#i feel *okay* with mira. i just need to clarify her more.
basilpaste · 3 months
i need to do like. some sketch pages of the rest of the isat cast. im only really comfortable with sif and isa. and loop if you squint.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Avenger's Initiative, Chapter 28
Word Count:  2.8k
Warnings:  sexual situations, jealousy.
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Mira’s POV
"You okay there, doll?"
"I don't want to talk about it," I growled at Bucky as he jogged up the stairs with me, "why are you here."
"Heard some commotion a few floors back," he shrugged, "if I knew it was you, I would have come down earlier."
We ran up a few more floors before I said anything again.
"He won't even look at me now."
"Steve," I said in a huff. I bit my lip and messed with my hair, making sure the ponytail was still held in place, "ever since he and Kenzie kissed, he won't even talk to me..."
"I'm sur-"
"I don't think I've ever felt this alone," I sighed, admitting how alone I truly felt, "I...Steve and I got so close and he just..."
"He walked out on your relationship."
"We weren't even dating," she growled, "we just...he got me you know. At least it felt like it and I just don't know what to do now. I was running in the gym...doing laps...and the only time he said anything was when he was telling me he was gonna pass me."
He gave me a look and I pushed his shoulder.
"What was that?"
"Don't give me that pity look," I growled at him, "I don't need any of that."
"Who said it was pity?"
"Okay it was pity," he admitted. He took a few steps towards me and leaned against the rail, "but you shouldn't let Steve make you feel like that."
"Bucky who else do I talk to?"
"You got me, doll," he offered, "you know. I'm always here for ya."
"You have a crush on me, Bucky," I sighed, looking at the super soldier, "for all I know you and Kenzie are in the middle of some sick game and she's just waiting on you to make a move, so she has an excuse to hit me."
"What?" he chuckled, throwing an arm around me, "You don't think you could take her?"
"If you haven't noticed, your girlfriend has turned into a bit of a raging psychopath."
"Ex-girlfriend," he clarified, shaking his head, "after you told me she kissed Steve, I asked her about it...there was something in her eyes. She didn't care that she did it. She looked proud of herself. I broke it off with her and told her that I wasn't going to help her train anymore."
"I'm sick of the games," I said with a roll of my eyes, "you know...it just...IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!"
He chuckled, putting a hand on my shoulder, "easy killer."
"Shut up," I said, trying to keep a straight face. Playfully punching his shoulder, he immediately went to cover the joints that would separate his arm if I hit them. I couldn't help but smile, "you okay there, James?"
"Just don't trust ya," he said with a wink, "You nearly knocked my ass out with my own arm last time you did that."
But he smiled and pulled me to his chest. Giving in, I allowed myself to hug him, "what floor are we even on? I've been running nonstop the past half hour?"
"Sixty nine."
"Seriously James?"
"No really," he said, matter of fact as he turned me to the door that had a small '69' plaque beside it, "we're on the 69th floor."
"Ironically enough we are a floor below Fury's office."
"Is that you agreeing to finally take an interview with him?" he asked as he pulled me up the stairs. I shook my head, but he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Why is it that super soldiers just think it's acceptable to throw me like I'm a sack of potatoes?"
"A sack of potatoes weighs more," he chuckled, lightly smacking my ass, "damn you really have been hitting the stairs a lot, haven't you?"
I hissed partially at the contact, and partially because my thighs really were on fire after running stairs for the past half hour, "Damn it, James, put me down!"
"Suit yourself," he laughed, setting me down. When he let go, it felt like my legs were jello and I immediately grabbed at his chest to keep myself from falling down, "you need some help doll?"
I glared at the fact that he was trying not to laugh.
"Turn around, "I commanded, "and give me a piggyback ride to his office!"
"Well, I'm not going to let you bring me to Fury over your shoulder."
"Wanna bet on that?"
"I swear to god," I yelled as he picked me up again, throwing me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing, "if you don't put me down, I'm gonna play your ass like the bongo drums, James."
"Oh no," he said sarcastically, "a gorgeous woman grabbing my ass.  What ever will I do with myself?"
"I didn't say I'd grab it!"
"Jokes on you," he chuckled, "who's really the winner if you're touching my ass?"
Giving up in a huff, I braced my elbows along his spine so that I wasn't staring at his ass the whole time. When we made our way down the row of desks on the floor, Bucky bounced me, causing me to lose my balance. I smacked his ass as hard as I could, "What the hell James."
"Still winning," he said through gritted teeth. My hand went into the pocket of his jeans and I grabbed his wallet, "I felt that, Miracle."
"Felt what?"
"Put it back."
"I didn't do anything."
A loud smack resounded across the floor, and I yipped in pain
"What in the sam’s hell is the commotion out here?" Fury yelled, coming out of his office. His secretary looked at us nervously.
"Barnes turn!" I commanded. He chuckled and turned around so that Fury could see me, "hi Fury."
"Do I even wanna ask?"
"Angry running up and down stairs," James laughed, turning around so he could face Fury. Giving up on fighting him anymore I put the wallet back in his back pocket, "Alright. You can go down."
"About time," I groaned. He set me down soft enough so that I could test to see if my legs would hold me. When he realized I was okay he sent me a wink and I turned back to Nick, "sorry Fury...I was-"
"Finally ready to take my interview?"
"Yes," I said graciously, biting my lip, "that is, if the position is still open."
"Come on in," he smiled, opening his door. He walked in and I felt my breath hitch in my throat.
Another loud smack resounded, and I internally groaned at how sore my ass was gonna be later as he'd managed to hit the same spot every time. Externally however I glared at James as he sent me a playful smile, "go get em, doll."
"Please tell me he does that to everyone," I laughed awkwardly, trying to make a joke to Fury.  But he only gave me a stern look, “or…not.”
"No," he said in an unamused tone, "and if he does it again, I'm going to file a harassment suit in your favor. Sergeant Barnes would you care to watch a sensitivity video about harassment in the workplace."
He coughed, suddenly realizing that he couldn't be playful in front of Fury, "uhm, No sir."
"You're relieved," he said in a firm tone. Bucky nodded and he walked off. Fury closed the door behind me and offered me a chair. When I didn't take it immediately, he chuckled, "guessing you'd prefer to stand?"
I felt myself blushing at the mention of how Bucky must've slapped my ass hard enough that I wanted to stand.
"With all due respect."
"If you want to scare him when you see him after this, tell him that I was going to write him up until you stopped me."
I smiled at Fury and he laughed, "will do, sir."
"So, you're considering being an agent," he said getting down to business, "your background in medicine and technology are huge advantages. And talking with Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers, and Agent Barton you are highly skilled in combat."
"Yes sir."
"Welcome to the team, kid."
"Wait, that's it?"
"I have no questions for you," he admitted, "I've watched the feeds when you train. You work quick with Banner and Stark and have been able to solve security problems quicker than they have in the past. You could be useful as a medic. As an agent. As an intelligence or security expert. And you are a team player. I could send you into the field with anyone, and I have no doubt that you would work with them, regardless of personal emotions. That being said, I already have your first assignment in mind."
"you do?"
He nodded, "I do. But I'm going to be sending you out with a seasoned operative. There will be an identical mission going on as well. Call it a trial run. Real life situation with real consequences. See who can get the information. Are you sure you have the gall for this, kiddo?"
"I can do it, Fury."
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Steve’s POV
"I'm fine," I growled, arguing with Fury, "you had the therapist sign off on me."
"You're still fragile," he replied quickly, "you're only five months sober, Rogers."
"And I'm ready."
"I've already filled the spot."
"Well un-fill it," I roared. He looked at me, and it felt like I was so mad I was shaking, "I want to be on the mission."
"Well, you can't," he said, looking back at the briefing room where Bucky was talking about the mission with Maria Hill and Miracle, "she's already been given her assignment. Winter soldier is going with her."
"I'm ready though," I argued, "she's still too new. Don't send her out there...send me."
"I can send you," he said thoughtfully after a second, "it'll be a similar mission. I have another agent I need to get a pass on. You want back in. This is your ticket, Rogers."
"I'll do anything," I said quickly, "get me on it."
He nodded, walking away and I stared at her while she reviewed packets. I felt the jealousy growing in the pit of my stomach when she leaned into Bucky to show him something and he smiled.
"You look like a very jealous man."
I groaned, realizing Mackenzie had taken the spot against the counter next to me. She shined an apple against her sleeve before cutting a slice out of it and eating it.
"And you are sincerely annoying me."
"Aww," she cooed, taking a glance at me, "big bad Rogers is annoyed. I wonder what he'll do."
"Don't start, Kenzie."
"Just wanted to see what my new partner was thinking," she smirked, eyeing me, "I don't want him getting distracted on the mission and get us killed."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm the other agent," she smirked, taking another slice of apple into her hands, "Fury told me to come find you. He's grabbing the files for the other mission and Sharon will brief us in the other room."
"You're joking."
"Nope," she smirked, popping the 'p.' With another glance she pushed herself off the counter and began heading to the adjoining room, where Sharon was already coming in with some files, "you coming, Cap?" 
"I don't get why you're so angry, Steve," she hissed, ripping her hand away from me, "what does it matter?"
"What does it matter?" I asked, "since when did you want to become an agent?"
"You have been teaching me to fight just as much as Nat and Clint."
"For self defence," I defended, "I want you to be able to protect yourself in case anything happens, Mira."
"I'm fine," she growled, taking a step away from me. She eyed me up and down, "why do you even care? Shouldn't you be off sucking Kenzie's face?"
"That's why you haven't been talking to me, right?" she asked, "Kenzie probably made that a rule. James told me that Kenzie didn't let him talk to me when they were together."
"This has nothing to do with Mackenzie, Miracle."
"We aren't done talking, bunny," I began, taking a few steps in front of her so that I blocked the door, "I wan-"
"I don't have to explain everything to you, Steve."
"NO!" she growled, so loud it felt like it echoed through the room, "No. You don't get to play that card."
"What card?" I asked, "What are you talking about?"
"The 'bunny' card," she said, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. I furrowed my brows and tried to reach out to her, "NO!"
"What are you talking about?"
"You and Kenzie are masters at this shit," she growled, retracting from me, "aren't you? Do you enjoy messing with people's heads?"
"Messing with people's heads?"
"Yeah," she nodded, "I'm getting so tired of it. I feel like it's driving me crazy."
"I can't do it, Steve," she sighed, "I can't have this conversation right now."
"Well when can we have it?"
"Not now," she said, pushing past me, "I'm already gonna be late for my first briefing...please move."
Sighing, I moved out of the way, allowing her past me.
"Rogers are you paying attention?"
I looked up. Sharon and Kenzie were both looking at me, "sorry, what?"
Sharon sighed, "the two of you are going to Germany. There is a base which has information that we need about certain Electromagnetic pulse weapons. Possible targets are New York, Paris, and London, all within ranges that can be transported. Everything is located in the internal storage of their computer's mainframes. We've tried to get our top people from the cyber division hacked into it, but we've got nothing."
"What's their mission?"
"Same thing, but in Russia," Sharon said, looking to the other meeting room, "Possible target locations are Tokyo, California, and Dubai. We need to neutralize the threat by getting the information as quick as possible. Both teams are leaving tonight, and extraction is planned for when the information is gathered."
"How long do we have?"
"They are in a phase of moving. Everything will be cleared out in the next 48 hours. This is our only window."
"How fast can you have the jet ready?"
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 I stared at her.
Ever since we loaded up the jet, no one had said a word. Bucky sat with her on one side, while we were on the other.
We didn't go over the mission.  We didn't talk about our drop points.  We just stared.  It wasn't until the pilot called for us, that a uni said we were a few minutes from our drop off point.
"Extraction will be ready when you call for it. We have a small plane that can get out of the airspace before it's noticed. Got it?"
I nodded, tightening the pack on my back. Bucky and Mira stood up as well, getting strapped in to theirs as the uni told them once we dropped they'd be up next.
"Any tips?"
I nodded to Kenzie, "watch your meters. Don't pull too soon or you'll be a sitting duck. You remember the training, right?"
She went towards the door, and I felt myself wanting to say something to Mira. Her eyes met mine and I felt my breath catch in my throat.
We hadn't talked since our fight before the briefings.
She looked like she wanted to say so man things to me.
I took a few steps towards her, and she rushed into my arms, hugging me tightly. I sighed, wishing that I could hold her longer. That I could be with her on her mission.
"You better come back to me in one piece," she whispered softly, "We still have to talk."
"I know," I said wistfully, holding onto her waist, "I know."
"Call me it."
"You'll be okay bunny," I whispered to her. I felt her relax slightly in my arms, "I promise. When we get home, I'll hold you tight, bunny.  We’ll snuggle up on the couch, and everything will be just fine…okay?"
As I backed away, Bucky nodded to me.  
"Don't do anything stupid punk." 
"How can I," I smirked, trying to make light of situation and referring to something we'd always joked about, "you're taking all the stupid with you." 
Mira gasped and immediately my eyes went wide as I realized she thought I was talking about her.  But Bucky just laughed, “it’s a saying he and I had from when we were kids…because we always do stupid shit.”
He smiled and punched me on the shoulder, and it felt like for a second our friendship was okay.  And then he put his arm around her waist.
"Be safe, Steve," she pleaded, "please."
"Don't worry," Kenzie said in a seductive voice.  She ran her hand along my shoulder and down my arm, "I'll take good care of him..."
Chapter 29
Tag List:  @krissy25, @lohnes16, @multifandom-world8, @cjand10, @fandom-princess-forevermore
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ignitedbynatsu · 3 years
He Makes You Feel Insecure ~ Gray
A/N: as promised here is the first one shot in the HMYFI series. Hope you enjoy it! Let me know who else you want me to write for! As you can see I decided to ditch the summary since I’m not very good at it oop- 🤭
Warnings: insecurities (feeling like you’re too clingy)
genre: angst to fluff
Other versions:
Laxus ~ Erik/Cobra ~ Bickslow ~ Gajeel ~ Natsu  ~ Jellal ~ Freed ~ Sting ~ Rogue
Gray had just come back from a job with Natsu and the crew and to say he was in a bad mood was putting it lightly. He wanted nothing more than to go home and go to bed.
It was no secret that he and Natsu weren't always on the best terms, but for some reason, he was working even more on his nerves putting the ice-magic user on edge.
If Erza wasn't there he would've punched the dragon slayer right there and then in the face, but he didn't want to deal with her wrath, so he just cropped it all inside.
After he grumbled a goodbye to everyone in the guild he made his way home, where you were patiently waiting.You knew how tired he gets after he went out on a job, so you decided to make his favourite food and even picked his favourite film to watch tonight.
Once Gray was home, you immediately greeted him by the door with a wide smile. "How was the job? I made your favourite food"
"I'm not hungry" He replied in a rather cold tone.
"Oh... Okay." You said a bit taken back by his tone and answer, but you didn't want to let that ruin the mood "How about we watch a film? I got your favourite"
"No, thanks," He declined once again as he made his way further into the house with you trailing behind."Is everything okay? We could just cuddle if you want?" You suggested carefully, noticing how tense he was.
"Fuck (Y/N)! Can't you see I want to be left alone?" He suddenly exclaimed making you flinch at the sudden rise in volume "I don't need you making me food, I don't need you picking up after me after I throw off my shirt, I don't need you to cling on me every second of the day! Can't you see that you're smothering me? You are not my mother so stop acting like one! It's like you're suffocating me. I can't go one minute without seeing you everywhere. Just give me some space, God damn it"
You took in his words carefully as you slowly nodded at his little outburst. If you looked over all your actions you couldn't help but feel like he was right. You were almost 24/7 with Gray, so he wasn't wrong. Had he always thought this and had it now only come out?
"I'm sorry" you softly spoke, afraid to set him off further.He ignored your apology and went to your shared bedroom, slamming the door shut after him. You once again flinched at the sudden sound. Tears start pricking in your eyes as your mind went over everything that just happened.
You didn't mean to smother him. To you, it seemed like small acts of kindness. You didn't mind cooking for him as it was something you enjoyed doing. He always threw his clothes God knows where, so you made sure to pick it up, so he wouldn't lose it. As for the attention, you didn't see yourself as a clingy girlfriend, but he was right that you were around him almost all the time. Being in the same guilt meant having the same friends and even going together on missions from time to time.
It wasn’t the first time you two had an argument. You knew he was just frustrated and stressed. Most of the time it blew over by the next morning, but this time it kept running through your head. You quietly grabbed your coat and made your way over to Lucy. You didn't want to upset Gray even more, so you decided to give him the space he wanted.
The next morning when Gray woke up, he noticed the cold spot where you normally laid. He frowned at not seeing your figure but just thought you had gone to guilt early to help Mira-Jane as you did from time to time.
He got dressed and wondered what he had made for you this morning only to see you had nothing prepared for him. As he looked around more he noticed that the plate with his favourite food was still on the table, along with the unwashed dishes in the sink. That was some very odd behaviour for you.
Maybe you had overslept and were in a rush this morning? He shook it off and went to the Guilt only to see that you weren't there either.
"(Y/N) and Mira went out to do some grocery shopping," Cana said as she noticed the frown on the boy's face.
"Gray! We have a new mission! Let's go!" Erza called out to him as Natsu sprinted out of the guilt followed by Wendy and Lucy who were laughing about something.
As the night fell the group got back from the job. Normally you would sprint up to Gray and engulf him in a hug, but today you hardly lifted your head at the sound of him coming back. You were carelessly chatting away with Cana as she chugged down another glass of wine.
“Hey, babe,” He said as he came up behind you and sneaked his arms around you.
“Oh hey,” You replied and gave him a small smile before continuing your story. When he noticed that even Cana looked at you two weirdly, he knew something was up.
“Can I talk to you for a second?” He asked.
“Oh, I just made plans with Levy to go out and get something to eat-“ He cut you off before you could completely deflect him “please?”
You nodded your head at him and followed him outside. You didn’t miss the reassuring Lucy had sent you and gave her a small smile back.
Once you were completely alone, Gray sighed heavily “Is something wrong?”
“No why?” You asked as you chewed the inside of your cheek nervously.
“You’ve been kinda off today, you didn’t even give me a kiss when I came back from the job. Why is that?” he clarified.
“I thought you needed more space” You answered softly as you stared at your feet.
“More space? Is this about the argument yesterday?” Your silence confirmed his question, making him take your hands in his “(Y/N), look at me. I am so sorry about yesterday. I was in a terrible mood and shouldn’t have worked it out on you”
“You were right though, I am too clingy,” You said softly.
“No, you’re not. You’re perfect. It was never my intention to make you feel insecure about that. I promise you I do not think you are smothering me. You’re just incredibly kind, and I was an asshole for making you feel that way.” He assured you.
“You really mean that?” You asked unsure.
“With all my heart. I really am sorry for making you feel that way, my love.” He apologized as he pulled you into a hug, not planning on letting you go anytime soon.
“Good, ‘cause I don’t know how long I would’ve lasted without hugging you” You mumbled in his chest.
His laughter vibrated against your cheek, making you automatically smile as well “You have no idea how much I love you”
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I Don’t Know (ft. G Dragon and MINO) (8)
Part 8
Jiyong finds out what happened with Jae and Yuna tries to talk to Mino.
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This series will be updated once a week, every Friday! No specific time though lol. It’s an AU where Jiyong has a younger sister and you’re her best friend! Featuring my OC Mirae as the Best friend. Just saying, it’s not related to any of the scenarios I’ve written so far. Please do leave me some comments or asks! I love receiving them! It’s also a bit of a love triangle situation, so yeah :)) There will be eventual smut in this series.
(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Also, just clarifying. The Jae here is not Park Jaehyung from Day6. It’s just the name.
Happy New Year Folks!! :)) Here’s to hoping 2021 is a better year for everyone :) I sincerely hope everyone had a great day and have great years of happiness and health ahead :)
Please comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list:))
Word Count: 3753
WARNINGS: cheating, slight violence(punches to the face), sexist remarks, smut (overstimulation and safe word usage). 
You started coughing violently before walking out of the room, excusing yourself. You walked straight past Minho, not even realising that there was someone standing there, but that was okay, because Minho didn’t realise you walked past him either. Yuna had turned around to see if you were okay and she saw Minho. Minho was so lost in staring at her, overcome by a rush of anger and sadness, he didn’t notice Jae excuse himself to check on you. Jiyong did though.
You ran to the bathroom and got there just in time before another violent coughing fit hit you. Why Jae of all people? He was the one person who working with was worse than working with Jiyong. And on top of that, Yuna came with him. Jae had been cheating on you. You didn’t tell anyone that was the reason for your break up though. When people asked, you just said you drifted apart, but it was actually because you caught him with another girl. He was drunk and they were making out, going to their bedroom when you walked in.
5 years ago
He turned and smirked at you, pulling you into a kiss seconds after making out with that other woman.
“Y/N, babe. Wanna join?”
You started to feel sick. Nauseous.
“Anyway, you’re cheating on me with Jiyong.”
His eyes furrowed.
“Why do you look so sad? Oh. Okay, fine. You can invite Jiyong to join us too.”
Voice strained, you asked,
“How long Jae? How long have you been cheating on me?”
“Ever since I figured out that you were cheating on me with that bastard. I think it was at Sohyun’s wedding?”
You nearly fell right there. He had been cheating on you for three months? Because he thought you were cheating on him with Jiyong? Jae jolted you out of it by grabbing your phone.
“Let me call him to join us. I have a bunch of questions for him anyway.”
“What?! Jae, no!”
“Hello? Jiyong?”
“…What the fuck Jae? Why’re you calling me from Y/N’s phone? Is she okay??”
“Yeah, she’s fine. I actually wanted to ask-”
You grabbed your phone back, choking on a sob.
“No, Jiyong, it’s fine. Don’t worry. He’s just drunk.”
“Y/N, are you sure? You don’t sound okay.”
You couldn’t hold back the sob any longer.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Everything’s fine. It’s perfect.”
And you cut the call. You turned to look at Jae and the very uncomfortable looking girl.
“Jae, we’re done. Don’t ever contact me again.”
You walked out to go to your car and cry. Jae never apologised. Nor did he follow you to your car. He just didn’t care. You don’t remember much of what you thought that night. But you did remember thinking that even if you could go back in time and change that one night at the wedding with Jiyong, you wouldn’t.
All those memories came rushing back, and you started feeling nauseous again. That’s when you felt very familiar hands brush back hair from your face. His touch made you feel even worse.
“What’s wrong Y/N?”
“Jae, get away from me.”
“But my poor Y/N looks a little unwell.”
“Get the fuck away from me.”
Jae laughed and took a few steps back.
“I was not expecting to see you here Y/N. Good to know I was right though.”
“Right about what?”
“About you and Jiyong, of course. Not going to lie, I felt slightly guilty about that night after seeing your reaction when you saw me with her, but now, I feel like I’m more than justified.”
You were about to say something, but Jiyong’s voice interrupted you.
“What night?”
You panicked when you saw a very angry Jiyong standing in the doorway. Furious, he repeated,
“What night Jae?”
Jae looked between the two of you and laughed.
“Oh, you never told him? Come on Y/N, you should have. At least you would have felt better after he beat me up.”
“Why would I beat you up?”
Jiyong’s eyes slowly travelled to you. You knew he was trying to ask you whether you didn’t tell him something, but didn’t want to voice it, scared he would cross a line.
“Well, after Y/N here found me in bed with another woman, I asked her to join us. I also told her to invite you. After all, if I could invite someone, she could also invite the person she was cheating on me with. That’s why I called you that night.”
Jiyong looked murderous. You knew he would want to kill Jae. Right there. But he kept looking at you, hurt more than anything else that you didn’t tell him.
“Your girlfriend caught you cheating. And you invited her to join?”
Jae shrugged.
“I mean, I wasn’t the only one. She had been cheating on me with you for ages.”
Jiyong was about to lose it. You could see that. But you weren’t bothered. Because you were also about to lose it.
“Jae, get the fuck out.”
“Why Y/N? Does seeing me here bother you?”
“Yeah it does Jae. Because I haven’t beaten up someone since middle school and you’re about to make me change that. So, before I do, get out of here you piece of shit.”
“Ha. That’s rich coming from someone who pretty much just slept their way up.”
There was an eerie silence after that. Jae was looking away and smirking. You stared at him, shocked at his audacity. Jiyong stared at you, willing you to let him kill Jae. You turned to Jiyong. He was begging you to let him punch Jae. At the very moment you nodded to Jiyong, too tired to do it yourself, Jae opened his mouth,
“What? Nothing to say to that? I guess it’s true.”
Jae didn’t know what hit him when Jiyong’s fist met his face. He stumbled to the side when Jiyong grabbed his collar and punched him again. And again. And again. Until he felt your hand on his shoulder. Although he was still mad, he dropped Jae’s collar and looked at you, wondering what to do. Jae lay there coughing up blood and wiping his bloody lips. You glared at him.
“Leave him be Jiyong. He’s a model. You can’t mess up his face more than this.”
And you grabbed Jiyong’s hand and walked out.
Jiyong looked pissed, but also confused.
“Where are we going?”
Without turning back to look at him, you muttered,
“Look at your hand. You caught it in Jae’s nose piercing. It’s a mess.”
And sure enough, when he looked down, his hand was a bloody mess. You pulled him into the infirmary and whipped out your phone. Your tone was calm when Somin picked up the call.
“Hey. Jiyong tripped over something, so we’re in the infirmary. We’ll get back to the meeting in a while.”
You turned to him and your voice was pretty disconnected when you spoke.
You grabbed a first aid kit and started disinfecting his hand. He hissed when the disinfectant touched the wound. You didn’t say anything, but you become a lot gentler.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Jae?”
“I don’t know. This was when I liked you. I didn’t want you pitying me, or being mean to me because you felt like he had a point.”
His voice softened.
“I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Really? Can you really say that? Because you were very mean to me otherwise.”
“I’m sorry. I owe you an apology. A lot of apologies actually.”
“What are you apologising for?”
“For being mean to you. For hurting your feelings. For saying what I did when you confessed. For leaving you alone that night. For taking you for granted. For constantly snapping at you. For pushing you away to the point where you felt like you couldn’t tell me about your toxic ex because I would make it worse. For snapping at you when you called me Ji simply because I was scared it would give me hope for something that I didn’t think would happen because I li-”
“Don’t. Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”
You looked up, meeting his pleading eyes.
“Jiyong, I’m in a happy, healthy relationship. I’m happy with Minho. Please just be happy for me. I haven’t completely forgiven you for everything, because Jiyong, I’ll be honest. You scarred me. For years, I thought something was my fault. I thought I wasn’t enough and that’s why you hated me. And you never cared. I’m treating you normally now because we have to work together for a while. That’s it.”
He looked so painfully resigned that you couldn’t help your heart from hurting.
“Yeah, I know. That’s enough for me. But please don’t cut me out of your life. You’re someone very important to me.”
You backed away after bandaging his hands, leaving Jiyong feeling rather empty from the loss of contact.
“I don’t know Jiyong. We’ll see.”
While Jiyong was pouring his heart out to you, Yuna excused herself saying she was going to follow you, but she shut the door behind her and went up to Minho. Eyes regretful, she grabbed his sleeve,
“Hey? Really? That’s what you have to say to me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Minho.”
“Don’t. Don’t call me that.”
“Don’t you want an explanation for why I did what I did?”
Minho stopped breathing for a second. That was the one thing he desperately craved. He needed to know why he wasn’t enough. She knew.
“Minho, it wasn’t because of you. You were amazing. It’s just. I met Jiyong years ago, at a fan sign, and he helped me out. He probably doesn’t remember it, but I fell for him.”
His voice broke.
“So, you dated me to get to Jiyong hyung?”
“Minho, but please. I love you. Please. Please can we try this again?”
“You love me?” He laughed. “What bullshit. If you did, you never would have done what you did.”
“Minho please. I’m so sorry. I’ve never regretted anything more.”
He pulled away from her.
“I have a girlfriend. Leave me alone.”
And he walked off. What was odd however, was that she didn’t seem too upset about that as she kept an eye out for Jiyong to return. Minho managed to walk away, but the moment he closed the door behind him, all he could think about was what she said. And how you had liked Jiyong. And known him for years. And how she dated him to get to Jiyong. Fucking hell. Why Jiyong of all people?
You somehow managed to get though the day, the only good part of which was seeing Jae stammer as he lied about tripping somewhere. The moment you walked out of the office though, you called up the one person you needed to see.
“Hey Mirae. Wanna get some coffee together?”
“For you to offer me coffee, you must be really out of it. What’s up?”
You smiled. You needed to just relax with your best friend for a while.
“Nothing much. Just... it was a long day.”
“Sure. I’m home right now, so you can come over if you want.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in ten. Keep some sweat pants out for me.”
 You lay back relaxing on her couch, blissfully wiggling your arms in the oversized sweatshirt and comfy pants she gave you.
“I’m stealing these.”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
You sat up and sipped on the lemon tea she made you and you could almost feel the tension leave your body.
“Okay, spill.”
You took a deep breath and turned to face her.
“You remember Jae, right?”
Her expression turned wary.
“Yes, I do. Asshole.”
“Yeah, he’s playing Jiyong in the MV. And Minho’s ex Yuna is playing… the girl.”
“Yeah, I know.”
You recounted the day’s events for her, leaving out the bit about him turning up at your apartment drunk and you buying him breakfast the next morning. Mirae always hated Jae, so you knew she’d be mad when she found out, but she just remained silent. Then you told her about what Jiyong said, or rather almost said and how you cut him off.
“He never really cared about me anyway.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
You stared at her, dumbfounded.
“I definitely wouldn’t say that.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“He’s gotten you home when you were drunk on more than one occasion. He’s taken care of you when you couldn’t walk straight. He took it upon himself to cheer up the woman he loved after her boyfriend was an asshole to her at Sohyun’s wedding. He’s comforted you whenever he felt you needed it. Granted, he didn’t know his behaviour caused it most of the time. I have never seen him as worried as he was the day you fainted and he carried you home. He keeps your confession in his wallet. Women don’t stay with him because he can’t stop thinking about you. You’re the only one who can comfort him and cheer him up when he’s feeling low. You managed to get him to cut down on his smoking. He sleeps well only around you. Y/N, you matter to him. A lot.”
“What… Love? Mirae, I thought you didn’t like the thought of us together.”
“I didn’t. Because he didn’t realise he liked you and you never called him out on shit when he was mean to you. It was bad for both of you. Worse for you though. But now, he’s changed. You’ve changed. And now, I think it’ll be better. I don’t know whether I’ll like it, but it’ll be better now. You’re happy with Minho though, so I’m not saying to break up with him. I just want you to know that… things are different now. He still has a lot to make up for. Years of him being toxic aren’t just going to disappear. But even though he told me not to tell you, I feel like you have a right to know about the things he’s done for you over the years. I may be harsh on him, but he’s my brother. And you’re my best friend. And in the end, I just want both of you to be happy. You don’t have to be happy together. Just…be happy.”
You stared at her in shock. She sighed.
“I know. I know you never knew about any of this. And maybe I should have told you earlier. But you were just beginning to get over him when you cut him out of your life and that was what you needed then. Now, things are weird. You’re working with him but you’re in a happy relationship with Minho. He likes you but he’s not trying to make a move on you, although his album is literally about you.”
“I liked him for all these years and he never said anything?”
“He liked you before you liked him. And he didn’t say anything because he was an idiot. And he was scared. And that made him an ass. Don’t get me wrong. He was a Grade A jackass, but I think you should know this.”
You couldn’t comprehend all of this. You felt overwhelmed by this crushing pain. All those years that you liked him, he liked you back? Instead of all those years of questioning yourself, the two of you could have just been together? You felt some anger, but more than anger, you just felt sad. In a barely audible whisper, you said,
“Mirae, tell me everything.”
She looked up, clearly concerned, but she told you everything. About how he started liking you ten years ago, how he convinced himself he didn’t, how he took care of you that night when you were drunk, how he went back to search for you at the park. And with every word, your heart hurt a little more. You liked Minho. It wasn’t even a possibility that you would break up with him after gaining this information, but it really twisted a knife through your heart when you thought of all those years. You stood silently after Mirae was done, gathering your things to leave. She jumped up, worried.
“Where are you going?”
“Home. I just really need a little time and space to wrap my head around this.”
“You okay?”
You turned and gave her a sad smile.
“Not exactly, but I’ll get there. I just need to think about this.”
 You got home, showered and napped. You needed time to rest and recover. It had been a very long day. You just wanted Minho to come home soon, so that you could cuddle with him and maybe have a tough conversation about everything you found out today. Oh shit. You’d also have to tell him about Yuna. And you didn’t want that. It did seem like he would be home late though.
Minho was in his studio, trying not to think too much about everything that happened when he heard a soft knock on the door. He opened it and nearly slammed it shut when he saw Yuna standing there. He would have too, if she hadn’t stuck her foot in there to prevent him from doing that.
“Can we talk Minho?”
“What do you want Yuna?”
“Yuna? Sweetheart, whatever happened to baby girl?”
He stared at her in disbelief. She walked past him and made herself comfortable on the couch.
“Minho, I need to apologise for everything that happened a few years ago. It was horrible. And if I could, I would turn back time to prevent that from happening.”
“Yeah, but you can’t, so what’s the point of all of this?”
“Minho, please. You’re the only man I’ve ever been happy with. And you know that we were happy together. Please. Let’s give this one last shot?”
Minho remained silent and Yuna took that as an invitation to move closer to him. She gently put         her hand on his thigh and starting tracing patterns.
“Minho, baby, please. I’m sorry.”
Minho’s mind was clouded. He was so mad that Jiyong hyung was so involved with his girlfriend. He was mad because of their history. He was mad because of his history. He was hurt by everything. At the back of his mind, a small voice told him that he knew that his chemistry with Yuna was unbelievable and he had never had better sex, but still. The thought of you, smiling as you hugged him after a long day couldn’t let him give in. He was tempted. So tempted to not stop Yuna’s hand that was trailing upwards but then he remembered the one time he saw you cry because of a movie. It was just a sad movie, but he had promised himself that he would never be the cause of those tears. He grabbed Yuna’s hand and turned to her to tell her to back off when he kissed him. He was too shocked to do anything about it, so she deepened it. The moment Minho realised what was going on, he pushed her off him.
“What the fuck Yuna?! I told you I have a girlfriend.”
She just looked away, not answering him.
“Get out. Get out of my studio right now and never come back.”
Minho got home a while later, exhausted, stressed, nervous, guilty and jealous. Not a great mix of emotions. His jealousy only amplified when he saw you working on a concept for Jiyong.   Not fucking Jiyong again. You were so deep in thought you didn’t hear him, so when he hugged you, you jumped.
“What’s wrong Minho? Long day?”
Minho stared at you for a minute, hating how the only thing he could think of was the way Jiyong stood before you protectively. He didn’t reply, instead leaning in to pull you into a deep kiss, his hands travelling down your legs and wrapping them around his waist.
“Yes, it was. Will you help me forget about it?”  
 Not long after that, you were lying face down on the bed, with tears streaming down your face as Minho’s fingers pumped into you. He was giving you your fifth orgasm. It was too much. Way too much. It has crossed from pleasure to just plain painful. Something was wrong with him that day. He was usually very responsive to your non-verbal cues. He seemed preoccupied and angry. You barely managed to croak out,
The speed of his fingers increased.
“That’s master to you.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You cried out.
“Minho, stop! Popcorn!”
It took a minute for it to register that you had just used your safe word with him. Once it did though, everything stopped. He immediately stopped, moving away from you. You fell to your side, tears still streaming down your face. You were shaking and you couldn’t keep your eyes open. It hurt so much.
“Oh fuck.”
He tried to wrap a blanket around you but you flinched at his touch. His face fell, but he moved away. God, it hurt so much that you flinched, but it was his fault. He should have checked in on you more. You slowly covered yourself with the blanket and waited till you stopped shivering.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. Fuck. I’m really sorry. I should have checked in on you more.”
You shook your head.
“It’s okay. You didn’t mean to. And it’s over now. We just have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
He was unsure when he leaned closer, moving some hair back from your face.
“I’m sorry.”
You just gave him a slight smile and held his hand.
“I accept your apology.”
“I’ll get you some hot chocolate?”
“Yes please.”
And Minho left for the kitchen. While your body still hurt and you were exhausted, you weren’t mad at him. You just wanted to know what was troubling him. You were snapped out of your thoughts when a notification popped up on your phone.
It was from Mirae.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I thought he was better than that. Remember, you can always just come and stay with me for a while.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. What was Mirae talking about? Who was she talking about? Did Jiyong do something? You opened your browser to try and figure things out when you realised your boyfriend’s name was trending. And your heart stopped when you saw why.
“BREAKING NEWS: WINNER’s MINO and Model Yuna dating!”    
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jemmahazelnut · 3 years
Romantic date
Summary: Mirajane sets up a very (overly) romantic date for Laxus and Freed. [Freed / Laxus]
Link: AO3
Romantic date
“What’s that face?” Mirajane asked, setting the beer down in front of Laxus.
“Nothing” he objected, glancing at the guild door, wondering when Freed would be back. The boy had told him that they would complete the mission within the week and that was the last day of the week, so he’d most likely arrive by that evening. And, Laxus had to admit, he was pretty happy to see him again after two weeks away.
He grimaced slightly wondering when he had become so pathetic. Maybe since he'd started dating his teammate. After Laxus kissed him one night when he drank too much, he found that Freed reciprocated his feelings for him and the two decided to date. For the moment they had only had a few appointments due to the constant commitments of both, but those few times that they saw Laxus' mood rose drastically. Being with Freed and spending time with him taking some extra liberties that as a friend he’d never have allowed himself to do was exciting. Kissing him was always nice, having intimacy with him so much that he could be more physical than normal excited him. In fact, he liked practically everything about Freed.
“God, I'm getting sentimental” he thought. But it wasn't bad, in fact, it was a good feeling.
“Ok, now you're smiling because you're thinking about Freed” Mirajane smiled in amusement. Laxus gave her a dirty look. He had nothing against the girl, but she did a little too much business with him, especially since she had discovered that the two were dating -Laxus hadn’t yet understood how she had done it.
“I'm not smiling” he retorted. Mirajane spread her smile.
“Yes, you are. You organized a surprise for him, right?” she asked. Laxus snorted.
“Why should I do this?” he muttered, not really wanting to know the answer.
“Well, you haven't seen each other for two weeks, and I know that the last time it was he who invited you out” she said as if it were obvious. Laxus wondered how she knew what they were doing but he decided to overlook it. “Laxus, you absolutely have to prepare a surprise for him. Freed deserves it” the bartender insisted. Laxus thought that Mirajane didn't quite understand. He and Freed weren't as romantic as she thought, and they were both fine with that. Neither of them made great gestures, nor did they want them.
“So, you want me to help you?” Mirajane asked. Laxus looked up at her.
“I don't need help” he said right away.
“So, you’ve already organized something for him? And what?” inquired the curious girl.
“I'll make him a dinner” he replied dryly, knowing that otherwise the girl would have exasperated him to get the answers she wanted. Mirajane lit up her face.
“How romantic. Oh, that's a great idea. Come on, I'll help you!” she exclaimed.
“I said I don't need help” Laxus muttered.
“Of course you need it, you’ve to throw him a nice surprise, and I know you wouldn't” she told him. Laxus groaned slightly and glanced at Cana, hoping that at least she would help him. But the brunette smiled at him and waved 'bye bye' with her hand, while she reached out to another bottle of wine.
Laxus didn’t know why he accepted, and swore to himself that if Mirajane walked into his house with another bouquet of flowers, he would kick her ass out. When that woman got an idea in her head she became maddening. He didn't even understand why she cared so much about arranging a date for him and Freed.
“Doesn't that seem exaggerated?” Laxus asked looking at how she had reduced his living room. It felt like another room after the changes Mirajane had made.
“Not at all. I’ve turned off the light, so you’ll have to have dinner by candlelight” she warned him and Laxus stared at her in amazement. That girl was out of her mind. He wondered if by chance she wanted to take revenge on him for something or if Cana had made her drunk, because it was not normal. “Don't make that face, I know otherwise you'd throw the candles out and turn on the light” Mirajane told him. Laxus ran his hands over his face wearily.
“Just tell me we're done” he said exhausted, as the girl had forced him to cook up until then as well as having him move furniture from his house.
“Yes sure. I got you a new bottle of wine in the kitchen. The risotto is ready, you just have to heat it in a pan and I threw away the cookies you had made, they were burnt. I've made others” said the girl, who seemed to be organizing the date of her life. Laxus continued to stare at her more and more thrilled. “Oh, and give him the flowers. This bouquet is for Freed, see I bought the flowers with every meaning. Respect, love, fidelity, promise…” she began to list a lot of things pointing to the flowers one by one, but Laxus didn't have time to hear that he had already forgotten everything. Of one thing he was sure: he wasn't going to give Freed flowers.
“You will give it to him, okay?” Mirajane snapped. Damn, since when had that demon been reading minds?
“I don't know if you've noticed, but Freed is a man and... all this stuff here has nothing to do with our typical date” snapped Laxus, who was now starting to get nervous. Because he was sure as death that Freed would be amazed to enter that watered-down version of love lair, and that he’d most likely make fun of his romantic soul. Which Laxus didn't have, what the fuck. It was all Mirajane's doing, but he would tell him right away!
Why then the candles? Was the light not good? And why the fuck did Mirajane have to make oysters too? It wasn't a gala dinner, it was just him and Freed. And why were there flowers everywhere? Wasn't the huge deck that the girl had made him buy to give it to Freed enough? And why did he have to give him a bouquet of flowers? Laxus was looking forward to Mirajane leaving, so he could throw all those flowers in the garbage and clean up the house.
“So what? It's all romantic and perfect, and you won't ruin my work” she declared and then looked at him. “And you dressed like this are not good. Freed is always so elegant, you must be too” she told.
“Mira...” he growled in warning, but the woman wasn’t frightened by anything and dragged him into the room. “Freed doesn't care about these things” Laxus clarified annoyed, because he realized he was getting late. Freed was in danger of arriving at any moment and he wouldn’t have time to put the living room back as it was before.
“Of course, he cares” Mirajane said convinced as she opened the wardrobe.
“I hang out with him. Not you” he pointed out irritably. He knewwhat Freed liked, and such an evening would be embarrassing for both of them.
“Exactly, and he wouldn't tell you. But he has a romantic soul, he has never told you so as not to make you uncomfortable because he knows that you are incapable. That's why I'm here to help you” she said pulling out a dress shirt and a pair of dark pants. Laxus was about to retort but a doubt crept into his mind. Was it really so? It could have been, after all, Freed hadn't wanted to push anything with him. A certain nervousness began to build in his stomach. So, Freed liked the romantic types?
“Don't be swayed by the demon” he thought irritably, glancing at Mirajane, who held out his clothes.
“Get dressed and move. Freed will be here in a moment” she told. Laxus didn’t object and as he entered the bathroom he thought of the green-haired boy. Laxus thought he knew him well, but Mirajane wasn't entirely wrong. He didn't know every side of him, that last month had proven it. Freed could actually be very romantic in words, undoubtedly more than him who, if he put in the effort, would come up with a predictable phrase. It was normal that Freed would have liked it if Laxus had been with him too. And if he had been able to, Laxus would have done it. But he just couldn't. And now that Mirajane had put reality in his face, he was beginning to feel a certain anxiety.
He finished washing and dressing you and left the bathroom. The girl smiled at him joyfully and she approached him with gel and comb.
“I'll fix your hair” she told. Laxus didn't reply, trying to convince himself that Mirajane was wrong. But it was a bit difficult. Especially since the girl kept talking about sweet things and what he should be doing. Give him flowers, a welcome kiss, pour him wine, bring dinner to the table saying he had prepared his favorite dish just for him, then put on some music and dance -Laxus didn't know how that idea came from her brain , he couldn't dance!- and something else he must have forgotten.
The doorbell rang and Laxus felt anxiety crawl up his skin. Was he Freed? What the fuck was he supposed to do? All of Mirajane's advice and chatter had sent him into confusion.
“You understand everything?” the girl asked. Laxus just stared at her with a fairly eloquent expression, and the girl rolled her eyes and then smiled sweetly. “You just have to be sweet, Freed deserves it”. Of course Freed deserved it, he knew it too. Just... he had no idea what to do and how to behave. It was going to be a disaster, he already knew it. Why had he allowed the girl to do all this?
But he didn't have time to think about anything that the girl dragged him into the living room, she put the bouquet of flowers in his hand and then opened the door. There was Freed.
Freed was in a great mood. Since returning to Magnolia, he had found out from Lisanna that Laxus had a surprise for him, and now he was beginning to be curious. He only knew that he had to go to his house. He walked the way faster than necessary. Freed was actually excited to see Laxus again after two weeks, and knowing that the blonde had arranged something for him made him blush more than he should. He couldn't help it, since Laxus had kissed him, he felt like he was flying two meters off the ground.
He arrived in front of Laxus's house and rang the bell. He waited and after a while he found himself in front of Laxus with a huge bouquet of flowers in his hand. He was so focused on seeing that exaggerated amount of flowers that he hardly noticed Mirajane walking out of the house.
“They're for you” Laxus grunted obviously uncomfortably and Freed found himself blushing slightly as he picked them up.
“Oh, uhm... thanks” he said a little uncertainly. Of all things, he hadn't expected Laxus to buy him a bouquet of flowers.
“Well, uhm... I know you're a man” the blonde snapped and Freed looked up at that point. He noticed Laxus blush and found himself smiling in amusement.
“The opposite would be worrying” he chuckled and Laxus snorted as Freed entered. The rune mage reached out to him, leaving him a sweet kiss on the lips. “Thank you” he said softly this time and Laxus's face turned even more red. Freed smiled at his reaction but decided not to say anything, as the thought was really nice. Of course, the bouquet of flowers was a bit exaggerated and he suspected that the blond had asked Mirajane for help, but just thinking of Laxus in a florist's shop while he was buying something uncomfortable made him smile. He would have liked to see it.
When he entered the living room, however, he was stunned. He stared at what looked like a… a… Freed really couldn't define it. The sofas had been moved, leaving the room free, candles had been hung on the walls, in the center there was a table with two candles and a vase of roses in the middle, and the floor was covered with flower petals. And there were at least twenty bouquets of flowers for the rest of the living room. It was all very… romantic. Too much, to tell the truth.
“You can sit down” Laxus clarified in a snarl. Freed gave him a puzzled look, not understanding the contradiction between what he saw and what he heard from the blond. He decided not to ask questions, set the bouquet of flowers on the dresser part and then sat down at the table, wondering why Laxus had decided to do something like this. But the blond went into the kitchen. At that point Freed waited until the Dragon Slayer returned with a pan that definitely smelled inviting. When he saw what he had prepared, his eyes widened.
“Oysters and mixed fish risotto?” he asked him stunned.
“Uhm... you like it, don't you?” Laxus muttered and Freed nodded with a small smile.
“I didn't know you could cook oysters” he admitted as Laxus sat down across from him.
“Well, it's the first time I've done that” he revealed in a mutter as he looked down at his plate. Freed looked at him with an expression mixed between surprise and tenderness. He had to admit it, Laxus was really committed and it was nice to see him like that, also because he realized that the blonde was definitely out of his comfort zone and had done everything for him. On another occasion Freed would have enjoyed making fun of him, but at that moment he really didn't feel like it.
He thus began to eat discovering that it was also good. Laxus remained silent while he ate without much desire. Freed could feel his discomfort from there, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.
“You know, we met another Seith wizard on the last mission” he began to tell. Laxus looked up at him and seemed to relax as Freed began to talk to him about what they had to do. The evening went on quietly, Laxus told him what he had lost there in Magnolia and the two chatted about guildmates. At least until a music started from the Lacrima.
Freed turned in surprise as Laxus took his head in his hands, moaning slightly. Freed found himself giggling.
“It's dance music” he noted.
“I can't dance” Laxus said immediately with some nervousness. Freed smiled and stood up holding out his hand, while the blonde stared skeptically.
“Come on, it's just the two of us” he pointed out. Laxus shook his head.
“I don't dance” he said stubbornly.
“So why did you put the song on?” Freed asked, arching an eyebrow. Laxus started to answer and then snorted, giving up and taking the boy's hand. A smile appeared on Freed's face as he placed a hand on Laxus's side pulling him towards him. The blond was indeed stiff and looked even more awkward than before, but still the runes wizard decided not to say anything. He was already happy enough to have convinced him, and he really didn't care how Laxus danced. It was enough for him to be with him, even if he would have preferred the blond to have fun too. For that reason, he decided to stop the dance before the song was over, and Laxus seemed very relieved.
“I'm going to get the dessert” Laxus said immediately and quickly left the living room, leaving him alone. Freed at that point decided to turn off the music and approached the Lacrima, but noticed that someone must have enchanted that object, because it didn’t turn off in any way. He frowned slightly and kept trying, at least until he heard swearing from the kitchen. At that point he turned and walked into the small room, seeing that Laxus was throwing away bowls full of food.
“What are you doing?” Freed asked and Laxus turned surprised to face him.
“Nothing, go back there” the blond growled.
“Why are you throwing... oh” Freed stopped short and felt his face flush at what Laxus was throwing. Heart-shaped cookies with 'Love you' written on them. Laxus blushed.
“That's not what you think” he growled. Freed blinked for a moment in perplexity. “What a shit night” Laxus muttered to himself as he threw away the sweets. Freed, however, really couldn’t see him a second more so agitated just for a surprise that he had wanted to do. He was also beginning to feel guilty.
“Laxus, I'm really enjoying myself” Freed told him taking a bag full of cookies so the blonde wouldn't throw it away. Laxus grunted.
“Good for you” he said irritably.
“Laxus, I'm serious” Freed said at that point, seriously wanting to calm him down, because otherwise the blond would have a nervous breakdown and really didn't want to see him in those states. He put a hand on his arm. “I know how much effort it took you to organize all this, and I know it's not really your kind of date, but I'm serious, I really liked it, it's...” he paused for a moment not knowing how to define that overly mushy dinner “... romantic” he said, staring intently at him. Laxus stared at him for a few seconds before shoving him badly away from him and Freed was stunned, wondering if he had said anything wrong.
“Well, great” Laxus muttered.
“What's wrong?” Freed asked worriedly. Laxus put a hand to his head.
“Honestly? Everything” he snapped to the limit “Starting with that fucking bunch of flowers I gave you. Or rather, that Mirajane forced me to give you. Do you want to know how much effort it took me to do all this? Virtually nothing, Mirajane has thought of everything. The flowers, the candles, that music that never goes out…” he growled, throwing a bolt of lightning at the Lacrima and throwing it out the window so he wouldn't have to hear that song again as it started to hurt his nerves. “The petals, the candles, the cookies, and the oysters. Do you think I can cook damn oysters? I don't know how to do anything!” Laxus snapped out of his mind “So you won't have fun like this anymore! And if you want this fucking shit… well, just don't expect it from me” he threw out. Freed found himself smiling. He had assumed that Mirajane was behind it all. Sure, he'd thought Laxus had asked her for help, but apparently that hadn't happened either.
“Are you telling me that Mirajane did it all?” he wanted to assure himself.
“Yeah” Laxus snarled. “Honestly I didn't want to do any of that” he snapped and ran a hand through his hair. “You know what, it doesn't matter. Go out with a noble, a prince, who the fuck you want. I'm not made for these things”.
At that point Freed decided to silence all the boy's nervousness. Without saying anything he pushed towards him trapping Laxus against the wall and captured his lips in an intense kiss. Immediately Laxus' hands landed on his hips, holding him close as he reciprocated with equal passion. He let Laxus run his hands wherever he wanted, until he felt his breath fail. At that point he pulled away and looked Laxus into his eyes, who finally seemed to have calmed down.
“First of all” Freed began. “I figured there was Mirajane's hand behind all this. Secondly, I really don't care about nights like that, I just want to have fun with you. And finally, I like you the way you are. You don't need to try to be someone else, I'm already completely in love, you don't need to surprise me” he told, not without some embarrassment. But after what Laxus had done, it seemed small to him to admit he had such strong feelings for him. Maybe it was a little early, but after the years they had spent together, Freed realized he had completely lost his mind for his friend. He hoped he hadn't made Laxus even more uncomfortable with that last statement.
The blond stared at him in shock and immediately relaxed his shoulders.
“You love me?” he was still stunned. Freed felt himself blush but nodded. Laxus's face broke into a smile and soon he leaned over him to kiss him. Freed felt his heart rate increase as he pushed towards him returning the kiss, which quickly became more and more intense. Laxus's arms gripped him tightly, and his hand ran through his hair. It was more than Freed had expected and it was fantastic. When they broke apart, they were both out of breath.
“I love you too” Laxus revealed with red cheeks. Freed smiled and rested his head on his shoulder, enjoying that moment in his arms, thinking about how good those words sounded. Laxus reciprocated. He still didn't believe what he had heard, and it was a wonderful feeling.
He looked up at him and noticed that Laxus had a small smile and looked much more relaxed than before as he continued to slide his hand down his back in a gentle caress. They looked at each other for a moment in silence, before the blond spoke.
“I really do Freed, just… I can't do this to you. If Mira hadn't forced me, we would just have dinner and go for a walk, or see a wizarding competition, or… whatever” he said more calmly but seriously in the face, continuing to run his hand along Freed’s back. Freed smiled and reached out and placed his hand on Laxus' cheek.
“As I told you, I like you the way you are” he repeated. “And to be honest, I'm relieved to know you don't have such an overly romantic soul. The evening was beautiful but… Mirajane really overdid it” he said letting go of a chuckle, thinking back to how absurd all that had been. Laxus smiled in amusement.
“Fuck Mirajane, I knew she was just talking bullshit” he said.
“What did she tell you?” Freed asked curiously, as he reluctantly dissolved the embrace.
“That you dreamed of such an evening” Laxus muttered and then fixed his gaze on him. “I mean, something romantic with... flowers and dinner and... all of that” he said. “But you liked it, didn't you?” he then asked uncertainly. Freed looked around and then decided to be honest.
“The idea of you making me a dinner is good, but you really don't need to make me meals like a king. And as for the flowers, it's a nice thought, maybe next time take a smaller bouquet, I really don't know where to put it. As for the atmosphere...” he said, alluding to the floor strewn with petals and candles everywhere “It really isn't necessary” he concluded. Laxus sighed looking very relieved at that revelation.
Freed took the blond's hand. “So, you said you wanted to take me to see a magical competition, right?” he asked. Laxus nodded and smiled slightly.
“Do you want?” he asked.
“Obviously” was the immediate reply. He found himself smiling as Laxus put his arm on his shoulders as they left the house and started down the street.
“So, I really want to know what the florist looked like when he found himself in front of Laxus Dreyar buying about twenty bouquets of flowers” Freed began in an amused tone. Laxus groaned.
“No, please” he said but Freed insisted.
“I'm serious, and I also want to know how you got Mirajane to persuade you to fill the house with candles. I'm sorry I missed you too learning to cook something different. You know, if you miss something funny, I'll ask Mirajane directly” Freed continued with a mocking smile.
“You're an asshole” Laxus muttered and Freed laughed openly. Laxus began cursing that woman as he told Freed how Mirajane had literally dragged him from side to side without even giving him time to think about what he was actually doing. The two found themselves giggling together along the way as Laxus talked about his hellish afternoon. Despite everything, the evening had really taken a pleasant turn and the two could not but be happier.
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kentuckywrites · 3 years
Imperium 2: Chapter 2
Bruma venit. (Winter is coming.)
At Nessa’s insistence, Elma led her into the barracks and sat her down on the couch as she dug around various locations for first aid supplies. Lin made herself useful in a different way: she figured Nessa would want some food, even though mimeosomes didn’t technically need to eat, and started preparing something warm. She wouldn’t explain what she was making, preferring to keep it a surprise. Elma quickly learned as she was bandaging up Nessa that Lin was making soup, something that smelled warm and cozy.
Elma worked on the deeper wounds first, particularly one on Nessa’s right shoulder. She winced whenever Elma made contact, but didn’t tell her to stop at any point. As she worked, Lin spoke over her preparations.
“So you’re Pongo’s sister...how come he never told us about you?”
Nessa chuckled, though she hissed through her teeth when Elma started wrapping the first bandage around her shoulder. “Because I didn’t exist until a short while ago. It’s so easy to lose track of time when you’re walking on foot all the way from Noctilum, so I want to say...maybe a few weeks?”
“Holy shit,” Lin breathed. Elma shot her a look when she cursed, and Lin flushed up and turned back to making her soup.
“Yeah. Believe me, I tried to flag some Skells down,” Nessa said, “But either they didn’t see me, or they flat out ignored me. If it was the latter, then that’s quite rude.”
“Either way, it sounds like you’ve been through quite a bit,” Elma finished wrapping up her shoulder and went on to cleaning the next biggest wound, a pair of scratches on her stomach. Not nearly as deep as the one on her shoulders, and if she had to harbor a guess, inflicted by some type of insidia. Once Nessa noticed where Elma was planning to work next, she rolled up her shirt for easier access. Elma paused for a moment.
“See something you like?” Nessa winked.
“W-What? No, I was just thinking...you’re a lot different than Pongo,” Elma confessed, a slight hint of blush starting to form on her cheeks and nose, “He wouldn’t have let me do this.”
“We’re both stubborn in our own ways. Hell, I wouldn’t have let you do this if you weren’t drop dead gorgeous,” Nessa grinned.
“Now that’s most certainly something Pongo wouldn’t have said,” Elma chuckled, partially from embarrassment and partially from the absurdity of the situation. She cleared her head by going back to cleaning the wound with a fresh cloth, dampened with water. “So what exactly did you mean when you only existed for a couple weeks?”
“Exactly that,” Nessa explained, “Now, you both know about Mira, right? I’m pretty sure Pongo told you at one point.”
“When Pharsis was about to break out and kill us all, and the only way to stop it was for Pongo to fall into Mount M’Gando? Yep,” Lin said bitterly. It didn’t go past Nessa and Elma undetected, but while Elma sighed, Nessa rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, that was fun. Here’s the thing. Mira created Pongo to be its avatar, right? Well, it created me for the same purpose...except, it’s also because Pongo is in some kind of trouble.”
“What kind?” Lin walked over, carrying a bowl of soup in her hands. She set it down carefully on the table next to Elma’s medical supplies before taking the couch adjacent to Nessa. “Like, the life-or-death kind from before? Or something different?”
“I...we...don’t exactly know,” Nessa admitted, “That’s kinda why Mira created me. Because whatever happened to Pongo, it kicked Mira out of his body, and Mira has no idea what happened after that. So it created me in an attempt to find him and figure out if he’s okay.”
“Mira was ejected from Pongo’s body?” Elma scowled, enveloped in her own deep thoughts, “How would that work? Do you think miranium has something to do with this disconnect, since Mira couldn’t access Pongo’s body beforehand due to a miranium shortage?”
“Normally, I’d agree with that,” She said, “But Mira does remember one thing before it lost its connection to Pongo. There were...they’re called Ganglion, right? There were a lot of them.”
“Ganglion? God,” Lin slumped in her seat, “I thought we’d be done with them after the Lifehold battle.”
“Unfortunately, many Ganglion still have strongholds positioned throughout the continents,” Elma clarified, “Our fight with them is far from over. Now, these Ganglion who found Pongo...where exactly were they? Do you - or Mira - remember?”
“Mira remembers a little,” Nessa said, “The Ganglion Pongo encountered were in Noctilum. But Mira also remembers...okay, hang on, actually, it’s thinking about it…”
Nessa trailed off, her eyes flashing white for the briefest of seconds. Elma recalled how Pongo’s eyes went white when Mira assumed control of him, back at Mount M’Gando, and could only assume that this was Mira appearing for a moment. Nessa’s eyes remained indigo, however, and recognition soon dawned upon them.
“Mira remembers a small part of where Pongo might be, right now. The Ganglion took him to Cocytios.”
Lin and Elma exchanged a look.
“Cocytios?” Lin asked first, slowly, making sure she pronounced it the same way Nessa did. “What…”
“Oh! Ah, right, I don’t think BLADE has discovered it yet,” Nessa said sheepishly, “It’s a sixth continent that’s located underneath Primordia, to the southwest. It’s only one of many places you guys haven’t found yet, though, but that’s an explanation for another day.”
“We haven’t exactly expanded our search to below Primordia’s southern borders yet, so that explains why it hasn’t shown up before now,” Elma said, “Though, why there? What do you know about the continent?”
“Cocytios is cold,” Nessa put her shirt down, realizing that Elma had finished patching her stomach wound a while ago, and that she had begun working on a section on her thigh. “Like, freezing. It’s pretty mountainous, has lots of snow, and a couple of those ancient weapons like the rings in Oblivia. Has a giant cavernous pit like Oblivia, too.”
“Ooh, it’s like Antarctica!” Lin smiled. Nessa’s visible confusion prompted her to expand slightly, “That was a continent back on Earth. It’s at the very bottom of the planet and it’s super cold there.”
“And it might be just as dangerous,” Elma cautioned, “We’ve never encountered an environment like that before, nor do we have much of an understanding as to what lives on the continent. We got lucky with the other continents being hospitable, for the most part.”
“You call Cauldros hospitable?”
“I said ‘for the most part’. Remember, Cauldros is also the continent with the most active Ganglion presence, and they’re seemingly responsible for the number of architectural developments there. Disregarding our relations with the Ganglion, those fortresses have the most protection against indigens and Cauldros’s weather phenomena. Of course, the Ganglion would never let us walk in there of our own volition…”
“But that didn’t stop us in the past!” Lin giggled, “Even if sneaking around didn’t work, those Prone were never gonna win against Team Elma!”
“Ooh, what confidence!” Nessa said, “Well, if you’re sure your mims can handle the environment, then that’s good to hear. I think I’d be more scared for those giant robot things you guys pilot sometimes.”
“Skells?!” Lin got stars in her eyes, but they just as quickly diminished when she realized what Nessa was trying to say, “Oh man, I don’t actually know if most of the Skell frames available through BLADE would be able to handle that sort of environment...most of the ones that were able to operate in space were dismantled or destroyed during our descent onto Mira, and we haven’t had any reason before now to upgrade any of the existing models aside from heat and humidity resistance so they can function in Noctilum, Oblivia and Cauldros…”
“And this mission is time-sensitive, if we’re to believe Pongo’s in serious trouble,” Elma added on, “So the chances of developing and installing those modifications onto our Skells for this is...well, I doubt we’d have the necessary amount of time required to make those modifications effective.”
“It took us a couple weeks to make the humidity modifier for Noctilum’s weather,” Lin sighed, “And even longer to create a modifier to help with the heat waves in Oblivia and Cauldros. It’d take a while to create a modifier to help against frost, weeks at best, even if we didn’t take any Skells out there for a test run. It’d go untested if we wanted to keep things quick, and ah...I don’t really recommend that.”
“BLADE has boats, right?” Nessa asked, “Please tell me this entire time you haven’t just been relying on Skells to get things done.”
“We’ve got boats,” Lin chuckled, “Sometimes with research teams there’s equipment that we just can’t trust in the hands of Skells, so we use rovers and boats to transport them, especially if they’re going to Sylvalum or Cauldros.”
“Great! Then we’ll need a boat, and some warm clothes for you both,” Nessa sat herself up straighter, placing her hands on her lap. Elma had long since finished addressing her wounds, and feeling as though she’d done a good job of patching the major injuries, was beginning to put the first aid supplies away. “I know mims can usually handle a ton of heat, thanks to your adventures in Cauldros, but...what about Elma?”
Nessa glanced towards Elma before taking the bowl of soup in her hands, fiddling with the spoon dipped into it. “I mean, at the risk of me sounding picky, you’re downright stunning in your true form. But...well, would it be a better idea to be in your old mim for this?”
Elma took a moment to think as she moved to pick up the medical supplies. Once they were off the table, Lin nudged the bowl of soup closer to Nessa, who nodded as a silent thank-you. Elma placed the medical supplies on the counter in the kitchen, not wanting to move far from the conversation. In the back of her mind she wondered where Tatsu was - he was usually here in the barracks, hovering next to Lin like an affectionately curious cat. But he was nowhere in sight. Elma resolved to ask Lin about it later. He’d probably want to come along, even if he didn’t offer much to the team besides being the constant victim of food jokes. But that wasn’t what she needed to think about, at least, not in the current moment.
“Recovering my mimeosome might be the better option,” Elma pondered openly, “And I don’t think that’s picky, Nessa. I quite prefer my original body to my mimeosome, though I can concede that the nature of the mimeosome would be better able to withstand the climate. Not that armor isn’t important, but I wouldn’t need to worry about extra layers in my mimeosome versus my true form.”
“I guess it would be a shame to see you covering up all that skin…” She sighed, and Elma’s blush returned tenfold. Perhaps it was a better that Tatsu wasn’t here, although unfortunate that Lin was. The poor girl was shaking her head. Was it disappointment? Second hand embarrassment?
“Are you implying that, despite agreeing to go in my mimeosome, which is more suitable than my current body, I should wear less clothing to a continent you’ve described as freezing cold?” Elma raised an eyebrow. Her tone was teasing, but not annoyed. How could she be annoyed when she considered this flattery?
And yet, Nessa started to blush, too, and she looked away quickly, suddenly interested in one of the bandages that Elma had applied to her shoulder. “Whatever makes you comfortable, of course! I’m not saying you should wear anything specific, just that you’d look nice in something similar to what you’re wearing now - or ah, well, you’d look great in anything, to be fair!”
“I never imagined, in all my life, that I’d meet someone with a bigger crush on Elma than Irina,” Lin chuckled, “But here we are!”
“Compliments aside, I’ll speak with the MMC about recovering my mimeosome from storage,” Elma told them both, “In the meantime, Nessa, I patched up the majority of the wounds on your body, and with a little rest and extra care, you should be good to go by tomorrow. I can lend you some of my weapons for the journey ahead, if you like, or Lin might be able to grant you weapons better suited to your fighting style.”
“When I hit, I hit hard, no matter the weapons,” Nessa smirked, “I’ll take some of your old weapons just for convenience’s sake. Plus, if they’re in the barracks already, I can take ‘em for a test spin!”
“Try not to overdo it, if you can. For now…”
Elma turned to Lin, who looked happy and bright. This would be a new adventure, a new location. Unexplored territory and possibly unidentified indigens. Despite the mission they’d agreed to take, Elma couldn’t deny that she was quite intrigued regarding Cocytios. Judging by Lin’s expression, she was excited, too.
“Lin, do you know where Tatsu is?” Elma finally asked.
“Oh, he’s hanging out with some friends he made the other day. Said he wouldn’t be back until dinnertime.”
“Something tells me he’ll want to join us.”
A sparkle brightened in Lin’s eyes, and her fingertips bounced against each other as a mischievous smirk crossed her lips.
“I sure hope he does! If he didn’t, we wouldn’t have anything to eat!”
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moeruhoshi · 5 years
Natsu bringing up the subject of wanting children to Lucy for the first time
Natsu sighed as he twirled his fingers absentmindedly, sitting at his usual table in the guild. He’d been grateful that Levy had taken his wife on a girl’s only quest that would last a week, giving him an appropriate amount of time to sort out the messy thoughts he had.
It had been two wonderful years since they finally tied the knot after their many years of friendship that transpired into dating, and now, he had the best wife in the guild. Alzack would probably argue that Bisca was the best, but he was surely too shy to make such a public declaration.
Natsu loved Lucy more and more each day, thankful he was able to wake up with her and not get kicked out of bed. Going to bed with her was just as nice, and depending on the night...well, you know.
She’d moved out of her apartment and into his house, after a very intense discussion on how clean he and Happy would need to keep things. He’d do anything to keep her there once she moved in, or moreso anything to keep her comfy bed where his hammock used to be.
Recently Natsu had thought about expanding their home by making a room for them, a room for Happy, and a room for...the little fledgling he’d had a sudden desire to hold.
Seeing Al with Asuka, Macao with Romeo, Levy with her twins, even Gildarts with Cana, made his thoughts wander to having a baby of his own. He loved kids and was known for being one himself, so he worried that maybe Lucy wouldn’t want to make such a big commitment.
He could practically hear what she’d say to him;
“Eh? You want us to have a baby? I’d have to hire a nanny for the both of you! There’s no way you’re mature enough to take care of a kid!”
And he had his rebuttal prepared;
“I raised Happy, didn’t I? And he turned out just—“
Okay...maybe Happy the best example.
As much as he loved his little buddy, Happy was a rascal, and knew just how to pick on Lucy’s nerves. But he teased out of love! And did it less now that they were living together.
But she’d seen him with Asuka before, and played nice with the twins. He would have totally been their babysitter when metal breath and Levy went on missions if not for the fact that Gajeel trusted Juvia way more.
And he’d been saving money! Money was important if he wanted to have a kid, so he secretly put away ten thousand jewel from every quest they took. He nearly had a million or two stashed away, plus now that Lucy didn’t need to pay rent, they had a lot more they were able to spend between them. The extra money would give her some peace of mind when they’d be too busy to go out on jobs, it’d surely be enough to manage their lifestyles as they took time to learn a new routine.
He cooked a lot too, learning from Mira how to make anything but burnt campfire fish. Lucy was obviously better than him, but his food wasn’t half bad! Lucy was gonna need a lot of bed rest after having their kid, so he wanted to let her know he could take care of her in that sense too.
Natsu wasn’t gonna lie, he also thought his pregnant Lucy would look...just amazing. He imagined rubbing her swollen belly as they laid together in bed, or pressing his ear against it to feel the baby kick and heat them moving around. She’d get moody and tired and he’d wait on her hand and foot, even carry her around if she wanted it. He’d take care of her in...other ways too, much to his own delight.
So he’d been sitting in the same spot for nearly a week, nervous as it became the day before Lucy would arrive home. He was finally gonna bring it up...maybe...no definitely! Or...
“Okay, spill it,” Cana plopped herself in the seat across from the dragon slayer, starling him out of his thoughts. “I’ve been watching you make the same five faces all week and it’s starting to get annoying.”
“Sheesh, Cana, I don’t gotta tell you an—“ Natsu yelped as she cut off his sass with a flick to the forehead, grumbling as he rubbed the now sore spot.
“Oh, hush. Don’t get an attitude with me, I’m here to help. You’re plannin’ to tell my Lulu something important, right? As her interim guardian, I need to be breifed before you say a word to her. And it better not be some shit about divorce or so help me, Dragneel, you’ll never walk again,” The card mage warned as she rose a suspicious eyebrow to him and drank from the pint she’d brought along with her.
“Geez, I’d never leave Lucy!” He quickly clarified as she still looked at him sideways. “It’s nothing bad...it’s just that I wanted to have a serious conversation with her,”
“Which is...?” Cana drawled on her question until he finally sighed and gave in to her curiosity.
“I want, I want us to have a kid,” Natsu quickly slapped a hand over the brunette’s lips as she almost yelled out to the whole guild. Luckily enough, everyone was too occupied with their usual hustle and bustle to pay attention to the intimate subject. “Don’t you dare!”
“Alright, alright! I won’t say a word! But oh my gosh, a little Natsu and Lucy! I’d reach that kid everythin’ I know, ‘specially about drink—“
“This isn’t about you, Cana,” He rolled his eyes and stopped her before she could go on, but smiled as she did, unable to hide his excitement.
“I know, but! Ugh! Okay, I really have to tell someone—“ The dragon slayer quickly snatched her wrist in his hold before she could make off with the information.
“No way! I only told you because you said you wanted to help me!”
“Oh yeah, sorry, got carried away,” She retook her seat and hummed with lips now puckered as she thought. “What’s got ya so nervous? She’s your wife, ain’t she? I figured something like this would be easy to talk about,”
“Yeah, but I don’t know if Lucy thinks I’m ready. It’s a lot of responsibility and I’m not the most responsible...but I know I could be,” Natsu frowned as his worries began to churn again. “I’m ready to be a dad,”
“Then it’s as simple as that. You need to voice your concerns with her or she’ll never know how you’re feeling.” Cana said as she took a swig from her barrel-like stein. “And you’ve practically taken care of us all since we were kids, I don’t think there’s anyone better suited to raise a someone, you’re a good guy, Natsu.”
Cana’s words provided the strength he’d been looking for all week, encouraging him to take the leap and bring up the difficult question with his wife.
He even planned to set the mood; sending Happy off to Wendy’s for a couple nights, cleaning the house, washing their sheets, ordering flowers and chocolate-covered strawberries Lucy couldn’t get enough of. He showered like crazy too, styled his hair, wore a nice suit, even let his stubble grow in. That was one
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tempestshakes01 · 4 years
aw, ok,
I was thinking more about my last days in Sp/okane (full post about that another day!) when I remembered that ~literally~ the day before I left to Seattle to pick up my parents I met the CUTEST guy at my favorite thrift shop. 
Yes, so I went to the shop to drop off a bunch of clothes and the few larger items I could carry by myself (the rest my dad was going to help me drop off when we drove back from the western half of the state). Me being Mira, this meant I could not resist going inside and...go shopping for more clothes. I needed jeans! Sp/okane thrift spots have the best selection of good quality jeans at a steal. 
Anyway, it was Saturday--I think...because it was very busy and the line at the fitting booths was super long which only happened on Saturdays when they had their sales. ANYWAY, who cares, the line was long. I had my lil cart filled to brim knowing I’d be taking a while because you can only take 6 items in at a time. One lady in front of me was sighing all loud and making noise about how many people were around. The next lady in front of me also had a massive haul and then her daughter came and joined her with another big cart, but I didn’t mind because I was doing last-minute emails on my phone for STEM camps (parents got links to our class videos...after 3 years I really got that shit down...my camp was so funnnnnn). 
Then an older man comes up with three work shirts. I’m supposed to be next in line but I know that 3 out of the 4 booths are being used by the ladies with lots of stuff to try on and I have a lot too, so I let him go in front of me. He’s so sweet and like, “Are you sure? Are you sure? I just don’t know which blue will look best so my wife told me to try them on.” And we chatted amiably before a booth opened up. 
OKAY, so I don’t know why I’m telling this story with so MUCH unnecessary detail, lol, I think I’m procrastinating the rest of my day, but--
A guy who I originally thought was a shopper came over and turns out he was an employee. He helped out one of the rude ladies (the mom) and then started organizing the area right by the dressing booths. And like, I was trying not to really look at or chat with people becauseeeeee this was still at that time when my voice was almost completely blown out. Like, I remember this afternoon cause later I went climbing with J and N, and I sounded like a witch. And my allergies were so-so, and I had hives still, and I wasn’t wearing any make-up, and my hair was quite messy, and I just remember thinking I looked like shit, sounded like shit, but I was overall in a super good mood, lol. (again, more about my last days in Spokane in another post)
So when I let the older man ahead of me, and he went into the booth, the worker guy [let’s call him...Caleb. I don’t know his name, but he looked like a Caleb], surprises me by saying, “wow, that was really nice of you”.
(also because i had forgotten he was there and he was literally like a foot away from me at the clothes hanger you put go-backs on so he leaned over and i was like oh yeah this cute guy)
AND OKAY, you’re like, Miranda, that’s so dumb that you carry that moment with you for a year, but lemme just clarify...it’s the way he said. He was so...ugh, hot, and it made me feel so good at the time because he said it like he was kinda surprised someone was nice (hahaha), but also very warmly. It made me glow. I don’t know how to explain it. This is so dumb now that I’m typing it out, but I didn’t even blush at the time!!! Me!!! I didn’t blush!!! I simply felt like,,,wow,,,,thank you hot guy for being so nice. Oh, that’s it!!! The way he said it felt kind. In this weird way. Like, I suddenly knew that he was a very kind person. vIBES, ya know. 
So nothing more of interest happened because as soon as I basked in the glow of his warmth and kindness and hotness, and said, “thanks” in my scratchy as hell voice...I remembered I am me (acne scars (my skin was going thru a time probably bc of how much weed I was smoking lol), hives, messy hair, witch-voiced) and that right now was not the best time to be talking to such a sweetheart, so I smiled and pretended to finish my emails for another 5 minutes when a door opened up and it was my turn. 
It was the booth nearest the go-backs so I tucked my lil cart behind it and Caleb (lol I forgot I named him) said he’d watch my stuff. And so I tried on all my stuff. Took like 15-20~ mins cause again! Big haul! Cute jeans! A sports bra! Dresses! 
After figuring out when I wanted, I started to roll my lil cart to the only register open, when Caleb hopped over from the go-backs and said he could ring me up, but I dunno what I was thinking (that I didn’t want to be rung-up by the hot guy...let that other girl go.....she was already making her way toward him) and I ignored him (lol), but he said “hey, i’m open” from behind the register and not noticing the other girl making a b-line toward him, we made eye contact and he was like, “I got you!” and waved me over so I no choice but sheepishly tug my lil cart to his register where the afternoon light was streaming in behind him making his blonde hair glow and his clear blue eyes shine brighter (lMAO i’m totally making that up...I don’t remember if his eyes with blue but I remember they were so warm and pretty so let’s go with blue).
So he starts to make conversation and I chat with him even tho I sound like I’m parched and 100 years old, and he’s super friendly and we are VIBING. We’ve got that flirty thing and he’s got tattoos and his haircut is obviously from a barber and sharp and he’s very upbeat in a natural way.........and i just like him. immediately. So we’re talking and he asks me what college I go to...........lol.......and I say that I’m out of college. He says, oh, when did you graduate.....and I literally had to pause and mentally calculate and I even made a joke about how I’m so old I have to think about it......and he asks me how old I am and I say that I turned 25 in May. And he gets quiet for a second, tells me I don’t look 25 and I say that’s what all the kids say cause i work with kids lollllll, he shrugs, and then starts our convo with the same energy it started with but THEN I tell him about my car getting hit and he.........tells me how to fix it or something........my taillight........and says he’s gonna start school for autoworkers and become a mechanic (hot) and his dream is to own his own shop, and I’m like, that’s so cool, yada yadda, and THEN he says, yeah, he got into a great program after graduation..............and I pause, because graduation. And I go, “Cool, what college did you graduate from” because I’m dumb and I wanted him to have just graduated from college, but no he goes, “Uh, high school. I went to [redacted]................[big pause]............I’m 18.” And I go, “OH.”
And I don’t think it registered to him that I was like, not gonna flirt with him now that I knew he was a 😭 child, until I said that hard “oh”, lollllll, but again he kinda paused and rolled with it saying he was gonna give me the “college girl” discount and it’d be between us, no worries, and I was like “oh thank you sweet young man” (not really im not that much of a nerd but i was getting that sort of sentiment across) and he was getting it at this point, so he kinda sheepishly said, “I’ll see you around?” 
but no, I was gonna move the next day, but I said yes and walked out shaken at how we were totally vibing and I started crushing on him cause he was so hot and so nice and the sun was shining behind him in a halo and I looked like crap but he was still flirting and then he had to be 18. lmao. 
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so sad. 
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dark0angel13 · 5 years
LYHC: Chapter Six
The door opens silently and Natsu lets out the breath he’s been holding, thanking God that Happy’s door didn’t make any sound. It’s late and the last thing he wants to do is wake up the old man. He walks with quiet purpose, closing the door softly before removing his shoes and tip toeing to set his bag on the table. He didn’t have much, just what he took with him when he left the hospital.  
“You don’t have to worry about waking me up.” His voice cuts through the darkness and Natsu nearly jumps out of his skin.  
“Jesus Christ Happy you scared the shit out of me! Why are you sitting in the dark anyway?”  
“Would it make a difference if I had the light on?”  
Shit, he’s got a point.
“Yes!” He counters exasperated, “Because then I would know you’re awake and you wouldn’t have scared ten years off my damn life!”
The old man laughs and Natsu growls lightly before walking up and sitting across from him.  
“What were you doing sitting all alone out here anyway?” Natsu asks curious.  
“I was waiting for you.” Happy smiles and motions to the fridge, “I thawed some more blood out if you wanted to top off. Few minutes in the microwave should be enough.”  
“You really know what you’re doing,” Natsu laughs, “I’m not your first vampire?”  
“Oh no,” Happy’s chuckle has the hairs on the back of his neck standing up, “there have been a few before you.”  
The room is silent while Natsu heats up the blood, cringing only slightly at the stale taste when he gulps it down.  
“It’s not as good as the fresh stuff but this will keep you fed until you can find another source.”  
Natsu nods absently at the old man before remembering he’s blind and verbalizes his thanks. For a blind man, Happy saw a surprising amount, and it scared him.  
“Hey,” Natsu stops and looks at a photo on the bookshelf by the window. It didn’t seem to be that old but the frame is what caught his eye. Old ironwork on the sides with stained wood for top and bottom. It was beautiful and it drew Natsu right in. “Who are these people?”  
There were three, all young and smiling, and all with startling white hair. It makes him think of Mira and he smiles. One of them even looks like her…
“Ah the Strauss siblings. Closest I ever got to actual kids if I had to reckon.” Happy saunters up and grabs the photo, a nostalgic smile on his face. “The youngest, Lisanna was her name, she was just like you.”  
Natsu feels himself stiffen as he stares at her picture. Bright sapphire eyes and an infectious smile. She seemed so happy.  
“Like me? You mean she…you know…?” He can’t bring himself to say it for some reason. If he said it out loud it would solidify the fact that this was indeed a thing.  
“A vampire? Yeah. Sweetest thing too.”  
“What happened to her?” he follows Happy to the couch, noticing how the old man is gripping to portrait like his life depends on it. There is a long silence before he speaks and Natsu isn’t sure he wants to know any more. The despair that he hears in the sigh has his heart clenching.
“She didn’t want to hurt people anymore...” Natsu hears nothing but utter defeat in his voice, “And the frozen blood only helps so much. After a while, her body just gave up.”  
“How did she become a vampire in the first place?”
“Where to begin...” a simple response that carries so much weight. “She was diagnosed with Leukemia at a young age.”
“Leukemia is a form of cancer isn’t it?”
“Yeah, “Happy nods, “She was diagnosed when she was seven if I remember correctly. The treatments were hard on her body and she turned around fourteen. I found her rummaging through the garbage one night and took her in.”
“I know the feeling...” Natsu nods in agreement.
“She couldn’t take the guilt of killing to stay alive, and eventually decided to stop feeding all together. She passed a couple of years ago.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” What else can he say to something like that? “what happened to the other two in the photo?”
“They tried to talk her out of it, but her mind was made up.” Happy wipes away a tear while he speaks, “Her brother, Elfman, up and joined the Army. Said he needed to feel useful. Her sister went back to school to become a nurse. She still visits every so often, “he pauses for a moment, “She still comes by monthly to say hi, in fact she should be here any moment.”
“Is it okay for me to be here? Should I hide?” He doesn’t really know why he’s asking, but in the books  he’s read, vampires had to hide from normal people. This is no different right?
“It’s not like you have fangs or burst into flames in sunlight, far as I’m concerned, you’re a normal person.”
“Okay then.” Really, what else can he say?  
As if on cue there is a knock at the door before it opens and Natsu feels his body go stiff.  
“Sorry I’m late Happy, work was a bitch today.” The voice is light and Natsu hears a familiarity in it immediately. There’s no way it’s her...there’s no fucking way the world is that small.
She looks up and their eyes meet, the entire world melting away. In that moment, it’s just them and he feels tears well in his eyes.
“Nat...su...?” her voice is laced with shock and the sound of his name is like the dam breaking on the tears in his eyes. It’s really her. She’s here, standing in front of him.  
“Mira...” His body doesn’t want to move. His feet seem to be rooted in place where he stands and no matter what he tells himself, he has no control over his movements and it’s infuriating.  There is a moment of silence for what seems like an eternity before she’s racing towards him.
“Natsu!” He’s wrapped in her arms in seconds and her warmth covers him like a security blanket. He’s melting into her embrace before he takes a breath, his arms encircling her waist and his face buried in her chest while he cries.
“I thought I lost you...” she rubs his back and suddenly he’s back in the hospital again, her comforting him like it was just another day.
“You two know each other?” Happy’s question breaks the moment and they separate but not before she places a gentle kiss on his forehead and smiles.
“I was the nurse who took care of him before he went to Hospice.” She wipes her tears and ruffles his hair.
“Small world.” He chuckles, placing the picture back. “Help yourself, my home is your home.”  
“Thanks Happy,” Mira grabs a two glasses and the bottle of whiskey before sitting down across from him and motioning for Natsu to get comfortable next to her. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”  
“I still can’t believe I’m seeing you again,” his voice is soft as he sits, his hand coming to grip a lock of her hair and he feels tears begin to well again.  
She leans into his touch and her warmth makes his heart race. He loved her the most during his stay at the hospital. She treated him like they were family; loved him like he was her brother.  
“I know the feeling,” she takes a long drink and leans back. “When I watched the van drive away, I collapsed. You were the closest thing to family I had there. It broke my heart to see you leave and I’ve prayed for your peaceful passing every day.”  
He watches a tear fall and his hand tightens on the glass of blood. He wants to erase her pain.  
“When I heard what happened on the news later that night I had to leave work early. I was a mess. The video of the abandoned van still makes me cringe just thinking about it. There was so much blood. And the dead driver…” Mira trails off as her voice begins to tremble and Natsu remembers it all like it was yesterday.  
“I’m not sure what happened,” he begins, picking up where she left off. “We stopped for gas and everything just changed. I could smell the blood, see it running through his veins. My vision went red and I just… lost control.” How else could he describe it? There was no easy way of explaining how he turned into a murdering psycho in the span of five minutes.  
“When I finally came to my senses he was dead and—for a reasons that still confuse me to this day— I didn’t feel sick anymore. My hair had grown back, I felt stronger; I felt… alive.”  
“They looked for you for days, fearing whatever had killed the driver, had taken you. When they gave up a week later; Erza had rushed home on emergency leave to attend your funeral. It was a closed casket for obvious reasons but…” Mira is crying now as she speaks, her hand coming to rest on Natsu’s.  
“I never want to see that much pain in her eyes again Natsu… she was heart broken.”  
“How do you even know Erza? She only visited a few times and it was all after you had gone home for the day.” If he remembers right, they only met once, right before she left for her most recent tour.  
“Elfman joined the army remember?” She clarifies and it begins to make sense to him. “He’s currently deployed overseas with her team as the medic. I get letters from him weekly and recently, Erza has been writing too. They’ve become close over there. The team is like a tight knit family, but I guess when you live in stress inducing environments like that, it’s necessary to find a coping mechanism for it.”  
“I see,” he’s happy that she isn’t alone anymore; that she has people she can trust and confide in. He misses her so much it hurts. “How is she doing?”  
“She misses you.” Mira says matter of fact, pulling a letter from her purse, “this is the first letter I ever got from her. I keep it on me at all times and read it almost every day. She’s become like a sister to me in the past few months, and every time I read this letter, It shows me how strong of a woman she is, and how much stronger she will become. You are a lucky man Natsu, to have someone who loves you so much.”  
He takes the letter and finishes his drink with shaky hands before his eyes settle on the words written before him.  
I know this is out of the blue, and that you don’t know who I am, but I’m deployed with your younger brother Elfman. First, let me just say that his name makes me laugh every time I speak to him because your parents must have been high as fuck when they named him. He’s a good soldier though, always first to jump in and help, and he’s saved us a few times out here.  
He said that if I needed someone to write to… that I could write to you, and that you would write back. I’m not sure if you will, or if you’ll even want to because you don’t even know who I am. I think we only met once when I went to visit Natsu in the hospital. He really loved you Mira, I could see it in his eyes when he would talk about you. You took care of him when I couldn’t… so I wanted to thank you for that.  
These past few weeks have been the hardest of my life. I find myself writing to him out of habit, then I remember he’s not around to read them anymore and I burst into tears. It’s like my heart was ripped out my chest and no matter how hard I try to find it, I can’t. I’m just going with the motions here, like clock work. I wake up, do my job, eat, and go to bed. I clean my guns way too often for sanity and I feel like my team is afraid of me, like I’m a hair trigger away from losing my god damned mind over here.  
I see him sometimes… when we patrol. His smile on the face of a child here when they offer us food, his laugh when I watch the kids play soccer with no shoes on. His eyes as a brother protects his sister from a wild dog and I’m too far away to act in time. He’s everywhere and I’ve realized something recently… he may be gone, but he lives on in my heart.  
I miss him so much it hurts. I keep a picture of him in my wallet when the nights get lonely, and look at it when I need to remind myself why I’m a soldier. I joined for him, because he got diagnosed before he could enlist and it broke his heart that he couldn’t be the hero he wanted to be. But he’s my hero…he’s my hero because I can’t be his hero anymore. Not when there’s no one to go back to. He won’t be waiting for me when I get home. He won’t be sitting there with bated breath to hear about all the shit I deal with on a daily basis over here.  
He always loved my stories, and I loved telling him. He was the only one who was genuinely interested in what I did. It made me proud that I could live the life he wanted for himself. That I could be a hero for him. I wish so badly that he was here with me now, by my side because I know with every fiber of my being, that he would have made an amazing soldier.  
I cry every night when I go to bed because I wasn’t there for him. That I couldn’t be there when the accident happened, when he was taken only God knows where by God knows what, and I hate myself for it every day. He didn’t deserve to die like that, and part of me, even if it’s just a sliver, hopes he’s still alive out there somewhere. That he makes his way back to you Mira because you’re the sister he should have had…not me. I couldn’t be there for him like you were. So thank you for always loving him when I wasn’t able to. Thank you for taking care of him in my place. Thank you for everything you did for him.  
I suppose I should wrap this up, we’ve got a long mission tomorrow and I haven’t slept properly in days. I hope this letter makes it to you Mira, because I need someone now more than ever. I miss Natsu so fucking much I want to kill myself some days just so I can see him again. I won’t of course, because I’m needed here and I know that if I did that I’d never see him. His heart was pure, his soul went to heaven. Maybe some day I’ll see him again… maybe some day I’ll be able to face him and tell him how sorry I am and how much I love him.  
Thank you listening to me rant, it means a lot and even if you don’t write back… would it be okay if I kept writing to you? I hope work is going well and if you need to vent to anyone other than your brother, well you know where to find me.  
Natsu can’t breathe. He can barely see the paper in his hands through the tears welling in his eyes. He left her all alone, with no one to talk to. How could he live with himself?  
“She needed me… and I wasn’t there for her.” He chokes out and he feels Mira wrap her arms around him.  
“No honey, you were there for her. Even if not in person, your memory is what keeps her going.” Her words are soft in his ear but he can’t believe them.  
“Her pain…” He buries his head in his hands and a sob rocks his body.  
“She misses you so much Natsu.” Yeah, he can see that. In the words written in the letter, in the lifeless smile she puts on with her team. He stares at her form in the picture that she sent with the letter and his heart aches. She’s lost weight, looks so tired and her eyes don’t shine like they used to. It’s his fault.  
“I miss her too Mira. I miss her so much it hurts.” He turns to her and wraps his arms around her, holding on like his life depends on her for support. She’s warm against him, her heart beating strong in her chest and he listens to it like a mantra that echoes through his head.  
“Can I see her again? Her tour should be ending in the next few months right?”  
“That may not be the best idea kid,” Happy speaks for the first time in a while. “Burying a family member is very traumatic, especially when they weren’t there at the time of death. Seeing her now would only confuse her and possibly send her past her breaking point, and I don’t think you want to be responsible for that.”  
He’s got a point, Natsu knows this, but he wants to see her again. He wants to hold her, to feel her in his arms if only one last time.  
“Trust me kid,” Happy’s hand comes to rest on his shoulder. “Not all siblings can handle the truth when it comes to people like you. Mira and Elfman are a special case-“
“Maybe Erza will be too,” Natsu interjects quickly, grasping at straws, at anything he can find for purchase to give him a reason to see her again. “She’s the strongest person I know, if anyone can handle me being a vampire, it’s Erza. I’m sure of it.”  
“For her sake Natsu, I hope your right.” Happy concedes and stands, “it’s late and these old bones need rest. Mira, as always your welcome to stay the night here.”  
“Thank you Happy.” She replies, “I think I’ll take you up on that offer tonight.”  
“You can sleep with me, it’s my first time sleeping in a bed in months.” Natsu is on his feet in seconds, pulling her with him to follow the old man to his new room. It’s small, but it’s all he needs, and it has its own bathroom.  
“Wait here while I get cleaned up and we can snuggle like we used to in the hospital before your shift would end.” His eyes light up when she nods in return and he’s gone seconds later.  
For the first time in what feels like forever, he feels normal again. The water was hot against his skin, instead of freezing and unclean. The food in his stomach was warm and cooked and definitely not from a dumpster. The body next to him was real and warm and so damn satisfying that he starts crying again when his arms wrap around Mira.  
“Everything okay Natsu?” Her voice is filled with worry but he shakes his head.  
“Everything is perfect. I just missed this.” He squeezes her tighter and that’s that last thing he remembers before sleep takes him.  
Chapter 6 is up, sorry it took  so long, so many other fics I’m working on right now it’s hard to keep track of them all. I do hope you all enjoy this chapter though! 
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teal-crown · 5 years
(Hopefully) Finishing this situation
Alright, lies have been spread, people are being harassed; so hold my ducking iced tea!
This is what I have to say about what happened while I was sleeping. I'll try to cover everything I want to say in the most organized way I can.
First of all, regardless of what I think about Yomi's public answer, I don't think it was right to set it up as a "democracy" asking your followers to decide if you indeed should credit me or not.
It needs to be YOUR own decision, and you must take the responsability.
I don't want to review and comment on everything you said there unless I am forced to after this, which I'd rather not since I want this to end. I want to finish this whole ordeal, so yes, please to credit me, Riicu and the clothing blog.
To all of you guys who are still not sure if I designed Mira or not, I'm here to answer you, since Yomi DIDN'T provide a truthful answer to that, and now people seem to think that I simply copied an outfit, instead of doing creative work design.
To start this off, I wanted to answer this anon.
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On the anon's first statement:
To answer you, anon, you clearly didn't read my previous post carefully, and you seem really annoyed and agitated, so let's examine it together calmly, shall we?
Also please be more courteous next time, as I never lacked respect to any of the people envolved in this.
In my last post, I said:
"I did those things in such a short amout of time, and even though it started fun, it progressively started kind of sucking my energy and I felt for the first time what it was like to overwork myself. (...) And did I tell him it was tiring me? I didn’t have the guts to, until I left. I felt guilty if I took more than two days off because of the things he said. (...) He reffered to the things I did as “assignments”. He would tell me that “maybe you’re not up for the task” “Are you turning down an assignment?” if I showed myself a bit relunctant and now I realize how innapropriate those comments were…and how dumb I was to not step out sooner."
I did art for him, expecting help on my game. It was not supposed to be "free" art. I didn't tell him sooner because of his comments, as I mentioned, since they made me uncomfortable and I was way too naíve. That's why I didn't stand up for myself sooner, I felt guilty if I wasn't capable of working with him, as he would throw those comments to my face.
I was manipulated, that's why I said " and how dumb I was to not step out sooner". It's up to each of you to decide if that was enough of a reason.
I DID tell him how I felt when I was leaving, so it wasn't through my post that he saw my feelings for the first time.
Now. Concerning Mira... Lies have been spread, and I'm here to tell you guys the whole truth about it, since Yomi WASN'T truthful regarding this topic in his answer.
Yomi, you know lies have short legs.
First of all you denied, you swore with your feet together that you didn't acknowledge me as the designer of Mira, but would still credit me, since “ she did put up through all of the extremely pressuring work I’ve put her through “
And you did something so low... Yomi, you convinced people that I straight up just copied the design of a random lolita outfit. Thanks to that, people are starting to think that I didn't do any creative work design, but that is a complete LIE. And I'm here to prove that and clean those dishes.
In your autoproclamed first "apology" you got quite a lot of comments, one of which caught my attention.
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and your answer was
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However you did not provide proof in your second “apology”, like you said you would so I did step in for you and asked you to edit the post
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which, as I expected, Yomi didn't.
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The shoes were based on this last one!
These are all the refferences I have on discord. Yomi did delete quite a few, but I DID a mix between them. I can't find them all, but I did find recently one on the lolita clothes blog that might have been probably the one that inspired the design the most: [Link]
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As you can see, the top part was inspired by this one outfit, but everything else is quite different, and I took all the creative liberty I could to design the rest of the outfit.
For example, I added poofy shorts, and the dress became a long shirt, and the shoes have stripped socks behind them, as well as the lovely choker that I always love to put in all my characters ahaha
The crown/halo was inspired by a character that Yomi had in a game, if I am not mistaken. You can see the refference for that in my previous post.
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Though, now that I think about it, you really SHOULD credit, not only myself, but also Riicu, the original artist of the previous design. And perhaps this lolita clothes' blog too.
You're welcome, for me going to search for the refferences for you. Though perhaps you couldn't even find them because you deleted your account.
Still, I commented them on your post for you, and you pretended not to see it, so, what else can I say? A cheesy "how would you feel, as an artist, if you were in my place"?
It's up to you, reader, to see for yourself and take your oppinion on weather or not I made the design distinct enough. I think I did, and I personally love the design. Artists should get all the help they can when it comes to exposure, just like every other creator. Not only that, but it’s also an amazing thing to add to a portfolio. I don't think you understand that Yomi, and honestly I'm not expecting you to, anymore. I lost all my hope I had for you to make the right decision the moment you straight up lied publicly and played victim.
If this doesn't prove that I designed Mira, along side with Riicu and with the assistance of this blog's amazing clothes, then I don't know what else to tell you guys.
That's what I wanted to clarify.
Now, last thing I want to mention, is about something that has been bugging me. I read nearly all the posts from everyone, so this part refferences a bit of everything that was said.
You, reading this. You read my post? You read all the other posts? From all the devs? And from Yomi? And from Lulluria?
I think you need to read absolutely everything to have a completely formed opinion on this whole mess. Check the comments, check the reblogs and read everything with plenty of attention before forming an opinion.
We all have different values, so it's completely understandable if people are divided. However, sending hate messages to people is NOT okay. No matter who you agree with.
Though, I'll still defend what I believe is right, just like Lulluria (by the way, I admire your art a ton! It saddens me that we are on opposite ends of the situation, and I personally don't think you should insult people so agressively, since we are all trying to stay calm here. Just wanted to quickly address this.), the other devs, Yomi, and the people who have oppinions to share.
Please answer these in your mind: have I been rude to anyone, in any way, shape or form? If I did insult anyone, did I offer a plausible explanation for it? Have any of the other devs been rude to anyone? How many, from so many of the ones who spoke? Have Yomi or Lulluria been rude to anyone? Was there name calling involved in both parties?
If you've read my post, you can conclude I wasn't rude/bullying anyone. I openly expressed my reasoning, my goals with the post and said nothing but the truth.
Is is toxic to stand up for ourselves and hope to be credited and end such a cycle? That is up for you to decide.
A lot of us are being guilt tripped into believing this is all our fault. That we are ruining Yomi's "reputation". And honestly? Just check my first post. I clearly stated what I wasn't working towards.
Yomi is digging his own grave, in my point of view. We gave him the benefit of the doubt and we wanted him to do the right thing. That’s all we wanted. Now we want this to be over more than anything, and just like I take responsability for starting it out, I hope Yomi takes responsability for hiding behind Lulluria's words too.
I don't agree with the whole toxic story about the discord group, as I have mentioned before. But even if I did, it is not relevant to this discussion, since most of the devs affected aren't even active there, let alone a bunch that aren't even there.
We are not talking about a community only. We are talking about individual people.
I think that focusing on trashing a community doesn't help the argument, it even leads to missing the point, and leads to misconceptions about the individuals. It doesn't help solve anything either. Finish, over, end. Though, It’s not like I am entitled to stop it.
Just because you had experiences in the past and got an impression of a group of people, it doesn't mean that all of the people that fit into that category are like that. It's just childish to keep that mindset. And I speak from experience, as I used to hate girls in general when I was younger. But thankfully...I grew out of it and met amazing people.
This is also the first time I'm involved in some kind of drama, hopefully it will be the last too.
Alright, done.
With the best of intentions, I want credit for my work, which I can't understand why Yomi is denying himself to do it so hard. I've already proven more than once, that I designed it. It would also be super nice to credit Riicu and the lolita clothing blog!
I hope no more lies are spread, and for this to be over.
I think we all need a fresh breath of air, and to calm down.
Thank you so much for the attention and support.
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fallen029 · 5 years
"Hey, Laxus?"
"When do you sleep?"
No time soon was the answer to the question posed by Mirajane Strauss as she stood there, in the doorway of his apartment kitchen. There was no light on, but Laxus seemed to not need it as he sat there at the table, cigar dangling from his lips, providing just enough illumination for him to see the map sprawled before him. Either that or slayers had some sort of enhanced sight that Mira knew nothing about.
Both were just as likely, she figured.
He sighed some, Laxus did, as he glanced over his way. As something like an apology, he questioned in a sympathetic tone, "Did I wake you?"
It was an adjustment for him, their relationship. A big one. Especially recently.
Back when things started, it was weird, yeah, as the guild had always kind of been his safe space away from his occasional dates and the typical drama that entailed with the opposite sex. Though he was frequently to make a joke at the expense of a woman at the hall, he never really wanted the headache that came alone with actually sleeping with someone involved with his guild.
And yet…
Mia was working late one night and he was a bit drunk, honestly, but Makarov hadn't been doing well as of late and he needed to speak with her on some things regarding that, which he didn't want to do until everyone had mostly cleared out. And yeah, somewhere between asking about how the old man, who'd been hunkering down in his house with a terrible bout of the flu, was holding up, he kind of spit some game, maybe, sort of, but Mira wasn't drunk and was still reciprocating, kind of. Well, she was being nice, at least, like she always was, and he was really into it, for some reason, that night, and he might have asked her if she wanted to go out to dinner, the next night, and wow, he was pretty dang embarrassed by the realization the next morning that, yes, he had acted that way towards the barmaid.
The embarrassment vacated, however, upon arriving at the bar the next day when Mira took him up on his offer. He was confused as to her reason for doing this...until when she got off, she actually made him come with her over to Makarov's house for dinner, to actually see his grandfather and check up on the man like he should have been doing all along
He felt duped. Tricked. Bamboozled. Or at least annoyed.
"You think you can just trick people into caring about others?" he grumbled to Mirajane as they cleaned up the kitchen afterwards. "Huh? Mira?"
"You can make someone feel something that they don't, Laxus," she sighed as she scrubbed at some dishes, hardly glancing over at where he was wiping down the counter. "At most, I just made you confront what you feel."
He grunted some before saying, "And here I thought you actually wanted to go out on a date with me."
"Believe it or not, Laxus, you weren't even the first drunk man I had to pretend to be interested in that night."
"Don't compare me to the rest of them."
"Why? Because you're some sort of catch compared to the others?"
"Have you seen me, woman?" He was honestly concerned for her eyesight them. "There is no one at that stupid hall that even comes close to me. I'm stronger, more intelligent, fitter, brighter, and-"
"And way more humble," she hummed. "Than everyone else. Especially drunk. Right?"
"If it makes you feel better, Laxus, yeah, you're probably closer to someone I would date than half the guys there."
"Doesn't make me feel anything."
"Has to stroke your ego just a bit."
"I don't have an ego."
"You are an ego."
Finished, he tossed the rag in his hand down on the now cleaned up counter. Staring over at Mira, he watched her diligently washing dishes for a good thirty seconds before remarking, "You don't have to do all this alone, you know."
"The dishes?"
"Taking care of my grandfather," he clarified. "I know you and your sister having been looking after him while I've been out on my jobs and-"
"The guild takes care of him, Laxus." She didn't look at him then. "All of us."
"Yeah, well, I could pay someone to actually come and look after him. At least until he gets better and can get down to the guild again. I know you work a lot up at the hall, especially with him being gone, and I just-"
"Things are fine how they are." She sounded final, too, in what she said. "And Master wouldn't want you to do that anyways. He's nearly all healed up. And I wouldn't want someone else taking care of him."
"You get onto me," he griped, "and you don't sound too humble yourself. What? No one else can take care of you like him, huh?"
"No one else owes him as much as I do."
He doubted that himself, but knew through her eyes, this was the complete truth.
"Feels like a crap date, anyways," he grumbled to Mira as they left, her off to finish the night shift and let Kinana off while he was mostly aimless, as he usually was his first few days back in town. "Tricky woman and all. Maybe I wasn't the Dreyar you wanted to date after all."
"Oh, yes, Laxus. I'm very into your grandfather. That's why I turn him down at every offer. It's a long con."
"Playing hard to get," he agreed and she smiled, for some reason, up at him and it was late, the sun was going down, but her eyes really shone in light like that. Twilight. He looked away quickly and kicked at the ground. "It's a waste of your talents, anyways."
"Dating Master?"
"Taking care of him. But yeah, to both."
Rather than rehashing the caretaker bit, Mira instead asked, "What talent would be wasted by me dating him?"
"You sure are into that idea. Wow. Gonna have to go let Gramps know to keep beating that dead horse."
"Well, I wouldn't want to waste my talents. Apparently."
"Why are you so offended? Would you rather I say that you look bad enough that you belong with a demented ninety year old?"
"It could be very lucrative, at least, I guess. If I played my cards right."
"Fat chance, woman," he snorted. "Gramps' will is ironclad. It all goes to his only living relative."
"Depending on how well my cards play, that could be his wife."
"Keep joking," he grumbled, "and I'll key the Master into this. See how much you actually like being married to the old man."
Not much, both figured.
"I did trick you though, I guess," Mira sighed as, the closer they got to the hall, the more it became apparent that he was headed back there as well. "Into going to see your grandfather."
He grunted because it was true, but also because he didn't want to admit that it was what he needed to do all along.
"Would you actually wanna go out? On a date with me?"
The slayer frowned, glanced down at her, and then away quickly, trying to think of something smart and dickish to reply. Abandoning that though, he instead questioned back, "Are you asking me out?"
"If it makes you feel better about it, I guess so, Laxus."
When he looked at her this time, her eyes were waiting for his and she smiled while he only grumbled out that, maybe, if nothing better came up, they could hang out the next ngiht.
"Considering you only have three friends and they're all out on a job-"
"You sure are vying hard to date me," he complained. "It's okay, I understand."
"Understand what?"
He shrugged some. "If I was a woman, there'd be no one I wanted to date more than me."
"But if you were a woman, then you wouldn't exist, so-"
"I'll be around, anyways," he kept talking right over her. "Tomorrow night."
"But only if you're free, right?'
Mira smiled at him again and they were at the hall, but he didn't go in. No, that would me more possible interactions with the woman and, honestly, at that point, he wasn't sure who was calling who's bluff, but he needed a break from it all until it could be resolved in his mind.
There was a bigger part of him, even, that was pretty sure Mira wasn't calling his bluff at all and there was no game to be had. She really had just wanted him to go visit his grandfather. The date stuff was just her making up for that or, possibly, even actually wanting to go on one with him.
All possibilities were terrifying when you laid awake for the majority of the night, contemplating them. That went with most situations though.
"Really?" Mira asked when he arrived the next night up at the hall after avoiding it all day. "No plans? At all?'
"Shuddup," he grumbled. "You don't have anything going on either, from what I can see."
"If we weren't going out, I would probably just work."
"So you're taking a night off for me? Sounds like you're way more into this than me, actually."
"Is it a competition?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. She was behind the bar, just finishing up, smiling softly. "Who wants to go out more? That's kind of childish, isn't it, Lax?"
For all that late night thinking, he'd apparently accomplished little. The wrong conclusion, clearly, had been reached. Mira was not trying to call his bluff.
It was a bit of a spectacle of sorts, them leaving the hall together. Together. Clearly, if the feeling of all the eyes on him and the giggles of Lisanna and Lucy told him anything, Mira had more than spread the news of this development.
Luckily, he was very good at pretending to not notice the others. They were, after all, rather beneath him. Or at least he thought so.
The date wasn't terribly remarkable one way or another. He took Mira out to dinner, he made some smart remarks, she made some veiled ones back, hidden behind the tone of sincerity that she'd long perfected, and that was that. When it was near it's end though, Mira did make a suggestion.
"I wanted to get a drink tonight, since I'm off," she began and, wow, Laxus had never considered it, but yeah, Mira literally was one of the only people to never drink up at the hall. It probably had more than a bit to do with the fact that the bar, essentially, was her true place of work. And they needed at least one sober person to keep things on track up there (even if that one sober person was a complete moron for the most part; but all acted sincerity, he was sure). "Did you wanna go with me? Or have you suddenly come up with plans?"
He only frowned at her before replying, "I'll go, Mira, but only 'cause if I show back up at that hall without you, they'll all think I offed you."
Laxus was more than a bit surprised when, instead of leading him to the center of town to get a quick drink at one of the more popular bars in Magnolia, Mira instead led him down to the less than desirable area of the sprawling town, already having a destination in mind.
"Come here often?" he asked with a bit of a suspicious look.
"You don't have to use a pick up line, Lax, if we're already on a date."
"I wanted a serious answer, Mirajane."
There were only three other patrons, all much older than the pair and each off in their own worlds, seated at different areas and different stages of where they'd inevitably all three end up. One was already slumped over, from his seat in the booth in the back and the other two, all men in the latter years of their life, one up at the bar and another at a table, would no doubt be joining him soon enough.
"You like it here?" Laxus asked, annoyed with the way the floors felt sticky against his nice boots. "Mirajane?"
"No one we know comes here. This is the only place in Magnolia I can say that for certain." As they sat up at the bar beside one another, the bartender hardly glancing over. "Of course I like it."
"Anything to get away from the others," the slayer grumbled in some sort of agreement. "I guess."
"It's just different," she said simply, "when you work there, instead of just hang out there. You see people every single day. The whole day. It's nice to come to a..."
"Seedy bar?"
"Somewhere different. That's all."
The dead energy was, to say the least, very different from her usual surroundings, at least.
Cold beer was cold beer though and he actually had quite a few of them when Mirajane remarked that, since he'd paid for dinner, she'd pay for their drinks.
"On your meager barmaid paycheck?"
"It might be meager, but the tips all you men give when you've had a few and think that, maybe, just maybe, this time I'm smiling at you because I actually want to go home with you, aren't meager."
"What should I make of you right now, eh?" Laxus had been frowning down into his mug, but glanced up then, at her. "And that look your giving?"
He'd never done it before that point. All the ribbing he and Mira had both given each other over the years, from the time they were teens butting heads up to now, to grown adults having an alright date, he'd never actually shaken her. Gotten to her. His jokes and quips were always responded to or ignored, but he'd never, not once, gotten her to blush and look uncomfortable.
He did that night though.
He wondered if he should just attribute it to the alcohol…
It was more than that though. Of course it was. Because to end up where they were currently, it had to be. And he mentioned to Mira that he usually didn't take women home and she slurred right back that she still lived with her siblings, so he either did or they didn't.
He banked on them.
A good investment in the end, honestly.
That evening he rationalized that it didn't matter much, if Mirajane knew where he lived (he was nearly certain she did anyways) and she left not soon after...after, tipsy and claiming she needed to get home and sleep some; she had work in a few hours.
Laxus wasn't sure what to think, that next evening when he had nothing in his fridge and he had to go to the hall for a meal. Would things be awkward now? He stressed it all day, but again, he'd came to the wrong conclusion.
It wasn't awkward at all.
Well, some of her stupid cohorts made it so, or seemed intent on it being, at least. Elfman kept glaring over at him and Lisanna snickered, when she delivered his beer. Happy and Lucy were muttering to themselves while gesturing to him as well.
But short of things that he'd longed perfected ignoring, it was just a normal night. Other than greeting one another, he and Mira hardly spoke.
Which was great. In fact, it was her not making things awkward or weird that, a month later, led to him, upon returning from a job, asking if she wanted to go get a drink or something again.
"Or something?"
"Mostly something."
It fell into being a habit, really, that they were constant dates, when he was actually around. Given that he wasn't that often, it was difficult to truly label one another as anything more than that. For a time, at least. Eventually, this grew to be an issue between the two of them.
"And issue to you," Mira replied simply when he tried to broach the subject. "I don't care what you do when you're not around."
"And I don't care what you do when I'm not around," he agreed. "But for me to come back and you have the audacity-"
"I already asked him to take me, Laxus. It was a party I wanted to go to and I had no idea you would be back. So really, that's on you."
But he didn't like feeling like a chump. And when he had Mira over a few nights later, he told her this. That he didn't want her going around with other guys anymore.
"Maybe I don't care what you want, Laxus." She ran her hand through his hair though, pushing it back as they stared at one another, there, in his bed. "Did you ever think of that?"
"I'm not telling you," he pointed out. "Or order or whatever. I'm asking. Why are you being rude if I'm just asking?"
She smiled at him though, if not a bit sarcastically, when she asked, "I guess you won't be seeing other women, then?"
"No, you will? Or no, you won't?"
"Whichever you want."
"Whatever, Laxus."
"I'm serious."
"You're not though." She sounded rather insistent on that too. She even shifted away from him and it seemed like their night was coming to an end. She did, as always, have to be up at the bar in the morning. "And you know that you're not. You don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Be...serious. About women. And I'm not serious about men." She always looked some much mature when her hair was down, like it was now, and he felt far more comfortable with her, there, in his apartment, than he did when she was putting up that coy facade up at the hall. "I'm not like that. And neither are you. You're just jealous. And I think it's cute, Lax, sort of."
"I'm not jealous."
"Then what are you?"
"Trying to grow as a person."
"Shut up, Laxus."
"You shuddup." He fell onto his back and only stared up at the ceiling. "I'm not going to talk you into it, anyways, being with me. Have you seen me?"
"Too much of you."
"I could be serious with anyone I wanted to be."
He figured she didn't want to discuss his extremely high self-worth that day (they did occasionally and it always ended with Mira contemplating just how deluded he'd become over the years) as, instead, she said, "But you don't wanna be."
"You don't know what I want."
"We're having fun, Laxus." And she shoved his shoulder lightly. "Don't ruin it."
It confused him, honestly, the way she was acting. If anyone seemed super into being committed and all in love and junk, it was Mirajane. He grunted at her though, as she left, and headed out on a job not soon after that. On his time away, he figured he'd come back to town and just not ask her out again, any of the days he was free. Weeks, even, if job or adventured tickled his fancy. Stick around town and just not see Mira at all.
That would show her.
When he came back to Magnolia though, it was to less than favorable news.
"He'll pull through, Laxus," Freed assured him as the pair stood over Makarov's bedside. "He's a tough old man. And he always has before."
"Yeah," he agreed, nodding at his friend. "He has."
It was a gloomy set of days at the hall, but Laxus honestly spent very few there. Or even with his grandfather, after that first day. He kind of just...shut down a bit. He saw Freed, because he was insistent on checking up on him, but even Ever and Bickslow seemed to know to give him space.
Mira did as well.
For a bit.
He almost didn't answer when she knocked at his apartment door, but when she called out to him, beckoning him to, he only sighed and went to do so.
"I don't feel much up for talkin'," he told her simply. "Or fuckin'. So-"
Mira made a face as she cut him off, managing to get out, "Neither do I, right now, either."
"And I don't feel like being told to go see my grandfather."
"I don't feel like saying it."
"Or being tricked."
"I'm too tired for tricks."
He sighed at that and nodded his head before backing up some, from the door, and allowing her entrance.
They sat on the couch together, in silence. Well, not true silence. Laxus had a radio on some rock station and Mira didn't make any complaints. She didn't speak at all. Neither did he. This went on for at least twenty minutes. Laxus thought it would be awkward, even thinking back on it, it seemed awkward, but it wasn't.
"You didn't come to tell me he's dead, did you?" Laxus asked, finally, softly, not looking at her.
She made a bit of a face before remarking, "No. I just… When Lisanna… I wanted to be left alone too."
"Or at least that's what I said," she kept on. "But it wasn't true. What I really wanted was...well, my sister back, mostly, but… Sometimes you just don't mean what you say. You know? Laxus? You push everyone away one too many times and they finally stay away, but it was never what you wanted. You know?"
"Yeah." He sniffled, maybe, but there were no tears. "I know."
"And… Laxus, if Master dies… I..."
"He won't."
"But if he does-"
"I don't want to hurt you, but he told me… He wants Erza to take over. After you." Even she coudln't stare at him any longer. "I'm sorry. I'll have to say something, you know, if he hasn't written it anywhere. He-"
"I don't care about that anymore."
"I don't wanna be a master. Of anything." He let out a slow breath. "Gramps knew that. He wouldn't have made that decision without knowing that."
"I'm sorry, Laxus. About all of this. I know that you and Master haven't always been… But he talked- Talks. He talks about you, so much. And I just… I don't think I've ever been so out of words."
"Save 'em," he told her with a nod of his head. "If he… Then you'll need 'em."
Mira's head fell then, to his shoulder, they just sat there again, in silence once more. Other than the radio. It continued to play.
"You're coming with me," Mira told Laxus with a sigh eventually. "When I leave here. To see your grandfather."
He took in a deep breath, Laxus did, before exhaling it slowly. "I don't… I don't wanna lose… If I just don't then… You don't get it, Mira. You have siblings. You have a family. Without Gramps, I'm just-"
"You're Laxus," she told him simply. "Laxus Dreyar. One of the top mages in Fairy Tail, one of the top guilds in all of Fiore. You've defeated dragons and saved Earthland countless times. Your family doesn't define you, Laxus; your actions do."
Again, he took a deep breath. "I wish I hadn't come back. To town."
"You did it because it's the right thing and you know it. Just like you're going to go with me to see your grandfather."
"Why? Mira? Huh? If he wakes up, great, I'll see him then. If he doesn't then-"
"You're not going for him, Laxus. You're going for you. Regardless of what happens." She lifted her head from his shoulder. "And I know that you, of all people, is always willing to do something for their own benefit."
He was confused, just for a moment, before glancing down at her. Mira was smiling at him, tentative, but certainly there and he hated it, but something of a chuckle left his throat.
"It'll be okay, Lax." She reached over to take the hand he had in his lap, folding both of hers over it. "It always is."
Makarov eventually did awaken from his illness and, once he was well enough to go back home, he requested first the presence of Laxus, who he spoke at length with, before the one of Erza, who he spoke much longer with.
The slayer had already left town when the new Master was announced, but he had the Thunder Legion send his regards.
"There's no hard feelings," he assured them. "Who wants to hang around the lame hall all day anyways?"
Someone that was becoming very important to him did and she was more than overjoyed at the idea of the guildhall changing hands. Fine, it might look as if she were beaten, Mirajane was, by Erza finally, totally, completely, now. The other woman was Master (Mistress?) while the she-devil was still relegated to barmaid, but oh ho-ho, was that wrong.
"If I could trick Master- Makarov," Mirajane corrected herself to Laxus one night as they shared drinks once more at their place. That seedy gross bar that he'd long given up on the floors ever being clean at. "Imagine the amount of things I get passed Erza."
"You're smarter than Erza now."
"Of course I am, Laxus." She even made a face at him. "I pretend to be dimwitted. Erza is honestly sincere in her naivety."
He blinked some. Then he considered.
Finally, he only replied, "Well, I ain't calling her Master."
"It could be worse," she offered with an easy grin. "Natsu could've been Master's choice."
Laxus went ahead and ordered another beer from the thought.
Things leveled out some again and this time, when the feelings and needs for perhaps a more stringent label placed upon them, he didn't deal with it the same way. No. He'd sat up and thought about it. A lot. Many nights instead of just one. He'd noticed that he himself had taken less of an interest in dating around and, when he really thought about it, he hadn't seen a woman outside of Mira in nearly three months. It felt weird to admit, but whether she was committed to him or not, he felt pretty secure in being so towards her.
Approaching it differently this time, as she cooked him dinner one night at his apartment, he remarked simply, "Ah, demon? Something's been botherin' me a lot."
"Your shoulder again? You should really let someone else check it out. I know I play doctor up at the guild, but-"
"It's us," he explained. "Or you, I guess."
She frowned over her shoulder at where he sat, at his kitchen table, cigar dangling from his lips. From over at the stove, she asked, "What about me?"
"I just… I want to be with you. And only you. And I want you to do the same for me. And-"
"No, Mira, it's about more than just having fun. You know? Being serious and committed is-"
"No, Mira, I'm-"
"I want it too." She fully turned to face him then, spatula in one hand. As he only stared, she nodded. "I'm serious. About you. And...if you wanna really be… I think most people think we are, anyways. So-"
"Shouldn't the woman be the one sweating this shit?" Annoyed now to find out that he'd spent all that time in deep contemplation for nothing, Laxus only huffed. "You see all I go through for you? Mira?"
Still, the toothy grin was undeniable as, finally, he'd read her correctly. All that late night pondering had done him a world of good.
But the official side of things was a step he'd, gladly, avoided his entire life. To now call Mira his girlfriend and not get defensive if someone else implied it was, well, it was an adjustment.
So much of what they were doing currently was.
Like figuring out how much noise was too much noise when his girlfriend was trying to sleep as, of course, she had to be up at the hall bright and early the next morning. The master might have changed, but Mirajane's commitment to the job was forevermore.
"No," she assuaged his fear of having awoken her. "I just noticed you weren't in bed and-"
"Going to bed and getting up and all that? Ain't the life of a mage./ You've been away for too long, Mira. If you're not out on a job, the crack of dawn is when you drunkenly decide to call it a night."
Still, she only slowly came over to join him at the table, shivering a bit in the cool air. "Some of us were productive members of society, Laxus, even when we were working mages."
"You were a productive member of society?"
"I said some of us," she yawned as she rested her head against the table. "I didn't say me. What's the map for?"
"Prepping for a long job."
"The S-Class one?"
"It's just been sitting there, taunting me. But I've been worried about the trek, is all. It feels like it'd been too long."
"Since when do you worry about something like that? Normally you just go. Get home whenever."
He took a puff of his cigar before remarking, "Maybe I have something I wanna be home for more often."
She grinned in the darkness while the slayer refused to. The smoke made it difficult, anyways.
"Your grandfather?" she questioned, knowing the truth but giving him an out and, grateful for it, the slayer only grunted.
"Old man can croak at any time."
"All of us can, Laxus."
"All of you mortals, fine, but me-"
"I don't wanna have that conversation tonight."
"Okay," he agreed and he got to his feet, holding his hand out to her, as if asking her to join him. "Demon."
"You're not taking that to bed," was all she yawned as she accepted, getting to her own feet. "It's gross."
"You work in a bar."
"You literally say the only place away from said bar you have any fun is an even grosser, seedier bar."
"I don't sleep in those places though."
"You're lucky I like you," was all he muttered and she'd not lost her smile just yet.
"We both are," she said and, with a nod, he had to agree.
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staytheb · 5 years
Pairing: SF9′s Taeyang x OC [Haneul] Genre: college!au, friendstolovers!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 3,847 Summary: Haneul has been receiving sunflowers from Taeyang since they were childhood friends. Although they’re not your typical best of friends, the two have stayed in contact with one another. It’s not until recently when they’re both in their final year of college that Haneul actually learns the meaning of what the sunflower represents. She also comes to realize that Taeyang may be something more than a friend.
Warning: partially proofread. my bad. one or two swear words. it’s not your typical childhood friends to lovers plot. so, read at your own discretion. lol
anyways, this was requested by a lovely anon and it’s my first SF9 fic ever and i’m quite happy i actually wrote it out. even better when it wasn’t that long ago it was requested. lol so good for me and to the requester that wanted this! anyways, i hope it’s okay. i tried. i like it though hahaha, but yeah, if y’all don’t know this Taeyang means Sun and Haneul means Sky, so it plays well into the whole Sunflower thing. if you don’t get it, then you’ll just have to read. alright, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Haneul was casually sitting and talking at a table on campus grounds with her three friends, Haeyoon, Yuju, and Mirae. The quartet were hanging out once their classes were done for the day. Haneul suddenly heard her name being called from behind her by a male school mate. She's seen him before, but she couldn't recall ever having a class with him.
"Yong Haneul, correct?" The younger male asked while holding a sunflower in his right hand.
"Yes." Haneul confirmed with a curious gaze. "And you are?"
"Kang Chani and I'm here to deliver this to you."
Chani smiled at her while extending his arm forward to present the sunflower.
"Um, thank you."
Haneul took the flower although she was wondering why this random person was handing her the plant. Before she could ask what she was thinking, the male scurry away to his group of friends. Haneul's eyes trail after the male and realized that in Chani's group of friends was a familiar face. Her childhood friend, Yoo Taeyang. Once their eyes connected did Taeyang smiled warmly at her while lifting an arm to wave at her. Out of habit, Haneul did the same with a small smile before turning her attention back onto her friends. She caught their teasing gazes.
"What?" She asked like nothing just happened.
"What do you mean what?" Haeyoon asked with a pointed look. "Who was that and why did he give you that?"
"Please tell me it's an admirer. That would be so cute." Yuju cooed playfully while leaning closer to Haneul. "Do you think he's cute?"
"Girls," Mirae interjected, "She doesn't know him since she asked for his name."
Haneul shot her friend a relieved look.
"Thank you, Mirae."
"You're welcome, but who's the guy that you waved at and smiled at you? He looked familiar, but I couldn't really see him since one of his friend blocked my view."
Haneul scrunched up her face in hopes that she wouldn't have to answer that.
"Do you have a boyfriend and never told us about him?!" Yuju exclaimed before making a pouty face. "Haneul, you're so cruel."
"I don't have a boyfriend, Yuju. He's just a friend."
"Define 'friend', Haneul." Haeyoon clarified. "I would like for you to elaborate since it's Yellow and Rose Day and only couples do such a thing and you just claimed that you don't have a boyfriend. Hmm?"
"Yeah. Explain that." The other two chimed.
Haneul rolled her eyes while tucking the sunflower gently into her book-bag.
"There's nothing really to explain. Also, I forgot today was Yellow Day and or Rose Day since he also gives me sunflowers when it's my birthday. Anyways, he's just a childhood friend and has always given me a sunflower on the fourteenth of May and the first of March."
Yuju let out a loud gasped causing the other three to look at her questioningly.
"He's the one that's been giving you sunflowers since high school!"
"No. He's been giving me them since primary school. It's just he attended a different high school than I did."
"But I first met you in high school, Haneul, so it's been high school since for me. I couldn't figure out which guy it was that was giving you the flowers and now it's because he didn't even go to high school with us." Yuju explained.
Mirae interjected with her own curiosity. "Why aren't you guys dating since he likes you a lot and are now in your final year of university?"
"Um, well there's a few reasons for that."
Mirae interrupted her before Haneul could actually explain those reasons.
"Which are?"
"Well, I was gonna tell you, but since you interrupted me, I don't feel like saying anything now."
"Oh, c'mon, Haneul. Don't be mean. I'm sorry." Mirae apologized with a big pout. "Please continue speaking."
Haneul cast each of them a look before sighing in defeat.
"Yay!" The trio cheered happily as Haneul rolled her eyes, but continued with her reasoning.
"Well, first of all, it's because he already has a girlfriend."
The girls let out a loud gasp, but didn't interrupt their friend. Haneul continued giving them an amused look.
"Anyways, second of all, we're not as close as we used to be since we don't hang out as often as we used to like we did in middle school. And I don't really see him like that so I never thought about dating him."
"But have you dated anyone though?" Haeyoon questioned nonchalantly.
"She has." Yuju answered for Haneul.
"Okay, but how about an actual boyfriend then?" Haeyoon prodded.
"Oh yeah. Her first and last boyfriend was in our second year of high school." Yuju confirmed. "But they broke up some time in our first year of university."
"Oh why?!" Mirae exclaimed with widened eyes. "How come I didn't know?"
"Because we weren't openly affectionate about our relationship and also the fact that he cheated on me while we attended different colleges." Haneul explained with a shrug. "It's nothing now since I don't have to bother with him ever again and there was no need to bring up my past relationship."
"Alright then. Let's talk about your current relationship status." Mirae grinned.
"Single as fuck." Haeyoon inputted with a laugh before side-eyeing her mischievously. "Or so she tells us."
"I am single, Haeyoon." Haneul stated firmly. "I'm not hiding anything."
"Yeah you are." Yuju disagreed with a shake of her head while indiscreetly pointing in the direction of where Taeyang and his group of friends were some distance away. "That guy who's been giving you sunflowers since y'all were kids."
"Don't point. It's not nice."
Haneul swatted at her friend's hand.
"Ugh. Fine."
Yuju crossed her arms over her chest in a sulking manner.
"You're such a child." Mirae commented, but Yuju stuck her tongue out at her in a playful manner.
"Then can you at least give us a name?"
Yuju then turned to shoot Haneul her puppy eyes.
"Eww. Stop doing that."
"If I stop, then will you give us a name?"
Haneul shot them an amused look.
"Why are y'all so curious about my love life and even about who I was childhood friends with?"
"Because the meaning of a sunflower is quite deep, Haneul." Haeyoon reasoned while reading something off of her phone. "Do you even know what the sunflower symbolizes and mean?"
"Not really. I never thought about looking it up."
"Okay, well then let me informed you about them."
Haeyoon grinned at her before casting her eyes back onto her mobile device.
"Sunflowers symbolizes adoration, loyalty, and longevity."
Haeyoon began with a giddy smile as the other two girls let out contented sighs with a dreamy expression upon hearing the meaning. Haneul rolled her eyes at their behavior, but let Haeyoon continued.
"They are also known for being 'happy' flowers. They're the perfect gift to bring joy to someone's or your day."
Haeyoon finished with an even giddier smile as she directed it at Haneul.
"Are you sure you still think of him as a friend, Haneul? Because I think he thinks of you as more than that."
Haneul scoffed. "Please. No one's like that nowadays. Hardly anyone makes romantic or sweet subtle hints like those."
Haneul then stood up while gathering up her things. Her friends noticed how delicate she was when she put her things into her bag as to not crush the sunflower and when she settled the bag onto her shoulder in a gentle manner.
"Anyways, ladies, I have other things to do so I'll see you three tomorrow."
"Fine. If you won't tell us, then we'll just ask him when he gets here." Yuju remarked with a smug look.
Haneul's eyes furrowed in confusion.
"What do you mean when he ge-"
Haneul quickly turned around upon hearing the familiar nickname she hasn't heard since childhood from her childhood friend while her facial expression turned to one of puzzlement.
"THE Yoo Taeyang?!" The trio chorused at once upon recognizing the male.
"Haneul. You know The Yoo Taeyang of Sigma Phi Nu?" Mirae questioned with an awe tone followed by Haeyoon who was also in awe.
"And the main dancer of the school's dance team, Knights of the Sun."
"He's also like the Fashionista King of Neoz University." Yuju exclaimed excitedly. "Omo, Yoo Taeyang, I'm such a huge fan of yours!"
Taeyang smiled at Haneul's friends in a calm manner while nodding his head at them.
"Thank you." He thanked them before gesturing towards Haneul. "Would you mind if I borrowed Haneul from you for the rest of the day?"
Just as Haneul was about to declined his offer, her friends accepted his words and Haeyoon who was the closes to Haneul pushed her towards Taeyang causing her to stumbled into him. Taeyang caught a hold of Haneul and helped her to steady herself. Haneul was a flustered mess, but she calmly held her own and would throttle her friends when he or anyone else was around.
"Are you okay?" Taeyang asked with a worried tone while trying to catch her eyes.
Haneul avoided his gaze while answering him with a forced smile.
She cast a dark look towards her friends who abruptly stated that they had somewhere else to be while avoiding eye-contact with Haneul. The trio bid the pair a goodbye soon afterwards. A laugh sounded from beside her and her dark gaze softened when she turned her her eyes towards Taeyang questioningly.
"What's so funny?"
Taeyang's laughter died down, but the amused smile was still on his face.
"I see that you're dark gaze still holds up to this day."
"You remember that?"
"How could I not? You would give them to me whenever I shoved a bug into your face before chasing me after doing so."
"You were such a jerk. You even put a frog in my bag in the fifth grade and now I can't stand them or insects to this day."
Taeyang let out another heartily laugh upon the memory.
"Ahh, those were the days. I missed them. I missed you, too."
He casually admitted while giving Haneul a thoughtful look.
"How's your day been?"
Haneul was caught off guard by his admission of missing her and then the sudden question like they were casually catching up with one another. Haneul recalled that the both of them haven't really had a serious face to face conversation after middle school ended. Then again, Haneul recalled all the small conversations they quickly had in-between classes these past four years and the text messages when they went to separate high schools. Could she really say that they were catching up when they never really lost contact with one another in the first place.
"I, well, it's going well. I just need to run some errands before heading home. Other than that, nothing really new. Um, how about you? How's your day going" She asked the same question back automatically before remembering something. "I see that you're well known around campus, Mr. Popular. I wasn't aware of that."
"Ah, yeah."
Taeyang rubbed his neck in bashful manner.
"Something like that."
His eyes then caught sight of the sunflower tucked away into her book-bag. He smiled upon seeing it.
"How do you like the sunflowers? Sorry about having Chani give them to you earlier. He was just curious to see the person I got it for and wouldn't stop bugging me about it."
"They're pretty as ever, Yang." Haneul said with a smile while also using the nickname she referred to him by when they were younger. "Thanks and it's okay about your friends. I should mainly apologize for my friends who were gushing over you not that long ago."
"It's fine. I'm kinda used to it."
"Well, not really. You shouldn't be used to something."
"I know, but it's also something I'm familiar with since you haven't noticed anything to this day either."
"What do you mean?"
Haneul wondered what Taeyang was talking about until Haeyoon's voiced popped into her head a second later about the meaning of the sunflower. Haneul then caught the movement of Taeyang's left arm reaching out and slowly plucking the sunflower from out of her bag. He calmly twirled the bright flower within his hand while staring at it thoughtfully. His eyes soon flickered onto her and Haneul suddenly felt a jolt within her body upon catching his gaze. Her thoughts immediately ran while with all the questions her friends kept asking her earlier and she was weirdly questioning if he was more than a friend all of a sudden. Haneul let out a loud gasped before clamping a hand over her mouth to restrained any further sounds to come out of it.
"Are you alright?" Taeyang asked with a raised brow.
Haneul didn't trust her voice and nodded instead while removing her hand from her mouth and back to her side.
"Are you sure?" He inquired further not believing her.
Haneul nodded again still not trusting herself to speak. Taeyang slowly cast her a charming smile that reached his eyes and Haneul inwardly asked herself when did his smile become so charismatic. She closed her eyes upon realizing what was happening to her and she now wondered if it was her friends doing by constantly asking so much questions or just something that was fated to happen some day. Like today. Or maybe both. Haneul opened her eyes slowly one at a time in hopes that maybe Taeyang wasn't standing before her and it was just her mind messing with her.
"Yong Haneul, are you sure you're okay?" Taeyang firmly asked although his twinkling eyes stated otherwise.
She frowned knowing that he was enjoying her quiet demeanor. He only ever used her full name when he wanted to tease her. Taeyang always found it amusing whenever Haneul got tongue tied or stayed silent when they were children. It was because she would finally realized something and didn't want to admit it at first.
"Yes, I'm fine, Yoo Taeyang." Haneul replied with a forced smile.
Taeyang's smiled wider upon knowing that she only used his full name when she wasn't fine or to get him to back off. Seeing his smile, Haneul knew that he knew and decided to escape the situation and brush it off like nothing had happened.
"Um, I gotta go. Bye." Haneul hastily bid him a goodbye while turning away.
Before she could dash off, Taeyang's right arm quickly reached out and caught a hold of her left arm, and brought her around to face him.
"I know it's been like several years since we actually had a personal conversation and for this long, but I think it's time."
"Time for what exactly?"
Haneul cautious looked at him as Taeyang cast her a reassuring smile while moving his right hand to grasp her left hand instead. She glanced at their held hands as her eyes also noticed the sunflower still within his left grasp before shooting him an anxious look. Haneul wasn't sure what to exactly feel as she was still trying to figure out her sudden feelings towards her former childhood friend who may now be more than what she had original thought of him to be. To which she now knew that Taeyang had always known his feelings for her despite never actually saying it.
"Well, Neul, if it wasn't obvious for the past fifteen years, but I like you. I still do." Taeyang confessed.
"But you have a girlfriend already." Haneul reminded him as she tried to rationalized her thoughts and feelings as quickly as possible. "You can like me all you want, Yang, but that won't change the fact that you're still in a committed relationship with  someone else right now."
"I'm not."
"Yeah you were since I last checked like a week ago."
"Oh? So you've been keeping tabs on me?"
"Tch. It's not even like that. Your mom showed me a picture of you and your girlfriend at some party."
"That's not my girlfriend."
"Oh, yeah, sure it isn't. Likely story."
Taeyang laughed at Haneul's misunderstanding. Haneul slightly shoved him with her free hand at his reaction towards her.
"This isn't a laughing matter, Taeyang. This is quite serious."
"I know and that's why it's funny. That's my mother's god-niece. So technically, my cousin."
"Oh, well, if that's the case then I didn't want to be mean and say she got plastic surgery or something." Haneul said in a flustered tone while avoiding eye-contact with Taeyang while still speaking. "Since she didn't look like the girl in your last photo update where the two of you went to New York City last summer."
"Ah, her. Yeah, well, she was, but we broke up that same summer due to a falling out and differences within our relationship." Taeyang clarified.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She lamely apologized although she didn't know why she needed to say that.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm sorry about you and your ex, too."
"Wait. How do you even know about that?"
"Let's just say that the girl he cheated on you with was also at the time the girlfriend of one of my friends."
"Soccer Star Kim Rowoon is your friend?"
"Yes." Taeyang proudly confirmed.
"Tell him thank you for me." Haneul smiled at him upon learning of that fact. "A big thank you for kicking the soccer balls at my ex when he constantly denied cheating on me despite the physical evidence on him that wasn't my doing and was also about to get dangerously physical with me that day."
"Well, then it should be me that you should thanking."
"I was the one that told Rowoon to do that."
"But why? I mean I can understand since you and I were friends, but you weren't really involved in that affair."
"Not directly, but he indirectly hurt you and that hurt me seeing you hurt."
Haneul was going to reply, but nothing came out. She closed her mouth and remind silent.
"I know you feel that small spark between us, but I won't pressure you into anything. If you don't want to, then that's your choice. I just wanted to let you know my feelings before I never get another chance to let you know about them."
"But why? Why now? Why not before? Why?" Haneul suddenly questioned since she just couldn't understand why it was suddenly happening now.
"To be completely honest, I was going to confess to you back in high school during our second year when I mustered the courage to do so." Taeyang admitted. "Then you told me you had a boyfriend and I backed off, but still gave you sunflowers diligently."
The former childhood friends just stared at one another as the words spoken between them mingled in the air. Their hands were still within the other's grasp with no thoughts of letting go. Taeyang watched Haneul calmly as Haneul contemplated what to actually do our their current state. It wasn't like they could just go back to being friends when Taeyang basically confessed. Also, Haneul now knew that she couldn't view Taeyang as simply as just a friend like she declared earlier to her friends. She then recalled reading something about friends turning into lovers and that it was worth the risk if there was a little spark between the two. For her, it just took a little longer to realized that.
"Alright. I lied about running errands. I really didn't have anything to do today and just wanted to ditch my friends from questioning about my love life and about you, too." Haneul admitted to Taeyang with a soft sigh. "So what did you want to borrow me for?"
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Taeyang asked with a concern look. "I mean, it would be great, but I want to make sure that it's something that you wanna move forward with, Haneul. There's no turning back."
"I know, Taeyang, and I really do. Honestly. " Haneul assured him with a shy smile. "I mean, after all of these years of receiving sunflowers from you, I didn't think it was your way of cheering me up all of this time."
Now it was Taeyang's turn to cast her a shy smile.
"I did tell you when I was seven that I wanted to be a florist."
"I'm pretty sure you used the term 'plant grower' back then."
"Whatever, but the real truth of why I chose the sunflower after learning it's meaning was because of you."
"Me? Why?"
"Well, because your name means 'sky' and my name means 'sun'. The sunflower can't grow without the sun and the sun can't exist without the sky. We were fated for one another since we met the first time at the nursery."
Haneul restrained herself from cringing at Taeyang's words. He laughed knowing that it was cringe-worthy, but he had no regrets in saying them to her.
"If I recall or my mom telling me about my first day at the nursery, you kicked me during nap time because you thought it was my fault we had to take naps."
"In my defense, I was only like three years old. The staff at the time said it was the sky causing the sun to be swallowed up so that we had to take naps. I feared for my life believing you were going to eat me if I fell asleep. It took my mom about a few months to convince me otherwise."
Upon hearing his side of the story for that, Haneul couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.
"That's cute." She commented after her laughing ceased.
"Anyways," Taeyang interjected while bringing up the reason he wanted to borrow her earlier from her friends, "I wanted to take you to this cafe called Fantasy 9. They just released a new flavor containing sunflower petals today and I know how much studying lately has been stressing this past week. Also can't forget that we'll be graduating in less than a month from now, too."
"Oh, so you wanted to go on an unofficial date after who knows how long since we actually hung out physically. Then during our chit-chat you would probably confessed to me and all that other stuff that happens like in the movies and books."
"Um, something along those lines, yes."
"Well, then let's just call it an official date and see where we go from there." Haneul suggested with a bright smile.
"Alright, then, let's go." Taeyang agreed as he mirrored her smile while handing her back the sunflower. "For you."
"Thank you."
Haneul beamed at him as she happily took the flower back with her free hand. Taeyang readjusted their other hands to comfortably fit with one another while leading her in the direction of Fantasy 9. On the way there the pair converse freely like that of friends, but the connection with one another was more than that.
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3dayturnips · 5 years
Harvest Moon Fanfiction
Julius/Wizard: Established Relationship
Disclaimer: Under the readmore is adult content. Please do not read or reblog if you’re under the age of 18. Thank you
It was a rare occasion that Julius came along with Gale to the forest. He wasn’t particularly on board with getting dirty if he wasn’t going to get jewels out of it. Often he went into Garmon Mine with Owen to find more rare gems, both for the shop and for his ever-growing collection. It wasn’t that he had problems with the dirty work, it was more that he disliked the mud as opposed to the dust of the mines. And the forest was so green and dark...
Okay, so he was afraid of the forest. When he’d tried to make excuses to Gale in the past, he’d seen right through it. When Julius admitted he’d been afraid since he was a child, been told a witch lives in the forest. Gale pointed out that there was, and did it really matter? He was a wizard after all. Julius argued that it was different but couldn’t say why when pressed. Probably because no one feared Gale. He was just the wizard who lived in town, mysterious, quiet, but able to tell your fortune for a price. Julius had been in awe of him the first time he’d wandered in for a love reading. He was still in awe to this day, months into his relationship with Gale. 
Julius had always liked the strong silent type, even if Gale’s strength wasn’t the traditional kind.
He questioned it now, of course, as they went deeper into the forest. He could have gotten with Gil or something, but no. He went for the wizard with a constant need for fugue mushrooms; the necessity he never fully understood, or asked clarification for. It was nearly dark, too, heavy clouds hanging in the sky, threatening rain and thunder. As if on cue, the sky rumbled, and Julius placed a hand on Gale’s shoulder.
“Far be it from me to complain,” he started, and Gale snorted, “but shouldn’t we go before it pours?”
“As soon as we find a mushroom,” Gale answered softly. He said everything softly. Julius liked that about him. Though it made it harder to complain. 
The traversed the forest, the clouds beginning a warning sprinkle as they searched. Julius searched hard than Gale, and the wizard’s lips quirked into a knowing smile at his tenacity. In the end, they only found one as soon as the sky let go of it’s held flood. 
“Okay, let’s go!” Julius said, tugging on Gale’s sleeve. Gale held fast though, looking to the sky. 
“Come on,” Julius whined. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm, and now you want to stop and feel the rain?”
“It’s calming,” Gale said. “Come, feel.” Julius looked almost incredulous, but he didn’t want to be rude. Gale was different, but he loved that about him. Never wanted him to think his idiosyncrasies were a point of contention. So he joined him, faced the sky and let the rain soak him.
Gale was right. It was oddly soothing to let go of the panic of getting wet, watching the sky through the canopy of trees, seeing the power of the storm and feeling so small. He took Gale’s hand, feeling suddenly lonely. Gale caught his eye and smiled. 
Julius would withstand a million storms for that smile. 
They returned to Gale’s place quite wet and quite cold. Julius closed the door with his heel, and wished he’d just forgone walking Gale home to get back to his dry clothes at his own place. He was a gentleman though, and would never make Gale walk home alone. And also they’d picked up enough regular mushrooms and herbs to fill a bag, and Harvest Goddess knew he wouldn’t let Gale carry that home himself.
He was a gentleman.
It certainly had nothing to do with the way the wizard’s robes hung onto his body, showing his frame through them. How warm he would be against him...
Okay, so it had something to do with that, Julius allowed himself to admit. But no more that fifteen percent of the reason. Above any of that, he wanted to tell Gale goodnight, and kiss him before heading back. Anything else was secondary. Ever since their first kiss, that was how they ended any outing. It was tradition, but it’d also been important to Julius more than he could speak. He knew from outside observation how much the little things could matter in relationships. To this day, it’s those little things Mira remembered the most about her departed husband. Julius hadn’t understood how something small like that could mean so much until he met Gale. The little things were where the heart laid.
Gale didn’t even seem to notice he was soaked as he put away the herbs. He moved as though his clothes weren’t dripping onto his floor. Julius wondered at the fact he didn’t slip. He would have slipped. Must have been magic, he deduced. After the herbs and mushrooms had been placed in their homes, Gale turned back to Julius.
“Thank you. I know you don’t like the forest. That was sweet of you to come,” he said. Julius beamed at him.
“Not as bad as I thought it would be,” he replied.
“Then would you want to go next time?”
“Sure,” Julius said with a strained smile. Gale laughed, the sound of midnight ocean waves.
“You don’t have to,” he clarified. He leaned up on tiptoes, grabbing Julius’ lapels and kissed him firmly. Julius sighed into it, wrapping his arms around him. 
The little things.
“You’re freezing,” Gale pointed out as they drew apart. 
“You are too,” Julius said, letting his voice take a suggestive tone. Gale picked up on it in a flash.
“You should warm me up, then,” he said. 
“Gladly,” Julius breathed, pulling Gale to the bed, stripping him from his soaked clothes as they went.The chill was worse stripped down, but they fell into the bed, pulled the blankets over their bodies and kissed hot enough to set fire between them. Julius loved how Gale smelled, like herbs and rain and he breathed him in as he trailed kisses down his neck. Gale gasped into his mouth as their position changed, bucking up into Julius to chase the heat, the friction between them as Julius straddled him. He was shaking, but it wasn’t from the chill, but anticipation. 
It was the way Gale melted when they were like this, why Julius loved taking charge when they made love. He kissed his chest, and Gale arched into it, searching for the feel of his tongue against his nipples, and Julius gave him everything he wanted, swirling his tongue before nipping at the sensitive flesh. Gale breathed out, quiet even in the throes of passion. Julius moved across his chest, trailing kisses to give equal measure to the other side, running his hands down Gale’s body as he gently rocked into him. He was hard, had been halfway there the whole walk home, and damn if he was thinking of Gale’s place as home already. They hadn’t been together long, in the grand scheme of things, but Julius never wanted to think of a time this wasn’t his normal. A time when he didn’t know what his name sounded like when Gale moaned it out. 
He trailed down lower, kissing his stomach, his hips, sucking a bruise into the juncture of this thigh as Gale fought from bucking up into him. His tan skin was red down his face and into his chest, breathing hard at every flick of Julius’ tongue, moving closer to where he wanted him. Julius came up though, instead and fished through the nightstand for their oil. Gale breathed a needy whine through his nose, and Julius chuckled.
“Desperate tonight?” he chided. 
“Wanting this all day,” Gale admitted. Julius clucked his tongue, his fingers coming around the vial he was looking for.
“Sent me to the forest in the rain to get laid?”
“More of an afterthought,” the wizard said through a smile. Julius kissed the smug look off his face before lubing up his fingers and spreading Gale’s legs. His fingers found his entrance, circling a few times to feel Gale’s hot breath against his ear in need before gently pushing in with one finger. As he worked him open, Gale moaned out the softest “ah’s” moving his hips in time with Julius’ slow exploration. He found just the right spot, and Gale’s body jerked as he rubbed slow circles around it, nearly shaking with need as he watched his lover come apart under his fingers.
“Julius,” he gasped. “Please.”
“Yes love? What do you want?”
“I want you,” Gale breathed. And damn, if Julius wasn’t a gentleman. 
He would give him what he wanted.
Slowly he pulled out, only to replace his fingers with his cock, hastily lubed with what was left on his hand, and he moaned as he sunk into the tight heat. Gale was dizzying, and it was times like this, too caught up in the pleasure to be self-conscious of the thought, that he thought that the wizard was aptly named. He’d been blown away by him since meeting him.
Julius’ thrust were slow at first, forcing himself to not go too fast, but every gasp, every movement of Gale’s hips as he met him move for move spurred him on. Blunt nails dug into his shoulders, forcing him close and they kissed between heated breaths as Julius’ thrust became quicker, harder, more desperate as he chased his pleasure. Chased Gale’s pleasure. 
Gale came first, a silence moan from his mouth as his untouched cock spent itself between them. Julius buried his face in the nook of Gale’s shoulder as he pounded in, once, twice, three times before he was coming too, keening as his vision went white and Gale’s arms wrapped around him. He came down from it, hot and sticky, boneless on top of Gale as they breathed in tandem. Julius wondered if their hearts were beating at the same time as well.
They stayed like that for a time, until the urge to get clean overcame their comfort. Julius stood, and came back with a rag and cleaned them both up. Gale was on the verge of sleep as he finished, and Julius kissed his forehead, ready to take his leave.
“Stay,” Gale breathed as Julius made his way to throw the rag in the hamper. It struck him in the heart in the sweetest way. He’d never stayed the night before. Gale usually worked at night, and Julius had work, it had never truly made sense. Then again, neither did love, and although they had yet to say it, Julius knew it to be love between them.
“Okay,” he said, climbing into the bed beside the other man. Gale pressed himself into him.
“Least I can do after dragging you into the woods,” he nearly laughed, a yawn ruining the effect. Julius wrapped an arm around him.
“I don’t know,” he said, “turned out okay, I think.”
Gale smiled into his shoulder. The words hung between them, unsaid but known.
I love you.
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killjoy-loveit · 6 years
Intruder P. 4
A/N: This is my first time posting something in this genre, so if it sucks, I apologize. I’ve decided it will be a ten part story! It is also in 1st POV as that’s my comfort zone when it comes to writing. It’s a Mafia AU. I would also like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction.
Part four summary: Close to a year has passed, Mira’s relationship with D has developed further. Secrets are disclosed, and his identity is finally revealed.
Word count: 1,934
P. 1 Link | P. 2 Link | P. 3 Link | P. 5 Link | P. 6 Link | P. 7 Link | P. 8 Link
P. 9 Link | P. 10 (FINAL) Link
Profanity warning!
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      It’s been close to a year now. And he still refuses to take the mask off, which frustrates me to no end. He always came over each night, like it was his new ritual. Sometimes we would just talk the entire night, holding each other as we spoke of our dreams for the future. Other times the nights would turn sexual, and we would explore each others body like it was the first time. And there were still times when I had to patch up his injuries, which, thankfully, had become less frequent. 
      For the past few days though, I’d been feeling sick and he’d noticed. He thought it was odd, because it was rare for me to get sick. So, when he came over tonight and saw me curled up on my bed clutching a trash can to my chest, he told me I was going to the doctor in the morning. I tried to get out of it, but he was having none of my excuses.
      “If you’d only been sick for a day, I wouldn’t push you to go see a doctor. But it hasn’t just been a day, Mira! For the past three nights I’ve come over you’ve been curled up, looking pitiful as hell, and puking up whatever you managed to eat during the day. I just want you to feel better, I’m worried about you.” 
      He sat down beside me and rubbed circles into my back soothingly. Tears started to run down my face as he did that. He was right, I needed to go to the doctor. I was sick and it didn’t seem like I would be getting better anytime soon. Each night I would get sick and when morning came, I felt significantly better, that is, until night came around again. I hated being sick, I hated him seeing me like this.
       For the rest of the night he took care of me. Making me drink plenty of water and Gatorade when I couldn’t get down the soup he heated up. He held my hair back each time I threw up, reassuring me that I’d be okay. Then he did something I wasn’t expecting.
       “I’ll be here when you wake up, don’t worry. Shhh, sleep now.” He soothed, holding me against his chest. I wasn’t sure if I believed him, I wanted to, but I didn’t want to get my hopes crushed if he was gone when I woke up. I fell asleep easily, despite the doubt in my head that he’d remain through the night.
      The sun streaming through the window made me blink my eyes open wearily. It was so bright. Shifting, I tried to stretch my arms out, but found that they were caged in. Scrunching my eyebrows, I tilted my head to see what was holding my arms captive. My eyes went wide with shock as I saw his arms wrapped tightly around me. He was still here! He kept his promise... Butterflies, I felt butterflies in my stomach.
      Nope, not butterflies. I struggled to get out from his arms as I felt my body try to rid my stomach of whatever it was holding onto. Still half asleep, his grip tightened and he mumbled for me to stay.
     “Gonna... Puke!” I managed to screech out, yanking at his arms desperately.
     Finally, his arms left me and I bolted into my bathroom, and dropped in front of the toilet just in time. As I emptied the small contents of my stomach into the ceramic toilet, I felt him come up behind me and pull my hair back.
     “Sorry.” He murmured, smoothing a hand down my back.
      I coughed and felt tears spill from my eyes, racing down my cheeks. My throat burned and my chest ached. When would this stupid virus pass? Gently, I felt him take my elbows and ease me to my feet. I guess I’m going to the doctor. Damn it.
      D reassured me he would still be at my apartment when I got back from the doctors. He also made sure I had a bottle of water and Gatorade in my purse, as well as a packet of saltine crackers. Since it was turning to fall outside, he also deemed it necessary to bundle me up as much as he could. His reasoning was he “Didn’t want me to get sicker.” I rolled my eyes at his antics, but allowed it. It was nice to have him babying me a little bit, of course if he tried to do this 24/7 I’d most likely want to strangle him.
      I didn’t have to wait to terribly long at the doctors when I arrived. My doctor was a sweet older lady, she always asked about how life was, if anything interesting happened, had I met a nice boy? This visit was no exception. Until she got to the medical questions and she had to ask if I’d been sexually active recently. I blushed a bright red and nodded my head shyly. She laughed lightly at my reaction, and clicked her tongue at me.
      “Hopefully whoever it is, is treating you right. Well, just for precautionary measures we’re going to need to do a pregnancy test.”
      Upon hearing the words “pregnancy test”, I froze. Could I be pregnant? There was no way, right? I was on birth control, and for the most part we also used condoms. No, there’s no way. They ran all their tests, taking a bit of blood, making me pee in a cup, and swabbing the back of my throat. I sat and waited for thirty minutes before she came back in. By this point my heart was threatening to beat out of my chest.
       “Congratulations, Mira! You’ve got a little one on the way.” She smiled enthusiastically at me. 
       The breath I’d been holding rushed out of me in that second. Holy shit, I’m pregnant. How am I going to tell him? Would he even want to keep the baby? How would I handle a kid now? I’m nowhere near ready. 
       “I can go through options with you, if you want. I’ll send a prescription in for prenatal vitamins though, in case you decide to keep the pregnancy. We can also do a sonogram here, to see how far along you are. Although, I wouldn’t put you past more than nine weeks.” My doctor said softly.
      I just nodded along and let her talk me through everything. There was only so much time I had before I could terminate, if I chose to do so. There was also the option of adoption, she assured me there were lots of loving couples looking to adopt. And, of course, I could always choose to keep the baby myself. 
      The rest of the appointment blurred by, and I don’t even remember the sonogram happening, I was so out of it. But I have the pictures. I have the pictures proving there’s a tiny little life growing inside of me. I didn’t even realize I’d gotten back to my apartment until I was standing in front of my door. I knew that the second I opened it, I would have to tell him. Stressed, I ran my hand through my hair, and bit my lip before opening the door quickly.
      Stepping inside, I heard the TV going in the living room. He’s still here. I don’t know, I guess a part of me expected him to be gone when I got back. Slowly, I made my way to the living room, attempting to keep my footsteps quiet. Although, me being the klutz I am, my foot slammed into the corner of the wall as I passed. I cussed and he turned to me with wide eyes.
      “Hey, what did the doctor say?” He asked, his head tilted.
      “Take off your mask.” I demand, my voice shaking.
       “What? No.” 
       “If you don’t take off that stupid fucking mask right now, you will leave and never come back!”
       He stood up and came to stand in front of me, his hand reaching out to cup my face. I jerked away from him and stepped back.
       “I need to see your face when I tell you this... Would you take it off if I tell you it’s life or death?” I ask harshly, feeling tears spill down my face for the nth time today.
       I saw his eyes change, from confused, to scared in a split second. Almost immediately after the words left my mouth, he reached up and pulled the mask off. 
       It made sense now. Everything clicked into place. We hadn’t talked much in school, but he was always nice to me. He barely made it to graduation, and once he graduated it seemed like he disappeared off the face of the Earth. That is until his name had started popping up in suspected connections to the mafia. Nobody had a picture of him to post, either because he had them all destroyed or he controlled anyone who did have a picture. I can’t believe I didn’t connect it sooner.
       “Sit down.” I motion to the couch. He follows my command and sits quickly, taking my hand and making me sit next to him.
       “What is it, Mira?” 
       “I’m pregnant.”
       He froze, his hand that had been rubbing circles into my palm went completely still. He blinked rapidly as he tried to wrap his head around the bomb I’d just dropped. The longer he stayed still, the more I became convinced he wanted nothing to do with the pregnancy. I mean, he was in the fucking mafia! How could he handle a baby in that lifestyle? He couldn’t.
       “It’s okay. I know you weren’t expecting this. I-I don’t even know if I’m going to keep the pregnancy. So, don’t--” 
       This seemed to snap him out of his shock and he looked at me, hurt written on his face. “You don’t know if you’re going to keep it? How... How could you terminate it?” He asked, confusion and hurt lacing his voice.
        “Well, I mean... We never said we’d be exclusive, and you prob--”
        “So, you’re saying the baby might not even be mine? Are you serious Mira?!” He cut me off, raising his voice.
       “No! It’s definitely yours... I just, I wasn’t sure if you’d want this if you hadn’t been... Well, if...” I trailed off not knowing where to go with what I was saying. I stared at my hands in my laps, refusing to look at him. He was probably mad at me right now, I didn’t want to face him like that.
       “I haven’t been with anyone else since the first night I came to see you. In my head, there was only you. I couldn’t have gotten with someone else if I wanted.” He said softly.
       “Really?” I ask, looking up into his eyes.
       “Really, Mira. I’m not letting you make this decision yourself, though. I want you, and I want our baby.” 
       Our conversation continued long into the afternoon. We discussed our options, and what exactly we should do as the next step. The discussion quickly turned heated as he declared I should move in with him and quit my job, yeah, the one I just got. Which, of course, I refused. I just got my job after my recent college graduation, there was no way I was giving it up so easily. We bargained though, I would move in with him, as he wanted, and I would keep my job, as I wanted.
       This will most certainly be an entertaining adventure... 
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beautifully-vain · 7 years
Chapter 5
<Ch.4, START
Lucy slept for a few hours naked under the covers in her room. When Levy came into their room and saw her sleeping, she was almost tempted to wake her up to ask her about what happened last night. Especially what happened between her and Natsu. She thought better of it and climbed into her bed with a book and read until she fell asleep.
Lucy was awakened by her phone ringing in her headphones. She didn’t look at her phone, she just pressed the button on her headphones to accept the call.
“Hello?” she said, her voice heavy with sleep.
“M-miss Lucy? This is Talia. I’m one of Mr. Heartfilia’s assistants. Um, I wanted to let you know that your phone will be delivered to your dorm within the next few hours. And your father also had me order a computer to go with the phone. He sends his love and wishes you good luck with your studies.” The female on the other end of the phone sounded nervous to be speaking to Lucy and for some reason her timid tone annoyed her.
“Talia, you said it was? You’re not a very professional assistant. Are you sure you’re just not screwing my dad and to help you sleep better at night, he let you work for him? If you are sleeping with him, let me warn you that there’s a great chance that he’ll get tired of you in about a month if you’re lucky. I don’t care about my father’s warm regards and gifts, if he really meant that he would call me himself. Just as a heads up for next time, don’t call me. I was asleep and anyone that works for my father knows not to call me. Ever. Text me or email me. I don’t like your voices and I have no interest in speaking with any of you because at the end of the day, all of you will be replaced with new idiots by next year. Thanks for letting me know about my stuff Talia. Have a nice day.” Lucy hung up on the poor girl before she could say anything to her. Part of Lucy hoped that the girl was really messing around with her father so that way he’d actually call her and have real interaction with her. But she knew better than that. The girl sounded way too timid to be with a man like Jude Heartfilia. Lucy probably made her cry, but she didn’t care.
“That was bit harsh don’t you think? And what about an assistant?” Levy pressed. Lucy just looked at her with dead eyes and pursed her lips. She didn’t want to say something to hurt Levy’s feelings even though it was her fault that last night even happened.
“I wasn’t being harsh, I was being honest. My dad has a habit of only hiring young and dumb assistants that he can have sex with. Seems like little Talia’s his newest escapade. It’s not my business, it’s just gross that some of these women are getting closer and closer to my age.” She was very cut and dry with her roommate and Levy got the picture so she went back to reading her book.
Now that she was awake, she sat up with her covers still wrapped around her and answered the message that Natsu had sent her.
“@lucyxheart: I don’t need it. That’s why I have insurance for my phone. If you want to pay for anything, it’ll be my lunch tomorrow. That is if you actually want something to do with me. You know, since you kicked me out and told me to have a nice life and all.” Lucy pressed send with her heart pounded. Why had she sent that message? Why did she let him know that what he did bothered her? Why was she so damn stupid?
The message read that it had been seen by Natsu and her head started spinning when she saw that he was replying.
“@dragneelland: I’ll pick you up at 1 tomorrow, Blondie. Bet you can’t wait to see your hero ;)” Lucy rolled her eyes at his cheesiness. She looked to see that he was sending another message.      
“@dragneelland: That wasn’t me. If you don’t need for me to pay for the phone, then you don’t need me around. Like I said have a nice life. Might see you at a party, you were a fun dance partner.”
Natsu’s messages didn’t seem to faze her. She was expecting him to have a strange mood swing like before. She didn’t know why her heart was pounding. She wasn’t going to be affected by his emotions. She had to remember what she wanted him around for and she was getting more and more confirmation that he was the perfect guy to make her father pay attention. Her fingers moved over the keyboard smoothly and calmly.
“@lucyxheart: That’s fine. Hope you miss me. Your bed was super comfy, nothing like the bed in my dorm. Bye Natsu.”
Lucy pressed send with a cynical smile on her face. She knew what she had to say to get a reply out of anyone, especially a boy. The part about missing her would make him answer her to clarify that he didn’t care about her to miss her in the first place. And Lucy would answer that response with a coy reply along the lines of her being a memorable person and everyone she comes across comes to miss her. As she predicted, Natsu sent a response.
“@dragneelland: Sorry to hurt your feelings Blondie, but I didn’t know you or care about you enough to miss you.”
Lucy rolled her eyes and typed with a smirk on her face.
“@lucyxheart: I tend to leave an impression on people. You’ll miss me. It’s okay I’ll wait.”
Natsu read the message and his erection started to come back. He didn’t want to talk to this girl anymore, but he knew that was a lie. He wanted to get to know her, to understand her and protect her. Images of last night kept running through his mind and he would just keep angry thinking about how defenseless Lucy was.
Natsu was pissed that Sting had snatched his phone when Lucy replied to his message.
“What the fuck man?!”
“Dude, she’s hot. You know your endgame for her last night was the same as the other guy. You’re just mad that he beat you to it.”
Natsu rolled his eyes at his roommate. “No, dumbass. My endgame was consensual. This guy locked her in the bathroom and tried forcing her into something she wasn’t into.”
“What a proper gentleman,” Sting teased. Natsu smacked Sting upside his head and rolled his eyes.
“Look man, if you don’t want her, I’ll take her. She looked pretty fuckable to me in the shirt she was in.”
“That was my shirt you dumbass.”
“Your point? I still wanted to take her to my room and have some fun with her. Bickslow is still pissed at you for the phone thing by the way.”
He really didn’t know why, but for whatever reason, when Natsu saw Bickslow getting told off by Lucy, he wanted to know what his roommate has said to make her so mad. Without thinking, grabbed her phone off his bed. Something told him to think about what he was doing before he would regret it, so he grabbed a clean sock off his dresser and put the phone in there and flung it at his roommate’s head. When he heard the phone slap the ground, he felt a rush of guilt. He looked down at Lucy from the second floor and spoke to her in a cold, distant voice.
“Shut the fuck up and leave her alone. You left your phone in my bed. It’s in the sock. If it’s cracked tell Lug-nuts to let me know how much I owe you. Have a nice life.”
He knew the words would hurt her feelings, but he also knew that she got involved with him a lot more than her feelings would get hurt. He just couldn’t accept that fact that he was drawn to her. She was refreshing. The way she hadn’t thrown herself at him when he turned on the charm. She was just … normal. In the past, Natsu could get any girl he wanted and didn’t really have to try. But with Lucy, there was a chase that he felt come on after their initial encounter.
For a while Natsu would pick up his phone, start a message, change his mind, and delete whatever her was going to say. He didn’t want to give into her games. He wanted the ball in his court and he wasn’t going to let her win this.
“Seriously Natsu, can I have her if you don’t want her?” Sting peeked his head into Natsu’s room.
“Walk away from my fucking door Sting. Walk away.” Natsu said in a calm, dark voice.
His roommate got the message and quickly closed the door without another word.
Natsu growled in frustration and threw himself on the bed. He snatched his phone and sent screenshots of the conversation to Lisanna.
“What the fuck is this?!”  He sent with the screenshots.
 “It looks like a game of chase. Do you wanna play? Looks like she does.”
“Lisanna you’re not helping.”
“I’m just telling you what I see. Don’t get upset that you’re in denial. Give the girl a date… Wait, why are you apologizing about a phone?”
“I may or may not have broken her phone when I threw it at Bickslow’s head. So technically, I didn’t break it, he did.”
“Who’s the five-year-old now Natsu?”
“Make it up to her by taking her to lunch. You really owe her that much. Besides it’s fucking LUCY HEARTFILIA. She was in school around the same time as Mira and she’s loaded. She doesn’t need you for anything Natsu trust me, but I bet if you impress her by taking her out it’ll be worth it.”
Natsu was a little confused by the last part of Lisanna’s message. What did she mean Lucy was loaded?
“Lucy Heartfilia. As in Jude Heartfilia’s only daughter?”
“Yeah. Please tell me you know who the Heartfilia’s are.”
“Don’t be stupid Lisanna. Yes, I know who they are. That’s why her face looked familiar”
“Look Natsu, people would kill to get a date with her and you’re saying no. Of all of the stupid things you’ve done in your life, and trust me from what you’ve told me it’s a lot, don’t screw this up. Message her back and take her out. Make it a date she won’t forget. Good luck!”
Natsu opened the Instagram app and quickly typed the message to Lucy.
“@dragneelland: Hope dinner sounds better than lunch. I’ll pick you up at 7.”
He didn’t want to see what she would say so he left his phone on his bed and went to the bathroom to shower to get ready for his date with Lucy. He didn’t want to think about the knots forming in his stomach or feel his knees shaking.
“I just wanna fuck her. I just wanna fuck her. I just wanna fuck her.” For once, the mantra was working and his nerves started to settle. He was just going on a date with a hot blonde. Nothing new for him. He’d get what he wanted and he’d go on about his way. Except he didn’t just want to sleep with her. He wanted to get to know her. And what freaked him out the most was he didn’t know why.
Lucy looked at her screen for a few minutes after she read the message she’d received from Natsu. She had asked for lunch and he was taking her for dinner. A cynical smile stretched across her face. She had suckered Natsu into a whole date. The entire situation was almost laughable.
“You’ve got a creepy smile going on there,” Levy said from her bed.
“I have a date with Natsu.”
“And you’re happy about that? You know everything about him screams ‘run’ right?”
Lucy rolled her eyes. Nothing about him said that especially when he was saving her life. Uncomfortable flashes from the night before came to mind and she flinch. Levy noticed and brought up the issue from last night.
“Lucy, please tell me what happened last night. I was selfish to leave you without anyone at a party with people you didn’t know. I’m an awful friend.”
“You’re also awful at having sex quietly.”
Levy’s face turned bright red. “What?!”
“I was in the room next door to the room you and Gajeel were getting hot and heavy in. You’re definitely a screamer I’ll tell you that.”
“Oh. My. God. Kill me.”
“No, I was definitely the one that wanted to die trust me.” Lucy giggled.
“Moving on. What happened?”
Lucy didn’t want to relive the events of the night before, but she sighed and began.
“Nothing really. I went to a room to make myself a drink and I met Natsu. We talked we danced we laughed. Then I wanted to go home and couldn’t find you two. He helped me look, but my feet were killing me and we went into his room. Nothing happened unlike with you and Gajeel. We talked until we fell asleep and I woke up because I had to pee. The bathroom was locked so I waited and then he showed up.” Lucy shivered at the thought of him.
“What did he do Lucy?” concern laced Levy’s tone.
“You know, I don’t think I’m ready to talk about this. I had a good time with Natsu. He helped get me out of a scary situation and then he kicked me out of his room and told me to have a nice life. Now he’s picking me up for dinner at 7 and I’m not ready so, it was great talking about my terrifying traumatic first college party experience, but I need to get dressed and do my hair.”
“Levy, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m going to put this entire thing behind me and you should do the same. I say we start fresh. Clean slate, no hard feelings. I want college to be fun and I want to tell people about how amazing my roommate is. Sound good?”
Levy reluctantly nodded and stood up from her bed.
“Then let’s get you ready for your date with Mr. Natsu Dragneel.”
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jd-the-anime-fan · 7 years
The Ultimate Duo
Summary: My take on 'Lucy leaves Team Natsu'. after a discussion with the rest of the team, Lucy takes temporary leave. This meeting, unbeknownst to either of the two will change their lives in more ways than one. Eventual LuLi and other assorted most likely non-canon pairings. @dragonshost, I know you wanted to see a story like this, so here you go!
Chapter 1: Meeting
Lucy stood in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall, there was a solemn expression on her face as she slowly pushed the ornate wooden doors open. It had been about a week since the end of their adventure in Edolas and she and the other members of Team Natsu had succeeded in both saving the Exceeds and returning all of Magnolia’s citizens to Earthland. But as well as that, the group had unknowingly come back with Lisanna Strauss, with the Take-Over mage explaining the circumstances behind her alleged death. After a tearful reunion with her siblings, a celebration had been held for the return of the youngest Strauss and although the partying had long since died down the guild was still abuzz with talk of the miraculous event.  
But that wasn’t currently what the Celestial Spirit mage was concerned with, what she had on her mind was to do with Team Natsu. Looking through the busy guild hall, Lucy noticed the other four members of the team plus Wendy and Carla at a nearby table. Natsu and Gray seemed to be in some sort of argument, evident by the fact that they were squaring off against each other, Erza was eating a slice of cake, looking quite content while doing so, Happy was attempting (and failing) to woo Carla with a fish while Wendy was looking on at the display in amusement.
Steeling her resolve, the blonde made her way over to the group, “Hey guys.” She greeted.
“Hello Lucy.” Erza said, greeting her team mate back, “We were about to go out on a mission with Wendy, would you like to join us?” The Requip mage asked, completely ignoring the fact that Natsu and Gray’s confrontation had escalated into an all-out brawl.
“Actually…” Lucy began, sitting down next the red-haired woman, “I wanted to speak with you guys about something, in private.”
“Oh, well if this is between you guys, I won’t intrude.” Wendy said politely, getting up and motioning for Carla to come with her.
“So what did you want to talk about Lucy?” Happy, who had now become interested in the conversation, asked.
“Well we’re going to need Natsu and Gray.” Lucy said, barely a second later Erza stepped into the mass of wizards still fighting it out with each other. Even with the noise caused by the brawl, the sound of Erza knocking out her two male team mates was still fairly audible. The armoured wizard stepped out of the mass relatively unscathed, dragging the unconscious Dragon Slayer and Ice-Make wizard behind her. Lucy and Happy both sweatdropped at Erza’s rather straightforward method of getting the other two core team members. “Next, can we go to my apartment? This something that should be a little more private.”
Receiving a nod from the armoured wizard and the Exceed, Lucy led the group out of the guild hall from up front with Happy flying beside her, Erza was at the back of the group as she continued to drag Gray and Natsu behind her. When the group was at Lucy’s apartment, Natsu and Gray finally began to stir.
Once the fire and ice wizards had regained their bearings they instantly locked eyes, glaring at each other, “What the heck did you do Ice Princess?!” Natsu shouted, finding that blaming his rival was the easiest explanation for the sudden change in surroundings.
“I didn’t do a damn thing Ash-for-Brains!” Gray responded, squaring up to the Dragon Slayer.
“Boys, stop it!” Erza ordered, preventing the altercation from escalating any further.
“Yes ma’am!” Both boys squeaked, immediately sitting down.
“Good, now listen up, Lucy said she has something to tell us.” The swordswoman said, motioning for the blonde to begin.
“Thank you Erza.” Lucy said before she began to address her now-seated guests, “The reason why I called you guys here is because…” However, the blonde’s words hitched in her throat, as if she was trying to stop herself from carrying out what she intended. It was at that moment that the Celestial wizard seriously contemplated making up some (likely poor) excuse for why she had dragged them to her apartment. She was so deep in her thought processes that she jumped lightly when she felt the coldness of metal on her shoulder.
“Take all the time you need.” Erza instructed gently, giving the blonde a reassuring look, noticing the similar expressions she was receiving from the other members of the team, she smiled appreciatively at them.
“Thanks, you guys.” Lucy said gratefully, “This isn’t easy for me to say, but… I want to leave the team...” She was going to continue, until her teammates spoke up to voice their shock at the sudden announcement.
“What?! Why?!” Natsu began.
“Is it because, we’ve broken into your house so many times?” Gray asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.
“Or if it’s not that, if it’s something else, please tell us and we’ll work to correct it.” Erza offered.
“Lucy, don’t you like us anymore?” Happy asked sadly.
“No, no, no.” Lucy clarified, causing her teammates to calm down somewhat, waiting with bated breath for an explanation, “I love being with you guys but I feel that you guys are in a completely different league to me and I don’t want to burden the team. I just think that I need a little break, get stronger, and then come back.” She explained, an awkward silence befell the room, something that made Lucy all the more anxious as she attempted to gauge the rest of the team’s contemplative expressions.
Erza was the first to speak up, “I understand.” The three boys giving the swordswoman questioning looks, “There is no shame in wanting to get stronger, if you really want to leave the team temporarily, we should respect that decision.”
“That does make sense,” Gray admitted, “This is just a suggestion on my part Lucy, but maybe talk with some other members of the guild, see what happens. It could be good for you to get to know other people a little better.”
Now the only two left were Natsu and Happy, who still seemed unsure about the blonde’s announcement, “You definitely want to come back to the team once you’re done?” Natsu asked.
“Yeah, I promise.” Lucy responded affirmatively.
“And Celestial wizards never break their promise, right?” Happy asked, Lucy’s nod was enough to sway the two, causing Natsu to stand up and held out a clenched fist towards the blonde. Realising what the Dragon Slayer was asking for, Lucy acknowledged it by bumping the fire-user’s fist with her own.
With that, the four members of Team Natsu left Lucy’s apartment, each giving a nod of acknowledgement to their currently former teammate. Lucy continued sitting down, glad that her announcement had gone over smoothly. One thing of course did stick out for the Celestial wizard, what Gray had said about getting acquainted with other members of the guild.
It was definitely true that Lucy had seldom few connections with other members of the guild, she was friendly with everyone of course, but she didn’t really know much about people outside of Team Natsu. The person she was closest to outside of her main group was Levy and while the petite girl would have been her go-to-choice, she was currently away with her own team on a mission. There was always the Thunder Legion, though given they were deemed powerful by Laxus of all people, she suspected it would eventually feel like the dilemma she had with her original team. There were members who were single, such as Juvia, Gajeel and Cana but in truth, Juvia would probably become suspicious that her self-proclaimed ‘love-rival’ would attempt to form a team with her, the Iron Dragon Slayer still somewhat intimidated the blonde despite his new allegiances and Cana seemed to be distancing herself from even those in the guild she was closest to.
“Maybe some fresh air will clear my head?” Lucy suggested to herself, deciding the best place to go for some peace to contemplate her next course of action would be to visit Magnolia South Gate park. Due to its size, the park oftentimes seemed sparsely populated even when it was late morning, even though it was located next to several residential areas. Though, the serenity of the park was something the blonde appreciated.
While Lucy’s plan seemed a good idea, after a while of walking she still hadn’t come up with any possible solutions, that is until she spotted something or rather, someone. Sitting at the base of a tree, shielded from the sun by the shade, was Lisanna Strauss. The youngest of the Take-Over siblings seemed to be deep in thought as she didn’t hear the blonde approaching until she was almost next to her. After her brief surprise, Lisanna greeted her fellow guildmate, “Hello Lucy.”
“Hey Lisanna, are you okay?” Lucy asked.
“I’m fine, why do you ask?” The Take-Over mage inquired.
“You just seemed a little down, I wanted to make sure you were alright.” The Celestial wizard explained, the youngest Strauss shifted uncomfortably despite looking grateful for the blonde’s concern.
There was a brief pause before Lisanna spoke up, “Well… if I’m honest, there is something I’ve been wanting to talk to someone about.”
At her response, Lucy sat down next to the white-haired mage, “Go ahead, take your time.” The blonde said in a reassuring tone. After taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Lisanna spoke up.
“Well… you know I was stuck in Edolas for two years, right?” At the blonde’s nod, Lisanna continued, “During that time, I couldn’t use my magic and after two years of not being able to do that, I’m out of practice. With the two years I was gone, Mira is as strong as ever and Elfman even mastered Full-Body Take-Over!” Lisanna explained, her pride-filled tone suggesting happiness for her siblings, before her expression turned solemn, “As for me… I’m struggling to keep up even a partial take-over, we took a few missions together and I just feel… like I’m lagging behind, you know? So, we all agreed that I should just take some time off to practice, maybe even try to reconnect with people I knew before… the incident.”
“Yeah, I know.” Lucy answered, her companion giving an inquisitive look, “I decided to take some time off from my team as well.”
“Really?” Lisanna questioned, “But you seemed to fit in really well with them.”
“And I did,” The blonde stated, “But like you, it’s because of the differences in my strength and theirs. Gray even suggested something similar, that I should start forming bonds with other people in the guild.”
“If that’s the case, can I make a suggestion?” The youngest Strauss asked, at the blonde’s indication to continue, Lisanna did so, “How about we work with each other? We’re both in pretty similar positions and truth be told I’ve wanted to speak to you for a while since I knew Lucy Ashley when I was in Edolas.”
Lucy had to admit that she was flattered the Take-Over mage was willing to get to know her better, plus she did have a point with the two of them being in roughly the same situation, “Sure! Let’s do it!” Lucy declared.
“Great!” Lisanna said enthusiastically, “But first…” She trailed off, sticking a hand out, “I knew Lucy Ashley but I can tell you two are different, so how about this? I’m Lisanna Strauss, nice to meet you.”
Grinning, Lucy took the white-haired woman’s hand, “Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia.” Little did the two realise that with this shake of their hands, a bond would soon form, one that would be sure to stand the tests of time.
A/N: Hey guys, so as my summary states this is my take on the Lucy leaves Team Natsu trope as you can tell, I plan on doing a friend-to-lovers romance with Lucy and Lisanna, so I hope you look forward to that.  Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and perhaps I’ll see you in the next one.
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