#i dunno.... 🥺 im tired 🥺
cal2b3d · 19 days
Nobody gets C!Tubbo like i do. Nobody. NOBODY!!! Rant :3
First off he was a child soldier :< I dunno much abt this arc but bam trauma right there. Then Lmanburg won indepence or smth and it was chill for 3 miliseconds but then VOILA SCHALTT IS THE FUCKING PRESIDENT and Tubbo loses everything!!
And also the lines where Tubbo says he wabts the job and ctommys like "wut?? u wan the jawb?? wut?? 🥺😢👶" TUBBO IS SCARED. Tommy you fucking imbecile SHACLTT IS TERRIFIYING EVEN TO WILBUR OFC TUBBOS JS GONNA BE SCARED INTO AGREEMENT ITS CALLED THE FAWN RESPONSE!!!
Tommys god knows where with Wilbur and then Tubbo becomes a spy and GOD having like an 11 yr old as a spy on the government is NOT. A. GOOD. IDEA.
So he gets caught as a spy cuz hes a CHILD and gets sent to plan and decorate a festival that he is going to DIE at. And he dies at the festival. Gsts shot with a FIREWORK LAUNCHER at a VERY CLOSE PROXIMITY. Fucks him up forever.
And almost immediately after hes a fucking PRESIDENT. Ppl say Tomym was put in exile at 13/14? Yeah, tubbo was a PRESIDENT OF A WHOLE ASS COUNTRY at 13/14!!! NO CHILD SHOULD HAVE THAT MUCH POWER!!! HES GONNA FUCK UP!! HES GONNA FUCK UP BADLY!!! HES A CHILD!!!
Mans does NOT get a break!!! Hes manipulated into betraying his best friend and then immediately everyone else hates him. HES A CHILD W TOO MUCH POWER DONT HATE HIM HATE THE PPL MAKING CHILDREN PRESIDENTS
Okay i have WAAY more but ima end here cuz my fingies are tired lmao i am the number two ctommy hater and ik that because nobody hates ctommy except for cdream who is the number one ctommy hater but im also the number one ctubbo apologist
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olibensstuff · 1 year
This is so random but TYSM for always complimenting my art. Like I’ve kind of been obsessed with ur art and comics ever since u followed me. Like i genuinely cant believe that one of my fav artists also is moots with me it makes me rlly happy. Your ideas are always so silly and your artstyle is so unique and charming. It feels like little school doodle scribbles but in a really intentional way. Also love the messy bright colors that you use. I’m tired of artists being told to not use bright colors. You always make everything look rlly nice and i would love like,,, a tutorial or tips on how u add color to your drawings. Idk what else to say man like everytime i look back on Ur ac i think to myself how tf areas we moots bc ur so amazing and ur art is so good and cute and like it makes me so happy whenever I see it like i wanna make those little comics and color like u. Ur so cool
AWHWHWHHWGEGEHHS IM CRYING HI your my favorite artist of all time words cannot describe how much this means to my thank you thank you thank youug
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Below is just me ranting abt colors I really really like talking about colors you Awakened my color nerd
TY FOR ASKINF ABOUT COLORS I LOVE COLORS im not the best at them im still kinda new with playing around with color palettes?? There was this post I saw like two years ago where someone was like “never use white in your art” and I used to use white like a LOT esp for eye whites so I started using diff colors for eyes?? Which made me realize that my color palettes looked really off without normal whites. I started having to experiment a lot more!! I found out I’m really really fond of warm tones, so when in doubt, i overlay all my colors with a solid red and the lower the opacity, take that color palette and then change it up how I want it?? I dunno my process is a little weird ? After I find a color palette i like i keep it in a little folder so I can take it out whenever I need so a lot of my palettes are actually recycled hehe
I like using bright colors theyre my favorite!! I kinda figured out if I can put #FF0000 red into my art and it still looks normal then I’ve done a good job🥺
OBVI these tips don’t work for everyone and my process is super strange and I’m not like the king of colors or anything but that was generally my personal color process!! tldr don’t use perfect white for main art piece, color eyes first, overlays are fun, if you can use bright red youre Winning
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themistressdomme · 5 months
three in the morning? what time zone are you in 🥺 and why are you staying up so late >:((
rest is important !! nevermind me not getting enough sleep ANYWAYS.
also, thanky for the cuddles, i literally just been wanting to be held lately, i do alot at work and no one really acknowledges anything. they just underestimate and undermine me because im one of the youngest in my group. like yes im young but that doesnt mean i cant be tired or i cant feel a certain emotion. you dont know my life outside of work. you dont know how i process things, etc. it irritates me, esp since its been happening alot more recently and im just,, exhausted. it makes me go nonverbal n i dunno,, ;-; am just feeling,,, small? if thats the right word.
just wanna be taken care of, yk?
Hello my pretty pretty bear! 🤗
Haha, I'm in UTC+2!! I stay up late to reply to all you cuties 😘
Yes, darling, rest is important! I hope you're getting some this weekend, angel!
I'm so sorry to hear that, love 😞 It isn't right. They shouldn't be treating you like some robot that can work and work and work without being acknowledged and respected! I'm sending you so many tight hugs, all the gentle back strokes, and allll the cuddles you need. I know you just must be a very important person, and you are clearly more than capable, since they pile on so much work onto you! Unfortunately, it means that they do indeed just that 😞 It may not mean much, but I am so proud of all that you do at work, my sweet bear. I know you're going to be a boss bitch one day, and you're going to make sure that no one underestimates the youngest employees.
Come sit on my lap. I promise to take gentle care of my sweetest bear 🥰
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salaciousslut · 8 months
Maybe thats why you find me a little bit addicting<3 & i love things turning out in my favor bc the fact that youre an august virgo is a win🤭 i will say, i cannot fully beat the god complex allegations its a small need to be worshipped.
Cute<3 i'd be a fucking idiot if i never took advantage of you, its not even a question. I will say i dont think im a grear person bc if you start to cry i'll get wet, I like seeing someone realize they fucked up, I like seeing cute little toys like you realize i picked them to be my little victim<3 Youre so soft i wouldnt be able to help myself 🥺
You've no clue how much i wish i could see that video, ive only seen a little bit bc of an older pic and i just know its pretty. I need to make out with your pussy until youre crying from being so sensitive and begging me to stop. I've supposedly almost made someone squirt but they panicked bc they didnt want to make a mess in my room and i feel so disappointed in that (partly bc i think its bullshit). But maybe we can try to recreate that minus you stopping me 🥺 and i hope i can add to that log sometime<3 how many times have you added to your log so far, sweetheart?
God i could info dump to you about the play modes and how much i hate blizzard entertainment fucking boo i hate that company but i spent a lot of my teen years bonding with old friends on overwatch so i have a soft spot. And nooooo i dont want you to get motion sick i will avoid apex 🥺 im a bigger asshole on overwatch anyway 🤭
I hope to one day feel comfy enough to go into your dms, dunno if i'll tell you that its me out the gate tho. I might be a lil shy about it since im much more bold behind anon status 🫣
And i dont mind, to keep it simple i work at a hardware store. But the place isnt actually open and we're actually low key still building the shelving and stocking the store. Like my first week i was installing shelves, today i built some frames/bases for the shelving. Yesterday was a different story though for the last two hours i was hauling heavy shit from one side of our giant store to the other. Im still tired from that 😭
good morning my dear butch!! i hope u slept well! i slept okay but am still sooooo sleepy
hehe i love god complexes i love worshipping i love making sure people know their worth so true me, ill feed into that god complex
cute lil victim omg i love that 🥺 please i need it soooo bad
ive never squirted before but feel free to try as hard as u can! im sure my body will give in hehe!!! and my log has too many to count, im like average 1.3 times a day
booo we hate blizzad!!! but thats sooo fair, i wanna know the lore!!!
hehe i get it! take ur time! anon is there for a reason!!
omg thats sooo fun!! i love building things!! but come here and lemme give u a massage so u can relax
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
Heyo Fairy!! I hope your day/night/evening/morning/afternoon is going amazingly, and that you never forget that you are that bitch! (Affectionate, obv) Seriously, I remember when I first started having these "darker" thoughts about characters and I was like 'What the fuck is wrong with me?' and then years later, I find your and Rhi's blog. Y'all let me realize that it's perfectly normal to think these things, even if those who don't, or deny that they do, think otherwise. So, seriously, thank you, y'all mean so, so, SO MUCH to me! Like big sisters that help me see there's nothing wrong with me, even if people I know irl would say "wtf?" 🥹
Ahhh, sorry, that was so fucking sappy! 🫣 I just wanted to ya know that it really does mean a lot to people like me, and your other followers, that y'all are brave enough to post the things you do despite all the little bitches that try and tear y'all down 🥹
... That was sappy again 🤦🏻‍♀️ y'know what, what the fuck ever, I'm just a soft person when it comes to emotions and shit, I'll deal with it 😤
That all being said, I can't belIEVE it took me this long to comment on 2 of Cups! Okay, so, when part 1, and 2, came out, I had no idea who Rin and Sae were. I didn't even know what Blue Lock was, just that it's a manga/anime. I was like oh, okay, cool! I read part one anyway, and was all like "... I gotta watch this. If the anime isn't out yet, I gotta watch it as soon as it DOES come out." (I'm an anime only, because I almost always give characters the exact same voice if I have nothing to go off of 😒 I struggle with it fr fr. anYWAY—) So, I don't... Think? I'd read part 2 yet, tbh I think I completely forgot about it, the memory is NOT good, I'm so sorry! So when the anime DID come out, I wasn't actually aware 😅 until they uploaded episode, like... 10? Or 11? Of the English Dub? AnywAY! THE POINT Is, I started watching because of things I've read, I was TIRED of looking up every single character when I read about them 😭 SO, I watched, got caught up to where it is now, and am waiting for the next episode, and you mention 2 of Cups part 3 is coming out, and I was like "oH SHIT, I REMEMBER READING PART 1!" So, I went back, read parts 1 and 2, absolutely ADORED them, despite the pain 🥹 Like, Rin's pining, but not wanting to do anything because of SAE, that little bitch, that won't admit he's the sAME and keeps being an AsS when Rea-chan and Rin are even remotely affectionate, AaAAAAHHHH! And I was so exCITED for part 3! And then part 3 came out, and... It absolutely bLEW MY IMAGINATION OUT OF THE PARK, LIKE!! !! I dunno, what I was expecting to happen, but I'm so happy it went the way it did! I mean, yeah, sure, it hURT, what with Sae continuing to be an ass, and RIn, poor rIN! Sweet baby, he's so! I can't even begin to espresso how in absolute awe I'm in of this mASTERPIECE! It keeps me up at night, thinking about it, and about what may happen next. Like, did Sae go back to, I think it was... Spain? Did he just go somewhere else for the time being, and he'll be back? Will Rin give in to his fantasies? Will he be soft and gentle if he does? Would he absolutely destroy Rea-chan with his roughness? Would he start off gentle, and then lose it?
So many questions, but I can wait to have them answered; I know you work incredibly hard, and that writing really takes time 🥰 PLUS, we can't have you not sleeping! The Queen of Fairies needs her sleep, she must rest and take care of herself 🥺 Love you much, take care!! 🥰
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firST OF ALL,no yOURE THAT BITCH!!!! YOU ARE! YOU ARE! wtfFDSGD thIS IS SO FUCKING SWEET im gonna cry and scREam !!! ♡♡♡ yes iT is totally normal for you to thrive off of taboo, tIS ouR little bug brains,, and alSO IM MASTER OF SAP i doNT MIND YOU BEING SAPPY PLS THIS IS SO SWEEETTTTTT :/ makes me cry. i hope you know i see every like and rb and i get the dumbest fondest grin on my stupid face any time you're in my notifs, or def when you send an ask or a comment or anything i jUST mELT
and stOPPDbhFu MASTERpiECE i??FYFDyd pLS pls pls oml iM SO VERY VERY HAPPY you LIKED thE FIc and iM bery happy i decided to give myself room for a part 4 bc i think iLL need iT im just Too foND of thEm!! and YES oml manY quESTions right??? i! haven't figured them all out yet so i can't exactly tell you everything but i do know that Sae's still in Japan, he's not yet going back to Spain,, i think Sae just can't handle the idea of rea-chan being with Rin and a similar grudge against him,, and :))) heheh for the smut :))) we shall have to wait and see
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atozfic · 7 months
hellloooo !! happy december 🎉 i dunno if you follow the typical american college system or not, but its finals season at my uni and i just saw you talk about assignments (congratulations on your good grades btw !! ) and wanted to say good luck on your schoolwork and all that 🥺🫡
for me, profs are dropping fun new projects(tm) on me left and right and im malding a little, but we go on haha - im craving to produce something that isnt an academic essay (i kiss my fingers and point up to god)
good luck !
NOT ME ONLY GETTING ROUND TO THIS IN MARCH 😭😭 i hope ur finals went well and that ur pillow is cold on both sides and that your treat urself everyday to a little sweet treat <33
idk what the american college system is like but my uni has assignment all throughout the school year and then a final project/exam before summer break/end of a module. it's tiring but on the plus side ik the duedates of all my assignments/projects from day 1 and typically proffesors can't modify/change/add any assignments! best believe is till leave all my projects to last minute tho bc what's uni if not stress i pay to inflict on myself?
"i kiss my fingers and point up to god" this made me cackle in a way i forgot was possible, thank you.
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thesugarhole · 1 year
thoughts from todays page readings: (it might be easier if i do it during commute but then post when im home?)
reread 49 real quick and again. i think i already wrote this so this is just me repeating myself but it will be relevant later so refresher course. as much as i love learning about captain this takes away a lot of whimsy by exposing part of whats up early on... like, youre no longer under that doubt that "is captain really nuts or is this for real the world they live in" you know?? keep some mystery man.
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^feeling awkward reading this. dunno why
rubix cube chapter was so cute 🥺 im sad that thing got left behind
and again!!!! worst comic ever makes statement way ahead of its time regarding the internet!!! why does everything need to have fucking blue tooth log in connection talk directly to your brain!!! even a rubik (rubix) cube!!!! arrrgh!!!!!!
it doesnt mention annet by name but it implies that she will try and solve wishes/queries to the best of her ability (currently, think chatgpt lying through its teeth when it has nothing- when annet has nothing, she somehow creates it). nothing to note here just a detail i want to remember, "a god who answers" type of divinity
"Silly willy. Told you I am unsolvable!" I said smugly. Just then, something impossible happened. My User twisted me in 4 dimensions. "That's amazing!" I shouted. "I can't believe you've done it!" I didn't know Users were designed to operate in 4-dimensional space like this! "Hpmf" Charles said, not looking too impressed. "Well, that was surprisingly easy." "No! Charles! You don't understand!" I cried. "You can operate in 4-dimensional space! You've solved an impossible riddle! Something, within you, makes you simply incredible!" In this very moment the ropes holding us up snapped and Charles dropped me. When he let me go, I fell out of 4-dimensional synch into regular 3-dimensional space and all my 6 sides became discorded and unsolved once again.
sorry to squeeze the text to not make too long a post but
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type of mysteries i want to hold on to for a little while longer ^
now that we know captain isnt bullshitting its even harder to be on snippys side on anything about anything because again. hes just some guy. he has no business knowing about any of this and he has yet to see it in action so why should he believe what captain says you known. needlessly frustrating the reader!!
"Are these children made up like the needy children to whom you and Pilot keep trying to gift my things to?" He asked, tapping his foot angrily. "All of the children I speak of are real, I assure you!" I said. "I doubt it," he huffed. "You're seriously the most absent-minded GIRL I know. Where would you even be without me?"
me at vitaly right now im going to fucking snap. stop doing this and let snippy perceive captain as Undefined. i get hes a Camone but good lord i dont think he would be this stubborn about this particular topic with everything else going on. like. captain allows it but it implies the reading of "zee got tired of correcting everyone" IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. and again i got extra beef with it because it definitely feels like backtracking on the nonbinary character to try and make a more main fronting hetero couple which grrrrr.
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(...) There are monsters all around that will eat you if I don't protect you."
loss of whimsy (once again) in romantically only text because we know snippy isnt really doing anything other than survive. :( also more instances of snippy/captain being heavy handed in rewrites, i definitely dont remember any of this conversation when i first read the comic
listen its fine. its fine IF, ONLY IF both snippy and captain get this type of romantic dialogue with everyone else because 1. (and not to be a stubborn old mule about it but) reading this as '3 (+117) extraordinary people trying to get affection from 1 boring guy' makes it a lot funnier and engaging 2. you have to love something so so much to try and save it and since captain is trying to save whatever humanity is left in the world zee should be in love with the other guys just as much
^ its far from canon but it would be so fun, i genuinely mean this
"Do any of your organs feel infinite?" what an absolute deranged question to ask someone even with context. yes. now THIS dialogue i like
"Me and my wonderful coworkers, Goodness rest their weary, tuckered souls…"
numbers one through six are dead?? it makes sense i cant even begin to put an image to any of them sdjhgkj. captain considering eight a daughter though is kinda cute i wont lie
"I didn't fix the li..." I started to speak. "Good job on fixing the power here. I'm going to the bathroom," Charles rudely interrupted me again. I watched him depart from my table with a frown. Why was he so G-damn obtuse about things? My explanation was perfectly legible. Everyone else understood me just fine. Especially Pilot. Pilot understood what I was doing right away.
okay listen. im pilots number defender here. and!! as i said before he is VERY!!!! SMART!!!!! even with AFTER being PINEAPPLE BOMBED and ANNET DISCONNECTED!!! but im not sure to what degree he actually understands what you (captain) have going on and instead is just going with the flow of whatever you say. like he has background context, he knows about the stuff annet/g-dir was up to. but if he didnt know about this zero-eight business, which is parallel (and hidden from the public?) to a degree, before The Events then i dunno, might be a "why not, what else am i doing today" type of situation. you get what im saying? does this make sense?
Alas, I was too late. Charles had bumped into the lovely burrowing-worm in the bathroom entrance and then he started to scream.
points and laughs
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strawbie-doodle · 3 years
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i wam to draw but i am so tired 😔
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izepeche · 2 years
I am new to the strange obsession, but oh my gosh your works are amazing. I just want sinister strange to do whatever he wants and for me to say thanks afterwards.
I dunno what to say omg thank you thank you thank you love 🥺✨ im honestly surprised ppl still show up on my blog lol
I have so many things I wanna do but with my condition i can’t do much but i should be fully cleared to go home by tuesday ✨
but i agree. i was never really into Strange until this movie. i mean i love his design and ive drawn him many times before but idk he just didnt speak to me before now.
i have the filthiest shit to write and draw i am so vile and feral because of it but so is he. they knew exactly what they were doing when then designed him omfg. i have a HC that he’s really into bondage (including self bondage) and its killing me. its killing me that i cant write it all rn.
you did not ask for this, so i apologize in advance. but ive had this little thing rolling in my head so -
Sinister seems like he used to be a professor and its driving me crazy thinking about him in a AU being the low toned sort of teacher who everyone respects. never raises his voice (and doesnt have to) to get his pupils to behave because he’s also silently terrifying. you can hear a pin drop in his class, even when its a study period and he’s sipping his coffee and reading a book. could probably make a student cry without even trying, without even looking at them (tho he will glance to see the tears) and would secretly enjoy it because he’s a bloody bastard. takes no shit and is clearly passionate about teaching and I just wanna see him in glasses and at a desk fiddling with papers? like look-
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In this Professor Sinister! AU id say he definitely smells like dark roast coffee and old books. wears a sort of musky, old timey smelling cologne with spicy citrus notes. keeps to himself, doesn’t really interact with the other professors, but may strike up a short conversation with maintenance or the cleaning staff in the evening. even though he’s a strict man he sports a more casual appearance than one would think. im thinking just regular slacks n shoes, rolled up sleeves to his forearms, usually wears a black turtleneck or dark button down shirt with a few too many buttons open if the AC is busted (again), thick salt and pepper hair slightly tussled as its been run through by his fingers because these fucking kids can’t even double space their essays how did they pass high-school.
crystal eyes lingering a bit too long on an unsuspecting pupil who is always well behaved and attentive. openly teases them to the point of hot embarrassment when they ask to be excused to the restroom, even though they asked so nicely and they really have to go. but ,” ah, ah, not until i say so.” “you know you just went 10 minutes ago” “you took too long last time”
purposefully writes comments on their papers ‘see me after class’, even if its the most well-written dissertation he’s read all year. he’s rather knowledgeable and will always find something to offer correction on. as ‘punishment’, he tells them to help him prepare for the next class by writing what he tells them on the chalkboard. this is when his usual low key tone, shifts to something else.
The professor not so subtly stares at them, scrutinizing their handwriting and how their dainty wrists move under his command. no, Professor Strange definitely does not get off to how they struggle when he asks them to write higher, up on their tip toes and a bit wobbly. he’ll make them erase a whole line if they make a single mistake in their penmanship (which is easy because of how tired and cramped they are getting). he’ll cruelly mock them, “are you getting distracted?” “we can try something easier if this is too hard for you” “why are you stopping, you’re not finished yet” “i mean, Jesus, it looks awful. but i guess if that’s the best you can do-“
and if he’s feeling particularly snippy he’ll snap a ruler on his desk to startle them, possibly messing them up further, barely bothering to stop the smile dancing on his lips. he still throws in a smart ‘thank you’ when theyre done that definitely doesn’t make up for his brash behavior. its hard to tell if his harsh interactions are serious or a ploy of flirtation, but its intense enough to get under the skin every time that they are completely flustered when they gather their things to leave his room.
its wrong to be tormenting his own innocent pupil like this- many would say the poor thing doesn’t deserve it and the professor's intentions aren’t noble. but its not wrong if they keep coming back, right? not that he gives a damn, nor gives them much of a choice; he’s not exactly a model on morality. besides, a man can have a little fun, no?
i just- love him. i love him i love him
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as soon as i saw him i knew it was curtains for me. he is utter perfection because sinister is just so fucking broken and deliciously unhinged and loosely disguised as a quiet gentleman. i love the fact he’s self aware enough to know he’s a filthy bastard but he just. doesnt. care. and like great! neither do i sweetheart. id beg this man to break me, and like please sir call me all the names.
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spencersmagic · 4 years
I’ve got you - SR
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// Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Summary: reader is sick and Spencer makes sure they’re alright (what a sweetheart. my lil baby) 🥺🥺
Couple: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader (I think. I don’t remember being gender-specific but correct me if im wrong).
Category: pure fluff 💖💖
Warnings: the type of love that we all wish upon ourselves. 
Word count: 1179 words 
You can check out my other work here and join my taglist here. 
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Are you ok?” you heard from above the thin sheet you had pulled over your head in an attempt to fall asleep on the jet couch. Your head was positively pounding against your ear drums for reasons you couldn’t quite place. Perhaps the exhaustion after the case was catching up with you, reducing you to a bundle of pain, whines and small tears that escaped your eyes almost unnoticed, or perhaps you were just tired. 
It is a well-known fact that the 24 hours after a tough case like the one you had just gone through were the worst. Everybody coped in a different way, but it usually brought sides of the team that weren’t really real - trying to drown out reality and becoming a different person. The more introverted and shy people in the team would let themselves get carried away, drinking and dancing as if they were the only ones there, and the more extroverted people would enjoy sitting down, looking out the window and reflect on what they had gone through.
However, the worst way a case could hit your was this. Physically. Giving you unexplainable headaches, nausea, to just a wave of emotions hitting you, leaving you to try to pick yourself up - the pieces of you being way to sharp to put together, and the thoughts being way to ambiguous for you to understand, in the slightest, how to fix yourself. 
You ungracefully grabbed the hem of the blanket and pulled it down slightly, allowing your eyes to show. You looked up to see no other than the resident genius looking down at your with concern. He sat down on the floor to talk to you as you replied, “yeah, ‘s nothing”. 
“Well, its not nothing, or you wouldn’t be crying” he reasoned, pressing the pad of his thumb to your temples, one at a time, where the tears gathered. You didn’t know why you were crying. The only thing you knew was that you were so fucking tired. 
“I dunno, ‘m just tired I guess” you mumbled into the blanket. He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue. “’ve got a headache and I-” you inhaled sharply, “im just so fucking tired ‘cause I haven’t slept int he past 36 hours and I can’t fall asleep and I keep seeing the-” he interrupted you by lifting the blanket, taking off his shoed and sliding into the couch with you. Your eyes widened as you looked at him. “What are you doing?” you asked. 
“Shh. I’ve got you, baby” he offered his explanation. “My mom used to do this, and it always worked. can I try?” he asked, clearly not wanting to overstep or make you feel uncomfortable. 
You pondered on his last question. After all, he was one of the best profilers that had been in the BAU and you couldn't help but wonder just how good his profiling skills were. Did he know you were nervous? Would he notice the trail of goosebumps that he would leave behind his touch? You had no way to know. 
You nodded. “Yeah, go ahead”. 
Spencer shifted your bodies so you would be laying on his chest, his left arm securing your body tightly against his own. Your body was slightly tilted towards his, allowing you two to see each other. 
You looked up at him in awe as he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to make the both of your as comfortable as you possibly could be. 
“There” he finished. “Are you comfortable?” he asked, already knowing the answer as he looked down at your eyes to find them closed in bliss. 
You limited yourself to mumbling a little “mhm”, wanting to absorb as much as you possibly could out of this experience. 
As he looked down at you and you looked back up at him with those beautiful, teary eyes, and bright nose (a product of the tears you had shed), he couldn’t help but to press a small kiss on your forehead, and another one on the blush that covered the tip of your nose. As you smiled up at him, he suddenly felt very nervous.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked, genuinely. As if saying ‘hey, if you need me to, ill be the ears that will absorb every single ounce of pain that’s going on in that little head of yours’. 
You shook your head, so he began. 
“This is what my mother would do” he explained in a whisper, bringing his thumb up to the center of your forehead. Without another word, he slowly traced a pattern between your eyebrows, down the bridge and onto the tip of your nose with the same thumb, creating the pattern of a line as if your nose were a soft slide his finger was falling from. 
Your lips exhaled as you shuddered, feeling way to comfortable to resist the temptation to fall asleep. You closed your eyes with his motion, allowing sleep to consume you. 
He took his time, enjoying the feeling of his pad against your soft skin. He couldn’t stop his mind from wandering - from asking himself a countless number of ‘what if’s. What if he had just found the solution to your problem? What if he was, finally, your knight in shining armour? What if, the second you woke up, he pressed a small kiss against your lips, finally feeling what he had been craving for so long? What if he had the chance to do this even single night of his life, up until his dying breath? 
He let his mind continue to work for hours, although it felt like minutes. His eyes roamed all around your face, trying to absorb every single thing about you. Never wanting to forget you. 
His heart broke a little bit when you started stirring, knowing his time with you was over. He wanted to feel his skin against yours forever. You opened your eyes softly, just to meet his own already staring at you. “mhmm hi” you mumbled, still droopy with exhaustion. He smiled a little bit, his heart warming as you closed your eyes and pressed your body impossibly closer into Spencer’s chest. 
You let yourself imagine that you two were in a different scenario, suddenly becoming painfully aware of his leg between your own as you had put your left one over his thighs. Oh, how you wanted to grind into his thigh, relieving some of the tension that had built where you needed him the most.
You shook the dirty thoughts that were swarming your mind by the minute, and got up quickly, supporting your body with your right elbow. 
“Oh my gosh, how long have I been sleeping?” you asked, trying not to raise your voice too much. He opened his flip-phone before he answered “3 hours, 39 minutes and 6 seconds, approximately”, and offered you a small smile.
“You must be exhausted! I’m so sorry! You should’ve woken me up, I-” he interrupted you by pulling you into his chest again. 
He chuckled slightly as you melted into him again. “It’s fine, doll. Don’t worry about it” he said with a newfound confidence that you had rarely seen on him before.  
You inhaled, selfishly allowing yourself to enjoy this moment for a while longer. 
He had just spent three hours making sure you were well, making sure you wouldn’t wake up. He had suffered tremendously with the case, just as the rest of the team. It clearly wasn’t fine. but you were going to make it fine. 
super short, super special taglist for cool kids only:
@lady-anon-x​  @inlovewithbabygirl​
If you liked it, please consider liking and reblogging, it’s what keeps my praise kink ass going lmaoooo
also yes, I will be making a part 2 (n maybe part 3). ‘Tis gonna get angsty.
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jojosbabe · 4 years
Crusaders period hcs
I know it's been done to death but i wanna put my personal take on it.
Technically the reader is fem and uses she her pronouns but it can also be for non binary folks too. I don't feel comfy or knowledgeable on male/he/him x readers as im not a guy and i dunno how to write that. So sorry if my hc x readers aren't as inclusive to that group. I mostly write from a woman or non binary perspective because thats kinda what i am and can only go from my experiences. Not all menstrual cycles are the same but im going from what i experience or what i have experienced. Without futher ado. Lets get into this.
⭐Jotaro⭐: oh boy. He's kind of a mess. He doesn't know what to do. Honestly at first he thought you were injured or sick. And tbh he has grown to kinda like you and be more protective around you. So the mere thought of you sick went back to his thoughts of his mother,holly. The very woman they were fighting for. But come to find out it was only "woman issues" (his words not mine) but despite what people think. He actually helps you out and makes sure you take any pain meds and gives you snacks on occasion. Makes sure you're not feeling sick or too tired. As stand users could attack anytime. He just is clueless without help. So you have to tell him exactly and specify what you need. Jotaro honestly despite complaining about it. He is very caring. A bit embarrassed at times but he takes it with stride and uses it as a learning experience.
🍒Kakyoin 🍒: nori, he isn't as clueless. But he doesn't know how you specifically need to tend to your time of the month. So you have to tell him. But once he knows. He'll be happy to help you. When you can take hot showers or baths,he reccomends those to relax you and ease any pain.
⚔Polnareff⚔: ah yes the French himbo. Despite what people think. He knows a decent amount about a period. But....he's a himbo. So you're gonna have to tell him some things. Tho once he knows. He will be doting as all hell! He will probably carry you places. Make sure you sleep on the comfy bed and give you lots of snacks and comfort. Jéan loves you very much mon' angé. 🥺
🔥Avdol🔥: He knows. And he is very good at comfort. He will make sure you are set. May or may not struggle with mr joestar on what to give you. He wants to use natrual and healthy things to ease your menstruation. While Joseph wants you to eat whatever you want. That includes icecream for breakfast. Avdol just shakess his head. But he is a natrual heating pad. So you gucci 💕
💜⭐Joseph⭐💜: He's a dad. He's a himbo. He knows. He just does. He may be a bit less himbo than polnareff. But he knows exactly what to do. You never have to worry. Well.....cept him ranting on to the other crusaders about feminine hygiene much to your embarrassment. Oh Joseph you silly ol man.
🐶Iggy🐶: yes i added doggy. He's as comforting as a dog would be. He may curl in your lap to make sure you're ok. Iggy likes you more than the others so he may follow you around more. Plus its nice to have a furry friend during these times. May even share his coffee gum....maybe. (r.i.p iggy you didn't deserve this 🥺😭💔)
That's all i have for now. Hope you enjoy this.
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!!! billy the moaner boy for the character asks?? : )
Billy Lenz
• favorite thing about them — his fun hair !!!! (His filthy tongue) ok like I have this weird thing where I find exeasively horn knee people incredibly endearing, it's just like, a very cute trait yk? :') It's probs why I was so drawn to the slasher fandom, yall r WILD and it's like mad cute to me when I get to just chill and watch from the side. So yeah in some way when it's in a movie I adore his gross talk, he's so fun an nasty and adorable. His eye is also incredibly pretty. I imagine him w kinda wet, spitty lips bc he spit talks sm and it's kinda very sweet too. Tbh he seems like when he's tired he might be super nice to hang out w.
• least favorite thing about them — also his filthy language akdjakdkd he is so gross. The murder.
• favorite line — "I'm going to kill you" sent me some deep deep shivers down me back, it was c o l d, bruh, it was so lovely
• OTP — All of my mutuals who r into Billy & Billy. Yall wild also and u compliment eachother so well 🥺 its so cute like i nearly tear up when I think abt it, yall r great luv u. Im gonna draw u more Billy soon I promise.
• nOTP — dunno, nothing agressive i have on my mind, I kno lenzhire is a thing, it doesn't interest me that much but it doesn't bother me either so!!!
• random headcanon — he's super good at making little blanketforts / nest type things. If you wanna squeeze into a tight space to calm down, he got u!!! Warm little places!!!
• unpopular opinion — I dunno???? I dunno. Im appareantly very bad at unpopular opinions.
• song i associate with them —
• favorite picture of them —
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sIMPLE. ITS A VERY INTENSE SHOT. It also looks like the shadow of when he was unicorn stabbing that one co-ed is in his eye to me. Very fun!!!
send me a character and i’ll list:
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indigogirled · 4 years
i cant quite place the feeling but im sleepy (but not ready to sleep) and staring out my window at the night sky listening to phoebe bridges. dunno if that defeats the purpose of this if i already tell you what i’m listening to but it felt relevant to my mood.
omg rip i forgot to ask it on anon 🙃😖
okay i GOT THIS - tired but not ready to sleep?? looking out the window?? i’m about to go HAM!!
anobrain - the 1975
malibu 1992 - COIN
seven wonders - fleetwood mac
the movies - nightly
visions of gideon - sufjan stevens
the louvre - lorde
banana bread - cavetown
dancing - mellow fellow
free fallin’ - tom petty
thank you dillon baby 🥺🥺
tell me your mood and i’ll give you five songs to match!!
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youn9racha · 2 years
Ifksbdushfjsjd i dunno where to start 😭 hiiiiii it's been so long 😭 uni started and i was quickly swamped with work that i barely drop by on Tumblr anymore 😭 i hope you're doing fine!!!! I can't say it's okay on my end because that would be lying 🥹 solo research is tiring and rn it's literally frying my mind 😭 and then i also have to work on my protfolio AND our exhibit 😭 so yeah i really do have that much time on me anymore 😭
anyway just wanted to drop by and let you know I'm still alive and doing okay (save for the tiredness rn from research) otherwise I'm all good! i hope you are too and you're healthy and safe and hydrated 🥺💗
K !!!!!! HIIIII !!!!!
ik uni and work could get tiring, but i hope you give yourself a break and don’t overwork yourself. listen to your own advice before you give anyone who needs it !!! take care of yourself 🫶🫶🫶
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emakenz · 3 years
i slept the day away. after therapy i went to bed. i was so tired i even declined going to town for my favorite food. when my parents got home tho, they had a small carrot cake just for me 🥺🥺 i just had some, its actually rlly good. i love carrot cake. i also cried a bit when i woke up because i was too late (past midnight) to play death stranding for my birthday surprise, but i just reversed the time to yesterday and i got the cutscene! cliff had sunglasses. that's the surprise, i guess, other than the rest of the usual flowers and "happy birthday" 4th wall breaking. i didnt get any presents today but its fine, i been getting stuff a lot more recently so it makes up, plus im not too materialistic. i dunno i just wanted to share how my day went. and in therapy, i had my dad get me a party hat, and i was in the call wearing it with a kazoo in my mouth, holding ian and slim pickens (pet skeleton, best friend) on my lap (slim also had a kazoo), and the whole group sang happy birthday. that was fun. then ian shat on the rug, that i had to clean :/ had pizza for dinner when i woke up a couple hours ago, and yeah. that was my day. wooh
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me for the next year ^
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starrysamu · 4 years
🥺 will u still be popping by every so often? i also like chatting w u !! im,, glad my words were able to do something. i totally understand about how its easier with the screen,,, o god i ranted and spilled everything out to a friend on here things and felt much better about than when i talked to irls?? it's funny you bring that up because i see myself more as an optimist and i have def not been doing anything to keep me lasting longer aljdfjsf. we're opposites in many ways huh. ⭐ (1/?)
+ but that's okay! I'm glad you're taking care of yourself. I've been taking a lil bit better care of myself too so don't worry about me! I'm more worried about you because you've finally gotten through next time and i'm sure it was tiring. i just read through your love letter and it was,, so sweet. i hope you take some time off because you deserve it! and i dunno if you mentioned it, like if ur in school or something but i hope you're focusing on work/studies + taking care of yourself. (2/?) ⭐
+ i think im planning on rereading next time tonight when i finish all the homework i want to finish. also i forgot to mention, your ending to your love letter was so cheesy LOL. but for one thing, (in which i say a lot i think, or rather will say [this may make sense to you later or it'll confuse you more ik im being cryptic LOOOL]) i love how you depicted MC and samu. they are flawed. and they're human. they're perfectly imperfect and i love it. (i forgot what number this was i am smolbrain/?) ⭐
+ this should be the last one. but u know sometimes u have to sand down ur brain to let her grow again. sand away the not so good stuff and grow some better stuff. i dont know what im saying LOL. anyway. take care of yourself! don't burn out! drink water! eat fud! i truly really hope im not annoyign you with these asks. and hopefully i dont annoy you when i reread nexttime alsdjfajf (LAST ONE IDK WHAT NUMBER IT IS) ⭐
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the way i’m here more often than i should be ........ i have four minutes before i have to go back to my scheduled Working so let’s see if i can hit every point before then HAHAH
i THINK .... everyone obviously has a lil optimism and pessimism in them and i think whatever mindset keeps u floating rn is what u gotta do. u just gotta survive these days man. like i was reading this article and it was like “your main goal should just be to survive” and it was in ref to corona but i think right now everyone’s kinda feeling that way w everything so idk, being optimistic rn is what’s (sort of) keeping me afloat. of course, that’s changed within the past week i’m ngl HAHAHA
but when i say i was completely, utterly, absolutely shocked. like i really really mean it, rereading it for ANOTHER TIME? i’m pretty sure that’s 40k+ words easy, AND you took the time to comment what you liked about it too?? I REALLY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS HOW HAPPY THAT MAKES ME FEEL. I THINK ABOUT IT QUITE A BIT ACTUALLY. like i’m just so ... so so so honored that someone really took the time out of their day to do that? i dunno. mainly because as time goes on, i think there are a lot more things about next time i would’ve changed, and i ... think it’s just not as good as i thought it was kinda thing? like i thought it was decent but as time keeps going i am less confident in it? i’m not sure how to phrase it any differently i suppose, but frankly i don’t ever want to look at it again. so it’s really really nice for someone to do that because it just makes me really really happy. so thank you, thank you, thank you so so very much for doing that. it really means a ton in ways i cannot express 
ALSO U MIGHT JUST BE ONTO SMTH ABT THAT BRAIN THING. I’M SITTING HERE THINKING ABOUT IT. UR RIGHT. also u r NEVER annoying me u are an absolute joy to speak to in fact i hope I’M not annoying you. if i was right as to who you were, i hope you’re having a good break and taking care of yourself when you can! please please get some rest and be sure to hydrate <3 
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