#i dont feel bad in the slightest saying any of that
calypsolemon · 1 year
will never forget the time at my first job when I showed my manager some of my oc concepts (they were from an old story of mine where the characters had powers based loosely on physics), and he immediately told me my idea wasn't unique at all and wouldn't go anywhere because marvel or whatever had already done it, and then he showed me a mural he had painted on the office wall as an example of some of his "unique" and "original" comic book inspired art and it was 6x8 ft of the ugliest knockoff rob liefeld bullshit I'd ever seen
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gingeredmink · 4 months
even when it's free designs it's so hard to justify sharing art when your mind is trying its best to convince you that you're just subjecting people to it and negatively effecting everyone.
probs gonna log off for a while, not handling how physically painful this is too well
Thank you to everyone that's tried to reach out.
I'm so sorry for being like this and making people worry.
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smolskye · 1 year
bringing back 2010s nostalgia by continuing to hate myself 🤪
#skye.txt#ppl have rebranded it but they rly do just want depressed ppl to shut up & suffer in silence. we all have to love & tolerate ourselves now.#yes it does make other ppl uncomfy when you make too many self deprecating jokes. but the response shouldnt be like oh cringe it should be#*like 'hey are you ok? do you need help? do you need to talk to me or someone?' bc even if they dont want to the important part is the#*compassion. its not manipulation#its a fucking cry for help. it always has been. no you are not obligated to listen to ppl vent all the time. but the response shouldn’t be#*to shut someone out. & its fine and normal to say 'i can tell youre going thru a hard time but it isnt a good time for me to talk to you#*about it rn'. i would rather my friends establish boundaries like that than just be like 'your jokes are bad and cringe' yeah i know.#but theyre the slightest veneer over how i feel about myself.#and i dont think im a toxic nightmare manipulator when i say that shutting your friends out when they do this actually fucking sucks#just like misogyny we like to pretend mental illness awareness/support has improved among the general pop. and maybe it has a bit. but its#*still total crap. yall still demonize and stereotype and ostracize ppl when they demonstrate symptoms. its honestly disgusting.#i wouldn’t trust any of the ppl who spout militant positivity sanctimonious bullshit w the truth about my MI. i wonder if their friends do#i could go on but my fingers are getting tired ahahaa#ableism tw
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imwetforyourmom · 2 months
hi can u do headcannons (or a fic idm) of like people pleaser!reader and bf!matt who like stands up for her or tells people off on her behalf?
I really hope this makes even the slightest bit of sense
thank you so much, I love ur writing sm🤍🫶🏼
people pleaser!reader x matt headcannons!
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(I have never done hcs ever, so if its bad thats mb, also I didnt know if you wanted nsfw but I js didnt bc I dont rllt know how to nsfw people pleaser x matt but if tou want me to retry it dont hesitate to ask!!)
warnings: angst, swearing
a/n: I dont rlly know how to write people pleasers and such so thats why its short, but I can try again if you’d like, I also love this idea, thank you anon!! <33
- the second someone pushes you around and or walks all over you hes quick to shut it down.
“alright listen man, it was one thing when you told her to fuck off, but telling her to shut the fuck up is another. I need you to leave.”
- when matt notices that someone is using you to their advantage or even notices you going out of your way to please them on several occasions hes getting it done and over with, quick.
“okay. enough y/n, come sit with me. you dont need to do everything for that asshole, k?”
^ he made sure to say it extra loud so the guy heard what matt had said about him.
- after matt had told someone off for being rude to you, you sat down next to him with your head hung low and your eyes filled with tears of guilt.
“baby, whats wrong?” he asked, his arm coming over to your back and rubbing your shoulder.
“that wasnt nice of you to yell at him.. look at him, I feel guilty now.” you spoke, your voice slightly shaky as you motioned to the man whom was anxiously biting his lip with his mouth closed shut, after matt had told him to keep it shut.
“it also wasnt nice of him to yell at you and call you names, was it?” he grumbled, just looking at the guy made him angrier, especially knowing you felt bad for him.
- “no, no, if you want me to. I can!” you spoke, a soft smile on your face as you talked to the girl infront of you, in which the girl had a smirk on her face, catching onto your patterns.. doing anything for the sake of pleasing her.
matt, on the other hand, stood behind you and glared at the girl, his jaw clenching with pure irritation. matt cleared his throat, trying to get the girls attention. and once her eyes met his he brought his hand up and flipped her off.
- in ways of showing you he wasnt happy with what you were doing he’d do subtle motions with his hands or look at you a certain way. you’ve learned that his jaw clenched tightly shut and his eyes glaring at you, then a quick look at the person you were currently giving your everything, is a way of him indicating he wanted you stop what you were doing.
- watching you adapt someone elses personality to try and seem more approachable and less weird truly angers him, despite knowing he cant do anything about it. he feels you should know that you’re perfect just the way you are and dont need to be accepted by everyone, they should like you for who you are.
- “oh..” you mumble, your head hung low as somone insults you and your interests. you cant say anything nor do anything, its not in your nature. you just have to sit there and take it, in fear of disappointing them. and since matt wasnt with you, there wasnt any way in stopping the next few minutes of being insulted.
later that day, when you come home your cheeks are tear-stained, you have mascara running down your cheeks and your breathing is uneven.. theres no way in hell you’re hiding this from matt. you take gentle steps as you walk to his room, slowly pushing his door open and taking small sniffles.
with hearing the door creak open matts lips turn into a grin, that is, until he lifts his head up to the sight of you, looking like you just bawled for hours on end. he quickly tosses his phone on his bed and walks over to you, engulfing you in his arms. already knowing what was going on he didnt ask anything, instead just comforted you.
- “ok! im fucking tired of your shit dude! you’ve been bossing, walking all over her, degrading and just overall being a total dickhead to her!” matt yelled, finally getting enough of this kid being rude to his girlfriend. he stood up from his chair and walked over to carlos. he stood tall and high infront of him. y/n moved behind matt and grabbed his hand, holding it and lightly squeezing, at an attempt to calm him down.
“matt, baby, its okay. im fine. dont yell at him.” y/n whispered, your voice quiet as you spoke. you avoided eye contact with carlos. “no, its not okay! hes being a total asshole to you, y/n. you dont deserve to be treated like that.” he turned around to face you. his voice no longer being loud as he spoke with sincerity towards you.
- you being treated rudely didnt always end up with him yelling at someone. when he wasnt fuming with anger, he would grab your hand and hold it, rubbing his thumb gently over your skin, then pull you into him, in a sense of protection and to tell you ‘enough’ without speaking.
- matt would act almost immediately when he even sees the beginning signs of you starting to act and do everything possible for the person you’re talking to. he would lean down in your ear and mumble quietly, “relax, my love.”
- again, he would make sure to be extra loud about shit talking someone when calling you over to him just to make sure that they know what matt thinks of them.
“cmon baby, that poor excuse of a friend doesnt deserve you.”
“hes being an asshole, my love. dont suck up to him.”
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @dollyspsychoxo @sturnib-tch @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns
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dicaxasinus · 2 years
i know ur not supposed to trust anything ur brain tells u after like 10pm but hoo boy
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
mischievous COD ideas😈
Heavily pregnant reader knowing that her hubby doesn’t want to be rough in the slightest with her due to her pregnancy and refrains from punishing her, so she abuses that fully to be a brat
To my sweet sweet brat reader, Im sorry if this is not all you hoped as I am a resident good girl. The one time I was a brat I got degraded (“such a good bitch”) and cried. I hope I do a good job portraying the relationships, if I dont let me know and I will edit it or rewrite sections that dont fit. You also didn’t specify so imma write for my usual set of lovelies. (Im also added Krueger because I’ve recently fallen in love with him a lil bit and he kinda fits thi)
The boys with pregnant brat wife
This man is too worried about helping you get your shoes on. “You’re pregnant, isn’t not being able to see your feet punishment enough?” He’s not going to do much other than pinching you. Whether it’s your ass or your arm, and they’re hard “i had to discipline Soap subtly and im a dad” pinches. He’ll also use pressure points. Give the back of your arm the good pinch and twist. He’s just trying not to take it personally.
He’s googled what positions he can put you in. He’s googled if its safe for the baby. He has googled what he can and cannot do. He has spoke with your doctors about it, as embarrassing as that phone call was. And for certain punishments, its a long game. Like holding your ice cream you crave hostage until you learn. If he can’t make it sexual, he’ll find other ways.
Like Price, he’s also using pressure points. Not the ones that knock you out but the ones that feel weird or make you got “ow”. Cannot get hard and it’s not because you’re not hot its bc he literally gets more flaccid than a limp noodle at the thought of possibly hurting that baby. He’s also very good at holding grudges and every time you brat out and walk all over him, he’s making a note on his phone for later.
Oh but he just got you to whine and cry you admit you want his cock. He knew eventually he could wait out your little game. “You acted out and now you must wait until I want to give it to you. You ask so nicely though, keep trying. I like when you beg.” He’s so mean, he’d make you wait until after you gave birth and however many times you acted out is how many weeks (or months depending on how he’s feeling) after you have to wait to get any pleasure from him.
your toys aren’t doing it for you anymore? Nope. He’ll keep fluttering his fingers over you figure and let you use that tiny dildo he got you that cant even stretch you like he can. That’s all you get. His hands wont even go lower than your waist. They wont even touch close to your nipples. This is real torture. Every orgasm is so unfulfilling. I feel bad for you really. Hope this teaches you.
He’s a doormat anyway. I don’t see him punishing anyone. He’s too much of a gentleman. I do believe he’d pull orgasm after orgasm out of you casually when you act up with his hands. Never giving you his dick as much as you beg. Pleading, crying for it, he wont budge. No you can deal with the consequences of your actions while he sits here and watches this movie. “Why aren’t you watching, love? You picked the movie. No, no, stop your whining, just sit and watch.”
Sebastian doesn’t care. He’ll find other ways. Like right now you’re legs spread and hands flat against the wall as he spanks your ass, every time he does you have to say thank you and apologize for snapping at him. He knows you’re hormonal, but he’s going to make you apologize. Oh and he’s kissing away those tears and asking you if you understand what you do wrong while running you a nice bath and all the rubs and lotion for your poor butt.
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
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captainzigo · 2 months
Welcome to me blog
If you are a mutual, DM me for an invite to discord server and subsequently to minecraft server
if you aren’t a mutual, you can send DMs and asks to my sideblog @snapewife-divorce-lawyer
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that’s a bunch of pictures of my oc(/ponysona) Prickly Pear. she’s a cowgirl
FAQ below the break
i do take requests. i do not currently take commissions, but don’t be shy about sending requests. i can always say no. or fuck it up really bad.
this is my art blog. you can send me asks and DMs at my other blog @snapewife-divorce-lawyer any asks you send me should be like Strongbad emails. one paragraph. no attachments. unless you are sending me refs.
i reblog most stuff at my other other blog: @3amgaypotion
you are fine to DM me, but remember i am not obligated to respond at all.
in any interactions, please keep in mind that i am a stranger on the internet and act accordingly
i am autistic. i say this because representation matters, but also because i would like to ask that you please be very frank with me. i don’t even really need your patience. just say what you mean and we will get along fine.
you most certainly can draw any of my ocs. i’d love that acually. tag me
you can redraw, dub or do whatever to my works with credit. i expect credit to include clickable links. also please try to keep the spirit of the original work. don’t add nsfw subtext for example. don’t redraw a ship art as a ship with an inappropriate age gap, and so on.
do not post my art on other platforms. do not repost my art period. I don’t really exist on other platforms since I deleted Twitter. So if you see my stuff on other platforms, it’s not me. 
i’m in my twenties. i keep my blog SFW as a strict rule. PG13 except i swear a lot more. i do not keep myself that way, and i have no aversion to that sort of content, but i keep all of my posts SFW.
in my opinion, all romance real or fictional should be between people who are not related, similar in age, doing age appropriate things, all with mutual consent. i am not interested in witnessing or interacting with anything outside of these parameters.
i am a trans woman. i am also bisexual. i am also poly and demi since im listing things. i am out online becasue i know how important it is to know that you aren’t alone.
if you follow me and you post art, regardless of frequency or perceived quality, i want to be mutuals. shoot me a message or something
do i take constructive criticism? NO 🖕👹🖕 FUCK YOU!!!!!!! GET BLOCKED IDIOT!! unless you are a marginalized person who feels i have unintentionally made you uncomfortable somehow with my art or otherwise. in that case i am sorry and you do me a great favor by calling me out. OTHERWISE FUCK YOU DUMBASS IF YOU DONT LIKE MY ART GO DRAW YOUR OWN 🖕🖕🖕🖕
i don’t have a DNI list, but i am pretty left politically so you can probably imagine what’s on there.
“i hate bronies” i don’t necessarily hate you if you self identify with that label. i like to make myself off-putting to keep creeps away
i don’t hold a lot of nostalgia for old brony stuff. infact it’s quite the opposite
i like all generations of mlp including the new stuff. gen 4 is just the one i grew up with
why is my header aurora, bori and alice from the best gift ever? well that would be because i hate them like a mother hates a child. like the sun hates the moon. like sickly victorian child hates the slightest morsel of bread.
i often draw stuff about cozy glow x flurry heart. this is with the understanding that cozy glow spends about a decade turned to stone. nullifying the age gap.
i am dyslexic. i spell stuff wrong all the time and i type weird. please don’t bother correcting me. wooptydoo your brain is wired normally. sending you a medal.
i’ve had the same username since i debuted on the internet. zigo is the name of an oc i made that i dont really talk about anymore. zigo is a fine enough nickname and at least one person calls me that irl
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i'd love to hear about manmaru metadede !!! i heard it's really Gay but no one ever details it. not a lot of it is translated too, as far as i know, but i really like it.. any excuse to talk about something you like is good too
NO YEA not a lot is translated and the manga itself is already more niche compared to like, mopupupu so its not too well known. translation efforts have really started picking up the past year though (shoutout to @/kirby-manga-translated they do great work). if it needed to be restated for new followers since i havent tl'd in a while, i know a decent amount of japanese so i read them on my own :)c
shoutout to my guy @/rosakikoza as well for giving me his scans hehe. the majority of images below are his or taken from his scans. the rest are mine
*deep breath* the tangent. im gonna need to put this under a cut dont mind me 😍😍😍 did i say 3 paragraphs? i meant 20. like 20 paragraphs
meta knight is absolutely pathetic and incredibly down bad for dedede this manga. its adorable. multiple people ive talked to or seen have come to the conclusion it seems like he has a huge crush on him. a quick brief for those who dont know but this mangas meta is admittedly Veryyyyy different from how you'd expect a meta knight to be. uncharacteristically friendly and cheerful and. pathetic is really the best word for it. hes kinda a loser. incredibly protective of dedede, he switches between two modes of fussing over him quite a bit and semi-often going into incredible rage bloodlust modes over protecting him or his image (youll see a good amount of jp fanwork depict this version of him as a yandere for that reason)
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theres also been more than one occasion where meta knight tries to commit seppuku upon accidently doing something he sees as unforgivable towards his king (its in the chapter i just screenshotted above too, another time he broke dededes clock and freaked out about it). i-. dont consider this a cute ship thing for the record im just stating it to emphasize the extent of metas obsession towards dedede this manga. the mans got Problems...
apart from that, also quite differing from most interpretations of both of them, both of them seem to genuinely really like spending time around each other all the time. it comes off as casually domestic and is very cute...
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regardless of my attempts to brief it, i dont feel like im explaining this very well so lemme just show you a frankly ridiculous amount of reasons for why i keep feeling like this mangaka ships metadede
-fake kiss: self explanatory
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-fake proposal: also self explanatory
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mk: Will you marry me!?
ddd: Yes!
context for this scene is that theyre rehearsing for a play, but actually its later revealed that meta knight is playing the princess while dedede is playing the male protag so im not exactly sure it makes sense that hes the one proposing here. my speculation is that to make the proposal seem legit for the gag they Had to use meta LMAO but thats just my take
also to be noted, right after kirby hears the proposal he immediately runs off and tries to tell everyone the news before ddd+mk stop him and explain that its fake. hes not thrown off or weirded out at the idea that they could be getting married in the slightest. kirby says gay rights Real i love him sm
-this one is from what i call the memory loss chapter:
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dedede loses his memories from getting hit in the head too hard. the gang figures out that beating dedede up or otherwise causing him injury causes him to regain some of them back though, to which kirby attempts to harm him with increasingly violent means, much to meta knights horror. mk spends the entire chapter trying to protect dedede from him, and it doesnt work obviously, but after a particularly hard hit dedede remembers everyone again... except for meta knight. to which meta knight gets upset about and lets kirby lay into dedede for real. you see where people get the yandere personality from now right. i dont recall this trait coming out too often but ill talk more about it later
-the whole chapter thats a cinderella retelling with dedede and meta knight. also also self explanatory COME ON LOOK AT THIS ONE. LOOK AT IT.
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mk: Y…You're…
ddd: Wow, he's so beautiful!! It's like I'm dreaming…!
-theres the mangaka chapter which is a more recent one
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the gang makes manga for dedede. meta knight's manga is about how cool, brave, and heroic dedede is. mysteriously enough however the only thing hes good at is drawing dededes face and nothing else. the implications of this one drive me absolutely insane. is it supposed to imply that meta knight stares at his face all day?? admires his appearance??? he looks at him so much he basically has his face memorized????? HUH???????? theres no heterosexual explanation for this. acting like a teenager with a crush out here got damn
=various images im sharing out of context because they r cute
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head pats. holding hands and reaching the goal together. peak.
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ddd: Hoho, pretty spiffy don'cha think?
mk: Ohh!? It suits you!!
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fellas is it gay to shout "OHH! META KNIGHT!!" with a dopey grin on your face upon being saved like a damsel in distress
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sometimes meta knight acts domestic as fuck too. his copy abilities as he states are: cook! clean!! and sleep!!!
regarding my thoughts on their dynamic in this series overall, i think theyre absolutely adorable. meta knight emits dog energy in this one. eager golden retriever towards dedede, though dedede has his sweet moments towards meta knight too. (viewing it with a shipping lens just for this post ofc) while meta is the more active crusher, some of the stuff above seems to imply that dedede has feelings in return as well :') they just get along really well too its great. theres a different chapter where they perform as a comedy duo. theyve done plays in multiple chapters. its my hc for these versions of them that they love doing performances of all kinds together and do a lot of rehearsals and writing in their free time...
and the yandere stuff i feel like i should address as well. i try not to take some aspects Too seriously because its to be expected things are over emphasized for the sake of the joke with gag mangas. but oh man the man definitely has problems. he needs therapy. i tried to be transparent in listing those aspects as well so people can make their own conclusions on it But theres one more thing id like to mention regarding that
meta knights personality has been shifting to be different from what i listed, as of the most recent volume. my beloved forgotten land arc... a first for this series in that, while the chapters still retain their gag humor and dont take themselves that seriously, its a serialized story that mostly follows along with the game plot that lasts nearly the whole volume (as opposed to other game arcs in this manga being episodic stories, using the games as their theme rather than a full on setting). with the more serious tone of the serialized story, theres a frankly startling hint of character development i never wouldve expected from a gag manga at the end of it
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kirby gets ko'd the first round of the meta knight cup so meta knight joins the meta knight cup instead. turns out when he does that the final boss of the cup is dedede. meta knight Really doesnt want to hurt dedede and so dedede promptly kicks his ass without a second thought and wins the tournament. while the crowd cheers for dedede's victory, meta and dedede have a small talk where dedede tells him he doesnt need to fuss so much about hurting him/him getting hurt. presumably this is supposed to mark the end of meta knights intense overprotectiveness because (its never been clear-cut due to the nature of the manga previously, so its a lil hard to say) dededes shown he can handle himself, or like, isnt some fragile thing. i really hope itll stick around because i think its a great addition to both of their characters. the meta-knights have also been appearing way more frequently as of very recent chapters (ones that havent been compiled into a volume yet) which seem to also hint to meta knight getting more independence to his character from dedede's loyal servant. im very excited to see where it goes :D
and like, last last disclaimer if anyone needed it; even tho i love metadede and i like to see things through ship glasses sometimes i absolutely try my best to keep my biases out of my translations. putting out accurate translations means a lot to me! this entire post is me purposely putting the ship glasses on so please dont take it as "omg metadede is canon in this manga". you know way back when i was the only active translator for this manga someone tweeted at the mangaka on twitter mentioning that there were english translations around and he replied to that person. didnt respond to the fan translation thing specifically but the fact that he could know who i am definitely kinda terrifies me. if anyone goes around saying that his manga is the metadede manga because of me and he even has the slightest sliver of a chance of seeing that i will kill yall fr LOL
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jukednuked · 10 months
he may start the relationship because he loves you but that doesn't mean that he won't treat it like an experiment of some sort
it's hard to keep a conversation going if what you're talking about doesn't interest him in the slightest, he'll dismiss whatever you're saying without much thought
give him an inch and he'll take a mile - he'll pretty much take advantage of the fact that you're around for him, may it be fetching some resources for him or your voluntarism for his projects
but you understand that all of this is to help albedo save time right? the least you want to do is consume too much of his day
my goodness, he gets so controlling of your decisions even though it has nothing to do with him just because he's so confident in his abilities to help you
fennec foxes only have one mate for their entire lifetime - there was no one before you and there will be no one after you so he will be very resistant if you want to break up
he may get bitter if you mistakingly do something wrong, sighing irritatingly and telling you he knew this would happen and feels like he's the one who should take responsibility from it
tighnari just cares about you a lot even if he has to be harsh from time to time - he wants the best for you really, and he is the best you'll have
issue on top of issue - might it be his fear of abandonment or for betrayal, you just never seem to know how to deal with his mess
mind you, this is the remnant of what could be a god. he gets very greedy for you and doesn't feel bad about it, you offered yourself to him so you did this to yourself
he expects so much from you it's just unbearable. you'll stay for the night to console him right? even though your best friend needs you right now, won't you keep him company while he tells you about his past?
to be loved by wanderer is an amazing thing, he has so much to give and its all for you - you'll accept everything, even the discomforts of it
human emotions are not something he's that familiar with, knowing how stubborn he can be, it will take a lot for him to hear you out
he doesn't like it when you get so happy while conversing with someone else, its hard to say if it's because of his possessive nature or insecurities he keeps hidden
he pushes you away when his karma takes a toll on him and if you persist to stay he'll do it harshly, no mercy given. him always coming back to you later might be what's hurting even more
xiao wants to protect you, be there for you - you'll never find someone so commited to you as he is, even if your feelings about it are very vague to him
A/N: just to be clear i dont condone any of these actions, i just wanted to burst the delulu bubble of some ppl hihihihi
if you feel like any of these headcanons might be close to what you're experiencing with your partner, i suggest you take a second opinion from someone knowledgeable about relationships like a dating coach or a counselor (even tho the fact you see a resemblance might be reason enough to cut them off)
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bullywugprincess · 16 days
This is completely random and unrelated to anything but the other day I was watching “isn’t it romantic”, an episode from Season 2 of golden girls where they have a lesbian character, and while I think the fact it was a single episode with a token lesbian to push the message that being a queer woman isn’t a bad thing is something that not as relevant to contemporary audiences, it amazes me that it’s honestly aged better than your average 2000s/early 2010 lesbian rep.
The most hated thing about 2000s lesbian rep is the “predatory lesbian” troupe. Think Cynthia-Rose Adams from pitch perfect chasing the other girl around while everyone is freaking out while she runs from her and blows her rape whistle, or Nicky Nicole’s and Big Boo from Orange is the New Black (I am saying this as an OITNB fan who loves these characters). Jean is presented as a sweet, harmless, caring woman who actively avoids doing anything that would make the other women uncomfortable, for example when Dorothy says they’ll share a bed because there isn’t enough rooms she instantly offers to sleep on the sofa, and when she ends up having to share a room with rose she admits her feelings for her before getting into the bed with her, and upon not getting a response decides to sleep on roses chaise lounge instead. She also decides to leave once she realises she’s developed feelings for rose, but when they discuss it rose isn’t afraid of her in the slightest and says she is fine with her staying unless Jean feels friendship alone with rose isn’t something she can live with, to which Jean responds that she would happily just be friends with rose.
There is also zero fetishisation from men, in fact I don’t think we see a man the whole episode. Not saying any lesbian movies should write off men, but it’s so refreshing to see lesbian portrayal completely removed from the male gaze.
A small thing but something else I liked- Dorothy admits she didn’t know if Rose would know what a lesbian was and she simply responded “well I could have looked it up!”, and when her and Jean discuss it she admits she doesn’t fully understand jeans feelings, but she recognises that she feels that way and that’s ok- PEOPLE WHO DONT KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT PRONOUNS AND DIFFERENT OR NEWER LABELS TAKE NOTES! You can simply google what something means and respect it without needing to know the nuisances!
I just think it’s wonderful how a show from 1986 made by and catered towards more middle aged/older watchers can beat modern shows with a younger target audience, and it really goes to show that having an open mind and simply accepting others means a lot more than being overly educated on such matters. Love golden girls
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stxrvel · 10 months
not my one
summary: bucky was in love with you, from the bones to the tips of his hair, and life would be perfect for him if it weren't for the fact that you had just gotten engaged to Steve.
pairing: (bucky barnes x) f!reader x steve rogers
words: 4k
warnings: some bad words, bucky regretting a lot of things, bucky suffers a lot, reader is not aware of anything, miscommunication, bucky can be unfair to those around him. love triangle?¿ also angst. like i said before, there's no happy endings in this account.
note: hi! i had this in my drafts too for days until my inspiration strike again, and also only by leehi was playing on repeat on my headphones while writing this. if you want a full experience, i highly recommend you to listen to that song while reading. there's something in using a love song to write a heartbreaking story. anyway, i hope you all like this!! and i dont know when ill see you again so i really hope you guys enjoy this one. feedback is always appreciated! <3
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So… Bucky knew it was wrong. From the beginning, from the first furtive glance, from the first unexpected, not at all reciprocal, brush. Bucky knew it was very wrong. His moral compass was shot when his thoughts, his intentions, went south and he couldn't stop them, or just didn't want to. At first it was hard to stop them, but at least he knew he intended to. After a good while, Bucky couldn't be sure he was really trying to stop it at all.
His gaze wandered in the crowds, among familiar faces, but only one that really cheered his soul. Guilt followed him, too. Maybe he had stopped fighting the feeling, but that didn't make it any more bearable. Seeing those two faces, smiling at them like it was nothing, asking them about the ring as if it were casual small talk while his heart contracted, made him feel like a traitor every day, and that guilt hung on his back like a bag full of stones. He carried his own sin like the unworthy one he was.
Still, he loved carrying those little moments in his heart, as if they really meant something, as if he didn't feel like he lost something every time he did it, as if butterflies flew around him when they did and everyone around him got as excited as he did, as if all the love songs came true in a single moment. As if saying I love you was as easy as breathing.
“Bucky, what do you say?”
But that was all just in his head.
“I'm with Natasha this time.”
The whole table was filled with shouts and boos. Bucky felt like he could shrink back in his seat and disappear.
Your face was right in front of his, a huge smile made your eyes sparkle. Everyone he knew was gathered and there were so many places Bucky could look, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from the curve of your lips. It was electrifying the way a simple distant gesture could ignite his body like that.
And it was shattering the way he had to remind himself that he couldn't stare for that long.
Not when the first person you saw after laughing was Steve. Not when the first hand you held was his. Not when those sparkling eyes were only for him. Bucky had to remind himself that he couldn't stare at you too long because you were his, for Steve, even though Bucky felt like he was eternally yours.
Bucky could remember the first time he'd seen you because it had been the first time he'd felt alive after so long living in the shadows and dust.
He was fixing his motorcycle, as he used to do countless times, instead of having gone out with his friends to the dinner that night that Wanda had scheduled. Every month they had an outing and one of them had to organize it. That was how they'd basically managed to stay in touch after so long after being out of college.
Bucky knew everyone was going to hate him for canceling at the last minute, but he really didn't feel like going out. So he sat outside his garage with his motorcycle looking for any slightest mistake he could fix or any scratches he could paint while he spent the entire day just there. That was his plan. But everything changed the moment you suddenly appeared in front of him, in a white flowered dress that he could still remember, that you actually still wore, and asked him if he could help you. With those doe eyes and a pout Bucky couldn't have escaped you, even if he wanted to.
“Excuse me, hello,” Bucky heard your voice for the first time and raised his head as if he knew what was in store for him.
Seeing you for the first time was very pleasurable, Bucky truly thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life. The tool in his hand was halfway through fixing something on his motorcycle when his hand froze and his lips remained pursed. When he thought about it from time to time, Bucky thought he must have looked like an idiot.
“I don't want to bother you. Uhm… I'm Y/N. I just moved into the house over there,” you moved to point to one of the houses in the neighborhood that Bucky had seen for sale, being so far inside his own head to even realize that someone actually moved in there. “I wanted to know if… Well, it's just that I see you fix things and I- My car broke down. I don't know what's wrong with it, but it won't start with anything. I don't know anybody around either and only you were around, could you help me?”
Bucky had never heard a person ramble on like that. Rather he could say he had never heard such a melodic voice nor had he ever found a person who just rambled so tender and entertaining.
He took a moment to look behind you, where indeed there was a black car parked near the approach with the hood open. Returning his gaze back to you, he found you anxiously waving interlocked hands and a slightly frowning brow.
“Sure,” was all he said.
The smile you sketched for him felt like a reward.
“Thank you! Really thank you so much.”
Bucky could only nod as he picked himself up off the floor.
At that moment, your gaze lowered and met the bare chest of a man who spent every morning looking for something to fix on his perfectly good motorcycle. Bucky didn't think it was ever possible again, but he felt his cheeks redden.
“I'm going to-” Bucky motioned pointing to his house and then to his bare chest and then disappeared behind the door leading into his living room from the garage.
As he entered he had leaned against the closed door and berated himself for acting like a teenager and not a responsible adult who paid his taxes on time.
He came back out a few minutes later wearing a dark shirt and found you circling around his bike, looking at it as if you were in a museum. When he approached, you straightened up in embarrassment. Bucky wondered what you could feel embarrassed for when your very existence was worthy of being admired like that in a huge museum.
“Is that your car over there?” he asked stupidly, pointing to the only car parked along the road.
But as if that hadn't been too obvious a remark, you nodded animatedly and started walking in the direction of the vehicle. It looked like that huge grin wasn't going to disappear from your face since he agreed to help you, and Bucky felt like he was going to get in trouble for it.
“It came out of the garage very normally and I parked it here. I turned the engine off and went inside to get some stuff out and when I came back it just wouldn't start,” you explained with a cute frown, as you moved closer and closer to the car, that he couldn't stop staring at as if that was what he had to fix.
“Okay,” he almost whispered, and was startled as you moved closer to him to hear what he was saying. “You can stay in the seat and turn it on when I tell you.”
You shook your head animatedly again and went to sit down to wait for his direction. Bucky lingered for a moment processing the delicious floral, sweet smell, and the vanilla that your perfume gave off. He felt it wouldn't be long before it became his favorite scent. The lavender and vanilla. Bucky wasn't even a fan of ice cream or flowers.
He reluctantly looked down, letting the scent escape into the air. He quickly spot the problem and, after a simple motion, reached up to lower the hood.
“You can turn it on now.”
Bucky watched your surprised face, eyebrows raised and lips curved in a circle. It startled him how fast you were making his heart move in such a short time. How was that even possible?
It was even better when you moved the key and the car started without a hitch, with that giant crescent smile that almost hid your eyes completely. By the time you got out of the car, any trace of discomfort or nervousness in you was gone.
“Thank you very, very, very much. You don't know what you just saved me from…”
Bucky stared intently into your shining eyes, as if in the midst of a trance, as if he had to do it to live. He became so immersed in his introspection that he almost didn't notice that you were waiting for him to give you his name.
He almost melted at your melodious voice repeating his name as simple as butter, as if that's the way it had always been.
“Thank you so much, Bucky.”
He nodded, barely curving his lips into a half smile, and that also served as a farewell.
Bucky didn't know, or maybe he did, that from that moment on he wasn't going to be able to get you out of his head. And even if he tried, doing so would be more painful than simply leaving you there growing in his thoughts like ivy.
Bucky had spent many nights thinking about what had gone wrong. He replayed conversations in his head endlessly, like a broken record he replayed his own words, thought about what it all would have been like if he had done something different, if he had said something different, if that really would have been a relief to his heart. Bucky had already thought of everything, but really the only answer is that you were not meant to be together as he'd imagined.
Nothing was ever reciprocated. Any spark, any friction, it all had to have been inside his head because there was no other explanation.
And everything changed that night.
He had talked to you too many times since your car thing, even though it was hard for him. You had been to his house and he had been to yours almost countless times. You would meet in town and drive back together. You walked early on weekends. You brought him the best dishes he'd ever tasted in his life to eat together….
And he decided to take you to meet his friends. Even before he took you on a date. Before talking about what you had. Before a kiss. Before sleeping together.
For Bucky there was nothing more important than you meeting his friends. That's how big his love was, even if sometimes he lied so he wouldn't see them. It was his way of loving.
Every day of his life he regretted that decision because that night it was all about Steve and you. That night he felt like the world was falling apart on him. Everyone was talking about Steve and you. That you had so much in common, that you would make a cute couple, that your children would be beautiful. Bucky loved his friends, but that night…
After that everything went to hell.
As if you'd never met him, your days began to fill with Steve.
“Where are you going?”
“Oh. I'm going to meet Steve. We have a reservation.”
Every day. There wasn't a day when he didn't hear his best friend's name come out of your mouth, sentencing him to eternal agony, because Bucky was never able to tell him that he loved you first, that he fell in love first. He couldn't do that to Steve who in so many things had been with him and had gone through so much.
“Are you free tonight?”
“No, Buck, I'm sorry. I'm going out with Steve.”
“Oh, sure. Is he coming to pick you up?”
“No, I'll take a cab.”
“At this hour?”
“Don't worry. I'll text you when I get there.”
And you did. But you wrote him too much. You told him how amazing the date had gone. You described how good you felt around him. And you confessed to him that you'd kissed.
Bucky thought about moving out after that.
“Hi, Bucky!”
But he also thought about how hard it would be to be so far away from you. Maybe it was worth it to avoid a broken heart, but…. No, it was too late for that now.
“Are you doing anything tonight?”
He lifted his head so fast he felt a whiplash of tension run down his back.
“No. Why?”
Could it be possible that…?
“Then you are cordially invited to a game night at my house. Sincerely, Steve and I.”
Steve and I.
Bucky shouldn't have been disappointed because he knew he shouldn't have felt hope in the first place, but he didn't expect to feel the anger bubbling in his chest either. You walked away like it was nothing after that, with a huge smile on your face, the one that made him fall in love with you in the first place. You walked animatedly as if you hadn't just stomped his heart to smithereens. You walked totally oblivious to the overwhelming guilt that grew from the pit of his stomach to plant itself in his chest for the first time.
You didn't even know anything. There was no way Bucky could blame you. Not even Steve. He had only himself to blame. For not speaking up first, for waiting so long, for not taking the risk.
Bucky didn't go to that game night.
Not the next one, not the one after that, not the one after that, not the one after that, not the one after that either…
Bucky stopped going to his friends' monthly meetings. He always said he had too much work. And yes, he dragged out his own work so he wouldn't even risk thinking about all he had lost.
At least five months passed and it was a year to the day since that night when Bucky made the worst mistake of his life.
That night he was surprised to find Steve outside his door.
He had just come home from work. It was close to ten o'clock at night. His face was cold from the weather and from not wearing his helmet since entering his residential area.
“Steve,” was his greeting.
“Bucky,” his friend reciprocated as he parked the bike in his garage.
Reluctant to any kind of conversation that might come up that night, Bucky tried to find any possible excuse to get Steve to leave. But he took too long.
“We're neighbors now,” was all Steve said, once Bucky got off the bike and turned to face him.
“I moved in with Y/N today. I live with her now.”
Like a hundred broken panes of glass Bucky's heart sounded every time it pounded. His friend's sparkling eyes were telling him, screaming at him to say something, to congratulate him, a few words, but his breath caught in his throat and he didn't even feel like he could trust his own legs at that moment.
You had moved in together.
You loved Steve so much that you'd asked him to move in with you.
“That's good, Steve.”
Not even great, just good. The words came almost slurred out of his mouth, and yes, his own head ripped the words out of him before it became too awkward and suspicious a silence.
“We tried to call you to come by after work. We had a little party.”
“I had my cell phone on silent.”
Bullshit. Bucky had seen every call, even yours, along with your messages, and had spent a good while just staring at the screen wondering what it could be about that both of you at the same time wanted to contact him.
“I figured.”
Steve sighed, and for a second Bucky thought he had figured it out. From the look on his face, Bucky figured he'd tell him to stay away from you and not try to get close because he'll have him between his eyebrows.
“You can stop by tomorrow at breakfast, if you want.”
Somehow, that was worse.
“No, thanks.”
“I'm leaving very early for work.”
“I can't, Steve, I'm sorry.”
“Bucky, we haven't seen you in months.”
The aforementioned stood halfway through opening the door to his living room, almost completely forgetting that had he gone through to the other side he would have locked his best friend in his garage and, for a moment, that almost didn't even matter to him. The thought scared him.
“It's been about four months since I've seen you in person. I figured you were going through something and needed time, but hasn't it been a long time already?”
“It's been five months,” Bucky turned to look at his friend unhinged face and guilt washed over him once more, as strong as the first time, a great wave breaking the sand. “Come in. So you can go out the front door because I already locked that door and it's electric and very slow and…”
The sympathetic expression on Steve's face didn't please him, he decided he didn't like it. It looked like he was looking at him with sorrow, with pain, but he didn't understand, he wasn't going through half of what Bucky was feeling everyday, he didn't have the slightest idea. He was going to a warm bed after this, at least, and Bucky would get to the great solitude of his thoughts.
No. Steve didn't understand shit.
“Don't look at me with that fucking face,” he exclaimed before he could stop himself. “Just leave.”
Bucky thought about that hurt expression on Steve's face for several days.
Two months later, somehow, you had convinced Bucky to attend one of your monthly meetings. It was so hard and yet so easy to make that decision, because you had gone all the way to his house and knocked on his door and asked him to come so many times that he couldn't say no just to avoid seeing your disappointed face.
And so it had come to that moment. That moment where everyone was booing Natasha and Bucky could tell by your huge smile that he hadn't gotten over you one bit. Two months without seeing you had been for nothing. That zero contact method surely only worked with teenagers.
As the laughter dissipated, Bucky thought about all he had been through and all he had suffered in silence. He hated that he couldn't hate anyone because everything that had happened was his fault. He hated every time he logged on to his text app and had to find himself in the group chat various messages about how Steve and you made such a great couple that neither of them could wait for you to get married.
Maybe Bucky complained too much.
Because the next thing he knew, everyone gathered around the table and you announced your engagement to Steve. When the table was again filled with shouts and applause, Bucky couldn't take his eyes off the giant ketchup stain on the table that Natasha had caused by getting too excited about the news. The envelope had been crushed by her hand, splattering its contents on that piece of the table and even on the shirts of those nearby. But no one really cared, because you and Steve were getting married. No one except…
... Bucky's weak and bruised heart, which despite the months could never stop beating just for you. Even though he tried, for his sake, for the sake of your friendship, for the sake of being happy for his best friend, he simply could not. It was a losing battle for him from the start. Ever since you showed up in his front yard in that blessed white flowered dress you were wearing now to deliver that news, and you smiled gratefully at him with the same smile you had now as you were encircled by Wanda and Tony's arms.
Bucky wanted to say that he'd grown accustomed to the pain that accompanies a broken heart, but the truth was that it never got easier. Every time he felt that pain, he prayed he wouldn't have to feel it again, because the pain that followed was so much stronger, so much so that he felt it suck the air out of him and a hollowness made its space inside his chest.
Bucky was really struggling to keep his composure at that moment.
But when he looked away from the large ketchup stain on the table, he met Steve's eyes, and somehow he knew. Bucky knew that he knew. However it was, coincidence or fate, Bucky realized that Steve knew what was going through his head.
And, for some reason, Steve didn't look angry.
But Bucky wasn't taking that pressure. Feeling invisible hands suffocating him.
So he barely mumbled an apology to him and ran out of the house.
His intention was to make it to the safety of his house, but his legs only gave out until he found his motorcycle parked in front of the future husband and wife's house.
His breathing was heavy, rapid and ragged. Of all the heartbreaks, that one was perhaps the most painful.
Hearing your voice behind him as he tried to fight the anxiety of not crying, not that moment, not in that place, not when it could be so obvious to you, was like a bucket of cold water. He suddenly felt alert, uncovered.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes. Why?”
“You ran out of the house.”
Although he tried to avoid it, the first thing he saw when you stepped around him to face him was the large ring that was now part of you. It was beautiful and delicate, Steve had made a good choice.
“I was overwhelmed for a moment. The screaming and stuff,” he gave you a lousy excuse, but it seemed to convince you enough.
“Oh, sure, I'm sorry. Do you want me to make you some tea? I've got a soothing one.”
“No,” Bucky shook his head quickly. “No need. I'd better go to my place.”
“So soon?”
Bucky looked into those deer eyes he loved so much and it hurt so much to think that would be the last time he saw them.
“Yeah, I'll feel better there. Don't worry.”
“Text me if you need anything.”
“Sure,” he wasn't going to. “Ah, congratulations on the engagement.”
Bucky was going to leave it at that, at a few simple words he tried to say with his heart in his hand, but you went further and jumped in to hug him by wrapping your arms around his neck. He felt dizzy for a moment.
“If it wasn't for you I never would have met him. Thanks, Buck.”
Bucky swallowed hard to keep from collapsing right there in your arms.
“And to think I thought I'd end up with you,” you blurted out with a chuckle, as if it was nothing, as you backed away from his body, as if you hadn't just dropped a bomb on his face.
Bucky went cold.
You laughed again, as if it was nothing more than a funny anecdote from adolescence or college. His chest heaved from the pain, his heart pounding so hard he felt it behind his ears. Hands sweaty, he didn't feel ready to listen to you.
“When we first met I liked you, Bucky, and I thought maybe we could work something out… But then I met Steve and it was… Wow, like fireworks.”
“I guess things really do happen for a reason.”
“Yeah, right,” Bucky replied on automatic, afraid that any distraction would give him a glimpse, trying to even out his breathing.
“Well, you know, text me if you need anything.”
“See you at the wedding, huh.”
Bucky followed you with his eyes as you walked back to your driveway, where Steve was waiting for you. His gaze lit up as much as yours every time he saw you and the lump in Bucky's throat kept getting bigger and bigger. He couldn't be one second closer to that house.
But then you walked into the house and Bucky met Steve's gaze.
He started to get on his bike as his best friend started walking towards him.
“Why didn't you ever say anything?”
Bucky remained sitting on the bike, helmet in his hands.
“I'm not going to talk about this with you now, Steve.”
“No, Bucky, you're not going to do this again. Answer me.”
“Answer me!”
Bucky turned to see his friend's contracted face and knew where his anger was coming from. It wasn't against him, it wasn't against his feelings.
“I just… I couldn't do it.”
“And that's all?”
“Yeah, that's all,” Bucky started the bike. “I couldn't say anything when I saw you smile for the first time in months. Not when you actually looked happy after everything you went through.”
“What I went through? What we went through, Bucky! We both suffered through it and you… you…”
“Whatever it is, Steve, it's over. The time is past. It's all behind us.”
“Bucky…” Steve slurred the words, incredulous, pained to see his best friend allowed to suffer like that. In deep pain because he knew if it had been the other way around he would have done the same.
“I'll be fine. Send me the invitation to the wedding. I promise I'll be there, if you want me there. And I'll be fine by then. I'll be fine.”
Bucky finally put on the case and without waiting for final words from Steve, he took off riding to an aimless destination.
He didn't know if he would be better by the time the wedding happened, because thinking about it at that moment made the tears run desperately down his cheeks, even though the wind dried them very quickly, just as they were replaced by others and others.
Bucky had no idea if he would ever be well again, but he had to try. He had to try because at that moment he felt like he would die.
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etoilesbienne · 2 months
people keep saying that qsmpblr is open to criticism but every day i believe it less. like ive seen more people open to criticism (if not criticizing stuff themselves) of quackitys/qstudios actions on twitter (where people are notorious for sending death threats at the slightest expression of dislike) than on tumblr. the tweets ive seen sharing the translation(s) on twitter have thousands of likes and hundreds/thousands of retweets, lots of people there are actually talking about it, and not just the ones who already were before leas interview (like the majority of people i see discussing it here on tumblr)
and the toxic positivity i see from people on tumblr about this is wild, refusing to look anywhere but the brightest side and suppressing any negative feelings or outlooks (including from others, but i saw that more in the first few weeks). its ok to not be ok with whats happening.
i do think its partially an issue of the community on tumblr being smaller so anyone who does want to share their criticism is wary of the fact that they might be quietly ousted from the community and lose friends and mutuals over it, or worse harrassed about it. i think its part of the reason the more "harsh" criticisms you (general you) see of the server or qstudios or quackity is are from anon asks on blogs that have shown theyre open to actual discussion, because it means that they dont have to be "open" on their own blogs about the fact theyre not waiting with no reassurance of real change actually (including myself in this, ive gone on a ramble or two in some peoples asks)
and also even before the workplace abuse came out, any criticism of lore seemingly had to be disclaimered 10 times over about not hating anyone involved in the lore, not hating the admins, and not hating people who did enjoy it. and it seemed like anyone being critical is seen as sending hate unless they stated this every other line in their post. (exaggerating a little but you get my point)
and now with WORKPLACE ABUSE.... at first you had the disclaimer that "quackity didnt know" (still bad??? he should know whats going on in his own company???), and then (and still now) the "just wait and trust theyre working on it" (when we still have no proof from them of any changes besides firing half their staff, and as far as we know still no contact with the people who were affected by their labour rights violations for any testimony? why should i trust qstudios), and NOW the tearing apart of everything lea says or does in order to somehow discredit her (because shes not a perfect virtuous pure sinless victim, but instead outspoken about the abuses she faced), as if discrediting her as the first to speak out will put the multiple other corroborating testimonies back in the skeleton filled closet..
idk this got kinda rambly TLDR qsmpblr isnt actually "open to criticism" beyond the mildest possible and they never have been.
Oh lord don't you know it. I had some interesting asks with very choice words in it back when I criticized the way people treated Jaiden & Baghera regularly ! Qsmpblr is possible to have a nicer experience because it is so much smaller, but having a smaller experience means you are at risk for different issues just as much as you are for a bigger one !
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rottindecay · 2 months
hi~sorry to disturb you!I'm new to this fandom and in the hope of talking with someone else.🥺🥺🥺 i notice that you write requests for Eric Draven👉👈...could you please write something like a crossover head canon👉👈like David from lost boys being bestie with Eric (as i just read somewhere yesterday that Kiefer Sutherland was close to Brandon Lee and even the one who introduced Eliza Hutton to Lee. 👉👈)Or maybe just write a vampire Eric Draven AU please🥺🥺🥺🌹.
I haven’t seen THE LOST BOYS movie in like a million years and sadly, I don’t write for them. that might change though!
So this post is gunna be about Vampire!Eric Draven x Reader !
𝑹⛧𝑻' s Note (1): also soo sorry I made this super late, lots of stuff is happening in my life such as school and other things so I hope you don’t mind too much! I've also been grounded for some time now so if this layout looks a bit weird, I'm writing this on computer.
𝑹⛧𝑻' s Note (2): also im so sorry if this is ass i dont know much about vampires.. lol
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𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who writes poetry about you and for you. whether it’s about how much he loves you, or how beautiful you look under the moonlight. anything that comes to mind when he thinks about you, he is writing down on paper and giving it to you once he’s done or he's putting them in a pile full of other his poetry he has written for you but didn't gift.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who feels bad when you give yourself up to him for when he is in need of blood. He hates hurting you in any way and will always feels guilty when he does do it, even after you say how it’s completely okay and you’re fine with it.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who when is done feeding on you, would patch any wounds up he might have left on you. he would hug and cuddle you and tell you how amazing and lovely you are as he kisses your patched up scars.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who would give you nicknames such as love, dove, my rose, angel…
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who is overly clingy towards you, but it’s not like you mind at all.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who stalks you at night when you’re at walking around or doing anything outside of your guy's shared apartment. He doesn't tell he does this; he just wants to make sure nobody is going to hurt you.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who watches you sleep at night since he isn't tired from sleeping all day. He admires your beauty from the one lit candle he has in the room and is astonished by how or why you chose him out of any other good-looking guys.
𖤐 . . Speaking of sleep.. Vampire!Eric Draven who will see you randomly taking a nap on the couch or bed and would just sit there and just stare admire you. He could do this for hours and hours on end and wouldn't get even the slightest bit of boredom.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who is like an actual crow. He would randomly give you things that reminded himself of you like roses, or just any cute looking trinkets he finds laying on the ground when he's out patrolling the night.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who when gifting you roses, would cut the thorns off of it first before handing it to you because he's scared that if you prick yourself on one of those thorns and smell the blood running down from your wound, he doesn't know if he could handle himself with the smell of your sweet... delicious... tasty... blood...
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven when you do accidently get pricked by something, would walk up to you and try to contain himself. He would ask if you're alright, but you can see the hunger in his eyes when he looks down at your freshly cut wound. After noticing this, you would ask him if he wants some of your blood but he's hesitant (as always) but gives in once he knows your 100% fine with it.
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jikjinz · 11 months
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requested? yes, for anon! 5, 18, 22 with Dobby pls 😽💕
❝stop staring.❞ ❝i can't, you're so pretty like this❞ ❝i can't help it, darling. i just want you so bad❞ ❝i will make you feel so good angel, trust me❞
from this list !
TAGS/WARNINGS: k.doyoung x fem!reader; kinda dom!reader and kinda sub!doyoung; tying up (doyoung), praise, attempts at dirty talk ig, edging??? grinding, mention of lingerie, unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap yo willy or get ready to be stomped on), lmk if something should be added
891 words yall better be ready
a/n: the fact i wrote this in like an hour with few smol breaks only shows how down bad i am for this fool, especially after t5 and move mv. also if there are mistakes yall just pretend that they don't exist. it's liek 1:30am, instead of exist i almost typed axist and i really couldn't have cared less about anything rn. peace out
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the view before you was breathtaking. you could stare at it for hours. unfortunately, the main character of the beautiful view was extremely impatient, wiggling and squirming under your stare, too flustered to say anything.
“stop staring!”
“i can’t! you’re so pretty like this.”
doyoung only whimpered at your words, his breath stuck in his throat when you got closer to the bed. dear heavens, he wanted to touch so much.
yes, it was his idea. it was his own mind that came up with such torture for him. wanting to try something new, doyoung suggested tying his hands to the headboard of the bed. it wasn’t the first time you took control over the situation, though it was the first time you could take your time with him, tease him, and enjoy the prettiest view you ever seen.
doyoung liked to be in control, or more like, liked to feel your body, your reactions, in general feeling you. sometimes it was hard for him to believe someone so precious loved him back. the thought of you, being in love with him, always made him go a bit dumb. and the fact that you were real, that you were under him, naked, in his bed just seemed like a fever dream. yet it was all real.
until now, where he could only look at your beautiful body, wrapped up in a cute lingerie, without the ability to touch your skin, to feel the weight of your body in his hands. but the mere sight of your heart eyes stuck on him, your mouth practically salivating at the sight of his naked body, and the way you pressed your thighs together at the slightest whimper he made… it all made him even more dumb.
“you look so- scrumptious right now.”
to say you were in awe would be a major understatement. you could stare at him like that for hours, he was just so- ugh! beautiful, gorgeous, stunning! and all of it only for you! and if you weren’t so needy for him, you probably would just stare at him for a whole day if not more.
sitting on the edge of the bed, you ran your hand through his messy hair, then cupping his face as you placed a loving kiss on his lips. his doe eyes, stuck on you and on you only, looked at you with that dreamy stare, the one you loved to see and the one playing with your heart, pride, and feelings.
“i love you, so- so much,” you started, caressing his biceps lightly as you finally straddled him, your ass so close his length it made him gasp for a sec. “and i want you so, so, so- much as well.”
doyoung was about to lose his mind. he wanted to scream, to break out, to finally fuck you properly, but shit, this stuff you did was addicting. he loved that, but if he had to wait even more, he would go crazy.
“doyoung, you are so impatient!” with a chuckle, you tapped his chest with your fingers as some kind of warning. though in reality, you were about to go insane any minute as well.
“i- i can’t help it, darling. i just- i just want you so bad- ah!”
you were a menace. a big one. doyoung was about to get off only by grinding your plushy ass, and yet you destroyed that!!! as you got up from him, doyoung whined, tears slowly forming in his eyes but when he noticed how hastily you’re taking off the lingerie (thankfully it didn’t have fancy clips), he smiled so brightly, like a sun after rain, reflecting in the puddles and wet leaves.
“i’ll make you feel so good, angel, trust me, but please, please, pleasepleaseplease just-”
the groan he let out at the end of the sentence was so hot your brain malfunctioned. and the fact that you were the cause of this heavenly sound got your mind run laps. so big laps that your pussy clenched around his length on its own, while your mind spiraled down and replayed that beautiful sound.
“fuck- angel you’re so- fuck, fuck! ah, shit-” that was all doyoung could say. his mind fogged with overwhelming pleasure, sudden yet so comforting tightness of your gummy walls had him choke on his words, moans, groans and the most beautiful sounds you ever heard.
you babbled nonsense, as your focus went only to the way his dick felt inside you. bucking your hips, bouncing up and down, it all was so… much.
“doyoung-! doyoung, i’m close, ah- fuck!” you were on fire but something was missing. somehow, the flame missed its match, which in this case was doyoung’s touch and his hand all over your body. as you hips met his half-way, your wobbly and slowly weakening hands clumsily managed to untie his.
the moment he touched you, the moment he touched your heated body, it was over you. as you screamed, moaned, and gushed over his length, doyoung only held you closer. as you chased after the last bits of that blissful moment, his lips managed to clasp with yours, ready to swallow every moan and whimper you made while he made sure to paint and mark your insides with his seed.
“we have to do this more often, darling.”
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dykeseesgod · 6 months
none of the dog sees god characters are popular theyre all weirdo loser freaks no one likes but the majority of them are too self centered to even realize this. my reasoning 👇 (ITS REALLY LONG AND THERE ARE MULTIPLE IMAGES. WARNING)
ok this has kinda like always been how i interpreted things and then i looked literally anywhere else where people are talking about dog sees god and all the summaries are like pigpen and charlie brown and peppermint patty and marcie are COOL and POPULAR and BULLY the UNDERLING that is SCHROEDER. and that just like. doesnt feel right? like narratively that feels incorrect so im going to explain this now.
first ok. so this is also like a completely separate pet peeve of mine but the text literally never says that cb and matt play football like literally every single fucking source everywhere says. like matts page on the villains wiki says one of his hobbies is playing football and like. no???? they never???? say that????? like ok. we know their school HAS a football team (beethoven mentions it in the vipers nest) and we know cb and matt play SOME sport (matt mentions that they "shower together after practice" in the hangover) but the connection is never explicitly drawn between the two. in FACT beethovens line about the football team (below)
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kind of like. goes against the idea that cb and matt are on the football team??? like hes talking to cb here i feel like if beethoven were to mention even sarcastically ogling a group that cb is apart of hed make some kind of comment about it. like this is before their whole thing gets resolved theyre still fighting when he says this line it would make complete sense for cb to say something about this. and like ok its peanuts right like just reminding everyone that its peanuts. you know what sport it would make more sense that charlie fucking brown plays like you know what sport it would seem logical for him to play oh i dont know fucking BASEBALL????? im realizing now that this is like a lot less relevant to my original idea than i thought but i still want to keep it here. i think its just kinda like. its not canon that theyre super popular stars of the football team for all we know they could be playing fucking tennis the fact that they play A Sport doesnt make them well liked. also it literally never says at any point that theyre even good even if they are on the football team they could be the worst players we dont fucking know!!! need i remind you of charlie browns only* experience with football
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*besides youre in the super bowl charlie brown but that specials bad so were ignoring it. and its not like he was good at football in that either
and if you buy into the idea that they play baseball (which you should baseball is such an integral part of peanuts it makes the most sense) charlie brown (and pigpen for what its worth. also like everyone else too) is DOGSHIT at baseball like its an entire decades long running joke how fucking awful they are at baseball. "maybe he practiced and got better" hes terrible to his bones practice does nothing. heart
ok onto more substantial points. so if you buy into the interpretation that their childhood was just literally normal peanuts (which you should because its very funny) then you can assume that these guys have all known eachother since elementary school (and even if you dont there are multiple lines that reference them being friends as kids so point still stands). but also by virtue of dsg being a peanuts parody and a lot of the comedy just coming from "haha that s like from the comic strip :)" (I WILL TALK ABOUT THE INHERENT TRAGEDY OF THIS LATER) besides like. one guy. every single character mentioned is an established peanuts character. and like idk about you but my highschool is a LOT bigger than my elementary school. like. there are substantially more people there. what im trying to say that while not impossible it is fucking WEIRD to have a decently sized friendgroup that has not changed the slightest bit in almost a decade. what im getting at is these bitches are INSULAR!!!!!!!! they are extremely hyperfocused on an only think about people from their childhoods. i will get back to this
LETS TALK ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK CAN WE TALK ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK PLEASE GOD MAC IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK ALL DAY ok so this scene. woof. ok. this is where the majority of my reasoning for this comes from. first, i want to draw attention to the fact that frieda, the girl that tricia and marcy make fun of so frequently, is another goddamn peanuts character. and so another elementary school friend. it just doesnt end with these bitches do you think about anything else!!!!!!
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if tricia and marcy had any kind of actual social standing, them constantly gossiping and shittalking frieda would matter to her. being so constantly and relentlessly made fun of by popular people would have an impact (hi yes i know youre thinking of beethoven ignore him for now were gonna come back to him). but it doesnt! frieda doesnt care about what tricia and marcy think of her, why would she? theyre just those two girls from elementary school who are angry all the time. friedas on the outside, shes not apart of this. the only student mentioned thats not a peanuts character? thats her boyfriend. she is the only window into the world of normalcy
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THIS^^ THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE LINE THAT GAVE ME THIS WHOLE IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE. im fairly certain the purpose of this line is to place doubt in our minds on whether or not what we assumed the entire play is actually true. which its not!!! of course this isnt the cool table, all these people do is argue an gossip an stew in their own misery!!!!
ummmm lighting round of things that support my point. if they really were these ultimate cool all powerful popular kids why the hell are they still friends with van. van is a burnout stoner with a sister in an psych ward. considering the things they pounce on to make fun of, this is MORE than enough to completely open fire. but theyre not gonnaaaaa because theyre in the same boat as him!!!!! van and them are on the same level of popularity!!!!!! ummalso THE PARTY the party. the only other guests mentioned to be at this party are franklin (another peanuts character, another childhood friend) and fucking RERUN ? in the comics rerun is established to be MUCH younger than the main cast, even younger than sally, who is mostly shown to be in kindergarten, meaning hed be in middle school at the MOST. and its not like this is a party at vans house and his brother just happens to be there NO!!! THIS IS MARCYS PARTY HE BROUGHT RERUN WITH HIM LITERALLY WHY IS RERUN THERE. THIS PARTY FUCKING SUCKS I KNOW IT IN MY SOUL.
were coming back to beethoven now the thing is that hes in the exact same boat as everyone else. while we do know that its not just the main cast that are outwardly homophobic ("i only got called a queer 3 times ^_^!") it is consistently shown that the main perpetrators are the main cast, much more so than anyone else. beethoven posits that the only reason cb only got called queer is because everyones scared hell beat them up, but i do think its worth considering that the main cast are the only ones who would ever enact actual violence. beethoven is in the same situation, but moreso by force than by choice. hes forced to relive reminders of traumatic childhood events and forced to cling to the past BECAUSE the people that target him used to be his friends. theres a reason they were the only people in peer counseling.
like i said, there is a certain tragedy that comes with dsg being a peanuts parody. its because of the referential comedy that bert royal created a cast of characters so self centered and so hung up on the past that theyre still extremely fixated on the kinds of people they were and the drama they had and their feelings about eachother from when they were literally fucking 8 years old. and isnt that jsut so much more thematically interesting than "oohh popular kid bully gay unpopular kid ooohhhh" theyre all unreliable narrators!!!!!!!! theyre all sick freaks and everyone knows it!!!!!!!! there is no possible justification for their actions, theyre hypocrites plain and simple.
or maybe im reading into everything too much idk its 1 am im talking about the fucking peanuts yaoi fag play. bye
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begginmonty · 2 years
best friends nick miller, winston schmidt and winston bishop 
idk if this fandom is alive anymore but i love these boys and i want to live with them so here's some really detailed headcanons - sorry its long lol. (nsfw mentions, mental health issues & fem!reader, lowercase intended btw)  i also made a playlist here
brief backstory - you move into the loft after jess offers you her old room as she's moving in with cece, you’ve known jess for a while as she comes into the coffee shop you work at everyday and has done for the past like three years. you take up the offer and that’s where the best part of your life starts.
let me emphasise that these boys love you so much and as much as they like jess, they like you a tiny bit more but will never say it.
these boys will defend and protect you till the day you die and they would do the same beyond death too - anyone bad mouths you and these boys are like who said it whos ass are we fighting (although none of them would actually beat anybody up, we all know what they’re like) 
nick always asks if you’ve eaten or taken your meds and when you say no this man glares at you until you move from your spot and go do so whilst you stare at him with a little scared
had a long day and just wanna lie down face first on the sofa? you can literally lay on top of these men and they're not bothered in the slightest 
if your head is on either winston or schmidt’s lap (and your hair is long enough) these boys will braid your hair subconsciously and sometimes schmidt does a really good job (not surprised tho)
(ignore if you don't smoke) you and nick have a guilty pleasure like every few nights going to the roof, dead in the night and sitting in lawn chairs sharing a cigarette together. it’s a bad habit but it’s something you two enjoy together.
going to parties and bars altogether and whilst everyone is making out with people or going home to sleep with people, you and winston are singing your hearts out, like you guys are brilliant at karaoke and you whip out all the old songs, any song. 
and then one of the rare times winston is actually making out with someone, you’re normally sitting at a table like : ( 
listen we all make mistakes right well, just if you’re heartbroken don't be sitting alone with schmidt because somehow you will kiss him and sleep with him and yeah. that happens one night.
and you wake up the next morning and schmidt is actually kinda cute cuddled up next to you and it does feel nice to be cuddled so you just kinda go back to sleep for a bit.
and i'm going to say this now, you do kiss all the guys at some point and/or sleep with them too.
one of them needs a fake girlfriend? you’re down. 
there’s one time you are Winston's fake girlfriend for when his family visits and at the end of the day you’re like, “that was fun, any girl would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend” and you give him one big kiss before going off to bed and he’s stood there dumbfounded. 
you know in that episode where they all admit they’ve thought about jess whilst getting off once? yeah well it’s the same for you. if not a little more. there’s no point denying it. 
dont u deny that you haven't thought of them too.
there’s a period where you’re very much suffering with your funky brain and you’re laying in bed a lot or laying on the floor of your bedroom staring at your ceiling with so many yet no thoughts.
and bless these boys my god, especially nick as he knows what it’s like. they’ll each come sit with you and talk about anything to distract you or just sit with you to keep you company. 
nick finds you sitting on the floor, back against your bed, head in your arms with your knees pulled up, sniffling away and he doesn’t say anything but sits next to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders. he pulls you close and just kinda crumble in his chest and this man does not judge you one tiny bit. he knows what it's like. so he doesn’t say anything but rubs your shoulders and gives you head kisses. you stay like that for a good hour.
later that night you finally emerge from your room and they’re all sitting on the sofa. it’s obvious you’ve been upset but no one says anything. you dont say anything as you make your way over and sit between winston and schmidt, and winston puts his arm around your shoulders, not in like an obvious comfort way but more in a platonic way?? (idk hopefully you understand)
for your birthday nick is broke and gives you a badly handmade card but dear god you get very emotional about it and he’s like, are you crying?? why?? what did i do i'm so sorry omg?? 
need someone to come to the doctors or the dentist with you and hold your hand? nick will. but don't squeeze his hand that hard cause he will scream. 
these guys support whatever you do. wanna game all night long? they dont care if you’re screaming at a 12 year old for killing you. play any instruments or sing? give them a concert (if you’re comfy). love art? they’ll commission you art (if you give them a friends and family discount). they’re very supportive, okay <3 
give them hugs. they might not act like they want hugs but from what i know about boys, they always want a big squeezy hug. so please give them hugs.
thing about schmidt tho is that if he finds you crying he’s not the best at dealing with it, “y/n have you seen- oh, oh no. NICK?? WINSTON?? HELP”
you guys of course fight and have silly arguments but sometimes they dont really have a filter and will say something unintentionally mean to you and then when they see your face fall they’re like oh god oh no i didnt mean i swear
you always forgive them though, it’s hard to stay mad at them <3
they love you as much as you love them <3
sorry it’s really long and detailed but there’s more if you want it and if you guys wanna send in headcanon requests im totally down to write them! < 3
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