#i dont do crime that would be illegal
butchladymaria · 2 years
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fun fact: you can count enough crimes done by Healing Church & Co. ™️ to fill at least three bingo cards! (this is a joke, don't take this too seriously lol)
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some new ffxiv beans
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mr-ribbit · 1 year
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ok ik this screenshot is infinitely funny out of context and useful for memes, but every time i see comments like this im like have you just not watched the show and only consumed raging misogynistic skyler white hate posts on reddit?
bc like she didnt look money laundering up "to figure it out", she looked up money laundering specifically as part of her taking over the money laundering for walt (& saul), because he was fucking it up and they were going to get caught. because he didnt even bother googling it or thinking about it at all!! she didn't need to research money laundering because she had no idea what it was, but likely to understand the strategies of laundering that exist, the legal risks they were undertaking, etc. before proceeding with their plan. casually reading about it on wikipedia is exactly how a common person would do that, yes, even if they ~worked in accounting~. i look shit up on wikipedia that i know how to do all the time. i google shit like "how to open a jar" sometimes just to see if theres any hot new tips about jar opening. that doesnt mean i dont know what a fucking jar is. having her look it up on the internet also serves as a visual way to show her doing base-level research without actually taking up an entire scene for that
and yes, she is an accountant, and she demonstrates a reasonable knowledge of math and money throughout the series. in fact, as an accountant, her skills are exactly what lead her to notice holes in walt's operation that she attempts to fix. that aside- why would an accountant automatically know exactly how to launder money? why would you assume a common civilian with no history in crime would only need to research money laundering out of sheer incompetency in her chosen career field? why would you not instead view this as an intelligent move (as it's portrayed in-fiction) that skyler takes to slow down and do things by the book, in opposition to walter being dangerously reckless with his illegal operation? hm i wonder what specific trait about skyler would lead to this interpretation
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hate it so much when people think everything illegal is automatically bad and that if you are a ~good citizen~ you dont need privacy and autonomy. „if you have nothing to hide, why does it bother you when every action you take is transparent?“
for example, in germany there is a debate around cash because organised crime is laundering a lot of their money here. its easy since we are a very cash based country. and i had a discussion with my friends friend who was like, no we should abolish cash because of that. and i said well i dont want the government or anyone being able to retrace every payment i make. thats one step further towards the surveillance state! do i use cash often? no. but i want to have the freedom to. this is such a conservative law and order way to argue, like if youre not a criminal why shouldnt every payment you make be traceable? assuming the state only persecutes people who deserve it. and she said well you could set up a crypto account with this and that but thats still traceable. also if cash was to be abolished dont you think organised crime would be the first to find an alternative? they have the means and power. meanwhile the little woman is now a completely transparent citizen because the state managed to scare you into thinking cash is criminal. thanks! do people not realise that every right and freedom taken from us to „fight criminality“ is a right and freedom taken from us all? cash does not produce data, every noncash payment is traceable data about you. we already live in times where our data is stolen and sold. we should at least have the option to opt out when we want.
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dannyphantom-zero · 6 months
Doctor Danny Chapter 8
Vlad managed to squeak out of the situation with a cash fine and Lex Luther was supposed to be under surveillance. Despite being "victims", experimenting or holding a citizen, albeit a meta, was still illegal.
Danny however was currently with the justice league. They had brought him to a hospital but there wasn't much they could do for him there after discovering Danny had strange abnormalities with his DNA and heartbeat.
Jason sat by Danny's unconscious body while everyone tried to figure out what to do with the situation.
"Why didn't you tell me your boyfriend was a meta human Jason?!" Bruce demanded.
Jason looked shocked at first which quickly turns to anger.
"Are you kidding me?! First of all, when did we have such a close relationship? Because lately we could only manage a small conversation. Secondly I didn't know myself" Jason bit back the anger billowing inside him.
"He's got unknown powers and now Lex Luther knows about him" Superman said with a serious tone.
"who was that other guy?" The flash asked.
"Vladimir Masters, billionaire former mayor of Amity Park" Bruce said.
Jason didn't look at any of them, his guilty gaze fell on Danny.
"He's, how can we even tell if he's going to be alright?" Jason said.
The room fell into silence.
"Have faith Jason, that's all you can do"
Jason clentched his fist.
"I don't think so, I'm going to find another way" Jason stood up.
He locked eyes with Superman, "dont let him out of your sight. He's a prestigious doctor. He's important-"
Jason walked out, "he's important, to me"
Superman sat in the vacant chair and tried his best to use his own powers to figure out Danny's condition. There wasn't much medical data on Danny to begin with so they weren't sure what we considered normal for him. More than once superman had been sure Danny's heart had stopped, yet he was still alive somehow.
Bruce had conflicted feelings about the good doctor. Jason trusted him, then again Jason was a murdering crime lord out for revenge.
He knew Jason and Doctor Daniel had a special relationship, after all, one doesn't usually cripple people for just a friend.
Joker had yet to recover.
Back in the bat cave Jason was taking full advantage of the access to the oicie records. It was harder than he thought it would be to get information on Danny because he wasn't born in Gotham but he eventually found a lead.
According to the hospital records paired with surveillance cameras outside the city, courtesy of Tim, Jason found that Danny had come from Illinois.
There was also that girl, Sam was it? Did she know his secret? She had to know something right?
Tim glanced over at Jason's screen.
"Oh that's the lead of that startup band Twisted Vines." Tim commented.
Jason's head snapped towards Tim so fast he almost counted it as a jump scare.
"Do you know where they'll be playing next?!"
Tim pulled out his phone.
"They have an app, let's see...seems like their doing a gig at Croscee's Pub tonight"
Jason stood up.
"I'm going to that and your coming with me"
Tim was grinning from ear to ear. So cool!
Later that night Jason and Tim in civilian outfits made their way to the bar. The band had already started playing judging by the muffled music pounding through the wall.
Jason opened the door and maneuvered through the crowd of people before resting in a corner.
Tim on the other hand has made his way to he front and was avidly cheering the band on.
Jason was growing slightly pissed off. Danny was counting on him and the best he could do was watch this stupid concert.
The music eventually ended and the crowd of people tried to swarm the band but security held them at bay.
Jason had other means, he snuck into their bus.
The band members were obviously shocked to see a stranger sitting in their tour bus.
"Jason??" Sam asked. They relaxed, if Sam knew this person than it was probably alright.
"What are you doing here?"
Jason stood up.
"It's Danny, we need your help. Danny's not waking up"
Sam motioned for then to go outside.
"He was attacked by Vlad Masters and Lex Luther"
Sam clentched her teeth, "Vlad"
When she noticed the look on Jason's face she explained, "Vlad wanted to get with Danny's mom and kill his dad. He also cloned Danny several times. One time he was successful."
Jason could feel the pits bubble up in his chest.
"I need to see him. That's the only way I can tell you"
"I brought a car"
Sam nodded, "give me a minute" she said before climbing back onto the bus.
Tim ran up to Jason, "did you talk to her yet? What did she say?" He asked.
"Alright, I'm good to go" she said slinging a couple of her bags over her shoulder.
Tim's mouth went wide open.
"So cool" he whispered.
The car ride there Jason went into more detail.
Bruce was a little surprised that the answers Jason had went to find were in the formation of some rock punk.
Sam was admiring the space when she caught sight of Danny. She dropped her bags and ran over.
"How long has it been?"
"A couple days."
"Do you know what they injected him with? What about the state he was in when you found him?"
"He was injected with a drug that I don't recognize in the system or otherwise" Bruce said handing her the tablet.
Sams expression darkened, "blood blossoms, fucking bastards"
"He was extremely agitated but Jason managed to calm him down just before he fainted"
Sam handed back the tablet.
"Blood Blossoms are extremely harmful to gh- to people like Danny"
"No matter what I need everyone in this room to swear an oath not to say anything about Danny's condition. I know someone who can help him but I need you all to ask as little questions as possible"
"Where do you have to go?"
"Take the jet" Bruce said. Jason nodded.
"And here, this is the contact of a friend who can give you a log of Danny's normal condition and what to do if he takes a turn for the worst."
It was Tuckers contact. Jason and Sam left and Bruce got on the contact.
Tucker had become a software engineer for AmerTek Industries in Metropolis.
Flash said he would pick him up and left before anyone could object.
Tucker had been finishing up a report on a new robot the company was in the planning stages of creating, next thing Tucker knew he was in the arms of somebody going at incredibly fast speeds to somewhere.
"Oh" is all he said when they filled him in.
"Sams already on it huh" he sisd with a nervous smile.
"She always so on top of things"
"She told us we could find his medical information with you"
Tucker blinked, "oh yeah! We had to create an updated version. After the accident Danny couldn't get checked by normal doctors anymore. Thank ancients his parents were so oblivious-" Tucker stopped talking when he saw their faces.
"Did Sam not tell you about that? Maybe I've said too much. In any case if there's something you don't understand, let me know"
He handed over the digital file on Danny.
Not even two seconds later Bruce was grilling Tucker on what ectoplasm was and what machine caused this to happen.
There was also a detailed report on what devices the Fenton's had made and how they interacted with Danny.
"What's this page?" Tim asked scrolling onto the page filled with a list of all the ghosts Danny had fought and their abilities.
"I,uhm, well I don't think I should-"
Tucker shrank under Batmans judgmental stare.
"Sams going to skin me alive for this but, I suppose I should tell you everything"
The heroes listened, stunned at the words coming out of Tuckers mouth.
Not only had they not known about the mad "ghost hunting" scientists. They also had known about the portal to the infinite realms.
They were even more shocked when he told them Danny had been crowned king.
"He was a teenage superhero and we were his support team"
Tucker smiled, "nows he's still saving lives. Danny really is something else"
Bruce had went to eh next room to brood over his failure to see all of this whole Supes glumly accepted the fact that he couldn't have done anything without knowing.
"You guys don't need to be so down about it. Any transmissions Danny tried to get to you guys was most definitely being blocked by Vlad and his fancy equipment"
Clark shook his head.
"So Vlad and Danny have history" Flash said.
"Yeah, deep history. In fact. Vlad shares Danny's condition. They're both liminals"
Tucker scowled, "he's literally a villain. Danny's been dealing with this guy for years."
"I can't imagine being a fourteen year old hero"
A glum look passed over Tuckers face.
"We, haven't talked in a while. But I should've tried. I knew he was going through something rough. It was hard for him. Didn't help that he was bullied either. Danny too nice for his own good"
"For now, all we can do is monitor his condition. Have faith in your friend"
Tucker nodded. Danny would wake up. He was sure of it.
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sexhaver · 6 months
i wanna prod at ur catholic confession post actually. like yes, murder and child rape is obviously bad and there is an inherent problem with how the catholic church shields abusers. but i think removing some of the restrictions of what a priest can or cannot say about a confession could cause some problems. like, for example, how a lot of priests considerer LGBT people to be child abusers/predatory! hypothetically if the cath church made it so preists could openly condemn confessions guilty of child abuse, and if the church considers identifying as LGBT as child abuse, then that could cause problems if someone confessed to IDing as gay/trans. or alternatively, what if someone confesses to killing a rapist/sexual abuser. a priest could use that confession to testify against them and get them imprisoned. is it ok to imprison people for murdering their abusers? idk, but i dont like the idea of the catholic church having that power having a blanket statement that priests cant mention ANY confessions makes it *slightly* more immune to corruption IMO. obviously i dont think this solution is perfect, but my alternative would be to dissolve the catholic church entirely, and i dont think thats happening anytime soon.
well as you point out there isn't really a good solution to this, and that is because the idea of confession is inherently dumb as fuck. everything the catholic church considers a sin falls into one of three categories:
failing to be pious enough (forgetting to pray, missing church, taking the Lord's name in vain). keeping these secret is fine because they aren't, like, actual crimes, and in small + devout enough communities there are definitely priests who would gossip about to their neighbors if not for the confessional seal.
really cool and good activities that are only an issue if you were raised to believe that they would send you to eternal neverending torture after death (jacking off, being gay, having premarital sex, getting/considering an abortion). these should obviously be kept secret because they're embarrassing and potentially dangerous. however, this is kind of a moot point, because any decent person (priest or otherwise) would understand this without needing a confessional seal making it official. so these need the seal to stop the average priest from tattling to a kid's parents when they confide in them.
actual literal crimes with prison sentences and everything (rape, murder, manslaughter, assault). you should not be telling anyone about these if you can help it. what the fuck guys. this isn't even an ethics thing, this is a "don't be fucking stupid" thing. if you murdered your abuser and got away with it, good for you! now shut the fuck up about it because murder is still illegal. is the guilt eating you alive so badly that you need absolution from God about it (cringe)? do what Protestants figured out centuries ago and cut the middleman out of the equation by talking to the J.C. directly via personal prayer! yes i am aware this is heretical. if you care about heresy more than getting caught you are stupid.
so looking at the three points above, the best argument in favor of confessional seal that i can formulate is "sure, it allows murderers and abusers to literally have their actions condoned by God with the explicit guarantee of never being held legally accountable or even changing their behavior (just say a few Hail Maries), but think about the consequences of removing it! priests would be even MORE bigoted than they already are! some of them might even GOSSIP!" like hm, okay, i hear you, you make some excellent points, i think we should nuke the Vatican
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rust-is-a-car-disease · 3 months
What is TeStar members most likely to get arrested bc of (this does not include crimes they would not be caught for)?
Bae Sejin: blackmail and/or going after cheongryeo. This speaks for itself
Ryu Chungwoo: defending his members physically. He would be shielding his members but they would accuse him of assault :(
Keun Sejin: going after cheongryeo. I honestly dont see him doing something he cant social his way out of normally so this is the only way.
Park Moondae: none. He would cover everythinf up perfectly. If i had to pick one he would maybe accidentally punch someone while delirious from either sleep depreviation or being sick.
Seon Ahyeon: bribery. Okay so hear me out... ahyeon cares abt them a lot and i dont think hed just let assholes jusy be let off the hook but he would probably get caught.
Cha Eugene: MURICA 🦅🦅 jokes aside... he is actually smart sometimes so i dont think he would get caught for stereotype american things. Probably something he didnt know was illegal like setting off fireworks or smtg
Kim Raebin: accomplice to eugene. Need i say more?
What crimes TeStar members would commit(whether or not they get caught)?
Bae Sejin: blackmail. Recording someone without consent
Ryu Chungwoo: assault in defense of his members. I shockingly dont know a lot abt chungwoo despite him playing a decently major role on the novel. He doesnt seem too active other than sports.
Keun Sejin: blackmail. Threatening. Uh is it a crime to be criminally good at social relations?? Recording someone without consent. I feel like hed have an amount of minor crimes but noone would know
Park Moondae: blackmail. Recording someone without consent. Identity fraud. Threatening (If he wasnt so careful verbal assault could be added) uhm i dont think espionage is a korea crime nor is being criminally good at manipulation
Seon Ahyeon: Bribery. Tax fraud. Im sorry ahyeon but i dont trust the rich. Ryu chungwoo doesnt count bc we dont see much of his wealth therefore i do not associate him with the rich. Other than that... uh. Threatening and blackmail??? Im not so sure hed do that but chae seodam exists
Cha Eugene: gun owning/j okay okay so. Trespassing, fireworks, american high school stupid things ig? Im not familiar w them but he probably grew up with some illegal things in korea normalised.
Kim Raebin: Plagarising himself/j i think he would be an accomplice in several crimes and not realise. Crimes he would actually commit tho? Uh how can our kim rabbit do anything wrong. Trespassing maybe.
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Since you clearly have trouble understanding why this ruling is so terrible, let me explain it to you.
SCOTUS said that the president has complete immunity when using his constitutional power, presumptive immunity for official acts, and no immunity for unofficial acts.
The constitution says that the president is commander in chief of the US military.
This means that it is the president's constitutional power to issue commands to the US military as its highest ranking official.
Let's say the president wants to kill you.
He doesn't have a justified reason to do this at all.
He just wants you dead and he's going to use the US military to do it.
BEFORE this ruling, the president using the US military to kill you, a private citizen of the United States, without any actual justified reason besides wanting you dead, would be considered murder.
Regardless of the fact that it is his constitutional power to be able to tell the US military to do ANYTHING, using the military to kill a US citizen like that is still murder, which is illegal, and so he can be held accountable for such a crime through impeachment.
AFTER this ruling, since it is his constitutional power to be able to tell the US military to do ANYTHING, and since he has COMPLETE IMMUNITY in regards to any use of his constitutional power, this means that he can kill you using the US military, which would be the crime of murder, without ever being held accountable.
SCOTUS just gave the current president, and every future president, the ability to use the US military to do anything they want and commit any crime without ever being held accountable and having no options for accountability.
If a president wanted to kill all his political rivals, or kill everyone of a specific political ideology, or kill everyone who didn't vote for him, or kill everyone who is gay, he can now do it, and there is absolutely nothing to stop him because he now has COMPLETE IMMUNITY to command the US military as he pleases without limit.
If this decision is allowed to stand, and isn't reverted at some point, America dies.
It ceases to be a free country.
It becomes a dictatorship.
If Trump became president, he could (if he wanted to) have an armed soldier stand next to every congressman and congresswoman, ready to shoot and kill them if they voted against his wishes, and there is absolutely nothing that could be done to stop him.
This SCOTUS decision, is THE WORST decision in the history of the United States, because it gives the president UNPRECEDENTED and UNLIMITED POWER through the use of the US military, whereas before, a president using the US military to commit a crime (or misusing ANY of his constitutional power to commit any crime) did not have immunity and could still be subject to impeachment.
If you're not worried, it's either because you don't understand it, or because you support it.
So heres the thing: I dont really disagree with you. Its probably not good that this is being codified into official law.
However, if you think that hasnt been the de facto law for decades(if not longer), you really havent been paying attention.
George W. Bush lies about Iraq having WMDs, invades the country without a declaration of war(technically illegal under the constitution), and authorizes the CIA torture detainees. Obama comers in and straight up tells the American people 'yea we're not prosecuting anybody for that stuff.'
Obama DID in fact kill American citizens, including a 16 year old boy, without so much as an incitement against them. Despite congressional republicans railing about how evil and awful he was, Obama was never impeached and remains free to live as a multi-millionaire to this day.
Hell, even Trump: He killed a general of Iran(a country we are not at war with) on Iranian soil. But we're gonna go after him for paying off a porn star he slept with, because thats obviously a MUCH more serious crime.
Those are just a few examples: But the fact have always been treated as being immune from prosecution(unless the opposition party dislikes them, and even then never for their most serious crimes). Practically speaking, this ruling really doesnt change much.
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mollyolikeme · 5 months
Thoughts as I read TSC: A Stream of Conciousness Part Two!
Filthy Spoils!
classic kevin.
LOL keep saying i see how much you bench as if thats an indicator of someones ability to kickass
HA! i always forget about the sixteen hour days shit, i cannot, i find it too fucking funny it's fucking impossible. mfs would be DECEASED. like DEAD.
they are so hardcore this fantastical has me CACKLING every time
like a ken doll!
ill advised thoughts....
uh oh jean, your crazy is showing.
goddamn. to hate but need. complicated and absolutely screwed up relationship dynamics are fascinating.
okay, i like to rag on our beloved kevin (because its fun and easy) but like props where props are due. i know we didn't get to see his transition from raven to fox but i honestly think the boy would have handled it a lot better than jean jean morose over here. boy isssssss messed up.
foreshadowwwwww SWIM SHORTS!
dangerously low? dangerous for who jean?
do not be slut shaming, lucas. thats fucking gross of you and i'm not even gonna mention the nonconsensual factor...........
oh. my. word. its not funny but i feel the morbid sense to laugh at the ravens dropping like flies.
bad therapist. you cant force it. where is Dobson?
OMG LOL i summoned her!
dont you worry about kevin babe, the foxes got him
thats two hands on chin! thats two!
he's got a big dick! lololololololol boys not tryna be gayyyy
oh the heat! the HEAT! yes jeremyyyyyyyy
fear of water.
what happens when he losses his grip......i want to see you lose control......... hi familiar phrasing and trauma, i ADORE you.
in my head, jean has a very french tsk of his tongue reaction to almost everything people do around him.
yesssss the foxes ARE synchronized.
you tell him jeremy! none of his raven intentionally injuring people bullshit
omg were gonna get a little kevin trip to cali! reunion of the abused buds! (again gotta take the morbid hilarity into account for my health)
LOL wheel throwing! Patrick Swayze where are you?!
not the self flagellating notebooks he kept.....
oooooo intense. it all comes to the surface. the truth will always come out.
this is clever, gives just enough info about the ravens without explaining the crime side of things. go nora.
okay damn lucas.... issues buddy. dont be comin after jean jean. you'll regret it.
chin grab number 3! this time by jeremy 🤩
omg cuuuuuuuute little motorcycle ride and seashell gifty
again. uh oh jean. your crazy is showing to the coaches now. this truth is really spilling out the cracks
pause.......... guys my sanity........ my INsanity upon reading this........... im losin it! ......... okay resume.
morbid laughing morbid laughing morbid laughing fuck fuck fuck
yo. to somehow make me feel like neilio's story is a positive tale................
wow lucas. doubling down are we. his character does have a very difficult truth to come to terms with. its fuckin rough and a hella interesting arc.
you should call dobsonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
OH SHIT! neil's here! Thats not good news for you jean!
fy faen neil. you're kind of a gangster babe!
oh. dead sister. so sad. (typing it out like that looks sarcastic. It's not.)
yaaaaasssss thats the smart mouth we know and love! telling an agent he parked illegally!!! ahhhhh lolololololoolol
OMG Neil!!!! sweetheart! you care so much! awwwwwwwww wow nora seriously, what. a. treat! he cares about his buddy jean.
jeremy...... you got it so bad hun. always with the 'what do you need?' like just promise yourself to him forever and ever.
woah Jer.
i like that jean actually doesn't like exy. such a good contrast to neils pov obsession.
im curious where this whole 'its not freedom its a pretty cage' thing is gonna go. like, yea i dont think you'll ever be 'free' free jean. but honestly this is pretty damn close. professional athletes lives are very straight forward. and if youre that good, fuckin easy.
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evilminji · 8 months
For once! Purely BNHA! Because I CAN NOT stop Pondering It!
Quirk: Transfer.
Vague name, right? Well it would have to be. Because NO ONE would believe a Self Insert, even in a world of Quirks. They wouldn't WANT to believe. Because? The prospect would be horrifying and terrible.
It's far easier to say it's "Quirk Related Neurosis".
Because "no, no, you silly child! Your Quirk can't POSSIBLY have grabbed a random soul from another dimension, which it now holds, as the ONLY thing powering your body! You can't have died, with all the trauma and loss that entails, only to be shoved into the body of a toddler! Silly baby, such wild imagination! Maybe your Quirk 'transfers' memories, too!"
Except NO, asshole. They are the one with the metaphorical arm here. THEY are the one who would know which way it does and does not "Bend". But trying explaining a something to someone who doesn't want to hear it. Something that makes them uneasy, that is outside of their world view.
That touchs on the random, unfeeling, chaos of the Universe and how it relates to their soft and supposedly sensible lives. What do you MEAN sometimes Bad Things happen to good people? What do you MEAN sometimes, even if I do everything "right" and take every precaution, terrible calamities can occur?
That I could Die?
That my very Soul could be ripped away from it's rightful rest, too some far off land?
That can't happen! That's not FAIR. It's not RIGHT. Crimes are Illegal! You can't be telling me that sometimes people DONT uphold their duties! Abuse their power! That things are unfair and injustice can strikes, no matter HOW safe I think I am!
That's Scary!
I'd rather believe you were wrong.
That things Make Sense and there are Rules I have to follow. That I am Safe and you are just a liar. Bad things happen for a reason. Bad people are bad BECAUSE they are evil and bad. Let's not think about this any more. Let's talk about TV shows and take-out.
What a terrifying Quirk.
To be held, at the nonexistent mercy, of the Universe's randomness and decay. Reliant on the compassion and understanding of Others, to cope with what has occurred.
Because while the Universe is uncaring, your fellow man SHOULD be. Bonding together against that great and frightful void. Making sense of it all. The compassion of stardust and all that. Children born of this universe, who in turn look back and observe it. Yet? To them you are either mad... or a liar.
Do they hide it fast enough? Do they even think too, in time?
Or is their's a childhood being told "your past is nothing more that hallucinations and stolen memories" before being fed pills, for illnesses they do not have? Do they doubt? Break down and believe. After all, everyone around them is telling them their memories are false.
Not to trust their lying mind.
Children have so few rights. Madmen even fewer.
Do they lie? Smile, nod, and agree with whatever the doctors say? Do they know their mind or does this destroy them? Perhaps... they are lucky. Good doctors and better care. Long talks and learning to cope, with no one believing. After all, hallucinations don't "go away" just because you know they aren't real.
Why would their memories?
A childhood never quite forgiving the ones who locked them away. Being treated as "insane". Being alone. Not sure if you WANT to "make friends" but trying anyway. Because humans are social animals. Because you know what an alarmingly intelligent and self disciplined child, who ALSO happens to be notably asocial, looks like to people.
A life of fear and lies.
The chronic, extreme, stress, and what it must do to their health.
Does Transfer grow with them? Most Quirks do.
What a terrifying childhood. To know, one day, it could just... quit. A straining muscle that finally gives out. The Quirk that binds you into this body just... running out of strength. Letting go.
Maybe grabbing a different soul.
After all, no one ever said YOUR soul was special. And no one believes you. So no tests have ever been done. And that hold? How strong, you must wonder, IS it?
Do they drift? In and out. Does their body suffer, from stress and a soul barely bound to it? Poorly transfered, by an Infants first manifestation? Why was it a SOUL? The first thing they Transfered? Was it based on need? Or was it always meant to be this way?
Can the Transfer other things, now? Or still just themselves? Still nothing but Souls? Is it even a transfer at all?
And what happens if it stops? Or gets copied? Influenced in anyway? Do they have a moral obligation to avoid those they know could be potentially killed by them? Who could potentially kill them by accident?
And, oh! Oh the QUANDARY of children! Quirks are GENETIC. Any mutation or variation of their Quirk? Will bring about ANOTHER. Do they have that RIGHT? Too kidnap another soul? Even if it's just to no longer be alone? Too condemn them to live when they may not wish too?
Their whole bloodline would be Self Inserts. No guarantee they'd be from the same universe! But they would be Reincarnations just like you. Born into a Story. One you KNOW, by nature, can never be peaceful.
Because a peaceful world is not an interesting Shonen Story.
Just as Batman can never truely win, just as the day never truely stayed saved, so too will this world forever decend back into chaos. So a new Protagonist can rise to meet it. What RIGHT would you have, to knowingly bring an innocent person into such danger, trapped in the body of a child?
I ponder the Self Insert Quirk.
How horrifying and numbing it must be. How crippling, the terror that, this? Is merely the beginning of a Tale that will destroy them. To be inserted into story's they long ago forgot, again and again, with no way to stop it. Forever.
Damned to be set dressing in another's grand campaign, even as they slowly go insane.
What a horrifying Quirk.
The Self Insert Quirk: Transfer.
@hdgnj @hypewinter @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @lolottes @babbling-babull
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rpreaperperson · 1 year
Bonus: First Interrogation and Hassan thought
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Warn: None, just a lil snip of Claw past
The first he heard of the Hybrid is from the Russian informant, There is a Lab facility that holds them somewhere then the creature is sent to be a war tool.
Another poor soul who just entangled in that American war mess
Then he saw it...more like..her seemingly young girl with a wide blue eyes
‘They dare! Send a girl, a young girl into a war?!’ He frowns at the thought, as the task force and shadow catch him they went into the dessert where no one could find him ,perfect place to interrogate him.
One of them escorted him out of the jeep and forced him into his knee
The Hybrid hopped out of the jeep following her Master, when they removed the sack from his head, his gaze turned to the Hybrid instead
“Hello there!” she waved innocently then the Mohawk man beside her raised his eyebrow and nudge her arm as she mouthed ‘what’ to him and he just shook his head, Hasan just nodded at her pursing his mouth downwards
‘How petty of them sending a girl into a war!’ Not to mention the hybrid existence is deeply rare WHY in the name of God would they give her in the military?!
“you speak arabic?” ask Hassan to Graves, Just about Graves opens his mouth Claw raises her arm like a student who wants to answer the question from her teacher
“I do!~ although just a little”
 “This why I dont want her get off from the jeep” skull masked man sigh tiredly
“LT c’mon..” Soap tried to reason with him
“She not fitted for interigation”
“its her first time LT..”
“Hrghhh...”Ghost groans, while Claw just stares at them confused, then Graves takes his laptop
“Now first rule of interrogation ,Claw!” Graves walked over to the van with laptop on his hand he pointed a finger up
“Be mean and dont polite at them”
“Number two! Don't be intimidated by ‘em we’re the ones who Interrogation them, not the way around”
“Yes Master!”
While Graves gives a lecture to Claw, the others just patiently wait until the lecturer is done including Hassan who observes Claw her fluffy ears and her long black fluffy tails, wondering how she maintains them so well when she works in a dirt and dust like this
Done with the lecture Graves opens his laptop connecting to Laswell and Shepherd, Claw muttering every word that Graves taught her
“be mean..don polite and dont be intimidate by them” her tails swishing, then she heard Laswell voice from the laptop
“Miss Laswell!” she beamed as her ears perked up, Soap automatically pat her head
“Stay and behave” He mumbles his face unusually stoic
“Y-yes Master” she obey him, and listen to the bickering from Graves and Hassan
“I’m a hostage here. This is illegal”
“You are a prisoner of war.”
“Iran is not at war with Mexico. I’ve broken no laws. These men and their commanders are the law-breakers.” Hassan then gazes at Claw full of sympathy
“You even brought a young girl to be your war tool..” then he stare at the men with full of disgust and disdain, Claw freeze at his words
“Shame to all of you...”
Claw look down avoiding everyone eyes, fidgeting her nails
The word that out from Hassan mouth reminds her when she still at the lab
“You and your beloved General Ghorbani broke every –“ Soap speak but got cut off
“DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME! You executed him and you will pay for your crimes…” Claw flinch at Hassan outbrust
 ‘Ghor..bani...? seems like I’ve hears that name...but where..’ Claw tried to remember that she couldnt hear Shepherd calling out her from the laptop
“Claw!”Ghost snaped
“Hu? A..Y-yes Master?!”
“Sheperd wants your suggestion..”
 “What about..?”
He point to Hassan
‘Wait? Why is Sir Sheperd ask me about this?!’
 the stare from the other making her go all nervous thinking that she may do something bad, the Hassan snort
“you all cornering her, its making her uncomfortable” hearing that they all averted their eyes
“W-well..I think it is a risk if we took him now even killing him eheh...but if we have any proof then...” Claw gesturing her hand into a fist and bump it
“he go to jail..maybe?”
“Unfortunally we got no proof of it, killing Hassan is an act of war, keeping him is illegal. Right now like Claw says, he is too hot to hold” Laswell piped explain it to Shepherd
“So without proof, we need to turn him loose. See where he leads us...” Shepherd sighed leaning on his chair as Hassan chuckled knowing that they had no other choice but to let him go, Soap argued approaching the laptop
“He’s right here. You can’t be serious”
“Im afraid I am, son..” Shepherd frown clearly frustated about the condition, Claw pursing her lips
“What about his phone, did we get anything at least?” Claw point at Hassan phone in Ghost hands
“Affirmative. We got a hit” Laswell stated
“Good.Now, take him back and let him go” command Shepherd
“And Claw...”
“Yes sir?”
“..Keep up the good job”
Claw beamed and salute him through the laptop
“Y-Yes Sir!”
The others stare at her amused, Ghost huff shaking his head as Alejandro puts the sack back on Hassan's head he slips the phone back into Hassan's pocket when they pass him
Claw's mood became insanely grew the words that Hassan told completely forgotten her tails swishing in delight
‘Eheheh...I get praised by Sir Shepherd~’ she cupping her cheeks with both of her hands
“C’mon Bonnie..” Soap slung his burly arm around her shoulder, As both of them got into the van the same Hassan was, the next words coming from his mouth made Claw freeze
“You’re free..you’re never a tool” although the others don’t know what it means because he said it in Arabic and thought that it was another threat, but Claw knows…
She gaping at him
The words that the same when she was in Lab, someone motive her when she at her low.
Ghost silently observe her, narrowing his gaze at Hassan
'As I thought she shouldn't come out from the van'
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boyrobott · 2 months
i fully get it bc i know what u mean about original astro boy manga being silly with it vs pluto being relentlessly sad. but i do think it's really important to say that pluto's themes draw on a LOT LOT LOT of stuff present in the original manga! like, the stuff about hate making a robot closer to a human/allowing them to kill a human despite most robots being physically unable to is pulled directly from the blue knight story. the original greatest robot on earth story that pluto is based off is about pluto struggling with not wanting to be a robot made only for killing bc he had a nice time hanging out with uran and doesn't wanna make her sad. epsilon still dies saving his adopted human son, and atom ends the story mourning for all the robots who got killed for goji to prove a point. the moral (which multiple characters say) is that what makes a robot OR a person strong is their love and humanity not their killing power, and it is both stupid and perpetuating the cycle of violence to force robots to hurt each other. the robot hate group man in pluto is inspired by the villain of a segment in astro boy tales part 2&3 where he literally is in a group wearing kkk hoods and does a whole pr attack about robots killing his son because he is campaigning to remove their rights.
and it's not just the stories pluto references! hell, in basically half the stories at minimum a robot is forced by a human to do a crime, the police go 'dang i guess we gotta take the rights of all robots away and destroy them for scrap :(' and atom has to find the human responsible so that doesn't happen (the third magician, electro, and his highness deadcross are some good examples). the plot of the story robot land is atom struggling with wanting to save a bunch of robots being beaten up and worked to the bone by their creator, but he can't because robots are still technically property and helping them escape would be stealing and therefore illegal. in the little intro comics tezuka drew in the collection, he literally says 'yeah this is about the vietnam war being awful' about like fully three different stories. and that's just off the top of my head!!
'what makes a person, where is our empathy, why do we quest for vengeance when it only sucks us into a cycle, have we lost our humanity' are literally the most important core themes of astro boy, which is why it's so so impressive for kids comics that are still broadly super super cute and funny!
legitimately sorry for putting a huge wall of text in ur inbox because i know it's unsolicited and probably uncool. but astro boy is super important to me and so is the idea that a story can be goofy silly child adventures and also explore dark and serious themes? so i had like. a moment when i saw ur post lol. i get it if u dont wanna read all this etc but i wanted to i guess encourage u to give the manga a second pass even if u aren't into pluto at all. there's an insane amount of stuff there that really really legitimately is that deep
Okay, may I just say, I'm absolutely loving your impassioned defense of the manga here. You're bringing so much ride-or-die energy to the table right now, and I'm loving it. But I've been slowly reading through the manga over the past few years, so I... kind of already know all this??? That's pretty much the whole reason I made the joke in the first place -- because there are so many similar storylines and themes between the original manga and the Pluto series, but the individual tones literally could not be more different. The fact that a grim dystopian anime about the horrors of war and the true meaning of humanity is saying the same exact things as a fun, lighthearted, campy manga series?? Sorry, but that's just hilarious to me.
I can definitely see where the misunderstanding came from, but I promise, you do not need to defend the manga to me, LMAO.
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bananonbinary · 1 year
gonna kick the beehive here but i really don't understand the plagerism argument against ai. the chain of logic seems to be
it has my art somewhere ->i dont want that->thats stealing->stealing is bad
but. i dont actually agree with some of those steps? traditionally, having a copyrighted thing stored somewhere isnt stealing in and of itself. if it was, then home recordings of tv shows and burned CDs would be illegal (and oh, the corporations would dearly love to make them illegal). the harm caused is in the *reproduction* of the IP. you can dvr a tv movie, chop and screw it all you want, but you cannot show it to other people. the crime is declared when actual harm is done to the victim (in this case, monetary harm from loss of sales).
so like, when people talk about not wanting ai to be trained on their publicly-viewable artwork, i don't really think that's IP theft in any meaningful way? i mean, i'm sorry your art is being looked at or even stored by people you don't want, and i do sympathize on a data privacy level, but...it's not reproducing anything. there is no measurable harm on a copyright level. you can make an argument maybe that it'd be more polite to ask first, but the argument that it should be ILLEGAL is just begging corporations to do what they've been wanting for decades, and completely destroy the concept of being able to "own" copyrighted material.
(also "ai is stealing jobs" is a different and more complicated argument, this post is about the validity of a copyright argument specifically)
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monpalace · 1 year
Okok, so my brain is not working with writing rn BUT i will finish that “reader and time pinning” thing that i was doing I PROMISE
BUT for now imma just share some thoughts of Time because he is THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND I NEED TO RANT ABOUT HIM
Ive said before (on my blog) that Time uses really old and kinda cringey petnames because 1, he genuinely loves them and 2, because he LOVES making the boys squirm in second hand embarrassment. SO, have a few more of those nicknames :D -> snookums, sugarplum, baby cakes, muffin, foxy, and toots
Young time (like teenage/young adult) was an absolute bastard BUT when he falls in love with someone, he is an absolute sweet heart! Think the ‘i hate everyone but you’ trope :3
Young! Time did not know romance AT ALL! That boy was raised by a tree and a bunch if spirit kids, he has know idea what a ‘date’ is. This leads to him just acting the same around his crush but being a little nicer to them
Is then very confused as to why they dont know that he likes them. “It was so obvious? I gave you a piece of my apple pie! I was so clear with my signs 🙄🙄”
He THEN reads all the romance novels he can get his hands on (legally and illegally) just so he can impress them! Completely misunderstood everything and now he just has to straight up tell them, cause how their hair is on fire…somehow
(Modern) Time is totally the type of guy that ‘doesn’t like drama shows’ but if his lover was watching one, he’d stand behind the couch and watch. But when his lover offers to move so he can sit hes like ‘no, im not even watching it. I was just bored’ and the proceeds to watch the next 3 episodes while standing.
(Modern) Time has a leather jacket that he LOVES!! Like he will cut someone for that thing, do not fuck with it. No one is aloud to wear it expect him….And his crush/lover but SHUSH!
Time enjoys polishing his armour/sword while you read a book out aloud. You both find it rather relaxing. Until something dramatic/a polt twists happens, all if the sudden the armour/sword is dropped to the side as Time is BAFFLED by this. “They killed Aaron?! Wh-what? Why!? He was the best choice for Max!” (Hes so invested, his duties are now discarded until you two finish this chapter)
I wanna do more but this is kinda chunky :3
I love dis man so much 🫶🫶
THE WAY I PHYSICALLY AND VERBALLY CRINGED AT FOXY??? bro's the type to say "hey foxy mama" when you walk into a room unironically, he literally has no shame whatsoever whenever someone points out how dated that sounds to
time would fit the secret admirer trope so well though? but he wouldn't even be secret about it?? the lon lon sisters def gave him the advice to "just be himself" and that gave him the idea to take stuff from his woodland-spirit background
"link, why is my house filled with flowers from floor to ceiling."
"that's not a declaration of adoration here? huh."
AND HIM TAKING THE ROMANCE BOOKS? personally, i feel like he's the type to sneak into the library when (supposedly) nobodies looking and just taking whatever he can carry before sneaking back out-- but in actuality it's just that nobody cares
someone asked zelda if he was allowed to take the books because they've been coming back in a damaged state (it's not bad, but while he's workshopping how he's gonna bring words to reality, he messes up a little) and she just says its fine so long as he isn't committing crimes with them (which he has done. several times. no one knows)
ofc there are questions as to WHY he's taking the romance books specifically, but the guards and librarians just chalk it up to him entering his weird boy phase ™️ and not because he has an interest in somebody because him?? having a love interest before half the other people in the castle??? Nah.
you catch modern! time watching a (raunchy) reality show once (like love island, or jersey shore-- maybe even teen mom) and he swears up, down, to the golden three, and to the sand goddess that he just kept it on for noise and that he's paying all his attention to his work even though you caught him ON VIDEO having the most expressive reactions to certain moments
BUT THE LEATHER JACKET ONE?? someone walks up to you while you're wearing it (your relationship with time isn't common knowledge yet) and they make a joke about him burying them alive if they mess it up-- no less just because you're wearing it.
time pops up out of literal thin air making excuses that you were cold (you were not), he was hot and didn't feel like carrying it (his goosebumps say otherwise), he thought there was a tear and he wanted to try and fix it (.. yeah, okay.), he only gave it to you because you said it would go with your outfit (that is not the only reason he'd give it to you), and everything else just to try to hide the fact that he's soft
(also, bonus points if you made it??? now not even the goddesses could touch it. he's about three seconds away from giving into the inner ferality of his childhood self and biting someone if they even look at it)
but tell me why i just imagine time getting ready to like, get in a fight or something, you read something so earth-shatteringly shocking in the book, and he's immediately like "the battle can wait. [opponent] was gonna lose anyways. we have to figure out what the devil is about to happen"
i'm literally scooping ur brain from ur skull, putting it on a table, and i'm gonna examine it for the rest of ur ideas mwah
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trickstarbrave · 21 days
theres a weird trend i see online where ppl assume if you dislike or hate something that means you either think its illegal, believe it should be illegal, and/or want to see it banned in some capacity
i dont think legislation will stop generative ai writing and art. there is no way to make a law that covers generative ai but will not cover human made art, nor would laws actually stop large corporations funneling money into large scale projects like that from bending the rules in their favor. i just think you're an asshole if you use it and also a lazy sack of shit who needs to learn to create something
likewise if you repost someone's art and writing i don't think they need to file for copyright, send a cease and desist, and sue you in a court of law. they can just call you a fucking asshole.
if you cut me off in traffic im not gonna report you to the police. im going to yell, roll down my window, and flip you off though.
assholes are part of living in a society. theres little point in trying to legislate them out of existence because all you'll do is cause problems for yourself. being a massive tool isn't a crime in and of itself, but you deserve to be called a selfish little asshole who doesn't care about anyone else but yourself if you're being a massive tool. there will be other consequences for every action and oftentimes assholes will sooner or later get whats coming to them in some form or another.
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haewangsong · 1 year
If they did. JUST THE minimum of research.
They would've seen that the tweets were not only deleted and nonexistent, and that some of the things incels claim she did wasn't even things she did, just that she was tagged and incels are so fucking stupid they can't differentiate shit. But no! incels are trustable. incels know so much and incels do not have intent of harm. feminism is actually a societal disease and men should be allowed to murder and commit sex crimes against them on a daily basis but the moment a woman says she's fucking tired of all this she has to loose a career.
if i were them i would also think on how she was 18 at the time the tweets were made. and how women who commited crimes would get prosecuted so much faster and stronger than men who have done so, so much more. in how many of the aggressors of the nth room, that shot pornographic videos abusing literal CHILDREN, didn't get prosecuted or got lessened in their punishment over the last moments. in how this decision by the sk government has created so, so, so much of nthroom copycats.
i would also think on how much illegal spy cams still exist in the present, to the point a male youtuber can just walk around the city and make content of him catching them. in how many of these caught guys are more than 2 time offense criminals, how its basically a sport for men in korea to illegally shoot a woman's underwear in public because punishment for them is still weak.
i would think on how even right now to the present, these same problems still exist and the murder of women happen on a daily basis i open the news and find out a man has murdered a woman for no damn reason but he can receive less punishment because it is not a shocking thing anymore and men and more valuable assets inside korean society- so! she's bad!
i would also think about the fact that women born in the 90s were aborted so much because having a woman child is unlucky for the family- and being born in the year of white horse means that she's going to overrule men, and that isn't right, women should be submissive towards them, only for now in the present they dare tell the same women in the age to not have abortions because abortion is wrong-
a radical feminist because the fact that men want to see women sexualized without an ounce of context to the point it strips away their personality should be accepted without any complaints, but the moment a woman wants to lust after characters thats impossible and its feminism.
imagine being goddamn 18 and protesting because thats the life you fear. and getting fired because of it in the future, proving that you were right in being scared, being angry, being sad.
firing someone is so easy, lying saying that you're protecting the artist is so easy, so much easy than letting women have safe lives.
is the game really worth protecting? does a "small" company that is still stronger than an artist whos 22 really worth? i dont know!
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