#i dont even still have a crush on this girl but i havent gotten a crush someone since so every now and again my brain goes back to her
themuseoftheviolets · 8 months
god i have got to get a new crush
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kings-highway · 19 days
pre-relationship bullshit haikyuu teams probably had to put up with before various ships managed to get their shit together
daisuga probably was really annoying with like small/petty jealousy, like a girl would hit on one of them and the other would be standing behind their back making faces about it and mocking it and everyone else on the team just has to put up with it. and then theyre all overly sweet to each other to make up for the petty jealousy or some odd version of "winning them back" after the flirting event and the team is rolling their eyes *so hard*
i think asanoya is so annoying bc nobody can convince Asahi that Noya likes him. Like full stop. Eventually someone pulls him aside and is point blank like "Noya said he has a crush on you ask him out" and Asahi is just like: "Haha he was probably joking" and just leaves the scene. Like the absolute refusal to believe it from Asahi combined with Noya's classic teen boy inability to be sincere means that even after theyve both been told they somehow still havent gotten together??? how long is this going to take???
tsukkiyama probably ruins everyone's week the week before they get together bc one of them *saw* a confession letter stuck into the other's bag and absolutely went (emotionally) off the rails for the days leading up to them discovering it was for them.
I am fully of the camp that iwaoi start dating before they label it/make it official so the whole team is screaming like "PLEASE HAVE A CONVERSATION ABOUT IT" meanwhile Oikawa is saying "we just went on a few dates and kissed a few times it doesnt mean anything" and Iwa is in the background shouting "yeah I dont wanna be anyone's boyfriend that's lame" and then they wander off to go eat dinner together holding hands and the team is left in frustration because ALL they talk about is how theyre *not* in a relationship.
for bokuaka its mostly just Bokuto pestering every goddamn person he knows for like 4 months asking "do you think Akaashi likes me?" or "do you think he'd say yes if I asked him out?" and then one day making Konoha *snap* when he says "I need to tell you a secret" and the secret is that he has a crush on Akaashi as if nobody had known that
with ushiten I imagine Tendou was probably really obvious with his crush/interest but in like a very casual "not taking myself too seriously" kind of way so he's comfortable openly flirting, and Ushijima, against everyone's expectations, doesnt seem to mind the attention but is still who he is, so the whole team just has to put up with the most INSANE interactions. Like Tendou walks into the locker room and cat calls him and Ushijima just replies with a formal "thank you" and Semi is contemplating slamming his head in a locker. There's like 12 months of this.
okay okay but I think arankita is *very classic* in that Aran compensates for his crush by over-supporting Kita. so like the whole team gets super annoyed bc Aran wont risk disagreeing with him, is always offering to do extra work, is generally just sucking-up really badly and the twins suffer the most for this bc Aran used to just ignore their antics but now he's super annoyingly on them all the time to try and impress Kita
kuroken is a little different. Yaku asks Kuroo every single day if he's asked Kenma out yet. Lev asks Kenma if he has a crush on Kuroo every chance he gets. Fukunaga gives them a wink when they leave practice to walk home together. This is the only pairing in which the team is the irritant pre-relationship and then post-relationship everyone loses interest and moves on.
I'd include kagehina but once again the entire goddamn show is everyone putting up with them flirting so whats the point.
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leastdatablebracket · 10 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Baxter Ward
That Boy Needs Therapy
He ghosts you after the end of step 3, even if you try and date him.
look i love my boy, but baxter literally dumps you outside of your childhood home, shuts the door in your face even if you’re sobbing in the middle of the street, and then ghosts you for five years and then pretends he doesn’t care about you when you meet again. this is even if he’s aware that he’s your first love (if you chose to make him that). he literally says that you have bad taste in men if you choose to date him again before you’ve talked anything over shshhshssbb. love him but he needs a therapist waaaaayyyyy more than he needs a partner.
Ryouta Kazama
ok so i havent actually seen all of his route cause the game's only available in japanese and the streamer i watched play the game switched to a different guy like halfway through the game n i seriously doubt anyone else is gonna submit him i just need someone else to know about this so! ryouta and the player character (doesnt have a canon name but is given the nickname of marii by the two girl friends) were friends in kindergarten with ryouta having a very blatant crush on her n wished on a pinwheel for them to get married when theyre older he then moves to england as soon as he gets old and he n marii dont interact at all until nine years later when he comes back for high school and is still very blatantly down bad for a girl he last talked to when they were six but has spent the last nine years still thinking about (theres something in the game you can unlock called adv events where you get the love interests pov on moments in their lives and one of ryouta's reveals that even though he couldve he never sent marii any letters but very much did spend all those years thinking about her) n a lot of his interactions with marii are weird n circle back to him being obsessed with them being friends as kids and like a first it just kind of seems like oh he hasnt gotten over his puppy love yet lol but it is kind of like acknowledged that this is a weird thing in game as if marii gets his gift in the christmas exchange ryouta will say something about it being fate n marii pointedly ignores that n is like wow what a coincidence that we got eachother's gifts (not in an oblivious heroine way btw ryouta's straight up is like oh ok ur ignoring what i said) n he treats her like shes naive n completely innocent which like marii is cause shes a mostly blank slate otome heroine but its still noteworthy as being weird due to his aforementioned memorialization of them being friends in kindergarten n that none of the other love interests really treat marii that way or really make note of those being notable traits of hers that often while its something ryouta does frequently anyway so the moment that made my thoughts on ryouta switch from "lol hes kind of weird" to "i want to study him like a bug" is that His Bedroom Is The Exact Same As It Was When He Was A Six Year Old Child In Kindergarten And Hes Keeping It That Way On Purpose like genuinely thats immediately read to me as horror movie shit imagine reuniting with a childhood friend of urs who keeps bringing up stuff you did as kids (that you dont really remember cause you were like six n are now in high school) n making comments about how naive and easy to read you are n gets weirdly jealous about other guys being buddy buddy with you and then like a year or so after hes moved back n you've becomed friends again he invites you to hang out at his house so you go over and then His Room Looks Like It Belongs To A Six Year Old and hes telling you about how his room hasnt been altered (beyond cleaning) at all since he left n since hes come back hes chosen to keep it exactly the same n hes telling you this like its a reasonable thing literally what the fuck also while ryouta is the posterboy childhood friend love interest of this game theres another love interest who was both ryouta n marii's childhood friend and you'll never believe this he treats her like a normal person and is just a normal guy who barely remembers being friends in kindergarten and him n marii only learn that theyre childhood friends cause of ryouta being mildly exasperated that neither of them really remembers them being a trio when they were six theres definitely like worse love interests i could submit from this series (like the teachers n one of the three secret love interests in the second game whos route is just straight up him emotionally abusing the heroine) but im submitting ryouta cause his reasons for sucking as a romantic partner are bizarre n live rent free in my mind
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briarborealisocs · 10 months
Do any of your ocs want kids??? Are any of them vehemently against it??? I am so curious, especially talking to Nat about Nuri has gotten me thinking about my OCs and what they'd want in their future.
oh a very interesting question!! i dont usually think about this in regards to my characters because i prefer not to think too much about romance in my writing (i am aroace and find other dynamics easier to write) but hmmmm yes i think i will give it a go
you will find many of my characters are on the aroace spectrum as well because the projection game goes too hard
kiska doesnt really want biological kids because shes. immortal. and it would be weird. but she's VERY maternal. she adopts vas almost every reincarnation cycle and even beyond vas she's the type to pick up strays. she's a great mom too, she does her absolute best to learn everything she can about parenting
vas is . 15 years old usually! i dont think kids are ever really on her mind when i write her. i know some teenagers are already thinking about having a family, vas is not one of them lol. but she grows up Eventually and i think if she found someone she really trusted and loved she wouldnt be opposed to having kids, adopted or otherwise. back when vas was a grown woman in older drafts, her story was actually a romance! and she did have kids with her partner, aaron, in some aus. so hypothetically she could want kids, but i dont think about it much because shes 15 and a gremlin and i dont think she plans for romance or family life, its something that finds her when shes older sometimes though
project starstruck:
since boreal and austral are kind of my sonas to an extent, uhhh... nah haha i dont think theyd want kids. austral definitely wouldnt, shes the type to be a Cool Aunt with a dog or a cat and several trips to italy HAHA. austral also has pretty bad parental issues that make her even more hesitant to have kids, even if she wasnt aroace.
boreal honestly might want kids someday but i dont think shes very interested in finding a partner to raise them with. i do have it in mind that boreal becomes a kindergarten teacher though! she loves kids and is very good with them, i just dont think she'd have any of her own.
there are sooo many characters here! i'll only talk about the ones that do probably want kids, and ignore the ones who are already canonically parents
leon definitely wants kids. he's a real teddy bear of a guy and he wants to be a dad someday, maybe even a stay at home dad if his future wife makes enough money to support the house on her own. he's dated on and off but nothing ever really worked out for him so far. he really really values family and would love to raise one on his own... he's kind of got other priorities right now that make dating hard, though haha. especially because his crush is an aromantic villain
dani i feel like also wants kids. my gut instinct was that she would not want kids but i think... not biological kids, probably, maybe? but she wouldnt be opposed to, when shes a lot older, having a kid or two of her own. i will say that currently its probably one of the LAST things on her mind, she doesnt even know what college she's gonna go to, much less what her romantic prospects are.
brendan (the dad-aged hero i havent formally introduced you to yet) probably WANTED kids but was never able to settle down due to his hero duties coming first. i think he probably still wants to have a family someday but its looking less and less likely the older he gets. dont worry dude, youll find someone someday
maia (dani's best friend who i also havent formally introduced you to yet) also wants kids someday. it actually is something thats been on her mind despite being a teenager, she's very grounded and the "plan ahead" type and shes already thinking about what she'll need to do if she wants to raise a family someday... girl its alright you can relax. you dont even have a girlfriend yet
the weaver's apprentice:
dijah doesnt hate kids? but she definitely does not want one of her own. maybe she gets baby fever every once in a while but then she remembers the reality of having to raise a child for 18+ years and decides she is NOT equipped for that, Thank You!
the owl house:
sol does not want kids. or a partner. or romance. but maybe someday when shes a lot older she'll take on an apprentice who becomes like a kid to her. (vague shrug) i love that trope and i feel like sol could pull it off if she wanted to. she definitely doesnt want kids though. she wants a potion empire and to hang out with her best friends
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girlwithnomemory1563 · 4 months
r u serious
pardon my lack of posts; i actually haven't had much time to make poor decisions! just smoke too much, sleep too little and work all of my days away! :,} so actually, a pat on my back is needed since i've been good these past weeks. despite my lack of activity, i have lots of yapping to partake in. i'll try to include a TL;DR at the end to sum it all up.
so we went out thursday! i slept most of the day and then met up with my friend, jane to get ready together. we smoked with her family (hello) and i ended up leaving with a cool ass ashtray! its a pyramid and it opens up to hold all of my roaches :3
ok ok then we head off to her boyfriends dorm and we pregammed with some sort of peachy alcohol... i forgot. but we drank almost the whole damn handle between the three of us before going so i came into the bar just looking for some funsies. immediately, omg, i spot this tall ass hunk of guy (so cringe but if y'all saw him, heeyunk is all you'd think) so ofc im like, ok mental note made. idk if the universe wanted us to meet or if we're just both tall so we saw each other over the crowd LMAO. anywho, we get in there and start dancing after chatting with all of our friends. i got to see an old coworker from my first job! then got scolded by her for being underaged! she actually unleashed a whole bunch of lore onto me abt this other girl we worked with who i actually had such a huge crush on. blah blah basically the girl cheated on the coworker i ran into with her ex and her now current bf. and then ran off to texas! huh!
ANYWAYS OMG we get back onto the dance floor and i see the large man in my radius again. he was like blonde and had the serial killer glasses and a good ass pedo stache. and he was just sooo beefy you have no idea oh my god. and he was 6'5. 6'5!! i'm a 5'10 girl so he's already won me. so we've like seen each other at this point but i keep dancing obviously. the music was so good that night actually, wasn't the normal overplayed playlist. and while im dancing, he somehow ends up in front of me with my group of friends between us and shoves into my friend! and my friend yells at him so obviously i watch with intent and then im like "guys WAIT hes literally a cadet PLS show some respect" so we all saluted him. and he rolled his eyes and i came. lmao jk but it was stupidly attractive and made me reflect abt myself.
we keep going in and out of the bar to smoke and finally, and i've forgotten how we started talking, but he ends up beside me and my friend so i talked to his hunky ass! he was wearing one of those baja (? i googled the style) hoodie in the bar so im like "are you not hot?" and blah blah blah. and we start dancing. and his strong ass beefy arms stayed around me and he was so big grrr. and this bitch bumped into jane so obv jane apologizes. and then the bitch's little goonie ass friend is like "yeah sorry you were in the way.." pardon? so jane comes and tells me and i whip around real quick to find this munchkin bc hey, i have my snake belly ring in so like obv i can do so damage..../not serious at all. and this man...this hunk man...like moved me to be beside him and was like looking for her too! he was down for the gang!
oh god im yapping and i havent even gotten to the GOOD PARTTT. ok so we all go outside and i sit in the chair next to him and we're just chatting. and then he just seamlessly pulls me into his lap??? didn't even struggle? came once again. so im sitting in his lap chatting with him and we go to get up and leave and this man...picks me up and does curls with me still in his arms....never wanted to ride a man's face more than right then and there. so in this moment i have decided im not leaving without this man. and it wasnt even that hard! i mentioned i was going to sleep in jane's boyfriend's floor and he was like "pls i have a bed for you to sleep in" and i was like "say less". i do need more survival instincts BUT you dont get it. if u were feeling the liquor like i was while feeling his huge buff arm around my neck in the bar then you'd understand that i had no other choice. actually lmao as we left, my other friend stella grabbed me and was like "ma he looks like jeffrey dahmer, think abt it" and did! i did think! with my dick!
so we drive to this dingy frat house in the woods (once again, survival is not my middle name hey) and we get in this room that's not even his btw, and there's a bed with a futon next to it. this jackass tells me im sleeping on that futon! and as we were leaving, he was like "no funny business tho, im going to bed" like ok! right! ok ok! but he was just pranking me after i had already started cleaning it up. so we get in bed and start watching tv and im like, abt to explode from horny since i now have this beef cake down to his underwear next to me in bed, so i say "fr no funny business?" and he's all like "i guess some wouldn't hurt" so we start kissing. ok kisser! not a lot of tongue but i get it! and then i move to give him head eventually and he's like instantly "how tf are u so good at blowjobs" and it really stroked my ego so bad. and he came really quick and it didnt throw me off bc for some reason, every man ive been with has ejaculated prematurely in everything. and then we try to go to bed and we're spooning and his boner is pushing into me so im like "you don't want to have sex?" and he says "nope!" and im like "ok! can i ask why!" and he's like
"i'm waiting until marriage!"
ok! ok...! ...ok... i respect that completely bc he went on abt how its like the highest form of discipline to be able to resist sex. so i'm like "ok just put me in the queue when u start sexing people" and we talk a little bit more and then off to sleep we go. so ive made him cum once so far and ive came zero times. which is ok! no its not. but whatever.
we wake up and like, he seemed sorta into me the previous night but i think he saw what i looked like in normal daylight and with no makeup so it turned him off. but we talk some more and i find out my friends killed my vape the night before so obv i bitch abt it. and hes like "i have another vape for you" and he meant his penis! so i give him head again and then he goes to pee. and this man farts so manly and loudly that i could hear it from the room and i cant even say anything. like i knew his tummy felt so much better after that. but then he gets a cup of coffee, doesn't offer me a cup minus 5 points, and then we talk some more. and he checked himself out in the tv reflection as he talked to me. minus like 2 points bc once again, hes beefy so i get it. then he drives me back to my rink dink ass 2005 honda accord and hes like "ah..it says a lot abt you" Hello? Get tf out of my face??
but yeah i left and we haven't talked since! i doubt i'll ever see him again bc hes currently a student at an out of state college. he went to the college in my town for the previous three years and studied biochem...splooged again. but yeah he was just down here for his birthday weekend. so i'll most likely never see him again but if i do, im coming with a wedding certificate so we can bone.
tl;dr: met an amazingly hunky guy, hyped him up so hard in my head, got to his crib and drops the abstinence bomb. i made him cum twice, i came zero. a lose for me but hey...he was so fucking fine i'd do it again any day of the week.
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sevicia · 2 years
tell us about ur ocs then
((After i finished writing this i realized how long it is IM SO SORRY if anyone actually reads this i am kissing you so so very tenderly))
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OK this is daría she is a swamp witch. She is veeery moody and has a dont care didnt ask type of attitude. She loves creachers and is able to talk to them, she also has vast knowledge of plants and natural remedies. She loves reading, and Aurora (her gf)! She's friends with Sammy (her cousin) and frenemies with Angel (she finds her annoying even though theyre very similar) <3 Also shes an nb lesbian, the shortest of the group and she's 16-17 I faghor to mention that
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^ angel (left) and sammy (right)!!
Angel is a very orderly, serious girl, as well as as a nocturnal witch! She's able to see ghosts and talk to them (AKA order them around to do her chores LOL), and can see almost perfectly at nighttime. She has a tiny (huge) crush on Sammy, her only friend due to Angel's "rude" nature (in reality she is just blunt). She also loves to accesorize, and her favorite color is blue! She's pretty tall and lanky, and is #trans and a lesbian. Also, she finds Aurora annoying. She's 17-18!
Sammy is a caring, kind girl who is also a day witch! She has the ability to soothe and heal all lifeforms. She is also a great singer, having a deep love for music since childhood. She's very affectionate, esp. with Angel, and although she reciprocates her feelings she is too shy to ACTUALLY act on them. This infuriates Daria who just wants the two to quit pining and just kiss already. She likes summer the most, and has a good relationship with her and Darias grandma, who is the legal caretaker for them both. Sammy was adopted by Daría's uncles, who both passed away for Mysterious Reasons. Her relationship with Aurora is a good one, finding her cute and funny. She's tall, a little shorter than Angel, and is a cis lesbian. She's 17-18!
(I wanna redesign her but i still havent gotten around 2 it help)
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This ^ is Aurora! She's not always in a swimsuit LOL this is just the only decent drawing of her i could find. She usually wears a school uniform with pink accents. She's bubbly, kind and puppy-like, getting excited REALLY easily. She loves fashion, sweets, animals, Daria and the color pink! She is not a witch in any capacity, but she still studies witchcraft in an attempt to become an artificial witch. She likes chasing Angel around and tries to actively become her friend! She's the second shortest of the group, and is a cis bisexual girl! Her age is 15-16; she's a year younger than Daria!
OK those are the witchy ocs now for the fruit ones 😏
(a note: The children in the fruitverse are born (hatched?) from flowers, which people who are looking for children go to in order to adopt. However, sometimes there's children that no one adopts, and they, along with children that got bad adopted by bad parents, get sent to the Fruit Basket, which is essentially an orphanage. Generally, people looking to adopt seek out the more mild-mannered fruit children, meaning they look for the sweetest fruits (AKA strawberries, bananas, apples, etc.) and other, more acidic fruits have a lower adoption rate due to them being known to be a bit more difficult to raise.)
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This girl^ is Berry! I am the best at names I know. She's quiet and calm, and enjoys reading dates with her bff Nana. She lives with just her mom, Ms. Raspberry, and has a pet dog named Pinkie. She is often distressed because she gets roped into wild situations (mostly nana's fault TBH) when she would rather just chill all the time. Still, she's earnest and responsible. She's 13 years old!
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This is Nana the man the myth the legend. As you can see, he is a banana. He's mischievious or however you spell that, and enjoys Berry's company mainly because she's 90% of his impulse control. He lives with his parents (Mr. and Ms. Blueberry), and his two siblings: Benjie (oldest) and Nadia (youngest). He loves them to death, and often teams up with Nadia (who is like 10) to stress out Benjie (who is 23). He is tall, and 14, a year older than Berry.
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this is Ran! her ref sheet says pretty much everything, but ill talk abt her anyways cause i love her <3
Ran is an orange! She's a quick-tempered girl, but really sweet on the inside. She has trouble opening up to others due to her original parents neglecting her emotional needs while she grew up. When she was 6, her teacher caught onto the fact that her parents treated her badly, and she was sent to the Fruit Basket. At age 9, Lia (a lemon woman) adopted her from there. Ran feels as if she is indebted to Lia and needs to 'earn' her love by being as perfect as possible, so she puts a lot of pressure on herself. Meanhwile, Lia loves her unconditionally and is doing her best to make sure Ran knows that. Ran eventually becomes friends with Nana and Berry, and she is 15 years old.
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These two right here are the Cherry sisters!
Mia (left) is the oldest at 22 years old, and she has a playful, happy personality. She likes fashion, and her main love language is signs of affection! She often tries to let her little sister Cher know she loves her, but she can get a bit TOO attentive to the point of overprotection. She is very popular with just about everyone due to her cheery personality and the fact that she's pretty (LOL), making Cher jealous. She is Benjie's girlfriend and loves him to death. Her main hobby is making him flustered!
Cher (right) is the youngest at 16 years old. Her personality is a bit more sour than Mia's, due to her feeling as if she's the shadow of her sister. She has a bit of an inferiority complex, and is often torn between wanting to be Exactly like her sister, or being her own person and being 'worse' than her sister her whole life. She is reclusive, easily annoyed and a bit bitter. She feels as if she is inferior to Mia due to not getting as much attention as her. Still, she likes fashion and is a horror movie fan. She eventually befriends Ran (and 'those two weird kids', by proxy).
OK now for the fruit ones that dont have drawings (yet)!:
Benjie: He's a tall, strong #transhet man, 23 years old, and he's a banana! He has a worrisome and anxious personality that he tries to hide by 'acting cool' (he just puts on sunglasses and hopes for the best). He is very kind, working at a dog shelter and always trying to pull his little siblings out of trouble. He has a soft spot for Berry due to her being a friend and a source of relaxation for Nana.
Monserrat: She is a lemon girl who has been in the Fruit Basket ever since she was born, and has a rivalry with Ran that stems for Lia adopting Ran instead of her. The rivalry consists of Monse being mean to Ran and Ran not letting herself be trampled over. She feels as if she deserves to be Lia's daughter more than Ran due to the fact that both her and Lia are lemons. In reality, she is just bitter about having never been adopted at the age of 15, and channels that bitterness towards other people. She likes romance novels and books, and eventually finds a friend in Cher after having a redemption arc in which she apologizes to Ran (and to Nana, Berry and Charlie, who she also enjoyed antagonizing).
Charlie: They are an apple kid who got pulled out of an abusive home, into the Fruit Basket, where they get ostracized and picked on by the other fruit children due to them being 'weird' (AKA not being able to communicate like everyone else; stuttering) and 'dumb' (AKA them struggling at school). Their peers at the Fruit Basket called them 'Rotten Apple'. This has made them defensive and reclusive, which just makes them get excluded even more. Their only friend at the beginning is their pet worm Alice, though later on they befriend Nana and Berry. They get along well with Ran, too, since they have a kind personality under those layers of defensiveness and aggression.
Agatha: Not a fruit, but a human! This girl is a 'mad scientist' type of character. She's a genius and enjoys programming, hence her creating the Fruitverse, an 'ecosystem' contained in a computer program that got out of hand; it was meant to be a simple game, but she kept adding and adding elements and details in her excitement until the 'characters' became able to think for themselves and altered her computer in the process, becoming a sort of virus for her. She comunicates with the 'characters' through a microphone that resounds in the town speakers, and while most of the adults are respectful and fearful of her, the children are... not, often taunting her and calling her 'stinky' and other names, which makes her basically ragequit and leave her computer (she leaves it running all the time. No matter what, she couldn't bear to know she'd be ending the fruit people's lives. She gets attached easily.)
Alice: A 17 year old trans girl with a masculine voice that doesn't match her appearance living in a futuristic city where robots have become a commodity, and people who keep the robots running (AKA essential workers) are treated very, very badly. She lives in the poorer side of town with her parents, who are both maintainance workers, and her sister, a wannabe influencer. As the daughter of maintainance workers, she is bullied in school. One day, she isn't able to stand it any longer, so she skips school and wanders around town, eventually finding a hidden tunnel that leads to an underground system, where discontinued or 'faulty' robots are left until 'recollection' (AKA getting crushed and burned in a facility). Seeing this, she sets out to help the robots, feeling a connection to them. Her adventure leads her to the rotten core of the city.
Annie (short for Anastasia): She is a 20 year old girl, Alice's sister and a wannabe influencer. She worries very much about her little sister, trying to look out for her whenever possible. She is easily annoyed and follows trends as best as she can with her limited options. She has plenty of friends, though most of them talk about her behind her back. She knows this, but she's terrified of not being popular, so she sticks with them. Deep inside, she is a kind, caring girl who is scared of not being liked. Initially, she is against Alice going into her crusade alone, but warms up to the idea eventually, choosing to trust her and looking out for her in a more indirect way.
The Mother: This entity is the AI that rules the city. It doesn't take a single form, being able to choose its vessel from custom-made robot-suits. It is responsible for the unequality of the city, encouraging it as it allows it to keep itself on the top of the metal chain. Eventually, when Alice manages to find it with the help of her sister and robot friends, it tries bargaining for its existence by telling Alice it can give her the life she's always wanted. It promises Alice a future of being adored, of being accepted by her peers. Or something. Haven't decided on that yet!
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aloneatl4st · 2 months
Im not using tags cuz I hope this doesn't get found
Ive started college in 2023 and now im getting closer to my 1st year. Ive met many people and stopped talking to quite a few.
Ive recently made friends with a guy whose name shall be Hunter for this post and anonimity. Hunter is a straight guy who ive gotten to know quite a bit in the last 4 to 5 weeks.
Im ashamed to say it, because i should know better, but ive had a crush on him for i would say 3 months. Against my better judgement i decided to let myself get infatuated with a man that has no ability to like me back which isnt something surprising to me but still a mistake i couldve avoided somehow... I just dont know how.
Hunter is a very nice and caring guy i would say in general, he funny and he, unlike most straight men ive talked to in my life, isnt disgusted by my existence as a queer man. He touchy feely and for shits and giggles even asked me if i want a piggy back ride (im a 6 foot non-skinny man, he realistically had no reason to do that). I dont really laugh like I laugh with him and thats what makes me feel so painfully pathetic.
Recently it seemed he got a bit closer to another one of my friends whoch made me feel super defeated as she is a girl, but i managed to confirm from her that neither one of them like eachother.
Another huge problem is that he broke up with him abusive girlfriend about 2 or 3 weeks ago, which makes me feel disgusting and "opportunistic". I wish I wasnt like this but i havent received this level of attention from a man in a while, especially positive attention.
Realistically I know Hunter will never like me or be into me (hes got VERY clear straight boy behaviour, its hard to explain) but hes also pretty gentle with me and sometimes his touches linger and I feel like a fool for letting some second-grade infatuation ruin me like this.
Ive been unable to function for 2-3 days right now, just listening to lovesick music and fantasizing for something that was clearly not meant for me ever. Sometimes I still regret not being born a woman, so I could just love the guys Ive been into in the past without feeling added-on guilt of incompatibility due to sexuality.
I just wish he knew how special he is, and how sweet and nice, and hes also such a sight for sore eyes... Gods I am not your strongest soldier, stop giving me your toughest men to have crushes on my hearts love capacity is too large to use on men who cant love me back.
In a world in my mind where things go my way, he figures out he is bisexual and somehow I have a chance with him, I just hope itd happen fast cuz he has rendered me immoble and unable to complete simple tasks cuz all I do is think of him.
Hunter... youre very beautiful and sweet, and I know thia information is useless because neither one of us can do anything with it, but I hope whoever is your next girl will treat you right cuz if you treat women better than you treat me than I cant imagine ever being toxic to you like your exes were 💔
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namuneulbo · 11 months
week eighty-six
i was so busy on sunday so i couldnt post in time. sorry!! ill write and post this now at 1 am on monday. it was a good sunday though, cute person at the till but i got so flustered i forgot to look at their last name when i ided them so i just know his first name and middle name loool. went to the bar after work w c, l and s. we then went for food and ate in the school cafeteria. a cute security guard came after a while and asking for us to show our keys to prove we could be there lol.
ive been listening to loooots of saosin. im so in love w their stuff. so the sotw is obvious hehe.
okay now ill go through the week in order lol.
monday i dont really remember. just work.
i had a shorter shift on tuesday, only four hours! afterwards i met up w e and e and we walked around town and then had some food and then went to some shops. it was fun and time went by so fast.
on wednesday i thought id have to rawdog the music quiz and just go alone and hope id find someone ik there to play w BUT c came home just in time so she joined me along w d, e and s. s left before the results and d and e left right after the results. we did HORRIBLY!!! we came like,, 9th ??? out of 14 probably?
s joined us afterwards and m also joined in after a bit. i thought it was a lot of fun but apparently ive now gotten the news that s is... a bit weird. idk, i always thought my friends were kind of,,, making him seem worse than he is but ig im starting to understand what they find so odd ab him and back on wednesday i still enjoyed his company. after talking for a while, m left to go to another table and c and i were left w s. h joined us at one point and omg i was so excited ab it, i think hes so cool and cute and sweet and i kind of fangirled internally. like truly its not like a crush or anything, hes just so sweet and funny so i was so excited to talk to him. THEN..... D JOINED??? idk if ive talked ab him too much on here but basically hes just this bassist dude whos so fucking cool to me and ive never spoken to him and before this i hadnt even sat at the same table as him or stood within the same circle as him. ig this experience was quite humbling though lol i think i made him up to be more talkative and louder than he actually is. nothing bad ab that i just realized ive probably made him way cooler in my mind than he is irl. hes just human lol. hes still cool to me though but i need to mention that its funny that c had literally said to me like “girl, ur hyping him up way too much. hes just a man.” and now i was indeed proved right. he is just a guy lol. its kind of become an inside joke by now though and i like that ive created that correlation to him now so itll always be in the back of esp c and ls minds. i did fangirl a lot when he sat down at our table out of nowhere though and it was so funny bc c kept giving me a look.
d left quite quickly to go to talk to others and after a while me, c, h and ss convo turned into a film bro convo bc apparently all three of them r film bros and i havent seen like,, any movies so they started listing movies from every era and of every genre that i had to watch and it was so funny. after they had been listing stuff for a good 15 minutes they finally said dead poets society and i could finally be like “IVE SEEN THAT ONE”. i then watched interstellar the next day... no reason why i specifically watched that one...
after watching interstellar on thursday, i got so inspired to go learn cornfield chase on piano so i ran to school at 12 am but obviously it was closed. i knew it would be but sometimes the gates might still be open or something so there r loopholes but yeah, not this time. i checked every door lol. i still havent gone to practice it. i practiced a little bit at home on the keyboard but it sounds so bad and its so hard to play, mainly ergonomically.
friday! played sims all day and then went for a drink w t. we then went for a walk and then got some food to end the evening. i love them sm <3
saturday was work again but it was a five hour shift that went by pretty fast and it was such a weird shift lol. theres this guy that comes in every now and then and weve always had this little tension between us, like a pretty obvious romantic tension. i remember all the times hes been at the till while i was working. one time he was also just in the store while i was fixing some shelves, i think i was specifically organizing cat food? anyways, first time, i actually cant remember fully if it was him but im pretty sure?? idk, like i said, i get flustered when i see pretty ppl so i just remember a BIG tension and his hand shaking a bit when holding his card to the card reader. second time he bought cigarettes and i ided him and TURNS OUT ITS A GUY I WENT TO ELEMENTARY W LOLLLL. hes two years older than me and all i remember of him is that he used to show me gore on the computer at the after school thingy we were at. honestly shaped me a lot as a child probably. i wonder if he remembers me from that as well. anyways. he bought food some other time too and i remember just really feeling the tension still. like its sm fun??? like how u can feel that we both find each other so attractive yet no one says anything apart from just smiling and doing like a specific type of eye contact and just like idk... speaking in a certain tone ig??? its sm fun. hes so hotttttt. anyways on saturday he came in twice, once w his friend (who i also know and hes not a great guy sooooooo) and that time his friend was just buying cigarettes but he stayed away for some reason and like fully turned his back to me lol idk what that was ab but then after an hour or so he came in alone to buy some quick meal and the tension was back. i think he mightve genuinely just avoided me the first time bc he didnt want his friend to know??? or am i being totally delusional rn?
later that shift d shows up. THE d. we were both as surpised lol i just looked up from my phone when i heard someone start piling up stuff on the conveyor belt and then i meet eyes w him and his eyes widen just as much as mine and hes like “hi!” and im like “hi!”. we dont say anything else but it was just so funny and i keep smiling lol. hes so iconic to me. maybe a little hot too but like mostly iconic. i think. he is QUITE hot though... like to be fucking fair....
THEN omg. this was so fucking funny and i laughed ab it for the rest of my shift. this guy came in to buy alcohol and he was young so he showed id before i even got to asking him for it and his name is literally the same as w, my crush. FIRST AND LAST NAME WERE THE SAME??? what a fucking coincidence??????? it was so funny and i had to keep myself from bursting out in laughter in front of him it was so fucking weird. i didnt think w had THAT common of a name. like yeah first name sure, one of the more common ones for his age but like first and last name??? woah.
anyways, thats a fucking wrap.
sotw: saosin - racing toward a red light
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selamat-linting · 1 year
okay, update on my sims legacy challenge
-shirley's childhood : the dad is dead, but things are pretty okay. simone still visit them as a ghost since i put his urn in a special graveyard at the house. she also, kinda has another dad later on. yeah, alondra's remarried, not the ghost of l. faba or even morgyn. but her new neighbor, tanaka
-it happened during a power conservation day. shirley was busy doing her homework while alondra made potions and dranked the good luck one. she had a visit by one of her neighbors called tanaka and he gave her a death flower. i was busy with shirley for ONE second, and when i get back they were already all over each other. gotta say it was pretty hardcore how he pulls over my admittedly hardcore witch founder by the grim reaper plant. i approve, sir.
-and then, since alondra was begging for one, i gave her a vacation with shirley in tow. unfortunately it was also new years', and shirley's birthday. ohh that was awful. and the worst thing is that, since things are going well, i havent felt the need to use the needs potion. my sim passed out on a bench several times just to make that holiday happen. alondra doesnt even know shirley's friends, she just put the party in a park and invited santa claus in hopes that shirley's too excited on meeting new kids and making a wish to santa to even notice that none of her friends are there. it worked.
-after the bday party, there was also the countdown. since shirley's a teen now, they both spent it at a bar. and alondra becomes a wreck. i got the notif that she was going to die soon. and she has been having sad moods in the background since her friends have been dying. but now she's mostly uncomfortable since as an elder she cant keep up with three events at once without potions. meanwhile she only needs to get more xp so she could have the virtuoso wizard rank to finish her magic aspiration. i literally dont know what else to do. she'd done dueling, experiment, everything! so, i realized, alondra never really unleashed a spell to strangers. its always items or other wizards and occasionally her daughter so she's not filled with grime and dirt. so in that entire night, while shirley talked with the locals, alondra let go all of her restraints and reputation as the good witch and cast infernio on everyone and everything. she almost hit her girl.
-after the holiday, her mood doesnt improve. Im now focused at shirley since she's the only heir so maybe thats why. she'd gotten everything she wanted but alondra is just, sad. she stopped cleaning the house, she's crying all the time and she's not even using potions. sometimes if the ghost of her lovers came she'd kiss them and feel a little better. but alondra is just a barely functioning sim now.
-anyway, about the love interest situation. its more amicable than i thought. somehow all of them still wanted to woohoo and accept flirting dialogues even if alondra had personally dumped and toyed with all three. tanaka, faba, and simeon practicallty take turns seducing alondra
-different than the mom, shirley's fate in romance is... difficult. she had a crush with a girl who likes to use the gym as well, and she has a friend who is oh so sad all the time. her crush is fucking mean. of all people, whyd she has a crush to the only person in school with a red relationship bar with her? my goodness! that girl was a huge asshole. she literally fight someone in the halls. babygirl you have the worst taste in women. your friend danielle is there!
-but danielle is like, sad all the time. every single day i use the "console about death" or "try to cheer up" on her and it doesnt seem to do anything. the fact that their teacher died on second day (IN FRONT OF THE CLASS) doesnt make it any easier. you cant have whirlwind teenage romcom if everyone is highly aware of their loved ones' mortality! (hello covid era graduates)
-so, her options for prom is limited. everyone rejects her advances, and while danielle agreed theyre both gonna go out with the other kids as friends, danielle still create her promposal signs. fearing that shirley's gonna be ditched, she made her own and do the lame and desperate option.
-but in the end. no one gets any bitches so they all attend prom as a good party between friends. shirley sweetheart danced with danielle at first but end up sweetheart dancing with this guy who is the cheer team captain. she doesnt hang out with her crush. she has her mom's tendency of intense partying. before this prom, she went to a college party, and with a miniscule amount of sleep she go through with pre-party, party, and afterparty. and then later in the day she had to do her birthday as well. she didnt even use plentiful needs potion
-so after thats done, lets go back to alondra. her heir is ready now. and even if she's gone, she can visit her in ghost form and her new fiancee is kinda like shirley's second dad. im planning her to do a hiking trail with him btw. and she's so miserably sad all the time. maybe its time to let go. so, thats what she did. at first, she prepped the house, cleaning it and fixing some ignored objects, doing the laundry and everything. and she went to the magic realm to buy wands and look for appropriate tomes for shirley to read later. then she cooks. food for shirley and potions for her AND shirley.
-this is where it gets fun. alondra, being the player that she is, wants to die in the bliss off woohoo, to finally die happy after months of sadness. so she dranked all of her good potions, get married, then invite her new husband in. no, i didnt bring her spouse into the household. It was meant to be a casual wedding where alondra just say her vows and spend the time joyfully eating and drinking, but the most miserable wedding ever. the only one who came other than her family is l faba's ghost. they dont even have cake. they end up cutting the event early after the essentials are done. and then when theyre home, tanaka doesnt even want to woohoo with her. simeon is too sad to woohoo even though he still has high romance bar with alondra. you are the most patient man ever.
-luckily, there's faba! and l. faba is the only one of her love interests who is willing to assist on her suicide by woohoo mission. they fucked. on the showers, on the bed, everywhere possible. and then right in the middle of woohooing, shirley got caught on fire. i really thought she was going to die right there on her mother's suicidal bender. she survived, luckily. and then alondra and l. faba get back on woohooing while shirley took a shower and replaced the burned furnitures. after a few consecutive successful woohoo (god this girl is fit!) alondra finally dies. god bless, my dearest founder. you were loved.
-on a side note, alondra's relationship with l. faba is wildly interesting. the first wizard she knows and the last she'll ever meet. alondra's married twice to other men but it was this woman who attend her wedding twice that spend the most time with her and finally carried alondra to her final resting place. but of course, she will be buried on the grave besides her first husband. not faba's.
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deedis · 2 years
Hi Areeba. hxh, sk8 the infinity, haikyuu, jjk, mp100, madoka magica, sailor moon, demon slayer, horimiya, fairy tail, k project, black clover, tokyorev, noragami, shugo chara, vnc, fruits basket, banana fish, devil is a part timer, the great pretender, fire force, inuyasha, tokyo ghoul, yugioh (all of them!!!!!!!!!!!! except the latest two ones itthink), cardfight vanguard, yuri on ice, dgray man, rurouni kenshin, soul eater, free, blue exorcist, naruto, yuu yuu hakusho, assassination classroom, code geass, ons, to your eternity, fire force (<- if i listed that one already no didnt), guilty crown, magi, kuroko no basket, shironeko project, saint seiya tlc + also the original series, beyblade burst series, given, high rise invasion, odd taxi, etc. Like theres more but this is already an essay i even put commas 4 u!!!!!!!!!!!
long reply 😏 forgive me
firstly ☝️ i sorted your list
have watched:
- jjk; this one was just so captivating i binged it it was so easy to watch
- mp100; !!!!!!!
- sailor moon; by god i LOVE magical girls i love them so much
- demon slayer; i just recently watched the movie!!! 😢 honestly demon slayer is a little shallow and a stereotypical shounen anime but its still top tier the animation is soooooooo crazy
- horimiya; SO GOOD!!!!!!! their relationship is so healthytthttyh
- noragami; i read noragami and i was obsessed w it!!! i Had all the manga but then i stopped keeping up so im way behind now :(
- shugo chara; literally such a huge part of my formative years. have you ever seen this vocaloid version of the first opening. i used to watch it all the time as a kid it put me in a trance
- fruits basket; 🥺
- tokyo ghoul; ok so i only WATCHED season one because i heard that season 2 wasnt faithful to the manga and it was kinda weird so i decided i was gonna read from where s1 left off but i havent gotten around to it yet. s1 was so fucking good though
- yuri on ice; the chokehold yoi had on tumblr in 2016...
- free; unfortunately
- blue exorcist; one of the first animes i watched!! fuck yukio
- ons; you already know this. but. had a phase. mikayuu had a fr Grip on me
- given; TO BE HONEST. given was saur good but i thin kits a little overrated
- inuyasha; i read a Lot of inuyasha but i didnt finish!! and i forgot where i am so i probably have to start over.
havent watched:
hxh (too long and also itll never end.), sk8, fairy tail, black clover, tokyorev, vnc, the great pretender, fire force, yugioh, cf vanguard, dgray man, rurouni kenshin, soul eater, yuu yuu hakusho, to your eternity, guilty crown, magim knb, shironeko, saint seiya (i just learned about this one recently!!! one of the only major magical girls series i dont know), beyblade, high rise invasion, odd taxi
- madoka; I DONT KNOW WHY!!!!!! I CAN NEVER GET PAST THE FIRST THREE SPISODES IVE TRIED FOUR TIMES SPACED APART BY MONTHSSSSS im gonna try again though and ill watch it. i WILL i want to SO BAD i KNOW its good
- banana fish; listen. i watched it w my sister. we couldnt pay attention it was so boring too convoluted. to be hoenst if i tried again i might like it but idk.
- devil is a part timer; i think theres a significant chance i watched this all the way thru but honest to god i cannot remember so im sticking it here bc i know i watched at least some
- naruto; i got so sick of all the fillers and how each scene was 8 seonds longer than it needed to be like during a fight itd cut to someones face stay there for a solid minute then cut to someone elses and repeat back anf forth. and i have issues w skipping episodes. what if im missing somethhing small.
- ass classroom; i watched s1 but dropped during s2 because it was just saur so slow and boring. like it wasnt That Great
want to watch:
- k project; i tried to read some of the manga a few years ago but got bored. i might try again though because the concept seems so cool!!
- code geass; i NEEEEED to watch this i know its a classic
questions for you:
- have you seen parasyte. i think youd like it if you havent the ending is a little rushed but the soundtrack fyucking slaps and the plot is so intriguing
- whos your favorite character of all time. out of everything youve ever watched 😊
- have you dropped anything. any anime you just coulfnt watch all the way thru
- youve watched so many that i havent seen!! out of the ones i said i havent watched which one would you recommend the most
- hi :)
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bridgyrose · 3 years
The Knight Ruby Rose sustained a life threatening wound. Only the feared witch Cinder Fall could heal her but it's a lengthy process. As the healing occurred, Cinder butters up to Ruby, offering the Knight a place by her side as her partner... and lover...
Cinder sighed and pushed Ruby back down onto the bed, jabbing a small needle into the girl. “You need to keep resting.” 
Ruby frowned and winced as she felt the needle in her arm. “And I said I was fine. I need to get out there and defend the kingdom-” 
“The only thing you need to do is sleep.” Cinder walked away from Ruby, grabbing a few herbs to crush. “You’re lucky that arrow missed your heart.” 
Ruby sighed and laid back down, looking up at the ceiling of the hut. “How… how much longer am I going to have to stay here?” 
“However long it takes for that wound to heal. I havent seen magic like that in years.” 
“So, no chance of leaving in a few days then?” 
“Could be days, could be months, maybe even years.” Cinder looked up from her pestle and mortar, grabbing a bit of honey and water. “What is it with you knights and wanting to get out into battle all the time? A healthy dose of fear might keep you all alive…” 
“Are all witches like you? Nagging and-” Ruby quit speaking as she felt her voice leave her throat, hesitating as she gently felt it. 
“You better watch your tongue, knight,” replied Cinder, glaring at the young knight. “There’s a reason your kingdom fears me, and I have no problem showing you why. Now, if I give you your voice back, will you behave?” 
Ruby silently nodded. 
“Good.” Cinder waved her hands in a few gestures, muttering a few words under her breath. “Speak.” 
“I… I’m sorry.” Ruby slumped in her bed, letting out a heavy sigh. “I’m tired of lying around. That's all I’ve been doing for a week.” 
“You should’ve thought about that before getting shot.” 
“If I hadnt gotten in the way, then Weiss-” 
“Yes, yes, your precious mage would be dead, I know.” Cinder moved her hair out of her eyes for a moment before going back to work on her healing salve. “Is that really all you care about? Throwing your life away for a woman who doesnt acknowledge you and a kingdom that will replace you?” 
Ruby went silent, taking in Cinder’s words. There was a bit of truth to it all: Weiss never did acknowledge the feelings that Ruby had for her, and even her kingdom was willing to send her on the front lines to slay the grimm that terrorized the villages. 
Cinder walked over to Ruby, taking the salve and rubbing it on the wound. “Honestly, I dont get what you see in her. She’s frigid, she never gives you the time of day-” 
“I get it… you arent fond of her.” 
“I’m not fond of anyone. That’s what happens when you’re beaten for accidentally killing a friend.” 
Ruby paused for a moment. “You… killed your friend?” 
“Like I said, it was an accident.” Cinder sat the bowl down and started changing Ruby’s bandages. “I was orphaned and taken in by a stranger. I never knew where I came from or what kind of abilities I’d have. The day I found out I had magic, was the same day I accidentally hurt my best friend. We… had a fight. Sure, we were just kids, but words were said that can never be taken back. Then, I felt a power rising inside of me. It made me feel… like I could do anything. A few words raced through my mind and I spoke them aloud. Next thing I remember was smoke coming from my fingertips and my friend was burned. She lived for another three days until she couldnt anymore. The village took me to the local knights and had me beat for killing with magic.” 
“I… I didnt know…” 
“I didnt expect you to. You know just as well as I do that in your kingdom, magic is feared. Yet, there are still a few who are allowed to study those arts as long as they serve the king. And those of us who are never given the chance have to find our own way to live in this world. And some of us gain reputations for protecting ourselves.” 
Ruby slowly nodded and put a hand on Cinder’s. “Maybe I can put in a word for you to become a royal healer-” 
“I cant.” Cinder finished with Ruby’s bandages and went outside to tend her flowers. “Now rest so the salve can do its work.” 
Ruby aimed her bow at a nearby rabbit, wincing as she drew an arrow back. She had been resting and healing for almost a month, and she still couldnt fight. She slowly lowered her bow and sighed, falling onto her back and looking up at the sky. 
“I told you that you’d have to wait a while longer.” Cinder walked over, setting down a basket next to Ruby. “Eat.” 
Ruby sighed and picked up one of the fruits. “And how much longer is that?” 
“Judging by the scarring on your chest, I’d say about another week. Then, you can go back to the kingdom and start fighting again.” 
“And… if I dont want to?” 
Cinder looked at her curiously. “And why  wouldnt you? Afterall, didnt you say that your battalion is useless without you leading them?” 
“They are, but it seems like they’re moving on with another leader.” 
“So, what? You’re going to retire?” 
“Retire from being a knight, maybe. But I’m thinking about becoming a mercenary now. Maybe stick around here a while longer.” 
Cinder smirked a bit, sitting down next to Ruby. “Finally taking up my offer on helping me, are you?” 
“Finally taking up your offer on being by your side.” Ruby laid back down, taking a bite of the fruit in her hand as she looked up to the sky. “Maybe you’re right and there’s more to life than being a knight for a king. And maybe you can show me all the places you’ve been.” 
“Stick around me for too long, and people will start fearing you the same way they fear me.” 
“Then let them. I still have my friends, and I have you.” 
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fereldenshero · 2 years
Bucks been through a lot of physical shit but he never had any emotional trauma. There was times like the red episode, the Daniel storyline, and Buck telling Eddie he wishes it was him that got shot that hint that Buck might be dealing with some deeper mental issues, but then these issues always end up being completely solved by one pep talk from Eddie or Maddie at the end of the episode and are never mentioned again
boy oh boy, this sure is one of the opinions ever! let us go through all the reasons why i disagree, shall we?
first off, i want to preface this by saying that im extremely behind on the show. like, the last season i fully watched was season 3. the only episodes from season 4 that ive seen are s4e4 and s4e5 (ive been a buck girl since 2018, idk what to tell ya) and then ive also seen a few gifs from s4e14. plus, i havent seen any full episodes in a long ass time. so when i mention specific events that happened in the show, i could either be totally misremembering or just straight up not know what happened. okay? okay! (im also putting this under a read more bc it got a bit long thumbsup)
so first off, i dont. fully agree with him going through "a lot of physical shit". there could be instances that happened in s4 or s5 that im just not aware of yet, but as far as i know, the only instances of physical trauma came from him getting his leg crushed in s2e18. personally, i lump in his broken leg, pulmonary embolism, and the severe cut he got during the tsunami episodes as kind of one instance since they all happened due to one incident, but youre more than free to separate them if youd like. even then, thats not a whole lot ? i mean, it is quite a bit for a regular person to go through, but for a tv show character in a show thats lasted for 5+ seasons, it doesnt Feel like a lot. if there are any other instances where hes gotten hurt that im missing, totally feel free to let me know, but thats all im aware of
"he never had any emotional trauma." okay. well first off, dont you think that serious physical injuries would lead to a lot of emotional trauma? especially something like, oh, i dont know, getting your entire leg crushed underneath a firetruck? i feel like that would have some lasting effects on a person. second off, you just. proceeded to list off things that definitely indicate Something? im not quite sure what "the red episode" is, but the daniel storyline is definitely going to fuck with him for a while, plus seeing one of your closest friends get shot, is. well thats gonna stick with you. theres also no indication that hes not still dealing with the aftermath of those instances. just because we're not actively seeing him say "this thing happened to me, and it was bad and still sticks with me" doesnt mean that those things didnt happen and werent bad and werent still effecting him. theres also no indication that after speaking with maddie and eddie, that he was magically cured or that their "pep talks" fixed everything. im not sure about the specifics about the one with eddie, but i know that with maddie, talking with her most definitely didnt fix anything. if anything, it just. helped him a bit. it didnt magically fix him, it didnt make everything all better. all it did was help him with understanding that hes not broken or unloved and that shes always there for him. just because they havent been explicitly brought up since they happened, doesnt mean theyre not still effecting buck to this day. from my understanding, season 5 has been more focused on maddie (+ chimney as well i think) and eddie, so it makes sense that they havent expanded on those specific events yet. the 911 writers dont strike me as the type of tv writers to just. forget character development theyve done. im sure theyll bring everything that they need to bring up, when they need to. 911 is a show about patience - us as the audience always have to wait to see what happens, and how they get brought back up.
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winnies-headcannons · 4 years
Kyoya x reader
Secret crush
Tumblr media
Summery: kyoya just knew he liked you from the way you walked to the way you care for others. You were a family friend of kyoya so he had known you since birth, he had secretly liked you for awhile but family buisnness got in the way. You guys havent talked in a while but when you joined the host club his heart stopped.
Trigger warnings: Drinking, arguing, fluff, slapping
A/N: I hope you like this, I've been having writers block lately but this idea inspired me!! Anyway enjoy!
Koya's eyes widened, his heart racing like horses on a race track. Out of everyone in the school, Tamaki had to choose you to be the new host, a girl he had known since birth, a female he had liked for forever but too stubborn to tell you. You meant everything to him but he let his work get in the way. He had pushed you away to focus on the family business as he tried to impress his father.
After the host introduced themselves you smiled, you couldn't help but stare at the black-haired glasses-wearing guy, he looked more mature than he did when you guys were little. His chest was buffer, his facial expression more serious. It was kinda...hot.
"Hi, my name is l/n y/n, second-year student!" You exclaimed introducing yourself to the hosts, you were honestly excited to get started. You were the first female to be in the club that will be working with guys (besides Haruhi at times). One thing you didnt except was that your childhood best friend/crush would be the manager of this type of club. I mean come on the Kyoya ootori a host? Kinda hard to believe, he wasn't the 'host' type.
"Well well well, got ourselves a cute little kitten~" the ginger-haired makes spoke in sync, your face became a light shade of pink "you're gonna be fun~," the one named Hikaru said resting his arm around your shoulders. Kyoya got pissed, he didn't want anyone to touch you but he didn't want anyone to know so he just watched from behind the black book he always writes in. "Wow Tamaki was right you two do look just alike!" You smiled, you can't believe the resemblance they had, identical twins!
It was a few hours before the club opens and you were just starting it up with the club. They told you how they wanted something more for the club, they wanted it to surpass high school, you found it quite amazing how hard they work just to please girls. "Oh that reminds me, you didn't get to meet kyoya when we introduced ourselves!" Tamaki exclaimed "no need me and y/n have known each other for years" kyoya interrupted, "she's a family friend" his voice monotone, never looking up from his book. The club mentally facepalmed, they knew there was a reason why you didn't talk to him. "Yup, but we kinds fell off in middle school..so we haven't really talked since then" your heart pulled at you're chest, it hurt you've loved him for so long yet he just pushes you away.
"I didnt seem you to be the host type kyoya" you exclaimed turning around to look at him, he smirked from behind the big black book "nor did I, tamki talked me into it" turning toward tamaki he was doing his little kingly pose "yes all my idea!" God he was full of it. "We must not delay the ladies and gentlemen-" he looked towards you "are going to be here soon! We must get the club ready" everyone nodded got to their designed spot but kyoya didnt move just sat there so you decided to sit with him at the back of the room. "So..how have you been" you shyly said, you noticed how he didnt even look up from his book not once. "If your attempting to small talk me its not gonna work, Y/N I'm a very busy man and I dont have time for silly small talk" this made your heart hurt, you knew he wouldnt really wanna see you but figured it's been so long since you've last seen each other, Guess you were wrong.
"O-okay" you put on a fake smile and walked to your designated spot fighting back tears. In the back of your head thinking maybe, just maybe he would be different. Hours have gone by and it was honestly a good first day, flirting with guys and them flirting back, even got a few numbers. Your population was growing quickly, I mean it should everyone knew at this point that your family was close to the ootori family so they wanted to get on your good side. School had ended at this point and you were waiting by the front gate for your ride, but thanks to the buisnness of your father and his driver he couldnt make it. You had gotten the text on your phone a few minutes ago that he couldnt make it, you only sighed not surprised but disappointed.
Sitting on the front gate fountain you sighed, how were you gonna get home? It was too far to walk and you didn't really know anyone well enough to get a ride with someone except..no, no you couldn't, he didn't wanna even talk to you let alone give you a ride home.
"Your father not coming?" A voice appeared out of nowhere. Looking up from the phone you see the devil himself, Kyoya. "Ah, no he's busy" a fake smiled crept on your face, he was the last person you wanted to see at the moment.
"Well seeing as we live close to each other it would only make sense you ride with me" his dace black his stare harsh, you didn't want to but yet you did. Only wanting to know why he pushed you away so much. "A-alright" you agreed, walking with him to his limo. "We're taking miss L/N home first" kyoya exclaimed to the drive, he only nodded and drive off. It was silent half of the way there till you got the guts to speak "Kyoya..why did you push me away" oh God why did you ask that your anxiety oh the frights now. He looked up at you and was silent for a quick second "Y/N you should know the answer. We are both very important people and we can't let a friendship get in the way of things" he huffed out "but we've known each other all this time why now" he was starting to piss you off, you just wanted your friend back, you wanted to see if y'all could be more. "Because my father's business is much more important than our petty friendship" tears were on the verge of your eyes, clenching your fist on your dress "why do you care so much" looking down and tears falling down your face "because I love you.." He eyes widened and his heart racing, did you really mean it? All this time he thought you were just playing him. "y/N I-" suddenly he was cut off by the sudden stop of the limo. "Don't bother kyoya like you said, your work is way more important than me" you got out of the limo leaving him speechless.
The last thing you remember about that night was running to your room and crying your eyes out, you even snuck into your dads room and stole some alcohol and chugged it, throwing it up instantly as your body wasn't use to it. Even though you kept puking you just kept drinking till eventually you were drunk off your ass making you fall asleep.
The next day the worst hangover hit you, school was the last thing on your mind but had no choice, after spending to much time in the bed past your alarm you got up and got ready for school. Arriving at school you went straight to the host club knowing everyone would be in there, rubbing your temple as you opened the door. "Wow Y/N you look like shit" one of the twins said you only grunted at their statement and sat down on the couch next to haruhi "jesus Y/N you smell like alcohol" the female dressed as a male (still valid) covered their nose. "Sorry didnt have time to shower, but damn I have a hangover like no tomorrow" rubbing your temple Mori handed you a water with a simple 'here'then walked away. The hosts was crowded around you wanting to know why you drank so much last night. "Listen guys I dont wanna talk about it." Kyoya was getting mad, a simple argument made you drink so much last nigh? He slammed his book closed causing everyone to be quiet, he stood up quickly and walked to you grabbing you by the hand causing you to stand "are you stupid? Drinking at your age, ruining your system" he stared you straight in the eyes "why do you care, why not just go write in your little book if yours." You harshly said making his jump back a little "if you weren't such a DICK maybe you would have more friends, maybe someone would love you MAYBE-" you were cut off by a pair if warm soft lips, it was kyoya, his hands on both side of your face. You never kissed back only stared at him in shock. Soon he let go of your alcohol tasting lips, "I do love you" you heart skipped a beat, beating as fast as it could go, tears formed at the edge of your eyes.
Your hand met his soft pale face as hot tears streamed down your face. "I love you more" you smiled then hugged him, guess this is a perfect life.
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dovewingz · 3 years
Ummmm what about the three?
dovewing here, lionblaze here
Sexuality Headcanon: ace lesbian
Gender Headcanon: cis ig, she/her
A ship I have with said character: cinderholly cinderholly cinderholly!!!!!!! i havent worked on my control au in ages but my take in that is like... my fave, they are basically soulmates. in canon i adore them too !!!! i also like hollywillow :]
A BROTP I have with said character: her + dove in them helping each other overcome feelings of inadequacy, her + ivy in them finding solidarity in feeling left behind
A NOTP I have with said character: hollyivy comes to mind.....
A random headcanon: she was the kind of lesbian to crush on any girl who came her way, especially when she was younger. not that she really understood it was a crush it was more like “is it gay to constantly think abt this girl and sleep in the same nest as her and do literally anything for her and hey is it gay to--”
General Opinion over said character: i frickin...... adore her. shes in my top five fave characters. she was my fave for SO long and i still care her soo much. i want 2 kiss her little forehead
Sexuality Headcanon: ace gay
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary, he/they
A ship I have with said character: kestreljay and berryjay are both rlly cute but i dont feel that passionately abt them !!
A BROTP I have with said character: willowshine and him !! theyre relationship in the books is quite funny and sweet iirc. also i can imagine her Constantly asking abt hollyleaf and jay getting so tired of it lmao
A NOTP I have with said character: jaybriar, just not my thing. its wlw/mlm solidarity in my mind. thats his best friend! :] and omg briar constantly asking jay abt dovewing...... he rlly cant escape everyone crushing on his friends
A random headcanon: dont tell anyone but they love hugs. maybe even more than lionblaze. theyre smth thats very grounding for them. especially when theyre panicked, having someone just hold them and say “ive got you” makes them feel super comforted + safe
General Opinion over said character: i used to really not like them but ive become a lot more fond of them over the years :] i think their characterisation has gotten kinda messed up in the later books (these days they just feel Mean with nothing else :/ not even in a funny way anymore) but in pot/oots ive found theyre easy to sympathise with and understand
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Walk In The Park
Warninngs: Swearing
Meeting Henry in the park.
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A Walk In The Park
It was about 9 in the morning when you got the leads out of the cupboard deciding that by this time the park would be quiet as the school rush was over and anyone who had to be at work was.Your two excited dogs ran at you jumping over one another to be the first on a lead , your 3 year old blue doberman Milly was first as you clipped the thick leather lead followed by your bearly year old phantom standard poodle polly. You preferred walking them when it was quiet because of their rare colours your girls were a prime target for dognapping because any pups they had would be very expensive. You grabbed a small bag of treats ,their ball launcher and favourite ball as you left . Walking to the park it was a huge enclosed field that had a small fenced off play area in the middle there was a foot path around the edge with the occasional bench and bin, large trees dotted hear and there across the whole park, near the enterance there was a small coffee kiosk for the dog walkers that frequently used the safe enclosed space to run there dogs. Once there you saw three other dogs running loose one large and two small but they were far enough away that you should be able to avoid them. Walking a quater the way down the field you released your babies letting them go scatty they both ran off in a large circle around you letting off steam. After a few moments they slowed down panting watching you as you leaned the ball launcher on your shoulder then flicked it catapulting the ball a fair distance . Playing the game of fetch as you continued walking slowly around the field. Throwing it for the 12th or so time was when you heard someone calling for there dog to "leave it" as an akita that tore past your two and caught the ball resutling in a freindly game of chase as Milly and Polly tried to get it back you laughed and waved it off as the large man jogged closer to you still calling his dog. He was very handsome from here you noted.
"Its fine, their freindly" you called out ,he shook his head at the playful pups before smoothing his dark hair back as he watched the three play excitedly. It was rare that your babies had a similar sized dog to play with everyone now days opting for tiny 'cute' dogs and the larger breeds falling out of fashion. You giggled as the akita run up to its owner dropping the ball who dutifully threw it in your direction. The three dogs chased it erratically it was only as they got closer you realised he'd misjudged the distance before you could move his dog collided with your legs sweeping them from under you. Crying out suprized you landed with a heavy thump on the near frozen ground, the dog realising its mistake stood over you sniffing to see if you were ok joined by your two, before being pushed away by the most beautifull man you think you have ever seen, your thought stuttered to a halt as you noticed he looking down at you with bright blues eye filled with concern.
"Kal you big lump look what you did. I am so sorry are you ok?" He said helping you up laughing it off.
"Yeah im fine not the first time a dogs knocked me on my ass." He looked you over quickly decideing that your ok but began trying to brush the dry dirt off of your legs and bottom. Flustered as this heavenly stranger wiped at the seat of your jeans,you bent down quickly to take over ending up butting heads hissing you both grabed your throbbing forehead.
"Shit sorry fuck is your head ok? Look at me" he said cupping your face making you look at him as he gently ran a thumb over your bumped head. You couldn't help the a small gasp as you saw just how handsome he really was tall and broad, a clean shaven angular jawline,his mouth had a defined cupids bow that looked perfect for kissing among other things, lightly defined cheek bones and all topped off with a set of incrediblely clear blue eyes he looked like a god, you snapped out of it as he ran his tongue over his lips in what you assumed was a nervous gesture.'well you are just fucking oogling him' you thought
"That was my fault sorry, are you ok?" He nodded staring at you still smoothing over your face, you thought it was because you looked a mess after falling ass over tit but it was actually the opposite he thought you were beautiful. Blushing at his appraisal you nervously pulled his hands away ,looking down stroking your babies who had been hovering around you since you fell,you quickly turned your attention to his dog.
"So hes a boy then?" He nodded sheepishly as he realised he'd been caught staring snapping out of his thoughts.
"Yep this is my son Kal" he said ruffling the dogs furry head who was panting content. You giggled it was cute
"These are my babies Milly and Polly" you pointed each one out he smiled letting them sniff his hand gaining approval to stroke them.
"They are really sweet ,amazing colours i dont think iv seen them before. I couldn't acctually tell what breed Milly was when i watched you come through the gates" He stated then faulterd sheepishly as he'd let slip he had been watching you ,choosing to ignore it he concentrated on giving your babies ear rubs as they reveled in all his attention. You nodded smieling shyly.
"Well thank you most people think they are scary tho because of there size. Milly is what you call a blue doberman and Polly is a phantom coat both are rare its why i try to bring them here when its quiet" he nodded in understanding sighing in relief as you didn't mention his embarrassing admission.
"Sometime people are wary of kal because of his size. And you coming when its quiet would explain why I've never seen you here befor, I'd have definalty remembered you" he flirted you blushed not sure where to look as he smirked at you. He picked up the ball launcher and leads from the floor beside you. Holding out your hand to take them back he twisted them away from you lightly with a teasing grin.
"I think we should continue this walk together ,you know for health and saftey's sake" he said winking at you as he used the launcher to pick up and launch the ball out towards the field causing the trio chase it. You nodded looking away your face glowing he chuckled.
"I just realised i havent introduced myself im Henry" he held out a stong hand you shook it introducing yourself.
"Y/n" he tested your name
"Well Y/n would you allow me to buy you a coffee on this fine cold morning?" You smiled shyly at him nodding
"If you want to"
"Oh i do trust me" you felt giddy as he slipped your hand in his before makeing your way to the kiosk.
It had been just over three weeks since you first walk with Henry and it had become a daily occurrence you'd both meet up at around nine grabbed your coffees and do two or three slow laps around the park before going your seperate ways. In that time you'd gotten to know one another he seemed quite reluctant to talk about his job at first, which you understood when he told you he was an actor, he was worried that it would scare you off but it didn't bother you in the slightest and that was the day you exchanged numbers. Your walks were spent chatting and casually flirting with one another, before you knew it you had a crush on the sweet man. Today was particularly cold as you made your way to the park when you got there Henry was at the bench by the kiosk coffees in hand he let out a laugh when he saw both your dogs in their little knit jumpers. You pouted at him as he gave you your drink.
"So your one of those?" He got out between laughter as you let them off their leads and began your walk.
"Yep its for a good reasons tho poodles hair is fine and wavy when they're young it gets thicker and curly with age untill then they feel the cold really bad and Milly gets jealous if Polly has her jumper on and she doesn't" he nodded watching as kal followed the two going between them investigating the jumpers comically then they began chaseing one another for the new slightly bigger ball that you had tossed towards them.
Henry moved closer towards you grasping your hand as usual, taking sips of his drink opting to kick the ball with across the grass with his feet as one of the dogs returned it.
"Well its freezing today there threatening snow by the end of the week" you sighed
"Just what i need snow" you muttered into your cup taking a mouthfull.
"Tell me about it i hope it will hold off until friday" you looked at him confused as he kicked the ball again.
"I have to travel just outside of london on wednesday should be back by friday morning at the latest ,its a fitting and makeup test for an upcoming role ,they have a few different ideas but want to have it sorted asap the costume and props are going to take a while to be ordered and made" he explained shrugging lightly, you deflated slightly it meant soon you wont be able to see him, he would be away filming and promoting and youd be on your own.
"Oh.. that sounds fun tho, are you looking forward to it?" You asked trying to bite down your dissappointment he turned to you smileing wide
"Yes its a role i never thought id get when i auditioned but im really excited for it i cant wait to start filming" he said enthusiasticly you nodded but kept quiet as you kicked the ball kal had brought back. He slowed down and binned your now empty coffee cups then took a long look at you sighing before pulling you around to face him.
"Hey dont worry i'll call you everyday at the fitting and when I'm filming" he said stroking your hair out of your face with one hand an overly intimate gesture to anyone onlookers.
"You dont have to do that" you said trying to look anywhere but his face not wanting him to see how upset you were. You had no right to feel like this you hadn't even known him that long.
"But what if i want to?" He said before pulling you closer to him by your interlocked hands and joining free hands. Your gaze snapped to at that he continued knowing he now had your full attention.
"What if I say that I'm gonna miss you, miss talking to you everyday ,miss the way I can make you blush adorabley with just a look or miss holding your hands in mine ,that im going to find it hard leaving you behind here when I've only just gotten to know you." You were lost for words staring at him as he rubbed to back of his neck.
"That... didnt sound as cheesy in my head.. I just mean I really really like you, as soon as I leave here I cant wait for tomorrow to see you again. What I'm trying to say is that I really really like you" he admitted
"I like you too" the words left your mouth before you could stop them he looked up glowing at you. Quickly before his courage dissapeared he wound his large arms around your waist and pulled you against him leaning in for a kiss, you gasped as his lips met yours soft and gentle at first before tilting his head down more and deepening the kiss becoming more heated and desperate as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer as your tongues danced back and forth. Hearing a whining you both pulled back looking down at three impatient dogs waiting for the game of fetch to continue. You both laughed Henry kicked the ball without releasing you before leaning down again.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do that" he mumbled against your lips placeing chaste kisses on them as he spoke.
" and now I cant seem to stop"
"You think your the only one?" you giggled at him meeting his kisses half way
"Just so you know I expect this to be our greeting from now on love" he whispered lowly and squeezed your waist your tummy fluttered at that.
"Well i suppose thats an acceptable request" you murmured he gave you a mischievous smile.
"Who said anything about request? I'll greet my woman as I see fit" your laugh was cut short as he kissed you deeply again. Before pulling you around one arm slung around your waist as he guided you along the path against him.
"Your woman? you havent even bought me dinner?"
"Which i plan to rectify tonight?" He asked cheekily you nodded at him leaning your head against his chest feeling like the luckiest girl in the world as he looked at you lovingly leaning over kissing your head.
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planetjisungie · 4 years
lucky charms- h.rj
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characters; ravenclaw! renjun x hufflepuff! reader ft. gryffindor! mark and gryffindor! jeno (sigh)
summary; with the exams coming up, you need a little help with your charms. well you dont, you just needed an excuse to talk to your long time crush, huang renjun
an; i literally changed this on the spot 🤡 plot holes here i come- (also id like to think jeno is more of a hufflepuff but idk man)
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sigh okay this is a long boi
end of year exams were in just a few weeks
yay, your absolute favourite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now, charms
in room 99, classroom 2E in the south tower
i did my research
you were pretty good at charms, not nearly as good as you were in the care of magical creatures and herbology though
still above averagely good
you know who else was good at charms?
huang renjun
the star ravenclaw prince boy, the pride of the house and a very beautiful boy
best boi renjun
if jeno was being quite honest he was SICK AND TIRED of hearing you two pine over eachother
jeno met you in first year, and you quickly became best friends and even ended up in the same house as eachother
despite having different friend groups (your friend group consisted of you and eunji), you stayed best friends until now aka 5th year
just go with it okay
so as he was saying before i digressed, jeno physically is pained as he watched the longing glances both you and renjun throw when the other isnt looking
but it isnt his business to meddle with your lack of relationship problems
best boi part 2
BUT! but! he will give you both a tiny! eensy! little! minuscule! nudge
that nudge being forming a plan with you
you were slightly reluctant when jenos very enthusiastic face greeted you at the table saying he had ‘a totally brilliant, spectacular, show stopping, wonderful, flawless plan’
this was jeno we were talking about
the same boy who planned the failed midnight snack run a few weeks before
and as soon as he mentioned renjun your eyes narrowed
the plan was for jeno to ask renjun to tutor his friend who was falling behind in charms
said friend was you
and you were ahead of the class
bUT!! you agreed because he wasnt in your class, so there was no way he could know that right?
who was in your class?
mark lee. one of renjuns best friends.
also the boyfriend of eunji and the reason you wanted to gauge your eyeballs out everytime you turned around to talk to them
thats right eunji ditched you to sit next to her little markie. bitch.
nonetheless, you agreed because your dumb, spontaneous ass forgot that renjun even knew mark, because if someone said ‘whos mark?’ you would go ‘eunjis boyfriend’
so of course, when all the students were making their way to their class, jeno caught up with renjun seeing as they both had muggle studdies
"hey man, i have a favour to ask"
stage one of operation: stop the oblivious fuckers from pining over eachother (that name may need some revamping) was a-go
"depends what said favour is"
smart boi™️
"is it possible to tutor one of my friends in charms for the upcoming OWLs?"
oh? this piqued china pretty boys interest
"i mean, sure, i could do with some revision too. tell them to meet me at the library after school"
and so jeno walked away with a smug smirk, victorious
and when jeno told you he had agreed later in potions, you were yet you werent surprised
so of you trotted after last period, kinda nervous because youre about to be in the literal breathing proximity of renjun
like obviously youve talked to him before but this time it was just you and him
no get those thoughts out of your head
n e ways u perv
renjun sat at the back table, textbooks and notebooks with his neat writing in both chinese and korean all over the pages
smart boi part 2
so seeing him not looking at you
attention whore
wow why am i so mean today
you sat down and cleared your throat, placing your blank notebooks on the table so the boy wouldnt get suspicious
you had to pray to whatever gods were listening for your cheeks not to flare up the colour of the strawberries you had for breakfast
healthy girl™️
and the gods apparently answered your prayers
because as soon as renjun looked up and into your eyes you swore you were too distracted for your blood cells to even think about moving towards your face
and renjun nearly had a heart attack (by aoa)
poor boy
jeno had NOT told him that he would be tutoring you
he was going to be choked later
"sorry im late"
renjun was nearly offended that you would even apologise to him for being late by
2 minutes and 48 seconds
"no no its okay i havent been here long"
that was a lie he had study period last and has been sat in the same goddamn chair for an hour already but your presence made his ass cheeks ache less
so he started teaching you, but ???
you seemed to fully grasp the concepts
confused boi
excuse me ma’am/sir/señor/señorita whatever you prefer to go by-
you need to brush up on your acting skills dude
appalling smh your drama teacher back from your muggle school would be completely distraught
so for the next hour renjun ‘tutored’ you
things you already knew but this was a dream-
and actually he was a funny guy
he was also muggle born, so you could both relate over things you experienced as a kid
this lead to a raging debate over dora the explorer
that bitch was shaded in said debate, fully annihilated
hola soy dora your asshole
but,, it was fun. because jeno was pureblood and grew up knowing about all his magicky stuff so he was kinda boring sometimes
no tea no shade
but you ended the session with smiles on both your faces, cheeks literally aching with how hard youd been laughing and smiling
so lads
the next day at breakfast renjun was all happy, plonking himself next to mark at the gryffindor table because
man does not give a SHIT about the looks he was getting. he is huang renjun.
"why are you so smiley this morning? and why didn’t you come to my common room last night"
the gryffindor common room was the dreamie hang out
no one dared tell THE mark lee to go somewhere else with his friends
"sorry, last night i was tutoring y/n in charms" smiley boy still
mark seagull eyebrows: activated
excuse him?? charms?? you?? the one who got an outstanding in your report card??
something smells fishy here
"renjun... y/n got an outstanding on her charms"
eunji who had magically appeared next to mark basically said what he was just thinking
confused boi part ??
"wait what?"
but later on he didnt question you about it
he silently observed you
he told himself that anyway
quite honestly if you were spending time with him he was not about to complain
he was staring at you, simply put
my leng bby (thats you, youre my leng bby)
so for the next 2 weeks every day after school you would meet up to ‘catch up’ on your charms
that being said it literally always, every time, ended up with you two talking about something unrelated
like the 5th day you had a conversation about which series of power rangers was better
"SPD, obviously"
AM I THAT OLD?? on god i hate it here
"no, y/n, we all know that dino force is better"
i agree with y/n on this one pal
on the 7th day you talked about muggle sports that you both enjoyed
"i played a lot of cricket"
"cricket? okay tory"
"i am NOT a tory"
on the last day when you should have been, you know, LEARNING
you were having a lovely old chinwag about the x factor
"simon cowell is a king"
"i agree"
legend behaviour if you ask me
wait does chinwag exist in other countries??? translation: chat
so of course the exams came up
but you were dreading them for a different reason
this meant the end of tutoring with renjun
this was super bittersweet, you wanted to spend more time with eachother
you literally could it wasn’t that deep both of you are so dumb smh aint nothing stopping you
jeno agrees with me too, mans pulling out his hair still as you had somehow not gotten together yet
it was like watching snails race, incredibly frustrating but you know that there is the finish line somwhere over the horizon
so you took your exams and both of you passed with flying colours, obviously
smart kids
and you ran right to renjun to celebrate
seeing as he had
not really helped you but you thought that he thought he helped you
oh no honey he knew that you didnt need help
but he didnt know whether to confront you about it?
rip your guilty conscience
so after a long discussion with mark, our china boy decided to ask why the heck you wanted his help when you were absolutely fully capable
unlike mark
and when you saw him approach you first in the halls your heart went
that was the sound of a fast motorbike
"hi y/n"
‘damn renjun, couldnt have thought of anything better than that?’
"uhh hi renjun"
awkward silence by stray kids
"i just wanted to know why you asked for my help"
okay where is the nearest shovel and what is the most efficient way to dig a large hole-
as if renjun sensed your panic radiating off you in waves
which he did
"not that it was an issue! i enjoyed spending time with you, it was just, you didnt really need help"
he was a pure boy
so you puffed your cheeks and decided to just come clean
somewhere, jeno felt his senses tingling
"genuinely i just wanted to spend some time with you because i really like you"
renjun froze and wanted to smack his head into a wall
you noticed his expression and panicked yet again
stop panicking man its okay i gotchu
"it was jenos idea"
blame jeno is always a fool-proof plan b
unless you get pregnant, that would not be a good idea
so i guess its not fool proof
renjun face palms and groans
"youre kidding me! all this time we wasted doing boringass charms work when we couldve gone on dates"
but?? you felt hopeful??
"i dont think im on the same wavelength"
"i like you too dumbass"
oH so YOURE the dumbass??
yes, yes you are renjun is best boi, accept the L which is really a W bc renjun likes you back
jeno who had found his way to you, listening from around the corner sighed in happiness
"fucking finally!!"
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