#i get off work early so after i take care of stuff more replies will come
jmiemagvans · 2 years
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Merry Christmas everyone!
@narilily, @cagenewman, @chloenwckobia, @brooksienewman, @xsylcuenco, @docolives, @darpow, @ahlandrieu @stellylee
For our resident plant mama... first some really fun wine glasses! I laughed a little too hard. And the next one is a butterfly puddler, which I felt fitting because gardens and butterflies.
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A backpack for your travels. You're busy and you've got a lot to do! So this is for a future trip somewhere special. And a make-your-own-game kit, something you and Colton can do together, which is pretty cool, I think!
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Some coloring pencils since we talked a little bit about being creative! Well, you can use these for just doodling or anything you want, really! And I found this plus tamagotchi which I found to be really funny and cute.
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I saw these cufflinks that are made of the workings of a watch. They look really snazzy to me, honestly. The bag is something I also thought was pretty cool, something to help your work at the farm and moving stuff around.
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To one of my best friends here and anywhere, I think these earrings are really cute, and they go with almost anything, right? And the slippers made me think of you, being stylish and colorful.
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So I hear you like squishmallows, so here is one that is a cat! Plus you have a cat named Mallow, so that's perfect, right? Next... I hear you like wine... so, a wine slushie kit to use to your heart's content!
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Okay, these history quotes made me laugh. But I always love chatting with you and talking about your classes! So a cheeky mug and an even cheekier shirt.
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For your shopping adventures, a new tote bag! It's colorful and it's made of recycled materials, which makes it even better. And a make-your-own play dough kit for the kids!
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I hear you like music, so I found this really cool mechanical music box where you can put bumps in the sheet music to match your favorite tunes, and as you turn the crank, it plays! Next is a sunography kit! You can make pictures in the sun with this special paper.
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peachesofteal · 4 months
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader
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Simon's short term rental is almost claustrophobic.
He tries to stay out of it, tries to keep himself busy. Active. After a week since you asked him to go home, to give you some space, he noticed he's lost weight. The thick of his ribs, his stomach, his thighs, has thinned out, cutting his bulk, exposing more muscle.
The grief feels more fresh than it has in years. Talking to you, telling you, has dredged up long buried things, agony and regret, pain that steals his breath and leaves him paralyzed. He forces himself not to think of it, but it still finds a way to creep in. To make him feel torn apart, turns him into a ghost.
He walks a lot. Walks to the store. Walks to the pub. Walks to the park. Sometimes he sits on the bench and watches mums push their buggies, wondering if it's something you might enjoy, if you were feeling better. Wishing he had made more of an effort to get you out of the flat, into the sunshine.
He's still walking to your building at night, standing under the tree, watching the lights flicker on and off. Your windows stay lit longer now, periods of sleep more infrequent, leaving him to worry that you're not getting enough rest, not taking care of yourself.
He walked all morning into early afternoon today. Tried to quell the nausea swirling in his stomach, tried not to watch the clock, or count the seconds. Tried to brace himself for the bittersweet he knew was coming.
>Hey, I'm going to be leaving pretty soon for work, and could be gone for a while. Could I see Orion before I go? Spend some time with him?
Your reply still rings in his ears. Short. Torturous.
But he doesn't blame you. He did it the wrong way. You have a child, his child, to protect, to take care of. Of course, you should be concerned. Maybe he should have found a better way to tell you. Maybe he shouldn't have told you at all.
A large part of him, the instinctual part, considered refusing you, when you asked him to give you some time, and he still hasn't made a decision about what he will do in the long run.
It would be so easy, to hide you away. To take you in the middle of the night, wake you up in a brand new home, high in hill, in a whole new country across a border.
When the knock on his door finally comes, he crams the overflow of emotion coursing through his heart into a teeny tiny box, and prays he'll be able to keep a lid on it.
"Hey." Orion turns in your grip, looking for Simon's voice, and you smother a wince at the shift in his weight.
"Hi." You look through him. Past him. To the left of his elbow, at his shoulder, the floor. Anywhere but his eyes.
"Thanks for letting me spend some time with him." Your lips go flat, but you shuffle the baby into his arms, managing to avoid skin to skin contact. It makes his stomach hurt worse than it already did.
"Of course, you're... you're his dad." You peek around him, trying to get a better look of the flat. "Do you uh, have stuff for him?"
"I went to the store."
"Okay. Well, good." You hand him the bag next. "I wasn't sure what you had so there are a few changes of clothes in there, just in case, and some bottles. They should probably go in the fridge. Diapers, some toys. Just in case... I didn't want.... I wanted you to have everything you might need." It's thoughtful of you, and he wants to smile, but you won't look at him.
"Thank you." You nod.
"Alright well, I'll come pick him up later? Just text me I guess, when you're ready. Hopefully he'll take a bottle."
"I can bring him-"
"No, that's okay." you cut him off sharply, shaking your head. He frowns.
"Why not?"
"I- I don't mind, coming by to get him."
"But if it's dark..."
"I can manage." You snap, and he purses his lips, but says nothing.
"Alright well, see you later then." You make some noncommittal noise, and then step closer, mouth pressing to Orion's cheek.
"Bye baby, love you." You finally look up at him, really look, and he holds his breath when he sees it all in your eyes. Pain. Confusion. Worry.
He did that.
The evening goes too fast. He manages to get Ry to nap, and drink over half a bottle, a huge win, but spends most of the time just holding him, walking him in circles in his flat, trying to memorize the feeling of his baby in his arms. He's fussier than usual, crying anytime Simon tries to put him down, which he doesn't mind, but concerns him. Is he like this at home, with you? Is this why you've been up more at night?
Still, it's over too soon, and when you're knocking on the door again, he stands on the other side a few seconds too long, wishing he had more time.
He's always wishing he had more time.
"How was he?"
"Good. More fussy than usual, but I got him to take most of a bottle. Is he doing alright?"
"He's been like this, the past few days. He's either going through a growth spurt, or developing some late colic. I hope it's the growth spurt." Oh no.
"Well, I'm here if you need anything. If you want me to take him at all." You nod.
"When uh... when are you leaving?"
"Two weeks or so. Once the guys get back, they'll have a few days debrief and then... we'll be off."
"Okay, well. Just let me know, when you want him again?"
"I will." He kisses Orion's cheek, whispering in his ear how much he loves him, before passing him to you. You have to reposition your posture to support his weight, and he winces. "Are you okay?" You blink at him, skeptical and surprised.
"I'm great Simon. Really peachy."
"Look, I know I really sprung-"
"Sprung? Is that what you're calling that? Simon... you blindsided me. You... you-" He holds up his hands.
"I'm much more careful now. I've learned a lot of hard lessons, and I would never, ever allow anything to happen to you or Orion." His shoulders slump, and he drops his eyes to the floor. Ashamed. Grief trying to work its way, trying to break him down just as it has all these years before. "I've learned from my mistakes." There's a long, uncomfortable since between the two of you, one that Orion fills with fussing, and then your voice cracks.
"Simon, that wasn't your fault.... I'm not... I'm not upset about... that. Or anything, that happened to you. I mean, I'm upset but not at you for that..." You take a deep breath. "I am upset for you, that those things happened to you, that you've been through such trauma, such horrible things." Tears wet your cheeks, but he doesn't move. Doesn't breathe. "I would never hold that against you. I'm upset about your job. And the danger it puts us in. I'm upset that I didn't know that you'd been gone for weeks, possibly months at a time. I'm upset that you promised me you'd be here, and then never mentioned the super secret task force that will... take you away from us." Orion cries, and you bounce him back and forth, finally looking Simon dead in the eye, facing him head on. "It feels like you've been lying to me, for weeks now. I thought we were in this, together, that we were- we were building something, together. Now it just feels like... I could lose you at any second instead. That Orion could lose his father, grow up without you." The last word rips from your lips in a sob, and you shake your head as he steps close.
"You will never lose me. Do you understand? That will never happen." He vows it, swears it, forces it out into the universe as a covenant, but you only shake your head again, sadly.
"You can't promise that."
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kisses4reid · 7 months
convenient pt. 2 | ·˚ ༘ spencer reid ,,
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pt. 1 (you cannot read part 2 with no context).
summary - he totally just cares if you pass your exams, nothing else. there is no other reason he keeps coming back to your convenience store.
genre - fluff, fem!college!reader x early season!spencer
warnings - school work, incorrect science stuff bc i’m just a girl
a/n - thank you all for the love on the first part!!! it was so surprising, especially since it was the first fic i’ve uploaded on this blog, i love y’all so much 🫶 thank you to those who suggested to make this a series, i would’ve totally made this a oneshot if not for y’all.
“you got any plans tonight spencer?”, morgan asked, taking his jacket off the back of his chair, passing spencer’s clean desk.
“uh, yeah actually.”
“really?” morgan stopped beside him, looking over his shoulder, a smirk crawling up, “with who?”
“moby dick.” spencer lied, morgan rolled his eyes.
“you’re no fun man.”
the doorbell rang, but after not seeing a certain skinny man for two nights, you’re mind starting to reset into the ‘studying grind mode’ it had been on before meeting spencer. stop thinking about spencer, keep studying.
three ladies dressed in short skirts, a white man with dreads (yikes), and a boy around 8 years old checked out with various items before a 3 minute cannelloni, bag of coffee, and an apple landed in front of you. before you could look up he spoke,
“how did your assignment go?” you jumped in your seat, nearly punching the man in the face before you placed a hand over your heart and sighed,
“good lord, you need to learn how to walk louder.”
spencer grinned. you scanned the cannelloni, he glanced at your hand still over your heart.
“bless you?”
“the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.” you glanced up and saw him looking at your hand with a thin lipped awkward smile. you quickly put your hand down and continued scanning, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“we all know words. like… vellichor.” you spoke, packing his things in the same plastic bag he brought just little of a week ago. he tilted his head,
“the love of used bookstores?”
“i saw old books in your car.”
“you were looking in my car?” he put his hands in his pockets, as he looked out the window to his parked vehicle, not planning to pick up his bag of ‘groceries’ anytime soon. only then did you notice his tie was askew, his hair a little disheveled, his eyes a little sunken. the doorbell rung, a middle-aged balding man walking in behind spencer.
“i’m observant. $12.98.” he whipped out a slim wallet from his back pocket, flicking through some notes to pull out a $20. you ruffled through the register for his change as he remarked,
“you didn’t even look at the register.”
“don’t need to, you’re predictable.” you reply with a sneaky smile, causing spencer to copy reluctantly.
there was an awkward cough from behind him, the middle-aged man. spencer turned back to you after realising that he was in fact in a convenience store, and you were in fact the only worker there. “sorry sir, um. bye.” he took his bag, the thin lipped smile becoming nearly as predictable as his late-night groceries.
the tall, awkward, superbly smart man who smelt like wood didn’t show up for 5 nights. you thought there were only three possibilities at his absence: sickness, death, or he’s learnt how to cook.
you thought the next time you saw him you would ask more about him. in between studying, classes, and working, there wasn’t much time for a social life in your day to day. or maybe you wouldn’t. maybe he wasn’t showing up because he wasn’t really a regular, just a guy who needed quick meals, coffee, and apples on those specific nights. that’s insane, you are insane, get back to studying.
you almost didn’t recognise him the next night. same clothes, same height, same cologne, different face. dark circles under his eyes, permanent lines between his eyebrows, and a purple bruise on his left cheek. it was silent, he was the only customer at 11:30pm. you both made eye contact while you scanned his items, (same things plus a travel first aid kit) silently observing his expectant expression before you broke the silence.
“i’m not going to ask.”
“i got hit with the butt of a gun.” he said matter of factly.
you halted, coffee bag in hand, and stared at him, squinting. “…okay. actually i am gonna ask. who would hit a librarian with the butt of a gun?”
he scrunched his eyebrows and tilted his head, blinking, “i’m not a librarian. why do you think i’m a librarian?”
you packed his things, “smart, dressed posh, just general mysterious good looking librarian vibe,” he handed you a $20, “you remind me of a pipe cleaner with eyes.”
he raised an eyebrow, breaking eye contact, “not the first time i’ve heard that.”
you laughed, thinking it was a joke. his shoulders relaxed, the lines between his eyebrows softening. he grabbed his things, “bye, y/n.”
“bye, spencer.”
you were so close to finding out more about him. how the hell does a man that looks like that get into so much trouble?
you finish your shift, packing your textbooks and now flat laptop, locking everything up and turning the lights off. it was 1am. and, spencer was asleep in his car.
you looked around and put your jacket around your shoulders before jogging up to his driver’s window. his head was lulled to one side, mouth closed, chest rising softly. you knocked, and suddenly he was wide-eyed and searching for something.
“spencer? what are you still doing here?” you speak just loud enough for him to hear behind the window, which he promptly put down. you had a split second realisation how crazy this was. checking in on a regular, watching a regular sleep, feeling safe enough to approach a man’s car just because he buys the same thing every night he comes to the convenience store.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to fall asleep. i- uh,” he wiped his face, “sorry.”
you look at him with concern, “it’s okay, just.. try not to look like you were waiting for me to finish my shift to kidnap me next time, okay?”
he sighed and nodded. waving goodbye, you started down the street, your apartment only being a block away. over the music now playing in your ears, you heard a car drive away, mixing with your confused thoughts about who this regular really is and what he does for a living. and how does he look that good.
he was back the next night, same black slacks, with a purple sweater a shade darker than your own.
“hey spencer, before i scan your 3 minute bolognese, coffee and bag of apples-“
“how did you get that perfectly-“
“i’m going to ask this and you’re going to answer, okay?”
you know nothing about this man, but talking to him like a good friend felt natural now. though, you still tried to avoid over stepping it.
“-though you don’t actually have to answer it. you are a customer and i can’t force customers to do anything but- seeing as though you know i’m a college student and that i work at this convenience store and that i sort of suck at biology- sorry i’m rambling,” you take a breath, “where do you work?” you finish, spencer smiling slightly. you were surprised he didn’t cut you off to stop you, like everyone else did. he didn’t answer at first, the squeak of your shoe against the floor displayed your anxious tell.
“i can’t tell you.”
you sighed, rolling your eyes and packing his stuff, he already had a $20 ready in his hand. you took it, fingers brushing slightly against his. “you suck, and your so suspicious. i should just call security.”
he looked around, fiddling his fingers together, “you don’t have security.”
you pointed to a dead cockroach outside underneath the warm street light. “yes we do. why do you think he’s twitching? he’s insane, he’ll hurt you.”
he chuckled, the sound bringing a shade of pink to your cheeks. “you don’t work on weekends.”
you squinted, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and maybe a bit of fear. “what.”
“i came in on a weekend and a man was here.” he explained as you nodded.
“yeah, no i don’t. why?”
spencer gulped, taking his bag, and smiling awkwardly, “nothing, bye!”
you waved, confused. also stressed, you hadn’t worked on your psychology assignment while waiting for him to show up.
pt. 3
taglist- @jeffswh0re @hypotheticallyspeakingwitch @wannabewolf @evysian @trashmonstersara
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total-lunareclipse4 · 1 month
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🌜One sided hate🌛
pairing: five hargreeves x reader
summary: you work for The Commission, but so does your coworker who you hate. After a sweet gesture during your special day, you begin to wonder if maybe you’re the problem.
warnings: none I can think of
word count: 1.9 k
There wasn't anything extraordinary about today. You'd felt the same as always when you had woken up by the alarm blasting from your phone, and when you'd gone to turn it off, you'd realized that you didn't have any messages. Not that this came as a surprise to you, you hadn't even felt disappointed like years prior. The type of life you chose to lead was a very solitary one. Having a family wasn't compatible with working for The Commission, and friends got tired of associating with you when your work caused you to miss every important event in their life. Also, there was the fact that you didn't even stay in one place for long periods of time, traveling through humankind's history as if you were going from one country to another.
As you got in the shower, you dreaded going to work today. Usually, you were very fond of what you did, but today you were going in to do paperwork. Whenever a mission was over, you had to spend the next couple of days writing endless detailed reports about everything that had gone down for your supervisors to go over. In some cases, you would be called in and scolded for doing something reckless that had put in danger the integrity of the organization. That had only happened to you once, but the pain in the ass you had for a coworker had not let you live it down. He was the perfect employee, your boss adored him and everyone in the office was constantly kissing his ass. Not you, however, you did not care how good he was at what he did, you were also pretty damn good about it and didn't need to put others down to prove it.
Distracted by these thoughts, you lost track of time, realizing that you were now running late. Annoyed that you were going to have to miss breakfast, you quickly headed for your place of work. Upon arriving, you were quick to get inside, trying to hide from your boss so she wouldn't realize you were late. However, as your luck would have it, she was waiting for you by your desk.
With her red lips pressed firmly in a tight line and her pale arms crossed over her chest, she gave you a frown before speaking;
“Agent, a word.” She started walking towards her office and you had no choice but to follow. Once both of you were inside the room, you closed the door and sat down reluctantly.
“After today, that makes what? Three times you've been late this month?”
Four, actually. But you weren't going to correct her.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, wishing to be anywhere but here.
“No excuses today?” One of her eyebrows shot up.
With a sigh, you replied, “No, just a promise not to let this happen again.”
She looked taken aback by your change in attitude, being used to the endless rants that explained why you had been late that day. Some of your best stuff had been used during these meetings, realizing that you were most creative during the early hours of the morning.
“I love this job, and I'm good at it. I won't be late again, I promise.” You tried to keep your sentences as short as possible, wanting this conversation to end quickly.
Your boss rested her chin on her hand and waited a few seconds before speaking again.
“Look, I'm gonna be honest with you here. You have one of the best success rates, however, being a good killer doesn't necessarily make you a good worker. You need to take this job more seriously. Be on time, dress more professionally, hand in your reports when they’re due. Next time I won't be letting you go with just a warning.”
You tried to ignore her comment about your clothes, since you thought you usually looked very professional. There was a lot of thought put into your outfits. But this wasn't the time to argue with her.
“I'm sorry. Like I said, it won't happen again.”
“Good. Close the door on your way out.” You gladly took this as an opportunity to get out of her office, but when your hand had reached the handle, you heard her call after you.
“Wait, before I forget,”
So close, you thought.
“Have Five go over your report once you’re done with it.”
“What? Why?” your words carried a little more aggression than you'd intended, something that didn't go unnoticed by your superior.
“Because I'm telling you to do so.”
You debated if this was a discussion worth having, deciding that it indeed was.
“But he has the same rank as me, why is he supervising my work now?” You could tolerate putting in some extra work now that your job was sort of on the line, but answering to Five was something that you thought you could not tolerate.
“You have the same rank, yet, he’s never been late.” You knew this was a sign to drop the subject before she regretted not firing you in the first place.
You opened the door, resigned to leave.
“One more thing,” you heard her say, “don't ever question me again.
“Yes ma’ am,” you replied and went to sit over at your desk.
This was proving to be the worst birthday ever.
Once you were all settled in, you decided to start moving some files around, figuring that if you wanted to be taken more seriously, you had to start by cleaning up your place of work. That’s when you first noticed the little brown bag and the paper cup with your name written on it. Upon closer inspection, you realized they happened to be your favorite drink and pastry. There was also a note attached written in very neat handwriting that read: “Happy birthday, enjoy breakfast on me.” On the bottom left corner were three doodles you figured were a poor attempt at drawing balloons.
You looked around the office, but none of your coworkers seemed to be paying you any attention. Against your better judgment, you took a sip from the beverage, thankful that you were going to be able to eat some breakfast afterall.
Around noon, you were almost ready with your report, and you decided to take a quick lunch break as a reward for your work. You headed for the snacks machine, almost having forgotten about the terrible morning you’d had. However, things seemed to be going bad again when you noticed a particular coworker standing by the machine.
Taking a deep breath, you chose to rise above and walked over to get some food. You noticed he was whistling your favorite song, apparently not having realized you were there.
“Goodmorning,” you said as to let him know you were there.
Without turning back to look at you, he bent over to pick up the soda that had fallen from the machine and replied,
“Actually, it’s the afternoon.” Already annoyed, you looked down at your watch to realize he had been right. It was exactly twelve PM. You chose not to say anything, waiting for him to leave so you could buy your lunch, but instead, he opened his can with a loud POP and leaned against the machine.
“Did you like the breakfast? I wasn’t sure if that was still your order,” he asked.
You were shocked by the revelation, expecting the gift to have come from anyone but him. You had so many questions, and a couple of insults too. Regardless, the only thing you could mutter out was a poor attempt at being grateful.
“Yeah, thanks,” you spoke dryly.
“I know you never have any breakfast so I thought it an appropriate gift.” He took a sip from his soda.
“You couldn’t possibly know that,” you spat, annoyed.
He gave you a half grin, an insufferable look that said please, who do you think you’re talking to?
“You’re always late, usually looking like a hot mess. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you don’t have time to eat breakfast. Not saying that I’m not a genius though.” You hated that he was making assumptions about your life like that, however true they may be. He didn’t know the first thing about you.
“And humble too,” you replied, anger taking over your tone.
He furrowed his brow, as if confused by your response. Did he seriously expect you to act any differently after he called you a mess?
“Have I done something to offend you?” He asked.
You let out a loud puff. Where could you start?
“I don’t appreciate you treating me like garbage just because you’re on the good side of our boss.”
He let out a laugh, an actual audible laugh that made you want to strangle him.
“Buying you breakfast on your birthday is treating you like garbage now?” He always managed to twist your words to leave you looking like the bad guy.
“That’s not what I was talking about.”
“Then what were you talking about? Enlighten me please, when have I ever been rude to you?”
This was your opportunity to show him how insufferable he had been over the years, however, after giving it some thought, you couldn’t come up with much.
“Like that time I got told off for making a mistake during a mission and you made fun of me afterwards.” You felt silly saying it out loud. It sounded so childish.
“That’s what this is about? I was just playing around, that’s what friends do!” He laughed again, taking another sip.
“We’re friends?”
“We aren’t?” He asked. His brows furrowed in a confused looked.
Suddenly, you realized all of the anger you had held against him over the years was nothing but one sided and utterly pointless, given that Five actually thought you two were friends.
“No, not to my knowledge,” your tone was soft, no longer mad but a bit embarrassed by your past attitude.
Five took a good look at you, inspecting you for a moment. He seemed to be making a choice in his mind, which he shared with you when he spoke again.
“Tell you what, let me take you out for dinner tonight, as a way to celebrate your birthday properly. We can actually talk and get to know each other then. That way you can make an informed decision about whether or not you wish to be my friend.”
You pondered about it for a few seconds, unsure if to trust the guy who you'd considered your enemy for as long as you’d worked here. After a little bit, you came to the conclusion that eating dinner with a coworker was better than sitting alone in your apartment feeding on leftovers, even if that coworker was Five Hargreeves.
“Fine, let’s have dinner.”
“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Yeah sure, whatever,” you smiled. You figured you could try to be a little kinder to him after years of unjustified rudeness.
He smiled back and began walking away, once he was a few feet away from you, he turned around to face you again.
“And hey, don't forget to have that report on my desk before you clock out today,” he said with a wink before leaving you alone.
The anger came back, making you feel the urge to punch that stupid grin off his face.
Maybe all was not forgiven.
author’s note: I’ll probably do a part two if this goes well of them having dinner!
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totalswag · 8 months
pairs love - DREW STARKEY
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authors not since drew is in pairs at the fashion shows i thought why not write something cute and adorable. like can we talk about how freaking good he looked walking around ugh. the poll is officially over and the rafe series won! ima start working on the master list and have it up.
summary you come out to visit your boyfriend in pairs during fashion week.
warnings kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower
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Drew was invited to two fashion shows in Paris: menswear for Prada and Loewe menswear. He left three days ago, while you stayed at home to put the finishing touches on your flower garden.
You couldn't be more proud of your boyfriend with all the success he's gained over the past couple years. He truly deserves this. Getting the recognition he deserves.
Last night, you landed in Pairs, drained from hours on the plane and eager to shower and sleep on a bed. It felt good seeing Drew and being in his arms. Although it was three days without each other, you always miss his presence.
Drew had the day off, so he planned to take you out to dinner, walk around, shopping, and visit the Eiffel Tower. He advised you to get enough rest early so you have enough rest to explore the Pairs at night.
During dinner, Drew spoke about what the shows were like and meeting celebs he's seen in movies or other people for the first time. It was really cool hearing what he had to say.
You were quite excited to visit the Eiffel Tower. You've always wanted to see it in person someday. Your inner child was jumping up and down inside.
"That restaurant was so delicious; I can see why you enjoy it so much," you tell Drew, tucking your hands into your coat to keep them warm from the cold.
"I'm glad to hear that you liked it baby," He smiles, tilts his head to the side, and blushes.
You chuckle as you playfully nudge his arm. He pretends to fall on his side, with a dramatic expression on his face.
"You are such a dork," you laugh.
"Your favorite dork, dork," he responds in a playful tone, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you continue walking down the sidewalk.
Drew and you went inside a few stores that caught your eye; you might've bought a few things. Drew watched you in awe as you showed him different clothing throughout the store.
"What do you think about this one?" You inquired Drew, holding two clothes that piqued your interest.
Drew hurriedly glances aside from the apparel rack he was browsing. His brows furrow as he casts a stern stare with his pointer finger on his chin.
"I think both will look great on you, but I'd go with this one because it draws your eyes out," he says casually, sweeping his arm toward the shirt you first showed him.
"You are too sweet, you know that" you reply as you turn around, putting back the other clothing item.
He loves seeing you happy. He knew how much you've always wanted to visit Pairs and thought this was the best time to go.
"Thank you for the stuff, baby," you grin, gripping his hand and lifting the bag with your other hand.
When you went out of the last store, you heard people heading in your direction, fans. They walked forward with grins on their faces, carrying items for him to sign and their phones for photos.
When one fan spotted you were with him, she screamed your name out in delight, and the rest followed after. You put your free hand over your heart with a pout before beaming at the little fans.
We love you Drew
This is the best day of my life
I can't believe he's in front of me
He's so beautiful in person
Drew started taking pictures with the fans; giving them hugs, making videos for fans that couldn't make it, signed a few things, and had conversations.
Fans also came up to as well. They were all so sweet and caring. One fan came up to you with tears forming in her eyes, you opened your arms to welcome her.
You are so sweet, Y/N
You are so gorgeous
Can't believe you are here too
I love your relationship with Drew
When word spread that Drew was in a relationship, all of the fans went crazy, searching for who this mystery girl was. You were apprehensive about how the fans might react.
You eventually posted a TikTok video with your best friend, Madelyn Cline, and Drew happened to be in the background; people then connected the dots. In the end, they loved and admired you.
Being in a relationship with someone in the public spotlight offers advantages and disadvantages, but you wouldn't alter it for anything, especially if you love them.
"Don't cry now love," you tell her softly, "what's your name?" She tells you her name and goes on to explain how much she loves you and your content you post.
"That's so sweet of you, thank you."
You spent ten minutes with the girls until it was ready to go look at the Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower was everything you've dreamed of. Seeing it in person was one of the best feelings in the world. So many emotions were going through your body.
You got out your phone to capture some photos and videos to share later tomorrow. Drew snapped a photo of you with his digital camera, capturing the tower, and he couldn't help but smile.
He carefully put his arms around your waist, drawing you into his front, chin on top of your head, rocking you side to side slowly and silently while savoring the moment.
"This has been one of the greatest days of my entire life. Being here with you in your arms in Pairs. I just want to say thank your for bringing me out here and experiencing this."
You feel your body relax in his touch, allowing a sigh to escape your lips, your head to strike his chest, and giving him the opportunity to kiss you.
You two don't give a damn whether anyone witnesses you kissing at this point. Right now, just the two of you matter because you are in love. And you are in Pairs.
"I had to bring you out here with me, of course, sweetheart. You keep me warm, too, and I love holding you in my arms. However, when you consider it, this is our first trip to Europe as a couple” he says.
You move your body around so that your chests are against one another. In return, you up on your small toes and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him all over his face.
I love you.
I love you more.
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@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @chenslucy @brooklynscherry-z @johannelis2302nely @rosezza @kaydr3venge
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
Could you write about a random morning with Matt as his girlfriend? Sorry if I not making any sense.
Your writing is amazing!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
A Cold Sunday- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: Girlfriend!reader x Boyfriend!Matt
classification: fluff
warnings: use of y/n, slight cursing, established relationship, a lot of dialogue, very short
inspiration: request^^, A Cold Sunday by Lil Yachty, just the title mostly
summary: You and Matt spend a cold Sunday morning together, snuggling up and keeping warm.
Every day of the week was chock full of activities for both you and Matt. Whether it be work, appointments, events, or daily chores; you two rarely had time together during the week. Even Saturdays were hectic for you both, you’d usually only get a few hours together before bed before one of you dozed off.
That’s why you loved Sundays, they were the only day neither you worked and you always made sure never to schedule anything on those days.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Matt croaks from beside you, a lazy arm wrapped around your waist from under the comforter. “Good morning, baby,” you reply, pushing his hair back and kissing his forehead.
“How did you sleep?” you ask, his eyes closing once again as the drowsiness settles back in. “Mmm good,” he hums, nuzzling into your chest slightly.
“That’s good, baby.”
You’re playing with his hair, your mind filling with ideas of what to do throughout the day. The possibilities were endless, especially because your only responsibility was to have fun with Matt.
“What do you wanna do today? We can go to the flea market, go eat some breakfast, or maybe we can try that new coffee shop,” you say in excitement, your cheery tone being too much for Matt this early in the morning.
“What about the mall? The mall could be fun. Ooo what if we have a picnic? We haven’t done that in so long,” you continue, subconsciously braiding strands of his hair as you compile a list of possible activities.
“It’s cold,” he murmurs, the statement being followed by a soft yawn.
Yawns are infectious, causing you to yawn shortly after. “Yeah, you’re right,” you reply, the yawn making it sound more like a roar.
“We can still do stuff…” he trails off, pulling away from you slightly to look at your face. You smile at him, you’re just happy to be spending time with him. “But we can stay in?” Matt suggests, loving the idea of a cozy day in.
You hum in response, already anticipating the cozy day ahead.
“Hurry, Matt! I’m cold!” you exclaim, lifting the comforter up so he can hop back into bed. “I can’t! The hot chocolate is gonna spill!” he shouts back, panicking as he tries balancing both mugs so none of the liquid spills over.
You groan playfully, scooting to the edge of the bed and reaching for a mug, “here let me help you, you goof.” He chuckles at the nickname, carefully handing you a mug, “be careful, it’s hot.”
“I know, I’m smart.”
You sip the hot chocolate, trying to prevent it from spilling, but the scorching liquid has you pulling away immediately, “Fuck! That’s hot!”
“I just said that,” Matt chuckles, getting comfortable under the covers and pressing play on the movie you two were previously watching. “Shush, it’s good,” you murmur, going back for a second sip.
You settle back against the headboard, sipping occasionally as you watch the movie. Matt blows on his hot chocolate, afraid to burn himself like you did.
He blows on it hard enough for the liquid to spill over the cup. “Oh fuck. I spilled it,” Matt says blankly, looking at you as he tries not to laugh.
“Why was that movie so sad?” Matt sniffles, rubbing the tears out of his eyes. You’ve seen the movie a million times before and each time Matt has the same reaction.
“Babe, you know how it ends. How does it still make you cry?” you ask, chuckling slightly at his dramatic behavior.
“Y/n, don’t be so heartless,” he replies, looking at you as if you’re some type of monster. “How does it still not make you cry?”
You take a sip from your hot chocolate, fighting the laughter. “It’s really not that sad,” you say, taking a hold of the remote to find your next watch of the day.
“Matt, it’s Toy Story.”
You’ve laid in bed with Matt all day, and although you haven’t waisted any energy, you’re really hungry.
“Just order pizza,” you suggest, resting your head on Matt’s shoulder as he orders the food on his phone. “I don’t want pizza though,” he replies, scrolling through DoorDash in search of the next best option.
“Chinese food?” you ask, your stomach grumbling at the suggestion. “Neh, too greasy.”
“Okay, what about Cane’s?”
“Not in the mood for chicken,” he replies, exhausting all his options.
“In N Out?”
“We had burgers last Sunday,” Matt finds an excuse to turn down all of your suggestions. “Just get whatever you want,” you mumble, becoming hangrier by the second.
He stays silent for a while, searching relentlessly for something appetizing, but he can’t find anything.
“I’m just gonna order pizza,” he finally comments.
Just a short story about a goofy morning with Matt. Enjoy, luv u. Longer stories coming soon, they are COOKING!
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
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hoejosatoru · 8 months
Room for One More
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Pairing: Fem!reader x Shinichiro
Summary: Seeing how you cares for his little siblings makes Shinichiro want to have a child of his own with you <3
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: changed the sano siblings ages a bit from cannon to fit the narrative, talk of pregnancy, breeding kink, raw sex, fingering, cream pie, some pet names, not proof read
You woke up to a familiar sound: little feet on hardwood and stifled giggles. You felt the bed shift under the weight 2 tiny bodies as they wedged their way between you and your boyfriend.
“Wake upppppp” Mikey whined. You rolled over, finding him poked at Shinichiro’s cheek.
He grumbled, turning into the pillow. “C’mon Mikey, it’s early.”
Mikey snorted. “It’s nine!”
Shin’s voice came muffled from the pillow. “That is early.”
“Lazy!” Emma giggled at Mikey’s comment.
“How about instead of bothering Shin, you give me a good morning hug?” you asked, earning delighted squeals from the two of them. They practically leaped at you, but you received them happily, hugging them tightly. “You too, Izana, you know I can’t get up without a hug.”
Izana was standing in the doorway, watching this all unfold. Being the oldest, besides Shin, you knew he felt like he wasn’t supposed to get in on the “baby stuff.” However, you also knew he really liked it, as he was still very much a child after all. You were always sure to invite him in, so he felt like he was doing it for you, rather than himself. He gave you a big, sweet hug.
“I’m hungry,” Mikey groaned. 
“You’re always hungry,” Izana replied.
“I’ve got an idea,” you interjected. “Whoever brushes their teeth the fastest gets an extra piece of bacon.” Their eyes all lit up and in a flash they were gone.
You leaned over, pressing a kiss on Shin’s cheek. “I’ll make them breakfast, you rest, okay?” Shin had been working a lot lately; the responsibility of the bike shop was a lot for him. This was his first day off in a while and you knew he needed it.
“Thank you,” he murmured, turning to give you a quick kiss on the lips.
You made it to the kitchen just in time to see the kids race in, Izana sliding into his chair first. “We have a winner!” you announced, ruffling his snowy hair. He smiled proudly. The other two pouted. 
“He cheated,” Mikey grumbled.
You were fishing out pans from the cabinet as you replied, “Sore losers don’t get any bacon.” That got him quiet. You got everything you needed- eggs, bread, butter, and bacon - and got to work cooking breakfast. It wasn't long before Shinichiro stumbled in. 
“I thought you were gonna rest some more?”
Shin cozied up behind you at the stove, wrapping his arms around you. “Smells too good to stay away.” You leaned into the warmth of his touch, smiling as he peppered soft kisses on your neck and cheek.
“Eww!” the kids groaned in unison. You giggled as Shin told them to shut up, while half laughing himself. When you finished cooking you gathered around the little kitchen table to eat. Everyone fell silently as they enjoyed their food. Meal times were typically the quietest parts of the day.
Just as you were all finishing up Shin’s phone rang. He looked at the number and groaned. “Shit.”
“Oohh, Shin cursed!” Mikey gasped, making Emma giggled. Shin stuck his tongue out at them. Although he was much older, it didn’t stop the typical sibling dynamics from playing out.
“It’s the bike shop, I gotta take it,” he explained, before slipping out of the room.
“Let's get this cleaned up, yeah?” you said to the kids. They got up without complaint, helping you bring the dishes to the dishwasher and load it up. The kids definitely messed around a lot, but they were great little helpers. By the time you finished, Shinichiro returned with a disappointed look on his face. 
“I have to go into work,” he sighed, heavy with sadness.
“No! We were supposed to have a picnic today,” Emma pouted. She expressed the disappointment you felt. You weren’t angry, if anything you were upset for Shin. You knew he was looking forward to getting some time off and was probably just as upset as you were.
“I’m really sorry,” Shin replied, “It’s an emergency.”
“Is everything okay?” you asked.
“Yeah no one’s hurt or anything,” Shin replied, “We just have this big job that needed to be finished today. The guy who was supposed to do it got really sick and if we don’t complete this we’ll lose a ton of money. I’m so sorry I gotta go get it done.” Shinichiro looked so disappointed, it made your heart ache. It always sucked when he got called into work unexpectedly, but today he looked particularly upset. You knew he hated how much he had to work, despite loving motorcycles. It was difficult for him to be so young and have to provide for himself as well as all his little siblings. His dedication and care of them was something that drew you to him in the first place. “I’m sorry my love,” you replied, “That really sucks, but not your fault. We understand, don’t we?”
The kids were definitely disappointed, but they nodded along anyway thankfully. “It’s okay Shin,” Izana stated, “We can hang out a different day.”
Shinichiro shook his head. “No we already bought everything for the picnic, you all should still go and have a good time.” 
“Are you sure?” you asked. 
“Absolutely. I’d feel worse if you guys didn’t have fun today,” Shin replied. “You’ll all behave for y/n if she takes you to the park right?” This time they nodded eagerly. “Good,” Shin replied. He put his hand on Izana’s head, fluffing his hair a bit. “You’re the man of the house while I’m away, bud. Make sure these two behave.” 
“Hey!” Mikey and Emma grumbled while Izana beamed with the honor Shin had bestowed on him. Shin told the kids to get dressed, giving you a minute alone.
“I really am sorry about this, I was looking forward to spending time together,” Shin said, taking your hand in his.
“It’s really okay, you can’t control it,” You replied, giving his hand a squeeze, “You just owe us extra next time you’re off.” Your light teasing made him smile.
“You got it.” He stole a kiss before the kids could come back down and gag over your PDA. “If you need me at all, please call. I’ll say fuck work if you really need me for something.”
“Don’t worry about it, just do what you need to do and come home to us as soon as you can, okay?” you replied, stealing another kiss while you could.
“Yes ma’am.” With that the kids came racing back into the room. Shin said his goodbye before heading out. You got the kids organized, having them pack up their snacks and toys they wanted to bring with them. When everything was ready, you piled everything into a little wagon, which Izana was happy to put in charge of pulling. 
You held Emma’s hand as you walked to park. Mikey ran head, eager as always, while Izana followed dutifully behind so he could keep an eye on everyone. When you finally arrived, you let them run loose as you laid out the blanket. Despite it being a nice day, the park was fairly empty, giving the kids freedom to do as the pleased. As you watched them run around and laugh with each other, that familiar warm feeling grew in your chest.
Shin’s sibling were not your kids, obviously. You were just his girlfriend, after all. Still you felt such strong affection for them. You didn’t have a big family growing up and you loved being a part of their family like this. It meant a lot to you that his siblings seemed to love you as much as you loved them. 
After running around for awhile, the kids worked up an appetite and joined you on the picnic blanket. You dug through the picnic basket, pulling out everyone’s favorite snacks. You felt a little tug in your chest, knowing Shin had gone shopping to get everyone just what they liked. When you saw his favorite candy at the bottom of the basket you kept it hidden, wanting him to have a little treat to come home too.
After lunch, Izana and Mikey went back to running around and playing some tag-like game. Emma roped you into playing dolls with her, not that you minded. When she got bored of that, she went off to collect little flowers that were sprouted in the park. She brought you back a little bouquet, smiling brightly and filling your chest with warmth. There were a few extra she had for herself.
“Sit,” you patted the blanket next to you. Emma did as you asked, sitting in front of you. You used your fingers to comb through her silky blonde hair, then braided it, weaving in the little flowers she found. When you showed her, she squealed with delight.
“It’s like Rapunzel!” she beamed. 
“Can Rapunzel go tell her brothers its time to go home?” Emma nodded, skipping off to round up Mikey and Izana while you packed everything up. The sun was starting to set as you walked back home. You were surprised how much time you spent out, but you thoroughly enjoyed yourself. It only would have been better if Shin could have joined you. 
When you got home, you instructed the kids to wash up while you started making something for dinner. You kept it a simple crowd pleaser: pasta. 
“How you guys feel about watching a movie after dinner?” You asked as everyone ate at the table.
“Can we make a fort?” Mikey asked.
“Of course,” you replied. The three of them ate the rest of the meals excitedly chatting about how they would arrange the pillows and blankets. Once dinner was finished, they helped you clean up without complaint, eager to get to the fort building. It took a bit of time to get it big enough for everyone to fit while also being structurally sound, but eventually you got it right.
“You guys don't want snacks right?” you joked, knowing they’d be appalled you’d even suggest they go snack less. 
“Nuh uh! I want popcorn,” Mikey replied.
“And m&ms!” Emma chimed in. You laughed, but fetched what they asked for, before climbing into the fort. It was a tight fit, but they all had no qualms cuddling up to you. Emma was squished against your chest, while Mikey rested by your stomach. Izana snuggled up against your leg. 
The kids chatted and giggled at the beginning of the movie, but slowly fell silently as they drifted to sleep. Usually Izana is able to stay up through a movie, but even he was knocked out from a long day at the park. You were wondering how you would get them to their beds without waking them up, when you heard the front door open. 
“I’m home!” Shin announced. When he walked into the living room he laughed at the sight of the blankets and pillows arranged haphazardly. “Shit I didn’t know they were asleep,” he said when he came around tot he front of the fort. Shinichiro’s heart seized at the sight of his little siblings cuddled up to you so peacefully. He already knew he loved you, but it moments like this it was almost overwhelming for him. 
“It’s okay, they’re totally knocked out from today,” you whispered. “We missed you, but I saved you a plate. Why don’t you go eat and then we’ll move them?”
Shin nodded, even though he had the strongest urge to join you guys. His growling stomach was the only thing that pulled him away. He ate quickly, but appreciated the meal you had left for him.
“Thank you for dinner, my love,” Shin said when he returned, “Now lets get them to bed.” Shin gently lifted Izana off you, who stayed asleep while he carried him to his room. Next he took Mikey, leaving you to carry Emma up to her room. All the kids remained asleep on the short walk to their room.
“Your turn,” Shin greeted outside Emma’s door. Before you could ask what he meant, he swept you off your feet and carried you to your bedroom. You both laughed quietly, as he placed you on the bed.
“We missed you a lot today,” you told him.
“I missed you guys too,” Shin replied “You’re so good with the kids, you have no idea how much it means to me.” Shin spent his entire day thinking of you all. It was not the first time you stepped up and helped with the kids, but it never meant any less to him. He loved how you cared for them, treating them basically like your own. Coming home to all of them so cuddled up to you just confirmed what he always felt. “Would it be crazy if I said I want a kid of our own?”
Your eyes went wide. The two of you had talked about having a family, but it had always been casual. Something that was more of a day dream than a true plan. “We aren’t even married,” was all that came out in your shock. You and Shin weren’t traditional by any means, but you always assumed you’d be married before having children.
Shin got a funny smile on his face. “Funny you should say that.” He went over to his drawer, digging through it until he pulled out a little black velvet box. You gasped. “So, I had been planning on proposing today when we were all together. I was really upset when I didn’t think it would happen, but I guess it was meant to be,” he explained, with the sweet grin on his face that had made you fall in love with him. “So, y/n, will you marry me?”
There was only one answer. “Yes, of course.” You threw your arms around him, happy tears streaming down your face. You only pulled away so he could slide the beautiful ring on your finger. “I love it so much. I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” Shin replied, pulling you in for a kiss. He laid you down, kissing you as he straddled your body. You were both giggling, equally giddy and desperate for each other, as if it was the first time being together. Your stripped each other as you kissed, barely letting your lips part. “Fuck,” Shin said looking at you, “So fucking pretty. My girl. my fiancé.”
You blushed and smiled, loving the sound of that. You twirled the hair at the base of his head, just like you knew he liked. It only egged him on more. “Gonna be even better when I can call you my wife.” His hand slipped between your legs, spreading the slickness that gathered. You let out a little satisfied sigh as he teased your clit. “Fuck you’d look so good pregnant. You want that, yeah? Wanna have a baby with me love?”
Maybe it was the excitement of the engagement or the ache of desire you felt for Shin, but in that moment there was nothing you wanted more. “Please Shin,” you begged, “I want that so bad.” Shin smiled widely, slipping his fingers inside you. You let out a little gasp as he pressed into your g-spot, making you impossibly wetter.
“Fuck, gonna give that to you,” he murmured against your skin. He kissed your breasts, his tongue sliding across your nipple. Goosebumps raised on your skin as he continued to work at you. His thumb found your clit, pressing little circles until the bubble of pleasure inside you popped.
You bit your lip, letting out a low, breathless moan as you came. You were still acutely aware that the kids were near by, asleep in their beds. The last thing you wanted to do was wake them up. 
When you were finished, Shinichiro sat up, pumping his hard, leaky cock. The sight of him coupled with the anticipation of getting to feel him raw for the first time made your body drum with excitement. Shin was just as eager, lining himself up to you and pressing himself inside you.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “Knew you’d feel good, but this is like fucking heaven.” He gave slow, deep thrusts, allowing him to savor ever inch of you. “We’re never using condoms again.” You giggled at his enthusiasm, but also fully agreed that this felt better than before. 
Shinichiro grew more needy. His thrusts became faster and harder as he lost himself in the feeling of you. “Can’t wait to fill you up,” he panted softly, “Gonna be the prettiest mommy. Fuck I love you.”
“I love you too, Shin,” you whimpered. Your hands dragged up and down his back, holding him close to you. The faster he moved, the more the pleasure inside you rebuilt. You were getting to the tipping point when Shin let out a low curse and buried his face in your neck. You felt his cock twitch inside you, filling you with his warm cum. The sensation sent you over the edge, making you cum around his cock. You bit into his shoulder to stifle the sound.
The both of you stayed like that for awhile, Shin buried deep inside you, bodies pressed together, breathless and flushed. Eventually, Shin propped himself up on his elbows. He wasn’t far from you by any means, but it allowed him to look at you. His cheeks were flushed with a loving glow that only made your heart flutter more. 
“I really mean it, you know,” Shin said, pushing hair out of your eyes. “There’s nothing more that I want than to have a family with you.”
His sweetness and sincerity nearly brought tears to your eyes. “I want that, too. I’m so glad I get to be a part of your family now.” It was all you had wanted since you first started dating him
He picked up the hand that the ring was on, placing a soft kiss on it. “You’ve always been part of the family, now it’s just official.”
You cupped his cheek, pulling him in for another kiss. “I love you so much.”
Shin only smiled brighter, “I love you more.” The joy you felt was beyond anything you could explain. All you knew was there was nothing more you were excited for than to be build a life and family with Shinichiro. 
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silentcryracha · 2 months
❍ ‗ Cleaning with Lee Know ‗ ❍
Pairing : Lee Know x f reader
Summary : chapter two of a cute standalone miniseries. It's what it says in the title
Genre/ Warnings : scenario/imagine/headcanon, drabble, it's fluff, minho runs the house like the mf military, but he's also best boyfriend #2 so it's okay, pet name 'kitten' used endearingly and not sexually (you're his fourth cat why lie), a lil suggestive but no smut
Word count : 780 words
A/n : none
ps: There could be grammar errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
series masterpost
Living with Lee Minho was mostly fine. It really was. More than fine, actually. He is a great cook, he takes care of the pets, he's clean, he's tidy. What more could you ask for in a partner? Especially when you shared an apartment.
The thing is that, when it came to cleaning specifically, he was strict with it. Not constantly, like he wouldn't yell because a couple of plates were still in the sink after dinner or because you forgot to clean the cat's litter.
But let's say, once every two-three weeks he would just wake up super early and just completely overthrow the house upside down. Seven am sharp, headphones in his ears, a pair of gloves and by eight the house would be already a mess.
The kind of mess that you have to create before eventually fixing everything back up, but a whole war zone nonetheless.
He would let you know that he planned on doing this a bit earlier, but he wouldn't force you to work with him. But yes, of course you were helping, otherwise what kind of shit girlfriend would you be?
You were lucky enough that you found a man who's basically the whole package, better treat him right. Besides, working with four hands is always going to get thing done faster than two.
He didn't wake you, so by the time you woke up at least an hour had already gone by. Which kinda bothered you, but it was also sunday so...it's gonna be fine.
You got up, preparing yourself for the absolute mess you were going to find, and sure enough, you were right. Suddenly you felt something against your leg, which made you look down quickly.
"Oh hi, my darling, good morning" you cooed at one of the red and white cats, and as soon as he meowed you knew it was Doongie. You smiled, bending down to pet him a bit as he purred.
"Poor baby, did your dad already disrupt your beloved beds? It's okay, I'll make sure to clean those first."
At that point you walked in the kitchen, seeing Mr. Clean himself scrubbing the sink while humming softly to himself. As if he felt your presence, he turned his head back giving you a small smile.
"Good morning kitten" the pet name always made you smile, so you walked up behind him, giving him a back hug and a kiss on the neck. Then backing up, coughing jokingly.
"Ew you're already all sweaty" you whined as you took off his headphones.
"Well it's hot as fuck outside and working does, generally, make you sweat." he replied, throwing the sponge in the sparkling clean sink and wiping his forehead with the back of his arm.
"I know, I know. I sweat twice as much, unfortunately. Except that you have the good genes so you basically don't smell. And look annoyingly attractive." he laughed as he walked to you, who were standing in front of the fridge taking out the stuff to make coffee.
"You don't smell bad either. I actually quite enjoy your scent" he jokingly sniffed your neck, tickling you, which made you giggle and push him a bit.
"You're such a cat. That, or the pheromones must be working overtime" you poured the water to make the coffe.
"Whatever, you smell good and only you could get me horny at-" he glanced at his wrist watch, "Eight twenty in the morning. Call it hormones, black magic, whatever" you laughed.
"Well it was you who decided to get the whole house upside down...so now you gotta wait for the reward." he whined jokingly as you smirked.
"Well then we better hurry up, just in time for a nice afternoon...nap"
As you usually would, you ended up splitting the chores or the parts of the house. Sometimes you'd have the task to clean the floors while was cleaning all the shelves and surfaces, so you'd go back and forth around the apartment, sharing a kiss or usually him a playful butt slap.
Other times while you cleaned the bedroom, he'd clean the bathroom so you would communicate through very loud and mostly-purposefully off key singing while the background playlist played from the tv in the living room.
Yes, he would run the list of chores like the military, but at the end you could both enjoy a fresh, clean and amazing scented house. And usually some good delivery to reward yourselves. And also because at that point you'd probably be too exhausted to cook or annoyed to already get the newly cleaned kitchen dirty.
So you'd save the energy for *other things*;)
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granolawriting · 1 year
A change in fate ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
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pairing: no breakout!Joel x fem reader
Summary: Your toxic ex kicks you out of your place without another word. Only hiring a mover to get your stuff somewhere else. And when Joel finds you in a state of disarray, and stays indifferent, you butt heads until it comes to a head when your paths cross again after that night. That time, much more complicated.
Content warning: age gap, you're 21 and Joel is mid 30s to early 40s. Enemies to lovers.
word count: 4k
A/N: this is the first of a two-part series inspired by an old movie I grew up with. If you can recognize it, I'll like, give you a really big treat. no nsfw this chapter, but the next one will. And as always, let me know if you like my work or if you have any suggestions for anything else I could write :)
Part 2 out now!!: to make you forget
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“NO. No. No no no no no no no NO!!!” 
Your fist hits solid wood once more. Every slam that pounds upon its impenetrable front leaves a mark on your hand in the shape of bruises and soreness-- you try the door once more. It's locked, as it had been the last ten times you attempted to open it. Desperation laced in the fruitless fervor that played its sound of metal clanking on metal as the knob refused to turn. 
The thump on the ground follows a fall of your knees. Defeated, hopeless, in a dress that isn't even yours. Tears stream from your face in such passion you can't even feel them anymore as more of you is wet than it is dry. You imagine you look a mess, hair disheveled as you held it as you screamed at him-- makeup once beautiful and elegant streams down and across your face in the motion your hands chose to wipe away your tears. 
A screeching of tires followed by the shutting of a door is what knocks you out of this pathetic display. A man walks over to you and begins to pick up the boxes right beside you, carrying them to the back of his truck that has the title “MOVERS” painted on its side. You clamor to your feet, disorientation doesn't help the heels strapped to your feet as you chase after him;
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going with those? Who the hell are you?”
Rancor coats your tongue as your anger spits out onto him, He stands in the middle of an empty parking lot with only the light emanating from houses and lamps decorating the street are you able to take him in. 
He was tall, perhaps 6ft, an older man. Salt and pepper hair covered just above his forehead and a stern face was complimented by equally gruff facial hair of similar color, and a frown that seemed natural for him. He wore an old jacket-- probably made in the same year you were born with plaid linings on its inside to support a Carhartt branded outside. All the clothes upon his body seemed worn, from the stained jeans and a belt fitted so many times it might as well have been made for the exact curve of his body, to the heavy worker's boots with every scratch telling a story beyond your years. He looks at you. Up and down his eyes register curiously the woman that stood before him. He scoffs, and with a low Texan drawl he replies in kind; 
“Well princess, looks here like someone was kind enough to get yourself a mover for all them boxes outside the house. ‘Supose you know where i'm to drop em off?” 
“They can stay right here.” 
It comes out of you not in a literal sense, but you guess a plea of desperation. You can't imagine that this is actually happening. You can't just leave. After all the years you spent with him, all the hours you poured into his care and the best he can do is call up some old guy to take your shit somewhere else? 
“Now you know I can't do that. I ain't come all the way down here just for’ nothin. Now, I was hired to move, least you can let me do is my job.” 
His palms outstretched to you as he finishes putting the first box in the back of his truck, looking to you with little care for what you’re properly going through, moreso just a plea to let him go home sometime before 1 in the morning. 
your breath grows uneven again, you feel something build up in you again as you just refuse to accept this. Turning your back to him, you storm over to another box untouched by him and kick it, screaming and crying and truly just making a mess of yourself as you collapse once again on the curb of the sidewalk. Folding your arms across your knees, and with a head buried deep in your chest you sit there for a moment as you listen to the crunch of his boots against the loose gravel along the pavement trail back and forth past you as each box is stored into the vehicle. 
“Still haven't given me an address. Or were ya’ thinkin' of just sitting here and lettin' me take yer’ things?” 
Irritation follows his tone as he becomes increasingly impatient about your behavior. 
“I don't have anywhere to go.” 
“Surely you got someplace. Now get a move on, I'm bout damn tired of all this.” 
He drags you up by your upper arms, feeling his calloused hands hold onto the smoothness of your body as he lifts you to your feet. Shocked though, you push him away from you in haste;
“I can get up by myself. Thank you very much.”
You dust yourself off for just a moment before continuing, he looks at you with impatience.
“And I need a ride.” 
He stammers a bit as he begins to speak, 
“A- fucking,? Damn. alright then. Just get the hell on alright? Sure you wouldn't want em’ having to pay me extra.” 
He walks back to his truck as you follow, The two footsteps upon the concrete road are all that can be heard in the neighborhood as your pain slowly wells into your chest, and the outbursts cease. 
“Now, listen here. We've been drivin' for damn near an hour now, and ain't nothing come of it. Where the hell am I takin you? Or I'm about to leave ya on the side of the damn road. I've got a kid at home.” 
“Just take me to the other side of town.”
“Are you fuckin kidding me? Now, I don't know what you've got goin on and I truly, don't want to. But you're real damn selfish ya know that? Makin me drive all over town like this like I'm some goddamn taxi. This place best got some money to pay me for.” 
His voice is deep, gruff, and when laced with the anger of a despondent woman who seems as if she has all the time in the world he's not keen to hold back judgment anymore. His hand grips the steering wheel firmly and doesn't look at you for a moment as he speaks to you. 
You're taken aback, to say the least. After the pain you've felt, the torment you've faced the only thing to greet you is the unwanted mouth of some old man who doesn't know what he's talking about.
“I'm selfish? You don't know the night I've had. How can you call me selfish? You were hired for a reason so why don't you just do your fucking job okay? As long as you’re getting paid it shouldn't matter a damn to you.” 
You shrug your shoulders and cross your arms in his passenger seat, watching him with disdain as he grips the wheel and drives relatively carelessly through the empty streets just to get you out. 
After a few minutes more, and by a few you mean around 30, you find yourself in front of a home you’d never think to see again truthfully. As you take in the sight of it, a simple house facing an otherwise unimpactful street, but you held memories of all your years within the confines of these blocks. You were home, after so many years away. 
“Get out.” 
He says bluntly. The clock shines a bright 1:47 on its dash, signifying that you definitely didn't meet his “before 1” pleas. But damn, could he have been any nicer about it? 
You watch as he hops out of the car himself, to the sound of a hard opening of the back that held all your belongings. And as you made your way ever so slowly out of his truck, trying to not fall as the step was coated in the darkness of the night that was no longer politely illuminated by street lights. As you made your way to the concrete below you, rounding his truck was he almost done putting your stuff back out, only on a different curb this time. And without a second to spare, he gets back into his truck, and leaves. Not a word said to you, not even an exchange.
What an asshole. 
“So you’re telling me, that the man you were with for how many years, kicked you out for what?” 
The voice of your childhood friend rang once more through the old walls of the house, in the kitchen where you two sat. this was her family home, one that she now inherited, and one that after many years of silence on your part, she gladly opened up to you as well. 
“We were together almost 3 years. And he just, found another girl I guess. But she was in my closet, filled with her clothes. It's as if he’d moved me out overnight. He didn't have a word to say to me, it's like I never even mattered to him. But I've told you this time and time again, what more can I even do at this point?” 
She repositions herself with her legs crossing over one another as she looks for a response, taking a sip of coffee before having it dawn on her. 
“Today. 3 pm. Uncles holding a barbeque. You remember my uncle right? Everyone will be there. Maybe we could find you a good little rebound to bring you down to earth.” 
“Are you- a rebound? Seriously? Is that all you can think of right now?” 
“Listen. The only thing you can do with a broken heart is fix it. And that doesn't happen in a day. Least you can do is get something tasty to chase the pain with. Like hot old guys. You’re only 21! This is the prime time to do whatever you want.” 
You think for a second. Letting this wash over you as you try and figure out the next thing to do. Do you really doll yourself up after the most traumatic evening of your life is not even 24 hours in your past, just to eye all of your friends older relatives, and family friends that you’ve been ogling at since you were 16? 
I mean fuck it, what else are you going to do. 
Following your friend up the stairs, she lets out an excited giggle at the prospect of having you back after so many years. There's so many things to tell, different people to see, and subsequently laugh at, but the best of all her skills with a brush have gotten much better since the last time she helped you look good. Much better, apparently for as you looked at yourself in the mirror you could barely recognize the woman looking back at you-- let alone any trace of the girl sat in a torn dress the night before screaming outside her ex’s house. 
You put on a pretty yellow dress, adorned with flowers It's hemmed all properly frilled to some level, and the flow of the skirt portion barely getting over your back end does the top also treat you well; a low neck cup to shape your chest perfectly as the daintiness of your outfit, paired with little yellow heels, made you look properly irresistible. 
“Guess whos backkk!!!”
The excited shrills of your friend beside you make everyone who'd arrived at the party thus far to crane their heads back to look, all of which subsequently smiled with shock as they looked upon you. None of them had seen you since you were 17, about 18 years old. That's when you left, the moment you could. Looking back you missed all of this so much, the community, the story told in every face that looked upon you. But all is lost now and the most you can do is make the best out of the time you have right now-- and as it stands you’re at the center of it all. 
They approach you by the droves, asking every question they can that have undoubtedly had rumored answers to in your absence; detailing from where you've been, what you’re doing, where you go to school, where you work, and most hurtful-- how your ex was doing. You briefly told them all that you and him had since parted, and that you were just getting back on track, spending some time at your friend's house in the meantime. They all looked upon you in sympathy, but as more people entered the party the more they dispersed to greet other guests. 
“Oh my god, is that who I think it is?” 
A low, familiar tone enters the backyard where you stand, and turning around to face you is your friend's father. Who, for most of your life was like a father to you as well. He opens his arms and you follow suit, embracing him in what feels like a much-needed hug, before setting you down again to continue talking to you. 
“Oh, honey if, if I'd known you were coming I'd have brought you something. How long has it been since I last saw you? God, you seem so grown up now. It's like I barely even know you.” 
His head moves to look behind him for a second, and soon he ushers someone forward to join in the conversation. 
“Ah, there's something I'd love for you to meet. This is a good friend of mine, Joel. I haven't had him around any of these much, he just moved back here from Texas a couple weeks back. But he's someone I've known my whole life. Kinda like you and my daughter in a way!” 
Though as the man who emerged behind him reared his head, you couldn't believe your eyes. It was him, of course, it was him. That asshole that drove you home like you were the greatest burden he's ever had to carry. 
“Yer fuckin kidding me.” 
He looks at you in shock. Nothing more. However, you see that to his side is a young girl, no older than 12 who seems to be in awe over you. Her hair was tucked into each side of her face to illuminate it in a crown of curls that came to her shoulder and stretched all the way to her ears in volume. She wore a small shark tooth necklace, and some form of singer on her shirt that you didn't recognize.
He-, Joel, looks down at her; 
“Sarah how bout you go say hi to your friends for me. I'm gonna be busy a moment” 
She runs off, and your friend's dad begins to speak again. 
“Do you, know each other from somewhere? I can't imagine you do.” 
“She's that insane little girl I told you ‘bout. The one kickin n’ screaming all over the place. Reason why Sarah hadta’ stay the night at your place.” 
“The insane little girl?” 
You chime in.
“There's no way- Joel, you’ve probably got the wrong girl” 
“No, he has the right one.” 
You stare directly at him, sending daggers into each of the brown eyes that look back at you. 
“He kicked me out of his car at almost 2 in the morning without a single word. Isn't that right?” 
Though no matter how piercing your gaze it fails to impact him as it should, for with equal level tone he snipes back; 
“Yep, after makin me drive all the way cross’ town just cause she wanted to. Knowin I got someone waitin’ for me. Clearly, something she don't understand all too much anymore.” 
That was unnecessary. 
Something brews inside of you as you glance upon his finger void of a ring, even a tan that would indicate its recent removal. Though as the only sane-minded person seemingly left to observe watches your eyes as you make such a connection, he swiftly puts an end to it. 
“Now, Joel. you know how young girls are they-” 
“I'm not that young.” 
“Alright well, they. Are just passionate, that's all. She was with him for how many was it now? Three years? Left the moment she turned of age. Clearly she just doesn't know how a mans supposed to be. This is all she really knows.” 
This is all she really knows.
That's all that rang through your head as the conversation died and Joel exchanged brief apology. That in a way, he was all you really knew. And now you’re back home, and you don't know what to do with yourself, really. You don't know what you like, or what you don't like. It was all just, him. For so long. You vowed to yourself that day that, no matter what went on you would say yes to anything. To embrace kind of, anything that came your way as some divine fate, or at the very least a fun experience. 
As the night droned on, and you fielded the barrage of squeals, hugs from people you don't remember, and a bit more liquor you could've accounted for, the night came to a slow end. Feeling eyes on you constantly was one thing, but feeling the eyes on the man with who’d you'd had a comfortable reunion was even worse in a way. Although, as you looked upon him in your own moments you saw in him something unveiled after the veil of hatred and sorrow fell off of you. Something, interesting about him. Attractive. Obviously nothing you were going to personally indulge in, but an interesting assertion nonetheless. He stood in the light of the evening, fairy lights covering the backyard as it illuminated his now more time-appropriate outfit; one of marginally better jeans and a plaid shirt, rolled to his elbows to reveal what were impressive forearms, and with the proper fit of his shirt, showed an impressive physique for a single dad.
… … …
 Thats stupid. Anyways, the night drew to a close and as you saw your friend too wrapped up in the conversation of someone relatively older than her, you decided to take the few blocks walk home, especially since you didn't have a car anymore either. Though as you exit the front door to travel down the sidewalk you hear a familiar accent call out to you after only a few feet have been made distance between you and the doorframe; 
“Ya’ walking home this late at night?” 
“Yeah, I am. Not like I've got a car do I?” 
You turn your body to look at him, but only after you've finished your sentence, using the body language of someone unequipped for any more stupid banter to cue him into leaving you alone. 
“How’s about I drive you home. Least I can do after what I’d said today. It wasent quite my place.” 
His voice has an unfamiliar tune of sympathy as he lets out that apology of sorts, so you engage. Though, begrudgingly. 
“Don’t you have a daughter to take care of? That seemed what got you so mad before.” 
He sighs a little, you notice you've hit a bit of a nerve. 
“Well, she’ll be stayin' at a friend's place for a few days, really hit it off. Got nothin but time on my hands now.” 
“Well in that case I'm not gonna say no to a free ride. Obviously.” 
You smile a bit, a first with him. Other than ones of sarcasm, every interaction you've had with him thus far hasn't been all that pleasant. And he smiles back. And, as the light of the moon shines down upon his weathered face, the smirk on his makes your smile grow even more. 
Hopping into his car once more, you take the road to your place with a little more enjoyment than how it transpired the night before. This time, the sound of his music accompanied by a hum through his car is what played to fill the silence of the atmosphere. Something old, country, of course. You’d never heard it, and it sounded well beyond even his years. But despite that, there was a comforting air that was shared in the car-- cool air blowing in from the windows rolled down, watching as his arm held on to the side of the car door from the open window, tapping its side in unison to the beat. 
“This here is it right?” 
Pulling up to your shared home you felt almost a little reluctant to respond with a yes. Though when you do, he steps out of the car as you do as well. You watch as he awaits your circle to the front where he stood, as a means to walk with you to the front of your door. Looking at him curiously as you reach the entrance, he gives response to your motions, though you watch as his fingers fiddle with one another ever so slightly as he poses such a response;
“It ain’t right leaving a lady to walk all by herself after dropping her off. And, I just wanted to say again that it ain't my place makin assumptions about you like that. Wanted to know if I could make it up to ya’. Kinda seems like lifes dealt you a bad hand right now, thought to offer you a drink over it.” 
A drink? 
You thought about that for a second. The man that kicked you out of his car, literally less than 24 hours ago, is now offering to take you out for a drink. Well, it was as a means for apology. So that's something. Nothing more to it, it's a Southern thing. They drink to anything. Especially sorrow. 
“I think I’ll have to take you up on that. You’ll know where I’ll be.” 
You reply with a smile that grows just large enough to show your teeth. He gazed at you for a bit longer, as his eyes grew brighter at the prospect of an invitation accepted. He was a lot less harsh than meets the eye, it seemed. But you still weren't properly convinced. And, there was still much a mystery about him that although intimidated you, enticed you even more. You cock your hip to the side of the doorframe, leaning up against it as he spoke to you as a means to accentuate your figure just a bit as he looked at you. Just to see what would happen. 
“Oh, alright then. 7 alright with you? I’ll come pick you up course’.” 
“Seven’s more than alright with me. I'll see you then, Joel.” 
As you bid farewell to him, you watched as his eyes tracked your movements as you did so. The way your hips have shifted place, the tone at which your voice shifted ever so slightly. He took in your gaze, a small cat eye that sharpened your eyes paired with the sly smile of a woman your age was enough to catch his stare for a moments longer than it should've. You relished in that. 
He leaves you off with a nod and a smile, though you take the time that he walks back to his truck as a means to take in all that he was without interruption. He was handsome, to say the least. There was something to be said about a man with southern hospitality and an ass made from manual labor that reached deeper into a realm of attraction that was often untapped by the men of your age range. And you enjoyed greatly that you’d discovered such a thing. 
Tomorrow, 7pm, Joel. 
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wolfjackle-creates · 11 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 20: FINAL
So guess what I realized this morning. Today, November 13, 2023 is the one year anniversary of me posting my first DPxDC fic to tumblr. It was the original fill for this very fic. (Which you can find here.)
So I decided I just had to finish this arc and get it posted. This year has been amazing and so much fun. I've become a much better writer and joined a community that has brought me so much joy. I'm glad to be here and I'm glad so many of you like to read what I'm sharing.
I noticed I got a few new readers over the past week or so, so welcome to all of you! Hope you enjoy this early update!
In personal news, my nephew was born and he's adorable and I'll be meeting him tomorrow! (As soon as I'm done posting this, I'm off to make food for his mom.)
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Arc 1
Arc 2: Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
In the end, it ended up taking several hours for Danny, Sam, and Tucker to escape their families and converge on the park. In that time, Tim had called Bruce to let him know he’d be back in Gotham by tomorrow and finished most of his homework.
While he worked, Wulf and Bart were having an animated conversation in Esperanto.
Tim was pretty sure Wulf would be bringing Bart to the Ghost Zone for a tour sometime and started making plans to learn Esperanto himself and bribe Bart to get in on them.
Cassie was helping Conner sort through some of the music Sam had given him. Tim was jealous as he solved more banal trig questions. Why did school have to be so boring? He tapped his pencil on the paper in time to the beat of whatever music Conner had playing.
Tucker was the first to arrive. “Danny and Sam not here yet?” he asked as he plopped down next to Bart and Wulf.
“Nope. Haven’t heard from them, either,” said Tim. He opened his phone notifications again just to be sure, but there was nothing new.
Tucker shrugged and pulled out a stick of jerkey to munch on. “Not surprising. The Fentons will be all overprotective after the mayor was kidnapped by a ghost on live TV. And Sam’s parents are just as bad. Only they smother rather than check the weaponry.” He turned to greet Wulf in Esperanto.
An email came through on Tim’s phone and he groaned. “Our evening interview was canceled. No one wants to hear us try to defend Phantom anymore.”
Cassie cursed. “Course not. Bet the paper won’t publish our editorials either.”
Conner looked over, confused. “Won’t they? Clark works for the Daily Planet. They publish stuff like that all the time.”
Tim didn’t look up from his math as he answered, “That’s the difference between a big, Pulitzer winning publication and a small-town op-ed.”
Tucker sighed. “Well maybe someone will remember your interviews from this morning in a positive light.”
Bart rolled his eyes. “Come on, we can’t change it. So let’s move forward. Next step, make friends with more ghosts! Wulf says there’s a bunch of cool people in the Realms.”
“Realms?” asked Tim.
“It’s what he says the Ghost Zone is actually called. The Infinite Realms.”
“Huh. I’ll have to check JL databases, see if they have any information on them.”
Tucker asked something in Esperanto and Bart burst out laughing as Wulf looked on in confusion.
With Bart’s help, though, he rephrased until Wulf was able to reply. And then the three kept to Esperanto. Tim really had to find time to learn it.
Sam was the next to arrive. She grinned and sat down next to Conner. “How you liking the music?”
Conner grinned and showed her the sheets where he ranked the bands so far based on which songs he’d listened to. She then took over the speakers and searched for specific tracks to try and change his mind about some of the bands he liked the least.
Tim let his eyes close as his friends’ voices washed over him.
After some indeterminate time where he dozed between sleeping and awareness, a foot nudged his hip. Tim grumbled out what was supposed to be a, “What?” but was too mumbled to really be understood.
“Come on, Secrets. You can do better than that.”
Tim cracked an eye open to see Danny grinning down at him. He pushed himself up slightly and blinked heavily in the sunlight.
“Finally got away from your parents?” asked Tim.
Danny collapsed on the ground next to him. “Ugh, don’t remind me. They’re freaking out over everything that’s happened the last few days. Jazz and I are basically going to be on lock down until they feel confident the ghosts are gone.”
“Did you have to sneak out to get here?” asked Cassie.
Danny shook his head. “No, I told them I was going to find you guys to make sure you were all safe. You’re welcome to come back to ours tonight, by the way. Mom and Dad basically insisted on it.”
“What do you guys think?” asked Tim. “Spend one more night here at Danny’s and head out in the morning?”
Cassie sighed. “My mom’s already freaking out that I’ve been gone longer than planned. I should get back tonight.”
“I’ll stay,” offered Conner. “I’m your ride home, anyway.”
“Why don’t you come to my place, Conner,” offered Sam. “Your nails need a fresh coat after fighting today. And I need teach you about the different brands of makeup and what to look for in terms of cost, quality, and ethicality. Plus I can get you more music.”
Tim laughed when Conner looked to him. “Go for it. Have fun.”
Conner grinned. “Then yeah, let’s do it!”
Bart shrugged. “Wulf is going to go back to the Realms soon. I’ll head out after. Wally and Linda want me over for a family dinner tonight.”
“Well, looks like that’s it, then,” sighed Danny. “Been fun having other heroes around.”
Tim nudged his shoulder. “Join the Young Justice. You could join us and we'd help out whenever you wanted. Get you around people who actually appreciate what you do for them.”
But Danny was already shaking his head. “I have to stay here. And now Amity trusts heroes even less. I want to improve that, not make it worse.”
“Even if you don’t join,” declared Conner. “You’re not getting rid of us now.”
Bart nodded his agreement. “Yep. We’re gonna be stopping by all the time. You’re in the group chat.”
“Exactly,” agreed Tim. “And we’ll figure out ways to help you. Starting with how to minimize property damage. That seems to be the big thing people focus on. You can make shields, right? How big can you make them and how much power do they take?”
Danny smiled wryly. “Can’t say I’ve really tested it.”
Tim laughed. “Well, I know one thing we’re doing tonight. We’re going to go back to Nasty Burger—” Tim looked around at the whole group “—all of us. Then Cassie and Bart are going to go home. Danny and I, at least, are going to take a nap. Then we’re gonna test the current limits to Danny’s powers.”
Danny bumped their shoulders together. “You know, this is just like gaming with you all those years.”
“Yeah, well, it’s best to be thorough.”
“We’ve measured, like, his top speed and stuff,” said Tucker, pulling out a PDA. “Want to see what we’ve got so far?”
“Absolutely.” Tim took the device and looked through it. “You’ve a decent amount of information here. Maybe instead of taking a nap, I’ll help you organize it and come up with a testing plan.”
Conner flew over to him and pulled the PDA out of his hand. “Not after pulling an all-nighter you won’t. We’re going to get some food, then the two of you are going to sleep for at least four hours.”
“I’ll set Jazz on you, too,” threatened Sam. “Don’t think I won’t.”
Tim pouted as the device was given back to Tucker. And grumbled more when Conner picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.
“Come on, food time.”
“I am going to put kryptonite in your phone,” threatened Tim.
“Bingo!” shouted Cassie.
Danny laughed as he stood. “Does this mean I can join the next round?”
Tim scowled. “Traitors, all of you.”
And that's the end of this Arc! Arc 3 will pick up where the original fill did. (Only this time, Tim won't be the only DC character there to help Danny.)
I'd say something like I can't believe it's only been a year, but so much has happened to me in the last twelve months that it feels like a lifetime ago, to be honest. But it's been a good year and I'm glad this community has been part of it.
Please follow the subscription post if you want updates for when I start transferring this arc to AO3 or begin posting Arc 3.
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sundeathh · 2 years
Aizawa’s sick day
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One-shot | Masterlist
Pairing: Aizawa × Reader | Word count: 2,5k
Fandom: BNHA | MHA | Tags: fluffy, reverse comfort, home life, romance, SFW
CW: Sickness, of course (nothing too disturbing). Also: stable relationship, cheesy stuff, married couple dynamic, playful threats and teases. Readers' gender and appearance are not described, but there is a mention of reader being a "wife".
Notes: I've been working a lot lately, and I managed to get myself sick. I went to the EM two times now, and I just got some palliative medicine that didn't do much to the overall issue. I'm still sick. But I'm better than before and will be returning to work tomorrow (I can't afford absence anymore, unfortunately). But that's it.
I hate being sick, as real life doesn't pause to let me rest. So, to help me unwind for a little bit, I wrote this piece to take the focus off my sickness and to flutter my chest by pretending to take care of, at least, a fictional character. I hope you'll enjoy it. Sorry if there's any spelling; it is late, I'm sleepy, and my eyes are burning. Take care, love yall.
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08:44 pm
"I'm home." The tired man called as he opened the door and took off his shoes. It has been a long day at work, and Shōta is more than exhausted. Slowly, he made his way down the hall to put the rest of his stuff away and grab a quick shower before dinner.
After taking note that you were not in the living room nor the kitchen, he reached your shared bedroom and pushed the door open, where he met with a smile that caused him to relax instantly after stepping inside.
"Oh! Hey, hun! Welcome back!" You greeted as you folded another piece of laundry, which was still warm from the dryer. Neat piles lined up on the king-sized bed.
"Hey." He replied quietly before walking over to you and pecking your lips. It had been rough lately, and every time he got home late from work, you noticed how increasingly tense he seemed as the days passed. 
"I thought you would be home early today." You commented. "Where were you? I was worried."
He sat on the bed next to where you stood, watching as you folded another shirt. Then, he sighed, rubbing his sore eyes as he rested his other hand on his knee.
"I was supposed to, but they needed me for a meeting and kept me late. Sorry I didn't text you." He explains, feeling a slight guilt sting in his chest as he glances at the clothes on the bed. You had to do his chores again. 
"I see." You respond quietly, with no resentment in your voice at all. "It's fine. But it is also late, so you should get ready for dinner." You instructed. 
Aizawa nodded and stood up before heading into the bathroom to shower, coming back moments later looking entirely drowsy.
"You look so exhausted." Your worried words pull Shōta from his sleepy state, the bed now looking pretty free from the clothes as you put the last pile into a drawer. "Didn't take proper care of yourself today, did you?" You questioned. "Did you eat anything besides applesauce?"
His eyebrows knitted together as he looked at you. You know he hates when you call him out like this. But you are right. Today was rough. "Yeah, yes, I know. Sorry. I promise I'll get better." His soft tone had you smiling. 
"No need to apologize, baby. I was just worried, that is all." You reassured as you walked toward him, snaking your arms around his waist and holding on tight, pulling him closer against your body. "You okay?" You asked quietly.
"Yeah." He nuzzled your neck. "Just tired." He explained, and you gently ran your hand up and down his back.
The two of you stayed embraced for a few seconds, pulling apart only after your stomach let out its demands, prompting you both to chuckle lightly. 
"Sorry, I have not eaten yet." You apologized before inviting him to the dining room, dragging his willing self by the hand.
As he followed behind, you heard him scolding you for your behavior. "I told you to stop waiting for me to have dinner when I do not get home until seven."
You rolled your eyes playfully as you turned the corner. "Sorry, I guess I forgot." You replied as you walked into the kitchen. "And besides, I did not have the appetite to eat alone anyway."
That earned you a soft laugh from the man who walked into the kitchen soon after you, helping you bring the food to the dining table afterward.
And, as you made yourselves comfortable, you two started eating. Small talk filled the air as you avoided both talking about work or the things that could be troubling your husband since dinner was not time for stress.
And this goes both ways, as Shōta knows that this small amount of time after he arrives is all he has with you since he needs to leave for work again before you even wake up the next day. 
Not long after, however, you can not help but notice how the dark circles under his eyes looked more purple than you ever saw, and his movements seemed a lot slower than what you were used to;
It worried you. Even though you know the hero and teaching work are naturally wearing, despite his tiredness, he always afforded to act, at least around you, not so worn out.
He had not been sleeping well recently, and you wanted to do something about it; but now was not the time, so you decided against mentioning it to him right now, as you knew it would bother him even further.
But he noticed you staring anyway, and his gaze drifted toward your lips, then back to your eyes. He raised a brow.
"Are you gonna finish those?" You asked, motioning to his half-eaten meal, which he absently turned over repetitively with his utensils. He shrugged. "Maybe later tonight?"
You nodded once in understanding and returned your attention to your plate. "Okay," you said.
He then went back into playing with his food in silence, which you did not mind. You know he was not hungry anymore but was making time to give you company as you finished your meal anyways. 
Once you finished, he rinsed the dishes while you dried them, setting them aside. Then, Shōta followed you back into the living room, where he plopped down on the couch.
Before long, you were cuddling together as something mindless passed on the TV screen. And, at some point during the movie, you began yawning, slowly lulling your head onto the shoulder of your partner, while his head would eventually fall forward as sleep threatened to grab hold of either of you.
So, reluctantly you sat up, stretching your back before turning to face Shōta. "Should we head to bed? Or do you want us to stay up here a while longer?" You asked, leaning in slightly, resting a hand on his leg.
He shook his head. "I think it's time for bed."
You nodded and stood up first, extending your hand toward him to help him stand up too. And, with his hand intertwined with yours, you led him back to the bedroom – where he went straight to lie on the bed.
After you were both settled, you wrapped an arm around his torso, nuzzling your head into his chest as he reciprocated the embrace, snuggling closer. Then, he placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head.
02:51 am
You woke up feeling hot. Well, hot enough for someone who does not bother regard to temperature. It is a bit unusual, and usually, you do not even realize the temperature change when asleep. 
You shifted in the grasp of your husband, turning over to your side as you tried, in vain, to cool down before realizing that the overheating you felt was radiating from the man you tangled with to sleep.
A frown immediately appeared on your face while moving your hand to place it over his forehead. Perhaps he was feverish?
Hmm, maybe. You could not tell for sure, but the skin felt a lot warmer to your touch. It did not feel right. So, carefully extracting yourself from the embrace, you walked to the closet and retrieved a thermometer, which you then returned and inserted into his mouth before sitting on the edge of the bed with him.
After a moment, the beeping of the device signaled that it finished testing; you watched as he started waking up a little after you took it out, his eyes fluttering open and landing upon the sight of you – sitting on the bed beside him, watching him cautiously. 
He blinked, slowly bringing his hand to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "Hey." He greeted, his voice hoarse. 
You gave him a gentle smile. "Hey." You replied, and he glanced back up at you.
"What are you doing?" He asks, squinting slightly in the darkness as if trying his best to decipher your features.
"Doing a little research." You responded. "Feeling alright? No headache?"
He furrowed his brows together. "No, why? Should I?"
You shake your head. "Probably not. But just making sure, you are running a fever, sweetheart."  You explained softly, reaching your hand out to grab his. "Come on, let us get you into a cool shower, and then you can rest a little longer, okay?"
He did not argue or question you, even though he seemed reluctant. Instead, he nodded and complied, rising from the bed, taking the offered hand, and following you into the bathroom.
While you reached the bathtub to turn the water on, Shōta quietly took his shirt off, discarding it into the hamper next to the sink. 
After you turned around, your gaze fell upon his toned muscles for half a second before landing on his face. His hair was sticking up every which way thanks to the ruffling from sleep, his bangs covering half his face and hiding the dark bags beneath his eyes. He looked exhausted as ever, yet also adorable somehow. However, the more you looked, the more you could tell he was getting sick. 
Sighing, you pulled your fingers through your hair, continuing to examine his appearance. You had never seen him sick, nor had you seen him look this exhausted in all the years you were together. 
Shōta turned around, noticing you observing his appearance, and raised an eyebrow. "What? Are you worried?" He questioned.
"Well, yes." You answered, still analyzing him.
His lips stretched into a faint smile as he approached you, cupping your cheek with his hand as he peered down at you, giving you an amused expression. "Why?" 
"You have been running yourself ragged lately." You answered, leaning into his palm. "And I never saw you sick before. I am worried because, especially now, you can not afford to be weak."
He sighed before pulling you close, pressing a tender kiss on your forehead, and placing one last soft kiss on the tip of your nose. "Don't worry. I promise I will be fine." He assured.
"Promise?" You repeated skeptically, staring deep into his eyes, and he chuckled. "Cross my heart."
"Mhm..." you hummed. "I will only believe that if you don't overexert yourself. If you keep worrying me like this, you will become bedridden sooner than you wish."
This time his chuckle was not quiet, and you could hear the whizzing in his chest. "Now, aren't you a good wife?" He teased.
You scoffed at that remark. "Of course I am. I am making sure you do not work yourself till you drop sick!" You retorted.
He gave you a smug grin. "Is that so?" He asked, tilting his head a little. "How mean."
You rolled your eyes in response before staring straight back at him. "But I am serious, Shōta."
"Then I will stop stressing myself and make a good impression on you." He declared, and his playful grin widened, making you chuckle. 
"Yeah, that is what I want. Now go wash off the sweat. I will fix you a cup of tea and bring it up. Alright?"
He smiled again, nodding. "Alright."
And as you made your way toward the kitchen, you wondered how you managed to fall for such a selfless bastard.
But you were not complaining.
03:12 am
Aizawa was still immersed in the bathtub when you returned with a glass in hand and medicine in the other. Then, after he emerged his hands from the water, you handed him one of each before leaning down to sit over your forelegs while resting your arms against the edge of the tub.
You watched as he gulped the medicine down with a generous sip of cold tea.
"How do you feel?" You quietly asked as he pulled the glass away from his lips. 
He merely gave you a small smile. "Not bad." He replied, his tone sounding slightly less hoarse now that he had drunk the tea. "I don't feel any different than usual. Just tired."
"Okay." You murmured, your eyebrows creasing together a little. "If it gets worse tomorrow, I will take you straight home from work, alright!?"
He nodded. "Okay."
"And I will ask Hizashi to check up on you since I know you won't tell me if it gets worse, after all."
He smirked a little at this, snickering. "That is true. But asking Mic to do that is not necessary." He paused, glancing at you before giving you a soft, small smile.
"Oh, yeah?" You asked.
Shōta nodded. "Yes. If it gets a lot worse, I will call you. I don't want to trouble any more people nor make you worry unnecessarily."
Your eyes softened at that. You know how Shōta hated burdening someone else, even though it would never feel like that to you. But he was willing to set his stubbornness aside for your sake. It flattered you a little, and you could not help but smile. 
"Okay, good... so, since you are telling me that, I will try not to worry too much then." You said. He returned your smile with a faint yet truthful one.
"Thank you, though."
"For what?" You inquired in curiosity. 
"Being so attentive like that." He said. "I appreciate it."
A faint blush formed on your cheeks as your eyes widened just a tiny bit. Then, the smile returned to your lips. "No problem, Sho. I care for you. And I love seeing you well."
His eyes softened at your words. "I know you do." He agreed quietly before opening his mouth to speak again but was cut short by a yawn escaping his lips.
"There you go again, falling asleep without meaning for it at all." You chuckled. Then, you reached forward and brushed the stray hairs from his forehead before letting your hand fall back onto the rim of the tub; while watching him intently for a moment. He smiled at you again. 
After a few moments of silence, his face finally showed some signs of discomfort, and you frowned slightly. "Are you uncomfortable? Do you need me t-"
"It’s fine." He insisted, cutting you off, before taking your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours, effectively stopping you from finishing that sentence. "Just tired. It happens sometimes."
"Oh." You breathed, taking in what he said before sighing softly, slowly beginning to rise back to your feet. "Okay, then. I will grab some clean clothes for you now. Take your time resting up. If you need anything, ask me, alright?"
He smiled gratefully at you. "Okay, thanks, babe."
Your heart clenched at the sound of him saying those precious words; they meant everything to you. They always would. He knew how important they were; and how much you cherished them. 
Because, despite his cold surface, he never failed to make you feel loved and appreciated.
So you hoped you would never fail at that too.
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bvbygrl-writes · 14 days
Season of The Witch (3)
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Witch!Reader x Edward Cullen
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) is 19 and still trying to figure out the world. She isn't sure of a lot of things but she is sure of one: she's gonna have her cake and eat it too.
A/N: Edward's here!
Warnings: N/A but it will be 18+ at some point most likely. Minors and blanks dni. Also I didn't edit any of it so ignore any typos.
The morning sunlight streamed in gently through every window in your room. The sounds of birds and crickets singing in a chorus together were the first sounds you awoke to. The only way you knew last night wasn’t a dream was from the text on your phone from Jacob, letting you know he was looking forward to seeing you. You felt dizzy with delight, sending him a reply to know you were looking forward to seeing him too.
Stretching as you stand up, you walk over to the balcony, opening the doors as you step out into the unusually warm Fall air. Looking down, you see the progress your mom has made in such a short time in the yard. A pergola now sat near the edge, a beautiful outdoor dining table sat under it with string lights that had not yet been turned on. Directly below your window, she had began on a garden. Strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, pumpkins, and many different types of herbs were already in bloom, despite the season. Looking to your left, you saw her floating near the window to your dad’s office. She was finishing planting a few flowers in a planter box she had added. She smiled as she noticed you, flying over a bit as she perched her elbows on the railing of your balcony.
“Good morning, sweetie. I couldn’t sleep last night, I was too excited to start decorating! I have so many ideas blooming.” she gushed to you enthusiastically. You yawn, trying to rub the sleep from your eyes as you give her a soft smile.
“It looks amazing so far mom. Just be careful, it’s broad daylight. Anyone could walk by and see you flying and sprouting stuff from the ground.” you remind her. She rolls her eyes, waving you off.
“Already ahead of ya. I put a veil over the house so to anyone, it’ll just look like I’m on a ladder. Me and your dad had breakfast already since he had to be in for work early but I left you a plate in the kitchen!” your stomach grumbles at the mention of breakfast. “Also I left a list of potion supplies we’re growing low on, do you think you could head into the woods after you’re dressed and get them for me?” you nod lazily and she squeezes your hand gently before floating back over to the window, continuing her meticulous flower planting.
After you’ve gotten ready for the day, you head down to the kitchen. On the counter, there’s a plate of pancakes, fresh maple syrup, and a bowl of fruit. You see the list stuck to the fridge with a magnet. Taking your plate to the dining room, you begin looking the list over as you scarf down your breakfast. Everything should be easy enough to gather. 
Placing your plate into the dishwasher, you toss the list in your satchel before grabbing some twine and a basket near the back door. As you step out of it, you notice the entrance your mom must’ve made for you to the forest. The trees are braided around each other in a circular shape, flowers woven throughout.
There’s not a clear path as you go deeper but that doesn’t scare you. Waving your hand, a golden luminous line follows behind you so you can easily find your way back home. With your list floating near your head with a pen, you start to search for the first ingredient.
“Mugwort…mugwort…ah, there it is!” Taking out a pair of plant sheers, you cut a nice amount, your twine floating out of your bag to tie the bushel up before it floats back to your open bag. The enchanted pen crosses it out from the list. “Just eight more things to go.” you mutter to yourself. Hopefully the rest would be as easy to find.
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With eight out of nine things gathered, you just needed the final one: water from a natural source. As you went further and further into the woods, you could hear running water. Turning left, you walked forward finally finding the source of the sound. There was a small creek running further than your eyes could see. Taking out a mason jug, you leaned down to the water filling it up. It was going well enough until you heard a noise. It was fast footsteps and from the sound of it, it was getting closer to you. Standing up with your half filled jar, you got prepared in a stance.
 An unnaturally fast blur was a few feet from you. Without a second thought, you shook your hands raising them above your head. Thick vines and roots began to raise, wrapping tightly around the creature which you now could identify as a…person? If you could even call him that. The man before you was gorgeous, his face looking as if it was chiseled from marble. But something was different about him. He was unusually pale, with eyes of gold and pretty pink lips. You watched as he struggled in the vines, an intense look on his face until his eyes met you. Your mouth was agape, eyes wide as you approached him.
“What…what are you? You’re clearly warm blooded but you’re definitely not human.” he said in an aggressive tone. Waving your hand, you released him from the vines. He wasted no time in approaching you, a mere inches away from you. Your head began to throb a bit. Was he…
“Are you trying to read my mind?” you questioned, scowling at him. Your mom had taught you how to block your thoughts from other occults but it always came at a cost. You got a small headache whenever you did so. His eyes widened, staggering back a bit.
“Yes but…how did you do that? I could get into your mind but, I was blocked from your thoughts.” he responded in amazement. He reached out, grabbing your face in both his hands, causing you to shudder. His hands were as cold as ice. The speed, his body temperature, the color of his eyes. It was all starting to make sense now. 
You both said at the same time. You both step back from each other, scared of what the other may do, not knowing that neither of you were a threat. “I thought all witches went extinct during Salem.” he said. You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
“Clearly not. They did a number on us but many of us exist, although most are outside of America. But as you know, we’re not an enemy to none but a friend to all.” you explain. He steps closer to you, running a hand down your shoulder.
“Amazing.” he answers breathlessly. Looking up at him, you get an even better look at his features now. He truly is a sight to behold. Before you can say another word, he’s on the ground as a shirtless man you’re quite familiar with attacks him.
“Get away from her, bloodsucker!” Jacob shouts. Your eyes widen in shock. The two of them roll around on the ground, attacking each other. There are punches thrown left and right and Jacob is surprisingly holding his weight well. But you’re not sure if either one will live if they go on like this. And you know if Jacob gets any more angry, he might wolf out.
You blow air from your mouth, a big swarm of wind towards them. The both fly back from one another, landing on the ground with a thud. Even with the cuts on his body, Jacob still looks up at you with concern.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he asks, standing up with a grunt as he rushes to your side. He grabs your face, looking it over for any signs of damage. You place your hand over his, causing him to look into your eyes. He relaxes at your touch some.
“I’m okay, Jacob honestly. I can hold my own quite well. Plus,” you look over at the vampire who’s now standing up, near you but far enough away that Jacob can’t touch him. “He’s no threat. I read into his mind a little, Edward is no threat.” Edward smiles at that, causing Jacob to growl, pulling you back flush into his chest. 
“Well that’s not fair. You can read mine but yours is off limits?” He asks. Jacob’s grip tightens on you some.
“You don’t deserve to know a single thought in her head.” He spits out, causing Edward to look up at him with a scowl. You could tell Jacob was slowly losing his composure. Releasing yourself from his grip, you grab his hand tugging him back towards the direction you came.
“Let’s just go, Jake. You were going to show me around, remember?” You ask, looking up at him. He looks down at you smiling, squeezing your hand some. You put his mind at ease, bringing him a sense of calm just from being near him. Looking back over your shoulder, you see Edward still watching you. “The name’s (Y/n) by the way.”
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When you’re finally back to your house, you see a motorcycle parked in your driveway, a helmet hanging from the right handle. You look from the bike to Jacob. “This yours?” you ask him, walking around the bike as you inspect it.
“Yeah, I built it myself. I’m pretty good with things like that.” he shrugs, as if it’s no big deal. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls something out. Stepping towards you, he motions for you to turn around. You do so, lifting your hair as he places a necklace around your neck. It’s a gold necklace with a pendant of a wolf on it. You hold the charm in your hand, smiling. “I noticed the other day you like to wear a lot of necklaces so I made this one for you.”
“Wait, you made this? Jake this is amazing! Thank you, really, thank you.” you say, turning around to hug him. He instantly reciprocates it, his hands trailing up and down your back before kissing the top of your head.
“A special girl deserves a special gift. And you…are a special girl.” He whispers the last part, pulling back from you. You bite your lip nervously, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet.
“I feel like since you know my…secret, it’s only right that I tell you I know yours too.” his eyes widen before he looks away, turning his attention to the ground. “It’s okay, I think it’s cool. I saw your tattoo and recognized the symbol from one of my occult history books. You know, witches and werewolves have worked alongside each other for centuries.” you tell him, grabbing his hand. He lets out a sigh of relief, massaging your hand in his.
“I grew up hearing legends about witches but I wasn’t aware they were still around. I guess it was written in the stars for us to get along so well.” he says, handing you the helmet as he mounts the bike. You put it on, strapping it in place before hopping on behind him. You wrap your arms around his middle, leaning against his back.
“I guess so.”
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radiant-reid · 1 year
A drabble where Reader got pregnant shortly after Reid went to prison and after they both arrived back home and he was thanking her for all of her support during those months and asks her to marry her and she blurts out "I'm pregnant!" and ofc he's shocked but he's also like eeeek!!!!!! so he wake up extra early for her and makes a big breakfast/takes a few weeks off work or sm and she's like "you didn't have to do that" but he responds "I missed _____ weeks already I'm not about to miss another day of this" and kisses her on the forehead
happy spencer post-prison >>
He holds you for 15 minutes once you get through the door. 900 seconds where you do nothing but stand together, embraced in each other's arms. It doesn't make up for the three months he was away, but it's a start.
"Thank you." He finally says, pulling back to look at you. "Y/n, there's no way I could have gotten through that without you."
"You could have." You assure him. "You're the bravest person I know."
"I needed you, so thank you." He repeats, softly smiling at you. It's muscle memory he didn't realize was still there.
You nod, wiping up the tears he's spilling. "I'm always here for you."
Spencer holds your chin with one hand, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear with the other. "I love you more than anything in the world. You've kept me me through this. Will you marry me?"
You stand there stunned for a moment before blurting something out that's not technically an answer to the question. "I'm pregnant."
Then he's standing there stunned, not sure of what to say before he tears up. "I'm going to be a dad?" He whimpers out. A day ago, his life was in one of the worst places it had been and he had no idea if it would ever end, and now everything he's ever wanted is falling into place.
You match his gentle crying. "You're going to be the best dad." You answer. "And, yes, I would love to marry you."
"I'll get you a ring, I promise. I just needed to ask." He promises you. "I want to take some time away from the BAU, too. Do you think that's okay?"
"I think it's necessary." You reply, honestly confused about how he could consider returning to work tomorrow or assume Emily would let him. "You went through some terrible things and need a break. Go to the cabin to clear your head or something."
He nods. "I'll think of something."
That night is restful. Spencer needs time to rest and you've missed takeout, talking, and cuddling on the couch with him. He needs sleep too, and you make sure he's in bed early.
He's up early, though. Earlier than you and you panic when you wake up and he's not next to you.
"I'm here." He says, walking through the bedroom door carrying a tray of food, and announcing he's there like he can sense that you're worrying about him.
"What are you doing?" You ask sleepily, sitting up against the headboard.
He walks over, placing the breakfast tray on the bed. "Serving you breakfast in bed." He says.
"You really didn't have to do that." You remind him, grabbing his hand in yours. He's going to have guilt, you know that, but you don't want him trying to make it up to you by thinking he has to do things.
He shakes his head. "I've missed... far too much of this pregnancy already and I'm not going to miss another second. I don't want to go to a cabin in the woods and be alone because I want to be with you every step of the way." He tells you before cupping your cheeks, pulling you forward, and kissing your forehead.
You grin giddily, unable to think about anything but how happy you are. "You'll hear no complains from me about that." You assure him.
"So, do we discuss wedding stuff or baby stuff first?" He wonders, but you don't care, all you feel is grateful.
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irb-pascalito-99 · 7 months
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Text you Later
Pairing: Joel x f!reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Summary: Joel calls while at work for some lunch time shenanigans.
Warnings: phone sex, masturbation, pictures, dirty talk, praise, semi public sex
A/N: This is an excerpt from chapter twelve of my ongoing fic Always an Angel, Never a God to read more visit A03.
I try to ignore the buzz of my phone in my back pocket as I carry my end of the armoire. Bill huffs when I adjust the piece of furniture in my arms. Once we’re in position we put the legs down carefully.
I automatically pull out my phone to check my texts once my hands are free. A smile spreads across my face when I see it’s Joel again.
Joel: Meet up for lunch?
I bite my lip and look up at Bill who has continued to walk around the store adjusting other items. I lean my hip against the armoire as I type out my reply.
Me: Can’t :( leaving early today for Ellie’s appointment
Frank appears over my shoulder as I press send. I jump as he attempts to glance at the screen.
“Who you texting?” He asks with a sly smile. I shove the phone back in my pocket. I shrug in response and walk toward the front counter. “A man?”
“No Frank,” I lie. “It was just Maria asking if we could hang out tonight.”
The look on his face says he clearly doesn’t believe me. I ignore the next buzz from my phone, and the one that comes immediately after.
“Okay then…” Frank says. “Well I just wanted to see if you wanted this desk we just got in. I know you mentioned wanting to get something Ellie can use in that room.”
Ellie and I agreed to change our parents’ room to an art space the two of us can use. We’ve already packed all the stuff that remains there in boxes. Joel helped put them in the attic for safekeeping. Tomorrow everyone is coming over to help move the furniture out and paint the walls
I follow Frank to the back of the store where we keep the inventory before we put it out. While his back is turned to me I quickly pull out my phone to respond to Joel.
Joel: But I miss you…
Joel: Can we call at least?
Me: Give me like 15 minutes ;)
I throw my phone back in my pocket as Frank stops in front of an old writer’s desk. I run my hand along the cherry stained wood. It’s in great condition, probably worth a decent amount of money.
There’s a lot of drawers as well. I open a couple, they seem decently deep so Ellie could probably store a decent amount of supplies in it. She’s been getting really into sketching lately so a place where she could sit and draw would be really nice.
“How much do you want for it?” I ask.
“Don’t worry about it,” I turn to Frank as he waves his hand. I give him a frustrated look, while I appreciate his generosity it doesn’t feel right to constantly like Frank and Bill take care of me. I don’t want to be their charity case, but Frank won’t hear it. “Think of it as me supporting local artists. You can pay us back with a painting or have Ellie draw something.”
“I’m sure Bill would love whatever she draws of him,” I joke. Frank laughs. I run my hand over the wood again. It would really mean a lot for Ellie to have her own dedicated space in the room.
I let out an exasperated sigh. Frank grins as I concede. He pulls a SOLD sign out of his back pocket and puts it on top of the desk.
“I’ll have Bill load it up when we come over tomorrow.” He says.
He wraps an arm around me while we walk back up front. I feel my phone buzz again. Frank must hear the sound of the vibration because he looks at me amusedly.
“Maria again?” I shrug and walk around the counter to keep myself busy until I can find an excuse to go somewhere private and talk to Joel. “Girl can’t seem to get enough today, you’ve been glued to that phone all morning.”
“It’s probably that contractor guy,” Bill grumbles from across the room. I snap my head to him, trying to keep the blush off my cheeks. “The one she’s all goo-goo eyes for.”
So much for not blushing. I try to hide my burning face from view of Bill and Frank. I feel like a child caught crushing on the popular boy at school.
“Ahh yeah, Joel right?” Frank says. He turns back to me. “Is he coming to help tomorrow?”
“Joel? I think so. I know Maria said Tommy’s coming to help out with the muscle so I’d imagine Joel would be there too.” I try to act casual, but my voice comes out slightly higher than normal.
“Hmm, yeah we know that one has some muscle,” Frank says. I blush even more, just barely managing to stop myself from dropping my jaw at Frank’s comment.
“Sounds like you’re the one with the crush, Frank.” Frank laughs.
“Just making an observation,” he chides. “I think you could use a man like that…”
“Stop,” I beg. I hide my face in my hands. Frank laughs. Bill walks over to help a customer who just walked in while Frank pats me on the shoulder. “I’m taking a break.”
Frank shakes his head, still laughing. I walk toward the back of the shop. I take one more look over my shoulder before I disappear into the backroom.
I make my way to the bathroom and pull out my phone. I lean against the bathroom wall as I call Joel. He answers almost immediately.
“Someone’s needy today,” I joke. I make sure to keep my voice down so anyone who is outside of the bathroom door can’t hear.
“Babygirl, you have no idea.” I shudder at his nickname for me. His voice is deep with a sultry thickness pouring out like molasses. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Haven’t seen you all week, it’s killing me.”
“I know,” I respond. I half whisper into the phone. “I’m sorry, I miss you too. It’s just been crazy with work and Ellie. Getting Ellie caught up with classes has been rough. Turns out I’m really bad at math…”
“Darlin’ why are you whisperin’?” Joel asks.
“I’m in the bathroom at the shop. I don’t want Bill and Frank to hear me, they’ve already been making jokes about me crushing on you. I don't need them to hear anything else.” Joel laughs on the other end. “Stop that, it’s not funny!”
“Sorry sweetheart, but it kinda is.” I roll my eyes. “So you’re crushing on me huh?”
“Shut up,” I grumble. Joel laughs again and then the line goes silent.
“So…what are you wearing?”
“Oh, so it’s one of those phone calls. You’re really over there making fun of me while you’re waiting for me to help you get off?” I tease.
“Well I was going to pick you up and fuck you on a back road in my truck somewhere, but someone couldn’t get away from work.” I whimper at the thought.
It has been getting increasingly harder to sneak around these days. I’ve had to put so much focus on Ellie in order to prove to Marlene that things are solid with us. Joel has been extremely understanding, and my relationship with Ellie has never been better, but it’s been frustrating not to have alone time with him.
“You like that huh? Want to ride my cock in the front seat of my car, naughty girl.” I feel my pussy start to drip at his words. Fuck, I need him. “Go on, tell me what you’re wearing princess.”
“I can send you a picture…” I say. I smile when I hear Joel groan.
I position myself in front of the mirror and adjust my clothes a bit. I pull my neckline down a bit to show off more of my breasts. I turn to the side slightly so he can see the curve of my ass and then hook my thumb in the top of my jeans and pull them down just enough that he can see the top of my lacy black panties.
I take a couple pictures until I get one that I really like and send it over to him. I hear him moan when I pull the phone back to my ear, and then the sound of his belt clinking as he undoes it.
“Another baby, please. Let me see you.” I go back to the door and crack it open for a second. I don’t see anyone outside so I close it and lock the door.
I walk back to the mirror, setting the phone on the counter for a second, and take off my shirt. I push my jeans off as well and stand in front of the mirror wearing only my bra and underwear. I should be embarrassed doing this in the store bathroom, but a rush if adrenaline pumps through my veins as I position myself in front of the mirror. I nice one hand down, ghosting the lips of my pussy on the outside of my panties. I bite my lip and throw my head back, taking the picture and immediately sending it to Joel.
“Fuckk baby, so pretty for me.” I moan quietly at his praise. “Touch yourself gorgeous. Touch that pretty pussy for me. I want to hear you.”
I lean against the wall again and snake my fingers inside my underwear. I run them through my soaking folds, my underwear drenched as I hear the faint slapping sound of Joel’s fist moving up and down his cock.
“Oh Joel, I’m so wet for you,” I moan, making sure to keep my voice down.
Joel groans and a shiver runs down my spine. I dip two fingers inside my hole, my thumb starting to make circle motions. I whimper into the phone as I start to pump my fingers in and out. I try to match my pace to the sounds of Joel jacking off on the other end of the line. He moans loudly at my noises.
“Tell me what you’re doin’ right now sugar. What’s makin’ you make those sweet little noises?” He starts to pick up his pace, panting into the phone desperately.
“I’m touching myself.” I huff. “I got…got two fingers inside… wish it was your fingers, or your cock. Fuck, Joel wish you were splitting me open right now.”
Joel groans again, the sounds of him pumping himself getting louder.
“God, babygirl fuck. I wish I was there too.” I speed up my fingers, my climax building as he goes on. “Wish it was your pussy clenching around my cock right now instead of my hand. Got me fuckin’ jackin’ off in a goddamn parking lot, that’s what you do to me.”
I moan, a little louder than I probably should have. I move the phone to rest between my face and shoulder so I can cover my mouth as my other hand continues to move underneath my panties. I close my eyes and picture him in his truck outside his job site, thrusting his cock into his hands with his phone to his ear.
“Can anyone see you?” I ask. Joel chuckles darkly at my question.
“I don’t think so, not right now,” he grunts into the phone again. “Why gorgeous? That get you off? You like the idea of me gettin’ caught fuckin’ my fist to the thought of you?”
My stomach tightness and I moan again. I’m so close. So fucking close.
“Yeah, I think it does.” His words send another wave of pleasure through me. I’m right on the edge. “I think you like what you do to me. Think you like how desperate you make me, can’t stop thinkin’ of that pussy all goddamn week. You gettin’ close baby?”
“Yes, god yes, Joel please don’t stop.” Joel groans again.
“That’s it darlin’, I’m almost there too. Come for me babygirl. Come for me.”
I keep pumping my fingers in and out of my pussy until I’m finally pushed over the edge, panting and moaning around my other hand as I try to muffle my noises.
It doesn’t take long for Joel to follow. His groans sound more animal than human as I hear him pump his cock a couple more times and then stop. We both pant into the phone as we come down.
After my heart slows down I walk back to my discarded shirt and jeans on the floor and put them back on. I hear Joel’s belt clink again on the other line as well.
“I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then?” Joel asks as I straighten my shirt in the mirror.
“Yes, but remember it’s going to be a full house so you need to behave,” I remind him. He scoffs at my remark.
“Darlin’ I’m nothing if not a gentleman,” I chuckle at his remark.
“Would a gentleman jack himself off in a parking lot in the middle of the day?” I ask.
“You got me there,” he laughs. “But I’ll do my best to keep my hands to myself tomorrow, no matter how hard it’ll be after not seein’ ya for so long.”
I smile sheepishly, giddy at the thought of him having missed me so much after just a week.
“Thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” Joel agrees and we say our goodbyes. I wash my hands before heading back out to the front of the shop.
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luvfy0dor · 9 months
The dad Fyodor anon
Descending from the sky with a request on this fine…. Well it’s night technically but
Ok you get it
You said you write modern AU’s
I have a few in my brain but rn I’m gonna go with the clearest one
You know the kind of stuff I always request
How about Dazai modern au as a young father?
Just him being young (maybe like early 20’s or 19 or something but young, you can pick) and he has a partner. But his partner had become pregnant unexpectedly. And after a really rough and confusing 6 or 7 months, they eventually settle on staying together and his partner wanting to see the pregnancy through (tho they don’t know if they’re gonna keep the child)
Tho ultimately, when the child is born, and Dazai gets to actually hold them, it’s different. And they do decide to keep the child
So basically that happening and Dazai trying to get his life on track so he’s not an absolutely awful father
You can choose if the port mafia is still a thing in this or not if you want more drama
And if Dazai is trying to either get out or work more to be more responsible
And if he turns to Oda for help. And if he was originally considering asking Oda to raise the child because he’s afraid he couldn’t
Essentially just young dad Dazai trying his best
Btw if you’re interested in other kinds of AU requests just lemme know. And maybe I got some Fyodor ones in my brain….. 👀
Happy late holidays friend
“We are Young and We Don't Care ♡⁠˖” - Dad!Dazai x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Warnings; Minimally proofread, Modern AU, reader is afab but gender neutral
Description; Dazai accidentally knocked up his partner, and even hours before the kid is born it's still a mystery whether or not him and his partner will keep it. But things can change, even within seconds.
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A/n; Welcome back!!! This ask is cute, I hope I did it justice! Also feel free to drop the new Fyodor ideas ASAP please and thank you 😞🙏💯 Happy late holidays!!
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★ Dazais immediate first thought would be to hand over the child to Oda, unsure of his fatherly abilities
★ The reality of fatherhood actually hits him when he holds the baby for the first time and he sobs.
D/n - Daughters Name
Dazai sat at the bar, swirling the liquid in his glass around. Oda sat next to him, fidgeting with a scrap of paper he found in his pocket earlier that day. "So, what'd you wanna talk about?" He asks Dazai with a cocked eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're runnin' from responsibility again." Oda says, only half serious. Dazai sighs and chuckles quietly, turning to look at Oda. "You know me really well. My partner is pregnant, and I wanted to know if you could..." He trails off at the end, feeling a bit of guilt weighing on his heart. "Take it?" Oda finishes Dazais sentence, being met with a nod from the brunette man. "Yeah. I don't think that I'm ready to be a father, and I'm not leaving my partner, that would be shitty." His gaze wanders towards the windows, the sills covered in a thin veil of glistening snow while flakes fall from the clouds overhead.
"And why is that?" Oda turns his body to face his companion better while resting his head against his fist. "C'mon, you know I'm just not father material. I don't know how to take care of a kid, nor do I know how to bond with it." He tells. His right hand rests on his knee while the other grasps the short whiskey glass by the rim, the orange light from the candles cascading an incandescent glow onto his skin. His cheeks and nose are still slightly red from being exposed to the cold, winter chill of the dark city even though he had gotten inside five minutes ago. "You just sound unwilling to learn, if you ask me." Oda replies. His hand moves from his cheek to run his fingers through his shirt, ginger hair while his statement makes Dazai reflect for a moment. "I don't think I'm able to learn." Oda shakes his head immediately. "You're always able to learn. You just don't want to. I can teach you how to take care of a child, even if you'd still rather hand it over to me." He says, his stubble slightly pricking the back of his hand before he takes a sip of his drink. Dazai sighs with his shoulders slumped, but he eventually nods in agreement. His stubborn personality has a tendency to soften whenever it came to Oda.
Oda started giving Dazai lessons whenever he was able to on how to deal with children, especially newborns. He taught Dazai how to how to hold them correctly and how to swaddle them, amongst many other essential skills for having a child. It took Dazai a couple hundred tries to get the swaddling down, but he was a natural at the multi-tasking part. He could carry around one of Oda's kids in one arm and make a bottle with the other without problem. He was also pretty good with making children laugh, even without trying. Oda taught him how to bathe and change a newborn and told him when the child could have things other than formula or breast milk. He was doing a real good job at shaping Dazai up into a, at the very least, prepared father. Although with these acquired skills, he still had his doubts and second thoughts.
Even as he's sitting in the hospital room with you and all the medical staff, his stomach continues to turn with indecision. He's stuck in a daydream, to keep the child or not to keep the child, that was his only question in the moment. He was so far gone that he barely registered the sound of cries coming from the newborn, but when he did he immediately snapped back into reality. His eyes darted around the room looking for the baby until they landed on her, laying on your chest. Your smile was contagious and Dazai couldn't help but unexpectedly choke up at the sight of the baby. The way you softly shushed her and pet her head made his heart swell. He immediately stood up and reached over to caress her as well, biting back his tears of happiness. He didn't understand how something he considered giving away made him feel this way, so happy.
When the nurses took the baby for the physical assessment, he frowned and reached for your hand. "We're keeping her, I don't want to give her way." Dazai says to you, kissing your forehead. "You did so good." He mumbles against your skin. You thank him and lean back, exhaustion overcoming you. "Good, I'm happy you want to keep her, too." A small smile makes its way to your face. He returns it and stands with you while you wait for the nurses to bring the little girl back. His hand rests on your shoulder, rubbing circles into your skin with his thumbs. His eyes light up like no other when he sees the nurse bring your baby back and he almost immediately reaches his arms out to pick her up and take her. His breath hitches and he stares at her sleeping form, unaware of the tears in his eyes until one falls down his face and onto d/n's baby blanket. He bites his lip once again, making them all the rosier as he sniffles and leans down to kiss her forehead.
The sight makes your heart flutter; you really did think Dazai would want to give her away, but he clearly changed his mind. An even bigger smile creeps onto your face when you hear him whispering to her, his dark brown bangs falling infront of his face. "I love you so much! I'm so glad to have you here, you're gonna be daddy's little partner in crime, huh?" You couldn't help but giggle with happiness. You knew neither you nor Dazai would be the perfect parents, but he really seemed like he was gonna try his damnedest for you; for your daughter.
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rorywritesjunk · 9 months
I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing.
Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. He’s an asshole. He just is because I wanted to write him loud, demanding, everything. This is still a bit of fluff, honestly. Also Buggy gets drunk near the end of the chapter. He's also just a bit clingy but we kind of knew that at this point.
A/N: I have no idea when Buggy became a Captain, so he’s a fresh faced captain in this. No clue how long this fic will be.
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness @uhnanix
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 12
He didn't want to wait.
Buggy was impatient. You told him it was another two months until you were officially done with your apprenticeship. That was 8 weeks. 60 days. Could he wait that long to ask you to marry him? It wasn't like the two of you were going to get married minutes after he asked, right? So he could ask, give you a ring, and seal the deal. That's all he had to do.
Right now he was sitting in the kitchen after dinner while you fixed his gloves. You said there was something wrong with the stitching with one of them, something you had noticed earlier in the day, and he wasn't going to argue with you since you were the professional with this kind of stuff, not him.
So while you fixed his gloves, he told you about some of his adventures on the sea in recent years, about fighting off more vicious crews, claiming victory, and all the treasure he found. You listened intently as you ran your fingers over the seams of one his gloves while your sewing kit sat untouched on the table.
He didn't need to know it was a little lie to spend more time with him.
“That's amazing, Buggy!” You told him as he finished his latest tale. A small part of you wondered about how true some of what he told you was, but you didn't really care. You liked seeing how animated he became when he spoke, hands gesturing wildly and his expressive face. It was a nice sight to see. “I'm almost done with your gloves.”
“Take your time, babe.” He grinned as he leaned back in his seat, watching as you looked over the gloves. They were both inside out while you checked over the seams of one of them. “Everything okay?”
“Mhm, just wanted to make sure the seams were strong, that's all.” You replied as you finished up. “They should be fine now.”
“What do I owe for this?” Buggy asked, watching as you worked. 
You shrugged as you handed them back to him, watching him slide them back onto his hands. “I take lunch dates for payment.”
“Tomorrow then?”
“Don't you have the seas to conquer?” You chuckled. “Aren't you tired of me yet?”
He reached across the table, taking your hands in his own. “Never. I'll never be tired of you. I'm going to marry you so I want to start getting used to seeing you every day.”
You smiled and shook your head as you leaned back in your seat. “Yea, but you still have things to do.”
“I can stick around for another week.” Buggy insisted. 
“You're sweet.” You said as you stood up from the table. “If you're sure, I imagine my boss can find more things for you to do around the shop.”
“Do I get paid at least?” Buggy frowned. You went over and gave him a kiss.
“You can share my bed, how about that?” You suggested as you ran your fingers through his hair, nails scraping against his scalp gently. He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch, nodding in agreement. “Good. I know Miss Pins already made a list. She'll appreciate the help.”
Wait, what. He opened his eyes and frowned. “She already has a list? Was this your plan, woo me to stay here and then put me to work?”
“No, no, not at all.” You chuckled. “But if it was, it seemed to work. Now, I’ll let you stay the night again if you want, but if you need to return to your ship I understand.”
He probably should return to his ship, but he didn’t want to be away from you. Now that he knew he was going to marry you, even if he had to wait (he really didn’t want to wait), it was harder for him to spend even an hour away from you. There was still that thought of someone better coming along who would steal you away from him, and he didn’t want to risk that.
“Oh, Buggy, can I ask you something?” 
Buggy looked up at you, still leaning against you as you stroked his hair. “Anything.”
“Well, after I’m done here, I’m planning on heading back to visit my parents for a bit. There’s usually a big family reunion.” You told him, twirling locks of his hair around your fingers. “Is that something you’d want to come with me for? I have a big family, so if it’s too much, I understand.”
Wait, meet the family? Was that something he would have to do? “How… big of a family?”
“Big.” You chuckled. “I can’t even count how many cousins I have.”
Honestly, no, it didn't sound like a good time to him but he should at least meet your parents, right? That's what people did. So he nodded, agreeing to this, even if he may end up regretting it.
“Thank you.” You smiled as you leaned down to kiss him. “I'll let you know when it happens.”
He begrudgingly did the list of things Miss Pins wanted over the course of a few days before he had to head back to his ship. The only good thing about doing those things was spending more time with you. He needed to do some kind of piracy after being away from the ship for a few days, so you kissed him before saying goodbye, which he was fine with.
Buggy was planning on finding the perfect ring. He didn't want to wait. He would come back with the perfect ring, a bouquet of flowers, and propose, even if you weren't done yet. 
It was about three weeks before you saw Buggy again. He came bursting into the shop, throwing the door open before hunching over, panting heavily. You looked up from your work with Benji while Miss Pins stood at the counter. She raised an eyebrow as she gave him a look over.
“Where's the fire, Captain?” She asked as he slumped against the door frame. He managed to glare at her as he started to recover, but you got up and hurried over to him to help him to a chair.
“Buggy, what's wrong?” You asked as Miss Pins went to shut the door. “Why are you running?”
He held up a bouquet of petalless flowers for you, no doubt having been knocked around in the running. You took them from him with a smile while Benji pretended to gag. Then Buggy reached into his pocket and slid down onto his knees in front of you while taking your hand in his.
This was it. He had rehearsed what he had wanted to say as he ran to the shop, but it all left his brain as he looked up at you, feeling the gaze of Miss Pins and Benji on him as you just watched him. He stiffened up, sweating bullets as he stared up at you nervously. Were you going to say yes or was this just a lead up to a cruel joke from you?
“Wait, is he actually proposing to you, Sunny?!” Benji exclaimed. “Ew! Why?”
“Oh shush.” Miss Pins said, crossing her arms as she watched the scene in front of her. “He hasn't actually said anything yet. Sunny, you don't have to say or agree to anything, you know.”
“Just ignore them, Buggy.” You said, shaking your head. “You know my answer, you don't have to actually ask.”
“Y-Yea, but I can't just assume!” Buggy stammered as he held the ring up and you managed not to laugh. The stone on the ring was honestly as big as his nose, but bright blue in color and very, very impractical for you to wear on a daily basis since you used your hands for everything. He cleared his throat and tried to slide the ring onto your finger but it was unfortunately too small for your finger.  Buggy looked defeated but you took the ring and pulled him up to his feet.
“The ring is too small.” Benji whispered to Miss Pins.
“He didn't actually say anything.” She muttered. You rolled your eyes at their comments.
“Yes, Buggy, I'll marry you.” You told him; his eyes widened and he stood up straight, glancing over at your boss and associate with a smug look on his face. 
“Ha! I didn't even have to ask her.” He said rather proudly. “She accepted without hesitation.” 
The two of them rolled their eyes, of course he would say that. You stuck your tongue out at them before turning back to give Buggy a kiss. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly before lifting you up and spinning you around excitedly. 
“We’re getting married!” He cheered. 
“Yes, yes, we are.” You laughed, patting him on the chest to put you down. “I only have a few more weeks, Buggy, then we need to visit my family.”
Oh, right, the family. Your massive family you mentioned. He was going to meet them. No, it would be fine. He wouldn’t let that worry him. He was a pirate captain, that had to impress some of them, right? It would be fine. Just fine. He didn’t need to worry.
You stayed the night with him on the ship. His crew wanted to celebrate their captain’s engagement with a loud party. While Buggy had been shy and flustered back in the shop when he asked, it was different when he was with his crew. He was showing you off, embellishing the story of your engagement, saying how you cried (you didn’t), how his speech wooed you (he didn’t say a word), and that you said you couldn’t wait to marry him (you didn’t say that but you did want to marry him). He was proud of the ring he stole and found a chain to string it on so you could wear it so it would deter others from chasing after you in the coming weeks.
It was fun, you had just one drink while Buggy got himself pretty drunk. It was past midnight when you finally convinced him to go to bed, and you ignored how red in the face he got when you said that, his drunken brain misinterpreting your words again when you led him to his room and helped him take his coat and shoes off. 
“D-Dontcha wanna wait til the h-honeymoon?” He slurred. You rolled your eyes before draping his coat over the back of a chair and setting his shoes beside it. “I-I mean, I’m good, I’m up for anything.”
“You need to sleep, Captain Buggy.” You told him as you took his bandana off next, helping shake his hair loose from being tucked under it for most of the day. “We aren’t having sex, okay?”
“Oh.” He frowned up at you, swaying a bit as he sat on the bed. “You wanna though, right? I don’t… my body doesn’t gross you out, does it?”
“It doesn’t, Buggy.” You assured him as you pulled the covers back on his bed. He rubbed his face and squinted in your direction.
“Are… are you staying the night?” Buggy asked. You sighed softly and nodded, smiling at him as you took your own shoes off before climbing into bed. His eyes lit up when you did that and he scrambled under the covers to latch onto you once you were under the blankets. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” You told him, kissing him on the forehead as he snuggled up against you, his head resting on your chest as your arms went around him. “I need to get used to it since I’m marrying you.”
He glanced up at you, face red as he smiled brightly. “You are, aren’t you! I’m marrying you and you’re gonna marry me and I’m gonna be the happiest man ever!”
This was a different drunk Buggy from the one you encountered on his birthday, and it was nice seeing him so happy, even if it was influenced by alcohol. You just stroked his cheek, smiling as he nestled his face against you as he closed his eyes. It didn’t take long before he was asleep, snoring loudly. And tomorrow you would wake up before him, fix him breakfast, and start your day back at the shop. It was only a few more weeks before you would be done, and it was a little sad and kind of scary, but you were excited to be moving onto a new chapter of your life with Buggy.
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