#i feel y’all okay?
cherriiramen · 11 months
I’m sorry could you be more specific of why you put queerbaiting between brackets? Just curious.
Oh of course anon! :]
Before anything, it was for satiric purposes so I hope no one gets the wrong idea.
But since you asked, I’ve seen this happening very often in many various fandoms.
The case is where no romantic implication is OFFICIALLY confirmed at all, but extreme shippers try to push that image because they want it to be. Ex. ‘Kirishima and Bakugou are canon, and here’s how! The author BREATHED!’ And then, when the said characters end up with someone else or never end up together, everyone screams ‘QUEERBAITING!!!’ or ‘HOMOPHOBIA’ or start sending death threats/sending hate to the actors/cast/authors/directors.
(Disclaimer: I’m a Kiribaku shipper and have been one for a long time, please don’t think that’s hate directed at the ship, this is just from my personal experience. 😭)
Listen I’m one who LOVES to fantasise about the impact and hidden emotions behind the slightest touches/glances between two characters, I love to write about it and draw it and Roleplay it, indulge in the craziness of it all, but as much as I love it, I’m also aware that NOT everyone might see it the same way. That not everyone romanticises it. And that it may not necessarily be the image that the creator was trying to create in our heads.
Please remember that characters can openly care for each other, be affectionate together and praise each other WITHOUT anything sexual/non-platonic going on between them. Any healthy relationship consists of this, not just sexual ones. You can headcanon it differently from canon, sure, but please don’t put words into the cast’s/author’s mouthes and pretend they promised you something they clearly didn’t.
Thank you! ❤️
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myfairkatiecat · 1 month
Everyone is entitled to love or hate a character, but if you’re loving or hating a character for the wrong reasons I’m gonna side eye you. They are the person they are, love or hate them for it but at least get them right smh
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marshmallowcat666 · 15 days
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I’m currently hyperfixated rereading Ftfo and can barely do any drawing but I’m trying!!! ‘^’ Designs are easier to draw for some reason so might see only those for a bit T-T
anyways have my version of Lord Lunar’s Gemini! They get fun new outfits!!!
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midnigtartist · 10 months
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Faerûn is going to eat her alive
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starrylevi · 1 year
Just another short and cute comfort drabble 💝
“C‘mere, my love.” Levi beckons you into his arms and you comply, crawling into bed with him, letting out a sigh as you put your head on his chest.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He asks you as he rubs your back through the fabric of your t-shirt.
“M’just tired.” You mumble onto his bare chest. You lift up your head a little so your chin is resting on his skin. Your eyes meet his sliver-blue ones. “I’m always tired.”
“Hi ‘tired’, I’m Levi.” Levi responds with a hint of a smirk.
“Did you just-“
“I did.” He gives you a small nod and more of a smile this time.
You chuckle a bit, shaking your head. “That was terrible.”
“But it made you smile.” He reminds you as he continues to rub your back.
“Well, I’m glad you got what you wanted.” You playfully roll your eyes.
“The smile wasn’t for me, my love.” Is all he says in response as his fingers slowly trail down your back, his touch a comfort like no other.
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kyurochurro · 11 months
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tos Kirk and Spock doodles !!!! YIPPI
(flat color version below :D)
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yo y los spirks cuando
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rubbesart · 2 years
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personally, i think one of his love languages is forehead kisses
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 7 months
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I think I’m going to cry
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Ya know I just realized, the fact that in the staged finale c!Dream threatens to kill c!Tubbo because he doesn’t need him and plans on using the discs to control c!Tommy not his best friend c!Tubbo (despite planning to use c!Skeppy to control c!Bad) is pretty screwed up. That to everyone believing the staged finale essentially believes that to control c!Tommy, c!Dream’s best bet is two discs not the living, breathing best friend he already has captured…
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hellishgayliath · 6 months
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Hai I’m feeling okay now 👋
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apostaterevolutionary · 14 hours
Oh man, I actually haven’t been this mad at bioware in years lmao (see my last reblog if you’re seeing this without context somehow). It’s oddly refreshing. Almost comforting even. Like ah, yes, of course they did something stupid, that’s just the world working as it always has. Sky blue, water wet, bioware making an absolutely massive fumble that fills me with burning rage. Normalcy
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angelnumber27 · 3 months
I dont think some people understand how truly awful and hellish withdrawals from some psych medications are.
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fullsunstrawberry · 8 months
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kaitaiga · 3 months
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Heartthrob Archibald Archie Campbell
Idk, I really like these little doodles from today and wanted to share them on my profile. I hope y’all are okay seeing random scribbles like this from time to time 😅
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afmis · 11 months
It’s October 2023. c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo are almost 20. They’ve been married for 3 years. Michael isn’t a toddler anymore and grew up to be a lively kid, twice the size he was before and incredibly smart. It’s cool weather today in Snowchester, and the snow covered cabins are bright with Halloween decorations. The family are in their mansion, no trace of fear or sadness in them. c!Tubbo, c!Tommy, c!Wilbur, and c!Jack are making Jack-o-Lanterns at the dining table, cracking jokes and making each other howl with laughter. c!Ranboo fondly rolls their eyes at them from where they’re sitting by the fireplace with c!Techno and Michael, making Michael giggle while the three of them sorting through Halloween decorations to hang up inside. c!Phil and c!Niki are mixing cookie batter on the kitchen island, smiling as they converse over the lively Halloween music. They all soon join together to eat dinner and design their Halloween cookies. c!Fundy knocks on the door, a gift in hand and a sly smile on his face, c!Quackity following him in with a cheer. c!Eret joins, cozy fall sweaters in her arms to hand to everyone. c!Puffy and Foolish arrive shortly after, bringing a customized costume for Michael and the othere. Soon the well-loved home fills with friends. There’s no arguments. No battles. No betrayals. Just laughter, warmth, and joy. Everywhere else, the land is healing. Bloodshed and war are no more in the Greater SMP or anywhere for them. Houses stand peacefully, as they once were. People smile at each other and chat happily along the Prime Path, all trace of malice and resentment gone. Everything is peaceful again. The future was bright. No pain or suffering from the past, only healing and moving forward.
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babsvibes · 1 year
I love the bobs burgers fandom so much. Like we’ve got it all: artists, writers, headcanon and analysis posters, gif makers, people with moodboards and playlists, people that post rec lists, and just genuinely positive fans that put so much love out there. I’m thankful to everyone who shares their thoughts, who asks and answers questions, and who takes part in the fandom games and events, even if it’s something like throwing a little like on someone’s piece. Y’all mean the world to me 💕
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