#i gotta draw danielle more
roguecanoe · 11 months
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raveartts · 5 months
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gonna take a break and make another sketch page later :3
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buttery-chaos · 1 year
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i really like them ;v;
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avensartt · 2 years
Day 14 : Costume Party
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Danny and Ellie went to two Halloween parties to mess with people
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aamaryst · 2 years
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I remembered that I loved you, I want to tell her. I’m in love with you, I love you still.
the third Legend piece I did back in January, this time based on a scene in Rebel~
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snekverse · 2 years
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Thinking abt how the werewolves in (s1) mcd are big ol bipedal wolves,,,,
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aw damn i’m not gonna have time to rewatch despair tonight
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cheesiedomino · 4 months
RentABoyfriend.com ꙳ ੭ * ‧
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synopsis: you’re tired of being single so you to take an unusual route in helping with that— but what happens when you start catching real romantic feelings for your rental boyfriend?
genre: seo changbin x fem!reader | fake relationship/dating au wc: 5.1k tags/warnings: fluff, v minor angst, mild cursing, (kinda) nerdy changbin, use of pet names, mentions of alcohol usage, just overall very cute story dw <33
[this is part of my valentine’s series where i write a short story for each member surrounding themes of love, newfound romance, relationship hardships & more.]
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“I have a date tomorrow guys.”
Everyone’s head instantly lifts up from their phones at this sudden announcement, collectively drawing their attention at you. You weren’t expecting all of them to gasp and swap such looks of genuine confusion. It’s starting to make you think maybe this situation was a lot more serious than you’ve bargained it out to be.
You couldn’t fathom it either honestly, the realization of you going out with someone probably won’t settle in until you’re physically on the date. Based on their initial responses though, you might regret everything you’re about to say, but it’s far too late to retract any of your statements now.
“No way.. with who??” Danielle is the first out of everyone to ask.
Taehyung chimes in as well, “Yeah, who’s the lucky person? They’ve gotta be something seriously special to be talking to you.”
Well, you suppose you could put it that way.
You already have a preconceived notion of what they’re going to think of this “idea”. Mentally preparing yourself to receive a flood of questions and critique from your close friends.
“Actually… I rented him. For the week.”
Now they’re all looking at you like you’ve officially lost it. The room got scarily quiet, no one wanted to be the first to speak. You should’ve anticipated on their reactions being like this, it isn’t everyday someone just openly admits to buying a partner online. Nowadays there’s a lucrative market for just about anything, when you stumbled upon an ad for this service called ‘RentABoyfriend.com’ you didn’t think much of it. You laughed the concept off at first, thinking how lonely people must be to buy someone else’s time.
But the ads kept popping up, they wouldn’t stop showing in almost every YouTube video you were watching— even one of your favorite YouTubers promoted them before! So one day you finally decided to check this website out, you wanted to see what the hype’s all about so you signed up just for shits and giggles. You weren’t expecting to actually be somewhat interested in trying this thing out, but after going through a couple different profiles and reading hundreds of positive reviews you were practically sold.
“You rented out a boyfriend..? Seriously ___? I mean, I’m not judging but you’re a gorgeous girl you can easily get a boyfriend without paying for someone’s companionship, I don’t see why you need to rent one.” Mark bluntly expressed his opinion, he was probably the most outspoken out of all of you guys.
Taehyung and Danielle both agreed in unison, it’s practically 3 against 1 at this point. You knew you should’ve waited to tell them but you weren’t anticipating on them being this judgmental about it. You were hoping for a little more support, as they’re all way more experienced than you in the dating scene and could lend some helpful advice about your first date, ever.
See, the thing is you’ve never tried dating before so you wouldn’t know the first thing about it or what to expect from your future partner. You’ve never had a boyfriend, let alone held hands or kissed someone of the opposite sex. Being in your twenties it’s kind of embarrassing to say you’ve never done those things, but you thought what better way to try it out than renting a full-on experience that can give you just that? Well minus the kissing part, but you can make it work.
You were skeptical of doing this whole ‘rent-a-boyfriend’ thing at first because you didn’t think there’d be anyone you’d find suitable enough. A big part of the reason that you’re still single is because you’re extremely picky, you want to date a guy who’s so perfect that he must’ve came straight out of an indie romance film. Your friends would tease you for having such unrealistic standards when it came to dating but you were the all-or-nothing type, you’ll be single with fifty cats before you settle for less. Renting a boyfriend is definitely an unconventional idea of easing into dating but you thought it might be worth a try anyway.
What’s the worse that could happen?
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( 1 day earlier )
Hovering your cursor over the bold red text of the website, you read over the main rules before going on to select the person you want for your date.
‘The rules are simple:
You are allowed to see only ONE person at a time, if you want to switch boyfriends you’ll have to pay a $50 fee.
MUST be over 18 to rent a boyfriend, we have implemented an age verification system before the date as we do not tolerate anyone under this age to use our services.
NO kissing, or sexual intimacy allowed. If this is found out later on by our agency we will terminate your contract and ban you from using our services in the future.
Remember to have fun !! ^_^ Our services are great for people who are new to dating or have never been in a relationship. We provide the ~ultimate~ boyfriend experience to all our clients. Customer satisfaction is 100% guaranteed ! (NO REFUNDS)’
Well jeez… they seemed a bit strict but you can deal with those rules and restrictions for the most part.
After hours of skimming through hundreds of profiles, you have a hard time choosing which you like most. Did you want an artsy, shy kind of guy? The tattooed, bad boy aesthetic type? You really couldn’t pick one until you stumble upon a particular profile that catches your eye almost immediately.
5 Facts About Me: I’ve traveled to over 50+ different countries and counting (ask me which my favorites are), I can speak 4 languages (working on my fifth), love to sing and used to have a rap trio with my buddies from college, I can & will easily lift you up ;) also have a secret talent for cooking, there’s nothing I can’t do!
Why Choose Me? First of all, why not choose me? I’m the best candidate for whatever kind of date you need, something casual, social gatherings, weddings, you name it! I’m very social and can make most people laugh (unless they’re the literal Grinch reincarnated), I’m able to get along well with anyone and just love to have a good time. I hope we can get to know each other and make great memories in the future :)
Going through his pictures you couldn’t believe someone was capable of being this humanely attractive. Don’t even get started on those impeccable muscles either… He really had to sport them in every other one of his photos, wearing the tightest shirts to show the outline of his insanely sculpted frame. You might have just been mesmerized from his godlike visuals alone. They even had a Valentine’s Day deluxe package that comes with seven dates in total for half the price, which they specified was for a limited time only.
$600 later you’ve got a full week of dates lined up with the hottest guy you’ve ever seen in all your years of living. You should’ve definitely went shopping before considering all this because now you actually have a reason to get dolled up for someone.
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You were so nervous about going on this date you almost cancelled last minute out of fear. Typing out several different elaborate paragraphs to Changbin on why you couldn’t make it. You didn’t have his real phone number, it was all through an app facilitated by the rental company that was included in the package. Even though you were feeling overwhelmed and practically shaking with anxiety about meeting up with a guy, you still forced yourself to go anyway. You didn’t just dish out all that money just to not show up and waste his time on top of all that.
Your rental boyfriend texted you the location to meet at, it was near a train station so you both could see each other out in a public open space. The outfit you wore was fairly simple, a black mini skirt with warm tights underneath and a cropped turtleneck sweater. You accessorized the look with some dainty jewelry, a thin scarf, and knee high boots to pull everything together. It wasn’t something you usually wore but you had certain clothes you saved for a special occasion like this.
Upon your arrival, you notice him standing near a vending machine and waves over at you with the biggest smile plastered on his face. You awkwardly wave back, giving a soft smile as you slowly walk up to him. He looks even better in person, you don’t even feel adequate enough to be in such a gorgeous man’s presence. No wonder he’s so popular on the site, he’s practically unreal.
“Hi, you must be ___. It’s so nice to finally meet you, might I add you look really beautiful today, I think you’re making my heart race just by looking at you. Happy Valentine’s Day!” Changbin introduces himself, buttering you up with some sweet compliments before handing you the most insane bouquet of roses you’ve ever seen.
You take the flowers and almost stumble backwards from how heavy they were, “Wow, thank you!” Changbin prevents you from falling, quickly coming up behind you to get your balance back.
“Careful honey, can’t have you injured on our first date!” He voices with concern, “I hope you love the idea I came up with, I’ve only been to this place once before but I’m sure it’s still as fun as I remember it, let’s go!” Eagerly grabbing your hand to begin the journey, he turns around again to examine your body language.
“You seem a little tense babe? Do you need a massage?” He asks in a concerned tone again, this is all really beginning to freak you out. You know this is what you signed up for but this was all starting to feel a bit too personal, all the nicknames and sweet talk he’s giving is just something you aren’t used to.
“Uh, no! It’s o-okay.” You shook your head, denying anything suspicious going on. Truth be told you were barely able to contain your composure right now.
Changbin keeps on insisting, “The massage is included in the package so you don’t have to worry about getting charged extra.”
“N-no it’s okay, really. I’m just nervous that’s all, sorry I just don’t meet up with guys…” you shyly admit, finding it hard to look him in the eye.
He nods in understanding, “No need to be nervous with me sweetheart. I’m here to make you feel as comfortable as possible.” The smile he flashes at you instantly makes you warm on the inside, he seems like a genuine, caring person. You think things might go well for you after all.
The rest of the night was full of only good vibes and laughter by the end of it all. Changbin took you to an adult arcade that had old video games like Pac-Man, Super Mario, and Space Invaders, the other side was a bar where people could sit, drink, and socialize. He bought all your drinks that night, let you use up most of his tokens and overall had the most fun you could’ve ever had with someone. He was so easygoing but also knew when to act super caring and would be all lovey dovey with you. He was gentle, nurturing, and could have conversations about anything. You loved that he’d randomly drop some interesting fact you never knew about, or talked about a certain niche topic that he’d go on multiple rants over. It didn’t feel like you were renting someone out to date you, it felt natural— like you’ve known him for longer than a couple hours. Changbin walked you home and held your hand the entire time, along with the flowers he provided a teddy bear and a heart shaped box of chocolates. If that didn’t scream boyfriend goals then you don’t know what does.
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The next day you wake up to Changbin blowing your phone up this morning. You had over 26 messages from him, which was pretty excessive in your humble opinion. The first thing he said was good morning then he goes on to express how fun yesterday was and he can’t wait to do it again. He even sent a couple mirror selfies of him at the gym, ‘conceited much?’ You thought. But then again, if you were Seo Changbin you’d probably be full of yourself too.
For today’s date you wore a pretty red sundress that made your skin glow in the sunlight. It’ll definitely get him to compliment you even more— which you secretly love when he does. Changbin calls you before he heads out to the date, letting you know how excited he is to see you again. You couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot on the train as you made your way to the destination, thinking about what he’s planned for you two next. This time you’ll be meeting up at a park but you still have no clue what you’re doing.
Changbin texts you where exactly he is in the park, it was pretty huge so it took you a while to get to him. As you get closer you see him sitting on a large blanket by the lake, on top of it were a bunch of different foods and snacks scattered all around that came out of a huge picnic basket. You were speed walking at this point trying to get to him. His arms opened out for a hug and you lean right into him, what you didn’t expect was for him to suddenly stand up and lift you in his arms to swing around you like a doll.
“Put me down I’m scared of heights!” You squeal out in fear of being too high up in the air. Maybe you really should’ve taken the bio on his profile more seriously when he mentioned certain things.
Finally putting you down after minutes go by of you protesting, Changbin sits you back onto the blanket. He brought an assortment of breads, cheese, fruits, lemonade that he made himself and a couple seltzers. You’ve never seen anyone put such time and effort into a date before, even being here with him is like living in a daydream. He was definitely succeeding in making you feel comfortable, which is something you never thought was possible with men. He actually took his time getting to know you and didn’t sound arrogant whenever he talked about himself, Changbin was so different than other guys who’ve tried hitting on you in the past. He was actually respectful, intelligent, and could easily carry a conversation without long, awkward pauses.
He was literally everything you’re looking for in a guy. But you’ll be seeing him for this week only then it’s bye bye forever. That revelation makes you a little upset, but you try pushing those thoughts in the back of your mind. It’s irrelevant and unnecessary to think about. Yet you can’t help but wonder about certain things though, wanting to know more about his job and what it’s like on a daily basis for him.
“Can I ask you something? I need you to answer it honestly.” You say out of nowhere, hoping that didn’t come out as weird as you thought.
Changbin nods, “of course, shoot.”
“How many clients do you usually get?”
This question definitely catches him off guard, he’s never really been asked this before and he’s debating on if he should as it might be a breach of privacy.
“I don’t think I can answer that, sorry.” He responds in the nicest way possible, but deep down he wants to know why you’d want to know how many other people he sees a day.
You were going to push him a bit more to try and get an answer but you decide to let it go and just enjoy the rest of the picnic. You didn’t want to bring the mood down with your odd questions and/or end up making him feel so uncomfortable that he won’t want to see you anymore. It was definitely something you shouldn’t have asked but you were curious to know anyway. Overall besides that small incident, you had another wonderful time with Changbin and couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come any faster.
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Changbin had a foolproof way of getting you to blush like a giddy high school teen whenever he texted you. He’d always refer to you as ‘pretty girl’ or ‘princess’ which gave you insane amount of butterflies. You loved how clingy he could get and would double text when you don’t reply fast enough, always needing constant attention from you which you never minded giving.
He texted you at around three in the afternoon, proposing his next plan for today’s date.
‘Let’s go out for drinks tonight, it’s all on me ;)’
You liked his message, replying that you’ll be there and put a series of hearts at the end. Speaking of hearts, yours is fluttering at high altitudes from the way you can’t stop thinking about your “boyfriend” Changbin. This has been better than anything you could’ve expected, you never want this week to come to an end. It’s only been three days but you’ve begun to grow feelings for him, they weren’t too strong just yet but they were most definitely there. You couldn’t let that halt you from having a good time tonight, you’ll have to accept it soon enough he’s not your actual boyfriend. He’s doing this because you paid him to, if it wasn’t for your money he wouldn’t be here right now.
‘This relationship is purely transactional’ you unfortunately keep reminding yourself of the reality you’re in. Psyching yourself out of this sudden somber mood that’s consuming you, distracting your pessimism by raiding your closet for some cute clothes to wear tonight’s date. After what seemed like hours of tearing your entire room apart, you decide to settle on this sparkly black mini tube dress, pairing it with a leather jacket and more platform shoes because you’re obsessed with feeling tall. Once it’s 7 PM you head out to the bar you’re seeing Changbin at, he was already waiting for you inside the place. Eyes instantly lighting up when he sees you coming towards him, just like he always does he motions for a hug, pulling you in tightly like he hasn’t seen you in years.
His hugs felt so cozy, like sitting in front of the fireplace on a crisp, snowy winter’s evening. You never wanted to escape the warmth of his arms, it was one of those forms of physical touch that felt so overly personal to you. The thought of him hugging someone the same way he hugs you slightly enrages something in your spirit but again, it isn’t your place to get genuinely upset over him doing his job. You’re not entitled to him exclusively, but you feel like if you keep this up feelings will only continue to develop. This wasn’t something you considered when going into this and now you feel like you’ve just made a huge mistake.
“You okay babe?” Changbin notices you acting a bit strange, choosing not to pursue it after telling him you’re fine. He knows something’s wrong but doesn’t want to mess up the flow of the date, instead he orders a drink for the both of you and switches on to a lighter subject. “Let’s go shopping tomorrow at that new centre that just opened last week. I need to buy some new AirPods, I accidentally lost one of them in a taxi..”
“Sure,” you nod at his suggestion, in desperate need of some new clothes anyway. “Sorry about your AirPods, that sucks!”
He takes a sip of his bubbly drink that’s now on the table, “Eh, it’s okay this is probably the fourth time this has happened so far.” This has pretty much become a regular occurrence for him by now.
As the date progresses, things continue getting better. You’re both laughing, engaging in much deeper conversation than ever before. You definitely had more than enough alcohol in your system by now, feeling congested and claustrophobic as more people came into the bar. Changbin takes note of your discomfort and asks if you want to get some fresh air outside, you wasted absolutely no time to agree.
While you two were outside continuing your chat about some wild conspiracy he read about online, Changbin’s attention was soon drawn to a different building nearby. Gazing up in confusion at his sudden outburst of excitement, you wonder where he could be leading you next.
“Noraebang!” He shouts loud enough anyone miles away could’ve heard that, he’s now grabbing your hand to frantically drag you along with him.
You were never one to carry a tune but Changbin was actually very good at karaoke and singing in general, he had such a lovely voice. You could seriously listen to him sing all night— which you basically did since you kept begging for an encore until it hit 4 am. That’s when you both decided to finally call it a night, you wanted to pay for the Uber since he’s paid for all the drinks and every other expenses for today. You felt bad because you were the one renting him to be your boyfriend yet he’s constantly shelling out money left and right. He still insisted on paying and ultimately won the whole debacle, making you swallow your pride and get into the Uber with him. Changbin’s definitely not just someone you’re going to forget about after this week is over. You dread the day this all comes to an end, wishing there was a way to relive these moments again and again.
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“I’m a little under the weather today, sorry I can’t make it Binnie.” Your voice is hoarse from coughing and unbearable throat pain. You’ve already consumed half a bag of cough drops, throat lozenges, and random cold medicine you’ve found in your cabinets.
He sounds mildly disappointed, but springs back up with a new proposal, “I can come over and bring some soup if you’d like!”
You appreciate his gesture but still refuse, you know he’s only saying all this because he has to, not because he wants to. “N-no you don’t have to, I’m sure you can go see other clients today. One less person to worry about right?”
The call went silent for a minute, he wasn’t quite sure how to respond to such a deprecating comment.
“I don’t want to see other clients, I want to see you ___.” He sighs, unwilling to give up so easily, “I��ll be at your place soon, m’kay?” He hangs up before you could even respond or say no again.
You had no choice but to wait for Changbin to show up now. Before you got sick, the last two dates you went on were debatably the best so far. You had gone out shopping together, accidentally wearing almost the same kind of outfit. Changbin was wearing a white graphic tee with blue baggy jeans and you wore something practically identical. The two of you looked like a real, official couple and people would stare as you walked hand in hand, it really did seem like the perfect relationship on the outside.
You got even closer when he came over the following day, resulting in you two cuddling while watching movies and baking cookies. He’s expressed that he’s never been to another client’s home before but it wasn’t “technically” against any rules. The more you kept hanging out together, the harder it was coming to terms with the fact you’re actually falling for Changbin. He made every experience with you more exciting than the last, which he did exactly that night. When the cookies were done you fed a piece to him, making little airplane sounds as you do it, he eagerly takes a bite of the chewy treat and compliments both your efforts.
“These taste way better than I thought, oh my god they literally melt in your mouth. Try it!” He takes another cookie from the tray and feeds it to you this time.
There was something so overly domestic about that moment you couldn’t shake the feelings of wanting to kiss him right then and there. But you can’t. If you did such a thing you’d never be allowed to see him again, plus you don’t want to be known as that one creepy client who just couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. As you were cuddling on the couch though, things may have taken a turn for the better… or worse?
Changbin would “yawn” at the movie and subtly wrap his arm around you, he’d subconsciously pull you in closer and it didn’t make it any better that you were under the same blanket. You weren’t complaining at any of this though, you were pretty much in heaven. It took everything in you not to look up and stare, gluing your eyes to the movie that was displayed on the TV. But as the night progressed you were practically snuggling up with him like he was your real boyfriend. The way he’d run his fingers gently down your back, soothing you in a way that could lull you asleep. His touch was the most relaxing thing ever, you were so calm with him and loved how he brought a side of you that’s never been shown. After this encounter you can no longer deny the way you feel— you are officially falling deeply in love your rental boyfriend, Seo Changbin.
The sound of your doorbell ringing alarms you of a new visitor, who was none other than your “boyfriend” waiting patiently outside the door for you. You feel and look like death itself, coming downstairs to answer the door still in your PJ’s and hair a disheveled mess. Every five seconds was interrupted with you coughing your lungs out, barely able to speak above a whisper. Changbin looks thrilled as ever to see you, even when you clearly don’t look your best he’s still coming up to hug you tightly. His hugs are always blocking off your airways from the way his muscles squeeze you, it’s even worse when you’re sick— practically gasping for air.
“Sorry babyy, I just missed you so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day and soon as you said you’re sick I dropped everything to go make you this soup. It’s a specialty I make whenever my friends are sick, the perfect remedy to cure my princess.” He goes into your kitchen to heat up the soup in your microwave, making you wait patiently on the couch as you’re wrapped up in multiple blankets.
Your body feels like it’s -2 degrees, you were freezing. The crazy thing is your thermostat was set to 80 degrees, it was definitely you that was the problem. He propped your feet up on the table, rested a tray in your lap and set the bowl of soup on top. Brushing a couple strands of hair out your face he looks at you intently, examining your symptoms as if he’s a doctor.
“It’ll be okay soon love, I’m here to nurse you back to health again. Can’t see my pretty baby sick like this, makes me all sad.” He pouts, giving you a soft head pat like you’re a delicate kitten.
He takes a spoonful of the hot soup, slightly blowing on it before telling you to open up so you can eat. You don’t know what’s gotten into you but you feel like he’s gone too far with all this. It’s not fair for you to continue on if it’s just become torture now. He’s practically dangling in your face that you’ll never have a partner as perfect as him in your life.
“I- I can’t do this anymore Changbin..” you say lowly, refusing to eat the soup he made.
“What do you mean? I’m just feeding you soup, it’s my duty as your boyfriend to-”
“This isn’t real… none of it is. I’m stupid for even doing this but I was lonely.. I’m sorry but I’d prefer something that isn’t temporary.” You cut him off to express your pent up frustrations, ready to be let down and rejected by him as gently as possible.
“Then let’s make it real,” he proposes without any hesitation, “honestly I stopped faking it around our third date, it was all me after that. I never said anything because well… this is my job and I’ve never fallen for a client before so this is still all very new to me..”
You’d be screaming right now if you weren’t sick, instead you’re internally freaking out at this confession, it feels like your hearts doing cartwheels and somersaults.
“Seriously?” Eyes widening as you look at him, suddenly your body heat rises and you know it’s not because of the soup or the layers of blankets that’s covering you.
He nods, “I thought it was kinda obvious when we kissed yesterday..”
Oh yeah… you forgot that did happen. You thought it was another fever dream you might’ve just made up in your head. You shared your first kiss with someone you deemed so special and important to you, someone you never would’ve guessed could come into your life and shift the entirety of your world like magic. There was no one else in existence you wanted more than Changbin.
“Doesn’t that mean you’ll have to quit your job? I don’t want to be the reason you stop making such good income.. I’ll feel so bad.” You knew deep down you didn’t feel that badly about him quitting to date you instead. It was just the thought of him leaving something he’s been doing for years behind all for some girl he’s known for simply a week.
He shrugs at your comment, “I’ll be just fine, I was planning on finding a new job soon anyway. It gets kinda old after a while, I felt like I was on autopilot most of the time. You were able to get me to open up and show my true self, I could never thank you enough for that ___.” Changbin couldn’t resist the urge to plant a kiss to your forehead.
After everything that’s been said and done. What you’ve come to understand is that love is learned, a development that takes time to grow and blossom into something extraordinary. Just like learning a new language or a musical instrument, we learn love from society and cultures we’re raised in, it’s a beautiful thing once we know how to cherish it. Your newfound romance with Changbin is something you’ll learn to cherish forever and ever.
[End <3].
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norizz-nation · 10 months
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I’m better right? ❤️
Summary: So p1 in Monaco for Daniel was legit everything. But somehow reporters gotta ruin that by comparing him with the “new generation’s star max verstappen” so he brings u to ur shared hotel room to ask u if he’s better or not.
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, daddy kink, choking, light bdsm, blindfolds, handcuffs
You were there with Daniel in Monaco. Rooting for him to ur fullest. And the fact that he won was everything u ever wanted. U were so happy for him. Everything was going amazing. Until the bullshit interviews after race. Asking him stuff like “although u won, max is still improving and is probably better than u. how do u feel about that?”
Questions like that really pissed him off. And u could see that. After the whole evening being with this “max is better than daniel” interviews, he was just pissed. So u went to him and said “forget about them. u were amazing, u dont have to listen to them. i love you.” Daniel look a bit relaxed after u comforted him. “you’re better in every way” u whispered lightly with a smirk tht made Daniel raise his eyebrows. “Oh yeah baby?” “Of course daddy” u could see by the look on his face that those words drove him crazy.
Heading back to ur shared hotel room, daniel told u to sit on the edge of the bed while he went to his luggage and got some stuff out. Whn he came close to u, u noticed that he was holding a blindfold and a pair of handcuffs. Seeing them u looked up at him with doe eyes excited to know whats gonna happen next. “Be a good girl tonight, okay?” U just nodded. U were genuinely wet just by the thought about everything thats gonna happen. He then got u undressed and blindfolded u saying “im gonna show u that im better” u innocently asked “how?” “Oh baby just wait a bit. You’ll see.”
After he handcuffed u to the headboard, u just closed ur eyes and got comfortable. After a while u could feel daniels hands roam all over ur body. Caressing ur cheeks, then squeezing ur neck a little then going slowly down to ur stomach drawing circles. Making ur whole body get goosebumps. Ur started to squirm under him. “Daddy p-please” he then stopped “please what baby? tell me.” “Just touch me daddy, please. Dont tease me like that.” He started to rub ur thighs as he placed himself between ur legs. Licking you pussy lips saying “fuck you’re already that wet for me?” You could just nod. He began circling your pussy and flicking it every now & then. “Ah d-daddy im gonna cum. Please dont s-stop!” He then started pumping ur pussy with his two fingers while sucking ur pussy clean.
You were trying ur best to grab his curly hair and guide him well. After u’ve cum, he came closer to u and kissed ur neck, which was more of a wet kiss. “Stop fighting for it. You know u cant win baby.” He said as he saw u trying to touch him, ur hands were red at this point. You were basically crying for him. You wanted to touch him so bad. “What is it baby? Do u wanna say something?” “I want u to remove my blindfold and remove my handcuffs, i wanna touch u so bad daddy. Please” ur voice was low, and needy for more. He then kissed ur forehead and removed ur handcuffs.
You started to roam ur hands all over his body as if u haven’t touched him for a long while. U started to go more down to his hips. Palming his dick. “Please daddy, just fuck me!” U clearly whined as daniel smirked and kissed u.
He then positioned himself between ur legs as he rubbed his dick on ur clit, making u whine more. You thought that he was gonna be gentle first but he didn’t. He started with a fast pace that made u scream already. Practically making ur legs shake as he didnt stop his motion. Every single thrust was too much for u to handle. “O-oh daddy, you make me f-feel so good, nghh” he then grabbed ur hair and pulled u closer to him as u could feel his breathe in ur face. “Oh yeah? I make u feel good?” You barely managed to say “y-yes d-daddy u do”
He then placed one hand on ur neck choking u hard and the other one right where it was, on ur hair. Pulling it. It seemed like he just wanted to get his frustrations out at this point. All this bullshit reporters pissing him off so fucking much. You kept u eyes closed as ur whole body fell apart under him. “Baby, look at me, come on” you looked up at him with doe eyes. “Tell me im better. Tell me im better than max. Im better right?” You couldn’t say anything because the pleasure was just too much for u. But still u managed to say “of course you’re better daddy. you’re better than any other f1 grids here” “oh yeah?” “y-yes daddy”
His thrusts became sloppier as u felt a familiar euphoric feeling inside ur stomach. “Ahh daddy im sooo gonna cum” “me too baby, me too. cum for me baby, go on” your whole body started to shake uncontrollably as u came for the second time that night. Your body shivering and shaking. Then u immediately sucked his dick clean, leaving no cum there. “Oh look at u. Such a good girl for me” you looked up at him and kissed the tip of his dick while looking straight into his eyes making him groan by that sight.
He then held u close and cuddled with u. “Just dont think about them. You’re literally the most perfect man I’ve ever met daniel. I love you so much” your words made daniel so comforted as he kissed ur head and caressed ur arm. “I dont know how I managed to make u mine. I love you so much baby. I can’t afford to lose you, ever”
A/N: this idea was from one of the most amazing writer on tumblr @idkwhatimdoinghere163 , thank u so much for this idea. I hope I managed to reach ur expectations and you gotta give me some more ideas girl cuz those are amazing! ❤️
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anjanahalo · 10 months
Wayne vs Fenton 4
probably after tim starts investigating
It was another scheduled playdate that forced Damian to really question what Danny meant when he stated he was “liminal.” From what Danny shared at the time, it felt like a chronic medical condition. He’d been exposed, at some point, to a substance Danny knew from his scientist parents as “ectoplasm.” The exposure was strong enough to leave a lingering effect upon Damian’s body. However, Danny also warned the sort of ectoplasm in question was, as quoted by his classmate “super gross and nasty. Not shocked if it made you more prone to angry outbursts than the normal liminal. Like, getting into actually fighty fights and not regular fights.” Danny, as usual, wasn’t exceedingly helpful in clarifying his explanation. His peer evidentially understood the topic, but was horrendous in conveying the principles. From what he’d gleaned, it seemed this “ectoplasm” was a form of less potent Lazarus Water as, when he’d questioned Danny if it could heal the ill or bring the dead to life, Danny seemed horrified at the prospect. Damian didn’t question further. He enjoyed having Danny’s companionship. He’d hate to jeopardize that with giving his friend dangerous knowledge that might lead to the League hunting him down. He’d have to ask for help in researching this, but later. Later became now when, during their fight, after Damian lept to the next rooftop after being pushed closed to the edge, Danny stopped his pursuit. “Whoa, okay, we gotta go back.” “Are you frightened of falling, Danny?” “From that jump? No, but we’re not going further that way. Let’s head back. Saw an ice cream place a few blocks over. We could go there for a playdate treat?” “You’re deflecting.” “I am not! Get over here and say that to my face.” Damian didn’t move. “Make me.” Danny didn’t move. “Seriously, I get you’re liminal, but you’re apparently not liminal enough to realize why we should go back but, trust me, we should go back.” “I’d like a logical explanation you want to draw our ‘playdate’ to a close before I return, Daniel” Danny groaned. “You know how much I hate that name!” “And I’ll keep calling you that until you either use your fists or your words to stop me, Daniel.” “Urgh, look, you gotta promise not to pick any fights, alright? Seriously. There’s a super dangerous and strong liminal that way, and I do not want to deal with that shit on a school night.” Damian glanced back, properly mapping their location. They were both on the border of Park Row, better known as Crime Alley. Even more known among the Batclan as Red Hood’s territory. Red Hood, Jason Todd, a man who, very certainly, came in contact with the Lazarus pits. If living by them made Damian liminal in Danny’s scientific senses, being fully revived by them certainly would. Damian thought about tempting Danny further in to watch his reactions, but decided against it. Having strong if indirect proof of his hypothesis would be enough for the evening, considering his company. “Alright, Danny. This area is known as Crime Alley. Best to head back for ice cream.” “Thank you! Ancients!” Danny gave his favorite odd curse. “I didn’t want to have to chase you down in that sort of poisonous haunt!” “A…haunt?” “Nevermind about it. Basically the area a liminal lives gives a sort of aura from their ectoplasm and, trust me, yours might give the heebie geebies, but his is full Jason Vorhees. Neither of us want to deal with that shit. You paying?” Damian smiled back, hiding the thoughts and theories forming in his head given the indirect information he’d just been given from a scientific perspective of the Pits. “I assumed you were since you suggested it.” Danny sighed. “Fine, I guess I can use my meager allowance on you. But that means no waffle cones.” “And the place offers vegan-” “Of course it does! You think I’d be so focused on fighting you I wouldn’t note if a neat ice cream place didn’t offer vegan options for you? What sort of friend do you think I am?!” “With that division of attention,” Damian laughed, “it’s a bit up in the air.”
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queenshelby · 4 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 13: The Hospital Visit
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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Whilst Danielle didn't say anything to Cillian during the event that evening, your friend Lucy picked up on his appearance right away and pulled you aside for a talk.
"Are you fucking crazy?" she asked, tidying up your hair with her hands while wiping away your lipstick with a napkin. 
"What are you talking about?" you asked Lucy, feigning ignorance.
"Come on, you know what I'm referring to," Lucy whispered, peeking over her shoulder. "The stains on Cillian's shirt? Your lipstick? It's all fucking smudged," Lucy rolled her eyes. "You are going to end up in some deep shit, girl," she warned you in a hushed whisper as a cold chill ran down your spine.
"I am...," you stammered. "Fuck, I am trying but I can't help it," you admitted to your friend, staring down at your feet nervously. "I know it's wrong, but I can't seem to stop myself," you confessed, gripping the hem of your skirt tightly and adjusting the fabric. 
"Look, I know you like him," Lucy sighed, running her fingers through her tangled hair. "But, seriously, you going to put a stop to this. I mean, he is married and way too fucking old for you," she reminded you, shaking her head disapprovingly.
"You guys are worlds apart, Y/N," Lucy added, her voice filled with concern.
"I know, I know," you sighed, your voice sounding defeated. "But, somehow, I just can't help acting irrationally whenever I'm around him," you confessed, shaking your head sadly just as you spotted Cillian leaving the function along with his wife.
"Damn, this is so complicated," you muttered under your breath, swallowing hard as you watched Danielle take his hand in to hers and leading him towards the exit. 
It hurt seeing them together, yet you couldn't bring yourself to admit defeat.
Your feelings for Cillian were too profound to ignore, and the connection you shared transcended logic or reason. But Lucy insisted on warning you, pointing out the risks involved: "You're risking it all," she noted, fidgeting with her hair nervously. "If word spreads, you'll face serious consequences—career-wise, personally."
"I know, Lucy," you sighed, chewing on your bottom lip. "I'm not blind to the dangers."
Lucy shook her head, her eyes brimming with concern. "You gotta draw a line, Y/N. Protect yourself."
"But..." you stammered, but Lucy didn't allow you to finish your sentence. 
"No 'buts,'" Lucy interrupted. "Cillian's a married man and the father to your ex-boyfriend, nonetheless. Don't forget that," Lucy advised, shaking her head.
"I promise I will end this, Lu. No more from here on," you lied, feeling guilty for lying to your best friend.
You took a big gulp of your drink, thinking about Cillian. You remembered the way he'd looked at you earlier��with such raw hunger and desire. It made your heart race, and your palms grew sweaty.
"Hey, Y/N," a familiar voice then suddenly said from behind you and, when you turned around, you saw James standing there, flashing his charming smile.
"How long have you been standing there?" you asked him, raising an eyebrow curiously.
"Long enough to catch the tail end of your conversation with Lucy," James responded, winking suggestively. "And I must say, I'm intrigued now," he added, moving closer to you.
"By what?" you challenged him, crossing your arms defensively while swallowing nervously. 
"You've got the hots for Max Murphy's father?" James ought to confirm, grinning mischievously. "Seems like quite an unconventional crush for you, seeing that you used to date his son, but hey, each to their own," he added, cocking an eyebrow at you slyly.
"I don't have a crush on him, we were just..." you stammered, trying to explain yourself. "We were just joking," you tried to tell him but James raised an eyebrow at you suspiciously. 
"Yeah right," he chuckled. "Listen Y/N, I really don't care who you have a crush on because I know it isn't me," he said, shrugging his shoulders dismissively. 
"James, I am sorry," you began to mumble nervously but, again, James interrupted you.
"Don't worry about it. Your little secret is safe with me," James assured you, winking cheekily before calling it a night. "I just came over to say goodnight. I have to be at the hospital at six o'clock tomorrow morning and better hit the hay soon," James said, yawning theatrically before giving you a friendly pat on the back. 
"I will see you tomorrow then," you told him shyly, forcing a smile to appear on your face.
"Yeah, sounds great," James nodded, turning around to leave without another word.
You stood motionless, staring at the spot where he once stood, feeling nervous while Lucy's chin hang low. 
"You are so screwed if he talks," Lucy said worriedly, rubbing her temples.
"He won't," you assured her, but deep down, you knew that James had the potential to spill the beans about your illicit encounters with Cillian. "Despite, he thinks that I just have a crush on him," you added, hoping Lucy would find comfort in your words.
"Really?" Lucy arched an eyebrow skeptically. "So you don't believe he suspects something?"
"No," you shrugged, swallowing hard. "But even if he does suspect something, I doubt he'd rat me out," you argued, trying to convince yourself more than Lucy.
"Why do you say that?" Lucy wondered aloud, studying your expression closely.
"Because James isn't that kind of guy. He is arrogant, but not vindictive," you insisted, trying to calm Lucy down. "I think we can trust him," you added, glancing around nervously and praying that nobody else had caught wind of your little secret.
"Well, let's hope you're right," Lucy sighed, folding her arms across her chest. "Because if he does blow this thing wide open, your live will never be the same," Lucy continued, shaking her head worriedly.
"Stop worrying," you scolded her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Everything's gonna be alright," you assured her, smiling reassuringly.
"I just don't understand why you're messing around with a married man," Lucy sighed, shaking her head in disbelief. "You're better than that," she added, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"I know," you murmured, averting your gaze. "But I really fucking like him," you concluded helplessly before you tried to change the subject, which was something that Lucy allowed you to do, at least for now.
The following morning however, when you went to start your shift at the university hospital at around 9 o'clock, you were met with a somewhat unwelcoming surprise as one of the nurses in charge handed you your files.
"James ordered an ECG and MRI in 19," the nurse explained. "You are also required in 28 for preliminary tests," the nurse explained before also handing you a clipboard containing your assigned patients for the morning. 
"Thanks," you nodded, reading through the list of names. Most cases didn't require further discussion; routine checkups, physical therapy, and medication adjustments. You knew the drill. But then you came across a name that caused your heart to skip a beat.
"Cillian Murphy," you whispered under your breath, your eyes widening in disbelief.
"Yeah, the actor, you know," the nurse said, her eyes twinkling, causing your chin to drop. 
"Yeah, I know who he is, but what is he in for?" you ask the nurse, shifting from foot to foot nervously. 
"He's got a large cut on his arm," the nurse explained, eyeing you warily.
"It says here that he presented to the ER last night. Has it not been stitched yet?" you asked her, confusion  written all over your face.
"Oh, the laceration has been closed up, but he stayed in overnight for observation due to risk of infection. The laceration was close to the tend on, pretty deep actually," the nurse answered, raising an eyebrow as she eyed you suspiciously. "I handed the file to James this morning but he said that Mr Murphy might rather see you than him," the nurse added, handing you Cillian's chart and then disappearing around the corner.
"Fuck," you whispered under your breath, flipping through the pages and scanning the details hastily.
You weren't exactly thrilled about having to interact with Cillian a at your place of employment after last night's encounter with James. Yet, James was your boss and he had instructed you to attend to him, making it a matter of professional duty. You thus had no choice and, even if you had, you were keen to know how he sustained the injury in the first place. 
To be continued...
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ghostly-penumbra · 3 months
Father and Sons
Summary: Clockwork is Danny's loving, adoptive grandpa. Time is the Endless neglectful father. They are one and the same.
[Chapter One]
Chapter Two: Introduction
- - -
Danny glared at the pages of his book willing them to make sense through his mounting headache.
“C’mon, Fenton this isn’t rocket science!”
“Actually,” his book said, closing itself in his grasp and using its pages as a mouth, “I am.” It turned, showing Danny its cover with the title Rocket Science for Stressed College Ghosts by D. J. F.
“Oh, yeah, you are. Still, though,” he opened the book again, finding his childhood drawing of himself astride a rocket, “gotta keep my mind in the game.”
“Daniel Fenton.”
Danny looked up at the sound of his name and found a guy around his age who reminded him of himself in a weird, funhouse-mirror kinda way.
He was as pale as snow (no, really!) with wild white hair that defied gravity and green eyes as bright as the emerald gleaming on his chest, which was the only speck of colour in an otherwise solid white ensemble.
Before Danny could ask him if he needed anything, he realized something, “Oh, this is a Dream.” He stood up and found his sleeping body drooling all over his notebook, with several empty cups of coffee around him like a summoning circle. (One to which he wouldn’t mind being summoned to, if he was honest.)
“Would you walk with me, Daniel?” The guy asked.
With the ease of one who’s dreaming, Danny said, “I don’t really like leaving my body behind…”
“Your soul remains attached to it, it would just be your consciousness being away.”
Danny looked at his sleeping form for another half moment before nodding, “Yeah, okay.”
They left the library together, walking through the campus unperceived by those still up and about.
“I know you, right? You seem familiar.” Asked Danny at last.
“Yes, we have met before. Almost a hundred years ago for me, though I doubt it’s been so long for you. And it never actually happened, in the end.”
“You’re Clockwork’s son!” The halfa exclaimed as if it had made perfect sense. Since he was dreaming, it had. “Sorry, last time you… looked different.”
Dream of the Endless nodded, and his green eyes gave way to the visage of a starry night sky. “I was different.” He whispered, more to himself than Danny.
“I didn’t think I’d see ya again, if I’m being honest.” At the inquisitive sound Dream made, Danny elaborated, “I’ve met some of your siblings and, well, I know I’m not you guys’ favorite person, even if you don’t mess with me ‘n’ stuff…”
“Yes.” Dream nodded. “I imagine.”
After another moment of silence, the Endless spoke again.
“I came to you to ask for a favour.” Danny looked at him curiously, and Dream procured a bent, artsy-looking pocket watch from his white coat. “I’ve finally retrieved my father’s saeculum; it must be returned to him. I don’t wish to bother him again, so I believe it would be better to ask you to deliver it when next you visit him, if you are amenable.”
“Of course no problem.” Danny took the watch in his hands and turned it this way and that. “Huh, I think I’ve seen him working on this.” He said awkwardly to fill the silence.
Danny stared at Dream, his lips pursed and Dream stared back, impassive.
“I don’t mind helping you out with this, but… you could… go and visit him, that’d be cool. I think he would like that.” Danny finally said not meeting the other’s eye.
“My father has made it quite clear he doesn’t.” Dream said. “You were there, Daniel.”
“Yes! I- I know, but… if it’s a social visit, he’ll like it, I’m sure of that.” Dream looked at him hard, incredulous, and Danny sighed. “Look, I know Clockwork is not the best father he could be, and that’s on him not on you or your siblings, but… I care about him, yeah? And he’ll probably ground me for saying this, but he’s lonely! And I… just… think that if you came over just to say hi, he’d like that.”
They had stopped walking, and Danny still couldn’t look Dream in the eye, his gaze instead on his white shoes.
“I don’t need your help.” Dream said after a moment and Danny flinched, afraid he had overstepped and now Clockwork’s son would go to him himself and throw Danny’s words to his face and- “But I was curious;” the Endless continued over Danny’s internal panicking, making him halt and finally look up into starry eyes, “as I said, last time we met, I was different, other. Whatever my predecessor, the first Dream of the Endless thought of you is out of my reach, but looking at these memories… I’m curious as to what kind of person is the one my father favours so that he has adopted you as his grandson, doting on you as he doesn’t on his children.”
Danny felt himself being measured, his worth put on a scale against his grandpa’s seven children for their right to him.
He knew it wasn’t a competition because he had already won. That didn’t make him feel good.
“I see now that you love him, independently of whatever boon he granted you, but you don’t covet his attention, so he doesn’t deny it to you. You see him as other than his post so he presents himself to you that way.”
Danny didn’t know what to say, he probably didn’t understand everything that was being not said by his chosen grandpa’s son.
He couldn’t say ‘he’s not that bad, really’ without having to omit ‘to me’ and he didn’t want to lie so he just changed the topic. Or rather, he came back on topic.
“I’ll give him the sæculum next time I see him, and you won’t owe me anything, I’ll do it gladly,” he looked again at the surrealistic piece of art, wondering what was its purpose, before looking back at Dream, “but please, just think about it that’s all I ask.” He finished with a small, helpless shrug.
“I will consider it, but I can’t promise you anything.” Dream said, and Danny almost sighed in relief, but held it back. “But regardless of that…” The Endless began again, and Danny straightened, as he felt he was the one in the other’s debt, “my father has taken you in as his grandson and that makes us family.”
Danny blinked, startled, and waited for Dream to elaborate on that, but when he didn’t Danny assumed he must’ve missed some social cue and hurried to answer, “I mean, that’s- optional, y’know? With it being a symbolic adoption and all, not even legal though very real for us. You don’t have to. I wouldn’t want ya to feel some, obligation if you don’t want to be-”
“I want to.”
Danny stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the person-shaped concept facing him, speechless.
“I want to be your family, Danny. If you are amenable to it.”
“I- that’s- ah, I, I don’t- yeah! Yes.” Danny said, mind still lagging. “That, I’d like that.”
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c-t-r-l14 · 4 months
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I deadass should’ve started with an introduction post before I posted any of my fanfics, but… better late than never, I guess…
Hey ya’ll! You can call me Ctrl, and welcome to this beautiful mess that is my blog!
I am a big fan of Zsakuva and DesmondAsmr, so anything on this blog will be related to their characters and lore.
Here’s some things about me:
-I’m 19
- I go by she/her pronouns
-I’m African American
-I draw
-I write (obviously).
-My favorite artists are SZA and Daniel Caeser
The Song A Dove Sings
Tennessee Waltz
Ocho Rios
See You Again
One Good Thing
His Eyes
Session 32
Not Allowed!
Andrew Marston:
Nothing Yet
What He Sees
Are You Ok?
Isaac Rhodes:
I Wish You Love
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
All the stories that do not have a link yet are stories that are in progress.
Sometimes, I talk too damn much. Other times, things piss me off and I gotta share it with the public.
My thoughts on Alex:
The Rant That Started it All
I got mad while drafting dialouge between him and Listener
“Another small rant about Alex (Yes, I know I talk about him a lot, no, I won’t stop)”
I’m really getting mad at someone who isn’t real
“A Retrospective, A Reflection, And Yes, Another Damn Alex Rant”
“Why Alex’s Break Up Audio Made Me Appreciate Andrew’s Character More”
“And Another Thing”
“This Audio was SICKENING.”
Other Rants:
“Xanthus and Dontis in Part 9 Had Me Dead Asf”
Why The Asriel Audio Made me Appreciate Dontis’ Character More
“Dontis Is Written So Amazingly Well.”
What Would Dontis Be Like When He’s Angry?
Do Vampires Cry Bloody Tears?
Y’all have a good day, and thank you for visiting my page!
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captainnameless · 6 months
Hiii! Hope everything's good with you. Could you write some cute Daniel looking after little max and little Yuki? Its something thats been on my mind since the desert hovercraft and honda thanks day. (❄️December sad girl hours is real and something cute would really help👉👈)
“Danny, look.” Yuki says, and Daniel barely has any time to react before the piece of paper in shoved in his face.
“Woah, buddy!” Daniel says, putting a hand on Yuki’s wrist and gently lowering it so he can actually look. He’s not sure what it is supposed to be, but eh, art is in the eye of the beholder and all that. “Well done!” He praises.
Yuki sways back and forth on his feet, eyes twinkling with the smile on his face. He looks smaller, still, with his hair still tussled from his earlier nap and the innocent flush on his cheeks. “More?” He asks.
“More paper?” Daniel questions, already reaching over to grab more supplies for the youngster, glad he’s got him settled on an activity that won’t wake Max up quite yet.
Yuki had awoken after only an hour, which is fine, but Daniel had been slightly worried the ruckus would’ve woken Max up too, who usually needed a little bit more on days like these. But Yuki’d been an angel, a whispered hiss of “Danny!” alerting him that he’d woken up from his nap and he hadn’t even protested when Daniel redirected his suggestion of playing race cars to doing some coloring.
Max wakes up during Yuki’s third picture, stumbling into the living room and going straight for Daniel, who’s already expecting him with open arms. “Good morning sunshine.” Daniel breathes into Max’s messy hair, pressing a soft kiss to his head while Max tries to bury himself into Daniel.
Max feels warm and soft with sleep, wriggling and then settling into Daniel’s chest when he’s seemingly found a comfortable position, his thumb fitting back into his mouth.
Yuki’s stopped his drawing to take the scene in. “Max hug?” He asks, looking up at Daniel.
“Max needs a bit of time to wake up, buddy.” Daniel says softly, hand rubbing down Max’s back. “You can come give him a hug in a little bit, okay?”
Max barely registers he’s being discussed, eyes still closed and breathing slow while he snuggles into Daniel. Eventually he stirs, eyes blinking open to take in his surroundings and thumb dropping from his mouth, hand moving to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
“Had a good nap?” Daniel asks, brushing the hair off of Max’s forehead and Max nods into a yawn.
“Yuki,” he says, sitting up to blink at his friend. “Yuki draw?”
Daniel is about to answer, but Yuki scuffles closer, holding up another piece of paper. “Yeah!” Yuki says, “You were sleeping so I draw, for you.”
There’s a soft smile that appears on Max’s sleepy face when he takes in the drawing, eyes flicking from the piece of paper to Yuki to Daniel.
“Maxie?” Daniel sing songs.
“For me!”
“That’s nice, huh? Maybe Yuki can get a hug for giving you a gift?”
Max nods, and Daniel expects him to slide off his lap but he pulls Yuki on top of both of them instead, which leaves Daniel crushed under the two of them. “Woah!”
Max and Yuki are both giggly messes, definitely unaware of how they’re cutting off Daniel’s air supply and so Daniel musters the strength to overturn them both, dropping them onto the couch while slipping out himself. “Phew!” He huffs. “I’m getting old, you know? Gotta be gentle with me!”
“So old,” Max confirms with a smirk. “He’s dyeing his beard.”
Daniel gawks. “Oh you’re getting it.”
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 8 months
I'm gonna share it here because I don't have any other place to put it and if you dislike it's ok ignore this
But I have had this specific idea in my mind for days now where Damian is secretly trans, they just fear telling it to their family because they know everyone is just waiting for them to become batman or the demon, they're under a lot of pressure and then meet this boy (from school probably - both always meet in the art room when is nobody around, more calm to work)
They end talking a lot about art and stuff because they're in the same club, in one day Damian told this boy that they are always drawing their ideal girl but not "I would love to date her" but "I would love to be born as her, if I'm a girl I would love to be her" way
They keep meeting like that, sometimes they just talk about art, life or stay in silence. This boy ends up falling in love with Damian in both ways. Some stuff happens and Damian telling him about being Robin and their emotional struggling
This boy also has problems and the art room is a safeplace for them
At some point they kiss and decide to run away for their family together, start a new life with a new name in some God forsaken place
Years pass (maybe 3-4) and Danny (Damian's new name) is now a housewife in this farm, she always uses gloves when she goes in the small town to do stuff (bat paranoid still alive) and the boy is her boyfriend/husband, they're happy, they have animals then big bad stuff happens and Danny safe the day (everyone knows something is off with that couple but they accept it because they're nice) unfortunately there was a hero in that city and the hero saw what Danny did, then start investigating who is Danny
The hero then starts stalking the couple because they think her way to fight is too similar with the league of assassins and dislike it, Danny dislikes her stalker but doesn't kill them
Shit happens (again) in Gotham and Danny knows it, worrying about her family and with all the stalking things she decides to go back to Gotham, her boyfriend / husband doesn't like it (he hates it actually)
Honestly I have so many no happy ideas about this fic, this fic could end really bad but also some cute ideas like Danny and her partner save money for this new life and stuff, or they first kiss, the joy of wearing a dress in the street for the first time
Idk if I'll write this or just suffer with this idea, also Damian's new name could be: Danielle/Danny, Yesenia (Arab name) or other still doesn't know (I just want to talk about this with someone)
Oh yeah, Trans MTF Damian, like I kept almost writing with my "Damian the Mangaka" Fic! I've always moreso liked trans FTM Damian because I'm trans FTM and if I was going stealth I'd hate for someone to write a fic where I'm a girl. But like, Damian isnt a real person, nor stealth FTM, so it's just a weird little hyper-empathy thing.
I love the name Yesenia! and I love her retiring. Consider: BF/Husband is FTM. T4T gotta love it. Also for your consideration: Bf/Husband is Jon (maybe trans maybe not). ALSO for your consideration: GF/Wife is Jon. She goes by Sadie. She's super into the headpats meta. Loves stuffed animals. Yesenia coming out inspires her to come out as well and Yesenia is like "my yuri fantasies are coming true."
Yesenia looks just like Talia. It's adorable. She loves having long hair. Sadie is a butch lesbian and Yesenia thinks its soo attractive. She starts sending Sadie memes about crushing on butch women and Sadie is like "...do you like me?" Yesenia is like "What haha whatever gave you that impression?" "Well.... I like you. I can be your hot butch gf." Yesenia dies of gay panic (very sad story) just kidding they get MARRIED!!! LETS GO LESBIANS! I so so love jondami au where they are rebellious teenage lesbians. I want them to have sleepovers where they look back and go "Oh that whole thing was one giant egg moment."
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cookietastic · 2 months
Ok now I gotta fix that other drawing THEN I shall come back to More Vampire Daniel and werewolf Johnny this weekend/weekend coming up
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