#i gotta blow up the st fandom it’s the only way for me to be normal again lmfao
rigginsstreet · 1 year
*beloved mutual who is a casual stranger things viewer reblogging a seemingly innocuous post*
Me shaking at a frequency unknown to man: they don’t know the horrors and lies and deception OP has posted
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strangeswift · 2 years
🍓 throwing this at you like it’s a tomato and ur in stocks
Ella nancysglock.
The level at which we understand each other constantly astounds me. Like idk I don't believe in psychic connections but. We have one idk I don't make the rules. I have never once disagreed with something you've said, even in the slightest. And it's not a thing of like oh Ella thinks it so it must be true, no I mean genuinely.
Here's the thing. I used to think the concept of meeting close friends on the internet was a little weird. How can you become that close with someone you've never even met in person. But holy fuck I get it now because you mean.. so much to me. Like I just fuck okay this is getting way sappier than I planned FUCK. You like... make me feel understood? And safe? And valued? Ew oh my god I'm sorry I'm sorry okay moving on.
Your writing amazes me. You already know this because it's how we became friends, but I'll reiterate. You amaze me. Everything you write. (Even the things I don't have the mental energy to provide full incoherent annotations of <3) Your ST scripts genuinely GENUINELY blow my mind. Your original work blows my mind more. Because something I admire about you is your ability to create from nothing. Completely original scenes that are just so perfect?? I don't even know how to explain this really.. I felt that the first time I read one of your scripts. I feel that even more when you give me the privilege of seeing your original work. Creating characters and backstories that are so compelling to me and that I am actually attached to when I've only seen snippets??? The world building??? But obviously st brainrot so I get very VERY hype for your st scripts. Because it literally feels like I'm getting to peek at S5. I can HEAR the characters saying the lines. I can see the scenes in my head.
I have full confidence that you'll succeed in the industry. I'm not bullshitting you, I'm serious. And you know what a fucking pessimist I am.
Having someone who understands me and is rational and skeptical and thinks critically had improved my fandom experience tenfold. You make this site bearable.
Gotta mention your edits because holy shit. First of all you got so good at editing so fast so good job but FUCK THE BRUTAL EDIT?? FUCKKKKKK YOU'RE A GENIUS. The scene selection was flawless. You know that but I'm telling you again. So excited for what's to come.
Your music is everything to me. I listen to it. I listen to your demos throughout my day when I'm going about my business. I catch myself humming them at work. Genuinely. Your songwriting is amazing musically and especially lyrically. And I adore your singing voice so shut up about it.
I honestly have more I could say but I feel like if I go on too much longer we'll both throw up from sappiness. Oh last thing. Your music recs>>>>>
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 years
Author Interview Tag!
Tagged by @maipreciation, thanks for thinking of me! This looks really fun :D
(Note: I’m keeping this as a running list, so if you’re ever wondering what fics im working on/brainstorming, make sure to check here! Last update was on 12/12/2020)
Name: Lavi! As of 12/5, I’m no longer going by my real name (see this post)
Fandoms: so many 😂 check my bio, I think I have them all listed. I’ve posted fic for Hamilton and ATLA, and then there was a huge Inktober compilation I posted last year with a whole host of fandoms. Currently, my major fandom is ATLA, and probably Kipo as I’m starting to move through S1
Where you post: I have an AO3 (lavi0123)! I used to have an FFN and a Wattpad, but I don’t use either of those anymore :/ tbh, I’m embarrassed of anything I still have up there 😂
Most popular one-shot: Most definitely we’ll give the world to you (and you’ll blow us all away), one of my contributions to Maiko Week! I’m not surprised it’s an ATLA fic, but I find it interesting that a fic with Izumi in it blew up so quickly. But hey, if y’all want more Izumi content, you won’t be disappointed 😉
Most popular multi-chapter fic: ...I’m really embarrassed to say because I don’t think I’ll ever finish it...but En Hamilton Heights is the only multichap fic I’ve published so it’s gotta be that one 😂 hopefully soon I’ll have another fic to add to that, since I’m working on one (sorry EHH fans but it’s been too long and tbh I don’t remember where I was going with it :/ I’m thinking I might orphan it)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: you think this world is a dream come true (but you’re wrong) for sure! It’s super niche but it’s something I wrote out of love for a movie I discovered this Halloween and absolutely love. Though all you’ve got to do is want something (and then let yourself have it) is a close second. Basically, anything I write that sounds absolutely bonkers as a concept is one that I love 😂 (and it’s no coincidence that both fics are Mai-centric! I love all my Mai-centric fics nearly equally)
Fic you were nervous to post: Is there an “all of the above” option? 😂 I’m always nervous to post. But in particular, I was nervous for if you ran away (come back home), because it was Mai-centric and longer than any one-shot I’d written thus far, and also you think this world is a dream come true (but you’re wrong), because it’s Mai-centric and a Coraline AU, which makes it BONKERS as an idea
Why was I nervous to post Mai-centric fics, you ask? Two reasons: 1) Mai is very different from who I am as a person (I vibe a lot more with Aang and Ty Lee, sometimes Katara and Sokka), so I didn’t want to upset the Mai stans by writing her incorrectly. 2) Mai is generally not well-liked in the fandom at large, so I especially didn’t want to attract antis who would accuse me of writing Mai as too emotional and loving (which is why I tried to justify that in my tags). Luckily, my comments have all been lovely, and I’m far less afraid to post fics about her now that I’ve written three fics with her as the focus! And the shoutout from @nonbinary-crafter-aang praising my portrayal of her?? I was touched 🥺 still am
How you choose your titles: Song lyrics or movie/book lines that speak to me, occasionally a pun. Remember that post I rb’d about how authors title their works? My tags pretty much say it all 😂
Do you outline: Ehh...define outlining 😂 for my one-shots, nope. But for my upcoming multichap works (see below) and Nanowrimo work (original fiction, so I won’t talk about it on here, but send an ask if you’re curious), YES ABSOLUTELY!
For my Nanowrimo work and one of my upcoming AUs (a Soulmate AU), the worldbuilding is so complex that it’s an absolute necessity. For the other upcoming AU (a time travel AU), there are just too many things that need to happen at certain times so as not to interfere with canon events, and things I want to change from canon and things I want to keep...I think you get the idea 😂
Complete: Basically my entire maiko halloweek series! Check it out if you want some fics about the most underrated canon ATLA couple :)
In-progress: ...En Hamilton Heights again...but not for long, sadly. Still trying to decide between a quick conclusion and just flat-out orphaning it. Still haven’t made up my mind, but either way, it won’t be what I originally planned, unfortunately.
I’m also counting my ATLA Soulmate AU on the basis of forever in my mind (only you), which has the worldbuilding and fits into the AU without much problem (the AU is going to be a series of one-shots, not a multichap fic, because there won’t be enough deviations from canon imo to justify multiple chapters. And one-shots are just less pressure for me 😂)
[EDIT 12/12/2020: added another fic because I’m an idiot and forgot about this too 🤦‍♀️😂 it’s a year-old idea that I started writing but I’m picking it back up thanks to the Heist banter in MatPat’s St Jude stream!]
-A fic series combining Escape the Night and Who Killed Markiplier (Heist and Date are part of it too, but only tangentially at the moment. Depends on how involved I want DA Y/N to be). Tentatively titled A Heavy Cost, and definitely won’t happen in any of Mark’s projects, but in a way that’s actually for the best 😂 the canonicity for me stops at ETN S3 (with some S4), then it’s canon divergence
Coming soon/not yet started: OOOH YESSS HERE WE GO
Okay okay sooo we’ve got two main things:
–An ATLA Soulmate AU, featuring platonic and romantic soulmates! I know I called it in-progress, and I stand by that even though I haven’t actually set up the series on AO3 yet, but this AU is about to be SO MUCH MORE than just a few Maiko moments. Because...drum roll...it’s gonna be entirely Aang-centric (with maybe one or two exceptions)! Like Mai, Aang is a character that doesn’t get as many -centric fics as he should (and being an Aang stan also isn’t unanimous for some reason??), so I’m gonna fix that. Plus I want to dive further into his mind, and I think I’m more equipped to do that than I was with Mai, since Aang and I are very similar in attitude.
–Bumizumi time travel AU, which can be read as platonic until the last couple chapters (it’ll be multichap) but definitely has a romantic agenda throughout. So just. Be warned if you don’t ship them. It’s gonna be chock full of comedy and antics! Also A LOT of platonic affection between Izumi and teen Zuko (and just between Izumi, Bumi, and the Gaang in general), because platonic affection is underrated and also I can :D I’m also probably gonna make fun of how some elements of affection have become solely romantic territory, because...um, no, hugging and holding hands and cuddling can be done between friends, thanks! (Maybe it’s the ace in me talking. But regardless)
There are also vague concepts I’m spitballing, like:
-Zukaang telepathy AU (Platonic Zukaang, the only romance I’ll ever write in ATLA is for the canon ships, prompted by a dream because apparently ATLA lives in my head rent-free forever now 😂)
-Evil Zuko AU (Azula doesn’t exist, mostly prompted after watching Aang make fun of Zhao and realizing that if Zuko had been in any position of power during the War...the Gaang would have stood no chance at all)
-Bumizumi Arranged Marriage AU (Bumi and Izumi both think the other is hotheaded/reckless (Izumi @ Bumi) or uptight (Bumi @ Izumi). So Kataang and Maiko (along with Sukka, Ty Lee, and Toph because...duh) set them up in an arranged marriage, with the presented reasoning being that they already know each other’s families, it’ll be a great symbol of unity, and this way Izumi doesn’t have to worry about suitors. They both agree to it (it’s arranged, not forced), and over time, they warm up to each other...and maybe even...fall in love?? Prompted because we need more arranged marriage fics! On that note, I’m gonna plug shadows and steel by @dearestpartnerofgreatness because arranged marriage needs more rep and this fic does it and with Maiko to boot!)
-Zukaang as Brothers AU (I saw a fic about this, but it wasn’t complete. If it’s not done by the time I get to this concept, I’m gonna write it, because just...imagine the possibilities! Zuko and Aang are already basically brothers in canon anyway, this is just making them brothers in blood as well as in their hearts. This is especially vague because I have no concept of how this is gonna work 🤷‍♀️ I’ll get to it eventually)
(Can you tell I’m obsessed with Zuko and Aang’s friendship? Because I am!)
[EDIT 11/25/2020: I’m adding two more because I forgot these have been swirling around in my head too 😂]
-A fix-it fic based on May You Always Be Satisfied, a backstory fic for Who Killed Markiplier by @blackaquokat! I recently reread it and remembered that I was gonna write a fix-it for that fic. Not because the fic sucks, it’s actually amazing! I’m just a sucker for the main (requited unrequited) pairing, and there’s at least five ways to make that pairing canon and avoid the mess of Who Killed Markiplier. And THEY ALL DESERVE TO BE HAPPY OKAY
-A Finnrey fix-it for the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (this one is especially vague, and I probably won’t write it since a bunch of these already exist, but it’s fun to think about. Maybe if I ever run out of WIPs 🤷‍♀️)
Upcoming story that you’re most excited to write: I’m equally excited for the Soulmate AU and the Bumizumi Time Travel AU! I’m also excited for my Nanowrimo work to be finished, but that’s more so in-progress than upcoming
@nonbinary-crafter-aang @dearestpartnerofgreatness @ohsalamanders @blackaquokat (no pressure ofc, only if you want to! But please tag me if you do, I’d love to see it!)
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crue-sixx · 5 years
The Lost Crown
Title: The Lost Crown
Fandom: The Dirt
Summary: The reader has no idea who her family is-having grown up in the system and aged out without having been adopted.  It's not until her 19th birthday that a stranger comes claiming that she's a descendant of the royal family of a now democratic country and the rightful ruler.
Warnings: Swearing, reader being a princess.
18+ readers
All your life, you were a mystery even to yourself.  You had a nickname that you went by "Tootsie" you were very fond of it.  You grew up in the foster care system, you trying your best to be adopted, but people took one look at you and passed you by.  When you were younger, you tried to understand why nobody wanted you.  But as you reached the teenage years, you saw a new reason-you were too old.  People wanted cute babies and little kids, not teenagers that looked as if puberty had beaten them with an ugly stick.
You were walking home from school at the age of 17 when you first met Nikki Sixx.  The neighborhood bullies were hurling rocks at you and calling you the foulest of names.  You did your best to ignore them, clutching your emerald ring on a chain for comfort.  You had it since before you could remember, the thing nothing more than a bauble to others, but to you it was a lifeline.
This particular day, one of the rocks thrown at you hit you in the back of the head, causing you to fall.  The bullies surrounded you like sharks smelling blood.  They got in a few kicks when you heard someone else say "Get off 'er assholes!" then the sound of heavy metal hitting someones skull.  The others scattered, not wanting a beat down like their friend had gotten.  Your knight in dirty leather bent down and helped you up 'You alright?"
"Yeah" you spat out some blood from your nose "Not the worst beating I've taken" you wiped the remaining blood with your sleeve.  "I'm Tootsie" you introduced yourself.
"That's your name?" he raised an eyebrow, but let it go "I'm Fra-" he cleared his throat "Nikki.  Nikki Sixx" he said quickly.
"You sure about that?" you teased.
"I just got a legal name change last week" he explained and you left it at that, sensing that he didn't want to talk about it.  "Where you live?  I'll walk you home" he started walking with you.
"Warm Hearts" you said in a low tone.
"The foster home?" he asked. 
"Yeah" you said sarcastically "The place where people who don't want their kids put them to forget about them..."
"Sorry" he put his hands up in defense.
You sighed "No, I'm sorry.  I shouldn't be so sensitive about it..." You soon got the the steps of the Home and he looked at you expectantly.  "What?"
"I need a little back scratch, you helping you earlier" you rolled your eyes.
"What do you want?" you expected him to demand a blow job but you were surprised when all he wanted was a kiss.  You obliged, but only with a little peck on the cheek.
"That's all?" he whined in a playful tone.
"I'm only seventeen" you reminded him "If you want a piece of this" you slapped your ass in jest "You gotta wait till I'm legal and put in a little more of an effort" you teased back.
From that day on, he walked you to and from school, just to make sure nobody messed with you.  All the way through your graduation and eventual eviction from the Home.  A few weeks went by when he asked "Hey Toots, when IS your birthday?"
You looked down ashamed "I don't know..." you bought your knees into your chest "I don't even have a birth certificate..."
"Then pick a day and we'll celebrate then!" he laughed, not being bothered in the slightest.
This brightened your mood as you thought about it "March 17" you nodded matter of fact.
"St. Patrick's Day?" he smiled "So you wanna get extra hammered?"
You grinned at him "Yes!  Yes I do!" in agreement
"And I'm gonna tap that ass all night long!" .
"You've earned a good romp, I believe" you lifted up your skirt a little bit, to flash a bit of inner thigh.  He audibly gulped and began to sweat, his leather pants barely containing his growing erection.  You bit your lip, you never knowing just how big he was down there.  You however were a woman of your word and would wait until your birthday that you chose.
A month of couch surfing with Nikki went by when a rather gentlemanly person came up to you and asked "Excuse me Miss, but would your name be..." he looked at his paper and frowned "Tootsie?"
You raised an eyebrow "How's askin'?"
"I am Reginald Usher, a diplomat for the country of Elingard" you were even more confused now, you never having heard of the place before.
"What's that have to do with me?" Nikki came out to have a smoke and saw the spiffy man dressed to the nines talking to you. 
"Something wrong babe?" he put his arm around you, like he did when other dudes got too close to you.  He hadn't even asked you out yet and he was acting like your boyfriend.
The gentleman cleared his throat and continued "There is a democratic unrest back in Elingard, and I need you to come with me to settle things..."
Nikki was getting pissed now, you could tell by the way he tightened his grip on you "She's not going anywhere..."
Reginald scoffed and said "This doesn't concern YOU, boy" he reached into his coat and pulled out a few documents. He turned back to you and said "Your real name is Y/N L/N and you are the Queen of Elingard" he handed you the documents to look over, Nikki at your shoulder.
You didn't believe it for one minute and threw his papers back at him.  "You've got the wrong Queen dude,  I'm a nobody-I don't exist" you and Nikki turned to go back inside.
"Do you ever wonder where you obtained that emerald ring around your neck?"
You stopped and gently touched the very item he was talking about.  He continued "I gave that to you on the day of your birth nineteen years ago...you are my niece, Y/N" his voice didn't change, but you turned to see his eyes water.
"I want a DNA test" you told him "If I am who you say I am, I want proof" you went inside Nikki right behind you.  You needed to be alone to process this, to try and remember who you were.  Nikki wouldn't let you be though, and you didn't try to stop him.  He just held you until the both of you fell asleep.
The next day, Reginald came back with the DNA test and it was a positive match.  "You are my sister's child.  She married Prince (Father's Name) and had four children.  Then the day you were born, there was a coup.  I absconded with you and took you to America, left you in the care of Warm Hearts to raise you and told them not to let anyone adopt you until I came back..."
"If all that's true..." you started, feeling the anger rise up inside you "Why not take the throne for yourself when you had the chance?"
"I was imprisoned until recently, just gaining my freedom a month ago" he took your hand with a gentle warm grasp "Please Y/N" he brushed his palm against your face "Take the throne and save our country..."
You removed his hand from your body before Nikki did it more forcefully "Tell me more about our family first..."
"Your mother (Mother's Name) was beautiful yet fierce.Your father (Father's Name) was very tactical.  The coup was from the inside, a force from the military managed a hostile take over.  You were just born, not yet bathed of your birth blood when they came in and shot your father.  Your mother took up arms and told me to take you with me to someplace safe, that you were to be named Y/N and to never look back.  I bought you here and was arrested upon my return, where I was informed of the massacre your family had suffered" a few silent tears rolled down his cheek.
"I'll go" you told him "only if I can bring Nikki and our friends with me..." your friends, being his new rock band he had formed.  You had a bad feeling about this dude, Nikki having caught on as well.
Reginald looked at Nikki with contempt, and Nikki returned the gesture.  Reginald relented and accepted your terms after you gave the explanation "They're gonna be my security.  I trust them with my life" you touched Nikki's hand and he laced his fingers in yours.
When you got to Elingard, you were given a complete make-over.  They put you in a dress in the royal colors of pale yellow and sky blue, complete with a crown.  Your emerald ring now on your gloved hand.  You gazed on the portrait of your family in your salon, they all looked just like you.  Your eldest brother Julian, your eldest sister Josephine and your elder brother Oliver and your elder sister  Alexandria.  You looked at them, but felt no connection to them.
A knock at the door later, you snapped out of your trance and said "Who is it?"
"It's us" Nikki answered, to which you ran across the room and opened the door.  They all looked so uncomfortable in those stuffy suits but a moment of silence came over them as they saw your royal garb for the first time.
You blushed and said "S-stop staring...I'm just as uncomfortable as you are in this damn corset..." you tugged at the blasted thing constricting your ribs.
"You just look so beautiful..." Nikki let out a ragged breath.  Tommy, Vince and Mick all rolling their eyes at him.  They all knew he had the hots for you, but he didn't have the balls to say anything.   They even contemplated asking you out themselves just to make Nikki jealous, but that was quickly squashed when the news about you being a queen arose.  They didn't trust Reginald either, so they all kept close tabs on you.
"My coronation ceremony is in a few minutes" you said nervously "stay close to me..." You lead the way to the church where you were to be officially crowned, but the atmosphere around you seemed tense, like the calm before the storm.  Your men made a circle around you, feeling the room as well.  A messenger tapped Mick on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear.  His eyes widened and he dragged you behind him.
"Mick?  What's up?" you asked quietly.
"It's an ambush!" he shouted, the others getting in front of you "That man isn't Reginald Usher!  He's Fredrick Nash!  The very man who lead the coup!" you glared at the man who claimed to be your uncle, who was now laughing.
"So clever" he applauded "I needed you here to kill you, end the line for good in front of all those people your family wronged!  You royals gave nothing, but took everything!  You will pay for your family's deeds!" he pulled out a pistol and took a shot at you, Nikki instinctively diving over you to protect you.  
You shrieked, worrying that one of your men was hit.  The onlookers pulled them away from you, only you and Nash left standing  "It was always your destiny to die by my hand, Y/N L/N.  Follow your family to the depths of Hell!" he cocked his gun but the thing jammed.
In the scuffle, the corset had ripped thus allowing for freedom of movement.  You kneed him in the balls, he doubled over in pain as you stomped his hand with your heel.  "My name is Tootsie" you ground your heels into his hand, drawing blood "and I make my own destiny" you tossed the crown to the floor, the thing clattering.  "Take it.  It's yours.  This country means nothing to me..."
They were all in stunned silence when you said "Let's go home, boys" you tore off the dress and they followed you, glancing back to make sure that the crowd wouldn't be any more trouble.  They knew better than to try to talk to you on the plane home, even Nikki keeping his distance.  You had even thrown off your emerald ring on your way out.
You enter the apartment you all shared and flopped down on the couch, Nikki giving the other guys a look that said he wanted some alone time with you.  They got the hint and vacated the unit, and he sat down next to you "Why'd you do that?"
"What?" you asked back.
"Give up the throne" he motioned to the filthy apartment "for this?"
"Because, dummy" you turned to him "those royals may have been my biological family, but blood isn't what makes a real family worth while.  I never knew them, but when I met you...it was like someone finally wanted to be there for me" you felt his hand on your face and began kissing you.  You let out a low groan of desire and asked "What the fuck took so long Sixx?"
"I wanted to be sure you felt the same" he lifted you up onto his lap and continued kissing you, him taking off your shirt and moving your bra over to expose a nipple.  He teased it with glee and you laced your fingers in his hair and roughly pulled.  He gasped and looked at you with lust in his eyes.
"Ravage me" you ordered "Your Queen commands it" you kissed the corners of his mouth and down his neck.
He flipped you over and answered "So my Queen commands it" he pulled his dick out of his pants and rubbed it against your thighs "so shall it be.." he pulled your panties to the side and entered you in one strong thrust.
You let out a surprised yelp, but soon adjusted to him.  He had you riding him, him sitting up and supporting your back.  Both of your faces were flushed with desire, the sound of your squelching wetness prompted him to say the dirtiest things to you "You're soaking wet for me, baby...you really wanted my dick all this time, didn't you?"
You reciprocated with "You're so hard for me...always have been...from the first time I flashed you a thigh...don't think those pants hid anything from me..." you began to ride him harder, your breasts jiggling of their own accord.  He moaned loudly and let his head fall back.
"That's it baby..." he grunted "keep riding that giant cock just like that...Jesus Fucking Christ your pussy feels so good..." you felt yourself clenching and releasing him as you rode him, your hot breath blowing on each other's skin.
"I'm almost there, Nikki" you breathed into his clavicle "rub my clit..."
He did as he was told, you feeling his thumb circle your bud of nerves sent you over the cliff as a new wave of heat passed through you and sent you crashing into that zone.  Toots...fuck I'm about to..." you quickly dismounted and took him in your mouth, him pushing your head down so his cock exploded in the very back of your throat.  You gagged on him a few seconds before he released you, you having swallowed what you could and spat what you couldn't.
You climbed back up next to him and cuddled into his frame, twirling his hair around your finger.  "Why did we wait so long to do that?" you contemplated.
"Dunno" he replied. "But it was worth the wait..."
You nodded in agreement and yawned, the experience taking a toll on you.  "Wanna go to bed?"
"Yeah baby" he picked you up bridal style and laid you on the bed next to him.
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thnxrick · 6 years
Tumblr media
❍ ─ hey dudes !! i feel pretty hype to be here. i’ve been rewatching gg for the past three weeks and pretty much neglecting my creative side/avoiding all of my writing friends. i was rping in another fandom on discord and i just started to lose inspo, y’know that flame was starting to blow out. on a whim i decided to check out the rp tag on tumblr again ( i haven’t rped on tumblr since 2016 btw ), and whaddya know, the second post i see is from a gossip girl rp. ─ could’ve been a coincidence, could’ve been a sign ?? idk. point is that i’m here !! and i’m really hoping to fall in love w/ writing again. 
ok, lemme introduce you to a boi i made up 48hrs ago.
// so um, FUNNY STORY, when i joined i was planning to fill up a connection from another roleplayer here as their brother, but they were gone as soon as i was i accepted looooool. so now i lack a sibling and i took their last name. ah well, gotta make due with what you’ve got i guess. 
// that being the case, it sort of inspired me to make a VERY convoluted family tree for him. i’ll touch some bases, but i’ll probably make other posts getting more into it i suppose. 
// just to be clear, i’m going to keep it canon that he has a sister named olivia, i was straight up coming up with a lot of relationship HC’s before approaching the mun, and some where based around that character’s profession. i like what i came up with so i’m planning to keep it that way.
// let’s just say olivia isn’t on gossip girl’s radar. ─like a jenny humphrey from season one lmao. 
.・:*:・゚’ twenty one, cismale, roderick bordeaux was made in the upper east side and attended st. jude’s. he still resides in new york, and is currently a model who progressively grown weary of his profession. they are staying up til’ 4am laughing at memes, mischievous looks, suggestive stature, eccentric humor, silk tuxedos. onlookers say they resemble shawn mendes. ( al, 19, idc, cst. )
roderick grew up with two older siblings and two very wealthy parents. 
his family is very popular in the social scene of manhattan, we’re talking generations on both sides of their family.
they’ve always kept up appearances and have made bountiful donations to noble and not so noble causes.
his father ( lawrence ) is exemplary businessman and his mother ( keighley ) is a retired actress who’s found her life as a socialite a “profession” on its own.  
his relationship with his parents had its moments of toxicity and neglect but overall he’s never been resentful towards them as he realized the privileged life they handed to him and his siblings. 
rick has always had a penchant for doing stupid things and getting away with it. he gets bored easily !!  but to be clear his intentions are usually positive. his parents barely know of his ventures, they’re not very interested in GG to keep up with it either. he is the youngest─ he gets off the hook a little easier than his siblings do. you bet your ass they envy that.
he’s always been academically inclined, but school was never really his priority. he spent most of his time at constance with his friends. he’s a social butterfly at heart, and he wasn’t one to stick to cliques. basically getting along with almost anyone. always open to making more connections with people. doesn’t mean he lacked his fair share of enemies. 
up until then he was unaware of any other type of life. party, fun, drama and the occasional responsibility. things took a bit of a turn after high school though.
first of all, his ex-girlfriend’s-mother married into his family. holidays already came with the uncomfortable “greeting family you haven’t seen for months to years on end” how the hell are you supposed go about it─ “oh hey we’ve rubbed genitals together, we’ve hated each other for a while and now we’re cousins, want a turkey leg” ??
second, his father wanted college, roderick didn’t, but obliged after his father threatened to freeze his accounts.
for three years, he attended harvard, likely due to his parents connections i might add─ he almost claimed the title of a lit major, but in retribution for a new revelation about his parents, he quit.   
in his third year of college rick picked up a course in theater, dance and media, partially due to the crush he had on another student. during his attendance he met a classmate who he quickly befriended. one evening she invited him to her birthday party, and to say it changed his world would be an understatement.
after spending more time with her and her family, he felt strangely attached to them, he desired the type of relationship she had with her parents. and soon enough the universe offered him a truth that could make that a reality.
turns out his parents weren’t really his parents. rick was involved in a tangled plan filled with lies and deception. ─his close friend from college ?? was his sister.
this was a lot to take in for rick, he had an entire genealogy that he didn't know about, and they were seemingly everything he wanted in a family. of course this was conflicting. he loved the people he grew up with unconditionally, but his loyalty wavered the more the truth was uncovered.
 his “parents” didn’t even want him, they were blackmailed by his biological grandmother ( thalia ) to keep him away from his biological parents. his grandmother disapproved of his biological father ( lloyd ) and wanted nothing to do with him or his family. 
her distaste was unwarranted however, completely biased. her issues were purely against his mother ( harlow ). they have toxic history together, and share a hatred for each other. so much so that they put aside their disagreements to work together. there was no way in hell harlow would share her surname and it’s perks with thalia’s offspring. and thalia wasn’t planning to have a familial tie with harlow.
harlow promised to take away lloyd’s life of luxury if he married rick’s mother ( rowan ). 
thalia called for some favors owed, and successfully managed to manipulate rowan and set her grandson up for “adoption”.
unfortunately for the high class devil’s their game only played out for a few months, lloyd and rowan loved each other too much to let go. the loss of a child and the loss of luxury wasn’t enough to keep them apart. 
they eloped against their parents wishes, and lost everything. by their early twenties, they were no longer royalty of manhattan, they were “nobody’s”. practically disowned. if it meant they cut ties with their sadistic families, it was fine by them.
rick’s biological parents searched for him, for years, they almost divorced as a ploy to get information from their parents, but it lead them to more questions than answers. it was eventually a mutual decision to end their search, the pain was too overwhelming to continue.
call it fate, who would’ve thought the search would end with academic career and their daughter. 
understandably, rick was extremely upset with his “parents” and ultimately detached himself from them. 
he quit school, and disconnected himself from most of his friends for a while. it was necessary to go over his options alone. and soon enough he planned an intervention. in four months time, he planned to expose his parents in public at an uptown charity event honoring them. 
he told four of his closest friends about his strategy requesting for a helping hand, and they willingly accommodated him. 
all except for one. one of the four ratted him out before he could pull it off. and his “grandmother” ( genevieve ) was informed and immediately warned thalia and harlow of the proposition. 
they took matters into their own hands, and made things very personal. suddenly grandma genevieve wasn’t as sweet as she had been.
rick’s ex-girlfriend-now-cousin was instructed to seduce and drug him in his loft, if she failed to follow through, her mother would suffer the consequences. 
with much hesitation she compelled. and on an odd night out she convinced him to catch up, and eventually got him drunk enough to have him pass out on his couch. she called their grandmother right after and waited 10 to 15 minutes for a sign to leave. there were a few stern knocks on the door by two men in very posh tuxedos, she was conclusively excused by their entrance. 
his cousin-ex-lover left his loft around booty call hour. lacking a walk of shame... but stamped with a very guilty face.
off schedule─ his housekeeper arrived to his loft a bit earlier than usual, having much to do that day. her extended family was coming in from out of town for a familial celebration. and we all know how important family is, don’t we?
she suspected rick was working early as well, and went down the list of her duties. her first priority was his restroom, as he generally left wet towels on the ground after his morning showers. however the only elements she found were scattered pills and emptied bottles on his bathroom floor, along with rick... in a bathtub filled with water looking a little too pale.
with a disheveled 911 phone call, she preformed crucial CPR, and an ambulance shortly arrived─ rick was sent to the hospital to have his stomach pumped, and the bordeaux’s made a private entrance, feeling troubled with emotions of guilt and regret. 
in recovery rick denies the suicidal accusations but was sequentially sent to a rehabilitation center against his will. 
he spent his summer in connecticut, and his family lied to keep press away from their charity event. to what the public knows, rick pursued his modeling career further and traveled through europe for the summer. 
all forms of communication were taken away from rick, and he spent most of his time at rehab trying to reach out by bribing his nurses.
one of his nurses fell into his bribe and let him make contact with his cousin. out of fear she confessed and delivered his SOS to their grandmother.
sooner or later, his grandma showed up─ grandma.. thalia. to most and to gossip girl? a stranger. 
she proposed a settlement with roderick, he was to forget about his biological family and continue mingling in his social circle as if nothing ever happened for exchange of his freedom and his family’s freedom.
he begrudgingly agreed to it, and flew back to new york with built up resentment and a thirst for retaliation.
he’s back home now, as if nothing ever happened. last he heard his biological family tried to invite him to their halloween feast. but no word after that.
as of now, his course of action is to figure out what “bestie” ratted him out. what did thalia, harlow or even genevieve have on them. and what could he do about it ??
if all attempts fail, we still have gossip girl.
ok ok ok ok ok, ik it’s a lot of shit to read. i’m sorry but not really, i enjoyed myself waaaay too much to truly feel guilty about it. SO idk if you’ve noticed but, i took a lotta of inspiration from the show since i just finished the series again. ─i figured rick is a dumbass but he doesn't lack that much morality to do something awful without warrant. I’LL BE SHOOK IF YOU REALLY READ THROUGH ALL OF THIS BUT HEY IF YOU WANNA PLOT W/ ME PLEASE DO. i have a connections page that has to do with normal connections and it also has connections related to everything you’ve read here !!  feel free to im/dm me at anytime, or like this so ik you’re interested in plotting w/ me, i don’t mind hitting you up. OKAY, MUCH LOVE EVERYONE. 
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sun-kissed-star · 6 years
TWITCH! I'm loud and can we please have a part 4 for the refuge fic? It's so good
hmm i suppose so ;) wink wonk
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
trigger warning: nightmares, blood and injury, child abuse (by Snyder)
Race was standing in one place, frozen and stiff like he couldn’t move if he tried. His arms were behind his back like they were bound with heavy ropes, and he could feel invisible handcuffs cutting into his skin at the same time. But he felt like he was floating, like not even a stab to the gut could phase him. He couldn’t care less what happened to him, not when there were more important things than him in the room.
“Stop!” he shouted. “Stop it! I’ll kill you! I-I’ll kill you myself! Just st-stop!” But even as his voice cracked and went hoarse, he felt like no one could hear him. Not the guards standing at the door. Not Snyder. Not Spot.
Spot was on the floor, close enough to reach out and touch him. Snyder was standing over him, proud of the blood and the bruises.
“Spot!” Race cried. “Spot! are you - Spot!? Spot, get out of here! Please! You can do it!” He looked up to Snyder, who was smirking right through him. “Do anything to me. I don’t care. Just let him go. There are people waiting for him! In Brooklyn! An-and I need him! No one needs me. Just do it to me instead.”
Snyder didn’t answer him. For once, Race wanted his attention. He wanted the whips to land and the punches to his jaw and the sharp kicks. If it meant Spot didn’t have to take them, didn’t have to go through more than he already had, Race would take it all.
Snyder drove a foot into Spot’s stomach, spitting down at him harshly. He stepped over him, opened the door, and Race swore they made eye contact before Snyder smirked in a way that could only be described as evil and left the room, leaving Race alone with Spot’s ragged breaths and the dread filling the air.
Then, he wasn’t alone. Spot opened his eyes.
“Race,” he coughed. “I need you to do one thing for me.”
“No!” Race said, cutting him off with another wave of tears pooling in his eyes. “I-I don’t need to do anything for you, ‘cause you’re gonna be fine, and then we’ll walk outta here fine, and we’ll go back to shoutin’ headlines and tryin’ to outsell each other and I’ll make dumb bets and I’ll patch ya up after ya get in a dumb fight and -”
“Race.” Spot coughed again. He spat blood. “Race, both of us ain’t gettin’ outta here. And it’s not gonna be you I’m leavin’ behind.”
“No! I -” Race could move his arms now, but they felt like jelly, and when he pushed toward Spot, there was a barrier keeping him away. “Let me do somethin’, please -”
“Race, I just need you to wake up.”
“Wh-what? Wake up - what do you mean, Spottie? I need to get you ou-outta here.”
“No, it’s gonna be okay. Just wake up.”
“I -”
“Race, wake up.”
“Please, no -”
“Race! Race, wake up. You gotta get up. Wake up!”
And with a firm shake of his shoulders, Race gasped and his eyes snapped open.
Race would recognize Spot’s eyes anywhere. They were watering with tears, and Race realized he couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Spot cry. Spot never cried. Why was he crying now? Was it the bruises and scrapes?
“Spot,” he muttered, rolling over onto his side, ignoring the sharp jab of pain, like there were needles on the cold ground he was laying on. “Please don’t cry.”
Spot laughed bitterly, wiping his eyes, and flipped Race back over to face him. “You’re gonna tell me not to cry? There’s a whole lotta stuff I don’t want you to do either, Higgins.”
“Oh. Like what?”
“Oh, let’s see,” Spot said, sitting back on his heels. He winced and moved back down to his knees, and Race didn’t miss his flinch of pain, either. “Tryin’ to sneak into the Refuge, gettin’ caught, gettin’ dragged down here unconscious and bleedin’ from the head, and screamin’ from a damn nightmare, on top of it all.”
Spot’s rough words, thick with tears, punctuated Race with more jabs to the side as everything came flooding back to him in a storm of guilt. He was such an idiot, and now he was thinking that he’d deserved that blow to the head. He’d gone to find Spot and get him out, and all he’d managed to do was get himself thrown in the Refuge and give Spot more to worry about.
“I-I’m sorry,” he whispered, grabbing Spot’s hand as he sat up and pulled Spot closer. “I’m so sorry. I’m stupid, I thought that could work but there were so many guards and -”
“Race, that was my fault.”
“Wh-what do you mean? Of course it wasn’t your fault, it was my idea to -”
“All the guards.” Spot shook his head, mostly at himself. “Why do ya think I’m down here? I tried to escape. I got down the fire escape and a guard caught me. It was dumb. I shouldn’t have tried to do it myself.”
It wasn’t often Spot admitted an idea of his was dumb, so Race didn’t comment on it. He just smiled the best he could through a busted lip and leaned his head on Spot’s shoulder. “I think neither of us should be doin’ this stuff alone.”
“For once, you’re right,” Spot said, nudging his side. “Let’s stick together from now on, okay? We’re not going through this alone.”
Race nodded. They sat together for the first time in weeks, as close as they could possibly be.
But before the tears falling from Race’s eyes even stopped, the door swung open from the top of the basement steps, and the calm before the storm was broken.
@booksbroadwayandbagels @bencookisagod  @tis-my-cigar  @harrynerd  @crutchieee-morris  @seizetheimagines @juliet-the-smol @got-the-east-side  @i-got-personality  @internalscreaming012  @voice-foundshoe-lost  @thatguylex @capncrutch @thatfancyclam  @not-your-cigar  @tampster  @disney-princess-sized  @perpetualbedheadspier  @jjjudeshitposts  @bexlynne  @we-dont-sell-papes @the-woild-is-my-what-now  @you-thinks-wrong-romeo  @pitiful-ambitions  @purplelittlepup @imjusttheoutgoingsidekick @damn-too-many-fandoms  @stephen-hawkings @thedolanspineapple @racescoronas @awwwwwwdang @bencookisagod @carryingthedaveyjacobs  @disasterbisexualhere @maiawakening @hopeful-broadwaybaby @racetrackcook
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headoverhiddles · 7 years
You’ll Float Too [Bill Skarsgård/Pennywise x Fem!Reader]
A/n: Well guys, I’ve finally made the foray into the fold. Done are the days I simply reblog for this fandom– look out for some more Bill or Penny x readers coming. It’s the first day of Halloween today, so be prepared, I’m spoopily inspired :) 
Warnings: Hint of dub-con. Brief smut. Sexy clowns.
Your feet barely make a sound against the floorboards as you carefully trek out of the bedroom. Your husband, Bill Skarsgård, had told you he would just be a moment– that the noise was probably just the broken furnace in the old house you two had just bought. This was, of course, after you had so abruptly been interrupted.
“Fuck, baby,” you had whispered, grinding against him and dipping down to slip your tongue back into his mouth.
“Look at how wet you are for me,” he had growled, fingers curling up inside of you mercilessly as his thumb rubbed your clit. You bounce on his fingers, one leg on either side of his own long ones.
“Bill, I-” you gasp, squealing as he readjusted his hand, shoving his fingers even deeper.
“Love feeling that pussy squeeze around me…” he tugged you down, licking his fingers off with a pop. “Love feeling it around my dick.”
“I’ve got something else in mind,” you grinned, moving the covers down to brush your lips against his clothed, hardened cock.
“Fuck,” he breathed in turn, breath hitching as you give a lick through his pyjama pants. That was when the noise had sounded.
Your head had popped up. “What was-”
“That?” he echoed at the same time.
“It’s probably the rain,” you murmur, “The thunderstorm is loud.”
“Sure… but rain or no rain, if that fucking piece of shit of a furnace is broken again, I’m gonna-” You envelop his lips again, but he groans, softly pushing you off. “Here, I’ve gotta fix the thing, I don’t wanna freeze all night. I’ll be back in a second, babe,” he had promised, kissing your forehead. You had smiled, and tugged at his loose pyjama pants from the bed.
“You’d better be. I want these off.”
A smirk your way, and he had dashed off downstairs.
Now, it had been a long while, and you hadn’t heard him answer any of your calls for him.
Coming to the door of the basement, you open it cautiously.
“Bill, where are you?” You tug his oversized “cast” T-shirt he had kept from Allegiant further down over your panties. It was cold down here, and– you gasp. The basement was flooded. Was the thunderstorm really that bad?
“Bill,” you hiss, “I hate it down here… did you fix the furnace?!”
You hear a ripple in the water, and swallow, taking another step down. “Hey… can you hear me? It’s still freezing, it must not be wor-” You stop, and gaze around. There’s no sign of your husband. You turn, and bite your lip. Maybe he’s upstairs in the kitchen, and he faked the furnace just to get a midnight snack…
No, but you were about to go down on him. The day Bill evaded a blow job for the last slice of carrot cake in your fridge was the day hell froze over.
Speaking of freezing over… You shiver again, and begin to take two stairs at a time up– until you hear another ripple, and a small splash.
“Bill?” you repeat for the billionth time, sighing as you turn back. “What are you– oh!” You find Bill standing by the far wall, up to his knees in water.
“What are you doing?” you ask incredulously, clutching your heart at the startle. He just stares at you. “What the fuck are you looking at?” you ask playfully, and smack your ass with a small smile. “Come up and get it.” You bite your lip and turn toward the door, but Bill doesn’t follow. You huff. “I’m getting a towel for you. No way I’m letting you in the bed with soaking legs.” He still makes no move. “Bill!! Come on!”
This time, he smiles.
“But (y/n),” he says quietly, “If you come with me… you’ll float too.”
“What?” you mutter, and then you roll your eyes so far back you’re sure they’ve hit the front of your brain. “Oh Christ. Your movie line? Really? My husband played a killer clown, I’m not scared of anything.” You let out a laugh that seems out of place in the eerie, dripping basement. “Stop being a dork and come with me, will you?” You hold out a hand, making a grabby motion.
He takes a step forward. “You’ll float too.”
“Only if you provide the finest duck floaties,” you tease, grinning, “AND poolside cocktails.”
“You’ll float too.”
“Yeah, okay, that’s nice, let’s g-”
“You’ll float too,” he begins to laugh, and you frown.
“Bill, st-”
“You’ll float too!” his voice takes on a giggly pitch, then his face changes. “You’ll float too, you’ll float too, you’ll float too-”
You back away, and your eyes widen as Bill’s face slowly begins to peel off, revealing flesh and teeth and bone. “You’ll float too! You’ll float too!” His voice is now low, demonic, and his eyes are clouding over as blood runs from them.
“Baby,” you breathe, a tear running down your cheek. He was decomposing right before your eyes, and you could do nothing about it– it was the most horrible thing you’d ever seen.
“You’ll float TOO! YOU’LL FLOAT TOO!” he begins to shout, eyes blazing as his mouth falls open.
“Stoppit!” you scream, and hide your eyes, clutching the railing. You suddenly hear silence, so you look up. There, in place of Bill, is Pennywise the fucking dancing clown, grinning over at you.
What the fuck?
“You smell lovely,” he titters, biting his lip with those sharp teeth you saw Bill take in and out during shooting. You could tell from the reflection of the water he was drooling, too. “So, so lovely, little girl.”
“Bill?” you ask softly, because really, it’s all you’ve remembered by way of words.
“Bill? Bill?” Pennywise mocks, shaking himself violently, “Where are you?! It’s cold, and I’m such a slut that I can’t wait five minutes for you to fuck me!” He arches his back, mimicking your moans from upstairs, and you gasp.
“That’s right,” he giggles gleefully, “You don’t think I can smell i-t?” He takes a deep breath. “Mmmmm, I smelled it on him before I snapped his spine!”
“No,” you sob, and the clown glares.
“Yes! You smell good. Special. Like nothing I’ve ever taste-d… I want to taste you.”
You clench your jaw. Your legs are shaking, but… those eyes, boring down on you… they couldn’t… be doing things to you, could they? Suddenly, you’re disgusted with yourself.
“Are you scared?” he laughs, half to himself. “I do hope so. That will make it taste so much better.”
“Why?” you breathe shakily, “Why are you here?”
“Because,” Pennywise growled, “Just like your precious Bill said, before he died in agony…” The clown’s eyes lit up, glowing. “YOU’LL FLOAT TOO!” It came out as an otherworldly scream, and suddenly, Pennywise was lurching at you, slamming you onto the staircase and tossing open your legs–
“AH!” you shriek, and open your eyes. The room is dark, and the covers over you are strewn around. Bill turns over beside you, brow crinkling as he blinks open his own eyes.
“Hey… what’s going on?” He yawns. “You okay?”
“I,” you murmur, then start crying. He wakes himself fully up now, leaning over and cradling your head.
“Hey… hey, hey, you’re okay,” he’s frowning, concerned, as he pulls you into his arms, “You’re okay… whatever it was, it was just a dream, (y/n).”
“You were… but you were–” you try to articulate, sobbing uncontrollably. Bill, with all his facial features still perfectly intact, stares down at you earnestly.
“Hey. Just a dream. Okay? I’ve got you. I’m okay. See? I’m here.” His soft voice lulls you back into a calm state, and you clutch his arms and bury your face in his chest. Maybe his movie had gotten to you more than you thought… and the secret you had kept from him that you actually found him attractive in his costume.
He lays you back down, and strokes your hair back, whispering how much he loves you in your ear. You never want to let go… sleep begins to take you again.
Bill looks down at your sleeping form, and adjusts his head on the pillow, turning over. You make no move to wake up. He closes his eyes, then they open again slowly to reveal yellow orbs. As you fall asleep, you think you hear a gentle giggle, but it was just a dream… just a dream…
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welovekpopscenarios · 7 years
You have received a message (Yoongi x Reader)
Tumblr media
Admin: Mimi
Description: Just your daily texts between yourself and Yoongi, two people who love each other to the moon and back – you’re just too blind to see it.
Fandom: BTS
Genre: Angst, fluff
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: language
Word Count: 3512
Authors Note: So, this was a fic I had started a while back, but only got to finishing now. I love Yoongi so, so fucking much and I really wanted to write something for him, and I also wanted to try something interesting with writing, so you have this weird texting format (since I’m not cool enough to make the actual fake text pics lmao). I hope it isn’t too hard to understand the names of each person messaging. Now that I think about this, this is kinda a mess lol, it seems kinda rushed to me, but I didn’t know any other way to pace it? but I figured if I never posted it, it’ll just sit there on my computer. So, I hope you enjoy regardless of what a trainwreck this is, and happy reading.
EDIT: This fic is better suited to be read on a computer, since it didn’t come out the best on mobile, but I hope that doesn’t ruin your experience!
Reader: memekween               pepeswife
Yoongi: suga daddy               gramps               Yoongs
Namjoon: Music Man
Jin: jinandjuice
Jhope/Hoseok: Hobo
Jimin: Jiminy Cricket               ChimChim
Taehyung: Tea☕
Jungkook: jungcock
                                      You have received a message
                                                   7th May 2017
memekween: hey hey suga daddy
                                                                   suga daddy: please don’t call me that
memekween: but u are my suga daddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                                                                   suga daddy: please don’t send that                                                                                              face either
                                                                   suga daddy: what do you want
memekween: wow
memekween: r00d
memekween: I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out with the most amazing person in this world
memekween: out of the goodness of my heart
memekween: but I don’t need this abuse smh
                                                                   suga daddy: do you even realise                                                                                                  what time it is?
memekween: yes
memekween: and?
                                                                   suga daddy: it’s late and I’m busy
memekween: busy doing nothing?
                                                                   suga daddy: exactly
memekween: ugh
memekween: I just wanted to know if you wanted to get some food
                                                                   suga daddy: ah, so you just want to                                                                                            use my money for food
memekween: not exactly
memekween: who do you take me for? lmao
memekween: I also wanted to chat to my bestest friend in the whole wide world
memekween: cuz guess who got dumped today :DDD
memekween: hint – is ya girl
                                                                   suga daddy: fuck
                                                                   suga daddy: you ok?
memekween: yeah, I’m fine
memekween: kinda saw it coming, we weren’t working well
memekween: at least it was only a month together, you know?
memekween: could have been worse
memekween: it just sucks, I guess
memekween: I kinda liked him
                                                                   suga daddy: my shoes are on
                                                                   suga daddy: I assume you’re at                                                                                                  home
                                                                   suga daddy: get ready
memekween: thank youuuu
memekween: I love you
                                                                  suga daddy: sure
memekween: take me somewhere fancy
                                                                  suga daddy: I’m taking you to burger                                                                                           king
memekween: fine dining ( ͡°Ɛ ͡°) only the best from you
                                                                  suga daddy: I really hate those faces
memekween: send one to me
memekween: experience the power of the lenny face meme
                                                                  suga daddy: no
memekween: pleaseeeee??? I’m feeling sad rn…
                                                                  suga daddy: ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
memekween: a lenny face in true yoongi fashion
memekween: thank you
                                                                  suga daddy: whatever, I’m leaving                                                                                               now
                                                                  suga daddy: see you in a few
memekween: see you, yoongi
(Read 09:13pm)
                     You have received a message in the group chat
                                                  ‘we dem boiiiizz’
                                                    21st May 2017
Jiminy Cricket: Hey guys! Do you guys wanna go bowling next weekend?
Jiminy Cricket: I just realised we haven’t done anything as a group in a while
Jiminy Cricket: I thought it would be a nice idea 😊
Hobo: Yeah, I’d be up for it!
Tea☕: Yeah, me too :D
Music Man: Sure
jinandjuice: This could be fun!
pepeswife: coolio, chimchim 😊
                                                                  gramps: eh
jungcock: sounds cool, I’m in
                                                                  gramps: ok I’m definitely not going                                                                                        now
Hobo: Me either bye I’m busy doing anything else that day
Tea☕: Same, I suddenly have plans
pepeswife: woops I’ve to water my bread, or smth of that nature
pepeswife: sorry, can’t make it
Music Man: LMAO
jinandjuice: Omg
jungcock: what? Wtf
Jiminy Cricket: C’mon guys…
pepeswife: I’m not going if junglebook is going
jungcock: wtf why? What the hell did I do??
                                                                  gramps: you’re competitive as shit
pepeswife: yeah, and you always win
Tea☕: it’s not gonna be fun for the rest of us
jungcock: I can’t help it that I’m good at everything ‎😏
Hobo: I hate you
jungcock: fuck you too, neigh neigh
jinandjuice: stop fighting lol
Jiminy Cricket: Yeah! It’ll be fun, I promise! We can all team up against Jungkook!
jungcock: HEY
Tea☕: Now that is an idea I can get behind
jungcock: fuck you all
jungcock: I’m still gonna win
Music Man: What do we get if we win?
                                                                   gramps: yeah what are the riches for                                                                                   the winners
Jiminy Cricket: Uh
Jiminy Cricket: Nothing?
pepeswife: now you see
pepeswife: that isn’t very enticing
Hobo: Yeah, you can do better than that
Music Man: Try again lol
Jiminy Cricket: Omg
Jiminy Cricket: Ok, we can all pitch in for pizza afterwards
jinandjuice: It’s not much of a prize if everyone has to pay for it
                                                                   gramps: yeah, this isn’t convincing                                                                                       me
Jiminy Cricket: OMG I DON’T KNOW
Tea☕: Let’s calm down now
jinandjuice: I have a coupon for a free burger at Burger King
jinandjuice: Winner gets that
                                                                   gramps: sounds good enough
                                                                   gramps: I like free food
jungcock: same
pepeswife: same
Music Man: cool with me
Hobo: same here
Tea☕: I’m ok with that
Jiminy Cricket: You people have very low standards
Hobo: Burger King is delicious
Music Man: Yeah, that isn’t low standards
pepeswife: yeah, Burger King is my jam
pepeswife: isn’t that right yoongi
                                                                   gramps: you make me buy you some                                                                                    like every day
                                                                   gramps: I’m broke because of you
pepeswife: excuse me
pepeswife: it isn’t every day
pepeswife: it’s like, every two days
jinandjuice: LOL
pepeswife: and forgive me for having expensive tastes
pepeswife: a girl likes to have the finer things in life
Jiminy Cricket: I wouldn’t class Burger King as one of the finer things in life
pepeswife: are you judging me and my poor life
Jiminy Cricket: Omg no!
Hobo: Smh you were Jimin
Hobo: Shame on you
Tea☕: Low blow, chimchim
Jiminy Cricket: OMG STOP
Jiminy Cricket: Are we going bowling next weekend or not??
pepeswife: I’m up for beating Jungkook
Hobo: Same!
Music Man: Me too
                                                                   gramps: me too
jinandjuice: Let’s crush him
Tea☕: No mercy
jungcock: you’re all assholes
jinandjuice: Children shouldn’t swear
jinandjuice: I raised you better than this
jungcock: go fuck yourself
Music Man: Yoongi, stop teaching the baby how to curse
                                                                   gramps: my bad
jungcock: I’m going to throw a bowling ball at each of your faces
Tea☕: Violent
pepeswife: the child has severe anger issues
jungcock: I’m going to bed
jungcock: bye
jungcock: I’ll be there next week to win
Hobo: And so the child rests
Jiminy Cricket: Ok! So it’s sorted!
Jiminy Cricket: I can’t wait!
Jiminy Cricket: I’m going to bed too, I’ll text you tomorrow!
Jiminy Cricket: Night!
Hobo: I’m gonna go to sleep too
Hobo: Early start tomorrow
Hobo: Night everyone :D
Music Man: I think we should all sleep, it’s late
Music Man: Night
pepeswife: night night <3
jinandjuice: Rest well everyone!
                                                                   gramps: night
Tea☕: Sleep is for the weak
                                                                   gramps: if you wake me up at 3am                                                                                       texting the groupchat
                                                                   gramps: because you’re freaking out                                                                                     about aliens again
                                                                   gramps: I will end your life
Tea☕: Gotta blast
Tea☕: Night! ^^;
(Read 01:37am)
                                     You have received a message
                                                   24th May 2017
memekween: well this date isn’t going well
memekween: sigh
memekween: he started talking about how much of
memekween: ‘a babe’
memekween: his ex was
                                                                   suga daddy: wait
                                                                   suga daddy: you’re on another date?
memekween: yeah
memekween: I thought I told you this?
memekween: oh wait maybe that was jin
                                                                   suga daddy: oh
                                                                   suga daddy: well thanks for telling                                                                                              me
memekween: lol I’m sorry yoongi
                                                                   suga daddy: sure
memekween: ??
memekween: uh ok
memekween: what’s the mood about?
                                                                   suga daddy: I’m not in a mood
                                                                   suga daddy: also isn’t this like the                                                                                                100th date this week
memekween: uh wtf? I’ve only been on 2 dates
memekween: sorry if I want to find the love of my life
memekween: wtf is wrong with you tonight?
                                                                   suga daddy: there’s nothing wrong                                                                                              with me
                                                                   suga daddy: you just go on a lot of                                                                                              dates
                                                                   suga daddy: you should stop wasting                                                                                          your time
                                                                   suga daddy: especially on guys like                                                                                            that
                                                                   suga daddy: you can do better
memekween: oh, and I suppose you know what’s better
memekween: do you?
memekween: give me a break
memekween: at least I try
memekween: when’s the last time you’ve been on a date?
                                                                   suga daddy: I haven’t been                                                                                                          interested in anyone                                                                                                lately
memekween: you haven’t been interested in anyone
memekween: ever
memekween: I don’t understand why you’re judging me
                                                                   suga daddy: whatever
                                                                   suga daddy: you’re so blind
                                                                   suga daddy: have fun on your ‘date’
memekween: wtf do you mean I’m blind?
memekween: yoongi?
memekween: hello???
memekween: wow
memekween: ok then
memekween: when you get your head out of your ass
memekween: you can talk to me again
(Read 08:07pm)
                       You have received a message in the group chat
                                                  ‘we dem boiiiizz’
                                                    28th May 2017
Hobo: I can’t believe Jungkook actually won
Hobo: Again
Hobo: I trained for years
Hobo: Honing my bowling skills
Hobo: Learning and meditating with the masters of the bowl
Hobo: Only to be bested
Hobo: By a mere child
jungcock: I told you it was going to happen
jungcock: no one can beat me
jungcock: I’ll enjoy my whopper while washing it down with a nice cold glass
jungcock: of your tears
Tea☕: you’re like 5 how did you beat us
jungcock: because I have the strength of the gods
jinandjuice: And because he eats the vegetables I give him
jungcock: and because I eat the vegetables Jin gives me
pepeswife: do you lace those vegetables with steroids or something
jinandjuice: Just how mother made it
Tea☕: omfg...
Jiminy Cricket: Tonight was fun, though!
Jiminy Cricket: Did everyone enjoy themselves?
Hobo: Yeah, I had a great time!
jinandjuice: We haven’t hung out like that in a long time
jinandjuice: I’m glad we did
jungcock: yeah, it was really fun
Music Man: Y/N certainly enjoyed herself
pepeswife: excuse me, Namjoon?
pepeswife: I have no idea what you’re talking about
pepeswife: suddenly I can’t read
Music Man: Hmm, ok
Music Man: But you can flirt back with the worker at the bowling alley perfectly
Tea☕: Oh yeah!
Tea☕: You got quite cosy with them, didn’t you?
Tea☕: ;)))))
Music Man: Yeah, lol
Music Man: She barely focused on the game
pepeswife: listen
pepeswife: they were nice, I’ll admit
pepeswife: but I don’t know if it will go anywhere
Hobo: You never know!
Hobo: You got their number, didn’t you?
pepeswife: yeah…
Hobo: So go for it!
Tea☕: Yeah, they seem nice!
pepeswife: idk…
jungcock: if they ever give you hassle
jungcock: they’ll have to go through me
jinandjuice: no one will ever hurt my favourite child
Jiminy Cricket: Favourite child?!
jungcock: I thought I was your favourite
jinandjuice: I love you all equally
jinandjuice: but Y/N doesn’t give me pity laughs when I make jokes
Music Man: Are you sure about that?
pepeswife: i d nOT GIVE PITY LAUGHS
jinandjuice: thank you Y/N :’)
Tea☕: It wouldn’t be us doing the beating up
Tea☕: It would be Yoongi, tbh
Music Man: True, actually
Music Man: Speaking of
Music Man: He’s been quiet in the chat, and all night actually
Hobo: Yeah! Yoongi, man, where are you?
                                                                   gramps: I’m here
Tea☕: You’re quiet tonight
                                                                   gramps: don’t have much to say
jinandjuice: What’s wrong?
                                                                   gramps: nothing
                                                                   gramps: I’m just tired
jungcock: when aren’t you lol
Music Man: What did you think of the person Y/N was talking to
Music Man: Think you could take em in a fight if you had to?
                                                                   gramps: I don’t care
                                                                   gramps: she can do whatever the hell                                                                                   she wants
                                                                   gramps: I’m not watching over her                                                                                         like shes some kid
                                                                   gramps: it’s her problem if something                                                                                   happens
Hobo: …damn
Tea☕: Uh that was kinda cold Yoongi
Music Man: We were only joking
jinandjuice: Did something happen, guys?
jungcock: you’ve been acting weird all night
jungcock: moodier than usual
Jiminy Cricket: Guys…
                                                                   gramps: nothing happened
                                                                   gramps: I’m going to bed
                                                                   gramps: night
Hobo: Yoongi?
jinandjuice: Y/N did something happen??
pepeswife: uh idk
pepeswife: I’m tired too tho
pepeswife: so I’m gonna sleep now
pepeswife: night
Tea☕: Y/N? Wth?
jungcock: Y/N?
Jiminy Cricket: Just drop it guys.
Jiminy Cricket: Maybe they just need space.
Music Man: But what happened?
Jiminy Cricket: I don’t know, but we should all sleep
Jiminy Cricket: All of us asking won’t help.
Tea☕: I guess you’re right.
Tea☕: I’m gonna sleep, so. Night everyone
jungcock: yeah, me too. hopefully everything is fine in the morning
jungcock: see ya
jinandjuice: I hope they’re ok…
Music Man: I’m sure they’ll tell us. We should sleep. Night guys
Hobo: Night, I’m leaving too
jinandjuice: Alright…night.
jinandjuice: I hope everything works out.
Jiminy Cricket: I’m sure it will. You know them
Jiminy Cricket: they never fight for long
jinandjuice: I hope you’re right. Night Jimin.
Jiminy Cricket: Night, hyung.
(Read 11:53pm)
                                     You have received a message
                                                   28th May 2017
ChimChim: What happened?
                                                                   Yoongs: nothing
                                                                   Yoongs: like I said
ChimChim: I’m not stupid, Yoongi.
ChimChim: I knew there was something up
ChimChim: The two of you had been acting weird all night
ChimChim: You’d barely look at each other let alone talk
ChimChim: And when she started talking to that worker
ChimChim: You got even worse, and spent the night glaring at the poor dude
ChimChim: So I want you to stop avoiding the question, Yoongi.
                                                                   Yoongs: Nothing
                                                                   Yoongs: Happened
                                                                   Yoongs: I was just in a mood
                                                                   Yoongs: end of story
                                                                   Yoongs: now leave me the fuck alone
ChimChim: Yoongi, it’s me
ChimChim: You know you can trust me
ChimChim: You don’t have to keep everything bottled up
ChimChim: What happened between you and Y/N?
ChimChim: Was it because you didn’t like the person she was talking to?
ChimChim: I know you’re protective of her
ChimChim: Do you think they wouldn’t be good enough for her?
                                                                   Yoongs: see
                                                                   Yoongs: that’s the fucking thing
                                                                   Yoongs: no one is ever good enough                                                                                   for her
                                                                   Yoongs: they never will be
                                                                   Yoongs: because she deserves the                                                                                       world
                                                                   Yoongs: and it fucking kills me to see                                                                                   her go on date after date
                                                                   Yoongs: or go through relationship                                                                                       after relationship
                                                                   Yoongs: knowing I’ll never be fucking                                                                                   one of them
ChimChim: I’m…
ChimChim: Yoongi…I didn’t realise you felt this way..
ChimChim: Do you...like her?
                                                                   Yoongs: Of course I do
                                                                   Yoongs: actually no
                                                                   Yoongs: I don’t just ‘like her’
                                                                   Yoongs: I love her
                                                                   Yoongs: I fucking have since we were                                                                                         teenagers and
                                                                   Yoongs: fuck
                                                                   Yoongs: I hate everything so much
                                                                   Yoongs: and idk if I can be her friend                                                                                           anymore
                                                                   Yoongs: because I honestly feel like                                                                                       my heart is shattering into a                                                                                           million fucking pieces
                                                                   Yoongs: every time she goes on                                                                                           dates
                                                                   Yoongs: and not even just by that
                                                                   Yoongs: every time she smiles, or                                                                                            laughs, I know I can never                                                                                          say that she’s mine
                                                                   Yoongs: and I try to be a good friend                                                                                             for her
                                                                   Yoongs: but every time I’m near her                                                                                         my heart beats like crazy
                                                                   Yoongs: and I feel like a stupid kid
                                                                   Yoongs: and I love every single bit                                                                                             about her
                                                                   Yoongs: and I mean every single bit
                                                                   Yoongs: with all my heart
                                                                   Yoongs: but I know she’ll never be                                                                                              mine
                                                                   Yoongs: and I honestly don’t know if I                                                                                       can go through it anymore
                                                                   Yoongs: and I don’t care if I’m being                                                                                           selfish
                                                                   Yoongs: I can’t live a life without her                                                                                        but I don’t want to live a life                                                                                          where I’m not hers
                                                                   Yoongs: where she won’t love me                                                                                               back
                                                                  (Read 12:03)
                                                                   Yoongs: jimin
                                                                   Yoongs: jimin where the fuck did you                                                                                           go
                                                                   Yoongs: are you serious right now?
                                                                   Yoongs: fucking hell
(Sent 12:10am)
ChimChim: I don’t think that’s your choice to make
                                                                  Yoongs: what choice?
ChimChim: Her loving you.
ChimChim: You don’t know what her answer would be.
                                                                  Yoongs: yes I do
                                                                  Yoongs: she’d never be with me
                                                                  Yoongs: we’re ‘just friends’ in her eyes
                                                                  Yoongs: and it’s too late to be                                                                                                      anything else
ChimChim: Y/N lives near you, doesn’t she?
                                                                  Yoongs: what?
ChimChim: Y/N. She’s close by your apartment, isn’t she?
                                                                  Yoongs: yeah, around 10 mins away
                                                                  Yoongs: wtf
                                                                  Yoongs: why?
                                                                  Yoongs: you hardly want me to go                                                                                            over there and profess my                                                                                          love, do you?
                                                                  Yoongs: cuz it’s not going to happen
ChimChim: No, you don’t have to do that.
ChimChim: You just have to be ready to answer the door in a few minutes.
                                                                  Yoongs: wait what?
                                                                  Yoongs: what the fuck?
                                                                  Yoongs: Jimin wtf do you mean by                                                                                            that?
ChimChim: Goodnight, Yoongi.
ChimChim: And good luck.
                                                                 Yoongs: jimin?
                                                                 Yoongs: JIMIN??
Before Yoongi could barrage Jimin with more questions about his cryptic messages, a faint knocking sound could be heard from where Yoongi lay fuming on his bed.
His eyes widened, and he shot up straight in bed, staying silent. Maybe if he didn’t answer, they’d go away? Just when he thought he was in the clear, the knocking came again, this time stronger, and Yoongi gulped, standing up to drag his feet to the front door, opening it reluctantly.
He was greeted to the sight of you bent over and panting heavily, as if you had just sprinted here (you had), clutching your phone in your hand. You tilted your head up at the sound of his door creaking open, and you stared at him with wide eyes, as he did the same to you.
Regaining your breath, you straightened up and shuffled awkwardly on your feet.
“Can I…come in? I need to talk to you,” you whispered, and Yoongi’s heart dropped to his stomach. Was this where you were going to get rid of him from your life for good? He knows you haven’t been talking since your argument, and he knows he said he couldn’t be your friend anymore, but now when the situation was right in front of him, he was terrified. He couldn’t lose you.
He wordlessly stepped aside, keeping his gaze on his feet and allowed you step into his apartment. You headed straight towards the couch where you sunk down into the cushions and sighed; a long weary sigh being dragged out from the confines of your chest.
Yoongi sat down hesitantly next to you, and then all was silent as you both struggled to think of something to say.
After what he figured was at least 5 minutes of dead quiet in the dark living room, you broke the silence. He heard you take a deep breath, and you shifted to face him on the couch, but he refused to gaze back at you.
“Yoongi,” you called, but he still did not raise his gaze, instead focusing his attention on his dirty, beat up sneakers with a scowl plastered on his face.
“Yoongi,” you tried again, but this time, you placed your hand under his chin and forced his gaze on you. And when he looked into your eyes; so wide and so warm and so beautiful, Yoongi broke.
“I love you, and I don’t know how the handle that,” he whispered, and flushed pink at his admission. “I know you don’t like me back, and that’s ok, but it isn’t because I love you so much and it hurts so much when you’re with someone else because I would kill for it to be me but it never will be and, fuck, I get so mad but I’m more sad and you drive me crazy-“
You effectively cut off his ramblings, by sealing your lips over Yoongi’s, and he became rigid under your touch. What? Was this actually happening? Are you sure? Are you really kissing him?
But then he felt the warmth of your hand move to cup his face, and he realised: yes, this was actually happening. Yes, you’re kissing him. And yes, this is the best thing he’s ever felt in his whole entire life.
He reciprocated the kiss as soon as he regained his sense, and pressed his lips to yours in a hard, bruising kiss, but one that was sweet and lovely and amazing and he wanted more. He saw stars as you slanted your lips over his, moving softly against his chapped ones, and Yoongi brought shaking hands to rest on your waist, clutching you tight.
But the need to breathe soon became a problem, and you broke apart, panting and never tearing your gaze off one another.
“You are such an idiot,” you laughed, and he tilted his head in confusion. “I’ve been in love with you since the first day I met you, Min Yoongi. I always have been, and I always will be.”
His heart sped up as he heard those words, and his jaw nearly dropped, but then he remembered: “What about all the dates, and relationships? Why didn’t you say anything?”
You ducked your head, giving an awkward laugh, “ah, those. Those were to help me get over you, since I thought you didn’t like me back. They never worked, though.”
He raised a brow.
“Now who’s the idiot,” he asked, and yelped when you slapped his chest. “I’ve been in love with you since you bumped into me in school and I had to help you pick up your books.”
“We’re BOTH idiots,” you said. And as you stared at each other, you both burst into full blown laughter at your ridiculousness, smiling wide and tugging each other closer. When the laughter died down, you held Yoongi’s face in your hands, and he nearly melted.
“I love you, Min Yoongi,” you whispered, and he gave the goofiest grin; a grin brimming with adoration.
“And I love you, Y/N,” he replied, and leaned in to steal another kiss.
“So, did Jimin tell you?”
“He actually took a screenshot of your conversation and sent it to me.”
“God damn it, Jimin.”
130 notes · View notes
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, Santana Lopez, Sue Sylvester, Brittany S. Pierce, Artie Abrams, Carmen Tibideaux, Jesse St. James, Quinn Fabray, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Kitty Wilde, Sebastian Smythe, Jake Puckerman, Marley Rose, Ryder Lynn, Will Schuester, Emma Pillsbury, Coach Beiste Additional Tags: Competition, Reality TV, Alternate Universe, Eventual Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans Friendship, Kurt Hummel & Rachel Berry friendship, Duet, Slow Burn Summary:
“Noah, take a seat,” Carmen ordered.
“I prefer Puck.”
“We don’t really care what you prefer,” Sue sneered.  “Do you want to tell us why you think you’re here today?”
“Because you want to tell me how much the viewers loved my badassness?” Puck replied with a small chuckle.
“Actually, it’s due to your inability to keep it in your pants,” Jesse retorted..
“Woah, what am I being accused of?” Puck inquired.
“Are you, the self-proclaimed ‘sex shark’, trying to claim that you haven’t slept with a contestant?” Sue taunted.
“No, I really haven’t yet,” Puck claimed.
“So it’s just a judge, then?”  Sue accused.
“W-what, Puck stammered?  
“Do you admit it, or do we have to bring out the evidence,” Sue threatened.
“What am I admitting to?”
“Let’s just say you are guilty of multiple infractions?” Carmen stated.
“Huh?”  Puck said, scratching his head.
“What she means is that you are in breach of your contract on multiple accounts,” Wesley stated.
“Just tell me straight what I supposedly did, dude.  I haven’t done anything inappropriate in the house.”  Puck huffed.
“Yes, technically, you didn’t do anything in the house, unless you count the pool house, which I had bugged, by the way,” Sue revealed with sly grin.  “So cut the bull, Mr. T, and admit what you did.”  
Puck gulped. “Well, Ms. July and I got a little wasted in the pool house a few times.  For such a little chick, she can hold her alcohol even better than me.  We played some drinking games, and I have to honestly say I don’t remember everything we did afterwards, except retching in the pool.  I did clean it afterwards though, free of charge,” he smirked.
“Mr. Puckerman, I’m afraid that won’t do you any good.  Although thank you for not leaving it in the pool.  Although, mightn’t it have been a good idea to clean up the pool house too?” Carmen asked.
“Uh, yeah, that might have been a better plan,” he admitted.  “So I’m getting booted over a few drinks and getting freaky with the hot judge?”
“Mr. Puckerman, we told you, we actually have some other infractions that could actually get you incarcerated,” Wes warned, “but we won’t press charges if you come clean about them all and leave quietly.  No one can know you made the show.  We are spinning it as if you were cut in the audition rounds.”
“Pressing charges for drinking and a couple of blow jobs?” Puck asked.  “Which of those is illegal?   I’m over 21.”
“You broke your contractual agreement of sobriety, not to mention using illegal substances.  Cannabis is illegal here.”
“Pot, Puckerman,” Jesse answered.
“Oh, I thought it was legal here.  Mr….I mean, the person that sold it to me said that it was ok if it was medicinal.”
“Ignorance and stupidity is not a medical condition,” Sue snarked.  “And you are lucky we aren’t pressing charges.  We heard that you don’t do well locked up.”  Sue held up an envelope.  That scar on your nipple.  I can’t believe you had that thing put back in after those hoods ripped it out when you were in Juvie.  And now you need to spill the rest of your indiscretions.  What about the Prom Queen?”
“I didn’t have sex with her.  I wanted to, but that girl is uptight, although I don’t think I’m the only one on the chopping block if you really want to throw out anyone playing hide the sausage.”
“That is no concern to you, Mr. Puckerman.  You have committed multiple infractions, therefore, you are dismissed,” Madam Tibbideux explained.  “You need to collect your belongings and leave the premises immediately.”
“Wait, I’m off the show?”
“Yea, Mr. T, you are.  “Now, get the hell out of my office and the house.  You have five minutes before I allow Becky to get out the matches,” Sue warned.
“But wait, you guys were serious about all of that?  Like I said, I didn't actually tap that.  I mean she did play with my…”
“Mr. Puckerman, you are dismissed.  Good day to you, sir,” Carmen asserted.
“Alright, let’s go!”  Shannon barked, escorting him out of Sue’s office.  
“Man, this is bull!” he yelled,storming out of the office and nearly slamming into  Kurt.
“Puck, are you ok?” Kurt asked.
“I’m out man.  Hopefully, you and Curly bow tie boy didn’t do the dirty in the pool house.  She has it totally bugged, man.”
“Um, no.  I can’t say that I did,” Kurt answered.  “I’m not really sure why I’m here.”
“I don’t know, but apparently, I have 5 minutes to get my stuff out or Sue’s gonna burn it, so I gotta go.  Good luck man.”
Puck was being sent home?  Kurt’s mind began to race.  What if they regretted hiring him as a stylist?  What if they decided to send him home after the situation with Sebastian?  Kurt’s anxiety began to rush over him until he was a quivering bundle of nerves.  He just got back here, and he didn’t want to leave again.  
“Come in, Mr. Hummel,” Carmen summoned.
“Did I do something wrong?” The countertenor questioned
“No, we just wanted to inform you that you were an absolute hit on Twitter.  Audiences loved you.  And we haven’t really announced this to the other contestants yet, but unfortunately, we dismissed Mr. Puckerman due to breach of contract.  That leaves his spot vacant, that is, unless you would like to rejoin the contestants on the show.”
“Really?  I’m back on the show?”  Kurt gushed. His nerves instantly relaxed, and he sat down calmly in an empty chair.  
“Well, Mr. Hummel, audiences were impressed with your talent and your personality.  And the other contestants love you.  We hated that you left the show, and honestly, you would be helping us out so that we have even numbers again.  What do you say?” Carmen asked.
“Yes, absolutely!” Kurt smiled.  “I’d love to.”
“Now, before we make it official, we have to have you look back over the contract again.  We are very serious with all of the stipulations that you agreed to.  So before you accept, we need to address the allegations of a possible relationship with Elliott Gilbert,” Wes stated.
“We’re just friends,” the brunette answered.   “Then, how do you explain this,” Sue asked, turning around the monitor of the PC screen.  It was a very clear photo of the kiss between himself and Elliott.”
“It’s not what it looks like,” Kurt started to explain.
“Really, because it looks like you and Glitter Rock are playing tonsil hockey,” Sue taunted.
“He kissed me, but it was because he was trying to get a guy to leave me alone.  He thought if he claimed to be my boyfriend, the other guy would back off.   Besides, Mr. Thompson informed me that dating a crew member was not against the rules.  However, I’m not nor will I see a co-worker.”
“Very well, Mr. Hummel.  Well, we need you to read back over the contract and give us an answer as quickly as possible.  If we extended this to you, could you commit to it?” Carmen asked.
“I think so, but I would like to run it by my dad.  I’d be leaving him again.  And I really don’t think I could abide by the family contact clause.  I really would need to check in with him daily.”
“Done.  We installed computers and set up email accounts.  We could make an exception so that you could email your father daily to check in for peace of mind.  Any other concerns?” Madam Tibbideaux asked.
“Mr. Smythe,” Kurt answered.  
“I’m sorry, but he’s a contestant too, and so far, he hasn’t broken his contract.  For this next performance, we will pair you with Puckerman’s partner, Finn Hudson.  Is that ok?  I know that puts you at a slight disadvantage, but we will help you in any way possible.”Carmen assured him with a soft smile.
“No, that’s fine.  Finn is a great guy, and I think we’ll sound amazing together,” Kurt smiled.
“Very good then.  As for Mr. Smythe, we can try to make sure that you two don’t room together or get paired for a duet, but that’s the best we can do,” Carmen sympathized.  “Although, we are confident that you can handle him.  I heard he’s been a lot more corrigible since the little incident, ” she smiled knowingly.
“Yeah, it was pretty unfortunate.  Red definitely wasn’t his color,” he chuckled nervously.
“No it wasn’t,” Carmen smiled.  “Welcome back, Mr. Hummell.
“Come on in, and take a seat,” Carmen told the blonde.  “We need to have a serious talk.”  The dancer looked around, and seeing Wes Montgomery, one of the show’s attorney’s,she hesitated to sit.  “What’s going on?”
“I’m sorry, but we need to discuss your contract with the show.  You have been in breach of your contract several times, and we have decided that you are no longer a fit for this production,” Mr. Figgins explained calmly.
“Excuse me?  I’m being fired!  she screamed.  “How dare you?  Over what?”
“Ms. July.  We ask you to hold your temper,” Wes advised.  “You know that there have been several incidences, and lately, you haven’t really been executing your duties with the professionalism that you are required to exhibit as a judge on this show.  You have arrived late, clearly intoxicated.”
“What I do on my own time is my own business,” Cassie objected angrily.  “I have a life, and I’m not a contestant.  I didn’t have to sign a contract about my use of substances.  I’m of legal age to drink.”
“Yes, but marijuana is still illegal.  Not to mention, we have reason to believe that you have been not only smoking it, but you have also been behaving inappropriately with a contestant.”
She walked right over to Sue and stuck her finger directly in her face.  “Excuse me!  How dare you accuse me of such nonsense,” she warned.  Ms. July’s face was bright red with rage as she, for a moment,  took her hands and started pushing things off of Mr. Figgin’s desk.  A cell phone hit the ground.  
Sue slapped her finger away from her nose.  “Watch it Roxie!  You might want to pick that up and push play,” Sue said.  “I’d say the nonsense is what came out of your mouth.”
Cassie pushed play and listened.  The video was blurry, and you couldn’t actually see who was making the racket.  “Seriously, this is what you are using to prove this was me.  That doesn’t really sound like me.  You can’t prove that this is me at all.”
“Actually we can.  Mr. T squealed, kinda like you did in this video,” Sue smirked.
“It wasn’t me.” Cassie said, rolling her eyes.
“Then explain  why your hair was found in the poolhouse,” Sue chided.  
“Like I’m the only blonde,” she sneered.
“Yours is the longest and dirtiest,” Sue pointed out.  
“What about the dancer chick? Or the mouthy chick.  Or the Prom Queen.  They are all blondes.
Sue leaned over and snatched a strand of hair from Cassie’s head.  “None of their hair samples match this one, Sue cackled, tossing the baggie on the table.  “Seriously, what were you thinking?  Sleeping with a contestant!”
“You still don’t have proof that we actually slept together,” Cassie argued.
“No, and we don’t need it because just you fraternizing with him and using illegal substances is enough to terminate you,” Mr. Figgins explained.  “Ms. July, you need to remove your personal effects and leave the premises immediately.”
“Whatever, I hated this gig anyway,” she huffed, rolling her eyes and slamming the door behind her.
“Well, that actually went better than I would have imagined,” Carmen commented.  “I know she has a history of lashing out.  Do you have a replacement in mind?  The live shows start next week.”
“Yeah, we are looking at a few, but actually we thought we might try a celebrity judge or two,” Mr. Figgins commented.  “With your contacts, I know that you could help us find a few people.”
“I know quite a few celebrities as well.  I once shot a video of ‘Physical’ right along with the original Ms. Olivia Newton John,” Sue gloated.  “Not to mention, I personally know Michael Bolton.”
“Great,” Carmen commented.  “So are we ready to make the adjustments for the show tonight?” Carmen asked.
“I think we have it covered.”
“Wait right here!” Shannon barked.  “And no funny business!”
“The two blondes shook a little at her order.”
“What’s going on? the blonde girl asked.
“Do you think they know.  I mean, Puck is packin’ right now.  I can’t believe he’s leaving.  The show didn’t even officially start, and they just sent him home.  I mean, I know that he was rough around the edges, but he was a good guy,” Sam said.  
The skinny blonde nodded.  “He is, surprisingly, Quinn admitted.  “I mean, he was a total player though.  Maybe it’s for the best.”
“Guppy mouth, Feberge’, get your butts in here.  You want to explain this?”  Sue held up the baggie.  “At first, I thought the Prom Queen and Geronimo were knocking boots, but we found this long blonde hair in the bathroom.  No big deal.  The same girl lost a couple strands of hair, except that they don’t come from the same head,  DNA doesn’t lie.  So why would your hair be found together, on the same towel.  
“Sam loaned me his towel after I got out of the hot tub.  He was about to get in, but I forgot my towel so he lent me his.  My back was hurting due to my injury, and his muscles were sore from overdoing it in dance rehearsal.  He was being sweet,” Quinn explained quickly.
“Oh, well that makes sense,” Sue said.  “So you just gave him the towel to use after you dried off you drenched hair.”
“Well, I’m sure that the steam from the hot tub dried that towel right up.  I offered to bring him another, but he’s such a gentlemen.  He told me that he would just use that one so I didn’t have to go get from from the dryer,” Quinn explained.
“And the sore muscles and back pain, that’s what all the moans and giggles were about, right?”  Sue inquired.
“Exactly, Sam grinned.  “She gave me a shoulder rub.”
“And what else did she rub while you were in the hottub together?”  Sue asked slyly.
Sam frowned.  “Nothing.”
“So you didn’t have sex?”
“Of course not,” Quinn answered with a smile.
‘Very good, Queenie.  I almost believed your little act of innocence, that is, if we didn’t have audio of your squeaky little voices on the camera.  And here you were badmouthing Stegasaurus Head for being a manwhore when you were doing the dirty with his friend.
“Ms. Sylvester, we really didn’t sleep together,” Sam reiterated what Quinn had said earlier.  
“And you expect me to digest that steaming pile of horse poo you just tried to shovel down my throat.  Seriously?”
“Yes, we do.”  Quinn answered.
“And why would I?”  Sue questioned.
“Because Quinn is a tease,” Sam blurted.  “And I’m not a manwhore.  
“So much for being a gentleman, Sam,” Quinn accused, rolling her eyes.
“Well, what else do I call it?  All you ever let us do was make out.  I could barely touch you,” Sam replied.
“Whatever, Sam.  Mrs. Sylvester, you aren’t really going to toss us over this?  Seriously?” Quinn asked.
“No, but don’t think that  just because you two didn’t actually do the nasty, you get to get off scott free?”
“You’re going to kick us out?” Sam asked, frowning.
“No, but only because you both were too pathetic to actually get down and dirty, but mark my words, there will come a time I may need your assistance, which I will expect your total allegiance, unless you want this released,” Sue warned.  As she was talking to them, her foot grabbed Quinn’s purse strap and casually pulled it under her desk so that the blonde didn’t see it.  
“Meaning?” asked Sam.
“I’m doing you a favor.  I may need you to do one for me,” she smiled slyly.  “This is a warning.  If it happens again, you are out on your ass.  Clear?”
Sam nodded.  Quinn stared at her stoned faced.  
“Now, get the hell out of my office,” Sue roared.
Sam turned quickly to head for the door.  He motioned for Quinn to go first, and he exited behind her closely.
“That was close!” Sam sighed.
“She’s not going to kick us out.  They wouldn’t have enough people for the show,” Quinn reasoned.  “She’s just trying to intimidate us.”
“I can do intimidations.  Alright, alright, alright.  Let’s go play the bongos with our shirts off,” he smirked, trying to sound like Matthew Mcconaughey.  
“Uh, really Sam?  That’s what you say immediately after we about get kicked off of the show?” Quinn said, rolling her eyes.
“Hey, Barbie, get your butt back in here.  You forgot something?”  Becky screamed.
“Oh, I forgot my purse.  Go on without me Sam,” She assured him.
Quinn walked right in grinning slying, not waiting for Becky to see her in.  “So what did you want that you couldn’t say in front of Sam?”
“Q, you’re smart, but you underestimate me.  I know you and Beiber hair didn’t have sex, but I know you aren’t as innocent as you claim to be.  Actually, from what I understand you were a grade A bitch in school, just like one Sue sylvester.”
“I’m nothing like you,” Quinn remarked.
“Oh, no dear, you are just like me, in that we both use our beauty and intelligence to get what we want.  And you have something I want.”
“And what makes you think you can manipulate me?” Quinn challenged, her hands on her hips.
“How old is Beth now?” Sue questioned, tossing a file folder on the table.
“How did you know about Beth?”
“I told you.  I know how to get what I want.  I also know that you don’t necessarily care about winning this.  You just want to get back at your ex, and you wanted to make a name for yourself.  Which won’t happen if you get eliminated now?’
“What do you want?” Quinn asked through gritted teeth.
Sue tossed a cell phone on the table.  “Put it on silent.  If it vibrates, you answer it.”  
“Alright contestants.   Round two of the Twitter-off is about to commence.  Before this airs, we know that you are fully aware that Mr. Puckerman is no longer a contestant on the show,” Carmen stated.  “Please heed the example and make sure that you are abiding by all of the terms in your contract.  That being said, it left us with a vacancy, so without further ado, we would like to welcome back Mr. Hummel.”
Kurt stepped into the room, smiling directly at Blaine.  
“Frankenteen, Kurt will take Smuckerman’s place in your duet,” Jesse snickered.  “I hope that your song calls for Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.”
“Um, we were doing ‘We Will Rock You.’  Is that in your wheelhouse?” Finn asked Kurt nervously.
“I actually have a pretty wide range.  It extends almost 3 octaves, so I think our ranges are similar.  I actually have an idea that I think will work,” Kurt smiled.  
“Cool dude,” Finn smirked, stepforward to fistbump Kurt.
“Alright, moving on.  Our live show airs soon.  We have some changes we would like to discuss.  We have also decided that Sue will stay on the judging panel with  Mr. St. James and I,” Carmen explained.  “However, we have excused Ms. July  from the judging panel due to some issues that we will not discuss.  We have decided, instead of hiring a new judge, we will have guest celebrity judges each week.  And regarding the vacated stylist job, Mr. Hummel has agreed to help you with your look as much as he can, but we have given his clients out to his assistant, Chandler.  If there are no questions, we will move on,” remarked Carmen.
“Why did Puck leave?” asked Brittany.  
“We aren’t going to go into details, but he was in violation of his contract.  That’s all I’m going to disclose.  Any other questions not pertaining to the departures of Ms. July or Mr. Puckerman?” Carmen asked.
Nobody uttered a word.  “Very well.  Moving on to the show tonight.  The pace of the show is a little slower, so you should have a little time to type out more this time than last.  Please remember the guidelines about acceptable tweets, as opposed to inappropriate comments.  If you have any hateful or inappropriate comments directed at you, do not take the bait and alert us immediately.  Do not tweet that you made the show until we reveal it at the end of the show.  And you don’t have to answer every tweet.  If they ask personal questions, you may answer at your discretion, but we do have your profile pages going up tomorrow, so you can direct them to check that out tomorrow.”
“Alright, we have to excuse ourselves but our tech guru and his assistant is back to help you again,” Jesse added.
Jacob walked into the room, his eyes focused on Rachel.  He waved tentatively.  “Alright, everybody.  We have 12 laptops, so we will have to disperse them to the girls first, because their footage is first.   After your footage is over, you might want to pass it on.  A few of the guys that tweeted from the crew and band are here once again to tweet to keep the audience in suspense until the last moment, so make sure that you don’t reveal anything about any of the current contestants until it has been announced if someone made the show or not.  Regarding Noah Puckerman, he composed a tweet before he left, which Lauren will post  for him.  No one else is to tweet about his departure.  Understood?”  The contestants nodded, and the laptops were dispersed among the girls.  
Dueling Duets- Rachel Berry:
Hello again.  My performance is coming up, so I wanted to let you know that I was already here, ready to chat.  
Dueling Duets- Rachel Berry:
I bet that you are curious about what I chose to sing.
-SantanaLopez reply @ Rachel Berry:
And I’ll take that bet that most people don’t care.
Pendleton reply @ Santana Lopez:
I don’t.  I’m here for all of the hotties.
-GerberbabyHarmony reply @ Santana Lopez:
Yeah!  Bring on the cutie with the triangle eyebrows and the cute bowties
-Skank Shelia reply @ Santana Lopez:
and the hottie with the auburn hair and blue, green, gray eyes.
--Skank Ronnie reply @ Skank Shelia:
Both gay!  Remember!
--Skank Shelia reply @ Skank Ronnie:
Yeah, whatever! They are probably just saying that so that we won’t hassle them.  
Dueling Duets- Rachel Berry:
Kurt was my roommate.  Trust me.  It’s not a put on.  He’s perfect gold star gay.  
-LittleSunShine reply@  Rachel Berry:
Well, shoot.  
Dueling Duets- Tina Cohen Chang:
Sorry ladies.  They both said they were gay to me.  But I get it.  I thought they were both attractive too.  
--LittleSunshine reply @ Tina Cohen Chang:
I bet they’d make a cute couple.  They are so adorable!
--GerberBabyHarmony reply @ LittleSunshine:
I’d ship them.  Awwww!
--AdamsApple reply @ GerberBabyHarmony:
It is my recollection from last night’s tweets  that contestants can’t date one another.  Pity!
--LittleSunshine reply @ LittleSunshine:
Well, shoot!  :-(  Both such cuties.  
--AdamsApple reply @ GerberBabyHarmony:
I’d have to disagree.  Kurt is gorgeous!  The other one looks a little too much like a pigmy for my taste.
Pendleton reply @ AdamsApple:
Gel-ous much!  Get it, because of all of the gel.  :-)
Dueling Duets- Rachel Berry:
Anyways, back to the performances.  Though I have to say my performance of “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now” was unmatched.
Mercedes Jones reply @ Rachel Berry:
Oh, Hell to the No girl.   Let the tweeters decided.  
-- BeatricefutureDuetsStar@ Mercedes Jones:
Your performance on last night’s show was amazing.  I can’t wait to see what song you do.
-- BeatricefutureDuetsStar@ Mercedes Jones:
I want to be on the show so bad.   I practiced all summer long.  I didn’t make it past the first round.
-- BeatricefutureDuetsStar@ Mercedes Jones:
Any advice?
Mercedes Jones reply @ BeatriceFutureDuetsStar:
Practice everyday.  Join a glee club or choir and surround yourself with other passionate people.
--Rachel Berry reply @ BeatriceFutureDuetsStar:
I agree with Mercedes.  Pick a few great songs, and practice, practice, practice.
Rachel Berry reply @ BeatriceFutureDuetsStar:
-- I used to post performances on Myspace and Youtube.
--Mercedes Jones reply @ Rachel Berry:
She wasn’t asking you.
Dueling Duets- Mercedes Jones:
However, Rachel isn’t wrong.  It’s important to have some great songs in your wheelhouse.  
Dueling Duets- Mercedes Jones:
-That’s why I picked Ain’t No Way by my idol, Aretha Franklin for this final performance.
-LittleSunShine reply@  Mercedes Jones:
You sound incredible.  I bet you would sound great on Beyonce songs too.  
Kurt sat quietly on the couch and watched some of the tweets shoot across the screen.   He was so caught up in the show, that he didn’t even realize that someone had sat down right beside him.  “Hey Kurt,” the dark haired boy said as he patted Kurt’s knee.
“Oh hey, Kurt squealed a little louder than he meant.  
“I heard the exciting news.  You’re back on the show.  That’s great!  I missed you so much!” Blaine smiled, engulfing Kurt in a hug.
“I missed you too.  I’m excited,” Kurt squeaked.  ”Although I am a little worried about the duet.  Finn is great, but I’m no rock and roller.
“I beg to differ.  You were quite the rock star the other night,” Elliott responded, walking over to Kurt.
“Hey Elliott,” Blaine smiled.  “What’s this about Rockstar Kurt?”
“Oh, Kurt and I did a duet the other night.  A song called Rockstar.  And Kurt was fantastic.”
“But of course he was.  Kurt is fabulous.  Although, I’ve never heard him sing a rock song before.  I’m kinda jealous,” Blaine pouted.
“Oh, I think everyone was jealous, after he swung around that pole like that,” Sugar blurted, pulling out her phone.  “It was pretty hot!”
Blaine cocked his eyebrows.  “Wait, what?”
“For real, Ladylips?” asked Santana, nearly dropping the Laptop., “You on a stripper pole?  I didn’t know you had it in you.  You just gave off this baby penguin vibe.”
“No baby penguin here, honey.    Just look at this hotness!”  Unique said, scrolling through each picture on Sugar’s phone.   Apparently the idea of Kurt getting his stripper act on was more intriguing than the show, and Jacob had to tell the girls to focus.
“Oops, I gotta tweet, baby.  There’s just a few more if you just want to hand Sugar her phone back when you are done.
“Damn, Kurt!”  Blaine chuckled.   “I thought you said you were uncomfortable with sexy.  You certainly have me fooled,” Blaine chuckled nervously as he scrolled through the pictures of the sweet, innocent boy that he was crushing on so much.  Although in those pictures, there was nothing angelic at all.  They was absolutely sinful.    Damn those photos.  Blaine crossed his legs trying once again to conceal his lust for the now blushing boy beside him.  He noted how Elliott was even more flirty toward him than usual.  He tried to shrug it off.  Elliott flirted with everyone, right?  
That was, until he scrolled to the final picture.  Without saying a word, Blaine sat the phone on the couch arm, stood up, and walked out of the room.  
“I wonder what that was about? He seemed upset.” Elliott chuckled, until he lifted the phone and saw what had caused the reaction.  “Um Kurt, did you look at the final photo?” Elliott asked nervously.
“No, why?” Kurt answered, but he didn’t need an answer.  On the screen in front of him was a photo of he and Elliott, lips interlocked in a searing kiss.  The phone slipped out of Kurt’s hand as a look of sheer panic spread across his face.
“Crap!  Blaine!” Kurt called.  “Blaine wait!” He yelled, running after him.  
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truesportsfan · 5 years
Maurice Harkless on his Kobe Bryant connection, Knicks fandom, family struggles
Knicks forward, former St. John’s player and Queens native Maurice “Mo” Harkless takes a shot at some Q&A with Post columnist Steve Serby.
Q: Tell me about the first moment you heard of Kobe Bryant’s death. A: I was actually sleeping. We had a game that day in Orlando. My phone was just blowing up. I was taking my nap before the game, and everybody was like, “Yo, this Kobe stuff can’t be real, blah blah blah blah.” I thought it was a dream. I’m like, “All right, like when I am actually gonna wake up? This doesn’t even feel real, this is crazy.” But then, it kinda of just hit me like, “OK, this is not a dream.” It didn’t feel real for the first couple of days. He’s an icon, somebody that left such an impact on the game that we love. It was the first time like a celebrity or someone who I wasn’t like immediately close with like that — obviously we had some kind of relationship, we played against each other, I knew him a little bit, but we weren’t close — so this is the first time I had that feeling from someone who wasn’t close to me.
Q: What do you remember about playing against him? A: Like he elbowed me in the neck one of the first possessions in the game (laugh). He always competed at the highest level. He was the ultimate opponent.
Q: Elbowing you in the neck sounds like the Mamba mentality, and he probably would have been perfect for the playgrounds in New York. A: Absolutely. I think he woulda definitely held his own (laugh).
Q: That must have been weird playing against him for a young kid, right? A: Yeah, absolutely. I tell people all the time: There’s only a couple of guys in the league who, when I first played against them, I was like, “Wow, I can’t believe this,” and he was one of them.
Q: Who were the others? A: Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan.
Q: What is your on-court mentality? A: Just go out there and do whatever it takes to win games. Just be a dog.
Q: Fill in the blank: New York has the best … A: Pizza, people, culture (laugh).
Q: People? A: Everybody in New York’s real, you know what I mean? People think we’re rude, people think we’re mean, but we’re just real straightforward. I like that.
Maurice HarklessAP
Q: What’s your favorite St. John’s memory? A: It’s pretty funny, actually (chuckle), it’s not really a good memory, but I always find humor in telling the story. We used to practice at 5:45 in the morning, so one practice, (chuckle) one of the managers yawned in practice and [assistant] Coach [Mike] Dunlap, he hated that, like you couldn’t yawn in practice. And (laugh), he made us run for it, like the players had to run for it. He kicked the manager out of practice. Seriously, though, my favorite St. John’s memory was probably that UCLA game at the Garden [a 66-63 win on Feb. 18, 2012], I think that was one of our best games that year. Everybody was playing together, playing well and we came out with the win.
Q: Head coach Steve Lavin had prostate cancer surgery that year. A: I didn’t get to be coached by him in games, but he was in practice and stuff. His energy was amazing even when he was sick. He was always out there in drills and high energy in practice. It was cool to see him every time he was able to come.
Q: Did you see former St. John’s coach Lou Carnesecca around? A: Yeah, he’d always been around. He’s still around the program now, which is pretty cool to see. It feels like it’s very real and genuine. He talks to guys on a first-name basis — not even just the players, like managers, coaches everybody.
Q: You just met new St. John’s coach Mike Anderson for the first time. Are you optimistic about the program’s future? A: I think Mike is a really good coach. You can kind of see he’s already leaving his impact on the way the team plays, and I think just give him some time and get some more players in, I think they’ll be pretty good.
Q: Who was your favorite Knick growing up? A: I really liked [Stephon] Marbury, him being a New York guy, from Brooklyn.
Q: Who is your favorite Knick of all time? A: Probably [Patrick] Ewing. I liked Allan Houston a lot when he was here.
Q: Where were the best playground games growing up? A: I played a lot at Liberty Park. … I played a lot at Lincoln Park. … Ajax Park. A few different parks around the South Jamaica, Queens area.
Q: How did they help toughen you up? A: One, you’re playing on the concrete, you fall, it hurt (laugh). But you gotta get back up and play. Two, it’s just like I’m playing with my older cousin [Courtney] and stuff. We’re not calling fouls, we’re playing through everything, and a lot of times you’re playing one-on-one. It’s just you and the person, you gotta win. It’s just something about that playground mentality, playing in the cold, it just breeds toughness.
Maurice Harkless drives to the basket for St. John’sAnthony J. Causi
Q: What drove you as a kid and what drives you now? A: I just enjoy competition, I always have. In everything I do, I try to make it a competition … just beating somebody.
Q: What is your favorite AAU memory? A: Probably just the first time I played in a Vegas tournament. It was pretty cool to just go out there and be on the Strip, everything looked so big, and … crazy (laugh). It was pretty cool to just go out there and go to like Circus Circus as a 15-year-old. That’s like a dream come true, being from New York.
Q: How did the Garden look to you when you played there for the first time at St. John’s? A: Low lights around, and the floor is lit up so bright. It’s kind of like a show, in a sense.
Q: How would you sum up your NBA career so far? A: It’s been a journey. It’s been interesting. … I’ve been lucky enough to be on some good teams and make deep playoff runs, so it’s been quite rewarding. Like I said, it’s been a journey, having played on a few different teams. But it’s been fun.
Q: What kind of career did you envision? A: Everybody dreams of just being on one team your whole career, but that just doesn’t happen for everyone. So you keep working, keep your head down and take what the game gives you.
Q: You admired Derek Jeter. A: I loved the Yankees growing up, too. My whole life he was just like my favorite baseball player. He always conducted himself with great professionalism.
Q: What other favorite players did you have growing up? A: Kobe, Tracy McGrady, Shaq [O’Neal] a little bit, Kevin Durant.
Q: If you could play anybody one-on-one in NBA history. A: Kobe.
Q: Describe the day you found out your older sister Shakima had cancer. A: When you hear something like that, it’s always … devastating. I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t know much about it. But the doctor said there was a high possibility she would be OK, should be able to beat it, and it worked out, and she was, and I thank God for that. It was out of our hands, we just had to pray and hope everything would work out.
Q: How old were you? A: 16 or 17.
Q: Describe your grandmother, Barbara A: She played a big role in my life. She helped raise me and my siblings and my cousin. Sweet lady. Luckily, she’s still around, she still lives with my mom. She sacrificed a lot to take care of us and to help my mom take care of us.
Q: Your mother Rosa worked two jobs — waitress and bartender. A: She’s New York through-and-through (chuckle). She says what she feels all the time. She works hard to make ends meet. She worked hard my whole life. That’s one of the things I definitely was able to kind of take from her. She loves the people that are close to her, and when she loves somebody, she goes all out for ’em.
Q: Are you New York through-and-through? A: Absolutely.
Q: Define New York through-and-through. A: It’s kind of like growing up here you develop a kind of toughness and you develop thick skin. You go through a lot growing up where you’re kind of able to navigate different situations and stuff like that.
Q: When you were a boy, it affected you briefly that your father was not around. A: It affected me how it would affect every child. You just wonder why not?
Q: Has he ever made an attempt to get a hold of you? A: That’s personal.
Q: What’s the hardest thing you had to navigate through? A: Just life. Growing up in some of these neighborhoods and stuff, it’s like so much thrown at you, so much going on. You have friends who end up in other situations, and to be able to kind of … just make it through all that is crazy. Even now, being an adult, you go back to where I grew up and you see some of the same things, and some of the things got worse. It’s easy to get caught up in that stuff, but finding your way through and making something of yourself, whether it be even just going to college and getting a nice job or something like that. … It’s tough growing up in neighborhoods like where I’m from.
Q: You had close friends who messed up their lives. A: It’s not all necessarily their fault, but just getting caught up in things that go on in those type of neighborhoods.
Q: Where are they now? A: Some are in prison, some are gone, some are still here. … But things coulda been different.
Q: Were they basketball players? A: Yeah, definitely some I played basketball with for sure.
Q: Have you spoken to the ones in prison? A: We speak on occasion, not every day or anything like that. They know I got a lot going on. They don’t try to bother me too much, but they know it’s always love.
Q: When you talk, what goes through your mind about your life and their life? A: I just talk to them, make sure they’re OK. It’s good to hear their voice and good for them to hear my voice. They’re happy to speak to me and I’m happy to speak to them, and that’s all about it. I don’t compare lives.
Q: Who are athletes in other sports who you admire? A: Ronaldo, Tom Brady … I love Tom Brady, hate the Patriots. You can’t deny greatness, I mean, he’s great. But I just don’t like his team.
Maurice Harkless dunks the ball for Forest Hills High SchoolPhilip Hall
Q: You liked the Knicks, Yankees and Giants. Favorite Giants? A: Jeremy Shockey, I love Eli [Manning], Michael Strahan.
Q: You got a $50,000 bonus you earned for shooting 35 percent from 3-point range. A: I didn’t sit out the game, I just didn’t shoot the 3. Would you?
Q: Two dinner guests? A: Barack Obama, Will Smith.
Q: Favorite movie? A: “The Dark Knight,” the one with the Joker.
Q: Favorite actor? A: Will Smith.
Q: Favorite actress? A: Angelina Jolie.
Q: Favorite singer/entertainer? A: My favorite rapper, Jay-Z; singer, Beyoncé.
Q: Favorite meal? A: Crab legs or jerk chicken.
Q: What is your go-to New York restaurant? A: Probably Philippe Chow.
Q: Where’s the best pizza in town? A: Margherita’s on Jamaica Avenue.
source https://truesportsfan.com/sport-today/maurice-harkless-on-his-kobe-bryant-connection-knicks-fandom-family-struggles/
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