#i have make at least 15 other posts about them dancing together and i will make more
herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I've been a Lukola shipper since last year, and I've been reading all the male POVs. So, I decided to ask the dudes in my life about this whole situation. I talked to some of my male BFFs and my brother. I'll start with what my brother, who's 15 (I'm 19), had to say.
Over the past three days, I showed him most of the interviews, especially the unhinged ones, all the hand-holding clips, Tif's edits, etc. Then I introduced him to the GF and gave him a brief rundown of all the antics - Instyle, NY and London premieres, Deuxmoi, pool pics, Milan, GQ.
Here’s what he thinks:
Luke and Nic LOVE each other. Luke probably loves her more, or maybe she's just better at hiding it. Nic is affectionate towards everyone, so it’s not as apparent. My brother thinks Nic is really funny and obviously beautiful, especially after watching her solo interviews like "9 Things I've Never Tried Before," ASMR, and accents.
Luke is being hot and cold. After I told him about the break after Brasil, he said that makes sense. It seems like whenever Luke goes back to his friends, he comes back acting like a dick. I showed him Luke's hot boy summer phase and the NYE video of them dancing. He said Luke acts like a dick when he's with his friends, especially Rory, who seems like the leader. He even noticed Tom and said Luke should hang out with him more. When I mentioned Rory breaking up with his GF and now dating Sienna (who's 23), he immediately clocked it and said, “Wow, Lukey did the same.” In a very not impressed tone. I couldn't stop laughing.
Nothing happened in Brasil. My brother thinks Nic would never do anything shady. The interviewers and overall vibes of Brasil were super chill, so Luke let himself loose a bit. However Nic seemed the same, maybe a little more giggly.
NY and London premieres:
NY: They looked fine, but Luke seemed pissed for some reason. The hand moment was insane. He thinks the GF blindsided Nic and set up the videos of them hugging, because why aren’t there videos of others?
London: Nic seemed a little wary, and Luke looked downbad. Luke T and Nic either need to work together or date, or both, because they're cute. Simone is definitely a shipper. He also thinks Golda might be a shipper, but she seems to have clocked Luke’s shit and is side-eyeing, which he is too. The Deuxmoi stunt was dumb and embarrassing.
About A, R, and S:
Rory: Luke hangs onto Rory’s every word, so the GF might not be going anywhere as long as she's in the friend group. My brother hates Rory and thinks he's Luke’s constant during the hot boy summer phase. Rory wasn't seen much before that. Other Anons, is this true?
A: A is in the relationship for the perks. The Hailey Bieber cosplay is gross. My brother almost puked when I showed him the thread comparing A and HB’s outfits. A is obviously trolling the fans, which is boring.
S: He doesn’t think there’s anything nefarious going on with S, and it’s good for her that she’s going to Jack M's classes, but it’s weird that it's only happening now.
In conclusion, my brother thinks this whole thing is going to drag on for a lot longer, but that’s a huge maybe since Luke and Nic are coming back for S4. If Luke's friend group manages to infiltrate the sets, it won't matter much because everyone adores Nic and seems protective of her. A is going to stay as long as she can. Right now, my brother hates Luke and thinks he screwed up royally, even as a friend. It’s a bigger deal if there are non-platonic feelings involved. He wants to see Luke make a thank you post for S3, because that's the least he can do. Luke needs to figure his stuff out, and it seems like whenever he's on vacation, things just get worse. Basically, he needs to GET A JOB and things will sort themselves out.
Wow, that was a lot. Never thought my brother would be so mature!
Also can someone clarify if R was still such a huge part of L's life before his HBS?
Damn the 15 yo is smarter than some grown ass folk in the fandom lmao
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hellishdeer · 8 months
Live reactions and ramblings about the two final episodes of Hazbin Hotel
Warnings: SPOILERS!!! Same as the other two posts, Incoherent, unfiltered thoughts, I wrote them as I was watching. Most of them are in chronological order, but not all. It's also longer than the others, since It's the finale 💀
Everybody already knows Vaggie is an angel?! I thought she would still try to keep it on the down low after coming back, but hey, good for her!
Charlie has hooves :00
Alastor just kicking his feet please- 💀 why is he so babygirl coded
"Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what's going on underneath." This entire piece of dialogue might be on of my new favorite Alastor moments ngl
"What's that you said about smiles?" "Good girl :)" The head pat I can't- 😭
"Bank accounts are scam created by the shadow-goverment!" 💀
Alastor listening to Charlie vent :'D he seems so fucking done
"Come on now Alastor, she's much too young for you! Just kidding, I know you're an ace in the hole!" "A what now?" I ADORE ROSIE ALREADY
"Tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you!" 🥹❤️
"Susan, who's a bit of a..." "Ornery old bitch?" Alastor has stopped holding back all together, huh? 💀
"You have an X over your eye, and you wield an angelic spear. It's not exactly rocket science." The entire Hazbin fandom:
The dance choreography in "Out of Love" is goddamn stellar!!
The entire scene with Rosie talking to Charlie, she's such a fucking sweetheart and one of my new favorites!! ❤️
Alastor letting Charlie borrow his microphone!!!
"She's bound to pass the test as the princess of Hell!" There's a test??? Hopefully I'm taking this too literally, because otherwise there is a lot of new unanswered questions 💀
"She's filled with potential that I could guide!" ..Is anyone really surprised at this point?
"Oh Alastor, I can't wait to see you get fucked!" Vox sweetie, do you even know who you're talking about?
Even getting off a random ass pole, Angel has to do it in style :'D
Cherri Bomb is there too, hell yeah!!
Cherri ffs, can you at least pretend to care about Charlie's speech 💀
"An enjoyable collective to be around, I admit one could get accustomed.." OH MY GOD????
THE KING OF ROACHES 😭😭❤️ I need to draw it at some point
SIR PENTIOUS TRYING TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" TO CHERRI BOMB Cherri if you don't want him I'll take him!!
Charlie being afraid of loosing all of her friends :(
"MORE THAN ANYTHING (REPRISE)" *quiet sobbing*
Even Adam thinks Lute should chill the fuck out :'D
"Let the slaughter begin." CHILLS.
"I'm about to end your fucking life." FUCK 👏 HIM 👏 UP 👏 ALASTOR
THE ENTIRE FIGHT BETWEEN ALASTOR AND ADAM my 15 year old self is having a stroke
"Radio is not dead, but it is ending this broadcast.." Even when retreating from the battlefield, he does so with class, I love him so much-
Charlie apologizing to the angles as she's fighting them, this girl-
On a more serious note I really hope that Cherrisnake won't develop further than this. They have clearly very different needs and wants, that I can't see mixing together very well. Cherri enjoys being free and doing as she pleases, with nothing tying her down, whereas Sir Pentious seems more traditional. It's also kind of shallow on both ends, Sir Pentious developing a crush seemingly out of no where, because "ooo hot lady!" and Cherri only being actually interested in sleeping with him after finding out he supposedly has two dicks.. :/
THEY FUCKING KILLED SIR PENTIOUS AND IN SUCH AN ANTI-CLIMATIC WAY FUCK YOU ADAM??!? I kinda saw this coming after it was said Angel wasn't the one to die but
Charlie's devil tail :0
LUTE RIPPING HERSELF FREE FROM THE RUBBLE I'm just straight up terrified of her at this point
"Sorry I wasn't here sooner." YEAH ME TOO BECAUSE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER MIGHT STILL BE ALIVE IF YOU DID 🙃 But seriously where was he??? Surely he had heard about his daughter going to war against HEAVEN????
IT WAS A MASK??? I love how Adam just looks like.. a guy.
Lucifer not taking the fight at all seriously, I love him :'D
Nifty just zoning out during the TV interview, I love when jokes go full circle :D
ALASTOR'S PART IN THE FINALE SONG. I got some serious chills. He looked actually frantic, only for him to pop up later, pretending like nothing is wrong, he's such a good character oh my god???
I... feel like I'm going to combust. There was so much new information.. I need to go lay down and sleep for like a day.. or two 🙃
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cy-cyborg · 8 months
I am SO close to finishing Baldur's Gate 3... I think, I've been saying that for the past 20 hours lol, but I really want to gush about Karlach! Once I've actually finished the game I'll probably make a proper post talking about her in a more structured way from a disability standpoint but I just really want to talk about her now lol.
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[ID: A gif of Karlach from Baldur's Gate 3, a tall woman with red skin, one black horn, black hair and glowing orange eyes. She is covered in scars and tattoos, her chest glows and she is dancing on the spot in front of a cluttered tent./end ID]
I did not know how much my inner child needed to see someone like her on screen. Strange thing to say about a character from a game that's intro features worms crawling into your eye in hell but its true.
I have massive burn-like scars all over my my lower body, especially my legs, and while I always (mostly) saw the amputations they came with as just a part of me, I had much more negative feelings about those scars, well into my young adulthood, but especially as a teenager. It wasn't helped by the fact that while most folks had the decency to keep their comments about my visible disability... neutral-ish, the comments about my scars ranged from "you should cover those up" to "that's discusting" and young children literally crying at the sight of them. On top of that, every time a character with scars like mine was in the media, they were either the villain, used to teach others a lesson about not being mean or to teach that chatacter a lesson about how beauty is on the inside or how to love their appearance despite thier scars (that they'll be sure to tell you they think are hideous).
But karlach isn't any of those things. She's confident and literally walks around armour that show her scars by default. No one calls her gross or tells her to cover them. Her scars are never brought up as a negative at all, at least that ive seen, they're never something that detracts from her appearance. She never tries to hide them or gets insecure about them. When you romance her, there's no comment about if you're sure you can find "someone with scars like hers" attractive. Characters in the game dont find her attractive in spite of them, they just find her attractive. Full stop. They're just, there. And what's more, the fandom, for the most part, seems to agree. I have seen so many people swooning over her, and they almost never bring the scars up. People don't care, they just think she's hot! (There will always be outliers of course but they seem few and far between in my circles at least lol).
And my God, it's SO refreshing! Don't get me wrong, it's not inherently bad to have chatacters be insecure about things like scars (Wyll has a few moments of insecurity around his, and I think it's done well) but it's so nice for it to not be the central focus for once, or even really a big at all. Especially for a woman character.
I was so convinced as a teenager that no one would find me attractive because of those scars. Scars like Karlach's. I'm older now, I have worked through it all, and any lingering insecurities I had on the subject were shut down when me and my partner got together. But 15/16 year old me desperately needed to see a chatacter like Karlach, and im so happy she exists now!
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Hello kind stranger. I like your blog and as a follow up to your other anon I hope it's okay to share my thoughts on why I personally feel Jikook are very much a thing now more than ever with you (you don't have to post this). I trust my eyes, ears and gut feeling and as a mature army I think I know how a potential relationship look like pretty well and some of the things I see Jikook are doing {what they don't do is also very telling} makes me go DING DING DING every single time so here are my two cents:
The amount of shows and Korean dramas they have to watch together because unless they tell each other everything they do over the phone and are into the exact same jokes in at least 15 different dramas and memes it's almost impossible to have this amount of similar banters so I can't help but thinking they spend a lot of time together and we just don't get to see it. I also think there are small signs that they could be living together but nobody can tell for sure but that's a different topic
Jimin apologizing for JK acting up in a cute harmless way or thanking others who compliments him. Basically how they have interesting different boundaries when it comes to each other that goes beyond taking care of a friend: ^Want me to cut if for you? Don't show your toe socks on live^ You need to make him feel better not making fun of his UN mistake^ and more
Interactions that can't be explained if they are just platonic friends in my humble opinion. For instance Hobi asking Jimin why he's doing his birthday live in JK studio and Jimin doesn't have an answer but looking down and smiling while JK changed the topic with dancing, followed by Hobi giggling and hugging Jimin. The time Hobi teased Jimin about JK being in charge of clothes and again Jimin stuttered. These interactions combined with small gestures like JK waiting for Jimin to pass so he can walk right after him or holding his bags or always wanting to do the heavy lifting even in games as an instinct (have you seen this run episode?) speak volumes to me and only amplifying what I think
Which brings me to the neck bite gate, the ear sucking on stage, the thirst trap birthday wish, GCF Tokyo, maybe the initials tattoos. regardless of what people say it can't be denied that no one will do those things for someone if they are in a romantic relationship with another person. No one will stay awake at night to act sexy in a birthday video for someone you are heavily rumored to be in relationship with when you are already in a relationship. it's disrespectful and rude towards your partner and doesn't fit with the people I think JK or Jimin are. I fully believe that this is a universal truth and that is the real reason why haters always call the 4, 5 BIG jikook moments a lie or ignore them like the plague with childish excuses because even they know deep down that you simply don't do that when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend at home. I'm not one of those people who think Jikook have been together for a decade or know for a fact they are exclusive but these instances happened in the span of years. Just saying
Their early days. Jimin used to ask for kisses constantly and Jungkook was very much into letting Jimin win at games, stand offs and what not. I think it's safe to say both acted towards each other in a a unique way that is different to the rest of the members and I find it interesting how Jimin stopped asking and how JK is still to this day is very gentle when it comes to Jimin. it was very much a puppy love that could have evolved in time to a relationship which is very natural in a place of work
The level of intimacy that is different even for BTS standards. For instance JK seeking with his hand to find bare skin or taking a bite from the pizza silce at the similar spot or proudly showing a neck bite from Jimin on his neck and everything they did in point 4.
Body language- the way they turn their full body towards each other on stage, photos, during games, in official promo videos, the way they sit, and even when they are telling jokes tables apart
Their own bandmates and how they look at one of them when the other one is doing something funny or worth mentioning. very much a setting of a group of friends singling out a couple
The people in their lives seem close. Parents, brother, Poly C, even some of their follow list.
Similar views on life, answers, experiences, likes and dislikes. They click too well and there's a reason why there's endless footage of them doing nothing on the side but enjoying their time together
I won't pretend that I know anything as a fact but ironically in jikook history a lot of things become less complicated and MUCH more easier to explain if they are a couple than if they are not so I go by the rule 'the simplest explanation is usually the correct one'.
Yes yes hell to the yes.
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What you said.
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topazadine · 1 month
Siblings and Questions Tag!
Thank you for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck! Your post was lovely, especially the part about your characters' worst habits.
We'll look at Cerie and Uileac, because of course we will.
1. Who looks the most like Dad?
Cerie, actually. Papa Seorus had a rougher look about him.
2. Who looks the most like mom?
Uileac. Mama Caoimhe was a very slender, foxish woman, and Uileac has her angular bony figure.
3. Who eats the most?
Uileac lol. I mean, it makes sense; he spends most of his day riding and training, so of course he's going to need more fuel than lazy-ass Cerie.
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
Cerie to be sure. Later on in The Eirenic Verses she is kidnapped by their country's mortal enemy, Sina, and forced to help them. Uileac's shenanigans cannot compare.
5. Who sleeps the most?
Cerie. She's such a useless lesbian. Uileac is up at the crack of dawn, a very Type A person, whereas Cerie would nap all day if you let her.
7. Most stable romantic life?
Uileac. He's been with his partner Orrinir since they were 18, whereas Cerie just kinda ... gets around a lot in her teens/early adulthood. Not to the extent where Uileac will have to chastise her, but some flings here and there.
8. Worst habit of each one?
Cerie: Acting like a martyr and thinking she has to do everything by herself, even though Uileac and her brother-in-law Orrinir would always help her if she needed it. Uileac: Stubbornness and pride. He can't handle any damage to his reputation.
9. Who's the most dramatic?
Neither of them are very dramatic in general, but I'd have to say Cerie. She can howl like a dying animal if she has the least bit of discomfort whatsoever lmao.
10. Who had a weird phase?
I guess Cerie? I don't think either of them really had a weird phase, to be honest. But Cerie definitely had a defiant teenage angst phase.
11. Best cook of the family?
Both of them are shit cooks and hate doing it. If Uileac's husband, Orrinir, was not there to feed them, both of them would die. However, if you put a sword to their throat and forced them to cook, Uileac's food would probably not kill you.
12. Best memory together?
Probably Uileac's wedding to Orrinir. They danced all night, got super drunk, and then came home to their brand new house in Goldnin <3 Of course Cerie was allowed to live with the newlyweds. Wasn't even a question.
13. Worst memory together?
Their parents dying in the raid on the family farm in Quirnis. I'll let Uileac take it away with his explanation from Funeral of Hopes:
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14. Dream trip together
Heading out to The Windswept, where the nomadic tribes of Breme still do their typical nomadic things. Uileac has always wanted to get a Windswept pony because they're much sturdier than the horses one can get in the settlements (sorry, Erix, it's true). Cerie wants to hear their oral traditions and learn more about their folk religions to better understand how it differs from High Poetry. She's also always wanted to meet people from the Seinn tribe, which produced the first saint of her religion, Saint Luridalr. Being strictly nomadic, the Seinn don't visit the Bremish settlements like some of the other tribes do.
15. Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?
Cerie: Shower. She could probably deal with having the same clothes for a month, though she'd complain about it the whole time. Uileac: Same clothes. No one said you couldn't wash them, right? He'll just go naked for a lil bit.
16. Who's the older one?
Uileac is older by about four years.
17. Describe each other in three words
Cerie would describe Uileac as: Prideful, composed, protective Uileac would describe Cerie as: Stubborn, intelligent, loyal
18. Role model?
Cerie's role model is her mentor, Irith Druidinn. Irith has been her teacher since she was incredibly young and has taught her everything she knows about High Poetry. She hopes to be half the poet that her teacher is. Uileac's role model is their late father, Papa Seorus. He strives to always make his father proud, but unfortunately, he doesn't really know what his father would consider honorable, given that Papa Seorus died when Uileac was just 11.
19. Who usually has the worst ideas?
One would think it would be Cerie, given that she's younger and more stubborn, but it's actually Uileac. His bad ideas are generally about protecting his reputation and/or his loved ones, which doesn't always mesh well with what he's supposed to be doing.
20. A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?
Uileac for sure. Cerie is screaming and waving her arms as if that will make the bug go away. Meanwhile, Uileac is pulling out his bow and trying to do a trick shot. A moving target! How exciting! (Hey, you said it was GIANT, definitely big enough for him to hit.) Then, of course, Cerie yells at him for shooting a fucking arrow through the wall while he shrugs and says it's good practice. Never know when the Sinans might learn to harness insect warriors. If he misses, the hubbub has attracted Orrinir, who does the intelligent thing and takes it outside.
If you enjoyed this, maybe you'll consider purchasing 9 Years Yearning, which is all about Cerie and Uileac growing up <3 There are some really cute scenes of them together.
Tag list: @kuebiko-writing @ryns-ramblings @cain-e-brookman @halfbit @macabremoons and Open Tag!
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otaku-girl-ao3 · 4 months
His Darkness - Chapter 15 of 75 - Dark!Willy x Felix - Wonka (2023)
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“There is a certain art in getting the best results from even the most mediocre of ingredients. It is not something that I expect that you have had much experience with during your years of practice and expertise,” Wonka’s voice, low and soothing and steady, washed over Felix as he watched the other man work. The glint of his knife — sharp, slender, quick — drew Felix’s attention no matter how much he tried to focus elsewhere. It seemed impossible to look away.
“Though it is something I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert. I find that working with others is not so different from working with subpar ingredients; it is all about removing the unusable aspects,” Wonka explained, knife dancing across the board as he swept away the tail ends of spring onions and broccoli. He picked up a fresh ginger root between dexterous fingers, slicing off a long, thick piece the size and width of his thumb — far too much for what promised to be such a simple dish, Felix thought — and began to peel it. “...and paring back with what you have to work with. Until what you have is not only usable, but offers precisely what you need.
“You are neither what I need, nor are you particularly useful right now, Felix. If you were a more common ingredient, I would show no hesitation in discarding you for something better. Fresher. Less damaged.” Dark brown eyes ran down the length of him dispassionately, cataloguing every mark, never lingering in one place for too long. “But you were a gift. And my Mamma taught me it is rude to dispose of gifts before an appropriate length of time has passed.”
His (Darkness) (40259 words) by Otaku_girl, AHatfulOfDreams Chapters: 15/75 Fandom: Wonka (2023), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Willy Wonka/Felix Fickelgruber, Mr. Fickelgruber/Arthur Slugworth, Mr. Fickelgruber/Arthur Slugworth/Willy Wonka Characters: felix fickelgruber, Willy Wonka, Arthur Slugworth, Gerald Prodnose Additional Tags: Dark!Wonka, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Angst, Anxiety, BDSM, Post-Canon, Abuse, Canon Related, Coercion, Crimes & Criminals, Crying, Dark, Feels, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Humiliation, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Manipulation, Orgasm, Overstimulation, Pain, Panic, Plot, Porn, Smut, Possessive Behavior, Praise Kink, Relationship(s), Roughness, Self-Esteem, Eating Disorders, Sexual Content, Serious, Trauma, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Degradation, Anal Plug, Dubious Consent, Alternate Universe - Dark, Predicament Bondage, Nipple Torture, Threesome - M/M/M, Punishment, Coming Untouched, Nipple Clamps, Impact Play, Cock Cages, Figging, Object Insertion Summary: “Arthur. You cannot be serious.” Voice pitched low so that only Arthur would hear him, Felix stood beside the other man, body trembling as dark, almost black eyes turned on him. There was a sharpness to Arthur’s eyes, to his smile, that promised retribution when it was just the two of them behind closed doors. “As you can see, he is mainly housebroken. But he still needs to be put in his place on a regular basis. He needs to be taught a firm lesson, as it were. You can take Felix if you want him. Consider him my little welcoming gift to you. He’s not as pretty or as young as he once was, but at least he’ll keep thin for you. And he’s very obedient when remembers to mind his manners.” “No, Arthur, please.” “Do you think that you can handle him, Wonka? He is clearly in need of some remedial lessons.” “I think I shouldn’t have a problem, Arthur. I thank you for the gift. I shall make sure to use it thoroughly before your return. Perhaps he could do with a reminder of precisely who he deserves to be owned by. Property doesn’t get to choose its master.” - Dark!Wonka. Post-canon. Please read the tags as they are updated. We're in for another long one, folks.
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have any random losh hcs?
👀 A few... Some of them I have explored here on other posts and others in various fanfic but I'll collect them here. Note, all of these focus on PZH.
1.) Jan is gender fluid. His people, the Trommites, celebrate change and thus Jan being gender fluid was regarded with great joy and embraced fully.
2.) Also on the Trommites, their society in general practices a high amount of polyamory or changes in romantic/sexual partners. It is considered normal and healthy for them to experience many different people and emotions and relationships. As a result a queer relationship to them would be staunch monogamy. Their attitudes towards queer relationships are regarded with curiosity and not hostility or fear.
3.) If Querl isn't in the lab (rarely) you might be able to find him dancing.
4.) Lyle and Tinya have absolutely messed with combining their powers when bored; she can phase through objects and people, and he can make various layers of his body. Once, (once) they made a horrifying chimera of themselves and decided to play a prank on Querl and Jo by running into whatever room they were in screaming that they had 'an accident' and had been spliced together. Both Jo and Querl shrieked and hit pitches that should have only been capable by Lori Morning. It took a long time for either to forgive them.
5.) Gates purrs.
6.) Luornu does consider Querl to be her brother given that she was taken in by Brande and so was he. Granted, they did not spend a whole lot of time with each other (she rarely saw him at all) they still share that Brande took them in. If you pay attention in the comics they do have a pretty close relationship.
7.) Once Andrew got comfortable with everyone sometimes he'd just LIE about facts from the 90s just to see their reactions. It eventually became a game where he'd come up with two truths about his birth time and then one lie and everyone would have to guess what it was like "Blue raspberry was a flavor that came from actual blue raspberries" or "back then cucumber skins were poisonous and you had to peel them"
8.) Because the hard ground of the headquarters 'hurt Gates' feet', Chuck put in special little grass paths all throughout their compound so he didn't have to rely on his powers all the time and could, if he wanted to, just take a stroll.
9.) Everyone loves hugs from Candi and Jeka.
10.) Jenni out of all them frightens the easiest but she is actually one of the most courageous and will still do what she must even though she is terrified. This is also a bit of a contrast to no-fear Bart Allen. She cannot do a scary movie without screaming, hiding her eyes, jumping and spilling her popcorn. However if any of her friends are in danger or peril, that fear sort of washes away and she turns into a terrifying cyclone that cannot be stopped. Bart's fear response spikes when his friends are in danger so they're sort of mirrors and opposites.
11.) I just like all of the 'aliens' just being alien and not being quite so human looking even if they are seeded humans. To me it's just lazy to paint a human green, or pink, or blue and then claim "behold an alien!" but this isn't really a hc.
12.) As a result I think Imra has hooves and a very fawn-like face.
13.) Every single Legionnaire is one of Jenni's lightning rods. In particular Ayla, Mon-el, Rokk, Gates and Zoe.
14.) Rokk proposes to Garth at least once a week, it's a running gag between them. Garth always tells him no.
15.) I do favor Brande being Vril Dox II's Durlan even though the reboot sort of obliterated that, I just think it adds something.
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softguarnere · 1 year
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 15: Something Like That
Summary: “There’s a girl?!” Skinny tries to swat him from across the table. “Powers, you’ve been holding out on me!”
A/N: I finally remembered to create an AO3 and post this fic there if you would like to read it on another platform!
Warnings: alcohol, language
Taglist: @latibvles @liebgotts-lovergirl @lieutenant-speirs @ithinkabouttzu @mrs-murder-daddy
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England, 1944
They don’t leave England. Which is probably for the best, because as soon as they’re about to load the planes, Heffron – or Babe, as they’ve come to know him – freezes, staring up at the pin-up painted on it. Darling Doris seems like a bad omen, he tells them, considering that he just got a Dear John letter from a girl back home by the same name. Bill slaps him on the back and chirps a line about Babe never having to get inside Doris again. It quickly becomes the company’s new favorite joke.
They don’t jump. Veterans of Normandy don’t complain.
What they do instead is continue living while they can – some would argue that they manage to get a bit more restless with it, if that’s possible.
Bill tends to assign Zenie and Babe guard duty together. He always stops by to shoot the shit and laugh it up when he makes the rounds. He wouldn’t be laughing quite so hard if he knew that the two of them sometimes sneak away to go into town and hit the dance halls. Zenie can’t decide if he would be more upset about them shirking their duties or painting the town without him.
In the time they spend together, Zenie learns that Babe’s personality matches his bright Philly laugh. His wit is as quick as he himself is on his feet – Easy Company has a champion jitterbug dancer on their hands.
Babe falls into the chair beside her, breathless. His smile is wide as he picks up his drink and downs it. Then he lets out a breathless laugh and shakes his head. The band strikes up their next song and the pulse of the pub starts to beat again as dancers take to the floor. A few eyes are on Babe, wondering if he’s going to put them all to shame again. Zenie can’t decide if he doesn’t notice them or if he just doesn’t care. After that last dance, he looks beat.
“That was quite the performance.” The music is so loud that Zenie has to lean across the table to be heard.
Babe’s smile widens, if that’s possible. “Never know when the Airborne is going to be needed again. Gotta treat every one like it’s the last, ya know?” They have to live while they can. He leans in even further, like they’re sharing a secret. “Why don’t you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Dance! You’ve just been sittin’ here all night, watchin.’ What’s the point of sneakin’ out to have a good time if ya don’t?”
Coming from anyone else, it would probably sound judgmental. Or at least, Zenie would take it that way. From Babe, though . . . He just looks curious in that open way that he has about him. Like he doesn’t bother guarding his feelings and thoughts because he has no reason to hide them.
Zenie shrugs. “Guess there is no good reason.” Other than what would happen if she were found out. Or her previous experience with dance floors and parties; memories of that stupid Christmas party with everyone staring at her swirl in her mind. “I just . . . Oh, it’s so stupid. I don’t want to end up being the butt of the joke.”
One of Babe’s eyebrows shoots up. “Everyone here is havin’ a good time, though. And a coupla those girls three tables over have been starin’ atcha all night. You’re a paratrooper, Tommy. Ain’t nobody gonna mess with ya.”
She pretends to think about it. Then she actually does think about it. Everyone else is living while they can, and she’s not even living. Her whole life she’s wanted to be out there with everyone else – no longer stuck in the audience just watching the show. Besides, ever since the brothel she seems to have forgotten that to (almost) everyone else she is Tommy, and Tommy is a character that can be whoever the hell she wants him to be!
What had she decided on her way to Toccoa? Tommy Driver would be brave and friendly. As Matthew had once said to her “Zena McGlamery can’t deliver the lines because she’s afraid. But do you know who’s not afraid?” Except now instead of “the angel,” the answer is Tommy – who can be whatever she wants him to be.
Tommy Driver wouldn’t let a little romantic setback slow him down or send him into a slump. Tommy Driver would move on with his life and live it to the fullest while he could. Tommy Driver wouldn’t worry about being laughed at because he would be laughing along with whoever made the joke. Tommy Driver is his own person – his value is no longer dependent on other people’s perceptions.
“You know what? You’re right.” Zenie downs her drink and stands. Just for good measure, she throws Babe a cheeky wink before saddling up to one of the tables behind them and flashing the girls there a winning grin. She extends her hand to the one sitting closest to her – a brunette with bold lipstick that matches her dress. “Care to dance?”
As they head onto the dance floor, Zenie catches a glimpse of Babe back at the table. His mouth is open, but when he sees her looking, he laughs. Not at her. She laughs too. The girl that she’s asked to dance laughs, even though she wouldn’t get it.
They jump onto the dance floor, throwing themselves into the fray. The girl is quick, and with her eyeliner and with that look in her eyes, she reminds Zenie of a fox. Not one to be stopped from breaking into a chicken coop, but one that let’s you catch glimpses of it from the woods without ever getting close enough to catch it.
Zenie, however, feels like a bird as they fly through the dance, the ups and downs of the music carrying them to new heights. Colors and sounds blur around her as they dip and spin. Her cheeks hurt from grinning by the time the song ends. Her heart pounds in her chest as she applauds the band. Even after all those runs up Currahee, she finds herself utterly breathless, though in the best possible way. Everyone else was dancing, but she was just coming to life out there; remembering who she is and why she started this whole thing to begin with.
“You’ve been holding out on me!” Babe accuses when she weaves her way back to the table after a few more dances. “Too bad you ain’t a girl, or else we’d make one hell of a jitterbug team!”
Zenie accepts the drink he slides to her and rehydrates before she looks him dead in the eye and lies. “Yeah, too bad.”
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When everyone at the table breaks into laughter over something Skinny says, Zenie accidentally catches Shifty’s eye from across the table. Something about his smile is a little sad. It tugs at her heart strings. Sometimes she catches herself thinking that if only they could go back to before the brothel . . . If only all of those I don’t wants were never spoken. Tommy may have gained a newfound confidence after that night of dancing at the pub, but something very distinctly Zenie still aches whenever she thinks about being alone with him – letting him drive the final nail into the coffin.
She and Babe have snuck out dancing several more times when Bill sticks them on guard duty. It’s not something that Zenie would ever have imagined herself doing, yet something about it is thrilling. Nothing spectacular happens. The nights and their events bleed together into one nondescript blur. All that really matters is that something about breaking the rules with Babe is freeing. He does things so effortlessly that you can’t help following along with him. He’s so much fun that you want to go where he goes.
Tonight she doesn’t follow him, though. The whole company has filed into the pub, wild and free, and Babe is engaged in a game of darts on the other side of the room with Luz, Toye, and Buck Compton. Bill is around somewhere.
Even though they’re spread out, something about the night reminds her of the one where her friends tried to gift her a pin-up of Beckie. Maybe it’s just because Shifty is watching her from across the table again. She tries not to think about that.
Skinny bumps his shoulder against hers. “What about you, Tommy?”
He rolls his eyes. “Jesus, where’d you go? Webster said he was gonna finish college after the war. Muck said he was gonna get married lickity-split. And I’m gonna throw the homecoming party to end all parties. What about you?”
“Oh. I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know? Don’t you think about it?”
Webster clears his throat. “It’s not the end of the world if he doesn’t know. It doesn’t always do well to dwell on an uncertain future.” He offers Zenie a reassuring smile. She returns it.
Every now and then someone brings up home and Zenie realizes that going back to her old life would mean something very different for her than it would for any of the men in her company. They would gain the freedom to go back to their lives, their family and friends, who will heap adoration on them for what they have done . . . And Zenie will have – ?
“I dunno.” She shrugs because she doesn’t. Tommy probably does. “I guess as soon as they announce it’s all over and done with, I’ll grab the prettiest girl, giver her a spin, and we’ll cut a rug to celebrate.”
From the other side of the table, Skip claps. “Now you’re talking!”
“What about you, Shifty?” Skinny asks.
The table falls quiet as they wait. Shifty takes a sip of his drink. Sets it down, studies the glass. A shy smile tugs at his lips.
“Ooooh! That means a girl!” Skip crows.
“There’s a girl?!” Skinny tries to swat him from across the table. “Powers, you’ve been holding out on me!”
Across the table, Webster catches her eye. He hasn’t spent a lot of time with their group – a positive for Zenie, because he’s mistaken her silence to be a reflection of his own confusion.
“Well now,” Shifty begins. He clears his throat, his smile faltering. “See, it’s complicated.” This earns more drawn out Oh!s from the other men. Zenie’s heart clenches, sputtering out a stunned response: Oh?
“There is – uh, was, I guess – a girl. The situation was unique, you know. Hard to navigate. Not a relationship, see, that could . . . I dunno the word. The war would have made things very complicated, it what I’m tryin’ to say.”
Webster leans in a bit, fully engrossed by the drama of the new group he’s sitting with. “Is she back in America? Or a nurse, or something, whose job took her far away?”
Shifty takes another sip of his drink, long and slow, making them wait. He runs his tongue over his teeth. “Something like that.”
Zenie is sitting across the table from him, yet the distance feels distorted. He’s simultaneously very close and very far away. What is he even saying? Knowing that he’s talking about her makes her heart pound, blood rushing in her ears the way that wind howls through the naked treetops on winter nights.
“Well don’t keep us in suspense,” Skip urges.
Shifty clears his throat. Is it Zenie’s imagination, or does he give her a quick glance before he stares back down at his drink. In the dim light of the pub, his cheeks tinge the slightest pink when he speaks.
“I’m hopin’ that maybe after the war that we can be together. As a proper couple. You know, like everyone else gets to be. I just hope –“ He cuts himself off.
At some point they all lean closer to hear him better. Blood still roars in Zenie’s ears. Maybe Shifty didn’t pause; maybe she’s so nervous that she just can’t hear him. Everything that he’s saying seems too good to be true. She wants to urge him on, but her breath is hitched in her throat.
“You hope what?” Webster prompts.
This time, Zenie doesn’t imagine Shifty’s glance. Because it’s not a glance – he looks her in the eye when he says, “I hope that she can forgive me for askin’ her –  makin’ her wait. And I hope that she’ll still feel somethin’ for me. I’ve been hopin’ to tell her that the first time that we’re alone together.”
Once again, the expert marksman’s words hit their mark with complete and utter accuracy. Zenie’s heart feels cold as all her adrenaline fades away with Shifty’s conclusion.
We can talk about this more another time, he had said that night in the brothel. I’ve been hopin’ to tell her that the first time that we’re alone together, he said tonight. And she wouldn’t let him get close to her unless other people were around.
But maybe if we – he had started to say before Earl fired his gun. I’m hopin’ that maybe after the war that we can be together. As a proper couple, he finished tonight. He was trying to ask her to wait. All of his I don’t want’s were leading up to something.
Well, they aren’t alone now. But he’s certainly told her. How can she even begin to respond? His words might have singlehandedly wiped away all the newfound confidence she gained while dancing a few nights before. Or does that confidence – that realization that her worth doesn’t rely on her relationship to others – make her doubtful of what he says?
No one else at the table seems to know how to respond either. Skinny reaches across the table to pat Shifty’s hand. He opens his mouth, only to be cut off by Smokey’s voice ringing out from the front of the room. A short round of applause and whooping follows before the room quiets down, leaving no room for anyone at their table to speak.
“He says he needs to make an announcement,” Smokey declares before stepping aside and giving First Sergeant Lipton a gentle push forward.
Lipton clears his throat. He’s somber, just like when came to tell the company that they were shipping out on the night that they met Babe.
“Whelp, I hate to break the mood here boys, but we’re moving out again.” He won’t meet their eyes. Then he exits the room, leaving a trail of silence in his wake.
No one speaks. Most people stay seated, and those who are standing shift from foot to foot, not wanting to take the first step and go. Zenie can’t move, can’t speak. She wants to move closer to Shifty and to ask him what all of that meant. He’s staring back across the table at her, stuck in the same dilemma.
Someone finally breaks the spell. People leave their drinks and grab their friends as they slowly migrate to the pub’s exit, the crowd a gentle murmur as they reluctantly move towards their fate. Skinny stands up and the rest of the men at the table follow his lead. He looks like he wants to say something, but Zenie beats him to the punch.
“I’m real sorry, Shifty.” Her own words surprise her. Shifty seems just as shocked. The others agree, and she hopes that he understands that her sorry is an apology for keeping him at a distance and not the obligatory sorry that the rest of their group offers him.
Webster pats the expert marksman on the shoulder. “Me, too. I hope it works out.”
Shifty nods. He throws another glance at her when he says, “Thanks. I do, too.”
Then they follow the rest of the company to the door. Zenie tries to fall back, hoping that Shifty will see her invitation and do the same, but they get pushed along with the throng of paratroopers, swept up in the tide that carries them back to their quarters, leaving them no chance to be alone.  
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omegaremix · 3 months
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Infinity Records, 2022.
Here’s some wonderful news from Infinity Records: they just received a a copy of Les Rallize Denudes’ Cable Hogue Soundtrack. Everyone knows the lore of this once-obscure mind-blowing Japanese psych / garage band. The majority of their discography is loaded with unofficial bootlegs and very few official releases which I can only count on one hand. How often is it that I come across their records? Never. I did, however, come across their post on social media about it seven days after the fact. A drive out to Massapequa was in the cards, and seeing that LP up for sale meant it would be a fun game of ‘winner-winner-sushi-dinner or too-bad-so-sad’. So did I win? You’ll see sooner than later.
Every one of the island’s record stores closed during the pandemic. Fortunately, they all survived and are still going. It was only Infinity that was in dire straits. They were in danger of losing their store as they were behind on rent. Their landlord wasn’t too forgiving (that’s never a character trait of theirs), so they set up a GoFundMe to keep it going. They only managed to raise $7,272.00 out of $12,000.00 they wanted. No one knows how they did when they came up short. All that matters is that they’re still here.
I walk in and that bell rings. I see at least 15 different people shopping in Infinity’s bins; the busiest I’ve ever seen it. It’s still their old rundown, disorganized, shabby self. It’s just as ‘lost’ like Brooklyn’s Academy but only larger and they could be related in ugliness and unkempt. You can find plenty of empty bins, piles of records, and unmarked stacks of boxes packed with loads of what-the-fuck-is-it. Deteriorating paper and the smell of old cardboard, dust, and decades-old wood permeate the store with a smell that I can’t pinpoint what year it originates from. It’s the scent that attracts older, loose-skinned men in stained clothing. But I do like coming here as they’re one of the least-expensive places selling music. 99¢ classical records, their $2.76 LP bins, $4.00 CDs, and reasonable prices on used vinyl; making it a great location that offers a lot of bang for the buck. Plus, everywhere you turn, there’s always vintage turntables, receivers, and stereo equipment stacked on top of each other to be found.
Cassettes are still plentiful in this day and age and are considered the cheapest and most cumbersome format to buy. They had two racks of tapes on each side of the store. About 500-600 shells on the wall with the usual pre-handled residue and smudges on its shells. So how many did I pick out? Zero. No hip-hop but what I saw was plenty of Seventies, Eighties, and Nineties pop, jazz, movie soundtracks, classical compilations, greatest hits, and and best-of’s I had no interest in taking.
Some of their best bins were the new used arrivals. Give them a few stars for carrying some rare jazz, folk, psych-, and private pressings I’ve never seen before. Want mid-Oughts indie and hipster LP’s like The Hives, MGMT, and and LCD Soundsystem for no more than $20.00 a pressing? They have plenty of that, too. Knowing me, I wouldn’t throw down that amount of money to own a title unless if it was absolutely necessary. It usually isn’t when there’s a physically unmeasurable sliver of hope that you’ll find it somewhere else for less - which has happened before.
I’d head on over to see the jazz / fusion stock. Of all genres I look for, it’s the most consistent, thrifty, and easiest to stock up on. Starting off, I picked Spyro Gyra’s Morning Dance thanks to John Tropea and a few appearances of Suzzane Ciani. Ask me how many times this year I picked up a Deodato album? Infinity had two of them: First Cuckoo and Very Together with Tropea (again) and Steve Gadd. David Sanborn’s Taking Off also have Steve Gadd but traded in John Tropea for Steve Khan. On a whole separate note, Hubert Laws’ Family featured an all-star line-up of his sister Debra, Bobby Lyle, Earl Klugh, and Chick Corea. I nailed my first Gary Bartz LP and got my hands on Richie Cole’s Keeper Of The Flame featuring Vic Juris and Terry Silverlight. I also copped (The Best Of) Jon Lucien, a familiar format released on Columbia where they give a greatest hits compilation to their best artists.
I know from previous visits that the bargain bin of poppy’s basement collection, Jello party, and The Best Of Dean Martin’s Greatest Hits had nothing for me. What I didn’t do last time was surge through their 12” singles section. Now’s the time to redeem myself. It was a joker’s wild of selections mixed with my Atari childhood, golden era hip-hop, old-school hip-hop, and even peak-hipster era. There was a Black Dice 12” featuring tracks from Load Blown never issued on vinyl (a sampler, maybe?), and both Lovebug Starski and a Sugarhill Gang 12” still keep the classic old-school hip-hop quotient going.
Towards the right side of the store were their used CD bins. Like a badly-played game of keno, it was all great stuff for the majority that wasn’t appealing to me. There had to be 30 to 40 columns of stock and I only found three to my liking. The Raveonettes’ In And Out Of Control and Metallica’s Garage Inc. that was part of the Selden-era (community college). I was surprised to find a Sacred Bones in the mix: Zola Jesus’ Versions. How many more -Bones releases must I have? The answer: never enough!
4PM approached and the customer count dropped dramatically. There wasn’t the crowd of three who hawkeyed the five-wide new vinyl arrivals section as before. It was all mine as I was concerned. Again, I didn’t care to spend full price on a new vinyl LP, but there were plenty of lower-priced ones I could be looking for. The diamond of the day was finding a copy of Buzzcocks’ Spiral Scratch, theirfirst-ever release of theirs. Only two 12” pressings were made and I happened to get a bootleg copy, but the $15.00 asking price was reasonably fair. That LP alone would be the most expensive purchase of the entire day.
Oh, yeah…about that Les Rallize Denudes record. I kept an eye out for it but never popped up in my sights. For the avoidance of all doubt, I showed their post to one of their own who worked there and asked if they saw it. So far, no luck. They did ask me if I looked at the vinyl records on the wall, which I said “no, not yet”. They took a quick glance but they didn’t recognize it and suggested that I comb through the new arrivals section again. I did a second look-through but I still didn’t see it. I assumed someone else got to it before I did, you vicious bastard whoever you are.
I never ever seen a Les Rallize Denudes release in the wild. Those are incredibly scarce outside of Japan. They’re one of those bands of lore which myth became a verified legend because of the internet. I bet that once people discovered them that they started grabbing whatever they could find of theirs. Demand has exceeded supply in their case; more than enough that there couldn’t possibly be anyone else besides myself on this ignoramus island I live on who knows them. Apparently there was. I could imagine that Les Rallize Denudes record didn’t even last a day in the store. Only right before closing was when I was informed by them that someone else did grab it, according to their other co-workers on the phone.
I had only a few minutes to thumb through the small 7” / 45’s bins and came across lots of blank-sleeved singles. No hardcore, no punk, nothing. By then it’s already 5PM. I didn’t have enough time to go through the other larger 7” bins and didn’t even think to thumb through their $2.76 records. I declare myself done and cash out. I didn’t know anyone working there on a first-name basis, nor the kinder older gentleman who tallied up all the things I purchased, but at least he was nice to me and not an arrogant pretentious spiteful scumbag which is considered garden variety on the island. This year’s visit cost me $105.00 and change, which was give or take $2.00 away from my last visit’s purchase. It could’ve been more if I captured that Les Rallize Denude LP. Imagine how proud I might’ve felt if I did. I hand him my card, ran everything through, and I was all good to go.
Then I remembered one more thing: Infinity always has a small candy dish filled with Hershey’s miniatures, Jolly Ranchers, M&M’s, Dum-Dums, and other colorful jollies. No store on the island has one. I look down at the dish to take a piece and there were no more chocolates but plenty of Dum-Dums for the taking. One of their regulars ate all the chocolates before I got to them but I at least got myself a free Infinity badge. Look who’s going to be a little hungry on the way home?
Black Dice: Load Blown 12”sampler
Buzzcocks: Spiral Scratch 12″ EP
Deodato: Very Together LP
Jon Lucien: The Best Of… LP
David Sanborn: Taking Off LP
Spyro Gyra: Morning Dance LP
Hubert Laws: Family LP
Gary Bartz: Love Affair LP
Richie Cole: Keeper Of The Flame LP
George Benson: Blue Benson LP
Deodato: First Cuckoo LP
Lovebug Starski: “House Rocker” 12″
Robert Palmer: “I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On” 12″
Lou Reed: “No Money Down” 12″
Sugarhill Gang: “Sugarhill Groove” b/w “8th Wonder” 12″
Father MC: “Everything’s Gonna’ Be Alright” 12″
Billy Ocean: “Carribean Queen” 12″
Raveonettes, The: In And Out Of Control CD
Metallica: Garage Inc. CD
Zola Jesus: Versions CD
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babiebom · 8 months
Ranking The Doctor Incarnations by How Much I’d Get Along with Them
A/N: my obsession with doctor who is back!!! I’m waiting on the new episodes and it’s actually killing me. I put off watching the last 15 minutes of 13s last episode to wait for the specials then couldn’t hold off on watching all of the specials in my excitement so I have no more media to rely on:( ALSO this is nuwho I explain it every doctor who post bc I feel like it needs to be said that I still haven’t watched classic who.
Tw:some cursing, some sexual mentions, some bullying lmao
Wc:its rankings and headcanons idfk babes
Doctor Who Masterlist
This is going to go from who I’d get along with most to least <3
1) Eleven
Okay so he wasn’t my first doctor or the doctor I started liking the show for
That was nine <3
But when I do daydream about being the doctors companion he is the one that becomes the default in my mind
Like I think I’d get along with him the most
I have no idea why it’s just if I’m daydreaming he is the one whose arms I run into
He’s the one I’m fighting for
And it might sound insane but I just know in my heart that if I had to be a companion of any of the doctors I’d be his.
I also do think that there would be a romantic aspect but it would be because I’d have a big honkin crush on him and I’d bully him for it
Like EWWWWW him? He has cooties. Weird alien cooties that I don’t want on me HMPH.
He just seems sweet and chaotic and the most fun to be around
I also think he would dance around the console room with me.
Like we’d be absolute fools together I think we would give ten x rose vibes like not the romance just the comfortable vibe between the two (and maybe romance if he likes me <3)
2) Fifteen
I know he’s new
He gives off bestie vibes
And I know with his whole “luck and coincidences are a new language that I’m learning” thing
Sorry I forgot exactly what he says and I’m writing this while watching another show
Is right up my alley
Like YES
This is chaos and it’s fun and he already seems more….relatable?
Maybe it’s the tism
But like he’s who I would want to go on an adventure on.
Like oopsies my bad forgot we were on The same team in this game
Lemme just casually get trapped in a giant snowman balloon thing(I forgot what they’re called)
Then tell the police that it’s literally fine and that I’m busy
It would be VERY fun to be with him based on what I’ve seen
Would also dance around the console room with me
I think we’d get along greatly when it comes to the silly things
But with the more serious things I think we’d have a falling out
Because unlike the other companions I am not here to make you better
I will make you worse
Like when Rose stopped him from killing that Dalek in the beginning
I would been like 👀 okay you killing him or not. That beef has nothing to do with me I won’t stop you from getting revenge
Mostly bc I am the type of person that believes in revenge instead of “being the better person”
Like letting them go means letting them continue causing mayhem
Like not to get off topic but Batman annoys me bc why arrest the joker or the penguin again and again and again
When you could literally save tons of people by getting rid of them
Would probably be mad at me after like “now why tf would you let me do that????”
“Idk you wanted to so??????”
Maybe I would make him a softer person but overall I’m just along for the ride like brother YOU know everything I am just here
I love him with all my heart
But he would piss me off
Like we would get along
But if there’s any feelings involved he would just make this insufferable if he doesn’t like me enough to stop comparing me to rose
I am a tenmartha believer fight me
Don’t fight me I’ll cry
But like he sorta seems kinda….thoughtless when it comes to poc and it’s not in a purposefully offensive way but like I said it’s thoughtless
If it’s a world where rose didn’t exist, or she didn’t impact him like she did I feel like he would be sweeter
But also more of a fuck boy
I do think he has romantic compatibility with almost everyone so again that would be a problem or fine depending on how he reacts
That’s why he’s this low because I feel like it GREATLY depends on his moods and it’s sorta unpredictable for me.
She kinda had a “I know everything and you know nothing” attitude that I didn’t enjoy
And that would make us have a big falling out because while I am the type of person to follow almost mindlessly
I hate it when people speak to me as if I’m dumb it’s one of my pet peeves
But other than that I think we’d get along fine
Like I feel like it would be mostly fun with her other than the “im better than you” thing she has going on
Like I feel like getting to see Rosa parks
And the one where they go to the vacation planet
And the whole competition that was the first like travel thing
Like while I didn’t like the writing of the episodes that much I thought it looked really fun!!
She would be fun to be around especially with her awkwardness
Like I feel like how socially awkward she is makes everything better because it would be me and her traveling and neither one of us understand social cues properly
Like EVERYONE is gonna be uncomfortable
Super funny
While I LOVVVVVVVE twelve with all my heart
I do not think he would be fond of me
Like he likes people that ask the right questions like Clara and Bill are VERY intelligent and curious and clever people
And I’m not
So I think he wouldn’t really enjoy my presence
Like the others could get over my personality
I feel like he would be unable to
Like he’d find me boring and uninteresting and maybe not unworthy of his time but he wouldn’t find traveling with me fun
He’d be like “wHY do you NOT ask the important things??????”
I would also fall in love with him and he’d be like “oh….no…..no thank you…...”
Is literally just ten but sad and old?
But also learning to love himself?
I feel like they’re the same but fourteen is wiser and less self absorbed?
Which means he should probably be higher
But I still have the belief that they are one in the same
So it doesn’t really matter that he’s last because it evens out?
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
Can you talk about how Scott's dancing changed when VM moved to IAM from Canton?
I sure can!!
I’ve wanted to do a post for so long about more generally how they changed during the comeback bc I think it’s so fascinating. But I’ll focus on this part of it for now.
This is just my feelings and speculation and thoughts on what they’ve said so don’t take any of this as pure fact.
Comparing environments: Canton/MTL
I can only make presumptions on the training environment in Canton based on limited footage (I take the stupid show with about 15 grains of salt) but it just feels like there was less of a safe environment to explore and create- for them at least with the intimate nature of their chemistry and storytelling, it seemed very technical and competitive (in a way that wasn’t the most conductive for creative expression in the way MTL was). A number of things may have contributed to this; them being younger and growing up in that environment from juniors to seniors- so not being the top team when they arrived, (coming to MTL, even being away from comps 2 years it was like ‘the goats’ have arrived and they got to contribute immensely to that being a really positive and creative environment pushing everyone to be their best). The coaching style in Canton (they’ve said M+I were strict.. Russians so its on par), a lot of teams were training there but also it seems other skaters as well from other disciplines, their perspective through that 10-14 quad, T’s injuries,having to prioritise her health, etc. Also with different training environments often you don’t know that there is better or something that is better suited to you out there till you leave your current school, so I’m sure for a long time they were really happy and felt they were thriving.. until they weren’t and often you realise too late.. (they have kinda talked about that in their book. From Tessa.. it’s quite confronting to hear her say that she really didn’t want to go for the 2014 games at one point because she had lost almost all faith in Marina.. desperately want more info on all of that). With Marie and Patch now it was so obvious what a safe and nurturing little circle of trust they had with them (literally their circle of trust at every comp) and when Tessa says when they came back they wanted to be with people who truly loved them.. i think that shows. They could go out and do what they loved together and the people they would see immediately before and after they knew loved them, that would give him (both of them)…. that matters a lot when you are putting your heart on the line. TS do that for each other, but knowing they had people who would loved them no matter what supporting and encouraging their vulnerability would’ve meant everything to them, Scott getting very choked up at his hometown star speech talking to Patch about how much he had done for him.. i think that tells you everything about the role model and male confidant Scott needed and forget dance but just as a person he evolved so much.
Skating style and gender roles
With the comeback them moving away from more traditional in hold skating a bit as well as more traditional ice dance styles (ballroom) there was much more space for them to explore movement both together and apart in complementary to each other. He was always fabulous in that leading man role throughout.. really all their programs, probably Pink Floyd being an obvious exemption and to an extent Carmen (but largely still that male/female dynamic with a lot of in-hold partnering) but in their comeback programs (latch/prince) it wasn’t so much reliant on the fact they were male and female, they were just two people dancing, which allowed them to really explore how they can convey a relationship that isn’t constrained by gender identity for the necessity of the story. I’m sure it was scary for him, having always grown up dancing next to Tessa and being compared to her, the thing with traditional styles is you are dancing with each other, not so much next to each other, so now really choreographically and as adults exploring that.. still always dancing WITH each other but choreographically more separate-and not always unison moments. He just seemed more relaxed, I don’t want to say he was self conscious before the comeback but there was just a slight more stiffness in him in the canton days, where as comeback it felt as though he (both of them actually) were just freely moving. On the matter. Of gender roles, i don’t know if this was something they considered/discussed/wanted to explore in especially Latch, but I love watching it that way. Latch is so obviously their story- their actual story told as so emotionally raw with incredibly painful moments as well as jubilation. None of that in the abstract way they are telling it relies on the fact they are opposite genders- it is just about two humans who need each other and have gone through everything together. Only choreographically in the sense of lifts does it become occupationally obvious it is a man and a woman. Whether they ever did explore that (not literally exploring gender fluidity but unlike FF or MR or SFTD where the relationship they where portraying was a heterosexual one, the emotions in Latch are genderless).. anyway,, thats for another post.
Becoming the dancers they always wanted to be
In Canton, specifically after 2010 they’ve said they felt they had to be the team everyone wanted them to be but now in MTL they could just be themselves, their true, pure emotions were able to come through their movement rather than trying to fit a mould, which is ironic since IAM started developing a bit of a mould and style which makes it hard for teams to differentiate themselves- but even if VM were skating now I don’t think that would happen to them, they stood out no matter what even with compulsories.
Dance training
The way they have discussed their training in MTL it seams they weren’t doing as much ballet - i can’t recall them saying they did but i’m sure they did do some occasionally, instead they were working with Sam a lot with hip hop through their pro career pre-comeback and as they returned, during 2017/18 they worked with their ballroom person (Gigi?), then I’m sure there was some contemporary in there as well.. i know we all like to keep record of everything they’ve shared (on socials) and think thats exactly all that happens but theres A LOT that they didn’t share (how could they possibly share all of it) so just because we didn’t see stuff.. they worked 6 days a week about 11 months a year they can’t share everything so the record painted on social media is not a comprehensive one. I don’t know their full training schedule obviously but all these things would be in there and be essential to them. Then of course intense gym training, Pilates etc.. if they were doing less ballet, pilaties is essentially the next best thing- it works a lot of the same muscles and is specifically a form of exercise that lengthens your body which is what makes great dancers when they are so strong but their lines are to die for (literally ALL -BOTH their lines in Moulin Rogue at the Olys). (I wouldn’t be surprised if Scott ended up doing a lot of Pilates leading up to the olys with the way his lines were perfected).
(Sorry i’ve kinda been talking abut them more generally rather than just Scott but it’s so hard when they are so intwined with each other- i see them as one).
Mental approach and comeback psychology
More than anything though their mindset they took into their comeback was the biggest thing. I know, that shouldn’t have much to do with how his dance ability/style changed.. but its incredibly important. That comeback trailer is incredible because its really them marking their return to the ID world: and under no uncertain terms will they do anything that doesn’t. 100% come from their hearts. “This time its going to be for Us”.. that is everything to me. That is such a powerful and liberating statement. They will only be dancing for themselves and each other. Once you let go of the idea that you ‘should’ do this for someone else or for some other reason that doesn’t align with your values, you dance lighter and with less tension. Thats why they thrived- because while they were dong this for each other, it wasn’t because they felt they ‘should’ be doing it. T’s injures in 2009/2010 essentially left her as having to keep fighting for Scott, she didn’t really have a choice- she didn’t give herself that choice, even though she wanted it just as much..there was a matter of having to do it despite the pain she was in. Now… one of the most powerful things about their partnership is they didn’t have to worry so much about wanting it for themselves, looking after themselves in that respect, because they are doing that whole heartedly for each other- they were protecting and nurturing each other’s dreams, so even on the hardest days.. when they may not have the power to do it for themselves, they will always do it for each other. 😭😭😭
Specific dance notes
I don’t know if he could’ve done Prince anytime before the comeback. I think he needed that freedom to shake off his exquisite ballroom/leading man/Fred Astire-esk persona he always had through all their previous competitive programs so he could really just groove and let go, while of course maintaining beautiful posture, charisma, and being the best partner in the world. Latch I would say some of his arm lines could’ve been better. I will forever be mad at him for always rolling the sleeves up on his costume because it made him look like he was wearing a boys’ ballet exam unitard with half sleeves. At the first two competitions i felt his arm lines were much better but it might have been the full length sleeves. He could’ve stretched though his hands a bit more, this was the same pre-comeback for a while he would often hold tension in his hands (go watch Valse Triste at 2007 worlds and MR olys and watch his beautiful balletic hand lines.. in between these times they sometimes got a bit unfinished) either in a tight almost fist position or sometimes too energised in a splade-finger/jazz hands position. Its very hard to see from a distance but its those small things i pick up on. This remained both throughout MR until really Nationals and then the olys his hands were STUNNING.. i don’t know what he did to fix it but omg just about any picture from the olys THAT MAN HAS THE EXTENSIONS OF A BALLERINA AND I LOVE HIM FOR THAT!! (Sometimes i thought i could see at the boards as he often did his lil bouncy squat warm up, Marie gently placing her hands on top of his and idk but i can just picture her working tirelessly with him getting to release the tension in his hands.. i like the thought of that so i’m gonna go with it). I also found he had a bit of tension in his posture through the comeback year that (almost) immediately went away by their return for the oly season. I put this down to an obvious change in his physicality- he became more broad and muscular in his back- before this he always had a more petite frame. Just that change and getting use to dancing with a different figure can take time- this may have contributed to his shaky twizzles in 16/17. It wasn’t anything bad but just between 16/17 and 17/18 it was something i noticed. His acting had always been exquisite.. really from Funny Face onwards. I will defend that program till my dying day it did wonders for both of them but especially him- where Carmen was T’s break out role Funny Face was his. From there on every heavily characterised program (Carmen, DALD, MR) he was spectacular. I love at GPF 2013 after the SD the besp uncles say ‘you could take him straight to HollyWood’ becuase he is so natural and genuine and never once distracts from Tessa. That kind of performance confidence he carried through every single program they ever did after that. Latch isn’t a program you would say is a “acting” heavy program.. but the emotion he exudes both through movement and expressively legitimately makes me cry. I can’t help myself i bring it up every time but the outside stuff he was dealing with that season.. I don’t know if he did or not but using that deep emotion in their performances.. inevitably, he is such a beautifully emotionally available person i’m sure it was there a bit, and although it was awful for him (and Tessa did such a wonderful job of looking after him), took Latch from a stunning, modern free dance to a heart achingly beautiful human experience playing out on an ice rink. That kind of connection with deep, real emotion i feel was his moment of release of any, even unconsciously self imposed constraints he had on himself as a dancer. He took that through next season to MR and… i mean he is undoubtably one of the most exquisite male performers (specifically dancers) i have ever seen.
So more and more, at this highest of high levels they reached by the end but were always at compared to the rest of the field since they won in 2010 (i will confidently argue watching worlds 2007, they have best performance and pure dance quality of any team there- doesn’t mean they should’ve won, but their burning talent was clear as day, they just had to wait for everyone else to realise it and the scoring to catch up to them), their technique they trained so hard for everyday and were never satisfied, that was brilliant, they are brilliant dancers. Specifically brilliant ice dancers- off ice is very different because their lower bodies are trained to do completely different coordination/steps on the ice. So no i would not be throwing them onstage with the Royal Ballet corps, but in their own right, in their own unique way they are incredible and the best in their SPORT. They both improved immensely through every stage of their career but for Scott especially, the sweet little darling just wanted to always do his best for his best friend and never let her down. He wanted to be the best partner he could for her. Dance was not something he trained specifically for at a young age like T had so that was his thing to work 10 times as hard at.. probably as he would say just to not look bad next to her, but in his own way became this stunning artist who had a way with expressing movement that moved you like nothing else.. i hope he knows how special he is in that respect.
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pub-lius · 2 years
Martha Washington for richie my beloved menace <3
sorry this is late, but we're in the final stretch of this where it's my Main Focuses (washington, lafayette, burr, and hamilton), so these posts are going to be a bit more separated and in multiple posts bc i just have so much information on them. all my sources for the Washingtons come from Mount Vernon and the Washington papers, other information comes from an assortment of biographies. anyway, enjoy these old white people @thereallvrb0y <3
Born as Martha Dandridge on June 2, 1731 at Chestnut Grove Plantation in New Kent County, Virginia, Martha was the eldest of eight children of John Dandridge and Frances Jones. John immigrated to America in 1714 and was the son of an English craftsman. Frances was the daughter of a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. They got married in 1730 when Frances was 20 and John was 30 because all these men were creeps. John was a moderately successful planter, and came to enslave 15-20 people. Their family belonged to minor local gentry, so while not in the Virginia aristocracy as I like to call it, they were still known and respected.
Martha received a typical female education in housekeeping, religion, reading, writing, music, and dancing. She grew to be about five feet tall with brown hair and either brown or hazel eyes.
In her late teens, Daniel Parke Custis thought she was hot, and it was totally fine that he was 20 years older than her because he was a very eligible bachelor. No, like actually really eligible as in rich, because he was so rich that his dad didn't want him to marry Martha because she wasn't rich enough. But eventually he was "as much enamored with her character as [his son was] with her person." Creepy!
But, they didn't ask for my opinion, and got married in May 1750. They had four children, two who died as toddlers. These were Daniel Custis (1751-1754) who probably died of malaria, Frances Custis (1753-1757), John "Jacky" Parke Custis (1754-1781), and Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis (1756-1773). Funny story, their great-grandfather had a condition that only children with the name Parke would receive inheritance, so idk why Daniel and Frances were screwed over since birth, bc that seems a bit prejudiced.
Anyway, they moved into Custis' house called White House (foreshadowing) on the Pamunkey River. Side note, what the fuck is going on with Virginia's rivers and why are they all so... like that??? I guess I can't talk, since I know how to pronounce Natchitoches like it's an everyday term.
The death of Danny boy's dad made him one of the richest men in Virginia. Common Custis W. He exported tobacco and had immense holdings, over 300 enslaved people and over 17,500 acres of land. Get it Martha.
Martha became the mistress of her household, which was a really significant role for any upper class woman in Virginia, but also because women were expected to be "purveyors of sociability". In simple terms, they held the family's shit together. Martha presided over formal dinners, entertained guests, and hosted balls. She also furnished her house with the finest goods to make sure everyone knew how much of a bad bitch she was.
This job also included being the mistress of the enslaved people working in the household. She acted as the overall supervisor of the household which eventually included 12 enslaved people. And she was highkey racist, so fair warning for this quote.
"The Blacks are so bad in their nature that they have not the least grat[i]tude for the kindness that may be shewed to them." -Martha Washington, 1795
What the fuck, Martha??? I'm sure you wouldn't be very happy about your circumstances if you had some entitled white lady being pissy about everything you did all the time.
She never actually expressed her views on slavery, but she didn't question it, so like. yeah she was racist. Also she was really pissed when Ona Judge escaped enslavement, feeling like she was betrayed. Like bitch. Come on. Also she never freed any of the enslaved people who she had the legal ability to.
Oh yeah and she had motherly responsibilities, which is a whole job within itself on top of all the other shit. Luckily, she had experience raising her younger siblings bc yk. Eldest daughter syndrome.
Daniel died on July 8, 1757, and I wouldn't say I'm happy about it but like.................
This death kinda fucked her over. There's no evidence she really liked him that much, but she was left alone at 26 with two children, which really sucks. Other than that, she was popping her pussy bc like. She inherited a third of his property, nearly 300 enslaved people, over 17,500 acres of land and over £40,000 so.
She couldn't legally free or sell those enslaved people because they were already "owned" by the next generation (the whole legal aspect of this bullshit is so uselessly complicated, that's all you need to know to understand). Daniel didn't leave a will, so she was the executioner of his estate. When she died, the estate would automatically transfer to her descendants.
This gave her almost all the legal rights of a man. She could buy and sell property, make contracts, and be sued in court. However, she still considered financial matters to be a man's concern EVEN THOUGH SHE GIRLBOSSED THROUGH IT HERSELF whatever. She likely hoped for another relationship for companionship and also children. Missed opportunity.
Her status as a super fucking rich widow became known and a bunch of dudes wanted in on the marthussy (that is a direct quote from my notes and i just though you had to see that). Annnnnyway, because she didn't have a need for a financial advantage, it would be a love match.
Convenient! She met this dude named George Washington. He's pretty underground, but you might have heard of him.
He was traveling to Williamsburg in March 1758 during a break in the French and Indian War. We don't know when their first meeting was, but it could have been while Daniel was alive because they had mutual friends. Scandalous.
Washington paid a visit to her house on March 16, 1758, and left a generous tip to her enslaved household workers, probably to impress her. Fucking nerd. He visited again on the 25th, then returned to war like a real man.
However, they began to plan a future together within months. Washington started renovating Mount Vernon, and Martha made an order for wedding finery. They were both such dorks.
She trusted and loved George quickly, which is shown by the fact that, although some widows wrote contracts protecting their assets, Martha didn't. Washington would have use of her portion of land inherited from her previous husband until it was passed down to the Custis heirs, and he would also become her children's legal guardian, and she just trusted him with all that.
At the end of 1758, Washington resigned from the military, and on January 6, 1759, they got married at their new home in New Kent County.
They lived 16 years at Mount Vernon, referred to as "the golden years". They had no children of their own, but raised Jacky and Patsy, and lived typical Virginian planter lives. George oversaw lands and business while being involved in politics and society, while Martha supervised the education of the children, domestic operations, and the whole mistress of the household thing. She also oversaw the making of textiles and production of clothing for the entire household. These were pretty typical gender roles for the time.
The golden years ended with the death of Patsy from an epileptic seizure in the summer of 1773 at the age of 17. More information about the Custis kids and their deaths in this ask.
Martha strongly supported the Revolutionary War, and had a wild ride during it. She traveled all over the country to spend time with George at his winter encampments every year of the six that Washington served as Commander-in-Chief. She now had another role as a public figure and a figure of the Revolution.
She ended up being with him for almost half of the Revolution, and Washington regarded her presence as essential as she boosted morale across the Continental Army. Washington even sought reimbursement from Congress for her traveling expenses.
While at camp, she entertained visiting diplomats and officers' wives, assisted with secretarial duties, even being considered a part of Washington's staff. She was Washington's closest confidant.
She also made efforts to improve the lives of soldiers. She became the public face of a campaign to raise money for supplies in 1780, and was a symbol of the American people.
The Revolution ended in her life when Washington came home at the end of the war to have Christmas dinner with his wife.
They were chillin at Mount Vernon for six years after the war, raising their two grandchildren, this time paralleling the golden years. The main difference was the fact that Washington was an international celebrity, and they hosted hundreds of guests each year from around the world, dramatically increasing Martha's workload.
Then they fucking elected Washington as the president after the whole Constitution thing, and Martha was Reasonably Pissed.
She left Mount Vernon on May 16th with Washington's punk ass nephew and their grandchildren. The trip sucked and everything went to shit. They had bad horses, a broken carriage, and a shitty boat ride. They went through parades and receptions, and the kids learned social skills, but Martha was fucking exhausted.
Like her husband, she took criticism personally during his administration. However, the most important thing to her was having good entertainment as the first lady. She initiated weekly receptions on Friday evenings, receiving congressmen, dignitaries, and local community members at the President's House. Critics, however, complained that these events were too aristocratic, but they served as a sign that the new government would be close to the people. Washington also held events, but Martha's were more diverse.
Martha grew more comfortable in her role when the capital moved to Philadelphia in 1791. Her longing to return home was highlighted by the second fucking term. They eventually did go home in March 1797.
George only lived for two years after retiring, leaving Martha as a devastated widow. She burned 40 years of correspondence between them in order to preserve their privacy.
Martha died of illness on May 22, 1802 at her home, surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
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parfaitfever · 1 year
idk if im ever gonna finish this so i'll js post it right now lmk if u want me 2 continue :3
what if project sekai x aikatsu collaboration is real??????
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okay so ujm my head keeps thinking what if a pjsk x aikatsu collab happen like what songs they would cover and possible cards, sooo i decided to make this little kinda "what if" post! I will imagine what songs units will cover, possible duets and more!!! (also note im just doing ogkatsu ichigo-akari gen cuz i havent rly watched much of the others, plus im most familiar with ogkatsu)
Lets start with imagining this collab is a big collab, and it has cards featuring aikatsu characters and all (i will explain this at the end of the music discussion!) its such a big collab that it lasts two weeks or perhaps two events (one for ichigo gen, and the other for akari gen maybe) which means there should be 10 collab cards, three gacha cards and two event cards for each event (the usual pjsk 2* will be replaced with a 3*) as for the songs, lets say each unit release 1 unit cover, 1 unit duet and 5 cross duet with unique characters which means 15 songs!!! and there might be dupe songs where it appears in 2 units or more... thats just be struggling to decide who should cover it lols
music discussion!!
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before i start doing the music let me tell you how it works! I will seperate the covers into 3 categories: Unit cover, a song sang by the unit (no vocaloids). Unit duet, 1-2 from the same unit sings together with the original singer of the song, ex: minori x akari with song A or minori, haruka x akari, sumire with song B. And lastly crossover duet/crossduets! Its a duet between 2 characters from a different unit with the original singer of the song, something like the cup noodle collab songs that was sung by the siblings from different units! ex: mafuyu, emu x yurika, kaede with song C. I will mostly pay attention to how the songs fits the characters/units aesthetic and how much their voice match the song! I wont be basing them off the lyrics much though. i will be listing 3 possible songs for unitcover and unitduet, while the crossduet will most likely be random thoughts. Now lets start :3
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Unit Cover:
1. Hirari/Hitori/Kirari (originally by STAR✩ANIS)
ok i know it doesnt fit much of the band vibes but it still works so well because the song itself feels so sparkly and starry which feels so leoni
2. Friend (originally by 2WingS)
its literally titled friend pkeas aeugh aehk chokes and dies
3. Idol Activity! Rock ver. (Originally by Otoshiro Seira)
Idol activity rock ver is a MUST and its gonna be leonis best cover cuz i can hear ichikas voice echoing, singing this song
Unit duets:
1. Sweet Sp!ce sang by Saki, Shiho x 2WingS (originally by 2WingS)
LISTEN. LISTEN. looking for possible covers for leoni is super hard but THIS. THIS. THIS!!!!
2. Signalize! sang by Honami, Ichika x Soleil (originally by Soleil)
i am runnig oit of ideas for leoni....
3. Kindan Hide & Seek sang by Shiho, Honami x Yurika, Seira, Sumire (originally by Yurika, Seira, Sumire)
photokatsu songs would probably the least likely ones
More more jump!
i have so much ideas for this cuz this is the core inspo/reason for me to make this especially how minori is so much like akari
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Unit cover:
1. Let's Aikatsu! (originally sang by Luminas)
ITS LITERALLY LETS AIKATSU. GUYS GUSYY I CAN IMAGINE THEM DANCING ON STAGE SINGING "kimi ni smile ashite ni yume... aikatsu shiyo ... ready go!"
2. SHINING LINE* (originally by soleil)
imawatashi tachi no tsunaguu muneno naka ... kirameku lineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dum durum dum durum dumdurururum i love this somuch it fits the idol theme so well
3. Calendar girl (originallyy by soleil)
unit cover honorable mentions!
fashion check
shining sky on the g string
good morning my dream
Unit duets:
1. Prism spiral sang by Shizuku, Haruka x Aoi (originally by Aoi)
the blues all together !! cant wait to see them walk on the runway
2. START DASH SENSATION Minori x akari (originally by akari)
what? do i need to elaborate????????? guys. guys ITS LITERALLY *sighs* please understand me its them .. theyre the same /pos bro bro imagine them talking about haruka/ichigo hoky shit!!!!!!!!!! theyre besties i say so
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faerune · 2 years
10, 14, 15, 37, 48 + leon & cassie ❤️
Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together? The two of them both like the same music and I can see the pair of them going to concerts together in their free time! Honestly, one of their first dates is probably going to see a band they like. The two of them both like to read, just different things most of the time. Cassie loves history books and Leon, bless him, he tries his best but they make him fall asleep lmaooo. Leon likes to cook, Cassie likes to provide moral support to him (read: sneaking tastes and sitting on counters looking cute) while he cooks so that's another way they spend time together!
I have to mention that Leon loves working out and Cassie hates it so much they 100% have an exchange ala Chris and Anne from Parks & Rec of "You had me jogging. I was healthy but god at what cost?"
Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection? The pair of them like a little bit of moderate PDA! They like to hold hands, kiss each other on the cheeks and forehead but they keep it lowkey during the time they're working together because...that's a big nono and they'd rather no one know so it can't be held over their heads. They're big huggers too (Cassie gives the best tightest hugs) and Leon always gives her a lil lift up cause she's so short.
What songs remind you of their relationship?
Hoodie by Hey Violet is a great post break-up Leon x Cassie.
I'm still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep I kept the broken zipper and cigarette burns Still rocking your hoodie, baby, even though it hurts
I Follow You Into The Dark by Deathcab for Cutie makes me EMO
Love of mine, someday you will die But I'll be close behind, I'll follow you into the dark No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark
sHe by ZAYN for a more fluffy palate cleanser
She puts her mouth round the cigarette I put it out 'cause she likes that She always dance when it's raining Hey, when's it startin', baby? She looks at me like she's waiting
Also their whole playlist can be found here :3c
Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often? Cassie probably is more emotionally sensitive/cries more. She cries from anger, sadness, happiness. She's just a very passionate and emotional person. Leon slowly becomes more closed off emotionally through the years which is...sad but Cassie is such an open person (whether she wants to be or not) that it encourages him to share his feelings to her at least. Most of the time. Losing his team prior to Vendetta and then not telling Cassie because he doesn't wanna weigh her down along with their family is a big ok stupid Leon moment.
Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not? Yes! A year or two into their first go at a relationship they talk about marriage and kids. It's a no brainer for them they really adore each other but there's just never a right time. Plus, they're very young at that time! So by four years of being together, they thankfully do not have any kids when they break up.
When they get back together, Cassie bluntly is like k when are you asking me to marry you and Leon is like BET. They waste no time because they've wasted SO MUCH time.
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timeandspacelord · 2 years
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209 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Y'know, putting aside the potential a-/acephobic reasons, and the "not relying on overused romance tropes/shortcuts" reasons, I think one of the big reasons (that I haven't really seen talked about?) that Good Omens gets accused of queerbaiting is that it's basically the story of an existing relationship. It's not the story of how Aziraphale and Crowley fall in love, or admit that they're in love, or whatever that people tend to expect out of romance stories these days, at least, not in the traditional sense. Yes, technically we get to see their relationship develop and we do get to see them realizing and admitting to themselves that they are in love and that the other loves them back, but that's not really the main focus the way it is in a lot of stories where romance is involved. There's no "will they/won't they" drama, there's no big confession or relationship-affirming kiss or anything, because they've been in a developing relationship for nearly all of 6000 years. That's like, literally what the Arrangement is. It's their relationship, their "basically married", their "involved", their "together but we can't say it outright bc people are watching and also we don't wanna screw it up". And people aren't used to seeing that in stories about relationships (seriously, find me one example of a story where the main, endgame couple is together at the beginning and the plot doesn't revolve entirely around them having issues that they need to work out. Hollywood/the publishing industry is allergic to writing about healthy relationships that stay healthy and in tact and exist after they get together). So when they see Neil Gaiman say "it's a love story" they expect the story of Azi and Crowley falling in love and finally admitting it to themselves and each other and having a big climactic kiss to seal the deal. And when they get a couple who is basically married in everything but name, who have been together for 6000 years but have had to be so so careful and dance around their feelings bc ~bureaucracy~, who don't need a big kiss at the end, just a loving, tender look because they can finally relax and be in love together... it doesn't feel like enough to them. They were so busy looking for the "getting together" plot that isn't really there that they missed the love story that was there. Which is a shame honestly, because it really is an excellent love story. There's enemies to lovers and mutual pining and almost a sort of courtly love situation going on and it's excellent. And people don't see it because it's not what they were looking for.
15,110 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
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stanleywbaxton · 2 years
Adventures in Alternative Fashion: The Chavs At Warrington Central
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I don't dress normally.
This isn't something I say out of some need to fish for sympathy. When I'm going somewhere where I care about how I look, I dress head to toe in clothing part of, or adjacent to, the Japanese street fashion style known as 'ouji'. Go look that up for an idea what I look like. One of my favourite descriptions of this I've received was "A 19th century vampire who just discovered what punk is."
So, 'I don't dress normally' is a simple and unshakable fact.
This story takes place on a day I went out for a game dev meet. When I have an event straight after work, I'll go to the office in full regalia instead of the jeans and jumpers I usually wear on casual days. My coworkers, by now, are used to it. I got a lot of compliments on my first couple rounds with it, and nowadays get nods and smiles as my Tripp pants make the kind of noise only emulated by someone trying to walk 15 dogs simultaneously.
"Ah," they probably think, "there's this fucker again."
I really liked what I put together that day, even though the outfit itself was relatively simple. For the style I dress in, at least. Black Roland jacket and my go-to blouse and tie. Black jeans and knee-high laced boots. What I really needed was more jewellery. That would elevate my co-ords, I thought, and posted a picture with caption to some group chats.
That too was rare for me. Most of the time I dress up, look in the mirror, satisfied, and go about my day forgetting I look like this until I'm in the middle of Tesco needing to grab a pint of milk. I was feeling it that day.
I believe this encounter was God's lesson for my vanity.
The meet itself was typical and had no bearing on the encounter. Caught up with some people I'd spoken to before. Got sensory overload and had a breakdown in the bathroom. Returned like nothing had happened and got some CEO's email. The usual.
Warrington has two train stations. Central to get to Liverpool or Manchester, and Bank Quay to fast track to the rest of the country. Between this and the intersection of the M6 and M62 it's a town designed to get out of it as soon as humanly possible.
I'm at Central, as you have assumed from the title, waiting on platform 1. 10pm on a Thursday night, which should adequately set the scene. I'm sat on a bench reading a book on my phone. I forget what. It doesn't matter.
There's a guy sat next to me, who under normal circumstances I wouldn't have given anything more than a second glance to. He's wrapping up a video call with who I assume to be his family, in a language I don't catch. 
I then see two kids walking up the platform. They command it with the exact energy and confidence of 20 year-long career actors on opening night; the world was that platform.
These, my dear reader, are our titular protagonists. Eventually they walk up to me.
Now, when I say "walk up to me", I mean in the specific way that chavs do. You know the way, where walking straight takes several detours that involve kicking at random items on the ground and flailing the arms about in random directions. Never able to stand still, like the floor is covered in fire ants.
This introductory dance is performed, and the chav turns to me:
"Are you a horse rider?"
This was a new one. I've had many descriptions people have used while I'm kitted out. Some of them are genuine questions, some of them light-hearted digs, and others serious attempts to get me, someone who thinks he's never looked hotter while dressed as Dracula's gayer cousin, to be embarrassed that I look like this, and all I find equally hilarious.
"No," I say.
"You don't ride horses? You just look like that?"
The bluntness of my answers is deliberate. I knew how best to deal with an encounter with a chav. Be curt, but not confrontational, and give as few things to pick apart as possible so you can leave the conversation with haste. Preferably, physically.
Leaving wasn't an option. Standing from the bench would have caused a stir, and walking to the other end of the platform would have just made the fruit flies follow the fruit. I could deal with this for the next 10 minutes until the train gets here, I thought. I'd been through worse.
The second chav, a girl, starts chastising the first. Saying how you can't just ask someone why they look like that. Her protests are rebuked, and the chav turns to the man next to me, and cracks out this line:
"If I said you looked like a drug dealer, yeah, with that jacket, you wouldn't be offended would you?"
I feel it's now relevant to mention this guy was Middle Eastern.
He doesn't understand what the chav means by this. I still wonder if that was for better or worse.
A part of me jumped up and wanted to call this out on being blatantly racist, which I unfortunately had to suppress; I was alone and in no position to get into a physical fight, should it escalate. Because what a teenager falls short for in being a teenager, it makes up for in being a teenager.
Then the chav turns to me, and smiles. Hungry.
"What's your pronouns?"
Now hear me, dear reader. I am used to the Chav. I am used to how they conduct themselves and how to respond. The usual jabs. The usual language. The microcosm of how the United Kingdom is failing a significant number of its population.
I did not, under any sun I know, think the Chav could be trans-inclusionary.
So after a brief pause, I give them. Braced? Here's the second punch: "Ah. I'm she/her."
You might notice, dear dear reader, that I have been deliberately sidestepping her pronouns for the entire duration of this writeup. This was intentional to give you the full neck-snapping whiplash I received at this point.
Yes. I assumed she was a teenage boy, the exact ones who think saying slurs makes them 'hard' and spend all their time bullying the weird kids to crush their own latent homosexuality. You probably assumed that, too.
But then, I think. I see what's happening. We're at the critical point in trans rights, where people are well aware enough of pronouns, and thus aware enough to weaponise them. This was a test. If I used 'she', I would suddenly be met with outcry over how she was obviously a boy. If I used 'he' I would be labelled a transphobe. 'They' would have incited offence at not sticking to the binary, and circling myself back into the trap. It's a perfect catch 22, finely constructed with the exact cruelty only those under the age of 16 can procure.
I would have loved to, at this point, taken her word and been completely content those were her actual pronouns. It's a little like how you hate clocking the woman sitting across from you with the husky voice, experimental leap into lady's fashion, and facial hair ground down to the pore and beyond, with the divine revelation that she would kick your ass in Guilty Gear.
I then notice, the other chav who's with her, is referring to her as she.
There's no irony. No "Fuck off, it was a joke." It was a completely serious address that carried no traces of sarcasm.
Those were her actual pronouns.
My worldview getting obliterated in a blender and chucked into the river Mersey was packed neatly into a box labelled "shit to process in about 10 minutes, when I am sat down in an enclosed space alone, such as a train or perhaps a car".
This happens as they are slinging jokes to each other about neopronouns, of their pronouns being fuck/you and eat/shit.
After this is exhausted, she returns to the outfit. She points at me again and says: "So are you emo, or summat? Is that what you are?"
Two for one, that was also a new one. I have absolutely no traces of emo on me, but I also realise there's a generational gap and vocabulary drift. I grew up during the golden age of emos, however, and in a few years will probably be moaning about how no one is using the word correctly.
"I've been called goth," I say, "but I'm just myself."
A tangent I must get out: at another games meet, there was a small pack—or murder, if we'd like to be accurate—of goths. To me, they were Proper Goths, full black, straps and harnesses, piercings, fishnets; there had to be a collection of at least ten pairs of demonias between them. One of them points to me, delight dawning on her face, and proclaims: "One of us! He's one of us!" It's been one of my favourite interactions I've ever had.
Trying to drive that point home seemed to satisfy her, but she wasn't done with me yet.
I blank out part of the conversation from this point, my mind whirling with what the hell I was witnessing. When I tune back in, I hear this:
"He's got drip. Look at his sneakers; he's got drip."
The man is, again, confused by this. After she waters down the compliment, for lack of a better word, to 'I like your shoes', they fist bump.
This is the point where I think no-one is going to believe me when I tell this story.
After more markov chains with the word 'drip' in them, she turns to me, and frowns.
"You don't have drip," she says, shaking her head. "They didn't have drip in old times."
I have absolutely no comeback for this.
Now, letting this situation ferment weeks later, I still have no comeback for this.
...You know that one tweet?
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That one?
It's not even a joke anymore. I have had this happen to me. Someone asked for my pronouns just to declare that I was dripless.
Satisfied, the two chavs leave the platform. They don't get on a train.
There's something to note here. Central has a ticket gate. That means they either jumped the gate to loiter on the platform for a bit, or paid for a ticket to do that.
I am left in silence. The train is still 10 minutes away.
I'm still unsure if the entire encounter took less than 30 seconds or if I was pulled into a black hole by the sheer weight of its absurdity.
There's no way I feel I can adequately wrap this up. It came and went as soon as a train, and left me utterly stunned with an unshakable need to bring this to written word.
It's also funny to think that I was younger, once, wondering how old people couldn't understand how we worked. And yet here I am, writing about my encounter with Those Damn Kids.
The kids, though, made me think. How my own prejudices and experiences as a child morphed how I perceived them. How, even through their own bizarre language and rituals, they wanted to connect with others in their own ways. And how, in the end, the little tranny with 4 years of experience ended up being the one who got schooled.
Yes, it was clunky. It was dripping with desperation of them trying to be whatever media outlets deem is cool for the Youth™ nowadays. But beyond the act of adolescence, there's a genuine and sincere want, and understanding, to be good to others.
I think the kids are alright.
They're still racist, though.
One victory at a time.
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