#i got stuck in a math problem so i had to get out of my funk making some chris gifs
wolfchans · 2 years
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girliism · 27 days
nerdy!art who based on his physique and good looks should be getting any and every girl he wants but instead he chooses to hide away in his books. he’s top of all his classes and does extra credit work for fun on the weekends, according to his roommate patrick he’s kind of a loser that needs to get out more. patrick invites him out to a lot of parties but art just ends up in the corner nursing only one drink before leaving early.
you were the opposite everyone on campus knew you. you went to every party thrown but you weren’t some slut you just liked being around people. now you weren’t stupid by any means but you also weren’t top of your classes.
“what do you mean i’m failing.” you looked at your math professor who just told you that if you don’t pass this upcoming test you’d fail his class. “i don’t think you’re understanding the material very well that’s why i assigned you a tutor.” a tall blonde with thick rimmed glasses walks up to your professors desk. “this is art, i’ve asked him to help.” art gave you a small wave. you’ve seen art around campus sitting under trees reading or stuck in the corner at a party. he was quiet only spoke when spoken to, you had no idea he was even in this class.
art cleared his throat. “you can come by my dorm tomorrow if you’re free.” art held on the door for you to walk out of. “tomorrows fine with me. you’re patrick’s roommate right?” art nodded “cool! i can get your dorm number from a friend of mine.” you smiled big at him. art gave you a closed mouth smile back before you guys waved goodbye.
“can you please not be here when she comes over.” it was saturday the day of yours and art’s tutoring session and he’s been cleaning up their dorm. “right i forgot you’re having a girl over.” patrick says raising eyebrows up and down before placing his cereal bowl in the sink not bothering to wash it. art pushes his glasses back up his nose bridge. “we’re just studying.” he mumbles going to wash patrick’s dish. patrick ended up leaving so art had the dorm to himself when you showed.
you sat on the couch in their dorm studying the place instead of the math problem art was trying to explain. “you got lucky pairing with zweig this dorm is partially an apartment.” art stopped talking to look around his dorm before shrugging going back to teaching you. “ugh i’m so jealous i’d kill for a dorm this big-” “you like to distracted yourself from your work when you don’t understand it.” art said cutting you off. you just stared at him not knowing what to say. art senses the awkward tension he created. “i’m sorry i didn’t mean to make you feel bad just if you payed attention i think you could really get it.” art spoke softly and you just nodded finally shutting up and listening to him.
studying with art was kinda fun. every saturday you’d meet at his dorm and listen to explain more in depth what your professor didn’t. at first art was very rigid but after a while you got him to loosen up. he now laughed openly with you and made stupid math jokes.
“ART!” you ran over to where he was sitting under a tree. art closed his book standing up when he saw you rushing toward him. “look what i did.” you shoved you test paper in his face smiling. “a B congratulations you’ve officially passed.” you couldn’t contain the squeal that came out of you when you pulled art into a tight hug. “no thanks to you. how will i ever repay you.” you pouted. art just shook his head saying there was no need. you gasp. “delta phi is having a party tonight you have to come and hang out with me.” the second art heard the frat name he was already declining. “parties aren’t really my thing.” art scratches at the back of his head. “bullshit dondalson, you saved me from failing which mean we have to celebrate. you’re coming weither you like it or not.” you gave art an excited smile and he gave you a nervous one back.
(a part 2 will be happening 🙏🏽) part 2.
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sykoangels · 19 days
Oh, Professor?
paring: mutant!reader x professor!logan
warning: age gap (everyone is 18+) slight dubcon and kissing
notes: something about Professor Logan makes me giggle and kick my feet!! I wanted to start a series so this is part one please tell me what y’all think! Let me know if you want a part two!!
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The clock on Logan's desk ticked loudly, each second dragging like a reluctant participant in an unwanted march. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from a single desk lamp that cast long shadows across the worn wooden floor. Logan leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the stack of papers before him. His brow was furrowed, and his jaw clenched as he reviewed the latest batch of assignments from his students. He didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to be doing this, but Charles had made it clear: teach or leave. And leaving meant no more free booze, no more sanctuary
A soft knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. He didn’t look up, just grunted in acknowledgment. The door creaked open, and a familiar scent wafted into the room—something floral, yet earthy, like wildflowers after a rainstorm. Logan’s heart skipped a beat, though he’d never admit it to anyone. “Professor Logan?” Y/N’s voice was soft, tentative, but there was a hint of something else beneath the surface—a sense boldness simmering.
Logan finally looked up, meeting her gaze. She stood in the doorway, her hair in a slick ponytail not a single hair was out place besides the strains of hair framing her face perfectly. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, and her lips were curved into a small, almost shy smile. She wore a simple baby blue dress with a small bow on the collar. The dress that clung to her curves in all the right places, and Logan felt a surge of something he hadn’t felt in years—desire, mixed with a heavy dose of guilt.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice gruff. “What do you need?”
Y/N stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. The click of the latch echoed in the silence between them. “I was wondering if I could get extra help with the calculus assignment. I’m having a bit of trouble with the derivatives.” Y/N mentioned softly looking at the math sheet Logan handed out during class. The paper has some eraser marks and scribbles of some problem-solving work already etched into the paper. Logan raised an eyebrow, not buying it for a second. She was one of his top students, always acing his tests and assignments. He was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt maybe she didn’t understand some of the problems. It was duty as a professor to help her? Right?
He sighed, pushing the stack of papers aside and patting the chair right next to him. “Alright, come sit down. Let’s see what you’ve got.” Y/N walked over to the chair opposite his desk, her movements graceful and deliberate. She sat down, crossing her legs and placing her notebook on the desk. Logan couldn’t help but notice how her dress rode up slightly, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of thigh. He forced himself to focus, opening her notebook and scanning the pages
“Show me where you’re stuck bub,” he said, trying to keep his tone professional. She pointed to a problem halfway down the page. “Right here, I can’t seem to figure out the chain rule for this one.” Logan leaned closer adjusting their reading glasses, his breath hitching as he caught a whiff of her perfume. He cleared his throat, reaching for a pen and starting to explain. As he spoke, he noticed her eyes drifting, not to the paper, but to his hands. They were large, calloused, and rough—hands that had seen countless battles, hands that could crush bone with ease. But now, they moved with surprising delicacy, writing equations on the paper with precision.
“You understand so far bub? You know if you’re confused just stop me alright.” he asked, glancing up. Y/N’s eyes snapped back to his, and she nodded quickly. “Yeah, I think so.” Logan continued, explaining the concept in more detail, but his mind was elsewhere. He could feel the tension in the air, the unspoken desire that neither of them dared to acknowledge. When he finished, he looked at her expectantly.
“Think you can handle it now? Try this problem by yourself bub.” Logan said pointing at one of the problems at the bottom of the sheet. Y/N hesitated, biting her lower lip. “Maybe… I think I might need you to explain once more. It’s just math isn’t my strong suit.” Y/N says looking at Logan Logan sighed inwardly. He knew where this was heading, and part of him—the part that still remembered what it was like to be young and reckless—wanted to indulge her. But the other part, the responsible part, the part that knew better, wanted to send her away and forget this ever happened.
“Alright,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Let’s go through it one more time.” As he leaned in to point out another aspect of the problem, their faces were mere inches apart. The warmth of her breath brushed against his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. He could see the pulse fluttering in her neck, the way her pupils dilated as she looked into his eyes.
And then, without warning, Y/N reached out, her hand gently brushing against his. The touch was electric, sending a jolt of arousal through him. Logan froze, his breath catching in his throat. “Professor…” she whispered, her voice trembling Logan’s heart pounded in his chest, every instinct screaming at him to pull away, to put an end to this madness. But he couldn’t move, couldn’t tear his eyes away from hers. The room seemed to shrink around them, the world outside fading into nothingness. “Y/N…” he murmured, his voice hoarse.
Y/N leaned closer, her lips parted slightly, her breath warm against his cheek. Logan’s mind raced, torn between duty and desire, between what was right and what he desperately wanted. He could feel the heat radiating from her body, the subtle curve of her breasts pressing against his chest as she closed the distance between them. Subsequently, just as their lips were about to meet, a sharp knock sounded at the door, jolting them both back to reality. Logan jerked away, his heart pounding in his ears. Y/N’s hand fell from his, and she quickly straightened her dress, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
“Come in!” Logan called out, his voice strained. The door opened, and Jean poked her head in. “Sorry to interrupt, Logan, but you have a phone call. It’s urgent.” Logan nodded, grateful for the interruption, even if it came at the worst possible moment. “I’ll be right there.” Jean disappeared, and Logan turned back to Y/N, who was already gathering her things. Y/N avoided his gaze, her face a mask of confusion and regret.
“I should go,” she said softly, her voice barely audible. Logan watched as Y/N hurried to the door, her movements jerky and uncertain. He wanted to say something, to stop her, but the words stuck in his throat. Instead, he remained silent, his mind reeling from the near-miss encounter. As the door clicked shut behind her, Logan let out a shaky breath, running a hand through his hair. What the hell had just happened? He knew he should feel guilty, ashamed even, but all he felt was a deep, aching need that refused to be ignored.
As he sat at his desk staring at the empty doorway, he realized that this was only the beginning.
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rr311 · 2 months
falling¡ || katsuki bakugo
↳ summary you fell for your best friend and decided to confess to him.
¡ a.n; hey guys, it’s been awhile. I apologize for that..I’ve been losing motivation to write lately so i’m trying my best to provide you guys with as much stories as I can even if they are short, but I also wanted to say thank you so much for 1.2k followers ☹️. I really didn’t hink I would make it so far but i’m so grateful for you all! 🥹 hope you guys enjoy the story.
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you were supposed to be studying. but instead you were looking at him, hand on your cheek as you practically had heart eyes staring at him. like you were in a trance. he looked so calm and focused..his face wasn't all hardened or stoic but more peaceful than how he usually looked. he was so so freaking pretty..how can someone look so freaking pretty?. you groaned heavily looking back down at the paper, furrowing your eyebrows at the math question. whoever invented math should drop dead you snarled to yourself, groaning as you were still stuck on the same shit for the last ten minutes. hearing you sigh gained his attention from his bed raising a brow looking away from his phone, he looked to see you were still stuck on the same problem rolling his eyes, getting up from his bed to walk towards you. “are you still stuck on the same question.” he asked placing his hands on the desk leaning over a bit, you dropped your pencil leaning back in the chair crossing your arms. too embarrassed to say yes you nodded your head, katsuki shook his head groaning under his breath walking towards the other side, “If you needed help you should’ve asked idiot.” you mocked him with a high pitch tone, leaning back over to grab your pencil playing with it between your fingers, “maybe if you weren’t so abusive I would have ten minutes ago— ack!.”
you got interrupted feeling a piece of paper hit the top of your head, glaring at him as he did the same holding the rolled up piece of paper pointing it towards you. “don’t get smart with me.” you rubbed the top of your head squinting your eyes at him looking back down to look at the question, “well katsuki..can you please help your good ole friend out?.” hearing the slight sass in your tone made him roll his eyes but he leaned next to you grabbing the pencil out of your hand to go over the question with you. as he did, you tried to focus on what he was saying but..you got lost staring at him again, his side profile..his red eyes, his blonde hair that slightly covered his eyes, he was so perfect. so handsome. almost in a trance you sighed with a dumb grin on your face, almost like you’re in love. having the biggest crush on your best friend since elementary really put a lot on your shoulders, though you were good at hiding your emotions, you were terrible at hiding the fact you liked someone. he knows that too.
when he didn’t hear you answer his question he looked up to see you staring off into space again. he frowned. you’re probably thinking about that bastard again..he groaned hitting you again in the head with the paper taking you of your trance. “hey! that hurt this time.” you frowned, hearing him snicker, “good. stop spacing out about that damn bastard and focus.” the amount of times he’s caught you spacing out were too many…one time it was in the library when you two were studying together for an upcoming test, he was going over a few questions with you but you had spaced out staring at him. like always. when he had looked up to see you staring at him, he raised a brow. from his prospective it looked like you were looking behind him but you were really looking at him. when he seen your eyes dart behind him, quick to turn around to see you looking at shoto, he frowned. turning back around glaring at you, you felt your heart drop seeing his eyes stare at yours. did you just get caught???. before you could explain he cut you off, “why’re you staring at that hot n cold bastard?!.” you didn’t get caught? furrowing your eyebrows you had to make up a lie. since that day..he’s been keeping your suppose “secret” to himself of you liking shoto..you felt terrible lying to him but you had to. to keep your feelings safe even if it means lying to someone you always told the truth too.
that same night you tossed and turned in your bed not being able to sleep. just thinking about him really made your heart skip a beat, thinking about his face..his eyes, hair, his hands..everything about him. you were practically in love with him. your best friend. you groaned heavily into your bedsheets holding the pillow on top of your head. “why are you always on my mind..” you whined deeply, turning your head to be faced with a white wall, with another groan you pulled the pillow off your head now sitting up, turning to look at the photos on your wall softly smiling to yourself. it was you and him when you two were young, you’re smiling with a huge smile on your face as he was frowning like usual hugging him. you sighed once more deciding to get out of bed, to get some fresh air. you looked around to make sure no teachers were doing a hallway sweep before walking fully out of your dorm room to head to the roof.
it was always so pretty outside whenever it was night time, you sighed leaning against the railing bars looking up at the stars. going deep in thought your mind went to him…ugh! why do I keep thinking about him?? he probably doesn’t even see me the way I see him..come on y/n. you groaned almost sadly thinking about the outcomes if you ever did confess to him. he made it very clear that he wanted to focus on his hero studies which is why he never talks to any girls in school. even during valentines day any girl who would confess to him or give him gifts he would brush them off or tell them to fuck off. his way of saying he wasn’t interested. but since you’re all 3rd years maybe that mindset changed?. but who are you kidding…you looked down staring at the ground below you as the wind blew hitting your face.
from a distance you heard the door squeak open. thinking it was mr. aizawa you whipped around to explain why you were up so late but it was katsuki, you raised a brow but softly smiled knowing it was just him. “hey blasty why’re you up?.” you asked and he groaned saying nothing but walking towards you sitting next to you, “same goes to you feathers.” — “well I asked first.” you joked sticking out your tongue hearing him scoff, “I couldn’t sleep. now you.” you shrugged looking back at the ground, “a lot of thinking kept me up.” katsuki raised a brow but saw how you were acting, is this because of icy hot?. he wanted to ask but it wasn’t his business— plus why would he care..he scoffed at the thought looking away. it was quiet now. all that was heard was the whistles of the night, your chest started to pound the more you started to think. it was just you guys…this could be a perfect opportunity to confess!. your hands clenched to your pants as you swallowed that big lump in your throat, looking up at him. “kat..” you called, hearing a hum from him who turned his head to look at you, you choked up. he looked to pretty under the moons gaze, “I uhm..” you were choking up. katsuki looked at you funny, scoffing “If this is about icy hot I don’t wanna hear it.” — “no! it’s not it’s something else.” again katsuki looked at you funny getting impatient, “then just spit it ou—!!.” before you could let him finish you don’t know why but your hands moved on it own pulling him in by his shirt collar placing your lips ontop of his. his eyes widened at the sudden feeling not knowing how to react. when you felt him not kiss you back, you instantly pulled away from him keeping a good distance, heart pounding against your chest. shit! why did I do that?!.
the reaction on his face made you feel worse. he looked…confused? but not angry or upset…you cleared your throat looking away from him. “I..I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—“ — “shut up.” huh? you looked up at him, eyes going wide feeling those same soft lips on yours. you looked at his face seeing his eyes were squeezed closed, almost like in a trance you slowly let your eyes close leaning more into the kiss. he moved his hand to be laid on your waist pulling you closer to him being chest to chest, tilting his head to deepen it. you couldn’t believe it…he was kissing you!!. you practically had a giddy smile on your face as you kissed him lifting your hand to be placed with on his cheek. the kiss lasted a few more seconds before pulling away from him, unexpectedly he chased after your lips. you chuckled giving him a few more pecks before fully pulling back looking at him, he had a small tint on his cheeks, laughing. “are you blushing?.” you teased and he looked away fast with a loud “no!” not believing it for a second. who knew you could make the hot head of the class blush like that?. you tilted your head, using your quirk to make him look at you, he groaned trying to fight it but by the force he had to let it happen, finally looking into your eyes. you had such a pretty smile.. it was making him nervous.
“I thought you had feelings for that bastard or whatever.” you clicked your tongue, with a small snicker. “I don’t like shoto..I made a cover up lie because I like you, katsuki.” when he heard that leave your mouth, he didn’t even care that you lied to him though it wasn’t that big of deal he was secretly happy that you had feelings for him and not that icy hot idiot. when he didn’t say anything you assumed he was upset but when you felt arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him you were surprised but you smiled hugging him back, feeling his grip tighten around you. “you know I really fell in love with you..” you chuckled hearing him hum with a small groan, though he wasn’t the type to say stuff out loud..
“I did too.”
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dovveri · 5 months
what if nerd momo x bimbo reader author I need u
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failing maths, but getting the girl
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synopsis: momo and y/n have hated each other ever since an incident in first year. now, y/n's failing a class and momo offers to help.
warnings: mentions of blood and cuts, overbearing parents, drugs, implied sex
w/c: 4.0k
a/n: this is kinda funny for me bcs im blonde and my dad keeps making jokes in chinese about how im ltr a blonde bimbo now. anyway i combined these 2 reqs bcs im lazy forgive me anon/s
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
you turn in the corridor, almost crashing into the burly man behind you who yells a "watch where you're going blondie!" before rushing off to a class he was probably late to.
you spot your friends who had called you, grinning and waving you over, "can't go one day on campus without running someone down can you?" a friend teases.
you pout, "i didn't walk into anyone yesterday!"
"no but you got stuck in the revolving door outside the chem building."
you whine at their teasing, you were a naturally clumsy person! sometimes you'd mix up salt and sugar, and sometimes you'd lose your car keys only to find them still in the ignition keyhole of your car from the last time you used it.
"so you coming to that party tonight? i heard some famous dj from the states is playing."
"awwh really?! i can't tonight i'm failing that dumb math class i have to take and i have a quiz tomorrow so i gotta study."
"you're failing everything y/n, what difference would one night make for you anyway?" a scoff from a student passing by, who you recognise as the infamous hirai momo from the back of her head and the evil way she sends a side-eye at you and your friend group in disgust.
"i wouldn't be if it weren't for your sad ass hirai!"
"stop looking at my ass and get your eyes on some books for once."
momo was meant to be your roommate in first year. although you had accidentally locked her out in the rain for 5 hours while you were hooking up with someone you can't remember the name of anymore. that was during orientation week, safe to say she was pissed and completely drenched when you finally let her in. she filed for a roommate change not long after, citing "poor etiquette and stupidity that could infect my genius", and being the university's most promising academic scholar, she pretty much got whatever she wanted. meaning she also got you assigned to the harshest tutors and markers as her own form of personal revenge, essentially making you fail most of your first year courses. which is why you were even taking this math class again.
the problem arose however, when you find out you would actually lose your scholarship if you failed another class. so failing was definitely not an option.
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
“you failed.”
“what!? but i studied all night! i even brought the right calculator model this time!”
“miss l/n, bringing the correct calculator doesn’t help you if you don’t know how to use it. and neither does studying all night if you haven’t been coming to class for most of the semester.”
you’re gaping at the professor in disbelief.
“i’m afraid you’ll lose your scholarship if you fail the upcoming final exam. take this as your final warning. good day miss l/n.”
the door is shut in your face while you're still left trying to process exactly what just happened, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.
a familiar scoff behind you brings you back though, "what is y/n l/n doing here outside the staff meeting room? what? about to blow one of your professors for marks or something?"
you spin, stepping into her space, faces inches away from each other, "you jealous or something hirai? i'll blow you too if you beg."
you revel in the way her cheeks immediately flush, a slightly shaky finger pushing up the glasses on her nose as she looks away, "jokes on you l/n. i don't have a dick dimwit."
"you don't need one for me to make you feel good."
she's sputtering, moving around you quickly to escape, knocking on the staff door. you smirk, reveling in the slight win over her but immediately forgetting the feeling of triumph when you realise you're still fucked for your final in 2 weeks.
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
"y/n, you know i love you, but i cannot explain this again in any other way."
you groan, hands coming up to pull at your hair.
"but you got like a high affliction or something for this class last year! if you can't teach me i'm actually royally screwed, pleaseee?"
"it's high distinction sweetie. and just because someone's good at something doesn't mean they're a good teacher. sorry to break it to you but i couldn't teach my little cousins how to multiply fractions without wanting to commit homicide."
you wrinkle your nose, "gross dude they're literally related to you."
"no babes homicide means i wanted to kill them."
"oh... i guess that's better?"
"focus! c'mon you remember how to do the cross product right?"
"i don't get ittttttt!!!!!!! isn't that just multiplication? a times b equals ab!"
"this isn't algebra it's vectors. cross product isn't multiplication y/n."
you groan again, facepalming the desk in front of you.
your friend sighs, "sorry y/n i have to get going now. promised my boyfriend i'd go watch his game tonight."
"what?! you can't leave me here!"
your friend's already packing up their stuff though, "sorry! good luck with the studying though!"
you wail in goodbye, sitting up again and slapping your face a few times, trying to hype yourself up.
two minutes later, and you're still absolutely nowhere.
you decide to go out for a quick stroll rather than start a campfire in the middle of the library with all your papers. the evening breeze feels refreshing against your skin as you take in the sky. breathing in a deep sigh and closing your eyes briefly.
definitely the wrong idea when you crash headfirst into something that yelps a "what the fuck!" followed by the sound of smashing glass and a whine of pain.
your eyes are quick to open and you stare down at a bleeding hirai momo next to what looks to be a ruined 3D print of a final project or something.
"oh shit momo! are you okay?" you crouch down quickly, trying to collect the glass pieces that have broken, yelping when a piece digs into your skin.
"has all that bleach finally reached your brain y/n? who goes for broken glass with their bare hands?" she's frowning, rubbing her head a little and inspecting the cut across her arm.
"i-i'm sorry i-"
she sighs, "save it. i've had a long enough day as it is. being around you any longer is just gonna increase my chances of dying to some freak plane crash or something." she's standing up and brushing her hands off on her pants muttering to herself, "i'll have to call security to come clean this up."
you realise then that her eyes look a little puffier than usual, slightly tinged with red, the telltale signs of crying.
you suddenly feel terrible. whatever you had just broken seemed like an extremely intricate piece of work, and she was still bleeding down her arm but she didn't seem to pay it much mind, taking a phone out of her pocket and dialing security.
you step to the side and wait for her to finish talking on the phone. she doesn't realise you haven't left yet, swearing under her breath as she assess the damage once again.
when she turns and sees you again, she scowls, "what are you still doing here bimbo? don't you have a dick to ride or some jewelry to shine?"
you ignore her, blushing instead, "you're still bleeding."'
she looks surprised at that response, glancing at her arm again briefly and shrugging, "it's whatever. i'll clean it up later."
you wrap a hand around her wrist then, still not meeting her eyes, "let me? it'll be hard to bandage it properly with your left hand. and i kinda owe you for all of-" you gesture vaguely with your other hand at the ground, "this."
she's tugging her hand back quickly though, "don't bother. you'd probably make it worse. just go home y/n."
you sigh exasperatedly, "won't you just let me help! i feel bad okay? i can't just leave you here bleeding onto the concrete waiting for security to come clean this up."
she's surprised at your outburst, eyes locking onto yours and then nodding slightly. you don't let her rethink her decision as you drag her back inside the library, heading into the storeroom where you knew they had emergency first aid supplies.
you sit her down on the chair and rummage through the small kit for some alcohol wipes to clean the wound first.
she's eyeing you with a sort of caution, but is quick to clench her eyes shut and gasp at the first sting of disinfectant.
it's quiet for a bit while you work on cleaning her wound.
"where'd you learn first aid?" she speaks up first, eyes meting yours again.
"my little sister used to play around a lot with the rougher kids in the neighborhood. so she was always coming home with scratches and cuts and my mom was at work most of the time so i had to learn to take care of her myself."
momo hums, "guess that didn't really translate to taking care of yourself then huh? i mean with the way you're always tripping over air and stuff, you're more of a danger to yourself than a serial killer would be." there's no malice to her words this time, just lightly teasing you and you smile.
"i am sorry by the way. for breaking that. it looked like it'll be pretty hard to replicate."
"nah. i can just print another one tomorrow don't worry."
you both fall into silence again as you finish cleaning her wound, going to collect a few of the bandages to start wrapping around her arm.
you clear your throat a little awkwardly, "so... long day?"
she chuckles humorlessly in response, "something like that."
"wanna talk about it?"
she bristles then, and you're quick to correct yourself, "i mean you don't have to. just... making conversation."
it's quiet for a little longer and you're finishing wrapping her up, grabbing a small adhesive to stick it all together when she sighs. "sorry. just had a lot of pressure from back home lately. my parents keep wanting me to hurry up and graduate so i can go back to japan and take over the family companies. they called earlier saying how they're cutting off my funding for next year if i continue to drag out my studies."
"what? but you're only 23. don't you have like, things left you wanna do before you're all old and unable to move anymore?"
she giggles a little, its the first time you've heard that from her, "yeah tons actually. i've always wanted to see the northern lights and stay in one of those cute little igloos in finland, maybe go to antarctica and do some research there."
"okay! do that! what's stopping you?"
she smiles at you sadly, "my parents won't allow it. they'd disown me for not taking over their companies. and frankly, i'd be broke without them. i don't have the kind of money to keep living abroad like this if they were to stop supporting me."
you tilt your head a little in confusion, "can't you find a job?"
she's laughing then, a full, nose-scrunching laugh, "not with the classes i'm taking. i'd have to either take part-time study, which my parents would literally kill me for because it's 'embarassing' and would bring shame on our family name, or... never sleep again and take a night job or something."
you frown, sitting back on your heels.
"thanks for this by the way. you're still hurt though, do you want me to do you?"
"-and don't make a weird joke about that." she interrupts you before you can even open your mouth.
you pout, nodding a little as she laughs, and grabs the first aid box from you, gently placing your hand in her lap and cleaning your fingers.
you're caught by the way her eyebrows furrow a little in concentration, her teeth biting into her bottom lip slightly, and you can't help but think she looks cute.
you're brought quickly out of these alarming thoughts though, when she asks "how come you're in the library so late on a friday night anyway? never thought the day would come."
you groan, remembering the stack of math papers you have sitting on your desk, "i have to study for a math final coming next week. if i fail i lose my scholarship and i can't let my mom pay for any of this. she's already worked hard enough getting both my sister and me through school."
momo looks surprised at your admission, "oh. i'm sorry. i didn't know you were on scholarship."
you hum, "yeah most people don't assume it from looking at me." you tease a little, flipping your blonde hair over your shoulder and giving a little jingle of your bracelets.
"i'm not materialistic or anything but i enjoy having things that make me look nice y'know?"
she rolls her eyes, placing bandaids carefully onto your fingers.
"you don't need any of those things anyway."
you're caught again, unsure whether that was a compliment or some new way of torturing you.
she clears her throat, "all done."
you look at your hand, cutely littered with some winnie the pooh bandaids she must have found in the first aid kit.
you beam up at her, "thanks!"
she blushes a little and looks away from you, shyly rubbing the back of her neck, "hey look... i can help you study for that test next week if you want. don't want you losing your scholarship over something simple like that. plus i kinda helped go through all the first year math exams for some extra credit with the head of department."
you're shocked at first, and then jumping and squealing, bringing her up with you, "what?! you will?! oh my god thank you!!!!! holy shit oh my god i'm not gonna fail oh shit i'm-"
she's shooshing you in an instant though, a hand clamped over your mouth, eyes darting behind you, "y/n! we're still in a library!"
you grin when she lets you go, whispering loudly, "thank you!"
she's rolling her eyes and letting herself be dragged over to your table, praying that she didn't make the wrong decision deciding to help you.
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
momo's standing outside your lecture theatre, waiting for your class to end. you texted her saying you were getting your final results back today so she decided to pop by and make sure everything was okay.
once students start exiting the class she slips in, walking towards the professor who's packing up her stuff..
"momo! good to see you here. although i'm a little surprised. i wasn't expecting you."
"hey professor kwon. i'm just here to-"
momo's attacked from the back, you're squealing as you latch onto her excitedly, waving a test paper in front of her face, "i passed! momo look i passed! with a 62!!!!! that's higher than i've ever gotten!!!!!"
"miss l/n. i didn't know you knew momo." professor kwon is looking you up and down with a little distaste but you ignore it, squeezing momo even tighter in thanks.
"y/n- stop- wait lemme see that-" she snatches the paper out of your hand and scans it, eyes lighting up when she confirms you did in fact pass.
"congratulations! all that hard work really paid off."
you're blushing, "couldn't have done it without you hirai. c'mon, come out with my friends and i tonight to celebrate!"
"o-oh i don't know about that y/n... i've got-"
"study yeah yeah you always do. but you've gotta relax every now and then you know?"
"miss l/n is right momo. you're the most hardworking student here you should give yourself a break every now and then."
you're nodding fiercely, "right right! thanks professor kim!"
she looks at you with a glare, "kwon. its professor kwon miss l/n."
you're nodding, waving her off shaking momo, "c'mon pleaseeeeeeee? i'll pay for everything. as a thanks for helping me. and i can afford it now too since i won't be losing my scholarship which is also thanks to you so..!"
momo's still uncertain, hand at the back of her neck again, a nervous tick you've picked up on.
"oh professor i just remembered!" you're switching back to your professor, excitement and attention everywhere, "you were looking for outstanding students to tutor next semester right? how about momo? she's the only reason i passed this final and trust me when i say i'm a pretty difficult student to teach."
"oh?" the professor looks towards momo who's eyes have widened, "i had actually planned on asking you regardless but seeing as you were very successful with miss l/n it's just even more proof that you'd be a great teacher. what do you say momo? it's paid decently and great on your academic and work transcripts as well..."
you're looking between your professor and momo with full eyes.
momo looks like she's about to reject the offer, you knew it was because her parents expected her to be back in japan next year but you stop her before she's able to say anything.
"momo! this is great! this is exactly what you need! a job while you're still at uni so you can study at any time but still get paid for it!"
"it's okay momo. think about it and let me know if you're interested and you've got the job 100%. i've got to get going to my next class now but goodbye girls, congratulations miss l/n but i hope i won't be seeing you in my class next year."
"oh definitely not professor kim!" you wave enthusiastically, giggling at the way the professor sighs in defeat.
you look back at momo who still looks a little stunned.
"well? what do you think?" you ask her excitedly.
"i- i don't know... there's a lot to think about..."
you tilt your head to the side a little in confusion, a gesture momo was beginning to grow fond of.
"i can't just abandon my family y/n. it's a decision that will take me some time to go over." she smiles at you gently, you can't believe this was the same girl who used to call you mean words and intentionally pray on your downfall.
"mm okay. i don't really get it but as long as you're happy in the end it doesn't matter. now c'mon! you coming tonight or not?"
she sighs fondly, "yeah yeah just this once. and we better be home by 12!"
you're pulling her along again scoffing, "riiiiiiiiight 12pm maybe."
⋆。°✎ᝰ ˎˊ˗
momo was most definitely out of her comfort zone. she mostly stuck to the bar, avoiding eye contact with people who tried to approach her. she quickly ordered another drink, hoping the alcohol could at least ease her nerves.
you were most definitely in your zone. you adored being able to dress up and let loose, especially when everyone else is so drunk you’re no longer the only person falling over themselves. you could laugh a little and have fun as well.
you could feel momo’s eyes on you and you ached to drag her out onto the dance floor and join you but she was adamant on staying by the bar when you had tried.
you’re not sure if it was the alcohol or maybe you were just attracted to her now after you’ve spent a whole week studying with her pretty much every minute of every day. but she looked good. you licked your lips as your eyes trailed down the slant of her jawline, her neck and clavicles outlined in the halter top she was sporting. your eyes politely moved past her chest but darted straight down to the abs that she apparently had hidden from the entire student body. how did she even have time to have abs when she always had her nose in a book or was in a lab conducting experiments?
you snap out of it when you realise said abs were moving closer to you for some reason, and suddenly she's all in your space, shoving someone behind you that you hadn't even realised was there in your momo-induced daze.
you turn to see a man with half his shirt unbuttoned and a look of surprise on his face. "the fuck dude?"
momo says nothing, reaching for your drink instead, sticking a finger in and swirling it around for 2 seconds before bringing it to her lips.
that was hot.
"what? what the fuck are you on about?" the guy is annoyed, drawing the attention of bystanders as they create a small circle around the three of you, you spot your friends in the crowd looking at you in confusion silently asking what's going on?
you can only shake your head, attention moving back to momo who's standing up straight, almost chest to chest with the guy now.
"rohypnol. a drug belonging to the benzodiazepine class of drugs that inhibits the central nervous system causing the user to experience extreme drowsiness and even blackout in some cases. it can also cause the user memory loss and brings the user to a higher state of intoxication in a rapid amount of time. it's street name is roofies."
the man is sputtering now, "w-what? what is this bullshit? what are you tryna say huh?"
"that you tried to roofie my friend here. do you want me to call the police? have them check this drink for traces of the drug?"
"what!? the fuck?!"
momo sighs, her eyes closing for a second, "is your vocabulary only limited to what? and the fuck? it's getting tiring talking to you."
he's gaping like a fish, the people surrounding you have called security over and they're tying his hands behind his back and he's left squirming against them, yelling more curses as momo stands stoically, watching him get taken away.
she sighs when he's out of sight and turns to you with a smile, "you should be more careful. you could've been hurt tonight."
you can't even think straight and the music is being turned back up, and momo looks so good, you can't help the way you're pulling her in by the waist and planting your lips on hers.
she makes a sound of surprise and is shocked for a second, but closes her eyes and returns the kiss, maneuvering you a little so she can place the spiked drink on a nearby table before her hand returns to you, one hand cupping your cheek, the other on your shoulder.
you're a little desperate when you claw at her abs that are now within touching distance, and she giggles into the kiss. you mutter a small shut up, reattaching your lips, feeling all the adrenaline of the night pumping through you as you mould yourself against her.
"god is it weird that- that kinda turned me on a little?" you're speaking between breaths, her lips swallowing up your words, not letting you catch a break.
she hums lightly against you, "which part?"
"the- when you were talking- about all those chemicals- and whatever-"
she breaks away from you then, an eyebrow arched and a hint of a smirk on her face, "you get off on me talking nerdy?"
you want to wipe that smirk off her face. "take me home and i'll show you what i get off on."
her eyes darken considerably, and she's tugging you towards the exit, grabbing the spiked drink and pouring it down the drain first to make sure no one drinks it. the little action of consideration even when you're both overwhelmed with lust just gets you more wet.
you send a quick text to your friends saying you had to leave early, and then you're in a cab, lips on each other's again, hands roaming and exploring every inch of available skin.
you suppose the one good thing out of that math exam was it bringing the two of you together at last.
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storm-angel989 · 5 months
Papi! I need you! (Valentino x Daughter)
I pushed open the doors of my fathers studio. It has been weeks since I had actually had a full on conversation with my father. His work kept him busy, and to a point I understood it. But both Uncle Vox and Auntie Vel ran their own companies too and they still made it home for dinner each night. Now both of them were  busy, and I needed his help. 
Well, even moreso, I needed my dad. 
My father was on his feet as soon as he heard my voice.
“What are you doing here, niñita?” He asked as he stepped in front of me, effectively blocking the view of whatever was going on onstage. “I’ve told you time and time again I don’t want you in here.”
“I need your help with my math homework. You said I couldn’t watch TV until it was done and I’m stuck.” I said, crossing my arms as defiantly as I could while fighting the urge to run to him and wrap him in a hug. “Papi, please.”
He sighed and guided me back towards the elevator. “Isn’t that an issue Uncle Vox or Aunt Vel can handle?” He asked as he guided me back towards the elevator. “Ninita, I need you to stay out of my studio.” 
“Then Papi, I need your help with my homework.” I said firmly. “And they’re busy.”
He sighed. “Fine, mi amore.” He ensured I was safely into the elevator before he turned his back to me and hollered orders at the demons in his studio. 
He stood in front of me, his arms crossed as the door closed behind us muffling the sound of the scattering of his employees. As soon as the door closed, I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. His expression softened instantly as he returned my affection, planting a kiss on my forehead before releasing me. 
“How was your day, Daddy?” I asked as I stepped out into our home. “I missed you.”
“Busy, muñeca,” he replied, “Very, very busy.”
I could feel my face fall. “I’m sorry, Papito. I can keep trying on my own, I’m sorry I bothered you. I know your works important and I know you’re really busy.” 
“I’m never too busy for you, my princessa,” he replied quickly. “I’m glad you cam and got me. Tell me, what exactly are we working on?”
“Algebra. They keep asking me to find x and I’m not a relationship expert, but maybe they should let x go.” I replied with a grin. 
If he understood my joke, he wasn’t amused by it. 
I took a seat at my pink work desk and looked down again at my math book. I had finished every problem except one. I had attempted it three times, just like Uncle Vox made me, and watched a video and I still could’ve got the problem to check. I yanked my hair in frustration as my father looked over my shoulder. I felt his hand wrap around my wrist and his other gently untangle my fingers. 
“This is a terrible habit, bebita. You’ll ruin your beautiful hair.” He pulled one of the pink chairs over next to me. “Show me what’s troubling you.”
I showed him the problem and he studied my attempts, and then looked at the book. 
“Ah. Mi amore. Try moving 3x over to the left, rather than 4 to the right. See if that fixes the issue.”
I did as he suggested and he waited patiently as I reworked the numbers. To my delight, it checked. 
“Thanks, Papi!” I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his shoulder, inhaling the scent of his office. Strawberries, maybe. And something spicy. “Best Dad ever.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, ninita,” he said as he returned my hug. “Is that all you needed?”
I held him tight in response and rested my head on his shoulder. “Unless you want to let me read my English essay to you?’
I saw the hesitation in his eyes. I felt my heart sink- he probably did have to get back to work. I shouldn’t have interrupted him to begin with, really.  After all, he was so very busy. But to my surprise he kissed my forehead. 
“Of course mi amore, I would love to hear it.” He took a seat on my bed. “Present away, carnino.”
I felt my heart swell as I grabbed my paper. As soon as I finished, he clapped his hands. 
“Beautifully written, muñeca”
I flung myself back around him and practically toppled him in the bed. “I missed you, Daddy.” I said as I clung to him. “I want you to put me to bed tonight. Not Uncle Vox or Auntie Vel.” 
His grip tightened as he sat us both up. “ I suppose I have been a bit too busy with work, mi amore.” He tucked my head under his chin. “How about a daddy daughter night? We can go out to dinner and watch a movie when we come back?”
I liked the sound of that very much.
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smallpwbbles · 16 days
She didn’t get that sketch book back
Quick fic for my Biolizard shadow au taking place pre Ark incident, just some nice fluff between Maria and Shadow
Feel free to criticise the fuck outta this, haven’t written a fic since I was like 13, did feel nice to write this though, hopefully I can turn write a longer fic for the au like I said I wanted to do
Maria was beginning to get restless, it had been a long week full of tests, resting, recovering and just a general sense of stagnation. The days were beginning to phase into a repetitive cycle and while she could manage with it, she couldn’t say it wasn’t beginning to get boring.
Her studies were just finishing up, she had once again been bested by her least favourite subject, math. Maria was quite smart for her age, a symptom of being a Robotnik no doubt, however math had such a way with turning her brain to mush. She was sick enough as it was, she didn’t need the subject doing away with her mind too.
Her notebook and sticky notes were packed away in a cute little cubby adorably stuck with a tag with her name on it, next to hers was an empty cubby addressed with the name Shadow, it was unfortunate that with the monstrous hedgehogs seemingly unending growth spurts came the ability to not fit almost anywhere on the Ark, apart for his enclosure of course.
Maria put a hand to the unused cubby, she very much missed studying in the classroom with Shadow, but her grandfather did allow for studies to be taught with Shadow in the enclosure when they were both on best behaviour, the old man may be a stickler but was an absolute softie at heart.
Gerald was erasing the algebra on the blackboard with a content smile, Maria could see he was in quite a good mood today which was especially great as the week of tests wasn’t just unfortunate to her. As Shadow was due for many tests to check on the state of his growth, Gerald and his team spent many weeks trying to get it under control right after Shadow had begun to increase in size rapidly.
The scientists had all done their best but to an ailing Shadow, who had to be okay with needles and diagrams shoved in and around him, he was at best irate and at worst, down right hostile. One of the testing scientists was still recovering in the first aid section of the Ark after a particularly vexed Shadow struck out. He was “grounded” after such an incident, which doesn’t mean much when you’re 35 feet and can kill a person with minimal effort, but it meant Maria couldn’t see him at the moment.
That wasn’t gonna stop her from trying.
“Grandfather! Studies were absolutely wonderful today, I feel maths gets easier and easier each time you teach it to me” Maria lied. Her plan was to butter him up, get him in an even better mood, maybe then he would feel lenient enough to let her stay in the enclosure with Shadow.
“It makes me glad to hear that Maria my dear, maths has always been an essential subject matter in the world of education, why I’ve loved maths ever since I was a young tot, you know I solved my first problem when I was just 3 years old-“ Gerald kept on. Oh no, she got him rambling, maybe she could shoot her shot and just ask outright. The last time he rambled it put her right to sleep on her desk, it hurt his feelings but the second she started hearing percentages her brain shut it down.
“May I see Shadow today!?” She hadn’t meant to blurt it out so outright but she felt the ramble was about to edge towards fractions and decimals and she quite had enough of those today
Gerald’s animated ramblings stopped in an instant and he faced his granddaughter who was doing her best to charm him with her childish adorable appeal
He hummed and hawed for a moment before shaking his head “Now Maria I know you miss Shadow very much but he is in trouble at the moment”
A wave of defensiveness washed over Maria as she recounted Shadow was currently punished due to actions he did in a moment of stress and anger, she felt in the same position she would have struck out or at the very least gave that scientist a good old raspberry, she was still proud she taught Shadow that, Gerald didn’t need to know that though.
“Oh but Grandfather, it’s been more than a week, I’m sure Shadow has learned his lesson” Maria begged.
“He growled at one of our scientists who came for a check up this morning, one he particularly likes mind you” he retorted
“I mean it could be a bit of that teenage rebellion you’re always claiming me to have when I’m not happy to see you in the morning” She countered.
“I-“ Gerald stopped himself and put a finger to his lip, honestly he couldn’t dismiss that. As Shadow continued to grow he picked up more behaviours Gerald could attribute to the traditional development of adolescence. It still had him flabbergasted as he recalled Shadow sticking his tongue right at Gerald one time during studies.
“None the matter, I don’t want you getting hurt in there because of the irritation he’s at right now” Gerald commanded. Maria deflated, this definitely wasn’t going out the way she has planned.
“He would never! Shadow absolutely adores us, he wouldn’t hurt us” Maria argued, she trusted this 100%. Although around most people some could say Shadow could be careless, Maria and Gerald were of a select few that Shadow handled with the upmost care and caution. Maria could just about get away with doing anything around Shadow, if not for her sickness she would most definitely use the gigantic hedgehog as a playground.
At quiet times before lights were out, when allowed she would curl up in Shadows large claws, it amazed her how still and gentle he could be, she felt like a glass doll in his hands as she deducted he was so still in fear of jostling her. It saddened her that Shadow was at such a state he felt even the slightest movements would hurt her.
Gerald put a palm to his head, “I know he wouldn’t hurt you on purpose Maria, but Shadow can forget himself sometimes, need I remind you of Steven, who is in the infirmary because of Shadows actions?” He scolded. Maria didn’t have a retort for that, she could defend shadow as much as she liked but it didn’t change that he had indeed hurt someone.
She looked down to her dress skirt and gripped the fabric of it, she knew better than to act like a brat not getting their way but she was getting irate, one more plea, and if no results she would would back down, lest she get into an argument with her grandfather and end up in trouble herself.
“I’ve just felt absolutely restless. I understand he’s in trouble grandfather but he always behaves around me, I could even go in there and get him to apologise! He’s usually nicer after I give him a good talking to” Maria gripped her skirt harder, she was honest about getting him to apologise, she didn’t want him thinking what he had done to that scientist was okay.
Gerald studied her for a moment before letting out a defeated sign, the softie in him had won, he hated seeing Maria as desperate as she was, and she was not wrong. Maria’s presence seemed to greatly improve Shadows mood the most
“Fine, you can see him” Maria almost jumped up in excitement but steeled herself, it didn’t stop her from looking absolutely giddy “but you are not to rile him up in any way, and if I feel you are in danger you are to come out, understand” Gerald instructed.
Maria gave a silly salute, she couldn’t help it knowing her plan came around “loud and clear!”
He was clearly pouting when she got to the viewing windows of Shadows enclosure, he was lying on his side and had his back to the large reinforced windows, so nobody could see his face. It was cute to Maria, he always did this getting in trouble.
He was also very still, she actually couldn’t tell if he was asleep or not in that position, a second later when he turned his head slightly to notice her presence confirmed he was indeed awake. Shadow had quite the ability to sense the people around him without anyone else knowing they were there. He glared at her before immediately curling in on himself, she had no idea how someone that big could make themselves look smaller but he was managing quite well.
She put her hands to the window, the glare he just gave her hadn’t put her off, he clearly wasn’t as happy to see her as she thought he would be but that was her gigantic, hedgehog, lizard buddy in need and she hadn’t almost got on her knees and begged to see him for nothing.
3 little taps to the glass, Maria did this just to give him a warning whenever she was coming in, in response Shadow seemed to curl further in on himself, he almost looked like a gigantic spiky ball.
Maria made a small trek down a compact set of Stairs to some steel doors that led into the enclosure, there was a code box right next to the doors that needed an input only Maria, Gerald and some trusted scientists knew. Quickly putting in 4 digits, her birthday as predictably done by her grandfather, Maria bounced in excitement as the doors painstakingly opened.
The chamber was quiet and smelled of lavender, Maria had recommended a calming smell might tide over Shadow to act nicer during testing, while it hadn’t, he still very much enjoyed the smell.
Maria encountered the big ball of black and red quills and scales, he was very much still pouting and didn’t seem to want to acknowledge her. She gave a couple pats to what she could assume was his tail but it was quite hard to tell as curled up as he was.
Shadow gave no response to indicate he felt the pats so she grabbed a few quills and gave a small tug, she didn’t want to tug hard as she’d definitely get cut if he bristled his quills in response, yet he still gave no reaction.
Oh he was really having quite the tantrum today. She put her hands to her hips and gave the giant wall of quills a tired look
“Shadow it’s me! Are you not happy to see me?” Maria yelled up at him.
If he was, he gave no reciprocation. It humbled her quite intensely as it was a first for Shadow to completely ignore her.
She looked down at her shoes and decided if he was gonna be the Debbie of downers she would use other means of entertainment. She pulled out her small sketch pad that conveniently fit in her skirt pockets. It was a great source of distraction when she had nothing to do or nobody to talk to.
She walked over to some worn down chairs that were placed carefully far to one end of the enclosure, they were initially placed there for observation of Shadow but it was an overestimated idea as most scientists didn’t have the nerve to be in the same room as Shadow for more than 5 minutes. Maria abused this section of the enclosure to benefit her creative devices and made Shadow the subject of most of her sketches.
It was about 5 minutes into drawing when she had stopped drawing Shadow as doodling a curled up spiky ball hadn’t been as fun as she thought. She looked up from her sketch pad as Shadow began to unfurl, as he stretched out she heard some of his bones crack back into place, bones cracking was already an unnerving sound to her, hearing it at Shadows size was something entirely else so she couldn’t help the look that came on her face.
Shadow stopped his stretching to study her, he smirked at the unsettled face Maria made as it was quite an amusing expression for her to pull, the smirked made her a little irate considering how rudely he was to ignore her just before.
“I see you got tired of pouting” Maria huffed, Shadow simply stuck her tongue at her, she gasped in shock and stook up immediately, absolutely aghast he would use such a move on her of all people, she kind of wish she hadn’t taught him that now.
“That’s absolutely- why I never- you are such a rude-“ she couldn’t make up her mind what to say in response. Shadow sat on his hind legs and looked at her in amusement, to anyone who could have been outside the enclosure, the sight of a young blond girl yelling and scolding the near 40 foot giant beast was bewildering.
“It’s no wonder grandfather didn’t want me to see you, with you acting like such a brat I have half a mind to walk out of here, are you even sorry for what you did?!” Maria furiously turned her back to him and folded her arms, if she looked back she would have seen Shadow flinch at the question. “The scientists are doing the best to help you and you had someone sent into first aid!” She grumbled.
Maria heard some loud shuffling then the room shook for a moment, she steadied herself and looked back to see Shadow had repositioned himself with his back to her. She didn’t know why the sight infuriated her more but it just seemed like he wanted to be insanely difficult today.
She began to march over to him, about to give him a peace of her mind. However when she traversed enough to get a even look at what she assumed would be a unremorseful smug smirk, she was met with a regretful furrowed brow, his red crimson irises met her blue azure ones and he instantly looked away and brought his arms up to hold himself. He wouldn’t look back at her.
Maria began to calm herself, one look at him told her what she knew, of course he felt bad for what he did. She wanted to give herself a right slap for forgetting herself, he obviously found it hard to talk about what happened, she shouldn’t have expected him to be right and ready to talk as soon as she walked through those doors.
She slowly came closer and put a hand to his ankle, that was as much as she could reach at his current sat up stance. He dared a glance down at her tiny form and again looked away, she could feel the giant begin to tremble, she then heard as an unmistakable voice rasped out “…didn’t mean to”.
His voice rumbled throughout her body as her heart wrenched at that statement. She believed it without question, he was gentle and caring, she was tired after the week long tests. Maria could only imagine what it was like for him after being poked and prodded for hours on end.
“I know” she comforted. She really did wish he was at least a little smaller, it was really hard to comfort someone who has a hand as big as your entire body.
She could attempt to climb up his leg but she really didn’t want to risk getting Gerald upset with her if she was to exacerbate her already strained lungs. She motioned at shadow with her hand and got his attention “Shadow your hand please” she gently commanded
He knew what she was asking and took a hand off his person to reach her, only seeing his claws near her had him stop for a moment which Maria noticed. “You would never hurt me” she assured. He gently scooped her up and cupped his other hand to the one holding her.
Shadow brought up a safely secured Maria up to his face in which she at once assaulted him with a full face hug, it surprised him for a moment but he instantly melted into it. She did this when she knew he was even a bit upset. He did find the gesture embarrassing but appreciated it all the same.
Maria nuzzled into his muzzle harder, she’d be finding fur in her dress for ages but she didn’t mind, the priority was Shadow. She was glad he was remorseful, it would have been alarming if she had to explain why it’s wrong to send someone into the infirmary but Shadow seemed to grasp the consequences of the event that transpired.
“You are going to apologise once Steven is out of the infirmary aren’t you?” She left his muzzle alone finally and looked up at him, he seemed embarrassed at such a request but knew he couldn’t argue with something that was the least he could do. He nodded firmly and hoped it would be enough to satisfy Maria.
It definitely was as she once again came full force with a hug to his muzzle, he did wish he could return such a gesture properly but he’d definitely crush the poor girl with such a return, instead he just leaned his face into her arms, she was such a tiny thing to him but the action warmed his heart so immensely he’d almost forgotten why he was mad in the first place.
Maria plopped back into his palm, content with her job as “the Shadow whisperer”, as she had oddly dubbed herself in her mind. She wished she could converse with him about all the events that transpired while he had been “grounded” but it mostly included tests which was the furthest thing she was sure both of them wanted to talk about. In that moment she remembered the little notepad she was doodling in earlier.
Shadow watched as she fought to relieve her pocket of the sketch pad and as she flicked through a few pages of quite nice and detailed drawings of him and a few familiar faces he’d seen on the Ark, his interested peaked as he watched her turn to her recent pages and she chortled, Maria shakily stood up on Shadows surprisingly soft palm and held the sketch pad to Shadow, who’s interested promptly died when he saw a drawing of a spiky ball which had been nicely detailed with an annotate to tell whoever was reading the ball was a “grumpy pouty shadow”.
Maria watched Shadows face fall flat and couldn’t help that roar of laughter that immediately escaped her, this only continued to irritate the humongous hedgehog. He brought over his other hand that didn’t have a laughing Maria in it and swiftly brought it over his palm, Maria yelled out a panicked “NO WAIT-“ as he did so. He didn’t hurt her, he just gave her a quick squish to shut her up. That seemed to do the job as he opened his palms to a silence Maria who had her hair adorably scruffy from the attack “I hate it when you do that, I totally deserved it though” she concluded
He snickered at that and she gave him a quick punch to his pinkie finger
Maria had lost track of the time she had been in the enclosure after 2 hours. She wasn’t worried she’d been in too long as her Grandfather had cameras in the chamber and would have called her out if he wanted her out.
She had returned to her drawings while she was cradled in Shadows palms. She was absolutely engrossed in her current drawing and hadn’t noticed Shadow wasn’t giving input or feedback on her drawings anymore.
The palm she was in suddenly jerked and she had to grab one of his fingers to keep from losing balance, her sketch pad had fallen to the ground when the motion happened. She looked up when she was steadied and saw Shadow, he seemed to have not noticed what he had done. Honestly he seemed quite out of it, she quickly realised the poor thing was fighting sleep and must have accidentally jerked back to being half awake.
“Shadow” Maria called, his eyes opened fully to address her but immediately went back to being half lidded. “Are you tired? I can leave so you can get some rest” she offered.
He stubbornly shook his head and cupped his other hand under her, normally he would have let her go off when she wanted and went back to doing as he did alone in the enclosure but she was sure it was his sleepy brain not wanting her to leave and he was acting upon that.
“Alright alright, don’t have a fuss I’m not going anywhere, even if I could” he had brought his hand close enough that she could reach a particular spot under his muzzle, she gave it a few scritches and had to steel herself when he began purring, it was an intense and loud sound that she feel sending waves through her entire body but she bared it.
He leaned into it, and began to literally lean his entire body’s forward when the feeling of the scratches began to calm his already tired mind, Maria had to stop and immediately grabbed onto anything she could, which was his ring finger as Shadow fell forward, the enclosure shook from the weight of him falling and Maria waited for the vibrations to die down, she hoped her grandfather was not watching the cameras at that moment as she could of accidentally been hurt, she could hear and feel the vibrations of Shadows quiet snores as it confirmed he has simply fallen asleep.
She hopped off his palm to trek to his face, give him a quick hug. Her mission was to now find her sketch pad, that last drawing she was engrossed with had come along really well and she wanted to show her grandfather how her art skills were coming out. Her face turned grief stricken when she realised her sketch pad had fallen where Shadow lay asleep right now, if he rolled over which she knew he was guaranteed to do, it was completely over for that drawing as well as her entire sketch pad.
Maria inhaled and then exhaled. The stories of the superheroes her grandfather read to her had to go through sacrifice, and right now as the shadow whisperer, she could definitely say she was going through sacrifice right now.
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bellysoupset · 1 month
I cannot find the ask for this, but to the anon who requested sick Wendy + Max caretaker, here you go!!
"Marshall, you've gone over your hours," her supervisor had squinted at her in a tired manner, "again."
She was a resident doctor, meaning Wendy's hours were split between clinic, or more often than not ER in her case, and specialized clinic, where she took the neurology cases and discussed it with fellow residents and her supervisor.
Problem was, Wendy had taken half of Jon's general clinic hours during his three weeks away. She had figured it wouldn't be an issue, given those were up for grabs and she'd get a considerable pay bump that month...
"No, I didn't," Wendy pouted, rubbing at her forehead and drumming the pen impatiently against her notepad, "I did my math, I didn't go over 80 hours per the week..."
"You got Patterson's double shift last Monday and came in an hour early every day this week. That puts you at 96, Marshall," her supervisor, Dr. Jones, was a woman in her early sixties, who always looked annoyed, "I'm putting you on leave for the rest of the week."
"What-" Wendy's eyebrows jumped up, "you can't do that, ma'am-"
"The hospital cannot afford all the hours you think you can do," Dr. Jones glared at her, "and frankly, Marshall, it's neither financially feasible or healthy. Push me on this and I'm gonna request your psych eval."
Well, shit.
Really, what was there to even say?
Wendy's frustration at being forced away from work dragged during most of morning, until Jonah had sent her a string of laughing emojis when she told him about it and the text, You're pissed because you got a free vacation? get out of my sight Dee and Bella had sent her a middle finger followed by go FUCK YOUR BOYFRIEND, WOMAN!!!!!
Her mood had cleared up considerably as she was forced to realize this meant five uninterrupted days of waking up next to Vince and eating her boyfriend's cooking and getting dicked down until she forgot her name.
Her bag was 70% just lingerie and Wendy had put on her best matching set under her outfit — beige flared jeans, chunky white heels and a sage green frilly crop top, with silver jewelry — all but bouncing to her car. She had turned up the music and ignored the drumming behind her eyes.
By the time she got to Doverport, though, her headache had escalated enough to cause Wendy to shut the music off. She had taken the max dosage of tylenol already and her stomach was iffy from a mix of hunger and too much medication, since she had skipped lunch when trying to get to the town before the school day ended, so she could wait for Vin in the parking lot.
She was glaring at her phone, trying to will Vince to answer her text, when the screen lit up.
P.Mgnt: you're here???
This caused Wendy to pout. She had expected a more enthusiastic reaction than this.
Wendy: sorry?
Vince was typing back an answer immediately.
P.Mgnt: I'm sorry honey, I'm happy you're here. I just can't go meet you right now, I'm stuck in detention duty :/ I'm gonna be here for another hour :(
Ah, shit. Wendy rubbed angrily at her forehead, the throbbing there increasing considerably. It was a warm day and she really didn't want to wait in the parking lot for another hour... She just wanted him.
She considered telling Vince she wasn't feeling well, maybe he'd find another teacher to watch the kids, when another text came in.
P.Mgnt: Go ahead to my place. Get a shower and catch up on an episode of 911 , i'll be there soon🥰
Wendy sighed heavily, feeling a knot form in her throat and her eyes burning. The text wasn't dismissive and she knew it was only one hour and that she had dropped by surprise, but it still sucked and she really just wanted him.
Her headache spiked to the point it it felt like an actual physical drilling on her left eye and Wendy bit back a groan, getting inside her car once more. There was no kidding herself this was just a headache anymore and she felt even closer to tears, it was so unfair she got a migraine right now, of all times.
Not only that, but a sense of urgency overtook her. If it was a migraine, she needed to get to Vince's place quicker, before her brain forgot how to drive and was too busy attacking itself in a constant pain loop.
With something closer to a whimper, Wendy started her car.
Max Daniels was not a snoop, he'd like this in writing.
Sure, he had been very curious when he saw Vince's cute girlfriend in the parking lot, but instead of staying to meet with her boyfriend she had gotten in the car back again and left.
And sure he was tailing her, but that was only because the shortest route to his own place was through the main avenue and he was not about to take the longer way just to avoid her.
And yes, when she turned the emergency lights and pulled over on the side of the road, he had pulled over as well, but that was called Being A Nice Person, after all he knew the woman. What if she needed help?
He was currently sitting in his pickup, staring at Wendy's car and trying to figure if it was completely out of line for him to approach her or not. Vince wouldn't be pissed Max had tried to be nice to his girl, right? He didn't seem the jealous sort, but then again he had bitten Max's head off for less regarding the woman and he had been all sarcastic that one time Max hit on Wendy, before he knew who she was.
Why wasn't her getting out of the car, anyway?
With a frustrated sigh, Max got out of his own pickup and circled Wendy's pale pink sedan, until he was in front of the driver's side. She was crumpled forward, forehead pressed to the steering wheel and flinched visibly when Max knocked on the window.
His curiosity only grew as he saw her bloodshot eyes and Max jumped back as she pushed the door open and squinted at him, "yeah?"
"You need help, gorgeous?" The nickname rolled past his tongue, before he could think better of it, "you turned your emergency lights."
"Uhm-" Wendy pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead like she wanted to push her eye in its socket, "car-" she gulped down, frowning, "carsssmakin' a weird noise..."
Max's frown deepened, noticing the slight slur of her words, "are you okay?" he asked, really taking in her appearance. Her lips were pale and she looked close to the color of spoiled milk, eyes rimmed red...
"Mmm'kay," Wendy groaned, then a small, cute little burp shook her frame and she squeezed her eyes shut, "S'ry..."
Max was well versed enough with puking to recognize nausea from a mile away. He stepped to the side, but crouched down to touch her arm, "you're feeling sick?"
She nodded, gulping down, without opening her eyes and Max winced in sympathy, looking around her car. There was a suitcase in the backseat and a frankly ridiculously looking Stanley cup sitting the cup holder. Max chewed on the words, hesitantly, before saying, "would water help?"
Wendy shrugged, the hand that was pressed to her forehead digging in even more, so much it looked like she was gonna leave a bruise there. Max reached in and grabbed her cup, opening the lid and sniffing at it. Monster Energy, great. No wonder she looked sick, just smelling that made Max's stomach squeeze, he couldn't fathom drinking it.
He needed a new plan, because Wendy was leaning forward, elbows on her knees now and breathing slowly through her mouth, condition deteriorating by the seconds, "were you headed to Vince's?"
She nodded, then let out another little burp, this one not as dainty, with a brassy tone to it.
"Alright, hurl and then I'll drive you there. I can come back for your car later," Max decided by clasping his hands and the clap noise they made caused her to flinch, then another burp snuck up on her, this one turning wet... She whimpered and cradled her head with both hands, while Max moved further away so his shoes wouldn't get covered in vomit.
"Get it up, gorgeous, you're gonna feel better in a second," he figured her stomach was rejecting all that energy drink, as his own would've been, and planted a hand on her back, looking around to give her some semblance of privacy. It was a sunny day and the main avenue was quite busy, cars continuing to go past them.
Under his hand, Wendy's shoulders rolled and she let out a little choked, "Oh god-" before heaving and nearly falling from her seat. Max cringed, glancing down and noticing her wavy hair getting in the way, so he carefully held back her curtain bangs, just in time for Wendy to vomit. A small light brown puddle formed on the tarmac and Wendy let out a burp again, before melting into a coughing fit.
Max grimaced as he heard another whimper, then a gag, "there you go," he moved his hands so his left one could cup her clammy forehead, "get it up."
She nearly fell out of the door with the next heave, whole body lurching as a much bigger wave came up and splashed on the ground, causing Max to internally curse as the tips of his brown boots got splashed with puke.
Then Wendy went boneless.
He let out a yelp as she collapsed forward, only not falling because he was holding her, and puke be damned, Max crouched down in front of her, "Wendy, Wendy, hey-" he said frantically, patting her cheeks, "Wendy, c'mon, don't do this to me, open your eyes."
It was just a small black out, she started to straighten up again, but Max's heart was now in his ears. He couldn't believe his luck if girl died on him. He pushed her hair back, no longer trying to be gentle, hating how white she was, "Wendy?"
"Sssstop-" she grabbed his wrist, whole face scrunching up with pain, "talkin..."
He snorted in disbelief. Some nerve she had to tell him to shut up!
"Well, fucking excuse me if I'm worried! If you die on me, your polar bear of a boyfriend is gonna have my head!" Max glared at her and Wendy opened her eyes. He knew they were pretty, but he couldn't remember their color. Now he saw they were a beautiful dark green shade, currently welling up with tears, "wait, no- No, don't cry-"
"Stop. Talking," she said strongly, as tears ran down her cheeks and gritting her teeth, "hurts..."
Max felt stupid and embarrassed, his whole face turning red as he understood why she was shushing him. He wiped the tears with his thumb, trying to collect his thoughts. She needed to be lying down in the dark, not sitting on the side of the road with a puddle of puke in between them.
"C'mere," Max whispered, grabbing her arms and throwing them around his neck, silently praying she was too out of it to comment on how touchy he was being when they were basically strangers. There was no other way of getting her out of that car, "hold on me," he wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted Wendy out of the car.
It was a good thing she was so tiny, because he managed to lift her up entirely, so she didn't clumsily step on the mess. She was panting in pain against his ear, burying her face in his shoulder, body tense as a slab.
"Almost there," he stumbled forward with her, all but bracing against his pickup. Max opened the passenger door, then cringed, "sorry, uh- Excuse me," he mumbled, then hugged her waist and lifted Wendy up to sit in the passenger side. Whatever misplaced intimacy he was feeling, was promptly ruined by her gagging and burping up a small stream of puke, down his shirt.
Max froze, while Wendy's forehead pressed to his shoulder, like she couldn't lift up her head. Her shoulders were shaking as she sobbed and he rubbed her back, "it's alright, gorgeous, don't even worry about it," he sighed, straightening her up to rest against the passenger door. It was terrifying how quickly she had become unresponsive, "I'll just put this down in Vince's tab, don't stress it."
He leaned over her, grabbing his shades in the glovebox and then planting them on her face. Wendy let out a little sigh, body melting slightly, "t-thanks..."
"Yep," he grimaced at the mess in his t-shirt, wanting to remove it, but worried it'd make her uncomfortable if he was shirtless around her, "I'm gonna lock your car, be right back."
At her car, he grabbed her purse and suitcase in the backseat, her keys still in the ignition and then stripped his shirt, using her Monster energy drink to wash off the puke. He'd rather be smelling like that than vomit. Then he drove her car further to the dust shoulder and turned off the emergency lights, locking it.
Wendy was curled up as much as she could in the passenger seat and Max squeezed her knee in a friendly manner, before driving off.
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bumblesimagines · 8 months
do you think you could ever see us as more than friends?
don't you get it? they're not you.
Sarah Cameron
don't you get it? they're not you.
do you think you could ever see us as more than friends?
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
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"Thanks again for tutoring Wheezie, (Y/N). Her grades have definitely improved."
"It's no problem, Mr. Cameron."
Truly, it wasn't. While the youngest Cameron could be stubborn and occasionally immature, Wheezie was probably one of the brightest kids you got to tutor. She simply refused to believe in herself and her abilities but with a little coaxing and praise, she'd proven to be pretty good at the harder subjects like math and science. You were sure she wouldn't need you anymore in a couple weeks. 
"If only you rubbed off on Sarah," Ward sighed as he finished digging around in his wallet for some cash. You almost smiled despite the annoyance you'd grown to harbor for the blonde over the last few days. If only Sarah took your warnings and advice to heart instead of running off with the posse from the Cut. She'd ghosted Denny, a good friend of yours, just to hang out with them doing God knows what. The Pogues were sweet people, especially Pope Heyward, but their track record was piss poor and would only damage Sarah in the long run. "She could use some help in English. I got a phone call from her teacher the other day about it." 
"I'll talk to her, Mr. Cameron." You assured, taking the wad of cash from the man and smiling. "I'm sure it's nothing." 
With a thankful nod, Ward bid you goodbye and headed inside the mansion. You sighed softly and stuffed the cash into your wallet before slipping it into your back pocket and heading down the driveway. The walk home would be a short one given how close you lived to the Camerons, one of the main reasons you'd been able to stick beside Sarah and not get dumped aside like trash. It was infuriating how she tossed aside people so easily and yet decided to extend her loyalty to people acquainted with the Kildare County jail cells. 
The familiar rumble of an engine caught your attention and you stopped right at the edge of the driveway to watch the familiar minivan head down the road. It came to a screeching halt right before you and Kiara stuck her head out with a wide smile. Great. Just the people you wanted to see. The side door rolled open and Sarah hopped out with a giddy laugh, sliding the door closed again and bidding her newfound friends a cheerful goodbye before she spun around and sprang into your arms. The van made a U-turn at the end of the road and sped off down the street.
"Hey!" Sarah giggled, arms still wrapped around your shoulders. "I didn't know you were coming over!"
"I tutor Wheezie every Friday, Sarah. You'd know that if you paid more attention." You muttered and pushed your hand against her abdomen, forcing the girl to take a step back. Sarah's brows furrowed and her arms slumped to her side, her dark brown eyes flickering all over your face. Any other day, any other month, you might've felt bad for getting snappy with the blonde. But your patience had begun to wear thin with her after her constant ghosting and ditching.
"What's wrong? Why are you mad?"
"I'm not-" You inhaled deeply and rubbed the area between your eyebrows. "You said you were going to give Denny a chance 'cause you were tired of being single. He showed up to the date, but you didn't. If you don't want something serious then tell me that before I set you up with someone. You've done this four times already, Sarah. I'm the one who has to pick up after you while you run around with your street friends. If you don't like my friends, say that. I've wasted enough of their time."
Sarah frowned and looked away like a child being scolded by their parent. She twisted her lips and spoke quietly, "Don't you get it? They're not you. I don't want to date them. I.."
You felt your heart drop at her words. Sarah Cameron, known to all as a heartbreaker who had no issue cheating on her boyfriends, liked you? You stared at her silently, trying to process her words and think of something, anything, to say in response but your mind went blank. You'd known her since you wore diapers! You'd been raised alongside her like siblings and even wore matching clothes during the holidays as kids. The only word you could truly muster up and say was, "Oh."
"Do you think you could ever see us as more than friends?" Sarah asked softly and lifted her head to gaze at your face. You tried not to wince. You loved her, truly you did, but not in the way she wanted. A long time ago, back in middle school, you might've leaped at the chance. But that'd been before you really took note of her more selfish side. Sarah was loyal but not when it came to romance and she never had the guts to admit it.
"No, Sarah, I don't. You... You're my friend. I stopped looking at you like that when I saw how you treated your past boyfriends. You're great and I'll always love you but you're just not the kind of girl I'd want to be with. I'm sorry."
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zepskies · 2 years
Never Say Goodbye - Part 1
Pairing: Dean W. x Female Reader
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 2,000 Warnings: Some angst
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Part 1: Proximity
You’ve grown up watching your parents. At fourteen, you already understood how rare their relationship was—high school sweethearts, married for sixteen years, and certified soulmates.
Apparently it was even more rare to find your soulmate so early in life, but as Mom said, Sometimes the universe helps you out.
But you just started high school, and after surveying the pool of guys you have to work with, you really hope that “universe” stuff is just wishful thinking.
Because just this morning, Danny Schmitt got his hand stuck in the automatic stapler during Math class. Meanwhile, his friends were collecting bets on how many stitches he was going to need once they finally pried his fingers out.
Dad would call those guys dumbasses. You were inclined to agree.
You looked away from the scene (there was a lot of blood, and now your teacher was trying to free Danny with the only tool in the utility closet: a large hammer). But you couldn’t focus on your busy work like your teacher instructed either.
Sometimes, you still found it hard to believe your parents had met in high school. They had such an easy way between them, and not just because they could hear one another’s thoughts.
Mom was a kindergarten teacher, patient, kind, and encouraging. She came from a family of professors and school administrators, who frankly thought she could’ve done more with her life than “wipe five year olds’ noses.” Last Thanksgiving, she smiled and told Great Aunt Janet, “At least my five year olds can wipe their own asses.”
Smirking, Dad had followed up with, “How’s the incontinence, Jan? Ain’t lettin’ up at all?”     
Dad was a cop, though he wasn’t as strict as he could've been. Or as dumb as cops seemed to be in the movies.
No, your dad could be stern, but he was always fair, even if you…didn’t really hang out with him much. Mom was basically your best friend, while Dad was often too busy to know what was going on in your life.
Really, you just couldn’t see what your parents had in common, other than the dusty, midwestern town where they’d grown up. (Speaking of which, you shivered and zipped your coat higher up on your neck. Even indoors, winter in South Dakota was nothing to sneeze at.)
But your parents would share a look sometimes. Your mom would smile, and your dad’s mouth would quirk up at the corner, his eyes softening in a way they only did for her. And then you’d remember that they had their own world that you couldn’t really understand just yet.
“All right,” your teacher said. He wiped sweat from his brow while Danny’s friends carried him off to the nurse’s office. The stapler was in pieces on the floor, but poor Danny still had two huge staples in his index and ring fingers. “I think we’re done for the day. Just finish workbook pages for chapter three and we’ll cover it tomorrow.”
Yes! Math was not your strongest subject, but even you could finish four more square root problems. The teacher’s desk phone rang while you gathered your backpack and books. You were about to leave the classroom when your teacher called you back. You didn’t like the somber look on his face.
“You need to get to the principal’s office,” he said. “Your dad is there waiting for you.”
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You didn’t know it then, but today was the day your childhood died—after Dad sat you down and told you what happened to your mom.
Winter in South Dakota was harsh. It could even be dangerous, especially on icy roads shared with grocery truck haulers.
They buried Mom in the same cemetery as your grandparents and your aunt (not Janet, by the way. You didn’t really remember your Aunt Karen, but your dad always avoided talking about his sister). The cemetery was small, but you guessed that made sense for a smallish town like Sioux Falls.
You stayed there until everyone else who loved your mom was gone, and it was just you and your dad left.
You didn’t bother to wipe your tears—not until your dad set a hand on your shoulder. You tried to wipe them away quickly, even though you didn’t really know why you didn’t want him to see you crying. He just gave you this look. In his eyes, you could see every fathom of his heartbreak. In a way, it told you everything you needed to know about your dad.
So you leaned into his side, and he held you close while the icy winds whipped at both of you.
Snow crunched beneath someone’s feet, and you turned to see a man walking down the row of headstones. He looked kind of familiar…
He had a thick beard and wore a baseball cap, but he took it off once he got close enough to pay his respects—first to Mom…then to Aunt Karen.
“Jack,” he greeted with a nod of respect.
You looked up at your dad, and the free emotions he’d been wearing clammed up behind a more familiar stern expression.
“Bobby,” he said, nodding back. Realization finally dawned on you. Oh, Uncle Bobby?
You hadn’t seen your uncle since you were…ten? Probably since Aunt Karen’s funeral.
“I’m real sorry about Christine,” Uncle Bobby said. He sounded a bit gruff, but his eyes were kind when they met yours sympathetically. “About your mom.”
Another tear fell down your cheek, but you nodded and wiped it away, sniffling.
“Thank you,” your dad said eventually. There was a brief, but awkward pause. Then Bobby nodded to himself and walked away, setting that faded blue baseball cap back on his head. You watched him go curiously.
“You remember your uncle,” Dad said. He didn’t seem happy about it.
“Yeah,” you replied. “Why didn’t he stay?”
He was family, after all.
Dad shook his head. There was a wry downturn to his lips. “He’s got a junk heap to look after.”
You frowned in confusion. But he didn’t explain what he meant. He just steered you back toward the car to go home.
Just as you both crossed under the iron arch to leave the cemetery, Dad reached into his pocket and gave you something. Your mom’s wedding ring.
“You can wear it if you want,” he said. “Or just keep it safe. Either way, just remember…she’s still with you. And I’m always gonna watch over you.”
The thought made you feel the slightest bit better, and also worse. Still, you took the ring and held it between your fingers. It was simple sterling silver, but beautiful all the same.
You got into his pick-up truck and he started the drive home. Just as you turned the corner, you hit a red light. You stared out the window as snow started a light fall, flurrying down to the damp pavement. Soon the ground would be icy and wet, and that reminded you of grocery trucks. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you were sick of it. Sick of crying.
It actually annoyed you…or…did it?
A feeling fluttered in your chest. It felt like anxiety and irritation all wrapped up into one. And another feeling, this time attached to a thought. It felt hot in your throat, and a lot like—
It’s not fair!
The thought startled you. Because somehow (and you didn’t know why), it didn’t feel like you were the one that thought it.   
Finally, the street light turned green. It flashed in the corner of your eyes, and then you noticed a sleek, black car coming in the opposite direction. You watched it pass by for a moment, until your dad distracted you with a question.
“Are you hungry?” he asked. You blinked, trying to register what he said while you shook off the weird things you were feeling. Once your brain caught up to your mouth, you were finally able to answer.
“Not really.”
“Come on. I’ll get us a burger.”
You shrugged, but for once you really weren’t hungry.
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“Dad, come on,” Dean said in frustration. On one hand, he didn’t want to argue with his dad.
On the other hand, this really wasn’t fair!
He was seventeen already. He’d gone on a handful of hunts with John before, so why not this one?
“Too dangerous,” John said. He looked over at Dean from the Impala’s driver’s seat. His tone boded no further argument. “Djinn are tricky. Even seasoned hunters have trouble with ‘em.”
Dean frowned. “I’m ready, Dad.”
“Do we have to go to Bobby’s house?” Sam piped up from the back seat. At thirteen, he was getting more and more lippy.
“Cheaper than a motel.” John smiled, then glanced at his younger son through the rear-view mirror. “Besides, why not Bobby’s?”
Sam sighed. “His heater doesn’t always work.”  
“Well, I’ll help him take a look before I go,” John replied. Dean stared at the side of his dad’s face for a while, but he knew a lost argument when he saw one.
…Still, he couldn’t help but try.
“Dad,” Dean pressed.
John’s gaze stayed on the road. “Not this time, son. You and Sam’ll be okay at Bobby’s.”
Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Yeah, bored at Bobby’s. But he knew it was better than being left at a crusty motel room. He was annoyed, but he could deal with it.
Until something else began to creep up in his chest. Something he hadn’t felt since…since his mom died.
It was this ball of lead in his chest, weighing him down and constricting his throat. It felt a lot like…like fear, and sadness. And finally confusion. He was confused?
Sad? Afraid? Not really, no. At least, he didn’t think so. He hadn’t thought about his mom like that in a while…
So what the hell?
Those sensations only lasted for a moment—the time it took them to finally cross the street at the red light and pass a pick-up truck going the opposite way.
But that moment seemed to drag on for minutes. Now he really was confused.
He sat still, hesitating, until the feeling eventually passed.
“Hey, Dean, where’s the Batman comic?” Sam leaned up by his ear to ask.
Dean almost flinched. He played it off though, and turned to look back at his brother.
“It’s in my bag, but wait ‘til we get to Bobby’s.”
“Why? That’s like, a whole ten minutes away,” Sam pointed out.
“Because my bag’s under a ton of stuff back there. Just leave it for a few minutes,” Dean said. He sensed that Sam was about to get all bitchy and not let it go, but then John cut in.
“He’s right, Sam. Just cool it until we get there.”
Sam frowned, slumping into his seat with an annoyed huff. Wanting to tease him out of his kid funk, Dean smirked, reached back and playfully tapped his knee. “Yeah, cool it.”
Sam slapped his hand away. “Stop.”
“Make me, dork.” Accompanied by another teasing flick to his ear. Sam hit him back, and it would’ve devolved into an immature, but not uncommon free-for-all, if not for John’s heavy sigh and a sharp warning.
“Boys, enough!”
Then the car was silent. Sam huffed again and settled back into his seat. Dean tapered down his smile and sat back in his too. He looked out the window and saw the snow beginning to fall. Without meaning to, his mind drifted back to that weird feeling in his chest.
He rubbed his chest absently. But soon enough, he forgot about it. Just like you did.
Neither of you realized exactly what happened that day.
It was the first tug of a lifelong bond, seared into your souls.
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AN: Okay, this is my first soulmate AU! Maybe the end was a little melodramatic there lol.
Let me know in the comments what you think! Then keep reading. ;)
Here it is: Part 2.
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Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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anonomouswriter-blr · 6 months
Ushijima x Reader: What Do You Say? [a haikyuu one-shot]
Ok y'all, so my friends and I had an all-nighter where we write one-shots. The twist is, we each wrote down on different sticky notes a character, a plotline, and I think the third is a trope. We did this a year ago and I forgot all about this, but I recently found it so I'm posting it here lol
Trope: Childhood friends to lovers
1899 words
Story under cut.
Finally. Fifth grade. It was Y/n’s last year of elementary school and she was determined for it to be different. She wasn’t the most extroverted; she liked people but was too scared to approach them, and they never approached her. But this year, she was going to make a friend.
Kimi seemed to be sweet, everyone adored her, but when Y/n tried to befriend her, she was nothing but rude. In fact, after Y/n had the “audacity” to try to “be on her level”, Kimi tried to make her year awful. But Y/n wasn’t going to give up so easily. She would have a good year and she would make a friend. No mean girl was going to stop her.
After a while, Kimi and her “posse” started to get physical with Y/n and pushed her to the ground during recess. That’s when she met Ushijima Wakatoshi. He was in more advanced classes, so she hadn’t ever seen him before, not really, but they had recess together. When he saw her get pushed to the ground, he felt compelled to intervene. He stood over Y/n on the ground, his shadow covering her. Though in most cases it may be a sign of intimidation, his shadow symbolized a blanket of comfort. He looked at Kimi and the two other girls and spoke to them directly.
“To treat your fellow classmate in such a way is despicable. She should be your friend, not your adversary. Don’t choose violence as a mode of communication, but talk out your differences. If this is something you cannot do, I’m afraid I’ll be obligated to notify your teacher,” the girls snarled in repulse and walked away. When they were far enough away, Ushijima knelt down to Y/n’s height on the ground, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“Yes! I’m okay! Thank you for helping me,”
“My name is Ushijima Wakatoshi. I am in advanced studies. What is your name?’
“My name, my name is L/n F/n. I’m in general studies,”
“Your knee. It’s scraped and bleeding slightly. Here, use this band-aid,” he told her and handed her a latex patch from his pocket. She finally realized: this could be her new friend!
“Ah! Thank you! Um… do you like advanced studies?” He was a little thrown by the question but answered nonetheless.
“It’s fine. The work is manageable and if it will help me get ahead I have no problem with extra work,” he said while gently pressing the band-aid to her wound. He was quiet as he worked. Then, something told him to engage in conversation with her. “Do you like general studies?”
“Yes! It’s nice and easy, though I still struggle with maths. Do you struggle with maths?”
“No. I find it to be quite easy,” he stated.
“Maybe you could give me some tips on how to do better?”
“It’s pretty simplistic. The more practice, the easier it gets,”
Even after the band-aid was properly secured, the two children continued to talk. Y/n tried her hardest to keep the conversation alive. Even if the question was simple or off-topic she would ask it, and he would reply. Then recess ended, and they had to depart.
“I really enjoy talking to you Ushiwaka! Will you be at recess tomorrow?”
“I always attend recess. It’s important to spend time outside,”
“Okay! I’ll see you tomorrow then!” Y/n said and ran off to her teacher.
“Y/n dear, what happened to your knee?” the teacher asked her.
“It got scrapped. But It’s okay because my new friend Ushiwaka helped me! I can’t wait to see him again tomorrow!” Y/n told her and ran inside. What a wonderful friendship they had that year.
Y/n closed her notebook at the sound of the bell ringing. Another draining class.
I should have stuck to general studies. She thought to herself. Her friend Taeko put her hands on the front of her desk.
“That was so boring. How long are we going to be on tectonic plates?” she wined.
“I don’t know, but if it will help me get ahead I have no problem with extra work,” Y/n reasoned.
“Hey, guess what?”
“I got a date today,”
“Really? With who?”
“That hot stud from the volleyball team. Reon Ōhira,”
“Do I get to meet him?”
“Uh, doy! I’m going to watch his practice after school. You don’t have horseback riding today, do you? You should come watch with me. Then you can meet him,”
“I’m finished riding horses for the week. I’m happy to meet him today.”
“Awesome! Then you can ogle his teammates. Oh my gosh. I’m a volleyball girlfriend!”
School had finally ended and Taeko and Y/n were headed to the gym Reon was practicing in. Taeko slid open the door and as soon as they saw each other they smiled. Reon jogged over to her and nodded his head at Y/n.
“Hey, Reon. This is my bestie, Y/n,”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Reon,”
“So I’ve heard. Nice to meet you, too,” “Reon,” Y/n heard a direct, commanding voice call out, somehow familiar. “we’re having a team discussion before we start practice,”
Y/n looked to the student who spoke, the captain, the one she remembered from fifth grade.
“Ushiwaka?” When Reon jogged over to a spot in the circle, for a moment, Ushijima and Y/n made eye contact. Ushijima peered at her, trying to piece together how he knew her face. Then his eyes widened.
“Do you know him?” Taeko asked Y/n. She broke eye contact and looked at her friend.
“Yeah. We went to elementary together. Ushiwaka, right?”
“Psh, don’t ask me. I can’t remember anyone's name. Let's sit here. I don’t want to be hit by a volleyball,”
Practice ended. It didn’t seem as long as Y/n would have thought it would be. She busied herself with homework, but she kept looking up and making eye contact with Ushijima. Did he recognize her? He must have. Based on his expression alone she knew he at least remembered her face. Taeko stood up, pulling her bag onto her shoulder. “We’re gonna head out. Are you okay walking home?”
“Yeah, sure thing. Have fun on your date,” Y/n winked at them playfully. Taeko smiled before turning on her heel and walking off with her soon-to-be boyfriend. Y/n turned to pack away her things when…
“Excuse me,” the same commanding voice came suddenly from directly behind Y/n, causing her shoulders to jump. She turned around to face Ushijima. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to startle you. I have something to ask you. By any chance, might your name be L/n F/n?”
“Yeah, it is,” she replied.
“My name is Ushijima Wakatoshi. We went to the same elementary school. I met you when you got pushed over by some girls and you scraped your knee. I bandaged your wound and we became friends. You called me Ushiwaka. Do you remember me?”
“Yes, I remember you. You were my first friend in elementary,” It was silent for a while. Awkward. Neither of them knew what to say.
“What classes are you taking? Are you still in general studies?”
“No, not anymore. I started taking advanced classes. What about you?”
“I’m still taking advanced classes. I still excel in math. Have your math skills improved?”
“Yes, but of course, as I improve the material gets harder,”
“You are correct. I say if it will help us get ahead there is no problem with extra work,” Y/n nodded. That sounded like him. “Your friend has left with my teammate. Are you walking with someone?”
“No. I usually walk with her but they have a date today so I’m loning it,”
“Then may I accompany you?” Y/n thought for a moment but in the end, accepted.
“I would love your company,”
After Ushijima had walked Y/n home that day, he asked her for her contact information so they could talk outside of school. Y/n learned he was a very formal texter, but he had a charm to it. It was kind of like their friendship was picking up where it left off. It ended up being really, really nice. Y/n started going to his practices with Taeko more, and they studied together outside of school ever so often. One day Y/n caught herself smiling while texting him. Truth be told, she had a bit of a crush on him in their elementary days, but she would never admit that to him.
“Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, Y/N! Prom is like, right now, what are we wearing?” Taeko asked Y/n as she grabbed her shoulders.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t even thinking about that. Should we go shopping today?”
“Uh, yeah! We have to get on this pronto! I’m texting Reon. I have to make sure our ‘fits don’t clash. Should I get his opinion or surprise him?”
“Get his opinion. Leave the surprise dress for the wedding,”
“Good idea. Oh my gosh! Do you have a date in mind? If so we need to bring him too. We’re obvs gonna do a group picture and I can’t have his suit wash any of us out,”
“No, Taeko, I don’t have anyone in mind,”
“Well, the time is still early. You never know, Reon’s team captain might ask you. You guys are close now, right?” Y/n didn’t even think of that. What if he did? Would she say yes? Would she want to? No. He wouldn’t ask her.
“He doesn’t seem like the type to ‘prompose’. Let’s look for dresses. What do you think about blue?”
“For you? Absolutely! A royal blue in satin fabric – long. Oh my gosh this is gonna be so fun!” Taeko practically skipped out the school doors, bringing Y/n with her. Even if Ushijima didn’t ask her to prom, she was so ready for prom.
Taeko found a beautiful green princess gown and the most flattering suit for Reon, but Y/n hadn’t found the right fit. After a long time of looking, the three ended the day and walked Y/n home. It was about 2 hours later Y/n heard her doorbell ring. She went downstairs, opened the door, and there she saw Ushijima with a long banner, asking her to be his prom date.
“L/n F/n. Will you go to prom with me?” he asked. Her face was still for a moment, trying to comprehend. Ushijima, upon seeing her face, started to worry he made a mistake. “I asked Reon what I should do to ask you since he was seeing your best friend. He told me to keep it simple. I also got you flowers. I couldn't hold both them and the sign so I put it on your step,”
Y/n looked down to see the large bouquet. It was magnificent. “So, L/n, what do you day? Will you be my date to the prom?”
She lifted up the massive vase and held it to her face. Who knew he’d ask the same day Taeko suggested he might? Probably Taeko. Y/n couldn’t contain the smile on her face. “Yes, Ushiwaka. I would love nothing more than to be your date!”
Posted. 17.Sunday.March.2024 at 19.37 (7:37pm)
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ddollfface · 9 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠…
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝘅 𝗮𝗳𝗮𝗯!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗕𝗶𝗺𝗯𝗼
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"Sorry, I texted you when I was drunk...I just think about you all the time :(("
"She's my best friend, and, yeah, I might be in love with her, what about it?"
Trigger Warnings; talking about breaking into your house (it'll make sense later lol), hinting at yandere behaviors, fluff, somewhat gaslighting, reader is referred to as a girl, lesbians ig idk (is that a warning??) If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Just a small scenario about some new ocs! And they come as a pair btw! If you have any other ideas abt them, then request something! Or anything, I'm running out of ideas LOL-! Hope you have a good day/night <333
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God, this is horrible...
It's always like this when it comes to them, it's like their water and oil, fire and ice, the moon and sun. They're constantly bickering and fighting, always pulling each others' hair, and there's never a moment where they're not insulting the other. For some odd, reason, which you don't know, they just hate each other.
No matter how many times you've tried getting them to settle this drawn-out dispute, they never solve it. If anything, it makes it worse. It causes them to just argue more and turn to you as the judge, making you choose between the two.
Now, you're stuck in this shitty situation, having to choose between two of your friends. Lovesick!Friend has always been there for you, sticking by your sick through thick and thin, comforting you when you got dumped, and helping you study when you were struggling in math. Lovesick!Friend is a little awkward, but she means well. She can't help if she's a little anti-social, if anything, it's endearing to you.
While, on the other hand, Lovesick!Bimbo has been nothing but a sweetheart, always introducing you to new people, though you suspect they're her ex-hookups. She's always helping you with your make-up, picking outfits, and being a funny companion. Lovesick!Bimbo, though she's an airhead, has a heart of gold and she'll never pass an opportunity to comfort you. She's always hugging your arm, kissing you on the cheek, and providing that feminine comfort.
But now they're putting you in this situation, having to choose between the two. That's the hard thing, you can't. You really can't imagine your life without either one of them. They're both great friends to you and it'd be pretty depressing if you had a fallout with one of them. And the situation hasn't lightened up; it's gotten worse. It's starting to become too big of a problem, one that you can't brush under the rug.
It's escalated to where they're "breaking" into your apartment, and you use that term loosely. As the two aren't even sneaky about it! They both just waltz into your home like they own the place! And all you get in return is a, calm down, I just want to spend more time with you, y'know? I mean, with finals week and all... or a, Come on, babesss!! We're, like, so close! There's no point in trying to get away from me!!
Both trying to spend more time with you. Though, when you think about it, you're not too sure how they got your keys 'cause you sure as hell didn't give it to them...
But that's beside the point, it's getting really irritating for you. You'll be coming home from a tiring day of work, only for you to find LoveSick!Bimbo asleep on your bed or rummaging through your clothes, which you're not too sure on what she's looking for. Or you'll find LoveSick!Friend cooking dinner in your kitchen. Once you even walked into the two having a full-on fistfight in your living room!!
And these little incidents lead to moments like this: where you're pressed between the two, stuck in a drawn-out cuddle session.
LoveSick!Bimbo had just stopped by, wanting to drop off some cupcakes for your mama, who was stuck in the hospital after surgery. Such a sweet girl she is, doing such a kind thing for you, though her excitement was cut short after seeing you and LoveSick!Friend lying on the couch. The two of you were far too close for her liking. Baby!!! What are you doing, cuddling without meee! Why are you abandoning me like thiss-!
LoveSick!Bimbo then threw a hissy fit. She stomped her sparkly heels and pursed her pretty lips, you could even see tears swell in her eyes. She set the cupcakes on the counter and ran over to the two of you. She pushed past LoveSick!Friend and squeezed herself between the two of you. She wrapped her arms around your waist, tucking her face into your neck, and holding you against her chest like her life depended on it. Of course, LoveSick!Friend wasn't having it. She tried pulling the girl off of you but to no avail. God dammit, you prick, get off of her!! You're gonna kill her!
LoveSick!Bimbo just held on tighter. She pressed herself against you, not wanting to let go. Not even noticing how her tits were right in your face, causing your mind to go fuzzy and face to flush. She even made a smug comment about how you shouldn't be afraid, babes, you can touch 'em if ya' want ;)
LoveSick!Friend scoffed, pushing against LoveSick!Bimbo's face, trying to push her off the two of you. She tried situating herself so that she was closer to you than LoveSick!Bimbo, but the other was stubborn, not wanting to let you up. The two proceeded to have a mini tug-of-war, with you being the prize. The girls shifted positions and moved you around, not seeming to care if they were groping you too much, until they came to an agreed position.
You were stuck between the two girls, lying on LoveSick!Friend, with LoveSick!Bimo pressed against your chest. LoveSick!Friend had her hands playing with your hair, giving you a free massage, while LoveSick!Bimbo was practically groping your boobs. Her face snug in your cleavage, your arms wrapped around your hips, foundling with your love handles. All the while, LoveSick!Friend pressed her face in the crook of your neck, pressing kisses on the junction of your neck and shoulder. You could feel her bouncy curls tickle your skin, causing you to squirm.
All this was too much, you were feeling too much in too little time. It was all overwhelming, having two, very attractive, girls cuddle up to you. And it feels wrong, feeling this way, seeing as they're your friends. But one can't control their heart...right?
It felt awkward; you really didn't know what to do, so you just wrapped your arms around LoveSick!Bimbo's shoulders, bringing her body closer to yours. This only caused LoveSick!Bimbo to squeal, tightening her grip on you and whispering small praises about how you're so frickin' cute! I could just eat ya' up! Love ya' and 'ur sweet curves! EEK-!
Only for LoveSick!Friend to grumble and tell LoveSick!Bimbo to shut it with the squealing, you're hurting her ears, you dimwit.
You could only chuckle at the scene. The constant bickering was growing on you, maybe this isn't too bad...
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seiueina · 1 year
synopsis : you are the youngest sibling of the two soccer prodigies. rin full filing his older brother duties.
contains : siblings being siblings + slice of life + rin being math tutor + mild language + mentions of bullying + 1k890wc
Rin exhaled a long and annoyed expression as he watched you pathetically struggle with your Math homework. Rin had always been a fast learner, being able to understand and know things easily was his specialty. However, with you, you found learning to be difficult.
You sat on the small dining table as he hovered over you before letting out another sigh. “You’re stupid.” He breaths out, grabbing one of your notebooks and slightly slapping the crown of your head as you misspelled a sentence.
“I am— I am trying Rin!” You exclaim as you look up at him with angry eyes, your eyes were angry but the water line was armed and ready with tears. Tears that were locked and ready to leave your eyes, but with command. “Try harder then, until then. My point still stands.” He says as he pulls a chair next to you, his head resting on his hand.
“Being mean won’t help with my understanding y’know?” Said with a bratty tone, rolling your eyes at your teal-haired brother who sat next to you. “Be quiet. I am tryna’ tutor you; help you. But you keep rambling nonsense. Do you even want my help?” He says annoyed, flicking at your temple, you gave him a glare.
“I am fine without your help! I dunno why you’re even helpin’ me in the first place.” You grumble some more, “I am helping you cause you’re stupid and you definitely need the help. Don’t want you suffering at Math like a dumbass.” Rin bickered, grabbing a protein bar that was left on the table and ripping the packaging.
You grumbled and mocked his words as a response. Irritated at him and his words. His words were getting to you and you lashed out at him. “You know what? Suffer by yourself then, I am not being paid to be your babysitter.” Cursed Rin before he abruptly got up from the dining room seat and started to walk away.
In your mind. You won. You won the battle. He wasn’t over your shoulder degrading you. But in reality; you lost. If he leaves the table and goes into his room or leaves the house— you’d suffer with your English homework. You need his help, so you swallow your pride before you grabbed his arm. “Rinnie wait!!” You pleaded, Rin only dared to deadpan at you.
“Now what?”
“I….I don’t want to admit that I need your help! But, I need your help…I promise I’ll be nice and take your advice and teachings seriously..” You cajoled your big brother, and the pleading eyes the three of the Itoshi siblings shared were everyone's kryptonite.
Rin only sighed before sitting back down in the chair he left a minute ago. “I’ll help you— just don’t piss me off again.” He says coldly, and with a cheeky smile plastered on your face, you thank him.
Rin leaned over your shoulder to review the situation you were stuck in. “You really need my help with long division? That’s so easy.” He scoffed which as a result made you breathe deep down to contain your snarkiness. “Of course, it’s easy for you! You’re good at everything…I am not the smartest person like you or Sae…I don’t understand anything.”
Glancing at you with disbelief he let out a sigh before placing his hand on your shoulder. “Don’t call yourself dumb, how many times do I have to tell you you’re not dumb? Quit making up excuses that you’re dumb because you can’t understand the material.”
“I...I am trying!—” You respond as your eyes begin to swell up with tears. A few tear drops made its escape and you hurriedly wiped them away. Hoping he didn’t see that...
“Don’t you dare cry? If you cry I am not helping you out for anything.” He says, crossing his arms against his chest. “I am sorry..it won’t happen.” He hummed in response before asking you what problem you’re stuck on and what steps you did to get your current answer. As you pointed to the problem and explained your steps, he stayed quiet. Listening to what you’ve done so far in order to catch your mistake. After you were done, he pointed out your mistake.
“You did this part wrong, If you fix that, then you can work backward from what we just worked on together..” He says with a nicer tone than before and you felt ease in your heart and brain, nodding you try and fix the mistake and took his advice on working backward.
He watched and stayed quiet, he didn’t seem interested in helping you but in his mind, he was critiquing your steps, “You did that part wrong.”
“What do you mean?” You exclaim. You thought you’d finally understood the problem and were finding the steps easier, but when he said you weren’t doing it right, you gasped.
“You did the multiplication wrong. However many the number outside can go into the number is how many you subtract from the number inside.” Saying this rather annoyed that you still didn’t remember the importance of simple math but still kept a calm demeanor.
“Do you need me to repeat every step again?” He says looking at you with an unimpressed facial expression, you shook your head, “No I think I understand it now..” You spoke softly, and as he waited for you to finish the problem, which took a bit, he glanced over your paper. His eyes became big as he stared at you, “Wow, you actually did it correctly.” He exclaims before patting you on the crown of your head.
“I did?!” You squealed surprisingly. “Yep, you did. Actually surprised me for once y/N.” He said with a laugh. “—Don’t be all shocked that you got the problem right, be happy you got it right.”
“I want to be happy that I understood and was able to solve this problem but, I still need your help with the other math problems I have…” Looking up at him with a pout plastered onto your face, he only sighed before continuing. “I can’t help you with every single math problem you may get in life. This is stuff you should already know, quit making excuses and just do the problems.” Rin lectured, crossing his arms again.
“I see…thank you Rin..”
“You’re welcome…but you need to learn how to solve things on your own..you can’t always come running back to me every time something happens..” He says with a sigh ending at every word, you look towards him.
“I, I know, but it’s hard to not come back to you every time because you’re the only one I have..”
He stayed silent for some time, processing what you just said to him. It caught him off guard but he knew something like this was gonna come up at a certain point. “Well, I am not always gonna be here so you’re gonna have to start figuring things out yourself.” He finally responds, getting up from the chair but before leaving the room; he put his hand on your head, scrunching your hair up.
“I am thankful for you Rin!” You say rather than complain about how he just made your hair messy, “Of course..you’re my little sister after all, we only have each other..” He says softly before leaving the dining room. You stayed seated in your seat, stretching out your hands before protecting yourself to complete these problems!
“You have to do this alone. You shouldn’t be relying on other people..” 
“It’ll be more difficult later in life. You’ll need to get your head out of the clouds and focus on what’s important.” 
You remembered. All throughout your life someone was with you throughout the way. Even if that just meant 12 years of it. You always complained about things being too hard and difficult but never tried to put the effort in. It was a wake-up call. You had to start putting in the effort.
An hour passed and now you were 90% finished with your math homework when Rin came out again getting instant ramen from the pantry. "Do you know when Mom and Dad will be back?" You ask, tapping the lead pencil onto the table and waiting for a response.
"Nope. You know them, come and go like the wind. They always do this to us.." Rin doubts that Mom and Dad would be back anytime soon, and disappointment filled his face. "I don't like them to be honest with you...It doesn't make sense for them to show up then leave right after.." Rin continues as he fills the instant noodle bowls up with water and places them in the microwave.
Your head rested on your hand, "As long as we have each other right? We don't need them or Sae.." Trailing off with the ending of your sentence in a exhale, he turned around as he started the microwave, crossing his arms on his chest. "Well, of course as long as we have each other. But, I'd rather have our parents be here as well, stick around and actually pay attention to us...we've never had that. Like, haven't you gone over to your friend's house and met their parents and notice that they stay and pay attention to their kids?"
You inhale a long breath, pecking your lips together. "I've never been over to a friend's house before..don't get any friends y'know.." Exhaling you didn't want to go there. Rin stood there dumbfounded. For him, it felt like someone punched a hole into his heart, he was in utter shock that you didn't have any friends. "What do you mean? I thought you had friends?"
Sighing as you looked towards him, "Middle school is the worse y'know... there are rumors going around involving Mom and Dad, and because of that, everyone excludes me." Admitting the downside of your experience in school, Rin's eyes became filled with sympathy as his eyebrows furrowed, sitting down next to you before saying anything else. "Are you getting bullied? I swear if you are I am gonna—wait, have you told your teachers?"
You nod your head, "I've tried but nothing happens. Even if I have the last name of Itoshi, they don't care because I am not Sae.." He only scoffed, "That isn't fair...what did your teachers even do?"
Shrugging your shoulders before going back to the math homework that you were so close to completing, "They said they'll just look into it, but it's whatever right?—" You inhale and exhale before continuing, "When you become a big famous soccer player, everything will be better!" Optimistic tones in your voice were sounded as you tried to bring light to a touchy subject.
"I am gonna look into this, my little sister shouldn't be treated like this. The school needs to do better." His voice was filled with a wave of anger, you didn't want— need for him to fight your own battles. Placing your hand on his hand, "—Rin it's okay, I promise. I've been handling them well on my own...I don't need my big brother getting in this.."
He sighs, rubbing your shoulder he looks at you. “If- if you say it’s okay. I don’t want to make things worse for you..”
“Thank you Rinnie.” You grin towards the teal-haired teenager who then flicked your forehead.
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soloroomies · 2 months
You, Across The Street | (a Suna Rintarou fic)
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・❥・Chapter two; Year Five (A Treehouse)
synopsis: At the age of five, you met the neighbor boy who lived just across the street, Suna Rintarou. As the years unfold, this story will chronicle the evolution of your friendship, year by year. But as life moves on and paths diverge, will it blossom into something more? Or will it remain a cherished bond between two childhood friends? “The lines between friendship and love often blur when you’ve known someone your entire life."
word count. 3.6k cw. childhood friends au, slow burn, coming of age, puberty stuff a/n. quick update on chapter two 🤭 I actually finished writing it yesterday; it just needs a bit more editing! But I haven’t started anything on the next chapter yet, so it will take longer for the next update🥲
You walked into your house with Rintarou right on your heels. Your mother had just headed out for a field trip at the local park with the preschool, where both your little sister Hana and Rintarou’s little sister, Kimiko, were.
Hana and Kimiko were born in the same year, not long after you moved in, and you couldn't have been happier. They became designated friends in everything, like you and Rintarou. Yuuko, Rintarou’s mother, was like a second mother to you, and your mother was the same for the Suna kids. They often stepped in for each other at school events when the other couldn’t come. Like today’s field trip, Yuuko was stuck at work, so your mother had stepped in to chaperone Kimiko and keep an eye on her.
"Let's work on the math homework first," Rintarou suggested, plopping down beside you at the coffee table in the living room and pulling out his exercise book.
"Okay! But wait! I want to grab some snacks first. Do you want something?" you asked, getting up.
"Still got those cheese sticks? I like those."
You thought for a moment. "Oh yeah! We still have them. I'll grab some."
"Want me to help?"
"Nah, you’re no taller than me. I can reach that top drawer myself," you said, sticking out your tongue as you walked into the kitchen.
"Well, I’m taller than you, you dummy. And I’ll definitely be waay taller than you," Rintarou retorted, rolling his eyes. It was true; he was a bit taller than you, but you often tiptoed whenever he tried to compare his height to yours. What a cheater.
Now that you were in fourth grade, it was kind of funny to think about how Rintarou once saw you as a strange object back in preschool. He had come to see you as a true friend. It wasn’t just because you both spent so much time together, but because he genuinely enjoyed your company.
You both dove into your math homework, tackling each question together.
“Like this, Rin. You can write the calculation while you read the question,” you explained, scribbling beside the problem and translating the mathematical operation from the sentence. He gave it a shot, double-checking with you, and you gave him the thumbs-up.
“This is the formula for the perimeter and area,” you noted, rounding off the writing in your notebook.
Rintarou really relied on you for academic things. You weren’t the type to bury yourself in books, but you got things fast and really liked helping others figure stuff out. It motivated you to study more, you said. So basically, Rintarou was like your pupil when it came to homework or study sessions.
After finishing the homework, you both relaxed on the couch, watching TV shows and snacking.
“Rin, you really should teach me how to play volleyball,” you said, munching on snacks.
“Okay. But you’re such a bummer, ___.” He kept his eyes glued to the TV, not sparing you a glance.
“Hey! Shut up. It was my first time playing outside of PE class!” You tried to kick his leg, but he kept pushing your body away from him.
“No, it’s not. Don’t try to lie to me.”
Well, you were in fact lying to him. Remember that time you tried to play volleyball with Rintarou? Yeah, it was a disaster. Honestly, you were scared of making a fool of yourself, and guess what? You did. You kept messing up—missing basic moves and having the ball go all over the place. Sometimes it even hit the net, and other times it went flying out of bounds.
Why were you so freaked out about embarrassing yourself? Because Rintarou was very splendid at it. He flaunted his skills last time you played with him. Matter of fact, the PE teacher in your school even recommended him to join the local volleyball club for children. You tried to be at least half as good as him, but it was still tough. You used to play all sorts of sports together when you were younger, but as you both got older, the gap in your skills just grew bigger, which annoyed you greatly. It sucked!
“If you want to do a sport, I think karate or judo would suit you better,” Rintarou suggested, trying to offer a truce.
You raised your eyebrows at him, pausing your attempts to kick him. “Why?”
“I don’t know. But you like to pick fights with those boys,” he shrugged, grabbing a cheese stick from the table now that you’re calmer.
“Rin! Can’t you see that they’re so annoying? Especially Yuto!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in frustration.
“Yeah, I know,” Rintarou said, taking a bite of the cheese stick. “But karate’s cool, though. You could really kick their butts then.”
With a playful glint in his eye, he lazily poked the cheese stick at your face. “And Yuto likes you, stupid,” he added, his smirk widening into a teasing grin.
“Ew! Don’t do that.” You shoved Rintarou's hand away.
“And no, he doesn’t like me. He’s just annoying.”
Rintarou shrugged, barely looking at you. “That's what boys do when they like a girl.”
You frowned, crossing your arms. “What? That’s dumb. Why would you annoy someone if you like them?”
“Dunno. Boys are weird,” he said, waving his hand like it was no big deal.
“You're a boy, dummy!” you shot back, narrowing your eyes.
“Yeah, but I’m one of the not-weird ones,” Rintarou replied, turning to you with a little smirk.
You made your best disgusted face, scrunching your nose and rolling your eyes dramatically.
Just then, the door swung open, revealing your mother and the little sisters. Hana and Kimiko burst through, practically bouncing with excitement, their eyes sparkling with pride as they showed off their painted drawing to you and Rintarou.
“This is from yellow and blue paint to make green!” Hana exclaimed, pointing enthusiastically with her chubby finger to a vibrant spot on the canvas.
“And this is purple from blue and red!” Kimiko added, pointing to a different area with equal excitement.
“Woah! This is so cool! Right, Rin?” you commented exaggeratedly, nudging Rintarou gently with your elbow.
Rintarou's brows furrowed slightly as he studied the painting. You couldn’t actually make out any drawings there. It was a four-year-old's drawing, anyway. His lips twitched, almost forming a smile before he managed to compose himself. “Wow, that’s, uh, really something,” he responded, with suppressed laughter.
Hana and Kimiko, however, looked satisfied with both your reactions, their smiles widening as they continued to admire their artwork with excited chatter.
“Hey, your hands are still covered in paint,” Rintarou said. “Why don’t you wash up first?”
The little girls exchanged a glance, ready to protest, but Rintarou was already on his feet, guiding them to the sink. He helped them up onto a chair so they could reach the faucet and carefully showed them how to scrub the paint off their hands.
“Thank you, Rin!” your mother said as she walked out from her room after changing clothes.
“No problem.” Rintarou said after he finished helping them, plopping down beside you again.
“Hey,” you felt a tap on your shoulder from behind.
You turned around to see Emi and Osuke, the seatmates sitting behind you who had also become your good friends, both grinning mischievously. This kind of expression usually meant that Emi, the mastermind of your adventures, had found a new spot to explore. Rintarou looked at them too, curious.
“We found this super cool place and we gotta show you after school!” Osuke said, practically bouncing with excitement.
You were sold instantly. “Awesome! What’s the big surprise?”
“It’s a treehouse!” Emi announced, her eyes twinkling with excitement.
Your jaw dropped, and a huge grin spread across your face. You looked at Rintarou, who seemed pretty chill about it, and gave him a little nudge. “Come on, Rin! This is gonna be so much fun!” you said, grabbing his hand and giving it a hopeful tug.
Rintarou was silent for a second. “Okay. But don’t forget to tell your mama first.”
You nodded enthusiastically.
The moment the bell rang, you shot up from your seat, having already tidied your desk. Rintarou was moving like a tortoise, so you zipped over and helped him stuff his stuff into his bag.
You and Rintarou walked to where you parked your bike and pedaled your way home in a hurry, having promised Emi and Osuke that you’ll meet them in front of the minimart near the school no longer than 30 minutes.
As you burst into the house, you quickly stripped off your school uniform and changed into a comfy t-shirt and shorts. You dashed around, looking for your mother. “Maa, where are you?” you called out, a mix of impatience and excitement in your voice.
Your mother emerged from the bathroom, her expression turning into a frown as she took in your disheveled appearance. Her eyebrows knit together as she approached you.
“Ma, can I please play with my friends?” you asked, your hands clasped together in a hopeful gesture.
Your mother crossed her arms, her frown deepening. “Where?”
“Just, you know, that park near school,” you replied, trying to sound casual.
“Will Rintarou come too?” she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.
You nodded vigorously. “Yes, he will!”
“Okay. I don’t want something like last time to happen again,” she began, her voice rising in frustration. She placed her hands on her hips and leaned forward, her gaze piercing. “I told you to come home before it gets dark, but you didn’t listen. Do you know how dangerous that can be?”
You shifted from foot to foot, looking down and fidgeting with the hem of your t-shirt, feeling a mix of guilt and frustration.
Last time, you played outside with Emi only. Rintarou had volleyball practice, and Osuke was busy with his big sister. You got so wrapped up in tossing pebbles into the lake and feeding the geese that you didn’t notice the sun had set on the horizon. Covered in dirt, you knew your mother would flip if she saw you like this, so you stopped by Emi’s to clean up and borrow one of her shirts.
By the time you finished, it was pitch black outside. Emi’s place was close, but you’d never biked home alone this late before. Too scared to call your mother (because she’d definitely lose it), you called Rintarou’s home instead. Thankfully, it was him who picked up the call. Quickly saying that he’d come get you after you told him your situation. 
When he arrived, Rintarou shook his head at you. “You brat,” he teased, messing up your hair. You wanted to argue but knew you were in the wrong, so you just sighed in resignation.
When you finally got home, your mother was standing in the doorway. She thanked Rintarou and then immediately started scolding you, expressing her disappointment in you for not heeding her words. It was the only time you had played outside without Rintarou, and you had already been irresponsible.
Thankfully, Rintarou was available today. Otherwise, your mother wouldn’t have allowed you to go out again, which meant missing the treehouse Emi had found. Bummer.
Rintarou knocked on your door, already changed into his casual clothes. You opened it with a smile. “Hey! Let me just say goodbye to Mama,” you said briefly before heading to the kitchen, where you heard the clinking of dishes.
“Ma, I’m going!”
She nodded. “I’m going shopping later with your papa and sister. If I’m not back when you return, just head over to Rin’s house.”
“Okay, got it! I’ll see you later,” you called out before turning back to Rintarou. “All set! Let’s go.”
Quickly, you got on your bike and rode to the minimart with him.
The place turned out to be quite far from your house. You’d totally fibbed to your mom saying it was near—truth is, you didn’t even know where it was when you asked her if you could go.
It was a forested park, a few blocks from your school, in a neighborhood that didn’t get much traffic. Emi always had the scoop on cool spots because her big brother had been all over town exploring. The park was not abandoned, but it seemed like not a lot of people visited there. Perhaps because there were not that many children living in the area.
A large field greeted you at the entrance, likely used for playing sports. Beyond the field, the forested area came into view. And there it was, nestled among the trees, stood a giant treehouse.
As you got closer, you spotted wooden steps nailed to the tree trunk.
Rintarou eyed them and asked Emi, “You sure this is safe?”
Emi grinned, “Totally! My brother used to come here all the time. Come on, let’s climb!” Without missing a beat, she started up the steps.
“I’m next!” Osuke shouted, lining up behind Emi, who was already a few steps up.
You looked at Rintarou, silently asking if he wanted to go first.
“You go first,” Rintarou said with a smirk.
“Alright, but don’t wimp out!” you shot back.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.”
The climb was easy, and the wooden steps proved sturdy enough to hold your weight.
As you entered the treehouse, you noted that it was quite spacious, more so than you had imagined. The windows, devoid of glass, were wide, panoramic openings that spanned nearly the entire side of the treehouse facing the town. It was perched high enough to offer a new perspective, and your breath was taken away by the stunning view.
Rintarou gently pulled you back from the edge, not fully trusting the wooden walls.
You were too busy soaking in the view to notice.
From this vantage point, everything looked different—familiar streets and buildings took on a new charm. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long, gentle shadows that added depth and contrast to the scenery below. You could see the rooftops of houses, some with tiled designs and others more modern. The streets were lined with trees, leaves rustling in the breeze, and you could hear the distant hum of everyday life mixed with birds chirping. It was magical.
You didn’t realize you were staring with your mouth open until Osuke shouted, “This is so cool!”
You turned to see Rintarou staring at the wide window, his hand still clinging to your arm from his earlier worry about your hasty step. Nudging him, you asked, “Cool, right?”
He looked at you, nodded, and mumbled, “Yeah, pretty cool.”
“See! I told you you’d like it!” you said, giving him a triumphant grin.
You started exploring the treehouse, checking out the names scribbled on the walls. You were in awe; each inscription was a testament to the kids who had once played here before you. Some names were faded and nearly illegible, with dates stretching back a decade or more. Just then, Emi pulled something from her bag—a dagger.
“Emi! How’d you get that?” Osuke asked, looking scandalized.
“I snuck it out,” Emi said with a proud smirk.
“Smart move, Emi! A marker or pen would’ve washed out eventually!” you chimed in.
You heard Rintarou tsk behind you, but you just stuck out your tongue at him.
Emi started carving your names into the wooden wall, and you and Osuke added some fun doodles. Rintarou, though reluctant, was forced to contribute. He carved the year under your names.
You traced your fingers over the carved lines, measuring the depth of the carving. A smile crept across your face as you confirmed it was deep enough. How cool it would be if, years from now, your names were still here—a little piece of your childhood preserved forever.
(When you came back years later, the carvings were still there, as vivid as the day you first made them.)
You were at first reluctant when Rintarou told you to go home, insisting you wanted to watch the sunset there.
“But I want to watch the sunset!” you whined.
Rintarou crossed his arms. “If you don’t come down, I’ll never play with you again.”
You huffed, giving in. “Fine, but you’re no fun.” You climbed down from the treehouse, feeling the itchiness from the dust on your clothes.
“Your clothes are all dirty,” Rintarou pointed out, wrinkling his nose.
“I know,” you said, scratching your arm. “This dust is making me itchy.”
“Let’s go home before it gets worse,” he said, starting to walk.
You sighed and followed him, glancing back at the treehouse one last time. “You owe me for this.”
Rintarou rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll get you an ice cream or something.”
“You better!” you replied, sticking your tongue out at him.
“Come on, slowpoke,” he teased, walking faster.
“Hey, wait up!” you called, running to catch up with him to reach your bike.
When you arrived in front of your house, you noticed the lights were still dimmed. Then, you remembered your mother saying that she would be out with your father and sister.
“Rin!” you shouted, running to Rintarou's front door.
He turned around, confused. “What?”
“I forgot. Mama said everyone’s going out. I’ll stay with you until they get back.”
Rintarou shrugged. “Okay, cool.” He unlocked the door and flipped on the lights. “Looks like no one’s home here either.”
You followed him to his room, scratching at your dusty clothes. “Rin, can I borrow some clothes? This is so itchy!”
“Yeah, hold on.” He dug through his drawer, then turned to you. “Don’t sit on my bed, okay? We’re all dirty.” 
You snorted. “Duh, I’m not that dumb!”
He threw a black shirt and pants at you, along with a fresh towel.
“Just making sure,” he teased.
“You can use the shower here,” he said, pointing to the bathroom in his room. “I’ll use the one upstairs.”
“Thanks, Rin,” you said, heading to the bathroom. “You’re a lifesaver!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said with a grin, heading out the door. “Just don’t use all the hot water!”
You nodded and walked into the bathroom, eager to clean your itchy body.
As you rubbed your body with soap, you found yourself trying to recall the last time you weren’t embarrassed to be naked in front of Rintarou. Was it, like, two years ago? You hadn’t showered together since you were little, but you remembered a time when it didn’t bother you how much skin you showed him. Changing clothes in front of him used to feel completely normal.
Now, though, you couldn’t even think about being shirtless around him. Your embarrassment had grown as your body was… changing. Your mother had explained puberty to you, describing how your body would transform into that of an adult’s. You would start to resemble her and other grown women. She said you’d learn more about it in school soon, but you’d already noticed some of the changes yourself.
You started to grow breasts and there was hair in new places. Truthfully, you were super embarrassed about it. And also kind of annoyed. Why did your body have to change? Your breasts sometimes felt tender and uncomfortable. You felt like you had to cover up more. Why couldn’t you be like Rintarou? Not having to grow breasts!
And then there was the whole period thing your mother mentioned. Blood coming from down there? What?! You really hoped it would be a long time before you reached that phase.
After you dried off and put on the clothes Rintarou gave you, you walked out of the bathroom and saw him sprawled out on his bed, totally absorbed in his console games. You gave him a nudge to make some space and lay beside him.
“Hey, Rin,” you called out.
“Hm?” he grunted, eyes glued to his game.
Without warning, you pinched his chest.
“Hey! What was that for?” He stared at you, totally confused.
“Did that hurt?”
He glared at you. “What do you think? You just pinched me!”
“Well, do you feel anything there when I’m not pinching you?”
Frowning, he replied, “No?”
You sighed. “Boys' puberty is different, then. I thought your chest would feel weird or something, even if it’s not growing.”
Rintarou’s brow furrowed deeper, and his eyes squinted in confusion, as if trying to make sense of the nonsensical words he had just heard.
"Your…" he trailed off, struggling to find the right words. "Your chest hurts or something?"
You shook your head. “Not exactly ‘hurt,’ more like it sometimes feels like it’s throbbing or tightening, you know?”
He raised an eyebrow, looking both curious and a little concerned. “Throbbing and tightening? That sounds kinda weird.”
You shrugged, a hint of frustration in your voice. "Urgh, nevermind," you muttered, waving off the topic.
You leaned into him, watching him play, and asked if you could have a turn when he was done.
You two played together until you heard Yuuko and Kimiko in the living room. Realizing your family might be home, you quickly got up from the bed.
"Where are you going?" Rintarou asked, sitting up.
“Where else? It’s late, and Mama’s gonna freak out,” you replied, rolling your eyes playfully.
"Alright, alright, now shoo," he said, waving you off and flopping back onto his bed.
You shot him a glare and pinched his stomach, making him groan. He was about to retaliate, but you quickly locked both his hands together. He might be a whiz at sports, but you were still stronger. You laughed and hurriedly ran out of his room. He chased you but stopped when he saw his mother. You waved goodbye to Yuuko and Kimiko, giving Rintarou one last smirk before shutting the door behind you.
taglist: @wolffmaiden, @gojoscumslut, @boogiemansbitch
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mistressreaper · 10 months
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Love On The Brain 2
⚠️: swearing, violence, unwanted touching by a stranger
I hope yall like this series so far as much as I do❤️❤️ And thank you so much once again to @spark2flame they are gonna help me so much with this series!!
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“Move nerd!” A shoulder slammed into yours causing you to stumble forward in the busy hallway. You glared at the blonde and met his crimson gaze.
“Nerd? I prefer just being called more intelligent.” Bakugo stopped in his tracks and turned to face you. “Don’t be rude just because you couldn’t solve a math problem and I could.” A small crowd had gathered around the two of you, wondering if a fight was going to break out. A smirk grows on Bakugo’s face.
“So you think you’re so intelligent huh? Then what about this?” He pulls a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and throws it, hitting your nose. You picked the ball up and unfurled the paper, a long math problem presented itself at the top. To be fair this was a harder problem than the teachers should be giving middle schoolers. Running through the multiple processes in your mind you smiled and looked up at Bakugo.
“145, if you think I’m wrong go have the teacher check it.” With that you walked away, but not before crumpling up and throwing the paper back at him.
You were sitting on the bench waiting for the bus when someone huffed and plopped down next to you. “You were right, nerd.” Shifting your gaze Bakugo had his arms crossed and his jaw clenched. “Do ya think you could start helping me in that class?” A smirk covered your features as you looked at him.
“Of course I can, on one condition.” He raised an eyebrow at you waiting for your answer. “Stop calling me nerd.”
“Hey, nerd.” The nickname stuck, but now there was no malice behind it. A large hand ruffled your hair as Bakugo leaned against the lockers.
“Bakugo!” You groaned hurriedly fixing your hair. After tutoring him in middle school you two quickly became best friends. You were the first person who had stood up to him and he had respected that.
“Kirishima is having a party tonight, you going?”
“Obviously. When have you known me to miss a Halloween party? What’s your costume?”
You hummed, “Simple but hot, you’ll have all the girls swooning I’m sure.”
“Maybe but I’m only looking for a certain one”
You closed your locker and picked up your bag, “Well I’m sure you’ll get her Kacchan.”
Memories flooded back as you got ready. You and Bakugo were invited to Kirishima’s annual Halloween party as always, except now Bakugo has to have more elaborate costumes to maintain a low profile. You had on some torn black fishnets, a short black dress and a pair of chunky black boots. You didn’t have time to plan a costume so this would have to work. Walking back to the living room you caught a glimpse of Bakugo. Ripped black jeans and combat boots are all he had on at the moment, you could feel your cheeks turn pink. “Have you seen my long sleeve?” He asked.
“Did you look in the dryer?” He gave you a deadpan look, “I’ll take that as a yes. If it’s not there or in your closet then I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Fuck it then I’ll wear this.” He pulled a form fitting white t shirt on. “You ready?”
“No costume?”
“Nah, I told Eiji I’d do a couple songs so there’s no use in hiding this year.” He spun his key ring around his finger while he waited for you.
Bakugo parked the car and helped you out due to the loose gravel and the boots you chose to wear. “How the fuck are you walking in those?”
You chuckled, “it’s not hard, just takes practice.” You two arrived at the front door and Kirishima greeted you.
“There’s my two favorite pals!” Eiji’s eyes looked over you and he gave a low whistle, “You’re looking good sweetheart.” A huff came from beside you and Bakugo’s face was contorted into a scowl.
“Where’s the set up?” With that Eiji led you through the massive house and the whole time Bakugo’s hand was on your back, helping you weave through the crowds of people. When you got to the makeshift stage Bakugo turned to you, “Hey be careful while we’re here okay?” You nodded. As he was getting ready you somehow found your way to the kitchen to pour you and Bakugo a drink. You got back to the stage and handed him the cup of beer. He downed it in one go and brought the microphone up to his lips, “How’s everybody doing tonight?” The cheers from everyone echoed. The music started and you smiled to yourself, of course this should be the song he starts off with.
“I've been searching for an answer, but I ain't found one. I've been known to tear shit up and go off like a gun. I've been drinking way too much, but now I think I'm done.” The music drops and a smirk is plastered on Bakugo’s face, “Fuck that shit let’s start a riot!”
You were in the front of the crowd, swaying your hips to the music and sipping on your drink. You were the designated driver for tonight but that didn’t mean you couldn’t have a little bit to loosen up.
The night continued on, Bakugo finished performing a while ago and he and Kirishima were getting shit faced. You were still nursing your second cup since it would be your last for the night. There was some rock music playing over the speakers and you’d be damned if you sat down now. You continued to dance, the alcohol helping out a bit. The sound drowning out your thoughts. You felt an arm snake around you waist and someone brush up against your backside, “Well don’t you look lovely tonight.” You glanced behind you and saw a handsome man with long white hair, he was dressed in all black with bright red shoes.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” You hummed. You continued dancing with the man, grinding up on him. You saw Bakugo round the corner and send a frown your way, but you didn’t pay any mind. Probably mad about something he and Eiji were talking about. Your mystery man’s hands started tracing up your body, stopping right below your breasts before lightly squeezing them. “Hey there watch-“
“Alright that’s enough!” The man’s hands were ripped away from you and you whipped around to see Bakugo shoving the guy back. “Keep your hands off her!”
“Bakugo!” You yelled but the music was so loud you don’t know if he heard you. You saw the man you were dancing with say something you couldn’t hear, then suddenly Bakugo’s fist made contact. The two men were on the ground pummeling each other before Bakugo got the advantage and pinned the other man. Over and over his fist landed blows, finally you were able to snap out of your trance and run over.
“Katsuki! Quit, get off of him!” Bakugo looked up at you, a crazed, jealous look in his eyes. He stood up and wiped the blood from his nose.
“Let’s go.” He grabbed your arm and dragged you out to the car. You could smell the alcohol on his breath.
When you got to the car you dug your heels into the gravel, “What the fuck Bakugo? Why did you do that?” You ripped the keys from his hand and marched around to the drivers side. You were fired up right now and not wanting to listen to any excuses from him. “Get in the fucking car.” You barked. The ride home was silent. No talking, no radio, nothing. You pulled into the garage and killed the engine. “I could’ve handled that.”
“Really? Because it seems like you were just taking it.” Bakugo huffed and gave you a pissed off look.
“Who says I didn’t want him to do that?” You yelled.
“Oh yeah, because you wanted some random pervert to come feel up on you. Whatever.” He got out of the car and slammed the door. You did the same and stormed up to him.
“Katsuki Bakugo! Look at me!” The blonde spun around fiery red eyes boring into you. “First off I could’ve fucking handled that, I was saying something before you interrupted. Second off what if that guy fucking sues you? This isn’t like that one punch fiasco last month, you beat the ever loving shit out of that guy! That could kill your career and-“
“Would you shut the fuck up already!” He yelled. You flinched from how loud his voice was, Bakugo has never yelled at you in the many years you’ve known him. “I don’t care about that right now! He had been messing with other women all night long, harassing them to no end. So when I saw him with you,” He paused and looked at you. His eyes had already softened from the sharp, hateful gaze they were just a moment ago. “All night I watched him to make sure he didn’t go near you. The one time I looked away he was all over you and I couldn’t stand it!”
“You have no clue do you?” You gave him a confused look. He shook his head, “Nevermind.” He began walking away but you reached out and grabbed his hand.
“Katsuki,” you said softly, “Let me patch you up please. Your knuckles are busted.” He let out a sigh and nodded. You took the lead and kept a hold of his hand until you got to the kitchen. He sat in the chair while you got the first aid kit from under the sink. You sank to your knees in front of him and started wiping his knuckles with the alcohol wipes. He hisses at the stinging but doesn’t flinch away. You begin wrapping the bandage when he says something that shocks you.
“This isn’t how I pictured you on your knees for me.”
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bunny-bear-blogs · 11 months
The Pink Bunny Umbrella
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Synopsis: Lately, you’ve been on a failing streak in regards to your chemistry exams. You, wanting to actually pass the class, seek out a chemistry tutor. Who’s your tutor, you might ask? None other than Scaramouche, your grouchy upperclassman. But what happens one day when you're stuck after school together during a rainstorm with no umbrella? 
Word Count: 2346
A/N: Inspired by a cute pink bunny umbrella I saw.
A few weeks ago, you got your chemistry exam back. You had studied for a week straight for this exam. You skipped sleeping, eating, and basically breathing all to ensure a good grade on this exam. What was your exam score, you might ask? Thirty-five. You got a thirty-five on your exam. You instantly dropped your head on your desk. Not again. Not again. No matter what you do before your chemistry exams, you always end up getting these same low grades without fail. You're not quite sure why, you know you're not stupid just chemistry isn't your subject. But you just can't grasp why, no matter what you do, you still fail badly on your chemistry exams.
After getting your grade, you vowed your next exam would be different and walked straight to your school's board of academic information. You saw a flier for free tutoring offered within the school. You took note of the flier's main phone number and called it. They helped you sort everything out and assigned you the perfect chemistry tutor. They said he’s never gotten below a ninety-eight on his chemistry exams and that his previous teachers loved him. They told you his name was Scaramouche and that your first meeting would be the first day of next week. Hmm. You could've sworn something about his name that seemed familiar when you were told it, but if you can't remember, it must've not been that important.
Fast forward a week; it was time for your first meeting with your chemistry tutor. You guys had agreed to meet at the library at four right after school ended. He texted you that he was already there and was wearing a white shirt with black on the shoulders, along with some gray headphones that lay around his neck. His text messages were very blunt and vague, so you hoped you would be able to find him for your tutoring session. You walked in and saw him immediately, and then the realization hit: you did know him. He was an upperclassman well known for his temper and grouchy attitude toward others. You would be lying to say that you weren't scared to approach him, but you couldn’t help but notice something soft about him. He looked so gentle, sitting there doing homework with his indigo hair that looked like the softest thing you’ve ever seen. Maybe the rumors about him weren't true? I mean, how can someone who looks so gentle right now be so mean?
You then decided to walk over to your chem tutor and start your session. “Hello, I’m Y/N; you must be my chemistry tutor? Scaramouche?” “Oh. So you're the person I’m tutoring. Sit down then; let’s get this over with.” He was sharp, and his words were condescending. Your first tutoring session with him went okay. You could easily tell he was knowledgeable in the subject, which made the gaps in your knowledge compared to his more noticeable. He explained concepts thoroughly just sometimes you would near to hear it multiple times for it to go through your brain since the math in chemistry was throwing you off. There was always a noticeable change in his tone when he would have to explain things again, and sometimes he would not bother too. He was an odd guy. When your session ended, he just upped and left without saying a word. He’s an odd guy.
Fast forward now; your tutoring sessions have been about the same as the first time just now he’s grown more insulting. You don’t get how to do a certain word with gas laws? Bam! “Are you deaf or just stupid? Nevermind that, we’ll go over it again.” You get confused with problems involving finding the sum of coefficients? Bam! “How do you not know how to even do this? Fine, we’ll go over it again.” You get the picture. He would make small comments or mutter under his breath, but then stay extra time with me to make sure I understood the concept. He was an odd guy.
Today was our last tutor session before your chemistry exam tomorrow. Hopefully, this time you would score a passing grade or at least higher than a thirty-five. You had arrived early today at your usual time as a way to do some extra practice before he got here. Unfortunately for you, he got here only five minutes before you. He was wearing the same outfit he did the first time you met. He still looks as captivating and gentle as he did back then. “I see someone’s early today.” "Well, you know what they say: the early bird gets the worm.” “Let’s hope you reach the worm tomorrow and get a good grade in that exam. I mean, after all, you’ve had my help, so you're bound to pass.” “You're as self-centered as always, I see.” “I wouldn’t call it being self-centered; I’m saying it as it is. Now let’s get to reviewing so you can actually pass that exam.” He ended the conversation with a smirk.
He’s as cocky as ever. As you can see, during the past few weeks, you two have gotten more comfortable around each other. Well comfortable enough for you two to bicker at each other. But along with that, something within you has changed. You started looking forward to your sessions with him more than normal or just looking forward to being around him. You were developing feelings for the Indigo haired boy and little did you know so was he.
Your study session today went without a hitch, with you clearly having a grasp on the material. Scaramouche even muttered a compliment to you so lowly that you could barely hear it. But regardless, you felt confident for tomorrow. You had both finished reviewing early and had decided it was best for you to go home and rest, then study some more.
As you both walked to the exit doors of your school, you noticed the heavy rain. “Scara, hypothetically speaking, would you happen to have an umbrella?” “Why would you need a hypothetical umbrella? Just get yours out of your backpack. You’ve mentioned before that you watch the weather report with your mother, so just get your umbrella out.” You went silent and turned as red as a beet. "Haha, about that... I kind of didn't watch yesterday because I was pre-studying for the exam tomorrow.” He just stared in shock and annoyance and said, “You idiot.” “Well, but don’t you have an umbrella, Scara?” “I do not; I had no idea it would be raining.” “You, the all-mighty Scaramouche with perfect chemistry scores, did not know it was going to be raining?” He stayed silent for a few seconds before erupting his words, “It’s not like you knew either, so what are we going to do about this?” “Maybe we can walk it?” You spoke too soon. Right after those words left your mouth, you heard thunder and the sound of the rain getting heavier. "Well, you definitely caused that thunder to appear, so we can't walk it. We can either wait it out or look for an umbrella.” “Looking for an umbrella, it is. To lost and found we go,” you say confidently, and you start making your way over to lost and found with Scaramouche behind you until something odd happens.
He was scared. You had heard thunder strike again once more, but for some reason you decided to turn around when it did. You had seen Scaramouche with an expression of fear on his face. “Hey, are you okay?” “Um yea, I’m fine Y/N, I just have bad memories associated with thunder.” “Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. If it gets too much you're always welcome to hold my hand to calm down.” Uh oh. You had said that without thinking. Surely he’s going to call you an idiot right now for even suggesting that. “Thanks for the offer Y/N.” He said softly and shyly. Was he actually okay with holding my hand? I stuck my hand out for the Indigo eyed man to grab. For the rest of the way to lost and found we held hands, but not a single word was said to each other.
We then reached the lost and found section. “Okay there are two big bins. You go through one and I’ll do the other.” “No.” “No?” “I don’t want to let go.” He looked to the ground with a shy expression, clearly embarrassed with a red blush spreading across his face. “Oh.” My heart skipped a beat, well maybe a few beats. He doesn't want to let go? No, I shouldn't think too deep into this. It's just because he's scared and nothing else. You guys stayed holding hands looking through bins until you had found something. “Scara, I found an umbrella!” You picked it up, it was a pink umbrella with bunny ears sticking out on the top with a cute face put in the middle of it. “Oh, it's a pink bunny.” “What don't tell me you got something against pink bunnies?” “I don't, it's just an eccentric thing to leave here.” “You know, bunnies are said to bring good luck. Maybe we’ll get some by being under this umbrella.” “Maybe, I just wonder who would own a thing like this.” “Well it's our ticket out of this school so let's use it.” He nodded and you guys, still hands interlocked, made your way to the exit of the school. You guys made it to the exit, upon you finally making it he let go of your hand. 
It felt odd. Your hand felt cold without the warmth of his, your fingers felt lonely without his intertwined, and most of all, you felt odd without his hand wrapped around yours. What an odd feeling. He then opened the bunny umbrella and ushered for you to get in. You did as he said; the space between you two was very limited, as you two were now only a couple inches away from each other. “You're kind of close." “You were literally holding my hand a couple minutes ago; you don’t get to talk about closeness.” He burst out laughing. Scaramouche was laughing. “You're too funny, you know? It's moments like this that I enjoy being with you.” You did a double take. Enjoy being with me? He enjoys hanging around me. As you tried processing what he just said, he started walking, and you followed under the bunny umbrella. “You enjoy hanging out with me?” You said, smiling uncontrollably. "Maybe I do. What’s it to you?” “I also enjoy hanging out with you, and it would be nice if we did it more often.” He then blushed, trying to hide his face with his spare hand that wasn't holding the umbrella. “Hang out more, as in out of school?” “I think you're catching my drift, Scara.” “You would want to hang out with me instead of someone else?” “Of course I would! You're fun to be around, and plus, there's never a dull moment when I’m around you. There’s no one I would want to hang out with more.” You beamed a smile, clearly tugging at his heartstrings. “I want to hang out with you too, Y/N. No, actually, it's more than that. It’s greedy, but I want more of you—more of your smile, more of your laugh, more of your comfort, even more of your dumb questions. I want to go on a date with you, Y/N, because I truly do have feelings for you.” He was as red as a lobster at this point. “I would love to go on a date with you too, Scara. I also have feelings for you; I’m not sure when they started, but they’ve been growing every time I see you. I used to hate chemistry, but not so much now because it brought me to you.” He seemed touched and sentimental about what you had said about your relationship with him. He then stopped walking and turned to look at you, to see your expressions for what he was about to do. He moved his hand onto your cheek and caressed it gently before asking you an important question. “Y/N, may I kiss you?” You nodded with a smile. He then swooped down and kissed you gently. It was the best experience of your life. He then broke the kiss and was as red as he had been throughout all this. He then moved his hand to grab your arm and place it on his so a part of you would be even closer to him.
You guys continued walking and made your way to the train station that would take you two home. During the walk, you guys just talked about date ideas, finally deciding on going to an amusement park. It was time to part ways, as you two had different trains. "Good luck tomorrow, Y/N; tell me how your exam goes.” “Of course!” you said with a smile before hopping on your train.
You had just gotten your exam back. You had passed! You had gotten a ninety on the exam. The first thing you did after receiving your score was text Scaramouche to meet up with you at the library after school ended. It was time; you guys had met up, and upon seeing the indigo eye boy, you had tackled him into a hug. “I passed Scara!” He then reciprocated by ruffling your hair, saying, “That’s my smart girl. I knew you had it in you.” “Thank you for helping me pass my exam.” “I think your passing should be celebrated.” “How so?” “Wanna go out to eat? Your choice?” “Yes!” The both of you then walked off the school grounds and all the way to the restaurant with your hands interlocked. With his hand fitting perfectly into yours as if it had never left. That pink bunny umbrella really did bring good luck for the two of you.
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