#i finally got some paperwork done that i've been putting off and it's really exciting for me
waveridden · 10 months
had a bad exhausting day so we're indulging in the waveridden dot gov tradition
besties. what's good with you
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tiedyeflannels · 7 months
Adventure of a Lifetime
Kim Taehyung x reader
Chapter 1 | Masterlist
A/N: HI!!!! Welcome to my new Tae series! I'm so excited to start this because it's something that I've been sitting on for a while now, so I'm really happy I got around to writing it and get to share it with you! Also, any dialog in italics is said in English and (Y/s/n) will be your sister's name. I didn't want to name her in case someone has the name I chose, so I'll let you decide the name. Anyway, I hope you come along for the adventure and I hope you enjoy the story!
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“Y/n, pack your bags! We’re going on a trip,” Jeong-Gyu exclaimed as he barged into my room in our shared apartment.
We had met in our first year of college during an art class and the rest is history, we’ve been best friends ever since. I furrowed my brows as I looked at him from my place on my bed. 
“What are you talking about? We haven’t planned a trip.”
He smirked.
“On the contrary,” he pulled out three slips of paper from his back pocket, “I seem to have three tickets to Korea that have my, your, and your sister’s name on them.”
He fanned them out and handed one to me. 
I took it and read the name on it, Y/n L/n.
I looked at him in disbelief, “Why and when did you do this?”
He flopped down at the foot of my bed and sighed, “Well you and Y/s/n are always talking about wanting to take a trip to Korea and I’m going back to see my family during break starting next week so I thought that I would take you two with me!”  
“Dude, how do you know that I’m not busy that week,” I asked, raising my eyebrows in defiance.
“Are you,” he challenged back.
I stared at him for a while before looking away with a pout, “No…”
He clapped his hands, “Aha! I knew it!”
“Listen, it doesn’t matter because I haven’t cleared it with my parents and you don’t know if Y/s/n can go.”
He got up and started for the door, “Done and she can go.”
He walked out and I hurriedly got up and followed him to the kitchen.
“What- when did that happen,” I asked, putting my hands on the kitchen island as he rounded it.
“I called your parents to ask if it was ok to take you two before I bought the tickets. As for Y/s/n, I asked her if she had anything planned for that week and she said “No. I never do” so all of the loose knots have been tightened,” he finished, popping a grape into his mouth.
I looked at him incredulously, “You. Are. Unbelievable.”
He smiled and shrugged, “I know! But make sure you start packing because we leave first thing Saturday morning!”
He happily ran off to his room as I processed what he said.
“Wait- You gave me a two day notice?! Jeong-Gyu!”
“This is crazy,” I mumbled as we watched Jeong-Gyu talk with one of the people at the car rental place in the Incheon Airport.
“It’s cool and it’s a free trip! I’m pretty excited,” Y/s/n said, turning to me.
I turned back to her, “You are?”
She nodded.
“Even with the language barrier? You’re not worried?”
She shook her head.
“Nah, I’ve got you,” she gently bumped my shoulder with her own, “And him.”
She pointed over to Jeong-Gyu, who was now filling out paperwork.
“So the way I see it, I’ve got two free translators at the ready whenever I need!”
I lightly pushed her as I playfully rolled my eyes at her.
“That’s why I told you to learn some Korean! I’m gonna let you fend for yourself,” I laughed.
“You’re kidding. You would never do that to me,” she stated.
I looked at her with a smirk, “Watch me.”
She scoffed and pushed my shoulder. I glared at her before we both bursted out laughing. At that time, Jeong-Gyu walked up to us with papers and car keys in hand. 
“Y'all ready to head out? It’s about a three hour drive to Daegu,” he stated, looking between the both of us.
We looked at each other before nodding.
“Yep,” we said in unison.
We all grabbed our bags and followed Jeong-Gyu to the lot where we were to pick up our rental.
We got to the lot and searched for the license plate that matched the number on the paper. Once we finally found it, we placed our bags in the trunk and got in. Jeong-Gyu started the car and fiddled with the radio until he found something that we all liked.
“Alright, are you guys ready for the adventure of a lifetime?”
We cheered as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“In my opinion, that drive was entirely too short,” I exclaimed as we arrived at his house and got out of the car.
Looking around, it was beautiful. There were trees scattered around the front yard that were in the process of growing out all of their leaves. A few bushes lined the front of the house and the left side of the stone driveway.
Jeong-Gyu scoffed, “What do you mean ‘too short’? That was the longest drive in my life.”
We walked to the back and he opened the trunk.
“We’ve had longer drives than that in the States,” Y/s/n deadpanned and I nodded in agreement.
“That’s true, but I was talking about the scenery. It was so pretty,” I gushed, taking out my bag and placing it on the ground.
Taking out the rest of the bags, he closed the trunk and looked at us, “It was nothing, really.”
Y/s/n and I scoffed.
“That’s because you lived here for the majority of your life. This is the first time we,” I pointed between us, “have seen this in real life.”
“Ugh, imagine it in the fall,” Y/s/n dreamily sighed. 
I sighed along with her at the image as Jeong-Gyu rolled his eyes and started for the front door. We quickly got out of our daydream and followed him up the stairs to the porch. As we were standing in front of his parents' house, I was starting to get nervous as he rang the doorbell.
“Are you sure it’s okay for us to stay here? We’ve never met your parents in person and I wouldn’t want to inconvenience them with us staying here,” I said, looking at Jeong-Gyu.
Before I could get an answer, the door opened.
“Nonsense! We’re more than happy to have Jeong-Gyu’s friends here!”
Chapter 2
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davidmariottecomics · 9 months
Save Your Work!
Hello, friends! 
This week is going to be very quick because, not to get ahead of myself, but next week is likely going to be pretty long. I didn't mean to time things out so there'd be a long one right after I'm done with work for the year and most people are off for that final week, but that's how things worked out. And the week after that, the last weekend of the year, I'm going to do a Best of 2023 round-up. 
But, in my brief update this week, I wanted to talk about some very straightforward best practices. 
I turned on my computer this morning and was shocked to find that I was *turning on* my computer this morning. One way or another, it had shut down since the last time I used it. Maybe it was Becca or a planned restart or something, but however it happened, my computer was off. And as any artist should know... you neeeeeeeeeeeed to make sure your stuff is saved again and again. You see, I was working on my holiday gift guide that I'm building for my Patreon when the computer shut off and I lost a whole spread and some change. All of it. The images, the hyperlinks, the text--both in terms of what I wrote and the font choices I made--everything. It shouldn't be terrible, but it'll add at least an extra hour on as I have to rebuild all of that. So, if you ever work on anything that would benefit from being saved, make sure you do!
The other best practice I want to emphasize today is something I say a lot. If you'd like to work in comics professionally, please make it easier on yourself and any potential collaborators/hiring folks, by making your web presence clear and accessible. Something I've slowly been working on over the past few weeks is going through my Twitter as I get ready to delete it before the end of the year and looking to make sure I have contact information from anyone I'm interested in not losing. I'm looking for emails, or agents, or websites. And the more varied the information, the better. Because I'm trying to incorporate that into my existing digital rolodex, whenever possible, while emails (for talent or their agents) are the things that are most helpful, I am looking to add your website info so I can quickly pop to it before emailing you and make sure you're who I think you are and your style is what I think it is. As much as possible, when I look through info I got from old like Visible Women sheets and the like, I'm looking for people who aren't just including their handle on one social because those can change, or who aren't just linking to an Instagram or Twitter account with "DM me" because while I know some people work best in DMs, for legal paperwork and the like, an email is so much more helpful. 
Lastly, and this should go without saying, but this is a post about common sense practices, be kind to folks. I don't know why this seems so counter-intuitive to certain people, but if you're openly hostile toward your peers, they don't want to work with you. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy of ostracization. It literally can't be said enough. Comics as an industry is doing just fine and differentiation in the medium in both format and talent is only a good thing. 
Alright. More next week! 
What I enjoyed this week: Dungeons & Daddies (Podcast), Reverse 1999 (Video Game), Nancy (Comic), Lego Masters (TV show), Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror (Short story collection), Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video Game), Dandadan (Manga), Godzilla: Minus One (Movie), Godzilla Raids Again (Movie), Cunk on Earth (TV show), I'm a Virgo (TV show), Clyde Fans by Seth (Comic), getting and making some really exciting 2023 news. There's some amazing stuff to come! 
New Releases this week (12/13/2023): Sonic the Hedgehog: Winter Jam (Editor)
Final Order Cutoff next week (12/18/2023):  Godzilla Valentine's Day Special (Editor) If you haven't seen it, I put together a little explainer on what exactly a "Final Order Cutoff" is and why it matters! And if you found this helpful and have a platform where you think people should know, those explainers are watermarked and good to share! 
New Releases next week (12/20/2023): Godzilla: The War for Humanity #3 (Editor) Godzilla Rivals: Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon (Editor)
Announcements: If there is one blog this year that you should not miss, it's next week's. Big news to come. 
The Cartoonist Cooperative is still doing E-Sim cards for Gaza. You can donate a digital sim card so that residents can get access to the internet and have more functional phones and, in exchange, get some comics or a drawing or whatever else is available from the many participating artists. Additionally, the CC is hosting their mini-comic awards! It's a cool way to maybe get your mini-comic recognized and make some scratch! 
You can also give more directly. If you don't have money, and I get it, you can call or fax or email or show up at the offices of your representatives. Keep your eyes open for actions too, whether they're another general strike like what happened last Monday or demonstrations and marches in your area. Given the nature of the things, they often come together fairly quickly, so do exercise your due diligence. Also, of course, being informed and just giving your time to Palestinian writers is incredibly valuable. Whether that is journalists on the ground--who are being murdered at extraordinary rates--or reading Fiyah's Palestine Solidarity issue or anything from Verso's solidarity reading list, having and sharing that knowledge is significant. 
Becca just did their Art vs. Artist post for 2023. They did a lot of really cool work this year! They also posed a spicy art version. And as if it could not be said enough, while we've got some things brewing (and now on a schedule), you should reach out if you'd like to work on comics with them! I think we're both looking to do more next year! You can find their gallery on their website and also, y'know, maybe pick up a few things for belated gifts while you're there! 
If you aren't a Patreon backer yet, well, like I said above, I've been working on something pretty cool. I'm building a holiday gift guide. It won't probably be out with a lot of shopping time for Christmas in particular, but I thought it'd be a fun way to showcase some of what I've been learning more generally about design and how to make comics and zines and stuff. I'm really proud of it and it'll be exclusive to $10+ backers for December and then will be made public in a couple months. Also at that $10+ tier, there's stuff like a tour of my workspace, an adults-only podcast pilot that Becca and I recorded called "Abandoning the Premise" (short sample here), a review of root beers is also coming up quick, old D&D campaigns I ran, and more! Another goal of mine for next year is to grow my Patreon and also have it start making some money to fund more comics ventures for myself. 
Pic of the Week: I teased it last week, but the Winter Jam team did a Winter Jam-piece! Our fabulous leader, Iasmin Omar Ata, got Reggie Graham, Adam Bryce Thomas, Abigail Oz, Shawn Lee, and me to put together a happy holidays card from the Winter Jam cast! I did the thought balloon Froggy because even when Big is holding "Froggy", he can't stop thinking about that frog! 
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
I've Missed You
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Media BBC Accused
Character Jake Murry
Couple Jake X Reader
Rating Smut
I hummed my little tune as I made my way down the cracked and broken street, tall hedges to my side, the sky grey and murky likely rain to come in the next few hours or so. I turned the corner and saw the first of the defences the tall chickenwire-like fence with the car blockade and small security hut where a man sat I approached and gave him a gentle wave, he looked up a doughnut in hand and nodded allowing me through the smaller side, I followed the painted white line along the edge of the fence I spotted another walkway on the other side then another fence and some people playing some kind of ball game not sure what all of them noticed me immediately and began to shout in my direction but I ignored them continuing on till I reached the main entrance to the building I pressed the button the door unlocking and I stepped inside stopping by the locked door in front of me. I waited a moment fixing my bag a little before the buzzer went off and the door in front of me unlocked so I went in still following the painted white line quickly reaching the office where a few guards sat with coffee. 
"Good Afternoon" I smiled 
"Ahh afternoon, Y/l/n isn't it?"
"That's me" I nodded 
"Just a sec," he says rolling on his chair to grab some paperwork "Here for Murry aren't you?"
"Yes I am" I smiled 
"He's already bouncing around the waiting room"
"I can imagine so" I giggled 
"Right, usual business initial, date, sign, then in the book name, date, time" he explained putting a large book in front of me as well as a whole bunch of paperwork but I had been through this enough. Most of it was just the basic paperwork of you understand where you're going, that it could be dangerous, that guards will do their best to help you but you know don't be a dumb ass sort of paperwork. Once all that was done they took me through to a small room they locked my bag in a locker and the guard kept the key, they scanned me with a metal detector and I even got a pat down before he led me through on the white line path out the back of the building. The fence was tall and thick, littered with temporary outbuildings he led me through various gates until we reached a door. He opened it up and I headed inside stopping before another door, he then locked the door behind me I waited a moment until the door in front of me unlocked letting me inside the small room. The room had a bed, a sofa, a soft plush carpet, no windows and a few little lights. And of course, the most noticeable element of the room was Jake.
Jake stood in the middle of the room, in old Nike shoes, his grey sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt with a white torso and green sleeves that he had rolled to his elbows, his hair still a little damp where he must have been fresh out a shower. He stopped short as he saw me his eyes wide and his side erupted across his face.
without another word, he bolted over closing the gap between us and pulling me tightly to his chest his hands on my cheeks pulling my face to his and kissing me intensely I happily kissed him back our kisses so very intense and passionate until he finally pulled back 
"I've missed you so badly" He gasped 
"I've missed you too" I smiled "I only saw you a few days ago"
"I know, but we haven't been alone in a room for six months. I am overwhelmed with feelings right now" 
"Awwww that's so sweet Jake" I giggled 
"I'm not gonna lie the dress isn't helping" he says unable to look at my eyes staring completely at the cleavage of my little blue dress 
"I thought you'd like my dress" I giggled
"I do, I really do. But again I haven't been alone with you for six months and I share a room with a murderer. This…. Is fucking fantastic" he smirked his hands unable to stop making a grabby action only inches from my breasts 
"Awww my eyes are up here Jake"
"I'm sorry"
"It's fine, you really are excited for our visit" I giggled giving his cheek a kiss and heading into the room to get comfy "I didn't think you'd be so jumpy, given what I sent you"
"Ummmm don't remind me darling! Your beautiful pictures line the wall of my bunk, and those special ones live under my pillow" he explained as he came and sat with me
"I very nearly exploded when I opened the letter, I certainly made a mess of the sink" he blushed
"I figured you'd like it"
"I couldn't help myself, you looked so beautiful in that little nightie. I can't wait till I can come home and really see you dressed like that on our bed"
"I hope so, you have no idea how much I've missed you, your smell, your skin, your lips… and other such places"
"Ohh? Well I suppose it is visiting time" I smiled setting my hand on his thigh 
"Nope" he says moving my hand 
"What? I'm very confused here Jake?"
"Have. Not. Been. Alone. Six. Months. Remember. And you've already brushed up against it three times honestly…. I was in a hair trigger before you even got here. Anything more then a kiss I am making a mess of these sweatpants" 
"Ohhh you poor thing" I cooed pulling him into a cuddle 
"Ummmmmmm" he smiled happily "besides we can do anything"
"Why not?"
"They took condoms out the rooms"
"Someone got mad about his child support payments and used a condom from the box to try and suffocate his lawyer"
"Ohh… that's fair they are kinda dangerous"
"Yeah, he's nuts. We're not even allowed sporks anymore because of him! I miss sporks"
"How do you eat food then?"
"You know those tiny little cardboard spoons you get in the lid of cheap ice cream?"
"Thats how"
"Aww my poor baby" I smiled hugging him tighter
"Ummmm… too close!" He says quickly moving
"Aww you really are struggling aren't you?"
"I'm doing my best. Doesn't help my cell Mates been in the cell alot I haven't had any time on my own to… deal with things. Sometimes I honestly think about starting something just to get thrown in solitary a while atleast I'm on my own and I can cum" 
"Well as it is visiting?"
"Can't I'm on such a short fuse I don't trust myself pulling out. And I've missed you so much I don't think I'll want to. And I can't accidentally knock you up while I'm in here that's horrid"
"Alright, then how about something else."
I smirked and glanced down to his sweatpants "something to give my sweet boy some bragging rights" I giggled nuzzling into his neck 
"Uuuuuuuhhh are you serious?"
"If that will make you happy?"
"Are you kidding! Of course! Last guy got his girlfriend to do that got special treatment for a month!"
"Alright get comfy then"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He smiled excitedly getting comfortable so I moved to my knees and have his legs some little kisses before I took the elastic of his sweatpants down enough to reveal his tight blue boxers and the obvious desperate erection within, I quickly tugged those down to and immediately giggled as I saw him, so hard, precum leaking from his head, his veins prominent where he hasn't been able to get what he needs 
"Awwww my poor boy" I cooed pressing kisses up his shaft immediately he bit his lip his head rolling back his hands gripping the sofa like a bird's tallons, "already?"
"I honestly don't think I'm gonna last that long"
"Aww that's okay Jake, I'll make sure you get what you need" I smirked wasting no time taking him Into my mouth and moving fast gently sucking doing all the little things I knew he adores his sounds fueled me as he utterly lost his rational mind an utter slave to the pleasure I gave him for a moment he glanced down at me and began to slowly buck his hips 
"Fuck you look so beautiful down there. Ummm I'd sell my fucking soul for you! God damn it id let them lock me up for another ten years just to get inside you my darling! Ughhhh - uuuuuuuhhh!" He moans loudly finishing into my mouth I did my best to swallow everything but there was an awful lot so I ended up having to wipe my mouth a few times 
"Feel better now Jake?"
"Ummm humm" he nods barely able to down words "I love you so much"
"I love you too" I smiled 
"Can I uhhh can I ask something?"
"Could maybe…. Please?" He whines looking at my chest
I giggled and moved to sit on his thighs and immediately his hands came and cupped my breasts
"Ohhhh my god your not wearing a bra"
"Took you long enough"
"Ohhh my god! Ughhh uuuuuuuhhh fuck" he groans squeezing fondling feeling the weight of my breasts in his hands while he kissed my neck until he suddenly stopped moving his hands to my waist "I'm sorry -"
"For what?"
"I may have just uhhh…. Made a mess up the back of your dress"
"It's fine my poor little prisoner boy" I giggled giving his cheek a kiss
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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We made an offer on a house!! I am very excited. Also nervous. I'm trying to be chill about it. Because if it doesn't work out that just means it wasn't meant to be. But what if it was!! We just finished filling out the paperwork. Crazy. We could be settling by mid January. Crazy crazy crazy.
Today was a pretty good day! I slept alright. And felt pretty good when I woke up. I gave myself an extra 15 and took my time getting ready. James came and watched me put my jewelery on and they were being very sweet. They would leave a little before me and had a very cold ride to work.
It was very frosty out. When I left I was glad I wore my fleece hood. And that I had an extra fleece sweatshirt at work.
When I got in I would have my breakfast and check my email. I pulled up the two listings for the houses we were looking at tonight to try to sort out the layouts. And that's when I realized you had to walk through the bathrooms to get to the bedrooms. So bizarre. I was looking forward to seeing both places though.
I went up to the attic to start working on laying out my quilt and started to sew it together. Which always takes forever. And this one is much stranger in shapes so it's much hard to figure out how to lay everything out. But it was fun having something to do.
Around 9 I heard someone come in and it was Heather. But I didn't stop working until I heard someone else come in I didn't recognize. This turned out to be John, the consultant that is going to work with camp for the next year.
He is a really nice guy. And I'm excited to see what happens with his direction.
Alexi would come in soon and she told me that I should come meet them at the lodge at 945. Excellent. Can do. So I had some time to continue to sew and watch the video I was watching.
I texted Sarah to let her know we were to go over there at 945. Because she may have not been awake yet and she loves a half hour away. And she let me know she would meet me there.
Heather texted me pretty quickly to ask me to bring tissues over to the lodge. Can do. I bundled up and walked over there. Then back to see for a half hour.
When my alarm went off I bundled up again and walked across the crunchy, frosty grass to the meeting.
And I really enjoyed it. He talked a lot about "I get to" rather then "I have to" statements. Which I really appreciated. And we got to talk about the things we think camp does well and the things we think camp needs to improve. We were able to be really frank about it and it was a really good conversation.
Alexi had to go take a call but when she came back we got to get into goals and schedule and how we want to approach things moving forward. The limits of our time and focus. It feels nice to have some direction for how bored I've been this week and a half. This felt productive and good and like we are just improving camp all the time.
There was lots of writing on white boards and a PowerPoint presentation. And a plan for him to come back next month. I really hope we can implement his ideas because I love the plan and I want to see it happen.
We broke down the meeting area and started putting things away. I carried the white boards back to the office. I left pretty quickly mainly because I was hungry and wanted to eat lunch. I had a mug of water during the meeting and I had found a bag of marshmallows to snack on but I wanted real food.
When I got back to the office it smelled really strongly of WD-40. Because Joe had installed the new toilet seat!!! We finally have a lid! Incredible! So much better. I made sure to tell Joe how much I appreciated it because I had tried to do it myself but the nuts were incredibly rusty and I could not move them.
Lunch was great. Perfect leftovers. And when I was done eating I worked on some of the ideas and"homework" John had given us. I was to try to make a schedule for our counselor in training program. And so I worked on that and started playing with chatgbt to brainstorm some acronyms for the program.
It used to be called the CIT program. Counselors in training. Lit was floated. Leaders in training. TNT. Teens training teens. chatgbT suggested some interesting ones but nothing seemed right. Then Heather leaned out of her office and suggested "camp leaders in training". CLIT. Heather telling a dirty joke is the best Christmas gift.
I went upstairs to sew in the attic for a little longer. But at 330 it was time to go. I let Alexi know I was heading to Manor Mill and I would see her tomorrow. Goodbyes all around.
I drove the 6 minutes to Manor Mill and was the only one in the ceramics studio for a bit. I waxed my 5 final pieces and when I was finishing that up a mom and her son came in to glaze as well.
I had sat at the broken wheel by the wedging table so I could be out of the way if someone wanted to throw during the open studio. But even though the entire room was open, and there are 6 other seats. This mom decided to move a chair to the wedging table literally back to back with me and have her son glaze there??? That is not what that table is for?? It was just really rude and I had to keep maneuvering around them and it was just really really obnoxious.
But thankfully it didn't take long. I don't like dip glazing but man is it fast.
I left and thought I might beat James home. But they got home one minute before me because I had been stuck in traffic. Not an ideal drive home but it's fine.
When I got back here James was just jumping on to do the first half of their podcast. And so I unpacked some stuff and wrapped a few gifts and chilled on the couch until it was time to go see two more houses.
We left right on time. James was a little frazzled because they had left their notebook at work but they would get it in our way home so it was all good. And we got to the houses right on time.
I am glad we saw these houses but neither were for us. The first one on glover was really cute and had some interesting details. But it was a bizarre layout and was very small. Plus the steps were very very tall and there really wasnt a space for my studio. I liked it but it just wasn't right. We would out grow it to fast.
Next we walked to rose street. James thought they were going to like this one. But it just wasn't right either. You had to go through the bathrooms to get to the bedrooms. The layout felt wasted. The basement was finished which was great. But I just didn't love it. This wasn't right either.
So we had a meeting of the minds. The house we liked on Sunday had been pulled off the market but they were willing to hear our offer still. Nothing in guaranteed. But Harold thinks it is the best bang for our buck, a really nice street, puts us in walking distance to a lot of fun stuff, it's a good size that we can forward and change with, and has things we can update and change and play with. He seemed really excited for my renovation ideas and even has some contractors to recommend. Harold is great. Just a really good man. He told us his moral stuff with selling and never wanting someone to end up in something that will hurt them. Physically or financially. And in celebration he gave James crab cakes. He would send us the documents to sign within a few hours. We were really excited.
Since we were over there I asked James to take me to Mathews pizza. And we had our favorite pizza, the Thai pie, and discussed the house and changes and layouts and wishes and timelines. I feel really good and happy. And like even if this one doesn't work out, I still feel like we are finding good things in that neighborhood which is where I wanted to end up at the end of the day. I'm just feeling really positive.
We went to the musuem for James's notebook. And then right back home. We got back here at 8 and I would take a shower and get cozy. Sweetp and me are cuddling while James is finishing their podcast. I am looking forward to sleep.
I hope tomorrow is a good day. I hope you all sleep well and stay warm. Wish us luck with the house. Goodnight!
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lionessinarms · 3 months
The Months in Between chapter 12
Monday morning at Element City Hall. Wade in his shirt and tie strolls into the building. As he walks in the morning sun hit his watery body like as if he was with Ember's glowing light. He see this and smiles. You can tell his demeanor is calm and content as he sighs. Nothing can ruin his day because he had the best weekend of his life, so far. Wade says good morning at other workers passing by. He's on his way to a conference room just before a meeting with Gale. Wade enters into the room to see none other then River.
River sarcastically says to him, "Good morning bet you're so happy to see me."
Wade puts his bag on a chair and says this to her calmly, "Only if you are serious about doing a better job then me as an inspector." He then looks up at her with a sincere look, like he wants her to be better.
"Well you're in luck because I'm quitting."
"Really?" Wade is surprised.
River says from the heart, "Yep, I decided to move to the Ocean and be more in my element. The city is just too big for me." She then points to Wade. "And you Wade Ripple are the tall, handsome Water guy that always got away from me." She sighs.
Wade nervous laughs, "Ha ha. Wait what do you mean by that? I thought we hooked up at that party back in High School?
"I wish but instead you got drunk, cried, and passed out. Sure hope that Fire of yours knows what she is getting into." She crosses her arms and looks away. Sad she missed her chance with him.
Wade is just starring at her in shock. That means his first time was with Ember and not that his weekend wasn't any less amazing. It just means he actually got to do that with someone he loved first. A huge open month smile and tears form in his eyes. He's so happy that he picks River up in a bear hug as he cries and whales. "That is such great news!!" River is stunned and doesn't know what to say as Wade puts her down and backs up to leave. He is so distraught that he needs to get some air but he does manage to say this to her. "I wish you the best in the Ocean and I hope you find someone there. Everyone deserves to find their true love!" Next part he says in a high pitch voice. "Excuse me, I got to get some air." He then turns to leave, crying of course.
Out in the hall he runs into and through Gale literally. Knocks a bunch of paperwork out of her hands. It gets all wet too. "Agh! Really Ripple?" She says angrily.
Wade turns back around trying to get his composure, "Sorry, uh. I just found out that River is quitting." He says with his shoulders up and a few sniffs. He is trying to calm down a bit.
Gale and Wade grab the paperwork from off the floor as Gale speaks to him. "Agh I know I should of listened to you kid about the potential HR issues. She didn't take it well when I gave her the list of complaints from other Elements about her behavior. This doesn't effect your transfer out though. That approval already went through."
Wade is about to cry again as he hands some papers to Gale. "Really?"
"Hey calm down kid. Now if only we had a replacement for River?"
Wade takes a big sniff to stops his tears, "Actually, you know Jimmy in the mailing department? Well I've been teaching him somethings about inspecting and he is really eager to learn the job."
Gale all excited, "Excellent! You get on that right away."
Wade just as excited, "Already planned on it. We can start shoulder to shoulder on Wednesday."
"Why not tomorrow?" Then Gale quickly remembers, "Oh! That's right your personal day. Sorry kid."
Wade looks a bit uncomfortable, "It's okay.." then looks down all sad.
Tuesday morning. Allen is at the entrance of the job site Ember works at. Allen speaks to an Earth worker at the gate. Even though the site is almost done it's still dangerous to let anyone who is not a city employee in to just roam around. It's Ember's last week there. Helping out with the final touches. The Earth worker walks up to Ember, "There is some Water guy here to see you."
Ember thinking that it's her Wade happily goes up to the gate only to find Allen there. She is confused to see him and the immediately thinks something is wrong. "Hi Allen, how are you? Is everything okay." 
"Well yeah, but no, It's complicated." He puts a hand on his head and sighs. Judging by Ember's confused look she doesn't have a clue what's going on today. He'll have to talk to his brother more about this one. "I'm here to ask a big favor. And I mean BIG. In fact I'm surprised Wade didn't already told you."
Ember still confused, "Okay, what's going on? Is Wade okay?"
Allen sighs again, "Today is the day our Dad passed. Wade's usually routine is he has the day to himself and we met at the beach at sunset to tell each other stories of our Dad. I'm guessing Wade didn't tell you because he sees how close you are with your dad and probably didn't want to burden you."
Ember says with passion as she flares up but not enough to harm Allen, "Yeah but I'm his girlfriend! I'm supposed to be there for him is bad times too." She shrinks a bit looking down at her hands together, "Do you think he doesn't trust me?"
Allen gives her a sympathetic look, "No Ember not at all. Our Dad's death was the hardest on Wade. If anything he is probably embarrassed because life has moved on with us as a family. My sons have a junior waveball game this evening and they wouldn't understand me missing it because they were not around when my Dad passed."
Ember gives an understanding smile. She then gently and carefully places her hand on his shoulder not to burn him and looks him in the eye to tell him. "Don't worry I promise to be there for Wade tonight."
Allen then jokes around with a big smile in his face, "Wow. My sons are right you are nice and warm."
Ember pulls back her hand to her side as they both laugh.
It's barely evening at the beach as the sun will begin to set soon. Wade looking sad is sitting on the ocean's edge with his feet in the water. It wasn't hard for Ember to find him. His water is refracting the sun's light so brightly that he sticks out like a sore thumb. She walks up to him from behind. He can feel her familiar warmth already and doesn't need to turn around to look at her. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath in, then speaks. 
"My Dad was wrong about the ocean. He use to tell me nothing was bigger then it. That you can throw any emotion at it and it will take it." Ember sits next to him but just slightly farther back so her feet don't touch the water as she listens to his story. "We use to yell at the top of our lungs and listen to that sound dissipate into the calming sounds of the waves. But I found an emotion that I feel won't get lost, that it can go on forever and ever."
Ember puts her hand on his shoulder, "Yeah and what emotion is that?"
Wade just leans over from her touch, puts his head on top hers with a smile, and replies in almost a whisper. "My love for you."
Ember upon hearing this puts her arms around him and pulls him in tight in a hug. Wade has no idea what that means to her to hear him say what he just said. She wants to tell him but isn't sure this is the best time. Wade pulls back then admits. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about today. I just didn't know how to tell you." Then he does a soft, sad, sarcastic chuckle resting his arms on his knees, "So much for not keeping secrets huh?"
Ember uses this as her chance. "Actually, I got a secret I've been keeping from you. Well sort of. We, or I, just haven't really said it out loud but I pretty sure you feel it too?" Curious Wade shifts his body in her direction and he lets her continue. Ember looks nervous but is dying to say what's been bottle up inside of her ever since Wade reconstituted in the hearth months ago. "Remember how I'm supposed to teach you about Firish traditions?"
Wade softly responds, "Yeah?" 
Ember continues in a nervous ramble but she tires to slow down, "Well there is one about love. There is no word for it like Tìshók' and I've been kind of breaking some of these Firish tradition as of late but this one about Love is something I truly believe in." She looks up at him. 
Wade can tell she is being serious and wants to help her calm her nerves. He shifts a bit closer so he is beside her and wraps his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. He whispers because they are so close, "Okay so what's the tradition?"
The physical contact helps Ember calm down a bit and sparks an idea to draw her point. "So you know how you didn't want to freak me out about telling me what your thought bubbles were?"
Wade rubs the back of his neck, "Ha, ha yeah but I'm glad that turned out very well for us." He wiggles his eyebrows flirtatiously. Not trying to be inappropriate but more of just to get his girlfriend to laugh off her nerves. It works.
Ember laughs and leans her head into his shoulder. Even though she is loving the closeness she has to say what she needs to say while looking him in the eye and pulls back to do so. "Well I meant what I said a few months ago back in the hearth." She nervously rambles again and eventually looks down away from his eyes in a yellow blush, "I. I don't know if you heard me over your tears raining off the ceiling."
Wade smiles, "That you want to explore the world with me and have me with you in your life forever?"
Ember smiles back and very nervously continues but tires to say her words more slowly, "And just like you were very nervous about getting physical with me, I am nervous about telling you how committed I am." Wade's eyes widen a bit. As she continues. "The Firish tradition is once you find your true love it's basically for life. I don't what's going to happen after my glass internship but one thing is for sure." She then leans into him and her beautiful light glows bright. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you Wade Ripple."
Wade is shocked and he pulls back to look Ember in the eye. He finds her smiling at him just like when they interlocked their hands for the first time. He then slowly starts form a big smile with a shaky exhale and his typical tears in his eyes too. He picks her up off the sand and twirls her around in a tight embrace. They are both laughing as Ember hugs him back as tightly as she can with tears in her eyes too. Knowing how he is feeling. He eventually puts her down but is still holding her tight. Through his tears he is able to tell her. "Oh Ember. I do feel the same way. I love you so much!"
Ember has her head firmly on his chest crying and says back, "I love you too."
Even with the bright sun setting behind them the light is no match to Ember's beautiful loving glow and with Wade so close, they case a prism of colors all around them. 
Wade pulls back to tell her. "Thank you for making this day brighter for me. I'll never forget it."
Ember coyly then says to him, "So you want to mess around in the sand?"
Wade tilts his head like a confused puppy then gives a flirty smile at her in response.
Next scene they are a little farther back from the shoreline. Wade sitting up is right behind Ember in a spoon. His hands over on tops of hers as they both mess around with melted glass. Wade admits, "Not what I was thinking but still cool never the less."
Ember smiling with a roll of her eyes and a bit of sarcasm, "Oh sorry for disappointing you."
Wade laughs at her then gives her a soft kiss on the cheek from behind and rests his chin on her shoulder. "Nah you never disappoint."
He watches and feels her create another orb but instead of a vivisteria centered in it, it's the two of them dancing. Ember looks at him with a smile. "You're keeping this one."
"Technically in less then two weeks we get to keep both." He hears her laugh and then asks her, "What else do you want to make?"
Ember softly answers, "Our future together."
Wade with a smile puts his left arm out in front of her motions and says, "Check." Then closes his eyes and gives her a hug. Ember closes her eyes too and hugs him back.
It's the night before Wade and Ember leave for her glass internship. Ember and her parents invite Wade and his mom over for dinner. Allen is there too. Since the Lumen's kitchen is so small they makeshift a larger table in the living room. There is mix of Firish foods and these Water jelly treats that Brooke brought over, as well as some more champagne for her and Cinder to enjoy. 
Bernie is relaxing and is the first to speak. "Ahh, it's so nice having most of the repairs finally done, even with the water flowing in Firetown." Ember wide eyed gives her father a quick kick of his chair and gives him a look back and forth to him and Wade's family. Bernie quietly asks, "Wha?" Then he realizing what Ember is trying to say. He brightly and loudly goes, "OH! SO! There won't be another flood again." He does a big smile like he did when he unbanned Wade from the store, hoping he didn't offend anyone. 
Cinder helps out by saying, "I agree. It's nice having that Earth kid Clod get water from the Shop now. He's such a charming boy."
Wade and his family smile at this then Wade says, "And you'll be in good hands with Jimmy as your new city inspector. I'm glad that worked out along with my transfer." Wade takes a sip of his kol nut tea.
Ember tells Wade her surprise. "Speaking of work I got a surprise for you."
Wade lowers his mug, "Oh?"
Ember continues, "The welding job I did the past few months covered not only my travel expenses but yours and also our living expenses for the whole time I'm at my paid internship."
"WOW!" Wade goes, thinking that is an amazing opportunity to save for traveling the world... and maybe starting a family... He then looks around the room at everyone smiling at him. Trying to read the room he then says all confused. "Wait, I'm not going to quit my job. I may not like the work I'm doing but I, uhh, have something I'm saving up for."
"I'm not asking you to but it does give you options..." 
Ember motions to Brooke, "You're enrolled at the local college there." Brooke then shrugs and leans back, "If that is something you might be interested in."
"There is also a therapist school in the area that can help you get certified." Allen leans back to continue, "If you want to connect with that option."
Bernie with his arms crossed and shrugging his shoulders as he says to Wade. "Either way you're going to be working hard at something." He ends with a smile.
Wade doesn't know what to say. He looks around at everyone in the room smiling at him. He is so humbled by this and finally speaks. "You guys... did all this... for me?"
Cinder points to her daughter, "Ember's idea."
Ember smiling takes a hold of Wade's hand on top of the table and shrugs her shoulder as she looks up at him. "I'd figure you helped me find my dream I want to help you find yours."
Wade emotionally exhales out, squeezing her hand back and softly tells her with a tear rolling down his cheek, "But you are my dream."
Ember brightly smiles back at him.
Bernie breaks the tender moment. He pushes away from the table and his chair loudly scraping across the floor. He gets up all excited bouncing up and down, waving his hands in the air to show Wade something. "OK! OK! One more surprise!" Bernie then takes Wade's mug from his hand and walks into the kitchen. Ember is confused and doesn't know what her dad is doing. Everyone can see Bernie walk over to the sink with his back to them. "I asked one of the city workers to help set this up for me." Bernie turns on the faucet and Wade's mug fills up with clean tap water.
Ember gasps and puts her hand on her mouth. Her eyes tear up too. This is such a big deal that her dad went through to trouble to make sure Wade can get some water from their home.
Bernie hands Wade back his mug, "Thank you for coming in to my daughter's life."
Brooke and Allen are barely holding it together. Wade too is about to burst then all the Ripples break out into an ugly crying fit.
Bernie backs away with his hands up asking, "Please don't cry on me."
It's later in the evening. Dinner is over. Ember and Wade are hanging out together on the rooftop above the Shop. It's yet another romantic scene with the city lights sparking and the warm fires from Firetown. A few fireworks are going off a few blocks over. Ember with an excited squeal goes, "Gah, I can't believe we are leaving tomorrow."
Wade right beside her, "I know! Start our lives. Work towards our dreams." He sighs with a slight melt, "What a bright future."
Ember leans into her boyfriend and shyly asks, "So. After the internship, classes, and potential jobs lined up. What do you think about marriage next?"
Wade acts surprise, "Oh! Wait?" He joking looks around and and even pats his hand on his pockets. Then with sarcasm he points to her, "Have I not proposed to you yet?"
Ember coyly jokes back with him motioning her hands like no ring is there, "Hmm, umm. no?"
Wade flirts with his hands up, "Well that's coming Lumen and when it happens it will be the brightest day of your life."
Ember laughs and puts her hands on his chest. "Sounds wonderful."
Wade leans in close and they share a kiss. In the background you can see more fireworks going off in Firetown. Ember puts her head on Wade's chest as they hug and she whispers to him, "I'm so lucky."
The next day they board the boat.
The End.
Author's Note: Guys, I wasn't planing on writing the line "But you are my dream" but when I did I was like GAHHH!!!!!! CIRCLING BACK AROUND!!! NORTH STAR!! WOOT!!! I hope you enjoyed this story. It was so much fun to do. I learned a lot about myself as a writer and how to be better at organizing my thoughts like a I would a rough sketch on paper. Possibilities for bonus stories in the future but for now this one is complete.
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lilicy-secrets · 2 years
Home Is Where the Heart Is Chapter 3
I eyed the doctor hoping not to have to stay in the hospital because I didn't want to give my parents or the kids at school the chance to visit. "Well... she is having slight problems with hand eye coordination, but that's due to her needing glasses. Also, for some unknown reason, she occasionally looses all control over some part of her body. She can be writing perfectly fine for five minutes then her muscles just relax instead. It could be due to the head trauma, but we can't find the exact source. Last she has had two fainting spells without reason. We'll have to keep an eye on her."
I felt my heart drop, and looked at Brendon with a bitter sweet smile. He looked a little upset, but still very happy.
"Before the two of you devise a plan for him to stay the night, we'll just have you come in once a week. You'll tell us if these symptoms get better or worse or don't change at all. If you agree to that and taking your prescription, you may go home tonight. I have your discharge papers right here."
We all walked the rest of the way to the room. I was super excited; even though I was only here consciously for six hours, I really didn't want to stay any longer. I wanted to be somewhere safe, safe with someone who cares for me. 'Brendon doesn't really care for you; you're just a distraction from the one he truly cares for but lost.' The dark voice in my head said. 'That may be the case, but at least I'm getting treated better than being a maid and punching bag.' I sat on the bed and took the paperwork from Doctor Alexander. I focused intensely on the muscles in my hand as I read through the paperwork. Dr. Alexander had stepped outside and Brendon had gone with him making it a little easier to keep control of my body, or so I thought. Suddenly the hand with the papers in it went limp causing the paper to scatter to the floor. I quickly slid off the side of the bed and began using my good hand to gather the pages until I lost control of that one too. 'With you like this, he might give up on being your hero. Every hero only comes when necessary and teaches the civilians to not rely on him/her all the time. You'll always need him, and he'll give up.'
'When that day comes, I'll have to suck it up and deal with it like I've done with everything else.'
'It won't be that easy and you know it. You are in love with this guy. You have watched all his interviews, listened to all of his songs, looked up his bio. You're not obsessed with the idol; you're in love with the man behind the success. Imagine dropping a mirror off the side of Mount Everest; that's exactly how your heart will feel when he leaves you.'
I sighed trying not to let the dark voice get to me. I looked at the papers all over the floor and the glanced at either arm. 'I'll just have to prove to him that I'm not a useless girl, a lost cause, or a plague on earth.'
'You're right; you're not completely useless. He could just use your immobile body for pleasure until Sarah takes him back.'
I ignored the voice as best as I could, but that last comment brought terrible images to my mind. I felt tears beginning to pool in my eyes, but blinked them back putting on a face of determination. I finally got one of my hands to respond, but, sadly, I heard the door opening causing me to lose focus. My arm went dead again. I looked up to see Brendon waving to someone, and then he turned to see me.
"(Y/f/n), I'm so sorry. Dr. Alexander was giving me advice about how to help you and what I can work on with you to try and get your body to work with you brain again. Also, what I need to be on watch about," Brendon said gathering up the pages, organizing them, and placing them in an organized pile. I watched him as tears slowly broke the dam that was my eye lids and made thin salty trails down my face. 'He's been so caring, thoughtful, and helpful, but I'm going to be more of a burden to him than he originally thought.'
"(Y/f/n), do you want m-" he stopped as soon as he saw my face. I saw him squat in front of me and envelope me with his strong arms. He held my head to his shoulder with one hand and petted my hair. "(Y/n/n), what is the matter? Did I upset you? Was it a flashback? What ever it was you can tell me. I'm your hero, and I can't help if I don't know what the problem is."
I tried to move my arms to hug him and once again they refused to move. "I'm going to be even more of a burden now. Brendon, I know that due to my circumstances, you really want to help me, but I can't let you. My dad was right, I'm useless, especially now. You can't keep watch over me 24/7 hoping to see positive results. I mean it may never change and can even get worse. If you do this, I'll be become too dependent on you. How is that fair for you? If Sarah wanted you back, then you'd suddenly become a packaged deal or have to give me to someone else. I can't let you risk your future for me." I began crying harder.
"(Y/f/n), stop crying about that bullshit. Sorry if it seems harsh, but you can't think like that. First off, you never were, and still are not, a burden. Second off, yes, because of your past I want to be there, but that's not the only reason. When you are not putting up an act of being too shy and timid, you are an amazing girl. You show that you don't care if you're a complete mess, covered in bruises or even care how and why they're there. You're honest with yourself, and even protect those who harm you. Therefore, you're loyal, fun loving, girl that isn't going to waste time with people that are going to get hung up on appearance. Next, you're dad was totally wrong on that. You can still put on a smile and be optimistic about you're circumstances once you get used to them. That is rare. I know it may never change or even get worse, but friends don't just give up, they try harder. If you become dependent, who really fucking cares because if someone truly loves me then they will respect that you come with me. Now let's get these papers signed, those eyes dry, a smile back on that gorgeous face of yours, and go get some food for my hungry tummy!"
I looked at him shocked, and felt my arms finally hug him back. He wiped my tears off my face causing me to blush and smile. "Look you already have half of the orders finished, so let me have that pen so we can ditch this joint." My body continued to obey me as I handed it to him effortlessly and answered everything for him. We walked to the nurses' station and picked up two files, one for both Brendon and myself, and my prescription. As we climbed onto the elevator a few feet from the desk, I started feeling faint. Brendon realized something was off and squatted down. "Get on my back, so we can get to the car without having to readmit you."
I did as I was told just as I felt all my muscles go limp. "Wow... it really is random, unless you just wanted me to carry you.  If that were the case, all you had to do was ask. (Y/f/n), I will be your car until we reach mine," he said looking at my limp face. Then he started running while making engine noises. I started laughing in my head. I regained control after getting outside, and I stared pulling his shirt like I was steering.
At his car, he set me in carefully and climbed into the driver's seat. "So what's for dinner?"
"I really want some sushi and vegetable lo mien."
"Awesome, that's around the corner from our apartment and next to the pharmacy," he said starting the car.
~Time skip to Outside the Pharmacy: Brought to You by a Villain That's Vying for a Girl's Attention. (Part of Panic! At The Disco's song "Girls/Girls/Boys") ~
Brendon walked with me inside to get my pills, and as we waited he went through the accessories by the counter acting like a complete dork. I was trying my best not to laugh to loud, so I wouldn't disturb the elderly people in the quiet, cold building. Finally, I got what I needed; Brendon stuck the bag in the car inside the glove box before dragging me to a hole in the wall Chinese Restaurant. I did amazingly well controlling my chopsticks all through dinner, and we talked about our favorite things, our dreams, our goals, and random childhood memories. If I didn't know that he thought of me as a sister or friend I would swear this was a date. After dinner he carried me to the car, and gave me two pills along with the to go cup of water we got at the restaurant. I quickly gulped it all down before we drove to the apartment building.
"Okay, (y/f/n), hide your face in my chest," Brendon said as he carried me bridal style to a door. He unlocked and opened the door with ease, and I did as I was told. Upon entering, I saw that he needed a woman around because it was a bit of a mess. "Sorry about the filth, I'm still not used to not having Sarah around to help with the work." He gave me a tour of the whole house before he took me to my room. He opened the door before setting me down on my feet.
The room's temperature was perfect, the room held a queen sized bed with (Second/fave/color) sheets and (f/c) skulls. He had my books put away, and had a laptop sitting on a desk. All of my clothes, shoes, jewelry and make up were organized and put away. I felt tears of joy and amazement fall down to the floor as I admired the room. "What, so you can get my room neat and organized, but you have to leave the rest of the house in a bit of disorder?" I giggled.
"Don't judge me. Do you want to take a shower?"
"Yes, but I don't take team showers."
He began to laugh as he spoke "I wouldn't expect anything different," he said in between fits of laughter.  Suddenly, he got serious. "You have thirty minutes, one second later, and I'm coming in to get you."
"U-u-understood," I stuttered while blushing. I entered the bathroom which was extremely tidy, and got into the shower. The hot drops off water cascaded down my body making the stress melt away. I took my time in the shower staying focused on all my muscles. Thankfully, I made it through my shower, but as I was stepping out of the shower, I lost my balance and fell. I got up quickly and wrapped a towel around me. I heard a knock on the door. "Do you need help in there?"
"No, I just slipped on the wet floor, I'll be fine," I said getting dressed and walking out of the bathroom.
"God, you are cruel. I mean that would have been a perfect time for your muscles to fail," he said sighing. Before I could feel offended, he smiled, "I'm just joking. Don't make me worry like that. I thought I was going to have to come get you, and, once you regained control, I'd have to accept a good slap or two."
I blushed thinking about that, "well, I wouldn't slap you because it's better to have you see me naked, dry me off, and dress me than to lie on the floor for God knows how long. That doesn't mean to expect it to actually happen."
"Aw, come on you could pretend for me.... Anyway, it's my turn," he said walking into the room and I heard the shower turn on. I blushed thinking about how he would look in the shower. I walked to my room and dropped my dirty clothes in the basket by my door before going to lay on my bed. I smiled as I lay there looking at my new room. "He has no idea how much he has helped me."
"Oh, I think he does," Brendon called from my open door way. "So do you talk to yourself often?" He continued to stand there looking at me.
"Do you lurk in doorways often?"
"Maybe, or maybe I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
"Just come in, I mean you came to my hospital room while I was unconscious, yet you won't come into the room when I'm wide awake," I said before yawning.
He laughed as he came to sit on my bed, "well, there were nurses and doctors watching to make sure I didn't do anything."
"Oh yeah, like the Brendon Urie would do anything to some mystery girl. Now, maybe it'd be different if I was Sarah or something," I said as I saw his face drop a little. I realized what I said then. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to bring up her name."
"It's okay," he said before smiling. "I guess I have you fooled into thinking that I would never try anything on you. I mean your beautiful, funny, and smart, but you are a little hard on yourself." He looked me straight in the eyes as he said this.
"Mr. Urie, I swear if you continue to be this sweet to me, I'll have to fall in love with you," I said jokingly, but knew it was already too late.
"Gasp, you mean you already haven't. Hmm, maybe I'm losing my touch. Oh well, I guess you'll be a bit of a challenge," he said trying to look serious, but he kept breaking into a smile.
I yawned again as he laughed. "Maybe I'm not as wide awake I thought I was."
"Go to sleep then. I'll see you in the morning," He said getting up.
"I don't want to, though. I'm enjoying spending time with you!" I whined like a little kid.
He laughed, "we can watch a movie in the living room, in that case."
"Can it be a horror movie?"
"Sure come on," he said about to leave my room.
"Carry me," I said throwing my arms up before they fell back down.
"Fine, you have been moving a lot." He let me on his back and ran to the living room. He put a movie in the DVD player, put a blanket on top of me, and sat down laying my head in his lap. "Comfy?"
"Very," I said. Before the movie even started, I was out like a light.
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www-artforoddballs · 3 years
Alright, so notice. Most of you probably know this, since you're following me for the Autistic Levi stuff (thank you, we're closing in on 100 followers!!!!), but people with autism can have "tantrums". I've kinda touched on this in a previous post (it's a full meltdown, but you can see that post here https://www-artforoddballs.tumblr.com/post/644803780958879744/autistic-levi-angstkinda-i-guess-this-is-him). For those of you who DON'T know, an autistic tantrum is not the same thing as what you'd think of in regards to a toddler or kid, it's just the word used for it. This is a mistake my mother and I made when getting the paperwork done while I was going through testing that later got cleared up lol
I had a tantrum yesterday, and so I figured that I could post about Leviathan having a tantrum, since it's still ready on my mind. I don't care if anyone else is proud of me for coping with it as well as I did, since it's a major improvement from last time I had one, but I am proud of myself!...with that in mind, here we go!!
There will be some angst in this post, like the last post in relation to this one, but like the last post, it turns out fine.
Trigger warning for things such as self harm, both physical and verbal. If you or a loved one is self harming, either reach out to someone for help or reach out to that person to help, yeah?
OK on with the post.
First of all, Levi's autism is part of why his brothers always agree to help when there's a raffle for tickets or something like that on the DDD messages, because he can get overwhelmed if they don't at least help, even if he doesn't win in the end.
They figured out that his autism was the culprit for this shortly after his diagnosis.
Now when I'm writing for Levi, I like to think that his diagnosis was around the early 1990s since, while autism was a separate diagnosis in 1980, it didn't really start becoming fairly accepted and expanded upon until 1987. Hence why everyone is mostly used to it by now, but are still sometimes off put by his odd behavior; for them, as beings that have been around since...the beginning of the universe, pretty much as far as we know, but for at LEAST since humans were around (so at VERY least 2.5 million years now, but potentially up to around 7 million years (if they haven't been around since the beginning of creation)), this would be like...I dunno, give me a second.
Okay, so from 1990(earliest year I have in mind) to 2019 (the year it was released) is 29 years. That's a minimum of 1/86,206.89th of their lifespan, and a maximum of 1/475,862,068.96th of their total lifetime.
So this is a VERY recent development for them on the grand scheme of things, but I digress.
So they're still figuring everything out, especially as the human race continues to learn about the condition itself.
So the first time Levi threw a tantrum and they recognized it for what it was...it was certainly interesting.
What had happened was exactly the situation described; Levi had wanted to go to a concert in the human world and they were raffling off free tickets. Except, unlike now, his brothers hadn't offered their support. They hadn't in the past, why would this time be any different?
Except now they viewed it through a different light. Leviathan had an image in his head that he desired so badly and had asked his brothers to support him, hopeful, only to be rejected at every turn. That he was used to, but it was still upsetting.
He put that to the side, though. He really wanted to see this band, and these were VIP tickets where you got to hang out with the band for a few hours after the concert! They'd cost a LOT of human money, and while they COULD afford it, he knew Lucifer would be bringing hell down upon him if he used that amount of family funds on a concert. And his anxiety was already somewhat raised, so he decided to enter the raffle on his own.
He sat there for hours, waiting for the results to come in. He'd hyped this up in his brain the entire time; He'd win, go to an amazing concert, have dinner with the band, maybe even make some friends....!...and then the results came back. He hadn't won.
As per usual, our snek boi went into one of his rants about how unfair it was, but instead of going on a rampage or something like that, locked himself up in his room and cried, hating himself for getting so excited over nothing.
As I mentioned before, I've made another post about a tantrum/getting too overwhelmed slipping into something even more dire, as that's almost always what happens to me. This would be in the 90s, so this would be their first real incident with one of these moments where they had the proper diagnosis, so bear with me, there will be some angst here, but like the other post, it'll be fine.
So Mammon ends up feeling bad for rejecting his little brother, and, not knowing it was too late, decided to go to his room and offer his support. It was almost Leviathan's birthday anyways, and Mammon knew how rejection felt and how much it sucked. So, he knocked on Leviathan's door.
No response. He knocked again...still no response, but a quiet sob.
Right away, Mammon switched from semi-carefree to worried. "Levi...?"
Again, no response. He decided to just go in and check on his brother...
The door was locked. And he smelled blood.
"Leviathan, I need you to open the door," Mammon said with a half hearted chuckle, his voice now becoming slightly strained. "Because if ya don't, I'm gonna have t' break the door down."
"Just go away!" Leviathan cried from inside his room. "Just leave me alone, you jerk!"
"I ain't goin' anywhere. Either open the door or I'm gonna break it down. Those are your two choices."
A moment of silence, before Mammon sighs, stretching, as he transforms into his demon form.
"Alright, option two it is."
He rammed into the door repeatedly, before the wood finally splintered and fell to the ground with a loud thud. Mammon quickly looked around, eyes widening as he saw Leviathan digging his own sharpened nails into his arms, multiple raked wounds, made by the same culprit, carved into his skin.
"Levi...look at ya..." Mammon said, voice faltering, tears welling up in his eyes. "I...how long has..."
"Just shut up! Don't act like you care about me, I'm the freak of our family, remember?! I'm the one whose brain isn't right, I'm just a shut-in, good for nothing, re-!"
He was quickly cut off by Mammon going to him and hugging him.
"I don't care who you are. You talk about my brother like that again and I'll kill you. Alright? You're a little off, but you ain't a freak, and your brain works just fine as is. You're perfect just the way you are, and if anybody else says any different, I'm gonna beat them the fuck up. Including you. Got that? So what if you've got that fancy lable on ya now...? Labels like that matter, but it didn't change ya. You're still my cringe, annoying as hell little weirdo of a brother...and I wouldn't have ya any other way."
Leviathan fully listened to Mammon talk, before clinging to him, breaking down sobbing again, and trying to explain what happened through his tears, the older demon gently rubbing his back and allowing him to cry it out, making sure no more harm was done.
A while later, once Levi had calmed down, Mammon ruffled his hair.
"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah? Lucifer is already gonna kill me for breaking your door, but he'd be even more pissed if I just left you here with those wounds."
So they did. And Mammon, after telling a VERY angry Lucifer what had happened hours later, had surprisingly NOT gotten chewed out by the eldest brother. Instead, that day, the entire family had a long discussion, and they all agreed that if it was something as small as entering a raffle, or even if it was bigger but not an inconvenience to anyone in the slightest, they'd all help out from then on. It's not like it was hard, and it would save Levi from hours of stress and negativity toward himself and others around him.
They also made a plan for if a tantrum were to happen while someone was around, or if he became too overwhelmed and started to spiral...because, as annoying as he could be, Leviathan was still family. And they loved him, oddities and all.
Alright, so...that was the post! I hope it was okay. I know I've written about this type of thing before a little, but different situations can end up with the same negative outcome, like being in an overwhelming situation, or not being able to change your thinking and not easily being able to get over your expectations. I've personally suffered with both, and it's a regular thing for me, so I like writing about it, because maybe, just maybe, it'll help someone out, or help someone that isn't autistic understand a friend or relative or classmate or employee better. And I love these characters, I really do. The only ironic thing is that I see so much of myself in Leviathan, but I adore him and despise myself. Go figure 😂
Regardless, I hope you enjoyed, and if there's anything you guys have questions about (in regards to me and my experience), or any specific writing requests, asks are fully open!
Thanks so much for being here to support me, you have no idea how much it means to a little oddball such as myself.
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murderousginger · 4 years
Temporary Bliss
John Shelby x reader x Finn Shelby
Word count: 4,330
Warnings: Angst. Yearning. Smutty things. They're criminals guys, they do bad things.
Note: So this took some time and might be a bit rough, but we all need a distraction right now. I hope you all enjoy!
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(gif by @bonniebirddoesgifs​ )
Every day, John thought, Like fucking clockwork.
Finn was outside his office, like a lovestruck idiot, making moon eyes over his secretary. Five minutes before end of day. Every. Day.
It started cute enough. Finn ran past her one afternoon to give John a message from Tommy. He was so wrapped up in getting the message to John that he didn't even notice the girl that he pushed past in John's doorway. That was, until, Finn was knocked off balance from her hands on his collar as she dragged him out of the office. He was taller than she was, which only made it easier for her to move him.
"Excuse me," she had said, face red as she glared up at the youngest Shelby, "I don't believe you have an appointment and you are supposed to see me before you interrupt Mr. Shelby."
"(Y/N)," John said, hiding his smile with his hand before he pointed to the scoffing boy in her grip. "I see you haven't met Finn, my youngest brother."
She immediately loosened her grip on his shirt with a gasp, her eyes dropped to the floor as a waterfall of apologies left her lips like prayers.
"It's okay," John said laughing. "We don't think much of him, either. What do you want, Finn?"
Finn scoffed at his brother as he smoothed out his suit and walked back into the office, closing the door loudly behind him.
John watched through the frosted glass as (Y/N) settled back into her seat at the desk in front of his office before he stood up and met Finn's waiting eyes.
"Well," Finn said, "what's your response?"
John tilted his head.
"To what?"
"To what I just told you," Finn exhaled, hitting his thighs with his hands. "The message."
"The message," John said as he cleared his throat. "Right, well tell me again while I gather a good answer."
Finn groaned.
When Finn left, he had stopped by (Y/N)'s desk to tell her that it was okay, he wouldn't take it to heart, that it was a misunderstanding. But his breath caught as he looked down at her wide eyes looking up at him. He stammered his words as she gave him a smile, politely nodding to encourage him to finish his sentence.
It was all over at that moment, John thought, the idiot fell in puppy love.
Honestly, that was the day John looked at her differently, too. She had always been a good secretary, but her courage to pull a man out of his office made him want to know more about her. He started to notice more, pulling himself out of his head to acknowledge her. For a 20 year old, seven years his junior --far closer to Finn's tender age of 18 than his own-- she had a good head on her shoulders.
She was always nice to the other women, even the gossips and the complainers, and always encouraging on busy days. She did her work and went home. She was always respectful when someone stepped out of line but she had no hesitation in correcting what she thought was wrong. John started finding himself watching her from his office on slow afternoons.
I wonder what she's like when she finally relaxes, he thought. I'd like to be the one that knows. That gets to make her smile.
Finn must have had the same idea, because only a few weeks after their first encounter he started showing up at the office more. He would make small talk, leaning on her desk, bringing her little presents like wildflowers from the ditch or a treat from the bakery. Visit by visit she became friendlier, more animated, relaxed.
The first laugh was music to John's ears. It rang through the empty room after work only to be stifled by her hand. Finn was smiling, leaning over her as he sat on her desk, and something warm knawed at John's stomach. Finn tucked a stray hair behind her ears. He locked eyes with his brother as Finn sat back up and he sheepishly smiled as John's eyebrow quirked.
"I should probably be off," Finn shrugged, looking back at (Y/N). "Let you go home for the day."
"You could walk me, if you'd like," (Y/N)'s voice said softly and John's blood ran cold in the other room. "But only if you'd like."
"Y-yeah," Finn sputtered, standing from her desk. "I'd like that."
After that, Finn walked her home every day. John was always the last one out of the office.
Months went on. Finn continued visiting, bringing her trinkets, walking her home. (Y/N) got more and more comfortable with her position in the company and even began to relax around John. She often stayed late with John to finish counting the books or organize after a particularly busy day.
John found her presence comforting. He started to sit at the table near the safe with his paperwork after hours so that they could talk while the work was being done.
"Exciting plans this weekend, doll?" He asked one Thursday evening after a particularly busy day.
She smiled brightly as she counted a stack of money.
"Actually, yes," (Y/N) said as she scribbled into the book before picking up another stack. "Finn asked if I wanted to see the new Chaplin movie."
John's heart sank as his head shot up. He gave her a weak smile.
"You like Chaplin, eh?"
She nodded excitedly.
"I never really go to the pictures, so it's nice to be able to go."
"A girl like you should have suitors lining up to take you anywhere you'd like," John said as he looked back down to his paperwork. "My idiot brother should be the least of your choices."
"Finn's sweet."
"That what you're looking for?" John asked as he dropped his pen.
(Y/N)'s face is pinched, a troubled look flashing between confusion and annoyance. She bit her lip, as if she had words that would tumble out of she did not hold them.
"Just a question," John sighed as he leaned back. "But not mine to ask. I'm sorry."
"You know what I think?" She said, scrambling to her feet. "Tea. I think we both need a spot of tea. Yes."
She was gone in a blink, off to the kitchens to boil the water. John groaned and pressed his face into his hand a moment, exhaling out the frustration. He tried to read the papers again, but couldn't get past the first few lines.
"Idiot, John, idiot," he mumbled. "Finn's not the only Shelby without a fucking clue."
"He's not," she said as she brought in a cup of tea, setting it beside him.
John flushed as he looked up at her sheepishly.
"Thanks, doll," he said, briefly smiling at her before burying his head back into the stack of paperwork.
She smiled thinly, walking to the door but paused in the frame to look back at him.
"My name's not doll, Mr. Shelby."
John's head snapped up and he frowned as he studied his secretary in the doorway.
"I know your name, (Y/N)," he said, his pen falling from his hand. "Just like I know your last name. Just like I know your family. Just like I know your address."
She froze, and his frown deepened, realizing how that must sound.
"I'm your boss," he smiled as he said in a lighter tone. His eyes softened. "I also know that when the room goes to chaos, you run over and make all the girls a spot of tea, to calm everyone's nerves. Earl Grey, I believe. Probably what I have here beside me, too."
She relaxed as his finger swirled the top of the steaming cup.
"I don't call you doll because I don't know your name," John pressed quietly, tucking the words into the silence like you tuck the edges of a bed cover. "I call you doll because you look it. You're angelic, even in this 'shit lighting' you girls like to complain about."
"And I've told you before," he said, picking up the cup and pausing it against his lips. "Call me John."
Her mouth clamped down and she studied the man in front of her drinking tea before she smiled softly.
"Yes, John."
When your birthday came the next week, you gasped when you found a box on your desk when you sat down for the day. The small white box was wrapped in a red velvet ribbon and tucked in front of her typewriter. You touched the ribbon, feeling the plush fabric as you carefully pulled on it. You lifted the too to find a white note.
Happy birthday, (Y/N).
You deserve a little sparkle after all the hard work you've put in lately.
Under the note was a sliver of the moon woven into a gorgeous band that felt cool against your fingers as it glistened. It was the most gorgeous silver bracelet you had ever seen.
You appeared in his doorway and closed the door before you could even think straight.
"I can accept this, John," you said as you set the box on his desk.
"Why not?" He frowned as he reached for it. "It's your birthday."
"It's far too much," you said. "I'm just a secretary. This isn't proper."
John's eyes widened as he scoffed.
"There's no attachments," he said. "I'm not asking for anything. I just wanted to give you something nice for your birthday. You've worked so hard around here, a card didn't feel enough." He paused, moving the box in his hand. "And maybe there's an apology wrapped in it as well."
"An apology?"
"The other night I was a git," he said as he scratched his neck. "None of my business who or why you run around with anyone. Not my place. Now come 'round so I can put this on your wrist. I'm not taking it back."
You came around his desk as he opened the box, the chain looking so delicate in his large hands. Feelings bubbled inside and you giggled as he fumbled with the clasp.
"Thank you, John," you said softly as he clasped it around your wrist.
"Pretty bracelet for a pretty girl," he rumbled, smiling at you as you hand lingered in his. He cleared his throat. "Right. Well, work calls. Best go back before the chickens gossip."
He patted your hand before you stepped back, and he smiled at your wrist as you rotated it to watch the bracelet gleam in the light.
"Right, work," you said slowly, watching his eyes follow your wrist as you moved. "Do you need anything while I'm here, John?"
His attention snapped to your face as you said his name and he gave you a lopsided smile that gave you butterflies.
"No, thank you," he said. "Happy birthday again, (Y/N)."
"Thank you, John."
Days went by and you found yourself wearing the bracelet every day. Smiling at it when it caught your eye, even when you were in Finn's company.
One Monday morning, John didn't show up for work. Finn told you that his older brothers were in London, drinking and fucking under the guise of expansion. The answer itched under your skin, but you chalked it up to having to take John's place to keep the girls in the office moving. When he came back, you had no hesitation to visit his office.
"No one's seen you in days," you said as you crossed your arms and eyed him carefully from the doorway.
It has been nearly a week and you had to keep the girls in line as well as the bookies during a huge race while your boss, whose job it was, was off doing who knows what. Or who, the annoying little voice in your head chipped in. The whole thing made you feel tired and agitated. And now he's back, on a Friday evening no less, like nothing ever happened.
"Business in London," John said gruffly as he sat down at his desk to the mountain of paperwork waiting for him. "Tom called it a vacation, but there wasn't no free time. All business."
John sighed as he reached for a pen.
"And there's enough papers to go through I aughta be here half the night."
"Any," you said, smiling softly. So no girls.
"Wasn't any free time. Welcome back, John."
John looked up from his paperwork perplexed until his pursed lips slid into a small smile.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," he said as you kicked off the door and sat back at your desk to finish your work.
"Thought I was doll," you called just loud enough for it to carry into his room. You hoped he could hear the smile in your voice.
"You are," he laughed.
An hour or so later you had finished gathering the information from the last race's earnings and stacked the papers to take to John. You tapped on his door frame and walked in without hesitation.
John jolted in his seat and sat up, a guilty look across his face as if he was caught passing notes in class.
"Papers from the last race you missed," you said, tossing them on top of his pile.
John shuffled in his seat, both hands under his desk. You frowned. His hands reappeared and started shuffling the papers, his eyes not meeting yours. You looked down his pinstripe jacket before you realized why he would look guilty and your eyes snapped back up when you saw his trousers undone.
You turned around to walk to the door. You stopped there, a hand on the frame as you looked over your shoulder.
"You know quite a few girls fawn over you," you said. "You could have any of them, really. I don't think I've seen you with a girl in some time. You look" you paused. "Stressed."
John frowned as he looked up from his desk.
"I don't want a razor chaser," he said. "Those girls will blind a Blinder fast. They want the snow and the money but they never think of the violence as more than a thrill."
"Only want those that don't want you?" You smiled, watching closely for any response. A glimmer.
John chuckled before he looked back down to the papers.
"Something like that," he murmured.
Monday afternoon, you were at your desk when Tommy --Mr. Shelby-- stormed past you, cigarette burning between his fingers. The door slammed behind him and you could hear pacing in the room behind you.
"Right, John, you're to lead the Italian meeting in my stead," Tommy's muddled voice said, already moving toward the door. The door jiggled.
"Me? But what--"
"I don't want to hear it," Tommy interrupted, walking through the door before pointing behind him at John. "Just make it happen. This company is growing rapidly. Remind me why you should keep your position."
Tommy walked out with a curt nod at you. Conversation over.
You heard papers scatter as Tommy left and immediately stood up and walked into his office to find John pacing behind his desk. You flinched as he grabbed his chair and threw it into a corner, his hands flying to his head as he growled in frustration. You quickly closed the door behind you.
"John?" Your voice wavered.
He stopped in his tracks and looked up, his wild eyes looked over you before he closed them and took a deep breath.
"Yes, (Y/N)," he said tiredly. "What do you want?"
"It's a slow day today," you said as you looked him over, his hands shaking as he fought to stay still, calm, under your gaze. "The girls were hoping to leave early. Make up the hours when we're slammed later this week."
"Yes," John sighed. "Send them home. Thank you, (Y/N). Now if you could kindly go home yourself, I can properly go 'round the bend in peace."
He started pacing again, but you didn't move to leave.
"John?" You were quiet, and yet it was deafening even as he stomped and growled. You could tell your presence set him on edge, but wasn't entirely sure why. You had started to feel safe around him, joking and talking to each other in after hours. You had thought you were friendly with each other, but his demeanor was tense, agitated.
"Is there something wrong?"
You stepped forward and he stopped again, rubbing his eyes in his hand.
"Yes," he said, agitation spilling over like bubbles over a boiling kettle. "Yes there's quite a bit wrong. I've got to lead a meeting with the fucking Italians and I've already been on edge, fucking chomping at the bit for weeks. Between the kids and work I've not had a bloody minute alone."
"Can I help?"
John barked a laugh before he could stop himself.
"Not unless you can dress up as me and talk to the bloody Italians," he said bitterly. "Or you're ready to wank off your boss so his head's on straight again."
His head shot up, eyes wide as he took a step around his desk, his hand outstretched.
"I didn't mean that," he said quickly. "Christ, I'm going bloody crazy."
John started pacing again, a wild animal in a cage. The floor under his feet would wear if he kept going. The boards would creak, give way until he was pacing himself into the ground.
"It's fine," you said quietly. "I'll send the girls home."
You stepped out, keeping John closed in his office to pace as you sent everyone home. Your head was racing with his words. They had been carelessly tossed out without a thought only to be reeled back in, back to the boss you had come to know. They had shocked you. But also intrigued you, you thought. Did he mean it?
After telling the girls the good news, you sat back at your desk for a moment and finished a page of type. As they all filed out and said their goodbyes, you gathered your things but left them on your seat as you went back to John's door.
He stopped in mid pace in the middle of his room as you opened the door. He sighed, as his palms pressed into his eyes. As if to press his brains back in to his head before he did anything stupid.
"I'm fine, really," he said pressing his palms deeper into his eyes. "You can go home."
"I want to help."
John looked at you standing in the doorway. You bit your lip as you watched him watch you. The heat from his hungry eyes made your heart flutter.
"Do I have to say it again?" You asked, your voice stronger than you expected it to be. The longer he stared the more uncertain you felt. You looked down for a moment.
John's lips collided into your own as his hand raked into your hair and his hips pressed you into the door. He was hungry, needy, wild. He licked your lip and deepened the kiss. You jolted back to earth as his bit your lip a little too hard. You gasped as you pulled back and his moan was ripped out of your mouth. His hazy blue eyes sharpened as he cupped your face.
"Shit, sorry, doll," he said as he pecked your lips. "You taste so sweet. I got carried away."
You squeezed his forearm and pulled him closer to you again, your skin begging for his touch.
"Kiss me again," you said, watching his eyes light up and an easy smile spread across his face.
He did, and this time he didn't bite you. His hands wandered your frame, expertly memorizing every inch as his kisses made you forget everything but his blue eyes. He lightly tugged on your hair and kissed down your neck, illiciting a moan as he found the spot that made you see stars.
"I could listen to that sound forever," he chuckled into your neck before nipping at the same spot.
You pressed yourself to him as you loosened his tie and pulled his shirt from his trousers.
"Aren't I supposed to be relaxing you?" You laughed before you felt his hand push your skirts up to grab at your thighs.
"Multitasking," he said into your ear and pushed his knee between your legs.
You writhed as he pressed you into the door and you felt the friction he caused at your core. You grabbed his chin and pulled him back to your lips for a kiss as you grinded against his leg without a thought. The pleasure had you. He felt entirely too good against you, and you could not bear to be separated.
"You like grinding, eh?" He chuckled as you gasped when he moved his leg with you and you flushed.
He pulled you from the door, leading you to his desk to sit on top of all the papers. John cupped your face and kissed you so hard you saw stars. You followed as he pulled away, half lidded as he pushed you back onto the desk as he pulled his chair from the corner he had thrown it in.
"Stockings come off, love, before I rip them," he said, setting the chair back in front of you.
"Then rip them," you said lowly as you kicked your heels under his desk and propped a foot on the chair.
"Right," he smiled wolfishly as he sat down between your legs and slipped his hand on your calf and into your skirts. "Come 'ere."
You lifted yourself off the desk for a moment so he could pull your stockings over your ass. John tore them off of you without hesitation and tossed them aside as he ran his rough hands along your legs and up your skirt, pulling you off of the desk and straddling his knee. You purred into his ear.
"Your hands feel so good, John," you rasped. "How do I make you feel good?"
You had no thoughts, no cares, you only wanted more. The world, the room you were in, everything but this feeling and him were static to be ignored. You were lost in lust and couldn't pull yourself out, only through.
You grinded into him and whined as you pulled back to look him in the eye. His eyes were heavy and he cupped your cheek as he pulled you into a kiss.
"Did I need this or do you, doll?" He exhaled a smile as he rested his forehead on yours. "I'm not the only one pent up. Someone hasn't been taking care of you, have they?"
You growled and pressed yourself against him.
"Can you shut up for once in your life?" You gritted your teeth.
"I want to hear it from your lips, doll," he said as he teased you, just out of your reach.
"I want it," you whispered as you rubbed him through his slacks. "I want it. I want it. I want it."
Completely spent, John buried his head in her hair for a moment before standing up and fastening his trousers.
"I still have that meeting soon," John said, holding his hand out to help her sit up on the desk. "But after. After I tuck the children in," he kissed her hand, the bracelet catching his eye and causing him to smile. "I want to see you with nothing on but that bracelet. I'm not done. Come over tonight."
She smiled weakly, and he frowned and kissed her hand again. His mind was clear, the fog of cum spent between her legs. The clarity sent warning bells through his brain as he watched her face tighten, her smile artificial and cracking near the corners.
"Or yours," he amended and watched her expression stay the same. "Less chances of interruptions."
He frowned deeper and let go of her hand.
"Did I do something wrong? You're still shaking like a leaf, you can't tell me you didn't--"
"Oy, (Y/N)? John?" Finn's voice echoed outside his office. "Hello?"
John and (Y/N) both froze for a moment as they locked eyes. She gave him a pleading look as she stood up and smoothed her dress back down, slipping her heels back on with effort. John tucked his shirt back in and straightened his tie as she walked to the door and opened it.
"Hey Finn," she smiled weakly, opening the door wide as he strode in. "John was just going over last minute reports before we leave."
"I caught the other ladies down the street," Finn said and eyed his brother. "You're entirely unfair keeping (Y/N) while the rest are allowed to run off for the day. She works so hard for you already, you should appreciate her more."
"I suggested it," (Y/N) cut in as John frowned and opened his mouth. "To get a leg up for tomorrow. But we're done here, so I really should head home. John, good luck with your meeting. I hope I helped."
John nodded and cleared his throat, his brain growing dark. Is she really pretending like I didn't just take her over my desk, he thought. Surely she's just saving his feelings.
"Right, right," he said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Have a nice evening, (Y/N)."
"Can I walk you home?" Finn smiled at her as he asked. "Maybe take you to an early dinner?"
John's jaw set as she gave him one last pleading glance before smiling and nodding to Finn, nestling her arm in his.
"I'd love that," she said, her voice shaky as she looked back to John. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Shelby."
John's heart dropped as Finn led her out of his office. He sank into his chair and settled his face into his hands.
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afandommultiverse · 4 years
The Gift - Leopold Vermillion
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Words - 2006 Request - TreueHyuga
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A/n - I hope you enjoy it! I had a really fun time writing this one! Leopold is aged up to 18! So, so are you lol.
"Come to think of it, your birthday is coming up, isn't it, Y/n?" Leopold grinned wolfishly at his girlfriend, pumped with excitement and happiness due to the celebration around them, the celebration for him! His birthday, his coming of age day.
"It is, Leo, why are you gonna plan a surprise party for me too?" You lured him close giving him a smooch on the cheek. It was you who planned the whole thing for Leopold tonight, the director of the whole galant party. It was a great surprise party, Leopold hadn't suspected a thing, some can choose whether that's a good or bad thing.
"No. Maybe. We'll see, won't we, my dear?" Leopold's arms wrapped around you, pulling tight and leaning in closely. His hand skimmed up your waist and back down your arm, pulling your arm out and whisking you to the dance floor.
"Another dance? We just got done with five!" You shrieked, pulling your exhausted legs after him. Pure adrenaline and euphoria powered your body, swinging it around and following his steps. Laughing and tripping some, maybe even almost running into a few people too.
"Never my dear, I never want to stop dancing with you. I promise this is my last selfish birthday wish." He smiled, twirling you in and dipping you to the music. You smirked and leaned in, mirth and tease swimming in your eyes.
"I wouldn't mind a few more selfish wishes." You whispered as he pulled you up, hand slithering across his chest and resting at his heart. Your voice practically poured incentive, selfish questions, and desires Leopold had wanted to ask you for years poured into his mind as he stared into your eyes, completely suggestive and seductive in their e/c shaded wake. He pulled you up fast, pulling to hold your hand against his racing heartbeat.
"Y/n, you ha-
"Leopold!" A fiery hand came to rest on Leopold's shoulder, stopping the much-anticipated words that would have left Leo's mouth. He turned, almost giving his brother the stinky eye but couldn't help but to smile. His brother had been gone for a few months, having to go on a long expedition. Giving you a quick apologetic look and a kiss on the palm of your hand, once laying against his chest, he let you go.
You were immediately cold, already missing his insufferable heat you just learned to live with, and heat you learned to love. You watched on as he chatted with his older brother, not blaming him for being so excited, it had been months. You pulled at his jacket coat twice to let him know you were leaving and he nodded, grabbing you're pinky and rubbing at it before letting you go.
"So, finally eighteen, huh?" Fuegoleon smiled at his younger brother, who now stood as tall and as prideful as the rest of his lion clan. Fuegoleon knew he was ready, and knew he would make a fine captain one day, maybe sooner than later.
"It seems so." Leopold grinned, he was jittery and bouncing with excitement, how couldn't he be?
"You might be trying to play it off but I know exactly what you're up to." Fuegoleon looked at Leo, completely aware of his little game.
"Your right brother,  only 59423 hours and 45 seconds left to beat you in becoming the captain of the Crimson lions. I think I can't get there before 25!" He grinned like a cat, eyes glinting with just as much point and mischievousness. He loved wagering with his brother, especially when it came to how powerful he could get. It meant more training!
"You are crazy... I'd like to see you try!" Fuegoleon huffed, shaking his head and walking away a smile hidden behind his back as he walked towards other guests. Leopold would make it alright, Fuegoleon was sure of that.
Leopold turned to look around for you, his looking over every person before they found him, draped across a wall and staring at him playfully, pointing a doorway. He grinned and looked around, before practically running towards you, picking you up and running to his room for nightly festivities.
Your birthday was in three days. Seventy-two hours. Four thousand and twenty minutes. Two hundred and fifty-nine thousand and two hundred seconds- WHAT WAS HE GOING TO DO? He had been going back and forth for two days, thinking of what he should get you. Leopold had already finished with the planning, he knew he couldn't do a surprise party, because not only had you done one for him, you were too smart and Leopold couldn't keep anything away from you.
"Maybe Fuego or Leona could help." He muttered to himself, staring at the same paperwork he had been staring at for the last two hours.
"Could help with what?" Leopold practically jumped out of his skin, completely endorsed what to get you, he did expect you to be right behind him.
"Y/n? Oh! Uh, maybe they could help with this- this uh, work here, something about...  uh- blown up houses or something- uh what are you doing here, dear?" He pushed the pages away and turned to face you, smiling almost too widely. You stared at him weirdly.
"You okay?" You asked, coming to put a hand on his head, feeling to see if he was warmer than usual. He wasn't, only flushed and a little sweaty. You wiped your hand off on him and walked up, coming to sit on his lap sideways.
"Our mothers took me out dress shopping for my birthday gala, it was incredibly boring and so tedious!" You rested your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat and relaxing as he lifted his hand to comb through the beginnings of your hair, his fingers tickling the skin on the side of your face now and then when he repeated the motion.
"Luckily I found a gorgeous dress though." You turned your head to look up at him. His smile was as bright as usual as he smiled down at you, hand coming to rest against your cheek as he spoke.
"That's good. I'm sure It'll look gorgeous as I'm taking it off you." He whispered cheekily leaning in for a blazing kiss. You slapped at his chest jokingly, meeting his kiss with just as fevore and love as him.
Pulling apart, you two wanted nothing more than to continue, but Leopold still had decisions to make, and your mother still wanted to go jewelry shopping with you. So with one last craving kiss, you got up and left, leaving Leopold to go searching for his brother and sister.
"What should I get Y/n for her birthday?" Fuegoleon and Mereoleona stared down at Leopold with little interest.
"This is what you pulled us away for?" Mereoleona growled, staring at her little brother with anger but happy that he had come to her for advice. He never does, always opting for stupid Fuegoleon- who by the way, is the second born.
"This is serious! I can't think of a single thing! I've already gotten her everything before, and I sure as hell am not going to get some boring gifts, it's gotta be perfect!" Leopold crying looked at his older sibling with pleading eyes. Mereoleona sighed and rolled her eyes while Fugoleon simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, what do they like?"
***30 Minutes Later***
"And they also-"
"Okay! Leo, we got it! Let's move on!" Meroleona stopped Leopold from splurging any more useless information, already sick of his lovesick stories of you. Meroleona sat back and thought hard, she too stuck on what Leopold should get, if he hadn't already of gotten it for you, it was simply too stupid enough to get then. Finally, though, Fuegoleon spoke up.
"Leo, do you love Y/n?" Fuegoleon held Leopold's eyes, ready for a slipping leak of deceit, but found none when he strongly replied.
"Are you serious? Of course, I love them! Hell, I've loved them my entire life it feels! They are always there for me, always have been! Without them, I wouldn't be nearly as powerful as I am today. Without them, I don't think I would have ever made it this far. I can't even begin to think of what my life would be like without them." Leopold spoke with such ferocity it left him almost breathless, his chest burning with the love for you. Fuegoleon only looked on in amusement.
"Well brother, I think you know what to do."
The party was beautiful, walls draped in f/c silks, your favorite. Flowers of all kinds filling every vase dotted across tables and window seals, some even hanging from the ceiling. Entertainers performed around you, showing off for the guests and patrons. Music filling the gigantic halls of the ballroom, sending magical melodies swirling around the room. It had been a night of dancing and drinking, good food, and sweet desserts. Laughs and jokes were shared with good friends and guild members.
As the night grew colder and fatigue slipped into everyone's exhausted bodies, [pulling them to leave and seeking sleep in their beds and homes. Leopold had swooped you up and carried you out of the ballroom, pushing past departing guests and banquet wanderers with genuine goodbyes and courtesies, hoping to see each other again.
"Where are we going, Leo?" You asked, confused and he walked out in the night air of the castle, finding a special mage standing near, opening a portal and nodding us in, a warm smile on his face.
"To you're last birthday present, my dear." Fuegoleon smiled and walked through the portal, walking out into a forested area. You looked around, taking in the change of environment. A wooden cabin layout in front of you two, covered in vines and foliage. Fireflies lit up the entrance, buzzing around a small bridge passing over a little creek in front of the little cabin. As we walked across you watched as the fireflies buzzed around brightly, spooked and startled by the walking of Leopold's steps. You giggled as they flew around you and Leopold, some even going to the water and lighting it up, making out the shapes of fish and lily pads dotting the water's surface.
"Leo, this is beautiful." You whisper, looking up at the spiraling trees, watching the stars shine and twinkle down on you. Leopold only smiled at your astonished face, quick to get you inside and show you your final gift.
Leopold opened the door, walked in, and set you down. As you walked around the warm cabin, taking in the decorations and personal trinkets Leopold had brought, to what he would hopefully like to call your new home. Leopold watched as you took in everything, reaching in his pocket and grabbing your gift, getting down to rest on one knee. He waited for you to turn back around, looked at him questioningly, and watched the slow realization dawn on your face as he lifted the little box and showed you what lay inside.
A gorgeous ring, detailed to a royals perfection, with the stunning vermillion house sigil carved on the outside. A vermillion diamond rests between the golden prongs holding it in place.
"Leo." A hand covers your mouth as you look at him in shock and astound. "Do you mean it?" You asked, walking over quickly and staring down at the man you love holding your next step in his hands.
"I would never lie or joke about something like this, Y/n. I love you, and I know I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I can't live without you." Leopold spoke, eyes staring up at her with honest truth.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!! Of course, I'll marry you!" Leopold jumped up quickly and wrapped you in a breathless kiss, bringing you in tightly and finally letting go of all his anxiety of you saying no, no it was too early or something, but he needn't worry now.
You said yes.
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iamknicole · 4 years
Just the Two of Us (12)
After lunch Melissa rode with Benny and Lainey since Marcie was headed back to Maxine. Despite her telling them they didn't have to, the siblings walked her up to her apartment and stepped inside.
"Your place is very," Lainey paused looking around, "Put together."
Melissa snorted plopping down on the sofa, "Wasn't any of my doing. It was his mom."
Before they could go any further, Jeffrey slid his feet into the main area of the apartment with a scowl on his face. He walked over to toss a card to her and turned back around not caring that it fell on the floor. Melissa started to pick it up but Benny got to it first.
"Aye, don't throw shit at no woman. Fuck is wrong witchu?"
Lainey politely stepped out of her brother's way going to sit beside her friend. Jeffrey turned back around, the scowl still on his face.
"How about you mind your got damn business and get out of my place."
Benny held the card up between them, "Don't throw shit at no woman. Hand it to her."
"I'm not handing shit to her. You can if you want to and then get the hell out."
Laughing a little, Benny's free hand went to his throat. He squeezed then lifted the smaller man off the ground. Lainey had to stop her friend from getting up, her intervening wouldn't make Benny let him go and Lainey knew it.
"You heard what I said. I don't fuckin repeat myself," Benny said through gritted teeth, "Do what I said or Ima toss you the way you tossed this card."
Benny held him up a few seconds longer then let him go and held the card out. Jeffrey took it for him and went to hold it out to Melissa with a shaky hand then left the room quickly.
"Hes gonna be so mad when yall leave," Melissa laughed.
Benny shrugged. "You got my number, call if you need me to break his jaw."
"Break his jaw?"
"Yeah," Benny nodded a small smirk on his face. "I break jaws and I break backs. Depends on my mood."
Lainey stood up quickly groaning, "See, uhn uhn that's nasty. Let's go, Benjamin."
Benny laughed at both females reactions. Melissa sat there looking stuck, just staring at him. He winked at her ignoring his sister pulling his arm.
"Ima get outta here and get my lil baby home. But you call me, aight?"
Melissa nodded. "Alright, Benny."
"Your lil baby is ready to go," Lainey sassed, "Bring your ass on, Romeo."
Benny dropped her off at the house then went to his office to check on the paperwork the secretary said he needed to look over. To be honest, he had been avoiding going to his tow yard. He was still extremely angry with Mitch but he didn't want to get carried away and kill him. He was ruthleess but he wasn't stupid.
Seeing the old Honda made him roll his eyes but he got out anyway and went inside the office. He stopped by the secretary's desk to pick up the folder with his name on it then headed back to the larger office. Mitch got up from his desk when he saw his friend wall into their shared office.
"Benny, I been callin you. I wanna talk and make this right." Mitch sputtered out quickly.
"You wanna talk," Benny scoffed tossing the folder onto his desk, "Talk about how you groped my lil baby in the one place she's supposed to be safe?"
Mitch sighed, "You have every right to be pissed, I get it. I was drunk and not thinking I'm sorry."
Benny swung at the slightly taller man, hitting him in his mouth. "Keep that bullshit ass apology. You thought she was gon let you do it and give in but my sister smarter than them females you be dealing with."
Mitch doubled over and held his jaw, "Dammit, B! Chill!"
Ignoring him, Benny charge at his former friend knocking him over and started to assault him. Though Mitch was bigger in stature, Benny was much stronger and it showed. Mitch was pretty much powerless in the fight. Satisfied with what he'd done, Benny got up and dusted himself off. He went to his desk to sign the paperwork leaving his unconscious ex friend on the floor and left when he was finish. Benny knew he didn't have enough money to buy Much outta his half of their business but when he did, Mitch was a good as gone.
Three months later and things were going smoothly. Fortunately for Jeffrey's jaw, he had been cordial with Melissa so Benny didn't have to make any visits. But that didn't stop her from talking to him on the phone almost every night, and taking him lunch a few times a week. Mitch's brusies had finally healed and he came back to work full time but he was rarely in the office with Benny. Caleb had moved into the house, Benny and Lainey didn't protest it, they were trying for the sake of their mother to have a better relationship with him. Lainey had spent those months getting her salon prepared and decorated, finally she was finished. It was time for her party to celebrate the night before opening.
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"Girl, you did a good ass job in here," Marcie exclaimed hugger her friend.
"Thank you, girl. I couldnt have done it without Benny. He was actually pretty helpful."
Marcie looked around. "Where is he anyway? I figired he might have been with Melissa but she's over there with your mom."
Lainey shrugged, "He said he had to pick up my gifts. He should be here in a little while though."
"Aaah, okay. So how does it feel to have your own salon? Its all yours, girl."
Lainey laughed, "Its not mine till I pay for it completely but I'm excited. I've wanted this for forever."
"What do you mean? Girl, I already know about it being paid off."
"What? No its not," Lainey frowned. "I haven't paid for this."
Charles crept up behind her smiling and spoke softly. "But I did."
Jumping, Lainey turned around with a smile on her face. She accepted his hug enjoying his arms around her then pulled away and hit his arm.
"Charles, did you really pay for this?"
He nodded. "Yes ma'am, I did."
"But why? Charles, that's a lot of money."
"To you it might be," he replied moving a piece of hair from her face, "But to me no amount of money is too much. Think of it as a gift from your man."
Melissa came over at the end of his statement and nudged Marcie.
"Ooop, don't let Benny find out his lil baby got a man," she joked.
Marcie laughed, "That vein in his neck gon burst open in here."
Lainey flipped them off the turned back to Charles. "I dont know what to say but thank you. I'll pay it back."
Charles kissed her forehead, "Pay me back by letting me take you to dinner tomorrow after you close."
Lainey agreed just as his phone started to ring. He let her know he was going to step back into her office to take the call. While he was gone the ladies talked amongst each other and the other party goers. Tilda went to grab her niece's hand and led her over to her parents.
"We are so proud of you, babygirl. You've wanted this since you were young and you got it." Caleb reminisced. He moved in to hug her and for the first time in a while she didn't reject him.
Hanna was next, she squeeezed her daughter tight and rocked them from side to side before letting go. "You just don't know how happy and proud I am of you, little girl. And I didn't forget about my trip to Aruba either."
Lainey laughed and nodded. "Yes ma'am. You know Ima still take you."
Thirty minutes went by before Benny walked in with a big smile on his face. He cut the music down then gathered everybody around excitedly.
"You ready for ya gift, Lainey?" He asked.
"Yees! I been waiting all night for it."
Benny laughed, "Its only been an hour since the party started, drama queen. But I got you something that will make this evening feel complete. You ready?"
Lainey nodded wondering what her brother could have possibly gotten her. He had already made sure she had everything in the salon and then some. Benny told her and their mama to close their eyes then went to open the door.
"Aight, on the count of three open your eyes. Yall count with me."
Mother and daughter opened their eyes and screamed. Cameron and Zion stood before them smiling. Cameron had to catch their mama from falling and pulled her into a hug. Lainey jumped on Zion holding onto him for dear life. Both women cried happy tears.
"My babies," Hanna called out. "Oh thank you, Jesus! My babies are all here!"
"We home, Ma," Cameron told her pulling away. "We home for good."
Lainey switched with her mama and hugged Cameron tight then went to hug Benny thanking him. The brothers hugged their father and aunt as the the party went back to normal. Melissa and Marcie stood off to the side watching the reunion.
"I see you," Melissa said filling her cup with punch.
"You see me what?"
"I see you looking at her brother. You over there undressing him with your eyes. For shame," she teased.
Marcie laughed nervously. "Oh whatever, I was just watching them hug. It was beautiful."
"You don't gotta lie to me."
"Look here, Ms. He said he breaks backs and I want him to break mine," Marcie spat playfully. "I'm married not blind."
"Mmmhmmm...not too much longer it looks like."
Finally done with his call, Charles rejoined the party and went straight to Lainey. He kissed her cheek letting her know he was back.
"Hey hey whoa. Who is you and why you kissing on my baby sister?" Cam asked quickly pulling his sister towards him and his brothers.
Zion wiped her cheek off and glared at him.
Benny laughed and he folded his arms across his chest. He told everybody he was nice brother, now they were about to find out one by one.
"My apologies, I'm Charles Frederickson. Nice to finally meet you two," Charles said with a genuine smile on his face.
"You the governor, ain't you?" Zion asked.
"Yeah," Charles nodded with a slight laugh, "That's me. And no I don't have more important shit to do. Your sister takes priority as long as it isn't life or death."
"Mmhm," Cameron mumbled. "So why are your lips on my sister?"
Benny jumped in, "He call himself with a thing for her. She been talkin to him a lot."
"Hmm, is that so?" Zion asked.
"Benny's right, I definitely have a thing for your sister. I asked her to make things official bit ahe said I had to go through the three of you first. So," Charles chuckled, "This time is as good as any. I'd love to date your siste, make things official. Can I have your blessing?"
Cameron and Zion stared at him and Benny answered. "Give us some time to think about it. We'll let you know, man."
"Fair enough," He nodded. "I'm gonna go grab some food and let you yall catch up. Lainey, come find me when you're done."
Charles smiled at her before walking off. Lainey started to follow him but Cam pulled her back.
"Bring ya lil hot ass back here. Where he come from?"
Lainey shrigged still smiling. "I met him when I did the Firat Lady and her family's hair. Isn't he sweet?"
"No," all three brothers answered.
"Look at you all giddy and blushing," Zion said, "Uhn uhn, we gotta check him out first. Aint no fool taking advantage our our baby."
Lainey pouted looking at her brother. "Don't run him away like yall did the other boys. That's why nobody wanted to date me, they was scared of yall."
"Anybody that got scared by us being normal big brothers ain't good enough for you," Benny assured her kissing her head.
Lainey folded her arms, "Yall always threatened to shoot them."
"Okay and?" Cam asked shrugging.
After the party was over, Lainey and her siblings stayed behind to clean everything up. Charles, Marcie and Melissa offered to help but were denied. The clean up was almost finshed when the door chimed and opened.
"Who the fuck," Benny's voice trailed off seeing their estranged sister standing there. "What is your ass doing here, Candace?"
"Nice to see you to, B." She laughed. "Ooh Cam, Zion, yall are out. Good to see yall too. It's been years."
Lainey stepped forward, "He asked you a question. Why are you here? You know you're not welcome around us."
Candace sucked her teeth, "No need for the attitude, Alaina. I jist wanted to come see my family and congratulate you."
"Uhuh, you've seen is and said your peace. Leave." Lainey demanded.
Candace looked around the salon and whistled lowly. "This is nice. I wonder what or who you had to do to get this."
"I'm not you, I worked legitimately for this, Candace."
"You're right about one thing. You're not me and could never be me, little girl. You're just a reject."
Benny pulled his little sister behind him knowing she was about to pounce. His older brothers watched the scene unfold, they wanted to see how Benny handled it. They knew he'd grown into an even better man than he was before he went to jail. He'd been handling everything in his own for years now and they were proud.
"Leave and don't bring ya ass back here or anywhere near us. You know I don't repeat myself, now go before I let her beat ya ass lies she did last time."
Candace scrunched her nose up at him and started to back away laughing. "No need to be so hostile, I just wanted to give yall a gift "
"Leave," Benny barked loudly.
Candace noddee and headed towards the door. She stepped out then stepped back in with her son. She pushed him towards them with a scowl on her face.
"Since yall moved out the hood and doing better figured yall would want that. Have him," she shrugged the turned to leave.
Lainey rushed to the the five year old and picked him up. "Lil Q, baby. Where have you been?"
He looked at her stragely for a second. "I dont know."
"Do you remember me?"
Taking a few moments to stare at her, he slowly started to nod and smile formed on his face. "Auntie!"
The brothers watched the moment with mixed feelings. They were glad their nephew was back with them nut they knew Camdace wasn't just giving him to them to be nice. She was planning something and they were going to figure out what.
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baldwin-montclair · 5 years
Baldwin’s Nightingale (Part 11)
Characters: Baldwin Montclair/OC
Timeframe: After the S1 Finale, TV Show canon MOSTLY (some S2 and Shadow of Night).
Summary: Having agreed to become Baldwin’s wife and mate, Alisha is introduced to the De Clermont family and their allies, learning more about her husband and what is expected of her
Tag requests: @christi14 @poemfreak306 @pookie-cleary @hofficoffi @stormyheart326
The Story So Far...
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The only thing able to pry Alisha from the hot, soapy comfort of the bath was the promise of yet more marital bonding with her husband.
It would take some time before she would genuinely believe it as second nature, since it was so jarring.
She also felt the same, familiar, pang of guilt that she’d been carrying since the night before, to think of her own selfish happiness after what had happened to her mentor, guardian and friend.
He died, scared and alone.
Now, not even five days had passed since his death and she was in a luxurious bath in a stunning mansion, in Paris. Without her connection with Baldwin, however, Guillermo would have killed her too and most likely have gotten away with it.
Would that have been preferable?
She knew it would not have been, Gerbert will be served the same justice as Guillermo and she would have to live for that to happen.
Alisha intended to live, as Michael hoped she would when he hid his important secrets on a drive, in her violin. He planned for what he knew to be discovered by her, something that would help daemons. This could only be achieved if she were still alive and living meant doing what makes her happy.
Baldwin made her happy.
Drying off, she slipped on a silk bath robe, no doubt provided by the probably long-suffering De Clermont servant, and padded barefoot into the hallway and towards the illuminated lounge.
Baldwin was reading, such an innocuous yet attractive thing, his hair still slightly damp from his shower - according to him the mansion had five washrooms - and wearing a casual dark grey sweater and dark trousers.
“Wow, you even look authoritative whilst reading.” She ribbed gently as she approached his armchair.
“Did you enjoy your bath?” He asked, glancing up momentarily from his book before returning his attention to the page.
“I did, thank you for running it for me.” She stepped towards him until she stopped, right in front of him.
“You’re very welcome.” He emphatically closed the book and leant forward to inspect the graze on her knee from the night of their first meeting.
“It seems to have healed.” He observed.
“It has been two weeks.” She retorted, the speed of their courtship suddenly becoming plain.
“Almost two weeks,” he corrected, “yet this is the second night of our marriage, tradition dictates that we should be-“
“Fucking one another’s brain’s out?” She suggested, surprising him slightly.
“Mrs Montclair, you have quite the sinful mouth on you.” He jokingly reprimanded but watched transfixed as she lowered herself to her knees in front of him.
“With My Lord’s permission, I would like to put that sinful mouth on you.” Her cheeks were flushed with the forward tone of her words and she had a momentary worry it was maybe too forward for him.
He framed her face in his hands and placed a gentle kiss on each cheek, her forehead, the tip of her nose before finally reaching her lips and giving the lightest kiss before pulling back.
“Like so?” He asked, suggesting an innocent aim when he was well aware there wasn’t one.
“Not that.” She shook her head.
“Then I don’t know,” he gently stroked his knuckles against her cheek, “you will simply have to show me.”
She held his gaze as she moved to free him from the garments and undergarments in the way.
“Wait, just a moment.” He stopped her before grabbing a cushion from the nearby chair, directing her to kneel on that instead of the hardwood floor.
She was oddly touched by the sweet gesture and if she hadn’t already been eager to please him, she definitely would have been after shifting her position.
“Fuck!” He swore as she took him into her mouth.
They opted to start out for Sept-Tours in the morning and planning to be there by the afternoon.
Between her nerves over meeting his step-mother and her gratuitous enjoyment of watching him drive, she wouldn’t have minded the journey being double the time.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything other than a suit before this trip. I like it.“
He had chosen a dark red sweater, the sleeves rolled to just before the elbow, showing the antique watch on his wrist, very similar - if not identical - to the one worn by Rebecca, the witch from the silent auction. He usually wore an expensive, modern timepiece so this was a deviation from his norm.
“It was a gift,” he explained, noticing her focus on it, “from my father, before he left for Germany.”
She understood why he would choose it, considering his returning home, it most likely helped him feel close to the man who sired him.
“You know you can tell me, what happened. Like, you don’t have to if you’re not ready but I’m here, for when you want to.”
“I know. Give me time?” He asked, almost apologetic for his stoic nature.
“As much as you need.” She agreed.
“A warning,” he started, changing the subject, “the paperwork is likely to be very tedious. There are many assets and properties that are traditionally bestowed upon the wife of a noble, for the maintaining of her dignity, as they used to say.”
“You’re giving me property?”
“Don’t get too excited, it will be a while until you are without me by your side all of the time.”
“The vampire mating instinct.” He answered simply.
“Is that it?”
“It? Alisha, if you were being kept from me, I’d kill every human, creature and animal between us to get to you.”
“Not the bunnies!” She answered with mock horror, she had a hard time believing his words were more than exaggeration and artistic flourish.
“Especially the bunnies,” he warned gravely, giving her a sideways look, “they know what they’ve done.” He joined in with her teasing, making her smile.
“It will lessen in time.” He explained, making clear the truth of his words and encircled her wrist with his hand, his thumb brushing against the skin over her pulse in his own uniquely intimate way.
“Your step-mother, what do I call her? Mrs De Clermont, Madame De Clermont.”
“Ysabeau will suffice.”
“Isn’t that a little familiar? She doesn’t know me.”
“Vampires have many names, Ysabeau is the one she’s comfortable in sharing.”
She nodded absently as the high towers of the fortress came into view.
“Oh, My God, we have to go see that while we’re here it’s massive. Will we have time for sight-seeing?”
“You want to visit that fortress as a tourist?” He asked, managing to keep the amusement from his face.
“There’s no way a medieval castle of that size is privately owned, surely it’s a heritage site or something?”
“No, it’s privately owned,” he explained as he took the cut-off for road through the town and up to the fortress, “by our family.”
“That is Sept Tours?”
“It is.” He confirmed as he pulled up through the gatehouse to see Ysabeau at the top of the stairs, waiting to survey the newest member of the De Clermont family.
“Your heart is thudding my little nightingale, please try to relax.” He urged as he parked the car.
“I’m fine, just a little nervous,” she admitted, “Ysabeau?” She nodded to the impeccably dressed woman.
“Yes, and she’s clearly waiting for us.”
“Please tell me she’s not as intimidating as she looks?”
“She’s...it’ll be fine.” He answered, getting out of the car.
She tried the same to find herself unable to open the door again and had to wait for him to open it for her from the outside.
“Passenger Lock, again?”
“I open doors for you, and you, are just going to have to get used to that.” He promised as he held out his hand to help her from the car.
Being discerning about which battles to fight, she accepted his hand and let him help her from the car.
“Baldwin.” Ysabeau greeted when they reached the top of the stairs and they shared a frosty double cheek kiss before she ushered them into the great hall.
“Ysabeau, this is-“
“Alisha, I’m aware.”
“Marcus?” He rolled his eyes.
“And Gallowglass, they arrived earlier today.” She told him and turned her attention back to Alisha.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ma’am.”
Not permitted to offer a hand in greeting, Alisha was at a loss and found herself doing a shallow curtesy.
Baldwin failed to expertly turn his chuckle into an inconspicuous clearing of his throat.
“The poor thing is terrified Baldwin, what have you told her about us?”
“Nothing untrue,” he gave a look around, “I thought this place was supposed to be full of creatures, where is everyone?”
“Our daemon guests are walking the child in the hopes of getting her to take a nap. Marcus and Gallowglass are riding. Sarah and Emily, I have no idea.”
“Shopping, for the celebration dinner.”
“Celebration?” Alisha asked.
“Of course, the head of our family is married. A celebration is warranted.” Ysabeau’s expression was just as stern as before but Alisha got the sense that she was having more fun at his expense than she was letting on.
“If we must,” he grumbled, “has Alain equipped the tower as I asked?”
“Of course.”
“Then we shall retire for the moment, allow Alisha to get her bearings.”
By the time they reached the top of the stairs, Alisha felt slightly winded. The last two nights - and that morning - were the most exercise that she’s had in a while, given the events, and the number of stairs didn’t help.
“Fuck!” Baldwin swore as he opened the main bedroom to see candles everywhere, despite the obvious electrical lights. On the bed was scattered rose petals.
He lifted a nearby remote to turn on the lights but instead an unseen stereo seemed to start form nowhere.
I've been really tryin', baby
Tryin' to hold back this feeling for so long
Baldwin shut the system down with an emphatic click.
“I am going to kill them!” He promised.
Guessing his wayward nephews were responsible, she understood their decision to ‘go riding’ as she and Baldwin arrived and it was suddenly her turn to disguise her amusement.
“Don’t you dare!” He warned at her failure to keep a straight face.
“It’s kinda funny,” she admitted, “and if you really want to get them back, say nothing, act like nothing happened. All this effort for no reaction? It’ll drive them crazy.”
“That is...brilliantly devious.” He nodded, impressed.
“But you have to sell, it, no glaring,” she smirked, “well, no more glaring than usual.” She gave a surprised yelp when he playfully swatted her backside.
After a quick tour of Baldwin’s part of the tower, they decided to face the other guests and made their way to the grand hall.
“There she is, we meet again,” Gallowglass’ voice reached them before he did “have you tried out the violin yet?” He asked, innocently, glancing at Baldwin, anticipating admonishment.
“Not yet, I’ve been...” she flashed a deliberately shy look at Baldwin, “...occupied.”
“Well allow me to offer my congratulations to you both. Has he given you the tour?”
Alisha knew he was fishing for satisfaction of his prank.
“I will get to it.” Baldwin answered, still stern but giving him nothing.
“Mrs Montclair,” Marcus joined them and treated her to an amused bow, “how do you find our humble home?”
“A lot less forbidding than it looks from the outside,” she admitted, “it’s good to see you again Marcus. I didn’t get a chance to thank you.”
“There’s no need to thank me, really, I’m just glad to see that you’re better. Oh, and I should have the results of your blood work tomorrow.”
“Blood work?” She asked, looking between Baldwin and Marcus.
“You drank something that knocked you out for like a day, I took some blood samples in case it was something we had to deal with.”
“Fortunately not.” Baldwin answered curtly, directed more at Alisha.
“But you’re alright, that’s all that matters.” Gallowglass interjected cheerfully.
“Right, so, what about the tower, have you had a chance to get settled?” Marcus asked, taking the deliberate route towards a reaction.
“Yes, Baldwin’s tower is very...impressive.” Alisha smiled innocently.
“A lot of stairs though?” Gallowglass offered.
She nodded in earnest agreement.
“It was definitely a challenge, when I first saw it I thought I’d never manage.”
“I think you excelled sweetheart.” Baldwin placed a kiss on her temple.
“Thank you darling.”
The upset frown on Marcus’ face was reward enough as Gallowglass backed away slowly.
“I should go help with the...aye.” He departed towards the kitchens.
“Me too.” Marcus ran after him.
“They will consider the next prank very carefully.” Baldwin noted with triumph.
“Yep, did you see poor Marcus’ face, I didn’t know vampire’s could go pale!”
“Very Impressive?” He gave her a smirk.
“Yes, and I apparently excelled regardless.”
“That you did. I’m eager to learn what other talents you have, dear wife.” He leant down to kiss her.
“Nathaniel, more people,” a friendly daemon interrupted, calling out to someone in the other room before she joined them.
“I’m Sophie.” The girl offered Alisha her hand and she took it, one of her own, it wasn’t against Baldwin’s rules.
“Sophie, hi, I’m Alisha.”
“Another daemon, so cool, Hamish will be pleased when he gets back.” She gushed before turning to Baldwin.
“Who are you?” Sophie asked him.
“Who...am I?” He was shocked at her question when a second daemon joined them, tall and with a wary expression on his face as he pulled her back to his side.
“Baldwin De Clermont, he’s the head of the congregation.” He told Sophie.
“And of this household, I may add.” Baldwin corrected.
“Oh, Matthew’s brother!” Sophie perked up and Alisha noted the clench of her husband’s jaw.
“Baldwin, a word?” Ysabeau requested sharply from the doorway.
Alisha wasn’t sure she’d hear anyone speak to him in that tone. Surprisingly, he gave Ysabeau a respectful nod and turned back to Alisha.
“You are about to be plied with food in exchange for information, be as discreet as you can be.”
“If there’s cake I cannot make any promises.”
“There’s cake.” Sophie promised.
“You would sell out your husband for cake?” Baldwin asked with feigned offence.
“Depends on the cake,” she placed a hand on his chest, “seriously, go, I’ll be fine.” She assured him.
He watched as Sophie led her towards the smaller sitting room
“You need to feed, especially so early in the mating process.” Ysabeau told him.
He nodded distractedly, watching Alisha disappear from his view.
“Do you intend to turn her?”
“No,” he hissed, “you know very well it could fail and kill her.”
“Good that you realise that. But I suggest that it might be challenging to differentiate between the hunger of a creature and the passion of a man for his new bride. Go, hunt, feed and return to her sated...of at least one need.”
“I should change first.” He agreed and started towards his tower.
“She’s beautiful...” Ysabeau’s word’s stopped him.
“Yes, she is,” he turned back to face her, “and a very talented musician.”
“She’s twenty-seven, Ysabeau.”
“Hmm, young.“
“Okay, I’m going to go change.” He shook his head as he left, missing the small twitch of a smile of enjoyment on her lips.
“You’re new!” A red-haired witch breezed through the kitchen and made a beeline for the kettle.
“Yes, I suppose I am.” Alisha answered, startled as the witch gave her a hard look.
“Daemon. Is she a friend of yours?” Sarah asked Nathaniel and Sophie before turning back to resume making the tea.
“No, Sarah, this’ Alisha, Baldwin’s wife.” Sophie stated as though there was nothing strange in it.
Nathaniel swore under his breath.
Sarah’s back straightened instantly.
“Baldwin De Clermont married a Daemon?” She asked in a low voice, turning to look at Alisha.
“Sarah, come on.” Nathaniel tried to head off the coming storm.
“Yes, I mean it’s...it just happened last night and we came here right away to, I don’t know, do some paperwork, I’m not sure, and yes I guess I am Baldwin’s wife and...is anyone else thirsty?” Alisha faltered beneath Sarah’s glare.
“You’re American?” Sarah asked.
“New York, you’re from Madison, right? I recognise the accent, one of the girl’s in the orchestra are from there, it’s so nice.” She went on as Sophie handed her a cup of water with a smile.
“Let me see if I got this right...” the witch started.
“Sarah, she’s not the one to be mad at.” Nathaniel attempted again but received a withering glare.
“Baldwin De Clermont married a non-vampire creature, a daemon, an American and a daemon, all against the covenant. Is that...am I crazy or is that what’s happened?”
“She’s also a musician.” Sophie spoke up, trying to help.
Nathaniel placed a loving hand on her shoulder with a smile at her attempt to lighten the mood.
“Did I miss something?” Alisha asked warily.
“No, welcome home, Mrs De Clermont.” Sarah answered with a forced, and very sarcastic smile before she left with her tea.
“Have you heard the name Diana Bishop?” Nathaniel asked after he was certain Sarah had left.
“Yes, she’s married to Baldwin’s brother, Matthew.”
of the covenant. That witch is Diana’s aunt. It’s perhaps not fair that she took it out on you but-“
“I thought it wasn’t a hard and fast rule anymore, there’s a way to appeal?”
“There’s a way to allow creatures to directly request a dispensation,” Nathaniel snorted, “which will mostly never happen because of the vote majority required. Also, the entire genealogy of the parties are on display, that could put creatures in danger if they bring themselves to Congregation attention. Really, only those at the top will benefit.”
Alisha had accepted what Baldwin had told her, that there was nothing to worry about but now, she wasn’t so sure. He might have influence enough for it not to be a problem for them but she couldn’t take that route if it barred others from doing so.
“That wasn’t a dig at you.” Nathaniel reassured.
“I know it wasn’t,” she answered, “I also know that you’re probably right.”
Besides Michael, she had never met another one of her own kind, never mind two, she found she rather liked the experience.
“Is revoking the covenant an option?” She asked and noted Nathanieland Sophie exchanging a glance.
“I believe we have a celebration to prepare for.” Ysabeau interrupted and left before more could be said.
“I suppose we’ll be seeing you later,” Nathaniel chuckled slightly, “and don’t worry about Sarah, she’ll come around.”
Alisha busied herself deciding what to wear to the family dinner, as she hadn’t seen Baldwin for a while, he was possibly hunting.
It was strange that she hadn’t thought about how he sustained himself whilst in the city, but in the country, the only way was a fresh kill and she tried not to think about it.
A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.
“Come in.” She called back to see a grey haired witch enter.
“You must be Alisha, I’m Emily, Diana’s aunt. Call me Em.”
Alisha shuffled her feet, slightly embarrassed.
“I’m sorry, I thought I met everyone, I didn’t mean to leave you out.”
“No apology necessary, I wasn’t here when you arrived,” she gave Alisha a smile, making her feel more relaxed, “and I took over baby watch with Margaret.”
“There’s a baby in this place?”
“Yes,” Em laughed,”you’ve met her parents, Sophie was very curious about the new daemon, Nathaniel is still not totally comfortable about Matthew and certainly not Baldwin. I offered to keep their daughter occupied while they kidnapped you.”
“Oh, right.” Alisha smiled, looking forward to meeting the remaining Wilson.
“I think this one,” Em pointed to the dress on the right.
“Yeah, I was thinking that one.” Alisha pondered, glad to have her decision confirmed.
“Happy to be of help. I just wanted to say hi, offer my congratulations and also an apology, on behalf of my partner, Sarah. I heard about what happened.”
“No need, I understand why she’s upset-“
“But she should not have targeted you, she understands that, I think she was taken by surprise, as were we all.”
“I get that. Apparently, my husband was not so understanding when it came to his brother and your niece.”
“Which is not your fault.”
“Still though, the Covenant-“ Alisha started.
Em shook her head, cutting off Alisha’s words just as Baldwin walked in the door.
“Ms Mathers,” he greeted cooly, the scent of fresh air on him, “can I help you in some way?”
“Baldwin. I was simply extending my welcome to Mrs Montclair,” she turned back to Alisha, “it was nice meeting you my dear.”
“And you.” Alisha watched her leave before Baldwin closed the door.
“I think I’ve met everyone finally, did you have a good hunt?” She asked, busying herself with putting the not chosen dress back into the wardrobe.
“Why was there a witch in my tower?” He asked, his voice low and measured.
“She honestly just wanted to say hi,” Alisha hoped a partial truth would make him drop his enquiry, “she was being polite.”
“That is rather contrary to my experience of witches.” He answered, removing his black sweater to reveal faint streaks of blood on his chest.
“Baldwin, is that-“ she rushed to him, checking for any sign of an injury.
“It’s not mine,” he assured her, “now, I must get ready, we have an hour, then we will be subjected to some ridiculous festivities but we must endure I’m afraid.”
“It won’t be so bad,” she smiled, relieved, and picked up the dress to show him, “is this okay, do you think?”
“It’s perfect.”
She smiled and hung the dress back up on the door of the wardrobe.
“Alisha, you are not to discuss the covenant or the congregation with that witch or anyone else.”
Of course he overheard.
Alisha rolled her eyes at her forgetfulness when it came to Baldwin’s preternatural abilities.
“Why?” She turned back to look at him.
Baldwin’s face was mere inches from her own, startling her. He’d never used his vampire speed in front of her before and coupled with the silence of his movements it was all the more disconcerting.
“Because I told you not to, because you will do as I say.” He tenderly cupped her face, brushing his thumb against her cheek before placing a kiss there.
“And never lie to me again!” He whispered so close to her ear.
He left the room without waiting for an answer, he clearly didn’t believe one was necessary.
She didn’t exhale until the door to the washroom was closed behind him.
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sativaaaaaaa · 5 years
Three Doesn’t Seem Too Bad || Sarah Paulson
Part 3 of Just Us Two
Part Two🔽
6: "Stop yelling and listen for a second!"
25: "I thought I'd never see you again."
|| Another time skip: 4 years after the ice cream shop incident. Ava still doesn't speak but she and Gina communicate through sign language. Also, they moved from Central LA to San Diego. Not a major move but far enough from Sarah 🥴 Or so she thought. Below is a picture of Ava.||
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"Ava! Its time to go sweetie! Tell Mrs. Alex bye." I shoved all of my things into my purse after finally finding my wallet. I paid for Ava's therapy session before grabbing her hand and walking out of the building.
Its been almost 3 years we moved and since she started her therapy sessions and she's improving so much. She still doesn't talk much so we rely on sign language but she's musically inclined so that helps strengthen her voice and vocal chords.
We walked out of the building swinging our hands playfully as we made our way to the local ice cream shop. We established a new tradition since our move; after every session we go and get ice cream before heading back home or to my office; I am now the head of a real estate company.
I opened the door to the ice cream shop letting Ava go in first before following in behind her. We walked up to the counter together and the usual worker greeted us.
We ordered and paid for our ice cream taking it to go this time since I had to go back to work. Luckily everything was in one vicinity so we could walk almost everywhere.
"When we get back inside I need you to finish your homework and stuff then you can get your ipad okay?" I looked down at Ava and saw ice cream all over her face.
I just chuckled and reached into my purse grabbing the pack of baby wipes I had in there.
"You're always making a mess munchkin. You must like being sticky huh?" I softly cooed at her whilst tickling her sides in order to hear the laugh that absolutely melts my heart.
I smiled brightly as I watched her fight to get my fingers from her sides as she hopped around. I stopped after a few seconds before squatting down in front of her to finish wiping off her face and hands. I took her bowl from her since she was done with her ice cream and threw it away in a nearby trash can before grabbing her hand and walking back towards my office with her.
Soon we were back in my office; she was doing her homework on the floor next to me and I was sitting at my desk filling out some paperwork when I assistant called me.
"What's up Rachel?" I put the phone on speaker since I was still typing but I quickly picked up the receiver after I heard her words.
"You have a visitor here.. Its uh.. Its Sarah Paulson.." I could hear her trying to hide the excitement in her voice.
"What does she want?" I huffed in annoyance.
"She said she wants to speak to you. Should I send her up?"
"Yeah go ahead and bring her up here. Put all my calls on hold until she leaves here too alright?" I hung up the phone before running my fingers through my hair.
"Ava, Mommy's friend is about to come up here so I need you to behave okay?" I turned and faced her as she peeked up from her homework. She nodded before signing to me that she was done with her homework.
I took the papers from her setting them on my desk as the door opened revealing Sarah and Rachel. I gave Rachel a slight nod letting her know it was okay to leave as Sarah walked into my office.
I ignored her presence for a moment as I reached into my drawer pulling Ava's ipad out. I unlocked it and handed it to her letting her do her own thing before giving Sarah my attention.
"Can I help you?" I raised my eyebrow slightly and my voice stayed emotionless throughout the question.
"Well hello to you too." She remarked sarcastically. She sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk before folding her arms.
"Oh cut the bull shit. What do you want and how did you even find me?"
"I have my sources..."
I raised my eyebrows before chuckling softly. I shook my head at her before speaking again.
"Keeping tabs on me? One, that sounds very stalkerish and two, you lost that right when you left out of nowhere after I found out my daughter had asthma. So you can go ahead and waltz right up out of here and lose your tabs." I scoffed in disgust. How she gon keep tabs on me and she the one who left? The hell?
"I didn't just up and leave."
I interrupted her quickly as my voice raised slightly.
"Yes you did. You left me high and dry plus you blocked my number and all my social media so I couldn't get in touch with you. You left the rights to pop up on me when I woke up to an empty house at 7 months pregnant."
My eyes were quickly watering but I wouldn't let the tears fall. I was not going to give her power over me by letting her see me cry.
"You didn't even try to - "
"I didn't try to what? To call you? Cause I did. Text you? Certainly tried that too! Get in touch with you through other people?! Did that every single day!"
"Stop yelling and just listen for a second!"
I stopped in the middle of my rant and looked at her like she was crazy. I went to open my mouth to say something else but she put her hand up to keep me quiet.
"Its very rude to interrupt someone when they're speaking especially when you don't know what they're about to say. So as I was saying you never tried to give me a chance to explain the last time I saw you so I'm gonna use this time to explain."
I sat there looking at her with an annoyed expression because I really just wanted her gone at this point. I glanced over at Ava to make sure she was fine since I had started yelling but she was up phased by our arguing.
"I left because I was scared okay? I felt like I was going to  fail the both of you honestly. We had found out she had asthma and the only thing that kept running through my mind was me messing up and leaving her alone for too long just to come back and find her not breathing."  Her voice wavered a little bit. She closed her eyes before taking a deep breath.
"I was just really scared. I should have expressed that in someway or form but I saw the opportunity to run and took it without even thinking which was heavily wrong on my part and I deeply regret it."
"But you still did it. You didn't even try to come back or talk to me. I had to bump into in public to see you after I thought I'd never see you again." My voice was low and slightly cracked at the end of my sentence. I bowed my head looking at my lap as some of my tears fell.
I quickly wiped them before she could see them but I kept my head down when I heard her get up and walk around my desk. She turned my chair out to face her before crouching down in front of me.
She lifted her hand to my face slowly but I still flinched at her action. She softly sighed before grabbing my chin gently and lifting my head so I was looking at her.
"Who have you been around to making you scared of me?" She questioned me softly.
"I- I'm not scared. You just caught me off guard." I wasn't lying but I wasn't really telling the truth either and I think she could tell because I avoided eye contact.
"I call bullshit. What's happened to you within these past years huh?" She pried again making me a little angry.
"You've been keeping tabs so you should know!" I sneered back at her.
"That's a no no and you know it. Now calmly tell me what's happened while we weren't together. Get smart with me again and I won't hesitate to take you over my knee like I use to. Understood?" She responded calmly.
I lightly gasped thinking back at the times she spanked me in the past. I grew a little flustered as I shifted in my seat as I responded to her.
"Ava and I just ran into some people who weren't too understanding or too nice is all. They put up a nice facade though." I remarked softly looking down in my lap again.
"Well you won't have to worry about that anymore because I'm here."
"So you're just gonna pop back up after 6 years and think everything is gonna be okay? Yeah, no. Definitely not that easy lady. Don't you have a girlfriend at home?" I slumped back in my seat with my arms folded.
"No I don't have a girlfriend at home and I'm very well aware that everything isn't going to go back to how it use to be but I'm gonna make things right and this time I won't run when the going gets tough. Pinky promise." She held her pinky up towards me. I stared at it for a few seconds before holding my hand out with my pinky up as well. We wrapped out pinkies around each other before pressing our thumbs against each other to seal the deal.
"Alright then. Ava, come here munchkin." I glanced back at Ava waving to her to catch her attention. She out the ipad down and walked over to my side.
"This is mommy's friend Sarah. She's gonna be around for a while so can you say hi to her please?" I asked gently. I reached over and lifted her up before setting her in my lap.
She leaned her head back onto my shoulder and waved to Sarah shyly. Sarah smiled at her before looking back at me.
"Guess we're a party of three now huh?"
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm so use to it being just us two but three doesn't seem too bad."
word count ~ 1774
|| I feel like this is trash but I've rewritten this 3 times already so we're gonna stick with this version for now. So it took so long, I worked 2 doubles and finally got off on time today so whoot whoot.|| ~ T
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littleliv1 · 6 years
I Was Born To Love You- Part six
Such an overwhelming amount of support for this series! I’m almost done writing it, I’m on Part 9 and I think I’ll try to end it there. Maybe one more. I have some ideas for the ending, but who knows! Thank you all so much xx
Summary: Leah goes home to a shocking surprise. Flash forward and she’s 7 months pregnant.
Warnings: death of a dog, adultry, lots of tension.
Three weeks had passed since the party, and the next thing we knew, we were done with filming Live Aid. The guys did wonderful, but I was ready to see my little baby again. I missed Lola so much. The flight back was full of jittery guys, and and excited Lucy who never left my side. The absence of the baby daddy drove her into protective mode. She and I became very close throughout the weeks.
Once the plane landed, I drove everyone home, taking the rest of the next few days off. Bryan wanted me to get my new motherhood life situated before I came back. Two days was plenty for me. I was only about 6 weeks pregnant, so I wasn't showing yet. Austin's car was in the drive way, which was weird because he's usually at work at this hour. I opened the door, greeted by silence. Where's Lola? "Darling, I'm home," I said, setting my stuff on the coffee table. I looked in the kitchen and living room, Lola was no where to be found. I went into my bedroom to find a sleeping Austin. I smiled at the thought, but I quickly went away, I remembered what I had to do. I knocked at the door as he sprung up. "Leah," He said, getting up and wrapping himself with sheets. "You're home early," He said, not breaking eye contact.
I looked behind him to the bathroom door. Someone was in there. God this cannot be. My heart sank. I gave up. "Who's in there?" I said, defeatedly. He looked down in shame. "Shelly," He said. I threw my hands up in a I-should-have-known way. I walked out, as he chased behind me. "Dear, come back let me explain." He said. I held my forehead, looking at him. "I want a divorce. I have some lawyers in mind. Keep the house. But where is my dog?" I said, not looking at him. He looked around. "I didn't tell you?" He said. "No, you hadn't called me for an entire month. Where's my dog?" I said, angrily. "She, she died. She was struck by a car." He said, as if I should have known that. My heart was no longer in my chest. It had exploded. My baby, my life. "How could you have not told me?" I said, very quietly, crying to myself.
I left the house, getting into my car. I sat there and sobbed. I called Brian. "Hello, dear! How are you?" He said. I found a break in between sobs to tell him what happened. "I'll get you the number to a really good divorce lawyer. You'll be able to walk away with everything." He said. I shook my head. "I don't- want- everything!" I half way screamed. "I'm pregnant- with a baby- who's father- doesn't want us!" I said. "Drive to the studio. Roger and I are up here working on some stuff, we will find you a place to stay." He said. "But calm down first. Everything will be okay. Stay on the phone with me until you get here.
It took a bit, but I calmed myself down, enough to drive. "Okay, I'm on my way there." I said. I drove off.
I was there in about 15 minutes, walking in. I was a complete mess. All of the guys where there, including Lucy. They all wrapped their arms around me. As loved as I was, I had never felt more betrayed in my life. My heart ached. My dog was gone for god knows how long. The only good thing happening was my baby. I felt my face in a familiar chest. Ben's. I held onto him so tight and just let it out.
-6 months later-
I stayed with Brian and Roger for a few weeks before I found my own place. It was a very nice house. Still one story, but it had a basement, it was pretty big, a pool. And I had it all to myself. I really didn't mind living alone, it was actually kind of nice. Ben was with me all the time, helping me with the house and taking care of my crazy pregnancy needs, coming with me to the doctor appointments. The only problem being, the media thought this baby was his. The divorce was near finalized as he still hadn't signed the papers. I was 7 months pregnant. I started to enjoy the silence. But at one point or anther, I missed my girl very much. I called up Ben on this day.
"Hey, so I think I want to get a dog. Come with me to the Shelter?" I asked him. We all had Sunday's off. "Absolutely! I love dogs." He said. "Alright, I'll pick you up in about thirty minutes or so." I said, with that I started to get ready. Being pregnant in the fall is hard. I just bought these new maternity jeans, and a shirt that showed my bump. I had to say, this pregnancy was going well. The baby has been super active the entire time. But I'm sure it's a girl. I put on some comfy slip ons and left to get him.
We got to the shelter and I explained how I wanted a dog of any size. I told them about my house size, yard size and occupation. "Well, Mrs. Hardy," she said, she recognized Ben. I guess she didn’t know that wasn’t his real last name. I raised my eye brows and I was about to correct her, when she spoke again. "I have the perfect set in mind. Follow me." She said. We walked through the loud barking of dogs, once we got to a pair of border collie Siberian husky mix pups. "Two?" I said, questionably. "Well it sounds like you'll be gone a good amount, you'll want to make sure they have company so they don't get lonely. They're very smart and protective dogs," she continued, patting my belly. "And your house size sounds perfect for them." She finished. I smiled, she knew how to tug at my heart strings. "The price is around $500. But you'll be getting two-" "I'll take them!" I said eagerly. She laughed, as we filled out the paperwork.
"I'm very happy for the two of you," she said. I let it slide again. The thought wouldn't kill anyone, would it? The two beauty's came with leashes. Ben held the both of them as we buckled in. "Where to now?" He said, fighting his giggles back as the pups liked his face. "Doggie store!" I said, driving off. We got to my favorite store, 'Mulers'. It was an animal company that fought against animal cruelty. 50% of their earnings a year went to finding good homes for animals throughout California. They had organic treats, you were able to read exactly what you were feeding your dog, natural dog soaps, things if that nature. Sure it was expensive, but it was worth it. We let the pups out, and walked in. "Let's put them in the cart!" Ben said. He put them both in like little babies. One of them was black, white and silver, with a green eye and a brown eye. He was a boy. The other was all black with white around her eyes and belly. She has two bright blue eyes, but she was deaf. He looked cute with them. I couldn't help but to snap a picture with my phone. I posted on my Instagram.
"Welcome to the family! What should I name these beauties? Boy is on the left, girl on the right!"
Within minutes, comments of names emerged. I smiled at some of them, but I put my phone away. "How much do you have to spend?" He asked. "We will see. I had an extra thousand to spend from my last pay check, plus the money I'm getting from the divorce." He helped me pick out dog beds, with cages, puppy pads, little dog cloths, all things of that sorts. I had to put them in the cutest little shirts that said "Mommy's little diva" and "mommy's little prince". I held them with their backs facing out, as Ben snapped a picture himself. He posted it on his Instagram.
"Look who added to the family! @Joe_Mazello when can we start our own family?!?"
All of the young girls were a bit jealous, but I know they'll be okay. "I love them!" I said, putting them back. I picked out some dog food, a few different treats, some dishes and toys, and we were on our way. As I pulled into my drive way, I saw a lot of cars parked. My drive way was rather large, there was a spot titled "The Mother To Be". I giggled. "What's this?" I said. I took the girl pup, and Ben held the boy and we walked in. A group of balloons and confetti surprised me. I laughed at the startle. "You guys! You shouldn't have!" I said. Lucy approached me. "And who is this?" She said, holding the pup. She lost her mind when Ben walked in with the other. I laughed at her reaction to the two pups.
My closest friends threw me a baby shower. Lucy, still holding one of the pups, sat me on their make shift "Throne" (which was just a rocking chair they had gotten me), and placed a rather large crown on my head, with nipples sticking up, and she placed a sash on me that said "Soon to be mommy". I was so happy, this was so amazing. They had gotten me gift cards to places for paint, and baby stores to decorate the room whenever I decided I was ready to do that. They got me a changing table, crib, carrier, car seat, all of it was so beautiful. Lucy walked up to me, sneakily whispering in my ear. "I did a little snooping, and..." they brought out a box. I hadn't even thought about the gender, but I did really want to know. I don't even want to know how she got it.
Rami started to record. "Start!" He said. I giggled, standing up- or attempting to with the aid of Lucy- and wobbled to the box. "Before you open it, what do you think it is?" I heard Gwilym say. "Mmmm, I really think it's a girl. Every dream I've had it was a girl, so I think girl." Everyone had their bets, as it was displayed on the chalk board. Most thought it was a girl, too. I slowly cut the tape off, and opened it as different shades of blue appeared, balloons, all of it. It was a boy. I was having a boy. I started crying, happy tears. While I thought it was a girl, I felt so blessed to be carrying a little baby boy in my belly.
Lucy hugged me. "I'm so happy for you , Leah!" She said. The furniture that had already been bought was unisex, so it was up to you for decorations. As the party winded down, the guys had cleaned up, and everyone left, you held Bens hand as he started to leave. "Stay," I said. "For a little longer." He nodded. "So where's the nursery going to be?" He asked. I guided him down the hallway, the very last room. It was pretty big, had a rather large closet, and big windows. It was facing the back, though, so no one could see into his room. He smiled, walking in. "If I know your taste," He started. "The chair is going to go, here," he said pointing to an area that was surrounded you windows. I laughed, nodding, as I started to rub my belly. "And his crib will go, here, of course." He said, pointing against the wall. I smiled, nodding again, and walked in. My smile dropped. While I knew I had help by the dial of a phone, I could shake the feeling that I was alone. He could see it. He wrapped his arms around me, attempting to comfort me. "Hey, it'll be alright. This baby will be so loved, and I'm sure you'll met a man who will treat him like he was his own son. Hell, I'll teach him how to play catch. Brian can teach him how to sing-" I stopped him, pressing my lips against his. His hands held my elbows, as mine held his waist.
I pulled back, looking down. "I'm sorry," I said. He smiled. "It's alright, love. I was wondering when that was going to happen." He said. I took a deep breath, and cleared my throat. "I'm feeling a bit tired," I said. "Let me stay with you. You seem like you need a friend." Friend. Yes I needed him. But not like a friend. Something in me so wished this baby was his. I nodded. He had some cloths here from times that he and the guys got drunk and had to stay here. So he changed into what he had here, as did I, which was just a Queen t-shirt and shorts, and we both brushed our teeth. We walked into my room, boxes still packed up from the move, but I just never found the time to unpack them. My bed was across a wall of windows. It started to storm, which I liked the sound of rain when I slept, so I didn't mind. I maneuvered into the most comfortable position to sleep in, with my belly so big. Ben came up behind me, and wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my belly. It felt nice. Normal, really. He started to press kisses on my cheek and neck, which caused goose bumps to trail along my body. And we slept like that. All night.
Taglist: @amy-brooklyn99
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me-on-set · 6 years
Harrowingly Strange
When was the last time you had to face a moral dilemma? I am still reeling. I actually just got home. I think I invented a new selfie style. I wanted to take a photo of my makeup on and off.
As I currently write this, I am not an actor but instead have been doing background work for the past year. I've occasionally been a featured extra and was a body double once.
It's fascinating, seeing and doing the work that embodies being on set.
A couple of days ago, I received a message from a casting agency that had my headshot asking to submit my photo for a featured non-speaking role with a local production company. It was a one or two day shoot at $200 per day. I said yes and I got the gig.
When you are cast, you get an email the night before with details about the set location, start time, special instructions, and wardrobe. This show I booked was for a reenactment TV series about real world events. The exciting news was that this particular episode revolved around a crisis that occurred in my parents' homeland. I was to play someone at home seeing the news on television, and then in a second scene complain to police of their incompetence. I was asked to bring leisure clothing one would wear at home.
When I first started being an extra, I would bring my clothes in a backpack, trying really hard not to care too much. That behavior did not last. I found my interest stumbling forward into a natural evolution. I started taking luggage to neatly carry my wardrobe options. I found that I would mostly get cast as a mid-30's businessman. This led me to comfortably bring my outfits in a garment bag. It's funny how familiarity can grow your views.
For today, I packed shorts, sweatpants, t-shirts, a hoodie, a pair of runners, and a pair of flip flops. I got these flip flops during my last vacation with my mom overseas in her hometown. I also brought some henley shirts and arrived on set in khakis and a short-sleeved polo because there was also a mention of button-ups being an option.
The majority of work involved as an extra is waiting. It's a good idea to bring a book, although in this day and age, occupying oneself with a smart phone is a much more fulfilling time killer. I didn't end up using any of the clothes I had brought except for my belt and my runners. After my hair and makeup were done I decided to satisfy my curiosity by searching keywords of this specific production. I searched the name of the character I was to reenact. Adding quotations to strict strings of words, I had soon discovered the event I was going to portray. This was when my moral dilemma began.
I was born and raised in North America by immigrant parents who arrived in their early 20's. The typical experiences had by people of color paint a relatively positive mural that represents my upbringing. Having visited my ethnic country many times throughout my life, I felt, and still feel, a deep connection to the motherland. This connection is common for others like myself, powered by identity in a time where life will sometimes present it as a limitation. Conversely, this only strengthens cultural pride.
The role I was to play was an international representing their countrymen against the very country I identify with. Pangs of uneasiness flooded my body. There was another featured role performer who had an earlier call time. We sat together in the holding area. He was cast to play the part of a family member learning the news of the event. What surprised me more was the fact that he was a recent immigrant from my country of ethnicity. Us both, cast in roles of coincidental conflict of interest?
When it comes to acting, the only other time I recall having feelings of apprehension was during a big budget movie filmed in a church. I was a church goer among a sea of church goers seated in church pews. We were instructed to portray the enjoyment of a church service. Some of us were selected to stand and sway to the Christian music. Some had their eyes closed, head tilted to the ceiling, palms facing up to the heavens. As easy a physical task that is, I instead opted to clap along to the band and pretend to really feel the sounds of my favorite music. I know it's just acting but I was driven by the thought of my mom seeing me do anything other than that on camera. So, I coursed the music through my veins. I know the history of the band members, the albums, this music moves me, pretend.
I received my paperwork and read it over a cup of coffee from craft services. It was standard paperwork that I've filled out over a dozen times before. I looked at the inviting exit door. I was parked right outside. This is not that big of a deal, is it? I imagined this TV episode making its way to the news overseas, the citizens all over the world deeming me a traitor for perpetuating a negative image, not merely through action but through representation against them. Against us. Am I selling out? For two hundred bucks?
I thought about getting up and leaving. I thought about all of the hard work that people have put into this specific production. If you haven't been behind the scenes before, it is quite the trip. An assortment of heavy duty cables line the floors, taped in place. Racks of props in designated areas. The backstage crew zip around in sync, bursting with walkie-talkie sounds and hollers of instruction. There is a commonality in the many interactions, their minds tuned into the goal meant to be achieved. This is their career.
This is my hobby. I am a prop. Would leaving this put a blemish on my record in the local film community, or the film industry as a whole, because I wasted everyone's time being sensitive? As I languished, I get a message from my best friend and I tell him I'm on set. I tell him:
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For some reason, that makes me feel better. I just might be able to work with that mentality. The other guy has finished. He returns his wardrobe and collects his belongings. I ask him if he knows what this show is about. We speak in our language among the English-speakers. I ask him if he thinks people back home are going to be mad at us. I ask him if he knew we were going to be doing this. He seems ok with it all. He said he was there during the actual event. He's new to the industry. We laugh about how we can pass as different races. This is his first time being on camera. He said he enjoyed the experience. I ask him if he'll continue. He said yes. I hope he does.
Finally, wardrobe is set and I am wearing a navy blue golf shirt and some gray slacks. I want to feel good, like the other times I've worked. How can I get that feeling? They're calling me on set. They adjust the lighting while I sit in front of the camera. A fog machine fills the mock living room belonging to my character. When the camera rolls, there is a fake TV in front of me that I am to watch casually at first and then grow increasingly interested as the live footage I am pretending to watch unfolds. I am supposed to build up into a frustration with the host country. My country. As I understand it, the real guy is being interviewed and I am the reenactment; the illustration of his side of the story. I do the scene. Twice. Filming took less than 5 minutes total. The whole time I was thinking about my mom. I can remember it still, a few hours ago today, the director describing the gradual transpiring of the footage to guide me. To help me see a reason to be frustrated on camera. It wasn't helping. It's not his fault. I don't think it's anyone's fault. I don't think they even knew why I would be uncomfortable. I don't think they knew much about the countries involved in the event. They even spelled the city name wrong. I don't even think the takes were that bad.
I wish it wasn't about my country. If it were different, I feel like I could have given more - like I had done at the church.
It's unsettling to perform make-believe, but for myself I have managed to apply a mental exercise that immerses me into a character; to actually be the person. The trick is to relate. To tie the emotion to a real memory and relive it. If it had only been about another country, I'm sure I would have enjoyed the process a lot more.
I'm writing this and I was hoping it would help me shake away this dread. Thoughts of regret imagining if I had only researched the keywords sooner. Maybe I would have cancelled. But that wouldn't have been better. I would be blacklisted and never cast as another role again. Or maybe I'm being dramatic. Hey, that's good for this line of work, right?
I honestly hope the final cut looks great. This is the biggest role I've ever been in. They gelled my hair funny like a nerd, I had on large framed glasses, just like the portrayed, and they put makeup on my upper lip to hide my dark, clean-shaven stubble.
When I got home, before I washed my makeup off, I took a before and after mirror selfie because my face looked comedically smooth. Taking the pictures reminded me of when I was sipping coffee in the holding area. I had taken pictures of my paperwork. I remember my mind racing. The feeling was like gathering license plates and insurance information after a collision. You know, just in case I have to stand trial, my cultural membership in jeopardy. I can review my situation with a lawyer to see what I can and can not say during a variety show interview that is getting my side of the story after viral, captioned screenshots of me flood the internet with embarrassing memes, stamped into history. Jesus Christ, that would be the worst. Here I go again with extreme maybes. It's an entertaining curse that I will forever be engulfed in my own hypothetical torture.
Anyway, here's that selfie I invented:
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Yeah my bathroom mirrors are dirty.
I can't wait for my next job that I can cleanse my palate with. I really hope I can accept today as purely an actor's portrayal, and not a turncoat betrayal. This can't be my last go at acting. I ate some of my country's food for supper. I feel a bit better. I'm wearing a shirt that is emblazoned with our country's sports hero.
I have always been excited to see the final release of a production I am in, except for this one now. Uncontrollably, my perverse curiosity into the film world is only strengthening, so I don't think even the worst thoughts can slow my future participation. The silver lining is that the uncomfortable bar is set to a new level. I could reenact a murderous deviant now without batting a moral eyelash, I like to think. All for the sake of film.
- WSS, February 8, 2019
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akatskimember · 7 years
"All I've ever wanted"
Ayyy so this is my first fanfic. If ya don't like it then sorry. I'm not a writer The weekend isn’t usually a big deal seeing as you can get a mission anytime, but this weekend has significant meaning for Yamato. Not only was he off the roster, but it was also his birthday weekend. He took off Thursday-Sunday so he can celebrate with his friends and boyfriend. “I wonder what he wants for dinner tonight?” He sighed as he walked through the market looking for dinner ingredients. It isn’t very often he got to eat dinner with his man, the hokage is very busy running the village. Hokage. Yamato still can’t believe his sempai is the hokage and still chooses to be with him. There are plenty of men and women who Kakashi could have yet he still chooses him. “Eggplant miso.” Yamato decided to make the copycat ninja’s favorite just to show how much he loves him. “Hey Yamato-taichou!” Yamato looked around and say Iruka- sensei walking towards him. “hey Iruka-sensei, how’s it going?” Yamato said politely as Iruka finally caught up to him. “I was shopping for dinner and then was going to come look for you. However, since you’re here, I’ve hit two birds with one stone…uh..” He dug through his bag and pulled out a small box. “Here. It’s not much but I hope you like it.” Yamato set his basket down and opened the box. “I love it. I’ve read every book in the ‘Architecture for shinobi’ series. Thank you so much!” “Well it’s the least I can do. You’ve done so much for Naruto and Konoha. And besides, lunch breaks have been much more enjoyable since you started coming to ichiraku’s. Welp I gotta go. Kids have an exam and I’m very behind on my work. I’ll see ya around. Have a happy birthday Yamato-taichou!” and with that, Iruka was off to take care of his business. Yamato went back to his shopping and couldn’t help but smile as he thought, maybe this is where I belong. “Hey, I’m home. Wow it smells great in here.” Kakashi spoke as he walked in through the window. Yamato prides himself on finally getting Kakashi to stop using the window. It’s surprising how threatening his limited edition Icha Icha could easily set him straight. “Thanks, the food is done. It’s your favorite. Eat up. “Yamato already had the food set out. They sat down and Kakashi began to dig in. “so how was work?” “It was busy as usual. There’s this new medical supply trade deal we’ve been working on with Cloud so once that’s done, I can move onto my next headache” Kakashi groaned. There was nothing but piles of work in his office. He barely got to come home or read but Yamato always made sure there was dinner for him even if it was cold. The hokage was beyond thankful to have Yamato in his life. “Well hope- Knock Knock. The couple both looked to see who was knocking at their window this late. ANBU. Of course, Tenzo thought. He reluctantly opened the window. “Hokage-sama, we need you at the office. It’s urgent.” “damn”. Kakashi grumbled as he got up to go. “Here Sempai..” Yamato shoved a to go container of the food in his hands. “Thank you. I’m sorry.” “It’s ok. Will you still be here tomorrow?” Kakashi smiled through his mask, “Of course kohai nothing is planned so it’ll be us all day long.” That was all Yamato wanted to hear. Kakashi left and Yamato cleaned up before he snuggled in bed. Tomorrow was his birthday and he would spend the day with his sempai and have dinner with team 7 and all would be good in his world. The next morning, Yamato woke up to an awfully cold bed. Hmmm Kakashi didn’t come home. He got up, made breakfast and packed some clothes for Lord Sixth. Walking into the tower, he passed Shikamaru. “Good morning, taichou.“ “Goodmorning Shikamaru. I just came by to check on our hokage.” “Oh yea. I forgot you two were an item. Well anyways, happy birthday. It’s on the calendar and Sakura stopped by and was sad she got pulled into a last minute mission with Naruto and Sai. Something about our medical trade with Cloud. She said she would reschedule dinner with you.�� “Oh thanks for the message Shikamaru. I hope their mission goes safely” “yea it’s no problem. It would’ve been a drag for everyone to leave late by trying to find you. Ah here were are.” They walked into the hokage office and Kakashi was sitting to close for comfort with a representative from stone. Kakashi looked up from paperwork and smiled. Bags apparent under his eyes show that he hasn’t slept. “ Shikamaru, Yamato, this is Yui-san from Rock. She is here to help forge our relationship with them. Yamato bowed “ Nice to meet you Yui-san.” Yui gave a painfully sweet smile and said “the pleasure is mine. What’s in your hand?” Yamato forgot all about it. The reason he came to see his lover in the first place. “ Oh, I just brought Rokudaime-sama some clothes and food since he has been here for a while.” Yui, confused expression on her face, said “ so you’re like…his lackey?” Yamato sputtered “ w-well no.I-I- He’s my best ANBU captain and it clearly shows since he is kind enough to think of my well being during his time off”. Yamato was stunned to see Kakashi cut him off with a slight venom in his voice. “Thank you very much captain Yamato, if there’s nothing else, I have work I must get back to.” Yamato got the hint and bowed, “You’re welcome. Sorry for interrupting Rokudaime-sama” and promptly left hoping Kakashi didn’t hear the hurt in his voice. Yamato went back home. Hmm well I guess tonight’s plans are cancelled. How unfortunate. Well, I guess next year will have to be the year where I spend my birthday with people I care about. I should have realized that Sempai would be to busy for me, especially with everything still being shaky after the war. Yamato walked inside and packed his stuff. Well, I’m not letting my time off go to waste. He locked up the apartment and set off to plan B. “ Kakashi-sama, It’s 8 p.m. you should head home.” Kakashi blinked, slightly confused by what time it was, “ oh it’s that late already. Yea I should go. I need to apologize to Tenzo. I was supposed to spend the day with him but got caught up with work.” Shikamaru sighed, “ You are lucky Yamato is understanding, Temari would kill me if I promised to spend her birthday with her and instead spent my day with someone else in my office.” Kakashi stared, “ I’m sorry…what?!” “ Oh yea, Temari would brutally kill me.” “ no. about the birthday part?” “ Oh Kakashi-sama, tell me you didn’t realize that today was his birthday.. Silence.. okay. So you did. Why do think he was very specific about spending today with you?” Kakashi started to panic, “ Oh my god I am so dumb. No wonder he was so happy and oh man I must have hurt his feelings. I need to go. How could I not realize it was his birthday?!?” Kakashi ran out the door and went top speed to his apartment, hoping that Tenzo wouldn’t make him sleep on the couch tonight. He walked inside and the place was empty. Figures. He walked to the fridge and saw a note that said “ went out, be back Sunday- Yamato” Bad sign. Yamato only used his code name in the house when he was mad. Also he isn’t coming home which means he doesn’t want to see me. Shit. I really fucked this one up. Kakashi put the note down and headed to find his Tenzo. There were only a few handfuls of places he would be at. Yamato walked into the hot spring and checked into the presidential suite. Full room and a personal spring attached so he can have his privacy. “No visitors please”, he told the receptionist as she handed him the keys. Once in the room, Yamato took a deep breath and set all his stuff down. Plan B. I may as well do something for my birthday. He ate some dinner and decided to relax. He read that book Iruka gave him, and decided to sit in the springs. After maybe 15 mins, he felt a presence. He turned around, ready to use his mokuton but instead saw a mess of gray hair. Yamato glared. “I asked for no visitors.” Kakashi sat on the ledge, “mah Tenzo, Since I’m the hokage, it’s gonna take a lot more than that to stop me.” Yamato, turned back around with an ice filled voice, “Well excuse me, do you have a mission for me rokudaime- sama. Because I am not on the roster and so if it is not an emergency then I’d like for you to leave.” Silence. “Tenzo, please. You’re right. I shouldn’t and am not here as your hokage. Truthfully, I’m here on important boyfriend business”. Silence. “Ok if you won’t talk to me then at least back up so I can rub your shoulders and start to atone for my sins.” Still silence but Yamato slowly backed up as Kakashi started touching him. Kakashi continues, “Listen. I am sorry I forgot your birthday and messed up our plans and was rude to you earlier.” He kept rubbing the knots out of his boyfriend’s neck waiting for a response. After what felt like forever, Yamato replied, “ Do you know why I get so excited about my birthday? It’s the only real thing I have about me. I don’t have a real name, or a real family. My birthday is the only thing about me that was documented. Everything else in my life revolves around my mokuton and serving the village. My birthday is one of the only things that remind me that I am a real person. Not just a clone of lord first. It’s a day to celebrate me. Kakashi, I’ve never celebrated my birthday with friends either. I was always on a mission or there was war or something. This was supposed to be the year I wouldn’t be alone. But that’s ok. I guess some things aren’t meant to change. I’m not mad. Maybe I’ll just give up on trying to have real birthday.” Kakashi stopped with his massage. And whispered in his ear, “no. Tenzo, I had no idea. I am so sorry for everything. You are my boyfriend and I have been neglecting you. I promise to never let you be alone on your birthday ever again. I love you. Just you. Only you. Please forgive me.” Yamato smiled. “ Come on Kohai, I have something for you inside.” Yamato was sad to leave his lover’s embrace but got up anyways. They both wrapped towels around their waist and was greeted to a beautiful birthday cake. It was green and blue with the words ‘happy birthday’ frosted on it. Yamato smiled from ear to ear. “Sempai, you didn’t! I’ve never had a birthday cake.” Kakashi lighted the candles and turned off the lights. He sweetly sang happy birthday and looked at his lover, “Make a wish my love.” Yamato quickly pecked his lips and took Kakashi’s hand. “ I already have everything I could ever want.”
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