#i got super sentimental about that and got an s+ on helping hands right as i reached 100 which was. embarassing
taiigaatea · 9 months
actually fuck this. why should i be afraid of the rhythm doctor community !! im literally the funniest person to ever exist?!??!?? so here is a really quick nonart post starting with my incredibly correct opinions on which rd characters would be taylor swift fans
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all i have to say is that i started projecting onto lucky after i accidentally started crushing on a girl who is a swiftie and ended up gettiing hyperfixated on her music ,,,,,,, i think everyone else mostly makes sense althpugh i might move mr stevenson to neutral
oh can i post more of my old pictures . i havent touched them since they were first made thisis crazy
why are there so many
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this one first !!! cecil liked this one when i posted it last year (hi cecil idk if youre on tumblr) but i still think its accurate... i keep getting distracted while writing tnhis post sorry here ill make up a rdhc (rhythm doctor headcanon) right now. um.. ada and ian used to online date on roblox as kids before officially meeting in college (they dont know its eachother). i wanted to make a comic out of that but never had the time
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here have the whole image. this is a reminder that i still need to post my art from christmas collab because i forgot about that too !!!
(also i want to clarify super quickly that i dont actually think im the funniest person ever or that my opinions are objectively correct ,, i just like saying that because it makes me feel better when things are Not Going Very Well)
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callmewishful · 7 months
Man this took a totally different turn than I planned. Gautier Family Week day 3: Duties (ish? lol)
(There is hunting and the stuff that goes with it in this, just as a fair warning. Nothing graphic though!)
Miklan watched from the side of the bed as his second mother gently brushed back a mess of flaming red hair. The baby had been born many hours ago, but this was the first time Miklan got to see him.
“What do you think, Miklan?” His mother asked. Miklan had already been forewarned that this was a trick question.
Truthfully, Miklan wasn’t sure what to think. The baby was a weird shade of red and kind of boring. That brought the little bundle in his mother’s arms into a negative light. He had been told that having a little sibling would be fun. If all this baby did was sleep, how could he be any fun?
Still, no matter Miklan’s true feelings, he had been informed that he should give positive responses only. His mother had gone through many hours of pain and the least Miklan could do for her was be polite. “I dunno. He’s quiet.”
Miklan did think the baby was polite to be so silent. Nieve had said that the baby would cry and be loud. But the baby gained a little of Miklan’s good feelings by proving Nieve a liar. Since Miklan had been in the room, it hadn’t cried once.
“He’s very sleepy.” She told him, looking far more tired than the little baby. Even more tired than after the night her and Miklan had stayed up because he had been sick. He decided then that he didn’t want a baby.
When Sylvain got even older, Miklan found he was good at listening and asking questions to understand things. That was probably Miklan’s favorite. He liked teaching a little brother and showing him cool things. He liked when Sylvain stared up at him with big wondrous eyes. Syl was super curious and asked so many questions of Miklan, just like Mik used to do to their father. He wondered if Sylvain thought Miklan knew everything, just like Miklan thought Father knew everything. That was a cool thought.
To make things even better, Sylvain was kinda fun. He followed Miklan around and did what Miklan asked him to and never complained about getting dirty or having to be quiet while they snuck around like some of the other kids did. In fact, Sylvain seemed to like just about anything as long as he got to hang around Miklan. Mother and Nieve had been right. It was fun to have someone to play with all the time.
Miklan and Sylvain’s favorite thing to do was play spy. They’d tiptoe around the manor and listen to gain information. Father didn’t like it when they played the game with him, so they played with manor staff and Mother instead. They usually didn’t play for long because most older people talked about boring stuff like Lady Fraldarius having a baby, King Lambert enacting some new law, or Galatea soil not producing any crops. But every now and then, they’d hear something really good like the cook was baking cookies for dessert or a wild beast was on the loose in the woods.
Sylvain tugged hard on Miklan’s arm. “We gotta investi-bate!” Sylvain was only four, so he didn’t say things so good sometimes. He had the right sentiment though.
“Of course we do! We gotta protect Gautier from the beasts! Come on, Syl! We gotta grab our weapons and armor!”
Both boys took off running towards the armory. Even though they were small, they got to keep their weapons with the big knights. It made them feel just as important.
Miklan helped tuck a blanket into the back of Sylvain’s jacket so it fluttered like a cape. Sylvain wasn’t big enough to have armor yet so blanket padding would have to do it. Armor really just absorbed the hits anyway. Blankets would probably do the same thing.
Miklan put his armor on and grabbed his axe and a lance. Father taught him that it was important to have a backup weapon in case your first one broke. He handed Sylvain two small lances as well, warning him to be careful because it was sharp. They couldn’t fight beasts without real weapons.
Sylvain was good at memorizing routes, so Miklan let him lead the way west while Mik strategized their plan. The beast was probably pretty big so they had to account for that because they were small, especially Sylvain. Maybe Sylvain could provide long-distant support like an archer. Miklan wore heavy armor to be able to take hits up front. He could distract the beast while Sylvain snuck up on it! Sylvain was little and quiet. It would work perfectly!
They walked for a long time through the snow, Miklan sharing his master plan with Sylvain. Both boys agreed it would work wonderfully, and Sylvain was excited to get to help even though he was small.
After wading through heavier and deeper snow, Sylvain stopped, eyes bright while he tapped Miklan’s arm. “Look!” He pointed to their left. Miklan grinned.
It was the beast.
The animal was big and tall, meaty and mighty. Light brown fur coated its back and legs, though it had a little scruff of white on its neck. Sharp pointy horns sat upon its head. They’d have to watch out for those when attacking.
It didn’t notice them yet, so Miklan took this opportunity to rediscuss the plan. As soon as he stepped closer to kneel by Sylvain, the beast’s head snapped up. They’d have to be extra quiet if they wanted to catch this.
Miklan placed his finger to his lips. He pulled out his lance and showed Sylvain how to position it to throw. They’d never be able to sneak up on it with the beast being this jumpy, which meant they’d both have to go for a long range attack. Miklan held up his left hand to count them off. One…two…three!
They both threw their lances as hard as they could. And they stuck! Both lances got the beast in the back leg; Miklan’s in the upper, Sylvain’s in the lower. The beast took off running, hobbling a bit with its injury.
“CHARGE!” Sylvain shouted, pointing after the beast. His little legs took off as fast as he could go, which wasn’t that quick. Miklan hoisted Syl up over his shoulder so they could go fast. He didn’t want to miss the monster!
With the beast’s slowness and the little trickle of blood to help them, the boys tracked the monster to its next stopping point. It was harder to keep quiet with his heavy breathing, but Miklan silently took Sylvain’s final lance to make one last attack. He knew that hearts were closer to the front of most beasts, so that’s exactly where he aimed.
Back on the ground, Sylvain’s little hands were gripped into tight fists, teeth clenched in anticipation of the strike. Miklan slowly brought the lance forward over his shoulder, practicing the throw before lunging it forward. Direct hit!
The mighty beast fell hard and Sylvain screamed a great cheer! They had done it!
Sylvain jumped up and down following behind Miklan to check out their triumphant victory. Miklan took out the lances and cleaned them against the wet snow while Sylvain admired the pointy horns of the animal.
“We did good.” He announced with an emphasizing nod. Miklan agreed.
Together, one boy on each set of horns, they pulled the mighty beast back to the manor. It was getting dark out, though thanks to Sylvain’s memory and Miklan’s directional skills, they were still able to find the right path home back home. As they got closer and closer, they could hear shouting but couldn’t make out what was being said.
“Another beastie!” Sylvain determined, dropping his half of the animal to run forward. His little blanket flapped behind him as he went, partially covered in red blood.
As he got closer, he realized that people weren’t shouting over a beast. They were shouting for him and Miklan. He listened closer and thought he could hear Mother and Father among the voices.
“Momma!” He shouted, running ahead again. The thought of his mother and father being attacked pushed energy through him.
Phelan heard him coming, she always did, and he collapsed into her safe arms.
“Oh Goddess.” The woman inspected him, eyes wide. “Matthias! Matthias, bring a healer!”
Sylvain didn’t understand the urgency. He was fine. A little tired and heavily breathing from the running, but fine.
His father ran up to them, crouching down so he could inspect Sylvain for himself. He grabbed Syl from his mother’s grip and started taking his coat off. “Where are you hurt, Sylvain? Where’s Miklan?”
Phelan looked past their younger son then, trying to spot Miklan from where Sylvain had come from.
“M’not hurt.” Sylvain told them. “Miklan has the beast!”
Both parents stopped then, staring at Sylvain with frowns and worried expressions.
“The beast?” Matthias asked.
“It has horns!” Sylvain exclaimed excitedly. “But we got it. Miklan ran fast!”
The adults shared a confused look between them. Sylvain wasn’t sure why. Him and Miklan saw a beast and saved the town! What was hard about that?
“Where is Miklan?” Matthias asked again. He did this often when he couldn’t understand what Sylvain was saying. Miklan was better at explaining things because he knew more stuff.
“Back there with the beast.” Sylvain pointed in the direction he’d come from. His father told his mother to take Sylvain inside before running off in the direction Sylvain pointed in.
Phelan scooped up the little boy and started to bring him towards the manor. They had just met up with the healer when his father started shouting for his mother again. She shared a look Sylvain couldn’t read with the healer and turned back.
Breaking the clearing was his father and brother, Matthias holding the beast up with one hand by the horns. Sylvain marveled at his father’s strength. The beast had been heavy for Sylvain, even with Miklan’s help.
Phelan looked from Matthias to Sylvain, lips pressed together in a thin line. She looked like she wanted to say something, but wasn’t sure what. It took her until Matthias and Miklan were only a few feet away but she finally asked, “What the hell is going on?”
Matthias sighed, looking from the animal back to her again. “Apparently I need to take my sons hunting more often.”
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doomednarrative · 8 months
Hehe @landlordevil tagged me to talk about my Tav/Durge so now yall are gonna hear about my boy :3
and thanks for the tag Aella ~
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Name: Kallos ! Last name doesnt exist anymore he does not remember it
Nickname: Kal (by Karlach), Cub (by Jaheira)
Gender: Agender/doesn't give a fuck. Goes by he/him out of sheer convenience/never really knowing anything different but that doesn't make him A Dude.
Star sign: Scorpio. I don't know much but I know enough that that's what fits him
Height: 6'1" (186 cm)
Orientation: Bi but preference for men
Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling, or at least that's what he comes off as to most. To other tieflings tho theres something Off about him
Romancing: Astarion (and he's Very loyal to him)
Fave fruit: Black raspberries
Fave season: Fall, he likes the colors and the chill
Fave flower: Lungwort ~ old medicinal flower that has pretty spotted leaves and comes in blues/pinks/purples
Fave scent: Pomagranates
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee 100%
Average sleep hours: He's lucky if he gets a solid 5 with all the headaches and nightmares and he's learned to live with that
Dogs or cats: Cats, dogs are too high maintenance for him
Dream trip: He hasn't really thought about it tbh, he's content to be wherever Astarion is after everything they've been through
Amount of blankets: 2. Despite being a tiefling he's shit at thermoregulating so he runs cold a lot
Random fact(s):
(Personal headcanon territory but) The "Stillmaker" knife, aka the one you find underneath the Open Hand Temple while investigating the murders, was Kallos' personal knife from his time leading the Bhaal temple. After Orin fucked him up and left him at Moonrise it got separated from him and passed around between other temple members until it finally made his way back to him during the murder investigation. Even after Kallos rejects Bhaal he still keeps the knife, whether out of misplaced sentimentality or just wanting to hold onto something that was His, who can say ~
He actually hates wearing the color red and refused to wear it even when he led the temple, preferring greens and greys instead
Despite being a war domain cleric whos adept with Radiant magic, his favorite spells are all Necrotic ones, particularly Inflict Wounds which is his go to.
Thanks to what Orin did to his brain, he's almost fully blind out of his left eye. The damage isn't super noticable outside of the facial scarring, but if you look close its slightly discolored from his right one.
I as the playet give theme songs to all of my ocs to help me characterize them. Kallos actually has two of them, that being "Pathological Facade" by Ghost and Pals along with "The Rifle's Spiral" by The Shins ~
Lets see, I am gonna tag @angel-trapped @piddgeon @fiendpact and @darlinghowl if yall wanna talk about your Tav/Durge ~ obviously no obligation to do so if you don't want to
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Hello Ravvy!!! Some questions for you, if I may! 1. Which is/are your favorite musical instrument(s) to play?
2. Which was the very first song you performed in a tavern?
3. What is the first thing you usually notice about a person?
4. Which is the worst, worst, experience of your life?
5. When and under which circumstances did you feel happier than you would ever be?
Link to the ask game.
Hiiiii! 🔮🔮🔮🪄🪄🪄🌟⚓️🤝👹🥤🧃🍻🍻🍉🐸🦎🎤🎮🎼🎵🎙🎉✨️🧨🧹
I just want to start by saying thank you for your constant support. Your comments on my story are so heartwarming and you supporting me even though I'm sometimes an asshole is so overwhelming! I'm trying really hard to work on myself but it's difficult... Alright enough sappyness, time to answer questions!
1. I LOVE A GOOD MUSIC QUESTION!! Uhhh, I love all instruments, each of them is perfect for different types of songs. The drum was the first instrument I learnt how to play, so there's sentimental value there. The piano also has sentimental value, because it reminds me of how me and Hjaldir carried a big-ass piano across the city to The Emerald Bar (the tavern where we lived) because I wanted to learn how to play. But right now, my favourite instrument to play is the hurdy gurdy! It's so complex and actually a bit challenging for me. And not to mention how fucking cool it looks and sounds! AND THE VIOLIN, HOLY SHIT! So many songs go well with the violin, it's basically mandatory for any bard, same as the lute. Lucky for me, I made a spell to conjure spectral lutes and violins. Life got in the way, but once I'm done with all this... prophecy thing, I want to make spells to conjure almost every instrument!
2. I don't remember, to be completely honest. Might have been 'Brave little scrib' or a shanty. But I remember performing the first song I ever wrote like it was yesterday! Ah, I'm going to get emotional with this one, too, but it was the first time performing an original song! It was a big thing for me! Long story short, I saved a cliff racer once, took him at the tavern and cared for it for a few days. He hurt his wing. Endryn had no idea about this! I sneaked the cliff racer in my room! I only told Hjaldir about it and he helped me with him. I named him Sam, after a character in a book I really like. He was super sweet and determined to get better so it was... fitting. But eventually, he got better, and an attic room (a cool attic room, at that) is no place for a cliff racer. As much as I loved him, I had to set him free. "If you really love him, you have to let him go. We cannot be selfish. We must think of his life. I'm sure he loves you back, but he needs to live his own life. If you love someone, you have to think about what's good for them. And sometimes, that means letting them go. That means letting them spread their wings and fly to their own life." That's what Hjaldir told me that day. I learnt a valuable lesson then. So I hugged him one last time and went to the nearest hill and let him go. I cried so much *she laughs*. To cheer me up, Hjaldir invented this whole story about Sammy being a bartender in the cliff racer world and wanting to explore more, but being stuck at his job. A pretty good comparison! And then we wrote this song together! And the first time we performed it, we got a standing ovation at the tavern! *she sighs* Ah, how I love that song and that memory. My author says that I shouldn’t have said that yet, but whatever. *jazz hands* Spoiler alert, or whatever...
3. The eyes, I guess. I mean I see the other more obvious stuff, like hair or body, but it's important to look at someone's eyes, you know? The eyes say it all. Well... almost. But you can tell a lot about someone by the way their eyes look and react to stuff. And if they're big and sparkly and earthy and kind and they get small wrinkles at the corners of their eyes when they laugh... *sighs dreamily but snaps back to reality really quick* yeah, sorry about that. Bottom line is, eyes ate really important. And I *will* look you directly in the eyes when talking to you, that's a threat!
4. Worst? Why would you want to know that? *avoids eye contact as memories of Teldryn coming back badly injured from a job eneter her mind. Memories of getting lost in Vivec and suspicious guards refusing to help her. Visions of conjuring her first storm atronachs and making a mistake in casting the spell, resulting in them attacking her and her teenage self being terrified and thinking she was going to die. Memories of always being afraid that Hjaldir would leave them behind one day and go back to pirating. And finally, memories of finding the lifeless body of Endryn, being possessed by rage and vengeance, becoming a shell of who she used to be, leaving in search of the Dark Brotehrhood, thinking about killing people for the first time in her life, and actually killing people, memories that still haunt her. She shakes her head as if to shun those thoughts away*. I guess... bad hangovers? Everyone hates those, right? There was this one time I woke up after the New Life festival, and as soon as I sat up, I started spewing. I'm talking about violent jets of... you know. Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom. Bad memories, you know?
*several minutes later, after some self convincing that the next question is one that conjures good memories*
5. Sorry about that. Nature calls and all that. Happier than I would ever be? I don't know, really. I try to be happy and greatful for what I have all the time. I don't know how much time I have left... so I suppose I shouldn’t spend it being sad and depressed. I want to say a big "fuck you" to this ugly world by having the best time that I can. My friends help a lot too. I don't know what I would do without them...
Hopefully, I've answered these well. Sorry for zoning out a couple of times, I tend to do that. *she smiles at you* Just know that I am always looking forward to seeing your messages and comments on my adventures💖💖💖💗💓💝💞💘💗💓🙊👻⚘️🌷🌸💮🍓🌟🌘🏅🎉🎁🎊🏴‍☠️
*Author's note: please excuse her overuse of emojis, she is very excited about them.
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ozwriterchick · 2 years
Diner Days
Part 1 of ?
Characters: Bucky Barnes; Steve Rogers; Original Female Character (Rose/Erica); Original Female Character (Marigold/Julia); Original Female Character (Violet/Denise)
Content warnings: Angst; Fluff; Implied sexual activity; Feelings of unworthiness; Denial of feelings
Summary: When Steve takes Bucky to a new diner in town; When Bucky takes a liking to one of the waitresses; When Bucky feels unworthy of love/care
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Bucky just wanted to stay home, in his room where nobody could bother him if he didn’t want them to. He was extremely grateful to Tony for installing the software with FRIDAY that allowed him to lock the door and not let anyone in.
The one exception was Steve. Steve helped him with his nightmares, so he was always allowed in. FRIDAY knew this and so did Steve. Sometimes Bucky felt like Steve took advantage of this, although tonight, he only had himself to blame for not locking the door because he thought the rest of the team had gone out long ago.
Steve burst into the room. “Buck, come on. Get dressed, we’re going out for dinner”
“Ugh Steve, I really don’t want to go anywhere tonight.” He replied.
“Come on old man, I promise it will be worth it. I found this new diner that we have to try.”
“1. You’re the same age as me,, so cut the old man crap. 2. We have to try or you want to try but nobody else will go with you?”
Steve laughed in response “Well, you got me on both points, but I think you’re gonna love this place Buck. Just trust me ok?”
Bucky couldn’t resist when Steve asked him to trust him. He had a small amount of trust in most of the team, but Steve was the only one he fully trusted. He huffed out a breath “ok, OLD MAN” he responded “I’ll get changed and meet you downstairs in half hour?”
Steve took off back to his apartment to get ready as well.
Half an hour later, Bucky joined Steve in the common room before they both headed out to Steve’s car. Bucky would have rather taken his bike so he could make a good escape if he needed to, but Steve insisted that the bikes would not be suitable transportation for tonight.
Buck wasn’t sure why, but he went with it cause Steve seemed so excited.
It took about 20 minutes to get to the diner, Steve talked the whole way there, as if he thought that even a seconds silence might change Bucky’s mind and he’d jump out of the moving car.
To be fair, Bucky had thought about enacting this exact manoeuvre a couple of times, but quickly decided against it for 2 main reasons. He was hungry, and he didn’t need stitches or a hospital visit just to get out of dinner. Besides, what harm could come from spending an evening out of the compound, with his best friend, having a meal.
None, right? Hmmmm, well.. stay tuned…
Steve walked through the diner door and held it open for Bucky. He stepped over the threshold and immediately felt like he’d been transported back to the pre-war days.
From the music on the juke box to the booths, tables and chairs, it was all magically retro and sentimental to the brunette super soldier. So much so, that he felt the prick of tears in his eyes.
“Hey Pal,” Steve looked at him “Are you crying?”
“Not crying” Buck responded “Just a bit teary, it all looks just like it did back then.”
Steve claps his hand on Bucky’s shoulder “Let’s sit and check out the menu”
As the guys reach a booth and sit on opposite sides of the table, a waitress in a red check 30’s style dress came over to the table. “Welcome to the OldTime Diner, I’m Rose and I’ll be serving you tonight. Can I get you any drinks?”
“Hi Rose, I’m Steve, this is Bucky. It’s our first time here so we’ll just grab a coffee each and check over the menu for a bit.”
“Great” Rose says “ I’ll be right over with your coffees.”
Steve and Bucky lured over the menu and when Rose came back with their coffees, they asked her for her recommendations. After a few minutes she left with their orders - Bucky chose the chicken pot pie with mash and Steve was having a bacon cheeseburger with fries.
It only took about 10 minutes for Rose to return with their food. “Here you go fellas, enjoy. If you need anything, just press this button and I’ll be right over.”
Throughout the meal, they reminisced about before the war, what is currently happening in their lives and most things in between.
Bucky couldn’t help watching Rose as she moved about the diner, interacting with all of her customers with a big, genuine smile on her face. He didn’t realise he had a matching smile until Steve interrupted his thoughts.
“Earth to Bucky” he said “What’s got into you pal?”
“Oh.. Um.. Nothing.. just taking in the ambience and.. you know” Bucky replied.
“Mmmhmmm, I know the you know you’re talking about. She’s very sweet.”
“No, I mean, she is but that’s not.. It doesn’t matter Steve”
Bucky thought everybody believed he didn’t deserve happiness after all he’d done in his life, so he believed it too. As much as he’d have loved to ask Rose out, he didn’t want to burden her with his bad karma, so that night, he just watched her from afar.
“Ok then” Steve said “ Let’s get out of here” and he pressed for the waitress to get the bill.
Moments later a girl in a dress the same as Roses’ except yellow came over. “Hey fellas, Rose is on her break, I’m Marigold, what can I help you with?” She asked.
As Steve went to ask for the bill, Bucky asked if he could get a glass of water. Steve raised his eyebrow at him but let it slide..
Bucky looked at Steve as Marigold placed the glass of water on the table in front of him and just shrugged. “I needed some water” he said defensively.
“I didn’t say anything, but I will now say, that the delay means you’ll be able to see Rose again?” Steve smirked at him.
“Shut up Punk”
“Jerk” Steve said just as Rose came over to the booth.
“Well, ok, meals here can’t end with insults, so apologise to each other” she laughed.
“Oh, uh, no, it’s not that” Bucky stammered “that’s just what we call each other.”
“Always have” Steve added “Can we get the bill please Rose”
Rose brings the bill, the guys pay, leaving a generous tip and head to the car.
On the drive home Bucky is thinking about when he can go back, without it looking awkward or weird..
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justkenz · 1 year
This is a long one, but thanks for any helpful advice. My girlfriend and I are the same age. Both in our early 20’s. We’d known each other throughout Highschool, never really hungout but always had mutual friends. Back in January her and I had started dating, and made it official in early March. Two weeks ago she left on military orders to a foreign country for the next 2 years. Due to my very fortunate work situation I am able to get out there every 2 months to visit. (First visit being in late June) We’d been with each other every week, and during her last 10 days in country she stayed with me at my place. It was the new norm to have her around, now I’m having a hard time adjusting. This is what I would consider my first REAL relationship because when she was in country it felt real. Additionally this is my first long distance relationship, she’s been through one before. That being said I’m learning a lot about myself in a relationship, and I’m having difficulty with the long distance situation. We still talk everyday just like before, but it’s different. It feels very distant and I’m not just talking about miles. We used to talk for hours about deep topics, and truly have fun with each other in person. Nowadays the conversations tend to be very surface level, “how did you sleep, how was the day, got any plans etc.” I find myself being more sappy, because “I just feel like I need to say it, and make it known” and it feels like it’s not well received. I’m surprisingly a very creative romantic. I like to write, and do photography. So I’ve taken up sending her some more sentimental and introspective handwritten letters, with accompanying photography. As well as organizing “Date Nights” once a week. Normally when we talk there’s some obligation or other task at hand like going to work soon, driving, or plans later. So it’s a dedicated time for nothing else but us to just get together. There’s a decent time zone difference. So when she goes to bed I’m still up, and this is where I’ll have the most difficult time mentally. I would have intrusive thoughts of loyalty, or did I say the right things today, etc. I’ve had issues with partners not being loyal in the past. I know I’m not responsible for others actions, but I am responsible for my own reactions. I try not to project my fears on her. I trust her not to be the cheating type, but I have thoughts of if she’s going to fall out of love or find someone else. Because obviously having a phone relationship isn’t the best way, and there are things I just can’t do over the phone. I think I’m having most trouble with the feeling of it being distant, the intimacy is just Not there like it was two weeks ago when she was here. I love this girl, and I want nothing more than this to work out and for us get through this together. I’m sure I’ve made mistakes here and there, because I’m still learning how relationships work. I put in a lot of effort, and I hate to say that it doesn’t feel reciprocated. She’s a busy woman, and I get that. She needs to focus on her job over there. I guess I just want to know I’m doing things right, and that all these feelings are normal. She’s been through this before, she knows what to expect. I have not.
Hey, first I just want to say that it clearly sounds like you are really trying your best, and I think you are showing a lot of effort. Long-distance relationships are hard, and they only work if both people are committed and want the relationship. I think that it is super important for you to talk to your girlfriend about how you are feeling! I think that you both are probably still adjusting to this change after being with each other on the regular and now only being on the phone, it is a big adjustment.
Here is where I am going to be brutally honest with you. If you feel like things are not being reciprocated you need to voice that and see if you too can work past it, but if nothing changes, or you find yourself feeling that you are the only one trying, then you need to put yourself first and that might mean not being together. But, you should give your relationship a chance first, at least for a little while. This is also your first long-distance relationship, so this is all new to you, so be gentle with yourself.
I really hope things work out for you two!
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ferrethyun · 2 years
Welcome Aboard The 0325
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Pairing: Pirate! Kim Hongjoong x Pirate! M! Reader (Featuring Ateez and Stray Kids)
Genre: Nsfw, Implied Enemies to lovers (MDNI!!)
Warnings: Piracy, Lots of bad language, Threats of murder, Swords and guns, Hidden weapons, Alcohol consumption, Obligatory WooSan, SeonghwaxMinho being a thing…, Sight personality divergence in Skz, Readers personality is… a mess :], Violence, Blood mentions, Vomit mentions, Hongjoongs a bit of a push over, A group of dudes gang up on Hongjoong n try to take him home? Bc they think he’s a girl?, Hongjoongs a bit fuckin stupid in this. NSFW WARNINGS:: Sub!Hongjoong, Hair pulling, Facefucking, Blowjobs, Rough sex, Bondage (Fabric used to tie wrists), Spanking, Marking, Manhandling, Cockstepping, Uhhhh kinky violence? but also not kinky violence. it’s just violence during sex but hongjoong is okay with it :], Name calling, Dumbification?, Dacryphillia implied (Tears r there for sure), Unprotected sex (Tbf expected), No written aftercare but I wanna say does happen bc no aftercare makes me sad :]
Word Count: 13,788
This fic obviously doesn’t represent ateez or stray kids as they are in real life! This is a work of fiction and not to be taken seriously :]
Feedback is appreciated but Reblogs even more so! Questions are also very welcome!
If I miss any warnings please let me know!!! It’s of upmost importance to me that i let everyone know what content is in this so no one is triggered.
I also apologise if the ending feels rushed for some! This fic got super long when i didn’t even mean it to :[
Tag list: @fireheaurt , @jojayke , @chrswolfie , @brownieracha , @ashia4
It’s not in a pirate's nature to work with other pirates.
This is the main sentiment that Hongjoong instilled into his crew from the moment they all joined him. He was adamant that, for as strong as his crew was, they would never need to or want to work with another crew. Funny how these things turn out, right?
After a fierce battle in the Caribbean sea against a rival crew, Hongjoong’s ship ‘The Aurora’ found herself with a sizeable hole in the side of her hull. Now, with his ship beached and unable to go anywhere or be fixed for the time being due to lack of resources, he had no choice but to ask for help. Hongjoong had sent out a message to the nearest ship, not knowing who would receive it, hoping and praying that he and his crew wouldn’t end up any worse than they already were.
A week had passed on the island that they had been stranded on, with nothing to show for it. The crew of the Aurora fared well, though; they were still able to sleep and cook on the ship, anyone with lost quarters now sharing with those who hadn’t. On day eight, a voice called out from the crow's nest “A ship! I see a ship on the horizon!” The joyful yell called down to the crew that sat on the deck below, “Someone get the Captain!” Everyone sprung into action in order to find their Captain who came out of his quarters at the urgent knocks on his door.
“Yunho! The flag, can you see it?” Hongjoong called up to the crow's nest, his voice booming across the quiet deck.
“Barely! But I can make out parts of it” Yunho called back, his telescope moving about to get a better look, “I can make out the three letters on their flag? It’s just an S, K and Z, Captain!”
Murmurs of confusion rang around the deck, hushing at the raise of their Captain's hand. Hongjoong knew exactly who it was. He had no grievances with the crew of the 0325 despite not knowing them well, but you? By the gods, you drove him insane. From the one encounter that he had shared with you in a tavern, he knew you held a similar amount of power as him. But compared to him, you were far more mischievous despite being two years his elder. He couldn’t stand the way you threw playful jeers at him and mocked the state of his drunken crew that night. Hate was a strong word for how he felt about you but nothing could knock away the twisting of his stomach when your eyes scanned his face that night.
“Seonghwa, San, Mingi!” He called out, knowing they weren’t too far behind him, “Prepare to disembark. We have negotiations to make.”
That’s how Hongjoong found himself face to face with you on the stark white beaches of this desolate island, cane at his side despite how it sunk further and further into the sand every time he moved it.
“My, my, Hongjoong!” You grinned, clapping your hands together in glee. “When I got your message I knew you needed help. But I didn’t think it would be this bad.”
In all honesty, you were lying. You had been the only one to read his message that held a detailed description of the damages done to his ship, but the thought of annoying him even the smallest amount was far too appealing in this moment. Your crew had been confused as to why you wanted to help but all voted to help nonetheless once they saw the mischievous glint in your eye. To your sides stood two shorter males, one of broad stature and the other slightly slimmer, but no less intimidating with the way his cat-like gaze scanned the three opposite him.
“Cut the shit, Y/N. You know why both of us are here; are we going to negotiate the agreement we’re coming to or what?” Hongjoong gritted out, his teeth grinding as he gripped his cane harder.
“Temper, Hongjoong. Having one will get you nowhere with me.” The grin never left your face, but no one missed the way that your eyes hardened when locking with the other Captains, “But please do step aboard and I’ll be happy to discuss this with you. Though- Your dear navigator, quartermaster and weapons master will have to stay here. My crew aren’t expecting other guests right now.”
“How can I expect you not to pull anything if you have your entire crew and I have no one?” Hongjoong questioned, face unamused and his eyebrow quirked.
You let out a low hum in response. “I suppose that’s fair, but you have my word. Chan and Minho will stay here to keep your crew company. The rest of my crew is busy so no need to worry about them.”
“Loose words from a Captain, Y/n.”
“You have my word Hongjoong. Captain’s and pirate’s honour.”
“I suppose that will do.” Hongjoong sighed.
Turning back to the three behind him, he made sure to give them a look that read, ‘Do not let anything happen while I’m away, and be on your guard’ before turning back and nodding to you. The walk aboard your ship was in silence, which gave the shorter Captain time to observe the vessel he was now on. It was spotless, not a speck of mess on the deck; the roping was bundled up and out the way much like your crew it seemed. Where were they? And why did it matter if they knew you had guests aboard?
“Some of my crew are sensitive to guests. Due to… previous transgressions with past guests.” You spoke up as if reading his mind, opening the door to your quarters. Your quarters were just as tidy as the rest of the ship, the only mess being the maps spread across your desk. Hongjoong noted messy notes that sat on top of them, not surprised to see a rough sketch of how to get to the island they were currently on. The shelves behind your desk were overflowing, there were so many books, some in languages Hongjoong couldn’t read and some handwritten. Next to the shelves were some plants. How you kept them alive while being at sea most of the time Hongjoong would never know but he was impressed nonetheless - they looked to be thriving based on the multitude of new and old plants that scattered the room. Towards the corner of the room was a hammock, not an uncommon sight aboard ships given the constant rocking. What stood out to him was how new it looked. Either you had recently got a new one or you weren’t much for sleeping like himself.
“Surprisingly clean quarters you have here.” Hongjoong murmured out.
“Were you expecting them to be messier?” You replied from your place across the room with an amused tone, “Minho likes things clean, my quarters are no exception to his cleanliness. Oh, please do take a seat.”
With a nod, Hongjoong sat himself at one of the chairs in front of your desk, pleasantly surprised at how comfortable they were.
“Listen, I’d like to get this over and done with as soon as possible. My crew is waiting on me after all.” He said, resting his cane against the desk in front of him. He watched as you removed your long coat and draped it over the back of the chair before sitting down with a nod.
“I agree that it would be nice to get this over and done with but it’s not like you and your crew are going anywhere any time soon. Right, Captain?” Hongjoong couldn’t help but scowl at your words and before he could speak up you continued, “I’ll cut to the chase. My crew and ship don’t have the resources to help fix the Aurora either. That’s why I’m offering to take you to the nearest market city to get what you need and get back.”
“If you didn’t have the resources, why come at all?”
“Would you rather it was one of your enemies that got the message and came to massacre your crew?” You questioned with a quirk of an eyebrow, leaning forwards to rest your chin on clasped hands. “We’ll head to Maglen, they have plenty of carpenters who should have spare wood for your Aurora. The journey should take three weeks total, should there be no storms along the way. I can’t have your entire crew aboard my ship due to limited space but you’re welcome to bring the main crew you seem to have. They’ll all have their own rooms but they’re welcome to share if it makes them feel safer. Any questions?”
You had managed to cover most bases with ease but something sat in the pit of Hongjoong’s stomach, an unease for the safety of his crew. “I know nothing about your crew; how can you ensure the safety of mine?”
“Despite any rumours of my crew, I can assure you that they won’t harm yours while they are aboard my ship. Should your crew step out of line, they’re free to deal with the issue how they see fit. If my crew step out of line, I will deal with it personally.” You sighed out, “I’ll make it clear now that I expect your crew to be on their best behaviour while aboard. That goes for you as well.”
“That hardly seems fair that your crew would get to punish my own-“ Hongjoong spoke, his mouth set in a hard line.
“Oh don’t get me wrong, it’s merely a precaution,” You grinned back. “Your crew is free to retaliate however they’d like. But know that if it is out of pettiness, the punishments will be given by myself.”
Hongjoong did not enjoy the implications of your words but it was clear you weren’t going to budge, not while you could dangle the chance of his ship getting back out to sea over his head. His eyes made contact with yours, the grin on your face betraying the steel that was in your eyes. “Fine. Consider it a done deal.” He grumbled, “I’ll let my crew know and we’ll meet you at the gangway just before sunset.” He watched as you leaned back in your seat, legs crossing as a more-than-pleased smile met your lips.
“Pleasure to do negotiations with you Hongjoong. I’ll show you out.”
Once he was back aboard his own ship, Hongjoong couldn’t help but let out a frustrated groan. Everyone watched their Captain practically throw his hat and coat atop the nearest barrel, breath held as they waited for him to speak.
“Listen up!” He called out. “The main crew and I will have to take a trip to Maglen with the crew of the 0325. There are enough resources to keep you all alive and functioning for the three weeks that we’re going to be away so I expect there to be no issues when we get back!” Murmurs filled the deck; with the entire main crew away, what were the rest going to do if there was an attack? If someone got hurt?
“Captain, we didn't even vote on this!” Someone spoke up from the crowd.
“I’m well aware of that but we have no choice-“ The Captain responded, lips twisting as he remembered how pleased you seemed at his agreement to travel with your crew. “It’s either this or we’re permanently stuck here. You’re all trained in how to do things without us and there are enough supplies for all of you so, if everything goes to plan, we’ll be back at sea in four weeks.”
As he had said, Hongjoong met you and your crew just as the skies had started to turn burnt due to the setting sun. The eight of his crew lined up side by side to meet the nine of your crew
“Glad to see you could join us Hongjoong.” You said, the smile on your face not quite meeting your eyes.
“Stop dragging this out, Y/n,” Hongjoong replied, rolling his eyes. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Very well then- It’s my pleasure to welcome you aboard the 0325. I’m the Captain of the 0325 and this is my quartermaster, Chan.” You greeted, hands gesturing to the male at your right and then back to the ship behind you. “Treat her with the respect you’d give your dear Aurora and I’m sure we’ll have no problems.”
“What kind of name is 0325 for a ship?” a voice scoffed with disbelief, “Sounds more like a sla-“ Click- The two groups fell into silence at the familiar sound of a pistol being cocked, trigger ready in a moment's notice.
You couldn’t help but sigh, a small smirk drifting to your lips as you turned and set off up the gangway and towards the helm.
“Stand down, Changbin.” You paused, turning to face the crew of the Aurora once more but with a scowl; any sense of amicability thrown overboard. “I’ll remind you again that I would recommend keeping your crew in line while aboard my ship, Hongjoong. I won’t take action against them unless needed- But I’m sure some of my crew would be more than happy to see it that the troublemakers here don’t get to see your Aurora again.”
Hongjoong couldn’t help but let out a low growl at your words. Who did you think you were to threaten his crew? However, he knew he had to tread carefully with his words; saying the wrong thing would not end well for either side. “It’s Captain Hongjoong to you.”
“My apologies, Captain.“ You grinned, voice lilting, knowing you had the upper hand, “Chan will show you where your quarters are. I do hope you can make yourselves useful while you’re here~” With that, you disappeared off to the helm; this left your crew alone with Hoongjoongs crew. The silence was suffocating, no one willing to speak up and break the tension between the two groups.
“Well, as Captain Y/n said, my name is Chan and I’m the quartermaster here. I’ll introduce the rest and then we can get on our way.“ Chan finally spoke, “The one who, oh so kindly raised a gun to you all is Changbin. He’s our weapons master. Next to him are our rigging monkeys, Jisung and Jeongin. You’ll find them on the ropes most of the time and Jisung more so in the crow's nest. On the end there is Seungmin, our gunner mate; he works with Changbin on the cannons when they need to be used and is mostly in charge of keeping them in a battle-ready condition. To my left is Minho, our navigator-“
“Stay out of my way and don’t touch my maps and we’ll have no problems.“ Minho cut in, his cat-like gaze grazing across the crew in front of him.
Chan couldn’t help the sigh that escaped his lips “Anyways…” He began again with a shake of his head at the attitude of his crewmate. “Next to Minho is our medic, Hyunjin, and our chef, Felix. Captain has asked me to inform you all that you’ll all still be working the same positions as you did aboard the Aurora, just so that we can keep this journey as streamlined as possible. Now if you’ll all follow me, I’ll take you to your rooms.”
“Surely we should introduce ourselves too?” Yunho spoke up
“Oh, there’s no need!” Felix chirped from where he stood, his hands deftly adjusting the apron around his hips, “We already know who you all are.”
“That’s not suspicious at all…” Wooyoung mumbled. The two crews fell into silence once more as they followed Chan aboard the ship and down into where the quarters were, the crew of the Aurora now alone with the quartermaster as the others went back to their work.
“Here’s where you all will be staying. It’s not much compared to the Aurora, I’m sure.” Chan grimaced as he turned back to the crew behind him, gesturing to the eight doors behind him. “You’re welcome to double up or be on your own, it’s all up to you. I’ll leave you to get settled. Dinner will be in a few hours, you’ll hear the bell when it's ready. We hope you’ll join us, Felix is an amazing cook.” With a small smile and nod of his head, the crew of the Aurora watched as Chan headed back up the deck, no doubt to your side at the helm.
They all piled into one of the small rooms, taking seats in any place they could. “I don’t like this Hongjoong.“ Wooyoung spoke up from his spot on the floor, “This feels all too suspicious for my liking.” The rest let out murmurs of agreement at the cook's words.
“I know. I don’t like it either but if we want to get back to sea we have to do this.” Hongjoong grumbled.
“What did Captain Y/n even say to you to get you to agree without letting us vote anyways?” Seonghwa questioned, his eyes showing concern for the predicament they had found themselves in. “And how do they all know who we are but we didn’t know who they were?”
“Seonghwa, I wish I knew. I really do. But we’re just going to have to deal with this the best we can-“ Stress was visible on the Captain's features as his hand gripped at his cane, “actually- I think I have an idea. Wooyoung?”
“Yes, Captain?”
“I have a small mission for you. Think you can do it?”
A more than mischievous grin met Wooyoungs lips. “When have I ever let you down, Captain?”
It wasn’t long before the 0325 was at sea and the familiar gentle rocking of the sea filled everyone’s bodies. Everyone had agreed on rooming arrangements, most opting to stay on their own while Wooyoung and San chose to share a room. None of them had left the one room they all piled into yet, discussions of their situation at hand filling the room and a few small side conversations flitting in between every so often. Suddenly, ringing from the main deck could be heard. Dinner was ready. Slowly, they all piled out of the room and out to the deck; there they found that a table and a few smaller tables had been pulled together to create a larger one, enough to fit all of both crews around it. Plates were spread across the tables, some larger plates of meats, vegetables and grains towards the middle
“Ah, so you are joining us!” came a gleeful voice from behind the crew making them all turn around at once; it was Felix. “I hope you don’t mind the mess of tables. We don’t usually have guests of this amount very often.” A heavy thunk filled everyone’s ears as a larger stew pot was placed in the centre of the tables. Felix was stronger than he looked given how full the pot was. “Everyone else will be out in a moment. They always take their time.” The chef pouted, wiping his hands on his apron.
As if on cue, whooping could be heard from above. “Oi, Felix! Is that beef stew I see?” A voice yapped from above.
“Jisung, you and I both know that you can see exactly what’s on this table. Even from the crow's nest,” Felix yelled back, “Now get your ass down here so we can eat!” Seconds later, two sets of footsteps joined them all on the deck; one quicker than the other as Jisung stumbled onto the deck.
“God I have got to get better at that.” The lookout whined, letting go of the rope he had swung down on.
“You’ve been here longer than I have and you still can’t do it.” Jeongin chimed in, “I don’t think you ever will be able to.“
Jisung let out a mock gasp, grabbing at his shirt as if he had been shot. “How could you do this to me Jeongin! My own baby!” He cried out before reaching out for the younger. “C’mere you lil’ shit-“
“Can we have at least one meal with some semblance of peace?” Sighed a voice, the tone not holding any actual malice to it, “Please?”
Behind Felix now stood the rest of the crew of the 0325, the voice belonging to Minho. The only member of the crew that seemed to be missing was you; of course, this made sense. Someone had to steer the ship while everyone ate and with the nerves of having guests on the ship, it didn’t seem likely you were willing to leave your post at the helm any time soon.
“Is it always this… chaotic?” Seonghwa quizzed, the question aimed at Chan, who seemed to appear out of thin air at his side.
The quartermaster let out an amused hum. “Usually it’s worse. But I suppose they’re on better behaviour today.” He replied, “Oh, please, do sit. Captain won’t be joining us but no need to worry, he’ll eat later.”
Dinner time with both crews went surprisingly smoothly despite the tension that loomed in the air. While Hongjoong’s crew were all visibly on edge, the others didn’t seem to be worried at all; at least, if they were, they didn’t show it at all. Minor pleasantries about the food were passed around the table, much to Felix’s joy. Other than this, not many conversations were had. Once everyone had their fill, Hongjoong watched as Felix pulled together a plate of food from what was left and how he scurried off towards the helm. Chan followed not too far behind, likely in order to take over steering. Throughout the meal, Hongjoong made sure to take in how the members of your crew interacted with each other in the presence of his crew, and how they interacted with his own; on the surface, everything seemed neutral, no one making any kind of remark towards his crew and only to each other. He could see how they all got along and how the dynamics of each relationship they had worked. He noted how Minho and Jisung seemed to be a lot closer to each other compared to the rest of the group, their comments to each other filled with mischief but their actions filled with love as he watched Minho put more stew on Jisung’s plate when the latter wasn’t looking. Chan and Felix also seemed close; their voices, tinted with a similar accent hinted that they hailed from the same place, possibly that they lived close when they were younger. Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin remained enigmas to him; the four opting to keep to themselves instead of interacting like the others, choosing to speak when spoken to.
“You can all head back to your quarters if you’d like?” Felix chimed, now back at the table, “We can clean up. You should all get settled in if you haven’t already.”
“Felix- Y/n said that they should pull their weight when aboard,” Minho mused, “Let them help.”
Hongjoong could hear the small gasps that escaped some of his crew; This was the first that any of them had heard you be addressed by name alone, no honourifics used. It was a shock at first but not surprising, they all did the same with their Captain. While Hongjoong didn’t particularly want his crew helping out on their first night aboard, the mission that he had given Wooyoung flit back into his memory
“Actually, we’d be more than happy to help.” Hongjoong spoke as he stood, dusting off the invisible dust from his trousers. “I’m sure you don’t need all of us so Wooyoung and I will help.”
Wooyoung couldn’t help the gawped sound that left his mouth. He began to protest but the look that his Captain gave was enough to tell him to just do as he said, “Y-Yeah! I suppose it’ll give me a chance to get to know the kitchen more since we’ll be working together. Right?” He sputtered out, quickly moving to his Captains side.
“Ah, perfect! If you two could just grab any plates left over and then follow me, I’ll show you where the kitchen is.” Felix’s grin was almost blinding. The two couldn’t help but question how he ended up on a pirate ship with a personality like his; with his skill of cooking, he could have easily been a chef in a peaceful town, leading a lawful life. Nevertheless, the two scooped up the remaining plates and followed the blond down to the kitchen.
The kitchen wasn’t small but it wasn’t huge either. It was clearly made for a much bigger crew than what was currently residing on the 0325.
“You can just put the plates down there on the side. Don’t worry about cleaning them,“ Felix said, placing what he held down on the side, “I have a certain way I like to clean them. Ah! Wooyoung you’re more than welcome to stick around and familiarise yourself with the kitchen if you’d like? I’m sure Captain Hongjoong would like some rest.”
The two members of the Aurora gave a subtle nod to each other, an agreement to stick to what they came here for. With that, Hongjoong headed off and Wooyoung began looking around; the kitchen was spotless, much like the rest of the ship. There were a few barrels towards the corner of the room and a long table and bench to the side of them; nearer to the stoves were lines of knives on the wall. There were far too many for them to all be used for cooking. Surely Felix didn’t use them for battles?
“That’s a rather extensive knife collection you have going on…” Wooyoung murmured out, taking one off the wall and marvelling at how sharp it was.
“I don’t use all of them if that’s what you’re wondering” Felix replied, mirth evident in his voice. “Changbin has a penchant for buying pretty knives when we stop off in merchant towns. The collection seems to have gotten out of hand if you ask me.”
Putting the knife back, the taller of the two watched how quickly the other went about the task of cleaning dishes. The speed that Felix could clean dishes was far above what he could do, that’s for sure. The two worked around each other in silence for a little while, Wooyoung opting to observe the mannerisms of Felix. From the small tune that he hummed to himself to how he glided around the kitchen as if it was his second home, Wooyoung couldn’t imagine a negative bone ever existing in the pixie-like boy’s body. However, he knew his Captain would be a little annoyed if he came back with no information to show.
“So, how come your Captain eats after everyone else?” He pried, hoping it wasn’t too early to be so personal.
“He’s always been like that…” Felix mused, “Even in times of famine aboard our ship, Captain would make sure that we all ate before he did. He really does take care of us, you know?”
Wooyoung couldn’t say much in response but nodded his head; Hongjoong had been the same with his crew. When hard times hit, he made sure that everyone was taken care of, even if it meant putting his health last.
“He seems like the more mischievous type than the caring type. No offence-“ Wooyoung replied.
“None taken-“ The other waved him off, “Captain seems like that at first- it’s a justified assumption based on what you’ve seen of him so far- but I promise you that there’s far more to him than just baseless teasing.”
“Oh? You say he’s a lot more caring but he seemed pretty angry earlier at the gangway.” The memory still fresh on his brain, Wooyoung recalled the pistol being readied with vividness. Clearly, he had said something wrong when he spoke up about the ship’s naming.
“Captain tends to share his crew mates' anger. You managed to piss off Changbin so you managed to piss him off too.” Felix sighed, now drying his hands off with his apron. “Don’t take it personally… Or do. I’d just suggest not making the Captain angry directly. Because that’s something no one likes to experience.”
The two entered silence once more. With the dishes now done, there wasn’t much more reason for Wooyoung to stick around. “It’s been nice talking to you, Felix, but I should head off now.”
“It was nice talking to you too. Don’t worry about helping with breakfast tomorrow, I’ll have that covered. But I will need your help from lunch onwards,” Felix grinned, watching as the other waved from the doorway and disappeared. “Sleep well!”
When Wooyoung had reported everything he could to his Captain, he didn’t miss the disgruntled look that flickered across Hongjoong’s face. Hongjoong knew that it would be hard to get any kind of information about your crew, but he didn’t expect even your friendliest crew member to be a tough nut to crack. While he and Wooyoung relayed information back and forth in hushed tones, gentle thuds came across the floorboards outside the Captain's quarters. The two went silent, breaths bated; they couldn’t hear much past the footfall of boots but they were able to pick up a few words: ‘Felix’, ‘need to talk’ and ‘Captain’. Hongjoong grimaced, surely it was a coincidence that you wanted to talk to Felix? Especially after Wooyoung had spent time questioning him. Hongjoong shared a look with his chef and Wooyoung knew what he had to do.
It was time for him to make use of some skills he didn’t get to use very often.
Days went by and Hongjoong still had nothing to show for his efforts; not a lick of information on you or your crew. At this point, he was questioning why he was even trying to find out more about you and your crew. What was the whole point of this? It was frustrating.
At this point, he was considering going directly to the source and asking you just how you knew so much about him and his crew. Your knowing of him was unsurprising given the one night he had seen you in that beaten-down tavern, but the rest of his crew? None of it made sense to him. With a groan, Hongjoong hauled himself from the desk that he was sitting at, cringing at the cracking his knees let out. His guts twisted with nerves as he climbed up to the deck and made his way towards your quarters; why the hell was he nervous? He had fought multitudes of enemies and gone on life-threatening missions and not experienced feelings like this. Just why was he so nervous about asking you a simple question? Glancing at the helm, the Captain made eye contact with your quartermaster at the wheel. Not wanting to stick around, Hongjoong offered him a small nod before continuing, stopping in front of your door. Letting out a deep sigh, he knocked on the door, clenching his fist when he heard a gruff “Come in!” through the door.
When he entered the room, Hongjoong could see the stress on your features. Your coat had been tossed over your hammock and the tunic you wore hung loosely around your neck, offering glimpses of a scarred chest. You ran a hand through your already messed up hair, placing the quill that was in the other hand down as you looked up to see who had entered.
“Captain Hongjoong, a pleasant surprise. Please, take a seat” You greeted, eyes never leaving him as he remained where he was. “What can I do for you?”
Hongjoong took a deep breath and steeled himself once more.
“How do you know so much about my crew and I?” He queried, getting straight to the point, “How is it that you know so much about us and I know so little of you and your crew?”
“My, my! Straight to the point today. I was wondering how long it was going to take for you to ask me this.” You laughed, leaning back in your chair.
“What do you mean ‘how long'?” Hongjoong had been caught off guard once more, he wasn’t expecting you to expect his questions.
“It’s been quite obvious from the beginning that you wanted to know more about us, Captain.” You replied, “I was simply wondering how long it would take for you to stop observing my crew and ask me. Surely you had to know you wouldn’t get any answers out of them just by watching?”
“That still doesn’t answer my question, Y/n-“ Hongjoong seethed, watching as you stood to put the book that you had been reading back where it belonged “Just how do you know so much about us?”
You turned and met eyes with the others, his eyes a burning flame. “Tell me, Hongjoong. Do you remember that night we met in Tortuga?” You questioned, coming to stand behind your desk.
“Tortuga? Of course, I do.” He grumbled out “I don’t see what this has to do with anything-“
“Ahhhh just listen- Did you see my crew that night? In the tavern?” You continued, “I remember your crew very vividly. Despite not interacting with them once, I do remember that they were very… intoxicated.”
“I don’t recall seeing your crew. Why?” Now Hongjoong was very confused. What did your crew have to do with any of this?
“They were there that night. You may not have noticed them but they all managed to converse with your crew.” The grin that was on your face widened as you placed your hands down on the desk, leaning forwards to get closer to the other Captain. “In fact, I’m pretty sure one of yours decided to bed one of my crew that night. Seonghwa is your quartermaster, is he not? Minho told me all about him.”
At this point, Hongjoong had flushed red. He didn’t want to think about that night much more but knowing that one of his crew had slept with someone from your crew? His head was spinning. In an attempt to preserve any sense of dignity he had as a Captain, Hongjoong tried to look anywhere but your eyes. His eyes darted around the room and then back to you, but not to your face. To the open gap of your shirt, where he could clearly see down to your bare chest. He quickly looked away, clearing his throat before bringing his eyes to yours once more.
“I didn’t know of… their endeavours… together” Hongjoong almost wheezed out, his stomach curling at the smug look your face held.
“You're looking rather flustered there, Hongjoong.” You teased with a tilt of your head, leaning forwards, having not missed where his gaze went earlier. “Who would have thought you’d get flustered over a little sex.”
Hongjoong felt trapped under your gaze, the intensifying swirling of his stomach all too familiar for his liking. He watched as your eyes scanned his face, then his neck and finally the rest of his body.
“What they do or did is none of my business.” He stated, shifting where he stood. “Sex doesn’t bother me in the slightest.” He tried to sound firm in his words but the way his words trailed off were a clear indication of his embarrassment.
“Never suggested that it did-“ Hongjoong startled when you suddenly stood, his eyes immediately drawn back to your face “-but the way you reacted gave me a feeling. You’re not the type to indulge, are you, Captain?” The shorter stuttered and stammered as he tried to formulate a response, not that you were expecting one anyways. As you made your way around the desk and towards him, Hongjoong took equal steps backwards, the pair finding themselves against the door to your quarters. Hongjoong could have almost dropped his cane when your hand landed next to his head, effectively pinning him against the door; his knees weakened and his pulse raised. What were you doing to him?
“What are you-“
“You may not be the type to indulge in more… salacious encounters. But there’s only so long you can go without one.” You muttered out, voice dropping into a deeper, raspy tone. “I wonder just how long it’ll take before you break, Captain.” Your knee had found a place between the other's legs as your head dipped down, lips dangerously close to Hongjoong’s ear.
Despite the long coat and loose trousers that Hongjoong wore, nothing could hide the slowly growing problem below the surface of the fabrics. The Captain was almost repulsed by himself. How dare you have this effect on him, just who did you think you were?
As he was about to retort, a knock came at the door.
It was Jeongin.
With a sigh, you stepped back, Hongjoong not missing the adjustments you made to your shirt and trousers as you went back to take a seat on the edge of your desk. Hongjoong made quick work of moving himself away from the door, opting to button up his coat partially to hide any signs of what had been happening. He situated himself a few metres away from you, not missing the way you whispered, “this isn’t over,” before calling your youngest crew member in.
Jeongin looked nervous, immediately sensing the tension in the room. His hand gripped at the handle of his sword as he eyed up Hongjoong and then you, trying to figure out if there was any aggression between the two of you.
“Captain we need to speak.” He finally spoke up, once again eyeing up Hongjoong. “Privately. If you could.”
“That’s alright Jeongin. Captain Hongjoong was just on his way out. Weren’t you?” The oh-so-familiar teasing tone back in your voice as if nothing had happened just moments ago.
Hongjoong could do nothing but nod mutely, making his way to the door. Before closing it, he took one more glance behind him; only to be met with your lookout’s steely, dark eyes.
Then the door shut in his face. Muffled voices could only be heard now and they were too quiet for him to listen into. Defeated, the Captain headed back to his temporary quarters; as he walked across the deck, the lingering feeling of eyes settled on his back causing him to shudder. Glancing around and seeing nothing had Hongjoong shrugging, assuming it was just the wind, and continuing with his short journey.
The next days came with nothing to show in terms of information; Wooyoung often came to visit with licks of information on various crew members but never anything of sustenance. Soon, both crews would be in Maglen and Hongjoong still had nothing gained from his efforts.
Hongjoong couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh of frustration, fingers rubbing over the decorative top of his cane in an attempt to soothe himself. It really wasn’t in a pirate's nature to willingly work with another pirate, so why did his stomach twist pleasantly every time he was close to you? At first, he thought there could be some foul magic at play. Maybe one of your crew were secretly of magical lineage? What a stupid assumption, Hongjoongs thoughts would berate him.
Before he could spiral deeper into his own world, the door to his room slammed open with a bang.
“You’re one vile excuse of a Captain, Kim Hongjoong.” A voice snarled from behind him. The chair he was sat in was forced to turn round, the cane that was once in the Captain's hand being snatched up by whoever had barged into his quarters. As he was about to yell at whoever had just interrupted his privacy, Hongjoong’s chin was forced up by his cane; the back of his chair hitting the desk behind him with force. With his head being forced up, he met eyes with the flames that were lit behind your own. Of course, it was you.
It always was.
“I offer my help to you and your crew and this is how you repay me?” Your voice was filled with venom that lit a fire under the other Captain's skin, “On my own ship nonetheless?”
“What are you on about?” Hongjoong grit out, grimacing when he glanced down; only to have the top of his cane pressed harder into his chin.
“You think it’s funny to have your little chef spy on my crew?” You questioned, bringing your face closer to his, “He’s not as stealthy as you think he is, Hongjoong. Even if he was a trained assassin at one point in his life.”
Hongjoongs eyes blew wide with surprise. How did you even know that? Especially when everything of Wooyoung’s past had been removed from existence. “Ho-“
“How do I know?” You cut in, “Let me tell you something, Captain.” You took a step back, watching as Hongjoong rubbed at his chin with a slight grimace. “You and your crew aren’t as subtle as you think you are.”
With that you let the protective cover of Hongjoong’s cane drop, exposing the blade that lay beneath.
Hongjoong was fucked; royally fucked.
“Jeongin noticed something fishy going on with your crew. I didn’t want to believe him at first but when I decided to do a little investigation of my own, his words couldn’t have been more true.” Your words spat down at him like venom, “Who do I find creeping around at night? And watching every single thing my crew do? Even taking peeks at my armoury and handling weapons that aren’t his own? None other than your dear Wooyoung. I have half a mind to kill you right here and cause a bloodbath on this ship.” The sharp point of his own sword found itself at Hongjoong’s neck, a less than gentle pressure causing a small dribble of scarlet to trail down his throat.
“You wouldn’t do that-“ He started.
“Wouldn’t I?” You interrupted once more, eyes devoid of emotion. “You know nothing of me, Hongjoong. I’ll happily slit your throat here and now, but I won’t. For the sake of your crew and my own, I’d rather have the satisfaction of blowing your Aurora to pieces and leaving your bodies as food for the fish.”
The shorter felt the pressure on his neck lessen. And, in a moment of what could only be seen as absolute stupidity, he decided to take the time to slip in a snide remark “Coward.“
He didn’t have time to react as a fist collided with the side of his face, sending him flying onto his side. The sound of metal hitting the floor rang through his ears, becoming a high-pitched whine as the heel of your boot kicked into his stomach and ribs repeatedly. What were only seconds felt like minutes as Hongjoong heaved up the contents of his stomach and gasped for air. Maybe calling you a coward wasn’t the smartest idea-
“I thought you’d be better than this, Hongjoong” You mocked, crouching down and gripping at his hair to pull his head up and out of his own sick. “I suppose you’re no better than me, though. After all, we are pirates, aren’t we?” His head dropped back down onto the floor with a dull thud, Hongjoong was only able to watch as you stood and stepped over his body to the desk. He knew exactly what you were going for, the notebook that sat open; the contents being any and all information he had on your crew. He let out a garbled groan of protest, his stomach threatening to come up again at the attempt to speak; you made no move to acknowledge him as you hummed a sailor's tune. Snapping the notebook shut and shoving it in your pocket immediately quietened the Captain that lay on the floor. You’re a fucking idiot, Hongjoong’s thoughts reminded him.
“It’s a shame it had to come to this, really” You spoke, once again crouching down in front of the other. “Hmmmm even in a puddle of your own vomit, you somehow still manage to look good… I can’t wait to see you ruined, pretty boy.'' And with a sick grin, you left, leaving Hongjoong to process what had just happened.
Was that a threat? The idea made his stomach twist more, or was that the pain and nausea? Who knew? His crew was in danger, that’s the main thought that rang through his head at the moment.
With all the noise and commotion, it wasn’t surprising that Hongjoong soon heard Jongho and Seonghwa entering his room; the two always slept the latest. Noises of alarm left the two, Seonghwa rushing to his Captain's side as Jongho ran off to get Yeosang.
“Joong, what happened?!” Seonghwa’s tone was erratic with panic and concern.
Hongjoong could only groan in reply, curling in on himself more, not caring for the vomit that now found itself home in his long hair.
“I’m a fucking idiot. That’s what happened-“ his stomach emptied once more “-We’ve been figured out, Hwa. Y/n knows that I’ve been trying to get more information.”
Seonghwa didn’t press further, knowing this was a discussion to be had later when his Captain wasn’t chucking his guts up anymore. The Quartermaster moved aside as he heard their medic enter the room. Yeosang let out a squawk of alarm, rushing to Hongjoong’s side much like Seonghwa had.
“I… I called him a coward” Hongjoong muttered out, letting Yeosang pull him up and lean him back against the foot of the bed.
“Why the hell would you call him a coward, Hongjoong?” Yeosang questioned, attempting to get off the Captains vomit stained tunic. “Are you stupid?”
Hongjoong shot a glare at Jongho when he heard the youngest mutter out, “Clearly”
“He found out and threatened to kill me. But said he wouldn’t because he’d rather have the satisfaction of blowing up the Aurora.” He sighed out, wincing as the medic poked and prodded at his side, “So he punched me… and then kicked me. He also took the notebook of information I had been making-“
“Oh, my seas… you really are stupid Hongjoong” Seonghwa groaned, pinching at his furrowed brow.
The four sat in silence as Yeosang continued to treat his captain.
“Okay, so, there’s gonna be a lot of bruising, but nothing seems to be broken… and you didn’t vomit any blood so that’s always a plus.” Yeosang summarised.
“We need to have a crew meeting about this.” Hongjoong jumped in immediately
“ ‘We’ are going to be doing nothing, for now, Hongjoong.” Yeosang replied quickly. “You are going to rest and we are going back to sleep. It’s the middle of the night-“
“No buts. I know you’re stupid but you’re not stupid enough to go against your medics' advice, are you, Captain?”
“How many times are you all going to call me stupid for this?” Hongjoong whined out.
“As many times as it takes for you to learn your lesson, Joong” Seonghwa added in, amusement in his features but not enough to hide the stress he was clearly experiencing. “Just wait until the rest hear about this-“
“Oh for fuck’s sake- San’s going to have a field day with this, isn’t he?”
“Yes he is.“
Neither crew spoke or interacted till the ship arrived in Maglen, both crews immediately disembarking the moment the port authorities approved the 0325’s docking. Since the carpenter contact you had would need a day to prepare the materials needed, both crews opted to stay at an inn for the night; this inn also happened to double as a tavern. This is how both crews drew a truce and ended up in the situation they were currently in.
All of the members of each crew sat at a long table that resided in a darker corner of the tavern, a crew to each side of the table. Tankards of ale and rum, some empty but most not, were scattered across the table and everyone seemed to be in various states of drunkenness. While Jongho, Hongjoong, Changbin and you all seemed entirely sober. The same could not be said for Felix, Chan, San and Wooyoung. The four were entirely wasted, spouting meaningless words in conversation and groaning every time they continued to sip at the alcohol that remained in their hands.
“Changbin, remind me to not let Chan steer at all tomorrow when we set off.” You commented, sipping at the rum in your cup as you eyed up the mess that was your Quartermaster.
“‘Course Captain.” Changbin agreed with a nod, “Who’s going to steer when you’re not though? Minho?”
The weapons master glanced curiously at you when he heard you chuckle.
“By the looks of it, Minho will be a little occupied tonight.” you glanced down at the mentioned, watching as he eyed up Seonghwa across the table with hunger, “Possibly busy the rest of the day too.”
Changbin made a face of disgust when he spotted the glances his friend shared with Hongjoong’s Quartermaster, the hints clicking together in his head.
“I’m going to get Chan some water,” You sighed, watching as his head hit the table with a groan, “He’s going to have a mean hangover tomorrow and I’d rather he wasn’t sick right now.”
Hongjoong’s head shot up at the mention of sick, the word pulling memories from the other night to the front of his mind. He watched as you got up and weaved your way through the busy tavern towards the bar; for a moment he thought of joining you but hesitation pulled his feet to the ground, keeping him in place. He wanted to talk to you and justify what he did even though he had no reason to. As he began to get lost in his thoughts again, a loud squawk of a voice rang out across the table.
“Ayeeeee! Captain!” Oh by the seas, it was Wooyoung. “Another round!”
Clearly, the chef had lost his manners in his drunkenness; his decency seemed to have also left the building given by the way he clung to San’s side and occasionally placed messy kisses and licks on his lover's neck. Hongjoong stood with a sigh, not even dignifying his friend with a response, and began weaving his way through the busy crowd.
Given his shorter stature, it was hard for him to make his way through the crowd and be taken seriously when he told people to move. Somehow, he ended up getting stuck behind a group of men, their bodies much broader and taller than his own.
“Move!” He barked out, gaining the attention of the group in front of him.
As they turned around, their looks of anger from the command fell into smirks.
“Now, now! What’s this?” The one that seemed to be the leader slurred. “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this? Hm?” God his voice was grating. Maybe it's the fact that Hongjoong had longer hair than most or that the men were drunk but surely they didn’t think he was a woman?
As he was about to push past, the tallest one of the group grabbed at his arm “Let me g-“
“Hey, little lady we’re just tryna talk to ya’! No need to be a bitch!”
“Oh, I’ll show you a bitch-“ As Hongjoong went to throw out a punch, his wrist was caught by a male behind him. Fuck. He was trapped on all sides.
“Whas’ a pretty girl like you doin' wearing those dirty man clothes huh?” This one probed, his other hand coming to grab at Hongjoongs waist, “Bet you’d look even better without them. How’s ‘bout we all get out of here and we show you a good time?”
Before he could protest, Hongjoong felt himself be pulled out of the vice grip that held him and into another, this time the hands resting on his hips.
“My darling isn’t giving you gentlemen problems is she?” Came an all-too-familiar voice, hidden venom in each syllable. “Little pirate, we spoke about this.” You tutted, hand gripping harder at the other's hips to stop him from making any sudden moves.
“She’s yours?” One of the men questioned, “What a score! Fancy sharing? We’ll help you punish her for being such a harlot.”
“Gentlemen, is that any way to talk about a lady in front of her?” You rolled your eyes, “But I won’t be sharing. I don’t share what’s mine.”
“Whatever, didn’t want a whore like that anyways.” The leader scoffed, “Probably been run through like a prostitute-“
Hongjoong could feel himself turning red with anger. As he went to move, your grip on his hips became vice-like. “Make one fucking wrong move and I’ll make good of that threat I made darling.” You hissed in his ear, chest rumbling on his back.
Once the group had left, Hongjoong made quick work of spinning around and had to hold himself back from spitting at your face.
“What the fuck was that?!” He almost screamed.
“There was no way you would have gotten out of that situation in a better way had I not been there, Hongjoong.” You scowled, “You were trapped on all sides.”
“I fucking had it handled.”
“You were going to start a bar fight, like an idiot,” You snarled, “Maybe I should have let it happen. You probably would have liked being treated like a whore.” Hongjoong’s jaw dropped open, the feeling of twisting in his stomach that he had become all too familiar with returning at your words. With a lack of reaction from Hongjoong, you let out a sigh and began weaving your way back through the crowd. Hongjoong was quick to grab your wrist in the spur of the moment and almost blanched white as you turned to look at him, his hand and then back at his face with a smug look on your lips.
At that moment, Hongjoong found himself staring at your lips. They were just… there. He could feel himself flush a little as your tongue darted out to wet them; for all those mean words your tongue sprouted, the Captain found himself dreaming of other words- No- Sounds. Without another thought, Hongjoong found himself dragging you off to a darkened corner of the tavern. Busy enough to not be seen but not so busy everyone would pay attention to the two of you. He placed his back against the wall and pulled you towards him with a particularly harsh tug on your wrist. A shudder raked his body as memories flashed forwards, one of your hands on his hip and the other on the wall next to his head. Hongjoong grabbed at the lapels of your coat.
“I fucking hate you” He sneered.
“Doesn’t seem like it right now darling.“ you purred back, head dropping down to his level. “In fact, it feels like the exact opposite.”
If that was a comment about the obvious boner he had that pressed against your leg or on the tension, Hongjoong didn’t have time to question; with another harsh tug on your jacket, Hongjoong found his lips crashing together with yours. It was a messy kiss, a clash of teeth and dominance as Hongjoong attempted to overpower you. He let out a small gasp as he felt your hand that once held his hip now squeeze at his ass, your tongue now against his own as you took the opportunity to slip it in. Hongjoong couldn’t help the small whimper that left his mouth as you continued to squeeze, his hips jumping slightly as you moved him closer to press against you. A small thread of spit connected the two of you as Hongjoong stopped for a breath; the breath catching when your lips found themselves at the juncture of his neck and jaw, the little nibble you gave sending sparks through his body.
“You gonna be a good boy for me Hongjoong?” You mumbled out, breath fanning against his neck, “Gonna be a good boy and let me ruin you? Treat you like a whore?”
He could only nod, words evading him as your lips attached to his neck again. The trail of hickies that you had started to make marked the expanse of his throat, Hongjoong’s neck now a galaxy of purples and reds swirling together in sin. “P-Please…” He whimpered out, hands now holding your shoulders for dear life.
“Please what?” He could feel you grin against his neck.
“Please touch me.“ Hongjoongs voice came out as a whisper.
“You’ll have to try a lot harder to get me to do anything. You’re gonna have to beg.” Your voice came out now in a growl, “I’m still mad at you, you know? So you’re gonna work for it.”
Hongjoong could only shudder at your words,
“Nothing to say huh? Maybe you really are stupid?” You mocked, hand gripping at the base of his hair and pulling, making him look up at you. “You’re stupid enough to call me a coward but I’m going to have you so dumb you won't even remember your name by the time I’m done with you.”
Hongjoong couldn’t help but let out a pathetic moan, his head spinning as you grabbed his hand and pulled him off in the direction of the stairs; if your intentions weren’t clear in his foggy mind before, they were now. He had to stop himself from falling up the stairs as you dragged him, the weakness of his knees being no help in the situation.
It wasn’t long before he found himself in your tidy room, of course, it was tidy.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head, hm?” Hongjoong couldn’t help the shiver that racked his body, the feeling of your lips on the shell of his ear almost erotic.
“Your room is tidy…” Hongjoong replied, a haze still over his mind, “You’re always so clean and tidy.”
The chuckle you let out reverberated through the room.
“I think you’ll find, once I’m done with you, that I’m actually quite the opposite of clean and tidy.” Your words had the smaller captain letting out a drawn-out groan. The thought of being treated in such a disgusting way was becoming more and more enticing as the seconds passed. Not a second later, Hongjoong could feel your lips attach to his neck once more, your hands beginning to wander from his chest to his waist, to his hips and then to-
The once silent room filled with a strangled moan thanks to Hongjoong; he wasn’t expecting to be so blunt and grab at his crotch the way that you did. His hips bucked back out of shock, only to be met with the feeling of your own bulge grinding against his lower back. At least the situation was affecting you in the same ways it was affecting him. “For someone who acts like they hate me,” You murmured out, continuing to palm the other through his trousers, “You sure do show it in a funny way.”
“I- I do hate you.” Hongjoong panted out, “As I said, I fucking hate you.”
“And then you proceeded to kiss me, press your boner into my leg and ask me to touch you.” Came your reply, “Do you want me to hate you? Treat you like I hate you? Naughty boy, who would have thought that the captain would like it rough?”
Hongjoong let out a groan as his head dropped back onto your shoulder, gasping at the feeling of your hand suddenly gripping at his neck. “P-please-“
“Please what? Hm? What does the little slut want?” You grinned out.
“More-“ Hongjoong let out a wheeze as your hand gripped at his neck harder “-I need more!”
He took a deep breath as your hand left his throat, only to find himself being stripped of his coat and tunic; Hongjoong opting to kick off his boots in order to help out. As he kicked off his boots, Hongjoong could hear your own coat hit the floor followed by your tunic. With two of you in similar states of undress, Hongjoong couldn’t help but marvel at your physique. While you didn’t have a six-pack, you were incredibly lean. His eyes trailed up, taking in every nick and scar that littered your torso; one that stretched from your centre chest up and over your right shoulder catching his attention. It was clearly inflicted by a sword and badly given how gnarled the scar was. He didn’t have much more of a chance to take in the sight of you as you pulled him towards you and began an assault on his neck and now-bare shoulders. During the assault on his neck, Hongjoong found himself pressing against your thigh once more as the two of you had moved backwards, your body now leaning against the desk that pressed against the wall.
In a moment of bravery, once you had stopped to take a breath, Hongjoong let his lips attach to your neck. The sound of your soft sigh encouraged him to continue as he suckled harshly at a particular spot that had you moan; Hongjoong could feel the spit and dribble accumulating at the corners of his mouth and in a split-second decision, he detached before licking a stripe up the expanse of your neck, then quickly bit down where your neck and shoulder met. Seconds later, he found himself crumpled to the floor holding his cheek. Did you slap him? You slapped him. He didn’t have a moment to retort or fight back, as in the next second he found himself being pulled up to his knees by his hair, your grip getting harsher as you forced his head back to look at your still standing figure.
“Now just who do you think you are?” You questioned, your face blank but words filled with venom, “It’s almost like you want me to hurt you. Is that what you want? To be treated like a little bitch? Is that why you let those men from earlier say what they said?”
As you leant down closer to the others face, you recoiled. Hongjoong spat at you.
“You’re really pushing it, Hongjoong. Acting like a fucking brat.” You growled lowly while wiping away the spit that landed on your cheek, “Fine.” Your foot met with Hongjoong’s chest, kicking him down onto his back. Hongjoong let out a groan, his chest shaking with a choked breath as your foot trailed down his chest; he let out a moan that filled to the corners of the room as your boot pressed against his crotch with an intense amount of pressure. His hips jumped up in an attempt to get more friction, whining as your foot let up and pressed back down.
“You’re so dirty, Hongjoong, humping against my foot like a bitch in heat.” You teased, foot pressing with even more pressure as you leaned over him, “Maybe you really are a dumb whore. Do you think it was smart to bite me? Or maybe you just decided to be a brat in order to be treated like one.”
Hongjoong let out another loud whine, his hands grasping at the floorboards as he didn’t know what to do with them. He attempted to formulate a response but all that left his mouth was incoherent babbles.
“You’re so cute, humping against my foot like this. And you can’t even form a sentence? You really are my dumb little whore.” Hongjoong let out a pitching whine that had you rolling your eyes. “By the seas, you’re so noisy. Maybe you need something in your mouth to shut you up, hm? What do you think, baby? I think you’d look amazing with your mouth stuffed.”
As you stepped back, Hongjoong clambered up from his position, his eagerness amusing you and surprising himself. He watched as you leaned back on the desk once more, shuffling forwards on his knees and placing himself at your feet. Watching you untie the sash that held your trousers up was a sight that he wished he could watch again and again but he had no time to even think about replaying the memory as you pulled out your cock from its confines. Hongjoong could swear he was drooling out the corner of his mouth, tongue licking at his lips in anticipation. He shuffled forwards a little more, falling forwards and placing his hands on your thighs as you tugged at his hair once more.
Now with his face pressed against the rough fabric of your trousers, the length next to him became daunting; he wondered if it would fit inside him at all. His breaths came out shallow pants as he watched you stroke yourself once, twice and then once more for good measure, precum dripping off your fingers. Oh, how he wanted to taste you. Much to his luck, the tapping of your fingers on his lips told him that he would get the chance. Hongjoong opened his mouth and let his tongue loll out, your fingers smearing what they held against the wet muscle.
“Swallow it.” You commanded.
Hongjoong obeyed.
Even though it was a minuscule amount of precum, he savoured the taste with a low hum of approval. He let his mouth open once more to show that he had swallowed and preened when he saw you nod your head in approval.
“Such a good boy for me” you cooed, “I think you deserve a treat.”
While your tone was softer than before, your actions were not. The hand that he had missed petting at his hair came to grip at his roots, your hand moving his head from where it rested to your cock. You tapped the tip off of his tongue a few times and gave a few experimental thrusts before lowering the other’s head down slowly, admiring as his jaw dropped more to allow more room.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” Your eyes met with his glassy ones, “Get to work, slut.”
Hongjoong didn’t need any more telling. His hands gripped harder at your thighs as he began to bob his head slowly, savouring the feeling of veins on his tongue. When he came back off, he would give a few kitten licks to your tip and then take as much as he could back into his mouth. He loved how full his mouth felt, it was addicting, his own personal aphrodisiac. Hongjoong began to pick up pace and revelled in the sounds of your soft groans; this only spurred him on, choosing to pick up the pace once more and try to fit even more of you into his mouth. He glanced up at you and let a moan out at the sight of you, your head tilted back in pleasure and a light sheen of sweat covering your torso. The vibrations of Hongjoong’s moan had you moaning, even more, a sudden thrust making the other gag and cough, coming off to try and catch his breath.
You looked down at him, being met with the sight of Hongjoong flushed red and puffy-faced had your stomach curling but what made it really twist was the pooling of spit that dripped down from the corners of his mouth. You let out a low groan and thumbed at one corner of his mouth, bringing your now spit-covered thumb up to your mouth and licking it off in a dirty display.
“I’m gonna fuck your mouth now.” It was more of a statement than a question, no room for negotiations as both of your hands came to grip at Hongjoong’s long locks once more. With the grip you had on his hair, Hongjoong could barely nod as he let his lips part once again.
Hongjoong wasn’t expecting you to bottom out into his throat in one go. It caught him by surprise. But he couldn’t help the way it made his hips jump and his eyes roll back, tears that had been threatening to fall once now streaming down his cheeks. All he could do was moan around your length as you used him as a toy. His nose constantly brushed against your pubic hair but he didn’t care; how could he? Your grunts and growls that you let out were like a song to him, spurring him on to do better and take it all. Just for you.
“God you’re so- Fuck-“ You grunted out, your hips bucking as you bottomed out once more. The feeling of his throat swallowing around you easily pulled you closer to the edge, “You’re so ruined for me. All I’m doing is fucking your mouth and you’re already crying. Should have done this sooner- Shit!” Hongjoong let out a noise of surprise as you pulled him as far down as you could, your cum spilling down his throat and pooling up in his mouth. He pulled himself off of your length and attempted to swallow what he could but the overwhelming need to cough had a lot of it spilling out of his mouth and onto the floor, some even finding itself coming out of his nose. Once he had caught his breath, Hongjoong looked up at you and pouted at the displeased look on your face.
“Don’t look at me like that. You could have easily swallowed but didn’t. Now there’s cum all over the floor.” You mockingly pouted back, coming to crouch down at his level. “But that’s okay, I like it dirty and you’ll be a lot worse off than this floor once I’m done with you.” Hongjoong attempted to stammer out a reply only to let out another pathetic whine as he felt your tongue lick up some of the cum that dripped down from the corner of his mouth.
The world was spinning in Hongjoong’s vision, his head dizzy from the heat and intensity of what had just happened to him; this only increased tenfold as you suddenly picked him up and, after a short journey across the room, threw him down onto the bed. You stepped back to drink in the sight of the smaller captain on your bed, looking oh-so-ruined by a simple facefucking. Hongjoong looked away and tried to cover his face as he felt your predatory eyes scrape across his body, a rather girly squeal leaving him as your hands yanked the trousers he was wearing off of his body. Before he could even attempt to cover himself up, your hands grabbed at his wrists and pinned them down above his head. He made further attempts to cover his exposed lower half with his legs but couldn’t do anything as he felt the rough fabric of your trousers scratching at his skin as you used your own legs to keep his in place, boots having been kicked off somewhere in the process of you climbing on to the bed to pin him down.
“I can’t wait to absolutely demolish you, Joongie” You purred out, switching the two-handed grip you had on his wrists to just one in order to let the other wander over the expanse of his torso. “Should I prep you? You’ve been such a bad boy this past week so I don’t think I should.”
Your words had Hongjoong writhing in your grip, the attempt at escaping almost admirable. “W-Wait no! Please, I'll be a good boy!” He panicked, the thought of taking you and not being prepped sounding more painful than pleasurable, “M’ be a good boy, please! Could take you so much better with prep…” His words sounded slurred and the look behind his eyes could be described as foggy at best.
“If I prep you, you better not touch yourself,” You responded with a sly grin on your face at the idea that had just formulated, “Actually, I have a better idea.”
Hongjoong watched as you reached back for the sash that stuck out of your pocket. As you brought it upwards towards his wrists, he attempted to squirm away out of your hold only to stop and whine as you quickly slapped his thigh. The idea of not being able to use his hands was torturous to his mind, he wanted to be able to grab at your hair and feel his nails scrape down your back. He could only watch as you tied the red fabric around his wrists, the feel of it a lot nicer than the fabric of your trousers that continued to press into his legs.
With a final tug at the knot you had tied around his wrists, you knelt back to admire your handy work with a more than pleased look in your eyes. You stepped back off of the bed, offering Hongjoong some relief from the pressure that was once against his legs. He watched as you shucked off your trousers, then as you crawled back onto the bed.
“You’re doing so well for me, darling.” You murmured out in a moment of softness, your hands caressing at the other's hips. Hongjoong could only watch with wide eyes as the momentary softness in your eyes disappeared and your hands gripped harshly, his body suddenly being flipped and his head pressing down into the pillow that was below him. He could feel your hands graze up his sides and then back down, a harsh spank coming to his ass that has him moaning louder than he ever had before.
You shuffled down the bed a bit, the small frame not allowing for much movement. Your hands cupped at his ass, gripping as they parted his cheeks to let a glob of spit land on the smaller man’s hole. The sensation had Hongjoong writhing, the feeling of his cock rubbing against the bedsheets below him causing him to moan out and rut his hips forwards to get more of the sensation. This was met with another spank only making him moan out even more.
“At this rate, everyone in the tavern will hear you sweetheart.”
Hongjoong didn’t care, all he could focus on was the feeling of your finger pressing against his entrance, “I’m sure you’d like that though. Everyone being able to hear you whoring yourself out for me.”
He couldn’t even formulate a response past a whine as he felt your finger press into him. “You’re so tight Joongie. I don’t think you’ll be able to take me at this rate.”
“M’, can take you!” He whined back, the world blurring together at the feeling of your finger working in and out of him, “‘nother. More! Can take more.”
“If you say so.” You purred in response, letting another of your fingers enter him. You let out a low chuckle at the whine the other let out as you worked him open; the constant back and forth of your fingers and scissoring of them to work him open made him pant and rut into the bed. This went on for a few minutes, these minutes making Hongjoong restless. He wanted, no, needed you inside him soon or he’d definitely cum untouched and onto your bedsheets.
“Cock…” He slurred out, craning his head in an attempt to meet your eyes, “Want your cock, please.”
“Such a well-mannered boy,” You cooed, a whine drawing from below as you removed your fingers, “Shame you’ll forget all of them once you're dumb from my cock, isn't it?” You watched as he shoved his hips up in an attempt to display himself better to you as if attempting to entice you to go faster and get inside of him quicker. You knelt back once more, pulling Hongjoong up with you only to push him onto all fours and then press at the top of his back. Without much warning, you slid your cock between his asscheeks a few times before pressing forwards and bottoming out in one go, a sick grin on your face at the strangled moan that the male below you let out. You watched as he squirmed and tried to get away, only to be pulled back by his hips to keep him where he was.
“You said you could take it, so take it.” You commanded.
Hongjoong grasped at the pillow below him the best he could with bound wrists, feeling tears drip down his cheeks and stain the pillow below him. He knew he could take it, he didn’t want you to stop; but the burn was so much, having only spit as a form of lubrication wasn’t enough but it would have to do in the situation. Once he felt that he had adjusted enough, Hongjoong tried to move his hips to get some sort of stimulation but couldn’t help the whine that left him as it proved not enough. His silent prayers seemed to be answered when he felt you grip at his hips, draw out and then slam back in. A choked moan left him at the sudden movement, but it didn’t stop there. Your pace was brutal from the beginning, not taking one moment to slow down as you panted above him. Your administrations were brutal but not unwelcome, the harsh speed and rough thrusts you provided bringing Hongjoong dangerously close to the edge. He tried to look back at your figure once again but you appeared blurred thanks to the jostling your thrusts supplied; when he finally did catch a glimpse of you he could only moan even more than he had been already. Sweat trailed down your torso and the snarl that sat on your lips made his hole twitch.
Feeling the clench he gave, you looked over at Hongjoong. He looked so destroyed at that moment, tears streaming down his face and saliva pooling on the pillow below him. You admired the way his body shone from sweat and shook from stimulation, his bare back looking all too bare. As you leaned over him and caged him in, you pressed into him at a different angle and watched as his eyes rolled back in silent prayer. You lowered your head and placed subtle kisses across his shoulders, only to quickly replace them with harsh bites, making Hongjoong shake.
“‘M gonna cum if you do that!” He whined in complaint.
“Then cum. Cum all over these sheets and make them dirty just like you.” You mocked back, “I want to watch you unravel just for me.”
Hongjoong let out a pitching whine as your hips worked even quicker, the jostling making his cock rub against the sheets even more. When you placed a bite on his shoulder, he found himself spilling all over the sheets. His head went blank as his vision filled with white and his ears went static. While he wasn’t present in the moment, he could feel you pick up pace as he rode his high; the fluttering of his walls pulling you in and closer to your own high. Suddenly, it was warm. You had come inside of him but didn’t show any signs of stopping or slowing down. Hongjoong could feel himself quickly reaching his high once again, the overstimulation becoming too much for him.
“‘M gonna cum again!” He babbled out, hands straining against the ties that held strong.
“Then cum again. And again and again.” You growled out into his ear, “You won't be able to even walk when I’m done with you so cum again or don’t cum at all.”
The next morning, Hongjoong woke up to an empty bed and a note on the bedside table. He winced as he sat up, the light of the morning illuminating the room and his marked-up body. He picked up the note and gave it a quick once-over knowing he would have to vacate the room soon in order to go back to the 0325.
“Captain Hongjoong,
You may notice that you have woken up alone but do not be alarmed. I had to head down to the carpenter’s in the early hours of the morning to help them get the materials you needed onto my ship. The inn owners have informed me that we need to vacate our rooms by eleven o’clock and I have asked everyone to be back aboard the ship by noon so that anyone may grab things that they want or need before heading back to the Aurora. You will find your clothes on the desk (I took the liberty of folding them and your boots are off to the side of the desk). I will be at the carpenter's till around half past eleven so you are welcome to join me should you wish to. If not, I will see you back aboard the ship.
Captain Y/n”
Hongjoong was surprised to find that there were no mentions of the night's activities in your note but he can’t say he was disappointed. As memories of the night flashed in his mind, he didn’t know how to feel. His original intentions had been to give you a stern telling off but somehow he ended up getting fucked by you and rather roughly at that; he glanced down at the blossoming purples and blues that littered his chest and stomach and could feel a pink glow take to his face. The ones on his neck he knew he wouldn’t be able to hide at all which left him with no choice but to face his crew with a small sliver of dignity that remained in his body.
Eventually, he hauled himself out of bed and got dressed. He pulled his hat over mussed hair and grabbed the handle to the door; as he stepped out he came face-to- face with Seonghwa. The two made eye contact, glanced down at each other- taking in the state of the other's neck- and gave a small nod of agreement to one another “Not a word-“ Hongjoong began before the other cut him off.
“Not a word of this to anyone, Captain.” The quartermaster mused, “I agree.”
Neither said any more words as Seonghwa passed his captain his cane that he left in the tavern the night before and the two headed down the stairs and out into the streets.
“This is going to be a long journey back.” Hongjoong sighed.
Seonghwa couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh. “Just wait till San and Wooyoung see the state of you. They’re going to have a field day.”
“By the seas… Someone kill me now.”
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fanimesenseiwrites · 4 years
Things the MC would bring back to their demon bois from the mortal realm:
MC goes to second hand stores and vintage shops always on the look out for vinyl records that they think Lucifer would like.
Most of the time they try and bring back stuff he'd actually like, such as Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi
Once, they brought back Stravinsky's Firebird Suite and Lucifer wouldn't stop kissing them (once they were in the privacy of his room of course)
Sometimes the MC will bring back more modern music just because it makes them think of him
"I dunno, I just listen to Hozier and think of you"
Lucifer doesn't like all the modern music they bring back but he appreciates the sentiment just the same
Then there's the gag gifts...
Any kind of music that has a reference to the devil or Satan or hell is fair game
These gifts usually elicit an eye roll from the eldest brother but he keeps them all the same
This is why Lucifer owns a copy of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia"
So when MC brings back a copy of Giuseppe Tartini's Violin Sonata in G minor, they're a little surprised at Lucifer's delighted reaction
"You know, I was the one who visited Tartini in his dreams."
MC's mind = blown.
"Also, this copy is cursed. I know you know how much I enjoy cursed vinyls."
"I- wait... What?!"
MC is very upset that they had a cursed vinyl in their possession this whole time
This boy loves stuff, and he loves MC, so he's gonna love any gift really
But MC knows he loves treasure and jewels and as much as they'd love to just bring him back nice watches and jewelery...
So MC settles for semi-precious stones instead
They always find fun and beautiful stones at museums and those metaphysical stores and they always pick out one that reminds them of Mammon
They're really nervous when they give him his first gift
"Hey, I got this for you and I know it's not fancy or expensive but I saw it and thought of you and I just wanted you to have it."
Mammon will love them until they die. He is really just so touched that MC thought of him. He'll try and play it cool though
He totally fails. MC won't tell him that though
MC brings him Lapis Lazuli and tells him it reminded them of his eyes and Mammon is now a puddle of lovesick goo on the floor
Mammon puts more shelves in his room dedicated to all the gifts MC gives him
One time MC brings him back some fool's gold in a teeny little jar on a chain, so that he can wear it
"Fool's gold? Why cuz I'm a fool?" Mammon asks with a roll of his eyes.
"What? No, cuz I'm a fool for you."
Mammon only love MC until they die? WRONG.
He's gonna love them forever now
He was gonna do that anyways
C'mon, this boy is easy. Anime/manga stuff and TSL. Need I say more?
At first he'll be suspicious of MC wanting to give him gifts, but once they've convinced him that they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart he's really touched
The first thing the MC brings him is a pen with a little Ruri-Chan on the end of it
"I know it's not much, but I just happened to see it and I knew you'd like it"
Like it??????
He's never seen anything like this in the Devildom and he doesn't think about the small stuff usually because he's too busy trying to get the big collectors edition items. So he actually really loves this.
MC continues to bring him cute small stuff like buttons and keychains and Levi loves them all.
His favorite item(s) that MC brought him is a pair of Lord of Shadows and Henry BFF enamel pins
He definitely tackle hugged MC when he got them
He gives the Lord of Shadows pin back to MC so they can each have one and show off their BFF status with them
MC loves going to second-hand bookstores to shop for Satan.
Satan also appreciates new books, but there's something special about how his face lights up when he finds something old or rare. Anything with a little bit of history to it.
Of course, finding rare books for not a lot of money is a rare event in itself
So a safe bet is to bring Satan non-fiction, the boy loves to learn
But he really loves it when MC puts thought into finding fiction books that he would like
"I just really feel like you'd like Dean Koontz so I brought you one of my favorites by him."
Satan loves those gifts the most because he can talk to MC about the books afterwards
Satan's absolute favourite gift is a leather bound copy of Arabian Nights though
"I was thinking we could read this one together"
"Like you read it to me and pretend to be Scheherazade?" Satan suggests.
MC is flustered at the connotation of the suggestion but agrees anyways
The time they spend together reading that story will forever be one of Satan's favorite memories
He's a little harder to shop for than the MC had originally imagined
They tried bringing him make-up and skin care, which Asmo always graciously accepted, but he never seemed super excited about the gifts
But what else is to be expected from the guy who already uses only the best products?
MC suddenly gets an idea when they send Asmo a selfie of them at the park
- OMG! You're so cute! And the background is pretty too!-
MC starts dressing up and going to nice and beautiful places just with the intention of taking pictures
Botanical Gardens, museums, downtown skylines, anything that would make for a good picture
MC goes full on aesthetic art hoe just for Asmo
Only the best pictures get sent to Asmo
Asmo is LIVING for the looks their MC is serving up
- You are absolutely STUNNING! I'm in awe at these AMAZING pictures-
MC makes a scrapbook of the best pictures to give to Asmo the next time they see him
Asmo loves it and keeps it on display in his room always
Also, Asmo definitely makes MC their personal photographer after seeing the wonderful shots they took
Obviously, the boy loves food. He's always down to try new snacks from the mortal realm.
But MC wonders if there's something better that they could bring him
One day MC is at GNC for supplements for themself when they notice the workout supplements and get an idea
They grab some fun flavored protein powder and some BCAAs and a really nice shaker bottle just for Beel
Beel is actually really excited to get these gifts!
The Devildom doesn't have fun flavors of protein powder and the shaker bottle is such a great idea!
MC always brings new flavors of protein back for Beel, doing their best to find the weirdest flavors for him to try
Beel's favorite is definitely Birthday Cake.
MC starts bringing him new stuff to try too, protein bars, recovery supplements, collagen, and superfoods shakes
Beel tries everything and tells MC what their favorites are
"I love the BCAAs, I just wish the Devildom had them..." *sad Beel noises*
MC may or may not talk to Diavolo about researching BCAAs and getting them produced and sold in the Devildom
The supplements MC brings actually help Beel with his workouts and to control his hunger (a little)
Beel actually gets hotter??? Who knew that was possible???
MC definitely takes advantage of Beel's new 8-pack 😏😏😏
What do you get the boy who only wants to sleep?
MC has gotten him stuffed animals and blankets and even a couple of nice pillows, but nothing seems to excite him
... but maybe that's just his personality??
It's not until MC accidentally leaves a sweater in the Devildom, that they figure it out
- You left your sweater down here- Belphie texts MC.
- Oh no, I'll just get when I come to visit y'all again-
- That's fine. I like having something that smells like you-
And the light bulb went off in MC's head.
Every time MC goes to visit they leave a shirt or sweater behind for Belphie, so that he can have something that smells like them.
Belphie loves how MC smells, its like a sweet dream all the time. It helps him sleep better when they're gone.
Belphie starts to complain when MC is gone longer than the item they left smells like them
(Which is every time)
So MC will start leaving Belphie more than one item, packing them in airtight bags so he can use them one after another until they return
Belphie can and will fight anyone who tries to take MC's clothing
"Mammon, you have two seconds to put that sweater back or I will kill you."
And Lucifer probably won't stop him
He's honestly the easiest to please.
He's so fascinated with any thing that humans do that he'll enjoy any gift from the human world.
MC's first gift to him is a rubber duck.
"The duck is wearing a crown so it made me think of you and I just thought it was cute."
"I love it! What's its purpose?"
"Uh... to float around in the bathtub with you and look cute?"
"Isn't that what you're for?"
Diavolo loves the rubber duck so much it gets his own silk pillow to rest on when it's not taking a bath with Diavolo.
MC brings him cute pens, and keychains sometimes bottles of wine if the bottle is cute.
"The bottle is shaped like a cat! Isn't that delightful?!"
MC's proudest moment was when they found a full and intact tea set at the thrift store
Diavolo immediately fell in love with it.
He insists on only using that set when having tea with MC
But his favorite gift will always be the rubber duck.
He'll insist that he doesn't need any gifts but that won't stop the MC.
MC is with him in the kitchen in the Demon Lord's Palace when they get an idea.
Barbatos works so hard, he deserves some things to make his life easier and liven up the bland kitchen
MC's first gift is a vegetable spiralizer.
"You use it to turn zucchini and squash and the like into noodles so that you can do fun stuff with vegetables!"
Barbatos accepts it graciously, but he'll probably never use it.
MC brings him spices from the mortal realm and Barbatos actually really loves those.
When MC brings him a food processor, he offers to cook for them right then and there
Despite all the weird gadgets MC ends up bringing him, and there are plenty out there, Barbatos's favorite is a ladle that looks like a stegosaurus.
It's far more whimsical than anything he would've ever picked out, and he'll never use it, but only because he's afraid of ruining it, not because he doesn't love it.
At some point, Barbatos does ask MC to stop bringing him kitchen gadgets
"Why? Do you not like them?" MC asks with a pout.
"I appreciate all of them, but I have everything I need when you're in the kitchen with me."
If MC wasn't already in love with him they are now
Smooth bastard just doesn't want anymore shit in his kitchen
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dorimena · 3 years
I seriously love Bakugou and Todoroki. Especially Bakugou in his tight winter costume in S5. And I love Dom reader and femdom more than a sub. Can I pleaseee request Todoroki or Bakugou where the reader is recording them playing with a vibrator or dildo but get overstimulated because they can't cum from the cock ring because it's their punishments since they forgot their anniversary so reader also forget to stop the toys even if they beg reader to stop in the camera.if you don't mind the request
I don’t mind~ May your sin be forgiven with this prayer (˘⌣˘人) This sounds really, really sexy, so I had a blast imagining and putting this into words.
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; bakugou katsuki & todoroki shoto
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 2.1k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; fem!reader, sex toys (dildo, vibrators, cockring), overstimulation, cam sex (recording), exhibitionism, semi-public, dom!reader, sub!character
𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰; balcony sex (?), threesome, whiny Bakugou, weeping Todoroki, punishment, orgasm denial, aged-up characters, Bakugou and Todoroki are both 20+
𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢; Unravel Me by Sabrina Claudio and Fuck Love by XXXTENTACION ft. Trippie Reid somehow helped me piece this together. Sorry if there are any typos! It’s not proofread.
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𝕯𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊
“W-we! We-”
You watch as both men struggle to speak, trying to ask for forgiveness, once again. It’s the fourth time this hour, the way Bakugou tries to open his mouth wide enough to not slur his words and Todoroki tries to correct Bakugou while keeping himself coherent.
It’s cute how the smartest guys in your life seem to fail miserably in having a decent human conversation
Well, you can’t blame them either, not with the way you keep toying around with the intensity of the vibrators taped to their dicks, cum drying on the toy enough to show anyone who looks up on the balcony that these two men, with such stature and muscles, are easily falling apart.
“Speak better, sweethearts. Can’t have you guys sounding so dumb on camera, right?”
Oh yeah, and you’re even recording them, in case anyone else would want to watch the rising proheros break.
You’re not actually going to show them to the public, but maybe to their friends. Maybe Kirishima would like to watch? Kaminari? Sero? Or maybe Iida? Midoriya?
Heck, the girls might even ask some day.
But you know what makes you curious about showing this video to their friends?
The way both Bakugou and Todoroki are presenting themselves beautifully, as if they’re pro porn stars saving the wanks rather than proheros saving the day.
It’s cute, how Bakugou’s puffing his muscular chest in the air as if they were the juiciest tits ever, which they are, and how Todoroki is somehow sensually humping the air with every buzz against his furious red tip.
Your eyes stay on the screen, making sure the lighting is entering nice enough to make it seem like they’re glowing, other than their post-orgasm glow.
How many times have they come by now?
“Babes, how many times have you cum?”
They both shake their heads.
Of course they wouldn’t know. They just take what they’re receiving. They’re making up for their mistake.
You still pout, tapping the touchable screen to even out the weird lighting as another cloud covers the sun, again.
Maybe giving their punishment out on the balcony wasn’t such a good idea.
As you look down to the floor below them, seeing the once growing puddle of cum slowly be pushed by the wind to trail off towards the side of the balcony, seeping through the small opening and probably dripping feets below is what keeps you positive, happy knowing people will eventually look up and wonder ‘what the fuck is going on?’
Well, either the drying cum gives away your dirty activities or it’s Todoroki’s wailing as an orgasm is ripped out of him forcibly.
Pity nothing comes from his tip, not since some time ago.
They both thought they deserve to cum and be satisfied?
Maybe you should’ve put the cock rings on them before making them come the first two times, but their reactions and frustration with how little some cum leaves or how their body reacts with the dry convulsions makes you giggle in pride.
Pretty babes.
“Todoroki, shut up. You’ll make the neighbors look over- oh! Oh, that’s what you want? I understand.”
And poor Todoroki is just shaking his head way too fast, enough to give him whiplash, but you just snicker as you reach over to a white box.
An unfamiliar white box.
Bakugou’s eyeing Todoroki in pity, wondering what the other will have to endure as he keeps trying to fight off his orgasm.
How he’s doing it, he has no clue. But god his dick hurts.
He’s been wanting to cum for the past 30 minutes, but with the way he resents this stupid cock ring, he’d rather not humilliate himself in front of you and figure out how else to please you.
Maybe he should offer to eat you out?
The way his body is super tense and his breathing is shallow doesn’t escape your attention, less how much pity is showing itself on his face as he shakes his face in disapproval with Todoroki’s recent dry orgasm.
Good thing you invested in this double dildo.
Neither of the boys take notice with how you’re lubing the dildo that looks like it’d belong to you. It’s quite pretty, long and thick enough to hopefully please your boys.
Even if they won’t get to cum.
“Bakugou,” you start, smiling as you watch his once bright eyes suddenly darken as shock takes over his face.
What the
“Fuck is that?!” He yells out, accidentally letting his body relax as it finally submits to the vibrations of the toy, his yell turning into an unbroken series of high-pitched moans, his hips losing control with how incredibly close he is.
“A double dildo, baby. Look! It even looks like if I’d be fucking you two, isn’t that fun?”
Bakugou shakes his head, gasping ‘no, no, no!’ before he falls forward, balancing himself with his palms as he sobs through his first dry orgasm. Maybe he shouldn’t have held back for so long, not with the way his body unforgivably goes through waves of pure unsatisfied pleasure.
Todoroki, meanwhile, is nodding eagerly, eyes welling up in happy tears at the idea of getting fucked, in getting more pleasure and love from you, even if this is meant to be punishment.
But, why are you exposing them like this?
They forgot your anniversary.
Your 3rd anniversary as a throuple, the anniversary Bakugou swallowed his bite and pride to confess to you how much he loves you and how he’s falling in love with Todoroki too; the anniversary Todoroki finally let loose the dam of emotions and even if a bit tipsy, agreed he too was falling in love with both you and Bakugou, how he hasn’t ever felt so understood, so loved, so safe.
So, yeah, how dare they forget?
But if they wanna be dumb, you’ll help with that.
It’s been a while now since you’ve turned off the vibrators and since you’ve prepped them well enough to take the dildo together.
The scene in front of you is gorgeous, ethereal, sublime.
You just want to ruin them like this everyday.
“Aagh! Ugh! F-fuck! Sl-slow do-own! Haaah~”
“S-sorry! ‘m s-sorry! Ca-an’t! Nnah…”
It’s cute watching them argue a bit, how Bakugou can’t take how fast Todoroki is fucking himself back on the dildo while also pushing the toy deeper into Bakugou. And Todoroki doesn’t actually look sorry, not with how his eyes keep crossing everytime he manages to get the toy to hit his sweet spot.
He’s trying so hard to win your forgiveness by putting up with this, but it’s kind of sad knowing you’re not going to stop anytime soon, or take off the cockrings.
Not like they know anyways.
Bakugou might’ve known, might’ve noticed, with the way he’s trying to keep this dragging as slow and steady as possible; with the way his precum is struggling to escape the confines the cockring gives; with how much his red and miserably hard dick keeps jumping with every push Todoroki’s ass gives him.
You’re lounging about, resisting the urge to get off to the scene in front of you, or else they’d start begging to let them please you as apologies, and knowing how sentimental this day is for you, you know you’d immediately give in.
But this is punishment for their forgetfulness.
So, as the cherry on top of this cum covered balcony sex sundae, you’ll also forget about them.
It lasted for a while as you got bored with how neither of them seemed to be reaching another orgasm.
If only the dildo had a vibration option.
But the vibrators still taped on their dicks will have to do.
So you turn them back on, and oh would you look at that! The cockrings could also vibrate.
The pleasure-filled scream coming from Bakugou and the cute, drawled whine of your name Todoroki lets out makes you feel grateful for thinking ahead, kinda.
Now both boys are writhing against each other, different ways to let out their desperations and dying need to properly cum manifesting in either rapid fucking on the dildo to simply submitting to the minstruations of the other party.
To put it in better, shorter words, Bakugou took the reigns in fucking the dildo in such rigor and strength that made Todoroki lay on his chest, ass still up as he simply took everything Bakugou kept pushing into him, mouth opened as hiccups and drool escaped. His eyes settle onto your form, watering as more tears gather on his waterline before dropping to the ground his face is resting on.
It feels so good, so, so good he can’t believe this is punishment. Even if he hasn’t been able to properly cum for some time now, he still thinks you’re being nice with them. Must be because of the anniversary that you sadly reminded them of.
He’s trying his best to push back on the dildo, wanting Bakugou to feel just as good as him, just as fucked as him.
And everytime the toy hits him just right, Todoroki sees stars, feels an all too familiar tingly sensation as he tries to grab his dick, but when you turn the vibrator up even more, his hands just lay on the ground, nails raking as he tries gripping on something, anything.
He really, really, really needs to cum. He wants to cum.
Keep being a good boy for you.
But all he gets is a choked sob of your name leaving his mouth as his eyes roll to the back of his head, eyebrows furrowed upwards as the strongest orgasm takes over his body, he’d be convinced there’s an earthquake happening. Small whimpers of how much it hurts leaves his mouth soon after, his dick twitching pathetically as it slowly becomes purple, barely a dribble of cum managing to escape.
Bakugou is in no good shape either, loudly moaning and crying out how good you’re fucking him, how he’s taking your cock, how good he is being, to please, please, please let him cum.
But actually cum, to let him contaminate the floor even more with his sperm, to let him taste it even, if that would make you happy and forgive him.
He’s close to wailing by now, hips going impossible faster as he forgets all about poor Todoroki riding out his high.
And the moment you turn on the vibrators intensity, he gets dizzy, breath getting stuck in his throat as his brain tries to process the spiraling of his warm, hot orgasm growing too much, burning him everywhere as if it were lava.
Small sparks sound on his fingertips as he howls and gets hurled into his own orgasm, back arching and head thrown back as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
He didn’t even notice the tears rolling down his cheeks, not with how his mind only cares about how good yet bad this orgasm feels.
Not even how loud his high-pitched wails of how good it feels, how much it hurts, is enough to alarm anyone near the radius of this defiling act.
Both boys are left shuddering or twitching through their intense dry orgasm, the way their bodies react with the built up cum in their dicks, with how hot and how wreckless they’re becoming with their quirks.
Still connected with the dildo, neither move, unless it’s some pathetic hump to help drag the orgasm a little more before they try to even remember what letter your name begins with.
Bakugou’s whimpering.
Todoroki’s crying silently.
Both blinking the haze out of their vision as they remember about the buzzing, about the relentless feeling on their really, really sensitive dicks.
Bakugou’s crying now.
Todoroki’s just busy mewling like a slut by now.
And when they both turn to look at you, they gasp so loudly one of them begins choking on air and the other with saliva.
Where’d you go?!
Come back!
And ‘come back’ and ‘forgive us’ is the only thing anyone could possibly hear for the next few hours as they fuck the dildo and let the vibrators do their job in milking more and more orgasms out of them.
If only they’d look closer, they would’ve seen a post-it note stuck on the tripod of the camera telling them you went to the kitchen and that they better come crawling.
Oh well, you’re enjoying the view anyways as you sip on some liquor of your liking, turning off the vibrators as you slowly walk to the balcony.
The sun’s beginning to set. You’re not that cruel in letting them fuck each other in the cold.
The bedroom is much better, and comfier.
Perfect for you to finish the job and let them finally, finally, get their deserving orgasms.
You’ll be sure to milk out
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Slashers with an artist s/o who loves to draw them and gives them the drawing when they finish it!
You're writing is always great!
You always come up with the cutest ideas I swear! You’re amazing
Slashers x Artist S/O
Michael Myers
He’s very easy to draw considering the fact he can stand still for hours! He’s like a statue, this man does not move. Probably the reason all those muscles are so stiff.
Michael isn’t a very expressive person, so don’t expect much of a reaction from him. Although, he does appreciate the sentiment and is flattered that you think he’s attractive or interesting enough for you to draw.
He will take the drawing from you, fold it up, and put it in his pocket. Thank you, y/n! It’s his now. When you’re not around he will occasionally take it out of his pocket and stare at it because he doesn’t understand how you can love someone like him so much.
One day you might find the drawing laying on his nightstand, crumpled up from being carried around so much. Please make him more drawings to carry around.
Swear up and down he didn’t put it up on the fridge, he has no clue how it got there from your sketchbook. Maybe you sleep walk y/n, it definitely wasn’t him snooping through your stuff.
Bo Sinclair
Oh great, now he has two artists seeking his approval. What is he? An artist magnet? No Bo you just like artsy people, admit it.
He is very flattered that you take the time to draw him but in true Bo fashion, he acts annoyed by it or pretends it’s no big deal. Be careful y/n, because you’re definitely feeding his ego.
He’ll never tell you this, but he takes the drawing you give to him and puts it down in the basement of the shop. Doesn’t want you to know he kept it but also wants to put it in a place he can see it pretty often.
Steals your sketchbook one day and just sits on your shared bed staring at all of the drawings of him. He’s amazed by the way you see him, he’s quite literally seeing himself through your eyes. You may notice a few torn out pages the next day. Bo took his favorite drawings, even ones that weren’t of him.
Vincent Sinclair
He would notice the fact you always seem to be intensely focused on your sketchbook. He doesn’t notice your eyes constantly flicking up to him and back down at the pages though.
You startle him when you shove the drawing in front of his face, but recovers quickly. He would stare at the drawing in awe for a good while. As an artist he appreciates it more than most, knowing that it took both time and talent.
As an artist, Vincent also knows people spend time drawing things that motivate or captivate them. That thought has him overflowing with joy.
Vincent hangs the drawing by his bed down in the basement. He doesn’t sleep down there much since you came along. Now when he does though, he has a little piece of you and your love for him with him to.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms likes to spy on you through the walls and notices that you spend a decent amount of your free time drawing. From the gaps in the walls, he can never make out what it is you’re drawing though.
One day, you shove a page you ripped out in front of his face. He takes in your look of pure delight before examining the page, taken aback when it’s a drawing of him.
Brahms had never seen himself the way he was drawn on the page. He could swear that the person on the page was completely different than the person in the mirror. It makes him realize you really do find him attractive.
Brahms proudly hangs the drawing up in his room within the walls. You can expect him to somehow become even clingier after that.
Please draw him more y/n! He’ll even pose for you if you want!
Thomas Hewitt
He won’t grab the drawing you shove in front of him, he doesn’t want to get it dirty. Then he notices that it’s a torn out page and not your whole sketchbook. You’ll have to tell him it’s for him before he finally accepts it.
At the same time, Thomas is unsure what to do with it. He’s flustered that you took the time to draw him. Little does he know you have plenty of drawings of him. Tommy wouldn’t understand why you don’t spend time drawing things worth drawing instead of him.
Still, he keeps the drawing tucked away in the basement. If it becomes water damaged he’s saddened that he allowed something you made him to get ruined.
Now he gets super flustered any time he notices you glancing up at him repeatedly from your sketchbook.
Decides to flip through it one day when you’re not around to catch him. The amount of drawings of him makes his heart melt. He’ll never let you know why he was extra cuddly that night. He’s amazed by both your talent and your love for him.
Billy Loomis
You know what they say, everyone’s a critique, but especially Billy. Claims his hair doesn’t look right. Your right Billy, it doesn’t look like that, but it would if you would wash your hair.
Secretly, he’s touched by the fact you drew him. Congratulations you’ve boosted his ego even more about his looks somehow.
Billy most definitely has a box of random sentimental items under his bed. That’s his safe place to stash items he cares about so of course you’re drawing is placed right on top.
Whenever he’s having an extra hard time with his abandonment issues he’ll pull out the drawing and look at the little heart by your signature.
Don’t let him discover one of your sketchbooks with multiple drawings though. You’ll never see it again. It’s his now and it’s stashed under his bed in the box with the first drawing you have him.
Stu Macher
He is the embodiment of a golden retriever, just with a dash of psycho. So he’s absolutely thrilled when you give him the drawing and proceeds to give you numerous compliments on how talented you are.
Stu will hang it up somewhere in his room. Would also be the one to show it off to other people even if you think that’s embarrassing. He’s very proud of you and want’s everyone to know how great you are.
This also leads Stu to encourage you to try other art mediums. Don’t worry about the cost of materials, he’ll cover it. If you decide you don’t enjoy it feel free to drop it, he doesn’t care about money anyways so it’s no big deal to him.
Flexes and tells you that he’s definitely more muscular than you’re giving him credit for. Please draw him with an over exaggerated figure so that he can laugh at it.
“Hey y/n! Paint me like one of your French girls!”
Jesse Cromeans
Jesse hates himself after what happened to his face. He probably keeps around very few mirrors and tries not to look in them. So when you hand him a drawing of himself he freaks out a little. This is how you see him?
He’s very flattered and keeps it safely tucked into a drawer in his office. When no one’s around he just pulls it out and stares at it. The way you draw him makes him look better than he thinks he looks.
If he finds one of your sketchbooks don’t think that he won’t flip through it. So when he finds one that you made a very poor attempt to hide, of course he’s dying to know what’s in it.
A whole sketchbook filled with drawings of only him? You’ve filled the whole thing with him with the mask, without it, dressed up, dressed down it doesn’t matter.
This would definitely make Jesse feel a lot better about his appearance and definitely helps him solidify the idea that you do indeed find him attractive and desirable.
Asa Emory
Acts annoyed that you interrupted him just to give him a drawing. He would shoo you away claiming to be busy and acting like it was no big deal.
Only once you’re gone will he pick it up and see what you drew. He softens when he sees that it’s a drawing of him and almost feels bad about shooing you off.
He would shove it in a drawer of his desk at the university he teaches at. It’s a place he can see it frequently and it reminds him that there’s someone out there who can live someone as cold and cruel as him.
Don’t let him find a whole sketchbook of drawings of him though. Not only will he confront you about it, he’ll use it against you if he really wants to.
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nari-nim · 3 years
hongjoong as your boyfriend
nari note: ah yes, my bias wrecker :’) got requests for mingi and jongho, so they’re coming soon...but who else after them for this series? gif creds go to @hongjooong
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Listen, his time is so precious so when he’s spending it with you? You’re precious. He doesn’t bother wasting his time with people who do not add value to his life, so when he’s paying extra attention to you and offering to buy you coffee on the way to work? Someone likes youuuu ;)
Likes to be friends first before dating
You definitely catch him staring at you a lot
He just thinks you’re so beautiful doing the most mundane tasks :((
Will make sure the relationship will work out before asking you out
Or ask him out and he’ll move mountains to make it work
Oh god he takes intimacy and closeness so seriously, so he will be careful about skinship when y’all first date
But he loves the feeling of you in his arms
Or when you back hug him at work
Speaking of work, absolutely the type to produce and sing love songs for you
Like a whole fucking album
But he won’t publish all of the songs for the public, some are simply just for your ears 
Not in the way where all the lyrics are all R-rated, although he will make some of those songs for sure
But like very much likes to pour his heart out into the lyrics and beats, so those songs especially are just for you
He’s so loyal. Will work anything and everything out. 
Love language is quality time (receiving) and acts of service (giving). This combination leads to a lot of romantic and sensual nights in! Think: making dinner together, eating candle lit dinner, warm baths, stuff that leads to more (expanded on later ;)), all those good cliches.
If it’s in the daytime, scenic drives while blasting music, taking photos on film cameras, chilling by the ocean, all of this fits so well with Hongjoong. 
Date where he teaches you how to reform clothes and you end up creating a matching set together. Couple outfit. Couple goals.
Also nap dates!! 
Cuddle him while he gets this well deserved and much needed rest! 
Remembers literally everything you tell him
Very attentive listener, most likely won’t accidentally fall asleep
This means he gives really thoughtful and sentimental gifts, remembers all the important dates, and absolutely will remember that random person in college that hit on you from one singular conversation about them
all or nothing. Just super devoted and loyal.
Will want to help you learn, grow, and pursue your goals. Not exactly a hype man, but will help you slowly and steadily in the background
For example, uses his connections to help point you to the right direction for this risky career choice but won’t take credit for it unless you press him about it
Hmm.. the type to mentally fixate on a problem or try to solve it on his own because he just wants to see you happy, so make sure you try to coax whatever might bother him out so y’all can face the issues together!
But, he’s extremely good at communicating and conflict resolution
After the first few months, arguments are super rare because y’all worked out the biggest issues by then
And if anything comes up, he is so good at actively listening to you, finding compromises, and voicing his needs in a super understanding way
Ugh someone cuff this mans
Speaking of communication, he’s the type to only talk about his deepest worries or insecurities with the closest loved ones in his life so get ready to see a whole new side of him when dating
Will be so vulnerable and open with you so treat him gently and with kindness!
Deep conversations until the late am
A great ear when it comes to listening to you
Always has great, heartfelt advice
He’s someone you can always lean on! He has your back, always
But also make sure to be there for him because we all know he goes through so much and the strongest people need the strongest support
He’s okay with PDA, but not too much in front of people in KQ
Sticks to hand holding and little else
But he is such a cuddle bug in private! He actually lay on top of you or trap you on his lap, not letting you leave unless it’s an emergency
His hugs feel so safe
When y’all cuddle, you always feel so secure, warm, and loved
Dating him is the equivalent of understanding what a deep sense of belonging feels like
Haha y’all should dare each other to try spicy foods 
Because if you like spice/take it well, watch him look at you in amazement and slight horror
And then proceed to sneak the spicy foods in his dish onto your plate whenever y’all eat out together
Even better, you eat the spicy looking food first as his personal taste tester and after a solemn nod, you just quietly take it off his plate for him/move the dish closer to you. You are his superhero.
Or if you can’t take it well like him, at least you both have fun chugging milk together
A true bonding experience either way
NSFW after this
Switch but with an extremely heavy dom lean
Eager to please. More than anything, likes to make sure you’re both pleasuring each other. 
Loves to hear details of your sexual experience and what you like in bed. Simply as a way of getting to know you more. So y’all could literally be talking about choking on his dick casually over lunch. Seonghwa almost spat his drink out while passing by
He is consent king wbk
When y’all first started dating, there were times he forced you to stop kissing him just so he could pressed his forehead against yours and take some ragged breaths, hands gripping at your shoulders tightly, as he pulled himself together and tried to calm down 
Because intense makeout sessions really turn him on
But once you experimentally rock your hips against his, watch his eyes shoot open and look at you with bated anticipation
The first time y’all get down and dirty he’s literally checking in with you before he does anything
Which is so cute, but you’re literally like “just fuck me” at one point
Once he knows your limits though, likes testing them little by little, but always checking in to see how you are doing
Definitely has hard dom potential, especially after both of you get super comfortable
But he still checks in, whether it be gruffly demand your color or pausing to look at you with a questioning look. Just depends on how fucked out you are.
Always coming up with ways to maximize your pleasure, will give everything you suggest a shot
He appreciates visuals. Likes seeing you in his clothes or in lingerie he bought you
Really into orgasm control
He loves loves loves hearing you whine for him
But also
He’s into breath he’s into breath play he’s into breath play he’s into breath play
Hm shamelessly bringing in astrology: so his scorpio ass can actually be quite freaky. But more than anything, he’s very intense during sex. 
But would fuck you as stress relief after a long day 
That… that gets really intense
You’ve used your safe word against him a few times before on those particular days
Also y’all have needy, desperate sex a lot 
Because he’s so busy and you have your own life so when you get to have your time together, it can be a little animalistic the first few rounds
Then it transitions to like love making…very sweet, slow, and sensual :)
OH he is so romantic on anniversaries! He absolutely loves making it special and will spend the night making you shake from pleasure
But on other days where he’s tired as fuck, this is your chance to take care of him! Not necessarily doming him, but being a service top and cuddling him so well afterwards? He honestly loves it so much more than he lets on
Honestly though, I do see him as someone who will let you dom him if you are both feeling it
Not always, but again, he wants to maximize your pleasure
One time he let you top and you started licking his nipples  #hongtiddies and it felt so good for him, you can tell from the way he starts squirming, rutting his hips up at you, and whimpering for you
Got shy before he hit subspace and you used it to mock him a little
Peg him. He'll take it. Like a mess. 
Cums so hard
Was so red after
Pillow talk hits so different
Y’all are both bathing in that post-sex glow, faces inches apart, him kissing your knuckles tenderly, looking deep into your eyes while you both talk about your future, dreams, and aspirations
Whispers his “I love you”s at this time with such sincerity
You can just see the love in his eyes and gentle smile 
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holewithinahole · 3 years
Hi, can I request a Arcane Headcanon (this is going to be specific), where Jinx, Caitlyn and Vi has a S/O, who gets into a duel or brawl with another rival, and after winning the fight, they help clean up his bruises/wounds?
Arcane Headcanon #4
Warnings: blood, non-native writer, unchecked grammar
I quite like the idea of “inverting” the roles (it’s so easier to picture Jinx or Vi brawling with a rival and the reader taking care of them after, right?) I hope you'll like my stupid take on this trope!
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At first, Jinx is like: "fuck yeah! A fight!"
She’s so excited she’s about to jump into the fight as well when you ask her to stand back.
Your rival mocks you for your sentimentality and you answer with an uppercut.
Jinx cheers for you. Although she doesn’t get why it’s not a gunfight, guns are so much cooler.
Good thing guns aren’t involved because you end up spitting blood on the pavement, your rival and his gang mocking you as they walk away.
Jinx is ready to kick their ass herself but you stop her.
She doesn’t help clean your wounds, you’re the one slowly wrapping your bloody fists but she stays at your side, handing you the tools.
“Next time, let me put a bullet in between his squinty eyes!”
You laugh, wiping your bloody nose. She gives you a cloth: “Yeah, next time, I’ll protect ya’, don’t worry!”
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Vi goes from super worried to super impressed.
No one ever fought for her before, she’s usually the one doing the talking, with her fists.
Seeing you throw punches, dodge and kick back so aggressively stirs something inside her.
Nothing spells hot without a little violence (and Vi stands for violence!)
At the end of the fight, you’re sitting on a counter and Vi tends to your bruised hands with some cloth and alcohol.
When you wince away, she grabs your hand more firmly and looks up to you with her iconic “it’s-time-to-shut-up” look.
She lectures you about how dangerous and reckless it was, about how you could have got your ass whooped so hard, alcohol and bandages wouldn’t have been enough.
She finishes to wrap your hand then kisses your knuckles.
“You looked super hot, though.”
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It’s a normal day until Caitlyn hears shouting in the academy. She spots you and a fellow comrade arguing loudly.
When it escalates, she runs to get in between the two of you.
But she’s the one getting hit in your place.
Let’s say the other person will remember the pain and the shape of your fist for quite some time.
You obviously got suspended but strangely not expelled. You later learn that Caitlyn spoke in your favour.
Caitlyn leads you to her house, more specifically her front porch. She comes back with a first-aid box and a glass of water.
She tends to your split eyebrow without saying a word. Her movements are careful, tentative and you can’t take your eyes away from her.
When she’s done, to her surprise, you do the same for her. You press a cotton ball dipped in alcohol against her lip.
“You shouldn’t have done all of that for me.” You caress her cheek.
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teebarnes · 3 years
✨ | I'm Fallin' For You, Darling.
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Click [100 Followers Fic] for the rest of the 100 follower fics :)
Pairing: Chris Evans x female!reader
Summary: Both you and Chris have quite the relationship, it all started the day you gave him a marker.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning(s): Fluffffff, Angst for sure, talk of anxiety (not a lot but also a lot).
A/N: Thank you guys so much for 100 followers! It means the world, I hope you like this one as much as I do. (Sorry that's a lotta words).
⤑ Click here for my taglist so you can be notified when my new fics are posted.
Any Likes, Comments & Reblogs are super duper appreciated :))
When Chris Evans is nervous, there is only one thing that calms him down. And that one thing is you and the fact that you allow him to doodle on your hands all the time.
The premiere of Captain America: The Winter Soldier was the first time you saw Chris so nervous. Him constantly rubbing his hands together or bouncing his leg underneath the press table and the times when he'd fiddle with the hem of his shirts. These were things you noticed Chris did when he got nervous, and it seemed that you were the only one who witnessed them.
The third day into the film's press tour, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You knew what it felt like to be anxious, the feeling settling within the depths of your stomach or the constant avoidance of looking out to an audience. Sometimes you'd excuse yourself a few times throughout interviews just to catch your own breath.
The whole TCA: TWS cast sat along the stage of the comic-con panel. The hosts introduced you all, crowds cheering loudly when they saw everyone.
You took your seat next to Chris, who was already fiddling with his plastic water bottle that he'd been gripping so tightly on, you could already see the indents on the bottle. You smiled, looking out to the audience waving back to some of your fans that you could see holding signs up for you in the crowd. It was, in fact, times like these that your anxiety shot right out the window, replacing that anxiety with happiness and admiration of your fan base.
Five minutes into the panel talk and questions were directed to Scarlett and RDJ. You knew you wouldn't be talking anytime soon as, of course, like all other press tours, the interviews were heavily coordinated. So before you'd have the chance to speak, Sebastian, Anthony, and the Russo brother would go first. Sitting back in your chair, you took a sip of your water, your eyes following down to where Chris was bouncing his leg. Then, setting your water back onto the table, you pulled yourself and your chair closer to the table, reaching over across Joe Russo, who observed what you were doing.
"Could you pass me the marker, please, Joe?" you whispered to him; he smiled, nodding handing you the marker. "Thanks", you whispered again.
You returned to the comfort of your seat, Scarlett and RDJ still bantering. You look forward to the audience and give a tiny little smile to the fans who were waving at you. Your eyes looked down to your arm; you wrote a little message on your forearm, so he knew what the pen was for.
You scooted a bit closer to Chris just enough so you could hand him the pen. You lightly looked over to him; your hand went underneath the table and across to rest on Chris' lap. It was right there when his leg stopped bouncing. You held the pen in your hand, waiting for him to take it from you. Chris looked up turning his gaze to you; you gave him a smile nodding.
His eyes directed back down to where your arm was. He read the note you had written for him, 'Use my arm to doodle. It helps with anxiety :)'. He let out a smile, all the while letting out the breath he'd been holding in.
You looked back up and over to Sebastian, who was now talking; you felt the pen slip out from your grip, the marker clicked and the coldish ink embracing the surface of your skin.
One of Chris' hand rested firmly on your forearm to keep it from moving, and the other used to doodle. That was the first time in the history of you knowing Chris to be calm and content. No bouncing his leg or fidgeting. He was completely aware of everything instead of his growing anxiety.
It was after that moment Chris slowly began to fall in love. He never expected someone to notice his worries and do something about them. But, the way you sat there while he doodled on your arm didn't phase you at all, you wanted to support him, and you showed him that you did.
Years later, It became a force of habit, the tiny hugs you'd give Chris just to slide a marker into his pocket before going on stage. The small slight movements he'd make before he took your hand into his so he could draw.
You'd become someone who knew him better than he knew himself. The many dates he took you on lead to you moving in with him. The small moments you both had messing around on set and loving him in the silliest of moments meant eternity to the pair of you. You knew that you had fallen in love with Chris Evans, and so was he. You both just didn't realise that the moment would be a forever moment. If you hadn't offered him a marker that day, where would you be?
It was now the premiere of Avengers: End Game and the last press tour you'd have for a while. Today's interview consisted of a comic-con panel, the same panel you happily let Chris doodle on your arm five years ago.
You both sat together, his hand protectively on your thigh. You were speaking into the mic as a fan had just asked you a question about possibly seeing your character in the future of the MCU. Chris sat there attentive to your voice while he drew on the top of your hand. It was a little duck with a Boston Red Sox hat holding a heart.
Once you had finished answering the question and someone else began to speak, you looked back down to see what Chris was drawing. You squinted in wonder; looking back at Chris, you wondered why he was drawing this. Coincidentally, you had drawn a duck on him one day in between an interview—a duck holding a heart wearing a NASA cap. Chris looked at you with his cheesy smile. Oh! he was up to something, you thought. Chuckling, you watched him colour in the small heart with a red marker. He was, in truth, quite a good artist; you managed to take a photo of all his doodles over the years. But this one, this doodle was a bit different; it meant something more to you.
After you had both finished the panel, you were set on getting a new tattoo. Kissing Chris' lips, you told him that you'd see him at home. Chris had asked you where you were going, so you said you were going out to dinner with your mum in town, which was true you just left out the part of you going to get another tattoo. Your parents were in for the weekend for reasons unknown and wanted to see you before they left, so you had already planned to see them. He nodded, kissing you once more before departing ways.
You both were always so sentimental, and you knew as soon as you saw that duck in a red sox cap holding a heart on your hand that you wanted it to be a forever doodle. That day, when you had drawn a duck on him, he went and got it tatted on his hand the same day. The first tattoo visible on Chris' body, the only tattoo that wasn't hidden under his shirts. In contrast, most of your tattoos were on your arms and wrists; this was another tattoo among the few others you had on your hand, others being the original six symbol and some writing of your favourite quotes.
Before you knew it, you were sitting on the chair in your private tattoo artist's studio, getting the duck tattooed on you forever. The tattoo was a reminder of memories both you and him had experienced together.
The red sox hat, being where he took you on your first date five years ago. To a Red Sox game, of course. You didn't have anything to wear to represent the team, so Chris kindly offered you his Red Sox cap to wear; five years later, Chris had to purchase a new hat because you kept his one. Of course, he didn't mind; he loved to see you dressed in things that were his; the hat was one of them.
"I don't have anything to wear", you sadly pouted at Chris, looking at him in his Red Sox jersey and cap.
He looked down to you as you stood next to him, holding his hand softly, looking out to the stadium. He smiled, taking his cap off and placing it over your head.
"Now you do", he smiled, leading you down the stairs to your seats. You weren't really a fan of baseball. Still, once you had experienced your first game, oh man... it became a routine for both you and Chris to attend every game the Red Sox were playing at.
The duck, the furry little animal you had brought home a few months after you had first moved in with Chris two years ago. In all honesty, you wanted to get a turtle, but as soon as you saw that slight yellow fluff waddling around at the pet store, you wanted nothing more than to take it home with you. Chris couldn't say no to you, so the duck became your baby.
"y/n?" Chris came around the corner where you'd sat yourself talking to the little duck... Chris had been looking for you for almost fifteen minutes when he found you sitting there with the pet shop worker.
The excitement in your eyes told him that you had forgotten all about the turtle. You looked up at him smiling, patting the empty seat next to him. He sat watching you pet the small baby duck with your thumb lightly. "I'm naming him Alfie" you smiled brightly, looking back at Chris.
He took the duck out of your hands and chuckled, "Alfie, it is".
The red heart...
A reminder of how much you both loved each other. Something that had never gone away, the love both you and Chris had continued, it grew stronger over time, of course with a few hiccups here and there but never enough to break that love. But this, the tiny little heart being tattooed onto you, was one similar to the heart that homed your middle finger on a ring. The rose gold ring he gifted you when he asked you to be his girlfriend four years ago.
You rested your head on Chris' shoulder as both of you watched the office. A new series you'd been watching together, it was a few months after your first date with Chris, and you both were head over heels with each other.
"Hey y/n", he whispered.
"I'm fallin' for you darling."
You lifted your head from his shoulder, looking up at him, "You're what", you whispered softly, you heard what he said, but you just needed to hear it again.
He brought the small box out, opening it to reveal a rose gold band hearts making up the band. "I said I'm falling in love with you", he smiled before continuing ", Be my girlfriend?" he sweetly asked.
You chuckled, letting him slide the ring onto your middle finger. "Of course", you whispered back to him before cupping his face. You both looked at each other, you saw it, you saw the life you'd been wanting. It was with him.
"I love you".
Sitting at the dinner table with your parents, you briefly looked down at the now wrapped tattoo on your hand. You had thanked your tattoo artist for another fantastic job; the new ink was precisely how Chris drew it on you earlier today. Your parents were eating away and so were you.
"It's great to see you again, Hunny", your dad spoke.
You smiled, nodding. "I've missed you guys so much."
"What's on your agenda for this weekend?" you spoke again, taking a bite of your food. Your mum and dad took one look at each other before your mum stopped to talk.
"Your dad and I are going to old friends party", she smiled at you. "party", you chuckled. "Since when do you guys party".
"it's an engagement party, I mean... do you have some parties we could go to" your dad joked.
"First of all... no." you laughed, cringing at the image in your head of your parents dancing and drinking. "But that's nice. I hope you both have fun, wish whoever a congratulations for me" you smiled.
"Oh, we will", your mum outwardly said. You took a second to squint your eyes in curiosity to your mum's tone. "Mhkay".
It was the end of dinner, and you had parted ways with your parents, taking a Cab to the home you shared with Chris. "thank you, driver," you smiled, hopping out of the cab walking up to your driveway. You giggled, seeing Dodger patiently waiting for you at the front door. "Hey buddy", you smiled, opening up the door for him to jump all over you.
Closing the door behind you, kneeling down to cuddle your pup. Dodger wagged his tail giving you kisses. "Shhhhh", you chuckled lightly, "were you waiting for me, huh?" you watched Dodger roll around on the floor. You stood up, taking your shoes off, leaving your keys on the hook. "C'mon, baby", you whispered, gesturing for Dodger to follow. You both walked down the hall, Dodger by your side.
You could hear the snores coming from your room and knew Chris was already sleeping. You opened the door, looking down at Dodger "go keep my spot warm for me, please", you sweetly asked your pup, who did just that. You watched him gently jump up onto the bed and curl up on your side of the bed.
Walking further down the hall, you went to take a shower. Changing into the PJs you left on the warming rack in the bathroom, you followed back out to check on Alfie, who would be sleeping in your office. Once that was done, you head into your and Chris' room. You took off your slippers and ushered Dodger to sleep in his bed. You kissed his head before he left. "night, bubba".
You slide in next to Chris, who had his back to you. Covering yourself with the blanket, you slide one arm around his bare torso pulling yourself closer to him. He was so warm, and you loved it. Chris groaned, turning over. He smiled sleepily. "Hey hon, how was dinner?" "It was good", you kissed his lips, "That's good," he said, pulling you into his arms to cuddle.
"Hey babe"
"mhhh", he mumbled in a sleepy voice.
"I love you."
"I love you too".
The next day you were doing a panel with the marvel cast. Like any other day, you answered questions, so why did you feel this one would be different. You were a bit nervous today, like you had woken up wrong, or you were waiting for something to happen. You didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.
You were talking to your audience. It was a large panel today consisting of the MCU cast, if not all of them. Maybe that's why you were so nervous; the bigger the cast panel, the bigger audience to speak to. "Make eye contact and hand gestures y/n," you thought to yourself right before you begun to answer the fan's questions. You start to use your hands gesturing when a fan had asked you about your character's personality.
Chris smiled, watching you intently; fans noticed. But as you were gesturing, he noticed the tattoo. He had to double-take when he saw your hand, leaving a small on his face. After you finished your question, he leaned in. "I love your tattoo, babe", he whispered; his comment calmed your nerves a bit as you chuckled ", just following your lead."
You both lean back into your seats as Joe and Anthony Russo began the next half of the panel. You were already forty minutes through... only another forty to go.
Anthony spoke, "As you may know, this will be the last you'll see of your favourite actors and actresses for a while..." Joe turned to the entire panel. "So we put together a little something of your time over the last decade" Joe turns back to the audience. "So sit back and relax."
The panel turned their chairs to watch the big screen, the lights dimmed, and the video rolled. It was a decade gag-reel of everyone in the MCU; Chris had pulled your chair closer to his; he knew you were nervous, for what reason? He didn't know, and neither did you. He should've been the nervous one; he was about to do something in front of the entire audience he had been planning for months.
Your head rested on Chris' shoulder, laughing with everyone else as the embarrassing footage rolled through. There was more footage of you and Chris than anyone else, but again, you were too clouded in worry. You didn't overthink about it.
Then there it was, a clip you didn't know existed—a video of you dancing with Scarlett and Jeremy on the infinity war set. You were being videoed from afar, but Chris comes into the frame making funny faces before pointing at you. You blushed a bit, laughing lightly.
"You see her", Past Chris spoke to the camera. "One day, I am going to marry her" he wiggles his finger over to your past self, who was still dancing around like an idiot. You swear your heart stopped, so ultimately, you started bouncing your leg. The video stopped, and the lights came back on. There were hushed voices; you knew they were looking your way, but you couldn't tell why.
You turned your chair, trying to avoid whoever was looking at you. Not noticing anything, nobody was talking. You had turned your head to look down to the end of the panel where The Russo brothers were. They were all looking in your direction, including the whole cast panel. You jumped slightly when Chris caught your leg mid-bounce; you turned to look at him, his eyes dazzling before you. Oh, that smile, you knew that smile all too well. Chris was smiling like a little kid.
Chris tapped you on your thigh, which caught your attention, so you looked down. This is it; this is the same feeling you felt when he first asked you to be his girlfriend. You burst into tears after reading the message on his arm; Chris' forearm rested in your lap while holding a black marker in his hand. You sniffed, looking softly at him. He was now in tears too. Taking the black marker from his grip, you clicked it; resting your hand on his forearm to steady yourself, you answered his question.
'Will you marry me, y/n?' the question written in his bold writing stared right back at you.
You always had your answer 'of course.'
You closed the lid on the pen, and Chris opened his hand; your engagement ring sat in the nook of his palm. He slides it onto your ring finger right next to your rose-gold one. You smile blinking through the tears, you turn to him, and Chris had already stood with his arms in the air.
The whole audience got up cheering; he leaned in, cupping your cheeks, both of you laughing through your kisses. He had lifted you into his arms, spinning you around. He set you back down; you wiped the tears from your face laughing while wearing your t-shirt. At that point, you knew everyone was in on your proposal; you turned to your cast members, who were all clapping.
"Give a round of applause for the future Mr and Mrs Evans!" Joe spoke.
You went around hugging everyone who had gotten up just to congratulate the pair of you. One by one, your friends embraced you in their arms.
"Congratulations", two-voice spoke from behind you, "oh my god, you idiots", you chuckled, pulling your parents into a big hug. Chris stood next to you as your dad pulled him into a hug. "Your fiancé sends her congratulations", he laughed, referencing the conversation you had with them last night.
Chris looked down at you, "They had texted me last night what you had said. I'm surprised you didn't catch on", he laughed. "I- I didn't know... I was curious after mum said it so suspiciously but didn't think," you mentally face-palmed yourself.
And like that, the panel was concluded. Everyone congratulating you and Chris before leaving. Chris had set up a little engagement party back at your house; everyone was enjoying their time having fun. You sat on Chris' lap still in shock, his arms wrapped around your waist "you didn't see that coming, did you?" he smirked, looking up at you.
"No... no, I didn't" you laughed sweetly. Your hand ran over Chris' forearm where it still had both his and your writing on it. "That was the best proposal ever" you looked at him, smiling, "I'm glad, darling" you both leaned into each other, lips connecting softly.
"I've fallen deeply in love with you, Mr Evans".
"I'm still falling for you".
Chris Evans Taglist: @buckyswintersoldiermask @lharrietg @buckyfan12 @afraid-to-be-me @fairityretro
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eunkimmie · 3 years
i have always loved you
anonymous: How about about Sal and fem!Y/N raising a baby together? The two were FWBs, but then a slip-up resulted in Y/N becoming pregnant so they ended the sexual relationship and opted to co-parent. Thankfully, they were graduating from uni soon at the time of their slip-up. As the years roll by, Sal and Y/N grow closer and slowly fall in love. They get together after realizing their feelings for each other are genuine and eventually have another baby.
(had to reupload)
warnings: she/her pronouns, pregnancy, FWB, nsfw, non-canonical Sally Face plotline word count: 3.6k Sal was a sentimental guy. He had a lot of feelings swirling around in his heart. Big feelings for a small guy. As true as that was, Sal was never one to see sex as anything sacred or sentimental. He didn't believe in "saving himself" for anyone—it just wasn't something that was for him personally. To him, sex was just something that came to those that experienced sexual attraction. Arousal wasn't a foreign feeling to Sal, he had been a teenager once, too. Sal was attracted to her. This girl—Sal barely even knew her name, god—was just hot to him. His type, for sure. You were Niel's friend and greeted the group with a smile. Sal was twenty-one now. Twenty-one years old, never had a girlfriend, and a virgin. Sal supposed that his teenage years weren't exactly spent pining over girls or having sex. To Sal, virginity wasn't anything more than a social construct. So why was it that he was suddenly so aware of his own virginity as this girl—(Name)—laid below him with her brows furrowed in pleasure. It was dark, pitch-black almost, to the point where you couldn't make out the scarred features on Sal's face. Very much intentional. He was sure he looked like a fool, anyway. His eyes rolled back in ecstasy, lips parted as grunts and breathy moans came from his lips.
Sal's shaky hands came down to grab the sides of your hips, angling his own hips to thrust into you and pull your body back down on his dick. It was hot in every way, Sal felt like his entire body had been set on fire. His hair that had been messily pulled up into a bun was barely tied up anymore, blue strands stringing down from his ears. You screamed as Sal moved his hands up to your back, pulling your entire body up to manage a new position. You rode him as Sal's hips snapped back up in sharp rhythm to meet a steady pace, moaning loudly, shamelessly, as his cock buried deeper inside you with each thrust.
"F—uck. Fuck!" you screamed, arms wrapping around Sal's neck as his teeth bit every so gently down into the curve of your neck. Your nails ran down his back, no doubt leaving scratches behind, which made Sal groan. Maybe he was a bit of a masochist.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck—" Sal pushed you down to lay on your back, pulling out quickly and pumping the tip of his cock hastily before finishing on your stomach. The two of you breathed in quick rhythm, Sal eventually collapsing down on the mattress of his bed. He felt his face burn hot, realizing the rash decision he had made. He hadn't even asked. "S-Sorry," he gasped between breaths. You didn't seem to mind, giving him an honest "it's alright" before wiping your stomach off with a few tissues. You dismissed yourself to go take a shower after putting your clothes back on, the two of you suddenly hyper-aware of Sal's roommates.
Sal pulled his boxers back on as well as his prosthetic and laid out on his bed feeling embarrassed. He hadn't exactly...made you finish. Fuck, you probably thought he was some kind of loser. His first time and he finished in probably five minutes. All Sal could do was groan in mortification and get dressed, shamefully, of course.
He had already settled back into his bed with a video game by the time he heard a knock on his door. You made your way in after his go-ahead, hair wet and chipper.
"Hey," you said plainly. You pointed to a spot on his bed, and after his approval, you sat down comfortably. Sal felt embarrassed all over again. "Um...sorry. About that. I don't really—I mean, I've never—"
Your laugh cut him off. It seemed harmless, and Sal felt his shoulders relax a bit as you waved a dismissive hand. "Hey, don't worry about that. Seriously. I'm not going to judge you over sex." He gulped, staring at you beneath his prosthetic. You seemed awfully understanding, but your reassurance did make him feel better. A beat of silence passed before you spoke up again. "Maybe...we could keep doing that? If you'd want to? Sorry if that sounds intrusive."
"Like..." Sal paused, setting his game down and watching as your body language showed signs of bashfulness. He felt a bit surprised at your own timid nature. Hadn't you realized how bad he was at the sex stuff? Really, he only copied what he had seen in porn. Copied it poorly, that is. "Like some kind of friends with benefits thing? Even though I suck?" That made you laugh, and it was such a beautiful sight to behold. The bed shook as you turned to face him properly, legs crossed on his mattress. "I don't think you suck. Fuck, I sound like some kind of pervert...But, still. You don't have to say yes, of course...I just thought, well. I thought I would at least ask."
Sal would've been an idiot to say no.
The two of you continued like that for a while, probably for longer than you should've as just two friends. You were close friends, friends that fucked every once in a while. It seemed to satisfy the both of you, but you two were by no means careful. Usually, the two of you had sex on a whim—he could recall the riskiest time was when the entire group was out shopping and the two of you got one out in a bathroom. Still, Sal just...never really considered the risks. Besides, the two of you had been doing it for this long, and nothing had happened, so the chances must be low, right?
...One morning you showed up at Sal's little shared house.
"...Hey. Are you the only one home right now?" Sal opened the door to let you in, eyes widening just a bit as he shrugged. Perhaps your relationship had gotten too casual, but he just hadn't ever stopped to even ponder the situation. Sure, he had a little crush on you when Niel introduced you to the group, but that turned into a sexual relationship. Maybe Sal had feelings for you. Maybe they were buried so deeply that Sal never even realized. But he knew that, even outside of your sexual relationship, that he cared for you regardless.
"Yeah. It's a little early, isn't it?" You breezed past him, sitting down at the dining table and sliding a wrapped breakfast sandwich across the table, a gesture for him to sit. He watched as you bit into your own, curious. "Did you just want to talk?" You offered him a smile, one that signaled that you were here not to have sex, but instead to just be a friend.
Sometimes Sal couldn't help but wonder. He'd get lost in his thoughts, listening to ambient music in his room, what would life be like if you two had just stayed friends? Maybe that could've lead to a real relationship. Maybe. And the two of you weren't in a situation where it was awkward, or where they would have to sneak out of the other's room after a night of sex. They could cuddle and wake up next to each other, have some breakfast, and carry on. Sal always felt butterflies when he woke up and you were sleeping next to him. In some ways, he felt wrong for feeling that way. He didn't know what to feel. Perhaps a part of him figured that this was the closest he would ever be able to get to have a real romance with you. Sal didn't know. It hurt his head if he thought about it for too long, so really, why even bother pondering the possibilities?
But when you sat across from him, so mundane, eating a breakfast sandwich and looking sleepy, how could he not feel these things?
"Is that bad? If I just talk?" you looked up at him, hoping you hadn't caught him in the middle of anything important. It wasn't bad. It was never bad. Sal always had time for you. "No, I was just laying around. Todd and Niel went off to the supermarket, and I think Larry is out in the shed."
"Right, well..." you paused, biting your lip. "Okay, so you know how we always promised to be open with one another? Like transparency?" Sal quirked an eyebrow, nodding and gesturing for you to go ahead. "Yeah, so like. Fuck, man, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I missed my fucking period." At this, he saw your hands clench a bit harder down on the sandwich you were holding. Your eyes gathered tears in the bottom lid, and you sucked in a sharp breath. "A-And I don't know if that means anything, like shit. It couldn't, and I would be here just freaking you the fuck out, but I dunno man. I'm just...Shit, I don't fucking know what the hell I would do if I were..." Sal stayed silent, the cogs turning slowly in his head.
"A-And I don't know, like, I'm twenty-two. I know a lot of people have kids by now, but I just—I don't know, and it's not like I'm asking you to be super involved it's just—"
"What? I would want to be involved." Sal's lips seemed to move on their own, but it was just so painfully obvious to him. Obviously. Obviously, he wanted to be involved. It wasn't a question, really. The two of you had known each other for about a year now, and even though nothing was truly going on...Truth to be told, Sal couldn't help but think about you even after you were gone.
After about five positive pregnancy tests, the two of you agreed to stop your situation. There were a lot of tears, more so from you with Sal rubbing circles on your back. You would cry to him about how you weren't ready, or how you were going to fuck up, and all Sal could do was be there for you. Sal didn't see him as much as a father type. In fact, the two of you hadn't even ever worked out what the situation was. He wasn't even sure there was a situation.
It was strange. Sal wasn't a father. He didn't look like a father. He didn't know how a father was supposed to behave. Sal spent his weekends playing video games and learning Pokemon themes on his guitar, that wasn't what a father was supposed to do. At the very least, Sal had already moved his bed and belongings to the basement of the house and made a makeshift nursery in his bedroom.
A baby girl, chubby and crying had come after months of going back and forth on what to do. It was strange. Sal never saw himself as an adult. He'd grown in height and gained some tone in his body, yet still he couldn't differentiate the person in the mirror from the kid who used to wear pigtails every day and get pushed around in school.
What was probably worse is that Sal didn't feel a connection with his child. The child was his, undoubtedly, but he didn't feel much. He had read and heard about parents being so enamored and parents who just immediately felt love for their child, but Sal didn't. He stared back at the baby girl, her features taking after yours for the most part, yet hair as blue as the sky, and furrowed his brow. You, on the other hand, held the child close to you, foreheads touched together as the baby cried and you let out shaky breaths. Parents didn't always have that immediate connection with their children, but, even still...Sal could open his heart up just this time for a child. For you. Even though he had seen the worst of what the world had to offer, he would try.
Try he did. Sal couldn't see any other reason to do anything but for his child. Diane. That was her name. There wasn't any other option, and you had almost instantly agreed. Henry cried, the recollection of his late wife and his memory as a father had come forward as he sobbed when Sal's baby had touched his face for the first time, tugging at his beard. Sal's dad hadn't been there for him when he needed it most, coming around in an attempt to make things right when it was almost too late, but Sal refused to make that mistake. He did everything for his daughter. He was taking online college courses to get a degree in graphics. He did so much, too much, maybe, as in the wake of his determination the two of you hadn't even discussed your own relationship. In fact, it never even came to mind until Larry had asked. The two were sitting outside after having met up at the lake. Larry, moved out by now and living in a shared apartment closer to his community college, and Sal, still living with you, Todd, and Neil, sat in the grass drinking sodas.
"So...I don't know, man."
"Huh?" Sal had looked over at him. The sun had just barely dipped down beyond the horizon, the sky a pale purple. Larry shrugged, pursing his lips together in thought. "You know, a lot of people who have a kid and live together are at least dating. In most situations." Sal continued to stare, the realization of his words sinking in. Larry was right. Sal knew he was right. Perhaps Sal had forgotten. And that was truthful, too. It was so easy to forget when the two of you were living together, raising a child, and maybe just every once in a while waking up next to each other like you used to.
"And don't get me wrong, I'm not judging. In fact, I couldn't be happier for you. Ash too. You haven't really been this happy, this grounded, since you got here. To Nockfell. It's just...I dunno. Haven't you ever thought of, like, marriage?"
Marriage. Yeah, Sal had thought of marriage. The first time he saw his child he thought of it. The first time he held her, the first time he had taken off his prosthetic and his little girl just stared up at him in the same way before her little hands reached up and grabbed at his nose, he thought of marriage. Even before that. When your stomach was swollen, seven months pregnant, and Sal had caught you staring down at your stomach with a swirling mix of emotions behind your eyes, he thought of marriage. The two of you slept in the same bed. Every time he'd wake up next to you, he thought of marriage.
Sal Fisher was so undeniably in love with you. He had been so undeniably in love with you, maybe even from the first time he laid eyes on you. It hadn't ever been about sex. It had been about you. About how you smiled at him, and how your arms would wrap around his shoulders as you kissed him deeply. It had always been about you. Sal had been so blinded, he truly thought sex was the only way to keep you around. But now...Well, shit, what now?
"...I have," Sal finally responded. "I love her."
Larry stared at his friend, Sal's eyes roaming over the moon's reflection in the water.
"Isn't that answer enough?"
. . .
Little Diane was two, now. Sal finished his basic courses and graduated from the two-year school. The two of you were busy packing up your daughter's belongings into boxes, a moving truck waiting outside.
"Are you sure we cant convince you to stay?" Niel joked, hand intertwined in Todd's. Todd nudged his husband, laughing a bit with a furrowed brow. "Yeah, it's not like they have a kid or anything." You laughed, smiling brightly at the two. It had been a long journey of memories in this little house. It wouldn't ever be a place you nor Sal would forget. But it was time to move on. Sal had gotten accepted into a college to finish out his degree, and you had managed to get a job with a lot of flexibility in the same area.
"Yeah, but...California. It's just so far. And so different from Nockfell."
"True, but I think that's a good thing, honestly. This town is so strange...I could never figure out why, but it just gave me this feeling...And I don't want Diane spending her childhood years here." Todd exchanged a knowing look with Sal, the two remaining silent about the shared knowledge. Todd cleared his throat, ridding his head of the foul memories. "I suppose you're right. We'll have to come and visit sometime."
Larry and Ash had come over to the house as well, all helping you and Sal move and disassemble furniture. Gizmo was purring happily on the couch, content to watch the rest of you do all the heavy lifting until it was time to go. Henry and Lisa had even come over, Diane resting in her grandfather's arms. With all of the helping hands, you and Sal were about ready to get moving in just a few hours,
The two of you stood outside the house, your daughter asleep in her car seat in the back of the moving truck. It was strange. Sal had spent years in this town. He was just a kid. A kid that played guitar and a kid that loved video games. A kid that would search for an hour with his best friend Larry for quarters hiding around Addison Apartments just to buy a bag of chips from the lousy vending machines downstairs. A kid that had gotten mixed up with the supernatural that he would be sure to protect his daughter from. A kid that simply met a friend of a friend and fell in love with her smile. Sal couldn't help but wonder how different his life would be if not for you.
You and Sal exchanged your goodbyes tearfully with your friends and family, promising to keep in touch. And finally, with a turn of a key, you were off to a new life. It was a long drive in which Sal reflected on his life. He could've been a nobody. He could've been that weird kid with some weird mask and from a weird town. Just another picture in a yearbook. Maybe in another life, he had been a murder. He chuckled...how unlikely. He couldn't have ever imagined his life like this. Sal Fisher, the family man. He wasn't too sure that his face would fit in at a PTA meeting.
After hours on the road and multiple stops, the two of you arrived at a neighborhood with a row of brick townhomes lining the road. They weren't the best or the most luxurious, but they were within walking distance of schools and a good driving distance from Sal's university and your job. Maybe it was a bit cliche, and in sincerity, all too normal for Sal's life. He was the guy who had talked to ghosts, and yet he was about to move into a cookie-cutter neighborhood with a kid.
The two of you stepped into the house, the smell of dust being the most prominent. It would need cleaning and hard work, but it was yours. Sal didn't think he was exactly cut out for the whole "white picket fence" family, but a family nonetheless.
A family. A husband, a wife, and a daughter. Except, that wasn't his situation. He had a friend and a daughter.
Sal stared at his life. Twenty-five. Years had gone by, probably in the most unexpected way that Sal could ever imagine for himself, yet he still felt as if he hadn't moved very far with you. But you were here. In a house that you two had bought together, with eyes he had stared into for four years. His daughter with his mother's name and his hair was in your arms, giggling and squirming around, eager to crawl around the new environment. He looked over at you, eyes shining bright with hope of a new adventure and lips upturned in a smile.
"Can you believe it? Sal, our own place. This is insane. Can you believe it?" your head turned to meet his gaze, tears gathering in your eyelids. Sal stared at you, eyebrows furrowed. "Sal?"
"Marry me."
The words came out fast, but the same nonetheless. The weight of them wasn't something Sal was aware of. He had been thinking of this for years. Never the right time, never the right place. But everything seemed right. Standing here, seeing you smile the same way as you did at that first meeting years ago. It was different now. He couldn't imagine a life without you in it. Sal wanted to see you smile as he slid a wedding band on your ring finger. He fantasized about his little girl walking down and throwing petals. It was silly, but it was what he wanted. He was sure of it.
"Marry me. I love you."
You stared at him, mouth agape as the breath was taken from you. This was Sal. The father of your child. It was Sal, the one who had refused to leave your side when you were pregnant. Who stayed calm when you couldn't. Who had played with your daughter and refused to stop smiling for her. Even before that, it was the same Sal who had kissed you like there was nothing else in the world to do. Sal Fisher was full of love to give and wanted nothing but the best for everyone around him despite the world throwing so many challenges his way. What other response was there to give?
Sal took your hand after lowering his prosthetic, eyes staring seriously. "Will you marry me?"
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Billy Russo Fluff Alphabet
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A/N: a Billy x reader fluff Alphabet anyone? 🙃
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Billy admires everything about you. From your looks to your personality. He often just watches you with a dopey smile on his face as he wonders how he managed to get someone like you. 
He's gone his life feeling like people only wanted him around because they wanted something from him. His money, his skill or his looks. But you just want him for him. It scares the shit out of him sometimes but it touches his heart to have found someone who isn't using him and actually cares.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
I answered this in the NSFW alphabet but, his favourite body parts are your neck and eyes. 
Your eyes give everything away and he can pick up even minute changes in your mood from them. He adores them.
With your neck, it gets him going ridiculously. 
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
With you, Billy is a huge cuddler. He loves it when you lay your head on his chest. He hitches your thigh up so he can grasp it, his other arm wound tightly around you. He also loves being the big spoon. 
He just enjoys the closeness, he feels like he can never get close enough to you. 
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
As much as he can do fancy dinners, he much prefers at home dates. He loves the dates where he cooks for you at home and then you cuddle on the sofa afterwards. It feels much more intimate to him. 
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Billy is very emotionally stunted. At first, he struggles to deal with having feelings and expressing himself. But once that hurdle is over, he has no issues with constantly telling you he loves you. He's also very affectionate because sometimes it's easier to show you rather than to tell you. Sweet kisses, soft touches or his hands gripping your hips.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Billy never wanted a family before. He didn't think he was built that way after his upbringing. The looming threat of failing as a parent would haunt him. 
But with you he started to crave that. Started to want what Frank and Maria have.
He started to be able to see himself as a dad, the father to your kids.  
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Billy loves showering you with gifts and he's surprisingly good at getting sentimental ones. He has a fantastic memory and he never forgets what you say. If you say something in passing conversation about something you like or want, you'll end up with it not long after. 
Billy will pull all the strings he needs to in order to make sure you get what you want. He loves to spoil you.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Billy likes holding hands, feeling his fingers laced with yours. But he much prefers wrapping an arm around your waist or shoulders. Holding hands creates some distance and he doesn't like that. He likes you as close as possible at all times. Pressed against his side with his arm around you brings him a sense of peace.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Over the top. 
Stubbed your toe? It's the end of the world. 
Accidentally cut your finger when chopping vegetables? You're dying and he needs to call 911.
“Billy, you don’t need to call 911,”
“What, you wanna bleed out?”
“It’s-It’s a tiny slice...”
“Right, and the next thing you know, you got sepsis and they’re choppin’ off your arm. I’m callin’ 911,”
“Yeah, hi. My girl’s bleedin’ out, we need an ambulance...”
If you get injured because of someone else, even if it's an accident, he wants blood. Anyone that hurts you is on his shit list. 
If anyone purposely hurts you… their days are numbered. Billy won't rest until he's got retribution for that. No one messes with his family. 
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Billy loves to joke with you. He's constantly teasing you and making you laugh with dad jokes and bad puns. 
He also loves to see your face when you slurp your coffee that has salt and not sugar in it. 
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Billy loves kisses. He loves giving you little affectionate kisses on your head, cheek, temple, shoulder, neck. It reassures him you're still there and he can't help it, the need to be close to you. 
When he kisses your lips though, it's hard to hold back. Whether it's the slow and sensual kisses that have you melting or the bruising kisses that are all tongues and teeth, he can't hold back. Even sweet pecks on your lips turn into dirty kisses as he loses himself in you. 
He's the kind of guy that kisses with his whole body. His hands wandering and gripping you, his body moving against yours. Kissing Billy is a very involved experience.
Kissing you is his favorite thing to do. 
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He sometimes struggles with his words and Billy is very much a man of action. Things like making you breakfast in bed when he's off work, cooking you dinner. Sometimes he leaves little notes for you since he wakes up early for work and he doesn't want to wake you when you look so peaceful. 
He's always checking in with you, wanting to make sure you're healthy and happy. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for you. 
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
His favourite memory is the day you told him you loved him. It would be ingrained in his memory forever. It was the day he realised that just maybe he could have a happy ever after. 
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. Billy's seen a lot of shit in his life and lost people close to him. His biggest fear is losing you in any way. Whether that's you willingly walking away, something that plagues him daily. Or you being taken from him somehow. He'd die if anything happened to you. 
Losing you is not an option for Billy and he will do everything humanly possible to make sure that doesn't happen.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
He's a neat freak. He loves things being neat and orderly, he can't help it. His bookcase is arranged alphabetically, his suits coordinated by color. 
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Sweetheart is his go to. He constantly calls you sweetheart and doesn't even realise it. When he's feeling especially soft, it's baby. 
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He loves any time he gets with you no matter where it is. As long as you're by his side, he's fine. 
He really loves the domestic home life with you. His arms wrapped around you while you cook, snuggled on the sofa together etc. 
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Closer by Nine Inch Nails 👀😂
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
It takes him a while to open up since he has trust issues. But once he realised you genuinely love him, he started to open up bit by bit. Every time he revealed something about himself he was convinced you'd leave. But when you didn't, he got more confident to share his life with you. 
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took a little bit. It started off casual but he knew he wanted more. You were like an addiction to him. He rarely went back to someone for sex, only if he was getting something out of it. But he liked having you around. Enjoyed being with you even when you weren't having sex. Eventually he realised he wanted more with you.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Billy hates it when you're upset. He wants to be able to fix it, to make you happy. And when it's something beyond his control he loathes it. If he can fix it, he will. Instantly. No questions asked. No matter what he has to do.
If someone is the cause of your tears, he's feral. He'll make them pay for every tear you shed because of them.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Billy is as proud as a peacock. His biggest achievement is Anvil and he's proud of that.
His life hasn't been easy and Anvil to him is more than a company. It's a tangible representation of how far he's come in life. In how he started at the bottom and clawed his way up to the top. 
He's also proud of being a former marine. He knows he did some bad things and there's part of his time there he regrets. But he's still proud to have served his country and being part of that. 
Billy loves to show you off. Any galas or events and he's got you at his side, introducing you as his girl proudly. If you can't be there then he can't help talking about you. 
He has a picture of you both that takes pride of place on his desk. 
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Billy's taught you how to fight and use weapons. Of course he wants to be the one to protect you, but he's a practical man. He knows that he can't always be there. He's ensured you know how to protect yourself. 
If you had to fight, he wouldn't be happy about it. He'd hate that you'd been in that situation. But he'd be super proud of you and fuss over you to make sure you're okay. 
Billy would most definitely fight for you. Sometimes it isn't even necessary when he tries to go for people. You have to calm him down when someone bumps into you in the street and almost knocks you over. He'd murder someone in broad daylight. 
Billy would literally go to war for you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Billy is scary with how well he can read you. You can't hide anything from him. He's super perceptive and picks up the slightest thing. Whether that's a slight change in body language, something in your eyes or voice. He always knows if somethings wrong and he knows right away if you're lying to him. Nothing gets past him. 
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Billy would want to go all out and be super romantic. He'd tailor it to things you like, making sure it's all about you. He wouldn't do it out in public with an audience. Not only because of his deep rooted fear of rejection, but mostly because he wouldn't want to pressure you. It would be intimate and sweet and he'd give a long ass speech on how you changed his life and he can't live without you. 
He'd also cry. 
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
You. You are his safe space, his home. Any time things are intense with him, you can bring him back and soothe him. Being close to you instantly makes him feel better. Holding you in his arms calms him right down. 
If you're not around then exercise. Working out helps him relieve stress.
Combining them both with sex with you… well that's just his favorite way to calm down. 
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linda-with-an-i · 3 years
Probably nobody will read this, and I guess someone else has already said this before........ but I've seen yet another person complaining about Dan outing Yaz to the doctor in 'Eve of the Daleks' and I just wanted to say why I don't think it as an outing at all.
First of all, we see Dan first and foremost confronting Yaz about her feelings, and he knows very well that it is a delicate issue for Yaz, he knows that she probaby needs to elaborate and process it before she does something about it. In that moment Dan was checking in with her, he wanted to understand the nature, the depth of Yaz's sentiment, and maybe he even wanted to give her that final little push that made her realize/admit that she's in love with Thirteen. We can't forget that Dan and Yaz spent 4 years together, they seem good Friends, they truly care about each other, and as he mentioned, he noticed that Yaz was in love with the Doctor, so he was asking her because he could see how this situation is hurting Yaz and is trying to help.
With Thirteen the situation is different. I'm sure Dan really cares about the Doctor as well, and is super happy and grateful to know her and being on these extraordinary adventures with her, but the truth is that he hasn't spent that much time with her, and he hasn't such a solid bond or connection as his relationship with Yaz. Hell, he even met Yaz before Thirteen. Nonetheless, he seems like a pretty good judge of character, and during the week that went by between the s13 finale and EotD, I think that he noticed how 13 poorly behaves towards Yaz (it's just my personal headcanon, but I'd like to think that before reuniting with the doctor Dan believed that Thirteen and Yaz were an actual couple). And I think that 13's behavior frustrates him a great deal.
And in that scene right before "the outing" the Doctor once again is acting harshly towards Yaz (despite her immediate apologies), and Dan himself is upset about how much Yaz is in distress for this, so he decides that he just can't be quiet. He KNOWS that Thirteen is aware of Yaz's feelings for her, and he KNOWS that Thirteen is deliberately avoiding to aknowledge the situation (even though he doesn't know why she's acting like this). Dan isn't outing Yaz simply because he isn't revealing any information or secret that 13 isn't supposed to know. Instead, he is just calling the doctor out for her bullsh*t, he's trying to make her realize that her attitude and her actions are deeply hurting Yaz, so she better do something about it.
He has no ill intent, he's just looking after his friends: we can argue that maybe it wasn't the best way to face the issue, but I also think that 13 needed to be put in a situation where she had no 'escape' but deal with it, since she is so good at hiding/avoiding emotions and confrontations when possibile.
In conclusion: give Dan his beloved wok so he can use it to smash some sense into the doctor.
Omg, this post got way out of hand
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