#i feel like everyone gets... summoned to read great expectations
granhairdo · 7 months
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my classic lit ranking
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aerkame · 1 year
Can we get a Wally x reader neighbor who has a secret identity of a supervillain?
You got it! I kind of wanted to experiment with this one a bit to get a good idea on how to write different characters. Some villains remind me of people that really only need love or family in their life. (This does not take place in the Alive AU, or previously created AUs) Also I hope you don't mind this having multiple parts with multiple characters x reader? It just seems like such a fun idea!
And just a reminder since some people PM me a lot on this, the Welcome Home archive is updated each time I post a fic or request so you can check there if you missed something or if you are wanting to re-read a fic, way better than just scrolling around looking for it! :) Welcome Home Archive
Laughter echoed throughout the house you resided in, having just completed yet another devious plan of yours. Well, devious isn't exactly what most would call them, just very annoying or petty really.
A part of you did feel some guilt when you ruined the picnic everyone had planned that day though, using your new and improved weather device to summon up a storm. They all looked genuinely upset this time. Frank actually yelled at you with Eddie having to hold him back, something he's never really done before while everyone scattered to get their belongings.
Everyone looked so disappointed in you, even the motherly figure of Poppy looked at you with a saddened expression. It did sting a bit to see that. Maybe it was something special that was going on? Whatever. It was none of your business anyways...you didn't care, you were just glad you had the mask on still.
The thrill of successfully pulling off that plan soon dwindled down to a quiet sniffle, having stopped yourself from crying again...something you found yourself doing a lot of when you were alone in the house. You wish you could be friends with them too, it just felt like you didn't belong here sometimes though so you never approached any of the neighbors much unless you needed to get something or if a neighbor needed help. Of course you could just be a menace and not help at all and plot all day everyday. However, you preferred to keep your villainous self a secret and enjoy the small moments of kindness this place had to offer. Besides, your plots weren't that bad really, right?
Stars you were so lonely and hopelessly confused about your purpose here. Some days it felt great to be mean and some days, like today, you felt awful.
Deciding you needed to quit moping around, you made your way to the bathroom to dress up in your normal clothing and to wipe away any evidence of crying, only to jump back upon seeing a flash of eyes in the mirror. You blinked a few times no longer seeing them...this happened so often you think you're starting to get used to it, perhaps you were just imagining things when you got stressed. You continued with dressing and wiping your face dry, the last thing you needed was someone bringing too much attention to you. Besides, you still had to get some groceries from Howdy's today.
It was still heavily raining by the time you made it into Howdy's shop, you didn't mind though. Rain is what brought you comfort in this world, it was the only thing familiar to you having always let the water soak you and smelling the deep earthy smells that came with the cool air.
Hearing the small chime of the bell, Howdy made his way downstairs to get behind the counter expecting one of his friendly neighbors. Instead he found the welcome mat completely soaked under your shoes with mud trailing inside...oh dear, that was going to be a hassle to clean up.
You looked behind you at the floor upon seeing the small strain on the caterpillar's smile. "Oh...sorry about that, I can clean it up." your voice trailed into a mumble. You didn't feel like being mean in public and what happened earlier was already making you feel guilty. Really, you have never once seen everyone that upset before. You recall Wally staring, no, glaring with a stretched smile right at you before you ran off. A shudder ran through your body, both from the cold and recent memory. Howdy gave you a look before rounding the corner into his office.
"That's quite alright with me! If anything I'll take you cleaning up my shop as payment for today." You could hear Howdy's voice trail further into the office as you watched him come back out with something in one of his hands. It looked like a large cloth?
The caterpillar unfolded the cloth and came over to where you were standing, draping the soft blanket over your shoulders. One hand gave your head a pat. "So, I guess you're here for your usual right?" The hand on your head stayed. It felt nice.
"Yeah" You pulled the blanket into you. "Thanks for this..."
You know what? Nah, I'm making this into chapters I love this too much, there needs to be more.
Next chapter: Frank has been keeping track of the villain's actions and daily routine, more than you yourself have and he's more than willing to let Wally know who he thinks it is that's been causing trouble.
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seilahscopium · 11 months
Gojo Satoru Dating Head cannons
♡ I grant a wish for whoever summons me and take one thing as a payment ♡
✧in the mornings, Gojo holds you close to his chest because he doesn't want to get up yet. he'll beg and beg for just 5 more minutes!! which becomes another 45 minutes laying in bed together
✧he usually does this when he has to go to work, so you have to pull him out of bed. he'll really appreciate it if you keep him company while he gets ready
✧Gojo can't cook anything fancy. the best he can do is quick meals like heating up macaroni in the microwave or something simple. This is because whenever he eats he usually goes to fancy restaurants or just eats out.
✧he rarely uses his own house before dating you. he's usually out and about on trips and missions and never had any motivation to go to his house
✧he would love eating your cooking. it'd be delicious to him. eating something you made for breakfast would be a great way to start his day
✧when Gojo does manage to leave the house and goes to work he's texting you during boring meetings and sending many pictures of the stuff he sees. whether its something that reminds him of you or just to keep you posted, he's blowing up your phone
✧expect to get a photo of Megumi with a hand over his face and blood creeping down from his head with a caption that says 'Helping out my students when they're in danger I'm amazing right?? :))'
✧oh yeah he definitely gets you souvenirs!! snacks, decoration for the living room, a charm from him to you, etc.
✧you never feel unloved or forgotten by him
✧not to mention, when he is around his co-workers and students they know about you. because he talks about you. all the time. he doesn't realize it but he finds a way to bring you up in the conversation at least once
✧you have your own little room in his mind<3
✧when he gets back from work he would love to go on a date with you
✧Gojo likes going on dates that require going out into the city. he just likes being able to stretch his legs and explore with you by his side
✧Gojo loves PDA!! he'll hold your hand, have you sit on his lap, and lean down to give your shoulder a kiss
✧he doesn't care what other people think. only you two exist in his bubble more than half the time so why should he care what a bunch of nobodys think
✧he especially enjoys fancy dinner dates because he gets to see you in these gorgeous dresses that show off your hips and chest and that nice smooth back of yours-
✧hes eye fucking you at dinner dates I'm sorry.
✧he would even buy dresses for the dates because he wants you to dress up for him
✧hes doesn't get jealous if people are eyeing you. he trusts you and is confident in his place in your heart. and he knows for a fact all those guys can't love you as well as he can, they're not even worth his time and energy
✧ it's just that he is possessive.
✧ you wear a promise ring on your finger. you have a necklace that has a heart locket and when you open it it has his initials on the inside. and not to mention all the hickeys that he gives you in places that everyone will see
✧he'll do dumb things to impress you or make you laugh because he loves seeing your smile and having you praise him :((
✧when you two are relaxing at home after going out together, he'll rest his head on your thighs while he slowly talks about things running around in his brain that may be bothering him
✧and I can not stress enough that when Gojo vents to you, make sure you give him actual feedback and things. he needs to be reassured and wants your opinion, so please be equally communicative with him
✧communication in general is really important to Gojo. if something is going on then talk to him about it, he will listen and help you. it doesn't bother him at all, he wants to know what's going on in your head
✧before going to sleep he likes laying with you in bed while you read a book and play with his hair. he likes talking with you about the day before you fall asleep as well.
✧he never ever forgets to say 'I love you' before falling asleep. I imagine him giving your neck a kiss and saying he loves you before falling asleep
✧and yes. Gojo is the big spoon. but he'll absolutely melt if you rub his knuckles with your hands when they're wrapped around you
✧Gojo secretly wants to be babied. like yes, he takes care of everything for you both. but do little things for him like giving him a hug from behind, playing with his hair, or just holding his hand. he'll feel happy with that
✧he will never say it upfront that he wants to be babied. so you have to just do it without him asking
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 11)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Reference to a Panic Attack and Spoilers for The Cruel Prince.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.0K
Summary: Halloween, the best holiday of the year is meant to be spent with the people you love.
A/N: Definitely not me adding in the KitKat part because I just went on a road trip in the US and my Canadian self was disappointed with the KitKat.
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Friday night, Y/N finally has her first book club meeting. Rafe sits beside her with one hand on her thigh and the other holding his book. “I like how confident Jude’s character is. She is so badass,” Rafe inputs into the conversation. When the other members of the club found out Rafe is a part of it, it is safe to say they were shocked at the revelation and didn’t expect him to actually read the book. But ever since Rafe and Y/N started reading together every night, he has actually gotten through a few books. If they weren’t sleeping in bed together, they’d FaceTime each other and just bathe in the knowledge that the other was a shout away. For the book for the club, they would often take turns reading to each other. “Yass, she is an absolute queen. Like becoming a spy was so awesome,” Kate adds. The conversation continues until the hour is up and everyone has gone home. Y/N is getting herself a snack when she feels Rafe drop his chin onto her shoulder. He gives her a gentle kiss, “I think we should dress as Jude and Cardan for Halloween. You can put your hair up in horns and wear a dress. I can put on one of those flowy shirts that are like a pirate shirt. You’d love it.”
“That’s a great idea, we can go into town now to see what we can get. Ooh, but we should look at fan art first,” Y/N rattles, completely abandoning her snack to go check her phone. Rafe smiles as he sees the excitement on her face. She shows him multiple different pictures and he gives her his thoughts about it. Before he knows it, they are going into town to see what they could find. 
Halloween is Y/N’s favourite holiday. The idea of being able to pretend to be whoever one wants is appealing to her. This Halloween is especially exciting for her because Rafe actually wants to do a couples costume with her. Rafe is throwing a Halloween bash in honour of the holiday and she knows he is going all out just for her. He had her help him pick out a multitude of decorations, drinks and candies. She is trying to follow the video to make the horns with her hair for the costume, but she quickly grows frustrated with the task. “Ugh,” she lets out very loudly. This summons Rafe into the bathroom from the adjoining bedroom, “What’s wrong, my rose?” “This video is literally the hardest thing I have ever done,” she complains to her boyfriend. Rafe gives her a wicked smile and approaches her, “Here let me try.” 
He begins to work on her hair and she watches, shocked that he is able to do it without even having to watch the video. He can see her questioning gaze through the mirror, “I’ve been practicing how to do it with my sisters’ help. It took a lot of hair-pulling and arguing, but we were eventually able to nail it.” She feels a rush of heat spread across her neck at the effort Rafe is going through to make their first Halloween together perfect. She never asked him to do any of this, but he went out of his way to make the environment comfortable for her. “Thank you,” she whispers once he is done with her hair, turning to give a kiss on his exposed collarbone in the pirate shirt. He has yet to put on the crown or feather cape they had custom-made based on the fanart they saw. “You’re welcome. Could you help me put on a little eyeliner, please? It seems like something Cardan would do,” Rafe replies, reaching into her makeup bag to bring out the eyeliner. 
She gives a small nod of her head and pats the counter for him to sit on top of. He does as instructed and they both laugh as they realize it made him too tall. Y/N motions over to the toilet for him to sit on. Once he is seated, she brings his head into her hand and starts to apply the eyeliner. He starts to squirm in her hand, making it harder for her to do what she needs to. “Cameron, stop moving,” she chastises, holding onto his head harder. He shakes his head a little, “I can’t. It tickles. 
“Well if you don’t, then it will be all smudged.” 
“Ughh, okay.”
“Rafe Jacob Cameron! Stay still. I’ll give you a kiss if you do.”
“Okay, fine.”
She finishes doing his eyeliner and goes to apply her own lipstick. Rafe is quick to press a kiss onto her lips, smudging her lipstick and imprinting some of it onto his lips. She giggles at the messy lipstick on her boyfriend's lips. She moves from between his legs and goes to get a wet cloth to wipe his lips. “Now, let me get you your crown,” she says, walking over to where it sits in his dress and placing it on his head. Rafe smiles up at her and relishes in the kiss she places on his forehead, “This kinda reminds me of the coronation scene from the book.” 
“Yeah, it kinda does feel like that with you being shorter than me right now. We should’ve gotten Mason to be Oak. Then we can recreate the whole scene.”
“Maybe, but I like this being just an us thing to do.”
“True. I just worry he feels left out sometimes.”
“It’s okay, we can include him when we do family costumes with our kids.”
“When we have kids? You seem to have our future figured out for us, don’t you?”
“I absolutely do. I was thinking you’d probably want to move out to England after you finish at Oxford, which I would definitely follow you to once I finish school. We would have four kids because I know you like the even number and you like the idea of kids always having a playmate. Of course, Sparky would move with us. And the house would definitely need a bay window for you.”
“That’s quite the plan you have. You’d really move to England for me?”
“I’d move to the end of the world for you. You are my forever.”
“You are my forever too.”
But a small part of Y/N can’t help but feel guilty about the idea of making Rafe move. Ever since she overheard Ward talking about the distance, she can’t stop worrying about their future. She knows he always planned to take over his dad’s company after he finished school and she didn’t want to be the reason why he didn’t realize that dream. She knows it’s what he wants to do to make his dad proud. She doesn’t even know what Rafe would do in England with her. It would also mean that they would have four years of being apart before they could be together again and she isn’t sure how she could handle that. Not wanting to think any deeper about it, she snaps out of her spiral and leads him downstairs to get ready for the party. 
Lacey and Mason arrive earlier to help set up for the party; the former with booze in hand and the latter with candy. Lacey is dressed as a chef, true to her future career choice and Mason as a handyman. “So what are you guys supposed to be? Pirate prince with pointy ears and a hot badass knife girl,” Lacey asks with a questioning brow, setting the box of beer cans on the counter. Y/N shakes her head at her best friend’s teasing, “Nooo, I’m Jude Duarte and Cameron is Cardan Greenbriar from The Cruel Prince. Silly.” “Ahh, so it’s a couples costume. Cute,” Mason adds, organizing the candy he brought.
The party is in full swing now. Music blaring, people screaming, bodies moving and Y/N is getting nervous. She is lost in a sea of people, getting pushed from every side. At a certain point, she couldn’t keep up with the crowd and tripped onto the ground. She curls into a ball to protect her head and heart. She begins to cry and feels as though her chest is tightening. Lacey had seen what had happened to her best friend and immediately shoves her way through the crowd to help. “Come on, it’s okay. I’ve got you,” Lacey picks her up and brings her to Rafe’s room. Lacey sits Y/N on the bed, “Tell me five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell and one you can taste.” “The… The…” Y/N is so frazzled she can’t concentrate on the relaxing technique Lacey suggests. 
Rafe finds the girls in his room after searching everywhere for his rose. He starts piecing the pieces together as to what happened when he sees the pair and rushes to her side. “I’m sorry we got separated, I’m here now. Let’s do some butterfly taps and take some deep breaths in and out for me, my rose,” he advises with his hands rubbing the sides of her hips. He helps her place her hands in a cross on her chest. She copies Rafe’s breathing and begins to tap her collarbones, alternating between the left and right. The other two immediately notice her breathing start to slow down and her shoulders aren’t as tensed. He places a kiss on her forehead now that her breathing is finally steady, “There we go. You’ve got this.” He continues to whisper hushed encouragement to her.
Lacey can’t help but feel jealous at the sight in front of her. She used to be able to help Y/N calm down from a panic attack. Definitely not as fast though. However, she can’t help but feel happy that her best friend has found someone who understands how she works so much. She takes this as her opportunity to slip out of the room and go back to check on the partiers for Rafe, making a mental note to check on Y/N later.
 Oppositely, Rafe is feeling more confident in himself. He thought back to what his father said about knowing sooner rather than later that he couldn’t reassure her. This proves Ward is wrong. Rafe was able to assess the situation without being told what happened and help Y/N through it. He remembered what Y/N said about her panic attacks and jumped into action. He figures the party and getting lost in the crowd are probably the reason for her panic attack. “Wanna ditch the party and see if the pharmacy is already serving discounted chocolate and candies? We can head to the beach and eat it there while watching the waves,” he offers as soon as her breathing has steadied and she moves her hands into his. 
“But what about your party? You and Mason have to stop shutting down your parties before even ten just for me. You’ll both start having a bad reputation.”
“I couldn’t care less about what people think as long as the people I love are safe and healthy. But I was thinking of just letting Mason watch over everything.” 
“I would love to go get candy, but maybe we can go later. I think it would be more fun to go trick or treating. I mean we are in costume.”
Rafe chuckles at her childishness, “Really?! I mean, I don’t object to the idea, but you really think people will give us candy?” 
“Yeah! Not to brag, but everyone on this island loves me.” 
“That’s very true. Come on, let’s go get some clean pillowcases.”
Rafe secures two pillowcases for the pair and sends a quick text to Mason to keep an eye on things for him. Mason replies back quickly saying that he will and asks if Y/N wanted him to come check on her. Rafe answers by telling him she has now calmed down and wishes to go trick or treating. Y/N is excited about going out, but she isn’t sure how to feel entirely about it. She definitely noticed how Rafe would shut down his parties early and forgo going to other parties ever since they started dating. The girl would insist on him going without her or offer to go for an hour or two; however, he would always resist her pleas. She doesn’t want to change his personality, even though he says it is okay. At this moment though, Y/N could not be more glad that he is seriously okay with the idea of going out to get some candy. 
The houses on the Kook side of the Island often give out the best candy and it often becomes a competition between the houses. Halloween is the one time a year in which the Kooks do not care if the Pogues are on their property and most Pogues would dare to approach the rich side. Kooks welcome as many people to their houses to prove they offer the best treat with the number of guests coming at their door. Y/N remembers the excitement that would pass around in elementary school as the students would brag about the candies their parents bought. She and Rafe run up the driveway of a house while holding hands giggling like schoolchildren. They arrive at their first house of the night. After going through the trick-or-treating ritual, Y/N reaches into their bag to see what they got as they walk back to the road. Her eyes shine at the red wrapper in her hands. “What is it?” Rafe questions the girl. 
“It’s a Canadian KitKat! Yes, I love these.”
“What’s so special about a Canadian KitKat? We have these in America.”
“The Canadian one isn’t as sweet and it doesn’t leave that weird aftertaste. The chocolate taste much better. I had some when we went up to Canada for my mom’s book tour last summer. Here, try some.”
She quickly opens the package, breaks off a piece of the chocolate and shoves it into his mouth. Rafe’s eyes widen in surprise and he eats the chocolate bar, “Hmm, this is good. Why don’t ours taste like this?” 
“In Canada, KitKat is owned by Nestle and here, it’s owned by Hershey’s.” 
“I see. Well, next time I go to America, I’m going to pack a suitcase full of these for you.”
She looks at him with a huge smile on her face. The pair go to a few more houses and the next house on the street is quite dark. As they approach the house, a little girl dressed as Barbie is walking beside them. Rafe gives her a small smile and a wave. They make their way to the front door to see a duo of teens standing in front of a candy bowl with a please take one sign on a table. The teenage boys laugh as they take the whole bowl of candy without leaving one, even though they saw the little girl. The boys run past the trio without a care in the world. Little Barbie looks at the candy bowl with sad eyes and before Y/N can even do anything, Rafe is handing over his candy bag to her. Her eyes light up and she yells a thank you, running back to her mother at the end of the driveway. The mother waves her hand in thanks to Rafe’s sweet gesture. 
Y/N looks at her boyfriend in awe, “That was so sweet. But now you have no candy. How about we stop by the pharmacy for discount candy and head to the beach?” Rafe nods at the offer and leads her back to where he parked his car. 
She is examining the box of candy in front of her when he pops up behind her, wearing Jason’s mask from Friday the 13th. She jumps, startled at his sudden appearance in the strange mask. She gives him a light hit on his bicep and a frown. “Cameron, You scared me! Don’t do that,” Y/N reprimands her partner. Rafe laughs and wraps his arms around her shoulders, “I’m sorry, my rose. I was only playing. I love you.” He kisses her cheeks in hopes to soothe her anger. She shakes her head at him. “Ugh, I guess I love you too. Come on, let’s head to the beach.” 
They head down to the beach with the bag of candy in hand and a blanket wrapped around both of their shoulders. The duo sets themselves a few feet away from the water. The sound of the waves hitting the sand is the only noise that can be heard on the beach. Y/N rests her head on his shoulder and begins to eat the candy they acquired, Rafe looks down at the girl with a grin on his face. She looks more serene than she did at the party and he loves the way she is watching the waves in wonder. 
His life plan was always to go to UNC, graduate, come back home, and work for his father. It was engraved in his mind in his very first memory of his father. It had been their plan and Rafe never questioned it because he thought it was the best path to pleasing his father. He may have known Y/N for more than one-third of his life, but the plan never changed just from knowing her since he never thought he had a chance with her and he just suppressed his feeling for her. But, now, she is his girlfriend and they have a future together. This makes him question everything he thought he wanted for his future. Now, all that mattered to him is her being in the picture and if that meant going off to England with her then he is going to make damn sure he is by her side every step of the way. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @terraeluce @f4ll-for-you @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist
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bluerosefox · 5 months
[2023 Prompt List 1][Previous] [2023 Prompt List 2][Previous] [2023 Prompt List 3][Here] |Ghost Marriage Allows More Than One! (A TimxBernardxDanny Vegas Marriage idea) (Tim wakes up to a chest that doesn’t belong to his boyfriend... and finds out he’s married to that stranger... and so is Bernard it seems... GHOST MARRIAGE IS A THING APPARENTLY!) |Of Tiny Tots, Mistaken Identities, and Reunions (Deaged Danielle (Ellie) and Dad!Danny and Twins Danny and Damian AU) |Test Tube Babies, Spleens, and Fruitloop Father?! NOPE. No thanks. (Reborn little Danny and Danielle (Danyal and Helen). RR and Ra’s are the donors. and returning a certain spleen) |Courting Chaos (to Balance) ( KlarionxDanny)( Klarion falls head over heels and decides to kidnap the only person he knows whose dating and how to woo people in the modern age for dating advice... Only he does it in front of the JL. Poor RR.) |Curiosity and Puzzle Boxes (Tiny Tim is curious when he’s left home alone and his parents send a rather interesting puzzle box from their dig. Danny wants to know whose suppose to be watching this kid when he’s summoned.) |Tim in Infinite Realms (Feeling like Alice tbh) (Tim lands in the Infinite Realms due to coughBartandKoncough a mission. He now has to find his way home) (read the reblogs for feral gremlin menace Tim, its great) |Summoning the Summoner (Long lost/or twins Danny and Damian)(Ghost King Danny is annoyed with being summoned, and when given the chance reverse it he takes the chance. He wasn’t expecting for the ‘summoner’ to have his face. Damian, as he was to be sacrificed by a cult, wasn’t expecting the all powerful ‘Ghost King’ to share his face either) |A Sibling Sacrifice (A Justice League meeting is interrupted and what is implied doesn’t sound good) [Ghost Prince Danny, Deaged Danielle] |The Drakes [Dead Tired] (Ra’s kidnaps the Bats, and their missing Red Robin’s hidden family for the last few years) [Ft. Toddler Ellie] |A Fair Warning (Joker was warned... He should had taken it seriously and let the Fenton girls go when he had a chance) |Rioting Jasmine Flowers and Dead Robins [Anger Management] [Warning mentions character deaths and other things][ Dark!Jazz and Crime Lord!Jason] |Danny “I know a Guy"™ (Danny works with the JL.... as an engineer that is, but he does become the ‘I know a Guy’ person everyone goes to when they need something impossible) |Mysterious Relations AU (Danielle sneaks into Wayne Manor after getting some odd looks from Gothamites and commenting on how she looks like Martha Wayne. She precedes to troll text Danny the Wayne painting not noticing the elder gentlemen behind her
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humongouscatfan · 2 years
could i get some yandere alicent x lady-in-waiting hcs?  👀 
Who am I to ever deny any asks for our lesbian queen?
You come into her Majesty's service shortly after Alicent wed Viserys.
The royal life is harder than she ever expected. Rhaenyra stills refuses to as much as hold a conversation with her and while she cares for her husband, she does not love him as a wife should love a husband.
That's when you come in.
In the darkness, you are her sole light and she clings to you. Your warmth, your kindness soothe her fears. You are the only person that gets to see her true, blinding smile anymore.
You two spend almost every moment of every day together. You have picnics beneath the heart tree, read together and go on walks through the gardens.
During the birth of Aegon, Alicent demands that you be in the room with her. You hold her hand through the whole thing and you are the second person that gets to hold the newborn prince.
After that the two of you only grow closer. Aegon begins calling you both mom. At first, you are worried Alicent might take offence, but her response is one of absolute delightment.
Sadly, not everyone in court shares that opinion.
Soon you are very aware of the other ladies in waiting gazing upon you with envy. They are jealous that you are the one who gets the Queen's favor and attention.
Alicent urges you to pay no mind to them. They don't matter. You are her only real friend.
Friend. She uses that word very often to describe your relationship. She speaks it with near reverence.
You know how devout to the Seven your Queen is. She often invites you to pray with her. So you keep your true feelings locked down to perserve your friendship.
Still, sometimes it is difficult. Especially at night, when Alicent summons you in her chambers to keep her company. You watch her in her dark red robes as she sips on her wine. Her eyes meet yours and there is a spark of something in them. You want nothing more than to press your mouth against the lushness of her lips.
But then there is a knock on the door as Viserys summons her, reminding you the impossibility of your situation.
Everything changes when one of the other ladies of the court accuses you of performing witch craft to bewitch her Majesty. Those accusations are vile and foolish, but the repercussions could be great at even the implication.
You try and hide it from Alicent. She already has enough troubles with Rhaenyra still avoiding her and her father pushing for Aegon's claim.
Regardless, she finds out somehow. That morning, when you come for tea, you do not expect to see such fire in her eyes.
She asks you why you hid this from her. You have never heard her so cold and harsh. Your voice trembles as you explain.
Her gaze softens at your nervousness. Before you can react, her hand cups your cheek and she pulls you closer, sealing your lips with a kiss.
Your mind goes blank. Nothing exists except for her taste, her scent, the feeling of her body against yours. She tastes like honey and smells of roses and mint. You wonder for a moment if you are dreaming but then she sucks onto your bottom lip ever so softly and you feel a tinge of pain, reassuring you this is real.
"You will never leave me," she whispers against your lips "Promise me."
At this moment, she could ask you to burn the entirety of Westeros for her and you would.
"I won't," you promise.
"No one will take you from me," her voice is a little harsher now and when she pulls you back in, the kiss is much more demanding, hungry.
The next day, the lady who accused you is gone. You ask around but can't find anything about her. When you bring it up to Alicent, she does not seem bothered at all.
"One less person to distract you, my love. Come to me. I want to braid your hair," she responds sweetly.
If you two were close before, now the proximity is suffocating. Alicent requests you stay in her chamber every night. She feels lonely without you. You pray together, eat together, sleep together. After her fall out with Rhaenyra, she is always gifting you green dresses and jewelry, often matching her outfits with yours.
When you suggest that you want to visit your family, Alicent says she will begin preparations instantly for both of you to go.
But when you actually get there, her mood seems to dull. When you ask her what is wrong, she sighs.
"I don't think these people are good for you," she says "They are taking advantage of your kindness. They don't deserve you."
"They are my family," you argue.
"Would I ever lie to you?"
At the very suggestion that you may be betrothed, Alicent shatters. She grasps your hand and refuses to let go.
"You promised me. I need you. Our children need you," she pleads while you soothe her, insisting you will keep your promise.
As time goes on, you find yourself more and more isolated. Alicent is always around and when she is not, one of the kids is running around, keeping you on your feet.
On the tragic night when Aemond loses his eye, you stand by Alicent. This is the woman you love and the child you have raised after all. Despite her heartbreak, her tears, you catch the adoration in her eyes as she turns towards you.
That night, she comes to your chambers. Her lips meet yours and it is every bit as addicting and maddening and overwhelming as it was all those years ago. She is pressed up against you and you feel her pounding heart.
"I love you," she confesses "I love you as a wife loves her husband. I love you in every way that has ever existed. No one has ever loved as much as I love you. Marry me."
You wipe the tears falling down her cheeks. It is impossible you explain. She is already wed and even if she were not, you are both women-.
"I don't need the court to know of our oaths. I only need you and the Seven to be present,"
You never could say no to Alicent. And that very same night, the two of you stand all alone at the Sept and speak your vows as she wraps her green cloak over your shoulders.
You are hers and she is yours.
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undertheopensky · 8 months
Become Like Stone 3
Whumptober Day 20: Found Family/Blanket
Characters: Legend, Four, everyone’s there but it’s Sky POV because he grabbed the reins at the start and refused to let go.
Trigger warnings: Aftermath of torture, look if you read the first one you probably know what to expect
Read on Ao3!
Late to the party? Read Part 1 and Part 2 first!
They were too late.
It’s the only thing in Sky’s mind, rattling around like a long-lasting echo, playing over and over again to the sound of Legend’s sobs.
They were too late.
Four is dead.
It doesn’t feel real.
Four doesn’t even look like himself. Bruises, cuts, and terrible burns warp his skin head to toe. Underfoot, sticky blood coats the stone in irregular, violent patterns, mirroring the violence painting Four’s skin. It clings to Legend’s hands and skin the way he clings to Four’s body, rocking back and forth and weeping inconsolably.
Four is pale, and still, and dead.
They were too late.
Legend cries out, high and frightened, and flinches away when Hyrule reaches out. He’s trying to - shield Four, Sky realises dimly, trying to curl over him to protect him.
“Shh,” Hyrule croons, “I’m not gonna hurt him. I’m not gonna take him from you. Can I see?”
Legend moans a denial.
“Please, Ledge, you’re bleeding. Let me see your hands.”
There’s nothing Sky can do here. He can’t save Four, beyond all mortal help. He can’t comfort Legend, shattered after watching his brother die a tortured death. He can’t even help Hyrule except by passing him potions and bandages, and that’s a task better left to Warriors.
The inactivity makes his skin crawl. He can’t just - stand and watch. Catching Warriors’ eye to let him know, he turns and walks out, trying not to feel like he’s abandoning them.
We need to clear this area, Sky tells himself. We haven’t found their packs yet, and we don’t know if there’s monsters around. Now would be a great time to ambush them, distracted and grieving as they are. Sky can preempt any such attacks. It’s good. It’s useful.
The next cell over has two bodies in it - both dead, when Sky checks. More victims, he thinks distantly, staring blankly at their corpses.
It takes a moment to realise why the thought doesn’t fit.
They’re both clean, for one thing - not dirty, not bloody, sporting no injuries but the wounds that must have killed them: the man a blow to the head, the woman a crushed windpipe. They’re also fully dressed, in neat, well-fitted, high-quality garments, where Four and Legend had been stripped to their unders.
They’re not victims. They’re the ones - the ones who -
Legend must have killed them, he thinks, and can’t summon more than a vague sense of good riddance.
There’s nothing in the cell of worth, so Sky turns away to check the ones across the hall - empty, and have been for some time. There’s really not much down here.
From above, the dungeon door groans as it opens, and Sky abruptly remembers the other teams searching the house for signs of Four and Legend, and runs to intercept.
He’s too slow. Twilight is already bodily carrying the sobbing Wind from the cell when he gets there. Sky grimaces in apology.
“Aught else down here?” Twilight asks, low voiced.
Sky shakes his head. “Empty cells. And -” he remembers, and his face goes blank. “I think. Their captors. In the second cell.”
Twilight startles, glancing past him with wide eyes and reaching for a weapon with the hand not holding Wind up. “No, it’s - they’re dead. Already. I think Legend killed them.”
The strange face Twilight pulls is probably a mirror of the one Sky made.
Wind looks up from where he’d been crying into Twilight’s tunic, eyes still wet. “I d-don’t - I don’t understa-and - why would they - why -” His voice breaks. Twilight hugs him a little closer as Wind buries his face back into his side, muffling his sobs.
Sky has no answers for him. The only one who might is Legend - and he’s in no condition for questions right now.
From the open cell, quiet voices stir the air, keeping the hush of the dungeons from becoming eerie. Sky can’t stop himself from glancing over.
Still clinging to Four’s body, Legend has at least let Hyrule get close enough to remove the manacles. He’s also begging him, in a broken whisper, not to touch Four, not to hurt him, to just leave him alone and hurt Legend instead, please don’t hurt him anymore, while Hyrule patiently soothes him and the raw skin of his wrists.
Sky must make some small noise, because Hyrule looks up. “Sky, good. I need you to come hold Legend. He’s not going to like this and I really need him to not interrupt.”
Wars grimaces. “Goddesses, Hyrule. Hasn’t he been through enough?”
“He’ll thank me for it later. Four’s still alive.”
“What?” Sky blurts, eyes wide.
Four is deathly pale under the blood and burns. Motionless, and loose with it, in a way even unconsciousness can’t mimic.
But Hyrule is sure. “He’s not dead, he’s in some kind of magical stasis - I’ve seen it before and I can break it, but we need to be ready to heal him after. Wars, get over here. Sky, hold Legend.”
Legend is too caught up in his own world to see him coming. When Sky grabs him he screams in a voice worn away to almost nothing and thrashes blindly, desperate to get back to Four. “Shhh,” Sky tries, “it’s okay, you’re okay, it’s just me, you’re okay -”
Legend can’t hear him, or if he can, he doesn’t care.
Hyrule’s ignoring the commotion. Having dragged Four away from Legend, he’s laid him out on the stone and now runs careful hands down his body - pausing over the pulse points of his wrists, the thinnest part of his ankles, the soft skin of his temples, before coming to hover over his still and silent heart.
Under his bracer, where no one can see it, the Triforce glows.
“Four? It’s time to come home.”
There’s a stretching, breathless moment where nothing happens. Then Four takes in a long, deep breath, and loses it all again on a whine as it catches on a broken rib. He coughs, and chokes on blood, and Hyrule’s green-limned hands slam into place on his chest. “Potion, now!” he barks, all business.
Wind is screaming out in the hall; Legend is wailing in Sky’s arms, a horrible, broken wisp of a noise that’s hope and despair and pleading all wound together. Sky himself is riding a wave of disbelief. Four’s alive. Hyrule had dragged him back from the brink, where magic had frozen him in a facsimile of death. Now Four is dying again - drowning in his own blood.
Potion in hand, Wars tries to sit Four up. Hyrule stops him. “Nope. Put it straight on the burns.”
Wars shakes himself - really he knows better, there’s no way Four can drink a potion in his condition - and starts pouring it over his skin where the worst of the burns lie stark and oozing. As the magic goes to work, glittering silver under a layer of dark pink, Warriors gets more bottles out of his bag, including one that’s only half-full. Back to back, most people can tolerate two potions at a time, but Four is much smaller than the average person. Warriors dunks a couple fingers in the half-full red potion, and starts smearing it on the cuts on Four’s face. Those are hard to look at - clean, straight, and deliberate. Some look so deep they might go all the way through to Four’s mouth.
Hyrule is fast reaching his limit. He has to pause, gasping and shaking sweat-soaked hair from his eyes, and gulps the green potion Wars hands him. Then he closes his eyes, swallowing and panting against nausea.
Four whines again, protesting the pain he’s still in.
“We’ve got you, Four,” Hyrule breathes, and dives back in.
Four’s injuries are too extensive to heal in a single sitting. Bruises still paint his skin blue and purple and livid red, and the deepest cuts on his legs and back refuse to close. But his breathing is clear now. Not wet and choking. Sky can see the steady rise and fall of his chest from where he’s still holding Legend, who’s - not fighting him anymore, instead just leaning quietly back against his chest. Sky doesn’t know when that happened. Doesn’t even know when his hand had started combing through Legend’s hair. As they sat, and watched Hyrule and Warriors put their brother back together.
Hyrule finally sits back, completely spent. “Do we have… a blanket or something? To wrap him in?”
There’s a rustle of movement as several people start digging through their packs. Sky hadn’t realised - everyone’s gathered around the doorway. Unable to help, but unable to look away. Having one small thing they could do -
Yeah. He gets that.
Four doesn’t stir as Warriors lifts him, Wild helping wrap potion-slick skin in the fabric he pulled from his Slate. It’s unwieldy, but they manage. With Four bundled up, comfortably positioned in Warriors’ arms and head pillowed on his scarf, he almost looks like he’s just sleeping.
Sky’s heart wrenches and tries to fall through the floor.
He’s not dead, he tells himself, Hyrule healed him - he’s okay. He’s going to be okay.
Then he realises - Four’s eyes are open.
He’s not the only one. Wind yells with delight and charges forward. “Four! Ohmygosh, I was so worried!” He grabs Four’s hand, laying on top of the blankets, and beams at him, full force. “I’m really glad you’re okay!”
Four stares at him for a long moment, blank.
Wind’s face starts to fall.
Then, slowly, Four smiles, and his fingers weakly curl.
Twilight takes the opportunity to grab Wind by the shoulders and spin him around. “C’mon, Wind. Let’s get out of here. All of us.”
“I hear that,” says Warriors, following at a careful pace.
Legend jolts, tension running through him, and scrabbles to stand. Sky helps him up, murmuring “Shh, it’s okay, we’re following him, he’s not leaving you. Easy, now.”
Legend looks at him, and for the first time, recognition lights his face.
“Sky?” he rasps.
“Yeah, Ledge. It’s me. It’s us. You’re safe now.”
Legend sways on his feet. He looks so young like this, wide-eyed and pale with tacky blood all over his chest and arms and legs. “Sky?” he says again. “Four is… Four’s okay? I didn’t dream that?”
Sky’s heart breaks just a little bit more. “Four is going to be fine, and so are you,” he tells him, firm as he can make it.
Legend takes a staggering step and nearly falls. Sky catches him. “Four’s okay?” he says again.
“Four’s okay. Here, Twi, gimme a hand, I don’t think he can walk.”
“M fine,” Legend says, still staring blankly down the hall where Warriors is taking the steps as smoothly as he can so as not to jostle Four. He doesn’t notice when Twilight crouches in front of him, offering his back. He does notice Sky steering him to wind his arms around Twilight’s neck. “Wha - hey!” He flails a bit, but he’s got no strength; his limbs are as weak and shaky as his voice. “‘M fine!”
“Ya sure are,” Twilight agrees cheerfully, and carries him off to mumbled protests.
Sky follows them out, but not without taking a last, lingering glance. He hopes, faintly, that one of the upstairs teams had found their brothers’ bags. At this point, all he wants is to get out of here, and never come back.
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writeblrgarden · 2 months
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Meet Tari, who got third place in our grow a plant event in november! Tari goes by she/her, and you can find her at @mxxnlightwriting. She wrote her first story when she was six, and has been writing with the goal of publishing since 2020. She writes romance and fantasy, along with dabbling in a few other genres.
Tell us about the WIP you'd like to talk about today.
The WIP is "A Spark of Magic" a YA Urban Fantasy novel (the first in a series!) Isaac has turned into a merfolk and that puts everything in his life in jeopardy. To try and fix this predicament he asks Alice for help, someone he believes to be a witch based on a rumour he heard. He's right that she's a witch, but what he doesn't know is that she can't summon her magic. What starts as an unlikely partnership turns into something more as every answer they seek seems out of reach and the secrets they encounter make it hard for them to trust anyone, including each other.
Describe your writing process. Do you like to plan everything or are you more spontaneous?
I am more spontaneous, but my process changes depending on my writing project. Sometimes, I have a scene, a couple of characters, a small playlist for vibes and I just go for it. In those cases, I discover my story along the way, and through subsequent drafts, I work to make it cohesive and the best it can be. Some require more planning, and in those cases, I tend to outline the vast majority of the story, but there's always something that even I, as the writer, don't know from the start.
What have you found to be the most challenging and/or rewarding about writing?
I think writing can be a lonely endeavor, especially when you don't have writer friends to help you keep motivated. It's also challenging because more often than not, only you know your story and its characters and world, and translating that from your mind to the page can be hard, especially when you're a perfectionist. On the flip side, there's nothing better than finishing a WIP. Writing "The End" on a draft is always incredible. No matter how many times I do it, it always feels like the first time. It's the culmination of so many hours of work, of meeting characters and watching their journey from start to finish, of writing their story. It that feeling of "You've done it", you know? And no one can ever take that achievement from you.
Below the read more is more of our conversation with Tari, along with a link to pre-order her novel now!
What inspires you to write?
People. Loneliness. I want to write stories to keep people company, to be there for them when they feel like no one is. Mostly, I write stories because it's the only way I know how to live. They've been an integral part of my life for so long that I would be incomplete without it.
Share some advice for other writers.
Just keep writing! Never look down at your own work, always look at it from an inquisitive lense. Look at how far you've come, at how much you have improved. Be fascinated by your previous work and know that it's the foundation for the writer you are today. You will always be improving, so celebrate that, even when it's hard. On that same note, never put down your work when sharing it with others. That will have them create expectations of your work before they get to enjoy it. Present it as a blank canvas and let people create their opinions of it, good or bad, but always remember that it is your story. Make it the best it can be for you, not for others.
What do consider your writing strength?
I'd say dialogue is my strength as well as character building! With dialogue is great to go over everyone's speech patterns and see what kind of words they would use and how they would chat with others (and notice how that changes depending on the character they're interacting with), which also influences character building.
What has been the nicest compliment you've received or what has been the toughest criticism you've received?
Whenever people say they were moved by my writing that always feels like the greatest compliment. As for the toughest criticism, as a perfectionist, I am my toughest critic.
What do you love the most about writing?
The entire process of falling in love with a new idea and making it the best it can possibly be. Nothing will ever make me as happy as when I have a random idea that consumes my entire existence and demands to be brought to life. Sometimes, it's not you who chooses the story. Sometimes, it's the story that chooses you.
✨ Tari's novel, A Spark of Magic, is available for pre-order now! Check out the information on her post here.
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I can’t fucking believe the poll ended in a tie! A fucking tie! Now you’re going sit here and read the two choices mashed terribly together.
Also since this month is very important. I decided to post spoilers for the plot of the main story, The Isekai’d Oracle. Just snippets of future events that take place in the story. I just want to have fun this month before getting either bad or good news.
I Saw You Once In a Dream, Maybe|| Pt. 6
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“Oh I don't know, my day was completely full. I'm just here for my free breakfast.” You said with a smile.
Monkey King didn't seem to take this in the best way. He tensed up only for his body to slump over the counter. Defeat was written across his face.
“Oh, really? Then again, we barely met, it was rude of me to ask.”
“Maybe but,” You lean into him and smirk. “I think I can make some room for the Great Sage himself.”
Monkey King's energy immediately zapped him back to life. His eyes shine brightly, as a more cheeky atmosphere comes off him.
“You’re too generous! I'm honored that you gave me some of your time.”
“Mk what am I seeing right now?” Tang asks.
“I honestly have no idea.” Mk states, hardly understand what's happening.
Pigsy huffs placing a bowl in front of Monkey King. He mutters under his breath angrily before heading off into the kitchen.
“Tell me Great Sage, what exactly brought you here today?” You asked.
“I'm just dropping off the kid since I didn't want him to head back home by himself.”
You glance at Mk, who seemed to be in good condition. This contradicts his earlier statement that he fell off a cliff.
“Is that so? That was generous of you, though he doesn't seem to be hurt in any way.” You state, trying to tear little holes in this facade.
Monkey King nervously scratches his head.
“Well, he's my successor for a reason. He heals at a faster rate than normal so when we got here, he was all good.” Monkey king takes a bite from his noodles. He's refusing to look at you now.
“Alright let's cut to the chase, shall we?” You faced forward and picked up some noodles with your chopsticks.
“Yes ma’am.”
“How long did it take for you to come up with this plan?”
“A week. How did you know?”
“Been plagued by a certain dream since the beginning of this year.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“We will when we head out. Let's go into more detail in a more private area.”
“In my defense, I really like you and I want to get to know you better.”
You drop the noodle in shock. Your cheeks heat up with your face turning a deep red. Quickly turned to see him, but he wasn't facing you. Instead, Monkey King was stuffing his face with noodles, but you can see his cheeks were a light shade of pink. Nothing came out of you but strained noise. You were utterly speechless. From your dreams, you knew he was very open with his feelings but this wasn't a dream. Yet he still said it without any hesitation.
“I would like to get to know you better too.” You said staring into your bowl.
“Really? After all of this.”
“I won't lie, this plan of yours was surprising but I wouldn't expect anything less from the pain in the ass Sun Wukong.”
“Hehe, sorry I just couldn't come up with anything else.”
“It's fine, this could be a fun story to tell someday.”
You both laugh, finally relaxing from the tense mood. However, for everyone else, it couldn't be said the same. They stare at the two of you in confusion and questioning themselves if they should jump in. Only to push it aside, not wanting to ruin the moment.
“Alright let's go.” You said putting down some money on the counter.
“Wait already?”
“Yeah, I have some errands to do. What don't want to join?”
“Of course I do! I was just expecting more time to prepare.” Monkey King summons a puff of smoke. Covering him and disappearing instantly. He was wearing a hooded jacket with sunglasses.
“Okay, I'm ready.”
You hold back your amazement and head to the entrance.
“Bye everyone, see you guys tomorrow.” You wave at them cheerfully as they say their goodbyes.
“So where are we heading first?”
“Hm, I need to get groceries and pick something up from my parents’ place.”
“Meeting the parents already? If I knew you were this crazy about me, I would have tried this plan sooner.”
“We’re not dating yet.”
“Yet?” Monkey King gives you his widest smirk.
“You know what I mean!”
“Do I?”
You groan, hiding your red face behind your hands.
“If you behave, we can go do something fun.”
“What do you have in mind?”
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80, Dante if you're still accepting these!!
Thanks for sending this request, dear!! It ended up as such a heartwarming one, I hope you enjoy it 🖤🖤
Spotify Wrapped Special: 80, Dante - Africa, by Toto
Pairing: Dante x Reader
Summary: Dante was late for Kyrie's birthday party, making Nero very disappointed at him. Luckily, you knew very well how to summon the Crimson Slayer.
Author's notes: Seriously. Dante is the KING of grand entrances. He needed one, with Faust and fireworks and everything. Also, Nero and Vergil took over for a while on this one "^^
About the Song: Africa is a song by TOTO, with catchy keyboards and a such a good vibes feeling, no one can remain silent when it's on. Super 80's, great song. It got even more famous as a meme from Jon Pumper when you can't get Toto out of your head. Click the link, it's worth it ;)
80, Dante - Africa, by Toto
“Can’t believe this. Even Vergil is here and that ol’ excuse of an uncle is workin’?!”
To say Nero was fuming was an understatement – not that he was all sweets and roses around Vergil, but at least he didn’t berate his father so openly in front of him like that. Only when he was mad.
And Vergil just started at his son with frozen eyes. No one really knew how to read him, but after all the time living with the twins, you got used to that look.
It was the look of a thousand different thoughts going around Vergil’s mind at the same moment – you could almost see Urizen, V, Griffon, Nightmare and Shadow all fighting amidst a thundering storm and Vergil just there, holding the Yamato, completely clueless and having no idea what to do.
That was a good description of what was going inside his head at the moment.
“Hey, kid. Take it easy on Dante. The man has no idea how to deal with… This.”
Vergil stared back at you, still wearing the same expression, and you could almost hear him asking if he seemed to know how to deal with that as well. You held back a laugh.
“C’mon, it’s just a friggin’ birthday! What’s so difficult about it?!” Nero opened his arms, completely ignoring one of the kids of the orphanage running after another with their faces dirty from sweets and Nico running after them right after, screaming for them to give the bowl of candy back.
You just gave the young Sparda grandkid a knowing look.
Nero sighed, resting one of his hands on his hip and using the other to massage his neck. It wasn’t going to work to calm him down, but at least it was something.
“I know, I know… But it’s Kyrie’s party. The kids really wanted to do somethin’ for her and she’s definitely gonna expect the whole crew to show up… The whole family, ya know?”
A little far away, Kyrie was singing some Britney Spears on the karaoke alongside Trish and Lady. The trio was having so much fun you couldn’t help but smile. Lady didn’t let herself have that much fun often and Trish… Well, she wasn’t really used to it. She was created to kill, after all. It was good watching everyone having fun and Kyrie leading the vocals while the kids danced, applauded and just set everything in utter chaos around them.
It really seemed like a family gathering.
“Hmmm. That is exactly what we don’t know how to deal with.” Vergil pointed out coldly, remaining with his arms crossed, casually sipping his iced tea Kyrie prepared specially for him. To say she had conquered the Dark Slayer’s heart wasn’t enough. “Family. Ours… Burned before we could learn anything else.”
Nero furrowed his eyebrows, carrying a hint of sadness in his aquamarine eyes. He rarely thought how all that grand legend of the children of Sparda had actually affected Dante and Vergil… He never thought his own father would know nothing of family, even more than Nero. He had always thought he was an unwanted child, not the child of a man who had lost so much and never knew he existed.
“Hmmm… I can think of a way to summon him. But you gotta help me, kiddo.” You looked back at Nero with fun in your eyes, making both Sparda’s kin watch you suspiciously.
“Well, ok…? What is it?” Of course, Nero was careful when the word ‘summon’ floated around, but there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to make Kyrie happy.
“Actually…” You mumbled while typing something on your cellphone. “I’ll also need you to help me, Verge.”
Vergil just raised one of his eyebrows, but in that department, he and Nero were very similar – there was nothing he wouldn’t do to make his son content.
As you finished typing, you kept your cellphone in your pocket, immediately feeling it vibrate with an incoming message after only a few seconds. You opened a huge smile, staring back at them.
“Can I count on you? Unconditionally?”
“Yeah.” Nero’s answer was deadpan; he didn’t even need time to think.
“Yes.” Vergil nodded slightly, ready to keep his word.
“Then follow me.”
They were ready to make a blood offering from the kinship of Sparda to summon Dante’s heart and make him fly over or just materialize in a pool of blood in the back of the party. Vergil held the Yamato with certainty, Nero held his head high.
Until you stopped by the karaoke and asked the girls for a song.
“Nero and  Vergil are singing with me.”
“WHAT?!” Of course, Nico and Patty suddenly appeared, holding the rogue kids and bowls of candies, eating the sweets themselves and scolding the kids for trying to steal it.
Vergil and Nero had only shock in their eyes as you handed them the microphones.
“You guys said you’d help unconditionally.” You had to remind them as they hesitated.
“Now that is something I would pay to see.” Trish had a devilish smile painted on her rosy lips, causing a laugh on Lady.
“Oh, the kids love when you sing, Nero…!” Kyrie had dreamy eyes and there was nothing the young Sparda could do against that.
Of course, the kids loved when he singed because he was a complete clown alongside Nico every time they had a karaoke party. But that seemed to make Kyrie happy.
“Yeah, I promised I’d do it. C’mon.” Nero grabbed the mic, making his father resign to their fate.
“I hope you know what you are doing…” Vergil muttered between his teeth as you started singing the first lines of the song.
Nero soon joined you, knowing it all by heart. After some notes, he was already feeling the music and, to be honest, it wasn’t much of a chore having to sing Africa with you. He couldn’t understand how that would help to make Dante materialize in the party, but even if you were just doing that for them to have fun, he wouldn’t complain – at least, he was having fun.
Vergil, in the other hand, took some time to ease into the song. It had been some time he didn’t listen to it, but he knew why you had chosen it… Dante seemed to adore that tune. His twin would sing that riff over and over at the Devil May Cry – almost driving Vergil crazy a couple of times. But, after so many years in Hell just hearing screams of pain and torture alongside laughs of pure sadistic pleasure, he could get used to his brother’s voice singing a beautiful song.
And when said riff came up, Vergil took the mic to his lips and sang alongside you.
Nero widened his eyes, smiling with surprise upon hearing his father’s voice singing. It was actually the first time the crew heard Vergil sing – and he wasn’t half bad, just like Dante; even if both would argue otherwise.
You and Nero danced around with the musical break, making Vergil giggle a bit with your antics.
“The wild dogs cry out in the night, as they grow restless longing for some solitary company…” And he didn’t even notice how you both let him sing alone for a while, noting how dark and beautiful Vergil’s voice was when he wanted to. Nero couldn’t stop his mind from thinking how it would have sounded if his father had sung him to sleep when he was just a kid.
“I know that I must do what’s right!” Soon, Nero joined Vergil and both were singing while looking at each other, barely noticing you allowed them to sing without you for a moment as well. That was a rare moment, but it was an opportunity you couldn’t let them lose. “As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti! I seek to cure what’s deep inside, frightened of this thing that I’ve become…”
Vergil stopped singing for a while as you joined the riff once more, dueting with Nero in an arrangement of different tones of voices. The Dark Slayer could finally see why his twin loved that song so much – some lyrics felt like watching his own reflection in the running waters of a quiet river.
As the solo hit, Nero took the task of playing his famous air guitar, making the kids scream around as if he was a rockstar. With you on air keyboards, Vergil stared you both for a while before starting, almost unmoving, to play his own air drums.
“Yeah! That’s how you do it, ol’ man!” Nero laughed while playing as if he had a real guitar in his hands. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at how much Vergil seemed to blush, get weird, freeze and continue air playing – all at the same time.
Taking a deep breath, you took your mic back to your lips. It was the moment of truth. Dante wouldn’t fail you – you had unweavering faith in your Crimson Slayer.
“Hurry boy, she’s waiting there for you!”
You could swear your voice could be heard in Heaven and Hell alike. With the stomps of the drums, though, the entrance door opened abruptly: Dante entered in strides, wearing Faust, having a ton of firework-like things exploding all around him in the shape of hearts. So many hearts.
Needless to say, all the attention turned to the Crimson Slayer, as he pointed back at you.
“It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you!” He sang with all the might of his demonic and human lungs.
Chaos ensued. The kids went crazy with the fireworks. Nico and Nero broke down laughing. Lady and Trish rolled their eyes – even if they had fun smiles on their lips. Kyrie’s heart seemed to bloom inside her chest. Patty was torn between complaining how cheesy Dante was and clapping – she ended up clapping while complaining and laughing at his antics. Vergil, once again, had that look of “every part of my personality is fighting inside me with thousands of thoughts and reactions, so my reaction is exactly none” – although he was happy to see his brother, as always when Dante arrived.
“There’s nothin’ that a hundred man or more could ever do!” Strutting as if he was in a catwalk, Dante approached you, with his convinced smile plastered on his lips.
“I bless the rains down in Africa!” As you sang together, he finally approached and spun you around, putting you on the ground only to grab his brother and nephew to keep on singing on the karaoke.
It was all lost, though. As Dante arrived, the party seemed to have finally begun – even if it already was fun. Vergil gave in and continued singing calmly next to his brother – who sang as if he was auditioning for The Voice.
“Gonna take some time to do the things we never had!” As the last line arrived, Dante embraced all of you to sing together in a hug – and even if Vergil seemed unwilling and Nero was a little uncomfortable at first, you all sang happily, with all your hearts… As a family would.
“Hey there, lil’ angel! Sorry it took me some time, got caught up on a job.” Dante finally addressed Kyrie as the song ended. She just clapped and cheered. “Happy birthday, Kyrie.”
“Oh, Dante! You didn’t have to…!” It was the first thing she said as he took an embellished hairpin out of his pocket and handed it to her. It was delicate and truly fit for an angel – you were all impressed he hadn’t broke it on the way there.
“It’s just a lil’ somethin’, couldn’t let your birthday go blank, could I?” He winked at her, already holding your hand so you could talk. “And kid, sorry I couldn’t make it earlier.”
“Hey, you’re here, right? That’s what matters!” Nero smiled back at his uncle, stepping by Kyrie to help her put the hairpin on.
As you approached the table with the apple punch Kyrie prepared earlier, Dante took you in your arms, kissing your forehead as you giggled.
“Ya know, that ‘Nero and Verge are singing Toto on the karaoke with me, be here soon or you’re gonna miss the party of a lifetime, cowboy’ message you sent me earlier was very effective, babe.” Dante had fun in his voice, giggling alongside you as his sky-blue eyes searched yours and you were safe and sound in his arms. You could hear Kyrie and Nico singing in the distance.
“Oh, I had to do something to bring you here. With the entrance of a lifetime too!” With that, he laughed out loud, one of your hands pointing towards Faust. “Guess some devil arms are useful for lots of things.”
“Huh, how do you think I got here? Cavaliere had a lot of work too!” With that, he winked at you, leaving another kiss on your forehead. “I’m glad you sent me the message, babe. I wouldn’t want to miss this for anything.”
“Hmmm, by the way, did you get paid this time…?”
“Yeah.” Dante shrugged, moving you alongside him, starting to dance unconsciously. “The lady wanted to give me money for my troubles, but I said the fancy hairpin she was wearin’ would do. Couldn’t let Kyrie go without a birthday gift, right?”
A bright smile colored your lips as your heart bloomed in gold. You didn’t know what you expected, really. If you didn’t know him better, you’d say he took the job because he forgot his family obligations, for not being used to it – but you were talking about Dante. You had no doubt he took it only to buy something nice to Kyrie; trading his money for something he was positive she would like.
“You’re wonderful, did you know that, cowboy?” You took Faust off his head, leaning in for a kiss. “A true heart of gold.”
Dante embraced you as you kissed him. It was going to take some time to do the things he never had the opportunity to do – but luckily, time was something Dante would always have for his family.
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aurevell · 2 years
Demon!Stiles Fic Recs
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More fic recs for your reading pleasure! This time the theme is self-explanatory: demon!Stiles fics, whether funny, creepy, or cute. The list is below, in no particular order. Happy reading! 😈
Sterek Fics
Pass the Mustard by LadyDrace (1.7k | G)
Derek is making a sandwich and accidentally summons a demon. Must be Monday.
Something that Finds You by tsukinofaerii (9k | E)
Stiles always smelled like sulfur. After Derek finds out the truth, he and Stiles get closer than they'd ever planned.
My Childhood Spat Back Out The Monster That You See by rightsidethru (3.4k | T)
Appearances can be deceiving. Caught by hunters, Derek immediately dismisses his gangly, fellow prisoner as a pressing concern. After all, the amber-eyed teenager couldn't be more than one hundred and forty-seven pounds soaking wet. What type of threat could he possibly be? (The answer: a large one.)
Possessive by redhoodedwolf (2.7k | T)
Derek’s brain begins to catch up. “Are you talking in my head?” “Sort of.” “Then what are you doing?” “I possessed you.” Derek bares his fangs. He growls out his words. “Get the fuck out of me.” If Derek didn’t know any better, he would have said the demon or whatever parasite is in him had whimpered. “Shit, man.” The thing sounded offended, what the fuck? “I just needed a host to stay in for a while. Mine is a little, uh, damaged. And I can’t go back yet.”
Slow Down Now (the secret's out) by LadySlytherin (6.2k | M)
Stiles Stilinski was more than what everyone thought. So much more. He always had been. He'd promised his mother he would never tell anyone, but then, he hadn't counted on falling in love with an alpha werewolf. Now that he had, Stiles knew what he had to do. He had to tell Derek the truth; he had to tell Derek everything.
#666 by justtothesea (fan comic | T)
Derek signs over his soul and falls for the Devil’s son.
Would You Like to Make a Deal? by the_sporadic_writer (14k | NR)
Stiles never meant for everything to spin this far out of his control, never thought it would turn out this bad. Never thought that he would enjoy playing as the resident human and enjoy spending time with a pack of wolves. Never expected to get tangled up with Derek Hale of all people, and never thought that he would have enjoyed their time together. OR, the story where Stiles is a demon and got more than he bargained for when his boredom got the better of him.
Steter Fics
Stiles the Weird Demon by Triangulum (2.3k | T)
Peter shouts the last words of the exorcism ritual and looks up expectantly. The demon sitting on his kitchen counter just blinks and him, then yawns. Peter's tempted to just chuck the book he'd been reading from at him, but that wouldn't accomplish anything but earn him a ruined book. Based on the prompt "I accidentally summoned some sort of demon and now it's just kind of hanging around my flat".
For Great Justice! by Green (24k | M)
Stiles is a vengeance demon, drawn to Peter just as he's waking from his catatonia. "Whoever did this? We will make those fuckers suffer. I promise you."
The Devil Went Down to California by RebaK1tten (6k | M)
"I’ll give you forty-eight hours, you do whatever you need to to stop her and save the family. How’s that sound?” “And in exchange?” Peter asks. It’s mostly for form; he’ll agree to anything, quite literally anything. “Oh, Peter,” Stiles sighs, and shakes his head looking sad. “You have to know how this goes.”
Stetopher Fic
Changed by midmorning_bomb (900 | NR)**
They’re going to die, eaten alive by bloodflies summoned by a coven full of assholes. He pushes both shoulders hard back against the door, feels it start to give under the pressure, the pitch and relentless buzzing hiss of the swarm growing louder and louder and, fuck this can’t be how it ends, and, god, what he’d give for an out—
**incomplete but still really fun if you read it as a one-shot
P.S. if you enjoyed this, check out the spooky season roundups from past years:
ghost fics
general halloween fics
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sujnn · 6 months
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𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 :: han sujin.
in between drowning in the water of his summons / and a curse of being born under leo skies * ,, HAN SUJIN came to all around broken seashells && a promise to break all that he touches .
STATS / ANOMALY / BIOGRAPHY / PLOTS + TRACKER hi ^^b this is luo's typist bringing up another muse to the dash! his intro is under the read more, so please feel free to look through it! i apologize for how lengthy his profile is but i really love his concept and i hope everyone will too >< please like this post if you'd like to plot, and i will work my magic by reaching out!
did you hear the latest scoop ? we’ve got a new student joining us ! a little birdie told me that they’re called han sujin, but they kinda remind me of park wonbin — don’t ‘cha think ? you’re probably thinkin’ they’re just another 23 year old in their third year of marine biology (bachelors), but wait ‘till you hear about their water bending ! nifty, huh ? especially ‘cause i heard they’re the house pulgasari’s new yang member ! they’re pretty soft spoken on nullivi, but you should watch out for their competitiveness just in case ! anyway — if you wanna check them out, i heard they’re staying at the blue hall. oops ! you didn’t hear that one from me !  ༊*·˚ ( sen, 24, description of self harm/eating disorders)
⊹˚. born n raised in busan, south korea ! han sujin is a silly little waterbender with a need to be liked at all cost. ⊹˚. and i mean it ! bro will spiral if one (1) person tells him they don't like him. ⊹˚. what do you mean you don't like me ? what did i do ? are you mad at me ? is it because i have a higher grade in that one class we have in common ?
⊹˚. naturally, he loves to swim. please, he's literally like a little fish in the water. it's canon that he sneaks inside the pool after hours (he got on the good side of a staff member and managed to snatch a double of the keys!) ⊹˚. it's also canon that he practices his water bending there. ⊹˚. oh ! speaking of ! his water bending style is very similar to the one from avatar the last airbender . . . meaning that he is heavily influences by martial arts, more specifically taekwondo, since he has been taking classes ever since he was a little kid !
⊹˚. he comes from a very supportive family: a father with the profession of fisherman, and the reason behind his anomaly ! after getting lost at sea and nearly dying, he was rescued by a little clan of water benders and was offered their utmost blessing. ⊹˚. a year later, little sujin is born with a handful of sand in his left hand and the rest is history (the history being: chaotic teenage years as he attempts to keep his anomaly under control ! )
⊹˚. because he was born with such promise, the need to be the best is engraved in his mind. he must be the best swimmer, the best fighter, the best student, and the best bender. no matter the cost.
⊹˚. such a mindset naturally gets him in a great deal of trouble: he skips meals often, pulls endless all nighters, and is a little too good at neglecting his overall mental health. but he's fine ! he's so fine ! he's totally fine, you got nothing to worry about !
⊹˚. he is a marine biology major ! he loves all things marine related, naturally, and would love to work with marine animals in the future. he also dabbles a little bit in engineering, and enjoys making silly little gadgets here and there in his free time.
⊹˚. he lives in blue hall: 3A and is roommate with a certain mermaid boy he may or may not be crushing on. but he doesn't have time for that, btw ! he's super busy with more important stuff such as ! well ! other things ! whatever, let's move on . . . !
⊹˚. he is house pulgasari's newest yang member, and he has a lot to show for ! you should totally reach out if you're curious about That. . .
i have a lot more that i want to add to his character, so please expect upcoming lore drop posts and plot calls on the dash !
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
"That day, if our positions were switched... Would our fates be different? Would I have your life, and you mine?"
While standing on top of the Qlipoth in DMC 5 Vergil posed a very interesting question that got many people wondering: How would the story of DMC go if Dante and Vergil's positions were switched?
That is what I am asking you now to answer. How does this story go in a world where their positions are switched?
Hi, dear DMC anon, always happy to get your messages!
I`d like to start this reply with recommending some very good videos/fics that explore this topic, as my opinion on the matter is affected by them, but also in case anyone reading HASN`T seen these, and more people really should!
Champion Analysis has done amazing videos on this exact alternate universe scenario (the term ‘alternate universe’ feels very justified here) videos – two speculative character analysis videos and one voice-acted retelling of the story of the switched twins in DMC 3.
Blood Red Brother by TheWritingSquid – a oneshot about ‘switched’ Dante running into a ‘reunited with Dante at the end of 3 and raising-Nero’ Vergil and their first and last interaction.
Devil May Cry D by Strawberry_Hope is an amazing fic in russian, this is a ‘switched’ twins retelling of the story of 5, and I LOVE it. This thing is huge, it has everything you wish to have in a long fic – good plot with some mystery, characters interact with each other a lot (as Vergil does NOT let Dante out of his sight, unlike the game which has Dante basically flying off the rails after his twin), and some good angst and drama (as is customary for DMC). maybe I should do a masterpost of my fav ru dmc fics, because they have some amazing stuff I have not seen in english-speaking community, or have seen very very little of it.
Hopefully, everyone is familiar with these (baring Devil May Cry D, as it is very optional because of language requirement), otherwise I highly recommend you check them out if this AU ever remotely interests you.
With that out of the way, I believe the Switch AU is quite unique, because global games-wise I don`t think it would change much. Vergil would work great as a (classic anime) protagonist – an elder twin, who tragically lost his entire family, and is the (only surviving) heir. Vergil is honorable, badass and actually a cheeky bastard, just as his brother, so he would make a great protagonist for the games. Story-wise in games, I think the only one we can expect to have huge changes is 4, as it revolves around Nero. There is pretty much nothing on The Fortuna Woman to base speculations around, sooo it could be a teen dad Vergil after 3, or he could encounter Nero only in the boy`s teens as original Dante did. Same as canon, I don`t really care for The Woman much, and I don`t see her having any effect on the story. (also everyone wants Nero and Vergil to have good father-son relationship, so it`s obvious which scenario out of the two the fandom and I lean towards)
This is...not much changing really, we just move the Nero&Vergil relationship earlier on the timeline, but so far that`s pretty much it
except it`s not
because I fully believe ‘switched’ Dante cannot be redeemed.
Original`s Vergil story is tragic, and it forced him to make horrible decisions, however his intentions have always been in the right place. Vergil, fundamentally as a character believes in results over the methods used to get them, so no, he Doesn`t care that his summoning of demon tower killed a lot of innocent people, and might have passed down his own childhood trauma on the new generation of children of Redgrave, he wanted to use it to finish off the demon lord, and it is a noble goal so everything works out. This makes the original Vergil a tragic, but misguided and lost character. Vergil as V was the perfect replica of all of that, and he needed someone to show him a better way – and Nero did. He showed crumbling and desperate Vergil compassion and a kind-of friendship, which was exactly what Vergil was looking for all these years, but too afraid to acknowledge it. After that, original Vergil can be shown the error of his ways, and he might try to make amends (starting with his brother), which will, in time, redeem him.
 Dante is, as always, a perfect opposite of his brother. He is compassionate by nature, and his heart of gold is his greatest tormentor over the years, as he cannot accept the loss of Vergil and always yearned for his brother back. To take this emotional person with a bleeding heart, and to have him raise a demon tower as Vergil did in dmc 3? That requires breaking his foundational compassionate nature, and replacing it with ‘goals over morals’ mentality, and I don`t think that kind that damage can be reversed. Blood Red Brother fic I mentioned captures this perfectly – Dante, with goals over morals, also remains a thrill seeker and a kind of adrenaline junkie, this combination of traits, paired with demonic heritage, is extremely volatile, and could lead to terrible bloodlust.
All of this would make 'switched' Dante a truly horrifying sadistic psychopath, who would only seek massive demons to battle (which would also make him an amazing villain), and there is no way he could be redeemed after that.
Thank you for the ask, as always!
(well, there is an alternative scenario where Dante fights only demons, and doesn't harm humans, meaning he cannot get the power boosts orig Vergil got, and loses to Mundus spectacularly. still, I feel like 'antagonist' Dante goes against his nature and would alter him greatly, but perhaps he could be redeemed after that)
p.s. maybe I`ll make a reblog talking about DMC D fic as it has some amazing takes on this AU, but I don`t want to mix the authors original ideas with my ramblings
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New Footage Alert!
(Book Spoilers) 
Netflix just dropped a new season 2 promo titled Shadow and Bone: Everything We Can Tell You About Season 2 on youtube, with some new footage and there was a thing or two that definitely caught my eye. 
One scene from the books that I really really want to see in season 2 is the attack on the Palace and the resulting chapel scene between Darklina. The whole sequence was great in the books and I was holding my breath the whole time I was reading it, in truth it was one of the few scenes in the books that actually got a reaction out of me and had me excited. Well it looks like at the very least we are going to be seeing the attack on the Palace so I am holding out hope that we will also see the chapel scene too. The opening shot of the new promo shows Alina looking up at the glass dome ceiling to see shadows gathering: 
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Other scenes that I think will be from this attack are these: 
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The first one looks like it may possibly be Adrik, Nadia’s little brother, and if it is then I am really nervous about the way that nichevo'ya has hold of his arm because either its that scene or some really on the nose foreshadowing. 
The second one looks like its the darkling versus Alina so maybe this is leading up to the chapel scene. There is another shot of Alina and M*l where Alina is in the same outfit which I think might be the scene where she tells everyone else to run and M*l is reluctant to leave, and she then goes to face Aleks alone which brings about one of the best darklina scenes in the books in my opinion. 
We also get a better full body look at Alina’s first army jacket thing: 
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and it is actually a kefta, something I did wonder about, just made to look very very similar to the first army general uniform and yup I still hate it. I get that they are probably trying to send the whole united armies message but I still hate that Alina is wearing the colours and uniform of the King and army that has oppressed her people for hundreds of years. But hey that’s just my opinion. 
We also get a closer look at the propaganda poster from the previous trailer and it is definitely of Aleks and Alina from right before they entered the fold in the season 1 finale:
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 So if you couple that with Nikolai saying that Alina and Aleks were co-conspirators I am assuming this is like an anti piece warning of the shadow and sun summoners. What is interesting is Aleks’ reaction to it as he kind of hesitates over the picture before angrily pushing it away. It seems like he is feeling pretty conflicted about Alina, the voice over also talks about him yearning to re-join forces with Alina so I am expecting to see him really struggle with that throughout the season.   
Speaking of Aleksander though, the shot that intrigued me the most is this one: 
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He is very clearly really distraught here, like dude is having a full on meltdown. But he’s crying over something in his hand which looks like a piece of red silk or satin, its definitely a piece of fabric. But I wonder why this piece of fabric has caused such a visceral reaction from him. It does look like its the same room as this shot of him and genya:
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But I don’t think its the same scene as in the one with genya it looks like there is sunlight coming through the window behind them and the one with Aleks crying its much darker. Also in the one with only Aleks and his mystery piece of fabric the candles on the fireplace are lit but aren’t in the one with genya which makes me think that genya’s scene happens during the day and Aleks’ happens at night. The darklina in me can’t help but assume that the piece of fabric has something to do with Alina maybe? This costume of hers does have red fabric that looks similar to the piece Aleks is holding:
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and there is a shot of alina using her powers to protect a group of villagers whilst wearing it in this promo:
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So maybe Aleks and Alina get into some altercation and a piece of her dress rips and he keeps it as like a souvenir/token and later cries over it, you know as you do after a bitter breakup where you are still in love with your ex but are stubbornly refusing to admit it. That’s my best theory anyway. 
We get this shot of Baghra and M*l:
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I am 100% sure that this will be when Alina and M*l discover that non sensical plot twist about M*l’s heritage and link to the firebird as Baghra can be heard saying “that’s why you are here” and it looks like they are in Morozova’s workshop. I know it sounds harsh but I don’t really care as the plot twist didn’t particularly interest me in the books so I very much doubt that it will in the show, I’m sorry but I am just not invested enough in M*l or M*lina’s relationship to care all that much. Who knows though maybe the show will write it in a way that will make me care, guess we’ll have to see. 
Ok just some other little bits of interest. We get another shot of the sea whip and yup it still looks really amazing I would post a pic but I couldn’t get one that gave it enough justice but I would recommend watching the promo yourself so you can see the Sea Whip in all its glory. 
This promo reminded me of why I love Jesper so much in season 1, I am ashamed to admit I did forget in the time between the two seasons. But he’s just so entertaining to watch I loved every second of him that we saw in the trailer. 
Looks like we are getting the scene of Alina punching Nikolai in the face, is it wrong that I laughed? I can understand her reaction though first Aleks lies about who he is and then Nikolai does, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was half picturing Aleks and half Nikolai in that moment to be perfectly honest with you. 
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||Summoning Chaos 6: Demonic blade meets the dark knight||
Hi guys, Peahen mom here. I just finished reading a pretty funny drabble my amazing friend wrote and thanks to that, I have to add to this! So...here's another part! Lets get right into it.
If you wanna know how this started; chapters are under this:
The first incident in NYC
The second Incident In Japan
Spectator notes version part three/Port Mafia incident report
Spectator notes version part four/Tokyo Jujutsu High report
The fifth incident in the Soul Society
((Your reading part six that takes place in Neo Gotham))
||Drabble summary||
It just seems Wyvern can't stop getting into trouble after the recent events that happened and now it has struck in the Soul Society. Now one could be wondering; did it stop? Well....No. Because now it seems Wyvern has started trouble in Neo Gotham. Lets see how the dark knight feels about this?
~~Guests in Drabble~~
The DBT, Van Ink the dragon and her great sword Wyvern belongs to the amazing and super cool friend of mine @demon-blood-youths
Terry Mcginnis a.k.a Batman, Maxine Gibson a.k.a codename Black cat belongs to me and is from the animated show Batman Beyond. Some others will be seen or mentioned in the drabble.
Seems like the DBT has gotten used to the city of Neo Gotham and it seems Terry was happy about it. Seeing and hearing they have really did well but he was unsure about how they been. Shdwkyz seems to be doing just fine too so they were hanging out together. Maxine was talking with Fosh about some new codes and things and the others chatting and eating like nothing was wrong.
"So then I get why you were so busy. Is that what you were saying?" Fosh asked seeing the new program that Maxine nods.
"Yeah! That way, if you need a back up, you can download this if you wish." she smiled as everyone else was happy about it. However, that's when a phone call happened on both Maxine and Fosh's laptops.
"Huh?" The two looks to open it but saw a video call with head chief Barbara Gordan was in her office but she seemed a bit upset about something.
"Ummm, is something wrong miss Commissioner?" Maxine asked.
"You guys need to come to the downtown station..Now." she said with arms crossed but the hackers blinks but looked nervous. "Ummm okay?"
"Oh, and bring Ink with you. I need to talk to her and her fraction as well." she said before ending the call to leave the hackers quiet. Everyone else blinks wondering what was going on.
"Uhhh what's wrong?" Terry asked but Maxine sighed.
"The chief wants all of us at the station like right now.." she said.
"Huh? But why?" Navarro asked.
"I don't know. She seems a bit upset about something but she means everyone..even Ink too." Maxine said as she tense to blink to Shdwkyz look at her.
"Ummm..I didn't do it? "She said giggling nervous but Shdwkyz sweatdrops before sighing.
"Even so, lets hurry. We shouldn't keep her waiting." Max said seeing everyone getting up to head to the station. Now they were curious to what is happening.
~~~Later that day at the station~~~
Ink was sitting in the chair while seeing the others in shock after being called in a while ago. However, they were not expecting Barbara to be a bit upset while having her arms crossed over her chest. Though, why would she be upset? Well.....
"Okay, I'm going to try to say this as calm as I can..." she said taking a deep breath then speaks: "HOW THE HECK DID ONE SWORD DO ALL THIS DAMAGE IN GOTHAM!?" she said to see Ink tense looking nervous while Sai and Terry blinks to hear this.
"Wait, what do you mean?" he asked but Barbara sighed to look at Terry.
"What do I mean? You mean you haven't heard of the recent reports this week about some demon sword flying around?! I been getting call after call about the same thing: A scary demon sword comes crashing through the streets spreading fear into all!" she said but The DBT, Terry, and Maxine blinks to see her sigh.
"Ummmm...No? I mean, I been busy doing something at the time. I didn't expect anything like that to happen!" Terry said but Barbara sighed.
"If you don't believe me...then look at this." She said seeing one officer walk over with a huge stack of complaints and reports and it was thick! The officer slams it on the desk that it shook startling the group.
"This!" she said hitting the folder, "Is all the reports, work, cases, and other things regarding one thing: THAT SWORD! You can take a look through if you need to." she said as Hellmare did that to open the file and look. She begins showing pictures of destroyed shops, buildings, some streets, even a tower!?"
"Hmmmm...these looks like the same areas we did mission while staying here for a few months to help out." she said camly while Fosh and Maxine looks seeing the damage.
"How the hell!?" Maxine was shocked as Fosh had a deadpanned expression seeing the damaging areas.
"Geez! Not again!" he said but Barbara blinks.
"Wait, again!? this has happened before!" she said.
"Well...yes but not here! It's...How can I explain this? You see, Ink's sword is well....he has a mind of his own and he tends to be a bit.....destructive. He did the same back home, in japan, toyko, yokohoma, and-"
"Now here." she said to look at Navarro who rubs the back of his head.
"And your telling me that Miss Van ink's sword is a living being of it's own that so happens to do all this. How do I know it's not Ink that caused this!?" she said.
"Well, it's not just that! It only happens when Ink tries to summon him!" Maggie said but Barbara was silent.
"Again, hard to explain." she mutters that the chief pinches the bridge of her nose to try taking this all in before looking at them.
"Uh huh, so this great sword has done all this just by her summoning it or having a mind of it's own. Are you sure about that?" she said.
"Yes!" The DBT said but Barbara sighed.
"So you expect me to believe that her sword did this? The destructive of the buildings, chaos, bad guys running away like girls over a sword?! And now your telling me it is alive!" she said.
"But he is! Look, I can prove it!" Ink said.
"You can't be serious miss van ink." she said.
"No no! It's true just watch!"
"iNK WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Navarro said trying to stop her but it was too late.
"WYVERN!" she calls out loud for him to hear as Barbara blinks seeing this and the same for Terry and Maxine. The DBT sweatdrops in silence but Ink opens her eyes to look.
"Oh come on! WYVERN!........WYVERN!..." she shook her had but growls to go to the window and open it. "WYVERN, YOU GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!! STOP BEING A DUMB BUTT!!" she shouted comically.
'God dang it Ink..' Sai thought shaking his head with a face palm that Terry sweat drops not getting this.
"Does...does she always call her sword like this?" he asked.
"Yeahhhhhhhh......we will explain later." Rust said rubbing the back of his head seeing Ink still calling out for the sword. Barbara sighed waiting to stop.
"Okay, I think I've seen enough. You guys will have to let us take her in. If she did this, she caused a lot of property damage." she said.
"Wait, I'm sure we can talk about this!" Opheila said worried seeing the cops about to arrest Ink until....something loud was heard like something smashing and breaking from outside.
Everyone looks to see something coming and heading right towards the building. "Uhhhh guys?" Maxine said seeing something sending smoke up to the sky and people shouting and moving.
A few people was shouting from the city but everyone looks to the window before seeing something shot past in a loud boom! Wyvern was flying at high speed to the call of it's owner destroying everything in front or breaking it.
"What...is that?!" one cop said.
"It's a sword....and.." the second one said before everyone begins to move.
"It's coming towards the building! EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WAY!! MOVE MOVE MOVE!" The cops shouted to see it smash through the building causing a large hole as the DBT's eyes widen seeing that.
"WYVERN! NO DON'T DO THAT!-" ink winces hearing more smashing and cars exploding now from the garage down below. Everyone was shocked even Barbara was.
'A sword..wait, they were telling the truth!? What the hell!?' she said in her mind but hearing more police cars being cut or blowing up as she heard cops screaming and ducking as the sword was smashing through.
"RUN AWAY!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" Some scream or some duck from the blade to see it going up and breaking through the ceiling heading towards Barbara's office. The whole building shook but before Barbara can ask, a loud smash was heard seeing her desk breaking in half and shredding the document as pieces of paper was flying everywhere.
Wyvern showed up in all his glory. "Dang it Wyvern! I don't get why you do that! Get down here!" she reaches for him only to see him fly towards Ink quickly and smack her in the forehead. "OW!"
"I........." everyone looks to see her arguing with the sword with a swollen lump on her forehead.
"Her sword is very violent.....that's a lot of damage." Terry said. "Are you guys sure it's not some sword a gang cursed?" he asked but when Sai tries to explain, Wyvern heard that and quickly goes to hit Terry right in the face through a wall.
"TERRY!" Sai and Maxine rushes to see him but saw him knocked out with stars over his head and swirly eyes. He groans but at least he was not dead. "Owwwwwwwwwww......"
"....O..Okay....I believe you." Barbara said in shock but Fosh sweatdrops.
"I...we will pay for the damages for this. We are soooo sorry ma'am." he said.
"...........You know what? I....I'm at a lost of words here....I...." she held her head to sigh. "I'm getting too old for this." she sweatdrops as Sai tries to wake terry.
"We really need to be sure you keep him with you at all times...though I don't think he will stop even if we tried anything." Maggie said with the DBT agreeing. However, Sai was quiet to only sigh.
"Uhhhhh..y...yeah?" she said but Shdwkyz turns ready to bonk her on the head. Yeah..he was a bit upset.
"Uh oh..."
"N..Now Sai, come on! I'm sorry! I can fix this!" she said backing up with a sweatdrop.
"I'm sure you can...but I just want to talk first." he said but Ink knew better.
"Ummmmm...I have one thing to say." she said but when she takes a breath to speak, she quickly turns to run out the office.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'M SORRY!! WYVERN IS SORRY!!" she screams running from the phantom slasher.
"GET OVER HERE INK!" he said still chasing her.
The DBT, Barbara, and Maxine was seeing this but Fosh shook his head to look and sigh. He got right to work on sending money to pay for the damages within Neo Gotham. Though, he asked.
"Second, how badly are we talking of damages?" he asked but Barbara held a total of damages. When he saw it his eyes widen.
"HOW MUCH!?" he screamed only to fall back and pass out. Yeah, it was a lot. "Fosh!? Hey wake up!" Maggie said as he twitched but Maxine sweatdrops.
'Well...this turned out to be one crazy start of the night.' Max said as the chaos was unfolding. Though, at least Neo Gotham got to meet the demon greatsword of Van ink. Sorta.
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reservoirreputation · 4 months
Lately I've been thinking more and more about the res dogs AU, in which Freddy didn't kill mr Blonde and thus didn't give himself away. How do you think things would develop in such a situation? I mean, Eddie wouldn't know anything, Freddy wouldn't be suspicious, and the cops would still be outside the door. In general, it’s interesting to read your thoughts on this matter! (or get a link to a fanfic, if there is one, of course)
It's not exactly the same, but maybe similar enough, if you have an itch you wanna scratch
"Summary: The jewelry heist goes badly, and everyone ends up in jail, all except Mr. Orange, who’s MIA. A trusted hand is brought in, to see if Orange is a dope dealer on the run, or an undercover cop. Larry’s up for the challenge."
It's essentially 'what if Freddy saw Blonde was about to go on a shooting spree, shoots him first (Vic lives), everyone else meets up at the warehouse, gets arrested'. It's essentially best case scenario because Larry's not there to distract Freddy
But, since you're here:
If Freddy doesn't shoot Blonde, well, I guess Marvin would be set on fire, wouldn't he? One ending is Freddy dies of smoke inhalation while Blonde bails. That's not the end of it, of course, because the moment Larry gets wind of it, he's going after Blonde. Spur of the moment, he'll likely be stopped by the Cabots. If he waits, plays nice, he'll kill Vic when he's alone and least expecting it, months, even years later.
Another ending is that Freddy isn't awake when the fire starts, there's no way for him to know what Blonde's about to do. No protesting, no ambush. And it's not that Vic's looking out for others, he's still looking out for himself; he knows that if he lets Orange die, he'll NEVER hear the end of it. So, he scoops up a half-dead Orange, gets him out of the warehouse, and drives to a backup meetup (one that only he and Eddie used)
Branching off from ending two: Orange wakes up, is patched up, feels like he's been hit by several buses. The other guys have scattered with their cuts, except for the Cabots, Larry and Blonde. They explain how hot the area is, and that with Orange in his condition, they can't leave him alone. Joe and Eddie are skipping town, and highly recommend that Orange go with them; it's the least Joe can do, after all. This for all intents and purposes should be impossible; Holdaway, the LAPD, should be looking for Freddy, will find him in no time. Only, in this ending, Freddy never passed out. He saw everything Blonde did to Marvin. Didn't stop him, at any point. Be it from fear, shock, having half his blood on the floor, or maybe...
Freddy wanted to live more than he wanted to save Marvin.
Unsure of what the truth is, he knows one thing for certain; he can't face the cops. No matter what, he feels responsible. So, Freddy agrees to go with them, with Larry and Blonde in tow. Insert here the development of the most toxic version of Larry/Freddy/Vic possible.
I think there's another possibility, with Freddy using his most powerful tool in the film; his words. His ability to convince people of whatever he wants except going to the hospital, and-
"Summary: Part One: Left behind in the aftermath of Vega’s activities, Larry’s hauled in for questioning, and is given a unique opportunity; save lives by informing on Vic Vega, and have the pleasure of seeing him get thrown in jail. But, the LAPD won’t let him go at it, alone. They send in an undercover agent, one that Larry won’t know about until they’re both in the field.
Part Two: Day of the theft and everything seems to be going great. One unlucky shot, however, and Freddy’s world is turned upside-down. As he thinks back on what led him up to this point, Freddy must summon the strength to go as far as needed, and not lose himself in the process."
If there's another aspect of this scenario (the original ask) that you want me to expand on, let me know! This is just the stuff I could think of off the top of my head!
Anybody wants to take these ideas, put their own spin on it... tag me when you're done? I'm nosey.
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