#oh my! it’s a bunch of cats! how cute! come here little ones!
optimistic-sunnyskies · 2 months
I saw a post about pictures of cats laying on top of books and it gave me an idea
happy easter!
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spitgobbler · 10 months
BunnyOwner!Leon <3
just a bunch of blurbs and thoughts I’ve had about Leon owning a bunny hybrid hehe also my first work on here :)
pairing: fem reader x leon kennedy
tags: bunny hybrid, heat, oral sex, p in v, praise, mention of belly bulge, creampie, breeding
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Owner!Leon who’s seen so much shit and decides to go down to the centre and adopt a hybrid companion so he isn’t as lonely. looking at all the cute hybrids from puppies to cats but then he stops at one particular kennel.
Owner!Leon who can’t stop looking at your long floppy bunny ears that he’s already wanting to touch with his warm calloused hands, and your pretty little cotton tail that twitches once you notice him.
Owner!Leon who approaches carefully, being mindful of your bunny nature as he gets to know you a bit more. as soon as you permit him to pet your fluffy ears he thinks to himself how petting and playing with them would be a perfect way to wind down after a long day of work.
Owner!Leon who signs the adoption papers after getting to know your sweet and gentle nature over the course of the week, it’s just what he needed in his cold and dark line of work.
and he enjoys coming home to a no longer empty house, you laying across his lap while he pets your floppy ears and unwinds with you. feeding you strawberries as a snack before a proper dinner while he listens to you chat about your day and what you did while he was gone.
Owner!Leon who glances at your lips and the way you lick the sweet red juice from the strawberries off of them, he feels the urge to kiss them. but he doesn’t. he’s your owner and he shouldn’t do that sort of thing with his precious lil bunny girl.
Owner!Leon who feel conflicted when he comes home one day and his bunny is in heat, humping her pillow desperately as she whimpers for desperate release. his cock stirring in his trousers as he tries to remember what the centre advised him to do when this happens but it’s hard to think with the way his eyes watch your fluffy bun ears flop with each hump of your hips. he just wants to tug them, just a little.
“bun, are you okay?” leon asks, sliding his boots off and moving to your side. “you look- let me call the centre and ask them how to help.”
you whine for him, “o-owner, no. my heat, need you.”
Owner!Leon who swallows thickly at the way your needy voice expresses your desire for him while you rub your messy cunt against your pillow. his dick hardening in his trousers as he wants to help but a part of him is hesitant. you were his slice of paradise, would doing this change things?
“baby, i think the center gave you some toys for your heat, let me go find them.” he murmurs before caressing your floppy ears. “i shouldn’t.”
“no! need owner to breed me,” you plead, eyes glazed over with need.
Owner!Leon who groans at your words, your pretty voice and words tying a knot of arousal in his abdomen. he can’t help but pick you up in his strong arms and laying you down onto his bed.
Owner!Leon who spreads your smooth thighs out for him, his tongue lapping at your weeping cunt and teasing your folds with a hum. your pretty pussy so sweet for him that he palms himself for even a sliver of relief.
Owner!Leon who lets you take what you want, what you need. letting you grip his locks and grind against his face, his nose nudging against your clit, making you sing so lewdly for him.
“that’s it, pretty girl.” he murmurs, his tongue guiding you through your orgasm while he holds your hips down. “so good for me, bunny.”
“m’coming! o-oh!” you moan and try bucking against his face as your eyes roll, gushing all over your generous owner’s face as he drinks it up with a low moan of his own. “thank you, thank you owner,”
he presses kisses to your folds before pulling away and caging your form underneath his, capturing your lips that he’s been dying for in a hot, heavy kiss. you moan as you taste yourself on him, gripping his strong shoulders as you soak in all the love and pleasure your owner is giving you.
Owner!Leon who listens to your pleas for more, teasing your messy slit with the tip of his fat cock before sliding in with a heavy groan from the squeeze. his brows furrowing from the pleasurable fit before thrusting his hips into you slowly before picking up to a toe curling pace.
“feels good owner,” you mewl out, writhing underneath him. “so deep, s’good.”
he caressed your face with one of his hands as he pumped into you over and over. “uh huh, anything for my pretty bunny, mm, fuck.”
Owner!Leon who flips you over and fucks you so good into the mattress. his hands tugging your floppy bunny ears as he thrusts harder and deeper into your needy little cunt from behind, making you clench the sheets and moan. groaning at the tight grip of your sloppy bunny pussy, his hands occasionally moving from your ears to your round lil cotton tail and teasing the base.
Owner!Leon who might as well also be a bunny hybrid with the way he spills his milky cum so many times into you till it’s giving you the cutest little bulge in your tummy. breeding you over and over, he rocks his fat tip into your sweet spot till your heat is over and you’re both spent. no matter how tired he was, he would be a bad owner if he didn’t help his precious bunny through her heat, wouldn’t he?
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Dirty Details | Rooster x Reader
Summary: The details of how Bradley lost his virginity come as a surprise to you. When you learn how and why he became a consent king, your heart breaks for him. You vow to do everything you can to always make him feel as loved and comfortable as he makes you feel, in and out of the bedroom.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, mentions of sex while intoxicated, mentions of sexual assault
Length: 2200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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When you walked into the Hard Deck with Bradley's arm slung over your shoulder, you looked up at him and said, "This is the first time we've been here together since we got married."
"You're right," he rasped, kissing your forehead. "And now I've got this new hardware on my finger that repels all other women."
"Oh, that sounds nice," you told him with a laugh as you led the way through the huge New Year's Eve crowd. "That one over there is looking at you, Roo. Hold up your left hand."
He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You're the only one I'm looking at, Baby Girl."
"That's Mrs. Bradshaw to you."
Bradley smirked when you smiled at him. "You're just begging to leave early, aren't you?"
You shrugged casually, but you knew for a fact that you'd be able to get Bradley to leave before midnight if you bugged him enough. If you told him you wanted him to take you to bed, he'd be leading you back to the Bronco right away.
But instead you walked into Jake's open arms and hugged him. "Angel," he drawled as he turned you to face the bar. "Your cute coworker is here."
You searched the bar area, and sure enough your eyes found Cat Coleman's, and she waved to you. "Why don't you go talk to her?" you suggested, but Jake adamantly refused. 
"No, it was just an observation," he said before wandering over to Nat. He was so transparent, it was ridiculous. 
"Okay, Jake," you muttered, and then Bradley was handing you a beer.  
"Hey, how was your trip to Maryland for Christmas?" Nat asked as she gave you a hug.
Before you could even respond, Jake loudly said, "Didn't you hear? They didn't even go anywhere at all. Rooster here has been trying to figure out how things work since he lost his virginity on their wedding night. Missed Christmas all together since he's been trying for weeks to find the clit."
You started laughing, and you could feel and hear Bradley's laughter behind you. 
"Hey, Hangman," he said, chuckling. "Fuck you."
"Yeah, Hangman," Nat replied. "That's not how Rooster lost his virginity. I know the whole scoop on that one." She was wiggling her eyebrows and looking smug.
"You do?" you asked Nat, suddenly shocked at the realization that you had no idea about any of the details of your husband's first time.
You turned to look up at Bradley as he sipped his beer, cheeks pink as he met your gaze. 
"Yep," Nat replied, her tone teasing. "Seventeen years old in the backseat of his car with a college girl. An older woman!"
"Really?" you asked Bradley, and he just nodded at you. "She was in college? How old was she?"
"Twenty," Bradley told you quietly while Nat and Jake hooted loud enough to get Payback and Fanboy in on the conversation, too. You could vaguely hear them all comparing their own virginity dirty details, but all you could see was the strange look on Bradley's face.
"What's wrong, Roo?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Would a quickie in the bathroom make you feel better?" You started to pull him toward the hallway with a grin, but he just shook his head. 
"Nah. Not tonight."
You couldn't remember the last time he had turned you down in any capacity. Had he ever? Certainly not recently since you'd come off birth control, since you'd become his wife. You were honestly a little stunned. 
"Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing, Sweetheart," he replied, kissing your forehead. "Wanna play pool?"
But you could tell something was definitely bothering him, even after you agreed to be his partner against Jake and Javy. Because he was awfully quiet compared to how he normally was, and his smile just wasn't quite reaching his eyes. 
But he still pulled you into his arms whenever you were near him, so you let him play a few rounds of pool and have another beer before you tugged on his hand. "Ready to head home?" you asked, tucking yourself against his side. 
"You don't want to stay until midnight?" he asked, eyebrows raised as you looked up at him. 
"No. I want to take you home, Roo."
It took twenty minutes to say goodbye to everyone which meant that you were just pulling into the driveway at the stroke of midnight. Bradley had been singing along to his Motown playlist, and when he put the Bronco in park, you climbed onto his lap. 
"Happy New Year, Baby Girl," he rasped. Then your lips softly met his while he finished singing Baby I Need Your Loving. 
"Will you tell me what's wrong now, Roo?" you asked. You didn't want to press him if he didn't want to talk about it, but he'd been fine when you first arrived at the bar. 
"It's nothing. It's so stupid," he whispered, taking the key out of the ignition and sighing as he climbed out with you in his arms. Once he set you down, you strolled up to the front door with him right at your heels, and you paused with the key in the lock. 
"Okay. But you listen to me all the time. Even when it's something stupid."
"You never say anything stupid, Baby Girl," he kissed your cheek as you opened the door. He was being lovely, but you wanted him to open up for you. He always felt better whenever he did. 
When you made your way to the bedroom and turned on the lamp on your nightstand, Bradley's beautiful face was bathed in soft light, but his brow was pinched in frustration. You pressed your lips together to keep yourself quiet, and a minute later, you were rewarded not only by your husband in just his underwear, but also by his voice. 
"You know how Nat said she knows how I lost my virginity?" 
He was looking down at the bedding and running his fingers through his hair when you whispered, "Yeah?" You crawled to the middle of the bed, but he remained standing next to his side. 
"Well, she doesn't really know what happened. Nobody does." He laughed a bit awkwardly. "Well I guess one other person does."
You nodded and patted the bed. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," he grunted as he collapsed back against the pillows. "It makes me uncomfortable."
And for the first time ever, you felt like maybe he didn't want you to touch him. You were dying to know what was bothering him. No matter what it was, you wanted to try to fix it, try to give him comfort. That's what he always did for you. But you were at a complete loss right now, silently begging your husband to keep talking. 
He swallowed hard, and you watched his Adam's apple move against the scars on his neck. "Yeah, I was seventeen. Yeah, it was in the backseat of my mom's old, white station wagon that I had been driving. Yeah, it was with a girl who was in college. Her name was Morgan."
You licked your lips and kept your eyes on him while he looked at the ceiling. "I told you this was stupid, Sweetheart. I don't know why it still bothers me." When he reached out for your hand, you felt instantly better and worse at the same time. "I was drunk. It was a little while after my mom died, and I was living with her cousin Brenda. You remember Brenda, from when we were in Virginia?"
"Of course," you replied, playing with his fingers. "How could I forget? I met her when we got engaged. She wants us to come visit again this summer."
"Yeah," Bradley agreed. "Brenda is great." Then he paused for a few beats. "And you know, she tried so hard to make me feel comfortable and welcome there, but I just... didn't. I spent my senior year of high school partying with this group of college kids. We'd all go out in this wooded area near the lake and drink cheap liquor on the weekends. It was right after Mav pulled my papers. A couple months before my eighteenth birthday."
When he reached for you, there was no hesitation as you scrambled into his arms. You settled against his chest, his warm skin and the steady beat of his heart calmed you immediately, and you hoped you were giving him some comfort as well. 
"That girl, Morgan? I thought she was so cool at first. She was studying anthropology. She was smart. She got me drunk and didn't get upset when I talked about my mom. We would make out by the lake. Then one night, I was so drunk, and she told me to take her to my car. I thought we were just going to make out in the backseat."
"Oh, Bradley." You felt sick to your stomach. 
"I didn't tell her no, but I was too drunk to say much of anything. She knew that, but we did it anyway. In the back of my mom's car." 
You squeezed him tight as tears leaked from your eyes. "Roo. She took advantage of you. She should have never. That is not okay."
He sighed, and the sound of it made more tears fill your eyes. "I've never told anyone about it before. I feel a little better now."
"I love you, Roo," you promised, meeting his eyes. And somehow he was the one wiping your tears away when you were supposed to be comforting him. "You sweet man. That wasn't stupid. And you can tell me when something is bothering you. I want you to."
"I know," he agreed. "But sometimes it's hard to think about that night for more than a second. I try not to."
Then you sobbed as realization washed over you, and he pulled you a little closer. "Oh, Bradley! I've convinced you to have sex with me when you were drunk! More than once!"
"No, no, stop," he said firmly, kissing your lips. "It's not the same, Baby Girl."
"But if I ever made you feel uncomfortable-"
"No," he said, shaking his head. "We are in a committed relationship. We have been pretty much from the start. I always want you, and I initiate it 90% of the time when I've been drinking. You always have my consent, and I know you'd stop if I ever gave you the impression that I didn't want it. And I know you would never hurt me."
"Never," you agreed, letting your cheek rest on his shoulder. After a few minutes, you whispered, "You know, there's one really positive thing that came from this though."
"Is there?" he asked, a little skeptical as you stroked your fingers along his tattoo. 
"Yeah. You're the consent king. And I think you always were, even before we met."
"Hmm," he grunted. "Yeah, that's really important to me."
"I love that," you told him, kissing up along his neck until you reached his lips. "And I love you. And you're mine. And Morgan can take her anthropology degree and fucking kick rocks while she thinks about how terrible she is."
Bradley laughed. And your face melted into a smile as you realized how tense your body had been. 
"I fucking love you," he promised. And you knew he did.
When you woke up the next morning to Bradley's lips on your shoulder as you were draped across him, you whispered, "Happy New Year."
"Mmhmm," he hummed against your skin. You wanted him in the worst way. He was so big and warm, and he smelled so good. He was yours. He was your husband. He was patient and sweet and everything you needed. And now, especially today, you wanted to make sure he knew that you really saw him. 
"Is it okay if I touch you?"
His lips paused on your shoulder as he rasped, "Yes. Please, touch me."
So you let your hands roam along the muscular planes of his abdomen and chest. You gently dug your fingers into his bicep. You grazed the scars on his cheek with your nose.
"Will you let me kiss you, Roo?"
He responded by kissing you first. His mustache was rough against your skin, but everything else about his embrace was so soft. His lips lingered before chasing yours over and over again.
Your voice was soft, lips brushing his. "I want to have sex with you, if that's what you want."
He kissed his way along your jaw to your ear. "I see what you're doing here, Baby Girl. And I love you for it. Yes, I want to have sex with you, too."
So you took it nice and slow, and you made sure he was comfortable, even though you were certain you could read all of his cues by now. But you'd remember to take that extra step here and there. It wouldn't be hard to do, because he always gave you more than you ever expected. You'd always remind him that what he wanted and needed was important to you, because that was exactly how he made you feel every day.
This one hurts a little bit. Because this really happens. I hope you can't relate to what Roo went through here, but if you can, I love you. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls.
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jarofstyles · 3 months
Ultramarine- Indigo 7
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Hello! Here is a cute part of Indigo, I'm sorry she's a slow burn but I really love them so I don't wanna rush them <3
Check out Patreon for early access to the next part and 150+ Exclusive writings
Indigo Masterlist
WC- 2.8k
Warnings- mention of trauma and bullying (brief) and sexual tension ;)
Y/N was grabbing lunch with him. 
Harry’s hand ached, the 5 hour session being particularly grueling regardless of how used his muscles were to the gun. He used arthritic cream on it and his wrist as he took a break in his office, finally checking his phone. As impressed as he was with the woman who had come and sat for 5 hours, he’d wished she wanted a break when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. H was giddy and anxious to see what Y/N was saying- she was the only one who texted him during the day besides Niall with stupid tiktok links and his Mum sending photos of her cats. 
When he’d opened it up to see her question, he didn’t hesitate to agree. It didn’t matter if he hurt, he wanted to take any excuse he could to see her. 
Y/N; Hiiii! I know this is super last minute so do not be afraid to say no but did you want to grab lunch at around 2:30? 
H: Absolutely I do. Sorry for the late reply, I was finishing a tattoo. It isn’t too late to say yes, is it? 
Y/N: Oh, amazing :) And no, not too late. I’m kind of bored today, I finished a project and told myself I needed to relax but… I feel restless and I missed you a little bit.
Harry felt himself flush at her response, knowing if anyone saw him at this moment they wouldn't recognize him. His smile was wide and face as pink as he collected himself, grateful that he was in his own office so he could freely feel. 
H: Only a little bit? X 
Y/N: Well if I said I missed you a lot I’d be a weirdo, wouldn't I? We just saw each other. 
H: Well call me a weirdo too then, I suppose. Because I did. 
H: A lot, if you couldn’t tell. 
Y/N: You are very cute. I’ll be there in a few :) 
“Yeah, it’s kinda fucked.” Harry sighed as Y/N took his hand into her own from across the little table. “Usually I love a long session but I’ve been doing them a few days in a row. S’my own fault, but I was hoping for a tap out for once.” He laughed through his nose before it turned into a groan, feeling small thumbs begin to rub over his palm. Y/N pouted ever so lightly, moving in slow circles on the skin and digging in slightly before meeting his eye. 
“You’ve got to take care of yourself.” The scold was lighthearted but he could see it on her face. She meant it. It made his chest flutter a little that she cared enough to do that. He was used to basically being on his own, mostly by choice but because it was easy for people to fake concern to get gossip- but he knew Y/N meant it. Her gentle massage on his hand, trying to ease his aching was a nice touch. Her half-drunk smoothie was in front of her, leaving her fingers cool to the touch and another nice addition to the soothing touch. “Shouldn’t wait for them to tap out. You should schedule them in smaller increments so you don’t put too much strain on your poor hands.” Y/N’s eyes met him for a moment before looking away. “They’re too pretty to be hurting.”
He had been surprised by the gall, if he was honest. Y/N had been a bit more shy when coming to this sort of thing but he was mentally preening, not able to hide the smile curling on his lips as he flexed his hand in her grasp. “Yeah? Think I’ve got pretty hands?” He hummed. “Got a bunch of calluses. Some scars. My nail polish is chipped.” Was he fishing for a compliment? A little bit. He wanted a few of them, especially when she had seemed to like his best tools. 
“Of course. Just shows you work with your hands, know how to use them.” She stated. “It’s something a lot of people don’t know how to do anymore. The scars add character, and the nail polish is cute. It can always be redone.” She flipped his hand over but continued the slight massage, looking at his long, nimble fingers stretched over her wrists. He had a few rings on them which she knew he took off while tattooing, his fabric bracelets slightly worn besides the silver cuff on the non tattooed wrist. Harry liked to decorate his body and that was obvious. He’d told her he sometimes struggled with expression verbally, so she had a hunch that he used this to express himself. “And I also love the eyeliner thing. It’s attractive too.” 
She tacked on the compliment and his smile grew into a grin, shaking his head as he squeezed over her hands with a laugh. “Laying on all the compliments today, yeah? D’want something from me?” All she had to do was ask. The shivers in his body made him more than willing to hand shit over on a silver platter. His eyeliner had been a few years ongoing, a simple charcoal pencil smudging around his eyes. Apparently it brought out the green even more and he did have a few colors. Perhaps one day Y/N would want to do it for him. 
“No, no. Just figure people don’t do it as often as they should.” She sighed, dropping one of his hands to take a sip of her smoothie. The contact felt good. Especially since he kept a grip on her hand and swiped his thumb over the back of hers, the gentleness a stark contrast to the chain around his neck, metal on his face and ink on his skin. He was the opposite of what someone would expect, and somehow that made Y/N yearn for even more of him. 
“Well.. Thanks. But I’d prefer you to be the one doing the compliments. I know you’re not full of shit.” His smirk made her scoff but she merely continued sipping before moving on. Surely many people meant the compliments they gave him but she knew that he wouldn’t believe them regardless. That was the thing about growing up with that sort of trauma. When you were bullied growing up, seen as a butt of a joke, it was harder to accept people’s genuine kindness. It saddened her immensely, but this wasn’t the place to unpack that. 
“You’d have to be dead to not see how attractive you are, H. But I don’t want to give you too much of an ego boost or you’ll leave me in the dust.” Her foot nudged him under the table. “I wanted to ask if you wanted to come over this weekend? I was thinking of trying out a few cookie recipes and I need a baking assistant- or at the very least, a taste tester.” She offered, trying to hide her nerves. They were at a weird crossroads of developing relationships. Not official, not exactly fully comfortable enough to be shooting plans the day of but still craving their company quite strongly. They weren’t seeing anyone else, at least she hoped so, but they didn’t have a label. 
“Are you kidding?” He barked out a laugh. “Of fucking course I do. Used to help my nan back in the day in the kitchen. Christmas breads and sweets galore. You’ve got an old pro on your hands.” Was he vastly overvaluing his kitchen skills? A bit. He knew his way around decently enough, but he wanted to get that smile on her face- which succeeded. 
“Oh, lovely.” She chirped. “Then yes, I’d love for you to come over. We’ll get something to eat because m’not sure either of us are going to want to be in the kitchen for more than the cookies.” He watched her nose wrinkle making his heart skip a beat. There were tiny Y/N mannerisms he wanted to get to know. This one in particular he found to be stupidly cute, each time it happened making him smile internally. 
“Mhm. I understand. We’ve got a kitchen quota we don’t want to max out.”
“Where do you think you’re going?” A hand on her waist stopped her from taking another step further, Y/N grinning to herself as she paused in her step. She had done it just to see what Harry would do, and so far she had been correct. Her hopes had been granted. 
“Hm? Home.” She grinned up at him, eyes not able to hide the mischief in them as she moved back towards him. “Is there a problem?”
“I think we need to establish a few things.” His voice dropped, crowding her back against her car. Y/N had started this but felt the air get sucked from her lungs as her back pressed agaisnt the cold metal of her door, eyes widening slightly as she was peering up at him with far less smugness as before. “I don’t like leaving without a proper goodbye, hm? And you know what I’m missing, yeah Darling?” of course she did. She had been aching for it just as badly, the tiny one she got in greeting not even half of the one she needed now, but she wanted to make him work for it a little bit. 
“What’s that?” She hummed, biting her lower lip to try and control the grin threatening to break out on her face. The uncontrollable urge to giggle as he seemed to clock the look on her face, shaking his head at her and clicking his tongue while tilting her head up to meet him. It was the closest she could get to a swoon, sure there were little hearts in her pupils as he tapped the bottom of her lip and tugged it from her teeth. 
“I think you know.” He muttered. “Cruel, cruel little angel. What d’want from me, hm? Do you want me to beg?” His eyes scanned her face. “M’not one to get on my knees for that reason, but I think I could do so for you.” 
Y/N’s knees felt weak as he pinned her with his stare, a quivering in her stomach making her blink rapidly at him. Get on his knees? She could only imagine what he did on his knees and the image of him peering up at her with his mouth tucked between her thighs and her knee over his shoulder, working to get his tongue up inside her made her feel hot all over. The mental image was precisely his goal, she found, as his grin rose back and morphed into a smirk as she barely held back a whimper when her lip was stroked by the thumb in question. She had played with the lion as a sweet little lamb, and found herself right in his jaws. 
“N-No. Don’t have to beg, but I think it would be cute.” She cursed internally at the stutter, showing her weakness front and center as his face got a bit closer to hers, nose brushing the bridge of hers before moving down to the tip. Being this close made her dizzy, the sweet spice of his cologne and the mint of his gum overwhelming her. The man trapped her against her car, getting closer than she had been to a man in public, but she was pathetic. Internally she was gagging for it, tilting her head up to try and catch his mouth-
Only for him to pull back just enough to miss. A spark in his eye made her want to stomp her foot, the man teasing her more than she had anticipated. Y/N had tried to get the upper hand but it was obvious that the more comfortable he got, the more power he would wield with her. She had been a bit of a fool for thinking that a man like him wouldn’t turn this over, but she had felt like trying her luck. 
“Cute? Think it would be cute?” He muttered under his breath. “Well, I’m glad you think so. But I know what this is, little angel. Prettiest little Sunflower, trying to tease me.” Realistically, Harry knew she hadn’t a clue about the true power she had over him, but he would let that remain a secret for a bit longer. “What I meant, by a proper goodbye… Is that I’d like to feel these pretty lips before you leave me.” There was an audible hitch in her throat, making him hold back the smile, ghosting his lips against hers. “You did something to me… m’convinced. Put a spell in your lipgloss or somethin’ like that. Made me crave it. I’m more of a gentleman these days, because the first thing I wanted to do was lick into this pretty little mouth when I saw you today. I controlled it, but I can tell it’ll be a problem later on down the line. I need something sweet to hold me over, y’feel me, doll?” He tapped her lip with his thumb, gently tugging it down before it snapped back up. 
Y/N could barely breathe. Sometimes, she found, Harry had these bursts of being pure sex appeal. It was broken up by cute, soft and shy boy, but when he got in this sort of mood she found it hard to keep her vision from swimming. A floaty feeling, making her swallow thickly and nod in a jerking motion as she tried to get up on her tiptoes to catch his lips only to be deprived again. This time she did make a noise of frustration, brows furrowing as she looked at his hooded eyes. It wasn’t fair! 
“Oh, m’sorry Sunflower. Couldn’t let you have it that easy when you were about t’leave me without a kiss. Got a mean streak in you, but I’ll take it. You’re sweet and tart, like a Cherry.” He laughed, leading her arm to loop over his neck. “If you’re good to me, I’ll be good to you. Give you what you want, maybe even more.” She was rewarded, finally, with a tiny kiss to her pout before pulling back.  “But if you want to play games… You’ve gotta remember that m’a nasty competitor.”
Y/N could believe it. Harry oozed ‘win or nothing’ energy and she had tested it now, feeling how quickly she was going to fold. That didn’t mean she wasn’t going to test this out when she had more resolve, but she had felt similarly to him the whole time. She wanted him just as badly, and playing with fire wasn’t cutting it right now. The only burn she wanted from him was a big of beard burn between her thighs. “M’sorry.” She whispered. “I’ll be sweet.” 
“I heard a silent ‘for now’ after that, but that’s good enough for me.” He rewarded her heavily. Kissing her fully, capturing her lips between his own and pulling her into him as he did so. Harry kissed just how he looked. Intense, hot. She let out a little noise feeling his tongue brush past and the cool metal of his tongue piercing hit hers. It was another reminder of how he would definitely be one to blow her mind when he got on his knees for her, because Harry didn’t seem like the type to do anything half assed. He had the ability to make her feel like she was boiling inside and the only thing that could cool her down was his touch. 
It was over too quickly, her thighs clenching together hard as she looked at him with bleary eyes. His face was self assured, a little smug and she was trying to recover. A squeeze was given to her chin, making her clear her vision as she was left a little unsatisfied. But would she ever really be truly satisfied when he took away his mouth? She could kiss him for hours and still feel like she wanted more. Their date was proof of that. 
“See? I can be sweet when you are. Rewards.” His confidence blew her away, barely able to recover when he pressed another firm kiss to her mouth without giving her time to react. “Now go on and go get some supplies for our cookies, yeah? Text me when you’re there and when you’re home safe. I’ve got another two appointments.” He wished he could cancel them and just go with her but he didn’t want the rep, and also didn’t want to cling to her. As tempting as it may be, he wanted to start this right. 
Y/N’s kiss still tingled on his lips as she drove away. He knew he was deep in the inky indigo waters of infatuation, but he didn’t think that was a bad thing. He’d learn to breathe underwater.
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pakunod-a · 3 months
Silly Prom Night
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Prompt: It's prom night! What do these men do in the ballroom? 🤨
Pairing: Overblot boys x Reader
Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil (I) [here]
Vil, Idia, Malleus (II) [here]
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CW: Random stuff, not really fanfiction-ish, more like drabbles, some shorter than others lolololololololololol Reader is referred to as You and Yuu. Reader is described to wear a gown, other than that it's gender-neutral if you don't mind the fabric gap. Bad English because I'm not a native English speaker :( not proof-read, random as FUCK and characters might seem very ooc if they do I blame my not-so-American education
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Notes: entire work is based off of stuff that happened to me last night at prom, and i was thinking about various characters that would probably fit the profile of all the mishaps that happened to me last night lolololol
Work under the cut :)
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Riddle Rosehearts !
You were sitting at your table, waiting for the buffet service to end so you could take the dance floor.
Well, it's not like anyone's dancing with you.
To be fair, you were supposed to be partnered with a first-year, who got sick the night before, so he couldn't make it. Poor lad.
It was horribly long, it felt like a very, very long time.
It took around thirty minutes for the dance to start, and everybody's got a partner.
All, except for you.
What a bummer.
Wait, is that the housewarden of Heartslabyul, in the corner, without anyone asking him to dance?!
Let's go fix that. 🏃
You ask him if he wants to dance, and he simply says;
"Come on, it's a ball, you're supposed to dance. You're getting there whether you like it or not. This long ass dress won't stop me from dragging you on the dance floor."
You ended up having a half-hearted Riddle dance with you.
Honestly, the way he held you felt like he wasn't interested at all, let alone happy. It felt like he was disgusted by your presence.
Every time you'd look at him, he would have an unpleasant look on his face, and aim his gaze elsewhere.
After the dance is over, and everyone returns to their seats, and you get a notification from your phone on Magicam. It was Cater, tagging you in a post.
"So cute! I'm vouching for RiddeYuu next year. #RiddeYuu #YuuRid"
..huh. Attached to the post was a video, and a bunch of hashtags you swear you didn't care about. You clicked the video, thinking that it was some kind of impractical prank being played on you.
Oh boy.
Boy, were you wrong.
In the video, it was you and Riddle dancing together on the dance floor. Riddle was a mess, blushing and shying away from all the lights. He had a small smile, as he evaded your gaze whenever you looked at him. He seemed genuinely happy to dance with you.
Maybe he wasn't disgusted after all.
Maybe he really did love dancing with you.
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Leona Kingscholar !
You couldn't count the number of times this guy stepped on the hem of your train.
It's like your hair being pulled out of your skull, except it's your entire body being pulled back like a slingshot.
It wasn't the most fun experience.
Then, you had to pick a partner to dance with for the nth time this evening.
Your feet hurt already, how much more dancing?
Surprisingly, even though you had little to no interest in dancing, a certain sleepy lion approaches you with a scowl on his face.
"C'mon herbivore, chop chop. Vargas says I gotta dance for extra credit. You look like you could use it too."
This feels and sounds condescending.
He's pretty nice to dance with, doesn't step on the hem of your train anymore, nor does he step on your feet.
On the contrary, he scoops up the longer part of your train whenever you'd have a hard time walking somewhere.
Other times, he straight up carries you like you're a cat.
It's funny, really.
There was this one instance where you mentioned you wanted ice cream.
He set you down on his chair near his party's table, and disappeared. He actually came back with half-eaten ice cream
You love your sleepy lion, even if he seems a little TOO catty at times. :)
You eventually got too tired to dance, and just sat down. Leona napped on your shoulder.
How sickeningly cute.
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Azul Ashengrotto !
Where there is bank to be made, Azul Ashengrotto's the merchant's name.
Seriously, this guy's part of the catering group for the buffet.
Bro did NOT stop making deals at a school function. The grind never stops, respect for that.
You'll probably end up selling your kidney and a lung if you stayed there any longer.
Buuuuut, he does need a dancing partner.
So what say you, if he offered you a slice of mango graham cake and a cup of coconut jelly with a side of gelato in exchange for a dance?
Hell yeah. sorry to the readers that dont have a sweet tooth, have some roasted garlic and onions.
He wasn't too bad honestly, never stepped on your feet once.
You do remember having two gold bracelets on your hands.
He admired one for a quick moment, and it seemed to disappear.
Now, he wouldn't go around stealing stuff from anybody.
No no.
He found it on the floor, while you were too busy dancing.
You want it back?
"Three more dances. Then I'll give you your bracelet back. After all, what's a precious bracelet in exchange for a few dances, no?~"
"You're wasting my time, screw you."
You ended up dancing with him, ten times.
Not thrice.
Bro just exploited the jewelry glitch, and wore you out all night.
"Oh, poor Yuu, however will you get back home? If you promise to help out at Mostro Lounge, I'll have you home in a jiffy—"
You fell on the ground, snoring.
Oh. You're asleep now. That's convenient.
Don't worry, he'll carry you back home to Ramshackle, free of charge.
After all, dancing with him all night must've tired you out.
He'll just repay the favor.
Surely, that would be the more gentlemanly thing to do.
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Jamil Viper !
Would you believe me if I said this guy was in the corner, squinting his eyes as he looked for someone?
Oh. Dude must be looking for Kalim. Fortunately for him, he's over by the second-year's table, away from him.
Hold on.
Away from him???
But the Octotrio sits at that very table.
The Leech twins and Azul Ashengrotto himself?!
Hell no!
Jamil sprints half a mile across the ballroom in an attempt to sweep Kalim away.
"You shouldn't be sitting with them. They're not exactly the type of people you should be socializing for this type of event."
Not even a few seconds later, Kalim trips on a giant camera stand.
He face-planted into the ground, his nose bleeding from hitting the ground too hard. He still has that stupidly goofy smile on his face.
It honestly gives you cuteness aggression.
He had to be brought to the infirmary.
Poor Jamil, he really doesn't get a break.
It's not until he gets dragged to the dance floor, does he leave Kalim's side.
Let me tell you, once this guy relaxes, DAMN can he dance.
He could be blindfolded and spun around five times, and he'd STILL have the balance and elegance of a ballerina.
Work it girl, show those students who's boss.
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note: "which events were these inspired from?" oh wow i thought youd never ask let me give you a tour of my brain juice i used to write this real quick and indulge myself in an immersive storytelling 🤜💥🧱
For Riddle: when i got called up for my award, there was a boy who also won the same award in the male category. we were instructed to dance together, for the Royalty dance. i thought he was disgusted because i was holding him, so i felt uncomfortable dancing with him. in a video posted by my schoolmate, they tagged me in a video of him looking at the camera and smiling as he waved. he looked half pale and half pink.
For Leona: while dancing for the "waltz" part of the prom, i felt hungry and told my dancing partner i was hungry, but they wouldnt let me back into the buffet because my dress almost took up the entire line for the buffet, so i either had to ask someone to get it for me or have my homeroom teacher get it for me. he eventually sat me on a chair, and ran back with ice cream from the dessert bar. he did eat the whipped cream and cherries, so i made him go back and get another.
For Azul: this one student was working behind the counter at the buffet, and he was jokingly stealing his dance partner's earrings, necklace, and bracelets while she wasnt looking. he said it costs three waltzes for a singular piece of jewelry to be reclaimed, but if she danced to a budots remix, she'd get everything back. she waltzed for more than seven times until she collapsed onto a couch and snored for an hour straight. she did get her jewelry back, and she resumed dancing with our Azul-like classmate.
For Jamil: i saw someone slip and their friend was scolding them for not being careful. he sat down at the table full of people who dont like him, and he got an earful from his friend on why he shouldnt sit there. his friend reminded me of Jamil so much, i had to write him like that.
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no-one-anon · 1 year
So this is my second ever, and little fanfic? Blog? I think you know what I mean- So if it's really crap, don't come at me pls
SN: did this at 1 in the morning so ignore all grammar mistakes -
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Team force 141 + Valeria w/ reader who has lots of pillows on their bed. E.g. six, seven, eight - just A LOT.
Simon Ghost Riley:
Ghost was injured. Very injured. So when you all landed back onto base you rushed into the base with Ghost leaning on your shoulder. You knew that your room was closer to where you both currently were, and that you also had a med kit somewhere in your room.
So, that made you rush in the direction of your room instead of the medbay. Now, ghost was disoriented. So disoriented that he didn't seem to know where he was being lead to. He had only noticed where we was when you had plopped him onto your bed. Right on-top of something squishy.
What he had landed on, was a soft pillow. Multiple pillows. They were quite soft, but there were so many. He would have to use two hands to count the amount of pillows.
When you had found the medkit in the corner of your room. You hurried back to where Ghost was sitting. He was bleeding out on your bed. On your pillows. Your abundance of pillows.
So, of course he had to ask about your mountain of pillows. While you were patching him up, of course. He asked you. "Why do you have so many pillows?" It was so sudden you had to take a moment. "Oh, uh. I just.. like them. They give me comfort and I just like them overall."
He just gave you a look that you couldn't decipher. But, expect to see a couple of pillows at your door every now and then.
John Soap Mactavish:
Soap woke up. In your bed. Yes, in your bed. The reason? He drank too much. Way too much. He was so drunk that you had to drag his body from the bar, all the way to base.
Now, his first thought was. Why is my bed so squishy? Obviously his question was immediately answered when he gained consciousness and opened his eyes. The sunlight was attacking him from behind the thin curtains. Soap tried to stop the attack from the sun, but it was no use.
He was already awake and awoke in a room he doesn't know of. He shot up, a wave of nausea hitting him like how the sun had done not long ago.
"Where the hell am I? What the fuck...." Soap groaned. He didn't drink that much....... Did he?- The door opened, quietly. Moving his attention from the wall to the opening door.
He saw, you. Holding a glass of water and a pill bottle. "Oh, I hope I didn't wake you up." You softly spoke. "You didn't, where are we?" Soap asked curiously.
"My room, you were too drunk to be dragged to your own room." Oh. Well, made sense. He did drink a bit too much.... "Why do you uh.. have so many pillows here?" Picking one up Soap asked.
You replied, snatching a pillow from the bed. "Oh! They bring me joy, I like them. Some as presents form my family and friends, some I just bought that were soft or cute."
"This one's cute." Soap says while picking up a small brown dog. "Oh, you can keep it if you'd like, I have too many. Plus, I don't think anyone gave me it, must've been one that I bought a bit ago."
"Sweet! Thanks!" He was quite happy, even thought he had a throbbing headache. At least his hangover wasn't so bad now that he has a soft and squishy buddy with him.
Captain John Price:
John was checking up on everyone late at night after a mission. As some people were injured severely on the mission. So, when he made it to your room. He noticed that there was light peeling out from underneath your door. You know what happened to that cat about curiousity.
So, John bit the bullet and opened the door quietly. Only to find you on your bed, sprawled out like a starfish. Your hair was everywhere. All over the pillow where you head was resting on, and on your face. You were lightly snoring and you had left your bedside lamp on. With the way you were positioned on the bed, your pillows were bunching up and creating small hills.
You looked like you were having the best sleep of your entire life. Sleeping away without a worry about the world and its problems. But, of course. Not all good things last forever. He had to wake you up. You had to change into your pajamas. Price would never forgive you and himself if you slept in your gear.
So, he shook you awake. Lightly, of course. "Hey, you gotta get up." Your response was just a groan and turning to your side.... Back facing him... Price sighed.
"Hey, wakey wakey. You gotta get changed.." This earned another groan from you and you sitting up. "Why'd you wake me up...." You whined.
"You gotta get changed, and why do you have so many pillows?" Price chuckled seeing as you were slightly cuddling a cute cat pillow. You groaned and yawned. Taking your time to answer his question. "I like pillows, they're cute and comfy. Don't you agree?" Holding up a pillow to his face.
Price chuckled. "Yeah yeah, kid. Time to get changed." You groaned once again.
Kyle Gaz Garrick:
You and gaz decided to have a movie night. In your room. So, when he arrived with the snacks. He laid down on your floor and started watching the movie. Paying no attention to anything else but the movie. It was one of his favorite movies after all.
When the movied had ended, Gaz was very sleepy. So sleepy, that he decided he was going to sleep on your bed. In your room. Even though his room was only 3 rooms over. But, oh well. It's late, you're both tired. Why not? Plus, nothing bad would happen.
Yeah. Nothing bad did happen. Except, something embarrassing did. You didn't have the time to put away all your pillows, since you didn't know that Gaz was going to be sleeping in your room. In your bed. So, when he walked over to your bed. All he saw was pillows. A mountain of pillows. On what should be your bed.
"Hey... Uh... Why are there so many pillows here?" Gaz started. "Oh, uh. Yeah.. that's my uh, collection of pillows." You replied. Nervous on how he would react.
"Oh, cool. Which one is your favourite?" Gaz questioned. "Oh, uh. This one is one of my favourites." You replied, holding up a small dog pillow.
"Cute, but why are there so many?..." You hadn't really noticed about how much you had, but now that you were looking at.. Your bed? "Well.. I admit I have a bit too much, but I like all of them."
How embarrassing.... "I'm too tired to deal with this." Gaz needed his beauty sleep. He'd deal with you and your obsession on the morning. Right now, he just wants to catch some z's.
Alejandro Vargas:
Alejandro looked for you all over base. He was bored and needed something to do. You weren't in the dining hall, nor in the medbay. So, he went to your room in hopes to find you.
When he reached your room, he could hear some humming from inside. Alejandro knocked and could hear a muffled 'Come in!' from the other side of the door. He opened the door to see you sitting next to your bed and cuddling a pillow while reading a book whilst some music played in the background.
He noticed that, around you. On the bed, and the ground. Was littered with pillows. All different shapes, sizes, colors, etc. How could someone have so many pillows? Jesus Christ. You had an obsession with so many things. He heard you humming along with the song, not even paying attention to who had opened the door and entered the room.
Alejandro decided to break the silence. "Hey. What are you doing?" All you did was look up from your book and respond with a simple sentence. "Reading, why?" Jesus Christ, you looked totally unfased with how many pillows there were.
"Why do you have so many goddamn pillows?" Alejandro asked. Oh.. You hadn't realized that all of your pillows were laid out on the bed and some had fell onto the floor. "Well, I like them. Some of them were gifts from some people, and some that I had just found." You said, as you grabbed another pillow that had fallen to the floor.
Alejandro hesitated for a moment. "Alright.... Well, would you like to hang out with me?" Well, it would be good for you to go out and stretch your legs rather than sitting on the floor and reading by yourself. "Sure, I don't see why not." You replied while getting up and brushing the non-existent dust from your knees.
Valeria Garza:
Valeria was walking by your room when she noticed you lounging about on your bed. You were cuddling a pillow and the rest of your pillows were surrounding you. There was at least ten. They were colorful, and looked soft. What were you even doing with this amount of pillows?
"What the hell? What are you doing?" Valeria said as she leaned on the door frame. "Huh? Me? Oh, I'm just reading, why?" You were confused on why Valeria was asking you.
"Well, you have so many of these pillows here. Why do you have so many? Did you steal these?" Valeria asked. "I like pillows, they bring me joy, and no. I did not steal these. Some of these are gifts that my friends and family gave me." You huffed out.
Well, you had to admit. You did have a bit more than what an average person would have... But, you couldn't throw out any of them! They were apart of you, and you loved every single one of them. You didn't know why Valeria had such a problem with your obsession with pillows. Was she jealous of them or something?
"Are you jealous of the pillows, or something?" To be sure you asked, duh. "No. I would never be jealous of an inanimate object. That's just stupid!" Well, Valeria was a bit too quick to shut that down..... Ah, oh well.
"But, do you like them? A lot?" Ah, she definitely was jealous of them. Well.. Maybe?- "Yes, I do like them. Quite a lot. If you don't like them you can just leave." You huffed out.
So, with that. Valeria left your room. But, expect to see some pillows to appear on your bed when you go out of your room to go shopping or what not. Or expect a knock on your door, and seeing a pillow on the floor when you open the door. Maybe also seeing Valeria speed walk around the corner.
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mywons · 11 months
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❛ boyfriend!jungwon headcanons.
▸ ִֶָ tags [ boyfriend ] jungwon x reader, fluff + mentions of kissing + cute wonnie + just a happy relationship + mentions of petnames. warnings! && possible warning : very brief (2) mentions of marriage + mentions of jealousy / possessiveness. ✿ 0.6k words —
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won is very . . . loveable
he's super affectionate & loveydovey, he does any & everything to show how deep his love for you runs
dates with him are usually full of spontaneity. quick & fun picnics, a playful movie night with takeout
out of all of enhypen, i think jungwon is the second most type to date-to-marry (after mr. husband material park jongseong). so while he's very fun and playful, he's serious about you too
he wants you to know that he sees a future with you and if you don't see that with him, what's the point?
likes to keep polaroids of you scattered across his room's walls
collects the silliest little trinkets & souvenirs whenever the group goes someplace new, only to bring them back to you
the type of bf to text you at 3am and ask if you wanna raid the nearest corner store
kisses you very often. as a greeting, as a goodbye, as a reward, bc you look cute, he literally just loves kissing you
doesn't get jealous easily but so so so clingy when he does ,, will pull you towards him and refuse to let go
so so so so caring, smothers you with all the love in the world whenever you're feeling down :(
petnames include: lovey & pretty baby
likes to sleep with his head on your chest so that he can hear the rhythm of your heartbeat <3
definitely randomly calls you at all times of the day, just saying he misses you
^^ "i called you earlier why didn't you answer :(" "bc i'd literally just left your place" "so..????"
he's like ur MY lover u need to be attached to my hip at all times bc ur my baby !!!!!!
and he's so real for that honestly
i think he to an extent feels an overwhelming sense of protectiveness for you and because of that, he tends to overthink ab if even the smallest things he does are affecting you negatively
constantly making sure you're happy/content in your relationship, asking if there's anything else you'd like for him to do
he's just super careful with you
nd so supportive oh em gee !! if ur an idol like him, he's at every single show he can make it to. cheering you on, shouting "thats my baby 🫵"
if you're interested in smthn else/neither of you are idols, he's still definitely supporting you in whatever interest you have
constantly complimenting you and praising how your brain works. he admires everything about you
sometimes buys stuff in a bigger/smaller size so that he has an excuse to wear it and then give it to you
^^ "oh it doesn't really fit me so here you go :]" knowing damn well he just wants you to smell like him
definitely competitive when it comes to you. "oh yeah? well my lover can do this and this"
forever seeking any reasons to make you feel good about yourself
likes when you play with his hair after a long day or even sing to him, ironically.
really just enjoys the sound of your voice
would love to adopt a bunch of cats and grow old with you <3
never is the one to end any contact with you first. oh you guys are on the phone? better hang up first bc he isn't. won't even pull from a hug first, and would run out of oxygen if it meant keeping his lips on yours instead of resorting to pulling away
sees himself marrying you has thought about it plenty of times and voiced his ideas for the wedding, resulting in teasing from the members
eats ingredients out of your food that he knows you don't enjoy so you won't have to pick the pieces out !!
likes being called honey
need him to be my boyfriend immediately
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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sunshine-scented · 1 year
So, I have a bunch of smut fics coming up (oh dear) and I don't wanna overwhelm my poor readers with too much sin :(. With that being said, here's some cute fluff about Azure Lion! (I wanted Nezha but I didn't think y'all would like ANOTHER Nezha fic hehe, my bad~)
❀ My Big Kitty~ ❀
: How dating the one and only Azure Lion would be like
: Azure Lion x gn!reader
: Fluff!!
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Azure Lion
Big calm blue cat!
He's definitely the type of guy who just smiles affectionately whenever their partner is doing some dumb stuff, God forbid what's going on his mind
Always looking out for you, like asking if you ate today, how are you feeling? did something interesting happen?
Loves to listen to you ramble about literally anything, he'd be there attentively taking note on what's making you go on and on so he can bring it up again for you to talk more for him
Finds it really cute when you lay all your weight on him, he's there laying down reading a book and you just plop yourself onto his chest, making him chuckle and start petting your head with his free hand
You never fail to make him smile, if you're baking and some flour got onto your nose, or if your just playing some video games and you panic when you're about to lose
He just likes to stare at you, cause everything you do is so endearing to him ♡
Holds! your! hand! every! time!
He has to bend a lil just to peck your cheek making you laugh on how ticklish it feels, which leads him to putting more kisses all over your face just to hear you laugh more
Loves it when you mess around with his mane ♡ always leans in closer to your hands whenever you start running your fingers onto his head
A gentleman!! He does little things like making you always walk at the right side while he stays left, holding things for you, attentively listening to your rambles whenever you feel like talking his ears off, he doesn't mind doing all this things and I don't think he ever will
Treats you like absolute royalty
You know those love tropes? If Sun Wukong is the Energetic boyfriend and Macaque is the Cat like boyfriend. The Azure is the Worshipper boyfriend ♡
Hand kisses!!! Everytime he greats you he always reaches for your hand and placed a chaste kiss onto your knuckles with a smile
You're the best thing that ever happened to him, and it will stay that way for forever ♡
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Okay, time to do all those smut requests. Lord, forgive me for what I'm going to do.
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ladykissingfish · 8 months
*Kushina and Minato, getting Naruto ready for trick or treating*
Kushina: Okay, let me just straighten your tail and … there! *kisses him* My little fox looks perfect!
Naruto: *wiping off his cheek* Mom! Don’t be gross!
Naruto: Dad, aren’t I old enough to go on my own with Sasuke and Sakura? We’re already five for gosh sake!
Kushina: No you’re not, young man! You —
Minato: No doubt you’re big enough, and brave. So brave I wonder if I can ask you a favor?
Naruto: A favor?
Minato: Yes. You know my students, right? Well they’re good kids and all, but even though they’re 17 year olds, they’re really a bunch of scaredy-cats. I was hoping you and your friends could go with them to keep an eye on them tonight.
Naruto: Well I guess if it’s helping you out, dattebayo. They can come along with us!
*the doorbell rings*
Kushina: *answers it* Oh, look at how cute!
*Kakashi, Obito and Rin stand there. Rin is dressed as a sunflower, Obito a bumblebee and Kakashi a watering can*
Rin: Hi Kushina-san, Minato-sensei! We’re here to pick up Naruto!
Minato: Perfect. And you’re picking up Sasuke and Sakura along the way, right?
Obito: Roger! 
Kakashi: Don’t worry, their safety is our number one priority.
Obito: *holds out his hand to Naruto* C’mon kid, let’s —
Naruto: Geez, we haven’t even left the house and you need someone to hold your hand already? How sad … *takes Obito’s hand while Kakashi snickers* Well let’s go!
*the four of them leave and once the door is shut, Minato and Kushina burst out laughing*
Kushina: Ohhhh that was funny! *wipes tears from her eyes* Good job on convincing Naruto that they were the ones who needed escorts, and not the other way around.
Minato: Actually that’s not entirely a lie. Obito will jump at his own shadow. Remember last year?
Kushina: Oh god … when I had that Halloween party and one of their friends dressed as a ghost and “surprised” him in the yard?? And he ran away screaming?
Minato: And it took two days for us to catch him and bring him back. *chuckles* Maybe we should have sent MORE of the village kids with them.
Kushina: Agreed.
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bananastarion · 8 months
Here's a whole bunch of cute, fluffy Tav/Astarion headcanons for you
With just a touch of Gale and Halsin in there, as well. I might break some of these up into their own posts eventually. Enjoy? And let me know your thoughts, I crave feedback. <3
Astarion & the Rainbow: After a rainy day, the most brilliant rainbow appears in the sky above Baldur's Gate. You catch Astarion just sitting on the ground and watching it, and you sit beside him. He doesn't take his eyes off the sky, and his expression is difficult to decipher... is he in awe, or sad, or just spacing out? You realize this is likely the first rainbow he can ever remember seeing, and that he knows it most likely will be his last. You sit together in silence as he grips your hand tightly, and stay there until the rainbow has faded away completely.
Astarion & Love Bites: Astarion gets bitey when he's feeling frisky, or hungry, or just affectionate. Like a cat. You'll be cuddling or play wrestling with him and he'll start giving you little love nips. Not enough to break the skin, though they often tend to lead to that if you let him. Sometimes he accidentally bites a little harder than he meant to, and to make it up to you he'll kiss the spot better. Sometimes you'll be praising him or saying sweet nothings and his brain will just short circuit, and instead of coming up with anything to say back, he'll find it irresistible to just grab you and give you a happy little nibble.
Astarion Proposes: Astarion has never felt the least bit sentimental about marriage, but then again, he's never loved anyone like you before. The idea of you being his legally, forever, definitely has given the tradition a newfound appeal. Plus, it would be a good excuse to throw a lavish party. He takes you out to a beautiful, remote location where the stars are fully visible, and you lay together under the beautiful night sky, taking it in. He clasps your hand and with his roguish dexterity slides the ring almost imperceptibly on your finger. You notice the coolness of the metal and look to see what he's done- and oh my gosh, it is an absolutely gorgeous looking ring. Very ornate and regal looking, with diamonds and rubies. He gets down on one knee and proposes to you with tongue in cheek theatrics, before ending it with a quietly earnest plea to marry him and spend the rest of your lives together.
Of course you say yes... just don't ask where he got that ring from. Something tells you he probably didn't pay for it. "Oh, never mind that... you like it, don't you?" But if you push him- "Fine. If you must know, it belonged to an undeserving couple in the upper city with more money than they know what to do with, and a marriage that surely won't last. We'll make far better use of it than they ever could." If your Tav is a do-gooder, you might have an argument about this, and make him return the ring. Then he'll buy you a new ring with the reward money he got for 'finding' the 'missing' ring. Old habits die hard, okay?
Astarion & his Mirror: Astarion asks you a lot for feedback about his appearance. He really likes it when you play with his hair or rough it up after a night of passion, but afterwards he'll fix it back up again right away. He'll always ask you if it looks good, even though after 200 years of practicing without a mirror he already knows it does.
After he drinks from you, he'll wipe the blood dribbling from his lips with the back of his hand and ask if he got it all off. More than occasionally, he just ends up with a big smear of blood across his chin after doing this, which you are happy to wipe off for him.
You like to go shopping together, and he loves trying on clothes- while asking you lots of questions about how they look on him. Does the color suit his complexion? Is he more of an autumn or a winter? Does it flatter his figure? Does he look better in silver or gold jewelry? He takes your opinions on these matters seriously. He's still figuring out who he is as a free man, and how he presents is a big part of that to him. It's less overwhelming for him to have the feedback of a trusted person guide him through it, but you try to push him to make his own choices as much as possible.
Astarion & Poetry: Astarion feels strongly about poetry. Surprisingly strongly, once you get him on the subject. There are lots of poets he considers to be hacks that only write sentimental claptrap. But other poems he knows by heart and will passionately recite them for you with the zeal of a bard. He likes old, dark and enigmatic poems, ones that capture his own feelings and struggles better than he can express in his own words. If he knew of our world's poetry, he'd probably consider Invictus a favorite. (bonus thought: Halsin would probably really like this poem)
Astarion & Cooking: Back when you and your companions were all traveling and camping together, Astarion was feeding on you regularly so he could be strong in battle. But seeing the effect this was starting to have on you roused some concern in him. He can't have his favorite blood supply get too low in iron! So one morning, Astarion gets up before you to cook breakfast, to help replenish your strength after a particularly... draining night together.
The trouble is, he's never really cooked anything before that he can remember, and has no idea what he's doing. Gale catches him putting a half-burt, half-raw, unseasoned pork loin on a plate and asks him why he's making food. When he tells him it's for Tav, his eyes go wide. "Gods, are you trying to kill them?! Here, let me show you how it's done..." After much bickering, and Gale struggling not to go full Gordon Ramsay on Astarion for being so clueless, they manage to make a decent breakfast together.
You wake up to a pleasant surprise and Astarion is quick to take all the credit before Gale butts in and says "Ahem! Actually, we made you breakfast. Well, mostly me. If it weren't for my culinary expertise, Astarion would have effectively poisoned you. You're welcome." Astarion shoots him a glare, but deep down he is appreciative that you got to have a nourishing meal one way or another.
Astarion & Gift Giving: Astarion is great with his hands- he has beautiful handwriting, is deft with a needle and thread, and wields his weapons with much flair. He gets fidgety when his hands aren't busy, so often when relaxing he'll be doing something with them. He fidgets a lot with coins, rings, his daggers and whatever else he happens to have on hand. He discovers he has a knack for making little things, and he has the perfect excuse to now that he has you around. You'll find him shyly gifting you all sorts of intricately made little knick knacks- embroidered handkerchiefs, crocheted scarves, precisely folded origami. Often times, he just leaves them on your pillow without a word. Maybe Halsin even turns him onto whittling. It's oddly relaxing for him, and refreshing to be a little generous for once. To you only, of course.
Thanks so much for reading! <3
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yakuzacanons · 6 months
howdy? your headcanons are awesome, really love reading them! could I ask for the reader falling asleep on yakuza guys? thanks a bunch!
Perfect pairing for my previous post, literally cheese n wine pairing right here lol. Here ya go and thanks for your patience.
Kazuma Kiryu
He'd just hazily wrap his arm around you and fall back asleep. He's pretty easy to fall asleep on, but it mostly only works if he's also already asleep or trying to sleep. Otherwise, he'd just pick you up and tuck you into bed.
Majima Goro
Don't fall asleep on him if he's also asleep, at some point he's going to flail around and you'll get kicked or something. If you fall asleep on him while he's awake, he'll just sit patiently. It's literally like a cat fell asleep on his lap. He cannot move now. It's illegal.
Akiyama Shun
Nap on him anytime. If he's asleep, if he's awake, if he's laying down or sitting up or at home or at work. Free cuddles. Do it. He wants it. Please?? He'll be so nice and stroke your hair and everything.
Saejima Taiga
A human pillow. A living breathing heated blanket. If you get cold easily, I would recommend falling asleep on Saejima. He's also one of the bigger guys so you can like full body lay on top of him.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Very gentle little baby and might even fall asleep while you're sleeping with your head in his lap or leaning on his shoulder. The two of you tend to just fall asleep wherever the other one does, it's almost comedic how much that happens.
Ryuji Goda
Also a human pillow, although he's kind of goofily prideful about it. If you fall asleep on him, he's internally like "Alright, I'll be the best pillow ya ever had then!".
Nishikiyama Akira
It kind of melts his heart. It makes him feel like you trust him and can depend on him and that means a lot to him. He can be a little protective or jealous sometimes, so moments like this make him feel genuinely close to you.
Daigo Dojima
On the rare occassion you're sleepier than he is, he'll just kind of engulf you in his arms and hold onto you until you either wake up or until he also falls asleep. Out of all the boys, it's most common for Daigo to either fall asleep on you or for you to fall asleep on him.
Mine Yoshitaka
Kind of feeds into his top/dom energy, I won't lie. He's secretly like "Oh HELL yea, fall asleep on me. Love that." even though he's not the most cuddly of the boys. He thinks it's cute that you just nodded off like that.
Tatsuo Shinada
Constantly torn between letting you just sleep that way or tucking you in more properly, especially if he's still wide awake. At the same time, he doesn't want to move you because you're basically cuddling now, right?
Ichiban Kasuga
First time it happens, he turns beet red and sits so still that you might mistake him for a statue. Over time, he just gets used to it and kind of pats your head. He might occupy his time by reading a book or watching a video very quietly if he's not sleepy. Kind of chuckles and says "Heh, you really were tired huh?"
Tianyou Zhao
Would let you sleep it off but might tease you when you wake up by saying something like "Ah, look who's awake!" or "Someone was a sleepyhead, eh?". If he's also sleepy, he'll kind of drape one arm over you and pass out.
Joon-Gi Han
Also operates off of cat logic. You are laying there and you will remain there for as long as you are comfortable. Would probably actually tell the others at HQ that he cannot come in because you're still asleep on his chest and therefore he cannot move. Honestly, this is one of his preferred forms of intimacy as he enjoys the quietness. He's a little bit of an awkward conversationalist so this is relaxing for him.
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mythicalninjas · 1 year
How about their S/O taking a kitten to the Lair out of planning? He/She found a lost kitten wandering alone in an alley, its mother and siblings weren't even near. He/She didn't want to leave that kitten by its own and decided to adopt it. What do you think?
A/N: Awwww thank you for ask this, anon 😭❤ I wrote an one-shot with all of the turtles. Hope you don't mind... After months FINALLY. Apologize if there are grammar mistakes.
Warnings: I'm sensitive when there's cute animals included in the stories. SFW, lost cute fluff life being receiving some love.
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"Alright. I'll be there in 10 minutes." You announced, smiling.
The eager young voice on the other side of the call echoed a little louder than usual. "Perfect! We're waiting for you, angelcakes!". You could hear someone else taking the phone from Mikey and Raph's voice spoke next. "Come quickly otherwise Mikey gonna eat all the dinner."
"Hey!", Mikey protested in the background.
You laughed. "Don't worry. I'll stop by your home like The Flash."
As soon as you left your apartament, the cold air of the night hit your exposed skin. Instinctively you rubbed your hands together, then cover your nose and mouth. The dark sky isn't with its shining lights spots, looking like it's going to snow anytime.
Walking by many large blocks, you finally entered in an alley where Donnie has mentioned to meet him at. There's almost no light sources around, as you expected. Something told you to take a look at your surroundigns to make sure there's no one who might be someone unwanted.
Nothing at all.
You shrugged, heading to a manhole cover a few steps away from you.
You were about to grip the heavy metal, but that strange 'something not right' feeling hit you again. You hesitated, sighing. What's going on with you? You've been at many alleys since you met the mutant family and you're already used being sorrounded with darkness. There's nothing wrong here. But why is your intuition saying otherwise?
You shook your head, and lifted the cover.
Meow. A high-speech sound echoed from somewhere, making you freeze and turn your head toward the sound.
You frowned.
MEOW. The sound came louder than before. Is that a cat?
You stood up, twirling around, trying effortly to find anything making that desperate small sound.
Meow, meow, meow.
"Where are you?" You whispered while follows the help call of the cat. It sounds like a very young kitten.
Over there at the entrance of the alley behind many filthy stuff, a small fluff ball shrunken against an old tangled fabric.
You gaped, moving away a trash bag and a bunch of rubbish spreaded over the ground near the kitten. ''Oh my God. How did you get here?''. You warmed your hands as much as possible and carefully picked up the small kitten, which it started to meow agitatedly. ''It's okay, little one. I'm not gonna hurt you.'' The poor kitten had its fur chilly. You unziped your coat and held the kitten against your chest, then immediately covered it. Using the free hand, you rubbed over the thick fabric, warming up the life creature under the mushy material. ''Shh, shh...'' You bounced back and forth while look around, searching for other cats.
There's nothing but dirt and scary gloom spots.
'Where are its mother, or its sibligns? It's common to find cats in clowder, or a kidle of kittens...'
Worried, you glanced down at the poor thing, wondering how long has it been on its own.
Donnie's current checking some devises on his computers as he does every night before patrol. The time shown in the lower right corner of the screen called his attention. He quirked an eyebrow. You're 25 minutes late... Rolling his curved skateboard chair to another heaped of screens and checked the cameras settled throughout various tunnels, a pair of amber eyes scanning every single spot of the many underground environments. A sigh of relief left his mouth as watch you walking toward the Lair.
He got up from his seat and headed to the main entrance. ''Y/N!'' He called as soon as his eyes set on you. ''We were worried. Where have you been?''
''I apologize for the being late, Don. I promise your waiting will be rewarned, but now ...''
The genius lift an eyebrow. He did notice that your arm was inside your coat, he thought you could be hurt or anything.
You took a deep breath, carefully unzipping and removing the coat flap, showing it to your tall friend.
His eyes went wide, mouth gaped.
''Listen, this little guy needs help. I found him all by its own on my way here.''
Donnie kept his eyes on the tiny life being, his mind and heart shining from cuteness. ''Oh. Please, let me...'' He reached out to pick up the kitten, but you took a step back, hesitated. His hands are massive comparing to the kitten. What if he accidentally hurts it? The kitten is so small and fragile. You don't want to see anything going wrong, but you knew Donnie needs to check on it.
You looked down at the kitten then gave it to the tall terrapin, who picked up the kitten very carefully as if it was made of glass. The kitten started to meow restlessly as soon as his cold hands touched it.
''Donnie, he-''
''I know. Heat some water and pour it inside a bottle, I'll find a place to put this little guy.'' His long legs carried him to the lab, holding the kitten in-between his hands.
The poor tiny life being is desperte to feel warm again, its eager meows makes Donnie search everywhere in his computer center for something fluff to serve like a blanked; anything. His amber eyes clued on a dirt dish towel perched on a thin pipe above a few chemicals stuff on the table. No way he would use it on this kitten. Whatever he's looking for must be soft and clean.
Pouring some hot water inside a bottle, you felt unconfortable of hearing the kitten's cries from a distance. It must call someone's attention, though.
You turned, but almost ran over something, I mean, someone. "Damn, Mikey! Warn before suddenly show up."
"Sorry, angelcakes. Just wanted to say hi." He smiled, and glanced at the bottle. ''Were you making tea or something?''.
''No.'' You hurried past him. ''Donnie asked me to take some hot water for the kitten-''.
Mikey gaped. ''A KITTEN?!''.
"What's going on here?" Raph jumped off from the gym large pipe.
"Y/N brought a kitten and didn't tell us!" Mikey protested.
The brute glanced at you. "Oh, cool. But we don't have properly ways to take care of a cat, Y/N."
"I know. Actually I didn't bring the kitten with this thought. I found him alone in an alley on my way here. He was alone. I couldn't just ignore its cries and abandon him out there."
Meow, meow, meow, meow. Adjusting some Raph's wool knitting inside a shoe box, Donnie, with all care he has, put the kitten above the soft fabric "I know, I know little one. You're cold." He petted its head.
"Donnie." You called from the computer center entrance with Mikey and Raph standing next to you. "I brought the hot water you asked for."
"Perfect. Thank you." He moistened the tip of a towel and carefully gave the kitten a ''bath'', cleaning the dirt gooey mess. ''Alright... Clean like a pure white cloud.'' He grabbed the shoe box and brought out of the computer station. "Y/N, I need you to put the hot water bottle under the wool knitting and cover the kitten. I'll be right back."
''What's going on here?'' Leo questioned, authoritative. Mikey and you moved random ways to give him some space to pass by and ascertain. His vivid blue eyes caught a small kitten being fed in a bunch of Raph's knits. ''Who... Who did bring this cat to the Lair?''
You gotta confess that you're a bit afraid to admit it. Leo sounds he did not approve the small guest. You slowly rise your hand. "I know it was sudden, Leo. But I found him all by its own in an alley on my way here. He was freezing and starving. I couldn't left him behind." The leader kept his full attention at you. You continued. "He could have died." Your shoulders dropped.
Leo looked back at the kitten, kneeling right beside to where it is layed. He carefully patted it while watch Donnie feeding it with a seringue. "Do you know how old is it?" His eyes were on you again.
"A few weeks, I believe." Donnie spoke before you.
You nodded. "I agree. It is so small."
"And cute." Mikey completed.
The kitten finished its dinner and yawned, stretching its little paws, tiny pink bean toes opening like a flower, then adjusted itself into a ball position in-between Raph's knits, ripping an "aww" from everybody. The boys are sad for don't have conditions to keep a kitten; it's pratically impossible to look after a small life being in this giant envorviroment.
"I think I gotta put my heart in the fridge."
Raph glanced at him. "What the hell did you just say?"
"Because it's melting."
Three pair of eyes rolled simultaneously. "Jeez, Mikey..." You shook your head.
"What? It's true."
@mysticboombox @thelaundrybitch @chicchanmooshy @turtle-babe83 @feminist-krang @buc3t4l0v3r @turtlesmakemehappy @minniethecutie @tmnt22 @yumefuusen @leosgirl82 @whispers0fgreen @whygz @angelicdavinci @imthegreenfairy88 @waterstar2016 @southernblossoms @fyreball66 @thelostandforgottenangel @ositabear26 @ravn-87 @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @ladyofparchments @donniesdove @pheradream15 @angelcatlowyn
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thinkin abt working w gene takovic & being generally shit at the job and he gets tired of reader slacking off and decides to give reader a little motivation to do better ……….
workplace harassment but if it was epic 😌
my immediate thought was "reader comes into work high and gets disciplined" so im adding intox to this hope that's ok :3
warning: intox, possibly dubcon? (you're high and he's your superior)
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You hated your fucking job.
I mean, it wasn't horrible. It was just a run of the mill food service position at the Cinnabon in the mall. Standing for 8 hours, shitty customers, all the glitz and glamour you could expect, but hey, free cinnamon rolls was a nice perk. It's not like you were planning to make a career out of this anyway. You could afford to dick around on the clock from time to time. Plus, y'all were short-staffed anyway, so what were they gonna do, fire you?
Well, today, you had pushed your luck too far.
It was supposed to be a busy day, some huge sale happening in the mall, and that meant a bunch of entitled pricks needing their cream cheese frosted insulin bombs. You didn't want to risk strangling the first boomer that yelled at you, so you figured why not pop a few edibles before your shift?
Big mistake. You realized that when you clocked in.
One of your coworkers called out, and another was coming in late. That meant it was just you and your manager Gene tackling the first few hours. He wasn't horrible to work with, but a skeleton crew was no one's idea of a good time. Let alone the fact that you'd be stupid high in about an hour and there'd be no one else to cover your ass.
When they kicked in, it didn't take long for him to notice. You were staring at the register blankly for maybe 5 minutes, but it felt like eons in food service time. Once your other coworker came in, Gene took you into his office to reprimand you, making sure to lock the door before he slumped down at his desk.
"Look, kid. I get it. I don't wanna be here either, but you can't be doing that. Not only is it against the law, but it's dangerous. If you're spacing out like that you could cut or burn yourself, and-"
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You ever talk to your cat and wonder if they can understand a goddamn word you're saying? That was basically this. You were just staring at how his nipples poked through his officially licensed Cinnabon® polo shirt. He was kinda cute, for a sad old man. Wait, fired? Did he just say fired? You snap out of it and make eye contact with him.
Gene sighed. "You haven't been listening to me, have you?"
You shook your head.
"I said, corporate has kind of a zero-tolerance policy for drug use on the job. I'm supposed to fire you, but," He got up from his chair and approached you, stroking your cheek with a pensive look on his face, no doubt a dumb, ditsy look on yours. "you're a good kid. I'd like to see you do better. I'm hoping there's another way we can work this out. Call it positive reinforcement, yeah?"
You nodded. Positive reinforcement. Sure, whatever.
He smiled. "Good boy."
You whined. Oh fuck, that felt nice to hear. He could tell.
Before you knew it, you were on your knees in front of him, servicing his cock with your mouth, messily. Drool was seeping out from your lips, pooling onto what you hoped was the floor and not your shirt. The weed was making this far more intense than you'd ever imagined. His taste was addicting. However deep you could take him just wasn't enough. You ran your tongue all over him, his head, his shaft, his balls. God, it was so fucking good. Shit, you were probably enjoying this more than he was.
That's not to say Gene wasn't enjoying it. He threw his head back and sighed. He rested his hand on your scalp and ruffled your hair, making you whimper around him. "That's a good boy."
Positive reinforcement indeed.
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sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
New Years Eve
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Superstitious!Reader
Summary: It’s New Years Eve and Robins bringing her cousin to Steve’s party.
Word Count: 4406
Eddie Masterlist
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“Are you sure you don’t mind me bringing Y/n to the party?” Robin asks Steve for what feels like the millionth time to him.
“Yes Robin I’m sure. I’ve only told you I don’t care everyday for the past week.” He’s laughing while he speaks, tossing some more popcorn in his mouth.
“Who’s Y/n?” Nancy comes back in from making another bowl of popcorn, this one for her and Jonathan, and Eddie points her way to show he’s wondering the same thing.
“She’s my cousin, she’s a little bit older than Steve but she was homeschooled and was basically raised to be a shut-in or something so there’s no way you guys have ever met her. I’m shocked her mom’s even letting her out  for this but she asked if she’d be able to tag along with whatever New Years plans I had. So you’ll all meet her tomorrow night. Fair warning though, she’s a bit of a whackjob. It’s how she was raised though and if I hear any of you call her that we’ll fight.”
“Don’t worry, Robin whack jobs are my specialty.” Eddie points to himself with his thumb while leaning forward. “What kind of whack job are we talking here, ditzy, space invader, total weirdo?”
“She’s a little ditzy I guess. Mainly she’s just extremely superstitious.”
“That’s like witchy stuff right?” Steve speaks through a mouthful and barely pulls his attention away from the movie on the tv.
“No it’s like believing that black cats are evil and stuff like that.” Jonathan comes back from the bathroom just in time to correct Steve before Robin can hit him on the back of the head for being stupid. “My mom believes in a few superstitions like crossing your fingers and broken mirrors.”
“Why does believing a few superstitions make her a whack job Robs?”
“It’s not a few or a handful even Nance, she lives by them. Like she didn’t go to public school because she was an extremely clumsy child and her mom believes that tripping over something on your way somewhere means you have to turn back and go home and she didn’t trust that when she was younger she’d listen to it. So homeschool her whole life was somehow the answer.”
“Seems like a lonely childhood.”
“Yeah, she saw me a lot growing up but not much of anyone else.”
“What’s in the bags Y/n?” Robin asks as you get in the car she borrowed from her parents excited for your first party. 
“Oh grapes and noisemakers. Mom and I went out to get them today in case there wouldn’t be any there. Where are we going again?”
“Right. Remember I told you about my friend Steve?” You nod. “He’s throwing a party for our group of friends and a few people that he only barely knows through like Eddie and Nancy.”
“Okay.” It’s quiet in the car after that and Robin glances your way to see you playing with the hem of your dress where it rests on your thighs.
“Are you okay? Do you wanna just go to my place and we’ll have our own party just me and you?” As much as Robin wants to spend the night with her friends her love for you outweighs it and she’d rather you be comfortable.
“No! I’m just a little nervous I guess. I mean this is my first party and what if your friends don’t like me or think I’m too weird? And what if I didn’t bring enough grapes for everyone?”
“They’ll love you! You’re literally the sweetest person I know, I mean who worries about bringing enough grapes for people they don’t even know? Besides, we're all a bunch of weirdos. Jonathan is a total loser in the best way, Eddie is so weird that the whole town thought he was a satanist, Steve’s just a complete idiot and like all of his friends are kids. The most normal one out of us is Nancy but even she’s a little odd. And the kids are like drawn to oddballs, not that they themselves aren’t odd but they feel right at home with others and I’m sure you will too. Besides you look cute the boys will-” Your laughter cuts her off and she looks at you. “What?”
“You’re rambling Robs. But thank you I do feel a little less nervous.”
You were still nervous though of course. The only person you’re going to know will be Robin and as excited as you are to meet her friends and hopefully make some friends of your own finally you can’t help but think about how you and your mom don’t even go to family gatherings anymore because of how often family members would try to get you to be ‘normal’ and not believe in her superstitions. Your dad's side of the family was the worst when it came to it and you used to get bullied by your cousins so you stopped going to those long before your mom’s. Thankfully Robin's mom and dad were more understanding because if you didn’t have Robin who knows what kind of a sad hermit you would be.
“I’m glad to help. Really though they’re gonna love you, don't stress about it. And I’ll be right there next to you most of the night.” Robin parks the car in front of Steve’s house and turns to you squeezing your knee in support. “Do you need help with those bags?”
“Could you just take the noisemaker bag? I’ve got the grapes.” She nods and takes the bag you hold out for her before getting out of the car. You’re quick to follow her holding the bags in one hand while the other smooths down your dress that got all bunched up in the car.
“Guess who’s here dingus!” Robin yells out as she bursts into the house ushering you in behind her.
“You’re late Robin, even Eddie beat you here.” Steve rounds the corner and pauses when he sports the two girls in the entranceway bags in hand. “What’s all this?”
“Steve, this is my cousin Y/n. Y/n, Steve.”
“Hi! I hope you don’t mind but I brought noisemakers and grapes.” You wave and hold the bags in your hands up. “I hope I brought enough for everyone to have twelve at midnight.”
“I’m sure you did. You can uh put them in the fridge or something, Eddie will help you figure it out he’s in the kitchen now. It’s just down that hallway to the left.”
“Okay.” You cast a glance towards Robin who nods reassuringly at you before leaving her side. There goes your plan to follow her like a shadow.
“Where do you want the noisemakers?” Steve’s response is low as you make your way down the hallway he pointed to and you don’t hear it. When you turn into the kitchen there’s just one guy in there with his back facing you dumping chips into bowls.
“Stupid Harrington putting me on goddamn snack duty.” Eddie mumbles to himself not sensing a presence behind him.
“Um, excuse me?” He jumps at your voice and whirls around. His eyes go wide as he takes in your form wrapped in a white dress with small light blue polka dots adorned on it. “You’re Eddie right? Steve said you’d help me.” 
“That’s uh, that’s me.” He stumbles over his words as he fights with himself to make his eyes move to your face instead of where they’re fixated on how snug the top of your dress is. When his eyes meet your own your breath actually hitches at how pretty he is. “What do you need help with darlin'?”
“I brought grapes and Steve said to put them in here somewhere. Like the fridge or something like that.” 
“Well then I guess I’m the man for the job. Harrington put me on snack duty even though it’s his house and his party. So who are you?” 
“I’m Y/n. The grapes aren’t-” You take a few steps closer to where he’s searching the cabinets for another bowl.
“Robin's cousin right?” He perks up at recognizing your name and smiles when he sees a small one form on your own face.
“And you’re superstitious right?” Oh boy, you think to yourself, this is where the teasing will start. “Is that what the grapes are for, or did you just really have a hankering for them?” His response is so unexpected that you can’t help but start laughing partially out of relief and the other part at how he said it. The way he looks at you like he’s genuinely interested keeps the smile on your face as you answer. 
“You’re supposed to eat twelve grapes at midnight to bring luck into the new year. Each grape stands for a month.”
“Huh.” Eddie hums as he brings a bowl down. “That must be why I’m so unlucky all the time. I only eat grapes by the handful if I need a snack on my way out of the trailer. We should probably take them off the stems right?” He looks between the grapes now on the counter and you who’s now right next to him. 
“We can, it’ll make it easier for everyone to grab some.”
“Then let’s get to work.” He moves the bowl in between the two of you and grabs one of the bundles from a bag. You both work in silence for barely two minutes before he’s talking again. Eddies never really been good with silence; it's why he’s talking all the time or always listening to music. “Is it rude to ask why you believe it or if there’s any truth behind it?”
“Oh, I don’t think so. I was just sorta raised with it. My mom says that she used to peel and mash them up before feeding them to me as a baby. As for the truth behind it, I'm not sure if there actually is but once when I was younger my dad miscounted his and only ate eleven, his dad then died later in the year.”
“Shit really?”
“Ya, but he was pretty old and sick anyway.” You shrug. “He didn’t like blame himself or anything because of that. And between you and me my dad never really believed the stuff the way my mom did. He just did it all because it meant so much to her. But that really solidified it for me.”
“Are there any other new years things I should be following?” Your eyes narrow at him not able to tell if he’s genuine or not in his curiosity. 
“Are you messing with me?” He gasps as if it’s the most outrageous thing and his hand flies to his chest. 
“You wound me, do I really seem so awful that I’d do that?” He then drops the act of being hurt to assure you even more. “This stuff is just genuinely interesting to me.”
“So you actually want to know about other new years superstitions?” The hope in your voice nearly breaks Eddie’s heart because he can just tell it means people have gotten your hope up in the past.
“Really I’d like to know about more than just those specific ones but ya. Wanna just start with the new years ones since that’s what today is?”
“Okay!” You bounce slightly as you start ripping grapes from the stems and Eddie finds it absolutely adorable. “Well there’s the twelve grapes one, um then there’s one about making noise at midnight to scare evil spirits away. I brought noisemakers for that too. That’s actually probably why people set off fireworks and stuff each year.” Eddie nods to show he’s listening and continuously looks over at you as he fills the bowl up. “My outfit is actually all superstition based.”
“Oh yeah?” His eyes rake over the dress again hoping you don’t catch him in the act.
“Mmhm, the white is for good luck, the polka dots are to bring wealth, abundance, and success, and red underwear is to bring luck and help you find your soulmate.” Eddie chokes on his spit at your last comment.
“You still good in here Y/n?” Robin comes into the kitchen and pulls your worried look away from a still coughing Eddie to her.
“Yeah I was just helping Eddie with the grapes.”
“How about we leave Eds here to do it and I’ll introduce you to everyone else?” You look back at Eddie and he clears his throat, nodding.
“Go meet the crew, I'll be out of here and joining the party in no time.” You basically skip over to Robin in your excitement to meet everyone else after seeing how nice Eddie, the supposed satanist, is.
Steve comes into the kitchen soon after the two of you leave and crouches to dig through his lower cabinet.
“Did you come to take me off snack duty?”
“Nope, Dustin’s demanding I find something to put the cookies his mom made on other than the tupperware he brought them in. So I need to find one of my mom's nice pie plates or something. Did you meet Y/n? She’s cute huh?” His voice is muffled as he shoves his head and shoulders inside to find the one he’s looking for.
“Yeah, she’s sweet. Told me the color of her underwear.” 
“What?!” Steve bangs his head against the top as he tries to rush out and look at his friend in bewilderment. “Eddie, even I know not to ask someone what color their panties are.”
“I didn’t ask!” His hands go up in defense before quickly going back to dealing with the grapes so he can finally join the party. “I just asked about other new years superstitions and it came out of her like it was the most normal thing to talk about with a stranger.”
“Huh, I guess Robin did say she was sorta odd. So what’s the thing with the grapes, did you ask?” Steve also lets out a little ‘aha’ once he finds the plate he was looking for and stands after he speaks.
“We’re supposed to eat twelve at midnight for luck next year. Each one is a month.”
“I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that.” Steve rubs the back of his head grimacing as he does so. “It’s nice of her to think of everyone to bring enough.” He starts helping taking over the bundle that you left behind.
“Yeah, it seems like sharing this stuff with others makes her happy.” Eddie smiles as he thinks about how you lit up like how the sky will be tonight as you told him about the different superstitions you believed in.
You’ve been talking with Jonathan about the superstitions his mom believes in for the past fifteen minutes. You could barely contain your excitement when he told you his mom believed in some so he knew about a few of them. You had immediately started asking questions about it while Robin chatted with Nancy. She was nice and Robin was right she did seem like the most normal one, though you haven’t really met the kids yet you were brought over to Nancy and Jonathan first.
“Who wants snacks?” Eddie sings out as he makes his way into the big living room. One of the kids goes straight to him and takes a bowl of pretzels right out of his arms before rejoining the group on the couches. Eddie rolls his eyes before moving to put the rest of the bowls on the fold out table set up in the corner opposite where you’re all standing before crossing the room to join the group. “What’s going on over here?”
“Letting Y/n get to know these two before moving onto the nightmare that is the kids.”
“I’m sure they’re not that bad.”
“They’re annoying little shits.” Eddie chuckles into his can of beer as he speaks. “Dustin’s the worst of them!” He says it loud enough for his friend to hear him and is awarded with a pretzel flying at his head.
“Henderson, what have I said about throwing food in my house?” Steve comes in just in time to see the pretzel land on the floor. He holds his hand out to you once he joins the group. “We didn’t get to meet properly before, I’m Steve and Robin has told me a lot about you.”
“Y/n, Robin’s told me a lot about you too.” You take his hand and he covers yours with his other one as he shakes it.
“All good things I hope.” You nod with a polite smile. “Is your band coming Eddie?”
“Nah, they decided to go to Gareth’s place like we normally would. I was over there for a bit before coming here.”
“You’re in a band?” There’s a sort of awe in your voice that has Eddie bristling with pride even though you’ve never heard of them before. He feels like as long as you keep looking at him like that he doesn’t need to be a rockstar. 
“Yeah Corroded Coffin, we play at the Hideout once a week.”
“That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to see live music but I never know where I should go and I don’t really have anyone to go to concerts with.” You’re a little embarrassed mentioning just how little people you know but you remind yourself that that’s why Robin’s helping you branch out.
“Well maybe you could come watch us at some point.”
“That would be great!” 
Robin watches the two of you interact with a smile on her face. You’d think she’d be upset with Eddie taking such a liking to you already but she’s just happy that you look right at home with the metal head. She knew that her friends would be accepting of you in a way that she knows you’ve never really had before. She didn’t realize how quickly you would bond with Jonathan or get Eddie basically wrapped around your finger so soon after meeting him though. She should’ve, you’re a sweetheart and have such a warmness about you that she’s always shocked when you tell her about how some people treat you. 
“Eddie’s getting pretty cozy with your cousin there Robs.”
“Yeah.” She answers Nancy with a smile on her face turning her attention back to her group of friends. 
“Why are you so happy about it?” 
“I think they’re gonna be good for eachother, whether that be them just being friends or it leading to more. I mean Eddie’s still dealing with the chaos of people still not quite believing he’s innocent for killing Chrissy and Y/n deals with being labeled as a loon basically on the daily since most of the town knows her mom or at least who she is. I think they’ll be able to relate to one another on a level none of us really will.”
“Huh, when’d you become deep?” She rolls her eyes at Steve’s words.
“I just know who they are. Are your newspaper friends coming Nance?”
“Yeah, they should be here around nine.”
“Argyle will probably be here closer to ten. Thanks again Steve for letting me invite him.” Argyle had moved to Indiana right after graduating and he and Jonathan got an apartment together soon after.
“Yeah no problem, just make sure he doesn’t smoke in the house. I don’t want the living room to reek of weed again.”
“Do you have any new year's resolutions?” You and Eddie sit in the corner of the dining room while the others who are there and have shown up play drinking games or talk to each other. The kids are still taking up the couches in the living room but now they’re watching Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin’ Eve to entertain themselves while everyone else drinks around them.
“I want to make some friends because I can’t just depend on Robin to be there for me all the time. Not that she wouldn’t be, I just don’t want to put all of that on her. Besides, I’m gonna be twenty one next year. I should have more than just one friend who’s my cousin.” You take another sip of the mixed drink you’ve been nursing for the last twenty minutes and Eddie smiles at how you sort of ramble the same way Robin will sometimes. “Do you have any resolutions?”
“I didn’t really, but now I think it’s become your new best friend. Before you know it I’ll be taking Robin’s place.”
“I’d like that.” You beam at him. “But you should know that no one can take her place.”
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I need to steal her away for a bit.” Robin comes up next to you and pulls you out of your seat.
“Because you’ve been hogging her all night Eddie and I’d like to introduce her to the kids before the new year rings in.”
“Wait, what time is it?”
“Eleven thirty eight.”
“We have to start explaining the grapes and bring them out then.”
“I’ll do that darlin’ you go meet the menaces in the living room. I’ll meet up with you in a bit.” You nod at Eddie extremely thankful and a little shocked that he’d do that for you before letting Robin pull you into the next room.
By the time Eddie joins you in the living room bowl of grapes halfway gone in hand there’s five minutes till midnight. He had enlisted Nancy’s and Steve’s help with putting grapes into smaller bowls twelve in each to hand out to people as they explain what it’s for.  He didn’t bother separating the rest once everyone other than the kids, you and Robin had some. He figured you could explain it to the group and he trusted them enough to grab the right amount.
“My mom believes in the breaking a mirror and opening an umbrella inside ones. So I tend to follow them too.” Eddie sits next to you on the couch to catch the middle of a conversation between you and Will.
“So you’re Jonathan's brother right? We were talking a little bit about what superstitions he knew earlier.” Will nods and before anyone can say anything else Eddie chimes in.
“Speaking of superstitions, have you explained the grapes to them yet?”
“Not yet, I find it easier to do with the grapes.”
“Alright.” He nods but keeps speaking before you can explain it yourself, his attention going to the eyes looking his way. “You’re gonna eat twelve grapes at midnight to bring you good luck each month of next year. I’m not missing anything am I?” You’re in awe at how he remembered after you mentioned it once hours ago so all you can do is shake your head no, your lips parted slightly. Normally people would choose to forget about it because they didn’t find it important or they thought it was just some silly thing you did. 
“Now all of you just take twelve.” He hands the bowl to Max to start the passing around.
“Did you bring the grapes yourself or did Steve happen to have them in the fridge?” Dustin asks while taking the bowl from Lucas and counting out his grapes.
“I brought them, I really hope there’s enough for everyone though.” You go to look around the room at all the others to see if they got any but get distracted when Eddie places his warm hand on your bare knee.
“Don’t worry we handed everyone else some before I came over here. There should even be some left over after everyone has twelve.”
Everyone starts to trickle into the living room as it gets closer to midnight for the count down. With each pass of the bowl more and more enter the space and by the time it’s your turn to grab the grapes everyone is there. Eddie takes his grapes just as the countdown and ball drop starts on the screen.
“Will you be my New Year's eve kiss?” You rush out between fifty nine and fifty eight.
“What?” Eddie asks in response, confused at fifty seven.
“It’s a superstition I forgot to mention before, a kiss at midnight wards off a year of loneliness and I’ve never had one before. And I’m just so sick of having years of loneliness.” You explain it as simply as you can between fifty six and forty three.
“So do we eat the grapes before or after the kiss then?” Eddie tries to get it right before giving you an answer between forty two and thirty eight.
“Mom and dad always did it after the kiss but I’ve always just had the grapes so I’m not sure about the right way to do it. I’m pretty sure the two superstitions aren’t normally combined though.” You answer and think back on all the previous years you had watched your mom and dad do it between thirty seven and twenty six.
“Oh, okay.” It takes him a second to answer as he ponders it between twenty five and twenty. “I’ve never had the grapes and I don’t normally have a kiss so I can’t be of any help with this.” He continues on between nineteen and twelve.
“Eddie!” You get his attention back to you at eleven just before people around you start to chant down from ten. “Can I kiss you?” You ask again between ten and seven.
“Yeah, yeah of course.” He finally answers between six and four. You let out a relieved sigh at three and beam up at him at two. As everyone screams happy new year you’re connecting your lips to his own in quite possibly the sweetest kiss he’s ever had. It doesn’t last long before you’re pulling away to start popping grapes in your mouth. He follows your lead and makes sure you have a noisemaker in your hand once the grapes are gone because he remembered what you told him about evil spirits earlier.
You and Robin leave shortly after that since you wanted to be with your mom for a little bit to celebrate too but you make sure to give Eddie your number with a wink telling him to give you a call if he wanted to know more about your other superstitions.
Eddie Taglist(Closed): @sadbitchfangirl​​ @notbeforelong​​​ @munsonswhore86​​​ @navs-bhat​​ @emotionaldreamer​​ ​​​ @magicalchocolatecheesecake​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ ​​ @fangirling-4-ever​​  @gaysludge​​ @audhd-dragonaut​​ ​​ @eddiethesexy​​​ @mazerunnerrose​​ @tvserie-s-world​​ @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions​  @spacedoutdaydreamer​ @livslifeonline​ @mushroomelephant​ @hb8301​ @ginnupp​ @saramelaniemoon​ @kaylshunter​ @nojamsonmytoast​ @vintagehellfire​ @esoltis280​ @cole22ann @spikedhe4rt​ @let-love-bleeds-red​ @siriuslysmoking​ @ladybug0095​ @toobsessedsstuff​ @3rriberri​ @alana4610​ @gretavanfleas​ @sparkletash​ @herejustforjj​ @aactuaaltraash​ @gloryekaterina​ @quixscentsposts​ @wormm-mom​ @eddiemuns0nl0ver​ @spookyemorockbabe​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind​ @matchamunson​​ @bubsonnobx​​ @practicalghost​​ @katsukis1wife​ @crustyowos​ @yourfavdummy​ @protecteddiemunson4vr​
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Hey hey hey! This is just a part two to complete the Ask for: The Main LI reacting to an mc who serenades/sings them a love song.
These are a bit shorter, with only one style MC since I didn’t want to make it too long :,3 but I hope you still enjoy em!!
How The Li React To An MC Who Serenades/Sings Them A Love Song(P2)
Warnings: probably ooc, a lot of creative liberty, one small nearly suggestive comment—but that’s just imo, mean old ladies ):<
Notes: Gender neutral mc, fluff.
OKAY OKAY SO, you know that one photo of that guy playing for a bunch of kittens? This is what inspired this.
Early morning light washes down the murky streets of Eridia, you let out a small yawn, rubbing the remaining tiredness from your eyes.
“Do you really do this every patrol?” You ask Mhin, who strides beside you, a basket of food carried in their arms.
You found out about their little secret awhile ago, but this was the first time they allowed you to go with them.
They nod, shifting the basket to get a better grip. “If i don’t feed them, they’d be on their own. And unlike most people in this place, they deserve my help.”
You smile, tapping on the case holding your instrument. “Unlike most people? Does that mean I’m an exemption?”
Mhin pauses, cheeks going a pink that matches the rosy dawn. “I didn’t say that.”
“Aww, I knew you liked me.”
Mhin quickens their pace, leaving you behind in almost comical speed. Laughing, you make sure your instrument is secure before chasing after them.
The street gets more coated in grime as you follow them, until finally you stop at a certain alleyway. Your heart sinks at the sight, the knowledge that so many animals rest in such a place is enough for you to feel a crush of sympathy. Mhin crouches down, setting the basket of food on the street.
You follow their example, making yourself smaller as you gently place down your case, unlatching the lid. Eventually, cats slowly emerge from their spots of shadow, sniffing at Mhin’s offered hand before the hunter reaches inside the basket, gathering the food. They spread it out evenly, giving each cat the same amount.
A few cats dubiously regard you, hissing when you hesitantly reach out a hand. “Give them time, they’ll find you trustworthy once they get comfortable with you being here.” Mhin advises, a slender hand petting a sleek black cat.
You chuckle lightly, “Almost like someone else I know.”
They furrow a brow in confusion for a moment before scoffing, looking away as a paint of pink crosses their cheeks.
As the cats continue to eat, you get out your instrument, finding a clean enough spot to settle as you tune it. Once you play a few notes, a few small heads pop up from their food, curious eyes sticking to the sound.
When you play an actual song, fluffy balls of fur wander near your feet—kittens. You try out the song you’ve been writing—a song for Mhin. It was meant to be a surprise, and for a different occasion—but as you watch Mhin’s face slowly register the lyrics, matching the descriptions to themself, it was worth playing it now.
Also Mhin’s definitely in love with you now. I don’t know how anyone wouldn’t be after watching you play for kittens.
Okay but can we take this moment to appreciate how cute Mhin is? Like they’re so cool but also so cute and I just GAHHHHHHH
Okay okay okay okay now unto Vere
Vere—oh vere oh vere. Alright- he’s probably gonna be rlly outta character because he’s so flirty and I don’t know how to even come up with flirts 😭 so UHM
I will try my best, but forgive me if I fail you
(I also took creative liberty here because like—I know he hinted at having ‘shows’ in the game but idk what they actually ARE— and in this you trash one before Vere has to go so you can spend time with him—idk if you could actually do that—but for this snippet, you can)
You finally manage to spot Vere in the crowd of the Wet Wick—he’s been coming more often ever since you’ve gotten closer. You can’t keep from feeling utterly smug over it. You’re a little out of breath from your…recent adventure. But it was worth it, you’ve been planning this ‘date’ for ages now. And with Vere’s busy schedule, you had no choice but to er…intervene.
You left no traces that you were the one responsible anyway, you’re fine.
Fixing up your hair and dusting off your clothes, you make your way toward Vere, his ears twitching in your direction—and by the subtle pout to his lips you’re guessing he knew you were arriving before you even entered—and he’s upset. Aww, poor little horny Fox man.
You settle next to where he sits, propping your chin on your palms as you bat your pretty lashes at him. He’s not impressed. “Where have you been?” He whispers harshly, eyes roaming over your figure. Eyes squinting as he then sniffs the air, catching a scent on your clothes. His expression sours, and before he can ask any questions, you leap to your feet.
“Nuh uh uh, questions can be for later. I’ve got something for you—“ you glance around at the tavern, mostly for dramatic effect. “—It’s a secret. Follow me.”
You stride out of the tavern, Vere—hopefully at your tail.
He probably would’ve stayed out of spite, but maybe he knew I was writing this snippet and have to make this short—and out of ooc mercy—he did indeed follow you outside the tavern and out into the winding alleyways.
As you walk, Vere gives you another searching look. “Make this quick, I have a show—“
“What show?” You blink innocently at him, and a small smirk slowly lifts his lips.
He definitely knows that look. “What have you been up to?” Another question, but now in an utterly different tone.
“Oh you know, been there and there. Doing this and that. The point is, don’t you want to know what I got you?”
Vere lifts a finger, tapping on his chin as he lightly hums. “Better be something good. That way I may just forgive you for making me wait so long.”
“Aww, you were waiting for me?”
His eyes darken into a glare and you chuckle. “Sorry, sorry. Here—“ you stop at a shadowed area around a cliffside, where you had set up a table with a one dancing flame on a tall candle, and a jar of bloody red roses that reminded you of Vere’s hair.
He regards the scene with at first, a bit of shock, before his eyes glimmer with amusement. “Ah, is this a date? Or a lovely place for you to relax after you push me off the cliff?”
Snickering, you make your way to the table, gesturing for him to sit. “Do you want to find out?”
Watching you carefully, Vere sits, and you begin the very worth it plan you had been scheming.
Thankfully, you never throw Vere off the cliff—not tonight at least. Instead, you treat him to a lovely dinner, before shocking him for the second time by proceeding to serenade him with a love song you had found was his favorite. (vere has a favorite love song?? In this snippet he does 😇)
He tried to make fun of you, but he has to suck it because you’re TOO DANG good at singing for him to come up with any teases. And now he has you sing for him every night you get to spend together. You sing for him while he brushes his tail, while he does skincare, and while he naps cuddled to your side.
Soft vere headcanon is my favorite <3 even though it’s probably way off.
Now unto the last— *sniffle sniffle* Kuras 😭 the way I love this man is probably unhealthy
You’re in the streets of the Amaryllis district, instrument case open and at your feet while you tune. You’re hoping to somehow make some money with your voice and musical skill, instead of doing something like Soulless hunting—or whatever job you may find hidden in the mysterious city.
It’s a flimsy hope, but it’s worth a shot. You first tried out Lowtown, propping yourself by the closest walls and singing the songs that you already knew were crowd pleasers—long story short…they didn’t please -that- crowd.
So now you’re here, giving it another go. The clouds are deep blue with restrained thunder and rain, making you a little nervous before you remember that’s just how weather is like here. Sometimes the clouds just warned of a storm, without actually following through.
You start with your first song, your voice coming out a tad shakier than preferable, anxiety tickling your throat. But you carry on, lyrics lifting in strength as you get comfortable.
Eyes sometimes glance your way, some offering you a pity pause in their steps before strutting off. Disinterested. Others send you annoyed glares, scoffs that make you feel a sting of irritation.
What are they scoffing at? What, have they not heard music before?
An old woman with smoke crawling around her meaty neck stops in her tracks as her watery gaze falls on you—smiling crudely when you cough, putting an erupt end to your performance. “Take a tip from me dear, people don’t pay to only listen to music here. If you want a good coin in your purse, you’ve got to—“
“My apologies, grandma, but I don’t need your tip—unless you’re planning to put one here.” You bump your instrument case with your shoe.
The old woman’s face instantly scowls, a dark whirl of smoke matching the angry clouds above. “Take your shitty show somewhere else, pigeon, if you know what’s good for you.”
With that, the old woman struts away, coughing in her own smoke.
Definitely more annoyed now, you reach down to slam your case shut. “Sparrow, now pigeon, why does everyone insist on calling me some kind of bird?” Before you can close the case, a slender finger plops a bright golden coin into the center. A wave of warmth grazing your cheeks.
Craning your neck, your eyes meet those of pure shining gold. Kuras is crouched in front of you—while still managing to be tall as frick. His lips lift in a small smile. “I hope you aren’t planning to cancel your show so early.”
You blink, instantly getting back to you feet, leaving the case open. “Kuras! Hi! I…hope you didn’t see that.”
His eyes slide to where the old lady walked off, a displeased frown wandering onto his mouth. “Unfortunately, I did.”
You cringe, fiddling with your instrument. “She might be right. No one’s even really paid me attention—I doubt they’ll offer anything more.”
Kuras lightly shakes his head. “Don’t give up on yourself so easily. Many might not appreciate music on the street…” his eyes find yours again, his smile warming your chest. “But I do. Please, continue.”
Feeling both confident and shy under his gaze, you nod before clearing your throat. As you sing, you find yourself replaying a love song you would only mutter to yourself.
It takes you a while to notice that it has started raining. But not on either of you—instead, gentle rays of light cover your heads. Keeping you warm in the midst of otherwise cold rain.
Oh, and by the way, the old lady got utterly drenched. Hah, take that grandma.
Ty again for the person who asked for this, I had a lot of fun 😭 and I hope you did too! Ty for reading!!
I hope you have an amazing night/day, win at a card game, find the perfect video to watch while you eat, and love yourself 🫶
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upthewitchypunx · 6 months
You all seemed very confused about my last post, trust me, I'm just as confused about the casting a spell that binds someone's sexuality, but I guess that's where we are.
Look, I try to be a compassionate person, but sometimes when you reconnect with someone who was close to you over 20 years ago and invite them to live in your home it doesn't always go well.
I don't like talking about other people's stories, especially online, but this has affected our life and our home and brought chaos into our space. So, this is my story.
This old friend seems to have it together, paid rent early and had a job lined up before they got here. It seemed they were having a bit of trouble adjusting. After a few months it was clear they were going through a mental health thing for the 3rd time in 2 months and making wild accusations and doing hurtful things like smoking cigarettes and massive amounts of weed when they know they have a lung problem and abandoning cats with no food or water or not paying all their rent or giving 30 days notice before they leave town, you just have to cut ties.
This was the last straw. The one before was 2 weeks ago when I was accused of thinking they wanted to use magic to steal my partner and that somehow because I knew stuff they didn't I was making them feel bad about it and that they think I think they just want to steal all my ideas.
I was compassionate. I stayed calm. I said I was confused, asked if she was okay. A few days later she came down crying to apologize, said she wasn't okay. We talked. I told her about the Oregon Health Plan and how she could get some help. She seemed grateful and she did and had an appointment lined up.
Then last week we left for Astoria for a night and she was there at 4 pm to bring a package in but by 1pm the next day when we got home most of her things were gone except furniture that wouldn't fit in her car. We didn't really notice the things gone at first and thought maybe she had gone on a little trip because the cats were still here so we fed them and got them water, then messaged her after a few days. She claims she had a medical issue and called an ambulance. Then her family came here and towed her home. The time line doesn't make sense. Her family is a 12 hour drive away. How long was she in the hospital? How long did it take to pack her car? Why did she leave the cats? Why didn't she tell us on her own about the medical emergency?
I'm a pretty forgiving person, especially if the person is honest and isn't trying to take advantage of me. It often bites me in the ass, but at least I know I can sleep at night and treat people to my own ethical standard until I hit a point.
Last night we got more confusing messages declaring we actually wanted her cats all along and the whole binding her sexuality thing. We decided that it wasn't worth putting effort into this relationship, she's with her family now, we aren't getting blood from a stone, and that we had done as much as we could, calmly said we were confused and hurt and will find new homes for the cats, and blocked her.
I don't usually air someone's personal issues online, but this is someone you will never know, they probably won't see this, I don't really care if they do, and this is my blog and this is an incredibly frustrating, emotionally laborious, and financially unexpected experience we are going through right now and I just need to vent.
I've already contacted a cat rescue about the cute nice cat and the hissing mean cat that won't come out of the closet. Now I need to get rid of a brand new IKEA bed frame, a couch, a big clothing rack, 2 poorly constructed book shelves, a TV, a bunch of clothes and shoes, a record player that doesn't work, a giant stack of new age books, and a bunch of other random shit.
Oh, and cleanse the house of that nonsense before finding a new housemate, which a friend of a friend is interested in.
All of this while we are working to make the shop on the first floor browsable.
Please do not make disparaging comments about someone who is seriously going through something. I don't need to hear it. It won't be helpful or have a point. I'm not mad, just annoyed and wishing people had better communication.
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