#i had over 3k energy LOL
ponderingmoonlight · 2 days
Hello!! I hope you’re doing amazing!!! I really like your megumi works, so id like to request a fic where him and the reader have a very under cover secret relationship and yuji,nobara and gojo try to figure out why fushiguros been acting so weird. I’d love to see it! And more megumi works 🙏🏽. It’s just a request it’s totally okay if you don’t want to!! Hope you have an amazing week!! 💗💗
Okay, I probably never laughed this much while writing a fic lmao, this right here is ridiculous y'all
Keeping your relationship with Megumi a secret until you can't anymore
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Pairing: Megumi x fem!reader; pure comedy friendship with Nobara and Yuji lol
Word Count: 3k
Synopsis: Megumi Fushiguro’s secret relationship with you has been going smoothly—until his friends start noticing his odd behavior. Yuji and Nobara grow suspicious, launching a hilariously relentless mission to uncover what he’s hiding, while Gojo sits back, amused by the chaos. Will the two of you finally confess?
Warnings: y'all, I almost died writing this hilarious piece of work lmao, I never praise my own work but that bonus has me rolling, if you're looking for a bandage for your broken heart there it is, fluff fluff fluff
Please let me know what you think! If this does well, I might write some more about the chaotic trio lol
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You never thought keeping a secret would be this much fun.
Your relationship with Megumi started quietly, just like most things with him. There was no grand confession, no dramatic kiss in the rain. It was slow, understated, like the way shadows stretch out under the setting sun. You had been drawn into his orbit naturally, like you’d been waiting for it to happen all along.
Still, it wasn’t exactly planned. One moment you were sitting next to each other in silence, and the next you were sitting a little too close. Your fingers brushed. His eyes lingered. The air between you became charged with unspoken things, and soon enough, stolen moments were the only thing keeping you sane. The decision to keep it quiet came easily: neither of you had any desire to deal with the chaos that would break out if anyone found out. And besides, it was kind of thrilling.
But now it’s starting to get tricky.
It’s a normal Wednesday when the subtle shift in the atmosphere begins. Megumi is acting just a little too normal - stiffer, as if he’s hyper-aware of everything. He’s not good at this, at pretending everything is fine when there’s something simmering underneath. And unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for his odd behavior to catch some unwanted attention.
“Hey, Megumi,” Yuji calls from across the room, his eyes squinting suspiciously.
“You’re acting weird. Are you okay?”
Megumi doesn’t even flinch, though his eyes are literally glued to the ground.
“I’m fine.”
That’s it. Flat, simple, closed. He’s good at short answers. It should be enough. It’s not.
Yuji leans over the back of the couch, brow furrowed in confusion.
“No, you’re definitely acting off. You haven’t been sarcastic all morning. And usually by now, you’ve threatened to hit me at least twice.”
Megumi sighs, fingers twitching in his lap, the only outward sign of his discomfort.
“I’m fine, Yuji. Maybe you’re just imagining things.”
Yuji is definitely not convinced. He glances at Nobara, who’s lounging nearby with her arms crossed, already suspicious. She had been eyeing Megumi the second he walked in, catching onto his strange energy faster than Yuji had.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed it too,” she adds, voice sharp.
“Something’s up. You’ve been... I don’t know, distracted?”
“Seriously, I’m—” Megumi starts, but Nobara cuts him off, grinning.
“You’re not hiding anything from us, are you, Fushiguro?” Her eyes gleam with mischief, and you can tell she’s just playing around.
For now.
“Oh, I think I know it!”, Yuji suddenly announces with his arms stretched in the air.
“Do you really, idiot?”, Nobara remarks.
You almost lose your cool, cold sweat dripping down your neck while waiting for Yuji’s next words. He didn’t catch it, did he? Not when you’ve been carefully avoiding being too close to Megumi while they’re around since you first joined Jujutsu High. He simply can’t know it-
Megumi’s eyes flick to you, a barely noticeable glance paired with his reddened cheeks, but it’s enough. Too much. Your heart skips in your chest, and you quickly look away, hoping no one else caught it. But then-
“Oh.” Yuji’s eyes widen in realization, a slow grin spreading across his face.
“Oh, I get it now.”
Megumi’s spine visibly stiffens.
“No, you don’t.”
But it’s too late. Yuji has already decided he’s figured it out.
“You’ve got a crush on someone, don’t you?” Yuji practically shouts, leaning forward in his seat with excitement.
“That’s why you’ve been all weird lately!”
Nobara sits up, clearly intrigued by this new development. “Wait, what? Megumi has a crush?”
“I do not,” Megumi says, but he’s starting to lose his calm now.
You can tell by the way his hand runs through his hair a little too harshly, as if he’s trying to ground himself.
You bite back a smile. Megumi can be as composed as he wants, but when it comes to things like this, he’s terrible at hiding it.
“You’re totally lying,” Nobara declares, standing up and crossing the room to get a better look at him.
“Who is it? Do we know them?”
Megumi groans, pressing his fingers to his temples as if he’s already getting a headache. You’re trying hard not to laugh because if you do, they’ll turn their attention to you. You’ve been careful this whole time to stay out of the line of fire, just a silent observer to this chaos.
But you know it’s only a matter of time.
“I’m not lying,” Megumi grumbles, clearly regretting every decision that led him to this point. “There’s no one.”
It’s almost convincing. Almost.
Yuji leans back, a teasing glint in his eyes.
“Nah, you’re definitely lying. You’re terrible at it. You get all tense, like right now.”
“I’m always tense,” Megumi shoots back.
“True,” Nobara agrees,
“but this is different. You’re acting sketchy.”
Megumi shoots her a flat look, but Nobara only smirks back. She’s having way too much fun with this.
“Is it the one we’ve met at that pizza place yesterday, the one with a big ass and those nice hair?”, Yuji shouts into the conversation.
“The girl from yesterday?”, you repeat before you can stop yourself, arms crossing in front of your tightening chest.
“You guys are gross.”
Megumi’s gaze meets yours, panic shimmering underneath the surface while he fumbles with his own hands.
“What? No! It’s not that one!”
“Oh, not that one, huh? Who is it, then?”
“Fine,” Megumi says, standing abruptly.
“I’m going for a walk.”
Before they can say another word, he stalks out of the room, leaving you alone with Yuji and Nobara. You let out a quiet breath of relief, grateful they didn’t notice you.
Yuji turns to Nobara, eyes wide.
“This is huge. Megumi’s got a crush.”
Nobara hums thoughtfully, rubbing her chin.
“He’s never shown any interest in anyone before. It must be serious.”
“I wonder who it is,” Yuji muses, glancing around the room as if expecting the answer to jump out at him.
Your pulse quickens. If you stay here any longer, you’re going to blow your cover.
“I’m gonna grab some water,” you announce quickly, standing up.
You manage to make it halfway to the kitchen before Nobara’s voice calls after you, filled with sudden realization.
“Wait a minute. You were with him all morning, weren’t you?”
You freeze, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Weren’t you two on a mission yesterday?” Yuji adds, piecing it together far too quickly for your liking.
“And last weekend, too?”
Panic rises in your throat, but you manage to keep your expression neutral when you turn back to face them.
“We’ve just been on a few missions together. That’s all” you say, voice steady.
Nobara narrows her eyes, scrutinizing you.
“Uh-huh. And you didn’t notice him acting weird?”
“Not really. Maybe he’s just worn-out” you lie, doing your best to stay calm.
Yuji tilts his head, still unconvinced but willing to drop it for now.
“Yeah, maybe.”
But Nobara isn’t so easily swayed.
“You sure? Because you’re looking a little-”
“Nobara,” you interrupt,
“you’re overthinking it.”
For a moment, there’s silence. Then, with a final hum of suspicion, she shrugs and lets it go.
But just as you think you’re in the clear, a new voice cuts through the tension.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
Gojo saunters in, sunglasses perched lazily on his nose, a knowing smirk already playing on his lips. He must have been eavesdropping because he’s grinning like he’s just hit the jackpot.
“Don’t tell me you’re trying to figure out what’s up with Megumi,” he notes, voice dripping with amusement.
“That kid’s an enigma even to himself.”
Yuji perks up at the sight of Gojo, excited to rope someone else into their investigation.
“We think he’s got a crush.”
Gojo pauses, grin widening.
 “Oh, is that so?”
You stand frozen in place as Gojo’s eyes slowly slide over to you, lingering for a beat too long. He knows. You don’t know how he knows, but he knows. He’s always been good at reading between the lines, picking up on things that most people miss. Megumi that traitor, did he really leave you all alone with these two and now even Gojo?
His smirk deepens.
“Well, well, well,” he drawls, leaning casually against the wall, clearly enjoying this far too much.
“I wonder who it could be.”
You’re going to kill Megumi. You’re both dead. This is it. The end of your secret.
But before Gojo can say anything else, Megumi walks back into the room, his expression darkening as he notices Gojo’s presence.
“What are you doing here?” Megumi asks, his voice flat.
“Oh, just catching up with the kids. They were telling me about your little crush” Gojo replies innocently.
Megumi’s eyes dart between you, Yuji, Nobara, and Gojo, clearly calculating his next move.
“There’s no crush,” he replies, exasperation creeping into his voice again.
“Yuji’s just being an idiot.”
“Hey!” Yuji protests, but Megumi ignores him.
Gojo chuckles, pushing off the wall with an exaggerated stretch.
“Well, I think I’ll let you all handle this. Good luck with the investigation.”
He winks in your direction before sauntering out of the room, leaving you tense and trying to avoid Megumi’s gaze.
Yuji and Nobara are still watching him, and you can tell they’re not going to let this go anytime soon.
“So,” Nobara says, crossing her arms. “Are you going to tell us who it is, or are we going to have to follow you around until we figure it out?”
Megumi pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly fed up. “There’s no one.”
“You’re such a bad liar,” Yuji mutters, shaking his head.
Megumi’s about to respond, but then his phone buzzes in his pocket. He pulls it out, glances at the screen, and his expression softens for just a split second before he tucks it away again.
You know who it is. He knows you know.
You’re barely holding back your laughter at this point, trying to keep a straight face. You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks, and you have to look away before anyone else notices.
But Megumi, in his ever-stubborn way, is still trying to salvage this mess.
“I’m going for another walk,” he announces abruptly, clearly done with this interrogation.
“Uh-huh,” Nobara calls after him, grinning like a cat who just caught a mouse.
“Sure, go clear your head, lover boy.”
You can’t help but chuckle quietly as Megumi shoots you a helpless look before heading out the door.
As soon as he’s gone, Yuji leans over to Nobara, whispering loudly.
“Do you think he’s texting his crush?”
Nobara grins, leaning back in her chair.
You bite your lip, doing your best to keep your composure while peeking at your phone.
Sorry for the mess. Meet me later in my dorm?
This is going to get much harder to hide.
Later that night, when you and Megumi finally have a moment to yourselves at his dorm, he sighs heavily, dropping down onto the couch beside you. He looks exhausted, and not just from the missions. The day’s events have clearly taken their toll.
“This is getting ridiculous,” he mutters, rubbing his temples.
You smile softly, leaning into his side.
“It’s kind of your fault, you know.”
Megumi groans.
“I know.”
There’s a moment of silence as you both sit there, the weight of your secret relationship pressing down on you. But it’s not a bad weight. It’s more like a blanket, warm and comforting, something shared between the two of you. Something that’s just yours.
Still, you can’t help but tease him.
“You’re really bad at lying.”
Megumi turns his head to look at you, a small, exasperated smile pulling at his lips.
“Shut up.”
You laugh quietly, resting your head on his shoulder, feeling the tension melt away as his hand finds yours, fingers intertwining. For now, it’s just the two of you, and that’s all that matters.
“Maybe we should tell them,” you suggest softly, half-joking.
Megumi’s body stiffens for a second, but then he relaxes, a soft hum escaping his throat.
“Maybe,” he murmurs, voice low.
“But not yet.”
You smile, content with the secrecy for now. It’s your little world, and as chaotic as it is, it’s yours to navigate together.
And for now, that’s enough.
The decision to finally tell them wasn’t exactly well-planned. In fact, it wasn’t planned at all.
It happened after another long day of training. Yuji had been particularly insufferable, constantly pestering Megumi about his “mystery crush,” while Nobara was fuming over how Megumi wouldn’t let her in on the secret.
You and Megumi exchanged looks all day, the unspoken question hanging between you both: Should we just tell them?
By the time the sun set and everyone was lounging in the common area, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. Nobara was pacing the room, practically radiating with frustration, while Yuji sat on the edge of the couch, watching Megumi like a hawk.
You were sitting next to Megumi, trying not to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. You hadn’t expected the pressure to mount like this. They’d been relentless for days now.
“Okay, I’m done!”
Nobara throws her hands in the air, eyes narrowing at Megumi.
“I can’t take it anymore! You have to tell us. Who is it?”
Yuji nods rapidly, his eyes wide and pleading.
“Please, man, just tell us! The suspense is killing me.”
Megumi lets out a long, exasperated sigh. He’s been handling this for a week now, and it’s clearly taken its toll. He shoots you a quick, sideways glance, silently asking for your input.
You shrug with a small smile, mouthing.
“Your call.”
With another sigh, Megumi straightens up and clears his throat.
“Fine,” he says, his voice firm.
“I’ll tell you.”
Both Nobara and Yuji freeze, their eyes going wide with excitement.
“Finally!” Nobara yells, nearly vibrating with impatience.
“Okay, okay. Who is it? Is it someone we know?” Yuji questions, leaning in closer.
Megumi looks at you again, and you give him a reassuring nod.
Then, with a small smirk tugging at his lips, Megumi casually slips his hand into yours, right there in front of them.
At first, there’s silence. Complete, deafening silence.
Yuji’s mouth falls open, eyes flicking between your joined hands and your faces, his brain clearly short-circuiting.
Nobara, on the other hand, just stares. Blinks. Then her hands slowly rise to cover her mouth, her eyes growing impossibly wide.
“Wait—” Yuji finally speaks, voice squeaking a little.
Megumi sighs.
“Yeah. Me and (y/n). We’ve been dating for a while now.”
That’s when all hell breaks loose.
“WHAT?!” Yuji practically screams, jumping up from the couch and pointing at your intertwined hands like they’re some sort of mythical creature.
“NO WAY! This whole time? You guys were dating this whole time?!”
Nobara just starts shrieking incoherently. It’s a mix of disbelief and outrage, her voice a high-pitched wail as she dramatically collapses onto the couch like she’s been personally betrayed.
“YOU HID THIS FROM US?!” she yells, clutching a pillow like it’s the only thing keeping her grounded.
You burst out laughing, unable to keep it in any longer. Megumi pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly regretting every choice that led to this moment.
Yuji is pacing now, running his hands through his hair, still trying to process everything.
“How did I not see it? I mean, I thought you had a crush, but I didn’t think it was… this!” he gestures wildly between the two of you, eyes wide with disbelief.
“Oh my God!” Nobara yells again, standing up suddenly.
“This is insane! You’ve been sneaking around this whole time? That’s it. I demand details! Right now. How long has this been going on?”
“Yeah!” Yuji chimes in, pointing accusingly at Megumi.
“How did you manage to keep this a secret from me of all people?”
You laugh again, raising your hands in surrender.
“Okay, okay, calm down! It’s been a few months. We just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
“A few months?” Nobara shrieks, grabbing Yuji’s arm like she needs to hold onto something before she passes out.
“That’s practically a year in relationship time! How did you keep this from us? I’m so offended right now.”
“I knew you were acting weird!” Yuji exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.
“All those times you disappeared, Megumi! I knew something was up!”
Megumi groans, running a hand through his hair.
“You guys are overreacting.”
“Overreacting? This is the most exciting thing that’s happened all year and you hid it from us! You’re for the streets, Fushiguro!” Nobara echoes, voice high-pitched with disbelief.
Yuji nods, agreeing way too quickly.
“Yeah, we need details. Dates, first kiss, how did it start, everything.”
Before you can answer, a familiar voice interrupts the chaos.
“Oh, you guys are just figuring this out now?���
You all turn to see Gojo leaning casually against the doorway, a smug grin plastered on his face, arms crossed like he’s been watching this unfold for a while.
“What?” Nobara screeches again.
Gojo shrugs like it’s no big deal.
“Obviously. It wasn’t exactly hard to figure out.”
Yuji’s jaw drops to the floor.
“You didn’t tell us?”
Gojo tilts his head, grinning.
“And ruin the fun of watching you two idiots freak out? Why would I do that?”
Nobara looks like she’s about to combust.
“So, you just let us suffer, while you were sitting there knowing the whole time?!”
Gojo shrugs again, completely unbothered.
“You’re welcome.”
Yuji groans, dramatically flopping onto the couch beside Nobara.
“I can’t believe this. I feel so betrayed.”
Nobara crosses her arms, huffing.
“Yeah, same. This is worse than the time Yuji ate my fries.”
“Hey, that was an accident!” Yuji protests.
Nobara glares at him.
“It was not an accident.”
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485 notes · View notes
incognit0slut · 9 months
Since hearing Streets by Doja cat (silhouette remix) I always thought if I ever had the chance to striptease for someone, that would definitely need to be the song playing in the background, the rhythm is so sensual. So can I request a smut with Spencer centered around this song?
Love your blog and tiktok edits, and congrats for reaching 3k! You deserve it!
tysm lovely hope you enjoy this🫶 (wc) 3.1k!
warnings: (MINORS DNI!) Reader is a stripper, lap dance, pantyjob, a lot of grinding lol
Play our fantasies
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The FBI agent visiting your workplace wants more from you than answers to his questions.
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…we play our fantasies out in real life ways…
"THE FBI IS WAITING FOR YOU," your boss said the moment you stepped down from the stage, his voice a low murmur amidst the pulsating beats of the club. Your clients varied from politicians to well-known celebrities, but you never had the chance to entertain an authority before.
Your boss rolled his eyes as he gripped your arm, navigating you to the VIP lounge. "He's not here for that."
"He's here to ask some questions," Teddy explained as he released his hold, motioning you to follow him. "Said he wanted to know about one of your regulars."
"My regulars? Who?"
He gave you a sideway glance as you both strode to the back area of the club. "Dennis."
You raised an eyebrow. "Dennis Meade?" You asked. "That lawyer? He hasn't even been here for over a month."
Your boss shrugged. "Maybe that's why the FBI is looking for him, only god knows where he is."
"It's always those quiet ones, huh?" You jested, your heels clacking on the marble floor. You stopped for a moment when you passed a wall that was covered with mirrors, fixing your hair through the reflection. When your boss noticed he was walking alone, he turned around and gave you a disapproved look.
"He's only here to ask you questions."
"I know." You smiled, delicately smearing off the subtle lipstick mark that had smudged over your lip line from the dance routine you performed on the pole earlier. Satisfied with how you looked, you made your way back to Teddy.
"Is he cute?" You asked playfully.
"I thought we weren't supposed to use our real names on the clock."
He sighed, the ambient lighting casting a soft glow on his exasperated expression as you both continued to walk down the hallway, the distant thump of music reverberating through the walls.
"Angel," he pressed sarcastically, emphasizing your stage name. "Doctor Spencer Reid is keeping his identity discreet, so don't attract any attention to him."
"Doctor?" You mused. "Thought he was a cop."
"FBI agent," he corrected.
"Tomato, Tomahto." You finally stopped at the entrance of the VIP area, a line of doors covered in drapes separating each private space. "Which one is he in?"
"Corner left at the end." He gave you a pointed look. "It's better to stay with him according to your usual private session, lessen any suspicion."
You smirked. Spending half an hour in a room with an authority sounded intriguing. Teddy rolled his eyes as he saw the look you gave him. "No funny business, Angel."
"Of course not, Teddy," you assured him, giving him the most innocent smile you could muster.
He shook his head and took a step back. "You're trouble."
With a playful wink, you pushed open the door to the VIP area and stepped into the dimly lit space. The ambiance shifted from the bustling energy of the club to a more intimate setting. The smell of burning wax filled your nose in the form of vanilla-scented candles as you made your way to the corner suite.
A man stood in the middle of the room, his scrutinizing eyes scanning the small platform in the corner with a pole planted on top of it, but as he heard your footsteps, he turned around and met your gaze.
Your eyes slowly assessed him. His features were sharp, his gaze piercing, and an air of confidence surrounded him. There was something magnetic about his presence, an unexpected allure that contradicted the stereotypical image of an FBI agent. You were never this close to an FBI agent before, but were they supposed to be this attractive?
As the door closed behind you, the muffled sounds of the club outside were replaced by a peculiar intimacy. Especially when his eyes roamed your body, taking in the lingerie top barely covering your breasts and the thin silk panties you chose to wear today.
"You must be Angel," he greeted, watching you intently. The dim light accentuated the subtle nuances of his expression.
"And you must be Doctor Spencer Reid," you replied, injecting a subtle hint of playfulness into your tone. "What brings the FBI to our humble abode?"
"Spencer, please." His lips then curved into a faint smile. "I'm here on official business. There's a matter I'd like to discuss with you."
"About Dennis Meade, I presume?"
His eyebrows raised slightly, acknowledging your astuteness. "You're well-informed."
"It's part of the job," you responded with a casual shrug. You took a moment to assess the situation before nodding towards the plush seating. "You should take a seat, Dr. Reid."
He did as he was told, but his eyes went wide when he noticed you stepping onto the platform instead of following him. "What are you doing?"
"I was told you didn't want your identity to be known," you said as you gripped the pole. "There are cameras everywhere; I'd say it would seem suspicious for the security to see I'm only talking when I should be working."
He watched as you started to move around the pole, your movements deliberate and gracefully controlled. The ambient lighting cast a subtle glow, creating a surreal atmosphere within the room. The pulsating music from the club outside, its tune slow and seductive, provided an unexpected rhythm in the closed space.
"This way, it seems like just another part of the show," you continued as you swayed your hips seductively. "Now, what did you want to discuss about Dennis?"
Spencer's gaze followed your every move and you watched as his tongue flickered along his bottom lips. "We believe he might be involved in something that requires our attention."
You leaned back, arching your back in a sultry pose. "Dennis hasn't been around here for a while. Why the sudden interest?"
"It's not the first time he's come under our radar," Spencer explained, his tone measured. "We're trying to locate him to gather more information."
"I can't say I know much about him," you replied. "There wasn't anything particularly noteworthy about him, at least not that I'm aware of."
Spencer absorbed the information, his expression thoughtful. But it was hard to keep his mind on the case he was supposed to be investigating when your moves became more daring as you leaned down, actuating your luscious hips that were barely covered with that thin string of fabric covering your sex. Then his mouth dried up as you turned around in front of him and fully bent over, exposing the delicious curve of your ass.
He tried to steady his breathing. "Any peculiar behavior… conversations, or associations you might recall might help."
You twirled around the pole again, a moment of contemplation before you spoke. "He kept to himself mostly. No unusual conversations that stood out. As for associations, he didn't seem to have any close ties with the regulars here. Just a quiet guy who enjoyed the performances."
"Especially yours?"
"Well, who wouldn't?" you teased, your gaze locking with his. "I do put on quite a show."
You threw your head back as you moved again and god, it was criminally sensual, the way you danced, unlike anything Spencer had ever seen before. He couldn't put into words the allure you possessed. When you ran a hand over your skin, dipping into every curve, he was unable to hold back any longer, drawn to you like a moth to a flame. 
"It seems that way," he murmured, his voice dangerously low as he leaned back in his seat.
His jaw then slacked open, heavy breaths being ragged out as he got a better look at you when you started to approach him. Your hair shone under the lights, red-painted lips ghosting upon your lips as you straddled his lap. You leaned into him, placing a knee on each side of his thigh to press into the thick, leather chair. 
"Is this also part of the show?" he softly asked.
You chuckled, the sound low and sultry, matching the tempo of the music. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't." The palm of your hands slid over his arms, sending warmth along his skin even through the fabric of his shirt. "Depends on what you want it to be, Dr. Reid."
You swore you could see his muscles tense when your fingers glided over his shoulder, and with a sharp inhale, his head fell against the seating. He was even more handsome up close. He had soft skin, a sharp jaw covered with a soft stubble, and brown-colored eyes that shone underneath the fluorescent lights.
His breath caught as you moved in closer, the distance between you diminishing rapidly. The proximity between you two grew more intense, and his initial purpose of discussing the case became a distant memory. 
Your lips hovered close to his ear as you whispered, "Do you want me to continue?"
Spencer's mind raced as he struggled to maintain composure. The unexpected turn of events left him breathless, his professional facade gradually giving way to your seduction. It was as if his fantasies were playing out right before his eyes. Having you perched on his lap, the intimate proximity, the charged atmosphere—all of it seemed to align with his imagination.
Then a low, almost invisible, "Yes," escaped his lips.
The single word carried a weight that hung in the air as if the room itself was holding its breath. It was enough of an answer as you slowly lowered your hips. Your thighs parted for him, and you pressed your center against him, letting out a low gasp when you felt how hard he already was.
It shouldn't have surprised you, after all, it was the usual reaction to every man you had to entertain. Maybe it was the unfamiliar setting that had you growing hot; to be on someone's lap who was a high authority, someone who was here for work, someone who wasn't even paying for your time. Yet you couldn't help it, especially when his hands found your hips, urging you to move.
You obeyed, beginning to press your aching cunt against his bulge, rocking your hips softly back and forth. As you do, your silk panties slid over his pants, earning a hiss from his parted lips. You couldn't help but smirk as your palms pressed to his shoulders, offering stability as your hips rolled against his body.
You felt the warmth flooding between your thighs as you grind your folds against him, earning a few twitches of his hips in return. You would normally call in security if any of your clients touched you inappropriately. The club patrons could touch, but there was a policy of grabbing, holding, or leaving marks. 
And what Spencer was doing surpassed all the rules. One, he wasn't even a client, and two, you would be in trouble if you were caught enjoying this. Your job was to entertain people, not be entertained. Yet you were far too gone to think of the consequences. The fear of getting caught still weighed on your mind, but with your throbbing clit pressing to him as you rode him, the worries diminished faster than they could build.
You couldn’t deny the bliss that filled your body. Grinding against him had you lost in the moment, legs beginning to quiver as his fingers pressed into your hips harder, head falling back, curses pouring from his lips. His nails began to press to your flesh and it should have inflicted you pain, but instead, you were even more drawn to him that you reached for his belt.
"May I?" You whispered, eyes locking with his. He wasn't sure it was the wisest idea to submit to whatever plan you had in mind, but he found himself nodding, and a few moments later you were already busy undoing his pants.
Your fingers hook into the band of his briefs next, urging the fabric down with assistance from him as his hardened cock spring free. He bit down on his bottom lip, anticipating your every move a second before your fingers wrapped around his girth. Slipping your grip to his swollen, reddened tip, a hiss spilled from his parted lips, and then your palm slid back down his length as his hips pushed forward into your grasp.
"That—" He struggled to say, too focused on the way you dragged your palm up and down his length. "That feels good."
This earned you a smile. He felt thick and warm in your grip and your eyes instantly took in the sight; of his hard cock pulsing in your hand, of his brow creasing as you continued your movements. You watched as his tongue swiped over his lips again when your other hand reached for your panties, slipping the silk to the side, enough to ease his cock between your folds before adjusting the fabric back in its place.
You both let out a gasp at the feeling of him pressed to your flesh, trapped by the tight fabric holding him in place. You nearly lost your mind just as he did the moment you began to rock your hips once again. Juices dripping from your center made it effortless to slip back and forth over his cock, and with your arousal coating his flesh on the underside, and your silk panties caressing him on the other, he couldn't hold back any longer.
He held you in place as his hips met yours frantically. God, you were such a dream; Spencer couldn't believe this was happening. You were such a fantasy. Every moan escaping your lips seemed to cast a spell that held him captive. It was wrong of him to fully enjoy this, yet he couldn't help but be mesmerized by you.
The way you moved along his throbbing cock was such a sight to see. Or the way your head fell back as you satisfied yourself, your jaw slacking as you looked at him through hooded eyes. Your soft whimpers begin to flood his ears, and it urged him to give you more as he told you how fucking good you felt, how fucking wet you were, and how fucking beautiful you looked, even with your hair sticking onto your face from all the sweat.
Fingers brushed loose strands of hair from your eyes and it took so much of your self-control not to kiss him. Kissing your clients was another one of the policies, and it was something you shouldn't even consider of breaking, so instead you focused on the growing heat that stretched along your core.
Your hips increased their pace, rolling against him to offer the both of you relief, your clit swelling with a need for release as you felt his cock pulsing between your wet folds.
Your thighs began to shake around him, giving him the courage to pump his hips a few times, catching you off guard. Gasping, you arched your back, continuing to move your hips over his, using him to find release as his cock rested between your folds and the fabric of your silk panties. You felt yourself growing hot, needy, aroused, dripping along his length, making the sensation all the more electrifying.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, your entire body trembling. “I-I’m gonna come.” 
“Come,” he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. “Come on my cock, Angel. Let me feel you.” 
His words sent a rush of electricity through your body, out to every tingling limb and curled toe, and there was nothing you could do but lose the last shred of control you were holding onto. Your moans poured from your lips louder than before, but you had a hard time caring as the bliss swelled within you. 
You called out his name, again and again between desperate whimpers and gasps, thighs tightening around him as you rode out your orgasm, not slowing your pace until the wave washed over you.
When you relaxed against him, he took hold of your body, wrapping his arms around you as he began to thrust from below, fucking himself between your soaked folds and silk panties. After a few moments, you grew completely weak, allowing him to take control, allowing him to hold onto you, allowing him to use you to get off until the moment a sharp inhale filled your ears.
Thick ropes of white spilled from the hem of your panties, soaking through the fabric and coating your flesh. His breath stalled for a moment before he released another exhale, head falling back as his hips attempted to keep thrusting, yet he lost all momentum as the pleasure took hold of him.
You sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, surprised by the way his hands brush delicately over your hips, skimming across your lower back in a soothing motion. "What time do you get off tonight?"
You met his gaze. "Late, as usual," you replied, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. "Why do you ask?"
Spencer hesitated for a moment before answering, his hands still tracing soothing patterns on your back. 
"I was thinking... maybe we could continue this later," he admitted, his voice a low murmur. "In a more private setting."
You raised your eyebrows. "Is that part of the investigation, Dr. Reid?"
"It could be," A ghost of a smile touched his lips. "Or maybe I'm far from done with you."
“Oh?” Thoroughly amused, you hummed. "Is that so?"
He nodded and looked at you through half-lidded eyes. "Tell me what time you get off."
It wasn't a question anymore; it was a demand, and a shiver ran down your spine. 
God, you wanted to kiss him. You wanted to taste him, no, you needed to taste him. You had never craved someone as much as you did now. Maybe it was the unmistakable glint in his eye or the way he spoke to you then that had you caving in, or maybe it was the thought of his cock buried deep inside your cunt that your answer slipped off your tongue without much thought. 
It was too easy for you to tell him what time your shift ended when all you wanted was for him to fuck you senselessly.
"I finish at two," you quickly responded. 
Spencer's half-lidded eyes seemed to darken, his features betraying a hunger that mirrored your own desires. "Meet me at the back exit at two, then."
A coy smile played on your lips as you met his intense gaze. Honestly, you would let him fuck you right there and then, but you had to be patient. Time couldn't move faster than you wished. 
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jiminrings · 3 months
four seven eight, phase three: intermission.
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: jungkook hasn’t had any drinks so far, but he’s the rawest he’s ever been.
alternatively, jungkook has three separate conversations while he’s at the club.
[ part one, intermission, part two, intermission 02, finale — complete series masterlist, from phase 1 to 3 ]
Yoongi always finds some way to piss Jungkook off.
Your husband isn’t sure if he’s just that easy to piss off or if Yoongi really is an extremely annoying person that gets on everyone’s nerves (his especially), but regardless, your friend always finds some way to set him to the edge.
Jungkook almost bended a fork with his teeth when you called out baby along with your subsequent request for him to pass the sauce, but even before he could reach for said container, Yoongi (who was sitting on the other end of the table) dashes over to your seat to give you sauce and piss him off in the process.
He almost grabbed Yoongi by the hair that one time when you were on your last shot on your film camera and you wanted to take a photo of them, but right at the last second of you taking it, Yoongi told him there was a cockroach by his feet which immediately made it look like Jungkook was bowing to him. He’s already ripped up the picture as soon as you got it developed, but the anger at the seemingly surface-level tricks he pulled on him always ate at him.
Jungkook only texted Yoongi awhile ago, and while he wasn’t expecting an immediate reply given the time difference, he almost wished the latter didn’t even respond in the first place. 
you’re hwayoung’s godfather
look after her while i’m gone
The two of them have been civil, maybe even friendly at best, since yours and Jungkook’s month-long break before Hwayoung came along; Jungkook doesn’t expect much from Yoongi except for the bare minimum — the problem is that Yoongi himself wants to go above and beyond.
i know that
i don’t need you to be gone for me to look after hwayoung lol
Jungkook huffs at the insinuation, brows immediately knitted as he tries to focus his eyes on his phone that seems to be the brightest source of light in the dimmed, packed club.
He can admit to himself (to you too, but never to anyone else especially Yoongi) that he can sometimes go overboard looking in between the lines. It’s this nagging feeling in Jungkook’s brain that he needs to analyze everything from all angles when it concerns you and the people who are fond of you. It’s this irritating quirk of his that he himself hates because he can’t be placated at the thought of something, someone, getting in between the two of you.
Especially if it’s Yoongi, even if he’s already sworn up and down that he’s moved on from you.
Most especially Yoongi, who’s close to his family in more ways than one, now that he’s left for the meantime.
i’ll take care of y/n too dw :)
Jungkook seethes at that, his thumbs already moving on their own accord to type out a reply he barely has the consciousness to discern. He can’t bring himself to read in between the lines now; now, when he’s apart from you and Hwayoung and there’s neither a husband nor father figure at home, and now, when everything dawns on him that everything that’s happening now is real.
go fuck yourself
Everything in and out of Jungkook’s reach is real. The fight you had two days ago was indeed real, and what reminds him of that is your messages that only detail about Hwayoung and nothing else. Yoongi being h*mself which is an annoyance within its own, is real and is proved by the laughing reaction that he only attached to Jungkook’s very genuine, very offensive profanity.
Jungkook doesn’t have it in him to entertain the possibility that Yoongi’s only messing with him as per usual. He doesn’t have the energy to detangle the complicated knots in his mind that all point to him being the reason for his own undoing.
The only energy that your husband has at the moment is to switch apps, regulate his breathing, and head straight to the live footage from the security camera in Hwayoung’s room. Jungkook feels sane again (maybe even the feeling greater than contentment, but not more than happiness) when he sees the two of you pop up on screen, your laughs immediately drowning out the blaring music.
“My pretty girls,” he mumbles under his breath, his thumb twitching to switch between apps again and finally have the courage to actually talk to you about what happened and not just fawn over how Hwayoung’s breezing through her milestones while he’s been gone.
He hasn’t had anything to drink yet, and while he’s relieved at that, there’s a sense of cowardice that creeps up in Jungkook’s throat. He feels pathetic and unsurprisingly, characteristically weak when it comes to you.
Your husband settles for pushing the button that makes the security camera ding, indicating that he’s indeed watching you and Hwayoung, before he screws his eyes shut in fear that you’ll only scowl at him through the screen.
You don’t.
Instead, you only smile lightly. You’re tired and you’re filled with pent-up sentiments because you can’t exactly gossip to Hwayoung how her dad has been frustrating you to no end lately, and yet, you still smile for him because she’s watching.
There’s a knot that forms in his throat when you prop Hwayoung in front of the camera and coo at her to wave because he’s watching. There’s this unmistakeable sting behind Jungkook’s eyes because he’s reminded yet again that everything’s real; that unlike him, you’re not weak. 
You’re filled with so much love as evidenced by the way you look at Hwayoung with no fear at all of messing everything up, and it makes Jungkook choke over nothing. You have your fears too, but not one of them comes close to the degree that his doubts are in — perhaps you do have a fear of losing everything just like he does, except the resounding difference is that you’re not a coward like him.
Namjoon’s jostled him atleast three times for the past ten minutes and he’ll succumb to his friend sooner or later, but not now when Jungkook rethinks every word he’s ever said and how he misspoke, not now when he’s made the mistake of even calling Eunsu as his muse when he can’t even grasp the weight of the word when he calls someone else that in front of his wife.
Jungkook’s still a coward, with or without a drink, but he’s in the latter state when he brings out his other phone to finally call you.
He sees you flinch silently through the security camera, gaze averting from a napping Hwayoung on your lap to your phone that’s ringing. You purse your lips in hesitation yet you don’t quiver, accepting his call but not without looking straight at the camera before you do.
You’re neither unattached nor resigned with Jungkook — you’re simply stuck in the middle with him, even if the demarcation about who gets the shorter end of the stick is unclear.
“I didn’t mean anything I said last night,” he admits straightly, sparing no time as his chest tightens.
“You sounded like it,” you frown, absent-mindedly stroking Miso’s fur who just conjured out of nowhere at the exact time your husband called you.
“At the time, yes,” he sighs heavily, the knot in his throat refusing to unravel even if he’s already baring his truth. “But at that time too, I was beyond stupid a-and emotional. I wasn’t thinking straight, and I know me being drunk shouldn’t be an excuse,” Jungkook swallows, his hand cupping the air instead of a shot glass reminding him of his stupidity. “I was out of it. I couldn’t keep everything in check.”
Your voice remains hushed, but you don’t have it in you to discern if it’s only because Hwayoung is sleeping on your lap, or if talking to Jungkook lately robs you of your will to be on the same level as him.
“You could’ve told me as soon as you felt… that way, Jungkook.”
He sucks in a breath, chewing on his bottom lip as he tries not to cry rethinking about your fight. “I did try to, but as soon as you did, you asked me if taking care of Hwayoung felt like a chore to me.”
“Does it?” you ask again, ironically coinciding with Jungkook’s point that it makes him chuckle lightly. You were always so stubborn — almost always similar to his temperament.
“I respect you a lot, Y/N. You put a roof over over our heads, you put food on the table, you have everything figured out.”
“Jungkook,” you mumble, sensing the inevitable conjunction that separates the both of you further.
“But I’m the one who knows what I’m feeling the most, not you,” Jungkook sighs shakily, voice hushed even quieter than the way you look at him silently through the screen. 
He can see you, but you can’t see him. 
“We’re both parents to Hwayoung at the end of the day but in that— in that same day, you spend more time being the working parent while I’m the stay-at-home parent,” he confides, his tone gentle and slow unlike the way his drunken nature persuaded him otherwise. “Taking care of Young-ie isn’t a chore for me. Yes, it’s repetitive. I-it could be exhausting and draining but that’s what it comes with being a dad. I’m her dad. I’m the one who’s with her. I’m bound to feel this way,” he pauses, breath hitching. “I’m not asking you to forgive me right away for all the shit I said. I’ve been unfair springing all of this on you on such short notice.”
You look straight at the camera, bottom lip quivering as you wrap your head around Jungkook’s sober vulnerability.
“I’ve been unfair too,” you mutter, eyes downcast because even if you can’t see Jungkook, there’s a false image of him that floats in your mind, belittling you for not being enough. “I didn’t see it from your point of view.”
There’s only silence between the two of you, the noise of the club being expertly drowned out even through the distortion of the line.
“You can forgive me tomorrow or next week, even— but the sooner the better, of course,” Jungkook chides playfully after a few seconds, smiling to himself when he visibly sees the tension melt away from your shoulders.
“You’re annoying.”
“I’m asking you to give me a chance, baby. Give me a little leeway,” Jungkook pleads, in between light chuckles and strained desperation that an honest, sober husband like him could give to you while you’re long-distance. “Give me a little time to figure out a balance. I-I can’t be the best husband and dad that I want— need to be if I can’t figure myself out.”
“I get it,” you nod, your thumb unconsciously adjusting the wedding on your ring finger that’s become slightly askew. “But you promise me that you’ll come home, Jungkook,”
“I promise.”
“You have to promise me too that there’s no one else.”
“Y/N,” Jungkook tuts warningly, his confused frown at you being genuine in nature as if you could see him in real time trying to digest your paranoia. “Where’s this coming from?”
“Promise me,” you repeat again with a short-lived whine, the stirring of Hwayoung on your lap making his heart soften and your call interrupted.
“I promise.”
Jungkook relaxes into his seat, eyes still fixed on the security app on his phone as he watches you rock his daughter to sleep, pointing to the camera every now and then to tell her that her appa’s watching. 
Namjoon and Eunsu come over with drinks, and as much as there’s a momentary wave of relief that washes over Jungkook because he’s seeing familiar people, there’s a dubiously-coated type of tension that replaces the knot on his throat.
“Ah, my pretty producer,” Eunsu hands him his drink, looking past the platinum wedding band that Jungkook hadn’t dared to take off even once the whole trip, along with his phone that displays his family in full brightness. “I believe we haven’t met properly.”
435 notes · View notes
rubyreduji · 1 year
🧸 Woooo happy anniversary/3k! =D May I ask for a Woozi drabble? I'm thinking something along the lines of the reader being a witch/magic user but she's also a witch/magic user hunter, tracking down those that misuse their power against normal folk. She goes above and beyond to hide this from Woozi but he and a few of the members just so happen to be near during one of her fights. Plot twist: he already knew! Fluffy romance, if you please. I hope this is okay, thanks so much!
— sleepover event now over!! 🧸️
the witches in the woods - ljh
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summary: being a witch and a witch hunter is not always the easier, having to keep your two identities separate, but it’s the job you have to do to keep from your crush finding out
tags: fluff, witch & witch-hunter!reader, witch-hunter!jihoon, f!reader wc: 1.7k an: this made me miss watching the owl house lol </3 so some of the powers may be based off that…this is a bit more plot than fluff but i hope you enjoy!
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“Pull back! They outpower us!” You hear Seungcheol’s call from your earpiece.
You know if your whole team was here you guys would be able to take them on, but your whole team isn’t here, deciding to split up earlier. The thing is your split up team couldn’t take them, but you can. You tune out Seungcheol’s orders, continuing hot on the trail of the five witches ahead of you.
You can already feel your magic coursing through your veins as you start to gain on them. It’s been so long since you’ve been in a proper fight, always relying on your team rather than your powers, keeping them a secret from anyone else.
It’s not like being a witch is uncommon in this day and age, but when you work a job with the title “Witch Hunter” it’s probably best to keep that part of your identity secret. Though you’re fairly sure that even if your team did find out it wouldn’t change anything, you don’t want to run the risk if you don’t have to. 
That being said, you quite miss using your powers and you can help but let giddiness overtake you as you chase after the other witches. You can hear their snickers of joy, thinking they’ve gotten away, but you’re not going to let that happen.
You raise your hand, feeling your mind and body connect with the woods around you. You focus your energy into the tree branches before you clench your fist and drag it down, causing all of the branches to grow down into a wall, cutting off the path from the witches. Before they even have time to process what just happened, you throw your hand back into the air, raising vines from the ground to wrap around their bodies and suspend them in the air.
“What the- there!” One of them calls, pointing at where you stand a few feet away.
“A witch!” Another shouts.
“Traitor!” The first one yells. “You’re a witch, what are you doing helping the enemy?”
“Enemy?” You spit out. “The only enemy is you guys. No witch should ever misuse their powers yet you guys run around and do nothing but commit crimes. People are getting hurt because of you!”
The man chuckles. “What’s the point of powers if you can’t enjoy them? Who cares if some people get hurt? That adds to the fun!”
You roll your eyes. You don’t know why you’re standing here listening to them. They’re the ones who are on the unfortunate side of this predicament. 
You wrap a vine around their mouths in hopes to shut them up as you reach for the anti-magic cuffs on your belt. You push the vines to the ground, pinning the witches down. You move over to them, snapping the cuffs on the loud-mouthed man who is clearly the leader of them. He curses you out the whole time and you wish you also had tape on you to shut him up.
You’ve clicked the cuff on the second person and are moving to the third when you hear a shout. “Y/N!” It’s Jihoon. 
Jihoon, the one person who absolutely can not find out you’re a witch. Not only due to your eensy weensy crush on him, but also due to the fact that he comes from the longest standing dynasty of witch hunters. 
In a mere second, your concentration is lost, the vines loosening their grips on the witches, allowing the three uncuffed ones to quickly break out of them. Out of the corner of the eye you see a flash from the trees and you recognize the figure as Jihoon.
“Y/N, watch out!” You whip around to see a rock hurtling towards your face. You quickly shoot your hand up, stopping the rock and making it crumble into tiny pieces. A flicker of shock passes the attacking witch’s face. 
Jihoon isn’t the only one coming from a long line of powerful people. It’s not common for witches to be able to harness multiple kinds of magic, but you’re a bit special.
Normally if it was just you, you’d be able to wipe all three of the witches out, but you now have to think about Jihoon standing a few feet behind you. You don’t have much time to assess the situation either, with attacks coming at you from three ways. It’s taking all of your energy and focus just to be on defense, let alone offense.
“Y/N!” You can hear Jihoon’s approaching and you quickly create a vine to block him off from the fight.
“Jihoon, stay back! I have it covered.” A fireball shoots past your head right as you say this and you quickly pull your attention back to the fight.
You sweep your arm in one large arc, growing the ground up to trap the witches’ feet. With the few seconds of distress you’ve put them in you regrow the vines around their bodies, trapping their hands to their sides. 
You don’t allow yourself to lose focus this time, carefully placing the handcuffs securely on the final three witches’ wrists. They’re all grumbling as you do so, even one going far as to spit at your feet.
Once all five of them are firmly secured again, you finally withdraw Jihoon’s restraints. You don’t look at him as you hear him call Seungcheol through your communication devices, giving him the update on your positions and the status of the witches.
You busy yourself with getting yourself recomposed until Seungcheol and Vernon run up. “Woah,” Seungcheol mutters, looking at the damage of the woods and the vines wrapped around the witches. “Well, uhm, good work team. Let’s gather up the others and get these guys out of here.”
No one speaks about the elephant in the room as your team regroups and waits for the people from the Witch Hunter’s Association to come and pick the witches up. As soon as Seungcheol releases you all, you quickly book it, heading far away from your team.
“Y/N, wait!” Somehow in just two words, dread fills your body. You want to run away, or even use a spell to disappear, but you know you can’t run away forever. You take a deep breath before turning around to face the one and only Lee Jihoon.
You can’t read the emotion on his face and you can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing. Deep down you know that Jihoon won’t do anything to you, but that doesn’t help the way your throat tightens as you stare at him. You’re both still in your hunter gear and you really take in Jihoon. He looks exactly like his father, the man most notorious for locking away the most witches in the history of witch hunters.
The gear looks comfortable on his body, his boots well worn and his pants faded from prolonged use. His gloves and goggles both stick out of his pockets and his belt is well loaded with gear, Jihoon never low in stock.
You open your mouth, like you’re about to say something, but the words don’t come out and you’re glad they don’t because you’re not sure what you even want to say. You close your mouth instead.
“Can we talk?” Jihoon’s voice is soft, like he’s also unsure of his words.
“U-uhm, su-ure,” you say, hating the shakiness in your voice.
“Let’s walk.” Jihoon starts to walk, walking past you as he does. You’re forced to follow, a few steps behind him. “You know, I was never going to go into this field. I was going to be the first in my family to do something that wasn’t witch hunting, yet here I am. Ask me why?”
“Because I wanted to be better than my dad. Better than the rest of my whole family.” For a second, you wonder if Jihoon is going to kill you right here on the spot. “My job as a witch hunter is to incarcerate every bad witch, and to protect every good witch from dangers coming from their own people, and from my own people.”
Your pace slows down as you listen to Jihoon talk, eventually stopping just so you can stare at him. Jihoon senses you’re not with him anymore and stops as well, turning to face you. His gaze finally meets yours for the first time since in the woods. 
“I’m not mad at you Y/N. I don’t care that you’re a witch, because you’re a good person. You’re my friend, and you’ve proved time and time again where your morals stand. Everyone on the team knows that too, so don’t be afraid. Not to mention you’re a valuable asset to us, we’d be fools to let you go over something as trivial as something you can’t change about yourself.”
Your body is flooded with relief. Your heart lightens at Jihoon’s words.
“I- thank you,” you say, tears brimming in your eyes.
Jihoon walks closer to you, so you’re face to face. “I may have…also known,” he admits.
You go slack jawed. “How?!”
Jihoon chuckles at you. “When you come from a long line of witch hunters you learn to pick up on things, and it’s not like your own lineage is too secretive. I may have also caught you using your powers one day.”
You groan, causing Jihoon to laugh again.
“I don’t know why I was so worried,” you murmur. “I know you and the guys on the team aren’t like that…but-”
“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad that we’re good.”
“Yeah…good,” you mutter. You and Jihoon stand there in silence for a moment and you wonder if this is your cue to part ways. You’re about to walk away from Jihoon when he stops you.
“Actually I uh…if you wouldn’t mind, would you perhaps tell me more about witches? Maybe over dinner one night?”
You raise an eyebrow at Jihoon. “Was that an attempt…to ask me out?”
You try to hide your giddiness at the idea, choosing to tease him instead.
You watch as Jihoon’s ears turn red. “I- maybe. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be focused on the witch thing. You’re so much more than that. So Y/N, will you please do me the honors of letting me take you out for dinner, on a date? And we don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to.”
You grin at Jihoon, wide and bright. “I would love to. And don’t worry, I’ll give you all the details about being a witch. Maybe you’ll even get to meet my parents.”
Jihoon turns even redder, and you’re not sure if it’s from the notion of him meeting your parents, or him coming in contact with some of the most powerful witches of the century. Either way, you’re sure that dating Jihoon is going to be nothing but fun.
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xeenybobean · 1 year
Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader
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Prompt from anonymous on google forms: Y/N returns to their hometown and realizes they still like Pavitr. 
Word Count: 3k
Tags: @bluenotes75
Note: To be honest when I thought about writing this I instantly thought about the little mermaid's original back story where the prince falls in love with another girl and the little mermaid was tasked to kill him to stay human, if she couldn’t she’d remain a mermaid forever, but since she loved the prince so much she couldn’t bare to do it so she jumped into the ocean. To me, I feel like the lyrics of the song just match this whole idea about feelings and Pavitr doesn’t feel the same way. 
Lowkey don't see barely any stories on my lovely sweetheart darling Pavitr so here you go, my baby! :)
Summary: you've liked the cute boy Pavitr for quite some time ever since you guys became friends you instantly started to like him with his wide smile, his warm positive energy, and the way his family accepted you into their family with open arms just made it better. Having tea time with Pavitr and his aunt just made your day. You thought you guys had something serious together, but you couldn’t have been more wrong than you’ve ever been in your whole life. Soon your heart was crushed you found out you were moving and that you might not ever see the man you love ever again..the day you left was heartbreaking for both you and Pavitr, he was heartbroken and didn’t want to let you go, he loved your company and you were his only friend from his universe, he couldn’t bare to lose you. But yet you slipped through his fingertips like quicksand... 
You never thought you’d come back to your hometown until it was summertime, just to be heartbroken once more like the night you left just to come back to your hometown to see the one you love with someone else... 
⚠Warning!!⚠: Sadness |Lots of angst|Sadly no fluff |Moving on to some type of closure?|Maybe? I’m not sure lol|
How long has it been since you left your hometown? The man you loved to the moon and back? It's been 4 years. Ever since your parents got a new job and you got accepted in the most prestige school ever and in those 4 years you’ve learned proper etiquette, manners, ways to respond to certain situations, learning to correct your posture, learning the difference between a desert spoon and a soup spoon. And throughout all those 4 years you’ve changed from a carefree person to a more strict and proper young lady but in those 5 years there was only one thing and one thing only that made you push harder towards your goals, it was him. 
Pavitr..he made your heart race, he made you, you,  he was hurt the other half, well you’d like to think of it that way at least. The night you left just tore a hole in your heart as you hugged your best friend and your long-time crush as he cried into your shoulder holding you as close as he could ever hold anyone. He begged over and over again begging you to stay with him, that you needed to stay, he offered you to stay at his parent's place but you couldn’t accept, not because you didn’t want to but because your parents didn’t want you to stay here in the first place. 
“Please don’t go N/N” you heard your best friend begging you to stay as his hold squeezed around your body. You didn’t know what to do o say, your words were stuck in your throat as they grew dry all you did was hold your best friend not knowing when you could ever see him again. Here is his voice. Seeing his smile. Feeling his touch. This was the final time you’d be seeing all those things and hearing all those things. 
That night still haunts you to this day as you walked out of the train station with a language in your hand as you dragged it off the train as began walking to find the nearest cab. You were finally home. After 4 long years, you couldn’t wait to see him. After so long you missed playing with his hair, holding him close, seeing him smile, laughing with him, smiling with him, and heck even talking to him!! Even though you were now proper you knew you could loosen up all those 4 years of hard work in one second when you saw him. 
You scrolled through your phone through your old texts with Pavitr and you found the address he sent you a while ago. You walked out of the crowded station and called for a taxi cab and to your surprise one came right away, something was looking up you could feel it in your stomach as butterflies emerged from them filling your body with joy and excitement.
The only reason you were back home in the first place was that you had a 6-month break and you couldn’t wait to spend it with your best friend who was still a crush you’d longed to see for so long.. Even though you both texted here and there it wasn’t the same... The taxi driver took your leagues as you sit in the back seat of the fresh-smelling cab handing him the addresses and he began to drive and of course traffic. But you couldn’t help but smile you missed every single detail of your home town from the food, heck even the traffic that you hated the most living here made you smile! You were in such a good mood nothing could stop or change your feeling. 
You looked out the window falling in love with the city you grew up in all over again as you decided to rest your eyes to pass the time and to your surprise you were now in front of your favorite place in the whole city his home. You got out of the cab and tipped the driver as he handed you your belongings, you thanked him and bowed slightly as you quickly ran up the stairs to knock on the door only to be greeted by the woman who’d watch over you the most. 
Her eyes widened as she quickly pulled you into a huge tight hug not even letting you speak as she held you close to her pressing kisses all over your forehead. 
“Welcome back N/N! It's been so long! How was the flight huh? Did you get here safely?” she pulled away and cupped your face moving your face back and forth. 
“My you have gotten prettier over the years I see! Does Pavitr know you here? he’s going to be thrilled!” she said as she squeezed you tighter. You smiled and hugged the Pavitr’s aunt tighter as you both pulled away she quickly took your stuff. 
“It's nice to see you again aunty..” you spoke softly as you walked in taking your shoes off as your body melted with the scent of the species you’ve missed so much. You finally felt at home again as you closed the door behind you gently as Pavitr’s aunt put your stuff near the couch.
“He’s on the balcony per usual! I’m sure you know the way hm?” she said flashing you a smile as she went back to the kitchen, she knew you had a thing for her son but she couldn’t bare to tell you her son has fallen in love with the police captain's daughter Gayatri. She couldn’t bare to tell you the sad news since you knew it would crush you like a rock...
You quickly nodded as your heart began to race faster and faster with each step you took up the stairs you found yourself practically running up the apartment complex’s stairs to the main balcony where you saw the man you loved and missed the most. You smiled widely, you were going to say his name but you stopped. Your eyes grew wide as you saw him kissing a girl.
The man you loved... For the longest time even when you were apart were kissing another girl. You bit your cheek harshly as you stood a good distance between the two of them watching them. The way he stared at her. The way his hand was placed on her cheek caressing it ever so gently like she was the most precious thing in the world was what you’ve wanted all your life. You were conflicted with emotions. You've waited so long to tell him. You waited so long, 4 years for god sake just to come back to your hometown to see him kissing another girl. How you wished it was you.
You didn’t even notice the tears running down your cheeks as you touched your cheeks to wipe them gently. You didn’t know if you wanted to call out to him anymore but.. God you missed him so much. You shifted slightly causing his spider senses to go off as he turned around to see you.
His eyes grew wide as he rubbed them thinking you were just an illusion but no you were real. He quickly got up on his feet as his girlfriend Gayatri looked at him in confusion she then looked forward to seeing you. She's heard about you through Pavitr. 
“N/N?.. Is that..really you?..” he asked as he felt a lump in his throat as he started at you from a distance. You couldn’t form words all you did was cry as you opened out your arms for him widely and boy did he run.. He ran like no tomorrow..he tackled you to the cold hard ground as he cried his heart out. He was so happy to see you again. To hold you..to hear your voice. To smell your sweet scent. He’s missed everything about you.
You lost your balance when he tackled you to the ground, you instantly wrapped your arms around him hugging him tightly as you humanly possibly could as he dug a hole in your neck laughing slightly as tears rushed down his eyes as your hands made their way to his hair as you ran your fingers weakly through them. 
“I’ve missed you so damn much you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hold you again..” you mumbled softly as you felt him hugging you tighter, he didn’t care that his girlfriend saw him like this he just cared about you right now. You chuckled slightly as your tears ran down your face faster, you felt like you were in a dream. Not the best dream but you were glad to hold him so close to you all over again. 
“I’ve missed you more. I-i thought you’d never come back again..” he whispered into your ear as he looked at you and wiped your tears slightly as he pressed his forehead against yours as you both laughed, just happy to be in each other presence after years apart. Well everyone except you, boy were you crushed.
You were crying for two reasons. One because you were happy to see the man you liked for years but you were sad and crushed..like a building had fallen on you and crushed your whole heart because his heart doesn’t belong to you.
He noticed that you were still crying as he continued to wipe your tears then getting off of you and helping you up. You got up and saw his girlfriend walking to the two of you. She looked nice and had a warm smile on her face, you noticed Pavitr walking away from you to wrap his arm around his girlfriend's waist as he introduced her to you. 
“Babe this is my beast friend Y/N! The girl I told you about!” he said smiling widely at you as she did the same extending her hand out to you. God, you wanted to slap it away and run but you maintained composure and smiled weakly
“Hey, my name is Gayatri it’s nice to finally meet the girl my boyfriend has been talking about nonstop!” she said chuckling slightly as you shook her hand gently and then pulled away. You felt your stomach in knots, that was supposed to be YOU not HER, YOU. you inhaled gently and tried to put a smile on your face but god was it so hard. 
“Nice to meet you... Didn't think Pavitr could manage to pull someone as beautiful as you.” you teased slightly as the three of you laughed slightly you being the last one to stop as you looked down to the ground, Pavitr and Gayatri noticed this as she kissed his cheek telling him she’d be downstairs with his aunt. 
“It was nice meeting you Y/N” she spoke softly as she left the balcony leaving you two alone. When she left you instantly felt a pair of warm hands caressing your face making you look up. You met his warm gaze and god that was your breaking point... You couldn't help but cry as his expression turned into a worried one as he moved closer to you continuously wiping your teasers trying to calm you down. 
“Hey hey... What's wrong... Talk to me..” he said softly. Now was your chance to tell him how you felt for him after all this time..you inhaled sharply as your eyes grew red and puffy, and you bit your inner cheek harshly as you looked away from his warm gaze you’ve missed all of this time. You took a mental note and tried to hype yourself up telling yourself you could do this, this was your chance to tell him how you truly felt. Here it goes... 
“I love you,” you spoke quickly as you moved his hands away from your face, your back turning to face him as he stood there making sure he heard correctly. 
“Y-you love me N/N?..” you heard his voice and his tone sounding confused like he never thought you would ever like him, you were like a sister to him, and he never thought those moments spent with you were because you had romantic feelings towards him. He placed a hand on your shoulder gently and made you look at him and his heart broke, he could see the pain and anger in your eyes... You were a mess and you knew it. You didn’t know if you could even say another word to him without breaking down as you put your lip harshly trying to hold your tears back. 
“Yes, I love you, you idiot! Who wouldn’t love you? You are so sweet, kind, and caring, you always know how to make me laugh! Cheering me up! Being by my slide!..being you..” You looked away as you wiped your tears, his gaze fixated on you made the knot in your stomach grow, you felt like you were going to throw up right here right now. Pavitr didn’t know what to say but all he did was stare and try to process how much you loved him... He moved his hands from your shoulders to hold your face in your hands as he stared into your glossy eyes... He could tell how bad this was eating you up. 
“I love you so much... But.. but you have someone else..someone who you love and it’s not me..” You got out of his grasp and he hesitated... He wanted to hold you so bad but you slipped out of his hands like grains of sand like the night you left... He felt a knot in his stomach as he saw your back facing him. 
“She loves you..and you love her. I’m glad you are happy you deserve it, my love..” you mumbled softly as you completely broke down you needed to leave now. 
“I need to go,” you said quickly as you ran off of the balcony onto the staircases your hands gripped onto the railing to support you as you were now downstairs, Gayatri looking at you with sadness in her eyes.. She felt bad but decided to say nothing. Pavitr chased after you and watched you grabbing your luggages. No, he couldn’t lose you again. He stood in front of the door blocking it as your eyes met his. There was no way in hell he would lose you and not do anything... He refused to go down that path once more but you knew deep down you needed to get out of here..you shook your head. 
“No. I am not losing you again N/N..please.” His cheeks were stained with tears as you looked at him your heart just broke into a million pieces as you tried to pry him off of the door he wouldn’t budge..his voice was cracking as he cried, and he stared at you begging for you to stay. 
“N/N I can’t and will not lose you again. Please... I-i’m begging you.” you stared into his eyes searching them as your own grew glossier by the second... You couldn’t bare to see him like this... You caused his pain and you just couldn't live with someone you loved knowing you still had feelings for him. You knew deep down he will never love you, not in any universe were you two together..and you knew it... You were destined to love him and he was destined to love someone else...
“I’m sorry Pavitr... B-but it’s for the best. I-I’m sorry I love you with all my heart..” you said as you placed a kiss on his forehead. His eyes grew wide as he stared at you. He was about to say something but before he knew it you knocked him out with a combat technique he taught you a while back before you left your hometown. You watch him falling to the floor as his girlfriend rushed to his side.
You gathered your belongings and rushed out of the apartment tears stinging your eyes as he quickly gained consciousness once more and got out of his girlfriend's grasp as he chased after you calling out your name over and over again but nothing. He tried to grasp your hand but you were too quick to get into the cab as he watched you drive off... He lost you again...
Even though I am not happy... I'm happy to see you happy..even though it is not with me... 
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mayflysdie · 6 months
Familiar contact- A John price fic.
Random inspo I had, but hopefully people enjoy it. I stayed up till 7am writing it lol. Might make something out of this but I idk yet.
I have attention span issues so if it veer off, please don’t come at me for it. I’ve skimmed over it, but there’s probably some things I missed and grammatical mistakes. Thank you❤️
Word count: 3k+
MDNI- mature themes, language, choking, supernatural beings, dark themes.
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I told myself to be home by midnight, before the hunting hour started. To lock myself safely in my home, surrounded by wards.
Sigils adorned the doors and windows, passed down from generation to generation by witches determined to protect their dwellings.
The eerie stillness of the night was broken by distant howls and screams, while sinister whispers lured unsuspecting victims into their grasp. These cunning creatures preyed upon human greed, offering promises of fulfilling desires before revealing their true, malevolent nature through blood-red eyes hidden within the shadows.
"I'll give you everything you desire"
" You will desire nothing else, if you come closer"
I pay no heed to their twisted tongues, for I know the moment I look their way, or so much as utter a word, I'll be trapped in their soulless hell. Become a mindless creature like them, existing only to feed on souls until the earth turns to dust.
And I refuse to become one.
I pull my coat tighter around me, trying to shield myself from the biting chill. But it seems to seep through every layer, penetrating deep into my bones. Come to us.
The gusts seem to have a life of their own, swirling and dancing around me, almost taunting me with their strength. As I trudge through the forest, trees now look twisted and tortured under the relentless assault of the wind. Nothing on this earth is truly safe from their wicked powers.
Their branches whip back and forth, creaking as if in pain. Some of them have already succumbed, their broken limbs littering the ground like casualties of war. Despite the fierce resistance of the trees, the wind shows no signs of letting up. It blows with such force that I struggle to keep my balance, stumbling over rocks and roots that are hidden beneath a carpet of leaves. My hair is wild and tangled, whipped into a frenzy by the wind's powerful grasp. 
As I stand in the midst of this chaotic scene, I can feel the energy of the whispers pulsating through the air. They seem to be growing more desperate by the second, their voices becoming more urgent and insistent. These phantom entities, longing for control over my soul, reach out towards me with ethereal hands that pass right through my body.
But I refuse to acknowledge them, refusing to give them the power they so desperately crave. Meanwhile, the trees around me struggle against the relentless force of the wind. Some bend and sway gracefully, while others are unable to withstand the intense pressure and break, crashing to the ground with a loud thunderous sound. My heart aches at the sight of these ancient trees, some of them hundreds of years old. Despite surviving in such a harsh environment, they stood tall and thrived, only to be struck down by the dark forces of hell.  Life is truly, cruel.
My small home, tucked away in the dense forest, comes into view. Smoke curls out of the chimney and warm light spills through the windows, creating a comforting glow. Thick moss clings to the weathered stone walls, leading up to the old black roof. A protective barrier of sturdy stone surrounds my home, making it feel like a fortress. My pace quickens as I approach, eager to escape the eerie whispers and relentless winds that seem to follow me. But as I near my house, all sounds of nature cease and an ominous silence settles over the land. My steps falter as my eyes narrow, scanning for any signs of danger.
Suddenly, a swirling mist materializes to my right, coalescing into the form of a tall, muscular man. Curled horns protrude from his head and his bright red eyes lock onto mine with malicious intent. My heart races as I realize he is a demon - not just any demon, but one of great power and influence. I recognize him from my extensive research on the seven gates of hell - standing before me is none other than John Price himself, ruler and master of all seven gates.
In a deep, smooth voice with a British accent, he sneers at me with a wicked grin. "Well hello there, little witch," he says mockingly as he takes slow steps towards me. Fear courses through my body like ice water. Why does his voice sound so familiar? That nickname….
“ John” I say, somehow holding my voice steady despite the tremble in my body. my hands twitch at my sides, ready to defend myself. “ what do you want?” I hiss. but he just smiles even wider, tilting his head at me. 
“ Can’t I visit a lonely little witch? whom lives by herself in the forest”. He steps closer. 
“ no, you cannot. I have no business with you, demon” 
A sharp gasp escapes my lips as he materializes in front of me. He leans down, bringing us eye-to-eye, his intense gaze locking with mine. The scent of smoke and fresh pine fills my nostrils, mingling together in an intoxicating combination. His long fingers, slender yet strong, grasp my chin firmly yet gently, his thumb lightly caressing my cheek. His touch, it feels familiar too. But why?
“ Been watching you, darling. A nasty little witch you are” His breath fans my face, our close proximity jolting my senses back into place. 
I grit my teeth, taking another cautious step back as his hands fall from my face. His amusement is evident in the glittering mischief in his eyes and the sly curve of his lips. I feel a surge of electricity tingling at my fingertips, slowly spreading up my arm until bolts of raw energy flicker and dance beneath my skin. With a few whispered chants, I channel the power and unleash a dazzling bolt of lightning towards him. The air crackles with anticipation as the bright beam strikes the earth where he stands, sending up a cloud of dust in its wake. The ground trembles beneath me, humming with residual energy. 
my eyes narrow as the dust fades away, and there he stands. a cloud of mist surrounding him in a protective barrier.  This grimy little bitch.
“ Now darling, that wasn’t very nice”
“ Oh really? thought i’d give you a proper welcome” I sneer, my fingers twitching again. my mind reeling for a plan.  My grandmother never said anything about defending myself against the king of hell. What the hell am I supposed to do.
The mist around him disappears into the earth. He crosses his arms.
" Well you could do me" he retorts and I frown. Get out of my head!
I send another bolt his way, and he deflects it with a flick of his wrist. John's laughter echoes through the forest, sending shivers down my spine.
" What do you want John. I haven't broken any laws, nor did I summon you".
His eyes gleam with amusement as he takes a leisurely stroll around me, his steps echoing in the unnatural silence that surrounds us.
"I do love a feisty one," he muses, his voice smooth like silk yet carrying an underlying edge of danger. "But I'm not here for your misdeeds, dear witch. No, I am here for something far more intriguing."
My heart pounds in my chest as I try to maintain a façade of calmness, even as his presence threatens to overwhelm me. "Then what is it that you seek from me, demon?" I demand, my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at the edges of my mind.
John Price's smile widens, revealing a row of perfectly straight and gleaming white teeth that seem to glint in the dim light. As he approaches me, his footsteps fall with an air of confidence and authority. He stops in front of me, tilting his head to reveal the sharp angles of his jawline beneath his beard, and the way the moonlight catches in his dark hair.
"I have come to claim you, little witch," he purrs, his voice low and smooth like velvet. I can feel his warm breath on my skin as he speaks.
"Claim me? What the fuck are you talking about?" I snap back, my anger boiling over at his bold words.
"Your coven, centuries ago, promised me a bride if I granted them power," he explains, his eyes never leaving mine. "Twenty generations from then, a woman will be born with powers stronger than any witches before her. And only she will be worthy of becoming my bride." A knowing smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth as he finishes his declaration.
And if I could've sent every last bit of my powers away, I would have on spot. Simply bag them and ship them off to the next person.
The earth trembles beneath my feet, my anger coursing through me like molten lava. My eyes blaze with a fiery red intensity as I bring my hand up to meet his chest. The wind responds to my rage and strengthens, pushing him back with a forceful gust. He stumbles several feet before landing gracefully on his feet, a smug smirk plastered across his face. I grit my teeth, wishing desperately to wipe that lecherous expression off of his creepy features. "My, my," he purrs, "those eyes are like untamed flames."
He watches me with a mixture of amusement and fascination as I confront him with a strength that surprises even myself. The air crackles with tension as we stand facing each other, a silent battle of wills raging between us. I can feel the power coursing through my veins, a primal energy that demands release.
With a fierce determination, I raise my hands towards the sky, calling upon the elements to aid me in this dire moment. The wind howls in response, whipping my hair around my face like a dark shroud. The trees sway in a wild dance, their leaves rustling in a chorus of support.
John Price's eyes widen with recognition as he senses the ancient magic surging around me. In a swift motion, he raises his own hands, summoning shadows that twist and coil at his command. Darkness engulfs him as he prepares to strike back with his formidable powers. No, he’d never hurt me. But how do I know that?
Emotions wage a war inside me.
But I am ready for him. With a primal scream that echoes through the forest.
With a fierce cry, I unleash a bolt of lightning so powerful that it reverberates through the earth, leaving my body trembling with its force. The smell of ozone fills the air as electricity crackles around us, sending shockwaves into the ground and trees. And then suddenly, I am flying backwards, my back slamming against a rough bark of a tree. The impact knocks all the air from my lungs and I land on all fours, gasping for breath.
Through the haze of pain and confusion, I see John lying on the ground, his body smoking from the electric blast. Despite my own discomfort, anger surges within me. I grit my teeth as I struggle to stand, my muscles protesting from the jarring impact. God that hurts like a bitch.
But even as I rise, determined to keep fighting, I hear him chuckling. It is a sinister sound that sends shivers down my spine. My eyes narrow as I face him, ready to take him down. As if I could, I know I’m not strong enough.
"That's what I need," he groans as he stands, brushing off his clothes with an air of nonchalance. His red eyes have returned to their normal state, but they seem even darker now - like staring into a void.
"You want more?" I growl, raising my hands to strike again. But he raises his own in a mocking surrender. "I don't wish to fight you, little witch," he says with a sly smile. "A man should never harm a woman."
His words are like a slap in the face to me. This man is supposed to be the king of Hell, yet he claims to be against hitting women? I scoff in disbelief.
"Oh please," I retort. "Don't expect me to believe that for a second."
He shrugs as if it doesn't matter to him one way or another. And then suddenly, mist begins to form around my feet and up over my body. It spreads like a thick fog, rendering me immobile. Panic sets in as I struggle to break free.
"Let me go!" I shout, squeezing my eyes shut as I try to force myself out of the misty grip. But it seems to have a will of its own, keeping me firmly in place.
" I can't do that, love". He appears behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I hiss at the contact, his touch sending jolts through my skin.
“Now sleep, my love” He whispers. and I curse myself, as my eyes start to grow heavy. “w-what”. 
I am jolted into consciousness, my body drenched in a cold sweat. My mind pulsates with a throbbing ache, as if being relentlessly pounded by a massive block of stone. With wide eyes, I frantically scan my unfamiliar surroundings.
It is then that I notice John seated in the corner of the room, engrossed in a book. His calm demeanor reveals no trace of concern or surprise, almost as if abducting people is just another routine task for him.
The audacity of this man! I want to strangle him.
"Where the hell have you taken me?" I shout at him, but he simply ignores me. Fine, if we're playing games now.
I curl my index finger and softly whisper a few words. Suddenly, his chair bursts into flames, scorching his backside. He springs up from his seat, dropping his book and grabbing his now charred rear end. As he curses and flails about, I smirk at him.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" I mock with a smug tone.
The fiery gaze of John meets my own as he casually pats his still-smoking ass. My questioning eyes shift to the discarded book on the ground, my raised eyebrow expressing confusion. "A cook book? Is that truly your book of choice?" I prod. He responds with an eye roll, snatching the book from the floor in annoyance.
Maybe I'm unhinged for being so casual at the moment, but my head hurts too much to really care. I'll unpack this after ibuprofen.
“You insufferable woman, you ruined my favorite armchair,” John seethes, pointing to the charred remains. I roll my eyes, unimpressed by his dramatics. You just kidnapped a witch and you're over here fretting over a chair.
“Take me back home,” I demand, standing my ground.
“No,” he replies firmly, a hint of anger in his voice. What is wrong with this man?
“Yes, I refuse to be your unwilling wife,” I argue, climbing out of bed and trailing after him as he storms into his closet. He pulls out a pair of unburned pants.
“You don’t have a say in this matter,” he declares. I cross my arms in defiance, scoffing at his arrogance.
“Because forcefully taking a wife against her will always make for a happy marriage,” I retort sarcastically.
My cheeks flush with embarrassment when he casually removes his burnt pants, standing only in his undergarments. "Jesus!" I exclaim, quickly turning around to face the wall. He chuckles behind me, clearly amused by my discomfort. " Jesus is not here, darling"
oh fuck right off.
I hear the sound of a zipper, followed by his footsteps approaching. I turn around, bumping my nose into his chest. not expecting him to stand so close. “ the hell” I mumble, rubbing my nose.
“ let me see this contract my coven signed. there’s got to be a loophole. I mean, why me? there’s other witches out there”.
I follow him out of the closet. He spins around, pushing me against the wall. I narrow my eyes, lifting a finger to zap his ass when he slowly pushes my finger down. as if I just showed him an ugly photo.
he then places both his hands on either side of my head. “ be a good girl and hush, yeah?”.
his low husky voice sends a shiver down my spine. fuck me, what’s wrong with me.
“ You be a good boy and release me, yeah?” I mock, smiling.
his hand slithers up to my throat, grabbing it tightly. he growls, I feel the rumble in his chest against mine. 
"You wouldn't dare," I gasp, struggling to breathe as his grip tightens around my neck. The fear in my eyes is unmistakable, a raw and primal emotion that courses through my veins like poisoned venom.
"Try me," he snarls, his voice low and dangerous. I can see the darkness within him, the deep-seated hatred and anger that has been simmering inside him for centuries. So much for not harming women, huh? bipolar asshole.
And then, without warning, he lets go of my throat. There's a strange mixture of relief and disappointment that washes over me as he steps back. He crosses his arms over his chest, his eyes firmly fixed on me.
" All I want is for you to accept your fate and become my wife. I want no one else but you" His voice is calm, almost soothing, but there's an underlying edge to it.
His words prick at something in my brain, erupting pain through my skull.
I glare fiercely at him, mustering all my hate into my eyes. As if that alone could poof him into dust. " Fuck you, you crazy bipolar demon"
He shakes his head, walking away from me. leaving me standing against the wall, mind reeling and grasping for any ration response.
I mean, not even ten hours ago I was freely walking through the forest on my own, collecting herbs. And now, I'm stuck god knows where with a demon who claims I'm his bride.
But why does it feel like I know him?
My head pounds, sharp pain piercing my temples. I cry out, grabbing the sides of my head as I crouch down. Whispers ringing in my ears, the voices of my mother and grandmother.
As fragmented images race through my thoughts, I am transported back in time. Current reality intertwines with hazy flashbacks, creating a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions. In one vivid recollection, I am young and standing in my mother's bedroom. Her screams echo off the walls as she fiercely argues with my grandmother.
Tears stream down her cheeks, "I will take her away, far from his reach." With a forceful shove, she pushes my grandmother out of the way and storms into the closet. Mom, why are you crying.
Overwhelmed by the intense scene before me, I tremble and cry silently. Despite my limited understanding at the time, I know that something is gravely amiss, and it involves me. "There's not a place in heaven or hell where he won't find her, Eylean. Our ancestors made the deal, and there's nothing we can do to stop it" My grandmother argues, chasing after my mother.
Come outside, sweetheart. A voice whispers in my head, gentle and comforting. Come to me.
I do as the voice says, running out of my mothers room. My little legs struggling to keep up with the fast pace, threatening to misstep. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I ran, adrenaline driving me forward. The sound of the back door slamming echoed in my ears, a reminder of the argument that had just taken place, the booming voices inside. Tears blurred my vision as I stumbled towards the stone fence, desperate to get away from the chaos inside.
Why, why me?
With trembling hands, I gripped onto the rough edges of the stones and pulled myself up and over the fence. My clothes snagged against the sharp edges, leaving small tears and scrapes on my skin. But I don't care. All I want is to reach my safe haven. As I reached the other side, my feet hit the soft grass and I took off running again. The cool air brushed against my tear-stained cheeks as I made my way towards the massive red oak tree. It stood tall and proud, its branches reaching towards the sky as if welcoming me with open arms. With shaky breaths, I collapsed against the trunk of the tree. The vines that twisted around it provided a sense of comfort, almost like they were hugging me. I wrapped my arms around my knees and buried my face in my legs, letting out loud sobs as I tried to calm my racing thoughts and emotions.
The wind started to howl, the force of it whipping through my hair and stinging my cheeks. I could feel tears sliding down my face as I tried to make sense of what was happening. The wind calmed, replaced by the sudden cold chill in my bones. Raising my head slowly, I glanced around through my blurry vision. Through the mist that had settled in front of me, I saw a figure emerge. It was a man, his large build crouching down in front of me. As he placed a comforting hand on my knee, I caught a glimpse of his bright blue eyes. They were like pools of clear water, sparkling and drawing me in.
Despite my fear and confusion, I couldn't help but gaze into them, feeling strangely captivated. A small smile tugged at the corners of the man's mouth, as if he were trying his best to offer comfort. His voice, deep and soothing, was one that I recognized from earlier. The sound of his accent brought a slight sense of familiarity. He spoke softly, reassuring me, "It's okay sweetheart. You're safe here." But I couldn't stop the sobs that wracked my body, my mind still reeling from the events that had just unfolded. "But they're fighting," I hiccupped, shaking my head. "Mommy says a bad man is going to get me." My words came out barely audible through my tears, but the man seemed to understand.
He moves to sit down beside me, our body’s brushing against each other.
“ I’m already here, little witch”
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nametakensff · 11 months
Warm Night In for Steddie?
So I was aiming for about 3k but here's 4.7k of these two lol
Mutual fetish AU one shot! S/teve and E/ddie finally get to spend a night together after a couple of weeks of not seeing each other - E/ddie is a little chilly from the trip to S/teve's house. Fun ensues
This did end up being more NSFW than expected but hey...it's me
M/M, established relationship (maybe about 8 or so months in?), both S/teve and E/ddie have the fetish, E/ddie gets off to his own sneezing, sneezing from cold weather, sneezing from wine, sneezing from an external tickle, exhibitionism, teasing, a little bit of dirty talk, lots of cuddling and care-taking, descriptions of spray, (Got both of them sneezing because. um. tee hee <3)
CW: Steve is a little shy but nothing serious
NSFW, minors dni etc etc etc
Steve tried his best not to sprint to the door after hearing the doorbell ring – emphasis on ‘tried’. He’d been looking forward to Friday evening all week. It had been nearly impossible to see Eddie the past couple of weeks, conflicting schedules be damned. After a great deal of swapping shifts at their respective work places, reorganising some prior arrangements, and with the guidance of some invisible, benevolent entity, or positive karmic energy – whatever you wanted to call it – they’d managed Friday.
Heart fluttering in his chest, Steve yanked the door open and couldn’t help beaming the second he made eye contact with Eddie.
“Hey.” His smile practically splitting his face, he pulled his boyfriend through the door frame and into his arms.
“Hey, yourself.” He heard Eddie murmur into his ear, hugging him just as fiercely as he did him.
Eddie stepped back for a moment to turn and pull the door closed behind them.
“Sorry. S’cold.” He smiled, looking absolutely adorable to Steve with his knitted beanie and cute pink nose, before leaning back into Steve’s embrace, eventually seeking out his lips with his own.
They kissed each other for several long, luxurious moments, losing themselves in it until neither of them could breathe and they had to pull apart, laughing softly. Eddie rested his forehead against Steve’s, nuzzling their noses together, and the younger man seemed to notice for the first time just how cold the metalhead was.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes, Harrington.” Eddie kissed along the side of his mouth. It was equally as suave as it was antiquated, and the adoration Steve felt for him in that moment rendered him incapable of little more than blushing and grinning like a damned fool.
Steve reached up to thread his fingers through Eddie’s hair when the sound of an egg timer rang out, making them both jump.
“Oh, shit, the food – come to the kitchen?” Steve started, already striding away.
“Y-yeah, I’m comihhng – hh! HG’Tchiew!! HN’ngxt’chiew! EhGxt’tchiew! Whoo…”
If Steve’s stomach had been a veritable pit of butterflies before, it was practically soaring in response to the desperate triple of hastily stifled sneezes that echoed out in the high-ceilinged hallway.
“Bless you, Eds – you okay?” He called out over his shoulder, successfully keeping his voice steady as he tended to the pot on the stove.
“Yeah, I’m fine, hon. Temperature change. I’m adjusting.” He heard Eddie respond, heard the thump of his boots as he dumped them in the hall and the rustle of his thick puffer jacket as he tossed it over the banister. He adjusted the temperature of the pots towards the back of the stove, listening as Eddie padded in behind him. The metalhead wrapped his arms around him from behind and buried his face into his neck, eliciting a squeal of protest that just made Eddie giggle and squeeze him harder.
“Your nose is freezing, dude!”
“All the more reason for me to hold you. Gimme some of that body heat, Stevie.” He punctuated his sentence with a distinctly wet sounding sniffle and Steve shivered in his arms. It was insane how reactive he was to even to the suggestion of any nasal irritation from his boyfriend – insane how responsive his entire body was to even the slightest touch from him at all.
Eddie must have felt him tremble – of course he did, cuddled right up against him – but he didn’t address it. Just pressed a kiss against the column of Steve’s throat one more time before pulling back and standing beside him, hip to hip.
“Smells good.” He leaned over the pots to peer inside. Steve managed to stop himself from asking how Eddie could possibly tell with such a stuffy nose, taking in the slight glitter of transparent mess starting to roll down his upper lip, no doubt urged along by the steam. Eddie seemed to take note of this himself and reached to tear off a couple of squares from the paper towel rack beside them, blowing his nose softly.
“God, sorry.” He muttered as he wiped his nostrils clean before tossing the damp paper into the trash. “Think my radiator’s dying, the van was freezing. My hands are like icicles.” Eddie flexed his fingers a few times for emphasis, and Steve tutted in concern.
“I think you made it just in time – the radio said snow.”
“Wouldn’t be surprised – guess we’re overdue, shit. At least almost everything that makes me an allergic mess will be dead and buried.” His eyes glittered with mischief as he watched Steve from under his lashes.
“Such a shame.” Steve responded, returning that heated gaze with a cheeky grin of his own. Eddie hummed and leaned back against the counter, watching for a moment as Steve continued to stir and adjust and fuss.
“Need me to do anything?”
“Oh, nah, I think I’m good…Actually, maybe just chop some more broccoli for me? Think I eyeballed it wrong.”
“You got it.”
Eddie set to work, pulling off his rings before chopping the vegetables tossed haphazardly on top of the cutting board. Steve had to remind himself to pay attention to the task at hand instead of staring dreamily at the metalhead’s hands – deceptively strong, as Steve had come to experience firsthand. He listened and laughed as Eddie relayed some of the surprisingly juicy gossip amongst the other men at the mechanic shop he’d found work at the past couple of months. The nagging and near-constant anxiety he’d learned to live with was melting away as it always did when Eddie was near, when he used his dramatic story-telling abilities to transform a workplace dispute into a tragic comedy of near Shakespearean proportions.
Unable to restrain himself any longer, Steve pressed himself up against Eddie, holding him in his arms from behind as the metalhead had done a few minutes earlier. He sighed a breath of relief onto the nape of Eddie’s neck, into his unruly curls that smelled like cheap shampoo and cigarettes and the scent that was uniquely his own.
“Hi, baby.” Eddie chuckled, before carrying on with his story and starting up on the last stem of broccoli.
“Hi.” Steve murmured, holding him close as he continued with his story and the chopping. Steve was listening, he really was – but he was also distracted by every minute shifting of muscles in Eddie’s back and shoulders, the rumble of his voice sending vibrations through Steve's chest.
So calmed was he by these rhythmic motions and vibrations that it was enough to leave him uttering a dissatisfied little grunt when Eddie trailed off mid-sentence. He suddenly tensed in Steve’s arms, a gasp scissoring out of him.
“S-sorry, need’ta-!”
Steve felt his face flush as realisation of what was about to happen dawned on him. His cock twitched in his pants, flush against Eddie’s ass. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t experienced this before – his boyfriend sneezing in his arms as he held him – but 2 weeks with no physical contact at all intensified everything, sending Steve’s heartbeat skyrocketing. He continued to hold his boyfriend, pressing his cheek against a rising shoulder as Eddie hitched and hitched. He could feel the expansion of his back against his chest, feel the slight stretch of Eddie’s flat stomach as his lungs filled with air. Right as the metalhead fell rigid, hovering just over the precipice of release, he reached up to rest one hand over Steve’s where it held his midsection protectively.
And just like that, he was pitching forward and into the shoulder Steve wasn’t resting against in an attempt to spare the vegetables an unwanted baptism.
“HEH-ENGXT’tsieww!! HDT’Chieww!! EHh’shieww!! ‘TCHieww!! Hahh, wow….”
Steve was blushing right to the tips of his ears now, he just knew it. Feeling Eddie buck against him, the rich, vocal tone of his desperate little fit…God, he’d missed this. Missed him. If his clinginess didn’t get the message across, his stiff cock jabbing into Eddie’s ass definitely would.
“God bless you, baby.” He all but sighed, kissing between Eddie’s shoulder blades before tugging at his arm, urging him to turn around in his arms. Eddie complied, sniffling sweetly, and Steve pressed a quick flurry of small kisses all over his face, particularly his twitching nose – he was only human – until Eddie was giggling like a school girl at the attention.
Throughout the kissing and the cuddling, he could feel that the older man was still chilled through. His nose, though a little warmer than before, was cold against his lips. Eddie’s leather jacket was frigid, even after the cover of his larger winter coat. His hands still icy enough that Steve could feel the coldness of his fingers through his cotton shirt as they clutched at his back.
“You’re still freezing, honey. And those were some serious sneezes. You sure you’re not getting sick?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, obviously getting a little annoyed at Steve’s mother hen line of questioning. But he couldn’t help it – he was a worry wart, and his worries wouldn’t go away until he personally did something, anything to fix them. He knew it was almost pathological at this point, but as he brought his boyfriend’s hands up to his mouth to blow some warmth back into them, all he cared about was making him feel better.
“I’m fine, Stevie.” Steve didn’t miss the full body shiver that ran through him, no doubt triggered by the warm breath on his fingertips.
He dropped Eddie’s hands and started to roll up his boyfriend’s sleeves, pushing back the leather and cotton of his long-sleeved tee. When he ran his own fingertips over the raised skin there, Eddie shivered again.
“Look, you’ve got goosebumps.”
“Honestly, Steve, I’m fine. Just…thawing out a little.”
“Yeah? You sure?”
“Is a duck’s ass watertight?”
“Dude, what the hell,” Steve was laughing, and Eddie looked ridiculously pleased with himself, the way he did every time he successfully pulled a giggle out of him.
“Yes, I’m sure. Now will you please quit worrying and feed me instead?”
“I’ll feed you if you go upstairs and change into my sweats or something. Get out of those cold clothes, please?”
Eddie put his hands up, rolling his eyes dramatically but smiling all the same.
“Okay, okay! I’m breaking out your finest cashmere sweater, since you insist.” He kissed the younger man on the cheek and squeezed past him, much closer than was necessary, and Steve felt one of those cold hands briefly grip his erection, standing at half-mast in his loose fitting sweats. Eddie snickered as he gasped in response, then cried out in mock-agony as Steve swatted him with a nearby wooden spoon.
“Dinner in 10!” He called up after his retreating boyfriend, already barrelling noisily up the stairs.
“Thank you, daddy!” Eddie called back, earning a gentle ‘ew’ that he wouldn’t have been able to hear over his own excitable laughter.
Steve kissed into Eddie’s curls, holding his blanketed form protectively against him. After a dinner that the pair of them practically wolfed down (he’d never get tired of the litany of praises Eddie would send his way whenever he was eating his cooking), they’d cracked open a bottle of Steve’s parents’ most expensive red wine. Steve figured if they couldn’t be bothered to come home in over a year, then they wouldn’t notice a single missing bottle of Pinot Noir.
They were currently snuggled up on the couch, watching one tape of many Steve had smuggled back from Family Video. It had been Eddie’s choice, some schlocky Santa-themed horror movie, but Steve was hardly paying attention. He was focusing on the weight and (thankfully) increasing heat of Eddie half-sprawled in his lap, taking in each gleeful cackle as the deranged Santa hacked up yet another promiscuous teenager that had ended up on his naughty list. Or something.
It wasn’t just that the film was ass, or that Eddie was obnoxiously adorable. It was that with the ‘thawing’ had come a lot more sneezing than either of them had bargained for – and the wine had certainly not helped with that. Steve had offered to get antihistamines, but Eddie wholeheartedly refused. (“Rather be sneezing than sleeping. And I’m sure you agree, big boy.”)
So here Steve was, feeling a heady combination of mushy compassion and all-consuming lust for his poor boyfriend. He knew Eddie could feel the culmination of said lust pressing into him whenever he shuffled around, but he was choosing to ignore it – to drive Steve crazy or because he was just so absorbed in the terrible B movie, the younger man had no idea.
“EHh’NGXt’Ttchiew!! IGSHH!! Haht’TCHIEW!!”
Steve closed his eyes and let the sneezes echo in his head. He had half a mind to start recording his boyfriend when he got like this so he could play the glorious sound of it over and over at his leisure – but he was far too shy to ask for something like that, and the fear of anyone discovering a stack of tapes in his possession that were purely the sounds of his boyfriend’s plentiful allergies? Yeah. He’d probably drop dead right then and there.
He kissed the top of Eddie’s head and plucked several tissues from the box resting beside him, pressing them into his boyfriend’s open palm that was reaching gratefully out from under his blanketed cocoon.
“Here, baby.”
“Ugh. Thank you. I can’t stop.”
Steve bit his lip and willed his hips not to thrust as Eddie emptied his sinuses into the white bundle.
“Eddie…” he started.
“Before you ask again, Steve, and I mean it: I’m fine. I don’t want antihistamines. I’m totally content like this. Don’t worry.”
He turned around in the loop of Steve’s arms over his shoulders to kiss Steve, and the younger man squirmed at the pressure of Eddie’s hips against his crotch.
“Hah…” He gasped audibly this time. Eddie just smiled and kissed him again. It was about all he could take.
“You might be okay like this,” He sounded embarrassingly breathless. “…But I’m going insane.”
Eddie beamed at him.
“God, Stevie. You really did miss me, huh?” He teased, a gleeful lilt in his stuffy voice as he asked, and Steve’s suspicions that this was part of a sadistic little game at his expense were confirmed.
“You’re terrible,” he sighed, rolling his hips against Eddie. “I need to fuck you. Will you let me?”
“Hmm.” Eddie reached forward, purposely pushing his ass back against Steve, leaving him writhing and clutching at his hips. He took a swig from his wine glass before cuddling into him again.
“In a bit. I’m not finished with this movie yet.”
“Evil, man. You’re evil. God.”
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
Steve groaned and Eddie chuckled at his barefaced exasperation. When those chuckles started to fade, his body stiffening in Steve’s arms, the younger man practically growled.
“Eddie, I swear…”
Eddie sat up, shimmying off of Steve’s lap to sit next to him, thigh pressing into his own. The blanket slipped down his shoulders as he straightened up. To Steve’s utter delight, he actually started to wave a hand in front of his face as the sneeze built, the way he’d seen countless girls at school do but never until this point his own boyfriend.
“You’re going to kill me, you know?” He whined, reaching between his legs and allowing himself to squeeze hard.
“Ca-hann’t h-help ih-hih-!! Help it…the wine…It’s making me-! S’gonna make me-!!”
Steve cursed and reached his hand into his pants, ghosting over his underwear and the damp patch where the head of cock was practically leaking. He wrapped his palm around his length and fixed his eyes on Eddie – his fluttering eyelashes, flaring nostrils, mouth dropping open and eyebrows raising up, up, up…
“Hh-H-HH-!! HAHDT’TCHIEWwww!! ESSHHH’IEW!! Hah-IGXT!! Eh’NGXT!! ‘DDZSHHiewww!! Hohh’my god…”
Eddie flopped dramatically back against the couch, moaning softly as he luxuriated in the relief of that most powerful little fit. Steve also moaned, embarrassingly loudly, clutching his throbbing cock through the sticky cotton of his underwear. He was about one quick flick of the wrist away from shooting in his pants. He’d felt every tremor run through his boyfriend and jostle him on the couch – seen the way that, with thanks to Eddie’s fortunate positioning, the low lamplight lit up the delicate aerosol of each release as it burst into the air. He wanted to be on his knees in front of him. He wanted him to get out every tickle in his sensitive nose all over his skin. He wanted, he wanted, he wanted.
Eddie regarded him, turning his head with a lazy tilt from where it rested on the back of the couch. Steve didn’t miss the way his pupils were blown, practically black and making his huge, glittering eyes look ever bigger than usual.
“Bless me.” He said, and smiled when Steve swore under his breath.
“That was – that was amazing.” He admitted, pulling his hand out of his pants when he realised the pressure against his cock was only worsening his situation.
“Yeah?” Eddie flashed him a crooked smile, rubbing a finger lazily up against his pink nostrils, clearly getting off on the exhibitionism of it all. “What was so great about those specifically, honey? Did you like how loud they were?”
Steve swallowed, his flushed cheeks burning harder. It was still so hard to actually talk about this stuff out loud, in detail. He had no idea how Eddie did it.
“Not that. But – yeah, that was great too. No, the um – the lamp. Behind you. It – lit up the s-spray. I could really see it and it was – a lot. So. Yeah, it was. Really something.” He finished lamely, cradling his brow in an upraised hand, partially shielding himself from Eddie even whilst his cock throbbed at the confession.
“Oh, honey. Don’t hide that pretty face from me.” Eddie was crawling into his lap in an instant, gently extricating his hand so that Steve was forced to look at him. He smiled nervously back at the older man.
“Sorry. Still a bit shy.”
“You’ll get there. And in the meantime – I’ll make up for the both of us.” Eddie leaned in and rubbed his nose against Steve’s. “I love when you tell me what you like, baby. Makes me so hard. Love getting you off with my tickly nose.”
Steve gasped, feeling his entire body tingle in response to the low rumble of his boyfriend’s words. He lurched forward, closing the short distance between his and Eddie’s lips and kissed him hard. For a few short, wonderful moments, Steve thought they were putting an end to whatever blue-balling Eddie seemed intent on enforcing, but no dice.  A particularly wrenching scream keened through the speakers of the television, and in a sudden swift motion, his boyfriend was pulling back from the kiss and turning heel, pacing towards the screen.
“You’re joking. You can’t be serious.” Steve groaned, his head flying back with a gentle ‘thunk’ against the back of the couch.
“I’m totally serious.” Eddie responded from the floor in front of the VCR. “I wanna know what happened. I’m rewinding it.”
“Eddie. I hate this. I want you.”
“Come on, Steve. There’s only, what? 30 minutes of this movie left? Surely you can hold out for 30 minutes.”
Eddie stood in front of him and smiled, all teeth and crinkled eyes. Steve would have felt endlessly bitter if not for the sight of his boyfriend’s own insistent erection pitching a tent in his borrowed, dark grey sweatpants.
“Fine.” He grumbled, and Eddie settled down next to him, kissing his cheek and wrapping the blanket round both their shoulders.
Steve tried to focus on the movie but it just wasn’t happening – not when he could feel his heartbeat in his dick and his equally as hard boyfriend was sniffling in his ear. For lack of anything better to do and praying for an adequate distraction, Steve reached for his wine glass and drained the contents in one large gulp. He wasn’t really a wine guy, but it wasn’t all bad.
A couple of minutes later he was no closer to focusing on the movie and no closer to having a flacid cock. It was as he shifted in his seat in an attempt to get an iota of relief that he felt it – the familiar irritating burn of a tickle taking hold in his sinuses. He could already tell he was going to sneeze – it was just so strong. He wondered for a moment if there was something to be said about the histamine levels in wine – it certainly seemed to get to Eddie, but so did everything. Either way, he figured he’d have some fun with this.
Tilting his head back slightly, he sniffled, hoping the action would urge the tickle along. And God, did it ever. He squinted his eyes against the sensation, feeling them starting to water. Just a moment later, his breath was catching and he started to hitch his way into an audible build-up. Both eyes fluttering shut now, he felt rather than saw his boyfriend tensing and turning in his lap to take in his desperate expression.
He thought he might be able to tease Eddie by talking his way through the hitching breaths that left his chest heaving and nostrils flaring in and out, but no. It was such an overwhelming tickle there was very little he could do but let it take over and do as it would with him. He tightened his hold on Eddie’s shoulder, mirroring the grip of the metalhead’s fingers against his upper thigh. With one final, gasping breath, he was lurching forward, aiming the brunt of the sneeze towards both of their laps.
He felt Eddie’s fingers dig harder into his thigh, and his lips quirked into a shaky smile before he was tensing and releasing a second sneeze, again directly towards his boyfriend’s crotch.
Both sneezes had been violent and drawn-out affairs – he blinked owlishly in the aftermath, relishing in the tingles each release sent from the base of his skull and down his spine. He leant back after a beat, wiping his damp lips and nostrils with the back of his sleeve, before snuggling back into Eddie – who he hadn’t so much as looked at even once. He could see that said metalhead was still staring at him at the periphery of his vision, still squeezing at his thigh with twitching fingers.
“Bless you, Stevie, holy fuck.”
Steve smiled pleasantly, as if he hadn’t shaken the entire house, let alone their shared couch, with each sneeze moments earlier.
“Thank you, hon. Think you gave me your tickle.”
Eddie cursed under his breath, as Steve knew he would, and now the smile splitting his face was downright mischievous. His boyfriend noticed, no doubt, and started to climb into his lap, but Steve stopped his advances with a firm hand to the chest. The look of incredulity Eddie flashed him as he was held back like an overexcitable puppy was objectively hilarious, and Steve couldn’t help but laugh.
“What? You said you wanted to watch the movie. Surely you can hold out for – what – 20 minutes?”
The bemused looks of realisation that replaced Eddie’s previous confusion as Steve essentially quoted him back to himself was priceless, even funnier to Steve. He laughed again, enjoying every moment of this. He thought he could maybe understand his boyfriend’s little game, now – this was fun.
Eddie, veritably hoisted by his own petard and visibly aware of it, settled petulantly back under the blanket at Steve’s side.
“Oh, I can hold out, alright. I can hold out for as long as I like and more. You fucker.”
Steve just laughed again, nuzzled adoringly into Eddie’s curls as the older man tucked his head under his chin. The pair of them were jostled softly just a few moments later when Eddie trembled with a sudden fit of sneezes, half-stifled into the fist he haphazardly pressed up against his nose.
“Hh’GKKt! IGXT! Hh’DTCchh! Hh-! HIG’tchu!! Ah…sorry…”
Steve kissed the top of his head, murmuring a soft 'bless you' as he willed his heartbeat to return to an acceptable rate. Despite almost believing his boyfriend’s repeated confirmations that he wasn’t getting sick, concern blossomed in his chest at the thick sound of Eddie’s post-sneeze snuffling. Reaching up with one firm hand, he tenderly brushed the older man’s fringe out of the way before resting his broad palm on the skin of his forehead. He heard Eddie tut, but he didn’t pull away.
“Yeah, okay. Doesn’t feel like you’re getting sick.” He muttered after a beat, feeling a little better.
“Told you.” Steve could practically hear the eyeroll in that statement.
“You’re still not entirely warmed up.”
“So keep holding me.”
Steve did, wrapping his arms tighter around Eddie and pressing his face right back into those curls. It was becoming a bit of an addiction – his boyfriend’s hair. The texture of it, the smell. It wasn’t the softest, but he didn’t care. It felt wonderful smushed up against his cheek. A little tickly though. Steve grinned and continued to kiss and rub his face against Eddie’s head like a clingy house cat – (no protest from the metalhead, who invited any and all physical contact from him) - allowing the stray fly-away hairs to tease his already sensitive nostrils. He sniffled experimentally, and yeah, that had done it.
He barely had a couple of seconds to angle his face away so that he wasn’t sneezing directly into Eddie’s hair, but the frantic twisting meant that his balance was compromised.
As the sneeze practically tore through his throat, he scrambled to free one arm from the protective circling of Eddie’s shoulders. He managed to keep himself from toppling both himself and his boyfriend off the sofa with his right arm planted firmly on the cushions, but it didn’t mean the pair of them hadn’t been considerably shaken in the process. God, that had tickled. He opened his eyes, a tear of irritation rolling down his cheek as he blinked. He blushed slightly to see the residual spray of that sneeze still hanging in the air for some seconds before dissipating gently.
“God. ‘Scuse me.” He managed to keep his voice steady, even as his cock throbbed with the mischievous thrill of purposely making himself sneeze to wind his boyfriend up – something Eddie played up constantly.
It had been enough to break said metalhead, apparently. He was pulling Steve’s face to his own almost immediately, pressing a heated kiss to his lips and groaning at the sensation of the younger man’s slick nostrils against the side of his face. Steve kissed back eagerly, forgetting for a moment that he was supposed to be teasing his boyfriend but then no longer caring.
“I’m feeling a lot warmer now, honey. Trust me,” Eddie sighed against his mouth, having pulled back from the kiss with an obscene spit-slick pop.
“My bed is even warmer.” Steve replied, voice thick with arousal as Eddie’s clever, wandering hands seemed to ignite every nerve they skimmed over. “Only 15 minutes or so left of the movie.”
At that, Eddie paused in his ministrations and sat back. Steve watched, panting slightly, as the older man’s facial muscles ticked and twitched, an inner battle of impulsivity and self-control evidently warring within him. Eddie had a lot of physical tells, once you got to know him. He was an incredibly expressive person in both physicality and verbiage, and Steve was thankful for it – it meant he didn’t have to spend too much time agonising over whether he was second-guessing what his boyfriend was really feeling.
Eventually, Eddie turned to face him, a blank expression plastered to his face.
“Fuck it.”
“Come again?”
“Fuck it. Screw it. Can’t do this anymore. I’ve seen this shit before, Santa dies at the end.”
Eddie jumped to his feet and extended an eager hand towards Steve, a crooked smile well and firmly planted on his mouth. Steve grinned back and gripped Eddie’s forearm, allowing his boyfriend to yank him to his feet and lead him eagerly towards the stairs, both of them giggling like the lovesick idiots they were. This was gonna be fun.
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bri-in-ur-attic · 2 years
One should keep their Promises
Yandere?Ayato x gn!reader (sfw)
Skipped the Irodori event from a long ass time ago now so there’s prob inaccurate info abt it here
I tried to make Ayato as little of a yandere as possible while also being one lol, he’s just mostly obsessed and delusional
yall this fic took me forever to do, its the longest one ive ever written too over 3k sheesh (started this bitch back in April of last year holy shit)
warnings: minor yan themes??, very little spoilers for Ayato’s past, smiiiiidge angst
remember behavior like this irl is shitty behavior that should never be condoned. this is PURELY FICTION I wrote this for fun and to improve my writing
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Back when times were simple, back when Ayato’s beloved parents were still alive and when he could enjoy his childhood, a young teen Ayato snuck out of the estate just for the fun of it, he wanted to feel the rebellious energy of breaking the rules, he was just going to be out for an hour or two. Ayato took a kitsune mask with him to conceal his identity and made it to Chinju Forest, then that was when he heard it, the sound of an Shamisen playing along with a sweet humming to harmonize with
He almost mistakes you for an beautiful spirit, Ayato took off the mask for a second to witness your performance with his own eyes
Putting the mask back on, he carefully strolls towards you and taps your shoulder
You flinched and turn around to see someone your age with a kitsune mask, he waved at you and you give a small nervous wave back
“I apologize if I had startled you, but I like how you play your instrument! Could you perhaps continue?”
“O-oh uhm, s-sure!..”
Little you was still flustered but still managed to play your Shamisen skillfully.
Even with a bit of a awkward first meeting, the two of you got along well with together, so much so that you two would continue to meet up for the next three months, although Ayato would continue to wear his kitsune mask, not that he didn’t trust you, he put it on as precaution if scummy people were to encounter the heir of the Kamisato clan out in the open vulnerable, it would endanger not only himself, but you as well.
You seemed to enjoy Ayato’s company and vice versa
Though Ayato might’ve enjoyed yours a little much as even at a young age he wanted to marry you already, he knew it had to be love at first sight!
The two of you experienced what Ayato couldn’t have back at home, companionship of another his age
Then at the third month of meeting up with each other, he dropped the proposition
“Y/n, marry me.”
You obviously were taken aback by his sudden proposal, not only did you just reach your teens, the two of you knew each other for only three months!
“What?? Isn't it too early to even think about that?”
“I mean when we’re grown up, when we’re adults, let's marry!”
You still seemed hesitant as you met each other only three months ago! The kitsune-masked boy didn't even tell you his name for crying out loud!
“I still don’t know, I mean, you haven’t even told me your name yet and I don’t even know what you look like.” you say with a little pout
Ayato thought your expression was very cute but his heart clenches a little, he wants to badly reveal his identity, but he can’t risk it, and he didn’t want you change your view of him if you found out that he was from a high noble clan, just not now
He then reached for your hands
“I promise I will tell and show you who I am one day, please just trust me Y/n.”
The expression on your face doesn’t change, Ayato was getting worried
With sigh, you suddenly lean your forehead on his mask-covered forehead
Ayato was shocked by your immediate move of intimacy and he was thankful for the mask covering up his blushing cheeks which were now red as beets, but he had no complaints as he wraps his arms around you
Now it was your turn to be shocked, but you slowly lean into his body, you inhaled the scent of his clothing through your nose a bit, he definitely had a scent that implied he was from a noble clan, but you didn’t care, you loved him for him
“Promise me that you’ll marry me Y/n.”
“I promise.”
But the kitsune-masked boy never returned after that day
You came back every day for him hoping he would return, but he never did. This was the first time you’ve experienced heartbreak, you felt betrayed, abandoned, maybe that boy was just toying with you for his own amusement, maybe you were just a plaything that he got bored of and forgot about after playing with your feelings. And so you decide to stop showing up and move on with life.
Over the years you still continued to play your Shamisen despite the lingering sad memories you’ve had because of it. Of course, you managed to move on and not be a slave of the heartbreak and putting all your passion on music, and then that was how you received an Anemo Vision
While you moved on and lived a carefree and fun life, Ayato was in misery
He desperately wanted to visit you again, but his parents had fallen ill and soon passed away leaving the burden of growing up too fast and becoming the Clan leader at an age too early
But Ayato’s duties came first and he had a sister to look after too but he still would remember and keep the promise the two of you made that day, he will meet you again one day and marry you, he would tear this island apart to see you again
Many years later, you were now an adult, sometimes you would recall the kitsune-masked boy and laugh at how silly the Romeo-Juliet love story you had with him was, teenage hormones really took over you that day, as naive you were, younger you’s feelings for him back in the day were real
Oh well, no need to dwell on the past anymore
You had a group of pals you joined with who were also musically talented, the group would travel around Narukami Island and perform and even managed to earn a bit of income as well!
Now with the Irodori Festival, this was the perfect opportunity to gain a large crowd since many more were arriving from around Teyvat thanks to Inazuma’s borders opening again
Your group decided to make a short play about a cheesy love story of two lovers who were forbidden to be together, you were against the idea at first but your other groupmates voted for the cheesy play, with reluctance, you gave a thumbs up
The time had come for the play, a crowd started to form excited for what band had planned for this time
Ayato and the Traveler with their floating companion were visiting and touring around the festival’s spoils
From time to time, you always appeared on his mind, to say he still wasn’t over you would be an understatement to an extent. He never forgot how younger him impulsively proposed to you without even revealing his true identity, but despite that, you loved him, you accepted his proposal to marry him one day
So imagine how much it pained Ayato having no choice but to leave you and only to finally be able to come back and not see you
Of course, he couldn’t blame you, it took him about six years to finally come back, but you didn’t forget your promise, right?
He missed you dearly after all, he missed the friendliness of your nature, your kindness, your music, and of course, your love. On days where stress overtook him, Ayato couldn’t indulge in you physically, and so he gets lost in memories of the past feeling the love of those memories over and over again
“Come on Y/n! Join the dance!!!”
Lavender eyes widen at the mention of the name and slowly turns his head towards the direction where the name was yelled
“Uh hey Ayato, are you ok?” the floating child asked concerned while waving her short arms towards him
“Y-yes, please excuse me for a second.”
And with that Ayato speed walked towards the way where Y/n was mentioned. He could see a crowd around a group of performers who were singing and dancing and then..
There you were, his beloved Y/n  
His mouth agape as he laid eyes on you as he admires how much you’ve grown since then, you were somehow more beautiful. Ayato noticed that you too had earned a vision, then his eyes started to dart towards how your hips were swaying with the beat of music, he blushed deeply and mentally slapped himself for eyeing you inappropriately after not seeing you in years  
Even after all these years, you were still playing the Shamisen, the same instrument you had played that attracted him towards you all those years ago. During the rest of the play, Ayato wasn't paying attention to the your fellow group members, his full attention was on you as he ignored the shocked faces of some people who couldn't believe the Yashiro Commissioner was there
You truly were still enchanting
After the play, the crowd claps and soon departs, only for the high and mighty Lord Ayato to remain as he was hiding behind an alley after the play was over to not attract unwanted attention towards him
"Good job crew! We had quite a crowd today! Think it's the biggest one we've had!"
"You too Y/n! I didn't really think you could dance, sing and play at the same time!"
"Hmph, I'm still not really happy with you pulling me in the front, Kenshi."
"Oh hush, you never perform in the front, you just needed a gentle push."
You roll your eyes as you and Kenichi pack up the equipment with the rest of the group going out to get some snacks
"Besides, I think you did a wonderful performance Y/n "
"I agree, for I think that was the best Shamisen solo I've ever heard."
A man in high noble attire with sharp sapphire eyes suddenly engages in the conversation
Something about him was
Awfully familiar
Kenshi then nudges you
“G-greetings Lord Ayato!” Kenshi says as she bows elbowing you to do the same
Ah so that’s why he felt familiar, but there’s something more about this man that you couldn't quite put your finger on
You give a small bow of simply tilting your head downwards
“Good afternoon, I just came by to compliment on how well your group has done on the play. The singing, dancing and the composition.”
Lord Ayato for some reason kept his eyes mostly directed at you, it made you a bit uncomfortable
“T-thanks- I mean- thank you my Lord.”
Screw all this fancy talking, you just wanted to hurry up leave and enjoy your sweet Dango milk
“Say, considering how talented you are Y/n, would you perhaps grant me the honor of performing in the Kamisato Estate personally for my sister and I? She would love to witness your talents.”
Both you and Kenshi were flabbergasted on the Lord’s sudden proposition
‘Marry me, Y/n.’
The memory suddenly rewinded in your head, why did that happen?....
“Y/n? You good? You have to accept this offer!!” Kenshi said as she gently placed her hand on your shoulder
“OH! Oh uhm, yes! I will be honored to perform for your family and you, my Lord..”
“That’s splendid, tomorrow morning then, see you until then Y/n, don’t keep us waiting too long.”
And with that, the Kamisato Lord elegantly walks off, with a grin obsessively love-sick that you didn’t see
With his presence finally gone, you lean on Kenshi’s shoulder a bit, exhausted
“Hey Y/n, are you ok?”
“I..don’t know…”
Morning had arrived too soon
With each step that took you closer to the grand Kamisato Estate, anticipation dreads over you
Meanwhile Ayato woke up more early than usual, he was already ready as soon as the sun had rose
“Dear brother, why have you waken so early in the morning?”
“Ah, well we have a special guest coming in soon, Ayaka.”
Foolish Ayato, he had forgotten to inform his sister that you were arriving
Maybe he shouldn’t had woken up so early, hours what felt like eternity were actually 30 minutes
With a scoff, Ayato began to write down witty lines he could say to you, wedding locations and even went as far as listing some names for your possible future kids
After about half an hour of scribbling, he accidently dozes off and falls asleep
In Ayato’s dreams, there was a vision of a past memory of when he proposed to you in your teens, and then he sweetly dreamed of the inevitable future with you snuggling up with him in bed, greeting him with kisses after a long day of work. What Ayato saw next in his dreams was the cherry on top of his fantasies, you and him on the field that he too went to with his family as a child, and suddenly two kids come running up to the both of you, this was what all that he ever wanted, a family. Of course, he had his dear sister, but a loving spouse and 2 beautiful children maybe even more was perfect. A family he could build with the love of his life
But the dream ends before he could indulge in them further as a knock awakens him
“Lord Kamisato, a musician has arrived proclaiming that you invited them in the estate.”
“Ah yes I did, do let them in.”
It’s ok, his dreams would become a reality soon after all
“Good morning musician, I pray you have had a good night’s rest?”
“Quite milord.”
In reality, you haven’t. You had barely gotten sleep due to the fact of how uncomfortably familiar Kamisato Ayato was, you were dreading the morning as you wanted to stay away from him, besides, politicians are always bad news, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to accept his proposition. But with Ayato being a very high official ranking nobleman, he could probably send good word across Inazuma for not only your band but yourself as well
“Oh hello! You must be the musician the Lord as invited!”
A blonde man walks in waving towards you, his aura was nice to be around compared to Ayato’s
Sending a shy wave back towards the blonde man, a beautiful lady in armor approached
“Good morning everyone, I see that the musician has arrived shall we head inside the estate?”
During your solo performance, you mostly focused your eye contact with Lady Ayaka and Thoma as they were more pleasant to be around in contrast to Ayato’s authoritive self
He was,, strange around you
His gaze towards you were as if he’s analyzing you to find your weak points, even when he was walking beside you when heading inside the estate you caught him eyeing you, but you can’t deny that he sure does a pretty face, a really pretty one in fact
And with the final chord strung to conclude your show, you accidently come in eye contact with him
Piercing blue eyes meets the e/c briefly
“What a beautiful performance Mx. Y/n! I never heard anyone play the Shamisen played in that style!”
“I agree with Lady Ayaka Y/n! Quite the solo you did.”
With their compliments, you slightly blushed and lowered your head in respect and gratitude
“Hm, couldn’t had said it better myself, you certainly are talented y/n.”
“Thank you milord.”
You only offered him a side glance in which you cursed to yourself as that rude action might get you in trouble, thankfully Ayato didn’t seem to mind as he only chuckled
“I would actually like to have a few private words with y/n here, I personally have some curious questions to ask them.”
Both Ayaka and Thoma widened their eyes towards Ayato’s request, but granted it as they both got up and went out
“Dear brother, do make it quick for Mx. Y/n”
Letting out an airy laugh, Ayaka and Thoma leaves you alone with Ayato with Thoma giving a small smile towards you
‘Please don’t leave me with him...’
“Musician, please, may you direct your attention towards me?” Ayato says while placing a hand on your shoulder
With a sigh, you turn your head and to be met with something that you desperately tried to repress from your memories
The mask of the boy you met all those years ago
“Y-you..no-no way..”
“Hehe, Y/n my dear, it has been way too long.” he says while stroking your cheek
Due to the mask being too small for Ayato to wear, he simply placed it in front of his face, but regardless, you feel as if you were back in that forest with him all those years ago
You stare at mask, memories of your teen years flashing before your eyes
Shock turns into despair and finally into anger
No way you were going to let this man try to crawl back into your life after he ditched from yours
With all professionalism and manners thrown the window, you slap his hand that was cupping on your cheek away harshly, unintentionally enhancing the slap with anemo
“I see you also gained a Vision over the years.” Ayato says while grabbing his hand
“No thanks to you for breaking younger me’s heart, gaining my Vision from moving on from how you discarded my feelings is the only positive thing I’ll ever view from ever meeting you.”
For a brief second, Ayato’s expression was laced with heartbreak, this was all a simple misunderstanding
“My dea-”
“Don’t. Call. Me. That. I no longer wish to be part of your life, you clearly didn’t want to be part of mine back then anyway.”
Turning your heels and ready to bust down the door, you suddenly felt a harsh grip on your arm
“NO! I wanted to return to you that day! I wanted to marry you one day! I was forced to be away from your life!”
Stopping on your tracks and your back still facing Ayato, your anger melted away and turned into empathy and your heart was beating fast at the reminder of him purposing to you that day
Taking your silence as a sign to continue, Ayato trails his hand down your arm to grab your hand
“My flower, my mother and father had fallen terribly ill at the worst of times and their conditions only worsened until they eventually passed and I had to take over as Clan leader..” Ayato slightly chocked on his words upon talking about his parents
“I can’t express on how much I am truly sorry for leaving you without a word, but I wish you can forgive me and let us start over.”
Despite being inside the estate, it felt as if the wind was blowing
Finally looking up to meet with Ayato’s piercing gaze, you would be lying if you said that it didn’t send shiver down your spine
“And, why would that be if I may ask?” His eyes darkened, from pleading to menacing
“Look, I can forgive you because you provided an very understandable explanation, but I have moved on a long time ago, you should too Ayato.”
“But, you promised.”
“Correction, teen me promised, I don’t pledge you jack shit.”
Silence was what was left, you were left in limbo of what to do next, you contemplated running away
Ayato then removes his glove, the one that was on the hand you hit earlier
“Do you see this? You seem to have left a nasty bruise on me, this can be considered physical assault towards me, a Yashiro Commissioner.”
‘Curses, I didn’t even mean to use my elemental powers on him...’
“Now Y/n dear, if you want no criminal charges against you, I suggest you to give away to me.”
Your mind had shut down, this was it, your life was completely butchered up thanks to this dangerous and deluded man you met years ago, regret of stepping foot in that damned forest in the first place washes over you
But, you have nothing to lose at this point minus your dignity, and you conclude that your bandmates will be ok without you
Clenching your fist, you close your eyes
‘I must make it to the docks, I’m sorry guys.’
“Well? What is your move, dea-”
With a powerful gust of wind, the ceiling collapses and causes Ayato to stumble back a few feet, the person of Ayato’s affections was gone in a puff
While covering his face with his arm, Ayato’s face hardens with shock and frustration
Fine, if it’s a game of the cat chasing the mouse, he’ll give you a game
Guards come bursting in, taken aback by the debris
“My Lord, what has happen-”
“Look for a figure that carries a Shamisen with h/c hair, I want them alive and well.”
“Understood sir.” And with that, the guards left to prepare for the search
With a sinister smile and low chuckle, Ayato covers his face with his bruised hand, brushing his lips over the marked part
“You can run my dear, but you won’t be able to hide for long.”  
A/n: The y/n rizz is so strong that Ayato simped for over a decade
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‘Kay people liked my last one so here, have another ig lol. Will put full fic under the cut again like last time
Word Count: 3k
Izzie: *ball of energy* Cooper: 🧍‍♂️… *internal sobbing*
— or — Ficlet thingy based on an au I have where when Izzie and Mateo’s parents split up the siblings get split up too
Additional Tags:
Songfic, kind of as half of it is basically the lead up to the song. Song: We’ll be Fine from Epic the Musical. Swearing, Bullying, Izzie gets picked on. Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe. Aged-Up Character(s), Cooper and Izzie have a larger age gap, Izzie is 13, Cooper is 17, not important but I felt like I should just add that. Cooper has a built in Garcia sibling is in danger sense. Canon-Typical Violence, Izzie gets in a fight. lots of references. Izzie has ADHD (implied). OOC (?). self indulgent. No beta we die like Cooper and Mateo’s friendship. Dallas being an asshole, Beth being an asshole (and slightly crazy). Weeb is used as an insult but no hate to weebs I’m also kind of one
It was after a particularly calm day of school that Izzie found herself eating a burrito from Mrs Castillo’s food truck while she leaned against a tree in sight of the park playground. 
“Oh Mr Burrito! Mr bean and pickle burrito, why are you so delicious?” Izzie sang to her burrito only to take a massive bite out of it. She hummed as she chewed and it wasn’t long before she had scarfed down the whole burrito. 
The tinfoil that had been wrapped around the burrito crinkled as Izzie wadded it up and then picked up her backpack from its spot by her feet to go throw her trash in one of the park garbage bins. 
Izzie slung her bag over her shoulder as she scurried over to a garbage bin and threw the tinfoil inside. 
“Bye Mr burrito,” Izzie told the tinfoil as it disappeared into the bin. 
Someone snorted from behind her, “Aww, Garcia are you talking to trash again?” 
Izzie’s shoulders rose up to sit beside her ears as she cringed at the voice. 
Oh pickles. 
Slowly Izzie turned around and greeted the people behind her with a bright smile. 
“Heeeey Beth, Dallas, what’s up?” Izzie greeted, her smile had to look so forced. 
Izzie knew Beth from the number of times Izzie had been the butt of Beth’s constant ridicule so the other girl’s red highlights in brown hair and leather jacket look was familiar. The company with Beth, Dallas, however was newerish yet still not someone Izzie had never seen before but the blond in a red jacket that stood quietly a little ways behind both of the brunettes was definitely a new face. 
Beth sighed like she found the idea of small talk tiring, “Look weeb, you got me busted for cheating yesterday and frankly I’m not over it, so either you apologize or me and Dallas here are going to rough you up a little bit, ‘kay?” She explained while leaning forward and flicking Izzie on the forehead. 
Ah, Izzie knew things were going a bit too well for her today, this must have been where her good day came to a screeching halt. 
“Hey come on Beth, if I hadn’t called you out then someone else was just gonna,” Izzie tried to negotiate. 
Beth scoffed, “Really? Who?” 
Izzie chewed the inside of her cheek, ok so she was caught there, no one else in their grade really had the guts to call Beth out for cheating and anyone that did was probably besties with Beth anyways. 
“Alright, alright,” Izzie held up her hands in surrender, “You got me, but can we just … save the ass beating for another day? I have homework to do,” 
Beth and Dallas were silent for a moment like they were actually thinking it over only for both of them to burst out laughing. 
“Are you TRYING to get out of this? ” Beth hissed out between laughs, “This isn’t a punch card situation Garcia.” 
Well you couldn’t blame Izzie for trying. 
“Uhh,” Izzie reached into her pocket trying to find something to fidget with to calm her rising nerves but her fingers only grasped at coins, “Would you back off if I paid you too?” 
Dallas perked up at this, “How much you got?” 
“Dallas!” Beth barked, slapping his chest. 
“What!? I’m just curious,” 
Izzie pulled a quarter and a dime out of her pocket, “Um, 35 cents,” 
Dallas deflated, “That’s like nothing bro,” 
With a defeated sigh Izzie put the coins back in her pocket, “Yeah I know,” 
Beth laughed as she ran her thumb across the tips of her nails, “Spent to much money on weeb shit now did we,”
Izzie opened her mouth to protest but shut it just as fast. Yeah there wasn’t really anything to defend herself on there. 
“Now, enough stalling!” Beth growled, snapping her attention off her nails and instead grabbing Izzie’s wrists and digging her claws into them. 
Izzie bit down a sob, was Beth actually trying to draw blood? She definitely seemed crazy enough to. 
“You are such a little prick, ” Beth bit out, her words laced with venom, “and a bitchy little tattletale that needs to learn what happens when she gets in my way,” 
Izzie tried to hide the whimper that rose in her throat and blearily glanced at the blond haired teen that still stood behind Dallas. He hadn’t moved or even talked the entire time and for a second Izzie wondered if he was actually really there or if he was just some sort of figment of her imagination. People were always telling her she had an overactive imagination. 
The blond haired teen met Izzie’s eyes and his expression turned sour. 
“Really Dallas?” The teen asked, crossing his arms, and Dallas turned in surprise, “This is how far you’ve sunk? This is an insane new low even for you,” 
Dallas stared, “Cooper? Wha- how long have you been standing there?” 
The Cooper guy shrugged, “Long enough,”
At that point Beth had also turned slightly to take in their new company and her grip on Izzie’s wrists had lessened to a degree but that seemed to be exactly what Cooper had been waiting for. He strode forward, yanked Beth’s hands away from Izzie before grabbing Izzie by the backpack and dragging her off to the side. 
“What!? HEY!” Beth protested. 
Cooper rolled his eyes and held up a hand, “Chill you demonic saltine cracker, we’ll be right back.” 
Beth blinked in confusion at the insult Cooper had just thrown at her but by the time her braincells seemed to make another coherent thought Cooper had already pulled Izzie out of earshot. 
Cooper let go of Izzie’s backpack and flipped himself around so the two could speak face to face. 
“Ok here’s the deal, if you want Beth, and by extension Dallas, to leave you alone you’re going to have to fight them, put them in their place. But I understand if you don’t want to fight them, so if you want I can get you outta here but it has to be now alright?” Cooper explained, making small gestures with his hands every once and awhile as if emphasizing his words, “You can’t flake out mid fight.” 
Izzie blinked but a smile quickly split her face as she clenched her fist, “I want to fight them,” 
Cooper took a step back and a look like he was contemplating every decision he had made up until that moment crossed his face, “Wow, you are so much more violent than I remember you being,” 
Izzie squinted at Cooper, “Why’d you say remember? Do we know each other from somewhere?”
Cooper winced, “I-I’ll explain later, first this is how you’re going to win this fight. One you’re going to go over to Beth, look her in the eyes and smile like you’ve been waiting your entire life for this moment and then you’re going to punch her as hard as you can in her throat and then when Dallas comes at you with his big jock routine you’re going to kick him in the nards. And then smack him… with your backpack, got it?” 
Cooper offered Izzie a pleasant smile but Izzie couldn’t help but note the spark of an insane look in his eyes. 
“Hey!” Dallas yelled, causing both Izzie and Cooper to look at him, “We getting this fight on or what!?”
Cooper gave Dallas an annoyed look and turned back to Izzie, “Last chance to back out,” 
Izzie shook her head, “Nah, I’m doing this.” 
“Ok,” Cooper mumbled with a nod, “Just remember what I told you!” 
Izzie nodded excitedly, ignoring how half of what Cooper had told her had already left her brain and walked back over to Beth and Dallas, Cooper trailing behind her. 
With a proud smile plastered on her face Izzie came to a stop in front of Beth. 
Crap, what had Cooper said to do next? 
Izzie thought for a second before shrugging it off and pointing a finger at Beth, “I’m going to win.” 
Honestly Izzie should’ve punched Beth the second she had come back over as Beth took that split second after Izzie finished talking to swing a fist forward, catching Izzie right in the face with it. 
Cooper made a sound somewhere between a sigh and a groan as Izzie stumbled backwards from the force of the punch, “That is not what we talked about,”
Izzie’s hands shot up to her face to hold her nose in pain as Beth gave her a cocky sneer. 
“So much for your chatty little friend over there,” Beth cooed in mockery. 
“That hurt,” Izzie pouted, lowering her hands from her face and taking in the blood that was now on them. 
Beth laughed, “Of course it hurt you dumb weeb!” 
Izzie rightened herself back up, noting the weight of her backpack and suddenly remembered at least one of the things Cooper had told her. 
While Beth was busy laughing to Dallas about Izzie’s seeming stupidity Izzie slung her bag down into her hands and gripped it by the straps. She then swung it at Beth and let go. 
The backpack hit Beth with all its force and knocked her to the ground, cutting off both Beth and Dallas’s laughter. 
Dallas snapped his attention to Izzie in an instant and Izzie’s eyes widened slightly as Dallas took a step forward and swung a fist. 
“Duck!” Cooper yelled and Izzie listened, dropping down and successfully avoiding the fist. 
Izzie then got a bright idea and made a fist which she aimed at Dallas’s gut. 
Dallas grunted and doubled over slightly as Izzie’s fist hit him but it didn’t seem powerful enough to stop him for long. Just as fast as he took damage from the punch he recovered and reached a hand out to grab Izzie. 
With a screech Izzie darted to the side towards Cooper, narrowly avoiding getting grabbed.  
“I tap out!” Izzie screamed as she dove to the grass behind Cooper and into a roll. 
Cooper glanced back at her, “Hu?” 
Izzie came to a stop, ending her roll on her side, and propped her head up on her hand, “I mean I know you wouldn’t hit Beth cause she’s a girl but you can punch Dallas right!?” 
Cooper sighed out an, “Ok,” as Dallas marched over like a fuming bull. Once Dallas was with arms length Cooper kicked Dallas in the shin which only caused Dallas to hiss slightly. 
Izzie’s mouth dropped open in slight confusion, was that it? 
Dallas seemed equally as confused until Cooper jabbed him with his fingers just below Dallas’s sternum. Dallas choked but Cooper wasn’t done. The blond then swung his leg around catching Dallas in the back of the knee which caused Dallas to fall down to his knees where Cooper kneed him in the chin. 
Dallas groaned as Cooper then picked him up by the shirt collar and lifted Dallas up to the point where Dallas was dangling about an inch off the ground.
“Dallas,” Cooper grit out through his teeth, “My old buddy, my old pal, care to tell me why you’ve taken to bullying people younger than you?” 
A bead of sweat trickled down Dallas’s forehead, “Hey, hey look Coop I-I had to ok! Beth … she’s my little cousin! I couldn’t just leave her hanging!” 
Cooper seemed unimpressed, “Uh hu, yeah that still doesn’t justify shitty behavior,” 
Dallas shook, “Ok! Alright! She … she said I had to or she’d tell everyone I like to knit, are you happy now!?” 
With a small smile Cooper put Dallas back down, “Consider this a warning Dallas, don’t let yourself get pushed around.” 
Trembling like a leaf Dallas nodded and stumbled back over to Beth who had just gotten back up. 
“Come on cuz, let’s go,” Dallas told Beth, pulling on her sleeve. Beth scowled at her cousin as she massaged her sternum. 
“Coward,” Beth hissed but she still let herself be dragged away while fixing Izzie with a down right dirty and pissed off look, her face red like a tomato from probably both embarrassment and anger. 
Izzie giggled in a gremlin-like way as she slowly sat herself up. 
“Holy anime! I survived!” Izzie cheered, throwing her arms up with a “whop!”. 
Cooper walked over to her, his eyebrows pinching together in concern, and offered her a hand to help her stand. 
“Are you alright?” 
“I’ve dealt with worse,” Izzie admitted, accepting Cooper’s hand and letting him haul her to her feet. Izzie swiped at the blood on her upper lip.
The concerned furrow deeped. 
“Oh but that was so cool!” Izzie beamed as she wobbled a little, “The way I went ‘HIJA!’ And ‘WACHOW!’ 
With every sound effect Izzie made she included a different fighting action that left Cooper worrying about her losing her balance and falling over, but she proved him wrong and managed to stay on her feet all the way back to her backpack which had been left, discarded, on the ground.  
“And you!” Izzie proclaimed as she scooped up her bag and slipped her arms back through the straps, “that was awesome! You were like a total ninja!” 
Cooper chuckled sheepishly, “Nah, I was just-“ 
“Being awesome,” Izzie insisted, cutting him off. 
“Yeah, ok, I was kind of cool. I’ll admit to that,” Cooper finally caved. 
Izzie snickered and then she made a ‘nyoom’ noise as she set her arms back in a Naruto run before running in a circle around Cooper. 
Cooper stifled a laugh. 
Eventually Izzie slid to a stop in front of Cooper and touched a hand to the blood that had started drying on her face from her bloody nose. 
“Woah, used up too much energy,” Izzie wobbled again and Cooper reached out a hand to steady her but she slapped it away. 
“Ah, ah,” Izzie wagged a finger at him, “I’m fine, also I don’t even know you so it’s weird!” 
Cooper coughed as he rubbed at his slapped hand, “That’s fair,” 
“Mhm mhm, gotta give me them backstory deets first, like one! How do you know me!!” 
Cooper wasn’t sure if he was more scared of Izzie’s seemingly endless energy supply or the look of absolutely cat-like curiosity strewn across her face. 
God he’d really dug his own grave didn’t he? 
With a defeated exhale Cooper glanced down at his shoes nervously before looking back up at Izzie, “Story time it is then, but snacks first.” 
Izzie bounced a few times excitedly. 
Upon gathering two sodas, a bag of chips, a few chocolate bars, and some wet wipes for Izzie’s bloody nose from a little corner store bodega, Izzie and Cooper retreated to the top of a random five story building via an open fire escape.  
They snacked away, sitting with their backs to the roof ledge, as Izzie pestered Cooper for lore while the blond haired teen did his best to deflect from sharing for a few moments longer. 
“Bro you can’t just not share!” Izzie protested, “You saved my bacon and you’re not going to tell me why!?” 
Cooper stuck a chip in his mouth and chewed slowly, successfully making Izzie even more irked. 
“Come on! What’s so bad about this story?” 
Cooper swallowed and muttered, “Because it’s not a particularly happy story for me,” 
“Oh,” Izzie was quick to back off, sitting back and shoving a fist full of chips in her mouth to hide the embarrassment. 
Cooper offered her a smile as if to tell her it was ok, and then steeled himself as he pulled his knees up to his chest to hug them. 
“I had a friend before, and he was a lot like you. I helped him face his bullies, but he had his demons too. And then… we grew apart then his light went dark,” Cooper explained, his tone sounding dark. His eyes seemed to glaze over as he looked ahead as if he was watching something that wasn’t there. Or perhaps he could remember the memory of what he was saying to such a degree that his brain could recall the memory in perfect detail.  
Cooper went on, “And so, I thought maybe, if I made a different call. Maybe if I hadn't missed it all, maybe, he'd be fine. Maybe we'd unwind. I thought maybe, if I help another soul if I helped you reach your goal life could be that bright,” 
Izzie could tell that Cooper was probably grasping at straws on what to say, and that he was vocal stimming in a way by repeating the word ‘maybe’. 
“I could sleep at night,” Cooper added, looking down at his hands sadly before dragging them down his face.  
Izzie stared, hmm sad boy. Whatever type of falling out Cooper and his friend had seemed to have must have been pretty bad. 
“Well Cooper,” Izzie started, planning on trying her best to make him feel a bit better, “I don't know who your friend is, I don't know what he's like, but my time with you has been awesome,” 
“The best day of my life, ‘cause I got in a fight AND I DIDNT DIE!!” Izzie exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she made more sound effects to go with the punches she threw at the air in front of her. 
Cooper’s face scrunched up in concern again as he mumbled to himself, “Oh my god, the bar was so low it’s a tripping hazard in hell,” 
Izzie turned and grinned at him, “I've never felt strong before, you're my friend, I couldn't ask for more! And so, I think maybe, if life wasn't spent as planned. Maybe, it's time that you lend a hand,” 
Izzie shrugged, “I don't think he'll mind, and if not his friend, then mine!” 
Cooper's gaze turned soft as Izzie got up and offered her hand down to pull him, paralleling what Cooper had done for her earlier. 
With all her middle schooler strength Izzie yanked Cooper to his feet, “ Maybe, to fall is to learn one way,” 
“ Maybe, it's all gonna turn out great,” Izzie continued as she brushed past Cooper and hopped up on the roof ledge before turning to face him with outstretched arms, “I know I’ll be fine, I know it's light you'll find!” 
Cooper stayed silent for a few moments as he scanned his eyes across the rooftops of Brooklyn behind Izzie. Finally the glazed look in his eyes went away and he smiled up at her, “You're a good kid,” 
Izzie sat down heavily on the roof ledge and beamed at him, “Thanks!” 
Cooper placed his hands on the roof ledge and leaned forward while biting his tongue, god her similarities to Mateo really felt like a stab in the gut. 
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my-cabbages-gorl · 10 months
"I know" Zukaang WIP 💛🧡❤️🖤
I absolutely love these two, their relationship is so deliciously cosmically arranged. I'm obsessed!! I don't know why more people aren't into this ship!! I could go on and on and on lol.
I wrote this because I wanted to see more fics that had themes of their transcendent interconnectedness woven into their interactions because I find it SO hot and so engaging. The whole fic has about 3k words right now, but I will be finishing it up and adding a bit more to it within the month! Wanted to share a little teaser.
Background for this smut, they're around 26 and 30 in this fic. There will be some political convos culminating in some very serious, highly descriptive, and emotional prolonged smut 😈
"I know" by my-cabbages-gorl _
Zuko's fist slams against the wall, grazing the side of Aang's head before it thuds against the wooden panels behind the Avatar’s back. Aang shoots an angry glare at Zuko, simmering fury bubbling up in his chest. Breathless and panting from arguing over their world's fate, they lock eyes, restraining the urge to escalate this conversation to a fistfight. The weight of their relationship hangs heavily between them, a burden they’ve both carried since Aang's emergence from the iceberg. Zuko has been drawn into Aang's orbit ever since. An undeniable, inescapable, invisible force. 
His gaze flickers to Aang's mouth, a brief, exposed moment caught by the Avatar’s eyes. A ping of something guttural and familiar stirs within Aang’s abdomen. He bites his lip and his breathing slows as he traces his way from Zuko’s golden eyes down to his slightly parted and faintly smirking lips.
Faster than they can comprehend, it unfolds as it has a thousand times before. Two charged energies, hurdling through lifetime after lifetime to crash into one another once again. First, Aang's hand on Zuko's chest, fingers desperately clutching at fabric, pulling him closer, faster. Zuko's lips meet Aang's with an unbridled hunger the Firelord reserves only for him. Pinned against the wall, Aang strains under Zuko's weight, an agonizing barrier of cloth between them. He consoles himself remembering it doesn’t usually take long for them to come off. He wraps his arms around Zuko's back, pulling him in, crushing the air out of his own lungs. He yearns to feel the pressure of Zuko’s weight on every inch of his body. Aang twists the fingers of his left hand into Zuko's hair, pulling his head back gently, but quickly enough to elicit an involuntary moan. Upon hearing Zuko's ragged need-riddled breath, waves of desire surge through Aang's body, spinning his mind into a whirlwind of lust. From Zuko’s mouth, a smirk and a soft laugh escape into their shared space. 'Don't hold back, Avatar,' Zuko whispers.
Let me know what you think!
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jtl07 · 1 year
jtl07 fics, summer 2023
Kinda liked doing the half year recap in June and had planned to do another one at the end of the year, but since I had quite the posting spree this month, decided to do one now.
General stats
Total on this pseud: 12 (all avatrice / Warrior Nun fandom)
Fics posted (chronological order):
to all the girls (to you, to me) -- or: Ava watching people fall in love with Beatrice, including herself
leave it all behind (I’ll see you on the other side) -- or: Ava comes back - healthy, whole, quiet. Too quiet.
the long, delirious, burning blue -- or: the moody Top Gun 2 (Maverick) AU
another little peace (restful pieces): something old, something blue -- or: the girls buy cereal; or or: Bea learning the difference between safety and familiarity
looks for you in everything (finds you there) -- or: Switzerland vignettes based on items found in their bedroom
Enhanced Beings Tech Support transcripts -- or: What if there was technical phone support for “enhanced beings” like halo bearers?
another little peace (restful pieces): lets you see the wonder of it all -- or: Ava meets a member of her family
another little peace (restful pieces): like a boat -- or: Beatrice plays Stray Gods
late night vigil -- or: camila learns about beatrice's strap; she helps in her own way
another little peace (restful pieces): to always wake up to you -- or: avatrice proposal based off of SimplyKorra's fantastic headcanon
another little peace (restful pieces): perchance to dream (no more) -- or: Ava wakes up from a dream
can't go back -- or: Five times Beatrice tries a food for a second time
(More numbers, thoughts, and some plans below the cut)
More numbers
Total words: 36720
Shortest: 685 (to always wake up to you)
Longest (one-shot): 5987 (the long, delirious, burning blue)
Average/Median word count: 3060 / 2019
General thoughts
Nearly 10k more words in the past 3 months than I wrote the first half of the year - I guess being in a safe space after your life has been turned upside down makes a difference, huh?
I still don't know what happened this month - specifically, the two week period from 8/14 - 8/26 where my fingers were just trying their best to keep up with the stories pressing in my brain lol (willing to bet it's somethingsomething healing and how it can take many forms, like this kind of intense spike)
Fun fact: This is only the second time I've written a one-shot over 5k words this year (3rd time ever in my many years of writing fic). It's always interesting to look at the average / median word count because it's been firmly in the 2k range. I still want to challenge myself with longer work, they just take time and energy yknow? Under 3k, I feel really comfortable now, which is a cool feeling
Fic that surprised me:
Honestly, everything that happened in that intense two week period (i.e. everything posted after "the long, delirious, burning blue") was a genuine surprise. Every time one of those ideas happened, I felt like I was just trying to keep up. I was really glad to have the space - emotionally, physically - to write those stories.
And I guess what surprised me also was just how wide a range they all were. I've been trying to work on just "writing what will get written" and learning to turn off the judgemental voice in my head that says things like, "you should be writing more," or "you should be writing better ideas." It was a surprise that these ideas just kinda flowed without much friction, yknow? I'm taking it as a sign of growth :)
Fic that was the hardest to write:
Oh gosh hands down leave it all behind (I’ll see you on the other side) - I had to discard full drafts and start over from scratch multiple times to get to what's actually posted. I had tried different perspectives, different settings, different points in the story, but I just kept getting stuck. I think part of it was because when I write, I usually start with a vibe or an arc - with this one, I was starting with the turn, the twist - which I don't often write either. So writing this kind of story was new on all fronts
can't go back was also a bit frustrating to write - I've been dealing with a sudden recurrence of brain fog so I know part of it was that, but idk, I feel like it could have been tighter thematically
Fic that I'm proud of:
Definitely the Top Gun 2/Maverick AU, the long, delirious, burning blue. I mentioned this in a comment that when I first had the idea, I'd expected it to be more of an action fic - I don't often write action, so I thought it'd be a good opportunity to practice. But, as with most of my work, it ended up quite moody, more a reflection of grief and duty.
Why am I proud of it? Because despite my initial intent, and my initial disappointment when I realized the direction it was going, I allowed myself to go with it. Writing this piece helped me accept where I am in my writing, to accept the stories I choose to write and how I write them. This fic was not at all what I had expected, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed
Runner up: looks for you in everything (finds you there) - the final word count shocked me, honestly, I didn't expect to write so many vignettes. But I was mostly proud of the diligence behind this and letting my sappy side run free lol
WIPs in the wings
Lol my WIP list is hella long - and that's not counting a whole separate document I have that's just prompts. I still have some Supercorp ideas that I've not yet fleshed out that are more on the "experimental" side that play with form and formatting - I've also some avatrice ones in "genre" as well.
Surprisingly, I've a couple AUs I've been turning over in my mind - I blame playing Stray Gods for making me remember some video games I'd grown up playing lol Oh and I've been pondering how to do a litrpg/gamelit style fic as well.
There's a couple longer one-shots that I've been pecking at but are going to take me a while to finish - there's one that's sort of a sister to every leaf that falls (never stops falling) (not a continuation, more like a sister in terms of vibe and tone), and another that explores Ava having a new ability (will I ever stop being enamored with Switzerland era? The answer is no lol).
But mostly, I'm just going to vibe with happens - "write what will get written" and all. We'll see where it all goes!
If you've read this far, thanks a ton for your support and going on the ride that is my fics lol - much appreciation to y'all!
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dinoace2 · 10 months
Back and Forth
Anyone else make self-indulgent fics, writing themselves into scenes to try and salvage the situation that had just happened? No? That's a me thing? Ok cool
Anyway I love Nanami he is my favorite and he deserved better and I sobbed for 2 hours after all that.
The fic surrounds the reader(me lol), a childhood friend of Nanami, born to the inumaki clan but struggled to accept her position. She saw the danger in Shibuya and couldn't simply stand by, so here we are.
>3k words, Angst throughout, but happy(?) and peaceful ending. Segments in italics are memories throughout their past, and the one bolded paragraph is that natrator who explains stuff occasionally. Only kinda proofread ish so if there's grammar issues I am sorry
TW: I feel as though this should be obvious but blood and death will be a recurring thing here. Also she vomits like 3 times
Characters mentioned/involved: reader, Nanami, Mahito, Itadori, Arata Nitta, Shoko, Yaga, and Toge Inumaki.
(Character doesn't know all of these people by name so she describes them, and it is first person so here's the reference list:
Mahito is the stitched man, itadori is the pink-haired kid, Arata is the blonde kid, Shoko is the woman with the cigarette, and Yaga is the man with the sunglasses.)
Ok let's go
I shrugged, scrawling out another note on the pad in my lap, then held it out for my friend to read, trying my best to hold it still.
'It isnt that I don't WANT to help people. It's just a lot of pressure, you know? There's thousands of sorcerers out there...surely one can't make a massive difference in the grand scheme of things.'
Nanami looked at the scribble, deciphering my familiar chicken scratch with ease. "I suppose you have a point...and I certainly can't make you do anything but...all I can do is make recommendations. You're incredibly strong, you know that? If you actually put your mind to it...you really could do incredible things with your skills." He smiled, reaching for my hand. "Im sure the higher-ups would still be willing to make you an official sorcerer if you wanted."
I sighed, scribbling another response.
'Yes, but, that's the thing. I don't really WANT to be special or incredible, you know that. I have enough trouble in crowds as it is.'
I paused from my writing and touched my lips, my fingers gently grazing the tattoos on either side of my mouth. I was given these markings when I was way too young to properly have a choice. They're practically a burden as they are, sealing me to a responsibility I never asked for.
'I'll exorcise a minor curse if I happen to run into one, but I really don't see much need in becoming a big fighter like you or Geto or Gojo.'
He let out a sigh, nodding slowly as he looked back at me. "Yes...youre right. I understand."
Of course he does. He's the one who gets it more than anyone else.
He stood up to leave, his seat swaying in his absence, and I crumpled up our conversation, feeling at the paper beneath my fingers. I didn't know it then, but that was the last time we would meet on those old swings.
I wish I were as strong and brave as you,
My voice came out in a shrill shreik, cracking and breaking as I shouted a name that no longer had an owner. the lower half of his body crumpled to the floor, much to the glee of the strange figure standing over him. It was instantaneous, one moment he was standing there, and the next...? I couldn't even comprehend what had just happened.
It was halloween. I had been minding my business when I sensed a massive concentration of cursed energy near Shibuya. Whatever was over there, it was bad. I fought with myself for a long while. Surely the sorcerers could handle it. Surely everything would be fine, it always ended up that way anyway, especially with all the powerful guardians Japan has. I can stay put. What need would they have for a half-rate excuse of a sorcerer who feared her own voice anyway? Its fine.
I froze when I heard the voice. Some kid – no older than fifteen or so – stood at a rooftop, shouting something. I had initially paused because I recognized the name he was screaming to, but my heart sank when I heard what came next.
Gojo? As in...the Gojo? How could that-?
I'm not sure why or how but at that point my mind was made up. I changed into something more practical, pulled a mask over my mouth, and left my home to face the very thing I fled from decades ago.
The train station was nearly silent as I ran through it, sneaking around to avoid confrontation as much as I could.
I heard fighting in one of the terminals, and sensed a massive cursed force, spread out across possibly hundreds of vessels. What the hell...? And...with every hit, every grunt, every sound I heard, it was getting fewer. There was only one sorcerer in there, yet he was...taking on an army. On his own...
When I got closer I finally recognized who i was hearing. Nanami. Of course he was able to take on that much. He's always been strong, so of course this would be no different. I haven't spoken to him in years...maybe after this we can take more time to reconnect. The thought made me smile.
It was a nice day...we were all too young to be worried about anything...too young to care. I was sitting on the swings with one of my dearest friends, talking over the creak of the old chains. I had recently participated in an incredible family ceremony, and I was so excited for the life ahead of me.
"Grampa called it..um...cursed speak!" I said, my smile bigger than ever as I pointed to the marks on my chubby little cheeks. "I can tell people what to do and they'll do it! Even those ghost thingies that not everyone can see!" I giggled. "I wonder if I can make Mommy clean my room."
My friend chuckled. "Alright, just don't do it to me, okay?"
I nodded. "Okay, Ken! I promise I wont." I put on the most innocent little smile I could. "Youve always done stuff for me anyways, right?"
As I made it to the terminal, I was frozen in place. It was nearly devoid of life, the demolished corpses of mutated figures piled on the ground around a single person. That was him, wasn't it? Nanami Kento, one of the strongest, most composed men I had ever met, but...he was badly injured, half his torso mutilated, most likely by fire, and he was covered in blood and wounds beyond which I had ever even considered possible. I was so taken aback by the sight that I hardly paid any notice to the stitched-up man that approached him. I heard them speak, only for a brief moment. Nanami turned his gaze to a child who had walked in on the other side and muttered something i couldn't quite hear...
And then he was gone.
My cry, unexpected to even me, caught the attention of the man with the stitches. He looked at me, lips peeled back in a too-wide grin.
"Ohhh! You must be a friend of his! I don't think anyone's mentioned you before, so you must be new!" He giggled, stalking forward as more grotesque figures rose around him. "How would you like to join him?!"
For a moment I couldn't move, and in fact it looked like everything was moving in slow motion.
The same playground, the same people, the same swings. Just...a different time in our lives. We were both stronger, smarter, but still just kids.
"Man, we're gonna be so strong together! And we'll get to hang out so much, too! The academy said we would be in the same class!" I grinned. "Can't wait to beat you up in school! For a grade!" I laughed, feeling the wind on my pale hair as I swung.
Nanami nodded, the same grin on his lips. "I think youve got it wrong, if you think im gonna lose!"
We laughed for a while, until I was brought to an abrupt stop by rough hands on my back. A different kid, much bigger than me, shoved me out of my seat. Another look told me he wasn't a sorcerer, nor did he have any idea what we were capable of. "Youve been on the swings long enough, kid. I've decided it's my turn." He snickered as Nanami ran to my side, helping me up.
I glared at the boy, slightly shaken by the interruption. "H-hey...what was that for?"
He smirked. "Aww, what's the matter? Gonna cry?" He snickered as he took my seat, and I felt Kento's hands ball into fists at my side. "Hey! You better leave her alone!" He growled.
The boy crossed his arms. "Wow, someone's touchy. Why, is she your girlfriend?" He chuckled as Nanami's face went a few shades of red. "I dunno why you'd even wanna be with her anyway. She's got...weird tattoos all over her mouth, like some kinda delinquent who went to jail! Or maybe some circus freak!" His laughter only got louder, and Nanami began to growl as my shoulders shook from humiliation, tears beginning to blur my vision.
My lip quivered but I planted my feet, glaring at the boy in front of me. "Just....go AWAY!" I shouted. The realization hit as soon as the words left my lips, and I clapped a hand over my mouth, but the damage was done.
The boy was flung, almost cartoonishly, forced away as if some invisible monster had thrown him by the ankle. He hit the ground with a hard thud as concerned parents started running over.
I was frozen, I couldn't speak, couldn't think. I did that? Such level of power and destruction, quite literally at the tip of my tongue, and I just....did that?
I didn't talk much after that.
Decided that school wasn't really my thing, either.
I stared at the approaching man, and the dozens of mutilated human corpses surrounding him. Just how strong was this guy? How could he have done that to Nanami without a second thought? Too much coursed through my head, but one thing was clear.
He wouldn't be continuing.
I pulled down my mask, taking in a deep breath. My lip trembled, my chest shook, and my hands balled into fists.
All at once, the bodies before me froze, trembling as massive cracks grew up from their feet. They cracked like glass yet their flesh made creaking, squelching noises as they began to break.
In a single, simultaneous moment, every single transmutated monstrosity exploded, a mess of blood, flesh, and gore unlike anything I'd ever seen before. My eyes widened, and my hands shook as I stared on at what remained.
The recoil hit me like a truck, my entire body feeling as if it were about to explode. I doubled over as vomit and blood poured out of my mouth with a pained retch. My throat felt hollow, and my chest felt as if it had been torn open. I could only cough and wheeze and whimper, leaning on the wall to remain upright. In my current state I didn't even notice what had happened right in front of me.
The pieces of the stitched man began to stretch and grow, reforming into his original shape. He looked at me with a twisted grin, slowly stalking toward me.
"Oh! I didn't know you were a cursed speech user! You didn't look like one at first!" I couldn't move as he approached. "But from those markings...youre an Inumaki, huh?" He chuckled.
"Wow....dyed your hair, got a mask on....you must have really wanted to be discreet! Almost like you –" he gasped in false shock, grinning ear to ear. "– Abandoned your clan like a little traitor~! That's fun! I'm all about forging your own path and stuff."
He smirked as he came face to face with my frozen, shaking form. "You abandoned your clan, then came running back to the battlefield to avenge a friend of yours! It would have been noble if it wasn't in vain." He snickered. "Youll die for nothing! How does that make you feel?" He cupped his ear, as though to listen for a response, then cackled. "After a shout like that, you'd be lucky if you could even whisper in the future! I'd expect your vocal cords to be in shreds at this point." He gasped, overcome with an idea. "Ooh, you know what would be even better?! If you went crawling back to your family yourself!"
He grabbed my chin. "I'm in a good mood right about now. So here's how it's going to go. I'll let you walk out of here on your own two feet, so you can stumble on back to that clan of yours and play charades with them until they realize you're their biggest failure of your generation!" He grinned, releasing me and turning toward the pink-haired kid who still stood shocked in the doorway. "Ta-ta now~, better get out of here before I change my mind."
My mind was reeling despite the fact that I couldn't move. This...this curse...had the audacity to tell me to run, with my tail between my legs? To flee, with empty hands, regardless of what more I could do? This thing had the temerity to tell me what to do?
Is that not what I've been trying to avoid my whole life?
"Incredible," he breathed, astonished. "Youre getting stronger, even if you don't know it." Nanami smiled, sitting on the old swing as I stood in front of him, arms raised as i finished demonstrating an odd move i had come up with and practiced. "Not a lot of people can even comprehend the idea of learning a new cursed technique, yet here you are, creating one of your very own. Impressive work, especially for someone with hardly any formal training."
I grabbed the notepad in my pocket, quickly scrawling a response.
'Its entirely possible that formal training would have suppressed this. If all are taught the general systems, it'll be hard to remain an individual.'
He chuckled. "I guess it's possible. But schooling aside, you really have become something special. Keep honing that skill...keep being you, and I bet you'll one day do something incredible, even if you don't see it. Even now, you found a workaround to vent out your cursed energy without using cursed speech."
I smiled, sitting in the empty swing next to him. I pressed one more folded note into his hand, gently swinging forward and back.
'No matter what I do, and how long we spend apart, you always support me. You give me confidence and let me feel like I can really....do something. And it's something that I want that you always encourage. I never feel forced around you. I suppose I want to say I'm glad you've always stuck by my side. I'm really glad you're my friend.'
Nanami smiled softly then reached over to take my hand, interlacing our fingers.
"Of course. I'm glad you're my friend too."
I scowled at the curse as he walked away, raising my hands in front of me as I pooled whatever cursed energy I had left into my palms. One hand raised to my eye level, and the other drew back, as though pulling the string of an invisible bow. I could only mouth the words as I conjured my power.
"Cursed technique: toybox."
Toybox: a cursed technique designed and used solely by a forsaken and forgotten member of the Inumaki clan. Playing into the often-overlooked yet highly versatile arsenal of a children's imagination, Toybox allowed its user to concentrate portions of her cursed energy into a physical form, most often taking the shape of a pointed arrowhead or the length of a blade. None could see this "weaponry" aside from the user herself, hence the reference to imagination and childrens' toys.
I took careful aim, seeking to strike the curse at its core. I had one shot at this, and in it, I poured every last bit of power I had left. With a shaky breath and a steady hand, I released the grip that was pulled back, sending the equivalent of a cursed bullet flying at the stitched man.
He was still for a moment, looking down at the sizeable hole in his chest.
His head twisted around unnaturally, only grinning as the wound sealed shut. "Oh dear. I gave you your chance. This simply won't do." He walked back toward me. "You keep distracting me from the person I actually want to kill! And I'm getting tired of wasting my time." He smiled lazily, shrugging. "Buuut, you certainly don't have anything left now. I can tell. You're all out!" He chuckled, as the aftershock of losing so much energy finally hit me like a brick wall.
Almost as if on cue, I clutched my stomach as more blood and bile rose from my throat, and he snickered. With a swift hit to the legs he made my knees buckle, sending me all too quickly to the floor. My head struck tile with a thud, and I'm sure I heard a crack. My vision blurred and my breath hitched, and I couldn't even flinch when his foot sunk into my gut, only drawing forth more blood and vomit.
The man above me sneered. "Youre a pest. And you aren't even worth my time. You were born weak, you lived a coward, and you'll die a failure. Now, instead of dealing with you swiftly like I should have, we're going to find out if it takes longer for you to bleed out, or choke on your own vomit like a wounded dog."
I could only watch as he walked away, gasping, shaking, and unable to move. No matter what I tried, no matter what I wanted to do, I remained still, feeling utterly broken and worthless. My vision was fading, my body beginning to shut down. I heard muffled conversation between the curse and the boy, before it all...stopped.
My eyes shut tight. Why didn't I feel anything? Why didn't it...hurt? I flinched as I felt a hand on my shoulder, instinctively pulling away and sitting upright. My jaw dropped when I saw him.
I couldn't believe it. There he was, kneeling in front of me, his blonde hair almost falling in his eyes. He smiled softly, holding out his hand. "...i dont think ive heard you say my name in a long time...did you miss me, by any chance?"
I didn't take his hand, but instead sprung from my spot into his arms, hugging him tightly. My body shook as tears stung my eyes, so many words I never said all rising to the surface.
So much to say, so many questions, so many words, yet the only thing that fell past my lips was, "I'm sorry."
He brushed a strand of hair over my ear, his smile never fading. "Whatever for? I couldn't be prouder of you."
That only caused me to choke on a sob, shaking my head as I buried my face in his chest. "B-but I couldn't fight him...I didn't do anything, I didn't help anyone...." my hands clenched. "I-i failed."
He shook his head, pulling me up to look at him. "My dear, you gave your all to defend a purpose. And I've known you practically our whole lives. Your existence was not in vain...and I can promise that others will agree. I promise, I will never be disappointed in you."
The tears that fell next were of a different kind. "...heh...you always knew how to make me feel better, Ken..."
He smiled, and I paused as I felt his lips press against my forehead. "Of course. Don't you remember? I always do stuff for you." He chuckled, watching my cheeks flush at the memory. I took a deep breath, trying to organize my thoughts. Of any possible chance, surely this was the best one I had to say it.
"Kento...you've been...my best friend and my closest ally....our whole lives. My greatest support and beloved confidant..." I whispered, taking his hands. "I love you, Nanami Kento, I always have. I....I know it's far too late to have said anything, and I should have done something better, or-or gone to you sooner, but-"
I was cut off by a calloused hand cupping my cheek, pulling me into the most gentle, loving kiss, like the kind from books that one could only dream for.
He smiled. "Im glad I could hear you say it. It probably would have been awkward if we had to make this exchange with handwritten notes," he chuckled. The off comment made me giggle, and I hugged him again. He simply held me to his chest, wordless, just allowing time to pass.
We spent what felt like hours in each other's arms, exchanging questions and catching up on every detail.
I didn't want to move, didn't want to leave this incredible, impossible moment. Despite the situation, despite what all just happened, I felt...peaceful. Safe. Almost...alive. Nothing else mattered right now.
All of a sudden, i...felt like I was being pulled. As if I was beginning to be torn away from Nanami's arms. He looked down at me, noticing the invisible force.
"Kento, what...what's happening?" I whispered, clinging to him now with more strength.
He...he smiled, brushing back my hair and pressing a kiss to my forehead. "...looks like it's not quite your time yet. You get to keep going."
Fresh tears sprung to my eyes and I shook my head, burying my face in his chest. "N-no, I....I can't...I can't go back...I can't face them...I can't do anything..."
Our embrace was short-lived, and I cried out as I was dragged away.
"Im getting a response! She's coming back!"
"Easy now, don't overwhelm her."
"Who is she anyway?"
"Im not sure. She's got the marks of the Inumaki, but she doesn't have a sorcerer ID and any other form of identification seems to imply she changed her name."
"Alright, don't interrogate her now, I think she's waking up!"
My eyes squeezed tight, my head was pounding. I heard a lot of voices, too much sound to pay attention to any one thing.
Much as I didn't want to, I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. I was surrounded by people, unfamiliar faces, their gazes all boring into me. I felt like I wanted to disappear.
A blonde boy looked at the others, standing close to me. "I found her near where Nanami was...i-i mean, I wasn't completely sure if she was going to survive but if there was a chance, it seemed worth trying." He turned to me. "Are you feeling alright?" I shrugged, only able to let out a pained sigh. He nodded. "Yeah, i..I bet. All things considered, you don't look too badly injured per se...a couple of cracked ribs...might have a mild concussion from falling...but most of your state seemed to come from a near total drain of cursed energy. What happened?"
I opened my mouth to speak, tried to do something, anything, but the only noise that came out was a creaky, broken groan. My hands reached to my neck, at this point only trying to make a sound. I hadn't spoken in years, but now that I couldn't? Oh god. The only sound that came from my mouth were shaky gasps and raspy hisses.
The boy nodded. "Considering the state you were in, I wouldn't be shocked if your vocal cords are damaged beyond use...here." he pulled out his phone, then held it out to me with the notes app open. I sat up, taking the device and beginning to type, beginning with telling them my name.
'Nanami was an old friend of mine. I might technically be a sorcerer but I left that behind for personal reasons. I saw the veil around Shibuya, though, and i couldn't bring myself to ignore it, especially after I heard that kid yelling about Gojo. I got there when I could, dispatched the transmutated humans and minor curses that I saw as I ran toward the threat. I found that patched-up...thing standing over him, but I couldn't move fast enough to stop it. I used my cursed speech on him but...its almost like I didn't do anything at all.'
I sighed, handing the phone back to him to read. He nodded, relaying the message to the others; a woman in a white coat with a cigarette, and a man with spiky hair, a goatee, and dark, angled sunglasses. They both looked...vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it at the moment.
The woman frowned. "...an Inumaki girl who was friends with Nanami? I do remember someone like that...she hung out a lot less after a non-sorcerer got badly injured, though. Must've been you." At her words I shrunk into myself, and she nodded as her suspicions were confirmed. "But...you came back. That shows a lot more about you than you realize." She smiled a little, tapping her cigarette. "Takes a lot of courage to do that."
I turned to the boy, reaching out my hand, and he gave me the phone again.
'I never wanted a life like this. If I could've removed my tattoos and just...lived, like a normal person, I absolutely would have. But it's not like I could have ignored a veil that big and an aura that dark.'
I frowned.
'Not like it really mattered anyway. I didn't save anyone, and nearly killed myself in the process. I'm useless. The only thing I did here was cause another casualty.'
The boy read my note and shook his head. "Thats not exactly true. There were remnants of your cursed energy all around that room. Those things all over the place were transmutated humans, bodies crushed and mutilated to that curse's desired form, yet not permitted to die. Your cursed speech laid dozens of suffering, frightened, pained people to rest. It's a hard thing to think about, but...you saved them."
I stared at him, my eyes wide and lip quivering. I...saved them? How could that have been possible, with the image of such gore, such suffering etched into my mind? It doesn't seem right.
"More than that, I sensed your energy that came from something else. It was strong, concentrated. Do you have another cursed technique outside of your speech?" He asked, simple curiosity in his tone. Not accusational, not upset, just wishing to know. At my slight nod he smiled. "Then...you could still help people. Er- if you wanted to, that is. I don't mean to sound like I'm forcing you."
I took his phone and typed another response.
'I don't know yet, if I'm being honest. There's a lot to take in right now. All I ask right now is, if you can, don't tell Toge I'm here. I don't know if he remembers me, but I'm not sure if I can face him.'
As if the curse of fate decided to play yet another cruel joke, I heard a gasp from behind me. A pale-haired boy stared at me, eyes wide. I couldn't see his mouth under the high collar of his jacket, but I could tell exactly who he was. To my surprise he wasn't gawking at the markings on my lips, but looking at me, with a certain level of recognition in his eyes. I couldn't tell quite what emotion he was feeling, nor what he felt about seeing me after so long.
I never wanted to speak more desperately than I did in that moment. He was so...so small when I left. So young. I'm not sure he even knew why I had gone. I opened my mouth to speak, begging and pleading that I could just get one word out.
My lips moved to a silent voice, tears falling down my cheeks. "Toge, I-"
He didn't even let me try to continue, and I felt myself enveloped in the tightest, most caring hug I had gotten in years. A soundless sob shook in my chest as I clung to him with all I had. My mouth moved over and over again, repeating 'I'm sorry' and 'forgive me' endlessly. The man in the sunglasses chuckled. "Looks like someone missed you."
I couldn't believe it. After everything, after all this time, I was simply...welcomed? Forgiven? After my shortcomings, my failures, my pain, I could still...do something? Be something? No one was upset, and instead it seemed they...or at least Toge, was happy to see me. Despite the tragedy, despite all the suffering...it was like I still meant something. This sense of belonging, of support, everyone had everyone's backs, and everyone was working toward a common goal: making the world a safer place.
When toge let go of me, I picked up the phone one more time, typing a final message with a smile. This level of enthusiasm was something I hadn't felt since I was little, and I was almost relieved to have it back again. I handed the device back to its owner, and he read it aloud to the woman and man, each with a knowing smile on their face.
"How do I come back?"
Thanks for reading :]
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mintyvoid · 3 years
i totally forget obey me has an music album and so decided to finally listen to it.
omg this is the most whiplash I’ve had listening to a album, some of these songs are just so baddd ahhhhh. The range of singing ability of the va is something.
imma now ramble bout all of ‘em...I haven’t had the excuse to critically look at music in a bit so time to scratch that itch
i’m sorry but lucifer and mammons song are just awful and cringe holy shit. I couldn’t stop burstin’ out laughing, I started getting worried for the rest of the songs but they do get better.
Granted going solely off of the /musical composition/ and jap vocals, not the lyrics/it’s structure/meaning at all.
Levi’s was better, but still bland. I’m not the biggest fan of auto-tune but at least this song I feel it’s appropriate. Satan’s is where we start getting into some actual good stuff. First one I actually partially enjoyed.
OKAY SO ASMO’S VA IS THE BEST SINGER OF THE BUNCH, hands down everyone go home. I got fucking tingles listening to his solo song. God I was so surprised by the guys range. And of course right after that..*sigh* I can HEAR the promise in his singing ability, but the song is just so boring.
weird note: this was technically my first time /really/ hearing their voices....I uh usually played the game on mute or would skip the story (and read it else where, the vn style sometimes irritates me how it’s paced.)
So I was honestly really surprised that Belphie va is quite high pitched, I was expecting the reversal of levi and belphie. Which i found kinda funny that they were the opp of what I figured they’d be....but it also just firmly cemented Belphie as my definite favourite =3= And his solo piece was just as cute as his voice ah-. Wouldn’t call it spectacular but I did enjoy it.
I...I can’t take ‘Choose Me’ seriously, it trying really hard to sound like a big boy band hit and it just, makes me laugh. Afterwards it’s a lot better, though I can’t stop hearing “GAY x3″ during the chorus which just never fails to make me exhale harshly out of my nose. ( wanna say they’re singing ‘GAME’? but there’s so much emphasis on the first part, which makes sense when looking at it phonetically (and i think in jap emphasis on the first syllable is common?)
NOW THIS is a good Beel song. I knew the guy could sing, the song was just  not good. But holy shit is this song so fucking cute, a little repetitive but god so fluffy cute. I wanna cuddle with this song ugh ;w; The contrast of the two really fits well together too, but I wish there was a section where they sang together??? Like why...didn’t they do this o-o (unless it doesn’t mesh well then-)
Thank god a song where I can actually hear Luci’s va sing, Like Beel It almost sounds like they’re prioritizing the characters voice a bit over singing, giving the performance...too much power, if that makes sense? Like it’s stuck in the chest too much where it affects the tone, I’m having a hard time explaining it. Also the two of them mesh like ridiculously well, like they sound too similar at times(which thinking about it does kinda lend itself well lol)
Last two are just more Asmo, and I’m confident now that not only he’s the best singing but perhaps the only actual singer..like professionally. When you listen to enough music,study it, or sing yourself it becomes a lot easier to tell a persons skill level and like- it screams “hi i do this for a living’.and i mean they give him a lot of song space too lol
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greycaelum · 2 years
Hey Grey! I was wondering what would gojo's reaction be when kouki accidentally used a cursed technique at a young age? (Hope this makes sense lol english isn't my first language WHAHAUGS)
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
(Kaleidoscope Series || Clouds & Mochi Chapters ||)
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[When the seal is broken, how can you divide the past, present, and future?]
[Notes and Warning: Kouki's curse technique, angst, blood, comfort. This is a 7-year-old Kouki—when he's in the normal age range to manifest curse energy and the seal Satoru placed in him broke. Word Count: 3k]
"Pardon the late reply. Your English is great! No worries.  If you mean the first time he saw curses it's in Stroll. The first time he accidentally used cursed energy without knowing is in Moonrise. And the time he used his technique is in Prompt 2 in the Events. If one is particular enough in reading through the C&M, the amount of time Kouki used his cursed energy is all over the chapters of C&M Chapters." —Grey
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"Kou can you give Mama the sc—"
"Ma, Papa was slashed by a green-eyed man."
Your mouth opened and close at the sight of your son, two stream of red on his face continuously flowing from his eyes, your knees felt as if all your energy had been siphoned and reduced you to kneel before Kouki with shaky breath and trembling hands cupping his pale cheeks contrast to the red liquid.
"What h-happen..." you can't finish the sentence and kept wiping the stream of red from your son's face. "Why are y-you crying blood?"
Your 7 years old boy wordlessly put his head on your shoulder and slowly slump forward, unmoving and cold.
Satoru sat on the steel bench outside Shoko's clinic clenching and unclenching his fist as if it could relieve his anxiety. After receiving your frantic call, he came home and found you cradling Kouki's cold body with the bleeding trail of red irony liquid on his son's face.
Using his Six Eyes, he searches for the problem, and as he expected the seal placed inside Kouki's body is gone and the immense curse energy surged out of his boy's fragile body. Satoru does not want another Yuji, Yuta execution case to happen, moreover to his own son. He can only breathe in relief that the systems have changed, but that relief didn't last long a minute long.
The door opened and Shoko removed her mask. A somber look hang on the woman's tired face.
"He's sleeping for now. I healed his eyes but it will only worsen if you don't find a cure. The worst-case scenario right now, Kouki might completely lose his eyesight."
Satoru remained frozen, but his knuckles are so white and veins protrude from his clenched fists. He would give his eyes to his son in a heartbeat, but it'll only make matters worse. Satoru's eyesight with his blindfold on is compromised of darkness with the infinite number of zeroes and ones. He doesn't want any of his children to see the same world he is seeing.
"What's the cure?"
"... I also don't know," Shoko sighed.
The two of them were interrupted by loud cries, they rushed inside and saw Kouki thrashing around screaming for Satoru and you.
"Shhh, it's okay Papa's here Kikufuku, Papa's here." Satoru envelopes his arms around his boy's small body, preventing the mochi from hurting himself. Satoru's throat constricted while he kept hushing the pitiful cries and hiccups of the boy whose eyes are covered with bandages.
"D-don't go, Papa!" Kouki whimpered between hiccups.
"I'm here Kikufuku, Papa's here." Satoru searched for his boy's hands and instantly press them over his strong beating heart as proof. "Papa's right here."
Absentmindedly, you walk on the pavement of the city roadside, holding a paper bag of warm food you made for Kouki who is now resting in the Gojo Estate. Saika is with your parents with Satoru sending in his clansmen to watch over her day and night.
Satoru was slashed by a green-eyed man.
You know who your son was pertaining to. A vague memory of Satoru telling you what happened to Megumi's father and the news of Riko Amanai's assassination. It's a well-known story in the Jujutsu society, but that piece of dark past has never been spoken in your home, much more to the kids.
Was Kouki able to see a glimpse of the past?
Lost in thought you stumbled forward almost falling face flat but a hand grabbed you back.
"I'm sorry Miss! Are you okay?"
A young girl with wavy hair wearing a white shirt and brown apron helps you to your feet. She fussed over, asking you for any injuries and apologizing once again. Your eyes landed on the plaque of the shop and the beautiful varieties of flowers displayed inside the place seen through the clear window.
Fluer-de-Lis Bouquets
"Are you okay Miss? You seem to be troubled." The girl looks at you, eyes filled with worry.
"I'm fine, thank you." Smiling weakly, you apologized for bumping into her and went on your way.
"Miss, do you mind if I take a few of your minutes?" The young girl run up to you and pointed to the flower shop. "Please?"
"I'm sorry my son and husband are waiting for me, I can't really dawdle around. Maybe some other time," shaking your head, you turn but couldn't bring your feet to take a step.
"I won't be here the next time..."
You turn around, baffled by the cryptic words of the young lady who only smiled. Go... A voice in your mind whispered as you stare at the name of the shop. Soon you find yourself entering the cozy establishment. Inside, the sunrays reflected in the window seem to glow and the place seems surreal and mystifying. Small butterflies hover over the flowers, the plants are alive... With vibrant petals and beautiful leaves that seem to greet you with their pleasant colors.
"You have beautiful eyes..." The young lady murmured while busily wrapping a stem for you.
"You haven't seen my eyes yet," you replied touching the sunglasses you used to hide how puffy they are after crying. The lady smiled, shaking her head.
"I could tell. Variegated tulip proclaims beautiful eyes," the florist extended the red and white striped tulip and smiled. "Keep it, you'll need it." She steps back and waves.
"Thank you," subconsciously you stood up, dazed while holding the stem of the beautiful flower, and walk to the door, out of the mystifying shop.
"Oi-Cho, Fukui... you'll find what you're looking for there." The voice whispered but when you look back the young lady has turned her back and disappeared to the backdoor of the shop.
"Are you okay?"
Satoru frowned. He looks at you walking with eyes confused and a strange expression on your face.
"Honey?" Satoru held your elbows and only did your dazed head clear up. "Did something happen on your way here?"
"Do you know Oi-Cho, Fukui?" The words of the lady earlier kept running in your mind, followed by the bizarre message.
Satoru frowned, unsure how to answer but ended up nodding.
"I entered this strange flower shop and the florist gave me this flower, before I left she said I'll find what I'm looking for in Oi-Cho, Fukui," you reach for the chair and sit down, asking for water.
"How's Kouki?"
... Satoru fell silent, urging you to drink first.
"Shoko fixed his eyes but it will only worsen if we can't find the cure."
Satoru massaged the bridge of his nose. A headache made its presence known at the back of his head.
"He might go blind permanently if we can't find anything. Shoko doesn't know what is the cure to it."
Your stomach lurched the blood in your veins ran cold, and your heart fell from what seemed like 10,000 altitudes high. Kouki, your precious cheerful baby, losing his eyesight forever?
"I've only been to Fukui once," Satoru's face is unreadable. He knew of the strange legend passed down by tongue about a mystic mountain in that place.
"I'm going." With finality, you inhaled shakily. Betting to a 1 in 1 million chance is better than not betting at all.
"Stay with our son, he's been looking for you since this morning. I'll go."
The flower on your hand keeps bothering you along with the words of the young lady. You've seen countless strange things in this world, and the thought of the sudden encounter earlier struck you with wonder ou extended the flower. You don't surely know but the flower seems to hold importance after that sudden encounter in the flower shop.
"I'll be back."
Deep in the Fukui Prefecture, there's a shrine of an ancient clan. They're the center of countless myths and legends, a family that is important to the emperor and produced several distinguished noble clans, however, through the passage of time their power and influence have waned leaving remnants of what was once the hailed prestige they had.
Satoru arrived at the temple of the Tsuchimikado Clan and asked the steward of the shrine.
"Young man, are you sure? The mountain is extremely perilous and people here believed a nine-tailed fox lives there." An old man in monk robes shook his head at Satoru.
"I'll handle it, just point the right way."
"I still advise you to turn back. But if you insist." The old man pointed to the peak of the mountain hidden by thick fog. "The shrine you're looking for is said to be in the crater of the mountain. But it's only a belief passed down in our family, no one has proven it, and several people have told us different places of the said shrine. It's sometimes seen—"
"Sometimes not," Satoru filled in the man. As a kid, he grew up studying various subjects, history and literature included. Many stories circulated around the Tsuchimikado Clan and its famous figure Abe no Seimei. When the Tsuchimikado clan lost their power they withdrew to Oi-Cho Fukui where their only and last shrine still stands. However unknown to the public there's more to that place. Somewhere around the mountain of the clan, lies a small shrine that is said to grant any wishes... However, it is sometimes seen, sometimes not... With no exact place to find it, many people who have searched got lost in the mountain trail and never came back.
Satoru thanked the monk and went on his way. One more thing about the mountain is that the moment the feet step the domain's 'threshold' it will restrict the curse energy, rendering even Satoru's Six Eyes to be completely unusable. With that kind of handicap, the jujutsu administration never dared to touch any corner of the strange mountain.
How's Kouki doing? Satoru hastened his steps, with restricted curse energy he cannot teleport and relied only on his endurance. His son was just 2 years old when his curse energy manifested. Too early for the fragile body of his young boy Satoru used the seal as a 'vessel' that will absorb Kouki's curse energy instead of letting it overflow from the child's body and attract unwanted attention from both the jujutsu clans and curses. But it seems the amulet cannot contain his son's curse energy anymore and disintegrated, leaving no trace behind.
The sun has already set and Satoru has been walking all day long, yet the peak of the mountain never came any closer, just an endless trail ahead. He's been having the nagging feeling that he's only been circling around.
The mist has already set in, and the sky has turned magenta to blue. Satoru who has not yet eaten since he came, sat under a tree and rested for a while.
He was awoken by the sound of small bells clinking in airy harmonic echoes, it wasn't loud nor was it harsh. The more the bells clank the more mellifluous it was to the ears, Satoru whose eyes have been rendered to be that of a human, slid down his glasses and squinted to find the source of the sound.
Not far away, something glowing in white was walking in his direction, Satoru cannot move, his body is rendered to complete paralysis despite his eyes open.
The glowing white stopped in front of Satoru. Blinking amber eyes, blinked to the blue ones. The furry tail of the creature stands straight while meticulously observing Satoru. Its eyes landed on Satoru's chest and raise its hind paw. scratching the clothes and making a whining sound. The flower Satoru stashed inside his clothes fell off and the white creature giddily pick it up with its long mouth.
A fox... Satoru cannot be mistaken, it's a fox. But this creature only has one tail, unlike the monk's words of a nine-tailed fox living in the mountains.
After playing with the flower, the white fox, nudge Satoru and the paralysis broke off and the flower turned to silver dust and lighted the path for them. The creature walks up the trail at a gentle pace as if leading Satoru. Spirited away Satoru could only follow behind in curiosity until not less than a quarter an hour they reach a clearing... They stood on the edge of the crater, up above the night clouds. Inside the crater is a lake filled with lotus flowers, and in the center of the lake stood a floating cottage.
The fox made another whining sound and walks down the edge, looking back as if making sure Satoru is following. It tapped its paw on the water and wide water lily pads surfaced making way for them to the floating cottage.
There is that bell once again.
"You have brought in a guest Inari?"
The fox beside Satoru leap to the cottage floors and went inside the room, and from the opened door Satoru saw a man sitting in the dark, petting the white fox by his side.
"Come sit, I'm afraid your journey has been tough."
Suspicious yet with not much choice there has Satoru accepted the invitation. Removing his shoes he steps into the room and sat on the cushion, facing the man. And yet, he cannot see the face.
"Although one can see the future and past, that doesn't provide them the authority to intervene in the present. Remind your son that there are things that must happen whether by will or by fate."
"Do you mean my son can see the past and future?" Satoru's mind cannot fathom how. There has never been a record of such a rare curse technique in the Gojo Clan.
The man didn't answer and instead opened a box, retrieving a large pouch, he pushed it to Satoru.
"Seeing the past and future has its price, looking into the myriad of possible future will damage both eyes and mind. Teach him to build a firm resolve and to use this instead."
Satoru opened the pouch and inside, countless crystal clear marbles shine in the dark.
"Pour in his energy and it will reflect what the fates want him to see. That way his eyes will not be damaged but this marble instead."
There's the sound of the bells, the fox on the man's side stood up and walk to Satoru.
"When the time comes, you must bring your son here."
The fox's snout touched Satoru's hand and an unseen force pushed Satoru down to the void. With his curse energy still sealed away, he cannot do anything but keep on falling.
You wipe the cold cloth on Satoru's forehead. He's been sleeping for a whole day after you found him in the backyard of the Gojo Estate, unconscious and feverish. Shoko checked up on him but found nothing wrong.
"K-Kouki..." Satoru's eyes fluttered open.
"Satoru?" Your hands search for his and smile. "Kouki's sleeping on the other side," you soothe him down. Satoru's bright blue eyes blinked open and turn to the side where Kouki is sleeping near the window. "Have you seen a pouch in my pocket?"
"You mean this?" You pointed to the large pouch you put on the bedside table.
Satoru sighed in relief. He thought that he lost it while falling into that strange void. Dazed and feverish he tried sitting up and opened the pouch. Staggering, he walks to Kouki's side and picks one marble. Satoru's heart ached to see the bandages covering his son's eyes. Why does his son have to carry that burden? Can't heavens spare his young boy?
"When you wake up. Papa's going to take you and Cat to that ice cream parlor you mentioned." Satoru stroke Kouki's long hair and inserted the glistening marble into his son's hand. "Sleep well for now."
A blanket coated over Satoru's shoulders and a small pat on his back from you.
"You need to rest too, you're still slightly feverish." You guided him back to his bedside and wrung the towel dry to place it on his forehead.
"Where's Saika?"
Right on cue, the door opened and Saika sneakily tiptoed holding a glass of water. But at the sight of her awake father, her face immediately brightened, and almost stumbled to run.
"Is that for me Cat?" Satoru candidly reminds her she was holding something before she run.
"Papa!" Saika skips to Satoru's side holding out the glass. "Okay?"
"Hmmm, Papa's okay. Thank you Cat," Satoru patted his daughter's head and accepted the glass. Taking his time to drink. After, he brings his daughter up to his lap.
"Be a good girl and don't run around." Satoru brushes his finger on Saika's chubby cheeks and looks at you. "Papa has a fever, you can hug Papa more when I get better. Why don't you go and make lunch with Mama?"
Saika obediently turns to you, reaching up to be carried.
"We'll be back, rest Love." You brush Satoru's cheeks and pulled the blanket up to his shoulders.
Satoru looks over Kouki for one last time, a slight bluish taint glistening from the marble in the boy's hand.
Get well soon Kikufuku... We still have so many things to do buddy.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 2 years
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 ~ 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐱 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞) 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
- I just left my apartment to run errands and when I’m gone I’ll go over part 2 to make sure it’s alright. will try to have that up tonight!
beyond excited to participate in @cryonme​ birthday writing event! i’m so sorry this took so long to post but when you see the word count, you’ll be able to tell why asdfdhgej. there was also a point where i had added about 3k words, saved the draft, then when i came back just a few minutes later to check something, tumblr had deleted every new thing i added / the update didn’t save. at that point i stopped writing for this for like a few days because i was so pissed lol.
i chose bucky barnes + 3 prompts: do you ever think about what i would do if something happened to you? // you have stars in your eyes. i like looking at them. // am i the reason you cry every night? (one of these is used twice hehe)
word count: 10.8 - 10.9k (it’s a lot better now that i’m splitting this up into 3 parts. originally i wasn’t planning for it to be this long but i just got to typing and typing on my silly little keyboard and then when i did the word count i knew i had to split it up lol)
sorry for the long ass intro, but little bit of context: obviously an au since i’m adding a character (aka you!) that doesn’t technically exist in the films. pietro survived in aou + he and wanda survived the blip, thor didn’t leave immediately after killing thanos, and clint wasn’t ever placed on house arrest. i know that bucky being rescued by steve is november 1943 and then him falling off the train is january 1945 but this does deal with both of those events so in this, it’s all in january of 1945. i’ve loved and been in the mcu fandom for years and years, having seen everything after the first iron man in theaters. i’ve also watched all films multiple times, so if you see something different or off to how it is in the movies, please assume it is intentional and for my story. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated but if you only have negative things to say with nothing actually helpful, or you just straight up hate this, please keep it to yourself because i’m actually really sensitive ahsdfasdga. full piece will be below the cut. enjoy!! and remember:
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Life was definitely not what you thought it’d be. Not long after Thanos wiped out half of the population, you were kidnapped. They called themselves New Hydra (sooo clever, right?), the group consisted of about only 25 men, but their goal was clear: they wanted to make newer and better Winter Soldier’s. About a week into you being held captive, it became obvious that they knew who you were long before they got their hands on you. You were told that the 12 of you that were chosen were unique. They’d been keeping their eyes on those with ‘special abilities’ in New York for quite a while. You fascinated them with your ability to travel through time.
It also helped that you were alone, no family and no close friends. Since you could do… what you could do, you mostly kept to yourself.
After spending over a decade perfecting a new serum, the people in charge decided that it was ready for human test subjects. Of everyone taken, you were the only one to survive the injections. You were New Hydra’s first Winter Soldier.
At first, your new powers weren’t immediately obvious. All kinds of tests were run, you were physically and mentally tortured, they did everything they could think of to see what the serums turned you into. One day, it was as if your body had enough. Just as you were strapped to the chair and the contraptions were placed around your head, a red light began to glow from your hands. A moment later when men began to rush in to see what was going on, you opened your fists, aiming your open hands at them. They were all dead within seconds as the energy was sent surging at them.
You wouldn’t find out until way later, that the color of the energy depended on your emotions. It only ever appeared red with New Hydra, because they loved to see you angry.
Now it was very clear. Not only would those remaining be able to send you through time to get their hands on weapons or information, but you were even more powerful than they thought you’d become. You were going to be their greatest weapon.
It didn’t take long for you to be compliant. One night when you were asleep, what looked like an oxygen mask was placed over your nose and mouth. You immediately woke up and tried to fight, but the gas was too powerful and you were unconscious just seconds later. That same night, a device was implanted in your leg. If you disobeyed, made a snarky comment, or did anything they didn’t like, the touch of one button sent pain that started in your leg but quickly spread throughout your whole body.
Almost ten months into captivity, you were rescued. The remaining Avengers had gotten word about an enhanced individual being held captive by a group of men, and Steve and Nat were sent to rescue you.
You didn’t know, of course, and coincidentally you were plotting your escape for that same day. After you were thrown back into your room, you removed the knife that you’d managed to hide in your boot. You grabbed the thin blanket that they allowed you to have, bit down on it, and cut into your leg. It took everything in you not to cry out in pain, but you managed to remove what you’d come to think of as the pain device. The cut wasn’t big, but you were bleeding a lot more than you had anticipated. You quickly ripped part of the blanket and tied it around your leg as best you could.
Using your powers to force the door open, you poked your head out, only to see the man that usually handled your torture, being thrown to the ground.
As you ran out into the hall, you looked around. You didn’t know what you were looking for, but something wasn’t right. Mikael, that was the mans name. He was your main point of contact with New Hydra, and as you slowly made your way over to him, a thought occurred.
You could kill him, but then everyone that worked under him would all work to kill you. You were powerful, and you’d already killed 5 men, and even with Mikael now on the ground that still left 19 men. Would you be strong enough to take them all down?
He called your name, blood slowly dripping out of his mouth as he beckoned you over with a weak flick of his wrist. “Kill them,” he whispered.
You tilted your head to the side, confused. They’d mostly been using you for your time traveling abilities, and at that point they only used your trigger words a handful of times, and each time after giving your mission report, they wiped your memory and either allowed you to go back to your room, or put you in cryo. So really, you had no idea how many people you’d actually killed.
“You stupid girl, I said kill them,” he pointed behind him.
You shot up, immediately making eye contact with Steve Rogers. Of course you recognized him, you knew who he was before you were taken, and now you were taught that the Avengers were your enemies.
“You don’t have to do this,” he takes a few steps forward, stopping when you raised your arms and purple energy began to glow around your hands. Purple, you’d come to find, meant scared. “It’s over, we’ve taken care of all of them. You can come with us and we can help you.”
Mikael pulled himself to a sitting position, reaching up to shove you forward. “Kill them now!”
You looked back at him for a few seconds, before turning back to Steve. Natasha Romanoff stepped out from behind him.
“Are they really all gone?” You whispered, looking to her as if for confirmation. When they both nodded, you lowered your hands. But the past ten months all seemed to run through your mind. You turned around to Mikael, suddenly aware that for the first time in a long time, you had the upper hand.
As you raised your hands, prepared to kill the man that had done nothing but cause you pain and suffering, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You weren’t used to touch that wasn’t meant to cause you harm, so you flinched as you turned around. Steve immediately removed his hand and took a step back. He didn’t say anything, but you were aware of what he was asking you to do. Reluctantly, you lowered your hands.
S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were soon brought in, and you were handcuffed. You were a killer, and they intended to punish you as such. After you were forced to put on handcuffs that somehow stopped your powers, there was a little back and forth about where you’d go. While Steve was arguing with the agents in charge, Nat quickly led you out of the building and onto the quinjet.
When Steve joined you a few minutes later, he admitted that the only reason you were allowed to go with them was because he pointed out that should you somehow escape your cuffs, he and Nat were the only ones that might be able to handle you. He tried to assure you that he only said that so that you wouldn’t go straight to wherever they had planned for you, but you didn’t respond, instead keeping your head downward, eyes on the same spot on the ground.
“How do I know you won’t kill me the second we land… wherever you’re taking me?” You asked after a few minutes, not able to look either of them in the eye.
“Wh—what they did to you,” Nat moved and took the seat next to you. “It wasn’t your fault. Neither of us thinks you should be killed or thrown in prison for the things they made you do.”
You weren’t sure whether you could believe them or not. The entire time you were held, it was drilled into your head that the Avengers wanted you dead.
Steve sat on the other side of you, and spoke as if he could hear your thoughts. “I’m sure they’ve told you a lot about us. But I can promise you, we’re not the bad guys.”
“Y-you don’t want to do what they did, with me? I don’t remember much of it, but they said that I was a good weapon, and—”
“No,” Steve shook his head. “You won’t ever have to do anything you don’t want to.”
Hours later, the quinjet touched the ground. Steve walked out first, followed by you and Nat. You were greeted by Nick Fury, who immediately took you by the arm and began to lead you into the building. Nat tried to speak up and say that wasn’t necessary, but Fury ignored her.
“You recognize this building?” He asked you just before you walked inside.
“The— this is the Avengers compound?”
He nodded, going silent again when you stepped into the elevator. Getting off on the second floor, you were taken into a room that had what was clearly a sort of prison cell.  ((((((think of the ‘cell’ loki was held in, in the first avengers film))))))
You began to panic, trying to escape from Fury’s hold.
“Alright let her go,” Steve finally caught up to you guys. He put a hand on your shoulder, and you tensed, but were relived when Fury finally let go. “This isn’t necessary, she isn’t some risk—”
“No offense Rogers, but you can’t guarantee that. She stays in here until we can determine what to do with her.”
He started to speak up again, but you shook your head. “It’s okay, it’s a better cell than I’m used to,” you gave him a sad smile before stepping inside.
Once the doors closed, you took a seat on the hard bench, doing your best not to cry. For so long you’d been nothing but a weapon. Now you were free from that… but what would happen next?
A lot happened after that. After Steve and Fury argued for a good ten minutes, Nat finally got them to calm down. Later that night Steve brought you pillows and a bunch of blankets, apologizing that he couldn’t get you moved to a normal room just yet. You thanked him, saying that he’d shown you more kindness than anyone had in a long time, and he further proved this when he sat outside of your cell that evening, talking to you for hours.
A few days later, you were visited by Fury. He said a deal was worked out. You were going to be sent somewhere where they could help de-program you, and make it so that your trigger words had no effect. Once that was complete, you were to come back and lay low in the Avengers compound, and after six months of basically being on house arrest, you’d be given a pardon. After learning of what happened to Bucky Barnes, while there were a lot of people who still blamed him, people also understood that he was forced to do those things, that he wasn’t in control.
So it was just 24 hours later that you found yourself back on the quinjet. You were exhausted, but stayed awake the entire flight. Secretly terrified that if you fell asleep, you’d wake up and find that you being rescued was all just a dream.
Wakanda was beautiful. And everyone was nice. You were greeted by the king, who insisted that you simply call him T’Challa. The young woman next to him piped up and said you could also call him annoying, which is what she usually prefers when referring to him. She then stuck her hand out and introduced herself as Shuri, letting you know that she’d be working closely with you.
She explained that it had been a while since Bucky was there, and since then she tried to work on perfecting the de-programming program, as she started calling it. Of course with no other Winter Soldier’s around, she couldn’t test it. So only time would tell if the deprogramming time would actually speed up.
Luckily, it worked. You only went into cryo once. Just 3 weeks later when Shuri determined you all were at the end, you were escorted by a member of the Dora Milaje to somewhere a few miles from everyone else. She assured you that it was just for your own safety, but you assumed it was for everyone else’s too. When all 10 trigger words were spoken out loud, and you didn’t react, you cried tears of joy. When you returned to everyone else, you embraced Shuri in a hug, telling her that she saved your life and you owed her everything. She was mostly happy that it actually worked, and said that all she wanted in exchange was a short interview with you, to ask in-depth questions about how things went from your point of view.
Exactly one month after leaving, you returned to New York. At Fury’s insistence, just incase, you were put back in the same cell. It was only overnight. Someone who spoke Russian was then brought in early the next morning. You tensed up as they said your trigger words, but by the end, nothing happened.
It wasn’t much longer until Steve was able to convince Fury that you weren’t a danger and shouldn’t have to sleep in that cell like you were their prisoner. An hour later, Nat came and escorted you up to the 4th floor. She said the floor used to be inhabited by someone else, but he was gone now and you could stay here for now until the next step was decided.
She reluctantly told you that the floor would remain locked unless one of the few people who had access needed to see you. But she reassured you that this was only temporary, and that if you needed anything, all you had to do was ask. Later, Steve came back and asked if you’d like to meet everyone else. They were all made aware of your situation, and seeing the skepticism on your face, he promised that none of them thought you were the monster that New Hydra tried to turn you into.
You went with him into the elevator and up to the top floor, timidly following behind him. Sat on a large couch and at the tall chairs near the kitchen, were Tony Stark, Pietro Maximoff, Thor, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, James Rhodes, Pepper Potts, and Clint Barton. Steve had mentioned that almost everyone that survived the blip was staying at the compound.
Pepper was the first to notice you and Steve entering the room, immediately getting up and approaching the two of you. She introduced herself and held her hand out. You hesitated at first, again, not used to people reaching out to you and not intending to cause you pain. But you shook her hand, and smiled when she said it would be good to have another woman around.
Clint, Tony, Bruce, Wanda, and Rhodey figured that you’d be a little intimidated walking into the room, so they all gathered and just made small talk amongst themselves. But Pietro and Thor were less obvious, their eyes following you as you walked into the room and approached all of them.
Pietro was next to greet you, getting up and speeding over to you. You not showing any reaction at the fact that he crossed the room in less than a second made him smile. He liked you already.
After that, your nerves quickly left you as everyone was nothing but nice. You were most nervous to meet Tony. New Hydra had filled your head with his hatred for Winter Soldier’s, and you weren’t sure how he’d react to you. But after Bucky, he was a lot more understanding. And he simply told you that he hoped they’d be able to help you get your life back on track.
After 2 weeks not leaving your floor, you started to grow restless. It had everything you could ever want, a small theater, massive kitchen, another room with a computer and a few books on the shelves, but you weren’t used to this. You were used to your time being controlled. You weren’t used to having the freedom to do whatever you wanted.
The first time you asked Nat if you could maybe borrow a few books from someone, she was pleasantly surprised that you liked to read. She asked you to make a list of any books that you wanted, and you assured her you weren’t picky, you’d read whatever was given to you. You walked into the computer room 2 days later to find over 100 books on the shelves. She’d spoken to Tony, who found a list titled “100 Best Books of All Time” and ordered every one of them.
Week 3, Bruce asked if you’d come up to the lab and allow him to run a few tests on you. You were a little terrified, but his smile and the kindness in his voice let you know that he wasn’t like them. He didn’t want to run tests to torture you or figure out a way to use your powers to his benefit. He was just genuinely curious, and wanted to see if they’d be able to help you with your powers in any way.
And he quickly became fascinated, especially when you talked about your time traveling abilities. As far as you knew, you’d never had any contact with the time stone, so it was still a mystery how you were able to do it. You traveled a few times, each time going further and further back in time. The two of you worked out that the further back you went, the longer you needed to recover afterwards. Going back 10 years required you to rest for a full day before you were feeling back to your normal self.
He was baffled when you thanked him one day as you were leaving. When he asked what for, you said “for allowing me to recover before sending me back again. When I was still… with them, sometimes I’d have to make two or three trips in one day. Then they’d throw me back in my room or freeze me again, and I never knew how long I had to rest.”
After 2 weeks of being with Bruce and Tony in the labs for at least a couple of hours every day, Nat announced that she was stealing you away. You went with her to the gym, she said she noticed you seemed a little restless if you sat still for too long, and she offered to train with you to release some of your energy.
You surprised her again with your fighting skills, but then she remembered the group that was training you. She taught you a few moves, and you ended up spending at least an hour nearly every day in the gym training together.
One thing that you re-learned about yourself, was that you loved to cook. One by one the team slowly trickled to your floor one night. The smell of the food you’d been cooking quickly made its way through the vents, and Tony was the first to work out that it was coming from your floor. You’d found an old cook book that dated back to the 1930’s, and Tony kept your kitchen stocked well enough that there were all the ingredients needed to make something.
Steve stayed quiet about the particular foods that you’d chosen to cook, but he recognized them almost immediately when he saw what book you got the recipes from. The floor you were on used to be Bucky’s, and although most of his things had been packed away so that you could move in without someone else’s things being all over the place, little things like his books had been left out.
From then on, everyone else not-so-slyly hoped that you’d be making dinner for everyone from then on. You immediately agreed, not only loving to cook, but loving that you felt needed. Your security clearance was changed, and you were also granted access to the kitchen attached to the main living room. You asked Tony if you might be able to get your hands on a few more cookbooks, and being the extremely generous and over-the-top man that he was, less than 24 hours later you found stacks of 40 books on the kitchen counter.
Between meals with the team, the gym with Nat, Steve, and occasionally Pietro who flirted with you every chance he got, the labs with Bruce, Tony and Rhodey, and a few outside sessions with Clint who heard you tell Nat one night that you thought his arrows were really cool, your 6 months on house arrest went by a lot faster than anticipated. You’d even spent a little bit of time with Thor, usually you lounged around together in one of the many living rooms. You loved and were in awe about his stories about life on Asgard, what it looked like, what the people were like, and he appreciated a chance to talk about the place and people that he loved. You were smart and witty, and he couldn’t help but think that if his brother were alive, you 2 would’ve gotten along well.
After your time on house arrest was up, you were still nervous to leave the compound. But everyone assured you that you didn’t have to step foot outside until you were absolutely ready.
Secretly, you weren’t just nervous. You were terrified. Once you started going outside and interacting with other people, would you still have a place to stay? What if it was determined that since you were able to function out in public, you wouldn’t need to stay at the compound anymore? Or what if it was worse, and you were then placed into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody?
It turned out that you didn’t need to worry about that either. Tony had quickly come to think of you as family, and he came to your floor one night and asked if you’d like to stay with them, mentioning that you could leave whenever you wanted, but everyone loved having you around.
Time really flew by after that. Some of the team still occasionally went on missions, but Tony was one of the few who stayed behind. He was still weak after what happened with Thanos, and it was taking a while to get his full strength back.
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When Pepper found out that she was pregnant, Tony immediately wanted to move them to a place of their own, wanting a chance at a normal life. He asked you to come with them, and you happily accepted.
For the next few years, there was peace. In the cabin, you, Tony, Pepper, and eventually Morgan, lived a quiet life. You still practiced with your powers, but didn’t go on missions with the rest of the remaining Avengers. Tony, in fact, made a game of it when you said you wanted to practice. He’d look up old dates in his calendar to ensure that past-him wouldn’t be home, then he’d send you back to grab some fancy bottle of wine or a nice shirt that he lost. You appreciated that he didn’t see your powers as a weapon, and you liked using them this way.
Things were good, and then one day Steve, Nat, and Scott Lang showed up. They said that there was a chance to fix thigns, if they could go back in time to get the stones, Nat pointed out that one of them could snap their fingers and bring everyone back.
You spoke up, offering to just do it yourself. As long as you didn’t have to go back in time by that many years, you should be fine making a few trips in one day. The only reason you were so exhausted with New Hydra was because they made you do multiple trips in a day, but often going back 50+ years. Before any one of them could respond to you, though, Tony shook his head. You’d been with him for years now and really were like ‘his first daughter’, as he sometimes referred to you. He said absolutely not, they would not be putting your life at risk like that especially when the outcome wasn’t guaranteed. And he knew that none of them were selfish to expect that of you. And besides, there was a chance that things could get screwed up even worse than they already had.
Nothing was resolved after that. Steve, Nat and Scott ended up leaving soon after that conversation. At one point, you pulled Steve aside. He was the first one to be kind to you, and you let him know that you still wanted to help. You trusted him, and if he thought getting the stones could bring everyone back, then you’d do it for him. He pulled you in for a hug, and said he really appreciated you. But, Tony was right. It was a gamble, and not worth risking your life, especially sending you back alone.
Later that night, you sent Nat a text. You said you knew that no one wanted to send you back alone, but you still wanted to be kept in the loop. So you asked her to let you know if they were going to still work on anything time travel related. A couple of days later, you got a call. They brought Bruce in on it again, and were confident that there was a possible solution.
You nervously approached Tony, and told him what was going on. When he found out that you wanted to go there and possibly help them, he started to protest. Nearly 10 minutes later, and after you promised that you wouldn’t do any time traveling by yourself, he offered to drive you to the compound. When you got there, he made you promise again, this time to let him know if anything went wrong or if anyone got hurt. You asked if he was going to come inside, and he said no, he was going to go back to the cabin and work on a few things.
Later, he received a text that consisted of only 4 emojis and 2 symbols: 🕛🚐 = 👶🏼&👴🏻
After what was pretty much concluded to be a fail, Steve went outside for some air. Everyone else went to their rooms to cool off. You stayed put, opting to join Steve outside after a few minutes. He asked how you were doing with all of this, and you said you were torn. On one hand, you wanted everyone to be happy and be able to bring back those they lost, but you understood why Tony was hesitant.
He could tell something else was bothering you, so he asked if you were really okay. You confessed that you were scared.
“Before New Hydra, I was basically alone. Then, they took me, and for a while all I knew was the life they forced me to live. One where every moment of my life was under their control, one where I was their weapon, the monster they created, and—”
Steve put a hand on your shoulder, giving you a sad smile. “You remind me a lot of someone. I promise you, you are not the monster that they created. The blood isn’t on your hands.”
“But it was still my hands that killed those people,” you looked down, unable to make eye contact.
He got chills, Bucky said those exact words to him when he was first brought to live in the compound. “It wasn’t. You were forced to do those things. You had trigger words, right?” When you nodded, he continued, “you didn’t have a choice. No one blames you.”
Putting a temporary halt to your conversation, was the sound of a car approaching. A big smile finally makes its way to your face as you recognize the car. You had a feeling Tony would come around.
Before he did or said anything to anyone else, though, he pulled you aside. “You have to promise me that you’ll be careful, okay?”
“I will, I promise. It’s just—”
“No,” Tony shook his head. “This isn’t just some light mission that we’re all gonna bounce back from and everything will be fine. This could, hell, it probably will get ugly. I know you’ve volunteered yourself in the past, but you can’t do that now if you’re risking your life, and your life alone.”
He pulls you in for a hug before you start crying, knowing how sentimental you can be.
“I promise I won’t volunteer myself for anything unless I’m absolutely sure.” You offer up, hoping that’s good enough.
“You know what, I guess I’ll take it. But I mean it, kiddo. Do you ever think about what I would do if something happened to you? I know sometimes you still see yourself as an outsider, but you’re family. You’re my daughter whether you like it or not.”
You stood outside for a few more minutes, and reassured Tony once more that you wouldn’t do anything without at least checking with him first.
From there, things quickly progressed. Rhodey and Nebula arrived, and the team quickly split up. Bruce and Rocket went to go get Thor, who’d fallen into a depression not long after your house arrest ended. Losing Loki and feeling like he failed to kill Thanos when he should have, took its toll, and he left the compound to go join the remaining Asgardians. Nat went to go get Clint, who also fell into a depression when it finally hit him that his family was no longer around.
Once everyone was back, Clint did a test run with the time travel suits, and then a long discussion / debate followed about where the infinity stones were, and who would go where to get them. Once Nat pointed out that if you chose the right year, there’d be 3 stones in New York, you all decided to split up into 3 teams. Tony was reluctant to let you go since you’d be going back and forth without a suit and only your powers, but you were determined to help.
At first, it was decided that you would go to Vormir with Clint, and Nat would be one of the few that went to New York. But after everyone else was decided, she pulled you aside and asked you to switch places. She and Clint had been through a lot, and she felt like she should be with him on this mission. You agreed, and so it was decided that you would be going to New York.
The way your powers worked, you had to be extremely specific. If you wanted to travel back, you couldn’t just pick a year. You had to pick the year, month, day, and exact time as well as the location. So once Steve let you know, you went first.
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“You know, Cap, that head piece on your uniform is a nice touch,” you pointed way off into the distance, where the past Avengers were stood in a circle. You hadn’t seen him wear his entire uniform at that point.
He pretended to be offended, but the smile on his face gave him away. For a while, once again things seemed to be going smoothly… and then you and Steve ran into… past Steve.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” you both muttered at the same time.
After a lengthy battle between Steve and Steve with you helping out here and there, the 2 of you made your way back to re-group with Tony and Scott. Upon realizing that it was pretty much a fail, Tony suggested that he and Steve go further back, mentioning that they could get still get everything they needed. Once Scott was sent back to the compound, you told the 2 remaining men that you were going with them. Both protested, saying you’d already done more than enough. When you pointed out that you hardly did anything, mostly helped Steve fight himself, they were still reluctant. You pointed out that they’d given you a life you never thought you’d have, and you just wanted to help make sure everyone got what they wanted in the end, and you going with them was a way for you to do that.
You ignored the warning voice in your head. The one that reminded you what happened when you went back just a single decade. You barely left your bed, so what would happen when you went all the way back to 1970?
For the most part, nothing happened right away. But that was usually how it worked, if you travelled back and forth too quickly, you didn’t feel the effects until after. A rough plan was made, and you and Steve separated from Tony, with plans to meet back up as soon as possible.
As with every other thing you guys had done, there had to be at least a couple of hiccups. You and Steve managed to grab more Pym particles, but once you exited the room you quickly realized that at least a few people were on to you. Overhearing the woman from the elevator saying that she’d never seen you, Steve, and Tony before, you asked Steve what to do. He quickly put an arm around you and walked in the other direction, pretending to make small talk.
Once you were far enough away that you didn’t think they’d see, you walked through 2 random doors. You’d been the one to point out you should separate, that way if one of you got caught, the other was free to rescue them. You and Steve really should’ve paid more attention to where exactly you were going. The name on the door Steve had randomly chosen? Margaret Carter.
As he looked around the room, feeling his heart break when he saw that she still kept a photo of him from before the serum on his desk, you were frantically looking around, wondering where you could possibly hide. When the door handle twisted open, you thought well, I hope they make my death quick.
When you and Peggy locked eyes, she was a little surprised, to say the least. She hadn’t been told that anyone would be in the room, and she didn’t know of any other women currently working in that particular building. Steve watched, frozen, wondering if he should go help you. Peggy would recognize him, of course, but he couldn’t just leave you.
As you stammered through what you hoped was a believable excuse for why you were in there, Peggy surprised you by just straight up asking if you were from the future.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” she gave you a small smile, noticing how nervous you seemed. “It’s alright, I’m not going to go running out screaming about you.”
“How— how did you—” You were still trying to process the fact that not only did she figure you out instantly, but she was so calm about it.
“There are things I’ve witnessed that if I heard about them from someone else, I might not even believe. But these days nothing surprises me. I also don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone dressed like you, your clothes are definitely from another time. By any chance are you working with Howard Stark? Time travel is something he dreams of doing one day too.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell her. And even if you did, you still wouldn’t have. Her knowing what eventually happens to him wouldn’t have done anything. “Umm, I’m working with someone that knows him,” you tried to tell her what you could, without straight up lying.
“Oh,” she shuffled through a few papers on a desk. You were still puzzled by her reaction, but were mentally trying to figure out a way to make your exit. Once she put the papers down, she turned to you, a smile on her face. “Do you use some sort of device? Or is it the suit you’re wearing?”
For a few seconds, you considered what / exactly how much you should tell her. But you couldn’t draw more attention to yourself by turning and running, and you figured since she was there for the super soldier serum with Steve, she must know at least a little about enhanced individuals. So you settled for the truth.
“I… it’s kind of weird, I guess? I just— I don’t know, really. I just do it. I have to think of a specific location and be specific with the exact year, month, day, and time too. But then I just concentrate and… I’m there. It sounds odd, I know, but I’ve been able to do this for as long as I can remember. This is the furthest I’ve travelled back though, and it’s mainly just for practice. I must’ve read about this place in a book or something.”
“Fascinating,” she whispered. “If I may ask, what year did you come from?”
“2023,” you said softly, again surprised at how she remained so calm.
“I’ll be an old woman by then, maybe I’m even gone already. But do we know each other at all? You just, you said you worked with someone who knew Howard, and I’ve worked with him quite a bit.”
“I’d heard a great deal about you, and you’re someone that I look up to and admire very much, but no I unfortunately never got to meet you.”
Before she could ask you another question, a series of loud knocks on the door caused you both to jump.
“Carter, you in there?” A voice called out loudly. “Word going around that there are three trespassers in the building, I’m supposed to check every room.”
Your eyes widened, and you looked around, seeing if there was any place you could hide. The door opened just then and Peggy stepped around you and pulled you in for a hug, the guy who entered now looking at your back.
“Just saying goodbye to an old friend,” she smiled at him, then turned her head slightly and whispered to you, “go straight into my office and exit from there. And keep up the good work, the world needs more women in charge,” she smiled and then quickly opened her office door, ushering you inside. “Now, what was that about trespassers?” She turned back to face the man in the room.
You prepared to run out of the room, and ran directly into Steve. He put his arms out to steady you, eyes still on the office next door.
“She… she knew I was here from the future. She’s distracting that man but we have to go now. I’ll tell you more later, promise.” With that, you both exited Peggy’s office. You quickly held a folder up in front of your face, and Steve put his glasses back. on. The building was a lot more crowded now, and you both hurried as you knew it was only a matter of time before someone noticed you were both out of place.
You and Steve made it outside just in time to see Tony saying goodbye to a man you assumed was his father, given that they hugged before parting ways. When you all arrived back at the compound, there was a brief moment of celebration as Rhodey exclaimed that he couldn’t believe it actually worked. Then when Clint dropped to his knees, reality and the full weight of the situation set in.
“Clint… where’s Nat?”
You and Clint seemed to take her death the hardest. Everyone missed her, of course, but you blamed yourselves. Clint felt like it was supposed to be him, he should’ve been the one to die. And you said it was meant to be you. You were supposed to go with him first, after all.
Traveling back 5 decades took it’s toll on you not long after you all went back into the compound again after that talk about Nat. Steve helped you back to your floor, insisting that you at least try and get a little bit of rest. He pointed out that they still had to figure out how to put the stones together, and they still had to decide who was going to actually be the one to snap. After promising that he’d tell you before anything happened and that they’d bring you in on any discussions, you agreed to rest.
You thought that you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep, but your body was so drained that in less than a minute, you were out cold. An unknown amount of time later, you were woken up by a phone call telling you to suit up and make your way to the labs. You quickly changed into the suit that Tony had given you a couple of years prior. You hadn’t used it yet since you weren’t going on missions, and this was the first time you put it on.
Once you joined the others, the arguing began. Thor felt it was his responsibility to put the glove on and be the one to snap, but Tony pointed out he was in no condition to do so.
You volunteered, but Tony cut you off with a swift “don’t even think about touching that glove kid. You travelled back over fifty years, and by the way I had to find out from Banner that traveling back that far could damage your health?” Knowing your body couldn’t handle it anyway, you stepped back.
In the end it was agreed upon that Bruce would do it. He was definitely still the biggest since he was partly trapped in the Hulk’s body. And the fact that it was mostly gamma radiation, he said he was the closest of everyone to being made for this.
No one was sure if it worked at first, until Clint got a call from Laura. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to answer though before something smashed through the glass windows, sending all of you flying backwards. Explosion after explosion… after explosion, none of you even had a second to process what was happening.
When you finally opened your eyes, you were trapped under a lot of rubble. You used what little strength you had left to move what you could, and just barely managed to crawl out. You panicked, looking around for anybody. Tripping over a big chunk of wall, you were caught with just inches between your face and the ground.
“Come on, no laying down on the job,” Pietro helped you up, holding his arm out so that he could help you walk. “We have to find a place for you to rest. I don’t know—”
You cut him off. “I’m staying with you guys.”
Once you, Steve, Pietro, Tony, Wanda, and Thor spotted Thanos, no one was really sure what to do. Steve said you all had to keep the stones away from Thanos. You pointed out that nobody knew where they were, and Tony said that could be used to your advantage. At this point it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, and you all just had to distract Thanos. Pietro argued that it was a trap, why else would he be just sitting there? None of you knew how to respond at first, but when Thor said “let’s kill him properly this time”, something seemed to click.
The lightning drew Thanos’ attention, and he did nothing but watch as the 4 of you approached. From there, the battle really began. The red energy began to glow from your hands, and you were waiting for someone to signal to attack. Thor and Tony were first to strike, with the rest of you quickly joining in.
Thanos grabbed you by your neck and flung you to the side as if you weighed nothing, and you weren’t even able to process what was happening. Wanda, luckily, happened to see what happened and she used your powers to slow you down and gently set you on the ground. Pietro immediately ran towards you, but you assured him that you were fine. You didn’t really know if you were, but you did know that none of them could be distracted trying to save you.
It seemed like it happened in the blink of an eye, Thanos sent Tony, Wanda, and Pietro crashing at the same time, and neither seemed to be moving. Then he went after Thor, and you began to panic. You looked to your left, bending down and picking up the weapon next to you. “Steve!” You yelled, throwing it at him with no warning.
He caught Mjolnir, and when Thor realized what you both could do, he cheered. For at least a solid minute, you all had the upper hand. You and Steve basically threw Mjolnir back and forth, with Thanos in the middle as a sort of punching bag. Nothing could stand in the way of the hammer, so he was knocked down a few times. You raised and quickly slammed it down, causing lightning to erupt all around Thanos. Steve then managed to land a hit directly on him, but Thanos was quick to recover. Mjolnir was sent flying, and as you ran to get it, Steve faced Thanos by himself. You heard the sound of the shield coming apart, breaking as if it were simply made of glass.
You felt yourself getting weaker, but knew you couldn’t give up now. You grabbed hold of Mjolnir, but soon after, fell to the ground. You kept one hand on it though, and tried to pull yourself to a standing position as Thanos gave a big speech about what he was about to do to earth. Finally, you managed, standing next to Steve as you could do nothing but watch as Thanos’ massive army approached. You looked around, and realized that no one was getting up. It seemed to just be the 2 of you.
You held Mjolnir, and Steve held what was left of his shield, both of you limping forward, prepared to fight with only each other as backup. Then… static in both of your ear pieces.
“What the hell was that?” You tapped the piece, wondering if it was malfunctioning. Steve shook his head, not knowing what you all just heard either.
“Cap it’s Sam, can you hear me?” Came out as soft as a whisper. You almost didn’t catch it. “On your left.”
You both turned around, stunned into silence as people began to make their way through portals. But not just anyone. T’Challa, Shuri, and Okoye were first through a portal from Wakanda. Quickly followed by Sam, and then more and more portals began to open. Everyone walked or flew through, and prepared to fight.
You recognized everyone, having known who they were beforehand, or from seeing them on the news as some of the many people who disappeared five years ago. You stumbled, and Steve was quick to reach out and steady you again. You both had smiles on your faces, ignoring the pain and instead focusing on the fact that now, you stood a chance.
Just before Steve yelled out, you handed him Mjolnir, raising your hands and summoning the energy. This time, it was yellow. You had hope.
It was a long fight. You were unsure of how many people you actually managed to take down, once the enemy in front of you fell, you were right on to the next one.
At one point, you ended up with Stormbreaker. You saw it laying on the ground as Thor chose to take someone out the old fashioned way, with just his fists. He shook his head, holding Mjolnir out to you. “No, no you’re little. You take the little one,” you traded and he gave you a smile before taking off running.
What could’ve been minutes, or hours later, you didn’t know because the battle seemed to be lasting a lifetime, a boy you quickly recognized as Peter Parker landed beside you to help you up after you’d fallen.
“Holy cow, you’re really pretty. Are you hurt? You’re bleeding. Oh my God Mr. Stark,” he turned to face Tony, not even taking another breath before he continued on with the same sentence, “you will not believe what’s been going on. Do you remember when we were in space—”
Everything was pretty much a blur from there. As everyone worked together, eventually you, Thor and Steve made your way to Tony as he fought Thanos for the stones.
You were all so distracted by him throwing Carol to the side, that none of you noticed Tony slipping the stones out of Thanos’ glove and putting them on his own suit.
“I… am… Iron Man.”
It wasn’t long until Thanos and his army turned to dust, and you could’ve sworn you saw a sense of… acceptance? On his face just before he disappeared.
“Tony!” You caught him just before he hit a wall, and helped ease him onto the ground. “No, no no you can’t die, you… I’m gonna go back. I should’ve gone back and switched with Nat but I can do it now and… you have to— you can’t leave, Tony.” Your hands shook as you tried to remove the stones from his suit, but he used up what little energy he had left to place his hand on top of yours. When you looked up, all he could do was shake his head and whisper “don’t you dare”.
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At Tony’s funeral, you stood behind Happy and Rhodey, between Steve and Peter, as you all said your final goodbyes. Nobody said a whole lot, and there were understandably a lot of tears.
When it was time to return the stones, you’d had nearly 2 weeks to recover, and were pretty much back to normal. Steve volunteered to do it alone, and up until the last second you begged him to let you go with him. It was dangerous, he’d have to go to more than one location, and if there were 2 of you, hopefully that would ensure that all the stones made it back to exactly where they needed to be. He told you that you’d done more than enough, he didn’t want to make you come along on one more journey to return them. But you insisted, pointing out once again that he was the first one to show you genuine kindness, and you’d never forgive yourself if something happened to him while going back in time.
He knew you still blamed yourself for Nat, and although he wasn’t necessarily worried about something happening to him, he was worried about your reaction if something did. So he reluctantly agreed. You quickly suited up, in another new suit that Tony had meant to give to you as a surprise, but Pepper instead gave to you a week after his funeral. He’d modified your suit to act similar to their time travel ones, in the hopes that they’d shorten your recovery time.
It took some discussing, but in the end you and Steve decided to stick together, not wanting to have a greater chance of something happening to one of you if you separated to speed things up. Those that were there all wished you luck, except for one person. Bucky didn’t understand why he couldn’t be the one to go back and help Steve. You missed his glare after he and Steve said their goodbyes and you both pressed the buttons on your suits and went back.
When you got back to 1970, it was only moments after you all left the first time after taking everything. You hoped your disguises were a lot better this time, and you were able to return things to their original places in record time. As you were walking back down the hall to make your way outside again, a hand grabbed your arm and quickly pulled you into a room.
You whipped around, surprised to be face-to-face with Peggy Carter again.
“What are you still doing here??”
After a moment, you realized that for her, only minutes had passed since she helped you sneak out. She probably thought you’d just been here the whole time instead of making your escape.
“No, I—”
“If they catch you, they’ll—”
You held your hands up. “I know. I know it looks bad. But I’ve only just go there, I swear it. We came back to return what we took.”
You glanced outside, and saw Steve leaning against a wall, trying to be subtle as he glanced around wondering where the hell you ran off to. Sighing, and hoping this wouldn’t come back to bite you in the ass, you quickly opened the door and pulled him into the room.
“Wh- Steve?” Shock was written all over her face. “But… how?”
“I’ll give you two a minute,” you opened the door and stepped into the room that for Peggy, she’d all but pushed you out of just minutes before.
You waited nearly 10 minutes before Steve finally joined you in the other room. One look at him, and you knew before he even said anything. Neither of you spoke as he pulled you in for a hug, thanking you for everything that you’d done. You reminded him that he literally saved your life, and you were the one that should be thanking him.
After a minute, you finally stepped apart. Peggy joined you both, and asked if even you wanted to stay too, adding that she could bring you on as one of her partners, and mentioning that the world now especially, really could use more women in charge. You gave her a hug, saying you appreciated the offer, but this wasn’t your time. Steve gave you one last hug, and then you went back.
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When you returned alone, no one understood why. Sam started freaking out about getting Steve back, while Bruce frantically worked to fix what he thought was a mistake he made. Bucky finally approached, not making eye contact with you. He was visibly upset, and instead turned to Sam to ask where Steve was.
You walked away, not having the energy to try and analyze Bucky’s attitude towards you. “Guys,” you called out to them after a moment, pointing at a lone figure sitting on a bench. Sam was first to walk up next to you, and he was confused. He looked at the old man, then back at you. Once you said “Peggy”, his eyes widened as he finally understood. “Go talk to him,” you motioned.
On your way back to talk to Bruce, you shook your head as a sudden headache came on. He asked if you were okay, and you nodded, saying it was just the usual symptoms that came with you having to travel back so far. It wasn’t nearly as bad last time, and you silently thanked Tony for your new suit.
For a while, you continued living with Pepper and Morgan. You offered to leave, but Pepper insisted that they both wanted you to stay, and that if he were still there, Tony wouldn’t have let you leave either. But when she announced that she wanted to move to an apartment because living in the cabin was too much, you decided to move back into the compound.
(Almost) everyone was ecstatic to hear about your return. They missed your cooking, and Sam called you twice to ask if you’d be making dinner for everyone the night you returned.
You didn’t know what would become of you and James, but you weren’t expecting it to be… this. That first night as soon as you walked into the kitchen, while everyone else greeted you with a hug, you noticed him sneaking off to his room, not saying a word to anyone. You brushed it off as him being tired, or maybe he’d already eaten. You asked Sam if he knew what was up, but he just shrugged and told you to give the guy some time.
When you moved back in, you weren’t sure where you were going to go. Since James was obviously back and you didn’t expect to move back to the 4th floor because it was his place first. A few days after that dinner, Wanda and Pietro came over to help you pack up your things. Sam, Bruce, and Rhodey offered to come too, but you pointed out that you didn’t own much and it should all fit in 2 vehicles. A couple of hours later, the last box had been taped shut. You hugged Pepper and Morgan goodbye, the latter making you promise to come over to their place for a sleepover once they settled in.
Once you pulled up to the newly built compound, Sam immediately started helping the 3 of you carry your boxes. When you all got into the elevator and you noticed what button Sam pushed, you nearly dropped the box you were carrying.
“… did you mean to press another floor?”
Sam glanced at the buttons, shaking his head. “Nope. Fourth floor.”
“You do realize that James hates me right?”
“Wow, James huh.”
You failed to resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Well we’re not friends so I don’t think he’d like me calling him Bucky. Why am I going back to that floor Sam? He lived there first. And I think—”
“Relax, it’s fine. All floors are either still being renovated, or they already have two occupants. I’m on the same floor as Bruce, the wonder twins here are sharing a floor, Thor technically has his own floor because Peter’s hardly ever here but it’s still crowded with way too much stuff, and I don’t think you want the floor that the Guardians have been using. They’re not here either, off doing space shit or whatever, but if you go down there it looks like they left behind everything they owned. Barnes is the only one not sharing a floor. He doesn’t have a lot of stuff, and it pretty much looks the same as when you left it.”
“So he said it was okay if I moved in with him temporarily?”
Sam bit his lip, remaining silent as you all got off on the 4th floor and made your way to one end. “I mean, he.. didn’t… say… that it wasn’t… okay?”
You looked at Pietro and Wanda who both suddenly became really interested in trying to remove the tape from the boxes. “Let me guess. Because you haven’t asked him??”
Pietro put an arm around you, leading you back out toward the elevators. “Come on we have lots more boxes to bring up! I thought you said you didn’t have a lot of stuff princess?”
You were grateful that the next 2 hours brought lots of distraction. It didn’t take long to bring the rest of your stuff up, because Pietro loved to show off to you and was able to bring up nearly everything by the time you made one more trip. You then opened the boxes and unpacked them one at a time, deciding this was better than opening everything because you knew your anxiety would creep in and it would all look like too much to do if every single box was opened together.
You took your time unpacking your clothes and what little decor you brought, but a lot of things were kept in boxes, all shoved into the spare bedroom next door. The floor held 4 rooms in total, and you were grateful that Sam at least gave you the one on the opposite end from James. And even though the floor now looked pretty empty, you didn’t want to overstep and make him hate you even more by putting out any of your little decorations.
The first time, you were eager to decorate and make it your own, once you started to come out of your shell. But now, James being there terrified you. He hadn’t once smiled at you, and you didn’t think he’d even said a single word to you now that you thought about it. You didn’t know why he seemed to hate you so much, when you know he had opened up to Sam and started to open up to everyone else, too.
And how could you know? He didn’t tell you that he was angry that you went back in time with Steve. He didn’t tell you that he was upset because he felt like if he had been the one to go back, then he could’ve convinced Steve to come back too. He knew it was selfish, Steve deserved a happy life with someone he loved more than anyone James knew, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t know anything about you, including your past, and how you came to live with the Avengers. And he convinced himself that he didn’t want to know anything about you. All he knew (or thought he knew) was that you were the reason his best friend stayed in the past and left him.
One evening when Steve came to visit everyone at the compound, he noticed that as soon as James entered the living room, you were quick to say you weren’t that hungry and you’d come finish your food later. When he looked over and saw the dirty look James was giving you, it didn’t take long to figure out why. As much as he wanted to tell your story, because he knew it would make him ease up, he didn’t. It wasn’t his place to, at least not without asking you first. So after he quickly finished his food, Steve excused himself from the room and went to go check on you.
You’d locked your bedroom door, but when it opened a few seconds later you stood up in shock. “How the fu—”
“Language,” he shook his head, and was relieved when that got you to smile. “Come on, who do you think was the one that hid all the spare keys?”
“Wait there were spare keys this whole time??” You held your hand out, and he chuckled as he dropped the key into your hand. You put it on your dresser, and turned back around, waiting for Steve to speak first.
“You wanna tell me what’s going on between you and Bucky?”
You raised your eyebrows at him, waiting for a few seconds to see if he’d elaborate. He didn’t. “Umm… nothing? We’ve literally never spoken to each other.”
Steve sighed, feeling torn. “Neither of you have tried to speak to each other?”
You shook your head, standing up and rearranging something on your desk that didn’t need rearranging.
“Buck… he’s been through a lot. And—”
“You don’t have to explain, Steve. I get it. Was I expecting to become best friends? No. But the fact that he can’t even make eye contact with me without looking like he wants to kill me in my sleep is quickly becoming a bit much. Why do you think I left the room so quickly?”
He hadn’t realized it was getting that bad. Last he spoke to his best friend, he downplayed it saying you guys just haven’t really spoken to each other. He made it seem like it was because of your schedules, which seemed odd, given that Bucky wasn’t going on missions yet, and you rarely did.
“I think if you just give him a little time, maybe if he learns about what you’ve been through because I know he’d understand—”
“No,” you shook your head again. “I’m sorry to keep cutting you off, but no. I’m not going to dump my trauma on someone to try and guilt them into becoming my friend. He doesn’t want anything to do with me, fine. Rhodey said it’s just 3 more months of renovations and then I can move to my own floor. So we’re all good, really.”
The sadness in your tone of voice said otherwise.
“You want me to try and talk to him?” Steve hated seeing you like this. Before… everything, happened, despite all that you’d been through, you were one of the nicest people he knew. Fighting alongside you was the first time he saw that side of you. Even way back when he and Nat first rescued you, he could tell you didn’t want that life.
“Thank you, but no. It won’t make a difference,” you shrugged sadly.
As much as he wanted to protest, because he knew there’d be a change of heart, he agreed and promised that he’d stay quiet.
Truthfully, you wondered if part of the reason that James hated you was because of your involvement with New Hydra. You knew he put all the Winter Soldier stuff behind him, or tried to as much as he could anyway, and you wondered if he was so distant because he wanted nothing to do with any of that. You had no idea that he didn’t know any of it.
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such a shitty place to cut it off hdfaldkfa BUT like i mentioned this was all originally just 1 big part with 34k+ words so i had to pick somewhere to split the chapters!
142 notes · View notes
clonesupport · 3 years
A Good Night's Rest pt.2
silco x f!reader
word count: +1.5k
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warnings: 18+, NSFW, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, slight somnophilia/reverse somnophilia, praise, soft but demanding silco (+ a tad of soft silco fluff at the end cuz im in love with this man), vulgar language, porn without plot, smut under the cut
a/n: part two because my attention deficit brain didn't wanna proof read a 3k word fic lmfao, anyway heres more of me having my daddy issues and need for praise from my comfort character tell me what to write, also i just realized i didn't put a gif in the last one lol oops
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Silco carries you back to the bedroom, taking the walk back as slow as he can. He teases you with every movement of his hips, every step he takes. He likes to hear the pretty little noises escaping your lips, the way you cling to him life he's your life line.
He eases you down on the edge of the bed. Luckily the bed was high enough in its large wooden bed frame for him to stay inside you as he gently places you, leaning down with you.
"You've been very patient my lovely," he rumbles lowly into your neck as he kisses and sucks tenderly down from your jaw to your collar. "I'm proud of you." he smirks against your skin, he pairs his praise with a gentle thrust, one smooth in and out motion to feed you aching core.
You let out a mewl, finally feeling more than the light bumps from the walk to the bed. You've been waiting all night for Silco to fuck you, that need only increased when he denied you a fucking against his desk instead of doing his work. You have been patient, for him.
His praise is like honey, sickly sweet words of approval only spurring you on to be more needy for him, and he knows.
Siclo begins a rhythm of languid thrusts, slow and steady, leisurely taking his time as he watching you squirm. You try to match your hips with his, moving them in a way to hopefully get more out of what little he gave you.
He leans back up, watching you lazily fuck yourself on his cock, your hips in time with his. "How cute," he's got that sly smirk on his face, eyes screaming with pride and lust at how desperate you are for him. "my little lamb so hopeless underneath me, so eager for my fuck."
He eyes you, continuing his slow rhythm, not giving you merely enough to satisfy. You return his gaze, pleading, begging. You needed more. If you'd had the energy you might have snapped back at him by now, pinning him down to ride his cock mercilessly. Alas your fatigue had the better of you, leaving you helpless under his intense eyes as he lazily fucked your deprived cunt.
The look on your face makes his cock throb, your glossy eyes, eyebrows furrowed, mouth agape painting an obscene picture beneath him. His controlled dominance falter if only for a second, seeing you so helpless under him, god does it make him weak.
Before the waver in his appearance is noticeable, he pulls out of you causing you to once again whine and squirm. "What did I say before about behaving my sweet." he leans back down to coo into your ear, less of a question but more a demand, a demand to recall. Another strained whined leaves your pursed lips, doing your best to please him. Silco picks himself back up, caressing your cheek with the knuckles of his fingers, "Good."
You never thought one word could be said in such a way to make your stomach churn with butterflies and desire.
"Now, lay against the pillows so I can please you my dear." you listen.
With a flicker of hope that he'd finally fuck you the way you needed, you crawled to the head of the bed as swiftly as your sleepy body could. Laying on your back, you spread your legs wide for him.
Silco climbs the bed with you, having stripped himself of his vest and tie. Kneeling between your legs, he examines everything you could give him. A somewhat disapproving 'mm' emanates from his throat. Before you know it he's pulling your underwear down your legs, lifting both your ankles over his shoulder.
Throwing your undergarment somewhere off the side of the bed, his hand reaches down to undo the robe you've been wearing. He groans seeing your bare chest underneath, nipples perked with excitement. He repositions his cock against your slit, his tip hard and leaking, letting you know deep down he was just as needy as you were.
He slides in, a gasp of relief and pleasure escapes the both of you in unison. His forearm wraps around you legs, keeping them in place as he thrusts into your aching cunt.
Your breasts bounce in time with his drive, your moans coming out in slurs of pornographic noises. Your senses are going into overdrive, the only thing keeping you grounded being the feeling of Silco's hand on your lower stomach as he fucks into your womb.
You peek through heavy eyelids up at Silco, his hair has fallen into his face, his shirt unbuttoned halfway showing off the sweat dripping down his chest. His sleeves cuffed and rolled to his elbows, his face painted with ecstasy while he bares his teeth, grunting with every thrust.
You're a song of moans because of him. Silco knows how to angle your hips just right, how to thrust his cock into you perfectly to hit that sweet spot, the one that makes you sing. His hips pistoning into you as your cunt swallows him in with your slick. His grunts have formed into a mix of moans and groans, he's losing himself in you.
He watches you as you come undone beneath him, you're a wreck, and he loves it. He loves that he can do this to you, that you're a mess because of him. He groans loudly, setting your legs down before he swiftly turns you over onto your stomach, gently but quickly pulling your robe off your arms.
You're too dazed in your euphoria to register much before you're on your stomach. Silco's got one of his arms holding himself up beside your head. He uses his other hand to guide his desperately oozing cock back into your core.
He's got your hips lifted just enough, being supported by his knees, as he reestablishes his hard pace from before with a snap of his hips. A moan rips from your lips, muffled into the pillow you've buried your face into, his pillow.
His scent infiltrates your senses, driving your mind wild with the feeling of his cock pile driving into your soaking pussy. His groans harmonizing with your choked screams of pleasure, his weight framing your body above you. His cock pounding into you, his balls slapping your clit with every hard thrust. All of it was enough to overstimulate you.
You could feel your mind grow hazier than you imagined possible, the coil in the pit of your stomach growing oh so tight. You're so close, unbelievably close.
Silco's head rests right next to yours, his chest flush against your back. His heat is radiating onto you, his moans are echoing in your ears. Your wits going haywire, no thoughts besides your need to cum, to feel his cum, to feel him.
With a few more strong thrusts your orgasm crashes onto you, blinding you with pleasure. Your moan chokes, then rips through your throat like a roar.
Silco can feel your insides convulse around him, your hips bucking into the mattress with every wave of pleasure, squeezing him with no mercy. "Fuck-" he chokes into your neck as he continues to fuck your spasming little cunt.
You come down from your high, your senses overloaded. You could feel your eyes droop as you slowly shift your head to the side only to see a blurred view of Silco's temple. You began to drift, knowing well your mind and body has over exuded its limit for the night. Your mind buzzes, sleepy and satisfied. You hum happily, smiling weakly before letting sleep overtake your exhausted body.
Silco's rhythm begins to falter, his hips beginning to stutter. His eyes are closed, concentrated on the feeling of you. He rests his forehead against your shoulder, panting against your skin. The noises escaping him are desperate, his cock straining against your velvet walls.
His orgasm explodes from within, winding him of his breath. One of his hands flies to your waist, squeezing with a death grip as an attempt to ground himself as he rides out his high. His other hand fists the sheets, his eyes clenched shut, mouth agape. He's in pure euphoria as his cum paints your pretty pussy, rope after rope.
Once he's regained control of his rapid pulse and erratic breath, he lifts himself enough to pull out of your messy cunt. He gingerly pushes himself off of you, kneeling between your spread legs, watching his cum ooze out of your thoroughly fucked hole.
He looks up to your face, noticing your eyes are closed, breathing softly in even breaths. Silco chuckles quietly, you seemed so peaceful, as if the two of you weren't just fucking each other like dogs.
Cleaning you up with a warm damp cloth, Silco does his best not to wake you. You've shifted from laying on your stomach to your side, still fast asleep. He joins you bringing you into his arms, soothingly stroking your cheek with his knuckles.
He watches you instinctively nudging into him as he kisses the top of your head, "Sleep well my lovely."
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