#i hate him so much for infiltrating my brain like this
furioussouls · 2 days
There’s a part of me that recognises you.
[yandere! oc x chubby reader]
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Song: Chihiro by Billie Eilish
Warning: yandere behaviour( I dont condone yandere behaviour in real life, this is just fiction), chubby reader (uses she/her pronouns), cursing, lucid dreaming, spirituality
Standing knee-deep in the ice cold water while the salty breeze of the sea hit your face, you stroked over the goosebumps that rose over your plump arms. The radiant full moon illuminated your face and your eyes took in the view of the beautiful beach in front of you. The beach that you’ve been seeing every single night in every dream you had. The beach where you met him for the first time.
You don’t remember when the dreams first started, nor whether the guy you met in your dreams was just a person you once saw passing through a crowd, or just a result of your brain coming up with the image of the most beautiful guy alive.
You are completely aware of the fact that you’re dreaming. Whenever you saw him, you knew that you were dreaming. Your very own personal man of your dreams. Whenever you woke up, a heavy sense of sadness and dread filled you. Not only because the most perfect man disappeared from your grasp yet again, but also because you weren’t sure what was happening. Was it just a weird reoccurring lucid dream? Was it a memory? Or something entirely different?
Completely lost in thoughts, you stared at the gentle waves when familiar arms wrapped around your plush torso from behind. The comforting scent of oranges, sandalwood and jasmine infiltrated your nose and your worries eased a little. You smiled while keeping your gaze on the reflection of the moon on the water surface.
“I missed you during the day”, you whispered and he chuckled and squeezed you firmly.
“Darling, I can’t even begin to describe how much I missed you. I wish I could just sleep forever so we can see each other all the time.“, he sighed and buried his nose in your hair. He inhaled deeply and let out a small groan.
You turned around and looked at him. He leaned forward and gently kissed your nose. You wrapped your arms around him and buried yourself in his chest. His smell engulfed you and his hands gently squeezed whatever they could reach.
He‘s not real, he’s not real.
After a long minute you spoke up, “Can we sit down?“, you asked him and pointed to your usual sitting spot.
He nodded with a gentle smile and both of you sat next to each other in the sand, and he started to pick up pretty shells for you.
“How was your day?“, he asked you and you sighed and leaned back. His eyes immediately found yours and he furrowed his brows in concern.
He‘s not real.
“It was the same as always“, you replied numbly and looked up at the stars.
He put his large hand in the middle of your stomach and tenderly rubbed your lower belly fat.
“I hate that you’re so stressed about your life. Every night you look more exhausted and unhappy and seeing you like that feels like I’m getting stabbed in my chest. I wish I could take you away from everything, Darling. ", he told you and for the first time tonight he wasn’t smiling.
Your heart fluttered but immediately afterwards a wave of embarrassment and sadness washed over you. You’re taking like this with an imaginary man. A man from your dreams. He wasn’t real. None of this was. You can’t keep going like this.
You stood up walked back into the water and looked straight ahead, his arms gently squeezing around you again.
“What are you thinking about? “, he asked you, his chin now gently resting on your shoulder. His slender, veiny hands engulfed your beautifully plumped one.
You turned around to face him again and admired his features; from his shoulder-long blonde hair that shone golden in the light, to his beautiful honey coloured eyes, which brought out the slight freckles speckled across his nose and eyelids and plump lips. His long and lanky body adorned in a white button up and black pants.
His tender eyes scanned you from top to bottom too, his eyes halting on your round hips and pudgy stomach, which were particularly emphasised in this white night gown you were wearing. His gaze softened even more and his hand tenderly stroked up your arm til his hand reached your cheek and he cupped your face in his warm, big hands.
”My precious darling. What’s going through your pretty head, hm?“ he hummed and gently rubbed his aquiline nose against your hairline. “You can talk with me about anything. You know that.“ His hands wandered up and down your back and he pressed his forehead against yours.
“You’re not real.”, you replied quietly and looked down.
Focusing on his button- up shirt was easier than looking into his piercing, loving eyes, but before you had the opportunity to avoid his eyes for too long , you noticed his necklace; it was a crystal. A purple one at that. Was it an amethyst? Before you could spend too much time thinking about his necklace, his hands cupped your round cheeks and made you look up at him again. This time his eyebrows were furrowed and his plump lips pressed to a line.
“What did you just say?”, he asked you solemnly.
A pit formed in your stomach. You gulped and responded, “We‘re dreaming. No, I’m dreaming. You’re not real. You‘re just a man in my dreams that I made up. Our relationship isn’t real and I think we need to stop meeting here.“
You felt pretty stupid for “breaking up“ with someone from your dreams but it was the right thing to do.
The idyllic landscape suddenly turned into a nightmare; heavy lightning bolts struck the ocean and thunder rumbled all around you. Your eyes widened and you felt your pulse pick up.
Your eyes found his again and your jaw dropped open when you saw the tears running down his freckled cheek. You wanted to apologise to him, to comfort him, but before you could even get one word out, he fell on his knees in front of you.
“I don’t know what happened. Just yesterday we were talking about everything until you woke up and now you’re saying that what we have is not real? That our feelings aren’t real? What the fuck happened to make you change your mind?“, he asked loudly with tears streaming down his face. He took your hand and and kissed the palm of your hand and each individual finger softly while tears were dripping on your own hand.
Why would you dream this? Why would it feel so real? He looked at you from below his lashes, expecting an answer and kept your hand close to his mouth.
You felt the world crumble and blur around you. The light of the moon dimmed slowly while the ocean was drying up. This happens every night. This process was as familiar to you as was seeing him and this beach. It could only mean one thing; you were waking up.
He frantically looked around and held you by your shoulders. It was a firm but gentle grip nevertheless. “Please, baby. Please don’t leave me like this, okay? Come back tomorrow, hm? We‘ll talk it all over”, he begged.
Before you could answer, you woke up in your room. Blinking sleepily, your eyes scanned the room and you sighed and brushed your hair back. What the fuck was that about? Shit, you felt even more exhausted than before you went to bed. You were about to get up when you noticed something. The hand that he had kissed desperately, was slightly wet. It looked like the cause for it were small and irregular droplets of water; like his tears.
Goosebumps rose all over your body and your cheeks began to heat up while a cold shower ran down the nape of your neck. The heavy sense of dread expanded in your belly. No, you were probably just going crazy. Nothing extraordinary happening here. Nothing at all. Your eyes slowly drifted back to your hand and you picked your hand up and gently held it under your nose. His familiar scent invaded your nose again and you jumped up from your bed.
Suddenly you remembered his necklaces; the amethyst. Scrambling to your phone you looked up which crystals can help with lucid dreaming and… Amethyst was amongst the top five crystals.
Easy explanation, you were going crazy. You have nothing else going for you in your life so you convinced yourself that the man from your dreams is real. Easy situation.
You needed fresh air; walking outside in the autumnal weather while the dried leaves were crunching beneath you always helped clearing your mind. The refreshing breeze whirled around you and your tense body calmed a bit, when you accidentally walked against somebody. The person dropped their belongings and you apologised and picked up their things. Before you looked them in their face your eyes halted at their necklace; it was the same amethyst from your dream. You took a few steps back and your eyes immediately jumped up to the persons face and it was him. The man from your dreams.
“Hello, baby. We finally see each other during the day too. My name is Ellis“, he said gently with a lazy, soft smile and extremely deep bags beneath his eyes.
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banggyu0308 · 1 year
thinking about yeonjun and his stupid slutty pants with the stupid slutty rip, fucking easy access panels, just wanna grab his stupid slut dick through the hole while he's backstage
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The Damned P.1
Toji Zenin x fem! reader
Synopsis: forced to get in with the Zenin clan by your parents as a servant, Toji Zenin seemed to damn you more than himself….
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Being a servant in the Zenin household was not for the weak-willed or the weak-minded, it took strong foundations of a strong mind to survive within these endless, lavishly adorned walls of the Zenin Compound. One of the three big clans in Jujutsu Society, blossoming the pure, clean bloodline of the strongest sorcerers in the modern and past Jujutsu eras.
Your parents pushed you into being here, young but not ditsy, focused yet polite. The Zenin really didn't care, they just wanted the free labour, but you did get a roof over your head when the Zenin took you in as a servant. Little did you know that your parents literally sent you off to serve strangers and live with them for God knows how long. Your cursed technique was strong and your parents wanted the Zenin to know that and get in with the family, even if you started as a lowly servant. To infiltrate? To gather information? To be married off? To destroy from the inside…? You didn’t know, nor did you care at this point.
The clan leader, Naobito Zenin, sent you off on your way as if he didn't give a single thought, as if he was washing away the dirt on his hands. You were young and inexperienced and you didn't deserve the reward of the bigger duties so you were sent Toji Zenin's way, the black sheep, the damned one in the Zenin clan. You would be the personal servant of Toji Zenin.
Which leads you here now, standing by the foot of his bed, ready to wake him up like you usually do. Late. It was nearing 11 am and the clan needed to be in the training quarters in about half an hour. You glanced at Toji, seeing the drool escape from his mouth, his hair roughed up, and the sheets that barely covered his naked chest. These were the only times you felt Toji not be intimidating. You opened up the curtains and the windows, letting the fresh air ventilate the room. He grunted when the light hit his eyes at the most perfectly uncomfortable angle.
“Get the hell out.” He groaned angrily as he covered his eyes with his bulky forearm.
“Rise and shine, Master Toji.” You say with a faint warmness, anything to keep this civilised and polite knowing he could lash out quickly. The light seeps through the room and bathes it in the sunlight. He looked peaceful lying there, it's shame you had to wake him. He never looked so peaceful while he was awake, and, sadly, we all know the reason why. Toii grumbled and groaned, lifting his arm from his eyes.
“Can't even fuckin' sleep in this damn house.” He opened his eyes and was met by the sight of the sun hitting against your silhouette. He then looked at your face and rolled his eyes, a sour expression filled his face once more. “And do me a favour, and don't call me 'master' if you don't want your teeth punched in.” Toji fucking hated that, fucking hated it all.
You immediately frown. “It's not like I want to call you that, you are my superior. I work for you, I have to refer to you as that.” You explain to Toji as if he didn't already know it clear as day. “Would you like me to bring in a gong and wake you up like that?” You say, a small smile tugging at your lips at the insane hypothetical.
“I don't give a damn if you have to call me that, just drop it.” He growled against his pillow, glaring at you in the process. Toji then sat up from the bed, resting his head on his right hand as he looked at you blankly. He couldn't help but believe that there was some charm to you in how you were so polite. Your expression had an innocence to it that he had never come across in the cesspit that was the Zenin compound. “If you dare bring a gong in here, I'll break it and then your ribs.”
You knew that he was very much capable of doing that, so you didn't push further. But your mouth ran faster than your brain.
“Well then Toji, if you break my ribs...who will be making you breakfast every morning? Speaking of which, if you want food, I'm making some. So get up.” You say a little more firmly this time, you've never been this challenging towards your superiors, part of you wants to take it back, what if the clan deject you for being disrespectful? You frown slightly and leave the room to head back to the kitchen and finish preparing his breakfast.
The first thing he did when you left the room was let out a groan of frustration. It was always like this, you were being too much of a pushover to him. Always too kind. That was what irritated him the most. Maybe he was projecting. He needed to stop thinking that. Toji got dressed into his montsuki and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and freshen himself up, he hated how every day started the same.
Soon, you heard his footsteps walking towards the kitchen, a few seconds later his hulking figure appeared at the doorway, leaning against the frame as he crossed his arms.
“I can make my own breakfast.” He declared in a low and husky voice.
“No, you can't.” You say politely but your words carry some weight to them that resounded throughout the whole room.
Each clan member had a specific section of the compound to themselves, so you had an entire kitchen to yourself to prepare food for Toji. He couldn't make his breakfast even if he tried, servants were solely assigned that duty.
You glance up at him leaning against the doorway, you finish plating up his Teishoku and serve them, you place it on the kitchen island in front of you. “Coffee sir-? I mean Toji..” You say softly, fumbling over your words but correcting yourself.
Your words irked him like nothing else, you were so nice to him. He loathed it. What made you so kind in the face of someone like him? “Quit this 'sir' bullshit.” He was trying to play it cool, his eyebrows slightly raised as he spoke. Internally he was confused by your ongoing kindness, you were like this from day one. He didn't like the fact that he had to work around your kindness.
“I apologize. Bad habit.” You let out a nervous chuckle, trying to ignore the burning green gaze zeroing in on you. Your expression was trying to hide the fact that you were uncomfortable with his presence. Toji was a little more than impressed by how you were handling him like this still. After all, most people would be scared shitless already.
As you hand him his coffee, Toji notices the band-aids on your fingers. The skin looked red and brittle and it made him raise an eyebrow. “What happened to them? And don't say 'nothing' or 'it's nothing.” Toii muttered under his breath, trying to distance himself but still be curious at the same time.
“Oh, I burned myself by accident, the stove was too hot.” You respond a little curtly, turning your back and starting cleaning up and clearing away. It was clear you didn't want to talk about it, the real reason was rather daunting as Naoya Zenin threatened to break your fingers because you didn't do a task correctly.
Toji watched with intent simmering eyes as you turned your back to him. The first thing was that your reasoning behind it was obvious bullshit. You were lying through your teeth but quite frankly he didn't car enough to pry even further. "You're really clumsy, aren't you?”
Your shoulders relax as you sigh out, thankful he wasn't reading into it. “I am...I am. ..quite clumsy.” You breathe out.
You both know damn well you were the opposite but for now, it'll do. You turn around and take his empty tray once he finishes eating, giving him an agreeable smile. “Your training starts soon.”
Toji raised his eyebrow as an unamused look was engrained on his face. Why was his rudeness not affecting you in any way? Maybe you weren't listening to a thing he said, which made him even more annoyed. So he decided to try another approach. He just...didn't like how you...talked to him. “Can you stop being so polite to me? I never understand why servants are like this to their masters. Just do your job and stop acting like this.” He grunted.
You turn around and glared at him, annoyed that he didn't realize that you’re just doing your job. Anything less than perfection and obedience would be punished. But then again...who the hell were you to argue with a Zenin? “If that's...what you prefer.” You shrug your shoulders. You thought maybe he would appreciate some form of kindness considering the way his family actively despised him.
“Good...because there's no reason to be nice to me when I'm anything but.” He warned me you lowly. Toji was expecting you to break and lash out at him. Yet your reaction and expression left him feeling a little off-put. Why? Why weren't you saying anything? Why aren't you letting him walk all over you? He didn't like those thoughts.
Reluctantly, you nod your head, lips thinning into a straight line, and you try to stay as neutral as possible. If this is what he wanted, who the hell were you to argue? After finishing cleaning the kitchen, you make a move to leave the room. As you made your way to leave, Toji couldn't help but notice that your back was as straight as an arrow. Your body looked so proper and elegant, unlike others. Just your simple back in that tight-fitting kimono was enough to make him stare a few moments longer than necessary. That's when he called out to you and spoke with a neutral expression: “Do you always have to be so proper and respectful?”
Yet his voice was...softer.
You stop in your tracks. “I'm just doing my job.” You reply quietly, trying to get him to grasp that you're just doing what you're supposed to do. You walk away and leave him wordless from the kitchen, letting your words linger in his brain a lot longer than he should have.
pt 2 coming soon, get ready for angst and sexy times in the near future.
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harryslittlefreakk · 9 months
late night talking
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summary: a chance meeting with harry before his wembley dates leads you into a bizarre friendship
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: i HATE writing meetings. this part is so slow but the next part is linked underneath, which is much nicer ;)
my masterlist can be found here!
“Just a caramel macchiato please���, you said, rubbing at your eyes as you spoke. You always had a hard time sleeping in hotels and tonight was no different. You’d travelled to London to attend some concerts with your best friend, and although she’d invited you to stay with her, you didn’t want to infiltrate her newlywed bubble. So now you were standing in a quiet Starbucks, in your pyjamas, at almost midnight.
You chose one of the comfy tables at the back, hoping not to be noticed by any of the other crazies out at this hour. But not long after you sat down, someone decided to sit in the seat immediately behind yours. You sighed and kept your eyes on your phone, knowing only too well what kind of person chooses a seat next to a woman in a deserted space.
“Sorry, do you have a napkin?” A man’s spoke came from behind you, interrupting your quiet solace. You grabbed one off your table and turned around to pass it over, not looking too closely at the man who asked. His gold rings caught your attention, an obnoxious H S that sent your wide eyes darting up to meet his. The brown curls peeking out from under his hood, the dimpled grin sitting on his chiselled face. It really was Harry. Your heart rate quickened, inches away from the face of the man you were here to see. His laugh broke your spell, and you realised you’d never even let go of the napkin. “Sorry, sorr-“, you spluttered, suddenly unable to think, let alone speak. Harry watched your brain reboot, his smile never faltering, before asking what you were drinking.
He looked over at you from the counter, taking you in. Your messy brown hair, your black vest top paired with pale pink pyjama pants. Your zip-up hoodie had slipped off your shoulders, allowing him to see some patchwork tattoos poking out.
When he returned, Harry sat down across from you and placed the drinks down gently. Holding out a hand for you to shake, he told you his name, which of course you already knew. “Y/N,” you replied, meeting his green eyes. “Well, Y/N, what are you doing in a Starbucks at this time?” Harry asked, taking a sip of his coffee. You mirrored him, bringing your cup to your lips before explaining how you couldn’t sleep in hotels and were in town for a show. He smirked, eyes glimmering knowingly. “I’m here for a show too. And I like being out at this time. It always feels more anonymous.”
The girl behind the counter called out to you, letting you know the cafe was closing. You hadn’t even noticed the tables being wiped down or the whirring of the coffee machines on their cleaning cycle. Harry slipped a 20 onto the counter as you stumbled out together, mumbling a quick apology. The air was cold after a warm day, and only then you realised how late it must be. “My hotels this way,” you pointed, not wanting to take any more of Harry’s time. His strong hand reached out and grabbed yours, tugging you behind him as he stepped in the opposite direction. “Come on,” he grinned. “I know somewhere we can get more coffee.”
You walked through an eerily deserted London, laughing alongside Harry but wondering now what on God’s green earth you were doing. If Harry was anyone else, you’d be running a mile. You glanced down at your feet, unsure why they weren’t taking you home. Your heart-print pyjama pants were just another reminder of where you should be going. But as you doubted yourself, Harry ground to a halt, sending you flying into the back of him. “What are you doing?” You asked, staring up at the skyscraper hotel in front of you. This was definitely nicer than your choice of digs. Harry only smirked in response, walking towards the doors. You followed him blindly, trailing through the entrance and into the lift behind him. He pulled down his hood and ran a hand through his hair, watching himself in the mirror before his eyes flicked to you. Finally, he spoke, “hotels will give you coffee at any hour on any day, I’ve noticed.”
“Are you staying here?,” you questioned, stepping out of the lift straight into what must have been the penthouse suite. Your eyes were wide in awe, you’d never seen a hotel room like this before. A small kitchen sat on one wall, with a living area big enough to seat an entire family. A king size bed peeked out from behind a glass room divider, everything accented with black and gold glossy metals. You ran your fingers across the back of one of the blue sofas, twirling round to take in your surroundings before your eyes rested on Harry’s. He nodded, amused by your wonder. “You’re welcome,” you scoffed, setting your jacket down on the table. Harry’s eyebrows furrowed, opening his mouth to question you. Swatting at his chest, you replied, “I paid good money for your shows. You’d be in a travelodge if it wasn’t for me.”
“You and thousands of others!” He interjected, swatting right back at your hand. You giggled, holding your hands up in surrender. “Okay, big man.”
Harry slipped off his hoodie, leaving him in only a sweatshirt and running shorts. You studied him properly for the first time, your eyes running from his tousled hair, to the way his sweatshirt was the perfect amount of baggy, to his toned, tanned thighs. If you weren’t careful you might have dribbled. He’d been the celebrity you’d pined over for years, and now you were standing in his hotel room. “You like what you see?,” he said, snapping you out of your daydream as he padded over to the coffee machine. “You got me here under false pretences, you know that?,” you grinned, plopping down on one of the armchairs. Harry’s head whipped around, mouth wide open in a half smirk. “I promised you coffee,” he gestured to the coffee machine, “here’s coffee.”
“You didn’t tell me the coffee was in your hotel room,” you smirked, before mouthing ‘weirdo’. Harry wagged a pointed finger at you, “ah ah ah. Only nice manners get you caffeine in my cafe.”
Your conversation continued well into the early hours. Tattoos, music, work, life, pets - you had everything and more to talk about. And you seemed to feel bizarrely comfortable around each other. It was almost 4am before you checked the time, and you stood up almost immediately to grab your jacket and leave. “My God, Harry, I should really-“ you tilted your head towards the door, your voice groggy now from talking and laughing for so long. “Stay here tonight,” Harry’s words came out quiet and almost shy. “It’s too late to go back to where you’re staying, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with you out alone at this hour.” He stood up as he spoke, yawning and stretching his arms. “Come on, I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”
As he led you towards the bathroom, you realised just how exhausted you were. And his enormous bed did look comfier than anywhere you’d slept in your life. “Harry, I’m really sorry, but do you have a t-shirt or something I can borrow?,” you asked, leaning on the doorframe. He looked you up and down, laughing. “You’re wearing pyjamas already pet.”
“I know! I know. But I went outside in these. Plus my legs get hot when I sleep.” This was true. You loved fluffy pyjama pants as loungewear but you only ever slept in a top and pants, and you couldn’t exactly wear your skimpy vest on its own tonight. Harry shook his head as he chuckled, his unkempt curls bobbing as he did. He yanked a shirt out of his wardrobe and chucked it at you. “Yeah yeah. You just want to tell the world you wore Harry Styles’ shirt.”
“Oh yes,” you rebutted. “Because ‘I slept in Harry Styles’ hotel’ wouldn’t make a good enough story.”
As you came out the bathroom, you resumed your post leaning against the doorframe, watching Harry throw a blanket on the sofa before trying and failing, several times, to stuff his long body on the loveseat. Stifling a laugh, you called out, “Harry, seriously. Not a chance you’re fitting on that sofa. Come to bed.”
As much as he tried to ignore it, you telling Harry to come to bed was far more inviting than he wanted it to be. He felt nuts. After all, you were a fan - a big enough fan that you’d go to all 4 of his Wembley dates. If word ever got out, he’d have hoards of fans outside every hotel waiting to be the next lucky girl. He just couldn’t explain why he was so drawn to you.
“Thank god for that,” Harry sighed, throwing his head back. “I have places to be tomorrow, I need a good sleep.” He whipped the covers bad and climbed in next to you, rubbing his hands over his face. You were thrashing around, trying to find a comfy position. Settling on your side, you tried to scoot as close to the edge as possible to make this slightly less awkward. Neither of you were used to sharing a bed without the promise of ending up tangled around one another.
“Hey,” he spoke quietly now. “What are you wearing tomorrow love?” Pulling you head up to look at him, you giggled sweetly. That pet name could be dangerous for you. “Why do you want to know?,” you questioned. Suddenly, you felt shy about your outfit choice. You were saving your best outfit for the final date, and now you wished you had something flashier to tell him - although, he’d seen you in your cutesiest pyjamas so the damage may have already been done.
“Want to see if I can spot you in the crowd,” he replied, shrugging his bare shoulders under the duvet. You tapped on your nose as you replied, “baby, you don’t need to worry about spotting me. Anyway, what are you wearing?”
Harry copied you and tapped on his nose, before switching off the bedside lamp and calling out a soft ‘goodnight’. You were pinching yourself up and down your arms to make sure you weren’t already dreaming. You couldn’t believe an insomnia stroll turned into Harry Styles’ bed. The Harry Styles’ bed. If only you knew what the rest of the week would hold.
part two
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angelatsumu · 7 months
simon as your allistic husband
hello friends, i am autistic and i wanted a little allistic husband for my own comfort. this may be slightly unrelatable because autism is a spectrum and autistic people experience overwhelm and meltdowns differently. here is my interpretation of my experience (a very small picture of it).
cw: none, autistic reader x allistic!husband!simon riley<3, johnny is a bit overwhelming, overstimulating stimuli + potential meltdown
simon had always been your self-proclaimed protector. he was like a devotee the way he watched you, always keeping an eye on your mannerisms and responses. simon was on his knees before you with just one beck and call, and you knew this to be true in your heart of hearts. your lover, your beautiful simon, was privy to your disability and the way it could render you helpless with no regard for your plans for the day. in an effort to be an “adult”, you might overwork yourself directly into overstimulation or autistic burnout. if you had tried to mask well past your limits in social situations, you found yourself stimming in secretive but painful ways, and perhaps even losing all social awareness as a whole. you constantly cursed yourself for not getting a service dog to help you through these scenarios, but why would you when simon was at your side so quickly? simon knew you like the back of his hand, easily detecting the signs fo your withdrawal or teetering on the edge of insanity. Simon was so equipped to care for you, constantly studying your fidgeting and tone in any situation.
tonight was no different. Simon had asked if you felt comfortable with a small gathering of the Task Force after a bit of time apart, and you willfully agreed. you thoguht you’d checked all of the boxes to prepare yourself for the evening; you’d rested all day, gathered your stim toys and fidget rings, remembered to drink water (with several small reminders from simon), and you even ate an appropriate amount of foods to fuel you for social interaction. Simon was sure to allow you time to indulge your special interests and give you space without overwhelming stimuli. you’d felt pretty equipped for the night, especially since simon had ordered your comfort foods and even prepared a special nook incase you felt a bit overwhelmed. with earplugs in ears and a comfort outfit, you felt far more prepared with the help of your understanding lover. the overwhelming dread that usually accompanied social gatherings seemed to melt away with your anchor who was more than helpful in refilling your cup and taking care of you.
just as everyone was arriving, Simon was sure to dim the lights in the bedroom and set aside a bottle of water with your favorite stims to allow you a safe place. He hated to assume that you might approach metldown territory, but he’d learned that preparing for it is far better for you than simply hoping for the best. He’d taken the liberty of safety proofing the room, giving you a sensory swing and a cushioned corner to prevent you from harming yourself if the meltdown is to worsen beyond his control or interventions. He hummed as he made easy work of it, being sure to charge your headphones and queuing up a playlist you adored to allow you less work during a time of distress. goodness, he loved you so much. he loved doing this gentle and domestic work for you, and he loved the safety that came from his efforts.
it’s now well into the get-together, and Simon has you nestled into his chest. you find the smell of him grounding, and the compression of his arms squeezing around your torso makes you feel safe and comforted. your ears began to sting at the constant and overwhelming timbre of Johnny and Gaz’s bickering, seemingly infiltrating your brain and sowing seeds of hate. you’d tried to fidget with Simon’s dogtags or the hem of his shirt, but the constant booming of their voices had begun to sink its teeth into you. Simon was never loud, and he certainly never yelled in your vicinity without warning. your chest felt tight as you began to feel your clothes rubbing wrongly against your skin every time Simon had a hearty laugh at his coworkers. you squirmed in an attempt to regulate yourself, to move the painful energy you’d been harboring since your nervous system began to fray. the interaction was tiring, draining you of all your humanity as you had to pretend to be interested in the topic of conversation. your breathing shallowed, breaths quick and uneven as you tried your hardest to stave off the boiling under your skin. suddenly Simon’s skin against yours felt wrong, like your nerves were set aflame and stealing the little reserves of normality you’d been clinging to. you didn’t want this happen, you never did. you’d spend every waking moment post-meltdown crying and begging the skies above to “fix” you, to make you less susceptible to these painful experiences. you didn’t want to feel lie this anymore, to hurt anymore.
Simon feels the shift in energy, having stealthily been observing your descent into uncharted territory. he knows where your mind space is, knows that your mind is ricking you into believing you’re too much and that things were easier without you. the way you slightly fled his touch led him to slowly and sneakily withdraw his arms from you, placing them behind his head to allow you to be freed from his grasp. he relishes in the sigh you let out, the way you teeth latch onto his shirt and begin to chew away to calm the nerves. Simon calmly reaches to his right where your spare ear defenders are tucked away, and he slowly slides them over your head. he makes quick work of tying back your hair to lessen the amount of stimuli you had to process. your lover lessens his own chatter, reducing himself to careful nods and short sentences or small laughs to allow you a full realm of recovery. he gives you two taps to your back, a silent inquiry to your current state. you respond with a head shake, signaling that you were far beyond your capacity. simon could tell that your thoughts were being unkind to you, but he was certain he could help you through this difficult period. “they alright,” Price asks, eyes kind as they fall on your frame in Simon’s grasp. the men knew you were autistic, and they were more than supportive to you. Simon sighs, eye soft as he looked at the men and back at you. “Yeah, i think they're just pushing toward overload. ‘m gonna take them to the room, let them get this out,” Simon hums softly, timbre of his voice lowered to create less strain. He gives you another silent tap as a request to carry to your bed, and you nod softly against his chest. his chest dims the lighting of your living room, lessening the stimuli you’ve been taking in. Simon scoops you into his arms and carries you to your bedroom where he gently sits you on your bed. the lights have been dimmed, and Simon slides your weighted blanket closer to you. “Blanket’s here love. ‘M gonna let you have some space, but i’ll be back to check on you soon. ‘M so sorry this happened lovie, but I love you. You’re safe. I am not angry with you, and you’re allowed to feel these things,” He comforts you, placing your stims within reach as your eyes fix on the floor in front of you. He knows words have left you, and he hums before leaving the room to allow you time to process.
thank you for reading! if this experience does not feel very cloe to yours, please feel free to send a request with a different scenario of autism reader x allistic simon <3
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brotherwtf · 2 months
firefighter John and detective Gale are infiltrating the brain again so have some hcs about them being silly
Once they start living together they start acting like an old married couple, nagging on each other about working too much or getting hurt or anything really
Gale will try to convince John to not run headfirst into danger all of the time, John will try to convince Gale not to work long hours working on a case and they just constantly butt heads about the danger of their lines of work
John takes up so much space in their bed, basically just starfishes the entire night and Gale has to shove him over every night lest he fall off of the bed
Gale always leaves the house first but John likes to come pick him up from work, likes to honk the horn obnoxiously and wolf whistle when Gale walks out of the precinct (Gale will roll his eyes but he loves it nonetheless)
Gale likes to visit John on his lunch break just to chat, at first it was bcs Croz kicked him out so he wouldn't work on cases during his break but it became a habit to just catch up with John during lunch (he's a micro celebrity at the fire department bcs he's there every day)
John likes to pick Gale up and move him wherever he wants, if Gale is standing in the way of something he'll just grab him by the waist and hoist him out of the way. Gale hated it at first but then becomes endeared by how easily John can just pick him up whenever he wants to
Once, Gale was working far too much on a case and maybe Croz called John to come deal with him, cut to John banging into the police precinct and literally throwing Gale over his shoulder and dragging him home, Gale kicking and screaming the whole time
I'm also chuckling to myself thinking about John getting a little hurt, maybe bruises or small cuts, and being forced to sit in the fire department and maybe Rosie texted Gale and maybe he ran to the fire department as fast as he could and just scolds John while doctoring him up (Rosie offered to do it but the look Gale gave him almost knocked him dead)
omfg imagining Gale interrogating someone and John may have snuck in and he just gets the most massive boner while watching him Jesus
alternatively imagining John walking back to the fire department where Gale has been waiting for him all sweaty and scuffed up and Gale being all "oh no you're hurt (I am insanely turned on right now)"
eye candy bcs I always want an excuse to show off my pretty pictures ☺️
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Lord domestic clegan makes me so darn giddy I love them. lmk if y'all have more hcs for domestic firefighter John and detective Gale! honestly this is becoming one of my most beloved aus lmao
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walkingstackofbooks · 14 days
So to shapeshift, right, is to become that thing, isn't it? I'm sure that's how the Founder, and later Odo explains it. The changelings aren't just pretending to be that thing, in a way they're being that thing?
Okay so I'm a little unsure now that I'm actually writing this out so the rest of this maybe isn't as much sense as I thought it was....
BUT. If the above is correct it suddenly occurred to me another reason other than 'lack of practice' that Odo could struggle to imitate humanoid faces...
Could it be that he has too much of his own, distinct personality? Becoming a humanoid is to become them, to understand them entirely as a person (which is why Founders are the perfect infiltrators, and also why they hate being solids: their changelinghood is eclipsed by their target's personhood, even if they do of course hang onto their objective and knowledge from being a changeling).
But Odo developed as his completely own person, first. Changelings in the link don't seem to have a sense of "self", they are a communal species, but Odo is utterly himself. And so could it be that he is unable to put aside everything that makes him him in order to become and truly understand another person?
Or, in other words, the changelings who don't see humanoids as being proper 'people' can treat becoming them much the same as becoming a bird - they are understanding a different sort of lesser life form, and the fact that a humanoid has its own thoughts and feelings is non-consequential because they are on such a different order to a changling's.
But the thoughts and feelings of a humanoid are so similar to Odo's that -- in a way, because he understands them more -- he has more of an awareness of their individuality and difference to himself, and therefore cannot imagine them the same way he does a bird. He is distinct, and they are distinct, and shapeshifting isn't about copying, it's about becoming, and Odo could never become someone else because it would mean becoming less than himself.
This is a ramble and I don't know if it makes any sense but it's lit up my brain and I'm definitely feeling like
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natureismynature · 1 year
Okay I HAVE to talk about Cellbit, Jaiden, and Foolish or else I might actually combust- They are just. So. INTERESTING to me it's actually insane how much of my brain they occupy. Most specifically, I want to talk about how they seem to orbit around each other's space quite a lot.
The three of them were the first who developed a strong and strange relationship with the Federation but in VERY different circumstances. Cellbit hates the Feds, but he infiltrated and chose to work for them in order to save his best friend. Jaiden isn't that fond of the Feds, but she is VERY fond of Cucurucho and has been confirmed as a past worker of some sort. And Foolish has neutral opinions on the Feds, but is willing to kiss up to them in order to get what he wants.
All three of them has and are currently working for the Federation for very different reasons. Reasons which heavily contradict each other, and they know that. They hide secrets from each other, they are cautious around each other, and yet, they understand each other better than anyone else on the server (BBH who has whatever he has with Foolish is an outlier and should not be counted)
Cellbit, despite knowing Jaiden and Foolish's positive outlook on Cucurucho (the bear who traumatized him greatly), still trusts them. In a way. He still tells them important information. He still lets them have a spot in his very anti-Federation organization. He still trusts them not to betray him. He knows them. He knows what they're capable of. He knows Foolish is smarter than he lets on. He knows Jaiden isn't just doing Federation tasks for no reason. He knows they are keeping things from him, but he still treats them like family. He still believes in them.
"Jaiden is one of the only people I fully trust"
"Foolish, you like to act innocent and clueless, but you know more than you let on"
Foolish, selfish, observant, family-oriented, Foolish. He's not an idiot. He knows how Cellbit and Jaiden's minds work. He knows how Cellbit overthinks, he knows how Cellbit strives to learn, he knows how Cellbit cares about his family more than anything. He knows how loyal Jaiden is, he knows how much Jaiden cares for everyone, he knows how little she actually trusts. And he uses that to his advantage. But he also holds that knowledge with respect. He trusts Cellbit to always know and he trusts Jaiden to always believe.
"I trust Jaiden with my life"
"Cellbit, I know that you know that I know that you know I didn't do it"
And Jaiden. Jaiden who cares about everyone but trusts almost none, has put her faith into these two sketchy men (and Roier). They are both very important to her, but she tells more to one than the other. She knows why Cellbit is so angry at Cucurucho and she knows why Foolish is so determined to befriend it. She tries to tell everything to both of them, but she doesn't want to be at odds with Cellbit, so she holds back some information. But she trusts him always be there for her, the same way she knows Foolish will always choose her side.
"I promise you my silence, Foolish. Your secret is safe with me"
"Thank you for coming, Cellbit, I knew I could count on you"
They are family, the three of them. They love each other. They care for each other. But they also weary. They know each other's capabilities and the secrets they hide. They have a dance they practice, Foolish and Jaiden always a pair, Cellbit and Foolish usually at odds, and Jaiden and Cellbit often cooperate.
They help each other despite their differences. They understand why they do what they do. But sometimes it's confusing, sometimes it doesn't make sense, sometimes they don't understand. And that's okay. Because at the end of the day, they always come back together. They always find each other. They always make it work.
There are a lot more things that Jaiden and Foolish hide from Cellbit, but he hides a lot of things from them too. And that's just how things will be. Everyone has secrets on this Island. Some too great to reveal for now.
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greeenchrysanthemums · 5 months
Hermitcraft x MHA au
I will never use this au but I had to get it off my brain or I would not be able to get anything done. Fair warning, none of this is very thought out, so it is not my best work when it comes to aus.
I'm thinking that The Watchers would be the main threat. They want to return to a world without heroes. The way they go about doing this is by slowly targeting pro-heroes, attacking them when they're alone, and stealing their quirk; sometimes even going so far as killing them with their own stolen quirk. As these attacks become more frequent and heroes start falling left and right, the heroes decide something has to be done about it.
A group of heroes gets called forward by the hero commission for a top-secret mission to locate The Watchers and take them down before they can do any more harm than they already have. The main cast would consist of Grian, Pearl, Impulse, Scar, and Mumbo; with Etho, Cub, Gem, and Skizz as supporting cast.
Quirk: None. He uses support items to enhance his strength and speed, and uses a bow and arrow as his weapon of choice.
About: #1 pro-hero. He's wanted nothing more than to be the #1 hero ever since he was young and was very determined to do just that despite his lack of quirk. He takes the hero ranking very seriously and treats Grian like his rival. He is often disheartened by Grian's inability to take things seriously. Only a few select people are privy to the fact that he is a quirkless hero, and he ends up using that to his advantage when they find out The Watchers are stealing peoples quirks.
Originally, it was only going to be Scar that went after The Watchers, but he put in a request for a team, and The Commission approved of it. Scar was the one to recommend the commission ask for Grian's help, because as much as he considers him a rival and thinks he needs to take things more serious, Scar sees how skilled Grian is and wanted him on the team.
Hero Name: Sharpshot
Quirk: Explosion. He creates explosions from the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet.
About: #2 pro-hero. He never intended to be popular, and only really got into being a hero to have a little fun, but people ended up liking him, so his ratings skyrocketed at the start of his career and have stayed relatively consistent as it progressed. He could not care less about the hero rankings and isn't even aware that his own placement is so high.
He is very destructive and careless. He usually leaves a lot of property damage behind in his wake, which somehow does not tank his public ratings? He's a little cocky and a little full of himself, enjoys blowing things up just a little but too much. At first, he was only helping with the case because he thought it sounded fun. He would be the first team member attacked by The Watchers after their mission officially starts, barely making it out alive. He starts taking things more seriously after the encounter.
Hero Name: Ground-Zero
Quirk: Technokensis. He has a level of control over technology, such as computers and similar hardware. For example, he is able to remotely hack computer systems as well as security systems.
About: An underground hero who specializes in information gathering and infiltration. He always hated the sensationalized nature of the hero industry and tries to stay out of the limelight. He is well adept at hacking and creating programs without the use of his quirk. He only agreed to join the mission because Grian, his best friend, begged him to. Grian's reasoning? It would be boring without Mumbo. However, Mumbo ends up becoming vital to their mission and is the one to gather all their intel and get them into places.
Hero Name: Computo
Quirk: Lightshow. She can create clusters of light similar to stars and control their brightness and multiplicity.
About: #14 pro-hero. Despite being a new hero (only a few months into her pro career) Pearl's flashy quirk and endearing attitude has made her a quickly beloved and well recognized hero. She is very, very excited to be working with the #1 hero on a mission as important as this one.
Hero Name: Moon-Ray
Quirk: Candy. He can secrete a thick, caramel-like substance from his body that he can harden or soften at will. When hard, it is incredibly hard to break, making it perfect for securing villains and unstable structures alike. It's also edible.
About: #5 pro-hero. He's sweet and funny, so it is no surprise that he is fairly high ranked. He is popular with kids. His quirk is surprisingly effective for things like search and rescue, so he is often called in as a first responder to disasters. He doesn't fight very many high-class villains but will jump at the opportunity to help in any way he can whether or not he is outclassed. Pearl was his sidekick before she went pro, and he was the one who put the hero commission in contact with her for the mission.
Hero Name: ???
Quirk: Magnesis. He has control over all metals. Not only can he move it around at will, it can also become malleable in his hands and he can mold them into whatever shape he desires
About: Former #1 hero who retired after receiving near fatal injuries in a fight with a villain, including the loss of an arm and leg, and permanent damage to one of his eyes. He now works in the support department creating items for other heroes. He helped create some of Scar's support items.
Hero Name (former): Forge
Quirk: Chemical sweat. He can secrete any number of different chemicals from his body as long as he knows their make up (similar to Momo's quirk but he can only make chemical compounds).
About: Scar's longtime friend who has supported him from the very beginning even when others doubted him. He was the one who got Scar into contact with Etho. Due to the nature of his quirk, he can also create medicine, so he acts as a medic for the heroes. He likes to experiment with poisons.
Hero Name: The Doctor (not an official name, that is just what he is referred to as).
Quirk: Dove. He has a mutation type quirk that gives him a pair of massive, white wings. He can fly with them, and they also become rock hard to protect him from attacks. He cannot fly with them when they are in protection mode.
About: Skizz is Impulse's former hero partner and is currently a gym teacher at a hero school. He occasionally still helps Impulse out with villains/missions when it is asked of him. He is everyone's first go to for venting, and he gives a mean hug. He was Pearl and Gem's gym teacher.
Hero Name (former): Angel
Quirk: Manifest(?). She can take on the attributes of any animal in her immediate vicinity. For example, if a bird flies over her, she may turn her arms into wings or sprout them from her back (though that takes more effort and concentration). She does not have to see the animal for this to work, they just have to be near her. It works with bugs too.
About: #15 hero and Pearl's hero partner. They attended a hero school together and always had the intention of working together after graduating. Gem was disheartened when she was not invited to be a part of the operation to take down The Watchers, but she was happy for Pearl nonetheless and supports her all the way. She still offers support from time to time, but she is not an official part of the operation. She was not invited because they deemed her quirk "too situational" since it relied on a live animal being near her at all times for her to maintain a manifestation.
Hero Name: Fauna
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scoobysnakz · 9 months
Hard Luck
It’s hard finding love when your sole reason to live is your daughter, but when her best friends dad is annoyingly attractive and might have something to do with your rent randomly getting paid, who can blame you for being a little curious?
||* slight angst, I just wrote this on the toilet bc I realised I hadn't updated in ages (sorry), Miguel having intense mood swings, teeny tiny fluff if you squint insanely hard
Chap v
“About before,” you awkwardly shuffle towards him, “I want to say thanks.”
Miguel turns to look you, face tight with concern which doesn't go unnoticed by you. He can feel your eyes scanning him, staring at his expression, trying to read him as his mood suddenly shifts.
“I should pay you back,” you mutter before shoving your hands in your pockets and patting them down as if you don't know they're empty.
He has to stop himself from scoffing, paying him back should be the least of your worries. But Miguel’s nice and those gentle eyes you’re looking at him with soften him- slightly.
“No need,” he sighs, a forced kindness in his voice, “I was just helping out a friend.”
You hate the warm feeling those words spark in your skin because you know it's not him saying you don't need to pay him back causing it. There's still a sense of guilt nagging at your brain though. He's still a stranger, no matter how he puts it, and you owe him money.
Owing people is something that you've grown far too accustomed to and you're determined to not add Miguel to that list.
“Still, at least let me pay for Raya’s ice cream?” you change your tone, secretly praying he thinks it's a question.
Miguel grimaces, charming crinkles forming around his narrowed eyes and arched nose crunching in what you hope isn't disgust. “You have a nice apartment.” he frowns as he changes the subject.
It's your turn to grimace. You purse your lips so tight they hurt and the skin around your mouth smudges with your lip balm. It is a nice apartment, for the price, that you can't keep up with.
He doesn't know why it irks him to see you like this. Not lying, not being irresponsible, no, he hates seeing you so nervous around him. The way you instinctively coil up while having to fight your own body to maintain eye contact.
“I’m lucky its so cheap,” you laugh cautiously, your hands once again finding your pocket and finding a home in the deep cave of denim.
“Cheap?” he raises an eyebrow, his tone suddenly hardening.
You force a smile on your face, lips twitching at the corners and fear shining in your irises. “Yeah.”
He takes up so much room in your kitchen. Not just his body but his whole being. His shoulders might block the light from the lamp reaching you but the overpowering scent of cologne infiltrating the cracks in the air is more than enough to make your stomach clench.
Shakily, you take a step back, knees weakening the more intense his gaze becomes.
“What are you going to do?”
And for a moment you swear you might die.
Miguel knows. He knows that you're flat-broke and days away from getting evicted because you didn't think to cover up that godforsaken letter when you carlessy tossed it in the bin.
The concern that drips from his voice fills you with a kind of self-loathing you thought only your father could bring up. You can't look at him, his gaze is too harsh, too threatening, too unkind for someone you barely know.
“Stay with my mum,” you mutter, hands gripping the edge of the counter as you how your head down.
You can practically hear him rolling his eyes as he nears you with dramatically long strides. “What?” he snaps.
“Me and Raya are going to stay with my mum until I can sort something out!” you hiss.
“How is she going to get to school?” he presses further.
“She only lives about twenty minutes away and my mum can drive us.”
“Can she, now?”
The pure disgust that runs from his expression and out through his voice knocks you sick. Your skin burns with a revolting mixture of shame and anger. Who is he to talk down to you like this? But he's right, you've messed up badly.
Miguel’s worried. He doesn't know you but God, he'd rather die then have someone as precious as you on the streets.
“This isn't any of your concern-”
“You’re just going to let her live like this?” he cuts you off harshly, “moving to your mums whenever you don't pay the rent like a responsible adult? Never knowing what's going on because you can't sort out money?”
Tears sting the corners of your eyes but you fight them back, like always. You refuse to let him see you cry. His words sting but you know, deep down, that you are responsible, that you do what's best for Raya, that your love is enough.
You swear he's bigger now, more threatening, more dangerous. There are fangs protruding past his snarling lips that make your chest tighten in fear.
Anger pulses throughout Miguel’s entire being. His blood is hot and thick with pure rage that only strengthens the more he glares down at you and your pathetic, trembling, pretty lips.
You want to run away, push past Miguel and bolt through your front door but you settle for puffing up your chest and snarling him right back.
“This has nothing to do with you. I appreciate you getting Raya ice cream and picking her up but you are still a stranger who has no valuable insight on this issue.” you try so hard to keep a stable voice, take deep breaths when you feel your throat tighten, look at his forehead not his eyes, but it doesn't and you end up stumbling over your words like an idiot.
The words feel wrong in your mouth, being unkind isn't new to you but targetted to someone you know so little about, you almost feel guilt.
Cool metal hits the poorly clothed part of your back and it's only then that you realise you've been backing away. Your body just naturally falls into submission, even when you have every right to stand up for yourself. That small, faint slither of confidence you had instantly faded away.
Miguel notices this as well, the hidden sadistic part of him going insane over the small gasp that escapes your quaking form, but he still frowns. He wants to reach out and comfort you, let you know how easily he can make this okay but the terror in your eyes distinguishes all hope of that.
He towers over you, his chiselled features now highlighted by the glow of tiles on the floor and his beady, blood-red eyes boring down into you. He stalks towards you, long legs easily pulling him sickeningly close.
You feel miserably weak. Your entire body is numb with guilt as sweat builds in the creases of your palms. But what makes you feel even more pathetic is your desire to be mad yet you can't bring yourself to even weasel out a small argument.
“I’m trying, I really am,” you choke, knuckles burning white with the force of your grip on the counter.
And Miguel’s gaze softens, instantly. All his anger dissolves and all he can see is someone who needs protecting. The way your eyes glisten with tears does something to him. You crumbled so effortlessly that it was easy for him to keep himself in check and now he's got you cowering in the corner in your own kitchen.
He takes a step back and sighs while dragging a lazy hand down his face. “Mierda, I'm… fuck, I'm sorry.”
You try to look at him, to wrap your head around this absurd mood swing but you can't. Just seeing the shame in his eyes burns a hole in your stomach.
“Get out.”
“I got mad and I didn't thi-”
You watch his throat bob as he swallows, hard.
“I’ll go get Gabi,” he sighs.
You shake your head, lips pursed and nose scrunched. You don't want him near Raya, don't think he's safe enough for Gabi to home to, not after a mood swing like that.
You croak a pathetic, “I will,” and walk off. His eyes burn holes into the back of your head but you fight the urge to acknowledge him.
The sound of laughter that leaks from Raya’s bedroom door soothes the burning of your nerves. You might have trembling hands and a racing heart but she's fine- and so is Gabi.
Part of you wants to keep Gabi here, make sure she's safe and let her stay the night but knowing you'd have to face Miguel again at some point is too much.
You knock lightly on the door before pushing it open. “Hey, Gabi,” you smile down at the ground but she's not there. All you can see is a mountain of teddies and blankets in the middle of Raya’s bedroom. Their laughter is present but is mixed with the sound of each other's shushing.
The plushness of the blue carpet on the floor dampens the sound of your footsteps as you creep closer to the pile. You can hear them shuffling around but their laughter has subsided.
Suddenly, you lunge forward and throw yourself onto the pillows with a subtle thud. They both scream as they flail their arms and legs in the air while desperately gasping for air between their violent giggles.
“Your dad said it's time to go home,” you just about manage, as their laughter has affected you too.
Reluctantly, she pulls herself up from the plushy mess, Raya doing the same. They cling to each other, still laughing and whispering, as they disappear through the door.
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playertwotails · 6 months
Okay so this has been circling around in my head for like two weeks like a fly hitting windows in a sun-room.
So I'm back on my Tails kitsune AU bullshit and I've also recently gotten into Cult of the Lamb so now they've mashed in my brain into a hodgepodged gloop.
And it's all going below the cut if you wanna read my brain worms cause it's long
***Trigger warning for like blood and cults and kidnapping and drugging. Just to give people a heads up (nothing too graphic or detailed but just in case and let me know if you think I missed anything I might need to warn people about)****
Little side note before jumping into this: do not tag as shipping, there is no shipping here it's all platonic and familial. If I see a ship tag I will block you.
Starting off it doesn't matter if Tails is actually a kitsune or not (I personally prefer that yes he is just for the post situation of the gang all being like "okay so what species is Tails actually???" )
I've just had this idea in my head where some cult somewhere is started and they worship kitsune's as godlike entities. They then catch wind of Tails in the news or rumors and their target is now locked.
So this cults leader gets the 'big brain but head actually empty' idea to kidnap Tails like any sane cult leader would.
Now these people somehow stumble ass backwards into kidnapping Tails and keeping him contained. And by keeping him contained they're basically drugging Tails just enough he's conscious but nonreactive. And they basically dress him up and drag him to their ceremonies as more of object than a kid. Tails is hating it and actually scared cause what the hell is wrong with these people let him go home.
Meanwhile Sonic and the gang are all freaking out cause "WHERE IS HE??!!!!" Cause lets be honest kidnapped by a cult was not on any of their bingo cards and at this point they don't know that's what happened, they only know Tails is gone and none of the usual suspects have him.
Rouge starts going through her contacts on the side looking for any crumb of information and gets a lead. And in typical Rouge fashion splits off on her own to look into it. She then comes across the cult and infiltrates their compound.
During her snooping though she overhears the leader of the cult and his subordinates talking about "living forever through the blood of their god's mortal form", sees a statue of a multi-tailed fox and all the red flags are immediately up for her. Internal panic button is smashed. 2 + 2 = fucked up situation.
She's already pressing the "get your asses here" button on her communicator and tears off as quickly but quietly as she can looking for Tails. When she finds him he's in a locked room just laying in bed, all dressed up in a white outfit. Which strange for her to see him just laying there since normally he'd be out and gone long time ago She sees what they've been giving him next to the bed and she's now double pissed off. (I like to think it's at least been over a week Tails has been missing, but if you wanna get really angsty make about 6 months, just as long as Sonic was locked up in Forces).
As gently but quickly as she can she bundles up Tails and carries him cause at this point he's got so much in his system he can't walk or talk, blinking is kinda his only form of communication at the moment. To which Rouge doesn't know what's worse, for Tails to have been asleep for the whole time unaware or to be awake for the whole time and know what's happening.
Tails on the other hand is just so happy to see her and scared that he starts crying. Which is just breaking Rouge's heart to witness as she starts to backtrack out of there with him, with him just silently crying nonstop in her arms.
Unfortunately only about halfway to the exit they discover Tails is gone and the place starts going into lock down with cultist swarming the halls of the place. And even though Rouge is an excellent fighter, she's in close quarters with a kid who can't walk so she's quickly overrun by cultist who tie her up and take Tails back.
The leader then using all of his one brain cell figures she's already signaled to the other's where they are and he knows it's only a matter of time before the fastest thing on the planet busts their door down looking for his little brother.
The leader announces to the group they're moving up the ceremony to now much to Rouge's horror and they drag her along too kicking and screaming cause they don't have time to drop her off in a cell or anything.
Everyone is now in this big ceremony/chapel room that has a big stone table covered in white flowers, that suspiciously is the perfect size for an 8 year old fox to lay down on. And the leader does just that laying Tails on the table.
Rouge is throwing an absolute fit and cursing everyone out cause no way in hell is she gonna let this happen, it's to the point multiple people are having to hold her down even with her tied up cause she's kicking up such a storm of rage.
Meanwhile, Tails is mentally absolutely freaking out in a panic and is terrified out of his mind, especially when the leader brings out a large ornate knife and starts chanting something.
As the leader is finishing up and reeling back his hand with the knife Sonic busts in and sees all of this. Immediately rushing to the table just as the cult leader goes for the downswing.
Sonic just barely catches the knife about an inch from Tails' chest grabbing on to the blade of it and cutting his hand which drips onto Tails.
Now Sonic finally has a moment to process all of this and what exactly is happening and for obvious reasons he is beyond pissed off. He's probably not far off from turning into dark Sonic or it's creeping around the edges of him. And just as he's about to send the cult leader to meet his maker he glances at Tails' face and that's the only reason he doesn't kill the leader right then and there. Cause Sonic thought Tails was asleep but now he notices not only is Tails somewhat awake but tears are streaming down his face.
So Sonic does the next best thing in this situation, knocks out the leader in less than a second and just pulls Tails into a hug off the table and starts just sobbing with Tails in his lap curled up on the floor. Cause the horror of what about happened and the relief Tails is okay and he found him in time hits Sonic all at once.
The rest of the cultists are still frozen cause for Sonic, Tails and the leader all that happened in less than a minute and the group is still catching their bearings of everything that just happened. Which is a good thing cause in that moment everyone else catches up and runs into this whole scene.
From their perspective though they just see Sonic sobbing over a limp Tails with blood on his chest (from Sonic's hand but they don't know that), a guy knocked out (or possibly dead??) next to them, a big stone table that suspiciously looks like an alter also next to them, Rouge who is still cursing up a storm tied up in the corner and held down by like 5 people, and a room full of people in matching robes that look like the guy up near Sonic and Tails.
The rest of the group now splits off with Amy and Knuckles running over to Sonic and Tails, Shadow going for the leader on the ground, Omega going to help Rouge, and the rest of their friends they had helping them splitting off to take care of the rest of the cultists.
From here everything gets resolved, cultists and leader locked up, Tails getting what ever drugs they were giving him out of his system and going home and everyone somewhat going back to their lives. Sonic however does not leave Tails' side for a while and hovers around him which for the first few weeks Tails appreciates cause if he's honest he doesn't want Sonic to be far from him either after everything and really doesn't want to be alone for long. Tails get constant nightmares about the situation and is snuggling with his big brother almost every night. Which is great for Sonic cause he's also getting terrible nightmares from the ordeal and feels better when he wakes up and Tails is right there.
It does get to the point though where after a bit of recovery and time healing the mental scars Tails has to convince Sonic that he can be go back to running around and exploring without Tails right next to him. It takes a lot of convincing and scheduling regular check-ins (like 5x more than they previously had) but Sonic and Tails slowly get somewhat back to their normal lives.
If you wanna get angsty though have it so Sonic is just a second too slow in saving Tails and the fallout from that. (couldn't be me though I'm a hurt/comfort girly at heart, give me the angst but everyone's okayish in the end)
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
We meet again, darling pt.3 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
It had been a week since your discussion with Abby on that balcony and she had not left your mind for even a second since, especially now you knew she was going into business with you. You had dealt with so many enemies over the years while expanding your empire but something about this partnership felt different. You kept telling yourself it was because she was a detective and that's why you felt all the more victorious, breaching the blue line and all. But at night, after a few too many drinks your mind would wander. You'd let yourself acknowledge the part of your excitement about her partnership that was only to do with her, her long blonde hair that was always up while she was out of the house but would cascade down her back in soft waves whenever she was at home. Those blue eyes that sparkled even when she was looking at you with contempt. Her lips that often spoke vicious words but still entranced you. Your mouth watered when you pictured the way her muscles bulged in the suit she wore a week ago, sometimes your hand would even creep down your body getting lower and closer to where your heartbeat shouldn't be while thinking about her before you stopped and forced yourself to snap out of it.
You had never let yourself acknowledge feelings for anyone, always telling yourself there was no room for relationships in your business, and to an extent you still believe that. You had used many peoples partners over the years to manipulate them and get what you want, and by never having one yourself you had no weaknesses that could be exploited. That's what the rational part of your brain told you but the irrational side was being fired up by the blonde woman and you felt your control over yourself slipping. Your nights had been filled with this torment since Abby's agreement to your plan and it had become all too much. You had to see her again.
Abby had had a good day, her captain called her into his office and she could feel her heart in her throat.
"You wanted to see me sir?"
"Yes, please sit Anderson."
"Is everything okay?"
Her captain huffed and looked at her unamused, she was almost completely certain he had found out about her going to your party and he was about to tell her she's being fired.
"As of today, your probation is over."
"oh...wow thank you so much sir. I promise I won't let you down"
Abby felt a twinge of guilt as she realised she was lying through her teeth but the guilt was completely overpowered by the shock that she was off probation. She felt like she was dreaming.
"Don't thank me. The order came from above my head. No idea why but none of my business I suppose. Don't fuck this up Anderson. You can go."
Although she was disappointed that her captain didn't trust her she also couldn't blame him considering her recent endeavours and she was just ecstatic to be off probation. As she made her way home she couldn't help but wonder what you were doing, she often thought about you before anyway but these thoughts were much less dark and filled with hate now and more with genuine curiosity.
As Abby walked into her apartment she felt a strange chill crawl up her spine and make the hair on the back of her neck stand. She put a hand over her holstered gun and walked through the hall cautiously.
"Abby! You're home, finally! Oh you look hot in your work clothes, didn't think you could top the suit but here you are!"
"You've got to be fucking kidding me"
You were sitting at her dining table, one leg crossed over the other, nursing a glass of what she assumed was her wine while smiling devilishly at her.
"How did you get into my apartment?"
As she says this you get up walk over to the fridge retrieving the bottle of wine you had already opened while waiting for her. Without looking at her you also reach into her glass cupboard and grab a second wine glass.
"Will you join me for a drink?"
Abby gets frustrated at your dodging of her question. She rushes up behind you and presses you against the counter, you can feel the contours of her muscles as her front presses into your back and her arm wraps around your neck. Her breath tickles your ear as she whispers "I said, how did you get into my apartment?" she's almost growling as her grip around your neck tightens.
Your voice comes out a little strained from the pressure on your throat as you respond with "please, I could break in here in my sleep, for a detective you have crap security." You giggle but it comes out strained and you grow irritated by the lack of air. You drive your elbow into Abby's side and she grunts and falls backwards clutching her side.
"Now that's done. Would you like a drink?"
You rub your throat slightly and grab the glass waving it at her.
"Of my wine? Sure, I'd love some."
"Perfect. It's depressing drinking on your own" You do an exaggerated frown as you walk past her out of the kitchen and back to the dining table. You hear Abby mutter something about you being infuriating and you smile to yourself as you sit down and fill Abby's glass then topping yours up more. "I hear celebrations are in order?"
"What are you talking about now?" Abby looks unamused.
"Well you're off probation, cause for celebration, don't you think?" As you say this you watch Abby's face drop and you can't help but giggle.
"That was you?" She can't tell if she wants to thank you or kill you. "Why would you do that?"
"Because silly, I need you not being watched like a hawk at work for all of this to work and I guess you could consider it my thank you for agreeing to be a part of this." Abby just stares, unsure of what to say. You focus your attention to the wine and spin it in the glass a little. As you sip the wine, you sigh happily.
"This is delicious, you have good taste, must be why you like me so much" You smirk and laugh to yourself as you catch Abby's unchanged expression of boredom at your antics.
"Why are you here? You know this is not normal behaviour to just break into someone's apartment whenever you please."
"Would you prefer I had invited you to dinner? Wined and dined you first. You sad I didn't ask you on a date before we came back to your place? Sorry darling, I'm a busy woman, this is how I do things."
"First, we did not come back to my place, I came home and you were just here. Second, is this your way of trying to get me into bed?" Abby smirks suggestively and looks smug at her teasing remark.
"ha!" You almost choke on your sip of wine as you realise what she said, you lean over the table, brush a stray hair out of her face and grab her collar pulling her closer to you. "If I wanted you in bed, we wouldn't be sitting at this table fully clothed, we'd be in your bed, naked and you'd be wondering how someone is that good with their tongue, ok?"
"Y-you think?" Abby goes bright red at your suggestive comment and pulls back to create some much needed distance between the two of you. She notices the growing smirk and knowing look in your eyes but chooses to look at her glass and take a big gulp instead of maintaining eye contact.
"Oh I know... But, that is not why I'm here so another day. I assume you’ve heard of the Metorinni cartel?" You watch as she nods her head. "Good, they have been leaching off of my business and my customers for years and I am just about done with their shit. I’m going to take them down, but for me to do that without starting a full blown war, trust me that would not end well for anyone, they’re savages, completely uncivilised, I need your help, I have all the information you need to get your men to take them down, then I can waltz in, kill their boss of course and take all of what’s theirs. What do you get out of this? Well first of all, the glory of bringing down one of the biggest, not the biggest, I’m the biggest, organised crime gangs in the country, the world even and not just that, I will offer you a very healthy cut of what I take from them. Oh and you’d be in my company and that can never be a downside."
Abby rolls her eyes at your arrogance. "So you want me, a detective, to help you, a deadly, ruthless drug lord, take over another gang that is contributing to a large amount of organised crime?"
"Yes exactly! Exciting right?" You smile as you genuinely feel excited at the prospect of taking down your biggest rivals once and for all.
"And there's no way I could ever be connected to you in all of this?"
"For you to be connected to me, your men would have to know of my existence, the only way they would find out about me is if you ever spilled so... are you going to tell?"
"No. I won't, but if you screw me out of the things you've promised me, I'll sell you out so quick, got it?"
"Don't worry darling, I'm a woman of honour. I keep my word and I'm saying that if you keep up your end of the bargain you will have enough money to quit your little job if that's what you please and if you don't... well you won't have to worry, you'll be dead." You sip your wine, keeping heavy eye contact. Abby's face is stony and matches yours. The tension in the room makes you both feel hot.
Abby takes another sip of her wine and nods it at you as she cracks a small smile. Your face breaks into a small grin also and you both chuckle.
"Right well... no pressure then." Abby says through her laughs.
"None at all. I trust your abilities, if I didn't I wouldn't have kept you around."
"Should I be concerned about the amount of times you've threatened my life?"
You laugh as she stares at you with a playful grin. "No darling, you are much too special to me to kill. It would be a waste. Maybe I will take you out to dinner to show my appreciation."
"Oh how kind."
"I know, I am so generous. I best be going. Let you get your beauty sleep." You stand as you finish the last of the wine in your glass and begin putting on your jacket. "When I need you, we'll meet and I'll give you everything you need for your part of the plan," you go to start walking to the front door but you stop just in front of her and put a hand on her shoulder. "But Abigail, not a word of this to a single soul. You understand I'm sure but if anyone ever caught wind of our deal, we'd both be finished. You more than me." You squeeze her shoulder as you say this and once again bend down and kiss her cheek. "I'll see you soon Abby. Dinner next time." You let yourself out the front door without a word and can't help but smile to yourself as you walk away.
Abby stays glued to her chair feeling the same sense of bewilderment she feels after every interaction with you. She's entranced and she can't even deny it anymore, she's so under your spell she's crossed a line that she can never go back from and she doesn't even care. All she can think about is the whirlwind that is you, your small kisses on her cheek, your intoxicating scent. Everything about you has her utterly captivated.
She feels the spot on her cheek where you kissed her, remnants of your lip gloss making it slightly sticky. She gulps down the rest of her wine and runs a hand over her face.
"I am so fucked."
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Hey Mun! Not sure how many characters you take but can you do headcanons of turn ons and turn offs for Geto Gojo Toji and Nanami? Bless 🙏🏻
wgw1!! idk if this req was actually meant for me or nawt but why tf not!! lool lets get into it!
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ft. Geto, Gojo, Toji and Nanami (ft. Megumi)
contents: modern au, strong language, slight glimpses of gaslighting idk
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Turn OFFs:
Dislikes strong smells!! deffo think he’d be one to faux gag if something even vaguely annoyed his senses (he can be so childish at times lol).
doesnt even have to be a bad smell, it could literally be perfume
He refuses to say its sensory overload, which you’d even be able to accustom and understand better, but no he literally just… doesn’t like it
“Eurk! Wha’ the fu’k?!”
Geto loudly makes a display of gaging as the two of you were sat on the train. With a face of surprise, you look at Geto with annoyance.
“Really?! In public?!” You hissed.
The man only held his nose as he sideeyes the lady that just passed him by. Subtly sniffing yourself, you scoff at Geto’s reaction.
“The perfume didn’t even smell that bad. It was kinda nice even.”
Geto disregarded your comment by making even a bigger heaving sound.
“It’s infiltrating my fucking nose, oh my god.
You had to look away with a sigh. He really could be dramatic sometimes.
He gets turned off when a significant other asks for his opinion and does the exact opposite. he says it’s a waste of his ‘sacred wisdom he chose to bestow upon you’
especially if its to make a decision they’ve been pondering on for time. if they do or pick the other option, he feels like his opinion is so bad that in giving the wrong answer, the person chose the right one !!
it gives him a very phat inferiority complex but he wont admit it so anytime he sees it he’s like RedFlagRedFlagRedFlag 😭😭
Turn ONs:
he gets turned on when a significant other plays with his ears.
its kinda weird because he’s very particular about who touches him and its a part of him that normally people would look at in wonder but not go out of their way to ask to touch because he’d probably say no
and in all honesty, he would dsodjsj but if you’re both laid up with each other and you subconsciously do it, he won’t complain
he secretly loves the stimulation of it
With his head laid up in your lap, Geto’s eyes were glued to the screen.
He was so adamant to watch this documentary and you had absolutely no interest or intention in watching it with him. Yet surprisingly, you found yourself rather interested in the topic of discussion and so ended up sitting with him.
Subconsciously, your hand stroked down from the crown of Geto’s head to the shell of his ears, your fingers aimlessly fiddling with the soft flesh.
Geto hadn’t voiced anything about it so you didn’t realise for awhile, but when you noticed it was his ears you were touching, you made a short ‘ooh’ sound before retracting your hand.
“What? What happened?” Geto used his arm to sit up and look back at you, eyes beady as he made sure everything was okay.
You quickly shook your head.
“No, its nothing. I just realised I was touching your ear and I didn’t mean to. Sorry.”
Rolling his eyes, Geto only lowered himself back onto your lap with a huff. He gingerly wormed himself back into a comfortable position as his eyes were already trained back onto the TV.
“I thought it was something serious.” He mumbles.
Oh he loves intelligent conversations — this doesn’t mean the content of the conversation has to be strictly complicated or about something big brained. it could simply be something you’re both passionate about and therefore can talk in great depth about
he loves being able to have bartering points and see different perspectives or discover new possibilities together with someone who knows what they’re talking about!!
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Turn OFFs:
Excessive swearing
Gojo’s own mouth isn’t the cleanest in the book, but he hates when there’s just too much bad language flying around
In his words: “It disturbs the Holy Spirit in me.”
“And I swear to God! If you ever touch my fucking wife ever again, I promise you I’ll fuck your shit up so bad, you’ll fucking wish you were pissing out your own’s mother’s cunt!”
You were practically on the edge of your seat at the confrontation scene that was going down. The movie had built the climax up so well, you couldn’t believe that this was how it turned out.
However, before you could see what happened next, the TV turned black and you were left with looking at your reflection within the screen.
You turned round to see Gojo with the remote in his hand as he shook his head in fake solemn conviction.
“It’s just way too much foul language. How are you even watching this?” He sighed.
Leaning up from your seat, you grabbed the remote back from the man.
“Boy, JustGimmeThatShit.” You gave Gojo a stank face before turning the TV back on. Only this time, you lowered the volume.
Big turn off is when people are too much in his business — Which is real contradictory because Gojo’s the King of Tell Me The Drop, but he really believes that he’s superior in the sense that when he knows something, it’s because he rightfully should
Its kinda toxic tho because if you try and pry something out of Gojo because he may well be hiding something, he will vilify you for wanting to know shit from him
Turn ONs:
Kinda the opposite to Geto, but he loves strong smells (but only nice ones)
Use too much detergent in your clothes? Dont worry, Gojos inhaling the scent right tf out of it
New perfume? He notices right away and demands he get to smell all the areas you’ve used it
Cooking something zesty?! Gojo’s first in line to try it out (and sneaks nosefuls directly from the pot throughout the day)
Caught red handed, Gojo looked towards you like a deer caught in headlights, his eyes wide as he had the opened pot lid in his hands.
“I saw that!” You pointed.
Dropping the lid and quickly scrambling away from the crime scene, Gojo let out a high pitched cry. Walking over to the abandoned pot with a sigh, you placed the lid back on top to close it.
“We’ve spoken about this.” You say into the air.
You couldn’t see him but you heard the soft sound of pitiful shuffling from somewhere within the vicinity.
“I’m sorry…” You heard whine from a far away place. “It just smelt so good.”
He gets turned on from a good rub session.
It doesn’t even have to lead to sex, but Gojo just loves rubbing up on others and being rubbed on (permitted he likes the person)
Hes got langly arms so hes able to reach all parts of you regardless of your positions
Just being able to snuggle up with each other for hours on end is his thing; to the extent where you have to ask him if he needs to go toilet because he’d rather be busting to go than not suggle
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Turn OFFs:
Things that take too long!!
Hes a very impatient man and wants everything instantly
you sometimes worry about doing things in public with him because his patience is vey minimal
“I’m not waiting any longer, gimme the car keys.”
You were just about getting the last of the items off the shopping list when Toji had popped up in front of you with a very constipated expression.
Sighing, you fling your head back in annoyance.
“I— TJ, just hold on! I only need to get the last of the stuff then we can go. Just queue up in line and by the time it’s our turn I’ll be back with the rest.”
“But I’ve been waiting for too long!”
“And I’ve only been gone for two seconds!” You say with open eyes.
Shrugging, Toji sorts his hands inside your pocket before pulling out the car keys.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m going back to the car.”
You couldn’t even stop him slugging off regarding your hands were full. Looking left and right, you called out to him.
“Wh—So where’s our shopping trolley?!”
Toji shrugs, his back towards you as he made his way towards the exit.
“In line.” He shouts back.
Nagging. This man absolutely hates when people nag him. It’s even more annoying because he will not get shit done on the first listen/ask so sometimes nagging is all you can do
He’ll literally switch off if he thinks you’re nagging him and it’s so jarring when he does because you could be telling him something so crucially important but because he was nagged an hour ago he’s not listening for shit
Turn ONs:
when you automatically co parent with him
now again, yes hes a bit of a lazy guy so any prospects of a potential babysitter guardian for his kids he’ll run at
but its that energy of treating his kids as your own (and no less to your other kids if you have any) that really turns him on
“Alright, ‘Gums, you know how this goes, right?”
The black haired boy nodded, a subtle smile on his face as he met you in the middle to shake hands.
“Of course. Win the match, or at least MVP, and then coerce dad into taking us out for a congratulatory meal.”
With a wide grin, you ruffled Megumi’s hair before patting him on the shoulders.
“That’s my boy. Now go get’em.” Surging him off onto the playing court, you gleamed upwards as you felt Toji come stand behind you.
“What’dyou tell ‘im?” He gruffly asks as he passes you your requested confectionery from the stand.
“Oh, nothing too much.” You grinned. “Just your usual pre-game encouragement!”
turned on by the exposure of flesh in subtle places
hes not talking barely no clothes (which he doesnt mind) or nakedness (which he even more doesnt mind) but when you wear an outfit that is supposed to be modest but theres a lil slip or cut in the cloth that shows just that sliver of innocent skin, hes bearing his teeth in glee
its the prospects that you could be showing a lot more or covering up way less but you choose to go sensible. yet that lil fun side to you still peaks out
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Turn OFFs:
a bit canon yes but he hates when people dont know when to take a break. like my goodness its not everyday work yourself to the bone
hes very serious about holidays and clocking in overtime so the very scent of doing more than you should aggravates him.
“Where are you?”
Nanami’s voice over the receiver sounds plain but you can tell there’s a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Hey Ken, I’m still at work. I’m just packing up now. You outside?” You say as you hold the phone between your ear and shoulders.
“It’s five past.” He grumbles.
Pausing in your tracks, you make a confused face.
“Yeah, and?”
“You should have been packed up ages ago.”
Noticing where he was coming from, you sighed loudly albeit with a smile tinted on your lips.
“I was just catching up with a colleague. Don’t worry, I’ll be right down.”
There was a slight pause, almost like a thought, before he spoke again.
“As long as you weren’t working past your finishing time—”
“Yes, of course! Never would I ever dare to work past clock-out!” You laugh as you make your way out of the office.
hes turned completely off when people have no regard for others
whether that be not tidying up after themselves or not being aware of their surroundings or even deciding to eat something shareable in the presence of others without othering
hes a very considerate man when it comes to these things and he genuinely hates when people are just really selfish with shit
Turn ONs:
Seems quite vague because isn’t that how everyone’s caught?!
But no, someone having confidence to seduce him always works. It doesn’t mean he’ll always be receptive to it but simply having the guts to approach him will definitely have him thinking about it at night
As the music played throughout the apartment, you couldn’t help but dance playfully onto Nanami, backing up onto him as he stood rather distracted with the dishes.
“Versace on the floor, Ouuuh! Take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now girl!”
The man kept his head stoically focused on the dishes, trying his best to not engage with your antics.
“Come on, Ken, dance with me!”
You laid your hand out in his direction, beckoning him to your patronage. Nanami shook his head although he had a slight smile on his face.
“I’ve got to finish the dishes.” He excuses.
Leaning forwards to look at him, you lift your hand up to drag a smooth palm down his chest.
“Forget those for a second, handsome. They’ll always be here. Just come dance with me. for a bit.” You said in a sultry voice, you eyes hooded as you bit your bottom lip.
Nanami looks between the dishes and you three times before dutifully succumbing.
Having a clean place, person and home is very important to Nanami! Even more when it comes to his significant other because he aint going down on nobody with glued shut booty flaked cheeks or poor grooming habits
but in general, just being graced with the cleanliness of others is his thing
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⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺ your sweet 666 ⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
sfw(ish) | soft raphael | fluff | enemies to lovers
raphael x gn tav!
notes: this is just me yapping while I try to figure out my thoughts on this idea, currently deciding whether to flesh this out into a full nsfw fic or not, we’ll see <3
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☽༺𖤐༻☾ ☽༺𖤐༻☾ ☽༺𖤐༻☾ ☽༺𖤐༻☾ ☽༺𖤐༻☾
♱ Scanning the infernal contract laid out before him, Raphael couldn’t help but smirk as he read over the soul binding terms and conditions he meticulously constructed to ensure this new client of his couldn’t squirm their way out of it. Satisfied with his work, he turned his attention to Tav, their body draped across the chaise in a peaceful slumber. As he looked at them longingly, he began reminiscing on a time where his partner was one of the pawns in his game. A desperate vagabond adventurer with a most unwelcome visitor in their brain, Raphael knew he had struck gold. ‘Impetuous fools’ he had called them in conversation with Korilla, but when he first met the party of soon to be mindflayers, he was enraptured by their leader.
Tav hated Raphael’s pompous and snide disposition, hated his stupid rhymes and pretty little words of nothing, hated how much he loved himself. Their alliance was purely built on mutual need, a means to an end. And yet when Raphael proposed a deal to obtain the crown of Karsus in exchange for his infernal weaponry, Tav couldn’t bring themselves to say no. They saw reflected in his eyes the same longing they felt, longing for something, someone. And as Tav signed the contract, they shared a look of understanding.
His stubborn pride would never let him admit that when Tav threatened to tear that contract of theirs in two during a heated argument, the thought of not obtaining the crown of Karsus didn’t even enter his mind. His only concern was losing whatever connection he had with them. Raphael was never one to grow fond of his clients, he always thought they were beneath him. Sure, he knew how to play into their desires, exploit their weaknesses, make them play along with his games until they begged on their knees for his mercy when they failed to deliver. But none of his clients made him feel the way Tav did. He came to admire their stubborn bravery and fierce attitude, even with that death sentence of a tadpole squirming around in their skull. None of his other clients would ever have the guts to challenge a devil. But Tav did. And it sparked something deep within him.
Raphael always believed he was dealing the upper hand, until every time he spent a night writhing under Haarlep all he could think about was them. How their touch would feel, the ecstasy they would share. He would always end the night calling their name out in a deep, breathy moan, a flush of red spreading to his cheeks in shame. He chastised himself for days afterwards. How could he be so foolish as to let a mere mortal infiltrate his mind and his heart? The devil himself, sin incarnate, was feeling giddy over some rogue adventurer.
When Tav delivered the Crown into his hands after Raphael had amended their contract a little too much for his liking, he should have been elated. Raphael got what he wanted, Tav got what they wanted, the deal had been fulfilled. But instead he still felt just as hollow as he had before they met. With no contract looming over their head, Tav could just walk away and the two would never cross paths ever again. Whilst they would never admit it, Tav only began offering their services to Raphael purely because they couldn’t bear not to see him, be near him, and their alliance over time grew into something more deep, more personal, more passionate.
Their relationship had begun as tumultuous. In all his centuries of living Raphael had never known how to love or be loved, and Tav struggled to let him get close to their heart. But over time they grew to be a formidable couple. The power plays, the fight for domination, the never ending game of cat and mouse, Raphael felt that he had finally found his equal. One that could match him, challenge him.
His nights of unfeeling and rough sex with Haarlep were replaced with long evenings of tender passion and warmth with Tav. Raphael couldn’t even remember the last time someone held him. And he cherished it. He showered Tav in love and affection, giving into every request, for he wanted, needed them to know that he was theirs, afraid that if he didn’t display his affection enough, Tav would leave, and he would once again be alone. But he pushed that fear aside, reminding himself he was loved, Tav was safe, and they were happy.
As he continued to gaze upon his little mouse, his chest swelled with pride and admiration. In the Hells, he had found his little piece of heaven. ♱
To be continued…
you can also read it here <3 <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works
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raphaellight · 4 months
Twelth Doctor
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1. Kindest
"Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind."
"Without hope, without witness, without reward"
"Among seven billions, there is someone like you. That's why I put up with the rest of them."
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2. Bravest
"Let me tell you about scared. Your heart is beating so hard I can feel it through your hands. There's so much blood and oxygen pumping through your brain it's like rocket fuel. Right now you could run faster and you could fight harder, you could jump higher than ever in your life."
"I tried to talk, I want you to remember that. I tried to reach out, I tried to understand you but I think you understand us perfectly. I think you just don't care! I don't know if you are here to invade, infiltrate or just replace us, I don't suppose it really matters now, you are monsters! That is the role it seems you are determined to play so it seems I must play mine! The man that stops the monsters! I'm sending you back to your own dimension. Who knows? Some of you may even survive the trip. And if you do, remember this: YOU are not welcome here! This plane is protected! I am the Doctor and I name you the Boneless!"
"Those people down there. They're never small to me. Don't make assumptions about how far I will go to protect them, because I've already come a very long way."
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3. Wisest
Clara about Doctor "Because He always assumes he is going to win. He always knows there is a way to survive, he just has to go and find it."
"Hate is always foolish and love is always wise"
"Everything is far away, everything looks to small. I prefer it down there, everything is huge. Everything is so important, every detail, every moment, every life."
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Hole speech, it's 10 minutes long, I would need a hole post to write this one out, but it's my favourite and just as important, if not more, in current times to understand the point the Doctor made in this clip.
4. Funniest, Sassiest and grumpiest
"Shut up, just shut up, shut up, shutiti up up up"
"Don’t look in that mirror. It’s furious.”
"You said you had a date. I thought I better hide in a bedroom in case you brought him home."
"London. What a dumb."
"No. This is impressive. (points at Clara) THIS is annoying."
"Planet of the pudding brains."
"Yeah, my carer. She cares so I don't have to."
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And which Doctor is your favourite?
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
Explaining my entire dsmpsona playlist because I can
P.s. every mention of Soda in this post isn't me, i just dont feel like putting c! In front of it every single time LMAO
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Also i dont think i ever posted the ref on tumblr!!?!??! Criminal but putting it here is better methinks
I also put this in my studentbur playlist, which feels fitting for both of them. However for Adam its more metaphorical whereas with Soda its more literal.
I have my own shapeshifter lore that's loitering in my brain that i need to write down eventually BUT the basics are essentially that shapeshifters are "born" from the planet. They CAN come from other shapeshifters but only once and most choose not to have a bio kid.
So basically, Soda literally popped out of the ground one day, was found by Sapnap and then adopted by Bad and Skeppy. Soda was maybe physically 9/10 years old and was so curious about the world and excited to experience life. If any creature could possibly be made of pure love, its them.
Growing up Soda got REALLY attached to Bad, they clung onto him a lot and it was to the point where it was probably unhealthy. Of course Bad noticed, which made him actually set some boundaries despite not really wanting to. Skeppy was able to convince him, though, as when it comes to the kids hes the voice of reason.
So, Bad would start off by telling Soda that he was going to be gone, leading up to him just disappearing for maybe a few hours at a time before eventually coming back. Eventually Soda was able to function without Bad, but that ended up backfiring as they just latched onto Sapnap instead.
With Soda's attachment to their brother, they tagged along with him when he went out fairly often but after being weened off of Bad it became more frequent. Soda and Sapnap were practically attached at the hip, regardless of Sapnap's protesting.
With a group of teenagers they were obviously doing some reckless, stupid shit and Soda was just along for the ride! At first Dream and George hated Soda—they were just Sapnap's annoying younger sibling—but eventually they got used to Soda being around. Especially since they may have persuaded Soda to use their shapeshifting for nefarious purposes.
At first everyone found Soda adorable, their cheery optimism, endless energy and amusing naivety was a part of their charm. But then it became...obnoxious.
Sapnap always had a short temper, he tried his best to handle it, but sometimes he'd just snap at Soda when they became too much of a handful. He was always quick to apologize but it affected Soda deeply.
Soda very much struggled with any sort of negative emotions, when they felt it—it hit them hard. One day, it was enough to send them spiraling, having a panic attack alone in their room. This was also the first time memories of their past lives resurfaced. At first it was rather intriguing, though a jumpscare, but then it just got worse.
It seemed like Soda's lives were always filled with turmoil and a constant feeling of dread. The stronger their emotions became the more fragments of memories would appear. Soda didn't tell anyone about this.
Skipping much further ahead, Soda obviously sided with the Dteam during the revolution. They were family, in Soda's eyes at least. Which made it incredibly easy for Dream to use that to his advantage. He used them in every way that he could to win the war, even going as far as to try and make Soda resent Tommy and Tubbo. Soda was a spy, mostly, turning into a cat to effortlessly infiltrate the enemy. They heard and saw everything, but part of them felt bad for it, so they never told Dream everything. He noticed.
The horrors of being a child soldier.
Dream's obsession with power and control was never obvious, not to his friends and certainly not to Soda. They truly believed he had good intentions despite going to war with Wilbur. Then again, Soda doesn't understand what war really is. But the pressure to keep up with Dream's demands and avaid his increasing irritably became exhausting and overwhelming. Yet Soda believed it was their fault.
Tubbo and Tommy weren't safe from the horrors either, they had that much in common with Soda. The three of them went through hell, basically.
Aaaand tumblr wont let me add more songs so im cutting this into parts through reblogs. I'll probably continue this later (bc its almost 2am pFF) and might post the second part before i go to sleep like im doing now :P
I am cringe but I am free
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