#i think everyone has been rly chill so far
ursifors · 26 days
because of the conversation on stream today (about a specific fanfiction written about jeremy and platy) i just wanna remind yall that rpf is not written for the people it's about, it's written with the idea that those people will never find it, and if any of you harass the author i will kill you with knives
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arudoe · 6 months
talk about bruise anything you want, i wanna hear
i alr talked about some hcs so ill chat a bit about some aus i have heehee!
- idol jay au !
i feel like this one is prolly the most well known (only because its the only one ive ever drawn for….) but basically jay is an idol/musician and cole is his nr1 fan! it was very inspired by prime empire and also those like harry styles x reader wattpad fics from back in the day… yeah…
all ive got for the story so far is that cole went to a fansign event and while getting his magazine signed jay also sneaks his personal phone number on one of the pages (something along tbe lines of xxx-xxx-xxx text me o_<) and… yeah things move on from there 🙏🙏
- mad scientist jay and his creature cole
OKAYY this might be one of my weirder ones but i think about it a lot 😭😭
anyways jay is a disabled basement dweller college dropout scientist guy and one day he kind of feels some paranormal presence in his lab and conducts a bunch of tests and comes to tbe conclusion there is a ghost floating around in his lab. so like the normal person he is he tries to communicate with it but only gets a bunch of weird cryptid messages that dont make sense… so he comes to bright idea of “hey! i should make this ghost a vessel they can possess!” so he makes a body frankenstein style and low and behold his plan worked!
cole, a ghost from the 80s who possessed the body is now chilling in jays lab with him, but like most people who have been dead for over 40 years he is very curious about the outside world and what has changed.
but jay for some reason is very adamant about him not going outside at all, which causes some tension between the two..
(the reason is jay has abandoned issues) (also cole is kind of a freak of nature) (affectionately)
I LIKE THIS AU A LOT cus its so stupid honestly and i love me some ghost cole also like im still mad about how ninjago decided to completely discard jays love for inventing… let the man make his little trinkets…
- wizard school au
basically what it sounds like… they are wizards.. at a wizard school… and do magic…
yes this was partly inspired by h*rry p*tter BUT ONLY THE VIBES (i barely remember the movies)
BUT UM this is like a whole universe thing and theres so so much lore and world building so… if u want a separate post about it… lmk
- roommates au!
this is my most recent one (and the one i think about the most) but um yeah pretty self explanatory it was based off this jdrama/manga called good morning call so uhhh ya!
basically cole and jay were enemies throughout highschool and basically spend all their energy hating each other but they to their separate ways during college but reunite (unwillingly) as roommates!
they navigate living with each other and learn to let go of their hate (which stemmed from a mixture of misunderstandings and insecurities) and then eventually fall in love!!
i think this is the au i have the most work done on (i have a draft for every major scene that happens in the story heehee) and perhaps! one day i will actually make it a real thing !
so um yeah! i have a bunch more but most of them are very unfinished or just… vague ideas or vibes i go by… i also have some aus that arent bruise so um if anyone wants to hear about those… smiles
BUTTT TYSM FOR UR QUESTION i dont rly say this a lot but any interaction i get with my content means the world to me and i always giggle and kick my feet when reading reblog comments bc everyone is so nice 🥹🥹
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hermitw · 17 days
I want to make a list of my JJK theories and opinions so we got (part 1 bc I know I'll have / remember more later).
-let gege cook, everyone will be fine, chill tf out (I have rambled about this in other posts so I'll just leave it at that here)
-Toji and Geto's worm is like banana fish (the drug from banana fish that makes someone delusional, easily suggestible, and violent until they self destruct. Geto lasted a lot longer than Toji under its influence bc he had his rituals of meditations, affirmations, and strong ethics. His cursed energy would have also fed the worm, though it had been trained to feed off of the soul when it was with toji). It eats away at their souls/BRAIN so Kenjaku can get into a new skull will little resistance. Remember when Geto was unconscious and Toji said the thing about monkeys? Then Geto kept repeating that kind of thing (but he never rly acted like he believed that. He was just trying to keep his daughters and innocent youth safe from becoming skapegoats like Rika was. He saw that the cult and the village would repeat their cycles and more would be hurt in the future. He couldn't redeem those adults so he killed them.) I go into this theory a good bit in my longest/first jjk fanfic, and I AM DYING for gege to confirm this. I also ofc think that Kenjaku set up the worm and Toji to find each other. Maybe by throwing it into the zenin curse pit.
-kenjaku hit Rika with his car, or at least manipulated someone else into doing it (which seems to be the theme here, the way he made geto and yuta fight, for example. It's suspicious that Yuta and Yuuji were both from Sendai. I'm sure that he was keeping an eye on them both. We see nanako and mimiko at yuuji's school in that one manga panel in the beginning.
-the prison realm can be used for time travel (since Gojo first got sealed I was expecting him to break out. And then I was expecting him to be so understimulated in there that he'd figure out how to warp time. Dude can already warp space, what's the difference?) and Hakari even suggested using the prison realm for time travel so EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE FINE they just have to go as far as they can without using it first so they can learn what to do the next time, yeah? I also had a dream about this and Gojo told me that Sukuna didn't feel the time loop, but the rest of us knew it was our second time (at least) going back and trying to defeat him. Which doesn't mean that I'm right but it was nice ok 😭
Theories that have been proven right or wrong by now
-I've been saying from the beginning that Yuuji and Sukuna share a common ancestor and that's why he can be a vessel. I was right!! But I didn't know he was also born with a fingie
-sukuna has six eyes (this has since been disproven but I used to think so)
-the way that RCT works between two people
CHAPTER 261 SPOILERS ON THIS NEXT ONE but I hope ur caught up by now.
-yuta should use as many techniques as possible in Gojo's body bc when Gojo returns to it, then he will be able to learn them as well. Kenjaku was able to retain techniques from his previous bodies, so even if all he transfers is the copy technique, that's fkn useful too.
-there is no chemistry between Yuki and Choso. That concept feels fucking forced and gives me the ick so hard.
-yuki is a terrible influence. She has good intentions, but she isn't present enough to be helpful - showing up in shibuya after Mahito was absorbed, for example. Not keeping in touch with the sorcerers who were involved in that. Not to mention the shit with Geto. She started the whole "what kind of woman is your type" thing and it's her fault that todo beats people nearly to death for giving an answer that doesn't match his own stupid taste (it took several watches for me to forgive todo for beating up megumi tbh)
-todo is also Kenjaku's son, and possibly Yuki - tho yuki is more vibes than evidence. All of Kenjaku's confirmed kids have a strong resolve, and false memories with Yuuji. But I think that kenjaku, in a male body, would be a total slut. His motivation for anything is that maybe it'll be interesting, or funny, he's just here for a good time. I think that he wouldn't even know how many kids he has, and that by having an unknown number possibly out there, it would bring up unexpected sorcerers. The frame where kenjaku asks why don't you heal yourself and yuki says I don't want to... That feels confirmed for me but I know it isn't solid evidence.
-I think kenjaku set up yuki to meet todo bc that feels too sus as well but I forget my logic on that one lmaoooo everything is their fault tho
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happy pride month!!!! anyway tua pride headcanons cus i want to lol :P *note- i do not identity with all of these labels. i cannot give you a personal experience or defense for these. if i include any harmful stereotypes, lmk. it’s pride month and queer people are valid*
quick overview, analysis below the readmore
luther- he/him cishet
diego- he/him cis and bicurious
allison- she/her cishet
klaus- he/she (they sometimes) genderqueer/enby, pansexual
five- they/he gay and ace. agender.
ben- he/him cishet
viktor- he/they transmasc lesbian
for some i used the canonical pronouns as to not confuse before i get the explanation. <33333
luther- to me he’s like a cishet guy honestly. i still love the pride hc’s other people have, bc most of the time they’re really good. i just prefer this reading, espec. with sloane (QUEEN!!!!). i also don’t like the s1 era fics where everyone hated luther (almost entirely unjustified) so they would make him be a dick to klaus and stuff. like did he drink reggie’s kool aid? yes. but is he homophobic? no. i think a better example in a canonical kid fic of him saying mean things to klaus for plot would be like,, making fun of him for being a druggie or lazy, because that’s stuff that reginald would actually encourage him to say. rant over lmao that just has always bothered me.
diego- honestly this one is back and forth for me, between bisexual and straight. like him and lila being bi4bi is just too fucking amazing, but he does give off straight guy energy sometimes so i’ll put it at a bi-curious. he’s def an ally though, and i can imagine he would do his best to get over his fear of needles to help v with his t shots, or defend klaus from homophobic assholes. although i personally hc him as cis, the transmasc diego people have their fucking shit together because that HITS DIFFERENT. i think done right, it adds so much to his character in AU’s and stuff and it’s just rly cute!! but bisexual diego is a very fanon thing that i like to see.
allison- i think probably straight and cis once again. she seems very comfy and happy in her femininity and gender, and her with ray??? (sidenote almond as a ship name makes me lose it ITS SO CUTE). i think she’s always been a big ally to klaus. i can also see her as pan or bi, but pressured to appear as straight by the constant eyes on her since she was like ten. i mean not only was she the only girl, but also a black girl? she was 100% so insecure during her childhood because people were constantly critiquing her. so honestly i don’t think it would be too out of the ordinary to hc her as queer.
klaus- i mean, we all know this one. as far as i know he has been canonically (though not mentioned in show, more like an interview or something) pansexual and non-binary. if not then it’s VERY FANON. directly through the show, we see his attraction to men through dave and also his enjoyment of more feminine clothes and makeup and things like that. i hc him as genderqueer and just generally chilling out and not really caring too much about labels. like a “i’ll fuck you if you’re hot” kind of attitude.
five- now this one might get me some weirdness, but i don’t see five as a cishet man for my hc’ing purposes. a common fanon opinion is that he’s asexual, which i totally like. i also think he’s gay. i guess that would be homoromantic? and also agender. he said no. no. MEN. i think that any romantic hc that does not acknowledge delores is not doing it right, bc holy shit delores is so fucking important to the understanding of his character!!!!! i believe in the interpretation that delores is himself, but a separated part that he forced himself to view as a separate entity to survive the apocalypse. he kind of fucking tricked himself into loving himself, though unfortunately as many people have pointed out, he doesn’t see himself as capable of good. he doesn’t see that delores is him- he can’t. he was down bad though for his mannequin apocalypse wife okay??? they were in love fuck you???? idk sexuality is fluid. let this old man live his life. he’s so tired. also agender, i think they don’t like being called a boy (possibly childhood trauma, possibly gender) but still is okay with “old man”.
ben- he is the token cishet of the upper numbers trio ( 567 icons real and true ). the jennifer incident was heavily implied if not directly and canonically stated to be a romantic issue, and also him and jill!!!! yes it was weird but it was so cute. bring back umbrella ben istg idc about the themes you messed them up in s3 anyway. i would talk more about him BUT HE NEVER GOT ENOUGH FUCKING SCREENTIME EVER AND THE THEMES THE THEMES HIS CHARACTER THEY DIDN- gets shot
viktor- canonically transmasc, canonically a woman enjoyer, ten out of ten character. i love looking at s1 era fics where people would be like. there is no way this guy doesn’t like women. *lesbian headcanons*. and elliot page just slaying with the queer rep season after season. i think he/they pronouns for viktor is really good and i like it :)). also some people hc them as bi because of harold (or for weird reasons but we don’t talk about that-) but i think it’s more of a lesbian thing personally. now. don’t come after me i’m not looking for he/him lesbian discourse on my pride month fandom post. AND FURTHERMORE elliot page is a king and he doesn’t deserve in any way the crazy hate he gets for being trans. trans men are men, trans ppl are valid etc. that being said, i hc him as a he/they lesbian. RESPECTFULLY. i imagine there were a lot of complicated factors while he was coming out and realizing things about themself. i think the harold thing was wanting to be wanted and loved more that actually wanting or loving, and you know we all gotta have that spicy *heteronormativity* woohoo.
bonus LILA (queen)- bisexual!! also she/they hc’s are valid asf for that. we love a queen who can do both. not sure if this is partial or full canon, or just heavy fandom but idc.
okay byyeeee happy pride month and also have a good juneteenth. black lives matter!!!!!
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padfootastic · 2 years
it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here
Prongsfoot Week 2022: Day 1
(organised by the wonderful @jmagnabo92)
When and Why did you begin to Ship Prongsfoot? 
my memory is trash so i’m not sure i can give a ~precise answer but here’s what i can say with complete confidence.
i’ve always, always considered james and sirius to be soulmates.
i’ve been writing fic since 2017 and even as far back as then, the one thing i cared about was the bond these two share. i was absolutely in love with their dynamic and had a whole series called ‘Behind The Scenes’ which was just the most random stuff centred around these two. i think, even before harry & sirius, i fell in love with these two idiots.
when it comes to prongsfoot, specifically in a romantic/qpp context, i think that was a bit later. i don’t really care for romance, as much as i do read it. i shifted to this bc i ran out of all friendship fics and needed more stuff where they were each other’s no. 1. i was also, admittedly, spoiled by daily chan’s works where have the most amazing friendship. which is how i discovered prongsfoot and basically just never left.
What makes you Ship it? 
oooooh how do i answer this 🤔
fiction, for me, is a form of extreme escapism. i read so i don’t have to think about real life. i read so i can discover new possibilities and universes. it’s why i’ve read the weirdest, most interesting selection of fics hp has to offer (and if you’ve truly taken a deep dive into the fandom, u know what that’s like)
in that context, prongsfoot is literally the single most comforting dynamic i’ve ever seen.
they embody everything i love in theory but wouldn’t be able to stomach if it happened to me. their ride-or-die closeness, the emotional & physical intimacy, being two halves of the same mind, body, soul—it’s just so, so beautiful. like the stuff of legends.
i love how the two of them complete each other. they’re both privileged, smug bastards but they’ve got these little nooks and crannies that’s filled by the other, effortlessly. i love how out of everyone’s league they are, and the contrast to how they are w others vs each other. there is no scenario i can imagine that would break them up ykno? they’re just that close.
also ok. as i was thinking of ending this here (bc brain isn’t cooperating lol words aren’t easy these days) i remembered me ranting to my friend one day about sirius and his relationship with the potters, particularly james. it is a point of pride for me that i literally made her so emotional that she actually teared up and had a dramatic drop trail down her cheek bc of how passionately i was monologuing & the picture i was painting. (my other friend who doesn’t rly know/care ab hp but loves me also sat through the whole 20min presentation and was moved as well)
the gist of it is this: i love, love, love sirius black. he’s my first and only love. and one of the biggest reasons is how fucking loyal he is. he’s so selfless and so wonderful and a fkn godsend to have in ur corner. and he was so devoted to james and then harry that he tried to do everything in his power to protect these two, including putting himself in harms way multiple times without even caring about his life.
that kind of ‘i’ll do anything for you—burn the world down and rebuild it’ energy? my absolute favourite dynamic ever. i go batshit feral over it. and the way i see james, he’s the same for sirius. he’ll go to bat for him at all times, zero hesitation. he might be a chill, laid back guy most of the time but try coming after his Si and he will fuck you up. he’s underestimated bc he’s such a puppy but nope, he’s v deadly and v dangerous too. and he will not hesitate to show it when he’s protective.
i also just think they fit so fkn well ykno? like yah canon’s trash and all + Ash was so right for mentioning the advantage of only getting 5 lines but what we did get for these two??? i’ll forever be mad that j/s didn’t become the primary mainstream ship for the fandom. its so ??? like literally all ur material is right there. ‘not a day goes by…’; the mirrors???; the symbolism of azkaban—sirius losing his joy and hope and life the literal moment he loses the potters (esp james?); always, always being together; the entirety of swm!!!!! literally there’s no lack of content. u even have fkn outsider pov of a classic ‘historians: and they were just friends 😌’ scenario. it’s literally a queer tragedy, ok?
tbh, as a relationship ideal, prongsfoot isn’t something that would ever appeal to me irl—that level of intimacy—but to read? to imagine? it’s wonderful. and that’s not to even mention how enjoyable this niche is. i get consistently good fics (when i can find them amongst the mess of tags lol) and the best community <333
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ikyw-t · 1 year
hey! it's been a while since my last proper life update so it's about time for another! 🌸
Soo I started a new job on sunday and it's going rly rly well! I work at a bagel store, and I used to work at a different location for a few months right before covid and while it was by far the least stressful and least bad job I'd had overall, after working here for three days I realize that at the other store we had been understaffed like 99% of the time and that this job is actually a lot less stressful when there's a reasonable number of people working. so I'm glad that I'm working here now! everyone I've met so far has been very nice and it's just overall a very nice and chill atmosphere, I am genuinely so pleased :)
alsooo i started learning "je te veux" on piano a few days ago and according to the sheet music it's supposed to be played at 176bpm and so far I've learned half the song at 120bpm and honestly it still sounds delightful. 176 seems unnecessarily fast. like maybe I'll get it up to 150 but idrc about getting it that fast rly lol. it's been fun tho! the last song i rly took the time to learn all the way thru was "the very last night" over this summer and that was also fun but je te veux is like an actual song lol and it's very festive and jolly so im having a good time with that!
also I've been doing a lot of reading lately! here's some brief reviews!
- the world cannot give, tara isabella burton; fun read, cool vibes. i read another book by her called "social creature" which i also read in two days and was pretty compelling
- when we were young, richard roper; also a fun quick read! definitely had some laugh out loud moments. it was enjoyable although i think his other book "how not to die" had a more developed story and characters and i liked more in general.
- family of liars, e. lockhart; a pretty good sequel for "we were liars" which i read a year ago or more, but i feel like this had a similar vibe and voice to the first book, and overall the story didn't feel like a forced prequel, but held up just fine on its own.
- currently i'm reading cards on the table by agatha christie, which is the 15th book in the hercule poirot series lol. i started the series earlier this year and altho it's not always very riveting they are pretty quick and fun reads, and it gives me something to read when i don't feel like im the mood for anything else, ya know? also it's kinda interesting to read about domestic life (and death! Lol) in early 20th century england. this book is called cards on the table cause it took place during a game of bridge, and i think if i knew anything about bridge id probably appreciate it a little more though it's been a solid book regardless.
also i read the play "who's afraid of virginia woolf" a couple weeks ago and i finished it cause it was pretty short but it was meh. like. just meh.
anyway! that's my once in a blue moon life update dump lol. would have to say im currently not doing too bad! the rest of the year has been pretty stressful and just miserable but at least the last couple months of 2021 are turning out ok!
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comradedream · 2 years
Literally punz has never said anything wrong about Dream the only time he barely did anything was when he liked that thread which used Dream as example and tbh like I don’t even think it was that big of a deal the person was just taking a male creator who has made mistakes and been forgiven (at least by most fans not the wider internet) and was comparing him to a female creator who shares I guess a similar demographic? Idk I don’t watch her, who wasn’t forgiven for her mistakes
I remember when everything was happening back in April and I think mizkif came in and everything and punz was being sarcastic towards him and sassy and everything (he’s since met miz tho and says he’s chill 😐 which fair enough idc maybe off stream miz is chill and I really don’t mind if he thinks he is like I can’t control it ya know and I don’t see him becoming besties with miz so)
Anyways yea I can’t wait for them to meet like Punz has said so much how he wants to meet Dream and I just Dream saying punz better be in his IRL content I can’t
I’m so thankful that somehow I found punz he’s so amazing and helped me so much
Like I have no memory of how I found him like I watched mr beast really liked Karl and watched mr beast gaming and saw Wilbur and asked who he was and then like I remember watching a Karl stream like December 2020 and then like trying to watch some vods of the very first SMP days and then giving up on that and then watching some of the blueberry tv videos and then literally nothing else like I have no idea how I got so far in and how I found punz I can’t even remember my first punz stream
The earliest I remember is the media share stream where everyone sent their pets
Anyways sorry for the ramble but yea I wish punz got more appreciation for being a good friend to the whole dream team like so many (mainly twt) people ignore him or hate him and it makes me so sad like they usually just hate him for who he associates (or used to now) with and it’s so dumb
punz is such a good and loyal and steadfast friend to the dteam fr he’s underrated in those terms for SURE and yeah he seems like a rly sweet guy and a fun streamer in general im glad u found him and that he’s helped u a lot <333
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freakyunderclublights · 6 months
not to be embarrasing but i read the entirety of ur fanfic in a day. Thank u for taking the time to write a masterpiece BTW!!!! I wanted to ask bc its been on my mind. Why did you decide to make the characters the way you wrote them? im a writer to and i think the way you wrote them is very....interesting. it lowkey inspires me to want to develop characters the same. i was just rly curious about that. I can't wait to read ch.9!
Okay, first off, you are super cute and should not be embarrassed. Thank you for reading my fic! And double thanks for asking me a question that puts my brain cells to work. I'll try to answer this question as concisely as I can because I can literally write a ten-page essay on this.
Given that my fanfic follows the canon timeline, I really had to look at how the characters behaved in each scene between the movie and try to fill in the gaps. That meant trying to figure out who these characters were before the events of the movie even started. So here's my breakdown/headcanon analysis of each.
Isabel: She's been with Jeff since Freshman year (my assumption) and has been extremely popular ever since. Her world revolves around him and being the most popular girl in school. Popularity can be fun, but in 'The Filler,' I wanted to focus on its downsides. The downsides include the anxiety that comes with everyone knowing you + your business, plus the expectations to perform or play a role. I don't think Isabel was in a happy place when the movie started, so I really tried to build off of that. I see her as a character who might yearn for more than her routine, someone who might yearn for a lover for whom she doesn't have to compete for their love, a girl who yearns to be accepted for who she truly is. This brings a new question, though: who is Isabel? She's portrayed as Jeff's "cute babygirl" girlfriend, a princess, someone who needs saving or someone else to protect her. She also doesn't seem to have a lot of friends beside Brittany… why? She is super quick to jump into bed with Josie after only really knowing her for a short time. I sense she is someone who has codependent tendencies, and as a writer, that is an extremely fun challenge to write.
Josie: I honestly don't think I have strayed too far from the canon representation of Josie. She's unpopular, nerdy, and has had a crush on Isabel forever. I think the biggest things I had to build off of her were her relationship with PJ and her long crush on Isabel. PJ is respectfully not the nicest person, so how does Josie, someone who seems relatively nicer, stay friends with someone like that? How does Josie have a crush on Isabel for so long without ever talking to her? What's brewing inside of her that makes her snap at PJ once their secret is outed? It was those questions that shaped how I wrote her.
PJ: PJ is a super fun character to write because she is very evidently flawed. She's willing to lie, cheat, and hurt people to get what she wants, as long as she looks "cool." She reminds me a lot of Greg Heffley from 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid.' I think she acts this way because she struggles with being her true self, so she tries to project a "cooler" version of herself. She avoids being vulnerable throughout the movie, and I think she does that because she may have been bullied for being herself before. Somewhere along the line, she learned that she had to pretend. So for this fic, I wanted to put her in situations that would force her to be authentic, make her have no choice but to be vulnerable.
Brittany: To write Brittany, I kept thinking about that quote, "My identity is completely attached to hers," and tried to think about how I would feel being Isabel's best friend. To be a bystander to my friend who is in an on-and-off again relationship with a shitty guy, to follow my friend as she wants to join a fight club, to watch as my friend slowly gets more infatuated with Josie… relatively soon after breaking up with her boyfriend. Underneath Brittany's "chill" facade, I like to think that she is pretty perceptive to what is going on and also follows Isabel around to protect her. I like to think that she is to Isabel what Tim is to Jeff. Like Tim, she is perceptive, more assertive, and will do whatever it takes to protect her best friend. Why she feels so loyal to Isabel? Well, we're going to explore that too lol.
I know this is pretty lengthy, but I hope this sheds light on my character development process lol.
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kouomi · 3 years
Summary: after miscommunication and many misunderstandings, you feel it is left up to you to end things with Bokuto for both of yours sake.
Warnings: slight angst, sad Bokuto :(, fluff at end!
Word count: 2,837
A/N: this is based off a dream I had lol so it might be a lil iffy. (Akaashi is rly a life saver in this that mans is a god(it has a good ending don’t worry))
Posted: March 4, 2021, 10:05 PM EST
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Despite the scheduled time for the training camp being long over, the lights in gym three were still on and there was the constant sound of a volleyball being smacked to the ground accompanied by shoes squeaking on the wooden floors. Loud yells could be heard every time there was a successful spike or block from any of the boys who were practicing, no hints of fatigue present though they’d been at it for hours. All of these noises were silent to you as you approached though, your thoughts too loud in your ear for anything else to make it past. You nervously tossed your hands back and forth as you approached the familiar gym, having to drag your feet along to your destination as if they were made of concrete trying to hold you in place.
Somehow you managed to make it to the open door, your eyes widening as you peer inside and see many more people than you’d expected, glancing around before you catch the gaze of the person you’d come to see. He’s midair when he sees you, his hand that’d raised to spike a ball dropping as he smiles and lands early. You don’t return the happy expression that usually sparked so much joy within you, instead you turn and quickly flee the overwhelming scene. It was all too much, you just wanted to come and talk to him but seeing how happy he looked and his friends turning to see you had easily spooked you off with your mind already going haywire.
“Bokuto, what was that?” Kuroo calls after his friend though he’s already following you out the door, “Who’s that?”
“His girlfriend.” Akaashi answers, picking up the ball he’d set and ducking under the net to stand next to the other boy.
“Didn’t look like it.” Tsukishima blinks, Kuroo punching him in the shoulder.
“She did look different.” Akaashi says, “And she ran away, it’s probably not anything good.”
“Does that mean that’s the end of practice?” Hinata asks, the other three turning to glare at him.
Outside Bokuto had caught up to you further down the lit pathways along the back of the gym, each heavy step of him jogging towards you making you want to sprint away.
“Hey, Y/n, slow down!” He calls out.
Reluctantly you stop though still keep your back to him, biting your lip as he walks in front of you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, you should go back to practice.” You say quietly, finding yourself unable to look him in the eye, “We can talk later.”
“They’ll be okay without me for a second, what did you wanna talk about?”
It hurts. It hurts to hear his positive tone and be in his warm and bubbly presence when you just felt so wrong. You knew you needed to do this, that you’d been keeping it to yourself far too long and lying to him wasn’t going to help anyone, but something in you was pulling you back and begging you not to be the reason that his trademark positivity diminishes. He was looking at you with sparkling loving eyes the same way he had since you’d met and instead of making you feel warm it only broke you even more.
“Y/n/n?” He asks, slight worry slipping into his voice as he reaches out for your hand. You take a step back and look down at the sidewalk, noticing him visibly droop at your rejection.
“I’m sorry Koutarou it’s just...” You start, having to stop to swallow the bump in your throat before continuing, “I can’t do this.”
“Huh? Babe, what do you-“
“Us. This isn’t working, and I know you know what I’m talking about. I think it’d be better for both of us if we just call it quits now.”
He stops, any light heartedness he’d carried before now gone and being replaced with a chilling atmosphere. His sudden change and knowing you were what was making him feel this way made the stinging in the back of your eyes worse, tears beginning to pool and slide down your cheeks.
“Is it because I missed our last date?” He asks, a sad and almost desperate tone to his voice, “I can make it up to you, we don’t have to break up.”
“No it’s not your fault Bo.” You say, your heart breaking when you look up and see his eyes shining with unshed tears, “I’m sorry.”
You pull the white oversized jacket off of your shoulders, the slightly chilled night air nipping at your exposed arms as you hand it to him. He takes it in a robotic movement, watching as you turn and practically run away from him, disappearing back towards the main building and leaving him standing alone.
What did he do wrong? Did he not give you enough attention, too much? Suffocate you with too much affection? Spend more time on volleyball than he did on you? What wrong path did he go down to have lost you along the way? He tried to work through your relationship in his head and figure out what happened but his thoughts are buzzing by too fast for him to focus on one. His fist clenched around his jacket in his hand as finally the first of many tears fell on to the fabric. Bokuto found himself unable to move, too frozen by your words to will his legs to move and unsure they’d be able to support him if he did.
“Bokuto? What happened?” Akaashi asks after walking out to find his friend as he’d been gone for so long.
“Y/n she’s... gone.”
The next day of the training camp Fukurodani only won one game when their star ace was benched, everyone taking notice to the mood Bokuto was stuck in that not even Akaashi could pull him out of. Word had traveled fast amongst the teams as to what had happened, the topic less gossip and more curiosity and then pity for him.
“Bokuto, you can’t sit around and sulk all day.” Kuroo says, lightly hitting a volleyball into his friends back.
He doesn’t react when the ball hits him, staying slouched after recovering from the hit.
“What did I do wrong?” Bokuto mumbles to himself, eyes focused on his palms in his lap.
“This could not have happened at a worse time.” Sarukui pants, joining his teammates where they stood after finishing the penalty lap. “It’s throwing everyone’s game off.”
“Do something Akaashi.” Konoha says, shoving the setter in the shoulder as he speaks.
“I’ve been trying since last night. The only way he’d get out of this is if they got back together.”
“Why’d she break up with him anyway? They seemed fine.”
“I haven’t asked, I think it’ll just make him worse.”
“We can chase down the girl after camp.” Kuroo suggests, the other boys turning to look at him, “I’m sure you know where to find her, Akaashi.”
He sighs, resting his hands on his hips. “I’ll go to her house later. Knowing Y/n if we all went she’d shut us out.”
“Two peas in a pod.”
“Get back inside for the next round of games!” A coach yells out, all of the players exclaiming a quick “yes sir!” Before walking through the open double-doors.
Even though you’d pulled into your driveway almost an hour ago you still sat in the drivers seat of your car, the radio playing quietly in the background as you sat with your head against the headrest. Your cheeks were stained with runny mascara and dried tears and though they’d finally stopped falling you were still left with the pit in your stomach that was threatening to consume you whole. You were glued to your seat, but even if your body allowed you to move you weren’t sure you would. It was all just empty, no matter what you did in the day, homework, spending time with friends, going shopping, nothing changed. Everything had gone dull without him.
A sudden knock on your window makes you jump, your heart skipping a beat when you turn to see a tall figure looming next to your car before you recognize them to be your friend. With a heavy sigh you drop your head back against the seat, lifting your hand and unlocking the car doors as you do so. Akaashi opens the passenger side door and sits down, silence enveloping you both as he takes in your broken down appearance.
“What do you want, Akaashi?” You ask, words quiet as you try and make sure your voice doesn’t waver.
He’s quiet a moment before he responds, taking in your appearance with an almost surprised expression. “What happened? Why’d you break up with Bokuto?”
“It was for him.” You sigh, feeling warm tears follow in the path of your old ones, “Things changed- it just seemed like it’d be better for him if we weren’t together anymore.”
“What’re you talking about? If anything he’s better with you.”
“I was holding him back from really being himself. Even without that we hardly saw each other and recently it’s like we’re more acquaintances than anything it was just... not what’s right for either of us.”
“Why can’t you just talk through it? He’s tearing himself up over this and none of us can get through to him, I’m starting to get worried.”
His words work another wedge into your heart as you flash back to the look he’d given you a few days prior.
“I’m sorry Akaashi.” You sniff, dragging a hand through your hair as you spoke, “I didn’t want to but I just couldn’t do that to him anymore. H-he’ll be okay eventually.”
“You and I both know that-“ He begins, voice slightly rising.
“Please leave.” You interrupt, his brow slightly raising in surprise, “I just can’t deal with this right n-now.”
He’s stiff for a moment before obliging, opening the door again and stepping out. He moves his hand to the outside of the car to shut the door again, turning away from you and beginning to take a step away.
“Akaashi wait.” You call out, the brunette stopping and looking at you expectingly, “Can you give him a hug for me?”
“You can do it yourself when you get back together.” He states before closing the door and walking down the driveway, leaving you alone feeling even worse than you did a few minutes prior.
What did he mean “when you get back together”? Hadn’t you made it obvious you thought it’d be best if you stayed apart? Sure it hurt, it felt like being stabbed in the heart every time you were reminded of him, but you just wanted what was best. He’d be happier without you even if he was sad for a few days - right?
The captain doesn’t move at the sound of his name, his head still stuck under his blanket as he sat in the dark of his room.
“I talked to Y/n.”
This catches his attention as he peaks out of the fabric of his comforter and to his friend, a slight sliver of hope shining on his otherwise dim expression.
“What did she say?” He asks.
“That you’d grown apart, she did it to make you happier, and you’d be better without her.” Akaashi answers.
“What?!” Bokuto exclaims suddenly, catching the other boy by surprise as his mood does a complete 180, “Why would she think that, it’s-it’s-it’s just wrong! I need to go talk to her!”
“You should wait a little bit for that.” Akaashi replies, placing a hand on his friends shoulder to stop his dash for the door, “She’s not exactly in a talking mood.”
He frowns at this, his hair slightly drooping as if connected to his expression. He springs up again, an almost visible light bulb appearing above his head.
“I have an idea!”
“Kenma?” You call out as you walk into the gym, peering around the room for the setter. You check the texts where he asked for you to meet him here for a charger for his Switch to make sure you got the right place and time, even sending him another text though he doesn’t respond. Confused, you turn around to go back to your house wondering why he’d ask you and then not show.
“Wait, Y/n!”
You freeze when you hear his voice, your face falling when you realize he’s now standing in front of you.
“Sorry, I have to get home.” You whisper, moving to walk past him though your stopped by a gentle hand around your wrist.
“Can we talk please?” Bokuto asks.
If it were anyone else you’d already be gone. If it were anyone else, the pleasing tone in their voice wouldn’t be enough to keep you standing there. If it were anyone else you would’ve pulled your hand away already. But it wasn’t anyone else - it was Bokuto; the one person who you always found yourself unable to say no to.
You let out a sigh and remove your hand from his grip, standing a few feet distance between you as you waited for him to speak.
“I just don’t understand why.” He starts, “I know you told Akaashi it was for me but that just doesn’t make sense.”
“I... I noticed how stressed you seemed trying to balance everything with school, us, volleyball.” You respond, unable to bring yourself to look him in the eye, “And you tried to hide it but I could tell. We started drifting apart and we hardly saw each other I just... I just want you to be happy, Bo.”
“But I was happy with you.” He says, taking a small step forward, “There was a lot going on, but I have it all under control. I don’t think I can do it without you though; I need you Y/n.”
“I was just holding you back. This is for the best.”
“What?! You weren’t holding me back! If anything you’re helping!”
“But we were...”
“Hey, I’m sorry if I made you think you were just another problem.” Bokuto says, voice venturing into a more serious tone that finally makes you look up at him, “We can work this out together yeah? I think I’ll explode if I go another day without you.”
Your eyes look back and forth between his own and you feel a tear grow pregnant and slide down your cheek as he looked back at you with hopefulness and anticipation. His golden eyes that you’d fallen in love with shone with the reflected, intense fluorescent lights above and had a sparkle to them that you hadn’t seen in so long. You missed seeing him everyday and this aura of joy and excitement he carried around, the way he looked at you with such love and kindness. Was it possible to salvage your relationship? Could you find a way to balance everything out with each other?
You sat there for what felt like hours as he waited for your answer, tossing the ideas and options over in your head before you finally came to a result. You closed your eyes for a moment before opening them again with a small nod, watching as an infectious smile spread across his face from ear to ear. He’s quick to wrap you in a hug tight enough to squeeze all of the air out of your lungs and pick your feet off the ground but you don’t pay any mind, your arms going around his shoulders as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He spins you both in circle emitting a small giggle from you as you hug him tighter, only slightly pulling away when your feet are back on the ground. Almost as soon as you’d pulled your face away from his neck Bokuto catches your lips with his in a passionate kiss, both of you being forced to stop when your smiles get to wide.
“Wait!” He suddenly exclaims, pulling his arms away and shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders before eagerly placing it around yours. You melt into the fabric as your enveloped in his scent, slipping your arms through the sleeves with a content smile.
“Sleepover?” You ask, laughing when he quickly nods.
“That was almost too easy.” Kuroo says as he watches you and Bokuto walk out with your arms around each other. He rest his chin on the railing of the platform above the court, glancing sideways to where Akaashi and Kenma sat beside him.
“They can’t stay away from each other long enough to actually break up.” Akaashi sighs, pushing off from the railing he leaned on, “I wouldn’t be surprised if something like this happened again though.”
“They seem happy together.” Kenma comments before viciously pressing buttons on his phone.
“How would you know? You didn’t look up at all!” Kuroo exclaims, tapping the top of his friends device.
“Hey, I was paying attention.”
“Sure you were.”
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levmada · 2 years
spoilers for the newest episode of aot (obviously)
as a manga reader i rly dont think this chapter couldve been adapted any better - the music, the darker, rustic art style, the voice acting and animation?? all so so incredible, top-tier. i think this is the high point of P2 so far.
ymir fritz has been one of my fav characters since i read the manga😭 you know you've written a great character if she has no speaking lines and yet her story still conveys itself so powerful - ymir's entire premise is that she was a slave. she suffered senseless violence and lived a life as a concubine for 13 years after having her tongue cut out.
aot draws many parallels b/n historia and f.ymir's characters, obviously. in one of the screencaps, f.ymir was holding her pregnant belly in the exact way historia was - and tho i don't rly understand why isayama (creator of aot) ever took historia in this direction in season 4, it's a very tragic turn of events for the girl who 104th ymir commanded to live for herself. im not sure, we'll see.
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there were so many moments where the visual storytelling, the silence really said it all. i had chills throughout ymir's entire backstory - especially when she was blamed for releasing a pig (a conflict so senseless which is conveyed by the fact that it wasn't showed on screen) and fritz told her she was 'free' - to be hunted. not unlike faya, grisha's sister, when he took her beyond the internment zone for the first time when they were kids.
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it rly rounds out aot's themes. from the very beginning, it has always been a conflict between being slaughtered by the titans and 'becoming free' by killing them, when in reality, the titans were eldians too - those subject to a long nightmare (as 104th ymir put it in S2).
it rly puts into perspective how senseless it was for her to be revered. she never seeked out the power of the titans as much as it was (seemingly) a parasite that sensed her desperation and latched onto her. without knowing any other way to live, ymir continued serving fritz bc she desperately wanted to be loved (as shown by this screencap)
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so, when she sacrificed herself for fritz, perhaps to ymir the greatest act of love, and he told her nothing more than to get up - despite her powers she didn't want to go on anymore. she chose to escape to a place free from suffering, but free from love as well: Paths. she's always been a slave.
when i first saw the manga panel revealing Sina, Rose and Maria?? god what a shock. naturally, the anime rly cut down on the gore in this panel (warning for that)
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when eren talked ymir into rebelling against zeke (and by extension, her existence as a slave) - showing her eyes for the first time... god it was so powerful to me. as someone who could never show her agony before, not once, who could never bare her soul - it's just incredible.
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it rly felt like this episode was 5 min long. thats a testament to how good it was for me😭
also, armin and mikasa were so funny✋ im sorry. armin still choosing to believe that eren had good intentions even when the wall titans started walking is insane to me - it shows just how much trust armin put in him. it's honestly tragic.
on the bright side, zeke stans rly ate in this episode (as usual bc zeke doesn't like to wear clothes, apparently). god he looks so good.
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a final note: eren's speech at the end, holy fuck it's so intimidating/awesome?? he's objectively a horrible person about to do monstrous things, but i got so many chills. the fact Mappa decided to adapt one of the most iconic panels from this arc just as it was felt so good:
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Just - 10/10 episode. there's not much else to say. incredible.
ALSO: i realize that the anime is skipping around, a lot. most of the episode adapted 122, only for the end, with M+A and everyone in Paths to be from the end of 123 - aka the flashback to the scouts' first expedition to marley aka levi in a suit so-
as well as the flashback of eren asking mikasa what he is to her and them all getting drunk :((
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volfoss · 2 years
Hi! I assign you...
Athena Asamiya!
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she is like. THE magical girl in kof. let me tell u all abt her. so she has psychic powers!! and shes an idol! but shes like very chill and literally THE nicest character in the series. she loves her peter rabbit tea set which like. best character trait etc! shes rly good at like making web sites and enjoys all kinds of computer stuff! she loves sweet foods (Momiji manju, things with kinako dissolved in milk; strawberry daifuku, Sakura daifuku, churros)!! when i tell u genuinely. she is nice to LITERALLY everyone. let me like give examples: iori and ash. iori is like. evil supreme but not really. hes goofy silly hes my babygirl but everyone hates him. but athena shows like. genuine concern for him esp after all hes been thru (iori is like um. sure involved in plots). ash is literally the worst 16 year old ever (affectionate. hes like a brother to me) and EVERYONE but maybe 4 people hate him. now let me like show u some of her win dialogue to ash in particular:
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^ GOING INSANE. so ash went missing and like. shes never been on his team. she has NO reason to rly wanna help him or his team. but by god she is gonna. i just ough.
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^ ALSO THIS. like ash genuinely is very much a guy who like carries stuff on his own and doesnt like to confide in other people when he has problems and even tho theyre fighting shes like trying to help him.
OK. back to info i just like. needed u to see how shes just genuinely SUCH a kind person. OK ALSO. u will like this but shes like. def aromantic coded a bit
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^ kensou is her teammate and she is like. always rly friendly to him despite him just being like hey kinda interested in u romantically she just like. blows him off on it completely. and is just like so glad we r friends :)
SHES ALSO LIKE. very strong to fight as! shes not my main or anything but shes rly rly tough!! BUT ANYWAYS. blorbo image time.
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^ this pic is like. actually so swagtacular. so let me give like an explanation. athenas hair length changes in EVERY game and her hair was a short bob in 99 (when this art is from!) but the fact that like idk. it feels like a very trans picture to me personally (i hc her as nonbinary if that matters lmao) but how like blue mary (far left in the red top) is just like cheering her on, and how king (middle in the pink suit) is like just rly cheerfully giving her a haircut and how even leona (far right in the green suit) is having a good time. images that mean the world to me etc. also like. shes friends w the womens team canonically (which has Mai, King, and Yuri a lot of the time) and i just ough. idk i love their interactions.
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^ this picture is simply like rly pretty n cool and i just. ough. she is so strong she is my best friend etc. i love her so much and this art is so good.
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^ rough sketch but like. i need u to see shes besties w my friend Kula. i love it so so much i just oughhhh sobs. i love how theyre friends. i just oughhh <- is experiencing many emotions rn
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^ her w her team!! the old guy (Chin Gentsai) is her and Kensou's mentor! and kensou is the guy to the far right! i just ough. they r all friends etc. i love it
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^ my fave athena look! its from kof 2001 and i just ough. i love her outfit here and her short hair! imo it rly suits her and i just!!! i love athena so much literally one of THE characters ever
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^ NEED u to see her cute little red shorts outfit here! the other characters from L to R are: Yuri Sakazaki (my best friend!! shes another character i think u would like), Kasumi Todoh (VERY swag she makes funny puns), Athena, and Mai Shiranui (literally THE woman EVER AND EVER.)
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anotherhellchild · 3 years
Okay so Idk if u are busy cause as we all know the world is hell right now and school is a fucking nightmare but. I have a prompt for A BakuJirou Friendship Fic. It's pretty much a fleshed out Idea that I can't put into words cause I can't write for shit anyway here it is
Baku and Jirou chilling on Jirou's room (Brotp 4 life)-  she metions that she has a written song- Kids Again by Artist and Poet
She thinks it's missing something from the verses- it only has the girl's parts cause jirous a girl obvs
She thinks it needs more backing instruments
Asks Bakugou fpr help with drums cause we know he can play drums
Once he hears the song he says it needs piano (he can totally play piano, it would probs be good for the nerves in his fingers after all of the explosions) and another vocal/more verses
They write and brainstorm for a few hours or days
Thet don't know who to ask to sing the male parts
Jirou asks Baku to do them- he refuses a lot but gives- either through bribery or because he respects Jirou
Jirou shocked and personally betrayed that she didn't know Baku could sing this well (jokingly betrayed, not like this is gonna lead to an arguement)
The class finds them out- maybe Denki or Kiri could hear them.
They are all in shock that Baku can sing.
Could lead into a relationship fic- one of the class is in panic at how well Baku can sing (preferebly Kiri or Todo cause Kiribaku and Todobaku are my otps)
oooohhhh yesss!! u had me at BakuJirou!! (also quick disclaimer here: i know absolutely nothing about music or the process of making it or singing or anything even remotely close :D i sure as fuck am pretending that i do tho!)
(and yeah,, ive been gone for a bit now... sorry to everyone for that. just been really tired and drained lately,, schools kinda been kicking my ass and yeahh i wont start about it,, just sorry.  thanks for the ask tho! i appreciate people still coming here to talk even tho i haven’t rly been around )
I love this idea! first off, i love the hc that baku can sing and that plus the bakujirou friendship is already great! 
i kinda imagine that the both of them are just chilling in jirou’s room and she casually mentions she’s been working on a song. so then baku obviously wants to hear it, jirou is kinda shy but eventually shows him what she’s got so far. 
now, baku being baku and all, keeps a poker face throughout the whole thing. (which makes jirou really anxious on the inside cause she cant tell what he’s thinking) But once he’s heard what she’s got so far he says its actually pretty decent (which is bakugou-speak for he likes it) 
they start discussing what could be added/ what could make it better or whatever 
baku adds drums and together they figure out the piano
after a day or two jirou suggests adding another voice and baku thinks thatll be good
the problem: who’s gonna do it?
after debating it for a bit- (mostly just them wondering if any of the boy’s in class even have the ability to sing and THEN wondering if jirou even has the nerve to ask them to help out)
-jirou eventually says something along the lines of: “well,we dont even know if it’d sound good in the first place so maybe you could just sing to test it out, then we’ll see after that.” 
bakugou does not agree
jirou offers him a free meal in exchange
bakugou finds that such an offer would be too wasteful to reject so he reluctantly agrees
now, jirou isnt expecting much at all. her goal here is not to find the voice for her song, its just to see if a male voice fits nicely. she’s kinda expecting some off key pitches and false notes, she figures she can just fix it up a bit with auto tune later. this is just a test after all.
but then. ohhohoo THEN.
bakugou sings, he fucking s i n g s
jirou is lucky she’s already sitting on the floor because she’d have been floored
she really was not expecting this, so much so that she’s literally frozen to the ground.
bakugou, who cannot handle compliments, kinda stares at her suspiciously when she tells him he’s amazing.
after the initial shock, a lot of grumbling, a lot of convincing (on jirou’s part), more grumbling and eventually another bribe; bakugou agrees to sing the other part of the song.
they work on it the rest of the day
that evening, jirou’s kinda humming the song out loud in the common area. people notice.
naturally, chaos ensues 
at least half of the class is around (baku included) they convince jirou to let them listen to the song (baku excluded, not that he minds tho. its her song)
theyre all very impressed and excited etc etc
someone wonders who the other voice was? it’s amazing just like jirou’s own!
jirou tells them its bakugou 
theyre all floored
literally frozen to the ground
literally frozen to the ground
seriously, there is ice at their feet.
Is.. todoroki.... blushing?!
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leia-imogen · 3 years
aaron & the family he's found all by himself; vol. 1 // vol. 2
( ft. the first meeting & the first family game night )
okay, rundown of his first meeting w the vixens!
the vixens don't really like the foxes. they cheer at their games and all, but outside of that, they mostly stick with the football players
bcs, well, the foxes are,, intimidating and most of the vixens don't get how or why katelyn started dating one
especially one half of the terrifying duo that is the twinyards. like these tiny blonde angst goblins have absolutely zero chill, and this is the backliner one, the one that shattered the nose of a dude basically twice his size
they may be short as fuck but they're scary, and the vixens are worried that he might break katelyn's heart
but katelyn's sure about aaron minyard, and when cleo softly asks, "is he worth it?" she knows her answer is a yes
savannah and the rest of the girls aren't convinced tho, so she asks aaron if he'll meet them for one of the afterparties they have after games
he agrees after seeing the hopeful look on her face
and surprise, surprise, it isn't a complete disaster!!
see, aaron has a habit of mirroring the nature of the person he's with. in the book, we mostly see him as an asshole bcs it's from neil's pov, and neil, as much as i adore him, is an asshole
i think that when he's with nicky ( someone he loves and trusts ), he's like, nicer. it's not in his nature to be cheery or anything but he's less,, hostile? and way more relaxed
and katelyn's been nothing but sweet and polite to him, bcs katelyn's sweet and polite till you give her a reason not to be
so he's sweet and polite back, or at least, sweet and polite as aaron minyard can get.
yeah, he's definitely interesting enough, clever and quick-witted enough, respectful and loyal and insanely talented enough, that katelyn decides he's worth it. doubts he'll ever get boring
and yes, she knows this is a big risk, bcs she knows the foxes' rep, knows how fucked up he must to secure a place on the psu foxes, notices how aaron flinches when she makes any sudden movement
but you know what? fuck it
so when aaron tells her his strange, twisted little deal with his brother, katelyn's willing to fight for him
and after nearly 2 months of this, she drags him to the vixens with their fingers interlocked and a hope in her heart that they'd play nice like she's asked ( practically begged ) them to
aaron's buzzing a bit with nervous energy. it's very endearing, how his eyes had lit up at the sight of her, then how she felt her anxiety about the night melt away into excitement
sav tries, bless her, tries to engage aaron in half-hearted conversation about exy ( which she hates ) and aaron tries back, but that fizzles out bcs for someone on a full-ride exy scholarship, aaron doesn't like exy at all
thank god that marissa, who's been trying to be less of a bitch all night, bless her too, lets it slip that sav detests exy
"okay, i can't anymore. minyard, savannah actually hates exy and she hates the foxes too, but we're hoping that you're an exception."
aaron, holding back a laugh: honestly? same.
sav: oh thank fucking GOD we have something to talk about then
"yeah, the entire sport sucks, doesn't it? i literally play it at college level and i still have barely figured out the goddamn rules."
"exactly! and my entire family's fucking obsessed for some reason, it's so annoying! ugh and the foxes suck even more, they're all so goddamn rude for no reason. except maybe the cute goalie."
". . ."
"eww not your brother, i meant renee walker,, and maybe you're not too bad either, minyard."
"you flatter me."
katelyn watches their exchange with more than a little amusement. aaron's not smiling, but his features have softened and he's flushed from the alcohol he'd had and she can't rly believe that this is the boy who they all thought would break her heart
bcs later when aaron comes up to her with a cookie dough cupcake ( her favourite ) she didn't even know was served at the party, leans into her so his face is buried in her neck, whispers "thanks for taking me", when she takes in all her friends laughing and chatting and waving at her, when sav gives her a thumbs-up and nods to aaron, she's never felt more whole
like she was part of something bigger than herself
then aaron starts hanging around them more! yeah he saw the look on katelyn's face and he was going to TRY for her or so help him- usually just with katelyn, sav, and cleo
she invites him to the "family game night" sav is making them have, and he's like "sure why not."
he knocks on the door of sav and cleo's dorm and sav lets him in
"yo, minyard! glad you make it, katelyn's out on a donut run but she'll be back soon."
okay,, okay. so he'll,,, what? interact w people?? hell fucking no
then he realises that it's only cleo in the dorm, plugged into her headphones, playing mario kart, and thanks katelyn for ensuring there would only be ppl that like, he didn't mind
the other vixens were okay, but way too LOUD, and aaron wasn't rly up for spending a whole night w them
cleo hands him a controller, an invitation to play, and he takes it gratefully. he and cleo hadn't talked that much at the party, but she was perfectly tolerable so far, which was a good sign
and mario kart was a part of his childhood, one of the only few that nicky's parents had owned, so he and his cousin had spent hours curled up in front of tv trying to beat each other
even tho he beats nicky most of the time, cleo absolutely destroys him. he mentally tries to brush it off as him being rusty ( which he definitely is ) but damn, cleo's good. still, she brushes off the compliment when aaron blurts it out
okay so then katelyn comes back with like way too many donuts and they start playing monopoly gathered around the coffee table
sav insists on putting on some music. wannabe starts playing. she winks at aaron and aaron winks back, still not smiling. cleo snorts and katelyn kisses his cheek
listen, cleo is a monopoly master. soon, she owns over half the board and it's pretty clear she's gonna win, someone ( savannah riley jameson, everyone ) flips the board
"jameson, what the actual fuck."
"shut the hell up, minyard."
"come on, sav, i was winning!"
katelyn's trying to pick up all the pieces and aaron bends down to help her, shaking his head at sav, who pouts and joins them while cleo grins, headphones slung around her shoulders while she perches herself onto the arm of the settee and hums to wake me up before you go-go
next, sav begs them to play twister. cleo's great at most games, but she has a particular dislike for twister, so she's out quick
katelyn is super bendy, bcs she took gymnastics for years, and aaron holds his own surprisingly well, considering the fact that he's short as fuck
sav: katie, right hand red
katelyn, ending up right on top of a blushing aaron: okay, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
sav: i stopped spinning like 15 turns ago, i'm surprised you didn't notice sooner
eventually aaron collapses and katelyn is hailed as the queen of twister and they spend the next 10 minutes just calling out random spots for katelyn to try
she gets all of them, and aaron is actually smiling now and it doesn't matter that it's only a tiny quirk of his lips, it's something and katelyn cherishes it
they play some sort of surgeon simulator thingy next, and aaron "gonna be a future neurosurgeon" minyard is awesome at it, bcs duh
katelyn's not very good at this. her hands get SHAKY okay
cleo also sucks at this, bcs she keeps getting nervous and having muscle spasms. sav's just doing the dumbest shit bcs it's bringing aaron closer to the edge of cardiac arrest
aaron: jameson holy shit what are you DOING
sav, slicing open the spinal cord: okay so what if i take out the lungs through the back haha
and now sav is sulking over the fact that she hadn't absolutely murdered the others at a game
so she brings out the ultimate game. the game of bastards, one that tears families apart, sets friendships on fire, starts wars too gruesome to be started by anything other than this wretched, cursed artefact. . .
s c r a b b l e
aaron's already having war flashbacks. katelyn groans and goes to make popcorn, bcs this shit's gonna take FOREVER and she knows it. cleo, an english major, is preparing herself for battle with the force of nature that is savannah
"the fuck do you MEAN fergalicious isn't a word???"
"savannah, please."
"no, here, listen to this."
"sav, we were listening to that!" katelyn complains. sav sighs and switches the song back to her "90's bops" playlist, then changes it to "hell yeah feminism" which instantly starts playing run the world ( girls )
katelyn happily starts singing and aaron's not even reluctant to hum along
sav and cleo are still arguing. this has been going on for so long. sav looks ready to flip over the board again, so cleo does it first
katelyn: cleo what the heck
cleo, the tired mom friend: don't fucking curse
aaron is also tired, but in a good way, in kind of that soft lazy droopy way
he falls asleep leaning against the sofa and katelyn's shoulder, with god is a woman playing in the background while sav and cleo continue arguing. cleo is standing on the coffee table. it's true anarchy
he wakes up on the sofa with a blanket thrown over him and sunlight streaming in through the lacy curtains and katelyn making a complete mess of the kitchen in a futile attempt to make breakfast. sav and cleo are draped across each other on the floor
katelyn, struggling to pick up burning toast: morning babe, how did you sleep?
aaron, calmly using a pair of tongs: pretty well. who wants pancakes?
sav, instantly shooting up: DID YOU SAY PANCAKES
so he makes pancakes! nicky taught him as soon as he'd gained custody of the twins, so he's pretty much an expert. he tries to teach katelyn, but then just gives up bcs she's clearly not listening in favour of staring at him
and they all gather around the coffee table and cleo's humming along to the song on her headphones and wow these pancakes are rly good omg
while aaron is chatting to cleo about what video games they should play next, sav whispers, "kate finley, if you don't marry this boy just for his god-tier pancakes, i will."
"sav, you're a lesbian."
"not anymore, i've decided that i am pancake-sexual."
aaron hears all of this btw, bcs cleo stops when she hears them talking. he blushes, and smiles, just a little bit
( if anyone actually cares about this, tell me! shoot me an ask if there's any particular ask you want to see with these characters, or just the foxes! )
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tayley · 3 years
Obvs all the xeno stuff is awful and really bad and I agree massively needs to be addressed (times ticking yall)
But I don’t rly agree W ppl criticising H&B for the way that they handle stuff like acting ‘unprofessional’ in meetings- it’s their company and they can do what they want and I’ve been in enough small company boardrooms and meetings where they’ve acted all formal and professional and you’re thinking ‘boy this is pretentious’. I mean like the fart tweets and stuff are different and another level but if they’ve created an informal environment between themselves then that’s cool but some staff have obvs taken this as an excuse to show how friendly they are with H.
I think it’s okay to be a level of informal and friendly (sometimes brands get involved in conversations and debates and stuff on Twitter and it’s ace) but to just act like it’s ALL a joke is where it goes too far.
Then obviously this has become just racist- the come to Brazil comments are questionable but understandable because it’s a thing (heck I remember in 2009 everyone used to compete to be the first to comment that on paramore YouTube videos) but the hacking comment was BAD and the apology was WORSE and the lack of follow up is TERRIBLE.
I think her calling out the tumblr ask was semi fair enough- she’s passionate about the thing she’s dedicated her life to over the past few years and someone is basically telling them to chill out when it’s taken a lot of effort- Yh it’s an opinion but jeez why do u feel the need to tear ppl down ay?
They must be seeking legal help surely because H isn’t a bad person… she’s usually so vocal about issues that are unfair! They’ve rly fucked up tho.
i don’t think anyone is saying hayley is a bad person. i think we are all trying to convey the message that she’s the face of the company, the ceo, and does need to be held accountable for the lack of control she has over her employees. that fans who are so far up her ass they can’t tell which way is left from right will blindly defend her, regardless of the situation. that she allowed that GDY “apology” to be posted which was very much victim blaming. that there is STILL a lack of accountability for becca who originally said the xenophobic comment. the fact that “come to brazil” is clearly an office meme—which in my opinion, was never funny to begin with, and highly offensive to the brazilian community, as many have spoken up regarding this.
regarding her posting the tumblr ask—that in itself just proves the point that her employees have crossed boundaries as the entire reason the situation blew up to the magnitude it did was from employees mingling in fandom drama with other fans regarding an account about their own boss’s relationship.
in conclusion, if they ever want to be seen as a reputable business, they are going to have to tighten the reigns. having fun is great! but gdy crossed the line of fun and right into tacky and cringe—as even said by multiple well known paramore accounts. this isn’t just an opinion of one person, a good majority of us have felt this way for a long time.
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heleizition · 4 years
How Alfred interact with his shifter babies? Where is Barbara in all of this? Is she a shifter or human? Also, I want to know more about Tim's parents... How was they and how Tim ended up with batfamily?
ok hold on . .. i need a second . .. im thinking about alfred holding like, baby panther dick in hi arms n smilng softly,,, jst . .. give me a moment . ..... like ... hes cooking n hyerna jason who’s starting to grow jst sits beside him n tucks his head on the counter n looks at alfred like feed me and alfred is so so fond of his grandsons yk,,, of his family,,,, cries
OK SO beside that tim shifts from cat to human the first time with alfred,,, hes a safe adult in his eyes and he trusts him and its a trust alfred hasnt and wont ever betray. cass just likes to sit on his shoulder while he has tea,,, he makes her a cup and she flies over to drink when she feels like it but mostly she’s chilling. steph usually runs around and tries to pick things up to “help” alfred and he gives her lil pets,,,, duke usually feels like in the way when hes shifted and alfred is cleaning up or working around him so he usually shift back and helps and it makes alfred smile a lot even after he tries to shoo duke away bc thats His Job yk,,, duke still helps sefooefshofse
OK UM i admit i did not think of babs bc she always slips from my mind,,,, i dont have a big connection to her character,,,, im not sure if she’s a shifter yet i gotta think but i kinda feel  ,,, fox for her,,,,, if u have other suggestions im open ? i dont know much about her character sadly,,,,
OK SO under the cut is tim’s story n how he met and ended up w the bat, big tw for animal (shifter) abuse and child abuse, starvation, abandonment, umm mutilation & description of injury
tim first turned into a cat (to his parents knowledge) when he was about 4 or 5. he’d been already introduced to the world but as he was a small child they hadn’t really been showing him around everywhere so only a handful of people knew/remembered small boy tim. janet has a particular hate toward that branch in her family that can shift so she’s really jst. hating her son having it and she immediately just. decides that she just doesnt want to see him. so jack and her just start locking him in a tiny cat cage, which prevent him from turning back into a boy, feed him catfood when they remember to feed him. at some point they get him declawed (which gives him terribly vivid nightmares of human him getting his fingers torned off of his hand) and when they leave they give him a tight collar while leaving him out of the cage which prevnts him from shifting back bc the collar would just go through tim’s throat if he shifted to human.
so tim drake ends up . not existing. everyone forgets the drakes had a son, tim very rarely gets to be in human shape (which hurts at some point), and when he does his parents usually yell at him and making him feel very unwanted, going as far as throwing things at him until he jst, shifts back and makes himself as small and forgotten as possible. he stopped going to school early, but he still taught himself to read (u gotta do smth when ur stuck as a cat for years) and went through lots of his parents books (that were on bottoms shelfs bc its hard to put the books back in the right shelves while in cat form and he gets yelled at enough as it is just for existing).
so he’s like 10, and his parents have been gone for a while . and he’s rly not doing good. he’s not rly clinging to life. he’s underfed. everything hurts. his brain isn’t really reactive anymore. and hes on the wall between the drakes and the wayne’s estate dick and jason are in the garden, playing around, and he just. falls asleep. passes out from exhaustion and his body kind of giving up on him.
they hear him or see him, idk, they find him and jason shifts back, holding the small kitten in his arms and he runs inside, n they take care of him, the adress on the collar said he’s from next door,,, at this point they dont know he’s a shifter,, but when he wakes up tim’s all warm and tucked against a warm body (dick) and jason is beside them petting him gently and the second tim is awake he’s tense and trying to get away bc humans have done nothing but hurt him at this point yk,, he’s barely ever met anyone,,, he sticks to the drake’s house bc he’s terrified they’ll know if he goes somewhere else
(altho deep down he thinks they’d be happy if they came home to an empty house)
and when he wakes up. thats when dick n jay understand he’s not just a cat, he’s a shifter, n jason holds him in place to remove the collar bc he *knows* he cant possibly be able to shift to human with it,,, but even without it tim doesnt shift back, hes jst, scared cat,,,,
(”hey, it’s ok, we’re like you” jason says, in the most gentle voice dick’s ever heard him use. there is a moment of silence, where the kitten blinks, and then the familiar noise of flesh rearranging itself while jason shifts into his hyena form. he’s careful to keep his distance, laying on his stomach to make himself smaller - which helps, but not by much as he’s still huge compared to the little shifter in front of them. dick knows the lines of tension and those of exhaustion in their muscles, and remembers how they didn’t even stir when jason had carried them inside. he shifts. 
“i’m gonna get you some food, okay ?” he levels his tone with his brothers. “we should have some fruits around, upstairs. fish maybe ? if you’d like ? or something else.” he smiles that smiles only he knows how to smile. “or maybe you’d like to pick yourself ?”
the little cat manages to make themselves smaller.)
they eventually manage to feed him and hydrate him, and dick tells alfred and bruce about the little shifter while jason keeps an eye on him,,, bruce connect the drake and tim shaped dots. he remembers janet and jack rejecting a gala invitation a while back bc she had recently delivered, only he’d never seen the kid.
tim only lets jason and dick close a first, bc they’re younger, bc they’re shifters, and then alfred bc alfred always brings him food on a plate and with a fork and knife like he’s going to use them as a human. he talks to tim and pets him gently once tim allows it,,, he’s a safe adult.
bruce scares him a lot, even if he’s gentle and he’s a good dad. he’s bigger than jack has ever been, and he knows he could hurt him. he just scares him a lot. he has too much authority, too much presence.
tim shifts back into a human on is seventh day at the manor, while alfred sits with him in a little room tim had hid in. he’s a very small boy and he cries out in pain when he shifts, but alfred puts a hand on his cheek and just smiles
(”hello, my boy”)
tim is very quiet, takes a shower and shifts back before anyone else can see him,,, but slowly he lets it happen around the others. one time dick n jay wake up from a nap session to a little boy suggled between them,,, there is a lot of hurt and pain from jason bc he’s been that little boy, hurt and scared and in pain, and it brings back a lot of sad things,,,
eventually he lets himself shift into bruce’s arms on the second week and he cries a lot n bruce tells him he figured out he’s the drake’s son, and jst, h, he adopts
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ya-girl-mc · 3 years
Character: Tsukishima Kei × Fem Reader
Concept: Y/N joins Tsukishima and his colleagues for a night of drinking, but ends up embarrassing him as she gets wasted
A/N: Cause I miss getting drunk and doing stupid shit, hence this fic feat. our salty boi ✌ it was rly fun to write this so,, hope u enjoy it too!!
☆☆ A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction ☆☆
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Light filtered through the window blinds, rousing Y/N from her slumber as she pried her eyes open, cursing to herself as she felt a stinging pain in her temples. She was hungover, pretty badly at that, and as much as she wracked her brain to try and recall the events that transpired the night before, it only made her headache much worse.
Shit...I don't feel so good.
As her eyes darted around, she was immediately relieved knowing that she was lying down on the couch in her and Tsukishima's living room, managing to deduce - despite her muddled state-of-mind - that someone must have taken care of her in her drunken stupor.
Gritting her teeth, Y/N tried to sit up slowly, wincing as her temples prickled with pain with every movement. In her peripheral vision, however, was her livid-looking boyfriend with probably the deepest scowl she's ever seen as he stared her down from where he sat.
"Did you sleep well?" While the inquiry was meant to be out of concern, Tsukishima delivered it in a monotonous, yet utterly chilling manner which only meant one thing: he was pissed.
"What happened? And what's got you frowning so early in the morning?" She carefully questioned, eager yet dreading to find out how she must have royally screwed up the night before to get him this upset. Her curiosity only infuriated Tsukishima more and Y/N could have almost sworn seeing a blackish aura swirl around him.
"You...you really don't remember a damn thing, do you?"
Fridays were usually the most anticipated day of the week for most members of the working class; however, in Tsukishima's case, he was dreading this Friday in particular.
After a strenuous week at the office, his boss suggested the entire team go drinking to reward themselves for their hard work and as a means to de-stress. But, Tsukishima wasn't keen on partaking in such nights of revelry especially after a long week at work as he'd rather spend his Friday nights and weekends relaxing at home with Y/N. The only reason that he decided to tag along is due to her persistence for him to do so.
Sighing deeply to himself, Tsukishima followed his colleagues as they entered the izakaya, chattering excitedly as they settled in at a long table at the far back. Amongst the clientele for that night, one of them in particular caught his attention, his eyes widening in surprise.
She was sat on one of the stools overlooking the kitchen. At the sound of her name, she turned towards its source and grinned widely. "Kei! Fancy running into you here and I see that you're also with your team. Good boy!"
He subtly rolled his eyes and sat down on the stool next to hers, unable to fight off a smile that made its way to his face. "Yeah yeah, if I didn't join them I'd never hear the end of it from you. Anyway, are you here alone?"
"Yeah, just stopped by on the way home from work to pick up some gyoza and katsudon for dinner. But wait, maybe I should have gotten takoyaki, too? Or maybe another serving of gyoza-" Y/N rambled as she grabbed the menu, her eyes scanning rapidly over the items.
He just gazed at her in amusement, completely oblivious to the inquisitive stares his co-workers shot their way. Tsukishima in the workplace was usually placid, reserved, and mostly impassive; seeing his relaxed and pleasant demeanor as he interacted with Y/N was especially intriguing to them, wondering amongst themselves just who that woman was in Tsukishima's life.
Keen on finding out the answer, one of his senpais called him over to their table. It suddenly dawned on him that there was no other choice than to formally introduce Y/N to them. And, he definitely was not looking forward to it as he'd never hear the end of their relentless teasing. "Y/N, would you mind coming along with me for a bit?"
Discreetly straightening her clothes and smoothening her hair, Y/N nodded and followed him to where his co-workers sat, anxious to make a good first impression. At their arrival, they immediately trained their gazes on her, just as eager to find out who she was. "Everyone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. We live together," Tsukishima stated nonchalantly.
The shock on their faces was borderline comical as they stared back at him, their jaws hanging open in disbelief. "Girlfriend?!"
He sighed, already dreading the uproar they're about to cause. Tsukishima was a private person and rarely talked about his personal life as he maintained a firm work-life boundary. It was not like he was embarrassed to introduce his girlfriend to them; he just perceived the entire ordeal to be troublesome as his colleagues would jump at any chance to find something to tease him about.
Y/N straightened herself and bowed. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. Thank you very much for taking care of Kei - I mean - Tsukishima all this time."
"I can't believe this!" One of his kouhais wailed. "To think that an office drone like Tsukishima-senpai has a girlfriend, and a very pretty one at that. So what the hell am I exactly doing wrong?"
"Believe me, I could tell you everything that you need to hear," Tsukishima retorted and shot his kouhai a dagger-like glare.
One of his senpais, a man who looked to be in his late 30's, leaned over and flicked his kouhai on the forehead as he winced in response. "Stop bad-mouthing Tsukishima when his girlfriend's literally standing in front of you. Anyway, nice to meet you, Y/N!"
They instantaneously began bombarding her with questions such as "how did you two meet", "how long have you been together", "what do you do for a living", and "of all men, why Tsukishima." Unable to keep up with what almost seemed like an interrogation by his colleagues, Y/N smiled sheepishly and shot Tsukishima a pleading look, silently begging him to bail her out.
"That's enough, all of you. You're creeping the poor lady out." Y/N turned to the man that sat at the head of the table; he exuded authority which practically gives himself away as the boss. Bringing up a cup of sake to his lips, he took a sip and eyed his subordinates sternly, yet the amusement in his gaze was palpable as he shifted his attention to Y/N. "Sorry about that, we just didn't expect our lone wolf Tsukishima to have a girlfriend, so we're all excited to meet you. If you don't mind, maybe you can join us, Y/N?"
"Sir-" Tsukishima began to protest as he felt the work-life boundary he stubbornly maintained begin to crumble; but to his surprise, Y/N seemed keen on accepting the invitation, a bashful smile on her face.
"I'd be happy to, but I wouldn't want to impose-"
"You won't, don't worry about it!" He assured dismissively and proceeded to order another round of drinks and accompanying snacks. "It's a pleasure of ours to get to know you and finally get a glimpse of Tsukishima's life outside of work."
Flattered and amused at how especially eager they seemed to know more about their enigmatic colleague and his girlfriend, Y/N gratefully accepted the invitation. "Alright, a few drinks wouldn't hurt."
"Okay, I remember that much...but it still doesn't explain why you're so pissed," Y/N mused, listening earnestly to Tsukishima as he filled her in on what seemed like a disastrous night of revelry caused by her drunken antics.
He sighed and took off his glasses to rub his temples, the events that transpired the night before seemingly traumatizing him. "That's because you got carried away, you idiot."
A couple of shots was all it needed for Y/N to become fully accustomed with Tsukishima's colleagues and pretty soon, they were chattering away like long-time friends while he fixated his gaze on her, his eyebrows furrowing in mild displeasure.
Aren't they becoming a little bit too friendly with her? And Y/N's just two shots in and she's already starting to get tipsy. Geez, this is so troublesome.
"Hey, one at a time please! I'll answer your questions one by one," Y/N instructed quite giddily, Tsukishima gazing at her in concern as she downed her third shot. He didn't want to be a buzzkill especially when she seemed to genuinely enjoy his colleagues' company and vice versa; however, her alcohol tolerance was remarkably low and it didn't take much for her to become fully inebriated. He decided to keep a watchful eye on her instead to prevent any incident from occurring due to her drunken antics.
"So, how and when did you two meet?"
"Kei and I go way back in high school," Y/N began as everyone at the table listened to her attentively. "He was part of our school's volleyball team and looked so cool as he played! That's when I started to have a crush on him, but it was one-sided though."
And there goes her filter, Tsukishima thought to himself, concealing his exasperation by downing his cup of sake, trying as best as he can to drown out the uproar his colleagues caused at her revelation.
"No way! Tsukishima-senpai was a volleyball player? I just can't imagine that!" One of his kouhais exclaimed, completely perplexed at the thought.
Tsukishima was about to reply with another snide remark, but Y/N was quick to interject. "Hell yeah he was, and he's such a great middle blocker to boot. He played so calmly as he read his opponent's moves...ahhh that composure of his is what makes him so cool!"
While he appreciated her attempt to defend his honor, it only increased everyone's amusement as she fawned over him, much to his chagrin. "So Y/N-" One of his senpais grinned sneakily, and Tsukishima pretty much figured out what the next inquiry will be about. "-who confessed to whom?"
"Oh, that takes me way back!" She mused, leaning against the man in question who sat right next to her. "I didn't have the courage to confess since he seemed so unapproachable and indifferent, so I thought about giving up on him. But as we became seniors, we ended up in the same class and became quite close. Eventually, during our graduation ceremony, Kei pulled me aside and confessed! I was so shocked that I started crying and...well, the rest is history."
"So it was Tsukishima here who confessed!" One of his senpais beamed and threw an arm around his shoulder, clinking his sake cup with his. "The revelations just keep on coming and coming."
"But that's amazing though," their boss remarked, completely engrossed in the conversation as much as his subordinates were. "You've been together for such a long time now. It's pretty rare for high school sweethearts to last that long."
Y/N nodded earnestly and downed her fourth shot before Tsukishima had the chance to snatch it away from her hands. "I agree, but Kei is such a caring and thoughtful boyfriend! He may seem like a sour puss on the outside but he's reaaaaaally sweet and very very clingy! But shhhhh...don't tell him I said that, though."
Ugh great, now she's done it. Tsukishima almost had to cover his ears as everyone at the table guffawed, unable to stomach the idea of their placid colleague and the clingy boyfriend Y/N described being the same person. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping and praying for the evening to be over.
Y/N cringed as Tsukishima helped her recall the things she had blurted out amid her inebriated state, starting to slowly understand the reason why he was so livid in the first place. "Okay...first of all, I am so sorry - with every fiber of my being - for embarrassing you like that-"
"That's not all you did," Tsukishima interjected quite menacingly and pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to keep his temper in-check. "As if that wasn't humiliating enough, you managed to exceed my expectations."
A couple more shots later, Y/N was too far gone. She was completely wasted, and Tsukishima couldn't bear to look at his co-workers as they shot each other uneasy looks, the concern palpable in their wordless exchanges. He was utterly embarrassed yet frustrated at himself since she somehow managed to surpass her drinking limit despite being under his watchful eye.
"Heyyyyy, owner! Anotha' round of sake for this table right here, and put it on my tab!"
As Y/N made an attempt to leave the table, she accidentally knocked over a half-empty glass of water, the liquid spilling all over the table as a result. Giggling to herself while Tsukishima's colleagues scrambled to remove their belongings from the table, she attempted to grab a bottle of sake, but he swiftly withheld her attempt to do so, yanking it out of her reach.
"Okay, enough is enough," he reprimanded firmly, setting the bottle down on the table and bringing his face close in an attempt to get through to her. "Y/N, for the love of God, please get ahold of yourself."
"Tsukkiiii...you're hereee!" It was futile, Y/N's glassy eyes an indicator that she was in no condition to listen to reason. She smiled goofily and threw herself into his arms, the sheer force causing Tsukishima to stumble, his arm accidentally knocking over a glass to the floor as it completely shattered as a result.
"Shit! I'm so sorry, did anyone get hurt?" He exclaimed in a state of uncharacteristic panic, his arms struggling to support his drunken mess of a lover as she began mumbling unintelligibly to herself.
"We're good, Tsukishima. Don't worry about it," his boss assured. "But, I think it's best if you take her home, she doesn't look too good."
Yes, good call, that's one way to put it. Goddammit, this is too fucking embarrassing.
Pretty soon, the izakaya's owner approached the group amid the commotion, and with Tsukishima sincerely apologizing and swearing to pay for the damages, he also insisted on paying for the entire group's bill to compensate, but they turned down his offer, advising him and Y/N to get themselves home safely.
Tsukishima thought that the nightmare had ended; apparently, Y/N had more in store as she tapped his boss' shoulder, staring down at him in an attempt to look stern. "Hey sirrrr...can you lay off Tsukki sometimes? 'Cuzzzz...he comes home waaayyyy too late and we barely have enough time to get down and dir-"
"NOOO!" Tsukishima cried out in horror, completely and utterly humiliated as he scrambled to clamp his hand over Y/N's mouth in an attempt to salvage what's left of both of their dignities. However, the force caused her to stagger, her unruly arm knocking over a bottle of sake atop the table. Tsukishima was unable to do anything as he hopelessly watched it topple over, the liquid spilling and trickling down on his boss' lap as he felt every ounce of his life force drain out of his body.
God, if you're listening, then please...I don't care how you do it, but I beg of you...just kill me now.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Y/N wailed and buried her face in a pillow, unable to bring herself to look at Tsukishima as he unveiled the horrific experience he and his co-workers went through due to her drunken stupor. To say that she was embarrassed was a complete understatement; she was mortified, and it definitely was not an ideal first impression as she mourned for her long gone dignity. "Just kill me, please!"
Tsukishima was practically seething with rage at this point, wishing that the night before had just been a nightmare, yet it was nothing but a cruel reality. "You're embarrassed? How the hell do you think I feel? I lost count of the number of times I had to apologize before I hauled your drunken self home! You literally went crazy, Y/N! How careless, especially knowing that you can't handle alcohol well!"
She deserved to be scolded. Y/N lifted her head from the pillow and looked up at him, her eyes prickling with tears as she wallowed in her shame. "Kei...I'm so sorry. You're right, I was careless and I embarrassed you in front of your co-workers. I really didn't mean to! Oh my god...what if you got fired-" It must have been the after-effects of her hangover that made her an emotional mess as she felt tears running down her face, berating herself for acting in such a distasteful manner - in public and in front of his colleagues, at that.
Tsukishima deeply sighed to regain his composure. He settled down next to his lover on the couch, his hand rubbing across her back as he tried to calm her down. "Don't be ridiculous. I won't get fired over something like that, the boss isn't that shallow. He even called me up as soon as we got home to ask how you were doing."
At his gesture, Y/N bawled even harder, the tears streaming endlessly down her face. "I'm really sorry for ruining your night. I promise that I won't do it again."
"Y/N," Tsukishima began and tipped up her chin, locking his golden eyes with her puffy ones. "Look, I'm even more upset that you weren't being careful. I won't stop you from drinking, but you've got to be more aware of your own limitations. What if I wasn't there with you? What if you were alone and there was no one you trusted to take care of you?"
He's right, I'm such an idiot. I sure as hell won't be drinking anytime soon especially after last night's debacle!
She only managed a nod, sniffing profusely as she fished out her handkerchief to wipe her tear-stained face. "I'm so sorry, Kei. I swear that I'll be careful next time."
"You better be, you drunkard," he playfully retorted, the corners of his mouth subtly twitching upwards at how undeniably adorable she was being.
"So...you're not mad anymore?" Y/N inquired softly, looking up at Tsukishima with pleading eyes. While his earlier rage was now long gone, he did go through quite an ordeal, and he wasn't keen on letting her off the hook that easy as he wickedly grinned at her.
Oh, shit. I don't like that look.
"Sorry Y/N, but you're not getting off that easy. You did humiliate the both of us after all," he stated deviously, his smile widening at the uneasy expression on her face. "So for the next two weeks, you'll be doing all the household chores, and you're on bathroom cleaning duty for the entire month."
She sighed and nodded defeatedly. It was definitely a pain, but Y/N was resolute on serving her punishment to atone for what she did. However, she couldn't help but feel relieved since she had expected something way worse; doing all the household chores seemed quite tame in comparison to what she had imagined.
But then again, this was Tsukishima, and as he sensed her apparent relief, he laid out the pinnacle of her punishment, unable to fight off the sadistic grin on his face. "And, as soon as you're not hungover anymore, we'll be paying each of my colleagues a visit so you can sincerely apologize for what you did."
Y/N gawked at him, her heart dropping to her stomach. "C-come again?" He's not serious. He can't be...right? Right?!
"You heard me." Tsukishima was dead serious. She knew that something was amiss with his household chores punishment; he may be her boyfriend, but he definitely was a sadistic bastard if he needed to be.
"NOOO!" She wailed, completely mortified at the prospect as she began hitting him with the pillow, her hangover being the least of her concerns. "Please Kei, anything but that! I'd rather not meet them again for the rest of my living days, so please!"
Tsukishima chuckled and stilled her movements, staring her down to show just how serious he was. "Well, that just means that this punishment is befitting, right? At least now you'll think twice before letting yourself get wasted again. This will be a good learning experience for you."
Y/N knew that there was no other way to escape from her upcoming predicament. Completely at a loss, she only managed to shoot Tsukishima the harshest glare that she could muster. "Fine. If it will make you happy, you sadistic bastard."
Knowing that he had emerged victorious for this round, he let out a carefree laugh and planted an affectionate kiss atop her disheveled hair. "I appreciate it. Now, let's get that hangover treated real quick."
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