#i had to gif this interview because oh my god it gives me SUCH big four walls miles vibes
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 10 months
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percheduphere · 8 months
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Special thank you to @mmobiuses, @starrose17, and @stevenrogered whose gifs make-up the lion's share of this post. Thank you to all the other amazing gif artists as well, without you, my metas won't be possible.
This might come as a surprise to a lot of people, but I actually wasn't big on Lokius until Season 2. I thought Loki and Mobius made a cute ship in Season 1, but that was the extent of it. In truth, I lost interest in the Loki series by the S1 finale and had 0 interest in watching S2. I didn't give the series another try until I saw positive reviews on Tumblr. I therefore started watching S2 when S2E4 dropped.
Enjoying the potential love story between two characters is a deeply personal and subjective experience. So take what I say as my personal experience observing Loki and Mobius's relationship.
I fully believed Mobius loved Loki in S1 in the platonic sense. Tom Hiddleston has given a few interviews on Loki's and Mobius's relationship and seems to believe in this sentiment as well [see 5:30-7:30 and 10:57-11:00]).
That is to say, in S1, I didn't feel, "Oh, my god ... he loves him." It was more, "Yes, he loves him", there is no question, his actions prove it.
There is wiggle-room for unrequited love in the S1E4 interrogation scene, but the jealousy Mobius exhibited could have just as easily been a combination of anger on behalf of his murdered colleagues and platonic jealousy.
However, I felt the first hint of unrequited love from Mobius occurred during his goodbye scene with Loki in S1E5. Specifically, this look:
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I had no expectations for that look to pay off in any way. Season 2 surprised me.
S2E1 is amazing episode because, through subtext, it reframes how Mobius's S1 emotions may be interpreted with stronger evidence for romantic motivation. In this episode, there appears to be a subtle, gradual build-up to the moment that Mobius's love for Loki may be viewed as fully romantic. Let's break down the episode and look at the progression:
First, learning that Loki is at the TVA: *sigh* I can't find the "Loki's here?" gif.
Second, and perhaps the most infamous, the reunion and whole-body support Mobius provides Loki in the TVA War Room (physical comfort):
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Third, Mobius bringing Loki somewhere safe and quiet, assuring him that "it's okay" (emotional comfort):
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Fourth, Mobius insisting that Loki's condition must be fixed, not once but twice, in two different scenes. A third (writer's magic 3s!) instance occurs in the Heart of the TVA, just before the gangway scene (prioritizing the other):
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Fifth, Mobius's admission that Loki's timeslipping looks horrible, and he can't look at it anymore. He repeatedly stresses to Loki how serious this is (emotional and physical empathy):
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Sixth, Mobius taking Loki to exact right person who can help. This is particularly significant, because Mobius is the only person in MCU canon who has verbally expressed concern for Loki's physical well-being and took immediate action to stop the pain (act of service):
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Seventh, the third time Mobius prioritizes Loki's wellbeing. He scolds Loki and reminds him they have only one shot at getting his timeslipping corrected before the temporal radiation becomes too high (prioritizing the other):
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Eighth, Mobius interrupting Loki, insisting that he will make it back. The subtext here is that no other outcome is acceptable or thinkable for Mobius (emotional comfort):
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Finally, Ninth, the clincher: "He'll make it back." (self-comfort)
This scene is everything to me. Moments 1 through 8 build-up to this singular moment. Let's do a micro-analysis on it.
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After Loki timeslips, the camera stays on Mobius. It tracks him as he kneels down to pick-up the time sick, the last thing Loki touched. The camera then pans up as Mobius rises.
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@stevenrogered, THANK YOU for this gifset. It's literally the only one I could find that captures the camera tracking Mobius after Loki disappears, and this is my all-time favorite Mobius scene.
Mobius stands for a moment, motionless, and the camera holds on his facial expression. He's staring at where Loki WAS for extended period of time (keep this in mind for later). He's holding his breath. He's worried, scared, and hopeful, not for himself and the danger he faces on the gangway, but for Loki.
Finally, he exhales as he says to himself, "He'll make it back".
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This entire sequence--particularly the moment when Mobius picks-up the time stick and holds it in silence--made me feel, "Oh ... Oh ... he loves him."
The camera stays with Mobius, capturing his reaction to this high-stakes situation for a significant amount of time (@loki-us, maybe you can get this timed starting from the moment Loki disappears and Mobius starts to kneel to pick-up the time stick?). Cinematographers don't do this type of hold unless they want to illicit a strong emotion from the audience regarding the character we are focusing on in the moment.
My insides swooped, which rarely ever happens when I view film or television.
And this camera hold, this pregnant pause, is mirrored by Loki's stare in S2E5:
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insxghtt · 2 years
reschedule — bella ramsey x reader
All you wanted was to go back in time.
warnings: hurt/comfort. i used they/them pronouns for bella (bc i see that it's what pedro uses) and it was kind of difficult bc english is not my first language so if i got anything wrong i apologize. also bella said that they don't rlly care abt pronouns so i guess if i use she/her or he/him is ok right? idk let me know in the comments.
this was based on two requests: "hi babe can you write bella ramsey x reader where reader and bella are in a relationship but reader believes bella will leave them and bella reassures reader that they love them sm" / "bella and reader have a massive fight and reader thinks it’s a breakup but then bella comes and they makeup?"
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You and Bella had been together for three years and not even once you doubted that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them. Bella was everything you’ve ever wanted. They were kind, funny, beautiful, and most importantly, they always made sure to make you feel loved. 
You knew how important their career was to them and you respected that. The Last of Us was a huge success and Bella was out a lot, doing interviews and even getting new jobs. You were so proud of them and just seeing that sparkle in their eyes was enough to make you forget any problem you had going on. 
Well, you had a few problems going on. You just released your second book and the book launch was awesome, except for a little detail. Bella wasn’t there. 
It’s okay, you thought. They were busy with work. It happens. But just because it happens doesn’t mean that it didn’t hurt a bit. Especially when you found out that they didn’t show up because of an interview. Interviews can be rescheduled. Especially when it was someone like Bella. Pedro rescheduled an interview two times a while ago just because his sister needed some help with the children. He said that family always comes first. 
It was your second book. You had been writing it for two years, working every single detail of it. It was a big deal. Maybe she didn’t see you as family, you thought. That was when all the problems became to appear. All your insecurities, all your internal conflicts. You spent the whole book launch overthinking every part of your relationship. 
When you got home, you knew Bella would be there. They had your key and asked if they could go to your place after the interview. You said yes, of course. Didn’t matter if you were slightly hurt, you just wanted to be with them. 
“Hey! How was it?”, Bella smiled when they saw you walk inside the apartment. 
“It was good”, you smiled back and gave them a big hug. “I missed you so much.” 
Bella laughed at how muffled your voice was because of the way your face was hidden on the curve of their neck. “I missed you too, darling.” 
You let them go and they gave you a quick kiss. “I’m hungry. And really, really, tired.” 
“I know. It’s why I ordered some pizza”, they pointed to the box on the center table in front of the couch. 
“Oh, you’re the best!”, you throwed your body on the comfortable couch and sighed. “Is it pepperoni?” 
“Yes...”, they sat next to you and grabbed one piece, giving it to you. 
“Thank God... I mean, I know you’re like, a hater of meat eaters, but...” 
“I’m not a hater!” 
“You are kind of a hater. It’s why I appreciate this”, you grabbed the slice of pizza. 
Bella grabbed one slice of the other pizza, the one without meat, and looked at you. You two smiled at each other and toasted the slices before eating it. 
The time went by and considering how hungry the two of you were, it didn’t take long for the pizza to disappear. Between one bite and another, you told Bella about the event. You told everything, like you wanted them to see it. You really wanted them to see it. And when Bella realized it, they felt terrible for not being there. 
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” 
“You already said that”, you laughed and held their hand. 
You were with your head laid on their shoulder and you felt them kissing your hair. 
“No, I mean it.” 
You raised your head to look at Bella. “It’s fine, you were working.” 
“You’re not mad at me?” 
You were a little mad, but it would pass. There was no reason to ruin that moment with a stupid argument. They were sorry, that’s all that mattered to you. 
“At least you read my book, it’s more than what my own mother did, so...”, you joked. 
But Bella didn’t laugh. In fact, they gulped. 
“You read it, right?” 
The response was the silence. All the walls you used to hide how disappointed you were collapsed right there. 
“You didn’t even read my book?”, you dropped their hand. 
“I was going to...” 
“I gave it to you, like, a month ago.” 
“I was going to read it, I swear! It’s just that there were so many things going on that I...” 
“Oh my God”, you stood up from the couch. “You really don’t care, do you?” 
“What?”, they stood up as well. “Of course I do!” 
“Yes, of course you do, but never as much as you care about your own work!” 
Both of you were angry now. Bella was feeling offended. It wasn’t like they were terrible all the time, Bella was always doing the best to make you happy. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
“No, Bella, it’s just the truth.” 
“Imagine if I told you that every time you say no when I invite you to an event, how would you feel?” 
“It’s different, Bella. You’re great at what you do.” 
“And so are you!” 
“It’s not the same thing!”, you yelled. “People love you. You’re successful.” 
“So what? You want me to not be good at my job?” 
“No, damnit! What I'm trying to tell you is that we’re different. You’re on, like, a thousand tv shows”, you pointed at her and then at yourself. “My biggest achievement was a book written three years ago and after that, all I do is sit and watch while the world around me continues to move.” 
Bella stood silent, waiting for you to finish with tears in their eyes. 
“The one thing that kept me going was this stupid plot I had in my mind during a shower, a stupid plot that I worked so fucking hard for two years. You were there, you saw it! I fucking cried myself to sleep wondering if I would ever do anything good again”, you dried your tears with the sleeve of your sweater. “And I finally did it! I did it, and it’s so good, and I wanted you to be there so you could see how good I am. I wanted to give you a reason to be proud of me!” 
When you were done talking, Bella didn’t say anything. They didn’t even look at you. 
“I think I should go”, they said. 
“You’re going to leave? Really?” 
“I just...”, they sighed. “I need to be alone now.” 
Bella gave you no time to say anything. They grabbed their bag that was on the corner table next to the door and left. 
“Yeah, that is really fucking mature, Bella!”, you yelled before the door was closed and they were gone. 
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The morning after that night was awful. You and Bella never had a fight like that. You tried to call them 2 times since you woke up, but it was useless. At first, you thought they were asleep, that’s why they haven’t answer. But the day went by, the night came again, and they still gave you no answer. Talking to their mom, you found out where Bella was. 
“Locked in their room”, she said through the phone. 
“Okay, can I talk to them?”, you asked nervously. 
“Did you guys have a fight?” 
“Ah...”, you were not sure you wanted to talk about this. 
“Alright, you don’t have to tell me”, she calmed you down. “Bella asked me to say that they’re busy, if anyone called.” 
Shit, they were going to break up with you. 
“I though Pedro and Bella were supposed to be on a tv show today.” 
“Bella rescheduled.” 
Okay, so whatever Bella was doing, it was more important than you, apparently. 
Bella’s mom sighed. She knew the two of you enough to tell that something was off. 
“Honey don’t worry”, she said. “I’m sure you guys will figure this out.” 
It didn’t feel like it. 
“Okay”, you agreed. “Thank you, I'll try to call them again later.” 
“Bella loves you very much, you’ll be fine.” 
You thanked her again before hanging up. Not a second after that, you got a message from Pedro, answering one of your texts asking about Bella. 
“They didn’t say anything to me. Just that something came up and that it was urgent, so we had to reschedule the interview.” 
You couldn’t stop a tear from rolling down your cheek as you typed. 
“I think they’re gonna break up with me” 
Pedro was fast to answer that one. 
“Bella is crazy for you. Shut up.” 
You let out a sad laugh. Pedro was so sure of it that you were a bit jealous of that confidence. Bella never did that before. Honestly, it felt like it was already done. You could imagine them coming to your apartment to pick up their stuff and you could see yourself begging for them to stay. Were you being dramatic? Maybe, but it felt real. 
You laid on your couch, curled up in a ball of blankets that smelled like Bella. It was funny how much you missed them, considering that you saw each other last night. But this was different, this time they didn’t say the ‘I love you’ that they always said before leaving. No, they said ‘I need to be alone’. 
That was it? Three years of relationship thrown away because of a book. 
The sound of the doorbell brough you back to earth in a flinch. You stood from the couch and stared at the door. What if it was them? You didn’t want to hear it right now. You couldn’t handle it. Not now. 
“I know you’re in there, the lights are on.” 
Shit. It was Bella. Trying to be silent, you reached for the light switch and turned it off. 
“Did you just turn the lights off?” 
“No...”, you answered, soon closing your eyes and hating yourself for being so fucking stupid. 
With no other options, you walked to the door and opened it. 
“Why did you kill him?”, Bella asked. 
They had dark circles around their eyes and on their hands, was the book you gave them. Your book. 
“What?”, you were still trying to process it. 
Bella entered the apartment without even asking. “Why did you kill him? Do you know how sick and twisted this is?!” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Your book!”, they pointed at it. 
You closed the door and continued to stare at them without having any idea of what was going on. “You read it?” 
“I read the first two pages last night and just couldn’t stop”, they said, gesticulating every word in excitement. “Why did you kill him? Do you know how much I cried?” 
And then you realized. She was talking about the main character on your book. 
“Well, I...” 
“I mean, do you have a problem with happy endings? This is the best book I've ever read, and you had to kill my favorite character?” 
You didn’t know what to say. “How did you finish it so fast?” 
“I was up all night.” 
Oh, so that’s why... 
“And you didn’t even think of, I don’t know, check your fucking phone?”, you yelled. “I thought you were going to break up with me!” 
Bella finally stopped talking and looked at you with confusion in their eyes. 
“Why would I break up with you? I love you.” 
You breathed in relief and closed your eyes. “You dumbass”, you whispered before wrapping your arms around their waist on a tight hug. 
Bella was still confused, but they hugged you back and ran their fingers through your hair. “I’m so sorry I made you think that.” 
You raised your head to look at them. With all the tenderness in the world, Bella touched your cheeks and kissed you on the lips. All the worries, all the sadness, it was all gone. When they pulled away, their arms were still around your neck and your faces were still close. 
“So that's what you were doing?”, you asked with the smile on your lips that Bella loved so much. They nodded. “And you cried?”, Bella nodded again. “Good.” 
Bella laughed and gave you another kiss. “I should’ve been there. And I should’ve read it the same day you gave it to me...” 
“It’s fine.” 
“Shut up, let me finish”, they interrupted, and you let out a laugh. “I am so proud of you. You’re so good at everything you do and this book...”, Bella sighed. “This book is just heartbreaking, perfect, sad, beautiful, thrilling...” 
“Yes, I got it”, you giggled, already blushing from so many compliments. 
“Exciting, original, sensational, fantastic...” 
“Okay!”, you covered their mouth with your hand. “You loved it, I get it.” 
Bella tried to say something, so you removed your hand. 
“Are we good?”, they asked. 
You answered it with another kiss. 
“Okay, I think we’re good”, Bella smiled. 
“Yes. Yes, we are.” 
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rindouheart · 2 years
Hello how are you ? I would have liked to ask you if you could write scenarios about Noël Noa and Itoshi Sae (separated) where they fall in love with a journalist please
NOËL NOA and ITOSHI SAE falling in love with a journalist 🎋
content. fluffy boys being cute + gender neutral s/o <3
author’s note. hi cutie! sorry for being this late, i’ve been quite busy with school, sorry! hope you enjoy + my french is a bit rusty, tell me if i’ve misspelled something.
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“so, how was playing alongside blue lock’s young players?” your colleague asks to translate.
you turn your head towards the football player and translate the sentence. first, you’re a journalist, but in your group, you’re also the only who can fluently speak multiple languages. you’re not specialised in the sport field, however, knowing four languages brought you the opportunity to work in many other contexts.
noa is absolutely stunned by your fluency when speaking french, you’re almost as good as a native. he wonders how much effort you had to put into learning languages. japanese is pretty different from european languages, especially because of the alphabet and the sentences’ structure.
“merci à vous pour votre disponibilité” you thank him after finishing the interview. he loves how cute your japanese accents sounds.
noa is almost tempted to ask you if you’d like to ask a couple more questions, just to hear you speaking french again. however, a bunch of other journalists is coming towards him, so he wouldn’t have enough time to answer to everyone.
he can see your name and the newspaper you work for before you leave, though. he saves a mental note to look for you during the next interview or conference, and who knows, he might ask you what he hasn’t asked you today.
sae wasn’t expecting to find someone like you to interview him after his return to japan. he’s always been used to those old journalists who have been in the industry for like, what? a century or so? you are quite a surprise to him.
“welcome back, itoshi, so, how was your adventure in europe?” you ask him through your microphone, waiting for his answer. you’re not just pretty, your voice is also nice to hear.
while he’s answering with all the details about how the team acted towards him and such, sae looks at you, taking notes about his answer.
he swears he’s never seen you before. however, you might be one of the most famous journalists in japan, since he’s been abroad for a long time.
at the end of his conference, when everyone is leaving, he walks towards you and, when he’s sure that no one is listening, sae asks for your name.
“are you new in the field? i mean, it might have been because i’ve not been around, but your face seems new to me” he questions. you nod in response “i’ve been working as a journalist for a couple of months now. the newspaper i write for isn’t as big as many others, but i personally love my job”
“i’ve noticed it, you look much more professional than any other one in the room” you smile after hearing his compliment. oh god, your smile. sae is completely lost.
“would you like to get a coffee or something with me? we can chat a bit and i can tell you some exclusives to add on your article” he asks.
when you accept gladly, sae smiles. he’s totally fallen for you and he won’t give up so easily.
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@rindouheart ‘s scenarios — 02092023
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heart4reigns · 1 year
QUIET, jey uso.
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warnings: curse words, inaccurate events, pet names
tags: 200 special, ocs to fit the plot, slight roman x you, cliche, just fluff, quite longer than my usual works!!
summary: fake dating with your crush, isn’t that a dream?
“YOU gotta be kidding me.” you blurted out. “i am not, (y/n).” you pinched your nose bridge out of frustration. “i think this is the perfect momentum for you to pull out this gimmick.” your manager, luke, replied. “oh my god, i am scared...” “your fans really want you to be in a tag-team ever since you left sami and kevin.” he added. “okay, they want me to be in a tag-team. but out of people? jey uso?” you sighed. “i mean that whole wrestlemania moment last month? people ‘shipped’ you.” luke winked at you.
you got flashbacks from last month’s match where he was practically flirting with you non-stop, despite losing his belts to your old faction members. “this on-screen romance looks good for you too, (y/n).” you were having the time of your life in the office, that was right before your manager came in after his meeting with creatives. “tag-team, fine. but on-camera fake dating? i’m not gonna take it, i'm not good with new people.” you said to him. “you can’t. you have to take it.” you shook your head. “(y/n), i know you're not good with people, but this is gonna be one hell of a push since he's on a rise.” you couldn’t help but to sigh at his sentence. "please? it'll be great for you."
that was probably the worst decision you have ever made in your entire life. see, it was all a nightmare to you because you liked him. "i am gonna have the best time in my life." he entered the room with a smirk, followed by his brothers. "god." you muttered. it was the first reading day and you were ready to give up. "what's good, (y/n)?" he sat right next to you, holding his script. "when i first got this deal, i immediately said yes. in case you want to know how much i like you." jey winked at you.
your face reddened. "u- uh, okay?" "don't worry baby, don't be scared." he joked. you didn't say anything, only nodding at his sentence. you were shy and you really didn’t like being in the same room with him. "uce, i think you're scaring the poor little girl. here, switch seats with me." jey shook his head at solo's sentence. "nah, this is called building chemistry. you're okay with it, right?" once again, you only nodded at his sentence. can it get any worse than this? you thought.
so there you were, standing in the hallways with him. "i hope you go full out, (y/n)." he said, flipping the script. "i know you're quiet and all that, but i also know you're great on camera." he chuckled. "d- don't worry about that." you stuttered. "yo!" kevin walked into the scene, carrying his script. "hi." you greeted him with a hug. "i was supposed to be your boyfriend, why are you hugging him?" "because she's like a sister to me! don't get jealous."
you saw the duo as your older brothers, they were the ones who brought you into your wrestling. you met amazing people along the way and jey uso was one of them. of course, you were a big fan of him, he was talented and pretty. when you first met him, you were starstruck. everyone knew that you looked up to him, that was why he started teasing you for it.
"good luck baby!" he yelled, going to the locker room to change. you face-palmed at his sentence. "funny guy we got there." kevin added. you groaned as you ruffled your hair in distress. "i can't believe creatives want me to 'date' him." kevin chuckled. "you two make a great couple tho. younger you would be ecstatic to know that you're working with him." "shut up, i'm struggling."
the cameras started rolling and you put up this rebellious persona you had. "we are here backstage with the troublemaker, (y/n) before her fight with kevin owens... fighting the other half of your own childhood friend, how do you feel?" you smirked at the interviewer. "me? i'm feeling good. i'll crush him like usual." the interviewer nodded. "this on going feud with kevin owens... after he betrayed you and with him intervening to the bloodline too, does that mean you're on the bloodline's side?" you mentally prepared yourself when you heard footsteps coming from behind you. "of course she is, hi baby!" jey slung his arm on your shoulders. you tensed up a bit at his touch, but quickly adjusted your position.
he was having the time of his life.
"hi baby, we were just talking about you." you smiled at him. "oooh, always thinking about me?" he flirted back. "always." the interviewer shook his head. "anyways, sorry, i don't have time for this interview, you're wasting my time. i have some other business to do, catch ya later!" you hopped on to jey's back, escaping the cameras. once you were out of the reach of the cameras, you immediately jumped off. "finally." you breathed out. "aw, why'd you hop off? i was gonna carry you to the ring as well." you stared at him, wanting to say something–but nothing came out of your mouth.
it was finally time for your match and you weren't nervous at all. you already built up a chemistry with kevin and sami, you had nothing to worry about. all you had to worry about was the man standing right next to you, with a grin plastered on his face. you song started playing and he held your hand, sticking to the script. "let's do this, (y/n)!" jey smiled.
"the troublemaker (y/n), hand in hand accompanied with... jey uso? what is this?" the commentator said. you jumped on to one of the turnbuckles, holding up your fist. the crowd went wild and you jumped into jey's arms, acting all affectionate. "this is new... we all know that the bloodline has a feud with sami zayn and kevin owens. i think we all know (y/n)'s position in this feud."
the match played out perfectly. right when the referee was going to count, jey dragged him out of the ring, earning gasps from the crowd. you blew a kiss at him, acting out the role. jey returned the gesture, encouraging you to pin kevin. the referee went back inside the ring, counting down the match. "and here is your winner... the troublemaker, (y/n)." jey lifted you up on his shoulders, showing you off to the crowd. "THAT'S MY GIRL!" he yelled. although you knew it was all for show, you couldn't help but to blush. "HELL YEAH!" you shouted, being in character.
"that was quite the stunner you did." you were back in the locker room with him. it was empty, everyone clocked out of work. "thanks." you muttered, taking off your tape. "i've been paying attention at your recent matches, i think that you've improved a lot." he complimented. "thank you." you gave him a small smile. "i think it's quite funny that creatives pulled you into this rowdy gimmick when you're shy and all that." jey chuckled. "yeah..." you sighed.
jey shook his head. "i love it, it shows that you're an amazing performer." your face was entirely red at this point. "i've always wanted to work with you, (y/n). glad that you're here!" he patted your back, causing you to jump a bit. "especially with this fake dating shit, it'll be so fun for us." for you, not for me, you thought. "okay, that's enough flirting with my sister, let's go back." sami suddenly came inside the room. "i wasn't flirting with her!" jey defended himself. "sure mr. 'can't keep my hands off her'." sami rolled his eyes.
“dude, saw your appearance with (y/n) earlier.” jimmy was in his twin’s hotel room, bothering him. “yeah, she did good.” jey said, not looking up from his phone. “you sure you were paying attention at the match? not her?" jimmy teased. "come on man, we all know that you like her." he added. "yeah but not like like her, it's just something stupid." the older twin rolled his eyes. "dawg," he paused for a second. "are you seriously lying to me?"
jey thought it was only a one time thing. he remembered it clearly when you first stepped inside the building. you were only fresh out of nxt, you had a bright future. he heard about you from his younger brother, who was in the roster with you back in his nxt days. solo said that you were one of the nicest people he had ever met and he also 'spilled' some tea about you looking up to the younger uso as your role model. from that day on, he made sure that he was always around you–just to tease and get to know you better.
"big uce has been asking about her too." jey furrowed his brows. "you're fucking with me?" jimmy immediately shook his head. "bro... people might call me a lot of things, but a liar ain't one." of course jey knew that a lot of people were interested in you, but he didn't think that his cousin would be one of them. "imma beat your ass if you're lying." jimmy groaned in despair as he pulled out his phone, showing him texts from roman. he was asking for your number, but knowing that his twin liked you first, jimmy lied and said he didn't have your number. "i love you for real, dawg." "if you get cockblocked by him, i'm laughing my ass off. now is your chance to get her."
you whistled your way into the gym. you took pride in your time managing skills, you were always early. today was practice day and you were officially going to be put in the ring with the bloodline. this 'romance' of yours made fans begged you to finally join the bloodline. luke told you that you were going to proof your worthiness by beating solo in a singles match. "good morning to you, sweetheart!" that voice made you jump a bit.
"good morning." you looked up and saw jey towering over you. "hope you don't mind sharing the gym with me and the others, i won't bother you two, though!" it was reading and gym day for the bloodline. you mentally face-palmed yourself as you walked inside the ring. solo was already standing there, waiting for you to warm up. "how's it going, (y/n)?" he asked. "all good, all good. you wanna start now?" you cracked your knuckles. "well, go for it."
on the other side of the room, jey was watching you and solo beat each other's asses. he was also waiting for his twin to help him with his rep. "we’re here, where’s (y/n)?" jey turned around and saw roman tailing his older brother. "oh, yeah. she's right there with solo. don't break their streak though, they've been on a roll since an hour ago." jey said, secretly not wanting his cousin to interact with you. jimmy gave a 'be serious' kind of look at his twin. jey just shrugged his shoulders in response.
"damn, she's really getting under his skin." jimmy commented, watching you from afar. "i swear her chemistry with solo, kevin, and sami are unbeatable." jey recalled your own skills. "yeah but i heard she doesn't have that kind of chemistry with anyone else." roman added. "GO BABYGIRL!" jey was hyping you up, only for you to lose focus and solo took that chance to pin you. you tapped onto the mat, causing him to laugh.
"really? over my brother? we've been going through it for an hour." solo nudged your shoulders, before offering you a hand. "shut up." you grumbled, taking his hand. the other three walked inside the ring, all sweaty and ready to go. "you finished yet? jey and i need to use it." you nodded in response, taking a sip of your water. jimmy went inside the ring first, leaving jey right next to you. "good job, you were amazing baby."
you really didn't get it. the cameras weren't around and yet he was still acting like he was your boyfriend. "t- thanks." you stuttered, earning a grin from him. "now root for me, imma beat his ass!" he yelled excitedly. you sat down, outside the ring–looking around for solo to no avail. "he's getting his cable." roman saw your confused expression. "oh, okay." you replied, minding your own business.
roman tied his hair and fixed his attire before going inside the ring. you sighed in relief when he stood up. you couldn't help but to feel intimidated by him. of course, he was the face of the company–you didn't want to mess with him. "you okay being on your own?" he asked out of the blue. "u- uh, yeah?" you tilted your head in confusion. "i can stay back and sit with you if you want-" "ay, leave my girl alone!" jey yelled all the sudden, gaining your attention.
"what?" you deserved an award for being the 'most confused person on earth' right now. "yeah, leave her alone. come fight us!" jimmy saw his brother trying to pull you away from roman's devious flirting and immediately backed his brother up. you were a flustered mess when they all looked at you. "come on, roman!" "yeah, yeah."
you were sitting down with all of them, running through the script. "so wait," jimmy scratched his head. "(y/n) has this rebellious act right? and i don't like her because i think she'll betray us like sami did." you nodded at his sentence. "but then she wins and then what?" he asked. "she's gonna side with me for a while and then she'll comply to roman, i think that's the point of this rebellious act." jey answered his brother's question. "that's too bad, i wanna have a friendly type of relationship on stage with (y/n)." roman added. "too bad, get your own girl, uce." jey slung his arm on your shoulders. "sorry, muscle memory." jey joked, looking at your flustered face.
everyone left when you were called by your choreographer. the gym was practically empty as it was already 11 pm. "you still here?" jey's voice made you look up. "oh yeah, i'm waiting for my uber." you muttered, flashing him your phone screen. "shit," he paused for a second. "ride with me. come on, it's late." you shook your head, clearly not wanting to be left alone with him. "i- it's okay!" you blurted out.
"like i told him, i don't want no damn stranger to be paired up with me." jey was driving you back to your house, telling the story about him being set up with you. "i mean, i wouldn't say that we're close. but you're definitely close to my lil bro, so we good." he chuckled. you only nodded in response, trying to sway of the awkward air. "and i know you're shy and all, luke told me about it. if you don't want to do anything, just tell me, alright? don't want to make you uncomfortable."
his sentence made you melt. "thank you for understanding." you offered him a small smile. "goddamn, don't smile at me like that, you're gonna make me fall in love with you or something." jey joked. to say the least, the ride wasn't as awkward as you imagined it to be. it was quiet–a comfortable kind of quiet. jey knew that you weren't really a talker, so he made sure that you were comfortable with him in order for your chemistry to work. "i'll see you at work tomorrow?" you nodded. "see you, pretty girl!"
the match day came and you weren't nervous. you had been in the ring with solo multiple times, so this wasn't new to you. the backstage crew told you that creative's moved your locker room to the bloodline's locker room. right now, you were wrapping your fingers with your tape–with your signature color, red. in front of you was solo, doing the same with his representative color, white. "don't kill me today." you said to him. "i won't kill you, you just got here." he replied with a smile.
"plus if i actually killed you, some mullet boy is gonna beat my ass." speak of the devil, you thought. you heard the door being opened and jey walked in, clearly not in his wrestling attire. "big day for you guys." he dropped his bag inside the locker, taking a seat next to you. "yeah, you better put some trust on me." solo rolled his eyes. "nah, i'm here for here, you can take jimmy." "you're choosing her over me?" jimmy took offence in his twin's words. "i've been with you for my entire life, give me a break."
you drank your water, patiently waiting for your cue to start. solo was already in the ring, jimmy on his side. jimmy was portrayed to be the one who didn't want you in the bloodline, unless you could prove your skills. "(y/n), up in 3... 2... 1..." jey looked at you and winked. "let's go, baby." he took your hand–you grew accustomed to his hands being intertwined in yours. it was definitely a progress that you didn't fluster every time he does something to or with you.
muscle memory knocked your senses. you put on your persona as you walked down the ramp. "the troublemaker (y/n), hand in hand accompanied with jey uso, once again. his brothers are already inside the ring. we could say that jey's the only one who trusts (y/n)." the commentator said, narrating the story. you jumped on to one of the turnbuckles, doing your signature pose, before jumping into jey's arms.
solo circled you and you were ready to do your finishing move. jey and jimmy were having a trash-talk moment as the script played out. solo pulled your shoulders, trying to hit a samoan spike. you superkicked him, causing him to fall on his back. you quickly ran to the turnbuckles, getting on top of it. "and a moonsault from (y/n)!" the commentator yelled. "will she finally prove that she's worthy being in the bloodline?" you were out of breath as you pinned solo in the middle of the ring. "and here is your winner, the newest member of the bloodline, the troublemaker, (y/n)!" jey slid inside the ring, picking you up on his shoulders. "you did it!" his smile dropped when roman's music started playing.
everyone immediately stood up, acknowledging the tribal chief. you really had to hold back a laugh, it was all acting but people were really getting into it. roman made his way to the ring, with paul on his side, obviously. "miami." he spoke to the mic. "acknowledge me." you were still on top of jey's shoulder, hesitating to put a finger up to commemorate the tribal chief and his glory. "put her down." roman instructed.
"i was celebrating with my boyfriend, you're here to ruin it?" you barked into the microphone, still sticking to your character. "you're a part of the bloodline and you're not gonna listen to anyone except me." you were having a stare off with roman, until jey broke it off. "leave her alone, she'll comply." jey defended you. "she needs to, now she's a part of our family. we all know who is the head of the table. me. not you." roman replied.
"i acknowledge you, my tribal chief." you gritted your teeth. "good. now put this on, throw all your old gear away." roman put his hand out and paul pulled something out of his suit. it was a bloodline t-shirt. the fans went wild as they saw you putting it on. "better stay in line and make us all proud." roman said once again. "i will, but i'll do it for one man only. my boyfriend, jey uso." you smirked. "(y/n) might be the newest member of the bloodline, but she is still the rebellious girl we all know. the tension between her and reigns is undeniable interesting for us to see."
jey was watching you the entire time. he couldn't help but to feel attracted to you. the way you were still standing with your guard up (he knew it was an act, but he was mesmerised by it). you had this charm when you were on stage that made people kept their attention on you. off stage? you still had that charm. every time you walked by, people turned their heads–you caught everyone's attention, especially jey uso's. at that exact moment, he knew he had to do something for you to only pay attention the the main event, him.
the walk backstage wasn't quiet. people clapped as soon as they saw you. you were acting your ass off and you thought you deserved to be appreciated. but with your shy nature, you were really flustered to have all the attention on you. before jey could say anything to you, you were pulled by your old faction members. "congrats, (y/n)! that was amazing!" kevin and sami were backstage, waiting for you to come back. “thanks, i miss being in the ring with you guys.” you hugged them, clearly happy to see them again.
“i just hope jey treats you right.” sami nudged you with his elbow. “shut up, it’s an act.” “well by the looks of it, it’s not an act for him.” sami said, looking at your ‘boyfriend’ who was walking to the three of you. “why does everyone want to steal my girl? can’t i just have 5 minutes of peace with her?” he laughed. “your girl is still our little sister.” kevin rolled his eyes. “aight, aight. don’t keep her for too long though!”
back in the locker room, the bloodline was waiting for you. you hesitated a bit to enter the room as they all had a serious expression plastered on their faces. “d- did i do something wrong?” you stuttered. “yes.” roman answered, looking directly into your eyes. “tell her, uce.” jimmy said to jey. “well…” jey walked right next to you. your heart was beating faster than before, you were anxious to know what was happening.
“you did amazing, baby!” jey broke out of his facade and practically lifted you up in his arms. you sighed in relief. “congratulations, (y/n)! you’re a part of the family now!” roman smiled at you. jimmy and solo joined the group hug and you were overwhelmed. maybe this dating idea will really help you overcome your fear of meeting new people, you thought. “thank you, it’s all because of you i was able to do my best.” jey’s eyes widened as he heard you laughing. there was a strange feeling in his chest that he couldn’t brush off–it was something familiar, like the first time he saw you.
you saw the tweets talking about your match with solo. ‘i think (y/n) and jey are cute together, i'd love to see them in a tag-team match’ you read one of them, causing you to giggle and kick your feet. jey uso got you feeling like a silly little student who had a crush on one of the bad boys in your class. truthfully, you kind of hated yourself for being shy and not playing his games–but you were always like this since you were a kid. dare to say, if you really wanted to be with him–you’d have to do something, but nothing came in mind, you just had to wait for yourself to be brave enough to front it out with him.
keeping the kayfabe alive was one important detail of the industry. there had been some times where it was exhausting, but you loved your job and you had to do whatever the company told you to. today, you were called in to shoot a couple of content with other wrestlers, the company wanted to boost their tiktok account. your popularity skyrocketed and creatives wanted to use this spotlight for engagement.
“long time no see, (y/n).” your eyes widened in panic as you recognize the voice. it was sebastian from marketing. you didn’t really have a good relationship with him, he was your merch manager once. all he did was flirt with you and he didn’t take you seriously, due to your shyness, claiming he could do a better job as a wrestler than you. luke was nowhere near you, he was talking to the camera crew. “yeah.” you said, not looking away from your screen.
he sat right next to you, not knowing that you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “so you with the young uso dude now?” you panicked and quickly nodded. “kayfabe at its finest. don’t lie to me, i know you’re still single as shit with your shy persona.” he rolled his eyes, moving closer to you. “come on, let’s hang out soon, i miss you.” you couldn’t wait to go home and escape from this man.
jey yawned as he practically dragged his body inside the building. he was called in for a last minute content shooting without his brother because jimmy was spending the day off by sleeping in. he whistled his way through the hallways and spotted a familiar face. it was you, clearly uncomfortable with the man right next to you. jey furrowed his brows and clearly walked faster to you. “baby,” he greeted you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “sorry i was late, got caught in traffic.” you quickly played along with his game.
“it’s okay baby, i was just waiting for you.” you were relieved to see him. “you wanna get to the talent room?” you immediately nodded. sebastian was annoyed at the sight of you and jey being all lovey-dovey. without wanting to make himself a fool, sebastian walked away from the scene. once again, you sighed in relief. “thank you.” you muttered. “saw you were uncomfortable, no one messes with my girl like that.”
days passed by and you grew comfortable with his presence. jey’s teasing died down as your quietness rubbed off on him. now, rather than teasing you non-stop, he preferred to put himself in a position where he made sure that you were comfortable around him. jey would often ask you if you were alright doing a bit with him or if you wanted to change it to your liking. you took a notice of his shift of character. that made you fall harder than before.
from his perspective, he really wanted you to see him as a person who would take you seriously. jey uso had one mission left. he already made you comfortable, he made you laugh, there was only one thing to do. confess.
friday came by and you were going to cut a promo together with jey. today was just a normal day at work. you were early, like usual. you stepped out of the car and immediately went to the locker room, finding it to be… empty? no one was there, but you saw a pair of red shoes near your locker. “was waiting for you to arrive.” jey said, his voice coming from behind you. “the locker room feels empty without solo, jimmy, and roman.” he blurted out. “yeah, it’s just us for today, huh?” the man nodded at your sentence.
it was like clockwork–jey helped you with your tape and you helped him with his tape. the chemistry was built and you didn’t regret working with him. he really helped you get out of your shell and you were thankful for that. he was also thankful for this gimmick as it brought the two of you closer. maybe quiet is nice sometimes, you thought. the quietness died down when you heard the crew telling you to stand by. you looked at jey and offered him a smile. “ready for today?” he nodded. no snarky comments, no flirting, just a nod. it was weird coming from him–although you knew he toned down the flirty attitude.
"(y/n)," jey paused for a second. "i like you a lot, you know that?" he continued. "jey, the cameras aren't here. you don't have to act-" "no, i really like you." he finally confessed. "i don't know, i mean i was interested in you at first... and being in this gimmick with you? made me realize that you're an amazing person. i really can't help myself." he chuckled. you blush at his words, not knowing what to respond. "you don't have to say anything, just hear me out." jey continued.
“i know we’re supposed to be ‘dating’ only on screen but… i like you for real.” he said, holding your hand. you didn’t know what to say. “and like, i tease you a lot. saying you’re my girl and all that, but i do really want you to be my girl.” he saw you being unresponsive and quickly backtracked his own words. “i get it if you don’t like me too, i just feel like i needed to get this out of my chest.” he muttered.
the room felt stuffy for you. you were overwhelmed by his actions and you really didn’t know what to say. jey took it as a no and stood up. “i think your answers are clear, i’ll go then…” he smiled, walking towards the door. “jey, wait.” you ran up to him, pulling his arm. “this is so stupid to say,” you began talking. “but… i can’t believe i’m saying this at my grown age.”
“i like you too.” his ears instantly perked up. “i don’t show it but, i like you too.” you placed your forehead on his back, hiding your flustered face. jey swore he had never been this happy before as he turned around, facing you. his grin grew wider when he saw your face. “come on, we need to go on stage first, be the rebel and the main event,” jey hugged you. “when we get back, we can just be (y/n) and jey.” he kissed your forehead.
just (y/n) and jey, you thought. “that sounds nice.”
a/n: 2 weeks… didn’t post any of my writings for 2 weeks… that’s a long time (for me). i hope y’all enjoyed this because i really like writing jey soooo here’s to 200 (it’s 211 now baby!), thank you for your support <3!! i promise i’ll write more!
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valiantphantomangel · 8 months
Captain purple
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A/n: A big thank you to the anon who sent me a bunch of ideas, it was such a huge help! I hope y'all enjoy it!😊
You loved pranking your big brother, Steve.
Favorite past time ever and you had gotten good at it, if I do say so myself.
So when you get bored from your homework that was spread out over you desk you grabbed a bottle of purple hair dye (don't ask why you have that) and sneaked into Steve's rooms which was across the hall from yours.
Quiet like a mouse you tip toe into his bathroom and put the ENTIRE bottle of hair dye in his shampoo, you carefully put it back to where he placed it and ran into your room again.
After doing some homework (lies) you got a call to hang out with your friends so you quickly grabbed your jacket and shoes before running downstairs.
Just hearing the shower running in Steve's room.
"Hey Y/N your brother is on tv"! Your best friend Sarah called out (you can change this if this is your name) as you all were sitting in a cafe.
You turned around and nearly spat out your drink, Steve was giving an interview about the next moves for the avengers... With bright purple hair.
"Oh my god it was a permanent hair dye" you said before rolling with laughter, the caption under the interview said 'captain purple' which didn't help you laughter.
"I can't breathe"! Your friends called out over their laughter since they had met your brother multiple times.
"Oh I'm in so much trouble when I get home" you said with wide eyes as your laughing calmed down.
A few hours later you sneak back into the tower, hoping to avoid Steve but luck wasn't on your side.
Just as you unlock your room in the tower and walk in you see Steve standing there in the middle of the room with his arms crossed.
He would have been very intimidating.
If it wasn't for his bright purple hair.
You look at him with pursed lips trying not to laugh, but one more look at him got you giggling.
"You know I had to give a very serious speech on tv, yet no one took me seriously" Steve said as he walked over to you.
"I wonder why" you giggle as you look up at him.
"oh I'll give you something to laugh about" he said with a playful growl and ran towards you before throwing you over his shoulder.
"Steve put me down"!
He just chuckled and walked into the living room before throwing you gently on to the couch, sitting down on your thighs to keep you pinned.
"What are you doing?" You said confused as you looked up at him.
"Remember what I used to do when we were little and you were causing trouble around the neighborhood"? Steve asked innocently as he lightly traced your tummy.
You stared up at him with wide eyes, he couldn't possibly remember that, no absolutely not.
"Oh I see you remember" he said with a grin
"I'm not ticklish anymore stevEEKHIHI" you shrieked as he suddenly digged into your sides.
"Right, because that sounded convincing" He said sarcastic before looking at you with a smirk that could match Loki's.
"No don't you dareHIHIHIHI STOPHAHAH ITHIHIH" you burst out laughing and squirmed around trying to escape his ticklish fingers that danced over your ribs.
Steve laughed menacingly and leaned down to blow a raspberry in your neck, rubbing his beard over your neck.
You absolutely went mad with laughter and trashed around.
This went on forever until he decided to give you a breather and let you sit up.
"Now are you going to apologize?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as he got off of you.
"I'm sorryhihihi" you apologized through the remaining giggles.
You looked at him when you got your breath back and repeated it "I'm sorry... Captain Purple" you grinned before sprinting away.
"Get back here Y/N" Steve yelled and ran after you with a smile on his lips, he was so happy to finally spend time with his little sister and make up for the time you guys lost, like the big brother he is.
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jackchampiongf13 · 11 months
Come Back… Be Here
Warnings: Angst but a happy ending, swearing, kissing, let me know if I missed anything!
A/n: I’m not super proud of this but I need to post something. Also I am sorry that I haven’t posted anything! And a big thank you to all the love on my first post. Also lots of Taylor Swift references in this hehe😛(I didn’t proof read it too so I hope it’s all good)
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This is when the feeling sinks in. You realize that this is happening. He’s breaking up with you?
“Y/n” he gets out barely because of the tears that were clogging his voice up. “I love you. I will always love you. I just am so busy and you deserve better than me. Way better then me.”
You look at him with disgust. It’s 4am and he’s saying it in a simple way. “I really told myself ‘don’t get attached’ what the fuck Jack” you couldn’t help but be mad. You don’t blame him though. Your mad at yourself.
“This is all my fault is it not?” You say looking down. “No it’s not, don’t blame yourself Y/n. I love you but with me now going on press tour and doing interviews we won’t have time for each other. You’re already super busy with senior year of Highschool and so am I, even if I am homeschooled, I still have to do all of that then go and talk about avatar to a whole bunch of strangers!”
“Jack, it’s okay! Take me with you” You plead trying to reach for his arm.
“No.. your not getting it.” He says pulling away from your reach.
“What am I not getting?” You just want him to hold you and never let go.
”This isn’t fair to the both of us. It will just add more pressure and stress to everything. Go to college and get your degree. You’ll meet someone better and marry them like you’ve always wanted.” It hurts him to say this.
“I don’t want anyone else I want you. Just you.” Pleading for the last time. You finally meet his eyes as you try to embrace him for a hug. He take your arm and rubs it for a second. “I will always love you.” He says as he gives a peck on your forehead.
You watch him walk away. Your jaw is dropped. How could he do that? And at 4 in the morning? A/n: Jesus Jack we just wanted to sleep🙄
It’s been 6 months since the breakup. It took you awhile to be happy again, but it happened. Well for the most part. You had just graduated high school, it was now July. Even after the breakup, you were still his biggest supporter. Even if you never talk to him anymore, you still stalked his Instagram and TikTok.
He was in New York today. And so were you with your whole friend group to celebrate graduation. He had posted on insta. “Oh god, Betty!” You scream.
“Are you okay!?” She runs out of the hotel bathroom. “He’s here. In New York.” You smile a bit.
“No Y/n. Not again.” She snatched your phone to look at the post. “Holy shit isn’t the hotel he’s staying at just right down the road?” She questions herself. Your eyes widen. “Wha-“ you try to continue talking but get cut off by her horrible sheirk. “Shit Y/n he swiped up on your story.”
“Give me back my phone!” You take it and half swipe the chat. Jack: Hey! That’s so funny you’re here too! I’m right down the street maybe we should go get coffee? I mean if you’re ok with that. I miss talking to you.
You smile to yourself. “He misses talking to me…” you say with a hopeful tone. “No Y/n! Not again!” She takes the phone but it’s too late. You: Hey Jack! Of course I would love to go get coffee with you and catch up!
“Oh no no no. I’m deleting it” Betty says. “Support my decision Betty. Just go hang out with James today!” You say rolling your eyes and snatching the phone once more. “Fine this is me supporting you” She smiles and give you a peck on the cheek. “Text me if you need me! Love ya!” She says as she begins to walk out to her boyfriends room.
“Yup” you sigh as she close the hotel room door. Was this a bad idea? We’re just friends that’s it! You jump out of bed and put on the cutest outfit you could find. Which ended up being a blue crop top that brought out your eyes and black leggings. This was a basic outfit but it was pretty crappy out and you just felt good in it.
You text him letting him know that you’re free whenever. He texts back immediately. Jack: uh I can rn if that’s good
you: duh that’s fine lmao
Jack: want me to come over to your hotel and we can walk together?
you: sure! My hotel room is ts13 at the eras hotel!
Jack: Be there in 10
“Shit. I have to do my hair and makeup.” You say out loud You: can you maybe give me 20
Jack: lol gotta do your makeup I assume
you: you know me all too well
Jack: Taylor reference?
You: Duhhh
Jack: ok go get ready for me
get ready for him? Damn instant butterflies.
You finished your makeup and had one more section on curling your hair when you hear a knock. You run to the door and see him.
“Hey gorgeous!” You can’t help but say as he looks down and blushes. This is what always happened when you said that. He didn’t wanna show you he liked that nickname but you knew.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was coming, but instead of getting coffee together I just went and got your usual. I hope that’s ok.” He looks back up at you as you notice he looks you up and down. You blush at the thought of him remembering your favorite order
“Thats totally fine! Come on in” You say in a very loud and happy tone. “I need to finish my hair really quickly. Just give me 5” you smile at him. He smiles back with his perfect white teeth smile. You feel butterflies creep on in your stomach. “I can do it for you! Remember that time I did your hair.” He laughs as he recalls the past. “It was a disaster oh my god! I remember that so well!” You shout from the bathroom. He comes in the bathroom to help “I trust you Champion” he just smiles at the nickname and takes the curling iron.
“Ow!” You scream as he burns your neck by accident. “Shit oh god I’m so sorry beautiful” the pain disappears as you focus on him for a second. He used to call you that when you guys dated. It was your favorite nickname. “Are you okay?!” He quickly asks as he turns the water on to put cold icy water on the burn. “Y/n?!” You smile at him. “I missed this a lot Jack. I missed you” he stops trying to put water on your neck and looks deep into your beautiful eyes. “I still love you” he quickly lets out but then covers his mouth. You can’t help but smile. “I still love you too.” You don’t care about the pain in your neck anymore and jump into his arms as you kiss him. “We will make it work this time” you smile to him “I’m not ever gonna let you go” he says into the kiss. “I didn’t want to miss you like this” you laugh after breaking this kiss. “Come back, be here in this kiss” he says again as you laugh knowing it was a Taylor reference.
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sports-on-sundays · 11 months
everyone can see he looks at you like you're the world, but you don't even know it / landoscar
Summary: Lando x Oscar - Lando being stupid and Oscar being lovestruck basically.
Warnings: Uh none??? Maybe light mention of violence. Maybe some could be supposed as a bit of angst.
Requested: Surprise surprise- no
Author's Note: Usually won't be writing ships but I had to get it out of my system. Might not be my best work but I really just had to write some Landoscar. Enjoy, fellas.
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Oscar watched as Lando kidded with Carlos, feeling strange flutters in his chest whenever Lando laughed with his friend or did something goofy.
He was so fixed on Lando, he didn't even see, hear, or register that the former McLaren driver Lando was conversing with could clearly see him gazing as he was.
"Lando, look at the way your teammate looks at you," was immediately what Carlos said, always taking any opportunity to tease Lando.
"Hm?" Lando asked, in confusion, glancing around. "Where is he?"
Carlos gestured with his chin discreetly, and Lando glanced behind him.
And his eyes met the big brown ones of his teammate in McLaren. And right away, as soon as their eyes met, Oscar's flitted down to the ground. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, his brown eyelashes covering his downward facing eyes like curtains. As he sped up, to Carlos, the pink on Oscar's cheeks was unmistakable. But to Lando, it was nonexistant.
Lando looked back to Carlos, grinning as his eyebrows scrunched up, "What? Were you trying to trick me, mate-"
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head, "You're so oblivious."
"Sorry, what?"
"Got to go. Ferrari team is calling."
"Adios!" he called, before walking off.
Oscar rounded the corner, but he had heard it all.
It was impossible. In interviews the glances Oscar caught himself giving. 'Accidentally' bumping shoulders with him was difficult not to do. He wanted to be near him. He loved talking with him. So many of the things he did were so funny and...
No, he didn't think Lando was stupid at all. He wasn't trying to let Lando know the strange feelings welling up inside him. No, he didn't want him to know. Because they were weird. They were teammates more than friends. And friends more than... more than anything other than that... And Lando probably isn't... like that.
He didn't know he was into guys, either, until Lando.
(Okay well maybe Logan was really his first crush but he really refused to admit that he still found Logan cute.)
But no, it wasn't Lando that was stupid. It was himself.
He was acting like a kid in school with a stupid crush who had no control over his emotions. What the hell was up with that, he did not know. But control in this subject was not a skill he could grasp.
"Oscar!" said his teammate as Oscar felt his hand grasp his shoulder. Oscar looked over his shoulder, his nose suddenly inches from Lando's.
"You're in a good mood," Oscar observed at the grinning twenty-three year old.
Lando shrugged. "Why not? How are you?" The two McLaren drivers stood, getting some morning coffee together.
"Oh, I'm fine..." Oscar murmured, pouring coffee into his mug.
"Oh, I'm fine..." Lando randomly mimicked, exaggerating Oscar's tone of voice and (in Lando's perspective) Australian accent.
Oscar smiled, looking up, meeting his eyes, Lando grinned, being silly. Being silly on purpose, with the intention to make Oscar laugh. He could always make Oscar laugh, and just the fact that doing that didn't make Oscar chuckle suggested unconciously to Lando that something bothered his mate. Curiously, he'd found himself starting to pick up the little things about Oscar, quicker than he had with either of his other teammates.
"What's up, Oscar?"
"Nothing much, wh-"
"No, like, how are you this morning?"
Oscar was taken off guard by the sudden seriousness in his teammate's voice. He looked up, and felt his stomach lurch as he stared at Lando. He scanned his face- which was quite handsome to be honest- and their eyes met.
He's so serious, but I can't tell him what's really bugging me.
Because he's bugging me.
Oscar swallowed, which Lando saw. "I'm good, as I already said. Sorry if I seem a little tired... Didn't sleep well and I have a lot on my mind."
Lando studied the younger man, before saying, "Obviously we're just teammates, but every single little personal thing can affect racing and performance- so if you ever need to get anything off your chest-"
He cares. He cares so much. "Thanks, Lando, really, I'm fine," Oscar interrupted curtly, before grabbing his drink and turning on his heel, walking out of the room.
"Look at this," one of Oscar's friends laughed. "What the hell are these fans?"
"Most of the time I try to avoid the really strange ones-" Oscar abruptly stopped talking when he saw what was on his mate's phone. His nose crinkled up and his cheeks grew red, and as anger seeped in, so did embarrassment.
"What the hell is right. Why do you seek out this stuff?"
His friend chuckled. "Your reaction is funny." His friend had shown him a post, made by some dumb fan who likely needed a life. A picture of himself and Lando, with simply the caption, 'Oscar looks at Lando like he's the world, and neither of them realize it.'
Why do fans-
No way.
That's not real.
Looking at the picture made the Austrialian's stomach lurch. Because he sort of got what the fan was saying.
"Dude, Oscar, you'll never guess what Alex said the other day," Logan laughed. The two twenty-two year olds walked down the paddock together.
"You're right, I won't guess. What did he say?" As they walked, Oscar instinctively waved to Lando the moment he saw him.
Logan waited a few seconds, before saying, "That's funny, too."
"It was about Lando. Because, you know, they know each other well enough. Rookies together and everything. Like you and me."
"Sure..." Oscar always was careful, hesitating when talking about Lando with others. He was mindful to never bring him up and always say as little as possible about him. No one could know how much he felt obsessed with the other McLaren driver.
"He was like, 'Have you see the way Oscar looks at Lando? It's like he's an angel or something. And trust me, Lando is not an angel.' Or he said something like that. I was like, 'Yeah I guess.' But really I thought about it and you probably just... What?"
Oscar had accidentally sighed a little too loud. "Nothing. That's just not the first time I've heard something like that. But continue on-"
"Yeah, well, I was thinking that you probably just have those type of eyes that show your feelings. Like right now." Logan and Oscar looked at each other's eyes.
"Your eyes always show when you like someone a lot. I mean I'm sure you've got other friends and you look the same way, or, like, at your mom."
"What brings you to that conclusion?" Oscar asked carefully.
"Well, because, Alex is right. That's not just your constant look in your eyes. It took me a second to realize that, though, because you look at me with the same look. Which is nice, buddy." He made a silly grin.
Logan was really lame and cheesy. Or at least Oscar thought so.
(But he was also cute.)
And it was unfortunate he wasn't just slightly more stupid.
Oscar's eyes flitted to the ground of the paddock. I really am terrible at hiding it, aren't I? Logan's saying my eyes betray me. Isn't it curious only I get that look in my eyes when it's Lando or Logan?
It honestly really stressed Oscar out, and it was getting tiring to pretend nothing was wrong.
No matter how much I watch my words, everybody knows because of my stupid eyes. May as well gouge them out.
Oscar was tired after the Japanese Grand Prix. Lando spraying him with champagne on that podium. It was... amazing.
A moment he'd never, ever forget.
But now he was tired. So, so tired.
Suddenly, though, he turned, hearing a door swing behind him in the McLaren hall. His eyes met Lando's, and his heart involuntarily started to beat faster as Lando made his way down the hall toward him.
"Oscar," he said simply, grinning widely in the way he did. The moment he reached him though, Lando, with no more thought and one purpose, suddenly threw his arms around Oscar.
It wasn't just any hug. Lando hugged him tightly, his chest pressed against Oscar's. For a moment, Oscar was too shocked to move. Can he feel my heart pounding? This far after the race, can I blame it on adreniline?
Oscar finally awkwardly, stiffly, wrapped his arms around the British driver back, the hug lasting too long for... anything close to regular.
Finally Lando spoke, breaking the terrible silence. Still, he spoke soft. Almost gentle. The concept of Lando speaking gently to him... Oscar had to admit... he liked it. "You've seemed off lately. I hope this... I hope this makes you feel better, these podiums..."
And your hug.
Oscar relaxed slightly, his muscles become less tense as his arms rested more closely against Lando's back. He was warm, and emotions from Lando flowed into Oscar. It was comforting, despite also being unnerving for Oscar. He practically choked on the words, and even coughed, but got out awkwardly, "Why- Why do you care so much?"
Lando sighed. "Because we're teammates. And I like you..." Oscar felt heat on his face and surprised butterflies as Lando pulled away.
Lando gave him a cute smile, before starting to walk down the hall past him. On his way past, he patted Oscar's back, and as he walked off, called, "And, besides, that's what friends are for!"
That's what friends are for.
As Oscar glanced back over his shoulder for one more glimpse of Lando, he felt cut to pieces. And alone.
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sevensoulmates · 5 months
I don’t have real coherent words after that Oliver interview so I need to hear yours. Because OH MY GOD
Vindication??? VINDICATION???? VIN~DIC~ATION???!!!!!!
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Like we knew. We all knew. All the fans knew, and everyone working with the show knew. But the fact that they're actually talking about it? Being transparent about it? From Mr. PR Golden Boy's mouth to the masses? Mind-blowing.
To know for a fact that Bi Buck (and I'm assuming queer Eddie and queer Buddie) was talked about (again we KNEW but like now we know know, ya know)??? I mean Tim literally said years ago that all the discussions we have about buddie online are the discussions they have in the writer's room. The fact that they TRIED to give it us and were shut down. The fact that we still rallied behind them because we fucking. KNEW?!!?!?!
Like queer fans especially like....I'm not going to get into the history of queercoding/the Hayes Code, but anyone who's been around the block with queer media just knows that writers (not just 911 writers) have done their damndest over the years to give the audience queer characters while still trying to appease their homophobic bosses that control their livelihood and the life of their art in general.
It just fucking sucks that only now, when networks realize that openly queer media sells, that they're finally allowing writers and creators to finally tell their authentic stories.
911 is interesting. They're kinda like the elder Gen-Z/Young millennial cuspers. They started during a time when queer media was allowed some visibility but still had heavy sanctions placed upon it, and so they still dealt with homophobia and discrimination in underhanded and mostly invisible ways, and are living long enough to see the social transition into big profitable open queer media.
It's like...I've heard a lot of elder queer people question why some of their fellow elders are so "mad" that young queer people have it "easier" and can be more "open". The critique is "isn't that what we were all fighting for? So that younger people did not have to deal with what we dealt with?" The same goes for TV. I know a lot of people (like people who came from SPN or the MCU or Merlin or Rizzoli & Isles or Sherlock, etc) are seeing what's happening with 911 and they're experiencing this shock of like "we deserved this" and they did. But now they get to see the fruits of their labor come true for new(er) shows like 911 or RW&Rb or Heartstopper or Heartbreak High, or Interview with a Vampire or Good Omens or Umbrella Acadmey or Euphoria or Yellowjackets or the Haunting of Bly Manor, etc.
It's still a long battle, but occasionally, like now, we get to see these BIG wins, and it should be something to celebrate.
This, combined with the fact that we knew a queer Eddie storyline was also being discussed, tells me all I needed to know. And again, I already fucking knew.
Now all we gotta do is wait. We've already waited this long.
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Can't take my eyes off you (Son Heung-Min x female!reader)
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Summary: you're a sports journalist and you get assigned to interview the players after the matches. Sonny starts crushing on the pretty interviewer and looks forward to every post-match interview just to spend some time talking to you.
Author's note: a post by @sonnys-fan-not-spurs-fan gave me this cute idea and i had to write it 😩 thank you so much for letting me use the idea and for sending me the adorable gif 🥹 i hope you all like it!! Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language ❤️
The first time Sonny saw you he was breathless. He had just gotten off the pitch after a painful loss in the Premier League and was heading to the press area for the post match interviews when he laid his eyes on you.
It was seriously like Sonny.exe has stopped working. He was thinking 'what's going on? Who is this gorgeous woman? Is it- is she going to interview me? What am I g-' and suddenly, in those few seconds, it was like he had forgotten about that awful match his team had just had, just trying to process the thought of such stunning woman standing there.
You, on the other hand, were just as nervous. Being a young sports journalist and being assigned to interview the players after the matches was a big deal. And, of course, being a huge football fan, you were excited as well.
You had already interviewed Spurs' striker Harry Kane and brazilian star Richarlison, but now you couldn't wait to talk to *swoon* Korea's pride Son Heung-Min. He was one of your favorite football players ever and you were so excited to- oh my gosh, here he comes! *professional mode on* 🧐
The staff was quick to push Sonny to the press area, making you both come back to reality. You didn't lose time and introduced yourself, starting the interview.
"Good evening, mr. Son. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). We watched Spurs going with a great first half, but unfortunately finishing the match with negative results. Do you think the change in tactics had something to do with this performance?"
"I- I think- I... good evening-" - he tried forming a logical answer, but he was so affected by your presence he could only stutter a few words.
What was going on? You had seen some interviews before and he wasn't always like that. Were you such a terrible interviewer?lol
You started feeling a bit worried but remained professional as the interview went on and he started to feel more like himself.
When you finished, you thanked him:
"Thank you, mr. Son. Until next time!"
He replied with his signature "thank you very much" as he thought 'will there be a next time?!'
Even though the thought of seeing the beautiful interviewer again made him happy, he got a bit nervous, because he didn't want to look like a fool again lol so he promised himself he would get prepared to have a better interview next time he saw you.
And for you, needless to say it was the highlight of your day. Being that close and talking to your idol like that? And getting paid to do it?? Hell yeah. Even though he acted a bit weird... but you were definitely going to work hard to make next time better for both of you 🙏🏻
And it worked! On the next interview, Sonny wasn't caught off guard like the first time (lol) so he was definitely more prepared to deal with talking to his new crush you. It also helped that Tottenham had won the match AND Sonny had scored, so you had several compliments for him and for the team 😏
"Good evening, mr. Son! It's (Y/N) (Y/N). What a great match! Congratulations on that beautiful goal" - you said smiling and you could see his smile was as big as yours - "what do you think changed from last week that led to this victory today?"
This time Sonny could form perfect sentences (he thanked God for that) and he was happy he could perform well and give you a great interview.
When it was done, you both thanked each other again and he left, both of you feeling your hearts warm.
After that, the next interviews went smoothly and Sonny started to feel more comfortable being around you. He started being more open and playful, even cracking some jokes sometimes, only to hear the beautiful sound that was your laugh.
In one of those times he even asked you to call him Sonny instead of mr. Son.
Yes, he had this nerve.
"Hello, mr. Son. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I would like to discuss-"
"Ah please you can call me Sonny" - he said smiling so sweetly you almost melted in front of him.
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This time it was you.exe that stopped working. Goddamnit. We know you always tried to keep it professional, but this time you couldn't help the blush on your cheeks. It was just too much cuteness for you to handle.
"Um, okay, um, Sonny" - you said looking at him a bit insecure, but his look was so heartwarming you immediatly felt safe.
And so days passed and this went on.
You know, Sonny didn't mind the post match interviews. Not at all, he thought the interviewers were doing their job just like he did his, so he always tried to be nice. But this time it was different. He would wait anxiously for the post match interviews so that he could have a little moment with you, your attention 100% fixed on him. Even if his team had lost, seeing your familiar face there, your kind eyes and listening to your gentle voice always made him feel better. It was like a reward after his hard work on the pitch.
He loved the way your eyes would never leave his, how polite you always were and how you chuckled when he said something funny. He always tried to make you have fun and give you a good interview, but he was careful to not let show the big crush he was developing on you.
And you, well, you couldn't say you didn't love it too. The way he always listened to your questions and never took his eyes off you, how he always greeted you with his best smile even if he'd had a bad match, being close to him and looking into his eyes... it was really the dream job.
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The day you weren't there (poor you caught a flu and your voice sounded super funny, so you had to rest at home) and another journalist came to interview him he was SO disappointed.
He came to the press area with that cute grin of his and, when he didn't see you, the slump on his shoulders was visible.
"(Y/N), you had to see how sad Son was 'cause you weren't there. That guy has a total liking on you" - your colleague told you when he met you on the next week.
"Oh please, that's absolutely not true" - you said, trying to wave that off and hoping he wouldn't notice how affected you were - "it was just the results, he was probably upset because of that."
"But they won, (Y/N). There was no reason for him to be sad during the interview. He was definitely missing your cute face there" - he said, with a smirk and you could feel your cheeks turn pink.
Sometimes, even after he finished his interview, he would stay behind a bit just to watch you work. Of course he didn't make it obvious, he would always stay talking to a teammate or a staff member, but he would use that time to steal little glances at you.
He even felt a bit bad seeing you talking to the other players and giving them that beautiful smile of yours. Was that jealousy?! It didn't make sense, because you weren't his after all. God, you barely knew each other. But he couldn't help thinking he wanted the kindness, attention and those warm smiles only for him. He wanted you for him.
In one of these times when he was admiring you from a distance, Richarlison noticed it and Sonny was in big trouble.
"Hey!" - Richie said, snapping Sonny out of his trance - "stop staring at the hot interview lady and go ask her out".
Sonny got as red as a tomato.
"What! I'm- I'm not staring, I'm just- I" - he stuttered and Richie soon cut him off.
"Hey, say no more, i can already see what's going on here" - he smirked - "i'll only tell you this: if you don't ask her out by the end of the week, i'll go tell her myself" - he said and then left, leaving Sonny with a blush on his cheeks and a big problem to solve.
Of course he liked you, but did he have the guts to ask you out? Well, he needed to gather his courage and it had to be soon, because if there's one thing he was sure of is that Richie wasn't lying.
And with that, he decided he was going to talk to you after the next match's interview. God help him.
On that day, he talked to you during the interview and he seemed a bit off again, but you couldn't tell why (only himself knew how nervous he was inside ajskajakaj). He waited around a bit like he always did, always stealing those adorable glances at you from time to time (damn, what power you had on him to make him feel like a boy with a crush?).
When you finished your work and had already interviewed all of the players you were supposed to talk to, you stepped aside to gather your stuff and go back home. But this time you had a surprise!
Sonny took a deep breath and approached you. It was the first time he was going to talk to you off cameras and his heart was pouding so hard, he could barely hear his own thoughts.
"Umm hi (Y/N)!" - he got closer to you and greeted you, a bit shy.
You heard his familiar voice and turned around and, really, none less than Son Heung-Min was standing in front of you with that cute smile of his and his hands behind his back.
What could he possibly want with you? Not that it wasn't always a pleasure talking to your idol, but you couldn't understand why he was reaching out for you, an ordinary journalist, after you had already finished your duties.
But of course you weren't just an ordinary journalist in Sonny's eyes. To him, you were one of the prettiest, sweetest and most competent women he had ever met. He wanted to spend more time with you, to look at you, to be with you. And now he was going to tell you that.
Or at least he thought so, until you turned around and looked at him with your beautiful smile. At that moment he forgot the whole script he had in mind.
"Oh hello, Sonny! Congrats again on the performance today, it is really a pleasure watching you play" - you smiled softly at him.
Yep, that broke him. He couldn't think straight after those kind words from such a beautiful girl.
"Um, wow, thank you" - he chuckled, feeling a little heat on his cheeks.
'Focus, Heungmin. Focus' - he told himself.
"Well, (Y/N), i was wondering, are you busy this friday night? I mean, we don't have matches this day so i thought you might be free as well and we could, maybe, you know, go out for dinner or something" - he said, spitting the words out as a bit of courage took him over.
You couldn't believe your ears. Was the Son Heung-Min really asking you out? You were so surprised it took you a moment to process his words and try to understand if it wasn't actually a prank or something, because it was too good to be true.
"I, um..."
Poor Sonny thought that meant you weren't interested, but you were actually just thinking if you should pinch yourself to wake up from that dream lol that made him a bit worried, but he was determined to let it all out.
"Look, (Y/N)" - he sighed - "i'm obviously very nervous because i clearly don't do this often" - he chuckled - "but i think you're amazing and i really admire you, and i would like to get to know you more. I mean, we're always talking about me, but i would like to get to know more about you too, because you seem like a really great person" - he looked down shyly as he spoke.
He was sooooo adorable you couldn't take it 😩 so when he started talking again you immediatly cut him off.
"It's okay if you don't feel comfortable about it, i just needed to t-"
"I would love to!" - you interrupted him, smiling - "Sonny, it would be a total pleasure"
His face instantly lit up.
"Really?" - he said, smiling and lifting his face up, making his hair jiggle a little.
You chuckled at his adorableness.
"Of course! You know what, uno reverse card: now you ask the questions. Think you can handle it?" - you said, playfully.
He threw his head back and laughed. The sight was so adorable you couldn't believe this angel was really asking you out.
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"It's a deal then, ms. (L/N)" - he said and put his hand out as you shook it. That first touch was electrifying for both of you.
"Deal" - you echoed his words, winking.
"Well, then i have to go practice to really not disappoint the best journalist i know" - he said with a grin - "let's keep in touch until then?"
"Sounds perfect" - you said, smiling.
Wow, you loved seeing him like that, feeling comfortable and playing around. You couldn't wait for Friday.
You said goodbyes and Sonny felt like a weight had been lifted up from his shoulders. Did he really just ask his crush out and she said yes?! He couldn't wait to tell Richie about it. He would so be proud 😉
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tonowarislut · 2 years
! Soft Content, a bit of cussing, use of her real name !
English is not my first language, sorry for eventual errors
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Orlando, Florida means one thing... TRAFFIC JAM.
"Hey babe i'm stuck in the traffic...shit this bastard!" said an upset Demi.
"What happened?" You asked worried shifting your phone to the other ear.
"Oh nothing babe just a fucker cutting my way with his scooter" answered the wrestler
"I always wondered how this type of people have a license, they are a living danger jeez" you said
"Yeah i should've run over him and his stupid scooter" replied the girl
"Demi! Hahahaha you can't!" My god. She was so funny. You were so lucky to have her as a girlfriend.
Demi thought the same thing. When you first met she was so fascinated, you were so respectful, kind and funny. That's why she decided to get to know you.
Where you met? On backstage 2 year ago, during a short interview. You were the interviewer.
You asked something like her favorite holiday, biggest pet peeve, fan crush, biggest fear...
Since the atmosphere during the interview was to her liking, light, she decided to exchange numbers.
The rest happened fast.
Becoming friends, be there for just a (favorite cafè beverage) or a serious topic like her brake up with his ex boyfriend or her matches.
You had so much fun with her and then, some months later you fell in love. You adored her.
She was always there for you and you for her.
At first you didn't say anything, you just wanted to be near the wrestler as a friend i mean.. she was heterosexual you hadn't a chance but then you decided to tell her because she was becoming a really important and special person in your life.
You just couldn't give up your romantic feelings so you needed Rhea to reject you to move on or the opposite.
You were at the wrestler house, on the couch, for a movie night.
Yeah movie night. You become so close that every Saturday possible you would come to her house to watch a movie. From horror to comedy movies.
"Demi i need to tell you something" you said nervously worried
Rhea looked in your eyes and asked you, worried as well "Yeah, tell me... Is everything okay Y/n?"
You nodded "Yes! Everything is fine but i'm a little nervous. I know how to say this but i don't know how you will take it, i want to tell you without you excluding me from your life. I care too much now, i'd be sad if you left me "
Demi took your hands and played with your fingers to relax you "Don't worry darling i won't leave you..." Then you saw her gasp and say "No! No Y/n you traitor. I know what you did, where this is going"
You died in the spot. Fuck. You were fucked.
"You, you watched the new Dragonball film without me, like we promised" she continued saying.
"What? Ahahahah No! Demi! You almost gave me a heart attack" you said slapping her tattooed toned arm.
"Agh it's all so easy and hard at the same time! Okay i'll tell you" she squeezed your hands in reassurance and after looking at her beautiful eyes you find the courage "I-I simply love you Demi, not only as a friend"
Her expression calmed for a second and then she gave you a big smile.
"I do too" she answered you, her thick Australian accent showing.
At this point you didn't know what made you go more crazy, if her answer or the accent you loved.
You blinked and screamed low "WHAT?! REALLY?! But i thought you.."
She laughed and said "Yeah. It was a surprise for me too. I realized it last month when you were being cute to the barista, when i saw her gay panic i though 'I can relate' "
Whispering you repeated her words not believing it "Gay panic?"
You went red. You were excitedly and positively embarrassed.
Demi "yeah"
You "Are you Bi?"
Demi "Yeah i'm"
You "I thought...i thought"
Demi "Me too but here i'm. Not a big thing. Love is love. I only know that i love talking and spending time with you and to tell you the truth i'm dying to kiss you. Can i kiss you? "
You "Yeah! Of cour-"
She hugged and kissed you sweetly. You then sit on her lap, grabbed gently her hair and deepened the kiss.
Finally you were kissing your beloved Demi Bennett and your stomach was feeling it all. Spinning and twisting.
After the kiss you rested your forehead on hers and smiled, she did the same.
You were so happy.
You hugged her neck and told her "I love you, i love youu" she laughed, rubbing your back and answered "me too babe"
That's how the answers to that song you often listened and related were answered.
What song? More than a friend by Girli
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arcielee · 8 months
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you so much @aemondtarqaryens for starting off Volume 2 of my Interview With a Writer series! This is my ongoing series of the talented souls on Tumblr and ao3, and their brilliant writing!
If there is a story you are interest in, I am open to requests! Just make sure to check out my criteria for stories considered for this.
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Name: aemondtarqaryens
Story: Precious Delights
Paring: Maegor Targaryen x niece!Reader
WARNINGS: See each chapter for individual, more precise warnings. Written with/for a female reader, but other than purple eyes, there‘s no mention of her appearance.
What inspired the plot for Precious Delights?
Oh God, truth be told? It started with a request I received for Maegor x Reader smut where she's heavily pregnant with his child. And I'm just a sucker for my big tiddy daddy and gave it a shot.
Once the original Precious Delights was posted, people commented under it, asking for a part 2 where the baby is born. The whole series just developed from there on and the rest is history.
I just loved their dynamic in the first part I posted (it's based on the bath scene between Aemma and Viserys, because it was just fitting and I liked that scene in the series) and felt captivated to give the few people interested what they wanted.
Explain your interpretation of Maegor? What drives him? Why is he the way he is in the story?
Charlie Hunnam is my faceclaim for Maegor because someone (I'm not dropping names cough cough @fairysluna cough) planted that seed into my mind. Most people fancast him as Aegon I, but to me, Henry Cavil makes a better Aegon I (you know, let's just cast Henry as every ASOIAF character lmfao).
I always had the relationship of Daemon and the young Rhaenyra we see in the show in my mind while writing this story. And we learn in Innate Desires that Maegor has lusted after his niece for quite some time, and even asked Aenys to give him her hand in marriage. He was denied, and searched his luck (or power) elsewhere, but failed with his wives dying without giving him an heir.
This is something that drives him, too. The need to provide an heir with his blood, that will take the Throne after him.
Canon!Maegor is one kind of a man, and while I find him intriguing, I firstly know that I could never do him justice and secondly, it just wouldn't have fit the story and it's overall development. Plus, having had a soft spot for his niece for so long, it's clear he's not always the brute he is towards her. He's softer, and allows her to catch some rare glimpses of his vulnerability as their relationship develops.
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Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
No, I feel like it‘s very self indulgent. Usually, the reader portrayals are matching their respective role (or I try to make it that way, at least) and with Targcest, I feel like you do have a bit more freedom to indulge. Just a freedom to be cheeky, or disobey certain rules.
Do you feel they eventually come to complement one another?
They complement each other. Maegor gives her something she‘s craved for so long, stability, family, attention, and Reader takes piece after piece of the brute out of him. Just like their children. They‘re not changing him completely, but they have a positive impact on him. She basically made the rogue brute soft and tender. 🤭
Will you add into their story?
Depends, if I really get another idea for this series maybe, but most likely not. It has found a good end, and everything else would be just dragging it out.
Do you want to share about another upcoming WIP? I know you finished celebrating a milestone for your blog (congratulations 💖).
Thank you!! I‘m currently working on the last two requests for my celebration, a one shot with Aemond and servant!Reader for a writing challenge I participated in, and a one shot of an American Horror Story x HOTD crossover where Aemond is the Antichrist.
Any chance we can have a snippet for Aemond!Antichrist? 👀
Easing your trembling legs, you hold onto the desk for support. It feels like an eternity when you crouch forward slightly to steady your uneven breathing, the moment only breaking as Aemond advances towards you, his body leaning against yours and pressing you up against the desk. It’s the only thing keeping you upright, and the moment you feel his hot breath caress your neck, your legs feel like they are about to give in. His thigh slips between yours, but you can’t feel his hands on your body, assuming he’s clasped them behind his back or keeps them at his sides. But you can tell that his chest isn’t the only firm thing that presses against your body. His cock is rock hard, clearly finding as much pleasure in the situation than you do, and all but strains against your lower back. He is so close, that’s all you’ve thought of for the past days, yet it’s not enough. You need his hands, him, to feel thoroughly satisfied. The urge to whine scratches in your throat, but you manage to swallow it at the last moment. “Beg for me to touch you,” he drawls, voice laced with a mixture of excitement and hunger. Exhaling a strained breath, you close your eyes. “P-Please,” you whimper, barely loud enough for him to hear. “Please… touch me. It’s been so long.” “Hm.” You hear it loud and clear, the amusement, the satisfaction, causing your skin to heat up. “That’s all you’ve got?”
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elitehanitje · 6 months
AEW Has A Major Platform For Me To Express Myself And Show People My Culture
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Queen Aminata is proud to be the first African born woman to be signed to a big wrestling promotion.
After working a plethora of matches for the promotion over the years, Queen Aminata officially inked a deal with AEW in February 2024. Aminata has capitalized on the momentum quickly, as she is set to face Billie Starkz in a match for the new ROH Women's World TV Championship at ROH Supercard Of Honor in April.
Speaking to the AEW Unrestricted podcast for a new interview, Aminata reflected on being the first African-born woman to ever sign a contract with a major wrestling promotion.
"Coming from Guinea, I wouldn’t say there’s nothing special about it but there’s so much more because people from here don’t know Guinea. They know Africa, but it’s like, Africa, you know what I mean? I just wanted to give them something that they don’t know, tell them a story without talking to them that is showing them, hey this is where I’m from, but this is what you get. Especially with being signed, this is a bigger company that has a major platform for me, so what better way for me to just express myself and show people my culture, my accent, and how proud I am to walk in there with my cape. It’s funny sometimes because some fans will be like, ‘Oh my god, that’s just a fake accent, are you really from Africa?’ I’m like, ‘Yes honey, I was born and raised in Africa. I still go back.’ I just had bigger dreams than I could realize in Africa, so I just took a chance on myself and I gave it my all. I feel like I have two homes now, I have the USA and I have Africa. I’m happy to be here, at the same time I miss home. I’m so thankful for everything I’m building here and I know there is many more to come."
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elialys · 1 year
I’ve finished season 2 of The Newsreader two hours and a half ago, and I’ve yet to be able to talk about my feels with ANYONE, so I’m doing what I do in most cases when I have too many feels about something—opening a new word document to write things down.
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This season genuinely surprised me so many times. I had no actual expectations, but I had thoughts on what might happen from the season promo and the episodes' synopses. Most of the time, turned out I was absolutely wrong, and I’ve never been happier to be wrong.
This is not very coherent, more ‘string of thoughts’ than anything else, and I’m skipping soooo many things but here are my main thoughts/emotions on each episode:
Episode 3 Greed and Fear
I knew it would be about Helen’s past being dug out and was so worried. Didn’t expect to be laughing so much?? Like, only a couple of scenes but god those were genuinely funny. Gerry’s wife telling Helen’s about her torn vagina from giving birth? Lindsay’s song about Charlie being hit hard in the economic crash? Absolute gold.
The "hey let’s get married to give that columnist something else to write about” idea from Dale and Helen’s reaction to it went about as well as I expected it to go.
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I have to say, I did not expect the Helen & Charlie’s interactions to get that real that fast but I…kinda liked it? I still think Charlie’s a shit head but I loved that they made him feel like an actual human? Genuinely fond of that scene of him and Helen in his office waiting for midnight, with her on his couch telling him about her past, it just felt genuine.
Don’t get me started on Helen and Dale on HER couch at the end of the episode though. Just, I want to live there, in that scene. With them cuddling on that couch, and nothing bad ever ever happening to their couple, ever.
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Episode 4 The Hungry Truth
This episode was a punch in the gut. The way the approached the Bicentennial event and the Aboriginal side of the story was so poignant and heartbreaking. That shot of them watching the cheery News at Six promo at the end instead of the planned interview with Lynus was captivating in a ‘I feel sick in the stomach’ kind of way.
Helen’s convictions and hard work being cast aside and spat on again at the last second was infuriating, she tries SO HARD to stand up for those who don’t have a voice and she hits walls every step of the way.
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Dale’s real proposal? I'm still recovering. When I read the initial synopsis, I worried he was going to do something *big*, but he didn’t. It was intimate and romantic and sincere, and holy hell couldn’t have happened at a worse time ??? I know there was no way for him to really ‘hide’ his preparations from Helen at that point but ugh.
That end scene had me in tears tbh, both Sam and Anna just killed me. Because you can tell Helen loves Dale and he loves her yet she turns him down and everything hurts?
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Episode 5 A Model Daughter
Let me just say I’ve loved Kay’s character. I love the extra depth it brought to the Walters family, and I love how she allowed for the very real issue of heroin addiction to be explored this season. And obviously, I love how her story intertwined with Helen’s and the way it made this episode unfold, like, DAAAAMN.
But first of all, Helen and Dale. Oh the pain. Oh the sweet sweet pain. I binged so I barely had time to process any of my feelings, but I felt all the feelings. It was dramatic without being overdramatic. Again, all of it felt so human. I wish we’d seen more actual conversation between Helen and Dale with Helen explaining exactly why she doesn’t want marriage and why she broke it off completely, but there’s enough there to get it and just hurt with them.
That scene of them in the make up room, after Dale realizes there’s been some ‘flirting’ going on between her and Charlie? SO many things are said without them needing to actually say them, it just hangs in the air and OH THE DELICIOUS PAIN.
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That award party was so good, they were all so drunk and I was so worried about Dale. And then the whole Gerry, Tim, Dale thing was wholesome for about two and half seconds. I wasn’t sure when the ‘gay club’ scene would happen or how Dale would end up there, I didn’t expect things to happen that way, it was like watching a car crash in slow motion. I feel sad for people who ship Dale and Tim because I’m sure this is not how they hoped Tim’s character would come back—and that the random dude Dale wakes up next to is not who they were hoping for. Dale’s whole spiraling out this episode was just painful in a painfully perfect way.
Everything about Kay’s interview, every character involved…ugh so damn good. The interview itself made me cry, but that’s probably because of my own issues haha. Kay going to Helen and begging her to take her part off the story, not knowing Lindsay decided to make the story ALL about her and her parents against Helen’s assurances that they wouldn't do that.
Helen’s demeanor sitting at that desk, finally deciding that enough is enough. HELEN STANDING UP, GETTING THE TAPES AND DESTROYING THE TAPES WHILE WALKING OUT.
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Actual Queen. Might be my favorite sequence in the entire season, but don’t take my word for it yet. Of course she goes to Charlie and jumps on him right after that but everyone’s human hahahaaaaa.
Episode 6 Fireworks
I don’t even know what to say, I’m still trying to process this. They gave us time with everyone, and I loved every second of it, but I still begged for more time with Helen and Dale, individually and together. Now I get what Sam meant by ‘Dead Dale’. Oh yes he’s the Big Guy now with the Big House, King of News and all that but he’s clearly dead inside too, so that’s nice I guess.
The way they resolved the issue of “Helen and Charlie” being a thing in under 3 minutes combined was beautiful to be honest. I was losing it watching that short, extremely distressing montage of Charlie and Helen like, might have clawed at my face a bit. But the way she threw him out of her life the second he dared say some shit about Dale? Beautiful.
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Lindsay needs to die in a fire though. I’m so glad Dennis punched him in the face but someone needs to push him in front of a bus. That scene between him and Helen in his office was just VILE. What a pathetic excuse for a human being, all these things he did to her and SAID to her, I am not okay. And him sabotaging her at her new job like, DIE ALREADY OMG.
Was it really Gerry who told the columnist about Tim though??? Because that scene between Gerry and Dale, all unspoken? GOD. This damn show.
Gotta end with Helen and Dale. I am so upset. I think/hope they will find their way back together WHEN we get a 3rd season, and I believe them learning to live apart is needed and necessary, BUT GOD I AM GENUINELY HURTING. Helen’s desperate proposal was so upsetting. The fact that Dale was too dead inside to tell her more than “no” and “just do your job” like.
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I don’t even blame him because he’s a hot mess trapped in his own catatonia but THE PAIN. That airport scene, someone put me out of my misery please, how dare they use THAT song (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, anyone??). Also, I realize I’m extremely biased given how much I love Anna Torv but??? She doesn’t say a single word in that scene as she watches Dale on the tv yet you know exactly what she’s thinking and feeling and everything hurts.
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Noelene and Rob? So sorry I didn’t mention you at all in this post yet, you were so lovely and precious and so necessary for my emotional sanity, absolutely love how they “mirrored” and contrasted Helen and Dale, even if it adds to my pain as a Helen/Dale shipper who just watched three failed proposals in the span of 8 hours.
This show better be renewed. I need them to fix this mess. Wonderfully crafted mess but still a mess.
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amoreeny · 2 years
Oh Mr.Evans
pairings : Chris Evans & Fem!Reader
synopsis : you get the role to work in a Marvel movie and Chris may or may not have put a good word for you to get the role.
warnings : none i think
*also, english is not my first language so sorry if theyre any grammar or spelling mistakes!*
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*not my GIF*
I have been waiting weeks for this phone call I were anxious because they told me they would call and its been over a month now,  I were sure that I hadn't got the part so you just gave up. Then the phone started to ring. I look at Chris whose seated next to me on my couch.
"Hello" I say answering the phone
"Yes hello is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" The random person asks
"Yes this is she. Who am I speaking to?" I ask with visible confusion on my face.
" Hi,(Y/N) This is Joss Whedon and I would love to congratulate you on getting the role of the new love interest for Captain America, Loellie Saint in the new Marvel Cinematic Universe 'The Avengers'.I believe you already know what the backstory of your character is right?" Joss asks.
"Yes I do" I say while freaking out silently while looking at Chris who is more confused from before.
"Great, we'll love to have you come in a couple of days for your screen testing. We'll text you the information" Joss says.
"Alright thank you so much" I have a huge smile plastered on your face while having your back towards Chris.
"No worries, Take care we'll see you soon" He says.
"Bye" I say.
I hang up and start jumping up and down in excitement. Chris is sitting on the couch smiling at me because he knows the news I just received because he's the one who put in the good word about me after my audition
"OMG OMG OMG" I jump around while Chris is laughing in confusion.
"I got the part!" I push back and look at him.
"I know" He smiles while looking at me.
"What do you mean 'I know' Christopher?" I look at him.
"Well, I may or may not have put in a good word for you because I know you've been dying to start acting. That's why I told you about the audition" He looks at me while trying to keep a straight face.
Me and Chris have been friends since high school and he knew how much I wanted to get into acting and get into the Marvel. I've acted in big movies and I'm well known. Well at least in my eyes.
Me and Chris have risen to fame together but Chris is mainly is the famous one out of the both of us. I really didn't mind, but what was mostly annoying was the paparazzi and the media. They would spread false information about me and Chris' relationship. Even though me and him are just best friends. I would join him at his interviews because of his anxiety and mostly for moral support and people kept reading it wrong and thinking we were together because of how much time we would spend time together.
"Chris.. You know you didn't have too right" I kinda feel bad because he had to go through all that pain just to get me this role.
"I know, but I just wanted to give you an opportunity. And you can spend more time with me" He says as he wiggles his eyebrows while getting closer to me and pushing me softly with his shoulder
"Like I don't spend enough time with you already Chris" I laugh at his actions.
"Wow i'm deeply hurt Y/N" He puts his hand on his heart and pretends to be hurt by my 'hurtful words'
I laugh and slap his arm softly
"You're such a dork" A bit of your accent had come out and you rolled you eyes
"Steve Rogers and Loelle Saint, super solider fight crime fighting couple" He moves his hands over his face like he's presenting the newest iPhone or something.
"You're honestly so weird Christopher" I laugh while rolling your eyes
"Yeah yeah" He smiles
I shake my head while crossing my arms again keeping a straight face.
"These few months will be the best" He looks at me with his mischievous smile telling me to buckle up for the pranks he has up his sleeve.
"Oh god" I groan and put you face in your hands
Chris laughs and stands up
"Come on, Me You and Sebastian are going out to celebrate you" He says as he gets up and walks to the door.
"Okay... what time should I be ready" I stand up and look at him. I honestly didn't want to go out. I just wanted to sleep.
"Around 8pm, Ill let Seb know" He says as he walks out the door
"Alright see you soon" I say as I walk to my room having my dog follow me.
Hey Guys!
This is my first post so i hope you like it! This is my story on Wattpad with the same title! That story is currently in editing so im not posting there, so there maybe some different things from here and the book. So i hoped you enjoyed it!
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papa-evershed · 11 months
Hellooooo! Here’s me crashing into your ask box to wish you a very happy, happy birthday!
I thought I’d ask you if you can remember some specific scenes/moments from a show and/or movie that triggered your “Oh, I need to gif this IMMEDIATELY!” desire.
And please do go ham on your reply, you know very well how much I enjoy them.
Have an amazing day! 🧡
Hey!!! I fucking love you! I don't know how the hell you manage to to do everything you do, but now you've gone and inspired me to start a fandom-friends birthday calendar. 😂😂 I legit admire how you always reach out to people and remember everyone!! But thank you so much for the birthday wishes, it's been a pretty good day so far so I can't complain! 🥰
As for moments I just had to gif?! There's been a fuck ton throughout the years and the men. 😅I'll answer under a cut for length and lets see what all my old lady brain can remember. 👵 I apologize in advance for how long this could potentially get and just how random the gifs probably are. I never feel inspired to gif cool scenes with witty dialogue, I just gif for thirst reasons because I'm a dumpster of a human. ETA: It got really long and didn't even scratch the surface tbh.
For Rob, I'll start with this one. I feel like I post it every time someone asks me about my favorite gifs or moments but listen, that man's god damn belly makes me feral. The context of the scene is also just peak Dad™ for me so it was 10000/10, absolutely had to gif this the second I watched:
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This is an interview but you know when you first start checking out a new dude and you see gifs from interviews/shows where they look particularly tasty and you're immediately like I must find this and watch it or else I will perish. That was this interview for me. And how could it not be? Again...BELLY. Hairy belly. Just big, soft, delicious man meat. And thighs. As soon as I found it I had to gif it for myself so I could make it as obnoxiously big as humanly possible.
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I watched this zoom live and the moment this motherfucker turned his head my brain said "gif it". Profile? Nose? Greys?
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And this shot too. This man was fucking born to smile, he puts his whole ass into it.
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This. His arms here. This scene was dark af but I knew I had to gif it anyway. I adore the shape of this man. It feels so fucking real to me. Soft belly, sizeable arms that still look natural. It's realistic, it's comfy, it's fucking sexy. He's just fucking man-shaped.
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I don't even have to tell you why because I know you get it.
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I'm an American what do you want from me? 🤡 I'm just kidding, it's not because of the gun. 😅IDK if you've watched Downton, but Thomas is just such a fucking capable man. There isn't a task they set him to that he doesn't excel at and I just felt like it was always overlooked and underappreciated by everyone around him. That shot and scene inspired an entire gifset I made about him being a man of many talents.🤓
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I can't even explain it, I just knew I needed it. He just looks so man sized. And fuzzy. Just...go off daddy.
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You and I both know I'd suck a dick for a good profile shot. The greys, the nose, the man...👀
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I can't post all the gifs from this scene/episode so I'll settle for this one. But I knew immediately I'd be giffing it until my fingers hurt (that legit happens y'all, I'm old 👵) Not only did he spend some time in this episode being the soft, caring uncle but he did it in a cozy sweater and it was like they were sure to hit all my weaknesses at once. Soft cozy men? 👀Then they were kind enough to give us the most beautiful close-up shots of his face. And the boy just has a beautiful fucking face.
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For old times' sake, I'm gonna include some Jon just for you but to be fair, I liked him for seven damn years so there were a lot. Too many to list or even remember. But here's a few that maybe aren't the obvious shots!
This one. I remember everyone losing their shit over his ass but I was losing my mind over that "soft flash of belly" (really, I was always fangirling the hardest over scenes where Jon looked softer than he really was so we shouldn't be shocked I eventually left for a man with a beer belly 😅)
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Speaking of which, this scene too!
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And of course, anytime he was covered in blood. I think I actually giffed this exact shot 5 or 6 different times.
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And, the obligatory back of his head shot. There are so many here I could post because pretty much anytime I saw the back of Jon's head I immediately needed a gif of it but we'll go with this one, it was probably slept on a little bit.
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Alright this is long enough! Bless anyone for reading this long. 😳 But legit, thanks for the fun ask and for the birthday wishes, Stef! 🥰🥰 Your kindness is one of the reasons I will always appreciate having been in Jon's fandom!
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