#i don't know if alice would be a like 'been alive for A While' vampire or not
moodmoodthecrabking · 5 months
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"put her canine teeth in the side of my neck"
vampire!alice x human!deb moodboard requested by @nibblelinephym
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effloradox · 1 year
I’m slightly obsessed with this vampire cowboy if you couldn’t tell 😅
Being the baby in a family of vampires is a difficult position to hold. You're not a baby by any means, you're in your thirties by now, but compared to the patriarch of your new family who is over three hundred years older than you, the other vampires dwarf your time on this planet. You know that this life is a blessing, that without it you'd be long dead by now, but it still stings having your age used against you in practically every family discussion.
Carlisle has more sympathy for your age difference but Edward is the worst for it. He's only seventy years older than you and yet you'd think he was seven hundred years older from the way he acts. You can't help the fact that people born in the same year as you are still alive and well, it's not like you can make time pass quicker and yet your adoptive brother seems to take great delight in pulling rank over you in any discussions about the future of the coven. Knowing he can read your thoughts of frustration does nothing to help the situation either.
Jasper knows it bothers you. He was still fairly new to the coven when you were turned, so whilst he's older than Edward he doesn't have the same position in the coven. It doesn't bother him as much since he outlives Edward, but he understand your frustrations. One of the perks of his abilities is knowing when you're reaching the end of your patience so he can quickly intervene with the suggestion of getting out of the house if only for a while so you can calm down.
It's almost a tradition at this point that not long after a move, the two of you will seek out some private spot far from the new house, far from the new town, that will become your spot for the duration of your time in whatever new place the coven has moved to.
As far as your limited experience goes, Forks seems to be a fairly nice town. Nothing like the small English town you lived in when you were human, but it's nice. It rains almost constantly, which is a nice feeling of being back home, and the people seem more than friendly enough. Carlisle had mentioned you having your tour of the high school in the upcoming days once enough time had passed for the family to have 'settled in'. The only thing you'd actually done upon arriving in town was choosing a bedroom for you and Jasper and immediate heading out to find your new spot.
Carlisle had warned you about not breaking the treaty he had formed with the Quileutes but aside from that, you and Jasper had been given free reign. It still hurt when the last thing you'd heard before you left the house was yet another snide remark from Edward about needing to baby proof the house before the two of you returned. You'd stopped running after maybe twenty minutes, and this was definitely not going to be your spot, but Jasper got the impression you needed time to process the past rather than look to the future.
"Do you think he'll always treat me like that?" You question makes Jasper pause for a moment as he considers his response. He lets his eyes drift over the small clearing the two of you are sat in before his gaze falls back to you.
"I hope not darlin'." His words do nothing to stop the ache in your chest and he knows it. He can tell from the defeated look on your face and the way your emotions flicker across your face. He doesn't need to be an empath to know how much this tirade is starting to bother you.
"Alice said that he'd stop with time, but I don't think I can spend another thirty years listening to him be so condescending about me." The mention of your precognitive sibling makes Jasper pause. For her to have a vision of something so specific would be unusual from what he's discerned over the years.
"Did Alice see something about him stopping?" You shrug lightly, pulling your knees close to your chest.
"Not necessarily. She said she saw something big happening whilst we're here that will make him stop but that could be years away." Jasper lets out a quiet noise of consideration at your words. Alice had been having more frequent visions since you'd all moved, maybe something big was on the horizon. Last time she'd had this many was just before you'd come into their lives.
"I can ask Carlisle to speak to him if you want." You take a moment to consider his offer before shaking your head lightly.
"I think that would just make him do it more out of spite. Thank you though." You outstretch a hand to him that he's more than willing to take. Even after over a decade of being together, it never fails to fill him with joy how perfectly your hand fits in his. Like you were made for him, or he was made for you. Maybe both. It certainly feels that way when you look at him with a smile that could rival the moon for how beautiful it is.
"You want to head somewhere new?" You nod at him and allow him to help you to your feet. Even now you're both standing your hands are still entwined and he smiles as he feels you squeeze his hand gently.
"Lead the way cowboy."
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In Twilight, what if Bella's injuries were so bad after James' attack that she went into a life long coma? (There is no hope in waking her up.) Now, does Edward visits her everyday to get a sniff... I mean see how she's doing? Does he turn Bella? What do the rest of the Cullens do now that Bella is in coma? Does Charlie suspect/ start an investigation on the Cullens? Does Alice just turn Bella herself to get a "happy ending " for her family?
"Is the answer to Bella's problems putting her into a life-long coma she'll never wake from?" - Anon
A Small Discussion
So, the thing is, this is before New Moon which had a few key events. Edward and Bella's suicide attempts and then the meeting with the Volturi in which a foot was put down.
Bella remaining human was no longer an option. The Volturi had found out and given them a very small window in which to turn Bella or kill her, if they returned and she was alive, it would not be good. Even barring that, though, the Cullens found out that Edward planned to kill himself upon Bella's death, Bella very much wants to be a vampire, and she's now so entangled in this nonsense with vampires hunting her that the reasons to keep her human seem less and less viable to the point where only Rosalie and Edward strongly wish for Bella to remain human.
The point is, after New Moon, the writing was on the wall and we had Carlisle agreeing to turn Bella as soon as she wished no questions asked. Edward was the one desperately postponing it for as long as possible (which in the end only ended up being a few paltry months).
Before New Moon, though, especially with the guarantee that Bella will never wake up from this and never talk about how she had a vampire boyfriend, turning Bella isn't necessarily as compelling to all of the Cullens.
Back to the Ask
So, Bella's too injured and will never live a normal life and it's kind of all their faults, what are they going to do about this? The Cullens hold a vote/meeting in which Carlisle lays out the grim realities of Bella's future in that she essentially isn't going to have one and will bankrupt her family for as long as they choose to keep her on life support.
Attempting to turn her is really the only option at this point, and it's possible it would work, but she may be too far gone even for that and they'd have to plan faking her death. (Probably not too difficult if they convince someone to pull the plug and do some fake dead body shenanigans later).
There's also a whole bunch of problems of how to make it clear the Cullens weren't involved in all of this, when the last thing Bella did was break up with her boyfriend and flee home... and now she's been found beaten into a coma...
"We also have to disappear for a while" Carlisle notes as he doesn't think they can survive a murder investigation.
Rosalie's adamantly against, this is horrible, yes, but she wished someone had been there to pull the plug on her and she will not vote in favor of turning Bella even if it means she gets to live. No.
Alice is for because if we don't do this... guys... it's going to get bad... The entire family will collapse. Guys. Just fucking turn Bella. (She's considering doing it herself except that Edward knows she's considering doing this which is not good).
Edward, of course, just sucked out the venom to save Bella and is not going to bite her again even to save her from this. Bella's life has... just met its natural end is what it looks like.
Edward, panicking at the possibility of someone (Alice) turning Bella, as well as the fact that they are apparently disappearing now as Edward will be questioned on "why did your girlfriend break up with you and was found beaten to death in her home town when you were conveniently missing from the Forks area in the same time frame?" Has to pull the plug on Bella before she can be turned into a vampire.
He does so in a moment of true agony then goes with his original plan of going to Volterra and asking the Volturi to kill him because he told a human, who ended up in a coma because he brought her to a vampire baseball game, and he's now killed her so that his family members wouldn't turn her into a vampire.
"But you followed the law???" - Aro, who is having the strangest day of his life.
Edward walks into the sunlight and dies.
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theriu · 10 months
River Reads Midnight Sun
Chapter 2: Open Book
In which Edward faces his fears and spends an agonizing amount of time hyperfixating on Bella.
<-Chapter 1
So we jump into chapter two AND next week, as it has been six days since Edward (shockingly) succeeded in leaving town forever (citation needed)! He is chilling (ha) in a snowbank, staring up at the stars, which are truly magnificent. Or he knows they would be, except he can't quite see anything except Bella's face. Yes, the girl has haunted him straight to (checks location on a map) oh he's in ALASKA, okay! I wasn't sure where Denali was, but I was PRETTY sure even Edward couldn't drive a car to Russia. (You'll see why I considered Russia in a minute.)
Anyway, the "unremarkable" face of this girl he's literally never spoken to directly has been haunting him for six days, which is indeed troubling. While he is brooding on this, the thoughts of a new character come leaping towards him. This is where we meet Tanya, a vampire with silver skin, blonde-but-almost-pink curly hair, amber eyes, and full lips. Mary Sue Tanya is stunning and exquisite, at least from Ed's memory, since he still can't see past the face permanently branded on his eyeballs.
So anyway, Mary Sue Tanya does a cannonball into Ed's snowbank, burying him alive with snow but not burying the image of Bella. It becomes clear that she has been crushing on Ed and is sad he will be leaving soon and doesn't return her affections, although he is very polite and gentlemanly about it.
(Honestly, I liked her well enough until we got to the "I'm not used to rejection" line, and then she starts sifting through the memories of all her human male conquests next to the actual mind reader who she is attracted to, to which I say WOMAN REALLY??? I don't think making the guy you like EVEN MORE UNCOMFORTABLE than he's already admitted you kinda make him is an effective way to gain his affections?!)
ANYWAY, thankfully they get off THAT subject quickly and have a really quite nice conversation, wherein Ed apologizes for getting her hopes up by coming to her home territory and Tanya tries to be a good friend. We see a mention of her "long-lost Russian accent," thus my uncertainty about location, and she tells him she knows he won't keep running from his mystery problem because he's the type who faces things head-on. Mary Sue TANYA then runs away across the snow, so light and fast she doesn't even leave footprints, suggesting a connection between vampires and wood elves.
Encouraged by this pep talk, Gary Stu Edward also gets up and runs footprintless across the snow, determined to be brave and go back and face those "bewildered chocolate-brown eyes," and hopefully not eat the girl attached to them.
Edward's back in town, and his three vampire siblings/classmates are huddled around him as they head into the lunchroom, being quite adorably protective, honestly. Alice is trying to foresee any problematic eventualities, Jasper thinks it's funny that EDWARD is the one everyone's fretting over instead of him, Emmett is acting like a bodyguard, and Ed is just exasperated with all of them.
To his surprise, nobody at school is thinking about them, suggesting that Bella didn’t blab about his black murderstare from last chapter. After all, a normal human would have asked around about it, because humans and especially teens all like to feel NORMAL and FIT IN and be a "featureless flock of sheep" and WOW, should I be more annoyed at Ed or the author for this intense bias against high schoolers?! But of course Bella isn't like those OTHER kids, she doesn't do things like talk to people when something weird happens!
About this time, Bella walks in and Alice is all, "Act human!" To which Emmett responds by taking out the snowball he compressed into an ice chunk with his superstrength and chucking it at Alice, who casually deflects it across the room at superspeed, where it cracks a brick. This does, ironically, draw attention away from them. Everyone is annoyed at Emmett, which is fair, but also, ALICE COULDN'T YOU HAVE JUST CAUGHT IT INSTEAD OF POTENTIALLY SHOOTING SOMEONE?
Ahem. So Bella's in the lunch line, and Mike Newton, Regular High School Guy And Insignificant Human Rival, is worried about her. Ed starts also worrying about if she might be sickly, what with her translucent skin. (Are we 100% sure BELLA is human?!) The vampires do a slightly better job of acting natural, and Edward decides to refer to Bella as “Bella” and not just "the girl,” "as if she were the only girl in the world," which is HILARIOUS considering where we all know this is going!
After eavesdropping on Bella and Jessica whispering about him looking at her (Bella thinks he's mad at her, after the whole murderstare incident), Bella hunkers under her hair and avoids eye contact, although Ed thinks she keeps twitching like she WANTS to look at him. Then, at long last, lunch ends and everyone starts going to class. There is another internal struggle while Ed reviews what all of his vampire family members have advised about this situation. (Emmett sounding the least helpful, as he has apparently encountered two such delicious-smelling-people incidents that... uh... sound like they did NOT go well?) But Ed is determined to prove to himself that he has the self-control to sit through biology without murdering Bella, so off he goes.
(By the way, Rosalie complains she doesn't want to have to move because they're almost finally out of high school. Again, why are you pretending to be high school students?! It's not like you'll age whether you're there or not?! HOW DOES THIS HELP YOUR COVER??)
Edward gets to Biology to find Bella at their table, doodling randomly. He decides to introduce himself. He gets briefly lost in gratuitously detailed descriptions of her eyeballs and how they are simultaneously like chocolate and strong tea, and how could anyone so frail be deserving of his unwarranted hatred last week? He's also holding his breath, but has enough air in his longs for a reasonably lengthy conversation AND a short laugh, during which Bella is... surprised/startled that he called her Bella? Because her dad introduced her to everyone as Isabella? But she's apparently told multiple people since she got here that she prefers Bella? So he probably could have learned that even without his super vampire eavesdropping powers? WHY is this weird enough to be suspicious, and HOW does it indicate she is intuitive?
Well, the book and Ed believe she is insightful and intuitive, so I guess we should just go with it. Ed does eventually needs to breath so he can talk, and even though just breathing through his mouth is like tasting the FIERY COALS of her deliciousness, and their brief moment of making skin contact is like an ELECTRIC SHOCK, he manages to continue acting normal.
By the way, along with being unconventionally if lopsidedly pretty and smelling delicious, Bella was also in advanced-placement biology at her previous school and Knows Science! Edward realizes this must mean she is ESPECIALLY intelligent for a human, which of course makes perfect sense. After all, she was the first student in two years to look him in the eye long enough to notice they'd changed from the Murderstare Incident's I'm-going-to-eat-you black to today's calmer I'm-probably-not-going-to-eat-you-except-by-accident amber/gold! My friends, may I remind you this man previously admitted he has two medical degrees, a thing that probably required some amount of physically attending college. I really wonder if Ed's standards would be more realistic if he ever once SOCIALIZED WITH HIS HUMAN CLASSMATES.
In an effort to maintain normalcy, they talk about the weather. Bella does not like the cold and wet of Forks. She clearly does not like being in Forks at all. She is vague and grumpy about why she came here, and Edward is so obsessed curious that he may implode (this is the actual word used). We learn (agonizingly slowly) that her mom remarried—and no, Edward, Bella DOES like the guy, he's nice and a minor-league baseball player; and no, Edward, her mom DIDN'T send her here, SHE sent HERSELF here so her mom could happily travel with her step-dad rather than unhappily stay home with her! Ed is certain by now that Bella "isn't like other humans" because he keeps guessing her story arcs wrong and she's just so CONFUSING and UNPREDICTABLE, and this can't possibly be because he's about 100 years out of practice having a normal conversation without a cheat code into the other person's brain.
(Okay, to be fair, there are at LEAST two moments of self-awareness where Ed wonders if he'd be this bad at reading everybody without his mindreading powers. We should give him points for that.)
But despite his difficulties, he DOES figure out that Bella is unhappy, mostly by her sending out signals that a rhino could decipher. When he confronts her with this observation, her response is, "So?" And after meditating on this for an unusually brief paragraph, Ed realizes THE ANSWER:
"She was selfless."
I'm sorry, guys, I need to break for a second, that's the first part that made me laugh out loud. Can someone lend me a combine to harvest all this corn.
(Side Note: As previously stated, I have not read the books or watched the movies, so I could be biased by the negative side of the fanbase. But my general impression of Bella has not lent itself to "selflessness." BUT, it is only chapter two and I am only going off of general hearsay! The amount of poorly concealed disgruntlement is not impressing me, though.)
Anyway, Ed guesses that she doesn't really like her situation but doesn't want people to KNOW she doesn't like it. He continues to marvel at how positively he feels towards this girl, how discerning she is, how *cough* selfless she is, not like an "average martyr" who would actually tell someone she's not 100% happy with her SACRIFICE. Bella gets annoyed, which Ed finds amusing, so there's another adjective for the list. But then she says she's annoyed because she's so easy to read, and Edward can't believe this, because he's never had to work so hard to read someone before! Again, this couldn't possibly be because she's the first person in 100+ years whose mind he can't read!
By the way, Bella also seems to be oblivious immune to the usual red flags normal humans feel around vampires! Ed tries smiling dangerously at her, but the teacher breaks up their conversation with actual classtime, so he gets to angst for a few paragraphs about why he shouldn't find this girl interesting and how dangerous this is for her and yet how MUCH he wants to know more about her. And also trying not to kill her when her thick, black hair flips in his direction and drives his vampire nose bananas.
He books it as soon as the bell rings, having survived the encounter without murdering anyone but with so many new questions about this unremarkable, shy, frail, unmindreadable-yet-highly-face-readable, delicious-smelling, selfless, quietly disgruntled human girl.
(Side Note: I have learned a new word!
"Attar—a fragrant essential oil, typically made from rose petals."
Ex: "Again, I gasped at the clean, wet air outside as though it was a healing attar."
*loud sighing noises*)
So after that brief break, he goes to class with Emmett. Emmett, IMMENSELY HELPFUL EMMETT, asks how it went, questions if it wouldn't be easier to just get it over with, reassures Ed that everyone would understand if he messed up (GIVING IN IS NOT THE SAME AS "MESSING UP," EMMETT), and then vividly visualizes a time he experienced a really good-smelling woman and ate her. Between his earlier blasé-ness about not "wallowing in guilt" over past mistakes and this section's lack of anything indicating regret about that incident, I take back any nice things I might have said about this guy. Emmett, YOU. ARE. THE WORST.
It's so bad that Ed has to bolt out of class AGAIN, although it doesn't help that Emmett follows him and continues to suggest maybe Ed should just get it over with if it's so bad, can Alice or somebody please come punch him. Ed finally gets him to leave and hides in his car. Then, "like an addict" (his own words), he searches the whole school for thoughts about Bella. From his car. My GUY, just how UNREASONABLY powerful ARE your mind radar skills???
He finally locates Bella in gym class, because Mike, who is mad about Ed talking to her, is thinking in logical, complete sentences (as one does) about how satisfied he is that Bella doesn't seem interested in Edward. He also conveniently remembers her asking "what was with" Edward last Monday (after the Deathstare Incident). So apparently Bella isn't QUITE abnormal unique enough to stay totally silent when she encounters a weird thing (not that Edward notices). Ed's response to his annoyance over Mike's satisfaction is to blast "violent music," which seems the opposite of helpful to me.
We end the chapter with Bella coming out of school and heading to her rusty old truck while Ed watches her creepily from his car. She almost hits another student's car when she locks eyes with him, and Ed has to laugh at her sudden increased driving vigilance, as if she might be DANGEROUS! Because of course it's RIDICULOUS to think that BELLA could be dangerous to ANYONE in ANY vehicle, as if the driver's physical frailty has any bearing on the damage a truck can do when crashing into cars or non-vampires at speed.
I'm gonna be honest, guys, that one was a couple degrees more agonizing than the first chapter. I dread how much more I'm going to hear about Ed's conflicting desires to eat Bella and be attracted to her simultaneously average yet fascinating allure. She's just so unusually unique and smart and intuitive and selfless and shy and frail and inspires protective instincts, you see, and she's not like ANY OTHER human he's ever encountered, even though we have evidence now that sometimes certain vampires just find certain humans irresistibly delicious, and we can probably extrapolate that those humans were somehow immune to vampire powers, too.
I also highly question Bella's above-average "martyrdom," considering she dropped her guard pretty fast around the cute stranger and basically broadcasted how unhappy she is with her decision, which makes it feel a bit like she did what she did so she could feel good about herself rather than because it was the best thing to do? Being selfless doesn't mean COMPLETELY ignoring your own needs, or justify using your good deed as an excuse to have a poor attitude. Of course, considering that half her traits that Ed notices and marvels over are actually fairly normal, I don't think any of us feel a strong need to trust his assessments of her character.
Next up is CHAPTER THREE: RISK. I'm sure it will feature Edward being very level-headed and undramatic. I think I need to build my endurance back up for this one. (And thanks for the likes and comments so far, they really help keep me motivated! =D)
Chapter 3->
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therealvinelle · 1 year
I just finished Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and I have to say: Holy shit! The werewolf fight, Carlisle getting investigated by the FBI, Aro's funny hat idea as a diplomatic tool, the Ziggy Stardisciples feat. bad face paint, Renata ❤️, the bickering twins, Jane (yes, she gets her own point, she deserves it), Carlisle's gift induced despair and then the fall of Volterra, the horror and grief of the group and the very loud broadcasted-live-to-the-usurpers revenge sex (I hope Edward combusted into a pile of ashes right then and there, lol). It was an amazing rollercoaster to read. And just so you know, I'm very interested in that potential sequel 👀
(Also, if Aro had decided to follow Caius' advice and attack the Cullens first, how would he have done it? Kill them all but spare Carlisle? Kill only Bella and leave it at that knowing that they don't pose a threat anymore even if they do decide to take revenge? Or something entirely different?)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thank you!
To answer your question:
If Aro was to take out the Cullens, there are about a million ways he could have gone about killing the Cullens but the simplest one in my mind would have been if he used Nahuel and his sisters to hide from Alice, and then went and killed them outright. No fuzz, no convoluted schemes, even with Bella's gift the Cullens would be easily overwhelmed.
A more thought out plan, at least if Aro wants to be sure Alice doesn't catch on to him, would be sending Chelsea and Marcus around to weaken the bonds of friendship the Cullens have with their various allies, and strengthen their faith in the Volturi. And if some remain adamant, they die. Leave the Denali alive, however, and then make his move.
The factor that allowed the Cullens to gather as many allies as they did in Breaking Dawn was time. The Volturi deliberated two weeks, when a direct flight from Italy to Washington would take less than a day. Should Aro in my scenario then decide "Alright, we're doing this," the Cullens will have very little time and be at a complete disadvantage.
Their only option would be to run for it and not split up, so Bella can shield them all, but even so they'll be leaving scent trails, which means they would have to go by human transportation means. This in turn puts a constraint on their movements.
The Cullens would likely end up on a boat or an island, where nobody can track them, where they would be unable to step outside of Bella's immediate vicinity, meaning Jacob and Renesmee are both obscuring Alice.
This is where the Denali come in, because without them the Volturi would have no way of guessing where the Cullens might go. With five friendly vampires a short distance away, however, the Cullens have an obvious destination.
Where, of course, Jacob and Renesmee's constant presence means that Alice won't know the Volturi are waiting for them there.
Even if the Cullens figure out that the Denali are compromised, they have no allies and Bella needs only let down her guard for a moment for Demetri to know where they are, and given the pressure she's under she inevitably will. They won't have an easy time hunting, either, the stress of the situation will be constantly grating on them, they won't hold out for long.
As for what the Volturi do when they have them at their mercy, Aro would be sad about it but they all have to go. Regardless of the strategy he used, he wants to reinforce that the Volturi are a force you don't stand up to, you don't resist, and you don't embarrass them.
By all accounts, Aro's distinguishing feature is that there is nobody he isn't willing to kill.
People would be crying injustice for a while, but I imagine those voices would be silenced in death or through intimidation, and with vampires having such a high turnover rate it would only be a few centuries before they were forgotten by all but those who keep their mouths shut about it.
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blueberry-bastard1 · 7 months
Detroit: Midnight
Chapter 2: New Day
__November 5th, 2038 // 3:24PM__
"I deeply apologize for the death of your daughter's nanny. what did you say happened to her?"
"A car hit her, stupid accident."
"Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. Is your daughter oka-"
"Yeah, she's fine."
"Okay, then. Well, a new nanny will be watching Alice."
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
"As a matter of fact, here she comes now."
A woman entered the room and smiled upon seeing Alice.
"Please tell them your name."
"My name is Kara."
__November 5th, 2038 // 4:53PM__
As Todd drove through the city, Kara took a minute to look around. The statues of art and historical figures. Even a statue of a Midnight trying to block a human man's wooden stake. The sight of the statue made Kara's skin crawl.
She knew about the drug. She knew that it gave the recently dead a second chance. What she didn't know is what Midnight can do if a human, alive and well, gets a hold of the red liquid. She knew that the people called them "Modern Vampires" from what she's heard in overheard conversations while training to be Alice's nanny.
Todd drove through the neighborhood. The sight of the environment made Kara's stomach sink. This was Detroit. Well—what it used to be.
Run down houses, playgrounds, a dog park, everything that made Detroit at the time, was a run down. Some houses looked as if a small bomb had gone off inside it. Some even looked as if it was being eaten away by mold or radiation, not really. Todd house though, it was old. Never had a touch up of the white paint peeling on the outside of home. It's fence was clipped as if people were trying to break in.
Todd pulled into the drive way and get out the car. Kara would soon follow by getting out of the car as well. Once she looked up at the front door, Todd had already been there waiting for her. "You comin'?" Todd asked impatiently. "Yes, Todd." Kara said as she hurried to the front door and hurried inside.
As kara entered the house, her stomach sank once more as to seeing the interior of the home. Paint peeling on the walls, furniture old and falling apart, dishes piled high, trash haven't been taken out at all. "I don't care if your a nanny, maid or not." Todd started, making Kara lose her train of thought. "You do the dishes, do the laundry, you cook the dinners. Everything. Got it?" Todd finished looking to Kara fro an answer from her. "Yes, Todd." She replied.
"You also take care of- oh God. Where's the brat gone now!" Todd said looking around. "Alice? Alice! Oh there you are." Todd said seeing Alice, who was now sitting the stairs looking up at her father.
"Alice: Homework, getting dressed. Everything. Got that?" Todd said before storming off to the couch. "Yes Todd." "Start down here then work upstairs." Kara nodded and started on the trash taking it outside.
After finishing the trash, she'd start on the dishes. "Kara! Grab me a beer!" Kara grabbed Todd a beer and placed it on the coffee table in front of him. "I've finished, down here, I'll go start upstairs." Said Kara. Todd replied with an annoyed response. Kara headed upstairs and tidyed up Todd's room. She'd find a magazine. She'd pick up and find that it was layed open. She'd see a story inside.
"Man's daughter is the first child to be revived with Midnight."
Kara's heart sank. A parent spending a fortune on bringing their child back, only for them to stay the same age and height till their parents pass. Kara put the magazine down and started on the other rooms before lastly coming to Alice's room.
Upon entering Alice's room, Alice ran to her sheet fort and hid from Kara. "I'm just going to tidy up your room, Alice. I only need 5 minutes. Are you okay with that?" Kara began cleaning Alice's room.
Tidying up Alice's bed, Kara noticed a book on the floor. "Alice In Wonderland. Of course." Kara said with a smile. Kara knelt in front of Alice. "I hope we can have a nice bond like you and the other Nanny had." Kara said with a soft smile. Alice only looked up at her and played with her toy. "You look bored, what do you like to do for fun?" Alice got up and went to run out the room, I kynto turn around and hand Kara a key before running out the room.
Kara stood up before realizing where the key went to. Kara walked up to the box on Alice's dresser before unlocking it. Music started to play from it. Kara looked inside the the music box and pulled out drawings. As she looked through the drawings, she saw a process of Alice playing with her past nanny, to Alice then being covered in the Nanny's blood. The next and last drawing showed the bloodied nanny and Alice's father holiday gun.
Kara quickly and hurriedly our everything back into the music box before closing it. Kara quickly made her way done the stairs to tell Todd she had finished the upstairs, only to see Todd slowly approach Alice.
"Whatcha doin'?" Asked Todd. "Playing." Said Alice. "Playing..." Todd repeated. "This is all your fault. All of this is your fault." Kara stayed there, standing still on the stairs making sure not to be seen. Kara's heart sank. "You hate me, don't you?" Asked Todd. "Say you hate me." Todd ordered Alice. Todd picked Alice up and screamed at Alice. "SAY YOU HATE ME!!!"
Todd saw the stream of tears running down Alice's face. Todd started tearing up seeing his daughter cry, regretting what he'd done. "Oh God, what am I doing?" He asked himself. "I'm so sorry, I love you so much." Todd started. "You know I love you, right?" Todd said as he sobbed as he held his daughter in a tight embrace.
All Kara could do was watch as it all unfolded. Her heart ached for Alice. She wanted to help her, but she knew with the state Todd is in and how he treats his win daughter, Kara can't even imagine what would happen if she were to do something about Todd's abuse to Alice.
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threebooksoneplot · 10 months
Was just catching up on the pod and had to chime in on ep 29. I think it’s a little unfair to say that Bella is being over the top in her depression era. Yes she is sad about Edward leaving but it goes deeper than that: it wasn’t just a boyfriend she was losing.
She is an only child with an immature, selfish mom and a dad that, while nice enough, hardly knows her. The Cullens are a large, cohesive, loving family and she wanted to join them badly. Also, now that she knows that the supernatural exists, she wants to be a part of that world badly and losing Edward also meant losing her chance at immortality. She didn't just lose a boyfriend, she lost the best possible version of her life.
Bella's depression is always going to be a hot topic, trust me bestie. G has talked pretty decently in-show about how Bella lost her entire support system. that's 100% true: she put all her eggs in one vampire-shaped basket, went full tunnel-vision when it came to edward, and only focused on that for 6+ months. but imo it's unfair to point toward charlie and renee (don't worry, I'll get into that) and shuffle responsibility onto them for the way bella spirals after edward/the cullens depart, leaving her with some vague yearning for a loving family (which, tbh, I'm not sure I see supported in canon in any way?)
friend I am so sorry to break it to you but the podcast jokes about stanning renee are not a bit. I (shannon) will always come to the defense of my girl renee dwyer because of how severely she's been mischaracterized by fandom at large. I won't get into it too deeply (me when I lie) because I really could go on all day but bella's parents being distant to the plot they way they both are is 100% by design. it's the whole Disney Mom Effect. when your character is designed to go off on adventures and have a fantastical journey, you sort of end up killing the mom (or at least one parent) so that there's more of that push for the main character to go out and make their own life! woo! enjoy your magical journey! but if you have a mom that is thoughtful, super-involved, ever-present, and/or ahem, alive, that fucks with the plans. renee isn't some neglectful monster who abandoned her daughter to go spend weekends in miami. charlie isn't some dumb sitcom dad who weaponizes incompetence to get free meals. they both love, care about, and worry for bella the way a normal parent would (and we see this in canon). now, smeyer didn't kill either of them, but honestly she pulled off charlie and renee's characters really well imo!
anyways, I agree that losing a vampire boyfriend that could have offered you infinite money or eternal life is a big L, no matter what. but the thing is, bella doesn't care about either of those things. she doesn't care about anything beyond Being With Edward (and Alice, to a lesser extent). the vampirism and cullens are a bonus perk, but she only focuses on edward. that's why we're always going to clown on her "throbbing" holes and her boring nightmares. sure, I feel bad about her complete lack of self-esteem and her self-destructive streak, but it's so hard to feel bad for her when the way she thinks about and acts toward non-cullen characters is like, uh... not great. so I am very sorry to you and the whole of your defense squad, and I wish you the best in your journey, but I don't think we'll ever NOT roll our eyes at Bella's behavior in this book 💔😔—shannon
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^ me (G) reading shannon's answer to this
I mostly agree (except for the part about pulling off charlie's and renee's characters well. idk if I'd go THAT far.) the tl;dr for me is that I understand why many people find bella (particularly in her depression era) relatable, and I entered into this reading hoping (and even lowkey expecting) that I too would come away with more appreciation for her character, but I....did not. the opposite happened. that's my truth and if it makes me a hater, I'm a hater ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ —G
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Hello, to whom or in which situation would the Volturi show mercy and not kill that vampire/human? What do you think?
Have a nice day :)
Oh shit. This is a very serious question. (But thank you for wishing me a nice day!!! Hope you're having a good time as well!)
So honestly, because the Volturi are so old and - well, there's three different leaders, with the main one being Aro, I like to think that their decisions regarding who is kept alive or who dies or hell, who even is turned into a vampire, is all very unpredictable.
I like to think that it's mainly because of Aro - whether he sees something in a human that's worth immortalising (lolll this sounds poetically lame), ot whether a vampire irritates him enough to give Caius the satisfaction of having their heads ripped off.
Marcus I feel, having been around Aro for the longest of times, knows him through and through - I think in New Moon, when asked of his opinion on what to do with the Cullens and Bella, Marcus told Aro that he already knew what he was going to do. (I like to think that Marcus knew he wanted to add Bella to their ranks - heck, even turn her if only to monitor whether she'd be an asset to them or not - and that Aro could have done this in two ways; rightfully kill Alice and Edward on account of breaking one of their most important laws (which was exposing themselves to a mortal) and keeping Bella with them, or he could have been a little kinder and let the Cullens go, somewhat scott-free, but on account of them leaving behind Bella. Though, from the bond between Bella and Edward and the familial bond between the Cullens, Marcus, I feel, would have known that there'd be no way in hell that Edward would have dared to separate from Bella.)
But yeah anyways - Aro does whatever he wants, keeping the laws and threats of humanity to their own kind at the back of his head. Seeing as he essentially can get an idea on the type of person he's dealing with (bec of his tactile telepathy) I like to think that he can wager whether the person would keep their mouth shut about the Secret or not.
Not to mention, I like to think that if a human has great talents wit hregards to the arts and humanity, he'd let them go. But, a vampire? No. The only way he'll let a vampire live is by recruiting them - and then, too, Aro wouldn't recruit any measly vampire who made a mistake. In Aro's mind, a vampire cannot afford to make a mistake. If they make a mistake, then they have to clean it up, and if they're incapable of doing that, then the Volturi would have to clean the mess up... and in payment for that, the Volturi would claim the Vampire's life.
I don't know why but I like to think that Aro is more softer/gentler on humans than he is with vampires. Yeah, maybe it's because he's a "king" and oh-so-very-powerful in comparison to a human whose fear for their short life brings them to quake in his presence, but I like to think it's because of the sense of equality between himself and another vampire (same species yeah), and then himself and a human. Already, the human is at a disadvantage because they are made of flesh and blood - so I like to think that Aro, when he feels like it, would be a little empathetic towards them.
But I also like the idea that Caius's harsh cruelty can rub off on him too - and he shares a certain disregard for human life with Caius, to an extent that he wouldn't mind killing a whole city (say, one disconnected from the Western world), in order to keep the Secret, a secret.
But, the difference between Aro and Caius, I feel, is that while Caius appreciates human art (its a headcanon that Caius is an artist), he doesn't appreciate the maker of the art - but Aro does. I suppose it must have to do with the beauty of their minds or something - how in such a short span of time, humans are able to create magnificent pieces that Vampires couldn't (and I like to think that because Vampires are able to see things on a scale humans can't, it'll affect their concentration and goal of painting a complete piece - they'd probably spend years, or even centuries painting a vine, whereas humans will take only a week or so (some, even less), to paint detailed gardens or even faces.)
But yeah
I didn't answer your question - oops, you said to
In which
Situation, would the Volturi's kill or let a human/vamp go free.
Let's do who they'd kill first.
Volturi Kill List
(1) Any vampire who breaks the law. I'm talking about exposing the vampire world to any human, and failing to change/get rid of that human.
So over here, I'm very clearly looking at the Cullens. I think in the books Rosalie herself knew that by telling Bella of their world, that they may as well have signed their own death sentences. I agree with her - all of them should have died, especially as they spent most of their times mingling and living amongst humans... and now the oldest of them (or second oldest, because I think Edward is the second oldest), exposed their secret to one human.
Honestly, Eddie should have died, but Aro didn't kill him because of his abilities, and also because I suppose of his friendship with Carlisle. I think it's also because he knew of their strange diet and wanted to see how much longer they could go on with it. (Because I, too, think that the animal diet is stupid - but hey, to each their own.)
(2) Vampires who lost their mates / lost their will to live. When humans are cornered, especially kids, they can explode. So, to prevent this explosion of a vampire (which could lead to ghost towns, oops), the Volturi would grant them the wish of death. I like to think that they get to choose their manner of dying - should they use Alec's abilities on them if they don't want the pain, where do they want their body to go (not something hectic like put different pieces of my body in different places come on), but basically, the Volturi I feel would treat then gently, try to make them comfortable, like how we'd do to a person in their last days of their lives.
(2) For humans - the Volturi will kill
(2.1) Humans that stumble across something they shouldn't have seen. Now this would sometimes cause a problem, especially in Volterra, if a human of Volterra saw a vampire do something sketchy in Volterra. (I like to think that humans in Volterra know about vampires and are taught to just act as if they don't know a thing - and because of this co-operation, the Volterra humans are off limits to the Volturi vamps, no matter how high-statused they are. Yes, I'm looking at Caius.)
But yeah, another problem that this could cause would be if they're dealing with something in a woods - and a human stumbled on them, say, ripping an arm off, or a newborn vamp going berserk or something. If this person was well-known, or had people that cared about them to an extent that they would launch search parties and investigations in the area, if only to find them or their dead body, then, I say that the Vampires would have to work fast in incinerating the body and getting rid of all evidence of this person's interactions with them / the place. (I like to think that if they're in a rush, then they'll take the dead body to Volterra and get rid of it there - because I think burning it till the bone turns to ash will take quite a bit of time. So yeah.)
(2.2) all humans probably have a very high chance of getting killed by Vampires - but poor, homeless people have it the worst, mainly because they wouldn't be missed, especially if they're living on the roads.
(2.3) Vampires really don't care about humans - kind of like how humans don't care about bulls/cows if they eat meat. Like I eat chicken, and while I think they're cute and maybe a little irritating, if I see a delicious enough chicken (crispy fried chicken burger oooh) sitting on the table, then I'm gonna eat it, no regrets. I'll probably thank the chicken for dying though, because I'm getting sustenance through its dead and fried body - so I suppose vampires would probably think of humans in that way - like, awww you're so cute but I'm hungry so I'm gonna eat you rn thank you for trying to run you little cutie pants.
Not to mention, Vampires, I think, will be more in tune with their instincts / animal instinct when it comes to eating - so some of them may be more sadistic when they hunt, like lions or cheetahs are when their eyes narrow in on their prey. They don't feel remorse, especially if they're older - I think a newer vampire will feel remorse if they were very empathetic during their human life, or even sensitive. Hell, they'd probably be worse than the Cullens in that sense because if they had to eat animals they'd probably die. I think these vampires would go to the Volturi to commit suicide - and depending on whether they'd be useful to the Volturi or not, then a decision would be made and carried out.
I'm getting lazy to continue writing - especially since there's just a lot of things that you have to take in consideration (like whether Aro is in a bad mood or not - or if Caius is throwing a tantrum or not - because I like to think that Caius is Aro's biggest headache, but in an affectionate way, you know)
But yeah
That's that I guess
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt17
Temptation Masterlist
The weekend goes by just as quick as it arrives. Alice, Jasper, Edward and I had school today. Edward phones me asking to check out Bella's house, he said that another Vampire had been in her room. Edward takes Bella to our place while Emmett, Jasper and I go hers
"Lets track the sent" Jasper says after we had a decent sniff of Bella's room. We follow the sent for 5 miles until it disappears so we head back to our house, everyone is in the living room
"I didn't recognise his sent" I hear Edward say as I shut the door behind me
"A nomad passing through?" Esme asks
"A passerby wouldn't have left Bella's father alive" I hear Rosalie speak as we walk up the stairs
"The sent disappeared about 5 miles south of Bella's house" Jasper says looking at Carlisle
"Someones orchestrating this"
"No" Alice shakes her at Bella"I would have seen her decide"
"Has to be the Volturi"
"But why would they?" I ask looking at Edward
"I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions too"
"So we keep looking, Kat will be able to smell whoever it is way before they enter our land" Emmett wraps an arm around my waist
"We'll also take shifts guarding Bella at her house"
"Another protection detail?"
"Rosalie" Carlisle scolds
"No she's right. You can't protect me, watch my dad and search for the intruder"
"And for Victoria" Rosalie looks at Bella
"And keep yourselves fed"
"I'm not leaving you here defenceless" Edward looks worried
"Give me a burger and I'll be fine" I shrug looking round the group
"But you need to sleep Kat, and I know you hate it but maybe you should hunt with us, you will be stronger" Carlisle looks at me with a sorry look
"I'm not going to let you starve, any of you. And i wouldn't be unprotected, I have..." Edward cant hear Bella's thoughts, but he does not look happy which can only mean one thing.. the wolves.
Over the next few days we take turns in guarding Bella's house. I guard it with Emmett straight after school until it's time to swap with the wolves so we can go hunting and so I can go to sleep. I know the others are struggling with this, me however not so much. Right now we are all sat watching the news
"Seattle is in a state of terror. Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearance" I look over at Emmett who looks agitated. I take his hand in mine "theories range from a vicious new gang, to a wildly active serial killer. Reporting live..." Carlisle turns the TV off as Edward and Bella walk in
"It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something"
"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more. They're undisaplines, conspicuous" Jasper speaks as he looks up to Edward
"You mean?" I don't even get to finish my sentence because Edward interjects
"It's newborns"
"What, like new vampires?" I hum in response to Bella
"In the first few months after the change"
"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious. Insane with thirst" Jasper still looking at Bella says
"Something to look forward to" I nudge Emmett as he smiles
"What he means is, you should know Bella, once you turn you will become one of these newborns, but lucky for you, you have us"
"No one's trained these newborns, but this isn't random" I frown looking at Jasper
"Someones creating an army" Carlisle says in realisation
"Well now we're definitely going to Seattle" Emmett lets go on my hand and stands up. I sigh
"An army of Vampires?"
"And they've been created to fight someone" Jasper says
"We're the only clan even close to Seattle" I frown also now standing up
"Regardless of why they were made, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will"
"I'm surprised they haven't already" I comment
"So am I" Carlisle agrees
"Maybe they're behind it" Edward says "In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me and Alice to join him. He also doesn't really like that Kat is half a wolf, he didn't trust her and probably still doesn't. Aro knows though Alice and I will never choose him as long as our family are still alive and he knows we wouldn't give Kat up"
"An army could solve that for him" Jasper looks at me with a sad expression
"I'm not sure though" I frown "what if this isn't to do with the Volturi?" I ask
"Then who?" Edward asks me
"I, I don't know, but I just have this feeling it isn't them" I shake my head
"Either way, they're going to bring attention to us" Jasper says. Alice, Esme and Rosalie return from their hunt
"We won't be long" Emmett kisses my forehead then leaves with Jasper and Carlisle to go on their hunt.
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panlight · 3 years
Something I've been thinking about lately is the way Bella takes Rosalie's place in the Cullen family. It has always seemed like Rosalie was really the only daughter that Carlisle and Esme have. While they seem to care for Alice, there is a level of emotional concern and care that they have for Rosalie that they don't have for her. Alice has the sister she's always wanted. Jasper is so fascinated by Bella. It seems like Rosalie isn't needed in her family anymore.
Sometimes, I think the relationship Rosalie has with everyone would be better if Edward could not read minds. Unfiltered and surface level thoughts aren't the core of a person but it seems like Edwards assumes he knows everything because of what he hears. Edward sets the tone for his family more than he notices. I think decades of painting someone as disagreeable would eventually make it impossible for them not to be.
Do you think it would ever be possible for Rosalie to be accepted by her family the way that Bella is?
I always wonder how much of this is a narrator problem. I find it hard to believe that Rosalie of all people would have stuck around with this family if they normally treated her the way they seem to treat her in the story. But we're only getting these descriptions from Edward, Jacob and Bella's POV and the first two dislike Rosalie personally and Bella is jealous of and intimidated by her. So they might not be the most reliable narrators.
There could be quiet moments where Esme takes her aside and asks "what's up with you lately?" and Rosalie unloads all her fears about having this human around, her jealousy that Bella gets to be human at all, her anger that Bella doesn't seem to realize what she has and is going to throw it all away. Long talks with Carlisle about all the stuff they need to talk about, and the weird bond they have despite it all because she is his best pupil when it comes to vegetarianism, and until Edward saves Bella, they are the only two who have made the choice to "save" someone with vampirism (Carlisle with the obvious four, and Rosalie saving Emmett by proxy). They're also the only two of the 'core Cullens' (thus excluding Alice and Jasper) who were attacked and left to die in the street. There absolutely could be an understanding there, complicated and fraught, but there.
I also feel like Jasper and Rosalie must be close. I don't think she's willing to let him use her name (Hale) and pretend to be her twin otherwise. She's protective of her identity and the memories of her human family, so letting him pose as her biological brother, to me, seems like a big deal and a sign they have a close relationship.
But we don't get that. We get Edward and Alice snapping at Rosalie, blaming her for their dumbass actions in New Moon (Rosalie's phone call was Not Great, but Alice not bothering to tell anyone Bella was alive for two days is a way bigger goof up/plot hole. Likewise Edward not bothering to actually confirm Bella's death in a meaningful way before heading to Volterra and exposing all the family secrets to a fellow mind-reader.) Honestly sometimes I headcanon that Alice and Edward realize how big they each screwed up here, and their anger at Rosalie is projection.
And in the reverse, I don't feel like Bella's relationship with the Cullens runs that deep. She says she loves them, and they say they love her, but we don't really get many one-on-one moments that really show us this. Esme's is all "you're part of the family" and Carlisle in BD says she's a daughter to him but like, when does she actually ever spend time with them? What does SHE bring to them? It's all about the Cullens catering to and supporting and spoiling Bella but it never seems that reciprocal to me. She doesn't seem to know much about them beyond what they told her in their backstory info dumps. What's Carlisle favorite color, Bella? When's Esme's birthday? What TV shows do Emmett and Jasper like? I don't feel like, in canon, Bella has any idea or that she ever thought to ask. It's just All Edward All the Time with occasional Alice and Emmett sprinkled in.
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red-exo · 3 years
Moonlight Convenience - Part Twelve
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summary: Jaebeom had been alive a long time. He never really got the hang of humans. They confused him, always so warm and frantic and fragrant. He could barely remember being one. He mostly stuck with his handful of immortal friends, clinging to their relationships for some semblance of normalcy. Then there was you. And you… were different.
warnings: vampire au, soulmate au
pairing: female reader/jaebeom
note: and um that's a wrap! at least on this main part of the story! i usually end up doing side stories to add some more smut to the 'universe' but that's it for this! i really wanted to get the story kind of wrapped up so that i can focus on more fun one-shots that don't require as much brain power! i really hope this ending doesn't seem anticlimatic! thank you so much for all the support!!
prologue - part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten - part eleven
Jinyoung does handle it. You get three calls from HR the next morning, and about a dozen panicked messages from your coworkers.
The story goes like this:
An angry ex-employee broke into the office while you were working late. He had trashed the place and you escaped by hiding in the women's bathroom. You ran and called the police once you were safe. There was no trace of anyone but you and an unnamed attacker in the entire office. Even the security videos got damaged.
"How terrible, that you got in the middle of something like that!" Your boss says as you do your hair, "I take full responsibility, we need better security."
"We are giving you a week's paid leave," The HR manager tells you while you eat your breakfast, "Take your time recovering and let us know if you need anything."
"I'm taking care of your clients until you get back!" Your desk neighbour messages you, along with a cute GIF of a cat, "Don't worry about anything!"
All the while you do menial, every day tasks and think about how close you were to dying. Jaebeom insists you stay at his place, at least for a little while.
Jinyoung had endless contacts, apparently. People who are involved in sections of law enforcement and society that you didn't even know existed. They had taken Minsoo away and Jinyoung assures you that you will never see him again.
What a terrible employee, everyone says afterwards, to just disappear with no notice!
Humans really are stupid, and unobservant. How many times had coworkers in the past just fell off the face of the Earth? Endless - grocery store jobs and cafes where you worked doubles or triples just to cover missing shifts. Sure, some of those were underpaid teens with homework but others could have been anything.
How you never noticed that Minsoo didn't actually eat his lunch was beyond you, though. If you had paid attention you would have realized earlier that whenever you saw him in the break room he wasn't exactly eating, just pushing his food around before dumping the "leftovers" in the trash.
What else had you missed? You think as you drink a third cup of coffee, right around noon. How many vampires or other supernatural beings had you passed on the street? Had you worked with? Danced with at a club? What would it have taken for you to notice?
It takes a week for you to stop looking over your shoulder every time you go out and another week after that to feel comfortable going to the office again. Eventually, things begin to feel normal again. Or as normal as they can considering the circumstances.
Over the next few weeks, which turn into months very quickly, you manage to introduce Jaebeom to Alice and your mom, who come up together to visit you. Your coworkers go to a party with you at BamBam's condo, and you finally feel like you belong in your new neighbourhood.
Things are just as they should be. Somehow.
In the moments in between, when you're leaving for work or returning home, you and Jaebeom fall peacefully into the grooves and notches of each other. You move easily around one another in the kitchen, where you teach an ancient vampire how to cook ramen and the best amount of dipping sauce you need for dumplings. He teaches you about melodies and harmonies and the way music notes flow and burst around each other to great beautiful, touching music.
And, amongst it all, he presses his mouth and his hands to your skin until you're writhing and crying out from the pleasure. He craves you like no one else ever has, and pursues you within the boundaries of your comfort.
You still avoid the main bathroom at work, opting instead for the one in the building's lobby, but things are just as they should be.
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Hello, I hope you're well.
I've always wondered why Alice couldn't have gone to Volterra on her own at the end of New Moon to stop Edward? Couldn't she have gone to Forks, seen and spoken to Bella, gone and found Edward and shown him her thoughts? I vaguely remember Alice saying something along the lines of Edward not believing anyone apart from Bella, but I imagine Alice would've been faster if she didn't spend the time taking Bella along too. And surely sending Bella to sprint through Volterra while Alice sorted out the car wasn't the fastest option available?
I imagine Alice could've sped through the Italian countryside unseen once she arrived, and she would've had a great deal more strength than Bella to push Edward out of the sun. (Bella certainly seemed to struggle in the film). I haven't reached that part of the book yet, so maybe it's different to the film? Would Edward have been killed if Bella hadn't been there maybe?
So, the thing about the movies, is that they explain jack shit and then will change some things so they don't make any sense.
Why does Aro have Felix nearly murder Edward in Volterra only to then let him go two seconds later? It's unclear, I guess they ran out of run time for Michael Sheen. Why do the Cullens even do this human thing? Hold that thought.
So, there's a lot that the books do explain in some detail, that either never get a mention in the films or are extremely glossed over for run time, toning down, difficulty to explain in the medium, and various other reasons.
No offense if you like the movies, anon, I just hate them.
So, here's what Alice tells us in the book.
Bella and Jacob ask what you just did: why doesn't Alice go herself? Bella will only slow Alice down and Alice has to get Bella out of the country right this second when at the moment of asking she could only pray that Bella had a passport (Bella did so it worked out but if she hadn't I imagine Bella would have been placed in the cargo hold instead).
Alice responds that she has had visions where she runs through the city, yelling at Edward mentally that Bella is alive, but that Edward would not only not believe her but step into the sunlight sooner as he knows Alice is there to stop him. The reason he wouldn't believe her is that he would know Alice would know this is the only way to stop him from doing this. This is why, even if Alice doesn't think "Bella's alive!" she still can't go as Edward will realize his suicide attempt will be quickly thwarted.
Add in that it was a very sunny day in Tuscany and Alice would have had to take a very roundabout path to get to Edward where she would stay in the shade. Because she's dealing with vampires, not humans, this matters: Edward will kill himself before Alice can ever reach him.
Similarly, we have a problem in that Edward can't hear Bella's thoughts. As a result, even when Bella shows up, she can't stay outside the city/in range of Edward's gift if not his person, as he can't hear her think and wouldn't be able to recognize she's alive. Moreover, Edward's so fucking focused on killing himself dramatically, that he's not paying attention to thoughts around him, who might happen to see Bella's face but would likely think nothing of it. Edward's not looking for her.
The only way they can stop the suicide is if Bella runs and manages to catch him in time. It's not about pushing him out of the way, it's about getting there just in time to say "WAIT, I'M ALIVE, DON'T KILL YOURSELF".
Which is what fortunately happens.
What Alice doesn't mention is Edward's a little in love with the idea of killing himself over this. So, it's not shocking that nothing else will stop him.
Which yes, means she ultimately risks Bella's life, takes her to the den of the enemy, so that she can save Edward and does not make this clear to Bella.
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lis-likes-fics · 3 years
A Witch's Luck | Chapter 15
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"Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances. Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer... Reporting live, Dawn Chubai. CNN," the reported said. The Cullens were tuning into the TV, looking at the news talking about the problems in Seattle.
Carlisle and Jasper watched with concern, Emmett was draped over the couch, and Bella and Edward entered, tuning in to the news as well. Althea was already put down to bed with the kits and Freya was sitting at Jasper's feet.
Carlisle spoke first, "It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something."
"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more. They're undisciplined, conspicuous," Jasper said.
"Newborns," Edward finished. Bella asked, "What, like new vampires?"
"In their first few months after the change," Edward explained.
Jasper continued, this was his strong suit, "No one has trained these newborns, but this isn't random."
"Someone's creating an army," Carlisle finished. Jasper nodded and Emmett eagerly and enthusiastically said, "Oh, now we're definitely going to Seattle."
"An army of vampires?" Bella asked.
"And they've been created to fight someone," Jasper said, thinking to himself a little bit.
Edward spoke, "We're the only clan even close to Seattle."
Regardless, of what they're were made for, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long."
"Maybe they're behind it," Edward said, "In Italy, I read Aro's mind...He wants me, Alice, and Y/N to join. Our gifts would shore up his power. He knows we'd never choose him as long as our family is still alive. An army could solve that for him."
"We can't wait two weeks for graduation; you need to change me now-" Bella jumped in.
Jasper shook his head, "You'd be a liability as a newborn. Unable to control your instincts. An easy target." Carlisle put an empathetic hand on Bella's shoulder, "There's also your father to consider, and your mother. How terrible would it be for them if you suddenly disappeared?"
Bella couldn't argue with that as she considered it. Jasper slowly spoke, "This could all be Victoria's doing..."
They all looked up at him. Alice shook her head, "No... I would have seen it."
"Unless she found out how your visions work..." Jasper tried, trailing off at the end. He had promised that he wouldn't tell them. Y/N needed time. He sighed and shook his head, "It's only a suggestion. I'm going to go check on Althea."
He left the room abruptly. He got to her room and closed the door, sighing as he saw Althea still sleeping peacefully in her bed. He sighed as he whisper, "Oh, Thea, what am I going to do?"
She stirred slightly, her head turning toward him as she still slept. He sighed and sat in the room, Althea keeping him some degree of company.
"How long is this spell going to take? You aren't stalling are you?" Victoria asked. Y/N sighed as she shook her head, "No, this spell is complicated. It's necromancy and I've never studied Black Magic before. I have to study the magic behind it, mix the ingredients perfectly, which could take too many tries. It could take me a few weeks."
Victoria sighed heavily, forcing a growl away as she said, "You better make sure this works. If it doesn't, you have a front row seat to watch your husband and child die. And, trust me, it won't be quick."
Y/N clenched her jaw and kept away her tears at even the thought of her family being harmed. She wasn't lying when she said the spell could take weeks. The spell would kill the person who used it, and death was considered Black Magic to witches. It would take a long while for her to learn the spell, so she had to make sure to keep on good terms.
And to tell Victoria to stop giving her vampire venom, it only made the process take longer.
Victoria left and Y/N sighed, searching her mind to see if Jasper was close enough to speak. She couldn't feel him and she only sighed again. A lump formed in her throat as she thought over the passed few weeks. She'd been without Jasper and her daughter, she'd been separated from her coven and she could feel her drained magic exhausting because of it. She was also without a familiar, which only drained her more.
The spell wouldn't have taken so long if she wasn't so drained. She needed her familiar and her family. She felt, and might have truly been, helpless without them. She took in a deep breath to push her tears away, but she couldn't quite accomplish that task.
They started falling down her cheeks as she cried softly to herself. She missed her family so much, she wished she could just go home finally. But she would never be safe until she Victoria was gone. This needed to be done first so she could escape.
She moved and winced as she looked down at some of her wounds, which had opened again. She sighed through her and used her magic to properly heal them, glad that she was quick enough as to keep them from scarring.
It was a painful process because of how low she was on magic from the venom and the drain in her system, but she didn't want them to heal with more scars. She had enough of them from Victoria and James already.
A few days later and none other than Bella Swan walked into the Cullen household with Edward and a sprained hand. Carlisle examined the hand and fixed it up quickly, "Total misunderstanding. It's just a sprain, should heal fairly quickly."
Mariah smiled as she switched placed with Carlisle, taking Bella's hand carefully in hers as she used her magic to fix it completely, "Should heal quicker with a little magic involved." Bella's hand squirmed very slightly from the strange feel of the magic mending her.
Emmett asked, "Try to walk and chew gum at the same time, Bella?"
Bella shook her head with a smile, "I punched a werewolf in the face."
"Badass. You're going to be one tough little newborn," Emmett responded.
She joked, "Tough enough to take you on." Rosalie slapped her newspaper on a table and walked away quickly, unable to take much more of Bella.
Bella looked down slightly and Emmett told her, "Don't worry about it."
"Okay, any leads?" Edward asked.
Jasper responded with Althea on his hip, bouncing slightly as he said, "No sign of the intruder. But Victoria continues to make appearances."
"She's toying with us. Keeping us distracted," Carlisle spoke.
Jasper knew that was exactly what Victoria was doing. He had information straight from the source, but he couldn't tell anyone yet. So he kept his mouth shut and covered his thoughts with the matters that didn't concern his greater knowledge of the issue. So far, Edward hadn't found anything out.
He wanted to keep it that way until Y/N gave the all clear.
"From Seattle?" Emmett asked, referring to Carlisle's claim.
"Or the intruder. Or something else," Carlisle said, trying to make sense of the situation.
Edward spoke again, "Alice can keep tracking her decisions but we have to track her on the ground."
Tired of being ignored, Bella headed out to the deck after Rosalie. Jasper continued, ignoring Bella, "We've already cover the entire southern peninsula down to Quinault."
"We'll search the northwestern trail."
Jasper nodded, "And what of Y/N? Victoria did take her, after all."
Edward nodded, he knew full and well, "We find Victoria, we find Y/N." Jasper sighed and nodded, rocking Althea who had eventually fallen asleep in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder. He put her to bed before returning to continue going over things with Edward and the rest of the coven.
Victoria delivered another blow to Y/N's face. Y/N made a small grunting sound before coughing up blood. Victoria kicked her, breaking a rib this time. Y/N cried in pain at that part, having broken ribs was no joke.
Victoria had been beating Y/N for the passed half hour. She came back to find her working on the spell with absolutely none of the injuries from before and was angered that she had gotten rid of them, giving her new ones to replace them.
But a broken rib was much worse than a broken arm.
Victoria bent down, pinching Y/N's face to make her look at her again. Y/N breathed heavily as Victoria told her, "When I hurt you, you keep them. Do this again and I'll give you more than a broken rib. Do you understand me?"
Y/N reluctantly nodded and Victoria left her be again. Now with a black eye, it was harder for Y/N to see. With a broken rib, she wasn't much better off. She was allowed to fix broken bones she needed, so healing the rib was okay.
She coughed up more blood after healing the bone, heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She wiped her mouth and turned to the grimoire painfully, the new injuries all over her body making it harder for her to move.
"Y/N?" Jasper voice came like a music when it echoed in her head.
Y/N tried to control her breathing as she whispered, even the little task painful for her since there was a lot of choking involved in the torture session with Victoria. "Hey, Jazz," she coughed at the end.
He asked concerned, "Are you alright? What happened?"
Y/N sighed, earning another cough, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."
He refused to drop it as he asked, "What happened, Y/N?"
She hesitated before confessing, "Victoria beat me...again because I healed the wounds from before..."
"You had wounds before? She's torturing you?" Jasper asked, anger rising in his voice as he spoke.
Y/N winced at the tone he used, she could feel his anger from where she was. She said, "I don't want you to worry."
"I'm going to find you. Where are you?" Jasper demanded.
"No! You can't! I'm not ready yet," Y/N said.
Jasper shook his head, "I don't care about some damn spell, Y/N. I care about you, your my wife and I can't protect you if I don't know where you are."
Y/N sighed and told him, another lump in her throat as a few tears fell again, "If you try to come and get me, she'll just kill you and then me. I can't risk it. Trust me, I want nothing more than to return to you and Althea, but I can't yet. Let me do this first so that I can be with you."
Y/N gave up at the end and started crying, letting her tears fall. "I'm sorry, Jasper. I never meant to put you in this situation. If I never came along in the first place, you'd be safe."
He shook his head, "Don't talk like that. Just don't. Listen to me, Y/N." She listened as she tried to keep her tears away so she could hear.
He told her, "No matter what happens or has happened, I'm glad I met you, I'm glad you walked into that field that day. Without you, I would still be spiraling. You and Althea are the best things that have ever happened to me and there's nothing in all the world that could change that, do you hear me? I love you more than life itself and I will do anything to get you back to me."
Y/N took in a deep breath and nodded, "I love you, too."
"Y/N?" Said another voice, a familiar voice.
"Freya?" She questioned.
Freya smiled her fox smile and said, "Y/N! It's been too long! Where are you?"
Y/N spoke, "I'm not sure, nor could I tell you if I was. It's so great to hear your voice again, soul sister."
Freya smiled sadly before frowning. She could feel the connection between the links and it was weak, distant. "Your magic is draining," she pointed out.
Y/N nodded, "Venom."
Freya used the link Y/N had set up to share some of the magic she had with Y/N, giving her more strength, strength Y/N desperately needed. She sighed, a heavy and relieved sigh. It was like taking a breath of cool air after being stuck in a room with warm, thick air.
"Thank you, Freya," Y/N said with a small smile, wiping at her tears before wincing, remembering that her face was still busted up. Jasper sighed, "We've got to before people get too suspicious of where we went. We'll be back soon, promise."
Y/N nodded sadly, "Okay. Goodbye, I love you."
"I love you, too," Jasper responded.
Freya nodded, "I love you, Y/N. Goodbye."
Y/N's link gave out and she sighed before going to get back to work on that damned spell.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen Within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 5
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, all rights go to Stephenie Meyer!
"Home is where I want to be Pick me up and turn me round I feel numb, born with a weak heart So I guess I must be having fun"
This Must Be the Place by, Kishi Bashi
I stormed off, too mad to talk to anyone, I wanted to get to her... to get her to feel the frustration I had felt. But it seems something would get in my way. I shouldn't be doing this right now... I should be sitting with Rosalie and Alice talking about wedding plans. I should at home with my father, sitting outside in the backyard and talking with him. I wanted to spend eternity with Jasper but, I didn't want to turn so soon... It felt like someone had come by and punched a hole straight through my chest or swept the rug out from under me when I least expected it. It felt like I had no control of my body whatsoever. I heard the footsteps of someone else approaching me slowly, I whipped my head around to see Rosalie staring at me.
"Hey, honey."
"We'll get her soon Fleur..."
"It's not just that, I'm just frustrated, about a lot of things."
Well, I'm here to listen."
"It's all just too much right now... I mean from 4 days ago to today everything just... changed so quick... I went from driving home to my dad to chasing after a psychotic, revengeful, woman. I mean...I planned on going to a creative arts school after I got married..."
"I felt the same way when I first turned...I remember the things I wanted, how comfortable I was in my life. And then I was left in the street for dead and turned into something I didn't have a choice in doing."
"I just...feel like I don't know who I am anymore...I can't even cry if I wanted to."
"You'll get control of yourself eventually...You just need a little guidance."
"I gotta stop moping... it won't help me at all."
"C'mon let's get back to the house before Jasper uproots every tree trying to find you." Rosalie joked and held out her hand for me to help me up.
Timeskip: 1 week later
The 2 weeks of my "vacation" were up, and Bella had just come home from spending time with Renee in Jacksonville. It turns out, Bella had gotten pissed with Edward over him not telling her Victoria was looking for her. So she took off with Jacob back down to the reservation. I also found out through Emmett that some tension was going on between Jacob and Edward... over Bella. Jasper and I were playing a game of chess... I rubbed my eyes quite frequently as I had just started to wear contact lenses. Emmett meanwhile was watching a football game. Edward had run into the house with a concerned look on his face.
"What-" I started
"There was an intruder... in Bella's house." Jasper and I shot up, already making our way down to Jasper'ss car. We both got inside when Jasper looked at me with concern and grabbed my hand.
"Are you sure you can do this? It's might be hard being around your father in this state."
"I'll be fine... besides, I can distract dad while you guys search the house," I said.
"I don't mean to constantly remind you of how unpredictable you can be I'm just... worried."
"I take no offense to it, my love"
The drive to the house was quick, being a vampire whose tracking abilities were getting better meant that I found the fastest routes to each location I was going to. As soon as I pulled up in the driveway my dad ran out, a huge smile was plastered on his face.
"Fleur! I missed you so much!" He said, running up to me.
"I missed you too dad, Canyon City Oregon is great!"
"Jasper told me you were thinking about going to an art school around the area."
"Oh yeah I was but, I think I'm going to say here for a little while longer."
"You don't have to stay here because of me you know."
"Dad, I would miss you too much to leave now." He smiled and then pulled me in for a hug. I breathed in slightly...his blood didn't seem to... alluring to me.
"Thank god." I thought to myself... I might be able to stay here a bit longer. I turned slightly to Jasper, he was smiling at us but I could tell he was shocked with how well I was doing.
"Do you two want something to eat?" He asked.
"No, we ate something before we came down here," Jasper stated.
"We'll come on in you two."
After we sat and caught up on everything that happened on my "vacation" Jasper had made an excuse to use the bathroom to investigate where the intruder might've gone.
"So... how's wedding planning going?" Dad inquired.
"It's going good, Rose and Alice have been helping me out a lot... it's definitely going to happen in the woods."
"That'll be nice."
"Yeah...and I planned on moving out after the wedding."
"Yeah, I know... it's just going to be weird, not having you here all the time."
"It'll be weird for me too... heck being away for 2 weeks was strange for me... But don't worry dad, I'll always be around."
He looked over at me and smiled. Before he could say anything else, the front door swung open. Bella came stomping into the house but stopped when she saw us.
"What are you doing back here?" She inquired, her voice wasn't very welcoming.
"Nice to see you too, I just got back from Oregon Bella...I do live here still."
"Wish you would've stayed down there." She mumbled to herself.
Dad heard her and gave her a glare.
"Oh don't worry about it dad... I've gotten used to it."
Jasper walked back into the room and his face looked confused.
"Well, it was good to see you again Chief Swan but I better get back to my place. My family is eager to see me as well."
"Good to see you again Jasper, have a goodnight."
"Goodnight sir."
Jasper pecked my lips before leaving the house.
"I better get to bed dad, I'm tired. Goodnight."
"Love you, goodnight."
As soon as I made it up to my bedroom I locked the door and opened my window, I jumped out and ran back to the Cullen's house. I had to admit...being able to travel quickly and efficiently was a plus side to being a vampire. When I made it back to the Cullen's house they were all sitting with Bella in the lounge room. She must've gotten Edward to take her down here. Jasper and Emmett were missing, however.
"So...is it someone we know?" I asked.
"No, I couldn't recognize it." Edward replied.
"So it was a nomad passing through?" Esme inquired.
"I don't think so Esme... I don't think it would've kept my father alive." I added.
"She's right... it would've killed Fleur's father."
Jasper walked in with Emmett.
"The scent disappeared 5 miles South of Bella's house," Jasper said.
"Fleur, have you tracked Victoria at all?" Carlisle asked.
"Wait... that's your power?" Bella interrupted.
"One of them... and yes I have, she isn't anywhere near our house right now and she wasn't before either."
"Besides, I would've seen it." Alice added.
"It has to be the Volturi." Edward suggested.
"I've been watching Aro's decisions too... it isn't them."
"If it's not the Volturi then we need to keep searching, we'll take turns guarding Bella at her house."
Rosalie and Jasper looked at Carlisle with annoyance.
"Really...another protection detail?"
"No, I really don't feel like protecting someone who has treated someone I am very close to like dirt."
"Rosalie's kinda right," Bella said.
"What? I won't leave you unprotected."
"There is no way you guys can search for the intruder...help train...her, while trying to protect me and my dad."
"And go after Victoria." I noted with an attitude.
"While trying to keep yourselves fed," Bella said while rolling her eyes at me.
"I'm not going to leave you here defenseless." Edward rebuttled.
"I won't be defenseless I'll have..."
"Have what?"
I smirked...looks like Jacobs going to have a hand to play in this afterall.
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volturicangetit · 4 years
D.V- Sassy
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Summary: You go to Volterra with your sister Bella to save Edward but a handsome vampire takes an intrest in you while you’re there
Request: YES/no @kpopgirlbtssvt​ :Hi!! Can I please request a Demetri x human! fem! reader where she’s Bella’s fraternal twin sister and she goes with Bella and Alice to save Edward, and when Demetri comes and gets them and Y/N and Demetri feel drawn to each other (flirting with each other much to Bella and the Cullen’s dismay), and she’s sassy (amusing Aro, Demetri, and Felix) when Aro starts to let them go Y/n and Demetri don’t want to be apart because she’s his mate. (Or this could happen when the Volturi meet Renesme!)
Warnings: swearing
Wordcount: 1517
You would go to the end of the moon for your sisters. If you murdered someone, you would help her hide the body. But now you're really doubting if you should be killing her instead. Her depressed vampire boyfriend was going to out himself to the world so that the Volturi would kill him which you thought was first of all, super selfish and second of all very, very dumb. But you thought that the vampire venom might have done something to his brain, causing him to lose a couple of brain cells. You run after your sister through the people-filled streets of Volterra. You watch her stop in her stops as she watches Edward stand in the door opening of the castle. he takes small steps, getting more and more out of the shadows with each. Bella yells out his name before she starts to run towards him straight through the fountain. You shake your head as you run after her. "You're paying for new shoes, Bella," you mutter as you run thought the fountain. You cringe internally as you feel the cold water soaking through your shoes and socks. Bella jumps on Edward to push him back into the shadows.
You follow behind her and push both of them further into the castle. Once they are fully inside, you close the door so that all sunlight is blocked out. You look over to your sister to see her hugging Edward and sharing some loving words with him. "Why don't you come by to check if she's actually dead next time, Dracula?" you say. Edward doesn't even look up at you, though. He's too busy with processing that Bella is alive. He was never the brightest of the Cullens, in your opinion. From behind Bella and Edward, you can see two people walking towards you, one being significantly taller and broader than the other. As the people come closer you can see that they are two men with red eyes. "Great, more bloodsuckers," you say with a sigh.
The smaller of the two stares at you with big eyes. You can feel something in you wants to talk to him but the rational human in you reminds you that he is a vampire and that he probably only sees you as a good snack. "Your services won't be needed, after all, gentleman," Edward says. His voice is laced with anger. The tall man shakes his head.
"Aro wants to see you," he says. His voices send shivers down your spine and not the good kind. The smaller man nods. His hair bounces along with his movement. The smile that sits on his lips sends waves of warmth through your stomach. Something about vampires always made them look impossibly beautiful.
"And I think he would like to see the Swan's as well," he adds. You look over to Bella to see that she has the same panic in her eyes as you do. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down a bit.
You place your hands on your hips and cock your head to the side as you look back at the smaller vampire. "Who says I want to see him?" you ask. "Because would rather not be in a castle full of leeches, thank you very much.". The man lets out a chuckle as he shakes his head. He looks at the tall man next to him and they nod at each other. The tall man starts walking as he waves for you all to follow him. Edward drags Bella along with him but you stay planted on the floor. You're not going to follow these vampires. The smaller man runs over to you and grabs a hold of your arm as he drags you along with him.
His grip on you is surprisingly soft. You still struggle against him and try to pull out of his grasp but it's to no avail. "Let me go, your oversized mosquito!" you yell. The man chuckles as he shakes his head again. "I have a name, you know," he says. He keeps his free hand behind his back. "Do I look like I care, fang-boy?" you spit back. "It's Demitri, mi amore," he says. The nickname causes butterflies to swarm through your stomach but you mask them by throwing more insults his way. "Oh, go choke on some garlic". You remain silent after that. The walk to the kings only takes you all five minutes but they are the longest five minutes of your life. Once you enter the throne room, a weird feeling sits on the air. You and Bella stand close to each other while Edward tries to negotiate with Aro. You are both a bit too aware of the fact that you're the only humans in a room full of vampires.
"But Bella and the other human know of your existence, we can't have that,' Aro says. Edwards opens his mouth to speak but you beat him to it. You hold your finger up at Aro to silence him. "Hold up," you say. Everyone's eyes turn towards you as Bella tugs on your arm to desperately try to get you to shut the fuck up. "The other human? I have a name, you undead little fucker. Second of all, I don't know shit except that you're all dead.". You point at the kings, twins and the two men from the hallway. Finally, you point at Edward.
"And that, that man has the emotional stability of a toddler and you all have some weird blood kink so you better keep me out of this.". Aro cocks his head to the as he takes a couple of steps towards you. He is insulted by your lack of respect but intrigued at the same time.
"Who is this?" he asks while looking at Edward. You roll your eyes, "I'm right here, you can just ask me yourself," you say. "I'm Y/n Swan. Human and wondering if I should put some garlic in your blood or put a stake through your heart. Maybe both.".
Caius stands up from his throne as he stomps his foot on the ground. "How dare this human talk to us like this, brother? This is disrespectful!" he yells. Aro holds his hand up and turns towards him. He shushes him before turning back towards you. He follows your eyes to Demetri. You have been stealing glances from him ever since you laid your eyes on him.  Aro looks at Marcus who nods at him. He lets out a gleeful laugh before walking back to his throne and sitting down in it.
"They are free to go, for now," Aro says. Edward's eyes grow big in surprise but he knows how quickly the Volturi can change their mind so he grabs ahold of Bella's hand and tells her that they're leaving. "Come on, Y/n," Bella says. You shake your head. Your eyes are still locked with Demitri's. Something in you doesn't want to leave him. Something in you wants to stay with him forever. "Let's go," Bella tries again.
"No," you say softly. A smile grows in Demitri's face. Edward looks between you two and Marcus and quickly realizes what's going on. He drops Bella's hand. "Y/n, we got to go.". You shake your head at your sister. You take a couple of small steps over to Demitri. "No, I think I'm going to stay here with this ugly bloodsucker who clearly hasn't been able to look in a mirror since the birth of Christ," you say as you point to Demitri. Aro lets out a chilling giggle as he clasps his hands together.
Bella shakes her head. Edward lays a hand on her shoulder to hold her back. "You can't stay with him! He's a monster," she says. You turn towards her with your brows furrowed. "Umh, I don't think you can see a single fuck about my choice in man since you got together with mister 'I-cry-myself-to-sleep' over here who we just saved from suicide because he couldn’t just call you or come by to check if you were actually dead. I really think that you guys need some couples therapy by the way," you say. You take a couple more steps towards Demitri until you're close enough to shake his hand.
"Hi, I'm Y/n," you say. He nods with a smirk makes your stomach do cartwheels. "Nice to meet you, mi amore," he says. You smile at him. The coldness of his skin against yours calms you down somehow. It actually feels nice. You can hear Edward dragging Bella along with him and out of the throne room. He doesn't want to test the Volturi patience today. "So like, do all vampire have like some weird attraction thing with humans? Are you guys like ugly, blood kink having sirens now?" you ask. Demitri shakes his head. He turns you around and lays a hand on the small of your back as she starts to lead you towards the exit of the throne room. "Have you ever heard of mates?".
TWILIGHT TAGLIST (OPEN): @scuzmunkie e @thanossexual @prettyinblack231 @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @cullens-stuff​ @rexburn12​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @puer-de-infinitate​
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captain-yeet · 5 years
Don't You Knock? (Felix Volturi x Reader One-shot)
Summary: Finding out that vampires and soulmates existing in a single day is exhausting, let alone discovering you're the mate of one. The night after the Newborns came to Forks, you get a surprise visitor in the dead of night.
Pairing: Felix x Reader
Word count: 2.8k
A little something I’ve been working on this past week and also to celebrate a wee follower milestone. Come get y’all JUICE, enjoy!
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Slamming the door to your apartment with accidental unnecessary force, you shrug out of your frozen jacket and tossed it to the floor. Today had been eventful, to say the least. It began with helping out your supervisor with paperwork down at the police station and ended with a vampire practically starting a riot over you.
Oh, and vampires exist now. Neat.
You were only a few years older than Chief Swan's daughter and he had asked something rather odd of you a few months back after she returned from disappearing to Italy; "Keep an eye out for her, will ya?"
So, you found a way to insert yourself into Bella's life, like a friend with older sister vibes. She was none the wiser, and so were you in terms of what kind of shit the silly girl had gotten herself into.
Shrugging out of your pants, you let out a content sigh. "Right, relax time," you breathed. No vampires, no pyres of burning bodies. Just me and some pasta.
You were just planning on tailing her and the gaggle of pale friends of hers to see what exactly they were up to. You'd seen them while out on a hike and immediately your suspicion grew when you saw Bella being carried down the hillside by her boyfriend Edward Cullen, accompanied by the largest wolf you'd ever seen.
Following them at a distance, the sight you stumbled across made you let out a very loud "What the fuck is going on here!?"
Bodies burning but with no horrid stench. One of the Cullen boys ripping apart a corpse with his bare hands and tossing it into the pyre. A naked boy on the ground writhing in pain, being lifted and carried off by more shirtless guys and one woman. A teenager curled up into a ball on the ground.
"Y/N what are you doing here?" Bella cried.
"What am I doing here? What the shit are you doing here, what exactly have these people roped you into?" You had snarled the last part, backing away from the two approaching Cullens.
The doctor's wife had whispered a quick explanation to you. They weren't human, but vampires. Vampires existed what the actual heck. Bella was in danger but isn't any more.
And the Volturi, the "vampire police" were arriving soon, and you had no time to leave before they did.
An hour passed and you hummed a song to yourself while you washed up the plates after having a quick dinner. The day had turned to custard and you just wanted to forget about it for a moment and go to bed.
The buzzing of your phone made you jump. Picking it up, you saw the name on the screen and sighed heavily.
Caller ID: Bella
"What now?" You groaned, leaning against the counter. You pressed the answer key and held the phone gingerly up to your ear. "Hello?"
"Y/N, are you home?" came Bella's voice through the speaker. There was a hint of urgency in her tone that had you immediately tense.
"I am, why? Has something happened?"
"Listen to me," she urged, "you need to leave, Alice has a vision that -"
Your brows knitted together in confusion. Bella had given you some information about her boyfriend having some kind of mind reading gift but you didn't realise that extended to the rest of the Cullens being gifted too. "She had a what now?"
A short sigh. "Someone is coming for you! Please just trust me and go!"
Pushing yourself off the counter, you paced in your kitchen. "Who?" you deadpanned, fear growing in your heart.
"Y/N go!"
Suddenly you heard the creak of that one rickety window in your living room shutting. You grabbed the closest thing to you; a pan. "If I don't call you back by tomorrow morning assume the worst," you murmured in a hushed voice before hanging up.
Placing your phone down, you grasped the pan firmly and stalked to the corner leading into the living room. You couldn't hear anything but the sound of a dog barking outside and the steady rain that had begun as you drove home. Taking a deep breath, you rounded the corner and entered the room.
Nothing. No one was in sight.
"You know that pan isn't going to do much," a deep voice commented from behind you.
Yelping in shock and fear, you instinctively turned and swung the pan with just the one hand at whoever it was behind you. An ice-cold hand gripped your wrist, stopping your attack.
The tall intruder raised his eyebrows at your clumsy attack, red eyes boring into your own with intensity. You were caught off guard by how ridiculously handsome, tall and muscular he was, which you knew was probably the last thing you should be thinking about right now. You swung at him with your free hand and he caught that too. Now you were pinned.
"Easy, I mean you no harm," he said firmly, his tone ringing with authority. He began walking forward, still with you firmly in his iron grip making you step backward till your back hit a wall. "If I let you go, will you calm down?"
"You broke into my apartment and you want me to be calm?" you hissed, the last word turning into a screech.
"Please, I -" the man struggled with his words for a moment. "I just want to talk. About what happened today, if you'll give me a chance."
You glared at him for a little. He could end you very quickly if that was what he wanted to do. You knew that after what you saw of him today. He was a killer, through and through.
So, you conceded with a solemn nod.
The man was pleased with your cooperation, releasing your wrists and stepping back away from you. You set your poor choice of a weapon down on a table and leaned against the wall, quickly wiping away a stray tear that began trailing down your cheek before crossing your arms and staring him down with a hard glare.
Red eyes traveled up and down your figure, at first with curiosity that dissolved into something else, something more akin to fleeting lust and you suddenly remembered your lack of pants. "Don't you vampires know how to knock? It would have given me time to make myself more decent."
A low chuckle came from the man. "That would have been a politer choice, but I guess I miscalculated things." With a pause, he added, "not that I'm complaining, it's a nice view."
He winked and you cursed yourself for the impulsive flush of heat to your cheeks. It really should be illegal to be that good looking and that infuriatingly forward.
Padding over to the couch, making sure to have the front of your body facing him and not your rear end, you made yourself at home and placed a blanket over your lower half. Resting your hands in your lap, you sheepishly looked up at him. "I'd feel more comfortable if you sat down."
Moving slowly, you assumed so he wouldn't frighten you, he sat next to you on the couch on the furthest end, giving you some space. "Where would you like me to begin? I'll answer any questions you have if you'll also grant me the same privilege."
You thought for a moment. Many pressing questions came to your mind at once. You weren't sure where to begin. "Okay," you agreed with a heavy exhale. "Well, the first question I have to start with is who are you?"
"Fair," he smiled and again your heart skipped a beat. "My name is Felix, as you know already, I'm a member of the Volturi who are tasked with enforcing the secrecy of our kind."
Your brain took a moment to process the information. "So... you're essentially the vampire police?" you concluded with a raised brow, earning another chuckle from Felix.
"I guess you could say that although we're closer to being a governing force, now let me ask the same of you."
Glancing away briefly, you let your eyes roam around your apartment before meeting his curious red ones again. "My name is Y/N and uh, I work down at the local police station here in Forks - a cadet, got in thanks to my okay-ish GPA." You felt yourself rambling so you quickly shut up before you embarrassed yourself further.
"You don't strike me as a woman who'd aspire to be a cop," he mused, his head cocking to the side.
You shrugged meekly. "Maybe so, but I've always wanted to try making a small difference and I figured why not try and work towards becoming an officer?"
"That's admirable."
Heat flushed to your face. You racked your brain for more questions. "Well, if you're a vampire, how old are you?"
"About 2,000 years old, give or take."
A strangled hysteric laugh caught itself in your throat, making him purse his lips and stare at you like you'd grown another head. "I'm sorry," you said quickly, "it's just... wow that's a... long time to be alive." Taking a moment to compose yourself, you gave him a small smile. "You look amazing for your age, I gotta say."
A grin spread across his handsome face, and again your heart skipped a beat. You couldn't deny he was incredibly handsome - ridiculously so. "Immortality does wonders," he replied with a wink, clearly enjoying making you flustered.
A question popped into your mind at that moment, one that had been plaguing your thoughts since you left that clearing "... What is a mate? Why is it so significant for, your kind?"
You recalled the moment the two of you locked eyes for the first time. You remembered Edward Cullen's hiss of anger and shock and the way this man before you stared at you. It was like he was a deer in headlights and time itself had stopped. The pyre had disappeared, every confusing new thing that had surrounded you in a matter of minutes gone.
In that finite moment, it was just you and this tall strange man who gazed at you like a blind man seeing colour for the first time.
"Straight to the point, aren't you?" He murmured, chuckling to himself. Eyes downcast, he paused to think about how he wanted to answer. "My kind lives for a very long time," he began, lifting his gaze back to you. "Some of us will find another that we connect with so intimately that nothing else compares. A mate is a life partner, someone who feels as if they were made for you."
Resting your chin on your hand, you listened to his explanation earnestly. The idea of soulmates felt like a silly girl's fantasy, but you couldn't help but feel a tug at your heartstrings at his words. "And me?" You asked softly, scooting a little closer to really lock eyes with him. "Edward said I was your mate."
Mate. The term felt so foreign to you, it rolled off your tongue strangely.
With that announcement, the clearing had become chaos. Angry snarls from both Volturi and Cullen alike sounded through the area, you'd been pulled behind a blonde golden-eyed woman.
And many protests.
"That's absurd, Felix would never become attached to a human."
The voice of reason had come from Doctor Cullen. "It isn't impossible - look at Edward and Bella. If this is true then it's up to them to decide their fates."
Felix's reaction was the one that stuck out to you the most "You seemed so angry, back in the clearing..."
During the outcry, Felix's face was the one you focused on. After moments of staring at you with thunderstruck wonder in his eyes, he balked and you could have sworn you saw him say "No," to himself, squeezing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose like he'd suddenly gotten a bad migraine.
He sighed. “It was more shock than anger. Of all the things I had prepared myself for dealing with when we arrived, meeting my mate was not one of them.” Shaking his head, he offered an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry that the way we met wasn’t under better circumstances. Having you see me like that on our first meeting...”
 “I wish the circumstances had been better too.”
Another memory flickered in your mind. The young girl on the ground. Her screams as she cried out in pain, Felix stalking toward her with a stoic expression. There was no doubt in your mind that even if this ‘soulmate bond’ thing was true - and a tug at your heartstrings swayed you to believe that maybe it was - the man before you was dangerous.
 “You killed that girl,” you stated bluntly.
 “I had orders,” he retorted, the stoic mask returning. “I had no choice.”
You were shaking your head before he finished speaking. “That doesn’t mean that what you did was right!” Exasperated, you raised your hands. “Just because someone orders you to do something doesn’t mean that it’s the correct course to take! Don’t you have a mind of your own?”
Felix opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it, jaw clenched.
Okay, maybe don’t try to aggravate the vampire, Y/N, you cautioned yourself. Hands falling with a slap on your exposed thighs, you sighed. “Shit, I didn’t mean to go off like that.”
Silence followed. You watched him carefully and he watched you, neither making a single move for a while. 
 “You’re afraid of me.” The words left his lips calmly, not phrased as a question but rather a statement.
Lips parting slightly, you felt your face turn into a grimace. Your emotions were all over the place at this point in time and you didn’t know what to do about it or how to feel. Maybe you were scared of him - he did break into your home after all. And a rational part of your conscious knew that being afraid was probably a good thing. But at the same time? You felt a sense of hope - hope that this whole vampire mate thing may be true and that he really wasn’t here to kill you or worse.
 "I guess I can’t blame you for feeling that way,” he sighed. “Do you still want an answer to your original question?”
Biting your tongue for a moment, you nodded. “Yes, tell me.”
 “Meeting you was a shock, that is true. It’s just...” A pause for a moment, and in a more gentle voice he spoke once more. “I have been around for a long, long time. Centuries. In that time I thought I wouldn’t ever find my mate as I watched others find theirs - I even became somewhat promiscuous, because if I was never going to find the one, what was the point? Why not fool around with whomever? And then you appear before me and I’m shaken to my core.”
The room was silent save for the frantic beating of your heart, the patter of rainfall and the distant sounds of life around your apartment building.
 “I fear I’ve ruined my chances of you accepting me as yours,” Felix confessed.
 “I... may be willing to accept you - or at the very least give you, us, a chance. But you must do something for me first if you’re willing?” Is this a bad idea? A great idea? Maybe both, you concluded.
Felix’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What do you want me to do?”
You pointed at the door. “Leave my apartment and knock on the door.”
Suspicion turned into amusement. “You want me to leave and then come back in?” he repeated, playful sarcasm in his tone.
You felt your lips twitch up into a smirk. “Yes, that is indeed what I want. If we’re doing this I want to give it a real shot with a proper beginning - no attacking anyone with a pan and preferably with pants on.”
The two of you eyes each other a moment before you broke out into a fit of giggles. Felix shook his head muttering something along the lines of “Strange human” before taking your hand gently in his own, pressing his lips against your knuckles in a feather-light kiss, sending your heart beating overtime. "As you wish."
Letting your hand fall from his grasp he rose to his feet and walked away from you. Opening the door to your apartment wide, Felix faced you and stepped backward with a smirk, closing the door behind him.
When he closed the door, you stood up and rushed to find a pair of pants. Luckily you’d conveniently left some unfolded laundry out in the living room after a late-night trip to the laundromat. Shimmying into some comfy leggings, you murmured to yourself, "Feel free to knock now, big guy."
Not even five seconds later, and there was a short knock at your door. What, they have super hearing too? you chuckled to yourself.
Taking what felt like the millionth deep intake of breath for tonight, you opened the door for your “unexpected” visitor.
Pursing his lips trying not to laugh, Felix nodded in greeting. The man towered over you and for a brief moment, one of his hands running through the dark shaggy locks of hair, you wondered how his head didn’t hit the doorframe. And also how soft his hair was to touch. “Hello, may I come in?”
 “Since you’re so polite, of course you may,” you greeted him, stepping back to allow him to enter.
 “Does this mean you’ll give this a chance?” he took a hesitant step forward, watching you for any sign of discomfort, “you want to give a future with me a chance?”
You nodded. “It’s not every day a vampire comes to my door asking to be my lover,” you replied teasingly, winking at him as he had done to you earlier in the night. And besides... if you're serious about me being your mate, then I want to give this a go."
An earnest, genuinely happy smile lit up Felix’s face. You’d never seen a more beautiful man in your life. Beaming back at him as he entered your apartment, you knew from this night onward your life would never be the same. Were you ready for that? You weren’t quite sure.
But for now, you were certain in your feelings; if soulmates were real, you’d feel like a fool to pass up your own. Whatever the future held, you’ll face it.
You’ll face it with him.
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