#i found this in my drafts and i'm. dying terribly
datastate · 5 months
i can't remember if i've mentioned this here, but i've been having. thoughts abt how mr. chidouin's the one who killed qingyuè / kai's mother. maybe it's sort of an honor, in a twisted sense, that it's the godfather that's the one who puts the final nail in the coffin -- but it hardly matters. the death's covered up, dismissed, as all others have been. and that is that.
there is nothing for gashu to return to. their child is the next bargaining chip to keep him locked here under threat without needing to explicitly disclose they killed that 'chinese traitor' and could just as easily kill one with her blood...
but then - what it means later on... dredged up because mr. chidouin's always been curious, hasn't he: he wonders what kai remembers, he wonders how kai languishes, if he does at all. he wonders how much mandarin means to kai, or if he even knows he's chinese. he wants to learn about kai as his friend, but also as the killer. it's that morbid taste of it, of wanting to know what exactly he took away - or if it's he who made kai strong.
because he's proud of who kai's become, he is, as inconvenient as it may be for their assassin to end up unable and unwilling to kill anyone... that doesn't mean se's not strong. & it's just fascinating seeing that play out, seeing how kai clings to the chidouins now and directs his strength into something protective, only accepting destruction when absolutely necessary -- which, with them, provides just enough leverage to justify it. it makes mr. chidouin feel special, seeing someone as strong as kai kneel to love (a love he'd been deprived of; one only chidouin could return... still the murderer, he lifts it from qingyuè's body)
but... kai only kneels because this love isn't fake.
once gashu was convinced to let kai go, to no longer endure the dread of watching his son's tragedy unfold, mr. chidouin instead became his caretaker and embraces that proudly.
so when mr. chidouin dares to ask kai, he's forced to confront the discomfort in his own heart that he'd tucked away and refused to linger on. killing's part of the business, there's no room for regret and you won't make it far if you do, but... hearing the long unheard grief from kai's mouth. something hidden from the only person who could possibly empathize with him, and instead given to the murderer... this desperation to know who he is. it should be perfect, the perfect moment to plant that thought: you're mine. isn't that all that matters? - but it only makes kai retract. & it makes mr. chidouin's heart ache with forgotten remorse.
his mistake is forgetting the value kai weighs each life with. mr. chidouin is unable to envision a world in which that inherent value may tip the scales unfavorably for someone who discards them as pieces. oh, yes, he does acknowledge each life as important - but certain sacrifices must be made.
& yet... while he believes kai's still so naive in this way, he can't find it in himself to blame him.
mr. chidouin was freshly 20 when he pulled the trigger on qingyuè, and he then moved on to meet atsuko & sara as mrs. hiyori dealt with what remained of gashu. he was never forced to deal with the ugly end of death... but kai was exposed too early and thus detached himself. once mr. chidouin - again at fault - wears that wall down... kai realizes he has nothing to grieve, though witness to mr. chidouin's own family, the curiosity aches again to know what only his father knows. (what only mr. chidouin knows.) this desire to mourn and understand who exactly he's grieving never knowing, before he fully accepts the chidouin's as his own with nothing else to linger upon.
it takes patience - but mr. chidouin instead told him: keeping her memory is pointless. (it was nothing but a painful exercise in guilt, that's all he remembers her as before he saw reality as it was. he's saving him. he loves him).
...and when kai's eyes flicker with anger, he truly looks like his mother.
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doobs · 10 months
Your wish is my command.
Btw, these are just Tumblr quotes I found on Pinterest. I don't claim these. Y'all know the drill.
(some are changed though for in-character-ness and quality of life stuff)
Parker: Why don't you shut your mouth and look at the Wikipedia page for sucking dick?
Ash: Okay, give me a minute.
Ash: Hey, it says I have to open my mouth for this one.
Kane: So doctor, am I dying?
Ash: We're all dying, Kane. Just at different speeds.
Kane: But... what about me?
Ash: Consider yourself the Usain Bolt of dying.
Ash, in his head: lmao
credit: Jesse's Blackwatch Survival Guide, on Webtoon (Overwatch)
Xenomorph: Nice ass, sorry about the mental illness.
Ripley: Thank you king.
(I'm terribly sorry I couldn't resist, I know it is out of character)
Ripley: You should be addicted to shutting the hell up.
Parker: You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.
Parker: You the only dude I know who enjoys milk as a refreshment.
Kane: Yeah, and so?
Parker: You an interesting critter bro.
Ash: Gently shakes the vending machine, attempts to see what's wrong with it.
Brett: Stares at it, kicks it, promptly forgets about it and walks away.
Dallas: Shakes it a bit, before calling out to Parker or Brett to see if they can fix it.
Kane: Is rather upset by the vending machine not working, and sticks his arm in to try and reach what he bought. He does not get it. #justiceforkane
Lambert: Stares at it, hands on hips. Kicks it. Shakes it. Sticks her arm in and her arm gets stuck. Poor Lambert. #justiceforlambert
Parker: Swears at the vending machine. Gets pissed off. Uses violence. I feel bad for the vending machine.
Ripley: Sighs. Sticks her arm in, but that didn't work. She tries shaking it a bit, before giving up. Calls out to Dallas to see if he can help her.
I hope you enjoyed!
Feel free to ask me for other stuff. I think there is one ask I still have a draft on so I apologise for not finishing that, I'm very forgetful. <3
Note: the vending machine is okay. he's doing well, and safe from Parker
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graspingremlinhands · 6 months
So @milk-powrit asked me to draft why I didn't like GxK, to which I decide to oblige.
DISCLAIMER: Those are my personal opinions; of a fan of Monsterverse since 2014 and a nobody with any competence in analyzing media, save some common sense and maybe rudimentals??
Also I already hugely disliked Godzilla vs Kong so my discontent had a part in how I enjoyed the movie.
To conclude English is not my first langauge and even in my langauge, debate is not one of my strenght.
Spoilers alert; so skip or I kindly suggest to block the tag: Godzilla x Kong spoiler.
Let's start with the first thing: I don't enjoy how the tone of the movie shifted so drastically from Kotm to GvsK.
In this post, a youtube user explained better than me why the shifting tone felt like a downgrade. If in Godzilla (2014) Godzilla was introduced by hearing his foot stomping on the ground. It was heavy, massive, it reverbered on the glass of the airport. It felt natural, realistic. How a creature that BIG would move in the real world.
As the user said Realistic =/= Seriousness. Godzilla can be goofy. But Monsterverse!Goji was estabilished in a setting, that was the real world.
In both GvsK and in GxK Godzilla does not feels natural. Was necessary for Godzilla to evolve, to be more nimble, when already in GvsK was already moving in a way unnatural?
Or pulling the 0 gravity fight? What purpose had the evolution, if in the end it was not even necessary. Had really improved his fighting skills? They were the same, on earth and in the hollow earth.
2 reason: I've seen around posts about how media litteracy has gone bad; in some ways about people can no longer sospend their belief and calls anything a plot-hole.
But I think that one thing is suspending the belief but another is the director of the movie making the plot moving from point A to point B without telling the audience how.
For example: Suspension of belief: They had the Beast Glove ready to use, because Monarch was already working on it ✅
But why Jia is the chosen one of the day? How the Iwi in hollow earth knew of Skull island? How the shard to control Shimo works? Why Godzilla would respond to the distress call of the people who fought against him? Why Mothra has a connection to the iwi, in particular. Since in Kong: skull island there's no reference to her? How Jia flew back on Earth with Mothra, without dying for the gravitational pull?.
Not everything has to be the viewer's guess that's what I'm saying.
3 point: Shimo and Skar King are as much wasted potential as it was MechaGodzilla was in GvsK.
Skar is menacing yes, has the ability and dexterity of a formidable foe. He's vile and disgusting, oppressing his clan (let's call it that) and he's even an abusive father. All of these things: but as a villain he's really that dangerous?
He was introduced as this terrible tyrant, a danger to the world. And he wasn't even trying to go on Earth; he went up by accident basically. Because the Iwi had to play with gravity. Or should I believe him, forcing his subordinate moving rocks was to build a staircase to the upside?
And Shimo, sweet girl. She looks so horrible. Her white scales don't blend in for anything. Like she was photoshopped last minute. Her powers do damage I see. But her being presented as one or The first Titan do actually mean something to the plot, to the character? Or a simple red-herring to made her more interesting than she actually is?
Because at the end of the day SHE IS A PET!!
"Oh Kong now has found a mate, so cute". My brothers on earth, she goes on four, is used as a mount the all time and she kept panting the whole time. That's a pet, the old dog you have to force inside when it snows.
It was pretty disappointing.
Last but not least the reason I personally dislike Wingard take on the Monsterverse, which is the point you could probably throw away all my arguments, compelling or not because it's really a ME issue, who don't think no one'd agree and I don't blame anybody for it.
I don't hold nothing over him for having Kong as his favorite. That's personal taste, I respect it.
But when it comes to at the expense of the other protagonist, it rubs me so in the wrong way.
On this point I don't know if I want to discuss it further, but boy I do have to complain on this topic.
To summarize I'm mad Godzilla doesn't get to have the same introspection and grace is allowed to Kong, knowing he can to (if you read the Dominion comic. But since they are only distributed in the US not many does. OR should care about it. Cause I'm first a supporter of the idea that if a media is not capable to give all the informations in like the Movie, you the audience should not have to pay for more. So basically the Novelitation are cool but also a scam)
That's all I had to say about it.
Hoping any of this uphere is comprehensible. If in the end I only sound like a rambling idiot I accept it. This movie is too stupid to be too mad about it.
I'll just ignore it
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avianreptiles · 4 months
I do not know much about your ocs!! Can I get a rundown on em?
Absolute quickest rundown I can do like Absolutely ever (its still long, but any shorter, I'd be leaving out wayyyy too many details):
Tw some death and suicide
Us falls apart and shatters into mannnyyyy countries, two of which being The United States of Albany and the Republic of Massachusetts. These two hate eachother. So much so that Albany declared war on Massachusetts not once but twice. Cue some jackass named Kendrick who lived in Albany. His mom died in a car crash when he was 12 in a very gruesome way, but he and his father had a good ish relationship until he got to the 2nd half of his first year at college where he plummeted academically and never recovered. He dropped out of college, took up drinking and smoking pot, and ended up getting a beer bottle shattered over his head when he attacked his father (going really fast through this, but so much happens here that I'm still not even through it on the lore doc). Same night as beer bottle incident, he found out he got drafted to the military.
Fun. Anyways the military sucked the life out of him, so much so that he was never 100% himself even after getting out of the military. During his time in the military he racked up a name for himself (negative) and ended up being known as one of the most dangerous men in New England. Fun. Anyways he eventually figured out that maybbeee the war was bad and got damn near almost killed (this will happen 3 or 4 more times) for going AWOL. Gets the bright idea to just. Switch sides. So he does.
Switching sides was horrifyingly easy. Because Boston (because the Republic of Massachusetts collapsed like a year or two prior) was getting its ass kicked in the war, there was a lot of weak points in the military and Kenny ended up getting the title as "Commander" of one of the "armies." The structure of military was being held together by a toothpick and Kenny had to basically reform a military that he had helped collapse not even that long ago, making many enemies in the Boston government that thrived on the newly given power handed over by the weak military. One of these enemies would be Juniper Barron who will be important later.
JAY. OKAY. So Jay is someone who noticed Kenny join the military and instantly went "yup, that's certainly my crush right there" and the two of them got very familiar with eachother. I am going to criticize this guys actions right now. It was a bad idea to do that. Kenny didn't really want to give up the fact that he was infact an ex-albany soldier. So he didn't. If the following shit had not happened, there is a good chance Kenny could've kept this secret for decades.
At some point, about 4 years into being a Bostonian soldier, he ended up getting in a car wreck that basically killed the front two passengers, leaving him and some kid under his command, Colten, coincidentally Jay's cousin. So they're both properly stuck in the middle of fucking no where Massachusetts and to make matters worse, Kendrick was seriously injured to the point where half of his lower face got ripped off. Terrible. Oh well. They ended up getting by for a couple days before the unit that Kendrick had been in prior in the Albany armor caught them and after some elaborate fight he ended up getting stabbed. Being in the middle of nowhere, Kendrick was pretty damn content with dying out there, to Colten's horror, and had no real backup plan to if he lived. He lived. Help arrived last minute and he lived.
After coming out of that alive, he had to basically explain to the military that he was infact an ex-albany soldier, and after LOTS OF FIGHTING between higher ups, when it eventually came down to Jay whether or not Kendrick was allowed to remain as commander, Jay made (A decision I will criticize) the decision to allow him to continue. It ended up being a good decision, but it came with its criticisms. I will go ahead and say that Jay was thinking with his dick.
After a little bit, Kenny and Jay ended up getting technically unofficially married, but they just loved eachother too much.
Anyways Juniper Barron needs this guy out of the military, like stat. She comes up with this whole elaborate plan to place some guy named Luell under Kenny's command, and have Luell just assassinate him, which ends up working for the most part, but Luell overlooked 1 crucial bit of the plan, that was making sure that Kenny was actually dead. Kenny mauled that man alive. Anyways
That didn't work so Juniper just decided to full on coup d'etat the fucking government and ordered all of the people under Kenny's command to be arrested, along with him. Kenny and his unit were very tightly knit. Cue Kenny having to be muzzled cuz he took out a chunk of someone's arm in what I imagine sounds very homosexual to whoever's reading this. Juniper Barron, with everyone that she needed under arrest, under arrest, singles out two people of the unit to see if she can get anything out them, information wise. Upon getting nothing, she threatened one and the other kicked the shelf next to her, sending a gardening tool on the top shelf to cleave through her neck, killing her. Juniper's coup d'etat failed and the military part of the gov gained a little more power than before.
He's still pretty solid with Jay, and they still love eachother. Jay notices somethings off but brushes past it. Kenny's livelihood was centered in the war, it was all he had known for years. The closeness with those under his command was the only closeness he had, as he thought his only relative in Albany, his dad, had died years prior.
Cue a little bit of peace time and all of a sudden, very important member under Kenny's command is killed during a mission. It couldn't have been a stray round, and the entire unit was shocked. Kenny took this to heart and subconsciously blamed himself. A couple of weeks later, the best friend of the one that was killed put a round in his foot to get out of service. He ended up having to amputate the leg later on.
Down two crucial members, Kenny is just fucking plagguueeeddd by the memories of what he did years prior as an Albany soldier. Absolutely losing it. He took up drinking again around this point.
That unit he was in back in Albany? Came back. He ended up having to fight them on his own like a guy in a gladiator fight against a pride of lions. By the time they're all dead, he's straight up not having a good time. He put to rest the unit that ruined his life, making sure that it would never be in operation again, but he just felt immense guilt about what he did during his time in the unit. Around this time, in the back of his head, he started to just consider suicide as an option. He would not be a normal functioning member of society after what he did and what he experienced.
Not long after that, he ended up getting seriously injured again to the point where he had 5 years max to live. The injury severely stunted his physical activity, and to someone who based their entire ego on the ability to fight back, it was possibly the worst thing to happen to someone. If he continued with the fast-paced, physical activity that he had done for about 10 years at that point, his heart would give out in months. It was a death sentence. If he couldn't go out and fight, the only thing that he thought was his purpose in life, then by God did he have no life. The war had come to a conclusion by then, with Boston victorious.
After getting into an argument with Jay, he was finally given the ultimatum, that the military was going to discharge him, and that his time was up. After a bit of back and forth screaming, Jay walked away. Jay at this point couldn't argue either a deadman.
The next morning, Kenny shot himself. It was not a shock to those that saw it coming, but it was a deeply sad and unfortunate loss to those that Kenny knew.
Eventually the military managed to track down Kenny's dad, who was alive in Albany, and presented him with the fact that his son died a Bostonian hero. While Jay never got over Kenny, he eventually made peace with himself. Jay was not to blame for his death, if anything, it was the government of Albany that was to blame. Kenny was a deeply mentally ill kid allowed to kill, without little short term consequences, and when the long term consequences arrived at his doorstep, he couldn't come to terms with the fact that he was a murderer. Kenny was given options to dodge the military draft from the beginning and chose the cowardly option of fighting for a war that he thought was wrong.
Kenny was not a hero, he was a goddamn tragedy.
Another TDLR: mentally ill college dropout became a mass murderer for a corrupt gov and paid the price with his life a decade later when the horrors of what he did came to bite him in the ass
Anyways if you send me an ask about him I'll suck you off
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cirque-dhomosexual · 2 years
!!! Wednesday spoilers !!!!
Ive had this post in my drafts for too long 💀💀💀 but I've finally gotten the energy to complete it so without further adue: Reasons why I think Enid Sinclair is a coded lesbian dealing with comphet:
Her biggest fear is dying alone and having no prospects at finding a mate and will throw herself into the person giving the attention because she thinks that's the last chance she has at it
This one is pretty self explanatory. As a kid with terrible self-esteem and confidence issues, it's easy to both feel unlovable and throw yourself entirely into someone you think will love you. For me, this was an issue back when I was still grappling with my sexuality. So I know what it's like to just run head first into the first person, especially boy, that gives you a crumb of attention. Her need to be with a boy could be a result in internalized homophobia and what she was told growing up.
Her crush on Ajax even though they have never had a meaningful interaction
First of all, she didn't seem to be all that interested in Ajax when she introduced him to Wednesday. Second of all, that's a very common experience amongst lesbians. She just plucked a boy out of the blue, a boy she can tolerate, and decides to have a crush on him despite never actually interacting.
Her inability to fully transform and her mom not "accepting her for who she really is" and sending her to "conversion therapy"
Taking this apart piece by piece, we know two things. One, she is forced to live up to society's expectations despite being "slightly off". Lycanthropy is a longstanding metaphor for queerness and I don't see why it would change for Enid. Two, this reads so much as a queer narrative. If you switch the context from wolfing out to coming out it retains the same level of sense. The meaning doesn't even change.
The way her nails pop out when she's kissing Ajax
You may argue that they could have popped out because she was feeling overwhelmed with happiness or something but the show has shown, consistently might I add, that Enid's claws pop out when she's in distress/not at all happy. They didn't pop out when she was happy about winning the poe cup. It's a defensive mechanism that I don't think she's consciously aware of. Besides that, why would Ajax make her better if you look at it as her being excited. If anything, it would exacerbate the issue.
How she is superficially close with Ajax
This one is more founded on the fact she couldn't allow herself to be vulnerable with Ajax after the fight with Tyler. She couldn't run to him or even hug him. He's doing all the work here which wouldn't make sense if she genuinely felt for him. This is upheld when she is gripping onto her jacket with him. In a symbolic sense, the jacket can be read as a shield keeping her from exposing herself. She has a need to shield herself around him but with Wednesday she doesn't care. Again, she deadass bolts to her and doesn't care if she's only wearing a jacket. I'm just saying there's multiple ways to read the hug scene.
Now of course this is all subjective. Keep in mind this is a head canon regardless of whether or not I believe it is well supported. I did find similarities between my own journey and her so I could be a bit biased too.
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send me a 👀 and i’ll post a snippet of art/writing that i never got around to finishing this year (r.i.p)
This is pretty much word for word what I've got in my first drafts rn. Very little thought other than 'spontaneity' went into this XD Wil is kind of fun to write in a weird way.
Context: post- In Space With Markiplier interaction between the Captain and Wilford Warfstache.
Wil was a dangerous man. They weren't sure how exactly they were sure of that, but an entity that could collapse a wormhole rift with a stinking butterfly knife, only to be able to summon another one moments after, was clearly capable of great and terrible things. Then there was the whole demanding persona; the veiled threats, and the pointing-the-wormhole-killing-knife-in-your-face thing. Wilford being here put them on-edge, concerned for their safety and existence.
"Hey now, there's no need to be so harsh!" Wilford suddenly exclaimed. "I'm a professional journalist, and perhaps a little anal over things like scheduling and keeping my appointments with interviewees. Do you know how many times I've gotten rain checks for an interview, only for someone like you to give out excuses? And that's not to mention when a subject decides to spontaneously die during, or when the staff has similar setbacks. It's hard work! You can't blame me for being a bit testy!"
The Captain stared at him, wide-eyed. What the @%*#??
"Hey now, language!" Wil chided. "We're having a f***ing adult conversation here."
But the Captain hadn't said anything!! They had been too scared to talk. Had he been in their head this whole time??
"Well, it's not like it's all that difficult," Wil scoffed. "You're especially loud. Your thoughts are written here, plain as day for anyone with a little too much time on their hands to peruse."
So what - he could read them like a book?
"Well, more like an online text blog of some weary writer who's sat on this prose for months on end," Wilford drawled. "More easily transmissible, unfortunately, but extremely legible. This bit wasn't exactly how the original text was meant to go, however..."
The Captain squirmed, wanting desperately to get away. It was so weird and creepy, and they really needed him out of their head!
"Whoa now, didn't you hear me -- you're the one being loud!" the pink man accused. "Not even Glocky-Boo is as loud as you have been. And she is especially well-mannered, for a gun." He reached out to pluck a pineapple toothpick from the edible arrangement and popped it in his mouth, making exaggerated chewing noises and motions.
Was he seriously eating on the Captain's glass coffin like they were some kind of table??
"There's no need to sound so offended about it, whatever-your-name-is," Wil retorted with a huff. "This isn't even the fun way of eating off you. Perhaps another time," he whispered with an obnoxious wink. "And it's not like you can eat it as you are, so why let it go to waste?"
They never asked him to come here or to bring him some kind of fruit art piece.
Wilford sighed. "Now is that any way to treat someone who was nice enough to visit you in your memorial and bring a little offering to your health? Or... not-health. Depends when you are, I suppose. What is this place? Is it a shrine or something? An alter? Do you make sacrifices here? Are you the sacrifice? Ooh - it's been so long since I've participated ina good sacrifice!"
He suddenly shoved a strawberry into his mouth and started to pat himself down with both hands.
"Hold on! I have just the thing for this!" Wil explained excitedly. "I found this baby for sale in a booth at a Dagonic rally and I have been practically dying to break it out!"
From seemingly nowhere, Wilford pulled out a large and jagged black knife. He wielded it over his head, looking down toward the Captain with a wild look in his eye. Strawberry juice clung to his lips and the edges of his mustache, his teeth showing with a gleeful grin.
(it doesn't end there, but you get the idea... >w> Got like four chapters of this thing with at least two more planned... and unwritten.)
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andnatiabrosca · 2 years
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I posted 331 times in 2022
That's 331 more posts than 2021!
49 posts created (15%)
282 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 139 of my posts in 2022
#birch speaks - 34 posts
#oc: natia brosca - 23 posts
#dao - 17 posts
#birch originals - 11 posts
#dai - 8 posts
#alistair - 7 posts
#dragon age - 7 posts
#natia 30 days - 7 posts
#da2 - 6 posts
#zevran - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#an early microsoft flight simulator? i think? i have no idea what it was called. i think it had a driving mode too. played that one a lot
My Top Posts in 2022:
Zevran for the blorbo bingo? :]
aalkdjfsljs THANK YOU
(I'm gonna ramble a second, sorry: I just submitted a research proposal draft that was Terrible bc the prof clearly HATED my selection so I just did brief (250 word) proposals on 4 different topics and he gets to pick which, because crying over it is Not It, so ask to love on Zev is. 'Preciated!!!!)
(Also, today/tomorrow is my birthday [due to scheduling error, birthday is two days this year] so. not a good look on the birthday)
Okay: Completed, properly for once:
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(I found a new pen I like for text on Krita so I've been using it on everything sue me)
Brief discussion:
He's feral and eats trash and is a bastard (affectionate). Of course. He's like my cat, Pirate Bastard.
Every character I like is now autistic. His SpIn is social interaction. Because it was useful. His secondary SpIn is probably leather tanning, but he hasn't had a good chance for it.
If someone says Zev doesn't need therapy, they need therapy. Likewise, Angst out the door; I relate to him TOO MUCH. Sorry.
I think it's funny if he's perpetually lost. I think it's funny that's all.
And yeah, chihuahua energy because he is Small and Vibrates and Nat carries him around in a purse (spiritually). I think he has Dachshund energy really, but that doesn't quite work. Small, says he's dangerous, but really he just wants to be held in front of the fire while you read a book
4 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
I'm going to try streaming at different times this week! I'll ping here beforehand - I'm streaming on discord so that my computer doesn't explode
come by the server if interested:
I don't know how to run a server/use bot integration so PLEASE let me know if stuff is weird, thanks!
4 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Leliana for the character bingo? :]
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Ended up doing this on my phone so I would Actually Do It so not the most legible lolol. (And I missed with one! It should be "I NEVER want to meet them" instead of "they've never done anything wrong"
I liked leli a whole lot the first time I played but it really has changed since. First time I played I was trying very hard to be Straight and Catholic so she was...illuminating to say the least
But frankly, while I adore her whole arc, I think it really plays best as a mirror to other arcs/as an illumination of her relationship with others & especially the chantry itself. I don't...find her particularly compelling standing alone. I think a huge part of that is her Super Religious shtick.
I generally just think of her as a contrast to Nat (Brosca) and Cassandra, actually
Basically, I am extremely queer and do love her whole thing, but she is just too earnest in her fantasy catholicism to be really important to me
5 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
I keep dying trying to play the battle of denerim and it is really making it hard to finish the game TT
5 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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ended up doing the ship template for Natia and her crew. my handwriting is Atrocious on tablet, I am Aware.
(Not solid on any of these. Idea from @/dungeons-and-dragon-age, unsure if they want tagged, so not doing so)
Template || picrew
7 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
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Yeah okay the Mac did not sign it it's not Nathaniel Hawthorne. And he named it after Nathaniel Hawthorne that's the mall and there is a famous guy who is Nathaniel Hawthorne and he's around and he looks odd too and this guy looks like Dorothy and Dave stager couple of the guys. To release the money and he was taking it out of her son's account and he says for bad behavior or something and he's doing it to be mean because he's a mean person and a son moved around thought he had the money and it kept running out of money and the idiot was taking it the investment money out anyway please try to hit the piece of s*** and we knew why he was doing it and we didn't want him doing it so he put the money in and the max actually derived the number now they had him do it it was a hit on himself they had an issue and it might be why Trump is not issuing checks no he's issuing it and it's not working for him he says and he himself is getting hit by the social security check and if he issues more he'll get hit more so yeah he didn't get possessed and that's what our son and daughter were trying to say with Yuri it's actually him and it makes sense and the idiot was trying to do something to her son but the way the code reads it's not good what it says and the max were using it and had him do it mac daddy said to pay him and trouble waiting and it cost him and Trump said I did on my time or something and she did he did it later and Mac found out that mad and he got mad I'll tell you what this guy paid severely his people are dying he's dying and he's not really going to pay him anything what he did last time was he paid him and took the money out of the account and he tried covering it up with the overdraft issue he says it's over drafted because of this idiot Trump taking money out of my account and I had investment money I got out of storm and Trump tried to issue it and thought it was a code to kind of ding me but the max didn't want him issuing that money at that time and they're the ones who are having to hold it so Bill got it to him and he couldn't figure it out it's much later that he started to say it's on that they're having us just sit there and they're not really trying for it and they're not still so you flips out today says he's laughing about something he's just quite big she's what he's laughing about and says why is it funny you're torturing me you say and you're killing you actually put a dumb a****** and he got mad and said it sounds real stupid cuz it is and saying it's stupid for you I said you're the stupid a****** and he said that was our son there's a f****** who doesn't know what anything means and you keep issuing stupid sh and it's wrong and you keep getting hit and I need you to hell out of here so it started to say stuff and he went off ran around and he fell asleep somewhere and he woke up and said where am I but hell these people don't care for me at all and I'm sitting on him they're going after me somehow but these Max are going after me for real how many issue my own death certificate or warrant and then they went after him again today because they told him not to talk about it and finally he settles down and says I got to get to work and starts working on his plan to try and harm us it says it's his reaction at the max know you react that way and he says they're manipulating me and I can't get away from it he says they're simply going to have you executed by the order that you issued on yourself it might explain why you're cheap and he got really really mad I said that order is the one that's standing and you taking the money back because of the dollar values that's what the Mac said and all of a sudden he said I can't freaking believe this and he's going over the numbers and certain things they usually stick out to you he's going to try and verify it and they're going to go after him really this is what it is
Thor Freya
Been going today we finally get it out there this is terrible but now it's happening and it's going to be harder and harder for them to get your money and it's like this argument your code doesn't do anything cuz he feels not out there and they keep arguing about it eventually they will payout some money and the code will be changed and we will go after them It will be tainted and we will go after them for it pretty proud of what my husband is doing
Olympus this is where we come in it's not a lot of money and they owe him and they stole money and he said it on the phone said you don't think that they know what you're doing and Bank of America and what you're doing down there he started to get a little paranoid I said how do they know later The code by taking the money back cuz you're a f****** f**** it takes money from poor people cuz you're stupid they don't know who we are out there but they're using the code against yours and he started to freak out and he said how do you know I said just sitting here telling me and Bill is figuring out some of the numbers so he's pastoring him now and his pestering Preston to get it said no but it looks real so he's going to have to put it together and if he doesn't we're just going to butcher the freak so damn useless people are killing him with a code it was a big execute order and no the numbers that are sun has now are real the girl put it there too he said this freaks had a number and they won't tell me what it is and she got close I don't think about it they all are thinking about it and wondering why the hell it's in the stay there so they're saying it too for him to take the money back that they gave to him but it's his money so he still knows about it and that was the order
Thor Freya
I helped get this out we need it out
0 notes
Episode 1
I've already watched half of it and forgot to save my draft here so my thoughts are gone forever </3 BUT! I'll write a small recap. I'm currently on the scene where Sae Ro Yi (Park Seo Joon) is drinking with his dad.
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIS DAD. (I would die for you!!!) and I have a very bad feeling that he's going to die. Like something in my head is tingling, I hope I'm proven wrong because he's so sweet and so real and Sae Ro Yi literally bawled for him.
Anyway for now we have seen:
A random girl whose definitely the lead talk to a therapist about dying. Real.
Her therapist being a little too chill with all of this, maybe because she's not fazed by it or this is normal? (I'm a little concerned)
Flashback already. We are doomed as we find out this has been Sae Ro Yi's go to hairstyle since he was 17 !!!
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Annoying teacher things happen. A girl has a crush on him, and reveals it, she is stronger than me and is my inspiration moving forward. Gets rejected like rudely like he doesn't even say no or anything just walks past her LMAO?
Bumps into this girl being rude and she's just rude to him again. They meet at an orphanage where his dad works and she meets him again, does NOT apologize for her rude ass behaviour (like babe he could've failed his exam and you're weirdly rude) continues being rude. He ends up sitting next to her in school, even though he misses his bus to avoid being with her at the bus stop I guess. Messes with a bully (#REAL) and gets punished for it.
Honestly, up until then I was just mildly annoyed by everyone. Like I do not like or care about any of you but him breaking down at the thought of his dad resigning and his dad actually sticking by his son warmed my heart.
Okay, now back to regular programming.
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Chug it uncle, you deserve everything. <3
I guess when you've had a hard successful day, or a day has left an impression on you, your soju tastes sweet.
WHY IS HIS CRYING FACE SO REAL I AM GOING TO CRY. I do not care for him, but I see and he sees what his dad has done for him and our hearts are collectively breaking.
NOT me relating this hard to a character but my dad is exactly like this. Not only will he have our backs but has these alternative solutions ready as if it doesn't matter that a crisis has befallen us because of me 5 seconds ago. I take my words back, I will not be okay if his dad dies.
Park Seo Joon is an excellent crier and he has barely cried.
Now, why is this creepy rich boy back again?
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At least, our girl with the bob was rude to him. (I was about to call her our bitch with the bob {said endearingly} but then realised it's too early to get a feel on her and to be fair she has reasons to be mad at the world)
Now the dad's here to be a dad again. MY HEART HIS SMILE WAS SO BRIGHT. HE IS THE EMBODIMENT OF SUN Y'ALL.
No he really is the sun because I promise you, no one but you can look at her and call her a magnificent person lmaooo.
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Awww I take it back, she loves him. He paid for her tuition he is literally insane like he is the real sun!!!
Do Bong Soon's dad and the bully's dad in this show is scaring me.
Awwww he took her bag. That's such a mom move. (said lovingly because I don't know how to describe this yet) She took it back lmao.
They're running to some random song but all I hear now when someone runs is Run Bulletproof Run yeah you gotta RUN!
SHE MADE IT ON TIME AND CAN STAND??? Legs of steel baby!
LMAO, I just found her name. Look at her cutely reminiscing about him saying all the best. I get it girl!
AWWWW (I kinda want justice for my chocolate girl but hey progress is progress)
His smile is adowableeee. But that hair still takes me out HELP. He keeps rubbing it when he's nervous or happy and it takes me out LMAO. 💀
The way he stopped smiling as soon as she brought up his expulsion. They are terrible at small talk.
AAAH HIM CUTELY ASKING AND GIVING HIS NUMBER AND DILLY DALLYING (is that a thing? he's just flailing his arms adorablY!!!)
Look at that puppy face when she tells him not to like her.
The way she ran to take her number back. I like her.
AWWWWWW. He called her cool and pretty. HE"S SOOOO
Babes the cute montage is scaring me. Hold my hand....
This hurts my heart :(
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He is about to do something real stupid. Even though I'm all for Ramen Noodle head getting punched because you hit someone and couldn't dial the ambulance, dumb ass.
The elevator door was open for so long, stop HIM
oh no
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
Hi my name is Doctor Carmilla and I have short scarlet red hair with bangs that reaches my neck and dark brown eyes like the void and a lot of people tell me I look like Maki Yamazaki (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Loreli but I wish I was because she’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a scientist, and I live on a ship named the Aurora in deep space. I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was outside on a planet in King Cole’s war after being airlocked. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of Rose Reds stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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vintage-marina · 2 years
The waltz
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summary: Wanda finally has Vision back in her arms.
wordcount: around 800
tw: basically just a bit of an unsettling scene
inspired by: mahoneymacyy on tiktok
Dr strange multiverse of madness spoilers!
Sorry guys its a week ago that i saw MOM and i have a terrible memory, so bear with me.
A bright blue star appeared in the horizon and America gave a sly smile against Wanda.
"Aha," she said.
With far too open eyes Wanda shook her head, "Mhm."
That foolish girl.
A smile, too unnatural appeared on her face.
America fairly new with her newfound powers punched with confidence. It gave much more power than she no both of them thought. Wanda's head snapped back, America punched again and gave a kick of good measure. The red (dyed) haired woman lost balance she stepped back, the sole of her feet lost touch with the rocky hard ground.
Stone crumbled beneath her feet and fell to the ground, the back of her body was met with a fiery landscape that was full with volcano's and lava. It was hot and if she stayed any longer she would be drenched in sweat. Wanda, pumped with adrenaline looked at the ground and suddenly she got her balance back. She looked through her eyelashes at America that shot a punch.
Wrong, a very wrong move.
Instead of letting herself get beat she stopped the punch from happening, red swirled around her hand. Her black fingers contrasted with her power. America's expression dropped from a triumphant look to a fearful one. Wanda gave a small smile of satisfaction in seeing her frightened, but the girl with the striped jacket didn't lose hope and she lunged one more at the witch.
"I'm going to give you what you want," she spat out.
Wanda's jaw flew backwards and she flared her nose in anger, she strechted out her arm and grabbed America's throat. America opened a portal again and the both of them found themselves in a decayed house.
The wallpapers were curling up and tearing apart, the wooden floor was damp from the draft that hung heavy in the air. If you turned your nose up, you already could smell that no one was here for a long time and we are not even talking about the heavy dust on the furniture.
The estatic buzzing of a broken television snapped Wanda out it, "What have you done?" she hissed to that little wrench.
A characteristic tingle erupted in Wanda's head.
Both of them were in colour, with the blue frame of the portal springing out of the black and white room. Wanda looked at her hands.
A soft gasp escaped her lips, she was back in her home.
Her green eyes teared up and her grasp on America's neck became lighter. A small but hopeful smile grazed on her face and America escaped from her grasp, clasping her hands around her heart she looked more into the room.
America sensing this was her only moment to escape, took it and stepped inside her portal, trapping Wanda in her home. She didn't notice, she had only eye for the room that she was in and ofcourse her husband who sat proudly in his chair.
"Vision," she said, hoping for something back. He looked so happy with the small smile on his face, probably because he saw Wanda again.
But he didn't said anything back.
"I-I know, you don't have to say anything back. But I'm just-I'm just so happy that we are reunited, again." She stepped towards him, slowly turning her head around taking the space up.
"Don't you?"
"Vision!" she snapped at him, her eyes wide open in fury.
There was the audience in her head again that gave pitiful mumbles.
His body slumped in the chair, he stared lifeless ahead, a regretful stutter came out of Wanda's mouth. "I didn't mean it, I didn't mean to snap like that. I will never hurt you, I'm your wife."
She cupped his head and enveloped him in a hug, "I'm your wife," she repeated. "And my job is to protect you, always, no matter what."
With the flick of her hand she turned on the radio, the soft notes floating in the air. "I think it's time for a dance, don't you?"
The red of her powers hugged the body of him and he floated out of the chair, only stopping mere centimeters before Wanda's face. She smiled again, only a bit to wide for anybody's liking. She put her left hand on his shoulder and 'Vision' put his arm on her back, she enclasped both of their hands and she gave a content humm.
She began slowly waltzing, the corpse leaning on her with his full weight but it didn't bother her. For a minute of two she was swaying on the rythm on the slow sound of the classical music lulling in the living room, but when the music became faster so did they.
She danced so wildly, she didn't even care that she knocked of some of the vases on the ground or the clay splinters in her feet.
She felt complete again, she finally has him back in her arms. The song had ended and she stroked his cheek, "I love you dear Vision," she hold him tightly for quite some time.
Wanda ploffed with a sense of grace on the couch with the Vision cradling against her, red swirled around his head to set it in the right place. The bash in his head was prominent now, but she didn't see it or she looked past it. Cocking her head to the side, her temple was on his. She gave a light kiss on his cold cheek before she looked away, right in the broken television with him, her husband.
All was well.
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rw47vr-key · 3 years
Part 1 /2 Mirage - Jakex Fem!MC
Request by dear @jakey-girl01040 ❤️ read the great plot/request here to understand this fic🙃
A/N:Hello my lovelies!!💙❤️ I hope everything's fine 💙as always, please ignore the mistakes and I'm sorry if you don't like it, I'm not really confident with this •́ ‿ ,•̀
Warning : angst, death ,blood mention, depression
"Is it still hurting in your eyes?",the little girl who gently plopped down in Jessy's lap, asked Richy with her cute apologetic eyes.
"Haha no Alice ,it was a week ago,I don't think it still hurts.. but ouch! It's paining now,"
"Aww Richy, stop your drama with little Miss, she should have hit your head with that spoon,that would have been great"
Jessy and Alice giggled, others too enjoyed the funny entertainment.
"No! not you too Alice!, don't agree with Daniel, that makes me sad"
"Hey! What's with calling me Daniel? That brings back awkward memories,stop it dude",he grumbled with a disappointed look.
"That's definitely your name and we see no harm in calling you 'Daniel', Daniel ", Thomas joined in the chat.
"You all keep talking, I'm gonna order for everyone myself", it seemed Lilly never too really enjoyed their silly talks.
"It's boring here, I miss working in Aurora," sighed Jessy's brother,Phil.
Cleo rolled her eyes harder and was whispering something to Hannah.
There were two people who were entirely not synchronised with the cosy ambience of laughter and frolic in that table of Rainbow cafe.It was Mr.Jake Donfort,one of the strangers I met along with this friendly group and myself,Charlotte.
I moved to duskwood,two weeks before,(dd/mm/yy) along with my elder brother , Max and his family,to finish my final writing drafts for my book ZZZZ.
I still can't believe their words, the life threatening kidnap, unacceptable deaths and untold secrets of this mysterious town,also the tiny amulet that Mr.Jake Donfort,"Jake" showed me, with a photo of a person,who looks just similar to me, except the colour of my eyes. It was surprising and interesting to know there was a doppelganger of me,who lived in another place, something out of a movie, that's how I felt initially, I got intrigued to know more about this person,Y/N. I knew it will be a difficult topic to talk about, regardless of which I approached them to ask further.
"You should be grateful that you're alive", Jake screamed in anger and left the cafe that day,his raging eyes and those words, they were enough for me to figure out what terrible happened between him and Y/N.But he immediately apologised the next time I saw him, I was not mad at him,it was ridiculous of me that I hurted him. Then Jessy approached me and told ALL about it.I was tearing up hugging ,beside her,when I heard Y/N and Jake's story...I would like to share it with you,those who stumbled upon this.
In this cursed world, there is one safe place Jake found holy, hugging Y/N around my arms; the priceless warmth and love glowing in her Y/Ncolor eyes, he wished that gentle whisper of sweetness shimmering from her soul lasted longer...
"Hushh,please don't speak, I'll get you soon to the paramedics",
He ran as fast as he could carrying her in his arms,heart throbbing and ringing clearly in his ears.
"Is it ok if I could get a goodbye kiss?", she asked him gripping his hoodie , struggling to breathe, blood dripping from her head,each breath scorching the life out of her , as he watches her dying.
"A good..bye? Y/N!! You are not going to die! Please hang in there..for me...", Jake doesn't remember when he had shed tears for someone that much
He could still feel that sting in his chest and the shiver in his body,the pain of losing someone dear to him,he didn't want it to happen again....
Everytime he recalled this, he can't stop imagining all the probabilities of reaching out to her sooner,Y/N saved his sister and Richy, thankfully,but at the cost of her life,a horrid possibility that he was afraid of....
"I won't go to duskwood,I promise",
"You BROKE our promise,I am not angry, would be totally a lie, but look now,where it left us? The future of 'us' turned to a myth.You disappearred after that ice cold tender lips touching mine for the first but.... also the final time,I despise myself for dragging you into this case,into my dark life.... we are meant to be together, I firmly believed in this mere superstition...",these thoughts kept haunting Jake with sleepless nights.
'I love you Jake'
She didn't wait for his reply for he had been only staring at her,her words stormed his broken self, at the intense of those three words that engraved his frail broken heart.
' I want you to live happily,... Jake ,do.. do it for me, that's my only wish',I'm sorry I broke our promise, I love you Jake...,If I ever get to have another life,I want to meet you again", with that said ,the curve in her lips faded slowly.
No! No! No! Y/N! Look! Please! Look at me! Don't leave me alone, I need you!...to stay beside me!...always!..." he begged as if pleading to his will to live itself,she was definitely,to him.
The thunder roared and the grey blue sheet above, mourned along with Jake, when MC, breathed her last. Jake rubbed her palms to his, tried to tap her cheeks,he yelled her name,repeatedly , he didn't want to realise the truth that she was no more......
love is a painful elixir , especially when she is not here anymore.
Later on days rolled by,after two years of Y/N's death, I appeared in his lif..
*knock at the door*
Charlotte stopped her pen on the paper,and glanced at the wall clock.
"It's 10.30 pm , he's here,so soon?", she rubs her eyes, gets up from her study room and walks towards the entrance,yawning.
*knock at the door*
*knock at the door*
She switches on the lights at the hall, grabs the key quickly from the stand and,opens the door to let him in.
Charlotte stood there,opening her arms wide to pull him into a hug,"Welcome ho-"
The cheer and delight in her tired eyes turned to disgust and fear.
~~~~~ end of part 1/2~~~~~
Part 2in masterlist
A/N:Also thanks a lot to all who read/like!!❤️💙 Let me know what you think about this! Take care of yourself and loads of hugs!!💙❤️
And don't come with pitchforks at me because of the ending 🤪😆 I'll try to upload the last within 1/2 days,or should I ? And the heading is kinda weird ,idk
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gonewiddershins · 2 years
1, 9 10 13 15 16 18 23 52 53 55 60 63 71 80 86 107 121 127 134 135 for ur ask meme
okay so there's are enough of these questions that I'm gonna answer this in parts because otherwise (a) I'll never finish and (b) tumblr WILL end up earing my drafts and I wince just thinking about that. So here we go-
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Beginning by K.A. Applegate. Anyone who's spent some time on my tumblr knows about my obsession with this series. It drilled into my ear and took over all higher life form function way back when I was an impressionable pre-teen. And then after sometime, when I thought I'd found other things to obsess about, I found copies of the final arc and it decided to permanently take up residence in my brain.
The Beginning is the final installment of the Animorphs series, which famously feature kids turning into animals to fight brain stealing alien puppeteers. It's not a climax- it's a extended denouement, because the books have always been about how children people are affected by war as much as as it was about the actual war. Animorphs also ended on a very bittersweet note, something unthinkable to baby me who had never seen a story end this way before. It was a learning experience.
"Jake, you can't . . ." She took a deep breath. "You can't equate the victim and the perpetrator."
"So as long as you're playing defense it's not possible to commit a war crime?" I asked. "That's pretty close to just saying that the winner makes the rules because it's the winner who writes the history."
She grabbed my arm and searched for my eyes, forcing me to look at her. "No, Jake, it isn't. There are a lot of close calls in history, lots of wars where the blame is evenly split between the sides. This isn't one of them. Before they came to Earth no human ever attacked a Yeerk. No human ever harmed a Yeerk. This one is clear: We are the victims. They made war on us."
"That's good," I said softly. "All of that is good. We have justification. We're the good guys."
Marco said, "That's right, Big Jake, we are."
I nodded. "That's good for the big picture. See, my problem is a little more personal."
Ax asked.
"Well, Ax-man, you're right, you did call my attention to the possibilities on the Pool ship. And when you did that I guess I should have thought, Well, Jake, it's a harsh, terrible thing to do, but you're justified because, after all, you're the victim here. But that's not what I thought. You know what I thought?"
Cassie released her grip on me. But Marco just took a step up close, right in my face.
"I know what you thought, Jake. You thought Die, you filthy worms. Feel the fear, Yeerks. Feel the pain. Feel the helplessness. You wanted them to suffer and the idea of them suffering and dying made you happy. You were thrilled. You were high."
Cassie winced. She looked away.
I said, "Yeah, Marco. That was about it: word for word."
9. your favourite book of 2020 2022
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2022 has been a weird year, reading-wise. My goodreads list is as bare as a chocolate box after two hours in my company, because the site is not good at tracking webtoons and webnovels. Which in turn makes it harder for me to remember what I liked and how much I liked it, because that's 90% of why I use goodreads in the first place. So you know, answering this makes me twitchy, because if I'm not keeping track how would I even know what my favorite is?
BUT. I can tell you which story IMMEDIATELY made me consume other adaptations, scour through all of its Ao3 pages, and go on a re-read almost instantly after the fanfics ran out and it's Spy x Family by Tatsuya Endo. Also, it has an active tumblr fanbase- glory be.
Spy x Family is about a spy, an assassin, and a telepath playing house. It's about found family. It's about two people you really wouldn't peg as parent material at first look being the most adorable parents ever. It's about people calmly accepting (and in most cases not even recognizing) each other's weirdness. It's about the humanity in war-torn places and war-torn people. Also there are a bunch of first graders who are having their own drama and it is somehow vastly entertaining.
Panel: (read right to left)
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10. a book that got you through something
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deep sigh. Okay, so I have a few mixed feelings about these books today that I didn't have when I first read them, but hear me out here.
Once upon a time, I entered into college as a bright-eyed, hopeful child who was sure she'd have the world within her grasp soon. Fast forward eight months and I was a depressed wreck who spent an hour a day crying and moving slowly but steadily towards suicidal thoughts. Suffice to say, it was not a good time.
In those trying times, books 1 and 2 of the Dresden Files gave me some much-needed laughs. Book 3, Grave Peril, went a step further, making me actually care about the worldbuilding and the character, giving characters actual losses, and getting me emotionally invested in everyone. The rest of the series accompanied me though my hellish time in college, and while it was probably not the best coping mechanism, I'm thankful it was there. Anything to quiet down the screaming in my head a little.
“I still can't believe," Michael said, sotto voce, "that you came to the Vampires' Masquerade Ball dressed as a vampire.”
Part 1 of 7 |
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Hi! I saw your reblog on the director’s cut post, and I wanted to see the director’s cut of the scarlet witch prophecy if thats okay
Hi Anon, of course, it's ok, I'm just going to make things up here real quick about it because I don't remember anything let me just-
Jokes aside, here it is the Director's Cut of my longest (and also finished how cool is that?) series.
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Director's Cut
Main Comments
I love when people ask me about the planning of this series (as if I were someone minimally organized) and expect me to say that I made a calendar, and map and etc, when in fact it was the following: Since one of my first stories here, I wanted to write a series (or something longer than a chapter) based on the Harry Potter universe. It never ended up happening, but I got a request from a friend about the HP universe, and I decided it was an opportunity to make it. The request was simple, each school year would be equivalent to each chapter (7 in total) and the only "requirement" would be that Wanda would be from Slytherin, but she loved red.
When I started, I really believed that the story would only have 7 chapters. But as I was writing, and thinking about the canonical history of both Marvel and Harry Potter, and as I wanted to adapt everything, I realized that it would get a lot bigger. So yes, a story originally intended for 7 chapters, ended up with 27. To this day I don't know how that happened.
It was a challenge to finish this whole story, I admit, mainly because besides struggling with mood episodes that decide when I feel good enough to write, I have a terrible memory and a terrible habit of not writing down anything in my stories. So from chapter four on, I could remember almost nothing of what I wanted to include, and many things ended up differently simply because I forgot what they were supposed to be.
But after a lot of struggle (I think I even got to stay away from Tumblr for a while), the story was finally concluded.
Exclusive Story Info
So much has changed from the original drafts to what was posted, you guys have no idea. First, because I forgot half the story, second because I didn't write down half the story. Third, I rewrote history. Fourth, I was irritated by the story...
Anyway, the main things that changed were the following:
7 chapters planned, the story ended with 27.
Reader wouldn't be Stark, she'd be Muggle-born.
Relationship with Natasha was deleted
The fic would be something like rivals for lovers, but I preferred working with friends for lovers.
During the sixth year (post the sorceress's forge), Reader and Wanda would both do very poorly in school. They would often lose control of magic, and besides, they wouldn't know how to block each other, and they would have privacy issues, which would create a conflict in their relationship.
The Dueling Club returns in Sixth Year, for the equivalent of Harry Potter canon torture spell training in other students.
In general, it would all be darker to be honest. I took a lot off.
Other Curiosities
I found in the drafts a concept that I really wanted to explore but didn't make it in: that non-magical wounds couldn't be healed by Reader. Basically, during the Invasion of Hogwarts, Wanda would get hurt (like Bellatrix hurt Dobby with the dagger), and the reader wouldn't be able to heal her as the injury is of non-magical origin. I wrote the following scene:
“W-wanda, professor.” You stumble with your words as you kept pressing her wound. “She’s bleeding, and it won’t stop..”
You cough on your own blood. Wanda was dying. Your chest was tight in despair.
“Then help her.” Agatha suggested as she reached your two, her eyes checking around.
“Didn’t Erik teach you anything?” Agatha asked with irony. You didn’t answer because you couldn't bear breath by now. “Her pain is your own, isn't it? So make it yours only.”
With your hands on Wanda’s belly, you closed your eyes, keeping your breathing steady as you could.
Give me your pain, my love.
You felt your skin turning apart and bit your lips to avoid grunting in pain. The wetness of her blood dries between your fingers as the wound heals.
Gasping softly you felt the sharp pain in your belly. The cut was on you now, and Wanda was blinking in confusion as you lost your strength.
And speaking of things that were rewritten, I found the draft about the Smut scene, and what an interesting thing, Reader would have been Bottom at their first time, why am I like this?
Anyways, I think these were the things I managed to remember. I hope someday I do another Harry Potter series, as big as this one, but for now, mischief managed.
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metanoiamorii · 3 years
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Wip Re-Introduction: A Rope In Hand
❛Horror is like a serpent; always shedding its skin, always changing. And it will always come back. It can’t be hidden away like the guilty secrets we try to keep in our subconscious.❜
♧ Title: A Rope In Hand [ARIH]
♧ Status: First Drafting
♧ Point of View: Third Person, flexible between a few
♧ Genre: Dark Fantasy, Supernatural, LGBTQ+, Action, Drama
♧ Warnings: This story revolves around the occult. There will be talk of witch hunts and trials and cults. There will be torture methods used to gain confessions, and these methods will be justified under religious belief. There will be toxic and abusive relationships, particularly family; finding an escape from them, and healing from the trauma. There will be homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and colonization. There will be major character deaths, but I can spoil after the book ends the main characters do get a happy ending. Each chapter and scene posted will have personalized warnings, but these are the main things to expect.
♧ Featuring: The majority of the characters will be LGBTQ+, from pansexual, homosexual, to asexual; genderfluid, agender/nonbinary, and transgender. Each character is complex and morally grey. Yes, they will do things that are blatantly terrible, or actively good. Overall, they will be morally grey and questionable at best. There will be complex world-building, from both the universe it takes place in, and the religious pantheons brought up. The religions brought up will be polytheistic and animism-themed. The romance between the major characters will be slow-burn enemies to friend to lovers, and them learning to love themselves through one another. There will be an exploration on generational healing, and unlearning toxic, and bias believes.
♧ Setting: The setting is influenced by Victorian London, and Medieval Ireland. There will be mention of other places, primarily western Europe, the Ottoman Empire, Ancient Rome, Eastern Asia, and Napoleonic France.
♧ Synopsis:
In the town of Arkaley, in the northwest of the Duchy of Ruairc, the people have been plagued by bad fortune and crime. Attacks of bandits on the road, raids from pirates on the shores, untimely deaths of children and young women, elected officials coming out corrupt; there is no end in Arkaley of the suffering the locals endure.
Rationally, to explain such a bad string of luck, there is only one possible explanation: Witchcraft.
The Duchy of Ruairc already has a history of witchcraft: the Ó Ruaircs turned out to be witches, the Abondé incident in Salem, the Liathain incident in Trakee; the Ruaircs have their record. Perfectly acceptable for everyone to assume the worse of the Ruairish, as they have proved to be nothing but.
To prove his worth, the young Reverend Prudence Clemency Frye, takes up the task of quelling this coven of witches and heading this witch-hunt. Young and naïve, witch only knowledge from books and little hands-on experience, he’s unprepared for this challenge. When he finally leaves the town, well… everyone would rather put this incident behind them.
♧ Tease:
My darling dear, a knave so clear
You appear, so bravely near;
Do you hear my darling dear, sneers of austere jeers?
Behave, my dear, when I am near;
For peers will lear, in their fear,
Allow me o' dear our persevere
So my fave you appear
And volunteer a slave so dear 
in an atmosphere we fear.
my darling dear, wave so clear
Depravely as we leave, and give a souvenir;
My lips to yours, as you crave in these fallin' years. 
Be brave darling dear, and give into hearts o' queer.
For mine you be, your darling dear, 
To the stars you have swore in love, so crystal clear.
My peers shall sneer, but whore I be, and you I crave
Oh so bare. slurs and glares, just listen to my prayers.
Kiss me love, and leave o'they to a'crave 
In this atmosphere that we fear
Their own, o' pure, knave so dear.
♧ Excerpt:
".... This is wrong." Prudence finds the words slipping from his lips, voice a quiet whisper; a breathless tone of voice. He allows his fingertips to falter against scarred skin, watching as Mastema turned his cheek, he pressed himself into the palm of Prudence's hand. Eyes closed, a smile curled on his face. Prudence couldn't help but smile at the scene, but slowly, slowly, slowly, he rescinded his hand; breaking the hold.
"Revered..." Matching his voice, Mastema replied. Maintaining such a soft voice, as he shifted himself forward on the bed. One foot to the ground, the other drawn beneath himself. Over Prudence he leaned, resting one palm to the sheets, the other lifting to seize Prudence's hand before he could recoil back. "You have made me feel something in which I've never felt before..."
From where he laid, Prudence could only form a soft frown. He knew he could draw his hand back, the grip was far from tight. But he didn't. He laid there, allowing Mastema to hold his hand. "... This is wrong, Mastema."
Mastema frowned; he matched the reaction Prudence wore. Through it, he forced a half-smile, tightening his grip on the other's hand, and forward he brought Prudence's hands to kiss the knuckles. "... If this is wrong, I do not wish to be right."
At the response, Prudence shook his head. "It is not for us to be right or wrong, the gods—"
At the angle he sat, Mastema shifted once more. He dropped Prudence's hand, to lean forward; to lean in close. Both of his palms found the other's cheek, as he touched their foreheads to one another. "... Do not force your will onto another." In that soft whisper, he spoke. Eyes closed, breath drawn in. "Is that not a Commandment of our Creator?"
"I..." Prudence faltered. In, he drew his breath, to try to steady himself. "... I did not take you for the religious sorts."
"I'm not." Mastema all too quickly retorted. But as he was, he laid; this proximity. "But you are."
♧ Characters:
The Order of Witchesbane
Prudence Clemency Frye; The Reverend
Half Fae/Half Human • Intersex • Genderfluid • He/They • Homosexual • Homo-demiromantic
The bastard son of Lord Zachariah Frye. Raised by his father, with his mother dying young, he took to following in his footsteps. He became a religious young man and an active witch-hunter. A part of him desires his father’s acceptance, his praises; the other part despises his father and everything the man stands for. In recent years, he has joined the De La Cruz household, becoming an apprentice beneath the famous Witch’s Advocate; upholding the beliefs that not every witch is evil and has foul intentions, and the ones that mean harm are the only ones that should be hunted.
Zachariah Frye; The Bloodhound
Human • Male • He/Him • Bicurious • Aromantic
The oldest living member of the Order. Now he is the man that holds the face of the Order, who you think of when they come to mind. Cold. Vindictive. Despotic. Violent. He is not a good man. He is firm in his beliefs and stubborn to change. Once his mind is made up, he cannot be reasoned with. He is blindly convinced of his beliefs and his cause to eradicate every living witch, unfazed if he has to fill a few innocent thousands in the process.
Calisto Ferzan Hermengildo Melchior Lorencio De La Cruz; The Witch’s Advocate
Half Fae/Half Human • Amab • Nonbinary • Genderfluid • He/They • Asexual • Aromantic
A witch-hunter in title alone, Calisto has been making enemies since he could first talk. He’s always enjoyed being the underdog, going against the expectations of society, being ridiculed by his peers. The sole reason? Proving them wrong. To ridicule his own peers for their outdated beliefs, he’s taken to defending witches, proving them innocent of their ‘crimes’, and going on to help them to set up a life in a country more accepting of witchcraft
The servant of Calisto, never seen far from his side. He is a servant in name alone and is more-or-less an assassin, a hitman for Calisto. Held in contempt by Athylian society for being a foreigner, he often treated by others more as a slave than a servant. To help be unseen, to help the De La Cruz Household, Michelotto endures the treatment and goes as far to be perceived as ignorant, alongside him being born a mute. Keeping his true intents and intelligence duly guarded, only a handful are aware he is also a witch.
Myk'loumihr [Michelotto Dougal] Siavash; The Man-Servant
Witch; Amab • Agender • He/They • Asexual • Aromantic
Austin Duvine; The Lord Without A Ring
Half-Human/Half Fae • Amab • Nonbinary • He/They • Pansexual • Demiromantic
One of the younger members of the order, Austin relies on his father's wealth and name. He doesn't care for responsibilities, he doesn't care for hard work. He's a playboy at heart. He's fit to hold social events, and use his natural talent to gib and fib his way through life. He'll keep his mixed feelings to himself, struggling with doing the right thing or upholding tradition.
Alistair Lavine; The Witchfinder General
Human • Amab • Agender • He/They • Bicurious • Aromantic
The best friend to Zachariah and his right hand. Where Zachariah is business and lacks charms, Alistair can charm a crowd and hold their attention. He knows how to feign being an ideal human, without letting on his own bloodlust; he's a monster in human skin. At the end of the day, unlike Zachariah, Alistair does have morals and standards he will abide by, even if they come back to ruin him.
The Vakari Coven
Ausrine Baoghal; The Lady
Witch • Female • She/Her • Bisexual • Aromantic
The woman in charge of the town, widowed and inheriting the right to rule as her husband had no heirs. She is a manipulative and dangerous woman, eager to commit any sin or crime for more power. She, in truth, cares only for herself and would feel no remorse if she had to turn on one of her coven to further her own agenda.
The magistrate and also the chief policeman of the town. He maintains a  calm, but manipulative personality. As a front, he presents himself to be fair and just, liked and favored by the people for genuinely caring for them. While in truth he has his own heinous and sinister agenda, aiding Ausrine in her plans.
Leary O'Laoghaire; The Magistrate
Witch • Male • He/Him • Bicurious • Aromantic
The oldest member of the coven, Dairine lives under the guise of an elderly woman, who lives alone with her children and grandchildren already leaving her to live their own lives. She is a kind and understanding woman and cares for the younger witches in the coven. She will not support Baríon with her agenda, nor does she care for the servant girl, she even despises the so-called ally Ausrine claims to have and who they all adhere to.
Dairine Ó Séaghdha; The Crone
Witch • Afab • Agender • She/They • Asexual • Aromantic
The acting servant of Barion, Anisha’s true loyalties lie elsewhere. She stays within the town, serving the coven while acting as the eyes and ears of someone, the person who is truly pulling the strings. She is the one to relay information and letters between the coven and her master.  She is a quiet woman, that keeps her head down and her mind to herself. She only shows her true, confident and demanding, nature behind closed doors with the coven when they dare to question her.
Anisha Kaur; The Servant
Witch • Afab • Demigirl • She/They • Asexual • Aromantic
The charming son of Leary. Many whisper that is part fae, due to his charm, if it’s true or not many are unaware. He is a very sophisticated young man, that has managed to wrap the entire town around his finger. While on the surface he is alike his father is a caring, compassionate, charming young man, something sinister brews beneath. He is devious, demanding, domineering.
Nathir O'Laoghaire; The Magistrate’s Son
Half-Witch/Half-Fae • Amab  • Agender • He/Him • Bisexual • Aromantic
Being the baker's daughter, Liannah helps around the bakery and family business. Unlike the company she keeps, she is a reserved young woman. She is polite and maintains her manners with whomever she is dealing with. She has the patience of a saint and rarely loses her cool. Liannah is a woman with a calm demeanor about her, being a woman many are comfortable around due to her peaceful and calm aura.
Liannah Ó Buachalla; The Baker’s Daughter
Witch • Afab • Genderfluid • She/They • Asexual • Panromantic
Ausrine's bastard son she had with a spirit she bargained with for more power. Since he was young, he was raised by the servants of the house, and the coven, over his own mother; the two have more of a business relationship over a family one. Since he cares less about what his mother does, he spends his time with Liannah and Reyes, either at the bakery or getting into trouble somewhere. With Reyes as an influence, Mastema is a flirtatious man that enjoys scandals and making the most of life
Mastema Baoghal; The Knave
Half-Witch/Half-Spirit • Amab • Genderfluid • He/They • Pansexual • Demiromantic
Rochan Misra; The Charlatan
Half-Witch/Half-Spirit • Amab • Queer • He/She • Pansexual • Aromantic
A foreigner to the Coven, born and raised in the Duchy of Incali. At a young age, he became a traveling charlatan, recently settling within the coven only as he befriended Liannah and Mastema and enjoyed their company. Now, he is the local bad influence: scamming locals out of their money at the taverns, wooing and seducing young men and ladies alike, always trespassing and vandalizing something. He is trouble but has a heart of gold when it matters.
ARIH: : @hekat-ie, @writings-of-a-narwhal, @silent-creed
General: @endlesshourglass, @writerray, @poore-choice-of-words, @alexwritesfiction, @primusesgiantmetalballbearings
Both: @cecilsstorycorner, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @hazard-writes, @egg-shark
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sortasirius · 3 years
I'm sorry, this must be old for you, but I went offline just after the Spanish dub thing for like college stuff, and I missed the second meltdown apparently XD (dying inside). Has Jensen still not said anything on the finale? And I was looking through your answered asks- what happened with the scripts?
Also slight noob question - where is the 'Still beautiful, still Dean Winchester' line from?
(I can't believe the CW still hasn't given a genuine explanation for the trash finale, like even after 4 months, I'm still constantly stuck checking for updates on this godfOrsaKEN-)
Me forgetting about this message until I opened tumblr on my laptop
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Honestly what a life you’ve been living, I hate to catch you up because living in ignorance must be so great.
There have truly been like 654654654151 meltdowns since the Spanish dub, at this point there’s more to season 16 of SPN than there was of 15 lmao.  To keep it short: script leaks, sexy silence, Stacey Abrams is a heller, Jared sticking his foot in his mouth...repeatedly, Jared joining an MLM, Misha got a cameo, Jimmy Novak, the dead band Kansas, Dean and Cas got married on Valentine’s Day.  There’s more, there’s tons more, but honestly...I can’t even remember all of it anymore.
So Jensen said like ONE thing about the finale a couple of months ago, they spoke briefly on it prior to the Georgia runoff elections when they did a live Zoom with Stacey Abrams, but overall he has said virtually nothing.  He’s acknowledged it here and there but not anything to really write home about.  Jared on the other hand...well, he’s praised the finale a good amount.  Not terribly surprising when he literally has another show on the CW now, but the biggest thing is that he said something that made it seem like Dean dying was the best outcome, as Sam could “move on” and “have a life” without him.  Mad fucked tbh.
There’s also been a lot with scripts.  That’s where “still beautiful, still Dean Winchester” comes from.  King Bobo wrote that into the 15x18 script, as Cas looks at Dean before the big confession.  Truly sickening how in love they are.
A few weeks ago people got their hands on the finale script and, yikes.  There was a lot that was simply “omitted” from the script (this was a final draft, things that were supposed to be shot).  And uh, well, almost everything that was “omitted” was...Dean.  His half of the finale montage, omitted.  Six scenes after his death.  Omitted.  Charlie, Jody, Eileen, Rowena were supposed to be included in the finale, reacting to the news of Dean’s death, that was IN THE SCRIPT, not omitted, but it was still cut in post.
Someone also got their hands on a “Tombstone” script and it says in the script that Dean is happy for the first time since Cas’ death when Cas comes back (wbk but it was literally in the script).
There’s now a group of people that are trying to get more scripts?  Idk I don’t have much info on that, just that they’ve gotten some things from s14 and there’s been some more soft DeanCas moments out of them too.
Misha has a Cameo and said Cas can do better than Dean (lmao).  There’s also been some other things he’s said, the majority of which are soft things about Cas and/or sweet things to fans, nothing too too crazy there (at least that I can remember, I have the memory of a goldfish and there’s SO MUCH).
Yeah there’s really been no explanation, a production gift that went out a couple of months ago said there was supposed to be a big party in Heaven where Kansas would play (why are they dead?  who knows), but really there’s been nothing concrete.  If you want my opinion, it truly seems like the script was written and rewritten to exclude more and more of the found family aspect, and then it was completely scrubbed in post-production cuts and shooting choices.
Well...that’s a lot lmao.  If you have any other questions (I’m sure you do I’m so sorry you’re coming back to a literal decade’s worth of news in a couple of months) you can ask me anything, as always.
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