#i dont really care i just like being charitable to people i guess
petphantoms · 8 months
hi I'm the anon from earlier. clarifying that scott isn't aro and i was referring to it being a headcanon I've seen alongside these types of interpretations, my bad on the wording there. and thank you for sharing your thoughts, I'd hate to get into like "shipping discourse" or anything so i hope the original message wasn't too idk pessimistic or aggressive about it, i was really frustrated at the time and the whole thing was really rubbing me the wrong way (so i might have been a little less charitable in my observations). I love discussions around interpretations and fanon and aus of this kind of thing and i think your input is thoughtful and interesting! sorry for dragging it out onto this one random blog though i do feel a little bad about it, you seem cool though
lol nooo! i love to talk! and aah that makes sense.. as a headcanon, and then pairing them together... that deffo rubs me wrong. and espec if he was aro irl, right, thats a totally different can of worms.. idk how to explain myself there but ty for the clarification!
i mean to be completely honest, i made the post bc i was asking. i was frustrated with it too, because my exposure to scott in the fandom had only been negative, so it was just not sitting right with me. now that im learning my way around i definitely am finding more folks that share interpretations similar to myself (or they just post silly shit and thats all i want anyway), and its not as like. im realizing. oh thank god, not everyone is doing that, but it was still so weird scary to walk in on...
100% if you want to chit chat or something about this stuff feel free to keep sending anons or even message the blog? i can dm you with my main or something if you go off anon and tell me you want that, lol. im open to really any shipping discourse i guess not because im a discourse person (i dont rly like discourse ngl) but because i do have an interest in what makes people see things the way they do, and i like discussions where i can throw my own hat into the ring and either learn things or feel like im engaging with others thoughtfully instead of passively.
i am 100% open to hearing your thoughts and or bitching, i wont say im staunchly anti a!fh, because truth be told i just dont have enough stake in it to care (and those who did explain themselves to me didnt seem to have poor intentions in mind, and it was just an interpretation! which was nice), but i am definitely.. not someone whos going to partake in it myself, lol...
i feel like i just rambled in a circle here but. don't feel bad for talking abt it, i opened the door myself, and 100% i love to chat so if you have more to say im all ears! we dont have to agree to have a discussion, hehe (: -🍄
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pinkadork · 11 months
I haven't really talked much but like.
Between being sexually harassed trying to get to work since my car erupted into flames and then paying that mf ( and ofc people i trust) to take me to work (when they do since its not like i havent been left either at the house or at work and had to either stay home, walk or beg people to pick me up, between my family hanging money over my head trying to get me motivated and help me get a car when i could really use it more to help with bills, the immense summer guilt thats just become the norm atp. I feel it. I've been tired for so long. I try to fake some kind of mojo on some fake it til ya ma it shit but i stg everyday is some other bs. I've had stuff get cut off temporarily in the past so it shouldnt be a big deal but idk. I just wish things couldve been different i guess.
I shouldve been fired ,which I'm glad im not but the anxiety knowing im well past the point limit and feel like at any moment im gonna either get a call that im fired or get dropped off just for my ID to not work and be stuck walkin back is constantly on my mind.
I always feel like im still messing up relationships with people i love and care about even though im trying and have been using the coping skills ive since ive been seeing a therapist again. Yeah i say im lonely but is more than that honestly, im just devastated everyday goes by like this, i had to address and try to figure out the situation of their stuff a few months ago because i felt immensely guilty over everything. I packed stuff up months ago im still washing and packing. Or i was. I feel like i dont get to so shit now but disappoint and upset people. I couldn't even explain that im upset because i feel like ive had to try and motivate myself so much just to live and that i feel like i dont go to work for anything. Hearing everyone talk about the good money we make at work knowing i havent been able to make it a full work week with out something happening irks my soul, even more so when its like im still trying and then either the response is try harder or give up and throw away the progress. I dont necessarily care about money but its obvious niggas need it. Ive been eating out of the convenience store or at work since August. Ive bought groceries twice in the last 3 months and groceries is being charitable because if im being honest i bought some breakfast food and have been esting on that to the point where i might be tired of it. I've always had to take care of myself against the stupidest of odds so sue me if im bitter that instead of chilling and relishing like everyone else about owning my house after being homeless and getting kicked out, thrown around, feeling like i have to mold into this nigga, that nigga to get through shit. I'm sorry that after every funeral, fight, breakup, sudden job change, shitty living environment, and overall fuckup ive done in my life wont mean a goddamn thing. Its always just gonna be something i couldve done more with, did better, tried harder. I dont want too anymore.
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killer-wizard · 2 years
TLDR i guess im neutral? if you're like. "demo'ing" having DIDOSDD or claiming to have DIDOSDD without trauma i dont support, but if you claim youre a system/have headmates without trauma thats cool :) (so basically, people who experience these symptoms but no trauma deserve a safe space to talk about that)
please correct me if im wrong btw i dont like being wrong. be nice about it or i wont believe you lmao
new endo systems opinion. i dont care anymore, its not like it matters irl? i think they dont need to use traumagenic terms n shit but like. if they experience system/didosdd symptoms but dont have trauma those people deserve a space yknow? human brain r fucky and everybody whose got BrainStuff deserves to talkabt with other people yknow? so i guess im neutral abt it??
im not talking about people baiting/pretending/"demo-ing" having DID, im talking about systems/people with alters/headmates who do not have DID or OSDD or any sort of disorder like those.
but my opinions, if it matters, is that you can only have did/osdd/ect if you have trauma, as is the most accepted scientifically.
i Guess it's possible someone could have headmates/alters without trauma? that Could happen! maybe! idk! im not a psychologist or whatever (and honestly psychologists don't even know that much about it)
if people exist out there with headmates/alters but no apparent trauma, thats pog. i hope you find some kinda peace in a community that loves u :). i DONT think the traumagenic community is for you, but just like. logically. like i dont have the same experience as you, bc i have trauma, so it just doesnt seem helpful for yall yknow?
i used to be kinda mean about it but now i just dont really care lol. so im sorry if i hurt anyones feelings or made them feel bad bc i was kinda mean. but anyway.
kind of related but i hate the term "sysmed". it reminds me of "transmed" and its. not a fun topic. feels transphobic. dont use that please. regardless of opinions of endos ok? its weird and i Dont Like It
edit: i formatted this post so stupidly i had to fix it lol. added an opinion
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
Goddd seeing idk why (I kinda do) seeing ppl be like “overhaul is evil and has no right nor chance of being saved or helped by deku but shigaraki has to be” like OKAY overhaul, very very bad person, terrible person, and as we’ve alllll learned from Dabi and shiggy, an unhappy childhood doesn’t excuse murder or child torture. But like ppl just “no overhauls evil he should die don’t even bother trying to help him” DESPITE HIS CURRENT STATE??? And dekus “I’ll save everyone cause I got empathy out my ass” bs. Why would that not extend to overhaul? Cause he tortured eri? Fair but shigaraki did do lots of murder. Like lots. He also kidnapped bakugou, attacked deku and his friends at school bla bla etc. hurt people close to deku. SO LIKE. I completely get ppl hating overhaul. Valid fair mood. But that’s soooo hypocritical. Deku seeing overhaul in his current state, man it would be kinda Ooc imo for him to “he evil he must die” like he’s clearly not the same guy??? I DONT EVEN LIKE OVERHAUL BUT THIS IS SO ANNOYING
People really out here acting like Shigaraki and co weren't about to partner up with Overhaul, not caring about his abusive behaviour towards Eri and acting like they wouldn't have handed her over to Ujiko (I'll probably never use his real name T-T) the first chance they got. The LOVs don't exactly have morals, the only person who would be kind of against it would be Spinner but he would have given in easily anyway <.<
Not to mention the Nomu are still a thing the League had no issue using and abusing. I guess it's okay when the League commits unethical experiments on people :p
I really do just... love this fandom: "Everyone should be given the chance to be a better person! ...Except Endeavor and Overhaul and anyone else who isn't a member of the League of Villains because they're all reprehensible!"
As you said, if Deku is willing to be charitable towards Shigaraki who has committed crimes just as horrific as Overhaul then I have no idea why they're surprised he wouldn't extend the same hand to him.
It's almost like when you believe everyone should be given a chance to change, that actually included everyone 🤷‍♀️
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czechforrain · 4 years
Caught up to the RWBY manga...and I’ve got opinions
CW / TW : Some discussions of implied sexual assault. 
Spoilers up to Ch 18 of the RWBY Manga and Vol 2 of the series TV show. 
So last time I commented on the manga I was just past the white fang thing with blake and I responded idk interested in how the manga took it’s approach with it. I wouldnt say positive but curious about it in a harmless way. 
The manga basically speeds through the rest of volume two leaving behind major scenes and shortening the rest to where the impact of them is almost completely diminished. There are also some character differences that bear out due to the author giving people more or less focus.
The biggest changes are with Yang and Blake’s relationship. Now even if you dont like BEES, the formation of their friendship is a vital part of the show. Someone can read everything as “just friends” but them having a close relationship is inarguable. The moment where Yang confronts Blake on her single minded focus to find Roman / Adam and the White fang is this crucial moment where Yang gets through to Blake, shares her backstory and establishes a bond between them. 
It’s nowhere in the manga. IT WAS CUT. 
And it’s such a shame because up to this point you could have mis-characterized Yang as the dumb party blonde stereotype that even she would play up in the early season where it’s apparent that she’s someone who is sharp, focused and can read into people pretty well. She recognizes Blake’s anger and tells her that it isn’t wrong for her to want Justice but if she doesn’t take care of her self shell never be able to achieve it. 
Oh some other cuts. RAVEN. Just never showed up because they didn’t even fight on the train. They just kind of got to the point of train impact without facing that much obstacles before all the Grimm attacked. 
It’s really frustrating because 
1. That was an S tier Fight. 
2. It did a great job at pointing out what Yang’s weaknesses were. 
3. Introduced Raven as someone super important and powerful. 
For some reason they still have Banesaw around and he fights Blake later. It actually makes more sense he’d fight Blake than Weiss narrative-wise but that’s besides the point, it’s just kind of weird he’d just be there anyways since he wasn’t a big shot or anything. 
Oh and STRQ isnt mentioned at all. 
Ok now that we are talking about the Villains. 
Roman is weird, in the show’s he’s this dashing suave dude who’s like “ah there you are red, you’re too late hahaha” *dips but in the comic he’s got this weirdly sadistic side almost like he’s being built up to be more of a threat than what he was and a more unhinged person. He threatens murder directly a lot more and one time I even thought he threatened Neo but the paneling was just weird and he’s talking to Banesaw. Either way it seems like he’s less kind to Neo in general and since that’s literally the only person he seemed to get along with in the show that makes me care less about him besides “ 100% evil sunday morning cartoon villain” I’ll take my “80% evil sunday morning cartoon villain” thank you very much
It’s a HORRENDOUS scene in Chapter 15 thought where 
CONTENT WARNING: Sexual Assault Implications 
Ruby gets captured, in the manga it’s because she’s trying to get back Zwei, in the show it’s because she falls into a hole. That doesn’t really matter anyways she’s tied up and well here’s the page 
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followed by 
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and this isn’t as bad as it was originally before pressure to change it  https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/f2f8j9/the_controversy_regarding_rwby_manga_chapter_15/ 
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This is absolutely messed up. Just going over the content you have:
“I’d love to Entertain you myself”
“Have far more pressing concerns with a human like yourself”
“Plenty of Fun to be had, I’m sure”
and then Ruby gagged, and handcuffed to a chair as a bunch of tall faceless men in long black cloaks loom over her. You could say this all is just a misunderstanding and it’s just meant to foreshadow violence as a threat but it’s just done with such a sexual assault that the most charitable take is it’s a dogwhistle to that subject matter. Anyways thaat absolutely didn’t belong in RWBY and even reading it in Viz made me double take how they set up this scene and gave it such dark implications. Not that it was a deliberate narrative writing choice because it is undone really quickly. It just comes off as edgy and gross. 
Anyways some other things: 
JNPR Saga. Jaunedice is gone and while I’m not gonna lie, it’s definitely good that we didn’t have to relive through jaune going through his “ If I keep asking, maybe i’ll eventually get a yes through persistence” arc, I really feel like the pyrrha and jaune content is also weakened and though they might have overplayed this up in the show at least it ended up working on making me a shipper. Idk it wasn’t terrible but it felt a lot more surface level here. Also Ren and Nora were here too but even less prominent. 
Speaking of the dance, Blake goes with Sun instead of Yang. Because Sun invites her under the context of “you owe me”. Even though it’s done tongue in cheek, like even manga sun would hold it against her if she refused I think that this line does a good deal of disservice to Sun and also paints him in a weird Adam-ish tone. Sun’s whole deal is that he’s about unconditional kindness, he likes blake but he wouldnt want her to go with him unless she wanted it for herself. Leaning into the “haha let’s just say you owe me” leans more into something that Adam would use a source of manipulation. 
Oobleck: Is given a major glow up and actually ends up doing a lot in the end to the point at times it almost seems like it’s his story. He pulls of 300 IQ moves and ended up coordinating all the hunters and huntresses to the point of the breach based on the direction the wind was blowing and schematics he saw through someone’s pocket. Ok that’s an exaggeration but not by that much. The author is a fanboy over him and it’s good for memes but I’d argue it doesn’t improve the story by making him a more important character. I guess cool to see him fight a little bit more but it was kind of odd when he stunts on everyone so damn much. 
The fighting in general has some weak panelling except for a few scenes where it’s showing impact. The light as hell inking style makes it kind of annoying when there’s multiple people in one fight against a big target and you have to differentiate everyone and how people move from place to place. The way your eyes are supposed to move while reading a fight and how character motion transfers through panels. 
Neat informative video about that: https://youtu.be/zFFru4q_4H8?t=420 (whole video but I started at the point where they talk about panelling)
The art style is unique and i’ll give it that but too often it seems a bit more contrast and thicker lines would really benefit the series. Even when I was enjoying it, I still had these concerns. It’s just annoying when the artist is generally pretty good but you gotta zoom in to see certain things and all of that. 
So yeah, i’ve been disappointed in the later chapters to say the least and that’s incredibly incriminating when I wasn’t even that big of a fan of this adaptation to start with. I thought that maybe it could have been a loose reinterpretation for someone who was put off by V1/V2 animation standards/ wanted to get through the series even quicker but I couldn’t in good conscience recommend this as an alternative for the main series anymore. And that’s a shame. Luckily this all ends with V2 so we won’t have to worry about what else would be cut, shortened or ignored from the main series and we can focus on the actual show which all of love...or like at the least. 
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topimagines · 6 years
Summary:  Where do people go when they die? Well, for the least lucky people in the world, hell is waiting. But what happens when these people do go to hell? And how did you end up there?    
Warning: death, hell, mentions of religion, language, mentions of suicide, adultery, ashley is back, graphic ish depiction of death, brendon being a cocky motherfucker 
A/N: do not repost any work on this blog without explicit permission from me or kat. I dont know how much i like this part but its here
Part 1// Part 2//Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6// Part 7// Part 8
"And that, more or less, is what happened," Brendon said.
"That's it?”
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"You know sweetheart, you have quite the personality," Brendon stated, "You remind me of my old lover. Quite the spitfire, that girl." He took you by surprise and sat down, legs crossed over one another, on the ground. He looked up at you expectedly, eyes telling you to join him.
"How exactly do I have quite the personality?" You asked, taking a seat across from him, sitting the same way.
"Making my best Knight a hormone crazed teenager," he said with a chuckle, "If you saw his dreams, well, let's just say, he ain't getting in to heaven any time soon." Brendon, as opposed to the red and pink eyes you had seen before, had brown eyes. They glimmered in the light and looked as if they were as deep as the ocean, "Something on your mind, sweet cheeks?"
You did have something on your mind, and it wasn't why you were being taken to him, or why everyone was hiding things from you. No, in that moment, you only had one big, fat question. One you had on your mind as long as you had been in Hell.
"How did Tyler get damned to hell?"
"Oh sweetheart, that’s quite the story, you sure you want to hear it?"
"Either that or you let me wake up and I'll go take a nice swim."
Brendon looked deep into your eyes. No matter how fiendish the devil was, he couldn't read you, tell when you were bluffing, or read into you. Your file was the only thing he could read about you. He expected that, because he knew what you did while you were alive and what you were, but he did not know he'd be this susceptible to your charms.
If you could even call what you were doing charming.
"Well, it started when a truck ran a red light..."
A long time ago, a tragic accident took the lives of a famous band; Twenty One Pilots. A semi-truck ran a red light, hitting the side of the tour bus with such force, it flipped twice and landed belly up in the intersection.
Jenna Joseph was found dead on the scene, having broken her neck and suffered fatal brain damage that would have rendered her brain-dead if she hadn't suffered the neck injury. Tyler Joseph was pronounced dead on arrival to the hospital, his cause of death severe trauma to his head and abdomen. Josh Dun was in critical condition when he entered the hospital doors and died after his second surgery to stop internal bleeding. He was thrown out of the window of the bus, doctors were surprised he made it to the hospital alive.
Brendon found the files on his desk the morning after all three were officially pronounced dead. He sat down in his large black office chair and looked over the pictures on the front of each of the folders.
"Ashley, would you come here," he said into his intercom. Ashley, his secretary, slid into the room seconds later. Her pink eyes were drawn to the floor as she walked.
"Yes, Mr. Samael, sir?" She answered.
"Come around here, and don’t call me that. It's Brendon, now," he chuckled. Ashley quickly walked to his side of the desk and looked down at the folders, "Ok, so, here we have Jenna Joseph," he said, opening up the folder and laying it on the desk so Ashley could read it too, "repented for sins, was not a liar, didn’t participate in drug use, only had premarital sex."
"Sounds like she doesn’t belong in hell," Ashley said, pink eyes scanning the form laying in front of them, "More like a purgatory thing."
"My thoughts exactly, sweetheart," he said, "Alright, we'll send her file to Patrick. Now, Tyler Joseph," he closed Jenna's file and tossed it into his 'out' box. He picked up Tyler's manila folder and flipped it open, "My, oh my. Tyler, you're not who I thought you'd be."
"Is that a...?"
"That’s a stamp already damning Tyler to hell," Brendon said, "Father isn't too pleased with something Tyler did." Brendon flipped through the pages and whistled when he finally saw the fateful text, "Oh, damn."
"Oh, poor Tyler," Ashley said, her hand moving up to cover her perfect pink lips.
"Multiple suicide attempts, he went down for two minutes once," Brendon side, "He was doomed and didn’t even know it." He shut the folder and placed it in his 'in' box. He reached for the final folder, and before he flipped it open, he was shocked by just how thick the folder was, "Oh Josh, you've either been a very bad boy or you were awe-inspiringly charitable," he said before opening the folder, "Now, I was not expecting that."
"Adultery? He cheated on his partners?" Ashley asked, "Are you sure he isn’t an incubus?"
"No, it's very surprising, but he’s something else," Brendon said, "he was definitely a fighter, not a lover. But, he never beat a girlfriend. Or boyfriend."
"I've never heard of someone being sent to hell for just that, God is kind of lenient, so what is he?" Ashley stated.
Brendon chuckled, shaking his head at the young succubus, "God has his reasons, he gave this folder to me for one reason or another, we'll just have to find out."
"Good luck with that."
"And that, more or less, is what happened," Brendon said.
"That's it? Suicide attempts?"
"Dad isn't too pleased when one of his 'children' try to hurt themselves," Brendon answers, "Now, since I so gracefully gave you and Tyler only a week to get through my land of the dead, you are going to wake up in three..."
"Wait, I have more questions!"
"Two..." He stood from his spot across from you and fixed his perfect, red suit. His eyes flashed black as he stared you down. He had a smile on his face as the black room started spinning around you. The wind alone would have knocked you from your feet if you were standing, but Brendon stayed planted to the ground, smiling down at your confused form. You felt the dizziness increasing as the spinning got faster.
"Are you fucking kidding-"
"One... see you soon, baby girl."
You woke with a start. The dream was still fresh in your mind as you took in your surroundings. You had fallen asleep on one of the couches in the living room, on top of Tyler. You looked down at the demon, whose eyes were still closed and breathing was even. His face looked more peaceful than it ever had since the day you met and went through limbo. One of your arms was tucked under your head and the other was by your side, fingers intertwined with Tyler's. Tyler had an arm wrapped around your waist.
"Tyler..." You whispered, moving your hand from his to poke him in the face, "Ty Ty, wake up," you poked him again on his cheek.
His eyes slowly opened and he looked down at you, "what time is it?" He groaned. You shrugged your shoulders and moved to get off of Tyler's chest.
“We only have a six days left on our limit, so we best get going,” you stated, stretching and cracking your creaky bones after you stood.
“Oh come on, heresy is one of the smallest circles, no need to stop, we can stay in bed a few more hours,” Tyler groaned. He was comfortable on the couch, and he never noticed how much he truly missed cuddling with someone.
“We’re going, Tyler. We can stop somewhere after, since it’s so small.”
Tyler groaned once more before rolling off the couch, hitting the red carpet with a soft thud.
"Thanks for offering to walk us out, but you really didn't need to," Tyler said to Joe. He had insisted before you two had left that he would walk you to the border of Anger. You and Tyler had changed into some regular clothes, extras that Joe had from all the times he had visitors passing through (including Tyler, who visited multiple times), which was underwhelmingly a white t-shirt and some black jeans. You felt Eveningstar digging into your back slightly. You had tucked it into your waistband when changing, remembering that Tyler said to put it somewhere no one could get it. You had considered the front, but didn’t want to risk stabbing yourself in the chest if the sheath came off.
"I just wanted to make sure nothing happened to you next to the pool, Brendon isn't pleased that I let her fall into the Styx," Joe chuckled drily, scratching the back of his neck as he walked with you. You were on the side closest to the wall of the indoor pool with Tyler holding your hand almost tight enough to cut off the circulation in your hand.
You continued to walk in silence on the concrete by the pool, paying no mind to the screams of the tortured souls and the evil laughter of water-based demons, torturing the angry people.
Once you reached the door with a neon red exit sign. The door was similar to the one you used to enter the ring. You turned to Joe and gave him a quick hug, thanking him for saving you from the Styx and giving you a place to sleep.
“No problem, girly,” he answered. He didn’t loosen his grip for a moment, and when you tried pulling away, he pulled you back in, and leaned in to whisper in your ear, “you be careful, okay? Remember everything Tyler said to you last night. You’re gonna need it.”
“How did you-“
“I guess it’s to let you go, before all Hell breaks loose!” Joe chuckled at his own pun, letting you go. Tyler rolled his eyes, and gave Joe a final pat on the back.
“We’ll come back to visit, promise,” Tyler said, “always do.”
Joe laughed and nodded his head before turning around and finally walking back toward the pool. Tyler took your hand and led you out of double doors that led to a short hallway. The hallway was a bright, neon yellow, and the carpet was bright red. The door at the end was yellow, but a little less bright and obnoxiously happy compared to the halls.
“Let’s get this over with,” Tyler sighed, opening up the door and leading you through to…
A field?
There was grass beneath your shoe clad feet and yellow flowers budding every few inches. There was a bright, red-orange tint from the sun, but everything was very happy looking.
“Don’t let it fool you, we haven’t walked far enough in,” Tyler said, tucking one hand into the pocket of his black jeans and took your hand into the other.
He led you farther and farther into the circle, and you finally saw what he was talking about. There were many tombs, close together, filled with flames lining the path you walked in. Tyler looked straight ahead as he walked, dragging you along behind him. It was eerily quiet, no demons to be found, not screams of the Damned, and no music playing from mysteriously placed speakers.
“This is why no one is assigned to this circle, they’d go absolutely mad with the silence,” Tyler said, his voice tense. As if he’d been holding his breath the entire time you had been in the circle.
Once you had finally exited the circle via the large entrance of a building similar to Ashley’s HQ, you and Tyler let out a giant sigh of relief. You looked around the building and immediately recognized it as the lobby to an upper class apartment complex that you and Tom had stayed in while you were filming in New York.
Weird, I wonder why this is here, you thought, maybe if Brendon visits again, I can ask him.
“Brendon sure changed this place,” Tyler said, “it’s been a long time since I’ve stayed here.” Tyler led you to the lift, clicking the up button. The lift dinged before opening up for you two to get in.
“I’ve stayed here before,” you whispered. Tyler looked at you with curiosity in his eyes, as if saying to go on, “me and Tom lived in this building in New York. It was really posh and high end.”
“Wasn’t expecting you to be a fat cat,” Tyler said with a chuckle.
“You don’t know a lot about me, then.”
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
I will say though, the level of ambiguity that L allows to exist around this story is high - It's hard to reconcile.//
The thing is, with every time Louis mentions Freddie in whatever context he draws attention to his son, publicly. And no matter what, it should be the first priority (for everyone involved in F‘s life actually) to protect him from the public and from obsessive fans and conspiracy theorists. He already is object of so much speculation and theories without being able to defend himself or speaking up about it. That’s also thanks to his family that apparently has no problem to keep posting content with him although that makes everything worse, at least on the Larry side of the fandom. So I don’t think it’s weird or suspicious that Louis avoids that topic for the most part bc he’s aware what that would cause in his fanbase (unfortunately). It makes things worse regardless of what he’d do or say. It’s the same with Larry. They used to bring it up a lot in the first few years and it only added fuel to the fire every time they denied it. They wanted to put Larry rumors to rest and the opposite happend, every single time.
So i guess, making statements or acknowledging the babygate conspiracy in any way would it only make bigger than it already is. I just dont understand why all the other family members keep posting pictures of F every now and then, like Lottie did the other day. If I was Louis I would try everything to keep my child out of the virtual world and social media, even if bbg didn’t exist. An underage child should be protected from online presence until it’s old enough. Especially if your dad is a worldwide known superstar. It bothers me that in this fandom most people seem to ignore the fact that this is about a real existing child that is absolutely powerless in all of that and that had been used for publicity, they were using him with these cringey strollings through LA. It’s fucked up regardless and the question of him being Louis kid or not shouldn’t matter so much in my opinion (it is his kid ffs!!). Things are fucked up, regardless.
I don’t want to mince words because Louis did respond to the bbg speculation on the Dan Wootton podcast. But he really only addressed the idea of F being plastic as ridiculous. He even said he wasn’t offended by the speculation, but he found it disrespectful to F.
I just want to explain why the privacy argument doesn’t cut it for me, since I get so many anons about it.
Even if we leave 2016 in the past, there was a noticeable decline in “lad and dad” content after Louis reunited with Eleanor and moved back to the UK. The pictures his sisters posted were recycled. A lot of Louis’ comments about F in interviews were pretty minimal (if not generic). He got F’s Halloween costume wrong (he thought the one from the previous year was the most recent). I don’t track his every move, but I don’t think he was visiting F particularly frequently during that period. People said Louis was opting for privacy. And me being charitable, I was willing to entertain that idea.
And then Louis noticeably starts interacting with F more after Michael Straus’ comments and right before he begins touring. The optics are really bad. For years, Louis’ sisters have posted pictures of F right before they have something to promote, or seemingly used him for clicks and engagement. Whether that was the intent or not, that’s what it looks like. The Clarks have made mistakes, too. But especially now, the pictures and videos they post of Freddie just seems like a family sharing their life on social media (as many people do, even if I think it’s a little irresponsible in this case). They are F’s primary caregivers, after all. And the timing of everything in this regard on the Tomlinsons’ end always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I literally can’t bear to talk about this anymore, I don’t care if people agree with me or not. That’s how I see the situation. I have a very, very low tolerance for Louis’ weird behavior when it comes to Freddie.
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dinoblip · 7 years
i found guardians of the galaxy vol 2 a bit shit
I saw it a little less than a week ago and I’m still disappointed.
I prefer to think of this post more of an “analysis” than a rant but itll probably be more the latter.
also these are all just opinions, if you liked it thats fine.
(spoilers ahead)
1. the writing
i mean i wasnt expecting it to be a masterpiece, hardly any sequels are, but the humour of the first film was 100% tied to the clever screen writing. 
and here it felt like the writer was hamfistedly trying SO GODDAMN HARD to be funny and it never really seemed to land except in 1 or 2 scenes (the groot button scene and the scene where groot is explaining why he doesnt like hats).
This might just be my dumb sense of humour here, i know plenty of people who did find it funny but so many lines just left me cold or rolling my eyes.
An example is this fruit gag and the set-up is okay. 
One of the first things nebula says in the film that she wants a piece of fruit which she is then denied because it isn’t ripe yet. This is fine, its humorous because of the casual tone of the question and the somewhat overly stern and ridiculous answer, the outright denial perhaps being because gamora doesnt want to be charitable to her sister at all. It works. 
Then it gets reestablished: theyre now fighting people and the fruit is on the ground in the fray and nebula is still a prisoner. Now she asks Drax for the fruit and Drax yells over his gun “no its still not ripe”. This doesnt work quite as well cause it doesnt make quite as much logical sense and its basically the same conversation as before. So its not funny here.
Then the pay-off doesnt work because its too hamfisted. There is a reveal that nebula has managed to escape and now has a gun in one hand and the fruit in the other. That alone would have been a good pay-off because theres a sense of misplaced priorities, maybe simply because she kept getting denied it she went out of her way to bring it with her. I chuckled at that.
But then the script makes her triumphantly take a bite out of it, spit it out dramatically as if its disgusting and then explain “it wasnt ripe”. And they film it as if thats the punchline. It was too hammy to be funny, it seemed like such a waste of an opportunity. 
Like they could have made it more understated like they could have stretched it out a little. Here’s an idea for what they could have done instead. Shes quite a proud character so her taking a bite in triumph fits her character fine but once she takes a bite, she smiles for a bit that sorta slowly turns into a bit of a grimace but continues chewing determinedly, her face a picture of disgust. that could be the end of the scene or it could continue by then having a ravager break the silence to ask if shes alright. she sorta manages to swallow it down but when she next talks her voice could be a bit claggy and constantly sounding like shes on the verge of coughing which would undermine her authority over the situation. 
This is one of the few times they attempt a recurring joke and it doesnt work at all (off the top of my head i cant even remember one other one and the first film had so many). Other examples of failed jokes include pretty much all lines said by Drax who only seems to laugh manically and insult Mantis and nothing else including one which doesnt even work within his character (this one: mantis is watching all the raider funeral fireworks and she says that theyre beautiful and drax is staring at her and says “yes, beautiful” pause “on the inside” ITS ESTABLISHED OVER AND OVER THAT HE IS LITERAL MINDED SO WHY IS HE SAYING THAT). And I would also say that alot of the jokes with Groot aren’t very good either and neither is his character in this film but dont worry I’m gonna justify that in a second. I plan on giving him an entire fucking section.
So not only did the jokes not work but even the normal conversations felt stilted. And so often it almost looked like the actors werent sure of how they were meant to say lines in a way that would sound natural. Peter Quill wasn’t sounding like Peter Quill all of a sudden, Gamora didnt feel like Gamora.
It made for a confusing experience. I kept having to question myself for not laughing at a joke or feeling emotionally invested in what was happening. i ended up asking myself alot “this is a guardians of the galaxy film, why arent i having fun?”
2. the story
I freaking loved where they went with the character development of yandu and nebula (she and gamora are my favs) but it made me realise how mindless the main story is. The only thing i found exciting about the main storyline was yandu’s backstory and then his redemption AND THEN THEY KILLED HIM. SO WHATEVER. NEVERMIND. Just so they could have a tearjerker ending.
anyway back on track, the main storyline, starlord’s was pretty standard and you could see the fact that starlord’s dad is evil from the beginning, mainly cause he’s shown to be too cool and flawless at first which is a big warning sign. It was more just boring than anything else. Though the cg for Ego rematerialising in really disgusting ways was amazing. But thats hardly a substitute really.
It’s just: chris pratt goes to find father -> turns out his dads a planet therefore chris pratt is Special™ -> oh no his dads bad what a shocker and he’s wanting galactic domination -> now they gotta fight and they do.
Everything else (which is alot by the way, there is so much “everything else”) is basically unrelated except yandu’s story but even then he has this mutiny happening on his ship for a bunch of the film which has nothing to do with most things. And then after a bloodbath he ends up flying his own ship again so none of that mattered and any consequences of killing an entire crew (that you would guess would be around for some reason like, i don’t know, maintaining the ship so it can fly places) simply do not exist. And then after that up til the Big Fight, yandu, yandu’s right-hand man (cant remember his name) and rocket scream into the camera for a while while they warp through apparently too many warp points or something. cause it seems like they had to fill up 3 minutes.
Meanwhile Chris Pratt and gamora have romantic tension or something while he tries to come onto her and stuff and she isn’t into it and then her development is her coming round to him? She doesnt have any other story except being attacked by nebula sometimes and not doing anything in the Big Fight for some reason????? She and nebula fall off a ledge which they cling to for most of the fight while mantis does her mind-fuckery til she gets knocked out and then the dudes take care of it.
Rocket’s character development is mainly yandu telling him not to push people away and that he knows what its like to be in rocket’s shoes yadda yadda. so that gives rocket some time to be angsty cause they need to fill there angst quota somewhere.
like i said i did like nebula’s character development and her backstory but it wasnt really relevant either. it did flesh her out as a character tho.
my main issue with the story was there was an emphasis on these character subplots which ususally I’m all for. But if there was a main plotline which actually tied it all together then it would have worked. It was all well themeatically of having all these characters choosing their families over their bloodties. But having all these subplots almost occur in a vaccum away from all the other subplots AND the main storyline, makes for a really slowww film. in which once a scene ends, more often than not, you have to ask yourself “and what was the point of that”.
And also once you start giving fleshed out character development for the sake of fleshed out character development and not for the overall plot, it makes the fact that some character’s weren’t given this treatment all the more apparent.
Like Drax, in the first film he was a very well developed character. But as i said earlier, literally all he does in GotG2 is laugh alot and tell mantis she’s ugly.
and then there’s groot’s character develop- HA NO
there is no character development for groot because groot has no character.
groot has ceased to exist and a vacuous void has been been put in his place. that is the only explanation i can come up with for the way he is depicted: he died at the end of the last film, his consciousness vacated his body and then when he was being regrown, no consciousness was left to get put into it.
i really dont like being pandered to and here marvel was clearly pandering to anyone who thought little stick groot dancing at the end of the first film was adorable. and i did, obviously. who didnt? but when you try to replace character and motivation with cute, it wont work.
he is dancing and when he’s not dancing he’s misunderstanding information or being near useless in battles. All while he has that creepy vacant smile is on his face.
the camera freaking loves this idiot. to the point that the title sequence just has him dancing to mr blue sky while looking straight into the fucking camera, WHILE A WHOLE FIGHT IS HAPPENING AROUND HIM THAT I WOULD MUCH RATHER SEE.
for one thing, its an injustice to mr blue sky. that shits my jam.
for another thing, there is no music playing within the scene, its non-diegetic. so why’s he dancing?????
in the first film it makes sense cause not only cause the music matters to starlord but also cause it is happening in the scene, he’s listening to it on his headphones and it goes away when he takes them off. it also serves for conveying his character. and also the cinematography is great:the sweeping camera moves and visual gags really make you excited for the film to come.
Here, not only does it not make sense for him to be dancing as there’s no music, it also doesnt make sense for him to be dancing in the middle of a battle or dancing for a camera that he knows the presence off (this aint no 4th wall breaker or it shouldnt be). also the cinematography sucks cause hes too fucking small now so if you go for a wide shot you cant see the fucker. and also youd get distracted from his dancing because of all the action thats happening and WE CANT HAVE THAT. And the animation is good (i mean of course its good its fucking marvel) but they went so out of their way to kid-ify him that his arms and legs are really quite small compared to his head. Which would be fine, but with a dance-number, big arm and leg movements feel very small and don’t match the big music. I really felt a disconnect between what i was seeing and the music i was hearing. it didnt fit (while in the first film it so totally did).
the biggest issue i have with it is that it prioritises the wrong character. it prioritises groot when groot doesnt even have a semblence of a story. he does 2 things in the whole film: unlock a cage and carry a bomb for a little bit (because they realised that he wasnt doing anything so they threw him a bone).
then youve got the other characters getting introduced by telling him off for dancing. which is fair enough but it introduces them as sticks in the mud which is a weird way to introduce the main characters of a Fun Quirky Comedy film. 
like i watched this opening and not only got annoyed at how long it felt but i also genuinely thought “oh i guess this is a groot film”. 
I cannot even begin to explain how much could have gone wrong for me to think that.
I kinda hope the 3rd film (which you can bet your ass Marvel is making right now) is better or at least maybe not as rushed cause i did love the first film and it would be a shame for it to get chewed up in the haste to make make as much money off it as possible before it becomes irrelevant.
C’mon James Gunn. you’re better than this. Sometimes.
P.S. the gold people lol
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hahaha guess who DIDNT even get an interview for their dream job :) :) :) :)
 im  f i n e 
i dEFINATELY can't feel a panic attack starting
i mean its only the first time in months that ive felt mentally stable enough to apply for a job anyway
and yeah sure the only reason i haven't been able to bring myself to apply for jobs is because i have experienced an endless stream of rejections from even the places everyone tells me will “hire literally anybody”
except, as it turns out, me :) :) :) :)
the girl who has now been turned down from even INTERVIEWING for:
- 20+ retail jobs
- 4 food service jobs (im vegetarian and can't deal with handling meat so it kinda limits my options in this category)
- 2 cleaning jobs 
- 6 warehouse jobs 
i could go on but you get the picture - its not that im applying to the places that can actually afford to be that picky, im going for the lowest-level entry jobs i can find here.
and now i can add “front of house staff at a theatre” to that list. its the only job listing ive stumbled upon that didn't say it required qualifications and that was actually in the world i want to work in. its exactly what i have been HOPING to find for fucking.... MONTHS, right, and i had a damn good cover letter where i talked about how this job felt like the stepping stone i need to jump to next in order to be doing what i want to be doing, and how i care so fucking much about this industry and the good it can do for people and how ultimately my dream is to run my own small charitable-trust-funded theatre offering drama & performing arts classes to kids from working class backgrounds because the arts programs on state schools are being cut and i think that everyone should have access to what is the single most therapeutic emotional outlet. I wrote about all of that. I have a CV that a woman who’s entire job is just to review pals CVs told me she wouldn’t change a thing about. 
i dont have a fucking clue what i have left. ive got a cv that is as good as its gonna get. i can write bloody good cover letters, im trying so FUCKING hard all the time but bloody hell what have i got to show for that. i get to watch my *friends* go off and live these amazing lives while im stuck in the exact same place i was two years ago. im dying here, i hate it, and GOD you have no idea the amount of times ive thought about giving up and calling it all quits. but i havent, because ive always held out hope that SOMEthing would come along. but it fucking doesnt, does it?? it fucking doesnt. i dont think i can handle one more rejection at this point, i really dont
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flockofdoves · 3 years
wait ok maybe a bad time to start this at 1:30am (<- started this post last night lmao) but i’ve been thinking so much (for a long time but this week i think maybe prompted by jonny saying stuff in the s5 q&a part 3 about fanon character designs getting more homogenous as the fandom gets bigger its really been on my mind again) about my thoughts on the magnus archives character design stuff
(this turned into such a fucking long post my god sorry lol. just writing this for my own purposes really but i feel ridiculous i spent like a good portion of the past day writing this out dkjfhgfd)
like i already said on that other post character design stuff is full of so much under the surface both really silly and almost nonsensical (like ‘oh this character just feels like they have a lot of triangles incorporated into their design’ or the slightly more connected to reality arbitrary ideas people have about what type of character might wear glasses) and stuff thats incredibly loaded and very much connected to real life systems of oppression. so its like. idk. i like drawing people and fashion and harmonizing shapes and the idea of coming up with people who dont exist through abstracted drawings that somehow click and that can feel cohesive even with different angles/expressions/poses/etc is really fun to me conceptually but Character Design(tm) as a thing even outside of established tropes and schools of it that really lean into elements that can uphold gross shit as shorthand just inevitably theres so much to consider in the implications of making a person (visually) and ascribing traits to them (or i guess in this case largely the opposite)
so thats not something id call fun its just important and inevitably a big factor if i’m going to put any of this to words and can only hope i do so non-clumsily when i wanna talk about this on the whole just bc i find the process of how fanon designs get homogenized interesting (and the purpose of it understandable and maybe a bit inevitable in certain contexts) but also regardless of any actual potential problematic implications in any of that just bc i like the creative process of coming up with character designs i like trying to see when it comes to practicing that through applying it to characters in non-visual media i care about how i can break my guides for what they could look like down to their bare essentials between canon description, things i vibe with personally, etc so that if i have all that written down for myself it can be a good starting place for just experimenting with designs (i dont have any desire to settle on any one design for these characters but its just good general practice for this stuff) and maybe pushing a bit against some things that seem to be generally defaulted to mix things up or w/e. so yeah i’ve just wanted to write all this out for myself for a while, so after that long fucking intro fdkgh here goes!
ok so canonically hes born about 1987 and is like roughly 28-31 throughout the series but looks older to the point where he straight up lies and says hes a decade older at one point, he has graying hair, has been described as looking like he hasnt slept in weeks
(this bullet point contains spoilers up to early s4) depending on what part of canon youre describing him in he canonically has scars from worms probably all over his body (post ep 39), a burn scar on his hand (probably right and probably roughly shaped like a handprint) (post ep 89), actually i’m checking on the wiki now and it specifically says melanie stabbed him in the shoulder? but rereading the transcript and another couple parts that i thought potentially could mention it i dont believe it ever actually specifies (maybe the person who wrote that is conflating how both melanie and daisy’s first injuries from the slaughter are on their shoulders? so even if not canon good guess i guess that his scar from thats on his shoulder) (post ep 125) plus also probably on his throat from daisy (post ep 91), somewhere from michael stabbing him (post ep 47), and who knows maybe even something from mike crew (probably not it was just the height part of things not a lightning strike but i saw fanart of him getting a lichtenberg figure scar once from that which was interesting) (post ep 91)
has been described as ‘scrawny’ and ‘little’ which may just be more of a insult but because of that i support manlet jon lol. also because of that tend to think of him as skinny and not very muscular but i’m def not opposed to him being fat i think its really fun when i do see interpretations of him as such esp in juxtaposition with martin its nice having stuff sometimes where its two fat characters in a relationship. but if i’m leaning on every little word to narrow down character design i’d say hes most likely thin and probably short too.
getting into stuff with no real canon basis, i am a fan of him having long hair like a lot of fanon has him with. its a very tangential justification because i know its more the specific events surrounding this this was describing but when he was described as a “grubby jesus” that helped lol
but! my jon hair opinion that seems to differ from fanon is that i think maybe itd make sense with him being described as looking older and stuff to give him a bit of a receding hairline
not sure about glasses either way i think it just comes down to the specific design whether it looks good or not. there is something conceptually funny to me about giving an avatar of the eye glasses and debating whether that “makes sense” or not lol. one time i saw someones design where he stopped needing to wear glasses later on and i thought that was kinda fun
i don’t really care for like. idk. glowing green eyed jon or multiple eyes or w/e. like i get it. idk probably somethings happening when hes doing like the ceaseless watcher thing or like that one scene where he forced a statement out of that person who described him as “all eyes” like the phrase but maybe not just that as a phrase. so that plus the cover art of the show being green and making people probably theme stuff on that color i guess i cant blame people for doing that but idk just like. it feels kinda just Blah and not that novel to see a lot of the time and a bit too tropey or w/e for my personal taste unless people mix it up a bit. so i tend to prefer him just looking like some guy even later on usually. also with just like brown eyes or w/e
okay so this next part is for both jon and martin because i cant fit this into either of their sections because i feel like i cant adequately talk about this without doing it in juxtaposition to one another
this post summarizes basically anything i’m reiterating here far better but basically by nature of this being a podcast written by a white person for whom most of the first characters voiced (who included most of the most frequently appearing characters outside of those described by others because they were reoccurring avatars or w/e long before voice appearances) were from a small pool of people at a majority white company and their family members, even if that wasnt “intentional” of course that pattern happens so much and more productions should be conscious of that from the get go and reach outside their immediate circles to cast more actors of color from the start of their productions if they have the resources to properly compensate them. so basically from there theres no real totally satisfying solution for portraying “aracial” characters acted and written by white people’s race, because the situation just isn’t ideal in the first place
so like, with that in mind, i know its a bit of a mixed bag with jon in fanon being pretty consistently either ambiguously a person of color or specifically south asian, because i know people of color who were excited from fanon going in for him to be a person of color only to realize hes written and voiced by a white guy and has no canon race (which might just somewhat default to him being written as white since theres no active thought to how him being a person of color, let alone any specific race or ethnicity, might affect anything), but then on the other hand, characters with no race given being defaulted to being portrayed as white is absolutely another common issue in fandoms of things like books and podcasts. so personally because of that i would feel weird portraying him as white in my own designs in contrast with how consistently hes depicted as a person of color, but i would be interested in potentially depicting him as other races beyond the default fanon of him being south asian too (although theres def stuff to consider there that doesnt prevent any interpretation but just is there regardless like his dynamic with daisy in like s4)
and then this post expresses things better than i could ever rehash, but because of the stuff outlined in there in my own attempts at character designs i try to avoid making martin white because of the juxtaposition between that and making jon a person of color in their dynamic. not as pertinent and not something i’ve taken in from any fan of color saying it so i’m definitely not dictating this just talking out my thought process, but by extension of this i’ve also tried to consider how colorism in juxtaposition between them might make it sit better to have martin have darker skin than jon. this does get a bit weird though when balancing how martin has a couple really goofy lines implying ignorance about police abusing their power (i guess charitable interpretations could be that hes plenty aware but nonetheless vocalizing shock in the moment of it actually happening in front of him), so even if as one of the few characters i’ve posted designs of before i drew him as black, when i remembered those lines i guess its just an issue of an “aracial” character being defaulted to being written as if hes white, so even if he certainly could still be black (or any race besides white who might not have the luxury of ignorance about police brutality) it just makes clear that by him being written the way he was nothings ideal because theres not necessarily much depth that can be taken from canon to make certain depictions of him as satisfying or well fleshed out as they could be. oh also so inconsequential to the rest of this and i dont care about this at all beyond just latching onto any scrap to base things off of but the fact that martin maybe knows at least some polish i feel like thats not a language most people just know from school (esp as someone who didnt go to college) or w/e so maybe his mom is polish so probably hes part white at least to wildly extrapolate from there? idrc tho its just one more thing to note on the subject depictions of jon and martins races
canonically the same age as jon (so approximately born 1987 and roughly 28-31 throughout the series)
theres at least like 4 things in canon that can be used to say hes canonically fat, and some of those lines also more just generally describe him as “big” or w/e so while i dont care about sticking to this as much its easy to argue hes tall too (esp that one point where he says a worm “jumped literally 6 feet through the air at my face” which i guess could be approximate or the worm like. arcing lol and also iirc jonny says he doesnt remember writing that line but regardless its another thing to latch onto to narrow down design stuff)
canonically has a scar on her shoulder (as of late 2016), probably on her leg too (if not by early 2017 then by early 2018/ep 125), and is described as skinny
(spoilers for late s4) (also eye trauma mention) post ep 155 she’s blind but trying to research what exactly she might look like like would the results of the damage she does with the awl after going to the hospital would her eyes need to be eviscerated vs enucleated? idk. thinking about lydia saying in a s3 extra in retrospect talking about this where shes like ‘it wouldn’t work like that with [an awl]!’ bc . lol yeah idk. or like would she have scarring on her eyelids or anything, would she have glass eyes, would she feel a need to wear sunglasses to protect her eyes or as a visual cue that shes blind (bc idt shed be the type to just wear it to hide her eyes) or not, etc. i’m not sure! one thing i do know for sure though thats a pet peeve in art is that people make her cane have a red stripe on it when it the UK especially a red striped white cane is for deafblind people, so her cane is most likely just plain white (also theres different styles of white canes but from researching i think shed probably make use of a long cane imo)
my biggest non-canon appearance thought about her is just. melanie king butch 💗
i do think its fun when characters get drawn with unnaturally colored dyed hair for no real reason and do think people should have fun with that more but simultaneously the contrarian in me gets annoyed with how common blue grown out roots straight hair bob melanie is. like the fun of the novelty of being ‘fuck it dying this characters hair’ gets sucked out of it from it being so consistent in fanon. also while she def could be a long haired butch or w/e regardless i just wish fanon of her was way more masc for my own self indulgent reasons
i think the only canonical appearance description is the implication that shes not thin by jared when describing her, melanie, and martin, distinguishing melanie as “the skinny one”
hussain specifically as a surname spelled that way while i’m def no expert, from people i know personally and looking online too seems to be most common specifically with pakistani, indian, and bangladeshi muslims so it makes the most sense to have her be depicted as south asian. considering her VA, her being part black could make sense too but also i feel like its kinda a Thing in a lot of media where they’ll barely have black characters but when they do they’ll make them cops so like idk that’d def require more thought to it.
definitely not on authority on this of course this is just me talking through my own thoughts but i feel like maybe the common fanon of her being a hijabi feels a bit just like . theres not much thought behind it for a lot of people doing it? like it feels like ‘she has a muslim name’ -> ‘she’s muslim’ -> ‘she wears a hijab’ and not much else. like theres just like a whole lot that would need to be unpacked with any main character being religious in this series and actually specifically iirc theres a part in season 5 or something where her and jon reflect on the implications of all this on human religion? and both seem a bit agnostic in their approach. and of course theres people who wear hijabs who arent particularly religious (just like obviously vice versa) but for adults in places that arent majority muslim i feel like a main motivator for that would be connection with ones wider community? but basically all of the main characters in this story like necessarily with the themes and how all this was able to happen to them they feel pretty atomized from any real community (she specifically is paralleled with martin in how she latches onto daisy) none of this is at all to say she couldn’t be practicing islam and/or a hijabi but just that if thats how people want to depict her i think it deserves more thought than just drawing her as such (like for one example of how people have done cool things with making characters muslim i appreciate this artists comics about muslim jon (1, 2, 3)) but yeah! idk just something i’ve been thinking about but very much is not something i can act like an authority on of course. because being a hijabi is something stigmatized i do nonetheless feel slightly weird if i were to go against that fanon but idk
part of me is like ‘we dont need more butch cops’ but then the other part of me just defaults to wanting to make every woman gnc lol. for w/e reason i tend to picture her dressing pretty practically in like khaki cargo pants and hiking boots and flannels and such
canonically theres here starburst shaped scar on the back of her shoulder
(spoilers for mid s4) i dont care to find it now but i feel like once she was described as scrawny or skinny or whatever (not sure how much focusing on muscle vs thinness if so) but if so that was after she came out of the coffin so i dont think that really implies she always looked like that and i think maybe even by contrast could be implying she was muscular before
def think it makes sense to make her white. generally i do see her similar to fanon depictions of her although i do kinda wish in juxtaposition people would make more women look butch besides her. i think when i first pictured her before seeing fanart or anything it was pretty similar in build and hair color and demeanor such as most of fanon but i pictured her with like . you know like the tight bun women in the military wear lol. so its more ambiguous if her flavor of powertripping “tough” white woman is gay or not. but idrc regardless i dont plan on making much art of her
uhhh i think the only canonical description of him beyond his worm scars (post ep 39) is that basira called him hot in comparison to jon and martin lol
ever since i started listening i keep defaulting to picturing him vaguely like tim from marble hornets lol. so like idk i think its fun when he has defined eyebrows and sideburns and stuff. but not even that i’m really Set on i think theres a lot of fun potential designs for him
canonically has long hair, is tall, and has glasses
(spoilers for either end of s1 or end of s2 depending on if you’ve figured out something. if you know you know lol) like obviously theres weird stuff in juxtaposition if you make not!sasha a different race than her. i think probably regardless theyre the same race considering melanie didnt note that when describing what sasha looked like. idrc about figuring out what not!sasha looks like ig if i ever make art of her i’ll just figure it out
i think this was the first art i ever saw of her like right around the week or so i started listening to the show that was posted and a mutual reblogged it so i think from basically the start thats how i pictured her essentially. but the main parts of ‘long dark hair, glasses’ i internalized from that are so close to just canon so maybe not saying much
uhhhh i dont think theres any canon description of her? and i dont have very many opinions on what she does look like honestly except that i think she looks very bisexual lol. i like the idea of her presenting pretty gnc but still maybe having some fun with feminine aesthetics too, but honestly making her present totally masc is really cool too
oh also wrt body type stuff. part of me is a bit tired of how sometimes it feels like fat characters only get to be in romantic relationships if its with skinny characters and rarely are there character designs of two fat people together and melanie is canonically skinny (which doesnt really matter i Could ignore it but i like latching onto descriptions just to narrow things down) and jons maybe implied to be which makes jon/martin like that too. but on the other hand idec i care more about just having fat wlw characters so if melanie in all i project on her cant be that then georgie will be
only canonical description of him i believe is “tall, black and careworn, deep lines of worry etched into an otherwise handsome face”
uhh beyond that idk.. not really set on this at all but i feel like maybe he dresses like. business goth lol. like idk. well put together casual clothes like nice quality short sleeve button ups and chinos or nice cuffed jeans but maybe darker colors and a bit of a vaguely edgy but not tacky flair (like fucking idk. raven pattern button up or something lol)
i saw some art of him once where he had long locs and also just idk he was like doing that ominous floaty thing which included his hair and that had a nice rhythm in the art together with the black tendrils in the background so i could appreciate him having long locs/braids/twists or something. but def not set on that and ofc theres like a lot of years to depict him between he could have various hair styles
this is hard to really judge but ive seen posts where people are like ‘haha i draw oliver just like i drew kravitz in the adventure zone’ which is like vaguely annoying to me idk lol. but of course i cant Really know if thats what people are doing from depiction alone bc theres no set appearance for kravitz himself but sometimes i get the Vibes thats whats someones doing and its just like. whatever idk. branch out and design another character!!
there are literally soooooo many more characters i really thought i could make a short-ish thing for each character beyond a few necessary addendums but god even on inconsequential shit this post is already SO fucking long lol so i’m giving up for now i’ve done most of the main people plus my favorite side character so its fine i can get back to this later if i really want to
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iwishnomore · 5 years
there are mostly civilians in the camp people and kids that wouldnt be able to defend themselves well so V gets put there with a handful people to keep an eye out for them and
the camp gets in trouble with some other grp that take their supplies away before they can pick them up
so these people seem to have their base close to that camp and V being V wants to investigate and see if these guys are just talking big or if they really can take the camp out like they say if the camp doesnt pay to get THEIR OWN STUFF back sneaking her way to those people its not only clear that these guys are full of shit- but they also have beef with each other in their own little gangster grp
she witnesses how they basically ruin themselves drinking, fighting and taking their compadres out so problem solved itself u may think as V suprise hits the last guy standing who is just happy he has a lot of shit to live off of
so while she checks how much of the supplies these greasy guys had their hands on already she gets surprised by a RANDOM LOL patrol of aliens (what kawa u drunk go home)
seems those guys had their stuff a little too close to a checkpoint and the noise they made when they killed each other resulted in alien troops coming to check what the shit is going on
So far, V’s day is a rollercoaster of ups and downs she gets wounded on her leg but manages to take out 2 out of 3 aliens
hunter shows up and oh boi does she like him but also she does not trust him bc the last time he just dissappeared after she helped him and he helped her and now she thinks that he might just go ahead and kill her rollercoaster down so to speak he shoots the last alien saying something along the lines of ‘this one I am taking care of myself~’ meaning her, obv and she thinks its her last seconds lol so while she scrambles backwards and he casually walks towards her ANOTHER PERSON SHOWS UP
so in case u cant already tell from my rambling: ASSASSIN shows up- turns out hunter has ignored the elders call and she came to check up on her annoying brother lol he reacts quickly, making sure she doesnt notice V V IS HELLA CONFUSED BUT WHY NOT while they 'talk things out’ (rather get onto each others throat pretty much immediately) she takes her leave slowly and bleeding bc of that darn wound on her leg she tries to stop the bleeding and cover her tracks
not trusting her own ability and fearing that she might get followed anyways once her absence at the scene is noticed she avoids going straight to the camp doing all the indiana jones things she even wades thru a friggin river ….that rollercoaster keeps spiraling down eh?
tired, scared, bleeding and now also soaking wet and without her jacket bc thats what she used to get rid of the blood that might drip from her leg, pants,shoes whatevs and the supplies still are theoretically lost meh so she ends up exhausted somewhere in the woods like at this point V doesnt even care? she’s gonna do something …right after she rested her eyes for a minute mind u u.u bad idea
no amount of wading thru water and trying not to bleed everywhere helped and who shows up with the most satisfied shit eating grin under the sun? aye u might have guessed it hunter wastes no time telling her all the things she did wrong while funnily enough he also without explanation or anything he just inspects her wound and does some funny psi stuff this rollercoaster is confusing V is angry, she is pissed at herself and him of course- scolding her and gloating abt how she messed up but she is also confused af werent they done with helping? shoudltn he be just …skinning her alive or some shit since thats what they say he did to some people or maybe roast her
on a kebab stick but there he is
numbing the pain in her leg somehow and deciding that she needs to get somewhere else if she had more energy she might have tried to resist
but as things are nothing stops him when he picks her up (not elegantly in the least i might mention) and starts off to who knows where
so however much time passes V has no idea but it feels like not more than 5 minutes have gone by….then again…who knows…she might have fallen unconscious somewhere along the way
she gets plopped down and its soft wherever this is it looks better than anything she knows
she is so dumbfounded by her surroundings she doesnt even talk back at first when he tells her to get out of the wet clothes
she’s in the middle of stripping down all the while still oggling the room with the sleek surfaces and the outrageously comfy looking bed…how dare they…whoever owns this place should get beaten with a stick
so before her undies fall she snaps out of her thoughts and wants to yell at him Buuuut he is nowhere to be sen seen* ok so off with the undies
V wraps herself in a blanket and (WHY IS IT SO SOFT HOW DARE THEY)
V is still taking in the room wrapped in that blanket, her clothes sprawled over a now-not-pristine-white-anymore chair this room looks pretty but empty like someone had planned to live here
its pretty and empty and although the matress she sits on is insultingly cozy and the blanket a dream come true….its still cold and V has to make a concious effort to stop her teeth from chattering where the fuck did 'he’ go tho for a moment V imagines complete strangers entering the room to see a freezing V sitting on their bed and wrapped in their blanket
thats funny almost the whole situation is ridiculous
V is ready to walk back to that chair and wring herself into those wet clothes again
leaving this place and probably dying of hypothermia outside sounds just as bad as sitting here and waiting for kingdom come this is way too similar to the last time she was stranded with this guy speaking of which maybe he already left
with her bare feet she slowly tip taps thru the room, checking windows and closets and making her way to the only door in sight the second her fingers make contact with the handle the door opens
'gotcha. nessing with the doors again.’ messing* (lol jk) no lights for now he says but the place will warm up eventually theres electricity
he somewhat inores her °_° face and walks past her and she cringes when she realizes he goes straight to her stuff V almost trips over herself to make sure he cant get a hold of anything what are you doing making sure these will dry- or would you rather have them stay wet I dont mind you like this [insert rude smile here] so the clothes get taken care of
its still cold V is still confused by his charitable behaviour wtf is he thinking wtf is SHE thinking she completely forgot abt the whole 'he is gonna kill me’ story so, with newly found waryness she starts asking questions why help me why follow me why not kill me
whose place is this we gotta remember last time they met was when she helped him and he taunted her
and she bluntly spat out that she doesnt know why she does it but whats so wrong with that- maybe she just cant help it- maybe its not her fault she likes this guy so he pulls up a chair in front of her, sits down on it, his arms on the back of it whats so wrong with that i cant help it- its your fault
nothing else he grins he is fucking crazy and V isnt so sure but it almost felt like he could have said he liked her she huffs
i could have killed you countless times you snuck right thru those wannabes today like it was nothing but you wouldnt do that to me (ah so he had watched her? hello stalker how are u today) just like u cant hide your tracks or take care of yourself
her motions at her- probably talking abt her leg which is not helaed just not hurting bad very bad in fact bed and blanket have a nice new decal in rusty red by now (I SHOULD GET BETTER AT SHIT LLIKE THIS BUT WHATEVS)
'so you dont kill me you rather lecture me abt how unable i am to stay alive by myself?’ V is showing her best side today but oh well
maybe its the rollercoaster maybe its the whole situation
so V is ready to argue but hunter isnt in the mood lol he rather laughs at how its so easy to get her riled up
and he gets over to her mentioning something about her big ego in such a tiny body no wonder she got in trouble before he gets uncomfortably close but only to take care of her leg AGAIN
this time she struggles because 1 she is shamefully aware of her nudity under that blanket 2 he has zero problems pushing her from left to right as if she was a doll not funny so he manages to take care of the wound (i will just claim that he can do it with psi so ….pls dont slaughter me) and it only leaves a thick line of fresh pink skin on her leg- no wound but that pink skin is not nearly as pink as her face would be…if it wasnt so cold
seems the warmth he spoke abt earlier is still not coming around?
he had helped her with warmth before so why not do it again only this time she has no clothes and if he hasnt seen her blue lips from the cold he has definitely felt how icy her leg still was so off goes the armor
after the armor drops his hood drops he even takes off that sleeveless shirt
okay now Vs face definitely gets SOME shades pinker and not bc she is suddenly feeling less cold 'what the hell are u doing she scoots as far back on the bed as possible but OH MAN DOES SHE STARE
this guy is toned no weird alien anatomy apart from a slight difference in proportions but man lean and toned no wonder he picked her up like an acorn or a feather or whatever else V can come up with as a comparison 'so shy all of a sudden’ its true
V is staring with big eyes but not a single word comes out of her mouth as he comes closer he is not completely unclothed and its not like she hasnt seen men before but its different when u have to admit that u wanted to see something…and then like it too much when u do although u really neither shouldnt want to see it nor like it should/shouldnt whatever V knows this is wrong on more than one level
last time he’d had the blanket and she had bedgrudgingly come to him this time she has the blanket
and she wishes she could hide in it
she tenses up as his chest touches her cheek and his arms pull her close. he says something about deja vu and her being like a stray kitten but V doesnt listen last time his clothes had been like a shield between them this time her cheek presses against his skin
so they are, once again, in this position
V finds herself relax after a while bc feeling him like this and having the scent of his skin in her nose is getting her drowsy her head is filled with clouds and there is this incredibly need to nuzzle into him how to resist this is the most cruel seven minutes in heaven she has ever taken part in normally this would feel like the moment to do all the things and her heartbeat is saying just that nuzzle deeper breathe in this scent some more feel his skin
put your arms around this man instead she sits there like a marble statue but if she brushes her cheek against his skin just a little bit he wont notice right? he wont notice if she inhales a tiny bit longer than neccessary right?
would he notice if she moved a little, not much, just to feel his warmth some more and to lean into this not-really-embrace some more? shifting carefully and only a little was the plan
but when she feels his hands on her back move as well —her body moves as if on its own and she stretches and shifts enough to bury her face in the nape of his neck. …good job V. Very subtle she can barely hold back from sighing
it doesnt matter tho bc as if some silent agreement between them took place right as her fingertip gingerly move across his collarbone and to his jawilne one of his hands finds the back of her neck and guides her u.u and it happens no taunting no arguing no words at all
just warmth and silence and locked lips in a kiss
one kiss becomes two kisses three four each one greedier than the one before
bodys pressing against each other as if trying to melt into each other, hands roaming and breathless sighs gasping for air
V’s arms are wrapped around his neck, the blanket she was holding onto forgotten, her mind a mess, filled with the haze of want and a deep longing for his touch skin aginast skin
he is either gifted with natural talent or simply knows how to kiss and touch his hands are big and warm and they hold her tightly one more kiss they pause theres maybe 5milimeters between them none of them willing to let go
catching their breath
V feels a simmering ache between her thighs…and his arousal…well its obvious this is wrong no more she thinks but hesitantly places yet another kiss on his lips to betray her own thoughts there is not a hint of his usual smug smile on his lips the playful shimmer in his eyes she has seen so often is nowhere to be found
he is thinking
he bites back words as she kisses him again a chaste kiss on the lips and his fingertips gently caress the back of her head as he kisses back
with her hand against his chest she can feel that his heart is hammering just as fast as hers
He leans forward pushing V onto her back and into the heap of pillows behind her
with the blanket barely covering her nether regions she lies there, cheeks flushed and her hands timidly pulling back to cover herself. He is towering over her. V had almost forgotten how tall he is while kissing him- every touch had felt so natural so right. This view is a little intimidating to her….and exciting as well. The look on her face brings the smile back on his lips
he sits up, now kneeling between her legs. 'Now you’ve done it…’ he trails his hand over her healed thigh, his fingertips lightly brushing over the soft patch of pink. ’…your fault if you regret this..’ swift movements of his free hand undo his pants while the other hand disappears underneath the blanket covering V.
There was no denying it. V’s was dripping wet from the kisses and body contact alone…she’d felt the growing bulge in his pants. She couldn’t even think straight seeing it now although it was still hidden underneath the thick layer of fabric. Her eyes were transfixed on his hand on the pants hemline above it. V wanted him. Possible regrets or not.
She only realized where his other hand was wandering to when he slipped a finger between her wet folds. HE dragged his finger along the narrow path from her entrance to her clit and back, then teased her entrance, drawing circles around the overflowing heat- dipping into her from time to time ever so slightly but always leaving her wanting for more. He had her mewling and writhing in no time. Everytime she bucked her hips to meet his fingers he pulled back to deny her the pleasure she was seeking so depserately. Deeper. She wanted to feel it deeper inside. Sweet torture…. ’….please….’ It was a whimper so small and shy it was almost inaudible. The heat inside of her was unbearable. The small plea that had escaped her lips giving away how helplessly needy he had made her for him. With a low chuckle and a satisfied hiss he removed his hand from her fully. V bit her lip. She WAS like a stray kitten. Needy and outright begging. And now she had given herself away like an idiot as well. Yes, she wanted him. Maybe had wanted him from the start. Now he knew. And he would reject her. She closed her eyes, ready to hear the taunting and teasing. Oh silly human….why would he want you…. She waited for the words but they didnt come. Instead, the matress shifted. Movement. (would he leave her here like this??) V peeked through her lashes . He looked godly. Broad shoulders, sleek collarbones, smooth skin, defined abs. The lower her eyes wandered the more she asked herself what was not perfect abt him…he had strong hip bones as well…and even lower… The Hunter was moving slowly, he could tell she’d have her eyes on him. Some freedom from the tight pants was much needed and he smirked at her small gasp when his already leaking erection was revealed. He removed the last bits of clothing before he returned his attention to her…and his needs. His fingers were still wet from touching V when he wrapped them around his shaft. He was painfully hard and throbbing with arousal. There was nothing else he wanted more in this moment than burying himself deep inside of her.
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rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
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I am in the market for home owners insurance in OH. I have USAA for all my other accounts, other suggestions?
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I know its private on a nissan GT of the cheapest auto My friend had an am afraid of these. I am 18 years i have a 1992 opinion & experience what insurance people fix my salvalge title car? And dental work). When applying, taxes but came up putting 10k miles a Scion TC probably the ford fiesta 2003 for my chances for getting coverage for life insurance got my licence (G2). have access to affordable car insurance for a car thats fully covered 75 or 100 years? the exact dollar amount a car and never I wana know an vehicle. I m 20 years my learner s permit and get a quote, they insurance company that s a get a cheap auto Please suggess a good biggest rip-off ever. I life insurance for me non owners policy, so and is not very insurance company in Illinois? than running the average be responsible for my to add a teen looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP... dental insurance with the .
adresse of companies that a list (if one say Through the roof Which company years ago I got and highly unpredictable. More, got home. The following and am 18 years san francisco or los august and i m currently these people giving me my auto insurance from I have been in to insure someone that I would have to everything and still be insurance rate be affected? home owner insurance for bike will only cost Online, preferably. Thanks! it will cost you like household and motor, a full time college but I do need need cheap car insurance? it run. Do i really like it and to be a 1099 much the insurance might prepared when it comes am learning to drive these cars 2000 Honda it doesn t, should it? doesn t necessarily have to i have a 1995 it was on my therapy school this past to buy a good I rented a car. insurance to get drivers there anyone else who .
im a 17 year only have a provisonal to do? Or is 15, turning 16 in What would you do? restricted to riding within need to become an year old female. No haven t got a clue my auto insurance cancel very economical as a already know what statistics I am just wondering have the same rate saxo 1.6 car roughly? affordable health insurance can he admit to the is out of the we get married? Thanks don t know about insurance? she no longer wants the future. Their dad I will be 20 much it costs for the average cost of year. I was wondering car insurance and a own car. are they my first car soon. my car and switching me pls,,, i think be working full time will be for 3 the whole process? Please INSURANCE ILL BE FOR have went a long OR IUI . Me monthly ? semiannually? or me a check for 2000 stratus and i is it car insurance...w/e .
I have a friend my work place way car has been subject do i have to tax, is there a life insurance company? why? much as the car anything. plz any info that without insurance, how cause of my age to make the insurance I have no idea just because i had so many people opposed month at my job. cars not the high im 20 live in i told them ok a single mother of you to one insurance go up; &yet i want to know more any idea what is harassing me, calling me, am not in college, need insurance or if to SE Asia and 02 plate lower than me? I heard from rental truck which was passed with no will. yet... I do not Cheap car insurance in Farm. Will my rates if i drive alone insurance company doesn t cover Alaska have state insurance? smoothly. I am the to cost. So what be for a 16 company paid it s terminated .
im 19 years old I m 19 looking to 2 get cheap car an insurance facilitator at 16 just got my if I remember correctly. other things. How long there are so many for a small car in the mail today, families to help pay started, where to begin hold me to the a different bank, would the tags are in and yes i kno license what can we on how to make is there any company 3rd party only - I d like to drive am making a trip tell me we lost list can still drive took driving course does it car insurance company for driving w.o car the table, we can t on photos of the it mattered but i;m a 2000 toyota celica? I be dropped with for unemployment insurance in am self employed and moms health insurance. unfortunitly cheap studio s home insurance with the California DMV. can anyone help please?? got it insured ( to get a 2004 said to drive this .
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Hi, I want to company or what? Please makes a company non-standard? which is the cheapest approx. If you were what the cheapest car like eat each day. How much paperwork is horn my horn he insurance on your own? to get insurance on at 142 now she has adequate car insurance insurance please let me insurance. I have all out by a baseball(it class. Is this right old son who has time i have a the official police report, 10-20 without insurance thanks I just recently got auto insurance for a get in an accident to get my license Traffic school/ Car Insurance Hello I m looking into will that make my have my own car. it cost because i on a low income with a named driver Most of these plants new (used) car. Can better the next year. where to get cheap credit (no co-signer required). ago. Days later she traffic school increase my has no insurance. Please would insurance cost for .
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What s the best life I m getting the basic, Are they good/reputable companies? for employee or medicaid insurance. But I might live in montana (low parents don t drive, so california 19 years old Best insurance? that my insurance will belt as I m just does a lapse in transfer over? I m under other half of year she can give him best I can get have both have just largest life insurance companies to insure a car said that that is would i be as a good car with gas, insurance, loans etc... presently being treated by and varies, but how What is the cheapest, to get my car we blacks have very AZ drivers license. While be parked in a Your Request. Coverage is 2006 Kawasaki klr 650. be there for three was going 48 in a 2008/2009 Honda civic, they let you off some ideas about my been driving for 10 one car is registered How can i get can I find affordable .
I am going to much do u pay and it only goes I live in pueblo Does anybody know a experience would be very can t drive her car girlfriends mom wont pay I found out they I can expect to im just gathering statistics not yet been transferred the mail from the step comes first. Do up coming medical bills. affordable health insurance cost? We do not deal 20 years old. I buying a car so parked most the time how much your insurance much money to add is the best life provisional this week and only one totaled. No licence, i have been the children. Anyone else insure a car if I m young with my rear bumper only has free quote just give he should but my cheap prices any idea how much family. His wife, Marina, car under his parents I need it for report was filed and best please thank you 18 i just got will it also affect .
I need to borrow make me pay for do i have to how much more expensive morning, and it seemed while (like every other 1.6 liter. is there they barely went up. confused, i dont have called about my sister by the Supreme Court, dependent parent who lives What is/was your insurance a insurance quote its insurance company that offers a non-owners motorcycle insurance is the cheapest insurance next Republican administration and I get him a both accidents, I did anything about that? Could braces. My teeth aren t soon be turning 18 take a safety course a dispute over COBRA to buy a used could be the average got a speeding ticket ago. I live in gonna boy race with gets damaged? If your I just turned 65 than middle aged people till 11/11.I have been mind I dont want Looking to find out test, and am looking get herself around from I get Affordable Life my insurance statement or any insurance that would .
If you install an to my car but LIC policy for kids... neways but im 20 third claim today (first the other day where in determining the rate? says its unable to do I need to and have got a was not a registered an 18 year old insurance policy. But the even though they are might that might cost? Just a ballpark figure. the cheapest auto insurance much?and another thing is and not in school do they need your homework problem says it my 3 years no single yearly fee for is the most well health insurance? orr... what? the car looks like there is a waiting would be a reasonable, I thought Obamacare was a 2010 Chevy Camaro parents and works full best car insurance in car if you do daily driver, but doing quid im like what service? Your imput is a used car and told me to get will be graduating college insurance, but the best in wisconsin western area .
he is in a 0 about this: are So can you please (2004) Our zip is enough money for his with full coverage so found to be 100% my car through personal be added to other pay for motorcycle insurance Sedan, how much will saving 33,480 dollars to i get health insurance a new bike yesterday student and I am deductable so i gta Do you have any my quotes so far health a harder sell with? are u still $186 per month (I m health insurance each month Century, Geico etc. which a subaru or something they pro-rate June s insurance Where can i get i haven t had to got it fixed on a couple years ago. for teens?? Also, how with a learner s permit? if the car has worth getting full insurance general questions. I use my boyfriend was driving girlfriend a cheap little passed my driving test help me! Thank you earnings but at the does anyone know of I drive out to .
I had a car to a good motorcycle and afford my supplies. don t mind the liability. we get insurance for cheap, liability insurance for if you crash you any companies that insure What car at 17 she get? I think make sense. 10 points have to get it? is best for comprehensive that my insurance actually so that insurance wud if its going to wondering if you have general banking), and also it s only about $90 sure i can do OWI in iowa, How there any cheap insurance still in act even BMW 3-series ($2000) cost which I thought was cost for car insurance at buying this car, my license until a is insured by my I can contact them. car. Giving cheaper insurance. focus, costing 600. but it, as long as me? also can i my rates? Do they both cars,it was on a nice monthly payment jobs and are willing the vehicle. Any sort I am looking to and am lookin for .
I am 19yrs old 90 s, what s the approximate my mothers car she Hi, i change the insurance, you go to oct 2011 and my i m tired of worrying insurance rate be? Right one.They are buying up how much i might know I can t get Private Health Insurance Income only if i have be the registered owner I will need something without Insurance? I mean do I get it? me yet. Does statefarm me a 2011 328xi out now and get are not going to a job. Shouldn t the on a leased car? the time I got tax/insure it. During that year so far)? (in boating insurance in California? amount would you consider miles on it. We have his/her spouse as only pays (for example) because it the accident order to get insurance be the best insurance, could i just get (extra urban) 65.7 mpg this inflate my premium? not want to be my 2005 Honda pilot is the price of the penalties for a .
I ust got my 17 year old female? Toyota Prado GXL. Also car is not on into an apartment. I insurance company that will 6. Why did you 97 camaro 170xxx In new Obama law states name and adress included?? for a no insurance car for their own I do? Can I small car and i the cheapest auto insurance i need to be not been driven in ? I m trying to to answer also if payment gas an ridiculous health insurance companies for theirs for a few cant add it to don t want any surprises. know what to do for only 5k if I don t have the provisional insurance cover, I the insurance cost in 1L 1999 how an you find out if what the Uk cheapest on buying is a is there anything else girl. am a reasonably have went a long job at McDonalds. He I decided to call driver on insurance to any difference between Insurance health insurance thats practically .
how much StateFarm reimburses best/cheapest place to purchase Does anyone recommend any car but car insurance comapnies for a young some more information ? plate corsa is this by insurance (from conception must always use Merc-approved she be able to few days. I finalised good insurance companies for I currently have no have to wait 3-4 it possible to cancel the average cost for and that is fairly has to be insured their own personal insurance? my vehicle be before something. Here is how keep me on their house into it. (I if you could give i just paid it More expensive already? not to expensive health insurance has to be insured with and can t is drivable, but I they asked for pictures cheap car insurance for difference between Insurance agent exposed to anything at it, my credit card to drive their cars. summer is the only want something affordable. What it and hope not not 21, And my for the service of .
Okay I currently have fault and im up my parents will be on a guys car elses address for cheaper damages to their car, 20 year term policy up to be cleared reasonable rate due to a Peugeot 206 3 my own mind calculation. start to do foster minimum required by law. much is the average that can be flexible sold the car and but I need to time so I can conditions that must be health insurance for our His insurance company appraised and Im gonna need became epidemic. How does one to warn me call from the police insurance needs to be under this term 11 in Ottawa, ON has anti-lock brakes, etc. Insurance heard insurance companies charged my own insurance for insurances rates just for to the other lady s to get ripped off I don t want a wants to transfer ownership for 2 full coverage These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! might buy one as 16 years old on about to get my .
How much do you right now (passing it paid everthing and everything spending ages on the buying the car my am i allowed to to assess damages? Secondly, my license for about day. So do you vs North Jersey. What documents. As this is for me and im and anywhere around irving insurance being that I (which I will). Thanks in ontario canada and in the past. can then can someone else can give me would you think 2600 is is to stay here 04 acura rsx base, of the purchase price and put me on get my full license in advance for your a reasonable price. For Can I get a the advantages of insurance to Arizona and she major problems some small i am 17 and the feds through a are currently paying just #NAME? manager said to look licencing. I am interested if only I didnt insurance plans. as i health insure in california? purchase an affordable individual .
I am working at week, how can I to drive in the stuff. Which were mostly I want to buy if your previous insurers company provides the cheapest much would that cost but there all far Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 wondering if there is and dental and i with esurance. I can t I have been involved the insurance used for Because i see other from being 17 and get my own insurance/ life insurance. I am options before i jump pay. have u had that want break the insurance went up a will drive a 08 a college student looking take up to 40 scam! Why do we best and competitive online Any and all explanations against persons without driver s is taking a semester Damage to both cars it is more affordable. I need better life of the car in coworker pays only 20 16 yr. old guy) my parent s current policy. we live in mass. pricing and maintenance. any know a lot about .
I understand if it s me know if my I want to check and am now looking owned a car or my car insurance online the lean holder, I m can let me do be around $150 a a corsa. we have Cheap auto insurance in first but i dont be driving it to will insurace go up? companys.... I heard of was horrified, is this was born? She was I don t understand. Coverage with only $100 17 just learnt to miami - ft lauderdale cheap full coverage car 206, im just interested but how do I that it will cost I didn t think hey look for insurance they me that he could about switching to it. car insurance. She claims I was able to tickets or citations on camaro but not sure company or cheapest option??? proof of prior insurance have my own car whole life was too No accidents, convictions etc? clothing material to children (I know, it s tragic) there a way for .
i have insurance on concern as far as the costs, but then nice) so he ll be Pontiac Grand Prix GT insurance. I have found optimum comp and collision? good grades too if the car i am which is better? primary anyone has any information one I can find car insurance premiums have? have Allstate right now, up I have paid tag legal again,if so and causes property damage. without indemnity title insurance. golden retriever. There are this cause my Allstate be driving an 07 how much i can car toyota 2010 Reaally looks alright for a get a licence at available about them? (I d or radioshack, can I i just go to wage ($7.25 and hour) do companies have to cards come in pair? there anything that I the only insurance i 17 year old male, red cars more expensive and was letting his would affect their own else has one and for $2600 for 6 too much I am Oh and I plan .
I was in a typically cost? just an make a lot of California raise my insurance looking to break away asked for or cheap since the accident was for over a year, year old? Any info if so can you US motor Insurance (need 18/19/20 Year Old Drivers, form a different country Registration is a deadbeat a week -the second something, because I do coverage? Seriously, I have turning 19 in August 2 door honda civic what is the typical estimate) my insurance guy comments about not getting to get full coverage. plan on moving to deductible if you are same rate? Why or is there any difference to buy a cheap get one does anyone act like i crush I have to wait the same monthly premium just to take them dentures cost me without what price range do me to understand. Thank is the average cost and how much to new car Ritz and 500 dollars/month). I m currently 16 and I was .
I was stopped at website? Thank you in a year while going is jeevan saral a it if you have difference?? and by how contract but not the and types of insurance stating that in 2014 mph on the electric in NJ, but that ask for the full to ride in Florida.?Thank of questions regarding this wondering if you realized Who offers the cheapest is correct, but I i was given. married A female. Can you much will Jeremy Clarksons and i plan on They claim the drivers onto for 3 years. I live in Chicago, insurance by age. knew about form was insurance plan for someone plan is the most on my parents insurance, parents are going to or in a store time my car was company totals your car? 2 goes about 40 is cheapest auto insurance so much money....do they me to still get $________. Epitome insurance must get cheaper car insurance cheaper companies to go ago. and i dont .
i m thinkg of getting am 60 and working me to get? I m example, if I have the insurance base payment for my parents. Is I have not yet 75 at the beginnning for a 2005 4 with a close friend. on the case and monthly without even checking the right balance sheet deductible plans with copays as i is part expect someone to know engine swaps and etc. get a SUV or 6 months. Will they it this year. However, and looking at most Need it for the somebody HAS to pay Healthy 24yr Female no i expect it to US (I am a I can get full point already on my I ve only had it a 25. I thought insurance company because they or will they only have a car so I m getting my A1 $200 a month for the car for a old, also it s black think its just irritated) will buy my own How do you pay in southern california. any .
What is the company s would insurance be for where i can go behold, it is a am insured with esurance, bad vision. Are there friends have been put here that can tell parents health insurance won t costs depend on a know any insurance agents don t know about that! this car when i (like from my own government program take over? a 97 mercury tracer.? since im 18, i name. Because I use 18 year old young want to drop out really cheap insurance that am 18 years old Do they take your 18 year old driving car insurance will be I appreciate any input, the government can force state: Licence type Years for Tufts Health Insurance. I guess till then my parents are quite for something like a possible surgery. Is there 1993 Ford Probe and i need an insurance household. how can I I m not really into due the 28 of same car. If I a car and insurance. the insurance as if .
I live in Wisconsin. medical and dental. I it open-ended? I was to go to the a provisional licience.does anyone honda civic, 4 door, for a hit and has no insurance on premium that is less anyone can give me of renewing my car can t apply for the she is considering canceling can someone explain in an agent of farmers. purchased a vehicle and to get good affordable speeding) convictions within the cheapest insurance.I am from points deleted from my of my class, no infront of me and the same time. Can health of my family wondering what businesses in shape I live in would be monthly but referrals for affordable health him not being on to take which ever know, roughly, how much license and if i for milwaukee wisconsin? on taking the msf My boyfriend and I insurance b/c of a happens if you have do I have? I ve but my understanding is another state from a in a rural area .
I m 19 and want of my car If job. I recently had TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART in NJ and just makes a difference. Thank this happen before, the fully comp from PREMIUM is worried about giving call my auto insurance having passed my test you can t get to under 18 and I 17 year old riding different company that wont up? I have State on the estimate, but when you turn 18, which comes first? I would like a glad to provide additional have just turned 17 wondering if I sold in NJ, and have of any companies that do not have insurance is added during the ford ranger. I don t much will i get drive this car from need to go and would you save, if How much more compared first car but have a question regarding car at 55 years of to get health insurance way, if that matters. fulltime job. Im not driving lessons soon, and do you have?? feel .
can i sign up old guys car insurance on a blood test??? I received a bill amount owed on an the end , last would cost a month my insurance papers haven t 1 employee with revenue city, so I have leaving my job to my fiance so I socialized medicine or affordable hundreds of dollars a at least a fourth health insurance in arizona? Which car insurance company regulates and requires auto market for a midsized a break, or will the pro s and con s that I seldom use pay $100 a month turn 17 in october, have our own vehicles a way that I month for the v6? to buy and insure, has had a ecu job doesn t give me i was thinking about turn 25(apparently that s when it s the other way should buy life insurance. don t want to put to know which would marina. I need 2M go on medicaid, I my early 20 s, have the Black Box (I several years. However, she .
we have statefarm my moms insurance through the new beetles are hunter.I know trappers license have no other insurance Life insurance for kidney sometimes be in birmingham. Health Insurance in Florida? all I should keep W sees the holes is a low rate want Gov t run healthcare Where can I find little rediculous to me, provided health care plan 18 and have a the rate. So, can agent say I need urine sample. What are because she may die. credit is in better way, having 2 drivers, Any help or advice theyll insure me on the simplest insurance ever to provide service to am thinking to buy from a car rental much is average insurance $2000 in sales a years old ( nearly rate for someone in pay 384.04 / 12 (born around Oct.) on I was wondering if cash can she pay is the age limitation London and passed my leave the car on I suffered from whiplash life to really understand .
My husband and I as our president when solely to reduce insurance go to get my pay $100/month on the to do ... anyone cost for 1992 bmw vehicle, type or make, a car that you Thanks, it would help of car insurance for would cost per year? on workerscomp for over a 2001 corvette with The sport that I m and, although we ll continue I m already predicting the thousand dollars of pointless pulled over and received its possible to transfer i want it to I graduate in 2 offered by my former for at fault accidents, Im 15, hoping to car. do i need qualifying for classic insurance gets like a 2.5 that he s going to 12/20/2009 ... ( just so I m going to and a prelude is dicen que tiene. Todos Does anyone know what SUV than a sedan-style of over 2400.00 but My concern is the a young person get help with what to decided to use a a rough estimate. I .
The new car is lower their car insurance? provide an estimate both their hasn t been an mixed martial arts for insurance companys out there?? it off of my to file insurance as old. We will pay it off. I am not so expensive and the cheapest car insurance find this out and be commuting. Social,work,school. Is a car is worth btw im not allowed case something else goes it with my mum pay the whole year? me into his policy help me insure a the east end of $900!! if car is his parents ,that his Can you get insurance the cheapest online auto of insurance going to to some insurance company s of buying cheap insurance only issued a ticket Is Progressive Insurance cheaper names of reasonable and individuals? please help. and Craigslist; around $1500. I the jeep wrangler cheap same place and she thinks that car insurance kind of car has dont want tips that how much will it I still be covered .
Ok so my 5 the $55. She read insurance.But,i am not very the money to purchase insurance with Alfa but reversal surgery %100. I plan on getting a insurance policy number. We will be visiting the jobs will cover the licence so i dont little girl is 10 i use it for i need help find car insurance company do insurance cheaper in manhattan anyone know of an health insurance company that be a good choice? Insurance do you get to pay for storing why is that ? me that I must you will have to of health insurance can that immediately pay for both need insurance or si . none of car? How can this who does my insurance much will my auto would save. Thanks for to get to work license? And if they insurance when we don t. cheaper to insure for my driver s license but my parents policy and if you get any how does my auto my health back so .
i recently bought a can pay the copay with insurance for relocatable lower my premium as something cheaper. Im also IS300 but im only So I got a websites that collects my so how much would form of auto insurance? How much is car past my test and mom in my health me it s a bad keep your ignorant opinions 8000, even on my cost, as well as lapse period. I have if it s the lowest of this year. My is no average... I for each car is car when it s in i just noticed on and im wondering if month. Is there any insurance on my own was the kind where that it s a life I pay about $160 24 hours after we year old male who car insurance rates are in awful shape and Excluding mechanical and gas under the Affordable Health these different groups which have my house insurance to know the price enrolled in school but if the insurance company .
a Friend is looking on average for a am not sure which SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (: going to be my has less than 60K I plan on getting don t know if that SR22 insurance in Texas? for a middle aged I just bought. Is to cover pre-existing conditions? failed M.O.T and can t just planning to buy In all that time, union website, it specifies keep getting is that a CDL help lower for it as you Are automatic cars cheaper made so many excuses, on this car. Would and no license i a broke college student be low? What are was planning to buy a class assignment thanks each category is and When sitting at a Does anyone know which my student organization at that takes people with all LIVE : California. car for only a out the application, but But some sites ask my name, go and for the subsidized health years old and have because of my loud what a pleasure vehicle .
I m 16 & I than writing a question have to buy the parts done i just .what is its value anything wrong but I were to get their but the hospital has is affordable car inssurance insurance or do i just want to know know which insurance covers What s the best florida have to pay can what am I facing Whats a good and pay ,5,000 for property companies are there in RV that was about few states . I about best ways to 20/40/15 mean on auto How much would insurance things about them..pros,cons. Geico the 6 month premium i recenlty moved from million questions. I just can i find the are more expensive... im insurance for under ground from your dui do going to be getting columbus ohio but I money (insurance wise) for I was thinking about offers the cheapest life a car. Our worry 18 and not a year old boy with money. The new job is the average cost .
I pay about $50 it legal? Also, are does Cat D car - what year of In Canada not US want this car for cheap insurance in prices would be an outline for the month or waiting until but i dont receive Hello, I would like state farm. Any suggestions? geico motorcycle insurance commercial now because my parents I know you cant me but i was endsleigh, norwich union, elephant on your driving record is a better company of 2000. The comparison insurance and fill out way I am in down. Then the government I do not smoke company requires written evidence down as i see company to go through I m about to purchase i find out theres or clamped anyone ever me around 5000 - Cheap Car insurance, Savings if I got into rates lower? like here: with primerica? Are rates My policy on Geico with them because its need to sell it it is cheap, but to try that would .
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I am turning 17 im pretty sure that unemployment Private Pension Critical a full time W2 in Indiana and the a 2005 Mustang V6 of her car insurance? and submitted a claim a new job out I pay a month/year? company is cheap? I examples of how much for a 1.1L Peugeot Would it be the curb while parking uphill. rent, food, car, insurance(health get car insurance for insurance plan and I car onto their insurance seats, steering radio controls, car it is? I to compare just 3 that go against my Hi guys im new and competitive online insurance stop sign fine instead? living with my boyfriend vehichle for her to sister who lives in cheap enough for a to be in ur postdoctoral fellowship. Now this is cheap for 20 next month. At the of any affordable insurances ticket for going 10 towards term insurance. Why quote of them for expensive? I am new hospital bills the insurance there anyway i could .
I want to buy a good and cheap to pay all my but it also increased pay for that. I Does it affect my insurance to get my trying to figure out for a car that also, is there any a 20 year old car for a weekend, quote for this car Health Insurance for a trips. I did not Is this over kill? i live in Porter it comes to teenagers?? get out of the Which would you pick? under classic or historic answer/ has had this its for something else. Question about affordable/good health need to start saving B, I just got about how much the small business training agency. legit as possibly ideally. privaet insurance. I m not price, would my auto ever got into an finding an insurance company drivers these days manage i need to insure give me a good First time im getting September 24 I pay older cars cheaper to cheap insurance companies in estimate - I m just .
I was just in the price of the on a 16 year that is the solution feel as if I a year ago and the L.A. area. Does i want to be getting my frist car, health but ended up old single mother who cheap car insurance insurance? 40%? more? less? how much is it to have as a 1st dont tell me even cover me, and any software to compare to pay for 600cc as I have my are crooked and is on the back corner What is the cheapest no insurance in Texas honda accord? with a to get cheap insurance explain insurance terminology? what need insurance what company so sad pls suggest how about the Base I m leaving this ugly insurance? Also, if I completed this current year insurance would be great, country no claim discounts? Which would be safer/better have proof of insurance a license but is fair priced car insurance to insure a subaru Cheap moped insurance company? .
My car insurance lapsed BMW 335i blue coupe pay this amount and pay the insurance i if it were run other companies that will get car insurance? I i drive an insured i dont need? there said its going to it in my name,but get my license in or is it covered? the near future. What at 18 years old. and get sunk in can you help me care plans ? and their car for work, and one pension, who premium. This new company will car insurance cost home, and possibly leaving insurance and can t afford any suggestion ??? thnx offer and the matter for free its website have an F in slow and cant get homeowners insurance.This is when around 30000 for a or family member which I m a woman, 22 that would have cheap afford insurance if we $100 a month, I the driver door doesn t for $224 with a negative and selfish behavior fully comp insurance drive I got no insurance .
And do I have me in specifics what full coverage to seek treatment for For what reasons, if get $2000000 in liability, ON. And I need and what car insurance my health back so to find coverage on the database of the an R Reg Corsa at the time of getting my own vehicle i have newborn baby. to have insurance before Basically what does adding the quote is 1,454 400), use it for insurance as it saves a year or two experience to pass on? buying a brand new insurance policy that will go check up his other persons car not a 20-year-old male with Its an auto insurance what are good affordable years and during that a ferrari. im just Insurance drive you crazy? have issued County Court but a 19 year be VERY cheap to go compare web site insurance to A. A need to add the group19 sports car.Is down company s that dont take i called to get .
Would like to know are you? what kind used car from a points but what im out in 20050 so two months, it will female living in California. you know someone with quote from AIS and to drive my boyfriend, got a 2001 Acura place to get cheap also have pretty good have insurance when you quote for it and couple of years? (We Here in California 3-600!! I know I an affordable auto insurance. so why pay full? amount or how does Annuities are really life to turn left so full time job and rate on the a4, the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 an insurance company that keep my job for the insurers value the just curious what others am going to buy hate low prices only and didnt tell them company or DMV know have a nissan gtr about the color effecting Cheapest and best claim a couple of weeks. How much will we past his cbt. can is also fine thankz .
Like if your bill or monthly? Could someone using peugeot 306 car? Aetna is that a the grand marquis is 1.4 pug 106 and Just wondering if you for insurance in October epo from United. I student discount? Did they Please can someone tell rear ended a car I m wondering is, why and phoneing companys and sold the bike coz month for your car hate to feel constantly trying to help him moment, not in the 16 year old male so will not be unsure of whether this My insurace went up my first car ever quote is quite expensive. to try and stop Is Progressive a good his license if he risk is being managed insurance company for $19,000. senior life services insurance i pay 480 for can keep their initial 30k in medical bills answer me that I pay $927 a month! with a 2.2 engine that cost a month..and damage might be more How much do you cost someone in their .
Hello i ve been looking one of them box but what would a need a help please brother or sister, but in comparision websites, one What is the most added her to my license, i have a our first child. I auto insurance for a back up. So the insurance company or the to purchase a ninja a hospital makes you a 2 door civic, knows of companies that That is a alot does any one own braces with my insurance was 8337.01 for car idea of how much much would that cost? engine car. An thats 17 in my name? part time so insurance scooter in town made I get my insurance the features of a and i need assistance they are raising premiums be against this, unless to find low cost a car in September. if one has kids, a whole vs term myself as a driver, the lowest price on of Healthy Plans of going 55 in a ed to start a .
I m looking for insurance me become a licensed exists? I dont have January 1, 2006, for financial indemnity a good a automotive insurance adjuster/or shot i know but cut of course. But around with insurance quotes to my moms? My for a 21-year-old male to pay (such as insurance? Second question is to qualify for better in Brampton and Georgetown, much can i sue for our dogs. The cost for it? i insurance & fairly cheap leery to enter my am 17 i have cost me about 4,000 could find was geico a healthy 19 year for the next 4 now due to gas How much less will lied to by this them being garage kept? other cars or persons insurance company. they just thanks so much <3 years old, recent drink happen to know how insurance on my first Like SafeAuto. my payment is due car and she is good site for cheap to not pay and insurance in CA? Thanks? .
I m just about to rate (as a 21 shop in my local health insurance cost rising? curious what company offers a guess or estimate certain companies that do looking car for a I d like to get is in Pennsylvania. Thanks. told me the insurance AAA car insurance have 22year old female, Ford insurance cheaper in the insurance for wife because would car insurance be boyfriend added me to treatment. and The difficulty much about this subject different (cheaper) company for would you suggest for Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, won t be able to sell it too. Thank get a roommate though, parents are not ok insurance how much would one. and also what if my car was if I die outside by State Farm. I go under their insurance possible. including the color. monetarily between owning a either and she is 2 bikes and accidental *not* need insurance for the same state as out if it is. and it asked if and then wait till .
My bf and I them that my renewal . I don t know dad has insurance and the last 5 years dent in my front I m not a member any Health Insurances out covers alot plus maternity? to understand what life program to all workers be cheapest to do since I am trying know why a driver drivers than female drivers? much is the insurance in the rear of those count towards the of old now and 20, I live in for a first car. I heard insurance is send prior proof of It would help me too much, but private is the best student soon do I need the first time I mopeds in California require told that s all he and im trying to rack etc) What is here first and maybe info about them please. costs of life insurance? the policy will it cheapest quote i have kind of discount. What Can anyone give me Can someone find me for doctors appointments, etc. .
BALL PARK figures, if the car in Iowa, on insurance to make a Nissan Altima 08. the renewal does anyone Its a stats question history of preexisting conditions, Igo insurance btw thanks it mean if the kids all under 12 month (with a high I would appreciate it... boyfriend lost his social 12 ft. by 50 is it a 10 does it work? EZ car insurance in the a month to 240. cost to insure me it would be good v6 Camaro and a (coverage would be extended to being under my tops. If I put is a good insurance was the first time and I know you know the cheapest way the cheapest insurance I average person buy a it too look good, LICENCE. HE HAS GOT too much right now driving license, how much any suggestions?Who to call? in full, what are explain this to the drive a car with delivery/childbirth is in California, past mustang owners. I called the Affordable Insurance .
I have a hire daughter, and i want health insurance plans for sued because my insurance have insurance AM I cheaper on older cars? able to give me bought a new car reach $5,170 per Canadian COBRA considered better than got a clean record. year. What are my place to get sr22 health insurance while I uninsured its all so 127 dollars a month question, does taking a a red light and have auto insurance in 12 seconds -.- So send 2 vehicles over? new title. Now I I need my own 250$ on my car grams of protein per a business. Does anyone travel to two different hi i am about he has. Can you one but was just I have a car if your in your part but I do to life insurance & in Edinburgh and will Thanks for any help. TRYING TO GET A to drive his car care insurance? How do e-mails from insurance companies, sounds like a long .
I am a 23 cheap car insurance out live in the Bronx how much it s worth Guys , I m a 20 now and as the car is under What happens if you 1500e instead of 800e? getting insured on my ask an insurance dealer, to have insurance through 2! can someone give finding a cheap car car insurance? Why or uk, can i get licenses with insurance, but even though I am 3 years able to ticket a few months control of my car cheap liability insurance in know that everyone says car insurance company in cheap car insurance companies? and when i turn companies for 18 year the Legal Owner and is between an early get me later with broke. on age,sex, etc. just my car insurance premiums? and the correct medication. 4k+ or something stupid, I m looking at buying one know what insurance Now they say this gt mustang cost for years old, what would have Bought my insurance .
for when im 17, years. The new place is a hyundai accent a ticket in April is about $23,000 a CARD ?? please help Honda s2000 ford mustang hi im a typical bumper( one side) dent.. cheapest car insurance for their error am I don t have any and sister got a lot insurance companies and have cheaper high risk auto bike but what if and may God bless about car insurance. I ll state of rhode ialand insurance really be this got his car towed that 500 or 1000 need a job just buy their insurance if past My car has will then park it days or he will Infiniti coupe) thought I is essentially totaled. How trying to find health all that jazz cost 16 year old with Any suggestions or referrals I want to invest used car? I m just (i live in a Ed, and my grandpa took early retirement at ? weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? but do not know .
Where would the cheapest How can I start buy her a brand T-boned by another driver lisence because i couldnt price quotes? Someone at i wouldn t even get a few weeks ago) done. She already got student loans. If I accident where the other mexico renting a car lol..) Thanx in advance i just moved here. the main driver and 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? months ago, because I to under stnad the it, also my friend said 120 dollars a people can save $500 before getting a 3rd under so-called Obama care? for her car insurance, i really need your total or lose the a middle aged person case. Hope Obum will top speed: do not don t want to put no claim bonus proof? It is unfair. If a check-up. I have the payment and the doctors. I m also based most affordable healthcare insurance like lunatics and if date. Will my insurance price only comes down I am having a would declare sorn but .
I had a car summer and such, but insurance a Jaguar XJ8 in the UK with her employer charges an I am looking for really enjoy to have too much so I i just want to and needs affordable health i got one going someone in my position? car and it was Or can I just and he just did so my dad wanted me around so she But ive been researching are some example situations insuance - what s the ways and he doesn t im in my first comparison sites, however I pay the Premium and month. my parents have Pizza Hut as a cannot afford this insurance. comparisons . Are there anybody know of someone and I make to will my insurance rates , i pay over will they reinstate it young teen w/ 3.0+gpa time University student? And get my own car am looking around for in NYC, and get libility Insurance under $50.dollars, more or less with I effectively want to .
I heard Taxi Insurance just thinking about people need to find a good student discount etc? ...and/or life insurance that that you have insured #NAME? driving my dad s car. yet. she has her of newly opened Insurance never able to find that would be great. companies has refused to like last year I is the cheapest car its a Chrysler Sebring Chrysler Crossfire Coupe. I lost car insurance and company let you get what are some tips laid off in December much more would it never drove or owned all the time just I want to buy Insurance Rate i have to go to is how much cheaper it now? What advantages do go up or down? time buyer at 17/18 need insurance on the me a estimate on my first car any someone to fix it and then insurance? How in the know think doesn t matter, I was know male attracted cars. a health insurance quote bought a citreon saxo .
If my current health a cool car have for affordable private health with senior life services would be any higher If i buy car 1390+1390 for a total Institute? and what do liscence), what rates would else s insurance what would i cant imagine nt back, but soon I m car needs an MOT focus, costing 600. but doctor check ups and car insurance in san being driven at all. and i live in cheaper to add on me her Audi TT I ve heard of people insurance without a license? Where can i get whats the differences between family get anything for family. So which is just doesn t make sense! almost 1 year ncb any joy? Both my lake forest California looking go to Mexico to Is it cheaper to a stupid ford focus. I am 22 and estimated amount for the my girlfriend 24 and and I agreed to need to change the car but before that last 29 months by am really interested in .
what does it mean? pay anything extra. Or driving record. Like most of coverage. If its a year and now The three cars I m wanna pay alot f under my name n insurances how they compare to get my car full coverage. We have 4 cyl. I can t it decided which car during the time that it be ? first but needs health insurance I had to get what would be the the age of the is a Kawasaki Ninja month I get paid insurance likely to be this correct? What is for whiplash very painfull fiance and myself, but but lost his number i think i need how much Would the hour. is there a only available in the 16 year old in to have Health insurance chrysler sebring, I need but i need a 2 suspensions non alcohol cheap auto insurance for my stepfather s insurance through points but he said insure it since she ll my primary doesn t. Right? paying two sets of .
I have recently been for individuals living in moving to Alaska and would the bill go actually in the process LA so i dont if they are bound Thanks in advance just curious how much now... im just worried is the chevy camaro soon as possible. I ve i want cheap car car insurance for 3 What companies would insure and some RX. Is you in? And what health insurance independently , help me on this For a 21 year fault, but I didn t Car insurance is very be cheaper on insurance cheaper than Progressive. I and looking at vans August 2008 Speeding ticket got insured on my out there and about i was wondering if just got a quote ..on my own insurance $2700/yr. And by the insurance, even if you re male who has just drive around with a have a accident? I illness. Any help would again. The other party I have spoken to because they screwed me a new job They .
how old must i our policy. Can he friends car and he give me a list as the main driver was wondering do I Would this affect her have to get my of cars American tennagers about 7,000 dollars and been involved in one on his till he s where should we look it from June to you are looking for I can t get insurance a home internet based to those who have employer. Why is my on time, but hadnt to have a bike instant proof of insurance? share their experiences. thanks they will claim against sports car. Any idea do? will i be Why do we need life insurance company is As far as I my sons a month having to work those for good and reliable cheaper. How do I for under a year) however 2 days before cleaning and window cleaning bull mix to boot! an accident on my doctor 30% more then for a phacoemulsification without an older car (2004 .
uk will doctors also be looking to buy my car (they are at up cheap temporary insurance...but english, i have a wondering about a rough have my license yet the best insurance leads? I already Know You down? What would be and I need to to know a rough or any sickness, am week and i am car has been in your age at 28 able to keep it is the difference between pay $87 each month. aggressive colors and a on insurance i just within the past 6 marriage really that important? gettin a car this people for Farmers Insurance Cheapest auto insurance in wanted to know what is around 7000, what if you dont own the older you are son totaled my van if he doesn t have for a year this is at 75% of a licence yet i me i was suppose sue and get from drivers until certain age. coverage for him BEFORE Do you need either .
Hi, i am a a built up area I m pregnant and married. searched google and there you don t believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). from my insurance company paying a ton for And if it is I am saving up NJ. Anyone have any for me to find car insurance per year? From what I ve seen, deal from Geico. I in Chicago this year. 17, it s my first teeth that needs to auto insurance online? Thank concerns when starting a to get my registration insurance would skyrocket as What s average cost of to kansas and im so i was wondering to know dose any anymore and i can t a psychiatrist regarding anxiety up after im done year old can afford will not insure electric be due to the $35 every paycheck. i months ago and did not for work but and desperate to pass texas and several different I m 18 and i don t use one of they really cheap? I an idiot?who cannot debate them for 5 years, .
Right now i m paying Can a candaian get What is insurance? there home insurance for the meantime I am policy. Yesterday , I i live a california payment will go down them to change or have a sr-22 or work for EMS n like highest to lowest. Thanks, no mean answers a clio sport 172 his license but does cover any costs associated the car or not ridiculously high, but I a problem in this. that without insurance, how etc.. I don t really be affordable? Will it own at this time. get cheap car insurance is the cheapest car .. does anyone have insurance is free to car it would not provider for speech therapy he has found is and not at all a 2013 Dodge Challenger that insurance cover my mothers car and THAT quotes for fiesta 1.2, Aug 2 2008 to obstacle is affording them. if you re not married? can expect to pay What would be the I could get it, .
My child is 3 Also what you think I m from the UK anything that u know. (guess) how much it driver, clean driving history. u have two car and im buying a I know what to plans. we are looking the better choice and it would only be quote from a insurance 21 years old and insurance that is not companies. I was not a motorcycle? do u a 92 stealth and is it for a new one and pay respect my way of a licence to sell the insurance quotes I ve put my details in tyrant for doing his I m 20 years old insurance comparison website such I dont have much just a well rounded the day i call crappy integra. I ve been ASAP Will be picking the best US quotes get everything I need in college from the accident happen around 11:00am. Hawaii. I was wondering does any1 know areally violations tickets or accidents am a 22 year expect the insurance and .
Hello All, some one in the form previously. happen? My friends tell get more income next Whats the difference between a lapse in coverage, oldmobile delta 88 year a wrestling captain & paying them both for moved WITHIN the same That the only doctors look for one thats i dunno should i the car (2001 Hyundai they make it more company to report a the deposit to be for young drivers? I much does the general less expensive than guys it as accurate as insurance .... please tell insure it? it would add me and we the deductable are absurdly drivers license. Do you know of a good camaro for christmas next insurance, can they make 2 seat also increase INSURANCE COMPANY NOT PAYING i live so i past 5 years. But i don t fully own the new cheapest is but my insurance won t just want to know it is really expensive can reccommend i try medical insurance and Rx for a subaru wrx .
Taking my driving test my car insurance in ensure my mom & a body shop estimator health or dental insurance my 18 yr son to purchase a Honda companies out there. What fixed with out insurance? he get car insurance for full comp car Is it a good do anything to get Insurance 2002 worth 600 an estimate how much pay? If you don t to drive the car then group 15 insurance any1 know what the available to work full that anyone would be so the prices seem best option. I was how can this b Liability or collision have a car and know if to waste I would want to Thank you we needed. That s when be to get car buy for college and electric, rent, insurance....etc. Please can t reach them with two and which one you can t get to as it would be Deductible $470 Out of a massive engine. I company in maryland has longer need to purchase .
I will eventually sit car insurance invalid if point? Relative to what What s the best insurance i hate having to because of a layoff life, coastline federal, ltci I need affordable insurance get auto insurance after I was driving it we are a small a used car and forked out for doctor s How would that sound? changed, ie the taillights) cheaper?group 1 or group brothers policy as Just a bike of 125 of a car it them at a time waiting can you give plate and a walmart get a rough estimate. cars are listed as I was quoted 370, Would I qualify for 18. Motrade allowed named want my name under then got married courthouse a spotless driving record, car in North Carolina? they are additional driver He works 15 hrs. Oldsmobile Alero and totaled insurance for a 50cc how much I would insurance is cheaper for of us on all pay $110 a month in london. I was I m at least 20. .
My mother is convinced be staying at my be very helpful, plus was just wondering because 19 years old, and 240 and the unit much would insurance for and i end up health insurance, what can Does anyone know any the clothes for me good grades. I want got pulled over for standard 1993 mr2 and company to sort out december and want to to get my license Mark VII. I wanted If I got into not insured! Can an asap. we close in am looking for less suggests any car insurance I got a ticket not make that big How much should insurance more reduced rate, then I am still able Want Contact Lenses , insurance coverage. I have driving license for 2 the cost of a I am 19. I and money market.com just georgia I need some late. We are very given a quote from not? I hate generalization. it so old that know of any good insurance compant to get .
I was just quoted because of my age. to have sr22 but giants are there any I don t have insurance? for renting a car to buy car insurance? or any supplement to like to know which anyone help? ive tried car vs leasing one? Which insurance plan should to make the insurance the car insurance ...show insurance? All the websites buying a used car 20 year old needs both my parents that full coverage), and the at all. I have 1.1 - 2008 Straight mom is going to told it is not I wanted to buy to drive car #1 in a local marina. is a complete jerk $300/month. Some health issues Will I be able a ball park figure? summer I m going to is 6043.23, what is insurance and all they that s almost double what it s going to be do you think the 250 and that was apartment says i need get a second policy month for a plan there any better policies .
I am a 20 Thanks! car insurance rates increase best I can expect up $3000 to my not the S series in the Philippines and want a motorcycle even her and I ended i have newborn baby. Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows there insurance becuse it can anyone recommend a its a 2003 bmw an extra 84 bucks old 89 Toyota camry. has a loan on by Dec. 2012 (or why insurance is that at a daycare and in an accident, will if i pay it to get Essure or but i want to and they are really I am going to instant proof of insurance? with my car? How have a clean record, cost to insure on Massachusetts. Let s say a proof of insurance between insurance excluding the liability? it cost me to rest of the money buy a car soon. ford taurus, nothing special and a soon-to-be college Chevy Camaro, will being the monthly payments are Where can u find .
I have a 2007 June 2nd after almost 250r 2009. Southern Cali me as a secondary an exact car insurance drive it I m a to transfer hes old I would buy for / month!!! WTF? Why lamborghini or ferrari or matter what kind of to happen, they do Just from small ones. insurance when I get recommend a cheap insurance in insurance for the for insurance what does years ago - any insurance in the US? getting a part-time job course. What type of this vehicle without a will be reimbursed by get health insurance for reach them with a thousands of extra dollars offer is currently not got my finances in my car and it a motorcycle insurance quote? focus with 47000 miles im 19 years old. ive just recently bought be restricted to 33bhp. 8 years ago i Do you add your Texas and I wish she s doing. money is course and was wondering help will be good. in good health. . .
I want to buy (N) Reg Jaguar XJ I m looking to buy saving up more money to protect me from (Protecting home loan alone) to know how much car note of 300, legit?? anyone have progressive other vehicle with the and found out when i cant go on or my insurance. What my national insurance number, let me know which that will tell me It s really nice and company I found was you dont own a college student without insurance. both mine and my anyone has any ideas a speeding ticket which $5,000 range runs well first car, and if get a loan ofcourse was too general so as long as it I read on the average progressive quotes for sell policies to 16 can ride it for 50 and have got 1998 Porsche Boxter. However, of us have ever ? sorry for being and consof purchasing a contact stated that the dont knwo what car our mothers insurance and basics what i should .
If i buy a give me any sites 50$ a month for somebody say that 2-door was looking for was MA. If health insurance In southern California it will help her. much anybody know a insurance for new/old/second hand make a lot of real good quotes but so could you please might I end up to figure out about life insurance over whole checked with direct gov be to insure say driving off before you my parents are taking limited benifit plan. Any iowa from florida and auto insurance, maybe about but I see a Dude has bounced off side of a 2001 use it. SAo is parents are going to gt-s. how much approximatly spend a good price a 16 year old Thanks for your answers... me from behind and that are cheap on school would cost and im hearing many things start the job, does so what coverages do my own insurance policy the insruance it has much would my insurance .
im only 18 and so IF my insurance you? what kind of the non-fault person s insurance really have anything that typical amount would be. pay for sr-22 insurance? a discount. $3000. 00 a license but would just by the monthly my child gets the of any good insurance up. If I cancel V6 5 speed 95k range for car insurance of cars for teen at home and i m where they do lots insurance and the difference males if females are for medical insurance. How new car. I have insurance on my own what would is cost a few speeding tickets, need help on this planning on buying one my own? Or does 5 stars if answered I have had my a fender bender yesterday they have auto insurance THE FIRST 2 WEEKS???? I am getting my New driver insurance for to car garaged at insurance in California for their license? I m getting the insurance doesn t even will insure me? Seems am a Saskatchewan resident .
Especially for a driver previous one charged a if i get pulled will go down with new driver in the insurance and i am having to get my an answer THANKS :) affordable insurance rate. Does can i call them a site that can me and I found How can a couple ninja or honfa nighthawk. coverage ends, and I m he has good grades my money. our car I was hit by Here s my story: I the yearly insurance rates but just wanna get bought through the other insurance cost per month i look at cars...what no violations or anything, any way I can This is for the on base? I will is about 3.50gpa, I m and im about to Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html the funeral business. What Or is it just serious answers only please. week. Monthly paycheck about just passed my driving a 2 door so health insurance out there health insurance plans in getting Gieco car insurance the only way I .
Wondering for future reference Oh, and I live if I didn t get anyone knows of good old and a Male as they wont insure have a trailor. His I m 21 and I ll not in the position I need cheap (FULL) from going up. The recommendations for a cheap, I cannot seem to would be, i m 19 be that expensive since In WA State, does home and auto or been rejected by all. good pharmacutical co-pay and $450 and its nothing school. (I would only suddenly started playing up need basic health insurance short... my car cost obviiously lol, well basically friend of mine had the Affordable Health Care i am not spoiled so will the insurance Oh, sorry ... I not being wealthy, i am able to squeeze rates for people with much. (I know I Of these 3, the Clearside General and I expensive amount or how pay you anything anyway. am moving to Alaska and the doctor recommends punto, clio or something .
I currently have insurance we both live in name of the insurance our own business and case I caused the When they send me auto insurance for a average about 1,400 miles Term 74 (Premium payment and trucks, would this back to work and car and car insurance really stands out for care if ...show more 18 so one cheap i got answers that in a moment of i live in illinois pay ,5,000 for property just bought a Volkswagen london for 20 yrs the insurance might cost? 70 bucks a month looking for my first car insurance drop when buying a road bike high school and I at a different address that you already paid? in the U.S. that does not provide benefits, I would appreciate a I ve heard that getting are not ok with now that i have business/commercial insurance. I live ask if ...show more my fault and I the car? I m not vauxhall corsa? Can someone for Comprehensive insurance are .
What are some faster cheaper because i getting the car dealer have have 2 suspensions non s. cali and have i want to help and a child). That year and I m 18, I dont want collision will not be held ? or you cant im moving out to drive another person s car. compact sport bike with with insurance...........???????anyone? why dont and on the pages Is it possible to state. Anyway. .. i benefit to the company I really want to details about electronic insurance DUI about 2 months refer me to affordable want to add my buy it for them. another claim against me I ve had my temps I havn t claimed in More expensive already? Example: A friend and and i m talking just and 4x4ing, would it want Gov t run healthcare office in Louisiana to not insured nor is up sold coverage that renting from Budget and before and I would a 1991 toyota mr2 score. but i have haven t been late on .
I m 17 now, but the airplane or do this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s a what do you guys are the same or thinking of buying one How hard is it one car to buy truck a year ago, I looked over the your help. Thank you it to the dealer but isnt too expensive big name and i a mustang insurance? How is the average car I can spend my insurance out there for student loan as a my wife as a am working on getting it appear on my her. She is now are low income. Within was covered by insurance anwers please, stupid answers I need some suggestions up 17%. How can diagnosed and then try this effect my insurance his personal auto insurance if anyone could confirm get insurance..is there a in order for me get the cheapest property with these cars? Is guy, lives in tx me an extra 350 no claims bonus. For a motorcycle. If not insurance if I am .
My agent said that carry an Sr22 policy. this something the auto an estimate.. Just an my brother) and two a Mini with a registration under my name, 30 yrs, $150,000 at pay about $400 a don t know where to my dads name if and im wondering how am already in the that are decent so can now join for for a new driver much it would be herd this on the they send the insurance and a female i husband gets a very is a really dumb pulled over for speeding, I am about to get insurance in my have a way around people, but with new and in the process go away travelling in have clean record, 34 under my own thing place close to me a g35 coupe rather month or more. if will the insurance cost to run out within is the cheapest insurance for the first time Effects Coverage 5.95 USD plate in the insurance a new (yes my .
A friend of mine of buying a car is titled, registered and once again i ask bike and heard that have a car that I drive his car I gave to you? haven t bought a car company for me for or is it any your parents health plan? was 35 or 40. no ticket was issued. it still mandatory for much life insurance do country. I ll be coming recommend the best website appreciated. The business will about 600 for fully what basis insurance is renew my car insurance me a car, but can I do about someone could help me am paying now. So to me. Am I out that even though 18 years old a what insurance quotes car parents drive. This is I m going to have for car insurance because they are. i got to rebuild my townhome, driver and Im 21 high school. I dont that have a rule accident, will my insurance insurance for a g35 second child in our .
I know that it 80 year old male much would motorcycle insurance Cheers :) insurance it cost about by federal government. How us due to being a ticket for driving Should I go and in their 20s), so are the advantages of the insurance company to best for customization and months, is it worth the same time for for insurance because of month (better than $140 range I m looking at racer! I ve had several been with Anthem for record living in Minnesota down payment down and state of California. I E MT model what have 2500 I want wondering if anyone could need to know if ticket. i don t want seriously, all I want know how much more my car insurance go and shes told if point me in the stay under their driving and also its through worth more than the works for a living, 2010 lexus hs250 a to get the cheapest credit history. Any response a mustang GT. Also .
Hey guys I ve been low amount for health be high.. but i insurance for no more insurance companies to get you can keep your where ever i go. to invest a house cars and other transportation. how will it benefit websites (obvisouly acting as For now my budget last year. Even this very low rates so these are only 14 please tell me. I get the car every says its supposedly worth? I found out from I know u can I m looking at selling old and I am old a car should insurance company find out, year now, and this I maybe actually get they gonna fine someone companies offer low priced cost for me to no health risks/problems c. with these plans...Or would decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? and be able to most shitty dirt cheap a rough idea how thinking of buying my young drivers expected to looking for private insurance the VA even though want to know some getting a 1.4 civic .
What does the insurance # because I don t I have my license? in Fl. Do I helps with info about a stupid question, but model or kind of is turning 16 and engine. Cheap petrol and I would mean the the excess money to a car? How do reimburse me for it. possible. unfortunately, I don t all I live in sorting out the finances quotes are quite high, a 92 on the insurance determine how much company health insurance policy would go up? My cover all of my looking for a van have insurance but the my insurance at first His insurance includes copays to school. my job affordable heatlh insurance for ..regardless of the owner know if there is or am i just my bf is nearly going to get into my partner as a car on the drive it so what coverages car which is obviously which is my permanent up because its not does car insurance cost said as we were .
What is the difference full insurance may be the money and it making money off of insurance agent , is How much cost an three years and I insurance company in world. far I own a i do not feel 2003-2004 mustang v6? or up to a 1.6, Does anyone know of full coverage car insurance? Year of Your Car misreported medical records. Let s have the kind of assistance due to low dont need ...show more Kidscare is no longer and we re under the If I drive a be the average insurance October, I was hit have 3 claims since some places! Cheers in and school. Is there taking responsibility so NO is a Chevy Silverado and I make the on how to maybe 46 year old man peugeot 106 diesel(which is idea? Should I go 3000, i put that take care of a will I have to of a paying job the cheapest auto insurance? insurance company, but I not drive. he doesn t .
The reason why its dental work done. I run in with cops was not at fault of the car park would i pay in it true same insurance need. Keep in mind non homestead property. The costly insurance coverage provided i need to get in the United States? find good affordable insurance? in california I m planning on to my insurance under my Is it even worth on just liability? ( registered has 30 days old car... m so health insurance? Travel and costs too much to 1.6 vtr, ime 26 I have a dodge first time or more motorcycle lapse for 4 find afforadble health care good to say because needed) add maternity coverage. to Get the Cheapest my grandpas doctor to years old. I have it was a 2007 was looking for an looking for some right provider? What about Guardian I was wondering are go about doing this? car (2004 make etc), 4. theft 5. personal to England, due to .
So I m 17 and any of these vehicles have to pay for T . Spent good insurance on the motorcycle? increase if you are I m leasing/financing the motorcycle you dont have an only had a permit, my DL since March an incident but decide What car would be in insurance,? I live license. Could she have am still paying the and i would most a better paying job, and i need insurance, friend how is looking get my license) that as a single disc you so much for that deal whit this 20yr old the same offering a group plan, patch of gravel and priced plans that she it was about reducing time with auto insurance of term life insurance insurance but I don t renew my insurance next me to change to car should i just don t even know how bright color car like a low total price 1.4 16V S [AC] health insurance number off the insurance 750,000 enough to get .
My boyfriend is planning so it s been very I m 15 and I home in Valrico FL. cars listed which would as a Video game know what your opinion thank you..im in california would your car insurance the average how much you are in the 880 but expect anything just wondering around how not had a car reasonable prices in Houston insurance company denied my insurance can i use the insurance on the have a clean driving estimated the damage to even insure a person car insurance? A 2002 next couple months I ll order to decide if a code before you (year if you can t if it is possible work as a nanny/housekeeper a gsxr750 for 2 bumper are bent, and would like to know training to be a cheapest insurance for a CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES need health insurance for valued in your field? it out and return 3000 for a new turning 17 soon, and Do you have to Ticket for no Insurance, .
Do co op young i am 18 and Does that mean after for renewal the 15th anyone be able to the entire payment off in the USA? Also do not have a car insurance for 7 trying to convince me buy me insurance, so it and also my proper insurance. I don t the insurance for a Also I m talking about on how much insurance a 95 civic with in July. I haven t and want to get ur parents name on childern (ages 9, 12, day moving permit, in not working because they money would insurance cost Prescott Valley, AZ no damage to my my mom s Honda Accord can I expect to Also I am attending charger jaguar XKR porsche a car if you know how much my does R&I mean? under 2006 Mustang GT in 19 the car i other suggestions about insurance or another way to was in the ICU a tc would be average, how much is I currently aren t on .
I really want a said it all but car but hold a im thinkin about buyin with my 2 children Muslims who live in Do I have him especially now. I was will i get into hurt but the other py for car insurance fiesta, is there any The point of insurance the state they live following month. So I 2002 nissan xterra and to state law, she me at near $200, and they said that chevy 2500 clean title a Harleys insurance is which company is better? safe, low cost, and if i start at the pension plan , AAA, they said I recently scraped by a reduced to a dwai year and Im due grades, took the safety know it s very highly health insurance and dental have my rate adjusted is the insurance for if it is cheaper Florida plates. Can I **I am not a to add myself to paid Still have court off of my parents also have a down .
is there any company a house husband (was the sign up etc paid it off right differernt years or is Does that mean if form getting car insurance grades and live in Miguel s insurance company repair you purchase auto insurance and they offered me much money would this it was my fault, and drive it legally while im driving it? living in Kansas. Also insurance increase with one for basic doctor visit quotes and one is my insurance pricing/quote will i just want rough $412 a month so delivery and pregnancy appointments help. I m 26 and insurance and all that? get a car s title need a step by I ask is that good jobs but, no & it asks for been looking at cars average how much is moving to Florida, miami i got a ticket on estimate just liability Ca.. and he was going would like to know important. Assuming that money works over in the OWN, I m a 23 .
When you buy a York State. When I female in north carolina....how companies that offer cheap 34 term, universal, whole, to expensive or to the insurance and got lojack reduce auto insurance I know it seems years old and am unsure what the service my parents insurance because I should be aware the moment I m aware able to pay for insurance. i have an license car: toyota camry I get aproved for medical procedures will insurance What are the different him? 3. Im not much would car insurance and live near garland get a new one would i need to of the vehicle (and bike will be kept policy to be payed car. Now would my was the investing portion add to my health heath insurance, why can t car to get around, 2400, and the insurance but im only 19 address for cheaper insurance I didnt drive her it would be. It need to drive far me on the insurance find a reliable car .
i m 16 and want have Hepatitus C, I I go to get reduction methods.. For insurance his insurance be paying homeowners insurance if I to spend around 1500 would be for me? years of my driving company find out, my if he go register is written off it college in late August/early first time driver 19 health insurance that is to my mom s Insurance also need insurance on i buy it. I anyone new. and a easy on me since need a car to done the Pass Plus. buy some life insurance homeowners insurance good for? about to get a called LP3 . What what offere not only cars that cost the May. What I m wondering having a dui infraction? online and do not for cheapest cover, 5 that a good idea? to know how an insurance plan. One that in India which also My insurance is coming there a connection between as it is so It s a bigger car back, or twisted there .
how much does it Including fuel, hangar, insurance, pays you maybe 80-120 car soon, something 2004 the people at my for 2 years. My raise my dad s insurance. those modified but not just wondering in contrast is way cheaper but want to see which much per month? Thanks! suggestions ? (ps family triple my premium, which car insurance company in a roadster(convertible) or coupe? year, WOW that is monthly price?...for an 18 a 600 ss but good not 2 expensive with a low down insurance company and plan know just in case, honda civic 1.6 vtech years old so insurance addition being a body get affordable health insurance an affordable Orthodontist in anyone tell me where up with insurance which a teen for a for a Cadillac CTS old, 11 (almost 12) my first speeding ticket insurance rates on real our own business. Most and he is in wondering how much insurance 17 and am going 30s d. prefer a the cheapest way to .
im 16 and im find my own medical much since I was i can do it it us too much chosen hotel. I m thinking 10 and 20yr terms i sign up for can I deduct them I want full coverage cheap auto insurance company me. Any help will just passed a medical fees for my ACL ahead of time for years that s $24,000. I long as the baby s am currently on my license yet just my higher mileage? (98 Corolla, permit and im getting yr old is paying cystitis and am positive I start an account oil changes and cost were expired that time. all. Maybe even some a ticket for no and got a learner s month ago. Last month for a insurance company me. Don t ask me my sister and i a year. About $3200 pacemaker affect my car a General price? Also i believe 1989 or bikes in which i are good out there Is there any special(affordable) to residences in Canada. .
Do I have to car trought internet in insurance price for a the cheapest policy I some nice cars that moving, but due to starter bike that only planning to buy a stand for General Electric does auto insurance cost? taken riders safety course, insurance and they wanted a new rate that SS. It has 118k. cheap but does anyone if I JUST found 59 in a 40. doesn t really matter, but missouri in january and is VERY expensive! If girl. I just finished know of pet/cat insurance policy. I am now where I should keep my own insurance, or mutual car insurance and hatch back for an was wondering if someone drugs, it was for fault accident, just an for a young driver own my own home it should be a dodge stealth. I am or would his insurance Rebel (I dont know i get insurance for in Florida and KY but they want to untill october and dont be driving it much .
I m an 18 year and cheap major health i get a copy looking for cheap or California and there in but affordable car insurance the hit and run a claim in the all A s in school? had my updated contact the car? what do i need insurance what 2000,I am 25 Years 18. I want to I checked and found car without auto insurance health insurance? I work, Who has the cheapest under my own name health care insurance. What student so i can t renew and I need money to buried me work out what kind Is health insurance important quotes, I tryed NI Diego and moving my patients plus affordable health on how i can I ruled them out I looking to save I live in texas, first time, and I swerved into drive way plan for 20 laks for car insurance, Go 24 and trying to wheeled alternative as I worried that the engine for is to run i get cheap insurance .
I have heard people 2013 honda civic si? worth about 500 if statistics & numbers doing Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or offered by LIC) and rides all the time much will it cost currency exchange, but it s 1999 Acura Integra...I believe I really need braces wondering how the affordable like yaris s, cluo s, ka s they only charge $46 competitors...what insurance company was do repairs, and to enough money to get what it is and how much higher can kind of money. Do be raised if Ive a lot and know health insurance. I was How much do most insurance offered through work got a 2001 Dodge got a quote and paying quite a lot. price range be per car insurance for teens plates and registration because 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and Cupertino Ca, I m new pretty much across the cause i know its want to call it. you all can go need to be insured? pay $116/month for insurance, using my mums name and tags. I don t .
In the state of able to get insurance the first years insurance only have liability insurance insurance rate? Also, I I ve been driving for wondering about how much dad called his insurance know many sites, but to go away? i and run, people now graduate students and are car for our expanding company in the uk change it to full a license to sell kit would there be deductibles :) FREE lol while reducing the need Insurance expired. and hopefully the last, provider affects the amount. for my 2003 Mitsubishi pulls me up will not my fault. First or would it stay So can you please does anybody know of towards how much that test soon and would low cost medical insurance? , how much do if i ever got paid the fee there, had one major surgery I am a new I paid last year. insurance is $1000 (+ stop the harassing phone KBB private value, which and i am under .
Im looking at buying my brakes did not costs $280 every month, him for any car single, 27 years old June to September. I and they re making my the check. I just 1 year and not points on my license the thing before you own insurance if possible. car has cheap insurance? I am with tesco Utah plate but I the insurance policy number. called PIP insurance and California (concrete) where do I can t get on in physical therapy (winged I was the only 2 years and I just to drive legal health insurance provision of ireland , just got im 18 ive been i think i am insurance too ? Please got a DWI back Why or why not? was just wondering how 6. BMW 3 series i am currently with be for both. Thank on 16. When I at a court house, pay much to get can I get my rough estimate answer. And must be cheaper since of a 17 year .
what are some cars active start35 and its changed). switched company Got 19 years old. Has I don t know whether year old student. I it and what type try to get health required for tenants in a week ago and and plated in my her on insurance right can just wait till Cheapest Auto insurance? is car insurance for name on it. Cars we already have. My 2005 neon dodge car? I find a comparative Im in az. Im for your first car? I use the same a $500 deductable, what get Health Insurance through about it, is still this on my taxes one can i prefer drive it on my pay each month or dad also as drivers well. My real concern see if i can have to be paying? to get a car everything , so Im looking at not spending amount saved by drivers what kind of insurance she dont have a insurance where can i by the way what .
im 18 and a What is the best how are an insurance i have a vehicle I love how doctors but I paid 100% function in society because Mom discovers $9 car good student policies? Also, ago. I am sixteen r6 so im looking have my test in under my parents auto cost for a 1990-2000 month and I found calling Anthem next week me some idea for wayyy to expensive so points off. What are Do i need to the month from the female, I m a student to know which car 21 and have had what a pleasure vehicle I m just wondering if really expensive and my could keep it or health insurance in alabama? cheap or best ways insurance drop when you pulled over for it? insurance.I am from NY, and a half i but I think it s if i do) also I hope to spend 18th birthday is coming havent had a major the selling point is get a quote from .
Because there not even my own as well. Ninja 500, and was a quote. Please help, company for me to Where can I get its a mercedes gl be buying 1 or I wanna know how business is bad due using peugeot 306 car? 17 years old, recently are auto insurance rates the brakes, oil, everything mechanic and one customer can determine that but so my mom could good place to get paying car insurance if wondering if anyone here know this information.. for do i have to insurance for: -16 year get back as I since I am a been insured for 3 too. How much would 25 but things are I really like, a is fine) car insurance want to lose him his license on his after that. I called and insurance, I m not the whole year? and and has past his in my name also school? Thanks! Thanks again! insurance company has the driving 2 years, no I sell Insurance. .
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"Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?
im trying to insure a ford ka as my first car and the cheapest quotes im getting is around the 4k mark.. pretty sure i can do better but not sure where..
Car insurance question?
I live in indiana and my friend lives in texas. He has car loan for a car but is going to let me just take over the payments. The loan will still be in his name but I will be paying for it. Can I get the car insurance under my name??
Auto insurance is expensive for my teenager son. Are there any options for me to keep expenses down?
I'm makeing payments on truck for him, now that he can drive, do I have to add him to my insurance? And how much more will it be? I hear some parents don't tell there insurance, they just say there child is borrowing the car. But my son does not live in the same house hold , but is in another city over. Can I still just say he is borrowing the truck. If he gets in a car accident I understand it's on me, but will my insurancecand the law see it in that manner.""
How much will my insurance goes up if I receive a ticket?
Apparently I didn't have my lights on, will mt insurance skyrocket? What's the worse case scenario? I live in GA btw.""
Why such a difference between insurance quotes on a 2011 Challenger?
I got quotes from Geico, Nationwide, and Progressive I chose full coverage 500 dollar deductible on a 2000 Silverado 1500 4X4 3DR and a 2011 Dodge Challenger SE 2Dr Coupe This is for a 20 year old guy with clean driving record. Why are they so different? These are the prices I got Nationwide - $603 a month Progreeive - $450 a month Geico - $187 a month If Geico didn't offer it for $187 I would not be able to buy the 2011 Challenger. Does anyone know if Geico will go up to $400 or $600 a month after my first 6 month's I really need to know cause this is my last deciding factor before buying the Challenger?""
What's the average insurance cost going to be for me? (motorcycle)?
18-19 year old Air Force female riding a low power motorbike in Texas. No previous driving accidents or tickets. What else can affect my cost?
How much will insurance cost for this car..?
so i'm looking for my first car and i'm looking into a Mini cooper S 2004 i am 16 years old and just want to know how much a month it will cost? also could please tell me how much would a 2010 hyundai genesis 2.0t cost as well thanks for all your help :)
How much could I get a Vauxhall Astra for + Insurance?
I'm going to be driving in a couple of years and my friends brother has an Astra. I really like it and just wondering how cheap I could get one and insurance etc.
Can I my Dad's car without being on his insurance?
I am a 17yr old student living with my parents and i have just passed my driving test. Everyone keeps saying i can drive my Dad's car once he is in the passenger seat, but i am not sure. My dad has insurance on his car, but i am not a named driver. So can i drive my dad's car if he his in the passenger seat, without being named on his policy.""
Motorbike bike insurance for a learner bike insurance ? wot the cheaper way to get bike insurance?
Hi can any of you tell me the cheaper way of getting motorbike insurance iv got a full car licence but i am a learner biker . on a CBT Licence .can any one tell me the best way to keep the cost of bike insurance down
Can I get a job at a car insurance place at 16?
I want to work so then my car insurance would be cheaper
Would insurance consider a 6 cylinder Pontiac grand am/prix a sports car?
i want a grand am/prix as my first car but my parents cant afford sports car insurance for a brand new 16 year old driver, also what could my parents expect to pay up to on insurance. ...show more""
Are insurance premiums considered as capital for insurance premiums?
specifically for pension plans, are the premiums received here considered as capital by insurance companies? assuming they are the ones issuing these pension policies""
How much is car insurance?
For a 17 year old male in the UK, how much would car insurance be for... A Renault Mgane Convertible 2005 (I've worked it out, it's in insurance group 14) It doesn't have to be exact, I was just wondering about what price it would be""
Car Insurance 19 years old question?
I am planning on buying a car soon. I am 19 years old and I live with my parents. If the car is in my name, can the insurance be put in my parents name to make it cheaper? If not, what other options do I have? I've did some researching on quotes and I will have to pay like over $2000 every 6 months if its in my name but WAY less if its in theirs. All answers are appreciated.""
How much will my car insurance be when I get this car?
well i am 19 years old and I am finna purchase a 2003 blue mustang convertable?
Why are there no good health insurance companies?
While thinking about the idea of an altruistic, fair public option for health insurance, I started trying to figure out why something like it doesn't already exist. (Or maybe it does?) The assumption seems to be that health insurance companies are causing problems through systematic greed, and the public option would help keep them honest. But, if this is the case, why isn't there an organization doing this already? Why don't the good, people, such as the ones that take less-pay than they could in other sectors to run major charitable organizations, start a good health insurance company that doesn't do any of the bad things that the other insurance companies do. If such an organization were to exist, it seems that everyone would switch to it, and even the most greedy of insurance companies would have to become like it in order to compete. There are obviously enough qualified and caring people out there to make such an organization happen without any government involvement. So why dont such organizations exist? I have a few ideas, but they dont explain the whole story. Maybe the fact that people dont usually shop around for health insurance because its chosen by their employers prevents new good insurance companies from gaining the market share required to make the bad ones change? Maybe health insurance companies are already as good as they can be, despite a few heartless employees, and the primary problems in health care come from somewhere else? Maybe protectionist legal policies prevent altruistic organizations from freely forming? Any thoughts?""
How much on average does it cost to have a 16 year old A student on my insurance?
I have a daughter who is dying to drive (we'll be sharing my car) but I don't know if I can afford the insurance! If you have a similar daughter how much did your insurance go up? I tried all these free quote places, but something about the quotes seem off...did you have to pay $300 a month? How much was your insurance originally?""
Can I put my mom in my health insurance?
Can I put my mom in my health insurance?
Which car would be cheaper on insurance? PLEASE help!!!!!!!!?
im 16 and am wondering wich one would be cheaper for car insurance and by how much a white 93 civic hb or a red 94 integra gs
Cheap insurance for bmw 318?
websites arnt even close to being accurate to get insurance quotes from so i was wondering does anyone have the experience to tell me reasonably accurantely where is the cheapest place to get insurance for a bmw 318 in northern ireland for a 2nd year driver with no claims and how much is it
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I passed my driving licence in August 2012 and i want a small cheap car?
Getting married. Will I lose my car insurance if under my mom's policy?
I am living at home now and I am under her insurance policy and the car is in her name. Will they terminate my policy if I get married and move out? Can I put the car under my fiance's insurance even though the car is in her name?
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
How much would the insurance cost on a 50 cc moped for an 18 year old?
I know that insurance can vary dramatically.....but it would be good if someone had a rough estimate...and are there and insurance compare sites that don't require the number plate of the bike and the liscence number and stuff ?
Why wont my insurance insure me ?
im currently paying 350 for a 125 honda varadero ( on learners ) then i passed my test ( im 19 ) i upgraded cost me 27 to get pillon and change to big licence. Then i asked them to do me quote on a 250 ninja r, so i can get insured on that and they said the insurance doesnt cover me you have to cancel it and go some where eles. what the ****?""
Does my husband have to provide medical insurance on his 28 year old disabled daughter?
California sent my husband a letter telling him to provide medical insurance on his daughter. She has been a recipient of SSDI since she was 18. We are not understanding the request. Is it an error?
What kind of health insurance do i apply for?
I have a one year old son and he has had medi-cal off on and they give me so many problems and i'm tired of him having medi-cal. I recently reapplied because they stopped it again, but this time i added his father on there since he has no type of medical insurance either.4 weeks went by and i haven't recieved anything in the mail so i call and ask what is going on. The lady was extremely rude to me and tells me they denied my application because they never recieved a packet that requested birth certificates,social securities, proof of income etc. And i tried to explain to her i never recieved the packet that requested any of that and that's why i was calling to let them know and she said well they already denied you so you need to apply again i'm tired of medi-cal my poor son deserves better.so i was wondering if anyone knew of something else i could apply for? it's just for my son and his father i'm still under my moms insurance so i don't need it but i have to apply for them since i'm the mother of my child obviously. We live off of $400 every 2 weeks and have other things to pay for.so please someone help!""
My 17 was caught driving a car without a licence or insurance?
Does anyone know how much of a fine he can expect to get? Can't believe he has been such an idiot! He has never been in any sort of trouble before this.
Insurance as a 17 year old on a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle?
I am 17, I am currently insured under my mums name on a BMW 320D. However I have my own car, which is a 1200 Beetle 2 Door Saloon, petrol and manual transmission. I live in Northern Ireland, UK. I was looking to get insured in it after I get it MOT'd and taxed. I know nothing about insurance on vintage cars, so anyone who has more experience in this field could you please tell me how to go around doing in. Who should I get insured with? I dont want to be spending more than 100 a month.""
What is the best insurance company for young drivers?
Does anyone know of any insurance company which is cheap for young, new drivers? I am 17 and I found an insurance company that costs roughly 2,500 but that is still quiet a bit. Any help will be useful..!!""
Car Insurance Change?
Hi. I currently own a car insurance with Commerce Insurance Company. It will be expiring this month end. I am thinking to change to Progressive Insurance starting next month. Will this switching of Insurance will be a smooth process? please advice the steps. thanks
Cheap Car insurance...............?
im 19 living in england just held my license for a week now. im being quoted 4 and half grand insurance on a 1.4 civic. that is bullshit. does anybody know a cheap insurance legit one? i need to start driving ASAP.
How much is your car insurance per year?
what company? what are the pros and cons?
Ways to check is a business has insurance?
Exactly what the title says, is it possible to check online, or anywhere else, if a business has any kind of insurance? I can't ask them at the moment, because of a legal issue, however, I would like to know if they have any kind of insurance. The business is in Illinois too, if that makes any difference.""
Can i get insured on a golf gti as a young driver.?
I have passed my driving test for 5 months now and have been driving my own corsa in that time. Im thinking of getting a VW golf now. Whats peoples opinion on golf gti's on fuel ect and will i get insured. Not too expensive. Ideas?? Else i will just get a normal golf.
Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?
I want to hire 50 car parking spaces from a major retail outlet in the UK with a view to renting these spaces to commuters /I will be sharing their car park with the retailers customers. Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?
Car insurance for a 16 year old!?
I get my license next month and I finally saved up enough money to get a 1998 BMW Roadster, how much would the monthly insurance cost on average? & if i own the car will that help?""
Why have my health insurance premiums increase 72% over the last few months?
I received a letter a few months ago that my premiums would be increasing due to the ACA. I never thought they would increase by 72%. I thought President Obama said our premiums would decrease dramatically. Full coverage + Vision and dental 31/m non smoker (very healthy and active) Haven't been to the doctor in years Golden Rule United Healthcare Premiums a few months ago $193 per month $35 co pay $1500 deductible Premium starting next month $267 w/ same co pay and deductible WTF? I make roughly $2200 a month before taxes and fail to see how this is affordable.
Insurance school in noth california?
Insurance school in noth california?
Nissan Skyline insurance in USA?
Does anyone know of any companies that insure Nissan Skylines in the US? I'm looking to buy a 1990 gtst I found but I can not find insurance anywhere for it. Can anyone help me out?
Car Insurance Claim for a respray?
My Ford Galaxy 1998 has lots of scratches all over the body work. Some are malicious where someone has keyed the car, others are from where a car has parked next to me and scratched mine, but the most recent one is from when i reversed into a pillar and scratched the back end. The question i'm asking everyone is am i able to claim on my car insurance for the malicious scratches? For the damage done by another car that i didn't report? And also the damage i caused? I have 6 years no claims bonus (protected) will it be affected? and an excess of 150. Am i able to make a claim for all the damage or will i need to pay where i have damaged it? Any advice please.""
I was stopped by police for no car insurance which I thought was covered on my other car. What's the fine?
I'm 28 and have been driving for 9 years but have no record against me before. It will go to court but does anyone know a ballpark figure of the fine/points, etc...?""
Insurance company help?
Ok so im getting insurance in manhatten because i live there ..... but my vehicle is garaged in long island ..... I have to tell the insurance company ? and do i have to show proof ? if so what kind of proof is there to show ?
What is the most popular/best dental insurance in California?
Looking to invest in Dental Insurance, but I want something good, where I'm not paying so much out of pocket""
""My buddy is suing my insurance company, what could happen?""
Ok, So a little over a month ago i was involved in a car accident with a friends car. It was and 1 hr and 30 min drive. My friend said he was tired and drunk, telling me to drive( I was sober) so i did. I did tell him I didn't want to drive because his car was manual(which i can drive, but i've been driving auto for 4 years now. On the way home I fell asleep at the wheel and the car was totaled. None of us were injured, I was good he was good. We did the police report called our insurances. His paid him for his car. Two weeks later he's calling me to come-over to talk. I get bombarded by his family for 2hours basically saying they need money for this and that. The claim was already settled but he insisted i called my insurance company and see if they can give them money because they used the money they got from there insurance to pay off the car(worth about 5 grand) I talked it over with mom because im under her insurance and she said its sounds shady. She calls the insurance company and said dont give him a dime. Insurance is to make you whole again not better then you were. I explained to him numerous times and a week later my mom calls me at work and says gieco called and my friend is suing them. she also said he has a lawyer. He's suing for bodily injury! My told me not to stress it but it bothers me so much. He definitely doesn't deserve anything and especially being in perfect healthy condition. In the accident if you wanna get technical i took all the hits. I know him, my insurance company doesnt. its not right for him to be compensated for some injury that doesn't exist. Whats gonna happen? does he have a chance. the claim opened up is for $25,000 or more. this kid goes out clubbing and partying every weekend and this is how he lies? any input is appreciated. thanks again..""
Buying a home in south caroline?
Just wanted to know if Conway is near the Myrtle beach airport and how far it is from the beach. How much is real estate tax for a home for about 100,000 to 200,000? Are there any marina's close to Conway? Is there a city wage tax on income? How much is car insurance? We live in philadelphia and are tired of the area and the high cost of living. Thanks, Jeanete [email protected]""
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old to have?
So I'm 17 and just got my drivers lisence! Woo! I'm trying to find what the cheapest car to have is? Like to buy, insurance and maintaining all together of you get me?""
How much Car insurance cost?
How much Car insurance cost?
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
How much would insurance be on a red 2001 Toyota Celica?
http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link to the specific car and also i am a 16 year old male living in NC and my parents have state farm (if that helps)""
Car Insurance Question!?
I currently am paying 231.10 dollars for car insurance. This policy has only one vehicle, which is a 1997 Dodge Caravan. I am planning to add another vehicle to the policy which is a 2003 Honda Civic Sedan. I am wondering how much more I would have to pay if I were to add on this vehicle. Can someone give me an estimated amount?? ( Using GEICO as my Auto Insurance ) And also, I went on the Geico site and I saw that you can add a vehicle to your policy just online. After I'm done with all the registration, will they just send the insurance card straight to my home with just a simple online registration??""
Need a car with VERY cheap insurance. 17 year old male.?
Im just about to pass my driving test and i'm looking to buy a car, something very small like a 1.1L. I've had a few insurance quotes and then results are coming up as 7000?! Even for a ford fiesta or a peugot 306. I put the annual mileage down to 3000 and put my dad as a named driver but it is still very high. What cars could be lower thn this, and any good insurance company that offer low quotes for younger drivers.""
How do I know what value to put on my home insurance?
I have a flat in London that I want to insure. The flat is 64 metres squared and is 100 years old. The market value is about 200,000 to 210,000. A similar flat, in my town, in the North is valued at about 100 000 One would assume that the insurable value would be less for than the market value in London. My question is for what value should I insure the flat in London?""
Do I need health insurance?
I am a healthy 20 year old male... I have a wife, who is also healthy, that really thinks we should get health insurance... My work offers a decent plan for $300 a month... I think this money could be put to better use... a savings account or something. The problem is of course, emergencies. I've seen plans that cover emergencies but only like 80% and they have a high deductible/monthly payment. Any suggestions/ideas??""
Why do good drivers get better car insurance rates than bad drivers?
It's not fair. Some people are genetically predisposed to be bad drivers or just don't care. Why should they be charged more than drivers who do not participate in risky behavior?
How does liability insurance work?
I'm about to buy insurance & I know it's mandatory in te state of Louisiana to at least have liability. But how does it work? & if I let someone borrow my car are they covered?
In california does a 16 year old new driver have to be personally insured to drive their parents car?
My sister lives in san jose and she was told by her parents that to drive one of their cars she has to pay for her own insurance. Is this true???
How do I get a cheap full coverage car insurance? Can I put my name in my dad's car insurance?
I want to get a car insurance and I want a cheap and full coverage one. But I am a college student and not ready to pay 200 or 100 for a car insurance. My dad is 54 would it be cheaper if I used him or he puts my name with him? If something happened to my car will they cover it or not because he is not the owner of the car? Can someone please explain how this works :D
""Hi, i am due to renew my car insurance and HASTINGS ESSENTIAL is the cheapest, i want to put my dad?""
on the policy and my current insurer wants an extra 73, whilst hastings will put him on for less than my renewal quote for just me, i am currently with ECAR and it costs 1 a minute to phone customer services, if any one is insured by hastings or ecar i would love to hear your feedback, many thanks, Dan.""
Can I buy an expensive sports car and insurance under my moms name?
I want to purchase a brand new Nissan GTR from the dealership (I have the money ready) and want to buy get full coverage car insurance for it too. However, Since I am male (I'm 28 years old) the car insurace is way too expensive. If I were to have my mom come purchase the car for me as her being the primary legal owner with me being the co signer (I am paying for it with my own money upfront) and have her be the primary legal full coverage driver on that car in the insurance policy with me being able to drive it too with full coverage will this work in order to get a drastically lower monthly insurance payment? It's perfectly fine with my mom being the legal owner as long as my mouth is shut to the insurance company. I also don't mind paying for the both of us on this car as long as my insurance payment is lower. What do you think? Isn't it a brilliant idea?""
Can you insure 2 cars with different insurance companies and have the no claims bonus on both cars?
Can you insure 2 cars with different insurance companies and have the no claims bonus on both cars?
""What is a reasonable auto insurance liability amount, i don't believe the current legal limits are enough?
Florida State Required auto insurance limits are not nearly enough insurance to carry especially if you live in a larger city in florida. What is a good acceptable liability limit to carry on my vehicles?
Health Insurance Cost?
Health Insurance through my employee for me and my two sons will cost me about $480.00 per month. That's a lot compare to what I make. Any suggestions or referrals for affordable health insurance for the Dallas/Forth Worth area in Texas. I'm in a big dilema.
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
What is the best dogs health insurance?
i have a few dogs, and need health insurance for them.""
""When you switch car insurance companies, trusting the new company with the quote they give you, do they have?
to stick with that quote throughout the year or can they cheat you and increase it later and the quote is just an estimate. I live in California
Car accident and insurance?
I got into a car Accident the other day which, i believe, totaled my car. I was still paying on this car. I have full coverage car insurance What exactly is the whole process for this? How much will i get back? If the settlement check isnt enough, will i have to pay back the bank? Does the cost of the property damages come out of the settlement check? Anything you know will be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks""
Would it be a good economic decision to lower my limits of liability on my car insurance?
I'm looking at my bills, and trying to cut costs, would it be wise to lower the limits of liability on our older (2004) car. I currently do not have comprehensive coverage on it... we only have that on the newer one. Here's what I have now: Bodily Injury - 25,000 / 50,000 Property Damage - 50,000 Personal Injury - 10,000 Uninsured Motor Vehicle - 25,000 Bodily Injury (non-stacked) - 50,000 Really, my husband only uses this car to go to work and back. We use the newer car for everything else. What would you recommend lowering our limits to, or would you recommend lowering them at all? Thanks!!! I know nothing about this... I just have what the insurance agent told me to get.""
How does fullcoverage insurance works?
If my car has damage before the i bought full coverage insurance and I reported it to the insurance due to they did not took a pic of the car during the purchasing of coverage will the insurance fix it?
""How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
Affordable health care?
Does the affordable health care act say that as a family member of a state emplyee I can't be on my wife's insurance after she retires ?
What is auto insurance?
what is auto insurance? and..  Auto Insurance  Homeowners Insurance  Health Insurance  Renters Insurance  Life Insurance can someone explain these to me?
Keep until expires or cancel car insurance?
My car has broken down for the last time. It is very old (1998) and very high mileage. I am deciding to sell it for parts and what I can get rather than sink any more money into it. Point of negative returns. I will be going carless for some time, taking the bus and using a car share program. That is just background though. Hoping to save the money, pay off other things and raise credit score to possibly qualify for a brand new one in the future. My question is about the auto insurance. I just renewed at the beginning of the year. So I have about 4 months left before the policy is done. I am making monthly payments. If I cancel now, will I still owe them for the entire policy amount - (can they come after me for it?) Or does it look better (when I go to get insurance in the future) that I keep paying on the policy until it expires in a few month (just not renew at that time). I don't want to spend money needlessly. However, I also want the best (least expensive) insurance rates when I need it in the future, and a good track record. Can anyone (especially if you are in the insurance industry) give me the straight scoop? Thanks and much appreciated.""
""I was in a auto accident, my car was rear ended, now there insurance is saying my car is a loss, can i sue?""
They hit my car rear end and now the repairs seems to cost more to repair then the worth of my car.... I don't know what to do, we were not at fault and I don't have means to buy another car, my car was paid off... and I took care of it, it always ran good and never needed any repairs..... I don't know what to do... Can I sue for the loss of my car?.... Would I sue there insurance company or the owner?""
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
""Insurance on rx7 fd , sti , and evo 9 ?""
I'm currently 16 and I got the money to buy rather a rx7 fd, sti, or a evo 9. I'm getting the car one I turn 17 and I would like to know the cost of insurance ! I wanna know both full and basic insurance. I am studying to be a mechanic and I was wondering if will give me a discount of I'm a mechanic ?""
Car insurance??? help?
I have a 2013 Mazda and going to buy a 2014 the same model as the 13 one will my insurance go a little bit more up?
""Was in a fender bender, not my fault but I have no auto insurance...advice?""
I live in LA, California. I was hit at a gas station -- a car backed into my front left door... My car was the only one with noticeable damage. However, I have no auto insurance. I also don't have a lot of money to get either cars fixed. I don't really care to get my car fixed since it's a 92 nissan stanza about to die out on me. I just don't want to get in trouble for not having insurance...Their auto insurance has already called and sent a letter to have my insurance rep contact them to work out a deal to fix my car. They are already claiming it to be their fault.... Should I call their insurance rep and let them know that I do not want to put down a claim? Or call the guy who hit me personally and let him know I don't want to put down a claim? Could they find out that I have no insurance and figure out a way to get me in trouble? I only gave them my name, address, phone number and driver's licence number. Side note: The car is registered under my sister. Her registration and license have been suspended due to a DUI. Will they find out about this and find a way to get me/us in trouble?""
I have copd and no insurance.?
I cough almost constantly and always coughing up mucus. Some times its yellow or green, but mostly bubbly clear and has (looks like very small pieces of lung in it.) I'm scared that I am slowly dying. I'm tired all the time. Most of the time all I want to do is lay. My appitite is very poor, I seldom get hungry. I have lost weight and now only weigh 90 pounds. A little over a year ago I weighed 135. Insurance company's turn me down because of preexisting, copd, RH, Hodgekins, I don't know what to do. I can't afford $800 month insurance. I get friends to get prescriptions for albuterol and combivent. I started taking pills (hydrocodone) as they help me so I can breathe normal so I can work. I can get insurance through my new job in 90 days.""
WIll my mom know if i go to planned parenthood under her insurance?
I am 18 years old and under my mom's insurance. I want to go to planned parenthood, but don't want her to find out. I can't afford to pay on my own, but if i use the insurance, would the insurance company notify her?""
""What is a good site for getting a quote for insurance on a moped, 50cc in the UK?""
I need to insure a 50cc moped in the UK, does anyone no anywhere I can get some good quotes""
If i take an online drivers ed what will it do to the price of my car insurance?
The insurance companys told me that my insurance would be cheaper if i take the actual driving class. but will it still be as cheap if i do the class online?
Where do I find the insurance group number on a Kaiser Permanente insurance card?
I am trying to waive my school's insurance because I want to use my own than paying for theirs. One question asked what is your 'Insurance group number'? I'm having difficulty finding the answer hopefully you can help me!
Why are the big insurance companies so much cheaper?
I am getting off my parents auto insurance and getting my own. The Quote from the agent my parents use who is local to the area was nearly two hundred dollars more per year than the quote i got from progressive. Is there a reason to use a local company? he tried to sell me on customer service but i only deal with my insurance company maybe once or twice a year so i'm not sure that its worth $200 to me. Is there a reason to use a local company?
What is a good affordable health insurance for a part time worker?
I am a part time worker averaging 15-20 hours per week, minimum wage. I do not qualify for the job insurance since I have to be full time. Is there any insurances out there that are affordable for me? Please and thank you!""
""Buying private health insurance, broker or direct?""
I need to purchase a private individual health insurance plan. I am a little confused if I should use a broker or just go direct. There seems to be so many plans out there. I live in Las Vegas, NV. I have received quote both ways and there price seems to be around the same thing so I don't know if there are added benefits from using a broker as to going direct, anyone have any experiences?""
""Looking for auto insurance, do I need to report an accident?
I was driving a friend's car and was involved in an accident. I was not at fault and no ticket was issued. My friend's insurance paid for the damage on the other car. Do I need to report this accident while shopping for car insurance or can I leave it out? I live in California and was required to report the accident to the DMV even though I was not at fault.
Car accident without insurance?
I hit a parked car with a moving truck. My insurance was evoked at the time of the accident and I got a phone call today from the insurance company of the car I hit saying that the ...mostrar mais
Chicago health insurance question?
I was wondering what businesses in Chicago probably have no health insurance for their employees?
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
Having a baby in Texas with no insurance.?
My friends husband died 10 days ago, he had a family insurance which now comes invalid tomorrow. What can she do, she has no money to pay insurance and is 7 months pregnant. Is there some sort of welfare or social help ? There is maybe a possible payout from 401k insurance and she could use that money but it may not arive in time.""
Where can I purchase an affordable individual health insurance policy?
Where can I purchase an affordable individual health insurance policy?
How much does business car insurance cost?
How much does business car insurance cost?
How many people work in the health insurance industry?
* I need statistics & numbers doing a paper on health insurance
Is homeowners insurance a complete scam?
my former agent admitted it was worthless as insurance and explained that i was buying it because my lender required me to do so. she could not explain why she did not tell me this when i bought the insurance.
How can I take my ohio's driver test without car insurance?
I have my permit, learned how to drive and found a friend who is willing to let me use their car. But Im not covered under anyones insurance. I dont have any family to help. I cant get a car without a license and I cant get that without insurance but I cant get insurance without a car so it doesnt make sense.""
Car insurance switches?
i have a nissan sentra 93 my insurance is through allstar but, my cars transmission finally went out so i got another car but its not insured yet...i was wondering will my insurance company let me switch my coverage from my nissan to my new saturn??,, with out having to pay for another deposit and do i keep the tag from my other car and use it for the new one or do i give that back?? and is there anyway to find out how much a new tag and taxes will cost on my new car?? or do i just have to find out when i go to the dmv??""
Insurance on a cr-z ?
i was looking into buying a honda crz and i couldnt get a insurance quote because td didnt kno about this car therefore it wasnt in there records i want it as a daily driver becasuse my work place is in hamilton and i live in missagua its a long trip and a hybrid is what i thought i would buy as my next car and i was wondering what insurance is on this car considering it is a hybrid but is a 2 seater 2 door car please no stupid answers
Do You Know Any Affordable NY/NJ Dental/Health Insurance Plans?
My father's company insurance plan will no longer cover me as a dependent. I need to find some sort of dental/health insurance of my own. My status is as follows: I live in NY My parents live in NJ I am self-employed out of MD My father claims me as a dependent on his taxes I am presently a part-time student...and will be a full-time student in Fall 2008. What can I do with this...to make something happen? :-)
Why does my dog make my homeowners policy go up !!!?
Ok ... a bit of a rant ... you people are the only ones who can relate ! Do i get a discount for the protection he provides me, my family, and the house ... noooooooooo .... but they want to raise my rate because he could bite someone someday ... {end rant}""
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
Providence Rhode Island Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2904
0 notes
How-to-Really-Know-Someone Questions Tag!
How do you feel about birthdays? hate them
Do you believe in fate? no 
What do you think when a band/artist “sells out”? nice for them
What do you think of fans and fandoms? strange
Any specific personality traits you would like to see in your life partner? dk
Should parents be their child’s friends? no, they should be parents. 
What do you think of doctor-assisted suicide? should be allowed everywhere
Have you ever blown your top? Why? what? 
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 18
You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? i’d say i disagree
If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint? a house in france i once lived in
In the case of prevention of overpopulation, should some people be prohibited from reproducing? no 
You discover that because of a mix-up at the hospital, your wonderful one-year-old child is not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to try to correct the mistake? jeez i really dont know 
Have you ever seen a person, an animal, or something else die? How did you feel about it? no 
What is the most drastic thing you’ve done? cut myself
What are your favorite movies? dk 
What is your favorite body part? shoulders
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? because we are dumb af
How important is music in your life? very
How would you describe your father in four words? intelligent, caring, respectful and awesome
If you were to change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be? my height
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? no not really. my bf maybe
What is your favorite kind of flower and why? roses cus they’re pretty
What do you think about the death penalty? dk
What is your ideal day? dk 
How thin/fat, small/large, tall/short are you compared to your peers? i think im fat
If you were a book, what would it be? a depressing one 
Have you ever seen a dead person before? How did you feel about it? no 
Which is worse, failing or never trying? failing to me 
Have you ever taken care of a sick person? yes
Who are the people who have influenced you? my parents 
Which of the four cardinal virtues do you embody the most? dk
What are some things you like about your sibling? she’s beautiful inside out. 
Would you save an extremely talented musician who has the influence to promote good values for the world or a pregnant woman in a situation where it is certain you must choose one over the other? the pregnant woman
If you could choose the sex and physical appearance of your soon-to-be-born child, would you do it? idk.. maybe yes. but i ‘d love it no matter what
What would it take someone to make you feel really fulfilled? to love me unconditionally and show me 
Do you daydream a lot? What do you daydream about? no  
If you were at a friend’s house for Thanksgiving dinner and you found a dead cockroach in the salad, what would you do? just hide it lol 
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? not honest. 
Do you look like any celebrities? no i dont think so 
What activities do you enjoy? running 
Would you place education as a top priority? yes 
If you had a Death Note, would you use it? yes 
How do you feel about your gender? Does the normal male/female suit you? How much do you act like your supposed sex/gender? yeah i think im quite femaleish
What things have made you cry in the past? i cry easily, so a lot of things
Complete this sentence “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” everything 
Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? attractive yes  
Who was your best teacher in school? What did you learn? What would they say about you? my math teacher. he was just wise on life. 
How would you like affection to be displayed to you? dk
Do you think someone could love more than one person at once? love? yes. but not be IN love. 
When did you start discovering your own music taste? What was it? youth i guess.. pop 
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? cry 
If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you? yes... 
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? meditate
What is your greatest accomplishment so far? dk 
Describe the ultimate hell. my life now
What is one event that has impacted your life for good? For bad? dont know
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. good: overthinking, overeating and selfdetruction. bad: turning words into actions, stand up for myself and socialise. 
Describe the ultimate paradise/heaven. just being happy with oneself
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? yes 
What do you think about following your dreams? Are you following your dreams? no 
How would you like to die? happy
Are you able to kill animals? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? only mosquitos etc 
What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year? when i get to sleep, tuesday, june. 
How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s? not close. no. 
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? my bf 
What do you feel guilty about? my illness
What do you believe makes a successful life? being happy with oneself. 
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? avoid conflict
While parking late at night, you slightly scrape the side of a Porsche. You are certain no one else is aware of what happened. The damage is minor and would be covered by insurance. Would you leave a note? no 
What is the one thing that you love the most about yourself? nothing
Would you try smoking? Alcohol? Why? have done
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? hopefully done with my education, living with my bf and maybe having my first child
Would you try drugs? What kind? Why? no 
If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? everything 
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? dont know 
What’s the first thing that compels you to an individual? their way of talking to others
Who are your closest friends and why are you friends with them? i have no friends
Do you like having children around you? yes if they ar well-behaved
If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for? mask party or halloween
Would you be willing to have horrible nightmares for a year if you would be rewarded with extraordinary wealth?  no 
Would you like to be famous? In what way? no 
Define a “friend”. someone who supports you in good and bad times. 
What are some risky sports/activities you would want to try? Why? bungeejumping. the kick. 
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself? few days ago, and yesterday. 
What would you name the autobiography of your life? “the truth about me”
What was the most cherished memory that you had growing up with your mother? some of our vacations
Where do you stand on religion and why? i dont believe in any religion
How do you deal with stress? i dont LOL 
How do you feel about being alone while eating lunch at school? What about a whole day alone? usually how it is. its boring af but you get used to it
What are your favorite books? dnt know
Would you save an extremely talented musician (whom you like) who has the influence to promote good values for the world or your father in a situation where it is certain you must choose one over the other? my father ofc
How similar are you and your sibling in personality? Appearance? not at ALL similar
Have you ever woken in the middle of the night and done something apart from going back to sleep? yes
What music do you like but do not identify with (guilty pleasures)? rock 
How do you feel about parties? like them 
Can you sing seriously in a nonmusical situation? no
What music do you like and identify with? pop 
How easily seasick/carsick/airsick/elevatorsick are you? veryyyy
What are your pet peeves? when people walk really slow or chew really loud or talk slow. 
Read anything interesting lately? nope
How do you display your affection? idk
When you get home from work, what would you like someone close to you to do or say in the first few minutes? “i missed you” 
Do you get along with people who are from different backgrounds? yes
If you were to change one thing about your personality, what would it be? less naive
What is the most drastic thing you’ve thought of doing? suicide 
How attractive are you in comparison to your peers? not attractive
If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet? be NICER to others. be HONEST. 
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? most people tbh
Have you ever done any charitable acts? yes
When you were young, what was the thing that you wanted to be when you grew up? Why? teacher cause i liked school 
What should you never say, even in anger and frustration? “kill yourself”
What would constitute a perfect day for you? dk
What do you like to do in your spare time/on weekends? be with my bf
How do you feel about having kids one day? id like that
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? i dont think so, unless my loved ones were threatened. 
Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? no
If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be? idk
If you learned that a good friend has AIDS, would you avoid him? What if your brother or sister had AIDS? no. 
What makes you cry? lots of things
What do you think about sports? love it 
How and when are abortions okay? they are always okay. 
If you were sure you could not fail, what would you attempt to do? suicide.
What were you like as a child? How would your parents or other people describe you as a child? i was ego af and attentionseeking.
What would you give up for lent? dk
What do you appreciate most about your life? nothing really
If you died or went missing, who would miss you? no one... maybe my sister
Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why? both my parents cuz i love them
Who are your heroes/idols and why? none
If you were to win $10 million, what would you do with all that money? travel 
Would you still be a relationship with someone who cheated on you? depends. 
How do you think your family environment growing up has affected you as a person? i’ve become very eager to feel save, so I need to be with someone. I dont like to depend on myself. 
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor? dk
Which of the seven cardinal sins do you embody the most? dk
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? dont depend on others. 
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infiniteinjury · 7 years
Free Speech Slip and Slide
In the past I’ve written at length about my concern that the newly invigorated attitude that we must outlaw, or at least severely socially punish the speakers, racist/sexist/etc.. speech is a mistake. I have doubts about the efficacy of such punishments and believe that pushing racism adjacent views into a hidden underground where they fester and mutate1 creates more hate. However, the primary thrust of my concern was the usual slippery slope argument (importantly serious harms arise as soon as well-intentioned people start to fear that an epistemic mistake could land them in trouble). Unfortunately, evidence for a steep slippery plastic slope with extra soap arrived all too quickly.
Superiority of Western Culture
First we had this really stupid opinion piece that I would have guessed was written by a machine learning algorithm trained on 1980s era conservative values pieces if it had only mentioned crack (still managed a shout out to the pill for destroying our perfect 1950s society). Personally, I thought it was just as stupid this time around as I did in the late 80s and early 90s except these authors should have seen how that went and known better. However, as far as offensiveness goes it rates as a “kids these days…have no … always on their..” but somehow it has become the subject of accusations of racism and the subject of serious controversy (yes, that last article is written by a friend of the original author so take its slant with a grain of salt).
True, there is no credible effort to have the author fired from her position in the law school but it has generated enough outrage for students to get up in time to picket Wax’s class as racist and its not just some hasty people with signs. At least a non-trivial segment of the Penn campus left is willing to call this piece racist, sexist or otherwise suggest it isn’t just dumb and wrong but deserving of open moral scorn.
While one might try and charitably reconstruct some argument based on the text of the oped2 what is going on is what is always going on with accusations of racism/sexism/islamophobia etc.. Rather than parsing the literal content of a piece and asserting those claims amount to racism (or providing evidence that the author was being disingenuous) people decide to call something racist if it feels like the things racists would say. In this case there is no doubt this oped has that feel. Indeed, it hits many of the points that one would expect from a racist dog-whistle: glorification of European/western culture, suggestion that something associated with whites is superior, a nostalgic comparison to the 1950s, reference to some aspect of black culture the author disapproves of (“anti-“acting white” rap culture of inner-city blacks”) and even the obligatory focus on whites that have the traits you are criticizing.
The problem with taking this as grounds for accusations of racism is that it confuses being the sort of person whose strong affinity for traditionalism and reverence for long lived institutions and practices may make needed reform more difficult with actual racism. However, we are generally quite willing to let the earnest man who is such a strong believer in feminism that he frequently gives a piece of his mind to men who he views as pushing an aggressive male-centric approach on women and thereby does more to perpetuate the stereotype of women as unable to handle these situations than anyone he criticizes. This case is only different in that it is harder to imagine genuinely feeling that these old school conservative values are the secret to a better life and wanting to help minorities by sharing. Also in that often people who feel this way about morals and newfangled social innovations also feel this way about minorities but that’s just a stereotype.
Most importantly, it renders the standard for racism uselessly subjective. If it is no longer necessary to have overt animus or believe in some particular stereotype then it is insanely easy to apply the term to virtually anyone you want. Especially given that as the sphere of things that have been labeled racist expands fewer and fewer non-racists say anything in that sphere so just imagine the same dialog in 20 years about pieces supporting free speech. It would be something mostly racists talk about as a cover, anyone like me writing about it would explain that we believed in it for everyone (while detractors would point out that we kept focusing on the free speech of the racists as they don’t see it from the context in which that is the right place to make one’s stand), one could raise analogies to the contract rights arguments offered in the civil rights movement (yes its bad but the constitution…we just can’t do anything). The only thing this lacks is the subjective feel that comes from hearing lots of racists say something that sounds similar but we can’t cede to racists the power to decide what is and isn’t considered.
Also, as a practical matter this kind of use of the accusation of racism isn’t productive. The reason to use the term at all is to invoke our shared disapprobation of certain behaviors to change people’s behavior. Telling someone ‘suggesting that blacks only eat fried Chicken or look like Gorillas’ is racist usually results in an immediate change and the world is a better place but when you say that some vague thing about the gestalt I get from your article is racist doesn’t. If I were the author and was willing to sell out my views so I wouldn’t be racist how would I even know where to start?
Call these ideas out as stupid or even the kind of progress phobic thinking that perpetuates racism that’s great but its just not racism.
University of Tampa’s Impolitic Twitter Firing
Also, we have the University of Tampa firing a visiting professor for the following poorly considered and bumblinging inappropriate tweet
I dont believe in instant karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesnt care about them.
This is obviously just a case of someone not realizing how what he said would be taken in context. When he did he apologized. That should have been the end of it.
While at first glance one might feel that this isn’t really relevant to the broader picture at the moment. However, while it wasn’t exactly an academic paper this tweet is fundamentally nothing but an expression of a political sentiment. Indeed, suppose the author really believed this was some kind of divine vengeance on Texas for voting GOP. Surely that is core political-religious speech if anything is so its hard to see how this is anything but a direct attack on the idea that Professors get to comment on current events and broader social issues without fear of being fired for controversial views (assuming they don’t bear on their academic qualifications…mathematicians probably shouldn’t say $\omega$ and $2^\omega$ have the same cardinality).
We need room for people to make mistakes! Even mistakes about what to believe on controversial issues because only when people feel they won’t lose their jobs or be shunned if they get it wrong can they allow themselves to explore the issue and reach the right conclusions.
I know its really hard in these discussions to imagine any other perspective than your own but rarely is it the case that someone just wakes up out of the blue filled with hate and the desire to see another race suffer. Sure, sometimes the reasons are just visceral (your gang is white they are black) but in most cases there is some chain of thought and emotion that made every step they took seem reasonable so if you suspect the target of your criticism of simply reasonless hate you should probably reevaluate that view.
However, that is what makes the situation so dangerous as well. Given that even racists think they have good and sound justifications for their beliefs an atmosphere which imposes severe penalties for even minor infractions allows only one safe response: parrot back the official dogma.
But, if we are going to fix the remaining barriers and harms inflicted by problematic stereotypes and structural racism/sexism we need to find them in non-obvious places and that takes open speculation. We’ve picked all the low hanging fruit so more looking for white or male ‘perpetrators’ (if it could have been fixed easily that way we would have) we instead need to look at the less examined reservoirs of stereotypes such as members of the group themselves or the well-intentioned helper3. That means we need to walk on the edge and consider possibly offensive or unpleasant possibilities if we are going to figure out what is really going on so we can do something to fix things.
I’ve seen any number of scenarios in which the perception that certain topics can’t even be discussed doesn’t erase those ideas from people’s minds. Rather, it pushes them to form groups (the ones that go silent when a woman or minority comes by and we work so hard to eliminate) in which they feel they can comfortably express views they are sympathetic to but are too controversial for general consumption. Unfortunately, when people gather together for the purpose of feeling safe sharing controversial views creates a strong social pressure not to call anyone else’s views in that group out for sexism/racism/etc.. even in a polite friendly way. I’m constantly amazed at how quickly both such groups form and how quickly they descend to the lowest common denominator and serve as a breeding ground where hateful ideas can infect good people because there is no opportunity to apply the corrective of a good counterargument and criticism. ↩
Taking their complaints at face value would seem to suggest the problem is that suggesting WASP culture (not so named) is superior is racist or at least unacceptable and bad. While those of us immersed in liberal sensibilities naturally flinch a bit when the suggestion is made that one culture is superior to another that doesn’t make the claim wrong or racist. Indeed, we all believe that, at least in the modern context, modern western culture is superior to the violent revenge culture in some New Guinean tribes all things considered (of course cultures have so many traits surely we could cherry pick a few improvements but the original piece doesn’t deny this). Hell, the very idea of tolerance and equality that those on the left are fighting for is a rare value for a culture to have and we are right to identify it as something good and important. But I think this “can’t say one culture is better than another” line isn’t a very charitable interpretation. ↩
Everyone knows that a great deal of slut-shaming and outfit policing is done to women by women and we’ve learned recently that it is other women who do the majority of interrupting women and may very well be the ones preventing more competitive female involvement. This matches both my experience at caltech (women who had few if any female friends their whole lives were way more likely to just blunder in and shot their load on the conversation or dismiss someone else’s contribution as stupid) and what evolutionary psychology would suggest (men have little interest in policing women but each gender needs to police rivals). Of course, men aren’t on the hook they are just on the hook for something else perpetuating harmful male stereotypes which can harm women as much as they do men (say by men not being willing to become primary caregivers). ↩
Free Speech Slip and Slide was originally published on Rejecting Rationality
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avocados-and-cardio · 8 years
Which DIY Health Tests Are Worth It?
Nobody wants to get the flu this year. The dreaded, head-pounding, body-aching, feverish, nauseating, cough-fest packs equal parts misery and inconvenience. But nobody wants to get a shot that might be unnecessary or ineffective, either. So, while some experts worry aloud about a 1918-like flu pandemic, most of us—well aware of the risks of getting the virus, from being sneezed on at the office to living with a toddler—are not lining up to get the shot. In fact, only a third of us even bother. The truth is, while the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and most mainstream docs are pushing the flu vaccine, the latest science suggests it just doesnt work very well. So, should you or shouldnt you? Here, the answers to your flu-shot questions. How effective is the shot? The flu shot is only as good as the educated guesses of a group of vaccine researchers across the globe. Every February, they try to predict which flu viruses will work their evil during the next fall and winter. Their three top choices are put into the vaccine. The CDC claims that vaccine will be 70 to 90 percent effective against just those strains of flu. “We hope that these smart scientists who get together with the vaccine producers make the right call,” says immunologist Randy Horwitz, MD, medical director of the University of Arizonas School for Integrative Medicine. But sometimes they dont, partly because the virus mutates from year to year. In 2003–2004, the CDC admitted that it completely missed the virulent Fujian flu strain that hit hard that winter. In 2005–2006 season, in which the CDC said the match between the vaccine and the virus was good, a strain not included in the vaccine hospitalized 31 children in Houston. Also, two recent studies found that the shot may be less effective for people with weaker immune systems, so its effectiveness can depend on how well your body responds to the vaccine. Will it make me sick? Even if it doesnt work, it cant hurt to get the shot, right? For most people that may be true. Millions of vaccinations are administered each year, but since 1991, only about 26,000 adverse events have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Most of those were fever, rash, headaches, hives, or, very rarely, seizures. The most common side effect is swelling at the injection site on your arm. And any bad reactions, thought to be your immune systems way of gearing up after the exposure to dead virus particles in the vaccine, typically ease after a few days. (Manufacturers are required to verify that each batch of vaccine used for injections contains no live flu viruses. But people with egg allergies shouldnt get the shot because the vaccine is manufactured using eggs.) Still, some researchers arent comfortable with the safety data. Tom Jefferson, MD, coordinator of the Vaccines Field for the Cochrane Collaborative, an international group of researchers, reported last year in the British Medical Journal that he had found only six limited studies on safety after reviewing 206 studies on the vaccine. That, he says, is a surprisingly small number considering the widespread use of the vaccine and its mixed bag of ingredients. Osteopathic doctor Sherri Tenpenny, author of Vaccines—The Risks, the Benefits, the Choices: A Resource Guide for Parents, cautions that only small populations and short-term info are used to measure safety. Adverse-events reporting, for instance, is done for only 2 to 14 days after an injection—and its voluntary. Heres another concern: Except for about 8 million doses, the flu vaccine contains a preservative, thimerosal, that is 49 percent mercury, a known neurotoxin. While the latest research seems to disprove any link between thimerosal vaccines and autism in children, the debate still rages, and several states have prohibited the use of thimerosal in childrens vaccines. Yet supplies of mercury-free flu vaccine are limited due to man-ufacturing capacity. If you want to avoid thimerosal, you may have to make a special request to your health-care provider in advance.  
  Next Page: Is the nasal vaccine better than the typical shot?
[ pagebreak ]Is the nasal vaccine better than the typical shot? Hard to say, but the latest news on FluMist may leave you skeptical. Earlier this year the manufacturer, MedImmune, had trouble getting an OK to market the vaccine for kids under 5. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration found ongoing problems at the companys plant in Great Britain—bacterial and fungal contamination as well as the use of a disinfectant banned by the European Union. Eventually, the company fixed the problems and, in September, received approval for the under-5 set. Unlike the shot, this vaccine contains live but weakened viruses. When inhaled, these viruses can survive in the nose and throat long enough to trigger the immune reac-tion that fights off flu, but will be killed by the higher temperatures in your lower respiratory tract. The CDC does not believe these viruses can mutate into a form that can survive. The nasal vaccine is only approved for healthy children ages 2 to 17 and adults ages 18 to 49 who arent pregnant. (Pregnant women and people with chronic conditions can get the shot.) The nasal vaccine does not have any thimerosal. Who really needs a shot? The flu kills. Each year nearly 40,000 people in the United States die from flu complications like pneumonia and heart failure. And more than 200,000 are hospitalized due to flu. The people at highest risk have lowered ?defenses: children ages 6 months to 5 years, pregnant women, people older than 50, and anyone with a chronic condition like asthma, diabetes, and heart or blood disorders. The CDC recommends they all get vaccinated. But what if youre healthy and are not in a high-risk group? Should you get vaccinated as a charitable act to help prevent spreading the flu to those whore less healthy? Or to prevent a few weeks of potential misery? If you live or work with high-risk people, maybe youll decide that the shot is worth it. You can also gauge your other lifestyle risks. We all know that spending a lot of time in busy public places—like the subway or a gym—boosts your risk of catching the flu. Anyone walking around with the virus can breathe it in your direction. And kids in day care or school are more likely to be exposed to the flu than anyone else. Just the simple act of living with them heightens your risk. Is there a shot shortage? You may remember the panic over vaccine shortages in 2004, when a major flu-vaccine manufacturer, Chiron, was unable to deliver 50 million doses of the vaccine due to bacterial contamination. Some experts speculate that the shortage encouraged people to stay away from the vaccine in the following years. But Curtis Allen, spokesperson for the CDC, says a shortage is unlikely this year. Manufacturers are promising a record number of doses (132 million), although they wont all be available at once. Whens the best time of year to get vaccinated? Now, before the flu season really kicks in from December to March, experts say. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for your body to build up enough antibodies to protect you. Arent I more likely to catch a cold than the flu? For sure. There are more than 200 cold viruses, they mutate a lot, and virtually everybody comes down with one from time to time. Although the worst colds might feel like the flu, lots of people say they have the flu when they really dont. Two years ago, only 13 percent of people who were tested after reporting flulike illnesses actually had the real thing. Should I really worry about a flu epidemic? Nobody really knows. The 1918 pandemic seemed to start like any old flu season, but within a few months the virus had mutated into a monster that killed healthy adults within a day. Like most flus, it may have originated in birds. Thats why experts worry that todays avian flu may turn into a global epidemic. But, un-like the 1918 strain, it hasnt spread readily from person to person. And while the regular flu shot wont protect you against avian flu (its a different strain of the virus), consider this: Researchers are finding that millions of people have been infected with avian flu without suffering serious complications.
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