both of you pulled back and left only a trail of you're jointed spit connecting to both your lips. You have gulped in some air as he only gave you a second before pushing your body down onto the floor and spreading you're knees forcibly while getting between them. "A~Ah..you was jealous huh?" You said while already going ahead letting you're grabby hands have a good grip on his ass as you pushed his clothed erection against you're pussy.
"My dear..fuck~..I don't know what you mean by any chance, whatsoever.." he said before diving back down and kissing you all over like you're: neck, jaw, and lips and even the hot way you both swirled your tongues together. Him denying that he wasn't being possessive of you is just what made the muscle in your chest patter faster.. before there was a knock at the door.
"Um ma'am..are you buying anything or do you need anything...?" You looked at hisoka and he groaned before letting you get up and hide behind the door. "Actually, I will love for you to past me those nice shorts and shirt over there!" You pointed out and the man nodded before he quickly started a little conversation with you, there was a few giggles here and there but hisoka definitely had other plans as he got behind you and grinned wickedly while the sound of a belt buckle ranged into your ears.
Hisoka morrow..
You're inner thoughts went skyhigh as the nice man in the front was talking about his family and you took every muscle in your face to keep it straight. With a lick of his lips, he edged his manhood to your slick entrance and had a grip on your soft hips before plunging himself deep into your tight folds like they were his missing puzzle piece.
"O-Oh.. mng~..my god.." you softly whimpered before he peeked his head up in confusion and asked if you were ok and with all the force sterness you could give, you nodded and just said you was fine but that wasn't really the case because behind you was a man who was gripping you're pillow like buns and slamming them down against his waist; making them have a stingy sensation. "Ha ha~ love..mph.. damn your pussy is amazing today.." He said while pulling your hips closer. By this range you're legs was going to give out and hisoka noticed this by just how they was shaking. Finally another customer had come in and the worker went ahead and seen you off before you immediately closed the door and pressed the flat of your palms against the door as hisoka was fucking you like there was no tomorrow.
"Y-You..~!..ngh..fuc..harder.." The word's that were at least trying to form was just coming out as commands. "Oh hush dear..my dick not going anywhere~.. now I want you to arch more." You looked back at him and he only grin as he grabbed into your hair and made you arch (wig glue saves the day bitch!).
Oh he was hitting all the right zones and since he made you endure some embarrassment from earlier; he decided to be nice and push your body onto the floor but hold your lower half into the air while soft quiet pants left your drooling lips. "Boy..H-Hurry..~up.." Was your only response and damn was this dude quick about it too.
Hisoka filled you back up to the brim and was looking like he wasn't stopping until his selfish fires of lust were burned. "A~Ah..God baby I'm close..~" he aired out softly into your ear and soon it wasn't to late for you as the pit in ur tummy started to feel painfully weird but like in a pleasurable way.
As his last few deep thrusts hit that one spot that had you coating on his cock and even some of your arousal dripping down you're thighs. The blissful release was so nice that you didn't realize that hisoka turned you to face until he smacked his lips into yours and started to gulp down each of your desperate but quiet moans.
Seeing you like this.. ecpectially in public was the most sexiest shit you have ever done as of being a couple. "O-Oh shit.. I'm..ngh..~!" The warm sensation of his seed overflowed in you as he started to slow his movement. You gave him a few minutes to calm down from his orgasm before there was a soft knock on the door.
10 minutes later:
"I can't believe you got us banned." You said sighing that at least they didn't give y'all a fine. Tho hisoka on the other hand felt fuckin prideful than a bitch, he looked at you and cupped you're face with both his large hands.
"I could care less~." He said with a smug grin.
Yo my back hurt and not like that.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 2 』
· Sept. 26th → One Ball, Heart and Soul ·
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Testurou Kuroo, Bokuto Koutarou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Oikawa Tooru, Terushima Yuuji
Prompts: A. favourite position/role + B. travel/journey
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, crack, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: I found it so hard to pick a favourite position/role, because they're all so interesting and important, and I love everyone 😭 But I settled on the role of captain because of the headcanons I thought of. Captain Sqaud, assemble! So, want to find out what these boys are like on a road trip?
(Just to be clear, I do love all these guys. None of this is hate 😂) All my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts will be SFW, but I have some NSFW stuff on my blog, too. Feel free to check that out~ Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ Imo~
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☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Comes prepared with all the food, drinks, snacks, med kit, camera – literally everything you could possibly need on a road trip
Plans out the route beforehand down to the tiniest detail nothing gets past this man
As well as multiple backup routes in case there's diversions etc.
Plans for regular breaks at two-hour intervals where everyone can pee, stretch their legs, buy anything they need, etc.
He's the one who's driving he's not letting anybody else get a scratch on his van, lmao
And he's good at it
No speeding he's a cop, y'all but he doesn't dawdle either, no running red lights, turns corners well, keeps an even foot on the gas, etc.
Just a good time, tbh
Nobody is getting car sick because of him that would be a damn disgrace
"Stop fighting right now, or I'm turning this van around"
And will actually do it if you don't stfu, lmfao
Don't even think about making a mess and dropping your rubbish in the van you'll be walking home
Everyone else thinks his music is boring and for old people, but Daichi honestly doesn't care
Besides, it's either that or no music at all, because he needs to concentrate on the road
He takes this shit seriously. People's lives are in his hands, dammit!
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☆ Testurou Kuroo ☆
Likes to switch between driving and riding shotgun/being designated navigator
Is fairly decent at both
Is constantly eating something but, like, he probably doesn't even know what it is
Some kind of edible is shoved towards his mouth by whoever's riding shotgun, and in it goes shut up. Not like that, you cretins 😂
Somehow manages to behave like an overbearing grandparent and an overexcited child at the same time?? Nothing new there, I guess 😂
I'm sorry, Kuroo, I love you. Please don't be mad 😭
Has a banging playlist full of throwback songs from the 90s and early 2000s
Drums along sofly on the steering wheel or dashboard constantly
HATES driving in rain he's low-key terrified he's going to aquaplane
Likes driving with the windows wound down and feeling the wind in his hair
Will plan the route, but then forget to save it/print it off, etc.
Cannot work Google Maps or SAT-NAVs to save his life Kenma, please help him
Actually packs properly balanced meals, but is heavy on the snacks, too
You'd think he'd drive too fast, but he's actually really responsible
Constantly telling dad jokes to try and keep people amused the groaners are the best
Would probably fight someone at the gas station if they started being a dick and causing trouble
Kuroo, baby. I love you, but please don't get arrested 😭😂😭
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☆ Bokuto Koutarou ☆
Dear God, do NOT let him drive leave it to Akaashi, I'm begging you
Has really bad spacial awareness in a vehicle and drifts all over the place
Probably speeds without even knowing it, too
Likes to ride shotgun, but is a terrible navigator, so is nearly always made to ride in the back
Is the loud one that moves around too much and blocks the rear view mirror strap him in tight, Akaashi
Belts along at the top of his voice to whatever music is playing, he's not fussy
Was told to pack essential items in his backpack and proceeded to fill it with sweets and snacks and a pack of condoms??? and thought he did good
Bokuto: Bro, you said they were essential
Rarely ever has to pee, but when he does, it's always miles away from any service station, and he has to hold it for hours
Has definitely peed at the side of the road multiple times because he couldn't hold it any longer, but he wasn't even embarrassed as numerous cars zoomed past
Likes sticking his head out the window like a dog on the motorway which gives everyone else heart attacks
Like, get the hell back inside you maniac 😭
If the car has a sunroof, he's 100% standing up through it with his hands in the air just you try and stop him
And they will. Everyone will try
Will get out of the car in traffic jams to find out what's going on and end up chatting with random strangers until it starts moving again
And he's very sad when he has to leave his new friends. Droopy hair and emo Kou for the next 2 hours :(
Unironically enjoys playing 'I Spy' for hours at a time
Is a bit much to handle in such a confined space for hours on end, but he's just so excited for the road trip
Will fall sound asleep in a matter of minutes if you set him up with a travel pillow and it's freaking adorable!!
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☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
No music whatsoever it's distracting. Why would he want it?
Okay driver, brilliant paper-map navigator
Will sit and do absolutely nothing but stare out the window the entire trip if he's neither
Breaks too hard and accelerates too fast, though
Is also kind of heavy-handed with the gear stick he may or may not have snapped one off before...
Never give him a SAT-NAV, though, because he will follow the directions with 100% accuracy and end up driving through a wall or some shit don't try and deny it
Does he ever even blink when he's looking at the road? We may never know
Might be astral projecting, who knows
Forgets people need toilet breaks but refuses to make unscheduled stops
"Just hold it in"
Uh-huh, sure. That's how that works, Toshi
No snacks
Or rather, no fun snacks. Protein bars and mineral water all the way, babyyyy 🙃🙃🙃
Could probably drive all through the night without taking any breaks but that's irresponsible
Don't do it, kids
Will likely devour the entire KFC menu at the service station he's big, okay? He eats a lot
Is prone to leg cramp after long drives oh look, he needs a massage 😏
Doesn't get car sick. Ever. Upset stomachs are for the weak
Has garbage and recycling pouches on the backs of the front seats use them correctly, or feel his wrath
Isn't exactly a barrel of laughs, but it's somehow endearing just like always *happy sigh*
But it's actually a good thing
There's no hidden side to Ushi or any bad or annoying habits that come out of the woodwork on a long road trip
He's just the same old reliable, adorably straightforward Ushijima ❤
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☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
Calls shotgun and demands the aux cord every. Single. Time but it's pretty decent music, so no-one really complains
Not that he's any good at navigation pray for Iwa-chan
Is constantly taking selfies, making TikToks, and documenting the trip on his social media
Will send all the photos in the group chat when it's over, and they actually come out pretty well
Will not stop complaining if the air conditioning is busted and Iwa-chan will threaten to dump him in the middle of nowhere if he doesn't can it 😂
Iwa-chan: I shoulda left you on that street corner where you were standing
Oikawa: But'cha dIDN'T
Bonus points if you get that reference, lmao
Has to keep taking breaks because his butt hurts when he sits down for too long because it's fLaT
I'm sorry, Tooru 😭😭 Forgive me. I love you, really
Is constantly on his phone
But he points out pretty views and interesting sights to everyone all the time awww
Low-key needs to pee all the time, but gets defensive if someone brings it up please stop bulling him, travelling is hard
"Are we there yet?"
Seems kind of annoying, but is actually just genuinely excited to go on a road trip and spend time with his friends 😭😭
Buys matching souvenirs for everyone in secret to surprise them with 🥺
When people complain about all the photos, souvenirs, and enthusiasm, etc. and ask why he has to keep doing it, Oikawa says:
"I want to remember as much of this as possible. I want us all to remember as much of this as much as possible," with a sweet little smile 😭😭😭
And that's when everyone realises how mean they've been to him about being over-the-top and irritating, and they all feel terrible
Just like in the freaking anime, man
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☆ Terushima Yuuji ☆
Will hijack the aux cord to play his incredibly niche music taste
Feet up on the dashboard when he rides shotgun
Shoes on is bad enough, but shoes off just stinks up the entire car you have to roll all the windows down, lmfao
Will break all sorts of road laws if you let him behind the wheel please don't
Daichi will come and arrest him 😭😭
Lives on energy drinks
That's all the drinks he packs. Nothing else
Travels in sports wear and sliders yes, even though you reallly shouldn't drive in sandals
Like he knows or cares 😭
Will chat to girls at the gas station and ask for their numbers, even though he's never going to see them again
"You never know, man! It could be, like, fate or something"
Yes, Yuuji, you do. And it's 'or something'
Thinks it's a good time to sext his current booty call because, like, he has hours of free time. What else is he going to do?
Probably forgot to pack actual food
Has to live off of snacks and cheap service station food for the duration of the trip
But not his own snacks, of course. Everyone else's one doesn't keep friends and buy one's own snacks
Genuinely doesn't realise if he's being gross or annoying, so let him down lightly like a bro and he'll probably make an effort to stop
Doesn't plan the route or anything, even if he's driving. Just punches it into Google Maps as he sits his ass down on the day and trusts it to get him there in one piece and on time
Entire Johzenji team: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
For some reason knows how to change a flat tire, though, so he's good for something, I guess 😂😂
Probably saw a YouTube video on it. Maybe a WikiHow article
Somehow still manages to be an endearing part of the trip??
He smiles a lot and makes a lot of jokes, particularly when things go wrong, so it keeps everyone's spirits up
It definitely wouldn't be the same without him
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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39 notes · View notes
madbucker · 4 years
Silhouettes | Daryl Dixon.
Eventual Daryl Dixon x female reader.
Season 1.
Loosely based on the song We Will Become Silhouettes by The Postal Service.
Summary: Y/N follows Rick to Atlanta. They find a group willing to help them.
Warnings: language, gore stuff (twd style), mentions of death, mentions of domestic abuse. Will add more warnings depending on the chapter’s content. Let me know if you think it needs some other warning!
Word count: 3.6k.
Author’s note: First things first, I’m not a native English speaker, so bear with me! You can send me a message or an ask pointing out some mistakes so I can edit the post. Also, it will help me learn the language, so don’t hesitate! Had this in my drafts for a few days. I hope you like it! ♥
Gif’s not mine.
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“Morgan…” You couldn’t find the right words to express how grateful you were. You looked at Morgan and Duane with conflict showing in your eyes: you were happy and hopeful that you were going to find your sister in Atlanta, but you couldn’t ignore the anguish, the heartbreak of leaving them. Every second counted, and waiting a few more days could lower your chances of finding her alive, but those two had saved your life. What if leaving them lowered their chances of making it to safety? Even if you weren’t suited for survival, having someone else around could make a difference.
“Go, this is your chance. We’ll meet again, soon.” Morgan took over as if he knew how much you were feeling at the moment, embracing you not only with his arms but with his words.
Yeah, we’ll meet again, you thought. Your mind softened for a couple of seconds when you felt another set of arms hugging you tight from your side. You had only known them for a couple of weeks, but that was a lot when the world was the way it was. Weeks felt like a lifetime for you, and so it did for the men that had taken you in.
Men, because Duane was far from being a boy. It was sad, he deserved to live the rest of his childhood like you did, or like his father did. He had to, forcefully, become brave, strong, and even cold sometimes.
“We’ll meet again in Atlanta, or somewhere else, I don’t know, but we will.” You said as they let go of you. All you could do after that was forcing yourself to smile reassuringly.
“Now go and help Rick find his family too.”
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“You can't leave me here... Not like this. You can't, man. It's not human. Come on, don't do this!”
Merle’s voice was faint as you ran down the stairs with everyone else. Their names were blurry in your head, the adrenaline making you forget about everything but the fact that your life was hanging by a thread.
But Merle, oh, you would never forget his name.
He was the type of person you were afraid to run into, back when you were alone. You were glad Rick was there to put him in his place, even though that hadn’t shut him up. 
Finding other survivors had its downside, you guessed, but not all of it was bad.
They told you that they had a camp, that they had people. The blonde woman’s younger sister was one of them, and they said they had children, too. Maybe it was too good to be true, but since Atlanta was overrun by walkers, then that was the best you had.
Walkers, that’s what they’d named them: because that’s all they did, they were the empty carcasses of what used to be a beautifully complex human being. They just walked, and bit, and killed.
You feared your sister was one of those, roaming around the city. That thought hadn’t left your mind since you first realized how bad things had gotten there. What if she had gone to Atlanta, seeking shelter, but found her death instead? You knew you had to get out of the situation you were in before you made any decisions. The camp didn’t seem like a bad idea, you could stay there temporarily and visit the city a few more times until you found her. Maybe even bring back supplies to thank everyone for letting you stay. That was if you made it, survival was still something new, something you had to train for.
Safety in numbers felt like your best shot. 
You didn’t pay much attention to your surroundings until you got inside the loading dock, your eyes were fixed in what was in front of you. A walker could’ve gotten you from your sides and you wouldn’t have noticed until it was too late. You were lucky enough to get to safety.
So was T-Dog, who at last second caught up with you, right before you heard Rick banging on the door.
You sat next to the two women, hugging yourself with your trembling arms. You were agitated and couldn’t catch enough air to say what you knew everyone else wanted to say.
“Hey, T-Dog,” you moaned once you could stabilize your breath, “where’s Merle?” you almost barked the asshole’s name. He looked down to his knees.
“I dropped the damn key,” he growled, angry and ashamed.
“Well, shit.” You whispered, making sure nobody heard. Merle had it coming, that was clear, but T-Dog didn’t have to carry with the guilt of leaving a man to die just because he happened to be… the way he was.
“Best not to dwell on it. Merle got left behind. Nobody's gonna be sad he didn't come back... except, maybe, Daryl.” One of the men commented. You lifted your head and locked your eyes with his, your heart starting to beat faster once again. If for some reason Merle had someone who cared for him, then they had to love him. That was a difficult man, the one you had met back there… It must've taken a huge amount of patience and devotion to want him around for more than a few hours.
If he actually had someone who cared for him, you were completely fucked.
“Daryl?” you hesitated to ask, not sure if you wanted to hear the answer.
“His brother.”
The scenario was so beautiful it was truly unbelievable. You were stepping out of the dock when Rick’s drowned cry caught your attention. Looking forward, you saw a kid running to hug him, followed by a woman. You quickly figured out Rick had found his family, making your heart flutter. In the shithole you were in, you figured those things were a sight to be seen, something that didn’t happen every day, so you let yourself enjoy the view.
You knew Rick’s son was young, even younger than Duane, but seeing him there made you realize how fragile he was.
Innocent, scared, too little to live through those times. And for a second, you forgot that a few hours before you thought you had no purpose left. Not finding your sister, seeing how one of the biggest cities in the country had fallen… you had started to think that there was no use in trying so hard to survive when you had nobody left.
But there he was, Carl, and there were more kids in the camp. Maybe you could do more than just survive. Trying to help them live their lives with as little worry and concern as possible was better than giving up.
“Why on earth did you leave the apartment?!” A loud, high pitched scream echoed through the camp, and it didn’t take long for you to spot her, running to you.
Her. Mayra. Your sister.
When her body slammed into yours, you fell backward as you hugged her tight, trying not to let her go, as if she could slip away from your arms at any moment. You stayed on the ground trying to take in every detail you could. Her shaky breath, the way her hair felt on your skin, how her fingers were uncomfortably pressed between the ground and your shoulder blades. Her small cries as she tried to find the exact words to say.
“I was looking for you!”, at that point, you were sobbing, not even thinking about the people whose eyes wandered from Rick to you two.
“And I was about to go back home looking for you!” She cried, steadying her breath before standing back up. You followed her actions, your sight never leaving hers.
You weren’t sure how long it had been since it all started. Weeks, for sure. Months, too, although sometimes it felt like decades.
Suddenly, her eyes widened and she scanned her surroundings, fear creeping in her. She put both of her hands on your shoulders and lightly shook her head, still searching for something, you couldn’t guess what.
“Did he die?” She questioned firmly. You didn’t answer, had someone else gone to Atlanta that hadn’t made it? Someone who died before you found the group? She couldn’t be talking about… 
The entire world fell on top of you. You had just discovered your sister was alive and had also just found out you left someone she cared about behind. “Did Merle fucking die?!”
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The fire warmed your legs and the frog legs tasted so, so good. You hadn’t eaten anything freshly cooked in such a long time, it felt unreal. You were focused on your food and on Rick’s story, it was the first time you heard him talk in-depth about what had happened. He seemed happy, and the bags under his eyes were more subtle. His entire demeanor had changed.
“They found me…” your sister’s voice interrupted your trail of thoughts. You had a conversation pending; one that the both of you decided to ignore so you could enjoy the feeling of being back together, “... the Dixons, I mean. Merle didn’t want me around, Daryl didn’t either, but he was too kind to let it show. Thank God we found the group, like, a couple of days after I joined them.” Her eyes were lost in the flames as she spoke. She knew it hadn’t been your fault, there was no way you would leave him on purpose. “But I was about to die, Y/N. I felt the walker’s teeth on my skin, it tore the fabric on my shoulder. I just accepted it, didn’t fight back, didn’t try to escape.” She looked at you, and you realized that nothing meant shit anymore… life at that moment was constantly being on the verge of dying and knowing that the people you loved could die at any moment, too. Nothing could ever go back to what it used to be. “And, then, a freaking arrow went through the walker’s head. Clean, just like that, and it fell on top of me. I had never seen death in first person, you know. I had lost my friends after a dozen of those creeps came out of nowhere, but I didn’t see them die, I just heard the screams.”
She was your little sister, you hated to hear her that way, so hopeless and surrendering to death. 
“You’re safe now, these people know how to fight-” you stared, but she stopped you before you could finish.
“I know. But one of the men who saved my ass isn’t safe. Yes, he’s not the kindest, nicest, or most selfless man, but I owe him.” You knew that feeling too well. You owed Morgan and Duane, you owed Rick, and Glenn, and so many people. None of them had behaved the way Merle did, but not only Mayra owed him, you did too.
Nodding, you sighed and looked at her in the eyes, reassuring her you would do something to get him back, anything you could.
“Hey, Ed, you want to rethink that log?” Shane’s loud demand made you jump slightly. Your sister nudged you on your side with her elbow and signaled you to look at Ed. She had been suspicious about him and you both had talked about it a few hours back
“It’s cold, man.”
“Then join us or put it out, we don’t want to be seen…” you spoke, managing to sound as nice as you could. You didn’t want to start anything, but you knew how dangerous it could get. You had to avoid loud sounds and bright lights. But Ed, as expected, ignored you.
“Yeah, the cold doesn’t change the rules, does it? Keep our fires low, just embers so we can't be seen from a distance, right?” Shane continued.
“I said it's cold. You should mind your own business for once.” Ed’s answer has was harsh, you could tell he would be hard to deal with, but not everything could be perfect in such a numerous and diverse group. Everyone had different stories to tell, some of them were more tragic than others.
Shane got up and walked steadfastly towards Ed and his family’s fire, “Hey, Ed... Are you sure you want to have this conversation, man?”
“Go on. Pull the damn thing out. Go on!” Ed bossed and his wife pulled the log out of the fire almost immediately, not questioning his husband’s command. It was sad and frustrating, but knowing that stepping in could cause the wife and the little girl to get hurt forced you to stay in your place. Shane seemed to be handling the situation. He was like some sort of leader in the camp, and he had been around those people for so much longer than you, he knew what to do. At least that’s what you told yourself in an attempt to find comfort.
You saw how Shane spoke to Ed’s wife and their daughter, but you couldn’t hear what he said as the group had started a conversation to fill in the silence.
“Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon? He won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind.” The man -whose name you learned was Dale- questioned, deciding to talk about the elephant in the room. 
“I'll tell him. I dropped the key. It's on me.” T-Dog’s shameful tone showed up once again.
“I cuffed him. That makes it mine.” Rick followed. It couldn’t turn into a competition of who was brave enough, who was the most selfless, or who was willing to sacrifice themselves.
“We were all there, it’s not a competition, any of us could’ve done something-” You intervened, hoping you could bring into the conversation the fact that you were planning on going back, but Glenn interrupted you:
“I don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy.” You hated it, but if Daryl was as bigoted as his brother, then Glenn was right.
“I did what I did. Hell if I'm gonna hide from him.” T-Dog stated, completely convinced of facing the consequences.
“And we keep on making a competition out of this. We all should be there and say whatever we have to say.” You said in a determined tone. You were all responsible, one way or another.
“Look, Y/N… maybe I can tell him?” Mayra whispered as the rest kept on debating who should speak up.
“I don’t know how it could help…” You said back. Yes, Mayra knew him better than you, but she hadn’t been involved, she didn’t have to.
She opened her mouth to protest, but T-Dog’s words captured your interest instantly:
“My point... Dixon's alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof. That's on us.”
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When the fire was out and everyone got into their tents, including your sister, you still sat on the same log as before. The scenario felt strange, almost unknown to you: outside at night, under the cloudy night sky, and still not unsafe. It had been so long since you felt immortal and undefeatable, just like any other girl your age felt... like nothing could happen to you, not ever. You missed it. But beautiful as that night was, the imminent danger thickened the air.
You felt your eyes growing heavier each second. You were ready to go to sleep, so you got up and started to walk to the tent you and Mayra would share, but the sight of someone on the roof of Dale’s RV made you stop on your tracks.
Shane was keeping watch, and you wondered if he did it each night, or how had they arranged the shifts. He looked tired and the look on his face was anything but friendly.
“Hey, want to switch?” You asked approaching the stairs and climbing up, not waiting for an answer. Once you got off the stairs, your eyes wandered through the trees and landed up in the sky. If he kept watch every night, then you knew why. The view wasn’t mesmerizing, you had seen more beautiful countless times before, but the air up there was lighter, and the breeze, soothing. 
“Sorry ‘bout Ed today.” Shane ignored your question. You sat down next to the chair he was sitting in.
“Don’t be, he’ll pay for what he’s doing to his family someday. Soon, I hope.” You looked up and realized his eyes were lost somewhere in the horizon. He looked tired, and if you read more into it: defeated. “Go to sleep, I’ll stay. I want to.”
It came as a surprise to you: that was all he needed to hear. He didn’t protest, he got up, handed you the shotgun and left. You didn’t know if he would be able to get some sleep, at least he could try to.
But what you did know was that you weren’t suddenly concerned about the sleeping schedule of a man you had just met. You were desperately in need of being alone. Being around so many people was something you had only dreamt about, at least for the last weeks, and although you felt the luckiest you had ever felt, the safety you had found allowed you to put your feet back on the ground.
Everything had happened so fast. You almost died, and more than once. You met people, they saved you, you left one of them to die, you found out Mayra was alive and safe, Rick’s family was with her… and you still had to figure out how to break the news to Merle’s brother. 
You were going back to the city, too, as if everything that had happened wasn’t enough. You’d do it for your sister, and for the men who saved her, as questionable as they were.
And suddenly, it clicked.
The bag. The guns.
You had to remind Rick. It could save the group from an attack from walkers, or from other people. That way you knew somebody else would go back with you and you would actually have a shot of coming back alive, even if they despised Merle.
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“Merle! Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up.”
You had just finished hanging some of your clothes to dry when an unbothered and loud voice caught everyone’s attention. From their wide eyes, you could tell who had just gotten back. Merle’s brother, Daryl, sounded, moved, and acted just like him. It wasn’t just the accent, but his words, how his presence made everyone uncomfortable… you could tell they were expecting him to snap as soon as he found out. Behind him, Shane and Rick looked and nodded to each other. You approached them, determined to be a part of it even if hell broke loose.
“Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there.” Rick got to the point with no rambling.
“We locked the door, he’s safe from walkers.” You dared to look at him in the eyes, but regretting it as soon as he opened his mouth.
“Hold on. Let me process this. You're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?!”
“Yeah.” Rick stepped in front of you, and without skipping a beat, Daryl attacked Rick, who shoved him off. 
You took a few steps back and spotted your sister, who was just getting out of the RV. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open as soon as she realized what was happening: Daryl, Shane, T-Dog and Rick were yelling at each other. She stood in her place, everyone in the camp knew well not to intervene. Shane had Daryl on a chokehold as Rick explained to him that he wanted to have a calm discussion, which seemed to force Daryl to give in. Shane let go of him.
“What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work and play well with others.” Rick kept going. At that point, you guessed nothing could actually calm Dixon, he was still breathing heavily.
“It's not Rick's fault. I had the key. I dropped it.” T-Dog cut in.
“You couldn't pick it up?” Daryl snarled.
“Well, I dropped it in a drain.”
“If it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't.” 
“Hey, I told you, the door’s chained with a padlock. There’s no way walkers could get to him.” You repeated, trying your best to be concise and get to the point: Merle was still out there. 
“And who the fuck are you?” Daryl took a few steps forward and stared at you in the eyes. You weren’t scared, but it did take you by surprise. You stumbled back and raised your hands, putting them in between you.
“She’s my sister, Daryl!” Mayra’s shaky voice made him turn around. You couldn’t see his face, but hers was filled with heartbreak. She felt she had failed him, as if she had broken an unspoken promise. Daryl faced you again.
“Funny, huh? How I saved your sister but you left my brother to rot.” He growled. His voice low and irritated.
Your eyes jumped from Mayra to him. You straightened your body and took a deep breath. He was right. You felt miserable, and you couldn’t imagine how hard it was for Mayra, you knew you would have to do something as soon as she told you her story.
“I know, that’s why I’m going back there. With or without you.”
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