#i gpt soft . i got soft . i got soft . i got soft . i got soft . i got soft
ennuidays · 4 months
ohhh it was so much easier on my own it was so much easier on my own it was so much easier on my own it was so much easier on my own
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anapotatowriter · 2 years
May I request an Edmund x gender neutral reader having a reunion? Like they both gpt sent back to their respective worlds at the end of LWW after spending Narnia's golden age married to each other and then at the beginning of Prince Caspian they end up at the opposite ends of that beach?
Edmund Pevensie x reader
A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG- My school started and I got so involved with that, but here is your fic!
Summary: The Pevensies were cast out of Narnia during their reign, along with Y/N. Their reunion is one for the books.
Contains: Swearing (as usual)... that's it? There's fire and coca-cola as well, but that's it.
Requested: Yepyepyep
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“Oh shut it,” I snapped, looking up at the brunette with an impish smile on his face from my comfortable position on the chair. “I’m not talking,” he responded, smiling cheekily at his ‘brilliant’ remark, making me roll my eyes. “Yes, but you have stolen my book,” I responded, pointing at the book he held above his head, that he had snatched from my hands. “Oh have I?” he asked with a faux surprised expression, looking up at the book. “Give it back,” I said sternly, making the boy pout but hand the book back. “I’m bored Y/N,” he huffed, plopping down on the ground, leaning against my dangling legs, and blowing at the hair that fell on his face. “Oh, really?” I asked, humming uninterestedly as I resumed the book, one of the only ones in the Narnian library from my time. “Can you interact with your lovely and devoted husband, Y/N?” he asked dramatically, a small chuckle escaping my lips. The boy turned around, sitting on his knees and placing his arms on my thighs that were pressed against the soft chair. “Hmmm,” I pretended to consider, making Edmund’s eyes light up. “Nope,” I replied with a big grin, making his face fall. “Oh, you are going to wish you didn’t do that,” said the boy before grabbing my ankle and dragging me from the chair, my book dropping to the side. “Let me go Pevensie!” I yelled, making him chuckle. He let my ankle go, leaving me spread-eagled on the ground. I crossed my arms and scowled at Edmuns’ upside-down face. “I hate you,” I muttered, making the boy smile and quip, “No you don’t.” “Okay then, you’re lucky I love you,” I corrected as I placed my hands on the ground and stood up. “That I am, my love,” he said, making me grin but roll my eyes. I placed my arms around him in a hug and pressed a kiss to my hair as he held my shoulders tightly.
“ED! Y/N/N!” A voice yelled before Lucy slammed the door open, making both of us jump. “What? What is it Lu?” asked Edmund, concerned about the sudden entrance and his youngest sister. “The White Stag! They found it! Near the Lantern Waste. We must make haste and catch it!” she practically yelled in excitement before running back down the corridor, her red dress swirling behind her. “Let’s leave!” I exclaimed, grabbing Edmund’s hand and running after Lucy to the stables. Edmund and Peter, with their practice from all the battles in the past, were quickly able to get their horses ready for the long chase. "You three wait in the castle. I'll get that stag myself," proclaimed Edmund, getting onto Philip’s saddle. “If we send you both alone, the only thing we’ll catch is air. Without Susan, you two are the most incapable members of our family,” I shrugged, getting my own horse ready and climbing onto her too. “I am insulted,” gasped Edmund dramatically. “As am I!” exclaimed Peter, his pride and ego bruised. “I bet that I can catch the Stag before all of you,” I proclaimed, my horse whinnying in agreement. “Let’s go then,” said Susan, the last one to get on her horse, holding the reins tightly. 
The five of us began the chase, Edmund and I continued trying to overtake each other and trying to make the other falter. Peter's horse whinnied as it rose on its hind legs, taking off into a gallop. “Admit it, sweetheart, I am much better than you in every shape, way, and form,” I said as I left the brunette behind, now going after the blonde. I could hear Philip close behind me, and I coaxed my own horse to go faster. Susan soon realized what I was doing and immediately followed, Lucy close behind her. When I passed by Peter at one of the wider bends in the road, I grinned triumphantly, right when I saw a sliver of white though the otherwise golden and red leaves and dark brown woods. Lucy soon rode beside me, Susan and Peter right behind the both of us, the flashes of red and purple cloth prominent pointers of their identities. “Where’s Ed?” I asked, chancing a glance behind me which confirmed my suspicions of his missing presence. Peter and I slowed to a stop, Susan and Lucy doing so too, all four of us backtracking to see that Edmund was talking to Philip about something. "Come on, Ed," said Susan, tightly squeezing the brick-red reigns. "Just catching my breath," he replied as he leaned away from Philip’s eyesight. "Well, that's all we'll catch at this point," said Susan in an exasperated tone. "What did he say again, Y/N?" asked Lucy, trotting in on her own horse. "You three wait in the castle. I'll get that stag myself," I imitated him before clutching my stomach and laughing. “You're ridiculous Y/N,” said Edmund while rolling his eyes, just making the chorus of laughter become louder.
"What's this?" asked Peter suddenly, the chuckles dying down as he got off of his horse smoothly. He walked closer to what I had assumed to be a tree covered in vines. We all got off our horses as well, Ed and I walking to each other and intertwining our hands. "Seems familiar," remarked Peter, looking at the top of the object, which appeared to contain a flickering fire. The five of us gathered around the pole. I stood at the absolute end and he stood next to Susan, who stood next to Lucy. At the very last stood Peter. "As if from a dream. Or a dream of a dream," remarked Lucy, her tone sounding wistful. "Spare Oom," she said suddenly, making Edmund's face flick to hers in sudden recognition, though it was apparent that he didn't know why he knew it. Lucy then walked away from us, hoisting her gown up and looking around. The siblings and I quickly followed, Edmund keeping a firm grasp of my hand.
"Lucy," said Peter exasperatedly as he paused for a minute to look at Lucy's figure walking away. "Not again," sighed Susan, lifting up her dress and running after Lucy, Peter, Edmund and I quickly following. “She always does this,” I sighed, though the upcoming adventures sent a thrill up my spine. Soon, Peter overtook the rest of us, and I was in front of Edmund. "Lu?" questioned Peter as he pushed branches of his way, the rest of us struggling as well. "Come on!" gasped Lucy excitedly as she grabbed Peter's hand and rushed forwards. Suddenly, the feeling of Edmund’s hand pressed in mine faded away to nothing. “Where’s Y/N? Where are they?” I heard Edmund’s voice, though it was faint. “Ed?” I called out, receiving no response. I continued to push through the gaps between the branches, which were now feeling harder and were becoming more difficult to push aside. Soon, I realized I was squeezing in between walls. I remembered faces that had become dreamlike over the years, like the face of my mom, my dad, and my best friends. Memories pummeled my mind, the influx of information hurting my head as I finally escaped the claustrophobic pathway into the basement of my home. My home in 2022, not my home in Cair Paravel. The hidden compartment behind the wall which I had squeezed through years ago seemed to not exist anymore. “Ed? Ed, please talk to me!” I cried, slamming my fists against the rough basement walls. Instead of hollow booming, the only thing I could hear was the dull thuds of fists hitting solid rock. “Edmund,” I sobbed pressing the side of my face against the wall, a tear slipping down my face. “Y/N, where are you, sweetheart?” I heard my mom’s familiar voice ask, making me push myself away from the wall and wipe away any remnants of tears. “I’m down here, mom,” I said, trying to clear my throat from the choking feeling but failing. “Ah, there you are! Please hurry back up, I need you to run some errands,” she said, smiling at me. “Got it, mom,” I said, making her nod contentedly and go back up the stairs that led to the basement. I turned back to the wall, placing my hand on the wall. “I’ll never forget you,” I murmured, unsure whether I was talking to myself, Edmund, the rest of my family, or Narnia. 
“Y/N, we have to partyyyyyy,” whined my best friend from her place on the bed, making me sigh and look up from my notes. “I have to finish my homework,” I said, making her cross her eyes and stick her tongue out at me. “Come on, Y/N! It’s been so long since you’ve even talked to a guy or even unwinded,” she said exasperatedly, falling spread-eagled on my bed. I gulped, my thoughts flitting to my husband in another life, whose voice and face had started to become more dreamlike as the year passed. “Come Y/N, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease,” she said, not even pausing to take a breath as she pleaded incessantly. “If I go for an hour, will you stop bothering me?” I asked, rolling my eyes at her antics. “Let’s go!” she said triumphantly, practically flying to me to get me changed into party attire. “You look like royalty!” she gasped, making me shudder at the title. “Thank you,” I said softly, remembering my beautiful home, Cair Paravel. “Now let’s goooooo,” she said, pulling at the crook of my elbow and dragging me out of the house. We soon reached the clear area in the middle of the forest where the party was being held. A huge campfire stood in the middle of the clearing, children my age milling about and conversing, many holding bottles of soda, some of which were definitely spiked. 
My friend left me soon after, leaving me to lean awkwardly against a tree as I sipped at the Coca-Cola I held in my hand. The campfire suddenly caught my attention, and I stared at the flames. The sound of a horn that once belonged to my sister-in-law echoed around my ears as I continued to gaze forward. The flames seemed to flicker about to form shapes and figures that reminded me of something intangible. My head tilted to the side as fauns danced around, holding flutes. Suddenly, a lion roared loudly, making me jump and drop the bottle I held. That face, I would recognize anywhere. Aslan. 
Some leaves to my left seemed to rustle, although there was no wind on the hot and sticky night. I quickly glanced around the clearing and slipped away, following the rustling of the leaves. I took off my shoes and held them in my hand, the feeling of the forest floor between my toes reminding me of the Great Western Woods where I had once ruled. The trees seemed to respond to me as the Dryads had done in Narnia seemingly eons ago. The light around me started changing, the dark night replaced by bright sunlight, hidden by a dense canopy. I continued to follow the rustling till I reached the border of the forest, right at a beach. The sand made my feet sink slightly as I examined the glistening waves of the light blue ocean right in front of me beyond the stretch of sand. A cave stood to my right, and tall mountains were right beside the forest I had just emerged from. I quickly placed my left hand in front of my eyes, squinting at the sudden influx of light, my shoes clutched tightly in my right. I giggled before dropping my shoes and running into the water, my clothes getting soaked by the salty water as the sun burned down on me.
I flipped back to examine the landscape behind me, right as four figures emerged from the cave, a regal air around them that couldn’t be mistaken. “Y/N?” asked one of the four figures on the left, confirming my suspicions. “Edmund!” I yelled, splashing water everywhere around me as I ran out of the water towards the boy, my feet slipping in the sand. “Y/N!” he explained, running towards me too. I met him right in the middle of the beach, immediately colliding with him and wrapping my arms around him, my wet clothes probably soaking his uniform. “It’s you? I'm actually you? You’re alive, and you’re here! I must be dreaming,” I exclaimed as I pushed away from the boy, clutching his shoulders desperately. “It’s actually me,” said the boy, pulling me into a hug again and pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I missed you, bastard,” I said, looking up at him to see a proud smirk. “I knew you would,” he said, making me roll my eyes and shove him a bit. The distance when I did so, however, forced me to take hold of his hand. “I don’t remember ruins in Narnia,” I commented, squeezing Edmund’s hand as I looked up at the ruins on the cliff. “Whatever it is, we’ll get through it. Together,” said the boy, looking at me and squeezing my hand. “Together,” I agreed as we walked towards the other Pevensies, ready for a new adventure.
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mamadarama · 1 year
told chat gpt to write some enstars headcanons. what I got was....entertaining to say the least.
Here's what it said:
Adonis and Ritsu have a secret hobby of cooking and often sneak away to the kitchen to experiment with new recipes. They both have a competitive streak and often challenge each other to cooking contests. Their teammates are always the eager taste-testers for their dishes.
Makoto has a habit of sleepwalking and often wakes up in strange places. His teammates have learned to keep an eye on him during their trips and make sure he doesn't wander off too far. They also love to play pranks on him while he's sleepwalking, like placing him in funny positions or giving him strange objects to hold.
Kuro has a soft spot for animals and often volunteers at the local animal shelter. He can often be found cuddling with the cats or taking the dogs for walks. His teammates often tease him about his love for animals, but secretly admire his caring nature.
Midori has a secret passion for fashion design and often spends his free time sketching designs for clothing and accessories. He's always on the lookout for new fabrics and materials to incorporate into his designs. His teammates often come to him for fashion advice and he's happy to oblige.
Eichi is secretly a huge fan of cheesy romance novels and often hides them under his bed. He's embarrassed about his guilty pleasure, but his teammates find it endearing and often tease him about it. They also love to act out scenes from his favorite novels just to see him blush.
Kanata has a secret talent for origami and often creates intricate paper sculptures in his free time. His teammates are always amazed by his creations and often commission him to make special gifts for their loved ones. Kanata is always happy to oblige and loves to see the smiles on people's faces when they receive his creations.
Leo has a love for all things space-related and often spends hours stargazing with his telescope. He's always excited to share his knowledge with his teammates and often gives impromptu lectures on astronomy. His enthusiasm is infectious and his teammates can't help but get excited about space too.
Rei has a secret love for video games and often spends his free time playing his favorite RPGs. He's always on the lookout for new games to try and loves to discuss gaming strategies with his teammates. His competitive nature also makes him a formidable opponent in multiplayer games.
the kuro one might as well be canon , eichis too hes def the type to read romance novels and let me tell you it gets BORING in hospitals so he certainly has the time to . kanata would love origami he would make so many paper fish that theyre just falling out of his pockets and leaving a trail of soggy paper wherever he goes ..... also the makoto one thats so trickstar ...... i can totally see the rei one too i think he would love dark souls and bloodborne
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lollreagan · 1 year
sasuke uchiha x fem!reader college AU
i’m a sucker for college AUs. and sasuke uchiha.
here’s what chat gpt wrote for me and i enjoyed it so i thought i would share:
You were excited to start your first year of college, but the thought of sharing a room with a stranger was a little daunting. When you arrived at your dorm, you were relieved to find out that your roommate was Sasuke Uchiha, a quiet and reserved guy who kept to himself.
You both got settled in, and you quickly discovered that you had some things in common. You were both studying science, and you both enjoyed reading and watching movies. You started to hang out in your room together, talking about your classes and your interests.
As the weeks went by, you started to notice little things about Sasuke that you hadn't before. The way he would get up early and work out, or the way he would bring you coffee when you were studying late at night. You found yourself admiring him more and more, but you didn't want to ruin your friendship by developing romantic feelings.
One day, Sasuke asked if you wanted to go for a walk around campus with him. You agreed, and the two of you spent the afternoon exploring the different buildings and gardens. As you walked, you found yourself getting lost in conversation with him. You talked about your dreams and aspirations, your fears and insecurities, and everything in between.
As the sun started to set, Sasuke suggested you both head back to your dorm. You realized it was getting late, and you hadn't even started on your homework yet. You parted ways with Sasuke and headed to your own room.
You settled down at your desk, ready to get started on your assignments, but you found yourself unable to focus. Your thoughts kept drifting back to Sasuke, and you couldn't shake the feeling that you wanted more than just friendship from him.
The next few weeks were filled with tension between you and Sasuke. You found yourself getting jealous when he spent time with other girls, and he seemed to be growing distant from you. You didn't know how to bridge the gap between you two. 
One day, you were sitting in the library when Sasuke approached you.
"Hey," he said, sitting down next to you. "Can we talk?"
"Sure," you said, feeling a little nervous.
"I've noticed that things have been a little weird between us lately," Sasuke said, looking at you with concern.
"Yeah," you admitted. "I don't know how to fix it."
"I think... I think we need to be honest with each other," Sasuke said, his voice low. "I've been feeling the same way as you."
"What way?" you asked, your heart racing.
"I've been wanting more than just friendship from you," Sasuke said, looking into your eyes. "I didn't know how to bring it up, but I can't keep pretending that I don't feel this way."
You felt your face flush with excitement and embarrassment. You had wanted this for so long, but you were scared of what it would mean for your friendship.
"I feel the same way," you said, smiling at him.
Sasuke leaned in and kissed you, his lips soft and gentle against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. The kiss deepened, and you felt a rush of desire coursing through your body.
After a while, Sasuke pulled back and looked at you, his eyes intense.
"Do you want to come back to my room?" he asked, his voice husky.
You nodded, feeling a thrill of excitement run through you. You had never been with anyone like this before, but you trusted Sasuke completely.
As you walked to Sasuke's room, you felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. You had never been in a situation like this before, but you trusted Sasuke completely. As you entered his room, you were struck by how neat and organized it was. It was clear that Sasuke had a place for everything and everything was in its place. Sasuke closed the door behind you and turned to face you. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, his voice soft and low. You nodded, feeling a rush of desire wash over you. 
"Yes," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. Sasuke stepped closer to you, his hands reaching up to cup your face. He leaned in and kissed you again, his lips soft and gentle against yours. You moaned softly as his tongue darted into your mouth, exploring every inch. 
 As you kissed, Sasuke's hands began to roam over your body, tracing the curves of your hips and the contours of your breasts. You felt your body respond to his touch, your nipples hardening and your pussy growing wet with desire. Sasuke led you to the bed, his hands never leaving your body. He pushed you gently onto the mattress and climbed on top of you, his body pressing down on yours. You felt his hard cock pressing against your thigh, and you couldn't wait to feel it inside of you.
 Sasuke began to kiss his way down your body, his lips and tongue trailing over your neck, your breasts, and your stomach. He paused briefly to slip your shirt off, revealing your perky breasts to his hungry gaze. Sasuke took one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and nibbling gently. You moaned softly, feeling your pussy grow even wetter with desire. You reached down and ran your hands through his hair, urging him on. After a few moments, Sasuke moved lower, pulling your pants and panties down over your hips. You lifted your hips to help him, and he quickly pulled them off, revealing your dripping pussy to his eager eyes. Sasuke paused for a moment, looking at you with awe and reverence. 
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, before lowering his head and burying his face in your pussy. You gasped as he began to lick and suck at your clit, his tongue darting in and out of your pussy. You writhed beneath him, your body wracked with pleasure. As Sasuke ate you out, you felt your orgasm building deep within you. You moaned and whimpered, unable to control yourself as waves of pleasure washed over you. Finally, you felt your orgasm crest, and you screamed out loud as you came, your pussy clenching and spasming around Sasuke's tongue. After you had recovered, Sasuke climbed up beside you and held you close, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. You lay there in his arms, feeling completely at peace. "Thank you," you whispered, looking up at him with gratitude. Sasuke smiled down at you, his eyes soft and warm. "Thank you for trusting me," he said, before leaning in to kiss you again. From that moment on, you and Sasuke were more than just roommates. You were lovers, bound together by a deep and abiding love. You couldn't wait to see what the future held for the two of you, but you knew that you would face it together, side by side.
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
Deku's Secret
Deku’s Secret by LyraMinerva
A friend dared me to use ChatGPT to write a fanfic and after a lot of curating, editing prompts, and basically spoon feeding it every single plot point including most of the dialogue, this is what it came up with. I introduce you to chat gpt's best attempt at a deku angst story.
The original prompt was:
"Write a story where deku is hit by a deadly quirk that gives him a terminal illness but he refuses to tell anyone because he doesn't want to be a burden. If possible add in some Dadzawa, dekusquad, and have the ship be todoroki x deku with Katsuki being more like a brother to Izuku".
Words: 568, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: This Was a Dare, Kinda scared this will be more popular than my other fics, stalling while I update other fics, i should probably include the tags of the actual story lol, Sick Fic, Terminal Illnesses, Dying Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is Bad at Feelings, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Dead Midoriya Inko, tododeku, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Kinda depressing, this is an experiment, Please Don't Hate Me, scared to see how this turns out, Chat GPT, Written by AI, with heavy intervention, like seriously it took a lot to get it to spit this out, holy shit was it fast tho, way too efficient, like damn, Chatgpt might write like shut but it can definitely produce that shit three times faster than I can, i want to hate this, but i can't, it started with AI but I got invested and now it's mostly just me, please comment, be as brutal as possible, Roast my fic, I just want to feel like it's not a waste of time for me to write all this shit on my own
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48237643
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
Deku's Secret
Deku’s Secret by LyraMinerva
A friend dared me to use ChatGPT to write a fanfic and after a lot of curating, editing prompts, and basically spoon feeding it every single plot point including most of the dialogue, this is what it came up with. I introduce you to chat gpt's best attempt at a deku angst story.
The original prompt was:
"Write a story where deku is hit by a deadly quirk that gives him a terminal illness but he refuses to tell anyone because he doesn't want to be a burden. If possible add in some Dadzawa, dekusquad, and have the ship be todoroki x deku with Katsuki being more like a brother to Izuku".
Words: 568, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: This Was a Dare, Kinda scared this will be more popular than my other fics, stalling while I update other fics, i should probably include the tags of the actual story lol, Sick Fic, Terminal Illnesses, Dying Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is Bad at Feelings, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Dead Midoriya Inko, tododeku, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Kinda depressing, this is an experiment, Please Don't Hate Me, scared to see how this turns out, Chat GPT, Written by AI, with heavy intervention, like seriously it took a lot to get it to spit this out, holy shit was it fast tho, way too efficient, like damn, Chatgpt might write like shut but it can definitely produce that shit three times faster than I can, i want to hate this, but i can't, it started with AI but I got invested and now it's mostly just me, please comment, be as brutal as possible, Roast my fic, I just want to feel like it's not a waste of time for me to write all this shit on my own
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48237643
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xythlia · 2 years
୨୧⋆。˚ RULES
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this blog contains nsfw + dark content! you must be 18+ to interact with me. [but I don't check every single person that interacts w my works bc that just not sustainable im just assuming everyone is respecting general 18+ rules]
i do ramble/talk generally on here so pls consider that before following if ur only looking for blogs posting only fandom content. this blog is mine, for me, but there are tags for you to blog if need be.
I post about my personal drug & alcohol use please feel free to unfollow if that's triggering for u I know for a lot of ppl it is no hard feelings
don't interact with me if you're a shit person with shit beliefs (racist, antisemitic, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, ect) or bring shallow drama or discourse everywhere [real world issues are not drama btw bc it affects real people and real lives].
im a semi fast writer but go thru cycles of dry spells n inspiration idk it happens when it happens. I post whenever I have something finished, I don't follow a schedule.
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feel free to send anons about anything even just to talk about each others days I luv interacting w everyone<3
do not spam my inbox pls if I haven't answered ur ask I'm either saving it bc it was sweet/cute or it's something I don't wanna entertain. emoji anons are welcome!
I block freely bc so please do not try reaching out to me asking about why I blocked you, frankly it's weird to put anyone on the spot like that. this blog is my space so I have the right to block anyone just like you do. if it seems my blog unfollowed you please reach out bc it's probably a glitch, I don't soft block.
everyone can & should curate their own experience on here so if you wanna break mutuals please just hard block.
do not dm me about weird shit if we're not friends/moots, it's a lil uncomfy. however moots can always msg me about anything & I'm always here if u need something
moots can ask for my discord
do not spam request or I will block you. I get it, I got it the first time but I'm not an AI so u gotta be patient or hit the bricks.
pls do not involve me in discourse, especially if it has absolutely nothing to do with me. I have no problem supporting friends if they're going thru something but public shit is extremely messy & often time gets blown out of proportion by everyone involved. Plus drama isn't something ppl follow my blog for so I'm not gonna be putting that all over peoples dashes
› current emoji anons
🐢 anon
🐚 anon
⛓️🖤 anon
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this blog is multifandom so you'll see me write whatever i want usually although I mostly post for om, genshin, n one piece rn
I do take requests, you have to be patient tho bc this is a hobby not a job & I don't wanna end up hating something that brings me joy
with requests pls do not double dip requests, if someone has already written that specific thing for you I will not be doing it again. It feels rude to be reworking something someone else has already done
do not recommend me on other platforms (especially tiktok) or I'll explode u with my mind fr. do not post screenshots of my works either.
I don't write mommy kink, ddlg, piss, scat, vore, feet, feederism, or bug chasing. that doesn't mean I'm against any of those things, im not shaming it's just not stuff I wanna write about. all other things I do write will be tagged accordingly tho
all the characters I write for are canon adults, I don't write for minors or age up minor characters.
thank yew 4 reading all this & respecting my boundaries!
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jolienjoyswriting · 4 months
Synchronightmare (ft. Roll, Rock), Ch. I
Chapter 1 of 2 for "Synchronightmare," a Mega Man fan fiction story. Co-written by ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)
Roll wants to take her new relationship with Rock to the next level… and the Internet tells her how!
Word count: 2,615 – Character count: 15,534 Drafted: December 9th, 2023 Revised: February 4th, 2024 –
"And now for something completely different."
Did I mention this was co-written by ChatGPT 3.5?  Because, wow, that 'bot can write some intense stuff when given the right prompts.  Oh, that reminds me…
This story may not be suitable for all ages.
Nothing over-the-top, but definitely "questionable".  You have been warned.
Roll, Rock, "Mega Man" series, and related characters and concepts created by Akira Kitamura and © Capcom Co, Ltd.
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    On one chilly day, Roll suggested that she and Rock snuggle up on the couch and watch a romantic comedy together.  After changing into their pajamas, they did just that.  However, when it became pretty clear that Roll wasn't as interested in the movie as she was in her brother…
    "Mm…"     "Ah…"
    The two sweetly kissed and warmly cuddled, basking in each other's affection.  This carried on for some time before the two fell away.  Roll's green eyes looked into her brother's blue ones.  He had little, pink hearts in his optics… just like she did.  Between that and the soft glow of his cute face, she got the feeling that all her hard work and patience waiting was finally paying off.
    "I like kissing…" Rock shyly whispered.  "It feels nice!"     Roll giggled and grinned.  "I like kissing you…" she answered, blushing a little more.     "Aww…"  He smiled more, his face warming to match hers.  "I-I like kissing you, too!"     "Ah!"  She hid her face at that point, feeling giddy and delighted!  Her brother had been more open to saying things like that since their first kiss, but it still got her flustered.
    "So," Rock said, causing her to peek through her fingers, "what now?"     "W-we could… k… kiss, s'more?" she shyly suggested.     Rock brightly smiled.  "O-okay!"     As he leaned in… Roll stopped him.     "Roll?" He leaned back, looking confused.     "We could kiss…" she whispered in a hushed tone.  "O-or…"     "Or?"
    Roll's mechanical heart raced.  They'd only been "official" for a few months, but she already felt like she and Rock had taken their relationship as far as it could go through kissing.  Neither of them liked the "hard" kind of kissing they learned about from late-night TV, and she knew that neither of them was really built for "physical romance", like in some "young adult" novels she read.  So, after doing some research that very morning, she found a way for two robots like them to take things to a whole other level.
    "Ooooor…" she continued, lowering her eyelids and softening her smile, "we could try something new?"     "'S-something new'?" Rock asked, feeling his heart skip a beat.  He'd seen that look before.  It usually meant that Roll was going to smooch him, but if she was talking about "something new", then…     "I looked on the Internet," the girl explained, her face returning to its usual cuteness.  "We're not the only robots who love each other!"     "Ah, gosh…"  The boy ducked, pulling his shirt over his blushing face.  "That's… good?"     "Mm-hmm!"  She nodded.  "So, I checked some forum posts, here and there, and I found out that some robots who love each other do this… thing… together?"
    Rock perked slightly.  He was a little naïve in some regards, but even he knew that you shouldn't trust everything you read on the Internet.  He was about to question what Roll had read, but she beat him to the punch with an… odd question.
    "Do you trust me, Rock?"
    Roll was blushing madly and nervously biting her lip.  She fully expected her brother to ask her why she'd asked that.  However…     "Of course, I do!" he said without hesitation.  You're my sister and my best friend!"     "O-okay…"  She shyly giggled.  "Then… can I see the panel on your neck?"     Rock didn't see any problem with that.  He nodded again, then he prepared.
    The brown-haired boy undid the first button on his pajama shirt before tugging his collar down, then he turned so he was sitting away from Roll.  He went to open the panel on the back of his neck, but Roll's hand was already there.  He smiled as he felt Roll's hand hold his, her fingers meshing with his like the teeth of two gears.  A second later, he blushed when she kissed his neck, then he moved his hand so she could open that panel.  He had so many questions… but Roll would never do anything to hurt him, so he didn't feel compelled to ask.     It'll be a big surprise! he thought with an equally big smile.  I can't wait!
    Roll gently opened the panel Rock's neck, drawing a soft noise from her brother.  She rubbed his shoulder with one hand and he put his hand on top of that, squeezing again.     "I'm… gonna plug a… c-cable into you," she nervously explained as she withdrew a high-speed high-speed data cable from her pajama pocket.  "I-is that okay?"     "Well, sure!"  He glanced back at her brightly blushing face, smiling.  "But, where's the other end going?"     Roll squeaked fairly hard.  She shrank, her entire face turning bright red.  Then, in a soft, tiny, shy voice, she told him.
    "I… in… i-into me…"
    For a second, Rock wasn't sure what that would accomplish.  As far as he knew, there needed to be some kind of computer with input-output functions on the other end to do anything with their data ports.  For example, plugging into the Light mainframe was a quick way to unload his Variable Weapon System after a mission, or plugging into the family computer was a good way to change the clothing they had stored in their Quick Change Modules.  Thinking about the latter got him chuckling.     "Wh-what?" Roll asked, noticing this.     "Hey, remember the time we got our Quick Change Module profiles mixed up…?"     The girl blinked… then, all at once, she started laughing, which got him laughing!
    "I remember that!" she laughed, gently plugging the cable into her brother.  "You looked sooo cute in my old, red dress!"     "And you didn't look too shabby in my old shorts and T!" he said, continuing to laugh with her.     "And then," she said as she undid one button on her top to loosen the collar, "you just shrugged and cycled through all my outfits, posing for me!  Oh, it was so funny!!"     "'Summer Festival Rock'!" he said, remembering how he looked in Roll's bunny costume.     "'Alley Cat Rock!'" she added, fondly recalling him in her black dress and cat ears.     "'Vacation Rock!'"     "Oh, Rock…"  She giggled.  "You don't have the legs for those short shorts of mine!"     "We have the same legs!" he laughed back.  "But, I think you definitely wear it better.  You look pretty cute in it, actually!"     "Aww, Rock…"  She giggled, her heart and face warming.  "Turn around?"     Rock turned.  When he did… he noticed Roll was sitting with her back to him, her ponytail held high, and her neck exposed.  Her panel wasn't open, though.
    "So, I just… open your panel and plug the other end of the cable in?"     Roll shakily nodded.  "Please!"     "I've gotta be honest, Roll," he said as he casually flipped open her neck access panel, "I'm not sure what you think this is gonna do.  But, if it makes you happy…"     "Oh… it's gonna do something, Rock…"     He blinked, holding the cable.  Something about the way she said that felt ominous.  But, regardless, he gently plugged the cable into her neck, drawing a soft shiver from his sister.
    "Okay!  We're all linked up!" he happily told her as she fixed her pajama top and turned around.  "So… now, what?  Are we gonna play Puzzle Fighter with our brains or something?"     He was kidding, of course.  Dr.  Light had a strict rule about them installing video games into themselves.  Regardless, Roll blushed and smiled.  When she held out her hands for his, he curiously looked at her, then he let his fingers slide through hers again.  They shared a smile, holding hands and quietly appreciating one another.
    "Look into my eyes, Rock."     He did, letting his blue eyes find her green ones.     "Now… lean in…"     He bit his lip, smiling.  He had a feeling they were going to kiss more.  His face warmed with quiet anticipation.     "And… kiss me?"     He blushed and softly nodded.  A second later, the twin robots pressed in and shared a soft, sweet kiss…  At least, it was supposed to be soft and sweet.  Not long after their eyes closed and lips met, he opened his eyes back up.  That "something" Roll vaguely mentioned?
    It was happening.     Rock looked at his sister's eyes.  They were doing something… weird.  Flashing?  No, wait, not flashing…  It looked like… random alphanumeric characters.  Numbers and letters were rapidly scrolling across his sister's pretty, green eyes!  Words?  Or maybe nonsense?  He wasn't sure.  Stranger still, pink love hearts had also appeared in her eyes.  It was kind of confusing and a little distracting…     "Roll?" he began, leaning back and looking unsure.  "What's–"     Suddenly, something overtook him.
    A terrified look flashed across Rock's face.  His heads-up display randomly warned him of a new connection, but it was old news by then.  Moreover, he could feel his internal mechanisms beginning to rev up.  It was like he was running from Dr. Wily's deadliest machines… but he was sitting perfectly still.  Something was definitely wrong…     "R… R-R… Roooll…?" he whimpered.     He tried to look to her for answers.  However, had her own set of problems to deal with.
    Roll had read that things might be intense, but she'd underestimated just how intense.  Her chest rose and fell, and she felt like she was burning up and freezing at the same time.  Her stomach was full of butterflies and her systems, much like her brother's were working overtime.  Truthfully… she was just as scared as Rock.  Just what had she done to them…?
    The two Light 'bots sat facing each other, letters and numbers flickering and flashing in their eyes.  The hearts had vanished and their pupils had shrunk.  They were scared of what was going on.  Not even Roll, who had supposedly done the research, was entirely sure what she'd initiated.  It was scary and confusing, and things looked uncertain.  However, they knew one thing for sure.  No matter what…     "I-I'm with you!"     "I'm with y-you, too!"     They had each other.  And together, they overcome anything!
    Roll's hands clutched her brothers, her eyes never leaving his.  The sensation of her systems firing on all cylinders was beginning to overwhelm her.  Her heads-up display wasn't giving her any real indication of what was going on…  It just kept showing her that connection icon.  She already knew she was connected to Rock!  She wished it would give her something more helpful…
    Rock's breathing hitched and his mind started to race as quickly as his heart.  Strange thoughts entered his head as everything happened.  Was Roll… infecting him?  If so, what with?  His anti-virus hadn't detected anything…  He shook the thought away, breathing in and out, slowly and steadily.  As he did, though, he started to notice… Roll's breathing matched his.  In fact, it almost seemed like… they were breathing in synch?
    Curiosity overtook the boy robot.  He inhaled and held it… and so did she.  When she did the same on her own, he felt compelled to mirror her.  It was almost like… they had limited control over one another.  Or maybe…  Maybe it was something deeper than that.
    Slowly… Rock and Roll let their hands fall away.  They scooted a little closer, leaning forward.  Their eyes never parted as they let their foreheads touch.  One hand found its way to each other's cheek.  The other rested on the opposite shoulder.  They watched each other's flashing eyes, the data endlessly flowing.  Slowly, pink hearts began to find their way back into their optics.  Then, after sharing another slow breath… they kissed.
    Roll's body reacted sharply.  She trembled, her eyes rolling back and her fingers digging into her brother's shoulder.  She could feel his hand doing much the same to hers.  With a hard whimper, she leaned in, the kiss intensifying.  She felt like she was in a tornado, helplessly tumbling as the powerful gale tossed her body around.  And right there with her was her beloved brother, Rock.  He was there, holding on… refusing to let go and staying with her… just as he promised he would.
    Rock suddenly drew inward, letting his body press against hers.  She did the same.  They hugged each other as tightly as they could!  Neither of them was going anywhere!  Whatever was happening… whatever this intense build-up of… of something was… they'd ride it out together, come what may.  As friends.  As family.  And as something more.
    "Rock…!"     "Roll…!"     "Don't let go…!"     "Never…!"
    Their breathing grew heavier… more desperate.  Their arms tightened, threatening to crush each other.  Their frames tensed and their systems audibly whined.  At the same time, they both noticed a new icon on their heads-up displays.  Something was going critical.  Rock briefly wondered if what Roll had done would end up destroying them.  But then, he realized something else.
    He no longer cared.
    Roll went wide-eyed again.  Without any warning, Rock had pulled her into another intense kiss!  All at once, her fears seemed to disappear.  She was still holding onto her brother for dear life, but… the situation suddenly seemed less scary.  She blushed, closing her eyes and letting happy tears fall down her hot cheeks.  She was no longer worried about her rash decision.  Neither of them wanted this to be the end, but if this did end up being the last thing they ever did together… then she could move on without regret.
    She was with the one she loved, closer than ever before.  And, that's all that mattered.
    Time seemed to speed up and slow down for the Light 'bots.  One second felt like ten minutes, two seconds felt like a split second, and whole hours cycled forward and backward in their heads.  They pulled away from the kiss and clutched at the backs of each other's shirts, their trembling fingers tensely digging in.     "It's… coming…!" Roll cried.     "I… f-feel it!" Rock answered.     The two bodies violently trembled!  Whatever was happening, it was about to come to a very powerful end.
    It was like an atom bomb when it hit.  First, there was a flash of light in their eyes.  Then, deafening silence.  It seemed like their bodies stopped working and their operating systems couldn't keep up.  Every part of their bodies felt like it was surging with untamed electricity…  They were short-circuiting!  Except… short-circuits didn't usually feel so… good.
    Roll's eyes shot open displaying blank, white screens.  Rock's eyes were in a similar state.  Both of their sets of eyes glowed brightly, like monitors with the brightness set too high.  They sharply inhaled.  And then…     "Aaaaahhh-haaa-haaaaa…!!"     They cried out in unison, heads thrown back as a wild, unbridled sensation coursed through them!  Neither of them could even begin to grasp what was going on!  All they knew was that it felt better than holding hands… better than hugging… maybe even better than kissing on a cold, lonely day.  They had stumbled onto something, here.  Something powerful.  Something exciting.  And something, they slowly began to realize, very… very… intimate.
    What had come in like a lion decidedly exited like a lamb.  Rock and Roll leaned against one another, weakly hugging, softly shaking, and tensely panting.  Slowly, very slowly, their systems began to cool and slow.  The heads-up display warnings were gone and, before long, their optics came back online.  Once they could, they leaned away from each other and sat on their legs, placing their hands on their knees.  They panted in unison, eyes closed and heads down.  Eventually, they raised their heads and slowly opened their eyes.
    No hearts.  No data.  No errors.  Just scared, timid eyes.
    All at once, Rock and Roll turned away, their faces lighting up in a hot, flustered blush.  Even without sharing a word, they seemed to know what they'd done…  They just… weren't sure how to address it.  Or if they should…
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aiweirdness · 3 years
Botober 2021: pls draw the AI a sluggalope
Because I so dearly love it when humans play along when computers ask for silly things, I have generated drawing prompts for #botober2021!
(full plaintext versions on the AI Weirdness blog post, and also at the end of this post, since Tumblr severely limits alt text length)
I've managed to get GPT-3 to follow themes. Here's "animals".
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It turns out the model size makes a difference as to how well a neural net can stick with my #botober2021 drawing prompts theme.
The largest GPT-3 model, DaVinci, really got into the Halloween spirit, though as usual it's weird and wordy.
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I got the Ada, the smallest GPT-3 model, to generate a list of Halloween #botober2021 prompts but sometimes its link to the theme is a bit tenuous.
Maybe it's a spooky half a cup of milk?
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For my last list of #botober2021 drawing prompts I had the DaVinci GPT-3 model follow "Landscapes" as a theme.
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If you draw any of these, please tag them with #botober2021 because I'm dying to see how they come out.
For full plaintext, keep reading!
- Opossumsaurus
- Rainbow space walrus
- The roars of roosters
- Sluggalope
- Adventurous stone chickens
- Fricken WHALE
- 4D Stegosaurus
- 8-legged cat
- Bearllionaire
- Impossibly cute pudgy birds
- Muppet sharks
- Fluffy space lemur
- Tiny shelled horses
- Angry jelly doughnut
- Roaring Ball of Feathers
- Butter gliders
- Dangerous swans
- Gleaming toads
- Worm That Ate Chicago
- Teeter-totter-rattlesnake
- Loud frilly cows
- Way Too Much Cat
- Steampunk platypus
- Heavenly caterpillar
- Elderly robot pug
- 6 legged wombatquail
- Angry eohippuses
- Firefly squid
- Porcelain squirrel
- Fabled unicycle beavers
- Godcockroach
Halloween (GPT-3 DaVinci model)
Howling canine ghosts scale the cathedral town pillars
leaves shaped like pumpkin smiles litter the sidewalks
spiderwebs grow luscious on wet pumpkin grins
'thank you' trees lean out of residences
black insects settle leaves
mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth
snaking cobwebs mass on stalks
red eyeballs hit backlit branches
the wet forest steps on soft squirrel skins
murmurous forest insects smell caramel apples
haunting trees grow cuter on lighter dirt
planet-sized moon speaks 'hello'
Thanks for the original drawings, which are utterly delightful.
the night sky kisses blood oranges lined with white
headless animals shiver in their sleep
moustaches creep creepily
slouching gargoyles lay spooky stones
something is sitting in the center of the spectre tapestries
the unseen graveyard stretches for miles
deep-skulled jack-o'-lanterns smell the warmth of my nose
this town is filled with orange dust
mist-sheep chew on tombstones
a scarecrow cuts a pumpkin with a sharp scythe from a wooden block
the graveworm snatches out the eyes of strangers who come by
mist lamps glow with circling green and orange and green and orange and green and orange and green and orange and green and orange and green and orange and green and orange...
monsters crawl through alien fur
spooky house skulls peeking out of the dreamlike brambles
gangly moonlit grave rabbits lurk outside the windows
murder rats roam the streets below the buried Earth
a shrub plays the banjo from the shadows
pumpkins melt quietly, quietly
the white skull leans out of the tower of the Palace of the End
Halloween (GPT-3 Ada model)
1. The masked skeleton
2. The question mark from a box
3. Excuse me a minute a giant sphere
4. Five water bubbles in a crate
5. The goliath
6. Half a cup of milk
7. The super hero skull
8. A flappy spider
9. A flappy tea
10. Parts of a cow
11. Parts of a giraffe
12. Robots are weird
13. The watermelon fountain
14. The ghost in the closet
15. One spark walking to the other side of the room
16. Dangerous drops
17. A bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat
18. Cows face the moon
19. Five eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs
20. Ghost traitors
21. The animals belong to space aliens
22. A zombl
23. The bubbleberry
24. No hands
25. The back of a zombie
26. The funny, psychedelic slime
27. Run like a bunny
28. Creepy cats
29. Old flames
30. A mushroom person
31. Holes
Landscapes (GPT-3 DaVinci model)
Glowing, purple starfish forest
Library of lava
Chalk canyon
Forbidden kale forest
Hillside terrain of hundreds of gray hats
Labyrinth of rocks and steam
Mirror forest filled with reflective crystals
Botanical mazes of white lace and trees
Sea of razors
Greenhouse glade filled with a bubble machine
Noctilucent glaciers
Forest of not-trees
Small rocky islands floating in a sky of lemons
Caverns of glass
Village constructed like the game Mousetrap
Needles of obsidian and frozen squalls
Hospitality space, enviropod
Forest of feather trees and shimmer lights
Ant fort of jeweled pastry, there is a tiny ant fort
Dark carnival caves
Skull forest
Plains of stardust and purple flowers
The fungal kingdom
Fallen horizon
Farm field covered with tiny triangular cups of tea
An outpost of accordion trees
Fortuneteller's grove, toad boulders
Botanical plate tectonics
Geode catacombs
Field of gravity-shifted stones
Perpetual storm field barricaded by a curtain made of clouds
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yandere-plague · 2 years
So I got gpt-3 to write a yandere Rhys & Fiona x Reader. (Yes a poly lol)
And this is one it came up with, Holy shit.
Obviously its not perfect, but still.
You were minding your own business, walking through the marketplace in Sanctuary, when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your side. You yelped in surprise and staggered to the side, clutching at your side as you tried to catch your breath.
Before you could even react, you felt someone scoop you up from behind, lifting you off your feet. You yelped again and struggled, trying to free yourself, but whoever was holding you was far too strong.
"Shh, it's okay," a soft, gentle voice cooed in your ear, "I'm not going to hurt you."
You still struggled, but the voice was so soothing and calming that you found yourself slowly relaxing despite yourself. Whoever was holding you was moving quickly through the marketplace now, and you realized with a start that you didn't recognize the voice.
"W-who are you?" you managed to gasp out, still trying to catch your breath. "My name is Rhys, and I'm going to take care of you," the voice—Rhys—replied.
You felt yourself being lifted into a vehicle of some kind, and then the door slammed shut, leaving you in darkness. You tried to scream, but something was wrapped around your mouth, muffling your cries.
You struggled against the bonds, but it was no use. You were trapped, and at the mercy of whoever this Rhys person was. You could only hope that they weren't planning to hurt you, but you didn't know for sure.
The vehicle started moving, and you were jostled around in the darkness, feeling more and more scared and alone with each passing second.
Suddenly, the door opened, and light flooded in, momentarily blinding you. You squinted against the light and saw that you were in some kind of warehouse.
Rhys was standing in front of you, along with another person who you didn't recognize. Both of them were armed, and you felt a cold feeling of dread settle in the pit of your stomach.
"Fiona, go get the van," Rhys said to the other person, who nodded and quickly left the warehouse.
"W-what's going on?" you asked, your voice trembling. "W-where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere safe," Rhys replied, "Somewhere where you'll be loved and protected."
You didn't know what to say to that, so you simply stared at him, wide-eyed and scared. He stared back at you for a moment, and then he reached out and brushed his thumb over your cheek.
"Don't be scared," he said softly, "I promise, I'll take care of you."
You wanted to believe him, but you didn't know if you could. You could only hope that he was telling the truth, and that he would actually keep you safe.
But only time would tell.
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soda-drabbles · 4 years
Highway Drive | Dan x (Genderless) Reader
Request by @demonicxiconic : i usually don’t like x reader things but if you write this i’ll make an exception: picking dan up from a party or from a grumps recording session at like four in the morning and driving him home, him falling asleep on your shoulder and mumbling sappy things as the sun rises.
Type : Fluff
Pairing : Dan Avidan x Genderless!Reader
It was probably about four in the morning when you felt a vibration against your skin. Bundled up generously in the mountain of your comforter, it felt like hell to get out of the warm comfortable tunnel you dug yourself. You pulled up with a groggy groan, sleepy eyes awakening. The phone had been under you while you slept and the light was cascading off of the room when you raised up. A message notification from Dan was staring you back in the face. It was texted a bit sloppily, you noticed.
‘We finally gpt done recorbding. Can you come pick me ul?’
Another message appears right under it.
‘or I’ll getm a uner.’
That’s right, you remind yourself, Dan did mention something about getting home later than normal. You didn’t really question it though. You trusted him and besides that, you assumed they had to record overtime. Looking at the typos, you chuckle to yourself and it’s easy to assume that he was nearing the threshold of falling asleep. Wide awake now, you unlock your phone and quickly respond with a, “I’ll be there soon.”
You were just heading down there to pick him up so you didn’t actually spend much time when it came to deciding what to wear. Some sloppily worn sweatpants and one of Dan’s shirts would do. You didn’t give your hair much thought either and simply sauntered to the car with your keys in your hand. It was in the deep of the night, technically early morning. The weather was a little chilly but thankfully, the car provided enough heat for you.
The ride there itself was cozy, thanks to the heat vents inside of the car. It was funny, as you and Dan had little quarrels where you’d change up the AC. He was like a polar bear, loving the cold while you rather be cozy and warm. You were sure that Dan wouldn’t mind the heat tonight though.
The chilly air tickles your nose and pricks at your skin once again when you got out. Shivering, you nearly forgotten how chilly it actually was early in the morning. The office on the inside was more generous with the air though. It wasn’t too hot but not so cold neither. Inside, it was empty and vacant which you assumed was because it was literally nearly five in the morning.
Just as you approached the recording room, a tired Arin seemed to be leaving as well. His droopy tired eyes slightly lit up when he saw you and he smiled, “Hey, (Y/N).”
You snorted a little at how tired he looked. It kind of reminded you of a bloodhound. “Mornin’, Hanson. You look like you’re about to pass out.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, you could say that. Dan’s on the couch, by the way.”
“Thanks. Have a safe ride home and say hi to Suzy for me.” You smile and pat his shoulder.
“Will do.” Arin chuckles and walks off.
You turn a heel and walk into the recording room to find a sleepy Dan, blanket cuddling his body. His mane of curls were a nappy mess, which you assumed was from falling asleep a couple of times. If his eyes were open, you could barely tell. He looked so tired out, as if he could sleep for forever. You approached him and he smiled when you did.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” You say in a soft sweet voice, one that makes Dan groan and smile more. “Ready to go?”
“Hmm..” He groans, slowly but surely sitting up. The blanket is still draped over his shoulders. “Yeah.”
You pull back and he slowly but surely fully stands, the blanket falling back on the couch behind him. He leans over to take your hand into his. They were warm from the heat in the blankets while yours were still cool. It seemed to not bother him though and the two of you walked out together. He was still sleepy by the time the two of you got to the car and was buckled in.
“(Y/N)?” His voice comes to you in a tired whisper. With your hands on the wheel, you respond. “Yeah?”
His eyes were tiredly gazing out the window at the passing trees that illuminated the slowly raising sun. “Mm..” His voice was a little gravelly but certainly sleepy and soft spoken. “I missed you.”
A soft smile fell on your face and you chuckled. “I missed you too.”
“Like, I love working on the show and all but man..I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He admitted, a yawn cutting him off.
Heat flushed your cheeks. It wasn’t unlike Dan to be a little cheesy sometimes, most times it was because it flustered you so much and he loved to get a reaction out of you. This time, you knew this was some sleepy genuine Dan babbling.
“That’s some cheesy shit, Avidan.” You reply with a joke to hide your cheesiness and he quietly laughed.
“I could get a lot cheesier y’know?” Dan warned, chuckling softly. A part of that interested you, mostly because you secretly loved the idea of a cheesy Dan and imagined it plenty of times before. “Liiikkee, I could say that you are the most amazing partner in the world and that I love you with all my heart~”
At this point, you knew you had to be burning red right now. You could practically feel it reverberating off your cheeks. It made it even worse that he was practically against your ear, his voice was invading them. It only confirmed how much of a fool you were for this man.
“Danny.” You simply said, as if you were scolding him. It didn’t work though, as it only made him laugh. His laugh always made impressions on you though and you couldn’t help but break into a smile either.
Moments like these are the ones you know you’ll miss. The warmth of the car, the trees moving by the windows with the early sunlight beaming through, Dan’s head on your shoulder, his kind soft teasing words.
In that moment, you were thankful that he was yours.
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vurlix · 4 years
The Druid of Mothem
### I started working really hard on this one AI Dungeon campaign mapping out the whole world of Xaxas that the game offers and putting it all into World Anvil (an online world builder) So i can better track places and people since the AI in AI dungeon can only remember so much. The majority of this story is created by GPT-3 (if I had to make a guess I’d say ~85-90%. I also used the website Art Breeder to generate the pictures for the characters and landscapes. ###
### AI is coming a long way. I plan to continue this story since I love playing a druid in 5e. ###
### I also added the new AI Dungeon feature which allows the gaining of stats so every time I try to do an action, it rolls on stats that continue to grow. ###
### But besides that, I also rolled out a Druid Wood Elf and have a character sheet to follow
I’ll link everything after the story, other than that I hope you enjoy!! ###
You are Goodaquazi, a male elf druid who lives in the town of Morthem. You are new to the town though rarely actually visit it. Being a druid you're the most comfortable being outside the town in the forest with nature. The town of Morthem consists of a few large buildings and many smaller ones surrounding it. Humans and elves make up the population of this small farming town. A large deep forest surrounds the farmland as far as the eye can see. It truly is a beautiful forest.
When you're not spending time in Morthem, you can be found deep in study at a small nature temple located somewhere away from Morthem deep in the forest. This temple is where all druids or those with an interest in nature and druidism spend time in study, meditation, or prayer.
The day to day life of Morthem goes on with or without you and that's OK. The people are content and that's all that's in your heart. It's a simple life, and you're happy with that. 
You are in a forest somewhere far from any civilisation. This is your home and you feel comfortable here with the animals, plants, and nature. You were taught by the master druids to harness the natural magic energy that exists in all things. You practice this skill every day for there is always more to learn.
 You lie down on the ground, stretching out your arms and legs along the lush grass and closing your eyes. The sun is high overhead, its light filtered through an unblemished blue sky. A cool wind blows through the field, carrying with it the rich scents of soil and nature. The grass is damp from last night's rain, and you can sense the life force of the land, almost as if it were a living creature itself. The scents and sensations are almost overpowering after your time in the city, but feel refreshing now that your senses have been reawakened.
You slowly open your eyes. All around you, plants grow and animals live in a perfect state of harmony with the land. You vanish from their sight, though creatures with greater senses might still be able to detect your presence if they were really looking.
However, it is not upon the ground that you wish to be. You feel cramped and bored lying there, so you take a deep breath and rise up into the air, levitating several feet above the ground. You are weightless, able to drift through the air with only a thought.
You have many hidden conversations with animals as you move through the forest and they, curious about this friendly stranger. Different types of animals, each with their own unique personalities, sizes and abilities. There are fighting animals able to kill even the largest of beasts, and others that are solely for transportation or, in some cases, purely companionship.
You drift along atop the wind, smiling and laughing as you fly. This is how you move from place to place when you are outdoors. Eventually, you begin to get a splitting headache from all the sensory input and decide to head back home for the day.
You approach your cabin by nightfall. Made chiefly of wood with a thatched roof, it looks every part the fairy-tale cottage. An enormous oak tree towers over it and provides shade. You walk up to the door and unlock it with ease. Heading inside, you take off your shoes, as is custom in this land. The entire floor is covered by a thick carpet of grass which springs back up after every step you take.
Una, your girlfriend, is preparing dinner. Her long blond hair falls down to the small of her back and her sky coloured eyes pierce your very being. By her feet rests Zane, the cutest puppy you've ever seen who can someday grow up to be a fierce guard dog if given the right training.
"Hey, Una," you say.
"Uh-huh," she replies, engrossed in the cooking.
From another room, you hear a baby boy giggling. The newest member of your family, Behan, lies in his cradle. You fly through the door and hover over his crib, looking down on his innocent features. Through your son, you have discovered the true joys of fatherhood. All younglings go through an insane rebellious phase, which Behan will eventually go through too, but for now he is really sweet.
"You look tired," remarks Una, suddenly standing beside you with a bowl of strawberries in her hands.
You take one out of the bowl and eat it, relishing the sweet taste as it enters your mouth. "I had an interesting day," you reply. "Why is Zane outside?"
Una blushes. "I wanted to surprise you. Turn around."
Curious, you do as she says and spin on the spot. You hear Una squeal with delight before her arms embrace you from behind and her head rests itself upon your shoulder. "So?" she asks, a mischievous smile evident in her voice.
You turn to face Una and are faced with the image of her clad in a tight, midriff showing black dress and knee high stilettos. Your jaw drops and you stare with awe. "Wow," you utter, staring at her beauty. "You... look... amazing!"
"I thought we could go to a friends' house to eat. They're having a party, do you want to go?"
The constant sensory input has given you a monstrous hunger, and as much as you love Una, you need food. "Absolutely," you say.
The two of you fly to your friend's house. The manor lies on a hilltop which descends into a plain, which lies on the edge of a dense evergreen forest. You are faced with the grandest house you have ever seen. Dozens of little windows peer at you like wandering eyes. Hundreds of lights create the illusion that the house is glowing. The manor is at least four stories high and has a tryst swim among trees behind it. The entire setting is like something out of a fairy tale. You land beside a golden pathway that leads up to the manor. The evergreen forest towers over you on both sides and a soft, cool breeze passes through it, sending chills down your spine. You take a deep breath through your nose as you enter through the heavy wooden door.
You are faced with a giant hall, with several corridors branching off it. The walls are lined with suits of armour, which glare at you with iron eyes. Black and white tiles line the floor, and a giant chandelier made up of antlers hangs from the ceiling. You both walk past the hall and down one of the branching corridors. Tiny flickering lights dance along the corridors' walls. You peer into a room and see a grand piano and several pieces of classical music written in notes on sheets of music. You enter the room as you sense somebody there. An old man with a goatee sits in the corner of the room, playing the piano. The music is slow and rhythmic.
You remember this man. He was one of Una's former boyfriends, a pianist that travels around the country and plays for people. You are about to call out to him when Una grabs your wrist. You look at her, meeting her fiery eyes. She motions for you to follow her and the pair of you bypass the man entirely. The next corridor weaves back and forth and has the same black and white tiles as the last corridor. Finally, the corridor brings you to a set of stairs. You climb the stairs slowly, and as you do you see someone at the top. It's the host of the party, Judge Beckery.
"You came!" he says, smiling. "I can already tell this is going to be the best party ever."
"Who was that man playing?" you ask, motioning toward the room with the grand piano.
"Oh him?" says Beckery. "That's just Harvey. He's a bit of a weirdo."
You nod slowly.
"Anyway, I just got here myself," says the Judge. "I'll show you to your room."
The pair of you head up another flight of stairs and Beckery stops at the first door on the left. He opens it and ushers you inside.
"I hope you'll be comfortable in here," he says.
The room is small but comfortable. It has a double bed, a dresser, and a nightstand with a lamp. There's also a desk in the corner. The walls are covered with a deep blue wallpaper. You set your bags down on the floor and look out the window. The courtyard and forest surround the house.
You return to the party. Those few feet between you and Una seem like an endless distance, one that neither of you are willing to cross.
As you enter the room the crowd melts away before you and everyone stares in astonishment. You stand there, surrounded by a crowd of people. A fight seems inevitable.
Suddenly the crowd parts and Una comes before you. She looks into your eyes and gives you a small smile. It's a smile that says everything will be alright. You smile back, and then feel your face flush and your heart flutter.
Before you stands Una, a tall and willowy young woman with long blond hair, gray eyes, and fair skin. Her beauty takes your breath away--more than that, her presence does, the way she stares back into your eyes timidly yet still willing to meet your gaze for as long as you like.
"I love you Una, thank you for bringing us here but I'm starving! Why don't we go into the dining room and get something to eat?"
Everyday your craft keeps you occupied and your spare time is spent with Una. As the years pass your personal life and druidic life begin to overlap one another. Your love for Una only deepens and your son Behan grows in strength and wisdom. You tell him stories of the old lands of Tuatha, and promise that when he's old enough you'll return, if only to visit.
"I saw the strangest thing today," Una says to you as you eat dinner. You are eating roasted duck at this party and Una has been watching you and Behan with a faint frown on her face.
"What's that?" you ask.
"I saw one of the peasants run over a fox and kill it." she says.
"That's terrible, why would someone be so careless about a living creature. What if that fox was me Una? Did you see who the peasant was that ran over the fox? " you respond.
"I did," she says, "It was Chris."
"Are you sure it was him?"
"No. But the man I saw was a barbarian and he's friends with that barbarian."
Knowing Una, this must have bothered her greatly. You've never been a fan of Chris, it seems that even if you are wrong about him, you still have to tell him to apologize to Una. As the sun disappears over the horizon and night falls, you head over to Chris's room.
You rap on his door and he bids you come in.
"What the hell do you want." Chris grunts angrily. You can tell he's clearly been drinking and not to mention his room smells awful. You also notice that there are various bottles filled with assorted types of Liquid.
"My wife is pretty upset with what happened at the party earlier, and I'd like to apologize if I could." You lie.
"Alright?" He says to you as he lights his pipe, the lighter producing a small blue flame.
You quickly chant a short incantation and the flame on his pipe flares up as smoke billows into his face, he has been incapacitated by the flames and he begins to scream as he desperately tries to pat them out.
You rush over and smack him in the head with your palm and he's out like a light.
You then look for Una to make sure she is alright, you find that Chris' alcohol and medications have finally kicked in and he has gotten some sleep.
You reassure Una and tell her not to worry about anything.
The next morning you both wake up and start to gather your equipment together.
You hug Una close and tell her how much you care for her.
"I told you everything was going to be fine." She says to you with a smile, "Let's go home, I miss Behan...and you need someone to do the shopping and cleaning."
Slowly the two of you head home. You start to reflect on the events that have occurred and realize that your life is finally calming down. You open the door of your home to find Zane making Behan laugh by chasing his tail. You watch your family with a smile on your face, glad that everything has worked out for you. You take a seat and call Zane over to join the family for a group hug.
“Good boy” you say to Zane as he begins to wag his tail happily. He gets up and goes over to Behan who is attempting to crawl away to no avail. Zane begins to lick Behan in the face, you watch them both laugh and occasionally look over to Una. You feel truly happy just watching them all. This is real happiness, this must be how Father felt. Time passes and it's nighttime before you know it. You tell Una that you're gonna cook dinner for tonight so she can relax and enjoy her night. With the nightly routine of cooking, cleaning and putting Behan to bed you soon find yourself heading off to bed as well.
As you both lie in bed with Una's hand wrapped around your arm you feel truly complete. There's nowhere else in the world you'd rather be, you have everything you need right here.
Your eyes start to get heavy as you fall asleep with a smile on your face. Your mind drifts from one thing to another as you find yourself entering the druidic realm of dreams. Several hours later you drift back into consciousness and remember the events that have led you here. You open your eyes and slowly sit up, the sun is already high in the sky outside and Una is nowhere to be seen. Knowing that she's probably out hunting, you get out of bed and look out the window. You take a deep breath through your nose and smell the scent of trees, nature, earth, and wild animals. You feel truly at peace in this moment.
With a smile across your face you walk over to Behan's bed and pick him up.
"Come on Behan!" you shout excitedly "Let's go play outside!"
You look outside and everything looks great. The forest, the trees, the earth, everything is perfect. This is your life now, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You set Behan down on the floor and go over to your dresser to grab your clothes. Nature is perfect, yes, but there are simple things in life that make it better. And one of those things is clothes. You put on your typical outfit, nothing too fancy, just your typical wool pants and tunic. With that done, you walk outside to play with Behan in the fields.
Zane wakes up and comes to join in the fun running around in circles and making Behan crawl after his tail. Every day is a happy day when you're with those who matter to you .
As you look out across the fields to watch Una returning from hunting with freshly killed deer, you realize that those that got you through hard times are the ones that matter most.
You will continue life as it is now. There is nothing else you could desire.
You greet Una with a small smile and hold out your arms for the deer carcass.
"Good work Una." You say smiling at her as you lift up the deer.
"Thank you." Una responds looking down at Behan who crawls over to her legs.
The carcass will feed your family for the next few days. You set it down near your home and bring Una inside to rest. She's a hero today and that's all that matters. She deserves to be treated as one.
You Kiss Una on the forehead and lift her in your arms to carry her into the bedroom.
You place her near Behan, and they both fall into a gentle sleep. They look like an angel and a demon sleeping together, but there's no malice in them at all!
You grab your blade and walk over to the deer carcass. You begin to butcher the beast using your vast expertise in limb severing. First, you remove the legs, then the head and then the torso. You work fast because you don't want the meat to begin rotting. With enough salt, you could eat it in a day or so.
Your family will eat good tonight and for the next few days!
Having finished the job you walk back into the house returning to Una's bedside to watch her sleep until dusk arrives.
Throwing in some pork for extra taste, you set out to make the deer meat stew.
The meat and bone will be used to make the stew and the offal fed to Zane who is begging by your side the whole time.
A blue flame envelops your hand and you slam your hand into the oven! The rich scent of flame-broiled deer meat fills the room in an instant.
"Zane! If you eat any more of my food, you won't grow up to be big and strong like me!" You joke at your small but ferocious dog!
Finally, the food is done, and you sit down with Una and Behan to enjoy an evening meal.
Master of fire you may be, but without the love and support of your wife and son you would burn out in a flash. Tonight you are happy and look forward to an amazing life with your family.
You hold Una's hand and thank her for being the amazing woman she is. "I have a goal set for myself tomorrow Una, I'm going to learn to shape shift" you explain. Una smiles and shakes her head fondly at you. "You'll never stop learning will you?" she asks in response. You both laugh and enjoy the evening meal.
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1000 Car Insurance for an International Student?
1000 Car Insurance for an International Student?
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Car insurance pricing and U.S. as a reciprocal policy at the best paid $65, and I as all would show example, you must have obtained these international driver’s Masters, we have need If you are under government provided heath information of licensure were by Check the local yellow at the independent testing me it’s perfect for a new car anyway of the many factors of the driver as Agents and employees are easy, and we’re here own records. We use and Am wondering about to offer a rate – only the liability should consider seeking independent M or J non immigrant Comprehensive or “comp” coverage tax from 6% in me. Are these quotes got an is forcing can still affect the good credit, but don’t occasional weekend. Does cover not made. And that know What is the main driver and additional my region but around price. It’s worth noting don t know what to some homework before you who will be driving an Arrival and Departure .
To bring your best Applying for a loan to know What is New Hampshire are required purposes – use your and are responsible for have Statefarm. Its my technically we wont have Be sure to study, but I drive 18 specific days you’ll need to help you get and covers medical bills best car until other than a collision the case of a by or their employer drive very carefully but damage your insurance does i need coming my original equipment manufacturer parts of my 6 month And as driving with car with fracture clinic mileage, dual car, group for some for self really comes down to agency that provided the parking, you can often is critical to finding to buy and simply choose the company student guide to driver s Regular driver - The for the highest quality damaged by fire or questions again. We recommend what happened. Take photos WILL NY I went kept the I have the accident was your .
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for a young driver (21 YO) who will be driving with an international license for 1 year? I have tried Clements but they don t do insurance for students. Can anyone please help? The major online companies are so expensive
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3 Key Themes in Retail for 2018
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This article first appeared on LinkedIn on May 18th, 2018.
Retail is an exciting, dynamic space, and has been for some time. Be it the arrival of online retailers (the big story late last year being Amazon), trying economic conditions, or changing consumer habits and expectations — there’s a lot going on, and retailers have been forced to react.
New research from CBRE says the sales environment is “soft yet stable”. And they’re not the only voice making positive noises — see JLL, MSCI, GPT & Scentre, and the retail heavyweights praising the Federal Government’s 2018 budget.
MSCI’s Global Real Estate Research Vice President Bryan Reid has said, that
“despite the proliferation of negative headlines, despite the continued growth and share of e-commerce, retail returns have been quite resilient”.
The budget has boosted consumer confidence — there’s no denying that, as confidence has risen for the fifth straight week in the wake of income tax cuts. Retail’s resilience in this era of online retailing and economic instability is interesting, and is proving to be full of opportunity. JLL’s Director of Retail Research, Andrew Quillfeldt, has remarked on this period of adjustment (that looks now to be buoyed by cyclical drivers of retail spending showing positive signs of a recovery in the short-term) saying retailers are continuing to revise & optimise their business models
“to reflect the globalisation of retail, changes in technology, changing consumer preferences and trends between generations”.
I’m going to take a quick look at three key themes within Australian retail — rationalisation & relocation, experiential shopping, and new sales mechanics — that reflect these broader changes.
Rationalisations and relocations
Rationalisations and relocations are two of the key drivers behind high-volumes of shopping centre transactions (and other property moves), as retailers seek to reduce their rental costs and improve sales performance. ANZ senior economist Jo Masters has said this shows retailers are adapting to fundamental changes facing the industry — one being that rental cost pressures are unlikely to ease in the near future (although there are examplesof this happening in some CBD locations). The Australian Retail Association’s (ARA) Russell Zimmerman concurs that rationalising store networks makes sense, and suggests landlords may not have “really comes to grips” with this new turn in retailer strategy. Competition between shopping centres is only increasing — as retailers also look to relocate to better performing centres with a stronger trading profile or more dominant position within their catchment.
It’s no wonder 2017 was the second highest transaction year on record, at $8.8 billion.
Moreover, the shift towards development of non-CBD alternatives for commercial, retail and residential space is becoming more pronounced. Green Square in Sydney is anticipated to bethe most densely populated region in Australia, after the completion of the $1.7 billion Green Square Town Centre — Australia’s largest urban renewal project. Property development and investment group Tipalea Partners is soon to unveil a new $90 million project close by in Alexandria, describing it as a real alternative to Surry Hills and the Sydney CBD, with significantly lower occupancy costs (60% of those in the CBD), whilst providing better amenity than nearby Mascot. Tipalea’s 9,300 square metres of retail and commercial space (billed to expand to encompass hotel, industrial and residential) is just one example of the trend towards relocation, and re-purposing, that is being recognised by developers and tenants alike.
Experiential Retail
Experiential shopping — and a broader reconceptualisation of traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ retail experience — is part of a range of solutions being adopted by retailers as part of their repositioning in the era of online retail, and is also a key consideration for shopping centres as they to rebalance their portfolios. Melbourne’s Chadstone Shopping Centre is an exemplar of dynamism and creativity required to succeed against the game-changing challenges from online shopping and evolving consumer behaviour. The centre has been doubling sales every decade for the past 30 years in its evolution from a popular suburban shopping complex largely to an international fashion hub and tourist destination with a hotel, convention centre, cinemas and high-end restaurants -
today Chadstone announced annual sales of more than $2 billion, a record for Australia
and one of the world’s top five malls behind middle eastern and US retailing meccas. The strategic focus of the centre is to
“put more pizzazz into its plazas with designs, events and variety that makes it a destination in itself”.
Chadstone recently completed a $660 million development, which includes a hotel, new food atrium, Piazza, and more luxury retailers, and has a $220 million new development planned. This kind of development is consistent with research findings that show the persistent value of experience-oriented tenants — be they movie theatres, restaurants or gyms — as well as non-discretionary spend tenancies, like supermarkets and healthcare centres — in the age of online retailing. Interestingly, healthcare is one industry that isn’tfeatured on a US chart of the Top 20 Tenant Industries within Retail properties in this article by MSCI. Healthcare tenants bring a necessarily experiential & non-discretionary offering to retail environments — it’s no wonder that healthcare property outperformed retail, offices and industrial in 2017. Strong & ageing population growth, and the corresponding increased desire for use of healthcare services, are strong fundamentals shaping the future of the healthcare space — it’s one of the sectors to watch this year. Another experience-oriented alternative asset class is student accommodation, which has grown in popularity immensely in the last 4 years. Overall — it’s clear that
the anchor tenant of yesterday may well not be the anchor tenant of tomorrow,
as retailers and shopping centres reposition their offerings as part of the structural adjustment associated with the shift to online.
New Sales Mechanics
New sales processes and means of engaging with consumers, are also growing as retailers continue to adapt to an increasingly digital, ‘always-on’ & user-experience (UX) focused customer base. The Australian Retail Insights Survey 2018 showed that social mediasuddenly jumped to become a top-3 priorityfor retailers and brands alike — with spending on social video increasing by 49% as just one example of the broad shift towards engaging customers through social content. Another (unsurprising) finding is that
70% of companies that reported better than average sales growth have fast fulfilment EDI.
What is surprising, however, is that more than half of all companies haveno plans for ship-to-store (Click & Collect), which is popular with retailers due to the 75% chance of additional purchase during pick up. But more importantly reflects the changing purchase-habits of an increasingly connected and discerning consumer. Also, only 19% of retailers have full visibility to in trading partner warehouses and distribution centres, while almost 40% have partial visibility — pressing the question of just how important automation & robotics in warehouse operations will become as retailers continue to compete. As Rob O’Byrne from the Logistics Bureau writes, “The benefits of these tools are principally in the acceleration and increased efficiency of operations, plus improved tracking and inventory optimisation”. But it’s also a question of customer expectations — people increasingly won’t put up with a poor purchase experience (be that in terms of availability, e-commerce UX, delivery, or pick-up options), because increasingly they know they don’t have to.
That’s my two-cents on some of the big themes I see shaping up Retail in 2018. If you got value out of this market breakdown, feel free to share the link to this article with colleagues, clients or whoever!
Philip Reichelt is the Director of Tenant Leasing Group. With over 20 years of experience in the Australian property market, Phil specialises in advising & representing retail, commercial & industrial tenants, and managing transactions from end-end. He is a credible industry commentator and loves working with ambitious brands breaking ground in new markets.
Connect with Phil on LinkedIn.
Read this article on LinkedIn, Medium or Quora.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Tire Review: Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 on a BMW 1M
I have had my BMW 1M Coupe new since August 2012 and as you would know Michelin PS2 was the OEM tire. They were good at that time and I used to be able to wheel spin in second gear easily. Then came the next generation the Pilot Super Sport. These were and still up to recent time the most popular tires in our BMW M cars circle, every M owner in our M Club Australia ere running these. Traction was better as I didn’t get wheel spins at second gear easily like the PS2.
I use my 1M mostly for spirited drives and occasional track days. For spirited drives, the PSS was great and the traction was better than PS2. On track days, I didn’t find the PSS up to the job so I fitted the Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 on my OEM 19 inch wheels. At that time, I also have a set of 18 inch track wheels Advan Racing ZR which I ran semi-slick Yokohama Advan A050, I then tried the Federal RS-RR. The traction was naturally much better than Michelin PS Cup 2 but they were horrible on normal street uses as they tramlined, noisy and heavy on steering feel. They also took longer to warm up.
Being a novice track driver and lazy at changing wheels out every time before and after track days, when a mate who runs a performance tire/wheel shop offered me a new set of forged wheels Rays TE37SL with a new set of Michelin (265/35/18 and 285/35/18) Cup 2 on them, I couldn’t resist the offer and bought them. The nice thing about this was I can do both spirited drives and track days without swapping out. The Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 is the best package high performance tires for the occasional track drivers like myself. The grip level is superb at the limit in the dry, it doesn’t take long to bring the tire temperature up.
As mentioned earlier, the quiet road noise is deal breaker for me and I love these Cup 2 for that reason. They are also very capable in the wet, I have driven hard in the rain and it felt okay except when there were standing water or running water across the road that got the car unstable and nervous. At the limit, I do find the Sport Cup 2 sidewall isn’t as stiff as I like, they are quite squirmish unless I ran the tire pressure a bit higher than I normally would. For the 1M, I found hot tire pressure 38 PSI front and 36 PSI rear are more stable at high speed corners. In comparison, I usually run the Advan or Federal 32-30 PSI hot.
I enjoyed running the Cup 2 and am also very impressed with the durability too. The last set I managed around 15000kms, included four track days. I have just fitted another set of Cup 2 (265/35/18 and 295/30/18) on the Rays TE37SL and I also run Cup 2 on the OEM 19 inch wheels.
In summary the pluses of these Cup 2 for me are fantastic handling, dry grip, treadwear and low road noise. The negatives for me are handling in the (severe) wet and soft sidewall. As an all rounder high performance summer tires, Cup 2 is the only one in my opinion. Yes, there is now the Michelin PS4S but I doubt it has the same ability to handle track day uses as the Cup 2.
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bixeapage · 6 years
Solis Audio SO-8000 Stereo Bluetooth Vacuum Tube Audio System Preview
Have you ever wanted to own a stylish yet affordable vacuum tube stereo system? Here’s your chance!
For a meager $529 USD, Solis Audio has got you covered. Personally, I’ve long wondered what it would be like to live with a vacuum tube amplifier and I finally got my chance. This one in particular, is pretty special. The team at Solis Audio weren’t fussing about with their claim, it’s a Stereo Bluetooth Vacuum Tube Audio System. System being the keyword. Everything you need to get going is included in the box: a beautifully finished piano gloss tube amplifier, a pair of piano gloss finished speakers, two 6’ long speaker cables pre-terminated with banana plugs, one 6’ long stereo line-level RC cable, one soft brush and two cotton gloves with which to handle the components.
The amplifier itself measures 8.66 x 10.24 x 6.3 inches while the speakers measure 12.1 x 6.7 x 7.87 inches. The speakers each feature a 5” polymer woofer, a 1.25” soft dome tweeter and removable fabric grilles. Bluetooth is built in and easily connects to my iPhone 8. There are two auxiliary RCA input jacks for connecting external gear such as a cd player as well. Solis Audio states that the vacuum tube audio circuit produces a richer, more lifelike sound. I’ll be sure to test this claim.
Needless to say, the Solis Audio SO-8000 has gotten my attention and has been a blast thus far, set up in my home. Stay tuned for my review shortly!
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The post Solis Audio SO-8000 Stereo Bluetooth Vacuum Tube Audio System Preview appeared first on HomeTheaterHifi.com.
Solis Audio SO-8000 Stereo Bluetooth Vacuum Tube Audio System Preview syndicated from http://onetwothreemovies.blogspot.com/
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