#i hate people who cause drama over the smallest things.
thebekashow · 1 month
if DeviantArt has taught me anything, it's these things
always ask your role-player how old they fucking are (groomed.)
be careful what you tag because fetish freaks will like the hell out of it.
there is always drama with someone you do or don't know and you can't do shit.
if you like someones art and comment on it, you now owe them your soul.
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theoddest1 · 3 months
the "viv is like j*k*r" anon again!
i actually didn't have anyone *particular* in mind when i spoke about the weirdness of some people being left alone while there's tons of evidence and that there's people who got/get cancelled for the smallest stuff- just the "scenario" in itself. there's just some people wanting to cause drama and they dig stuff up that isn't even necessarily "bad", just questionable maybe. i mean i was an edgy ass "creepypasta teen" so i know first hand what's its like saying stupid sh*t and paying the price for it and learning from it- but bringing that up NOW wouldn't even achieve anything since a) i never said anything hateful, b) i was a child, c) i learned from it and grew as a person and c) what relevance does it have now? i doesn't affect anyone and i know better now than to do it again. but some people would still insist it's important- those types of people/scenarios are what i was talking about- if that makes sense!
Makes complete sense! In fact, it's these sort of callouts that aided in making actual worrisome and bad things found on Viv virtually unknown. I see people bring up the snake bath art Viv made more than her literally bullying and calling a 15 year old nasty for being critical of her work, or her being happy that Dollcreep attempted to take his life, or her openly being happy that her fanbase was harassing someone over a meme, or her uplifting, liking, and following problematic people who make the fandom worse.
But damn, that snake bath art bro, that's where I draw then line/j
Look I get it, that snake bath art is very weird, especially with the fact that Addi would be drawn in more than one sexual scenario with snakes or not, but to make this one of the main things to call Viv out for is wiiild. There's also the pedo character situation. I get it....she's a pedo, and the tag Viv made underneath that photo was weird af, but I have seen people say that her making a character a pedo PERIOD makes HER a pedo which...no. if she would place Mirage in a good light and make it where it's good, that's when I'll agree since placing pedophilia as some good thing and not something gross is batshit, but if they're meant to be a villain and seen as horrible that doesn't automatically make you a pedophile. It just means you made an irredeemable villain. However, her way of treating Mirage was pretty similar to how she treated Valentino sometimes, just more with her personality rather than her horrendous disgusting behavior and gross attraction.
In any case, claims like these are WHY people are even MORE apprehensive against callouts for Viv and muddied the waters, ultimately setting back MANY victims under Viv's name. It's why I HATE these sorts of posts on her. It does more harm than good and makes any victims trying to say their peace look like clout chasers, liars, and have people see them as jealous. Though, of course, people shouldn't shut out valid evidence and criticism all cause some flimsy callout came out, but this is like "the boy who cried wolf." Scream too many times, only for it to be nothing will make it harder for people to take you seriously when something serious actually happened.
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obsoleteozymandias · 7 months
Hi! I saw that your requests were open. So, if/when you get the chance, I'd like to have a match for Twisted Wonderland! This is long, I'm sorry in advance.
I use he/it/xe, I'm vaguely masculine and I call myself transmasc but not sure what my identity is as a whole for my gender. I'm also questioning my sexuality, so anything goes honestly. I'm fine with mostly any characters, but maybe not the first years other than Epel and Ace? I dunno, I don't like the majority of them for some reason. Anyone else is fair game, even the other college(s). Not too picky with it.
I'm 5'10 and chubby, fluffy and short hair, I wear glasses and a knee brace most of the time. My vision is really bad without my glasses. I also have somewhat mediocre hearing, but it's not enough to warrant hearing aids. I'm severely anemic, and I have chronic fatigue. And mental issues, I'll get into those later.
I'm a huge fan of fiction novels. And I essentially have two ends to that spectrum when it comes to my preferences; queer romance novels, and splatterpunk horror novels.
As for other hobbies than reading, I'm pagan. I know it's not technically a hobby, but I do want to mention it. I'm what some would like to consider an "eclectic witch," though I don't focus on those labels. I work with Lilith and Hades(which, given Hades is one of the Seven, may cause some confusion.) I'm also an artist, I like coloring with markers or doing paintings if I have the time. But markers are my primary medium at this time. DND is one last thing I'd like to mention, I'm the VP of the DND club we have at my school.
Other general interests, I'm gonna try and make this short. I like crystals a lot. Also some video games(pokemon is a special interest of mine, for example,) and animes(Black Butler is so far my favorite anime other than pokemon. Pokemon is my favorite as a whole, though.)
For me as a person, I'm pretty quiet. I don't have a lot of friends, but that's not something entirely my fault, because I've grown up with the same people my entire life and not many of them like me because I'm autistic. I'm small town and all that. Not even a stoplight in town levels of small. I've known one or two since preschool, and 20 other kids since kindergarten. My favorite core subject is English, and my favorite elective is Drama or Art. I usually keep to myself unless I'm around the few people that are actually my friends. Which is the DND club, and 3 other kids who are lowerclassmen by a grade or two. When I am around my friends, I do manage to be more extroverted, but it's only around them, and usually because we're doing stupid crap in DND. More of a follower than a leader, would rather be reading than being around people, and while I can't usually concentrate on classes due to my classmates, I still get high marks usually.
I do have PTSD, autism, AVPD, and BPD. I don't necessarily let them control me, but they do give me some personality traits. For example, I'm extremely hyper-vigilant. I can't relax very often. Even the smallest thing can set me off, but not in a temper way. I'm a perfectionist but only for myself. I hate socializing, and I only go to things like dances because my 6-8th grade years were hell due to the pandemic and other personal factors. Also, major parental issues. Not gonna elaborate on that one.
I'm also strangely good with kids. But not just any kind of kids, for some reason. I'm good with toddlers specifically. I can't handle anyone whose over 5 years old, unless they're over 13. So 6-12 years old and I can't handle them.
I do a bunch of volunteer work when I have the chance. For example, despite religious issues I have I do help out at an AWANA group at my area, working with the youngest group of kids there. I also do some work at the hospice thrift store in town.
That was a lot, but it might help you in the long run? I'm not sure if I added too much, but it's too late now. If you do end up doing my request, I appreciate it a lot! But if not, that's okay, I understand. Bye : )
I have mixed feelings about splatterpunk but I have been known to dabble
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Kalim Al-Asim 
Kalim is the kinda guy who is genuinely accepting of everyone and everything. He sees the intelligence and creativity in you and is instantly at your side, talking up a storm, asking you about your day, etc.  
He’s drawn to your mystique, most of all. He wants to know and understand everything about you, though he’ll certainly respect boundaries (he’s learning how). 
I headcanon that Kalim is also a crystal enjoyer - especially ones that distort or change his view of the world. He’ll be bouncing off the walls when the two fo you go crystal shopping, asking you all the names and picking out ones which match your eyes and your skin and - he’ll just take all of them!
He’ll then make you glasses and jewlery with the gems embedded in them. 
Kalim will encourage your creativity, whether through writing or art. He wants to watch you work too, and he’ll fawn over every little brush stroke, so proud to be your S/O! 
Bad days happen to the worst of us, and so whenever you’re feeling down, Kalim is quick to find a way to make it better. You’ll have to tell him directly how to help you - whether that’s letting you be or offering advice, but whatever it is, he’ll put 100% effort and love into it. 
And when he’s down, nothing cheers him up like some quality time with you, cuddling or holding hands (he’s a tactile person). 
You two are very much the sun x moon dynamic <3. 
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magmacannon · 3 months
wake up ROMAN it's time for ROUND TWO 35, 40, 45, 54-57
HWUH GOOD MORNING - it's afternoon where I am rn pff
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
To him it honestly might have been Thinking About kissing John before asking Vince if that was okay, but since that was just thoughts and wasn't an actual action he took I think it's the mild manipulation of casting sending to Blu to get him back in the adventuring group and saying that Baster needed him.
Potentially trying to go adventuring while having a family for the sake of friends far moreso than money is also morally questionable but that feels bigger.
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
<:/ as an emotion and the thought of "man that was disappointing. Hope they're feeling alright/not a hater"
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Sports team drama and patriotism... it's loud and annoying and causes problems!!! Not to mention how many people he knew went to the ER because of after-game shenanigans.
54. What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
Roman fluctuates between fight and fawn almost exclusively, with more fawn probability the more he likes you and/or is trying to make a good impression.
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
😔😔😔😔war..................... He really isn't a fan of it despite the degree in War Magic and his propensity for exploding things and fighting with Deadly Spells. Hobby-wise, Roman also hasn't historically been a fan of accessorizing his wizard robes (mainly bc he grew up shy of his appearance and didn't feel the need to be too flashy given where he lives! This was probably already in the process of changing before he decided to go adventuring bc his husband started to jazz him up.)
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
In most cases he wants comfort from Vince bc Vince is the person who makes him feel the most safe 99% of the time. There's once and a while where he wishes he lived closer to his parents because that's a different sort of comfort (less effective usually, though), and when he's not got Vince around he'll want to talk to a friend about it, but if he feels like he'll be ridiculed then he'll keep it to himself and Stew in it.
57. What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
Running and writing neatly... he has poor running technique (and doesn't!!! want to learn a better one), and unless he's really focusing in his handwriting's pretty messy. Roman might be a bit clumsy as well, all things considered (he likely needs glasses)
58. How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
He's approaching 40 years old so he's tried quite a few things, though I don't know if Roman would count most of them as 'hobbies' just because they've been so sparing - mainly things like foraging, boating, a few strength-type exercises while in Tzeraz, and other outdoorsy stuff that he's enjoyed but not really continued to do. Adventuring could also be considered a hobby of his since he's done that on and off throughout his life! A lot of them are more 'exciting' than what he views as his regular everyday life stuff (though within that there's baking/cooking, alchemy, and spell writing/editing as hobbies), and many of them have to do with a Tzeraz-style understanding of Survival Skills (which he never got good at).
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jestbee · 1 year
thinking about how this would be over if quackity made even the smallest of statements. but he’s just letting his fans dogpile dream as usual and completely ignoring dream’s attempts at smoothing things out
I doubt it would be over, but it sure would improve my opinion of him.
I understand not wanting to be involved in drama, I understand his wanting to keep his project untainted by it, but the fact is it's happening.
Whatever has happened, whoeber had what idea and when, we can not truly know for sure. Only they know that. But at least Dream has been civil and has told his fans not to send hate. It's not foolproof, and people still are, but at least he said it. He's right about that. People do need to stop. On both sides.
But Q hasn't even done that, he's stayed quiet because it's easier for him and honestly it's really affected my opinion of him as a person.
I'm not gonna stop supporting qsmp content because the other creators on there don't deserve that, and I'm not gonna be sending hate to anyone or judging anyone who is a fan of Q, but unfortunately I can't help but feel differently about him given how he's handled this. Even if he says something now, it'll be too little too late for me personally.
I'm sure Dream is a dab hand at ignoring people online these days, so a few salty fans aren't going to do him any harm, what makes me sad is that he clears cares about this project and once again whenever Dream tries to do anything there's always something negative that happens in return. He deserves a break.
In order to remain a little level on the situation, I will say Dream could have potentially re-thought his tagline. While he was *technically* right as Q had only ever referred to qsmp as bilingual in any marketing stuff prior to that announcement (there is a stream clip of him saying multilingual but that isn't how it was marketed, just an off-hand addition in a stream that's easily missed) and at the time Q hadn't announced his real-time translation, I think Dream using similar "first" wording was bound to end in comparison. I don't know what he knew before, or when he came up with that line, but the fact is that by the time Dream was ready to launch, Q had already launched qsmp with that similar wording and from a simple marketing perspective it would have been good to change his tagline just to avoid more comparison than was already bound to happen. It was similar enough that people can spin it as intentional, which isn't a good look even if it isn't true.
My curiosity wants to know how this all happened and who knew what about what the other was doing, but I doubt we'll ever get it. It all seems a little too similar to be entirely coincidental the way it's being spun, but I also don't think there is any malicious stealing going on. I think there's a world where it was something a little more nuanced, but I won't make any guesses as to what because we don't have the info and it's not going to improve things to have a bunch of fan speculation flying around.
I hope Q says something soon, I hope this doesn't cause a rift, but I fear the damage has been done.
Either way, at least we got SlutSMP out of it, which, let's face it, is the best thing anyway.
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wulfhalls · 2 years
Daemyra has such a pathetic fanbase i am so sorry cause its a great ship and they are such a bunch of losers😭 like this statment “sara hess hates daemyra i wonder what she’ll do” is the same as “what if they fight i am so worried😭😭😭”
Its people who got a high romance ship and keeps getting worried about every stupid thing its a clear case of people who doesnt know how to win!! Losers losers losers grow the fuck up
idk how they get thru the day the sheer overreaction to everything the drama the im falling on my sword over the smallest thing??? licherally shut up pls the grown ups are on an unprecedented winning streak and trying to fucking enjoy it 😭✋️
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snackleggg · 3 years
Loud music and hard of hearing conspiracy
An Unidentified Flying Ship one shot
The music was blaring loudly but from the hallway at least it was a little muffled. Not entirely, Wes could still pick out the words to whatever awful pop song was playing if he focused but it was muted enough that he could at least ignore it.
How did I end up here?
A week ago everything had been fine, normal. Then everything went downhill.
It started when everyone was getting hyped about prom because it was only a week away. What was once an occasional subject that was mentioned once or twice in conversation quickly dominated the forefront of everyone's minds.
Of course with it came everyone talking about dates and Wes had rolled his eyes at the relationship drama that would proceed the school dance.
"What about you Wes?" His twin brother Kyle had asked.
Wes at the time was glaring at Fenton from across the cafeteria, totally zoned out from the world around him and whatever conversation was going on at the table but his brother's question had reeled him back in.
He blinked, turning his attention to Kyle who sat beside him "What about what?"
"Are you going with someone to prom?" One of the others at the table asked. Oh so the conversation had drifted there.
Before Wes could answer no, he was going to be too busy trying to gather evidence to expose Fenton someone else at the table went "I'm pretty sure he wants to ask Fenton to prom"
Wes' brain blue screened for a moment but when he saw everyone at the table nodding he was immediately snapped out of his stupor "wha- NO! Of course not! Why would you even think!?" Wes fumbled but then Kyle put his hand on Wes' shoulder.
"Bro, no offence but we all know you have a crush on Fenton and that you're just using your conspiracy theories as an excuse" Kyle said while looking at Wes sympathetically.
"I don't- I'm not using anything as an excuse, Fenton is Phantom! How can you guys not see it!?" Wes said, he was pointedly ignoring the heat he felt rush to his cheeks.
Another person at their table just shook their head in pity "Oh you poor thing, still in denial about your feelings. You know well still accept you no matter your sexuality right Wes?" They said and Wes heard his brother mumble something about how sad it was Wes thought ghosts were real.
At this point Wes was left completely speechless at the way all his friends seemed to agree with the outrageous notion that he had a crush on Danny Fenton. A crush.
Wes just stood up and walked away with his tray of half eaten slop. He could hear his friends sighing over how hopeless and oblivious he was.
It didn't stop there though.
Later that day at home Kyle, Wes and their older brother Easton were in the living room together quietly doing their own things. Kyle doing some homework, Easton texting someone and Wes looking over all the pictures he had gotten of Phantom after the fight earlier that day, unfortunately all were too blurry to make out anything Wes could actually use as evidence.
Then Kyle broke the comfortable silence.
"Hey Easton, you think you can give Wes some advice for asking his crush to prom?" Kyle asked, not even looking up from the algebra equation he was doing.
If Wes had been drinking anything he would've done a spit take, instead he settled for just staring at his brother in growing horror.
"Hmm? Crush? Oh you mean Jazz's younger brother?" Easton asked as he looked up from his phone. Wes already knew that Easton was good friends with Jazz Fenton but he became even more horrified by the fact that he had immediately connect the 'crush' Kyle had mentioned to Danny Fenton.
Kyle just nodded and Wes was still too shocked to say anything as he looked between his brothers.
"Well, you can never go wrong with chocolates and just straight up asking" Easton said with a shrug before looking back down at his phone.
Finally Wes regained he ability to speak "NO! I don't have a crush on Fenton!" Wes exclaimed.
"Wes you shouldn't be embarrassed to ask for help. I'm your brother, you can't really hide the fact that you have a huge crush on Fenton from me" Easton said simply and some part of Wes was thankful that neither of his brothers are currently looking at him because he knew his face was probably almost as red as his hair.
The larger part of Wes though was shocked and horrified by what his brother had just said.
Not for the first time that day Wes just got up and left without another word.
The rest of the week didn't fair any better.
Anytime Wes inforned his brothers or friends that he was going to tail Fenton to finally expose that he was Phantom they just rolled their eyes before going "Are you finally going to ask him to prom?" And everytime without fail Wes would turn bright red before stomping off in whatever direction Fenton had ran off to, muttering under his breath about how he did NOT have a crush on Fenton.
Finally, Friday he snapped.
"WHY!? Why does everyone think I have a crush on Fenton!? I thought it was obvious that I hate him!" Wes yelled after Kyle had off handedly asked if he had asked Fenton to prom yet.
"Duh, it's because you're pretty much infatuated with him" Kyle stated like it was obvious.
"I'm NOT infatuated!" Wes said.
"Then what do you have to say about all those pictures you take of him? Or following him and his friends around? The fact that you have an entire notebook filled with little facts about him that no one else would care to notice?" Kyle pointed out.
"That's all evidence! It's me trying to expose that he is really Phantom!" Wes argued.
"Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that but you can't live in denial forever bro. I mean why would you need to keep a catalogue of his interests or have so many photos of him just being normal and not at all 'ghostly' " Kyle said while making air quotes "that stuff can't be used as evidence so why still keep it?"
"Because! Be... because..." Wes stopped. Why did he keep all of those things? They weren't particularly helpful in exposing Fenton so why?
"It's cause you like-like him. Prom is tomorrow so I'm sorry to say your denial made you miss your chance to ask him out" Kyle said while patting Wes on the back.
Wes once again stood from the couch and walk away, up to his room and slammed the door behind him.
He spent the whole rest of the day just laying on his bed, staring at his ceiling. He went to prom the next day because some of his friends insisted he couldn't miss it.
For most of the night he had felt numb, especially as he watched people dance and talk and laugh together while he practically glued himself to the wall.
Then he spotted Fenton and Wes was hit again with his brothers words 'it's because you're pretty much infatuated with him'.
Wes hated to admit it but Fenton actually looked good. He wore a white dress shirt with a dark green bow tie and black slacks. It was simple but he pulled it off quite well and Wes couldn't help but notice how the flashing lights of the gym reflected off of Danny's ice blue eyes. How the constantly changing angle of the light highlighted his face a hundred different ways and none of them looked unflattering, at least not to Wes.
The music was loud, he could barely hear people standing right next to him so of course Wes couldn't hear what Danny and Sam were talking about on the other side of gym but Danny seemed to laugh at something she said and Wes couldn't tear his eyes away. He could almost imagine the laugh in his head, light and easy becoming a soft chuckle towards the end.
Wes looked down at the plastic cup full of punch he held in his hand. He could practically smell that someone had spiked it.
He soon found himself stumbling out of the gym because everything was so bright and loud and he needed more space between himself and Danny, definitely more than just a gymnasium's length at least until he figured out why the heck he felt his face flush when he thought about Danny's laugh.
So that's how Wes ended up sitting on the cool tile floors of the school's empty hallway. The lights were off so it was dark but the smallest bit of light poured in through the high up windows front the street lamps outside so it wasnt pitch black, even if it was hard to make out any details of his surroundings.
He didn't know how long he sat there staring at the swirling cup of liquid in his hands.
Eventually he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and he didn't need to lift his head to know it was Danny.
"Hey Wes" Danny's familiar voice echoed a little in the empty hallway, it wasn't the same kind of echo that his voice gained when he was Phantom Wes absentmindedly noted. He heard Danny sit down next to him on the cool tile floor.
"What brings you out here? Would've thought you'd be in the gym with your friends" Danny said.
Wes jostled the cup a little with his hand before gesturing to it "I think someone spiked the punch" Wes said instead of giving a straight answer to Danny's question.
"Oh? Good thing I was never a fan of punch. You good?" Wes could've sworn he heard actual concern leak into Danny's voice.
"Yeah, I only took a few sips" Wes shrugged and he leaned backwards against the metal lockers that lined the walls.
"What about you? Why're you out here?" Wes could now see Danny in his peripheral vision quite well. His legs were spread out straight infront of him unlike how Wes had his knees tucked against his chest. He also seemed to be leaning against the lockers behind them, looking relaxed against the cool metal.
"Technus decided to try and take over the DJ booth. I managed to stop him pretty quickly but I needed a breather so I came out here" Danny said, making a vague gesture with his hand.
"Hmm" Was Wes' only reply. The source of all his troubles, both old and new was sitting right next to him and they were holding a proper conversation like real people. No threats of exposing identities, no witty banter or mocking remarks.
To someone who didn't know any better it would almost seem like they were on civil terms with eachother.
What kind of terms are we on?
They weren't friends, not by a long shot. But enemies seemed too strong a word now that Wes thought about it. It wasn't like they were physically hurting eachother like Danny's other enemies. It was less literal battling and more metaphorical and figurative battling.
But after tonight would I even be able to do that anymore?
Wes couldn't just ignore the revelation forced upon him. He wasn't one for ignoring the obvious and when Kyle presented the evidence he had to admit his feelings were a tad obvious.
A comfortable silence was now between the two and Wes turned his head to look at Danny directly. His breath caught in his throat.
Danny was completely relaxed leaning against the lockers behind him. His hair was slightly disheveled, more so than usual. His eyes were closed and he had a faint smile on his face. The dim light shining in made his pale skin look like it was glowing, giving him an ethereal look. Wes was pretty sure that he could only glow in ghost form but that didn't stop the way the light reflected to make it seem otherwise. Wes also became hyper aware of the fact that they were sitting very close to eachother, if he leaned to the side a bit they would be brushing shoulders.
'Yeah, super obvious' Wes thought as he felt a blush find it's way onto his cheeks.
Wes managed to pry his eyes away and looked back down at his cup of spiked punch.
"Screw it" he mumbled before downing the whole thing.
"Hmm? What was that?" Danny asked as he peeked an eye open.
"Screw it" Wes said louder as he grabbed Danny by his collar and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Danny froze in place as Wes pulled back. The blush stood out against Danny's pale skin and Wes knew he was probably as red as tomato as he spoke "Wanna go dance? With me?" Wes asked cautiously.
Danny blinked before a doppy smile found it's way onto his face "Yeah, sure" he said.
Wes pushed himself up and held out a hand which Danny took without a moment's hesitation.
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 6
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 6 - This Venerable One's Shizun
Xue Meng had lived on Life-Death Peak since he was a child. He was familiar with shortcuts and terrain so he had no problem catching up with Mo Ran
He escorted him all the way to the back of the mountain. The back mountain of Life-Death Peak was the closest place to the ghost realm in the whole world, separated by an enchantment, behind it is the netherworld.
Looking at the miserable situation in the back mountain, Mo Ran immediately understood why that person was clearly at home, but still needed Madam Wang to treat guests in the front hall.
It wasn't that the man didn’t want to help, but he couldn’t step away--
The barrier of the ghost world was broken.
At this moment, the entire back mountain was filled with a heavy spiritual resentment. The ghosts that hadn't taken on a body howled and hovered bitterly in the air. At the entrance of the mountain gate, there was a giant breach ripping through the sky. Behind the breach was the ghost realm, and a tall, bluestone staircase stretching thousand of steps escaped from the barrier cracks. Seeing out from the staircase, the fierce spirits that had regained a flesh body were climbing down this step disorderly and chaotically, rushing from the underworld to the human world.
Any ordinary person would be terrified at the scene unfolding. The first time Mo Ran saw it, he was shocked to the bone, but he was used to it now.
The barrier between the human and ghost realms was set by Emperor Fuxi in ancient times. Today, it was very weak. It would grow weak spots every now and again, which need to be repaired by immortal cultivators. However, this kind of thing not only does little to improve one's cultivation but is thankless with how much spiritual energy it consumes. It was a real drudgery, so few immortals in the upper cultivation world were willing to take this job.
When a fierce spirit was born, the people of the Lower Cultivation Realm were the first to come under attack. As the protectors of the Lower Cultivation Realm, Life-Death Peak was forced to undertake the task of repairing the barrier. The back mountains of the sect faced the weakest point in the barrier all to ensure they could be repaired swiftly.
There would be breaks in the barrier about four or five times a year. It was just like an old, chipped pot; useless.
Now, at the entrance of the ghost world, on the long bluestone stairs, a man stood there with snow-coloured clothes and wide sleeves flowing in the wind. He was surrounded by the aura of his sword, the golden light shimmering. Using his own power to clear out the evil spirits and ghosts, he repaired the small holes appearing in the barrier.
The man had a slender waist and an elegant appearance, with a holy aura and a handsome face. From a distance, it was easy to imagine he was a scholar reading an ancient scroll under a flowering tree. However, looking closely, he had sharp eyebrows, phoenix eyes slanted upwards, and the bridge of his nose was straight and narrow. While he seemed to be gentle and elegant, his eyes were mean and seemingly unkind.
Mo Ran glanced at him from a distance. Although he thought he had prepared himself, when he saw this man appear in front of him alive and healthy again, it made him tremble down to his smallest bones.
Half fear, half. . . excitement.
His Shizun.
Chu Wanning.
This was the person that Xue Meng had cried and begged to see when he arrived at Wushan Hall in the previous life.
It was this man that ruined Mo Ran's ambition, ruined his plans, and was finally imprisoned and tortured to death by Mo Ran because of it.
Logically speaking, if Mo Ran had the chance to avenge himself and defeat the enemy that had blocked his progress.
The sea is wide and free for fish to swim in, the sky is high and the birds could fly endlessly, no one could reign him back anymore. At least, that's what Mo Ran thought.
However, that doesn't seem to be the case.
After his Shizun died, something else seemed to have been buried along with his hatred.
Mo Ran was not a man of culture and didn't recognize any other feeling than being evenly matched with a worthy opponent.
He only knows that here on out, he had no archenemies.
When Shizun was alive, he had been afraid, paranoid, and anxious. When he saw the willow vine in Shizun's hand, the hair on the back of his neck stood on up. He became just like a beaten mutt, just the sound of a wooden club slap caused his teeth to ache and legs to give out. Even his calf muscles would spasm from fear.
Later, when Shizun died, the person Mo Ran had feared the most was finally gone. Mo Ran felt that he had grown and matured, being able to finally commit this act of murdering his teacher.
Afterwards, when looking at the mortal realm, no one dared force him to kneel down, and no longer slapped himself in the face.
To celebrate, he opened the pear blossom white wine, sat on the roof, and drank wine all night.
That night, under the influence of alcohol, the scars that Shizun had inflicted on his back when he was a teenager seemed to feel hot and painful again.
At this moment, when he saw Shizun reappear in front of him, Mo Ran started, filled with hate and anger, but there was also a slight twinge of ecstasy.
Such an opponent, lost and now regained, how can he not please?
Chu Wanning ignored the two apprentices who broke into the back mountains and continued concentrating on fighting the scattered undead.
His facial features were elegant, his eyebrows are evenly long. His phoenix eyes were cast downwards, his cool demeanour powerful. Amidst the demonic air and blood rain, his expression had not changed. His face remained calm, as though he might sit down and burn incense or play the guqin at the moment.
However, such a gentle and beautiful man, at that moment, was holding an icy exorcism long sword dripping with red blood droplets. With a flick of his wide sleeve, the sword's energy sliced through the bluestone steps in an explosion. Crushed stones and bricks rolled down, cracking an immeasurable chasm from the gate all the way to the bottom of the mountain, splitting the staircase and its thousands of steps!
So ferocious.
How many years had it been since he had seen his Shizun's power?
This familiar and powerful dominance made Mo Ran lose all his strength. Shakily, he fell onto his knees with a thump.
It didn't take long for Chu Wanning to kill all the ghosts, and neatly fill in the holes in the barrier to the ghost world. After doing all this, he fell from mid-air and went over to Mo Ran and Xue Meng.
He first glanced at Mo Ran kneeling on the ground, and then raised his eyes to look at Xue Meng, his phoenix eyes holding a powerful chill.
"Causing trouble again?"
Mo Ran sucked in a breath.
Shizun had the ability to always correctly assume any situation.
Xue Meng: "Shizun, Mo Ran went down the mountain, committing the two crimes of stealing and prostitution. Please punish him accordingly, Shizun."
Chu Wanning was silent for a while, expressionless. He coldly remarked: "I know."
Mo Ran: ". . ."
Xue Meng: ". . ."
Both of them were a little confused. Then? Is that it?
However, just when Mo Ran thought tat he had gotten off lucky, he looked up at Chu Wanning and caught a a glimpse of a sharp golden light suddenly cutting through the air. There was a lightening-like crackling sound that slashed across Mo Ran's cheek!!
Drops of blood splashed everywhere!
The speed of that golden light was so fast, Mo Ran didn't even have a moment to close his eyes, let alone dodge it. The skin on his face was flayed open with a fierce pain.
Chu Wanning stood with his hands clasped behind his back, standing coldly in the chilling breeze of teh night air. The air was still filled with the foul aura of fierce spirits and ghosts mixed with the smell of human blood. It made the forbidden area of the back mountains appear even more eerie and terrifying.
In Chu Wanning's hand was a willow vine that had whipped Mo Ran. The vine was narrow and long, with green leaves sprouting from it, hanging down near the edge of his boots.
It was clearly sucha graceful object. Looking at it would have made people think of poems such as "Pliant is the the willow branch I gift to my beloved".
It's a pity that Chu Wanning was neither pliant or had a beloved.
The willow vine in his hand was actually a magic weapon named Tianwen. At this moment, Tianwen was glimmering with golden red light, piercing through the surrounding darkness, and also reflecting in the bottomless depths of Chu Wanning's eyes.
Chu Wanning pursed his lips, and said sensibly: "Mo Weiyu, you are so bold. Should I really not do something to discipline you?"
If this really was the fifteen-year old Mo Ran, he might not have taken this exclamation seriously, thinking that Shizun was just trying to scare him.
But after being reborn, Mo Weiyu had thoroughly experienced Shizun’s "control" with his blood in his previous life. He immediately felt the roots of his teeth ache and blood rushing to his head. His mouth was already moving, ready to deny everything and clear his name
"Shizun. . ." His cheek still bleeding, Mo Ran raised his eyes, staining them with a thin veil of tears. He knew that his current appearance must look extremely pitiful. "This disciple has never stolen. . . has never laid with a prostitute. . . why did Shizun listen to Xue Meng's words and strike me without even listening to my side of the story?"
". . ."
Mo Ran had two tricks to get out of trouble with his uncle. First, act cute. Second, pretend to be pitiful. Now he tried these out on Chu Wanning, trying to look so pitiful that tears almost fell from his eyes: "Is the disciple really so worthless in your eyes? Why doesn't Shizun even give me a chance to defend myself?"
Xue Meng stomped angrily next to him: "Mo Ran! You, you piece of shit! You truly are shameless! Sizun, don't listen to him, don't be fooled by this bastard! He really did steal! All the stolen goods are still on him!"
Chu Wanning looked through his eyelashes, his expression cold: "Mo Ran, you truly never stole?"
". . . You should know the consequences of lying to me."
Mo Ran's arms were covered in goosebumps. How could he not know? But he still foolishly persisted: "Shizun, please!"
Chu Wanning raised his hand, and the shiny golden vine waved again, but this time he did not draw it on the face of Mo Ran. Instead, he used it to tightly bind Mo Ran.
This feeling was all too familiar. In addition to whipping people on the regular, the willow vine "Tianwen" has another function——
Chu Wanning stared at Mo Ran, who was held tightly in Tianwen's grasp, and asked again: "Have you never stolen?"
Suddenly, there was a familiar stabbing pain straight in Mo Ran's heart, as if a sharp fanged small snake had slid its way into his chest and was playing with his organs.
Accompanied by the severe pain was an irresistible temptation. Mo Ran couldn't help but open his mouth, his voice hoarse: "I. . . never. . . ah. . . !!!"
Tianwen's golden light seemed to pick up on his lies, glowing harder. The pain caused Mo Ran to break out in a cold sweat, but he still desperately resisted such torture.
This was Tianwen's second function: interrogation.
Once tied up by Tianwen, no one could lie. Whether it was a person or a ghost, dead or alive, Tianwen had a way of forcing them to speak and reveal the answer that Chu Wanning wanted to know.
In his last life, by relying on a strong cultivation base, there was only one person who had finally managed to keep a secret under Tianwen's influence.
That person was the person who had become the emperor of the mortal realm, Mo Weiyu.
After being reborn, Mo Ran had hoped he'd have a bit of luck, thinking that he would still be able to resist the forced interrogation of Tianwen. But after biting his lip for what felt like forever, with big beads of sweat dripping down over his dark eyebrows and full-body trembles, he finally bowed before Chu Wanning's boots in pain, gasping for breath.
"I. . . I. . . stole. . ."
The pain abruptly disappeared.
Mo Ran hadn't even caught his breath before Chu Wanning asked another question, his voice even colder than before.
"Did you commit debauchery?"
Smart people don't do stupid things. Since he hadn't been able to resist before, it was even more impossible now. This time, Mo Ran didn't even resist, and when the pain struck, he went so far to even shout: "Yes yes I did!!!! Shizun please! No more!"
Xue Meng's face turned blue at his side. He exclaimed with shock: "You, how can you. . . That Rong Jiu is a man, you actually. . ."
No one paid attention to him. As the golden light of Tianwen slowly dimmed, Mo Ran gasped for breath, his whole body was drenched as if he had just been fished from the water. His face was as white as paper, his lips still trembling, and he collapsed on the ground, unable to move.
Through sweaty eyelashes, he looked up at Chu Wanning's elegant figure, wearing a green jade crown and wide sleeves that fell to the floor.
A strong hatred suddenly surged into his heart - Chu Wanning! This Venerable One wasn't wrong in is treatment of you in his past life, that much is true!! Even after being reborn, the hatred still burns strong! Fuck all eighteen generations of your ancestors!!
Chu Wanning didn't know that this crafty disciple was going to fuck all eighteen generations of his ancestors. He stood there for a while with a sullen expression, and then said.
"Xue Meng."
Although Xue Meng knows that men were the popular choice among rich businessmen and wealthy households, and many people play with male prostitutes just for something new and not really because they liked men, he still couldn't digest it. After a while, he said: "Shizun, this disciple is here."
"Mo Ran went against the three mandates on corruption, debauchery, and deception. Take him to the Yan Luo Hall so he can repent. Bring him to the Platform of Righteousness and Evil tomorrow morning so that he receive a public punishment."
Xue Meng was startled: "What. . .? Public punishment?"
Public punishment means taking the disciples who have committed severe transgressions in front of the disciples of the whole school, in front of everyone, even the ladies in the dining hall, and punishing them for the crowd.
Utterly shameful.
It should be known that Mo Ran was a disciple of Life-Death Peak. Although the disciplinary measures in the school were strict, because of Mo Ran's special status - his uncle pitied him for losing his parents so young and was scavenging outside for fourteen years - he couldn't bear to punish Mo Ran. No matter what Mo Ran did, he would just get a small lecture in private, and he would be beaten.
But Shizun wouldn't even save the face of the sect leader. He wanted to take his precious nephew to the Platform of Righteousness and Evil and publicly punish and shame Young Master Mo in front of the entire sect. This was something even Xue Meng hadn't expected.
Mo Ran, however, wasn't surprised.
He lay on the ground with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.
How great and selfless his Shizun was.
Chu Wanning was truly cold-blooded. In his previous life, when Shi Mei died in front of him, Mo Ran cried and pleading, pulling on his clothes, kneeling on the ground and begging him for help.
But Chu Wanning turned a deaf ear.
And so his disciple had breathed his last breath before him, and even with Mo Ran crying his heart out next to him, Chu Wanning simply stood there and ignored his sobs.
Now all he was doing was putting him on the Platform of Righteousness and Evil to be dealt with before the public. There was nothing strange about this.
Mo Ran could only resent how weak his cultivation base was now. He couldn't peel off Chu Wanning's skin, rip out his nerves, drink his blood, can’t pull his hair back, can't insult him, can’t torture him and destroy his dignity, make him desire nothing but death. . .
He hadn't been able to hide the beast-like hatred in his eyes, and Chu Wanning picked up on it.
He faintly glanced at Mo Ran's face, a stoic expression on a gentle and elegant face.
"What are you thinking about?"
Tianwen hadn't been removed yet!
Mo Ran once again felt the vines tying him up, and his internal organs felt like they were about to be squeezed into mush. He yelled in pain, panting and roaring out the thoughts in his head——
"Chu Wanning, you think you're so refined! Watch me fuck you to death!"
No one made a sound.
Chu Wanning: ". . ."
Even Xue Meng was stunned: ". . ."
Tianwen suddenly retracted Chu Wanning's palm, turning into a small speck of golden light before disappearing altogether. Tianwen was made from the bones and blood of Chu Wanning and could appear when summoned and vanished at will.
Xue Meng's face was pale and he stuttered: "Shi-Shizun. . ."
Chu Wanning didn't say a word. His delicate black and slender eyelashes lowered, examining his palms for a while. Then, he raised his eyes, his face even, but his complexion even colder. He glared at Mo Ran with a gaze saying "this disciple deserves death", then said in a low voice:
"Tianwen is broken, I am going to go fix it."
Chu Wanning threw down these words, turned and left.
Xue Meng was kind of slow: "How could an immortal weapon like Tianwen be broken?"
Chu Wanning heard it, and glanced back at him with a look of "this disciple deserves death" as well. Xue Meng shuddered.
Mo Ran lay on the ground, half-dead, with a blank expression.
What he had been thinking really was looking for a way to fuck Chu Wanning to death. He knew that the Master Chu, who held titles like "Yuheng of the Night Sky, Beidou Immortal", had always paid attention to elegance and correctness, and he couldn't stand being stepped on by others, defiling him.
But he didn't want Chu Wanning to know that he was thinking that!
Mo Ran whimpered like a stray dog, covering his face.
Thinking of the look in Chu Wanning's eyes when he was leaving, he felt that he probably did not have long to wait until his death.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hii I just want ask can Kanae von Rosenvald and Shuu tsukiyama share Darling?
I was kind of waiting for this the moment I wrote Hc’s for her. And now here it is😏.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, protective behavior, manipulation, mentioning of Shuu’s past sadism, clinginess, kidnapping, killing
Shuu and Kanae sharing a darling
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🍷🌹Certainly a theatrical duo to have, both having a propensity to act like life with their darling is a drama and even the smallest insignificant looking thing will cause something terrible to happen, be that because their love pays attention to someone else or because they're upset with them. Both are just totally ready to do anything to make their darling content and happy with their life they will now live, so the s/o should be prepared for quite the pampering session for forever from now on.
🍷🌹It didn't use to be always that way, at least not until Shuu kidnapped his darling, introducing them like this to his whole family including Kanae herself. Everyone knew probably already from you, Shuu having looked lately always in such a dreamy and lovesick mood with the small smile on his face. So of course everyone was curious to meet the peron who was Shu's little lover and whilst it was a small shock to discover that you were human, not all of them were bad and you actually looked pretty shaken and scared, terrified of the man who had brought you here and all the new faces, all of them ghouls.
🍷🌹And Kanae is at first envious because she used to be in love too with Shuu, but was never able to tell him since he was a servant of the Tsukiyama family and had to pretend to be a man, all to fulfill the last wish of her deceased family. All Kanae wants is still the happiness of her master and despite being iffy of you, obvious for everyone in the household, she decides that as long as you do not harm him nor pose a threat to him, she will not go against you. How could she when Shuu always rambles so excitingly about how lovely you are, a truly endearing being. It hurts to see him, the person she admires and loves, being so utterly enamored with someone else. But she is also...happy. Happy that he has gotten over Kaneki, only focusing on you now and living his life to it's fullest again.
🍷🌹The rest of the servants is also happy and since their master loves you, they do too and protect and care for you. Human or not, all of them kind of develop a bit of Shuu's obsession and protect you fiercely and are proud for you to be part of the Tsukiyama family from now on. But there is one problem that is discussed quite often under the servants which would be Shuu's two-faced behavior. It can not be kept for very long a secret, not with Mirumo being there and curious about his future in-law. Because the moment the darling tells him what they have gone all through, this man might really just grab his son and beat his ass, finding this kind of behavior unacceptable. What was he thinking? He thought he raised him better like this.
🍷🌹Kanae has a hard time believing her master would do something like this. She does know that he used to play with humans and treat them like things to entertain him and the audience. But he would never treat the person he is clearly that deeply in love like this. This truth is hard to accept for everyone, some feeling a bit disappointed in Shuu and some, like Kanae, in pure denial. It pushes her as fast as talking with you about it, wanting to know from the victim and she feels quite dreadful when you show her some of your scars from old bite wounds and tell her what he did.
🍷🌹She cries, not only because she simply doesn't want to believe it, but also because she feels terrible for you. By now she as well has gotten infected with Shuu's obsession and for that cares greatly for you. And she tries afterwards to console you that from now on everything will be better, that Shuu didn't mean to be this way and that with his father now in the picture, he will change. She manages to believe this, knowing what kind of man Mirumo is and also being sure that Shuu is not really that kind of person you saw him as. There is still this slight sadness in her, feeling upset that Tsukiyama would treat someone as gorgeous as you so terribly and she feels angry and disappointed in herself for this.
🍷🌹But she doesn't lie either, it indeed becomes better, Mirumo keeping his son under control with an iron fist and he can be scray if he wants to be, especially since it is involving you, his future-in-law and Shuu's darling. The servants worry a bit for their master, knowing how harsh his father can be, but he is still the head of this family and everyone dearly respects him, so they can not do anything against him. Afterwards Shuu is a changed man, crying because he treated his darling so poorly and begging for forgiveness in all forms he can think off, kisses, physical affection, gifts, you name it.
🍷🌹It wouldn't be really surprising when his darling still keeps their defenses up around him, the scars on their body and mind never being able to heal fully. It discomposes Shuu in the worst ways and this is visible for all the people in the household. His father feels bad for the current shape his son is in as well, but he also is not really surprised and Shuu shouldn't either, he messed up in his past. But he has changed now, this is what the servants see and for that they help him to gain the trust of his darling back, this includes Kanae. The girl is determined to make her master happy and if she has to sacrifice her own happiness for this, then so be it. If her master is happy with you, she is as well and if her master loves you, she will as well and defend you with her life.
🍷🌹She grows over time pretty close to you, becoming the servant you are best friends with. All her negative emotions and feelings for you are gone, being replaced by something sickenly sweet and she entrusts you her secret of her being a woman, something she kept secret for a long time. It is such a relief that she was able to tell it to someone, and it is even better since that person is you. And she loves to do things for you and she gets a bit jealous if other sevants do something for you, even though she keeps quiet. From all people she shares the most similarities with Shuu and so her behavior just reminds you of him, the dramatic acting, the tantrums when you hurt yourself or are upset, the other will do give you anything you might desire and the strong jealousy.
🍷🌹She doesn't even realizes at first her romantic feelings, she thought she adored you in another sense. It isn't until she starts wondering how it would be to kiss you and hear you saying you love her and this terrible moment where she feels the smallest pang of jealousy when seeing Shuu being happy with you. It is such a major shock and she is distraught afterwards, ashamed of herself for letting this happen in the first place when you are clearly Shuu's darling. She is unhappy and it is all too obvious that something is wrong with her. Because in one moment she has a content smile on her face and in the next one she is pulling her hair and mutters to stop this, looking like she committed just a terrible crime. She did in her opinion.
🍷🌹And she can not bear to lie to Shuu or you which is why she confesses after a while of battling what to do, asking for forgiveness for letting something like this happen. She betrayed her master and you, seeing herself as a burden for your relationship. It is confusing and surprising as well as shocking for you as well as it is for Shuu. But different from you who tries to comfort her because she is really crushed because of this, he feels a bit clueless and conflicted about what to do. He cares for Kanae, he sees her as family and appreciates her for being always there for his darling. He can not hate her for this, she is family for him and he knew her since he was younger. If it would have been anyone else, he would have slaughtered them. But this is Kanae he's talking about and for that he has some sort of brain freeze, not really knowing how to react to this.
🍷🌹Shuu can not help being more dubious about her afterwards despite not wanting to be that way and neither of you three really knows what to do. So there is a certain awkwardness afterwards and once again Mirumo is the one lending a helping hand, probably because Kanae also told him about this and that she feels like she just ruined everything. It is a bit of a surprise of him as well to know that one of the servants has fallen for his son's love as well, even though you and her were so close that it should have been expected that she might gain feelings for you one day as well. He forces all three of you to talk about this because just being awkward silently will not work for too long and for the biggest part he just listens, giving a few advices here and there. This is something you should solve among yourselves.
🍷🌹For the servants it wouldn't be that surprising to find out that Kanae is in love with Shuu's darling, she looked so happy whenever being near you so it was already rumored. However, the announcement shortly after Kanae's confession leaves them a bit dumbfounded. Who wouldn't when hearing that Shuu actually allowed her to express her more romantic feelings to you? It is a bit odd, even more since she is still your servant since your status as Shuu's darling puts you still higher than her. Yet she still is free to be more romantically with you.
🍷🌹With Shuu still not being sure how to feel after all of this despite having agreed to this option and Kanae being relieved, joyful and guilty at the same time at the beginning it is still a bit tricky. Kanae is determined to still be a good servant for you, a very devoted one and knowing how she feels about you it makes you uncomfortable that she still treats you like you're higher. But if you point it out to her, she just tells you that she wants to do this since you are still her master's darling. She finds it a bit difficult to act less formal around you at the beginning, still bowing and adressing you as her 'master'. With time and help from you, Shuu and even the other servants she manages to loosen up a bit, even though she still never can fully abandon that behavior.
🍷🌹Technically Shuu has the advantage since he is Kanae's master and can demand her when he wants to spend time with you and he kind of does this from time to time since he is clingily-possessive and a major simp for you, he could be glued to your side the whole day without minding it too much. Kanae, despite being needy herself, respects that since she always keeps in mind that you were Shuu's darling at first. But Shuu is still lenient since he watches a bit out for her so he efforts that he can stay a certain amount of time away where Kanae gets her time. And she is a hopeless romantic, she takes her darling on small picnics and other sappy things, matchingly rivalved with the things Shuu does with his darling.
🍷🌹Kanae still differs because she is less paranoid than Shuu is, she doesn't really isolate her darling like Shuu does. He thinks him, his father, Kanae and all the other servants should be more than enough contact for you just as much as the manor he keeps you in. You have all you need here and he despises the idea of letting you out, mainly because even the mere thought of exposing you to other creatures besides the persons living inside this manor makes him already jealous enough. He hates it. Kanae, sharing a similar amount of jealousy, still outs your happiness in the first place and is less possessive than her master is which is why she would take her darling out. Mirumo can talk Shuu into doing so as well, but he will be a clingy man the whole time, glaring at everyone else whilst smothering you in public to make other people aware of your relationship. This is what Kanae tends to do as well.
🍷🌹Still, Kanae is less dangerous for others than Shuu is because he is trigger-happy and kills out of jealousy, very easily and will happily unleash his sadistic behavior whilst doing so. Kanae mostly only threatens people she sees as danger for you, her master, his relationship with you and also her relationship with you, even though she puts her master still above her own happiness.
🍷🌹Both of them actually push the other quite a bit, even though only indirectly and without meaning to be harmful. It is just that both are wonderfully when it comes to being dramatic and all too sappy and romantic with their darling as well as clingy. So if they catch their darling with the other one doing something cute, they get jealous. Not like they will interrupt, but it stays in their mind and the next time they see them, they latch on the s/o a bit more than normally and want to do something else with them. It is not a too terrible thing, they also prepare surprises for their darling together and absolutely team up when someone messed and/or hurt you. In that case it is not only those two, the whole household will gladly help if someone really dares to hurt you.
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uh-velkommen · 3 years
The White Lotus, HBOMax
Alright four episodes in and things are finally starting to ramp up. My face throughout the whole episode was stuck on discomfort. This show packs so much tension in every 45 minutes that I'm constantly waiting for somebody to pop off or something crazy to happen but instead we get teased with the smallest little plot pusher. Which is working. I'm officially intrigued. I do wish I knew the overall point of the show because that's what would've helped me decide if I wanted to keep up with but now my determination to find out how this all ends is doing just that...
Character breakdown + Spoilers/Predictions
Armond: The manager of the White Lotus resort. I love him in all his poor choices. He's just constant chaos simply because he has the power to create it. He's also the biggest driver of drama. He lies a lot, almost pathologically, and he will carry those lies to the grave for no real reason.
Nicole Mossbacher: Resort guest, Mark's wife, and Olivia and Quinn's mom. She's a pretty basic character who is teased about possibly having OCD and working during vacation. She was pretty chill in the first 2 episodes but every once in a while she says things that gives off I'm a centrist but my views lean a little more conservative.
Mark Mossbacher: In the beginning he's stressing about possibly having testicular cancer because his father died of cancer... Turns out his father had AIDs. He has a depressive episode over his dad being gay and then, while drunk, he inadvertently comes onto the Armond. The next day Armond tests the waters with Sober Mark and we get uncomfortably funny scenes of Armond coming onto Mark in front of the whole family. Mark's a very passive dude who doesn't do anything exciting in the show but we just find out that he has, in the past, repeatedly cheated on his wife and didn't tell her (he told his son that he did tell Nicole but I don't believe it) I think his theme is just being genuinely unhappy with his life at the moment.
Olivia Mossbacher: She's a college sophmore and has many moments where she calls out her parents questionable statements. She carries herself with a weird nonchalance where you'd think she's a mean girl but she's only ever expectedly mean to her brother. However, she brought along her friend Paula and we start to see that their friendship is built on some unspoken competition. The girls do tons of drugs on vacay until Armond gets his hands on them and breaks his 5 year sobriety. This is when and why shit starts to hit the fan. They know he stole the drugs but because everyone avoids admitting to having illegal drugs, no one is ever outright accused.
Paula: Olivia's poc friend, possible hypochondriac, and supplier of drugs, has secret rendezvous with one of the Hawaiian native resort workers. She refuses to say anything when asked about her nightly disappearances but Olivia knows why or for whom Paula keeps sneaking off. We learn that Paula doesn't want Olivia to know about her and her beau because Olivia always wants what she has. My theory is that this wouldn't be the first time Olivia has stolen a partner of hers and I think now because Paula isn't admitting to hooking up with this guy, Olivia is gonna steal him and use Paula's secrecy as a way of blame.
Quinn Mossbacher: Involuntary loner in my opinion. He comes off as a classic video game nerd, obsessed with the internet, cant live without his Switch and Fortnite. He doesn't have any friends and he takes all the teasing from Olivia and Paula without a fuss. But he starts sleeping on the beach alone and keeps running into these amazing sights to see. This is where we start to see him blossom and speak up. Its ever so slow but in episode 4 he actually walks up to a group of guys and introduces himself, interested in their boat related sport[?] (Or maybe even the guys themselves🤞) He's also the only one who knows about the Dad's affair and stupidly hints at it at the family dinner (he's just genuinely stupid).
Shane Patton: Also a resort guest and the funniest character to me. He's your run of the mill self-centered male Karen (Kevin if you will) and he arrives at the resort with his wife Rachel. They're on their honeymoon but so many moments make you question why in the hell did these two get married? He is in an unnecessarily one sided battle with Armond. First the resort accidentally downgrades his room. Armond gaslights Shane into thinking that he never purchased the bigger room. Shane gets a receipt. Armond tells him there's a German couple staying in the receipted room longer than Shane and his wife are there so the room will not be ready for them in time. Shane finds out the Germans are actually leaving wayy earlier. Armond apologizes and books them a romantic sunset dinner on a boat. The boat is actually a funeral where a strange grieving woman, named Tanya, fails to spread her mothers ashes in the sea. Shane confronts Armond and asks for Corperate's number. Armond creates a fake business card and when Shane realizes the number is fake, he bursts into Armond's office to find him rimming a coworker while high on Ketamine. Prediction: Armond's gonna get blackmailed for abuse of power in a classic Monicagate manner.
Rachel: Shane's wife. Rachel's a journalist who actually looked up to Nicole (her job as CEO of god knows what puts her in the public eye) but when she finally got to sit with Nicole over lunch, Nicole calls her out for writing an incredibly slut shamey article, claiming that Nicole used her femininity to get her where she is now. This is the first smack in the face that maybe journalism isn't for Rachel. Well that on top of the constant teasing from Shane about her career choices. Shane's family is much more wealthy than Rachel's and he always finds subtle ways to make it known. Shane also pays her no mind, flirting with Olivia and Paula and battling Armond. Even during their arguments (which happens too many times for newlyweds) Shane doesn't look at Rachel and just gives periodic "mhmm"s and "okay"s. Also Rachel hates the Mossbacher family simply because they all seem to be doing better than her.
Now for the boring ones
Tanya McQuoid: An eccentric resort guest (which is a polite way of saying, a weird ass person who is over polite and basically pushes herself into every other character's drama in the most unintentional way, she's also bad at reading the room) She comes off as calm and quiet but we find out that her mother recently passed and she's in Hawaii to spread her mothers ashes. She becomes creepily obsessed with the resort's massage parlor manager, Belinda, after a complimentary massage and suggests becoming a beneficiary so Belinda can open up her own massage parlor. Her "obsession" could possibly just stem from Belinda showing her an act of kindness during a hard time but I know I questioned Tanya's intentions for at least the first two episodes... In episode 4, some random dude, Greg, shows up and invites Tanya to dinner after "accidentally" mistaking her room door for his own. Tanya postpones a business meeting with Belinda so she and Greg can hook up that night. The presence of these characters feel a little out of place. Unlike the Newly Weds and the Mossbacher family, there is not a lot of plot overlap. Tanya will often pop up to converse with the others and brag about Balinda's skills but she doesn't cause any trouble. Tanya's also very wealthy so I definitely thing this "Greg" has some secret plot to take down Tanya or plant something or steal her cash and unfortunately I do not think Belinda will see anything bright in her future. Her plans will be left on the backburner which I say is unfortunate because she's a kind woc who is just trying to do her job and is clearly very skeptical about going into business with this strange, rich white, resort guest.
Honorable Mention
Lani: A Hawaiian native, trainee at the White Lotus. She shows up in episode one as her first day on the job. Later we find out she's also pregnant and goes into a premature labor on the job. She has her baby and disappears for the next three episode. Come back Lani, Armond has just started getting your name right!
Show Themes
The show does touch on conversations of race and class but I would not consider this a political show or one with an agenda (it's satire). I point out the characters of color here because their race becomes a device used to create tension but not in a Token POC kind of way. All the characters are rich and they are shamed for it by the show writers. By this I mean nobody is spitting in their faces and calling them Climate Killers but the choices the characters make, the things they say, and the way they act gives the viewer something to laugh at. Their ignorant entitlement juxtaposing with the beautiful Hawaiian beaches and tragic Hawaiian history creates an underlying experience of, look at these rich people not having a good time and they can't even realize why! As for the characters, there is plenty of time to sit back and question, is this character a good person, who's the real antagonist, how do these stories intertwine, who do we root for What story is attempting to be told here? What is the message!?
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
snake primary + slightly burnt snake secondary (some kind of built secondary model)
Hi hi hi!! Hope you’re well!! So tell me, is there a way to tell whether you’re a lion or a snake secondary beyond the actual “textbook” definitions? I think I’m pretty burnt, and I’m on my way to fixing that, but it would help to know where I’m supposed to be heading lol
(Btw, I’m a Sam coded Dean girl. I don’t think it’s relevant I just thought that system was both useful and hilarious and I’m so glad you posted that)
I also really liked how that turned out.
I’m pretty sure I’m an improv secondary. I think I’m bad at it, hence the burning, but it’s what comes naturally to me and what I would feel most proud of.
I end up planning for a bunch of things, and in some cases I don’t hate it.
Damning with faint praise.
Like if I’m giving a presentation, I open a word document and write down what I’m gonna say verbatim, even the language tics and pauses and hesitations and such, so it’s like I’m actually living it. Then I repeat the whole thing multiple times, amending it whenever I change something, until I feel like I’ve sort of gone through the experience already.
That is… the weirdest way of hacking an improvisational secondary. Because that’s what’s you’re doing. Improvisational secondaries need to be “in it,” so you get as close to that as possible in the prep work.
Then I scrap the whole thing and improvise when it’s actually happening – the result is often pretty different from the word doc
of course.
but I’m a bit more in my element because I’ve done it already and I know I can do it.
This is honestly a really good strategy to make yourself more comfortable with improvising? I can tell you’re unBurning, this feels very much like… training wheels, to me. Heck, I think I would recommend your method to another burnt Improvisational secondary.
I’m not sure, but I think that sort of thing is more built than improv?
Like, kind of? I’m autism spectum, and when I was younger I built a Bird model to help me feel more confident accessing my Courtier Badger. That’s what this feels like.
But I definitely feel like it’s a model I’ve developed to deal with social anxiety and my fear of failure lol. I didn’t do stuff like that before it got bad, and if I could deal with not doing it, I would.
I hear that.
In most other situations, though, I tend to jump right in and go with the flow. I really don’t think very far ahead. I guess I can if I try, when it’s just a matter of logic, but things like my life plans, my relationships, or even more short-term things like plans with friends or what I’m gonna eat or how I’m gonna deal with a task, I really can’t project into the future. I can’t really make decisions or see a situation clearly until I’m in it. Then I tend to make decisions very quickly, kind of on instinct, or whatever feels right in the moment.
You’re definitely an improvisational secondary.
(Actually maybe that’s a primary thing? I’m a snake primary, but I do have a very prominent lion model, and a bit of badger as well.)
Nah, that’s definitely an Improvisational secondary thing. I am curious about your primary though, because you say you don’t have too much in the way of life plans… and *that* is more where a primary would come in. You feel like a safe Snake to me (that is, a Snake whose people are safe) so there is a little bit of… what now? What is the Lion+Badger model you wear over the top interested in?
Point is, I prefer being spontaneous, even if it’s something important. Making plans and having to stick to them makes me feel trapped. I’m not the most constant person, and I like that about me. I want to have room to grow and change, even for the smallest things.
Completely, entirely fair.
Anyway, I feel like I’ve talked more about limitations and things I don’t want so far, but I guess that’s a burnt thing.
I mean, sure you’re a little underconfident, but you seem pretty far along to me.
I’ve seen you mention what’s really useful in determining a secondary is what you actually enjoy, so here goes. I like being in the moment, and I like being able to come up with ideas and solutions on the fly, by taking in the situation and using it to my advantage.
That’s very Snake secondary sounding language.
I think there’s a bit of a separation in my mind between “people things” and “being clever things.”
For “being clever things��� (like… I don’t know, an escape room, a problem with an administration, a paper I have to write, video games, some kind of mystery…) I like to rely on being observant and quick-thinking, and if I can find loopholes or outsmart whoever I’m facing to win in an unexpected way, that’s even better (but really more for my ego than anything else, I guess finding the “normal” solution is okay, as long as you get there, it’s just less fun).
Hilarious. Yeah, you sound like a *confident* Snake secondary to me.
For “people things” (drama with family or friends, or if someone is being an ass, or if someone comes to me for advice on interpersonal things), I prioritize being straightforward and honest. If I have time to plan or if I’m giving advice, I might come up with something more sneaky and elaborate, but if I’m in the moment, I’m most likely to be really confrontational, stubborn and unyielding, even if it makes things more difficult for me.
Hmm. I am reading this as a Snake who likes being Neutral - especially those words “stubborn” and “unyielding.” There’s a reason Neutral Snakes are called “the unmovable object.”
If I catch myself, I try to avoid it, but that just means staying silent and removing myself from the situation – I can’t bring myself to make compromises if it feels like I’m betraying myself.
Okay, now that’s sounding more Lion.
To be clear, that’s almost exclusively with people I’m close to, or who are supposed to “know me”.
Oh okay. This is your secondary interacting with your primary. Actively lying to and misrepresenting yourself to Your People would be immoral to a Snake Primary.
With friends who aren’t in my inner circle, or acquaintances, or complete strangers, or authority figures, I might get upset internally if I’m perceiving a slight or injustice, but I can keep up the mask I need no problem. That being said, I don’t have a lot of patience for drama, so if whatever it is can’t be quickly resolved with a convenient lie or saying what works for me in a way they won’t mind hearing, I just stick to what I’m actually thinking and/or my neutral state (I’m not sure it’s accurate to use snake language here, but it feels like it and it’s convenient).
I think it’s highly appropriate and accurate. All that is reading very Snake.
I’ve seen a bunch of people say lion and snake secondaries are sort of at odds with each other, but I don’t really get the contradiction between them yet (as in, I don’t see why people can’t be both those “contradictory” things at the same time). I do mask a lot, and I enjoy it – I think it’s rewarding, and honestly it just makes sense – it’s what works best in that moment, and it feels natural to shift that way. I just don’t feel it’s a misrepresentation. The whole “it’s not cheating, it’s being clever” thing just feels a little too dishonest. Cheating is cheating, no need to be so smug about it. It’s not wrong, though, at least not always. If it’s hurting someone who doesn’t deserve it, then it’s wrong (might still do it if the alternative is worse, but that doesn’t mean it’s suddenly an ethical choice to make, it just means I’m okay with being immoral in that instance).
All that being said, I don’t think masking is being dishonest about yourself. I don’t think anything that comes out of my mind is “not me”, it just doesn’t work that way. The personas I have with different groups or people in my life are all genuine, it’s just that different sides of me are brought up. And if I’m acting in a way that’s actually not genuine, that mask is still my creation – if someone else were to come up with a mask for that same situation, it would be different, because their mind works differently. Everything you do is a reflection of yourself, and even if you were to try your best to be honest all the time, you’d never be able to show your true and complete self to someone else. You can’t even see that yourself.
Oh man. This is why I love writing these, and this is what I mean about Lion and Snake being so incomprehensible to each other. Because Lions fundamentally do not think this way, every word here is dripping with Snake.
It might be helpful to think of Lions as static. That’s how Shakespeare (who definitely seems like a Snake secondary…) writes about them, and he sees them as sort of tragic. Lions really do have a “core” persona that feels more true than all the others, and they really do exist in it as much as they possibly can. And feel good and moral about doing that.
And a mask’s point may be to deceive or to gain something, but being blunt and straightforward can be used in that way too.
You are literally thinking of “common Lion secondary presentation” as another useful mask, and it’s so Snake, and so fantastic.
I’m thinking this sounds more snake than anything else, so I’ll focus on why I thought I might be a lion too now. I guess the reason I’m on the fence is because these two are presented as “either you think the only way is through, or you’re looking for a way around it”, and I’m not comfortable saying I favor either.
That is *a* way to think about the two secondaries. But those are symptoms, not causes. The reason a Lion secondary feels that the only way out is though is because a Lion secondary must be themselves, or die.
My first thought was to say that I get more satisfaction from finding ways around a problem because it makes me feel cleverer and it’s more fun, but that’s because I’m zeroing in on certain types of situations (people giving me some intellectual challenge, debates, or video games). But there were also a lot of times where I stuck it out and kept going with pigheaded stubbornness, and got a lot more satisfaction out of that (physical challenges like obstacle courses, disagreements with my parents, winning over certain people).
Here’s where I think the confusion is. You’re a Snake secondary, and one of your masks looks very Lion. Note how you talk about using this “pigheadedness” with certain people, who you know will respond well to it.
In fact, I remember my father telling me one day “yeah, you’re never here to compromise, you just make decisions and inform us, and keep going while you wait for us to accept reality,“ and I actually can’t describe how proud and smug I was about that. Kind of insufferable, but I just get so euphoric when people see right through me and show they get me, even if it’s about the more annoying or bad parts of me.
I think that’s just a human thing. The mortifying ideal of being known is how you feel loved.
I remember a conversation I had with my ex after we broke up where she cut right through all my bullshit and discarded my whole mask to get right to my inner self and the core of certain issues, and even though I was still mad and upset, and kind of embarrassed that she could see me being vulnerable, I couldn’t help but be happy about it, because I felt known.
Yeah. <3
I don’t interact much with people outside of my inner circle, so I can’t tell if it’s entirely specific to them, but I really vibe with the “honesty is their strength” part of being a lion. That’s why my people trust me and rely on me so much, because even though they know how sneaky I can get and how fun I think tricking people is, they also know I default to telling the truth and saying what’s on my mind more often than not, because they’re my people.
I think that, as a Snake primary who mostly only interacts with Your People, you’re in a kind of unusual position. I know that the presentation of a Snake who feels safe can be blunter, can be more Lion-y. My experience with Snakes is… yeah, sometimes I know I’m being manipulated, or having my buttons pushed in a specific way. But I’m fine with it, because I’m one of their people, and I know they would never hurt me. That’s where the certainty is coming from.
Then again, I also have a “it’s not lying unless they’re entitled to the truth” attitude with basically everyone else. I just don’t think some people deserve to know me that way.
(lions are going to take the truth and PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE with it, and if you can’t deal that’s YOUR PROBLEM)
And “ideally”, as in, if I didn’t have anxiety and a bunch of other issues, I still don’t think I’d just be neutral all the time. Sounds boring. And inconvenient.
Snake secondaries are great.
Ahhh, should I even post this? I feel like my whole thought process before this moment of introspection was “so I really vibe with snake, but I’m also hotheaded and a bit of a bitch, so I MUST be a lion, right” lmao. I just think I’m a straight up double snake at this point.
Oof, a long way from my original lion bird sorting back when I first discovered SHC hahaha
Yeah, I used to think I was a Badger Bird.
(For the record, I’m writing this in a word doc, and it’s almost 2k now. I haven’t checked how long these normally are, so I’m really sorry if this is too long!!! I’m like physically incapable of being concise I’m so sorry)
Sometimes I edit or re-arrange these slightly for a cleaning reading experience, but I’m having fun. I was engaged all the way though.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for doing these!! They’re super interesting and I’m sure it helps people a lot, and also it’s really cool to see how different people think. I’m a socially-challenged writer, so it’s useful to have that bit of insight into other people’s minds. Love ya <3 <3 <3
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fiction70 · 3 years
Whitruv first kiss for a prompt?
Oooh, I actually don't have any idea of how they first kissed!! So I'm gonna have to make this one up on the spot. Also, I know there's drama with Agoti, but I'm going to use that name if you all don't mind. Sorry if I trigger you all.
TW: dorks making out, and cussing
Whitty doesn't like telling the story of his first kiss.
Because it's a little embarrassing to admit.
Tonight is one of those nights.
Carol is having a small game night, and putting Whitty's feelings into consideration first, she only invites two people. Hex and Agoti.
Hex practically lives with him, Sunday and Carol. And Agoti's pretty chill, they made some pretty sick beats together one time. He doesn't mind him coming over either.
They're playing the terrifying game of truth or dare, and it's pretty tame until Agoti's next turn.
"Whitmore..." He began with a smile. It made Whitty uncomfortably nervous.
"Truth or dare, my main man?" Agoti asked.
For the sake of his safety, and probably his dignity, Whitty said:
"Truth." Thinking it wouldn't be so bad.
Like a fucking dumbass.
"Tell us...who, when, and where you had your first kiss." Agoti said.
Turns out, asking for truth was so much worse.
"Can I forfeit the game??" Whitty desperately asked Hex. Hex looks up the rules for truth or dare and shakes his head.
"There are apparently no forfeits in this game." The robot tells him, and Whitty has to mentally prepare to tell the story. It's so cheesy. And they're going to make him blush so hard afterwards.
"Fineee..." Whitty sighed, rubbing his face.
"Okay so...I was on a date with..."
Whitty was on a date with Ruv.
If you count walking aimlessly and pick pocketing the occasional passerby as a date.
But it was going pretty well. He and Ruv have been silently official for a little while now, meaning neither he or Ruv confessed to each other, but knew they were definitely more than friends. Ruv wasn't a person Whitty ever thought he'd be with, but walking side by side with him makes Whitty happy he befriended him.
"This way." Ruv suddenly said, causing Whitty to almost trip in his efforts to follow Ruv at a steady pace.
They end up walking down an alleyway and find some pretty neat stuff. Whitty found a screaming rubber chicken.
"Haha, I remember seeing this thing in a store one day." Whitty laughed fondly, squeezing the rubber chicken and hearing it scream.
Ruv gave him an unimpressed, but amused look.
"I found drugs." He stated as if it was the most casual thing to say.
Whitty choked on his own spit.
"WHAT." He exclaimed, looking up at Ruv who was holding a box. Inside the box was various needles, a bag of powder, and an ashtray.
Yeah, those were drugs.
"Ruv!! Put that down! You're gonna fuckin-" Whitty paused, not knowing what to say. "-get an aneurysm or some shit-" He took the box from Ruv and tossed it in a nearby dumpster.
When he turned back, he doesn't expect to see Ruv's shoulders shaking.
"Ruv? You okay?" Whitty immediately asked.
To his surprise, he hears Ruv softly laugh.
"You're so fucking stupid." Ruv chuckled, his hand covering his mouth.
Whitty thought it was the most prettiest sound in the world.
Ruv was laughing.
That was something to shut up and listen to, so that's exactly what Whitty did. When Ruv eventually stopped, the smallest smile was left on his face.
Whitty suddenly had the strange urge to kiss him.
This is a good moment, he tried to reason. They're in an alleyway, no one can see them, it's three in the morning, no one's awake in the apartments above them. Perfect time to kiss your boyfriend, right?
So, Whitty decided that yes, he was going to kiss Ruv.
He took a confident step forward-
And then he fell.
Before Whitty could land on the ground, he felt Ruv's arms wrap around his back, catching him from his fall. Whitty tries to regain balance, about to look up at Ruv to thank him-
And then their lips brushed ever so slightly.
Whitty didn't put any thought into it. He saw the opportunity, he's totally in the clear, so he moved his face forward and firmly pressed his lips against Ruv's.
He felt Ruv physically stiffen around him, but Whitty squeezed his eyes shut and hoped for the better.
Ruv's lips were oddly cold, but Whitty was starting to learn that Ruv was always cold, so it wasn't something he was totally surprised at.
It wasn't the best kiss in the world, like how it is in the movies. There were no fireworks, romantic music, and Whitty's back was feeling pretty uncomfortable at the moment. It was rough and Whitty was pretty sure Ruv still had his eye open, but it was a kiss, and he was sharing it with Ruv. So it was enough for Whitty.
All too soon, Ruv pulled away, and Whitty honestly hated the way his heart dropped out of fear that Ruv was going to dump him right then and there.
Whitty took the chance to stand up straight and clear his throat.
"Uhm, s-sorry Ru-"
Ruv yanked him by his hood and their lips crashed together. Hard. Like, Whitty's jaw kinda hurts now.
But Whitty never felt so relieved ever in his life.
He felt Ruv's mouth move against his, and Whitty did his best to reciprocate the motion. They fell into their own world, into their own pattern, into their own space, just basking in each other's presence and kissing one another.
Ruv pulled away once more, only to kiss Whitty again.
And again.
And again.
Whitty wasn't sure how many kisses they had shared by the time Ruv was backed up against the wall, but he was too focused on the way Ruv's hands twitched slightly on his back.
He also doesn't know when Ruv's tongue slipped into his mouth, but Whitty didn't care.
Right now he was having his first make out session and he was internally screaming, but otherwise okay. A little anxious, but okay.
His make out skills also wasn't good, but Ruv didn't seem to mind.
Ruv's tongue didn't taste like anything, much to Whitty's surprise, but he obviously didn't question that. He'd never seen Ruv eat in front of him before anyways.
To this day, Whitty still does not know how many times they kissed that night.
What he does remember, is bashfully escorting Ruv home, surprised by another kiss, and then they made out in the doorway.
They were eventually stopped by Sarvente, much to Ruv's embarrassment, who pushed him out of the threshold so hard, Whitty fell on his ass and watched Ruv's violet face slam the door closed.
He heard Sarv laugh shortly after.
Not a bad date after all.
Agoti was cackling.
"You made out in an alleyway??? And you didn't stop making out in your boyfriends house until his friend caught you both???" He wheezed.
Sunday was recording, and Carol was laughing too.
Hex was a little traumatized.
"y-yeah..." Whitty said in a quiet voice, his face battling the hue of an orange.
Agoti laughed harder.
This is why he doesn't tell the story of his first kiss.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Let’s talk: The importance of curating your space and the cyclical life of ships
by Admin 1
From anon: Hi! I'm a new Army/vminie (4 months) and I have a (maybe dumb) question... When I joined, I saw so many j*/k*okers analysing every small moment between jk and jm and these ppl were everywhere and I couldn't avoid seeing j*/k*ok ship content. However, the past two weeks or so it seems to have shifted and suddenly I see t*e/k*ok ship content everywhere. I wonder, is this shifting a normal occurence? And how do I get rid of these ship contents in spaces that are supposed to be free of these 2 ships
Having been around for quite some time, I’ve come to think of the big ships as something very akin to extremely sensitive seismometers. Instead of detecting even the smallest movement or noise in relation to earthquakes or volcanic activity, these ship seismometers react to any and all activity (as in any kind of “moments” or what they perceive as such) in very “volatile” manners, for a lack of better words.
What do I mean by that?
Like you said, there was a long phase after Dynamite came out where the mood had shifted toward J*k*ok because we got more content in which we could see those two interact, even if later on we also got content from the same sets and time in which both members involved were seen interacting with other members, but that didn’t matter. So, obviously, shippers took this as grand sign, the seismometer drawing numbers like ones you’d get when you have an extreme earthquake, but in this case it was a positive thing. Every new “moment” or anything they perceived as such caused big reactions, loud enough to even reach far beyond their space and instead was heard also in general ARMY spaces or those of other shippers etc. But, there’s also the opposite effect, as in, volatile reactions, or big reactions, when there are several pieces of content one after the other where said ship doesn’t interact or doesn’t have any “moments”. In cases like that euphoria quickly shifts into “insecurity” (though they would never admit to that) and worry, occasionally also defensiveness and attacks.
Imagine a scenario like this: lets say we get five Bangtan B*mbs. The first one has main ship A interact, the next one doesn’t have either of the two ships, the third one was has main ship B interact, as well as in video four and five. 
Those who were happy with the first video will be casual/neutral about the second one, but as they get the third, fourth and fifth, the seismometer for them inevitably turns from extremely positive to extremely negative. While for B it’s the exact opposite, going from negative to extremely positive with YT and sns exploding with announcements of “B ships is back” or “B are in love after all, BH has freed them” or anything along those lines.
What I’m trying to say is that yes, this is normal. The big ships and their shippers lead a very cyclical life, which also means they never quite “disappear” either. They are always there, waiting, and then jump on any piece of a moment they get with big reactions, and in the time where they have nothing, chances are the toxic part of their community will go into attack mode instead, like that will change anything at all. We’ve seen other ships come and go, nearly disappear just to have some kind of revival months or even years later, or “new” ships win the favor of the masses. There are also a few ships that have steadily existed for most of the past eight years without any volatile shifts or changes, but those are generally the quieter ones ignored or actively campaigned against/discredited ones by the big ships and their shippers. 
Hyung line ships are generally seen as more “niche”/overlooked, or just some background extras for fanfics or something ML shippers enjoy since the aren’t an active “threat”, like Namjoon x Yoongi or Yoongi x Hobi which have been around forever and I don’t think I’ve ever really seen (or heard about) anyone have fights about them or even fights between those two camps, since most shippers have an almost laser like focus on the maknaes and especially JK.
The funny thing in all of this, if you can even call it that, is that none of it really depends on the members themselves. In all this time they haven’t changed their behavior much at all, their bonds haven’t drastically or dramatically changed, and certain members didn’t magically go from “hating” each other to suddenly becoming couples over night or vise versa. It’s all shipper interpretations, theories and conspiracies being layered on top of what people see on screen to make things more “interesting”, even if that means actively going against what the members have said themselves and who the members are, as in their personalities but also in relation to each other.
And this brings me to my next point, the importance of curating your own space.
Here it’s important to know what kind of a TL or ARMY sns experience do you want. Do you want to just focus on your bias with a side of OT7 with gifs and pictures and nothing else? Do you want to have more of an eye on how BTS is doing on the charts? Have more discourse and discussions on the TL you can follow or actively participate in? Or do you want a mix of it all?
Personally I’m very picky in who I follow and what kind of content I add to my TL by following an account. Generally I think it’s important to check every account you consider following to make sure they aren’t one of the following things: akgae, manti, solo stan, toxic shipper, or a victimizing sheep. While I do follow a number of ship centric accounts, because I like seeing vmin and namjin on my TL, I find it extremely important to follow several trustworthy ARMY translators as well as a number of non-ship centric ARMY accounts that just focus on Bangtan as a whole.
The block button is your friend. I know it might seem drastic or mean to just block random people, but in the long run you will be thankful for it since it will keep toxic content away from your space, regardless if toxic in a solo stan sense or a ship one. If you’re on twt you can also mute certain words and # so they don’t show up on your TL either, make use of that if you feel a need for it. Eventually though the algorithm learns what you gravitate toward, and if you follow a well curated number of accounts, the things you don’t want to see simply won’t appear where you can see them.
On YT, as far as I’m aware, in the recommended section you can mark videos you don’t like as not being interested in them and even mark whole channels as something you don’t want to have recommended to you. Since I don’t watch any ship related videos, I never get any recommended to me despite watching BTS videos (though I mostly stick to their official accounts and wherever else they performed).
It’s important to create a space in which you just see the content you want, but still pay attention to not just bury yourself in a ship bubble since that can be a slippers slope and you might end up accidentally turning yourself toxic on accident, too sure of your thoughts and end up growing resentful moments where a member of your ship interacts with someone else in the group. That’s when you know you’ve gone several steps to far, since above all else, we are ARMY before we are vminnies or namjinists or anything else. We can love our chosen duo, we can love our bias(es), but we should always listen to what the members have to say and trust them. After all Tae (and the other members) has asked us several times to love all seven, so that’s what I do. They are all incredibly lovable, and their bonds with each other all precious and wonderful in their own ways and worthy of appreciation, so I don’t understand those who feel hatred against any of them.
Curate your space but always keep a healthy mix of general ARMY and ship content, if you are someone who partakes in shiperverse activities, and stay as far away as possible from manipulative YT videos and accounts with toxic narratives and motives. 
From anon: hey! read your new post re: curating your own space. don't know if you'll answer this, but is there any "must follow" accounts on twt (for translations, vmin, and bts in general) that you can recommend? I'm new to the site and made an account for bangtan only, but there's just so much going on there that it can get confusing. Also found out that there are many troll accs, fake 'nice' accs, too much drama accs etc that can give you a bad experience.
Here’s a large selection of translators and a smaller selection of other accounts that I think are worth following, especially BTSChartData. Also, whatever you do, don’t follow the BTS ARMY twt account with 4M+ followers or however many they might have at this point.
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I’d also be very weary of member specific fanbases and chart accounts since they are known as perfect breeding grounds for solos, akgae and mantis, unfortunately, and some have been exposed for being akgae themselves.
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whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
this fandom is extremely toxic! I wish people weren't fighting and starting drama over the smallest things. I wish there wasn't this much hate over fictional characters, ships, actors etc. why can't spn fandom be like (most) other fandoms that simply enjoy their faves, stan an actor without getting harassment from another SIDE and ship whatever they want without someone attacking them? in most healthy fandoms people interact with each other regardless of their different opinions cause they respect each other and know everyone behind an acc is a real person. a human being with feeling and not a robot. they just enjoy being in a healthy environment and have fun.
but in this fandom everyone seems to be in a horrible mental health condition and it's understandable since every side is fighting someone else till death. I wish I never entered this fandom and stayed as a general audience who loved all characters and wasn't sick of every ship that's been created in history beacuse of the toxic fans
I should say I agree with this, but I would be quite hypocrital because recently I've indulged myself in some fandom toxicity 👀
I didn't really want when I joined this fandom but finally I was dragged into the mud, on one hand by the evident hate and bullshit from "the other side" that ended up sicking me; on the other hand by the catharsis of the prequelgate, when it seemed we finally didn't have to bite our tongues about many issues related to jarpad (I'm not saying this as a justification for my behaviour)
I think there is toxicity in any fandom, maybe more in others, the SPN fandom really looks particulary toxic, but from my own experience, other fandoms are not so far. I still remember the bloody wars between reylos and antis in the Star Wars fandom. I'm anti-reylo by the way, and dude at that time I said awful things even worse than I've said in the spn fandom (not here but in my main blog)
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wonderlustlucas · 4 years
the visit - hwang hyunjin
⇢ prompt “And do what? Watch another horror so you can cry?” ⇢ pairing hyunjin x female reader ⇢ word count 1.8k ⇢ genre fluff & little smut but not really ⇢ warnings swearing, make out sesh & a little grinding action ⇢ summary “hwang hyunjin x female reader. Genre is up to you, please (fluff/smut) ~ Theme - Hyunjin and his s/o are watching a horror movie. And s/o laughs a lot, being rational and isn't scared at all. While Hyunjin is ehh a scared drama queen? haha”—request ; friends to lovers!au
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You’re beginning to think inviting Hyunjin to your dorm to watch The Visit with you wasn’t the best idea.
It’s not like you had many other choices. With your roommate having gone home for the weekend and Hyunjin’s dorm only a few doors down, it was your best option. And on the typical occasion, you wouldn’t be complaining; usually, you are more than happy to spend time with one of your newer friends who not only makes you smile so hard it hurts, but also happens to be ridiculously handsome. You know. As a plus.
You should have guessed that Hyunjin isn’t a horror kind of person. Seriously— he’s a pretty rose-colored glasses, happy-go-lucky guy. So why he agreed to watch one such movie with you in the first place is beyond your level of judging expertise.
You’re trying to not get ahead of yourself.
Hyunjin lets out an audible gasp when it is revealed who the ‘grandparents’ truly are. You can’t help but pause the movie, trying to stifle a laugh. “Are you for real?” You ask, turning to look at him. “You didn’t realize who they were?” Somewhere in the back of your head, you take note of how unfairly cute he looks right now, lying on his stomach beside you with his face smooshed into one of your pillows.
“Um, no?” He scoffs like it’s the most reasonable thing ever, sending you an unamused glare.
“You’re dense.”
You start to feel bad as the movie draws closer to its end. To you, the movie is stupid; totally predictable and you can’t stop laughing. Hyunjin, on the other hand, is not having as fun of a time. Clearly frightened—or, maybe just overwhelmed—by the sudden and rather aggressive turn of events, he finds it much more disturbing and you begin to find yourself focusing more on the way he keeps flinching rather than the movie.
“Okay,” you finally quip, slapping your laptop closed, “I think that’s enough.”
“What?” Hyunjin hollers, leaning up on his elbows. “What are you doing?”
“You’re clearly freaked out, Hyunjin. You should have just told me you didn’t like horror movies and stayed in your dorm,” grumbling, you miss the hurt that flashes across his face when you reach back to retrieve your phone.
“Then I wouldn’t get to see you,” he admits, keeping his gaze glued on you as you come back down next to him. You momentarily forget how to breathe, heat making its way up your neck to settle on your cheeks. He can’t help but smile to himself at the reaction.
“Well,” you cough, “we could have watched something else.”
“No matter how disturbing it is,” Hyunjin hums, reopening your laptop, “I have to see how it ends.”
Reluctant, you look to him with a frown and momentarily wonder if he’s trying to prove something. You certainly hope not. Before you can even make sure he really wants to continue, Hyunjin offers the softest of smiles for reassurance and you can’t help but send one back. He simply has that effect. With one last sigh, you quickly type in your password and reposition yourself; this time, a little closer to him. “Fine,” you sigh, continuing the movie, “but if you cry or something, I’m going to laugh.”
He doesn’t cry. In fact, he’s stiff as a board, face devoid of emotion as he keeps his eyes glued to the screen. It isn’t until you shift to rest your head on his arm does the smallest of smiles appear on his lips. And before you know it, the movie is ending and you realize you have spent the last twenty minutes or so transfixed on Hyunjin rather than the film’s conclusion. Oh well.
“That was interesting,” you offer. You’re not sure what to think at the moment. A part of you likes to believe one too many lines were crossed this evening for friends who only met at the beginning of this semester, but the more reasonable side is convinced Hyunjin would never see you as anything more than that. Friends.
“I think you’re a liar,” Hyunjin quips unexpectantly, brows furrowed when you whip back to face him. “I think you’re scared, but you just play it off and laugh ‘cause you don’t want to blow the little façade you got going.”
You scoff, leaning back on an elbow to regard him. “I’ve seen some scary movies, Hyunjin, but this definitely wasn’t one of them. Get the hell out of here.”
“But I wanted to stay,” he whines with a pout of his lips. Fuck, if you were knee-deep in shit before, you might as well be drowning now. “And do what? Watch another horror so you can cry?” You challenge like always, blowing off what could be flirting because it just seems too outrageous to you. “No,” Hyunjin frowns, suddenly serious and it turns your blood to ice.
“What, then?” You laugh airily, looking away for the sake of your own sanity and watching the movie’s credits intently. The silence is deafening, dragging on for so long you begin to fear that he can hear how heavily your heart is beating. Finally, you muster up the courage to look back at Hyunjin who, to your surprise, seems to have been regarding you quietly the entire time. “What?”
“Can I kiss you?” Hyunjin asks in a rush.
“What?” You blurt, nearly choking on the air you heave and staring back at him with wide eyes. “Why would you want to do that?”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes, deserting his pillow in favor of sitting up to lean against the wall. “Do you want the confession version or the dirty version?” He asks like it means nothing at all, the corners of his eyes scrunched in amusement. You nearly choke—again.
“Dirty?” You repeat, bewildered. At this point, you must have died and gone to heaven to hear Hwang Hyunjin even utter such words. You scramble to sit up, keeping a safe distance from the boy talking absolute buffoonery at you.
“My friends were talking about you,” he starts, and instantly the alarms begin ringing in your brain. Hyunjin is one thing, but his friends? They’re an entirely new level of terrifying, and the fact that he’s using plural friends has your heart racing. “No, no, no. I actually don’t wanna know,” you interrupt, waving your hands for him to stop and opting to look at the now dark screen of your laptop.
Hyunjin ignores you. “They’ve been talking about your ass for weeks now after you wore this one pair of jeans, and it’s driving me absolutely nuts because, yeah, your ass is great, but it also made me realize how possessive I feel about you. I don’t think I can handle another day listening to them wonder ‘what that mouth do,’ because now I can’t help but wonder, and it’s fucking me up because I really like you and I love spending time with you but then you’ll do some nonchalant shit like… just the way you leaned back. It makes my head spin. And I hate knowing anyone else is thinking of you the way I do. But like, if you don’t feel the same way and don’t want to kiss me, I get it. We’re probably just a bunch of horny teenage boys to you, and I don’t know why you would want me of all—”
“Jesus Christ, shut up,” you groan, hastily waddling on your knees until you’re close enough to swing a leg over his lap and cup his face in your hands. For a moment, you hesitate—pausing to look him in the eyes and wondering whether you should offer some sort of confession in return. Later, you decide. Because right now, whether it’s from the words that just left his mouth or simply how delectable he looks up close, giving Hyunjin a damn kiss is your best option.
It’s nothing more than a peck—once, twice, three times, on the fourth, however, Hyunjin finally seems to come to his senses. With one hand sliding up your back to press you closer and the other coming to cradle your jaw and angle it to his liking, three simple pecks quickly evolve into much more. And for the time being, you’re entirely lost in the plushness of his lips and the taste of his tongue and the fire his touch leaves behind as he reaches for everything but nothing all at once.
“Hyunjin,” you squeak out without even meaning to. You hadn’t even meant to stop kissing him, but here you are, fingers twisting in his shirt and body throbbing with a need you did not think you would feel tonight. “Yes?” He hums, making his way down your neck with the way you tilt back for him, littering your skin with pillowy kisses in between the small bruises he sucks along the way.
“Shit, I don’t know,” you manage breathlessly, subconsciously trying to wrap your legs around his hips so that the slow roll of your core against him does more to satisfy your growing desire. “You have a problem down there?” Hyunjin whispers, noticing the determined movement and dropping a hand buried in your hair to grip at your thigh, thumb tapping at your clothed center, just a few centimeters below your most sensitive nerves. Still, it has electricity coursing through your veins and you nod hastily, lifting your hips to try and position yourself so his thumb presses into your clit.
Realizing what you are trying to do, Hyunjin clicks his tongue and moves his hand further away, stifling a laugh when you whimper. “Jesus, ___, what happened to you? I didn’t expect you to be so needy,” the fucker giggles, lifting you by the hips to guide you into spinning around and sitting between his legs, back now pressed to his chest.
“I didn’t expect Hwang Hyunjin of all people to tell me he’s possessive of me,” you retort despite how lightheaded you feel with the way his hands roam, one hand dipping under your sweatshirt to slide over the warm skin of your stomach and give your breast a squeeze; the other trailing over the waistband of your shorts.
“It’s true,” Hyunjin sighs dreamily, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. Instinctively, you drop your head against his shoulder and tilt to kiss the curve of his neck, unable to fight your smile. “Before we do anything though, ___, I have to know,” he clears his throat, fingers finally slipping beneath the fabric of your shorts and underwear, “is this going to be a one-time thing?”
This question in itself is enough to sober you from the desire clouding your mind. Leaning up just enough so you can twist around and look him in the eyes, you offer Hyunjin a reassuring smile before anything else.
“No,” you answer, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, “we still have so many horror movies to watch together.”
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orsuliya · 3 years
I concur with @dangermousie​. This is hands down one of the best scenes - if not the best! - in this amazing drama. It’s the snap we’ve been waiting for and the biggest middle finger imaginable towards those nobles we so love to hate - all rolled into one epic battle of wills.
Xiao Qi enters the hall, having actually asked for an audience, which means he chooses to adhere to the protocol again... Except that he comes armed and accompanied by six armed Ningshuo soldiers, two big no-nos of royal audiences. Wearing mourning white is the third. Three strikes against Zitan’s authority and he hasn’t even opened his mouth yet!
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Oh, and here’s the fourth. Xiao Qi does kneel this time, but he does it in the wrong place and only after Turnip Wang asks him what the hell is he doing, does he not know anything about court etiquette? With such suspicious timing it almost looks like Xiao Qi deigns to kneel only because of this pesky thing called  etiquette, not because of any actual respect towards the Emperor.
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But he does kneel! Only now he refuses to get up. This man!!! In episode 60 he weaponized bowing, in episode 61 he did the same with not-bowing and not-kneeling and now he’s unleashing his kneeling skills. I’m afraid to ask what might be next. Oh, and those six Ningshuo soldiers? They kneel only after their Prince does. Sufficiently after to make it clear they’re taking their cue from him and him alone.
Zitan asks what brings Xiao Qi here and gets the same answer everybody has been getting for some time now. Xiao Qi wants justice for his men. Zitan plays the fool and replies that they were already served justice. Prince Yuzhang’s name is cleared and so are theirs. Ooookay. How is that supposed to work? There’s no word of the investigation being completed, so right now it looks like Potato just keeled over and died. And so did a few thousands of good men and mooks. You need to name a guilty party, Zitan. Or scream to the heavens that you shall find the guilty party and condemn them in absentia, whoever they might be. You haven’t done either of those things.,. This whole regicide business hangs in limbo, ergo, no names are completely cleared and no honour restored.
The problem is not that all those nobles don’t understand that this looks suspicious as hell. They do. It’s just they don’t understand why Xiao Qi doesn’t let it go, once his reputation gets restored. Why does he keep pressing on and on? Hu Yao explained the reason for that quite neatly over her brother’s grave. Soldiers - and Ningshuo soldiers most of all - are alright with going to their death for the right cause. Dying in battle is a professional risk, one they’re used to. It’s also honourable. The problem is not that a few hundred men died, it’s that they died due to deception and daggers in the dark, hunted and killed by their own. That’s no death for a soldier!
Zitan and all those nobles will never in a million years understand that, so Xiao Qi might have to use smaller words. Which he does with great aplomb, once it becomes pretty clear that Zitan is not going to lead the mourning ceremony himself. It’s against tradition, you see. Emperors don’t do that for fallen soldiers, only for the Heavens and for their own ancestors. Well, Xiao Qi does not think that imperial ancestors are inherently more worthy than his soldiers.
And so starts the beatdown.
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Zitan is all agog and aghast. Xiao Qi dares to force his hand?! He dares to treat Zitan’s autonomy like a football? Oh! Oh! Jail for Xiao Qi! Jail for Xiao Qi for a thousand years!
Xiao Qi attacks right back. The court forced my soldiers, leaving us no way out, he says, looking straight into Zitan’s eyes as I start to understand what is going on here. It’s not that Xiao Qi does not want a mourning ceremony for his men. He absolutely does; he would keep heaping one honour after another upon them if he could. And having the Emperor lead the ceremony himself is undoubtedly an honor, the Emperor being Zitan notwithstanding. But why this insistence, why this merciless attack? Why, it’s psychological warfare time! Xiao Qi doesn’t want any Emperor for this ceremony, he wants Zitan, his primary suspect. I think he’s counting on Zitan being in possession of such alien and unfathomable things as shame and conscience. No luck there, sorry, Xiao Qi. Zitan will absolutely go and mourn his victims. And he’ll smirk inwardly all the while. He’s only resisting now because he hates you for stealing his girl.
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After delivering what would be a devastating blow to any somewhat moral human being, Xiao Qi, almost overcome with emotion, turns his back to Zitan and starts tearing into nobility as a class. No, he really does.
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Finally someone has the courage to say what needed to be said a long time ago. Xiao Qi has no compunctions calling the nobles out on their uselessness. If not for the lowborn trash like him and his men, who give their lives and blood daily to protect the borders, where would all those fat nobles be? Not enjoying their fortunes, that’s where. And betrayal is what those soldiers got in return.
And you know what, I think he got through to a few of them, which is a miracle in itself. Song Huaien actually looks ashamed of his noble aspirations, though that won’t last long. Zitan, on the other hand, is absolutely unapologetic. No shame to be seen anywhere in his eyes, only something very close to dark joy. I’m starting to think he’s feeding on Xiao Qi’s emotional pain.
Xiao Qi, instead of murdering this psycho for the betterment of society, keeps using his words. He demands proof! No, not proof of guilt (although that would be nice), proof of Zitan actually deserving to keep living. If there is no such proof? Xiao Qi won’t obey. His (!) Ningshuo soldiers won’t obey. And neither will the common people of Cheng.
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Can Zitan lower himself to actually doing this one small ceremony in exchange for his life and throne with anything resembling good grace? Is he able to feel even the smallest tinge of conscience? Or perhaps he may be able to let his passive-aggressiveness go out of sheer self-preservation? Yeah, dream on.
As always, he is saved by the bell. Or, in this case, by knees hitting the floor. Song Huaien is the first to kneel, then Turnip, Gu Himbo is third, the rest follows soon after.  And now that it has turned into Zitan vs Ministers, he folds. Why wouldn’t he? It’s not like he cares about anything other than sticking it to Xiao Qi. And he’ll find ample opportunity, no worries about that.
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Pity he doesn’t have his bow, he’d try to shoot Xiao Qi dead. What? Knowing his skill, he’d miss anyway!
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