#i feel so small and worthless and like im walking around with this just huge target on my back. like im just some freak who no one respects
melto · 1 year
i'll stop feeling like everyone is mocking me once i actually spend time with my friends everything will be ok then
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lfc21 · 2 years
Ok hear me out: something where reader is an outcast who meets Rachel Roberts somewhere (book club, brunch, idk), and they bond over shared interests and wide knowledge of culture. One day they're hanging out at the Robertsons' when Robbo brings Trent to have dinner with them. She's on edge with strangers so he's only seen her a few quick times in passing, and haven't really talked. But seeing her that day so relaxed and carefree had him realize how sophisticated/attractive she is, and grows a crush? Reader's a bit older, and studying biological anthropology or something? I don't know, you take over the details, you're mind's way more organized!
The unexpected crush
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You and Rachel Robertson had become the bestest of friends since the begging of the year. You both had a great fondess of books, but more specifically romantic books. Romantic books held what you urged to have but couldn't make happen, you had come close once with a man from your work but he just became a spiteful and worthless person to be around. Your life in Liverpool was very toned down you had your close group of friends including Rachel but that was it, the idea of venturing out and wanting to open yourself up scared you as your heart was let to be so vulnerable. Past trauma had sent yourself in a state of worry towards every small thing to happen but how could anyone else other than you explain that? To yourself you where damaged goods.
Mondays had always become quite bleak and stressful but today was a complete contrast to the regular Monday blues. The sun shined with great rays dancing on every object it could find, happy smiles where dotted on everyone's faces with laughter and memories being made. As this Monday had become something so unique you decided to take a day off and enjoy it as everyone else meant to. You and Rachel had decided to go shopping in the morning which resulted in a very huge dip in your bank account and alot of bags to carry. As the bright sunshine was still upon the streets of Liverpool you both decided to go back to the Robertson household.
"I think it's too hot" Rachel blurted out as her head rested on the back of the garden sofa over looking the still blue pool which had been decorated with an array of floats.
"I actually think im going to melt" you admitted as you felt every sun beam sit on your body causing a shine off glow to run across your collar bones and forehead. The hot weather was alright on holiday as it was something you payed for but this, well this was just unexpected and not needed.
"I think if I move I'll faint" Rachel said with a laugh as she felt every bit of sun on her body. You and had Rachel could spend every minute of every day with one another you where platonic soul mates. You shut your eyes as the feeling of the heat rested over you as a blanket. A tranquil atmosphere sat through the garden until an array of footsteps came out of the patio doors. You and Rachel looked up over to the doors revealing two very sweaty men looking for mischief.
"Hiya girls" Andy shouted as he carried on making his way through his garden. You loved spending time with Andy as you actually had alot in common but his best friend on the other hand was slightly more hard to crack. You had met him a couple of times with Rachel and Andy but everytime you and him seemed to get to nervous for comfort; a decent conversation was never really made up between you both. Although your nerves got the better off you around him you had developed a crush on the right back more and more, you knew this wasn't something you could pursue as he probably had lines of models waiting for him, you weren't like them.
"Hey" you and Rachel replied back in unison as you both sat up on the couch.
"Alright?" Trent asked as he came and plummeted down onto the seat next to you, he had this unresistable charm he walked with and held within himself.
"I didnt think you where coming home from training till later" Rachel questioned as she couldn't understand what they where doing here. You knew she had no idea as you where more than aware she would of told you if trent was going to make a surprise visit as she wasn't oblivious too the cheeky looks and rosy face everytime you saw him.
"Neither did we but it finished early" robbo replied back as his arm snaked round Rachel's waist as he sat beside her. There relationship was to die for, they where completely and utterly obsessed with one another and you couldn't help but want just that.
"Anyone want some food?" Rachel blurted out as she stood herself up whilst intently looking at you.
"Yeah I will please rach" trent politely replied back using her nickname due to there close relationship.
"Yeah go on then" Andy also added with a smile as he expected her service without any work put in from him, but Rachel had other ideas. She knew how much you liked him and there was no one who wanted this to work just as much as you than her.
"Babe help me" Rachel said with gritted teeth acting as if she had been pointing out the obvious for half an hour.
"What with?" Andy asked rather confused as to what his wife was talking about.
"The food you idiot" Rachel said with a laugh as she made her way to the kitchen not before giving you a cheeky wink letting you know what she was up to. She had an urge for you and trent to get together as the idea of double dates and little baby trents where stuck in her head.
"How've you been?" Trent asked as he saw Andy and Rachel finally descend into the kitchen.
"Good thanks what about you?" You politely asked back feeling a great level of nerves running through your blood stream. Trents leg was bouncing over his other causing you to feel slightly confused as to what he was so nervous about, unless? No, there was no way Trent Alexander Arnold had any interest towards you.
"Really well to be honest" trent said with a smile, those eyes fixated on yours following your every move. Trent had this effect on you in which you couldn't escape, his eyes where like addictive crystals and his smell gave you every sence of comfort and peace you had ever wanted. "What is it you where doing in university English-"
"Literature" you said finishing his sentence off ad you saw the confused expression he styled after the word English. Although trent couldn't remeber specifically you still got a wave of butterfly's at the knowledge off him remembering something about you.
"Don't you have to be all romantic and smart for that?" Trent asked with a laugh as he shuffled closer to you out of confidence. His accent was suffocating your every word making you want to bin the words and just kiss his soft and indulgent lips.
"I hope not as I don't think im particularly romantic" you replied back with a laugh as trents smile matched yours.
"I think I could change that" trent softly spoke through his lips whilst coming closer before andy and Rachel came bursting out of the patio doors with the array of snacks for you all.
"Ready?" Andy asked, he couldn't tell what had been going on but he could see you where both not quite right. You nodded your head to the Scotsman whilst running your hand through your hair trying to brush away any tension. Trent seemed perfect, he seemed like the thought what had happened was normal for him.
"No! That's not what happened at all y/n! I met you the day you found out your boyfriend was cheating and you where evil... I feared for my life" Andy shouted dramatically as you reminised over old times together. You and Andy had always had a brother and sister sort relationship which ment lots of banter and alot of arguments which where mainly petty.
"Oh yeah that might of been slightly true" you said with a tight lip smile and a deep breath in as you realised how much Andy remembered. You could always trust him to make you sound like the next serial killer of England. "He was a nobhead though!" You added wanting to clarify that every ounce of anger you had that day was valid.
"He sounds it" trent mumbled from opposite you with a dull look on his face. Your eyes fell onto him infront of you, the evening sunlight danced across his face as his dark eyes rested softly on yourself.
"He was" Rachel furiously said remembering the day you both found out about his huge mistake.
"You deserve better than that you know"Trent pointed out with a smile. Your heart seemed to become somewhat lighter at the sound of the words he was letting fall from his mouth. His eyes locked into yours, fitting into one another like a child's puzzle. Andy and Rachel where discussing something among themselves which you where seriously unaware off, all you could do was become controlled under his look.
"R-right I think I better get going" you quickly said making it clear it was time to go. Your head was spinning and there wasn't enough hours in the day to pretend not wanting to rip his clothes off and love him till the end of time.
"Alright darling I will let you out now" Rachel softly said with a smile as she pulled herself off the garden furniture.
"Cya later y/n" Andy happily said to you with a wave and a cheeky wink like he used to.
"Speak to you soon yeah?" Trent asked with a cheeky grin whilst looking up at your frame as you stood infront of him. You simply nodded with a delicate smile and a thumping heart.
"Bye everyone" you said sending one last wave to the two boys you had become very close with over the few years. "Oh and Trent... I want you to make me romantic" you said with confidence as you swung your hips away from him whilst walking towards the door. Rachel's mouth fell open as she couldn't believe the power you held in every word of yours. You couldn't see but trents face styled a huge smile at the words in which you spoke. Thank god for the Robertsons.
I hope you enjoyed this request! I really enjoyed writing this as I love writing about Trent and Robbo together. Please leave comments and requests as it is greatly appreciated. @prettylittletrent @cornertakenquicklyyyy @trentsko @trentshoe @trentalexanderarnold @robbo38 @robbothegoat @kostasstsimikass @chelseamount @chloereddy @hnrfc @tsimikas2l @avenirdelight @blueathens @jordanhendersunshine @mrs-henderson @thatonesexycancerian @henderson1truelover @nyctophilic0vitnir @peekapeaches @tsimikxs @tsimikostas @trentalexarnofan @leddows @moneymasnn
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wakatvshi · 4 years
Hey! I saw that you receive requests so.. I would love some marley warriors + jean (because i love him) with an s/o who's really.. Touchy, please? Could be headcanons or imagines🥺 thank you so so much! 😭
Yeah! I would love to! They’re kind of rambling but I hope you like them and that this is what you wanted! I didn’t do Annie because I just couldn’t really figure out what to write about her but if you really want her send a seperate message and I’ll give you annie with a touchy s/o!
Heads up though I’ve never written or read for Zeke before because he’s not personally a favorite so I hope he’s okay in this! 
Jean would LOVE a touchy s/o. He’s a very touchy person himself so having someone who’s as touchy as he is would make him so happy. 
When the two of you are alone he’s all about touching you and always wants to be touching you. When you’re working on something and he can’t be touching you all the time he’ll sit next to you or as close to you as he can be and just be near you. Which helps you both because you’re a touchy person. 
Something both of you love is when you’re sitting in his lap, just doing whatever you’ve been doing. He’ll walk in and you’ll give grabby hands and want to be held and he’ll want to hold you. Doesn’t matter what gender/size anything he wants to have you in his lap and it makes him happy. 
In public, he’s more shy about touching because he’s actually a huge baby and his ‘flirty’ persona that some people think he has is 100% real. He wants to act like he’s smooth but he’s not. He’ll hold your hand and walk with you in public but anything more it’s not going to be him initiating it.
If you’re with him in public and you want more affection than holding hands then you’ll have to do it and he will turn bright red and stutter if he’s supposed to be talking. It’s adorable and he’s so happy even if he’s bright red. 
Another one of his favorite things is you playing with his hair, it turns into a big puddle when you play with his hair and when you compliment him in basically anyway.
If any of his friends catch him being super cute or you being cute with him (aka Sasha and Connie) they’ll laugh and tease him and he’ll get defensive but doesn’t actually mind it. Even if he did you’d just hug him from behind or wrap your arms around him and he’s glaring at them but also super focused on the attention he’s now getting. 
Sleeping with Jean is basically a cuddle fest as well, thankfully for you he’s touchy as well so when you both wake up tangled in each other neither of you really mind it. 
Bertholdt with a touchy s/o would be so good for him but also something that he has to get used to. 
Eventually he finds out that he loves it but at first he doesn’t expect it. He’s very shy and stand-offish even if he doesn’t mean to be. So any physical affection for the most part will have to be done by you. Even years into your relationship you’ll have to be the one who makes the moves. 
The first time you initiate any kind of touch he goes bright red and has no idea how to react. Outside he’s frozen and staring at you, sweating a little. Inside of course he’s beyond happy and he wants nothing more than to move and do the same, he wants to hold onto you too. He wants to touch you and be affectionate but he doesn’t know how. It isn’t until you try to move away that he finally acts and grabs your hand.
Even years into your relationship most of the affection will be initiated by you so it is a good thing that you’re not afraid to be the one who reaches out for him. It also brings him out of his shell quite a bit. 
When the two of you are alone he loves the affection you give him. He doesn’t know how to ask for the affection he wants but he does give small signals and you know him well enough to reach out and grab his hands or crawl in his lap. 
PDA is a no go for him completely, he’s obviously a shy person and being super affectionate is outside of his comfort zone as it is so adding anything else would just be far outside his comfort zone
I also do feel like physical affection is his love language so him having the freedom to act on that and having someone who wants that affection like he does would make him so happy. 
Sleeping with Bertholdt is always a fun experience. You might start holding into him or him holding onto you but you’ll end up in a dozen different positions before you wake up.You’ve got no real say in how you sleep when you’re with him.  
Literally a teddy bear and would LOVE to have an affectionate s/o. Needs an affectionate s/o. 
Reiner feels unlovable, he feels worthless and he is very depressed and I’m by no means saying you can fix him or fix anyone like that, but affection is everything to this man even if he doesn’t think he deserves it. 
You’ll have to be the one to make the first move for the first time but as soon as he realizes how much you do love affection he’ll be happy to initiate as well. Sometimes he’ll surprise you by being the one to reach out and hold you first. 
Obviously you love that, you’ll just be doing something and possibly not even paying attention to him and Reiner will be the one to walk up and wrap his arms around you and just stand there. 
To him affection is proof of love and comfort that he desperately needs. It would take him a little to get used to at first im sure, he’s not used to it like his mother isn’t very affectionate but he craves it. 
With Reiner it’s easy to be touchy. Even in public he doesn’t mind, he’s more in awe of the fact that you want to be seen with him and want to give affection.
He’s not super huge on over the top PDA but he does love holding your hand or kissing your cheek. Also piggy back rides, I can see him being a fan of that because it’s touch and that’s what he loves and craves.
Sharing a bed with Reiner is always the two of you tangled in each other. He likes to be the big spoon and likes to hold you but he’s 100% okay with you holding him, sometimes he even prefers that. 
Reiner needs to feel loved and affection is the best way to do that in his mind. So being touchy would be perfect.
To me Porco is literally the embodiment of “disgusting. do it again.”
Now not because he’s not a fan of affection but he has this cool guy persona that he puts on around people. He wants people to see him as the tough guy when it’s only half true. You can see it with the kids that he’s actually a super affectionate guy. 
Porco needs validation and having an s/o who’s super touchy would give him that. When you’re touching him he feels like he’s number one. He’s your main focus and it means the world to him. Of course he’d never tell you that. 
You’ll have to be able to read him a little to be able to tell when he wants something because he’s stubborn and sometimes it takes a lot for him to ask you for something if he’s not sure how. 
Now if he’s just in the mood to be affectionate himself he’s good with just holding you or grabbing your hand. He’s also big in kissing, he loves kissing but usually he tries to make it more suggestive or almost casual. 
For just cuteness you’ll have to be the one who holds his face and kisses him or who just holds his hand or hugs him. He has to lean the importance of cute nonsexual affection. 
PDA to him makes him blush a little also super proud that you’re the one on his arm and he wants to show you off and loves that you want to show him off. Being the “most important” to you is important to him. 
When Porco sleeps he’ll sleep holding you for a few minutes but he’s not one who likes to hold onto someone when he sleeps. Biggest surprise when sleeping with him is that Porco LOVES to be the little spoon. He’ll deny it with his dying breath but he adores it. 
Also random cutsey headcanon for Porco that will never leave my head is that Porco loves when you baby talk to him. I have no reason for this hc but I just feel like he would love it. 
A queen of physical affection honestly. Lives for it and lives to give it. 
She’s in her titan form a lot and when she’s finally out of it she has trouble walking on two legs so you being there for her to lean on when she’s not walking with her crutch and just actually physically supporting her would mean the world to her. 
She also likes that you want to be affectionate with her after being in her titan form for so long. she wants to be held and wants her hair played with. If you let her just lay in your lap and play with her hair or hold her hand she’ll be the happiest woman in the world. 
A lot of your affectionate time is spent with you both laying or sitting somewhere together. If you’re giving her attention or letting her give attention she’s loving it. 
Another thing she loves is walking around with you, she doesn’t shy away from PDA. If you’re together and if you want to kiss her cheek or something she’s more than happy about it. She’ll laugh softly and get the faintest of pink on her cheeks
She does have to make sure that she’s professional about it because she is a warrior and has to keep up her professional persona. 
Of course, you’ll have people who are beyond jealous watching her with you and honestly she thinks it’s kinda cute that people are jealous because to her it doesn’t make sense. 
Sleeping with Pieck is just cuddle city for both of you. She likes to be hold and be held and you’re happy to do both as well. There’s nothing either of you like better than the intimacy and connection that the two of you have laying there and holding each other. 
This man takes a while to get used to physical affection. He’s not really had affection before so you’ll have to work at it.
When he was younger he didn’t have much affection, we know that grandfather spends a great amount of time in the hospital for mental issues and we saw from how they raised Grisha that they’re not super affectionate.
His life has mostly been spent working towards his goals and trying to do what he could to make sure he could complete the goals. So he’s not really put much attention to romantic relationships. 
Having you be super affectionate would for sure throw him off a bit but he’s good at hiding that. I do think once he was used to it, he’d just lean into your touches and want to stay there. 
He doesn’t like PDA at all, he’s the captian of the warriors and he’s respected even by some of the people of Marley. So it is hands off in public. He will walk close to you though, if your arms are brushing and you’re close to him he is happy. 
Alone though he does love affection. You playing with his hair is a good one but what he really loves is getting massages from you. He works hard and if you’ll just stand behind him rubbing his shoulders and kissing the top of his head he’s the happiest man ever. 
When you’re sleeping Zeke is 100% big spoon. He wants to hold you, if you want he’ll let you hold him but he’s most comfortable when he’s able to hold you. That’s when he shows his real affectionate side. He wants you close to him, and he loves holding you. He feels like he can rest when you’re in his arms. 
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extra-3motions · 3 years
Chapter Three: The Surprise
Authors Note: Things will slowly get interesting now that we got the introductions of my OCs away. The first half is from ep 1 and a little bit from ep 2 mushed together so feel free to skip. This is another long one :D Gotta love it, huh? 
Summary: When enforces makes a visit down in the Undercity, Vander needs to make a decision; his people or peace. Vi decides to make amends between her relationship with the twins. Meanwhile, Alora has a little surprise for everyone.
Word Count: 4.3k (IM SORRY PLS FORGIVE ME)
Master List Here <3 !
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
Vander enters the shop and immediately Benzo, the owner, shuts down the customer without even having to look up.
“We’re closed,” Benzo says while examining an object through a magnifying glass.
Vander found this amusing. “Well, open up,” He replied, looking across the shop he saw the twins quietly messing around with Ekko in the corner. Ekko being sandwiched between the two, they were holding his tools and tossing it back n forth which made Vander huff out a small chuckle.
“For good. You can take your worthless junk elsewhere.” 
Vander sighs, “Just as well. The owner’s the shittest businessman I know.” His lips formed into a smirk as Benzo looks up and they both share a quiet moment before breaking into a laugh.
“Oi, twins!” Benzo called out and the twins immediately stopped what they were doing, “Stop messing around with Ekko. He’s trying to do some-- How’s it coming along, Ekko?” The old man was stern but he has his soft moments.
“The cannon pinion’s still busted but I would’ve had it done by now if Alora and Sebastian weren’t being such- Ow!” Ekko was placed in a headlock by Sebastian while Alora chuckles softly, cupping his face and squishing his cheeks as Sebastian lets out a laugh.
“Oi, you kids done enough,” Benzo says, “Finish it later. Vander and I need a word.” Dismissing the children, they didn’t need to be told twice as Sebastian picks Ekko up with ease and hoists him over his shoulder while Alora was walking behind them, waving at Vander before exiting the shop.
Vander placed the sack onto the counter, allowing the objects to spill out of the bag and Benzo looks at this weirdly then looks back up at Vander.
“Why are you muckin’ about with this, eh?”
Sebastian placed Ekko down and noticed the stunned Clogger standing there, looking right at the twins. His flight or fight response made him froze because he wasn’t sure if the boy was the same one back in the valley but the girl certainly was.
Ekko, being unaware of this, he greets Clogger with a huge smile. 
“Hey, Clogger! This is Alora and Sebastian, they’re my cousins!” Ekko says, “Well, not exactly my cousins but you get me.”
Clogger, did in fact, not get him.
“H-Hey, little man,” Clogger was still a bit unsure about the twins and he stared for too long cause Ekko finally got the memo. Ekko does a little ‘oh’ face as he goes behind Clogger, pushing him to go closer towards the twins and smiles.
“I know you guys got off the wrong foot,” Ekko inhales sharply, “BecauseSbastiantoldmeallaboutit” then exhales as he lets out a small laugh. “But they were doing what Benzo told them to do.” He reassures Clogger and stood between them.
The tension was slightly awkward but Alora was the first to put out her hand as she smiled at Clogger. “Sorry about earlier today. No hard feelings?” The way she spoke was like honey on ice; low and cool but smooth and sweet. 
Clogger was hesitant but seeing that Ekko fully trusted them, he decided not to dwell on it too much.
“Yeah, no hard feelings. S-Sorry about your uhm..” Clogger shakes her hand and he used his other to point at his head and Alora understood as she laughed, withdrawing her hand back and waves it off to dismiss it. 
“You can’t protect them forever.” Benzo scratches his beard, sighing softly as he glanced at the window and spotted the twins. 
Vander raises a brow as he looked outside the window and Ekko showing off his moves to Clogger and the twins. Looking back at Benzo, he motioned his head towards the window.
“Yeah? And what about the twins?” He said and Benzo narrowed his eyes back at him.
“That’s different and we both know it,” Benzo sighed deeply and he rubs his temples, “I haven’t gotten word yet from that damn woman so I don’t know how long I need to keep them down here for.”
Vander shrugs as he smiled, “I heard that Alora and Sebastian can put up a good fight,” he said as he watched Benzo’s brows raise up, “Well, it didn’t exactly come from Vi but.. From Powder instead.”
“Well then,” Benzo seemed to be proud, “The woman didn’t raise them to be soft little creatures now, eh?” And Vander seemed to agree with Benzo’s statement.
The twins leaned against the window, listening intently to Clogger and Ekko’s conversation about how Ekko found the place and he shook his head, pointing at the twins.
“It was actually the twins that told me about it. They followed this weird man that came into Benzo’s shop, he wanted a few things from Benzo and paid the man in gold-- didn’t even haggle!” Ekko exclaimed and the twins giggled, “But I charged him twice the price. Sucker.” 
The twins could hear heavy clunks against the ground, nearing closer and they leaned off the window to see two enforces walking their way over. They haven’t seen the kids yet and none of them were planning to stick around either. 
“Go!” Ekko was shooing the teens away and the twins ran into the alleyway, climbing up to get to the top as they made their way back into Benzo’s store but were on the sheltered roof.
“We’re looking for the culprits.” The woman's voice was deep and raspy as if she had been smoking since she was an infant. She glanced at Vander who asked for a description. 
“Yeah, it’s exactly who you’re picturing in that thick head of yours.” The male enforcer sneered at him and Vander chuckled.
“Hm, do you think my head is thick?” Looking at Benzo as the man smirked and shrugged his shoulders.
“Eh, just past the average.” Benzo replied as it was clear that none of them were taking it serious. The male enforcer wasn’t happy about not being taken seriously as he was about to yap off but was told to walk it off. Fun note: the man was named Marcus.
Hearing all of this, the twins stared back at each other and Alora was the first to point at him when he shook his head and as Alora tilted her head, giving him the ‘we don’t have time to discuss’ so he rolled his eyes and exited the sheltered roof with Ekko sliding in first before Sebastian slid out.
“We had a deal Vander. You keep your people off my streets, and I stay out of your business.” The woman chimed as Alora and Ekko both looked at each other then back at the adults.
The woman was persistent, asking for a name, description--anything to get her going with something; so the topsider people felt safe but Vander refused.
“No, I can’t do that.” Vander shook his head, not once did he look up at the woman. 
“You don’t seem to grasp how serious this is. If I don’t put someone behind bars tonight, then the next time I come down here I will have an army of enforcers with me.” Alora knew this woman wasn’t just another enforcer, she seemed to be a higher rank.
When the enforces finally left, Alora looked down at Ekko and crouched down to his level as she tilted her head to the side.
“Not a word of this.” Alora raised her brows at him, “Not until I know what’s going on.” Knowing Ekko, he has the loudest mouth out of everyone but the information he finds out is also a bit scary because no one knows how he knows.
“Okay.” Ekko replied and Alora narrowed her eyes.
“I’m being serious, Ekko. I know how you are.” Alora grabbed his ears, pinching them and he winces quietly, nodding furiously. 
“Yes, yes! Okay! You got it!”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Days after the meeting with the enforcers, everything seemed to be quiet and with Ekko keeping to his word made things easier. Sebastian had came back later that same day; having a private discussion but things weren’t adding up, something was going on. Something big.
Meanwhile, Powder has been making frequent visits at the Benzo’s shop and Vi was beginning to notice. Every time she tried to get Powder to hang out with her, Powder would turn it down and say something along the lines of ‘I’m hanging out with Ekko and the twins today!’ and she would try to invite Vi along but she would decline every time.
Today was different though. Vi felt a bit.. Distant with her sister when Powder would disappear and come back smiling bright as ever, telling Vi about the things they got to do; it was making her secretly jealous.
“Going out again?” Vi asked in a sarcastic tone and Powder giggled at her sister’s little comment. Powder has noticed recently and finds it amusing.
Powder walks behind Vi and jumps on her back as she wrapped her arms around her sisters neck. “You know,” Powder tilts her head to the side, “Alora was asking about you earlier today.” She couldn’t help but give her sister a smug smile while Vi seemed surprised but brushed it off.
“And what?” Vi replied, “She wants to remind me how she and her brother had me on the ground?” She was still bitter about it because it was slightly humiliating and Mylo would slip it in every now n then but Powder laughs and shook her head.
“She wants you to come along today. She’s always asking about you whenever I go over,” Powder pushes her body forward to get Vi rocking back and forth as she smiled, “Even Mylo and Clogger are going!” Powder exclaimed and Vi stayed quiet, pretending to not be so interested in it but it hurt her a little bit that everyone seemed to be getting along with the twins so why can’t she?
“Vi~” Powder sings her name, making her sister rock in a circular motion and wouldn’t stop until Vi gives in and she did.
“Fine, I’ll come--” 
“YAY! GUYS SHES COMING!!!” Powder announced really loudly as the door opened, revealing Mylo and Clogger standing there with their arms crossed with Mylo smirking down at her.
“Finally,” Mylo says, “About time your stubborn self out of this little hole.” He sighed dramatically and puts his hands up in the air, “Let’s go before Vi changes her mind.”
Everyone was to meet up with the twins at Jericho’s, eating away the meat that looked disgusting but are surprisingly delicious. Alora was sitting on the stall, waiting for the others to get here while Sebastian was seated behind her and he was really digging in.
“I’m surprised you even like the food down here,” Alora says, “You were always the picky eater.” She had her back turned to him.
“Please,” Sebastian scoffed, “You always had what you wanted especially from her. No matter what it was, it was always dished in front of you.” He rolled his eyes and Alora leans against the counter, her cloudy eyes peering for a pink haired girl or a little short blue haired girl.
“You were the brat that she never liked cause you never knew when to shut your mouth.” She replied nonchalantly
“At least I know how to help people when they’re--” Sebastian didn’t get to finish because Alora whipped around so fast, he nearly choked on his food and she grabbed his wrist, pulling him forward to grab cup his cheeks roughly with the other.
This whole new side of Alora was different. She wasn’t nice nor was her face beaming up with a smile. Sebastian was just the same except he spoke a lot more around his sister but every time he opened his mouth, it wasn’t the nicest things coming out from it.
“This is what I mean by not knowing when to shut your mouth,” Alora spoke in a low tone with her fingers curling into his cheeks, “If you’re still bitter about it then cry me a river but I had no control over what happened that night.” letting go of him, his expressions were mirrored and they had a staring stand off like two dogs in a muzzle, waiting for one of them to take theirs off.
“Alora!!” Powder’s voice broke the tension between the two as Alora leaned back, turning around and masked her expressions as she smiled brightly at the short blue haired girl running towards her. 
She embraced Powder into a tight hug and laughs softly. Powder then turned to point at her sister who was hanging in the back.
“Vi is coming!” Powder did a little jump and Alora looked up to see Vi standing behind Clogger with her hands shoved into her pants pocket and avoided Alora’s gaze but she didn’t mind it.
“Well, that’s great,” Alora glanced at Vi before looking down at Powder, “You ready?” She had a little surprise for everyone though she promised it wasn’t as big but it was something she’s been meaning to show off.
Powder was excited regardless, she was ready and already grabbing on Alora’s hand to get on with it. Alora looked at Sebastian and he shook his head, returning to his meal and she nodded, allowing Powder to drag her out of the markets with the others following closely behind.
“Is Sebastian not coming?” Mylo asked, looking over his shoulder and unintentionally meeting Sebastian's’ cold eyes so he looked forward, shivering. If only looks could kill. “Nevermind..” He mumbled underneath his breath and kept walking.
Mylo looked at the blindfold and then back at Alora, “Look, I understand that we got past our little.. ‘run in’ but why do we need to wear them? Are you selling us out? Beating us up?” He was hesitant but Alora couldn’t help but smile big as she ushered him to put it on so reluctantly he did.
Clogger didn’t complain as he helped Powder with hers first before wrapping the cloth around his eyes with his goggles still on. Alora was making sure that they had their hand on ones shoulder in a line with Powder in the front, Clogger and Mylo.
Alora walked over to Vi who was holding onto the piece of fabric, still unsure about this whole thing and she looked up to see Alora smiling at her. 
“You can shut your eyes, if you like,” Alora says softly, “The cloth was for the others in case they have the urge to open their eyes early but you seem like a patient person.” She goes to grab the fabric off of Vi while Vi watched intently.
Vi wasn’t expecting her voice to sound like that. Powder was right. Alora is a soft spoken person with an enchanting voice that could lure anyone in but no one would expect a voice like that can be so lethal in combat.
“Why are you so nice?” Vi asked, “You’re always nice to Clogger and Mylo even after what they did to you.” She was confused by Alora’s actions because she believed that Alora wanted something out of it. “Are you after something?”
Hearing all of this, all Alora could do was chuckle and she shrugged her shoulders.
“Friendship, perhaps?” She replied, “What happened on that day is just a memory to laugh at, at the end of the day.” Sighing gently and she grabbed Vi’s shoulder, “I’m not expecting anything. I just want to know more about you.” Squeezing it gently, Alora then lets go and cleared her throat.
“If Powder dragged you all the way out here, you really don’t--”
Vi shook her head, “No, I-I’ll come,” She took the fabric back and she tried to give a small smile, “I’m a little impatient sometimes so I’ll wear this.” Vi then wraps the fabric around her eyes and feeling Alora’s hand go back into hers made Vi feel warm and tingly but she pushed that thought to the side; thinking it was the suspense.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
“How much longer do we have to walk?” Mylo had been moaning about the walk after bumping and walking into pipes & among other things. Greeted with silence, he took it as a no and he was getting tired, so were the others.
“Alora,” Powder spoke up, “Are we there yet?” Without having to see, she looking up to Alora as she squeezed her hand while Alora quietly led them the whole way there without speaking a word.
“Yes, Blue. We are.” Alora bends over, taking off Powder’s blindfold and Powder opens her eyes and gasped softly, the sunset was beaming against Powder’s skin as she gazed into the horizon.
The view was breathtaking. The sky was a mixture of pink and blue swirled together with the clouds blending in and the sun was bright orange, glowing ever so brightly despite it almost being sundown.
“Whoa..” Powder doesn’t come up to the top side that often and the last time they were all up here was not so long ago. Alora went ahead and took everyone’s blindfold off.
Clogger and Mylo were just as stunned, making their way over to Powder and sat on the tall grass with her as they stared into the distant. Alora went ahead and took Vi’s blindfold off as her cloudy eyes met Vi’s and they seemed to be staring at each other for quiet a bit because Powder was calling out to them and none of them seemed noticed.
“Alora! Vi! Look at how pretty the sky is!” Alora was the first to break eye-contact as she seemed a bit embarrassed while Vi looked at the ground, rubbing the back of her neck.
Strange.. Powder thought as she narrowed her eyes at the two before she looked back at the view with a small smile. Alora was nearing off from the side, leaning against the tree and she was enjoying a better view; them. 
“Pretty?” Alora says and Powder nodded while Mylo seemed to be dazed but rolled his eyes, leaning back and he scoffed. “I’ve seen better,” Mylo says, “Is this the surprise? I was expecting another apology for slamming me against the wall.” He mumbled at the end and Alora giggled.
“No, it’s not,” She looked around, “Ekko will be here soon so sit tight.” Alora folded her arms and she glanced at the view then slowly squats down with her knees pressing against her chest and she sighed softly, wrapping herself with her arms.
Everyone was quiet but it was the comfortable silence that made everything around them forget about the troubles down in the under city. Alora was beginning to doze off with the sun hitting her face, it was warm and welcoming. Though it didn’t last long when the bushes and branches were rustling behind them and Alora shot up from her position, fully alert with Vi mirroring Alora’s actions. 
Alora reached into her pocket, gripping onto the butterfly dagger as she slowly brings it out. Clogger, Mylo and Powder were still sitting on the grass but they heard the noise too, getting ready to get up if it was an enforcer or someone more troublesome.
“Hey guys, I brought some- oh..” Ekko came out of the bushes, brushing off his pants and holding up bag pack with a huge smile on his face but was wiped off when he saw Alora holding a butterfly dagger in her hand and he looked a bit concerned and scared.
“Uhm.. What are you doing with that?” Pointing at it and Alora sighs of relief, waving him off as a dismiss and she puts the dagger back into her pocket. Walking over, she gently cups Ekko’s cheeks and gives a quick squeeze before letting go and grabbing the bag.
“What’s in the bag?” Vi asked and Alora looked up with a smile while her hand was busy digging into the bag as she pulls out an empty jar and hands it over to Vi. Soon the others began to join in the circle as Alora handed them an empty jar each and drops the now empty bag to the ground as she takes a few steps back.
With the sun down, the full moon was their only source of light with the stars slowly appearing in the black night. They all stood around, holding the empty jar in their hands and stared at it before looking up at Alora who was standing there, suppressing her laugh because the look on their faces made her look like she was the crazy one.
“What are we suppose to do with this?” Vi asked, not wanting to be too rude about it and Ekko sighed dramatically as he stepped in then he opens up the jar as he raised a brow, smirking.
“Watch this..” Ekko says and on cue little green lights began to appear one by one all around them and soon it was just filled with nothing but-
“Fireflies,” Powder gasped softly, bringing up her hand to touch or have one land on her hand and she looked so curious Alora was quiet as she observed everyone’s reactions.
Clogger was silently watching Ekko catch the fireflies with the jar and Clogger copied, focused on trying to catch them more gently compared to Ekko while Mylo stood there with his arms folded and his hand clutching onto the jar as he said something about being ‘too grown up’ to be catching fireflies.
Vi was standing right beside Alora, watching Powder’s eyes light up and laughing as she would jump to catch the fireflies into her jar and pouts when she realized that none of them were inside. Vi couldn’t help but huff out a small chuckle, seeing Powder happy made Vi just as happy. 
Vi turned to thank Alora but she squatted back into her previous position with her arms wrapping around her legs, eyes slowly closing with a small sigh leaving her lips. Vi got into the squatting position, resting her chin on her knees and she watched the others intently then she broke the silence between them.
“Thank you,” Vi begins to say, “This is the most I’ve seen Powder act like her age, you know?” She glanced at Alora who was slowly opening her eyes, looking over at Vi and beams a warm smile. 
She’s tired but still manages to smile Vi thought to herself.
Alora then shuts her eyes, snuggling herself into her arms and tilts her head so that her words weren’t muffled. “It’s honestly nothing,” Her voice was barely a voice but a whisper, “Powder deserves much more than this but it’s all I can offer.” Vi understood Alora’s intentions and both shared an understanding of what it’s like to grow up way too fast for their age, and Vi appreciated it. A lot.
They both fell into a comfortable silence and eventually Alora fell asleep in her curled position. Vi noticed Alora shivering so she took her jacket off, placing it over her head to keep the warmth in and continued to watch the others catch fireflies, and surprisingly, Mylo as well who was catching more than the others.
Time has passed and they were done for the night so they began to make their way back with the fireflies they’ve caught in the jar. Vi stayed back to wake up Alora who was in the same spot since they got there. 
“Alora,” Vi called out as she reached out to touch her shoulder but Alora shot her head up so quick “Whoa-” Vi withdrew her hand, caught off guard but began to laugh, forgetting that she had placed her jacket on Alora’s head because now it was covering her entire head.
Alora slowly took off the jacket, squinting her eyes and she brushed her hair out of the way, looking confused and was still half-asleep. “Huh?” She replied so obliviously that it made Vi laugh harder before she calmed down and walked over, holding out her hand for Alora to grab hold and pulled her up.
“Did I doze off? Sorry,” Alora was a little surprised because she had never done that before; sleeping out in the open nor next to someone she barely knew. Alora looked down at the jacket, assuming it was Vi’s so she hands it back over to her with a half smile, “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” Vi was freezing her ass off but she already gave the jacket to Alora and it’s not like she could get it back. “Do you fall asleep that easy?” Raising a brow and Alora shook her head, rubbing her temples.
“No,” She replied, “But I can barely shut my eyes for a few minutes so I must’ve needed that power nap.”
Vi nodded, throwing the jacket on and she looked at Alora before turning her back to her and she squats down a little. “Jump on,” Vi said and Alora was confused but also stunned, “You can sleep a little more until we get back to Benzo’s shop.” Vi was lucky she wasn’t facing her the whole time saying this cause her cheeks were warming up; could be that this is the most embarrassing stunt she’s ever pulled.
“Don’t be silly, Vi,” Alora found this adorable as she couldn’t help but smile though she didn’t want Vi carrying her weight back down to the under city, “You really don’t nee-”
“Please hurry up and get on my back,” Vi cuts in, “This is so embarrassing..” She mumbled to herself, thinking of taking back what she offered but it was too late because Alora pounced on Vi’s back and almost knocked the wind out of her but found her grounding.
“And people said you were tough..” Alora says as she throws a cheeky smile at Vi who just rolled her eyes and replied, “Don’t get cocky.” Before hoisting Alora up and made their way back to the under city with Alora wrapping her arms around Vi’s neck and slowly shutting her eyes though before she dozed off, a little voice piped up.
“Thanks, Pinky.”
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little-kat07 · 3 years
The Perfect Cake
A couple days ago, i suddenly remembered that I HAVE AN AO3 ACCOUNT. I completely forgot I had one. So I went back and looked at my works and holy hell guys, I had a ONESHOT BOOK! BUT I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT ONESHOTS WERE SO I CALLED THEM ‘Sanders Stories’, BECAUSE THEY WERE SANDERS SIDES. THEY’RE KIND OF CRAPPY BUT ALSO REALLY NOSTALGIC AND I’M SO HAPPY I FOUND THEM!!!!
This one particular one is called “The Perfect Cake,” and i’m actually kind of proud of past me for it, even though it’s not that good. It’s fluffy Logicality with a gallon of Patton angst because that is literally all I’m good at writing.
So I’m going to leave this here, as well as a link to the book! GUYS I’M JUST SO HAPPY!]
[In case you’re confused, the link I send will be to the whole book so the first chapter isn’t the one that I’m pasting here. This chapter, The Perfect Cake, is the second oneshot and the first one is prinxiety]
Link to book
Pairings: Logicality
TW: Baking, feelings of worthlessness, crying, birthday, breakdown
Summary: It’s Logan’s birthday tomorrow, and Patton is determined to bake the PERFECT cake for it (Even if he hasn’t baked that much before.) He’s trying his best, but he can’t do it alone.
Patton stood in the center of the kitchen.
He often had the same feeling in his stomach before he cooked something big; He had to mentally prepare himself for hours of work.
Logan's Birthday was tomorrow, and Patton had to make it the best possible birthday! This was the anniversary of the first day Thomas went to preschool- the day Logan was formed.
Patton remembered that day like it was yesterday. He remembered a small toddler with an intelligent sparkle in his eye knocking on the door of the commons, he remembered how he swore Patton's hugs might suffocate someone. He remembered growing up with him, and slowly falling in love, and-
Shoot. No. These emotions weren't logical, it was impossible for Logan to like Patton back. He had to stop thinking like that.
Illogical feelings or not, tomorrow was Logan's day to shine, and it had to be perfect. Patton had to bake the most amazing, most beautiful, most delicious cake ever to grace the Mind-scape.
Patton took a deep breath and got to work.
After a few hours, Patton had been worked to death. He had been trying and trying to make the perfect cake, but it was always just wrong, or the product of a mistake. His pink apron was wrinkled and dirty, and he had streaks of batter all over his face. He had started at 6 am, and it was now 8. He sighed and rubbed his face, grateful that he still had his optimism.
"Patton? You ok, Padre?"
Patton turned to find Roman standing in the kitchen doorway, eyes sparking with worry.
Patton smiled. "Oh, I'm alright, kiddo. Just trying to bake a cake for Logan. I can't seem to get it right."
Roman smirked and came in. "Want some help? I've never baked before, but I'll help if it's bothering you."
Patton grinned and gave the Prince a huge hug. "Thank you so much, kiddo! I'm sure you will be a great help!"
Oh, how wrong Patton had been.
Virgil had often joked about how Roman wouldn't stop singing to save his life, and Patton was pretty sure that was true. Every 5 minutes, just as they started to get some work done, the prince would start belting out lyrics to disney songs or dancing around the kitchen. They got as far as perfectly mixing the batter before Patton had to stop him.
"Look, kiddo..." Patton started, rubbing his hands together and trying to find a way to put this nicely. "You helped me make the perfect batter, and I am so proud of you for that, but I think maybe you should clock out? You have been a great help, but you... Um... Sing a lot." Patton winced, afraid Roman was going to be offended.
Roman nodded in understanding and put a hand on patton's shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it. I know I can be distracting. Do you want me to go see if Virgil will help you?"
Patton nodded, thankful. "That would be great!"
Roman left the kitchen yelling "HOT TOPIC! PAT WANTS YOU!"
Patton watched him go with a proud smile, and then turned to clean up the kitchen.
Just as he was halfway through cleaning, Virgil came into the kitchen with his hood up. "Sup', Pop star?"
Patton grinned and gave Virgil a big hug, which the emo reluctantly returned. "My dark, strange son! I am baking a cake for Logan’s birthday, and I need your help!" Patton pulled away from Virgil, smiling. "Roman already helped me make the batter, but he can be a bit much in the kitchen. Would you mind helping out for the rest of the process?"
Virgil shrugged. "I have nothing better to do."
Patton knew that that was Virgil's way of saying "I would love to."
Virgil was very helpful cleaning up the kitchen. He had a sort of efficient way of doing things, just one after the other, not saying a word. It was kind of satisfying to watch.
It got a bit hectic after that, though. Once they were done cleaning, they had to pour the batter into the pans. It was going to be a big cake, like, "Corpse Bride" big. So they had to use multiple pans and lots of batter. Virgil had violently shaky hands, and had lots of trouble pouring the batter in. In the end, Patton had to pour all the batter himself, and the kitchen ended up very messy.
Virgil's eyeshadow was darker than when he had initially come in. "I-im sorry... I didn't mean to mess up, I just-"
Patton smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. "No no, you didn't do anything wrong, kiddo! You just had a little trouble with steadying your hands. I'm very proud of you for helping me clean up, but maybe we should get someone else to help us here? Maybe Jan?"
Virgil smirked sadly. "I think maybe i'll duck out for now, but I'll tell Janus you want his help."
"Thanks, son!"
Virgil stepped out of the kitchen yelling "HEY SNAKE BOY!"
Patton sighed. This was not going the way he had wanted it to. He did realize that if Janus ended up being bad at this, his last choice was Remus, and he was terrified of going down that road.
He had just cleaned the batter from the stovetop when Janus walked into the kitchen. "Hey Pat, did you need something?"
Pat smiled tiredly. "Hey, Janjan. I was going to bake a cake for Logan, but i'm having some trouble. Roman and Virge weren't so good at it, so I wanted to see if you would help?"
Jan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm tooooootally not disappointed that you worked with Emo and Sir Singalot before you thought about the second smartest person here," He said sarcastically.
"Mm-hm!" Patton managed to say before taking a deep breath to control himself.
Janus helped Patton bake the cake and even out the tops with a bread knife. The next thing they had to do was spread the buttercream filling on the layers so they could be stacked.
Jan looked in the fridge like Patton told him to. "I don't see the buttercream."
Patton walked over and scanned the fridge. It was gone.
He took a few deep breaths and ran a hand through his hair. "Where the heck is it? If I have to make more, I swear I will-"
"Make more of what?" Remus poked his head into the kitchen curiously.
"The buttercream filling for Logan's cake is gone."
Remus cocked his head. "Buttercream? Hmmm... OH! Yeah, I ate that."
Patton's eyes widened. "You did WHAT?" Remus smiled fearfully while Patton yelled. "THE ONE THING YOU EAT THAT IS ACTUAL FOOD, AND IT HAS TO BE THE BUTTERCREAM?"
For once, Janus looked worried. "Patton, are you ok? You aren't acting like yourself..."
The dad side breathed in and out rapidly, his hands running through his hair. He tried to calm himself down- He was the happy side, not the angry side. He could get through this. "I'm fine. I'm calm. I can do this."
"Gee, I'm sorry, Pat," Said Remus. He suddenly grinned. "I can throw it up for you, if you want!"
"NO! No, no. I think we will be ok," Janus said, pushing Remus out of the room. He turned to face Pat. "Patpat, are you ok?"
Janus sometimes called Patton Patpat, mostly as payback for Patton calling him Janjan. But when the two became good friends, they used them as nicknames instead.
"I'm fine, Janjan. I'm just having some feelings. Feelings are okay though! I'm ok."
Janus sighed. "If you say so."
They worked together to make a new batch of buttercream, allowing the cake to cool. The original buttercream had been baby blue, but Patton had no more baby blue dye, so they used indigo instead. They layered and stacked the cake with the buttercream, used support sticks to keep the cake from falling over, and then started to layer it with dark blue fondant.
Patton looked over at Janus. "Would you mind taking off the gloves? Sorry, but this is very delicate and I think you should use your bare hands."
Janus frowned. "I shouldn't. I have scales on my left hand, if I use it, it will leave a scale imprint on the fondant."
Patton blinked sadly at him. "Oh, ok."
Patton handled the fondant, and as he fit it into place, he thought the cake looked beautiful. "Only one thing left to do: DECORATE!!!"
Patton was an amazing decorator.
After years of theming cookies and cupcakes to each side, baking birthday cakes, and writing messages in crofters jelly for a scavenger hunt, Patton had a handle on how to make things look presentable. Right now, It was a giant 3-layer cake with blue fondant covering, but soon, it would be a masterpiece.
Janus coughed uncomfortably behind Patton. "Um... Since i'm not very good at this stuff... Can I go? I have my own present I wanted to work on."
Patton smiled at him. "Sure! Don't spoil anything to Lolo, ok?"
Deceit nodded and almost left the kitchen before turning back and saying, "Uh, hey, Patpat? Don't stress yourself out too much, 'Kay?"
Patton nodded back. "Of course."
Janus smiled, relieved, and left.
Patton was SO TIRED.
It was 8 in the morning on Logan's Birthday. Patton had worked all night on that cake and when he had finally finished it, he went right to bed without doing anything in between. He had just woken up, feeling groggy and confused, but he made himself get out of bed because it was Logan's special day.
Logan woke up that day happy. He knew that a birthday was pointless, it was a celebration of one year passing in an entities life, it made no logical sense. But if the other sides wanted to shower him with attention once per fricking year, he did not want to miss this chance.
Patton got out of bed the last out of all the others. Logan had woken up to the other four sides, Janus, Remus, Roman, and Virgil ready for him in the living room with gifts and treats. Logan had thought that Patton would be the first there, energized and grinning, the way he always was. But Patton was nowhere in sight.
When Patton did come out, he put on his best happy face and gave Logan the biggest hug he could muster. Logan smiled a little. "To this day, I swear, your hugs might suffocate someone!"
Patton laughed and grinned at him, just happy he had gotten through yesterday.
First, they made breakfast. Jan made waffles with crofters jelly and eggs, and they all sat around the table reminiscing about the past. They talked about when logan first got his glasses, when he had a stutter, and everything else that Patton could remember. Which was everything, since Patton kept every memory stored in his room.
Next, they had gifts. Roman gave him a lab in the imagination; with chemistry sets, a telescope, and books upon books upon books. It was his own little area in Roman's realm so Logan could enjoy himself every now and then. Virgil gave him a dictionary of every word in the world, in every language. Janus gave him a replica of the Library of Alexandria, with all of the scrolls and books still there. "The original one was burned down with all of it's knowledge," he said, "So here is-" "OH MY GOD I LOVE IT THANK YOU!" Remus gave Logan an animal to dissect. But it wasn't a real animal, it was something Remus had made to give Logan something to do.
Patton promised Logan that his gift would come after dinner. He felt as though his cake paled in comparison to all of the gifts his friends had given. I mean, the Library of Alexandria? Patton sunk lower in his chair.
After gifts, they had lunch in a beautiful field that Roman had created, where the flies ate grass instead of your food, and every bird was adorned with beautiful shimmering colors and tail feathers. They had PB&J sandwiches (with crofters, of course), Goldfish, and apples. They talked for hours about nothing in particular, every now and then asking Roman about the creatures that walked by.
Logan was having a great time, but something seemed off. He looked around at the group and his eyes settled on Patton. The more he looked at him, the more tired he seemed. Logan noticed shadows under Patton's eyes for the first time, and saw that his smile was beginning to look more and more forced. Logan began to worry that one of them had done something wrong. The usual bundle of joy and energy that was Patton looked a lot more docile and tired than before.
Once it started to get dark (because Roman had set a day-night cycle in the imagination just so they would know when to go) they went back to the commons for dinner. Janus cooked some brown sugared ham with peas and rice, while Patton left to get the cake ready.
As Patton walked into the kitchen, he took a look at the cake on the pedestal. Dark fondant with baby blue frosting in swirls, and a little fondant necktie decoration on the second tear to tease about Logan's necktie. The name "Logan" was scribbled in white frosting on top.
He remembered the tall pillars in the Library of Alexandria Jan had made, he remembered the sparkling equipment Roman had conjured. He remembered the giant dictionary, the animal-
Patton looked at the cake and sighed. He honestly didn't know what he was thinking. But this was what he had done. He would just have to work with it, and maybe make up for it with a different gift later.
He picked up the large cake in his arms. It was very heavy, and there was one whole room between the kitchen and the dining room; the living area. Patton just had to bring it over.
He left the kitchen with the cake, and he was doing well with it considering he couldn't see his feet, and then he tripped.
...and then he tripped.
His foot caught against something on the ground and he stumbled, causing the cake to drop out of his arms and onto the floor. It fell sideways, and broke upon impact, and the cake broke up on the floor. Bits and pieces everywhere. Patton had fallen, and he had scraped his elbow, but he didn't care. He didn't care anymore.
He had spent a whole god-forsaken day trying to get this right. He remembered Roman's singing, Virgil's shaky hands, Remus's eating habits, Janus' scales, and he could feel himself sinking into the ground. He just wanted this to be perfect. Logan deserved something perfect.
The cake was broken, and the world was quiet, and Patton wondered for a moment if he had gone deaf. The Mindscape was silent. He felt the tears on his cheeks, but he didn't cry. Patton was the joyful and happy side, so he didn't cry. Water fell from his eyes in waterfalls and rivers across his skin, but he wasn't crying, that's not how he worked. Even when sobs racked his body and made his chest hurt. He wasn't crying.
It was just a god forsaken cake, why the heck was he crying? It was just a cake. It was just a cake.
Shoot, this isn't ABOUT THE CAKE.
Logan and all the other sides sat in the dining room, talking happily about whatever came to mind. Patton had left to get the cake, but he hadn't come back yet. Logan had eaten his dinner and was now staring at the door. He tried to focus on the conversation, but he thought Patton seemed a little late.
"Hey, Nerd, whatcha' looking at?" Roman asked, walking up behind his chair, bending down, and following Logan's line of sight.
Logan didn't turn his gaze from the door. "I feel like Pat should have been back by now. Actually, Roman, maybe you could check on him?"
Behind Logan's back, Roman and Virgil exchanged a glance, and Roman understood immediately.
"Actually, Lo, maybe you should go check on him? It is your cake after all."
Logan stood up from his chair and walked out of the dining room. "I suppose so."
Virgil snickered. "Oh my god, he is so oblivious. I ship them so badly..."
Logan walked out of the dining room and almost choked.
Patton was on the floor, with his hands in his face. Was he crying? Patton didn't cry. He was too happy to cry. He was too fricking perfect to cry. WHO THE HECK MADE PAT CRY?
Then logan saw the floor. The cake, he realized, was broken up and smashed to bits on the ground. The fondant was ripped apart, save for a small black fondant necktie. Patton must have dropped the cake. It looked like it had been big.
Logan didn't hesitate for a second. He kneeled down beside Patton, wrapping his arms around him and quietly letting him sob.
Patton felt someone's arms around him, and they had glasses, he knew, because the glasses were pressed against his temple. But that meant it was Logan. Logan was here, and he can see the cake, and he is probably so mad. Patton wrapped his arms around Logan and cried into his shoulder. He didn't like Logan to be angry. Hugs fixed that. Right?
"Pat? Patton, don't cry, what's wrong?"
Patton could barely find the breath to speak.
"I-I dropped it. The thing... I-I mess-Messed up... It's all g-gone..."
"Shhhh. Shhh, it's not your fault, don't worry. Patton, I love the cake. It's looks like it was beautiful, thank you."
Patton just kept sobbing, his glasses getting foggy. Logan knew the side was emotional, but really, it was just a cake, and Logan wasn't even mad at Patton. In fact, Logan didn't think he was capable of being mad at Patton.
Patton was sad about the cake. Of course, it was horribly destroyed, and he had spent a long, tiresome day making it perfect. And now it was all gone, and Patton had no gift to give.
To Pat, this was bigger than that though. Logan was supposed to have the perfect birthday, but Patton had messed all of that up. He had nothing to give logan. Every day of his life, his goal was to give something, to be helpful, and to care for others. He had messed up today.
"I-i don't know wh-what to do. I just... I just wanted-d to g-give you something. I-It's a-all gone n-now. Th-the d-day is ruined."
Logan frowned. What would someone with a better sense of emotions say? Seeing Patton like this made him so sad, what could he do?
He remembered something Pat had said to him a long time ago, when he was getting used to emotions. 'When someone is feeling down, speak from the heart! The best thing you can do is tell them the truth, and if they don't like it, then they have a right to feel a little sad. But you should still try!'
"Pat, I know you are sad. I understand that you wanted to make this a good day, but it WAS a good day. I enjoyed every moment of today. Sure, the cake is messed up, but it's the thought that counts, and you are already the best gift I could ask for."
Patton looked up in confusion. "Me?"
Logan was usually really bad at emotions, but right now, emotions seemed to be all he could muster. "You are so caring and joyful. And sweet. And kind. And I don't care about the cake, or any gift you give me, the fact that you are so set on making me feel cared for is enough. I'm just happy you're here, ok?"
Logan brushed a tear from Patton's eye and smiled. "I'm just happy you're here."
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uwuowotf2waslife · 4 years
The mercs with an s/o who is on the autism spectrum? If you want to
 as a person with diagnosed autism( ASD that later changed to SCD but concidering my countrys lack of proper diagnosis and non-existant support when i was growing up, im not sure,it might was a result of chronic abuse or i was a really weird kid) its my duty to answer this ask,
always know that you are perfect with all your imperfections 
just because maybe your brain is wired different it doest make you less of a person
you are poetry
-my boy has adhd ( probably undiagnosed until he was examined by Medic) so you two might have a little problem at the begining.
-he might be the closest to a jack russel in human form, but he cares about you and is willing to sit down and do his research so he can understand you and your struggles. He isn’t a hypocrite, he is a hyperenergetic bundle of daddy issues and is sure he will annoy you from time to time, he annoys pretty much everyone except his mom on rare occasion, he is a hanfull and he knows that years now. But he also has come to understand that everyone has struggles and little things that make them more special than others.
-if you have problems with communication , he’ll be your mouth .Problems with sensory overstimulation? he will escort you to the safest place and hug you tighter than he thought hes capable of. People mistreating or bullying/insult you? the bat is in his hands and his ready to hit home runs on their balls. You might not be the perfect couple, you will struggle like every couple and have fights and arguments, but he is ready to phase every difficulty that comes on your way. He loves you and he is here for the ride even if its bumpy.
-( I and i think a big part of the community claim he is actually autistic) Probably the most tricky of the mercs, since at one side he might completely relate/understand you and the relationship go smoother than soft butter on bread, or he might have problems communicating the relationship problems with you.
-as all relationships you two must sit down and communicate your problems. Believe me he isn’t mentally retarded ( a horrible misconsumption ive seen being thrown around), yes he is stubborn and can’t read social cues to save his life, but he is a loyal beefcake with a golden heart hardened by a lifitime of war. He knows he isn’t the perfect man, he has nightmares and panic attacks on the regualr after so much trauma in his life. But he also knows that if he S/O needs him, it doesnt matter if its a small or big thing, he is ready to go through hell and back to make them happier or more comfortable 
-you can’t stand loud noises? copy that privet, he will stop yelling/ screaming around you. Certain things make you uncomfortable/ anxious? hes at your side and he is ready to snap necks...you have his heart and his adoration, he ain’t a coward or a pansy, you’ll win over any challenge that comes your way like the absolute unit you are and he is there to assist
-fresh from the start they can recognise you have autism, i lowkey think they might be ( actually in young adults asd and mild schizophrenia can be mixed and confused by not good qualified doctors, its been years since i read that study so correct me if im wrong) or have really good gut insticts. Either way, they know you are struggling and trie in subtle ways to help you
-did an important call without stuttering? hug and smooch on the crown of your head, completed all your work/homework? they will cover you in stickers and cuddle you in their pillowfort, stood up for yourself? my girl theyll make a huge cupcake tray and youll two will eat while watching sappy disney films
- you won’t struggle as much, i see them as more easy going than other members of the team. But they also have big issues that may create problems in the relationship that you both need  to work on. They are more than a handfull and they aren’t unaware of it, they spended years locked inside their own head doing god-knows how vile and harming things to their mentality and body, they can’t believe they are alive and they wake up every day next to the most beautifull human being they have come across their lif, ( Y/n). You will bond slow but strong , you are their sunshine and theyll make sure their sunshine shines no matter what they have to do
( lowkey i think is canon he has some form of high-functioning autism, just hide its behind the southern warm and soft hospitality)
- when you confess, he hugs you ( a big thing coming from him since i dont consider him a touchy fella)  and returns the confession that he is too. He knows each person experiences different so he won’t press you for explanations or description of what you have is excactly. He just assures whatever happens, he is there to help you with
- doesn’t really change how he views you, but he takes the initiative for things like talking to strangers, calling to order or things that you struggle with, but he doesnt baby you. You are an adult person and will be treated as that, even if sometimes he feels he needs to “help” or “protect” you
-one of the most  easy going of the mercs, but his work is his priority so there will be long arguments about it. He understands your frustation, but he is a workaholic years now before you came in his life and can’t bring himself to change that. His work is his routine, the only comfort he knows and the only place that accepted him for who he is. But, he will be more elastic and have more breaks/ days off even if it means the project will be finished an hour or two later, unless it has an urgent deadline. He knows he can be very cold and emotionless, he is an engineer, not a spy for that reason. Furthermore he has his own times when he is stubborns or has an anger explosion because something broke/didnt meet his expectations or got way too invested into something that turned to be worthless/ uselless so he isn’t the one to judge if you are in a sour mood or you have your own “ explosion”. After all said and done, late at night when you are both alonein his workshop he will just cradle you in his arms and make a silence promise to always be there for you through thin and thick ( as we say to go through 40 waves and 40 more ) because you are something that no machine or creation can emulate or recreate, you are ( Y/N) and you are the love of his life.
-arguably one of the three more knowledgable of the mercs in the topic of mental health department. Being raised in an orphanage i doubt he didnt had at least a dozen other kids who had from high to moderate to severe autism ( during the 20th century it wasnt uncommon for people with autism to be thought less human or that the family of said people couldn’t provide for them in severe cases so theyd be dropped on orphanages and psychiatric hospitals)., so he has some first hand experiene with what autism is. It isn’t something for him in all honesty, after so much trauma and hardship in his life he is at peace that peopleare different and their brains are rarely wired the same
-he also know he isn’t ideal, he acts really stupid when he is drunk and his alcohol consumption alone is a very big problem for any relationship he ever had in his life and i doubt he is the image of psychological perfection, but he also knows that if you are willing to keep him around you have seen him wasted out of his mind, he is more than willing to put up with anyof your quirks or difficulties.
-you want to stim? go ahead he’ll leave the room/the house so you can stim to your hearts content, you want to stay? sure thing lass, hell sit in a corner and drink a bit while you have your thing. Work/ school/ home life is stress full and you are in the verge of a breakdown? he has already wrapped you like a burrito and he is holding you while you cry/vent, you dont want to be touched at that moment? hell take you to an open field and you can blow things up to get all those feelings out of you. He isn’t ideal, he is at peace with that, but now that you appeared in his life, you became the apple of his eye. He’ll cherish you and protect you both as body but as a mind and a soul for whatever shit life throws at you, he was never one to back down a challenge.
-due to the language barrier and his nature as a quiet man it’ll take him some time. If you bring it up he’ll simply nod and run to Medic or Spy for translation. He isn’t shy to do a doctors worth of research so he knows what he has to deal with, he knows his english is broken and would prefer to have a migraine over the amount of books hes read than make you feel uncomfortable. Probably will ask advice from Medic ( the most qualified on the team) untill hes satisfied he knows enough.
-probably the sanest of the mercs, but he isn’t perfection. He had to endure famine and death from very early in his life, always be the stone his family anchored on and most people on his life, so he has his own big problems. At one side he is used to so many things, he is somewhat indiferent. You aren’t harming anyone nor its life threatening, so it doesnt really change what he feels about you. All people have flaws, noones perfect and if they do think they are perfect, they are very, very wrong. I won’t lie to you, some times hell get confuse with your behavior or will get tired of being the “ anchor” of the relationship, but he will never admit it. He survived the Gulags and years in Siberia, this is nothing but a walk in the park for him. He isn’t a fuckboy, he doesn’t want you just for some fuck and then hell forget you exist, he is much more sentimental than he appears to be. He beginned this with you because he sees you more than a body, he sees you as someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with even if itll be a challenge, he was never a quiter and he wont be now.
- don’t expect much communication help from him, unless its in russian. But whenever you feel the tiniest bit of self-doubt or anxiety his arms are open to embrace and warm you with  his love. He might was raised among anarchy and war, but he is a gentle giant with a heart bigger than Russia herself. He knows you two will struggle especially on the communication domain but he is willing  to do what it takes to make your life easier/ less challenging. He came here to stay, only if you allow him 
-Arguably the most medically qualified of the mercs, but considering the era of his studies hes at least rusty on modern terminology and general understanding of what autism is. Nontheless his a doctor ( with or without a medical license) and i doubt he ever followed the rules of ethical and unethical medicine. He is a healer primeraly and he can’t claim to be the most mentaly stable of the team.
-he might be many things, he knows hes at least crazy by normal standards and has made extremely questionable choices in his life,but he cares for the people he is close to, lovers and collagues alike. He won’t try to ‘change’or ‘medicate’ you; unless you specifically ask him for, like yes he has defied any sort of ethical medicine and has played god many times in his life, but he knows that if he changes you, you won’t be ‘you’. You will be you still, but nothing more than a lobotomized version of yourself and he fears that. Let’s be real, he probably choosed you because you are a smart individual ( that includes both street and book smarts alike) so if he “killed” your smart he would essentially kill you and this doesnt sit well with him.
-feeling down? no worries, the doctor is here ( afterhe finis hes re-connecting snipers new kidneys). Stressed? Archimedes will be your own personal cheerleader and the rest of the flock won’t let you all stressed and alone while Medic is working. In the simplest of works,he wants you to know that  he might be a madman on the field and the medbay, but he is also your lover and that means he cares about you. He doesnt care if act a lil strange or you have some special things about you, guess what? he doesnt cares. H e never cared and he will never cared, all the greatest minds had something  special about them and you are no exception. He chosed to have a relationship with  you and you accepted the love request of a surgery-happy maniac , im sure he is beyond equiped to handle you in all aspects. He might not be the most touchy but he will make his point across that you are someone who means wayy to much for him to change
- ( i highly think he is autistic, just the way hes potrayed in most fanfics he acts lowkey autistic, mostly in the communication and sociable part) growing up in the middle of nowhere probably he has never even heard ‘autism’ as a word , so his very lost. (another headcanon of mine is that he is also iliterate) You need to explain to him what autism is and how it affects your life. He has a non-pleasant expression on his face, because he realises most things that you say what that “autism”is and the thing it has are things he actually  has and felt throughout his life. He looks like hes having a religious expierience and when you are done he only nods and hugs you almost mechanically.
-he will need some time, not because ofyou, but because of him. You might think he is breaking up with, butin reality he just needs some time alone to sit down and think about all the things you said. Its one of the biggest revalations he has experienced on his life and it has hit him like a wall of bricks.
- after a few days he will return to the base and will ask you to meet with him on the most secluded of his snipers nest. While you prepare for the upcoming breakup, he actually showers and wears somet hing nice for the first time in a while. He goes out of his way to make the sniper nest a bit more “ comfortable” even bribe spy into giving him one of his fancy wines. Once you go up the nest and you two meet, he is the most clingy he has ever been and almost drinks the whole bottle out of pure anxiety. Once his tipsy enough he actually confesses that from the things you said, he found out hes also autistic. Que him basically clinging you like a broken koala baby while half-sobbing to expell all the tension he  has inside him. Please pet his hair and rub his back,he will melt and quit his rugged manly man persona for that moment. He needs you there, he needs your soft touch to ground him while his whole life comes crushing down and a weight he never imagined is being lifted from his shoulders.After that, its quaranteed you two won’t be seperated ever again, he needs you to ease all this pain he has gathered from his troubled life and he will provide you the world and the stars.
- he knows what autism is( as a spy he should know about human psychology/mental disorders just to know how to impersonate any person with or without issues) and he is a very observant man. He has above average attention span and knows how to read body language so he has figured you are autistic a long time ago. He is just waiting for you to open up about it or confess it, but he also knows the social stigma around autism so he keeps his mouth shut because he really doesn’t want you  to feel uncomfortable or ‘naked’ in front of him
- i heavily headcanon him to be at least depressed/having an ugly anxiety disorder or even a dissosiative disorder considering a big part of his life is carefully crafted theater , so he can’t say he is any more better than you.Furthermore he never really cared about what society thinks about mental ilnesses, whos here to judge who sane and not? he has seen so much shady things behind closed doors of “ pure” people he has lost all respect for what society thinks its normal and what is weird or not acceptable. Yes he follows the rules of “good” society but thats more of a habit than a need. Plus have you seen what the good ol’ society behind close doors? yap youll need a good bible study and some church to wash away the sins.
-eventually when you confess to him,he doesn’t really act. He knows its a heavyemotinal moment for you but he can’t open up for his own problems, at least now. But he will embrace you for now and say all the sweet words you need to hear...untill the same time he gets drunker than he can and confesses to you in french all his psychological troubles while he cries on your chest. He won’t let go unless he wants to vomit and he will cling to you for dear life while he experiences one of the ugliest meltdowns he has experienced in the last decade. Probably will wake up with a monster of a hangover, but once he feels you wrapped around him and feel your heartbeat on the bones of his back something will meltin him. He will gather whatever strenght he has, turn around, give you one of the most genuine smiles he has ever given in his entire life and peck your lips bore he starts whining and requiesting you to either kill him or fetch medic. Perhaps one day hell say all the things he wants to say in you mother tongoue but for now, just know he will cherish you and love you like the most exquisite poetry that has graced his life
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tpwksammy · 3 years
Zed Chapter 1-3
Sitting in the car with Kaden I keep my knees pressed to the door and phone in my hands.
He knocked on my apartment door after he finished work and told me we were going somewhere.
Kaden didn't specify but he has a small addiction with gambling. I ask him not to bring me to those events with him but he throws a fit telling me how worthless and a bad girlfriend I am. I've learned to not ask questions anymore.
"June aren't you going to ask me how my day was?" Kaden looks at me with his two hands on the wheel. His long locks are pushes back perfectly on his face.
Everything in this man's life has to be perfect. His hair, reputation, grades, money and me. Its utterly impossible
"How was your day?" I muster the softest smile.
"The deal for our company to expand across the world was accepted. I'm going to be rich June, you and I are gonna move out of here. Can't wait for it to just be me and you, we can get a house in the middle of nowhere. Just be ourselves." Reaching his hand for mine he locks our fingers and kisses the back of my hand.
"That's so great, I know you always wanted that!" Maybe he'll be nice away from the city.
"You don't sound too thrilled?" His eyebrows bunch down hard and I turn my head to give him my full attention.
"Well, where were you thinking of moving? I want to stay close to Mae."
Charlie Mae is my best friend. The first person I met when I moved to London.
I've lived in England for all my life but I moved more south to get away from my parents. Pathing my own life and experiencing new things was something I've always wanted to do.
I work at a small flower shop called Petal. Ever since I was young I always loved to run outside. I would run until my shoes would hit a flower patch and I would go picking for hours. Laying down in the field and smelling the fresh scent made me happier than I could ever be.
Mom and Dad weren't happy when I moved out here. I was supposed to go to law school and work alongside my father at his firm but after getting my arts degree I left.
That's why I'm dating Kaden actually.
My father and his are business partners. The only way for me to remain a part of my family was to marry someone of higher status. That wouldn't make a fool out of him like I have been doing my whole life.
Dad never wanted a daughter.
I don't think he's ever been proud of me and my mom simply encourages the behaviour. That's one of the main reasons I moved from the outskirts of their perfect rich life.
I wished they liked me but no matter what they do I always check-in to make sure they're alright.
"You know how I feel about Charlie, she's a bad influence. Always wanting you to go to parties and clubs. Just like how she sleeps with anyone who moves, it's unacceptable. We'll move away and it'll be perfect just wait and see."
I keep silent and rake my right hand up and down my thighs not wanting to anger him. "Yeah, it will be you're right." Kaden smiles happily and kisses my hand once more.
Im wearing a light green floral dress like always. The little flower pattern keeps me at peace.
"Alright, we're here. Just do me a favour and don't talk okay hun?" Leaning forward he presses a kiss to my lips and gets out of the car.
It's pitch black but light poles illuminate just enough light to see.
Loud chattering and defining laughter take over my senses. I smile to the groups of excited people.
I love the feeling of being free even I have to experience it from others.
Letting my eyes roam around to the dark area, trees and roads surround us in the middle of nowhere. Hundreds of people are huddled around four parked cars on the street ahead.
"June." His sharp voice and knocking on the window takes me out of my trace.
Nodding his head to get out I open the door and close it quietly. Looking to Kaden he points to a set of bleachers.
"I'll be right there I just need to place my bets. Don't go far." His tone demanding and I nod.
Walking away from me with no other word I take to the aluminum bleachers and make my climb to the top so I can see everything. Taking my seat the four cars rest directly in front and I watch as drivers smoke cigarettes and talk to each other.
Roaming my eyes over the cars a huge smile takes over my face. I wonder how fast those things go. I've always wanted to max out the speed of a car. Experience the true rush it looked like in the movies but I couldn't. Kaden instructed that I dont ruin his name by doing crazy things.
It's exhausting doing everything everyone tells you all the time. I moved away to be myself but I can't even do that.
Fixing my green dress I look down to all eyes on me. Girls dressed in black jeans, biker jackets and dark makeup lock their judging eyes on me and I sink down into the seat.
Placing my blonde hair behind my ear I look at my white running shoes tapping them a sweet melody trying to disappear.
"Starting in two minutes." a loud voice shouts on a speaker and I quickly look in a jump. The stands begin to fill quickly and I don't know where to divert my eyes.
I spot Kaden down by the starting line handing a thick load of cash to a man in a black hoodie. Looking away biting my lip my eyes look on a green race car. It's a shiny dark lime colour and my eyes grow wide looking at it. All the other cars around are black making this one stand out.
I dont think I've ever seen a car this beautiful.
It's so rad.
Trailing my eyes down to the front a man sits on the hood with his arms crossed in front of him watching me closely and my back straightens.
Black hair brushed back leaves his dark round sunglasses on display. I feel his eyes watching me and it sends a shiver down my body. Tattoos paint every inch of his visible skin and my body finds his artwork fascinating.
I wonder what they look like up close.
I look around my area making sure he's looking at me but when I look back his face never moves from mine.
I can't look away. Something about him is just so beautiful and mysterious.
He's dressed in black pants a white shirt and a leather jacket which is completely opposite to my outfit. I laugh a wide smile and a small smirk paints his perfect lips.
Leaning against his car neither of us look away. Lifting his hands about to take off his sunglasses Kaden takes a seat next to me by surprise.
Wrapping his hand around my arm he pulls me to his side harshly. My body knocks into his like always and he keeps his hand wrapped around my arm. It begins to hurt when he applies pinching pressure and I tighten my lips in pain.
"Ouch Kaden." I squirm and frail my arm upwards. I try to escape his hold but he yanks me down to eye level.
Locking eyes he looks at me angrily before leaning into my ear viscously. "Don't embarrass me out here. Don't talk to me that way June."
My eyes not noticeable widen and my heart skips a small beat.
Tugging his lips up in a twitch he lets go and I rip my hand arm away from him rubbing the skin. Kaden only smiles back politely.
"I got my money on the green car. His name around here is Zed. Undefeated champion, people come out here every night thinking they'll outdrive him but it never happens. This guy's a machine behind the wheel."
Turning my stare back to the green car the man no longer has his stare on me but Kaden.
His face is dropped in complete anger and goosebumps take over my body in slight terror as I look to Kaden but his stare is on the crowd in front of him oblivious.
Zed grips his hands into firsts before locking eyes with me.
Immediately unclenching he stares at me in complete curiosity, sadness and anger at the same time. For another couple minutes we simply stare at each other.
"Drivers to your seats." The man on the speakers yells excitedly and the crowd erupts in cheers. The noise is all absent in the background as I look at him.
Zed forcefully removes his stare and looks to the ground for a second before stocking off to the driver's door.
Rocks under his shoes crumble and the green door opens widely as he climbs in swiftly. Slamming the door with a thud, all of the engines shout to a roar through the midnight sky. - chapter 2
When the flag signals "go" the cars take off with a roar. The gravel under the wheels crunch as they speed away. The crowd stands with blaring shouts jumping up and down.
With angry curses of motivation and loud cheers of excitement, the cars rip down the abandoned road at a sickening fast speed.
Lifting my head to see where the cars go they take off down obstacles and my site loses them in the darkness. Slumping back in my seat Kaden keeps his head locked on the road and his knee bounces in anticipation.
"What are you doing?" I ask and he turns his head sharply.
"Keeping my eye on my money maker."
I wonder how long these things last? Snapping my fingers, bouncing my hands on my leg in a fidget Kaden presses his hand on top of them stopping my motion.
Immediately my body runs cold and I feel the need to apologize.
"Sorry," I whisper and frail my bum down on the bleachers growing small.
"It's a little annoying but all is good. "
"They're coming back!" A voice screams and everyone stands including myself. Just like I knew, the green car comes zooming past all of the cars in first. Ahead by a long shoot his car flies past the finish line skidding to a stop on its side.
"Yes!" Kaden stands and presses his hands to my jaw pulling me in for a forceful kiss. Moulding our lips together I try to pull away but he keeps going. Our lips part with a smucker and he smiles like a child.
"I love you so much!"
The sounds of the other cars zoom to the finish line and the crowd runs to the cars below.
"Oh god hun, you might just be my lucky charm, let's go." slapping our hands together he races us down the bleachers giving me no time to look where I'm going.
"Kaden slow down." I whimper trying to let go but he continues to race.
Tripping over my toes I fall on my two feet to the ground and he yanks me forward in a fast walk. Looking to the green car I watch as Zed steps out of his car with a slam. Reaching into his pocket his gaze locks on mine but drifts to Kaden hardly and his jaw tightens.
"Zed, that was amazing, I've never seen anything like that." Kaden rips his hand out of mine leaving me meters behind, running up to Zed as I stay put.
"helping me win those big bucks man, appreciated." Laughing sticking his hand out to shake Zed only eyes him aggressively with utter disgust.
After seconds go by and no motion to move forward Kaden lowers his hand. "Not a shaking guy I get it."
Turning around in a circle I focus my sight on all the cars and happy crowd. Giggling when I see a man fling a girl on his shoulders playfully I breathe the air around me clearly. Wallowing in my clear space for just a second of peace.
"June." His voice grabs my attention covering up his tone in polite, dragging me by the hand to his side. Standing in front of Zed he takes his sunglasses off and his bright brown eyes stare softly into mine.
I swallow down my dry throat as my body suddenly freezes, trapped in his beauty.
"This is my girlfriend June." Kaden nudges me but I don't say anything while still staring at Zed.
"June don't be rude." He whispers tightly in my ear and I look away when his hold on my hand squeezes my body down.
The move wasn't noticeable but Zed's eyes are locked on our hold. Viscousness pours from his frame.
"Sweetheart, you alright?" Zed changes his tone and his eyes soften on mine.
"Why wouldn't she be alright." Kaden presses and I stare weakly at him. He always speaks for me. Dropping my head slightly, someone catches Kaden's attention.
"You collecting your earnings?" the man's voice is sharp and Kaden's body stands in victory. Letting go of my hand he runs off to the podium and I stand in front of Zed leaning my head up to the stars.
They were so bright tonight.
"You didn't answer my question." I look down to the voice as he takes a step closer towards me Our chests are about to touch and in reflex I back away hitting the front of his car.
"Yes, I'm alright." I unconvincingly say and he shakes his head.
"I'm no idiot-"
"Is your name really Zed?" I interrupt not liking when people pry in my business.
"No sweetheart that's just my nickname around here. My names Zayn."
Zayn, Zayn, Zayn, Zayn.
"That's such a graceful name." I smile cheekily and he presses a finger to my chin giggling from the touch.
"Going to tell me yours?" nudging forward I stop my giggles and swallow when his breathes hit my lips.
"I- im June."
"That's a very pretty name June." smirking my heart beats out of my chest. I blink to make sure he's still there and he very much is.
"I like this." His eyes trail down my green dress that stops above my knee. "You're a very bright soul for this dark place sweetheart."
About to speak Zayn pulls away and places a cigarette between his lips resting against the car beside me. Looking past, Kaden walks back stuffing cash in his pocket.
"June let's go, this place is no good for you." Grabbing my hand he tugs me away from the car and I watch as Zayn's eyes lock on us both walking away.
"I can walk by myself." I try tugging my hand away but he pulls me closer.
"Dont do this. Don't make me yell at you I hate doing it." Kissing the top of my head he yanks me down the crunching gravel from our shoes.
Looking back once more, Zayn eyes me in complete alert.
Parting his lips of the cigarette white smoke blows into the air as he clutches his fists.
-chapter 3
"Charlie Mae open this door." I bang my fists against her apartment door as loud and annoyingly as I possibly can.
The door suddenly rips open revealing Mae in her sleeping shorts and a black bra. Her hair is completely a mess and my jaw drops.
"Mae is nearly midday." Laughing, she pulls on my arm into her studio apartment.
Placing a finger against her lips she cries in tiredness, "It's 12 pm and I have a raging hangover. Please shush." She begs and walks into her bedroom tumbling back into her white sheets hugging herself like a taco.
"Oh come on, again?" I jump on the bed pulling the covers over my body and pull right up to her face in a whispering tone.
"What did you do last night?"
She parts her lips weakly, clearly unhappy I'm asking questions. "Club, drank, fucked, feel like death." muttering her eyes shut her breaths come out at a clear pace signalling she's asleep.
"I'm glad one of us has their fun." Kissing Mae's forehead I turn on my side about to shut my eyes when a text from Kaden pops up on my phone.
Going to check out houses in Italy this weekend on a business trip. Will miss you.
I sigh to myself and look at Mae. I don't want to leave. It was never what I wanted.
Shutting my phone off I stare at the ceiling thinking about Zayn. How his black messy hair was pulled off of his face so perfectly. His warm smile when we locked eyes and the coolness of his body language.
Something about him makes me want to see him again.
I feel like an awful person.
It's 6 pm and Mae woke up about an hour ago. I watched her make this god awful green juice that she choked down. Apparently, it cleanses her ora. While she drank she placed her new crystals in a small jar and sat them in the centre of her wood table.
Keeps the negative spirits away and she claims it's positive energy.
I aspire to be her level of chill.
"Can I ask you a question?" I say as she cleans her kitchen table. Standing taller she leans over the table lifting her eyebrows.
"Shoot me."
Shifting on my seat I twiddle my small fingers together brushing over the light pink nail polish. "I went somewhere last night with Kaden-"
"Oh enough with that fucker. Saying his name forms bile in my throat. I don't understand how you stand him, he's awful to you."
She's begged me to leave him but I physically can't.
Besides, he's nice when we're alone together. I like the happy version of him.
He loves me.
"Kaden took me to a street race thing for him to gamble and there was this boy." That's what catches her attention. Dropping the rag in her hand she runs over to the seat opposite of mine dropping her body.
"Was he a racer?" Her face edges forward and when I nod she squeals deafeningly and I cover her mouth with my hand.
"Look let me just vent." She nods quickly.
"He wouldn't stop staring at me and then Kaden walked over with me to congratulate him. He still wouldn't stop eyeing me and I felt all the air around me was sucked away. anyways when Kaden went to go collect his money we talked and I can't get him out of my head. I'm an awful person for thinking this way when I'm in a relationship-"
Gripping my wrist she pulls my hand down eyeing me hardly. "Bestie, I'm afraid to tell you this but I don't care what I have to do. We're going to that damn race tonight."
I pull my arm away standing off the chair. "Mae, no I am not."
"You just said you couldn't stop thinking about him, we're going back." matching my stance I start to freak. If Kaden knows I went back there he'll have my head.
Looking to the door and back to Mae she tilts her head in warning.
"Don't you dare-"
In slick movement, I take off on my heels for the door but my hips are pulled back and suddenly I'm on the floor with a body above me. "get off of me." Frailing my hands to her shoulders to get her off she pins my hands above my head. Blowing a huff of air, my blonde lock that escaped my ponytail flies out of my face.
"June Elizabeth Davis, one of these days you are going to thank me for what I'm about to do." shifting my hips she sits on my torso pinning me completely and I exhale as my lungs constrict.
"We're going to that damn race and we're looking pretty."
As the hour's tick by, we start getting ready and she presents outfits to me. "Okay how about this?" she holds a black silk dress to my vision and I shake my head.
"I am not wearing that but go ahead for yourself." Frowning she rolls her eyes and begins to strip. Once her clothes are removed she pulls the black dress up her body and it sticks to every inch of her curves tightly.
"Hot." Is all I say and she claps her hands to her sides. She's a beautiful woman.
"Well what about you miss floral." Looking down at my yellow flower summer dress I smile.
"What else do you think I'm going to wear?" anything with flowers can have my credit card.
In awe, she walks towards me and pulls on my hand lightly. If she pressed any harder the bruises I covered from last night would've made me squirm but she's always so gentle.
"I expected nothing less. Ready my love?" the jingling of her car keys sound through the room and hooks are arms stepping into the hallway.
"I'm going to make a fool out of myself, I just know." Mumbling we take off to the elevator.
Pulling up to the race she parks next to the light and we make our way out of the car. Looking around it feels different that I'm not with someone I tread around with my every move.
The air seems clear.
As we walk to the bleachers we bypass the crowd that has gotten bigger since yesterday. I'm guessing because it's a Friday.
Hitting someone's shoulder by accident I stop turning around, "im sorry, im sorry." I yell a beg to the blonde body that doesn't care.
"I feel so bad." frowning to myself Mae wraps her hand in mine and pulls us away.
"You're too nice, I aspire to be you. I couldn't give a shit about any other than myself and you."
Standing at the edge of the bleachers we walk past rows and rows of black outfits. Of course, leaving me to be the different one in the crowd.
I hate when people stare. I feel like they can read me like an open book. Plopping down in the same seat as yesterday I lock my eyes on the cars below and notice Zayn's green one isn't there.
"He's not here." I bite my cheek as Mae checks her phone.
"Love, there's ten more minutes left, the big boys are always late." Just like she said in the next minute I watch his green car zoom to the starting line. Braking quickly dust flies around his car eloping it in disguise and the crowd begins to scream. The gravel crunches under the tires and I stare at the car watching his body slowly climb out of the car.
He's so beautiful.
Suddenly a thought pops in my mind and I turn to Mae slapping her legs. "Ouch, fu-"
"He's going to think I'm stalking him," I whisper shout and out of all things she laughs aggressively holding her side.
Slouching from her reaction she pulls me into her side rubbing my shoulders. "Just like I said you're too sweet for this world. He's not going to think that."
"Oh god." I hide the red of my cheeks into her body but she pulls my arms back squeezing my cheeks.
"June your dick boyfriends in Italy do what you want for once."
Biting my cheek I look away shyly to the green car to see him perched on the side with his cigarette between his lips staring at me with a smirk.
All the air becomes robbed of my lungs when he winks to me.
Watching him step away into his car the crowd cheers once they all step on the pedal speeding down the course through the forest.
After the race, I have no clue where he went off to. The green car of course won but he ran off somewhere.
Sitting on my seat a little sad I turn to Mae who has her eyes locked on a brunette.
"Oh wow." her eyes dilate looking at a brunette boy resting against a black car. His hair is a messy straight hairstyle as he smokes on a cigarette.
"This is very bitchy of me but I'm gonna go talk to him. Go find your boy and text me when you want to leave."
Kissing my cheek I watch her sprint down the bleachers holding her purse. As her shoes touch the ground she rides her dress upwards and fixes her boobs. Covering my mouth with my palm I watch her walk confidently to the boy.
I giggle into my palms from how much love I have for her.  I wish I had the nerve to do that.
After sitting on top of the empty bleachers Mae and the boy walked to a bathroom beside the podium.
She really is quick.
Fiddling with my nails on the stairs my legs grow tired. I think I might go for a walk as I wait.
Standing I carefully climb down. I take my foot making sure each placement is at a slow pace.  I've always been prone to falling down these things.
Reaching the bottom my foot gets caught in one of the holes and my body falls forward.
A hard gasp leaves my lips and I shut my eyes waiting to hit the gravel. Falling a pair of warm hands suddenly wrap around my back and I land into a hard chest. Immediately my own hands wrap around their neck squeezing a black jacket.
Inhaling a thankful breath my foot aches from a sharp pain and I shut my eyes. "Thanks, I'm sorry. Lost my balance." My tone is full of embarrassment and physical pain.
"Sweetheart, you alright?" The voice of the boy I met yesterday rings in my ears and I look up to his frame immediately.
Time seems to stops and I have to remind myself he just spoke to me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I breathlessly say looking to his eyes that always catch my attention. Looking closer there's a light green speck of colour around his irises.
"Something catch your attention?" Winding my body to stand on the bleachers he never lets go and stares at me with a grin.
"Your eyes are very pretty." I giggle with my hands around his neck still. Zayn's hands move to my waist of my yellow dress pulling me closer.
"And what might you be doing here tonight?" his eyebrows raise and my face grows red. Tilting my head down in a weak smile, his finger on my chin lifts my gaze to him.
"Tell me I'm wrong but did sweet June miss me?" Zayn leans forward and my body runs frozen as a small inhale clenches my lungs.
"I wanted to see you again." My chest raises up and down from how close he's gotten and still holds me up with his two hands.
"That just made my night sweetheart."
Letting my body go so I can rest my weight on my foot I move my hands to his shoulders to stand myself. Placing pressure a sharp pain races through my body causing my leg to buckle.
"Ah- Ouch." I cry lifting up my hurt foot and Zayn's hands go to my elbows, holding up my bent body.
"Fuck I think you hurt your ankle, c'mere." tracing his hands down my body he lifts me up bridal style. Hitting his chest from the acceleration he caries me effortlessly down the gravel.
"Are you sure this is necessary? I'm sure I can walk on it." I wrap my hands around his neck and he shakes his head.
"Just let me take a look at it."
Speaking full of worry I roll my eyes slightly which causes him to stop.
"Did you just roll your eyes?" He says holding me closer and I begin to laugh shaking my head.
"No, no I didn't not." my hands grip the leather jacket around his neck.
"You're lucky I like you." His face remains hard as he carries me throughout the crowd. Judgemental looks from others stare and I turn my head away.
Leaning down he places my body on the hood of his car. Trapping me in with his hands I press mine to his forearm, readjusting myself so I'm steady.
Pushing my bum back I release my hands from his strong arms and he stares deeply into me.
"Who are you?" He whispers barely audible.
"Well, I'm June." Scrunching my face in a giggle, Zayn chuckles pulling away.
Placing his hands on my leg he lifts it up gently. "I'm just going to look alright."
Wrapping his hands lightly around my ankle I hiss back from the touch. "That hurt." I frown trying to pull my leg away but he brings it right back to his stare. Tracing his fingers around the spot he parts his lips.
"It's not broken but definitely a mild sprain. I'll have to wrap it up."
My eyes widen. "Wrap it up? Zayn I think that's a little much-"
"June do you want this to get worse?" I sink my hips to the green paint.
He smiles cockily in victory. "Come with me." before I can blink Zayn lifts me up again and I wrap my arms around his neck. Landing into his chest with a thud, wasting no time he walks off down the road.
The bottom of his black shoes crush the gravel below I take time to roam my eyes over his face. The light stubble of his beard and the tiny silver hoops in his ears. Trying to stop my body I cant and I press my hands to his hair brushing it back.
"How old are you?" I ask to his face that has been staring at me this whole time.
"24 you?"
Straightening my back I look behind us as he continues down the road. "Are you kidnapping? Should I be scared?"
Looking at me with a complete snicker we appear to a small wooden shack to the side of the racing road. "Zayn?" I giggle and he sets me down on the wooden stairs.
"There's medical stuff inside, I'll be right back."
Walking up the stairs he opens the door with a creek and disappears.
Looking to the dark road in front, my eyes train on the forest next to me and I just breathe contently. I wonder what the race track is like in there... maybe it's just a road.
I've always been a happy person. I can't help it, it makes me feel full of light like the flowers in the fields that grow from it. I find it's better to be happy than anything else. Any other emotion is just to exhausting for my life.
The door creaks once more and I look to Zayn with one of those ankle bandages in his hand. Walking around my frame he bends down and slips his hand to my leg raising it.
With his hand to my injured foot he sips off my shoe.
"I think this is a little too soon." I tease and he places my small white vans to the side. My matching yellow socks reveal themselves and when I flex my foot playfully he smiles widely.
He should smile more often.
"I like your dress," he says, beginning to straighten out the bandage.
"You really think so? Everyone around here was eyeing me because of it."
Staring at me from below he shakes his head firmly. "You took them by surprise. Like I said we don't get that man people with your soul around here, you look beautiful."
My heart beats out of my chest from his simple words and lacing the bandage around my foot tightly I hiss from the touch.
"Be nicer that hurts."
Releasing his hold just a bit, the bandage loops carefully around my foot. "Sorry, I'm not used to being so gentle." whispering delicately I can't help but stare into his beautiful frame and butterflies flutter in my stomach.
"So you like flowers?" he asks cutting through the quiet, eyeing my dress up and down with another smile. "Yesterday you wore a similar dress with that flower pattern."
In observation he taps his hand on my thigh tracing the flower pattern of my dress.
"I've always loved flowers, they're my favourite thing. I work at a floral shop too."
Tightening the bandage on my foot for the last time I gasp and my body jumps upwards.
"There. all done."
Taking my white shoe he slips it back on my foot carefully. My foot takes some getting used to but it sits comfortably. Re tying the laces in a bow he takes a seat beside me.
"Thanks for being gentle!" I laugh turning my body to face him. Resting my back on the railing of the steps Zayn slides closer pressing his elbows to his knees turning his head watching me.
"So you work at a flower shop?"
"Yeah, it's downtown called petal. It's on a relatively plain street but the doors are full of pink flowers. It's quite the scene." I giggle from the nature of that statement. All of the doors on the street are rock and there's little to no light in the night except for the bright colours from our shop. "It smells heavenly too. "
Zayn smiles gracefully and I find myself in a trance from the small gesture. "How often do you work?"
"Weekdays I get the weekends off which is nice. What about you? This is certainly a well-paying job and you got everyone fangirling over you."
Zayn shakes his head and looks at the road. "More than well paying. And I could care less about the people, I do this for me. It's a total rush."
Watching his side profile as he speaks my eyes trace to his hands covered in thick silver rings.
"What about you? Do you like the rush?" He asks and I bite my lip looking into the darkness.
"Always wanted to experience it but I have yet to. Just not allowed." I say the last part quietly brushing my dress out when his hand falls on mine stopping the movements.
Looking up he eyes me hard. "June I didn't like how your boyfriend was touching you yesterday." Zayn's voice grows in anger and I try to pull my hand back but he doesn't let go.
"This isn't something I'd like to talk about."
"If he ever lays a hand on you like ever again I'm not keeping to myself."  swallowing down my dry throat terrified thoughts roll through my mind and I shake my head.
"Please don't do that you don't understand." I plead and his face tilts to the side.
"Understand what?"
"Just stop it Zayn." I scrunch my face and he lightens his tone.
"I'm sorry June I'll let it go but I mean what I said. No one should treat you like that."
Looking up to his eyes I know that he's telling the truth but why does he even care?
Kaden loves me, is all I can repeat to myself. He's the one person that loves me in this messed-up world.
My phone vibrates in my pocket disrupting the quiet and I take it out. Placing it to my ear the caller ID reads Mae.
"Mae are you alright?" Zayn looks to me in alert but I brush my hand in the air.
"I'm going over to Louis's house tonight. If you don't have a ride you can take my car."
My shoulders slump and I press my hand to my temple. Im an awful driver. "Well, where are you going are you sure you'll be alright?"
"Oh trust me I'll be alright. He is the man of my dreams. But do you have a ride home or not?" Looking at Zayn he nods his head at me and I tilt my head pressing the phone away from my ear.
"I'll take you home." Zayn stands from the seat and my eyes go wide. How did he hear that?
"No Zayn I-" Scrunching my eyes he interrupts. "Not up for discussion flower girl, let's go."
Inhaling a small breath I put the phone back on my ears. "Well that was very cute, I guess you do have a ride with Mr big time, have fun!" She hangs up the call and I lock my eyes on Zayn.
"You don't need to do this."
"We're in the middle of nowhere and it will make me feel better knowing you got home safe." Reaching his hand out for mine I place it in his palm and feel the coldness of his rings on my skin. Standing me to my feet I scrunch my face a little in discomfort getting used to the tightness on my foot.
"Here." he reaches his arm out for me to grab and I lace my hands around his forearm.
"Thank you!"
My dress blows back in the wind as we walk to his car slowly. Getting to his green car he opens the door for me and helps me in. Grabbing his arm tightly as I sink to the bottom as he watches my every move.
Once I'm comfortable he leans forward. Our lips are inches apart and his eyes lock on my lips. "you alright in here?"
I swallow yelling at myself that I got into this situation. "yes I'm alright."
Pulling away Zayn closes the door with a huge smile that drops when he turns to the public. Climbing into his side the jingle of the keys stick into the ignition and the car roars to a start. The vibration hits my body and I can feel it through every inch of my viens. "Woah." Is all I can say looking through the dark interior.
This is awesome and I can't help but exhale loudly. "I'm in a race car."
"Hey, June?" He questions in thought and I look back at him smiling, "Yes?"
"You know how you said you wanted to experience shit?" He furrows his eyebrows in deep thought that makes me giggle. He's so serious.
"Yes, I do actually." Dropping his face in complete excitement I see the wheels turning in his brain.
"Well sweetheart, you're driving us home."
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skittles1229 · 4 years
Old Expectations Die Hard (Dashie x Reader Fanfic)
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Chapter One: Weird Circumstances
You know your life is complicated when the friend you always complain to says "you never have a dull moment do you?" I sigh as the weight of the world seems to make it impossible to breath. You see recently things have been rough. I lost my job and my fiance all in the same day, that itself was an unbelievable story. I was so upset and strung out on thoughts of what to do that once i got home early from work i didn't notice the extra car in the driveway. i stepped into my home and my own floors felt as if they'd given way when i saw the guy i thought i'd be spending my life with in bed, with my sister... my sister and i hadn't been on good terms for a while and for a good reason! The drugs she took either made her unreliable and selfish or crazy and murderous. He, of course, pulled the its not what you think, id never hurt you, it was a mistake, and honestly i could write a book out of the excuses i heard in the time of two minutes but maybe another time. Needless to say i left. I never thought about going back and to be honest my sister looked more hurt then i was. I took a job in California a few weeks ago and moved in with my friend (BFF Name). They always seemed to know what to say and honestly i truly believe They  knew me better then i know myself. 
California gave me the biggest culture shock I've ever had. I came from Mississippi, the bible belt and the most rural part of the world. California was sooooo different then what i was use to. The weather is awesome. There's lots of jobs for technical people, at least until you're 45 and then you're considered ancient and you can't possibly know anything when some 23-year old out of Stanford tells you that they know it all. (a little bit of sarcasm there) It's a great place to start a new company, money is available as is talent. The risk of starting a company is lower since you can always find a new job The politics are insane, if you aren't towing the progressive party line you should just STFU. If you even once say that Trump has done something positive, or that Obama did something negative prepare for the wrath. Read the stuff behind the recently filed lawsuit against google for a taste of what it's like. Seriously, don't say a word. The state if structurally bankrupt, although the finances look good because so much stuff is off of the balance sheet. The public pension liability dwarfs the "good" part of the budget, and some day it is coming home to roost. Watch out when it does. The cost of living is absurd, really absurd. I'm not talking just a place to live but gas, electricity, haircuts, milk, pizza, you name it. The traffic is absurd too. (can you tell i like the word absurd) The public transit, although usually on time, is a mess. People are pigs, they throw trash everywhere, the cars are overcrowded almost all the time. 
I've got to say, from how much it sounds like i hate California, i actually don't.  Mainly because its so far away from my original family, leaving really helped me start to grow up and feel like maybe i was getting a hold of my life again. Only problem has been getting to my new job on time. I work as a barista and a waitress at a brunch place a good minute away from the apartment. The money is good, otherwise i wouldn't waste my time with the commute everyday. i keep being late to work because i still haven't adjusted to how terrible traffic is and so my boss was "nice" enough to switch me to the later shifts. The hours are long and boring because my shift starts in the middle of rush hour to the slowest hours at the end of the day meaning you have to find things to keep yourself busy with. the only good thing is, we can wear pretty much anything we want as long as its black. all i wear is dark colors so i didn't have to spend any extra money on a uniform and i didn't have to wear the same thing everyday. Today i decided i wear a v-neck shirt that with an emperor waist (body forming) with black skinny jeans and my regular converse. i decided against driving to work and decided it would be far smarter to catch a bus to the nearest destination. My (hair color) hair was done is a fishtail messy braid, i always liked this style because it made me look like i had a head full of hair when in reality i thought i was going bald. 
My personality was a little odd, you see some days i felt like the beautiful nerd who has no confidence and wants to hide away in a hole. other days i feel like a model from Victoria secrets, of course those are the days i get the most tips. today was honestly a mutual day, where id rather be at home in my bed asleep, or listening to music. The bus finally stopped a block away from my job and i sighed obviously not wanting to go into work. surprisingly there wasn't nearly  as many cars as there usually is around this time but i wasn't complaining. i walk in to see that most of the downstairs was empty but whoever was upstairs definitely had a loud mouth. i walk to the back in order to clock in and i bump into melany ( the girl im shifting with). "wow you actually got here on time! Maybe the boss's mood will cheer up." i huffed a little. "yea, i dont know why i thought id need a car in California, say whats with the low level of customers? its NEVER this slow." she looked at me in disdain, "some guys reserved the entire upstairs and we had to make this huge table out of all our tables up there, glad im not gonna be the one fixing it later." i rolled my eyes, i hated when a huge family came in and they just had to move everything around because little johnny wants the sit next to suzzie and suzzie HAS to sit by her parents bc she likes to throw her food on the floor, all fake names but a real situation ive been in before. "well have they at least been fed so that i only have to clean up after them?" she shook her head while hanging up her apron. "nope, they've only ordered their drinks and they are getting those onto trays now." so today was gonna be like every other day. "guess i better go help them take those upstairs then, have a good rest of your day." i walk away and slip on my apron, grabbed one of the trays of drinks while another waiter grabbed the rest of the drinks. Once i got upstairs, that's when i met him...
Chapter Two: Last Will and Testament
          He was sitting on the far end of the long table of people laughing and joking. everyone seemed to be loud and all had their own inside jokes. This guy, he stuck out. i changed my attention to the task at hand, finishing this shift. i hated when people moved all the tables and seating around. all the waiters and waitresses have to go back behind them and look at the layout of the floor to put them all back exactly as they were before. it was a struggle and because of this nobody actually wanted that job so usually the manager gives it to her least favorite workers and i happened to be one. "who all had coke?" nobody answered me so one of the men bellowed out the same line and somehow was able to get a show of hands. i walked around handing  out drinks, catching the lingering smell of strong liquor. i could tell by the end of tonight they would all be wasted and loud. please, just don't make more of a mess then you have to, i thought to myself. i had one drink left on my tray, "sweet tea?" the guy i saw before at the end of the table waved his hand and i dreaded going over there, i always seem to make a fool of myself when it matters. 
     i make my way slowly down the table with the tray under my arm and the tea in my hand. i lean over to sit his drink on the table.."here's your t-" *CRASH* while joking with one of his friends his elbow crashes into my hand sending the tea flying all over me and the cup crashing to the floor, thank god i wore black. he turned around and looked more horrified then i did. "i'm sorry! i'm so sorry!" his voice was deeper then i imagined it'd be. "no, it my fault i'm sorry ill get you a new one." i turned away to hide my embarrassment and walked away really just trying to get away from the situation. i could tell from the silence behind me that all eyes were on me. i ran to the back where the lockers were for the service. i went to the bathroom and stripped the sticky clothes off throwing them aside. i sat on the toilet  trying to catch my breath, my social anxiety had struck me  hard. a feeling of worthlessness and dread fell over me like a blanket. after the past few months i've had just one day without something terrible happening would mean the world to me. i heard a knock on the door, it was melany, she walked in with a towel from the kitchen. "hey, i heard what happen upstairs are you ok?" i covered my breast trying keep myself as unexposed as possible. "oh yea im fine, im just cold, and sticky, and... covered in tea." melany and i made eye contact and both laughed just to lift the dread in the air. "let me guess, all the guys are getting a kick out of watching me fumble again huh?" i said a little less concerned and more annoyed. she rolled her eyes "they are boys, they get a kick out of picking their own nose. we both slid to the floor beside each other, she hands me the damp towel. i get most of the sticky off as possible, throwing my hair up to make it look less clumped together by the sugar. "i have an extra black t shirt in my locker but i don't know how it will fit you. your breast are at least a size larger then mine." i shrugged my shoulders, "who cares ill make do. thanks for your help melany." she smiled her weird anime girl smile and ran to get the shirt from her locker.
     ill have to admit, she was right about the size thing. it was far to small around the chest area but the rest fit fine. after the incident my boss stuck me down stairs wiping tables and sweeping the floor, i dont mind though because i get to experience the day coming to an end with a beautiful sunset over California. i secretly kept the the window to watch as the sun fell from the sky. the sky seemed to burn and darken while the clouds began to glow with the last bit of sunlight left. the sky filled up with burning Burgundy and faded orange and yellows, the tallest buildings seemed to reach for the skyline as if it were a sunflower moving to the last drip of sunlight. moving here had been hard, and this had become one of the things i looked forwards to. living in the apartment with my friend was nice, buts its not the same as coming home to someone you use to lay with every night. sleeping alone seemed so much colder and emptier then i remembered from childhood. my mother would be so disappointed in the way i turned out, in the places id gone and the decision to spend my life with someone who was most obviously the wrong one. she would have told me to slow down and to take my time, that growing up wasn't everything. she would have said love isn't something you just wake up and have, its something you make. i wasn't anywhere close to where i thought id be by now, and i could see that. it tears at my heart everyday, not being able to see her or any of my family. sometimes it felt as if they'd all died in the fire that night. 
     i suddenly heard a boom of voices making their way down the stairs, i hadn't realized how close to closing time it had become. all of them walk out stumbling and laughing at their own jokes, seems they all got a good bit of drinking in, all except one. The guy i ran into on accident seemed as sober as ever, designated driver i think, he was much taller now. he seemed muscular but in such a fitting way for his body. his teeth sparkle because their so white, his smile complimented him best. his high cheekbones made his chocolate brown eyes his best feature. His skin was glowing with a sweet honey hue and before i could notice that i was staring he turned his head. his eyes met mind before i could think twice and that's when i felt the heat rise to my cheeks. weather it be from embarrassment or silly school girl shyness i didn't know . i turned my face away but it was too late, i turned my face a little just to catch a glimpse of him before he made his way out of the door and that's when i noticed his cheeks had gone from a burnt caramel to a rosy color. i felt my body shiver at the thought that maybe, just maybe he found me as attractive as i found him. i shook the thought from head realizing they had began locking the place down. as i helped close up shop and wash dishes i couldn't help but to let my mine wander to all different kinds of thoughts, funny thing was they always fell back to him and his rosy  cheeks. i couldn't help but smile as i felt my heart race at the thought of him, even though id made a fool of myself today i was glad i hadn't ruined my chances. Even if he'd never get with me or i wouldn't ever see him again, i'd still take it as a compliment that he even looked my way. 
     before long we were all outside laughing and talking about today. The manager locked the doors and said his goodbyes. i turn to walk towards the bus station when i see a man standing aside awkwardly between the restaurant and the parking lot. suddenly my eyes adjusted and once they did, the joyousness butterflies came back and the blush suddenly reappeared on my cheeks..
There are lots more chapter after this if you are interested you can find them here
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ziracona · 4 years
Anytime I see the legion im picturing urs so now in a trial im like "fukn idiot loser babies" *pallet smacks*. Reading ur meta(is that the term??) on Julie just now I'm like. So mad for her!! Get them kids some therapy!! How could the adults in their lives let them get to such a shitty point.. >:( Also, another thought I had with Adiris. The buzzfeed video is more her holding a bunch of cats. Because the survivors are like herding cats. Chaos children they are (im looking at you meg.)
Hahdjsdk god what a mood. Every time I see an Anna I’m just like “!!! MOM?” And get a hatchet between the eyes rip. And yeah! Meta is right.
For real, for real. Julie and all the Legion kids had some real shit going on. Joey by far had the best home life and family, but even he had a bunch of struggles in school because his family didn’t have time or in many cases experience to help him study, and it was crowded and poor, and because he had no help most kids got, he got treated like he was stupider, and even when he had skills in other areas, everyone at school expected him to perform well at sports and not much else like that was fine & he was meant to be valuable exclusively as an athlete, when he much preferred and actually really liked things like shop and ceramics and building/making stuff. But most people treat trade classes like easy As dumb kids pick (back when shop was still a thing), and like it was a worthless skill, and like. That doesn’t sound as bad as like, being bounced through foster homes as Frank, but pain is relative, you know? Bad is just bad. And things grind on you. It was hard to be taught constantly he was only worth something as a skill he didn’t even really care about, and get treated like he was dumb just because he had less help built in to school than most kids there did. People don’t talk about this much but like, having parents or sibs who help with homework? It’s a huge factor. So is just having family who are college graduates (if you go to college), because first gen student means walking in blind & alone & accountable to no one but bills, and like, college is initially overwhelming with two parents with Masters who are helpful. Any time what you value about you and what you love doesn’t match up with what people who have more power than you tell you is valuable about you/should be your goal, it’s hard. Especially as a teen still trying to like hack out an identity. Overly enthusiastic and impulsive, and has been mocked and hurt and turned on for it, but can’t shut it off. Big heart, but the luck to stand up usually just in time to get laid flat again.
And then Susie, with the parents who don’t care for her or pay her much mind other than disappointed looks and an occasional snap or suggestion or urging to try something different that what she’s doing. Bullied for her sexuality, nervous, and in a small town in the late 90s, probably the only lesbian (at least that she’s aware of existing) in that entire like couple hundred people mountain town, and sort of unbearably alone and misunderstood and isolated feeling. God, feeling like there’s just no one like you are out there is one of the worst feelings, isn’t it? Buried in the things she knows people whisper about her and a thousand tiny microinteractions a day that drain her armor. Loves Julie, but is so isolated Julie is her entire world to an unhealthy, co-dependant, and worryingly usable/manipulatable and non-independent nature for Susie. Because she’s so desperate to keep her she’d do anything not to be alone. But the struggle to never be alone by chasing Julie’s shadow means there’s no time for Susie and her own hopes and dreams and choices and developing personhood. But the worst part is that she’s genuinely happy this way, trailing after the girl she loves, which makes it so hard for either of them to confront and stop even enough to just make it healthy again. But she’s built her whole identity on one person like a precarious janga tower that could fall any second if the wrong piece goes, and that can’t be sustained forever, and who is she when it does crumble?
Then you got Julie, hot, popular, ignored personality disorder, proud parents who want her to keep being ideal and their little princess, than can’t handle her as a teen when she’s not in the box they expected anymore and they can’t just live and be proud vicariously through her all the time. Hit puberty early & dated way too physically way too young with way too much older men. Hit on by teachers, by men three times her age in parking lots. Quickly taught it’s safer to say yes than no and sex and love are a battlefield where you use the other as a stepping stone & the trick is to manurver so you’re okay once it’s over and got something while it went on. Had fun being hot and physically developed young because she suddenly had admirers and people were nice, then realized way too late that it came with constantly being in danger and under pressure to keep performing sexiness, and there wasn’t a livable choice to back out and fail those expectations anymore & be okay in her social circles. Knows she’s not emotional or loving in the way her loved ones are distressed about it, but can’t tell why, and gives up trying to ‘fix it’ and just pretends she doesn’t care and leans into being the sexy bitch and the power that comes with it. Doesn’t even know who she is herself beneath any of the ways she lives anymore, maybe she just is the act, maybe that’s fine. Trusts no one and that’s fine it’s just smart. Caught between liking the power of sex and intelligence and coldness, and the emptiness of not really being somebody. Needs to be loved and idolised and eternally aware how much people would hate her for that if they knew it was the truth, so she just keeps it to herself and makes herself someone they have no choice but to love and adore, so it’ll all be okay. Caught between worried she is cold and unfeeling and selfish and proud, and liking the power that goes with that, and the lack of desire to change, and the fear she doesn’t know how to do it. So she mostly just doesn’t think about any of the turmoil anymore and lives Julie instead of being her.
Then you got Frank, tossed around a myriad of foster homes, stolen by the government from the only one he ever was loved in over race, abused in every way foster parents have learned to abuse the kids they were supposed to love, and convinced since he was a kid that he’s a bad seed and a monster at heart, until he leaned into the violence of that to protect himself when no one else did. Harsh and strong and a fighter, a survivor, lonely and a loner, too much past, no future, not much present. Angry, god, so angry, and nothing to do with it. No skills, or money, or future, or any of it. No love, no family. Just the things he taught himself to survive. Just a good liar, a good fighter, adaptable, fast, tactical, enduring. Knows how to pick locks and lift wallets and hoard food that is least likely to be noticed. How to vanish, how to look real scary and real big, how to get stabbed and get back up, and take a fall, and bide his time. How to find north. Which makes for a good what? A thug, a conman, a drug runner, a loan shark or a hitter or a bouncer maybe? A guard, a killer, a thief? No love, no ties, no one. And only a borrowed, angry, violent sense of self, and all the other versions that didn’t live to adulthood but aren’t quiet dead yet buried beneath it.
God, the opening line to the original lore for Darkness Among Us really was beautiful and memorable. The kind of first line you hope for. “Frank Morrison was ninteen, and had little to show for it.” Like, fuck. It’s so understated, and common, and painfully mundane, but that’s it, that’s his whole life. And how fucking painful that is. To be the end of teenagehood, stepping into adult life alone, and be able to be summed up in just eleven words, as a marker of your lived timespan up to now, and the annotation that you from all of it have gained almost nothing that could be worth any note. I fucking love that line. God. It’s so empty, and cruelly mundane and undramatic and unimportantly scored and marked, like it doesn’t even matter that he’s down nearly two decades of life with nothing worth taking into the next two.
Lord, all the Legion kids really do need help, and therapy, and like, one decent parental figure. Thank god for Jeff. He really is out here doing the real work. Love that man. TuT
And you’re right w Adiris lol. 🤣 It’s a mix of cats and dogs, magbe even. Some of them aren’t trouble, but oh, oh some most definitely are. Side note: I fkn just reallly love cats. Poor Adiris out here tryin her best, and I’m sure she does too.
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Pieces of Glass Ch. 1
Read it on AO3
The Angry-Comforting Mother
Scar knew his "magic crystals" were absolutely worthless, just shards of glass he spent way too much time making look good so he could really sell the wizard vibe he was going for this season. The whole thing annoyed Grian, too, so that was an added bonus. It was fun, and Scar didn't really care if Grian didn't play along with his magic bit as easily as some of the other hermits. What Scar wasn't prepared for, though, was finding out that Grian was a huge hypocrite, and the wings that appeared on his back are a dead giveaway. 
Grian: you ready dude?
The beep from his communicator made him jump, causing him to drop the diamond helmet he had been enchanting. He flinched at the loud clang it made against the floor before picking it up again, looking closer at the small glowing runes etched into it. His Galactic was getting better, he figured, since he was able to recognize when the useful enchants were placed on his gear. None of which were on this helmet. He shrugged and fitted it on top of his wizard hat before pulling out his communicator to reply.
GoodTimeWithScar: You bet! Let’s go get ourselves some wings!
iskall85: you two are going into the end? alone? you guys are so going to die.
Grian: no way. not until i have an elytra in my enderchest
Grian: then i can die
GoodTimeWithScar: I’d rather avoid dying as much as possible.
ZombieCleo: can’t wait to see how that goes for you scar
Grian: im outside larry
Sure enough he heard a rock land on the ground next to him, thrown in from his doorway -- that was missing his door, for some reason -- and when he looked over the edge of the ladder he saw the iconic red sweater underneath the diamond armor. He didn’t understand how Grian could wear that in the jungle, when it was always so hot and humid. Scar was uncomfortable as it was, and he wasn’t even wearing pants! At least, he didn’t, most of the time. The armor was not making him sweat any less over his robe, though.
He quickly scurried down the ladder, jumping the rest of the way onto the slime blocks below to greet Grian with a smile. “Hello!”
“Hey Scar. You ready for this?”’
“Yes! Dude, I miss my wings so much.” Grian chuckled in agreeance and pulled out his communicator, presumably to look up the coordinates for the Stronghold. Then Scar remembered: “Oh, before we go, I prepared these for us.”
He handed Grian three small crystals: one green, one red, and one a pale orange. Grian held them in his unoccupied hand, staring at them with a confused glint in his eyes. He looked at them closer, testing how the light reflected off them, then looked at Scar unimpressed. “Bits of glass?”
“What? No! They’re magic crystals!”
“Dude, these are just shards of glass you sanded down. Great craftsmanship, but, like, these are totally worthless.”
“No they’re not. They’re- they’re magic! See, the red one gives you a health boost, the green one gives a little extra luck, and then the orange one-”
“Just sits uselessly in my inventory taking up valuable end-loot space? Yeah, thanks, but no thanks, dude.” He tossed the crystals back to Scar who scrambled to catch them midair before starting to walk away.
“W-Wait! They’ll be helpful!” He caught up to walk side by side with his friend, holding out the shards to him again. “Come on, Grian, trust your friendly neighborhood wizard, huh? The End’s a dangerous place and we can’t fly to get around yet so we could use all the help we can get, right?”
Grian gave one last look at the “crystals,” then to the man trying to scam him out of inventory space. Scar was giving him that look. That “I can do no wrong and I will win everyone over in the end” look that Scar had realized worked just as well on Grian as it had on Cub and Doc in the past. With a long sigh and an overdramatic groan he took the glass shards from the wizard. “Fine. But if I run out of room these are the first things getting tossed into the void.”
Grian led them to the stronghold, having gotten the coordinates from Xisuma after he had ventured in with Tango a few days ago. They made idle chat, Scar pointing out little observations, but their trek was mostly silent as Grian was focused on making sure they didn’t get turned around in an extraordinarily unremarkable section of the jungle with no orienting landmarks other than trees, trees, and more trees.
After guiding them through the greenery, a boat ride, and getting only a little turned around in the Stronghold, they stood above the end portal. Scar did one last check through his inventory, making sure he had his water bucket, a pumpkin, some food, and, of course, his magical crystals. Satisfied with his preparedness he looked over at Grian, opening his mouth to ask if he was ready to go, but he stopped when he saw the other man’s glare that looked like he was trying to rip the portal into atoms with his mind.
“Uh, if you stare into it for too long you’ll get dizzy.” Scar offered, noticing how Grian’s glare only faltered when he blinked, morphing into one of poorly hidden concern. “Everything alright?”
“Uh, yeah. Of course it is.” The smile Grian gave was strained and he didn’t look Scar in the eyes as he spoke, glancing between the spot behind him and the portal. “Are we certain that the dragon’s already been killed?”
“I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t be. Usually if the portal’s activated it means one of the hermits have already gone in.” He paused for a second, but when Grian’s concern didn’t fade he followed up: “That means the dragon’s been defeated, yes.”
“That’s good.” Silence dragged on between them for a few awkward moments before Grian decided to elaborate on that. “W-We don’t have to deal with that, I mean. It’s good we don’t have to deal with that.”
Scar rested a hand on Grian’s armorer shoulder, looking down at him with what he hoped was a gentle, comforting look. “It’s okay to be scared of the End, Grian. It’s a scary place! But that’s why none of us ever go in alone. We watch each other’s backs. And I’ll watch yours with all of my magical ability.” He placed his other hand on his own chest, standing proudly and attempting to fill the other man with his own confidence.
Grian’s eyes grew distant at Scar’s words, their dark color glassing over in a way Scar had never seen before, but it was gone almost as quickly as it appeared. Grian gave Scar a small smile, it much less forced than his previous one. “Yeah, you guys are cool like that. Come on, let’s not waste any more time. We have wings to find and flying to be done.”  The small hermit’s grin was wide as he gripped Scar’s arm with a firm hand and pulled them both into the starry, inky blackness awaiting them.
Scar wasn’t foreign to the feeling of being transported to the End, the strange tingling, numbing feeling that came with travelling beyond the overworld. It wasn’t like transporting to the Nether, which felt like weights were dropped onto your shoulders and took some time to get used to again if you hadn’t experienced it for longer than a week.  The End didn’t feel kinder than the Nether, per se, but it was calmer, at least until you saw the endless void below you that would swallow you and your items up if you made one misstep.
This time, though, as Scar materialized into the dimension he almost believed he stepped into the wrong portal, as an unfamiliar feeling covered him. It pulled at his hair and flowed underneath his armor and circled around his arms. He wasn’t alarmed by it, entranced more than anything, and he felt whatever it was slip down his arms and off the tips of his fingers, leaving him almost reaching for it, as soon as Grian appeared at his side.
Scar stood there, staring dangerously towards the main island from the platform they were on, and tried to wrap his mind around what had just happened. A hand waving in front of his face snapped him out of his trance, his eyes blinking furiously to return the moisture they desperately lacked. He rubbed at them with his hands for a moment but then looked at them and tried to imagine the feeling wrapping itself around his fingers again.
“Scar? Dude? You good?”
Grian’s higher pitched voice was like a needle popping the balloon of dense fog that had surrounded Scar’s thoughts. He blinked a few more times, shaking his head, and looking down at his friend whose hand was still lingering in the air.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Guess it's been longer than I thought since I was in the End. Caught me off guard, that’s all.” Scar rubbed the back of his neck, patting the hairs down that were still raised.
Grian narrowed his eyes at Scar for a brief moment, as if to deduce if he was lying, before letting out what he hoped was a sigh of relief. Grian turned to face the main island, shoving a pumpkin over his head, and made his way across the rickety path that Tango and Xisuma had made. Scar wordlessly followed behind and paid special attention to where his feet landed.
Hours passed by them, friendly banter was shared, but they were getting tired. Grian all but pushed Scar into building the next bridge, and he carefully placed cobblestone slab one after the other. The mindless task he had done several times in the span of the last few hours left his mind to wander. And it wandered right back to the feeling he had when he entered the dimension. He wanted to know what it was. He had experience with stuff like the Vex in the past, but it had felt nothing like the overwhelming surge of power that he had come to know with that magic.
This had felt gentle, yet purposeful. Powerful, but cradling. It was like a mother’s hug when comforting a guilty child for breaking her favorite vase because they had played baseball inside when she had told them not to. It was unwarranted, unexpected, yet it was comforting, but foreboding because you didn’t know how long it would last or when it would change, if it would change. Scar knew, deep down, he should be terrified, but he could only find intrigue in it all.
“Scar.” Grian’s quiet voice once again grounded him, Scar was noticing this trend, and he looked up only to feel his heart stop in his chest. He was standing on a lone slab that was disconnected from the rest of his bridge. Grian stood on the rest of the bridge, pickaxe in hand and mischievous grin on his face.
“Oh geez! No, no!” Scar yelped, placing down some more blocks in his white-knuckled grasp. The devilish snickers from the other made a smile creep on his face, and when he looked up he saw the path repaired. “Y’know, I’m a magic man, but I’m not that magic.”
They returned to silence again, it comfortably hanging over them. Scar stood up from his hunched position to stretch his back, and felt his stomach twist at the drop that awaited them without the bridge. He glanced over at Grian, the other man lazily staring at the cobblestone beneath him.
“Do you have your lucky crystal on you?” Grian’s eyes shot up to meet Scar’s and his hand rummaged in his pocket until he pulled out the shards of glass that he had given him earlier. Scar smiled and went back to his bridging. “Thank god, I was worried that-” A green glint of color sped past the corner of his vision and his eyes followed it as it fell into the void below, face contorting in what he could only assume was comical fear by the way Grian laughed at him. “No! Dude! That was magic, man! You just brought bad luck upon us!”
“No, no, no. We’ll be fine. What could possibly go wrong?”
Scar’s grips on his blocks tightened at that, something itching at the back of his mind and making his nose wiggle. “At least- At least hold the health one.” He told him, exasperated, as he shook off his uncertainty.
“Okay,” was the simple response he got, and before he could utter a thanks he spotted a red dash fly near him.
He knew it was just glass. He knew that, realistically, they didn’t actually do anything. It was all a bit. A little bit of fun annoying Grian by insisting that these shards of glass actually had magical properties. 
And yet he still reached out to grab it.
Something told him to.
Something told him not to let it fall into the void below him.
That something left him as soon as his hand wrapped around the red shard, and his feet slipped from the platform.
“Scar-!” was the last thing he heard before the rushing wind invaded his senses and whatever had come over Scar was ripped away as he felt nothing beneath him. He managed to spin and look up at the quickly retracting bridge he had just spent the last few minutes building so this very thing wouldn’t happen.
“Grian! Help!” He didn’t even hear his own useless, panic laced cries as he quickly fell away from the sound towards his painful death. He knew Grian couldn’t do anything. They hadn’t found an elytra yet. Grian was just as helpless as he was in this situation.
Scar gripped the crystal to his chest, wishing it had been the green one instead, and shut his eyes, bracing himself for the suffocating feeling of dying in the void. Why did Grian have to throw away the glass? Why did he have to try and catch it? Why couldn’t he have let it fall? They were useless, anyways. They wouldn’t save him now.
Against the encroaching darkness that was consuming him, a bright yellow light managed to make it’s way past his eyelids. He cracked one eye open but opened both as he saw something shining a bright golden color right behind his now faraway bridge. He distantly felt the feeling of the calm-angry mother tugging at the crystal in his hands.
Something was falling off the bridge now, towards him. It was falling incredibly fast and was incredibly big, and it took Scar way too long to realize that it was his fellow Hermit. Panic spread through his body tenfold at this realization. No! He thought. Both of us don’t need to die! As Grian got closer and closer to Scar at speeds that didn’t make sense, Scar noticed that the other’s back was… glowing?
Before he could make any sense of this observation, the faux wizard felt the breath in his lungs ripped from him, leaving him gasping painfully. He shut his tearing eyes against the pain that blossomed in his chest, and attempted to curl in on himself. His mind was overwhelmed with his own near death, that he completely forgot about Grian’s impending one.
It would be painful, much more than it was now, and long, but at least he would have an excuse to lay in bed for a few days while his internal wounds healed. That was the worst part of dying to the void, how it killed you from the inside out. That and that there was no way to retrieve what you lost. He would have to get all his good gear back, but he was used to that. He distantly realized he would have to come back, unfortunately, and most likely soon if he was going to get an elytra.
It felt like he was being stabbed through the throat, chest, and stomach all at once with a barbed, poison-tipped blade. Part of him wondered if his health boost crystal was actually working and prolonging his pain by healing him. It didn’t really matter, he didn’t think he could get his hands to let go of it at this point if he wanted to.
Next thing he knew, what little breath he had left was knocked out of him and a firm warmth surrounded him. Huh, well that’s new. The weightlessness that he had been experiencing had disappeared and a nauseating feeling flipped his stomach as he coughed up his lung trying to breath again. Have I already respawned?
Scar slowly opened his eyes only to be greeted with red, not the comforting purple and brown of his bed in Larry’s shell. He figured that the air was still as thin as it was in the End, because he couldn’t seem to catch his breath. He was pressed up against the soft, red whatever, and the hand not holding the crystal gripped it weakly. 
As soon as it felt as if he was finally breathing comfortably again, the air was knocked from him for the third time in what he could only assume was the last ten seconds. He rolled away from whatever he had been by, his armor no doubt denting at the way he bounced along the hard endstone. When he came to a stop he simply stared up at the void-sky and decided to focus on the chorus flowers instead. It took yet more coughing and shaky breaths before he was breathing easily and Scar finally processed what had just happened. Or rather the fact that he had absolutely no idea what had just happened. 
He had just been falling, hadn’t he? He had just been falling, with no elytra, into the void after he basically jumped in after a useless piece of stained glass that his end busting partner, who also had no elytra, had thrown. He had felt himself dying in the void. He knew he had. And yet here he was, lying on the uncomfortable, uneven endstone.
He groaned and slowly propped himself up on his elbows, making a note that he was indeed still holding the red glass in his hand so at least that venture hadn’t been in vain. His head spun at the new orientation but it didn’t last long and he was scanning his surroundings. He spotted the narrow cobble bridge he had built but felt his heart stop when he saw no red-sweater clad, crystal throwing Hermit standing on it. “Grian?” He rasped, his throat raw, as panic started to seep into him.
A groan from his left caught his attention and his head snapped over to look at the culprit and gaped. Propped up on his hands a few blocks away was the familiar, unmistakable features of Grian: red sweater, blonde hair, short stature. Scar wasn’t occupied with the fact that his friend was there completely fine, no that was normal, what wasn’t normal was the giant golden feathered wings that sprouted from the small hermit’s back.
Scar’s near death experience was completely forgotten, and he felt what was becoming a familiar sensation tug at the back of his collar when he began connecting pieces without fully understanding how they fit together. Grian was the only other hermit here, and he was clearly the one in front of him. It was undeniable and yet completely unbelievable. Scar had been presumably carried by something red and warm back up to the island he was laying on now from at least 100 meters below it. Grian had a red sweater, was definitely strong enough to carry the twig that was Scar, and had gigantic wings that looked more than capable of making the treacherous journey from death.
The other pushed himself up to sit on his knees and his eyes slowly opened. Scar made a strangled noise as he noticed the white glow that faded from them and returned them to their usual dark brown.
Grian’s head snapped over to him. “Scar! Oh my god, Scar are you okay?” His voice was echoing with worry. Literally. There was a reverb to it that garbled his words. Grian must have noticed this since he slapped a hand over his mouth.
“I…” Scar didn’t have words, his mouth dry and mind too blank to think of closing it. He blinked. “Yeah.” He said lamely, his voice pitched three octaves to high.
Silence covered them as Grian seemed hesitant to speak and Scar was still wrapping his mind around everything. Why did Grian have wings? Why had Grian’s eyes been glowing? Why did his voice sound like that? Was all of this actually normal? Did Scar just not see Grian nearly enough during last season to know this about him?
“Uh,” Grian mumbled behind his hand, shoulders falling from his ears when it didn’t come out like a bad feedback loop.
“So,” Scar tacked on, finally closing his mouth. He tried to think of a proper way to go about this but his brain was apparently still fried since all he managed was: “What just happened?”
“I don’t know!” Grian quickly responded, throwing his arms up in the air above him.
“You have wings?”
“I just saw you falling and-”
“Is this normal for you?”
“No! Well, I mean, I guess I panicked and-”
“Why were your eyes glowing?”
“My eyes were what?” Grian’s voice matched Scar’s in a panicked pitch. He sat up on his knees, patting the sides of his head.
“They were glowing. They aren’t anymore though.” Scar quickly reassured him, sitting cross legged and facing him. They shared a staring contest of sorts, Scar searching for answers and Grian’s expression providing none. “So, wings, huh?”
Grian sat up straighter, head swiveling to look behind him at the appendages that were attached to his back. Scar couldn’t see his face from the angle, but the way he hesitated when reaching back to touch them and how he flinched back when he barely grazed the feathers made him wonder if they hurt. Grian had gotten as close as Scar had been to the void, after all. Scar flipped the red glass in his hand, almost offering it to the other as a way to lighten the mood, but stopped when he remembered it was these stupid things that caused this whole ordeal in the first place. Grian turned away from his wings, hands curled up in his lap. He stared at the endstone and Scar glanced between it and Grian, trying to find whatever it was the other was looking for. He didn’t find it, though, because Grian stood up and offered a hand to help Scar up.
They both seemed shaky as Scar stood, and Grian made sure he didn’t fall as soon as he was on his own two feet again. Looking down at Grian, his wings didn’t look nearly as big. He wondered if they had shrunk or if it had been perspective the entire time. He also noted that the golden color they had been had dulled significantly to a pale yellow.
“Do you think you can make it back home without falling off another bridge?” Grian asked quietly, a steadying hand still on Scar’s arm as he looked up at him with concern.
“Uh,” Now that Scar was standing, and attention had been dragged away from Grian’s sudden transformation, the weight of what had nearly happened hit him like a falling anvil. His chest and throat still burned, his head pounded with a headache right behind his eyes, and his stomach felt like it was sloshing around inside of him. The hand that held the “crystal” was beginning to cramp and he wiggled the glass into a pocket on his robe under his armor. He took a deep breath in from his nose and let any remaining tension in his body fade and gave Grian as reassuring of a smile as he could manage. “Yeah, I think I’ll be fine.”
Grian looked relieved, giving him a nod. “Good, then you head back.”
“What about you?”
Grian walked back out onto the bridge that Scar had built what felt like hours ago and looked down at it, pulling out some blocks from his inventory. “I’m gonna keep going and see if I can find anything.”
“What? Alone? Grian, there’s a reason we use the buddy system. Heck, you just proved why-”
“Scar, it’s fine. I’ll be fine. You go rest, okay?” Scar opened his mouth to protest but Grian didn’t let him. “I need some time to think, anyways. May as well try and get something out of it in the process.” Scar still wasn’t convinced. He gave Grian a hard stare and watched as the younger man sank in on himself under the scrutiny. He looked down and then back up at Scar, a pleading look in his eyes, and spoke with a quiet voice. “Please, Scar. I’ll be fine.”
Scar gave him the same look he had given Cub and Doc countless times last season when they were working too hard, but gave up when the effort made his headache pound and he brought a hand up to rub his temples. He sighed. “Alright, okay, I’ll go home. But you better come see me the second you get back, okay?”
Grian stood up a little straighter, seeming surprised that Scar had agreed. “Okay, Scar, I will.”
Scar turned around the way they came and found the bridge that they had made to get to the current island. He carefully made his way across it and many others as he trekked back to the portal home. He tried putting a pumpkin over his head as an extra safety measure but decided he would risk the angry endermen instead when squinting through the face of the halloween decoration made his headache worse. He kept his tired eyes on the ground for the most part anyways. Who knew that nearly dying in the void was just as tiring as actually dying in the void?
Before long his feet splashed in water and he risked looking up, smiling happily as he spotted the bedrock circle that would drop him right back into his comfy bed in Larry’s shell. He let himself fall into the portal, embracing the numbness that came with it until he was on top of the purple blanket that he so desperately wanted to curl up in. He had enough of a conscience left to shrug his armor off and even take his robe off, haphazardly throwing it somewhere on the floor. Not waiting a second longer, Scar snuggled up into the soft wool of his bed and drifted to sleep.
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hargroves-angel · 5 years
Cookies And Cream - 🏹🍪
Chapter 6 - Cheese Cake
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A/N - Hope you enjoy! Smut, mentions of abuse, sad Billy. | Chapter 7 | Cookies And Cream Masterlist |
She didn’t know how to talk to him. She didn’t know what words to say.
Billy picked her up right on time, the casual smirk on his face, his sunglasses covering his eyes, his cigarette in between his lips.
“Hey doll, you ok?” He saw how her usual smile wasn’t there, she looked like she’d been crying.
“Can we talk?” She mumbled. He looked back at Max who was sat in the car. She looked preoccupied so he agreed and walked in.
She engulfed him in a hug the minute the door shut.
“I’m here Billy, I’m always here... I just want you to know that” she whispered into his ear softly.
Billy pulled away. “What are you talking about angel?” He chuckled. She lifted his hand to her face. The bruises on his hand from where he was pushed backwards. He shoved it out her grasp. Looking at her.
“It’s fucking nothing” he mumbled.
“Billy, I saw- I saw what he did to you...”
“You didn’t see shit, you understand?” His tone was harsh and cold he started to yell.
“Billy I’m sorry... I only want to-“
“Well you can’t ok! You fucking can’t, stop trying to be so fucking nice all the time- it’s- it’s so fucking annoying” he lashed out. Immediately regretting his words the second he said them. He watched the tears roll down her cheeks, she wiped them away.
“I care about you Billy- I- I...” She took a deep breath in. “I’m sorry- but if you do need me I am always here” She mumbled.
“Well I don’t fucking need you okay” Billy didn’t even think, the words spilling out. He slammed her door shut getting into his car, driving off.
“What the fuck happ-“
“Just shut the fuck up” Billy snapped. The regret he felt was eating him up. He hated shouting at Y/N, it was horrible, he felt horrible, he felt like his dad. He dropped Max off at school and got back into his car and drove away.
He needed to get rid of this horrible feeling, even if it meant skipping for the day.
Y/N walked to school. Her tears were brimming her eyes. She felt horrible... she felt as though Billy snapping at her was all her fault. But she also felt scared. She didn't like the way he shouted at her.
The day went by slow for both of them. Billy had spent it smoking by the lake. His feet planted into the ground as he took large drags from each cigarette, Nothing was working. He’d never felt guilt like this, he felt so angry... at himself. He threw the cigarette down onto the floor in anger. Shoving himself into his car, his arms on top of the steering wheel his head buried on top of them. Tears rolling down his cheeks. He felt vulnerable, angry, hot and guilty.
It hit around 9:30pm and Billy decided to go home, preparing to get an earful from Neil. He didn’t care, he knew what he had to do. Something he’d never done before... own up and apologise.
He dropped his car off in front of his house and proceeded to walk over to her house.
Billy knocked softly on the door. Preparing for it to get slammed back into his face, thats what most people tended to do when he fucked up, they wouldn’t ever let him back in.
She answered her face peaking through the crack of the door. 
“Billy...” she mumbled. He didn’t say anything he just walked up to her and hugged her close. His hand stroking her head. She buried herself into him, she felt relieved that he was ok. “I was so worried about you” she sniffed. 
Billy felt his heart melt, she didn’t slam the door back in his face when he showed up, she held him and told him she was worried about him. He felt cared about for once
“I’m so sorry Y/N... I’m such an asshole, you don’t fucking deserve this” he muttered into her hair. She pulled away.
“Shh Billy, it’s ok” she shut the door and led him upstairs.
“I’m so fucking sorry Y/N, I shouldn’t have lashed out like that, you’re not annoying, for fuck sake I-“ he almost let his words get the best of him. She hushed him. And took him into her arms, they rested on her bed. Y/N cradled his head on her chest.
“It’s fine if you don’t wanna talk about it Billy” She tilted her head, her fingers playing with his curls, he had his eyes open, staring out the window, seeing his bedroom, how you definitely would’ve got a clear view of it all.
“He- He hates me” he mumbled, his eyes stinging as his tears started to release. “I don’t know why Y/N, I know I’m a piece of shit son, I’m not at all what he wanted- I fucking smoke, I get bad grades, I’m an asshole. I’m- I’m fucking worthless...” he sobbed
She kissed the top of his head, letting him vent. She wanted to cry too, seeing Billy in so much pain. 
“You’re not worthless, no ones perfect Billy... you’re a little rough around the edges sure, but to me you’re the kindest, most sweetest boy I’ve met, you’ve got so much charm and the kindest smile...” 
She continued to play with his hair, listing his beautiful features.
“Yes Billy”
“Why am I so difficult to love” his voice cracked. This was the only time he’d let himself be vulnerable in years.
“You're not difficult to love Billy, the people who have told you that are liars...” She brushed his curls from his face and looked out her window, “because if you were so hard to love then I wouldn’t be in love with you” She mumbled. He froze.
“You...”Billy stuttered, his cheeks going red. She nodded.
“I know I haven’t known you long Billy but I’ve never felt like this before... you give me butterflies whenever I see you, even touching you makes time stop” billy sat up, looking her in the eyes, he didn't know how to respond, did he love her? Did he even know what love felt like?
She cupped his cheek with her hand. She leaned into him, placing a kiss to his lips. It was slow and sensual. Billy deepened it, pushing her backwards on the bed softly. He went back to kissing her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers toying with his hair. She helped him out of his shirt, her hands tracing over his bare torso.
His breathing was steady. Her fingers got closer to his hips. “Woah, Princess you sure?” He hovered over her, she gazed into his eyes.
“I wanna show you how much I care” she whispered. Billy felt shivers down his spine. “It’s my first time... Can we go slow?”... 
“I’ll be gentle. I promise...” this was it, the moment Billy had been waiting for, but it felt special, it didn't feel like something he was gonna want to forget.
He helped her gently out of her dress and kissed her stomach. Her pretty lace pink lingerie... did she wear that on purpose?
“You’re so beautiful” he muttered.
Y/N moaned at the contact. Billy felt himself harden, her moans were so pretty.
She squirmed as Billy’s lips ghosted over her panties.
“Those moans are angelic baby, I’m gonna make you feel so good” he slowly took off her panties to come face to face with her glistening heat. 
“Billy...” she mumbled a little embarrassed of her blatant nakedness.
“You’re perfection angel” his thumb rubbed a circle on her clit. She whimpered, her legs shaking at the feeling. She was so wet.
Billy’s thumb picked up the pace, her moans getting louder, her fingers laced through his hair, tugging on his roots. He placed his fingers at her slit. Slowly he pushed one in, it smoothly glided in. He angled it so that it would hit the perfect spot, he thrusted it in and out gently. She whimpered, her hips bucking up as he pleasured her. 
“Im gonna c- cum, Billy... I- I...” her hips lifting.
“It’s ok angel, cum for me” She moaned loudly as she came around his fingers. He chuckled and kissed her heat. She squirmed at her sensitivity. 
“Billy I need your...” She bit her lip, embarrassed. 
“Don’t worry doll, you can tell me” He kissed her neck, nibbling it and leaving a few hickies. Her breathing hitched at his nibbling.
“I need your cock Billy” she felt so excited saying those words. She wasn’t used to this. Billys cock sprang to attention after that. God was he excited now, hearing her innocent mouth say something so dirty.
“Oh princess” he unbuckled his belt and reached for a condom which had been in his back pocket ever since he’d met her, just in case.
He undressed himself. She gasped a little once he’d taken his boxers off. He was huge.
“What’s wrong angel?” He saw her worried expression. “If you don’t want to do this it’s fine, we can stop if you want” she shook her head no, she was really embarrassed now.
“Umm... , you’re so big Billy, will it fit?” She asked her innocent doe eyes fluttering up at him. He wanted to do so many filfthy things to her right now.
“Trust me princess, it’ll fit... just might be a bit tight” he hovered over her form. She was small against him. He lined himself up at her entrance and pushed in slowly. She mewled in pain and pleasure. He stopped. “It hurts a little bit baby but it’ll feel good in a second” she nodded signalling him to keep going, he pushed all the way in, she moaned at the feeling of him inside her. Billy started to slowly thrust. Being extra careful.
She whimpered as his cock hit the right spots.
“So tight” he groaned, moving his head to the crook of her neck pressing a soft kiss to it. The kiss forming into another hickie as he nibbled at her skin. He pressed a few more to her skin. She was a moaning mess beneath him.
“You feeling good angel?” he chuckled.
“Yes Billy... f-Faster” he nodded and picked up the pace thrusting faster and harder.
Her head went back, her moans were pornographic. Such loud moans for such a dainty angel.
She felt her release nearing, so did Billy who was surprised she was lasting so long considering she was a virgin.
“Shit...” Billy growled as he felt her walls clench around his cock.
“Billy!” She moaned his name, it sounding like a sweet sympany in his ear.
“Keep saying my name baby” she continued to whimper and moan his name causing his cock to twitch, his seed spilling into the condom.
“Holy crap” he whispered, collapsing next to her, removing the condom and shoving it in the bin next to her bed. “That felt amazing angel” he carressed her cheek.
“Thank you Billy” she mumbled as she leaned in for a kiss. Their lips connected in soft kiss. She curled up into his chest and fell slowly asleep, Billy felt so soft and fuzzy inside. That’s when it hit him. He was in love. He didn’t know how he felt about it, but he knew that was the case.
The problem with Billy was that he didn’t know if he could love someone, especially Y/N who was a special angel with a kind heart and a happy smile, he’d made her cry earlier, he let his temper get the best of him and upset her. How could he ever be good enough for her, even if she loved him back, there was no way he would let her fall down to his level.
He checked that she had fallen asleep and he gathered his clothes and slipped back home. He knew that this was the best option, he didn’t feel like it was fair on her. He couldn’t love her the way she deserved.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Ah nice! In that case could I have a matchup for marvel and danganronpa v2?
I'm a very short gremlin, I'm nonbinary and asexual (panromatic) I like writing, drawing, reading, and tiktok, mythology, and making kandi bracelets. I seem cold and awkward and I am! But I'm also a touch starved hopeless romantic I'm a huge collector of like anything. Soda tabs, glass bottles, rocks, candles, bones you name it I probably have it somewhere (my room is basically my family's junkyard) my favorite things are my 17 rubber ducks, my whale shark stuffie, and my stuffed pig technoblade. I'm a real himbo with more sarcasm than brain cells. My siblings say im a vampire and considering I have dyed black hair and skin so pale you can see my veins...they might be right..
Anyway! Thanks for reading! Hope you have a good day/night!
Hi!! I really enjoyed reading this request lol I love the vibes you give off. Thank you for being so patient !
I ship you with Valkyrie!
I had to THINK about this one a lot
But BYE Valkyrie is the obvious choice this just made so much sense to me when my sister recommended her for you
You’re asexual ? That’s super chill she’s v respectful of that
Sex was like... not a good thing for her when she was living on Sakaar... it was one of the things she just kinda had to do to get by
So it’s not rlly a vibe for her either
She’d much rather be all coupley and cuddle and hold your hand
She DEFINITELY teases you for being short I’m so sorry
But also she’s 5’4” so she is NOT tall by any means
Y’all are small but mighty and a force to be reckoned with
You like mythology ? Well she’s literally a part of Norse mythology
Homegirls gonna teach you everything you ever wanted to know
It makes her so so happy to be able to share her past with you
She will wear every bracelet you make her
If you make like 20? She has all 20 on her wrist
Likes to brag about how pretty they are and how you made them to everyone in New Asgard
By the way ! If you want to live in New Asgard literally go for it she’d love to have you closer to her
It’s like living a mythological dream
When you’re cold... it doesn’t phase her at all
She shrugs it off and does not take it personally
Gives you some time to chill then goes back to being her typical self
Loves how awkward you get
She isn’t awkward at all she’s so confident with everything she does so it’s really cute to see you get all nervous and flustered
Likes to kiss your cheek if you’re chill with that
And digs your collection literally how cool
Most ppl would be like ? A bone. Odd
She’s like yo wack what do you think that bone is from
And then she finds out for you both bc she’s a queen
You sleep with a stuffie ? CUTE
she doesn’t judge that at all literally that’s just adorable
No point in being embarrassed about that, she’d never tease you for your stuffie that’s an important companion
Loves the stuffie as much as you do
You two banter with each other a lot
Lots of back and forth sarcasm
It’s always a dynamic fun conversation between the two of you
She thinks you look absolutely stunning
Would never cross any boundaries that you’re uncomfy with but would rlly like just holding you, especially after a long day
Very affectionate and sweet I love her
I ship you with Nagito Komaeda!
I have to preface here as well I’m so sorry
I don’t like Nagito that much oops
But YO you and Nagito would get along SO WELL
everytime I think of Nagito I think of the THIS IS NAGITO KOMAEDA ON THE NINTENDO DS
I’m on Nagito tiktok and I don’t wanna be sigh
He makes fun of you for being short
Secretly likes that you’re short so that you need his help to reach things
He’s not entirely worthless after all
Loves when you cuddle him
He literally wants to be the little spoon so good luck figuring that out
Honestly likes cuddling more than kissing or sex or anything like that
He will sit and send you tiktoks all day
Likes to make tiktoks as well
He’s a maidboy on tiktok I’m so sorry
You send him a message asking if he wants to make kandi bracelets with him
You bring all the supplies to him and he’s like
“Wait this isn’t real candy”
You never said it was?
He’s so upset that it’s not candy he thought you meant candy bracelets
You have to go to the store and buy those cheap candy jewelry things for him
He literally always wants to touch you
Whether it’s holding your hand, cuddling with you, resting his hand on your back, arm around your shoulder
It may be kind of overwhelming at first so he’ll try his best to take it slow for you
Tries to find things for your collections
He’ll go out for a walk and come back with his arms full of stuff he wanted to give to you
Everything reminds him of you
Hides your rubber ducks around the house
Every week it’s like an Easter egg hunt he thinks it is so funny
Sometimes they’re in the sink, or a potted plant, sometimes they’re in vents or the back of the toilet
And he NEVER remembers where he put them
So you can go months missing a duck because he literally has no clue where it is
He doesn’t feel all that useless with you around
Like usually this man is super self deprecating (as we all know) but when he’s around you... not as much
Sometimes he’ll ask why in the world you’d want to be with someone like him
He needs a lot of words of affirmation and love
But he’ll pay you back with the same treatment
Compliments and hugs and lots of love every single day
Okay maybe I don’t hate Nagito as much as I thought I did bc idk this made me like him more
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fanficsrusz · 5 years
Better late than never - john wick oneshot
A/n: so this was requested by @queen-of-snowflakes and im not sure how i feel about it. Ive had to re-upload it again because the order was messed up so yhh sorry for any confusion
Holding two handguns to her chest, y/n hid behind a cement wall. She tried to calm her heavy breathing in order to listen out for any movement beyond the wall. Hearing a noise come from her left, she moved to the right "bang" a deep voice said pointing a gun to her head. Y/n looked up annoyed and dropped her guns to her side. " you fail that every time" the man continued. The man in front of her was John wick aka  baba yaga, a notorious assassin who had taken it upon himself to train y/n as his apprentice. Y/n wasn't just anyone though, she was the niece of Winston, the owner of the Continental. John had promised Winston to train her as well as he could so she could look after herself since no one was safe in the assassin world. Sure y/n and john had gone on various missions together and they worked pretty well alongside each other, but y/n always wanted to improve so every week they would train in the training room winston had built for her underneath the hotel.
"ok…. Lets go again" she said beginning to walk away before john grabbed her arm. "hold on y/n. I think we've done enough for one day" she looked back at john and into his eyes. She hated to admit it but she had feelings for this man. Well, if anyone spent the last few years with a hot guy then they were bound to end up falling in love. Y/n only stopped staring when john started to walk towards his gun bag "beside, your uncle has called a meeting for us which starts in……" he looked at his watch "45 minutes" he turned to y/n before walking out of the training room. "always with the meetings" y/n groaned to herself. She always hated the meetings because it meant he wanted to send john and herself on some elaborate mission and always ended up giving her a talk about keeping herself safe. It was as if she didn't kill people for a living and was about to go on a date with some random guy.
Y/n made her way to her room where she got changed into jeans and a shirt before making her way to the meeting room. Pushing open the doors her uncle came up to her and hugged her. "y/n. Beautiful as always" she smiled before kissing his cheek and sitting next to John, who was already there.
"ok so apparently Joon, a prince in korea, has broken continental rules and conducted business on safe grounds" he paushed as he walked around the room and y/n looked at john confused. "so? Just kill him. Why are you telling us? " she asked and winston just laughed. "well he's gone into hiding and we think we know where he might be…." he stopped again walking around the table and sat down in front of the two. "..... We think he might be attending a ball in russia. Its just some stupid annual thing that one of the politicians throw and Since joon has had no contact with either of you before, you can get close enough to take care of him" y/n laughed as she leant forward "Julie Andrews style or al pacino?" her smile soon dropped as the men just looked at her confused but she could see the small smirk on johns face "my humour is wasted on you people" she sulked and sat back again. "right. Well you will leave in a few days for russia and attend the ball under the identity of a newly married couple. You will be mrs Lisa Martins" he looked at y/n and then turned to john "and you mr Dean martins" he paused before standing up and y/n knew what was going to happen next. "you two have to be careful and not get yourself killed……" before he could continue, y/n interrupted him with a groan "yeah yeah we know. Right i dont know about you john but im going to get a drink" and with that y/n left the room. "she turns more and more into her mother with each day" winston laughed and john just watched as the girl walked away before standing "i should really go keep an eye on her" john said and winston waved him off.
Walking into the bar john saw y/n sitting at the bar with a few empty shot glasses around her. He laughed to himself before walking over to her. "how can you already be drunk" he asked and waved the bartender over ordering his own drink "shut it wick". A few hours later and y/n was no longer functioning properly, laughing at random jokes she told a still sober john. She suddenly stopped and stared at john intently for a few second let her mouth speak her thoughts. "I love you john" she said suddenly and john just laughed, "I love you too" he replied taking a sip of his drink and y/n stood up and walked over to him and straddled his lap "y/n what are you doing?" shock evident in his voice as he held his hands up to avoid any physical contact. "you don't understand john. I want you." she growled looking at him through hooded eyes and john pushed her off and onto the seat next to them. "y/n you're a child compared to me. I'm old enough to be your father. I don't see you like that im sorry" the words lingered in the air as she took them in and she suddenly felt sick. 'oh no. What have i done' she thought as she leaned over and puked before the alcohol consumed her completely causing her to pass out, john barely stopped her from hitting her head on the table. He picked her up and began to carry her to her room. Once in her room he placed her in bed and looked at her "what am i going to do with you" he said before walking away to his own room.
The morning sun lit up the room and y/n's head spun as she sat up in bed. She tried to remember the events of last night but could only remember a few things but it was all kind of blurry. But then it hit her like a wall. 'oh no no no no no' she buried her head into her hands and laid back down again as the memories of her confession came flooding back. And that's where she spent the next couple of days avoiding john at all costs, she couldn't face him. How on earth was she going to play a couple with him after what she had told him?.
The departure day soon arrived and y/n tried to make little to no eye contact with john as she could keeping silent all the way to russia and soon they were checking into their hotel room. As john opened the door to their shared room, a letter was on their bed explaining the details of the ball they would attend that night. 'arrive separately and dress to improve'. Y/n didn't even pay attention to the note and made her way to the bathroom to start getting ready and john left. He had spent enough time with her to know when she was in a bad mood, he would just ask for a separate room.
Y/n sat in a limo that winston arranged for her and she double checked she had all her weapons. Gun? Check. Knife? Check. Spare gun? Double check. She felt uncomfortable in the dress that winston also provided. It was a typical princess dress. It was a royal blue floor length ball gown that hugged her waist perfectly and her hair was in a simple updo. No one would ever suspect that someone so beautiful would be a killer.
She pulled up outside the venue and various women walked into the building. She sighed before getting out the car with the help of an employee who led her inside and told her to wait in a line with other women. She had no idea why she was there. "hey" she called to the women in front of her "why are we stood here?" the women turned and gave her a look of confusion "we always do this? You know one by one we walk down the staircase? It's kinda like a show for the men" she said it so calmly and turned away. 'great' she thought 'I'm being placed out on display for some chauvinistic pricks'. She closed her eyes and watched as the line got shorter and shorter and the closer she got, the more anxious she got. This would be the first time she would see john in almost a week and after the confession. Y/n shook her head and concentrated 'im here for a mission. Relax' and as soon as she relaxed her fake name was called. "Mrs Lisa Martin" she stepped out onto the long staircase and she instantly saw john at the bottom.
John looked up when he heard y/n's name called and practically choked on his own breath. She looked stunning. After what she said to him the other day he couldn't stop thinking about her, the time he had spent with her and how he had been in love with her from the second they met all those years ago, but he had learnt from experience that it was never a good idea for him to love someone. "hey man your wife is hot" a young man next to him pointed out and john ignored him walking forward to meet y/n at the bottom of the staircase.
"you look stunning" he whispered "yhh well you clean up nicely yourself" she faked a laugh. The normally relaxed air between the two felt awkward and y/n wished the earth would just swallow her whole at this point but she did have to admit that john looked extra good with his suit on and hair slicked back. "have you seen joon yet?" she asked trying to quickly change the conversation and he looped her arm with his in an attempt to look like they were in fact together as he began to walk around the hall. He nodded to a man in the corner. He was short and had hair that was covered in a hundred layers of gel. He also had two huge bodyguards standing next to him. As she looked up to him, he was already staring at her darkly. "seems like you've already captured his heart. Go and talk to him from what i heard he sleeps with any old harlot" john said and y/n looked shocked and wanted to hit him. The way he said it implied that she was worthless and it crushed her heart even more. Is that how he thought of her ?. Of course he didn't. He just wanted to get the mission over with and had chosen his words stupidly. " I'll meet you in the bedroom on the 3rd floor lure him up there" and john left. Before she could even think of a reply, his spot next to her was occupied by joon. "good evening mrs martin. You look beautiful" he growled looking at her up and down and she had to stop herself gagging at his action. "thank you. You also look….. Handsome" she struggled on the last bit but he smirked.
After an hour or so of none stop flirting, y/n was ready to pull the gun out there and then and end it all. "what do you say we head upstairs?" he whispered into her ear and y/n sighed knowing that she could get the mission over with soon. She faked a smile and nodded. Joon leaned over to his bodyguards and whispered something before dragging her off. "wait….. Let's go to the 3rd floor bedroom" she said quickly and he looked confused "no one will be able to hear us there" she thought of the excuse quickly and he must have bought it because he began to pull her to the third floor.
Pushing open the door to the room, joon practically jumped on the girl and began to tug at her dress. 'wow this guy has no idea' she thought and played along with his game. Her eyes caught sight on john in the dark bathroom as he began to make his way out and towards joon.
Pushing the gun to the back of his head, joon stopped and looked down at y/n. "sorry. You shouldn't have broke Continental rules" she smirked "you bitc…." john pulled the trigger and blood went everywhere as joons dead body fell to the ground.
"yep thanks john" y/n said sarcastically wiping blood of her face and john helped her up. "come on we need to leave now". Y/n practically ripped the dress off before pulling on jeans and a shirt which she had john hide earlier. The gown was nice but impractical to do anything in.
The two made their way down to the street below as they heard shouts coming from the room they were just in but began to make their way back to the hotel, trying not to draw any unwanted attention to them. The mission was done and they could go home.
Once inside y/n began to pack and john stopped her. "are you mad at me?" he asked and y/n ignored him feeling tears in her eyes. "y/n" he pleaded and she turned to him "no john im not mad. You practically called me a slut knowing full well how I felt about you but im completely fine" the tears poured down her face as the sarcastic words left her mouth "what on earth are you talking about?" he asked and y/n laughed "oh sure 'i heard he sleeps with any old harlot' ring any bells'" she mocked him and john realised his mistake. "y/n i didnt mean it like….." john stopped when y/n slapped him. " i hate you john wick" she whispered before walking away. John grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. He stared at her in silence for a minute before pulling her into a deep kiss. At first she tried to push him off but soon relaxed into it. He pulled away from her before speaking again "ok i admit i used the wrong words but you know i didnt mean it like that. And after you told me how you felt the other day i realised something" he paused and y/n laughed again "what? That i'm a child?" this time john laughed "no. You are more of a women than someone twice your age. Yhh you moan about stupid things but when the time comes for it you know exactly what to do. You always know the right thing to say and i'm sorry i never noticed it before. I'm sorry I called you a child.  I'm sorry I didn't realise I loved you sooner" y/n continued to cry but the tears turned into happy tears. "john" she whispered "do you mean that?" he pulled her closer "every word of it. You're the most beautiful, kindest badass ive ever met". Y/n leaned up to kiss him again and john smiled. "come on let's go home before they figure out who we were" john laughed and y/n buried her head into his chest as her heart fluttered at the thought of being with john.
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chungha-supremacist · 6 years
No borders - Chapter 2
word count: 5003
“It’s just us 5 right?”
“No men allowed… ever. Let’s promise to eachother that we will never let any man come in between us!”
Naive promises told at a young age, just between 5 best friends. They promised their world to eachother, “best friends ‘till death breaks us apart”. 10 Years passed. The same 5 girls, but no longer blinded by those “stupid promises”. It will be broken. The promise of a lifetime. The lust of love is what makes us all see unclear. We lose our friends, or soulmates, we fall for the unknown, we fall for lies and for the feeling of being important to someone who will drag us far away from who truly matters.
“Forget about the world… forget about them… right now, it’s only me and you. They don’t need to know that I love you.”
Fandom: RED VELVET (Band), NCT (Band)
Relationships: Park Sooyoung / Kim Yerim; Bae Joohyun / Kang Seulgi; Son Seungwan / Nakamoto Yuta
Characters: Park Sooyoung; Kim Yerim, Bae Joohyun, Kang Seulgi, Son Seungwan, Seo Youngho, Jung Jaehyun, Nakamoto Yuta, Dong Si Cheng, Wong Yuk Hei, Lee Taeyong, Chung Ha
Additional Tags: friendship,angst, mistrust, lies, cheating, lesbian interactions, smut, fluff, fashion, models, rich life, etc
Sooyoung found herself in the most awkward encounter with her alleged “boss” at the dinner, in a pub where all you could see were horny couples grinding on eachother on the dance floor and drunk dudes whistleing and winking at her. She felt out of context, especially because all Yuk Hei was doing was drool over every chick who would pass his sight.
“Could you be any more obvious…” sighs Sooyoung.
“Jealous?” says Yuk Hei now smirking at her.
“You’re drunk. Maybe it’s better if I will drive your car to your home, so that I make sure WE get there safe and I can take the subway to my home-“
“I’m not drunk, Sooyoung. I just wanna have some fun tonight, whether if it’s gona be with you or with some random chi-“
Sooyoung was so full of it that her punch met the table in the loundest way possible which made Yuk Hei forget his words.
“Hey.. I was joking, ok..”
“I am not joking here, Yuk Hei. If you just wanted me to come here for you to get me drunk and get laid with me, you should’ve said so. Goddamnit, boys are all the same!” screams Sooyoung, now being angrier than ever before, while grabbing her purse and running out of the pub.
She felt like tearing up. She can’t stand this feeling anymore. Every guy she tries to even be friends with, they all end up wanting “something” back… She is sick of these “species” called males.
Sooyoung doesn’t bother to turn around and she wipes the small tears from her eyes hearing Yuk Hei running after her. Soon, he catches up to her and grabs her hand firmly, turning her to face him, centimeters away from eachother.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what. Nothing happened there, I’m just tired. Take me home. Or I’ll take the subway.”
“I’ll take you home Sooyoung.”
They were now standing in the even more awkward silence than the atmosphere at the pub. Yuk Hei was pretending to be focused on driving and Sooyoung was desperately refreshing her messages waiting for a message from Yeri who seemed to have been offline the entire day. She sighs.
“What’s wrong..?” says Yuk Hei while putting one hand on her leg.
“Don’t touch me.” And she throws his hand away.
Yuk Hei suddenly stops the car at an empty gas station.
“Sooyoung, I know you don’t have a good impression of me-“
“Damn right.”
“But tonight I invited you to change that.”
“Does it seem like it worked?”
“No.. but I want to make it work.”
“What do you even want Yuk Hei…”
Sooyoung swears she gaged at this word.
“Excuse me?”
“Sooyoung… give me a chance.”
“You are my boss!!” quietly screams Sooyoung.
“So? I’m technically not. I am just the chief of your department Sooyoung, and nobody would care anyway. One chance. Let me prove you that you are the only woman I’ve been thinking about lately.”
The strong smell of liquoir was now filling Sooyoung’s nostrils and she knew what she had to do.
“You are drunk and saying nonsense. Grow out of it. Tomorrow you wont even know what you just said now and you will get back to sleeping with 10 different girls per night.”
“That is not true!!” protests Yuk Hei.
“Oh yeah? Tell me more of how you fucked almost all the models from our company until now except me and Chung Ha. Hmm, I wonder WHY you chose exactly me and her to go out with you tonight. Luckly Chung Ha is not a stupid, sensitive person like me.”
Now Sooyoung feels more uncomfortable than ever. She just wants to run out of this stinky car.
“You- How do you know that??!! You got proof, honey??!!” screams Yuk Hei, now seeming like a monster in comparison to the innocent Sooyoung.
“I- BECAUSE I HAVE EARS YOU DUMB SLUT! DON’T YOU THINK I TALK WITH THE GIRLS YOU USE?? Don’t you think they cry to me after you ruin their lives with sweet lies, promising them the moonlight and in the end, leaving them on the edge of killing themselves??!! They feel like worthless whores after you use them!” Sooyoung can’t believe she just had the guts to say this.
“Sooyoung.” Says Yuk Hei while locking the doors of the car.
“W-what. W-what are you doing??” Sooyoung is now on the verge of crying and screaming.
“I will teach you a lesson, Sooyoung. Right here, right now.”
Yuk Hei unzips his pants and Sooyoung swears that she’s going to start crying.
“Yuk Hei please… Let me go, I don’t want you.” Cries Sooyoung while hitting on the door to open.
“After this, you will want me, baby girl.”
He takes his pants off revealing his expensive underwear and his very erected member.
Sooyoung is a smart girl. She wipes off her tears and crawls on top of him.
“See, you already know what you have to do baby girl. Now please your boss and maybe we’ll see about a promotion or something-“ but Sooyoung turns around and presses the button to unlock the doors. She falls on the stone-cold ground of the empty gas station and starts screaming for help. Right when she gets up, Yuk Hei grabs her hand animalistically and covers her mouth. Sooyoung bites with all her power on his finger and Yuk Hei screams in pain. She left her purse in his car, but she couldn’t care less. She is now running, screaming for help, but there was hardly anyone on the street. She runs for the subway station where she finds a tall man, dressed in a suit, lazily scrolling on his phone while waiting for the subway. She runs to him and grabs his hand desperately like her life depended on it. The male stands up in fear.
“Please help me. I am being chased.”
“By who?”
“There is a guy! Tall, black hair, wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. H-he is trying t-o-“
“Don’t worry, stay by my side and if you see him, I will make sure nothing will happen to you, alright? Calm down please.”
Sooyoung takes a seat next to the man who looked so neat and who smelled like vanilla. She is trying to catch her breath when she realized her shirt was half unbuttoned and she lets out a small cry.
“I’m sorry…” she sobs.
“It’s alright. Don’t worry.” Says the man trying to reassure the insanely scared girl.
The subway arrives in the station and they both go in, no sign of Yuk Hei still following her.
“Do you think he is still looking for you?”
“That guy… He is my boss… I will have to face him at work… Or at least when I will apply my resignation.”
“Aha… Do you live far from the subway station where you get down? I can take you to your place if you’re still scared.”
After what happened, Sooyoung couldn’t trust anyone. Especially a stranger. She had no phone or money whatsoever at her so she had no one to call.
“May I use your phone..?” she quietly asks.
“Of course.” Says the man while taking out his huge, expensive phone.
Now the problem was: the only phone numbers she knew were her mom’s, her aunt’s and… Yeri’s. But Yeri hasn’t answered all day to her messages and calls, why would she answer now… She’s probably asleep. But she still tries her luck. She calls.
Sooyoung swears she will start crying hearing the reassuring words of her best-friend.
“Y-yeri-ah… It’s me, Sooyoung. Joy.”
“JOY??!! Is this a new phone?”
“What is wrong?” and now Yeri’s voice turned darker and more serious than ever.
Sooyoung starts crying.
“Y-yeri.. can you come pick me up from the subway station please.”
“SOOYOUNG WHAT IS WRONG??!! Yes!! I’m coming right now!” there is a pause and then Sooyoung hears the voice of a male on the other end, talking to Yeri and telling her ‘See you some other time?’. Sooyoung’s stomach ached.
“What was that-?”
“What was what? WHERE ARE YOU JOY??!!”
“In the subway, im getting down in 2 minutes. I’ll explain when we meet. Bye.”
The man smiles at her.
“Is everything ok? Is someone picking you up?”
“Yes yes! Thank you so much, Mister! This is where I get down… Thank you again…”
Sooyoung must’ve bowed to the man 50 times because she couldn’t thank the him enough.
When she exits the subway, there she is, Yeri, in the most gorgeous dress in the world, a silky black dress complimenting her body like a crown compliments a princess’ head. She worriedly runs to hug Sooyoung tightly and puts her jacket around her.
“Sooyoung… oh my godness… what happened??!!”
Sooyoung wipes her tear of happiness after seeing Yeri.
“Yuk Hei. I went out with him.”
“What??!! Your boss you mean??”
“Ex-boss. I aint walking in that office ever again.” Sobs Sooyoung while being guided by Yeri.
“Oh no… What did he do…”
“He tried to rape me Yeri.”
Yeri could swear she is going to punch a wall. She feels as anger grows inside of her and she feels like both crying and go look for the guy who did this to her other half.
“Soo…young.” Yeri finds her words terribly hard. “I cant believe this..” and she falls into Sooyoung arms, hugging around her small waistline. Sooyoung pats her head and they both start crying under the dark sky filled with stars.
It is the next day and Irene shows no sign of being calm, standing in front of all the girls, after Sooyoung told them what happened.
“Where does he live???”
“What?? HE needs to pay!”
“And what? You will go and fight him with your pilates movements??” replies Seulgi, making Wendy burst a small laugh.
“Hey.. I think the best way to deal with this is calling the police, right?” says Yeri. “This was almost harassment!”
“ALMOST, Yeri. The police cant do anything if it DIDN’T ACTUALLY HAPPEN and if Sooyoung has no sign of harassment on her body like bruises, hickeys, blood, cum.”
“I do have some bruises from when I fell on my knees…” says Sooyoung looking to the ground like being embarrassed to talk about what happened.
“Doesn’t prove anything!” screams Irene, being on the verge of giving up. She cant take stressful situations for shit.
“Ok ok ok. I see all of us are stressed here so what about: Sooyoung, you give your resignation throught email to the main CEO of your company so that you don’t have to go there and give it yourself and encounter the bastard. Next step, buy you a new phone.” Says Wendy.
“With what money…” replies Sooyoung demolished by the thought that she is now jobless.
“We will help you sweetie!” says Seulgi while kneeling in front of Sooyoung and massaging on her knee like a mother reassuring her daughter.
“I cant girls- I cant let you do this for me… I need a new job.”
“I think I can solve this…” says Yeri.
“Wait? What? How? I thought your company doesn’t accept any new models?” says Irene.
“Not me… I got a.. well… friend who can help you.”
“Friend??” gasps Wendy.
“The guy.. The guy I went out with last night.”
Wendy swears she choked while hearing about him.
“The photographer huh?” she says.
“Yes! Him.”
“Wait what- What guy?” says Sooyoung more confused then ever, until she realizes the male voice she heard last night through Yeri’s phone.
“He is a photographer for my company and for another company aswell. He also said  his other company are looking for more models since they are at the beginning and she asked me if I know any girls willing to do this and guess what-“
“No.” says Sooyoung all of the sudden.
“What??!!” screams Irene. “ Are you crazy Sooyoung??!! This is the best opportunity ever given to you!”
“No… I don’t want the mercy of your boyfriend, Yeri.” And with this, she leaves the room leaving only silence between the girls.
“H-he is n-not my boyfriend.” Stutters Yeri, trying to catch Sooyoung not to leave the house.
“You said y’all went out huh? Wasn’t it like a “date”?”
“I mean… It was but Sooyoung… He’s not my boyfriend, actually, I don’t think we have much in common, I don’t know.” Says Yeri trying to find her right words with her clearly jealous “friend”.
“Problems in paradise…” whispers Irene.
“Irene!!!” screams Seulgi.
Irene is now smirking while leaning on the wall. Seulgi swears sometimes she wants to rip that cocky smile off Irene’s face. She thinks too much. Her mind always “overthinks”. Irene thinks Sooyoung likes Yeri, but Seulgi denies this.
Sooyoung is now back in the room with the girls, sitting next to Yeri who is hugging her, to soften down the panicked friend and try to convince her.
“Sooyoung.” Says Wendy while biting her lip, not knowing if what she s about to say will affect her future… “I think you should accept working for Yeri’s… um.. friend.”
“Yees! See, all of us encourage you, Sooyoungie! Come oon! He is soo nice, you have nothing to worry about! I also heard one of his models is the Instagram Model Seo Soojin!” reassures Yeri excitedly.
“WAIT FOR REAL?” gasps Seulgi.
“Oh my god Seulgi, your crush is showing off…” sighs Irene.
“SHUT UP! You know I love Soojin, I follow her since she started her career!”
“Why don’t u marry her then…” says Irene sassily while looking at her nails.
“Irene… fine, I will shut up…” pouts sadly Seulgi and looks to the ground.
Irene smirks again. Knowing that Seulgi wouldn’t do anything over the power of her word. She basically has Seulgi at her little finger… and she loves it.
It’s been a day. The girls spent it all together, watching 2 romantic movies at which Irene wanted to puke 5 times and Wendy didn’t pay any attention. They cooked together, played video games and had silly conversations. Nothing unusual.
Yeri is now alone, on the hallway, calling her photographer friend.
“Hello. Hi Yuta, it’s me, Yerimmie.”
“Of course, you don’t need to say who you are you know? It says when you call” says Yuta sarcastically, while letting out a small laugh.
Yeri seemed unphased but she left out a small laugh for the situation to not be awkward.
“So, you told me about your other company and that you are looking for new models?”
The conversation goes on, Yeri basically begging for him to take her bestie, Sooyoung, as a model at that company. They both come to the agreement that Sooyoung needs to come to an interview with him and his friends, the ones that basically run the entire company. He reassures Yeri that they are a trustable company, after Yeri summed up to him what happened to Sooyoung last night with her alleged “boss”.
Wendy listened to the entire conversation. ‘Yuta.. this sure is an unusual name… just as beautiful as the man who owns it…’. Wendy caught herself thinking about him again. This is bad Wendy. BAD BAD BAD.
The following day, Sooyoung is more nervous than ever. She just sent her resignation through email to her CEO and she is waiting for an answer while she is getting ready for the job interview Yeri arranged for her. Sadly, Yeri wasn’t available today to come with her, since she had work to do, a runway most exactly, very important and couldn’t miss it. Irene refused to come because she “had better stuff to do”, Seulgi cried about how she has too many photos to edit and the only one left was… Wendy.
“I-I don’t think it’s a good idea…” stutters Wendy knowing that if she goes there, she will see Yuta.
“Comee onn!! Why not! You re the only friend I have left who doesn’t have work to do today. Please!”
“H-how do you know I aint got work t-to do..?”
“YOU DON’T WENDY!! You just said yesterday ‘Oh man, I cant wait for tomorrow to come since I have nothing to do but to laze around’.”
“Oh my god…” Wendy facepalms herself. “You really pay a lot of attention to what I say don’t you…”
“Yes. Now get ready. Dress up formally since not only me, but my bestie has to make a good impression too.”
“Whatever.. all im gona do was cheer cringely for you anyway….”
Still, she knew she will meet him. She had to look good, at least decent.
Wendy decides to go for a green, college-like sweater with a pair of skinny black jeans that complimented her legs like no other, some black knee-high boots and a leather jacket.
Sooyoung was wearing her hair in a ponytail, dressed in a flowy dress, Balenciaga Triple S shoes and a Balenciaga jacket.
They soon leave Sooyoung’ s apartment and they get In her car where she starts blabbering about how nervous she is. Wendy couldn’t help but not focus on what she was saying. She was nervous. She was just as nervous as her best-friend. Maybe even more. ‘No wrong move, Wendy.’ ‘Don’t look at him, Wendy’ ‘Don’t faint, Wendy’. It is BAD BAD BAD.
There they are. In a huge, 45 storey building, all glass everywhere and the most futuristic furniture. Dinamic walls that imitate a waterfall are welcoming the girls at the entrance desk, where an inasanely gorgeous woman in a suit waits for them with a big smile.
“Hello, ladies.”
“Uhm, hello m’am.” Says Sooyoung. “My name is Sooyoung”
Wendy hits her with her shoulder.
“Park Sooyoung” she adds.
“Oh, yes, that’s right! You ve got an interview in 5 minutes, right?”
“Yes! She,, she is my friend, Wendy. She came to support me, is it ok is she comes with me.. please?” pleads Sooyoung with her puppy eyes.
“Yes, of course. All of us need a back-up friend, an interview can be very stressful! Floor 35, Room 102. You have a changing room right next to it. You have the outfit you need to wear waiting for you there. Here is the key to the locker. Good luck!”
She sounded like a little machine at this point, together with her robotic smile. This made Sooyoung even more nervous. In the elevator, Wendy is adjusting her hair.
“Why are you even prepping yourself so much? Its not like you are the one being interviewed…”
“You said it yourself. In order to make a good impression, you need your friend to look just as good as you.” Says Wendy cockily.
“Ugh…” sighs Sooyoung as they get out of the elevator.
Everything is set and done. Sooyoung has changed into the interview outfit which was way less revealing than the one she had to wear for the previous interview for the other company. She felt relieved. This meant they are not some creeps like Yuk Hei. Wendy reassures Sooyoung by telling her she is gorgeous and that she will do well. She combed Sooyoung’s stunning slightly curled hair and now she looks like a princess. She is ready. But, is Wendy ready for what’s about to come?
 “Hello.” Bows Sooyoung politely as she shyly enters Room 102.
She is greeted by 3 of the most beautiful males in the world. Sooyoung is feeling it again. She will stand in front of 3 males. 3 insanely gorgeous males. They looked like models for the biggest modelling company. She couldn’t believe her eyes that they were just some CEOs.
She is followed by Wendy who refuses to look at the table where the 3 men where standing. She greets them with a small bow and stands next to Sooyoung as she is introducing her as her friend and asks for permission if she can stay during the interview.
“Of course.”
She heard this voice, this so familiar voice. She finally gains courage and looks up at the table. There he was, the man she has been dreaming for 3 days now. The “forbidden” temptation. He had his hair pushed back now. His blonde hair was now sleeked back, leaving sight to his forehead. He was wearing a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, showing off his expensive Rollex. His accompanied friends weren’t any lower than him.
“You can take a seat next to us” kindly but intimidatingly  says one of the others. “ My name is Dong Sicheng and I am the CEO of this company. I want to welcome you here first, and wish you luck. I wont be talking during this interview, I will let my mates do this.”
The CEO was definitely something else. A slender man, but very good-looking. All dressed in a black suit and a red tie. His auburn hair looked insanely sharp, as it was styled with care like it was the creation of God. He sure was intimidating. Standing there, not saying a word but analyzing every move with the attention of a tiger aiming for it’s prey.
“My name is Kim Doyoung. You may introduce yourself” said the last man of the 3.
She recognized him. Sooyoung. Sooyoung knew him. It was him. The man that saved her in the subway. The insanely kind and amazing guy that offered his phone to her. The tall and handsome male was looking at Sooyoung like he knew her. He recognized the girl and gave her a reassuring smile. She could read a warm “everything will be alright!” on his face, just like two nights ago. He looked just as sleek as that night. Suit, pushed back hair with a sense of gel in it.
Wendy quietly sat on the other side of their table, next to Doyoung, so that she wont have to sit next to Yuta. She felt followed. She didn’t know why but she had the impression he was looking at her. Even if she knew, its all in her panicked head. The males smelled absolutely heavenly. She felt like she was sitting among the angels.
Sooyoung was doing so well, she was showing off her amazing body in the most sensual ways and the males seemed to show now sign of “perversion” at her presentation. They seemed formal and professional. This boosted Sooyoung’s confidence even more, knowing she is not showing herself off to some “preditors”. Wendy smiled to Sooyoung the entire time, but she couldn’t help not stare at Yuta while he was focused on studying Sooyoung. Wendy analysed Yuta like the most surreal painting you find in a museum, trying to uncover his secrets. She wanted to know more. She wanted to know him. She needed to approach Yuta. But no. This is BAD BAD BAD.
Sooyoung was now done and the males sent her to the changing room to put back her casual clothes. Wendy was left alone with them. She felt like the minutes became hours. She was sweating so bad and the silence was a killer. Until one of them broke it and said “What do you think?”.
“Isnt it weird for us to talk about this next to her friend?” said the CEO, Sicheng, nonchalantly, like Wendy couldn’t hear them just perfectly.
“Don’t mind me… I can leav-“
“No, theres no problem.” Stopped Yuta.
She swore her heart fell to the ground and came back to her chest. It meant nothing to him, he was just being nice and a professional man, but yet, in her hopeful mind, she hoped that maybe he found the slightest interest in her.
The males were filling the room with their deep, rough voices as they were talking about Sooyoung. In the end, they decided to accept her. Wendy jumped off her seat unconscioudly and screamed a small “YES!”.
The males were staring at her blankly. Except for Yuta, who started smiling and broke the silence with a small laugh.
“You must be really happy for your best friend. Especially after what I heard happened to her. I am so sorry.” He said.
That was it. She felt like there was only him and her right now.
“Y-yes. She suffered a lot. You guys gave her a chance to be happy again and gain her own money, she is a very hard-working person, don’t worry about it!” added Wendy, trying to be as serious as she could.
Sooyoung entered the room and Wendy could read on her face that she was extremely anxious and nervous. She ran to hug her. This made Doyoung and Yuta smile a little. Sicheng looked at them and rolled his eyes. The man for sure was the most professional here and he was very stiff. He announced Sooyoung that she was accepted, gave her a timetable, a key to her new private locker and changing room and a list with all the phone numbers and the names of them and the models of their company. Wendy’s eyes widened when she saw Yuta’s number on that paper. But, she would never have the courage to ever use it… Would she?
Right after saying goodbye to them and before leaving, Yuta calls for Wendy.
“Hey, I just wanted to know, are you by any chance the girl that was at Yerim’s apartment when I came to take her? You seem familiar, that’s why.” Said Yuta while gathering the scattered papers from the desk.
“Yes. Its me. I also recognized you.” Says Wendy slightly awkwardly.
“Ah, that’s nice. So if im friends with Yeri, I guess we can be too… or?”
Wendy swore she felt like she was just asked to prom in the 7th grade by the cutest guy in the class. But they were two grown up adults. Yet he made her feel so comfortable, so childish around him.
She rushes a “Yes, yes! Of course!”.
“That is great” he shows a sweet smile. So sweet she feels her feet melt. His whole face took another meaning when he smiled. “Ask Yeri or Sooyoung for my number, if you ever need anything or just want to… you know, see eachtoher at a coffee or something.”
“Ah. Yes, sure!” she couldn’t think of anything smart to say. She was brainwashed.
They were now in Sooyoung’s car, on their way to Seulgi’s place where they all were planning to see eachother and celebrate Sooyoung’s new job. Wendy was looking on the window the whole way home. She was smiling. She was happy. She was feeling for this man something she hasn’t ever felt before for a man, and she had many meaningful relationships throughout her life. But never has she dreamt at a man the way she keeps thinking at this one. Next step: she had to know what Yerim truly feels for this man! She had to know if she has to erase him forever from her memory or if maybe she has a chance.
They got to Seulgi’s place where they were greeted with arms opened by all the girls. Even Irene seemed truly happy, she had a wide smile that the girls haven’t seen in so long.
“Soooo… HOW DO WE PARTY TONIGHTT??!!” jumps Yeri excitedly.
“Why don’t we go to the club?” proposes Seulgi. “I don’t really want to clean up over a party that we would hold at my place”.
“I would help you…” mumbles Irene.
“Shuut up! I want in a club!” protests Seulgi who seemed like a child who wants candies.
“I am alright with this!” says Wendy while staying on her phone, looking for clubs.
They all agreed in the end, more or less they had to drag Irene there. They were all getting ready and Yerim was in the bathroom doing her make-up since the whole bedroom was packed with the other girls. Wendy saw the perfect oprtunity. Now it’s the time. Now or never.
“Yerimie…” says Wendy shyly cracking the bathroom door open to make sure she wasn’t gona walk on to Yeri being naked or something.
“Yes, Wendy?”
“Hey…” she scratched the back of her neck. “You know… just a question…”
“Sure, what is it” says Yeri nonchalantly while applying lip gloss.
“I just wanted to ask you, you know, just from pure curiosity. How was that date with… what was his name..” she pretended to forget the name she has been having in mind all the time.
“Yuta. It was… nice I guess.”
“You guess?” she felt her heart skipping.
“Yeah. The guy is ok, very charming, handsome, well mannered, a real gentleman. But I don’t really wanna mess into a relationship with my photographer. It would be slightly weird and if we ever get to break up, I could never pose for him again, it would be awkward.”
“I see…”
“So yeah. But I am interested in keeping to see him. You know, as friends I guess. I don’t really know what else to say about him.”
“Aha… Alright then, I was thinking to take a shower before leaving, are you done with your make-up?”
“Yes, just now. You can have fun in the shower.” Says Yeri while smirking and patting Wendy on the shoulder.
This is exactly what she needed to do. Relax herself, make her lose her mind for a moment. She could lose her mind but he would still not leave it. Wendy enters the shower and pleases herself thinking about him, hoping that he does the same.
 The girls are now all prepped and ready to go hit the biggest club in Seoul, Octagon. Any male that would see them now, would feel their boner kicking in. Five insanely hot girls, all dressed in leather skirts, dressed or pants, crop tops and high heels being the main star of their outfits. They looked like they were heading out for Seoul Fashion Week, not for a club night. 
Little did they know was that tonight was about to be a night to remember, forever…
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Inky Terrors Of The Past Chapter 5 Part 3- Finale
A.N: Part 3! the Finale of the story! happy halloween everyone to all who's reading this and this is sadly the last chapter of the story in total...... sorry for the cliffhanger ^^; corr belongs to @core4lost [[shhhhhhdonttellthemaboutthesecretgjfghfhghg]]
Henry came out from under the table a few minutes later, he makes a pant and a breath of relief as he held his chest "oh god... why... why bendy?!" he punches the floor "why did you have to give yourself up for me?!" he said as he held his head, he was blaming himself for what happened. The Retired Animator makes a groan and punched a hole almost in the walls as he plopped against the wall sighing, rubbing his head as he tries to figure out what to do now, as of now his only friend and protection of the studio was... gone... stuck inside that thing... his eyes glared as he clenched his fists "...no.... he's not done yet... that bastard is going to pay for taking him away.." he glared as he picked up his gun and axe, "hang in there buddy... im gonna make sure i kill that son of a bitch" he glares as his eyes would faintly glow red "i promise" he said as he would walk off. the halls were quite, almost nothing could be heard. the others were almost at the top but the elevator must of stopped so they were waiting by a short staircase as they all heard the echoing roar earlier, everything in the studio did including the ink demon who was resting in one of the rooms as he makes a displeased growl his plan failed... or so he thinks he gets a idea as his grin grew the toon demon was still alive though his body was barley alive just stuck.. but his spirit was he would just bide his time and wait until he come over to start pleading and begging for his help. all he had to do... was to wait. Henry ran around trying his hardest to look for the damn creature, he knew he was taking a HUGE death risk but curse his kind hearted nature, he wasn't gonna let that creature get away, not with bendy he promised the toon he would get him and everyone else out of here and he wasn't going to break that promise he get them out, no matter the cost. he stops when he finally hears the sounds of that damned creature roaring as he grips on his axe more "found you... ya damn bastard..." he said as he starts to follow the noises. he saw the creature lumbering about fighting off a innocence group of lost ones as henry took notice of that, glaring as he rang a shot in the air "HEY YOU!!" he said, the creature stopping and turning around "REMEMBER ME?!" he said as the creature howls a bit in laughter "wElL wElL wElL, If iT aIn'T heNrY? I tHouGh YoU rAn OFf LIke THaT dEmOn ToLD yA ToO... BuT yOu CaME to mE.... iNTeReStING.. hUMANs ArE sO mYStERIoUS... BUT sO naViNE tOo" he said as henry glares more, gripping on his axe more "what do you even gain from doing all of this?!" he said as the creature chuckles darkly "WiTH A bOdY AnD lImITnesS EneRGy IT'Ll Be EASy FoR mE tO DeStRoY tHis WorTHLEsS pLaNEt aND tAke It OvEr As mY oWn" he said as henry only grew more angry "is this all just a damn game to you?!" he said his eyes flashing red "do you even show ANY remorse for the people you kill?!" he said as the creature howls with more laughter "FoOLiSh HuMAn, thIs WhOle pLanEt IS liKe a gAMe FoR Me, I PlAyEd EvErYoNe LiKE PAwNs~" he said grinning darkly as his three tails swayed a bit the creature chuckles darkly at henry as the retired animator glares a bit, gripping on his axe as he takes a step back, his common sense pleading him to run away but he was not about to give up, not when he and bendy had come so far. he was gonna save him no matter the cost, even if he had to die. the creature snarls and gives chase to henry as he quickly runs, getting a headstart as the creature ran on all his limbs minus it's tails and bony wings "YoU cAn'T rUn fOReVeR huMAn!!" he said as he telports and reappears just barley missing to swipe at henry "I'lL cAtcH YOU eVeNtUaLlY!" he said, with the retired animator running more until he hid around the corner gripping his axe tightly as he drenched it in acetone a bit from one of the puddles. he was gonna give that creature a painful burn. the creature looks around lumbering as his three tails dragged on the ground, his two extra arms and hands dragging themselves along the walls for balance as the creature clicks and growls, looking around for henry as it's inky soulless eyes glared around growling a lot "cOmE oUt, coMe OuT wHErEeVeR yOU ArE HeNRy JaRvIS... i KnOW yOUR sTiLL HErE..." he said growling more, henry gripping on the axe. when the creature was close enough and wasn't looking, henry would jump and start slamming the axe as the creature snarls out in pain from the sudden blows and stinging burn it was getting, henry kept bringing the axe down as hard as he could. the creature fell to the ground after having so many blows down to him as henry panted gripping on the axe, before getting ready for one final blow to the head. before his eyes widen, he was swatted by the waist by one of the creature's sharp claws as he was flung towards the floor as he coughs up his blood holding his waist as he tries to get up, seeing the creature struggling to get up "GrGRgR... Do yOu HoNEsTlY thInk ThAt WaS gOnNa WorK?" he said as henry struggles to get up the creature laughs as he held up his hand only to find it not responsing "HuH?" it said as it tried moving it again, henry grew confused at that and his eyes widen when he realized it was bendy's doing, the demon still had some strength left, he quickly got up and started to run as the creature howls and tries to regain back control to said arm. the ink demon was resting when he felt the room changed he wouldn't look up until he heard a pleading whine "wElL, wElL, wElL... IF iT aInT tHE dEvIL DaRlInG hiMSElF~" he said as the hooded demon's spirit pouted "ha ha... but listen i don't have much time! that.... that creature! it finally got a body!" he said as the ink demon huffed "YeAh... i kNOw... aND...?" he said smirking as the hooded demon frowns "come on you know damn well what that thing will do... and... i guess.... im asking for...." the ink demon waited, his grin growing wider "CoMe oN... leT's HEaR it~" he said as bendy sighed "i... need your help..." he said as the ink demon chuckles "AlrIgHt, LEt'S hEa-" he stopped when the demon held him his soul "...wHa-" he was cut off by the demon sighing "this is what you wanted right? you need me in order to go into your true form don't you.... plus.... i... d...don't think i can keep on fighting him back like this for much l-longer s...so p-please... if you don't wanna d-" he coughs as he glitches "if you don't wanna do this just for me or henry than do it for your title! your supposed to be the most feared creature in this studios, not that thing!" he said as the ink demon stares, before looking at his own soul with a sigh, seeing how corrupted it had become only a speck of orange was left on the soul as the rest was covered or tainted by the ink he makes a nod as his hand starts glowing a purple like aura as he grabs the soul, the hooded demon's spirit smiled "please save him..." he said as he faded away as the ink demon allowed his body to transform even further as he now had what he always wanted, the toon demon's soul, now that he had that he could finally go to his most powerful form and be reborned... meanwhile with henry he was breathing as he hid in one of the stations. he knew it was a waste of time but what more could he have. he held in his breathe as long as possible as he saw the creature lumber back and fourth 'he knows im here he knows im here he knows im here!!!' he thought to himself repeatedly as he saw the creature's three tails lightly bumped the station, that was enough to get him to hightail it out of here as he quickly leaps out of the station, running as fast as he could as the creature snarls and snaps his head "F O U N D Y O U!!!" it said, chasing after him as henry leaps over a table and kept running at fast as he could, he stops when he saw a pack of ink snake raptors staring down at him, one of them seems different as henry stares at it as the new raptor circles him studying him as henry also studies the new one, it had a purplish like streak along its body and neck and tail and looked a bit bigger than the other raptors, at around 9 feet, its head was much smoother and a bit scarred too with a slight allosaurus crest almost, the raptor had cat like eyes but it seems much similar to a crocodile’s it wasn’t looking at him in a hungry or angry manner it almost seems to be looking at him.. in a curious yet threatening manner. suddenly a loud roar broke out as both henry and the small pack of 5 raptors along with the the bigger one turn over to see the creature near them. the creature growls and barks at the raptors telling them to pretty much move but ink snake raptors were never one to listen to orders, even from the ink demon or from this creature, the new raptor looked back at henry and he could see a look of empathy show up in it's eyes, as it turns around to release a loud angered shrill at the creature as the other raptors followed suit snarling as all six of them run at the creature, attacking by slicing, pouncing and biting onto the creature's inky flesh, the beast roars out in pain and tries to get them off but they were fast and smart little buggers, henry quickly ran out of the area before he clenched his head feeling something when he saw the creature before was trying to get him but one of his arms stopped working almost like... bendy was trying to still protect him. he stopped as he looked and a old memory lingers on his mind. he remembers seeing the unstable demon eating his brother's corpse, he remembers hearing joey's cousin Joseph trying to get him up but he too suffered the same faith, he remembers hearing the unstable demon screech out as he recalls joseph using a holy cross to burn through the demon's inky hell like hide to which it did. henry somehow forgave and comforted the demon despite knowing what happened he would never forget but he still comforted the demon despite that. the memory kept replaying in his head, he knew it wasn't bendy's fault. he clenches as he notices his hands were halfway turned to his toon like hands before he growls. his eyes glinting with red as he starts to turn into his toon form. the strange raptor snarls as it was slammed to the ground as the other raptors were already killed despite all of them fighting nonstop to wound the creature to which they did as it growled, ink oozing from every part of it's body as it uses it's magic to lift the strange raptor up in the air as it snarled and struggles glaring and hissing. the creature grins as it was gonna use it's new powers on this raptor before something sharp came hitting the back of the creature's head making it lose it's focus and dropping the raptor as the creature snarls and turns around, seeing henry already in his inked toon state as the monstorus verison of his toon form glares at the creature "Do yOu rEalLY tHiNk YOu CaN beAt me  iN tHiS sTaTe? YoU hAvEn'T hAd EnOuGh TiME to FuLLY tEsT oUt YoUR OwN pOWeRS, YoU rElIe ToO mUcH on YoUr owN rAge aNd AnGeR" he said as Henry snarls, as ink ooze more as he roars, a huge burst of energy comes out of him as the creature snarls in surprise "W H A T?!?!" the creature hisses as it covers its eyes waiting for the bright blast to end. when it did the creature looks to see something he never thought he see someone that was plagued by the ink could do. henry was different now, he looked similar to bendy's unstable form but without the skeletal like appearance, though he did have some sort of bone like ribs that are shown out of his now almost big inky like mass, despite size differences he looked far more animalistic than bendy's unstable form did, he even had a far more lizard like snout than the unstable demon had, the spines were also not like his unstable form's same with the tail. but either way he was pissed, the monster form of henry roars and runs at the creature already attacking him with all his might as the creature snarls as it was thrown, slammed, punched, and even jabbed many times before it was rammed to the ground. the monster henry snarls and starts to lift up one of his huge arms and like a spear he rams it hard onto the creature's chest he rammed it so hard that it almost made the arm go limp, he would do the same with the other arm as the creature from the force of the impact would fall underneath the weak floor as the monster henry quickly darted out of the way as he heard a thud like sound he loomed over the hole and saw the creature's body limp at first he though it was still alive as he growled and started to morph his claws into a axe but he soon thought of bendy, his reaction to seeing him like this.... same with corr... he grunted and sighed turning around to try to find a way to either calm down or spent up his energy when he felt something grabbing him by the leg, he looks down to see it was a part of the creature's magic as he was dragged and thrown down too as he screeches. he gets back up growling as he turns around, only to get slashed on the face as fresh ink ooze from the gash on his cheek as he snarls and tries attacking the creature again, only to get attacked by all four of it's arms, including the three tails as he was slammed towards a wall as the impact forced him to turn back to his inked like state of his toon form he growls as he was pinned down by the creature as it snarls and lifted it's one arm up before the same raptor from before lunges from above and started to claw and slice and bite at the creature as it snarled and tries to get the raptor off of it, henry's veins on his inky arm glowed red as he growls and grew some sort of sharp spines on his arm, the same with the other arm as he roars and lunges, jabbing the creature's chest with both his arms as the raptor quickly jumped off as the impact made the creature crash into the nearest pillar as it fell on it, the creature burried under the rubble as henry was now in his toon form, panting as he struggles to stay in form, he looks at the raptor who looked back and snorted, turning around to run off back to where it came. henry looks back, only to get grabbed and thrown through a wall as he crashes near a dead end, he was back in his human form as he tries getting up only to feel a sharp pain in his shoulder he looks to see the creature threw the blessed knife, hitting him with it as he wanted to scream but he couldn't the creature grins as it grunts making it's way over "It's FuNny tO me HeNRy, HeRe yOu aRe... riGhT WhEn YoUR aBoU-" he stops as he felt a familiar aura, he turns around to look at the right side of the wall, there... the ink demon shows up his glowing eye stares at the creature "Oh GoOd... yOur HeRe iNk DeMoN... I gUeSs I sHoUld GivE YOu THE hOnOR... gO oN ThEn... KilL ThE hUmaN" he said as the ink demon turns around, staring at henry as he starts to walk over towards the wounded human "AnY LaSt WoRdS hUmAn?" the creature said as henry sighed "yea...... im sorry bendy....... i failed you" the ink demon stopped for a moment and stares "...." the ink demon said nothing as it kept walking before kneeing down and grabbing the knife and yanking it out, henry braced for it but it never came he looked to see the ink demon still staring at him, and he gave henry a wink, henry could of swore he saw bendy in there for a split second before the ink demon motioned him to play dead, as he brought up the knife and striked. the creature thought henry had died "Ah WeLl... nICe wORk... nOw-" it stopped when it felt something cut it's cheek, the knife the creature looks to see the ink demon was the one that threw it, henry getting up as the creature states, before the ink demon started to change, to his true form his height changing to about 11'5 feet, his skeletal appearance going away the ink mass increasing his posture, his entire torso, and waist turn to a dark blue, as the scars on him glowed and hued purple, both his feet became globs of ink but his limp like stance was gone, he also seem to have grew a tail, his once glowing eye had turned to a roundish full on black eye with a white pupil.. that turned into a silt as his smile became much more eerie and sinister, his bowtie became normal again but it was a full out orange like color, his arms seem to be huge inky like arms the gloved hand dissapearing as he still have his finger like claws kinda, he snarls at the creature who stares in shock "W-WhAT?!?!?!" it said as the ink demon laughed "WhAt's WrOnG?~ DeMoN gOt Ya ToNgUE... HeY oLD mAn..." he said to henry as he looked at him "what?" he said as the ink demon snapped his fingers the wall that henry was slammed too opened like a secret door, seeing a hallway "Go... I'lL bE fiNe OlD mAn..." he said as henry nodded "hey" he said as he looked back, henry saluted him "good luck" he said as the ink demon only grinned "don't do anything stupid.... bud" he said as the ink demon snorted "I mAkE No prOmiSeS~" he said as henry ran off, the two creatures now stared at eachother. The fight starts out between the ink demon and the "nomad" creature, at first as Henry ran he saw a glimpse of the fight seeing how much on equal strength the two seems to fight until the ink demon used the creature's slow adaptation to its new body to his advantage, clawing and punching with his new huge inky arms and hands as the creature snarls and tried attacking the ink demon with its four arms and the demon kept dodging and using his new body and strength to some use taking a few hits before upper cutting the creature as they crashed to a room, Henry took notice of that and saw the creature finally getting the upper hand as it pinned the ink demon down, a shot rang out as it snarled in pain and held its head, looking up to see Henry up on a balcony like bridge before he ran. Before the creature could give chase it was suddenly punches hard to a wall by the ink demon as the two both roar loudly at eachother, slamming and punching eachother, though the creature had the size advantage being at around 20 ft tall, the longer stride and the wingspan giving it a much more taller posture but the ink demon had experience, speed, strength and most of all.... It had intelligence, it knew how to counter the creature. The ink demon charges tackling the creature through another wall and another wall until he threw the creature up in the air, before leaping up and going to the next room above that he threw the creature to. Henry looked over at a nearby window to see the creature and the ink demon fighting it out, both of them fighting nonstop as the creature snarls, using its four arms to slash at the ink demon trying to cause a fatal injury or at least cripple the demon but the ink demon grinned and gave a heavy blow making the creature crash through the window as Henry stepped back as the creature shook its head grumbling as it looks at Henry. before the creature could even comply to seeing Henry it was again charged through a wall by the ink demon as hengrumbles, turning around to look at Henry "WeLl? WhAt ARe yOu WaItInG fOr? GeT A mOvE oN!" He said, before getting pounded on by the creature as it snarls and stomps on the ink demon, before roaring out as it gets shot five times the damage the ink demon did to its hide made it more and more vulnerable to injuries like gun wounds as it snarls and gets pinned down by the ink demon as hnery kept running, the creature snarling and kicking the ink demon off as it tries to chase after Henry desperate to get the man's pure soul to have more power as the ink demon roars, leaping like a tiger and ramming his huge arms jabbing it into its spine as he starts moving it around almost like a puppet, making it slam into walls, floors and even the ceiling, eventually they brought their fight to a open like area as Henry could see the ink demon was having a but fun with the fight. Both the creature and the ink demon did show signs of exhaustion but the creature still didint give up as it fought the ink demon, the ink demon makes a snarl as he was slammed to a nearby anothe room as the ink demon growled and shook his head a bit, before getting up growling as he was punched by the creature as the ink Demon snarls, landing another punch on the creature's skull like face as it stumbles, Henry taking another shot and he was going to shoot it again, until he felt his gun was jammed "shoot!" He said as the creature snarls and runs at him, only for the creature to get charged into another room by the ink demon as they rolled around the creature roaring and throwing him to a multiple row of sharp blades as the ink demon was plopped to the wall as the creature grins, the ink demon makes a short laugh as his white pupil turned to a silt as he lifted his finger as the creature makes a low curious grumble before the ink demon makes a snap of his fingers as a bunch of sharp pointy tiny ink blades came piercing at the creature more than a billion tiny little pieces went piercing slicing through its flesh as the creature snarls out in pain before growling as it and the ink demon both run at eachother roaring. the ink demon would be the first to crash out of the room as he stumbles before being punched and pinned down by the creature's sharp clawed fingers as henry looked back to see the creature was gonna impale the ink demon's head on a spear. in a flash he shot the creature again at the side of the skull like jaw as the creature snarls a bit in anger before growling and dropping the ink demon going to him next as the ink demon recovered quickly and stomping on all three of the tails and morphing both huge hands into sharp inky claws as he started slashing and cutting on the creature's back as he snarled in pain when the creature sprouted it's bony like wings onto the ink demon's chest but he only grinned more and grabbed and tore off the two bony wings by force as henry ran off more as the creature roars in agony as the ink demons with then morph his huge claws to almost sword like arms as he started slashing huge gashes before the creature could even attack the ink demon rammed it's sword like arm into the creature as it snarled in pain as it was bashed by the other as it then crashed into the ink spear as it emitted a low wheezing sound until it went limp. the ink demon emitted a slight snort "NoW WhO's ThE ReAl DeMoN bITcH..." he said grinning before turning around his white pupil staring at the axe that henry dropped along with a survival knife. the ink demon would pick said items up "hE MUsT OF dRoPPeD tHeM... eh-" he felt a sharp pain when it was lifted and sliced on the stomach by the creature as the ink demon roared out in pain before being slammed into the spear himself he coughed up ink as he was then stabbed onto the shoulder by the survival knife, got half his chest rammed and pierced on the shoulder blade by the axe, having his bad leg wound reopen and getting his shoulder crippled as the creature then used all four of it's bony like claws to slash the side of the ink demon's face before it emitted a low wheeze like moan as the creature grunted and looked around for the blessed knife as it went over and picked up the knife as he turns back to look at the ink demon who wasn't doing anything now. ‘nomad’ would chuckle as he watches the ink demon who was impaled on the wall, even with half the toon demon’s soul he still wasn’t powerful enough to stop him “WeLl tHis sUrE IS soMEthInG aND heRe i ThOuGht tHAt ToOn oR oLd MAn woUld Be ThE OnE tO kIlL yOu, iT’s FuNnY oN hOw uNcLEaR YoUR fAte WaS dEmOn” the creature cackles as the ink demon doesn’t response he was just staring at the blessed knife in the creature’s hand the creature swayed it’s three tails each end again containing the elements, with red being the one for joey’s anger, the green being bendy’s energy and the black containing the pure hate and anger that susie has against anything that would tore her and alice apart. the ink demon would still stare his white pupil may be staring straight at him but he himself was focusing on the knife. he would finally focus on him when the creature snorted and asked “WeLl, aNy LAsT wORDs?” he said as the ink demon’s smile twitch… before laughing, he laughed and laughed as the creature would tilt it’s head “HuH? wHy ArE yOU LaUgHiNg?!?” the creature said as the ink demon would laugh even harder and harder “It’S fUnnY cAuSe yOu ALrEaDy LosT! iT doEsn’T mAtTeR iF i Die! WhaT MaTtErS iS tHAt yOu nEeDeD a purE soUl And nOt HeNRy’S bLoOd~ yOuR PlAn FaiLEd YeT AgaIn tHAnkS to ThAt tOoN! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!” the ink demon laughed louder and louder as the creature glared and roared before ramming the blessed knife on the ink demon’s head as the ink demon’s laughter soon slowly turned to a wheezing noise before finally it turned to silence as the creature stares before turning around “FaReWell…. AlPhA” he said as he walks off leaving the ink demon to his fate already. Henry Stops hearing the sounds as he looks to hear... nothing.. no ink demon... no fighting... just.. silence... the retired animator gripped on his fists "no....... damn it.... damn that creature.... i need a plan......." he tries thinking when suddenly something hit, the ink here wasnt like normal ink it was almost warm instead of cold.... slowly henry came up with something the oxygen like steam coming from the pipes and the sprinklers on the ceiling along with adding a few touches here and there... henry grinned he knows how to beat that thing in it's own game but he would need help he ran quickly to find the others. after a while he noticed the creature was again trying to look for him as he quickly runs into a random room. Henry pants after he was in a room after again trying to evade the creature, he heard the pained wheezing laughs of the ink demon dying so he knew he too was no more. he looks around the room trying to find sense of well anything to use. he looks to see a tape, curiously filled his mind wondering why this one was right in place and also where he would find it “…..” with a sigh he carefully walked over to the tape and pressed play on it and what he heard, was shocking “h…hey there….. is this thing on?… ah well…. if it is than…. heya henry… it’s me bendy… listen i… i need to tell you this before joey or that damn demon finds me so…… yeah im going to try to keep this short….. im sorry henry… ya should of never listened to me, if ya haven’t than everything would be back to normal but no…. after you left… things went… so… very wrong” henry noticed how scared bendy’s voice was in the recording “j-j-j-joey s-summoned a demon, a literal demon to try a-and ‘f-fix’ us but…. as you know joey….” bendy’s voice in the recording seem to sigh a bit. “anywho i… i just wanted to say that…. take care of them for me henry” the retired animator was confused to what he meant, until he realized he was talking about boris and alice. "t….they need a normal life outside this studio…. if…. if im gonna go down then… im taking this damn studio with me…. im sorry henry…. im sorry for causing all of this….  whole curse is my fault…. t….things would of been better off… if i haven’t existed in the first place" and with that the tape goes off leaving henry to his own thoughts "……damn it joey.. why…. why all of this… just because of one simple choice… that caused everything to fall apart…. don’t worry buddy…. im gonna make sure you get outta here, even if i have to die to make sure you escape" he said as he suddenly heard a low snarl, the creature was in this room but it was in the process of looking for something, he hid quickly in the nearby closet. the creature emits a low grunt as it sniffs and looks around some more before grumbling and walking away, henry waited a few more before coming back out, he had to hurry and find the others, without a second thought he rushed out of the room running as fast as he can as he rushes more, finally getting to the others, lacie looked at him with worry "w....where's bendy...?" alice weakly said as henry felt his heart broke as he sighed and told them what happened. the angel and the others were shocked to hear this "so.... what now?" boris said as henry glares "i tell you what we're gonna do.... we're gonna make that thing regret it ever crossed us" norman looked up "henry, that thing KILLED *zzzpt* the ink demon, what makes you think we'll be any chance against it?" he said as henry looked at the various pipes that held steam and the sprinklers "when i attacked it, it reacted violently to the steam, i saw a part of it's body froze, only the ribcage, if we can lure it here, we can freeze the damn thing to solid stone almost... and break it" he said as the others looked confused "question" thomas said raising his hand "how are you even gonna lure it here?" he said as henry only stares. An few minutes later or more have passed, the creature could now be seen killing a group of lost ones, growling in anger when it did'int see lacie anywhere, if he got rid of that safe house's leader than they would have no one to give them orders to meaning he can easily pick them off one by one. the thought made ''nomad'' grin at that but before the creature could go even any further to find the group it was pounced by something, the strange raptor from before was back, it clawed and got off of the creature as ''nomad'' roars out at it, the raptor emitting a shrill back, as it ran at the creature using her speed to her advantage as the creature tries to attack, the raptor snarls and bites, slashes and leaves gashes on the creature as even after she was thrown and slammed to the wall by the creature's tails she still kept on fighting, the strange raptor emits a snarl in pain as she was slashed on the back and began getting clawed at repeatedly by the creature's four arms, when it brought up it's first arm for a final strike the raptor's eyes opened widely as she dodges, going around to the back as she starts digging her death talons on the creature's back as ''nomad'' tries to get her off once again, when the raptor spun around and aimed to bite the neck as she succeeded, the creature struggling, the strange raptor used her claws to keep a tight grip, the creature snarls and slashes her waist with it's claws as the strange raptor snarls out in pain, before it yowls as it was bitten down on the neck as the creature lifted the raptor up with it's mouth, as if strangling the raptor's neck with it's mouth as the strange raptors yowls more and tries fighting back, the raptor growing a bit weaker as the creature grins and lifts up the raptor more, as suddenly a blinding light followed by a screech was heard as the creature snarls and drops the raptor which quickly gave it the chance to charge into the creature, knocking it down and then retreating, running past the projectionst who was the one that did it, the creature groans and glares at the projectionst as norman emits a low click and motions him to come over, as he runs off, the creature snarls as it gives chase. halfway the projectionst loses the creature as ''nomad'' looks around frequently before it's 'ears' perked hearing a gun shot "HEY, YOU! REMEMBER ME?!" henry said as the creature snaps towards his direction and roars, going after him as henry runs and runs going to a hallway with a slight dead corridor, he stops at the end of it and turns around, the creature turning around the corridor and it notices henry stopped, it makes a slight chuckle as it moves slowly stopping when it reached out of the doorway it came from as henry pulled a lever, closing the door that the creature came out of as it chuckles "WeLl.... ThIS iS WheRe yOu'lL mAke yOur FiNAl sTAnd HuH hUmaN?" the creature said as henry just cocks his gun "why don't we finish this.... ya damn asshole" he said as the creature growls, before roaring, and running towards him, tripping over the wires as henry begins shooting at the pipes, destroying them as steam shoots out onto the creature as it snarls from the sudden blow, the more henry shoots at the strange pipes the more the steam comes out as it begins roaring in pain, henry aims and shoots the sprinklers as all of them came on at once as the creature begins feeling more pain as it tries running more towards him, but henry shoots the creature several times, two in the knee, 3 in the ribcage and one in the eye socket as it roars and knelt down, it's two extra arms glued now to the floorboards as it's tail were stuck, the bony wings slowly cracking and breaking as the group emerges from their hiding spot "yeah! we got him!" corr said as alice and boris just glares at the creature, henry walking over as it weakly looks at him, before chuckling. "what's so funny?" henry said grunting as the creature makes a low grin "YoU.... hUmAn..... i..... hAve uNdErStImAtEd yOu.... yOu HaVE beSteD me... .hEH..... To ThInk... i tHoUgHt AlL hUmAns WeRe NAViNe.... yOu... YoUR diFFerEnT... YoU CoNTiUne To aMUSe AnD iMprEsS mE... HeH...." the creature begins coughing as ink dripped from it's eye sockets "tO tHINk..... I WaS dEfeAteD bY a MErE mORtAl.... YOU pLAnNEd tHis... i ShOUlD OF bEeN SmaRter Eh?" he said as corr pouted "hey! don't make us feel sorry for you! why did you do all of this huh? why take away henry's friend and make him go crazy?!" he said as ''nomad'' chuckles, ink dripping from it's wounds "wElL.... i SaID... i nEeDeD a bodY.... AnD i OnLy HavE lImIteD tIme iN tHIS fORM cAuse I don't HAve HEnrY's purE soUl, JusT WiTh His BloOD iN mY KnIFe it WAs enOuGh tO keEp ME iN thIS fORm For... HmM AbOuT I shOudl SaY... *cough* 3 DaYs" he said grumbling weakly as henry glares "why use joey? why anyone but him?" he said as the creature glares "THaT HuMaN... DiD'INT DO hIS paRt OF tHE deAl wElL EnOugh I dECidEd eNoUgH WaS enOuGh aND tOok mAtTErS iNtO mY OwN HAndS" he said growling as henry glares more "so, that's it then huh? your gonna die and this curse will all be over" he said blankly as the creature nods "YEs... yOu HAve BeSteD me One ToO Many tImeS... It sEeMS nOW yOu'lL be ThE one To HAve The FInAL lAuGh... or WiLl yOu?" he said chuckling "BuT nO MaTteR.. joeY wIll be FrEeD aND Un BoUnd TO mE tHE mOmeNT he fEEls thaT I haVE gRoWn wEaK" he said as henry glares some more, pulling out bendy's machete and jabbing it on the creature's shoulder "god damn it tell me where the hell is bendy in your body!? i want him back damn it!" he said as the creature howls with laughter while wheezing and coughing as corr glares, about ready to turn to his lanky form out of anger when boris stops him, shaking his head as corr nodded, "wElL- ThaT's A sHAme HeNRy... YoUR fRieND is-" the creature snarls a bit as henry shot it in the neck "SHUT, UP! that is not true i know he's alive!" he said as the creature chuckles "beLivE wHAt YoU wAnt.... leT me TeLl yOu tHis ThOuGh... YOu maY hAve FoIleD my pLAns For tHis WorLD bUT.... HEaR ThIS... i wIll rEtURn oNe dAy HeNRy... And WhEn i Do... YoU Will BE tHE fiRsT i wILl dRag TO hElL WITh, yOu beTteR Wait fOR ThaT DaY HEnrY.. CausE aLWayS... beWaRe the.... iNk DEMON!" the creature then tries one last attempt to attack henry before a loud shot rang out as henry putted a shell right in the creature's chest the bullet piercing right through it as it roars out in pain, it's body slightly cracking as a hand rose out of the cracking body, it was joey's hand, henry's eyes widen as he grabs the hands and pulls out his former boss, joey panting and breathing as he looked worst for wear "t.....thank....you...." he weakly said as the two flinch from hearing the creature roar out in pain, falling to the ground as it's body was cracking as it slowly turned to a puddle of ink, the others sighed in relief at the creature finally dead, before henry furrowed his brows and his eyes widen he sees a familiar green gloved hand "bendy!" the retired animator said, rushing over "bendy oh than-" he almost gasped, bendy was seen, covered in large wounds, and with a large hole in his chest henry stares in shock "oh....no...." he weakly said as bendy opened his eyes, smiling weakly "h...hey there h...henry... d....did w...we g...get him?" he said, coughing slightly as henry nodded "y...yeah bud.... we did....." he said sniffling as bendy weakly smiled, the ink covering half his face so only his right pie-cut eye was looking at him "w....what's the matter henry? why the long..... oh" he said, lifting his hand up and seeing the large hole in his chest as alice and boris stares in shock, corr slightly shivering as tears already start dripping in his eyes. "oh no... b-bendy?!" the small demon said as henry stares at the hooded demon "h...heh... sorry henry....i... i guess i couldn't be a strong enough demon...." he said coughing as henry shushed him "don't, save your energy bud i'll i'll get some ink! it'll fix you i know it will-" bendy placed a finger weakly on his lips "shh.... don't henry... it's the end of the road for me... w....we have some good times d...did we?" he said as henry nodded, frowning still "y...yeah... why bendy... why did'int ya tell me sooner bud..." he said as the demon had tears dripping down "i..... i did'int want you to h...hate me..." he sigh breathing heavily as henry shook his head "you know i can never hate you bud, you know that don't you?..." he said sniffling as the demon nodded "h...heh..... yeah... i do..... im so tired old man..... im just so... so tired... it's funny" he said weakly smiling with a peaceful look "i thought.... death.... was cold.... but... it's.... warm.... i never thought death could be so... heh... warming...." he said weakly coughing as henry had tears finally dripping from his eyes "don't leave just yet buddy i promised you i let you see the outside! the beautiful blue skies.. the lush green grass, the peaceful nights and oh the ocean... im not breaking my promise to you bendy... jess would of loved to meet you.." he said, sniffling as bendy weakly smiled again as he lifted his hand up, as henry grabbed it with his own hand "listen..... henry?" he said as he nodded "yeah buddy... im still here" he said as bendy sniffled, tears dripping from his eyes "p....promise me.... that you'll take good care of all of them..... would you?" he said weakly sniffling as henry realizes what he meant now by not existing "oh... no dont' do this to me buddy, come on just keep your eyes open for a little while longer we can fix this we can-" bendy weakly coughs "n...no...... im so tired henry... i just.... wanna...... r....rest....... im.... sorry i could'nt.... be the..... demon.... you.... wanted.....dad...." his hand falls from henry's hand as ie laid on the ground his eyes closing as his heartbeat stops, henry stares, shocked as alice then sobs into boris's shoulders, corr whimpering as tears drip down "no...nonononononNO!" henry said grabbing bendy gently by the shoulders and shaking him "COME ON BUDDY! DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES ON ME! PLEASE! PLEASE BUDDY! DON'T!" he said almost about to sob as he finally did, while saying "don't..... leave me......my blessed... son" he said as he sobs, with the others mourning in their own way. meanwhile... back with the corpse of the ink demon that had been impaled, the ink had stop oozing from him as he was still in his reborned form, slowly... his fingers twitched
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empty-movement · 7 years
The Great Green And Yellow Garbage Fire
By Itavin
In the dueling arena they fight, the one of yellow and the one of red. The rose bride stands as their witness, filling the arena with roses of yellow who are then painted red by her and my friend. The rose opens a mirror, and there I see, I am the one in rose bride cloth. As I see the chains of my fate melt, I see one rose colored…
“Hmm?” Saionji mutters as he wakes up. “Oh it must be a dream” He thought. He wakes out of bed and looks at what has appeared under his bed. “Why is that… are those eggs?” Saionji muttered to himself. He was so shocked to see an egg under his bed, he couldn’t help but be completely shocked. "Why am I laying eggs? I am not a chicken and definitely not a girl one for sure” Saionji thought guiltfuly in his head. “Well maybe someone planted it in my bed as a joke” He laid to himself. However, deep down he knew the truth. “Still I must protect the eggs, until its owner comes back!” He explained to himself secretly knowing that he has to take the egg he laid.
He went to the academy the next day feeling rather angry. “Man, it’s some stupid stuff there, me needing to take an egg to school. Only idiots like Touga would actually think its cool to lay eggs. But still, does this happen to everyone at school?” Saionji thought. He then bumped into Utena and Anthy on his way. “Oh sorry Saionji, I didn’t meant to hurt you.” Anthy said. Utena turned her head around and said “yeah sorry about that”. Saionji thought how to himself “What in the fuck is this girl trying to do break my egg?”. He turned around and was about to slap Anthy. Anthy turned around and looked at Saionji. Saionji looked back at her with blush. “I never thought that Anthy was so well looking before…” He thought. He then muttered “Watch where youre going, Anthy-Baka”. Utena said to Anthy “You know, Saionji is acting really weird today, don’t you think?.  Anthy replied “Yes, he acts weirder then when a human lays eggs, right?”.
“Oh that stupid Anthy with her stupid stuff”. Saionji muttered. “I wonder, is it possible for guys to lay eggs? Maybe Miki knows?” He thought. He then went to Miki at recess. He was in the piano room looking rather sad. Saionji asked Miki “Hey is it possible for human men to lay eggs?”. Miki stopped his stopwatch. It showed 1.98. Miki giggled a bit “Well, I said that to Nanami already but it is impossible. Its even weird in my opinion.”. Saionji got angry. “Oh you think youre better than me because I lay eggs, just so you know that is very offensive to guys who actually lay eggs. Youre hurting their feelings idiot!”.   Saionji got out of the room in anger. Miki thought to himself “What is up with eggs and the student council? I honestly don’t understand. Maybe I’m too young to understand…”.
“Stupid Miki, what does he know about Eggs anyway. Ha, you know, I bet I am so special since I lay eggs, everyone should worship me! Maybe this could finally give me the power to enter the castle in the sky…” Saionji thought. He then realized something “Dosent that mean that… I have more power the Touga?” He thought. He smiled to himself. He went and searched for Touga at the rose garden. “You said you have an idea how to get in the castle in the sky?” Touga asked. “Why yes, I think that because I have found the weapon to get in the castle.” Saionji replied. “What is it?” Touga asked. “My eggs!” replied Saionji with passion. Touga had a little grin and laughed a bit. “Well what size are your eggs?” Touga asked. “Well, they are about the size of chicken eggs, maybe a little smaller. Why are you asking?” Saionji replied. Touga giggled a bit and replied, “Well as your best friend, I must disappoint you and say that those are some small eggs if you want to enter the castle. Needs to be bigger than mine, at least.”. “Um, how big are your eggs?” asked Saionji with doubt in his mind. “At least the size of a tyrannosaurus, or even bigger” Touga said with a grin in his face. Saionji looked very embarrassed. “If you want, I could show you how to have bigger e…”  Then Saionji turned around and said “Thank you. I truly think you are my friend.” Saionji said . “Of course we are. If you need help, I would be glad to help.” Touga said.
“Hmm, what does it matter if my eggs aren’t as big as his? It only matters if they hatch helpfuly. Well they wont be as strong or powerful or… Oh whom am I kidding, this idiot Touga has probably huge eggs, double my size. But that won’t mean I can’t get with th…” Saionji was caught off his thought thread when Nanami bumped into him. He had an annoyed reaction to the action that has happened. Before he could say a word Nanami said “Watch where you are going, Baka!” and walked away slightly blushed. “Geez, she is acting weird today” Saionji commented. “Well, she has been acting weird all day now” Tsuwabuki commented trying to catch Nanami. “So, do you know what happened to her, Im just interested” Saionji asked. “Wait, I don’t care about Nanami, why now , is it the dream…” Saionji thought. “Well, she said its because of something that appeared in her bed this morning, but that’s it” Tsuwabuki answered. “Wait, could it be she also laid eggs? I need to ask her, but first…” Saionji thought and quickly asked afterword “Hey, Tsuwabuki, had you ever had a weird chains melting dream and t…” Tsuwabuki who was half listening quickly turned his head around and answerd “Oh, I had my first one not to long ago. It is very common in fact for these dreams to happen. They say they start around 5th grade, I must be so adult for getting them this young” Tsuwabuki said innocently. Saionji was shocked. “I never had these kind of dreams when I was young… Does this mean I am a…” Saionji thought. “Why did you ask anyway?” Asked Tsuwabuki. “Oh you see, an advice from man to man… If something funny happens after those dreams, remember to not let it influence your life, and keep being yourself forever” advised Saionji. “Okayyy…” Said Tsuwabuki. “Ok I need to go now. Take care of yourself, kouhei” said Saionji and then leaved. “Yeah, you too” said Tsuwabuki.
“This is unacceptable!!!” thought Saionji. “Am I this late… this just cant be true. HAS EVERYONE LAID EGGS BEFORE ME? This is so embarsing, even Nanami got there before me… I really need to look for her” he kept thinking. On his way Saionji met Juri on her way to play bowling. “Oh, Saionji” Juri said. “Hey Juri, where are you going?” asked Saionji. “To play bowling. Say, how about I play with you a game with you?” asked Juri faked smiled. “Sure, why not? But just so you know you have some heavy competition now” Saionji said with pride. “Well, since that’s it, carry my heavy balls and well see if you are some heavy competition” said Juri while passing her balls to Saionji. Saionji took the balls and felt how heavy they are. “So why don’t you take them to the bowling court for me please?” Juri asked. “Piece of cake” lied Saionji. After Saionji has tiredly got to the bowling court with many students on the watch, Juri said “Ok, lets start the match. Oh, I should mention you will be using my balls for this; the court is short on balls”. “Oh really?” Said Saionji with short breathe. “Well, it shouldn’t be a problem for big boy Saionji wouldn’t it, you did carry them to the court for at least five minutes” Juri mentioned. “Well, when you put ti like this, I can defiantly use your balls” said Saionji while trying to look as impressive as he can. Juri was not impressed. “Well shall we start the match then?” asked Juri. “Please no” Saionji thought, but he just nodded his head. During the match, Juri kept getting strikes every turn, while Saionji was barely able to get the ball to roll on the court. The students who watched were very impressed with Juri. “Wow, Juri is so cool”, “Yeah I wish I could date someone as cool as her”, “Oh my gosh, she is so good at this game”, “I wish she would be my lover…” all the girls mentioned while watching the match. Saionji started to get annoyed. “Man, Saionji is so lame”, “Yeah, he keeps losing to Juri”, “Man, this is the guy who we are supposed to look up too?”, “I wouldn’t ever want to hang out with this loser” all the guys mentioned while watching the match. Saionji got even more annoyed.  Juri ended up winning the match. “Oh well, at least you tried your best, Saionji kun”. By this point Saionji was going to lose control. “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” Saionji said loudly. Juri then answered with a a serious face “Not at all, I just got the recommendation from Akio, he said that seeing me and you together doing bowling may increase even more the popularity of this bowling court”.  “Oh, so youre trying to humiliate me for laying eggs huh?” Saionji whispered.  “Huh, no I honestly thought that you are going to be happy playing this. Really. Not laying” Juri answered. “Why you, that was youre plan, wasent? Now everyone thinks I am stupid, I hope youre happy now Juri” Saionji mentioned on the brink of tears. He then started to leave the bowling court. Some of the guys seemed to Saionji as if they were laughing on him. After he left, Juri said to herdelf quietly “Yes”.      
Saionji went back to his house. He felt worthless. “Wow, I really suck don’t I? I lay eggs, ones that aren’t big enough, I laid them too late, and that stupid bitch juri won only because of them. I hate eggs. I hate eggs. I hate eggs. I hate eggs. I hate eggs. I HATE EGGS!” Saionji thought. “Wait, eggs are protein pilled. That is it, I will eat so many eggs, I will become stronger then Juri, I will be able to enter the castle, I will be the best!” Saionji continued his thought thread. “And, to make it better, I will add my own eggs to eat last, to rid myself of my weakness, I will call it plan 34!”.  After Saionji finished his thought thread, he saw a large amount of chickens.
Saionji found himself in the forest cocking eggs. He seemed to do so very seriously until Nanami arrived. “Where is my egg? Saionji do you know where it is?” Nanami asked. Saionji replied “No, but I am making some eggs for me to eat.”. “NOOOO” screamed Nanami. “Did you eat my egg? How could you? You monster!” Nanami screamed while punching Saionji. After punching Saionji, Nanami found her egg in the egg pile. “Oh thank god, my egg! Its safe…” Nanami said before becoming a little eye teared. Saionji seemed to understand Nanami’s thoughts. “Hey, are you okay?” Asked Saionji. “…No” answered Nanami. “Why not?” asked Saionji. “My egg, I was so worried about it, I was just paranoid about, it was just so embarrassing, but you probably wouldn’t understand, would you?” Nanami answered. “Well to tell the truth, I actually did… lay eggs today too” Saionji said to Nanami. “Really, and weren’t you ashamed of them?” asked Nanami. “Well I was, and I still kind of am to be honest, and its kind of stupid too…” answered Saionji. Nanami seemed to be slightly concerned with what happened to Saionji, and started to feel a sense of understanding with what happened. “Well, I think its okay that you lay eggs” Nanami said to Saionji. “Really? That is the first time I ever heard it today. Thank you. Just so you know, I think that the fact you laid an egg is totally okay” Saionji replied, feeling more warmth inside himself. “No its, not, you see, Touga was saying that a woman who lays eggs is a disgrace. I felt so sad when he said that, but you are his friend you probably think like him…” Nanami said. Saionji said to Nanami “Then don’t listen to Touga, he doesn’t understand you’re problems at all, I think that is very wrong of him, and you shouldn’t listen to a guy who thinks like that!”. “But, if I disappoint my brother, who will be there for me. Nobody but him can truly understand me, not after mom and dad…” But before she finished Saionji said slightly blushed “Then settle for me! Even if youre brother dosent understand you, I can be youre second to go. Can you accept it?”.  After a small awkward silence Nanami replied with “Sure.” With a bittersweet smile. “Hey, would you want to dance, just the both of us?” Saionji asked Nanami replied with “I’d like that”. They both danced away in a yellow rose scenery. Saionji then remembered that in his dream a yellow rose fell to the dueling arena and wilted, He hoped that the flowers he sees now wont wilt as the flowers in his dream.
Gougai, Gougai
Oh, my secret, its so embarrassing
What no its not
It is it is!
I told you it is not
It does not matter, as long as my cute pet doesn’t like it, I am doomed.
However, I am okay with it.
Oh look, its my pet. Oh pet let me be with you, don’t ever leave me!
However, what about me? I like you don’t I?
Huh? Who are you?
Wait, didn’t we do this already?
Yeah and mixing two episode elements, that is weak Itavin!
I mentioned to the shadow girls “So sorry…”
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