#i don't know how to promote or be interesting while not streaming.......
kanmom51 · 1 day
PJM2 is coming
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I literally cannot contain my excitiement.
Sitting her, at work may I say, putting these words on paper, so to speak, because f***ing hell, wtf JM?
Where to start?
The colour concepts? The choice of name? Choice of font (That JM popping to eye)? The flower? The links to TTU (notes sheet and flower)? The whole play with Closer than this? The dropped lyrics?
This man is a friggin genius (not that we didn't know this already)...
There is so much to talk about, and he hasn't even started with the promotions, and we haven't even seen the concept photos or the album and the songs. Name, colours, 2 lines of lyrics and we have our hands full already. They certainly know what they are doing.
Before I jump in, I want to, once again, state very loudly and clearly that everything written here are my opinions, which are based on what we've been handed so far, and could change the more we are shown.
So, let's get it...
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JM fetching this from the purple locker (which we don't see are purple off the bat and only when the lights turn on). Notes for The Truth Untold.
His wittle thumb with his crescent moon.
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The notes title : La lettra - The letter. Hmm... interesting.
And then this:
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We have the flower:
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and this that makes me believe that yes indeed, it is the silhouette of a Smeralso.
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Some of this I am yet to see where is going. like the referencing of "the letter", The truth untold, the flower... (she says, all while thinking of the choice this Festa to stream LY Seoul final with said song and the changes that JM and JK chose to make to it)...
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All that and more in one little short clip.
And then we have that little 'chat' opened up by BH, and those lyrics. Oh, those lyrics.
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All references that indeed can be connected with army. I mean, that's what JM is king of.
All also a clear reference to a one Jeon Jungkook, if you are only willing to look and see.
We have this:
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Which they have BOTH chose to bring up once again in 2023, JK happening to do so during JM's Face promos, not to mention the rain reference in SNTY (and of course, goes without saying Still with you, but that's back in 2020, while they have both managed to bring it up and reference it once again in 2023).
Remember this?
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Oh, and what about this?
And then we have these:
Remember JM tearing up after winning MMA for BS&T ?
JM getting emotional and crying only followed by JK tearing up.
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*If you haven't seen this one yet, go watch the full live.
And who can forget JK during MOTS ONE as well, seeing JM crying, distress clearly showing on his face, just waiting for the moment he can go and comfort JM.
If these are actual lyrics for a song to come or lyrics that were dropped, one thing we know, and that these words, these lines, they were written by JM, and he made a clear choice to share them with us.
And in doing so, sorry, I'm still not believing this all while sitting here gushing and knowing this was coming (no, I didn't know this specifically was coming, but the feeling that they were going big or going home, that I've had ever since July 2023... took some time and many tribulations, but we are getting there folks). Sidetracked as I always am, lol.
Back on track.... in doing so, JM is basically standing on a rooftop screaming at the top of his lungs:
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Not 1, not 2, but 3 JK references in that little shared piece of lyrics clearly written by JM, for an album we are yet to see and hear.
Anyone, and I mean anyone that is a BTS army, that has seen original content, that has followed their Twitter account or seen older tweets, that are open and willing to see it, will KNOW that these lyrics are JAYKAY!!!!!
And let me backtrack a second here...
Cause I did mention that these references could be understood as if they are made for army, right?
So yeah. Army references or JK references? I am going to say both, leaning very much to the JK side of it. Cause that's how they do it. Time after time after time.
Let's mention the colour choices as well.
We have the background colours.
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We have the yellow.
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And then we have the album concepts.
2 concepts.
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and Serenade.
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Which happens to be Yellow, same colour threaded through Serendipity.
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And we even have purple thrown in there too.
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Notice how all the lockers are painted purple. The colour of army you may say, but also JK's colour (so again, army and JK?).
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And he's pulling out the music sheet from this purple locker.
Those lockers representing his inspiration for his music perhaps?
Giving us these lyrics, then telling us the album is called Muse (or telling us the name of the album and it's meaning and then dropping those lyrics, take your pick regarding the timing, cause basically, same same), showing us the music being extracted from those purple lockers... ya think his muse is that entity he's talking about in those lyrics perhaps (even more so if we see the references as both for army and JK)?
Rhetorical question, btw.
And then we have the mint green.
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Perhaps this is what JM was talking about when he told us in his birthday live, if memory serves me right, about going to the starting point, or more so starting from the beginning trying to figure out himself as an artist?
Also, cannot help but think of this image here:
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I cannot wait to see his concept photos, and where this is all going.
We talked about JK being so loud during 2023 (well, he's had his super loud moments before that, but 2023 and his lives were smoking). And JM, well it felt (and I say felt, cause it's not really true, and I'll explain why) was quieter, more subdued, especially during JK's Golden promotions.
But here's the thing.
JM and JK have their own special oh so different ways of being loud and showing us themselves (and it shows even more so seeing that JK, for whatever reasons he had for it, did not write his songs for Golden - not saying he did not have influence on the lyrics or choice of songs with lyrics he wanted). JK did it through his choices in his photo shoots and styling for his songs and album. He did it with his lives and his total fanboying over JM. And JM, he does it through his art, which includes also but not only his lyrics.
Those two are both loud as fuck. And JM, well if these sneak lyrics are a promo of more to come (which, they probably are seeing that we have Face to fall back on as an example), then he's as loud as a frigging foghorn.
And last but not least, before I go:
Lookie here...
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jofiah · 8 months
I need to stop looking at the front page of twitch and popular vtubers on twitter, it's not good for my mental health
what would be better for my mental health, however, would be to stop being so jealous of everyone else or feeling like everyone else is a threat/competition to me, instead of something to aspire to or take inspiration from. sigh
wish i could just talk to people and reach out but. all i feel able to do is make posts like this (that will probably only drive people to unfollow)
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atalossofwords · 1 month
Guys, I don't normally post here unless I have at least another POV ready, but I'm gonna admit this last Ivan POV is NOT working out. I rewrote it three times, and it's still fighting me. Hopefully I can dig myself out of the ditch, but oh well. Y'all can enjoy Till's POV while I suffer.
ON AO3 - part one - part two - part three - part four - part five&six - part seven - part eight
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Till's life is going well. He's used to the new house, he's found new inspiration to write and mix more songs ever since Mizi's concert, so he's going live more often, which means his audience has been growing steadily. Dewey got a promotion at work and Isaac is doing an EMT course that will guarantee him a promotion as well.
He's also started chatting more often with Navi, enough so that they are... almost friends? He doesn't want to assume, but Navi is always so happy to talk about anything Till wants that the conversation flows easily. Navi especially likes to know what Till is eating, all the boring details that Till finds himself... eager to share. Till has never been overly chatty, and idle conversation is awkward, but somehow Navi shows so much interest in what he has to say that Till finds himself invested in expressinging himself more, in looking for things to talk about.
Navi likes knowing what Till thinks of the weather, and actively engages with him over which brand of ramyeon is better. Somehow, they can get into discussions over the most innocuous thing, and end up discussing music and lyrics and mixing for hours on end.
They have an ongoing discussion about the use of english in lyrics, which frequently comes back up whenever one of them thinks of another argument, and also an untold pact of sending animal pictures to each other; Till sends pictures of any dog he sees on the street, because Navi said it's his favorite animal even if he can't have one, and Navi sends back cat pictures, since his sister has one and cat pictures are easier than snake ones, which are Till's favorite animal.
Till feels... warm, about it. He's never had many friends, being a lone wolf throughout his school years; he was always in detention, or going directly home after school. He'd always had a temper, something that only really cooled after he left school and was allowed to focus on music. Dewey was his brother, not his friend, and Hyuna was more of an acquaintance than a close friendship.
Till also felt. Guilty, maybe? About the amount of money Navi kept spending on him. He wasn't a friendship expert, but he was pretty sure friends didn't send you almost 50$ dollars when you complained about picking between ramyeon and tteokbokki and told you to pick both.
(Till knew it was a mistake to migrate over from texting to Kakaotext, since now Navi could send him money directly through that. But he also had to admit the amount of stickers Navi used was beyond cute.)
Navi had also sent him some other gifts, beyond the spontaneous kakaopay transfers and normal stream donations; he's sent Till a collection of rings after bothering Till for a week straight to give him his ring size, a comfy sweater that Till didn't take off for a week due to how soft it was, and so on.
Till felt a weird tingling feeling on his stomach, a blush taking over his face whenever Navi sent him anything. He's normally fine ignoring it after a token protest, too practical to actually deny money.
He thinks he should feel bad about it, or something. Dewey told him, a few weeks into his streaming career, that he'd feel awful about getting so much money and not giving it back. Till thinks it's an exchange; he streams and people give him money for entertaining them. For a little while, the same applied to Navi. Why should he care if someone wasted their money on Till? He didn't think gacha companies were at fault for people's spending habits.
That was until they started texting. That was until Navi stopped being just a name on the screen and became a person who liked dogs, did spicy challenges for fun and had strong opinions about the conservation of endangered animals.
Till thought he might start to feel guilty, then, or at least want to pay Navi back somehow.
Instead what he gets is a warmth throughout his chest and an entirely undignified urge to squirm in place. He likes it when Navi spends money on the most mundane things, when Navi tells him to get himself some food. When Navi sends him money with instructions to get something specific Till scrambles to get it, and enjoys the treat with red cheeks and an unknown tightness in his chest.
He doesn't get it, and he's too embarrassed to talk about it with anyone else.
(Reviewing the memory, later on, will show Till the following; the weird warmth, the urge to squirm, it is arousal. Till likes it a lot, when Navi gives him things and tells him what to do with it. He feels spoiled and taken care of and confusedly horny about it all.)
He's doing his best to not care much about it, but his weeks-long wave of good luck seems to have run dry, because he ended up sick some two days ago. He's had to cancel three streams already, and is miserable enough he's debating actually going to a doctor about it.
Luckily for him, he's not coughing or nauseous, which are his least favorite symptoms. He is congested and his nose is running all the time, and he does feel feverish, but there's not much he can do about that except sleep it off.
He's currently huddled into his couch, slowly eating the samgyetang Isaac made for him and watching a show Hyuna recommended. It's a simple, no-thoughts-necessary show; the female MC is a former yakuza member that's trying to leave her past behind and live as a teacher, and the two competing love interests are a big executive type who has a child on the school and is an ass to her but is able to afford a pretty luxurious life as long as she goes along with his plans, or a old member of the Yakuza who fell in love with her when he was a child and is now reforming himself to be able to stand besides her "in the light", as he put it.
Till is cheering on the yakuza guy, mostly because he's a lot sweeter than the asshole executive.
He's also live-blogging to Navi, who has been hovering so badly that Till gave up and allowed the other to get his actual address so Navi can buy him some soup and energy drinks. He thinks he'll regret it later, but he's not complaining right now, when Navi is making sure he has food delivered for every meal and also all the necessary meds.
You [ 5:47PM ] Oh look, the asshole is going on a business trip. Maybe we'll get some good scenes with the yakuza guy now.
Navi [ 5:47 ] You're really invested into this, aren't you? What do you even like in this character?
You [ 5:48PM ] He's just so much better than the asshole. I don't get why girls would ever go for someone who's so rude to them.
Till huffs, looking up at the TV as the in-between episode extra starts. They're always funny, showing the behind the scenes and some interviews with the actors. He likes the main actress well enough, and by what he saw the actor for the asshole is a well-established star that he had no idea existed until now.
Well, the same can be said of the younger yakuza guy. His actor, someone named Ivan, is talking about how he prepared for the role, and Till can't help but be interested. The asshole guy only talked about his physical conditioning, but Ivan is talking about how he talked things over with the director, watched former-yakuza interviews and did his best to research about the motivations of his character.
He's also very handsome, in an endearing way, and Till can't help agreeing with the interviewer when she tells Ivan his fans will love the role, and that seeing him do such an earnest character will get all the girls swooning.
You [ 5:48PM ] Also, seeing the interviews, this Ivan person is just a lot better than the other actor. He cares a lot more about his character, which I think is way more important than how you look.
The interview ends, and Till decides to send another commentary before getting up to fetch more tissues for his nose.
You [ 5:48PM ] I bet Ivan would look cute doing aegyo. He's got the face for it, at least. Though I don't know if actors do that, I've only seen Idols do it on command.
Message sent, Till puts his phone to the side and gathers his little mountain for tissues and shuffles to the trash can, dumping them before refilling his water bottle and getting a new box before snuggling up again.
Navi still hasn't answered.
He frowns. He knows Navi can be busy, he definitely has other things to do rather than keep Till company, but he usually sends a BRB text if he'll be away from his phone for more than a minute.
He's still a little sick, and fervish, and miserable, so he doesn't think too hard about it and messages Navi again.
You [ 5:50PM ] Navi?
Navi [ 5:51PM ] Sorry, hyung. I just got surprised. My name is Ivan as well.
Till makes a little surprised noise. Ivan isn't that common of a name. What are the odds?
You [ 5:51PM ] Wow, it must be weird to share names with someone famous.
Navi answers quickly, but with far poorer grammar than what Till is used to.
Navi [ 5:52PM ] haha yeah well, I got used to it. do you like Ivan?
You [ 5:53PM ] I haven't seen much besides this series, he seems pretty good. Did you have any recommendations?
Navi – or, well, Ivan. Till quickly goes to change his contact name before he forgets – takes some more time to answer, and Till decides he must be busy, so he puts the show back on, doing his best not to sneeze into his soup. It's only as he's almost napping that he gets a text.
Ivan [ 5:52PM ] "Creating Heaven", "So long, not enough" and "Kamera" are tolerable, but hyung should watch some more and tell me what's your favorites!
Till is too sleepy to type, so he just takes a picture of himself giving thumbs up and snuggles back on his couch, Ivan-the-actor's soothing voice talking with the MC lulling him to a nice, dreamless sleep.
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part ten
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tempvstas · 2 years
Hello, i saw that requests were open so i hope you don't mind if i request. I'm sorry if this request isn't to your liking.
May i request Leona, Rook, Vil and Jamil with an idol reader in a group?(like a group idol or something like that). How would they react once they found out, them attending their S/O's concert, watching them dance and sing to different type of concepts and other things. Thank you. Im sorry if this request is complicated!
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Content Warning(s): none
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Leona Kingscholar, Rook Hunt, Vil Schoenheit, Jamil Viper
Authors Notes: Hi there! I’m so sorry for taking a while, I’ve been really out of it and lost motivation, but here we are! Your request isn’t too complicated so not to worry, I hope you like this!!
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona’s not dumb, he’s aware of your career. He knows just how popular you are, but honestly he couldn’t care less how many fans you have or how busy you are, as long as you still make time for him. 
You’ve contemplated asking him to come to some of your concerts but have never actually brought it up because you thought he wouldn’t be too interested. But it turns out all you really need to do is ask. 
You managed to work it up to ask him if he would come support you at one of your concerts. He just looked at you, completely silent before giving you a small nod, and turning on his side to continue with his nap. You’re a little shocked cause you didn’t expect him to actually agree to go.
So when the day of the concert actually comes around, you’re pretty nervous, especially when you’re the main vocals. But Leona doesn’t disappoint. As soon as you step onto the stage with the bright lights and blaring music from the speakers abovehead, you scan the crowd and you see him standing in the front, arms crossed over his chest.
He looks a little irritated because of all the people moshing behind him, but he that signature smirk on his face, almost like he was telling you, “I told you so.”
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Rook Hunt
Rook probably discovered you around the same time that he discovered Neige and he’s ecstatic. He’s one of your biggest fans and supporters. 
You two met through your numerous concerts and started talking because of one of backstage interactions with him. 
He's your most avid supporter and definitely attends every concert that you're at cause he loves hearing you so much, this doesn't change even after you guys get together.
It never fails to make you smile whenever you see him in the front row, calling out your name enthusiastically, giggling to yourself. 
When you’re asked during an interview who you value the most in your life, you mention his name because of all the support he’s given you.
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil is well aware of the "circle of celebrities" (does this make sense??? idk but just bear with me). He's seen your promotional videos on social media and the streams of loving comments from your loyal fans following shortly after.
Because of your rising popularity, you were asked to fill in for a role, it wasn't a major role, just a small cameo. But Vil just so happened to also be acting in it as well.
The two of you started talking, and soon a friendship blossomed between the two of you. Vil admires your work ethic, and in turn you admire just how devoted to his roles whenever he’s given one. 
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Jamil Viper
Jamil first finds out when he sees you practicing one of your dance routines.
He's mesmerized by your movements, watching you from thr shadows but too shy to say anything.
So when you find out that he also likes to dance, you invite him to dance with you. And that's when he finds out about your career as an idol. He's surprised that someone like you would even consider being with him considering his lower status, and with you being as popular as you are, but you assure him that no amount of fame or popularity could ever make you love him less.
Kalim also finds out about your career and takes Jamil to one of your concerts, buying up the most expensive ticket to get as close to the stage as possible.
While he's trying to keep an eye on Jamil, he sees you out of the corner of his eye. You shoot a wink his way and blow a kiss in his direction causing his face to flush and the crowd to go absolutely wild.
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alicepao13 · 3 months
For a golf episode, okay. For a filler, also okay. Not that much going on.
Let's get one thing out of the way first:
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Episode title says caddy. They liked that pun, I guess. As the grammar website I checked explains it further, it's not considered a huge error.
CityTV has such a nerve to put their logo in there after all their scheduling changes and general lack of interest for this show (I have no beef with that interview man, I forgot his name, but his interview with Diesel and John Reardon before the season premiere was actually fun).
I absolutely had no idea that women's golf was so lucrative.
"All I heard is sandwich" Thank god for Sarah. I only like Sarah from now on. Not even Rex, he seems too into golf, although there are too many balls involved for a dog to stay indifferent.
Joe joined the golf club when Camilla was born? Didn't he, like, adopt her after he married her mother? Or is my recollection false?
Charlie had worked as a caddie. Well, certainly some backstory there. And of course he's like, the best of them at it even if he doesn't want to join the club.
Seriously, we can't take them anywhere. Especially Rex, whose nose doesn't take a single day off. Boom, one more day off ruined.
I tuned out in every single golf talk, which is unfortunate because it was mixed with the plot (still found the culprit as soon as they appeared on screen). It's just really hard to follow when I don't care about it at all. Since I like almost all sports, I consider those I don't like as non-sports. Mainly golf and formula car racing.
They cut the chase scene? What?
That scene where Charlie drives a golf cart and Rex runs alongside him does not deserve a cool music lmao
Charlie playing golf as he's interviewing a (at the time) person of interest. I can't decide if this is unprofessional or I just don't like golf.
Ah, please someone tell me how many shots they did for that uninterrupted shot of Charlie's short putt that went pretty close to the hole. I know that the guys actually golf in real life but this had to be close but also not go in the hole for Rex to grab it.
Amazon! How the hell can you put an ad about fast delivery in this show, when you consistently fail to deliver the actual show on time in your streaming service? Am I the only one seeing the irony here? Last season it was too early, this season too late.
Also, Jesse, don't you dare wear that. Charlie's orange jumpsuit was actually a better shade of orange than this one.
Okay, maybe there were a bunch of chase scenes in this episode so they felt they could lose one. Acceptable.
Poor Rex's head. I'd have liked more of Charlie's worry please, although it seems like we might get this in a future episode.
This might be the first time we see Rex's teeth as Charlie checks for god knows what. Come on, show, let Rex bare his teeth just once while growling at a bad guy!
*gasps* Skeletal remains! On a family show!
They shouldn't have spoiled Jesse's shirt in the end scene on their promotional pictures. Not that it's such a big thing, but they should actually stop uploading promotional pictures from the final scenes altogether, or post them after the show has aired.
I liked the teamwork in this one. I believe the golf episode had been brewing since S2, where they had to scrap the idea due to a heavy snowfall, which turned the golf field into a ski slope. There is no avoiding golf, apparently!
Promo: What the actual fuck. Charlie and Rex combined whump? Charlie thrown out of a moving truck? Rex missing? Charlie having temporary amnesia? Hospital? Is it my birthday? (Well, it's actually pretty close to my name day instead.) Please squeeze a scene in there with a worried Sarah, and I take back every single bad thing I said about this season (the show only, I don't take back anything about CityTV). Yes, even the whales.
Of course this would be the episode that they'd take a break on. Oh, well. After that terrible hiatus, I can stand to wait a few days. A day had passed already as I was looking for the episode (turns out that they knew what they were doing lol).
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crazycoke-addict · 3 months
Solving the death of Glamrock Bonnie Part 2
Continuing with my previous post, one thing I found interesting is that Glamrock Bonnie's eyes are white, and the only time we ever see this in Security Breach is with Glamrock Freddy. For Glamrock Freddy, it's possible that his eyes are glowing because he’s still on recharge since he wasn't fully charged after malfunctioning during performance.
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However, this isn't the first time we have seen white eyes. We saw this with the classic animatronics, the puppet, scrap baby, and golden freddy. The glowing white eyes appear to be a debate with the fnaf community. However, the classic animatronics, golden freddy, puppet, and baby were at one point possessed by a child. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Golden Freddy were possessed by the five missing children incident, The Puppet is possessed by Charlie Emily and baby was possessed by Elizabeth Afton.
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The tangled is an augmentation of robotic body parts that it has been collecting throughout the pizzaplex. It also has the mask of the puppet, who doesn't have glowing eyes, and the streaming tears are gone. It is worth noting that chica, Bonnie, and Circus Baby are actually animatronics used in the AR delivery.
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Meanwhile, the Puppet was never seen in promotional posters of Ar Delivery, and we know that the puppet was present when Henry Emily burned the down the pizzeria because one of his goals was to let the soul of his daughter to be put to rest.
But what does this have to do with Glamrock Bonnie. Well, one of the main theories involving Glamrock Freddy is that he is possessed by Michael Afton himself. This back by his protectiveness towards Gregory, how he isn't controlled by the mimic or vanny who is mimicking his Michael's father, William Afton ans how when Vanny made him dig up the path, he said that he saw himself for the first time.
Is it possible that Glamrock Bonnie was possessed, but the question is, who? A lot of people die in this game, mostly children. So it is going to be hard to dissect on who would it be. Whoever they are, why does it have anything to do with the decommission of Glamrock Bonnie?
In Security Breach, we get a message where it appears to be a security report involving Glamrock Bonnie whereabouts. It says, "SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf."
When looking at this report, the most obvious thing is that this happened after the pizzaplex was closed. Another thing to notice is that it says Bonnie entered Monty Golf, and that was the last sentence of the security report, yet when we do see Glamrock Bonnie. He's in the back of the bowling area. If they were tracking Bonnie's movements, then wouldn't the security report also continue with him heading over to Bonnie Bowl. Well, one will discuss if the other animatronics have a tracking device.
In Security Breach, Gregory had to get a hall pass in order to release Glamrock Freddy from his green room. It's possible that the other glamrock animatronics were also locked in their rooms, and it was Vanessa who released Chica, Roxy, and Monty to help her hunt down Gregory. So, it's interesting that within 24 minutes, Bonnie managed to get out. Well, the only thing that makes sense is if he crawls through the vents that Gregory did in order to get out.
Another thing to point out is that Bonnie spends a lot of his time in the arcade until he heads over to gator golf. So, was he spending that time playing every arcade. Well, yes and no. I don't think he played every arcade. But he did at least play certain games. While roaming around the arcade, you'll notice that some of them have a purple screen.
Through the dufflebags, there are messages talking about specific arcades and how they appeared to be glitching. Glamrock Bonnie may have overheard an employee discussing it but wasn't too sure which arcade game he was referring to. Why is the glitch important? Because glitchtrap, aka the mimic itself, is controlling the arcade by using those wires that you see around the area.Whoever is possessing Bonnie is connected to glitchtrap himself. Yes, I believe that Glamrock Bonnie was possessed by no other than Jeremy himself.
For those who don't know, there's specifically three Jeremy's in this franchise. But we are talking about the "Remember Jeremy" back in help wanted. In Help Wanted, by the time we are hired as beta tested for the fazbear virtual experience. Jeremy doesn't work with the game company anymore. He's mentioned by tape girl that Jeremy seems to enjoy his job as a beta tester, but as the day went, one went. Jeremy starts to become numb, and everything that even jumpscares didn't affect him. Tape Girl mentions how it sounded like Jeremy was talking to someone through the headset. Glitchrap was trying to control Jeremy.
One day, the tape girl comes to work, and she sees Jeremy, but she also sees some sort of Halloween mask and spilled ink. We both know that was a Halloween mask, nor was that black ink. Jeremy cut his own faces off. However, I don't believe it was under glitchtrap's control.
Here's why I think that. We don't know if there were other beta testers before Jeremy. So, Jeremy would have to be the first beta tester. It's interesting how tape girl and later on, Vanessa just accepted Glitchtrap and let him take over. Tape girl manipulated Vanessa to do so, but it shows that the tape girl herself was already accepting the control of glitchtrap. Also, at no point in the game, do we have to harm ourselves. Jeremy was trying to break from glitchtrap, so he did the only thing that he had to do. He cut his own face off because glitchtrap was scanning him.
You could say that because Jeremy was his first person , and he tried to control and brainwashed. He learned the trials and tribulations because it was still on murder mode. However, I don't think this is the case. Jeremy cutting his face off is similar to how Vanessa ordered those thumb screws. Vanessa is aware that there's something dark inside her that she needs to control, so she harms herself by using the thumb screws.
Jeremy passed away due to his injuries, but his spirit was hanging around. The thing about ghosts is that the reason why they may roam around earth is because of unfinished business, and they never felt like they got justice. That's why the five kids, Charlie Emily and even Elizabeth Afton, hang around because they all die tragically. I believe that's what is happening to Jeremy. Jeremy was the first victim of the mimic, aka glitchtrap, when it comes to brainwashing.
When it comes to choosing the animatronic to possess, I think that Glamrock bonnie was pretty much hand-picked, but Bonnie Bowl itself appears to be the only place where it doesn't involve Vanny camping out there nor an arcappearing there. Vanny camp out in fazerblast and possibly the room behind the daycare attendant's room. They mentioned how there are three arcades in Gator Golf, the bakery, and the daycare attendant's room.
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Not to mention that Roxy Raceway was built on top of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, and we know that Roxy was the last security node to shut down M.X.E.S by completing phase one of releasing the mimic. So Chica, Roxy, Monty, and to an extent Moon were controlled by the mimic through the arcades or in Roxy's case, they are near the mimic itself. This is why she was chosen to be the last security node.
Speaking of security nodes, it's interesting how the only one to deactivate the wet floor bots is through the V.A.N.N.I mask to put Glamrock Bonnie. The V.A.N.N.I isn't something that Vanessa made for herself, but rather, it appears that there were many made for the technician employees. The technician employees are responsible for the animatronics, meaning that they upgraded Glamrock Chica, Roxanne Wolf, and Montgomery Gator.
Remember when I said that Cassie's Dad was a technician? He never told her why bonnie was decommissioned and how the statue of Glamrock Bonnie is him cowering way something. I think that Glamrock Bonnie got decommissioned through the virtual reality of the V.A.N.N.I mask. This is why he managed to connect to the wet floor bots, and that's why you have to have the V.A.N.N.I mask to deactivate them.
However, we still have answered who or what decommissioned. Yes, the technicians who were probably controlled by the mimic through the V.A.N.N.I mask made sure that Glamrock Bonnie was decommissioned, but the statue in Help Wanted 2 and the area that he was found. It's telling us that nobody could cause that damage unless they were an animatronic themselves.
When looking at the crime scene itself, the biggest clue is the whole on Bonnie's chest, where it appears to have claw marks. So, we know that the animatronics has to have claws. There are three animatronics that were given claws based on the animal counterpart. They are Montgomery Gator, Roxanne Wolf, and Glamrock Freddy.
I'll start with Montgomery Gator. The main theory involving Glamrock Bonnie is that Monty killed Bonnie. This is because the last time we heard about Bonnie was that he was in Gator Golf. Monty ends up replacing Bonnie and how unlike Foxes and Wolves are in the same dog family. alligators are apex predators, while Rabbit was prey themselves. However, there are certain details that contradict the theory.
First of all, Glamrock Bonnie is found behind the bowling area even though the report stops at him going to gator golf. Another incriminated evidence that Monty did it is his claws himself. While yes, Monty probably did have claws . They didn't get upgraded until Monty got replaced Bonnie in the band. It is mentioned that when Monty's claws got upgraded. According to Freddy, bassist claws require the animatronic to slice through things, and that's interesting because how would Glamrock Freddy know that?
Next up is Roxanne Wolf, there are no evidence that Roxanne Wolf ever wanted Bonnie wanted to be decommissioned. She likes her position as the key guitarist of the band. The only thing we have is that she's an animatronic with claws, and her claws probably help with her playing the key guitar. You could say that because Roxanne may have jealous of Bonnie's popularity, which is why she's always says she's the best and how she confidentially believes that she's Gregory's favourite animatronic, But I don't believe this to be the case. So, Roxanne Wolf isn't the culprit. Which leads to Glamrock Freddy.
Throughout the security breach, Glamrock Freddy is shown helping Gregory, and the only time where he attacks him is when his battery is low or during the afton ending. However, this isn't to say that Glamrock Freddy was free from the mimic's control. I mentioned how Vanny was camping out over at the fazerblast. But why was she? It's also interesting that the three places where she camped out are Fazerblast, Daycare Attendant's room, and underneath the pizza place in the basement. The daycare attendant's room as the BB world game, and it seems to be the most glitched game of them all. You play this game last. You are now fully under the mimic and Vanny's control. The basement is where the boss battle itself happens. What is if the afton's ending ever happened, but doesn't mean Vanny's hideout in the basement is non-canon. So, we have two places that Vanny was hiding out involving a connection to The Mimic , so why campout in Fazerblast. That's because Princess Quest III is located, the game that Vanessa is trapped in.
The princess quest games appeared to be located in places where they are protected because it will be the last place that somebody would ever find. However, the princess quest appeared to be hidden well since, according to a message, somebody only played two of the games but didn't complete the third. It's also worth noting the only to get access to Princess Quest III if you win fazerblast and get the faz laser. What does this have anything to do with Glamrock Freddy.
Because Glamrock Freddy was probably under the control of mimic and Vanny at some point in time. When Glamrock Freddy was ever under the control is when the task involving the mimic becoming William Afton and bringing William afton. Meaning that Glamrock Freddy was the animatronic who decommissioned Glamrock Bonnie.
The technician programmed Glamrock Freddy by connecting him to the V.A.N.N.I network, and the reason why Glamrock Freddy didn't have any memory until he was upgraded is where he remembers what he has done. However, Freddy does appear to have some guilt about what happened. Glamrock Bonnie had to decommission through the V.A.N.N.I network since we know know he activates the wet floor bots, but the wet floor bots can't deactivate unless you're in the V.A.N.N.I network.
Another animatronic that helped with the decommission of Glamrock Bonnie is the moon animatronic. The last location that Bonnie was seen is Gator Golf, but he was found in Bonnie Bowl. Because this was the night that Glamrock Bonnie was decommissioned. Similar to what happened to Freddy in Security Breach when he got knocked out and dragged by the moon to parts and services. So, Glamrock Bonnie was knocked out, and the moon animatronic took him over to Bonnie Bowl. Glamrock Freddy decommissioned Glamrock Bonnie so bad that there was no way for the technician to repair him.
Glamrock Bonnie was still activated through the remnant of Jeremy, so he connected to the wet floor bots through the V.A.N.N.I network, just waiting for someone to deactivate them and find his body.
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goldenpinof · 7 months
i just watched philosophy tube's new video promoting nebula and the whole time i thought, damn... dan and phil could get on that shit. especially dan's ambitious ass. i mean, they've got a pretty big audience (sure, it's not quite what it used to be, but definitely nothing to scoff at either) and one that would likely mesh well with the content already on nebula + be willing to pay for it. i see this as an absolute win, don't you think?
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i wanna combine all Nebula asks in one because they complement each other.
and omg, i also just watched Abigail's video! and she sold Nebula to me, ngl 😂 if Dan ever makes them produce something, i might be willing to pay $5 for a couple of months (i'm paying for spotify more, that's the measurement). while watching Aby talk about the audience and how The Prince worked out i had a thought that we aren't as strong as an audience unfortunately. we can make Dan's show sell out, but it's care nowadays. it has to be in a big city, in a venue with ~1500 cap., and it has to be one show, so everyone who can travel will try to see it. the moment we get options we scatter and investments aren't coming back. we're not as strong as we used to be, especially when it comes to solo projects.
are we gonna jump on Nebula just for Dan? i, honest to god, don't know. wad is not the best thing to compare a streaming service subscription to. dnp's sponsorships and our engagement with it could be better. sales of wad dvd will show people's interest as well (i wouldn't be surprised if that goes on some service). it's so hard to tell if Nebula could potentially fund another project (aka Dan's project) because we don't know what stage Dan is not okay is right now. maybe it's already pitched and they are negotiating contracts, maybe the contract is already signed, maybe they are still trying to pitch it to companies. godddd, if only Dan talked to us about the process.
about pirating. i get that 99,9% of any content can be pirated. and Dan is not okay will be, regardless of the platform. with netflix it's a bit faster, i guess. anyone who can't/doesn't want to pay for it, don't worry, you will see it anyway :)
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I've been rewatching/reading old jungkook interviews, bc why not, and I have a bit of a different theory about the one where he says that he wants to be the only one who can conquer pop and kpop than I had before. I thought it had come across as a bit arrogant and ambitious without substance, but I think it makes a lot more sense and is more aligned with what we know about jungkook's character to consider it in the context of the types of conversations bts must have been having behind the scenes over the past couple years. Clearly jungkook's recent foray into traditional western pop is the 'pop' part while bts is the 'kpop' part, and there's an implied delineation between them. The delineation itself is interesting to me bc bts, and the media that covers bts, have been struggling for years with whether they're 'beyond' kpop and, later on, whether the English trilogy should be considered kpop too. The English trilogy was clearly their push into western pop, and jungkook, at least based on that interview, would consider his album western pop even if it's already being categorized as kpop. But jungkook said that he wanted to be the only artist that can do both pop and kpop, even though he obviously knows that bts' has successfully ventured into pop. Given that we already know that some of the members felt very conflicted about the English trilogy route, I wonder if jungkook's answer here suggests that the group has talked about the direction they want to go, and the direction they don't want to go, and aren't planning on pushing English-trilogy-style songs anymore. And jungkook decided 'okay, that's fine, but I'm going to try it out a little.' To me, that makes jungkook's comment make much more sense and even provides some context for why jungkook has decided to take the route he has with chapter two.
Idk why I wrote a whole ass novel about something that happened months ago, but does this make sense?
Well, although BTS have some English songs, they're still considered kpop, and, more importantly, consider themselves kpop. Jungkook is still kpop despite Seven and 3D not being kpop, because he's still promoting like an idol and because he is still an idol. When Jungkook mentioned being the only artist who can transition from pop to kpop, I was a bit surprised too. "The only one"? Aren't there already more? On the one hand, that may have been a figure of speech that came across weirdly in the translation. I think it's more accurate to say that he wants to be an artist that can switch between kpop and pop. On the other hand, it's also not inaccurate to claim he's the only one if you think about it. BP also make Western friendly music, but they're even more kpop than BTS are as far as people's perceptions of them go. Transitioning from pop to kpop goes beyond making Western friendly music or English music. It's about impact and how audiences see you. Jungkook will always be seen as kpop, but his songs are not kpop and he's having real success in the US and even in Europe - the features with Western artists, working with very famous American producers, Seven breaking Flowers' record as the fastest song to hit 1B streams on Spotify - those are all accomplishments in pop, rather than kpop. Jungkook's establishing himself in the pop world as a pop artist in contrast with BTS who even in their English trilogy era were established as a kpop group. Maybe that's why Jungkook made that claim. No one else has been as successful in pop as BTS, so no one else can even claim to be able to transition from pop to kpop, yet even BTS are labelled kpop. I guess Jungkook wants to be able to claim both labels. I'm not sure he can do it, but he might come closer to it than anyone else.
Maybe my interpretation of Jungkook's words is a bit different from yours. I think you're right that in the long term BTS aren't interested in conquering pop or making a lot of English music, but I also doubt they won't still collab with pop artists and make English songs. What they've done in chapter 2 is a mix of kpop (as in Korean music) and pop (as in popular Western music). BTS have no issue with the kpop label, and neither does Jungkook (who is BTS lmao), but Jungkook also wants to claim the pop label for himself in his solo music - which obviously does not mean he will stop being an idol or that he doesn't want to be kpop; it's more like he also wants to be a pop star making pop music. Obviously, Jungkook's focus on performance, a lot his promotional activities, etc. are clearly kpop, but even the choreos he's been choosing, his styling, etc. are already leaning more toward a pop as opposed to a kpop performance.
Thanks for the ask!
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bestworstcase · 1 year
one thing I would love to see in the story is if, in Vacuo (well known as a place with a LOT of Grimm) someone remembers Menagerie somehow has less of a problem and turns to Blake and asks her "why?" and we get a lot of information about Menagerie as a culture. do you think this would fit in with your "menagerie has less grimm because it doesn't have a huntsmen school" theory? I personally think it makes sense because we know that "Grimm are attracted to strong auras" so naturally if you have a place where they're all grouped together, it'll be worse. Also there are several Faunus that have been shown as fighters who don't have Semblances, which require aura usage, so that probably helps. thoughts? (as an add-on to this, are you the person who said Salem is thematically a faunus? if so do you think that has anything to do with any of this?)
(yeah i’ve been on the salem-is-a-faunus train for a good long while now. not even just thematically, like, socially/culturally she’s a faunus. human + non-human physical characteristics—& i would argue there’s a lot of circumstantial evidence to support the idea that salem at one time had a lot of influence over faunus culture.)
i think menagerie’s relative lack of a grimm problem is almost certainly because menagerie is 1. a kingdom built by civil rights activists where 2. it’s culturally acceptable to express ‘negative’ emotions openly. menagerie’s people aren’t repressed festering balls of all the pain they’ve ever swallowed, because they don’t swallow their pain, and i figure that makes them a lot less interesting to the grimm. it’s like… imagine if grimm were creatures who needed to regularly submerge themselves in water to survive. menagerie has a lot of shallow, fast-flowing little brooks and streams; the vytal kingdoms have a lot of deep wells and dammed-up reservoirs. which kind of place is going to be more attractive to the grimm?
it’s not that the lack of a huntsman school is the causal factor of menagerie not having a grimm problem—it’s that menagerie represents a completely different model of grimm management, one based on prevention rather than warfare, and thus never needed to set up a huntsman academy. because the grimm just weren’t ever that big of a problem.
(mechanically, i think grimm are probably drawn to “negativity” because they need aura for whatever reason, and for humans and faunus aura is at least somewhat responsive to emotion—so to a grimm, a big burst of bad feelings is kind of like the sound of a can opener to a cat. similarly, a huntsman or huntress with an unlocked aura and juiced up semblance is probably more appetizing than your average civilian, which might be why we see behavior like grimm rampaging through the fairgrounds and only incidentally killing bystanders in V3, but rushing students far more aggressively.)
but the thing is. i’m not sure the people of menagerie entirely understand this. like, grimm are NOT well-understood AT ALL. grimm “science” is still at “grimm eat their prey, chase scavengers away from their kills, and ‘mysteriously’ die in captivity; they don’t need to eat, they choose to eat because they’re evil sadistic demons.” menagerie happens to be structured, as a society, in a way that works really well as a preventative measure against the grimm—but that’s because it’s a society built by civil rights activists who want to promote peace and equality and have thought deeply about how best to do that. the grimm prevention is an accidental side effect, and i imagine it’s either kind of a scientific mystery or everyone is putting it down to kuo kuana having good “natural barriers” (the mountains).
so i don’t know how well any menagerian characters would be able to explain any of this, because it’s way, way outside the realm of what modern grimm studies is able to account for. if it does get exposited on in detail, i would actually expect it to come from salem—because 1. she knows astronomically more about the grimm than anybody else by virtue of being both immortal and grimm herself, and 2. part of negotiating peace with salem is doubtless going to involve figuring out how grimm and people can coexist peacefully.
(i know a lot of folks think the grimm will be just… destroyed altogether in the end, but i don’t think that tracks because grimm have been portrayed as social beings with much greater intelligence than the pseudoscientific study of them holds; i think this is probably headed in more of a ‘ending the existential conflict between grimm and humans’ kind of direction than a ‘total extermination of these possibly sapient beings’ one. & if the core issue is that grimm just need a lot of aura to survive, well… one of the main characters is a guy whose semblance involves channeling his aura into other people, and warriors can channel their aura into weapons and clothes as a matter of course, and grimm can siphon aura from living things without causing permanent damage, and aura itself is a renewable resource, so like. this is a Solvable Problem.)
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klysanderelias · 1 year
Do you have a favorite Vtuber?
Please also tell us why.
All right, wall of text time.
The short answer is not exactly, I watch vtubers for a lot of different reasons. I have a shortlist, and I have one or two I actually spend money on supporting, but I don't think I could name a favorite. If you're looking for names, I'd shout out Finana Ryugu, Mai Tsukimiya, Hakos Baelz, and Pavolia Reine, with Mai Tsukimiya closest to 'favorite' based on my support/engagement.
Now, the long answer.
I follow vtubers for a couple of key things - body doubling, relaxation, let's plays, music, and 'other'. A lot of these don't really interact well - if I'm trying to find a comprehensive let's play of a game I want to experience, I'm looking for a different thing than when I'm trying to find something to put on when I'm going to sleep. Plus, there are a lot of vtubers who are part of an agency like Hololive or Nijisanji that have a certain level of obligation to play specific games, so suddenly everyone I follow is playing the new pokemon, or hitman, or (ugh) Hogwarts legacy, because the agency made a promotion deal. And it's important for me to remember a lot that Vtubing is a job, especially the bigger you get, and that's more than just 'I need to make money doing this.' It's also 'I have a boss who makes decisions about what I am and am not allowed to do, and if I say something on stream I may have to make a ten minute apology video if my handler decides it might hurt the brand.'
I do want to talk about that - I don't like a lot of the subculture that vtubers inhabit. I don't like the way that it vaguely reeks of 4chan memes, or how if you scratch the surface you'll find incredibly toxic and disgusting behavior in chat. I don't blame the streamer for basically any of it, but there are vtubers out there who play more into it that I would like much more if they didn't (basically anyone in vshoujo, but also gawr gura and amelia watson, for example). And I'm sure there's more that I don't know about because like, if they don't stream in english, I'm obviously not gonna know what they're saying unless it gets clipped and translated. I will say, Finana Ryugu specifically gets a pass from me, and I think if she streamed more games I was interested in, she might make it up to being my favorite. I will never forget her anger at her chat for calling certain gacha characters 'traps', and her banning the word from her stream, and then like a day later being forced to apologize for it. I've more or less given up on trying to find 'progressive' or 'leftist' vtubers because of the culture (plus y'know, no one talks politics or ideology at their job), but she strikes me as a genuinely kind and thoughtful person.
For the things I watch vtubers for, number one is probably body doubling - if you're not familiar with that term, it's basically 'having someone else in the room to help someone with ADHD start and execute tasks that they otherwise wouldn't be able to'. It's kind of like having a podcast on for me, or chatting with someone while doing the dishes. It's having the stream on in the background and not really paying much attention to it.
Next is relaxation - sometimes I'll put a streamer on just to fall asleep to. I don't do the ASMR stuff really, but just having noise on in the background helps me sleep, and there's a number of people who have very calming or pleasant voices. Ceres Fauna is a shoutout here - I think she's on the edge of the 'elmo voice' crowd, but she's great to fall asleep to.
I also listen to a lot of music from vtubers, either covers or original music. I'll voluntarily admit I like Mori Calliope - when she's not trying to be edgy or playing into the subculture, her music is genuinely good. In general I think vtubers shouldn't be forced to sing, but I have a bunch of songs from vtubers I listen to a lot.
Let's plays - obvious. I have to shout out Hakos Baelz' playthrough of Resident Evil Village, she struggles with horror games and her experience with RE8 was extremely fun to watch because she was able to enjoy herself and get through the scary parts. This is also what's hardest to find for me - there aren't a lot of vtubers who play the kind of games I'd like to see.
I also like listening to vtubers who stream in other languages - most non-english vtubers stream in Japanese, but I like listening to the indonesian streamers from nijisanji and hololive as well (and ID streamers like Reine and Moona have some extremely good songs).
There aren't many vtubers I actually support financially, I think the only one is Mai Tsukimiya. I think she's very sweet, is small enough that I feel like I'm supporting a person and not a company, and I've bought some of her merch and enjoyed it.
Anyway all of this is to say that it's complicated, but I follow a lot of let's players and vtubers and have Opinions about them.
This is different from a list of recommendations, though. I think everyone I've named (and quite a few I didn't) are worth checking out, but obviously there's a lot of variance in terms of what they stream, how they stream, etc.
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northwest-cryptid · 1 year
Friend Corp Session 1 went... interesting.
So to just quickly clear up any confusion as to how I'm documenting everything. I'm going to be recording every session I play of this and piecing together a whole documentary style playthrough video at the end, but each session I'm coming back to you guys with screenshots, updates, general questions as to which abnos we should be looking for, and overall just letting you know how things are going along the way. Come the final push to day 50 I might end up streaming it because as a vtuber I do occasionally stream (I've been garbage about my schedule lately lol) and I think it would be fun to actually let people come out and be there for the finale. I also quickly want to say that the name "Friend Corp" comes from Firebuug who left this comment on the post which was what prompted me to start calling it Friend Corp, so full credit for the name goes to our fellow friend Firebuug:
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In other news, I just wrapped a 2 hour session that takes us through to the start of Security/Safety team and I thought I'd let you all in on the details.
Quick reminder: Nugget submissions are by no means cut off or stopped, the facility still needs your help!
Starting from the beginning we start Day 1 with our Friend Corp Communal Nugget OC reveal! Please welcome DIA!
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So as you likely know, there is a list for Friend Corp that has all the currently enlisted nuggets along with their creators/owners. In a way the nuggets are there to represent the people who submitted them, and I totally understand if you don't have a nugget but don't want to be left out, so hey good news Dia is here as EVERYONE'S nugget. Dia represents the entire Friend Corp community. No single one of us own Dia, but rather we all collectively own Dia as a community so by all means feel free to project any sorta headcanons or whatever you want for them. Dia is our nugget comrade!
Day 1 goes by without a hitch and we're on to day 2!
Day 2 we hire our first Community Nugget: Marx [@something-soup-something]
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The first abnormality we pick up (after One Sin of course) is Old Lady, not my favorite day 2 pick but she'll be useful to us both for ranged white damage and as a good early game Temperance trainer.
Thankfully Marx seems just fine handling the Old Lady
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Despite being fresh off recruitment, Marx absolutely crushes it on day 2 gaining enough Temperance to be promoted to level 2 by the end of the day. Meanwhile Dia has picked up some new fashion having earned the EGO gift Penitence:
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Day 3 is right around the corner, and while we pick up 1.76 MHz we also pick up a new friend in hiring Rain [@ordei]
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Nothing too noteworthy happens this day outside of Dia being promoted to level 2.
Day 4 we pick up the Heart of Aspiration and it's business as usual!
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Between Dia, Marx, and Rain the Control Department runs like a well oiled machine each swapping off with a different abnormality every so often to train each of the necessary early game stats. We want at least level 2 for Justice, Prudence and Fortitude and level 3 for Temperance but I was blown away by just how much these nuggets improved!
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With Marx already moving up to Level 3 and Rain following close behind at Level 2 it was becoming clear to me that these nuggets were clearly tapping into the forbidden power, the power of Friend Corp.
Day 5 is an absolute breeze, no new recruits as at the time of this session these 3 were the only members of the Control Department but after the impressive display on Day 4 I was confident they had it in them to absolutely crush the new quota.
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and just look at em go! These lads are professionals, we're producing energy outputs in the high 80 - 90% success rates consistently and due to how many Teths and how few Zayins we're working with stat progression is through the roof for early game.
The Old Lady decided to give her new friends Marx and Rain some glasses, which are very cute;
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Though I did find it funny how despite having the Penitence EGO gift, Dia refused to wear it.
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Dia really said "the giant floating skull gave me a crown of thorns, but I stay silly"
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and after about exactly 15 minutes of grinding we end Day 5 with Marx hitting LEVEL 4?! Dia already reaching Level 3 and Rain bumping Justice from 2 > 3
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Things really are looking up for Friend Corp!
Day 6 and we get to pick a new abno!
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I was faced with a moral decision, remembering the ProjectMoon Abnormality Sexymonster Polls outcome I felt like I had to give this one to the Cherry Blossom squad since Fairy Festival beat em by a mere 3%!
But who will be in charge of the Cherry Blossom? Well none other than our resident Info team specialists: Yuri [@polyydeucess] (who's eyes might be wrong but don't worry we can go back and fix em if needed since I have no idea what they look like under the Judgement Bird bandages)
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AND Julian [@firebuug]
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I decided to hire 2 Agents on Day 6 since this is the first day we'll be dealing with Ordeals and I needed all the help I could get.
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In retrospect I played this WAY too safe, the Friend Corp squad are no pushovers and backed by not only the Heart of Aspiration but two gunslingers with very high attack speed and the absolute mad lad Dia who will throw themself into danger without a second thought, the squad was more than capable of handling Doubt.
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Day 6 wasn't quite as eventful as some of the others, and took nearly twice as long; but it was a fruitful day never the less.
Day 7 starts with us taking The Lady Facing The Wall because yes we DO need more White Damage Ranged Weapons we didn't have enough between Old Lady, AND Grave of Cherry Blossoms!
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our first Panic goes to Julian! I couldn't stop laughing because everyone enters the hallway and calms Julian almost instantly, but the damn clerk who DARED to shoot at Julian must face consequences for their careless actions!
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Despite being stabilized Julian delivers the final blow. That'll surely send a message to the rest of the clerks, this is Friend Corp if you partake in unfriendly behavior you will be put down. Shooting people isn't very friendly!
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The rest of Day 7 goes smoothly with Rain being promoted to level 3, unfortunately both Julian and Yuri are really taking their time with the stat gains, which is fair given they have a single abno between them and are mostly assisting with security measures and responding to meltdowns.
On Day 8 we pick up Fragment of the Universe... and Julian panics again but thankfully Julian's good friend Rain is right there to lend a hand!
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However this isn't before Julian makes a point to add 1 more to the kill count of Clerks who behaved in an unfriendly manner!
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This frame right here kills me, JULIAN PUT THE GUN DOWN JULIAN NO RAIN IS A FRIEND!
By now the team has become strong, they've learned to fight together, to work as a team, to play to each others strengths and cover each others weaknesses.
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Challenges and Ordeals that once seemed like a threat were now nothing to them. We may be understaffed, but the staff we do have sure knows how to pull out all the stops!
We did run into one small problem... but thankfully as a Veteran Manager I knew how to handle it.
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By the end of Day 8 Dia and Rain both reached Level 4, and Yuri had made the advancement to Level 2!
Things were getting difficult, with so many Abnormalities that needed tending to and with so few employees to handle the meltdowns I was having to pick and choose which abnormalities to let meltdown (typically the non escape ones) and recovering the energy cost wherever I could.
But this is Lobotomy Corporation, where we face the fear and build the future; so rather than stop we press on to Day 9 picking up Skin Prophecy.
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MARX WAS SO READY TO GO IN THERE THE DOOR WAS OPEN AND EVERYTHING. The dangers of playing on 3x speed constantly.
Thankfully no one was lost and we didn't have to restart the day, actually so far; we haven't had to reset at all which is amazing considering how stupid risky I'm playing.
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Other than Marx almost getting eaten by a tree Day 9 goes fairly well, both Yuri and Julian get promotions to levels 2 and 3 respectively, couldn't be more proud of those lads.
Day 10 was no different than the last, just less near death encounters with trees. Rain began working more and more with Old Lady, Marx became our 1.76 MHz specialist, meanwhile Julian befriended the Fragment of the Universe while Yuri attempted to make sense of the Lady Facing The Wall. Everyone had a job and was getting better and better at it, obtaining new EGO gear, gifts, and weapons; becoming more and more honed to their craft; and at the end of the shift on Day 10 we achieved our first Level 5 agent with Marx hitting rank 5 Temperance and being Promoted to essentially being the emergency "please go work with [thing melting down] because I trust you won't immediately die" nugget. Congratulations Marx!
At the Dawn of Day 11 we pick up Fairy Festival as the other options were both HE level abnos we're in no way prepared for yet. However with the opening of the Security team and no one to tend to it's abnos we were back to the hiring process to pick up Reinhardt! [@branch-wdk53]
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Day 11 was going so well, everyone was doing their silly little tasks and then I forgot that this was the first day we could encounter Noon Ordeals and well...
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The last Abno we pick up for the current session is Funeral, I figured since I know the reference image of Reinhardt I have shows them using the EGO I should probably pick it up at some point and we're going to need some manageable escape type abnos for the suppression missions.
Tumblr will only allow 30 images per post so I can't include the facility and bonus pictures of the nugget interactions in this post, but I will follow this post up with another shortly to include some extra little screenshots I grabbed for you guys to keep you up to date on everyone's current status.
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cherokeegal1975 · 3 months
Still promoting my work. I can't make myself completely give up on it, even when it goes mostly ignored for years at a time. Maybe I'm too stubbornly optimistic about it. Half of me wants to throw up my hands and give up and the stubbornly optimistic part of me won't shut up and it's louder than the part of me what sounds perfectly logical when it tells me to just give up. That and I'm bored and really want to talk to some nice people...earn some honest feedback. I've had a really shitty week, one of my very worst. What's wrong isn't over yet. So, some people taking the time to really give my work a chance would be lovely. My books are available on Amazon as a paperback or as a ebook on Kindle. I'm aware the audio isn't the best, so that's why it's only on YouTube...it's been a long time since I've listened to it on the account that I can't stand the sound of my own voice on a recording.
This is the link to it on Amazon:
Unexpected Cargo: Smith, Meriah: 9781537355238: Amazon.com: Books
I'd love some honest feedback there. I got one comment in...I don't know what language that was alright and another from my grandmother which was kind, but I don't think that one counts because she's family and probably wanted to spare my feelings. Earning some feedback from someone more objective would be nice. The more the better so I can get a broad spectrum feel for what people think.
Anyway, this is the synopsis:
Johnathan was a family man and cargo runner and had no interest in getting entangled in royal affairs. So, when a deposed and fleeing princess arranges a meeting to give him a package to keep safe, he was reluctant to take it. But she convinced him to hide the royal seal until she needed it back despite himself. Unknown to him, she had also tricked him into carrying another precious cargo. When
Johnathan learns of the trick, he’s furious. When he confronts the princess about it, he learns it’ll be impossible to return it before it’s appointed time. Then she tells him of an unbreakable bond between them and ends a long search for someone he had lost as a boy. So, instead of revenge, he does what he can to help her. He must also avoid capture; the King would execute Johnathan if he ever found out about his secret cargo.
One person called this novel a wholesome movie and I'll treasure that. One person commented in a langrage that I didn't recognize that translated out as, "This is shit." Won't forget it, but I'm not going to spend a lot of time and energy thinking about this troll's comment.
The point is, I actually read your comments and keep them. Honest feedback is always appreciated forever. Even when sometimes the feedback is less than glowing.
Certainly I'd love it if you all bought my book...or books. I have five published on Amazon. I'm having a lot of trouble finding work so the support would be of great help...but only if I sell a lot of books because I've never earned more than $2 from a sale and most times when I make a rare sale it's around .64 cents. I know how to remedy this problem thanks to the information I've been gathering, but it all costs a pretty penny. You have no idea how much I'd love to see my work get the full treatment to get off the ground and selling...even be converted into something Netflix would stream. I'd be over the moon if they said yes. It's the goal I have in mind. Unfortunately, it all takes money I don't have. So, all I can do as ask for feedback and hope to make a sale once in a while.
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alarrytale · 4 months
Engagement is down//
His last post anywhere got 2.3m likes which was more than most of his LOT posts from 2023. I don't know how else to measure engagement as he isn't on twitter or tiktok.
Some asks about Harry, engagement and fandom's reaction to his silence on genocide under the cut.
Hi, anons!
Engagement can be measured in many ways. Likes on posts is one thing. Likes are usually up when he hasn't posted for a while. When he does it consistently and often it's down to a medium level. I usually think of several different ways to measure engagement. Clicks on tabloid articles about him (how interested and invested are people in him?), google search results (how many are googling him), name drop results (how many are talking about harry styles across all media platforms), how many streams are his albums getting (is it up or down?), how much merch does he sell, when he does something is he trending on social media? etc.
I don't have the numbers for all this, but i feel like people are pretty apathetic about his current stunt, people aren’t reblogging or retweeting pictures of them or even hating on them (that would still be engagement). He's been off for a while so that might explain things, but i thought his football match appearance didn’t engage people like i would expect it to. Maybe i'm wrong.
Hi Marte. Considering online outrage doesn't necessarily transfer to the real world. Like there is endless online discourse about JKR but the HP game was one of the best selling games of 2023 despite petitions to cancel it and negative review brigading. It made over a billion on PC alone. A book she released some time ago went straight to number 1 best sellers list. The majority of people are still buying her products. They're making a HP tv series and she's part of it and I wouldn't be surprised if it does well. There is a lot of excitement about it. I guess you could say the same with TSwift. There is nothing but hate for her online and she's still the best selling artist worldwide. So I'm just wondering. Do you think this will be a similar situation with Harry where if he is cancelled online it won't make a difference to his career or do you think he won't hold up as well as the others? I guess it depends on how good his next album is. If his album is really good then people will buy it. I can see him getting a lot of online backlash if he goes back to queer coding when he releases his music.
Yeah, and that's why i wrote that we'll have to see how this impacts him. I don't think a major celebrity will be cancelled in a flash, and they'll go from everything to nothing. It all depends on what the "crime" is too. The HP game did well, but did it do as well as it could have done if JKR wasn't cancelled? Also she's a te*f, i don't think many people in the gp even know what that is. Many also unfortunatly agree with her. So the "crime" isn't percieved to be that severe in the gp's eyes. I think Lizzo is a better example. She's internet cancelled before she's even convicted of anything. She might bounce back (doubt it), but i don't think she'll do as well as previously. Harry is accused of being a zion*st and supporting genocide. I think that's a worse "crime" among the gp and his target audience than the crimes of jkr and lizzo.
I think it all depends on a lot of things. How the situation in Gaza develops, how many other fuck ups H does, how much he stunts, how much he "queerbaits", how good his album is and how he choose to promote it. Despite people not being happy with him for different reasons right now, i don't think it will impact him much. We'll have to see. I'm pretty sure that no matter how he does, he could have done even better if he fixed his zionis* reputation and the queerbaiter reputation.
He'd probably lose all his wealthy American fans if he spoke out against Israel so he's not doing to do it. Not everyone supports Palestine. Tumblr gives a false impression because 70% of users are under 21 (according to tumblr polls).
I'm not saying he needs to speak out against Isr*el. Or support Palestine. I'm saying he should demand a ceasefire and state he doesn’t support genocide. That's saying murder is bad, and that both parties needs to lay down their weapons. It's a pretty neutral and basic statement.
Not everyone supports Palestine, that's true, but most people are against genocide and want a ceasefire. Regardless of that, H's target audience are millenials and gen z, where most people want a ceasefire and to stop genocide from happening. If he loses some zio*ist fans then so be it, he's already lost a million for not speaking up. I can't imagine there being that many zion*sts among his millenial and gen z fans. It's not the fans that's the reason he's not speaking up, it's his label, management and friends and the brand deals he has.
If engagement is down its because his own fans are constantly hating on him and trying to cancel him. So where are fans who don't see things in black and white and are ready to write him off supposed to engage in harry fandom content?
Jeez, anon. Idk, i think a genocide is pretty black and white, it's murder. Either you are for or against. Most people think murder is bad in all circumstances. I think stopping genocide is a bit more important than you getting your harry content...
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The Untamed/Actors
Okay. I finally watched The Untamed and I really cannot stop watching the series.
A few weeks ago, I was bored enough to watch the show. First, let me say that it wasn't because I harbored any negative thoughts. See, I've heard of the show for awhile now. However, my version of remembering is someone telling me one of the mains dies. Well, I'm not a fan of sad endings so I refused to watch the series for the longest time. It's been sitting in my Netflix cue for awhile. Possibly a month before, I'd watched Word of Honor and before that Alchemy of Souls which meant I was pretty desperate for something new in the fantasy world (and besides I love a man with long hair). Ha.
Anyway, I somehow came across someone advertising the story on TikTok so I found the book and couldn't put it down. Took me a few days to read through (mostly because I have a person in my life who demands attention). No excuses left except to watch the series.
I was a bit sidetracked at first. I mean, there are some things that are the same and others completely different. I'm old enough to know the reason why they didn't include the actual couple coupling. I wasn't even upset about that and even though I was thrown off by the scenes of WWX with Qing. I understood where they were coming from too. I didn't understand why they changed the other elements of the story: the yin iron pieces, WWX genius, "the sword (they removed the body parts and I was really looking forward to a headless man chasing the junior disciples around). Sadly this meant removing a lot of the funny, jaw dropping parts too.
Either way, although some aspects took longer, I really liked this series. I'm really bummed it took me years to watch it. I feel like I missed all the hype, but then again I think Covid snuck up on this show too and they had to stop promotions afterward. I'm glad that of the research I've done the show did so well.
The relationship between LZ and WY in the book and show makes me want to scream. Honestly, both can be appreciated in different ways. Watching the show, again I wasn't disappointed with the character representation or their relationship.
A plus was I never gave JC a second thought while reading the book and even started to dislike him. The JC on the show gave me all the feels.
The Actors
I found out the main leads for WWX and LZ can actually sing. They're so good. The past week or so they did a show and I was able to hear them. I went down the rabbit hole after that. I didn't even know they sung the theme to The Untamed. I should've probably looked it up, but at the time I was too obsessed with the beautiful flute(?) playing to pay much attention to the singing.
Now, I'm in the process of discovering if I'm going to be a new fan.
Sidenote and complete digression. BTS it hasn't even been a full year and I'm already falling in love with new people. My heart was supposed to belong to them only. End of sidenote.
I've found other shows with the actors in them to try and discover if I actually like them or it's the hair and the story. I thought I liked actors before and then I just had a hard time being interested when I see them without hair. Sadly, I started watchin Xiao Zhan's new show and he unfortunately has hair so I'm still in love. Although, I found his other show Oath of Love and I'm going to check that out, but I think I should wait. I don't know if I should watch two shows at the same time with the same person. How will I ever know it's true?
His new show "The Longest Promise" is interesting, but I'm not sure how to feel about it right now. I'm taking my time so I'm only on episode five. Important note about me is I always choose streaming because I hate waiting for shows to come on. I know these are supposed to come out daily, but still. Normally, I'm the type of person to wait until everything's out to watch it.
I even found Legend of Fei with Wang Yibo, and he also has hair. I know he has another movie called Hidden Blade (I think), but I was unable to find that one.
Well, I will be digesting their other shows to see if I want to jump into new fandoms. Who am I kidding? I'm already in the shallow end.
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jennawynn · 10 months
Enterprise Season 4 18-finale
Episode 18
So this is the episode they were filming when they found out they were cancelled? It's almost strange to think about it now in the era of streaming when the show gets filmed in entirety before it gets released and then two weeks later, you learn it's done. I wonder how you have the motivation to still do your best when you know you're getting fired.
The intro is interesting, but doesn't hold a candle to the real one. The effects are obvious, but it does its job in showing us what the people of this earth value- might over exploration.
Travis's little earring :joy:
I know Jolene Blalock was a model but do they always have to be putting her in low-rise pants if not skintight catsuits?
They even replaced the pics of Enterprise ships in Archer's quarters with weapons.
Guess you can't have hyper-masculine military shit without degrading women.
Bakula's still not very good at being convincing.
Episode 19
You know... this two-episode chunk has apparently been a fan favorite... but I'm guessing it's mostly nostalgia and seeing this crew in the uniforms of TOS(?). I'm not enjoying it at all. It is kinda funny seeing how colorful these sets are though.
Nice touch that it has the blaring alarm and name 'Battle Stations".
I guess they were planning to have more of these mirror-verse episodes in future seasons, though I can't believe they continued shooting and airing these episodes after hearing they were cancelled. It was complete whiplash and I didn't find that universe interesting at all. There isn't even an explanation about how or why we're returning to normal Enterprise between episodes.
Episode 20
Sometimes I think these fascist/xenophobic plotlines are too on the nose and then I remember they're from 20 years ago and then I remember that we've always had to deal with bullshit like this. Even a hundred or two hundred years ago. The only difference is which side the heroes are on and how sympathetic the villains are in the story.
I just realized every person in engineering is apparently an officer. In fact the only time I've ever heard anyone referred to by an enlisted rank was in the mirror universe? I mean... Enterprise is (supposedly) exploratory but Starfleet has some military aspect to it. Maybe it's the former-enlisted in me but how does anything get done if it's all officers? lmao
Episode 21
ok I actually laughed when Trip did the delayed punch on the guard. "Go ahead." "Ok."
of course the xenophobic leader is a hypocrite who uses alien dna. it's kinda lazy tbh.
They sure do like taking huge risks with tons of lives, don't they? Good drama, bad tactics.
Archer's speech here feels like what the whole series has been building to. I'm surprised that it wasn't the finale.
Oh... I was expecting the show to go to 24. I thought we were still a couple eps from the finale. I didn't realize this effectively IS the finale.
Vulcans 150 years from now have French tips, huh? lmao
Episode 22 (These Are The Voyages...)
It is pretty silly that they've been supposedly doing this 10 years without any change in personnel or even a promotion. Talk about no upward mobility.
Why would they mothball Enterprise after ten years of operation? The carrier Enterprise was like 50 when it was decommissioned and it basically running on duct tape and paint.
I'm wondering if I should've watched this along with TNG instead of Enterprise.
The first time we see Chef and it's Riker. lmao Fun fact: My cousin's named Ryker after him.
....why'd he kiss T'Pol's cheek? Gross.
ok, I thought this holoprogram was actually historical- that he was inhabiting chef while it was on and just seeing himself do the things, but repeating what was actually said. but then he slipped up and said 'Picard' instead of 'Archer' and Travis was like 'who?' which means that was RIKER asking Hoshi if she was ever attracted to Trip. Why? WTF? Is Riker a skeeze?
Ah, they have a warp 7 now. Guess that's why mothball. "To the Next Generation."
Only because it's the last episode and only because Troi (sp?) said something about it being sad he doesn't know he doesn't make it do I think they might actually take Trip out. That and the weird questions Riker's been asking about him like he's trying to figure out who Trip really was.
I don't like the 'formal' uniform variant. It looks like the flight suit with a white collar.
Really? They make a big deal out of the speech and then don't even let him-- oh, I guess they're saying that the thing Picard always said was part of Archer's speech?
I don't think I understand all the vitriol about the episode, but I do think it was an inappropriate sendoff. For one, you go the whole damn series without killing anyone just to kill Tucker and then you don't even actually memorialize him. For the other, it feels more like an episode of another show (TNG) than it does about Enterprise. Not knowing the story in TNG means that this is even more apparent to me- it's not nostalgia to me, it's just someone using the show I've been watching like a voyeur.
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cagedchoices · 1 year
name:  mel 
pronouns:  they/them/theirs
preference of communication:  mainly tumblr IMs these days, but i have discord and wire and occasionally i will drop my info on tumblr, give it out privately if asked, or add if someone else is looking to add. it can take me a while to work up the courage to message someone in the first place and i'm really... not good at the usual social cues of "hey how are you/good how are you?/what have you been up to?" but i'm usually game to chat about other stuff
most active muse:  Caleb. i've had a lot of other muses but he's been the one i've been most consistently able to write in the slightly over 3 years since i first started writing him.
experience/how many years:  i had a couple false starts trying to set up rp blogs for Samwise Gamgee from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Wirt from Over the Garden Wall back in 2014 and 2015? but i just never really managed to get off the ground and start writing in-character for them because i was super heavily intimidated by the rpc and too nervous to approach anyone. finally in january 2017 i stumbled across a parody of Portal 2 on youtube called the Unauthorized Musical and discovered that there were already a handful of muns on tumblr who had picked up characters specifically based on that production and regularly hosted rabbit streams where they'd watch the video again together and welcomed anyone who wanted to join to do so. i noticed nobody was really writing any antagonistic characters against them so i wound up setting up a blog for GLaDOS and following everybody i met during the stream and that was essentially how i became hooked on tumblr rp. i've been kicking around on and off for about 7 years now.
best experience: there's so many to choose from, but i think i'd have to say my best experience was when i started writing Caleb. i was just fresh off watching Westworld season 3, i was actually feeling more compelled at the time to try and write either Dolores, Maeve, Clementine or Teddy but i felt like i wouldn't do any of 'em justice. i ended up making a sideblog to my old multimuse after deciding i would try writing Caleb, and that's where i almost immediately connected with melody/aworldofyou/copiesofme and was enthusiastically introduced to a bunch of other muns residing in the tiny but mighty westworld rpc. 🥰
rp pet peeves: one is pretty much the same as Sandra said; making a new main blog in the spur of the moment. exhausting all energy on curating a distinct aesthetic for icons/banners/promos/custom themes/etc, and then completely losing interest in a week or 2 without ever getting to write that character. and then more often than not the process gets repeated down the line until that person either becomes overwhelmed from having too many blogs to manage or too many memes to answer or too many starters to write.
i also don't particularly love memes that promote making rp into a popularity contest or seeking an almost constant stream of validation from other people. things like "send a _ and i'll rate your blog on a scale of 1 to 10/using a scale template" i try to stay far away from. arguably every notification you get on tumblr is an instant dopamine hit just like all social media is but. idk there was just something about those blog rating/character rating memes that made them feel more addictive to send and receive than like, taking the time to give someone your honest opinion on how you feel about them as a person or on their writing and characters and such.
another similar thing is reblog chains to the effect of 'reblog this if you actually like following me/seeing me on the dash.' i really don't like these. there's a level of self-deprecation and guilt-tripping involved and when people already feel awfully low and vulnerable to negative self image this just makes it worse. especially when people post with side commentary like 'oh nobody will reblog this from me lol.' and i don't think they're always necessarily aware that this is manipulative behavior, but...it is. even just the way the source post is typically phrased, it preys on insecurity and it makes me sad when i do see mutuals reblogging posts written like this because then i'm like. just sitting there thinking "i'm not a spambot so...if i didn't like following you or seeing you on my dash i would not be following you??"
other forms of reblog chains like 'reblog to give the person you're reblogging from a hug' or 'reblog this and say something nice about the person you reblogged from' are far better in my opinion because they don't inherently contain that same level of insecurity. they put the focus on lifting up and supporting the person you're reblogging from instead of centering on yourself.
plots or memes: i like both but i am very much a memes person because i feel like i'm not very good at plotting.
long or short replies: i don't really have a preference! but lately my thing generally seems to be letting the length creep up so my replies just get longer and longer over time. i never expect anyone to match me, but like. the one thing that would crush my soul is me posting like. 5-7 paragraphs and getting back a one sentence or one word response 😭
are you like your muses: i have a few things in common with caleb, one of them being that we're both neurodivergent and just trying to exist in a society where it is typically seen as undesirable to be classed as such. i stumbled across a venn diagram a while back comparing and contrasting common traits associated with ptsd and autism and it has given me a lot to take into consideration in the way that i portray caleb
tagged by: @k4ndall
tagging: @gunslingcr @paddyfuck @weirdwonderful @killjoysanonymous @prettydead & you (not labeled)
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