#i have a lot of thoughts abt creators talking about fanfic
ursifors · 15 days
because of the conversation on stream today (about a specific fanfiction written about jeremy and platy) i just wanna remind yall that rpf is not written for the people it's about, it's written with the idea that those people will never find it, and if any of you harass the author i will kill you with knives
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beegod666 · 1 year
I have weird dreams
lol first non reblog post- kinda-
anyway just had an odd dream, there was an ask box i was gonna drop it in. However I don’t remember who’s it was so uh, I'm just posting it here lol.
Quick heads up, I’m gonna mention the whole thing you do in dreams where you “just know” bc you do, and while this dream was Mcyt based (The Hermits, Empires, lil bit Dsmp) I also mention some other stuff. So if you don’t get a reference or smthn dw abt it.
kep in mind, this is the characters not the content creators (thank my fanfic addiction, my brain didn’t decide it was the cc’s that would've been a nightmare-)
(not bc i hate the cc’s just it would’ve been weird to post lol)
This was also a lucid dream, which means I was in control of myself, but I like to follow the story so I let it flow and just react. But that's gonna result in sentences like, I was trying yada yada bc it is me trying, not the flow of the dream. Just thought I’d mention lol. I half lucid dream a lot so I’ve gotten ok at giving the rundown.
Ok so the whole thing gave off almost life series vibes, but also apocalypse vibes lol. We were in a kinda medium little group, some faces I remember some I don’t some i just kinda knew without seeing their face or hearing them talk, and a couple I had no sweet clue.
At the very beginning of the dream, I was trying to figure out who was with me, bc I could immediately tell that there were at least six or seven people and at most ten (I think there ended up being more just not near enough to me that magic dream spidey senses happened.) we were in a kind of tower I think with our stuff in the corners, wooden floors and stone walls. We all had cloaks on.
First there was Wilbur talking and I was with him and two ish other people + Tommy, he was making some sort of strategy or plan for like an attack or something, but I think we were also hiding/taking refuge. I think it was Ren but that was only a late dream detail. I went to go check for people and no, I have no clue who the beginning people are. But based on later parts of the dream they could be Cleo and Pearl. Moving on I went look for I think Grian or maybe Jimmy? Anyway I find shenanigans with what I think what was supposed to be a warden idk it was too far away, whatever it was Bdubs did it and that was enough for me to leave bc Bdubs warden is not what i want to die too bc the dream was fun. Cleo and Pearl are there with i think Owen, but it could've been Oli- and then Wilbur comes out and panics lol. So I head back in and find Grian looting whatever abandoned castle were taking refuge in. We have a quick conversation and he says something that makes me think of Jimmy. I’m about to go look for him but I turn around and he’s behind me down the little bit of stairs (the second entrance to the balcony like section with the warden) I find him and two others. Who one i think was Joel and the other was either Etho or Grian. Yes that makes no sense bc Grian was just talking to me, don’t you just love dream logic?
About here it starts to cut forwards and back between the current scene and what seems to be the end of the situation.
so its a little fenced in area, iron fences to the right of the castle/tower thingy. Weird almost like fountain stand but it has a throne on it. That’s in the center. Theres a lil dirt path in the front. I don’t remember much abt this bit. But Ren rides up the path, Bdubs or Martyn was there with him briefly and then the dream logic’d them away. Scott is in the corner and I’m hanging out near/on the throne. Ren comes in yelling about smthn, oh btw it’s red winter Ren. Anyway he’s yelling abt smthn I’m basically hidng and Scott is dying from a sword wound in his gut hurt. And after that it’s blurry and inexplicable.
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dream-critical · 1 year
Mercury you are Incredibly fucking correct about the way older people in the fandom act my GOD. I've been in a couple adults only fan spaces and holy SHIT you'd think adults who were here for like allllll of the other youtubers doing horrid stuff, who condemned CMC for doing The Same Thing As Dream. Would find this shit weird but they Don't! Moving from DSMP centric circles to Life Series/Hermit/Empires centric ones was like an ENORMOUS shock bc while there are still bad eggs in those spaces there are FAR fewer adults making every aspect of how they engage with these block guys about how bad they wanna fuck them or see them fuck each other. DSMP spaces I was in went "Nah it's Normal that Dream's giving out a phone number for fans to text him and get a real reply because broadcast celebs did that" and ignore that most celeb replies are automated entirely and also don't typically humor messages calling them sexy gay dogboys or daddy or any of that shit.
Back when that was happening there were Not grooming allegations about Dream yet but it was like a month at most after the CMC situation and anyone who like Thought about it for more than a moment could noodle out that like. Even if there would never be accusations against Dream, he sets the foundation for what a LOT of people will consider normal content creator behavior until the next big thing unseats him in like ten or so years. The idea that private snapchats or a text line that only you and the other person see unless one party publishes the messages are Normal Things to hand out to your primarily tweenage audience is like. Bad. Like even if he DIDN'T groom anyone he still sets the standard that privately talking to a grown man just shy of twice your age with 20 million followers is a normal and good interaction! The other adults in those spaces should have been seeing SO many more fucking red flags in the moment! It should not have been me and three other people who weren't OBSESSED with the man who were the only ones concerned with that!
And by GOD the RPF discussion. I spent months being told that I was just being an anti or a hater for agreeing that Dream repopularized super public RPF and RPF being sent to creators and blockign over RPF being abnormal. Like. My credentials here are I've been in Youtuber fandoms before and since falling in and out with the DSMP. I grew up on DeviantArt in the heyday of Septiplier and Phan getting sent to the content creators. I saw the culture change enough to have a significant pushback against shipping those guys from Buzzfeed Unsolved by 2019. I've BEEN online and I know that Dream and George encouraging ship content being sent to them and made hyper public like Drastically changed how often I found RPF on my timeline. YES shit was bad during SMPLive. It was SO much worse ten years ago and it's getting back to those levels as more kids migrate out of the DSMP/DTeam fandoms and act like content creators need to see their fanfic or fanart of them being used as Sex Objects. And being told I was just making shit up or hatemongering against Dream for noticing the Real pattern in how the public treats RPF? It made me feel unhinged then and it still makes me feel unhinged now.
anyways long rant over it takes me 0 whole dollars to think critically abt how I engage with people's Minecraft DND characters and how I engage with the actual creators and adults who act like that expectation is Censorship Of Queer People are dumb of ass.
I literally couldn't have agreed more with you anon. I wasn't in the fandom back when SMP live was a thing, but i do have experiences with fandoms where RPF is completely normalized outside of the dsmp. I'm kind of gonna go on a rant of my own as well here. But like
It's frustrating to see how these people, Idols, content creators, celebrities etc are dehumanized and often just seen as an object to project all of their emotions, whether it's frustrating, lust etc on to.
Like they genuinely stop seeing them as people, even if they don't want to admit it.
It honestly isn't even just about sexual content, stuff like writing rpf fics and assuming certain people's roles within the lives of the ccs they like is also weird
Like how you can find rpf fics where the ccs parents are abusive. How you can find fics where the significant other of the cc is cheating which is why they leave them for their friend and discover they were in gay love all along. or Fics where its revealed that "actually this specific moment that happened irl on stream was a sign of abuse and the people who claim to be the friend of X cc are actually toxic and don't deserve them" And its just like??????
People are reading into things so hard. And I'll admit when I'm hyperfixating hard it's sometimes difficult to differentiate what I feel and what the cc I watch feels or expresses, but I'm aware that that's parasocial behaviour and I ignore it. It's my brain tricking me into thinking I know that person and that they feel and see everything the same as I do. It's not healthy to indulge in that even if it can feel comforting.
And the problem with the dteam specifically is that they encourage this type of behaviour like a lot, and the only reason they do is profit.
Back to nsfw content though, it absolutely is going to become a lot worse and I'm not looking forward to that
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(Not hate) okay so about that one controversial fic. I’m not gonna say anything bad about but I’m actually just genuinely curious why you decided to write something like that? Considering that there’s way less controversial things to write about, why did you decide to write that?
i think i answered something similar a while ago, but it got lost on my blog bc i am incapable of tagging things properly lol i can never find anything
i am a person that likes to be challenged. i like taking an unusual or controversial concept and exploring it (one of the reasons i invented and did kink!week, where i challenged myself to write abt unusual/odd/misunderstood kinks and tried to make it genuinely hot, even if i personally wasn't necessarily into it). truth is, i got bored with the fanfic community and the type of content that was preferred, and i was honestly bored with it for a while before writing this fic. no hate to fandom writers -- i think there is a place and an audience for everyone, but i craved a different type of content, both to read and to write. i felt like i was expected to throw out fics that are basically all a variation on the same concept, and i felt i'd go nuts if i read one more larissa x teacher!reader self-insert fic. i felt like the content was just used for self-insert gratification and porn with little to no plot or actual character exploration/development. and honestly, nothing wrong with that, but i was hungry for stories with substance, or even slightly more imaginative smut, if we're talking smut (and let's be real this is a very horny fandom lol).
so one morning i was scrolling through the Webbed Site, as one does, and i stumbled upon a larissa x wednesday fic by a person whose username i honestly don't even remember, but they were not a popular or a known creator. and i was like, what the hell, let's see if this is cringe and if it is i can be Outraged with my wife later. and while Some of it was cringe, i felt like there was actual substance to the story and that their dynamic made sense, even if there were bits that i disliked and the grammar was very poor. and i was like, wow, that actually felt refreshing to read, even with its many flaws. at least it was original.
so i started to wonder -> under which circumstances would these two characters actually make sense? how do i create a world in which that relationship would work? i love to challenge myself as a writer, and i thought about it until i came up with a narrative that could support my idea!
i am honestly surprised by how many people are appalled by the concept of ageing up a character? that has been around for as long as fandom exists. i didn't think it would be *that* controversial, and if you read my story i honestly don't think there is anything Outrageous in it. in fact, i think it's much, much tamer than MANY popular fandom works. i expected some backlash bc people are generally close-minded online and have very Specific ideas abt what is Moral and what is Not, but i didn't expect people to go *this* nuts lol. i am better prepared for next time, i guess
and even if my work was like. Immoral and Horrible, it's fiction. if you don't like it, don't read it. i feel we encounter a genuine problem when people try to control and police other people and the type of content that gets written and posted -- a lot like young people trying to erase "problematic tags" from ao3. i am not saying certain things aren't problematic, but there is a distinction to be made between fiction and real life. people are allowed to write about whatever they want to write about, and it doesn't make them criminals, murderers, pedophiles, or morally corrupt and evil.
i honestly think most people who have accused me of promoting pedophilia wouldn't recognise sexual abuse if it was happening before their eyes irl lol. and besides, i never said oh go fuck your former teacher, that's a great idea!!! (i know fandom people who have bragged abt doing that though lol) i have simply written a story about two characters that are both consenting adults, and you can take it or leave it.
i am, in fact, writing a new fic that does deal with pedophilia, ephebophilia to be precise with my terminology, sexual assault and cycles of abuse -- how and why they happen and whether they can be broken and how. it's a very personal story and i pull a lot from my own life experience with sexual abuse as a minor. it's, obviously, not a romance or a ship story, but it *is* set in the wednesday universe -- and i am SURE i will get another bout of "kill yourself" messages, to which i say, i don't give a shit. i think people who send that type of shit are sad and deranged -- and tbh, you can send me those day in and day out and i would still i post whatever the fuck i wanted. i got angry with all the ignorance and hate that i witnessed after i published "particular" and i now feel the need to write what people think they witnessed in my story.
all that being said, i am also a person that likes to poke at the status quo. my answer to "why" is "why not?" so you can take that as you will. i am not harming anybody and i don't see why i should be apologetic about writing a fic that i wanted to write.
i appreciate you asking a genuine question and not hiding behind anon! this is my genuine answer, and i hope it's somewhat satisfying -- if not, that's too bad bc it's the only one i've got.
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
(Prev anon) tru. u.u although, ppl on the internet are just weird abt critiquing fanfics/media in general. 🥴
Ajdhfkd yeah like. I get it because there are people who are necessarily harsh on fics/art/media/whatever for no reason, and actually will go after the creator and be rude about it when the creator is just doing their own thing. theres a lot of people that give harsh criticism when its not needed or asked for
but also people tend to get into the "if you have a critique or share your thoughts about something you dont like then youre terrible and dragging people down" mindset in response to that, to the point where they veiw everything as an attack
you can think "there is a lot of very harsh or unwanted critique or straight up hate and its not okay" and "people are allowed to have thoughts and opinions and they're allowed to share them" at the same time
BUT YEAH not talking about this anymore I do not want to bring discourse to this blog
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rice-enjoyer · 2 years
hi, it's me, rice! obligatory introduction /pinned post
most importantly, i am a young adult! let it be enough that i am in my 20s. minors can interact with me, just please not with NSFW content! if i make you uncomfortable for even a second, BLOCK, please. If YOU make ME uncomfortable, i'll just block you as well.
this blog is made for fandom thoughts, but i reblog a lot of different content. i casually reblog suggestive-, disability-related-, political- and alcohol-related content on my blog. beware.
if i do reblog content i deem mature, i use the #mature tag so you can block it if it's not for you! however, i can't promise i tag everything i reblog with every tag i use because i'm human and forgetful. want to know even more about me? weirdo (affectionate). here!
my explicitly nsfw blog is this one warning: i interact with dark content over there!
tagging system:
rice is laughing : i found something hehe funny. sometimes i am the funny.
rice is rambling : going insane over fandom stuff/fanfics/ect
rice is typing : going insane over real-life shenanigans.
rice is drawing : i made art. LOOK!!!
rice is writing : i made written content. READ!!!
rice is posting : other content that isn't art or writing. PRECIEVE!!!
rice is reblogging : look at whatever cool thing i found!
rice is replying: [name] <3 : conversation!! yay!!
rice lore lmao : irl events that formed me into the person i am! rice is talking abt ocs : blorbos originating from my head
it's the queue! : queued posts for when i want to reblog things but i know i'll be unavailable to do so live.
[new!] rice's nighly broadcast : i am going to bed. and im saying goodnight to everyone in tumblrland
i go by rice on this site, please refer to me this way. friends who have given me funny nicknames don't count of course, go ham (or... go beef...)
any lgbtqia+-phobes, pedos, misogynists, nft bros, ai anything sympahtizers ect will get blocked.
i'm experimenting with pronouns, (these might change in the future) but i prefer they/them! i refer to myself in masc terms usually and femme terms mostly ironically/jokingly.
sexuality wise im just queer. i tried out many-a labels in this life, and none fit me too well
fandoms im in: honkai star rail, genshin impact, vocaloid, fma, jjk, ride the cyclone, heathers, hazbin hotel, agents of shield (more to be added!)
english is not my native language. so uh. mistakes are going to be made, i guess...
genshin series:
written/fanfiction: unsympathetic creator sagau : not a "proper series", you can just read any post of mine, there is no timeline to follow or anything. [ON HOLD FOR NOW]
honkai star rail series:
TEXTPOSTS! part 1.(various)2.(various) 3.(sampo + kafka centered)4.(various)5.(various. again)
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daredevilexchange · 3 years
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What’s your fannish ID? ajay_lotte
What types of fanworks do you create? I write fanfics.  Lots of fanfics, most of which don’t see the outside of my one drive ngl.  I love fanfics because sometimes I can lose that bit of realism: in the marvel universe, basically anything goes, and in fanfiction, it’s even less limited than that.  Basically anything goes, and I love that.
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? Fics, for sure.  I’ve read so many great ones, and there’s a fic for every vibe.  And also incorrect quotes and Twitter feeds.  They’re always brilliant
What do you like in particular about this fandom? Honestly, I’m just here for the double d content.  With every fic I read, I’m always changing my mind abt the best ships and tropes, but ones I always love have gotta be the Frank/Matt ones.  Wholesome af.  Maybe add Elektra to spice it up… ;) And Matt and Jessica, saltmates or romantic jackasses, either works.  I mean, they’re basically the same person with their tragic backstories Tm, their whiskey, brooding, and bullshit. There’s also that deaged trope which I gotta admit to liking, any chance for ppl to see an angsty child soldier Matt Murdock is a win, especially when they try to make him all happy too.
Do you like participating in fan events? Never done it before!  I’d really like too, though.  They always look great :D
What about your creating process? Lmao, “process”.  I’d love to call it that.  Usually there are just too many thoughts and head canons and my brain’s just a nonsensical place.  So… chaotic fanfics!  I’ve been trying to write longer fics for a while, but they always get interrupted with new ideas, so I write them instead!  It’s always wild to see where they go
Do you interact a lot with other fans? Bro, it took ages to actually register an ao3 acc but I’ve been working on it.  Becoming more interactive is definitely a thing that should happen
Do you have other fandoms you'd like to talk about? No, but yes.  Important question!! Teenage mutant ninja turtles, right?  Same chemicals as Daredevil.  Edgy sewer lords.  It’s a whole thing.  Netflix MCU and main MCU are basically kinda the same universe, earth-19999 or whatever.  So that’s fine.  The turtles are also featured in the main marvel into thing.   That’s 19999 enough. So when Peter Quill brings up the TMNT in guardians of the galaxy, is he referencing a fictional kids TV show, or does he have some inside knowledge on the super secret sewer ninjas?!?!?!  I’m pretty sure they’re referenced in something else too.  Can’t remember… anyways, but like are the turtles real or not in the MCU?  What’s going on Kevin?   Why are you like this :o ???  HeLp
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? Yes!  The Yellow Car Initiative, featuring a version of Matt who is actually kinda happy in this series of attempted humour.  I’d like to showcase it just cuz it’s actually a finished series… even if I’m a write more stuff for it, maybe.  Probably.  Ugh.
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? I’m actually chill, I swear Also I unintentionally talk like Clint.  I’m pretty sure I’m one “bro” away from an intervention.  It doesn’t help I know so many Kates honestly.  Or should I say… Katy-Kates :)
Where can your fanworks be found? My works can be found on ao3!  Here’s a link to my acc :p https://archiveofourown.org/users/ajay_lotte/pseuds/ajay_lotte
Thank you, @ajay-lotte !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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daydadahlias · 2 years
I just read Showing Hearts and wanted to say thank you for writing such a beautiful story. You’re one of the few fanfic authors that I trust to write about topics like that since you’re always so respectful and have so much tact. No pressure to write anything but I always look forward to reading your stories and can’t wait to see what you write next! (Also I had an ace awakening reading Bug’s Life lol)
Hello, hello!! sorry in advance for the amount of words I'm about to say
I don't really know why I had the urge to put this under a line break lol but somehow I didn't really want this ~out in the open~ as much. I would like to say thank you very sincerely for this ask, it really does mean a lot to me.
There's a lot of anxiety that comes with posting sensitive material like SH (and y'know I really do post a fair bit of this type of content. Since SH has been posted, that means a little over 10% of my fics deal with the theme of sexual assault) and so I worry a lot that it will be poorly received by people or that at some point, y'know, people will start giving me shit again about talking about this too much. But I really... want to talk about these things and I think these types of stories are very important to tell. Considering statistical information, everyone at some point in their lives will be impacted by sexual assault or some form of sexual trauma, whether it occurs to you or someone close to you. It will always be - and should always be - a part of the conversations this world will have. And I wish there was a way for it to be... More talked about than it is. Because, even though it happens so frequently, I feel as though it's very often overlooked or that people find themselves uncomfortable discussing it because they feel they're not educated enough to contribute to the conversation. And the reason for that is because mainstream media doesn't discuss it in any way other than for it's tantalizing and taboo effects (and makes it even harder to talk about because the characters in those media find it hard to talk about!!). I mean, 13rw was one of the most popular shows for some time, right? And it was marketed to a teenage audience and discussed the trauma of rape. So explain to me why that series needed to have three extremely graphic rape scenes to depict that topic?? It didn't. And, in terms of healing arcs, how often do you see a rape recovery narrative where a woman (bc it's pretty much always a woman) doesn't turn into a vengeful, spiteful person?? Sexual trauma doesn't make an aggressive person. And I'm sick of seeing rape narratives where a woman's only way to reclaim her safety is by taking others’ away, if you know what I mean. To be frank with you, I have yet to see a fulfilling narrative surrounding rape and rape recovery in media. The only place - the ONLY place - that I have read an emotionally fulfilling rape narrative has been in fanfiction. And that's a fact. So,, I want to be able to be part of that conversation - and open people up to that conversation - if I can. 
I really do, very genuinely, very deeply appreciate you saying that I handle this respectfully. And I always so appreciate being a creator who people can trust, especially with this content that I create with so much of my heart going into. I wish that there were more creators in general (not necessarily in this fandom) who created rape recovery narratives. I think they’re really important. 
Also, ACE AWAKENING!? I am honored! I’m so glad Bug’s Life could be that for you!! If I had a nickel for every time someone told me they thought they were asexual after they read smthn by me or after having a conversation with me abt asexuality lol... I’d have a handful of nickels. Any time that I can help people with anything in terms of... self-identity, I guess, I’m really happy. I really love that. I’m always here for conversations regarding any of these topics and I’m always happy to have them, y’know <3
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all the odd ones for the fic questions pls and thank you pepster
all the odd ones, meaning 1, 3 etc right? oh BOY are we gonna be here for a while (and i love it 🥰)
it’s morning right now so let’s see how long throughout the day this is gonna take me sdfghjk let’s do it!!
1) what was the first fandom you got involved in?
hmmmm. i wanna say harry potter, more than a decade ago? specifically dramione and scorose
3) what is the best fandom you’ve been involved in?
for all that it has given me i have to say bechloe
5) which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
so far just for bechloe
7) list your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in
i’m only gonna list pairs i have strong feelings against and from only the fandoms i’ve been most involved in
harry potter: snape and hermione
frozen: elsa and hans (no but for real. why)
pitch perfect: beca and jessie, chloe and chicago
marvel: hm hm surprisingly nothing comes to mind
the haunting of bly manor: same as for marvel
9) what are the best things about your current fandom?
having a space where i can fully be myself, expressing myself freely through my writing, meeting so many wonderful people, having a previously unexplored side of myself revealed to me, finding and delving into characters that make me feel less alone, and so much more. it’s been a real blessing, having this fandom in my life
11) who is your current OTP?
(this was the point where tumblr lost me ALL MY ANSWERS FROM QUESTIONS 13 TO 33 so let’s do this again SHALL WE??? i’ll be saving each answer as we go dear god)
13) any NoTPs?
already answered!
15) is there an obscure ship which you love?
hmm i don’t think so? none that comes to mind at least
17) who was your first OTP and are they still your favorite?
my first OTP, before i even knew what an OTP was, was scorpius and rose from harry potter. it’s not still on top of my OTP list, but always has a special place in my heart
19) is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
not really? i mean, there are popular ships that i don’t support, like hermione with bellatrix or natasha with wanda for example. i can see their appeal and i get why people like them. they’re just not for me and i’m okay with that
21) what was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
ah my accidental multi chap baby sdfghjkdfg
All is Fair in Love and War was posted as an one shot, and that was all it was supposed to be. it was my first finished written piece. and then a couple of people in the comments were really nice abt sharing thoughts of where the story could go next and what they’d like to see happen, and they were very enthusiastic abt wanting to see more of that story. so the second chapter was born
sooo one thing led to the other and before i knew it that fic had become an 8 chapter, over 60k words story sdfghjkdf i’m amused and grateful to this day
23) name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of and explain why you like it
how can you ask a mother to pick her favorite of her kids HUH
no but for real, i love all of my stories equally. i’m a perfectionist, so nothing gets posted before it’s perfect in my eyes. plus, all my stories are my babies. each has its flaws and imperfections, each in their own ways. but they’re all beautiful and meaningful to me
what i will say is, i have a particular soft spot for (wondering if you knew) i was enchanted to meet you. i truly think my writing peaked in that story, in all the parallels and tiny but very important things that are in there
25) what’s your most popular fanfic?
based on views and kudos, it’s All is fair in Love and War
ofc that’s a multi chap, so maybe the numbers aren’t exactly equivalent to popularity
my most popular one shot, by a very large margin at that, is (i’ll let you in) and baby, that’s when
27) what do you hate more: coming up with titles or writing summaries?
i honestly love coming up with titles
writing summaries, on the other hand, is the bane of my existence
29) do you have a beta reader? why/why not?
i don’t, and it’s bc i’m literally incapable of taking any kind of critique over anything unfinished. once it’s posted and out in the world it’s fair game; but until then? that’s a big no for me
31) what’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about your writing?
i honestly can’t answer this question bc every comment is so so special and important to me. i often go back and read them all. even right now while writing this there are so many different comments swirling around in my head. i appreciate and am grateful for all the kind words always 💜
33) do you write one shots, multi chapters, or huge epics?
sdfghjkk definitely not huge epics
i’ve written both of the other two. in the beginning i preferred and wanted to write multi chapters. however nowadays and for the past year or so, i lean more heavily towards one shots
35) do you write drabbles? if so, what do you normally write them about?
i am physically and mentally incapable of writing short things sdfghjkd so no, i don’t write drabbles
37) first person or third person? what do you write in and why?
always third person. idk the idea of first person narration always seemed weird to me. plus, i see my stories as me retelling the events the characters have confided in me. so third person makes sense and it’s also why i use past tense in my stories
39) what is your greatest strength as a writer?
describing and narrating emotions and using metaphors
41) list and link to five fanfics you’re currently reading
my reader’s block has been going strong, so i’m not reading anything currently unfortunately
43) is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
my squirrels 💜
45) what is your all time favorite fanfic?
i have to say Experimentation i just have to
i also love Perdition, what an incredible piece of writing
47) ao3, ff.net or tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
definitely ao3, i just love its interface i guess?
49) do you care if people comment on/ reblog your writing? why/why not?
okay so here’s the deal. ofc i care. every artist who shares their work, every creator, cares; at least to a degree. it’s why we share. we want people to see and love and appreciate our work, we want it recognised and celebrated even. we want people to engage with it, show it to their friends, talk abt it, have thoughts abt it. it’s only natural and ofc i’m absolutely no exception
with that said. i’ve always tried to remind myself that kudos/likes are also engagement. that even just reading is engagement. that everyone’s limit or ability for engagement isn’t the same, and that ultimately it’s their choice how or if they’ll engage with my writing. i try to, and i do, value everyone who even just reads my stories. i share something with the world for free and it’s my choice to do and continue to do so. what happens after that isn’t up to me
so yes i do care a lot abt reblogs and comments. they make me very happy, they validate and encourage me. but people have no obligation, in my eyes at least, to engage with my works a specific way. just like i have no specific obligation to provide a certain type of content on set periods of time or with a set limit of words or to continue to provide stories; or literally any other obligation. no one can police my actions and choices up until i’ve posted a story and i can’t police anyone’s actions or choices after i’ve posted it. and that’s the beauty of fandom for me - we’re all here bc we want to and bc it makes us happy, with no expectations or obligations
ending this with an essay seems only suitable sdfghjkd thank you my egg for giving me the opportunity to talk abt myself in such length 😌💜
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tomhardysteeth · 4 years
I remember u saying u hate it when ppl talk shit about fic writers/fan fiction in general because of all the effort, what are your thoughts on ppl talking shit abt relatively famous fics, say a Twist and Shout type fic that a lot of ppl take issue with?
well i probably don’t remember everything i’ve ever said about criticizing fanfic, but my stance on it currently is 
1) don’t write publicly negative comments about someone’s fic, on tumblr, on ao3, if you didn’t like it message your friends about it privately and exit out of the fic and forget about it
2) don’t even offer the author constructive feedback if they aren’t asking for it!
3) if you rec fics on your blog, and part of your rec is a review of the fic, STILL don’t say negative things about the fic. this is not goodreads.
4) i know a lot of tumblr culture is about how people who comment and reblog and interact with creators are heroes for doing so, but that kind of talk makes some people feel really entitled. it makes them think that all comments are good comments because they are heroes for reading a fic. for me as a fanfic writer, i prefer no feedback over negative feedback. do not just say whatever you want in the comments of a fic bc you think the author will appreciate it. i don’t mind when i post a fic and it doesn’t get a lot of feedback; i DO mind when i post a fic and get negative, useless feedback. 
back in my spn days, i definitely liked some posts that criticized twist and shout, and you know why?? because i was jealous. i wished my fics got the kind of unbelievable attention that twist and shout gets. i wanted to hear people say mean things about a fic that i was jealous of, because jealousy is nasty like that. ultimately, twist and shout is a fanfic. it is free. the people who wrote it presumably wrote it just for fun, like we all do. i hope they are not too hurt by the criticism their fic receives and i hope they understand it’s because it is actually the most famous destiel fic and therefore people are more open about criticizing it. 
ugh i’m going to use myself as an example and i apologize for how pretentious this is, but i gotta say that when people criticize when harry met sally, i don’t care. it’s the price i pay for having written The cockles fic. i think the more popular a fic is, the farther removed we all feel from it and the easier it is to criticize it, so i hope that authors of popular fics also feel far removed enough to not be bothered by public criticism. that being said, if you’re gonna write like a 2k word post about all the problems with some popular fic you don’t like, ask yourself why you’re doing that and what you’re trying to accomplish with that. ask yourself if it would be better if you copied and pasted those 2k words into the dms with a trusted friend. 
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Hey chelle! So as you know i happily reached 100 followers and said they could request somethings. I got some requests and i wrote out the stories. The thing is only one of them is getting any real recognition bc its about a certain person. I addressed this in one of my latest posts. Im very upset that's it getting recognition bc i know it's only bc of who it's abt not bc they liked the way it was written. My voice isnt being heard. Ppl just see ooh it's another fic abt so and so. 1/2
It’s also making me upset bc why are the other ones not getting recognition? If you really truly love this one member wouldn’t you also love the other members? Why wouldn’t you look for all content? Yes maybe he’s ur bias, but you could always pretend there’s a different name or you could just read it for the sake of supporting the other members. Im just confused and upset. I have a slight feeling you have a bit of this problem with jinyoung. I also just want my voice to be heard. 2/2
First off, congrats on your 100 followers! It’s an amazing milestone to meet and I’m so proud of you! 
However, I think you’re being too hard on yourself, if I’m honest. I’m not saying I haven’t done this in the past, because sometimes I will sit there and feel I wrote something amazing and it flops and then write something basic that I gave little thought to and because of the idol or I dunno, the way the wind blew that day, it exceeded all expectations and then some. I think you need to accept there is never going to be an even response to your writing. And no, not everyone will love everyone equally in a group, even if you may be able to. I myself will not read or write for every member in groups I like. It’s just how it is for some people and it’s not a bad thing. There will always be someone out there who enjoys what you do and will read those members who perhaps others won’t! That’s what I love about this community. Who I might struggle to write for, could be someone you excel with and vice-versa! 
I went to check the post you made and for the specific group you’re talking about, the one you mentioned is my favourite to write. I personally have varying interest in the other members because I’m old as hell and they’re youngins. Granted, everyone comes from different groups of age and interests so to assume people will all like the same thing is not going to help you any in the long run and just continue to disappoint you.
Of course, I believe we should write what feels best to us and I don’t think writing for those you don’t feel capable of approaching right now is a good choice either. As for popularity, that’s out of your control. You have two options. You could write what you know will get hit for attention to build up an audience who will be more likely to read your other stories since they liked the others you wrote to follow you. Or you can try not to focus on recognition so much and write what you feel is authentic to you. 
I know that sounds hypocritical of me, as I’ve been bleeting on about recognition and support for content creators lately. And whilst I’m still pro-support creators, I realised how ugly it got for me. I was blessed last year when interaction was more common on my stories. I put out Destined and it blew up. I’m known for my Jinyoung content because I genuinely do love writing for him, but also because I took advantage to keep that content flowing. I played into the “he’s popular” card, I’m not afraid to admit that. However, I couldn’t do that if I didn’t genuinely stand behind my fictions for him. And I won’t do that with others just to get attention either. Still, I knew what formula worked and I got used to that attention. It’s easy to get carried away with that and the drop in interactions has made me doubt myself and my style of writing a lot. I realised somewhere along the line, I was creating for attention. There’s nothing wrong with that, but if you keep seeking recognition that way, you won’t be pleased with the results in yourself.
I recently watched a video where the creator said something that stuck with me. When you’re chasing attention, you lose the desire to create just to create. And it’s so true! Phoebe, I know I’m in a different position than you. I’ve worked exceptionally hard to get here though, and I know you will also work hard on your own writing journey. I know firsthand how motivating recognition is. When we are validated, we are more likely to put in more work to receive greater results. Just don’t forget the main reason for why you started writing. Have your moments where you’re frustrated, we all have them. But try not to get too upset because of the decisions of others - you can’t control what they do, no matter how much you try! Your genuine followers will appreciate all you do and it will show in your writing when you embrace that as well. 
Thank you for feeling brave to share your concerns with me
And just a side note: I highly recommend that you post your requests as new posts. Asks limit some of your visibility in searches. Try making new posts and then link them to your asks. It might help to also add more tags to target your stories showing up in the searches. My personal formula is: group / group imagines / group scenarios / group fiction / group fanfic / group genre / group au and then repeat these tags but with the individual member’s name. Just tagging the idol name means people who are looking specifically for fiction won’t find it. 
My ask box is open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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kae-karo · 5 years
[1] hi!! so idk if you've seen dan speaking at the mental health panel or not, but there was one part that hit me really hard and id love to know your thoughts on it! basically he was saying that often content creators, and people in general, are struggling with their mental health the most when it seems like they're thriving (uploading constantly, getting good grades, etc) but everyone thinks they're fine. which is literally my life rn but i can't take a break from overworking myself bc i need
[2] to get into college. do you have any advice abt how to provide for my future while still taking care of myself? also, i just want to thank you for running such a healthy and positive blog bc it has helped me thru some difficult times, and you seem like such a thoughtful and caring person!
hi dear! oh no :( I'm so sorry, that's such a hard position to be in - I havent been in school for a few years, and not in high school since 2012 yikes lmao, so I'm sure things have changed a bit but hopefully I can still give some advice that helps?
I'd say first and foremost, talk to a trusted adult you know in person about how you're feeling - whether that be a parent, older sibling, favorite teacher, advisor, etc. they may have advice more specific to your situation that might take into account details I dont know. and while this is my first piece of advice, it can also be the hardest? sometimes facing our demons and being honest about them with others who have only seen our "good side" can feel impossible, but it can be a crucial step to help build a support system that you can go to when you feel you're struggling
the next thing I'd say is, on a small scale, start taking time for yourself. I know that's like. the hardest thing to do when you have like 6hr of homework a night, minimum, plus clubs or sports or other activities that take time, but literally even sneaking five minutes between some bits of homework to do something that's calming and centering for you can make a difference - if you can grab five minutes to go sit in a space you feel comfortable, away from your work, to breathe and think about something other than your work, that can be helpful
the next one is sorta like. tangential, but take care of your body as well - you're still a growing and developing human, so this is ESPECIALLY important, but drinking lots of water (and not too many sugary drinks/chemical drinks) and eating veggies and getting enough protein can literally make such a big difference in your brains ability to function at it's best. the other important thing here is sleep - every body is different, so keep in mind what your body does best on and (when you can) aim for that. between hydration, good nutrition, and sufficient sleep, you're laying a foundation that can help your brain be more successful throughout the day
I wish, ultimately, i had a perfect answer for the fucked up school system (esp in America which is what I'm most familiar with), but it honestly sets you up to fail. what (unintentionally) worked well for me was having a blow-off class or two - classes that were easy for me (like sign language, or French 1 after I'd already taken Spanish for several years) and could help boost my GPA without stressing me out as much. if you can find those classes- and definitely look for the ones that are easy for YOU, don't just ask around for the easiest classes - that can be a really nice break in your day and help relieve you of some after-school stress
here's another "honesty is the best policy" situation - if you find yourself struggling to understand a concept, or homework is taking you so much longer than some of your peers (or the teacher says theres only an hour of hw a night and you end up spending far longer on it) talk to the teacher! tell them you're struggling, and ask if you can get some help understanding a topic. be specific about what you dont understand (dont just go "I dont get it") and explain your thought process - this can help teachers understand where you're veering off the path and what you might be missing. and, more importantly, if you're coming in for help, they're more likely to be lenient with you because they know you're trying (yes I'm aware that was more a "school help in general" bit of advice but in case that's something you're struggling with)
now heres....maybe some controversial advice. take calculated risks. example: if a teacher has a policy where they drop your lowest homework grade in a class and you're doing alright in that class, but you have a day where you're saddled with WAY too much work for another class where you're struggling, it's okay to say "okay, today I need to go to sleep by 10pm, I can either finish this difficult homework or complete homework for the class that will drop a grade", sometimes it makes more sense to skip that one homework and get a zero to spend time dedicated to the class you're struggling in and get rest. in a similar vein, there is also a limit to studying - there is a point where you physically cannot absorb more knowledge. it is so much better for your brain - both from a focus and memory standpoint - to get a little extra sleep than to stay up late studying well past the point where you will retain knowledge.
now....again, I havent been applying to colleges in ages so my advice might be a bit stale, but colleges tend to look for good grades but also challenging classes, or improvement over time in classes, etc etc. they want to know you're working hard, and that you have diverse interests. college apps are a bit like resumes honestly, except you cant lie about your GPA. but like. you can fluff everything else. literally EVERYTHING becomes fair game with college apps. you can talk about fanfic or a fandom you're in if you phrase it the right way, like there are barely rules lmao. and you can make yourself sound very appealing
so my advice would be basically this: work hard, but learn your personal limits. figure out how much sleep a night makes you feel awake and focused the next day (again, it varies!) and aim for that as much as you can. try to eat nutritiously when you can, and drink lots of water. dedicate time to your homework and studying, but be sure to take regular breaks and ACTUALLY shift your brain away from your work during those breaks. and it's also good to dedicate time to life activities - like I said, colleges want to know you're a diverse person. spend time in clubs you like or playing sports if that's your thing, or do things unconnected to school. and remember, you can fluff that all up on a college app! but also remember - you have to live with you for the rest of your life, and there are so so many paths to a good job or a college education if that's what you decide you want, be sure to prioritize your health as much as you can. the education system tricks you into this never ending cycle of "if I just push through ___________ I'll get to ___________!" and taking that through your life can be really challenging and exhausting. I need to acknowledge that some of this is easy for me to say - I was a good test taker in high school, I went to college, and I bullshitted my way through (that's a whole other story lmao) but like. I need to acknowledge that, by some privilege and luck, I do have a college education. so when i say this next thing, please take it with a grain of salt, but there is more to life than chasing what society tells us to chase - there is family, there are friends, relationships, hobbies and interests and love and dreams and spending hours playing video games and SLEEP and getting sunburned cause you spent too long out under the sun photosynthesizing and collecting pens or shiny rocks and ANIMALS there is so so so much in life and I hate with such a burning passion that, for the first 22 years of our lives, we are told the ONLY thing in life is getting through college, getting a degree. again, I need to acknowledge that I say that with a background of privilege, and that education can help people get out of bad situations, etc, but there are many paths to education and they dont all require you to put life on hold to get there
let me tell u a story real quick, cause my education looks (from the outside) "easy" (turns out I had depression and eating disorders of all kinds yeehaw !!!!). my sister did NOT have an easy time in school - my parents could afford it, so she had a tutor for some of her challenging subjects, but she also dealt with anxiety and depression the entire time. she didnt get into the college she wanted to, but got put in a sort of program where, if she got good enough grades in some community college courses, she could get into the school. so she worked her ass off, dove even deeper into her mental health issues, but eventually did get in. and then she had challenging classes and didnt have a great support system, and she ended up failing out of many of her classes, to the point where she got put on academic probation. so she took a year off, got a job at a daycare, and I have literally never seen her happier or more well-adjusted. shes going back to school now, for early childhood education, and working part time at the daycare while she takes a light course load at school
another story for you - my aunt graduated high school and went straight into the workforce. she came from a dirt-poor family and couldn't afford it. she bounced around a bit, but eventually found company that she worked well with. they paid for her to go to school, and she finally got a degree many years after what we would consider "traditional". she had a few other jobs, but shes been at her current company now going on 20 years, has been through several promotions, and works directly with a c-suite employee. she is also the only woman in her office, a very traditional trucking company where she works with engineers on a daily basis
there are many paths to education, if that's where you want to go, and it's okay if it ends up looking different from the traditional path were told to follow. do what you can to avoid sacrificing your mental health for an education - if its what you want, you will get there. and remember to ask for help along the way!! I hope that helps a little, dear
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stuckwith-harry · 5 years
Creator Tag Meme
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2018. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
i was kinda sorta tagged by @amesantiagos​ & of course i jumped at the opportunity because self-indulgence RULES. double self-indulgence, actually, because since i made edits AND wrote fic, i’m allowing myself to list 5 for each. shut up and let me have this, my christmas sucked. :D
(i’m not listing one hundred ways to say i love u as one bc it’s v much in progress - i’ve only written 5 / 100 so far!)
and they’ll find you, eventually al comes out as gay, harry is a great dad, almost everyone is lgbtq+. i wrote it during pride month & harry’s lil monologue about how lgbtq+ always find each other comes straight (hahaha, straight) from my own life. because they do. they really do find you, eventually.
a particular brotherly feeling i’m proud of it because a) it’s fun and i let myself have fun with it. because it’s literally already inspired by a romcom, i gave myself permission to just roll with it and use some good ol’ tropes. (like the fact that of course harry overhears that one part of the conversation that causes angst and of course they’re interrupted just as they’re about to kiss and of course there’s a mistletoe right there. OF COURSE!) b) i wrote the whole thing in like, two weeks, most of it in a few days, actually, and i feel very accomplished. this one also has lgbtq+ characters and a coming out scene & all that jazz! huzzah! 20gayteen was strong in jessie’s fanfics!
“we’ll figure it out” in which ginny is pregnant & harry hits a bit of a low but they do a lil cry & talk & end up ok. i know nothing about parenting but that’s ok because neither do these two and that’s the whole point anyway.
“wow” jessie’s first smut! huzzah! it’s honestly more funny that it is smutty, which was my goal anyway. in which harry is just happy to be alive. and then he’s REALLY happy to be alive!
“it’s two sugars, right?” this fic features the ongoing tea discourse i have with @ronaldswheezy​, i also wrote it while i was visiting her in manchester, AND it subtly (or not so subtly) references the hollow men by t. s. eliot. because i CAN.
edits! (i’m doin 6 because i’m an indecisive fucker!)
don’t take the money hinny edit because DTTM is a god tier song & a god tier HINNY song that i will never get sick of. also because hbp is impossible to colour but i did it anyway and i didn’t just follow my urge to slap a black and white filter on everything.
ginny cos edit shit is pretty. look at these colours. damn. the end. also, hooo boy, have i thought abt ginny & the diary a lot this year.
SLEEPY HARRY !!!!!!! for no other reason than he’s cute and he needs 1000 naps.
lgbtq+ headcanons part 1 already want to remake this, but still a good, gay ol’ time.
holt on because when ur favourite tv show dies for abt 24 hours, you go & take some taylor swift lyrics from your favourite taylor swift song and make a gifset that is both SAD and a PUN. (b99 rose up from the dead it does it all the time)
ciwyw hinny edit because fuck me if call it what u want isn’t another GOD TIER HINNY SONG and i’m also happy that these two colourings sorta go together because that cos clip has some funky colours going on.
 i’m taggin everyone who sees this & feels like doin it! enjoy! happy 2018 is almost over!
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kae-karo · 6 years
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to be nice/respectful and shippy/enjoy demon moments. Sometimes I wonder if analyzing DnP interactions so closely might be crossing a line. I'm not coming after anyone, I just respect you a great deal and think you'd have insight into how to have fun with shippy stuff and also respect them as people. What are your tips?
hey b! i think a lot about this honestly, like probably more than i should tbqh but here’re my thoughts (i’m enjoying the fact that this is apparently a valid contraction lmao)
first and foremost: being a demon means we inherently exist in a morally grey zone. i don’t want to stand here and say ‘oooo yeah we’re pillars of morality bc we say we’re being respectful’ like we shouldn’t ever get in the mindset that there’s nothing wrong with being demon (the term is what it is for a reason....we ain’t callin ourselves angels)
here’s the thing. and i talk a lot abt being respectful of dnp, so like. idk search ‘respect’ on my blog or smth i have lots of opinions lmao. but to me being respectfully demon means
not purposely/directly bringing relationship/shipping/etc stuff to the attention of dnp. it exists, they know it does, but it’s rude and disrespectful of us to throw it in their faces or give them them impression that all we care abt from this vid or that is ooooh dnp you were sitting so close and ooh the heart eyes dan you’re so in love with phil etc etc (examples: it’s disrespectful to ask if phan is real! esp during liveshows! or to @ mention dnp on phanart - the phan kind - that isn’t yours!)
enjoying the cute moments - so long as that’s not all we care about! i think this is where things get tougher, bc we love their relationship and we enjoy doing these little analyses (or big analyses) but we should always be checking ourselves: is the reason we’re here/posting this thing/reblogging this post primarily bc we like to overanalyze their relationship? or is it bc we enjoy their content, and looking at their relationship is a bonus? (examples: this is harder, but it’s more an internal thing and thinking abt why you loved a vid/piece of content - was it purely bc they almost touched in that one part? bc there were a lot of heart eyes?)
acknowledging that dnp aren’t stupid. they’re quite aware of the things we harp on (heart eyes, touches, innuendos, etc). within their videos and the non-live content they choose to post, i firmly believe they know when they’re including smth that might catch our attention. maybe not every time, or every thing, but some of the big stuff, and they’re choosing not to cut it out. i’m not saying this is express permission for us to pick apart every vid without care, but again, there are ways to be respectful and enjoy these moments without letting them take priority over the entire vid/content ahem trying to live my truth (examples: the pizza thing in the google feud vid! they chose to keep that in, so if we talk abt it being adorable and domestic, nothing exceptionally harmful there!)
being cognizant consumers of phanfic - dnp are well aware phanfic exists, and it’s been years since they’ve felt the need to actively address it, but that doesn’t mean we should assume they don’t care. it’s really really important to remember that phanfic is fiction. even the hcs and blurbs and stuff like that, they are not dnp. if you’ve not watched it, i highly recommend pj’s vid on fandom (x) as it hits some v good points about fandom in general and this specifically (examples: watch the vid srsly but apparently people have left him angry comments abt things he as a character did in a fanfic? it’s important and healthy to regularly go ‘yep okay that was a phanfic/hc, not reality’ and take time to ground yourself - esp with hcs, we sort of fill in the blanks from stuff we don’t know in their lives, and it’s really easy to forget that we don’t actually know)
being cognizant consumers of dnp-related content - we see funny posts cross our dash all the time, some more demon than others, and it’s important to encourage the behavior we want to see and not encourage the behavior we don’t want to see. we can police ourselves, ofc, but there will always be phans out there that take things too far, and we can have an effect on toxic or problematic behavior by not giving it the same attention we give to other more positive/respectful dnp-related content (examples: i mean i honestly just straight up unfollow people who post too much stuff like that, but really it’s just a matter of taking a second and assessing your reaction to a post and going ‘okay, is this smth that might be a bit much?’)
checking ourselves regularly - and i know this is smth i need to work on myself sometimes, as it’s very easy to get drawn down the rabbit hole on something and not realize that we might be digging too much, taking things too seriously or too far. fandom is meant to be fun, if we’re getting in an argument or too involved in discourse, it might be time to take a step back and consider whether this is something we should even be discussing, or something that we should be discussing in such detail (examples: discourse, esp about coming out or sharing a room or who tops or their behaviors with regards to a relationship together or w.e and i’m trying to minimize it on my blog - although i do want to get through everyone’s asks - bc, while i want everyone to be able to express their opinions, there are def times it goes too far and, bc we exist in a grey zone, it’s hard sometimes to realize when we’ve wandered from the light grey to the dark grey)
not taking anything too seriously - this sort of goes along with the last one but we want to enjoy being here! we love dnp, we love their vids, we love the friends we’ve made and our fave blogs, our fave writers and artists and gif-makers and edit-makers and content creators, so we shouldn’t take anything too seriously (and we should be able to tell, or be on the lookout for signs to indicate, whether a blog is posting something good-naturedly/jokingly or posting something in order to cause a stir/be disrespectful) (examples: someone makes a really dumb shitpost that we think is hilarious but is also very clearly a shitpost with no serious meaning? cool, probably not immensely harmful to reblog it. someone makes a post that seems to be seriously commenting on smth that might be a bit too private/personal or we think is taking things a bit too far? leave it alone. unfollow the person if we feel they’re going too far too often)
moral of the story here: we aren’t perfect angels, but there are ways to be mindful of what we’re doing/saying, mindful of what we’re consuming, and mindful of how we’re interacting both with dnp and with other phandom members. we should try to be cognizant and aware, ask ourselves if something might be propagating something that could be harmful to dnp in some way, and regularly ground ourselves in reality - because, at the end of the day, dnp are real people and, while it’s fun to take things out of the realm of reality for a bit, we’re fans of the real dnp and we definitely want to show that!
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