#i feel like book would either be allergic to cats
optimistic-sunnyskies · 2 months
I saw a post about pictures of cats laying on top of books and it gave me an idea
happy easter!
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madhatterbri · 9 months
Where You Belong | K.M.
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Summary: Kol doesn't like the two of being broken up. He reminds you where you belong.
You looked at your watch and sighed. Another date had no showed. You cursed under your breath. All the secret meet ups you had with him seemed like a waste now. This guy was one of the good ones. He was a lawyer with a love for animals and history. Importantly, his family was nowhere near New Orleans.
"Kol got another one?" Your friend asked while wiping the bar down. They were closing for the night. After another no show, you decided to hang out with her and walk her home.
"Yeah. I thought I had outsmarted him but he has spies all over," you whined while rubbing your temples in frustration. You turned to see a man staring at you from outside the closed bar. He looked away when your eyes locked on to his. "Perfect example but at least that one sticks out like a sore thumb. I can't imagine how many are participating in my tours,"
Your tour guide career is how you met Kol Mikaelson. At first, he was sweet and constantly flirted with you. He would take your tours once a day no matter the weather. At the end of one tour he asked you out. You said yes and the rest led you here.
"Have you tried talking to him?" Your friend asked over her shoulder while counting the money in the register.
Your eyes widened at her in disbelief. Talk to the man that wants to ensure you are a spinster once you are old. The same man that acts before thinking and loves to cause mayhem. You would have a better conversation with a wall.
"Talk to the man that will go hours covered in blood? The same man that has caused my dates to either leave town, never talk to me again, or go missing?" You asked while using your fingers to count. "Sure let me just walk over to his family's place and speak to him,"
"I think you should. You have to set up boundaries with him," she replied. Boundaries. That is something he knows nothing about. "You are allergic to cats so being a crazy old cat lady isn't in your future. Let's get out of here,"
The walk to your friend's place consisted if her hyping you up to talk to him. The guy from earlier followed you. At least you knew the two of you would be safe. Some of the tourists around here could be a little aggressive when drunk.
You started asking the guy questions about your current situation. You felt it would be rude to not include him. He must not have been much of a talker because he didn't answer.
"Have a good night. Talk to him. Maybe you two can come to some sort of agreement,"
"Yeah, sure, come on Bob. I'm not dating this one so please don't report her to Kol," you shouted at him.
Your friend snorted and walked inside her apartment complex.
Thoughts zoomed through your mind on how to deal with the jealous ex-boyfriend. During your time together he was always so possessive.
You should have known you would never date another person in New Orleans again. No. There was no way you were going to think like that. He had to let you go once and for all.
"Come on, Bob. We are going to your boss," you announced and made your way to the Mikaelson home.
"Kol Mikaelson!" You yelled while looking for him. You walked down hallways until you saw him at his favorite place. He sat at a desk in his room. An opened book and alcohol in his hand to busy himself on the Friday night.
"Darling, must you be so loud? Hope is sleeping," he groaned in annoyance. Another night of babysitting duties while the others go on another killing spree adventure. You walked to him and immediately saw the blood on his collar.
"Wonderful. Blood on your shirt. I guess this one gave you some hassle about wanting to date me," you wondered. "He had a family you know,"
"The bloody fool still has a family. He isn't dead," he countered while feeling insulted. The man had given Kol some trouble before a broken nose cleared up their misunderstanding. "Besides he couldn't even win a fight,"
"A mortal couldn't win a fight against a thousand year old vampire? The shame that man has brought on all mortals,"
"You belong here, my love. I am never going to stop. Even if I have to kill one hundred men,"
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betsyrachels · 7 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions
thank you @good-enemy for the tag <3
coke or pepsi: coke
disney or dreamworks: sorry but i prefer disney i could name maybe like two dreamworks movies off the top of my head
coffee or tea: tea because coffee tastes burnt
books or movies: books
windows or mac: windows
dc or marvel: unfortunately i am a marvel fan
x-box or playstation: i havent used either of these in years
dragon age or mass effect: what
night owl or early riser: night owl
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: depends on the food but usually vanilla
vans or converse: docs
lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: ⁉️
fluff or angst: angst. hurt that blorbo you know you want to
beach or forest: beach
dogs or cats: dogs by default because im allergic to cats
clear skies or rain: clear skies but like the kind of clear skies when its sunny with no clouds in the sky but its chilly out
cooking or eating out: depends on the food
spicy food or mild food: mild food bc im a picky eater and also white
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: hanukkah
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold
if you could have a superpower what would it be: telekinesis but that might just be because im a jean grey girlie
animation or live action: live action
paragon or renegade: ⁉️
baths or showers: baths but unfortunately showers are more convenient
team cap or team iron man: i hate both of them
fantasy or sci-fi: anyone who knows me knows i am the biggest fantasy lover out there
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: idk i have a lot but i couldnt name them off the top of my head
youtube or netflix: youtube
harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson obviously. he'd also kick harry potter's ass but thats a whole other conversation
when do you feel accomplished: when i succeed
star wars or star trek: ive seen bits of star wars so that one
paperback books or hardcover books: hardcover books because they have built in bookmarks and also theyre pretty
live in a world without literature or music: nice try but no
who was the last person to make you laugh: i dont know probably my dad
city or countryside: city i love the city i am a big city person (i dont live in a big city)
favorite chips: baked lays
pants or dresses: pants
libraries or museums: museums we have no good libraries here
character driven stories or plot driven stories: oh thats hard. probably plot but i do love a good character driven story
bookmarks or folding pages: bookmarks
dream job: music therapist
what gives you comfort: my dog. also music
what are you currently having brain rot levels of interest over: the once upon a broken heart series by stephanie garber and also maisie peters's music
what is your current favorite song: coming of age by maisie peters
(added question) how many books have you read this year?
tagging @henwilsons @napollya @thegoosewitch and whoever else is interested
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blushblushbear · 6 months
cashew headcanons please im so so gay for him
TIME FOR DIS NUT aka our darling little bookworm
cut cause I went on for a bit and none of it is important OOPS
okay first off since he's a college boy let's start with the fact that he has zero alcohol tolerance
like none
he'll have 2 sips of a light beer or a half a shot of malibu and he's red in the face sweating and swaying like 'oh wow, I'm really feeling it haha'
Same with coffee
anything past a normal strength cup he's VIBRATING
he doesn't have a heart condition like Nimh but give him a shot of espresso and he'll think he does
is constantly waiting for someone to ask him for book recommendations
and when they do he is sponge bob's eager face BOY IS OVER THE MOON
also he doesn't just read good books
he'll literally read anything
he ADORES trashy novels
especially if they're spicy *eyebrow wiggle*
he recognizes they aren't good but they are so wild and out of pocket like
he'd love shows like gossip girl and pretty little liars if they were BOOKS instead
except OOPS they are actually and he'd love to infodump about that little fact to me if I let him (at least I think they both are?? I know pretty little liars is-- THAT PLOT IS /NUTS/)
honestly he loves when things are written well but he also loves when plots are NUTS
the only kind of nuts he can have
well... second kind
he'd be a secret college slut (respectfully and also def not actually a secret) if he wasn't head over heels for you
now he's just in your dms/texts constantly
his family is just as quiet and mousey as he is
everyone is just as nerdy
though his dad doesn't read as much-- he's more tv and movies and games nerd
he gets his love of books from his mom's side
he'd KILL to be a librarian
or work at a bookstore
English major vibes
but not just vibes that actually is his major lol
has def had a crush on 3 different librarians growing up and 1 creative writing teacher
can't math for shit
his favorite parts of campus friends taking him on nights out is him getting to read in little corners he can find and the 3am breakfasts at the local diner
I've talked about this before but him Nimh and Poe are in a book club together
he thinks Nimh is the coolest cause he's a PA for a publisher
can read a harry potter length book series in an afternoon (also hates terfs <3 )
his favorite genres are romance of any kind but he does have a special fondness for the trashier romances, fantasy, and he does love a mystery but mostly cause he can never see the twists coming
the smartest idiot you'll ever meet
or maybe he's the dumbest smart guy???
either way he is both very clever and very simple all at once
also very well meaning
incapable of wrong
only of oops
(a lot of oops actually, he's kinda clumsy)
once went a whole day without eating cause someone recommended a new series and he LIKED IT VERY MUCH
I wish for the life of me I could remember ANY book series atm
I know of a few by like--- vaguely what they're about but I can't remember their names
he could though
he will spend whole dates telling you the plot of a book series in great detail
loves pets
not great with them
also low key allergic to a few
big rip cause he loves cuddles
cries over a cat at a distance while sniffing
also really likes birds
met a few birds as a squirrel and now he knows Poe who was a bird so like--
birds are buds of his
can't say no to something cute
cute eraser, cute pen, cute notebook, cute cookie, cute you
just can't refuse cute
would totally rock a cottage core vibe if he could manage to keep a plant alive
he lost his ficus Marcel and he's still low key getting over it
uses a wallet sized photo of you as a book mark
def has you or a pic of you and him as a lock screen
the home screen is a pic of a page of a book
is very good at those 'name the book this opening line is from' challenge
good omens, both the book and the show, WRECKED HIM
actually good omens was his fav book to screen adaption thus far
he has a few others but he's more excited about good omens
wants to be friends with Aziraphale
I could ramble on forever but I think I'll end it here
loves that hack where you put cheese on ramen
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seb-reads31 · 9 months
I'm glad you don't mind! Then, I'll request again! Though please tell me if you're not interested! It's headcanons of Obey Me characters except Lucifer & Belphegor notice GN Reader had a bad day so he went to check on them. They are still sad but they immediately brighten up upon seeing him! How would OM characters cheer them up? Sorry for repeating this similar prompt because I had a bad day and I really love your writing!
Tw's -
Genre - Hurt/Comfort
Type - Head canons
Comments - Of course nonnieee 🥺🥺 I'm sorry you had a bad day, I hope it gets/got better! And I really hope you enjoy these. They're gonna be a bit shorter though, mostly my thoughts on how they would comfort you, hopefully this is okay. I wanna avoid repeating the same thing over and over again.
Bad day?
💸 If he saw you crying his instincts would kick in
💸 HA, you thought I was gonna say that he wouldn't know what to do, but you're WRONG
💸 The reason I chose the word "instincts" is because he has 5 younger brothers, he knows what to do when someone is crying and how to cheer them up
💸 10/10, the best comforter ever totally not personally biased
💸 But regardless, he knows how to cheer up different people based on their personality, he had to deal with different kinds and had to learn to adapt to the new ones and their preferences. With you, it'll be a cake walk✨
💸 He's so good at it you'll forget why you were upset in the first place
💸 Eventually after you've calmed down he'll ask you if you wanna talk about why you're upset, if you do then he'll listen and give the best advice he can, if you don't then he'll reassure you that you don't have to tell him if you don't want to then drop the subject altogether to keep your mind off of it
🎮 He's one of the worst at comforting, but he tries his best
🎮 Solid 4/10 in my opinion
🎮 His form of comforting you is grabbing your favorite snacks, and offering to watch your favorite anime together, or playing your favorite game together, or reading your favorite manga together
🎮 He might attempt to ask what was wrong but might not have the courage to do so, but will tell you nonverbally that he's there for you no matter what
🎮 He's more used to being the one comforted rather than having to comfort someone so he's a little awkward, but again, does his best
🧶 Another one of the better comforters
🧶 7.5/10
🧶 Why I say 7.5 instead of like a 8 or 9 is because his form of comforting would be taking you to a cat cafe (if you're not allergic/like cats, if so then he would take you to a normal cafe) and buy you as many snacks and drinks as you would like, as well as buying a few books you've been wanting to read (if you like reading, if not then you two just talk)
🧶 His knowledge of comforting probably came from his constant reading
🧶 He probably also read some human psychology books out of both boredom and slight interest
😘 9/10
😘 100% fusses over you like a mom/older sibling
😘 Self care day, your choice if you wanna go to a spa, get a massage, or get a manicure, pedicure, or both if you want he's paying for it all 🤧
😘 There are no if's and's or but's about it, he's paying and you're going to relax and take your mind off of things for a while
😘 I personally feel like he would be the best person to vent to
😘 He gives great advice, great at analyzing, and knows how to read people in any situation possible
😘 You may not think so, but feel free to share your thoughts
😘 If you decide to talk about it he's more than willing to give his thoughts and offers tips or solutions for your problems
😘 Tied in 1st place with Mammon
🍔 5/10
🍔 Not the best but not the worst
🍔 His form of comfort is either Belphie or food
🍔 So he takes you out to eat somewhere, specifically to your favorite restaurant and orders your favorite food, as well as some dessert
🍔 He's the 2nd best when it comes to listening (1st going to Asmo) but doesn't exactly give the best advice
🍔 He tries his best, and ends up consulting Belphie or Lucifer maybe
🍔 He doesn't exactly know what to do when comforting you but he does his best
👑 He's busy most of the time, and he didn't get much interaction with other people when he was growing up so he isn't the best when it comes to comforting someone
👑 2/10 ;-;
👑 He doesn't know what to do so he summons Barbatos to assist him
👑 And that's assuming that he was even available to begin with 🫤
👑 Let's just say that he was for the sake of the request though
👑 He would be very awkward
👑 Probably resorts to taking a break with you and having a small tea party where you vent to him about your problems
👑 It would be a nice break for him as well so two birds with 1 stone 👍
🍵 7-9/10
🍵 There's a reason for the 7-9 so stay with me 😭
🍵 7 is when he's had a bit of a longer/busier day
🍵 He's already feeling a bit more stressed out or overwhelmed than usual and can't find it in himself to be completely.. understanding
🍵 He will definitely make you two some tea and snacks whenever he has a small break but his advice won't be the absolute best
🍵 There's multiple things running through his mind at the moment so he's a little confuzzled
🍵 On a good day however is when he's at a 9
🍵 He's much more willing to listen and will give you much better advice
🍵 On days where he's at a 9 includes him taking a break from serving Dia and takes you to the gardens to make flower crowns as you vent your frustrations I love flower crowns leave me alone
🍵 I feel like this is what he does in his free time personally (I'll save this for a general Head canon request or if I decide to do it out of boredom)
🍵 He doesn't necessarily like plucking the flowers from the gardens but he knows a spell or 2 to replace them easily, so he doesn't really mind
🍵 He definitely gives you much better advice and even offers to bake something with you to take your mind off of it 🥹
😇 Simeon is a literal angel, let's get that out of the way right now
😇 Now, I feel like angels just have this calming aura or something like that around them
😇 And that helps you to relax and feel less stressed
😇 I feel like Simeon is just the best person to go to if you're having a bad day though
😇 He's the most calm out of everyone, and is the 2nd best at comforting
😇 I say 2nd for a reason
😇 And that is because you live with the brothers, they know you the best
😇 Simeon is just an exchange students like you, you don't normally spend a lot of time together
🪄 I don't know what to give Solomon
🪄 He would probably be better in the sense that he's a human and understands human emotions a bit better than demons
🪄 He's also very old wise so he would have some good advice as well
🪄 He would probably find your favorite fantasy animal and show you it, like unicorns or dragons, stuff like that
🪄 Or he would show you some fun spells and such that would both be easy and fun to learn
🪄 He's not the best at comforting someone, he leaves that stuff alone but he is good at distracting you from your problems if that's what you really need
🐶 5/10
🐶 Luke is a small child technically, he doesn't fully understand adult emotions or why specific things happen
🐶 He's not the best, and he shouldn't have to be because he is a child
🐶 It doesn't stop him from wanting to cheer you up with pastries he baked with Simeon or Barbatos though
🐶 The precious baby doesn't know what happened today, but is willing to help any way he can 🥺🥺
🐶 It's more than likely just you two baking together with Simeon and/or Barbatos but it's still a fun and helpful activity to do when you're feeling down
Notes - I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭😭 I got burnt out or something along the way for whatever reason 🧍 But school also started up again so I'm not very tired 🥲 I hope you enjoyed this though!
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saturnzskyzz · 8 months
My Nimona headcannon's!!
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I would like to start this off by saying thank you for everyones input with my last post concerning whether or not I should write for Nimona! I'd like to share some headcannon's I have for these lovely characters before I start writing for them! I say this because there may be times where I use my personal headcannon's for them in future fanfics.
Without furthermore, I present to you all! My headcannon's!
I try to color code the names because the white text can hurt my eyes throughout reading. 🥲
Ballister Boldheart
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(This dude has two different last names for some reason. I'm using the one from the movie because I haven't read the book all the way)
His favorite color HAS to be periwinkle, you cannot tell me otherwise. He just seems like the type of dude to favor periwinkle because it's a soft color to gaze upon.
Bro has sensory issues, and sometimes will have days where his prosthetic arm will cause him discomfort. I think he would have days where he doesn't wear the prosthetic if he knows he's not going anywhere.
PTSD and Anxiety tics when he thinks back to the ceremony incident. This poor dude cannot get enough of the past.
He will have recurring nightmares of the incident that makes him wake up in cold sweats. (Ambrosius would comfort him anytime he has those nightmares)
Bro has a book collection that are mostly action and thriller genre books. (Maybe even fairytale books)
CRAVES physical affection on a daily basis ever since he’s been away from Ambrosius for so long.
Based on the indented headcannon above, I would say that Ballister wasn't this clingy when he was first with Ambrosius, but now that he had to endure YEARS of not seeing him after the incident, he's been more clingy than Ambrosius has.
He seems the type to run his thumb over Ambrosius’ knuckles as a way to tell him he loves him.
Anytime Him and Ambrosius are together, either sitting next to each other, or walking while holding hands, he’ll lay his head on Ambrosius’ shoulder on instinct.
(Another headcanon I saw) TRANSMASC CODED!!(transmasc is what it says)RAAAAHHHHH 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
One time he shaved his beard and he had to endure Ambrosius’ laughter for a solid 5 minutes at most because of how young he looked to Ambrosius.
Can not stand horror films. Bro clings onto his man everytime there is a jumpscare.
He holds Ambrosius' hand with his actual hand so he can feel the warmth of his lover.
Continuing with the indent, he makes sure that he touches Ambrosius with his actual hand because he fears that there will be a day where he will never see him again. (This one hurts 🥲)
He has insomnia, what can I say?
He treats Nimona like his own, of course. Bro spoils her 24/7.
Ambrosius and Ballister would always pass notes during their training years. (Todd teased them for it)
He's so tenderheaded. He never let's anyone play with his hair unless it's soft strokes.
... Ticklish Stomach. (You didn't hear that from me 🤫)
Going more with the indented. He gets tickled more than he tickles other people.
When he does get into his ler moods however, you better HOPE you can out run this bitch. He turns into a whole new person when in his ler moods.. 😬
Ambrosius Goldenloin
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He has frequent meltdowns because he physically cannot get the image of him cutting Bal's arm off out of his mind.
He's Allergic to cats. (=^ェ^=)
Ever since Ballister brought up a nightmare about Ambrosius telling him He doesn't love him, he's been complimenting Bal every morning, and always make sure that he tells him he loves him.
He teases Bal everyday to see his smile when in a flustered state.
He so gossips to Bal about the drama that happened over at the tower when Ambrosius was working for the Director. "Sit down babe, I gotta tell YOU about this one time..."
He pulls Bal closer to him when they cuddle because he has thoughts of Bal being just a dream.
LOVES HORROR MOVIES. He doesn't seem like the type to go on a horror marathon, but he favors the conjuring movies. 🍿 (he drags Bal along with him just so he can watch Bal cling on to him for dear life.)
He leaves little love notes for Bal to wake up to when Ambrosius leaves to run errands.
It took Ambrosius a LONG while for him to feel comfortable around Nimona because he regrets being mean to her when working for the Director.
He's not one to favor reading books, but he always says yes to Bal when agreeing to go to the book store.
Golden retriever, if you will?
One time, he took an animal quiz with Bal and Nimona to see which animals they would be, and he was mad for the rest of the day when he got a dolphin and not a dog.
He's not that sensitive when it comes to tickling, but Bal knows one spot that gets Ambrosius to take back whatever he might have said to Bal. *cough* *cough* ticklish knees *cough* DAMN, I need a new keyboard, this ones barely working. 👨‍💻 /j
a second dad to Nimona.
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One time she turned into a shark and had Bal walk with her around the neighborhood because he tried to scare Nimona. (She's petty like that)
She has night terrors of the well and Gloreth.
She makes it her JOB to embarrass Bal and Ambrosius when they kiss in public. "Get a room!" "Okay you two LOVE BIRDS!"
She pretends to fall asleep next to Bal so he can put a blanket over her due to being lazy.
One time she locked Bal outside of his home because he won a board game.
She so listens to Evanescence. (Maybe even Avenged sevenfold)
Every Christmas, she hangs up a mistle toe for Bal and Ambrosius, but she still acts disgusted when they kiss under it.
When she's stressed, she shapeshifts into a bird and flies around the city to calm herself down when Bal and Ambrosius aren't at Bal's home.
LOVES to sing outloud.
One time she called Diego out for reading fanfiction when hanging out with Bal and Ambrosius.
"Guys, Diego is reading fanfiction again.." Nimona pointed at Diego's phone.
"Am NOT!" Diego hid his phone away from the others in disbelief.
"Dude, how many times do we have to say it, we don't care if you read fanfiction, just do it on a day where we're NOT hanging out." Ambrosius sighed heavily.
On chill days where Bal, Ambrosius, and Nimona are all hanging out in Bal's livingroom, she would draw, paint, or color a picture.
I feel like she wants to because an artist. She has the creativity and mind like one!
It looks like her favorite color would be pink because of the implications of her shapeshifting into pink animals, but I think her favorite color would be like some type of orange-y red color.
She's a gift giver. She would be the type of person to gift someone a drawing with their favorite color as the main visual.
She seems like a Ler to me. I don't think she's very ticklish, but then again; with her backstory, I don't think she really knows what tickling is until she popped into Bal's and Ambrosius' lives. (Them two lovely doves brings up too many tickle fights around Nimona.)
Diego the Squire
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He reads AND writes Ao3 fanfictions (he reads them more than he writes them)
The movie portrays him as a distrusting and closed minded person, but I really think he's a hesitant people pleaser.
He avoids conflict BIG TIME.
He so sleeps with stuffed animals. (me too bro, me too)
His social battery is ALWAYS on an all time low.
He avoids small children after what Nimona pulled that one time.
He gives off gay or bi energy.
He blames himself for not showing Bal the video of the director sooner.
Bro has a sweet tooth.
He doesn't seem like the type of person to celebrate Holloween.
I like to believe that he admired the knights who worked for the queen, so he worked his hardest to become the queens Squire as a way to gain recognition due to the fear of being forgotten. Even though the Squire seems like a really overlooked job, everyone knows Diego at the tower, and is mostly favored by many knights.
He was really close with the queen when training to be a Squire. Apart from Ballister and the other knights, I think her death hit him the hardest.
After showing Ballister and Nimona the video evidence of the director sabotaging the ceremony, he had a HUGE wave of guilt put on him, so he soon forced himself to become unknown to everyone from the tower, and the outside world. (I only say this because he was never seen at the ending of the movie from what I remember.) [please tell me otherwise, I don't want to spread misinformation.]
100% lee. Bros too scared to touch other people.
Thoddeus Sureblade
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He's an asshole, but he also cries himself to sleep because of the regret he feels after being disrespectful to others.
He makes way too many dirty jokes for his own good.
He feels incredibly bad for all the times he would beat up Ballister. He only did it because he thought that Bal and Nimona were the monsters, and not the Director.
He still has a hard time accepting the fact that the Director was the one who sabotaged the ceremony. He knows she's a monster, but he worked for her for YEARS. That takes a lot of development honestly.
Bro tried to have his hair smell like lavender because of how much he looks up to Ambrosius. (This WILL be cannon 🫵 /j)
One time he accidentally got one of Bal's and Ambrosius' notes during training class, and decide he wanted to mess with them by sending a note back. (Let's say he never done that again.)
His love language is quality time. If he hangs out with you almost everyday, that's him saying he loves your company. (When did this turn into some romance shit? ⚰️)
Favors board games over online games. If you say or ask anything about video games, he would walk the other direction.
Continuing with the indent; he gets really competitive with board games.
He also has the fear of being forgotten. Hence why he was always jealous of Ambrosius. He always wants to lead everyone to the right direction, but is always overlooked upon because Ambrosius would come in and "steal" his spotlight. (Not saying that Ambrosius was trying to)
He favors salty more than sweets.
100% ler. Bro tickles everybody when given the chance to.
I don't think he's the ticklish type, but getting a certain spot will probably make him giggle at most.
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That's all! I hope you enjoyed these headcannon's!
Please let me know if you have any headcannon's for these characters! I would love to know your thoughts on them!!
Anyways! I'm gonna work on the fanfic now that this is out of the way 🏃💨
Take care and always live yourself!!
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softie-rain · 1 month
Same anon that loves how you write Sejanus, headcanon only for him? 🥺 No reader just Sejanus now 💞
Love you anyway 💞
note: so it's funny because that was my first thought but then I was like, wait what if they mean it as dating sejanus? But don't worry I love talking about Sej so I'm super glad you "corrected" me. Anyway as I already stated anon ily thanks for making me write about my bby 🫶🏻 Also I really hope you don't mind I headcanon Sej as gay, so some of these are about that! Once again, tell me if you mind and I'll edit it and add something else :)
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I wrote a little something about this one but I feel like on his first day of school in the Capitol he brought cookies that his ma' made, but no one took them and made fun of him for it ):
He has a stuffed pet (cat) that he brought from District 2 which he still sleeps with, his father thinks he threw it away long ago (his ma' knows about it though)
I personally headcanon him as gay even in the canon tbosas universe, I think he kind of always knew he had a thing for boys even back in 2 but his true first crush was Coriolanus (no one knows about this except for him)
The first year after they moved away from District 2 he always cried himself to sleep, his ma' heard him but didn't know what to do to help him ):
In the same period he also tried to run away but like, he's eight, so he didn't go far. As in he didn't even make it to the front door
He's almost constantly arguing with his father
now onto the happy ones because god what's this depression
his favourite colour is blue
He loves to read, like seriously. He's always at the Academy's library reading any book he can find, especially about Panem's history
As kids him and Coriolanus actually used to spend lots of time together, at Sejanus' house of course, but less when they joined the Academy. Only him and Coryo know about it of course
My man is not a virgin!!! He never had a boyfriend but he hooked up with Festus at his 16th Birthday Party
Festus was OBVUOUSLY drunk, and OBVIOUSLY neither of them acknowledged what happened
He kissed Coriolanus too. They were alone at Sej's house, his parents were out and the alcohol cabinet was unsupervised... (they were 17 at the time, one of the few times Coryo was at his house to work on a school project).
Sejanus' memories are blurry, was it a dare? Did they mean to do it? Either way Coriolanus was so wasted he doesn't remember a thing about the night. Sejanus on the other hand does, but knows better than to tell Coryo.
In District 12 he had some girls trying to flirt with him at the his cute adorable ass either doesn't realize they're flirting or is just super awkward about it, like
"Youre very handsome you know?"
"Oh! Thank you :)"
Yes the smile is included.
He loves the Coveys songs?? Like obsessed. He loves going to the Hob to listen to the songs (he's a bit sad Coryo is there for Lucy Gray but the music helps!!)
I feel like in District 2 with Marcus they used to do "races"? Idk like imagine coming back from school, "Who gets home last is a loser!" Those kind of things, to distract themselves from the horrors of the war
Studying is so easy for him? He has a photographic memory, so he just needs to read a paragraph, do a small schematic map on his notebook and bam he studied.
He daydreams A LOT. Especially at night before going to bed, he dreams of still being in 2 and often wonders how his life would be if they never moved
He always wanted to get a cat (even when in 2) but his father is allergic (the bitch)
Has a kid, when his ma' used to bake, he'd always steal some paste with his finger (It was not good. Often had tummy aches. He did not care and kept doing it.)
I could go on forever but that's it for today!!
Listen he sings in the shower. I do not make the rules I'm sorry.
Bonus, TS songs that are him coded!! I Can Do It With A Broken Heart; Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me; So Long, London; I Hate It Here; This Is Me Trying; Mirrorball;
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w4t3rgun2 · 1 year
hiii!!!! may i request vincent edgeworth x reader relationship hcs or victor blake x reader relationship hcs? (btw i dont mind what pronouns u use for the reader im fine with anything) THANK YOU A LOT ^ _ ^
Hihi!!! Welcome!! And heck yeah my favorite boys!! (I have favoritism.) Also I'm so sorry for not doing this earlier!! (I have testing coming up so..) but happy Vincent crash day!! /Ref
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Type: relationship HCs!!
Ship(s): Vincent x Reader & Victor x Reader! (Separate) (ROMANTIC!)
Pronouns: He/Him for Vincent and Victor, "You" for Reader!
Owner information: I am speedrunning. With Owl City on my side. (The Tornado for Vincent 🫶)
CW?// Smoking, drinking alcohol(?) In Victor's, Vincent's backstory, me being too tired to mention Chapter 4, Depersonalization (both)
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🍸Vincent Edgeworth⚖️ × Reader in RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS!
Okay, where to start with this man?
You were his next door dorm-mate in college, you were probably also Victor's friend. So you were often over (even when Victor wasn't at the dorm)
So he often tried to chat up a conversation when he wasn't doing work. (Keyword "tried".)
It's awkward. Very. He isn't very a very social but he tries
If you weren't Victor's friend ; you were probably one of his academic rivals.
You two probably got into mockery battles. As in like bragging about grades and stuff, and insulting each other.
But either way; you meet again years later and chat again.
Your first date was probably at a cat cafe ; with hot cacao and petting cats (if you weren't allergic.)
The second was at a library, reading random books and giggling
Then you two were official!
He isn't one for PDA. Nor touch really.. He's more a private and vocal affection with his love language being spending time with you
He does overwork himself so you just coming in to remind him to stop makes him feel warm ; unlike no others have done for him.
You gave him a reason to continue.
Even when he was trapped, he was thinking of you. Wondering how you were. Wondering if he'll see you again... He hoped he would.
Once he escapes, he instantly goes to you. He holds you tightly once he does.. he doesn't want to lose you.
Once Draco was made, he made sure to add some of your features onto him and make sure to make Draco trust you as deep as he did you.
He loved you dearly.
Drinking dates are to be expected, even tho he doesn't "need" to.
He definitely reads you to sleep, since again; he doesn't "need" to. But he loves you and wants you to be healthy and living, even if he isn't.
He definitely needs comfort at times due to the depersonalization feeling of not being whom he was before and the memories before ; so please do comfort him during those episodes.
Overall ; 8/10 in my opinion
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🍸Victor Blake🚬 × Reader in RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS!
You probably met at work tbh. You were new and he decided to invite you to some drinks for the newbie
He made some good drinks for the both of you! Wether it be alcholic or not
He was quite the smoker but he wouldn't smoke around you, knowing second-hand smoking isn't great for either parties.
Him and Vincent are good friends and he probably asked Vincent some things before asking you on your first date
Your first date is surprisingly(/j) not at a bar. It's actually also at a cafe! Just a normal cafe
Your second one is at a restaurant, probably like a McDonald's (not because he's being cheap or anything but because he forgot you guys had a date and he was hungover from the night before)
Then you were official!
Unlike Vincent; he was the opposite! He loved PDA and uses physical affection instead! He uses gifts (like a crow) as his love language
When I say like a crow ; he literally gets you some things you might like and gives you it on your doorstep. It's weird when he doesn't tag it from himself...
Let's get one thing straight; He can't swim, both because of his childhood and because of his arms. So if you go to the beach or pool, he'll just be watching you.
His arms and eyes are a difficult topic for him, even for you. So he probably won't tell you until he's ready. (Since he's had these arms and eyes during the flashback of party)
But he does have depersonalization episodes due to it, having to remember it and just hating it and not remembering that it's himself. He'll need comfort but they hardly happen anymore
He does also talk about how his parents always wanted him to be in RMU and were pretty much strict and unloving. You and Vincent are the only people who know....
He loves sharing the cats with you! And sharing anything with you, wether it be talking sharing or clothes.
He does try to quit his smoking for you if you're uncomfortable with it... He will always make sure you're comfortable and okay!
Overall ; 8/10
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I dislike how short I made them but I'm in a rush and studying.. but I'm changing the profile style soon!! Expect more fandoms for options too!! <:3 I apologize deeply for being so late. (I love VTSOM requests sm.) But this was fun, and as always; you can request more and if you want anything changed, tell me!!
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the-blackholeus · 11 months
How about some dr Hauser x reader headcannons. Also aaa so sorry for being mean. Your writing is top notch
I'm sorry but I don't know what you are talking about. I do not recall you being mean, so there is nothing you have to apologize for. As for your request, I hope you enjoy this:
At the beginning of your relationship, Hauser will be a bit reserved. He is a very private person, and it will take him a while to be able to open up to you, but with time and patience, he will begin to tell you more and more about himself and his past.
He is actually a very shy person. Whenever you would try to kiss him and hold his hand in public, his cheeks would redden to the point he looks like a tomato and he would avert his gaze.
Despite having sworn to abandon his job as a surgeon, Hauser will make an exception for you if you get hurt. He is the only doctor in the entire area that hasn’t lost his mind (completely) and he does not want you to walk right into the claws of the monstrous chief doctor.
He is not a jealous person. If you would have friends outside the library, he will gladly tolerate them in order to keep you happy. He only wants to know who these people are and what their problems are. This may seem a bit controlling, but he just wants to keep you save, which is not very easy in the environment you two live in.
You are the only person he allows to take a book from his library. The only thing he expects you to do is to return it in one piece. That is quite reasonable, isn’t it?
When his knee begins to hurt unbearably, he sometimes asks you to fetch his meds or the salve. However, if your relationship has already progressed and you two trust each other unconditionally, it is also possible for him to ask you to massage it.
If you are tired or feel unwell, he has no problem to scoop you up in one arm or hoist you onto his back and carry you to the room he had set up for the both of you to comfortably live in. If you want, he would even make you a cup of tea or cocoa and/or cuddle with you.
He is very observant. Give him one week and he will know you from the inside out. While it may sound creepy, he mostly uses this knowledge to find books you might find interesting to give to you. He knows that Heilwald can be boring at times, and he does not want you to die of boredom.
He is very protective of you when it comes to the staff. He is aware of how dangerous they are and what they would do to you as soon as they would get their hands on you. He’s afraid that you would end up like the others. That is why he will not let you go to dangerous places alone, making sure that you always have company like the Trash Collector or Nurse Hellen. He doesn’t like either of them, but since they are one of the only people who have not lost their minds yet, he knows that you are safe with them.
If you are sick, he does his best to keep you as comfortable and happy as he can. He does not leave your side, bringing you tea and medicine. If you have to vomit, he will pet your back and hold your hair, if it is long enough, out of the bucket or bowl to make sure it doesn’t get dirty.
When he is sick, however, you have to practically tie him down for him to stay in bed and force him to take the medicine to make him feel better. He hates being vulnerable and weak, and it will certainly take a while for you to convince him to rest. Your top argument? “Someone could be stealing right in front of your eyes, and you would be too sick to notice.”
When it comes to sex, Hauser and you have it regularly. He leaves you satisfied and makes you feel loved, doing his best to meet your every need and give you all you could dream of. He does not have any kinks he knows of, as his sex life was almost non-existent before you came into his world and became his significant other, but with you, he feels comfortable enough to explore.
He loves cats. If you are not allergic or hate them, he will gladly take you on his nightly stroll to feed the strays that have been caught in the loophole. If you see and really want one, he might even consider adopting it for you and to create a permanent and loving home for him or her.
On lazy evenings or afternoons, he would take you down to the library. There, he has a room with a large fireplace. He loves to cuddle up with you on the large armchair in front of it, reading a book while you sleep or do the same. Often, this is done with a cup of your favorite drink or a bit of alcohol. Those moments are his absolute favorite and the best way to build an emotional connection with him.
When it comes to children, he is not really fond of them. They are too loud and energetic for someone like him. However, when you want a child or already have one from a previous relationship, he will gladly watch them and teach them things. If the child happens to be into reading or storytelling, he will be able to build a strong bond with them. Regardless of said bond though, the child is just as well-protected as you. Since he or she is a part of you, he’d rather get himself killed than let any harm come to him or her.
If you have “unusual” pets like snakes or spiders or rats, be prepared that they will be used for harmless experiments. Don’t worry, he would never hurt them, he just wants to test their intelligence with labyrinths or similar stuff. Besides, he seems to have a hand for them too, as they seem to love him just as much as they love you, if not a bit more.
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echoes-lighthouse · 3 months
As much as I wanna encourage you in talking about ~Secret F/Os~ I am contractually inclined to ask about the Slasher Orphanage every chance I get so; 2, 3, 8, 19, 39, and bonus 32 for anyone of them that's figured that part of themselves out yet, please~
Okay let's go!!! It's dissertation time on the slasher kiddos I'm READY!!! (ask game)
2. Were there any traits or things about your F/O that you didn’t know about until after you got together adopted them?
Let's think about what the biggest surprise for each of them was, since I didn't really know most of them much before taking them into the house!
Brahms- how much he still relies on the doll even after his "true" self is revealed. Sadako- she was very stand-offish at the start, so it was a surprise when she ended up being cuddly. Michael- what hasn't been a surprise about Michael??? he helps Vincent with crafts sometimes, I think his connection with the others surprised me. Vincent- I don't think that Vincent has surprised me too much? We've had a slow development and nothing was toooo out of left field with him. Maybe I'm not thinking of it, though. Carrie- her sense of humour. It took me a while to get through to it, but she's developed a knack for saying unexpected things and making me laugh. Jason- the animals were a surprise. I found him with two squirrels on his shoulders once. He's brought birds into the house. He's unstoppable. Billy- absolutely terrible attention span for anything not related to his special interest: looks like he's paying attention but there's nothing registering Stu- he's good with the girls in the house: that doesn't mean I trust him with them, but he makes them both laugh
3. Have you influenced each other’s hobbies/interests? Do you feel you’ve “rubbed off” on each other’s personalities?
Oh, for sure. We all listen to more classical music because of Brahms, we do crafts for Vincent, we read horror books for Billy and Stu. I read them poetry, and we play the games that I like. I think we've all rubbed off on each other, to a certain degree.
8. What would the ideal future with your F/O look like?
It's hard to think about! I don't think I want a future in this selfship. It's just a single moment that stretches forever.
19. What is the pet policy in the relationship? Is one of you a cat person while the other is a dog person? Are either of you allergic or disinterested in animals altogether?
The house is divided, so the rule is that there are no pets! Jason brings in strays sometimes, but they have to stay in the barn once we find them. Brahms, Sadako, and Vincent are not fans of most animals: Carrie and Jason both like most animals, the rest of us are neutral or mixed.
sickness and sexualities under the 'readmore'!
39. How do both of you take care of each other when the other is sick?
The house kind of falls into chaos when I'm sick, if I'm being honest. None of us like a disrupted routine, and I'm the key figure in keeping the schedule rolling. Brahms won't get near me because he hates getting sick. Sadako kind of lingers around but doesn't approach either. Michael, Vincent, and Carrie are the ones who take over the cooking, and they make a good soup together. Billy and Stu take the chance to slack off on chores, but bring me books and magazines for entertainment. Jason takes the chance to get cuddles, he doesn't care about getting sick.
Brahms is so grumpy when he's sick that I hardly want to take care of him, but we get through it with a lot of deep breathing and intentional gentleness.
Sadako hasn't gotten properly sick while we've been together, just a cold once, and she pushed through it like a champ.
Michael doesn't show the fact that he's sick until he's literally passing out, so I try to keep an eye out and enforce bed rest when needed.
Vincent stays in bed when he's sick: he and his brother would switch the chores in times of sickness and it's still a habit for him. He won't tell anyone he's sick but he'll just kind of vanish and we have to figure it out.
Carrie has trauma around illness and also tries to hide it, while picking up extra chores. She gets really nauseous even with a mild cold and has a hard time eating. I do my best to support her and give her infinite juice.
Jason hides in weird places when he's sick. He wants to be around people but not right beside them, so he squishes behind the couch or under beds. Terrifying but cute!
Billy is my favourite when he's sick, if we're honest. He has trouble maintaining his walls and he gets hazy and just... softer. He reacts well to being taken care of, for once. As long as he has a steady stream of media, he's okay.
Stu is the person who insists he can't lift a finger with a cold. But I like babying him, so it's okay. He's a blanket burrito kind of guy, but also gets easily bored, he always wants someone to keep him company.
32. What is your F/O’s sexuality?
Brahms hasn't figured out, but he's probably straight with a demi lean. Sadako is ace/aro. Michael is bisexual. Vincent is.... demisexual? Maybe ace biromantic? Carrie is not ready for that conversation but I think she's a lesbian. Jason is straight but that doesn't mean I'm sure he'll stay that way. Billy and Stu don't use labels, but Billy is a 1 on the Kinsey scale and Stu is a 5. For what that's worth.
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Can we have spoilers for the SCP fic? Pretty please??
If not then here are some random asks! (you can answer them anyway either way hehe)
What are your favorite places to go when you have the time (like museums, malls, aquariums, parks, gardens, cafes, etc)
Do you have any intricate dreams or nightmares you remember well?
What got you into writing?
Are you into any shows/games/books?
Sugar, honey or neither?
What's something that made you smile today, if anything?
Hmmmm if this is who I think it is, I'll give you exactly one spoiler. Directly.
Favorite places to go: Libraries, malls, museums, and aquariums/zoos! I am allergic to a lot of plants so parks and gardens are less fun, but I do like amusement parks? Anywhere I go with my wife, really...
Dreams: I have recurring dreams/nightmares around my childhood home, actually. I lived in the basement for a few years (I was put down there to be out of sight of my mom's bf), and my room was next to the furnace room, and the doorknob didn't work so you had to keep it shut with this hook-and-eye latch, and sometimes one of the kids would be assholes and would kick the door open (instead of, ya know, undoing the latch) and I would have to make a new hole for it so the door could be shut because THE DOOR WOULD CREAK OPEN AND SHUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT and that shit is terrifying, okay??? Anyway, so I have nightmares about The Thing That Lives in the Furnace Room, where I have to go down and shut the light off in the furnace room and shut and latch the door, and it would eventually open again and I would have to go back down again. Frequent nightmare of mine.
What got me into writing: Originally, Digimon. Then I just started having these recurring stories with my friends and those turned into original characters and then new fandoms and hyperfixations... well, I'm here now.
I'm into a lot of K-dramas and C-dramas right now, I really like fantasy stuff with happy endings and magic. I'm also very into LGBT fantasy, especially lesbians. It's so nice to see lesbians getting happy endings omg...
Sugar, usually. Honey tends to have a floral taste to it, which I'm not a fan of, and there's always a risk of a mild reaction, so real honey is kind of eh. But I like raw clover honey in my chai tea cider drinks!
What made me smile: Listening to my wife's laugh. I had a pretty rough start to my day, and my wife laughed at something my cat was doing, and it made me feel so warm and light in my heart. I've gotten so many wonderful and lovely comments on my latest fic, and I'm trying so hard not to give in and turn it into a longfic (yet)! I have a couple of little ideas brewing, but not a ton, and no overarcing storyline yet, so, maybe later for that. My duckies were all warm and sweet today, and they always know how to cheer me up when it's being a rough one. And tonight, my wife laughed because I had a total English fail (English is my first language, so sadly this was all on me) and said the wrong word and we both laughed. So I had a lot of smiles today, and I appreciate them all.
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kinslayersadvocate · 2 months
15 questions, 15 people
Not gonna lie, I love to talk, even when I have nothing to say, so I have to thank @a-very-fond-farewell for tagging me.
Please, tell us more about crab soccer. You can't just throw it at us and leave. I had to google it and it looks so fun! I think it should be tumblr official sport.
are you named after anyone?
when was the last time you cried?
At Easter. Jesus, I've had a full meltdown that morning. Ugly crying in my pillow for the first time in years. But since then I feel so light.
do you have kids?
No and I doubt I will ever have any… Sometimes I want one but this must be hormones because I would hate that lifestyle.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Naah, I can't see the appeal. A sarcastic comment can be funny sometimes, but if you use it in excess most people will be on edge around you… I don't like to interact with people who makes me feel silly, so I try to avoid making people feel that way.
what’s the first thing you notice about people?
I don't know how to describe this but is like… The space they ocuppy. The way they move. How they interact with their surrounds, like, if they make a lot of noise, if they are careful handling things… I'm notably bad at noticing/retaining physical characteristics but that soet of thing always pick my attention.
what’s your eye color?
Brown. Unfortunately not the big, sad brown eyes type but I'm still winning.
scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. I'm not even ashamed of it anymore. I hate being scared, but even more I love to see/imagine the many different ways in which characters can find happiness/purpurose/meaning.
any special talents?
No T.T That's not me being modest, I'm average at everything I do and I have few hobbies.
where are you born?
at the riverside.
what are your hobbies?
is "consuming media" a valid answear? I'm trying to change it, I swear. For now I only write, and play chess alone. I won't be including "cooking" because even if I enjoy it, it's still something I need to do.
do you have any pets?
No ;-; I want to, in the future, but I never had pets and I'm not sure if I could take care of one properly. If I had one, it would be a cat or a small dog, because I'm that original. (And I wouldn't be allowed to have a jaguar. Or a tiger.)
what sports do you/have you played?
Bold of you to assume that I ever played sports. I'm too lazy./ I love swimming but I have no access to a pool for now.
how tall are you?
160cm I think?
favourite subject in school?
dream job?
Ok, ok, that's a hard one. My first answar would be an editor — for fiction, especifically. Reading texts all day and helping authors in their creative process? I can't imagine anything better. But what about telling authors that they have to change their beloved creation because it isn't marketable? Doesn't sounds that nice. So is it a dream job if I'm not sure about all the aspects of it?
But the reason I didn't try to pursue it is because very few people read here so it's not a viable career option.
That's also the reason why I'm not going to the other side of the table either. Being an author is the one thing that I have yerned to be for half of my life now (it's more a curse than a dream, tbh) and I will publish a book one day, at least one, but that is something I'll have to do for fun.
There are many other things that I would like to do, cleaning, teaching, etc, but I noticed that they are more "fun things I could do if weren't for shitty people/laughable pay/violence" than "dream jobs".
Tagging is always a little awkward because I don't know if you guys like it, so no pressure to play:
@booklovinghobbit @sweetestapplepie @allergic-to-semen @gayandfullofdismay @backtoyunmeng
For some reason I can't tag anyone else so if you are seeing this post, feel yourself tagged (you likely were) a
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archivalofsins · 2 months
Was tagged by @qrevo on my main blog and I think I answered on their but I don't really remember. Either way thought it would be nice to do it over and put it up here too.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes, my first name is after my aunt. My mom planned on naming me lee if I was born a boy but I wasn't so she had to find some way to fit that into a girls name. Regardless of gender my mom's planned to take inspiration from my aunts name when naming me. My middle name is my grandmother on my dad's side first name. Plus my last name is just my father's families name for generations so technically every name in my name is due to someone.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Probably last week. It's been a rough year.
3. Do you have kids?
Do ocs counts- I'm kidding. They do and I have many. Still kidding no I don't have kids I do want to have them in the future or adopt.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did ballet as a really young kid according to my mom. However, since I had really bad asthma during most of my childhood I wasn't really permitted to do a lot of sports. I did do swim classes in high school but not competitively or anything. I tend to like walking and I'd like biking again once I get another bike.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Often. Very often. I think it's good at expressing certain feelings or just keep the mood light. Though I tend to be straight forward in serious conversation.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
What they're doing. After that usually their face and build.
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like scary movies because I've watched them since I was pretty young. My dad is into horror stuff such as books and when I was a kid a lot of the books he read were being made into or had movies of them.
9. Any talents?
I guess writing. Though not really since everyone in my family does that. I'm mostly told by family that I give good advice and should go back to school for psychology. So, probably that.
10. Where were you born?
The midwest of the United States. Where I grew up and have been most of my life.
11. Hobbies?
I'm getting into writing again. My hobbies since elementary school have consistently been writing all forms of it with a focus on media analysis and creative writing, music listening to it and analyzing it, and video games. Some nights I sit on my apartment balcony and listen to music. I also enjoy being near plants but I'm not that good at taking care of them and I am allergic to a lot of them.
12. Any pets?
Two cats Angel (going on 14) and Luco (going on 2 this month).
13. Height?
Around five feet and four inches.
14. Favorite school subject?
Science focus on biology. I really enjoyed that and history in college. During one of my college classes we got to dissect a pigs head and looking at stuff under a microscope was rather enjoyable.
15. Dream job?
This is why I remembered answering this before because I'm pretty sure I said writer but now that occupations could be better described as influencer and I'd rather not be that available to the public. Though admittedly when I was younger i wanted to be a school psychologist and write on the side. Right now my dream job has simply become whatever helps people think of things in a way different from how they usually would and make the world a more empathetic place. Which is why I discuss Milgram as much as I do. Though a part of me is also like whatever would actually bring some money ya know but this is good too.
I don't know if this reply is really late or I accidentally replied to it twice but thanks for tagging me! I hope you're having a sweet day!
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elledelajoie · 5 months
Well, since you want random asks...
1. What's your favourite colour?
2. Cats or dogs? Or both? Or none? Why?
3. Do you like reading books? If yes, what's your favourite genre and do you prefer paper books, e-books or audiobooks?
4. Why "elledelajoie"?
5. How did you start writing stories? What was the first fic you wrote?
6. Are you planning on writing new glee fics soon? Because I loved the last one (and everything else you wrote) so much, I honestly can't wait for the next one!
7. What would you choose: reading the story as a book or watching as movie/TV show?
You don't have to answer all of it or even at all. But since you asked, there you go 😌💜
What's your favourite colour? Plum.
Cats or dogs? Or both? Or none? Why? Both, but I'm severely allergic to cats, so I only have dogs at home.
Do you like reading books? If yes, what's your favourite genre and do you prefer paper books, e-books or audiobooks? Yes, I do like to read books. For pleasure reading, I like either paper books or e-books. Currently, I'm into cozy mysteries. For research, I prefer paper books because I can stick index cards in and make notes to use later. I also like the ability to flip back and forth between pages.
Why "elledelajoie"? It's a name I came up with that combines part of my real name with "Glee".
How did you start writing stories? What was the first fic you wrote? I started writing Glee fics after I had spent several months reading them. I decided to give it a go myself. I had never written any fiction longer than a few hundred words once back in high school. The first fic I wrote was "I'll Be Okay", which started with asking what might have happened if Kurt had broken it off with Blaine after he sang "It's Not Right, But It's Okay". All of my stories start off with a what-if situation. If one or two things had gone differently, how could that have changed things?
Are you planning on writing new glee fics soon? Because I loved the last one (and everything else you wrote) so much, I honestly can't wait for the next one! I have some other fics started, but none of them are complete. I used to post while I was in the process of writing the fics, but I've decided to only start posting chapters once I've finished a fic. (Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed all of them. Knowing that people enjoy what I write makes me want to write more.)
What would you choose: reading the story as a book or watching as movie/TV show? That's a hard question. I think both have benefits and downsides. With books, oftentimes it's a lot easier to get into the mindset of the main characters, but keeping the reader engaged while world-building outside of modern times can be a challenge. With movies, the scenery can be very powerful without any words, and the score can really magnify the feelings conveyed. That's not really an answer. For me, I think it just depends.
Thank you @aurumjank for sending me the questions!
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I Dream About You (a.i)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader
Summary: Hazy and emotionally unaware, nothing else but the feelings of loving your best friend
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of alcohol. Obliviousness. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s Note: Happy Birthday, Ash ❤️ Please remember to reblog, comment and like! Feedback like that makes my heart grow bigger ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋✨🌻
My masterlist // taglist in bio!
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There is a moment in movies where everything just seems to go in slow motion. The main character would look around the crowded room, smiling as they see their friends laugh, drink, chat… they reflect on their life, how lucky they are to be in that exact moment to just enjoy everything that happens around them, even if they exclude themselves for a second.
But then, the smile they held would start to fade. Maybe they realized that the moment is already gone, or maybe they saw something they shouldn’t have that broke their hearts into a million pieces. You were in the second part of that predicament.
For a moment, you were that main character as you looked around the room where everything seemed to stop. Your friends were all laughing, sitting on the couch with a drink in hand, chatting about the recent events that led you all there. Others were standing near the kitchen, making drinks as their conversation became deeper with strangers they just met. And you? You were standing in the middle of it all, feeling proud that the party was a total success.
It wasn’t your party, though, it never really was. You are much happier to celebrate others than yourself. And you knew that no one else deserved to be more celebrated than Ashton.
The planning started weeks ago, an impulsive call to Calum
“On a scale of one to ten, how badly would it be to give Ash a surprise party?”
He answered ten. He knew his friend was not very fond of surprises “But if you’re the one throwing the party, it’ll become a 3. You know he has a weakness for you”
It started as a small get-together, just your closest friends gathered in one of the cabins in the desert he loved so much. A getaway to the place that seemed to make him the happiest as of recently. But fifteen guests soon turned into thirty and then into fifty… Suddenly, Ashton was opening the door to the unexpected shout of “Surprise!” from people he knew all his life and people he met just once.
He didn’t seem mad, though. The first thing he did when he saw you was wrap you in a warm hug, giggling into your ear as he kissed your cheek and whispered a small “Thank you” before other people swept him away. And if his smile was anything to go by, you knew he was just as excited as you.
And, as the party continued to go smoothly, you knew you’ve won the best friend award of the season.
But you weren’t just a best friend, were you?
The intrusive thoughts took a hold of you again. It was easy to forget all of it while you were in the middle of a conversation with a stranger, or when you were doing shots with Michael and Luke in the kitchen trying to prove who could hold the poker face longer. But it was in the rare moments where you were standing alone, looking from the outside, that everything fell upon you.
It was the empty feeling in your heart that came first as you looked for Ashton in the crowd, not being able to find him at first glance. It’s not like you were attached to the hip either, you both respected your space and allowed yourselves to evolve in different aspects of life.
“Like a cat, you know?” He said one day.
“Ash, you’re allergic to cats” You reminded him, lifting your gaze from the book you were reading.
“But I respect them!” He giggled, poking your leg as he sat next to you on the couch “They do their thing, they let you do yours. But in the end, the bond is still there, even stronger. You and me? We’re like cats”
You put that as one of the top ten weirdest things Ashton has ever told you on a Friday afternoon, but the more you thought about it, the more sense it made.
But lately, you’ve been feeling as if something was missing if he wasn’t there. Or if for some weird reason he didn’t text or call you throughout the day. His presence has been such a constant in your life ever since you met years ago and it felt… wrong. It felt wrong not to have him around as much lately.
Yes, he was busy. Yes, you understood why. But you missed him more than a friend would.
But you weren’t just a best friend, were you?
There it was again. The question that wouldn’t let you sleep for more than a few hours before popping in your head. The scene seemed to change as you found yourself sitting on one of the couches, normality playing its act on your skin as you remembered you had to laugh about something Calum said.
A group of lively people was gathered around the coffee table. Red cups and empty cans served as the decoration while Calum continued his story next to you, always moving his arms to make his point across. You giggled absentmindedly as you got lost in your drink, flattering your eyes across the couch to the set of armchairs.
Ashton raised his eyebrow, asking in the middle of a laugh if everything was okay. You nodded slightly, smiling reassurance at him. He didn’t believe you, of course, but now wasn’t the time to ask. So he fell back into the conversation as if that small glimpse of worry never happened.
You, however, kept staring. His relaxed pose, button-down showing his chest, curls framing his face perfectly with his new haircut, the sound of his laughter that tinted his cheeks the softest shades of pink. It was impossible to keep your eyes from such a sight. As if he was the sun and you were the sunflower that chased for him, always looking with admiration for such a powerful energy.
The same feeling in your stomach grew stronger. The same feeling you were carrying for more nights than you would like to admit.
“He cares for you,” Said Calum a few moments later when you were both standing in the kitchen, not really remembering how you got there in the first place “He’s just not great at showing it”
The night found one of your small smiles again. Eyes diverting toward the bowl of snacks that lay there, you nodded as you grabbed a few. You didn’t know where this sudden sadness came from, but it was clear that in the party filled with people, you were the one miserable soul.
“Hey,” Calum interjected again, pulling you out of your thoughts as his hand came to cover yours over the table “I mean it, Y/N. I’ve never seen him look at someone like that, only you”
“Like what?”
“Like you gave him the world in the palm of your hand”
As if sensing someone was looking, you raised your head and looked across the room. Hazel eyes staring back, a flash of hurt crossing his expression as his gaze rests on your hand occupied with someone else's. Or maybe that was what it seemed, for he retreated his eyes immediately, not fast enough to notice how Calum pulled his hand away to give your shoulder a gentle pat.
“He’ll come around,”
“That’s what I’m afraid of” But he didn’t hear you. No one did. Sometimes you wonder if you said that out loud or just let your semblance do the talking for you.
Calum shook his head “C’mon,” He said, pulling on your hand “You need new things to think about”
Anything. Think of anything other than him. Think of anything but the way his hand feels intertwined with yours or the way the slow rising of his chest lures you to sleep more than once. Think of anything but the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles or the way he fidgets with his hands when he’s nervous. Think about the way his hugs feel, or how he always seems to know what you’re thinking before you even know it yourself. Think about the soft strings of his guitar as he sings your favorite song, accompanying your voice in a sweet melody that would belong only to the two of you. Think about how much you love him and how it never feels like enough. Think about how you will always love him, even when he doesn’t feel the same. Even when he was just your best-
But you weren’t just best friends, were you?
The world stopped again, but you were moving normally. The party around you grew louder as the breaking of your heart became stronger.
You watched as everyone just stopped. Freezing in place as you moved swiftly through them, looking for the one that could make everything normal again. You walked around, careful not to step on anyone’s toes or to trip on an empty beer can. Your eyes examined every single person there, enjoying their happiness and careless souls. Couldn’t they feel the same as you? Couldn’t they see how broken you were?
No, of course not. You were selfish just to think about that. Not everything is about you nor do they have to be aware of your emotional state. It was a stupid idea anyway, to think that they would care as much as he would. But it was unfair as well. It was unfair to the others how the host of this party couldn’t even pull on a happy face. It was not their fault but yours. And you knew that. You knew these moments might be the last, you should’ve taken a picture. At least you would remember their smiles.
The room even in slow motion seemed to be never-ending. Stretching itself as you found your way toward confetti-filled floors, looking over everyone’s shoulder to find him. Maybe if you found him- maybe it’ll be okay again.
But the room didn’t want you to find him. That much was obvious. You should’ve listened. Should’ve retreated. Should’ve gone back to the party and looked the other way.
Anything to avoid the sight of the man you love hugging another person on his lap. Anything to avoid looking at the way his eyes seemed to shine brighter. Anything to avoid the broken sigh that escaped your lips when you saw him kiss her neck.
The world kept going but yours just stopped. Silently and broken, like the steps you traced back. Like the heart that once belonged to a best friend, even if it wanted to be more.
But you weren’t just a best friend, were you?
The night was cold, even more so in the middle of the desert in July, but you didn’t mind. You welcomed the cold as you sat down on the steps that led to the patio. Breathing deeply as your closed eyes turn to the sky. How did you end up here? At what moment did it become too much?
You couldn’t pinpoint the time and place where you fell in love with him. It just happened. One day you woke up and you knew he’d be the man who’d break your heart. And you let it happen. You knew it would happen. So why does it hurt so much?
“I knew I’d find you here,”
You heard his voice before you felt his warmth next to you. Silk shirt graced your bare arms as he sat to your right. You kept your eyes on the sky.
“You were always a sucker for stars” He chuckled.
“No moon tonight, though,” You said, smiling at the sound of his voice.
“What do you think it means?”
“That there can only be one Astro illuminating the night”
You turned to him with a smile, nudging him teasingly as his pout became a giggle. Eyes filled with fondness as he scrunched his nose, you doing the same in return.
“I missed you tonight,” He said, eyes drifting back to the dark sky
“I never left,”
“You know what I mean” You did.
“You didn’t seem to miss me much,”
“Then look again,”
But you didn’t. You couldn’t.
“Look!” He said, one arm pointing at the sky “A shooting star!” The childlike innocence made you smile “I haven’t seen one in years”
“Are you going to make a wish?”
“I’d rather give my wish to you,” Ashton said softly, turning to you.
You looked at him with parted lips but soon smiled as you closed your eyes and wished.
When you opened them again, you saw him smiling widely at you.
“What’d you wish for?”
“For something I can’t have”
“Aw, c’mon! You can’t know that!” He laughed, but one look at you made his laughter die down. He sighed as he smiled softly “But you do know it, don’t you?”
“I do,”
“Because you never made that wish in the first place”
“I missed the star the first time.” You said “My eyes were closed and my head was fuzzy. And-”
“And I wasn’t here to point it out” Ashton continued, eyes never leaving yours “I’m still at the party”
“You could’ve been anywhere, I wouldn’t know”
“And what if I tell you I was at the door? Looking over at you hoping you’d turn back”
“But I didn’t turn back,” You said, standing up and walking toward the patio. Ashton followed closely “In fact, I never came back to the party after that. I couldn’t. Not when you-”
The silence enveloped the two of you. Stars shining bright as the stillness of the night let time pass by.
“Where are you?” He asked.
“Not where I’m supposed to be,” You said “I keep coming back here, hoping it would be different”
“But it can’t be different. It already happened”
You nodded “And where are you, right now?”
“Not where I want to be” He kept walking with you, going nowhere “Where were you when I called the next day?”
“I ignored your calls for the following weeks. I wanted you to hate me, to make it easier”
“I could never hate you, even if I tried” He smiled “And when I came into your house? Banging on the doors and calling your name?”
“I pretended I wasn’t there”
“I looked for you,”
“I wasn’t ready to be found and face the music”
“But it was our music, our song, our melody…” He smiled sadly “It was us”
“Guess I was scared,” You sighed “I wasn’t ready for a broken heart, and you-”
“I’m not real, Y/N. I can’t give you an answer you think you know”
“I should’ve told you then”
“What difference would it make?”
“I guess we will never know,” You said, looking back at the cabin and not finding it through the dark “I only know that-”
“Yes,” Ashton smiled “We were always more than best friends”
4:00 AM. That’s what the clock said when you woke up.
It was the same dream, the same conversation. The same emptiness on your bed.
A year has passed, or at least that’s what you think. Time became irrelevant when the world became in slow motion now that there was no one to make it turn again.
A sigh escaped your lips as your hands looked for your phone. Maybe a mindless scroll would lure you back to sleep. Maybe into another dream.
Yet, a message that wasn’t there suddenly caught your eye.
[4:01]: I had a dream about you
[4:01]: I know you’ll probably ignore this but… It was the best dream I had in a while.
[4:02]: Good night, Y/N.
[4:04]: Maybe it was a shooting star.
And five seconds later, a call flashes through your screen.
“Hello?” You said, curling the sheets with your hands.
“What would you wish on a shooting star?” He asked
“For something I can’t have”
tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @bubblegum183 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @hoplessromantic727 @in-a-world-of-fandoms @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom @lukeisstillapenguin @sadcupofcoffee @superstarmarvel @personalmuyverypersonal @cnco.angels @vtte @as-hs-blog @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @lolzkye @weasleytwinscumslut @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @the-ghost-of-cal @loverofmineashton @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss @darrensos @whywontyoulovemecami @itwouldburnupintheatmosphere @theimpossiblehologramtree @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @whywontashloveme @lendeluxe @youneedtocalumdown @pvnkcloud @icelily13
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wishbrightdreams · 5 months
Get To Know Me!
* Dazed and confused lol. 🤣 (not smoking btw just the title describes my life haha)
* Definitely math. I’ve always struggled understanding math in school and it caused me a lot of frustration. I don’t need to be a math wizard, just being able to understand it is all I need!
* I love slapstick and potty humor. I don’t have a particular favourite comedy movie as I tend to lean towards animated movies instead of live action. But I guess if I had to choose I would choose The Minions, I love those guys!
* definitely a dog person. My mom is super allergic to cats and my dad is allergic as well. (They are also allergic to dogs, but we managed to get a hypoallergenic dog which has helped with their allergies)
* Tom Holland of course! Not just looks wise either, I’m in love with his personality. 😍 I love goofy, funny and nerdy hot guys like Tom Holland. If only he was a musician too. 🤤
* Manifestation! Technically that’s not magic, but whatever. I believe that we are all born with some type of psychic ability, we’re just not all awakened to it.
* Hmm, I’m not sure about this one. I often go by reviews because I have a tough time making up my mind about which thing I want to buy. I try to analyze each thing I buy to make sure I’m buying a good product haha.
* Heck no! Space is scary haha. Plus Earth needs help healing so I’d rather spend my time helping people here and devote my time to bettering the planet we currently live on. Now that being said, if I lived in a reality like in the movie Interstellar I would go because it’s our only option to survive haha.
* Japan for sure! It’s been my dream to travel to Japan since I was a pre-teen. And not just because of anime haha. I’d also love to visit Europe and the United Kingdom where my ancestors are from.
* I took singing vocal class in high school which I really enjoyed, but I had to drop it in my second half of high school due to my mental health which sucked. I also really enjoyed communications class!
* This is a tough decision to make. I can’t decide on which one. I’d like to travel to different stories and experience life in them first before making a permanent decision.
* I have three half siblings, they are all about a decade older than me. I have two half brothers and one half sister. I don’t see them that often, only at Christmas time.
* I’m not a very adventurous person, so I would have to say just meeting my spirit guides during a meditation and having my spiritual awakening?
* Housekeeping and adulting stuff haha. As well as manifesting if you count that as a skill!
* Don’t be so hard on yourself, learn to love and accept your uniqueness and don’t worry about what others think of you. It’s also okay to feel emotions, don’t be ashamed of feeling sad or angry!
* I wouldn’t haha. I wouldn’t be able to survive in such a place. I don’t think I would want to anyway. I tend to get very affected by apocalyptic stories so I’m trying to distance myself from them more these days.
* Nuclear weapons! We don’t need them and they’re dangerous. Peace and love man!
* Hmm… not sure I have a guilty pleasure. The thing that comes to my mind is comfort food that isn’t good for me, does that count?
* I don’t think they had nicknames for me, but my dad always calls me pumpkin.
* I don’t think I ever climbed a tree haha. I wasn’t an outdoorsy kid (by choice).
That’s all for now! I will post more later.
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