#i get a good solid understanding of my size at home
velocitic · 1 year
something on my mind lately that i'm not sure entirely how to phrase is like - this is mostly targeted at white trans influencer types, but i find something very grating on the kind of body negativity posting i see in relation to dealing with body dysmorphia. now, body dysmorphia/dysphoria are something that anyone can experience, and not everyone does, and it's different for different people. however, i take issue with the content made around learning how to "pass" by hiding your body, and specifically the language used for it. primarily i see this around "wide hips", and i do see the need and/or want for clothing tips that help people feel comfortable in their bodies, and i don't think there is anything intrinsically wrong with this content's primary goal. however, as trans owned/focused fashion brands are becoming more in number, i'm finding that the representatives i am seeing for these brands are overwhelmingly white, skinny, transmasc individuals. and the language used to market their products is one that is, i think, meant to be addressing dysphoria, but it comes across to me as a narrowly defined negative view. as someone with a larger chest and a larger/stockier frame, all of the tips about "hiding" my wider hips can do nothing tangible for my appearance. you cannot hide genuinely large/noticeable features of your body; trust me, i've tried for years to do so, and sometimes i still try in vain to wear the straight jeans and the special cut tee shirts, and it just leaves me feeling worse because i am not the target audience of these tips. i am not skinny. i also do not think i subscribe to this belief that wide hips are a "dead giveaway" that will prevent you from passing; i think that (and other such beliefs) honestly is rooted in bioessentialist beliefs that i wish we would all unpack and be a lot better off without.
it is not to say that skinny trans people's issues with their bodies are not valid or not okay to talk about. but i do think that rebranding body negativity into the language of progressive thought is unfair and cruel whether it is shaving razor ads telling women that they are beautiful no matter what but that doesn't mean stop shaving, or if it is a skinny, flat chested, white trans person telling me that all trans people are wonderful but more importantly how much their wide hips bother them - and how a product can "fix" both of these issues.
and how am i meant to feel about this whole thing, anyway? if this skinny person's hips are too wide, then what the hell is wrong with me? there is inherent comparison in self hate. putting yourself down will only lead to holding bias against those who are "worse" than you (whether you're aware of it or not) & broadcasting to all the other people with the feature you hate about yourself are surely also ugly or inferior in the same way you believe yourself to be. i don't think body dysmorphia should not be talked about. i do think that talking about it in the language of product placement and brand marketing is doomed from the start. when a skinny person says that their hips are too wide, their jaw is too soft, they hate their nose and with a chest like theirs they'll never pass, i earnestly have no idea what to possibly say, because in their self hate they have entirely vilified me. i am short and stocky with muscle and my jaw is soft and i have acne and wide hips and a large chest. how am i meant to feel safe with those who believe my features to be their worst nightmare? how can i build community with you when i can imagine how you preen in the mirror over your 110 lb build and how awful it is?
this is what is meant when we talk about self love as a form of resistance. you cannot expect to be a safe person as long as you hate yourself for being human.
#and i think there's a lot to add here and a lot of caveats too#bc you're not like. a bad person bc of body image issues#i certainly have my fair share#but instead of focusing on fixing my problem (read: lose a shit ton of weight and become conventionally attractive)#i am choosing that i want to be a safe person that others can feel comfortable with.#and to do that i know i cannot be hypocritical in how i speak about myself#there are many ways of coping with and handling body image issues that do not involve Buying Products To Hide Your Body#one that helps me is that trying clothes on in the store made me breakdown#so i dont do that anymore#i get a good solid understanding of my size at home#and learn how to take the measurements and eyeball if something will fit me#and i go to stores and buy clothes based on that and i dont try them on#if they dont fit in my own room i can be a lot kinder to myself than if they dont fit at the mall#and i can return them or alter them or give them away#long post#body img//#ask to tag#just. could say so much more on this topic but ywah im fed up with it#love yourselves now this is not a request. at the very least stop allowing yourself to hate yourself#easier said than done yes yes but doable nonetheless#and i mean it about being safe for others. i do not like talking about my own struggles with skinny people bc i do not trust#them to be safe people that understand where i'm coming from. i wish it was not that way#but it is. and maybe it would be different if i was speaking to a skinny person that was body positive for themselves and others#and it is and has been. but often that is not the case
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raygirlramblings · 1 year
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A certain eggplant finally learnt how to take a decent selfie.
Lots of joyful nattering and dlc spoilers under the cut
oh my GOD the Phantom Show DLC was THE GOOD STUFF. Precious, delightful bean man looking SO GOOD in 3D again. The seemingly endless references and little side jokes scattered all over the place, The Phantom dropping some scalding tea…and then you had Rayman developing a friendship with these oddballs and I swear my heart grew three sizes.
Seriously, the creators of this dlc got it so right. Rayman had a bit of PTSD, but once he got past that to face a greater foe he was bouncing around with RPeach and RMario like there’s no tomorrow. And the ENDING 😭 I’m so happy to see Rayman and RMario lived up to my hopes of being Punching Pals XD. And then RPeach giving Ray a gift and HIM GIVING THEM A GIFT TO TAKE HOME I CANNOT I MUST CRY.
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I’ve seen people say this is a means of burying the hatchet between Ray and the Rabbids, and I’m inclined to agree. Sure, Rayman still has his misgivings but he’s quick to understand that most of the Rabbids in the tv station are just trying to make entertainment and do good…so much so he’s willing to stay behind to help them 😭. There will be bad or troublesome Rabbids out there (cough Kanya cough) but Rayman seems to have genuinely built a solid friendship with RPeach and RMario (and Beep-O!) knowing they have his back if he ever needs their help.
Obviously I’m disappointed Ray didn’t get to hang out with Mario and pals (or my beloved Edge *sniffle*) BUT the energy and love the team poured into this DLC is a huge step forward for Rayman and I’m so happy to have been able to experience it. I can only hope it will lead to new and greater thing for best bean 💖
Now we have Captain Lazerhawk to look forward to 😉
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kentocalls · 4 months
gojo satoru | supernatural sfw. alien!satoru fluff anyone?
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alien!satoru who steps out of a beam of light and the first sight he’s ever seen on this planet is you. you and a companion, he thinks, are frozen solid. you’ve bend the companions wrist in an odd manner and it seems funny for a greeting — but satoru is here it learn. so he walks over, places a hand on your shoulder and mimics the look on your face, opens his mouth to introduce himself. (you’re scared, frozen. the asshole has been following you since you left the bagel shop, got loud and handsy. you’re proud of yourself for not freezing up and removing his hand from your body with force but then a fucking beam of light appeared and now a gorgeous blue eyed man is looking at you with a crazed face. and speaks gibberish)
alien!satoru who quickly absorbs all your memories, lessons, education, senses, perceptions all of it the second his hand lands on your shoulder. he realizes he was speaking his home language and you —humans, here speak words differently. but before he can correct himself, he realizes the person with you is not your companion and has been a bother to you all morning. he turns his eyes to the asshole and places a heavy hand on his shoulder, “never, ever bother my friend again.” the asshole runs off, satoru shudders at all the memories he’s indirectly inherited. are human beings so weak they don’t protect their minds? he turns to you again, “hello, my name is satoru.” (you blink at satoru, not sure if you’re hallucinating him or not.)
alien!satoru who quickly explains his mission, he’s here to learn everything about your planet, calls it something in gibberish and the smile you give him is polite. its the one you give to solicitors and he frowns. he’s not a solicitor, he’s basically a consultant! he’s here to understand what your species is doing on this side of the galaxy. satoru is committed to collecting all the information possible. (“thank you, satoru. i need to go to work now. umm, take care?” satoru nods, pauses, looks around himself and at the empty crosswalk, “what am I supposed to take care of?”)
alien!satoru who sits on a bench and watches humans walk to and fro. some walk quickly and hurriedly, and some walk slowly. they all come in various shapes and sizes, speak in different ways and he wants to absorb all their memories and information. how are there so many humans? what makes them so different? he ends up walking around and introduces himself to many people. some don’t want to shake his hand, some don’t want to let go of his hand. all of them have a unique story that floods his brain as soon as his skin makes contact. but satoru finds himself looking for you in their memories
alien!satoru who is so …famished? he doesn’t need to eat for years on his home planet, had enough snacks on his ship but right now is oh so on his very last energy stores. he’s hunched over and walking, legs moving to the path you usually take to work and he hopes and prays to find you again. you told him to ‘take care’ and it meant to ‘take care of himself’ and he has found he does not know how to do that here. you are probably a ‘take care’ expert.
alien!satoru who stands out wherever he walks with his long frame and pristine white hair, other worldly blue eyes. he sits near a kofee? cart and sighs. his body is leaking something strange and it makes no sense. he has not done anything strenuous, he can feel his heart beating in his ear and this is no good. the planet felt cooler in the day and no amount of adjusting his breathing is regulating the heat he feels from the dang sun. he rubs at his eyes and no amount of scratching is getting them to dim and shift. he can’t modify himself here? (you spot a very unforgettable mop of hair outside your office window. he’s dressed in a full black outfit and you note how hot it is outside and the guy hasn’t moved into the share. sighing, and praying that you’re not losing your mind, you head out.)
alien!satoru who feels something cool touch his cheek, turns into the sweet relief from the heat, barely opens his eyes and its you! its you! he sits up instantly, wants to do what other humans do to greet each other - pull you into a hug! but he realizes unwanted physical affection is not welcome. he does not want to make you uncomfortable. you open a plastic tube with clear liquid. “you seem to be breathing okay here so this shouldn’t be poisonous.” he scoffs, “i’m the strongest in my cadet class, i can handle any liquid.” but when it cool fluid cascades down his throat he’d happily let himself drown in it. he finishes the entire thing in go. the relief is appreciated even though its fleeting. (you hand him a bunch of napkins and when he looks confused you dab at his forehead and space. he probably should get some electrolytes into his system, before you can finish the thought, you hear his stomach grumble too.)
alien!satoru who follows your orders and stays super, duper close to you when entering your work cafeteria. he’s both amazed and unimpressed with the food selections and payment process. he asks why you sit in the chair and not on the table, the chair is uncomfortable and the table is wider and cooler. he easily accepts ‘social conditioning’ as a response and pokes at the arrangement of items on his plate. he’s selected mostly fruits, the bright colors compelling him, but you know that’s not filling and leave to secure more carbs, protein and fats. (you watch his curiosity with a smile on your face. if he is an alien, he seems to be nice and harmless.)
alien!satoru who states he will sit outside now that he’s regenerated energy and you watch him walk out into the roaring sun and immediately squirm and close his eyes. you’re pulling sunglasses form your pocket and asking satoru to bend down towards you so you can place the contraption on his face. he grins wide and proclaims you the bestest of his human friends. he begins to tell you about his adventures of walking around the city and touching (shaking hands he clarified) everyone who would listen to him. he has zero sense of self preservation you realize. you make him go into the mens bathroom and wash his hands with soap twice and dry them. he spends twenty minutes confused by all the contraptions in the bathroom.)
alien!satoru who access your memories to find your office and gets very friendly coworkers of yours to badge him to your floor. youre talking to a black rectangle when he waves and sits down across from you. he knows you’re on a communicator device and sits patiently, eyes roaming your office. (he tries to sit patiently but gets bored. walks around to where you have binders and binders all related to insurance policies, insurance billing codes and the wonderful exclusions binders. he seems to be glancing over everything quickly.)
alien!satoru who is so very, deeply concerned at how breakable you are. “you can fracture a foot in multiple places? you should never walk. i will bring my warping tool!” but you only hold a finger to your lips and shush him. the rectangle is still speaking to you and satoru inhales all of the information in binders. he has to commit everything to memory, this planet is so very weak! the humans are too brittle. even a sneeze can cause a back to spasm and over stretch. what the hell is a sneeze? satoru searches your memories and realizes that sneezes are unstoppable, once your brain registers the need to it must happen. how is satoru going to protect you from that? (the alien has gone from boredom to intense concern and sadness. you want to talk to him but you’re in the middle of a workers compensation claims trail and the damn lawyer is messing up the approved claim body parts. you are not paying for someone’s knee injury from highschool volleyball, you will pay for the injury to their hand because of a shitty manager and printer.)
alien!satoru who finds the lights still too bright, is relieved when you’re done speaking to the rectangle and turn the lights off. “you could be hurt from so many things, things you can’t even see! you could die!” (well that…that is a very strange concern the alien has.) “…toru that’s…that’s the risk of living here as a human.” he frowns, “my name is satoru, sa-to-ru. toru is currently investigating neptune.” he doubly frowns as he recalls neptune being your favorite planet when you were shorter. “are you… you really came from out there?” your hand is waving at the ceiling and satoru knows you have better eyesight than that. “i came from…” more gibberish. (you figure that’s his original alien language and well, grat, if you’re not losing your mind you’ve somehow befriended? an alien?)
alien!satoru who doesn’t like the fact he can’t regulate or modify his body freely. he’s constrained by elements and wants to study them. when he asks you about this you bring up a topic called chemistry and physics and he needs to meet with professors who teach this now. but he stands too quickly, feels himself dizzy, his eyesight getting fuzzy and your cool hands are there, steadying him. your voice is a whisper, asking him to ‘take it easy’ but satoru hasn’t taken anything yet. why can’t you speak more clearly? and why are you leaving him again? he isn’t done talking. (you tell him you’ll bring him more water and something to change into. your company has some tshirts as swag that satoru should most definitely change into.)
alien!satoru who looks very young and old all at the same time. he has never felt the need for social contact but not being around you is stifling. it hurts in part of his chest and general well being. he doesn’t feel good. maybe the clear fluid was poisonous. “satoru?” you’re back, you’re back! he makes to stand and somehow you move quicker than him, he feels his legs getting heavy. “change into these, i brought more snacks and water. you’re probably overheated. it’s summer right now, the sun is dangerous.” oh, it makes perfect sense. he starts to undress when you quickly gasp and shuffle to turn around. close the blinds in your office so others can’t see and what’s the need for privacy? everyone looks the same under their garments afterall. (oh my god. he is either a really good actor or an actual alien. what are you going to do? is homeland security going to come after you for harboring an extraterrestrial being? even if they’re nice and handsome and simply want to learn about earth?)
alien!satoru who feels so much better in a tshirt and oversized shorts. the colors are not pleasing but he can feel his lungs breathe freely. you mentioning needing to do more work and prepare for a meeting and satoru promises to behave and only ask questions if they are of dire importance. (he doesn’t like your cellphone, says it’s radiating bad waves. he is really curious about the binders and book, why isn’t data downloaded into your brain directly? he asks very politely and you don’t have the heart to tell him to stop, something about his eyes they’re earnest and pretty.)
alien!satoru who promise to guard your office but when he see’s someone from your memories, debra? stalk into the break room he knows he must defend your lunch tiffin. it’s debra who keeps stealing them afterall. he catches her in the act and she shuffles away with just a glare. satoru feels proud, feels useful. he also spots your main nemesis, the printer! gives it a very fine talking to and it beeps in submission.
when he returns to your office he realizes he didn’t knock and that’s part of proper socialization. you knock before entering anyone’s office, so he turns around but is greeted with a …coworker. he searches your memories and this guy is? adam? “who are you?” satoru hates his voice, won’t shake his hand ever. doesn’t want this man’s memories or stories at all. “who are you?” satoru replies. the man ignores his question, nods at your desk and says your name in such a ugly way. satoru should defend your honor here too. he could break adams foot in many places.
alien!satoru who frowns greatly at your “this is satoru! the overseas consultant!” you’re rushing to get between adam and satoru but satoru does not need defending, heck satoru is ready to be on the offense. adam entered your office, without knocking! but the man now smiles but it’s not kind, “oh, satoru welcome! we hope you enjoy your stay here” lies lies lies, adam is not pleased to receive satoru. adam extends his hand and well, satoru could break that in multiple places. you laugh, a fake laugh and now satoru is frowning at you, “he doesn’t shake hands adam, did you need something?” and satoru zones out the rest of the conversation. its clear you don’t like adam but you’re being ‘nice’ to him. it feels off. satoru closes his eyes and reviews your memories of adam and it’s super duper obvious that adam deserves the most terrible sneeze that results in never ending back pain!
alien!satoru who is all but growling by the time adam leaves and you have to physically stop him from following adam out. when he starts yelling about last years holiday part and adam’s unprofessional conduct you slap a hand over his mouth and mush him into the wall. (it’s a very kabe-don! moment you realize but satoru is not calming down.) satoru does his best to breathe, there’s a uniqueness to how your hand smells and it still feels soft on his face. this close satoru is aware of your touch, your body pressed close to him and oh—maybe humans are different underneath the garments. his hands twitch, he wants to pull you closer? the little pressure he has of your body against him feels nice. anchoring. what if he were to feel the full weight of your body on his? he’s made awfully aware of the fact your lips are a different shade than the rest of your face and what would the sensation of feeling those be like? “ahem—“ fucking debra. you pull away from him quickly and move faster than a gazelle. (satoru has never seen one, nor have you but he assumes the expression is correct.) you slam the door in debras face.
alien!satoru who is satiated with his own communication device once you connect it to wifi. he hears you sigh and knows that is mostly not a good thing. “adam will not fire you, you have 359 open cases and 120 maintenance cases. plus you’re the only one who shiu and toji work with.” (why does he know that? you locked your computer before you left the office but even then he shouldn’t know who shiu is. your conference call was with toji today. “you can read my mind?” satoru scoffs, “download. your mind wasn’t guarded. and neither is this website!” wait—what? “satoru that’s not, you cannot download a website from an ipad into your brain.” )
alien!satoru who diligently follows you out of the office, sticks close to you as he crosses the street, he tries to introduce himself to people, especially the ones that come up to him first but you’re quick to warn them off and shoo them free. this beautiful alien knows everything that you’ve ever experienced, learned or thought. “this is definitely turning into a cinnamon bun kind of day.” before satoru can question you on how you can manipulate material he smells the most divine smell of a bakery. “hot kento lives here!” satoru gasps and you’re immediately in his space again, pulling him close and shushing him. he likes it. you being close, not you shushing him. “we’re going to keep that a secret, yes?” satoru loves secrets! no one makes those with him back home. he nods eagerly and sees hot kento for himself. the glorious bakery man of your literal dreams. but satoru is confused, what is hot about him?
alien!satoru who is very pleased to shake hot kento’s hand and learn exactly what an outstanding citizen he is. it’s not like the hands he’s shaken today, the way those minds describe you is awful. the way kento perceives you is respectful, calls you earnest exhausted cinnamon bun and vanilla oatmilk latte. satoru thinks these words are wonderful and after having tested them the most delicious compliments! he whispers really close to your ear as you head out of the bakery, “i understand why hot kento is hot.”
alien!satoru who has experienced your living spaces multiple times in his mind but nothing prepares him for the sensory overload. the physicality of being in a space that smells like you, is filled with trinkets you adore and foods you love and soft things is a lot. too much. he sits down from standing. “satoru?” his name on your lips secures his breathing, “you doing okay?” he nods. “of course.” you disappear further away from him, he doesn’t like it, wants to reach out but its all too much. the lights get turned off and you’re coming back, a different outfit and more clothing, “these will fit, they are a softer material. let me show you the layout.” there is no need. satoru knows the exact layout, the exact rules you have for yourself. he will abide by them. is diligent in wiping and picking up after himself. deposits his used garments in the laundry basket and sits on your sofa.
“where are you going to sleep satoru? do you have a ship?”
“i don’t need to sleep not for another year.” he yawns and sinks himself deeper into your couch. glasses removed reveal all the fatigue in his eyes.
“well, on earth, when the sun goes down and the moon comes up, sleep happens. your body is adjusting to this rhythm, so you will need sleep.”
sleep is restorative and would make satoru extremely vulnerable. his ship isn’t going to be back until next year, where is he supposed to rest? “can i stay here?”
alien!satoru who refuses to sleep on the sofa, you find him under your dinning room table, lying on the very hard floor. claims its the hard surface is good for human backs and you have to coach him away from the dust. you promise he can sleep there after you map and clean but satoru reminds you, he’s the strongest. dust cannot defeat him. (and how you bite your tongue because he’s not strong here, not on earth. he doesn’t even realize whatever magical powers he had at home are gone. and oh my god, you’re really going to help him, aren’t you?)
alien!satoru who sleeps for five hours, brain processing all the new memories and experiences and information but keeps looping the moment you were close to him. your eyes are expressive, it’s novel. back home the cadets are trained from a young age to be neutral but curious. a friendly poker face to bid good will but never ever a mirror or the truth. this is satoru’s last chance to promote into a true cataloger, he wants to explore as many planet as possible and meet as many species. earth feels kind, inviting. you are kind and inviting. soft and lovely.
alien!satoru who wakes you up at 6am on the dot, a box of cinnamon buns shoved into your face, “hot kento said yes! i have a job! i can shake peoples hand easily now! i can pay you rent too, but at the end of the month.” satoru will not abandon his mission due to lack of resources, the technology he brought with him doesn’t work, not all his manipulations materialize on earth nor do his requests for assistance work but he can. as much as he’d like to stick next to you he realizes, eventually, he will hurt debra or adam when they make you upset near him. he won’t let you get fired. so he can keep busy in a safe and positive environment, around food so he will be well fed and where the sun cannot harm him. “why is your hair out of place?”
alien!satoru who learns that you do not wake up at 6am on a weekend. he remembers the rules, you like to warm up to the morning, allow yourself thoughtless time of sitting in bed before energizing for the day. it’s not fun to have you at an arms length and not engage. he is patient though, and it’s absolutely worth it when you greet him with a “good morning!” and he is listing your smile as the #1 best thing about earth.
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robertoarts · 2 years
Semper Fi
I am not a writer by any means, but I just had this idea, and I couldn't get it out of my head.
This takes place after the end of Avatar 2 so expect spoilers. I am 100% just gonna make shit up here, hope that's ok. idk where this is going, I have covid and ItS 4:21 am, but here you GO I have NOT READ THIS SO IM SORRy FOR MISTAKES OK
This WILL be multiple parts if ya want
Also sorry for the info dump at the beginning but really am not a writer and wanted to provide some context ok
Na'vi Quaritch x Fem Na'vi Reader (former RDA)
(1,896 words)
Some tags ig
[slow burn, like the slowest of burns ok?, memory loss trope, i can fix him trope]
[warning - blood mention]
You have been sneaking through the forest, entertaining yourself, bounding from tree to tree, sent out on a hunting mission along with a few others. You split up a while earlier to spread the load more evenly. Hunting has never really been your strong suit, you preferred blades to bows, and you're larger than most na'vi women, leaving you a little less agile. You knew it had something to do with the human physiology you used to have. You took pride in your strength, and being in the military gave you a purpose...for a time at least. You mostly worked with scientists, working escorts and the like; you were basically a glorified chauffeur, and when the RDA came to Pandora with the promise of new life and new land, and you being a solid 20-year-old marine, you did what you do best. 
You were assigned a role on the AVTR team working on a separate subsection; you didn't fully understand what they were doing or why, but it had something to do with integrating the humans and the Avatars, removing the need for the linkbeds altogether. This idea was the beginning of something they called the Recom project. The work was a success and a small group of humans fully integrated into their Na'vi counterparts. You were one of the first ones they tried the experiment on. Being the muscle, the risk of you dying would have little effect on anyone. You were happy to oblige; you preferred being in your avatar body. 
Your time in Pandora was a complex one. While protecting the scientists, you fell in love with the planet, the culture, and the people. As you spent time in Pandora with the scientists, you lived among the Anurai Clan. Renowned for their artisans and craftsmen. It went against everything the RDA said, the people weren't savages, their planet was beautiful, and their connection to Eywa was sacred. You kept this to yourself for a while. Being the property of the RDA, you knew not everyone would share your sentiments, but as time passed, you knew you were not the only one. When the war with the sky people began, you and over half of the scientists took the side of the Na'vi, and the rest went back to continue their Recom research. 
The war with the sky people and the Omaticaya clan is well known, but the effect on the Anurai clan was severe, almost wiping them out. Few true Anurai remained after, and you, as a united people, moved away from your home, settling somewhere new to find peace, knowing the RDA would eventually react.
The 17 years since have been a mixed bag. You had become good with crafting, knives were your speciality, but you also carved small sculptures in your spare time, usually making Thanators for members of the Clan. With it being their totem animal, you had numerous requests. And while RDA did respond, your focus was on helping the Anurai clan breathe life back into what they once were, and slowly the Clan has begun rebuilding. You did anything they asked, hunting, gathering but mostly fishing. 
That is the quest you had been sent on this eve. Although you were more significant in size than most, you had a stillness about you in the water, making you a pro and capturing the river fish. The walk was extensive, but you still enjoyed the physical exertion—a soldier trait you couldn't kick. One leg in front of the other, repetitive motion to keep your mind still. The view was spectacular, too, you didn't connect with Eywa often, but you felt her all around you as you travelled. 
You picked some Nurra berries while walking the route to your favourite part of the river. There were places closer to the Clan, but you liked to take the time to walk to your favourite spot. A home away from home, a small waterfall with a cave hidden beyond the water, the fish were more relaxed, and you had set up a little space in the cave with some things you preferred to keep private. 
As you throw some Nurra berries into your pack, your ears prick up. The forest shifts. It feels quiet, almost unnatural. You immediately slow, bend low, a unsheathe your knife. You move slowly, down to the ground, and deliberately to make little noise. 
That is when you hear it, groans, almost inaudible. They sound pained? Close by, off the path ahead. You move towards it, holding your knife to your chest; it is bigger than the average, handcrafted by yourself, your personal initiation to your Clan. The groans get louder, and you prepare for anything as you follow. You slowly push some flora out of the way, and you see...a man?
Shock grips your soul. You see an RDA avatar wearing military gear, completely ripped to shreds, blood-staining his green tank top. His face is towards the ground, and you can see his typical Jarhead haircut and his kuru, the hair around it dishevelled, showing his skin in unprotected areas. Your ears roll back, and you hiss in his direction. What is an RDA soldier doing out here?? The sound of your hiss stuns the man into movement, desperately turning, pushing himself off the ground, mud covering his face, turning to look. Fear tugged at his face, ears submissive and mouth agape. 
You leap towards him, knife at the ready, "What are you doing out here, soldier!?" you shout in English. He tries to push himself away from you, confusion painting his face. "I... I " you hear a deep drawl. With menacing intent, you begin to move closer, standing taller to assert your dominance. You were wearing some traditional Anurai garbs but opted for leggings which one would usually wear for riding, another human perk you hadn't shaken yet; the feeling of pants made you feel safer. The sky above you opens up, and you feel the wet drips on your body as you stand. The sound is roaring, and rain begins belting down to Pandora with heavy ferocity.
The man looked pathetic below you, scared, wet, and bleeding. He was helpless; he had no weapon you could discern and seemed desperate to get away from you. He is pushing himself away, digging into the wet ground to find traction.
"Answer me, kalweyaveng!" your voice boomed out, causing him to flinch, his tail swinging recklessly behind him. "I don't know!" He shouted in response, "I don't know where I am, I don't...I don't know how I got here. I can't .." your head tilts at his answer.
"You can't....? What is your name, soldier?"
"I don't..." the man looks scared and confused; he looks around, pulling himself further away from you. Your eyes widen, you take the risk and take your eyes off the man, looking around for any sign of backup. Was this some trick? You can see in your peripheral that he is trying to stand, and you turn your head to look. He is holding his midsection, the rain accentuates the crimson colour leaking from his fingers. 
Guilt pangs at you, this man acts like he doesn't know who he is, where he is or why he is here. And now he will die alone, scared in a place that is not his home. You lift your knife, ready to move toward him and take his life. He isn't even looking at you anymore, he is pushing himself off the ground, standing. As he stretches out before you, you can see he is exceptionally tall, his body holds muscles in a similar way to yours, not of the Na'vi living at home, all limbs and grace. He is dejected, almost accepting of his coming fate. So much needless death, you think to yourself, reluctance seeping from your being as you inch your way forward. 
That's when you see it, atokirina, a seed of the tree of souls. Not one, but two. Floating their way over to this strange man, in this madness, seemingly missing every torrential raindrop divebombing their way towards them.
Doubt and reluctance combined with this sign from Eywa were enough to sway you. If Eywa could accept you, why could it accept this man? You slide your knife back into its tstalsena. You take a breath, cautious, and say, "Semper fi", moving towards him, grabbing his arm and placing it over your shoulder and sharing his weight with you, "Come on stranger, let's get you out of this rain, I know a place not to far from here we can take shelter.". He winces, letting himself relax a little, putting more weight onto you. He is far more strung out than he let on, which you didn't think possible.
The two of you make your way to your safe space, unsure of what to do with the avatar yet. Better to take him away from the Clan for now and figure out what to do later. 
Supporting his weight was beginning to grow tiresome, but you can see your waterfall ahead, the rain is relentless, and you can feel the man shivering around you. You have shared silence on your journey here; his tiny breaths seem to grow weaker, and worry begins to sit in your stomach. You pull more of his weight onto you and walk faster. 
You pull him into the cave, walking underneath the waterfall, the water warmer than the rain, and you pass through. You place the man down, leaning him against the back wall of your cove, in front of the small fire pit already prepared. You take out your knife and begin striking the hilt onto a rock, trying to create the spark you need to warm your new five-fingered friend. 
An orange glow and the following warmth emit from the pit, and you start throwing on logs to generate more heat. You move to a pack with some different medicinal poultices and bring them over to the stranger. He seems to have passed out since placing him on the ground, he is weak and injured. You take what you have and do what you can, lifting off the dark green tank top and seeing the damage to his muscular chest. You smear the goop onto the open wounds on his body, and they are not severe, he will not die from these just yet. Due to your walk through the rain, his face is no longer muddy, and you can finally get a good view. He looks young, younger than you, maybe in his 20's? He is handsome, his short hair suits him well; short hair is something you do not often see among the Na'vi people as their hair often tells stories. He is cute, you think as you examine the damage to his face. He also has a burn on his neck, which you treat the best you can. You are not a healer, it is not your strong suit, and you a very quickly using up what medicine you have stashed away, you will have to ask Euatx for more when you go back. Around his neck, you see tags, you peer at them, hoping to get a glimpse of his name; the tags look damaged, and you only see one name.
"Huh. Hello Miles." 
kalweyaveng - son of a bitch
atokirina - woodsprite
tstalsena - knife sheath
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desklamper · 6 days
do you have any advice or tips on how to make object assets? love ur work btw!!
Thank you very much! I take a bit of pride in my craft and I'm gonna show all of you kiddos at home how to make assets like me!
Lets start with this Example Object!
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the humble dry-erase marker!
First, I break it down to it's simplest shapes in INKSCAPE.
Don't worry if your object looks too complex, just getting a general shape with points where they need to be is good enough! In this example, the basic shapes are simple and geometrical, with some slight curving on the marker body itself!
(tip, dragging lines using the node tool curves them)
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Now that i have my parts, I'll assemble them and organize their layers.
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Now, we select the colors we want, for this example, I want this marker to be Blue, so I'mma make some of these outlines reflect this. I'm also going to make the marking tip thing a solid color, taken by that one cap-less marker asset,
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Now, I'll make basic fills, I usually duplicate the outlines (Command+D/ Ctrl+D) Remove the outlines, and set the fill.
It's okay to re-adjust some stuff too! Don't be afraid to do so!
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Here comes shading! Some general tips!
When shading, stay consistent! keep shadows aligned based on your light source! In this example, my light source is on the Right.
For highlights, never make sure they fit with the colors ur using, like using a light blue for the highlight on this cap.
If u really wanna be fancy, You can also use gradients to shade, just don't overdo it!
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Lemme just shade the base off screen!
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Pro tip! COLOR CHOICE IS kinG!!! Take this logo for example
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I personally would not give it this color because it takes too much attention away from the face In my opinion, It works, but, Its honestly up to personal preference
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with this kind of color, you are still acknowledging the existence of the logo, but, it's not taking too much attention from the face, Either works!!! It just based on taste! (I also manually added an outline for the logo)
I then duplicate the asset layer and take the cap off in case i want just the cap or the marker without the cap.
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then, i open the document properties tab (File>Document Properties) and click on "Resize to Content". I also tick off the "Checkerboard" Setting for the background
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I finally export as a PNG in case i need to use it as a PNG! I set the size to about 2.5 times the size for higher resolution and quality!
And there we have it!
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A Dry-Erase Marker!
Hope my tutorial was understandable and easily digestable!
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sirenologyyy · 1 year
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ao'nung x fem!sully reader
✷ premise : as tensions rise and your family is forced out of the only home you've ever known, fish boy meets forest girl and the rest is history (tragedy)
✷ warnings : kidnapping, swearing, injury, blood, violence, and death
✷ author's note : this ones gunna be a rollercoaster of emotions so... sorry about that
part 3 of the SOLD OUT OF LOVE series
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He's brought you to a cave, the ocean seemingly only a gateway to a hidden world, for there lay an island surrounded by water, home to a plethora of lush fauna, full of bright flowers of different colours, leaves spread open like fans double the size of a Na'vi, the sand like crushed up gemstones glittering and shimmering underneath the sunlight, a throng of giant trees towering over you, almost brushing the ceiling, the ceiling in which had a hole big enough to allow sunlight in, giving justice to the island's glory.
You couldn't contain your awe and so you simply stood there, admiring the whole cave as your heart practically swelled at its beauty. "Oh my fucking Eywa" was all you could say, and everything you wanted to say.
"No one knows this place but me" says Ao'nung, stepping closer to you. "Here you will be able to feel simple again"
At that you turn around, looking at him in disbelief. "Ao'nung-"
"No" He stops you. "I won't hear any of it, this place is yours now... as much as mine"
So you recalculate your approach. "Thank you" You say instead.
He bows his head. "You're welcome"
You walk towards the island, well, more like ran, you were eager to see every bit of it, Ao'nung simply stood and watched as you leaped around, pointing things out he himself hasn't seen before, your laughter the only thing he could hear.
"So why'd you bring me here? To your secret spot?" You insist after a while, taking a seat on the rock as your eyes followed him, taking a seat beside you.
"It is my way of making my peace"
"You already said sorry"
You see him shake his head. "It is not enough, even after I have apologised I found that not even that could chasten the guilt burning inside me"
It made you think.
"It's me... doing you a solid " He says, the unfamiliarity of the phrase to him making it known, despite all that it made you bite down on a grin. "I'm still not entirely convinced I was the first person you've brought here"
"You don't believe me?"
You shake your head. "Nah"
He scoffed.
"So you're telling me you didn't even bring Rotxo here?"
"Not even your other friends?"
He sneers at you. "Especially not them"
"Not even a few girls?" You grinned suggestively.
He shoves you away, both of you laughing. "Cut it out, of course not"
You stood in front of him now, showing him your hands. "Maybe I'm getting this all wrong, what about boys?"
He half-shrugged, staring up at you. "A few close calls but... no, they did not want to pursue the son of the Olo'eyktan"
You give him a small smile, a distant one. "Back home, neither did they, no one there took me seriously, it's the problem with keeping your options open, they get scared, run for the hills, leaving you with nothing"
His eyes snapped up. "Wait-"
"You're kidding me, you didn't take a guess?" You laughed. "Like calls to like"
His aquamarine eyes still on you, he lets out an amused scoff. "Huh"
This was where you hum, nodding in understanding. "So, i'm the only girl you've ever brought here?"
"The first and the last" He replied darkly.
"Am I just gunna turn into one of your Na'vi sacrifices?"
"Keep talking and you might find out"
You let out a lone cackle, pulling your head back and allowing your laughter to let loose, seemingly drunk off of nothing but the pure idea of having a good time with the same boy you wanted to kill just a few days ago, and he sees all of this, from your cheeky grin, to your flushed cheeks, to your narrowed amber eyes that glistened as your body shook with laughter.
"I feel like you'll tell me that you don't actually like leading people and that you want to become a Tsahík instead" You say, turning your back on him and walking towards a white flower that grew on stringy vines, you rub the petal, feeling the smooth, delicate surface in between the pads of your fingers before propping yourself up.
"I do"
"Wow, that was spot on" You say, mostly to yourself.
"But how do you know that Forest Girl?" He wonders, looking you straight in the eyes, the huskiness of his accent mixing with the silvery nature of his voice only inclining you to tell him why.
"Your face, your bruises healed quickly than your friends, and I expect they paid a visit to your mother after the fight" You explained, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. "Your hands were dyed purple when you saw me by the rocks, and I recognised the smell, you used tam'bon on your face and your knuckles mixed with other poultices from the many mixtures your mother has in your Marui, you'd have to be paying really close attention to know which to use on your face"
"My mother is the Tsahík, I see her healing people everyday"
"No" you stop him. "Only someone this passionate about healing would be taking note of everything the Tsahík does, it isn't a coincidence, you were listening on purpose"
His eyes widened like saucers. "Wow"
"You used yalna bark too, I can tell"
He nods, standing to his feet. "Impressive"
"One of my many, many talents" You bragged, giving him a sly smirk. "You should try guessing me next"
"Fine uhhh" He sang, rubbing his knuckles together. "You don't like being told what to do"
"Yes, but very obvious, dig a little deeper"
"Fine" He says again. "You're the oldest daughter?"
"No, you forgot about Kiri, Lo'ak goes after her, I go after Lo'ak"
"Really?" He asks. "I always thought you were older than her"
"How?" You questioned him genuinely, until a light bulb buzzed to life above your head. "You know what? this could be a thing"
"What thing?"
You sit down in front of him. "There's this game we play back in the Omaticayan Village, it's called 20 questions, instead of us trying to guess we'd have to ask, and the other person has to answer no matter what"
"No matter what?" He asks.
"No. matter. what" You reiterate gravely.
"You go first then" He says nodding at you.
"How old are you?" You began, already grinning like a maniac.
"15" Ao'nung answers. "16 in 2 months, how old are you?"
"14, turning 15 in..." you stopped to count. "6- no, 7 months"
He nods. "Next question"
"How tall are you?"
"8 foot 5"
You raise an eyebrow at him. "Really? Some people say they're 8 feet tall but in reality they're only 7 foot 9"
"How can I be 7 foot 9?" He exclaimed, almost scandalised.
"I dunno, you ask yourself that" You frowned.
"Just ask the next question" He says boredly.
You bite your inner lip in thought, exhaling when you finally think of the next question. "Why do you hang around them?" You found yourself asking instantly. "Those boys, you don't even seem to like them all that well"
That seemed to have ceased the lightheartedness of the situation, silence settling in awkwardly, quickly, like a virus finding a host.
"I dont know why" He tells you quietly. "It's a comfortable choice, they never seem to care about anything except the present, they don't care that I am to be the next Olo'eyktan, that I am to lead our people for the many years to come, if I stick with them maybe I can forget what is to be my fate"
You stay quiet, so does he. It's almost a dizzying experience, to have Ao'nung pour himself out to you like that when 5 days ago all you wanted in life was to rip his head clean off his shoulders, half of you were expecting for him to stand up, laugh in your face for believing such a thing but as time progressed you found that flame dying rapidly.
But he exhaled, making you glance at him. "What about you Forest Girl?"
You snort, grinning. "What about me??"
"Do you have any secrets worth my time?"
"I got no secrets, I'm an open book"
"Surely there must be something you aren't telling me" He pressed. "What's your favorite food?"
"Pizza- well used to"
"What's that?"
"It's sort of like this triangular shaped snack with meat, and cheese, and sauce on it"
"Oh, well alright" He says, all while having no clue what that is. "What's your favorite food now then?"
"I'm torn between melon tree fruit and yovo fruit"
He grinned. "That, I can get behind by"
"Oh!" You exclaimed, snapping your fingers. "What's your favorite colour?"
"Yellow " He answered.
"Really?" You scoffed. "I thought you'd say blue or something"
He gives you a look. "Blue? Why Blue?"
You gesture to him, making him frown. "Why wouldn't you say blue?"
He gives you an insincere laugh. "Very funny Forest Girl" He drawled. "What about you then? What's your favorite colour?"
"Y/F/C" you state, pushing your hair back away from your face.
He half-shrugged, staring at his finger nails. "Yeah, I guessed as much"
You draw a line on your teeth with your tongue. "If you could leave right now, where would you go?"
"Anywhere but here" He replied, standing up as well. "As long as I can get far away from this place as possible"
You watch him as he starts picking up branches on the sand, realizing he just needed to do something with his hands. "This is my home yes, I've never known any place else but I just want to leave, my knowledge only goes as far as riding a skimwing, but I know the ocean will end eventually"
"Then ride an íkran"
"Well I don't know how to, do I?"
"I'll teach you" You offer, leaning against a tree. "If you taught me how to ride an ilu, surely I can teach you how to ride an íkran"
He gives you an incredulous look, tossing the branches into the water. "So you can throw me off 50 feet in the air? no thank you"
"No, I'm serious, do you really want to learn?"
He thinks, almost entertaining the idea. "I would not oppose once the opportunity presents itself"
"The opportunity is practically waving at you, Ao'nung"
"Maybe another day" He says instead, so you decide it was an answer enough.
Whatever stars have aligned, whatever curse was cast on you, the both of you spent about an hour talking about the most aimless things that made even you wonder what kind of sick stunt the universe was trying to pull.
"Stop it! You are throwing me off!" Ao'nung exclaimed trying to stop you from doubling over and laughing.
You wipe the tears collecting at the edge of your eyes, trying to catch your breath. "Just- just say it again-!"
Ao'nung clicks his tongue against his mouth. "I will not, all you'll do is laugh at me!" He protests.
You sit on the rock again, pulling, well, practically forcing him to sit down before he could run away again. "I promise I won't laugh just- just say it again"
He sits back down unceremoniously, no thanks to you. "What is a castrated smurf anyway? Why do I need to tell Neteyam he looks like a castrated smurf? "
"Because you can" You insist, trying to resist your laughter again. "It's a glowing compliment amongst Sky People, trust me"
"Fine" He says, rolling his eyes at you. "I trust you"
You giggled through your nose, a smile breaking on your face as you look at him.
amber meeting aquamarine.
Your eyes trail to the giant purple bruises that littered his face, then to his neck where you had cut him with your dagger, all the millions of white freckles on his face like Eywa had kissed stars onto the afternoon sky.
You blink, so does he, and suddenly you tear away from eachother, you turn away from him, Ao'nung starts rubbing at his nape as you feel silence encapsulate you once more.
"Where did your necklace go?" He asks, almost on cue a wave of coldness washes over your collarbone.
"It snapped off during the fight, I went back for it, tried finding the pieces but with all the sand flying around during it I barely found half" You replied.
Oh great. another thing Ao'nung felt responsible for. "I see" He replies.
So you stand up, looking at everything but him, the trees, the white petals fading into purple then yellow at the very middle, its orange stigmas standing tall, you walk up to it, leaning into it to take a whiff, light, musky, sweet, you found yourself sniffing it again, you hold it by its stem but a bug reveals itself and crawls onto your hand, you flinch and flick your hand away. Ao'nung laughs at you. "It is just a little insect, you cannot be that afraid of it"
"I can feel it's legs all over me, it's gross and weird" you explain before you shudder involuntarily.
He looks at the vines again and plucks a flower before handing it to you. You stare at it warily and he sighs when you did not take it instantly. "I promise there are no bugs on there"
"You might be lying"
"Why would I lie?"
"I don't know, but you could" You state, watching as he rolls his eyes. After a moment of contemplating you decide to take it before you stand up on your toes and you tuck the flower between his ear, landing back to your feet to see an unimpressed Ao'nung staring back at you.
"Oh Jesus do I wish I had a camera" You sighed longingly.
You see him cross his arms over his chest, a ball forming at his temple as he tightened his jaw. "I look like a joke"
"You look pretty"
"I'm not pretty" He said. "I'm hot"
You let out a laugh. "Whatever helps you sleep at night"
"take it off" He whined.
"Nuh-uh, I don't want to"
"You're a child" He declares sanctimoniously.
"Uh-huh" You nod absentmindedly.
"Come on, take this stupid flower out, I don't want it"
"Take it off yourself" You say.
He lets out a disparaging groan and pulls it out of his ear, you were about to prove your point but that was before he places the flower behind your ear instead. Your eyes widen a centimeter and your cheeks flush to a lilac as your hand instinctively reaches up to it, your fingertips barely brushing the tips of the petals.
"There" Ao'nung says, pulling you out of your trance. "Now you look like the joke"
You narrow your eyes at him and walk away towards the water, the bioluminescent creatures making your stomach drop.
"Fuck" you say, making Ao'nung turn around. "Ao'nung how long have we been down here?"
"I know as much as you do Forest Girl" He retaliates.
"We gotta go back"
The sound of the conch shell make your heads snap upwards, towards the hole of cave where the moon was only a ways off from casting it's silvery glow onto the island.
You turn to Ao'nung. "Oh you're so fucked" You laughed.
"Says you" He laughed back, pointing a finger at your face before you slap it away, he rolls his eyes and shakes his head at you for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day before running back to the way you came with you tailing him. Once the two of you reach the water he dives in, barely even making a splash and resurfacing mere seconds later.
"Come on!"
"But my-"
"It'll stay on" He cuts you off mid-sentence, seeming to know what your next words were. So you jump in, paddling alongside him as you tried swimming out of there before he did, eventually you made it out of the structure, swimming upwards like your life depended on it, glancing at Ao'nung every now and then only for you to pick up your pace as he picked up his. You resurface at the same time, he beats you at calling his ilu first while you took a while catching your breath, he saddles his ilu the moment yours arrived, laughing at you as you struggled to get on.
You tell Hinewai to put the pedal to the metal and you finally managed to catch up to him, his eyes widening as he sees you pop up on his peripheral.
"Hurry up!" He tells you.
You let out a disparaging groan. "What do you think I've been doing smart ass??"
He only laughs, pulling his head back before he dives under the water, shooting out moments later, his ilu spinning on the air before landing back onto the water.
Show off.
The pair of you decided to round the island, turning to Ao'nung when you see all the village people crowding the docks, muttering your name, only for him to avoid your eyes.
You hop off your ilu as does he, trudging up the sand as you feel the eyes of every Metkayin trained on you. Parting the crowd was your mother, your father, Neteyam, and Lo'ak, followed by your sisters close behind.
"She's here!" Dad calls out to the people, you couldn't help but frown as he began checking your arms and your face. "She's alright! She's fine"
"My son" Tonowari starts.
"Father, I see you" Ao'nung addressed, placing his hand over his forehead and bringing it to his chest. You cringe subtly and do the same. "I see you, Olo'eyktan"
He geeets the both of you with the same gesture.
"Is it true what they say?" He began as you felt Ao'nung tense up beside you. "That you have brought Lo'ak beyond the reef? That you have risked his life?"
You snap your head towards Ao'nung, your face falling only to see him glancing up at his father with a pensive look.
"Yes" He replies without hesitation.
Ronal jumps down the platform only to pull his ear, making him wince. "What were you thinking?! Leading Toruk Makto's son to his death??" She hissed, Ao'nung avoiding her face. "This behavior is beneath you"
Jake takes your shoulder and makes you face him. "Where the hell have you been? I thought I taught you better than to not keep track of the time"
"I know but i-"
"No, no excuses" He snapped, hopping over the platform, you trying to follow him.
"Dad just please-" You insist.
He turns to you. "You'll get to talk when we get back to our pod, now drag your ass back home"
"Toruk Makto please-" says Ao'nung, almost stepping in between you and your father, he meets your father's gaze and he immediately regrets his decision, his eyes flicking towards you only to see pure hatred burning back into his retinas. "I am at fault here" He began again cautiously.
You try and ignore the whispers that reverberated around you, the looks of your brothers practically burning into your scalp. "I brought her with me to apologise for our altercation a couple of days ago, I did not mean to bring her home this late, we were caught up in eachother, we lost track of time, believe me, my intentions with your daughter are pure-"
Jake blinks, you could practically feel his anger radiate off of him. "-i'm sorry what?"
"-Dad, this is not what it looks like" You jump in front of Ao'nung, your eyes wide as the whispers around you only intensified.
Ao'nung nudges you away. "-Please, Toruk Makto do not blame your daughter, she has done nothing wrong"
Ronal walks up to Ao'nung grabbing his chin and tilting it upwards, giving everyone a perfect view of his scar. "She might as well explain what is this then"
Neytiri comes forward, feeling her behind you. "My daughter will not answer to you"
"We've discussed this alright? We've buried the hatchet, it's done and dealt with" Jake explained hurriedly, eyes switching from you, to the Tsahík, to you, to Ao'nung.
"While I commend you for trying to make peace on your own terms I cannot forget the fact that you have put Lo'ak in grave peril and returned Y/N home past eclipse"
"No," says Lo'ak. "Going past the reef was not Ao'nung's fault, it was my idea, he tried to talk me out of it, really "
"Lo'ak-" Neytiri started.
"I'm sorry" was all your twin could say before he too hopped up on the platform.
You begin your walk of shame, plodding through the woven pathways as Lo'ak appeared by your side, donning the same downcast expression as you did, your eyes meet, sending eachother whatever was the most microscopic amounts of optimism left in you before your father caught up to you.
"Dad, you told us to make friends with these kids that's all I was trying to-"
"-I don't wanna hear it"
"-Dad" You start, trying to back Lo'ak up, all while having no desire to lengthen this argument any further, but he dosen't even look at you.
"You have brought shame to this family" He tells Lo'ak, who simply stood beside you with an impassive expression.
"Can I go now?" He wonders impatiently.
"Anymore trouble I jerk a knot in your tail, you read me?"
"Yes sir, Lima Charlie" He replies before walking off, you pivot your heel and follow him, trying to put as much distance away from you and your parents as possible only to have Jake pull you back and face them.
"That's strike 2 for you young lady" He says, showing you two fingers to make himself clear. "Look, I dunno what went in your head when you decided to follow Ao'nung when your brother had been missing for hours-"
"-I didn't know he was missing"
He opens his mouth to say something but closes it quickly and sighs. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph" He exclaimed, raking his face with dread. "You're still a kid, I don't want you making decisions that'll make your life go up in smoke, you know that right?"
You nod, your jaw still tight.
"I gotta worry about Lo'ak, I gotta worry about Tuk, I gotta worry about Kiri, do I gotta worry about you too?" He ejaculated, throwing his hand in the air.
You shake your head. "No sir"
"Good" He tells you, his eyes darting up to the flower stuck to your ears and you couldn't help but notice it. "Then we're done here, am I understood?"
"Sir, yes, sir" You nod, your feet already itching to get away.
"Good, get out of here" He nods towards the docks and you didn't telling twice. Pushing past the villagers, you hop down the platform, knowing full well who you were going to find next.
And you do find him, walking alone on the beach, almost sulking.
You didn't exactly try and mask the sound of your footsteps and so he sees you about 5 feet away from him.
His eyes light up. "What are you-"
You slam your hands onto his chest, sending him staggering back several steps away from you.
"Are you fucking brain dead? " You seethe, narrowing your eyes at him, pushing at him again and watching him collect himself. "Are you crazy? "
"I don't think I am, no" He exclaimed, watching you go on a rampage.
"What the fuck is wrong with you??? Trying to embarrass me in front of your whole goddamn clan?? Is that what you wanted this whole time? Try- try and get me to lower my guard down? Make me laugh? Make me reveal my secrets? so that in the end I can make you look like a fucking hero???" You yell at him, bashing your fists against his chest.
"Stop it-!" He shouts, trying to grab your fists.
You push him away. "No! No! Let me go!"
"I will when you calm down-!"
You yanked your arms away from his grasp, pointing a slender finger at his face, looking at him with unbridled rage and fury. "Is that what you wanted? To make a fool out of me??"
He swallows, hesitating. "No-"
"Do you know what you did??" You ask him, your voice cracking. "Do you know-"
"-No!" Ao'nung shouts. "No! I don't know-!"
"You made me look weak! Like I needed to rely on some man for protection!" You screeched into the sea before whirling towards him.
"I stood up for you! I defended you and this is what I get?? Not even a thank you???" He yelled.
You slapped him across the face, he turns to you, clutching his cheek.
"I never asked you to defend me did i?" You tell him.
"I still did"
"Learn to take a hint next time"
"You should be grateful" He spat.
You hummed, staring at his face. "The next time you raise your tongue against me I won't hesitate to give you a matching set" You say, prodding his bruised cheekbone, hearing him hiss in pain before pulling the flower from behind your ear and throwing it to the sand, you gave him one last look and with that you turn around, marching back to the village.
"I hate you!" He shouts after you.
"Suck my dick!" You yelled back, plodding across the sand.
Ao'nung stood there with the salty sea air sweeping his curly locks. His eyes traverse from your figure growing smaller and smaller as it neared the village to the flower abandoned on the sand. He crouches and picks it up, twirling it between his fingers as his stomach churns with guilt, anger, sadness, but most of all an indescribable longing. How could you long for someone's presence but also want to stab them in the throat?
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i know this guy won’t get a good ranking at all, but… eeeehhh, kartana?? i guess they live in the forest with humans and all and they’re even able to understand basic human language (they speak it in reverse and the one in the anime understands what ash is saying) so yeah-?
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Hey, it’s the blog’s very first Ultra Beast! These ones are… well they’re a bit tricky. See, since they come from another dimension from our own, they can be rather unpredictable. We don’t have a wealth of information or data about them, since they were only encountered for the first time recently. That being said, as far as kartanas go: it seems like they would make a good pet, but there is a lot of risk involved considering their abilities.
Size certainly isn’t an issue. Kartana are teensy tiny! Despite coming to our world from another, they seem friendly enough. While I don’t usually include information from the anime in my analysis, simply because I haven’t seen much of it and it would add a lot mor data to sift through for every post, since you brought it up I will cover it’s anime appearance. It did seem like the kartana Ash encountered could understand him very well, and it even helped save the Pokémon School from a meteor! That being said, according to Bulbapedia, Ash only encountered that kartana because it had been slicing through random objects all across Melemele Island, causing a lot of problems. This indicates that, while kartanas seem to get along well with people, they are also unpredictable in their behavior and perhaps even mischievous (Again, I’m not super well-versed in the anime, so feel free to correct me in the comments!)
As previously alluded to, kartanas are expert cutters. It’s said that a kartana’s body is “a dangerous weapon in itself” (Sun), as its paper-thin body is so sharp that it can cut through solid steel with ease (Moon, Ultra Sun). Kartanas have access to a move pool filled with potentially lethal moves, given their sharp biology, from Air Cutter to Night Slash to Sacred Sword. Despite their size, kartanas can cause a lot of destruction. We don’t have a great indication of their aggression level in the pokédex, but their unpredictable, alien nature makes it risky to adopt one. Vets and pet behavior YouTube channels alike would have no idea how to help you care for a kartana or manage their behavior!
All this being said, it’s possible that a kartana wouldn't even want to be adopted into a home in our dimension. It's very possible that any kartanas you may find travelled through an Ultra Wormhole by mistake, and simply wants to go home to the other kartanas. It may be better to try and help your little friend d find a way home so that they can live the best life for a kartana.
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Hi! Gonna start off and say that I love the work you're doing with the Welcome Home neocities website! It's perfectly stylized for the project/puppet show and I can see the work you're putting into it.
I'd love to learn how to make my own neocities website (for fun? For a personal project??), so I was wondering if you could provide some tips and/or pointers for a first-timer.
Thank you!
HAHA well first of all i'm flattered that someone would think i'm skilled enough to be giving pointers in the first place. i still consider myself a novice when it comes to web design (for example, if you're wondering why every page on welcome to welcome home has its own CSS, it's because CSS is Way harder for me to wrap my head around than HTML) so i can't give any Super advanced tips, but i can at least write about what's helped me so far:
GUIDES. neocities has its own tutorial and list of HTML/CSS resources, but user-made guides are your best friend when it comes to figuring out where to go from there. a.n. lucas and pauli kohberger both have really good guides for beginners, but for the more advanced stuff, i found myself referencing the resources on solaria's webspace and sadgrl.online the most. w3schools is also very helpful when it comes to answering more specific questions like "how do i use two different fonts on the same page?" (and probably more.) if all else fails, then usually just googling "how to (x) in HTML" or "how to (x) in CSS" will yield at least one useful result. for making your website more accessible, there's the accessible net directory and this masterpost by foxpunk on tumblr.
it sounds obvious, but it helps to have a solid idea of what kind of site you want to build before you actually dive in, and then snoop around on neocities to get an idea of how other users approach the same topic. for example, i got the idea to start a welcome home wiki on neocities after being reminded of the 8:11 wiki on the same site, and then i spent a couple days just looking up stuff like "wiki" or "fansite" on neocities and then clicking on any page that caught my attention to study it.
layouts! there's no shame in using a premade one, and you can even learn more about HTML/CSS in real time just by messing around with the base code before implementing any intentional changes. sadgrl.online's layout builder is a VERY popular choice, since you can already do a lot with the basic options it offers and it's easy to further customize once you have it set up on your page; it's what i used to make welcome to welcome home. sadgrl.online's webmaster links also feature a bunch of other options under the "layouts" tag, and if none of those work for you, then you can even find something just by looking up template/templates/layout/layouts/HTML/CSS on neocities itself.
side note: if you're reading this and you want to make a wiki then you can also use this wikitable code. it came out after i had already established the Look of welcome to welcome home, so i probably won't implement it any time soon, but i TOTALLY WOULD HAVE if it was around when i first set the site up.
you can scale images up or down using percentage, with 100% being the image's default size. i don't know how helpful or acceptable that is, but i use it a lot.
don't feel pressured to get everything done at once, even if you expect people to be visiting your site frequently. usually if you just slap on an "under construction" gif or even just write "hey this site is still under construction" then people will understand. i don't think i've ever seen anyone get super huffy about slow updates on neocities, anyway.
EDIT: OH. GRAPHICS. i mention all of these on welcome to welcome home's front page but i Also wanted to note them here: betty's graphics and websets by lynn both have HUGE collections of background tiles and other graphics that work especially well if you're going for that old web charm. i also like to use this mirror of patterncooler for backgrounds bc of the customization options. you can also make your own background tile and then use a seamless tile maker like this if all else fails.
EDIT 2: ALSO. obviously. do not be like me and use discord or any other chat client as a filehost, no matter how promising it looks, because one day you WILL get a very nasty surprise when the request signature on those urls expire and the images are no longer accessible on other sites. there are a myriad of other filehosts out there, but personally i recommend file garden (and also donating to file garden if you can, even if only for a couple months. i know i said that just yesterday, but if it gets more folks to subscribe then i'm gonna keep saying it.)
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missusvixxen · 6 months
★ - Deceived Angel | Albert Wesker x OC - ★ Part 1
A/N: The POV is from a girl named Angel Borris, but you may interpret her as you. She is one of Umbrella's successful test subjects. This is my first time writing fanfics and English is not my first language so please excuse the mess😭I also have not played any of their games but I have watched their live-action movies and some gameplays, so I apologize if this isn't lore-accurate🙏 TW: Abandonment, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, drugging.
Main Series: Part 2 Shorts: Family Affair
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★★★★★★★★★ ------------ • ------------ ★★★★★★★★★
Amid the chaos, I found myself lost. Trapped in a tangled state of emotions. White-clad figures ran away from me while the sharp wail of alarms pierced through the flood of frantic voices. My heart pumped fast as I stood frozen in the hallway, her words echoing constantly in my mind like a broken record. "Stay."
Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps drew in. Instinctively, I prepared for defense, but before I could make a move, multiple arms seized me, pulling me back with a force I could've resisted. I was surrounded by people with helmets, pointing their guns at me, yelling at me to stay down. Panic surged through me as I struggled against the solid grip, but all was ended when a sharp pain traveled through my neck.
Within the darkness, I made out murmurs circling around me, my limbs sensing restraint. Panic surged as I shot my eyes open. A heartbeat monitor stood to my left, my arms and legs were bound to the chair, wires attached to my head. Two people entered, one in white, the other in black. The one in black had something on his face, covering his eyes, something I haven't seen before.
"Why are you out of your cell? How did you get out?" He asked me. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not, his voice sounded deeper than the I'm used to hearing.
"I-I…" I stuttered, meeting his deadpan gaze with slight aggression, though fear hid beneath the surface. "I wanted to escape," I confessed, my voice trembling slightly as I tried to assert dominance. Who does he think he is? Surely, I hold more power than him. He was just another person trying to belittle me. He's just another scientist, a distraction from an approaching needle.
He huffed and tilted his head. "Is that so? Why would you do that? We've given you a home. Why would you abandon it?” I remained silent. They did give me a home. This is my home.
The man in white placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered to him, “Let’s just return her to her cell, Albert.”
"Where's my sister...?" As his silence stained the atmosphere, a sense of threat crept over me, his slow, advancing steps adding to my anxiety. The flickering lights cast erratic shadows, panic growing among the people in white. Their unhinged movements mirrored the fear I felt, their shadows betraying their inner turmoil.
"What did you do to her?!" I screamed, my jaw slightly ajar, revealing the inside of my mouth. Suddenly, a dark, massive figure emerged from the ground, steadily growing in size. With a deafening roar, it rampaged through the room, claiming three lives in its wake. I struggled to break free, desperately attempting to fend off the remaining threat with my one free arm.
"BORRIS!" The man in black snapped, halting our tantrums, and drawing our attention to him. "Enough. Your sister escaped," he huffed, tone heavy with resignation. "Our efforts to bring her back were unsuccessful. There's no doubt that she won't get caught by locals. She's very good at hiding."
"It's actually a shame, you know. Her gift was very high in potential. Similar to yours, her skills were very promising." The man in white remarked.
As we both recovered from the outburst, the figure eased back into place, returning to its usual form. For a moment, we locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between us. A tear of frustration slipped down my cheek, betraying the emotions swirling within. Gently, he drew closer, his touch tender as he wiped away the tear, wordlessly offering solace in the face of uncertainty.
Suddenly, his grip slightly tightened on my jaw, gently guiding my eyes to his. His expression was unreadable, even for his shadow. He waited for a response, for another fit of rage, until he spoke.
"How does it feel to realize you've been held captive by the company since childhood?" he murmured, his voice gruff with unsettling tranquility, "And now, abandoned by your own blood to become our new 'perfect' subject?"
My eyes sparked a light, twinkling with hope. "Perfect? What makes me greater than her?" I tensed, disbelief creeping into my voice. "Why do you think she managed to escape this place? They've been feeding her, giving her more." I protested, my words laced with doubt and confusion.
In the intense moment, he leaned in close, his warm breath brushing against my face. Time stopped as we locked into each other's gaze, an uncertain sensation sending shivers down my spine. "Indeed she was." he acknowledged, "She was an excellent girl, but her disobedience grew. She became aware of her immense power and worth, leading to her escape. She bit the apple of the garden and fled. She became a liability. You, on the other hand, are the perfect candidate to replace her. Gifted and cooperative. In that regard... you are perfect." He concluded and tucked a hair behind my ear. 
"You are a gift to our program," he declared, his words carrying both promise and ominous intent. "A gem to be polished and treasured. Even now, your potential shines brightly, and we intend to nurture it to the fullest." I knew his words tinged with venom, yet I was tempted to be poisoned with his deceit.
Left in a daze, he turned on his heel, leaving me with the people in white. They were now attaching tubes to my arm, I'm not sure why, but a great sense of power coursed through my veins. "Put her back in her cell and get them to look for the other one. We can't risk that bitch to breach the facility." I sighed, heat rushing through my face. Closing my eyes, I let the praise wash over my mind, like a comforting embrace from my prince charming. "I'm perfect..."
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prettymonnica · 1 year
It's Monnica here from @feminizationofm. Thank you for following along so far. ❤️. It's been an exciting time for Goddess Violet and I, as we venture into some unknown territory together, and tackle trying to make a few dollars from O/our real life very erotic and creative lifestyle.
We began the journey together about 6 years ago, but really began to apply into taking my masc persona and implementing a femme one about 5 years ago now. Obviously, stay tuned, because W/we both still have a lot of content that W/we are either editing from the past, or creating from new. We really appreciate the support. 💋
I think the biggest question I get asked personally is "How did you ever find a Feminatrix like Goddess Violet, and find yourself in such a wonderful relationship with Her?"
Like most males into sissy femdom, I too spent years looking to find someone who would understand me, and yes, would consider even becoming my Domme as well as life partner, best friend, and (coming soon) Female Led Relationship Leader and Wife.
What can I say, it certainly is not easy, but hopefully this advice can help you on your journey, because it is possible.
The way not to:. Well, sending rando pics of yourself to online Dommes begging them for attention is one. Paying a lot for things like keyholding, online domination, inbox suggestions, or engaging with professionals, may temporarily date the urge, but at the end of the day, has a very, very low success rate.
For every real life, natural, organically created Feminatrix, there are probably 10 thousand sissies, born with the desire to be with one.
I didn't win the lotto with Goddess Violet. But, I did actively pursue finding Her, and upon realizing She was my real life person, decided to stop doing what I had always done in my relationships, and covered my tracks and lied about having the deep desire to be a real life sissy.
About 5 years prior to meeting Goddess V, I was married to a fairly masculine female, and we had a (not quite) 2 year old son. We had a solid friendship, and good working marriage. She made a lot more than I did, but we made it work.
We weren't terribly intimate with each other, but again, it seemed like a strong platform for me. I thought it was just the way it was. Behind the scenes, I had several online personas going on, and I had a little bag of lingerie that I kept hidden away. I just sort of dealt with the sissy urge quietly, on my own, online mostly. I had quietly been cross dressing since puberty, but was an Alpha sort, a retired professional athlete, a multi sport playing, well built, competitive sort that worked running a medium sized business.
Nobody expected it, including her. While on a three week business trip, I came home excited, to get home, see my family, and I arrived home to my belongings on the front step, with my laptop open to several of the sites I looked at pictures, interacted with others, watched videos, and lived out sissy fantasies on my own.
She had discovered me, and, had begun divorce proceedings immediately. No quarter was given. No understanding was offered. To her, I had lied. I had cheated on her. It was over.
Here is where you need to listen, especially if you are presently hiding it from your partner. I lied. I had become a professional liar. Lying by omission, is still lying.
So, it was here that I began to tell any partner I was with that I was a cross dresser. Yes, to be honest, some could not manage it, but not all. But I just knew in my heart that I had been in hiding long enough, and, I wasn't going to be able to manage being in a relationship with anyone, if it wasn't on the table. That I wanted to wear panties, have sex in lingerie, and was submissive. That my dream partner was a Dominant female.
See, you can't find it, if you aren't honest about the fact that you are looking for it. I did spend times single over the next few years, prior to meeting my Goddess. I worked as a webcam girl, escort, online presence. I did experiment with males, obviously. But something inside me told me that I was actually just doing it to quash my internal feelings of wanting a Domme partner.
Out of a last ditch effort, I tried a local vanilla dating site. In my profile, I put that my likes were "Gin, Cheesecake, and Kinky Sex."
One day, a very sweet lady (Goddess V) reached out to me, and asked me about cheesecake. Lol.
But do you see that I had put it out there that I was an inner weirdo and let Her decide whether to interact or not.
She was not vanilla, and yes, was a reasonably assertive female on Her own, but really had a base working knowledge of what a Dominatrix really was. The ice had been pre broken, and She knew in advance, so it was a matter of telling Her what "it" was.
Now, I went into it to find my person and soul mate first, a kinky sexual partner second. I was lonely. Afraid. A bit lost.
She, went into it for the very same, and we fell deeply in love. We dated, with masc me. We got to know each other in real life, and wrote poems, and gave each other flowers. We laughed together, cried together, built a real thing together.
After three months, it was time to tell Her. To show it to Her, and no, there is no easy way to do this. There is also a lot of fear involved in confessing the entirety, and She would tell you that I did some of that wrong, trying to slowly bring Her up to speed on what the desire to be a sissy to a Domme looks like. There is no real blueprint to confess wanting to be spanked, chastized, dominated, humiliated, bound, and teased and tormented in the way a sissy really likes it.
But more than that, I am hopeful you will consider your approach. It's ok to be on a vanilla dating site and indicate you prefer Alpha females, or an assertive female, or a partner that wants to be in charge.
They are out there, and they are looking too. My Goddess had never really been with a partner that openly relented control, but She was still basically in control of the working parts of all of Her past relationships. They may not realize that they are looking for someone like you. They may not know that they have an inner Domme in them, that is trying to get out.
My point, and hopefully your takeaway, be very honest in what you are looking for, search first for a partner, friend, confidante, and second for a sexual freak, and you can find Her.
Once you do, be very honest, don't lie, don't hide, and don't go around Her. Women hate that stuff. Invest in Her instead of an online persona that will never pay off anyway. Give it all you have with an open heart.
Teach Her, explain what it is, why you want it. Tell Her everything about where it all began for you, and why it does it for you. Understand that you are likely several years ahead of Her in terms of what you know, and how it works, and be very patient as She learns. Give Her resources, love letters, links, and let Her learn as you both grow.
The key, is to go out there and find your person, and trust Her to want to be yours too. Don't try to win the lotto. Plant a seed, and tend it so that it can grow. ❤️
It's out there for all of us little sissies. Trust me. Good luck.
Feel free to leave questions or comments.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
For day 5 of the event, I used the checkmark icon from prompt 4 for the Winter Troupe of A3! I hope you all enjoy how I went about this AU and the headcanons themselves 😊
✔ <—- Leave this in my ask if you want to see an AU where our characters are in a teacher/student relationship(nothing sexual)
Welcome to A3! High School! It’s a public high school, with many unique and charming students and teachers. It’s a bit intimidating to begin your school career there, because it’s a really large school, but the class sizes are kept small and you can tell that almost all the teachers really do care and try their best.
Tsumugi Tsukioka isn’t actually a teacher. He’s the school’s guidance counsellor and career advisor. He sees a lot of different kids in his day to day and he does his best to help all of them with their varied issues or questions. On top of that, he really does try his best to get out and mingle along the crowds of students, keeping an eye on everything and with his empathetic nature and sense of people, he’s really good at identifying students who might be having issues at school or at home. He reaches out to these students in subtle ways at first, when they’re alone, just letting them know that he’s there if they ever need someone to talk to. He understands that getting called down to the counsellor’s office can put even more of a target on a bullied student’s back, so he doesn’t like to make his first meetings that way.
He tends to really take a strong interest in, and spend the most time with, students who are the victim of bullying or who have really strong self-esteem issues. He leads a lot of self-esteem building groups to try to help those students he takes an interest in build not only their self-esteem but their social circle as well, as he knows what a difference even one good friend can make in those children’s lives.
On top of that, he’s one of the staff advisors to several different clubs – he volunteers with the Breakfast Club, ensuring that all students, especially the ones whose families might be financially less stable, get a solid meal at the start of the day. He is one of the staff advisor for the schools LGBTQA++ club and he helps with the drama club.
Tasuku Takato is the school’s gym teacher. He’s strict and he expects his students to work hard, so he can come across as intimidating or mean to some of the students. Even with the other teachers, he really adopts an attitude where he expects all the fellow staff to always be giving it their all and working hard at their jobs, holding both himself and the fellow staff members to high standards as teachers in charge of guiding and shaping the next generation. Because of this, he’s really not the most popular man in school, though he doesn’t let that get him down.
Tasuku  is the staff advisor and coach to a few of the sports teams, notably the soccer team and the track and field team. However, simply being one of his team members isn’t enough to gain you any favoritism. Tasuku goes out of his way to try to ensure he’s not playing favourites with any of his students.
In the few times where he does slip up and does play favourites, it’s not the most athletically gifted or talented that Tasuku finds himself gravitating towards. It’s those students that have a lot of drive and who work hard to improve themselves, who don’t give up, that Tasuku finds himself holding in high regard. No matter how bad those students are athletically, Tasuku finds hard work and determination admirable and he finds himself giving those students special attention, coaching them, offering them tips and tricks, and trying his best to establish himself as a responsible and readily available mentor for them.
Hisoka Mikage is the school’s science teacher. His class is actually a little feared. Everyone hears about how hard it is to pass and how weird a teacher he is so they’re all a little terrified going in. And then they meet the teacher, who often falls asleep during classes due to narcolepsy, or who sits at his desk eating sweets and kind of looking like he’s not quite sure what the students are doing there or what they want from him. At that point, the students all start to assume that it’s going to be an easy course, just something they can fly through without any work. However, despite not really actively teaching much, Hisoka really does know his subject and he expects his students to just kind of magically know it too. He does assign a lot of homework, does a lot of labs that he kind of half-heartedly supervises, and his tests are known to be really difficult.
Hisoka, as a teacher, is easily bribed however and he will definitely kind of play favourites. Students learn that he’ll grade them a little easier if they make enough of an impression on him, especially if that impression is a good one where they often bring him marshmallows and at least attempt to pass in their work.
Homare Arisugawa is the art and poetry teacher at the school. He’s an eccentric, loud man who draws a lot of attention to himself. His classes rarely properly follow a lesson plan, even if he believes he will. He gets distracted or he gets inspired by something and he’ll go off onto tangents during the middle of classes. He’ll start impromptu debates and discussions that he expects the students to really participate in fully.
He is definitely a teacher who does play favourites, almost unashamedly so. It won’t be perfect marks or talent that really inspire that sense of ‘mentorship’ in Homare. Rather, he takes a marked interest in students who are passionate and truly in love with the arts. They don’t even need to be really good at those things, they just need to have that will and desire to create to interest Homare, who will always be a captive audience for them. He’ll critique but compliment their work, he’ll bring them into the poetry slams he hosts at the school, he’ll encourage them to get into activities he’s a staff advisor on (the drama club and the art club). He really steps up and tries to act like the perfect mentor for them.
Azuma Yukishiro is the fashion design teacher. He’s the teacher that has the most admirers among his students. If any of the teachers are going to inspire that ‘hot for teacher’ moment in their students, it tends to be Azuma. He’s super gentle, kind, and almost flirty with everyone, including all the fellow staff members, so it also helps those schoolkid crushes grow.
However, he would never dream of taking advantage of any of his precious students. He’s one of the teachers who really take his role as a teacher, as someone guiding the next generation, really seriously. While he’s not a strict teacher and is a teacher who really does grade according to each student’s potential, making it fairly easy to pass his class, he thinks his job is an honor and his students are always his top priority.
That being said, he tends to act more like the student’s friend rather than their teacher. He tends to have a lot of his student confessing their problems to him, so he works a lot with Tsumugi to help support all of his students the best that he can.
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sugiwa · 11 months
HELLO! Completely new reader here who just…BINGED the entirety of what heroes do in the last five days. @.@ What a ride, what a feast, I am OBSESSED, I bow before your writing prowess. It easily became one of my top fics that just sucked me in. So much is just so good, and there were just so many moments where I burst out cackling in public!Seriously, Bakugo/Izumi is my BNHA OTP now. I can’t go back. ToT I do love opposites attracting, but there’s something lovely about two storms colliding and forming an even bigger storm. Izumi is complicated and multi-faceted, and you’ve used that to further demonstrate and expand on the complexities and depth of the canonical characters.
If you don’t mind, I have a…lot of flailing and questions. Please don’t feel obligated to read the entirety of it or answer. Long story short is that I SUPPORT YOU. YOU DO SO GOOD! 
(Sugiwa: I answered them below the cut 🥰)
Seriously, I don’t know what I like more! The banter, characters, the poetry of themes and parallels woven throughout the story, the spectacular technicality of the writing~ ToT On one hand, I am never going to get over Izumi’s comeback about Bakugo having a bigger cup size than her. This now lives in my head rent-free. It’s been on my mind for a week now. On the other, after the last chapter, I’m privately entertaining and snickering over the scenario where Dabi snarls back something snarky and cutting about little hero girls who can’t keep their fucking mouths shut, and Hawk being “…so Izumi-chan did know, the HSPC won’t be happy about this”. The irony of Dabi outing Izumi after both of them agonized over her outing him is golden entertainment but also demonstrates that you really managed to create multiple relationship with an OC that we’re incredibly invested in.
Meanwhile, from one writer to another, I love both the way you flesh out the characters as people as well as their interactions, but also the WAY you write things. There’s this bit of jarring dissonance between what readers are able to pick up from a character’s (especially Izumi) internal processing compared to how their seen in-world at large and as per individual, but in a way that’s so REAL and relatable rather than off-putting. Even just the focuses of their thoughts versus what others focus on about them is so realistic and lovely to read and adds depth.
I really like the parallels and contrasts in the story. For example, one of my favorites is the parallel between Endeavor and Rei versus Bakugo and Izumi. Endeavor and Rei maintained an outward appearance of a peaceful, private relationship and a solid family unit/home, their actual relationship and home was fraught, toxic, abusive, and violent. Meanwhile, Bakugo and Izumi have the reverse of that where their everyday, regular interactions give off the impression of a chaotic relationship full of friction where, in reality, they have a very solid, supportive, respectful connection that’s a lot more normal than people would assume. It’s hilarious in a sad sense because everyone in this example are flawed individuals but it’s the two volatile teenagers that are demonstrating better relationship values. Working on bettering themselves, valuing each other as individuals, encouraging and supporting each other, doing their best to be understanding of their own and each other’s shortcomings, etc.
The exploration with Dabi is really interesting too, and I loved that you’re doing another take on it because I’m…not a fan of the canonical take. As someone who grew up in an Asian-American household that had a weird mix of traditional Asian and conservative American values (collectivism vs hyper-individualism X.x), I know that Asian culture puts a lot of weight on family harmony and unity and household piece and assimilation. But as who was also raised in a Western country, I’m not a fan of individual’s sacrificing themselves and enduring their own pain and discomfort for the sake of that harmony. I think that’s why Fuyumi and her insistence of them trying to be one big happy family and her canonically have a slight issue with Natsuo being “the only one…who can’t seem to let bygones be bygones”. I know what it’s like to have family insist you just put up with it and endure like an “adult”, to “not being the nail that sticks out the most”, to not be the discordant note in the harmony, and not to be the disturbance that ruins the occasion for everyone else while others (usually the “heads of the household”) is allowed to make everyone uneasy with their temper tantrums and demonstrative, lingering dissatisfaction. And it’s particularly damning to me with Izumi in the picture, because I have fought my own parents when they’ve over-pressured my younger brother. I have taken him, ran, and hid before. If they’d actually committed violence, I would never forgive them or even mention forgiving them to him. Your fic really expands on the internal struggle of this and adds a bit more weight to Natsuo’s “Why do I have to be the one to make an active effort to change”. A REALLY good OC manages to influence a lot of subtle things just by EXISTING where they do, and highlighting the issue of forgiveness was one way of the many ways you succeeded in it. Just by having Natsuo not being ALONE in this divide, you’ve managed to make it so it’s an issue that divides the family rather than him being the one road bump to the family reuniting in the face of Endeavor’s changed mindset. Not to say his canonical change of heart and growth are not valid or genuine, but we as readers get the benefit of omni-presence. We’ve seen a lot of his unreasonableness, but we’ve also seen some of his reasonableness and growth and struggles. It’s not the same as living through it, so it’s easier to see him as a kind of hero (or at least protagonist) in this story where he helps fight super-powered terrorists. Meanwhile, Dabi is a whole other can of worms, but it’s super interesting to see how he to have mostly fallen for the same illusions that he ranted about everyone else falling for, even when they/he know better. But some consistent flaws of MHA characters are their tunnel vision and insistence on their own vision of things, so I’m digging it. Even when he knows the issues are there, he’s very reluctant to not see “the family” (them moved on and things going well and them living happily, successfully) when he’s had firsthand experience in that the true fraught nature of their family can be hidden beneath a pleasant exterior.
And oh god, I REALLY love Bakugo’s development. It’s slightly canon divergent, but in a super interesting and real way. Canonically, he’s left completely distraught about All Might’s sacrifice but also had to shoulder the weight of being known factor in the events leading up to what’s essentially the destruction of an international pillar. Here though, he’s picking up on how saving people is winning a bit earlier and more viscerally because of very personal losses. It hurts different. The kind of anguish and survivor’s guilt is different. I love how Izumi as an element triggers Bakugo’s natural critical thinking skills (which were always a strength, despite his impulses). I appreciate him being skeptical of the actual All Might in front of him in the way he is with everyone BUT him canonically. In general, the situation with Endeavor and Izumi does what any good OC character should do. Just them being there, creates those subtle ripple and butterfly effects. Despite his attitude of “yes we’re together and that’s a PUBLIC SERVICE on my part”, I love that he has someone he’s DECIDED on and values. It really brings out the best in him.
So onto my questions. They’re kind of all over the place and just built up as I was reading, and I hope it isn’t too troublesome for you.
How harrowing is the next chapter (the aftermath of Izumi revealing Dabi’s identity and her having kept it a secret) going to be emotionally? I know there’s going to be a rough patch with her relationships, but I’m a fragile daffodil that is currently cooing over her MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and the simple fact that she’s really learning that asking for help can be painless and without strings. I don’t know how much emotional turmoil I can handle. (Which is to say, should I wait for a few chapters before reading your updates?)
Ehh, it's not harrowing so to say. The Hawks side of things has higher stakes, but less tension. Whereas Izumi and friends gotta talk things out and Shouto gets involved, so there’s a lot more tension there. Bakugou does say a lot of things that he normally wouldn’t during these circumstances: aka opinions on the Todoroki affair that he’s kept to himself until now. 
So we know that Izumi’s abilities are affected by vibrations in the air, which makes sense and I figured as much. But is her quirk affected by any natural, external factors the way Avatar’s waterbenders were affected by the moon?
No, it’s mostly just her emotions/state of mind. She does worse in arid/sunny climates since it affects her body more, but she is not stronger at night. 
Does Endeavor know that Natsuo has a girlfriend?
NOOOOOO and Natsuo would love for it to remain that way forever :)
Are Fuyumi and Rei still unaware that Endeavor has withdrawn financial support for Izumi?
They know. Fuyumi pays for her stuff and Endeavor gave the cards to her, but Izumi stubbornly refuses the money now and is happy having her own from the summer job she had. 
I can’t wait to see Endeavor and Endeavor’s reaction to finding out Izumi is actually dating Bakugo trololol. But while we know that Bakugo isn’t like that, are any of Izumi’s family members worried about his volatility and Izumi possibly getting into an abusive relationship.
Rei and Natsuo probably have the biggest reservations, but they get over it pretty quickly once they actually see them together. Plus Bakugou putting everything at risk to go get her kinda sealed the deal. They will have an official meeting tho. 
Is Izumi ever going to call Kota or Ellison Shinseki lol?
Lololol, yes, Kota is going to visit UA, so she’ll talk to him then. As for Ellison...she does keep in touch, but she’ll actually see him again in the future, but that’s for a whole different arc. 
Are we going to see Bakugo and Izumi team up? Whether in a training combat exercise or because of a real threat, it would be super interesting to me.
Yes, but it’s further out. 
Can the water in cells trick she did for Deku work for Bakugo for the strain he gets from dealing with his explosions? Or was that strictly experimental?
Yes and she would get in so much trouble for having done it, but Deku wasn’t a snitch. I would say that blood control is highly highly regulated as Shinsou kinda implied in one chapter. The HPSC have enough details about her blood control to fine her for it, but since she’s been in the spotlight and is still a student, they’ll just keep that knowledge to blackmail her later 😂😂😂
I saw the post about their fandoms, but now I need to know…we have fandoms shipping real people (ex. the Jelena supports). What is the KATSUMI shipping fanbase like? XDDD
So, people don’t really know at first and KATSUMI shippers are kinda seen as crazy for picking up on all these little details. Izumi low-key eggs them on by releasing photos under a fake account. Once it is public knowledge, they’re very supportive and super organized, so if Izumi or Katsuki highlight certain issues, they’re really good at like fundraising, gathering aid, etc. 
10.Who wins the pot the General Class have about the state of Bakugo and Izumi’s relationship?
11.So they’re the same height now, but what are their adult heights?
Izumi stops growing. Bakugou gets taller. 
12.Would Bakugo and Izumi get married in the future? And if so, what kind of wedding would it be? What kind of shenanigans would they pull trololol?
Hmmm, tbh, I don’t think they’re all that interested in it, but they’d probably elope on a mission and then come back and bet on who figures it out first. Bakugou would 100% mess with everyone. 
13.Double checking because I’m wondering if I missed something, did you have a mermaid AU for what heroes do?
Oh, there was a fantasy AU planned, but it kinda fell to the side. In it, Izumi was a mermaid. 
14.Will the World Mission movie be a part of your fic?
Yes and in a very very big way. 
15.In dorm life, there seems to be the implication that over time, they more and more start cohabitating and living together in a way you might as well take down the wall between them. AND I’M SO READY FOR THIS! Will this still happen in what heroes do or will that just be part of the dorm life AU?
There’s going to be a time skip in the main story and when it happens, certain events will lead to something similar to Dorm Life. I don’t want to spoil too much. 
16.Would Izumi actually break if someone she loves dies?
She would be very very heartbroken, but after some time, would find her way back to doing what she does best. 
17.Very randomly, have you watched Steven Universe? And if you have, in an AU where people can fuse (I know the crossover was popular for a while), what are some headcanons you have about the kind of fusion Bakugo and Izumi would create?
I have not watched it, so I don’t think I’m all that qualified to answer this one!
Thank you again for writing this and I wish you all the best in life and with the upcoming chapters you’re working on! You’ve inspired me to be better with my own storytelling as well! XD
Sugiwa: There’s not enough of a thanks I can give for such a lovely message and in-depth review of WHD. I promise I’m working hard on the next chapter and hopefully it will be up soon, but thank you for taking this journey and reading the story. I’m so happy it had such an impact on you!! I hope I’ve answered everything, but feel free to drop more questions if you have them ❤️❤️❤️
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nolanhattrick · 1 year
For the ask game, every multiple of 5.
bestie that's so many
5: what does your latest text from someone else say?
"This robot is trying so hard" in response to a youtube shorts link i sent
10: when is the last time you played the air guitar?
people actually do this??
15: do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind. always. i fucking hate getting my picture taken. froggie can attest to this after she made me get after i got BeReal
20: what is your greatest weakness; greatest strength?
damn we're going with the serious ones tonight aren't we? i like to think that, in face-to-face irl situations, i'm a good listener. i just fucking suck at responding. especially after my covid infection, i can't brain-to-mouth words anymore. the edit feature on imessage has helped this significantly since 99% of my interactions happen over that text platform but hooooooly shit i'm so bad at speaking
25: do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
i really like facetime but i fucking HATE looking at myself in the little window so i'll usually point it directly at my ceiling unless it's with One Specific Friend, mostly bc she's already seen me naked so her seeing me at Not My Best isn't a big deal and also like. idk i just fucking Hate My Face lol
30: stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? do the same with your left.
since i'm in bed and the only thing to my right is... the air. pumpkin is directly in FRONT of my right arm so i'll go with that. my phone is in front of my left arm.
35: to you, what is the meaning of life?
dude i don't even know. fuck around and find out. see more than twelve thousand trees. don't tell your friends they do too much yoga. own a cat. have at least one sex-induced medical emergency. confuse a seagull for an eagle when you're high as shit and get laughed at for it. drink a truly on the beach and watch the tide come in. eat so many cherries you shit yourself forty five minutes later and don't regret a single second of it. buy all of the notebooks you see in the bookstore and don't write in any of them. sleep outside when it's warm enough. take care of a houseplant. go far enough away from the city to actually SEE the stars. work with children. cry because of a dumb movie. breathe.
40: do you drive? if so, have you ever crashed?
yes: coming home from the seattle/tacoma metro area i got hit by someone going 90mph (145 kph) on the interstate. genuinely thought i was fish food that day.
45: what's the worst injury you've ever had?
probably the time i attempted rifle and caught it w/ my skull instead of my hands.
50: do you believe in magic?
55: love or lust?
insert "why not both" gif
60: is there anything pink within ten feet of you?
yes, a couple things. a couple of bowls, a bag of potting soil, my sharps containers, some animal shaped erasers, a solid 50% of my sex toys are pink for some reason.
65: top five favorite blogs on tumblr?
peach, froggie, lou, steph, and vati
70: are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?
i would choke me out without hesitation i do not understand how froggie tolerates me to be honest with you
75: what are the last four digits of your phone #
what are you a cop???
80: what size shoes do you wear
i don't know bc it's changed since i've started t and now none of my shoes fit
85: what's the last song you listened to?
i wanna get better by bleachers (title of my current wip comes from this song!)
90: you wake up to find that you're surrounded by mummies. they aren't doing anything, just standing around your bed. what do you do?
assume i'm dreaming and try to go back to bed
95: you just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. you have to depart right now. where are you going to go?
do i HAVE to??? i don't have a passport and i don't like airports :(
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the-real-tc · 2 years
Bad Business: A Heartland Murder Mystery EPILOGUE
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One Month Later
A Certain Private Fishing Cabin
The fire over which they had cooked the fish Jack caught was mellowing. A cool breeze drifted through the valley from the mountains and the river waters babbled softly in the hush of the advancing evening.
Jack and Lisa sat together on the porch, enjoying the surrounding scenery while they sipped some French wine sent by Aunt Evelyn.
This getaway had been a long time coming, and both were simply happy to be in each other's presence without any distractions or worries.
"What a beautiful evening," Lisa said, leaning her head against Jack's shoulder. "I'm so glad we came out here together."
"Me, too," Jack said. Neither wanted to rehash what happened the last time he ventured out to the cabin alone.
"When you brought me out here that first time, I thought I'd found a piece of heaven," Lisa remarked.
"I remember," Jack said with a smile. "And here we are again, all these years later."
"And it's still a piece of heaven," she said. "I don't think we could get any closer if we tried. My happiness is complete."
"Well, now that you mention complete happiness..." Jack said enigmatically. "There's something I want to show you."
Lisa raised her head from his shoulder. Jack reached into his jeans pocket to pull something from it. A memory stirred in Lisa's mind from the winter evening when a similar motion took place. Back then, Jack had withdrawn a padded pink velvet-covered box to reveal an antique ring that once belonged to his grandmother. Lisa looked now to see a small, square leather pouch resting in his palm.
"What is it?" she asked when he did not utter anything further.
Instead of answering verbally, Jack fished inside the pouch to reveal a shiny, solid gold band—too big for her to wear, she knew right away from its size.
"Take it," Jack said simply.
Gingerly, Lisa reached for it, however puzzled she was, and asked: "What's this for?" He certainly could not be making another marriage proposal; that would be redundant at this point.
Jack stretched out his left hand towards her, splaying his calloused fingers. "Lis, I know you were disappointed when we got married that I didn't want to wear a wedding ring..."
Instant tears sprang to her eyes in understanding of what this meant. "Jack..." A tiny sniffle escaped and a large smile broke out onto her face as she slipped the band onto his ring finger.
"I love you, and I love being married to you," Jack said. "I'm sorry I was too stuck in my ways to add this little piece to our life together."
"And I have something for you, too," Lisa said, brushing aside a tear that had escaped.
"Oh, do you?" Jack asked. "Would this have anything to do with your visit with your legal counsel a little while ago?"
Lisa's lips twitched into a smile. "Why yes, it would, Mr. Bartlett," she answered. "I spoke with my lawyer about some very important things during that visit, which included updating my will and business affairs, but that's another topic for another time."
"Hmm..." Jack hummed, knowing Dan's involvement in her business life was now a thing of the past, thank goodness.
"Jack, I've proudly carried the Stillman name my whole life. I love my name and my family heritage. But you are my family, Jack. You, Lou, Amy, Tim, Ty, Peter, Georgie, Katie and Lyndy—all of you have welcomed me into your home and into your hearts. I don't want to be 'Lisa Stillman' anymore, so I've made a little change."
"You have?" Jack said, elation bubbling up within, sensing, but not quite believing what Lisa was hinting at.
"I wanted to save this surprise for a little later in our vacation, but now is as good a time as any. I want to announce I am now officially 'Lisa Bartlett'," she said, reaching into her shoulder bag to pull out a manila business envelope. She withdrew a document declaring that legal change. "How does that sound to you?"
"I think... I think it sounds like the best thing I have heard in a very, very long time," a beaming Jack replied, looking at the document. "Mrs. Bartlett."
He gathered her into his arms and their lips met in a deep, perfect kiss.
"I love you, Mrs. Bartlett," he whispered when they at last parted.
"I love you more, Mr. Bartlett," she whispered back with her customary response, leaning in for another kiss.
Jack did not argue the point, as he was fairly certain their love for each other burned with equal intensities, and would for the rest of their lives together as husband and wife.
It would come out during Chief Parker's team's investigation that the tiny Raven MP-25 Jesse fired at Lisa, recovered in the barn after Jesse tried to shoot Ty, had been registered to Val Stanton. It was a weapon she had purchased following the death of her husband for the purpose of personal protection while at Briar Ridge.
Thanks to the eyewitness account of "the man in Cabin Two" burning something in the firepit the night of the second attempt on Lisa's life, the forensics team found traces of fabric among the ashes and debris which matched the cotton-polyester blend commonly used in some hospital scrubs.
Prior to re-opening the Dude Ranch for business, Lou permitted the Chief's team to conduct a final sweep of the area, as one piece of the puzzle remained elusive. It took nearly four hours of searching, but the investigators finally found what they were seeking: the motorcycle Earl McCann fled on when eluding capture at the hospital. After his failed attempt at killing Lisa, the cops surmised McCann rode back to the vicinity of the Dude Ranch, secreted the bike in some bushes, and walked on foot to the firepit by the pier. There, he immediately disrobed and burned the disguise he had used to blend in among the medical staff. While he had indeed been hired to bring about Lisa's death by any means necessary, McCann's own death was mere hours away, as his foolhardy pursuit of the wandering bear would seal his fate.
Heartland neighbour and dairy farmer Gerrit Van der Heyden would eventually sight the roving bear on his property a few weeks later. It was confirmed to be the one that attacked Herring and killed Earl McCann. Fish and Wildlife authorities euthanized it, though some would be sad about its fate, given what was known of the beast's role in discovering the culprits responsible for a few unsolved murders and the attempts on Lisa's life.
All Herring's wounds physical, psychological, and emotional, fully healed thanks to the teamwork of Ty, Amy and a recovered Remi.
Adam Parker continued to write his blog and would report on the court proceedings involving Jesse Stanton, Theresa Haywood, Stanley Belmont, and Tanner Gunn. The cases are still being tried at this time, though with the overwhelming evidence against the accused, guilty verdicts are expected.
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earnmysong · 1 year
P F & T for the fic meme!
thanks so much for asking, lovely!
P: ARCHITECT - story built and planned out or GARDENER - story unfolds as you, and it, progress
i'm such a freaking gardener, MY GOD! there's never any planning ahead. i usually literally say to myself 'well, shit, [exhibits a-z] gave me feelings. what would it look like if...' then, i type a bunch of emotions into a doc and make my chaos mildly more coherent. you've saved my ass from myself a time two as well, for which i'm eternally grateful!
F: one of my favorite dialogue exchanges in my repertoire, with explanation
this rather lengthy snippet of 'experience has made me rich' holds a high spot in the rankings:
“Good God, Alexis! Were you mugged?” David’s concern manifests rather forcefully and in an extremely high octave. She startles, scrunching away from the noise and blocking her ear with an arm. The closest arm, sure, but definitely the wrong choice.
“Ouch, fuck!” she hisses, cradling her ice-chilled {also bandage-wrapped and currently about five times its regular size} wrist. Silver lining? She can finally feel her pulse! Except, it’s kind of, like, not where it should be, and it seems really angry and basically shocks her whenever she moves. She must not be exactly at her quietest, either, because Ted glances over, every feature of his face asking if she’s okay. She smiles, shoos him back to steadying their daughter on that murderous contraption. “Hey, David? I, um, kind of broke myself?”
“Mhmmm, yes. I did notice that. Sort of difficult to miss the striking resemblance between you and Anna Paquin after her car crash in that movie you always lose your shit over? Where she’s Mother Goose? And how exactly have we achieved this ultimate form of flattery and maimed ourselves so spectacularly this fine spring evening?”
“Okay, first of all? Shut up, David. Fly Away Home is fantastic and you totally got misty when Len held you hostage and finally forced you to watch over Chrismukkah. Don’t bother denying. Lying is beneath us now. Also?” She fluffs her hair, bracing herself to recount her harrowing ordeal. “Len’s got a shiny new itch to be a tinier, much more adorable Tony Hawk? Because of the Vans.” She growls the brand at him; he peers down apologetically – he’s probably wearing the traitors as they speak – and scoots himself slightly farther back. “She assigned me the role of guru, and I said: What the hell? It’ll be like surfing. But on solid ground.”
“I don’t think –” David grimaces at her misguided logic, nods in understanding. “That hasn’t ended well for you?”
Alexis treats him to a slow, shaky pan of her battered physique in case he requires assistance to arrive at the correct answer. “Clearly not, David,” she huffs. 
“Yes, well. To render the sting of your obviously declining athletic aptitude less sharp, I’ve just shipped you the largest, most expensive bottle of peach schnapps that a five-minute search can yield.” She flips him off. “I also took the liberty of having ‘Get Well Soon’ engraved on an ice bucket, to both commemorate the occasion and be available in the event of future mishaps. Whether these will relate to beverages or body parts of course remains to be seen.” 
“So much love!” Sarcasm edges her cheer, but her grin is genuine; she boops his nose through the screen. 
Then: “Mommy, I can almost land an ollie!” Len announces proudly, clambering up to sit next to Alexis as Ted mouths She can stay upright. “Are you alive? That was so much blood! And, see? I told you I memorized Daddy’s numb – Oh! Hi, Uncle David! Did Mommy tell you she taught me to skateboard?” 
David snorts in a ridiculously impolite manner, choking down the rest of his chuckle. “You could say that. The marvelous Ms. Mullens she most definitely is not, however. Oooh, have we added to our wardrobe without consultation?” 
Alexis listens to Lennox and David chat while Ted examines her mangled wrist. “Um, babe? Are you sure this – ” he’s pushing gently on various spots “- is the safest bet? Like, knowing something’s broken when I pass out in the park?”
“I’m not just going out on a limb, Lex. I have had practice.” Ted laughs, pressing his lips softly to hers, trading an unnerving touch for one flooded with comfort and calm; okay, yes, he might be, like, an expert at taking care of everything he encounters. 
“No. No.” David’s insistent scold cuts into their impromptu make-out sesh far sooner than she appreciates. “None of that, please. Your child is present and that fact alone should deter you. Because I am well-acquainted with your habits, however, I must also submit this for your consideration - my sister has wreaked enough havoc upon herself in a single afternoon to, quite possibly, last a lifetime.  Do we really want to put her further at risk, given some of the fun in which you’ve engaged in the past?” 
okay, so! my affinity for, and admiration of, dan levy et al. and 'schitt's creek' as a whole is storied and unrepeatable. typically, i would be terrified to attempt to capture the essence of a universe i value that highly. because i love SC as much as i do, still, i also wanted to see how close i could get. i'd already written two installments of the saga before this, but they'd only featured alexis and ted. here, david enters and the established tiny human speaks. i ended up coming pretty close to the mark, if i do say so myself, a fact that makes me smile, even a few years removed.
T: fandom tropes i can't stand
i don't necessarily understand when protagonists are paired romantically with villains who showed no glimmer of redemption in canon [carol danvers/yon-rogg, jyn/krennic, etc]. also? i'm not one for when violence extends beyond the action/fight sequence realm.
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norhimorovine · 2 years
Home Again Home Again
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“We gather pieces of happiness, precious and fragile, only to lose them. Then start again.”
N’s words echoed in Norhi’s thoughts as she teleported into the Hawthorne Hut. She’d already called ahead on the linkpearl, letting her family know she was coming. And as her vision cleared, showing the familiar village, her eyes turned upwards to that dreaded view. The sky above was that sickly red and she felt her stomach turn. 
She closed her eyes and took a breath. But then she heard her name called and she turned in Crystal’s saddle, spotting her father of all people. P’rischy Morovine was trotting up on his own bird, grinning with excitement. He didn’t even dismount, reaching to hug Norhi atop her mount. “Gods be good. You made it!”
Norhi laughed and hugged him tightly. “I did.”
P’ris pulled back and eyed her. “You’ve seen some shit. And what the hells happened to your ankle?”
Norhi snorted and gestured at the road. “Ride and talk. Yes, I’ve seen some shit. Things in Garlemald are intensely complex. I’m not sure I can summarize any of it easily. As for my ankle,” she quietly relates what she can of the story, without getting too deep into who N and Twelves were just yet.
P’rischy eyed Norhi by the end of her story, while their birds followed the road to the shop without trouble. “You never cease to amaze me with your ability to make the most unique friends, sweetheart.”
Norhi smiled faintly. “You’d like them. They’re your brand of chaos.”
P’ris chuckled. “A pity that I need to stay here. I’d love to see this town you’ve been working in.”
Norhi mused quietly. “Maybe someday. We can go visit Misah’to, if he sticks to his decision.”
P’rischy nodded quietly and then asked, “How is he really? There were things your letter left out.”
Norhi grimached and then sighed. “The girls he took on? Pureblood Garleans. Their parents were his owners. They are sweet girls though. Coming around to understanding just what was wrong about Misah’to’s situation. And honestly a little horrified by it. But they love him like he’s family. And he is deeply protective of them. And I don’t blame him. They’re just children, Dad.”
“Maybe then, this will be a good place to build a bridge,” P’ris answered softly, “I can see why you didn’t relate that in your letter. Well, your mother’s already dug through the twins’ old winter clothing. And talked to some of the neighbors. We’ll have some to send back with you.”
Norhi nodded. “Don’t worry about sizes. There’s a bunch of kids in Alvarium. Anything that’s solid and warm against snow. If it can’t be worn, it can be repurposed.”
P’ris smiled in understanding. “Good to know. I’ll let her know when I get back. Will you be coming over tomorrow?”
Norhi shook her head, her hand settling on a large specimen bag that hung at her side. “No. I’ve got business with Sahlia. Day after though.”
“Got it. Don’t be surprised if your mother comes by to hug you tomorrow,” P’ris acknowledged with a chuckle, “She’s been climbing the walls since your call.”
Norhi winced and then smiled. “I’ll be happy to see her. Maybe Sahlia can help with my ankle before she shows up.”
P’ris snorted. “You know I have to tell her right?”
“Do you have to? Really? I’ve already spent a week being chased around Alvarium by everyone trying to get me to stop working!” she complained with a loud groan.
P’rischy rolled his eyes. “Good. Well, Maybe you’ll listen to someone this time.”
At this point, they came up to the shop. Zuki and Nhie’a both came out with Vhene and Herah on their heels, greeting Norhi and P’riscy. Norhi was sat to the side with two small children, while the three men saw to unloading Crystal’s gear and getting her sorted into her stable. 
P’rischy then hugged his daughter one more time, before mounting back up and heading back to Gridania. Norhi just let her husband insist on carrying her inside the house, while the kids chanted about dinner. She could already feel the tension bleeding out of her. 
These were pieces of her happiness. She’d found them and nurtured them. And she hoped she wouldn’t lose them any time soon.
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