#i had to dump thos somewhere
rankpup8 · 2 years
Okay, just an idea that has been on my mind lately, its kind of not serious but also i mean this is a comedy, cmon. In the show Wednesday has issues with communicating, well, in general but particularly with her parents. If Wenclair happens, before they get together there's gonna be A Period of Angst were I'm sure she's gonna go through the 5 stages of grief about it and will definitely avoid talking to her parents as much as possible. She has to be able to talk with someone at some point, but there's no other competent adults around and honestly even if there were some, they're not Addams so I don't they'd really get it. Sure there's Fester but let's be honest, his love life is a disaster if it even survived the Debby incident (and yes we're mixing the 90s movies with the show, they're great) so who else is there to give advice to a young Addams in love? Well, no other than Cousin Ignatius Itt. He has all the qualifications
1. Addams
2. Married to a very un-Addams woman who is really cheery and loves pink (like a certain werewolf)
3. Probably cooler than Gomez and Morticia, let's be honest
4. Canon to the show (less important but still)
So. Yeah. I'm not much of a writer but I would love to see that conversation, jsjs
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naomiknight-17 · 2 months
Thinking about how when I talked to my ex about feeling like I may not be cis, she accused me of trying to jump on a trend because her and her friends were trans. She said I just thought being trans was cool because I spent too much time on Tumblr and that I shouldn't fake it for attention.
She quizzed me on whether or not I experienced dysphoria and how I felt about my genitals. After all that she said "Well, maybe"
She said something once about being trans being unnatural and I was like, no, no it's not, it's fine. It's normal and common and has been part of humanity forever. And she argued and pretty much shouted me down until I didn't know how else to convince her that, no, she isn't a freak, actually.
She made a comment once about certain kinds of trans people (I wish I could remember exactly, may have been a microlabel like demigirl or similar) weren't 'really' trans, just wanted attention, etc. I didn't argue then, because I figured, she's trans so she must know better than I do, right?
She was also certain that nothing she did or said could be transphobic, because she was trans. I tried to argue against her because she said something unkind about another trans group and she shut me down with this.
She was so full of self-hate. She was so judgmental about other trans people and whether they were really trans enough or just faking it. She had so so much internalized transmisogyny and transphobia.
I haven't seen hair nor hide of her in many years. She left tumblr ages ago. I ghosted her shortly after she announced on her blog that she was exclusive with someone else - then was shocked when I didn't want to 'stay friends'.
I wonder about her sometimes. I hope she's doing better. I hope she's with someone who can help her learn to love herself, and her fellow queer community.
And I am pretty sure she's one of the big reasons I am so terrified to officially call myself nonbinary and update my pronouns. Cuz I'm probably just faking it for attention.
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lottieratworld · 7 months
u know i am kind of the freak of the transfem community i guess bc i remember trying celeste like 2 or so years ago and it wasnt rly for me, i didnt get it lol. i ended up not finishing it and i remember like telling a friend and they were surprised that anyone would play celeste and not finish it and started talking a lot about celeste and its story and i appreciated it but i was just like. ok cool lol. maybe i should try it again, i do own it on itch.io, feel like itll just hurt my hands tho. im not rly good at precision platformers
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safyresky · 2 years
If your Christmas prompts are still open, I wanna request #22. Holiday lights BUT! It has to involve Lucy in it. She is my girl :)
(25 Days of Christmas Prompts) (which yes, now that I got this one out I am STILL DOING! send them in if ur vibin!)
Lucy? LUCY? HELL YEAH. I stole ur blorbo too btws, I hope that's okay given the uh, joint custody. IT'S MY WEEK NOW (/jk). I just think he neat 🥺🥺. Also this is why this took so long. I was so nervous about the blorbo, then i went into OVERTHINK M O D E like 'oh god but now there's not enough LUCY?!?! It was an experience. But then I realized THREE THINGS: A) Jacqueline ships BlackIce SO HARD, B) so does Lucy in my head at least, and C) if there were any two people to bully Jack into letting someone help, it'd be Jacquie and Killian lmao. I HOPE I DID THE BLORBO JUSTICE. ENJOY!
Holiday Lights
"Are you sure you don't want me to call someone?" Lucy asked, frowning.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm positive! I've got it under control," Jack said, dangling from the eavestrough. "This is all part of the process!"
Lucy strongly disagreed.
It had been very nice for Jack to offer to help her put up lights at her new place. Really nice! It was just. He wasn't someone she'd have asked, personally. Her Dad would've helped! But he was very busy during the holiday season, which was totally fine. Lucy got it. Holidays made people come face to face with a lot of issues so, you know, therapy.
Uncle Scott would've been happy to help, too, but it was literally his busy season and she hadn't wanted to add more to his list.
Charlie was on a hiking trip with Danielle for the next two weeks, and even though he'd have been able to just snap his fingers and poof! Lucy's new place would be lit up (perks to being a Legate), the weather wasn't going to stay this mild forever (Jack had assured her that snow was coming). She was a HOMEOWNER now, and she was determined to make it look just as cozy for the holidays as everyone else did on her street, before everything got all icy and cold.
And unfortunately for her, Jack was determined to help. Mainly out of spite, since when he had offered Uncle Scott had scoffed and that had started a whole. THING.
Lucy huffed, an errant lock of hair floating up, then down. "I can see if any of the neighbours have a ladder!"
"I don't need a ladder," Jack insisted, swinging his legs back and forth. "I just need to get back on solid ground and it'll be fine."
"I don't think you should be swinging like that—"
A sharp, metal screech rang through the air. The section of gutter Jack was holding onto had bent forward mid-swing, pushing him farther away from the solid ground he needed.
"—because of that," Lucy said with a sigh.
"This is fine," Jack said, even though it was most decidedly not fine. He was even farther from the roof now, and the actual ground was. A little bit of a long way down. "This is exactly what I wanted to do."
"Yeah, no. I'm calling backup."
"Please, Luce. There's really no need! I just need to," he trailed off with a frown, looking down at the ground. "Ah. Right. No snow. Well, if I just..." he lifted a leg; the gutter groaned, sinking lower.
Lucy sighed, puling out her phone and scrolling through her contacts. "Unbelievable," she said, swiping right when she saw Jacqueline's contact on her recent list.
It rang twice before the younger, not-as-stubborn winter sprite picked up.
"Hi Jacquie!"
"Oh, hey Lucy! What's up?"
"You're brother's doing some dumb shit and refusing to let me help him not be dumb, can you—"
"Girl. You had me at dumb shit. I'll be right over! I'm just in line at Timmies."
"Yeah, you know. Timmy hoe's? Tim's? Tim Horton's? Canadian institution? I'm in Saskatchewan. Huge polar vortex on the go and I'm babysitting it. Want anything?"
"Oh! Tim Horton's! Can you get me that smoothie thing? The pink one?"
"Sure! Does Jack want anything?"
Lucy looked up at the Legend. She almost asked; almost. But then she remembered that his hands were otherwise occupied hanging off of her eavestrough, and decided that stubborn Legendary Figures who refused help to prove a point to a fellow Legend who wasn't even HERE didn't deserve mediocre treats from Canadian institutions.
"He's good," Lucy said. "See you soon?"
"Yep, see you soon, Luce. Hi there! could I please get—" the line clicked dead.
"You did NOT just call Jacqueline."
"I did!" Lucy shouted back up, chipper. "You're hanging off of the gutters on the second floor of my house, Jack! And you're being really persnickety about getting help, so who better to convince you than your younger sister? Younger sisters can be very convincing. I would know, I am one."
Jack groaned, throwing his head back. The eavestrough copied him.
A few errant snowflakes breezed by, Jacqueline turning the corner around the garage in her work clothes, slurping an icy, chocolatey looking drink, large aviators on her face. She stopped beside Lucy, passing her a pink smoothie and looking up at Jack with a snort.
"You didn't get me anything?" Jack shouted down.
"Lucy said you were good, and she had a point! Your hands look a little full right now," Jacqueline shouted back up with a shrug, Lucy laughing around her straw. "So anyway. What the fuck are you doing?" Jacqueline asked. "Lady above, I sure do love being in the human world," she added as an aside, Lucy laughing in response.
"My best! Which, need I remind you, Mom says is good enough!" Jack said, once more swinging himself back and forth.
"Are you sure that's wise?" Jacqueline asked.
"Well," Jack began, a bit gruffly. "There's no snow on the ground and my hands are a bit preoccupied right now. I can't quite hop down to the roof from here. If I keep doing this though, it should swing back enough for me to hop back onto the roof, and get that last corner."
"He sounds very sure of himself," Lucy said.
"That's the scary part," Jacqueline replied. She took another long, obnoxious, slurp. "I can just make a snow ramp for you! Or like, send you a wind!"
"I don't need help, Jacqueline!"
She slurped again. "Lady of the Springs, he is being stubborn."
"I know!" Lucy said, throwing her hands up, exasperated.
"How did he even end up. Well. Like THAT?"
Lucy sighed. "I don't have a ladder. He said he didn't need one and walked up the side of the house. He was trying to get that last corner, but we got rain overnight so it was all wet and yucky, so he froze it and—"
Jacqueline choked. "HE SLIPPED ON ICE?!?!?!?" She turned to the now very grumpy Jack, hanging away on the gutter. "YOU, JACK FUCKING FROST, SLIPPED ON ICE?! YOUR OWN ICE? THAT YOU MADE?!?!?!?"
"YOU ARE MY LEAST FAVOURITE SISTER," he shouted back, the eavestrough groaning.
"He needs help, Jacquie. And he's being so stubborn about it I called reinforcements. So what should we do?"
"He's being such a wooden spoon," Jacqueline scoffed in agreement. She slurped once more, sticking out a glowing hand. A steady stream of snow blasted forward, layering itself up and up and up, twisting and turning until it stopped just below Jack, glittering in the sun.
"I DON'T NEED OR WANT YOUR HELP, JACQUELINE," Jack shouted back. He kicked his foot forward. The ramp fractured. The fracture grew bigger, cracking all the way down, smaller cracks shooting out to the sides, fern like fractals spreading out from the little cracks. The main crack hit the bottom, and with a loud POOF, the snowy ramp dissipated into a rather large snow bank.
"What is WRONG WITH YOU?!" Jacqueline demanded.
"What part of I don't need or want your help did you NOT understand?!"
The eavestrough groaned once more, dipping down even farther. Jack's hands slipped down a bit; he grimaced.
"Jack you are HANGING from a GUTTER," Lucy said, hands on her hips. "I know you really wanna prove Uncle Scott wrong but don't you think this is a little much?"
"No," Jack said, the same time Jacqueline said "He definitely does not."
Lucy sighed, shaking her head. "We've gotta get him down from there. Being nice isn't working."
"I hate that Jack and Santa are trapped in like, this eternal pissing contest where they just have to one up each other every time," Jacqueline huffed.
"We've gotta like, one up the both of them. Or like, maybe try a different approach? We could embarrass him, maybe? Roast him? Annoy him until he accepts our help? Maybe even be mean?"
Jacqueline's face lit up. "I have an idea," she said. She leant in close, whispering into Lucy's ear.
The redhead's face lit up now, too. "Do it," she said.
"I don't like your tone," Jack said from the roof, trying to slowly climb his way up the eavestrough now. "What are you two doing?!"
"Oh, nothing!" Jacqueline said sweetly, pulling her phone out of her pouch pocket. She popped the pop socket out, twirling it between her fingers before unlocking the phone, and scrolling through her contacts. The metallic blue back of her phone sparkled in the sunlight, the reflection nearly blinding Jack.
"That doesn't look like nothing, Jacqueline!"
She slurped in response, scrolling through her phone until she found who she was looking for. She smirked, straw still in her mouth, and clicked call.
"Oh my god, Hi Kills! You would not BELIEVE what dumb shit Jack is doing," she said, walking away, as Jack felt the colour in his face drain as fast as the crap that had been caught in the gutter had sloshed on him when he grabbed it to keep from falling in the first place.
"She's not actually calling him, is she, Luce?"
"Sorry Jack, you forced our hands," Lucy said, shaking her head sadly and trying very hard to hold back a smile in favour of a more serious facade.
"You're not sorry at all," he said, somehow managing to succeed in sliding up the gutter more.
Lucy covered her laugh with her hand, Jacqueline joining her side once more. "I know I'm not," she sassed with a smirk, Lucy having to physically turn away to hide her laughter, busying herself with a very long pull of her smoothie.
"Of course you aren't," Jack said, flushing as he heard the familiar sound of someone stepping out of the shadows.
And sighing, annoyed, when this was followed by a very loud bout of laughter.
"Jack, you know, I'm all for your crazy shenanigans, but this one? You're gonna have to walk me through it," Killian, the Boogeyman himself, taunted, stopping beside Jacqueline, his hands in his pockets, an amused look on his face.
"Nice to see you too, Killian," Jack said, with a resolute sigh.
"Kills. It is so important to me that you ask me how he got there."
"Jacqueline, how on earth did he get there?" Killian asked, heavy on the sarcasm.
Now all three of them were laughing. Jack was sure that if his face turned any redder, his hair would combust and turn to fire.
"The only thing that would make this funnier," Killian said, wiping away a tear, "Is if it was his own ice."
"Oh well I am about to MAKE your DAY—"
"IT WAS," Jacqueline shouted over Jack, with an absolutely FERAL grin.
The laughter started up again. Jack felt himself sliding back down, the little progress he had made reversing in an instant.
"Sure you still don't want any help?" Lucy asked.
"I'm sure he's fine," Killian said with a smirk. "It looks like he's just hanging out."
Lucy laughed; Jacqueline snorted. "That was bad."
"So bad it was good," Killian replied. "Seriously though, Jack. What is all this?"
"Santa doesn't think that I can put up Christmas lights," Jack began. "I'm merely proving him wrong."
"Wrong?" Killian asked. "That doesn't look," he held back a laugh. "Are you sure you know the meaning of the word?"
"He absolutely does not," Jacqueline said, giving her icy confection a stir.
"I do so!"
"Do not!"
"Do so! This is all going as planned—"
"It is not," Killian said. "How is this part of the plan, snowman?"
"You rat bastard, I'll have you know that I got a whole side of the house done! See? Look at them! They're sticking to the house better than the eavestrough is!"
"And where do you fall on that scale?" Killian asked, eyebrow raised.
Jack slid down the eaves some more.
"Better than the eaves, but worse than the lights," Jacqueline said thoughtfully, Lucy snorting.
Killian smirked. "I actually think the eaves are doing better than him."
Jack gasped indignantly.
Both girls were doubled over in laughter at this point; Jacqueline was leaning on Lucy's back, the young adult holding her knees as she wheezed.
"Oh, what would you know about eaves?" Jack snapped.
"More then you, apparently, since I wouldn't have grabbed them to stop a fall in the first place!"
"I'm not going to fall!"
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not! I told you, everything is under control—" the eaves bent even more, cutting Jack off.
"There's no way they can keep supporting you, especially with how close to the edge you are. Why are you being so stubborn?!" Killian demanded.
"BeCAUSE," Jack replied, "Scott was way jerkier than usual about it! He is not aging with grace and it shows."
"That's actually very true," Jacqueline said, Lucy nodding in agreement.
"See? Anyway, it's a matter of pride, Kills!"
"When isn't it with you?"
"I—okay fine, that's fair. You got me there," Jack conceded, Killian crossing his arms with a satisfied smile.
"If you're not gonna let any of us help, the least you can do is a flip on your way down," Kills said.
"That's so mean!"
"Let him have this, Jack!" Jacqueline said. "You broke the guy's heart! I think he deserves to see you flip on your way down!"
"Thank you, Jacqueline." Killian said, dryly. "That's very sweet in a very. You way."
"I try," she said with a shrug, her ponytail happily bouncing, any double meaning flying right over her head. Lucy rolled her eyes.
"You know, Scott's not even here! How would he know if you got help?"
"That whole, creepy, he sees you when you're sleeping? Knows when you're awake?"
"No he doesn't."
"Yes he does!"
"No, he doesn't!"
"Yes, he DOES!"
"Our powers don't work on each other, Jack! He can't see you!"
Jack blinked slowly, realization hitting. "Our powers don't work on other Legendary—oh, shit. You are so r—"
But before Jack could finish, the eavestrough finally gave out. With one last groan, it snapped, and Jack went flying.
Lucy gasped, stepping forward then stopping, unsure how to help. Jacqueline and Killian lunged forwards at the same time.
The snow bank beneath Jack swirled up, meeting him halfway and sliding him forwards. He flipped through the air, a pair of shadowy arms reaching out and grabbing him before he could hit the ground.
He landed, bridal style, right into Killian's arms. He blinked up at the man.
Killian blinked back.
Jack blushed.
Killian smirked.
"Sorry, you were going to say something?"
"No I wasn't."
"Yes you were. I think it was something about me being right?"
"That doesn't sound right."
"No you definitely were," Jacqueline said.
"And you were ALSO going to say that not asking for help is stupid and competing against Uncle Scott is stupid and that this whole thing you two do all the time is stupid," Lucy said, ticking each item off her fingers, Jacqueline nodding and slurping in agreement.
"Well how do I know you guys won't tell?" Jack said, crossing his arms in a huff (still being held by Killian).
"I'll make sure that Uncle Scott knows you did an amazing job with no help at all," Lucy said, sweetly. "I promise."
"I'm no snitch," Jacqueline said.
"That's a lie," Jack said.
"No it's not!" Jacqueline said, aghast.
"And if she does tattle," Killian said, turning his head almost completely around to face her, exorcism style. "I'll eat her toes."
"THAT doesn't work on me anymore," Jacqueline said. "You're not going to eat my toes."
"Yes he will," Jack said. "Fingers AND toes!"
"I don't believe that for a second, but I am very fond of those appendages so you have my word, I will NOT tattle, Sprite's honour, I swear. Please stop looking at me like that, Killian, it's making my neck hurt for you."
Satisfied with the sprite's promise, Killian turned back to Jack. "You'll let us help now?"
"Yeah, sure," Jack said.
"Good. I'm going to put you down now."
"And I was just getting comfortable," Jack replied.
Now it was his turn to blush. The boogeyman frowned, looking away and dropping Jack into the snow pile below him. The sprite landed with an oof, the snow poofing up around him.
Both Legendary figures completely missed the look Lucy and Jacqueline shared, and the subsequent fist bump of a job well done.
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fionarara · 11 months
still randomly remembering that one time i attended the creator of Minecraft's annual house party even though i've never even played that video game lmao and after getting to watch Skrillex dj in such an intimate setting (surreal), we all hung out and he had like a harem of cute girls surrounding him on the couch, haha it seemed super platonic though and he was really respectful,,, literally he was so kind to me and everyone,, by far the nicest celeb i've ever met besides elijah wood.
#the infinity pool view was truly epic tho. best i've ever seen like#i've been to my fair share of random LA hills parties whenever i'm in california where the house was fire#but this one took the cake#apparently he beat out beyonce n jay-z in getting the property or somethingn.. as i later learned by someone that evening ?/ hm random fact#also he had like a massively ginormous room *inside* his home dedicated to displaying LIFE SIZE transformers and actual cars i felt so tiny#i wish i could remember that moment better but i think the party drugs i was on kicked in right then lol#the uber ride home later was a mess though bc i was p fucked up by the end and i had to teach some guy about#consent with the girl he was with in the backseat and i got really protective of her. she was so grateful she ended up kissing me instead !#like actuallymaking out with me and i was shocked but okay hell ya why not right?#i think the dude understood and got what i was saying in the end tho so that's dope#fuck i love teaching problematic 3D men how to think with their heart and not their cocks<3#i honestly think i get super off on it. i've done it too many times to count#teachable non-misogyny moments FTW bling~bling! <3#sorry this is so random i just needed somewhere to dump this thought out bc i could never to do it anywhere else in my actual life lmao#anyway hope y'all have been healthy and well <3 how's the anime world doin...?#haikyuu's comin back soon eh? and AOT too? maybe maaaybe i'll be back around then 👋#➕ara~ara gomen !#minecraft#video games
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orcelito · 2 years
I take back... SOME of my negativity about fe:engage. Now that I'm out of prolog hell I have decided the fun eclipses the annoyances. For now.
#speculation nation#engage spoilers/#i still think the ring emblem thing is cheap#... but it also brought me a lot of joy to see and hear Celica again. same voice actress 😭 even if her sprite looks different (worse)#the real separating moment tho was when i went to the side summoning thing and mae showed up. i gasped a little ngl.#apparently i couldnt give less of a shit about marth or sigurd. but celica and the Valentia crew... 😭😭😭😭😭😭#i mean itd probably just be better to play echoes instead of engage if what is bringing me the most joy in this game is Valentia Crew#which. god i wish echoes was longer than it is. it's Easily my favorite fire emblem game#in characters. story. art. music. tactics (LOVE the battle maps)#there is not a single thing i dislike about echoes. aside from the length i guess. but really i just obsessively play it anytime i play#so it feels so short but i do dump a good 50 hours per game. so not Long but not short#ive replayed it like 3 times at least. and god i miss it. i always wanna play it more.#maybe my next game i should play on hard. i enjoy the challenge more lol#uhm. well. ok so engage is still incredibly lackluster in comparison to echoes. but really that's an impossible standard for it to meet. so#other thoughts: i HATE HATE HATE this princess' dress SO fucking much. i though alfred's fucking panteloons were stupid#but her fucking bulb dress is so much worse. and she's not even a healer!!!!! another squishy mage but with a sword too >:(#she came with celica which made it obvious she's meant as a celica copy. but at least celica can heal >:(#i wonder if alm is somewhere. probably in the land of strength??? if i had to guess at least.#ok but the princess' retainers... i actually kinda like them... their voices are actually decent! and that pegasus rider is... 😳#i desperately need another monk. current girl is decently useful as a healer but she is weak as FUCK#the punchy stuff seems cool but i never see it cause i gotta keep her off the front lines bc she's SQUISHY#im warming up to the twins. still hate their voices & i hate when theyre fanboying.#but removed from the protag theyre kind of sweet. plus passably useful in battle.#god i need another healer tho lmfao. pls @ the game give me another healer soon...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#shout out to that tiny glimmer of focus i had Saturday before i dumped ants on my brain#now im stuck in. i have to be productive but i csnt focus but i csnt do anything fun loop#half of my brain: what if u just relax? the othet half: no. shut up. what i just agonize until i explode?#annoying. and im apparently on call for jury duty the entire month of January#which means i have to be back from home by jan 2. and i probably have to stay until at leas dec 20th here#so optimistically i could have 12 full days and 2 travel days. but we'll see what happens#my mum is looking at flights for me bc im a barely functional person and i end up in hysterical tesrs everytime i have tk buy plane tickets#everytime they call i feel like im talking to them from the bottom of a well. like hi! hello! nice to see familiar faces!#tell me tales from the outside world! oh not much going on? thats ok we can still talk tho. talk and talk and talk#i talk to much. because im stuck in this well and im sad and i want someone to help me but also the ladder is right there and im choosing#not to stand up. so the conversation ends and i go back to laying half submerged and crumpled up in my well water#slowly unraveling into my stagent little puddle#and i cant stop thinking about all the time im blurring away#my mum asked if i was even coming home for Christmas#and im like. of course im coming home. i dont want to be here but its so hard to get my brain to justify leaving#i dunno. i just have to get these stupid manuscripts done. and applications submitted#so i can at least breathe a little. and then hopefully ill get accepted somewhere and i can throw myself into something more wonderful#so i can at least see the stars from the bottom of my sad little well#ugh. the amount of time i spend paralyzed by all the things i have to do is infuriating#just start something. make progress and eventually youll be done. stop whining abt it#ay ay ay. mayhaps i should just quit today and hope for a better tomorrow#but then im just pushing back everything a little further. ay. it never ends#unrelated#srry for being so mopey :-P like i said i talk too much
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hevendor · 6 months
If I ever had a tea party I think I'd have to make a literal menu of all the tea options along with recommended combinations...
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kabartmatzu · 1 year
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I wanted to redesing and rewrite Miraculous for a while. Then thought why not share my ideas so here is Chloé Bourgeois. (Duddeee I forgor the wingss?? 💀)
In my rewriting, power system is different. I will explain it on my further posts. Here I want to tell you more about my version of Chloé aka Queen Bee.
Chloé’s character is similar to show version. (First two seasons) Mommy issues, struggling with social relationships, bully… The difference is I keep the redemption arc :D In my version Ladybug and Chat Noir get their miraculouses when they were in high school. But show will take place at their twenties when they are in university. We will have flashbacks about high school years and how they got their miraculouses. Chloé also gets her miraculous in high school but it will be taken from her by Ladybug. This events will be similar to show too. Chloé won’t reveal her identity to everyone but will do wrong things to fix and seem like a hero. Her plan was to impress her mother as Queen Bee so later she can reveal her identity to her and make her mother proud of her for once :’) (Damn you Audrey)
Her only friend was Adrian for her whole childhood (same goes for Adrian) thanks to Audrey’s business with Gabriel. I thought her whole feelings towards Adrian is platonic but in her high school times she thought she has romantic feelings towards him because she never had friends other than Adrian and never had romantic interest. That’s why she will be clingy towards Adrian in high school.
In last year of high school after Ladybug took Bee miraculous from her, Marinette will try to fix her relationship with Audrey like in the show but it won’t work and Audrey probably say some really heartbreaking things and this will make Chloé angrier. She will blame Marinette and will be ruder to everyone (espacially to Marinette) at school, Sabrina will dump her (yaaay), Ladybug won’t trust her about an akuma attack (there are no akuma in my story tho but i want you to know what i am referring to rn) and Adrian will talk with her about her actions and how he doesn’t want to keep being friends with her anymore if she continues. She will get akumatized too and hurt her teacher (forgor her name) and Sabrina. She will collapse and leave Paris. I am not sure where she will go, probably i will make her go another country at Europe.
She will change her contacts so Adrian won’t be able to reach her. She will go therapy there and will be emotionally better. I feel like she would study child psychology maybe become a teacher or something. I also thought she will take self defense classes too since Ladybug told that she doesn’t have enough experience on fighting and they ve been getting educated for years to hold a miraculous, when she took bee miraculous from her. ( thats a lie tho it has only been a few months not years lmao)
After 2 or 3 years she will return to Paris (when show takes time at)for a few days just to see her father and apologize to Sabrina, Adrian and Marinette. I thought Sabrina won’t even wanna listen her. So she will decide not to see Adrian because she will think he doesn’t want to see her either. Then she will find herself in the middle of akuma attack. She will see where the akumatized item is. Ladybug and Chatnoir will be surprised to see her there of course but they are in the middle of fight. Chloé will try to tell where the akuma is but Ladybug will immediately tell Chatnoir to take her somewhere safe and he will. Chloé will tell Chatnoir that she knows how to defeat the akuma and she is sorry for being a bad holder back than. Adrian is so confused seeing her friend after years of course but can’t say anything (you know ,secret identity 🤷). Akuma will be defeated and he will go to Chloé to thank.
So then she will go to bakery hoping Marinette will be there in university break and hoping at least Marinette would like to listen her like back then. And as she hoped, Marinette wants to listen her. I might make a comic with this scene later. Right now I don’t have the words to describe the dialogue in here. But it will be about how she came to apologize and she is now a different person but how she doesn’t expect to be forgiven since Sabrina didn’t. And I thought Marinette would hug her seeing how in the edge she is and she might cry :’’(
I know I know it is so plane but i am not good at writing. I just tell what my ideas are. It is not the end. I will write about what happens later but first I should make posts about other holders and power system. Powers are different in my version so story might be confusing without knowing them. Bee miraculous also has slightly a different power. So first I will tell about them. Then I might try harder and write the story better hehe.
About Zoe btw I don’t even know if I want her to exit lmaoo. No hate don’t get me wrong but she is not even a character in the show. I am not sure what to do about her yet.
Thank you for reading, I appreciate that. 🪐🌟
=====Turkish translate======
Bir süredir Mucize’yi tekrar tasarlamak ve yazmak istiyordum. Kendi kendime dedim ki neden fikirlerimi paylaşmayayım ve paylaşmaya karar verdim. Ta daa Chloé Bourgeois! ( kanatlarını çizmeyi unutmuşum ama çaktırmayın)
Benim alternatifimde güç sistemi farklı. İlerki postlarımda açıklayacağım. Burada daha çok benim tasarladığım Chloe’den diğer adıyla Kraliçe Arı’dan bahsetmek istiyorum.
Aslında Chloe’nin karakteri dizidekine yakın. (İlk iki sezondaki) Annesi ile sorunları, sosyal ilişkilerde sıkıntılar, zorba biri olması… Fark ise ‘redemtion arc’ ını çöpe atmadım. :D Benim versiyonumda Uğur Böceği ve Kara Kedi mucizelerini lise okurken alıyorlar ama hikaye üniversite yıllarında, yirmili yaşlarında geçiyor. Lise yıllarında yaşadıklarına arada ‘flashback’lerle değinmeyi düşünüyorum. Chloe de mucizesini lisede alıyor ancak Uğur Böceği ondan geri alıyor. Bu olaylar da dizidekine benziyor. Chloe kimliğini herkese açıklamak yerine önce Kraliçe Arı olarak annesini etkileyip sonra ona kimliğini açıklamayı düşünüyor. Böylelikle sonunda annesinin onunla gurur duyacağını düşünüyor. Dizideki gibi sorunlar çıkarıp sonra kahraman gibi davranıp insanları kurtarmış gibi gösteriyor kendisini.
Küçüklüğünde tek arkadaşı Adriandı. O da annesi Audrey’in Gabriel ile olan işi sayesinde. Aslında Adrian’a karşı tamamen platonik sevgi (arkadaş olarak seviyor yani karşılıksız sevgi anlamında değil) beslediğini düşünüyorum. Hiç bir zaman romantik hisleri olmadı ama Adrian’dan başka arkadaşı olmadığı için ve daha önce hiç romantik duygular hissetmediğinden Adrian’a olan duygularını romantik sevgi ile karıştırdığını düşünüyorum.
Lisenin son yılında Uğur Böceği, arı mucizesini ondan alıyor; Marinette Chloe’nin annesi ile olan ilişkisini düzeltmeye yardım ederken işler ters gidiyor ve Audrey, Chloe’ye kalp kırıcı şeyler söylüyor. Bu Chloe’yi ilerki günlerde daha agresif yapıyor, Marinette’i her zamankinden daha fazla aşağılayıp olanlar yüzünden onu suçluyor, Sabrina dayanamayıp onunla ilişkisini kesiyor (yürü be Sabrina), Uğur Böceği akuma saldırısı konusunda Chloe’ye güvenmiyor( akumalar benim versiyonumda yok ama şimdilik anlaşılmak için akuma diyeceğim) ve Adrian böyle biri olmaya devam ederse onunla arkadaş olmak istemediğini söylüyor. Bunların hepsi Chloe’nin duygusal olarak yıkılmasına hatta belki akumalanarak sevdiği insanlara, şu adını unuttuğum öğretmenleri ve belki Sabrina’ya, zarar vermesine yol açıyor. Tüm bunlar Chloe’nin Paris’ten ayrılarak başka bir Avrupa ülkesine gitmesiyle sonuçlanıyor.
Burda Chloe iletişim bilgilerini bile değiştiriyor ve Adrian dahil kimse ona ulaşamıyor. Terapi alıyor. Üniversitede çocuk psikolojisi okuyor belki de öğretmen olmak istiyor diye düşündüm. Hatta bazı dövüş sanatlarını da öğreniyor çünkü Uğur Böceği mucizeyi alırken ona yeterli savaş deneyimi olmadığını ve kendilerinin yıllardır eğitim aldığını söylüyor. ( Yalan tabii. Sadece bir kaç aydır çalışıyorlar yıllardır değil.)
2 ya da 3 yıl içinde ( hikayenin geçtiği zaman ) Paris’e dönüyor. Sadece bir kaç günlüğüne babasını görmeye; Sabrina, Adrian ve Marinette’den özür dilemeye geliyor. Sabrina onu dinlemek bile istemeyince Adrian’ın da aynı tepkiyi vereceğini düşündüğünden onu görmekten vazgeçiyor. Marinette’i görmeye giderken kendisini akuma saldırının ortasında buluyor ve Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kediye yardım etmeye çalışıyor. Kahramanlar Chloe’yi gördüklerine çok şaşırıyorlar ama savaşın tam ortasındalar bu yüzden Kara Kedi onu alıp daha güvenli bir yere götürüyor. Chloe, Kara Kedi’ye akumanın nerde olduğunu söylüyor ve önceden kötü bir kahraman olduğu için özür diliyor. Adrian eski arkadaşını gördüğüne çok mutlu oluyor tabii ama hiç bir şey söyleyemiyor çünkü gizli kimlik şeysinden. Akumayı yeniyorlar tabii ve Chloe ye teşekkür ediyor.
Daha sonra Chloe Marinette’ i görmeyi umarak pastanelerine gidiyor. Ve umduğu gibi Marinette orda oluyor. Burdaki sahne hakkında daha sonra bi çizgi roman yapmayı düşünüyorum şimdilik dialog kafamda tam değil ama basitçe Marinette’den özür diliyor, artık eskisi gibi olmadığını ama yine de Sabrina gibi affetmek zorunda olmadığını sadece farklı biri olduğunu bilmesini istediğini söylüyor. Burda Marinette’in ona sarılacağını düşündüm bu da yaşlarını zor tutan Chloe’yi ağlatacak.
Biliyorum biliyorum anlatımım aşırı düz ama yazmakta iyi değilim. Sadece kafamdaki fikirleri aktarıyorum. Bu son değil. Devamını yazacağım ama önce diğer Mucize kullanıcıları hakkında ve güç sistemi üzerine postlar yapmak istiyorum. Neleri değiştirdiğimi bilmeden hikayeyi anlamak zor olabilir. Yazım şeklimi de daha akıcı ve güzel hale getirmeye çalışacağım.
Zoe’yi sorarsanız onun hakkında ne yapacağımı henüz bilmiyorum. Onu hikayeye ekler miyim emin bile değilim. Açıkçası dizide hiç bir kişiliği olmayan bom boş bir karakter. O yüzden emin değilim.
Okuduğun için teşekkür ederim. 🪐🌟
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pretzel-box · 1 month
Can we get an update about your Sebastian x read enemies to lovers?
Sure! I have the whole storyboard finished and started to write the first chapters. Might publish the first one in the coming week.
The whole thing will be called : As above so below
so you will find my works under #AsAboveSoBelow if you search it up on my profile!
I kinda was unmotivated because of the whole Zerum drama but it makes me happy to see people interested in my work!
A warning to everyone tho: This won't be a sugarcoated fanficion. Sebastian will be mean, kidnapper-behaviour, gaslighting, etc. warnings will be put at the start of each chapter. It's an enemies to lovers with some dark elements.
Chapter 1 snippet below
Unedited, non proof read.
The time on the wall clock displayed that it was barely some minutes after twelve in the noon. The warm sunlight creeped gently into the waitingroom by shining through the tall panorama windows of the building. A quick gaze to the side, to take a glimpse of the clock, was enough to tell you that it would surely take a few more moments till it was time to move away from the comfort of the leather chair you sat on right now. Your fresh desinfected hands clinged nervously onto your phone while swiftly scrolling through the list with the contacts that you had saved over the time you owned it. You were so concentrated that it slightly startled you, when another caller ID popped upon the bright screen of the phone, displaying the picture of your fathers face.
This particular man called you a lot lately, pushing his nose into your business after you dared to ask him for a teeny tiny favour, and you prayed that he wiould help since you are his beloved only daughter. But one of the things you didn't expected from him in that specific moment, was that he would take the oppertunity to call you, remembering that he was somewhere on the ocean.
He works as a high-class business man, sponsoring mainly a company called Urbanshade. You didn't knew much about them but your dad mentioning something about how they specialized in underwater mining with some high-tech inventions.
This explained his temporary stay on one of Urbanshade's ships, the testing and showcasing of another new underwater mining robot of some sort, called Trenchbleeder. Your dad funded the whole project in the past few months, so he was more than excited to see how his money is getting used for good reasons.
"Did they call you yet?" Despite the slightly static, the seagulls and the waves in the background, you were able to make out the strict tone in his voice. Of course he was curious. You have asked your dad if he knows someone who would hire you, his daughter. And of course, the first thing that he applies you for is one of Urbanshades research facilities. They didn't really looked for new employes in first place, but your dad was really close to the higher ups, so he bought the job for you. The fact he paid the company to take you made your stomach twist in an state of uncomfortableness but it was too late to turn back and say no." risked a lot by doing that for you."
He refers to the payment he has done for your sake and you can feel the pressure he dumped onto your shoulders.
You nod, even if your dad couldn't see it on the phone. "I'm at their building, sitting in the waitingroom. We sign the contract today." You tried to sound confident but you knew your dad saw behind your facade already. "They should be calling me into the office soon."
Your name gets loudly called through the room before your dad was able to reply to you, he would probably would give you another warning not to mess it up for his reputations sake. "Sorry dad, it's time."
You ended the call with a swift push on the red button, turning your phone ultimately on mute so nothing will distract the meeting you will now have with one of the higher ups at Urbanshade. The lady at the receptionist, told you where to go and another employee guided you to a glass room, showcasing a middle-aged man in an expensive looking suit. His arms were crossed and the way he scanned your application papers made your stomach turn.
The man must have noticed your little stare from the other side of the glass wall, since his head looked up from the file and it wasn't hard to miss the the coy smile on his lips. The previous expression on his face already replaced with a more welcoming one. "Ah, we finally meet. Your father told me already a good share abour you, little lady."
"I am grateful for the chance to work for your company, Mr.Wiltshire." The first impression counts, especially at a company as Urbanshade. And so you took the oppertunity to present yourself from the best side that you could possibly bring up, even if it means pretending to be something that you are not, in this case motivated and interested. Your hand almost raised up on it's own to offer a polite and respectful handshake.
"I assure you, we are the ones that are honoured to welcome you in our team.. Welcome to Urbanshade."
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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yoongi: hey
sent 6 hours ago
yoongi: bro
sent 1 hour ago
yoongi: *babe
yoongi: hello?
y/n: yes
yoongi: oh
y/n: ???
yoongi: are we fighting?
y/n: no?
yoongi: so just fuck me then?
y/n: pretty much
yoongi: no one loves you
sent 30mins ago
yoongi: ur annoying me
y/n: hiii babe
yoongi: what is ur problem?
y/n: what?
yoongi: i have a gun to my head
y/n: don’t shoot?
yoongi: why is that a question?
y/n: cuz i’m not sure
yoongi: not sure about what?
y/n: if i want you to shoot or not
yoongi: why have you been taking so long to respond?
y/n: omgee do you miss me???
yoongi: not anymore
y/n: YOU DO?????
ur so cute
yoongi: whatever
sent 10 mins ago
yoongi: okay now ur doing it on purpose
could literally be bleeding out rn and ur ignoring me
sent 20 mins ago
yoongi: all together you’ve ignored me for 8 hours
y/n: i don’t like math
yoongi: i don’t like being ignored
y/n: was busy
yoongi: liar
y/n: i’m being honest you big baby omg!
yoongi: i am not a baby that’s gross
you would literally be in prison rn if i was
y/n: you don’t need to take everything i say literally
yoongi: you didn’t need to ignore me
y/n: i’m here now
what do you want?
yoongi: what do i want????
are you trying to break up with me rn?
y/n: and if i was??
yoongi: i’m not speaking to you rn
y/n: ok
yoongi: this is the part where you beg for my forgiveness
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hobi: you can’t tell anyone but you know that argument jin and jimin had last week?
sent 5 mins ago
hobi: the one where jin threw his shoe at jimin?
sent 5 mins ago
hobi: anyways it was actually my fault
it wasn’t jimin who ate those strawberry tart things it was me
jin asked me who ate them and i said jimin
just for funzies
and i knew he would believe it
i was gonna say ur name but jin would of let you off to easy
don’t tell ANYONE
i’m fr
tarts were good as hell tho
hope he gets some more
idk where their from so i fr pray he buys more
sent 3 hours ago
why are you ignoring me 😓?
y/n: bored as hell
hobi: ???
y/n: was bored as hell?
hobi: so you ignored me??
y/n: yeah??
hobi: are you mentally ill?
y/n: possibly?
hobi: gws?
y/n: thanks?
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: are you truma dumping rn?
hobi: you are my truma
y/n: truma by seventeen
hobi: i love seventeen
y/n: so do i
hobi: let’s hang out with seventeen
y/n: i agree
hobi: aju nice
y/n: clap clap clap clap
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: thought we were moving on from this tbh
hobi: bored as hell is not an good excuse for ignoring me
y/n: it’s like we take 2 steps forward then 13 steps back
hobi: 13 just seventeen
y/n: did that just for them
hobi: ur kinda funny
y/n: thx
hobi: stop distracting me omg?
y/n: sorry
won’t do it again
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: if we think about it you’re the mentality ill one in this relationship
hobi: ok that’s a lie
ur a sociopath
y/n: you don’t even know what that means
hobi: i so do
y/n: what does it mean then
hobi: ur abnormal
y/n: fuck you
hobi: it’s okay love my little sociopath 🥰
y/n: …
hobi: the next time you ignore me i’m leaving you
sent 4 hours ago
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jimin: hello there something seems to be wrong with the hand break of my car
can you send anyone out to fix it
📎 3 imagines attached
sent 5 mins ago
jimin: pls i need some to fix it asap
📎 1 video attached
sent 3 mins ago
jimin: this is REALLY REALLY important pls i need to be somewhere in the next two hours
sent 1 hour ago
y/n: ew
that is your dick
jimin: when can you send someone out 😖
y/n: get lost
jimin: :((((
sent 1 hour ago
jimin: um okay….
sent 2 hours ago
jimin: yoongi just said i’m “so desperate” in the gc and if he’s talking about what i think he is i will NEVER talk to you again
sent 5 mins ago
jimin: ur lucky
he wasn’t talking about that
sent 4 mins ago
jimin: HEY
4 missed calls from jimin
jimin: fine be like that…
sent 20 mins ago
jimin: thought about it and
idc if the boys see my dick!!
sent 10 mins ago
2 missed calls from jimin
jimin: i am an example to men fuck you die
y/n: joon laughed and called you a slut
jimin: #slut4myqueen
wait he laughed?????
tf is he laughing for???
4 missed calls from jimin
incoming call from jimin…
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jungkook: PLS PLS PLS
sent 10 mins ago
sent 10 mins ago
20 missed calls from jungkook
sent 14 hours ago
jungkook: it’s a new day and i have a knife to my neck
sent 2 hours ago
jungkook: i know you are awake
where are my pictures
send 30 mins ago
jungkook: ok
sent 2 hours ago
sent 10 mins ago
jungkook: plsplsolslplslpls
y/n: hi
jungkook: dress?
y/n: ??
jungkook: show me the dress
y/n: …
jungkook: pls
i’m like a dog waiting to be fed
y/n: never compare yourself to a dog again are you sick in the head
jungkook: me and bam are identical twins rn
y/n: i’m gonna throw up
jungkook: show me the dress 😖
y/n: no
jungkook: ok fine im just gonna go do a line of coke then
y/n: ur being extra
like extremely extra
jungkook: coke is on the table
my lines are ready
im about to sniff
y/n: just come over and see ur for yourself?
jungkook: OH???
fuck the lines
i’m omw
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namjoon: when you get home text me ok?
sorry i could say bye properly they wanted me to record something
staff are being slow today
i’m kinda getting annoyed
yk i would of walked out with you otherwise
or you can call me
actually just call me
sent 3 hours ago
namjoon: i said call me i mean it
sent 2 hours ago
namjoon: so are you fucking home now??
sent 1 hour ago
namjoon: hello??????
y/n: kim namjoon???????????
namjoon: sorry
i didn’t mean to be mean
y/n: i think you did
namjoon: you didn’t call
y/n: sorry
namjoon: i worry yk??
y/n: i said i was sorry
namjoon: idc
for 6 hours i was on the edge of my seat
what if you died or something?
did you just ignore me for fun or did something actually happen
y/n: i’m home
namjoon: it’s too late to tell me that now
y/n: i didn’t watch our show btw
i’m waiting for you
namjoon: …
y/n: ^^
namjoon: answer my question
y/n: stop being mean
namjoon: you were mean first
y/n: wasn’t
namjoon: you didn’t call babe
y/n: i’ll watch the new episode rn
namjoon: …
y/n: that’s what i thought bitch
namjoon: i’m not coming home
y/n: oh no!!
my hand it’s just itching to press play rn
namjoon: whatever be there in 10
y/n: once again i prove i wear the pants in this relationship
sent 10 mins ago
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y/n: bff can you pick me up
jin: i am NOT ur bff
i am ur BF thank you very much
but ig i could
where are you?
and what the hell are you dumb out so late it’s like 2 am
sent 4 mins ago
jin: how the hell can i pick you up if idk where ur at
ur lucky i’m still awake and willing to come get you
sent 5 mins ago
4 miss calls from jin
jin: what if i kill you
sent 2 mins ago
jin: went to look for my car keys and you still haven’t replied
do you want me to break up with you rn?
sent 4 mins ago
12 missed calls from jin
jin: the amount of times i have called your phone is embarrassing
like i’m some obsessed sick freak
i really don’t want to have to drive around seoul looking for you
am i a stalker????
sent 10 mins ago
5 missed calls from jin
okay i take that back
i’m a LITTLE freaked out rn
just a little
don’t let it get to ur head
sent 20 mins ago
also why the hell are they still open fr that’s not right
7 missed called from jin
y/n: LMAO fell asleep in seungcheol’s car
and my phone died
jin: seungcheol???
y/n: seventeen man
jin: where are you rn???
y/n: at seungcheol’s
vernon said hi
y/n: um rude?
i said you said hi back
anyways will come home later might as well stay here for the night
jin: send me the address
y/n: miss me that much??
jin: send it
y/n: are you mad at me???
you started sharing your location with jin
jin: put my reputation on the line for you today
i will never forget this
y/n: why am i scared rn…
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why is this us
*whimpers in your ear*
sent 14 hours ago
tae: okay that wasn’t that bad
sent 1 hour go
tae: i’ve definitely said worse
sent 2 hours ago
tae: yare yare
sent 1 hour ago
tae: do you think army would call me tae-chan if i asked
or should i be v-chan
but thinking about it tae-chan just connects with me on a different level
it’s so personal
intimate almost
sent 2 hours ago
tae: baka why are you ignoring me
yare yare
sent 3 hours ago
pls 🥺pls 🥺pls 🥺pls🥺
sent 2 hours ago
tae: ヾ(  ̄O ̄)ツ
me asf
sent 1 hour ago
tae: oh
heyyyyyy lolz
i now see how smoking negatively effects the brain
i would like to formally apologise for the man i was in the last hours
y/n: kys
tae: i was high and watching naruto
forgive me 🥺
y/n: you are out of ur mind
tae: *was
i was out of my mind
never smoking again i swear
y/n: we need to go on a break or something
i need time to fully process the bullshit you just came to me with
tae: live in the moment
don’t dwell on the past
sent 10 mins ago
ghosting me will NOT solve our issues
can you tell i was listening to svt when writing this low-key can’t see straight rn how the hell it 1:42 am rn not on tbh
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
UMich Dump
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@y/nHughes: Michigan MILF 😘🥵🤑 (dont tell my brothers) Thank you to the umich media team for such a fun season and to everyone else who made my sophomore year so fun especially @Luca.fantilli 👫
Tagged: @Luca.fantilli @edwards.73 @markestapa @dylanduke25 @kayleighdocherty_ @y/bff
Luca.Fantilli : The prettiest MILF I have ever seen 😍
↪ Edwards.73 : Do you want her brothers to murder you🤨
↪ rutgermcgroarty : @edwards.73 I think so
↪ y/nHughes: @kayleighdocherty_ I could never do that to you pookie
lhughes_06 : Wow so I leave and that is when you decide to become a social butterfly smh 🙅🏻
↪ jackhughes : @lhughes_06 are you just going to IGNORE the fact she's called herself a MILF?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?
↪ y/nHughes : first off @jackhughes and @_quinnhughes BYE let me live my authentic life thanks sm.. and @lhughes_06 sorry buddy guess u were just boring
↪ Edwards.73 : she really had to pick the WORST photo of us 😓
↪ dylanduke25 : the three bestest friends 🫡
↪ y/nHughes : @markestapa @edwards.73 @dylanduke25 as the nominated mom of our group why wouldn't I show off my sons first day of school?!?!?!?! MAY I ALSO REMIND YOU despite my nagging YOU WERE ALL LATE TO CLASS ANYWAY!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
A/N: Hi this absolutely sucks because I had sorta a plot line but not really a plot line, I will do much much much better when I start getting requests and have something to go off of ahaha. gorls gotta start somewhere tho ya know. any feedback would be much appreciated and I love you all. xoxoxoxoxo, M
95 notes · View notes
year2000electronics · 12 days
For the reformed(?) Bill au, how did he end up with the Pines family? And on relatively chill terms with them? After all the manipulation and betrayal and torment, I wouldn't think they'd ever trust him, even if he oresented himself as a powerless human. (He could be lying! It's what he does!)
Did they just find him in a sad little heap somewhere? Did the Axolotl themself droo him off and ask them to keep an eye on him for therapy purposes? How did it come to pass that they even tolerate his presence after all he's done?
OKAY SO. a lot of people have reformed bill aus and a lot of people will give you different answers to how he ended up there, but this is my personal take on it and the au i like to call the funcle bill au!
i really don’t like it when people have the axolotl unceremoniously dump bill on the pines or the mystery shack without warning. it feels like the pines get demanded to do a lot of emotional labour for someone who really hurt them with no consulting them beforehand, and i just feel like that’s just so not my style :(
so what i like to imagine is that this au takes place a year after the summer we see in the show, so that everyone has had some time to breathe and reorient a little! it’s around this time that the axolotl starts visiting them in their dreams, just to, y’know, check them out. bill talks about the pines family a lot and axie wants to see what the family who defeated bill is like. but of course, the conversations slowly go from very detached and info-gathering only to the axolotl actually kinda befriending the family :) their enthusiasm is infectious
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so sometime after that, the axolotl confers with all the zodiac in a shared dream and basically asks “hey. i have bill in the theraprism where he can’t hurt you anymore but i wanted to ask you if maybe you guys wanted to take him because he’s being really stubborn and has already cut off all his friends and the lack of connections is only making him worse. he would be human and have no powers and if he causes you enough distress i would take him back to the theraprism but i think the weirdness and positive spirit of this town might be able to help bill where the theraprism can’t. only if you want to tho ✌️” and all the zodiac spend a LONG while discussing it in the days after before agreeing, especially as both sets of pines twins are staying in town again for the summer
so bill gets dropped off in human form and gets a job at the shack, typical stuff, and he knows he has to behave otherwise it’ll be BORING GROUP THERAPY CHATS AGAIN. the road ahead is long and arduous and there’s DEFINITELY a lot of tension between bill and the rest of the zodiac, i just haven’t really had the creative juices to show it because i think it’s a very long and complicated process and requires some very skillful writing. just know that bill isn’t just getting auto-forgiven it’s just that most of that stuff is currently happening “offscreen” for me :V
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BUT YEAH. mostly it’s my excuse to have bill and the pines hanging out cos i really do believe that more than anything else, that family is the closest bill had to true companionship. the henchmaniacs were his friends but also his enablers, his parents are super dead, the axolotl probably was wary of him due to his mean streak, but he sees himself in each pines and loves to bother them more than any other human. and i think there’s potential there. but i think it would require respect and patience from the axolotl, a “don’t try anything or you’re going in the time out corner” for bill, and the willingness to reach out a hand for the pines
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^funcle bill and axolotl’s human disguise
thank you for the question!!
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Mcyts x autistic reader
•Like autistic reader, who is very open and proud about being autistic. And like openly stems, especially when happy. Hand flaping, finger wiggling, spinning, vocal stims, full body shaking ext
• reader is really bad with volume control and often either mumbles or yells. Maybe when talking about something they're interested in, they just scream mid sentence and then carry on.
• read unknowingly mimicking there s/o while masking like copying their accents, laughs, boy language or just repeat whatever they just said.
• reader info dumps and asks allot of questions (even if that seem obvious)
• reader will randomly just stop masking and give like resting bitch face and speak with more monotone voice.
•and reader quotes things a lot like shows, movies, tiktoks, and people.
oooo okay okay!! I did my best here I swear 🙏 I only did Tommy, Freddie, Quackity & Nihachu bc I genuinley had no new ideas for the others so I apologize 😭🙏 ranboo and tubbo would've been mixtures of everyone and I'm trying to make them all different and it just didn't work ; also this took way too long and maybe ill do a pt2 of this w them + foolish & charlie and whoever else ; anyways hopefully this is good, I did a little bit of research just in case so yeah djsjskkaka
MCYT ; autistic reader
includes ; tommyinnit, badlinu, quackity, & nihachu
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; i'm not autistic so i referred to req above + some research, i apologize if anything is incorrect
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he's never had a problem with you being autistic and neither have you, and you're totally fine with him making little jokes or comments because you can most of the time see therough them
he finds your stimming, especially when you're happy and excited, so fucking adorable. he literally crumbles everytime.
he also loves when you have him stim with you
you two have this little finger wiggling thing you do together, reference the "dunga dunga dunga" moment in the amsterdam vlog because I can't describe it 💀
if you're spinning to stim, he'll often joke about you getting dizzy or needing to throw up, and halfway join you because you're spinning to create a damn tornado, he can't go that fast LMAO
if somewhere is too loud and you need out, you're going dw, he couldn't care less if you just automatically yell, go nonverbal, or only begin mumbling to him. he's got you
absolutely loves when you're ranting about special interests or hyperfixations
he'll genuinley listen all day long
"and it's so interesting *cue yell* because-"
he'll lightly cringe at the change in volume but don't worry, he's fine. if you ever think differently he'll 100% reassure you that he's alright and he doesn't mind it whatsoever
you'll unknowingly pick up his accent and he'll notice immediately but not point it out, because he's learned that you'll go back to normal after he points it out. he finds it so cute tho
if you're masking in public and get comfy enough, you'll have this miserable looking bitch face and he's just like "Oh they're just like that, don't worry"
you also pick up saying bitch a lot, which he finds hilarious
doesn't understand tone tags a hundred percent but he uses the ones he knows and learns a lot of the other ones as your relationship grows
youre probably quoting total drama and mean girls 24/7 let's be honest
"you're just a homeschooled jungle freak!"
"christ, okay, y/n"
"you know I was quoting mean girls"
whatever phrase he's addicted to saying, you are too
always smiles seeing you stim when you're happy/excited
vocal stims with him >>>
9 times out of 10 he'll repeat them after you say them to kind of make it a game, to see who can say ___ the most
you copy his accent and his frequently used phrases a lot
it makes him get all mushy inside because you're literally thinking about him 24/7
info dumping to him >>>> he's always listening bro
he doesn't mind you asking a lot of questions, even if the answer seems obvious. he understands that you don't wanna screw something up or understand something wrong
lots of quoting Garfield. I don't make the rules
"WE'RE BACHELORS, BABY" ; you both quote this often, let's be honest
"whoever moved my shit around should be dragged out onto the street and shot"
"i really hope you're quoting Garfield this time.."
your resting bitch face genuinely makes him giggle, ESPECIALLY the monotone voice
you're also constantly quoting bits from Tommy's show 💀 or replicating the little dance they learned to introduce Freddie
he apologizes a million times, he just can't take you seriously sometimes (if it's a more lighthearted situation)
he seems like the type to know most the tone tags and knows when to use them, but the ones like /nf trip him up
like wdym nf??? like the rapper?? like the guy from those gacha music videos? what's he doing here?
when you randomly yell when you're talking about a special interest/hyperfixation, he raises his eyebrows with an amused smile and nod
"and *cue yell* it's so fucked up but so good!"
she's picked up some stimming from you
you guys finger wiggle little whiskers, like ants or some sort of bug
spinning when you're exited >>>
she cheers you on to try and get you to go faster LMAO
bad with volume control? that's totally fine. she completely understands
giggles whenever you get loud mid-sentence and playfully throws her hands up like you scared her
"Peter... the horse is here"
"is it now?" she giggles
always quoting tik toks and vines istg
"road work ahead? yeah, I sure hope it does"
"oooo I love that scarlet color" she smiles
"I love that scarlet color" you whisper
she loves when you info dump about your special interests/hyperfixations, especially if it's something she's not really into but will gladly hear you talk about because it's interesting
she's also very on it with tone tags just in case, whether you tell her you need them or not
"I'll kill you wtf"
she knows every single tone tag, if there was a tone tag test, she'd ace it
the monotone voice and bitch face always scare her for a moment, she's gotta make sure if you're okay and just not masking or if you're actually upset about something
she always gets you gifts surrounding your special interests/current fixations
bro if you're a fanfic writer... she's ur number one reader. absolutely lovessss your writing
you'll pick up her soft tone of voice and the accent and she will do anything but point it out, she loves knowing that she's the one paying attention to it, and seeing you just catch onto something and for you to not notice
need compression for comfort? he's there, any squeezing or form of compression you need is there
need to squeeze his hand? go ahead. need a tight ass hug? he's there
always does a proud smile when he sees you stim, especially in public
generally proud that you aren't masking in public and you're comfortable being yourself
he'll even stim with you sometimes to make you not feel weird about stimming in public and shit 💔
you catch onto his mannerisms a lot, like adjusting your hair, any hats/beanies, talking with your hands, etc
like you'll catch yourself going to adjust your sunglasses and you don't have any on. you realize "wait I've been watching him do it all night, have I been doing that??"
so much info dumping and he's here for it
"wait, what then?"
"she *cue louder talk/almost yell* fucking dies! it was either die or suffer!"
"holy shit, for real?"
you guys are both quoting dumb shit let's be honest
modern family quotes.... you can't go an hour without them
always mumbling "gotta fix that step" it's a vocal stim atp
there's not even a step to fix.
y/u/n was slain by Tubbo
"I'm the cool dad, that's my thang, I'm hip"
"y/n I can't do this today" He cackles
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
gojo’s younger sister with nanami pls
Your wish is my command. Planned this for sooo long and now I finally have an excuse to write it down haha. Please let me know if you like it <3
Nanami and Gojo's little sister meeting again years after their ugly breakup
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Pairing: Nanami x Gojo's sister
Word Count: 3,5k
Synopsis: It's been some hell of years since Nanami left Gojo's younger sister for another woman. But when her big brother invites her to Jujutsu HIgh again, things start to unveil...
Warnings: language, mentions of cheating, just got a new laptop so there might be some spelling mistakes (sorry about that)
As usual, I'm always thankful for comments, likes and reblogs. Thank you for your support <3
„Why me?“, Nanami growls, looking up from the paper in his hands.
“Because I’m absolutely not in the mood to listen to her gossip. Also, you’re her favorite. Sometimes I even think she loves you more than me…”
“Satoru, I’m not the babysitter for your little sister.”
“Come on Namani, I bet she’s happy to see you again! You guys got along so well!”
The imagines of your last meet-up crowd into his head and inevitably make Nanami grimace.
“The emphasis is on ‘got’. You know exactly what happened last time. What makes you think she wants to see me after all of this?”, Nanami questions in annoyance.
Deep down, he knows exactly that Gojo just wants to mess with him. It’s been years since he dumped you. Years in which you never saw each other again. Satoru mentioned that you are travelling somewhere in japan and driving out curses there quite successfully. You’ve always been a very gifted jujutsu sorcerer. It seems to run in the family – as well as your bratty behavior and good looks.
“That was years ago, I bet her sparrow brain has long since forgotten who you even are. Please pick her up”, Gojo purrs and rubs his head against Nanami’s shoulder.
Nanami signs in defeat. Does he have any choice at all? Hopefully you know about it and there is no nasty surprise…
-later at the airport-
Your bag falls to the ground with a rattle.
“What the actual fuck are you doing here, Sir”, you cry out, eyes covered in sunglasses.
“Your brother said to pick you up from the airport and that you know”, Nanami explains briefly, like it would somehow help curb your upcoming anger.
“That shithead. I just shouldn’t have come at all. Urgh, fine. Just don’t talk to me, idiot”, you snap back and angrily throw your bag in the trunk of the car.
Kento is the last person you want to see and Satoru knows that. Why is he sending him here? He could have moved his lazy ass to pick you up himself. After all, it was him who invited you to his academy in order to help him out.
You demonstratively sit in the back seat and cross your arms in front of your chest, not gifting him a single look. Kento was the first man to ever break your heart – extensively. And you will probably never be able to forgive him for that.
“That should not be a problem”, Nanami mutters to himself and starts the car.
Your eyes pierce through the back of his head. What did he just say?
“Like you’ve got a reason to be mad at me”, you hiss.
“May I remind you that you didn’t even give me the chance to work things out? You just packed your things and left”, Nanami comments dryly and starts the car.
“Like it was ever your intention to fix it.”
“Good that you know better what I thought than me”, he barks back, unusual aroused.
God, you’re still as annoying as back then. Always having the last word, you always think you know better, your overconfidence. It drives him insane. But you still look as good as you did then, like you haven’t aged a second. The only thing that catches is eyes are your now fuller curves and the fact that you cut your hair a little shorter. Well, you are a woman now, all grown up in your twenties.
“You left me completely shattered, asshole. I had no choice but to go. You made me lose faith in love and relationships forever”, you mutter, gaze wandering around the trees outside.
The thought alone runs shivers down your spine. Kento was your first and last love. You never believed a man would upset you like that, even though Satoru is your bigger brother. It hurt like hell for several years. Seeing him now, with his hair styled in a delicious undercut and the sharp lines of his jaw makes your heart ache in agony all over again.
“I sincerely apologize for that. It was never my intention to hurt you like that, (y/n)”, Nanami replies with a soft voice, completely startled by your confession.
He knew you had some rough years. Sometimes he just couldn’t hold back and had to ask Satoru how you were. But hearing from your own mouth how much he hurt you makes his heart sink in his chest.
“Whatever. Leave me alone and focus on driving.”
-at Jujutsu High-
“(y/n), there you are! You have no idea how much I missed you!”, Satoru shouts across the athletic field that separates you both.
Your whole body shakes in anger. That fucking asshole, the cheeky grin on his stupid face says it all. That was pure intention to get on your nerves. Satoru is probably the worst big brother you could wish for.
“I will beat your ass in front of your students, shithead!”, you yell at him and stomp across the square at a frightening speed.
“Who is that?”, Yuji questions and squints his eyes in order to see you better.
“That’s Gojo’s little sister. Be careful, she looks pretty pissed off”, Panda whispers while all pairs of eyes are set on you and Nanami walking behind you at a safe distance.
“Come on, (y/n). Let’s talk abou-“
Satoru isn’t able to finish his sentence as you blow him away with a simple hand movement.
“Pretty stupid to piss off the only person who can breach your sphere”, you hiss through gritted teeth, more than ready to hit him again.
“Oh, how much I missed our little fights. How was your ride? Nanami is an excellent driver”, he keeps digging while dodging your unfocused punches.
“I thought you valued my feelings more.”
The hurt in your voice makes him stop your flying fists in track, you can feel his eyes staring at you behind his blindfold. He knew, of course, that the breakup hurt, but the pain that glitters in your eyes is unknown to him. And the tone of your voice…You were always so confident, so sure of yourself. At the moment, nothing seems to be left of it.
“I would never hurt you on purpose sister. After all these years, I thought you guys-“
“Shut up Satoru, I don’t wanna hear it”, you hiss back and wrench your arms free from his grasp.
“Hey Megumi, how have you been?”, you question over your shoulder.
“I’m alright. Nice that you’re here, you are definitely my favorite Gojo”, Megumi answers with a disparaging look towards Satoru.
“Well, the competition isn’t that big. Excuse me, I’ll bring my stuff in the house. See you later, kids.”
Without giving your brother another look, you stomp towards the sleeping wing, body still trembling in anger. Why is Satoru such a jerk? He knows full well that this breakup has left you completely shattered. It would have been absolutely avoidable to meet Kento here. Instead, he decided to get him to pick you up from the airport and ruin your trip right from start. You don’t want to see his stupid handsome face, the exhausted veil that covers his overworked eyes and his outrageously strong body. Damn, his new undercut really does look good.
“Here is your suitcase, (y/n). Have a nice stay.”
Nanami’s voice behind you makes your blood boil in an instant. Fuck, why can’t he just leave?
“Stop saying my name”, you bark at him while literally ripping open the door to the familiar guest dorm.
“Why can’t you act grown up for once? I’ve always appreciated you, this childish behavior doesn’t suit you at all”, Nanami replies dryly and loudly drops your bags on the floor at the corner of the room.
His words hit you like a wall. In the matter of seconds, he rips open all the wounds you desperately tried to heal over the last years. Has he forgotten what he did to you, why you act this way? Hot tears begin to burn in the corners of your eyes, your throat feels dangerously constricted. No, don’t cry. You’ve never been the type to whine a lot, especially in front of other people. Kento has never seen the tears he caused. Why now, after all these years?
“I gave you everything I had, Kento! I gave you my virginity, my whole fucking heart, you were everything for me this whole time! And after our very first night together you just left, after all the things we’ve been through. The things you threw at me…I will never forget the words you said. You claim you always appreciated me? That sounds like an insult. Don’t you dare to ever judge me again for treating you as badly as you treated be. How’s your girlfriend, huh? Was it worth it to dump me because of her? You fucking idiot, if you talk to me like that again I’ll blow your head off”, you scream into his face at the top of your lungs.
You can’t help but let your feelings out. Fuck, it feels good to finally tell him what you think, to tell him how you felt this whole time. He ripped your heart out of your chest when he informed you about ending things because he met another woman, just after fucking you for the first time. You felt miserably for years, never let another man touch you again. He has some nerves, standing in front of you and blaming you cowardly. Fuck your outburst and your tear-stained cheeks.
“If only you would listen to-“
“GET OUT. NOW”, you yell, whole body trembling in agony and rage.
“I think it’s time to go, Nanami”, Satoru’s unusual serious voice announces in the background.
“I hope that someday we can talk about what happened, (y/n).”
With that, he turns on his heels and leaves the room quietly. As soon as his frame is out of sight, your body gives in. You sink to the floor, hands covering your blood shot orbs while you urgently try to calm yourself down.
“I’m just not interested into you anymore, we should end things right here.”
“That night meant nothing to me.”
“Don’t ever call or text me again.”
You need to get him and his words out of your head, ban them out of your heart. But how do you forget all those nights you snuggled each other to sleep, his sweet words that followed you wherever you went, all those missions you accomplished together. What about the plans you made? What about the trust you gave him? Your shallow, rapid breath hanging dreadfully in the air. You just can’t forget.
“Come on, (y/n). Seeing you like this is killing me”, Satoru sits beside you and gently wraps his arm around his shoulder.
You want to yell at him, tear your body away from his touch, to slap his arm firmly. But you can’t. Your body refuses to move, completely consumed by the feelings you tried so hard to avoid.
“I think you two should talk. Of course I don’t know all the details, but I do know for sure that Nanami isn’t a bad guy. Whatever happened must have a good reason.”
“He left me for another girl, Satoru”, you breathe out.
“You may be the most annoying woman on this earth and I’ll never understand how well you two came along in the first place, but I’d cut off my hand if that’s true.”
“Better cut off your tongue, man…”
“I’m serious, (y/n)”, Satoru’s features are entirely stern, not even a spark of humor gleams in his eyes.
“Nanami may not be a great guy like me but he would have never cheated on you, let alone left you because of it. Talk to him, ask him about it. Must have been something else.”
He straightens himself up again, pouting your head just the way you hate it.
“And now get yourself together. I’ve got a very nice mission for you to go on.”
You stare at his back as he leaves the room, his words still hanging in the air. Satoru knows Kento since he joined Jujutsu High. If he is so sure about his friend…
No. You shake your head vehemently. Even Satoru doesn’t know everything. You would rather die than talk to Kento Nanami ever again.
-the mission-
“Huh, are you finished already? I thought we’d have a little more fun together…”
Fuck fuck fuck.
Your whole body is covered in bruises and your own blood while you stare at the creature in front of you. Who the hell is this guy? And why on earth is he so fucking strong? You are a grade 1 sorcerer, easily able to defeat most curses around. But this one? You stare at his scarred face, grimaced into a dumb grin.
This is something out of your league.
“Send someone here before I croak here, dumbass”, you hiss into your communicator just in time before he hits you again.
His attacks are merciless, almost impossible to block even though he doesn’t use a sphere.
You wipe sweat and blood of your forehead. Who knows what this fucker is capable of.
“Ms. Gojo, we are here to help you!”
You can’t believe your ears. Who the hell is this guy waving at you like an idiot? And who the hell is walking next to him…
No. Not in the world. Let it be anyone but Kento Nanami. His blonde hair waves through the air while he forces himself onto the scar head, distracting him from your very own self before he hits you full force.
Nanami. What is he doing here? Thick anger crawls up your veins. Yes, you ask for help. But not from Nanami and some random jujutsu sorcerer.
“I thought Satoru would come here himself. This is nothing to joke around”, you bark at Kento.
Just as you want to turn away, a scorching pain radiates from your leg and takes your breath. Fuck, where does that come from?
“Oh, you’re injured!”
Your heart sinks into your chest, palms covered in nothing but your own blood and met by a giant gash in your thigh. When did this happen? This asshole has hit you so many times that you probably didn’t even notice it in your adrenaline rush.  
This is bad. Very very bad. Even though he didn’t hit you critically, the amount of blood that runs down your leg is enough for you to know that you might bleed out if you won’t get any help.
“Are you alright?”
His tall frame lingers over you before you are able to stop him, kneeling down in front of you to take a look at your wound.
“Leave me alone-“
“This is serious. You might die, (y/n). I can’t afford to lose you.”
Like in trance you stare down at him, his words repeating themselves over and over in your head while your heart hammers against your chest.
“I can’t afford to lose you.”
“Why did you leave me, then?”
“Not now, (y/n). Yuji, stand your ground as long as possible. I need to escort (y/n) out of the curtain.”
You slap his hands away, whole body trembling in…what? Anger, fear, agony? Maybe everything at once, you aren’t sure. His brown eyes dart towards you immediately.
“I’m trying to help you”, he comments dryly.
“This injury is nothing against the pain you caused me years ago.”
Your cruel words hit him like a wall. For a moment he can only stare at you, the way your striking blue orbs begin to glister and that look of distress on your beautiful face. No, you didn’t deserve what he did to you back then. You deserved so much better. But still…
“I did it for you.”
The words escape his mouth before he is able to stop himself.
“Oh, so traumatizing me was best for me? Wow, thank you so much for your help then. Maybe I should-“
“I saw what can happen. I saw what can happen when Yu died in front of my very own eyes. And I swore to myself to never let anything like that happen to you. I hoped you would quit being a jujutsu sorcerer, that hurting you enough would make you leave Jujutsu High for good, that you’d find a nice job. That you’d be safe.”
You stare at him through wet lashes, brain desperately trying to make sense out of his words. He can’t be serious, right? This can’t possibly be the reason why he left you.
But his eyes don’t lie. No, they never did.
“So you…you didn’t cheat on me?” you breathe out.
Fuck, you hate the way tears start to pool your eyes and how your whole body begins to tremble in emotion. All these years, all these horrible years you thought you meant nothing to Kento, that he ended your relationship because of another woman. All the things he said to you…They never left your head, always present in the following years.
You thought you weren’t good enough for him.
“I would have never cheated on you. But this was the only way to make you believe that I didn’t have any feelings for you.”
“Did you?”
You stare down at him, time standing still. All these wasted years of thinking you aren’t good enough. All these years you loved this man so much that you never let another man touch you. All these years of grieving his touch, of imagining him while touching yourself, of crying yourself to sleep instead of laying in his strong arms.
All this time. Can it really be fake?
“I never stopped loving you.”
Maybe it’s because of your blood loss or because your entire world turned upside down, but your knees give in, making you sink onto the floor if it wasn’t for Kento’s arms that catch you just in time.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
With fast steps he crosses the battlefield, eyes set on you from time to time. You still can’t believe it, everything seems like a dream that you’ve had multiple times before. He loves you. Nanami Kento just told you that he still loves you. After all these years of pretending he doesn’t care and breaking your heart.
“I wish you would have told me”, you mumble against his chest.
“I wish you would have told me the real reason. I would’ve understood, especially because I know how hard it was for you.”
“I realized how wrong this decision was. But every time we’ve met you were so distant, not even willing to talk a single word to me. I never had the chance to make up”, he explains briefly.
“You said you cheated on me”, you remind him weakly.
“I would have never cheated on you. Since you’ve been gone, I never touched another woman.”
You look up at him through wet lashes, the way his jawline is so tensed up that it might snap any minute. The urge to let your fingertips brush over his chest just like back then seems so unbearable all of the sudden. God, how much you loved caressing his soft skin, the scars that even then decorated his whole body. How does he look now? He definitely got older, aged like fine wine. You want to stop yourself from looking at him, from grieving his touch. After all he lied to you, he shattered your heart instead of just telling you the truth. Yes, he doesn’t deserve your forgiveness so easily for how he lied into your face this whole time. But still…
“Would you mind…Holding my hand?” you ask all of the sudden.
Nanami’s heart almost beats out of his chest, the way you look at him simply takes his breath away. He would have expected anything, but not this. No, this doesn’t suit your hot-tempered personality at all. Never in his life did he think that you would ask him to hold you hand after all the things he did to you, after he hurt you this badly. But who is he to resist your vibrant eyes, especially when you’re feeling unwell?
“Of course…” he stutters.
When his fingertips gently intertwine with yours, you feel as if he fired a firework inside you. God, how much you missed this. How much you missed him.
You allow your tired eyes to rest for a minute, whole body suddenly feelings so numb and light. Maybe all of this is just a dream and you’ll wake up any minute. But until then…
You want to hold his hand just like back then.
“But don’t think I’ll forgive you this easily”, you mutter weakly.
“This wouldn’t suit you at all”, he replies.
And for the first time in years, Kento Nanami is able to grin again. Because he finally confessed to the love of his life, because you’re laying here in his arm while holding his hand.
Everything will work out eventually.
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marshmcore · 6 months
Pondering Sniper with his Emotional Support Scout (AU)
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Modern+College AU speeding bullet
Both in their early transitional age (Scout is 19, Sniper is 22), they’ve already spent a handful of years, supposedly taking the steps to build their futures, but are they where they want to be? Are they going to where they want to be? Where is it anyways?
I just had the idea for a more grounded side to their story, slice-of-life in a coming-of-age setting, with themes of existentialism. I aged them down to make it work… Under cut for info dumps about these goobers 8)
Scout took a break right after high school, working for his family business (an unsuccessful one, ran by one of his oldest brothers). This used to be a summer job, a way to get extra money as a kid, but now he’s been a full time worker for 2.5 years, familial obligations exploiting him to stay, while being undermined by his narcissistic brother. He eventually gets out of it, but has to face the hurt from being used, and also the fact that he had to grow up so quickly as a kid (especially when he has to deal with the fallout caused by his Mom’s and Spy’s affairs. He and his Mom are in good terms, it’s just his Mom isn’t a good support system atm). Left to face the real world by himself, he tries to find a way to stabilize by himself, while trying to face his trauma (trauma from a missing father figure, and being treated as the black sheep of his family) as he finds a way to be more himself and be happy. He’s optimistic and responsible when the world calls for it, otherwise he’s most likely to test this new freedom (for better or worse). Eventually Spy comes around to try to reconnect with Scout, there’s no telling how Scout will cope with it when he’s in the midst his new-found freedom.
Sniper went straight to university, never once took a break from the school work, because he thinks that’s the only way to go about in life. He took up a program and career plan that was not right for him, but struggled his way through by retaking course’s countless of times, pulling off impossible all-nighters, etc. At some point he gave up, began to drop classes every semester, and finally quit the program. However, he started working somewhere in the industry he had been studying years for. He thought this could bring him forward, but it kept digging him a deeper grave. He’s a workaholic, impulsive, but lost. At a very young age, he was a subject of a tough custody battle between his neglectful biological parents (Lar-nah and Bill-bel), and his grandparents (who are Mr and Mrs Mundee in this AU). From that, his guardians want him to be better than his parents, and in return he strived for that. However, after giving up, he feels like a failure and is currently going through a period of depression. However, with the money he earned from his job, he wonders if he should take that road-trip he used to fantasize. He told himself doing this will help him find himself, but a part of him wonders if its just him trying to run away from something. Either way, he’s got a deal for a junk RV and he wants to renovate it!
After all that, Scout and Sniper meet, their lives are in the cross roads, and their relationship is a turning point as well. It feels like the world is moving faster than they can cope with, but can they find some respite in this new relationship together? DUN DUN DUUUN
Phew this was really fun to write! I really like their dynamic, romantic or not (idc). Them being the same age range inspired me to write this, because I know myself and some friends have gone through this similar experience aswell, and I just think its fun/interesting to explore that with they have in cannon.
A lot of this projection tho lmao with a loose base derived from cannon, and some embellishments to make this AU work.
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