#i feel like johnny had to be forced to retire around the same time as case 🤣
masschase · 1 year
▼ ∇ for casey for the headcanon meme!
Headcanon meme
▼ - childhood headcanon
Ooh now I have a lot of these but I'm trying to think what I've not shared yet, haha. I don't know how much I've talked about how much Casey's mom used her as a scapegoat for why she needed extra pills all the time. I usually talk about the lies being stuff like her flushing them down the toilet or hiding them or taking them to school and getting them confiscated, but as she got older this evolved into stuff like taking them and selling them or trying to use them recreationally herself. Whether any of that would actually fly in the 00s without someone getting involved is debatable but the point is, this view of Casey being a bit of a problem child by her teens was kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
As a side note, the one thing I find really hard to convey is that Casey's mom as a character is not a judgement on addiction, or even on religion. Her homophobia, ableism etc. are the qualities that paint her as unpleasant, and I still like to think she's a realistic character, just a deeply flawed one.
∇ - old age/aging headcanon Hmm since old is very subjective I'll focus on ageing? Casey retires as leader of the Saints in her mid-60s, specifically because at that point she deems Victory (in her early 30s) experienced and mature enough to take over. Vic comes across as a lot more calm and thoughtful than her mother overall but she's also very ambitious, if anything she needs reigning in a little when it comes to leading. I feel like as Matt stays a few years longer to help support his daughter with that, but he has no intentions of taking over by this stage.
I've said this before but I'm of the view that the Saints have always kind of run on nepotism, and that although most of the Saints with kids didn't necessarily want them following the same path as them, it was kind of inevitable some would and really? The Saints have been more government than gang for decades by this point and are well respected overall so it's not horrifically unsafe.
Of course Casey will continue fighting in Matt's ("brain safe") simulations, as she has been doing for over 30 years, but she's already well adapted to stepping back from real life fights when needed by this point. In her own words, and one of my favourite quotes:
"I've fought hundreds of fights with you. I've died a whole handful of deaths with you. But after all I've been through... after all we've been through... there is nothing I cherish more than waking up every morning alive with you."
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celenawrites · 1 year
Note - This scenario contains dark content and NSFW parts.
Minors DNI.
Warning - Dark Content, Dubious Content, Stalker!Ghost and Stalker!Soap, Therapist!Reader, Nanny cams, Stalking, NSFW content,Voyeurism, Polyamory, characters may appear to be OOC (and I am sorry about that but I couldn't really resist this idea) etc.
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Thinking about Simon Riley being discharged from the military after getting injured in action, and Soap taking leave in order to take care of him.
Johnny buys groceries, cooks for him, and drives him to his physical therapy sessions. Soap helps him stretch and care for his fractures, and he pretends that it's normal for his Lt. to wrap his arms around his waist as they sleep in the same bed. (Ghost's apartment is sparse at best, and Soap is lucky that he even has a bed to sleep on. If it were up to Simon, he'd probably sleep while on his legs - even when they're fractured.)
Soap who wakes up in the middle of the night to his Lieutenant reliving his mistakes on the field over and over again, the nightmare making him shake and sweat in his bed. Soap, who has to carefully wake him up and make him a hot cup of tea, knowing that after such a rough night, Riley won't be sleeping anytime soon.
Simon, who has a hard time expressing his gratitude to his Sergeant, but he can show it in more 'unconventional' ways. Simon, who needs to feel Johnny close to him in bed, in order to have a good night's sleep. Simon, who cannot help but imagine what a life with Soap would be like, if he were to retire from the military altogether. Simon, who feels his mouth dry a little, whenever he glances at even a sliver of Soap's exposed skin from his too-loose tank tops. (Summer has been brutal this time around, for some reason and Soap has been killing him with his tempting body, to be frank.)
Simon who's instructed by Price to go to therapy/get a psych eval before he re-joins the task force. Simon, who along with Soap, is forced to look through newspapers and online articles and reviews until he stumbles upon a therapist who specializes in veterans and is covered by his insurance, thank fuck.
Soap drives Simon to the therapist and even stays in the reception hall while Simon goes through a session, but by God is he distracted by how pretty his therapist is. You're just the most beautiful woman he had probably laid his eyes on in years, and he's pretty sure the filthy thoughts he has for you are totally inappropriate and only reserved for you and Soap. Simon has his dark eyes flutter shut and move around the room, trying his best not to ogle you but failing anyway as he notices your cleavage in your tight white blouse. He's aloof, and curt - if only to save you from the depravity that has consumed his brain.
He wonders how you'd react if he were to bend you over that office table of yours and fuck your brains out. You always look so stressed, you seem like you need it - need someone to take care of you the way you seem to be trying to 'take care' of him.
You're frustrated. You know that someone like Simon clearly has gone through hell, and you want to help him, but you're out of your depth regarding how to assist him. You almost refer him to a more experienced therapist, that is until Simon decides to show you a glimpse or two into his life - telling you about his mother and about Tommy, rarely would he be amenable to talking about his late father though. And you wouldn't force him to talk about things he doesn't wish to touch upon either.
He would sometimes talk about Johnny - 'a dear friend' of his who is helping him out during his recovery. He would sometimes get this almost fond look in his eyes, and you'd wonder how long it takes for Simon to realize that Johnny is more than a friend to him.
Simon talks briefly about his time in the military, almost all names and, places, and information are hidden for your safety. The first time he musters up the courage to talk about his father, he couldn't stop tapping his foot against the marble floor, his hands trembling as he recalls memories of his terrible childhood. Seeing the behemoth of a man
Simon, who finds himself falling deeper in love with Soap, and yet feels shame surrounding him at the prospect of his obsession with his sweet little therapist and her caring attitude. Simon, who wants to be happy just this once, and have the family that he so desperately craves and deserves after the shitty life he had to suffer through, decides to finally plan how to bring you and Johnny closer to him - creating a safe haven for all three of you.
You don't know that he has your phone tapped and that he has been able to track out your address (thanks to military connections). You barely pay attention to the stuffed toy on your vanity table, unaware of the nanny cam inside of it that allows Simon to spy on your every move. He's a gentleman, still. So he doesn't necessarily spy on you when you change into your clothes, or get out of the shower - wet and dripping, your soft body wrapped up in a towel. He definitely tries his best to ignore the hard boner he pops even at the slightest show of your skin.
Soap gets increasingly worried at the prospect of Simon regularly going to the therapist, and then disappearing into his study room for hours on end - barely speaking a word to him ever since he started taking therapy seriously.
On one such day, when Simon leaves for therapy on his own, he insists that Soap stays home and rests - he's been working so hard and clearly deserves to have a day to himself. In his hurry to meet you, the lieutenant leaves his study room unlocked and unguarded - and Johnny lets his curiosity get the best of him. 
Johnny spots the still-open laptop, and surfs through it all - his mind feeling a concoction of disgust, envy, and even awe as he notices how thorough Simon had been when it came to not only vetting you but also keeping eyes on you constantly through secretive means. The device has probably hundreds of hours of footage of you and to be honest, the more he snoops around, the more he can see why Ghost would go out of his way to do it. 
"She's perfect, ain't she?" Simon grumbles from behind him, and Johnny feels his heart fall to his stomach. He realizes that leaving the room unlocked was not a mistake, but rather an intentional move on his partner's behalf. 
The masked man claps his shoulder with his firm hand, egging him on to watch you relax in your office - leaning back into your leather armchair, your chest heaving as you close your eyes and relax before your next patient arrives. 
"Made for both of us", Simon goads him, and Johnny cannot find it in himself to disagree. 
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Note -
I legitimately started typing this out while in class, got sick and stayed at home and finished it while I was supposed to be resting. Some of these ideas are too tempting to be left as just ideas, so I would probably try to give this one a chance. (I say this with every little blurb I pump out on my blog lol. Someone should stop me.)
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sergeant-tears · 2 years
Retirement could be for men like me and you (maybe pt1)
Retirement was never in the cards for Simon Riley….
Or, that’s what he’d thought at least, but now he was in his living room using a cane and bitching at his husband from across the room.
“50 years old, how are you feeling, Ghost?” Price asked, the task force was still alive and well under John Price’s strong hands, still the original group stayed as well.
Gaz puts a hand on Ghost’s shoulder, “come on Old Man, out with it.”
“I feel the exact same as I always do.” Ghost replied, patting Gaz’s hand before elbowing the man in the ribs. The old bait and switch of affection. Gaz huffs and whines at him, rolling his eyes, “Just wish we had our other teammate here to help clean up the mess this one made.”
Gaz snorts at the accusation, confetti littering the ground, “This was all lover-boy's idea. It’s not like John didn’t help me plan it.”
Price rolls his eyes, but doesn’t deflect the accusation because it’s damn well true.
“Son, I’m not happy about his mission date either but rules are rules.” He was chewing on a popsicle stick now, his mouth needing something to do to curb his cigar habit. Everyone had to quit smoking at some point, Gaz being the first to quit because he noticed a wheeze starting. He had freaked the fuck out about it, stopping cut hate tree cold Turkey and chewing obscene amounts of gum instead. Soap had been second and Price had been last.
Ghost never did have an addiction to smoking, only ever going so far to do weed once or twice a year to chill out while he was on leave.
“I know.” Ghost replies, tapping his feet and sighing, “He’s supposed to call at 20:00 when he gets done with the mission.”
“Good lad,” Price said before leaning to ruffle both Simon and Gaz’s hair, though Ghost still had his mask on, “tell him to hurry his ass home too, Kate’s wife made cookies.”
Ghost rolls his eyes, “You don’t want to share those cookies Captain.”
“I don’t. The only reason I share with any of you is because Emily would slap the hell out of me if she heard I didn’t.”
Gaz laughs, elbowing the Captain before reaching to grab one of said cookies. Price gives him a look while Gaz munches down happily on it before making a face.
“God these are so sweet I shouldn’t eat too many.”
“Who's the old man now, Garrick?” Ghost said, a smirk prevalent under his mask. He got shouldered for his trouble, taking it with pride as he noticed Price’s mouth quirk upward in a laugh. As he sits and basks in the energy around the room, growing more comfortable with his team was a long arduous process, but now he got to deal with the benefits he reaped from being forcefully made into a friend.
Though it’s slowly getting darker out, everyone was tired and Ghost was waiting for the call he was supposed to get.
His room was clean as usual, and he goes about cleaning even more, cleaning his knives and sharpening them with the whetstone that Gaz had decided to get him as a birthday gift. Time ticks by slowly, and he notices that the time when Soap was supposed to call had gone by. Each moment it ticked past, seconds and minutes going past like slime. Trudging through his nighttime routine, Ghost thinks about the reasons behind the lateness. It’s easy to put that information into a box though, it’s very likely that Soap’s phone was broken on the mission, or he had to delay the call to work on something important.
Still he can’t help but be nervous, he’d grown more anxious through the years.
After two hours have passed he lays down in bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about what he was going to do. His phone was taken off silent for once, leaving it on his bedside stand and letting his eyes rest while wondering what could be holding up Johnny.
Drifting off was easy, but he was woken up by his phone going off on his bedside. The sound shot him out of whatever sleep he caught, eyes opened immediately as he grabbed onto his phone and pushed the button to answer.
“Hello?” His voice was rough with tiredness.
The voice on the other end wasn’t Soap, instead it was a feminine one, “Hello is this Simon Riley?”
Ghost sits up and throws the covers off himself, “Yes it is, why?”
“You’re on John MacTavish's Emergency forms sir. He was just brought in from a mission.” She said and her tone was nervous, each word lilting a little bit.
There isn’t time for him to get well and truly dressed in his state, throwing on shoes and his mask, “is he okay? What happened? Which hospital? I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Northumbria Hospital sir— he is in surgery right now, and it may be a few days before non-family visitors are allowed.”
Ghost doesn’t care about non-family visitors, he’ll deal with it when he gets there, “Thanks.”
He hangs up and darts out of his room, cutting corners and knowing the amount of times he clips his hip on chairs and tables. The base is always mostly awake, night-watch keeping everything safe while they still run the base to half-capacity. He finds himself in the garage, staring down at the lone soldier running the place: he knew this one was one of Gaz’s to run about.
“What can I do for you Lieutenant?” He asked politely, though he was halfway to falling asleep in his chair. Ghost would feel bad for the man if he wasn’t in such a hurry.
“A truck, not armored, whatever will get me somewhere.” He says evenly, though he felt incredibly frazzled.
The soldier nods, “Copy that. I’ll be right back with keys.”
As if sensing the urgency of the matter, the man jogged to where they kept the keys locked away and immediately picked out a set, “Here you are, big white truck by the humvee section.”
Ghost nodded, and when he glanced at the man as if wondering for paperwork he merely shook his head, “Birthday gift, you look like you need it. I’ll fill out the paperwork for you.”
When Ghost wasn’t in a hurry he would tell Gaz to give this soldier a break from training to do this, but for now he only nodded to him and ran to the truck before getting out of there. Did the ghost have a license? No. Does it truly matter when his partner was injured badly enough for surgery? Definitely not.
“What do you mean by complications?” Ghost asked deadly calm, and the nurse— a no nonsense looking older woman with a mean face— simply held onto her clipboard with ease.
“Shrapnel from the explosion couldn’t be worked out by surgery without risk of death, but leaving it in would have caused infection from the bacteria. So amputation is the only option that the hospital could take with the least amount of risk.”
Ghost blinks and he wishes deeply that he could still wear his mask instead of the surgical one they had made him replace it with, “The likelihood of survival?”
“Almost 100 percent with the procedure.” She said calmly, “but he won’t be returning to active duty. Once Mister MacTavish is lucid and able we will discuss his options of prosthetics or mobility devices.” Nurse Anne Martin, if her name tag was to be believed. Trying not to shrivel at the idea of Johnny leaving service, Ghost kept himself steady.
“Thank you for keeping him alive.” He said instead of bursting out into tears, “When can I see him?”
“You can see him tomorrow morning, Mr. Riley.” She gave him the first glimpse of sympathy he’d seen on the stoic woman’s face, “You may want to make some decisions before you do so though.”
Ghost nods, “I’ll be back then.”
He wanted to sit in the waiting room and wail, or wait by Johnny’s bedside until the man woke up but he had to work some things out. The situation made him want to claw his eyes out but instead he slipped on the mask of Ghost and went to call Price. He had paperwork to fill out.
John “Soap” MacTavish woke up in a hospital room to the beeping of machines, a soft static of television, and the feeling of being 20 pounds lighter. Opening his eyes a little he almost groaned at the crusted feeling left behind by what could be a week's worth of sleep. He didn’t know how long he was out, only that his left ear wasn’t doing its job and everything was fuzzy to him at the moment.
Soap blinks a few times and reaches one hand up to rub his eyes and hisses at the disused feeling all over his body.
As he finally could see he startled at the slouched body at the end of the hospital bed, blonde hair messy from being under a mask, was Ghost. His partner.
Another thing he noticed was that the blankets looked uneven and he sucks in a breath.
His left leg is just... Gone. It sort of feels like it’s still there, a numbness settling over the area, but he places a hand on the nub and realizes with a hiss that it wasn’t just sleepiness. He was missing a leg.
His movement woke the man at the end of his bed, Ghost's head darting up and big brown eyes looking at Soap. His eyes crinkled with an unseen smile, and he looked relieved.
“Hey Johnny.” His voice is soft, so so soft, and Soap wants to melt into him but right now he’s struggling to piece together what happened, “You’re lucky to be alive. Drink.”
He holds up a cup to Soap’s lips, and Soap doesn’t even recall seeing him move. Maybe he’s got brain damage too. Still, the water is nice on his tongue and he enjoys a few sips while taking deep calming breaths.
“What?” He finally asks when he’s finished sipping from the cup.
“Mission went awry.” Ghost said, “Utterly bloody tits up that said, but everyone got out safely save for three Privates.”
“Uh huh.” Johnny’s head hurt, “I’m guessing I got hit?”
Simon takes off the surgical mask and places a kiss on his eyebrow, face full of tired shadows and wrinkles, “”More than hit. You got blown to high hell, what I heard. Had to amputate your left leg.”
“I figured.” Soap said, “Guess I’m getting that retirement sooner rather than later.”
“Yes we are.” Simon responded, sounding completely confident.
“Wait LT.” He said with reverence in his voice, “You’re coming with?”
“Couldn’t get me to go back without you, Johnny.” He said and ran a hand through the man’s hair.
It surprised both of them that Ghost had taken that step. Both had figured Ghost would die in the field. Soap didn’t like the idea but he also knew Ghost would struggle with civilian life. He was retiring. With Soap.
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jaehyunfirstlove · 4 years
Highway to Heaven - Ch. 3
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Your best friend Johnny wants to go on a road trip. The only catch? He wants to bring his roommate, Jeong Jaehyun, someone you just couldn’t stand.
Genre: e2l, fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
Warnings: alcohol use, shirtless Jaehyun ;)
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2
A/N: There are some drunken shenanigans (but not the smutty kind) so if this makes you feel uncomfortable please do not read.
The next morning you did not feel well rested at all, courtesy of your bed mate who moved constantly in his sleep. You’d be woken with either a knee in the back or a hand in the face, and at one point he even mumbled in his sleep, and you thought he was actually talking to you so you spent a good minute trying to figure out what he was saying.
Naturally you were crabby and since it was your shift to drive, your first stop was at Starbucks for a good strong coffee. Your companions had the good sense to stay out of your way, and the rest of the drive was blessedly quiet. You didn’t even turn on any music, feeling a migraine from lack of sleep coming on. By the time you reached the beach at Santa Cruz your head was pounding and all you wanted to do was lie on the beach and rethink your life choices.
Johnny and Jaehyun, however, were like two kids who’d been let out on the last day of school. Once you’d put the car in park they jumped out and bolted towards the water, hollering the entire time, shedding shoes, socks, and shirts as they went. You mentally prayed that they would stop there and thankfully they did, splashing in the ocean in just their shorts. You trailed behind, dragging a beach blanket and umbrella.
“Come into the water, Y/N, it’s so refreshing!” Johnny beckoned.
“No thanks, I know by ‘refreshing’ you mean ‘cold’,” you countered, setting up the blanket and umbrella in the sand, “you guys have fun, I’m going to pass out.” You put your sunglasses on and sat on the blanket, sparing them a glance before you planned to nap. Except that the sight of a shirtless Jaehyun made you pause.
You’d seen Johnny shirtless before so you were immune to it by now, and Jaehyun wasn’t as built as Johnny but again there was something about him that pulled you in. His shoulders were broad, something you hadn’t really noticed when he was wearing clothes, his chest defined, and the clear lines of his abs were evident as he played around with Johnny in the water. You tried to swallow but your throat was dry, willing yourself to look away but you couldn’t. He looked your way and smiled, the setting sun forming a halo effect around him. It felt like time stopped at that moment, but you just blamed it on your migraine giving you hallucinations. You shook your head at the same time Johnny grabbed Jaehyun and dunked him in the water.
That night was camping on the beach, and you and Jaehyun started the campfire while Johnny set up the tents.
“You’re good at this,” Jaehyun commented, as you deftly lit the tinder and fanned the small flames into a roaring fire.
“Did I tell you Y/N’s a pyro?” Johnny chuckled, fighting with the tent poles.
You just shrugged. “I was always in charge of the campfires when I went camping with my family. I guess I had the steadiest hands and I wasn’t afraid of fire. Johnny is, though.” You side-eyed your friend.
“Hey, don’t give away all my secrets,” Johnny wagged a finger at you, “besides, it’s perfectly normal to be afraid of fire.”
“Mm,” Jaehyun nodded, “is that why you’re setting up your tent thirty feet away?”
“That is NOT the reason, I have a new sleeping bag that’s rated for very cold temperatures that I wanted to test.” Johnny huffed.
You snickered, “Well, I’m telling you now that I am definitely not sleeping with you tonight, I still have bruises from the one-sided boxing match you engaged in with me last night.” You rolled your neck and Jaehyun laughed.
“Guess it’s you and me tonight, John,” he winked at Johnny, who winked back at him and blew him a kiss.
You made vomiting noises as you watched them. “Get a room!”
“We have a tent!” They said together, collapsing into laughter.
You roasted hot dogs over the fire for dinner, and paired with a few beers you were starting to feel drowsy again. Johnny had already retired to his tent, and Jaehyun was quietly poking at the fire with a stick.
“Hey,” you started but just as soon stopped. Your tongue felt too big for your mouth, you were pretty sure you weren’t drunk, but sometimes when you looked over at Jaehyun there were two of him. That definitely would be trouble, you thought, then giggled.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, looking at you curiously.
“Oop! Was that out loud?” you were startled at the sound of your own voice, your eyes bulging, your hand clapping over your mouth. Jaehyun broke out into the widest smile you’d seen from him yet.
“Y/N, are you drunk?”
“Are you kidding?” you slurred, confused again as to why your voice sounded that way, “Absolutely not! And I am insulted that you would think that!” you went on. Your face felt hot, and it wasn’t from the fire.
“Sorry, you just sounded like it. And your face-” he began to point at you, his finger making a circle in the air around your face.
“Don’t!” you pointed right back at him, your blood boiling, “You don’t get to talk about my face! Who do you think you are anyway! Bad boy? Huh? Player!”
He flinched at your words, and even with your mind clouded you could feel the tension in the air. He went back to poking at the fire, and you were struck with the sudden urge to vomit.
“Jaehyun, I think I’m gonna throw up,” you managed to warn him, before you turned away and emptied the contents of your dinner into the sand. He jumped up from where he was sitting, cradling an arm around you and holding your hair back as you heaved. He held you like that until you were done, passing you some tissues and a bottle of water when you seemed to be better. You sat back, holding onto his arm to steady yourself.
“Are you okay?” he asked, concern clear in his eyes. When you nodded a strand of hair fell into your face, and he reached over and tucked it behind your ear. That simple gesture made your heart flip in your chest, but before you could do anything about it, your world went black.
“Should we bring her to the hospital?”
“Nah, she’ll be fine, I’ve seen this before. One time in college, she got drunk at a party and barfed all over this guy she had a crush on.” Johnny snickered at the memory, “She just needs to sleep it off.”
“I don’t know, Johnny, she was all pale and then she passed out. I carried her to her tent but I felt bad about leaving her alone in there.”
You were slowly starting to regain consciousness, forcing your eyes open you recognized you were in your tent. You could hear Johnny and Jaehyun talking outside.
“Owww,” you moaned, clutching your head as you propped yourself up on your elbows. That simple motion made your entire body ache.
“Y/N?” you heard the tent unzip, Jaehyun’s worried face appearing in the opening. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been run over by a freight train,” you croaked, coughing as your throat felt like sandpaper. Jaehyun handed you a bottle of water. You almost chugged it in one go but Jaehyun stopped you, urging you to slow down.
“Slowly,” he touched your arm lightly with his hand, and even though the contact was brief, you felt warmth spread throughout your body.
“Thanks,” you said sincerely, looking him in the eye. He tilted his head slightly at you before he smiled, that beautiful dimpled smile that was starting to bewitch you.
“You’re fine, Y/N, stop milking this already! Let’s get going, we’re losing sunlight here!” Johnny was bellowing from behind Jaehyun.
“Give her a minute, Johnny,” Jaehyun turned to him, putting out his hand in a calming gesture. Johnny just shrugged.
“Alright but don’t take too long, I want to get to that diner before it gets too busy.” He disappeared, presumably to pack up his tent.
“What time is it, anyway?” you asked Jaehyun, rubbing your eyes.
“Almost eleven,” he answered.
“In the morning?” you yawned. The corners of Jaehyun’s mouth twitched, he was trying not to smile.
“Yes. We let you sleep in. Well, I let you sleep in. Johnny wanted to wake you at seven.”
“Oh god, thank you so much,” you were starting to feel more awake, but your body still ached, “He’s right though, that diner gets crazy around noon. Let’s go.” You tried to stand up but your limbs wouldn’t obey you.
“Do you need help?” you could tell he wanted to, his arms were already outstretched, but he still waited for your consent. You wanted to say no, you hated feeling like you needed help, but nothing was going to happen if you remained stubborn. You mentally cursed yourself for drinking that one extra beer that you knew you shouldn’t have.
“Yeah, thanks,” you nodded, and he leaned down and lifted you gently. You hated yourself for thinking it, but his arms around you felt good. You could feel the strength in them, but also the gentleness and care with which he handled you. Once you were on your feet you nodded at him, thinking you were okay, so he let go. You almost crumpled to the ground but he caught you, his reflexes undeniably fast.
“Whoops,” he said, arms enclosing you, his face just inches from yours. You were so close to him you could smell the mintiness of his breath, could see the reflection of yourself in his irises, could feel the heat radiating from his body. It was only a split second though, before he righted you, not letting go this time. “Just hold onto me, if you need to.”
This time, you did, clutching his elbow as he walked you back to the car. Johnny ended up packing everything else up, shaking his head and clicking his tongue at you as he passed.
“No more beer for you!” he rebuked. You stuck out your tongue at him, but even that motion made you woozy. Jaehyun placed you carefully in the backseat, making sure you were comfortable before getting into the driver’s seat.
“Don’t drive too crazy, okay?” you pleaded weakly.
He looked at you in the rearview mirror and smiled. “Promise.”
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nctinfo · 4 years
[TRANS] Johnny & Jaehyun’s interview with W Korea May 2020 issue!
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Today was a day where we borrowed the cinematic imagination of the 1996 film <Romeo and Juliet" directed by Baz Luhrmann and created two Romeos. Both of you portrayed the 'Modern Day Romeo' well, how did you think the shooting went? Johnny: It felt like we came out to play. The setting too, it felt just like any small town in America. When I was leaning against the bed during the shoot, I danced excitedly while holding a bunch of grapes (laughs). Romeo, I think, is someone who is honest with his feelings and who wants to achieve love till the end. Thanks to this, regardless of what others might think, I had fun during the shoot. Jaehyun: From the Hawaiian shirts with palm trees to leopard print belts. Above all, the outfits were bold. The point of today was to act like someone who plays around and has always worn this kind of style. There was a scene [in the movie] where Romeo flips over the white blankets and plays around with Juliet, but it wasn't easy [to portray that scene] because of the blood that rushed to my face (laughs).
It’s a shame we don’t have a Juliet today. If you were to summon Juliet right now, what outfit would she appear in? And what do you imagine would be the first thing she says? Johnny: A simple outfit would be nice. For today’s shoot I was wearing a white short sleeved t-shirt and cream coloured jeans, so Juliet would have a similar vibe and would say ‘Are you doing well?’ filled with affection and excitement. Jaehyun: She’d appear in a white t-shirt and blue jeans. With a short ‘I missed you’.
There are two male leads in the movie <Romeo and Juliet>. There is Romeo who is a romanticist with rich emotions but who is hesitant in front of love, and there is Tybalt who is a calm strategist but sometimes emits fiery charms like a bulldozer. Between the two, who do you feel like you're similar to? Johnny: I think I'm similar to Tybalt who wants to be like Romeo. I'm the type of person to carry out something immediately when you decide on it. On the other hand, I want to learn from Romeo's attitude to be faithful and honest with your feelings the moment you fall in love. Jaehyun: I'm the opposite of Johnny. I think I'm Romeo who wants to resemble Tybalt's calm and analytical side. Normally, I'm the type to follow my feelings rather than reasoning, so if I had to choose between the two, it would be Romeo.
If some day your story gets made into a movie, what song would you want to be played in the ending credits? Johnny: On bright sunny days like lately the mood is refreshed and tender. If the movie will be about me in spring, then Mac Miller’s ‘Circles’ would be nice. If I ever get to make a movie in the future, any Coldplay song would be good. Coldplay’s music feels like home, music genres come and go, but in the end when I need stability I always seem to turn to Coldplay. Jaehyun: In my own movie, first of all I don’t think we need a post credit scene (laugh). I’ve always cherished Chet Baker’s ‘I fall in love too easily’. It’s a tasty song that you can listen to on repeat with an empty head, without thinking anything. Chet Baker’s trumpet performance and voice always strangely draw my ears in.
The title song 'Kick It' of your 2nd full album <NCT#127 Neo Zone> that was released in March actively incorporates the identity of cine kids hero, Bruce Lee. Taking over Bruce Lee's baton, is there a movie protagonist who you want to express musically? Johnny: Exactly two people come to mind. First, Brad Pitt from the movie <Fight Club>, I want to try a song with a strong beat with a fighter's unique fiery temperament. It would be great to incorporate the shocking twist of the movie. The other is Will Smith in the movie <The Pursuit of Happiness>. It's a 'life' movie I want to give five stars. No matter what twists and turns, it's a movie that eventually ends with a happy ending. It would be nice to sing [a song] with a message that even though it's hard now, you'll be happy in the end. A slow ballad would suit that, right? Jaehyun: Even though I acted as him today, Romeo would be fun [to express]. It would be a song that shouts love, but it would be perfect if it contains everything from joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure like in the movie. When I think of James Dean in the movie <Rebel Without a Cause> I imagine music that puts together spicey funky beats based on the old sounds of jazz bands. Recently I'm really into jazz, soul, and R&B, so a band sound is essential.
Even if it's not someone who everyone knows like Bruce Lee, is there someone you two consider to be a hero? Johnny: I don't really express it well normally, but my mom? I'm an only child that was born late, so I always stuck to my mother when I was young. Looking back, I think my mother was a person who sacrificed herself to her family but still valued her happiness. I want to resemble the way she always lives consciously while having fun. It was my mother who taught me how to feel and enjoy every moment. My mom often told me that the experience of 'trying' something is important. For example, I spent my childhood in the United States, and no matter what, we always celebrated the independence day, which is on July 4th, with family and watched the fireworks. On days when the moon was bright and full, we'd be outside watching it. Thanks to this, I think I've grown up as a person with rich emotions. Jaehyun: my grandmother. Despite nearing 80 years old, she had been a dancer until recently and is now retired. She doesn't miss the broadcasts I appear on and watches everything, and after the broadcast ends, she will always send me long KakaoTalk messages with feedback. Because she's a dancer, there are times when she points out my fingertips and neckline but in general, she tells me what kind of mindset I should have when it comes to life. I always get advice from teachers and people around me, but strangely, every word from my grandmother seems to really pierce me. [She tells me] Don't mind others, live enjoying everything you can take on. I still hold [those words] close to me.
It's been quite a while since the first stage you did in the name of NCT 127. What was the driving force behind you during this long time? Johnny: fans, members, family. Looking back, it seems like it was people that led me. Fans are the 'reason' for me to do something. The members are my companions who walk together for this reason, and wouldn't my family be my roots. Having a place to go back to is a completely different story. I think it's family that shows me that I can fall sometimes and that I have somewhere to go back to. Jaehyun: I was able to endure my trainee days purely because I liked music. It's the same now. Of course, our fans who like our music and who come and watch our stages are a great strength too. One difference is that, until now, I relied on the people around me and tried to lean my body on the 'crew', but I seem to have found a driving force within myself recently. I give myself strength by pushing myself or complimenting myself, that's how I find enlightenment within myself. In this sense, as a human, I feel like I'm going through a time of maturity.
If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself if you could pat yourself on the back right before going up on the stage for the first time? Johnny: ‘Have confidence. Even if your spirits fall, work on everything’. I don’t know how it might have looked on the outside but my state of mind now seems to be very different from then. I’m much more free now. I kept telling myself that I’m nice and confident, and now I think I am able to stand confident like this. I don’t know why I only saw the flaws in the past. Now, rather than trying to make up for my weaknesses, I tend to focus on maximising my strengths instead. Jaehyun: ‘Do what you want, what you think is right and what you like. Of course I know you’ll do fine, but it would be nice to be a bit more daring.’
What are 3 adjectives that describe you? Johnny: Energetic, romantic, selfish. The last word I chose because I think in order to make another person happy, I need to be happy myself and only when I have a sense of security I can care for other people. Jaehyun: I like classic stuff so first of all, classic, continuous because I always try to learn and grow, and firm in terms of trying to remain as stable as possible.
What were you born with, and on the other hand what weren’t you born with that you’re trying to achieve? Johnny: Seems like I was born with curiosity. Like I’ve mentioned before, my mom has influenced me a lot. On the other hand I want to make passion my thing. Sometimes I look at the members when I’m lazing around. Everyone has their ‘one passion’! Jaehyun: Ever since I was little I would always fix the TV at home whenever it broke down. I think I’ve been born with dexterity. I seem to be good at sports, but I really need flexibility (laugh). I also want to break up with my short lived resolve. To speak, I lack persistence a little. When I really like something or if I have a clear reason to do it, my body moves. If there’s neither, I fall into the swamp of one short lived resolve to another. (laugh)
As a listener of <NCTs Night Night>, a show that was hosted by the two of you in the past, I think you were compassionate and were counselors who had shown more empathy than other people of your age. Today, let's write the concerns of you two. What's your biggest concern now after passing April 12th, 2020? Johnny: Although it's a little embarrassing to say it in words, my biggest concern these days is how to be a strength for the fans who we can't meet because of the recent situation. Most importantly, I don't want to be distressed and spend this time more meaningful. Jaehyun: What the heck to do at home! I'm the type to be very active. Nobody can go outside so I'm working hard in trying to find something I can do home alone. I've watched movies, listened to music and cooked, but I can't help but still feel the itch [to do something].
When you watch your web variety show <NCT LIFE>, you two are often seen standing in the kitchen. Is there any dish you want to make for that one precious person in the future? I wonder what the specific recipe is and what the mood of the day will be like. Johnny: First of all, I wanna make breakfast. Omelets are good to eat in the morning. Omelets are well made when you think 'even though it's bad, it's good'! Stir-fry onions and bell peppers until they become sweet, then sprinkle some pepper to finish it. The time would be good at 09:30 am when the sunlight is strong enough to see the dust. That precious one would be sitting in a chair (laughs). The table will be set with cutlery and two cups of coffee. So that you can open the morning in a relaxed and simple manner. Jaehyun: Samgyetang and stir-fried pork, is that too native? (laughs) If I had to choose one, I will pick the stir-fried pork that was also complimented on <NCT LIFE>. Sometimes only red pepper paste or red pepper powder is used for the sauce, but I tend to use both. It would be great if there was a pretty plate with fruit too, it's the perfect dessert.
Even if it’s not a cooking moment, what’s the time, place, thing or person that makes you the most gentle? Johnny: From noon to 2pm. I feel the most peaceful when the sun is shining at that time. I don’t really care about the place. As for a thing, a scented candle that I have received as a gift while filming <NCT LIFE> in Thailand. For people, anyone! Jaehyun: Late night nearing the dawn. I really like watching the night view. I think the Han River could make me the most gentle. Personal things like earphones or speakers. Being together with family would be nice.
As a person and as a musician, what time do you think you’re going through? Johnny: I always feel like I'm at the starting line. Even when I do the same thing, I have to have a new mindset in order to grow. Jaehyun: It’s a slow process for humans but I seem to be slowly becoming more mature. As a musician, when the time comes I’ll be looking from a distance thinking I’m making ‘my own’ thing.
Translation: Alex, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: W Korea Scans — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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darkmulti · 4 years
CEO!San x assistant!fem reader
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⚠️Warnings: dirty talk, light bondage, chocking, degrading, cheating, angsty, spanking, slapping
“Y/N did you get my coffee?”
Your boss, Mr. Choi called out to you and you scram, picking up his coffee and papers and bringing it right to the office.
“Here you are your coffee and the daily report on the company’s stocks.”
“Ah thank you.”
“You’re welcome sir, I have to go on and see how the design department is doing sir. If you need anything else call me.”
He nodded and you left his office. In reality you just wanted to see your crush/best friend Wooyoung, who worked in the design department.
Little did you know San was watching you through the security cameras. Without you knowing obviously. San has developed a little crush on you. Although he was married, he hated his wife. But she also just happened to visit right at that moment.
She yelled out running toward San’s desk expecting him to get up and hug her. But he didn’t move. Instead he turned off his computer and started reading the report you had given him earlier. He didn’t even look up.
“Baby. I’m bored. Let’s go somewhere.”
“I’m at work, I can’t go anywhere.”
“Come on, you’re the CEO. You don’t need to work.”
“I don’t know who told you that, because that’s the furthest thing from the truth. I have to do a lot of work to make sure this company doesn’t fall apart. So I can get money. A simpler way to say it, is that you can get more Louis Vuitton bags. You can only get it, if I work.”
“You’re right. Well what about a date night? I’ll wear your favorite lingerie.”
She whispered the last part looking San right in the eyes.
“No thanks. I’m too busy.”
He said immediately, denying her.
San didn’t like her one bit. Yeah he had sex with her but it was the worst. She would cum so quickly and fall asleep. She didn’t satisfy San at all. San wouldn’t even be near and she would already be asleep. So he ended up jerking off since she couldn’t please him.
He could’ve gotten any other girl and cheating wasn’t a problem for him either. The only problem was you. He wanted you.
You on the other hand, if you weren’t working, you were usually partying. Having sex, drinking, enjoying your life. You were still young.
San knew all this, he saw your social media, and heard co workers talking about it at times. Yes it angered him. He wanted to fuck you hard, to let you know who you belong to. He would kill just to punish you. You were everything he was looking for in a lover. The definition of perfect. But sadly couldn’t have you because he didn’t know how you felt, and had a wife.
“Hello? San? Baby? Did you hear what I said?”
His wife called out.
“Uh, no. Uh sorry can you repeat that.”
“I said that we have to attend my dad's business party this evening.”
“Okay. Can you please leave now?”
She looked at San.
“Do you not enjoy my company?”
“No, now leave.”
She took her purse and went over to San and kissed his cheek. Right then you walked in.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I’ll leave you two alone.”
You said embarrassedly
“No, y/n wait she was just leaving.”
San’s wife looked at you with a stern expression. She walked to you and stopped by your ear.
“Don’t touch my husband with your dirty whore hands.”
“Wasn’t planning to, he’s all yours and I respect that.”
You mumble out and look up to see San staring right at you.
She then pushed you out of the way and left.
“I’m sorry about her, she’s just mad I asked her to leave.”
“How come? She’s your wife.”
He looked at you with an almost disappointed expression.
“Yeah but it was arranged you know. I didn’t actually want to get married with her.”
“Sorry to hear. Anyways, I came to tell you the design team is doing well and they actually made a new logo for the next season collection. I thought you might want to take a look.”
You handed the sample container and pictures of the design to San.
“They look great. Nice patterns and durable design.”
“Great, I’ll let the design department know.”
“That won’t be necessary. I need you to go pick up my dry cleaning and take it back to my house. I have an event to attend. And don’t worry it’s prepaid.”
You go to your desk, and grab all your things and head down to the parking lot.
You were looking for your car until Wooyoung had appeared and called out your name.
“Oh hey Woo, what’s up?”
“I have to ask you something, but what’re you doing? Are you going home? Are you feeling sick? What’s going on?”
“No silly I have to go pick up San’s dry cleaning and drop it off to his house. Then I’m off. Why what happened?”
“Oh, well I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to this event that my dad was invited to. He said I can bring a plus one and I was wondering if you would-”
“I would love to Woo.”
You said suddenly cutting him off.
“Oh really, great! I’ll pick you up at 8, dress in a classy dress. Look good for me doll.”
You roll your eyes and smile at his words.
“Yeah, whatever you say king. I have to get going now. Bye!”
You left work and went to go get San’s dry cleaning. You picked it up and were on your way to his house. You ring the doorbell and his wife answers.
“Hi, Mrs. Choi. Here’s Mr. Choi’s dry cleaning he asked me to grab for him.”
“Why did he ask you?”
“Because I’m his assistant?”
“But I’m his wife, I could’ve gotten it for him.”
“I- I don’t know anything about that, he just asked me to pick it up for him and I did. I’m just doing my job.”
She rolls your eyes and takes it from you. Then proceeds to slam the door in your face.
You scoff and think what a salty bitch.
But hey, not my problem. (-Johnny nct)
You walked back to your car and headed back to your house to get ready since it was 6pm already.
Time skip
You had finished getting ready and had put on a new dress that you got for Mr. Choi’s birthday. You ended up not going to his birthday party because his wife had told you not to come and so you didn’t. However the next day he wasn’t talking to you and avoided all contact from you. You then told him that his wife uninvited you and you didn’t want to ruin the party so you didn’t show up.
But this dress was absolutely beautiful. It was a blood red formal dress, that was off the shoulder with a little cleavage showing. It has a slit on the side and to top it all off your black Louis heels.
Soon enough the door bell had rung and you got out of the house where Wooyoung's jaw dropped.
You chuckled at him
“You look stunning doll. Now stay close to me, I don’t want anybody looking at you.”
He intertwined his hands with yours and walked your to the black Porsche parked outside. He drove you to the event and helped you out.
Damn this was a very elegant event. Everyone was wearing designer clothes and all looked like millionaires.
Wooyoung kept you close with him and whispered in your ears that mafias were here. Some of the girls were actually sold to them and forced to put on a pretty face and not cry. You looked at the younger girls with the older men and saw how terrified they were.
You couldn’t help them, which made you upset.
“Don’t be upset doll, here’s a drink. Warm up a bit, it’s just business I suppose.”
“Not very nice business.”
You mumbled out. Other than that incident, Wooyoung made sure to keep you by his side. He got you drinks, danced with you and entertained you the entire night. Wooyoung dragged to the dance floor once again, and you two were slow dancing. And everyone was watching.
You hated the attention and tried not to focus on it too much. It was just you and Wooyoung at that moment. Until you made eye contact with really familiar eyes. It was San. You didn’t realize this was the same event that he was going to. But at that moment you didn’t care. More people started joining the dance floor with their lover. You two were dancing until Wooyoungs father called us over.
“Hey love birds, I want you guys to meet Mr and Mrs. Choi.”
It was San’s parents and San was standing right behind them with his wife.
“Hey you guys work for my son San, right.”
“Yes, I’m his personal assistant and Wooyoungs the manager of the design department of the company.”
You spoke, with a bright smile.
“Yeah, when I retire I’m giving my business to Wooyoung, but for now he’ll still be working there. And he looks like he’s found a wife to accompany him when I make him the ceo. Then you can be Wooyoung's personal assistant.”
Wooyoung's father spoke, patting Wooyoung on the back and winking at you. You chuckle and Wooyoung looks away blushing.
San on the other hand looks like he can rip someone’s head off their body. He stormed off towards the bar letting go of his wife’s hand. She followed behind San like his little tail.
“What’s his problem?”
You mumble out.
“I don’t know?”
Wooyoung says and squeezes your hand.
“It’s not our problem anyway. Do you want to go home now?”
“Yes please.”
Wooyoung then took you out of the loud and crowded place and took you back home. He dropped you off to your door and before you went inside, he pulled you into a deep kiss and thanked you for coming with him.
“Anytime Woo.”
You went inside and turned on the lights only to be scared by San.
“What’re you doing here? How the hell did you get in?”
“I have a master degree in picking locks.”
You look at him confusedly.
“I’m just kidding, if you’re such a powerful person like me and you don’t know how to pick a lock, it’s pathetic. I’ve been picking locks since I was 8.”
“Nice to know, now get out. I’m your assistant at work but outside of work, I don’t know you.”
“So you wanna be a brat with me now?”
He started backing you up against the door.
“San seriously get out of my house.”
“You’re calling me by my name now?”
He had backed you up against the door and tilted your chin up to look at him.
You cleared your throat and looked away, slightly pushing San off of you.
“You have a wife.”
He wrapped his hands around you and pulled you into a deep kiss.
You didn’t respond and weren’t going to respond until San slapped your ass, startling you and making you gasp.
He slip his tongue slipped into your mouth and pushed you against the wall harder making the make out session more intense.
He picked you up and brought you to your room laying you on the bed.
“Mmh, San we really shouldn’t.”
“Shh, let me show you I’m the only man who can fuck you.”
He stripped you from your dress and took your panties off.
He rubbed his cold fingers against your hot, wet lips and you moan out softly.
He took his tie off and tied your wrist to the bed frame with it.
“San, no. Let me go, I want to touch you~”
“Look at this whiny baby.”
He took his shirt off, revealing his hard abs. Then removed his pants and boxer, showing off his hard, veiny, long cock.
He opened your legs and spit on your pussy, then slapped it making you flinch.
He hovered over you and covered your mouth pounding himself into you. You sob into his hand and he lifted you legs to his shoulder and started fucking your pussy and rubbing your clit.
He started picking up his speed and uncovered your mouth, and you start to let out soft moans.
“Sannie, faster.”
He laid a short slap on your face, grabbing your jaw, making you look right at him.
“It’s daddy to you.”
“Daddy, please go faster.”
San pushes you a little up on the bed so he can put his knees on the bed and started going faster.
“Good girl, take all of daddy.”
He slapped you on the ass, feeling himself getting harder because of how vulnerable you were under him.
“You didn’t want it before, but look at you begging daddy to go faster.”
His words made you wet and squirm underneath him.
San finally grabs your neck pounding all the frustration and desire he had on you. He wanted this for a very long time. He finally got it.
You moan louder pulling on the tie, craving to touch him.
“Daddy please I wanna touch you!”
San quickly removes the tie and lowers himself down so you can touch him.
“You like it baby? You like my long cock pounding into your dripping pussy? Bet you do whore. My whore.”
He leaned down kissing your neck and face, while you wrapped you legs around him wanting more friction.
You scratch his back and you feel yourself cumming, giving san a sign.
“Wait, just a little longer baby. I want you to cum with me.”
You hold in your orgasm waiting for San.
Sweat dripping down his face and body was the hottest thing a person could witness.
“Okay princess, cum for daddy.”
You cum around his now soft cock and he shoots his cum inside you and pulls you into a passionate kiss.
He ran to your bathroom and brought a towel to clean the both of you. He then picked you up and snuggled into the bed with you in his arms.
“I’ve loved you for a very long time you know.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah, cause you blind. I tried getting with you since the day you entered my life. Did you not notice the flowers?”
“That was from you?”
You ask in shock.
San giggles at your reaction.
“Yes, that was me. But I love you so much. I wanna be with you.”
“What about your wife?”
“I can get a divorce. I just hate seeing you with a different man.”
You laugh at his jealousy.
“Well if you say so boss.”
“That’s right, I’m your boss”
Yeah, I’m still writing bitches!! This was a request and I’m just clearing out my drafts as well. Sorry for any mistakes and I hope you enjoyed❣️
And thank you guys for being so supportive in the last 48 hours. It really means a lot having you guys with me while going through in these tough times❣️
Also my step brother San smut got removed.
Edited 🔐
You guys are my family and I love you❣️
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kissandmxkeup · 3 years
Royal Guard!Johnny
here for the obligatory annual “yes i’m still around and yes i know where my computer keyboard is” post, may do more but probably not tbh. if you’re still here and reading, i love you and also highly question why you’re so dedicated. not that i mind, i truly appreciate it, but still.
also, this is female!reader because i had so much trouble writing this in a gender-neutral manner. if you want a gender-neutral/male!reader version, let me know and i’ll do my best!
Always cordial and polite, not just with you but anyone he comes across
So many of the guards tend to have this air of superiority, talking down to those that aren’t within their ranks or of a higher status, but Johnny has the same level of manners for the elderly shopkeeper in town as he does for you, the crown princess of the country
Not only that, he’s also extremely attentive to your needs, even the ones that he isn’t necessarily responsible for
He always has a bag with first-aid supplies, snacks, water, and even portable chargers and a Game-Boy somewhere within reach
And he’s always willing to have a conversation with you, listen to your concerns and worries and sorrows
You actually came to know Johnny when he was guarding your brother, a seven year old who was incredibly funny and also insanely gross 
After your brother turned ten he was sent off to a private school with their own security teams, so Johnny was moved over to you
You loved being around him; his positivity and kindness could melt even the toughest of moods, something your mother had noticed when she was looking for his new assignment 
You remember when she called Johnny to the throne room; he’d still been just barely an adult then, looking young and boyish in armor slightly too big for him He had bowed deeply to her, so much that the weight of the heavy metal chainmail nearly tipped him over, and she smiled back as she informed him that he was being removed from his position with your brother, that he would now be tasked with being in your guard. He had given her a nod and an “as you wish” that was almost too wavering with forced professionalism before turning to you with a nervous little grin, asking what you needed of him in a way that had melted your heart.
Over time, the two of you had grown into a rhythm; you would walk the gardens in the morning, him following like a shadow as you chatted with the gardeners and groundskeepers. After that you would tend to your schoolwork, and then the minor royal duties you were given after you’d finished your education, occasionally letting him distract you with stories of the younger guards’ antics as you tried to pass time until dinner, and then at the end of the day you would always sit and talk together about the country.
Even when you were young, you were always looking to improve the life of the commoners of the land, and given his background, Johnny was much more connected to them than you could ever be. He had influenced policies you’d drafted on education, social welfare programs, and even some of your first quality-of-life recommendations like repairing historical sites and landmarks in the smaller villages of the country, such as the town he had visited often as a child. You were beloved in your country, and had become lauded as the “princess of the people,” always pushing for your constituents to be represented and thought of at every turn, but you always made sure that Johnny knew that you couldn’t do any of it without him by your side. 
However, those outside of your borders tended to see you as much less kind and gentle, but rather stubborn and almost bitchy. You wouldn’t let your country’s people be used or walked over, refusing to give in to the demands of others that saw you as small and weak and risk your citizens’ wellbeing in the process. You sat in meeting with lawmakers, voice steady as you refused to even consider letting your constituents have their taxes raised in the name of increasing their own salaries, clashed with conglomerates that wanted you to turn a blind eye to pollution and mistreatment of their workers, even going as far as pressuring officials into dissolving royal contracts with major companies that relied on unfair practices, and you had even notably walked out of a meeting with a royal from another family after they had insinuated that perhaps you had let your public persona blind you to what was truly good for your country (in this case, letting their country use your resources without regard to the needs of the the common folk of yours).
Some other players in larger, wealthier countries had even decided that you were too much of an inconvenience, made too much noise, and wanted to eliminate you from your country’s line of succession by any means necessary. Because of this you had come to be assigned more guards over time, generally keeping a rotating team that you had jokingly nicknamed the 127 Squad because they seemed to have an endless supply of members. Some members like Ten, or Lucas rotated in during special occasions like state visits, and you occasionally had a knight-in-training such as the quiet Renjun or the child-like Jeno in addition to the usual two or three full-time guards. 
There were eight other consistent members that you had come to be familiar with, though; Haechan was loud and boisterous in a manner quite similar to your brother, while his best friend Mark was quiet, shy, and a little nervous with a sword despite all of his experience. Taeyong, Taeil, and Doyoung treated you like their child in different ways, and Jungwoo was dreamy and often in his own head (although you weren’t sure if maybe that was just a facade, since he was one of the first to act if you felt in danger). Your favorite story was how poor Jaehyun and Yuta had been banned from attending public events after they went unintentionally viral for their handsome looks during a press conference about a new retirement plan you had orchestrated.
Johnny was always the constant, though; he was at every event, every meeting, always directly to your right in a manner that had started more than one rumor about your professional relationship and how it was more than just professional after all. And as much as you would never admit it, you hated the rumors because of their semi-truth; sure, you weren’t in a relationship, but it’s not like you would be opposed to that at all. 
He was just as kind and funny as ever, but more mature and elegant now; he would help you out of your car even if there was a chauffer that was supposed to fill that role, lift children on his shoulders during your usual visits to local schools and smile with pride as they giggled and screamed. He would even sit next to you and run his hand between your shoulder blades when you had panic attacks about whether you were really fit to lead the country, reassuring you that your people loved you for a reason; not to mention that he had become very attractive over time; the boyish smiles were now replaced with kind grins, his armor now fit him like a glove, and every time he sowed the protective nature that he had developed toward you, you would swoon a little on the inside.
But there were strict rules about romance between royals and staff, if anyone found out that you even had a crush on him he would be moved out of your team and possibly out of your family entirely, which you couldn’t stand the idea of. So you kept your mouth shut, never letting your inhibitions take over you when he called your name with a kindness that made your knees weak, or when he would step in front of you in a protective manner at a rare threat made directly to your face. You had done well with it too, up until you had gone on your first state visit to another country without your parents or any other major officials.
You had been sent out to visit a country run by a set of princes almost double your age, with nobody but five members of your guard (Taeyong, Doyoung, Mark, Jaehyun, Ten, and of course Johnny) alongside you. The men were all openly uncomfortable with your presence at times; sometimes this was shown by you being excluded from conversations about “grown-up matters that didn’t concern you,” as you had once overheard the crown prince Leeteuk commenting, to even pressuring you with questions and comments that were bizarre at best and outright offensive at worst. You had tried to brush it off, since the visit was less than a week and very important, but it was hard to do so when you felt like you were having the life sucked out of you.
It wasn’t until the last day when you had finally had enough; Leeteuk had sat across from you, flanked by all of his fellow princes, and pushed a document that looked way too official to be presented in such a way to your side of the table with an expectant glare.
“What is this?”
“It’s the resolution that we’ve all been working on this week, I expect you to sign it for us now.”
“I’m sorry, I won’t sign something unless I know its contents. If you give me some time to look over it, I’d be happy to come back with my concerns and a signature if I feel it’s mutually beneficial.”
“I’m sorry?”
One of the other princes, Shindong, looked down at you with a glance of something resembling anger, and you could almost hear Johnny and Taeyong tensing at your sides, preparing to step in should the princes show signs of being a threat to your well-being.
“I mean, you say that it’s the resolution we’ve been working on, but I’ve been constantly shuttered out of any meaningful conversation about this legislature since I arrived. I don’t know what’s been done in front of me, let alone without me present, and by signing it I could be agreeing to any number of measures I don’t agree with or understand. I will not sign this unless I am given an adequate chance to look over it and bring my own concerns forward as a representative of my country.”
“See, I don’t think you understand how this works. You are in our country, under our roof, and we fully expect you to comply with our expectations while here. So you will sign this document.”
“Or what?”
You straightened yourself out, glaring daggers at the youngest prince (Kyuhyun, you believe) that had been so demanding to you. You could feel Johnny resting a hand on your shoulder, reassuring but warning, as Taeyong stepped out to certainly inform the other guards of the situation and have them start collecting your things to go home.
“If you force me to sign it, I and my guards will both bring the manner forward publicly that it was signed under duress. Any measure that you believe you could take to force me, such as physical punishment or holding me hostage, is an act of war by your government against a foreign diplomat on your soil and will be treated as such. I will not be threatened, forced, or coerced into giving my consent in a matter I do not understand, and the idea that I would do such a thing is actively preposterous at best and offensive at worst. So if you don’t mind, I will be leaving your country at the earliest opportunity, since it’s clear that you have no intent of cooperating with me and I will not stay in a place where I feel unwelcome and endangered. If this is an issue, please feel free to take it up with my guards or any citizen of my country, who will happily inform you of my stance on public policy that would affect them.”
You stood to leave, and Siwon matched your movement, grabbing your wrist with such force that you audibly hissed.
“Little girl, this is no business for you to be fighting against. Sign the papers and then you can go whenever you please.”
“My princess has stated that she intends to leave,” you were surprised by Johnny, stepping forward, forcing Siwon’s hand off of you before carefully pushing you behind him with one arm to shelter you from the men in front of you, “and as far as I am concerned, she gets what she wants when it’s her well-being at risk. Please stand down and allow her to leave, since we mean no harm. I’m sure that if this legislature is as important as you state it to be that she would need to blindly sign onto it, the king and queen would happily do instead, so I implore you to speak to them about the matter.”
Johnny walked you out, a hand around your waist with a stern expression as he kept looking back to the room of bewildered and infuriated princes. It wasn’t until he had accompanied you back to your room, firmly shutting and locking the door behind him, that he let the cold demeanor slip away. He asked how you were, a nervous expression on his face at the situation you had found yourselves in.
“I just...I want to go home. I want to go home and rest, and be with my family and friends again. I don’t feel safe here.”
He nodded solemnly, fingers dancing across your wrist as he lifted it to the level of your chest, scowling at the already-deepening purples and yellows where you’d been held.
“I’m sorry, I should have stepped in sooner.”
“You did everything right. You tried to let me handle it, and protected me when I couldn’t do it anymore.”
You leaned into his touch, and he seemed almost surprised as you let yourself fall completely into his arms, barely catching you. He held you upright for a moment, only pulling back when he noticed that you had started to cry.
“Please, call me by my name. We’re friends, you deserve that much.”
He did so, gently taking you back into his grasp and reassuring you with a gentle swaying as you awaited the word of Taeyong that you could leave.
“I’m sorry, I can’t keep doing this anymore.”
He pulled back, concern and worry apparent in his expression at your bizarre change in tone.
“Can’t do what?”
“I..look, I love you. Not as my guard, not as my friend, but in a way that’s so much more than that. And I’ve been so scared to tell you because I knew it could get you taken from me, but you deserve to know. You’ve been nothing but kind and wonderful and hell, you’re perfect, but I can’t keep standing here, falling in love a little more every time you so much as look at me without telling you about it.”
He looked confused for a moment, but surprised you with a large, almost goofy smile that reminded you of your younger days with him.
“Don’t act like that, like it’s the end of it. I know it’s not allowed, just as much as you do, but I love you too and I’ve wanted to tell you forever.”
You laughed, almost bitter with the threat of separation between you two.
“How is it not the end of it?”
“I...I’ve been talking with your mother about...us. About how I feel. She’s going to remove me from the guard altogether, and I was going to move into an advising role for you where I’d be able to ask you out. I was planning on telling you after we returned form the visit, since it was only finalized after we arrived, but then...”
It took a moment to register what he had said, but as soon as it had clicked you threw your arms around him with an almost childlike excitement.
“I’ll be here for you until you don’t want me anymore, okay? I promise. Me and you, just like it’s been since you were sixteen.”
The words were gentle, kind, and you couldn’t help but relax at the truthfulness he carried in his tone. You wanted to stay like this forever, but it was all too soon that there was a knock on the door as Taeyong informed you that your car was waiting out front and the princes had finally agreed to stand down and let you leave in peace. You took a moment to collect yourself before heading to the door, and Johnny gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before opening it.
“Would you like me to ride with you today, your highness?”
“Actually, if it’s okay, I’d rather have Johnny with me. I’ve been under a lot of stress during this trip, and I find him rather comforting to have around.”
He stifled a laugh behind his hand, and you couldn’t help but grin at the almost knowing glance Taeyong spared you. You walked past the princes in uncomfortable silence, only sparing a small bow before you stepped into your car, Johnny following and moving to sit next to you as the door closed.
“So, we’ve got six hours until we’re back in our kingdom, do you want to play Super Mario Land or something?”
You burst out laughing, head falling back against his shoulder as you gave him a small nod through the rhythm of your breathing. He smiled as he gave you the old lime Game Boy, shifting to move an arm around you so he could watch you play, and you couldn’t help but notice how this felt just like home.
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malereaderoneshots · 4 years
Kim Doyoung ; Misunderstandings
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Requested?: Yes “hello, hope you’re doing good and staying safe! could you write a doyoung x malereader where doyoung picks on the reader and sometimes the reader bickers back( both in a friendly manner )but once, after a long day, doyoung says something a little too harsh, not really understanding what he said or thinking about how it could hurt the other and the reader starts tearing up a little, brushing it off as being tired but doyoung still feels bad and tries to make him feel better? thank youu!” Pairing: Kim Doyoung x Male reader Word Count: 1565
Despite being a 99 liner Y/N was always found with Doyoung. To someone new it looked like Doyoung hated Y/Ns cheery existence however if the younger wasn't with him Doyoung would sulk and search for the other member until they were joined at the hip again. "I'm surprised you're not bald yet Y/N" Doyoung said ruffling Y/Ns colourful hair. "You're just jealous that I can be colourful and expressive while you're stuck with the same shade." Y/N spat back sticking his tongue out at the older member. Around them Jaehyun and Taeil hid their laugher with a cough. "See they agree!" Y/N cheered a wide cheeky grin spreading over his face, he looked up at Doyoung who rolled his eyes. "Hey, don’t bring us into your lovers quarrel." Jaehyun said, putting his hands up in surrender before him and Taeil retired to their rooms.
Y/N followed Doyoung into the kitchen. As the elder pulled things from the cupboard Y/N sat at the counter swinging his legs back and forth and watching Doyoung. "It’s annoying that they call it a lovers quarrel" Doyoung huffed. "Who?" Y/N asked, "Jaehyun or the phrase in general?" Doyoung turned to look at Y/N resting his weight against the side of the counter looking at Y/N, "all the boys. Have you not heard them? They always say it." Now that Y/N thought about it he had heard the boys say it under their breath a few times, but he didn’t understand why it bothered Doyoung so much. “I couldn't date you.” Y/N looked up to see Doyoung staring ahead, Doyoung spoke again, “for one you’re a colleague and for another you’re too young and hyper.” Y/N closed him mouth, for some reason he felt an uncomfortable weight on his chest and the urge to cry. But instead he forced a laugh, “yeah, I didn't even think about that but looks like you’ve put some thought into it. I just remembered Taeyong wanted to show me something so I should probably go.” Y/N didn't give Doyoung a chance to respond as he was already out of the kitchen by the time his finished his sentence.
Taeyong was chilling on his bed playing animal cross when Y/N entered. "What can I do for you Y/N?" he chirped humming along with the soft music. "I just wanted someone to cuddle while I have a nap." Y/N sniffed already climbing into the bed beside the leader. Taeyong wrapped an arm around the younger member allowing him to rest his head on Taeyongs chest and also watch Taeyong play the game. After a while Y/N broke the silence, "Hyung?" Taeyong hummed in response, "have you ever been in love without realising it?" the older member stiffened slightly. "This is about Doyoung isn't it?" Y/N shot up in a sitting position his cheeks dawning a rosy colour, he opened and closed his mouth a number of times before Taeyong laughed. "You're either alone or with Doyoung so it's a massive surprise that you came to me and now you're asking me about something personal to you which leads me to believe that this is about the one person you're normally with but you can't tell him. Am I wrong?" Y/N pursed his lips together and played with his sleeves creating sweater paws. "Y/N-" Taeyong said before Y/N burst into tears and diving into Taeyongs arms.
Johnny walked into the kitchen and found Doyoung sitting at the counter staring at the wall with an untouched cold coffee resting between his hands. Johnny cleared his throat startling Doyoung, "Where's Y/N?" Johnny asked while going through the fridge. “With Taeyong I think.” Doyoung said, voice void of emotion. Johnny gave him a quizzing look before starting up again, “Okay well Taeyongs just messaged me that Y/N is bawling his eyes out in his arms and to find out what happened so what did you do?” Doyoung looked at him in shock “I didn't do anything!” Johnny hummed before taking a seat next to Doyoung. “Okay,” he said pinching the bridge of his nose, ”Y/N, who is always with you, is currently crying in Taeyongs arms while you’re sat here staring into space with no emotions and a full cup of coffee. Do you see where I'm getting my accusation?” Doyoung sighed and looked his coffee, swirling it around in the cup and watching it, “I said I couldn’t date him for some bs reasons. I don't even know why I said it,” he finally looked at Johnny, tears collecting on his waterline and making his vision blurry, “I don't even know why I said it because it’s not true.” he sniffed and whipped his nose and face with his sleeve. Johnny chuckled, “well do you know what you have to do now?” Doyoung nodded before standing up “I need to apologise” he said confidently. Johnny laughed in response, “you need to more than apologise, I heard he's an absolute mess.” the sinking feeling returned to Doyoung as he rehearsed what he was going to say when he saw Y/N.
Taeyong had managed to calm Y/N down but some silent tears still fell, "Hey-" a knock on the door startled them both, "I'll get it" Taeyong said before opening the door slightly to see whoever it was that was stood outside. "What are you doing here?" Taeyong asked, a bit of anger slipping into the question. Doyoung lowered his head a bit, "I came to see Y/N please." Taeyong sighed before looking at Y/N then back to Doyoung, "I'll ask him" he replied before clothing the door again. Taeyong sat beside Y/N gripping his knee gently, "Y/N? Doyoungs at the door, he wants to talk to you." Y/Ns breath hitched as his bottom lip wobbled and fresh tears raced down his face. Taeyong wrapped an arm around the smaller boy and squeezed him gently, "come on, hear his apology" he coaxed. Y/N sucked in some air before sitting up straight and nodding his head. Taeyong left the bed to open the door "You have 15 minutes to make up or I'm sending the dreamies in to annoy you so much you leave." He joked before closing the door on the two younger members.
"I don’t think he's joking you know." Doyoung tried to joke, rocking his weight on his feet. He looked up at Y/N and a lump quickly formed in his throat. In all the years they had known each other Doyoung had never seen Y/N so dishevelled. His usually styled hair stuck up in random places and was frizzy, and his usually light and happy eyes looked dull and held pain within them. "I'm so sorry," Doyoung started voice breaking. "I don’t know why I said any of that…I guess I was scared of losing you in any way that I tried to get rid of those feelings even if it meant saying something as stupid as that. I've never felt this close to anyone and I don’t want to lose this feeling." The last part came out as a whisper, but Y/N heard clearly and patted the spot beside him on the bed. Doyoung clumsy climbed onto he beds, knocking shoulder with Y/N in the process, the younger boy let out a rough laugh, Doyoung slightly cringed "Would you like some water?" he offered, opening the bottle for Y/N to take.
After downing the whole bottle Y/N leaned his head against Doyoungs shoulder. "Tell me about those feelings you wanted to get rid of." Doyoung tensed lightly and laughed nervously, he played with a loose threat on his sweater trying to think of the right words. "Well…When I'm with you my heart feels like it’s free, like I'm free. Like nobody else's opinions matter but yours. And I look at you and I just want to hold you for the rest of my life and kiss your puffy cheeks and lips in the morning and hold your hand anywhere and everywhere for no reason and all the reasons…But I didn’t want to lose you if you didn’t accept my feelings so I thought it would be best to hide them and try to get rid of them, only that turned out to be the worst way." Doyoung huffed out a laugh and shook his head not believing what his over worrying caused. Y/N lifted his head and turned his head to face Doyoung. "If you now accept your feelings," Y/N looked down quickly to lace their hands together before looking up again and continuing, "do you think you could accept mine?" He asked, looking into Doyoungs eyes. Doyoung nodded wordlessly not believing his ears, or his eyes when Y/N closed his and leaned in slightly waiting for the other to move away or close the gap. Doyoung chose the latter and closed the gap, cupping Y/Ns jaw and tilting it up lightly to deepen the kiss. "Aw come on!" A shout made them jump apart, taeyong stood there with his arms crossed and an amused Johnny leaning against the door. "Not on my bed." the leader whined. Doyoung and Y/N laughed and got off the bed before Y/N grabbed Doyoungs hand and lead them to Y/Ns room. "You have a lot of cuddles and kisses to repay for the pain you put me through." the younger boy laughed before pulling Doyoung into the room and closing the door.
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gear-project · 4 years
So you have done a summary of the canon character endings for XX and how those endings lead into accent core plus. I was wondering if you can do the same for the accent core plus endings and how they lead into the future games if you haven't already done so.
Kliff Undersn_____: His story in AC+R is a flashback to just prior to the final confrontation with Justice, but he would later encounter his son Testament a few years later in 2180 before his death.
Axl Low _____ : His time-slipping caused him to run in to Slayer and Panonika in New Delhi at one point, and this event eventually gave Axl a "hint" about his powers being somehow linked to his subconsciousness.  But not long after he would end up being "trapped" in the year 2192 post-apocalyptic Babylon and would run in to Bedman only to be rescued by I-No.
Jam Kuradoberi _____ : While at first she went back in to the Bounty Hunting business alongside Bridget, she found it was much more lucrative to run her own Foodcart, though she did get to rebuild a smaller version of her restaurant, it got destroyed YET AGAIN (the cause was never explained).  In frustration, she took a break for a while, only to run in to Jack-O' by sheer coincidence.
Zappa _____ : Zappa was unable to find a medical solution to his supernatural problems, but his run-in with Crow Kuruwaba gave him an opportunity to apply for working with the Government and begin his investigations in to supernatural activity.  As a result, he created something he would later call the "Zappa Scale" and has been using it to "avoid" Information Flare events ever since.
Chipp Zanuff _____ : After settling things up with Slayer, he promised to finish the training that his Master Tsuyoshi had passed on to him, but at some point around 2183 he ran in to the girl Erica Bartholomew who coincidently was the "elected" President of the United States.  She was being attacked by Assassins, but Chipp intervened.  After that whole problem was resolved, Chipp decided to travel to South Africa, where he ran in to Answer who picked a fight with him.
Answer lost that fight, but as a result gained a friend in Chipp and the two would go on to build their own country: Eastern Chipp Kingdom.
Dizzy _____ : After having a serious conversation about her future with Testament, Dizzy decided to finally move in with Ky now that he had secured a job as Police Commissioner of the International Police... of course, not long after this, things happened, and Ky ended up becoming the High King of Illyria due to the Conclave's involvement.  Dizzy, meanwhile, had to go in to hiding, despite her relationship with Ky (along with her son, Sin).
Anji Mito _____ : He was responsible for sealing I-No away as a favor to "That Man", but because of Baiken's feelings on the subject, he decided working with That Man wasn't such a good idea.  Instead, he decided to head back to the Japanese Colony and oversee things there while keeping an eye on Baiken in the process, as her "bodyguard".
He wouldn't been seen for a while after this, but he was in contact with Baiken when she was involved with the later Colony incidents.
Slayer _____ : Taking Anji's advice, he decided NOT to retire just yet, but he did decide to take a break from being active.  He settled in Illyria in secret, and had several men working under him act as his eyes and ears so he could observe the Conclave and Pope from a distance.  Later, Bedman killed one of his subordinates, and it was also around that time he decided to look in to Zato's resurrection.
He was also responsible for passing on that information to Faust, despite their connection being tenuous, he felt Faust deserved closure.
A.B.A. _____ : She was last seen 'temporarily' working for the P.W.A.B., but has since gone missing.  Where she and Flament Nagel went is still unknown.  Most likely though, she is still trying to find a way to give him a humanoid body, despite his desire to remain a weapon.  She is also looking for her creator, the real Paracelsus.
Johnny _____ : After things calmed down with Dizzy, May, and Testament, Johnny continued to further his underworld connections and expand the Jellyfish as an organization.  He would later have to put his plans on hold for May's sake, since she began developing a periodic headache (symptoms of Ki Overflow syndrome).
Millia Rage _____ : After witnessing Eddie's "death" she was forced to run away from the P.W.A.B. Robo-Ky units, but she continued to pursue the ones who stole Zato's corpse (as a favor to Venom) and tracked down their whereabouts to nearby Harden Fortress (VastEdge events).  Due to the situation, she was forced to arm herself with guns and deal with heavily armed bounty hunters, but she was able to relay her findings to Venom and confirm what the Conclave had done with Zato's body.
She would later have to play a ruse and meet up with Venom under false pretenses, but this was all overshadowed by Zato=ONE's revival from death.
Robo-Ky _____ : Funding and support for mass production ceased, and so the only Robo-Ky to remain ended up running away from his makers and settling in a small town within Illyria's borders.  He ended up doing small jobs for self-maintenance, and while he wasn't well-respected, he was at least content with living among humans.
May _____ : She learned a bit more about her past connection with the Japanese people from Ky, but was still unconvinced.  She was upset with Johnny for avoiding the issues around them (he was actually trying to resolve a lot more than she knew).  But after the incident with Dizzy was cleared up, things finally settled down for a time... though May would later develop symtoms from an as-yet not known disease connected with her past.
Eddie/Zato=ONE _____ : His corpse was taken by the P.W.A.B. and used as part of the Conclave's experiments involving Revival magic developed from Dr. Faust's research.  The end result was that Zato's body had been dead and in preservation for nearly 6 years, but once he was revived, his soul became a blank slate, save for the last memories he had of Millia.
Testament _____ : Despite his objections, Dizzy left the forest for good, and so Testament was left to his own devices.  While he hated humans, he understood Dizzy's determination to change his point of view by setting out on her own.  His encounter with the "then dying" Eddie reminded him of the distant past, and his connection to his father Kliff.  Despite everything, he decided to stay in contact with Johnny as a precaution for future events, while keeping an eye on the P.W.A.B.'s movements from a distance.
Baiken _____ : Baiken decided to let Anji be her "protector", even if it didn't mean much to her exactly... but Anji's ominous warning that "That Man" was "too strong for her to deal with", left a bad taste in her mouth.  For the time being, she would lay low among the colonies and out of sight from the police, investigating any possible place the Gearmaker might have been... though she wouldn't have much luck until a certain incident started in Miyabi, the largest Japanese colony.
After that incident, she would encounter the enigmatic Ninja, Answer.
Venom _____ : Having settled his affairs with Millia Rage, he decided to act like a proper Leader of the Assassins.  So proper in fact, his subordinates gained a lot of respect for him, and his brutal methods continued on for nearly 6 years.  After having picked a fight with the current P.W.A.B., he felt he needed more political influence... his next goal would be to take over the United States Government!
(Venom's activities would later be thwarted by Chipp and Gabriel in the Butterfly and Her Gale novel!)
After having lost his chance to control an entire nation, Venom was stuck with doing small-time work under the P.W.A.B. for a time... that is, until Millia supplied him with some unsettling news: Zato was alive!
Bridget _____ : While he did work under Jam's restaurant for a time... his uncle came by to tell him some unsettling news... his twin Brother had left the family home and had gone missing.  Bridget set out to go after his brother, but has been missing ever since.
Faust _____ : Faust wasn't able to get as much information out of the P.W.A.B. as he had hoped, and so he ended up going back in to hiding for a time... though, a certain "incident" in May of 2184 had him run in to a then-pregnant Dizzy who was now IN LABOR!  It was short notice, but Faust was able to help deliver the baby safely!  (Faust wouldn't know it, but that child would later be known as Sin Kiske!)
Faust also went on to save the life of Erica Bartholomew when she was attacked by assassins and wounded by one of them.
Sometime later, he was contacted by Johnny concerning May's sickness, and also given some new information regarding the whereabouts of Zato=ONE, said to be a key witness to events in his past!
Potemkin _____ : After the P.W.A.B.'s underground activities were silenced, Potemkin returned back home to Zepp.  Sometime later, the Assassins tried to incite a war between America and Zepp, and it was Potemkin's job (as per usual) to protect the President at all costs... though he did end up getting in to a fight with Chipp Zanuff under a misunderstanding.
Rather, Chipp had gotten stronger than their last encounter, and so Gabriel decided to challenge Chipp directly, only to defeat the ninja on his own...  Potemkin was not surprised at all by these results, but was still concerned for his nation's wellfare.
After Erica resolved the incident and the Assassins were dealt with, Chipp left to resume his training.
And while Zepp was still monitoring things around the world, it would be a while yet before they got directly involved with another incident.
As time passed however, Potemkin recieved unsettling reports of two strange entities: Ramlethal Valentine, and a mysterious being known as Bedman.
I-No _____ : Her story was put to an end as "That Man" utilized Anji Mito's talents to seal up I-No for the time being... and while I-No was upset concerning this, she had no time to ponder it.  That is, until she was unsealed once more by "That Man" sometime later, and given a NEW mission.
This mission would be to secretly Assassinate the Valentine known as Ramlethal, and also investigate any potential changes in the timeline.
She would not be very successful for a while (even having to fight Sol once again)... that is, until a certain Axl Low fell in to her "net".
Justice _____ : While her final memories took place in AC+R (just prior to her death in 2180), half of her memories were transferred in to a new body... this body was given a new name: Jack-O'Valentine.
Jack-O' was forced to lay low and keep hidden for nearly 8 years after the death of Justice... and it would be some time yet before Jack-O' would accept her 'past self'.
Ky Kiske _____ : Ky settled up his rivalry with Sol, but later decided having Dizzy under his protection was the best for both their goals.  And while he wasn’t given much leeway, his reputation would later put him under the eye of the Conclave.
Sol Badguy _____ : After things calmed down with Dizzy, and I-No was no longer an issue (due to Anji’s meddling), Sol settled up with Ky, drawing an end to a chapter in their rivalry (fall of 2181).
After this, Sol continued his work as a bounty hunter for a while... though, around the end of the year 2184 (just four years since they last spoke), Dizzy contacted Sol with some vague information regarding Ky being depressed and in a bind.
Not sure what was going on, Sol travelled back to Europe where Ky and Dizzy were staying, only to discover that Dizzy now had a son!
But more shocking than that, was Ky’s disheveled state.... he was much slimmer than he’d ever been, and a shell of his former self.
Sol couldn’t bear to see Ky depressed such as he was... and the only solution he could think of, was to knock some sense back in to Ky with his fists!
After some fighting, and knocking Ky down repeatedly, Ky revealed his problems to Sol... he asked Sol to adopt the boy Sin, and keep him under his care!
Sol wasn’t exactly prepared for this... but knowing what kind of person Ky was, and the burdens he was under, finally made sense...
It was then, that Sol decided to take Sin in as an ersatz, “son”, and raise him better than Ky ever could as a father.
Or, at least that was the plan... Sin grew up much faster than Sol expected, and his personality was very different from Ky’s as well... not to mention the “Gear” powers growing inside him...
Still, they would continue as Bounty Hunters for the time being... until they were attacked by Valentine’s Servants: The Vizuel, only to be rescued by a certain Fox named Izuna!
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ymiwritesstuff · 5 years
A Traitor to The Country
This was requested by the wonderful @fortune-fool02, I hope you enjoy this and thank you so much for once again requesting!
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Gyro Zeppeli x Valentine’s Daughter!Reader
Summary: You had your suspicions about the Steel Ball Run race and those suspicions only grew once you entered said race. However your travels almost come to an end when your biggest secret is revealed.
Notes: Spoilers for Part 7
The Steel Ball Run race was no ordinary race as it was filled with unexpected and dangerous events that forced the unfit racers to retire early on. Every day survival was the main objective and the constant enemy stand attacks kept you on edge the entire time. You had your suspicions about the race from the very beginning and your father’s desire to keep you far away from it led you to believe that the race had a deeper purpose. And your desire to find out exactly what that purpose was, caused you to sneak out of the watchful eyes of your father and join Steel Ball Run.
You had to stay cautious not only due to the dangerous mystery surrounding the true purpose of the race but also because you absolutely had to keep your identity hidden as your father would follow the course of the race, keeping his eyes on the thing he was pursuing, which you later found out to be the Holy Corpse. Still, you had to thank your father for not allowing you to appear in public too much. Valentine preferred to keep his personal life and relations hidden away to maintain his strong presence as the President and thanks to this, you could somewhat rest easy knowing that the common folk wouldn’t be able to recognize you.
And fortunately for you the two males you found yourself traveling with, Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli, didn’t know of your true identity and that’s how it was supposed to be. All they needed to know was that you were an ally helping them to find the corpse parts. The only thing you cared about was keeping the Holy Corpse away from your father as during the race you had quickly realized just how much blood he was willing to shed as the assassins he sent out were more than willing to put an end to the three of you.
Leaving your usual boring surroundings also gave you an opportunity to feel an immense sensation of freedom as well as a feeling of thrill and excitement you had never experienced. Even though your mission was under quite grim circumstances, you had to admit, this was.. Refreshing. Being in Johnny and Gyro’s company was definitely delightful, though you found yourself growing closer with the latter.
Gyro was.. Interesting, to say the least. You weren’t even sure why he attracted you so much, but there was just something about him that caught your eye. He was cocky, reckless and sometimes downright rude, but one thing was clear, he was determined to get his hands on the corpse and you had promised to help him in any way you could. However you could never let him know about your relation to the President as you were sure the Italian would not take the news well. And that thought of him finding out scared you more than you thought.
The heavy rain poured on you, the thunder distantly rumbling around you and the two males. Blackmore’s heavy breathing could be heard even through the piercing sound of the rain, the man laying on the ground with blood spilling from his fresh wounds, his stand that took the form of a mask, shattered. He would die soon. You glance over at Lucy, who was crying uncontrollably, seemingly traumatized from the recent events. Poor girl. You were fortunate that she hadn’t recognized your features that you were hiding under a hood, but still, your heart was hammering in your chest, an uneasy feeling slowly absorbing you.
Blackmore spits out more blood, which makes your eyes look at him. So this was yet another stand user your father had sent after you? They were getting more and more powerful and you already dreaded the thought of having to fight more of them or even your father himself.
The uneasy feeling bugging you only increases when your father’s henchman locks his eyes with yours, immediately making something ignite within them. “Y-you..” His trembling hand stretches and points at you, making your eyes widen. No. Please no. You grab the edge of your hood and pull it, in an attempt to hide your face more. This doesn’t seem to work though as the man before you continues his attempt to utter words:
“Th-the President’s.. d-daughter.. i-is-” Suddenly, the loud sound of a gunshot rips through the air and Blackmore finally goes limp, blood leaking from the new would on his head. The three others look at you, shock plastered across their features. Your hand that holds the pistol is trembling, smoke rising from the muzzle and your breathing is almost as heavy as the now fading rain once was. Your heart is pounding so hard it feels as if it’s about to rip through your ribcage. This was bad. Your secret had just been revealed and you know for a fact Gyro had heard those quiet words of the now deceased man.
“What he hell did he just say?!” Gyro looks at you, but you’re unable to look back at him as you’re too focused on processing what just had happened. A sudden breeze blows your hood away almost intentionally, revealing your features that you’re sure the blonde girl next to you recognizes. Your guess is confirmed to be true when you hear her quiet gasp.
“You’re.. (Name) Valentine. President Valentine’s daughter.” Lucy’s words painfully pierce you and your identity is revealed and confirmed to Johnny and Gyro. Your eyes quickly move to look at the Italian, his enraged and shocked expression painfully burning your insides. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
“So you’re telling me that you are that asshole’s daughter?! Look at me and tell me that’s not true (Name)!” Gyro’s voice is mixed with disbelief and anger, twisting your stomach in increasing anxiety. Your mouth stays shut and you can already feel the tears start to form in your (E/C) eyes. If only you could say that it was not true but no words come out of your mouth, only increasing Gyro’s frustration. 
“Gyro.. Please.. I’m sorry..” Why didn’t you tell him? Why didn’t you just tell him? It would’ve at least been better than this. He was angry, not only about the fact that you were related to his biggest enemy but also because you had kept all of it a secret from him. Gyro felt betrayed and being lied to was definitely something he didn’t tolerate well. How was he supposed to know that you weren’t going to kill him and Johnny?
“Sorry?! Yeah, now you’re sorry ‘cause your little secret has finally been revealed!” Hearing his words only increase the amount of guilt you feel, your fast heartbeat ringing in your ears like a loud bell. You can’t say anything. What can you say? Sorry? That didn’t seem to work. You understand Gyro’s anger and can only blame yourself for causing it. A part of you just wishes to disappear and retreat back to your normal life. No. You can’t just give in. You have gotten this far and you had to do something.
“I never meant any harm! Please Gyro, I just want to make sure the corpse doesn’t end up in my father’s hands!” Your promise to help Gyro was genuine and you were determined to keep your promise. You would never do anything to harm him or Johnny and right now, the true challenge was convincing Gyro that you were not an enemy as the understandably probably thought.
“My father is a horrible person and I will not allow him to get the corpse.” You force your tears away and replace them with a determined gaze you without a doubt inherited from your father and focus that gaze on the Italian. “He may think his actions are those of justice but he has spilled far too much innocent blood and I refuse to just stand by and do nothing!” Gyro stays quiet and those tiny flecks of anger were still more than apparent in his emerald green eyes but the good thing is that he’s listening to you and hopefully also believing your words.
“So please, Gyro.. Let me stay by your side..” It was thanks to Gyro and Johnny that you had been able to get this far and if they were to abandon you now, you would never be able to accomplish your mission. You wanted to help them. Help him.
Gyro looks at you and notices your unrelenting gaze that seems to drill itself into the deepest parts of his mind. He recalls the time he met you and remembers you holding that same look in your eyes, only now it seems much more intense. You had shown no signs of aggression and he has never felt unsafe when around you. If you were an enemy, you would have already killed them. He has always deemed himself to be good at reading people and right now, your expression holds no signs of malice or wickedness.
With a sigh, he mounts Valkyrie yet again and returns his gaze to you. “We should get going. If you want to keep those corpse parts out of your father’s reach, you have to find the parts first.” When your face lits up in utter disbelief Gyro can’t help but to crack a small smile. He always felt strange warmth coating his insides whenever you were happy or excited and this time was no exception. You mount (Horse’s name) and look at Gyro once again, eternally grateful for allowing you to continue your travels with him and Johnny. You were a traitor to your father and your country, but you had promised yourself to not let anything deter you.
Even though Gyro was frustrated just a moment ago, he’s delighted to realize that you were nothing like your father and secretly hopes to see you surpass him and hopefully kick his ass as you had just shown how well you can wield a gun.
..Or maybe the latter is something he’d do himself.
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Beyond Lovers || Chp.4
{More Than Friends Sequel}
Chairman!Jaehyun AU x CEO!Reader AU
Summary: You find yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with the former CEO after overcoming your fear of love. Although there were rough patches, both of you are now stronger than ever. However, you realize that maintaining a relationship and a company at the same time can be very difficult, especially if someone is out to destroy the both of you.
{ Previous / Next }
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You were in awe as you walked through the building that was now lit up with purple, pink, and blue neon lights. It seemed it was only yesterday that Jaehyun proposed to have you as NCT’s CEO. You blindly accepted his offer not knowing how stressful it would be to weigh both online college and a company on your shoulders. Your eyes have almost gone blind from staring at a computer all day. From doing online courses to mapping out designs and promotions for NCT. You wouldn’t have been able to get through even half of it if your friends weren’t there to support you.
For the past few weeks, Soyeon and Mark have stayed up at the crack of dawn studying with you in hopes of finishing the courses required for the three of you to graduate on time. It’d be an understatement to say that the workload is difficult. At times, you even considered going back to college to learn face to face with a professor. However, Soyeon and Mark have always toughed it out and helped to make sure the three of you had the time for NCT.
When you have finished the crazy college workload for the day, you were faced with another workload from NCT. Photoshoots, coordinating, and managing the company left you absolutely no time to relax. You were just thankful your friends were suffering along with you. Soyeon, Soojin, Lucas, Winwin, and Ten were the models of the company. Since they were already professionals, half of the stress was taken away from you, not to mention that Ten’s ability to design saved the company so much time and money. Photoshoots also go smoothly with their professional opinions for improvements. On the other hand, Mark and Johnny were of great help behind the scenes. Mark was in charge of contacting future partners and other human resource duties while Johnny and you took charge of photography and video contents. The whole company was surprised, except for you and Jaehyun, that Johnny decided to retire from modeling. You and Jaehyun have always known Johnny’s passion and skill for photography. Plus, Jaehyun has always told you how guilty he felt to have made Johnny model with a “playboy” image back in SM. Taking both their thoughts into consideration, you used NCT as the perfect opportunity to settle both their concerns and wishes.
You walked through the crowded building remembering the countless nights the nine of you spent decorating and making the building look like what you all have envisioned for it to be: a place of creative freedom and a place that held no boundaries nor anyone to force a fake image upon others. With a big smile on your face, you greeted the people who congratulated you and had small talks with the guests of tonight’s grand opening event. You saw your friends enjoying their time eating, taking pictures, and just happily talking to other people. An ooze of happiness burst from inside of you. Although it was beyond difficult to start the company you and Jaehyun dreamed about, the endless efforts the nine of you put in resulted in a great outcome. 
You scanned around the room and stopped when you saw a particularly well-dressed man staring back at you with a bright smile on his face. Returning the smile, you subtly motioned for him to come.
“Hey there beautiful stranger,” the husky voice said.
You rolled your eyes at him as he wrapped his long arms around your waist. He stared at you lovingly and dove forward for a long kiss. 
Pulling apart, he said in a breathless whisper, “Congratulations Ms. CEO, this all happened because of you.”
Giving him a quick peck, you smiled and whispered next to his ears, “Well aren’t you lucky to be dating her.”
Smiling with his dimples exposed, Jaehyun tucked your hair behind your ears and gazed at you with loving eyes. “I sure am.”
Suddenly, you heard a buzzing sound in his pocket as he walked away to answer the call. You weren’t sure if it was because of the strobe lights or if you were just imagining things, but you saw a slight change in Jaehyun’s eyes. He seemed angry at first, maybe even furious, but when he made eye contact with you, his bright smile returned. You quickly brushed aside the doubtful feeling and walked toward him. 
Gently, placing a hand on his shoulder, you asked him softly, “Everything alright?”
With a light chuckle, he grabbed your hand and placed them beside him. As to assure you, he rubbed soft circles into the back of your hand and said, “I just got a call from our collaboration’s department chief. There were some problems with the contract.”
Pouting, you asked him, “So you have to go? I didn’t even do my welcoming speech yet.”
Jaehyun chuckled, pinching your cheek lightly, “I’ll see my famous girlfriend on youtube later. I know you’ll do great, but don’t forget to mention the handsome man who funded this whole project.”
You scoffed as he gave you a wink and started heading towards the exit. You saw him grab a glass of champagne before waving goodbye to you, disappearing into the elevator.
Sighing, you, too, took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and gulped it down. You tried to calm your nerves as you gave yourself a mental pep talk. Truth be told, you were a nervous wreck on the inside even though you seemed poised and calm on the exterior. Memorizing your speech wasn’t the difficult part, after all, you planned to speak your immediate thoughts instead of drafting out a speech. This way, the people will understand your genuine appreciation toward them and the company. However, what made you break down with anxiety was the gossip and drama that surrounded you in the past. Although your dating scandal with Jaehyun became less of an interest to the public, there were still many people who doubted you and the position you carry. It took you a lot to fight down your insecurities to even get dressed for the event and show up. You didn’t want to disappoint your friends who all counted on you, so you shallowed down your fears and dragged yourself to the event with forged confidence, hoping nobody will notice your nervous breakdown.
You felt someone lightly wrap their arm around your neck and you turned around to see Soojin. Your best friend gave you an assuring smile and told you, “It’s going to be ok y/n. If anything happens, which it won’t, you have the eight of us to back you up.”
You returned a forced smile and replied, “It’s seven now.”
Looking at you with confusion, she asked, “Seven? Who left?”
“Jaehyun did. He had to deal with one of the department chiefs.”
“Tsk tsk Leaving his girlfriend on one of her most nerve-wracking nights. What a shame,” she shook her head and looked at you with a straight face, “I disapprove.”
You chuckled and lightly shoved her, “Shut up Soojin. He wouldn’t leave me if he saw how nervous I am. Plus, he has important business to attend to. It’ll determine all nine of our futures.”
Raising her arms up in defeat, she said, “Fine, fine. I’m just salty he took my beautiful girlfriend from me.”
You saw her pout as she leaned closer to you, and you pressed your hand on top of her mouth, shoving her away. “Please, you had countless boyfriends and now you try to claim I’m yours?” You looked at her with fake shock, “How dare you! You cheater!”
You both laugh, feeling better already that Soojin was there to shake off your nerves. Soon after, you saw the rest of your friends come over, encouraging you that you’ll do fine. You must say, it was nice to always have the seven of them by your side. Everything felt like it was in place as long as you and your friends were together, indifferent to the media, dramas, and gossips that could easily separate you all.
“Please give a round of applause for NCT’s very own CEO, y/n y/l/n!”
A roar of applause was heard through the neon-lit floor and you felt your nerves rising. Giving a small smile, you walked to the front of the podium as gracefully as you could. 
Taking a deep inhale, you let out your words loud and confidently, “Thank you for the warm welcome! I am so pleased to finally introduce to you, NCT.” Another round of applause stroke and a few cheers were heard. “Our company has been working endlessly to introduce to you all our wonderful models and designs. I would like to first, thank all of our NCT models for bringing this collection to life: Soyeon, Lucas, Soojin, Ten and Winwin,” through your anxious eyes, you saw your five friends waving to the crowd. You gave them a warm smile and continued, “These models are the center of NCT and my most precious friends. Please give them your utmost love and support.”
You continued through your speech with no mistakes and applauses were heard throughout the room. You started to feel at ease as you finished your speech with the words you wanted to say the most, “Last but not least, I would like to thank this one very special person. He has been the light of my life and the most supportive and helpful person to both me and NCT. Unfortunately, he had some matters to attend to so he won’t be here to introduce himself and talk to you all. Nonetheless, I would like to thank Jaehyun with the bottom of my heart. I love you and will continue to lo-”
A cold liquid flowing down your head caused you to freeze before you can finish your sentence. You tried continuing to speak but your eyes started to see red paint drip down from your hair to your face. You felt the crowd’s eyes stare at you as more paint fell down your body. Suddenly, you heard a few people push their way to the front of the crowd and curse at you.
“‘Love’ my ass!”
“Nice way to kiss your way up to the top!!”
“You’re nothing but a slut!”
Once again, fear and anxiety took over you. You didn’t know what else to do but stand there dumbfounded. No matter how hard you tried to muster up your courage to speak, nothing came out. The people just continued to shout threats and throw all sorts of foods at you. The room started spinning and your vision started to get blurry. You saw a swarm of security running towards the shouting people and Mark coming up beside you to call an end to the event. Just as you were about to lose yourself and fall to the ground, Johnny caught you by the waist.
You heard him whisper by your ears, “Hold it in, stay composed. Don’t let these idiots see you fall.”
Johnny’s words made you get a hold onto reality a little better as you stand up straight, acting as if nothing was wrong. You clutch onto his arms as the both of you walk towards the exit behind the backdrop.
• Sorry I’ve been MIA & S U F F E R I N G •
• I have too much work and I’m just a tiny girl so pls have mercy on me 🤕 •
• I’m also hella frustrated bc my card charged me for SuperM albums but I couldn’t place my order on the website like wtf does that even make sense to u •
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wordywarriorwrites · 5 years
Chapter 12: Sabotage
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn A03 Story Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration & @sherrybaby14 Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge. Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities. *Re-blogs are welcome. Plagiarism isn’t. *
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Steve left before dawn with nothing but the clothes on his back and his dogeared passport.
When he hit the lobby, he expected to find it deserted, but instead, it was teeming with pissed-off guests. It was way too early for check-ins, which meant there was only a skeleton crew on hand to receive them, and the sole desk clerk was struggling to appease the mob and contain the situation.  
The weary travelers were ripe for the picking and Steve took advantage of the chaos. By the time he stepped out of the hotel, he’d pilfered a suitcase, a backpack, and a dozen wallets. Given the situation, the doorman was overly polite and very Johnny-on-the-spot, and within seconds, he was in a taxi and on his way to the airport.
While the driver was focused on the road, Steve sorted through what he’d lifted; anything useful was put into the backpack or pocketed, and whatever remained was discarded in the suitcase. When the cabbie pulled up to the curb, Steve paid the fare, and disembarked. The airport’s entrance was bustling, and the throng of early-morning travelers were laden down with luggage, which made it all too easy for him to leave the stolen suitcase behind in the crowd.
Steve checked the departure schedule and found the first available flight out was destined for Mexico City. When he got to the ticket counter, the agent told him he was just in time, and that there was still plenty of seating available. By the time he paid, got checked in, and made his way through security, they’d announced final boarding.
It had only taken forty-five minutes to escape, but this time, Steve didn’t feel relieved when the plane took off. Instead, he felt nauseated, and the sensation stayed with him long after the flight ended.
A pit-stop at a tourist trap for toiletries, over-priced snacks, and new clothes. Then, it was on to a cash-only, no-names, non-descript motel. Four walls, a bed, and heavy, garishly patterned curtains. A bedside lamp that flickered incessantly, a television that didn’t work, and an air conditioning unit that puttered out lukewarm air in unsteady intervals. It wasn’t fancy by any means, but the place was clean, which was more than he could say for himself.
He undressed in front of the full-length mirror that hung on the back of the bathroom door, and the fluorescent light revealed everything that had been kept under wraps. Friction-burned knees; thighs smattered with fingertip-shaped bruises; hickey-covered throat; a bite mark on the crook of his neck; scratches on his torso; tenderness in the softest, most intimate of places.
It looked bad, but it felt so God-damn good.  
Half a fucking decade had passed. He should’ve been well and truly over it, but old habits were the hardest to break, and like an idiot, he did the one thing he’d promised himself he would never do again. Steve should’ve said no. He should’ve said no because he knew better. Damn it, he knew better, but he’d always wanted Bucky. He’d wanted him from the moment he understood what wanting someone actually meant, and he’d never stopped fucking wanting him…
The ache in his gut was compounded, because every time Steve took a breath, he could fucking smell him. Many things had changed, but Bucky had worn the same cologne since high school, and the all-too-familiar scent still clung to his own skin. Steve could still feel the voraciousness of their shared pleasure in his calves, at the small of his back, and in his arms. His groin and mouth and heart and conscience were still laden with everything they’d done, and all that blistering, bittersweetness was just too fucking much to carry.
A tiny shower stall, with a sheer curtain that kept clinging to his ass; travel-sized, off-brand soap and shampoo; a methodical cleansing that he knew would leave his skin pruned and bright red afterward. After Steve got out, he wrapped a towel around his waist, and brushed his teeth at the sink until his gums bled in protest.
The clothes he’d traveled in went into the trash, and though he was exhausted down to his marrow, he could find no rest. Detoxing meant avoiding temptation, so, instead of obsessing over Bucky, he turned his mind toward Fury, and tried to mentally untangle the web.
What Steve couldn’t understand – what didn’t make any sense at all – was why Nick had even bothered coming to the table if his ultimate goal was to take Brooklyn for himself. Fury was a man who didn’t like to share or compromise, but he would do it if it served his bottom line. He was also a man of patience and strategy, and he rarely, if ever, missed a target. It just didn’t make sense…
Steve knew there had to be more going on, but he couldn’t see the bigger picture yet. He may have lost a battle in Jamaica, but that didn’t mean the war was over, and leaving had been much more than a tactical retreat. He knew what he needed to do – what it would take to get it done and make it right – and for the sake of what remained of his sanity, he had to go it alone.
The journey began two days later on the shores of Table Bay in Cape Town, South Africa. The economic hub lured in real estate moguls and sightseers, but Steve hadn’t been interested in Clifton Beach, African penguins, or the architectural heritage. What he’d needed was information and he knew a guy who owed him a favor.
From there, it was on to Tristan da Cunha; an island completely isolated from civilization that required a seven-day boat trip to reach. There were no restaurants or hotels, credit cards weren’t accepted, and while most of the inhabitants made their living through trade and farming, he knew of one resident who wasn’t who she appeared to be.
After that, it was on to the Caymans, followed by Cuba. Then, Steve headed back to the States, and hoped to find the final piece of the puzzle at a swanky beach house in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“I heard you were dead,” Phil Coulson declared by way of greeting.
Steve smirked and stepped over the threshold, “Disappointed?”
“Impressed,” he countered. “And relieved.”
Steve knew there was no point in asking Phil to elaborate on his assertions. The man had been doing the whole espionage thing since before it became mainstream, and though he’d been in retirement for nearly a decade, he still had his finger on the pulse, and really enjoyed the build-up before the show-and-tell. Phil was also the last person left who owed Steve a debt, but it took a tour of the house, lunch on the patio overlooking the ocean, and a lot of small-talk before he was able to bring up the reason for his visit.
“What can you tell me about the players in New York and in the West Indies?” Steve prompted.    
“I don’t participate,” Phil said as he tapped at a wireless keyboard that fired up the flatscreen on the wall. “But I do like to watch.”
A map of Brooklyn appeared and it displayed the hierarchy and territories of the Families over time. After that, it was the West Indies, which showcased how Fury had slowly taken it piece by piece. Next came the reports of all the backroom talks, underhanded deals, blood, death, and destruction. It wasn’t anything Steve didn’t already know, but what Phil brought up next made his blood run cold.
Steve had lied to Fury – said he’d tied up all loose ends – but he hadn’t. Since he knew the woman’s death would bring nothing but trouble, he’d let the dead Senator’s wife go free, and his act of mercy had been both a mistake and the catalyst. Sam’s flunky at the shop came up and he recognized the trademark lollipop. Subsequent pictures showed the two women had met dozens of times. After that, there was a video of Sam doing what he did best, which was very illegal, and they’d used the tape to blackmail him and force him to play along.  
The series of clips that followed showed Fury locked in a cell by himself, but eventually, another person had been thrown in with him. The man Steve saw was supposed to be in a graveyard back home, but the date and time stamp revealed Sam Wilson was above ground, and very much alive.
Bucky’s private security – all taken out by a lone bodyguard who had been bought off and tasked to kill his own Boss. The men who had ambushed Steve on the street, in his house, and who had also raided the Families homes -- they, too, had received similar instruction and payment. All in all, they’d had enough combined insider-knowledge to get it done, but someone who had both clout and cash had helped them execute their plans.  
Steve ran a hand over his beard and started to pace. He hadn’t been able to see clearly or think straight, but now, all the madness made sense. Keeping the peace meant Steve continued breathing and someone clearly hadn’t wanted that. When he’d gotten captured by the Families, Fury should’ve issued a kill order; instead, he’d sent an unknown emissary to negotiate for peace, which meant the accord had actually been a contingency plan.
The agreement between the Bosses had been Fury’s way of trying to ensure Steve’s back was covered. The man had struck the bargain of a lifetime, but if half of what he’d learned was true, Nick’s hands hadn’t been on the steering wheel since the paperwork had been signed. Whoever had done this had managed to get him out of the way and that person now had full control over both the business and crew. What little protection Steve had been given had also been taken away, and somehow, they’d managed to convince the Families to cut him off completely.
Given everything Phil had shared, Steve knew someone had to have put things in motion before he ever stepped foot in Brooklyn. Whoever it was had maneuvered the Senator and his wife into Fury’s orbit; ensured they got caught double-dipping with the Families; planned for the job he’d been sent to do to go sideways. The torture, the ousting, the rumors, the staging of Sam’s death – they’d been responsible for all of it.
Whoever was behind it hadn’t been trying to prevent a war, they’d been planning one all along…
“When all else fails, follow the money,” Steve bit out. “Who bankrolled this?”
Phil had saved the best for last, and when the picture and wire transfers were revealed, Steve put his fist through the screen. Everything inside him was screaming in protest, and he didn’t even realize Phil was still present until he’d been given a towel for his bloodied knuckles.
“Why? Why would she do this?”
Phil shrugged slightly, “Fury’s getting up there in age and has been looking for a successor. I have a feeling Nick intended to hand the crown to you after the job in Brooklyn was done.”
He cursed and wrapped his hand, “I wouldn’t have accepted.”
“She couldn’t be sure you’d decline,” Phil asserted.
“Then, why even bother to play nice at all?” Steve snapped. “Why didn’t she just kill me when she had the chance?”
“Money, anger, fear, envy – they’re all powerful motivators. Sabotage takes time, but it’s less risky, and much cleaner. Killing you would’ve been easier, but you’ve got friends in high places, and it would’ve drawn too much attention.”
“Is anyone else involved?”  
“No. None of them had a hand in it or benefitted from it.”
Steve let out a ragged breath and stared at the destroyed television, “I don’t have it on me now, but I will send you money to replace it.”
Phil grinned and retrieved both a manila envelope and a tablet from the coffee table, “I thought you’d say that. I also figured you’d show up here eventually, so, let’s settle up, shall we?”
A thumbprint was all it took to bring the screen to life, and when Steve realized what Phil had done, the tightness in his chest spread right on up to his throat. He hadn’t just provided coordinates to Sam and Fury’s location -- he’d also somehow managed to unfreeze Steve’s money and assets, and had put safeguards in place to ensure they would never be taken from him again. The envelope contained two stacks of cash, a burner phone, a plane ticket, and a set of car keys.
Phil told him his chariot and the arsenal in the trunk awaited him, and since his flight departed in an hour, his driver was on standby to take him to the airport. The debt Phil owed had been paid in full, and though Steve was floored and overwhelmed, he still managed to thank him and shake his hand.  
“Give ‘em hell, Rogers,” Phil advised. “And when you’re done, get out, and don’t ever look back.”
Chapter 13: Settled Scores
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @captain-rogers-beard
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mobius-prime · 4 years
249. Sonic the Hedgehog #180
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Oh, come on, cover page! There's no way in hell Sonic would end up as friends with Eggman! This has the same vibes as when older cover pages would try to tease something like "Has Sonic the Hedgehog actually died? Find out in today's issue how super dead he is!" Like oh, sure, of course he's dead! I totally believe you, Cover Page of a Sonic the Hedgehog Comic!
Preparations for War!
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
Eggman is back to take revenge for his victory being stolen away from him last week, hoping to use his latest invention to upload a virus to Nicole's systems to take her out and leave New Mobotropolis vulnerable. Sonic, however, isn't even totally interested in fighting Eggman, as there's something more pressing to worry about right now.
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Inside the castle, the Council of Acorn is having their first meeting to hear Dimitri's testimony about the danger of Enerjak. By the way, it's worthwhile to list off who's on the council: Elias of course, then Uncle Chuck, Rotor, Rosemary, and to round it off, Hamlin, Penelope, and Dylan! Nice to see these guys again, it's been a long time! No sign of Arlo, unfortunately, but he was the only one out of these four to end up injured outside of battle, so we can assume he had to retire and go back to being a civilian. Anyway, Dimitri tells the story of his initial transformation into Enerjak and how he was eventually stripped of his powers, a story which to his credit he tells frankly and with no attempts made to minimize what a power-hungry tyrant he was. He then admits that once his cybernetics started to fail after Knuckles' sacrifice to save him from Mogul, he in desperation went to Finitevus in the hopes of continuing to hold onto his life and regain his former power. However, when he realized that Finitevus betrayed him and was looking for a different candidate to become Enerjak, he came straight to New Mobotropolis, hoping they'd be able to put up a sufficient fight against this ancient and evil force. Sally, who's standing down on the floor to help hear Dimitri's testimony, immediately offers to mobilize the Freedom Fighters to go to Angel Island, but the council vetoes this in favor of keeping their own city safe first. Dimitri then suggests the Chaotix since Angel Island is their home, but the council still seems reluctant - and Charmy, who's been listening to the proceedings the entire time from within an air vent, reports all this back to Julie-Su, who adorably is using her cybernetic dreadlock as some kind of communication device.
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Outside the city, Sonic has finished relaying what he knows of Enerjak to Eggman, who true to form is mostly concerned with the idea of someone else finishing off the Freedom Fighters before he himself can get to them. An exasperated Sonic offers Eggman a temporary truce - to work together to defeat Enerjak as a greater threat before going back to being at each other's throats. Eggman decides to agree in the creepiest and least-trustworthy tone possible, which of course makes Sonic leery.
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Sonic is somewhat disgusted with himself for even agreeing to form an alliance with Eggman in the first place, but with that problem out of the way, he begins to rush back into the city to let everyone know of the new situation. However, Nicole pops up to warn him that the Chaotix are currently busting some heads at the airfield looking to jack a plane to Angel Island, so he runs over there to do some damage control. Meanwhile on Angel Island, Fiona (sporting a new black leather look) and Scourge call Finitevus with an update on the situation between the island's various factions. The dingoes, still led by General Kage, are making a move on the last of the echidnas, while the Flame and Frost Legions of the Dark Legion have called a truce between themselves to go after Finitevus, feeling he's a bigger threat to their plans. Finitevus thanks them for the update and tells them they can basically do whatever they want from here on as he doesn't need any more info, so Scourge dutifully sits his butt right down against a tree to "enjoy the show" while Fiona becomes frustrated that he's not taking this seriously, as she thinks Finitevus is way too creepy to trust. Maybe should have considered the kind of company your new boy-toy is keeping before running off with him, huh, Fiona? Back in New Mobotropolis, Sonic does his best to subdue the Chaotix without actually hurting any of them, while trying to convince them that they need a plan before they rush to Angel Island. Wow, if Sonic thinks you're rushing a little too quickly into things, you know it's serious. However, Julie-Su doesn't feel his opposing them is justified.
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At this moment Sally shows up to talk to them all, agreeing that running off to Angel Island without a plan is a bad idea and informing them that Nicole's sent a probe there to gather information. Julie-Su becomes hostile and angry, certain that Knuckles has already been captured or worse by Enerjak and that waiting for info from a probe isn't going to help, but Sally isn't finished speaking.
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Well there ya go, Julie-Su! See where a little waiting gets you? However, things are a bit worse than they perhaps realize - as Scourge and Fiona suddenly find themselves with a front-row seat to Enerjak returning in a blast of golden light - but if it isn't Dimitri in that golden armor, then who is it…?
Sonic Rush Adventure (High Stakes on the High Sea)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Stingray GW
Welcome to yet another one of those "we're gonna tease this upcoming game and make a version of it canon within the comics but not actually adapt the entire game into comic form leaving people who haven't played the game totally lost" stories! This time, we're looking at the very beginning of Sonic Rush Adventure, starting off with Sonic and Tails waking up feeling woozy after a storm caused the Tornado to crash onto a beach. Out of nowhere, a small raccoon zips up and immediately tries to recruit them as her "swabbies" so that they can all sail and explore the high seas. Literally, this happens within half a page, this girl ain't messing around. Sonic and Tails are understandably baffled and get her to slow down long enough to explain what she's going on about, so she introduces herself as Marine and tells them that they've landed on Seagull Island, and that there's a band of roving pirates that's been looting this island in search of treasure, something that actually gets the two Freedom Fighters' attention.
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Who is the individual that's stolen this giant pretty gem? Why, Johnny the Robot Pirate Shark, duh! Apparently he's some… speedy guy or something, blah blah blah, look at this point we know that Sonic's designated rivals tend to always be Fast Guys with a penchant for proving that they're faster than Sonic, and clearly this Johnny is just the next in a long line of other speedsters looking for a challenge. Naturally, Sonic is ready to go to battle for the Chaos Emerald (hey, how did it get out of Feist's clutches within the Special Zone, anyhow?), and… the end?! Come on, I know these little adaptions are always incomplete, but they didn't even show Blaze! She's literally one of the main characters of the game! I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, though. Sonic Rush Adventure has always baffled me because every single promotional description I've ever seen for the game makes it seem like some random action romp where Sonic does nothing but fight pirates, instead of an actual sequel to the first Rush game where Blaze is an integral part of the plot. The good news is that I think this is the last one of these weird non-adaptions, as far as I can remember at least - from here on they're replaced with the "In Another Time, In Another Place" stories, which we're not gonna bother covering due to their non-canon status.
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ancanosaur · 5 years
Subscorp shorts: how to put a drunk cryomancer to bed.
I wanted to write something soft for these two and mark some of my subscorp requests off my list lmao. I have this headcanon that Kuai is a really lovey dovey drunk. This is also pre-relationship!
Hanzo had to admit, he had a lot of patience. More than anyone really gives him credit for. But he wasn't a saint, so his patience wasnt an endless river. It was more of a well, and at the moment it was slowly beginning to run dry and the rain wasnt coming any time soon.
"You should be greatful our rivalry is something far in the past, Kuai Liang." The Shirai Ryu let out a heated huff, his breath scorching hot in the freezing winter air.
Kuai was leaning against the shorter ninja as he aided him in walking up the temple steps. One foot after the other. "I was gaining us both allies." Kuai said, the normly well put together grandmaster sluring his words as Hanzo pushed open the heavy door with a slow kick as he held one of Kuai's arms over his shoulders, keeping the man on his feet.
"We already have special forces as allies, Cage was just wanting to make a mess of you." He rolled his eyes as they made it through the quiet halls of the Lin Kuei temple, getting closer to Kuai's private quarters. "Id thought you would be one to handle your liquor." The ninja said in a mildly sour tone. He had a few drinks with Kuai before and the cryomancer came out fine. Yet that time there was no Johnny cage and the rest of their friends demanding Kuai take 'just a few more shots.'
Oh how Hanzo will have a word with Johnny next time he is at the SF base about this. And he damn well better not be letting Takeda drink himself stupid while under his watch.
But that was an itch to scratch later. At the moment he was dealing with a very drunk subzero and is going to have to put this grown man to sleep-
"You're so warm."
Hanzo stopped in his tracks, kuai taking just one extra step once he realized the other had stopped. "What?" He looked at the grandmaster. "You feel so warm." Kuai repeated as he looked at Hanzo, ghostly blue eyes glazed over in a drunken state, yet he gave the other man a grntle smirk.
Hanzo scoffed at the other, shaking his head. "You truly are drunk, Kuai." But then he felt the gentle touch of calloused fingers drawing circles and shapes on the bare skin of his upper arm, making his cheeks gain some heat.
"Your skin is so warm and golden." Kuai continued, his voice carried an air of genuine care to it as he spoke to Hanzo. His cheeks having a bit of color to them in his intoxicated state as he gave Hanzo a crooked smile.
Hanzo didnt know how to respond, and he was praying that Kuai couldn't feel how fast his heart was starting to beat. "It's hell fire. It burns within me." The older spoke in a soft tone as he stood there, Kuai's arm still around his shoulder, drawing random shapes on his upper arm, if Hanzo didnt know better he would assume Kuai was writting a letter on his flesh.
The two stood there for just a second, looking at one another before Kuai spoke. "You are so beautiful..." he said in an almost dreamy tone. Hanzo looked away as soon as he could, tugging Kuai along to begin walking again. "You and Johnny are not to drink together again." He swallowed, finally making it to the Grandmaster's quarters. Heart beating like a drum at this point.
Hanzo sat Kuai on the large bed, confident that none of his students spotted their grandmaster in such a drunken state, being practically carried by the other.
Once Kuai was no longer attached to his hip, Hanzo gave a sigh, looking down at the other man who was sitting on his bed, looking up at Hanzo with such a soft look in his eye. But Hanzo was able to pull himself away from those haunting blue eyes and their unnatural hue. "I will inform the cooks to give you a light breakfast in the morning, but for now i can bring you a glass of water."
Before Hanzo could even turn around Kuai grabbed each of his hands, holding them gently in his grasp, looking down at them. Hanzo just watched, heat gathering in his face. He was thankful for the darkness.
Kuai ran his thumbs over the palms of Hanzo's open hands as if trying to read the history behind the light scaring on his flesh and the creases of his grip.
"There is more than hell fire that warms you, Hanzo." Kuai said, eyes raising up to look at the other. Hanzo forgot to breath for a moment after that, unsure of what kind of riddle Kuai was working up. "I...did not take you for a palm reader, Kuai." Hanzo's voice was only a whisper of it's usually tone. Kuai Liang sure did know how to take down Hanzo's walls at will.
Kuai didnt reply. He simply turned Hanzo's hands over, placing a gentle kiss at his knuckles, his beard tickling his skin. "Your heart burns hotter than any fire." He breathed against his skin, before standing up.
He was a bit off balance as he stood an inch or two taller than Hanzo as he let go of Hanzo's warm hands, looking down at the ninja with such care in his sky orbs.
Hanzo wasnt able to speak nor react, he was having to remind himself to breath as he looked up at the slightly taller man. The ghostly feeling of his soft lips still on his knuckles as he searched Kuai's face for a sign of he next move as his heart beat against his ribs.
Kuai gave no sudden movements, he slowly and gently brought up a large hand to cup the back of Hanzo's neck, enjoying the touch of Hanzo's soft raven locks as he leaned over just a bit.
Hanzo closed his eyes, preparing for Kuai to kiss him, preparing for a wet mouth tasting of fire whiskey.
But it never came.
Instead a sweet and tender kiss was placed onto Hanzo's forehead. Hanzo fluttered his eyes open, feeling the heat of deep feelings for Kuai.
His grip on Hanzo's neck was gentle, it would be easy for Hanzo to slimply pull away from him, yet Hanzo stayed put. All the kisses and touches werent overshadowed by the hints of Kuai wanting Hanzo to get into bed with him. They were soft and easing, deeply rooted in purly showing affection and care.
Kuai pulled away from Hanzo, moving his hand to hold onto his upper arm, index finger once again drawing shapes onto his warm skin.
"Sleep well Hanzo." The Lin Kuei said in a hushed whisper, the alcohol obviously bidding him to sleep now as he finally pulled away. Sitting on the large frame bed before laying down on it.
Hanzo left Kuai to it. His heart was singing, his whole body felt hot and feverish as he retired to the guest room he would stay at for the night.
Hanzo took his time undressing playing the events over and over in his head. Hanzo hadnt been touched and handled with such care in...elder gods, years.
He pulled his charcoal grey sleeping pants up, tying the waist string before he sat on the bed. Kuai really was a man pure of heart. Even in such a drunken state, he still just wanted a simple kiss goodnight. Hanzo thought about the feeling of his lips on his forehead as he pulled his long hair free from his bun, letting it flow a few inches passed his shoulders as he ran his fingers through it.
It all started with those gentle touches to his shoulder. Hanzo's finger started touch that same place on his upper arm, surprised to feel a chill there, making him quickly look to his arm.
His skin was drawn over with in frost. Characters. Hanzo gave the writting a gentle trace, trying to make out what it ment, quicy remembering his Chinese was quite rough and years out of practice. Perhaps it was a sigil of some sort. Maybe a secret message that Kuai wished to tell him.
Hanzo quickly made his way to the simple desk in the corner of the room, finding an pen and a bit of parchment. His fingers almoat shaking as he copied the characters to the best of his abilities. Silently thanking his father for being so strict on him about his hand writing in his youth.
Morning came and Hanzo had awaken to breakfast with Kuai and the rest of the Lin Kuei. The ex wraith felt a bit nervous about seeing Kuai after the events of last night. But when Kuai greeted him normally, he felt a bit of disappointment sting at his heart.
Sure it may have caused a bit of awkward tension between the two. But Hanzo enjoyed the touches of last night, he may have even welcomed more if Kuai didnt pass out on him.
But at the same time he was relieved, each halfs of his heart were playing a vicious game of tuck of war with one another. One wanting to stay loyal to his long dead wife, the other wanting so desperately to be touched and loved by another.
Perhaps it was best that Kuai was drunk enough that no memory plagued him. Hanzo wouldnt want to pull him into his own misery of confusion.
Hanzo looked up at Kuai, the man drinking herbal tea to aid his head ache, when he remembered the writing, feeling the ripped peice of parchment in his pocket. "Kuai, i was wonder if perhaps you could translate something for me?" Hanzo asked in a soft tone, not wanting to add to the ach in Kuai's head.
Kuai looked up at Hanzo, curiosity in his eyes. "Perhaps." He mused. Once his answer was given he watched as Hanzo reached into his pocket, pulling out a folded sheet of paper, and gently unraveled it.
"This." The ninja slid the paper over to Kuai, watching as the grandmaster's cheeks gained a bit of color as he eyed the familiar characters written down. "萤火虫"
"Yínghuǒchóng" Kuai said in a warm tone yet a slight taste of nervousness was on his tongue. 'It wasn't a dream then...' he thought to himself as he gave a gentle chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. Hanzo looked over at him, his own cheeks gaining a rose hue once Kuai gave him an answer.
Big soft men in love is my jam. Also i dont speak a single sentence of chinese and i used a translator for this. So if it's wrong let me know!
Please forgive and grammar/spelling mistakes!
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Father/Daughter Reunion (Family Verse)
Summary: Nick’s daughter shows up to his wedding.
WC: 1.2k
Warnings: alcohol m, violence m
The last time Olivia saw Nick this happy, it must’ve been before Maria and Zara left. He’s been better lately, especially with Sonny, and helping out with Noah, but he really hasn’t been himself in a long time. She says so in her speech, holding up a glass of wine and trying to keep tears out of her eyes, something he barely managed at her own wedding so long ago. There’s a real smile on his face, one that reaches his eyes.
Afterwards, Nick hugs her tightly. “I wish I could fix things with her,” he admits, not for the first time. “She should be here. I think she’d really like Sonny.”
Zara. He sent his daughter an invite, but she never answered a yes or no, the same way she never answers his birthday or Christmas cards, the same way she refuses to talk to him when he calls her mother. Leading up to today, he held onto this hope that she’d arrive, or at least text him a congratulations, but the sun has set and still, the venue is nothing but Sonny’s guests, Nick’s mother and sister, and a handful of old friends from Narcotics or SVU. His daughter isn’t among them.
“Maybe, but you shouldn’t focus on that right now. This is your night.”
Olivia kisses the side of his head and lets Nick cling to her for a moment longer while he sorts himself out, puts all his broken little pieces back where they belong inside his chest so he doesn’t fall apart at his own wedding. The shards will poke out again soon, and Sonny will help him and Olivia fix it. Right now, he just needs a bandaid. And Olivia can give him that.
By the time he pulls away, his eyes are still glassy, but not the obvious remnants of tears. No one should notice, and the pictures won’t memorialize his sorrow. His gaze skates over Olivia’s shoulder to find Sonny, and once he does, he offers her one last sad smile before drifting over to his husband. They really do make each other so happy. It’s what they both deserve, both need, and she’s so happy they’ve found each other.
Olivia goes to find Alex, or Nick’s mother, but someone taps her on the back before she can. She turns around, and comes face to face with a young girl. A teenager, maybe. At first, she figures it’s one of Carisi’s nieces or cousins, but no. Her skin is darker, and so is her curly hair. She’s familiar in the sort of way it takes Olivia a moment to recognize. The girl has Nick’s eyes, and she looks strikingly like the photograph hung up in Nick and Sonny’s apartment, only a good decade older.
The girl- Zara- nods and crosses her arms over her chest protectively. Nick does the same when he’s anxious, provided he’s not wearing a collared shirt or vest he can pull on restlessly. “You’re Olivia, right? His old lieutenant?”
“Can I talk to you?”
Olivia nods and gestures toward a less packed table in one of the corners, where they hopefully won’t be bothered by anyone for a while. She genuinely hasn’t seen Zara at the wedding before this, no one has, which is almost as strange as the fact that she’s here in New York instead of in California with her mother. The skirt of her dark purple dress is modest, but a shiny and flaring out in a layer of tulle. A party dress. Something she might have worn for the quinces that Maria never threw her.
When she sits, Zara smooths down her skirt, wipes her under eyes for stray makeup, and fixes her hair. She really is just like her father, not that she knows it. They haven’t talked in so long. On the one attempt Nick made to see her- her fifth grade promotion- she and Maria made it clear that neither wanted anything to do with him, and they’d be more than willing to have local law enforcement remind him that he hasn’t even been awarded visitation because of his record.
“How come he has time for this?” Zara asks.
“Time for what?”
She waves a hand flippantly at the festivities. “For his husband. For a wedding. He never had time for my mom and me.”
There are a lot of reasons, mainly Nick staying with SVu and his subsequent forced retirement. Even though he’s been off the force and in recovery for a few years, he still needs a cane sometimes for his knee. He needs it tonight, but refused to have it here, at his wedding. Zara doesn’t know about that, though. She didn’t even pick up the phone when Nick’s mother called her to say her father might not make it out of surgery after Johnny D shot him.
“He’s changed a lot,” Olivia answers, because it’s easier. “You know, he really misses you.”
“No. He just sends cards because he feels guilty, same with the invitation. I know he doesn’t actually want me here, and my mom said-”
Olivia takes one of Zara’s shaking hands in her own. “Sweetie, I promise, your father really does love and miss you. And just between you and me, he was really upset that he didn’t see you here. He wants to fix things, and I know he’s really sorry for not being there for you.”
Those words sink in slowly, the way paper drifts down from a high building, or water soaks into a long dried sponge. Zara smooths down her skirt again, and again, and once more before she stands up, a bit unsteady in her heels. She’s not the same little girl who bounded excitedly into the precinct with a picture for her father she made at school, but someone closer to a young woman and afraid that her own family does not love her anymore.
“Let’s go see him, okay? I promise, he wants you here.”
Still holding Zara’s hand as a pillar of support, she leads her through the crowd of women cooing Italian at a tired Noah and amused Alex, past a couple of detectives sharing a story about something crazy Nick did on the job, and so many people until she spots Nick and Sonny. They’re talking to one of Sonny’s sisters, who’s clearly had a couple too many, poking Nick’s chest and clearly pretending to threaten an amused and unafraid Nick. Again, it strikes Olivia how happy he looks.
“Nick,” she calls.
His face washes smoother, softer, when he sees her. Sonny’s sister excuses herself for the couple to come forward, both a little confused by the teenager at Olivia’s side until Nick recognizes her. One hand goes straight to his mouth, the other digging into Sonny’s arm. He isn’t just glassy-eyed, but crying now, full blown, his shoulders shaking.
Zara looks up at Olivia, then back to her father. “I wanted to say congrats. On getting married.” She looks to Sonny then, sizing him up. It’s such a familiarly protective look that Olivia’s chest tightens. “Nice to meet you. I’m Nick’s daughter, Zara.”
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littlemicrocosims · 5 years
need to vent about chocolate real quick
okay so some of you may know that I used to work for choccywoccydoodah (if you’ve heard of it, great, if you haven’t, i’m also not surprised). Choccy just went out of business and I just need to vent because all the news coverage (the few bbc articles etc there are anyway) are making me SO ANGRY so if you want chocolatey behind the scenes drama and what it was ACTUALLY like to be employed by christine taylor READ ON
The entire news coverage for this business going into administration is solely ‘oh what a shame this awesome creative business is gone! noone could have predicted it! such a shock we all loved it!” lIKE NO FUCK OFF IF YOU SPOKE TO A SINGLE PERSON THAT WORKED THERE YOU WOULD KNOW THAT THIS IS NOT A SURPRISE AT ALL. This has been coming for YEARS. This company has been driven into the ground by Christine Taylor and if you ever watched the TV show i’m sure you have a little understanding as to why that is.
When I worked at the company (for about a year between 2016 - 2017), I was told many things by the owners. It’s a million dollar company, she said. It’s international. We make MAGIC. And yes, to an extent, they did make magic. The two Christine’s founded the company in Brighton in 1994 and carved a niche for themselves. They made amazing cakes for amazing people and I was so, so thrilled to be a part of it. The TV show had already ceased filming by this point, of course, and whilst the show was still running in some countries (the company was inexplicably popular in the Netherlands, I came to realise) the popularity of the show within the UK was something akin to marmite... Either you love it, or... well, you’ve never heard of it. I always knew the company and its running was unconventional - no safety training for the amount of physical labour you had to do, an incredibly stressful work environment, always expected to work unpaid overtime, the list goes on - but I loved it anyway. My manager was an amazing woman (and still is!) and I was keen to learn and master what I could. This is when the cracks started to show. Christine and Christine would make plans - we want to promote you, but we can’t promote anyone unless they’ve worked here over a year, we want to open a third store, we’re going to launch a side business, here’s a range of more affordable cakes that we are going to sell - but somehow, nothing ever followed through. They could barely afford to run two shops (one in brighton, one in central london, where i worked), let alone even CONSIDER opening a third. Their marketing relied solely on the now outdated television show and they refused to upgrade with the times. They weren’t without help - younger members of the team had plenty of suggestions and contributions but they were never recognised or accepted. I managed to convince them to invest in snapchat geo-filters (as all customers did in the shop was record and take photos). Not a huge step, but a small one in the right direction. This was once they actually ALLOWED people to film - for months part of my job was telling people to put their phones away! Why make edible art if you can’t even share it!? Their social media ‘team’ consisted of some guy who used to bake the cakes and got promoted to Christine’s PA. He could barely even spell, let alone maintain a facebook, an instagram, a youtube... To put it bluntly, they knew fuck all about promoting their own company and got complacent in how successful they had once been.
To compensate for this, the company began raising prices. The impractical “chunky bars” rose in price in the time I was at the company from £12.99 to £14.99, while cakes for 10 servings jumped from £35.99 to £40+. Commissions that staff had got and were promised for another quarter for bespoke cake consultations disappeared with no warning. They began outsourcing more and more chocolate, reducing the cocoa content of the chocolate they DID create, and staff began leaving. I thought the high turnover was normal. If you’ve watched the show, you know that Dave made all the magic happen. Well, people like Dave started leaving. Once the two Christines decided they didn’t like a member of staff, they would quietly sit and gather evidence of the smallest infractions until they had enough to fire you or play hardball until you quit before they could pull the trigger. I saw this happen to many, many members of staff in my time there. Luckily, they always seemed to like me, but I have a feeling that if I’d stayed any longer the same would have happened to me. It happened to their own son, who they demoted from operations manager in favour of the london store manager. He got no say in this. They never gave the new operations manager the payrise for her promotion for the year plus that she held the position (until closing) and they regularly expected her to work 6/7 day weeks as they refused to replace staff that were leaving. She was expected to continue to manage the london branch as well as manager the operations for the entire company. She HAD to work these hours just to make sure there was a senior member of staff in the building. This was around the time I decided the stress and constant crying when I finished my shift every night was too much, and I made the very hard decision to leave despite not having anything else lined up. I was in a fortunate position of living with my parents and having a safety net. Not everyone else had that. 
Since I left the company, things only deteriorated further. The Carnaby Street store (just off oxford circus, in central london) was deemed too expensive to rent, and they moved to covent garden, to a location my former manager oh-so affectionately refers to as “crack alley”. It was unsafe and I’ve been told that staff closing up in the evenings would regularly have to ask for backup as they would feel at risk within the store. The size of the team started to dwindle (the whole company was 50+ strong over both stores and the studios when I was there, it was 20-30 when it shut and the london store alone had 6/7 members of staff). More members of staff left without replacements. Then the inevitable happened - Dave reduced his hours, with an intention to leave, leaving very few people in the studio able to actually make the cakes (which were often dry and poorly made as it was, people regularly found bits of plastic in the cafe cakes and the cafes never even got what they ordered in the first place). Being incredibly secretive about her processes, Christine had staff sign an NDA to know the ‘secret formula’ for the modelling chocolate. Like it’s a goddamn krabby patty. So when Dave began to move away and the other staff from the studio moved on as well, instead of training anyone new to make the cakes, Chris decided she would just... price people out of them. She’d long since abandoned any premise of making affordable versions of her cakes for weddings and raised the minimum price of a bespoke design from £450 to £2,500!!!! The one thing her company was well known for and she priced everyone out of it. Just because she’s made a few cakes for celebrities (I helped design one for Jack Whitehall while I was there, but other big names include Tinie Tempah, Johnny Depp, Kylie Minogue, Boy George, the Game of Thrones launch party....) she arrogantly believed that her entire clientele could afford this, when actually her entire clientele was children who loved the show and their hard working families. These people simply cannot afford £50 for a 10 portion cake, or £30 for a slice of cake and a drink in a cafe. £5 for an outsourced chocolate coin! £20 for a bar of chocolate! She was out of touch, and arrogant, and stubborn. Other companies do it better and cheaper and she refused to ever acknowledge her competition, let alone follow through on any plans to be better.
The staff who were made redundant were barely even informed. No notice. They were told they had to vacate the building and haven’t even been paid for their last week of work, while the Brighton store continued trading for nearly a week. Because the company hadn’t gone into administration yet, they aren’t even able to claim redundancy from the government. Couples who have paid an eye watering amount of money for bespoke wedding cakes are being left up shit creek without a paddle while Christine retires to her bloody house in france to lick her wounds.
Other thoughts:
- Doggymoggydoodah was a shit idea, and poorly executed. - I’ve never met such a homophobic lesbian. She forced the manager to leave the building so she could drill her about her sex life without the repercussions of having these conversations inside the building because she knew she could get done for it if she did. - She’s a bully, plain and simple - the youtube channel posted a video YESTERDAY. who the fuck is posting on there? there’s been no action in 6 months and NOW IS THE TIME TO TELL ME HOW TO CUT ONE OF YOUR CAKES? - my old assistant manager literally robbed the company of several thousand pounds because she knew that christine couldn’t be bothered to get her security cameras fixed :) they couldn’t even get the proof to fire/charge her and had to settle for bullying her out of the company - christine would make us tell customers that we melted down display pieces to reduce waste but actually we just broke them down with a hammer and threw them in the bin. enjoy looking at that luxury easter egg knowing i literally stomped on it so it would fit in a binbag - that glitter on the cakes is not edible. it’s just non-toxic. - the chocolate they use for the modelling tastes vile. - the london stores had biiiiig rat/mice problems. We had to kill them ourselves! We trapped them in glue traps and stamped on them! I GOT PAID FOR THAT! - the brighton store was filthy and gross behind the scenes! If you’ve ever eaten in that cafe then I am sorry but the staff there didn’t like to clean :)  - that whole burlesque vibe isn’t child friendly, stop trying to combine the two, a cartoon drawing of your naked ass doesn’t belong in a cookery book you narcissistic twat!! - your chocolate is impractical and horrific to actually try and eat. there. I said it. it tasted good though. until you discontinued all my favs :(
THIS IS NOT A SURPRISE. THIS IS NOT A SHOCK. THIS BUSINESS HAS BEEN POORLY RUN AND UNABLE TO ADAPT FROM THE GET GO. Please don’t keep feeding this woman’s ego. She needs a sharp dose of reality and to face up to all the staff that she has let down. I was lucky to get out when I did but I know single mothers, people trying to afford to live in london who are now completely screwed over and out of a job. People who have given their lives to this dysfunctional company. I begged them to leave because I felt like this was going to happen but they were too loyal and devoted, and wanted it to turn around. My former boss is owed nearly £5k that she’s never going to get, and all those customers who put deposits down or heaven forbid paid the full balance on their cakes are without refunds AND cakes! Just please stop idolising Christine Taylor and look at the situation before you say how shocking and sad it is. 
Yes, this company was magical. But that ended a long time ago.
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