#i don't like it but what else am supposed to do
batmanisagatewaydrug · 22 hours
hi, i'm fourteen and i have this friend who asked me if i wanted to try eating her out. not a girlfriend, a friend. i don't have any feelings for her but i do think she's gorgeous and she's probably the best friend i have and the most mature 14 year old i know. i trust her a lot. im definitely not opposed to trying to give her head, either. i'm just worried it might be a bad idea, and i'm anxious that i won't do it right and she won't even feel good. i definitely don't want to have sex this early but does giving someone else head even count as real sex? she wouldn't really be touching me at all, except for she did say she'd want us to make out before i did it, though i'm not entirely sure why, but i am okay with it. i'm also worried about, like, STDs, because i've never been with another person like... sexually, i've kissed other people but i haven't in a while. but i think she might have done stuff with people? i don't know how recently. like... i don't know, do you think this is a really bad idea and we're too young or is this fine? how do you even eat someone out, like, what do you do? sorry if this is annoying i just really need an adult to ask about this and it's not like i can ask my parents since i'm not really supposed to do this.
hi anon,
thank you for asking! I'm really grateful to be an adult that you trust enough to talk with about stuff like this. it's not annoying, and I'll do the best I can to give a helpful answer based on everything you've told me.
I think maybe, in your case, this might not be a great idea right now. it sounds like there's a lot about this situation that makes you nervous in a way that's not fun - the kind of nerves that come from being excited to connect with a new person are one thing, but I'm hearing much more anxiety than excitement in the way you're talking about this.
oral sex (using your mouth) definitely counts as real sex - it's definitely not just putting a penis in a vagina! - and can be just as intimate and emotionally complicated as any other kind of sexual expression. you said you don't want to be having sex at your age - which is totally normal, and completely your choice to make! - and that includes oral sex as well, so maybe it's best if you sit this one out for the time being.
I want to be super clear that I'm not saying this out of any sense that no people your age should be sexual; I think wanted sexual exploration between young teens can be a great way to start exploring sexuality and finding what feels good! but that doesn't mean that every teenager has to be having sex, or that they're immature if they don't. people are ready to explore sex at lots of different ages (and some people never do at all), and none of them are weird or wrong. you could feel totally different in ten years, one year, a month, or even a week, but right now you don't feel ready, and what you feel right now is what's most important.
holding off until you've had time to learn more about sex may also help, because every situation is less scary when you feel more prepared. (it's why they make you spend so many godforsaken hours practicing driving before you can take the test to get your license.) in the spirit of learning, I want to share some resources about some of the things you had questions/concerns about.
this page on Planned Parenthood's website talks about lots of different kinds of sexually transmitted infections (STIs, also frequently called sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs), including how they're spread and how to treat them. I don't want to make STIs sound scary - I recently wrote a whole post about how they really shouldn't be! - but because it is important to know what risks there are if you plan to be sexually active so that you can do your best to minimize those risks, and what to do if someone does catch an STI. an important thing to remember is that, at your age, it might be difficult for you or your friend to get tested for STIs without help from your parents, which may be awkward and unpleasant or totally impossible if you're unable to tell them why you need a test in the first place. that's an important factor in deciding whether or not to have sex!
additionally, here's some info about dental dams, which are basically condoms for oral sex - they're a flat piece of latex, like a condom that got rolled out, that goes between the mouth and the hole.
and to help with your question about how going down even works, I recommend this video by sexologist Dr. Lindsey Doe. you won't be seeing any real genitals in this video, although there is a drawing and some nude Barbies, and you'll probably want to listen with headphones unless you're alone. there are also links to more of Dr. Doe's videos on the topic.
and lastly, for more thinking about this topic, I want to direct you to Scarleteen's answer to help figure out when you're ready to start having sex, which is very good on its own and has links to some other good reading on the topic. Scarleteen is a great resource specifically designed and run to help answer teenagers' questions about sex without judgment, and I recommend them very heavily.
I hope that this has been useful, and helps you feel empowered to make whatever decision is best for you.
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cainsau · 1 day
A Game of Updog || The Boys Imagine
(Platonic) Soldier Boy x GN!Reader Featuring: Butcher, Hughie
Summary: Set in S3E7. The car ride to Mindstorm is too quiet for your liking. You decide to spice things up by trying out the updog trick on good ol' Soldier Boy.
Warning: None, just silly stuff
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"Do you smell that?"
Soldier Boy, who's sitting next to you in the passenger seat, looks at you weird and starts smelling the car, "What?"
Hughie does the same in the front seat, "I don't smell anything."
"Really? 'Cause it smells a lot like updog in here."
Hughie manages to keep himself from smiling, not that you can see it, but he knows exactly what you're trying to do and will not mess it up for you. Soldier Boy, on the other hand, squints at you in confusion, "What's-"
"Oh, for fuck's sake." Butcher interrupts, also aware of your trick, and is trying to stop it. "We are NOT on a fucking road trip to the Dolomites. Can i just have a tiny bit of peace while i'm driving?"
Soldier Boy raises his eyebrows at Butcher. He seemed fine with you and Soldier Boy talking just an hour ago.
"Sorry," you tell him, "It's just... i'm bored, and the car smells like updog."
There it is again, the word he doesn't understand. Hughie was kind enough to explain new words like bluetooth and internet, so maybe this is another new thing... or it's a sensitive topic to Butcher, judging by how aggressively he reacted. Soldier Boy opens his mouth to speak, but Butcher beat him to it again.
"Fine!" Butcher rolls his eyes, "If you can't shut up, why don't we talk about Mindstorm, hm?"
"Okay." You sigh, leaning back into your seat, then turns to face Soldier Boy. "Do tell us about him."
"Well, he can read your mind." He says, matter-of-factly.
You look at him, waiting for him to continue, but he doesn't say anything else. "Is that it?" You ask.
"What, don't you know him?"
"Nope," You shake your head, "I don't know much about him, or you, or any of Payback to be honest."
Soldier Boy seems surprised. He thought that his former team was popular. Perhaps the times have changed and the younger people are no longer taught about the predecessors of The Seven.
"Oh, but it's because i used to be indifferent about these things, not because you're not famous." You assure him. "You heard it yourself, the things Homelander say about you."
"Right. Anyway," He shrugs it off, "Mindstorm can get inside your head too, so don't look him in the eye."
"Where am i supposed to look, then?"
"Anywhere but his eyes." He answers with a cheeky smile.
"And he's also kinda strong."
"Is he as strong as updog?"
"What's updog?"
"I don't know, what's up with you?"
Finally! The moment you've been waiting for! Your eyes sparkle with delight as you grin from ear to ear, celebrating the success of your little game.
Soldier Boy only stares at you, eyes furrowed and speechless, trying to process what just happened. Hughie is looking outside the window, failing to hide a little laughter. Next to him, Butcher groans loudly, mumbling curses under his breath.
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tottentz · 15 hours
DROWNED AND DREAMT ── aventurine ◟1.3k w.c ◟sfw, hurt + comfort.
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the first time you hug aventurine is months after his disappearance. 
you are there when he wakes up, crouched in front of him. it's 3 AM, and you're still disheveled—hair tousled, clothes askew—but he finds you beautiful. you are bright, brighter than the cosmic spark that ignited existence, a single bang setting in motion the events leading to your first meeting.
he should have slipped away before you stirred, fled like always. his bag is in here somewhere. you are the last thing tying you to this version of his life. but he is also tired, and weak, so now he is here with you looking at him.
there's a furrow between you eyebrows. he could reach out and poke it. he knows you would have left him, he stay still
"aventurine," you say, kind of rough, kind of... something. disbelieving, maybe. you don't speak. not for a long, stretching moment, so he musters up the strength to clear his throat.
"hello, friend," he says, and it comes out like a terrible croak. it hurts, the way the words rip through his throat. your face does this complicated thing, and then you lean into his space and hugs him. you hug him so hard it actually hurts.
he tries to come up with an explanation other than this, because he is not the kind of person you would hug, but there's nothing else it could be. he doesn't need to restrain you or hide you from something. there's nothing to protect him from. which means this can only be that. a hug.
your warmth envelops him, one arm around his shoulders, the other cradling his head. he presses his mouth to your shoulder, eyes closed, inhaling the scent of olive oil soap and jasmine. it hurts, a sensation long forgotten.
"missed you" you whisper, and there it is. his raw, sore throat tightens. his eyes doesn't quite well up with tears, but there's wetness, there's something. he wonders if he is supposed to hug you back.
"if i didn't know any better, i'd almost think you cared about me, friend," he wheezes. it hurts. your hair tickles his cheek. you smell like olive oil soap and jasmine, and his ribs feel cracked and broken under your touch.
you are gentle, inexplicably so. he breathes again, unsure how to respond when you pull back, still frowning. "are you alright?" you ask, and this isn't— he can't— he doesn't get it.
he looks at you. weariness and tension and adrenaline pouring themselves together to form one temper to be in, and his mood instantly soured in empathy when he felt the telltale hues of sadness rearing your gaze.
"i'm okay," he tells you, and you open your mouth, frowning, so he raises his hands in surrender. "as okay as someone who just escaped "death" can be, i swear—"
you don't say anything, you don't question it. what is he meant to do with that? someone else's trust—care? delusion? is that dangerous? it feels like care, in your concern, in the tight, hurting embrace, lingering on his skin. what does that say about him?
"okay," you say after a moment. you squeez his hand. vile impressions of himself brought swells of water to flood the cursed well of his glassy optics, something bubbling to the surface that you have to be very delicate with. you sit next to him on the edge of the bed. close enough that if you reached out you could touch your fingers to the center of his chest, feel the warmth of the skin there. he wants to. he won't. "should i ask what you plan to do from now on?."
nothing, he thinks. running away, maybe, away from here. away from you.
"you're so sure I won't just leave again." is not a question, it is a statement, a possibility.
your wrist shook in resistance, and aventurine began to fear his resolve would expel you. unspoken words sat impatiently on your tongue, but you kept the syllables suppressed with a heavy sigh breathed through your nose.
 "no," you say. "but will you consider—"
you stop. he feels like everything suddenly stops. he is doused in cold, cold water and burning at the same time as his stomach suddenly twisted in knots.
"me?," you whisper, the width of your squared shoulders caved and folded your figure into a timid recoil "will you consider me?."
he wants to hear your heartbeat, discern truth. he'd reach into your chest if he could. you're not a liar, not like him
he is not used to wanting. that's a lie too; he used to wanting, to needing with every bit of himself. what he isn't used to is being allowed to want. being encouraged to want. being wanted to want.
you could reach out and touch him. you're almost certain he would let you. the odds are in your favor. it's hardly even a gamble.
he tips, slowly, until his head lands on your shoulder. you don't stop him. you wouldn't. he warms up to you in steps, stages, like he has throughout the time you've known him. his heart sits like a small bird in his throat. he hesitates for a long moment before he wraps his arm around you. something settles with a certain kind of fragility. you are not soft with him. he is not soft with you. but you are trying, and the least hee can do is try too.
he closes his eyes. you smell like olive oil soap and jasmine. it's a clean smell. a safe one. you are warm. sturdy and stable in a way he hasn't been all his life. you squeez him to you with a gentleness he didn't realize you were capable of. that he didn't realize he was capable of receiving. he wonders, for a long moment, if he can really have this.
"don't lie to me, friend." you tell him.
you take a breath. there is a moment between that and when you lift your hand from his upper arm to rest it on his head. you comb your fingers through his hair like you are just as unsure about this as he is. it's been a long time since anyone touched him like this. your fingers trace the shell of his ear, and something in jim trembles. he has ached for this. he didn't realize until now.
"i would not lie about this," you say. he wonders if he can count it as a promise. he wants to. he wants you to mean it when you says kind things to him. he wants you to mean it when you treat him gently. he wants to deserve it, but he doesn't. and yet, you allow him to be greedy.
"okay," he tells you. your fingers run through his hair. he can't afford to make promises like you can, but he can do this. he can offer you this much. "i'll consider."
he is tired. he is weak. the world thinks he is dead. it can wait a little longer. he can stay here a little longer. and if it hurts him? well, he'll take whatever comes.
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. ࣪✦ ៸៸ tottentz ▐ © 2024 、 ? 𓄹 ܵ ۪
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feroluce · 23 hours
So I finally had time to sit down and play through 2.3 this week and man I have a lot of Feelings about all of it, but today it's about Gallagher and Mikhail because!
The devotion of a dog! Gallagher's dedication lasting beyond Mikhail's death and then some! The way he let himself be seen through knowing it would mean his own death because it would help to accomplish his and Mikhail's dream! The immense regret and long lasting guilt of not helping Mikhail when he needed him! THE WAY MISHA CALLS GALLAGHER "MY HOUND-"
Ahem. I'm normal I swear. Anyway.
And one of my favorite displays of this undying loyalty? This.
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This is the record you unlock in 2.3 after Siobahn brings up Gallagher's death in the Dreamjolt Hostelry. Right after "to the Nameless resting in peace... and to Gallagher."
La Messe de l'athée translates to The Mass of the Atheist. It was a short story about a man who goes to church, and is surprised to see another man whom he knows is an atheist attending mass, all alone. When questioned, the atheist says that he attends for a friend. This friend had banded with him when they were both poor, and acted as a father figure to him. The atheist managed to pull himself from poverty with his help, and did everything he could to repay and take care of his friend thereafter.
The friend died of illness some years later.
The atheist is still an atheist. But he attends mass on the behalf of the religious friend that saved him, and recites the prayers he heard whispered on his deathbed. These borrowed prayers are the closest a man like him could get to being a true believer, but he always holds out hope that those beliefs might enter his head.
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There is so much in there, in the story they decided on as our final memento of Gallagher, that this is what was chosen to immortalize him, and ARGH OTL
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howi99 · 2 days
Forever fall accident
Nora: *looking at the sap from the tree slowly filling her jar* Soon, soon you will be mine~
Ren: *sigh* Nora, the sap is not for you. It's for the professors. Please don't drink another jar... Again.
Nora: *cheekily* I can't promise~
Pyrrha: *looking around* Did anyone see Jaune?
Nora: *looking up to Pyrrha* Maybe the call of nature got the best of him?
Ren: *sigh even louder* Nora, i don't think Jaune would just leave without saying a word just to go to the bathroom.
Pyrrha: He probably was lost in his own head. He does that a lot, we should try finding him.
Jaune: *looking at team CRDL* Now that i helped you with getting more sap, do you need anything else?
Cardin: *smiling* Jauney boy, you've been such a good help today. So much so that me and my team decided to finally move on from you.
Jaune: ... What do you mean?
Cardin: *taking one of the jar* See, whatever we do to you, you seem to not mind. And frankly, it's booooriiiiing. So, instead of trying to get a reaction from you, we thought "what if we tried on someone else?"
Jaune: ...
Cardin: Now, we both know how much of a pushover you are, soooo *put the jar back in Jaune's hand* We want YOU to throw that bottle at Pyrrha.
Jaune: ... Excuse me?
Sky: *with a box in his hands* We got a rapier wasp nest, and they love sap!
Cardin: *spitting on the ground* She keeps beating us up because we are a bit rowdy with you. And we want to teach her a lesson. And you *poke Jaune chest* will help us.
Jaune: ... *Sigh* Cardin, i give you 10 seconds after I finish speaking to reconsider your actions.
Cardin: *laugh* You think you can threaten me? We all saw how bad you were during practice.
The jar breaks in Jaune's hand
Jaune: *coldly staring at cardin* The only reason i don't do well in class is because if i actually tried, i might kill people. Now, i will ask you again to rethink your decision, Cardin.
Cardin: *a bit less sure* You might be good at bluffing, but i still know that you wouldn't be able to fight the 4 of us by yourself! I- *get punch in the guts. Then, while trying to catch his breath, Jaune caught him by the throat* Ack!
Dove, Sky and Russel: *ready their weapons*
Jaune: 10 seconds. *Sigh* i let you walk all over me, pushed me and sent me into dangerous situations but i didn't care because you weren't trying to hurt anyone that was important, just me. *Bringing Cardin to eye level, not even flinching when Cardin desperately tried to punch him to get released* But you had to try going for the ones that matter. Now this is your last warning Cardin; Forget your plan, and i won't break your neck like a twig. *Jaune's grip tightens even more, breaking Cardin aura*
Sky: *screaming* URSA! WE GOT URSA!
Jaune: *finally look around him, seeing the Ursa's encircling the group* Hm... *Release Cardin* Get out. All of you.
Dove: H-how!? There's no exit!
Jaune: *smiling* You make yourself a path. *Goes in front of one of the Ursa* Like this! *Use his spear to behead the ursa in one swing*
Sky and Russel: *help Cardin getting back up*
Dove: *looking at Jaune smiling after killing the grimm* You freak...
Jaune: *turning to Dove* Yes, i am.
Pyrrha: Jaune! Where are you!
Nora: Fearless leader, we got sap for your dessert! We know you love making them!
Ren: ... Nora, i highly doubt he will-
Jaune: *coming out from the trees* More sap? Nice, my jars are broken!
Pyrrha: Jaune! *Goes to him* Thanks the gods you are okay and- *look at the broken lance* What happened!?
Jaune: Oh, you know, a little grimm ambush. *Smile* Nothing to worry about.
Ren: We were supposed to tell Glynda for any sighting of grimm.
Jaune: Don't worry, their's none left. *Turning to Nora* And you won't need to break Cardin's legs, i don't think he will try anything else against us.
Nora: Ohoh!~ You kicked his ass?
Jaune: *scratching the back of his head* Not necessarily. But i don't think he will want to try anything else.
Team RWBY is walking back to the bullhead
Yang: ... He was laughing.
Blake: ... Yeah.
Weiss: he dismembered those grimm like if they were made out of paper.
Ruby: *sigh* and the way he talked to Cardin...
Blake: Can't say he hadn't it coming.
Yang: ...
Ruby: *looking at Yang* Hey, i know what it looks like, but i'm sure we can talk with him about it, right?
Yang: *sigh* Yeah... Probably.
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mopopshop · 19 hours
Ignore (Emily Engstler x OC)
based on this request <-
give feedback if y’all feel like once again tysm for being patient, hope y’all enjoy 🙌🏾🙌🏾
You and Emily had been planning to go to this event for weeks. It was a big night, a celebration for her team, and you were thrilled to be her date. You spent hours getting ready, choosing the perfect dress and making sure every detail was flawless. But as soon as you arrived at the venue, things started to go wrong.
Emily was immediately swept up in a sea of teammates and fans. You tried to stay close, but she was always a step ahead, laughing and chatting, leaving you behind. You felt like a ghost, hovering on the edges of her world, invisible.
"Emily," you said, trying to catch her attention. She was talking to a coach, her back to you. "Emily, wanna grab something to eat?"
"Hold on, Bri," she said without turning around. "I'll meet up with you in a minute"
You took a deep breath, feeling your frustration build. You decided to give her some space, hoping she would come find you when she was ready. But as the night wore on, she didn't. You watched her from across the room, feeling more and more isolated.
"Em," you called again later, spotting her with a group of fans. "Can we talk for a second?"
"Just a minute, baby," she replied, not making eye contact. "These guys want to take a picture."
You stood awkwardly, the laughter and chatter around you a stark contrast to the growing sense of loneliness within. Every time you tried to approach her, someone else would pull her away.
"Emily," you tried once more, as she hugged a teammate. "It's getting late. Can we head out soon?"
"Just give me a second, Bri" she said more firmly this time, almost as if she was annoyed with you. Her smile returning as she faced her friend.
The drive home was silent as you could feel your anger rising the more your mind went over the night.
When you finally got home, you couldn't hold it in any longer.
"Emily, we need to talk," you said, your voice shaking with anger.
"About what?" she asked, kicking off her shoes and heading to the kitchen for a drink.
"About tonight! You ignored me the whole fucking time!"
"Briana," she sighed. "It was a big night for me. I had to talk to a lot of people."
"I get that, but you didn't even look at me! I felt like I didn't exist!"
"You're overreacting," she said, pouring herself a glass of water.
"Overreacting? How am I supposed to feel when my girlfriend can't even acknowledge me?"
"You knew this shit was important to me," she replied, her tone dismissive. "I can't babysit you at every event we go to.”
"Babysit me? Is that how you feel?"
"How the hell am I supposed to feel when all you do is act like a fuckin child" she snapped, her patience wearing thin.
You felt tears sting your eyes, but you refused to cry. "I just wanted to feel like I mattered to you tonight."
"No shit you matter to me, Bri!" she said, her voice not wavering. "But you can't expect me to be by your side every goddamn second."
"That's not what I'm asking for! I just wanted you to include me”
Emily looked at you, her expression a mix of frustration and guilt. "I don't know what you want from me."
"God you are so frustrating! I just told you what I want, I want you to care," you said, your voice breaking. "I want you to make the slightest bit of an effort."
She was silent for a moment, then shook her head. "I can't do this right now. I'm tired."
"Fine," you said, your voice cold. "But you’re not sleeping here”
“Seriously? Are you fucking serious?”
“Yeah, yes I’m fucking serious, Em. If you’re gonna sit here and pretend like you don’t care about me, say that I act like a child, then you can get the fuck out of my apartment”
“You’re doing way too much right now”
“I really don’t have it in me to care, get out”
Emily stood there for a moment, her face a mask of shock and disbelief. Then, she scoffed, turning on her heel and heading toward the door.
"Fine. If that's how you want it," she muttered, grabbing her jacket.
“Yeah that’s how I want it”
You watched her, feeling a mix of anger and sorrow. "You can't just brush this off like it doesn't matter and then get mad when I actually do something about it”
"Look, I don't have the energy for this tonight," she said, her voice softer but still edged with frustration. "I'll call you tomorrow."
"Don't bother," you replied, your voice trembling. "Not unless you're ready to actually talk about this."
Emily paused, looking back at you with a mix of regret and exhaustion. "Goodnight, Bri."
You didn't respond, watching as she walked out and closed the door behind her. The silence  be of the apartment was overwhelming, pressing down on you like a weight. You sank onto the couch, the tears you had been holding back finally spilling over.
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jellyfitzjelly · 2 days
May I request a prompt where Zevlor react to shy gn reader (crush) asking him for advice of how to court a tiefling man? They told him that he would know who's the lucky man soon when he asked them as they literally tried to court him a few later!
Hi anon!! :D Hope you'll enjoy it!
"Hey, Zevlor! Tav wants to speak to you in private!" Karlach shouts across the Grove.
Even from where he was, the Commander could see Tav become as red as a tomato. He sighed, feeling sympathy for the poor kid. He motioned for them to join him in his cave. He figured they probably wanted to talk about their impending infiltration of the goblin camp. When Tav joined him, they were still blushing. They looked nervous, wringing their hands and hunching their shoulders. Zevlor idly remarked that they seemed even smaller like this. It was endearing.
Focus, Zevlor, he chided himself.
Now wasn't the time to dwell on his soft spot for the adventurer.
"What did you wish to talk about?" he asked them kindly, trying to put them at ease.
"I–It's– Uhm– Well– Y–You'll find it stupid, but–"
Zevlor chucked.
"You are hardly a fool, Tav," he reassured them. "If I can help with anything, I will do my best. Here, let me pour ourselves some wine."
He got two gobelets and his best wine. He offered a cup to Tav, who took it with shaking hands. Zevlor smiled as he watched them take a sip.
"Now, what do you need my help with?"
Tav took a steadying breath, before focusing their beautiful gaze on him.
"I–I'dliketoknowhowtocourtyou– I mean a tiefling! A tiefling!" they babbled.
"Come again?"
Zevlor barely caught anything from their speedy tirade. He didn't even know it was possible to speak this fast. He couldn't help a chuckle as he told them:
"Please, slow down Tav! I couldn't understand a word of what you said."
The adventurer seemed relieved to hear that, strangely.
"I–I was saying...uhm, well. How...How do you court a tiefling?"
Zevlor choked on his wine. He cursed in Infernal under his breath. By the nine Hells, Tav was interested in someone?
"R–Really?" he managed to say, trying not to sound disappointed.
After all, what would a young, comely thing like them see in him? They probably took a shine to Rolan, he was a handsome devil. For their part, Tav nervously nodded.
"I don't... I don't know how to approach them. I–I never met tieflings before today. So I was thinking..."
"Ah, well, truly we are just like everyone else," he assured them, hiding the wound his heart was nursing. "You have to get to know them. Courting a tiefling is just like courting a human!"
"I–I see..." Tav winced, taking a gulp of their drink. "B–But for example, what–what would someone do to court, uh, you?"
"Me?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I–I mean, Elturel is different from Baldur's Gate! What– What would someone have to do to court someone like you?"
Oh, so Tav had taken a shine to Tilses... Well, it wasn't surprising.
"Who's the lucky one?" Zevlor asked, teasing, because he couldn't help but hurt himself.
The adventurer blushed bright red.
"Y–You'll know soon enough," they chuckled nervously.
It was definitively Tilses they were after. But Zevlor felt somehow wicked. After all, hadn't they asked what it would take to court him?
"Well, I can't tell you about the others but for my part, I enjoy small attentions. Small gifts. Or rather, thoughtful gifts. Things that show me I am in someone's thoughts. I enjoy dancing, so I suppose asking me to a dance is a must," he chuckled. "Let's see... I suppose it must be a surprise to you, but I quite enjoy sweets. Flowers too. Cliché, I know."
Tav chuckled. They were obviously drinking all of his words. Zevlor supposed that what he had said could work with Tilses. What he was sure of was that this was the quickest way to his heart.
"I see..." Tav said thoughtfully. "Thank you, Zevlor. You truly helped me. I... I hope you won't regret it."
I already do, he thought sadly before harshly reminding himself he had no right over this beautiful adventurer.
"How could I?" he smiled. "I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor. I must say a good news would be more than welcome right now."
Tav smiled like they were the sun itself, and Zevlor only wanted to kiss them. After finishing their drink, the young adventurer left him to his work. Zevlor proceeded to brood over this. How could he not?
The day after, Tav gave him honeyed bread. The day after that, they shared the flowers they found in the forest with him to liven up the cave. Everyday, Tav had something for him, yet they never seemed to offer anything to Tilses. That puzzled Zevlor. Were they trying to gauge Tilses' interest in them? Or were they simply too shy to go to her? When, on the day where they left for the goblin camp, they gave him their dagger, Zevlor was stunned.
"A–Astarion says you always need a g–good dagger up your boot," Tav told them shyly, beautiful eyes looking away, cheeks flushed.
Gods, they were adorable like this. Zevlor swallowed back his reply that only dishonest people need a dagger up their boot, and took the dagger.
"Thank you," he told them warmly, heart swollen with affection despite knowing this was simply a show of friendship. "Please, come back safely."
They smiled.
"I will, I promise."
True to their promise, thanks all the watching gods, Tav not only defeated the goblins, but also came back unharmed. Zevlor felt happier than he had since...since Elturel, truly. The kid was safe. That was all that counted. The following party, however, couldn't lift the heaviness of knowing he'd probably never saw them again.
"Zevlor," Tav came to him smiling, looking beautiful. "Why are you all alone in this dark corner?"
"Ah, Tav! Don't mind this lonely old man, go on. Do your rounds. You're the hero of the day," he smiled, hiding his despondency.
"A–Actually, I...Well....Uhm, I wanted to dance with you."
Zevlor looked at the resolute adventurer, blinking with surprise. And then, everything fell into place.
They were courting him.
He cursed himself for being a blind fool. How had he not seen it sooner?!
"Are you courting me?" he blurted out, incredulous.
Tav visibly flinched, and started to apologize, clearly panicked. Instincts took over Zevlor, and he took a step forward to plant his lips on theirs. The kiss only lasted a second, but it was enough to freeze Tav.
"Young, foolish thing," he told them fondly. "Don't you have better suitors to pursue?"
The adventurer resolutely shook their head. Zevlor could see the steel in their eyes.
"I want no one but you," they whispered.
The commander smiled, and led them in the light to dance.
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vvanillavveins · 2 days
On the WTNV finale:
Look, i like Brinknor. They helped me fall back in love with Night Vale when i was feeling particularly uninspired. It's hard to put it into words; i have adhd & i struggle to remember big intricate plots unless something reoccurring has really grabbed hold of my attention, and before Brinknor, i was struggling to sink my teeth into anything attention-holding, so to speak. I guess i was becoming less enthusiastic in Night Vale's storyline as time went on, even though i couldn't really work out why. I just couldn't stop tuning out. But, with Brinknor, there came a bunch of shiny new plotpoints- at a faster pace. The show could actually hold my focus properly, and my wtnv fixation was suddenly up & running again.
All this is to say that i know it's just my impatience talking when i say that i wish that the loose ends of those new, interesting plotpoints had been tied up a little more by episode 250. I adore the way they write about Cecil's childhood and his family, and i want Kevin & The Boy's arc to be given the same amount of love, and attention, and time that the Palmer siblings' arc got. The same goes for Tamika. And Carlos. And Lauren, actually. Yes, i know she was a central figure in the last 2 episodes, and i loved that because she's one of my favourite characters. I fucking adore eldritch Mother Lauren. But still, it was all too vague to really learn anything new about her or the desert otherworld. And, above all else, i can't help but think of how wonderful it would've been if Charles and Donovan were included in the finale- especially Donovan.
When Kevin first came back in 2023, one of my silly little hcs as to why he was apparently in the Smiling God's bad books (and why he didn't mention Charles or Donovan) was that because Charles & Donovan aren't from Desert Bluffs they haven't devoted themselves to the Smiling God like the rest of the townsfolk. They wouldn't "smile" properly. One of my darker ideas at the time was the possibility of Kevin having to choose between making them part of his faith, i.e., making them "smile" like the rest of Desert Bluffs (which i doubt he'd go through with after his mudstone abyss arc), or having Charles & Donovan leave town (which i doubt they'd go through with), or, doing neither & keeping quiet about his life with them to avoid drawing attention. If he chose the latter and then got found out, it would make sense that he'd stop being the Smiling God's favourite. Obviously, i never thought any of that was correct- i was just having fun- and i was excited to find out the real story further down the line.
But that didn't happen, and we still don't really have many answers. Everything to do with Kevin, and Lauren, and The Boy got wrapped up in about 10 minutes flat. We've already had an emotional Fatherhood themed episode with Cecil & Abby; we didn't need another one just for the sake of it.
With the context of what we already know about Kevin's father, the ending of episode 250 was just uncomfortable. Sure, Kevin's talked about his father positively before, but that's always been in contrast with the actual content of his memories. It's always been made clear that the script/the writers disagree with Kevin's sunny outlook, and therefore the listeners should too. Those moments are there to demonstrate just how fucked up Kevin really is, and that his positivity is just a coping mechanism. But this time Cecil spoke for him, so we didn't get Kevin's usual sing-song rambling. It was calm, and collected, and matter-of-factly. And this time there were no sugar-coated descriptions of abuse, only genuine praise. We were actually supposed to agree with him this time, and it made the whole speech (and ending) sound hollow and forced.
I really didn't like this episode. It felt rushed. It tried to cover far too much far too quickly, and it failed. But, despite all that, i am hoping that future episodes will bring some sort of clarity about what happened. And hopefully some closure about Kevin and his family, too. I want loose ends to get tied up properly and i believe that maybe, with time, the important ones will be. Slow burning subplots are kinda quintessential to Night Vale's writing at this point anyway. Brinknor definitely missed the mark with this one, but they're still incredibly talented writers and i'm not ready to give up on them like some of the other fans on here.
Besides, i think that some of Night Vale's worst episodes are still incredible pieces of writing in their own right. The bad episodes are only bad in comparison to the dozens upon dozens of absolutely phenomenal episodes that make up the rest of a show that is, for the most part, a joy to listen to. So, here's to some hopefully better episodes in the future, i guess.
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fafefae · 1 day
Apology Tour was really good because this time, instead of blitzo brushing someone else off, he's the one getting brushed off. and i think blitzo getting brushed off will come back.
because yeah. he fucked up bad with a (comedic) amount of people, but he is actually trying with stolas here.
i think it was said in the description on yt, but "stolas isn't self aware" in this episode, or really at all regarding the relationship with blitzo, but blitzo has actually tried to make a change here. he's actually tried to talk about this with stolas now, seeking him out at the party and pulling him aside and going "hey, we need to talk"
he WANTS to change. but now with verosika telling him that "if he wants to change, he'll let stolas move on", blitzo won't try to talk to him again and will wallow in self pity to extreme measures. we are going to see how blitzo copes with all of this in these next episodes and it is going to be ugly. but if he does follow verosika's advice and leaves stolas alone, that's proof that he does love stolas, he respects stolas as a person, and that he wants to change for him (or at least, change enough so that he doesn't lose another person he really really does care about like this)
if stolitz is going to happen, stolas needs to change too. he's aware of the power imbalance between him and blitzo, but his way of dealing with it is ignoring it and trying to act like it doesn't exist. and the thing is, stolas himself likely won't make a change until he realizes that "yes, there is a power imbalance here", and that power imbalance and lack of acknowledgement/ignorance on stolas' part is directly affecting blitzo's willingness to commit to the relationship.
"don't think of me as a prince, because i think of you as my equal"
"but you are a prince and im not your equal and how am i supposed to trust that you won't take advantage of the power imbalance if you won't even acknowledge it"
but since stolas won't even listen to blitzo when he's telling him that the power imbalance exists and that its something blitzo is really worried about,,, i wonder what will have to happen to make stolas see that it does exist, and that ignoring it like he's been doing isn't going to work for him either.
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blacclotusss · 3 days
Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before Light
I mainly want to talk about three main things that I gravitated towards in this episode: Claudia & Madeleine, Armand & the Coven, and The Trial. 
Claudia & Madeleine
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I didn't expect to be all for this companionship the way that I am, but this relationship is so sweet and as pure as it can get between a human and a vampire turned immortal love. I think their connection and their relationship represent what all these immortal relationships could be. They seem to understand one another and learned how to work with what the other was offering and I think that's the sweetest thing. I knew they would get along and probably form some sort of bond from their first interaction (absolutely loved Claudia in this scene and how she moved). I'm glad Claudia found someone who is all for her without their being any weird animosity, like with the coven, or feeling as if the most important person in her life is choosing everyone else but her. The description of the little scene of Claudia in daylight with her beautiful yellow dress being from Madeleine's mind was so, so beautiful and nearly moved me to tears. Finally, even if it was just a vision, we see Claudia happy and cheerful as she deserves to have been all her life. This woman has been through enough and it stinks that things end for her the way the way they do, at least in other versions of this story. I'm glad she was able to find a companion, even if it were just for a short period of time. Oh how I wish they would have stayed traveling the world...
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Armand & The Coven
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Let's start with Armand by himself and everything he has going on. Armand is a powerful, yet insecure guy that needs some structure in his life and will fall apart if he doesn't have it. My personal belief is that's the reason why he doesn't let that coven go not does he really get too physical with them, I mean he's got the whole mind thing going on so he doesn't really have to. But, as much as he is insecure and powerful, he's also manipulative. Manipulation is literally this man's day job and it was hilarious when he said "Are you asking me, Maitre?" when he and Louis was like "...okay girl we ain't doing this today." But, he knows how to work a crowd and a room, which we've seen with the dinner and in San Francisco and even in Dubai with the whole "you asked for it" thing. He likes to spin things like he's a DJ playing a set and even I had to come to the realization of just how bad he is. Again, he is a beautifully tragic individual (the third tragic beauty I have attached myself to) but that's a sneaky little thing. 
Now, in regards to him and the coven, Armand was never going to fight that coven on matters regarding Claudia. Louis? Probably. But he has the same goal of getting Claudia out of the way that Louis' previous man did. Not only does he feels she's in the way of their relationship, but she is the living embodiment of a broken immortal law. I think he probably wanted her out from the moment he figured them out, which was day one. I was also trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but there was absolutely no way he didn't hear them plotting. Maybe that's why he told Louis they should leave...O don't know! My question is if he will actually interfere with them, and I'm assuming, trying to kill Louis? Like, that's supposed to be his love, I'm hoping he does something. And, I need to know what Louis' reasoning was for staying with him after that, unless it's some more memory stuff. Did he know Lestat would be there? Also, cannot wait to see how Daniel will aid in unfolding all of this. 
The Trial
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This whole thing is really a damn headache and I hope every coven member gets burned down to a crisp, especially that bleach blonde heifer parading around like he's the best actor to walk the earth. I'm glad Armand AND Louis yoked him up! Buffoon! I always knew there was something with that man, he gave too many mysterious looks for me as if he was trying to pick them apart from the inside. He even goes on to try and get close to Claudia just to put her on trial for killing her abuser. Guillotine! Go meet you maker, thesp! And speaking of abuser...it's so funny how they bring Lestat into this whole thing when he's definitely a part of the problem. Aside from all of the nonsense and abuse he's put Louis and Claudia through, he also broke one of the rules by turning Claudia at 14 years old all because his miserable self couldn't bear to be alone or without Louis. Are they going to try and kill him, too? Or is he their God just like Armand once was? This is sarcasm if you didn't catch it. It's just...very questionable that they overlook everyone else's faults to get rid of her. And why is Madeleine on trial? That girl ain't do a thing to them people. Will they torture Armand as well by making him watch? I'm just rambling my thoughts at this moment, but I can't help but notice...something about the way these people move. 
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Get in loser, we're going vessel shopping!
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Yuji and the gang were exhausted, having just finished exercising a group of curses. It was getting late so they then went to catch a ride back to Jujutsu Tech with Ijichi.
"Man, I'm beat! I had to hit those little fuckers harder than King Dedede's Jet Hammer!"
"Language Kugisaki."
"C'mon Fushiguro, I know you want to hit Gojo sensei as much as I do!"
Before they could continue their conversation, Yuji spoke.
"Is anyone else hearing music?"
Megumi and Nobara stopped. A faint jingle could be heard. Almost as if there was an ice cream truck nearby. But that was impossible. Before Yuji could speak, Kugisaki stopped him.
"No! Do you really think an ice cream truck would be here? In this time of year (fall)? At this time of day? In this part of Tokyo? Localised entirely within the woods?"
"Okay but when you put it like that it sounds bad!"
Suddenly a white van pulled up in the distance. Fushiguro gave a double take and then stated "There's no way I'm going near that thing."
Kugisaki then turned towards Itadori.
"Shouldn't you be going "jinkies!" or is this is the part where your spidey senses forget to activate? Yuji?"
The boy was no longer standing next to her for he had begun running faster than Todo at a Takada chan signing.
"What should we do?"
"I don't know but I'm calling sensei and telling him to bring a dog leash and some Jennifer Laurence magazines."
"Lucky me, I can't believe you guys are open! Anyway I'll take one fudgicle please!"
After paying, an arm reached out and handed him the frozen treat.
"Thank you!"
Yuji was going to peel off the wrapper only to find that there wasn't one.
"That's odd. Oh well, down the hatch!"
It was dark so he couldn't see very well but something was off about his popsicle. After swallowing, he then began to wonder if there was a recall that he should know about because ice cream isn't supposed to be spiky right?
An extra set of eyes then peeled open.
What a moron of a vessel. Sukuna couldn't wait to be free of him. It was then that the window opened.
"I should have figured you had something to do with this."
Inside was totally not Geto, aka Kenjaku, wearing a milk man uniform.
"Hop in Sukuna, let's go to the mall."
"What is your game here?"
"Don't be like that! I figured you would want to join me for some shopping. You know as well as I do that we could use a change of vessels, hm?"
Sukuna grinned and then jumped through the passengers side like in Dukes of Hazard, only the window was rolled up so now he was coated in shards of glass."
Are you feeling alright?"
"Couldn't be better! After all, I'm not the one who's body will be paying for the damage."
Kenjaku then began to drive to the nearest mall. Unfortunately they were now stuck in traffic.
"The sidewalk is wide enough. Go."
"You really haven't changed after a thousand years, huh? All right, just let me put on my mixtape first."
Before Sukuna could ask what that was, he began to hear loud music. It was too loud to hear what the other was saying but he was giving a look that said "Want to watch a massacre unfold?" Sukuna gave a nod and then Kenjaku put the vehicle into to overdrive. Tokyo's poor citizens tried to run for their lives while all one could hear was "Gas, Gas, Gas" by Manuel. They both began to cackle maniacally.
Eventually they made it to the parking lot after leading the police on a wild goose chase.
"So we'll go our separate ways and meet back here in a hour. Don't be late!"
"Fine with me! And it's not exactly like I have all the time in the world, this brats body is on a time limit!"
Sukuna then realized he didn't know where to start.
"Where am I supposed to find the strongest among a crowd of ants? This will prove to be more difficult than I initially thought!"
The first thing Kenjaku did was buy a new set of clothes.
"That last guy had no fashion sense! I'll need to choose more wisely this time."
He looked around until he saw a familiar face.
"No way! Tengen's here too? Alright, change of plans. I'm going to steal her intended vessel before she can make the switch!"
Sukuna was approaching a fitness store when he felt two arms place themselves snuggly around his stomach. He then prayed to Gege and hoped that it better not be who he thought it was. The king of curses then turned his head around to find the culprit. Shit. Why did he always have the worst luck?
"Yorozu... I see the restraining order failed to keep you away..."
"Oh Sukuna, we both know a piece of paper could never get in between the way of our love!"
It took all his willpower to not kill her on the spot.
"...So what are you doing here?""Kenjaku texted me and told me you would be here! It's almost like we're on a date!"
Before he could tell her that no, it was not like a date, she took his arm and began to drag him.
"Unhand me! What are you doing!?"
"What does it look like silly? I'm taking you to Build-a-Bear! It's what all the cute couples are doing!"
"Stop. One, if you were the last woman on earth, I would rather split myself into fingers then and two, I already have plans and I don't need you interfering with them!"
"Aww! Can't I come with you?"
"No! I'm shopping for a new vessel and I don't have time to-"
Yorozu then cut him off
"Wow! Like, you're going to be renting a new body? Let me help! I can help find the perfect choice for you!"
The king of curses scoffed.
"Yeah right! You can't even get your poetry right. How am I supposed to trust you when it comes to good taste?"
"Because if you let me help than I'll stop taking pictures of you when you're not looking."
Yorozu had a massive shrine dedicated to her love with so many creeper shots that her collection put other stalkers to shame.
"Fine. But you're also going to be burning the ones you already took."
What Sukuna didn't know was that the girl had figured out how to navigate technology far quicker than him, already having stored her files on a two terribyte hard drive.
Kenjaku watched his targets from behind a small potted tree. Once the two had met and started arangments, he knew he had to put his plan into action. Suddenly the speakers could be heard.
"Would Tengen please arrive to the head office - Your powers are being requested by management and there is an emergency - Thank you for your consideration -"
"I'm sorry but you'll need to wait a little longer before assimilating. Just know that your sacrifice won't be in vain."
Kenjaku watched her walk off and then nonchalantly came up beside them.
"Nothing personal kid."
He then twisted their neck causing instant death. Kenny began to drag the corpse with him to the bathroom stall so no one would interrupt him.
"Time to get to work."
Yorozu had taken Sukuna to the food court and was now arguing with the staff.
"Whadda mean you don't serve monkey brains! I'm calling corporate to file a complaint! Let's go dear!"
Sukuna and the worker then shot each other a look of pity. Yorozu was angrily babbling when she bumped into someone.
"Oh, hey Kenjaku. I see you're already finished."
He took off his hat, revealing fresh stitches on his forehead.
"Gross, what is that! A thumb thumb!?"
"Yo, granny!"
It turns out that it wasn't grandmother willow but Tengen. Or at least it used to be.
"Don't you "hey granny" me! Do you realize what you have done!?"
"Don't look at me like that, can't you just get a new one?"
"You know damn well that that's not how it works! I'm now stuck as this creature for all of eternity!"
Kenjaku waived his hand dismissively.
"Being immortal sounds pretty cool to me. Besides, do you know how irritating it is to constantly hop from one body to another?"
"Didn't ask, plus I don't care!"
Tengen then pulled a glock from underneath her robe and shot Kenjaku at point blank range. He was still alive so she would have to move fast. Tengen then began to unscrew the heads top lid and revealed a brain with teeth. It was hissing and citizens started to take notice. Panic ensued and while the crowd was screaming, Tengen pulled out a jar and plopped the brain into it.
Kenjaku's rabbit teeth tried to chomp through the glass but she quickly sealed it up in a layer of talismans, followed up by flex tape. Tengen was now leaving and Sukuna looked towards his side to find a missing Yorozu.
"Where did she go?! I mean, I'm glad she's gone but what can she be plotting."
He didn't know it but she leapt outside and was laying face first in the grass to study the bugs.
"Well there goes my ride."
Suddenly sirens began to blare."
Shit, it's the cops!"
Sukuna took the chance to switch places with Itadori. When Yuji woke up, he was at the police station and locked in handcuffs.
"Not again! I guess I'll have to use my one phone call on Gojo sensei and ask him to bail me out."
Panic began to set in.
"What was his number again?"
Yuji tried to ask Sukuna but he refused to answer, too amused in the boys misery."
Looks like I'm never eating ice cream again!"
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needsmustleap · 8 months
sending strength to rachel zegler bc the hate she's been getting is FUCKING wild jesus christ. the comments on her latest youtube video????? it's been wild to see them change as more ppl beyond her subscribers have watched it.... it's just so fucked
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thisismisogynoir · 3 months
I love it when women hate men. I love it when women are allowed to vent to each other about how horrible and creepy men are. I love it when women form friendships with and prioritize each other over relationships with men(whether they're attracted to them or not). I love it when women put men dni in their bios and on their nude photos and on posts on their blogs. I love it when women refuse to mollycoddle and accommodate entitled male feelings with "but this doesn't mean I hate all men, I know a few men who are great, I love my father/sons/brothers/uncles/male cousins/guy friends" I love it when women complain about men WITHOUT "not all men" being a disclaimer. I love it when women avoid socializing with/refuse to be around/befriend/get close to men because they know men can't be trusted. I love it when women make "kill all men" jokes. I love it when women offer absolutely no concern or care for men's feelings and if their misandry offends men whatsoever because why should we, men are the oppressor class who have raped and killed and abused us and kept us as subjugated as second-class citizens for millennia, they regularly mistreat us and the women in their own marginalized communities still every single day and make this world so much harder and more awful for us to be in, and if we choose to hate them and not spare them any sympathy then so be it, and I don't just mean "men as a class" either, you can be a woman who doesn't want to have anything to do with any man on an individual basis and completely cuts off men from her personal life too and ykw I will love and fucking support you in that because men deserve absolutely NOTHING from us. If they're so tough and strong then they can handle it just like they can handle being lonely. If you are a woman who hates men, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A LESBIAN AND/OR A TRANS WOMAN, then just know that I love you. I love you, I support you, and you are safe here.
#was going to make a post about how much i hate that women aren't allowed to hate their oppressors but i decided to spin it into something#positive instead#this is supposed to be the feminist site that makes reddit mgtow piss their baby diapers so let's go back to despising men and not coddling#their feelings and let's dye our hair blue while we're at it#i am so tired of this new wave of guilt-tripping and gaslighting women who hate men and don't trust or want to be around them#i hate how we're made into villainesses or the problematic ones for not valuing them in our lives or for wanting to guard ourselves or be#safe from our oppressors#and i'm tired of people who don't know the first thing about feminism being like 'BUT THAT'S TERF RHETORIC WHAT ABOUT X MINORITY MEN'#guess what women can also be x minority that you're trying to protect the men of and we get to hate men too#trans women are included when i say women btw and trans men are included when i say men#if anyone has the right to hate men more than anybody else it's trans women esp trans lesbians because they put up with so much shit#from men that even cis women do not and they especially know how vile men are behind closed doors#so#terfs fuck off#radfems fuck off#and if anybody tries to make this post more appeasing to men or 'not all men's this post you are getting blocked and hit with a hammer#feminism#misogyny#sexism#patriarchy#tw men#tw rape#tw abuse#misandry#terfs dni#radfems dni#feminists need to go back to being scary and unpalatable for men none of this 'but some of them are good!' bullshit#men are entitled to nothing from us#and if you try to prove me wrong then you are just proving my point if you have nothing good to say then simply keep scrolling#ok? ok.
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fortheloveofexy · 7 months
i just saw MORE AI fanart in the andreil tag.... what the actual hell is wrong with you people??
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do you not understand how much work REAL artists put into our craft? or do you just not care? are the two seconds of gratification worth insulting and harming the people who have created the fan content you so eagerly consume?? is your gluttony for New Content so great that you will drown fandom tags in AI-generated drivel, drowning out the real creators who helped build this fandom in the first place?
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lycorim · 8 months
Iron Islands naming conventions are soooo funny because on one hand you have the most viking-ass names that ever did exist you've got Stygg you've got Gelmarr you've got Harl Jorl Qarl you've got Ragnor. A good number of them overlap with Freefolk names (idk what to do with that information either). But then a small handful would better fit in a Jane Austen novel with how fucking posh they sound in isolation. This is a post about Tristifer Botley.
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eerna · 4 months
shoutout to Nicasia for being the only one who figured out Jude was the mastermind behind the coup. Orlagh, Madoc, and Balekin, the Big Brained Centuries Old Antagonists, as well as the rest of Elfhame, all convinced her she was wrong so she gave up on trying to prove it after a while but the way she made Jude sweat was soooo girlbosses supporting girlbosses
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