#i dont draw him enough and that is a crime
cosmicpoutine · 21 hours
so you said pride month is just another month (honestly it’s kinda the same for me, I also draw lgbt stuff nonstop) but I’m trans and just curious if you have any trans headcanons or anything for characters? (from anything?) or art/design concepts? you have a lot of cool ideas so I decided I’d get over the anxiety of being ignored and ask!! 🥰🥰
(no guilt if you decide not to answer! it’s (my ask) a bit pushy, isn’t it?)
i really like the idea of trans tim, but he never tells anyone bc he passes too easily, and BATMAN doesn't notice on tim's files or anything bc they're too busy fighting crime and shit. but when bruce finally finds out, he goes on a transboy dad mode and makes sure that tim has everything that he needs. the bathrooms of the manor are stocked with menstrual hygiene products (not only for tim bc im sure selina mentioned getting her period at his house ONE TIME, and he asked alfred to stock up). bruce redesigns the robin suit to have a safe binder that would be comfortable for tim.
tim doesn't get top surgery until he's living at the marina because he finally felt safe enough knowing there would be a community that not only understands but KNOWS how to take care of him post-surgery. i dont think most of the bat family knows that he's trans (but that's just because he forgets about it too), so he demanded a week off from the vigilante life in order to get top surgery and recover (it takes a lot longer than that, but you know how tim is) and the bats that didn't know started freaking out wondering what the fuck was going on.
jack drake also completely forgot tim was trans (as in he thinks tim amab) so when tim asked to go on T he was like???
anyways, these are my headcanons for now, i could probably talk about this forever lol i have not made any art for it yet, but 6 pride month, so maybe i will. altho, like i said, im queer 24/7, so i might pull up with trans art anytime
and cue shameless self-promotion because the main character of lonely prince club is trans too!
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dazaii-griseoo · 2 days
—“ Let me draw a piece for you, using your favorite color. ,,
Those words fluidly came out like a small blurt. A mess up. But he, he could not regret anything else.
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...I have a brother, Osamu, is that really all you know about me? Well, one thing's to know about someone is still enough to take them down regardless. I think I've known that all too much.
//ooc; heya! same mod of @dazaii-osamuu & also co-run by my roommate/friend, who is remaining anonymous bc he's uncomfortable to come out publicly, viv aka 🦋 (I made him get into bsd RAGHHH)
(note; if seen "🦋/-Viv" at the end of a sentence/hidden in tags, that means he posted/wrote it)
this is an oc-ish kind of blog about "Griseo," Dazai's twin brother. so by his appearance and personality, it's pretty much the same as dazai except a few things here and there but I'll dwell into that soon. some things to know about griseo though is that he is based on fob which has the same protag as nlh! (thus is the reason why they are twins, but dazai came first.)
his backstory and hobbies/interests are completely different as expected. mainly basing off on the short synopsis I found online bc I can't entirely find where can I read fob personally (whether that'd be online/irl but I'm pretty sure it doesn't sell in Korean?) so I could build griseo's character more. sorry about that inconvenience! so predict a mix of dazai and my own spin on it which is, well, griseo.
Small snippets of his life;
his ability, "Flowers For The Buffoonery" allows Griseo to steal an ability from another ability-user thru touch and use it & also manipulate it freely (ex: Griseo touches Atsushi, he steals "Beast Underneath The Moonlight" or manipulates it. If manipulated = he didn't take Atsushi's ability but Atsushi longer has control over it despite Fukuzawa's ability.)
note on his ability- when Griseo successfully steals an ability, the user who had it will briefly be flashed by an illusion that can be described as "a field of their favorite type of flowers"
(^ if said user doesn't have a favorite, it will be instead a flower field akin to their ability. ex: fyodor's field of flowers will look like a bunch of wilting white flowers)
also similar to Dazai, Griseo's ability is automatically active every time. (< depends)
was temporarily in pmbefore being caught by police (in a small crime he did) at 15 and sent to prison before sending off to a deserted island sanitorium due to his "cotard's syndrome"
Dazai and Griseo were temporarily known as "Sōtīru", or "Double Teal"
The sanitorium is religious and contained infected chronically ill people who can cannibalise only at night! (< will be implying to roleplays and on this blog, so dont mind if theres a sudden change- our time zone is UTC+09:00 & religious themes are moreover twisted/corrupted!) 🦋
griseo tried leading a suicide pact.
griseo usually draws stuff to vent about his experiences. unlike dazai, griseo isnt really good w his words and thus can be perceived as rude to ppl sometimes.
Griseo is a demi-asexual! politely asking that he is not shipped with any other rp blogs please? :) 🦋
Griseo successfully escaped the sanitorium in Enoshima, then ended up in Yokosuka, before finally finding himself in Yokohama! 🦋
^^ unfortunately, he carried the "disease" that strictly only the island and its inhabitants were infected w and thus weird things can occur at night near ppl Griseo is w but cause amnesia to the ppl who witness/experience it once the sun rises.
anyway, same rules and stuff on dazaii osamuu and with that being said- ask me anything!
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amberandomly · 2 months
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Husband posting
I really like the reggalator lmaooo
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sparky-owl · 8 months
I've realized that I've shown my kirby gijinkas on instagram but not here!! Allow me to present some old art (plus some HCs?) that was colored on now dead markers
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Oh my God these are so old but not old enough to update UGHHHH
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Ingore the text it's prob outdated
Feel free to ask anything bout these guys <33
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jewpaw · 1 year
Emo/scenecore spaces - namely furry spaces within these - are so overbearingly white And goyiche it's frustrating and appalling for a lot of reasons but one huge issue I've noticed is hair. Some of yall will be handed a character with 3a-4c range hair and either draw a straight up caricature afro or COMPLETELY flatten/straighten the hair because it "doesn't work in your art style". Sounds like a skill issue to me bitch if you can't draw a character's curls/braids/peyot/etc or any other kind of culturally significant hair style use Google and GET GOOD
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soft-spooks · 2 years
LAYING on the floor staring at the ceiling etc etc
#im thinking abt anti again but i have no coherent ideas im just. rotating him in my mind . hes in the michaelwave#ive watched so many clips im out of clips to watch so now i just have. all the ideas in my brain hut#i cant writeee and i cant draw rn so im just. lays here#i want. to kiss him on the forehead.#i want him to kiss ME on the forehead. give me a hug i am touch starved and need attention or i am going to die#<< i am being dramatic for attention. hangs upside down off thr couch like im sufferingggggggg pay attention to meeeeee#i need ideas i need. words to write with. im like halfway through two fics and i dont wanna work on either one#but also if i start a new one thats not gonna get done weither!!!!!!!#and im hyperfixed on a limited time mobile game event rn so i cant executive my functions enough to draw until thats over#sighhhhhhh#i think he shouldddddd play with my hair my hair is soooo soft today#AND there was another snap.c.ub/e g/o.wstream so im watching that vod and its soo comfy its a CRIME that i am here in mydumb apt by myself#<< gonna start sensoring like everything in my tags now bc ive been having problems wirh.#random non selfship blogs interacting w these posts and it makes me. so very paranoid considering. the first time#hdhfjdhsjdndj#<< was sent a bunch of suibaiting asks when i first started my original blog a few years ago bc of my 🔪posting#that fandom suck s so much . heart emoji. makes looking up cute pictures of him so very hard i am THRIVING#off of the collection ive got saved on my phone from like 2018 lmao#anyway. i have reached the point of just. rambling now. hi im soo bored#gnawing @ the bars of my enclosure i need ENRICHMENT
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saspitite · 4 months
rating shrimp emojis
based on a similar post i saw (instead with seal emojis) as it made me think about how frequently shrimp are kinda... severely messed up anatomy-wise.
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starting with apple's version, it's not bad but the face could be longer and the eyes are a bit disproportionately large. my man's antennule was cut off :( 6.5/10
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google. again, not bad, but my boy's antennule are still gone... who did this to him? and why are his pleopods just little nubs? how does he swim with those? also not a big fan of the weirdly circular abdomen that suddenly shortens for the tail. 6/10
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samsung. what the fuck did you do to his face. you massacred him. i dont even wanna give them the benefit of the doubt and say that it was just simplified, because the rest of his body is just... fine. and much more accurate. did they give up when drawing the head?? it's just a pile of spikes... 3/10
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microsoft. highly simplistic so i guess that explains the shortcuts and strange anatomy. not a fan of how the long antennae seems to be sprouting from his forehead, but they did go for the simplistic route and theres only so much you can convey there, so 7/10 (added 2 points for cuteness, i couldn't resist)
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whatsapp. no. no. bad die. wheres his maxilipeds. what happened to his face. what happened to his LEGS. you cant fucking move with those little formless pin needles. its a crime to continue letting this thing suffer on earth. please put it out of its misery. 2/10
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thank fuck i was gonna lose it honestly. its not even perfect but i love it a whole lot more. finally my boy has his antennule!! a well defined face!! and he's not even in that dumb curled-up pose (that you'll typically only find from cooked shrimp), and they were daring enough to even put him in a more dynamic 3/4 perspective!! again, its not perfect, but after those two atrocities i'll embrace it with open arms. 8/10
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LG. this honestly looks more like a cooked, unpeeled shrimp than a living one but it's whatever. not bad! at this point i'm just gonna accept that most shrimp emojis are just gonna forget about the antennule. i am (somewhat) at peace with that. 7/10
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joypixels. kinda just feels like a wannabe of LG's version. plus the blobface, stop with the blobface, i will strangle you. it's okay but could use some more refining. 5/10
if you have any more emoji variants that you want me to review, show me thru reblogs!!!
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denny-artsss · 1 month
I really like that last idea where he gets to sub her class, can we see more of that scenario?
Jax: *walks into her class and sits at her desk, resting his legs on it as all the students stare confused*
Student: um... that's our teachers desk-
Jax: Well, your teacher is not here. She's sick, so I am the substitute.
Student: are you... even old enough to be a teacher?
Jax: Obviously! How old do you think I am?
Student: I thought you're a 14 year old at best. Considering your childish clothing.
Jax: it's called an ALT style? God, I thought you people are in art school. *opens a random book and tries to read from it, nervously tugging the bunny ears on his hoodie*
Student: so... our teacher- she asked you to substitute?
*Jax having a flashback of Gangle talking to him* "You go there and tell them I'm sick, and the class is off. Got it?" *end of flashback*
Jax: Yeah, she begged me basically because I'm such a good art teacher- I'm always busy with teaching art and stuff- so where did you guys last leave off?
Student: color theory-
Jax: Why the hell do you need the theory of it just color your drawing.
Student: I'm pretty sure it's needed because-
Jax: *interupts him* okay NERD if you're so smart, why don't you come up here and teach it? Oh yeah, that's right, because I AM the teacher, and you do WHAT I SAY.
Student: ...
Jax: Okay, let's see um- how about- a creative exercise- *reading from a notebook he found in her desk* draw the thing you hate drawing the most- and study why you hate drawing it- did you guys do this before?
*they all shake their heads*
Jax: Okay, then this is it! Start drawing! *looks over at them drawing until one of them catches his attention* why are you drawing your teacher? You hate drawing her?
Student: yeah.
Jax: why is that?
Student: I can't stand her.
Jax: *tries not to laugh* That's not very nice- *bursts out laughing and tries to seem serious*
Student: she's failing me just because I'm not paying attention. It's so stupid.
Jax: I never pay attention to her either. That's why I'm here today. *walks back to her desk and waits for the period to be over*
* Bell rings, and class ends as he walks out of the school, hearing a car door open*
Gangle: *holds it open for him* I swear if I get fired because of you, I dont know what type of crime you'll become victim to my hands.
Jax: *gets in the car with her and buckles up* Geez Gang relax. I just looked over your notes and taught them something from there. I'm not as incapable as you believe I am.
Gangle: it takes a lot more to be a teacher than just teaching one lesson. It's about how to act and make them behave properly.
Jax: *laughs* you sound like your mother.
Gangle: *drives home* never say that again.
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Just whacking this out there, but I mean, much as I do think the "past exploits" comment serves as a warning about Heaven's rules/standards, and reach, and the fact that they've exposed Aziraphale's 'crimes' - sort of a 'you know what we expect from your conduct, and you've been continually stepping way out of line, and we're choosing to overlook it for now, but know that we know, and that we will know about future missteps as well, that we don't approve and could still intervene' flung out there for no immediate particular purpose, just to serve as a reminder - by and large, I find the whole restoration offer thing much more bribe than threat, and, well, frankly, personally, I'd consider a bribe of such proportions more concerning than any threat could have been, no?
hello lovely!!!💕 i think ive shared my thoughts on this in dribs and drabs over multiple posts but no harm in going over it again, fuck it-
essentially, i completely agree with you. splitting those two parts of the conversation into two, i definitely see the first part as a warning, and simultaneously an unspoken threat:
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what particularly speaks to me is how the metatron hesitates over both 'previous exploits' and 'partnership', as if he's specifically searching for the right turns of phrase. trying to make light of it, keep it friendly and unassuming. but the small, smirky, private smiles, compared to aziraphale's reaction of flitting eyes and tight lips - it feels like metatron is playing a cat-and-mouse game... the guise of it being that it's all a great opportunity, but truthfully they both recognise the unspoken threat is there
(but - to clarify - i don't think the metatron realises that aziraphale has seen it as a threat. ie the metatron thinks he's being slicker than he actually is, when aziraphale is very much able to read between the lines).
i remember making the comparison in a meta somewhere but it just simply strikes me that - if we're continuing with the 'sleeper/secret agent in the height of the cold war' allegory - the metatron is playing the part of the seedy villain that is doing the 'i've been watching you all along, i know precisely what your pressure point is and why' bit that we all know and love from any kind of dramatised espionage story.
essentially, as you said, "we could still intervene" - ie. 'dont think that i haven't seen every single thing, because i have. i know how deep this 'partnership' runs'. there doesn't even need to be an allusion to what metatron could do with this breadth of knowledge - just simply that he has the knowledge is enough, and aziraphale can draw his own horrific conclusions quite easily, even if they never come to fruition.
(on an intertextual level, metatron kinda reminds me of how i'd imagine karla to be - from the john le carré novels... a little bit, idk.)
now as for the second part; the restoration thing:
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i completely agree - this absolutely feels like a bribe. 'i know crowley is your pressure point, and you'll fight tooth and nail coming back without him in tow, so im going to offer it to you - this amazing opportunity that you can graciously bestow upon him! "go tell your friend the good news!"'
the metatron may well be disguising a threat in the exchange, but i do think that he believes aziraphale to have taken the offer to return to heaven at face value, in earnest, and therefore he believes that he has aziraphale squarely under his thumb (and none the wiser for it). however, i personally think aziraphale may be constructing his own hasty game - ie. using the offer as an opportunity to "make a difference" as he and crowley would see fit... but the spanner in the works was that crowley refuses to come with him to play on 'their side' in this little counter-game he's trying to devise.
in terms of functionality of bribe vs. threat - absolutely, a bribe promises a greater yield. threats only work so long as it's a) inescapable enough, b) serious enough, and c) the threatened person is sufficiently scared enough that they won't toe out of line. which may well be effective in getting someone to comply, but the problem with making people scared of you or hate you, is that then they all secretly want to see you ruined or destroyed.
bribe someone, however... give them something that they might have always wanted (or, as i think is the case for aziraphale - gives them the opportunity to give another what they've always wanted), and you have a greater chance of having an ally in them forever, someone forever indebted to you.
i definitely think this is where the metatron's reasoning lies. instead of threatening crowley's life, so to speak, he's offering him the chance essentially to defect - and that's way more appealing to aziraphale and likely to get him to fall in line.
for me though, it's all a gross underestimation of aziraphale on the metatron's part. i will die on the hill where aziraphale sees through what the metatron is saying - has indeed read between the lines where he doesn't have a choice one way or another - but chooses to play the part that the metatron expected him to play (of marginalised-angel who is actually the-very-kind-of-angel-heaven-needs, and therefore very-grateful-to-given-the-top-job-thank-you) so that the metatron will keep underestimating him. bribe or not, aziraphale did not want to go back to heaven... but if he doesn't have much of a choice regardless, he's going to make it work for him.
now this ask has led me to another thought: i do wonder if the restoration is actually a thing? ie. the metatron wasn't bluffing, it's actually possible.
the metatron is putting an awful lot of bank on crowley saying no, when by all accounts - even if the metatron was directly involved in crowley's fall - the metatron doesn't actually know him... right? he likely knows that crowley is resentful and angry still at having fallen, and the unfairness of the whole shebang, but does that guarantee that crowley wouldn't want to take the restoration offer? id hazard no - so the metatron has to have a failsafe for either eventuality.
either crowley says no, and aziraphale is left broken-hearted/rejected, and that suits metatron fine because then he has aziraphale ridden of crowley's influence. alternatively, crowley returns, and is restored!
...but is restored to the same position as he was when he fell - essentially like restoring a backed-up file where the last save point was ~millions of~ years ago... and that would suit metatron fine also, because then crowley is simply not crowley anymore. plausible deniability on the metatron's part too, for the latter option - 'restoration has never happened before, didn't know what to expect, but you've gotten what i promised you!' idk, interesting thought
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
i saw rqs are open and im curious if you’d write more yan joker? i dont have any specific ideas in mind, i just rlly love how you write him ^^
I hope this is to your liking! ^^
Can be any Joker but I leaned a bit towards Arkhamverse!Joker
Moonlight poured in through the barred window of Joker's cell like how sight managed to slip through shaky fingers covering one's face. Joker had huddled himself into the corner closest to his bed where the most light was shed. He made swift, smooth motions with his arms, fingers flecked with red chalk dust.
He wasn't sure who had originally smuggled it in, not that it really mattered, but it had changed hands enough for The Joker to borrow (read: steal) it from Jervis. His cell was far too drab and colorless! He was sure ol' Jervy would understand. Being in this place really could make one go mad.
With a groan, the Clown Prince of Crime straightened up his back. It gave a few loud cracks and the man heaved a heavy sigh. This cell was far too cramped! It was an outrage! An outrage, he said! Two feet wide, and even then the bed took up most of the space, and what? Just barely over seven feet? Hell, his own bed was barely enough to fit him.
Not that he exactly had room to complain. He knew full well that, in the eyes of many, what he's done - and will continue to do - was beyond redemption. But, they still stuck him in this place to 'help' him. No space to move, barely any time outside, shitty food… So much for humane treatment.
It was funny. A smile rose to his lips. It was so, so funny. You'd laugh about it, he was sure. You always got the joke. 
He turned his attention back to his drawings. Big, gaping smiles, batmen made of blobs of red, harlequins with big hammers.
Joker's heart gave a twinge. He wondered how Harley was doing. It had been a long time since they allowed them to stay in the same cell block, so his nights had become a lot more quiet. A lot lonelier.
But among the other drawings that decorated his walls was a more consistent figure, consistent name. Doodled with hearts around them or drawings of clowns with heart eyes to the side. 
More than he wished for a bigger cell or Harley or Bats or a sudden explosion that caused hundreds of inmates to pour out and wreak havoc upon Gotham, Joker wished for you.
Joker sat back against his bed, knees tucked against his chest and back against the hard, rough walls of his cell. He slipped the chalk underneath his pillow and wiped the remaining red on his jumpsuit. 
Looking up, he watched as a cloud stretched over the sky, suffocating the moon and blotting out the sky, plunging his cell into darkness. A nervous, shaky feeling filled the Clown's chest. It was so quiet and so dark. Nothing for him to see, hear, nothing for his mind to clutch onto and distract him.
And most importantly, no you. Light of his life, treasure of his soul, oh, how awful they were for separating you from him. Not that that would stop him in the long run, of course, but it still hurt! Oh, where was he without you? And more importantly, where were you without him? Sure, he had his men observe you from the shadows, but they were idiots! They didn't know you like he did!
... Suddenly, a thought flitted into his mind and another smile graced his lips. It'd been some time since he last graced Arkham with a serenade.
"This song goes out to a special someone out there," The Joker giggled to himself. Laying his head against the wall of his cell, he began to croon, "Where, oh where, has my darling gone? Where, oh, where could they be?"
Memories of you flashed through his mind, making his grin grow and grow until his lips were near splitting from how happy you made them.
Green eyes twinkled with delight as the clouds passed overhead, light once again shining down on him. "We make such a great pair, when they laugh without a care…"
You really were magic, weren't you?
"With them, I'm a happier me…" He trailed off, voice soft and expression content.
Filled with warmth at the thought of you , granting him a bit of peace, The Joker laid down and allowed himself some rest. And he hoped that if he dreamed, it'd be of you.
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Rating Every TNBA Redesign Cos Why Not
The New Batman Adventures was the last season of the infamous Batman the Animated Series, although it moved to another less strict network. Because the producers wanted to do crossovers with the Superman animated series, they gave the series and its characters a more streamlined style to it. Now I dont wanna blame Bruce Timm entirely since there were many artists on staff back then who did the redesigns but because I hate this coomer, Im going to anyway. In BTAS, you can tell each character apart and they have their own unique outfits and looks to them. But here, these are some of the most unimaginative superhero/villain designs Ive ever seen. Although some did surprise me and were not that bad. So, for a bit of fun, here's my look at each Batman character's redesign in the final (and worst) season of the show.
(Not counting Robin cos he's a different character to Dick Grayson or characters that had very little changes like Clayface or Harley Quinn)
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The big emo rodent himself. For his redesign, I like the more sleek look to Batman's cape...thats it. His original design is really hard to perfect. Its got everything. Why tamper with perfection?
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I actually kinda like Batgirl's redesign. The yellow gloves and boots really help her stand out and its the one of the few times the darker toned outfits actually accentuate a design rather than ruin it. Too bad Bruce Timm couldn't stop salivating over her and the rest of the women in this show. So next time you see someone consider Bruce Timm this legendary storyteller of Batman, give them a healthy reminder that he shipped this college girl character with her mentor/surrogate uncle figure FOR YEARS.
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Its like they sucked away all of Alfred's snark and replaced it with a cardboard cutout. Literally, he looks so sterile and empty. Who had the idea of making Alfred look more bored and done with everything? Also whats wrong with his chin??
Commissioner Gordon
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Good ole Commissioner Pringle got off pretty much unscathed but I think they made him a touch too old considering they gave him a more lanky body, which makes him look more feeble and weak. Dude looks old enough to be Babs' grandad
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Ohhhhh boy. So Joker's redesign is infamously considered by fans as one of the show's worst redesigns, to a point even the showrunners were like yeahh. And thats not unwarranted. He looks like an inverted Dr Draken and im so glad they redesigned him again for Batman Beyond and onward.
Seriously he's A CLOWN WHERES THE MAKE UP?!!
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I know Two Face is just a redrawn version of the original design with the TNBA streamlined art style but I want to draw special attention to the monster side of Dent's face. Notice in the original it looks more manic and feral? Heavily contrasted with the conflicted, guilty look on Dent's normal side? But here, in the redesign the monster side is less scary and Dent looks way too bored and angry. The overuse of black lines doesnt help.
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She looks like Harley Quinn or Barbara wearing a catsuit. Starting to see a pattern here?
Baby Doll
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Its a tough call cos they both look very good but Im gonna lean towards the redesign cos shes got that creepy doll look down to a T (Annabelle would be proud) whereas her original design looked more like a Tiny Toons character.
Scarface and the Ventriloquist
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I like the redesign cos of the exaggerated style of the rest of the show perfectly captures Scarface since he's, yknow, a puppet and having the Ventriloquist be shown to be scared and submissive really does show how the puppet is ironically the puppetmaster.
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Actually I like both of them. They both give off that sophisticated element Penguin is known for and after so many reiterations of him being this crass Scouse-talking crime boss, its nice to see versions of him going back to his rich asshole roots.
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In the original, he has a luchador-style mask and wrestling suit fitting his Spanish roots. Here, he straight up looks like a gimp. Its really bad. Embrace your heritage, Bane!
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They went from Frank Gorshin to Jim Carrey for Riddler (fitting cos Batman Forever came during TNBA's development) and I love that. So I love both of them. Nice to see a villain with some fucking colour in TNBA cos im tired of seeing all this black outfits. Also his cane being an extended question mark instead of a question mark on top of a regular cane is genius.
Mad Hatter
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Both of them fit Hatter's deranged stalker vibes perfectly, but I wish they kept the colour scheme for the redesign cos Hatter's new colour scheme looks too rounded and doesnt stand out.
Poison Ivy
Killer Croc
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Finally, now he looks like an actual crocodile instead of whatever the hell he was supposed to be!
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Okay, who the fuck decided to make Scarecrow look like the Babadook? Cos I want to give them a raise. Holy mother of piss, that is terrifying. That shit belongs in the Arkham games. I still prefer the old design cos it has that perfect blend of goofy and gothic. He looks like a Cacturne now that I think about it.
Mr Freeze
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legodamianwayne · 9 months
BATMAN AND ROBIN 2023 #1 (Take 6 (yes))
(im not writing this as i go since ive already read the issue before. ill also be mentioning gotham war since this takes place during it (just a warning for spoilers!))
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i just noticed the bat and robin on the cover! so cute
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OH........(just noticed this too) that doesn't look good
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look at them goofing off n having fun
this is cute but the way bruce acts here and in gotham war is so jarring its kinda funny
bruce in batman #137: can't stand my fake ass family
bruce in b&r: me and my son damian 🤗
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bruce is in his "local dilf in the area" era rn
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damian having talia's mannerism that bruce noticed is so <3
and here its confirmed that this takes place during gotham war. not sure how to feel about that
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STILL INSANE OVER THIS baby first self insert fanfic
damian went from drawing hyper realistic gore vent art to anime eyes in the corner
i think it'd be fun if we see damian write more as the story goes on. like him daydreaming n doodling in class
wonder if theres any meaning with damian putting talia as a hero n bruce as a criminal here...or maybe its just a "totally original character do not steal" thing
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you dont say bruce 🙄
"the last few years"?? pretty sure the events shown there all happened not even in 2 years since damian turned 14 around the start of the lazarus tournament
also why are alfred n talia not shown there? alfred's death has huge impact on damian (he literally hallucinated him) n talia was there as much as ra's
i dont like how damian looks here but that white connor should be a crime
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"thats enough emotions for tonight father" [slams door]
i wonder why damian is staying with bruce tho (outside of making this book exist) didn't bruce n talia had a custody battle moment™ n damian's like "nah i have my own life (is literally 14)"
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he's quoting alfred ohhh im gonna sob
this is kinda embarrassing for bruce...like ur son is finally living with you again n he's the one up early cooking?? sir u better step up
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aw he's making tea the way alfred did
*squints* did bruce get his hand back? thats a pretty normal looking hand to me
did damian's comment on it in batman #137 made bruce think "shit i cant give damian any ideas of getting a robot hand" n he just. magically grow it back
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gotham...heights? n. not gotham academy? no maps? no damian joining her dnd team?? no detective club finally hanging out with damian??
ik damian got expelled from gotham academy BUT. WHY
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okay? whats the point if he's not going to the same school that his friend went to?
interesting how damian fantasize for a normal life in robin 2021 (with him liking the mundanity of shoujo manga) n now that bruce is offering him that he's rejecting it (or maybe he just rly don't like school which is. fair enough)
wellll just cuz we're not getting maps n the detective club doesn't mean damian's other friends arent showing up right? RIGHT? (maya plz come home)
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THE ROBIN MOBILEEE it looks so ridiculous i love it
ik that thing is rly loud too damian waking up the whole neighborhood here
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not rumors abt the batfam fighting getting spread around?? this is so embarrassing omg
am i the only one getting gotham academy flashbacks here? with killer croc n the trio with the fox shark n bird masks
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they're very comfortable with calling eachother father n son while in suits huh. ig everyone in gotham knows that batman is a dilf (who's beefing with his adult children) now
not much to say abt the rest: bruce got shot with something n now bats are attacking him
end thoughts: i hope with all the focus on animals here means that we're getting damian's pets back soon n that gotham war wont affect this book much since i rly want to see damian interact with his siblings again. also is it just me or does the day scenes looks very bright? saturated? it kinda hurts for me to read idk. the night scenes r pretty tho
next issue is damian's first day on his new school that is not gotham academy but im still excited for it! (coping)
bonus bestie corner
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floororangejuice · 25 days
BION Information master post!! (abibaz oc)
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real image of me after making all of this or something
hit the read more to get blasted with everything or something
I want people to find some things out through hints and clues hidden in art, so there may be a big chunk missing! Also, his story isn't FULLY finished yet too, so there will be a lot more to come. This post will (if I remember to) be updated along with any major art/information I make about him! (FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS TOO!)
Bion and Bryne are the same person. Bryne is the person/version of himself when he was alive, and Bion is the spirit that remains after death.
I just wanted to clarify this as this can be something that is easily mistaken if you see me draw them at different times/in different posts, sense at first look they can seem like completely different characters.
In my interp of abibaz, it takes place somewhere in the 90's, so that is also where his story takes place.
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BASIC LORE (quick/low effort summary)
Bryne is a poor-ish guy living on his own and looking for a job and in some way ends up applying as an IT guy for the school. He applies for this job because it somewhat relates to his huge interest in computers, and he is already desperate enough for any job so this place seems perfect for him so far.
Upon entering the school for the first time, he can immediately tell something is off. He cant place his finger on exactly what it is but it does raise some red flags for him. Even so, he continues on for his interview and gets hired yadda yadda I dont really know how to explain that part and its not important.
Though, adding to his suspicions about this place, he has to meet and be around Alex now. I dont know how to word it in a good way, but basically he thinks Alex is a massive freak.
As time goes on, he gets more and more curious about what is happening in the school. Kids keep going missing, if there is any at all, and the place constantly smells like iron and rot. Bryne tries to research about the school online, trying to find any documents or reports about the school, like possible crimes that happened or any leads on the disappearances, but keeps coming up empty-handed.
This leads Bryne into a spiral, he keeps trying and trying to find information, it just seems right out of his reach. He spends most of his time at work in his own classroom, in the back with his personal computer most of the time because of this. That computer is like a sort of personal companion to him now, with how much time he has spent there alone with it.
Alex is aware of Bryne's researching, and after a while started to have his own fun with him. Setting up red herrings and letting information slip as a way to reel Bryne back into a game he almost had set up from the start.
Anyways, as time goes on Alex starts to get bored of this, and decides one night to finally get some real enjoyment out of this.
He was ready. The clock seemed to tick exceptionally slow that day, there was nothing different about that day from the rest, all but that usual feeling of dread seeming to hang heavier on Bryne's shoulders.
Alex slinked into his room, looming over him just watching him before making his presence known. He just started talking to Bryne, placing a hand on his shoulder and getting close to his level. Bryne could sense that something was wrong with this little meeting of his, though he did this type of thing this one felt wrong.
Bryne started to head out of his room and to the exit doors, hurrying his pace as he got further away from his room. Though when he finally reached the exit, he found the doors to be locked. No matter how much he tried he couldn't get them undone. He was now stuck here, unsure as to why. He started to panic, Bryne had always been weary of Alex, and now his suspicions have been proven. He was stuck there with a monster.
Now, I dont feel like I have the capability or patience to write the whole next segment, but to quickly summarize it: Bryne gets fucking hunted and chased through the school, becoming exhausted and more panicked over time and ends up heading back to his room, then Alex corners him there and kills him by giving him so much blunt force trauma to the face through smashing his face into a computer screen. yay!
I will probably try and write it out better at a later date when I have it more clearly thought out and have the energy to
anyways, here is a quick demonstration of what that looked like:
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really good mock-up i know right
Anyways, after this there is a week period(important) of time where he is dead, his body rotting away, semi-untouched. Bion apears within one of the computers as, well, him, and has to re-learn what it feels like to exist again along with his newfound unstable emotions and overall physical form.
He now has a hatred for Alex that burns brighter than the sun, and in simple terms is extremely violent over even the mention of him.
I'll add more onto Bion's way of processing thought and emotion later, but it is a pretty key part in everything he does. He is extremely impulsive.
Bion is a massive recluse, hiding away in his computer most of the time, rarely ever coming out. The computer is his safe space, leaving it even voluntarily causes him to get horribly stressed. The only times he ever fully leaves is when he is driven by an extreme emotion. (usually anger)
Touching him is most times lethal, he is electrically charge. Holding onto him or touching him in general causes a feeling of numbness after a period of time, intensity varying on his emotion and the time touching him. (it feels like when one of your limbs falls asleep, but a bit more painfull)
If Bion was ever added in game, or if I felt like ever attempting to mass mod the game, his mechanic would be to locate Alex.
He would be a (mostly) neutral character, helping the player by showing where in the map Alex is with a pop-up map. It would only be accessible in his room. Along with this Alex would be unable to enter the room at all, but he could just camp at the door and completely trap you, so it would be wiser to be quick while in Bion's room.
Bion's room is also located in a semi-inconvenient spot, near the end of a very long corridor with the only exit down that hallway being one of the rooms with a red key required door. (I'll add a map of where his room is later)
He also has the chance of being a hostile character too. If you provoke him with enough questions about himself, his past, speak of Alex, or bring a special item to him. Any of these will result in him killing you instantly, or becoming one of the hostile character that chase you in the game from that point on.
I also have an idea with him for an Easter egg ending that is related to his lore, but i have to do some more developing on it before I explain it to the public.
Because he is a spirit now, his reactions and emotions are alot more raw and intense, causing him to lash out often or go into violent spirals. He is his greatest enemy. (other than Alex)
His most common emotion that happens is rage, appearing whenever his mind starts going down a path of thoughts about how he was wronged, and the monster that he was wrongfully made into.
His rage and his fear of new things causes him to become more of a recluse than he already was. He cant even go out of his classroom without being reminded of how he was made into such a beast.
Bion can still feel and react like a normal person, and is still somewhat the same man he was. Whither that is good or bad is for you to decide.
The way he comes off when not in any fit of emotions is more flat and mechanical, being inside machinery for so long has changed the way he talks a bit, becoming more formal and thought out.
Here are my Toyhouse pages for both Bryne and Bion where you can find most if not all of their art, which includes lore art.
(lore art will be specified in the bio of the images, and you can usually tell because there is more effort in the details)
ALSO, Bion has a twitter account! its mostly fun silly stuff, but occasionally there will be lore related posts!
@B10NSC0MPUT3R <- link to his account!!!
btw this is going to be updated with more soon!!!!! im probably going to add some facts + more clarifications later!
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blood-injections · 9 months
show pony hcs?
They're Dr D's actual nephew and grew up visiting him and being a little helper at the radio station he's had since the nineties.
No sense of self preservation honestly, okay so this is like my favorite headcanon for them just because its silly and they're a badass. So they grew up visiting LA but dr d took them away from it before the and of the wars so they never lived in it while it turned into battery city, and they've never been captured, but they have indeed been to battery city. Because they've broken in. Solely to be gay do crime. They sneak into the city to graffiti shit and flirt with pornodroids and recruit them to throw bricks into windows with them(not of apartments or townhomes, just the research and bli buildings and occasional business). They wear their skates or bring a skateboard, they dont drive, half the time they bring a boombox, blasting the fucking beastie boys or something in the middle of the night while they skate around the city, and somehow theyve never been noticed by bli or had to fight their way out, theyre crazy and i love them
Punk as shit, you don't grow up with your cool uncle that was openly gay in the nineties without learning that capitalism sucks and cops aren't your friends. Its a big part of why they sneak into the city and be a nuisace, becuse they want to do more than just fight from the zones, because that city was their home once, before bli took it over and put up the walls, and unlike most joys who hate battery city and just want to burn it to the ground, pony wants to save it. They want to cause a more direct change, something physical thats there in the morning, so that the juvie halls and city folk can see it and see bli working to scrub away grafiiti and fix shattered windows and they'll all know theres someone else out there that doesn't agree with bli, fighting for them and maybe theyll be inspired to do more too. And its why they recruit the droids or juvie halls they come across and put a brick in their hand, because the power that comes with that, the inspiration, it spreads, because Pony's read the stories about the Stonewall riots and knows that if enough of the city could unite to fucking fight from the inside, they could make a real change.
Cherri's their older brother, not biologically but they dont care, they were both too young to fight in the wars but thats where they met, when dr d was looking after them and took cherri in when he lost his dad, who was dr d's friend. They grew up in the zones together, learned to shoot together, figured out out who they are together, they're fuckin siblings.
Their gender is whatever annoys you the most at the moment, it also depends on who theyre around around, like with Poison they're like im ur girlfriend vs with Cherri like yeah im your brother. They dont care what people call them.
Childhood best friends with Newsie but you'd never know it. They fight like siblings but they're thick as theives. When the wars started they were kids that thought theyd never see eachother again, but they reunited years later as killjoys
They're crazy friendly, like terrifyingly outgoing. They love everybody and everybody loves them but they manage to stay pretty humble about it
Theyr'e super dramatic and LOVE to gossip
Horrible artist, cant draw for shit. Great at collages though, they make all the zines and posters for radio shows. You can tell when they made one because there's glitter on it.
Has a helmet. Never wears it.
Proud polycule girlfriend of jet star and party poison
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
I read like all your werewolf by night stuff and they were amazing. I need more jack Russell and just fell in love with him instantly. Okay enough with me rambling but if you dont mind can you write Jack with reader. And could be reader be thinking about #24 to Jack and think jack deserves better than them?
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A/n: I’m very humbled that you like my werewolf by night stuff. I saw the lack of fics and decided to do something about it cuz that’s a crime to Jack Russell. So if anything I’m blessed with the ability to get to write for this character. He deserves it.🦦
Prompt list
Prompt 24- you deserve so much better then me.
‘He’s so beautiful it physically hurts.’ You thought to yourself as you looked down at Jack’s sleeping face, running your fingers through his hair as per your morning ritual, watching adoringly as his features were bathed in the soft golden glow of morning. You felt unworthy of a love as pure as Jack’s. You felt like a fraud, a fake, a deceiver of his trust even when you’ve kept his secret tightly to your chest as though it was your own.
You couldn’t pinpoint where these feelings came about but you were stuck with them either way and you had to deal with it. Never had you ever been given reason to doubt your relationship with Jack; He has been nothing less then kind, caring, attentive and overall the standard of what a romantic partner should be. You, on the other hand, only believed yourself to being selfish and taking advantage of the kindness given to you. Out of everyone Jack could’ve possibly chosen, he chose you and every day since then you’ve asked yourself why?
Why out of every possible suitor did his heart chose you? What made you special in comparison because each time you looked in a reflective surface of that a mirror or a river, you only saw boring, bland, you staring back. Your eyes didn’t hold stars within them, your smile didn’t beam brightly and you neither lighten up a whole room upon arrival nor made heads turn in your direction. You didn’t understand how Jack could look at you with unconditional love within his eyes and proudly hold your hand in his own without any ounce of shame of being seen with you. It didn’t make sense to you that someone like him could find you remotely attractive never less attractive.
Sensing that your hand had stopped stroking his hair, Jack opened a bleary eye, groaning softly, as he looked to see that your eyes were afar from reality as you were deeply lost in thought. Naturally he was less to believe something has been troubling you for awhile as he slept and he sat himself up against the headboard. “Y/n?” He said softly, knowing that by this time of day Ted was potentially making a mess out of your kitchen in an attempt of making you all tea. Another reasoning behind his choice in tone was that Jack didn’t want to alert his friend by raising his voice by raising his voice above a certain volume.Ted’s intentions towards many things were pure but due to his hulking mass of foliage and fungi, Ted was susceptible to causing accidental damage of his surroundings.
“Y/n.” Jack tired once again, this time making his voice loud enough to draw you back to the reality of your shared bedroom. “Nice to see that sleeping beauty has finally awakened.” You joked, going into press a kiss to his forehead only for him to move away, causing a twinge of pain in your chest. “Jack?” You asked, pulling away, rummaging through your head of what you had done in recent memory to earn that type of reaction. “What’s wrong?” You were worried that Jack had finally came to his sense and realised that you weren’t compatible with him and that he was going to admit in falling out of love with you. “I think I should be asking you that question,” Jack reached a hand to hold your cheek, stroking his thumb against the skin there almost reassuringly, “what’s wrong, you seem to be getting more and more lost in your thoughts nowadays. Let me help, you trust me right?”
“Of course I trust you Jack!” You cried, “I just…” your voice quietened gradually, “it’s…it’s stupid. Nothing worth you loosing sleep over.” Hurt by your hesitance to open up about your issues, Jack felt as though he wasn’t doing right by you as your partner in tackling your problems together and genuinely believed for the briefest of moments that you were falling out of love with him. “If it’s hurting you then it isn’t stupid, I’d rather lose all the sleep I could possibly get if it meant lifting the burden from your shoulders.” He says, resting his forehead against your own, closing his eyes, “when we entered a relationship together we agreed that whatever adversity we face, we face together. So let me fight by your side and rid you of your inner demons. For seeing you suffering in silence breaks my heart.” You brought your hands to hold his face, pushing your forehead against his own as you felt tears well behind your eyes.
“You deserve so much better then me Jack.” You finally admitted, not looking at him in fear of gauging his reaction, “I’m unworthy of being your friend never less your lover; Your soul is so full of light that I fear that one day I would only dampens it into extinction. I fear that one day you’d wake up and realise truth within my words and start looking elsewhere for someone who would look perfect right by your side, realise that in the end I wasn’t anything special.” Jack’s eyes seemed to shine with hurt and disbelief at your words that it only made you hate yourself even more if that was even possible. How could you dump your troubles onto the most genuine man you’ve been met, what gave you the privilege to do that to Jack? God you were so fucking selfish that you were borderline crying for reassurance that you didn’t fully deserve.
Jack didn’t want to believe what he was hearing. It felt wrong hearing such venom come from your mouth and aimed at yourself because to Jack every single word was absolutely false. The demons within your head was plaguing you and he couldn’t do anything about it. Jack knew it was near impossible for him to convey his every emotion through words, seeing as they’d only get him so far without gradually starting to sound repetitive and insincere. It frustrates him greatly that he didn’t take the signs he was seeing and piecing them together to see the full picture. How could he see so clearly yet after so blindsided.
“I don’t like it when you say things like that. To me,” Jack removed his hand from your cheek to lift your chin so that you were staring him in the eye, “you’re perfect. You truly don’t understand the extent of my feelings for you and I don’t think I do either as I find it difficult to even find the words to describe how you make me feel. In my eyes, you brighten up every room you’ve walked into, your eyes shine as though god plucked two of the brightest stars in the sky and placed them there. In my eyes, no one has a laugh as beautiful or as infectious as yours, no one has a heart as unique.” Jack placed a kiss to your cheeks, wiping away the tears there in the process as he smiled lovingly at you when he pulls away. “You wanna know why?” “Why?” You asked, desperate to know his innermost thoughts about you. However instead of words, Jack pressed a chaste kiss against your lips, pulling away just as you were about to reciprocate, “I love you so very much.”
Lost within your little moment, neither of you noticed Ted standing on the doorway of your room with two cutesy cups of tea within his significantly larger hands, not wanting to interrupt the scene before him but also not sure how to inform either of you that the tea was going to go cold.
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arospecbandgeek · 3 months
The sillies have consumed me.
Give me your BlaireCrash + FlameBomb Hcs, and DONT hold back.
I haven't even posted abt FlameBomb yet, I guess your Hcs will be the first.
Take a spinning Ramsey as Payment :3333
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“don’t hold back” “alr” writes a whole fucking essay worth at 2am
tw: SA, Abuse, Eating Disorders
Blairecrash + Flamebomb HCs
Blairecrash (Blaire x Fred)
The two met through tutoring. Blaire was failing history. Fred wanted to make some extra money.
Eventually some of the side talk turned into actual conversation, befriending each other.
Fred caught feelings first. Blaire was completely oblivious to this.
The two actually got together through a drunken confession. Fred picked up Blaire after she went to a bad party and was too intoxicated to drive.
He even carried her to the front door. Until she confessed. Then Fred dropped her in the grass out of shock.
Fred will make fun of his girlfriend for being “short” even though it’s only by a couple inches.
In reverse, Blaire will make fun of Fred for being less athletic than her.
Fred is teaching Blaire how to draw.
Blaire spoils Fred. A lot. Many of their dates are just shopping sprees.
Fred sucks at dancing. During homecoming, he was completely embarrassing. Blaire would roll her eyes and keep going anyway.
Would 100% fit that “He asked for no pickles!” meme.
Blaire has an entire crying fit whenever the dog dies in movies. No matter how many times Fred has to explain it’s just fiction, she’ll cry even harder.
Blaire’s favorite thing ever is My Little Pony. Any and all generations (Except the 5th one, ew). She keeps this a complete secret. No one knows except for Fred (who probably found out by opening one of her closets and seeing 300 toys)
She feels welcome to talk about My Little Pony, and even wake up early to watch reruns or play with some of the toys.
Fred doesn’t judge her for it. Finds it a bit weird, but loves her enough to go along with it.
Tanner McCroy is an abusive ex boyfriend of Blaire’s.
She was sextorted by him for a year or so. Blaire essentially did anything he wanted.
After Tanner got “bored” of her, they broke up and she was finally able to find someone else.
When Fred realized what happened, it made him angry. A type of angry that he’d never felt up until that day.
So angry that he got into his first school fight for it, punching Tanner square in the jaw.
The effects of Tanner never fully went away. Blaire developed PTSD from the events.
Fred wanted to do something, but beating up Tanner over and over again wasn’t going to fix the bottom line.
The only thing he could really do was be there to support her. No matter what.
Flamebomb (Flamethrower x Valeri)
less bc i don’t know val like that and i don’t want to get it wrong 😭
Val is a night owl and Flame is an early bird (Due to his practices being so early in the morning). This causes the following to happen:
On Friday nights, Flame will tend to fall asleep doing anything extraneous/ comfy past 1am. This tends to happen during cuddling. Val finds that adorable.
Speaking of cuddling, sometimes Flame plain sleeps on top of his girlfriend. On accident. Not in a cute cuddly way, but taking up half the bed type of way. Val refuses to move, making productive things more difficult. For example her trying to type on her phone would produce gibberish.
They go on mini crime sprees as dates sometimes. The occasional fire starts.
Like Blairecrash, they sometimes also wake up early to watch Saturday Morning Cartoons and rather cereal in bed, albeit different ones.
Tanner was also an ex of Val. The situation didn’t get as far as Blaire’s, but Val was SA’d.
Flame feels similar about Tanner as Fred does.
When Flamethrower witnessed Valeri’s bulimia first hand, his heart dropped into his stomach.
He tried to stay calm when confronting her about it, staying completely passive and not blaming her for anything. After a couple minutes of her being out of view he completely shut down.
Flame wished she didn’t have to suffer like that. That he could just snap his fingers and make her healthy again. That she’d just be okay. But things didn’t work like that. Things were much more complicated.
Bonus - Double Date HCs
These mostly get planned by Fred and Flame since they’re closer.
Despite being somewhat the opposite of each other, Blaire and Val get along very well.
Their first double date was to a laser tag game.
Everyone got really competitive.
For extra competition, Fred and Flame were on one team, and Blaire and Val were on another.
Fred is actually really good at laser tag, causing Blaire to get targeted and shot multiple times. Because of that, Blaire “swore revenge” on him.
That essentially just means stealing the food off his plate later on.
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^ Val actual ended up doing this to Flame. He got flustered and this was all he could think about for the rest of the day.
After, they went to go pick up something to eat.
It took a million years for them to figure something out since no one was craving anything but was also picky of where they wanted to eat.
They ended up choosing a fast food joint. (Taiga Country’s In & Out equivalent)
Blaire ate half of Fred’s fries.
Unrelated to this, I’d like to think they went on another date where Val blew something up. She would go:
“Whoopsies! Well, anyways….”
And then Blaire would stare at the fire like this
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