#i found out i can make low quality gifs on my phone so i tried that out lol
arataka-reigen · 9 months
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skzftw · 2 years
#Happy Birthday LEE KNOW
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Watching FIFA together with I.N. || SMUT 18+
About hating watching Fifa because they used unofficial flags.
For Lee Know' birthday.
#complimentstalk #noona #itemfetish
But why...
So he was like a boy from Seoul and he is currently also a K-Pop idol. One day I watched a football game with him and we were very quiet.
1 month ago, when I asked him about his career he said that he was a K-Pop idol under the group 'Skittles' and they produced in Seoul. I don't know if that is safe. Me, I graduated from Switzerland and I know what is quality (high or low).
Then we watched the FIFA game of Qatar but everyone in Seoul was very quiet. I feel like everyone who doesn't like football just came for the South Korean Flag.
I asked I.N.:"What team are you cheering for?"
He said nothing.
Maybe he was also not into football. In this case, no one in Seoul likes football.
I was sitting very quietly and hugging my legs because I thought it looked like a horror movie. But the FIFA trophy was very gold and looks like a penis.
Then with all of my guts, I said to I.N.: "The trophy looks like a penis."
"No, it has the earth globe on it," he answered.
I thought about something to say but he already poured the glass with ice because he was bored.
"When I lived in Switzerland I was very close to Young Boys."
"O.K." I.N. said and filled the glass with Coca-Cola but with violence.
"And you never wore any t-shirt."
"I also hate football when I was in school."
"I don't. I like it."
"Here is Gangnam, right?"
He nods.
I sighed. But OK... I asked because it is very quiet. It is almost like an advertisement.
I checked out the team from Wikipedia because the game has not yet started. It was South Korea against Thailand or something. I think South Korea would have won because it is colder here.
So, the football players came from different teams. England, Saudi Arabia, and Germany but no one was in Young Boys.
Then my phone was gone.
"Already in their 30ties."
I got no answer.
"It snowed a lot in Seoul," I said to I.N.
"Very cold", he answered.
"I think the flag is fake," I mentioned because I can.
I.N. said, "Everyone knows that the flags are fake."
I nod. I pointed out the mistakes. "They drew the flag by themselves."
He was shaken. "OMG, so many fake things. Let us not watch."
"I want to watch."
Suddenly his hands crept in my love handle and he said: "Noona."
I found the situation very funny because I graduated from Switzerland and this is abusing my knowledge. It is like everything is failing in front of me.
I.N. said: "I know that you came from Biel/Bienne. I also like Young Boys".
"Y-yeah, Young Boys. I was living there."
He laid me down on my sofa's apartment and then dodged closer but I don't know why. I looked like he tried to have sex with me.
"Maybe it is your fault that the flag is unofficial," he threatened.
I said that I don't know. I feel like missing something but I don't want to miss it.
"It is not my intention to make mistakes."
He smiles so big and then he lifts me to the bed. He wanted to lick my ears but then I said: "The game is starting..."
He said, "I know, noona but I don't wanna watch."
I think he is afraid so I think he wanted to suddenly have sex. I just said nothing.
"You can watch me instead..." He confesses.
I nodded accidentally. I did not want but now it is too late. He took off his shirt and threw it in front of the Gangnam view.
"But you are not dancing to rain..." I joked.
"I wanted to."
I then noticed he already took off my t-shirt. "I did not allow you to do this," I scolded.
"Seungmin hyung would have allowed me," he ended the conversation.
I thought he ground on my pussy and he did not stop.
"Who is Seungmin?" I whispered. I don't know the group 'Skittles' so I don't know Seungmin.
"You don't know Seungmin?" He angrily ground my legs.
I shook my head.
He could fastly take off my pants and my panties too, in front of the Gangnam building. He was hard and funned me on my bed. He groaned very loud and just came on my belly. He did not take off my bra.
After he was done funned me he took off my bras.
He said: "Sorry about that"
And then he noticed that he came on me.
I asked, "Did you drink???"
He bowed and apologized. He also tried to clean me but then he whistled.
"Your body was better than watching FIFA," he ended.
The End
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lazypeachsoul · 3 years
I wouldn't want to spend a minute lovin' anybody else.
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Warnings: this fic has some sad moments and mentions of the blip. also kind of AU because I'm completely ignoring Natasha's canon end.
Word count: 4,2k (i got very carried away with this fic)
Summary: · Meeting the right person at the wrong time can be life changing when it doesn’t work out the way we desire. But if it's meant to be it will always happen, right?
A/N: This is my fic for the "Women of Marvel xReader Exchange" created by @marvelxreaderfanfictionfest . It was created for @im-holding-ontoyou and I hope you like it! gif by @natasharomanovgifs 🌼 ALSO; i haven't watched Black Widow yet so I'm sorry if something in this fic doesn't fit the new info we got about natasha.
To be added to my taglist use this forms or write me an ask!
New York, 2015.
When you received the call from one of your bosses that you had a new case you would have never imagined how big that case would turn out to be.
You had been working for one of the most important law firms in New York for a year now, and you were getting kind of used to reading cases that would be narrated in the papers for months. Rich and entitled men, big divorces were they fight over who gets the yacht, one or two murder cases... if it revolved around the powerful people of New York city, your firm would get it.
When you got to the debriefing and were told that Tony Stark, one of the firm's most important clients, asked your team for assistance in the creation of some legislation with the newly created “Advanced Threat Containment Unit” you were more than surprised.
The events that the Avengers had caused (or saved us from, there were different opinions going around) in the small country of Sokovia were known all around the and it was only time before the most powerful officials asked for the regulation of ‘superhero activity’.
You weren’t important enough to actually attend the meetings that took place with the government, seeing as you had only passed your bar exam a little over a year prior, but you were deemed cheerful and nice enough to act as a nexus between the firm and the client.
For months you spent your days talking to Tony Stark and other members of The Avengers trying to explain what was being talked about. The first few meetings were a disaster, seeing as the mood was somber for the lives lost and nobody really understood your legal jargon. But slowly you started to transform your language and really tried to make the meetings as easy as possible for everyone present.
But who were you kidding, they really didn’t care about the meetings or the silly attorney being sent to explain something that was way above their paycheck. Well, at least Stark was gracious enough to set a coffee station with some pastries for the meeting. You were pouring the hot liquid into your to-go cup when your hand jerked and the hot liquid splashed your hand.
You could feel the sting of the burn but avoided further sudden movements trying not to make it worse. Before you could reach for a napkin to clean up the mess you made, a more dexterous and manicured hand reached for them and exchanged the hot cup in your hand for the bunch of papers.
“Careful, Stark always serves boiling coffee. I think it’s to mask that it’s not the best quality.”
You lifted your gaze from your hand and found a pair of deep green eyes gazing back. You would have thought that spending numerous meetings in the company of superheroes would make you less susceptible to their powerful auras, but being this close to Natasha Romanoff made your heart beat a bit faster.
“Yeah, I found out the hard way.” You joked, lifting your hand a bit. “You would guess one of the richest people in the world would actually serve good coffee...”
Seeing her crack a smile made you feel less tense. Sometimes you forget they are still normal people. Normal people who could kill you with their bare hands and had superhuman powers. She placed your cup on the food table, apparently not bothered by how hot it must have been, and pushed her hand in your direction.
“I’m Natasha Romanoff.” You wrapped your hand around hers and shook it, biting your tongue trying not to tell her of course you knew her name. “Sorry I didn’t introduce myself in earlier meetings, we were all trying to come to terms with what had happened.”
“No worries, I can only imagine how hard it must have been for all of you.” You nodded and tried to show her sympathy, trying to avoid thinking about all the lives affected by the fight. “Oh sorry, I’m-”
Natasha quickly cut you off, speaking your name before you could even say it. You could feel your cheeks get warmer at the idea that they actually knew who you were, and she probably could sense your mood change because she quickly explained.
“I know who you are, you send us at least two emails a week about these meetings and FRIDAY always announces you before you arrive.”
“Who announces me?” You asked curiously at the mention of a name you recognized.
“FRIDAY. It’s the name of Stark’s AI technology. It works all around the tower and it’s there to make life easier for everyone.” She explained pointing around at the speakers strategically placed around the room.
“Oh, I get emails from Friday sometimes. Most of them are asking me to translate or explain something about the debriefing because Mr.Stark is not interested in legal terms.” Both you and Natasha laughed at the thought.
But she quickly recomposed and tried to look serious again when she heard her teammates coming in to get ready for the meeting.
“I wanted to ask you about that. Do you think we could schedule a meeting so that you could explain some things about the legislation of the A.T.C.U.?” She spoke lower than she had when the two of you were alone and you wondered why she didn’t want her colleagues to know about the meeting.
“Ye-Yeah, of course I can.” You were confused but thought it would be in your best interest, and the firm’s, to say yes to the proposal. And a meeting with a very attractive and definitely interesting woman was not something that happened constantly for you.
“Great, thank you.” She smiled warmly and squeezed your hand that you hadn’t even realized was still wrapped around hers from the introduction. “I can promise you better coffee.”
You could only hum in response, still trying to piece together what she might want from the meeting. But your thoughts were quickly cut off when Stark entered the room and you moved to start the reunion.
During the entire meeting you could feel the dull pain in your hand from the scorching coffee and the feeling of a pair of green eyes watching your every move.
Vienna, 2016.
The situation had only gone downhill from the Battle of Sokovia. The public’s opinion on the Avengers was at an all-time-low and that made terrorist groups bold. They knew that if they struck and caused enough chaos, the blame would fall on the good guys that tried to stop them.
The only thing that seemed to be a stable thing in your life was Natasha. Well, as stable as dating a superhero might be. She was busy a lot, but you understood the importance of her job and you were quite busy too gaining importance within the law firm.
And even if sometimes terrorists and criminals got in the way you still found a moment to spend together, wrapped around each other without having to think about how messed up life was.
You thought Lagos was the blow that would make everything tumble, the Sokovia accords were unveiled and it broke the Avengers, and your girlfriend. You could feel how torn she was at her decision of some of her friends to oppose the signing and go on the run, and her own decision to subordinate to the United Nations mandate. But you realized how small that had been when king T’Chaka was killed at the UN.
You had been at the UN as part of the USA legal team that participated in the writing and monitoring of the accords. Your participation in the negotiations almost broke your relationship but you were able to recover once you explained your position and Natasha actually came to an understanding of it.
Natasha was also in Vienna when everything went down, you hadn’t managed to properly see her because she was one of the signers and they sat at the assembly while other guests sat at the amphitheater watching the retransmission.
You hadn’t been able to properly see her all day, seeing as she took a detour before flying to Austria. You were only able to communicate through texts where you tried to make the situation more comfortable for her and she promised a peaceful european trip to celebrate the signing.
When the bomb went off and all hell broke loose the first thing you tried to do was look for her, she was at the epicenter of the explosion and you just wanted to see if she was okay. You saw her from afar when you were being pushed to the outside of the building while they swiped the perimeter.
She sat with T’Challa before he jumped from the bench and stomped away. Natasha looked around and your gazes crossed, immediately melting away some of the worry. You tried to push your way through the crowd to get to her, but police and security didn’t budge.
You never took your eyes off of her, scared that if you did she would disappear. But she did move her gaze to her phone and the look that crossed her face when she heard the voice at the other side told you it was a very important call.
Once the call was over and she looked at you again you knew that would probably be the last time you would see her in some time. You hadn’t known Natasha as long as some of her colleagues had, but you could proudly say you could understand what she wanted to say with just a look. And the look on her face in that moment read close to a goodbye.
New York, 2018.
It had been two years since the fall of Helmut Zemo and part of the Avengers was still on the run. And it maybe wouldn’t have had that big of an impact on you if it wasn’t because Natasha had also been on the run for that long.
You had heard about what happened at the Leipzig airport and how Natasha had changed alliances to join Captain America’s fight. You had been heartbroken at the news knowing that any resemblance of normality that you still hope for was destroyed.
You had spent months wondering what had made her change her mind. Had she thought about your conversations about the accords? Had she even remembered you, waiting for her back in New York, when she decided to go on the run?
A part of you tried to convince you of how selfish thinking about that was, why would she think about you when the future of her team and friends was at stake? But also you were her girlfriend, she should have thought about the implications that might have had for you.
In those years you had mourned your relationship and after the grieving period you tried to rebuild your life. New friends, a new position and new chances to take. And it went okay...at least until someone opened their mouth to talk about superheroes or The Avengers. Years down the line and it was still on people’s minds.
On special occasions you would receive anonymous gifts at your office or your apartment. The first birthday after the war you sobbed for fifteen minutes when you saw the bunch of flowers. There was no name or indicative of who might have sent them, that was until you looked better at the card and saw the small red hourglass painted in the corner.
The gifts continued. Every case you won, promotion, birthday or holiday a bunch of flowers would be delivered to you with the same note.
In a way it gave you a sense of peace knowing she was okay and still thought of you. But the more you thought about it the angrier you got at how she had left you.
You didn’t expect a message from your boss to run to the Avengers compound and assess some situation between Coronel Rhodes and Thaddeus Ross. Although the team had crumbled, your company was still hired to legally represent the remaining members and moderate situations that might arise with the government.
You entered the compound expecting another bureaucratic complaint about their activity but you found a trickier situation. The meeting room was filled with people you thought you would never see again.
Captain Rogers was sitting on one of the chairs sporting a new look that made you almost not recognize him and a tense demeanor. Next to him was Sam Wilson, looking around at the smallest of movements and trying to assess the situation. Wanda Maximoff was standing on the furthest corner of the room playing with her rings, meanwhile Vision was apparently being checked out for a wound. What kind of wounds a synthezoid could get was beyond your understanding.
“Thank you for coming so quickly, I might have angered Secretary Ross during a meeting.” Rhodey came up to you with a nervous smile.
You had gotten closer to him thanks to your job seeing as he was the one doing the dirty superhero work.
“Yeah, I got that much from the text. Nothing new then.” You tried to joke to diffuse the tension in the room. “It would have been nice to know you had guests though.”
“We are not guests. Last time I checked this was our home too.”
That voice made your blood freeze. You should have expected her there, all her friends had returned and the chance of her being back too was almost 100%. But hearing her voice again after two years was not something you expected.
You bit your tongue before you could talk about how it’s not a home if you abandon it, but decided against it. This was a fight between them, not Natasha and you.
“I need you to work with the government to avoid this situation becoming a disaster.” Rhodey explained and you scoffed.
“Rhodey, I’m a lawyer not a politician. I have as much power in this as you might have.” You tried to lay your point across but it was difficult with all eyes on the interaction. “Hell, I have even less power than you do.”
“Then I need you to distract them enough to get them off our shoulders.” He pressed. “Something big is coming and we need all the strength we can get.”
You thought about it for a moment. If it was true that something big was coming, the Avengers were the best option to fight it.
“I’m in.” You scoffed at his smile and sat down in one of the chairs of the meeting room. “I’m not ready for the world to end yet.”
The meeting went on for a while. You called bosses, government officials and everyone that would listen to your distractions. You sent emails that would flood their inboxes for days so that they couldn’t read any news that might reach them about what the superheroes had in mind.
It was late at night when a cup of steaming liquid was placed next to you. You looked at it and saw that it was some kind of herbal tea, probably made to relax the drinker. You followed the hand that was still holding the mug until you reached Natasha’s face.
You had done your best to ignore her looming presence in the room but now there was no distraction. Looking at her you could see tiredness in her face. She was platinum blonde now, a look that weirdly suited her, but her face still looked as welcoming to you as it always did.
You tried to stop the flashbacks to the last time you saw it in person in Vienna, but they kept replaying in your head until her voice broke you out of the loop.
“I thought you might need it, I remember how nervous calls used to make you.”
She was smiling but you could tell it didn’t reach her eyes.
“Yeah, I guess I got over it since I got my promotion. Now I spend a long portion of my day making calls.”
She hummed and sat down next two you, but leaving a chair in between you as a safe space.
“I read about it in an article, I sent you flowers to celebrate.”
“I got them. And the Christmas ones. On my birthday too.” You enumerated the times you had gotten the plants in the past two years. “You must have spent an awful amount of money buying me so many flowers.”
“You deserved it, you still do.” She shrugged and that’s when you noticed she had her own mug of warm tea in her other hand. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to celebrate with you.”
You laughed into your mug sarcastically. Out of everything you expected her to say this wasn’t one of them.
“Did you really? Because you didn’t seem to consider me much when you went on the run for two years.”
Natasha paled when she heard your tone. She probably wasn’t used to situations like these but you weren’t going to let her go without an apology at least.
“I was trying to do the best for-”
“-for the world. I get it, Natasha, I do.” You tried to contain your emotions but it was getting harder with every word. “Relationships are supposed to be teamwork. I know you are always too busy playing heroes and I never judged you for that, I just wish you would have trusted me enough to tell me before you disappeared.”
She was silent and knowing Natasha it’s because she was probably overwhelmed with the display of feelings. But she needed to hear how bad you had felt.
After minutes of waiting for an answer from her and getting nothing but sighs you shook your head and looked back at the computer screen.
“I guess it was a case of the right person, wrong time.” You shrugged trying to find distraction in the flurry of letters in your email inbox. “Or at least it was for me.”
She got up from her seat without a word and you grew exasperated. Why had she even approached you if then she wasn’t willing to have an adult, two sided conversation? She was almost at the door when you heard her voice again.
“Please never doubt how much I love you. I made some bad choices but dating you was not one of them.”
New York, 2024.
Time apparently flies by when you are erased from the face of the earth. One day you are in your office working late and the next you appear five years in the future with no recollection of what might have happened.
You were taken by authorities to impromptu camps and one by one examined to check your identities. The entire thing seemed to be something out of one of the dystopian novels you used to read as a teenager.
When it was your turn you gave them all the information you had on what had happened. You had given them your name and personal information and apparently had been a very searched person because the computer started beeping as soon as your name was introduced in the database.
You were moved to a secluded part of the camp and kept in an isolated room for god knows how long. Your stomach was in knots during the entire situation and you could feel the cold sweat on you. That mixed with the metallic taste on your tongue you knew this time your anxiety was justified. You were almost dizzy because of how hard you were thinking about the entire situation and trying to make sense of it.
When you heard the door of the room open you jumped up, discarding on the floor a makeshift blanket that had been placed on your shoulders when you got there. Your legs almost gave out at the movement and your heart felt like it was going to burst out.
The door opened enough for you to see who had been searching for you. Natasha stepped through the door still dressed in her tactic gear and with tiredness written all over her face. But that feeling seemed to almost disappear when she finally saw you.
With quick movements she stepped into the room and wrapped her arms around you tightly. For some reason that action was the trigger that you needed to let all your emotions consume you.
You started sobbing uncontrollably at the unknown. You didn’t understand what happened or how you are here, but feeling her embrace helped you feel safe in a way. It had been years since you last hugged her but it still felt as good as back in 2015.
You could hear Natasha’s soothing shushes in between your sobs and you moved to hold her tighter.
“You are here. I can’t believe I found you again.” She spoke softly and you didn’t know if she was speaking to you or herself. “It’s okay darling. I’m here and I’m not letting you go again. I promise.”
And with that promise a ray of hope made way between all the fear you felt.
Missouri, 2025.
Soft music could be heard all around the ground floor of the house. The soft beat was upbeat enough to get the morning started but not enough to be overwhelming if you had just woken up. You were sitting on the kitchen island looking at the news on your phone and having breakfast.
Mornings were usually very calm around the homestead and you couldn’ be more thankful for that. It allowed you to silently prepare your breakfast and coffee and get a headstart on Natasha’s breakfast too.
Since she had retired, Natasha had discovered a newfound love for sleeping in and you didn’t dare to take that away from her. She deserved it from all the work she had done in her life.
You, meanwhile, tried to get up early to scroll through the cases that you got in your new and smaller job and schedule meetings or emails.
It was a Saturday so work wasn’t a thing and you could actually enjoy your toast and coffee in peace. Or at least until a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your middle and pulled you back against Natasha.
“Good morning baby, how did you sleep?”
“Like a baby.” You could feel her smile when she kissed your cheek from behind. “You weren’t there when I woke up though.”
You shrugged before moving to get a bite out of your toast. Natasha tried to do the same but you quickly moved it away from her with a smile. She tried again and you moved as fast as your reflexes allowed you.
“C’mon baby, give me a bite” “No, it’s my toast. You can make your own.” “But it tastes better when you make it.” “No it doesn’t, don’t be lazy.”
The playful fight continued for a few moments until she got close enough to get a small bit but you moved it again.
“Don’t make me bite you, darling.”
You chuckled at her threat and plopped the remaining toast on the plate in front of you. Breakfast didn’t matter much anymore. You threw yourself into her arms and pressed your lips against hers. It wasn’t a slow and sensual kiss, it was closer to how small kids smooch their parents. But you knew it would convey your love more deeply.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Nat.” You spoke against her lips and squaked when you felt her playfully nip at your bottom lip.
“Is now a good time?”
That question had become recurring in your household, a nod to the phrase you said when you found eachother again after being separated the first time.
“I couldn’t think of a more perfect time.”
And you couldn’t. The rest of your life spent in a homestead with your girlfriend and whatever life might bring? It sounded absolutely delightful.
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Taglist: @tagehaya @flyforeverfree @rooskaya-yelena @evalynanne @insanitybyanothername @princessayveke @yelenabelovasgf @kyli314
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silversatoru · 3 years
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birthdays don’t have to suck
fushiguro megumi x f!reader (elli)
synopsis: you get really sick on your birthday, but megumi makes sure that you still have a good day :))
t/w: fluff, reader is sick, vomiting, medicine (tylenol lol), some details pertain specifically to elli
wc: 2.2k
a/n: a small birthday present for the love of my life @megumifushi who never sleeps enough and is always sick,, i love u and i hope ur days not too bad <3
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you stared into your dimly lit laptop, red eyes squinting at the black text that sped across the screen as your fingers scrambled against the keys. you weren’t even sure that what you were writing was comprehensible at this point, but your essay that was due tomorrow morning wasn’t gonna write itself. at this point it just needed to get done, concerns of quality were thrown out the window hours ago.
aside from the burning and stinging in your eyes, your entire body ached, and you were ridden with chills and goosebumps. seemed like a fever was coming on, but you didn’t have the time or capacity to care about that right now. you’d pop a few tylenol and crawl into bed in a couple hours, and everything would be better tomorrow.
what time was it anyway? it couldn’t possibly be that late yet, right? 
you glanced to the corner of the screen, eyes falling on a bright 3:56am that made your heart sink and your eyes widen. you had a terrible habit of losing track of time and staying up into ungodly hours of the night — a habit that your wonderful boyfriend was trying so terribly hard to break. 
you glanced to your left and took in his sleeping form, his lips parted ever so slightly as he took small breaths of air. he’d be disappointed and upset with you if he knew how horrid your sleep schedule had been lately, and he’d probably blame your chills and headaches on your lack of sleep as well — which in all fairness was probably pretty accurate. 
“i’ll just finish this up real quick and then i promise i’ll sleep, ‘kay gumi?” you spoke softly, running your fingers through his soft, spiky hair. 
he was undisturbable, his mind off somewhere in a dreamland that was quite the distance from your small bedroom. and that was probably for the better, because him nagging at you to go to sleep would be too distracting for you to get your work done. 
your hands moved rapidly against the keyboard for about another hour, words spilling onto the screen until you finally hit the page requirement for your paper. it was probably terrible, most likely had a few words spelled wrong, and honestly you were pretty certain you’d repeated yourself several times, but fuck it — submit. you were typically an excellent student, so one bad paper wouldn’t kill you, and you were too tired and achy to care right now. 
you got up and placed your laptop onto your desk, plugging it in and letting a heavy sigh fall from your lips as you made your way back over to the bed. the soft blankets were therapeutically warm on your chilly skin as you crawled in against megumi’s back, effectively turning him into the little spoon and pressing your nose to the back of his neck. thankfully, sleep found you shortly after, your eyes fluttering shut as you drifted off into a much needed slumber. 
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wake up 
you woke up to small finger pokes to your cheek from megumi, his face laced with concern as your vision finally focused on his features. he bent over and pressed his lips to your forehead, pausing there for a fraction of a second and then standing back up. 
“i think you have a fever. i noticed when i woke up and you felt like a fucking space heater,” he frowned, confirming your initial suspicions from last night, “i’ll go get some medicine”.
you groggily nodded your head, shivers coursing through your body and dotting your extremities with goosebumps. your condition had definitely deteriorated overnight, your eyes stinging and a horrible nausea creeping up your throat. 
by the time he returned with the medicine you had yourself propped up against the pillows, thick blankets pulled up to your chin in an attempt to minimize the icy feeling in your body. he handed two small tylenol tablets to you with a disappointed look on his face — a look that said: i’m gonna kick your ass for not getting enough sleep again. 
“i’ll let everyone know you’re not feeling well enough to go out tonight,” he hummed as he handed you a glass of water, your brain filling with thick fog as you tried to decipher why he would need to let anyone know you were sick. 
the look of pure confusion signaled to him that you had no idea what he was talking about, megumi shaking his head before he spoke up again, “it’s your birthday, dumbass, we were supposed to get food and stuff with yuuji, inumaki, and nobara and maki”. 
forgetting about that was another habit you continued to succumb to every year.
“mm, shit,” you sighed after drinking back the pills, “i forgot”. 
“figured you would,” megumi clicked his tongue, “but i didn’t, because i’m a good boyfriend. can you drag yourself out to the kitchen? you should eat”.
“don’t think so,” you mumbled, attempting to disappear back under the blankets before he could coerce you to follow him outside of the bedroom. 
but megumi is impossibly even more stubborn than you are, wrapping his arms under your body and lifting you to his chest, “guess i’ll just have to carry you then”. 
“fine,” you let out a long groan — was it a bit dramatic? maybe. but in your defense you felt like you’d been hit with a train.
he peppered your face with kisses as he carried you out of the bedroom, lovingly setting you down on one of the high bar stools around your kitchen table. he instructed you to stay in the chair, abruptly returning to the bedroom to bring out a couple blankets to wrap around your shoulders. you were grateful for the extra heat, you body still shaking and shivering as the medications worked to cure your fever. 
megumi was a man of few words, preferring to display his love for you through acts of service than grand confessions, and this was very eminent when he wordlessly grabbed a couple pots and began cooking for you. you let your face fall onto your arms, resting your chin as you watched him silently shuffle between the stove and the pantry. the silence was comfortable, and you weren't going to complain about watching your muscular boyfriend walk around the kitchen in nothing but a pair of loose, plaid pajama pants. 
a few minutes later he was placing a steaming bowl of soup and a couple slices of baked bread in front of you, a savory scent flooding your nostrils. 
“red lentil,” he spoke as he handed you a spoon, “it’s your favorite, so you better eat it”. 
“yes, sir,” you gave him a small smile, dipping the cool metal into the hot liquid and scooping a spoonful into your mouth. 
“all of it”
“yes, megumi, i will try”
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to no surprise, the soup went down pretty fucking horribly, your head hanging low over the toilet while megumi held your hair out of the way. your throat was practically raw by the time you were done heaving and vomiting up the meal, your eyes brimming with hot tears. 
megumi tied your hair up in a neat bun so he could step away, filling up a glass with water and carefully helping you to take small sips and rinse out your mouth. he was tedious with the clean up, washing your face and helping you brush your teeth — ensuring that you felt the best you could given the situation. he then scooped you back into his arms, carrying you back to bed and profusely apologizing for making you eat the soup — but he was just trying to make you feel better, he really was doing his best.
you were ready to add today to your long list of terrible birthdays, chalking it up as another failed attempt, but megumi was not about to let that happen. he knew you had a rough history with birthdays, but now that he was here? you’d have a bad birthday over his dead body. 
he scoured the back of your fridge for ginger ale, gatorade, jello, and whatever else he could find to make you the perfect sick-person platter. and he made sure he was logged into every streaming service that the two of you collectively owned, preparing netflix, hulu, and crunchy roll so that he could easily access every single one of your favorite shows and movies. and so you spent the majority of your day tucked safely against megumi’s chest, forcing down small sips of ginger ale and watching an assortment of tv. 
your phone rang at some point — a facetime call from all of your friends who had gotten together so they could all wish you a collective happy birthday. megumi stuck a singular candle into a cup of blue-raspberry jello and ignited it with a small flame; and then they all sang the most terrible rendition of “happy birthday” that you’d ever heard, yuuji’s voice a little louder and little more out-of-tune than everyone else's.
you mustered enough energy to blow out the flame, everyone cheering while megumi shoveled a scoop of the blue jelly into your mouth. you swallowed it with a smile, praying it stayed down while everyone sent you off with an assortment of “feel better!”, “we love you!”, and “wish you were here!”
your night got pretty quiet after that, you and megumi climbing back under the covers to watch a few more episodes of your new favorite anime. it wasn’t until well into the night that he finally asked you if he could give you the presents he’d gotten for you. reluctantly, you said yes. you hated receiving gifts (it was just one of the many reasons you hated your birthday) but you knew that megumi wasn’t going to take no for answer. 
he was obviously nervous, palms sweaty as he handed you a couple neatly wrapped packages in plain, solid colored paper. they were very megumi, perfect folds with not a single crease, the paper simple yet elegant and adorned with a singular bow on top. 
you hesitantly peeled the paper off the smaller of the two, revealing a tiny box that contained a classic looking silver locket. you felt your heart pinch in your chest as you clicked the locket open and revealed two small pictures of each of the two of you. you weren’t particularly sentimental, but on top of your lack of sleep and not feeling very well, the simple gift caused few tears to well up in your eyes. but he was quick to wipe them away, insisting that you had to open the second gift first, and that birthdays weren’t meant for crying. 
you followed his instructions, ripping open the second package and revealing a larger box that contained a series of envelopes. each one was decorated with tiny doodles of you and megumi, his demon dogs, hearts, etc. they were sickeningly cute, and you immediately reached for the first one before megumi reached out and stopped you. 
“they’re not for now; they’re for when i’m gone, you know, on missions and stuff,” he could barely even maintain eye contact, his eyes dipping low as yours filled back up with tears. 
despite your lack of energy and the fever that was starting to return, you showered him in hugs and kisses after that, thanking him over and over for the most perfect gifts, and for making your day as wonderful as it could have been. 
all things aside, you were coming around to the idea that birthday’s don’t have to suck. 
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bonus: the first letter: 
to y/n:
i know im not great at telling you what i have to say through words, actually, i’m kind of really bad at it. but i thought writing these might be a nice way to try and get better? i’m not sure. anyway, i guess i’ll start by saying that you mean a lot to me, and i probably miss you a lot right now (even though ill be too afraid to reach out and say it). not sure how long i’ll be gone for at the time but it’s probably a few days at least. gonna work hard so i can hurry back to see you. 
i hope you’re sleeping enough, but i know you’re not. you never do, especially when i’m not there to yell at you. i hope you’re eating enough too. but you’re probably also not doing that. you’re like taking care of a stubborn child, you know that? but this is supposed to be a love letter so i’ll try to refrain from scolding you too much. but do try to take care of yourself. ill see you soon. 
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Wolf Sitting-Kirishima
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Main Masterlist MHA Masterlist
-3018 words
+After a day off and out with your sister, you come back to find things are topsy turvy. Kirishima had been turned into a wolf on patrol. Bakugo explains what happened and tells you that Aizawa has put you in charge of the canine. Since you had an animal communication quirk coupled with being able to take on qualities of countless animals, he thought it would work out the best.
“Yes, yes! I just made it back to the dorms.” I said into the phone. “I promise I made it safe. Geezes sis, I training to be a pro! I think I can walk home and know how to defend myself if something happens.” She laughed at me and saying she surrenders. “I’ll call you tomorrow. I promise! Bye!” I hung up with a huff.
“Have fun today?” Uraraka asked across the room. I laughed while looking at my phone, checking my email.
“Loads but my sister can be very, very exhausting.” I said. She laughed with me. She walked up to me and handed me a file. “What’s this?”
“You’ll see.” She gave me a sympathetic smile before walking out.
“Oookay.” I said before taking my shoes off and switching them out. I walked into the common room and passed the couches before double taking. On the couch was a giant red and black furred wolf passed out with all four feet in the air. I gaped for a second before someone called me from the kitchen.
“Hey beastmaster!” It was Bakugo. I walked in and gave him a questioning look.
“What’s with the…”
“I’ll get to that in a moment.” He interrupted before turning back to whatever he was working on. I waited patiently, looking out into the main room every now and again. The wolf barely moved from his position. He pulled a pan of food. “That…” He wiped his hands of and pointed towards the wolf. “Is Shitty hair. He got hit by a quirk out on patrol today that turned him into a wolf.”
“Shit. Really?” I looked at him surprised. He nodded.
“That paperwork is everything Recovery Girl could give us plus a low down on the guy’s quirk that turned him into this.” He pointed to the file that Uraraka gave me. “I have been in charge of him since this happened but now you’re in charge of him. Because of you quirk and all. I really don’t give a fuck.”
“What? I am not the only one here that’s able to communicate with animals.”
“Yeah but you are closer to shitty hair then Koda and a hell of a lot more out-going. Plus this was ordered from the Human Catepillar. Sorry not sorry.” He said before walking away with his food.
“I really wish you would stop calling Aizawa sensei that!” I just got a gruff in response. I groaned before looking at the file.
I opened it to read over what I up against. Recovery Girls notes said that the quirk should last for a couple of days, a week at most. He is still normal Kiri just in a dog form. There was a note from Aizawa saying that I still had to bring Kiri to class since he can still comprehend everything.
“He is going to hate that.” I said laughing. I read over everything and sighed. I got up and walked into the other room. Kiri had shift on the couch but was still asleep. “Hey Kiri.” I poked him. He moved a little but didn’t wake up. “Kiri.” I tried again. “Kiri!”
“Roup!” He let out a surprised sound before falling off the couch. He wiggled around on his back trying to get to his feet. He finally got to his feet and looked around startled. He finally found me. His tail started wagging.
“You really got into a predicament didn’t you?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest. His ears laid back for a moment.
Yeah. I did. I didn’t see him there until it was too late. I heard him say in what everyone else would have heard as a whine. He sat down and looked up at me with puppy eyes.
“Well it could have been worse I guess. Are you hurt otherwise?” I asked looking him over. He came up to just below my waist in this form. He was huge.
No, a bit sore but nothing bad. I am more itchy than normal though he said. What did Aizawa decide on the situation? He asked while scratching behind his ear.
“That’s good. Well he decided I am going to be the one taking care of you for the time being. Since I seem to be the best qualified for this situation.” I said. I saw his eyes light up when I said that causing me to chuckle. I moved forward to scratch his head. “Umph. And the first order of business is a bath for you.” He whined before catching himself.
Why does that bother me? He asked and I laughed.
“Probably the wolfie side of you. Come on, to the showers.” I said. I started walking towards the showers. I checked to make sure no one was in the girls showers before leading him in. “Go on in. I got to grab some soap and stuff.”
So this is the girl’s showers? Mineta and Denks would be so jealous if they knew I was in here. He he. I rolled my eyes before walking to the toiletries closet. I looked through and found the best things I could for a wolf.
“This was the best I could find. I’ll have to go and get some real dog shampoo…” I looked and saw Kiri was up on his front paws on the sink looking at himself in the mirror. He looked conflicted. “Are you alright?” His fur bristles in surprise before he looked at me, hopping down.
Yeah. Just checking to see the damage. He said.
“In my opinion, you’re a very handsome wolf.” He perked up and his tail wagged enthusiastically, giving away his happiness. “Come on then, time for a bath or shower more like it.” He drooped a bit before following me.
Giving wolf Kiri a bath was a trip and a half. The paperwork said he was still Kiri in there but he still had a lot of tendencies of the canine breed. Like playing in water. By the time we finished I was as wet as he was. I turned off the water before turning to stare at him. He was sitting there with his tongue out and wagging is tail.
“Well you’re going to be a handful.” I said. He paused eyes looking around.
What, why? He asked but then he did the wolf equivalent of blanching. Oh…Sorry about that.
“It’s okay. Now we need to dry you off. Come on.” I got up and wrung some of the water out of my shirt. Thank god I didn’t wear white today. I grabbed the towel and threw it over his head. It took longer to dry him then it did to wash him. I ushered him out to the common room again and up to my room.
Am I even staying with you? He asked. I nodded and went to pull out clothes for me.
“It’s for the best since I’m in charge of you. Now I am going to take my own shower. Be good and don’t, you know…Do any bad dog stuff.” I said before pausing. I nodded and left to take a quick shower. I got back quickly to see Kiri dozing in my bed. “Ack-hem.” He jumped to attention.
Sorry. You bed is just so comfy. He went to jump off the bed before I stopped him, laughing.
“It’s fine. I was just messing with you. But you will have to make room when it come’s time for bed.” He nodded. I sat at my desk, pulling out my homework for tomorrow. “Oh and by the way, Aizawa sensei said you still have to attend class even in this wolfie form.
What?! WHHHYYYY? He whined and barked unhappily. I just laughed periodically through the evening, people stopped by to check and see if Kiri had really been turned into a wolf. Denki was having a blast with it, even going as far as to play with him. Even Aizawa stopped by to check on us. He received an angry bark about having to go to class from Kiri.
“Ah man!” I yawned and stretched. I looked over at Kiri, who had all four paws in the air like earlier. “How is that comfortable? Whatever, time for bed.” I turned the lights off and shoved Kiri over to get into bed. He repositioned himself to give me room. I could feel the heat coming from him and it wasn’t too long before we were out.
The next morning I was woken up by a very antsy Kiri needing to go out. I quickly stumbled around and helped in outside. Yawning, as we walked back in, Bakugo and Iida chuckled at us. I gave them the finger and in response got more laughter from Bakugo and a scolding from Iida.
“Aw! He’s so cute.” Mina squealed as we sat in class waiting for Aizawa to get there. The rest of the class who hadn’t seen him the night before were gawking over him now. I left them to it and sat down at my desk.
“Rough night?” Midoriya asked.
“No, not really. Well the bath was but not much else.” I told him. I looked back at Kiri who had Mina attached to his neck. I chuckled. “Just new.”
“How is it taking care of a dog version of the guy you are whipped for?” Bakugo said. I tensed before throwing my notebook at his head.
“Why you!” He jumped up and turned to charge at me but a loud bark and growl made everyone freeze. We all turned towards Kiri to see him standing at attention and everyone backed off him.
Damn, it’s 8am. Calm down you angry Pomeranian. It was just a notebook. He said. I laughed as he came and sat down between us.
“What?! What did he say?” Bakugo exclaimed.
“He said it’s just a notebook and to calm down.” I said between the laughs. Kiri looked back at me expectantly. “What? I am not saying the other part. I don’t want to die today.”
“What was the other part? Tell me!” I looked back a Koda, who had an amused smiled on his face. I looked at everyone else behind me before at Midoriya. He looked like he wanted to know too.
“Angry Pomeranian.” I said before me and Midoriya burst out laughing.
“What!” He yelled before chucking my notebook back at me and turning his complete attention to Kiri. “That’s rich coming for you.” The two started arguing even though Bakugo had no idea what Kiri was saying. We were all getting a kick out of it until Aizawa walked in.
“DO I EVEN WANT TO KNOW?” He yelled above the commotion. I shook my head and reached out to pull Kiri back by the nape of his neck. He made a confused little yip before turned to me with confused, puppy eyes. I swooned and laid my head on my desk.
“You’re too cute like this!” I exclaimed. He poked me with his nose and I playfully swatted him away.
“Okay, okay. Everyone CALM!” Aizawa yelled. Everyone scurried to their seats. “I know this is different and amusing but you can gawk, fight, and whatever else after school. For now, pay attention.
“Yes, sensei.” We all chorus. Kiri sat by me the whole day, surprisingly not dozing off like he does normally. The other teachers were a little more inclined to give leeway to the situation. Lunch Rush even had something special for Kiri at lunch. The other classes were dumbfounded by our ‘indifference’ to the situation but we were used to strange shit happening.
“What is Kiri supposed to do about training?” Denki asked All Might as we came into class.
“He is exempt for training. There is not much he can do in this form. Can you even activate your quirk Kirishima?”
I don’t know. I haven’t even thought about trying to, SQUIRREL! I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh as he got distracted. He looked over at me in embarrassment.
“No he hasn’t.” I said strained.
Glad you’re amused by this. Kiri whined, before laying down and crossing his paws.
“Well, we will not worry about it. You have Miss Y/N if you need anything. Now let us go!” He said. Training went by smoothly and Kiri decided he wanted to run around and bark us on. He was even able to pull a few of us out harm’s way a few times.
“That was awesome. Can we keep Kiri as a wolf all the time?” Denki asked. This caused Kiri to pause and send a soft snarl his way. I could tell Kiri was getting tired and I smiled. I scratched his ears and head. He pushed back into my touch.
Days went by like this until a week had passed. If I had to go out for my internship, the rest of the class took turns keeping an eye on Kiri. There was even times that they called and had Kiri talk through the phone because they couldn’t figure out what he wanted and Koda wasn’t around.
“Damn.” I groaned, falling down on my bed. I buried my head in my pillow before I heard the door open.
“Hey L/N, just bringing Kiri to you.” I mumbled out an okay and thank you. I heard the soft thuds of his paws as he walked in. I heard him sit down next to me on the ground. I turned my head to see him looking at me with his head cocked.
What’s up? He asked.
“Just a rough day on the job. I got beaten up pretty good today.” I said sitting up and rubbing my neck. He set his head down on the bed. I could tell he was worried. “I’m okay Kiri. Just a little sore. Come on, let’s go to bed.” He walked over and hopped up onto his back legs to turn off the light switch. He then jumped up on the bed and stretched out along the length.
I woke up in the middle of the night to a weight against my back. I groaned and pushed my elbow back against the weight.
“Kiri back off a little.” I said. A groan was the only response. I sighed before trying to settle back but then I realized it was a human groan. I shot up and felt an arm slip down my waist. I saw a very human and very naked Kiri next to me. “Ahh!” I screamed before pushing him away and unfortunately off the bed.
“What the…” I heard him groan. He sat up and rubbing his head. He looked around and his eyes widen, looking at his hands. “The quirks gone. Yes.” He then looked down. “Oh shit.” His head whipped up towards me.
“Hi.” I waved shyly. “A set of clothes are on the dresser. I got them in case you changed.
“Oh thanks.” He said with a blush. I turned towards the wall so he could put on his clothes. “I’m decent.” I turned and he was standing by the door, rocking back and forth on his feet. After a bit he finally spoke up. “Should I go back to my room?”
“No, it’s late. Might as well stay.” I said.
“You’re right.” He said. He walked forward but stumbled a little bit.
“Not used to walking two legs?” I joked. He glared a bit before shaking it off. He reached up and shook his hair out, brushing out a few knots he found. I admired him as he moved, reorienting himself with his human body.
“That was a learning experience. I have a new found respect for wolves now.” He looked at me in amusement. “I don’t know how you can do that all the time, even if it is only half-way.”
“Guess being born with it gives me and advantage.” I said pulling my knees up.
“I would say so.” He joked. He stretched and I heard his back pop. “Oh, that felt good.” I shook my head and looked at the clock. It was just past 1am and I could feel sleep calling my name again.
“Come on, let’s get back to sleep.” I pat the bed next to me. I looked away blushing. I pulled the covers back as he sat down. He moved in and pulled the covers over him. We sat there in silence. He looked like he wanted to say something. “Something on your mind?”
“Huh, oh yeah. Um, L/N?” I hummed looking at him. “Is it true what Bakugo said?”
“Which time? He has said a lot in the past week.” I chuckled. He rolled his eyes but he had a small smile.
“The first day. When everyone was fawning over me. He said you are whipped for me?” I froze in shock. I bit my lip and looked down. I nodded meekly. “Oh wow.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make this awkward.”
“NO! No, you didn’t.” He said before setting a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him. “I like you too.” I smiled at him. He smiled back before a yawn interrupted. I chuckled before brushing hair away from his eyes.
“Let’s get some sleep. We have all day tomorrow to talk things out.”
“Alright.” He smiled before laying down. I looked down at him before lying next to him. I heard him let out a breath before he moved closer, wrapping his arms around me tentatively. My eyes were starting to grow heavy and I snuggled into his chest. He was still warm, not as warm as before but it still lulled me to sleep.
Tag list: @spicy-therapist-mom
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emrysaf · 4 years
A-Z Affection Prompts- Victor Creed
“Marks and nuzzling with Victor Creed? If you're still doing the prompts.”
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“A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
 - John Stuart Mill
Your mutation wasn’t the best, so to speak. Genetically, you had a lot in common with feral types of mutants; those with animalistic qualities and high healing factors. 
Only, you didn’t heal fast from actual wounds. You had the higher healing factor than a “normal” human like most mutants, but nothing in comparison to Victor, or Logan (whom you’d only met once). Scientists who had done studies of various types of mutants and the subgroupings had said your mutation’s power was all used up in keeping you appearing like you didn’t age. It wasn’t something you could turn on or off and it didn’t come with claws or bone skewers coming out of your body. However, you did have slightly pointed ears and what appeared to be two sets of sharper-than-average canines on the bottom and top rows of teeth along with more strength than would be normal for someone of your size.
Despite how you felt you were weak or a hindrance, Victor kept you around after he had found you in a cage years ago. He was a murder machine even at the best of times, but he was your protector and friend. 
In recent years something had changed. The familial love had shifted and grew into something else. But even being with him for years, you weren’t the best at reading his emotions unless it came to rage. That one you saw a lot, never pointed at you though.
After living so long one would suppose you’d had a lot of . . . experience. That wasn’t necessarily true. Yes, you had been with people, even felt love you supposed (though it was nothing compared to how you felt about the large feral mutant), but they were few and far between. Either they began to age and wanted to settle when you knew you couldn’t or you were being hunted as recognition, understanding and acceptance of mutants fluctuated over the years of your long life.
What you did know from experience is that you weren’t some frail, breakable thing. Unless you were to be honest about your love for Creed. Then, yes, you were weak.
But these average, human men in the alley that had clear, albeit disgusting, goals? You were definitely not weaker than them. And you proved it when you beat the absolute shit out of them for their attempted gang assault. After you finished demolishing them and some of the alley walls, you wiped your bloody knuckles on the sides of your jeans. Then you buttoned up your flannel all the way since the tank top underneath had been roughly grabbed and nearly torn from your body to expose what the men were after. 
One of the men lightly groaned as he moved his head a bit, and you took a final kick to his temple as you slightly limped from the dark alley. Checking your phone you doubled down on your pace to hurry home. Victor was due home today, and you had wanted to cook something. Now you were running late.
Regardless of the fact that you had made it home before him and started on something for dinner, (burgers if his nose was to be believed), Victor was not happy. 
Try as he might to not be possessive, Victor Creed was a territorial man. You may not be his partner, but the rule was no sexual partners in the loft apartment. A rule you made, he might add, and he agreed to out of respect for you and the bond you shared.
Now before he even makes it to the door he can smell a man? Men? And the coppery tinge of blood- he knew you hadn’t gotten any in. . . Well, a while. So he factored that as the blood smell, but another male in his home? More than one? You made the FUCKING rule.
So he was already tense as he opened the door and slammed it shut. Ready to berate you into the next life, and inevitably slut shame a bit. He was known for being an asshole after all.
But all thoughts were cut off as you turned with a tight smile to greet him from the kitchen across the open floored apartment. There was a dark bruise that looked suspiciously like a handprint blooming from under your chin and up your cheek a bit. The blood he had smelled could be seen along your hairline and crusted in your hair a bit. Quickly he took in the flannel buttoned up to the absolute top button and a tear in one shoulder seam. Then down to the hand holding the spatula you were using to flip the burgers; split skin and more dark (almost purple-black) bruising.
Immediately you saw his angered face contort to something else as his eyes flickered around your prone form. You almost forgot about what happened in your haste to get home and start food. You had wanted to do something nicer, but burgers were always a good go-to for Victor. Burgers and beer.
Now you wished you had taken the time to shower or something before starting on the food since it wasn’t ready when he got home anyway.
Again he wore a look, an emotion settling that you couldn’t read.
“What happened?” he grunted.
A relieved look passed over your face as you turned back to the sizzling burgers. Had you already sensed he was angry at you?
“Oh, not much. Got home late so sorry about it being burgers again,” you laughed.
“I meant the blood and shit Y/N.” Gruff as ever.
Back turned to him, he saw your shoulders tense a bit. You weren’t worried about the men who attacked you or what they thought they were going to be able to do to you. You were worried about telling him, and seeing how weak he really thought you were. All marked up and bruised after a fight with some humans? Probably would think you were pathetic.
“Uhm, well…”
A irritated ‘hmph’ came from the stock-still man.
“Some men tried to. . . Attack me. Came at me all together thinking they’d get the upper hand and get- Y’know?..” You lifted the burgers from the skillet to a plate covered in paper towels to catch excess grease.
Behind you Victor had tensed even more. Angry at what happened. Those men. Himself. 
Himself for not being there and for intending to come in and rip you a new one earlier. His inner feral growled lowly. Over the years, probably before your feelings had even shifted, he had grown attached to you in a more romantic, loving nature. But he didn’t want to hurt you. He knew what he did to other frails and knew he held you in higher regard than even himself when he realized he never wanted to see you hurt. But his inner animal was raging; some average human men had not only tried to hurt you, but force you to… to..
You were still putting the burgers together, knowing exactly how he liked his, while you talked. “Got a couple good ones in yeah, but I got ‘em all Vic. Really tore into ‘em like you taught me!” You were getting a bit giddy to regale you triumphant tale as you spun around. And he was right there. ‘Holy shit.’
Victor grabbed the plate from your hands and set it on the counter to the side, picking both your hands up in his clawed one while the other smoothed hair away from the side of your face with the bruise.
“You won?” he questioned, but your indignant reply was cut off as he raised your torn knuckles to his mouth and laved at them. Wet tongue softly grazing over the split skin in a comforting and healing gesture reminiscent of his large cat namesake. Your gasp brought his blown gaze to your own wide eyes. “Of course you did.”
He gave a light growl that further warmed your belly as his gaze shifted back to the handprint on your neck and face. “One of them grabbed you here? Marked you up.”
Breath shaky you replied, “Yeah. Tight grip while I was getting some other guys’ paws off my undershirt. They say we’re the animals. But I won! I’m stronger than you think y’know?” 
The last bit was supposed to be a tease to hide your own insecurity, but his incredulous gaze met yours like he was having an epiphany. (He was.)
‘She thought I thought she was weak? I mean, I did. But not. . . Not as a negative thing.’
“You really are something Y/N,” he chuckled. “Much stronger than I was giving you credit for. I’m sorry.”
‘An apology? What is going on with him?’ Victor dropped suddenly on his knees gazing up at you. ‘Ahhhh!!!?? What is going on? Why is he- Wait.’
The large man wasn’t looking in you eyes anymore but off to the side with his head craned to expose the thick expanse of his neck. Submitting. To you.
“I was wrong. I’ve seen the way your gaze changed over the years. Practically fucking me with your eyes Y/N.” Your face was bright red now. He gave a low chuckle while his head and eyes were still turned away. “You weren’t as subtle as you thought you were. I told myself it couldn’t happen. That you were too weak-” 
Now the salt smell of your tears hit him as he practically felt you stop breathing and he looked up at you in a panic. Tears were welling and slowly teetering the line of falling down your face.
“No. Shit.” he groaned as he wiped his empty clawed hand down his face. “I meant. You’re healing ability. I didn’t want to hurt you. To see you in pain.. I couldn’t live if I hurt you Y/N. But me wanting to protect you like I’ve done for years made me blind the you now. Strong and capable of protecting herself despite a little pain and some cuts and bruises.”
Once he saw the shimmer dissipate a bit he craned his head again. Exposing the column of his throat once more. “I can’t stay marked up. If you tried to it wouldn’t stick. But I am claimed by you. I have been for years now. If-if that’s still what you want?”
Understanding hit you like a freight truck. Slowly you crouched, if you also knelt you would be shorter than him again, to make a point.
“No submitting. You’re Victor Creed. The Sabertooth. These- These feelings are ones we both have right?” At his nod and the curious glint in his eyes you continued. “Then it’s equal. We are equal, bub.” 
Then you gave him what he wanted. Lightly you pressed kisses to his brow, his nose, his lips and his jaw. He reciprocated in his own forceful way. Carefully your gazes met again and you gave a slight nod. You ran your nose down from where you kissed his jaw to the juncture where his neck meets his shoulder. He skipped the trailing and harshly pressed his nose to the same spot on your neck, nuzzling, and waited for you to press your open mouth to his skin. 
He felt your hot tongue and groaned loudly. Then there was a slight tearing sound as he dug his sharp canines into your neck, and you repressed your scream by biting him back as hard as possible with your duller teeth. When his teeth pulled from your skin he immediately began lapping at your wound in that healing way again as your body collapsed into his.
When you gave a high whine followed by a moan Victor’s arms wrapped tightly around you and he stood to his full height with you in his hold. Sensing a shift in mood from the loving, openness to a more erotic tone, you laughed.
“Got more plans?”
Another grunt but you felt the curve of his smile where his face was still pressed to you.
“What about the burgers?” You joked.
“Fuck that.” he gave a chuckle this time, hearing your joking lilt. “Let’s work up an appetite first, eh?”
Now you giggled as he practically ran to his dark room down the hall. You were certainly up for a long night making up for lost time, and he was ready to mark you up and see your strength first hand.
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goodlucktkachuk · 4 years
Cheer you up - Carter Hart
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Summary: Carter was the best boyfriend you could ever hoped for. The two of you moved in together at the start of quarantine and with school starting up for you again, you’ve been super stressed. He decides to do something nice for you and he planned the perfect at home self care night. When he went shopping he grabbed the wrong kind of face mask and his reaction is more then enough to cheer you up.
Warnings: None this is just super fullfy and cute
Word count: 2k+
Back to school was your favorite times of year. There was something about buying new supplies and the rush of campus that made electricity flow through your body but this year was different. Not only were you cooped up in Philly with your boyfriend Carter but it was your last year of university which added some pressure.
You had met Carter when you guys were sixteen and it was the definition of love at first sight. You went to everyone of his games and were more then extatic when he got drafted to Philly. You had just started university so you stayed in Alberta while he got to live his dream. You guys made the distance work but you were definitely missing some of those quality time moments your friends took for granted in their relationships. When this whole mess of a pandemic started, Carter asked you to move in with him for the time being and you jumped at the chance.
The months before Carter was sent to Toronto were filled with you searching for internships and him doing whatever training he could do at home so you would usually do your own thing but together. The first few weeks of Carter being sent home from the bubble were hard but he had you there to cook him all of his favourites and spend endless nights cuddling to his favorite movies. It was exactlly what he needed to recover as the summer slowly faded away. Now as autumn filled the air it was once again your turn to be stressed.
It was a sunny September morning and you found yourself on your second cup of coffee in Carter’s home office. Your makeup was done perfectly and your hair was pulled up into a messy bun as one of Carter's worn out practices hoodies hung on your frame. You were thankful that your laptop camera cut out the fact you were still in your pjs with a blanket wrapped tight around your waist. As much as you liked the idea of Zoom lectures, the several hours of classes and meetings really dragged the fun out of your days.
Around 10am your boyfriend stumbled out of bed and you could hear the soft hum of music and dishes clanking coming from the kitchen as he made the two of you breakfast. After a few minutes you heard the door slowly creek open and you were met with a sleepy Carter. A smile covering your lips as you watched him make his way into the room. His hair was tousled in every direction and his pjs hung low on his waist giving you a clear view of his entire bare torso. You weren’t with Carter because he was a professional athlete but it was mornings like this you that you could appreciate all the hours he spent training.
You turned off your webcam as he put a smoothie bowl in front of you and planted a kiss on your temple, mumbling a soft I love you against your skin. You pulled him in for a quick kiss and he was gone again. This is how most days went. Carter would bring you breakfast and lunch and refill your water through the day while you worked and he knew when you finally stumbled out of the room it was time for dinner. He was more than happy to have you around but he wished you didn’t have to spend so many hours locked away.
This morning in particular he could see how drained you were and decided that tonight would be all about you. You deserved it with all the hard work you’d been doing. Slipping into your shared bedroom he got dressed and texted you quickly saying he was running to the store and he’d be back soon.
The one thing about Carter was that he prided himself on how romantic he was. He knew you like the back of his hand and used that to his advantage whenever he possible could. Whether it was expensive dinners when you were together, sending you bouquets of sunflowers when he was away or the odd care package full of his clothes with sweet notes in the pockets, the boy knew how to make you happy. Something the two of you had never done though was self care which in hindsight should’ve been one of your first dates because of how much you loved it.
This was the game plan. He was going to the store to pick up all the ingredients he needed to cook you your favorite food, some instant cookie dough for you guys to bake after dinner, face masks to do together and new vanilla soap to end the night with a bath together. After what seemed like the longest shopping experience ever he was met with the last stop, picking out face masks. It didn’t cross Carter's mind that there could be so many different kinds to choose from it kind of overwhelmed him. How could there be this much variety of things you put on your face? Why did they come in so many colors? So many scents? Lost, he randomly grabbed a black bottle for himself and a soft violet one for you and headed home.
When he returned you were still nose deep in books in the same position he left you so he knew you wouldn’t be finished anytime soon. He put the bathroom supplies into a cute basket he picked up and placed it on the corner of the counter as he started assembling dinner. After a few hours you were brought out of your daze by the smell of something delicious filling the room. Closing your book and laptop you decided to wrap it up for the day and see what your boyfriend was up to.
As you made your way to the kitchen you were met with Carters back as he was portioning something out onto two plates. You were in awe as you turned your attention to the table. It was perfectly set with a fresh vase of flowers and your favorite candles were lit to set the mood. You caught your boyfriends eye as he made his way over to the table to set down the two plates. Making his way over to you, he placed his hands lazily around you and placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Surprise babe!” He was beaming with pride as he walked you to your chair, pulling it out for you to sit.
“What is all this for?” You panicked for a moment thinking you forgot an anniversary or something important. Carter could hear the concern in your voice which made him laugh.
“Just wanted to do something nice for my girl that’s all.” He smiled widely as he filled your glass with white wine.
The meal was absolutely delicious and the company was even better. As you picked up your plate to clear it Carter sent you a look and you slowly placed it back down. He had a rule where if he cooked for you he refused to let you touch the dishes because it was his way of showing how much he loved you. The same rule went a few minutes later as the two of you struggled to make the world's easiest cookies.
“Carter you have to twist it!” You giggled as you watched your boyfriend struggle to pry the top off the cookie dough.
“That doesn’t make sense Y/n!” Tired of watching him struggle you snatched it from his hand.
“Hey! Give that back!” He yelled as he began to chase you around the kitchen. He eventually snatched you by the waist, pulling your back into his chest. At the same time you tapped the cylinder off the counter and cranked it with a hard twist and watched the dough split open.
Pouting into your shoulder Carter let out a sigh of defeat and exhaustion.
“See, if you listened you could have avoided the work out.”
“For you sweetheart, I’d run to the other side of the world .” He leaned down and brought you into a sweet kiss. Even after six years, fireworks still exploded in your stomach everytime his lips touched yours. 
“Hey Alexa, play kinda freaking in love with you on spotify.” You placed the cookie dough on the counter and wrapped your arms around his neck as he placed his around your waist. You danced around your kitchen for what felt like an eternity. The two of you swaying and spinning, looking into the other eyes with such admiration. Both of you thinking of how sweet this moment would be at your wedding but keeping those thoughts locked up tight. Eventually the preheating timer for the oven went off and ripped the two of you out of your day dream.
“Come one the faster we make these the faster we can eat them!” He sprang out of your grasp and laughter filled the kitchen as you finished up.
Your favorite part about these kinds of nights with Carter was that it felt like you were in your own universe. The two of you were protected from the outside world and all that matter was each other.
Once you had cleaned up it was on to the third phase of the night which you knew was going to be your favorite. Grabbing the basket off the counter you skipped to the bathroom with your boyfriends hand pressed firmly into yours. You hopped up on the counter and handed him the purple bottle as you took the black one in your hand. Extending your leg, you half wrapped it around his and pulled him closer to you. Squirting some of the liquid into your hands you started slowly rubbing it into his skin.
“Ahh babe that's cold!” He chuckled as he tried to pull away.
“Just sit still! You’ll get used to it I promise.” He relaxed into your touch and stopped fighting you. Soon after you were done he followed suit, putting the light purple clay all over your face with only light guidance. You stayed like that while the masks dried. Your legs lazily tangled in his with his hands on your waist whispering sweet nothings with massive grins covering your faces. Hopping off the counter you pulled out your phone to snap a cute picture of the two of you and it was time to take off the masks.
“So all you have to do is start at the edge of your face and pull gently.” You demstraded, wincing slightly as it pulled on your skin.
“What do you mean pull? I thought you just washed these off with water?”
“Some kinds yes but you bought peel off ones.”
“I did?”
You reached down and placed the bottle into his hand. Examining it closely seeing you were right a look of horror crossed his face. You didn’t pay much mind to your boyfriend as you were pulling off your own mask. He had gotten most of it off his face with minimal mumbling of curse words but then he ran into a problem.
“Y/n…” his vice trailed off as he looked at you and you burst out laughing. Carter stood in front of you with his face mask clingy to his stubble making it look like he had bread and you couldn’t get enough of it.
“Y/n this isn’t funny help me!” He whined, causing you to laugh even harder.
“Okay, okay! Sit still muffin. This is gonna hurt a little bit.” a wicked grin covered your face as you worked.
You tried your best not to hurt him too bad and he honestly took it like a champ. When it was all over you peeled off your mask. You could hear the water begin to run in the other direction and you could also hear the sound of Carter’s clothes hitting the floor making your cheeks stain red. It wasn’t long before your clothes joined his pile on the floor and you were wrapped in the warm embrace of both your boyfriend and the water. You closed your eyes and relaxed into his touch and felt his chest rise and sink against your back. He placed a small kiss on your temple and pulled you in closer.
“I love you.”
“Love you more C.”
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a-detraque-barista · 4 years
How They Mark You
Mentions of mental illness, suggestive themes, stockholm syndrome (only in one of them), yandere themes, and prescribed drug use
This...This was A LOT longer than it needed to be. Like I am so s o r r y
Jin had never really had a reason to mark you. He always figured you being next to him whenever you went out was enough. Until today. The two of you were in the grocery store when Jin had noticed the same person down every aisle you two were in. He couldn't help but think that they were following you. Why would they not? It's possible that they see the same endearing qualities in you as he does. But of course, he wouldn't let them have you if they think they could.
He brushed it off until you were checking out and the same person was right behind you in line. From here, Jin could tell that they were a male, around six foot, and coming alarmingly close to you.
"Darling, what's my pin again? I keep forgetting it," it was all Jin could think of for you to come closer to him and type it in for him while he glared at the man. He supposed the fact that he was near wasn't enough for people to get the picture. So, he quickly brought you home.
After putting all of the groceries away, he turned to you, "Did you notice the creep that was following us in the store?"
"Yeah, but I didn't want to say anything cause I knew that would upset you," you shrugged before sitting on the couch before patting the spot next to you for Jin to sit.
Having an idea, Jin leaned his body into yours to push you down with a grin on his face, "I think I know just what to do to keep people away from you."
You tilted your head which gave him room to lean down and start leaving small bites along your neck and collarbone. You had to stay like that for almost a half hour before he finally deemed it enough.
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Yoongi was only really jealous before he ruined your life. Before he made you completely rely on him he was always possessive to the point where he wanted to mark every inch of your skin. But now that you're hear with him, he never had that feeling again.
He rarely let you leave your room let alone the house. Although, every once in a while he would let you go out to the back yard for a few minutes.
It was one of those rare days as you laid on the grass and felt the nice summer breeze on your face. Yoongi had to take a call and went back inside when the neighbor had accidentally threw his ball into your yard. He peaked over the fence to see you laying there, not too far from his ball. He had never seen you before, only the man that he thought was living alone.
"Hey, can you pass me my ball back please?" he called out to you causing you to startle awake.
You hadn't even realized you were dozing off until the man said something. Getting up you walked over and handed him his ball before turning around to lay on the ground.
Curious, he started to talk to you. Asking questions about who were and why he hasn't seen you around. You began to enjoy it before Yoongi came out and grabbed your hand to drag you back inside.
Never had he been more furious than in that moment. Not only had someone dared to talk to you, but he even had the audacity to look over the fence at you.
The next day Yoongi let you sit out wearing a necklace with his initials and a shirt with his name on it for the neighbor to see.
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Well...Hoseok has already marked every inch of your skin during your daily cuddle sessions. So it baffled him when someone cat called you while walking past. Your neck was covered in dark purple and red marks. How could he not see that you were taken????
The voice that has been living in his head for years gave him a few notes on how to handle it. It ended in you having to hold Hoseok back by his arm until he finally let up on beating the man's face in. You immediately took him home and locked the door.
This wasn't the first time something like this has happened. Last time the police got involved but with Hoseok's history of mental illness he was able to get out of it quite easily. Just a new prescription of medication that he refuses to take unless you personally give them to him.
So deciding on skipping lunch, Hoseok lead you straight to the bedroom and pinned you down on the bed.
"I'm sorry, jagi. But we're going to have to wait until dinner to eat," he sighed as he kissed his way down your chest.
He kept his promise and you didn't have dinner until almost midnight with a fresh layer of hickeys and cum threatening to drip down your thigh.
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You weren't even allowed to leave the house, let alone come in contact with someone. Namjoon was always the one to go out and get whatever you or he needed. It definitely wasn't your preferred living style but what else could you do? Namjoon was able to convince you who you needed and didn't need in your life. Leading you to live with him without anyone knowing.
You were sure nobody knew of your existence except for the people you used to associate yourself with. Which also meant you getting lonely most of the time while Namjoon was out doing whatever he was doing.
But today, you wanted pizza for dinner and Namjoon didn't feel like leaving the house. So Namjoon called and ordered it for delivery. Normally, Namjoon would be the one to answer the door in any situation. However, he had gone to the bathroom right before the delivery guy knocked on the door.
You had thought that it would be no harm to answer the door and pay for the food. You didn't want the delivery man to end up leaving and you would have to wait another hour for Namjoon to cook dinner. So you grabbed the money off the counter and opened the door. Smiling, you exchanged the money for the pizza and was about to close the door when the man began to talk.
"You're really cute. Are you single by any chance?" his question made you freeze and stare at him wide-eyed.
"Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm the boyfriend. Now, if you'll excuse us we're going to enjoy our dinner and each others company. Have a nice night," Namjoon had been smiling the whole time, up until he closed the door. "What have I told you about answering the door?"
"To not answer it."
"And what did you do?"
"Answered it." Namjoon always did this when you broke a rule. It made you feel small and immature when he spoke to you like this.
"Sit down so I can give you your punishment."
That's exactly what you did. You've learned what happens if you don't. The last time you were disobedient you woke up the day after and you could barely walk and you had scars from the knife he used.
You were surprised to feel Namjoon's mouth on your neck after he pushed you to lay on the couch. Usually you would feel some sort of sharp object. But the closest thing to sharp was Namjoon's teeth nipping at your skin.
"I almost forgot how it felt to be jealous."
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Jimin rarely let you out of his sight, even if you didn't know he was there. He was the most obsessive out of all the boys. He was more lenient on letting you leave the house, but he almost always followed you. The only time he didn't was when he had to take care of important matters.
And because he was so obsessed, he always had something on you that showed you were his. Either the necklace he bought you or the marks from the night before. Or even his hoodie that was so adorable on you he was running low on his favorites to wear outside.
Yesterday, you had accidentally broken the necklace with Jimin's name on it. You were too scared to tell him so you hid it and pretended like nothing happened. You were just hoping he wouldn't notice before you went out with your friends in an hour.
If he did notice, then he didn't say anything. So you tried to forget about the guilt and anxiety that built up inside you to enjoy the little time you had. Jimin may be okay with letting you see your friends, but it wasn't often. He usually guilt tripped you so you would stay home. And it always worked.
Jimin noticed right away that you didn't have your necklace. So before he followed you he looked for it in your shared bedroom. He found the multiple pieces hidden in your drawer beside the bed. He was hurt and furious at the same time.
Quickly, he put on his black hoodie and snap back to where he knew you and your friends were. He may have been livid but he can't let you find out about him following you everywhere. You would be upset with him and he could never live with himself if you got mad at him. He watched for the two hours he allowed you to be outside.
The two hours were almost up and he was going to head home when he saw someone walk up to you in the cafe. He wasn't an employee, so why was he approaching you?
Jimin pieced everything together when the guy handed you a piece of paper that no doubt had his number on it. Before Jimin could storm across the street and into the building, he watched as you dropped the paper in your water and grabbed your things.
His heart was pounding as he walked up to you and grabbed your arm. He spun you around and kissed you on the lips passionately.
"That's my jagi."
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Taehyung had always loved taking photos of you. He had a special collection of photos of just you. First, it started in his closet where he would just tape them onto the wall. Then, it escalated into him having to clean out the spare bedroom and use that for the growing number of pictures. He still kept it up even after becoming friends with you. Of course, he would make sure the spare bedroom was locked whenever you came over to his apartment. He didn’t want you to get scared and leave him.
Once the two of you had started dating, he began to take photos of you with his phone whenever you spent time together. Most of the pictures ended up being posted on his Instagram account.
The two of you had a shared account so Taehyung could keep track of who you talked to and what posts you liked. 
That also meant he knew if someone would comment on a pic of you. Usually either you or Taehyung would ignore it and delete it. But there was a certain comment that made his eye twitch in annoyance.
The photo was of you in a tank top and sweatpants while cooking something on the stove. Taehyung loved that photo. You had been making bulgogi with rice right when he had gotten home from work. He couldn’t help but to pull out his phone and make the shutter go off, causing you to side-eye him.
It wasn’t until the next day when you were mindlessly scrolling on Instagram and you had gotten the notification. Taehyung was still at work so you were just laying in bed. Curiously, you clicked on the heart at the bottom of your screen and tapped on the notification.
i wish she was my girl. at least if she was with me her hair would be a mess and hickeys covered her neck. lol
You internally go Ooohhhhhhh shiiiiiit. You had tried to delete the comment but Taehyung had just walked in so you quickly turn your phone off and tossed it to the side.
“Hey babe, how was work?” you asked.
“Could’ve been better. How was your day?” he began to change from his work clothes into just a pair of black sweats before coming to lay down with you.
“Boring. Why’d you lay down? Don’t you want dinner?”
“Not at the moment.”
You looked at him, confused as he straddled your waist. His hand came to rest on each side of your head on the pillow. He leaned down to start leaving open-mouthed kisses along your jugular and shoulder. Biting and sucking lead to him leaning back from his work. 
Taehyung swiped his tongue over his bottom lip before biting it. He reached into his pocket and brought his phone out to take a photo of your neck. After he tapped his finger a few times on the screen he turned it around to show you. He had posted the picture on Instagram with the caption Mine ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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He was...constantly possessive. There wasn’t a day that went by without him marking your neck or staring at you endearingly with infatuation. You could be sitting there watching tv on the bed and you just see Jeongguk’s head up from the side.
You giggled as you went back to watching the show that was playing. This was the only time you got to watch tv so you ignored him. You had been scared when Jeongguk first kidnapped you and brought you to his family home in the country side. 
He was violent and intimidating, especially when you spoke out. It’s been eight months since then and Jeongguk has proven to be one of the most caring people you’ve ever met. He didn’t talk very much but when he did he spoke words of adoration and compliments. On the rare occasion, he would mumble about things like “she’s mine”, “you can’t have her”, and “you deserved this”. Those were the times you worried about when he left and didn’t come back for a few hours. 
Right now, you were still trying to ignore Jeongguk as he slowly inched his way onto the bed. It took him about ten minutes to get on the bed and closer to you to the point where he was laying on his side only an inch away from you. You tried to keep the grin off your face but failed miserably.
Finally looking at him you asked, “What?”
His round doe eyes stared into yours while he gathered the courage to ask you a very important question. He took a deep breath and the exhale blew a baby hairs from your face.
You gave him time as his shyness usually kept him from talking openly about what was on his mind.
“Can-can we get-get...uh tattoos? Together?” his voice was quiet as he held his stare onto yours.
Your eyes widened a bit as you processed what he had said. He had almost a full sleeve of art tattooed into his right arm while you had only had a few here and there because of how expensive they were.
“I don’t see why not,” you turned back to the tv and squinted at the fact that it was now a whole new show. Your lips turned into a pout as you grabbed the remote to change the channel.
Jeongguk grabbed the remote out of your hands and tossed it across the room. You decided not to comment on it and look at him expectantly. 
“I want to get each other’s names over our hearts.”
That...was definitely not what you were expecting but it wasn’t surprising. Jeongguk had been tracing shapes into the skin above your heart for the past week. You supposed it was his name that he was tracing.
“Do you...still want to get them?” his voice was almost a whisper now as he began to trace over your heart again. 
You stayed quiet as you thought about if you wanted to really get his name tattooed into your skin for the rest of your life. Thinking about it, you smiled and began to trace over Jeongguk’s shirt where your name would be inked into his skin.
“Yeah, I do.”
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prettyboongi · 4 years
BTS Reaction: They React To You Speaking A Different Language (When Waking Up/Falling Asleep)
[Note: Hi readers! This fanfic is inspired by my very first request! And hopefully it won’t be the last. To be honest, this request was pretty challenging and it took me awhile to figure out how to go about it. At the end, I decided not to specify the language that Y/N speaks since I don’t want to alienate anyone. This one is definitely less than perfect, so constructive criticism is welcomed. But I do hope that you guys (especially the requester ^_-) enjoy it! Peace!]
You and Jin absolutely loved your "Movie Night Fridays”. Not only do you two get to spend quality time together, you two also took turns when it comes to picking that night’s movie. And tonight was your turn - your pick: an underrated animated Disney flick - and you were excited. 
However, there was one issue at hand: you were unbelievably exhausted. All day, you were busy helping your best friend move into her new place and you didn’t anticipate her having so many things to take with her. Common sense tells you you should just turn in early but you decided against it. Especially knowing that Jin himself will be super busy the entire weekend. 
As you two were watching the film, you felt your eyes getting heavier and heavier. It also didn’t help that you were extremely cozy in your favorite sweatpants and hoodie while snuggled under Jin’s soothing arm. Jin was unaware of your internal battle as he was too invested in the movie. It wasn’t until he heard you softly snoring that he attention was brought to you. 
He gently shook up your shoulder and said in a low voice, “Hey honey, wake up. Let’s get you to bed.” In response you mumbled something he couldn’t quite catch. “Hmm?”
Half awake, you started whining something in your native tongue, which at first confuses Jin since he had no clue what you were saying. But as you collapsed into his lap and immediately fell back to sleep, he couldn’t help but smile at your vulnerable state. 
“You’re too cute, Y/N,” Jin says to himself. He then turns off the movie and carefully carries you to bed. 
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It was a calm, lazy Sunday afternoon when you and Yoongi decided to take a nice nap together. Well, it was calm before your slumber was interrupted by the sound of Yoongi’s phone. Despite its blaring sound, Yoongi was still peacefully asleep, like the lazy cat that he is. 
Annoyed and still heavy with sleep, you grabbed Yoongi’s phone and turned to shake him awake. Still not waking up, you get even more annoyed and start yelling at him as you shake him even harder. Without noticing, you yelled for him to wake up in your native language, which startled him as he finally woke up. It takes him a few seconds to register what was going on but pieces everything together with the sound of his ringtone and disgruntled expression on your face. 
Once Yoongi takes the phone from you and leaves for the other room, you lay back in bed and, in no time, continue your nap. 
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“Ugh, why is he taking so long?!.” you angrily say to yourself, sitting patiently on the couch. 
You were waiting for Hoseok to come back home from picking up food at your favorite restaurant. And honestly, you felt like he was taking a little too long with the food. Your precious food. You tried calling him to see what was the hold up but no answer from him. 
“I’m starving,” you whined in your head. You realized that whining and being angry wasn’t going to make the food immediately arrive, so you tried your best to relax. You laid down on your sofa, your head comfortably on a soft throw pillow and closed your eyes. You focused on your breathing for a few minutes which definitely helped calm your nerves. It also helped you pass out right on the couch. 
“Hey sorry babe,” Hoseok says as he walks into the apartment, setting the containers of takeout on the kitchen counter. “They made a mistake with our order, that’s why the wait was long. And I know I would be the one to suffer if I brought home the wrong food,” he trails as he realized he was talking to himself. “Y/N?” he calls out with no answer. He walks around the apartment, only finding you moments later, snoozing on the couch. 
“Awwww,” he coos while walking towards you. He then shakes you gently to wake you up, “Baby, the food’s here.”
You stir a bit before propping yourself up with your left elbow. Still half asleep, you look at Hoseok with drowsy eyes and softly mutters a phrase in your mother’s tongue. You weren’t fully aware of what you were saying but that didn’t stop it from stirring a certain feeling in Hoseok. Despite you rarely speaking your native language around him, it drove him crazy of how deep and sultry your voice sounded while speaking. In other words, it turned him on quite a bit. 
He took your dozy face and kissed you passionately, fully waking you up now. You broke away from his lips and said, “What about the food?” Hoseok looked at you with hungry eyes and replied with, “A little more waiting couldn’t hurt.”
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 “You said that you’d take a break and take me out to lunch,” you said to Namjoon. 
You have been hanging out with Namjoon at his studio, as he was working on the groups’ upcoming album. Initially thinking it would be fun to spend some time with your loving boyfriend, witnessing his genius at work, you were just bored out of your mind. As an excuse to get out of the stuffy studio, you suggested he’d take a break and go to a nearby cafe together. But if Namjoon was known for one thing, it was his extreme perfectionism.  
“And I told you I will, once I was done with this song,” Namjoon answered back, keeping his eyes on the computer screen. 
“You also said that two hours ago!,” you whimper. 
“Be patient, my pet. I swear I’m almost done, then we can go.” 
You wanted to take his word but it’s really hard to, especially since you’ve been waiting on him for so long. But you didn’t want to leave him; any opportunity to hang out with Joon, you took it no matter what. The only thing you could do was jst to wait. 
You sat on the couch opposite from him and laid your head on the armrest. While you weren’t necessarily sleepy, the sound of Namjoon tinkling away on his computer combined with the soft glow that illuminated the studio made you feel relaxed. You eyes soon began to flutter and you found yourself drifting off to sleep. 
Not noticing that you were dozing off, Namjoon asks, “So which cafe did you want to go to: the one in the building or down the street?”  
You weren’t fully fast asleep yet and caught his question in time. However, while in your sleepy state, you answer him in your native language. 
Namjoon stopped what he was doing for a moment. Even though he understood what you said since he was pretty fluent in the language himself, he was confused since you two never used it with each other. 
“Why are you speaking in…,” he begins as he looks back to you, trailing off once he finds you asleep on the couch. He contemplates waking you up or leaving you alone to nap, but he ultimately chooses the former. He knew how much you wanted to spend some time together and didn’t want to disappoint you. 
He walks over to you and light taps on your shoulder, walking you up. “Ready to go?” he playfully asks you. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you only reply with a smile on your face. 
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After finishing a recent comeback, the guys thought it would do them good to take a small vacation and decided to stay in LA for a little bit. Despite having so much fun with everyone, visiting historical landmarks and stopping by so many food stops, Jimin really missed you and wished that you were with him. He offered to fly out where he was but you had other important obligations to take care of. 
“Don’t worry about me, Jimin. Go ahead and have fun with the others,” he remembers you saying to him the last time you two spoke on the phone. He tried his best to keep his mind off you, but so many things made him think of you. “I wonder if Y/N has ever heard of this place?” “I bet Y/N would love street tacos.” Your attempts to hide your true feelings to the guys was in vain as they could sense that you were in his mind for the majority of the trip. 
After spending the entire morning and most of the afternoon sightseeing, he decides to give you a call once he gets back to their hotel room. He suspected it had to be morning where you were at and assumed you would be awake by now. He was right about it being early - way too early in your opinion - but you were in no way up yet. He clicks on your contact and waits for you to answer. 
“Hello,” he heard you answer. Your voice was groggy and raspy but Jimin was too chipper to notice. He was just so happy to hear you. 
“Hi honey!,” Jimin says into the phone, “Oh man, you don’t know how happy I am to hear your voice. Today’s been so busy for me. How’s your morning going?” 
Since you just woke up, it takes you a few seconds to fully understand Jimin’s simple question and you proceed to answer. Just in your native language. The one that Jimin was in no way fluent in. 
“Huh?”, Jimin responds perplexedly, “Y/N?” 
Hearing him say your name snaps you out of your sleepy state and realizes what you just said (or at least how you said it). Flustered, you gave yourself facepalm. “Oh sorry,” you apologized weakly, “I haven’t gotten up yet.” But all you could hear on the other was Jimin giggling hysterically, unable to control himself. “Hey!,” you said with a slightly annoyed tone, “What’s so funny, Park?” 
“Sorry honey,” Jimin says in between fits of laughter, “You’re just so freaking cute.” 
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It was only recently that you and Taehyung decided to get your own place together. You two have dating for about two and thought it was about time. Sure, Taehyung did miss living with the guys and they missed him too. But Taehyung just loved you so much and wanted to take the next step in adulthood with you. 
For the most part, you and Taehyung made perfect housemates. You two divided chores evenly and neither nagged the other to do them. You cooked most of the meals, though Tae made it up with running whatever errand you asked of him. And most importantly, any conflict that arose, the two nipped it in the bud before the problem got worse. Yes, living at peace together was absolute paradise. 
Nevertheless, there was just one thing that Taehyung had a rather tough time getting used to: it was your sleep talking. Whether it was you walking him up in the middle of the night spouting gibberish or you mumbling incoherent phrases while taking a long nap, it would always catch Taehyung off guard. It wasn’t that he was annoyed or bothered by your sleep talking, it simply creeped him out. And avoid making you feel bad about it, he never brought it up. 
However, one night had to be Taehyung’s strangest encounter with you and, specifically, your sleep talking. It had been hours when you and Taehyung turned in for bed and both of you were fast asleep. A sudden movement of the bed had woken up Tae. He assumed you were leaving for the bathroom and tried to go back to sleep. But once he heard your voice in a strange tone, his eyes bolted open. He turned to you and found you sitting straight up, gazed fixed upon the front of you. 
“Y/N? You okay?,” he asked you but you didn’t respond. After a moment, you begin to speak in a deliberate yet monotone voice, all the while speaking in your native language. Your eyes were still staring into the darkness and you sounded as if you were reciting some demonic spell. You even heard his name a couple of times throughout your monolog, which didn’t help at all. Taehyung wondered if waking you up would’ve been a smart idea but honestly he was too spooked to move. This lasted a couple of minutes and when you were finished, you laid back on in bed and went fast asleep. Leaving a baffled and scared Taehyung, asking himself, “What the fuck just happened?”
The next morning, Taehyung walked into the kitchen, finding you making breakfast. 
“Morning, Tae,” you exclaimed in a cheery voice, “You hungry?”
Still disturbed from what happened, Taehyung stuttered a “Yes, sure”.
“What’s wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.” 
Taehyung chuckled nervously, not daring to say anything. 
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"Tonight was really great, Kookie. Thanks for taking me out." 
You and Jungkook were driving home after a spending date night at a restaurant Jin recommended. 
At the steering wheel, Jungkook glances at you for a second and smiles. "You're very welcome, baby, I'm happy you had a great time. I really have to thank Jin hyung once I get home."
Date nights with Jungkook were always fun and this one was no exception. It didn't matter what you two ended up doing, there was never a dull moment between you two. You were just so happy to be with someone you can be fully relaxed with. 
The drive home was very calming. The warm glow of the city lights and the R&B music playing softly on the radio created a very chill vibe around you. Maybe a little two chill since you were beginning to fall asleep. 
Not taking his eyes off the road, Jungkook asks, " Hey, are you in the mood for some ice cream? I know this great place nearby, you'll love it." 
Still somewhat conscious but very close to falling to passing out, you answer sleepily in your native language. 
"What? Is that a yes?" he asks perplexedly but you don't answer. When he stops at the red light, he looks over to you. You were fast asleep, your head leaning on the glass window. 
Jungkook smiles softly to himself and gently runs your knee. "Time to get you home," he says quietly and drives into the night. 
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193 notes · View notes
ghostiewriter · 4 years
chapter one | tale of a slightly unstable teen hero
Summary: JJ is starting to gain recognition around New York as the new hero in town. However, some complications arise with his new chemistry partner. Oh, and turns out he isn’t the only bloke around here with powers.
Warnings: John B is a simp, I feel like that needs a warning tbh. Umm there’s a lot of swearing (I’m Scottish, don’t judge), again some violence and fighting, also some cute ass moments between JJ and his mum so enjoy that
Word Count: 8.1K
A/N: Sooo there’s finally some Jiara in this chapter!! Hope you enjoy👀and I’m not responsible for any feels caused by JJ and Georgia Maybank!!
masterlist // taglist // ao3
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“Spider-Man does it again! Report of our favourite web-slinging hero saving the day once again after a fatal accident left an apartment complex on the corner of 5th and 36th street in flames. The teen hero arrived at the scene not long after the distress call was made to the local fire department and managed to rescue over twelve people that were trapped on the top floor. New York thanks Spider-Man once again.”
JJ grinned as he leaned back in his seat, sparing a smug look towards John B in the driver’s seat. JJ didn’t usually carpool with John B but it was getting colder and his extra-curricular activities were wearing him exhausted by morning. Plus, the last time JJ skated to school when he was half asleep, Pope had to pull him out of a trash can. Turns out raccoons can be very territorial and did not appreciate the blond taking a small visit into their home. He was pretty sure he still had scars on his back from some of those little bastards.
“Three weeks on the job and you already have a little fanbase,” John B commented, reaching over to turn the radio down a little since the reporter moved onto some irrelevant news neither of the boys cared about. “Soon you’ll have a swarm of fangirls chasing after you while you fight crime.”
“Don’t be jealous, JB,” JJ grinned, both arms behind his head as he looked at the passing view. “I’m sure one of my groupies will slum it down for you.” He teased, only laughing when he felt the flick on his forehead.
As much as he hated to admit it, JJ had seriously enjoyed the past three weeks. They were intense, impulsive and unpredictable. Just how JJ liked his life to be. It wasn’t easy at first though, it took a good few attempts before the people of New York actually labelled him as a hero. Maybe it was because he was some young bloke who popped out of nowhere with abilities that no could really understand. Or maybe it was because he was going around in a red ski mask, blue shirt, a red vest with an awfully drawn spider on it and some blue joggers. He looked like a right on idiot, especially with the chunky goggles Pope added to his costume. But if it kept his identity secret, then so be it. The last thing JJ wanted was a bunch of journalists swarming his apartment, especially since he wanted to keep this whole alter ego away from his parents. In fact, he wanted to keep it away from anyone who wasn’t John B or Pope.
It was safer that way.
“At least that’s one more that Pope.” John B said nonchalantly.
“As if, dude!” JJ scoffed, grinning at the distressed—and fairly high pitched—‘WHAT’ that came from the brunette. “Oh, c’mon, Pope created a whole ass bat signal for me! You just sit there and look pretty! Pope gets at least two groupies.” He said with a shrug.
It was true. JJ knew Pope was smart, but this was next level. After realising that JJ wasn’t getting the recognition he needed to be labelled a ‘superhero’, Pope had come up with the ingenuous idea to infiltrate the police radio stations. Not only did they have full access to updates on crimes around the city, but Pope even felt a little fancy and made it so JJ would get a notification sent to his phone the second there was a job for Spider-Man. That boy was way too smart for his own good, but JJ was grateful for it.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty?” John B asked with a teasing grin.
“Yeah,” JJ smiled, reaching to place his hand on John B’s shoulder with a squeeze. “Pretty fucking ugly.”
John B’s smile instantly dropped as he scowled at JJ, who was happily snickering at the sudden change in mood. “Whatever, Spider-boy.”
“Yikes, low blow.”
The rest of the journey was spent in a similar vibe, except with JJ checking his phone every five minutes. He couldn’t help it, but the past three weeks had been some of the most exciting in his life. JJ had been labelled the troublemaker his whole life, the one that was throwing pencils into Mrs Ramirez’s curls because they looked like little hoops. Or even just doing his damn best to avoid the work he was given. It was a force of habit. JJ’s brain was running at a million miles a second. Nothing could hold him down, keep him entertained for longer than thirty minutes at most. And his teachers had constantly reminded him that his impulsive nature and high energy would lead him nowhere good in life.
All JJ had to say to them now was a massive ‘FUCK YOU!’ because how wrong they were. It was those qualities that made JJ the perfect hero. He could react quick to a sudden change, he was always on his feet, he had found something that not only could he channel all his energy into—but he was damn good at it as well. John B and Pope had warned him that it was best to keep himself humble, to not get too arrogant. But who was he kidding? JJ made a pretty fucking bomb superhero and everyone loved him. It seemed like he deserved to feel arrogant, to soak in his time in the spotlight. He enjoyed every single second.
So, can you really blame JJ for checking his phone, wanting an excuse to put that mask on and do the one thing he is good at? Except for skateboarding. Everyone knew JJ was the best skater in Queens.
Unfortunately, there was no sudden crimes that JJ could use as excuse to ditch school. A true tragedy, if you asked him. It seems like he will just have to suffer through another day of learning things that either happened way too long ago, didn’t make sense to him or he just truly didn’t care about. Which just happened to be basically every subject—excluding wood-shop. Except he was taken out of the class because apparently making mini bongs for birds is not okay. Who would’ve thought.
“I don’t see what the issue is—it’s a fool-proof plan!” John B argued as the two boys made their way through the corridors of Midtown High. Only stopping once they reached John B’s locker where he exchanged his books and JJ checked out the hallway for anything that caught his eye.
“Bro, you have a ten-year plan to end up with Sarah Cameron,” JJ stated bluntly. “And even then, you end up as her second husband—“
“No one can prove what happened to the first.”
“It’s fucking sad, JB.”
“It’s a solid plan.” John B stated simply and shrugged his shoulders, deciding to ignore JJ as he rolled his eyes, muttering something about John B being a ‘hopeless fool’. John B only grinned wider and glanced at his watch before whispering a small ‘shit’ to himself. “I gotta go, see you at lunch.” And with that, John B was zooming his way down the corridor.
“You know it’s really creepy that you plan when you bump into her!” JJ called down the corridor, but he doubted John B heard him. “Like really fucking creepy…like restraining order level creepy!
Once he noticed John B’s head turn the corner, undoubtedly on his way to ‘coincidentally’ bump into Sarah Cameron, JJ calmly made his way to his first period class, not in a big rush to get there.
You see, after the incident in wood shop and many others after that, the school had taken the decision to move JJ into a class they deemed more valuable of his time. Chemistry. Stick the ADHD kid in a room full of chemicals…seemed about right. However, JJ was being transferred half way through the term with absolutely no knowledge in chemistry other than how to make a Molotov cocktail. Therefore, he didn’t really see an issue in showing up to a class he was already hopeless in. His teacher disagreed.
“Mr Maybank, it’s nice of you to finally join us.” Mr Marino—a middle-aged bald man who had looked as though he had been through one too many divorces and contained most of his knowledge in the form of his beer belly—commented as JJ entered the class.
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me!” JJ sighed dramatically.
“Let me guess: your alarm didn’t go off.”
“It was my pet monkey, sir. Has a mind of its own.”
“Your pet monkey?”
“Yup, his name is JB. Nasty wee guy but I keep him around, he’s a good laugh. Could do with a shower though.”
“Take a seat, Maybank.”
“I can feel the love.” JJ grinned before he turned to look at the class. It was set up with eight workbenches, two seats at each. His eyes scanned over each one before he caught an empty seat at the back-left workbench, the only empty seat—and just his luck it was next to the curly haired beauty for the trip.
JJ was starting to think he might actually enjoy this class.
“We just keep meeting, sweetheart. I think it’s a sign.” JJ whispered to her as he took his seat next to her, definitely sitting a little closer than he had to. He tried not to smirk when he noticed her subtly moving away from him. JJ always loved a challenge.
“Or a punishment.” She replied bluntly, not even sparing JJ a glance.
“Aw, is this how it’s going to be for the rest of the year, princess?” JJ muttered with a pout. He tried not to smile when she finally turned to look at him.
“Rafe got a concussion.” She hissed.
“So?” JJ frowned.
“So? You caused it!”
“And I should care because?”
“He is banned from the football team for six weeks!”
JJ stared at her blankly. “And…?”
“He is the captain!”
“Boohoo, they’ll survive without him.” JJ shrugged, leaning back in his stool as he flashed her one of his usual girl-charming smiles. “But hey, if you’re really stressed out about it, I’m sure I can help you find a way to relax.”
“You’re a pig.” She stated with a small huff, stubbornly turning to face the front, planning to not even give him the chance to redeem himself. Trust me when I say Kiara is an open person, always there to give people a second chance. But JJ Maybank was not one of those people. In the three times she had met him, he had been nothing but a shameless flirt who had no care for the world beyond his sex life. She could be judging him too quickly, but in her defence, he hadn’t given her anything else to work with.
However, Kiara assumed her behaviour was clear enough that she didn’t want to talk to him, that she could gladly go the rest of the year without willingly speaking to him. But this is JJ. Hyperactive, unable to sit still JJ. He didn’t get the hint.
“So, do anything interesting this weekend?” JJ asked her, that classic smirk of his on his lips. But she didn’t answer him. Instead, she kept her gaze on Mr Marino and his oh-so interesting talk on bond orbitals within an atom.
JJ raised his eyebrows when he received no reply from her. “Giving me the silent treatment now? That’s a bit rude.” He commented.
“So is giving someone a concussion.” She stated.
“Do you want to know what I did?” JJ asked.
“Geez, princess, no one ever taught you manners?” He teased, taking the pen he was spinning between his fingers to gently poke her arm. She only huffed and moved her seat further away.
“Okay, alright, fine! I get it…” JJ trailed off, and Kiara couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. But she spoke to soon. She heard the scrape of a chair and suddenly she could feel the warmth of JJ right beside her, their elbows just touching.
“Is there an issue, Mr Maybank?” She heard Mr Marino call out but the boy next to her just shook his head, that mischievous glint shining in his eyes.
“No, please carry on, Alan.” The blond replied, his fingers tapping against the worktop counter.
Kiara sighed. She knew very well that she could put her hand up and complain, or even ask Mr Marino to change seats after class ended. But she was stubborn, and she would be damned if she gave JJ that satisfaction of knowing that he got under her skin.
This was going to be a long year.
“She called me JB! That basically takes three years off my plan!”
“Dude, I don’t know if this is really sad or creepy now…” JJ grimaced. He had spent the last fifteen minutes listening to John B and his ‘coincidental’ encounter with Sarah Cameron. And if he was being honest, he was concerned for his friend. And his stomach…this boy needed to let JJ eat his lunch before he had to hear one more comment about how ‘yellow is totally her colour’.
“I mean, it just compliments her complexion so well! C’mon, how many people do you know that can pull of yellow and not looked totally washed out!” John B argued. But JJ just met him with a blank stare.
“When the fuck did you become a fashion expert?” JJ spoke up, his nose scrunched in confusion.
“I took a class once.”
JJ looked at him with his mouth agape. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Piss off, I wanted to learn how to dress better.”
“Says the guy that wears horrible thrifted Hawaiian shirts.” JJ deadpanned. John B only rolled his eyes and turned his attention back onto Sarah.
JJ followed his line of sight towards Sarah Cameron and her group, and he was shocked at the sight. He noticed the usual people in their uptown outfits and obnoxious laughs he could unfortunately hear from his seat. But it was the sight of his chemistry partner looking quite cosy under Rafe’s arm that caught him off-guard. His eyebrows furrowed a little, but hey, JJ should have seen this coming. The uptown kids like to stick with each other. Yet, JJ couldn’t help but find the sight quite uncomfortable to look at—Rafe had that effect on people. It was a surprise he managed to score…JJ paused. He had spent a whole hour with her and yet, he didn’t even know her name.
He nudged John B, yet neither one of them looked away from the group. “Hey JB, who’s Sarah’s new chick?”
“The pretty curly haired one standing next to her, dumbass.”
“Oh…I don’t actually know—“
“—Kiara Carrera. Relocated here from Kernersville, North Carolina. Her father owns a large chain of restaurants around the country. She is also the only junior other than yours truly doing three AP classes, including environmental science, biology and English.” Pope finished, panting a little considering he had literally just ran into the cafeteria and heard the last few words of their conversation.
JJ looked up at Pope with a mix of awe and fear. “What, you forgot her national insurance number as well? How the fuck do you know all that?”
“The school files.” Pope answered easily as he turned his laptop around and with the screen facing them, JJ decided he was definitely a little scared of Pope.
“Those are meant to be locked away in some super, secret network thing!” JJ hissed, only to be met with a smirking Pope.
“As if, it’s easy as fuck to hack something as amateur as the school’s firewall. Could do it with my eyes closed.” He grinned at the two of them. “Why, JJ? Hiding something from us like…I don’t know…your middle name being Belinda.” He snickered.
“YOUR NAME IS BELINDA?!” John B gasped, looking at JJ with wide eyes.
“Shut up, would you!” JJ hissed at the both of them, leaning over the table to flick John B on the forehead. “I was named after my grandmother.”
“Aww, Grammie Belinda.” John B cooed. JJ only glared at him.
“Hey, Grammie Belinda was a saint, don’t disrespect her like that.” JJ huffed, pointing a finger towards John B. He then turned to Pope who had made himself comfortable in the seat next to him.
“Why were you asking about Kiara?” Pope asked JJ, snatching a few chips from his plate. JJ swatted his hand away but didn’t stop Pope from doing it again. “Does JJ have a little crush?” He teased, pouting a little.
“Piss off,” JJ laughed as he nudged Pope with his shoulder. “She’s just my chemistry partner.”
“Ooh, so you guys have chemistry together?” John B grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Fuck off, JB. Go back to stalking your little uptown princess.” JJ commented, returning the grin as both friends shook their head. They both knew the other meant no harm.
“Well, if you two little lovebirds are done having your moment,” Pope piped up, both boys looking over at him. “I need you to meet me on your rooftop at nine sharp tonight.”
“Damn, Pope, finally taking me out?”
“You wish, Spider-Boy,” He grinned, but the look he was giving made JJ a little nervous for what Pope had hidden up his sleeve. It could honestly range from a pet raccoon he befriended to creating some weird Frankenstein bug. “Just be there.”
John B pouted. “What about me?! Is this where I become the third-wheel?”
“In here!”
JJ dropped his bag by the couch as he made his way to the kitchen, the soft sound of the click telling him the door shut behind him. He sniffed the air as he walked in, seeing his mum at the stove and grinned a little, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“What’s for dinner?” He asked, peeking over her shoulder.
“Spaghetti,” She hummed, a soft smile on her lips as she peeked a glance at her son. “How was school?”
“The usual,” He answered with a shrug as he made his way to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water before heading towards his usual spot on the counter. “Teachers still don’t appreciate my comments, Pope said smart things I didn’t understand and JB was a love-sick puppy.”
She grinned, shaking her head a little. “I find John B’s attempts to woo that girl quite admirable actually,” She commented. “It wouldn’t kill you to be a hopeless romantic every once in a while.” Yet, she only laughed when she saw JJ’s face scrunch up in disgust.
Despite JJ’s reputation for being an adrenaline junkie who loves to live life on the edge, these were actually his favourite moments. The little moments he shared with his mum, just the two of them. It is one of the few moments in his life where he feels relaxed, no expectations or pressures. And as sappy as it sounded—and no offence to John B and Pope—but JJ wasn’t ashamed to admit that she was one of his best friends, one of the few people in his life he truly cared about. People like her are the reason he enjoys being Spider-Man, because despite the shit people in the world, there were some genuinely good people out there, like Georgia Maybank.
It was hard to believe JJ and Georgia Maybank were related. She was a sweetheart, the type of woman who would take time out of her own life to volunteer at local food shelters despite having just done a twelve-hour shift at the hospital. She is the type of woman to buy flowers and hand them to strangers on the street just to brighten someone’s day. She is the type of woman who would work her ass off to give her son all that she could, despite the struggles she faced with the bills and rent because her son was her life. She was the opposite of JJ’s hyperactive self.
But boy, did they look very similar. From the sandy blonde hair the two of them shared, to the bright blue eyes, to even the exact same smile. JJ really was a carbon copy of his mother. And there was a small part of her, one she would never outwardly admit, that adored the fact JJ looked so much like her. Like a primal mother instinct, she loved her son and she loved that everyone knew he was her son. She would be damned if someone ever asked her to hide that.
Georgia was the type of mother that had that warm aura around her, the one that made you just trust her with your life. The hugs she gives just makes you want to stay in her arms forever, because everything is just better with Georgia Maybank. JJ knew that and he always reminded himself of that. No matter what shit he gets into, no matter how much he may envy the uptown kids—none of them will ever have Georgia Maybank and he would gladly flaunt that.
He may not have designer clothes or a fancy car to drive to school. But they don’t have Georgia Maybank, dancing around barefoot in the kitchen while she badly sings along to some old 80s song that is playing on the radio, just to make him crack a smile.
JJ grinned as his mother grabbed his hand, pulling off the counter before they jokingly began to waltz around the small kitchen, some classical song playing from the small radio that sat on the counter by the stove. JJ only laughed as he apologized for stepping on her toes again, but she didn’t mind. She just smiled and continued to dance.
“Why do I have to do this? I’m starving, woman!” He whined playfully as he twirled his mum around a few times.
“Because, JJ, one day you’re going to have a beautiful girl—or boy, I won’t assume—that will somehow fall for that charm of yours,” She spoke softly, placing a hand on her son’s cheek, a proud glint in her eyes when he rolled his eyes at her statement but still had a small smile on his face. “And I will be damned if I don’t teach my son how to sweep a girl off her feet.”
“Nothing says romantic like stepping on a girl’s toes.” He stated bluntly.
Georgia only laughed and ruffled his hair before she turned back to the stove. She grabbed two plates, putting in a larger portion for JJ—which with his new transformation wouldn’t actually be enough but he will sneak out during the night to eat the leftovers when she’s asleep—before placing them on the small dining table in the corner, gesturing for him to join her.
The rest of the dinner was fairly uneventful, simply just JJ telling her about John B’s updated seven-year plan with Sarah Cameron and Georgia sharing any particularly interesting stories about patients she had to deal with during her shift. JJ really let this dinner sink in. As much as he loved his mother, her inability to say ‘no’ and be so giving kind of bothered him. Because she had taken up extra shifts for a few of her colleagues due to something about the ‘stress of wedding planning’. JJ had been seeing her less and less—and though it was good for his recent Spider-Man shenanigans—this dinner made him realise just how much he missed her. Just a nice, wee dinner with his mum, nothing else. And everything seemed to be going well, until he heard the radio presenter’s voice flowing through the kitchen.
“Locals say that Spider-Man is the next best thing to happen to New York since deep-fried pizza! But I don’t know, Janet. I mean, who is this kid? Where did he come from? There just seems to be a lot of unanswered questions with this so-called hero. Can we really trust some prepubescent boy who probably spends his day with his head in a textbook? It just doesn’t seem—“
The radio presenter was cut off by Georgia turning the volume down. “People can’t appreciate a good gesture anymore.” She huffed. JJ watched her closely as she finished off washing the last of the dishes before turning to face him, a small frown on her lips.
“I think he’s doing the city a favour.” JJ said half-heartedly with a shrug.
Georgia nodded, her fingers gently fiddling with chain around her neck, well more specifically the gold ring attached to it. “I know but,” She sighed. “What a shame, putting all this pressure on a poor teenage boy. Oh, I feel bad for his parents!”
JJ coughed a little. “It could be his decision, you know.”
Georgia continued as though she hadn’t heard him. “I could only imagine how stressful it would be have your son out there, throwing himself at danger.” She shook her head as she made her way to where JJ still sat at the dining table. “Promise me you wouldn’t do something so careless?” She asked sweetly, gently cupping his face in her hands as she looked down at him.
Now, JJ knew there was a teasing tone to her words. She wasn’t being serious because, how could she? Her son being a superhero with crazy powers? Not possible. She and JJ shared everything and it was because of that he couldn’t help but feel a wave of guilt wash over him. He hated lying to his mum, he hated keeping secrets from her. They were always close, JJ never felt the need to hide things from her. There was always such a comfortable vibe between them. But he knew how she would react if he told her the truth. He knew she would freak out and make him stop. And JJ didn’t want to stop. As much as he hated the guilt that bubbled inside him, he pushed it away and gave her a grin.
“Of course not, I would come up with a better name than Spider-Man.” He joked lightly and closed his eyes when he felt his mum press a kiss to his forehead. He nuzzled his head slightly as he wrapped his arms around her, resting his head against her stomach. He smiled softly when he felt her hands running through his hair, just like the way she used to do when he was younger and struggling to fall asleep. He tried to hold back a yawn.
“That’s my baby boy.” She said with a gentle laugh.
“Mama, I’m a not a baby! I’m a man now.” He whined but he didn’t pull away from her grip just yet. He missed his mum’s hugs, sue him.
“You’ll always be my baby boy.” She commented with a small shrug.
“Yeah, yeah,” He murmured. After a few moments of silence, he looked up at her, giving the best puppy-dog eyes he could. She was always a sucker for those. “Can I go hang out with JB and Pope tonight?” He asked with a sweet smile.
She rolled her eyes but nodded. “Just be back before your father gets home.”
JJ rubbed his hands together as he stared at the view from the roof. New York looked absolutely stunning this time of year, especially at night. The sky was pitch black, and it should’ve seemed daunting. But the bright lights of the city illuminated everything. It was mesmerising, a sight that JJ would never get tired of seeing. And with his newly discovered powers, he found something therapeutic about swinging around the city and being surrounded those bright lights. It felt like he was swinging through the stars—he obviously didn’t share that with the boys, they would take the piss out of him. Speaking of which…
“Where the fuck is he?” JJ hissed, turning to look at John B who only shrugged in response. As much as JJ liked New York at night, it was cold. The lower body temperature caused by the spider bite really didn’t help the situation. He had a hoodie and a jacket on and still the light breeze was making his teeth chatter.
“I don’t know.” John B shrugged. JJ rolled his eyes in annoyance. It was 9:15pm and JJ was about five minutes away from freezing to death.
Just then, the rooftop door opened and a wild Pope was sprinting towards then, panting heavily as he ripped his backpack off and quickly unzipped it. Words were leaving his lips but between the panting, neither of them could work out what he was saying.
“Dude, calm down, breathe!” John B exclaimed. Pope nodded and took a minute to catch himself.
“Your lives are gonna change forever!” He grinned before looking at JJ. “Strip.”
JJ raised his eyebrows. “What?”
“Dude, it’s like fifty fucking degrees, I am not gonna fucking strip!”
“Stop whining and do it!”
JJ huffed and started to take his clothes off, muttering some very…colourful phrases towards Pope. However, he didn’t get much time to question his friend’s demands because the second he was stripped down to his boxers, he had a bunch of fabric thrown at him.
“Wait…is this…?” He trailed off, looking at Pope with a new look of excitement shining in his eyes.
“You bet,” Pope grinned. “Say hello to your brand-new suit, Spider-Man.”
JJ excitedly began to pull the suit on, suddenly forgetting all about his theatrics with the cold. But Pope wasn’t done with his surprise.
“The suit is a total upgrade!” He began, his hands moving wildly as he spoke. “The fabric is strong but flexible. I have added small web-shooters to go over your spinneret glands so you can have a more direct shots. There are a few extra things I’ve added like a small heater to keep you warm and a few sensors, so we can keep track of your vitals. Oh, and for us—” He paused before handing John B a silver bracelet.
John B looked at the bracelet in confusion. “Uh, thanks?”
Pope only grinned and showed John B that he was wearing a similar bracelet. He slipped it off before unclipping a small oval shaped device from the middle of the bracelet. “This is the coolest part,” He nodded for John B to copy his movements. “To be honest, these took the longest. I had JJ’s suit done like two weeks ago but—”
“And you made me wait this long? Dude, I looked like a weirdo running around in joggers!” JJ groaned, but there was no real hostility in his voice.
“Just put on your mask, dude!”
JJ rolled his eyes but didn’t answer as he slipped the mask over his face. He was a bit surprised at how easily he could see through it, way better than the goggles he had before. The suit was a perfect fit—props to Pope after it took an hour to get all of JJ’s measurements. The material was tight and breathable, practically clinging onto JJ like a second skin. Oddly enough, he felt far more comfortable in it than his last costume. Pope clearly liked the colour scheme, having kept the red and blue palette but with a massive spider on his chest, with lines wrapping around him to look like a web. He looked totally badass, he felt badass. He felt like a proper hero from one of those comic books and posters Pope has around his room.
“So, how do I look?” JJ asked, flexing as he gave the boys a little spin. Pope only grinned, proud of his creation. John B gasped, clearly just as hyped as JJ was.
“Dude, your ass looks great.” John B commented, causing JJ to snort.
“When does it not look great?”
“Guys! The last surprise!” Pope piped up, causing both boys to stop staring at JJ’s ass and instead turn to him.
“These little guys,” He said, nodding between the small oval devices in his and John B’s hands. “Are gonna help us keep in contact with you while you’re swinging around. Little ear pieces so we can help you out and keep tabs on you if you need any help.”
“Where’s my bracelet?” JJ frowned beneath the mask.
“You don’t need one, dumbass. Your ear piece is connected into your mask!” Pope grinned proudly. JJ let out a scoff, shaking his head.
“Pope, you fucking genius!” He yelled, and he pulled his friend into a tight hug. John B, feeling a little left out, quickly joined the hug.
“This is so cool, dude, now we are like an actual team!” John B grinned.
Pope was the first to pull back, looking at JJ with a wild look in his eyes. “I think it’s time for Spider-Man to show the city his new look.”
JJ grinned under the mask, already beginning to take a few steps back. “I think you’re right.” And without a second thought, he left himself fall off the edge of the building.
On that October night, New York watched their own hero swing through the streets, letting the cheers and whoops of the strangers sink in. They watched their hero in a new light, a more professional one. The next day, he was no longer that kid running around like some wannabe. He was Spider-Man, the new saviour of New York and a beloved hero.
It was wild what a good new suit could do for your reputation.
“Did you see the pictures The Daily Bugle released?”
“He looked so hot!”
“I’d let him save me any day!”
“You don’t even know what he looks like…”
“So? Have you seen those arms? Nothing else matters!”
JJ couldn’t help but let the smirk on his face grow as he walked through the corridors of the school. It was the day after his new suit reveal and he wasn’t going to lie, he was soaking in all the attention. He was particularly enjoying the twitter thread that was made about his ass. John B didn’t lie, his ass did look good in this new suit.
He continued his way through the sea of students before he made it to his chemistry class, not surprised that people were still talking about Spider-Man. His eyes instantly glanced over at Kiara, who was sitting at their workbench scrolling through her phone.
He grinned as he quickly past the other students and sat quite comfortably in his seat. His eyebrows raised slightly when she didn’t react at first to his appearance. His curiosity got the best of him as he leaned towards her, peeking over her shoulder to see what she was looking at. Now, JJ won’t lie to you, but when he saw her staring at pictures of Spider-Man, his ego definitely inflated a little. Okay, maybe more than a little but you get the point.
“You a fan?” He couldn’t help but ask, trying to keep his smirk to himself.
Kiara quickly snapped her head to look at him, slamming her phone down screen first onto the desk. “Can you mind your business?” She huffed, trying to calm her heartbeat a little. She didn’t even hear him come in, which is odd since usually you could hear JJ from a mile away.
“Aw, c’mon, Kiara! I thought we were besties now.” He grinned to her, wiggling his eyebrows a little. He leaned forward on the desk, bringing him a little closer to her. His forearms were pressed against the desk, his body leaning on them. She noticed how close their hands were. But after yesterday, she refused to left JJ get under her skin again. Or at least let him see how much he is bothering her. So, she stayed where she was, not moving back like he expected.
“You know my name.” It wasn’t a question, more a statement.
“Surprised?” He whispered, smirking a little when he noticed he wasn’t moving away. JJ risked it a little more and moved a bit closer.
“Took you long enough.” She replied with a shrug. JJ’s grin only widened.
“Oh yeah, counting down the days, princess?” He raised an eyebrow. He noticed her lips quirk a little, like she was fighting back a smile.
“You wish, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Shut up.”
“I think someone has a little crush, Kiara.” He grinned at her, only to witness her roll her eyes and push him away.
“In your dreams, Maybank.”
“Oh, you’re definitely in my dreams, Kiara.”
She rolled her eyes again but didn’t bother replying this time. She instead focused her gaze on the front of the class as Mr Marino entered the room, beginning the lesson. But if she had glanced over to the blond sitting on his right, she would’ve seen he was smiling throughout the whole lesson.
“Thank you, dear!”
JJ nodded his head a little in acknowledgement and gave the older woman a small salute. “Always here to help, ma’am.” He said, handing her the small handbag that he had just rescued from the hands of some man who had tried to steal it from her.
“Aw, you’re really starting to win over the senior citizens.”
JJ rolled his eyes when he heard Pope’s voice through his earpiece. “Dude, I think she pinched my ass.”
“Lucky you, older woman, that’s hot.”
“JB, shut up.”
JJ snorted a little at the bickering, extending his arm out before he was swinging between the buildings with no trouble. He had been using any free time he had lately to be out in his suit, getting used to all the cool, extra bits that Pope had added. And he won’t lie, the boy really outdid himself. JJ felt like a total badass, being able to swing around and save people and feel like a real hero. He also enjoyed the change in attitude people had with him. He was Spider-Man, the city hero. He was appreciated. He was wanted. Not something JJ felt very often.
“Anything happening around town?” JJ asked, his eyes scanning the streets below, waiting to see any conflict. He couldn’t help but feel as though there was a part of him that was on edge. He couldn’t really explain it, it was like a bad shiver down his spine. It was a similar feeling he felt before that bank robbery fiasco a few weeks ago. It was a nasty wee feeling, one that had him on alert. Something was wrong, he didn’t know what. But he could sense it.
“Nah, everything seems to be fine. Maybe you should take a break, you’ve been swinging around for, like, three hours. You need to rest, dude.”
“What?” JJ muttered, so quiet that the boys on the other side barely heard him. That couldn’t be right, he can feel it. Something isn’t right, something bad is going to happen. “Guys, are you—”
He was cut off by a series of screams.
JJ’s body was reacting way before his brain did, like his hero side just leaped into action at the alert of any distress. He was swinging as fast as he could, his arms burning a little as he got closer and closer to the sound of those screams. He could hear his blood pumping in his ears, could feel his heart rate pick up. The adrenaline coursing through him, making him forget about the burning in his muscles from the three hours of patrolling he had done.
“That’s fucking weird, there is no police reports coming through.”
JJ ignored the voices coming through the earpiece, his whole body feeling rigid as he crouched on top of a building, looking at the carnage below. There, in the middle of the square stood what looked like a moving black cloud. Civilians were screaming and running away, but the black cloud just remained. His eyes narrowed slightly, like he was waiting for it to do something, to lash out. But it didn’t. He opened his mouth, ready to ask Pope if he was just imagining something when he heard the black cloud speak.
“Spider-Man, oh Spider-Man! Come out, come out wherever you are!” It spoke in a raspy, demonic voice. Whatever this way, it wasn’t human. JJ may have failed biology, but he knew that for sure.
“JJ, don’t. We are have no idea what this thing is. It could be a trap—”
“I got this, Pope.” JJ muttered, ignoring his friends’ pleas to think this through as he swung down, landing a couple of feet away from the black cloud. “You called?”
Suddenly, in the middle of the cloud, JJ swore he could see lips begin to materialise. He frowned beneath the mask but didn’t move away. His fist was clenched at the side, ready to react if the cloud tried anything.
“Ah, we finally meet, Spider-Man.” The cloud spoke again. The voice sent shivers down his spine. JJ pushed away that feeling of discomfort. Something about the cloud felt familiar, but he couldn’t tell what. It was like an annoying itch he couldn’t reach.
“Am I supposed to know who you are?” JJ questioned. “Look, dude, if you’re a fan, I appreciate it, but you don’t need to scare away a whole block of people to get my attention. You can just ask for an autograph like everyone else.”
“JJ stop provoking it!”
“You’ll know me soon enough.” The voice replied ambiguously. JJ furrowed his eyebrows together. Whatever this cloud was, it was being far too vague for JJ’s liking.
JJ winced, clutching his ears. His body was on high-alert, his ears sensitive to pick out any small noise or rustle. He looked at the cloud and then at his surroundings, noticing how every screen—every phone, every billboard, every electrical compliance in this vicinity that he could see—was projecting the black cloud. It was broadcasting to the whole city. JJ couldn’t help but wonder where the fuck the hidden camera was. How was it doing this?
“YOU LABEL THIS KID AS YOUR HERO! YOU TRUST THIS CHILD WITH YOUR LIVES! YOU ARE FOOLISH!” The voice boomed, suddenly the black cloud began to form tentacles that were slithering from whatever was at the centre of it. “LET ME SHOW YOU THE TRUTH! LET ME SHOW YOU WHO YOU HAVE TO PROTECT YOU!”
JJ was a little too distracted by the concept of a cloud broadcasting to the city that he didn’t even notice one of the tentacles slithering towards him. It wrapped itself around his leg before swinging him into the nearest building.
JJ let out a small oomph as his body made contact with the brick wall. He could hear yelling in the distance, the sounds of people screaming. But nothing was overpowering the ringing in his ears as he slowly dragged himself to stand up.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” He muttered, blinking a few times before he turned back to look at the cloud. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and quickly rolled over to the side, the tentacle that threw him smashing into the wall not even a second later. That rush of adrenaline hitting JJ again as he quickly swung out of there, not even looking behind him until he knew he was a good distance away to assess the situation.
JJ swore under his breath, trying to catch up with his thoughts as he watched more tentacles appear from the cloud. “Where the fuck are they coming from?” He muttered before swinging down to a lower building rooftop, crouching at the edge. He narrowed his eyes as he extended his hand out, shooting a web towards the centre of the cloud. There had to be something solid within this thing, something he can grip on to, something he can fight. But he was met with nothing. “Fuck.” He frowned before he began to crawl down the side of the building.
“You seem a bit jealous, mate!” JJ called out, watching as all eight of the tentacles seemed to snap their attention towards him. God, that was scary. “Don’t you have to tell me some wild origin story before you kill me?”
“Oh, that’s really reassuring, thank you so much.”
“A bit of an odd wish, if you ask me.” He murmured to himself, quickly snapping his wrist before swinging around the black cloud. He watched as the tentacles reached out for him, just grazing him as he swung between the buildings.
“How the fuck do I fight something that isn’t solid? Get a vacuum? If you have one big enough, please do share. Call the ghostbusters or something!”
He heard more screams, some closer than he expected. He assumed everyone ran off, but when he turned his head to the side, he noticed a man standing there, frozen in fear. More importantly, he saw a car heading straight towards the scared man.
“Shit, shit, shit,” JJ yelled as he quickly yanked his web, spinning around and landing in front of the man, his hands extended out in front of him. Seconds later he felt the impact of the car, the weight and momentum it came crashing in at hit him strong enough to make him slide back a few feet. “Go, dude!” He yelled at the man, who had finally come to his senses and thanked JJ profusely before sprinting away. JJ groaned and threw the car away from him, huffing slightly.
“Oh, no shit, Sherlock! I thought it was Barbie’s Dreamhouse.” Only JJ would be sarcastic while his life is in threat.
But it was that sarcasm that distracted him long enough for one of the tentacles wrap around his ankle, yanking him down from the small jump he had taken so the web he was currently gripping snapped with ease, preventing him a quick escape like he planned. He didn’t even have time to scream before he noticed the tentacle bringing him closer to the middle of the cloud, his eyes widening slightly.
He wiggled around in the tentacle’s grip, trying to find a way out but it was relentless. He wasn’t sure what was real or not, not sure if he imagined screaming in his head or if he actually did as he was dropped into the centre of the cloud.
Then, he felt nothing.
JJ was vaguely aware of his surroundings. He didn’t know if his eyes were open or not, but it was dark. He tried to move his arm, but it felt constricted, like he was swimming in something really thick. His brain was screaming at him to call out for Pope and John B, to move his hands and swing out of here, to do something. But another part of JJ felt completely content in this situation. He couldn’t explain it, but something washed over him, like a massive electric shock that made him aware of just how…familiar this seemed. It was similar to the feeling he had earlier.
He felt safe, understood.
And then that feeling was gone.
Suddenly, JJ found himself being thrown around in circles, something holding a tight grip on his ankle. But soon enough, that let go too and JJ was soon flying through the air, too out of it to even react fast enough to web onto something or soften his eventual crash.
JJ felt the air be completely knocked out of him, his body bouncing off the concrete a couple of times before he rolled over. It took him a few attempts to finally open his eyes, take in his surroundings, to see he was in some dingy alleyway. He turned his head to the side, briefly seeing a black blob in the distance. He could hear some muffled yelling.
JJ vaguely furrowed his eyebrows together before turning his head to stare at the blue sky above instead. When the ringing and the muffling was over, he could hear the screams of his friends coming through the earpiece.
JJ frowned a little, his whole throat felt dry and numb. There was also a metallic taste in his mouth that told him he must’ve bitten his tongue at some point. God, he hated the taste of blood. “It…It felt…”
“It felt just like me.” He finally got out.
Then everything went black.
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skyler-bane · 4 years
I. Leaving
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Up went the sun. All the trees, sidewalks, and cars’ roofs seemed even brighter, still glistening with yesterday’s rain. Another warm morning in New York has just welcomed the residents. But would it be absolutely normal for everyone? Would an undisturbed daily routine be meant for everyone today?
 The walls turned painfully white as the first sunrays peered through the window – now one could also notice how empty they looked; no pictures or photographs, but minimalistic interiors had been pretty common for such a long time it wouldn’t make anyone question the owner’s taste. A large sofa had been waiting for so long to welcome any guests if they ever visited this place, there was a desk, along with some blue rug that looked exceptionally soft. A few shelves with books and CDs on them. Nothing more. No item found on the desk looked strange either and yet, it still didn’t seem to belong to a regular citizen, somehow. If one wanted to know why this room looked rather out of ordinary, the answer could be a couple of weird devices nobody but their owner knew what they were for.
And there he was; having fallen asleep so gracefully, with his cheek pressed against the keyboard, Skyler Bane had proudly managed to get his 4-or-so hours of sleep. Feeling how bad his back hurt, he let out a sigh and tried to make his position a bit more comfortable, slowly getting used to the brightness too. “Well, haven’t you mastered this trick…”, he muttered, blinking fast – still too much sun. But coffee wasn’t going to make itself and magically appear on the desk with a lovely “Drink Me” label… At least Skyler’s last commission wasn’t going to bother him anymore and could be classified as finished, a few days before the deadline. This should bring that… low quality sleep to an end, and hopefully the whites of Skyler’s eyes, along with his transparent and disturbingly grayish tone of skin would stop screaming ‘workaholic’. He finally managed to raise himself from the chair and head straight to the kitchen, where he looked outside the window. New York, how could these all people be so awake, smiling, and full of energy?
Skyler had moved to New York so many years ago, he couldn’t even imagine living in any other city now and every single time he actually tried to envision this move, that imaginary city looked… just like NYC. And 'moved'…? No, not really. He’d been brought to this city by his parents, straight from London where he’d spent his first 6 years of life. Not long enough for any strong bonds or friendships to be missed once they crossed the Manhattan Bridge, yet long enough to say his situation was rather difficult and… unappealing. No child would like to find themselves so far from their parents after all, not even with the loveliest grandparents as their new companions and guardians. New York was where Skyler had come to terms with what his parents had done to him, where his grandparents had managed to show him that the world wasn’t as rotten as it seemed to the little boy. But the reason he’d decided to stay in the city wasn’t as romantic as one would think. He’d simply gotten used to NYC, not bothered by his hopeless attempts at looking for some other place to live in. The message about his parents’ fatal accident and how he could move to their newly bought apartment in London - it all sounded like a joke, but sure Skyler could find some finesse in it. And he was going to move there without batting an eye as if they’d owed him much more than that. Which they certainly had. This one thought kept him going, this one thought reassured him that London was a good idea.
 A loud beep coming from his coffee machine announced that his drink was ready. It should wake him up, along with a hot shower, breakfast, and...- Another loud noise came from his front door this time. Someone was at the door and Skyler already hated them for coming this early, even though he was the one who had turned his phone off and made it impossible for others to contact him. He opened the door energetically as if he wanted to convince himself that he didn't need coffee to function properly. All his hatred was gone when he saw who his unexpected guest was.
"Hey, I brought your games! Sorry I didn't come yesterday, they called my mom and told her I failed that stupid test, so she got mad. I told her it wasn't because of the games or anything like that, but she never listens..." 
Ah, this boy. The list of people Skyler would miss wasn't long, his number one was Max, his neighbor. He was sixteen and lived with his mother and grandmother. Both of them weren't sure if Skyler could be considered a good company for Max, but his grandmother remembered Christine, Skyler's grandmother, and how wonderful a person she was, so eventually, they decided that as long as Max didn't start skipping school or using swear words, the two could hang out together. 
"It's okay, come in. D'you want somethin' to drink?"
"Yeah, some juice maybe? Thanks!"
Max came in and put the games on the table. A little bit too late for Bane to hide his bags and a few large boxes? Definitely. The man mouthed 'fuck' and hid his face behind the palms of his hands, so he could add a soundless, yet angry 'you stupid fuck' too. There was no way he could just disappear without saying a word now and he knew that well, he just had no clue how he was going to do that. Hey, I’m leaving and won’t be coming back. How was your day? 
Skyler handed the boy a glass of orange juice and grabbed his coffee too, leaning against the window sill in the kitchen. He took a sip of coffee and furrowed his brows.
"Why did you use 'fail' and 'test' in one sentence, though?"
"The questions were dumb! I couldn't understand them, nobody could," replied Max, sounding very disappointed. "I wasn't even the only one who didn't pass! The whole class, except for Josh of course, but it didn't convince my mom. She always says: 'if Josh gets good grades, then so could you'." 
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Bane chuckled, ignoring Max's little protest that there was nothing funny about that. "Fuck Josh, he won't get any smarter if he's the only kid who understands dumb questions, yeah?" Max liked this part much more. He grinned at the man, as he drank his orange juice, and promised himself that he would use it next time his mom gets mad at his grades. "Don't worry about it, your grades aren't some kind of a mirror where you can see how smart you are. They're nothin' more than some simplified system and once you've finished school..." Skyler shrugged his shoulders and added; "At a job interview they never ask if you were an A student."
"Exactly! That’s what I tell myself but-"
"But you have to study, comprenez vous? Or your mom's gonna kill me, not you," he said, raising a brow even though he wasn't expecting an answer. And now the hardest part... Skyler inhaled deeply, told himself that he had to tell Max about his decision, then looked at the boy. "I’m leavin’. I'm goin' to London soon, I have to be sure you'll be ok, y'know?", then pointed at the boxes and the bags. “I know you’re probably disappointed and that’s not what you expected from me, but I just have to go. Start anew.”
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Max opened his eyes wider, desperately looking for any signs that would let him believe his friend was joking. No, there weren't any, even the tone of his voice sounded completely different, unlike Skyler. He was going to leave him here. No more games, no more movies... No more silly adventures to keep secret from mom and grandma. Max hadn't felt that lonely in a long time; how else could one feel if their best friend told them something like this? "You're not coming back," he said flatly, avoiding Skyler's gaze for a moment. 
"Not really. I’ve got my stupid reasons... But I will visit you from time to time." 
"Is Aria one of the reasons?"
Some of the coffee he drank went down the wrong way and Skyler started coughing, which probably was the worst possible way of saying 'no'. "I know I said 'stupid reasons' but that's not what I meant," he said in a hoarse voice and cleared his throat once again.
"Ok, ok...- Is she going too, then?" 
"I don't care 'bout her and you shouldn't tell her anything in case she comes here. She stays in New York and I'm more than ok with that. Don't-"
"-talk to her, I know..." Max paused, giving himself a moment to ponder on his friend's words. He couldn’t just turn on his heel and leave, forget about their friendship. Skyler had helped him so many times and the last thing Max wanted was sound ungrateful. "If you have to... Come on, I'd be a shitty friend if I stopped talking to you or left without saying goodbye, right?"
"All I can say is that it'd be my style," he replied with a light chuckle. "Actually, that was my plan until you came here."
Max knew he wasn't joking but still managed to laugh at his confession. The fact that he eventually told him mattered most. 
"And now I better take a shower and get ready to... take care of... this and that." Max didn't have to know all the details about his terribly badly chosen role model - 'computer programmer'. Yeah, sure. 
"Sure," he replied with a small smile. Now he was sure that Skyler wasn't going to leave unexpectedly. 
"Max? Y'know what, I think you should take the games. I'll be far too busy to play them," he said, raising a brow. Skyler watched as the boy quickly went back to the table where he'd left the games and smiled to himself. He knew that it was probably the best apology he could come up with.
"Too bad I'll only get better at them." Max placed one hand on the doorknob and turned to Skyler, adding half-jokingly, "And you said you didn't like losing, Bane?", before he closed the door behind him.
Skyler finished his coffee in silence and headed to the bathroom. He really needed some time to think and as the kind of person whose brain worked much better in the shower, he really needed one right now. There were some things he needed to get done before he left New York, things that didn't necessarily sound pleasant, and he didn't have much time either.
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Club Utopia (Writers Wednesday)
I haven't posted this oneshot on my blog yet, so this is going to be a Writers Wednesday exclusive for today! 😲
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There was nothing on the exterior of the building that would indicate it was a sex club, not that you had particularly expected there to be a glowing sign saying ‘SEX CLUB’ on it.
You nervously walked into the lobby and approached the counter.
“Welcome to Club Utopia. I’ll need you to read over these rules for the club and sign a form. I’ll also need your ID,” the girl behind the counter told you. “We accept cash or card for the cover.”
You skimmed the rules that you’d already read on their website before you’d chosen to come, signed the form, handed over your ID, and paid the cover.
“You’re set now. Enjoy!” The girl returned her attention to her phone as you walked toward the entrance to the club itself.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but this wasn’t quite it.
The inside of the club was dimly lit with blue lighting, and the only other patrons you could see were two women sitting close together. They looked up at you for a moment and then returned to their conversation.
The televisions mounted to the wall were showing low quality porn, an orgy set at a frat party. Since no one was around yet that piqued your interest, you chose to ignore the porn in favor of paying attention to your phone for the moment.
Hopefully, you hadn’t just wasted your Friday night.
You got distracted on your social media and were quite startled when someone tapped you on the shoulder.
“Hey, is this seat taken, love?” a smooth male British accent asked from beside you.
The accent was an immediate turn-on, not something you encountered often living an entire ocean away from England. 
You glanced up at him. The first thing you noticed was his pale blue eyes, striking even in the dim light. Although you couldn’t see him perfectly with the lights as low as they were, he was still definitely the hottest guy who had ever paid attention to you.
At that moment, you decided to go for it. You came to the sex club for a reason, after all.
“It’s not,” you told him with a smile.
“I’m Harrison,” he said.
“Nice to meet you, Harrison. You’re far away from home,” you commented.
“I travel a lot for work,” he explained.
You wanted to ask more about him, but you weren’t sure what was appropriate to ask a sex club patron, eventually blurting out, “so, what brings you here?”
“You mean what brings me to a sex club?” he asked with a chuckle, raising his eyebrows.
“Sorry, I’ve never been to one of these before, and I’m a little nervous,” you said, sheepishly.
“Honestly, I haven’t either,” he confessed. “This isn’t like meeting girls in a pub. I guess I’ll just outright ask. Would you like to go to one of the private rooms with me?”
“I can’t think of anything I’d like more,” you answered, so excited at the prospect of what was about to happen that you almost knocked over your chair as you got up.
He laughed softly to himself at your eagerness.
You followed him across the main floor into one of the private rooms, shutting the door behind you.
The room was small. There was a padded bed with no bedding and a small table containing a bowl with packets of lube and condoms in it, with a wastebasket on the floor next to it. A TV mounted on the wall was showing the same low quality porn from the main floor.
You stood in front of him silently, started to fidget.
“So, uh…” you trailed off awkwardly.
Harrison opened and closed his mouth, looking a bit lost. He leaned down to kiss you, but immediately pulled away. “Shit, one second.”
You were momentarily worried that he’d changed his mind, but you were relieved when you saw he just went to the wastebasket to spit his gum out.
“Sorry about that. I’m usually smoother than this,” he apologized.
“I’m not, if we’re being perfectly honest here,” you admitted.
He chuckled. “Now, where were we?”
“Right about here,” you responded, leaning up to kiss him as he leaned down.
You met his soft and warm lips with your own. The kiss was never really chaste, his tongue quick to dart out and slip between your already parted lips. He tasted slightly cinnamony as he brushed his tongue unhurriedly against yours.
He moaned quietly into your mouth when you stopped being a passive partner, your tongue making its way into his mouth. You traced his perfect teeth, then explored his mouth slowly and thoroughly.
You lost track of time, completely engrossed in the kiss, only returning to awareness when his hands slid down your mostly bare back to squeeze and massage your ass through the thin material of your tight dress. He tugged you completely flush against him.
One of his hands slipped up underneath the hem of your dress, finding its way in-between your thighs from behind.
He broke the kiss, breathing a bit heavily, eyebrows raised. “You’re not wearing panties, darling?”
You grinned. “Where are we right now?”
He smiled back. “Point taken.”
You spread your legs as much as you could in the confines of your dress, to give him more room to work with, but it wasn’t enough for your liking.
“Fuck it,” you mumbled, tugging the offending garment over your head.
He chuckled. “No bra either, I see. Not that I have a problem with that. Less in the way.”
His head dipped to take one of your nipples into his mouth, tongue swirling around it. His fingers now easily found their way between your folds, going for your clit immediately and rubbing slickly around the sensitive nub.
“Oh my god.” Your knees started to buckle, but he fortunately stabilized you with his arm from behind.
“Christ, you’re wet,” he mumbled against the skin of your breast, two long fingers pressing into you while his thumb took over on your clit.
“Talk to me?” you requested breathily.
“Like dirty talk?” he clarified.
“Yeah,” you responded, nodding.
“Love how wet you are for me. Tight, too. Gonna have to loosen you up some first before I can get my cock into you, though.” A third finger pushed in, next to the other two, scissoring slightly as he continued to pump them in and out of you and rub your clit. “Your pussy will feel so fucking amazing around my cock, I can’t wait. I promise I’ll fill you up better than anyone else ever has.”
The combination of what he was doing with his hand and the dirty talk in his delicious accent had you close. “Want to cum, please, Harrison.”
“Well, since you asked me so nicely.” His thumb worked your clit faster, and he fingered you a bit rougher, aiming more directly for your g-spot.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” you moaned as your climax hit you harder than a brick wall, burying your fingers in the fabric of Harrison’s shirt while the sparks of pleasure coursed through you.
As you came down from your high, his motions gentled, until he finally stopped. He let you slump against him bonelessly.
He lifted you like a limp ragdoll and carried you over to the bed, gently depositing you on it, before he stepped back to strip off his own clothes.
“Hey, what if I wanted to undress you?” you complained, watching as he kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt.
“You’re in no state to do that right now, and I’ve been dressed plenty long enough. I’m in town for another four weeks anyway, if you’re interested in a repeat performance,” he offered.
“We’ll see. You might have a disappointing dick,” you teased.
“I seriously doubt it, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.” He undid his pants and shucked them and his boxers at the same time.
You looked him over, from head to toe. He was leanly muscled, with endless planes of smooth skin waiting to be touched. It left you eager to get your hands on him. You saved what you hoped to be the best for last, and you definitely weren’t disappointed.
His cock rested against his stomach, looking achingly hard, precum glistening at the tip. It wasn’t huge by any stretch, but it would be more than enough to fill you up. Maybe not the most you’d ever been filled up, or enough to ruin you for other men for the rest of your life, but you knew you were going to leave the club a very satisfied woman.
“Like what you see?” he eventually asked.
“I do,” you replied, simply. “You should come over here now.”
He smiled. “It would be my pleasure.”
You watched as he made a quick stop at the bowl of condoms and lube.
He grabbed a condom of the bowl, fumbling a bit because of how quickly he tried to remove it from the wrapper and roll it down his length. It was obvious that he was just as desperate for you as you were for him.
You spread your legs and waited impatiently for him to join you on the bed.
“Look so pretty like this,” he commented, hands brushing lightly against your knees as he slotted himself between your thighs.
“Thank you. If you want me to move some other way, I can. I mean I’m not sure what your favorite position is,” you said. “I’m happy with whatever you want.”
“This is perfect. Missionary is sort of underrated in my opinion,” he told you, lining himself up and pushing into you in one long thrust. After he was all the way in, he lowered himself on top of you and pressed a brief kiss to your lips. “Need me to stay still for a minute?”
“Thank you for offering, but I think I’m good,” you replied. “I really want you to move right now.”
“Your wish is my command.” He rocked his hips against yours slowly, increasing the length and speed of his thrusts gradually, until he was finally fucking you at a just about perfect pace and depth.
You rolled your hips back into his thrusts until you found a rhythm you both liked, wrapping your legs around him and pulling him tighter against you.
His mouth met yours in wet and sloppy kisses, sometimes barely more than moaning and breathing heavily into each other’s mouths.
You snaked a hand between your bodies to get yourself off again before he came, but he pushed it aside.
“Let me,” he breathed. His hand replaced yours, fingers collecting some of your wetness near your entrance. Then, he started rubbing slick circles around your clit.
“Getting close,” you told him as your second orgasm of the night approached. It came much quicker than you’d anticipated, and even harder than the first one.
Your body clenched and pulsed around his cock, milking him, and bringing him over the edge with you.
He came with a loud groan, thrusts growing rougher and more erratic as he spilled into the condom. When his climax finally ebbed, he collapsed on top of you.
A comfortable silence stretched between you as you both recovered, heart rates gradually slowing and breathing evening out.
“How do you feel about pancakes?” he eventually asked.
“Um, they’re fine, I guess?” you responded, confused. “What do pancakes have to do with anything?”
“That was me asking you if you want to join me at IHOP. I’m hungry, and I saw one around the corner. They’re open 24 hours,” he explained.
You laughed. “Sure, why not? Going to IHOP in the middle of the night with a guy I met at a sex club wearing a skimpy dress with nothing on underneath it probably wouldn’t be the craziest thing I’ve ever done.”
He smiled at you. “Sounds like you’ve got stories to tell me, pretty girl.”
“Sounds like I do,” you agreed, smiling back.
12 notes · View notes
piracytheorist · 5 years
My Notes on Rewatching “Call Girl”
I amuse myself by thinking that watching this film is an important rite of passage for anyone who’s an all-in Colin fan, as in, one who’ll watch anything and everything he’s in, no matter the content, theme or quality.
I actually used to think that this was a pretty bad movie... but, as you might have seen from my last few posts, I recently realized this isn’t the case. Sure, it is not your average short film, but breaking it down you realize it’s doing most things right from a filmmaking point. I mean, you don’t have to love it, but it does a great job overall.
And I mean, it’s got Colin in it. How bad can it be? ;)
Beware of spoilers, if you haven’t seen the film. And if you do wanna see it, here it is :D
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I'm still surprised that... this is it. That's Colin freaking O'Donoghue right there. The pirate. The cowboy. The astronaut. The man the myth the legend.
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Ah, early 00's.
Wait. Ok let's make a breakdown of the decoration here. There's: 1) a heart anatomy poster 2) a frame with an undiscernible picture 3) IS THAT AN ASTRONAUT FIGURE? dun_dun_dun.mp3 4) a small penguin (?) plushie with a nautical (?) hat on it 5) are those... mantis figurines stuck on the sides of the screen????
Oooooh boy you sure have some very specific decorations on your desk.
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The music stops abruptly when Brendan's mother calls out to him to not close the door because she wants to see him studying. That's interesting. Also how old is Brennan supposed to be? Is he supposed to be in high school, or an adult in college? What was the age of consent in Ireland in 2003?
This vibe, though. White perfect shirt and dark vest...
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The look of "I'm gonna look at hot girls with my bedroom's door open while my parents argue across the hall" ALSO YES THAT'S A MANTIS
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This just makes me laugh so much. Can you imagine sweet innocent (mostly) virgin Brendan typing it and his heartbeat skyrocketing?
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Seriously though, that "Welcome back Brendan" thing. With one small addition you add a whole point in his backstory about him trying to deal with his urges.
Jesus I have forgotten so much. As soon as Brendan hears his mother coming, he immediately clicks "Dump her" on the "Virtual Babe" and it just... explodes. 
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With a full low-quality boom sound effect to boot. Like seriously if you were trying to hide why the f have your speakers on. You had one job, Brendan.
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A rare glimpse into Brendan's room, and I'm trying to understand what the pattern on his sheets are. Maybe I'm just confused by the astronaut figurine, but it looks... vaguely... about space? Like, if you squint, the circular thing on the top left looks like Saturn's rings. No?
Also, Brendan's mom being obsessed with disinfection. That was 2003.
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"I don't want filth getting into my house while I'm gone." And two hours later, her son has sex on her bed.
Oh wait, his father says "The only contact [Brendan] has with the outside world is through that bloody computer of his," in a... weird, tone? Like he's trying to placate the mother's fears of any rave party suddenly taking place in the house, but also with his tone (and maybe by using the word "bloody"? idk I'm no native speaker but it piques my interest) it doesn't seem like he's very... understanding and/or supportive of his probably very shy and/or socially awkward son.
Mom: That reminds me, block off the internet, will you? Dad: *scoffs* Why not lock him in a tower while you're at it?
He is sassy though!
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Lookit him though! So sad he won't be able to create and look at Virtual BabesTM while his parents are gone.
The parent's accents strike me more towards a British one and I got confused for a bit, but then I remembered that we see Brendan use euros later, lol.
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*hatching the plan to search in his father's briefcase for any cards for escort services*
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This is where I started feeling that this movie is better than I’d remembered. Like, it does the job of delivering Brendan's guilt over "tresspassing" into his parents room and disobeying his mother, as well as his fear of being discovered, even though he watched his parents drive away, so he'd hear the car if they came back, in a pretty well-done and clear way.
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I love how he immediately knows exactly where to look. His father's such an organized fella. Also those pills that he seems to not need immediately (thus leaving them behind for the weekend) are... something. They're put there for a reason and I wonder what that could have been.
There's not even a moment of hesitation, once he opens the briefcase. He doesn't put the card back in, he only looks briefly at his parents' photo but then he's like "Yeah. I'm doing it."
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That smile as he sees the card though, lol. 
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Casual reminder to have safe sex, lads.
And then the phone operator is like, full business mode. Brendan stutters for one (1) second and she's immediately like, "You want a girl?" She's like, I've had tons of people like you, lad, can't waste my time waiting until you find the courage to ask. You wanna hire or not?
OH MY GOD I JUST REALIZED The operator asks for the address, Brendan gives it, then asks how much does it cost. Then the operator says "Same as usual." BRUH she knew the address from how often his father used the service!
And then poor Brendan checks his savings and his "Uh..." says it all about how he wishes he could hire someone for longer than an hour. Bro, calm down. It's your first time.
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And then he's like, waiting all anxiously by the door. I've never hired an escort service but I feel ya dude.
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And of course Barbara the nosy neighbor, here to bring us to the edge of our seats, lol.
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Look at how organized their fridge is. Why is that chick suddenly so eager to cook something for him? There looks to be so much food already prepared in there.
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And dude. This movie has set-ups. Barbara tries to open a cupboard to like pick up ingredients to cook something, and Brendan, with a sudden "No!" rushes in and closes it. It only makes sense later, when we see that that's where he hid the money for the call girl.
Yikes she booped his nose as she left... what is he, ten? I mean even if he's supposed to be a teen here it's still... like... he's not a little boy to fucking boop his nose. No wonder her mother seems to trust her with taking care of him, with how both treat him like he's a child.
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Hi there! You're gonna die :D
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Shit I just noticed the portrait on the wall. Is that a... is that a fucking ruff collar his mother is wearing???? (btw I had to search to find that term with "shakespeare collar" XD)
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I mean... you can't help falling for it. At first you're like, she seems too... simple for a call girl. But then you're like, who else could it be who also knows his name?
I wonder what would've happened if she hadn't asked to use the bathroom, which prompted her to look at his parents' bedroom and him to... initiate contact. Would he have mustered the courage to actually ask her about it or would he have been so flustered until she'd say something? What would she say? "You know, your mother said you would [something]" and he would FREAK THE FUCK OUT because how does his mother know? Would they have stayed there in awkward silence long enough for his mother to call, him to pick up and find out what she was really there for?
I mean, look at that! I'm speculacting the "what-ifs"! Good fucking movie!
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That look, though. You suddenly go from "Aw you cute" to "WTF I know you're thirsty for it but that's... creepy"
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Look at that smile, though! She is pretty nosy!
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I just... I love everything about this. The way she's smiling at nosing in in her boss' bedroom. Him creeping behind her like the future killer that he is, actually scaring her. The way he says "This is my mother's room," so shy and collected. The fucking music, too. How it slowly builds up from the moment she spots the bedroom and it starts developing when Brendan kisses her.
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And that kiss. So chaste and shy and yet she's like, wow yeah let's have sex now.
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"You're not as shy as you look." LOL
For the pre-sex scene I just wanna link y'all to @killian-whump 's post about it, since it says it all.
Also dude the voicemail is set up from that moment too, but we've yet to hear what it includes, aside from his mother being bossy about the smallest things. "I hope you haven't gone back to bed." IF ONLY YOU KNEW. Not only what bed he's gone to, but also what he's doing on said bed.
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"You don't waste much time, do you?" Lol if only you knew. And again his first response is to apologize if he did anything wrong.
And you know what? Plot twists are a hell of a lot of fun and well made when they make you go back and see things with the new perspective. Like, how chill and simple she was, why she said the last line I mentioned, the newly-known reasons why she said it was kinky to have sex in his mother's bedroom... *slams hand on table* That's a great way to do a plot twist! A fucking plus!
Like seriously, this convo: B: Have you met my father? M: No, but a lot of the other girls have though.
Pre-plot twist viewer: Wow whAT how do you say it like that Post-plot twist viewer: Yeah makes sense
M: I think he gets sympathy from them, like, you know, cause his wife's such an old witch... *realizes* Oh, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that! *more failed excuses and then THAT face*
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And like, that's a bit inappropriate in any case but pre-plot twist you're like WTAF. And then you're like eh makes sense for frustrated employees to pity their bitchy boss' seemingly calm husband...
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And there's that set-up from before. Job well done, film.
And then their argument about the money. Brendan being confused about the amount, Mandy saying she'll come back and speak to his mother about it...
Seriously though what if he'd found out the voicemail after he'd had sex and before the "confrontation"? Would he like, have sent her on her merry way with all the money and then had more sex with the actual call girl?
And then his instinct, to try and make sure his mother won't find out, is to fucking threaten the woman with a knife. Wow, a little too much, Brendan. And then his first instinct, when they're fighting, is to search and grab the knife and fucking stab her. Lbr though that's just baby Colin finding his call for playing messed-up characters.
Also how did she die so quickly. Guess I found one weakness in the plot XD
And now you're like Jesus he just murdered her but when Barbara comes a-knocking and he looks at her and exasperatedly calls her name, you're like... same, bro.
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And the stupid bastard didn't even wash the blood off his arm. Like seriously, Brendan, either do a murder correctly or don't do it at all. At least you can't say he wasn't dedicated, bro sliced his own arm open. *pats head* you'll learn, my little murderous bean, you'll learn.
Brendan: I was doing the dishes. Barbara: Did your parents leave them for you to do? They must have left in a rush this morning.
Yes, Barbara, he can do the dishes, he's in an undetermined age between late teens and-
Barbara: They didn't even make their bed.
Wtf you nosy bitch.
See what I'm saying? Full character development for a character with like, two minutes of screentime.
And then the voicemail drops like an anvil. My first thought when his mother said that Mandy is nothing but trouble I was like "Yo look who's talking" but then I thought that... yeah she did creep in her boss' bedroom, actually had sex with her son in it, then pretty much talked dirt to him about her... I mean she definitely didn't deserve to die, but maybe his mother was a good judge of character for one (1) moment.
And then Lorraine appears.
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And Brendan's like "Now I have money for like, three hours with her. Maybe I'll even convince her to help me hide the body too."
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In conlusion, yup, I’m pretty glad I spent a good hour and a bit watching, analyzing, writing this review and screencapping this film. 10/10 would rewatch and review again.
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saladejin · 6 years
Changing States | Jimin
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Jimin x Reader | non idolverse au, husband!Jimin |  Fluff, crack-ish, slight angst
Summary: You receive a much needed comfort after one of the worst days in history. Well... your history anyway. 
Warnings: Mention of a pregnancy loss.
Word Count: 3k 
* Request from my Ao3 series ‘Movie Night’.
Sometimes people liked to call it waking up on the wrong side of the bed. You preferred to label it as just a bad day, nothing to worry about usually, yet now you were rethinking everything.
Today, your entire bed seemed to be on the wrong side of the room.
You awoke to the sound of loud machinery and boisterous yelling filtering in from the window. Blinking the sleep away, you inwardly cursed for forgetting to get the uneven windowsill fixed up yet again. Now you would have to deal with the noise from the construction site next door without being able to complain about it because it was your scatterbrain that had left you to suffer in silence.
You let your eyes flutter shut and extended one arm towards the other half of the bed, desperate for the warm body that would usually be there but only meeting the cold, dreary bedsheets with your fingertips.
That’s right, he has to work extra early hours today.
You sat up slowly, letting your eyes trail over the hauntings of a crease he had left in the smooth fabric. You couldn’t help but roll over to rest your face into his plush pillow, trying to catch the last tendrils of his scent that was made up of a million different things. The things that made you feel secure and bolted to the ground, whether it be his aromatic shampoo or the light cologne he’d worn the previous day.
It hadn’t been the best morning so far, but you knew he would have made it perfect if he’d only been by your side. Being your source of motivation to get going, or something.
You got to your feet and padded into the bathroom to make yourself somewhat presentable. Your brows were still twitching from the obnoxious noise outside, and the fact that they’d brought in a big reversing truck had amped the annoyance level. Repetitive beeping was a big no for your sanity at the moment.
“Two more weeks,” you sighed and tried to angle your lips upwards into a smile, just for the sake of feeling brighter in mind and spirit.
Then, the smile vanished as a high pitched shriek tore from your throat. The big fat hairy spider sitting on your mirror didn’t move, but you did.
“What the fuck!” You growled, eyeing the creature and clenching at your heart over your shirt to stop it from racing. It was so big you were almost too afraid to try getting rid of it. Usually you could whip out the fly spray or get a cup and a sheet of paper to let it outside, but this one was giving you eyes.
You let the bathroom door click shut and let your head rest against the wood with an audible thump. It was still morning, but already you’d been through about twelve of your most detested emotions of all time.
I’ll let Jimin deal with it when he gets home.
You left the spider to its own devices and made your way into the kitchen for some food. Luckily for you, the milk had expired and your coffee machine had decided to overflow and ooze its weird concoction of water, caffeine and sugar straight onto your tiles. Tiles which had been freshly mopped not two days ago, mind you.
You reminded yourself to feel thrilled that it hadn’t been on the carpet instead.  
You could only sigh again and began moving your feet to get the cleaning stuff from the cupboard. The sound of the machine dripping occasionally followed you the entire way, and that, coupled with everything else that had gone down so far, landed you the biggest headache you could possibly imagine.
You weren’t hungover, but if things continued the way they were then it wouldn’t be long before you’d be setting yourself up for something similar. Your phone buzzed a while later and you perked up at the message from your best friend. She’d suddenly invited you out for lunch, but you didn’t know how to feel.
I’ve been kicked out of the bathroom and I haven’t had much to eat. I’ll look like trash and be grumpy as hell, but hey at least it’ll take my mind off everything for a while.
Newsflash, it hadn’t helped.
You watched in shock as your friend beamed at you from her seat in the café. Your coffee had been served unnaturally cold, and then when you’d sent it back they had returned with a completely wrong order altogether. You could barely keep your fragile sense of civility together for the nervous looking waiter, but whenever you felt yourself about to snap you just imagined Jimin’s heart-warming smile and the words he would always speak in moments of amounting stress.
“It’ll be alright baby, you’ll get through it.”
Now, the aforementioned shock was stemming from your friend and colleague. The friend and colleague who had just dropped a bombshell.
“We’ve decided to move interstate! There’s a lovely house on a river we saw and fell in love with,” She smiled excitedly.
“That’s amazing,” You breathed, genuinely feeling happy for her but trying your best to ignore the feelings of sorrow gripping at your heart.
“I’ll be sad to leave you guys and the company, but I’ll come down to visit as often as I can. You okay (Y/n) sweetie?”
You jerked as her hand found yours across the table.
“Yeah, sorry I’ve had a bit of a chaotic day. I’m so happy for you,” You smiled, grasping her hand and feeling relieved when she seemed to let the moment pass. You hated yourself for letting the negativity outweigh everything else, but you knew you would easily be feeling elated if had just been a better day.
“I’ll have to show you photos, maybe you two will be inspired to look for another place somewhere too,” She smiled tenderly, knowing you and Jimin had always wanted to venture out into the world to find the perfect spot. Work had overtaken many things so far in your married lives, but seeing your friend finally break free did make you feel hopeful for a change.
Feeling encouraged by your thoughtful and optimistic expression, your friend continued.
“Just a nice little place with a perfect temperature for like, everything! Wouldn’t it be great to even live close together? Our families and kids could share so many memories.”
Your smile dropped and your best friend suddenly let her voice die in her throat, realising she’d brought something up she shouldn’t have just yet. It was a little soon.
“Oh shit, (Y/n) I didn’t mean to.”
“No, it’s fine silly,” You laughed it off, still squeezing her hand to reassure her. Her worried gaze pierced into your own and you felt a tad uncomfortable from all the emotions in your brain running rampant all of a sudden.
“You look under the weather, let me pay your bill,” She offered softly, getting to her feet and prompting you to follow. You were so grateful she was so tuned to your mannerisms, she knew just when you needed a break from it all.
You said your goodbyes after apologising for your miserable appearance once again, finally getting into the car and heaving a massive sigh to rid yourself from the tension. You contemplated calling Jimin, but you knew that he was at work and would likely be busy with getting everything done. He was efficient like that.
“What a shitty person I am, couldn’t even be fucking happy for my friend,” You muttered in shaky annoyance as you started up the car, feeling like you wanted to scream all your anger away into the dashboard. Onlookers be damned, you didn’t care about being judged.
No, just buy some ice cream or something on the way home. You’ll have a better day tomorrow.
More of his words drifted through your memory.
“Keep it together, treat yourself. You deserve happiness.”
A sad smile tugged at your lips and you made it onto the road after promising yourself to feel better. If you hit a low point in your day you could only climb up from it. You told yourself to clear your mind and look forward to what time you had left.
To your chagrin, the positive outlook only lasted so long when you found yourself neck-deep in traffic; the sound of rumbling engines and an occasional beep of a horn being the only sounds greeting your ears for a solid ten minutes.
What the…
Your resolve cracked at the edges and began crumbling.
“Music will help,” Your teeth found your bottom lip as you reached for the radio station buttons, but unfortunately you were only met with white noise and the momentary sound of ads breaking through. You could almost feel the speed of the ice cream melting.
The world became blurry and your grip tightened on the wheel.
“I’m home, my love.”
Jimin’s slightly wearied voice echoed through the front hallway as he shuffled through the door, keys thrown onto the bench and coat draped over a nearby bar stool. He rolled his shoulders experimentally to feel how tensed they were, letting out a sigh at the muscles loosening from their strained position.
“(Y/n)? Jagi?” He used a few more names to try and get your attention, full lips pulling into a frown when he only heard muffled sobbing coming from the living room.
Oh no…
He walked into the room with purposeful strides, rolling up the sleeves of his button up as he went to help cool down. When he saw the flickering screen of the television, he noticed instantly that an attempted movie stream had failed due to a poor internet connection. He searched the couch hurriedly with concern flashing in his chocolate brown eyes, finally coming to rest on your form wrapped in a blanket huddled to one side. His heart broke when he watched your shoulders tremble with another barely contained wail.
“Shit, (Y/n) are you okay?” He inhaled sharply and jogged over to kneel in front of you, hands flying upwards to peel the blanket away from your face.
“God, I’ve wanted to hear your voice all day,” You sniffled, face red and puffy from tears. He didn’t know why you were crying, but the man embodied all the sensitive qualities of an empath. The sorry sight of you made his own emotions well up at an alarming rate.
“Hold on,” He cradled your face and stood up to gently smear the tears away from your cheeks, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead before rushing to the bedroom to get changed into something comfier.
“You definitely should have called me!” He groaned with a frown, hating that you were feeling so saddened but hadn’t been in contact to let him know.
You could only sigh. “You were working, I’d be too much of a bother.” You swayed on your feet as you waited for him out in the hallway leading to your room. You just wanted to be close to him now; wanting absolutely nothing more than his soothing words and body heat. He finally nudged open the door with his elbow, now dressed in tracksuit pants and a plain white t-shirt that was looser than anything else he owned.
“Come here baby,” He cooed and looked at you with softened eyes, reaching down to sweep you into his arms almost effortlessly. You wrapped your own arms around your husband tightly as he brought you back to the comfort of the couch, pressing his lips to your hair to remind you that he was home safe and sound.
“Tell me all about it.”
You sighed a rickety sigh, feeling even more tears swell from nowhere at the feeling of immense joy you now felt.
“Shit day, just all round shitness,” You murmured as you settled comfortably into his lap. His fingers swept some of your hair away and then moved to run through the tresses, making you smile and lean into the inviting pressure.
“Hmm, what was the first thing,” Jimin prompted, wanting you to let it all out to him while also being curious as to what had caused such emotional trauma. You revelled in the softness of his voice and moved your own hands to touch his face. He thought it was cute, but you believed the resulting smile he flashed your way was the most adorable thing to exist on this planet.
“The windowsill, for one,” You finally muttered, breaking off into a chuckle.
“Oh, whoops. I keep forgetting.” He clicked his tongue, a rumble of a growl sounding deep within his chest. You chuckled again and couldn’t help but nuzzle your face affectionately into his neck.
“It’s not your fault, I was gonna call up about it ages ago.”
His fingers continued to comb through your hair as he hummed for you to continue. Your tears had stopped altogether as you synced your breathing with his, feeling secured by the feeling of his rhythmic heartbeat underneath your moving hand.
“Met up with (F/n), but I looked like shit and felt like shit too. Oh yeah, coffee machine broke before that as well.”
“Wow, double whammy.”
You snorted and tried to push down your feelings of endearment to continue solemnly. “She’s moving away with her husband, interstate.”
Jimin let out a low noise of understanding. Finally, he could wrap his head around why the combination of all these small and big events would cause you to fall apart at the seams. Now that he thought about it, it had been so long since he’d even seen you cry. Maybe you’d been bottling it up for months now, and he just hadn’t noticed.
Work causing me to be ignorant, again! I really need to start focusing on what’s important...
Jimin pushed the thoughts away as you continued with the adoption of a heavier tone, the warmth of your tears falling onto his shoulder suddenly. He ran a hand over the top of your head to comfort you, his own eyes watering at your outward display of frustration.
“I couldn’t bring myself to feel happy, I mean I was but she’s one of my only friends at work and I know I’ll feel a little lost without her there. The house sounds really nice from what she said too.”
Jimin felt your form stiffen as you sobbed lightly.
“Then what?” He prompted with a soft whisper, holding you closer and rubbing your arm to help calm you down.
“She t-talked about kids and stuff, I’m so fucking stupid but I couldn’t help thinking of the miscarriage. She knew too, she…she had to stop herself from speaking just so I wouldn’t break down. Jimin, I’m such a horrible friend, I really am…”
Jimin felt his own sorrow creeping up on him as you brought up something that had deeply affected you both. You comforted one another as you stopped to brood for a few minutes, the silence being as consoling as anything while you focused on the sound of his breathing. He cleared his throat, urging away the crackle in it to lighten the atmosphere.
“It’s alright, the world is full of people you’ll meet and keep close to you. Think of all the opportunity out there instead of seeing the loss. We can visit, no?”
You cracked a smile at his much needed optimism.
“Of course. Of course we can, love.”
He kissed your head again and you reached up to smooth your now softened hair out of your face and peripherals. You looked up at him with an absolute storm of adoration clouding your gaze.
“How about we stay in tonight and just cuddle here on the couch. I’ll get the TV working too,” He murmured, bringing his hands to cup your cheeks lovingly and letting his eyes curve slightly from the accompanying smile. You ruffled his thick ashy locks briefly before shifting in his lap and capturing his lips with your own gently.
“I love you so much, it hurts sometimes,” You sighed after pulling away, but he jerked to follow your lips a second after. You hummed in amusement as you moved to straddle him, trying to pour all of your gratefulness and appreciation into the kiss.
You disconnected but rested your foreheads together to lock eyes, your face scrunching slightly when he tickled your nose with his own.
“I love you too, but you already knew that,” He rasped, planting another tiny peck to your lips and letting it linger.
You couldn’t stop running your thumbs across the expanse of his wide cheeks, your noses still inches apart and warm breaths tickling each other’s lips in small puffs. It was as if neither of you ever wanted to move.
“Yeah, kinda,” You giggled while giving his cheeks the lightest of pinches.
“Kinda? I’ll give you kinda…” Jimin growled playfully and rolled you over to the other side of the couch, standing up straight and flexing out his shoulders while you shrieked with laughter.
“I’m sorry, I know!”
He chuckled cutely and leaned over to tickle you some more before showering you with more kisses. You let your face relax as you took in his warm gaze. You felt a little calmer and more serious after the small bout of liveliness you’d had.
“Sorry, I didn’t really ask about your day. Now that I’m done I can give you a massage while you tell me.”
Jimin let out a big breath and fixed his roughened hair, looking down at you with vaguely tired eyes that were still filled with appreciation.
“Massage sounds amazing love, but I need the toilet.”
“Okay, maybe the ice cream is back to normal. Get it on your way back?” You called out after him.
“Sure thing.”
You smiled softly to yourself as you thought about how much he had managed to cheer you up with one conversation. You did feel kind of selfish for unloading all your troubles onto him without seeming to give a shit about his day in return, but you promised you would make up for it as soon as he came back. You would help him turn his day around, just like he’d done for you.
In fact, the ice cream reminded you of this very moment. When it came down to it, something like this could never be irreversible. Even if you were a sad, melted puddle of emotions from the moment you woke up, you’d since been restored to your former glory by your saviour husband, your personal freezer. He kept you together when you needed it the most.
A muffled shout from the bathroom caused you to slap a hand to your mouth to stop the cackles from escaping.
“That’s a big motherfucker.”
Copyright © 2020 by salade. All rights reserved.
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Best Part of me - S.S.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Anon: Hi sunshine <3 can you make Seb and "You're the best part of me" looooove your writing!
Promt: 232 - "You're the best Part of me"
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word count: 1,689
Warnings: Swearing
@Y/T/N: Your Twitter @-Name
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You've been pacing around the living room of your shared apartment for what felt like hours now, your feet already hurting from the hardwood floor, but you didn't care. Your throat was dry and aching, like someone wrapped a noose around it and pulled it just a little too tight. Your eyes were puffy from crying, your lip chapped and bleeding just the tiniest bit from you chewing on it so much.
Sebastian had left earlier to go to an movie event. You had decided to stay home, not really a fan of the press and crowds of people. And after all, you weren't a famous actor, like about 90% people who would attend this festival. He seemed a little disappointed to not spend the evening with you, but he didn't want to push you to do anything you weren't comfortable with. He never would, one of the many things why you loved him so much.
But now you were there alone, tight grip on your phone in your hand. It showed a Tweet, two pictures attached. They were a little low quality but it was obvious that it was Sebastian with another woman, and they were way too close for your liking. He had his hand on her lower back on both of them. In the first one, he leaned in to say something in her ear, a fond smile plastered her pretty face. In the second picture, he showed her something on his phone, grinning while she was smiling brightly. The Tweet itself said "What is this? Is Sebastian cheating on @Y/T/N?"
Your social media had been blowing up since the pictures leaked, tons of people wondering if you were still together, some defending Sebastian, some saying hateful stuff, like that he "finally found someone better". Ever since you started dating Sebastian about 3 years ago, you knew it wouldn't be easy to have a famous actor as your boyfriend. It brought a lot of difficulties, lots of fights, but you always got over it because in the end, you two loved each other.
But this was a whole new level. He has never cheated on you.
From Time to time you tried to lift yourself up, tried to think it was a big misunderstanding. That the women was just a close friend which he was happy to see. But everytime you looked at the pictures amd read through the comments, the ugly feeling in your stomach came back since you weren't the only one to be convinced that was more than friendly.
You already tried to call and text him a thousand times. He never answered, and it made you furious. Tons of thoughts what he could be doing in that moment were in your mind, causing a mass of emotions to storm inside you. You were jealous, mad, sad, broken, everything. Even taking breaths was hard, your lungs aching from the constant try to not start breaking down again. It was already 2am, he had left 7 hours ago and still wasn't home.
You fell back onto the couch, letting out a heavy sigh as seemingly every muscle in your body ached. You wanted to curl yourself into a ball and just stay like that forever.
Sebastian knew he was late when he finally left the party. He was tired as shit as he almost fell in the Cab, sinking back into the soft beackseat while he told the driver his address. During the drive he kept looking out the window, a pleased smile on his face. He couldn't wait to be home. You were probably asleep, he thought, so he could just change out of his uncomfortable suit and snuggle up in the bed next to you. His phone died a couple hours ago, and he felt a little disappointed that he couldn't read your typical goodnight text you send whenever he was out late without you. The smile on his face grew at the thought of it. In his eyes, you were the most adorable thing ever.
As Sebastian arrived at your apartment, he thanked and payed the driver before stepping inside. He tried to be as silent as possible as he pushed the key into the lock and turned it. His brows furrowed in confusion when he pushed the door open, the soft light from the living room unusual. "Y/N? Are you still up?" He asked carefully while kicking off his shoes. Maybe you've fallen asleep on the couch. Wouldn't be the first time.
But when he approached the living room, only to find you slumbed over the couch, your eyes puffy and a broken look on your face at his presence, he could almost hear his heart break. He quickly rushed to your side, confused as you jerked away from him. "Darling, what's wrong?"
You felt the tears form once again in your eyes as your chin quivered. "Don't call me that." You croaked, your voice breaking while you tried to avoid his gaze. Sebastian stared at you, even more confused as he just found out that he was the reason for your current state. And he had no idea why. "Come on, talk to me. What's going on?" Wordlessly, you handed him your phone, the tweet with the pictures of him and the women still open. When Sebastian recognized the two people the pictures showed, all colour drained from his face. Realizing you probably believed what the tweet said he turned to you, panicking slightly. "Darling, I swear it's not what it looks like." You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes which were still filled with tears. Your arms were crossed infront of your chest, your body facing away from him, your eyes fixated on your lap while you tried to fight the tears that wanted to escape.
"You have to believe me! I know how this looks but i can explain- I could explain, but-" "But what?!" You snapped, your gaze meeting his. He gulped hard at your now angry state. "I-I can't tell you, I-" "Are you fucking serious, Sebastian?!" You were completely enraged now. Why wouldn't he tell you the reason he wouldn't be cheating on you? Maybe because there wasn't one?
"Either, you give me a goddamn reason why I shouldn't believe you were cheating on me, or you can walk right back out and not come back. Your choice." Your voice was serious, the harsh tone making Sebastian flinch. His jaw clenched, he didn't know what he should do. He hated to say it, but he had to. He didn't want you to force him to leave. "That girl, she's a friend, I promise. I needed her help with something, that's why I showed her something on my phone." You searched for any kind of sign in his features that he was lying. You normally could see right through him, but all you currently saw was worry. So you continued. "Help with what?" He gulped again, his eyes silently pleading you to not ask. But you didn't care. "Tell me or leave. It's easy as that."
Sebastian let out a heavy sigh, his eyes closing. "I didn't want it to go like this, but alright." His eyes opened again, his gace finding yours as he smiled weakly. "I love you, more than anything." You scoffed lightly, which he chose to ignore. "I wanted to get you something. I had two different possibilities, and I asked her which one she thinks is better." Your eyes furrowed in confusion. He took a deep breath, his pleading gaze once again on you. "Do I have to continue?" You just nodded, leaving him to sigh again, his eyes closing. "They were rings." Your eyes widened at his statement, your jaw slack. "I wanted to make this more romantic but well, here we go."
You couldn't proceed what was going on when he stood up, only to get down on one knee infront of you. He gently took your hand in his, a soft smile on his face as tears once again formed in your eyes. "I would never cheat on you, Y/N. I still can't believe you love me for the mess I am. You're the best Part of me. And I want you to stay with me, forever." You were full on weeping right now as a couple of tears even gathered in Sebastians eyes. "I know I don't have a proper ring right now, but I'm still asking you." He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves even though his hands were shaking. "Y/N Y/L/N, Will you marry me?" A shiver ran through you as the words fell from his lips. You were speechless, unable to form words as he just stared at you, waiting for an answer. When you felt his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand, you slowly came back to reality. Smiling brightly, you nodded. "Yes. Yes I want to." A relived sigh left Sebastians lips, a grin forming before he stood up, pulling you with him to hug you tightly. You were both crying by now, this time out of pure joy.
You had no idea for how long you just stood like this, arms around each other, crying into the other's shoulder. Sebastian pulled back after a while, smiling down at you with the brightest smile you've ever seen. His hand went to your face, his thumb carefully wiping a couple tears away. "I love you." He whispered, pure honesty im his voice. You smiled up at him. "I love you too. And I'm sorry." He instantly shook his head. "Don't be. If I would've seen a guy that close to you, I probably would've gotten into a car to beat the shit out of him." You both chuckled at that. As his gaze found yours again, he slowly leaned down, covering your lips with his. The kiss was slow and filled with nothing but love, causing butterflies to errupt in your stomach. Sebastian was the love of your life, and you were the lucky one to get to marry him.
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Imagine: Dean gets upset when you try to ditch the boys when a demon is coming after you in order to protect them.
Warnings: angst, fluff (i think), mentions of blood AN: Angel requested “No Pairing other than partner/friend/family–Angst!”, i hope I’ve delivered. You can read this however you like in terms of pairing. Also, this is unbeta’d and whipped up in under 30mins, apologies for the quality.
“Dean, I’m sorry.” I tried again. It had been a week of apologizing non stop and Dean still hadn’t said a word to me since the demon’s death. “Please, Dean, just…” I sighed, sliding down the door, pulling my knees into my chest, “Just talk to me.”
“YN’s gone.” Sam called, finding the note she’d left on her bed. “What?” Dean barked, rounding the corner and ripping the note from Sam’s hand. I’m sorry boys, but this one’s after me and I won’t have anything happen to either of you because of me. I’ll see you round, please don’t try find me, or hunt him down, or stop me… This one’s on me. I’ll fix it. “She’ll come back, Dean.” Sam muttered upon seeing his brother’s eyes begin to shine. “We can trace her phone, summon Crowley and find this demon.” Dean growled, scrunching the paper in his hand and throwing it onto the bed, turning and storming toward the door. “Sorry boys, can’t help with this one.” The familiar rasp sounded. Dean stopped short of the door and the King of Hell. “You saying you can’t control your demons?” Dean snapped, his shoulders squaring off, nostrils flaring, growing an inch and towering over Crowley. The demon just shrugged and raised an eyebrow. “This one’s rogue, has a vendetta against our Y/N. Trust me, I want him dead just as bad as you.” Crowley explained with a flick of his hand. “You-” Dean was bristling, luckily Sam quickly stepped forward, catching Dean’s shoulder. “You’ve found wayward demons in the past, Crowley, find this one.” Sam warned, the King of Hell disappeared and the boys hurried to the library.
“Boys?” She answered, panting and yet she sounded weary. “YN, what the hell were you thinking?” Dean demanded, Sam held the phone between them as Dean roared the Impala well over the speed limit. “Where are you?” Sam asked, Crowley had informed them of which city but not the specifics, insisting he didn’t know anything further. “The only motel in Lubbock, Texas.” She answered, ignoring Dean’s question. “We’ll be there in an hour.” Sam said, they waited for her to say something, the line, quiet for what seemed hours. “I’m sorry.” She breathed before hanging up. “What the hell happened?” Dean’s voice was deep and gravelly, his terror and anger roaring out of him in one sentence. Sam gave YN a said look, he’d been on the end of this line of questioning before, hell both boys had done exactly what she had, and yet they still couldn’t see the sense in it. “I … I thought I was doing what was best for you both. I thought I was protecting you.” Her eyes flickered up from the floor to Dean and then back down. Dean shook his head and snorted, stomping out of the room. “He’ll come around.” Sam assured, but he wasn’t certain. He hadn’t seen Dean this upset in years. Sam watched as YN went back to pulling the scour over the blood stained, floor boards. Dipping her hand into the bucket of soapy, red, water and sloshing it back to the ground, scrubbing hard. The boys had arrived as Crowley was leaving with the unobedient demon, both demon and YN had been bloodied and bruised, cut and grazed, but both alive, just.
I almost fell backwards as the door flung open from behind me. I caught myself and planted my feet under me, swiveling and standing in one. “Dean, please, hear me out?” I begged as the willful Winchester stepped around me and headed down the corridor, turning his back on me, not noticing the tears beginning to form in my eyes, again. “Dean!” I yelled. He paused, his head hung low as if he was tired of this, so was I and that’s probably why I said what I did, “You’ve left before, claiming it was better for Sam, better for Cass, for Mary, for Lisa, for anyone… but it was actually best for you.” I didn’t mean for my tone to be accusing, but it was, nor did I mean to continue, but I did, “You’ve left everyone behind at some point because it was too dangerous, or their lives were at threat, or they would be a burden… Dean I truly believed the Demon would kill me then turn on you and Sam. I was prepared to do a deal to save your lives. But when he came, I couldn’t do it…” I panted, I hadn’t realized I’d worked myself into a frenzy of emotions till now, but that’s the worst part of verbal diarrhea, you don’t choose when it stops, “I wanted to fight, I wanted to come back to you and Sam, I wanted to live. I chose you, Dean.” I spat, he was stock still, as if time had frozen around me and I was left to live out my days with statues. I watched him for a minute, his steady breath in the rise and fall of his shoulders was all that told me time was moving. He didn’t make a move, not one. I closed my eyes, letting the tears drip and slide down my cheeks, I sighed and opened my eyes, turning to leave. I wouldn’t leave the bunker again, that much was clear, I wouldn’t leave Dean, or Sam. I lived for those boys, that much was clear. But it was breaking my heart to watch Dean resent me and my actions, when all I was doing was something he’d taught me. “YN.” His voice was soft but it tore through my thoughts, it was my turn to freeze. There was silence, I turned to see if he’d actually spoken or it was my mind giving me what I needed most. Dean was facing me, his eyes focused on mine, boring through my skull and into my very soul. “I thought I’d lost you.” His voice cracked and he struggled to swallow. He cleared his throat and tried again, taking a tentative step in my direction. “I may have done all those things…” Dean took another step, “but,” another step, “I know better now. We work together. The three of us.” Dean looked down to take the last step, the step that would bring us within arms reach of each other, he looked back up, “Because you’re family.” There was a calm that passed in the air between us, an understanding. It was still and silent for minutes before either of us moved. I reached for him as he did for me, pulling each other into our arms, clutching at skin and molding together. This was home, right here, Dean’s arms, his strength was mine, his words and feelings and thoughts... It all fell into place. I pulled my head back from where it was tucked, under his chin, against his neck, and looked into his eyes. “Family.”
@thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @purgatoan
@jensen-jarpad @munlis @fandom-queen-of-the-world @fandoms-are-the-best-escape @wheresthekillswitch @iwriteaboutdean @sherloki-moriartea @lucis-unicorn
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