#when they said From my cage to hers. I want the queen to know that we will not be caged forever.
hauntingblue · 3 months
Kaido lore?!
#THE GIRL SANJI HIT HAS A RAT???#if sanji kills the rat he is not going back... this poor woman tho....#sanji didn't really get to dight his siblings so now he is kinda doing it lmao#sanji didn't hit her?? queen did??? omg. sanji don't lose hope.... but i want you to kinda do and succumb to the germa ajskdha#nvm he figured things out.... got the rat and everything... sanji talking to himself with the cage on... yeah..... omg zeff and luffy <3#omg queen got yeeted.... the rat.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1061#king asking zoro if he is trying to be a king implies now that as sanji beat queen he is one. now when zoro beats king???. exactly.#omg... zoro dont kill king he is too pretty to die.... zoro.... i was wondering where all the nephilim fanart came from akdjsk#this is so slay... zoro with the king of hell enma fighting an angel.....#kaido with shackles in punk hazard???? is it bc he is an 'ogre'????#wtf.... zoro is seeing a biblically accurate angel akdjsns WAIT. did king say he isnt biologically capable of besting him.#and zoro said he doesnt like those types of excuses. because he is equaling that to what kuina said about being a woman.#please someone tell me this isnt the resolution to that. please. that is so stupid.#also wtf is zoro gonna do against that. thank god he learnt how to cut fire damn. thanks kinemon. hope izo and usopp find you soon#the music. the visuals. slay. oh :( goodbye my angel..... him thinking kaido is joyboy??? you've got it very twisted. it's kinda tragic#how his faith is misplaced and ends up defending evil and dying for it..... :(#the z on the end screen akdhaka.... now o want kaido lore. why was he im punk hazard. i mean ti be experimented on but there's gotta be more#you know whats funny. robin becoming a devil for luffy. zoro becomong king of hell for luffy. sanji just doesn't turn evil :) AHDHAJAJ#which actually could be the most dangerous maybe bc goodbye emotions xd even if the king of hell and a demon could end him#inch resting. i want more about lunarians?? and kaido now. also MORE about zoro and kuina... please that can't be it....#did i explain here how at least in the op spanish speaking fandom there is a gag that zoro is racist?? it started with that woman from bw#he just now killed a survivor of a nearly extinct (or extinct) race xd. you can appreciate why the gag exists#episode 1063#usopp looking for kinemon and the scene hes gonna walk into.... izo please get here soon....#usopp calling them suicidal samurais ajdhak he will cling to life sobbing and full of snot!!! EXACTLY!!! this is actually so helpful.....#like they really are suicidal samurais... committing seppuku for anything.... izo thank god. he's gonna get the kun treatment from now on#episode 1062
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curlytrek1701 · 1 year
K so I know this is a trek blog, BUT
I just watched Queen charlotte, and I don't know how to act anymore.
If anyone has book recs with these criteria:
Arranged marriage and/or
Romance with someone dealing with mental illness
In sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, alt history.
Please please please send them in my direction.
Thank you
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i-cant-sing · 2 months
I’m letting him smooch my forehead for the nth time if it means I get affection and smooches 🥹🥲 I’m desperate ok?! 🫠 mf I’ve been single for way too long… I need some dopamine…. Also Forehead smooches just hit different
Ugh Baldwin is just so- imagine being mad at him for whatever reason (maybe he was a bit late to come when you called for him because he was busy with court affairs and now he has to deal with a pissed princess who's huffing and puffing because she cant get her time machine to work and out of frustration, she misplaces her anger and takes it out on Baldwin).
He has you trapped against the wall, arms on caging you as you refuse to look at him. Baldwin is trying so hard to supress his smile, because you look even more adorable when youre mad.
"Princess-" he smooches your forehead. "No." You puff your cheeks, brows furrowed as you look to the side, eyes full of anger and distress. Another smooch to you kiss. "Princess, Im sorry-"
"No." You cut him off and he automatically lands another kiss, this time right under your left eye, if only to make you look at him momentarily.
"I'm sorry I was late-"
"You said- no! No more kisses!" You evaded his lips as you glared at him, making him pout. "You said nothing is more important than me. That you'd come anytime I'd call you. I waited for 2 hours! TWO HOURS!"
"I know, my love and Im sorry. The council had some affairs that needed to be dealt with immediately, and time just slipped out of my hand. I promise, it wont happen again." He jutted out his bottom lip (and although anyone else wouldve looked ugly like this, this is Baldwin we're talking about. he's never ugly.) "Forgive me?" His blue eyes held remorse for his mistake, and it didnt help when he brought them even closer when he rested his forehead on yours, making your breath hitch.
"I- uh- fine! Fine! I forgive you!" You finally breathed as your face turned pink, moving it away from him, only for the king to chuckle as he sweetly kissed the apple of your cheeks. "Thank you, princess!"
Ugh. Pretty privelege.
You shot him a glare. "What was so important that the council wouldnt let you leave anyways?"
"Hm? Oh, they wanted to discuss who should be allowed to attend our wedding night."
You stared at him. "What?"
"Well, as per tradition, they wanted to discuss who would be allowed to see us consumate-" he burst into laughter as you threw a book at him. Your face was all red as you began pulling at his blonde hair and was about to beat him when Baldwin suddenly lifted you up and slammed you on your bed, knocking the air out of you as he caught your wrists in one hand while the other tapped your nose.
"As if I would let any see my pretty little prude." He grinned, leaning down to kiss your nose. "You're all mine, princess. All mine."
For the rest of the day, you were too flustered to say a word to him, or even look at him. And so, it never occurred to you to ask him how he convinced the council to make an exemption of this tradition for you.
If you'd asked, Baldwin would've told you that the council wanted confirmation that their monarchs did the deed... to which lover boy replied-
"When you see the queen having to be carried around after our wedding night, you'll know."
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calisources · 3 months
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All sentences here were taken from different media about possessive love, the thrill of the chase, banter, and competition regarding one's affection. Some have foul language so please beware but most are fun, banter, possessive fun. All of these are made for roleplay purposes. Change names, pronouns, locations as you see fit.
I love you. You’re mine. I’ll kill any bastard who tries to take you from me.
I spend a quarter of every day inside you. 
I have never said this to anyone before.
But the idea of you with child is the most insanely arousing thing I’ve ever imagined.
Your belly all swollen, your breasts heavy, the funny little way you would walk … I would worship you. I would take care of your every need. And everyone would know that I’d made you that way, that you belonged to me.
You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both.
We can't possess one another.
Just because I can't have you right now, doesn't mean I'm okay with him having you.
I will be good to you, Myst. Please, I promise.
You are mine. And I protect what’s mine.
Of course I won't go alone. I shall take my maid.
No.You will take me.
The purpose of a knight is to protect. Why won’t you let him do his job to me?
I want you all to myself.
I can’t explain to you the joy I feel knowing it’s all mine. That you are all mine, that your body is all mine.
There is something in me that wakes up when I want something, a possession.
God knows he deserved you more than I do. 
Listen well, for you belong to me.
Good grief, you’re such an adorably greedy person.
And when you fall in love with her  just keep in mind that she’s mine. 
 She’s more than you could handle, anyway.
That almost sounds like a challenge.
I don’t need your permission to do anything.
Your hands will touch me and no one else, Meadow. That is final.
You chase off every man that’s ever been interested, and you do it without even trying.
You reject every suitor and yet, you keep entertaining me. I believe you want me too, and you are dying to be touched.
I don't own you, you just belong to me.
You’re my gold, your cunt is my liquid gold. 
I will have your mouth, you will give it to me. Then I will have your spirit, Circe. I will own it. Always.
By the gods you have never been more beautiful than you are right now, spread before me, wrapped in my wool.
Once I take you, you are mine. My woman. No other man can have you.
I do not belong to you, or to anyone else. I will talk to whomever I want, whenever I want.
Not if it’s some ass who thinks he can put his hands on you.
You didn’t have a problem with me acting like a caveman last night.
When it comes to you… I don’t like to share.
Most men prefer to do the eating.
Do you know what passion is?
Most people think it only means desire. Arousal. Wild abandon. But that’s not all. The word derives from the Latin. It means suffering. Submission. Pain and pleasure, Nikki. Passion.
You’re wearing my colors, love.
I’m going to put you on your knees, Ruby. You’re going to hate how much you love it.
He is my king, he is my warrior, he is my husband and I am proud to say above all… he is mine.
You have rare beauty the like I have never seen but you will be more beautiful heavy with my seed.
You are my golden queen. You are my tigress. You are my Circe. 
Never will I allow your gold to be taken from me. Never. Understand this, Circe, and never forget.
Maybe I fell in love with a version of him that didn't exist.
 I would have you right here if you would let me. Fear you? I exalt you. 
You could burn me a thousand times, and I would still want you for my own.
Everything has a price. The price, however, isn't always money.
You’re my scariest hell, You’re my perfect paradise.
Well, I admit my crib is pretty sweet. But a gold cage is still a cage, Harry.
I intend to the last. 
If I win, then you shall be mine. Tonight.
You are so sure of yourself.
The game is simple. The women run, the men chase. If you catch the one with your color. . .well, that’s up to you.
But women have been running all their lives, most men don’t catch that easily.
We are in a maze, lost, and your hand is up my skirt.
Aye, but I don’t hear any complaints. The maze will hide our secret.
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ladystarksneedle · 6 months
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Do I make you feel sick?
Aemond x niece reader
Summary: A princess confronts the ghosts of her past.
Word count: 1.7k
Dividers by @saradika
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She doesn't know what possesses her as she lunges at him, arms flying everywhere, nails clawing at whatever part of him she can hurt. They fall to the ground in a heap, with her screaming and hitting his chest with her fists in quick succession before trying to get to his eye. He flips her over just as she manages to scratch his cheek, hissing as he pins her arms above her head, caging her with the weight of his body.
“Have you had enough?” he huffs impatiently. 
She spits at him aiming for his good eye in response, making him growl and grab her neck in warning. Her eyes widen in fear as she sees him look at her with malice. She struggles to breathe as she realizes it is the first time she's seen the likes of it on his face. His grip relents when he feels her gasping, enough to let her know he's unwilling to kill her. There is a silent warning in his eye, which she accepts with a difficult nod making him relax his hold on her neck letting her breathe at last. She sputters and coughs as he brings his face close to her hammering pulse, biting her neck harshly.
“Why” she whimpers beneath him.
“You know why” he mumbles against the shell of her ear “I was owed a debt”
“At what cost” she spits, angling her face towards his “You've ruined us, destroyed our family”
“He was never mine to begin with”
“But I was,” she croaks as he runs his nose along her cheek.
“You are a liar and a cheat” she breathes against him “Did your hatred not extend to the bastard you laid with”
He chuckles in response pulling her up with him to he sit on his haunches “It seems I've gotten my hands on every last Strong except you”
“What has become of you” she spits in disgust, his moniker lingering at the tip of her tongue.
“Say it, every bit of it is true. I'm just like you”
“I’ve done nothing which wasn't expected of me”
“No, only shed innocent blood for your  mother’s cause”
“I had no part in it” she chokes out  “I didn't wish for him to die”
He gazes at her with mistrust twisting her arms behind her back feeling her riding leathers for a weapon.
“It matters not, little traitor. You made your choice” he hums thoughtfully “Do you know what they said when they murdered Jaehaerys? A son for a son they claimed as they slit his throat” 
She shivers as he pulls her to stand, turning her around to face the trees brandishing the dagger she'd kept hidden beneath her tunic. “Helaena is lost to her grief. They say losing a child does that to a mother, takes away all her sanity. I shall repay yours with justice of my own” he says drumming his fingers across her belly “I know how much you've wanted this, for us to be a family. We'll finally have all that you crave for.”
“You are depraved” she shivers, making him chuckle humorlessly.
“I am what you've made me byka nūmio, you can't escape your fate anymore.”
She twists and thrashes in his grasp as brandishes her blade against her neck, clicking his tongue in response. 
“I despise you,” she whispers. “There is nothing you can do to make me lie with you”
He ignores her as he speaks again “Where is your little dragon, hmm. She seems to have left you all alone.”
She looks around in fright, unable to locate Naerax. The trees around her feel eerily quiet, with no sign of anyone apart from both of them breathing heavily. 
“What have you done to her?”
He chuckles in response. “Fear not she is nearby, uniting with her own. Vhagar shall take good care of her”
“Let me go”
“Didn't you come here to find me” he smirks, nicking her neck watching a column of blood trail down her skin.
“I came here to kill you”
He laughs heartily as he spins her around, sheathing her dagger before effortlessly throwing her over his shoulder “What has your mummer queen's cause come to if they've sent you to accomplish such a task.”
“You don't think I'm capable of it?” she replies, trying to kick him.
“Mayhaps, but I know you far better. Your mother was a fool to test your loyalty”
“I am nothing but” she all but screams.
“Indeed, yet to who begs the question” he smirks, hauling her towards the trees.
“Has all the smoke gotten to your head qyybor. You are a fool to think I'll ever betray my family just as you were to leave King’s landing.” She feels him stiffen as they pass through the canopy, his grip tightening on her. (Uncle)
“I have waited out this war to claim what is owed to me and your tantrums shall be the last thing standing between what I want” he says as she tries to reach the dagger sheathed near his waist.
“I've caught you now byka mittys” he says, pulling her braid to face him, eye glinting in the dark as he smiles at her with glee. “Rest, you'll need it in the days to come” (little fool)
The last thing she sees before she goes limp in his arms are spots of green through the mist shrouding them.
She wakes up to the night sky, clear and starry, as she rubs her eyes. There is a fire kindled before her with a woman turned away from where she now sits awake, staring into it as she grinds something in her hands. 
“Be welcome princess, it's been a while” she says without turning to face her. Her voice rings in her ears, unnaturally shrill as she tries to catch a peek of her face.
“You must be the fire witch”
“I have many names. Most call me Alys”
“Where am I?”
“You are safe, as he would have it”
She glances around trying to find him at her admission, perplexed at the strangeness of her surroundings. They appear to be near a small clearing hidden unnaturally from the rest of the land.
“He shall return soon, you need not worry for him”
“I do not”
Green eyes turn to her, deep and cold as they regard her with mirth. “You are as he spoke of, young and foolish”
She fights the urge to bite back as she responds “You know nothing of me”
Her words evoke the strange woman's laughter, a shrieking sinister sound, rattling her before a few ravens croak near the skyline. 
“Be grateful for his affection, princess” she says mockingly “For that is what is keeping you alive”
“As it has been serving you, I suppose” she says, staring at her swollen womb with distaste.
“Oh yes, but I'm far more useful than a lost girl without her dragon” she snickers. 
“What do you see in the flames? I've heard whispers of your visions.”
“Things that have and will come to pass” she replies cryptically.
“Must be lonely to know he's keeping you with him for your gift” she replies snarkily, noticing her frame stiffen in response. 
“Do not antagonize her too much dōna” she hears as she feels him towering behind her. (Sweet)
She huffs in annoyance as he regards her before walking past her to hand the witch something. She sees her take it before retreating into the forest, leaving them alone again.
“Where is Naerax”
“Asleep, as you were a while ago”
“Why are you keeping me here”
“What do you have to return to? You're far away from home” he bites back. “Or does a certain bastard await your return” he asks, twirling her dagger in his hand.
She stares at him incredulously laughing at his response. “Addam? Nyke daor pāsagon ao” (I cannot believe you) “After all that has happened, that is what bothers you”
“It doesn't matter, he shall not live to see you again”
His response elicits another scream as she tackles him to the ground before being flipped over again with force.
“Does the thought of him dying evoke such despair, perhaps I'll have to kill him sooner”
“You are craven. Will you slay the entire realm in your madness”
“Every traitor shall face his due”
“Perhaps you should start with your lover then”
“And here I thought you wished to spare the innocent”
“She is hardly free from blame”
“The child she carries has no part to play”
“Your babe is as treacherous as his father before him”
“The only traitor I see here is you”
“I have never betrayed you. You are a fool to think so”
“I suppose galavanting about with a Velaryon bastard isn't the treachery that you speak of”
“You base your accusations on rumors? Slanders which are nothing but falsehood” she spits “I stand by what I said, I am nothing but loyal”
He lets her go in bewilderment as she feels her cheeks wet with tears. “None of it is true”
He looks away as she speaks, anger flashing in his eye “You were lost to me”
“I was”
“Then I am not to blame”
“You are and you can never absolve yourself of it. I loved you and you betrayed me.”
“You chose your mother”
“As did you”
“Do you think my decisions haven't tormented me? Do you think you're the only one who's suffered? You made me lose everything” he shouts. “I lost the capital. I lost our advantage while you ran around doing as you pleased.”
“You confuse me with yourself,” she scoffs.
“You've tormented me for years. Do not come here and claim that you love me when all you've ever done is left” he remarks with uncontrolled rage.
“And all you've done is find the first woman you could to warm your bed while I mourned my loss, one that you inflicted” she screams back as he moves towards her grabbing her face in his hands. 
“I despise you” she whispers as he brings his face close to hers shaking with emotion
“As do I,” he whispers back, inching closer to her.
It is only fair, she thinks when he consumes her finally. She feels the salt from her tears coat his lips as they move against hers, velvety and soft as he grips her harshly, pulling her closer in haste. She clings to him as they devour each other and when she lunges at him again, pushing him to the floor of her makeshift bed, he relents easily in his own desperation and unrestrained rage of being pulled apart from what was always meant to be theirs.
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Taglist: @witheredoffherwitch @arcielee @chompchompluke @barbieaemond @watercolorskyy
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acey-wacey · 2 years
hiiiii i love the future children series so i request Riddle, Vil, Kalim, Jamil and Idia if that is okay ^^
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This series is in quite high demand, I must say.
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts 🌹
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Riddle was on his way to attend to the Heartslabyul croquet hedgehogs when he found that their cages had been opened.
You can imagine his panic when every single one of them was gone.
He huffed, trying his best not to hyperventilate at this grievous issue.
He heard a giggle from behind the garden shed and stormed over, ready to scream at some irresponsible first years.
When he caught sight of two little girls, he was so shocked he forgot to scream at them.
The two girls, one of them 6 years old, the other 5, were petting and playing with the little blue and pink hedgehogs.
Both of them had bright red hair and features that reminded him of someone Riddle couldn't quite put his finger on
He cleared his throat, startling the little girls.
"What are you children doing here?"
"We were just..." began the older girl before she was interrupted by the other.
"We were making sure the hedgehogs weren't lonely!"
Riddle sighed and crouched down to be at eye level with the girls.
"I appreciate your concern for the emotional well-being of my hedgehogs but it was very irresponsible to take them out for their cages, especially without permission."
"Sorry, papa," the girls said in unison.
"No need to call me papa. I'm not your father. Speaking of, I'll take you two to the main office. I'm sure Headmaster Crowley will spare no effort to reunite you with them," Riddle spoke, trying not to crack as the little girls stared up at him with their big ol' eyes. He then muttered under his breath in contempt of the headmaster. "Especially if it will give him and excuse to not work on sending Y/N home."
The oldest girl tugged on his sleeve and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Why are you gonna take us to Mr Crowley? Do you not want to play with us?"
"As much as I would love to entertain you, I'm sure your parents are very worried about you. You must be visitors from the Isle, correct?"
The girls exchanged a look and burst out in giggles.
"Silly papa! Did you forget? We're from the Kingdom of Roses, not the Isle!" the older girl laughed.
"I learned about it in school!" The younger girl said proudly with her hands on her hips. "We talked about the Queen of Hearts and she was from the Kingdom of Roses too!"
"You're from the Kingdom of Roses?"
"Yes, papa! Keep up!"
"May I ask what your parents names are? Perhaps I'm acquainted with them."
"Is this a test, papa?" the youngest squinted at Riddle.
"I know!" The older girl squealed. "Our parents are Riddle Rosehearts and Y/N Rosehearts. And just in case you need it for your test, my name is Reina Rosehearts and my little sister and best friend in the whole wide world is Rosaline!"
Riddle was stunned upon hearing your name and his own as the children's alleged parents.
He was far too flustered to deal on his own so he called you and told you to come to Heartslabyul right away.
You thought somebody had broken some bone so you rushed over immediately only to find Riddle cuddles on the common room couch, reading fairy tales to two little girls.
It's safe to say, he warmed up to them pretty quick.
"This is the emergency you were talking about?"
"Hush, Y/N, we're at the best part of the story."
🗡️ Silver 🗡️
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It wasn't abnormal for Silver to fall asleep on one of the campus benches.
It was, however, unusual to spot a little boy cuddled up with him.
You were walking back to your dorm when you spotted Silver, who was curled up while hugging a little grey-haired boy.
The boy looked about 7, far too young to be on the campus without an adult, and he had Silver's jacket draped over him like a blanket.
You didn't want to wake Silver but you were so curious and you didn't have anywhere to be so you sat next to Silver on the bench, waiting for him to wake up.
About 30 later, Silver's eyes blinked open and he found you right next to him.
"Oh, Y/N. When did you get here?" he rubbed his eyes and tried to shift his posture without waking the boy in his arms.
"About a half hour ago. I wanted to ask, who is the boy with you?"
Silver looked down at the boy he still cradled and almost looked surprised.
"Oh, yes. This is Elliot. He's our son."
You couldn't help but laugh from the pure shock from Silver's response.
"Our son?"
"Yes. He's from the future and found his way here, one way or another."
Silver seemed so genuine that you stopped chuckling and furrowed your brows.
"Are you still half-asleep, Silver?"
"Probably, but I'm actually being serious about this. He's our little boy. He even says so himself. We could wake him to prove it."
You shook your head and looked at the little boy who peacefully snoozed on the bench.
"We shouldn't disturb him. How about we carry him back to the Diasomnia dorm where he can sleep peacefully and when he wakes up, we'll have this conversation?"
Silver nodded with a barely visible smile and gentle picked Elliot up.
The boy whined and shifted but stayed asleep.
The two of you took him to Diasomnia in comfortable silence and napped on Silver's bed with Elliot in between you two.
Of course later, Lilia would walk in and take a bunch of pictures before practicing you both about "intimacy before marriage".
He stops as soon as s he realized he had a grandson.
You have to pry Elliot away from Lilia because he so thrilled to have a baby again.
♣️ Trey Clover ♣️
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"Who are my strawberry tart?" Riddle screeched, fuming mad at his authority behind undermined. "Ace, you knave!"
Ace rolled his eyes and crossed his arms at Riddle.
"For the last time, Mr Dorm leader, I'm not always to blame for everything that goes wrong."
"But you gotta admit, it is usually your fault," Cater chuckled from behind his phone screen.
"This one isn't my fault! I'm not gonna sit here and be yelled at for something I didn't even do!"
"Then who would eaten it?" Deuce sighed, his head starting to hurt from all the yelling.
Trey cleared his throat and all turned to look at him as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen.
He rubbed his neck sheepishly as he looked at Riddle.
"Sorry, Riddle. That would be my fault."
"For real?"
"No, no, not me," Trey chuckled in embarrassment and beckoned for someone from behind the door.
Three children sheepishly stepped out with their hands behind their backs.
There was an older boy, a girl, and a very little boy, all three of them with strawberry red staining their cheeks.
"Trey, what is the meaning of this?" Riddle sternly inquired. "Are these your siblings? Did they eat my tart?"
"They did eat the tart but they aren't my sibligns. They're actually, uh," Trey sighed, unsure how to bring it up gracefully. "They're my children.
A gasp rippled through the room before all hell broke loose.
"You have kids?"
"When did this happen?"
"You're just 18!"
"Who's the mother?"
Trey held his hands up in surrender and ushered the kids back behind him as they seemed very overwhelmed by the influx of questions.
"They're from the future, so don't worry about me having children as a teenager."
"How'd they get here if they're from the future?" asked Deuce, though he wasn't sure if the answer was obvious to everyone else and he just wasn't getting it.
"I don't know, Deuce, but they're here until I can figure out how to get them back," Trey sighed. "Since they might be here a while, I'll introduce them."
Trey pointed to the older boy who had greenish hair and glasses just like his father.
"This is Julian,"
He pulled the girl, who had e/c eyes with a mischievous glint, into a little side hug and she giggled.
"This is Catherine,"
He ruffled the little boys h/c hair, making him laugh.
"And this little one is Lukas."
"Okay, but who's the mom? Is it someone we know?" Ace seemed very invested in the new tea.
"I'm not sure I really want to tell you anymore."
"Come on, who is it?"
"Mama is Y/N!" Lukas exclaimed, looking very proud of himself that he remembered his mother's name.
All the Heartslabyul students went quiet. This time nothing broke the uncomfortable silence as they all exchanged glances.
"I heard yelling. Are y'all alright?" you poked your head into the kitchen.
"We're fine!" Deuce practically screamed, making you even more concerned.
"It's absolutely nothing," Cater gave you a thumbs up and a saccharine smile as you raised your eyebrow suspiciously.
"You're all acting weird."
Before you knew it, three tiny bodied were upon you.
"What's going on?" you asked, panicked. You looked to Trey for help since he usually knew what was going on.
Trey sighed and began prying the children off of you.
"Alright, kids. Let's not suffocate your mother."
You practically saw blue screens.
"Maybe let's take this somewhere more private where I can explain."
You could hear a chorus of suggestive "oohs" from the kitchen as you walked to Trey's room.
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Yandere house of the dragon x Hybrid Dragon reader.
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Yandere house of the dragon x female reader.
Part two here.
Plot/notes: Most of the characters will be platonic, war with the characters will take place but rhaenrya will be queen but most of the things that happen in the show will not take place. Also in this jace is only one year younger then the reader and aemond. The only mention of the readers appearance are: Golden eyes, red scales. All the adults are platonic but there will be romantic interests, this is just some headcanons, drabbles about how it would go down.
Also would like to give credit to @missglaskin because their whole page gives me inspiration! So go read everything you can and give them a follow! You can ask about different outcomes and share ideas.
This story will continue
I have not read the books so this might not be accurate, but I’m just here to share my thoughts.
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, blood, reader in pain, misspelling, idk what to say.
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The first time the king Viserys laid eyes upon you it was like the sevens holy voices could be heard. He could recall a distant dream of his when he saw your face, the little face that would mean a great deal to him and the realm. But quickly anger struck his chest when he realized what was happening.
A child not even the age of two with dirt covering its face while being locked behind a cell like some rabid beast, the harden cradled you cried wasn’t comfortable looking, nor was the way it felt. You had be found by a village on their daily fishing hunt, being not a day over one to be exact. Small patches of scales could be seen on your arms.
When your teary eyes looked at him, he knew he had be blessed.
The queen stood beside him and the sting of guilt and pity hit her, how could someone keep a baby locked in a cage. She felt like it was her own kin, her son aemond being of the same age.
 Viserys yelled at the person who found you and made them open the cell, taking you in his arm and rocking you back and forth. Your cries seemed to lessen at his comfort. He claimed to take you in as his own, saying it was your birth right since you had blood of a dragon. Alicent was the second to hold you, the way you tiny finger held onto hers she knew she was the mother you needed- She was your mother.
Leaving the village behind in ashes and blood behind them, calling them traders and savages for locking you up. No one was ever going to harm you again. 
The next to welcome you into the family was Rheanrya and Laenor.
Rheanra quickly took you into her arms from the queen who didn’t want to let you go, but Viserys said it was good for you to meet your sister. She bounce you in her arms, saying how beautiful you were with your golden eyes and red small scales. She walked over to Leanor and he was smitten by you, knowing in his heart that we would protect you. Alicent watched them closely with rage, like you were something that was going to be taken away from her. But she was not going to lose you.
“I think she can sense the baby.” Rheanrya pointed out how you seemed to touch her belly and snuggle close to it. “It seems so.” Viserys agreed with delight at you being so welcoming, but Alicent just stayed silent at how you giggled so sweetly in rheanrya arms, she wanted to pull you away.
The next you meet was Aegon, he wasn’t as happy about the news of a new sister but he was only little. But as soon as he saw you his eyes light up and he reached out to you, he would even show you his small toys.
Then there was Helaena, still being young she would only watch you curiously, touch your scales and babbling words no one could understand. But she was happy to be around you, just your present calms her down.
Being the same age as aemond made it hard for anything to happen, but he was already showing signs of obsession. He constantly has to be in the same room as you, if you are taken out of the room he will cry at the sight. He is at ease in your presence just as his sister, but everyone suspects he sees you as his twin.
Alicent raised you like her own and so did Viserys , she was over joyed how quickly the children saw you as one of their own. She always worried about the future with you at her side, no one knew what your species could do. So she was over protective.
Otto was a little hard to come around. The king calling you his blood child was bad enough as it is, but burning down a whole village was idiotic. He wouldn’t meet you no matter how much his own daughter begged, he saw you as a plague. One that could pull their targets in with their presence and then kill them when giving a chance.
But one night as Otto came to say goodnight to Helaena his eyes meet yours, golden eyes that looked like dragons. His mind clouded with the screaming saying to protect you at all cost. That’s when he became your grandfather, you and helaena being his favorite. He loves you and would do anything for you.
After three years.
You grew to love little jace. He was a year younger then you, him three and you four. He clings to you with every step and always with you anytime he can be, this making everyone else jealous.
Aegon was mischievous, he liked to leave anytime he could and pull pranks on everyone. He was your big brother and constantly taking you with him, he was fun to be around. He let you join in on his pranks, sneaking cakes for you and anything to make you smile.
Helaena like you to sit with her while she told you about insects, you always asked her about them which made her so happy. You even went out of your way to catch them for her. She loves you. She would have matching dresses, having her hair match yours, also you were the only one she wanted to touch. You could hug her and she’d smile, or she would hold your hand and walk around.
When Lucerys was born you were one of the first people to be welcomed into the room. You waited outside rhaenryas room while she gave birth and it frightened you but you got over it quickly at seeing the little baby. You loved him and always asked to see him at any hour, or hold him while you sat down. He loves being in your company and always stared at you with curious eyes. He always held your finger in his little hands just like you did when you were at that age. You and his mother were the ones he cried for. 
As aemond grew by your side, he thought of you has his twin sister. Despite having different features, hair and looking nothing alike. Maybe he didn’t have a dragon, but he had you. You had scales like one, eyes to so you were his dragon in his eyes. He believed that you were sent down to him, a blessing from the gods just for him. He was also every protective, he would follow you and hold your hand. He hated jace for bullying him and that he you away from him at times, he was jealous of anyone that wasn’t his mother or other sister.
The day had come where Daemon Targaryen and his wife Lady Laena and their children had come to visit. This was the first time they had been able to meet you and daemon took interest as soon as he heard about you four years ago.
Daemon did fell a bit shocked when he hears his brother taken a daughter who had no Royal blood or his own, or even his wife’s. Not to mention no one knows who your real parents are. But when he found out you had features of a dragon his interest was always lingering in his mind.
The first time Daemon saw you his body was taking over by possessiveness, he saw you as his blood. He wished he had gotten to you before his brother and Alicent did but he will just have to deal with it…For the time being. Everyone kept a eye on him as he picked up up and refused to leave your side, being the cool uncle he is he would tell you stories and take you to meet his dragon.
It has been two years since then. And now it being a month since you had turned six.
It was a beautiful day, the perfect temperature and the light breeze shaking the leaves on the trees. The only thing stopping this from being a peaceful day at court was the high pitched screams mixed with screech’s of a dragon. The maids and knights rushed to alert the king of what they had find in the gardens.
Your small frame crouched down as the tears and cries only grew louder, the skin on your back began to move underneath and blood seeped through your dress. The maids tried to get close to you but you moved back not wanting anyone but your family. What was strange was not only your cries, but the dragons in the pit could be heard. You screamed for everyone- Anyone that would come for you, you just wanted the pain to stop. It was the most pain you had felt in the small years you have been alive, you had wondered if this was the pain you had been told about from every woman.
“Where is she?” You heard your father scream as he came around the corner of the rose path, Alicent rushing quickly behind him in panic. They stop immediately at what they saw. You gripped onto your dress as you looked at them with a wet face. Behind you stood a set of red and golden wings, small set of dragon wings fit for a baby dragon. “Y/n.” Alicent quickly moved towards you seeing the pain you had went through and the blood. She took you in her arms carefully not to hurt you anymore while you cling onto her.
“My sweet girl,” Viserys was filed with pride and praised you for being so strong, he wasn’t looking at it as you were in pain but that you had gained something wonderful, “She will be a fine warrior.” He took you away from alicent and showed most of everyone that past just how wonderful your wings were. Alicent had to beg him to take you to a master seeing you still flinch at the pain but tried to hide it for Viserys.
As you had calm down and patched up, you learned how to love your wings and retreat them back into your skin. It was painful but it felt better to sit down without them. As you laid in alicents lap the next person to walk in was rhaenrya.
You smiled and hugged her while being happy they both were there with you but they didn’t see it like that. The glares Alicent sent rhaenrya was threatening but she gave it back. “She needs to be careful.” Alicent stated. “I agree but she also needs to learn how to control it, best do that with the help of me.” They didn’t want to fight in front of you but it was all said in their eyes, no words.
A few days after your recovery the children were aloud to see you but they couldn’t touch yours back. Both mothers stand in the room for it just to be safe, Alicent didn’t trust rhaenryas kids around hers.
Luke was the most excited one, jumping up and down while asking questions. He would praise you for it saying just how awesome you would be when you grew, he did beg you to show him your wings but he was shot down by his mother.
Jace held your hand and told you how much he missed you in the time away, also sharing his thoughts of how much he grew sad hearing you where hurt. He would also tell you how cool thought it was that you had wings, saying he can’t wait till you show him.
Aegon was making a joke about it but in a nice way. Saying how when you grew older you could probably kill people with them and become a great warrior. He did like the thought of having you around to protect him and be at his side- When no one else was there for him, you would be.
Helaena was calm by your side and told you everything she saw of your scales and wings and related them to insects. She didn’t yell or beg to see them but you could see the tint in her eyes of wonder at what she imagined your wings would look like
The twin girls Baela and Rhaena, comforted you. Knowing how much pain you were in was sad and the girls cried when they first found out, being on the younger side they saw you as a older sister. They loved you so much, they brought you gifts and offered to do anything you wanted to do for the next month.
Aemond saw this more of a sign at just how amazing you truly are. The dragon that was sent to him in his time of need when he had no dragon to claim. His twin flame, his to protect. He would ask you if you were in any pain and holds the hand jace was not and ask if he could see them once you could. The praise he gave you was overwhelming to say the least but he was also worried about if your body could handle it. He blamed himself for not being with you when they came out. But he was here now and forever…
Otto spent time with you when you where recovering, reading you some stories and made sure to make you smile at least once. He would tell you how much you are worth of your abilities and everything. He knew that he could now use you on his side when you grew older and he will help guide you on a good path.
Daemon was the first to suggest they fly across the sea to see if they can find someone to train you. He also suggested that you start training as soon as you recovered but Alicent didn’t want you to, something rhaenrya agreed on saying you should wait until they know more.
And as time went on your powers grew along with you, not knowing much was a faint memory. But war was on the horizon and with you was the center piece.
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There are about a million reasons why I love Faramir and Éowyn’s relationship and why I think it’s one of the most romantic relationships that Tolkien wrote, but do you want to know what isn’t talked about enough?
‘Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, Éowyn! But I do not offer you my pity. For you are a lady high and valiant and have yourself won renown that shall not be forgotten; and you are a lady beautiful, I deem, beyond even the words of the Elven-tongue to tell. And I love you. Once I pitied your sorrow. But now, were you sorrowless, without fear or any lack, were you the blissful Queen of Gondor, still I would love you. Éowyn, do you not love me?’
A lot has already been said about Faramir’s confession that he would still love her if she were the Queen of Gondor—and rightly so, because he’s basically saying he’s so hopelessly in love that nothing could ever change his feelings—but what REALLY does it for me, even more than that, is Faramir saying that she is VALIANT. He admires her bravery and her accomplishments in battle, and he says she has won RENOWN. Yes!!! YES!!!!!!!!!
Look, part of the reason Éowyn doesn’t want pity is that she doesn’t want to be looked down upon, and that’s what she associates with being pitied. But this isn’t really about another person’s pity—this is about how Éowyn sees herself. All her life, she’s been held back from participating in battle and from doing great deeds. In her conversation with Aragorn at Edoras, in one of my favorite scenes in the book, she delivers these searing lines: ‘All your words are but to say: you are a woman, and your part is in the house. But when the men have died in battle and honour, you have leave to be burned in the house, for the men will need it no more. But I am of the House of Eorl and not a serving-woman. I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear either pain or death.’ Aragorn asks, ‘What do you fear, lady?’ And Éowyn replies: ‘A cage. To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.’
But at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, she DOES great deeds! She and Merry slay the Witch-king of Angmar, Sauron’s MOST POWERFUL SERVANT. When you think about the power of fear that the Nazgûl had over most mortals, it’s absolutely astounding how brave this was for them to do. But even afterwards, Éowyn doesn’t appear to know the value of what she’s done. Part of this may be her grief for Théoden, and part of it may be the Black Breath, but the point is she doesn’t know what she has achieved. Because in the Houses of Healing, she says to Faramir, ‘I wish to ride to war like my brother Éomer, or better like Théoden the king, for he died and has both honour and peace.’ Éowyn still does not believe she has won honor—and so she does not have peace.
To this Faramir says, ‘It is too late, lady, to follow the Captains, even if you had the strength. But death in battle may come to us all yet, willing or unwilling. You will be better prepared to face it in your own manner, if while there is still time you do as the Healer commanded. You and I, we must endure with patience the hours of waiting.’ It’s important that Faramir doesn’t tell her she’s wrong for wanting to go to battle, only that she must heal, and battle may still come for them yet—and he says WE must wait. Éowyn didn’t want to be left behind to wait for the men to return, but with her and Faramir both waiting, it no longer has that meaning.
This is all important context for the confession. Because days later, in the most romantic conversation of all time, Faramir says these magic words: ‘For you are a lady high and valiant and have yourself won renown that shall not be forgotten.’ LISTEN TO ME, IT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT HE SAYS THIS! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT ÉOWYN NEEDED TO HEAR. It’s the FIRST THING HE SAYS IN THE SPEECH! Before he says she’s beautiful, before he says he loves her, he tells her she is valiant.
This is it. This is why this scene is peak romance to me. Because Éowyn desired to do great deeds and to win honor in battle, and she actually HAS DONE SO, but she doesn’t know it. And Faramir understands her, and not only that, he ADMIRES HER! ‘For you are a lady high and valiant and have yourself won renown that shall not be forgotten.’ I don’t know about you, but that line ALONE would make me fall in love.
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misguidedasgardian · 11 months
The Dragon's Mistress (15.2)
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15.2. The End of the Beginning
Summary: Some things unravel, other issues find this ties
Warnings: cursing, mentions of war, mentions of death, humiliation, use of the word bastard and traitor, incest, death, mentions of blood, death of a monarch, might miss some warnings, you know what this it
Wordcount:  2.8k
Notes: muahahaha this is it people! I didn’t even realize I was so close to the end until this! a final chapter! then a good epilogue. THIS WAS IT
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“It was a dangerous move”, he warned
“But it worked”, said Corlys, “he is letting her go”
“You poisoned her”, he continued
“She was never in real danger, a little nose bleeding, a day of unconsciousness”, he said, “If I wanted to truly hurt her, I would have used some common poison, and not take months to find the proper one, to give her a good scare”, he murmured, looking into the flames, “I would never hurt her, or the baby within her”
“When are we leaving?”, he asked then
“First thing tomorrow”, he continued, “and you are coming with us”, Steffon smiled, relieved, “but then, I will return, after I make sure she is safely within out allies and friends, this isn’t over, this had only just begun”, Steffon smiled, knowingly, he then teached with his hands and the guard received the items he gave him, “you know what to do with these before we leave”, Seteffon nodded,  “oh, one more thing…”
“Do we still have supporters in Harrenhal?”, he asked with a hint of a smile, almost knowing the answer
“The strongest of our allies reside in the Riverlands, they still hold big grudges against Aemond for burning their fields during the war”
“Perfect”, he said simply, “I´m afraid I’ll need them to burn one last thing before we are done”
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Aemond was a complicated man
From the very beginning he tried to keep up to his word, since he was a young boy the thing that mattered to him the most was his honor, especially after witnessing his brother lose it so quickly in wine and whores.
He trained with the sword, he assisted to all his Valyrian lessons until he was fluent in the language of his ancient house, he took classes and read all volumes of history and philosophy in the greatest Library of the realm, the one in the Red Keep
He was a devoted son, and brother, and Prince, never arguing with his grandfather or mother, always doing what he was told
He rode the biggest dragon in the world
He was the perfect prince, a gentleman
Until, she was denied of him
When Queen Alicent had refused Princess Rhaenyra’s proposal of betrothed Helaena with Jacaerys, he thought…
Now is my turn
To take my sweet niece to wife, and put a solution to all the problems of the realm and within the family
He was the one to do it
He wanted to, his niece was the perfect Princess, well versed in history and poetry, rider of a fearsome dragon, and a beauty without comparison.
She was his retribution for everything, the price he had won with his efforts
But he was denied of that too, his brothers took his eye, humiliated him, and Rhaenyra took her from him
He could never forgive her
She, the perfect princess, was going to do what was told, and she was betrothed to Lord Cregan Stark 
No, you belonged with him
You were the only thing he has ever wanted, and the Kingdoms knew it when he burned the Riverlands and entire armies, only to get to you.
And he finally had you
But like they say…
... But some little birds cannot be caged, their souls begin to wither and suddenly they no longer want to sing ...
He wanted you, but you did not wanted him
He thought he could live with it, he had enough love for the both of you, he had enough desire, enough power, to keep you by his side.
But he didn’t
If you didn’t love him back, it didn’t matter what he did, he believed, you were his and that was enough
But it doesn’t work that way.
Now he had a lump in his throat as he saw the servants and guards put all your things in coffers
He had yielded
He was sending you away
He still didn’t understand why you didn’t love him back, as you tried to hide your happiness, but couldn’t
You were happy to leave him
This is what you wanted all along
So he found himself desperate again
He grabbed you in his arms, kissed all over your face, and whispered in your ear
“I will not stop until I find who did this to you”, he whispered, “when I do, I will bring you back to me”, you took too long to answer, concocting a lie in your pretty head, he could see the wheels turning 
“I hope so, my King”, you said faintly
“And when you return, there is only going to be you, no other, no other Queen”, he said, to see your reactions
“I will not wish for you to harm anyone”, you warned, oh, you, always so concerned
For when Floris expelled the babe from her belly… her days were numbered 
He was losing you, he didn’t like that.
He never realized he never had you in the first place
He would never admit it, but a tiny tear escaped his eye when he saw your ship sail away. Thankfully no one saw him, as a loud roar was heard front he skies and suddenly the entire harbor was overcome by a huge shadow, Aemond looked up to see your ever faithful dragon flying above your ship, following his rider home.
His face twisted in rage because he had commanded your dragon to be chained to the pit, clearly, the people he had sent had no luck containing the beast, apparently. 
Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor
A Dragon is not a slave 
Aemond turned around to see Floris, cradling her belly
He was weak a couple of times, and that was the result, he thought bitterly. They lends him a hand, he played it, he played it wrong
But he did not have any time to worry, to cry for your loss, to punch the walls in anger for what others in the dark where still making him do.
A week after your departure…
Aegon died
He exhaled his last breath in a heave of puss and blood, and that is how the man that what going to be known as “Aegon the Usurper” was gone from this earth, taken by the stranger. 
He detested his brother, that was no secret, but there was a day he didn’t.
Some years ago, Aegon was only his brother, his oldest brother, a bit drunk, and a whore, but he was only his brother, and that is when Aemond loved him, he had helped him usurp his sister, because he loved him, and his sister and his family, and he thought that was the way to keep everyone safe
Perhaps he had been wrong
But Aemond didn’t have the strength, nor the luxury of thinking about that, he didn’t dare.
It was what it was 
His mother, Alicent, cried silently as the silent sister worked on Aegon’s body, covered his sick and twisted body with gauze and so many oils and ointments to try and cover the stench, finally, they placed the crown of the conqueror over his covered body.
He had not been the King in a while now, so the ceremony was short, but dignified thanks to his mother, but as like Viserys before him, nobody really payed attention to the burial, but rather, his own coronation
He had been acting like prince regent for a while now, but no matter, the ceremony was great, held in the throne room, instead of the Dragon Pit like Aegon’s had been, other lords of all over the Kingdoms had not been invited, they were only notified of the death of Aegon, and the coronation of Aemond.
Aegon had died, now, he was King, and you were not by his side when Criston placed the crown over his head, he looked around the room, looking for you, expecting to see you there smiling shyly, but he couldn’t find you anywhere, he could finally crown you Queen of the Seven Kingdoms in all your right
But you were not there 
The day
The most important day of his life, and you were nowhere to be found. 
He wanted to cry
He wanted to throw himself into his bed and weep
Only Floris was there, standing by the last step of the Throne, looking up at him triumphantly 
He wanted to throw up
But he couldn’t show it, for everybody in that room, for all those lickspitters and flatterers, they had won, it was him. Aemond, the right choice, the right brother
The one that studied history and philosophy, the one that trained with the sword, the one that rode the largest dragon in the world
The one who had wed two Queens, that now were with his children in her bellies,  the one that worn the conqueror’s crown and held the conqueror’s sword
All the symbols of…
For fucks sake
His grandfather would have been proud
That is what everyone in that room saw, the perfect King
That is who everyone greeted at the banquet afterwards, to the King, the Baratheon Queen, and his mother, the loved Dowager Queen Mother, Alicent Hightower
The court seemed at peace 
But it seemed like the peace before the storm
As the feast was raging on, Corlys Velaryon entered the room with the remains of his family, nephews and far off cousins, but impressive nonetheless
He barely nodded to the new anointed monarch, and sat close beside him, at the side of Floris
“You must be pleased to know, your grace, that your Queen is safe, at the palace we discussed”, he said triumphantly, knowingly souring the mood of everyone at the table, “she send her bests, and wishes to be present in this joyous occasion, sadly that cannot be”
“I agree Lord Corlys, soon, it shall all be well again, and I can have my Queen back at my side”, Corlys smiled, and raised his cup at the King, which he answered back, at the scowl of the Queen, and the frown of Floris
Aemond smiled, more confidently now, he was King now
Now, he was settled in power, with two heirs on the way, he was settling on the charge, he had vanquished one of his most powerful enemies while on power, he had won the war
His chest filled with the sense of victory
One step closer 
One more, just one more
One enemy left to be slain, and it was going to be fine
All of it, was going to be worth it
He was King now
A real King, anointed by the faith, cherished by the people, supported by half of the great families and at least three of the seven Kingdoms
It could be better.
But it didn’t
Days went by and nothing did.
One day, a very respected member of his kingsguard entered his chambers, he looked nervous
“Your grace, following your instructions, I found something in Queen Floris’ chambers”, he said shakily, he knew how much was at stake, specially if he was wrong
Aemond only looked at him severely 
Corlys was sewing scorn, resentment and mistrust in court, and he was not going to stop, until they ripped each other apart
“Queen Floris poisoned our beloved Queen, but she couldn’t do it alone, the question is, why your master of whispers didn’t know it?”, he asked the King as he had called upon him for advice on what to do, “she couldn’t have done it alone, my king”
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Reader’s POV
You didn't want to believe it, when Aemond told you he was going to send you away, you didn’t want to get your hopes up, you believed you were dreaming.
But it was real
Maids helped you put your things inside coffers, and a sudden happiness filled you 
it was true, you were going away
Dragonstone? probably, is the only place that made sense for you
You were begging
But any place could be better than this
You would even go to Casterly fucking rock, instead of this place
Ironic, it should be your home, where your mother was born, where you were born
But it became a prison
You didn't want to believe you were finally going to be free of it until you were walking towards the docks, escorted by the entire Kingsguard and Aemond walking by your side
He was angry
He had promised you that you were going to be the only Queen, soon, and you couldn’t wish for anything but the opposite
This worked
You placed your hand in your belly, he had what he wanted, you could only wish you were expecting a girl and Floris a boy, perhaps then he would leave you alone.
 Aemond followed you hand, placing them over yours, as you stopped by when you reached Corlys’ ship at the end of the harbor
“I will send for you soon”, he promised, as he kissed you, you leaned into him, making him believe you would come back
You wouldn’t 
ONce you were weak enough to fight this, but not anymore
You were not going to come back, not against your own will.
You grabbed the small hand of your little brother as you helped him aboard the ship
Corlys held you both once the boat left the harbor.
It was funny
From all your Velaryon siblings, you were the one that liked the sea the most, even if your real father was Daemon Targaryen
You found it calming, reassuring, soothing, but it was also something to be weary of, careful, scared of.
The endless sea
“Thank you grandfather”, you whispered, he kissed the top of your head
“I’m here now sweet girl”, he whispered back, “they will pay for everything they have done to us”
There was a time you cursed him, you believed he had betrayed you and your mother, but he didn’t, he needed to get inside, attack from within, he was the Sea Snake, one of the most dangerous men on the seven Kingdoms
And he was on your side 
“The sea agrees with you”, he whispered, as with the soft sway of the ship you felt more confident as when you were on mainland 
“I got it from you”, you said cheekily, and he smiled warmly
“You are my legacy, history remembers names, not blood”, you only smiled gently 
And those words made sense only when you arrived at Dragonstone, where there was two very familiar silvery heads waiting for you
“Baela? Rhaena?”, you called, your half sisters smiling back at you. You ran towards them, as much as you could since you were heavily pregnant
they held you tightly against them
Once the war had started to collect the lives of your grandmother and then your brothers, Corlys had taken them to Driftmark, where they were going to be safe, you never saw them again.
Your stepsisters, your baby brother, your grandfather.
You looked up at the high towers of the huge castle, just in time when your dragon arrived and flied above it and between.
Your baby kicked inside you and you smiled warmly, he knew he was home too
 “You don’t have to worry, little one”, Corlys whispered, “you are home now, I’ll protect you”
But as you approached the castle, you realized it was more… lively, that the last time you saw it, more people, ships on the harbor, banners from houses of the Crownlands, no, it couldn’t be, you recognized from afar the house sigil of the Celtigars 
“What is going on?”, you asked
“The Lords are greeting you back home, where you belong, you, your brother, and the princeling”, now Corlys had the winning hand, having all the royal bloodlines under his protection.
When you entered the hall, you were met with all the lords of the Crownlands, everyone bowed when they saw you, smiling brightly at you, you smiled shyly back, as they guided you towards the Dragonstone throne.
Encouraged by Corlys, you took a seat in the throne, something you didn’t even see your mother do.
You gazed at all the lords, who didn’t even look in your direction when you lived inside these walls, when you were the last child of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and they could see how they disappointed you in your face, in the frown in your face.
Many of them started talking, amongst each other, and some towards you, many apologies, a lot of everything 
“We failed you once, our sweet Queen”, one man stood above all the others, “ we will not fail you again”, said Lord Celtigar, taking a knee to you, and all the other Lords followed
“To the Queen, and Prince Viserys!”, chanted one, and everyone echoed it
“For our late Queen Rhaenyra!”, chanted another and once again, your mother’s name was being called in the halls of Dragonstone
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It is going to be a long epilogue...
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jean0farc · 8 months
#!! - 𝑰𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑻 𝑶𝑭 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑹𝑰𝑴𝑺𝑶𝑵 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵 — 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ; ᴀᴄʜɪᴇᴠɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ
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𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: smut.
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Griffith X You (fem! reader)
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊:
Finally finished the fic after months of procrastinating.
This fic is not proofread or beta read.
Don’t try this at home, kids!
….And some rape down there. I don’t condone any of this irl (no shit). It is to note that it is part of the story’s progression and I only intend to explore such dark elements like the series always intended to do so in canon.
The “don’t like, don’t read” rule applies here. Kindly heed the tags one more time before proceeding.
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“Griffith…I…” you paused as you caught your breath. You were failing to fake self-confidence at this point in time, your legs shaking as you could only watch yourself give into the fear that made its way through your head and heart.
“I…wasn’t expecting your presence here…I….”
Griffith’s eyes narrowed in response, letting out a low hum. He was getting closer this time, giving you less time to react and run for your life.
You took a step backward, pressing your hands against the dresser for some support. You knew you’d hit a dead end the way you clumsily hit the wall, groaning softly in response. You waited and waited for a sign to attempt running past Griffith and escape the palace with all your will’s might. You still had your bathrobe on, which made you partially vulnerable to him, but you didn’t care. You just had to run away from the man who has been invading your personal space.
“Worry not, princess. I came not to disturb your slumber. What I ask for is one simple thing that I believe you and I could share. If I’ll allow you to do so, that is.” Griffith said.
“Who are you to tell me what to do with my Kingdom? This is my lair, as bestowed by my father before me. The fact that you’re trespassing does not make you worthy of seeing me at my-“
Your words were cut off by Griffith, his cunning tone making itself clear in the dead silence. “And who told you that this kingdom was entirely yours? Remember, your induction to queenhood was only taken into consideration because of your father’s sudden death. Besides, it’s not as if you have any experience in leadership whatsoever.”
“Are you underestimating me?” you asked, slightly annoyed with his attitude.
“Why, of course not.” Griffith said as he took brisk steps forward, making it almost impossible for you to escape. “Want to know a secret?”
You nodded in response.
“I killed your father.” Griffith said, shamelessly. He walked three steps forward, caging the both of you within a small distance.
“You son of a bitch! Why….why would you do such a thing?! My father has been-“ you were interrupted once again.
“I had to do it. There could only be one way to test as to whether Midland is fit to be led by a Queen all on her own…..and turns out, the ‘Queen’ in question has no experience.” Griffith said.
“How dare you insult me in my own palace!” you exclaimed. “I’m leaving!”
“Not when you’re barely dressed like that.” Griffith smiled deviously. “Now…..come here….”
“What….what are you implying?” you asked, attempting to charge your way to the exit of your bedroom. “N-never mind….I’m fucking leaving.” As you charged your way to the exit, you felt two hands wrap around your waist from behind. No, it was too late. Griffith caught you. Pulling you backward, he lifted you to your own bed and started stripping down until he wore nothing but his Behelit.
You attempted to escape once more, only for Griffith to pin you down to the bed and press his lips into yours. You fought against the sheets and turned your head to break the kiss, but your attempts were rendered futile as it only prompted Griffith to slip his tongue inside your mouth. Griffith kissed you harshly, and it frankly felt like kissing an untamed beast cornering its prey. You never knew Griffith was ...quite an expert at this, his mouth slightly nibbling at your lower lip everytime he retreated.
After finally pulling away from you, Griffith latched his face onto your neck, positioning himself next to your right ear. “Give yourself to me, Princess. After all, your Kingdom….will soon be mine.”
“No…NO!!!!” you exclaimed.
“A little stubborn, are we?” Griffith asked, tilting his head. “Well, it’s not like you’ve stood a chance. We’re taking off this one, okay?”
You kept tugging at your bathrobe’s ‘belt’ to keep it away from the filthy man on top of you. “Griffith, I don’t want this, please…..”
“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Too stubborn.” Griffith said, his touch growing angrier as he grabbed your bathrobe by the waist, curling his hand to a fist. Using his other hand, he slid a sleeve of the wardrobe off your shoulder, revealing your bare shoulder and right breast. Griffith dug right in, his lips kissing your hardened nipple as he engulfed his mouth to suckle it whole. While doing the do, he used his right hand to slide off the other sleeve of your bathrobe, exposing your other breast and stripping you down to your naked form. Griffith pulled away from your nipple, impressed with how he rendered the Queen of Midland helpless under his touch.
“Mmmm……what a pretty little thing you make, just for my kingdom.” Griffith let out a satisfactory hum. “This will be a rather fun time showing them who’s deserving of the throne.” Next thing you knew, Griffith was about to go down on you, positioning himself around the area of your waist.
“Don’t resist, Princess. Now, be a good girl and spread your legs wide open.” You hesitantly obeyed, up until Griffith grabbed you by your inner thighs, spreading them wider and raising them. Finally, he slipped your legs up his shoulders. It felt dirty having someone’s face right up your pussy, especially since this was your first time. Your mind wandered as you closed your eyes, hoping everything you just witnessed was just a dream. But no, it wasn’t. You fought against Griffith’s clutches, tugging at his hair and pushing him away.
But this just prompted him to dig right in, lapping at your fluids as he used his hands to part your lips for better tasting. You muffled a moan from the pleasurable feeling, covering your mouth with one hand. Griffith’s tongue worked you in fast, yet practiced motions—the tongue moved swiftly and curled just the right amount to send you shivers down your spine, earning muffled whimpers from you.
Granted, vibrators didn’t exist in the Medieval Era of Midland, so you might as well indulge in that feeling of someone’s tongue right up your pussy.
Griffith withdrew from eating you out for a while, his breathing and humming loud enough to send you goosebumps. “Mmmm…. You’re already this wet from a little kissing and heavy sucking. I wonder how it would be like to have you sing while having myself fully inside you, to have you clench around me while I slowly take what’s rightfully mine.”
“L-let go!!!!” you screamed. “I don’t want this!!!”
“You’ll take whatever’s been given to you, Princess. After all, you’re something…..” Griffith said, strict and unwavering. “Magnetic.”
Griffith moaned as he dug right back in, his tongue hovered over your clit. He started tracing small circles in a slow pacing, which left you impatient and begging for more. You tugged into his hair trying to fight him off, but as previously stated, you were left with no defenses against his strong grip.
“Griffith!!! Oh God…..!!!! I’m gonna…..!!!”
The feeling gave you that guilt, guilt for enjoying this man’s advances on you, and guilt because you just couldn’t believe your sense of authority was being challenged by a man of common birth.
But Griffith refused to stop. No, he didn’t stop suckling at your clit gently to give you a break. Griffith was merciless in the bedroom, leaving you with no choice but to accept the fate you’ve been accustomed to.
“Agh! Griffith!!! Stop….!!!!” you moaned out loud.
Griffith’s tongue kept going, and it wasn’t long before he inserted two digits inside your entrance without warning. He just didn’t care. His tongue slowly picked up the pace, speeding up and finally making you reach that sweet, sweet climax you’ve been waiting for. You fucked back subconsciously against his tongue, riding out your orgasm until it was ready to subside. After coming down from your high, you suddenly realized Griffith was looking down at you icily with his bright blue eyes, his body towering over yours despite lying down in bed.
You were screwed. What was about to happen next?
“Hmmm…..perhaps you are ready to take all of me. I’m going to fuck you so good you’d actually forget being the Queen of Midland.”
“No…..NO!!!!” you exclaimed, attempting to get up and reach for the door. You were stopped dead by Griffith once again, leading him to push you back to the mattress and grabbing you by the legs. Spreading them wider, Griffith let go of your legs, only to stroke his length before initially inserting it in your entrance. Slight precum formed through a pearl-like shape at the slit of his cock, adding lubrication to the process of entering you. Before you knew it, Griffith made efforts to adjust and bury his length within your vagina, though you ached in retaliation.
“Aghhh!!! It hurts! It burns! Let go!”
“Hush, princess. I know what I’m doing.” Griffith said as he spread your legs open for a better view. He adjusted himself by taking slow yet sure steps in burying his length into you, filling you to the brim. You were at this point begging to be freed from his grasp, though your fainting strength was no match for him.
Placing his hands on your wrists, Griffith pinned you down and started thrusting his hips in a slow, yet ambitious pace. You bit your lip to hold back your moans, but it was all for naught. You let out a small “uh” while he rocked in and out, sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the air as he leaned closer to your ear to speak.
“You don’t stand a chance against ruling Midland.” Griffith muttered at an intimate distance from you.
“What…..Huh…..?” you whimpered, your breasts being grabbed as it bounced from Griffith’s thrusts. “What….do you me-ngggh!” you grunted, trying to resist him by trying to get up. “I owe you nothing! Just please, let me rule my Kingdom in peace! I’ll do anything…..anything….but this…..!!!”
“Surrender your pride, little one.” Griffith said as he caught his breath. “I want you to dream of this.”
As a means of defending yourself, you attempted to grab Griffith by the hair to pull and tug on it roughly. However, your efforts to distract Griffith failed. You had to take responsibility for what had to happen next, and it was all because Griffith wanted a taste of your kingdom.
“I have every right to follow my dream, princess. And I want you and your kingdom surrendered to me. That is the pinnacle of achieving my dream.”
“You’ll…..you’ll never…..have my kingdom…..” you fought your way to speak in the midst of denying the pleasure Griffith gave you.
“You’ll take whatever I deem right to give you, princess. After all, your kingdom and this body will be mine.” Griffith said.
You screamed as loud as you could that the servants and every guest would hear you. The walls were soundproof, but you didn’t have a choice.
“Please!!!! I don’t want this! Please get off!!!”
“You do know screaming out for servants to assist you won’t do your kingdom justice, right? Mmmmm…..”
Right on the dot, Griffith stopped thrusting, pulled out, and aggressively flipped your body over that you were facing the bed. With one fell swoop, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and pinned your head to the pillow to muffle every moan and protest you had up your sleeve. Without warning, he repositioned himself right up your entrance, taking you from behind.
“This is a far better idea to keep your mouth shut and do as I say.” Griffith commanded.
The sounds of lewd clapping resumed, Griffith’s cock milking every last bit of your pussy’s juices with fervor. There was no turning back now, and he was truly getting at it, without any form of warning or informing you of any discomfort felt. It was like Griffith only cared for his own pleasure and never left crumbs of remorse for your wellbeing. This left you scarred—physically, emotionally, and most significantly, spiritually.
“Mmmmmm……I’m getting quite close.” Griffith smirked as he leaned forward. “What are you going to do about it, princess? Squirm? Run away?”
Your eyes widened at his remark, your body telling you to escape as he was nearing his release. You certainly did not want to carry his child, nor want to do anything with the monster who pounded on you animalistically.
“Noooooo!!!!!!” your voice protested while being muffled by the pillows where your head rested.
“As I said, you’ll take whatever’s been given to you. Now….”
It wasn’t long before your body betrayed you. You felt your climax approaching despite being against the thought of Griffith fucking you. Subconsciously, you fucked back, trying to get Griffith’s cock deep in you before you could feel his fluids leaking straight from your soaked cunt.
Your moans and grunts filled the pillow, adding to its warmth while Griffith bit down your neck out of extreme pleasure. His thrusts sped up as he began to feel ropes of cum shooting itself inside you before pulling out. And the feeling was mutually GOOD. You let out a groan as your muscles relaxed, Griffith moaning as his cum began to leak out from your newly filled cunt. You were soaking wet and drenched in sweat as Griffith stayed inside you for long.
You were now marked as his. You didn’t know what to do at this point as you were deflowered after your coronation day.
“Sleep well, princess. Provided you are to raise a child from our time together, just let me know. We can build a kingdom where you could rule by my side.”
You couldn’t respond, which prompted Griffith to flip your body back to lying on your back. It was truly a tiresome night, filled with intensity and passion as Griffith stole everything from you.
You just never stood a chance.
Your eyes suddenly admitted defeat, staring up at Griffith as he looked down at you with a look of an angel. He was charming, so to speak, but heavily dedicated to what he promised to achieve.
And he achieved it.
He achieved his dream.
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ladybugsimblr · 4 months
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simshaderoom Guess Dizzy was serious about getting his simoleons from Bailey Kay. Sources tell us that he officially filed a lawsuit against the Queen for skipping out on their Ciroc deal. He also included BK’s label since they refused to promote their songs together. No word yet on the amount Dizzy is asking for. Must be big since everyone in The Blueprint section of the Entertainment Honors Afterparty looked over it! Dizzy was not in the building (yet again) but still managed to ruin the night. Looks like this feud is not ending anytime soon. Who y'all riding with?
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dizzydes At least the ONE pic you used of me was good smh. This is just business. I gave them plenty of chances to squash our little beef, but they chose not to. I promise I don’t mean any harm. I just know a caged bird when I see one. It’s clear that beautiful butterfly wants to be free and I can be the one to help her.
skyeisthelimit Gross. Give it up Dezzperate! BK doesn’t need your help. She needs you to leave her alone. Damn! 😒 #Vybez #BFlyHive 🦋
rubberbandshan Open and Shut. Will be wrapped up by end of the next business day. BK will give Dizzgusting his little coins and move on.
kingb Yeah... this is not making it to court. He definitely won't get the spectacle that he is looking for. Bye Dezzpicable! We are tired. Just like you.
rubberbandshan I have to admit I don't like the energy in these photos. BK was just slaying in the couple pics earlier in the night and then womp. Ugh. I don't like this at all.
bkstan I agree rubberbandshan. BK is looking a little off. It's giving strong edible just kicked in tho. I think she's fine.
anon I meannn Dizzy deserves his money. BK didn't fulfill her obligations. More importantly. Why do you all once again have photos and not video/audio?! Looks like an argument to me!! 👀
bflyhive I'm sure it's nothing to the Queen. She is not even focused on Dizzy. She has a show to do baby! #ButterflySprings #HouseOfButterfly 🦋
c.spiracy The difference in pics is giving we had to switch clones in the middle of the party for sure. I don't think there's anything to worry about. Just a little malfunction. It's perfectly normal.
notthesameanon My aunt’s best friend’s mailman’s wife’s niece worked the event and said no one was allowed anywhere near their section and it was super loud in there so you couldn’t hear anything. She did say it looked like a heated discussion and BK left early and visibly upset. Trying to get more info...
rubberbandshan Yes please. Let’s focus on that. An unhappy Queen goes back into hiding and we just got her back outside. Can’t have that!!!
c.spiracy You thought I forgot to count the jewels in her necklace didn't you? Nope! 😉 The message is loud and clear BK.
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passionateseadruid · 1 month
Snake kings bride 5
The Date(s) part 1 Lu Lu land
Back to touchy pervy Lucifer! The floodgates have been opened and he is a touch starved whore. Warning F Bombs! Lots of them.
The next morning you woke up to something soft wrapped around you and something poking you from behind. 
"Lilith please don't go." You heard him mumble. "Charlie needs you, the people need you, I need you."
You opened your eyes and were brought back to the reality of the situation. The Devil from Da Bible had kidnapped you, made a lot of innuendos towards you, hugged you almost everyday without your consent, and to top it all of he tried to gaslight you last night into thinking that the reason you were uncomfortable with this situation was because you weren't giving him a chance.
"What in the Apollo and Daphne?"
This man threatened your family and had the Gaul to say YOU were the problem.
(A/n: Lu Lu world more like delulu world. If you can't tell I think I'm funny.)
"Lily please." Lucifer's pathetic whines snapped you out of your thoughts. He had his arms wrapped tightly around your arms and torso, while his big white and red wings were laying over you like a cage
"I'm sorry I married her, but you were gone for seven years. I needed help running hell. You should know that better than anyone. I'm a mess, Lil. I was broken when you left." With every word his arms tightened around you.
You don't know whether or not you should interrupt this. He clearly still loves her, so maybe you should let him have this moment even if it’s not real.
"If you loved me as you claimed you’d let her go." You snarked.
"Don't say that Lilith… 's not fair. You left me. I should get to be happy."
Okay this is getting too weird. "LUCIFER!!"
"AH!" He gasped, letting you go.
"Is that how you see me? As a replacement for her?" You turned 
"What?" He asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"When I said you don't love me you thought I was Lilith."
He slowly blinked one eye after another "When did you-"
"Just now when you were sleeping."
"That was you?"
"Yes. And I mean both that and the inverse. If you still love Lilith you should let me go, I don't want to be a replacement for her."
"Does that mean that you want to marry me?"
"No." you deadpanned. "It's called basic self respect." You turned to get out of bed and he pulled you back down into bed.
"Stay~" He whined. "Don't you want to hear about the dream I had last night?"
"It was our wedding night. Things were getting steamy~"
"Well that explains… that…"
"You wanna help me get rid of it?"
"Aw c'mon~ I think you’d look pretty with a round belly on our wedding day~"
You felt you face heat. "So we fucked then Lilith walked in and called you a whore?" You changed the subject.
"Basically. Let's forget about that part though. C'mere, I want a morning kiss."
"Wait, don't kiss me! I have really bad morning breath."
"I don't care." He grabbed your chin and kissed you. "You taste hellishly good. I wonder if the rest of you tastes this good~"
You shuddered. "Your highness! The queen is-" Pluto burst in with Nina behind her.
"Missing?" Pluto asked as the two stood staring at you two.
"Did you find her?" Renesmee came running. "Hello my lady. Oh uh... your highness you've got a problem there. Shall I start a cold shower for you?"
You bury your head under the covers. "No need! I've got my wife for that." 
The ladies and Styx who has joined them in the doorway here a muffled. "HEY!"
"See I told you all that she hadn't ran away. His Majesty would tear through every ring of hell to find her and if he couldn't he'd raise hell on earth till she was returned to him."
"I'm going back to my room to take a shower and get dressed." You Say and wrap one of his comforters around him and leave.
"I’ll iron the outfit you chose my lady."
"Thank you Renesmee." You walk away with her and Nina in toe.
After your shower you sneak back into Lucifer's room. "If there isn't one book about the living world in the library then there has to some in either be in his room, or in his study. He's the Devil, it's not like he can just not stay up to date on the news of earth. Great, now I'm talking to myself."
His room was filled with pictures of Charlie. There were some family photos of him Charlie and a blond woman with horns.The walls were once again… red. White trim laced the top and bottom of the walls with gold apple decals. Ducks littered buckets in each corner of the room. The double doors were stripped a bright red and a burgundy red.
"If he loves me as much as he says he does I'm redesigning this whole room and I don't want to hear shit from him!"
His bed was exactly like your own. With the exception that his comforters were Long. You didn’t realize how big his bed was. 
"Who needs a bed this big? What was he so much of a freak with his wife that they had to roll around so much?"
"STOP FIGHTING!" You hear a deep scary voice from the hallway. You look around the room and decide to duck under the bed. It was kind of crowded under there but the comforters reached all the way to the floor so it was the safest option.
"Mammon for all of our sakes and sanity stop trying to steal our shit! You took practically my entire brand, you've stolen Levi's thing, and Ozzie wants more control over the Fizz robots your selling."
You held your breathe as Lucifer walked through his room. Several voices were talking over each other! "All of you shut UP!"
"I'm looking through my paperwork, right now Levi."
"Ozzie, please focus."
"Bee! Stop encouraging him! We're in a meeting."
"Fine! You two want to know so badly, My bride is fine. Here they are, finally found the paperwork."
While Lucifer was talking on what you can assume to be his phone you turned to look at what was under his bed and why it was so cramped. It was mostly ducks, shoes, random pieces of clothing that you assumed to be Lilith's (Seeing as how they were sparkly dresses (Though no hate if he wants to dress in drag)); but what caught your attention the most were polaroid photos. They were all of you. Some were of you sleeping; some were you Renesmee and Nina with the latter twos faces scribbled, burned, or cut out; some were of you looking through books in the library; and luckily there were none of you in the bathroom (So he's not THAT much of a creepy stalker.) And in the very back there were some books.
'The Ars Goetia.'
It chronicled the history of… a bunch of bird demons? And their various duties and trips to the…
'Mortal realm'
This was it! This was your ticket out of here!
"No Belphy I don't think I'm moving to fast! If I don't tie her down she'll leave me." Lucifer spoke.
"Oh hardy har har, Mam! Laugh it up that my wife left. And no, I don't have abandonment issues!"
He finally left and you made a mad dash for the exit.
You spent the rest of the day pondering on what you could do to try and get in contact with one of these "Ars Goetia".
You looked through the entire library once more.
"No offense princess but do you do anything other than read? You have the hell wide web and you're spending all your time reading."
"Nina she's the future queen. Please be nice." Renesmee begged.
"No offense was taken even if intended. And for your information, web searches can be traced and tracked. I also would rather not give that prick the satisfaction of using his bribes."
"Not even gonna sugarcoat it." Nina rolled her eyes.
"I'm pretty sure everyone in Luci's inner circle knows what I am. Or at least his daughter, her girlfriend, and his servants do. And most people can assume what happened to me."
"Has anyone actually ever correctly guessed that you were kidnapped?" Nina snarked.
"Well… no. But I'm hopeful!"
"You'd have to be insane to have hope in a place like this."
"I think I found something my Lady!" Renesmee called. You slid down the ladder and she pointed out where she was reading.
"Most Goetia are Loyal to the king that presides over their circle of the pride ring.”
"Wait what? Circle? Like Dante's inferno?"
"Yeah. Dead souls can only be in the pride ring, while there are six other rings stacked on top of each other like a cake." Renesmee explained.
"Like a cake?" You giggled. "Are you hungry?"
"Kinda. I skipped breakfast because Pluto called in telling us that you'd gone missing." Renesmee confessed bashfully.
"I'm sorry. I didn't have any say in whether or not I stayed with him."
"I'll go get you a snack, Love." Nina kissed Renesmee on the cheek and left.
"You two are so cute."
"Thanks. Now anyway, there are nine kings for the nine circle. Lucifer presides over them all, and they all have various degrees of loyalty to him."
"Why does this make so much sense with Dante's inferno. Like how did he know? Because if he's dead then he'd only be able to see the pride ring so he'd think that there was only nine rings. But if that's the case how did he publish the book? Hallucinations of the other side?"
"Apparently only one Goetia has ever rebelled against Lucifer and the system at large. His name was Apollyon and he was once a knight in the Ars Goetia. He left to pursue a relationship with an imp woman, they fled from the pride ring and were never seen again. It says he was the guardian to the gates of hell."
'He might be my way out, but how am I going to find him?'
"I'm going to my room. You and Nina have a break okay?" The rest of the day you spent reading.
The next morning you felt a tight grip around your waist.
"Sleeping with my wife. What does it look like I'm doing?" Lucifer replied.
"I'm not your wife!"
"Not yet, but you will be."
"Get out of my room fucker!" You tried to push him off the bed.
"Noooo..." He whined. 
"I'm leaving and I'm burning these sheets."
"Stay Doll." He pulled you to lay in bed with him.
This went on for a few weeks. He either snuck into your bed or you ended up in his by morning without your knowledge.
One day you finally snapped and had enough.
"Stop! Stop touching me! Don't you see how fucked up this is? I don't know you. You don't know me."
"I want to. Please just give me a chance."
A light flickered on in your brain. "One chance, and on one condition. You let me go anywhere I want today. ON. MY. OWN."
"Okay... don't wear yourself out today! Because tomorrow we're going to Lu Lu world! Oh and here!" He pulls out a briefcase of money. "I won't follow you but please take the succubus."
"I'll take Nina. And I'm not going to ask what Lu Lu world is. Thanks for the money." You take the briefcase.
"I'm just so glad that you're finally seeing things my way."
It was the day after your outing and You had to get ready for a date with the devil.
"I think I'm actually going to be sick, Renesmee." She was brushing out your hair as you wore a pastel yellow romper and some matching platform tennis shoes.
"You'll be fine My Lady." She finished off by tying a bow in your hair and pushing you towards the door.
"Wow... you look like a giant duckie. I'm falling even more in love with you than before." Lucifer said as he stood outside your door holding up a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Hey this isn't fair. Why do you get to wear platforms when you're already taller than me? It's going to be even harder to kiss you now." He teased.
"Thanks for the flowers I guess. How did you know I liked these flowers?"
"I talked to that old coworker of yours, and she mentioned you had a roommate and so I paid her a visit. I promised her that if she filled me in on all of your likes, dislikes, and interests that I'd put her in your contacts."
"Lilian? Did... did you tell her that you're... what you are?"
"Do you want to get going?" You asked.
He nodded and you took the limo to a big theme park. He wrapped a wristband around your wrist and took your hand as the two of you exited the limo; you in the regular disguise of course.
There were several different attractions. A tower of babble drop, a great flood water ride, and lots of other bible themes attractions. In the front there was a big map. According to that there was a far off cafe that was called Eden's eats. Along the right there were some game booths where you can win various prizes.
"Where do you want to go first? We have fast passes to anywhere in the park. Perks of being the owner."
"Owner? OH! That makes so much more sense. Lu Lu World, Lucifer. I feel so dumb. Are there any food carts I didn't get breakfast."
"Hmm I think the golden apple food cart should be in the upper left corner at this time. Cmere I'll teleport us there. Their candy apples are the best thing in the park." He opens a portal and you two step through to find a man cowering in fear at the short man next to you. "Hello my good man! We'll take two of your ripest candy apples." 
The man gives you each a candy apple and you smiled and thank the man. He sighed as soon as Lucifer took you hand and lead you away.
He Took you on several rides. Once he figured out that you'd cling onto him on the higher, faster rides he'd take you on exclusively those. After a while you ended up regurgitating that candy apple and he took you to some of the game booths to try and calm you down.
"Pick a duck to win a duck?" You questioned.
"I'm pretty good at this one. You want the big plushie? Oh what am I saying of course you do! If I can't get you the biggest and best plushie, what king of Husband would I be?"
"Wait let me guess. You're simple one Hell of a husband." (A/n: To those of you who get this I love you.)
"Yes actually. I'm also the embodiment of pride though so I kinda need to get you the absolute best of the best."
He ends up winning the game with a high score and you two get the biggest duck plushie they had and a small matching plushy for him. He teleports them home and you two keep walking around.
After a while you two had lunch. Then you won matching apple keychains for you and him. He bought you one of those long white snake plushies they sell at zoos. And at the end of the day you two rode up to the top of the Farris wheel and watched the firework display. 
This was honestly one of the least unpleasant dates you've been on. If you were being honest this was probably one of the least unpleasant days you've spent with him. He spent the day cracking jokes and being a dork. He made you one of those origami fortune teller things earlier. He talked all about how and why Lu Lu world was built, and he even got a bit into his first date with Lilith here. 
But now as you sat in front of the fireworks display, his arm around you, you felt scared. Scared because you felt warm and safe.
'NO! This man threatened my entire family. He knows where Lilian Lives now. He could use her against me.'
"Hey Darling?" He turned you to face him. "I love you."
You gulped down the insults you wanted to throw at him.
"Thank you for today."
He cupped your chin and forced a kiss from you.
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ultralightpoe · 10 months
Midnight Rain - Jamie Tartt
Authors Note: I have been trying to find any sort of energy to post and get out of bed. Got so close to giving up on life itself and I'm barely back, please bare with me as I try to find my way out of my depression hole I have dug for myself everyone. I know it's been a minute but life has been kicking my ass. Be patient with me - Ultralight
Word Count: 4274
Warnings: slight angst
Apart of my MIDNIGHTS EVENT. (Next Event is Sour by Olivia Rodrigo. Requests closed. Event following yet to be decided)
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Rain, he wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
It was an odd thing, falling for a famous person with everyone watching you both, it felt like every private moment had been laid bare to the world for them to mock and laugh at. There was nothing normal about it. 
But then again there was nothing normal about the way you and Jamie Tartt had met. 
You thought of this as you left the Richmond Stadium, glasses covering your eyes as you did your best to hide your face from the flashes, your bodyguard holding the small of your back as he pushed you forward. 
“Just a few more steps until we are in the car.” He informs, blocking a poster from being shoved into your face. 
By the time you are shoved into the air conditioned car you risk a look back at him, and this is the moment all the paparazzi catch a picture of your tear stained face. 
You wish this had never happened.
“I just don’t understand.” You whine, eyes cast up to the ceiling of the building, swirling in the chair as your manager tapped her pen on the desk in front of you with an unamused expression. “I didn’t do anyth-”
“HE WAS MARRIED!” In your defense he had never mentioned his wife and how the hell were you supposed to know? He never wore a ring, he was always in costume and character so it wasn’t like you had talked about his family at all. 
That being said, you felt horrible when you found out, and then your surprised face had been printed onto every magazine and gossip site known to man, which made you look like the homewrecker and him like the lost puppy husband.  What a scuffing tool. 
“So what on earth does this have to do with Jamie Tartt?” You had never heard of him before, not that you were a football fan in general, but you did kind of recognize him from some cheap reality show. 
“He is looking for a change in image, a happy healthy family image.” Your manager explains. 
“So you want me to be his pretty little wife?” You snark, lifting your voice until you're whispering like a 50’s pinup girl and batting your eyelashes at her. “Should I make him dinner every night and kiss him sweetly-”
“How many job offers have you gotten lately?” She snaps, slamming your gossip mags on the desk in front of her. 
She had you there, since he had played victim you had close to no job offers, your image had been destroyed by that pompous man.  
So it seemed Jamie Tartt was your only option. You would play the role of your sweet girl. 
My town was a wasteland
Full of cages, full of fences
Pageant queens and big pretenders
But for some, it was paradise
Your face was printed everywhere by the next morning and Jamie Tartt couldn’t help but try and throw as many of the magazines and papers away during his early morning jog with Roy. 
“The fuck are you doing?” Kent snaps, crossing his arms, his back straight and his eyebrows pinched. 
“I don’t fuckin’ know mate!” Jamie snaps, face bunched up as he panics, the stack of papers in his hands heavier than he thought when he makes eye contact with your photo. You looked so sad he felt his heart shatter. “I jus’ don’ want any of these fucks seein her like this, ya know?”
“Everyone has phones.” His running partner points out and Jamie sighs of disbelief. “Come on, you massive twat.”
With that Roy starts running again and Jamie is forced to drop the magazines in the trash, picking up his speed to catch up with his coach, heart racing against his ribs. 
After this he would call you, maybe try to clear the air. After everything you both went through he was sure you would at least want to talk to him……right?
“So…..I just go to the restaurant…..for the date you set up for me?” Jamie asks, confusion laced in his tone as he stares at his ex girlfriend and now his social media manager. “I just don’t get it Keeley.”
“It’s not something you get, ya?” She smiles, rubbing his shoulders. “Just trust me Jamie, I think she will be good for ya.”
“And she’s interested in me?” There was a small excitement in his chest now, the feeling of being adored always enough to boost his ego. “Then I think I can give this a chance, ya?”
So he did give you a chance, he showed up (late) wearing simple workout gear and asking the host about your reservation. She gives him a disgusted up and down look before side-eying him as she points to a table in the far back. 
You were there, your nose in a book, and not caring about anyone else in the restaurant. And he instantly knows he should have dressed up more, he figured you would be some fangirl and would like him as he is. But now he sees that he looks like a massive twat who showed up late and not dressed up at all. 
“Y/n?” He asks slowly, reaching a hand up to fix his hair subconsciously. Nerves were getting the best of him and when you finally looked up he could not think straight, let alone breathe. It’s like life stopped short. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah? Jamie Tartt I presume?” You ask and he can do nothing but nod. “Why don’t you sit, the paps are going to be here in no time.”
“Paps?” He asks, lunging to sit in front of you, fixing his hair once more. 
“They follow everywhere. I haven’t ordered yet, even though you were late.” 
“Right. Yeah. Thank you for waitin’.”
My boy was a montage
A slow-motion, love potion
Jumping off things in the ocean
I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
He had been one of the sweetest fake dates you’d ever had in your career, and for a couple minutes you wondered if it was a real date, only to laugh it off as a camera flash caught him in the middle of a dramatic retelling. You had to remind yourself that night that it was fake. It was all fake. 
But the kiss you gave him outside the restaurant felt more real than anything else you had felt before, and when you had pulled away your hands were shaking. But he simply smiled and kissed your cheek before disappearing. 
You had exchanged numbers that night, so you wouldn’t have to go through your managers everytime you needed to meet. And that had worked well for the first 2 weeks. 
He had gone from making you laugh at coffee to texting you at 3 am. And though you had a red flag in your mind about the professional boundary you ignored it because why not? If you were forced to fake date someone then why not have fun?
But now you sat in your empty apartment, legs pulled into your chest as you sobbed, wondering why on earth you had crossed the professional boundary. 
Your phone rang somewhere behind you and a part of you wanted to dive to answer it, already knowing it would be him. But you drew the line in the sand, why run to the water to drown yourself now?
So instead you pulled your throw blanket over yourself and let the world wash away. 
“Is there a reason you called me this early?” You laugh, pulling your coat closer around you as you meet him at the side entrance of the Richmond field. “And when will the paps get here?”
“They won’t be.” He looks proud to say that, excitement crossing his face as he reaches for your hand. “I figured you had enough of them so I’ll sneak ya in.”
His hand finds your own and you are filled with the same warmth of the night you kissed him so you follow him without questions. And he seems ten times happier to lead you to the main field. 
“Okay so there are sooo many rules about being on the field, it’s a bit of bad luck yeah? So don’t tell anyone you were here.” He rambles as you look around before pulling out a ball from his backpack. 
“Oh, what on earth is that?”
“It’s a football?” He laughs, throwing it at you which makes you scream and hit it. It bounces off his forehead with a thud that has you gasping. 
“Oh my goodness I am so sorry about th-” But he merely laughs. 
“I said a football not a handball!”
“You mean a volleyball.”
“A what?”
“Why am I here?” You interrupt, leaning to touch his forehead where the ball hit. 
“I was hoping I can teach ya to play.” He blushes when he says it and for a second you are not Y/n L/n international actress, you are Y/n L/n, dumbass in a soccer field. 
So you spend the night running around the field with Jamie as he teaches you tips and tricks of the game, you are sweating and laughing. 
Then he slips and falls harshly and you are a goner, holding your stomach as you fall over him, cackling. 
“You’re a traitor!” He laughs, catching you before you hit the grass and leaning to tickle you. This ends up being a small wrestling match and by the time it’s over you are both laying in the grass, your head on his chest and staring up at the sky. 
“This was fun.”
“Yes. I am really thankful I picked the call up.” You giggle, looking up to him and before you know it you are leaning up to kiss him. And just as the first time you are left breathless and shaking. Then he smiles at you and there is a red flag once more. But you don’t listen. 
“You wanna come back to my place?”
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
He wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
“I just don’t understand, yeah?” He rants, walking back and forth in the coaches office as all five of the men stare at him with odd expressions. “Like I woulda understood if she just told me it was a public stunt-”
  “Ah, I see your dilemma here young pup-” Ted starts, only to be interrupted by Beard and Higgins howling while Roy and Trent both stay silent. “It seems to me like you had some deep feelings for this girl….like, oo oh come on fellas help me out here-”
“Love is dead.” Roy supplies. 
“Beats me.” Trent shrugs. 
“I’m blanking-” Beard panics. 
“LUKE AND LEIA!” Higgins rushes only for beard and Ted to turn on him slowly. 
“You ever seen those movies, Higgins?” Ted asks slowly, and everyone in the room stops. 
“No….No sir.But I know they kiss.” He smiles and Ted nods. “Watch em and then get back to me.”
“Will do, sir.”
“Will you blokes help me?!” Jamie snaps and they all turn back to him. “She won’t even pick up her fucking phone.”
“Well……” Roy grunts and everyone sits up. 
“Oh boy, Roy is about to open up. Buckle in.” Ted giggles. 
“I think if you truly love the lass then you should be Jamie about it and go do what Jamie does.”
“And what does Jamie do?!”
Weeks and weeks of this, dates at restaurants and secret dates away from the paps that relentlessly followed you, and then he would spend the night with you in your apartment. Which was never a requirement but gee what a bonus because you managed to take his breath away with every kiss. 
One tug and his soul is gone, one bite and he is swearing himself to you. 
But his favorite moments between the two of you were when he was laying in your bed, the sunlight streaming through your curtains as you kissed your way up his back to wake him up. In this room you never had that actress pretense you swore by, in this room you were just Y/n. Queen of his heart. 
“I think it’s time to wake up.” You whisper, nipping at his ear as he smiles. 
“Or we can just sleep in…..” He offers. 
“You have a huge game today, and I have my first session on my new film.” 
“A new film?”
“Yeah! I’m playing the love interest, a bit weird when I have to kiss someone dressed as an alien but who am-”
“So you’ll be kissing someone then?” 
“Well acting…. Just like the sex scene is acting and this relationship is-” You are cut off by the sound of his phone ringing but something in his ears screeches. 
It came like a postcard
Picture perfect, shiny family
Holiday, peppermint candy
But for him it's every day
You were right back where you started, swirling in your manager's chair as she glared at you, only this time you felt like there was a gaping hole in your chest that you couldn’t seem to fill. This entire idea had been a mistake. 
“You are right back where you started, but with ANOTHER SCANDAL!” Your manager shouts, slamming the pen onto the table and reaching to grab the tabloids laid to the side. You didn’t bother to look since you already knew what would be plastered all over them. 
You were now not only known as the woman who cheated on Jamie fucking Tartt but you were the reason the team lost their game. You were bad luck. 
A whore. A homewrecker. A lame actress. A waste of space……. But those were just the things that Jamie had said. The public had many many more things to say about it all. 
Your heart stung at the thought of him, trying your best to erase the image of him as tears sprung in your eyes, picking up your stuff as fast as you can before you storm out. 
You didn’t need to be told what a fuck up this was, you already knew it. 
“So… the other day, when we were lying in bed?” Jamie starts, leaning against the wall of the coffee shop as he stares into your eyes, letting you play with the zipper of his jacket. Your back was pressed to the wall as he covered you from the paps, all that could be seen was your legs and at this moment you couldn’t be more happy. 
You, as much as you hate to admit it, loved hanging out with Jamie when it wasn’t a performance. 
“You mean when you forgot your underwear in a rush to leave?” You tease, enjoying the nervous look that crosses his face. 
“Well, you said something that just…. It made me nervous, yeah?”
“What made you nerv-” 
“JAMIE!” A voice calls, breaking you both out of the small trance that had built up between you, both of you taking a step back from each other. You keep a hand on his chest, his own flies up to keep it there as he smiles at the man who interrupted you both.  “DANNY ROJAS!”
“Oy, keep it down, Mate!” Jamie laughs, pulling you to the man dancing. “Danny this is Y/n, Y/n this is Danny.” 
“Wonderful to meet you-”
“You coming to the game?” Danny asks, face filled with excitement. For a moment you want to say no, there was no need for a public appearance at his game, but then you look to see the hopeful expression on Jamie’s face and you feel yourself smiling. 
“If handsome is okay with me going?” You ask, eyes not leaving Jamie. He gets excited, rushing forward to kiss your cheek. 
“I’ll save you a seat!” 
So I peered through a window
A deep portal, time travel
All the love we unravel
And the life I gave away
Jamie found himself running the next morning, thinking about what fucking Kent had said. “Jamie Tartt would fuck it all up of course.” 
Fuck it up? Roy Kent is saying he would fuck it up? That wanker didn’t know anything at all, and Jamie would never fuck it up. 
But then he finds himself at your doorway, sweaty and nervous as he tries to figure out how the hell he got here. Fuck fuck fuck. 
Just as he goes to dash off the door swings open, revealing your tear streaked face staring right at him. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I have no fucking clue.” He blurts, hands flying up like you are about to swing at him. But you don’t, you merely stare at him as he stares back with a heavy heart. “But I am here…..and I’d love to talk.”
You were thrilled, looking around the stadium with wide eyes as everyone cheered for Jamie. You had seen this man in his element many times, you knew he loved the game but you had never seen him in his element surrounded by his fans. 
This was one heck of a thrill. 
He was cheering with them, and yelling, and honestly just owning the field (or Pitch as the coach had explained). You could do nothing but watch in amazement as the two females beside you cheered them on as well. 
But that’s when things started to go sideways. 
You had just been cheering Jamie on, jumping up in your seat when he made the goal, when you saw your old co-star from the corner of your eye. The pompous asshole that forgot to mention he was married. Within a second of making eye contact he was nodding his head, moving closer to you, mumbling out excuse me’s to book it to you. 
For an instant you think of telling him to piss off, but for some reason you didn’t want the group of people you were sat with to realize that you were a homewrecker, whether you meant to or not that's embarrassing. So you let the panic get the better of you and dash to meet him halfway, tugging on his jacket to drag him up the stairs. 
“What the fuck are you doing-” You start to ask, anger coursing through your veins but when you whirl to glare at him his hands are on your jaw pulling you in for a swift kiss as cameras click in the background. 
In a moment of panic you gasp out, only to swing your hand quickly so slap his face harshly. The sound rings out in the hallway followed by multiple ‘oohs’ as you twist to walk away quickly. 
But the damage had been done already, and twitter was on the jump already. 
'Cause he was sunshine
I was midnight rain
He wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed
Like midnight
You watch him in amazement for a moment, eyebrows raised while you tried to process the words he just said. He stares back for a moment, tilting his head while he waits for your response, but you can’t think of a single thing to say. 
“I think we already said enough,” You start, wrapping your arms around yourself while he shuffles uncomfortably. 
“No, Y/n let’s just-”
“Jamie, just drop it. We both already said what we had to.” You mumble, attempting to close the door before his foot catches in it and he huffs in pain. 
“Just….. Five minutes, that’s all I need.”
“.......Fine,” You sigh, opening the door and letting him in. 
“Um- what the actual fuck?!” Jamie snaps, coming around the corner his phone glued in his hand as he glared at you. “You mind tellin me why the fuck you were lockin’ lips with that wanker?!”
“Wait, it’s not what it looks like-” You start, but he is too mad, sneering at you when you try to reach for him. 
“So you weren’t actin’ like a whore with a man while I was playing my game?!”
“Excuse me?” The feeling of panic vanishes, replaced by another wave of anger as his words settle in. “Coming from the dumbass that was in Love Island?”
“It was Love Conquers All, I’ll have ya know!” He scoffs.
“Not to mention I don’t owe you anything! THIS IS A PR STUNT!” You shout, not caring at the amount of paps that were beginning to swarm. 
“A pr stunt?” He asks, face falling as he looks at you. “You mean to tell me that you have been dating me for-”
“Pr. Yes. This entire thing has been PR. Did you not know that?” That laugh that slips from your lips is bitter,  eyes welling up with tears. Dear god, did no one tell him?
“Right, so this entire time I have been used by a lame ass actress? You been using my fame to get roles? Is that it?”
“More like I have been using you to clean up my image after….”
“RIGHT! Sleeping with a married man-”
“He didn’t tell me he was married!”
Rain, he wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed
Like midnight
You watch him shuffle across your living room, jumping up and down on the balls of his feet as he tried to talk himself up,  breathing out slowly as he turns to face you. 
“I have never been good with this whole….feelin’ thing. But then I met you and for a moment I thought I had it, you know? I thought I was gonna get the life with the girl that loved me because everytime I was near ya my heart started cracking through my fuckin’ ribcage.” He begins, rubbing the back of his neck. “Then you are tellin’ me that it was all fake-”
“It wasn’t all fake.” You whisper and he sucks in a breath. 
“It wasn’t?”
“No, I wouldn’t have slept with you if it was.” You scoff, rolling your eyes. 
“I’m sorry for what I said.”
“Me too.”
“I….. I want it to be real.” He admits, taking a step closer. “I know it was all fake……now I do. But I want this.”
“Because you’re the wind beneath my fucking wings!” He smiles, moving until his hands are on your shoulders. “You make my heart race and you are the only one on this earth that doesn’t seem to mind my massive fuck ups. I fall in front of ya so many times a day, and you’ve seen me flex in a circus mirror and get frustrated and you have seen me-”
“I get it.” You smile. 
“Please, Y/n, just give me a chance back. Let’s make this real.”
“But it might not-”
“We can make it work! If you can learn football then we can make this work.”
You stare at him, and he stares back. For a moment he thinks you are going to say no, and he begins backing up until you nod. 
“Yeah.” You nod. “Okay.”
I guess sometimes we all get
Just what we wanted, just what we wanted
And he never thinks of me
Except when I'm on TV
  From that point on there was a stark difference between the actress you and the real you. Actress you kissed handsome men on screen and ended up in a tabloid once a week, accusing you of vile things. 
Real you, well real you ate gummy worms in bed with your charming husband that loved hearing all the rumors, reading through them and acting them out like a fake fight. You went to all his games, he showed up to all of your premieres. 
Sunshine and rain mixed into a storm of chaos that both of you loved. 
I guess sometimes we all get
Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted
And I never think of him
Except on midnights like this (midnights like this)
“Are ye ready yet?” He calls, laying on the couch as he watched the screen before him, laughing a bit when he sees Nate the Great slip on camera. 
“No, I am not!” You snap, rushing into the living room in a panic, searching around. He picks his head up to watch you, laughing a little when you trip over the rug. “What are you lookin’ for?”
“My heels!”
“You are wearin heels to a concert you’ll be jumpin around at?”
“They complete the outfit.” You sigh, watching a smile break across his face. 
“No, lovey, your gorgeous tits complete the outfit!”
“OH YOU PIG-” He laughs as you move to throw something at him, dashing to chase you back. You scream out, dashing up the steps to avoid his clutch as he chases you around the house. 
The next morning you both wake up to the headlines “Football star and movie star late for T Swift concert!”
“Is this all they have time for?” He asks, yawning a bit as you laugh. 
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farity · 1 year
Pairing:  Aemond Targaryen x reader
Summary:  Aemond realizes his sister’s best friend is being considered for a political marriage
Warnings:  Smut
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“I can take them back, you know I will be careful with them.”
“Of course, you are one of the few people who loves them as much as I do,” Helaena smiled at you.  “I will say good night to the children.  Much will change tonight.”
You didn’t exactly love the insects and other small animals she was so fond of, but you were careful and considerate with them.  They were important to your friend so you took good care of them in her stead.  You carried the small cages back to the shed and began putting them on the shelves as Helaena preferred.
When you turned, you were surprised to see her brother Aemond standing there.  “My lady.”
“Prince Aemond,” you curtsied, “the queen has gone to put her children to bed, is there something I can help you with?”
One corner of his mouth lifted.  “I hear there is a gathering tomorrow afternoon.  Three suitors vying for a certain lady’s hand.”  There was an undertone of bitterness to his voice and you wondered at it.  
“Yes, it is time for me to marry,” you replied.  
“And you will accept any of them?”
You walked to the flower table, where various cut flowers were leftover from that morning’s stroll in the garden.  “I will accept whoever father chooses for me.”  Because the one man you really wanted for your husband did not seem to know you existed other than to ask you where his sister was.
When he said nothing, you turned.  There was anger in his gaze and he took a step toward the table.  “You will accept it so easily.  Someone else’s choice.”
“Father will make a good choice,” you continued, not really sure where this odd conversation was headed.  “He would not choose someone I would despise.”
“Are you sure about that?”
You smiled at the prince, but his expression didn’t change.  “Yes.  Father wants a good alliance but he also loves me and would not choose someone insufferable, or cruel.”
Aemond scoffed at your words.  “So as long as they are not insufferable or cruel, they’re a good match?”
“Prince Aemond, I do wonder at all these questions,” you were beginning to lose your patience.  “You must know what political marriages are, I consider myself lucky in that father is in a position to choose from various possibilities.  Mmm, this one is lovely,” you held a pale yellow bloom close to your nose, inhaling its delicate scent before it was taken from your hand.  “Oh!”
He was holding the yellow flower to his nose now, considering its scent before he put it down.  
Truly, he was behaving very oddly.  
You picked up another flower, this one a deep magenta, and held it to your nose.  “No, don’t like this one.”  
Again he took it from you and again he held it to his nose before putting it down.  Then he walked around you until he was standing in front of you.
“I have known you for a while, my lady,” he said softly, “and by now, I know what my favorite scent is.”  He leaned in until his nose was very close to your cheek.  
You held your breath, and he moved until his nose was below your ear.  You felt his hands on your hips and he pulled you closer.  You let out your breath as he lightly brushed his lips on your neck.  He continued traveling down the edge of your neckline until he reached the swell of one breast and again, lightly brushed his lips back and forth over the exposed skin.
“Prince Aemond,” you whispered, “this is most improper.”
He pulled back, looked down at you.  “How improper?”
You studied his face, usually so unreadable.  “What you are doing is a, uh, a lover’s caress, and,” you swallowed, wondering why you had to explain why his mouth on your breast was inappropriate, “no one has ever, uh, I mean, I have never allowed-”
“Is this a lover’s caress?” He brought a hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on your skin.
Your whisper was almost inaudible.  “Yes.”
His hand slid down to your chin, lifting your face to his.  “Yet we are not lovers.”
You placed your hands on his chest.  Mistake number one.
Looked up at his eye, blue fury bearing down on you.  Mistake number two.
Your gaze dropped to his mouth.  Mistake number three.
Reaching up, you did something you had dreamed of for years, and wrapped your hand around his hair, bringing his mouth down to yours.  You felt him inhale in surprise in that split second before his lips touched yours, and then he brought his hands down to your bottom, pulling you sharply against him.
You felt him raise you to sit on the edge of the table, making space for himself between your thighs.  You knew where this was going, you knew if found, you would be ruined, and yet you held on as he fumbled with the laces on his breeches.  Your other hand caressed his cheek while he kissed you, the taste of him one you would never forget.
You felt him nudging against you, knew that if you wanted him to stop then you needed to speak up now.
Instead, you curled a leg around his hip and felt him start entering you.  He took his time, going slowly before finally snapping his hips, and you gasped against his mouth.  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.  “it should not hurt for much longer.”
You knew this, had been told what took place between a man and a woman, and knew what it meant.  Instead of shame you felt a surge of joy fill you, for it meant you were his.  Even if you married someone else, you would have belonged to him first.  You pushed aside the thought of your marriage, curling your other leg around him as he moved within you.
“My lady,” he murmured, kissing your neck as he started moving faster. hips pumping while you held on, “I have wanted you for so long.”
His words puzzled you, but there was something happening, an ache that had blossomed into need low in your belly, and you rocked your hips, seeking more.  
“Yes,” Aemond whispered, “just like that.”
Encouraged, you rocked your hips again and felt yourself fluttering around him, something wondrous almost within your grasp.  Aemond grabbed one of your legs, raising it higher around his side and the change in angle made you gasp.  You were so close, and then everything began to go blurry and you felt the most delightful pleasure you had ever felt in your life.  It pulsed through your body, and you almost swooned in his arms.  You felt him kiss your temple, and as you were coming down from your incredible high, you felt him reach his own, holding you tightly against him.
It took you both several moments to recover, him gently withdrawing from you as you readjusted your skirts and stepped down from the table. 
“I must go,” you said, not wanting to go through some embarrassing and probably awkward farewell conversation.
“You will not marry any of them.”
You looked up at Aemond.  “What?”
He began tying the laces on his breeches, then dropped them.  “Unless you fall madly in love with one of them, that is,” he smirked, “unless one of them is so not-cruel and not-insufferable you cannot possibly resist their suit.”
“Prince Aemond, I am well aware of what we have just done, as I am well aware that it does not make for any obligation on your part.”
He slapped his hands on either side of you, gripping the edges of the table where he had just had you.  “It is not obligation, my lady, that compels me to repeat how long I have wanted you.  And not just to have you.”
You waited, the intensity in his eye pinning you in place.
“Do you really think I am not aware of where my sister is at any given time?   She has the same routine every single day.  I have been remiss, it seems, in making my feelings known, and have let it get this far until it was clear that I was going to lose you, but-”
You grabbed him and kissed him, interrupting him, and he wrapped his arms around you, not letting go for a long time.
Eventually you pulled back.  “You truly have left it to the last minute, Prince Aemond.”
You smiled.  “Aemond.”
He smirked again.  “We can send ravens and let the suitors know the gathering tomorrow is cancelled.”  He kissed your hand.  “If you will have me for your husband.”
Your smile grew, “well, you are very much not-cruel.”
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oliversrarebooks · 9 months
The Rare Bookseller Part 25: Fitz's Magic Show
June 1905
TW: mind control, kidnapping, hypnotic language
Cards were moving smoothly, flowing from hand to hand like they were made of water, with a practiced ease that made it seem effortless -- much like Fitz's charming grin. The crowd was never as large as he'd like, at least for now, but they were watching, enraptured, glued to every small movement and every syllable of his patter.
When he was in his element like this, soaking up the attention, it made everything seem worth it.
"...and the queen of spades is in this hand, right? Who thinks the queen of spades is in this hand?" He showed an empty hand. "Does anyone want to guess where the queen of spades is? In my nose, you say? Sir --" He stopped shuffling and crossed his arms with a mock glare. "Sir, do you normally keep playing cards in your nose?" The crowd chuckled. "Of course, that's not where the queen of spades is. Here she is, in my sock! I'm glad I found her before she ended up in my laundry."
As he did simple tricks, he was scanning the crowd for a good volunteer for his showstopper finale, his eyes lighting on a woman in the front row. She had a simple blue dress and mouse-brown hair, looking almost like she'd blown in from a farm, with an innocent expression, and she'd been watching Fitz with an enraptured expression the entire show.
"Now, for my next few tricks, can I have a volunteer?" He flashed his smile at the woman, and was vindicated when her hand shot up. "How about this young woman in the front? Yes, you, come on up." He held out his hand to help her up the front steps of the stage, her grip surprisingly strong and her hand freezing cold. "Now, what's your name?"
"Lily, a lovely name for a lovely lady. Let's all give a big round of applause to our lovely Miss Lily!" 
Lily giggled. "Are you trying to charm me?"
"Well, that depends. Is it working?" he asked. Truthfully, women like Lily weren't his type. Women weren't his type at all -- yet another in the long list of reasons why he'd left his family behind to pursue his own ambitions. The money, the status, all that had been nothing more than a gilded cage jam packed with stifling expectations. Here, on the stage, where he wasn't Fitzwilliam de Hastings but The Phantom Fitz, he was free.
The young woman was eating from the palm of his hand as he had her choose a card and pretended to forget which one it was or where he had put it. "You know, Lily, confidentially, sometimes I only find my assistant's card in my icebox the next day," he stage whispered to her. "But this time, I think I know where it is. No, not in your nose. I believe it's caught in your hair." He reached around her flowery accessory, using it to conceal the motion of snapping a card out of his sleeve.
"Is this your card, Miss Lily?" he asked. 
"Yes, it is!" she said, but her smile had changed somehow, in a way that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Well, as long as she was still playing along...
"Well, hopefully I've earned your trust with that display of my abilities, because I'd like for you to participate in my final trick of the evening." He gestured to the box in the back of the set, one he'd painstakingly constructed from memories of similar tricks he'd witnessed, one he'd painted himself in deep blue with glittering constellations. "If you wouldn't mind stepping into this box, I promise that no harm will come to you, and the audience will get to witness something amazing."
"Trying to make me disappear?" she asked with a wink.
"Nothing escapes you, Miss Lily," he said. 
"...That is very true."
He stopped for a moment, perplexed, before resuming his spiel. "You won't be gone for more than a moment. You have my word -- I swear upon my dear departed childhood kitten's grave." He closed the door with a dramatic flourish and turned to the crowd. "Please, no one tell her that I don't remember where my beloved little Mittens is buried." 
He spun the box to a side that looked identical to the one that had been facing the audience, and opened it up to the false back. A dead simple trick, and not at all difficult to figure out, but with the right atmosphere, the dim gas lighting, and the patter, he could still get a reaction from the audience -- and tonight was no different. "Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced Miss Lily! I certainly hope I don't find her in the icebox the next day. Or in someone's nose!"
The crowd laughed, and Fitz beamed. Simple tricks and corny humor, but it paid the bills. He was right where he belonged, and his star could only climb higher from here. Soon, he'd move up the ranks to become a headliner, take his act on the road, go wherever the wind took him as the money poured in. 
The cape was flung haphazardly in a corner, the thickest of the stage makeup wiped roughly from his face, his props scattered across his dressing room table. Another successful show.
Fitz was rubbing at his exhausted eyes and wondering what he should do to round up some food when there was a firm knock on the door. He hoped it wasn't the theater manager with some petty complaint yet again. "Come in," he called.
He wasn't terribly surprised to see Lily's head peek in. It wasn't the first time members of the audience snuck backstage. Judging by the fact that she was alone, she must've gotten the wrong impression from his flirting. He'd kindly dispel any misunderstandings and send her on her way, simple enough.
"Miss Lily!" he said, his stage persona snapping back in place. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I wanted to let you know that I very much enjoyed being a part of your act this evening," she said. That was that strange smile again, the one he found so disconcerting but couldn't place. "I confess that I'm a bit of an amateur magician myself, so it was nice to see your sleight-of-hand up close. You're very talented."
"Why, thank you," said Fitz with a huge grin, unable to stop himself from eating up the flattery. He could always turn her away in a moment, when she was done complimenting him.
"I've been working on some magic tricks myself, if you wouldn't mind taking a look? I'd love to get some pointers."
"I'm always happy to help a fellow illusionist with their trade. Let's see what you have."
"All right," she said, unfurling a chain with a beautiful teardrop-shaped ruby on the end of it. "This pendant is an old family heirloom of mine, and I don't want anything to happen to it, so I'll need you to watch it carefully to make sure it doesn't disappear." She began slipping the chain through her fingers, swaying the pendant back and forth as she fluidly passed it from hand to hand. Her deft fingers were mesmerizing to watch, gentle and rhythmic. "Keep focused on the pendant, please."
She didn't need to remind Fitz, who couldn't take his eyes off it. Her speed and grace were top-notch, her talent for sleight of hand easily surpassing his. She seemed to have a knack for making the ruby sparkle in the most alluring way with every pass.
"That's right, just keep looking, just keep focusing, or you'll miss the trick," she said. "Keep watching the ruby as it sparkles and shines, stealing your attention away from everything else. Focus, don't look away. Focus and listen, Fitz, focus and listen."
Her voice was good for patter too, with a mesmerizing quality that was so easy to listen to. A natural.
"You've been working so hard up there on the stage. You must be tired. It must be so nice to just focus on my simple little trick. Easy. Compelling. Relaxing. No need to think, only to watch, and listen. Watch and listen. Isn't it nice?"
"Yeah..." he murmured, leaning forward. "You're good at the... the..."
"Oh, I know. Almost as good as you," she said confidently. "Just keep focusing, watching the ruby... have you figured out the trick yet?"
"The trick?" he said hazily. "You're going to make the pendant disappear?" He must be tired. He felt so sluggish.
"It's not the pendant that's going to disappear," she said. "But oh, that's right, silly me. The trick only happens after you're asleep."
"Aren't you tired?" she pressed, the ruby glinting in the gas light. "Aren't your eyelids heavy? Aren't you getting sleepier and sleepier?"
"Sleepier... mmm." A warning bell sounded in the back of his mind. She was trying to pull something over on him. With difficulty, he managed to tear his eyes away from the pendant. He looked up at Lily and realized what it was he had been trying to identify in her smile. Her demeanor had been so disarming that he hadn't realized how confident and predatory it was.
Nor had he noticed the hint of sharp fangs.
He recoiled as his mind tried to catch up with what he was seeing. She was...
With great effort, he lifted his strangely heavy arm, feeling as if he was moving in a dream, and caught the pendant. "You're trying to mesmerize me," he said, trying to wipe the cobwebs from his mind and restore his usual cocky smile. He must have been imagining what he had just seen. "That's the trick here. Clever, and you aren't half bad at it."
Her delighted laugh rang off the walls. "Guess you're too strong willed for something like that, Phantom Fitz."
"Guess I am," he said, although he was surprised by how much she'd taken him in. "Your technique is excellent, though. You're practiced with your hands."
"I have had a lot of practice," she agreed. "But now that you've seen my trick, care for a bit of a gamble?"
His smile came easily now. "Always."
"Five more minutes of watching the pendant and following my instructions. No tricks, no trying to break free." She reached into her purse and produced a crisp five dollar bill. "If you can avoid falling under my spell, you win."
Fitz was as transfixed by the money as he was by the ruby. Five dollars was more than he made for an entire show. That extra money would really help him stave off bills and debt collectors and the ache of his stomach. 
"And how will we determine if I've fallen under your spell?"
"I'll have to get you to do something you wouldn't normally do. Like, for example -- I'll get you to call me 'Your Majesty.'"
"Ha! I'll take that bet," he said. "Do your worst, mesmerist."
He didn't have five dollars on him, of course. He had barely a quarter to his name. But she didn't need to know that, because there was no way he was going to lose this bet. Sure, she had him dazed when he didn't realize what was happening, but now that he was on to her, that money was bound to be his. He could already taste the steak he was going to treat himself to if he won it.
"All right then. Five minutes, Fitz." She unfurled the ruby in front of his eyes once more. "And all you need to do is focus on the pendant and listen to my voice, and the money will be yours."
She began to swing the ruby in a slow, sweeping motion, perfectly rhythmic, easy to follow with his eyes.
"Focus," she said, and Fitz could immediately tell there was something different about the way her voice echoed in his mind. "Relax and focus. Watch the ruby. Watch it go back and forth. Watch it shine. Utterly focused on its movements. Utterly focused on my voice."
This was different from before. He could feel his mind slip, his gaze narrowing on the pendant. A little voice in the back of his head was nagging at him, but he was an old hand at quieting his own better sense, especially when money was on the line. He stubbornly kept watching.
"Good, Fitz, very good," she said, her voice like honey poured into a cup of soothing tea. "Keep watching. Keep watching even though you're so tired. So drowsy. So sleepy. Stay focused, even though the slow swing of the ruby is making you sleepier and sleepier. Drowsy. Heavy. And focused."
His eyelids blinked, so heavy, as he kept watching. He must be so close to getting that money. It must be halfway over at least. So close...
"Sleepier and sleepier with every swing. More and more mesmerized. More and more focused. Your eyelids are getting heavy, Fitz, so heavy and drowsy, but you can keep them open. You have to keep them open and keep watching the pendant, just like you said, or you'll lose the bet, Fitz."
That's right. He had said he'd watch the pendant and listen to her instructions for five minutes. He had to do that. Had to keep watching. Had to keep listening.
"You're so sleepy, Fitz, so sleepy. You need to keep watching, but it's so hard when you're this tired. Your eyes want to close so badly. You want to sleep, don't you?"
"...No," he said, with considerable effort. "I want to keep watching so I can win."
"Of course you do," she said. "You want to keep watching, even though the pendant is putting you to sleep, fast asleep. Only a few minutes more, and you'll have won the bet and can go to sleep. Only a few minutes of trying to keep your heavy, sleepy, drowsy eyes open. Only a few minutes of being so dazed and helpless and vulnerable..."
Yes, only a few minutes. He felt his eyes drift shut for just a moment, before he caught himself and wrenched them open again, his gaze fixed on the pendant once more. 
"Soon you can stop watching and rest. I'll give you your money and take good care of you. Just watch the pendant and let it sink you down into hypnotic sleep." With her free hand, she ruffled his hair affectionately. "You're doing so, so well. You're perfect, Fitz." 
He smiled drowsily, soaking up the praise and the comforting touch. He'd been struggling so long, ever since he'd run away from his family as a teen. Working questionable jobs, going hungry, scraping by on his wits and charm. God, it'd be so nice to be taken care of for a change. To drop the many layers of personas and guards he habitually carried and relax. It'd be so nice to rest...
"You've about to win, Fitz," she said, her voice low and so near to his ear. "You can shut your eyes now. Shut your eyes and go to sleep. Deep, restful sleep. Everything is going to be just fine."
His head tipped forward as his eyes closed all on their own, impossibly heavy, as a warm sense of peace settled over him.  
"Go to sleep, Fitz, just go to sleep, nice, deep sleep," she soothed. "Let me put you to sleep and take care of you. I'm going to take such good care of you. All you have to do is sleep, and don't wake until I tell you to. All you have to do is drift off into blissful dreams."
Fitz didn't answer. His mind was already gone.
Part 24 >> Masterlist >> Part 26
Thank you for reading this interlude about another man who was doomed.
Five dollars was more like $175 then.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist @snakebites-and-ink @xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini @whumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining-blog
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 months
Family matters; Peter Quill x teen reader
*Author's note*
Well this request had been sitting in my inbox for awhile and I hope the anon who requested it is out there somewhere in the deep space of tumblr because I finally came around to writing it. It took some time due to life, work and moving houses during the holiday season but finally I was able to sit down and write this oneshot.
So as with any marvel oneshot there are some warnings of swearing, violence, and alluding to SA and r*pe but not on reader but a side character. So if the last warning triggers anyone just know it's not physically named but it is mentioned so I wont be butthurt of you wish to leave the story and not continue reading. Other than that I hope you all enjoy my darlings :)
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“How is it that everytime I come up with a plan we always get what we want? But whenever it’s you who comes up with the plan, we get captured?!” Rocket exclaimed as he dangled upside down along with Peter.
“I already told you it was a face off!” argued Peter.
“And we’ve told you that a face off is a trap if you’re facing off against a stronger opponent!” Nebula snarled.
“It was a pretty convincing plan at first but now I agree with Rocket and Nebula, Peter.” Mantis said.
“You are a dumbass, Quill.” Said Drax.
The Guardians of the Galaxy had decided to help aid Thor in the case of the slaughtering of Gods.  Shortly after they had parted, they came across the Aztec God temples but were soon ambushed by the Knights of Huitzilopochtli.  Thinking he could go against the Aztec God of War, Peter decided to meet with the God himself in what he liked to call a ‘face off’, however Huitzilopochtli had no interest in making any sort of bargain or peace treaty, instead he now had Rocket and Peter dangling over a lava pit while Nebula, Mantis and Drax were bound in chains by their wrists and ankles on top of stone tables.
He would first sacrifice Rocket and Peter to lava pit, but not before cutting out their hearts and feeding them to his prized jaguars.
“Quill, if we get out of this alive I swear I’ll rip your face off!” Rocket snapped as he wriggled in the chains.
“Yeah, yeah and even if we die you’ll still rip my face off. Just-just—let me think.” Huitzilopochtli’s servants soon brought up three large cages that each contained a jaguar pacing aggressively in their cages.  Hungry for blood.
“Let the ritual begin!” Huitzilopochtli proclaimed.  The drums began pounding as the chanters did their ritual chant.  Soon the Jaguar Knight came forward with a five inch steel dagger in his hands.  Suddenly a metal wire shot out and knocked the dagger out of the jaguar knight’s hands.  He let out a jaguar-like hiss as he looked up only to be kicked in the face by a young woman in pure black and grey metal suit that fit her like a glove.  A metal knife suddenly extended out from the wrist gauntlets and she cut both Rocket and Peter free from their chains.
“Come with me if you want to live.” The mechanical voice from her helmet said.  It was all a blur to the Guardians, the rescue happened to fast they hardly knew that they were escaping.  Metal and rock had flew across the air and soon the jaguars had been released and were attacking anyone close by, devouring their flesh and feasting on their hearts.
When the Guardians finally got back to their ship and took off Mantis turned to the young woman and thanked her.
“We are grateful for your help in rescuing us.” The young woman touched the side of her helmet and it let out a hiss as it unhooked itself from it’s hinges and she removed her helmet to reveal a young teenage girl with what appeared to be a cybernetic gears infused around her left eye and across her forehead (almost like a circlet).
“No problem. Although I didn’t expect to go saving the Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Okay first question, how much for the cybernetic circlet on your head?” asked Rocket.
“Rocket!” Mantis and Peter exclaimed.
“Hate to tell you this Rocket but this high-grade of metal is infused to my body.” She told them.
“Never stopped me before.” Shrugged Rocket.
“I am Groot!” Groot snapped.
“I think the main question is how did you know we were down at that ritual chamber?” asked Nebula suspiciously.
“Like I said before I didn’t. I originally went to Huitzilopochtli for a faulty deal on some priceless metal my mom had struck a deal with him. My aunt was originally going to take the job but I offered to go in her place. After all, no one suspects a young girl to do any harm, right?”
“That’s the ploy I’ve done in the past.” Said Nebula.
“After securing the right metal and making the point to never cross Zaofu again, that’s when I heard the drums and I saw you guys about to become his prized jaguar’s next meal. Lucky for us, those beasts don’t have any real loyalty to him.”  
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on just a second there kid. You said you came from Zaofu? As in the Zaofu?” asked Rocket in awe.
“The very same. Unless there’s another planet in the galaxy by that title.”
“What’s Zaofu?” asked Peter.
“Oh-ho! Next to Nidavellir, Zaofu is the second greatest planet to ever exist. It’s home to some of the strongest and rarest metal in the entire galaxy. I would very much like to go there.” Rocket boasted.
“He’s right.” Said Nebula.  “The metal from Zaofu is not only said to be the strongest but also the most durable. It’s where—Thanos gained some of my parts to make me better than Gamora.” She said looking down at her arm.
“I thought I had recognized that material. That’s our regenerative metal. Able to put itself back together no matter how extreme the damage. But we’ve only ever used that on people with birth defects or amputees. Had my mother known that it went to Thanos of all people, she’d never would’ve agreed. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I’ve gotten used to it.” Nebula shrugged.
“I have to ask though, what is the Guardians of the Galaxy doing at the Temple of Huitzilopochtli? I mean I know you guys are willing to protect those throughout the galaxy but I didn’t think that included Gods of War.”
“It’s a long story.” Peter started off but Mantis said.
“We’re helping Thor with the God Killer.”
“Mantis!” hissed Nebula.
“What? She seems trustworthy.”
“God killer huh? That’s the first I’ve heard of it. I would’ve thought nothing could touch those deities.”
“So we thought too, but then we received a message from one of golden boy’s friends and apparently someone is literally slaughtering gods left and right. Already over 300 of them have been killed.” Explained Rocket.  The girl let out a low whistle and said.
“Hog-monkeys. Well if you’re going up against an opponent like that, you’re gonna need something a lot stronger to fight and protect yourselves with. Cause if you though old Huitzilopochtli was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
“You saying you’re allowing us to come to Zaofu?” asked Rocket.
“If you’re still up for it.”
“Well let me ask the captain about that, oh yeah it’s me. Yes we’ll go!”
“Rocket how many times do I have to say it I’m the Captain.” Hissed Peter under his breath.
“You know you really shouldn’t talk that way about your Captain, Quill. By the way, you never told us your name girlie.”
“Oh right how silly of my. The name’s (Y/n) Beifong. Daughter of High Lady Suyin Beifong of Zaofu.” She introduced herself.
“Wait, Beifong? You mean the richest family in the galaxy Beifong?” asked Rocket.  “Say, do you think once we get you home and return the metal you’re people have been swindled out of, we could probably get a little reward for our part in the trade?” (Y/n) chuckled and said to him.
“Slow down there Captain, let’s just get back to Zaofu and talk to my mother about this. She’s the one in charge of the economy.” And with that the Guardians set course for the planet Zaofu.
It was a beautiful planet of green and earth all over the landscape.  Lakes and rivers so crystal clear, they reflected the very sky itself and it’s two suns gave plenty of light but no heat to the land.  As the Guardians soared over the land they soon came across an advanced city entirely made of metal.
“Agent to tower; this is Agent Beifong Badge #349876 requesting clearance to land. Tower guard this is Agent Beifong Badge #349876 requesting clearance to land.” (Y/n) said after punching in a few codes on the holographic pad in front of her.
‘Tower to Agent Beifong, your request is granted. Welcome home Princess.’ A male voice soon came up over the intercoms.
“Just take us West of the palace and land 50 degrees West heading 0-3-0.” She advised Rocket and Peter who nodded and together they followed her instructions and safely landed their ship on top of a large landing platform that stood just feet from a large skyscraper tower of the palace.  (Y/n) grabbed the metal from her ship (that had been piggy-backed in the Guardian’s ship’s lower decks).  Their ship opened up and they walked down the stairway and there stood to their right about ten guards all wearing the same metal tight uniform (Y/n) had on.
And just ahead of them stood two women.  One wore the exact same armor but over her left breast plate was a silver badge in the shape of a star while the other woman beside her wore dark green tunic that rested over her green pants and sleeveless shirt.  The tunic cover had a metal collar going around it with each plate slowly increasing in size before decreasing again as it came back around. 
Much like (Y/n) a circlet rested over her head and she also wore gauntlets with metal plates in the shape of pentagons overlapping each other.  Both women looked fairly similar to each other in that both had greying hair but were fair looking, although the woman in the armor had a more gruff appearance to her while the other woman had a more gentle facial expression.
The guards all slammed their fists together, the metal from their armors sounding out a loud clank as they greeted the Princess on her safe return.  As (Y/n) and the Guardians stood before the two women, (Y/n) greeted them with a head bow.
“Chief, Mother. I have successfully secured the real metal we were promised and gave our message loud and clear to the War god Huitzilopochtli.”
“I never doubted you wouldn’t. You’re one of the best soldiers on the squad, and I’m not just saying that.” the woman in the black armor said.
“I’m just glad you’ve come home safely. And with some new friends I see.” The woman in the green tunic said.
“Yes, Mother, Chief Beifong, I’d like to introduce the Guardians of the Galaxy. They were prisoners of Huitzilopochtli when I went to secure the metal. About to be sacrificed to his prized jaguars. Guardians this is my mother and ruler of Zaofu Suyin Beifong, and my aunt and Chief of police, Lin Beifong.”
“That man knows nothing about diplomacy. Always kills first and asks questions later.” Suyin rolled her eyes.
“He is the God of War for a reason Suy.” Lin told her sister and she came up to (Y/n) and took the chess from her hands.  “I’ll take this down to our research facility.”
“Yes Chief.” (Y/n) bowed to her and both her aunt and the police force walked off towards the lab.
“Now I had asked this to your daughter earlier that since we helped your daughter recover some prized and rare metal that was promised to you, don’t you think we should be given a little compensation for helping her return what was rightfully meant to be yours?” asked Rocket as he rubbed his thumb, index and tall fingers together.
“Rocket!” exclaimed Mantis.
“How about this, we’ll talk about payment if you all stay for dinner and take some rest here tonight.” Suyin offered.
“As much as we appreciate that Lady Beifong…..” Peter started off only to be politely interrupted by Suyin.
“Please call me Suyin. Lady Beifong was my grandmother.”
“Suyin. We’re kinda in a tight schedule. Apparently someone’s killing gods and we promised not-very good looking Thor that we’d try and figure out who’s behind the killings.”
“Actually I might have some information in regards to that. But in order to go up against him, you’re gonna need some of our weapons and armor. Come, join me and my family for dinner and we’ll discuss everything.” With that suggestion and offer, the Guardians accepted Suyin’s offer and joined the Beifong family for dinner.
After coming to a negotiation, Suyin had her engineers and scientists build and forge the Guardians new weapons and tech to take down any gods like Huitzilopochtli’s forces and powers.  While observing the engineers add some new parts to their ship, Peter soon heard the sound of rocks being thrown around and crashing into a wall.
He went to investigate when he saw (Y/n) bending not only the rocks but metal as well.  Shooting out a metal wire to cut apart some trees and pull their branches off, or successfully transform the large boulders into various shapes before firing them at various targets.
“I thought I was going crazy at first seeing you do all that back at Jaguar-man’s palace.” She jumped and fired one of her metal wires which wrapped around Peter in a tight cocoon sending him on his back.
“Oh Star-lord, forgive me I tend to strike whenever someone surprises me like that.” She released her wires and they zipped back into her gauntlets while Peter assured her.
“No worries, I’ve had worse done to me before.” She helped him up and he asked her.  “So I’m guessing this is a normal after dinner activity for you?”
“I like to come out here to get away from it all. Don’t get me wrong I love my family to death but—sometimes I feel like I don’t belong here.”
“What do you mean?”
“Promise you won’t go blabbing to my mom about this?”
“Cross my heart.” Peter said as he crossed his heart for emphasis.  (Y/n) extended her hand and two small rocks slowly rose up from the ground over her palm and as she slowly wriggled her fingers, the rocks spun in a gentle circle around each other in a dance over her palm.
“Believe it or not, this ability I’m doing right now. I’m the only person in my family that can do this.”
“But don’t the Beifong family have the ability to control metal?”
“It’s true to a degree. The suit of armor that both me and my aunt Lin wear, it helps them control metal but without it, they’re powerless. Ever since I was a young girl and discovered I could bend earth to my will, my mother said it was because of my father’s gift. But the thing is, my father doesn’t have this ability, nor does anyone in his bloodline. I’ve tried to ask my mother for the truth but she always tells me that it’d be too much for me to bear.”
“So you think that your mom—”
“Cheated on her real husband? I doubt it, cause whenever I did ask about him in the past, there’s always this—pure hatred in her eyes. But she always told me that who he was didn’t matter. Baatar is my real father and my real brothers and sister are here. Aunt Lin is my real aunt and I am a Beifong through and through. But deep down I get this feeling that maybe I should make that decision for myself. On whether or not I should have the chance to meet him or not.”
“I get it. Sorta. I mean I thought that when I met my dad, he’d be everything I thought I’d ever longed for. Only to turn out that he killed my mother and tried to use me to conquer the entire galaxy. He may have been my father, but he wasn’t my daddy. I learned that from my real father after he had sacrificed himself to save me.”
“That’s heavy.” Whistled (Y/n).
“Yeah, it was. But Yondu was a good dad to me.” He said as he took out his Zune player.  “So your uhh—earth bending powers, how did you discover them?” Peter then tried to change the subject before he started to cry over his memories of Yondu.  (Y/n) smiled knowing this type of maneuver (her brothers did this all the time whenever they’d try to be strong and hardcore).
“Like I said, I was a young when it happened. I was just playing with my sister Opal out by the lake skipping rocks when suddenly as I reached out for one, my hands glew this bright blue light and the rock just shot up into my palm. We were both so scared that we ran to my mother crying in fear. I honestly don’t remember much after that but my mother had my aunt teach me how to control it. Got me my first metal-bending suit and I’ve been training with her ever since.”
Hearing her mention the blue light it perked Peter’s curiosity and he asked her.
“This blue light, can you describe it in anyway? Like what it made you feel when it came to you?”
“I—I don’t know how to explain it but….I do remember it being almost like my palms were on fire, yet they didn’t burn me. It felt like—like when you touch warm sand on a beach. Yet there was this feeling of—power to it. Like I could do anything with it.” Peter’s eyes widened.
He did remember that feeling when Ego told him about his Celestial heritage and taught him how to summon the light to his hands.  No but it—it couldn’t be? Could it? Could she really be his…….
“(Y/N)! Aunt Lin says she needs to speak to you about your armor! Says she’s got an upgrade for you!” one of her brothers called out to her.  She turned and exclaimed back.
“I’ll be there in a sec Wei!” she turned to Peter and said, “Better not keep Aunt Lin waiting. She hates it when people keep her waiting.”
“Yeah, yeah I better go and talk to the team about our next game plan. Also tell your aunt thanks for letting us use some of her police weapons.”
“She may not be happy about lending our weapons to non-Zaofuians but she’ll get over it, especially since it’s going to the Guardians of the Galaxy. But I’ll give her your regards anyways.” They went their separate ways and once Peter saw that no one was around, he took off sprinting towards Mantis’ room and rapidly knocked on her door.
“Could you be any louder at knocking Peter? I don’t think the others from Knowhere heard you.” Mantis whined with a groan.
“We need to talk.” Peter said urgently.  Sensing the urgency in his tone and knowing that this was a serious matter, Mantis allowed her brother inside and she shut the door behind her as well as locked it.  “You will not believe the conversation that I just had with (Y/n).”
“Are we being taken prisoners again?” asked Mantis worriedly.
“What no! No! Look, I know this may seem out of nowhere, but I want you to tell me first about when Ego found you and tried to make you feel a connection to the Celestial light.”
“Why would you want to know about that?”
“Just trust me Mantis. Please.” She looked into her brother’s eyes and saw the desperation but also some inkling of knowledge that he was going to fill her in on the details later.
“I had lied when I had told Drax and Gamora that Ego found me in my larva stage. He had actually came for me shortly after my mother had passed. Much like when Yondu came for you, he brought me to his planet and trained me just like he did you. But when I tried to make a connection to the light, all that awakened within me was my empathic abilities. Ego then told me that even though I’d never be able to help him with the Expansion, he still could find a purpose for me. And I had been forced to convince various of our other siblings to go along with us, before he said that I would only be used to help him sleep.”
“Wow, he really was a jackass.”
“Now will you tell me why you asked me about that?”
“(Y/n)’s ability to move earth, you know how she could bend those rocks back at Jaguar dude’s temple, turns out she has a connection to the Celestial light.”
“Are you saying that……(Y/n) is our—”
“Sister? I think she might be.”
“But how? When Ego died, you lost your connection to the Celestial light.”
“I don’t know. But the way she described the Light within her hands was exactly the same way it felt with me when I made my connection to it.”
“Did you tell her the truth?”
“Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaa—no.” stretched Peter.
“Peter we must tell her the truth. She deserves to know!” Peter stepped in front of her and said.
“I know she deserves to know but at the same time we can’t cause any family drama amongst the Beifongs. (Y/n) told me how everytime she brought up about her real dad, Suyin got this burning anger in her eyes and told her that they were her family, not him. And after seeing the way (Y/n) fights against Aztec Gods I’d hate to fight against her own mother and aunt.”
“So what are we going to do?” she asked him.
“I’ll think of something. Until I do, this stays between us okay? I mean it don’t tell anyone about this conversation to anyone else, especially Drax. You know he can’t keep a secret to save his own skin.”
“I promise.” She held out her pinkie and Peter wrapped his pinkie around hers.  “Sister’s promise.”
“Brother’s oath.” Peter replied back as they shook pinkies.
After about 3 days, the Guardians were finally ready to take off to find more Gods to save and check up on.
“We can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for us Suyin.” Peter thanked her.
“It was our pleasure to help in aiding the Guardians of the Galaxy. And if you’re ever passing by this way again, our doors will always be open to you.” Said Suyin with a respectable bow.  The Guardians bowed back to her before heading back to their ship, but it was then Peter stopped midway up the ramp when he said.
“Actually, there is something else we’d like to ask for.” The rest of the Guardians paused and turned to Peter.
“And just what would that be?” asked Chief Lin suspiciously.
“We’d like to extend an invitation to (Y/n) in joining us.” Everyone but Mantis became wide-eyed.  “After our experience with the Aztec god of war, we realized that we are heavily out-manned and she managed to take down all his forces single-handedly while also saving our asses. And if ever we need a tune-up she would know more about how to fix your special enhanced metal material.”
“Quill, I only had to be with Zaofu’s engineers for only 2 minutes and I can get the hang of it.” Proclaimed Rocket.
“Still it couldn’t hurt to have an expert who actually came from the place of its origins be with us should we ever need it. Two heads are better than one right?” Suyin was stunned as she turned to her youngest child and asked her.
“This is up to you (Y/n). Do you wish to go with the Guardians?” (Y/n) looked between both her family and the Guardians with a heavy heart.  She then walked up to her mother and spoke from the heart.
“My heart will always belong to Zaofu. But from the days that I would be with Aunt Lin on missions, I have seen great suffering. Some of which has been at the hands of our own metal smuggled by black marketers. I feel like Zaofu can do more for the galaxy than we already have.” Suyin sighed as she closed her eyes.
“You are my youngest child (Y/n). And I had hoped to have you remain at my side for a few more years. But now I see that you are no longer a child anymore. And at some point, I must learn to let go. If you should ever wish to return home, we’ll be here waiting for you.” (Y/n) smiled and embraced her mother.
“I love you mom.”
“I love you too.” After embracing her mother, she stood before her aunt and prepared to surrender her badge but Lin held out her hand to stop her.
“Keep it. I didn’t make you an officer of Zaofu for nothing.” She bowed before her aunt before hugging her.  Lin smiled softly down at her and embraced her back.  (Y/n) then bid goodbye to all her brothers and sister as well as her dad before turning to the Guardians and joining alongside them.
As they entered and the ramp slid back up, (Y/n) took one last look at her family as they bid her goodbye and she wiped her hidden tears away and waved to them in return before the Guardian’s ship left Zaofu.
Now heading to their next destination to answer the next signal from some Light elves on Álfheimr (Y/n) soon spotted Peter on the upper main decks looking out into the endless starry sky.
“So what was the real reason?” she asked him.
“Huh?” Peter turned to her.
“The real reason you offered me a spot on the Guardians.”
“What are you talking about kid? What I said was 100% true. Rocket may think he’s smart but no one can really understand Zaofu metal than someone who was raised there. And…..”
“Peter, I know you’re lying.”
“What so you can detect when people are lying?”
“In a sense. My grandmother was born blind, so one day she ran off and found herself lost in a cave until she came across some badger-moles. They were blind just like her, but they used the earth as an extension of their senses. She learned out to see the world through the earth around her. Feeling seismic energy of people’s footsteps and even hearing their heartbeats through the earth. And when my mom and aunt were born, she taught it to them, and then Aunt Lin taught it to me. And last night, your heartrate was beating rapidly when I told you about my powers. So come on, out with it.” Peter sighed and confessed.
“Okay, so obviously you know how I found out my dad was a real douchebag and tried to destroy the galaxy. But before that, he taught me that being a Celestial he had a connection to the Light, and he taught it to me as well as Mantis. Even though Mantis didn’t have a connection to it, she still proved a purpose by awakening her empathic powers. As for me, I did have a connection to the Light. And it was that same connection that you said you felt when you first discovered your powers.”
“So you can earth-bend too?”
“No. I mean I did when I fought Ego, but after we had killed him to stop the Expansion, I lost my connection to the Light. Yet somehow, you still have it.” (Y/n) stared at him and slowly her harsh expression turned to shock as she cautiously said.
“Wait…….so, you’re suggesting that I—”
“Ego told me he spent eons trying to find a second Celestial to bring forth the expansion but each of his children failed him. So he had them killed. Millions of children slaughtered all because they couldn’t live up to his expectations, except me. And in a way, you. But your mom and the rest of Zaofu refused to surrender you to him. That’s probably why she never talked about your real father.”
(Y/n) was stunned silent as she fell to her knees.  She looked down at her shaky hands and Peter slowly knelt down in front of her.
“But he’s gone. He’s gone for good. We blew up his core and there’s absolutely no chance of him ever coming back. And if by some insane, unexplainable reason that he ever does come back, he won’t get to you. Because you’ve not only got your family on Zaofu on yourself, but you’ve also got us, Especially Mantis and I.” (Y/n) looked up at him and asked.
“You and Mantis are……”
“As surprising as it seems, yeah. She’s my sister. Half-sister but my sister nonetheless. And so are you.” He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and gently shook it which got her to smile.
“At least now I can say I’ve got another sister to add to the ranks.”
“Oh come on, having another big brother can’t be that bad. Especially if that brother is me. C’mon at least admit that I’m the coolest out of all your brothers.” She stood back up laughing as she walked away. “(Y/n)? C’mon (Y/n) admit it! I know you want to say it but you’re just too stubborn to admit it. Not every girl can say their big brother is a member of the Guardians, right? Right? (Y/n)! (Y/N)!!!!”
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