#i have never seen Brigerton
curlytrek1701 · 1 year
K so I know this is a trek blog, BUT
I just watched Queen charlotte, and I don't know how to act anymore.
If anyone has book recs with these criteria:
Arranged marriage and/or
Romance with someone dealing with mental illness
In sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, alt history.
Please please please send them in my direction.
Thank you
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deliontower · 11 months
How about a request where Anthony is head over heels for the reader because of her motherly nature. First, he sees how she would play with Daphne’s son, and he just feels how great it’s like to be taken care of (like the reader would take care of him when he’s sick and help him with all the family duties) since all this time he took care of his siblings. The Bridgertons (and Simon) sees how in love Anthony is with the reader and they help with the proposal plan.
falling for ya | a.b
pairing: anthony bridgerton x gn!reader
warnings: none just fluff
word count: 1.2k
a/n: this has took me an embarrassing amount of time to get to but here it is! Anthony being an idiot in love
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The season was over and you had been invited to the Bridgerton country home, Aubrey Hall. At this time in the year it was just the family and close friends. Eloise had invited her close friend, Penelope Featherington. Your invite had come from Benedict, you had met him at the Royal Academy of Art and became fast friends.
Of course you knew that his and your own families wished for an offer, your own mama was sure you’d come home with such news but it wouldn’t happen. He was a friend and nothing more. Besides, you were in love with his older brother.
Over the course of your friendship, you had also grown closer to the other Brigerton siblings, and their own children.
Small giggled laugher followed you, as you ran across the lawn, you turned seeing two small Bassett children running after you on small chubby legs, both holding small play swords. “You’ll never catch me” You declared, waving your own sword in the air.
The laughing increased, as they hit back.
You gave a cry of dismay and carried on running, over by the house, under the refreshment tent, the older siblings sat, the children were off begging Violet for something sweet.
“They’re quite good with them, don't you think?” Daphne asked the others, Simon gave an agreeable nod. Benedict and Colin were too busy in an argument over something unimportant, Eloise and Penelope were discussing the latest Lady Whistledown. 
Anthony though was watching with alarming personal interest, he had never seen you in this light before, you were Benedict’s art friend. Always off with him painting or looking at paintings or discussing paintings. 
Then he saw himself as a young boy, playing with his siblings when he carried the weight of everything on him. He had never blamed them for that, he loved his family with all his heart. But he couldn’t deny how he’d like to be taken care of for once. 
For the first time, he longed to fall ill, nothing series of course, just a head cold or something like that. Where you would sit by his bedside, reading to him and holding a cold cloth to his head. Maybe you’d sit by his bed and draw. 
Just this morning, very early in the morning, he had left the house to have a walk through the gardens and had found you sitting on the wet grass, in your dressing gown and slippers. Coloured pencil spread across the ground around you, on your lap the most beautiful sunrise he had ever seen. 
Anthony felt a blush spread across his neck. 
The day he had first met you, you had been a bundle of nerves. Meeting his family had been the easy part but the head of the household, meant moving up. He had made some comment or joke over dinner and  you laughed and laughed. 
And then there was that time, he had run into you in the park. 
With a cousin, the second you spotted him you beelined for him, leaving your poor cousin to tail behind.
Then at the last ball of the season, his mother had made him dance with you, he believed your mother did the same to you. The whole dance you played a game where he and you would guess what the other couples were discussing and the way you smiled when you had made him laugh.
By god he loved you, he, Anthony Bridgerton, he who swore he’d never love, had fallen in love with you. 
“I give in, I give in” you exhaled, dropping the sword, the children giggled, you picked up a glass of lemonade, “God they can run fast on those little legs”.
The others laughed, Simon seemed to straighten his back with pride, Daphne was looking at Anthony smirking. Someone at the house called your name, “Dear, a letter for you has just arrived”
“It will be from my mama” you roll your eyes, “Better hurry and write something back”. You left the group and thanked Violet. 
The second you had entered the house, Daphne grabbed her brother so fast he jumped, “You’re in love with them, aren’t you! I knew it”.
Anthony blushed harder, failing to speak, Colin and Benedict looked uninterested. Then Anthony realised he was the last to know. Each one of his siblings knew and  just didn’t care enough to tell him. 
After afternoon tea you had found the most puzzling note, attached to your door. Asking you to meet someone in the gardens. 
Across the grass was a blanket and two drawing pads, “Hello?” you called out. As you walked closer you found Anthony waiting, “Anthony?” you asked, kneeling to sit beside him, “What is this?”.
He smiled, handing you a pad and some pencils, “Let’s call it a private art lesson”.
“Why not ask your brother?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t tell him I said this but you’re the better artist”.
A warm feeling spread across your face and down your neck, you flipped open the pad, “Well draw something and we’ll see what needs work”. 
You looked up from your drawing, Anthony was frowning, the pencil working hard, it was sweet you had to admit.
“No no its…..” you gave up, you think he tried to draw a flower, “It’s a start” you smiled. 
“What did you draw?” he asked.
You hadn’t planned on showing him, you didn’t plan on showing everyone, but he was looking at you and waiting and it just felt rude not to. Slowly and feeling more heat all over, you turned the pad around. 
“Is that me?” he asked.
You closed the pad hard, “It means nothing.. You were there and- I” you couldn’t find the right words and felt more flushed as you went on. 
“It’s beautiful, you’re beautiful” 
Your mouth dropped open. 
“I know this may seem like it’s coming out of nowhere but I didn’t know how I felt until now. You see I have felt something for you ever since you laughed at my joke during the first dinner, and then today when I saw you playing with Daphens children it made me see things for how they really are”
Your mouth was still open, his words coming as a complete shock but not unwanted. He was everything you could want, he made you laugh, he talked with you with real interest not the half listening other men did, he was an amazing dancer and now this, trying to do something you loved.
His art was poor but still he had tried for this moment. 
He said your name and you swore your heart skipped. “I- I did not mean to overstep”
“Anthony” you smiled. 
He looked hopeful, “yes?”.
“I think I should be the one saying that” you said, unable to stop grinning. 
You leaped into his arms, he caught you right away. 
Without a second thought you kissed him, falling deeper into love with him. 
After the kiss and the ones that followed, you lay in his arms. “We’ll have to thank everyone, they helped set this up” Anthony said. 
“Benedict will call himself cupid until the end of time” you laughed. 
Anthony linked his hand with yours, “As long as I’m with you, I can face my brother”.
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Can I request a Benedict Bridgerton x female reader? Where the reader slightly older than him?
Only way is up (Benedict Bridgerton x Fem! Reader)
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Author's note: Hiya, this was certainly exciting to write. Please don't hesitate to request more Bridgerton characters. I am going through a difficult time and some of my fanfics will be coming out later than usual.
Summary:You and Benedict have been hiding that you both have been seeing each other for quite awhile until a little birdie has observed to much to keep it a secret from their mama.
Warning(s):Mild Angst, Fluff, somewhat of family drama, author is sleep deprived, more to be added.
The MAIN Masterlist
The Bridgerton Masterlist
You had always known that getting involved with Benedict Brigerton would be a delicate dance. Since you were slightly older than the man. Not just because of the whirlwind of emotions that accompanied every secret smile or the way your heart raced when he touched your hand under the table. No, it was more than that.
Benedict was not just any man; he was a Bridgerton. And being part of the family meant eyes everywhere-keen, watchful, and always curious.
The two of you had been managing so well, too. Hidden glances, stolen moments, rendezvous under the soft cover of night where you could be yourselves. Free from the prying eyes of high society, free to let your hearts roam wild.
But you knew it couldn't last forever.
One morning, as you were making your way back to the little cafe where you often met Benedict, you noticed something off in the air. You couldn't put your finger on it, but something was brewing, and it wasn't just the fresh batch of coffee. Maybe it was the way people were whispering a little more than usual as you passed by. Or the way Lady Whistledown's latest edition spole of secrets to juicy to remain hidden for long.
Later that evening, as you met Benedict in the gardens of the Bridgertons estate, he looked more troubled than you'd even seen him. His usual playful smirk was gone, replaced with a furrowed brow.
"We've been found out," He murmured, taking your hand in his.
You blinked, heart pounding in your chest. "What do you mean?"
"I overheard Eloise talking to my mother. Apparently, someone-some little birdie-saw us together last week. My mother...she knows something is going on. She's been asking questions."
Your breath hitched. The thought of Lady Violet discovering your secret filled you with dread. Benedict's mother was sharp and protective, and if she knew, it wouldn't take long before the entire ton knew as well.
"What are we going to do?" you asked your voice barely above a whisper.
He looked down at you, a soft determination in his eyes. "We're going to be honest, love. I can't hide you any longer. I don't want to."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. You had always known this moment might come, but now that it was here, the weight of it felt heavier than you expected.
"Benedict," you whispered, stepping closer to him, "are you sure? What if your mother...what if she doesn't approve? What if the rumors spread? This could ruin everything for you."
Benedict's grip on your hand tightened as he brought it to his lips, brushing a soft kiss over your knuckles. "Let them talk. I've never cared for society's approval, and I certainly don't care now when it comes to you." His voice was steady, filled with certainly that made the anxious knots in your stomach loosen, if only slightly.
You felt the warmth of his touch calm your racing thoughts, but the fear still lingered. "But your family....they're everything to you. I can't be the reason there's tension between you and your mother. I wouldn't forgive myself."
Benedict's brow softened as he gently places a hand on your cheek, forcing you to look directly into his eyes. "You're not causing any tension. I want this-us. I'm not going to let anyone, not even my mother, stand in the way of that. Besides," he smirked, a playful glint returning to his eyes, "if my mother sees how much you mean to me, she'll come around."
You wanted to believe him, but years of navigating high society had taught you to be cautious. People didn't always react as you expected them to. However, looking into Benedict's eyes, filled with a determination you'd rarely seen in him, you couldn't help but feel as flicker of hope. Maybe...just maybe, things could work out.
"When are we going to tell her?" you asked quietly, a tremor in your voice.
He took a deep breath, pulling you into his embrace, his chin resting on the top of your head. "Tomorrow. I'll as her for tea and explain everything. But you won't have to face her alone-I'll be right by your side." The thought of confronting Lady Violet was daunting, but knowing Benedict would be there with you, facing whatever came, brought a sense of calm you hadn't expected.
You closed your eyes, breathing in the familiar scent of him, and for a moment, everything felt right. There were still uncertainties, still doubts, but for now, you allowed yourself to find comfort in the strength of his arms.
The next day came faster than you anticipated. Benedict had arranged for the tea with his mother, Violet, in the Bridgerton estate's drawing room, a place you had only visited once before under far less nerve-wracking circumstances. You could hardly sleep the night before, your mind playing out ever possible scenario, from her outright rejection to cautious acceptance. But now, there was no turning back.
Benedict stood beside you as you entered the room, his hand gently resting on your back as Lady Bridgerton looked up from her seat by the fire. She greeted you both with a warm smile, but there was an unmistakable glint of curiosity in her eyes, as though she had been anticipating this moment.
"My dear," she began, motioning for you to sit, "it's always a pleasure to see you. Though, I must say, Benedict has been quite mysterious about this tea. I take it there's something important you wish to tell me?"
You exchanged a glance with Benedict, your heart racing in your chest. He nodded reassuringly, and you took a deep breath.
"Lady Bridgerton, there is something we've been meaning to tell you," you began, your voice more steady than you'd expected. "Benedict and I...we've been seeing each other for some time now. We...care deeply for each other."
Violet's eyes flickered from you to Benedict, her smile softening but not quite disappearing. She was silent for a moment, the tension in the room thick as you waited for her response. When she finally spoke, her voice was calm, measured.
"I see," she said slowly, her eyes now firmly on Benedict. "And you've kept this from me for how long, exactly?"
Benedict shifted beside you, but he didn't flinch. "A few months. We didn't mean to keep it from you, Mother, but we wanted to make sure..."
"That this was real," Lady Violet finished for him, her gaze softening as she looked at the two of you. "I understand."
You blinked in surprise. Her calm reaction was not at all what you had expected. She placed her teacup down and looked at you with a tenderness that made your heart swell.
"My dear," she said, turning her attention back to you, "I only have one request."
You nodded, your heart pounding again. "Anything."
"Make my son happy," she said simply. "That's all I ask."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you realized what she was saying. Lady Violet Bridgerton was giving her blessing.
Benedict beamed beside you, and as he took your hand in his, you knew that the hardest part was behind you. There would still be challenges, still whispers and judgement from society, but with Benedict by your side and his mother's approval, you felt ready to face whatever came next.
Just as you began to relax in the warmth of Lady Violet's approval, a small voice from the doorway caught your attention.
"I knew it!" chirped Hyacinth, Benedict's youngest sister, standing with her hands on her hips and a triumphant smirk on her face. She skipped into the room, eyes gleaming with mischief.
Benedict groaned, rubbing his temples. "Hyacinth..."
"You two were awful at hiding it, you know," she continued, completely ignoring her brother's exasperation. "I saw you sneaking out of the garden together last week, holding hands. And don't even get me started on that longing look at dinner last month!"
You exchanged a nervous glance with Benedict, but Violet chuckled softly. "Hyacinth, you've certainly inherited your siblings' knack for observation."
Hyacinth beamed proudly. "I should write to Lady Whistledown about it!" she teased, before darting off as quickly as she'd arrived, leaving both you and Benedict shaking your heads in disbelief.
"Remind me never to underestimate her again," you whispered, trying not to laugh.
Benedict sighed, pulling you close again. "Welcome to the family, love."
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lowkey-luxe · 4 months
Brigerton S1 Polin Rewatch
okay so I decided to rewatch Bridgerton bc I literally cannot get enough of polin, but I'm skipping most scenes that don't include pen or colin, this is S1. I'm just pointing out what catches my eye be it romantic or showing character. ❤️ will be something I think is related to polin. p.s. I have not read any of the books and I may put some speculation on meanings.
Pen calls her mother tasteless and tacless as LW, lmao
❤️when leaving the home, Eloise says hi to Pen across the st. and Colin looks over afterwards
❤️Colin stares at Penelope when she is presented to the Queen
LW says she doesn't like the alphabetical naming, and Portia calls LW out on writing a lot about the bridgertons
❤️Pen stares at Colin as he dances w/ another girl
Pen seems happy when Marina receives callers, I mean listen to LW dialogue about her
Portia tells them^ to bid farewell to "even Penelope" - she thinks of her at the bottom of her daughters
❤️Colin ignores Pen's sisters saying goodbye and goes straight to her to crack a joke, no nodding or curtsy or anything
❤️ Colin walks up to Pen at a ball, this time they do curtsy bc it's in society, she tries to get him to notice her dress but he says nothing (bc of Cressida)
❤️Colin denies Cressida a dance and takes Pen in front of her - Pen's first dance!
Colin is a jokesterrrr (first about Daphne's dress and then about "sticks")
Pen is the only one to go and check on Marina - she cares
Pen thought pregnancy came from cake, lmaooooo
Pen knows how to twist her words to please her mother
Pen is such a romanticccc and you can see it w/ Marina's situation
Pen goes to try to help Marina like Eloise tried w/ Daphne when Nigel was calling
Pen even offers to stay in for Marina
my boy Mr. Finch's first appearance! and later they flirt about cheese MY HEART - Pen seems to find it cute too
❤️again Colin goes to Penelope w/ no curtsy and make innapropriate jokes, I mean he sneaks behind her and says a joke w/ the intention to make her laugh - he looks for her reaction!!!!
❤️Colin looks at Pen, but she looks away!!! - who would look at someone like that, oh Colin you were bewitched before you even knew
❤️ Colin then talks about Marina to keep talking to Pen, he couldv'e walked away but decided to extend the convo!
❤️ poor Pen hearing about Marina hoping to entrap Colin, she tries to hard to softly disuade her
instead of saying anything about her feelings, Pen decides to pretend to try to sleep to kick Marina out of her room
Peneloise's first fight :(
Colin brings in his mother drunk lol - you can see how happy drunk she is w/ her little sensitive boy
Colin ends up helping Daphne - he is caring and sensitive towards her situation
❤️Pen meddles in Colin and Marina's convo, poor Pen seeing her crush courting someone else :(
❤️Pen keeps trying to disuade Marina from Colin and says it outloud
Peneloise angst
❤️Pen staresss at Marina and Colin
gentleman Colin - no kissing Marina, but proposes, he thinks he is so mature and doing the right/expected thing by society standards
Colin announces his engagement to Marina
❤️poor Pen being hurtful by said news
Anthony think Colin wants to get it on and thinks of him so young and immature with his actions and decisions
Colin says he is hurt in more ways than one when Anthony does not give him blessing - he cares so much of what others think of him
Violet and Colin have a heart to heart convo, and Colin says he is never taken seriously except by Marina - prob why he went to her bc he longs to be seen as such
Pen feels mocked and pitied by Marina? basically she cannot accept a compliment from her and is also mad w/ her by the whole Colin situation
Pen vs her sisters, never seem to have a moment of getting along or fitting in
Colin tries to sell Marina to his family, cracking a joke too
❤️Pen asks Colin for a word and he says "Pen, of course" - as if there is not even a need for her to ask bc he will always have a word w/ her, no hesitation
❤️unchaperoned and alone Pen tries to talk seriously but Colin cracks a joke and then sees her expression and apoligizes to let her talk
❤️Pen tells Colin that Marina is in love w/ someone else - not to her own benefit but to try to get Colin out of a marriage where he is not/ may not be loved
❤️Colin tells Pen she is good, while holding her hand??? - he sees how Pen tries to help him out but it's no matter to him bc he thinks he and Marina know each other so well, but knows Pen was just looking out for him
Colin aplogizes for his family's actions
Colin is such a romantic toooooooooo, he proposes getting eloped
Portia doesn't even care for Pen when she is supposedly sick, she probably has been disregarded most of her life
Pen proves Marina wasn't denied by George to try to end her engagement to Colin and for Marina's love?
❤️Pen worries about Colin being deceived, she knows Marina would be safe but she worries about Colin in the matter
Marina catches on and tells Pen that Colin does not even see Pen as a woman - which tbh is true at the moment bc Colin only sees her as "Pen" girl next door, sister's bestie, and someone he can joke with from childhood
Pen goes to Eloise and cries - now I read someone saying they thought this wasn't bc Colin was getting married or bc Marina called her out but bc she had used LW to hurt/expose someone she cared for, both Marina and Colin, Pen so thoughtful and knowing how harsh words can be just used LW to bring scandal to them in order to end the engagement, to prevent Colin being tricked into marriage
LW publishes Marina is with child and Colin was conned
❤️Colin's bedsheets are yellow? hmmm
Daphne checks on Colin, he thought he was in love and puts his heart before his brain, he also catches on something going on w/ Daphne - he is so observant on other's emotions and putting those first
Colin thought he was loved and is hurt that was a lie along w/ Marina's entire scam - Colin is emotional, and I don't mean in the way we think of but he shows emotions and is in tuned with his and with others, he again puts other's first as seen when if told the truth he would've married Marina
❤️even though her family is in scandal Pen asks about Colin
Pen finds Marina unconcious - still caring
Pen comes and checks on Marina, ready to care for her with water and a rag - still caring about her
❤️"one day he will see it" Marina to Pen about Colin
❤️Colin is singing and quiets when he sees Pen - was he just caught by surprise or shy of Pen seeing him in this state?
lol Philippa "did I lose it" - it being her dowry
❤️ Polin catching each others eye across the dance floor, he was ready and already marching to her and then she put her head down - my poor Pen, again no curtsy
❤️Colin acknowledges Pen was looking out for him in his best interests
❤️Pen was ready to declare her feelings for Colin
❤️Colin tells Pen he is leaving and tells it's bc of her bc she reminded him of who he is and what he wanted
❤️Colin asks her to dance, and she says no - he notices something in her saying no and stared at her leaving, whippppedddd before he knew
❤️Colin leaves but looks at Pen's home maybe???
❤️Pen ofc cries as Eloise comforts her about her father but she looks out the window to Colin - crying for both?
Pen is sad to see Marina leave too - someone who seemed to be closer to her than her sisters
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fayes-fics · 9 months
End of Year Ask Game
#3 and #21 ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Nonny!
#3 favourite line/scene you wrote this year
Hmm, it's probably from Mrs Bridgerton Again when Benedict and reader broke the news to their daughter that they were back together. I liked how that scene played out in my head, and I was glad I was able to get it onto the page in the way I envisioned it. My favourite line in it, which I think sums up the Mrs Brigerton series tbh, is the following:
“Do you love Mummy, Daddy?” Emilia cuts in, breaking the hypnotic trance, looking at him expectantly.
“I never stopped,” he confesses truthfully, the hand on your knee feeling weightier somehow, the lump in your chest appearing again, but this time it’s the furthest thing from anxiety. “We just lost our way for a little while, that’s all,” he says as much for you as your daughter. “Everything is working out as it always should have,” he ends, his tone wavering with emotion.
#21 most memorable comment/review
Wow, honestly, this is tough. I am so very lucky to get wonderful feedback and comments. @broooookiecrisp and @eleanor-bradstreet give epic feedback to their requested fics so definitely theirs. One time someone was so annoyed at me that they said fuck you and thank you for writing this, that made me laugh. The most memorable from this year might have been on (Be)Longing where someone reblogged it and said they loved it even though they had never even seen Bridgerton. That was special when someone who hasn't even seen the source material can enjoy the story.
Thanks for your ask 😁🧡🧡
Fanfic End of Year Asks
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I watched umbrella ☂️ academy season 4 and now I’m really concerned about Netflix’s ability to finish shows properly and how S5/byler (or no byler) will be written. what if they have mike randomly have a fling with max in a subway 😭
Haha I have seen vague references to people being FURIOUS about the current season and I've never watched it so I don't know the context other than kinda knowing who the one character is that everyone is shocked about a storyline for? Wild. And sorry to hear everyone's mad 😔 But the thing is - while distributed and produced by Netflix (I might be using the incorrect terms), Netflix is just the studio/streamer. That's like blaming Universal Pictures for bad writing and directing, or a24 when they just curate and distribute. Sure, you can look at a megastudio like Disney and cringe and use them as a cautionary tale, but even there, while there's a brand standard, from Disney to Pixar to Star Wars to Marvel, within those disciplines the writing teams are different, even movie to movie. Stranger Things isn't dependent on UA which isn't dependent on Brigerton or Haunting of Hill House or Queens Gambit or Squid Game or The Politician or Mindhunter or I'm literally just scrolling the Netflix app and listing off their originals haha. I really wouldn't worry based on one show to the next. Our writers have delivered so far, right?? The Duffer's have the Duffer's specific vision. All is to be ok 😊
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thebluemallet · 2 years
Reasons Why I'm Okay With Polin Being the Season 3 Couple
It has been confirmed that the main couple of season 3 will not be Benedict x Sophie after all and instead, Colin and Penelope will be taking center stage. Now, book purists are probably incensed that the show is screwing with the book order, but I don't think it's going to be the end of the world for them to shuffle things around this way.
Here are a few reasons why I'm okay with Penelope and Colin (Polin) being the main couple of season 3.
1- They already set it up to happen in the final episode of season 2
Colin stated quite loudly to the Asshole Brigade at the Featherington Ball that he would "never dream of courting Penelope Featherington." This is already a departure from the books since in An Offer From a Gentleman, he said something similar, but it was to his brothers on a relatively empty street.
Another departure from page to screen is that in the books, Colin was made aware pretty much immediately that Penelope had heard every word he said. But in the show, Colin doesn't know that Penelope heard him.
This will set up the conflict at the beginning of season 3 when Penelope is giving Colin the cold shoulder and Colin will be very confused as to why it's happening.
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2- It makes more sense for Eloise's story to follow right after Benedict's
In the books, Eloise decides to try and see if marriage to Phillip Crane would suit her after Penelope marries Colin. But she also states in To Sir Phillip, With Love that the reason she went so long without getting married or accepting a proposal was the love story between Sophie and Benedict. If she was ever going to get married, she wanted a romance like theirs.
In the show, Benedict is Eloise's favorite brother and the Brigerton sibling she feels closest to. In the context of the show, it makes sense that Eloise would move her romance forward following the marriage of Sophie and Benedict.
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3- Happily Ever Afters
(I would like to preface this point by saying I'm a white woman, not a person of color, but I'm going to try my best here. I'm mainly just repeating some points that people of color have already made.)
We're all well aware at this point that Bridgerton is not your typical period drama. Up until recently, most productions that took place in this era had a fully white cast. And when period productions do have people of color in more prominent roles, their plots tend to have them going through something traumatic. Like they have to go to hell and back and maybe get a happy ending kind of traumatic. And it's almost always about how that trauma affects the white lead or drives the plot of the white lead forward.
I think we can also safely say that women probably make up more of Bridgerton's viewership numbers than men. And to paraphrase Charithra Chandran from Netflix's TUDUM event, she never imagined that someone who looks like her would ever be in a production like Bridgerton. As someone who always had the luxury of seeing women who look like me getting their happily ever after onscreen, I can only imagine what it must feel like for women who look like Charithra and Simone.
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Now, if the Bridgerton show remained in book order, then there would be four seasons in a row where women of color did not get to see other women of color in the starring role get their happily ever after in a genre they aren't normally seen in. These four women in the leading role would be Penelope, Eloise, Francesca, Hyacinth. If Colin's season comes first, that leaves room for a woman of color to be cast as Sophie in Benedict's season. It would still be three seasons in a row without a woman of color in the leading role, but it's a step up from four seasons.
And even with a three-season gap of women of color in the starring role, there are still other women of color in the show that will have more prominent roles, even if it's not the starring role (Kate, Lady Danbury, Queen Charlotte for example).
(I'm aware of some of the concerns that the Sophie/Benedict storyline could tread into white savior territory. But I don't want to overstay my welcome treading into a talk about representation.)
TL;DR: Polin is next year's main couple and that's fine with me.
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talkingtea · 2 years
Hopefully we get new Amsterdam type intimate scene or brigerton not ive seen them but I’ve seen the scenes and both those sets of actors have great chemistry on screen I have to start watching brigerton since I’ve heard good things regarding it and it’s on Netflix new amsterdan on the other hand I haven’t been able to watch it cause it’s not on Netflix and I only have that and HBO max but no other streaming service
Well, we’re never getting all that BUT a little bit could go a long way in terms of showing Barry and Iris as a loving, mature and healthy couple. They don’t need to be tearing each other’s clothes off 24/7 but they do need to be seen as two adults in an romantic relationship and not as two people who may as well just be roommates.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
I love love love love love this Brigerton and sons universe! You’re such an amazing writer! I wish I had even half of your talent!!! 😍 I was just re-reading it from the start and was wondering something (Just me being too involved in this story, sorry!) but how did things go the first night Kate and Anthony slept together. I know there was obviously a lot of passion but was there any awkward bits. I can imagine knowing someone that long and then the relationship progressing might be a bit weird
Oh Heyyyyyyyy
I love love love love love you for reading this ridiculous little universe that I keep forcing into existence with reckless abandon! I think at this point Julia Quinn herself would have to be like “Molly, honey, you have to stop” and then maybe I would consider it. You’re very kind to comment on my writing style which is...chaotic at best but then my character alignment has and always will be chaotic good so can we really be surprised? And Talent? She surely has none (she is me) but I will say this for myself: I’m certainly very determined and indeed I genuinely feel bad for people trying to search for Kate and Anthony content in the tags and have to wade through my relentless posts to find it! 
Ahhh Kate and Anthony’s first night together. It was beautiful and they were both very satisfied. Let’s leave it there. 
I’m kidding, Let’s dive in. (I’ll apologise in advance for it because... it’s...well bad... eh you’ll see for yourself)
Kate Sheffield had been attracted to Anthony Bridgerton for an embarrassingly long time by the time she found herself in the back of a town car with him, his teeth grazing her collarbone in a way that had her spine shivering with anticipation. From the very first time she’d seen him there’d been a little flutter in her stomach when their eyes met that she’d pushed down under layers of frustration and irritation and yes, possibly some denial. But she’d never really thought about sleeping with him, would have honestly never have allowed herself to, and definitely hadn’t intended too tonight. She certainly couldn’t be blamed for whatever images her demented subconscious had twisted into that dream where Anthony’s eyes had burned into hers and they’d moved together and his voice had whispered rough in her ear Come on Sheffield, Let go and she’d woken with a start her hands twisted the sheets and had to stand in the open door of the refrigerator to cool down. And she certainly couldn’t be blamed for the startling frequency with which it recurred.
And honestly, she’d barely been thinking by the time she’d stumbled into the front entrance of his house and he’d pressed her up against the door and whispered “Can I take you upstairs?” His voice like a desperate whine in her ear. And when she nodded a little desperately herself and he growled as he practically dragged her up the stairs, laughing and giggling the entire way, threw open the door of his bedroom with a startling bang! and pushed her firmly down onto his mattress she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to think again. 
By the end of the night she had learned three delightful facts about Anthony Bridgerton  
He was unfairly attractive. And yes, perhaps this shouldn’t have been news to her given the fact he’d had her in a panic every time he’d so much as stood next to her for nearly a year now. But he seemed even more so in this setting. She’d known he would be muscular, could feel it against her finger tips when she’d hastily unbuttoned his shirt, delighting a little in the way the muscles had jumped a little at her touch, as though she held electricity in her finger tips. But it was quite a different thing to see him crouching over her, the moonlight highlighting his face, to feel his muscles, and the powerful tension they carried pressed against her was something different entirely. And suddenly she had the startling realisation that she’d probably never ever be able to look at him across the conference table at work again without thinking about how his stubble had scraped at the inside of her thighs and how is hair between her fingers had felt positively sinful.
He was very generous. He’d pushed her back on the mattress after he’d slid her dress off and his eyes had washed over her and she’d felt the heat of his gaze linger on her lingerie for just a moment before he’d knelt before her, ripping his shirt off that still hung unbuttoned on his shoulders, tugging her firmly towards him and Kate had had time to feel only a little self conscious before he’d looked at her with such longing as his fingers had run little patterns around the tops of her stocking and he’d said This is... This is okay right Kate? As though he was waiting for her to slap his hands away and run crying from the room and the way he was looking at her was so absolutely intoxicating how could she say but God Yes. Please Anthony and the wicked little smirk he’d given her had been sent straight from hell to ruin her she was sure as he dragged her stockings down with his teeth, catching her thighs just a little, and when she’d fallen apart for him three times in embarrassingly quick succession he’d surprised her very much by saying God Kate, I’m so sorry I wanted to wait longer but I can’t wait anymore. And her only coherent thought in her very blissful state had been Jesus what more could you possibly have wanted to do?! But instead she’d pulled him firmly towards her pulling his lips towards hers and whispered Don’t then just before they met. 
He was very chatty. Sure, Anthony had always been vocal enough when they’d sparred verbally across the table. But in general, he was the stoic silent type, only speaking when he had something important to say. And, Kate supposed, perhaps he found this important to say. Talking during sex had never been something Kate had been particularly fond of, in fact during one awful interlude at the end of their relationship Kate had said Jesus Harry can you just stop?! but when Anthony Bridgerton was moaning in her ear. God she thought she might die right then and there. It was relentless. A constant stream of So beautiful, So good, Oh god, Fuck Kate,Perfect and her name whispered like a prayer again and again into the night. And Jesus Christ she couldn’t help herself as their moans mingled together. And when he collapsed on top of her, and she’d made a half hearted attempt to roll away from him after several seconds, even though she loved the sound of his heartbeat slowing in her ear and she was sure if she tried to walk, her legs would collapse from under her if she tried to stand, she’d felt very content when he’d made an exhausted disgruntled noise and pulled her tightly against him again. And truly when he’d whispered I’ve never felt like this before. I didn’t even know I could. She’d had to try her best not to cry
Truly, in the end Kate had been surprised by how natural everything had been, how right it had felt to take this step with a man she’d known for so long and professed to hate so publicly. She’d thought it might be awkward and stilted and that she’d feel desperate to cover herself from his gaze. But honestly, she’d never felt so desired or considered or loved (as terrifying as that was) as she had, right there in Anthony Bridgerton’s bed. That didn’t of course mean she was going to let him get away with things so easily, that she could stop herself from saying 
“That was a real date right?” and being very satisfied by the startled choking noise he made. 
God. I am so sorry. Somebody kill me             
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thekatebridgerton · 3 years
I usually love the brigerton mom but her relationship with hyacinth rubbed me the wrong way. She immediacy thought hyacinth was at fault for relationship troubles and she treated her like she was a problem child when all her children were problematic. Hyacinth isn’t even top 3 of her children regarding problematic /scandalous actions
...she isn't? Are you sure? We're we reading the same book? If I had to put her somewhere in the ranking, it would be next to Benedict.
Let's do a quick review of scandals and how bad Violet would see it from her perspective:
Benedict, whom we have agreed is probably her favorite child because he does take the award for #mostproblematic, with the whole, seducing the bastard daughter of an earl while she was a maid in his own house, chasing Sophie after she said no etc. And Violet helped him marry her. but at least he faces some sort of consequences for his problematic actions and ends his book learning from the experience.
Daphne conned the ton, her friends and family into thinking she was with Simon, but was that really super scandalous? She did marry him. Her problematic actions more or less. involved giving Violet grandchildren, so I'm pretty sure she'd get a free pass.
Anthony's almost scandalous action was trying to duel Simon, in his book he kissed Kate twice before marriage, and put his face on her boob, but that happened in Aubrey Hall, away from London and the ton, so minimum scandal there, plus he married Kate within a week.
Colin, he just kissed Penelope once, acted like a angry lovesick idiot and later seduced Penelope in a carriage outside her house with her whole family inside and sure he married Lady Whistledown, which counts as pretty scandalous. But we're talking about Colin's actions not Penelope's
Eloise well, she ran away from home and spent a week unchaperoned in the house of a widowed bachelor who had two children. It does sound pretty bad, But it was a house in the country, not in London and it was close to the house of her very married brother. How scandalous can that be if it got out?. She probably did worry Violet a lot so let's say Eloise comes second to Benedict.
Francesca. Has done nothing scandalous ever. Her mother even acknowledges that Francesca is the best at covering her tracks. If what she did in Scotland with Michael was published in Lady Whistledown, not even her mother would believe it. But for the record an unmarried widow having a wild rendezvous in Scotland with a rake does sound like a juicy scandal right up Pen's alley
We can leave Gregory out because of the whole 'roping his entire family into crashing a wedding' and facing no consequences for it, is really something else. Maybe by the time Violet got to Gregory and Hyacinth she'd just seen so much she was okay with turning a blind eye to all their crazy.
But let's get back to Hyacinth, shall we review the ammount of times Hyacinth broke into the quarters of an unmarried gentleman, in London, during the social season? She also bribed her maid into leaving her alone with said gentleman for unknown purposes, and let's not forget the whole trapsizing around London at different hours of the day without an appropriate chaperone just for funsies. During the social s.e.a.s.o.n Because if that got out it would definitely be a big scandal. Also Hyacinth is right up there with Benedict in the scandal of not respecting their love interest's privacy. But unlike Benedict, Hyacinth never faces consequences. She gets to stay exactly as comfortable as she was before she got married
Yes Hyacinth's family treats her like a child and yes her mother assumes everything is her fault, because to be fair when her siblings have marital troubles it's usually their fault. But Hyacinth does act like the world owes her something and disregards people's feelings quite often, if I were her parent I'd also be concerned about her.
Sometimes I wonder if it was really Gareth who didn't want to confide his feelings about his father to Hyacinth or if it was that she'd never given him any indication that she was going to be kind and understanding about the issue.
In that part I think maybe they were both at fault in their relationship problems.
He wasn't completely honest, yes, but maybe Gareth thought that Hyacinth was going to treat his concerns about his father as light-heartedly as she treated the concerns of everyone else, especially her family. And maybe Hyacinth expected Gareth to open up about his feelings completely because if he loved her he would be honest with her.
That just sounds like a two way problem to me. And while I don't agree with how Violet handled it, I can't help but think she might have been a little bit right.
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fayevalcntine · 2 years
I think your anons prove my point though its all “a Saphne fan” or “some Instagram commenters” while the crap towards Charithra is so concentrated so much so that she saw it and it caused her to deactivate from twitter and talk about how much that hurt. I also think it’s ironic for the people that are mad at a few others for saying Simone isn’t Indian enough (which is by no means acceptable) hyperfixate and call Edwina the quarter white or draw her lighter in fanart ignoring Charithra’s true skin tone. And I don’t know but its grossly suspect that every and anytime there’s a discussion about Charithra that this criticism from weeks and months ago as “see our toxicity is warranted!” As if Charithra was ever the one spewing it? And people forget that Charithra is as brown as Simone. She also faces the same colorist and racist garbage Simone does but now her talent and morals are called into question?
Yeah it's why I keep saying that even though Charithra/Edwina is used as a way to demean Simone/Kate, none of the people that do it actually care for her and it's obviously not and never would be Charithra herself saying shit like this. Any time I've seen her talk about Simone and Kate as a character she's always mentioned how significant it is that both of them have gotten to do these big roles in Bridgerton, and in an industry that has a significant racism/colorism problem when it comes to casting. This is also why all the insane claims that she's somehow in cahoots with the official brigerton twitter account or is deliberately stealing interviews from Simone come off as offensive at this point.
The 1/4th white comments about Edwina always make me very uncomfortable because Charithra obviously doesn't have that lineage but it also just feels weird since Edwina didn't grow up in Britain or even knew of her grandparents and specifically why they shunned Mary out for marrying her father. As in, both Kate and Edwina had the same upbringing in the same family (they didn't grow up apart with vastly different backgrounds) and they're both played by dark-skinned Indian actresses. It would've been significantly different if Edwina was cast with a biracial Indian actress whose mother was white, but this isn't the case. I don't know if this is maybe connected to Edwina's "half-sister" line within the show but the context of it is that she's lashing out at Kate and seems to say it to hurt her because she feels hurt by what Kate kept from her, not that she's pointing out that she's somehow "better" because of her having one different parent.
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userwitchy · 2 years
rules: pick 5 shows then answer the following questions. don't cheat. then tag 10 (or however many) people.
tagged by @addys-beth & @neve-campbells ily both 💜💜💜
Dawson's Creek
Julie and the Phantoms
1, who is your favorite character in 2? Betty Cooper, my beloved favorite character of all time.
2. who is your least favorite character in 1? Dawson Leery, my beloathed. But Eddie is a close runner-up, also Ms. Jacobs, but I'll stop now.
3. what is your favorite episode of 4? A Hole in the World, because pain :)
4. what is your favorite season of 5? 2, of course.
5. who is your favorite couple in 3? Juke <333
6. who is your favorite couple in 2? That is honestly a complicated question, so I will say Bughead & Barchie
7. what is your favorite season of 1? 3
8. what is your favorite episode of 5? The last two episodes of season 2
9. what is your favorite episode of 2? The Midnight Club, Big Fun, and Next to Normal.
10. how long have you watched 1? Umm... I started watching it last year sometime.
11. how did you become interested in 3? I saw gay ghosts AND a Kenny Ortega project !!???!!!?!?!!?!! and was sold
12. who is your favorite actor in 4? umm... I think Amy Acker is a decent person to my knowledge? But I don't really keep up with cast at all
13. which do you prefer? 1, 2 or 5? 1!!!!!
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? Well, 1 because 3 is only 9 episode long lmao
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Winifred Burkle even though she dies because I love her <3333
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? I mean maybe. They're both supernatural so sure.
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. I'm going to say Andie/Audrey, I think they could balance each other out
18. overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? 3
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?? Angel wins by default because Riverdale doesn't have theme music, but it would've probably been my choice anyway because it slaps
20. what is your favorite episode of 3?? Stand Tall
i'm tagging whoevef wants to do this because i never know who to tag <3
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ruby-read · 3 years
mid-year book freak out tag! - 2021
best book so far
a court of mist and fury by sarah j maas - 5 / 5 stars
need i say more? it was just so good.
best sequel so far
bitterblue by kristin cashore - 5 / 5 stars
i don't think i have talked about the graceling realm series and how much i love it on here but here i am.
i loved every book in this series but bitterblue stood out to me because even though it was incredibly long, it kept me gripped throughout. there was an unsolvable mystery (maybe im dense though) that kept me guessing for hundreds of pages and just a glimmer of romance which i usually miss when its not there but this stood on its own without it.
i thought bitterblue was an extremely strong character and it was a great ending to a companion trilogy (before winterkeep was announced and continued it). also, loved seeing all of the characters come together at the end and seeing katsa and po pop in and out.
new release i haven't read yet but want to
the nature of witches by rachel griffin realm breaker by victoria aveyard
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something about witches and elemental magic just sounds so awesome to me and i am just so drawn to this book.
and i am currently enjoying the red queen series and love a good found family so im hoping to love realm breaker. ive heard mixed things so im gonna lower my expectations a little but still excited.
most anticipated release for the second half of the year
these hollow vows by lexi ryan aurora's end by *** ******** graceling: the graphic novel by kristin cashore six crimson cranes by elizabeth lim the hawthorne legacy by jennifer lynn barnes
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idk why i am so excited about these hollow vows but i am and i think it's just gonna be a (hopefully) exciting fantasy romance. im hoping for two sexy men and a bad BITCHHH of a main character.
ive heard only amazing things about six crimson cranes so i am very very excited! i've been waiting for this book i think since january and its almost finally here!
aurora's end (even though the authors are cancelled) i NEED to finish the series then they will officially never receive my money again. the cliffhanger at the end of aurora burning was so incredibly uncool and so now i have no choice but to see what happens in the finale.
the graceling graphic novel. do i need to explain myself?
and the hawthorne legacy is the next installment in the inheritance games series and i really enjoyed the first book! the mystery and the way patterns were worked into it really had me intrigued and i was itching to know what was happening for the entire book. so excited to see what happens in the next one!
biggest disappointment
the crown of gilded bones by jennifer l armentrout - currently on pause/possible dnf
this book was just so boring but also SO much happened in the first 50 pages that i was honestly incredibly confused? and there was just overwhelming info-dumping about the history of the world and an underdeveloped plot. idk i just couldn't get into it (which was really disappointing bc i loved akofaf). thinking of dnfing...
biggest surprise
crown of midnight by sarah j maas - 4.5 / 5 stars
ok so. i really did not enjoy throne of glass. after reading the acotar series and then jumping into throne of glass, i hated the love triangle, the intrigue wasnt enough to get me engaged until the last third, etc. sooo i was even considering not reading the rest of the series. but of course like the sjm stan that i am, i had to. and this one was so good. i wrote a review on it so if your interested in more in depth thoughts go take a peak!
favorite new author (debut or new to me)
kristin cashore!
the way that she writes political mystery in her world is so good. not a single time did i have a correct guess on what was happening. i also loved how her books had strong woman main characters, but they all had agency in a different way. and how the romance subplots were small but enough to keep the romantic in me satisfied, but also didnt take away from the main heroines story. ugh just so good! love u girly <3
new fictional crush
aaron warner (shatter me series by tahereh mafi)
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ok i know hes kind of like super crazy and kind of creepy obsessed, but also like.... cmon. hes kinda super hot too. and i kind of love the i hate everyone but you trope....
art credit: @jessdraw.s
new favorite character
lara (bridge kingdom series by danielle l jensen)
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her strength, her agency, her ability to unlearn everything she grew up believing, her power. an amazing and complex character.
art credit: @rosiesfables
books that made me cry
a court of wings and ruin by sarah j maas
if you've read this book u understand why. there was a happy ending for our two main characters at the end but the war that ensued at the end of this book was just fucking heart wrenching and so beautiful at parts i will never forget everything that happened.
books that made me happy
heartstopper vol. 1 by alice oseman
i feel like this series is great for young readers (12-17). it teaches about friendship, sexuality, mental health, asking for help, how to offer help, etc. and tons of really diverse representation throughout. i wish this existed when i was younger.
it made me happy to think about young people reading this series and feeling seen and validated. and about how openly alice oseman illustrates difficult topics and how to deal with them. just made my heart swell.
most beautiful book bought/gifted so far
the ones we're meant to find by joan he
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i mean... its gorgeous!!
books i need to read by the end of the year
crescent city by sarah j maas
again as a stan i need to finish this before the end of the year bc i have only heard good things and the second book comes out jan 2022.
favorite book to movie adaptation so far
moxie, shadow and bone, brigerton lol (and very excited about along for the ride!!)
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2021 reading stats so far...
45 books read
35,000 pages read
11 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reads
4.13 average rating
thanks so much for reading my mid-year update! happy reading! : )
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theownerofshuanghua · 4 years
Hello and Merry Christmas! I'm so sorry that this is coming in so late, I've been in that state between December 26th and December 31st where I don't have the energy to do anything 😅 Just doing a lot of reading and knitting. I haven't yet read Jane Eyre and Gulliver's Travels, but I've heard good things about both! I've been reading Outlander, which is about a woman who gets transported back in time to 1770's Scotland. It's pretty good! Oh I love Pirates of the Caribbean too! [1/2?]
Those movies are always fun to watch. Hamilton is good too, do you enjoy musicals as well? My mom actually just finished the Brigerton book, so I suspect we might be watching the show together! Oof the Mandalorian... I love that show. My opinion on star wars varies by the day but the Mandalorian will always be one of my favorite things from it. I've been watching Schitt's Creek, which is about a super rich family who goes bankrupt and has to live in a motel, though if you're Canadian you might have already heard of it. There isn't much else I've been watching. I hope you have a great rest of your week, and a happy new year! 2/2
It’s totally okay! I’ve tried to do the three asks a week but I’ll admit it was quite hard to keep up, even while being on vacation! I love musicals!!! I’ve actually read outlander as well and I quite liked it. I’ve heard of Schitts Creek but I’ve never seen it. My family has always been very big on Star Wars so I’ve seen a lot of the stuff that they have to offer. I quite enjoyed the Mandalorian but my favourite TV shows (in Star Wars) is probably still clone wars. I actually finished Brigerton in like three days which is a little bit fast but I really enjoyed it and I was watching it with my best friend (remotely) so we kinda binged. I love the costumes and people in the story even though it was very fanfiction like.
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