#i have actual homework to be doing yet here i am
crimsonscloud · 1 year
the way I am about to write a whole ass document about the potential for chloe to have powers ( particularly her connection to the storm )
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amoneki-ramblings · 10 months
hngh. okay first rant post I just think amoneki is so insane especially for how much they care and respect for each other right up until the very end like???
okay first of all there's obviously the way that they outright say (even if it's not directly to each other) that they don't want the other to die
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Also the fact that Amon tells Kaneki to take a Break. In the middle of a fight. (Which also adds him to the pool of characters that are trying to tell Kaneki to tell him to just let himself rest for once (who he does Not listen to))
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Also the fact that when Kaneki deals his first (and only) potentially fatal blow to Amon Ever, instead of feeling betrayed by the fact that he was trying to avoid attacking him before or thinking "Oh so this is where he finally tries to actually kill me" Amon just calls Kaneki strong. He Cut Off His Arm and Amon's first thought is just to say that he thinks he's strong, even if this should technically be a sort of betrayal to all their previous encounters and a Contradiction to what Amon observed at the beginning of this fight about how Kaneki really wasn't planning on killing him (it's like even though this happened he knows deep down that it wasn't with a real killing Intent).
He doesn't even think about himself or that he might Actually Die he's just thinking about Kaneki even right then and afterwards
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(ohhh my god I hate Amon (/affecionate) I have so many Thoughts about him especially thoughts Specifically about how he has a sort of idealized version of Kaneki in his head from the few times they've interacted I could talk about it for Hours (but then I'm gonna be here for ages and I will get So off track) )
And it's also about the fact that. In his final thoughts/words in tg Kaneki opens up with Amon's words; these are his words that have been stuck in his head ever since he first heard them and they are some of the last words he clings to before he's "erased". (When I first saw that line near the opening of the final chapter I almost lost my Shit) Like,
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It's about how even up until the end they're thinking about what they said to each other at that first encounter by the river
It's about how much impact they've had and Continue to have on each other even when they're basically Dying (and it's partially the others' fault)
It's about the actually Insane amount of parallels and the flipping of their situations between their first encounter and their last (in the original series)
It's about how neither of them deal the killing blow in an "unfair" fight (when the other is basically disarmed) but once they're on equal grounds that's the closest they've come to Actually killing the other and even then they don't want that to Actually happen and both hold onto that same thought
It's about how the natural thing would be for them to just fight and/or kill the other without a thought but they don't because "This guy's Different"
Enemies to It's Complicated. Enemies to you-have-impacted-my-worldview-in-irreversible-ways-and-I-wish-I-could-just-sit-down-and-talk-with-you-but-can't
Enemies to I-should-hate-you-because-you-(technically indirectly)-caused-the-death-of-someone-I-cared-about-but-also-your-words-won't-leave-my-head-and-I-want-to-know-more-about-you-also-I-don't-want-to-kill-you-but-you're-not-leaving-me-much-choice
Amoneki divorce has me so fucked up
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fenriraa · 11 months
ok last dumb video I swear, now I go back to drawing
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bitches be like "wish i was doing something of worth for society/my local community" while doing three time-intensive community jobs unpaid and walking around as a living leftist/queer symbol and occasionally leaving behind leftist stickers
it's me i'm bitches
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Henrow blorbo
first off, ohmyfuckinggodyouaresocoolllllllllllllllll
secondly, what ya workin' on currently? <- is deathly interested, yes please please please info dump if you have the spoons
- Ryan
Bonjour my furry friend. At the moment i'm mostly working on getting a job so that i can afford rent, but when i'm not doing that, i'm working on designing some new N-substituted 5MeO-tryptamines (in order to avoid being banned for breaking tumblr TOS, i can't say exactly what for, but if you look up 5MeO-tryptamines, you should see). So far i've only managed to make things that make me super sleepy (and maybe a tiny bit inebriated), so presumably my body is mainly metabolizing them into melatonin. I also have been working on working through the details of making a rocket engine which relies on both muon catalyzed fusion and z-pinch fusion (mostly because even though i know it's way above what i'm probably capable of, i just love space so much i desperately need to see it for myself and i figure that since rockets are so absurdly expensive, the only way i'll end up in space is if we can get a whole new generation of ultra-efficient rockets (for example, given p-N14 fusion, if we manage to get 1% or more (i don't really expect more than 0.1% max, but still) of the hydrogen fusing with nitrogen, we'd be able to put 150 tons on the moon from earth with only using about enough fuel to fill a small car (instead of needing a skyscraper sized rocket to send maybe 30 tons)). Now, if it were as easy as my calculations show it to be, i can't imagine how there are any rockets flown that aren't fusion, but seeing as i haven't even made a working proof of concept yet, i'm not in a position to criticize the thousands of aerospace engineers who are working on conventional chemical rockets. I love fusion because it's simultaneously so easy (i live pretty close to an old uranium mine where i can actually pan some uranium out of the creek near me, then use that uranium to make a neutron source (B10(α,n)) which is really just fusion between helium and boron, happening at room temperature because of how high energy the α particles released by uranium are) and so absurdly difficult (without catalysts like muons, it requires absurdly high temperatures and pressures that almost always take more energy put in than they can give out). Anyway, i've also been sorta working on studying a material that a while back i got way too excited over and may have called a room temperature superconductor (almost certainly not the case), but in an attempt to make it more pure and study it for real i've been trying to work on the exact calculations of its composition and finding a better way to heat it up to high temperatures (i might just put it in a flat-bottomed flask, especially since it finally warmed up enough for me to go back outside where the fumes released by its production won't make folks mad).
And then there's the biological experiments, currently with electroceutical tissue modifications since most of the other projects i have planned require me to have a gene printer capable of reliably printing genes thousands of base pairs long and i'm not sure when i'll be able to build that. The most recent thing i've been working on is really exciting because if it works it means that i've successfully done something that has never been done before to a human body (and given the long lasting pain in that part of my thigh, it seems very possible it is working), but i'm hesitant about sharing what the project is because i don't really want folks putting gap junction blockers, calcium channel blockers, and sodium channel blockers into open wounds without knowing how to do it safely and correctly to get the desired results and not just a really messed up wound. If/when this experiment turns out well, i might give directions in private, but i'm still somewhat hesitant due to the risks inherent in this (the biggest and most likely is literally giving yourself a form of cancer, something i'm not eager for others to risk). Soon i might try chemical dedifferentiation of skin cells (thinking on my back or upper arms) followed by some mildly dangerous experiments to test how reliably i can make it turn into other cell types. And while i haven't made good work on it in a while, i've also been trying to make something similar to shimmer from arcane (ideally not addictive or harmful to the user, but most importantly the quick energy burst, decreased pain, and increased regenerative abilities (obviously it won't be anywhere near as dramatic as in the show, so calling it shimmer may not really make sense, but it is where i got the inspiration)).
Then i suppose there's the battery project i was talking about in my last post, and i'm also trying to learn how to make alcohol under my desk (i mean, it's super easy, it just doesn't taste great). There might be a few more things i'm working on but rn i'm super eepy and have talked about a lot already. If this seems like i'm doing a lot or impressive, also note that i'm actively failing out of college (for my own pride: the material is super easy and mostly i already know it, i just can't stand wasting so much of my time doing homework that doesn't help anyone or anything) and not yet working a job, so i have a lot of time and so much free brainspace to think about and do all this. I also work very slowly on each thing because i keep bouncing back and forth between all of them and almost always end up adding new projects before i've finished the old ones and so i almost never see a project all the way through to completion (at least some of the bio projects are just sitting in my body and i am just waiting to see how they turn out in the next 2-3 months, so those necessarily will see completion, even if it's failure). I really hope i see the fusion rocket to completion because if i don't think i'll ever be able to see the earth from afar or the moon from up close.
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whoatemyshoe · 7 months
"just google it" "do your own homework" "google is free" "find it yourself the information is out there"
but they are. they are asking people who have that information, for the information. they are doing their homework by reaching out and asking people questions. just because it's not typed on a search bar, doesn't mean it's any less of putting an effort to finding things out.
like i'm sorry people in the past refused/ridiculed you when you asked them for help. doesn't mean you have to be like them tho. why is learning through human interaction rejected in favour of isolated learning?
#my posts#rants#im part of the organising team for the women's march in my city#and someone interested to join the march was asking public transport directions to the march#the immediately response from the social media team in our group chat was to berate that person for being lazy/not doing their homework#like sure the transit map is available on the website#but anyone who takes public transport in my city KNOWS that the trains and maps are unreliable in so many ways#i was exploring a different line yesterday and got on the wrong train despite being on the correct platform#and i take public transport regularly and have a good sense of direction but the public transport here isnt designed to be user friendly#if they had to ask which line they should interchange at you KNOW they are clueless and probably terrified of the public transportation her#and yet as organisers they refuse to make it easier for people to participate at a march no one owes us to attend#they just gave them a link and asked them to figure it out themselves#i am very familiar with that route and i just KNOW the interchange is confusing and large enough that beginner commuters will get lost#and you know what could happen if someone struggles to navigate public transport? they probably would just go home instead#they blame the education system for producing youngsters who are spoon fed#girl the older generation said the exact same thing about your generation pls#your misdirected anger is being projected at the victim of this system instead of at the actual problem#which is what i've been observing from career activists around me and more#you claim to fight for the people#but the very people you're fighting for are asking you for help#yet you refuse to help them unless it's through significant policies or drastic systemic changes#your fight is conditional and only convenient for you but you refuse to admit it and then pretend the opposite#the moment they decided that they would 'teach them a lesson' indirectly by forcing them to figure out their own routes#they've already fallen into that activist trap of thinking they are above everyone else and that they are here to teach people how to#be a better person according to their standards because they know better by being more involved in activism and are better educated#instead of putting themselves in the girl's shoes and not assuming the worst of people as the default#maybe that girl is new in town and is unfamiliar with public transport here#maybe they had a bad experience getting lost before and wanted someone experienced to share some commuting tips to avoid getting lost#maybe she would rather pull her teeth out than try to figure out the route with unreliable mountains of information online#maybe she has executive dysfunction that makes filtering through tons of information to find that ONE route very daunting
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
🙃 just a ramble;;;
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astrxealis · 2 years
about to become a fuuta kajiyama apologist
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usagifuyusummer · 1 month
"You're loved. Don't forget."
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More ramblings and concept art below lmao.
I am devastated on thinking Timmy's fate in the series... I won't put my faith that they will handle it well, so I'll just indulge in fanworks to fill in this void. If they ever do it well one day, then I'll be there for the encore.
For now, I think you'll see a lot of somewhat depressed art on FOP for a while lol. Not continuous mind you! University is a bitch to get through. Whenever I'm free that is. Which is on long stretches of time unfortunately... Still, when I'm not posting trash, I'll be around observing quietly. You can guarantee that at least.
The work this time is inspired by @xblubotx (the adopted parents kissing Timmy one so cute omgosh) and @cubbihue FOP AU (sorry I have not memorised your AU yet). I admire that Blubot can adapt the FOP artstyle so well lmao. It'll be lightyears before I can do that 😭😭😭. Also, their Timmy fanarts break my heart, thank you. For the fairies design, I took inspiration from Cubbihue's AU. I think it's cute that they have tails, but there's not much I can say regarding their AU since its still developing. Take your time on that and have fun by the way.
The context for this one is just that Timmy is embarassed that Cosmo and Wanda are giving him the affection he is missing out from his parents. Poof is laughing from Timmy's embarrassment lol. (Not using Poof's new name because that is not that iteration of his character.) Timmy got a lot of fairy dust to remove from his face on that day...
Hm, are there side-effects to fairies kissing a mortal (on the cheeks hehe)? I kinda wish there was a comprehensive mythology book for stuff like that. There's some sources where I read that fairies kissing humans can actually result in their soul being whisked away to the other world (essentially dying yeah) and some sources say that fairies kissing you means its their way of marking territory or for good luck??? I wonder where those myths came from... but it is fascinating to think about. I guess Timmy will die young then /jk lol.
I got input from my younger sister that a darker color background is better than the dark blue one I used initially. I'm quite unsure on this, so I'll just post them all... I also don't think I nailed Cubbihue's AU on the fairy sizes... It's hard to accurately draw characters on a specific scale for me... Oh well, I can practice more. This took me 3 days at least. Also, here's a png version of the piece and two photos of the concept sketches.
I think that's all I want to yap about. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. See you when my homework isn't killing me.
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
Snippets for my Clone^2 Au that I thought was funny...
in incorrect quotes style format (Clone^2 = Both my Clone Damian Au and Clone Bruce Danny aus combined)
Snippet 1: Danny and Damian meeting for the first time
Danny, avoiding Damian's katana: I don't wanna know who made you I don't wanna know who made you I don't wanna know who made you Danny: pleASE STOP TRYING TO STAB ME
------- Snippet 2: Danny and Damian meeting (Alternative)
Bby Damian: gets dropped off in the ONE city where his dad's clone is Danny, internally: damn I don't wanna know who made you
Danny: alright little buddy, lets -- *blocks Damian's sword* please don't stab me -- let's get you something to -- *blocks Damian's sword* please don't stab me -- something to EAT
------------- Snippet 3: Danny checking out books in the library Librarian: oh, are you trying to learn arabic, Mister Fenton?
Danny: oh- uh, yeah :) my parents recently,,, took in a foster kid from overseas,,,, but we found out he doesn't know english and he's having a hard time adjusting Danny, lying (only partially) through his teeth: so I,,, thought,,, maybe it would help him acclimate to his new environment if I learned some arabic :) Librarian: oh how sweet! let me know if you need any help, i can find you more books Danny: thank you
Snippet 4: Damian wants to patrol Damian: let me come with you on patrol Danny, 16 year old idiot who fights without powers: uh. no. you are Itty Bitty Child Damian: comes with anyways
----------- Snippet 5: Damian, trying to fight a ghost without a ghost-proof sword: Danny, catching him and holding him against his chest: *radiating exhaustion* no,,,, no,,,,, not yet,,,,
-------- Snippet 6: danny has an epiphany Danny, realizing that he needs to set an example now that Damian is coming with him on patrol: fUCK Danny: I NEED AN ACTUAL SUIT ---------- Snippet 7; dynamic duo Danny: what is it with you and batman and robin???? Damian, silently sweating: ,,,,,,,because they are exemplary partners and i would like to think that us two are the same Danny, doesnt know identities: ...aww??? thats kinda sweet??? okay :)
---------- Snippet 8: hypocrite Damian: dijaal (affectionate) Danny, on day ?? of solving a cold case after a ghost asked him to: hrbhk - Damian, what are you doing up? it's late, you have school in the morning Damian, staring at him deadpan: you have school too. you should go to bed Danny: five min..utes buddy. then i'll go to bed Damian, grabbing the back of his rolling chair and pushing him to bed: no. now. danny, with eyebags the size of the marianna trench: ...fine. now.
--------- Snippet 9: ...the line Danny, doing homework with Sam and Tucker: Danny: *has an epiphany* wait. shit Tucker and Sam: ...? Danny, his head in his hands: am I Damian's dad or his brother?? Danny: wh- what do we define this??? Tucker: ... you're brothers until its funny? and then you're his dad?
----------- Snippet 10: learning Danny: reading a book about learning arabic Damian, slamming his hand down on the book to get his attention: dijaal, *points to book* kitab Danny, frowning: what? Damian, tapping book: kitab Danny: ..ki..kitab? Kitab? Book? Damian: Boog...book. *points to table* tawila --------- Snippet 11: clone reveal Damian, later after he knows enough english and months of chilling out: i am a clone.... meant to kill my original Danny, internally: wow you don't say? Danny, out loud:..huh. okay. thanks for telling me, uh, same here. except that last part
Dijaal = imposter Damian is affectionately calling Danny an imposter because danny is a clone of bruce :)
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neptuneiris · 7 months
could you pretend to be in love? (05/10)
The Challenge
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader (fake dating)
summary: new sensations envelop you when you are with Aemond, especially when you learn more details about his relationship with Alys and an unexpected news fills you with nerves.
word count: 6.6k
previous part • series masterlist
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new chapter finally!
probably won't be as exciting as the other chapters, however...there is something here going on and I want you guys to figure it out in the comments and we'll see if you are catching what I am👀
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the next chapter will be full of drama, believe me, so expect it to come very soon as I'm focusing on finishing writing this story without making new ones and considering I have no more fics pending, just this one🤗
now yes beautiful people, enjoy!
warnings: cursing, language, mentions of cheating.
@melsunshine @at-a-rax-ia @jxdegodfrey @ttkttt @yentroucnagol @kate-to-the-ki @iamavailablesstuff @bluerskiees @urmomsgirlfriend1 @toodlesxcuddles @rosie-posie08 @iloveallmyboys @bellaisasleep @deliaseastar @cupcakesminicakescupcakes @dixie-elocin @lilostif16 @wickedfrsgrl @a-beaverhausen @a-beaverhausen
The sound of birds in the distance reaches your ears.
Today the sky is cloudy, with no chance of rain, the temperature is pleasant and you are thankful that there are no intense sun rays burning your skin when you are outdoors.
You find yourself immersed in your physics homework, sitting on the bleachers of the sports field, where you can only hear the sound of the birds and also faintly the sound of the soccer team training.
You sit in tranquility, undisturbed and unobserved by anyone, when suddenly the sound of footsteps stepping on the metal bleachers pulls you out of your concentration.
You look up and see Aemond approaching, a small smile on his face. You return his greeting with a shy smile and make a small space beside you for him to take a seat.
Aemond plops down nonchalantly next to you, letting out a sigh, then curiously observes what you're doing on your lap.
"What are you doing?"
You deliberately ignore his question and instead, take a loose leaf you had tucked away among your folder, pick it up and hold it out to him, with a gentle yet expectant look.
Aemond takes it and frowns, reading what you've written on it, only getting more confused.
'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen.
'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare.
"And what is this?"
"Have you already forgotten my conditions of the contract?" you tell him amused, "For every party I go with you to, you have to read one of my favorite books or watch one of my favorite movies or shows," you remind him, "So now, you have to pick one of these two of my favorite books."
Aemond rolls his eye with amusement.
"And why exactly do I have to pick one of these two? Don't they seem... repetitive and so usual?"
"That's what people always say, obviously they know these books by the title and their authors, but how many people actually read these books?" you look at him with your tone full of expectation, "I'm sure you haven't read either of them."
He shrugs indifferently, with his nonchalant air.
"So? There are movies," he says confused, "I haven't seen them either, but I know how they both end. In the end they both get married," he points to the title of 'Pride and Prejudice', "And here they both die together and their families stop being rivals," he points to 'Romeo and Juliet'.
You let out a small chuckle at his witty response, but you are not intimidated.
"Yes but there are a lot of things that in the movies they don't show, so... what will be your choice, Mr. Aemond?"
He lets out a laugh.
"Well, we'll see how this 'Romeo and Juliet' is," he decides.
And when he least expects it, from your backpack you take the book, handing it to him with your clear satisfaction and he still confused but amused examines the book in his hands.
"Good, then give me the other one at once, because there's a new party on Saturday," he tells you, completely grabbing your attention.
You open your eyes wide and stare at him in disbelief and surprise.
"What? So soon?" you ask with clear irritation and disappointment in your look and tone.
"Why are you so disappointed? After all you come out on top too since I'm going to read two of your shitty boring books," he says as he raises them slightly in the air.
"My books aren't shitty and they aren't boring!" you exclaim indignantly giving him a gentle tap on the shoulder, "And it's okay, I just didn't think it would be so soon."
"We'll just go for a little while. Then we can both go get some dinner and I'll drop you off at your house early. Sound good?"
"Yeah, it's fine."
And as soon as you say that, you also hand him the second book with a good forced look, making Aemond laugh and take that book too.
"As much as I like seeing you with a wrinkled nose, take it off or it's going to stay that way," he says amused, crinkling it between his fingers briefly, making you laugh and you immediately move his hand away from your face.
Then he says goodbye to you, before getting up and heading off to his next class. And also not before telling you that he'll see you at lunch.
And as you watch him walk away, you tell yourself that these little interactions are part of pretending, since after all, the guys on the soccer team can see them clearly from this distance.
However, that slight fear returns to yourself that things may get more complicated than you expect.
Fortunately, the rest of the week goes smoothly, the teachers seem to be in a good mood and the homework is not heavy.
And you clearly continue to pretend along with Aemond.
Both he and you continue to act as usual, he is attentive and affectionate when you are together in full view of everyone at school. His gestures and looks full of complicity make you feel special, but at the same time remind you that it's all part of a game.
You also keep your word with Helaena, taking time to sit together for lunch at break time and occasionally Alysanne joins in as well, where you gradually start telling her about Cregan.
Until the day of the party arrives.
You tell your dad that you're going to a birthday celebration for a class friend, nothing big and everything quiet.
Then you opt for a pair of black pants, low-heeled ankle boots, a strappy blouse in a vibrant shade of cherry and a jacket to complement the outfit. And once you look in the mirror, you feel ready, although the nerves begin to settle in your stomach.
And of course, Aemond arrives promptly at your house.
His relaxed expression and smile greet you before you even get into the car. And driving to the party, the atmosphere is comfortable and calm.
And when you both arrive at the house where the party is, it's not a big, loud party like the previous one. But the atmosphere is full of energy, there is music, people dancing, drinks and cigarettes.
And you together with Aemond follow the same procedure to pretend to be a couple in love.
This time, you both decide to be more present with Aemond's friends. You sit between Trevor and Aemond, who immediately puts an arm around your shoulders, pulling you towards him, starting to make conversation with his friends.
And as always, he makes sure you're always included, just like during lunch in the cafeteria.
And while everyone is talking, the guys and Aemond make you laugh, feeling more and more comfortable with them. And as the night goes on, you realize how natural it feels to be next to Aemond, as if you fit perfectly into his world, at least for tonight.
When he at your side looks at you attentively and with some curiosity.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you nod nonchalantly, "Why?"
"Just asking," he shrugs, then lifts his hand and tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear, "Can I get you something to drink?"
You shake your head.
"I don't want to drink beer or anything like that."
"Then a soda? Or water?"
You let out a small laugh.
"Okay, soda's fine."
"Alright. I'll be back soon," he says then leaves a soft kiss on your forehead and gets up to head towards the kitchen.
He leaves for a moment and you are left talking to his friends, who are a lot of fun and in fact, because of them and Aemond, you begin to understand lacrosse as such, since that's all they talk about, besides their nonsense.
And also about some of the girls they like.
And also in that small moment that Aemond leaves, as you briefly observe the party around you, you see Alys with her group of friends in another corner.
You just casually watch them, you don't plan to give them any attention, but just as your eyes watch Alys, she watches you back.
And you are struck by how she says something to her friends with a smirk of superiority without taking her eyes off you and then everyone in her group watches you and laughs too.
You snort as you look away, as if you really care.
Aemond returns with your soda and only a glass of beer for himself, resuming conversation with both you and his friends, having a good time together.
Time passes and you feel the need to go to the bathroom, so you leave your now empty glass on the small table in the center.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom," you announce, catching his attention, starting to stretch a bit to get up.
"Do you want me to come with you?" he asks you thoughtfully, "I mean, wait for you outside."
"No need, don't worry. I'll be back soon," you assure him, standing up.
"Okay," he nods at you with a small smile.
With a nod, you walk away towards the second floor bathroom, where you'll mostly take a moment to recharge your batteries before heading back to the party.
Luckily the bathroom is empty and you do everything you need to do without pressure.
Then you take a deep breath, allow yourself a brief moment of calm before returning to the party, wash your hands and mentally go over how you should behave around Aemond in front of everyone.
As you exit the bathroom, just down the hall, you notice Alys' presence in the area near the stairs.
You think about just ignoring her and walking past her, but when her eyes watch you, as if she is waiting for you, a mischievous smile curves her lips and she turns fully towards you, giving you her full attention.
"What do we have here," she mutters sarcastically, moving towards you while holding a red plastic cup in her hand.
You watch her completely unconcerned and walk past her, as you don't plan on dealing with her right now or ever.
"How does it feel to be Aemond's new pet?" she asks with a mocking laugh, planting herself in front of you, stopping your steps, "Or did you just think you could replace me so easily?"
Your heart begins to pound in your chest, but you stand your ground, reminding yourself that you will not let his words affect you, as his expression is filled with disdain.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," you reply calmly, trying not to give her the pleasure of seeing you affected by her comments.
She glares at you, before a sly smile spreads across her face.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she says with false sympathy, "I really thought you knew."
You frown.
"He's always done this, ever since we started dating," she says, "When we'd break up, he'd date the first girl in front of him as a pathetic attempt to replace me and make me jealous, so you're not the first and won't be the last, sweetie," she tells you with a fake pout, feigning pity for you.
You fix your gaze on Alys, feeling a mixture of anger and frustration coursing through your body. Who does she think she is to talk to you like that?
"I don't need your false sympathy," you reply with determination, your voice resonating louder than you expected, "What Aemond and I have has nothing to do with you."
Alys rolls her eyes in exasperation, as if your words are irrelevant to her.
"Oh, please," she replies dismissively, "Don't lie to yourself. He's always been like that, he's just looking to distract himself and you're just the last in line," she points out to you irrelevantly, "When we broke up, he was crying like a baby for me, begging me to get back together."
Your heart clenches at her words, with a surge of emotions surging through your chest.
For a moment, doubt takes hold of you.
Did Aemond really do that? Was he so affected by their breakup?
You tell yourself that maybe if he hadn't, he would never have asked you to do this. But this was mostly so that Alys would stop making a fool of him at school by cheating on him, not to get his attention and make her jealous... right?
"I'm not surprised you don't know," she continues to tell you dismissively, "But do you really think he loves you? Please," she snorts derisively, "He'll dump you in a few weeks when I give him the slightest hope because he's still crazy about me," she says superiorly, "Look at you and look at me. I know what he's into and that's definitely not you, especially you."
You try to ignore the stinging pain and keep your composure, clenching your jaw.
"I don't care what happened between you," you reply bravely, even if your voice shakes a little, "Ours is different."
She lets out a mocking laugh.
"Oh you poor little thing, you're so naive."
"If that's all, thank you so much for that vital information for my life," you tell her just as mockingly, walking past her, determined to leave her behind.
But just as you pass by her side, Alys moves along with you and purposefully slams your shoulder and arm with brutality, causing the beer in her hand to spill in a dull motion onto your chest and clothes.
The cold, sticky liquid slides down your blouse and pants, leaving you drenched and shocked by the suddenness of the moment.
You feel the liquid soak through your clothes and a shiver runs down your back. And you look down, watching in disbelief as the drink spreads through your clothes.
Then you look back at Alys, who has a mocking, amused look on her face.
"Oh, gosh, how clumsy of me," Alys scoffs, her tone of voice full of fake concern, "I'm really sorry, it was an accident."
You take a deep breath to contain your frustration, but her words spark a small spark of anger inside you. How can she be so brazen?
"An accident?" you repeat, disbelief in your voice as you stare at her with a frown.
Alys just smiles mischievously, enjoying your discomfort and what she just did to you.
"Enjoy the party, honey. But first, maybe you should clean yourself up," she says before turning away, leaving you soaking wet and clearly feeling very proud.
You don't even know what to do, feeling this way leaves you paralyzed for a moment, until you finally make your way back to the bathroom.
At the sink you further wet your clothes with water, which looks worse, but at least you won't stink of beer.
Drops of beer also splashed into your hair, so you wipe that off as well, feeling the humiliation wash over you and you don't even know exactly why.
But you do.
You look down at your ruined booties too, soaked from the front with beer and water.
The skin on your chest and collarbone feels chuckling from the beer, so you wipe it off too, when suddenly, there's a knock on the door.
"One moment!" you exclaim grumpily, still cleaning yourself.
You hear Aemond's worried voice outside.
"Fuck," you curse in a whisper.
"Are you okay?"
You bite the inside of your cheek and let out a long breath, already having the idea that you won't be able to hide this from him.
You were only supposed to come to the bathroom and you've already been late, of course he must have sensed something was wrong and come looking for you.
You leave the wet towel in the sink and open the door, where Aemond instantly notices you and opens his eye wide, seeing your clothes and some of your soaked hair.
"What happened?" he asks worriedly, moving quickly towards you, examining you.
You struggle to keep your composure, but can't, a bad mood overcomes you and you make your displeasure clear.
"Alys threw her drink on me," you finally say, stepping aside to let him go into the bathroom with you, reaching back for the damp towel to clean your skin.
Surprise crosses your face before it morphs into an expression of restrained fury and disbelief.
You hiss, looking in the mirror at yourself as you wipe your sticky skin.
"Did she say something to you?" he asks, his voice serious but full of concern.
You let out a gesture of disbelief.
"She said things many things," you say seriously, not watching him for a moment, trying to dry your hair with the towel.
Aemond frowns, clearly annoyed.
He walks over to you and takes the towel from your hands, stopping your attempt to dry your hair. His gaze meets yours through the mirror, searching for answers.
"What things did dhe say?"
You sigh, feeling the weight of the situation on your shoulders.
"It doesn't matter, she just said bullshit," you reply evasively, looking away.
Aemond watches your face, urgently wanting you to look him in the eye, but you don't, you avoid his gaze and are obviously annoyed with the situation, which he doesn't blame you for.
He's annoyed too, because he knew he should have been near you to protect you if Alys is in the same place as the two of you.
He sighs in frustration, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, watching your soaked clothes and how you continue to clean yourself.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs sincerely, his voice full of regret, "You shouldn't have gone through this. She's totally out of her mind."
You remain silent for a moment, fighting the emotions that threaten to overwhelm you. As he looks at you with anguish and regret for not protecting you from Alys' comments and actions.
"It's not your fault," you finally say in a serious voice, still not looking at him, then set the damp towel down on the sink and inhale softly, "Can you take me home?"
Aemond nods, feeling guilty.
"Sure," he murmurs, "But first... you can put on my jacket," he says as he starts to take it off, "I'll be waiting outside."
He takes it off and gently hands it to you, his hand brushing against yours with a gesture of tenderness.
"Thanks," you murmur.
He exits the bathroom, closes the door and you remove your blouse and soaked jacket, leaving your bra down and immediately wrap his jacket around you, zipping it up almost to your throat.
With your clothes in your hands, you walk out of the bathroom and Aemond watches you silently, attentive and concerned, with a sadness and frustration in his eye that he can't hide.
He hates your distance.
A few moments ago the two of you were having a good time and now that Alys has done this... he hates that you are apart from him.
You both return to the party and Aemond doesn't even say goodbye to his friends, thinking he'll text them later, grabbing your shoulder and walking out of the house with you.
Together, you walk to his car in silence, where he doesn't dare to say a single word to you and you don't really want to talk either.
And all the way to your house, that nagging feeling doesn't leave your system.
But is it specifically because Alys spilled her drink on you or is it the interesting information she shared with you about Aemond?
You don't.
But you do.
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Aemond tried to talk to you about what happened but you wouldn't let him.
You feel it's something you shouldn't make a big deal about. After all, he and you are not really 'dating'. So before he dropped you off at your house, you just reassured him that everything was fine and nothing more.
Now it's your father who drops you off at school on this day and you head towards your locker, immersed for a moment in thought.
You carelessly take your backpack off your shoulders to open it at the same time you open your locker, but as you do so, a polaroid falls to the floor.
You frown and bend down to pick it up, confused, since it's not yours.
And as you look at it, your heart begins to beat too hard in your chest as you see a picture of Aemond and Alys as if at a school dance or a party, both of them hugging.
But that's not what catches your attention, what does is seeing how there's is a picture of your face overlaid over where Alys' face should be, indicating just that, her replacement, a second place or temporary substitute.
But the thing about you and Aemond is not real.
So... why are you so affected by something you know isn't real?
It's a question that haunts your mind as you struggle to maintain your composure, beginning to tremble and feel your breathing heavy.
You swallow hard and press your lips together, when just then, you hear it...the giggles.
You raise your gaze and in the distance, you see Alys with her friends watching in your direction and laughing, clearly mocking you.
Although your relationship with Aemond is fake, the pain you feel at this moment is real.
And before you can react, Aemond's voice is suddenly heard.
"Hey, I was—
You turn your head towards him instantly and your eyes meet his, but his words hang in the air the moment he sees what you hold in your hands.
His soft expression slowly transforms from confusion to fury as he sees the picture. His whole face hardens completely and he purses his lips.
And sure enough, it's a matter of him realizing what's happening, as he hears Alys and her friends' laughter and looks in their direction, hardening his gaze even more.
You try to speak but he instantly walks over to where Alys is standing without saying a word to you, taking the picture from your hands.
Your heart beats harder, opening your eyes wide and you want to walk towards him, to stop him, but somehow, you are paralyzed and you don't know exactly why.
Tension begins to feel in the air and you feel like your heart will burst out of your chest at any moment.
Aemond arrives in front of Alys with a determined look, his jaw tense and his fists clenched at his side. Instead of shouting, however, his voice is firm and controlled.
"From now on, I don't ever want to see you keep bothering my girlfriend with your fucking little girl pranks again, do you understand me?" he says angrily to then throw the photo at her.
The photo hits her face lightly and Alys looks up at him, surprised by the sudden intensity of his voice and his movements.
Instead of showing fear, however, her face hardens with an expression of disdain and disbelief.
"Oh, look who thinks he's the hero," she replies with her cynical smile, trying to hide her discomfort behind her façade of superiority, "I didn't know you had to protect your little girlfriend, Aemond. And come on, we were just joking."
Aemond clenches his fists, his jaw tense with frustration. But he continues to maintain his composure, his eye fixed on hers with determination.
"Oh yeah? You were just joking?" he repeats, "And the party thing on Saturday was a fucking joke too?"
Her face tenses slightly at the mention of the party, her smile fading momentarily before her regains his composure.
"That was an accident—
"Yeah, right. Everything to you is an accident, something you didn't meant to do, something that got out of hand. How could I not know about that, right? It's always the same fucking story with you."
She purses her lips.
"Who the fuck do you think you are to talk to me like that—
"Leave me and my girlfriend alone," he tells her slowly and clearly, "I'm not going to tell you again and I don't want to know that you're doing your shitty jokes again," he warns her, making it clear with his tone that he's not willing to tolerate her childish games anymore.
Alys recoils slightly at the annoyance and determination in his voice, her confidence waning slightly.
And before she can say anything else, Aemond turns and walks back along with you.
The students around you are still fully attentive to the confrontation, shocked and delighted by the drama, while you watch Aemond in awe of the way he has defended you.
"Come on," he murmurs to you in a softer, gentler way, closing your locker door and taking your hand, leading you with him away from the watchful eyes.
After what happened, he takes you with him to a nearby empty classroom and once inside, he gently closes the door behind him and turns to look at you, his expression attentive and full of concern.
He doesn't say anything right away and you just bite the inside of your cheek and lower your gaze, not knowing exactly what to say or what to do.
Until he exhales deeply, releasing the tension built up in his shoulders.
"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice soft and comforting as he watches you intently.
You nod slightly, though your hands still tremble slightly.
"I'm fine," you reply, trying to sound unconcerned.
He sighs, tearing his gaze away from yours for a moment.
"I'm so sorry. I-I didn't... I didn't expect something like this to happen. And she..." he runs a hand across his forehead in frustration, "It's not fair for you to be dealing with this."
"You have nothing to apologize for, Aemond," you tell him softly and sincerely, "But thank you for standing up for me."
He sighs.
"And you don't have to thank me, Y/N. It was the least I could do. But I promise you this is the last time something like this happens."
"You can't control what Alys does or doesn't do."
He exhales again.
"I know, but we never agreed that you would go through these bad times in the contract."
"Hey," you take a step towards him, your gaze soft as you see the frustration and worry on his face, starting to get upset, "Aemond," you call his name in a calm manner, "It's okay. I'm fine. Yes, the party thing and today was difficult but..." you shrug, "I'm fine. It's nothing I can't handle."
Still the worry doesn't leave his face.
"Are you sure? At the party you were upset and I don't blame you, but I don't want this to affect between us. You were distant and now...
His words float in the air and you try to place a small, comforting smile in his direction, though it appears more of a grimace.
"We're fine," you assure him softly.
His gaze reflects a mixture of relief, watching you without another word, then briefly glancing around.
And then an idea seems to cross his mind and he watches you again, attentive.
"What do you say we skip this first class?"
"What?" you immediately inquire.
"I know you don't like skipping classes but just one missed class isn't going to hurt you."
You frown.
"And what do you want to do?"
He shrugs.
"Just talk."
You bite your lower lip, hesitant.
But it's only enough to see the look on Aemond's face and his posture, utterly determined and solely waiting for you, that you finally let out a resigned sigh and nod.
Soon the two of you are sitting in the bleachers, with almost no one around, just the cheerleading squad training in the corner of the huge soccer and lacrosse field.
The atmosphere is quiet and you like that, just like the last time you were here and he chose the book of 'Romeo and Juliet' to read.
And once both of you are silent, just looking around and feeling each other's presence, Aemond decides to speak.
"What did Alys say to you at that party?"
He dares in asking, his gaze searching yours with a mixture of curiosity and concern, while you remain silent for a moment, not expecting that he would try to bring up the subject again.
And inevitably Alys' words echo in your mind, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
And you don't understand why.
You don't understand why you feel this unpleasant sensation when you remember her words.
"Well, she wasn't very nice..." you're silent for a moment, "Actually she wasn't at all but..." you lick your lips and avert your gaze from him, focusing on the lacrosse field, "She called me... your new pet, a new pathetic attempt to replace her."
He frowns, his gaze hardening as he hears your words, incredulous and annoyed. And he doesn't need to say anything, his face speaks for itself.
"She said you did that all the time when you both broke up... you know," you clear your throat, "Going out with other girls to make her jealous so she'd come back to you. That I was just a distraction and that pretty soon you'd drop me the moment she gave you the slightest hope of getting back together."
His lips tighten into a line, closing his eye for a moment and shaking his head, still intent on your words. And you prepare to say the next thing more softly and tactfully.
"She also said that you cried to her and begged her to come back this last time you both broke up."
He snorts, more incredulous than ever.
"Of course she said that."
And before he can speak further, you feel the need to clarify your behavior a bit.
"I always acted with her as if we were a real couple," you clarify, "I wasn't bothered by what she said," what a fucking lie, "What bothered me was her talking to me that way and throwing her drink on me."
"No, no, it's okay, I understand that," he assures you instantly, in a soft voice, "But everything she said to you is not true."
You watch him with your parted lips, slightly surprised and beginning to feel your heart knot.
"It isn't?"
"No," he says more firmly, incredulous, "It's true that I begged her to get back together, but that was a while ago, practically in the beginning of our relationship when it was fun for her to break up and come back," he explains to you, serious and honest with his words, "I was crazy about her, I even grew to love her and gave her all of me. But I was just a fucking child experiencing his first love... and that wasn't enough for her."
His confession takes your breath away for a moment, revealing a vulnerability you didn't expect, watching his serious and frustrated face clearly from what happened at the party and an hour ago at your locker.
You have no idea what to say, not wanting to minimize his feelings from that time nor now by saying the wrong thing.
"It's also not true that I was dating other girls to make her jealous to get her to come back to me, I-I..." he shakes his head, "I've never been like that. And you're certainly no distraction or... my new pet," he says with distaste.
You let out a long breath.
"I'm sorry," you say softly, "She said it in a way that made me believe her. I don't know what I was thinking," you say sincerely, "And I'm also sorry she made you feel that way," you mumble, feeling a lump in your throat.
"Don't worry, it's okay," he says softly, with a bitter little smile and his gaze lowered.
He shakes his head regretfully, as if he's remembering a past he'd rather forget and you feel guilty.
"It's just..." he starts to say, "Why would I want to go back to her if she cheated on me?" he asks incredulously, "She was the one who cried and begged to get back together this last time. And you know why? Because I found her fucking that guy in her car after she told me she was feeling sick and didn't feel like seeing me or going out with me."
His words echo in your mind, bringing with them a wave of sadness and empathy, definitely not expecting to hear that.
You never knew how it was that Alys cheated on Aemond, it only began to be said that it was with a college guy, but it was never said under what circumstances exactly she cheated on him.
You feel a sharp pang in your chest and suddenly feel outraged at what he had to endure, that she betrayed his trust in that horrible way.
How could she do that to him?
You don't have a heart made of stone to put a person through that.
You feel grateful that he shared this with you. It just shows you the level of trust you both have built. And you take a moment before you speak, trying to find the right words.
And the first thing you do is raise your hand and place it on top of his.
"I'm so sorry," you say softly, sincerely, "I'm so sorry you went through that. You didn't deserve it."
"You don't have to apologize, Y/N," he replies gently, accepting your touch, "None of it was your fault."
Then he sighs and you realize there's a weight to his words, a pain he's carried with him for some time.
"It's just... "he continues speaking, his voice heavy with mixed emotions, "Even if this thing between the two of us was real, why do this? Why tell these lies and want to hurt you with her cruel words and actions? Why won't she let me move on?"
You press your lips together and your heart clenches as you listen to his anguish.
"Maybe she's still in love with you," you mutter, trying to find a reason, "In her own twisted way."
He shakes his head, incredulous.
"This isn't love. It wasn't before and it isn't now. She just wants to have me eating out of the palm of her hand, like always."
His words are blunt and make you feel even more helpless about the situation.
And there's really nothing you can do, you can only be here for him, listen to him, support him in whatever he needs and be... his friend, like you've really been all this time, putting aside your facade of a girlfriend in love.
He lets out another sigh, this time heavier than the previous ones, and then leans against the metal of the bleachers behind you, leaning back.
You think he will let go of your hand, but he pulls you along with him, both of you close, shoulder to shoulder, both of you suddenly falling silent, saying nothing more, just staring at the horizon.
Until he speaks again.
"I don't want to think about it anymore," he says as he watches you and you look back at him almost instantly, feeling his thumb gently caress the back of your hand, sending a kind of electricity through your body.
And you propose the first thing that comes to mind.
"Do you want to listen to music until the next class starts?" you say in a soft voice and he nods immediately.
You take your headphones from your backpack, your phone and settle back down next to him, handing him an earphone and then you play your Spotify playlist with the songs you keep listening to lately.
You don't even know if he also likes the same style of music as you, but he doesn't complain or say anything to you the moment you start playing The 1997, Harry Styles, The Weeknd, Chase Atlantic, Cigarettes After Sex and Lana del Rey.
Until he closes his eyes and suddenly uses you as a pillow, dropping his head on your shoulder, immediately this catching your attention and feeling a strange sensation in your lower stomach.
Despite being surprised and feeling confused for a moment, you do absolutely nothing to push him away and after a moment of hesitation, you slowly drop your head on top of his as well.
He doesn't open his eye or say anything to you, he just settles in better and then you both get very still, continuing to listen to music.
And you can't help but wonder; are the two of you even pretending now?
You honestly don't know.
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"We have a problem."
That's the first thing Aemond says to you on a Tuesday morning when he stops by to drive you to school.
Immediately this catches your attention and you look at him slightly concerned, closing the passenger seat door to the side of you and watch him completely attentively.
"What's wrong?"
"My mom knows about you."
Your whole body tenses and you watch him with your eyes wide open in surprise.
"And of course, she wants to meet you."
Oh shit.
You try to speak, not finding the right words watching him confused, not understanding anything and Aemond helps you with that as soon as he sees your completely disbelieving and surprised face.
"Aegon told her," he lets you know, "The fucking cunt talked out of turn and before he knew it, I'd already told her everything."
Oh God.
"And what did she tell you?" you ask, feeling a knot in your stomach.
"She wants you to go to dinner Friday night."
He tells you in a soft voice and looking just as worried as you do, still trying to convey calm.
"I told her I'd talk to you about it, but..." he lets out a resigned sigh, "I know her. And she won't leave me alone until she meets you. She's really nice, I swear, she's the sweetest person and... I know we agreed not to involve families but I had nothing to do with this."
Your mind is spinning as you finish processing the information, feeling an unexpected uneasiness and anxiety.
The mere thought of meeting Aemond's mom already makes you feel nauseous from the same nerves. However, you empathize with him, as this wasn't something he planned and it was by third parties who think he and you are actually dating.
But still, you feel incredibly nervous and the day hasn't even come close.
"I get it," you mumble, trying to hide your nervousness, licking your lips, then looking at him hesitantly, "You want me to?"
Aemond averts his gaze from you, running a hand over his face, not knowing exactly what to say to you, as you wait for his thoughtful response.
Until he lets out a long breath and moves a little closer towards you, placing his hand on top of yours.
"I know this is a lot to ask, especially after we agreed not to do this," he tells you softly, "And my mother is insistent, I do want you to meet her, but... if you don't want to do it, it's totally fine with me," he assures you, "The least I want to do is pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with."
His words comfort you a little, but you still feel the nervousness wash over you, as well as feel a slight pang of guilt.
You bite your lower lip, struggling with your own emotions and thoughts.
"It's just that I feel remorseful that I'm going to meet her and she's going to meet me when this isn't real," you say in a sad, worried tone.
"I know," he says with compression, holding his hand tighter with yours, "Me too but you won't have to do this again. I'll take care of it, I promise."
You let out a long breath you too, lowering your gaze to the clasped hands in your lap as you feel Aemond's attentive and concerned gaze on you.
"All right," you finally reply, "If it's important to you and your mother, I'll handle it."
"Are you sure? You can tell me no and I'll understand."
"No, don't worry," you assure him, "I will."
He smiles softly at you with gratitude, but also with a hint of concern in his eye.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it."
And despite your own misgivings, you return the small smile.
"It's okay, really. I just... need a little time to think."
Aemond nods, understanding.
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uravichii · 2 years
4:17 AM ー shinsou hitoshi
genre: fluff, heavy comfort in the end, self-indulgent !!
cw: (1) mention of "ma'am" i'm so sorry it sounded cute i couldn't help it. that's the only gendered term here tho :') this is for all u tired smarty pants girlies im giving u a bf who'll stay up with u 😡
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shinsou hitoshi's favorite thing to do is staying up with you throughout every single one of your all-nighters.
whether it's for an exam, a shit ton of homework, or a group project which, for some reason, you're finishing all by yourselfー he's plopped there on your bed, perfectly behaved and quiet as you threatened asked him to be.
when you ask him why he's so insistent on accompanying you during these ungodly hours when you can't even give him a scrap of your attention at all due to your heavy workload, he simply shrugs and says:
"'ts fine. can't sleep in my own room anyway." hitoshi's lips slightly curve into a smirk. "plus, i like watching over you. you pout when you're focusedー did you know that? cutest shit ever."
you roll your eyes as you turn back to your laptop, frowning at the heaps of unfinished work left. "well, if you bother me, i'm throwing you out of my room, alright?"
"yes, ma'am." he obliges. "coffee service is an exception though, right? back rubs too... if that's not a bother."
you whip your head back at him with tearful puppy eyes of gratitude. it's taking everything in you not to mount your boyfriend right now and pepper his face with little kisses.
he snorts at your adorable expression.
"stop. don't look at me like that. i'm gonna want to snuggle with you, and you won't get any work done." he chuckles softly as you swivel your chair back to your desk. "let me know if you want anything else."
a few hours and two cups of coffee later, he's still there, watching as you hunch over your desk, nimble fingers typing incessantly on your laptop with the occasional cursing of familiar names under your breathー he's guessing you're carrying a whole group project by yourself again.
he glances at the time on his phone, and being the ridiculously observant boyfriend that he is, he knows the exact second you're about to say:
"okay!" you hoist yourself up, slamming your hands on your desk. it doesn't startle your poor boyfriend anymore at this point.
"power nap?" he guesses.
"just for 20 minutes."
"alright, c'mere."
you collapse into his open arms, melting into him as he instinctively starts rubbing circles on your back. he peeks at your already closed eyes. "hey, you set a timer yet?"
your eyes snap open, "oh right." you pull out your phone and clumsily make a few taps before you toss it away, not even bothering to turn it off. "'kay done. g'night."
hitoshi glances at the bright screen. "uh. sorry to break it to you, y/n, but i don't think typing typing '430' on your calculator's gonna wake you up."
"fuck." you jolt up and grab your phone again.
hitoshi watches as you make a second attempt to set an alarm, which seems to have magically disappeared from your phone.
"that's... that's the calendar, babe."
and then another attempt,
"you're dialing 430?"
"well, i can't find the damnー" you shove the phone to him and whine, "you do it!"
he snickers before pulling you closer, caging you in his long limbs and obligingly pulling the phone from your hands "alright, alright. i'll wake you up. you just take a nap right here, hm?" he gently pats your cheek twice before kissing your forehead. hitoshi has always had a habit of babying you when you're all sleepy and snug like this.
he doesn't actually let the alarm go off. you're obviously exhausted, burnt out, and a tad irritatedー the last thing you ever need is having your power nap cut short with that god-awful noise.
instead, you're woken up by your boyfriend rhythmically smoothing his palm down your arm, planting featherlight kisses across your sleeping face.
"y/n. babe, wake up." he gently lifts you up until you're sat up on the bed, your back laid flat against his chest as he wraps his arms around your waist. he props his chin on your shoulder and coos, "sleepyhead. c'mon, you can get all snuggly and cute with me when you're done. right now, you gotta get up and get that gorgeous brain working again. you're not done yet, are you?"
he presses one last kiss on your cheek before you eventually (and reluctantly) rise from the bed, dragging your languid feet across the floor until you reach your desk and start working again almost instantly.
you hear the pads of his feet across the hardwood floor as he walks over to you, draping his heavy arms around you and brushing his thumb against your shoulder, "coffee?"
you give him a tired smile in response.
this cycle repeats two more timesー you crawling in his arms for another power nap, him waking you up in the sweetest, most gentle way possible, and you rising from the bed like a zombie, getting increasingly worn out until you finally stop typing and pass everything barely on time.
you slip into hitoshi's arms again and nuzzle your face against his chest, "'t's done." you mumble, your exhaustion draining out your energy to even enunciate your words.
"really? that's good then." he strokes the back of your head, pulling you closer by your waist. "you okay?"
you instantly start weeping. "no, i'm so tired. i'm so fucking tired. i'm dying. i can't do this anymore. that group project took up so much of my time so i couldn't write my own essay well. i just bullshitted my way for the last two paragraphs. it's awful."
"hey, you never write anything awful, y/n. it's physically impossible for the y/n to write a bad sentence." he continues petting your head as he consoles you.
"i justー" you mumble, your voice muffled by his hoodie as you press your face against his chest, "i could've done a lot better if i had more time."
hitoshi sighs, soothingly rubbing circles on your back. he wishes people didn't expect so much of you. never mind how intelligent and reliable you areー he's sick of people exhausting you like this. aren't you tired, even a little bit, of people constantly taking more than what you can give?
hitoshi's lips pressed on the top of your head as he ponders.
"hey." he calls.
"what if i... extend the deadline for that essay? you know, 'convince' your teacher to set a more reasonable one."
you raise your head to meet his eyes. "what?"
he clears his throat, avoiding your concerned gaze, "what if i brainwashed your teacherー"
"no, i get what you were saying, but i don't think that's a good idea, hitoshi." you frown.
"look, if you're not on board with it, i won't force it. i can't help you with these essays, can i? no one writes as good as you, so i'm just trying to help in any way i can."
"but hitoshi, that's notー" a yawn interrupts your sentence, brimming your eyes with tears. you easily surrender to sleep and snuggle back on his chest, "yeah, you know what? do that. fuck them."
your uncaring teachers be damned. count in your group mates that may as well be dead weights too. sleep and your sweet boyfriend felt less irksome to think about. you'll worry about everything later.
hitoshi snorts at your easy submission, hugging your waist even tighter as he whispers sweetly in your ear, his voice deep and tired, "i love you." he presses a kiss behind your ear, "if only i was half as smart and brilliant as you, i would've helped you with these thingsー you know that, right? if i could write essays as well as you do and my talents were on par with yours, i would've helped you a lot more."
he lowers his head to peek at your adorable, sleepy face before attacking your cheek and neck with smooches, "but you write such beautiful sentencesー how do you do that? what's your secret?" you giggle, both from the validation and his loud smooches.
silence settles over you as you catch your breath from that burst of laughter. he gently strokes the back of your head, feeling comfort himself at the steady rise and fall of your chest against his.
a sleepy mumble of "i love you." was all you could utter to your boyfriend before you start to drift offー you'll coddle him in the morning when you have the energy.
hitoshi smooths your hair back and presses a soft kiss on your forehead. "i love you too. i'm proud of you, okay? if you ever feel like no one acknowledges how hard you work everyday, just know that i'm here, and i see you every single timeー i've never missed an all-nighter, have i?" he snickers, "no matter how delirious and insane you get during these hours, i'm always there."
you chuckle softly and sigh, brushing your thumb softly against his arm.
"yeah? what is it?"
you pause in hesitation, but you say it anyway. hitoshi would love the idea more than you already do.
"what if you brainwashed my group mates too?"
hitoshi smirks proudly. this is when he knows you've been spending way too much time with him.
"give me their names first thing in the morning, babe. i got you."
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special tag: this is for @escapenightmare who also recently carried a whole group project on her back gws <3
TAGLIST [1/2] @uxavity @joy-the-reader @kiiraes @escapenightmare @afk-dreaminq @avocamich @theboredvee @wonderwrench @ur-local-simp @p-ol @x0xuglyh0tgrl2005xoxo @cosmonettica @melin-oe @mitzi127 @lilac-o @r2katsu @bakucumsackslut @idunnomynamesince2005 @astralwaifu @taurus852 @creepyproxies @maycat-19-142 @stella-fleurets @veenxys @devilgirlcrybabiey @drawingaddict @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @lexiv-web @angelshimaa @izukus-gf @christiansdior @homosexualjohnwayne @uwiuwi @hirugummies @cupidines @loveisningning (bold couldn't be tagged)
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bunnibaby-love · 13 days
I don’t know if your taking requests, but if you are can I please get Step-dad Zayne and like thigh grinding with a lil daddy kink. Idk I love him 🙁
🍒 Zayne x
F!Reader 🍒
♡ nsfw + stepcest + thigh grind + daddy kink
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It's past twelve o'clock yet you still can't fall asleep. Recently, you're having.....strange dreams. Maybe it wasn't so strange for a young girl like you to have dirty dreams but the man in your dreams is your mom's new husband, your step father Zayne
Not only Zayne is captivating handsome man, he's also a renowned doctor. Althought stoic, he's still charming to everybody else
You tried to ignore these strange dreams of yours but later fall on your dark fantasies. You watched porn with the male resembling him while touching yourself or using the favority toy of yours.
You got suprised when a cold hand touch your shoulder and open your eyes to look behind you "It's past your bedtime. Why are you still up?" There, Zayne loosing up his tie
"....Homework..." you averted your red cheeks from him and continue to look again at your textbook. It's getting harder to look at him with guilt but also desire
"You had whole week to do that and now you're procastinating again" he hold up a firm demeanour but still sat beside you "Let me help you with that so you could rest already"
Your eyes widen when he position himself behind you while both of you are sitting at floor in the living room. Zayne is smart and patient to taught you the lesson you're stuck. His teaching will be easier to understand if only you could ignore his groin against your soft ass.
You can barely take it anymore as you try to innocently play it off as just moving but actually grinding more to feel him. You cannot wait to finish this boring lesson so you could finally released yourself on your bedroom
Zayne suddenly gripped your waist and subtly smirk on your ear "Behave Y/N" you gripped your pen and bow your head deeper on your notebook when you realize he caught your actions
"Ah!" Zayne maneauver your body and sat you on his lap "Daddy?" you look up to him with those bambi eyes of yours
"I really like when you call me that..." His cold hand cupped your cheek "Tell me darling about the dream you we're having these past few nights?....or whatever you're doing on your room after dinner?" Your eyes widen when yoi realize he heard your gasp and moan and definitely the way you call out his name
"I'm sorry daddy...i know it's wrong...it's not my fault! my brain is just getting fuzzy..." You fiddle with your fingers while apologizing from your naughty behaviour
"I'm not mad" He chuckled and settle you on his right thigh "Tell me about what's on the little head of yours hmm? tell me and i'll let you ride my thigh"
"Are you...? Here? Really? Are you testing me? I'm really sorry just don't tell me to mom-- eak!" he grind his thigh against your clothed core
"Your mother isn't here. She's on a sudden trip and yes i am serious" He stand up while carrying you to sat on couch "I'm very tired and stressed from my work sweetheart, i would appreciate it if you could relieve my stress"
You can't take it anymore plus you're already busted anyways better just take it. You started to hump on his thigh "I..i dreamed about you touching me..."
"Where?" He fixes his glasses to look at you intently
"Everywhere...like my chest" He trace his index finger against your clothed chest and slowly unbotton your pajama top while you're holding you're breath
He began to slowly plant kisses and nip on your chest, slowly starting to move lower and lower down your body. His hand on your back began to slowly move down to your waist again, lightly caressing the skin where it touched.
"Continue baby..." he assist your waist for a bit so you could grind more while he leaves kisses from your collarbone to your bud "You're so pretty and yet so naughty"
"Daddy im coming. .ah.....ah...ahh..." you didn't wait for his approval as you released all over his slacks. "M'sorry..." you pout and hide your face on his neck
You jolted up when his cold finger gaze on your clit "She wants more doesn't she? Well darling we have the whole night to ourself"
Althought embrassed still you smile on his shoulder and heared his belt unbuckle
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successfulgoddess333 · 5 months
Hi now that I’ve got your attention
I’m going to yell at you
Cuz I love you but y’all killing me with this
“I have the urge to move”
Or my favorite
“I didn’t get symptoms”
Mmmm this one is ultimate favorite
“How do I enter the void?”
Sweetie what do you think my posts are about???
How to find the tooth fairy?
Please stop asking me that when it’s literally in ALL MY POSTS
I literally got blocked cuz I was asked over and over again
By someone I thought was a friend
How to get in the void
I told her
It’s in my posts
Read my posts
I guess she didn’t wanna do that
All you’re doing is meditating
Yall act like you have to clean a whole warehouse or work a 10am to 2am shift!
Like it’s giving
“Omg I have to lay still and affirm and breathe and actually be relaxed and ignore the 3D which I hate anyways and leave this physical plane to go to my 4D which is pretty much me in my most powerful and purest state to gain peace and comfort and manifest my desires because I was born to do this and then wake up with my desires because it’s literally so easy ugh that’s too much it’s soo hard!!
Im not comparing trauma or anything everything you’re going through is valid
But somebody is probably going through something so horrible
And they don’t know about the void state or manifestation in general!
Because guys I love you but you’re all asking the same thing over and over and over again
It’s driving me insane
Every post I make is about the void
What it is and how to get in
If my account was about making bagels
Would you ask me
“Do you make bagels?”
You see what I mean?
I love you so much but stop asking the same thing
And I made a post on boundaries
Still had someone asking me to enter the void for them
How am I gonna take time out of MY DAY
To enter the void for someone with the SAME POWER AS ME!!!!
That’s like helping a genius with his homework
You already know how to do it tf you asking me for????
What do you think the void is???????
It’s not Disneyland
It’s not your mamas house
It’s not a Beyoncé concert
There’s is no luck when it comes to the void
I’m not gonna keep repeating myself
Everyone on here keeps telling yall the same things
Yet you still ask
How to enter
Complaining about not having symptoms
“But I’m_(excuses)”
Not to be rude but you might get blocked if you ask
“How to enter the void?”
Quit overcomplicating
You made the void
It exists because of you
Put YOURSELF on a pedestal not anything or anyone
Sometimes I feel like yall just use me and other blogs on here to get info on something we already talked about on our posts
Just for you to get mad when we get fed up with repetitive questions
If this still doesn’t help you
Idk what else to say
I love you much love 🩵
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 11 months
Zoom In.
Muggle AU, professor of 18C literature and poetry Draco, celebrity Harry ✨️
Violet was the first to log in - again. In the minutes before class began - in the "waiting room" - while she stared at her blank screen, it felt like the only real few moments she truly had to herself.
She spent all those moments, like so many others, thinking about Professor Malfoy.
To every single straight girl, and the singular gay guy, in class, Professor Malfoy was prime wank material. Violet hadn't known her classmates to be as desperate for a good word on their assignments from any other professor. To think homework would feature so high on the to-do lists of some of the biggest lunkheads she knew...there was definitely something about him, that Professor Malfoy.
She could see the appeal. The eerily pale eyes, hair, and skin made to appear warmer by the fluffy jumpers - all in elegant shades of scarlet, burgundy, emerald, wine, golden yellow - he wore over crisply ironed button-downs and tailored trousers; the way he used his hands when he talked, long fingers like a pianist's; the slim golden spectacles he was constantly misplacing on his own head, the rich precision with which he pronounced the olde names and subjects that he spoke of - it was very difficult not to admire Professor Malfoy.
All of that, but nobody really knew much about him outside of uni.
They'd switched to virtual classes a week ago; hurrah for the new pandemic. The idea that she didn't have to sit in class with her tittering classmates, a stray cough sounding now and again, made Violet automatically sit up straighter and smile, just as the little boxes on her screen began popping into life.
"Tell me we don't need to have our faces on display."
"So, yes, before anyone asks: this is a real lip ring. An actual piercing. Yeah, I'm not blowing you, Greg, sod off."
"Is Professor Malfoy on?"
"No, I don't see him here yet. Did he grade your essay?"
"Yo, can someone please tell me how to turn this camera off, I am smashed out my--"
"Click on the camera icon, Bryan--"
"It's not even noon, what d'you mean "smashed"?
"No, you've turned off your mic. No, we cannot hear you screaming."
"First icon on the bottom left," Violet said, rolling her eyes.
And then Professor Malfoy was in class.
There was a beat of silence before everyone called out greetings, a chaotic round of cheerful hello's that nobody could quite make sense of. Least of all Professor Malfoy.
He was peering into his screen, his slim nose scrunched.
"All right, so I can see me. Can you?"
Cacophonic confirmations.
"Okay, so nobody can see or hear me. Right."
More shrill reassurances. One loud beer-belch.
"Damn it all to hell, I knew this would happen, I told him that I'll need--"
"We can see you!" shrieked Preiti.
"We can hear you!" Nora bellowed.
But Professor Malfoy was already twisting around in his chair, scowling heavily, and screaming, "OY! COME IN HERE, YOU MISERABLE WANKER!"
Violet, along with her classmates, just stared in mystified silence. The professor never spoke like that. He ticked them off if they did.
A tall figure in a too big hoodie appeared suddenly, hissing back at Professor Malfoy. There was a golden lion printed on the maroon jacket. The hood was drawn in close, and Violet could just barely make out the light from the computer screen glinting off a pair of round glasses, on which a shaggy fringe of dark hair fell.
"You need to turn the volume up. Git," said the stranger. "Your camera's already on."
"I hate technology," Professor Malfoy seethed.
"You hate so much else. I'm getting fish and chips." The man was already walking off.
"I want mushy peas too, with mine."
"What kind of sick bastard." The room door was shut with a thud.
"Sorry about all that. We are now officially in session," Professor Malfoy said, smiling and restoring his glasses upon his nose. "Do you all have--?"
There was a muffled shout from somewhere behind the professor. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Professor Malfoy called back, "No. No, I don't want a curry dipping sauce."
There was more muffled yelling.
"Harry, get out right now!" shrieked Professor Malfoy, and Violet, along with the others, just ogled.
Malfoy sighed. "Sorry 'bout that. Just my idiot husband."
"You're married?!" Violet had asked before she could stop herself.
Professor Malfoy sighed, flipping open a thick, spiral bound folder. "Yes. You've heard of Harry Potter, I'm sure. He's the poor idiot I married."
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critterbitter · 8 months
actually actually... *pulls out whole stack of paper*...I have. a FEW,, a good few,, questions to ask. they are not many I swear 😇
OK SO FIRST OF ALL HOW DO YOU DRAW SO FAST???? everyday I log onto Tumblr I always see something new from you and I get very very happy. But then I start to question my own existence because not even I CAN SPEED RUN ART LIKE THAT. AND SO SPECTACULARLY TOO
Last question! how do you color and make it look so well?? just. How. I need to know. This is a CRY FOR HE-
anyway thank you for being one of my favorite artists that always feed my brain rot, pls keep making amazing art because like a little yamper I will follow behind and stay updated.
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(Stands there)
Response and thoughts under cut!
First question! What art program I use!
Mostly procreate, along with a handful of brushes! (Specifically the Jing Set and some custom stuff, which is really just a circle brush with the shape changed to a square.)
Second question! How do i draw so much!
Okay so. I am. Ahhah. Unemployed,,,,? No, I do freelance illustration, but hmm. A studio job would be nice.
i graduated college last year and I’m very used to eight hour art shifts. The body sort of remembers to keep working, even though I no longer have storyboards or visdev homework to do.
Also. The hyperfixation is a deep vast tunnel I STILL have not seen the end of the light to, good golly. (I have dreams now about the kids committing shenanigan crimes. I wake up in cold sweat and write them down in a journal. It’s like being the mouthpiece to an angry god.)
So the overall gist is: I was trained to be a storyboard artist with a visdev background, and I’m using that higher education to draw funny muppets because my brain’s funny.
I also DO have a queue, and I’ve been treating this as a sort of inktober project. I am definitely going to slow down soon though! Maybe. Hopefully. Ah… (sheepishly drops my kofi here)
Third question! How do i color!
I. I, uh. I dont know man the coloring demons have a grip on my soul and i just go along for the ride. But also, if it helps, i prefer to limit my pallets to only a few colors at a time. Lighting is king, so if you can figure out if you want to focus on either on your lights or shadows, you’ll have a much easier time composing. That, and symbolic colors— idk, something hits different about art drenched in gold with a tiny hint of a man staring into the blinding horizon, or a green leafy environment with a single dot of artificial red. I also like using blue and purple for shadows, and I’m a big fan of muting colors with only one or two that pop— one of the reasons why I was so attracted to submas in the first place is because from a design aesthetic, they’re both super funny muppet men AND really cool train guys that have a limited pallet and thematic apparel.
Overall response! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This goes out to a BUNCH of people who sent me inbox queries— sorry for not responding, it’s a tad overwhelming because some of them are story questions even I don’t really know will go yet, and others are words of praise and I’m selfish and like scrolling through the inbox to look at them when I feel down. I am more of an artist who sits in the corner and sprouts like a potato rather then a branching vine who socializes, but I really do see people’s responses and they make me go :)))))
Okay ramble over. Thanks for coming to the soapbox, and good luck on creating!
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