#i have no idea why they're hanging on. don't get me wrong i'm very happy but every day i peer in there and i'm like. STILL?
iraprince · 1 year
Came across a few of your comics (they’re great) and was about to keep scrolling and move on with my life, but then I saw you’re into planted aquariums so I had to follow. Us nerds gotta stick together ya know?
oh hell yeah, high five. i haven't posted any pictures in ages bc as my tank has reached a kind of insane unexpected equilibrium it's also become less photogenic, and i haven't wanted to disturb a stable system just to make it photograph better lol -- BUT recently i have been thinking about finally starting to fuss over it again, maybe add some new plants and some new shrimp to transition over as my current band of amanos reach the end of their lifespan, and maybe when i have that all brushed up i'll take u guys on a little tour again. (for the shrimp nerds who may be interested: i'm thinking about nabbing some neocaridinas, likely blue jelly + carbon rilli. it would be nice to have a self-sustaining colony, since obv the amanos can't breed in fresh water.)
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seospicybin · 4 months
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Bangchan x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist.
Synopsis: You and Chan are having a Too Hot To Handle reunion with other contestants to catch up on the life after the retreat. (6k words)
Author's note: Happy Valentine's day, my spicy lovers ❤️
Chan has one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on your knee. Somehow whenever he's with you, he needs his hand constantly touching you.
"Do you think they like me?" You ask, nervously glance his way.
"Who?" Chan doesn't mean to not listen to your cute rambling, but he has his focus on driving.
"Who else?" You ask back instead of answering.
Chan has to think for a while whether you're still talking about his parents whom you just met and had dinner with earlier or his friends you're going to meet soon.
"My parents?" He asks.
You subtly roll your eyes, "duh?!"
He chuckles at your response and grabs the hand resting on your lap, he can feel that it's cold and a little damp.
"Why are still nervous?" He confusingly asks because the dinner has already ended almost an hour ago.
"I wouldn't be this nervous if your parents didn't watch us having sex on TV," you lowly sigh at the end of your sentence.
He bursts out laughing hearing that, you worried so much about these little things that he thinks it's cute.
"Does it matter that they like you?" He curiously asks.
"Of course!" You shorty answer like it's not obvious enough.
"They're your parents. I want to be deemed good, I want to be liked by them, your parents," you explain, shaking the hand in yours.
It doesn't matter that much to him. Regardless his parents like you or not, that wouldn't change the fact that he loves you. He also thinks you couldn't be cuter than this, worrying about whether his parents like you or not.
Once Chan parked the car, you put the visor down and your purse on your lap, he guesses you're about to fix your makeup before getting out of the car.
Wanting to tease you, he turns your head to the side and kisses you once you have applied a fresh coat of lipstick to purposely mess it up.
"Baby, you—" your complaint ends with a sigh instead, "you ruined it."
With his hand on your jaw, he holds your face still and leans in closer, "May as well...?"
Your hand stops him from coming closer, "Your friends are waiting," you remind him.
"Uhm... I don't think they would mind waiting a few more minutes," he says.
"Babe, we shouldn't—"
But he cuts you off with a kiss, a kiss that sends the windows of the car foggy with how much heat you're both producing inside.
You both giggle as you run to the bar where you'll meet his friends and once you step inside, you can see the red tint around Chan's lips and even on his nose from your lipstick.
"It's all over you, "You mutter as you reach to wipe it with your fingers as Chan cranes his neck to look for his friends inside the crowded bar.
"There they are," he takes your hand and leads the way to take you to the corner of the room where his friends are.
It's been great being where he grew up and meeting the friends who grow with him, but it always gets you nervous when he introduces you to new people.
You hate being perceived and with how you acted in the show, you're afraid that they get the wrong ideas about you.
Chan greets his friends with a bright smile and a quick hug, then he proceeds to introduce you after.
"You know who this is," he gives a short introduction of you with his hand resting on the small of your back.
"I'm James," the tall guy says with wavy brown hair, offering his hand at you.
"Hi, nice to meet you," you say as you shake his hand and politely smile.
"This is Leah, my girlfriend," James introduces the girl standing next to him, a beautiful girl with dark long hair and freckles dusted her both cheeks.
You know Chan wouldn't make you feel left out but you feel relieved that you're not going to be the only girl hanging out with these boys tonight.
"Very nice to meet you," you say, giving her a quick cheek-to-cheek hug.
"It's so nice to finally meet you in person," James says.
"Yeah, Chris can't stop talking about you. He's been yapping," Leah says, poking fun at Chan.
You turn to the side to look at Chan and raise an eyebrow at him, "Oh, really?"
"It's true," Chan immediately admits with a coy shrug and a shy smile.
Then he holds his hand up and glares at Leah, "Except for the yapping part," he quickly adds.
Everyone bursts into laughter and unlike the dinner you had with his parents earlier, you feel like you don't need to try hard to impress them.
"Let's get you guys a drink," James says.
While the boys are playing a game of pool, you and Leah are chatting over drinks., exchanging a few things about Chan like how James and Leah are his friends from high school which is also when they began dating.
"So you guys have been together like... forever?!" You say in awe, admiring their years of dating when your and Chan's relationship has been going on for nearly a year.
"Well, time flies by," she casually says like a decade-long relationship means nothing.
She sips her drink and snacks on a tray of fries in front of her, "how do you like Australia so far? Where have you been exploring?"
You quickly swallow your drink to answer her question, "Oh, I love it here, anything but the heat honestly," you answer along with a low laugh.
"I know, the heat is crazy these days," she says, finishing her drink in one long sip.
She glances at your glass and sees that you have finished your drink too, "How about a round of wet pussy?" She asks out of nowhere.
Not sure you heard her right, but your head is looking around to see if anyone heard it too and can confirm it for you.
"Excuse me?" You ask with a puzzled look on your face.
Leah bursts out laughing, amused by your utter bewilderment.
"Not that, oh, you thought—" she pauses to take a breath from all the laughter.
"It's just the name of a drink. It's sweet, it's delicious, you're going to like it," she assures you.
Leah doesn't wait for your answer but leaves the table to order it and returns with two shot glasses filled with pink-colored liquid. She hands one to you and holds one for herself.
"What's in this?" You curiously ask.
"Vodka, peach snapps, a dash of cranberry juice, lime, and every deliciousness there is," she playfully answers.
Chan comes to the table to have a sip of his drink and notices the drink in your hand, "Having wet pussy?"
"Uh-huh," you answer.
He winces after sipping his drink, "Be careful with that!" He says.
"Lighten up, Chris!" Leah says.
She makes you ignore his warning and initiate a toast with you, clinking the shot glass together then takes the shots at once.
The wet pussy is fruity and sweet, apart from the burn of alcohol down your throat, you would think that it's a glass of juice.
"Oh!" You gasp in amazement.
Leah smiles in satisfaction, knowing that you approve her recommendation, "Good, right?"
"Yeah," you say, "Can we have another round?"
"Sure, yeah," Leah says, doesn't mind ordering it for both of you.
The next thing you know, your tables are filled with empty shot glasses and you can feel yourself loosening up with every sip you take.
You're laughing at something when Chan presses his knuckle on your cheek, probably noticing how flushed they are.
"You might want to slow down on the drinking," he mutters to you.
You hold his chin so you can place a peck on his lips, "Oh, you mean these wet pussy?"
Chan laughs at that and puts his arm around you, pulling you closer to his side, ignoring the fact that James and Leah are making out across the table.
"You should have one of these wet pussy," you tell him, saying the name of the drink with a sly smile.
He leans into your side and whispers, "I'll have one, later, at home."
You put your hand under his chin and hold his face, wanting to catch up to what James and Leah are doing. Maybe it's the alcohol or Chan is simply a damn good kisser that you get that flutter and warmth all over you.
Chan can't tell how drunk you are but he has to hold you close to his side to keep you steady.
You both stand outside the bar to send his friends off on their way home, you manage to wave your hands as they leave in their car.
"Can you walk, love?" He asks.
You bob your head and begin walking toward the car in slow, careful steps.
Chan hurriedly holds your hand, afraid that you'd stumble in this state that he believes is the most drunk of you he's ever seen.
He reaches for the door of the car to open it for you when you pin him against the car, putting all of your weight against him as you put your hands around his neck.
Chan can't say no when you kiss him so passionately that he has a hard time returning it to you. He puts your arms around you to keep you steady and kisses you back just as hard and as deep.
It's when your hand wanders to the waistband of his jeans, that he breaks the kiss. He cups your cheeks in his hands and gently kisses your nose.
"Let's get home first, mmh?" He says
"Mmh, okay," you croak, letting him help you get into the passenger's side.
When he finally gets into the car, you fall asleep holding the safety belt on your lap. He quietly laughs, then buckles the belt for you.
Getting you inside the car is one thing, getting you out is another thing. He has to carry you in both arms when you suddenly wake up and insist on walking on your own.
"I'm not a baby," you slurred your words, trudging your way into the elevator.
Inside the elevator, you eventually cling to him again and instead of getting upset, he thinks you're adorable when you're drunk.
You kick your shoes off right after you enter his apartment and walk further inside while trying to take your dress off by yanking at it.
"Why is it so hot?" You grumble, still yanking at the front of your dress and heading straight to the bedroom.
Chan goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water and finds you still trying to remove your dress while hurling yourself around the room.
"Let me take it off for you, yeah?" He offers to help.
You stand with your back facing him so he can unzip the dress and pull it off of you. You immediately collapse onto the bed, lying down on your stomach.
"Have a sip of water first, okay?" He suggests, forcing you to drink some water by bringing it close to your mouth.
"Want to sleep..." you grumble again with your nose scrunched.
"Just a sip, baby, please?" He sweetly begs.
You lift your head just enough to sip the water from the glass and hurriedly rest your head on the pillow again.
"Good girl," Chan mutters with a tender caress on your head.
He keeps the glass of water on the bedside table and he heads out of the bedroom, putting the things he has prepared for the night back in their place.
He puts away the cake, and flowers, then dumps the rose petals scattered on the kitchen island into the trash bin. He washes up real quick and finally joins you on the bed, carrying the surprise he's been keeping close to his chest all night.
Catching you keep tossing and turning on the bed, he scoops you his arm and holds you close, he knows how much you like being cuddled.
"Cold," you murmur with eyes closed.
Chan hurriedly pulls the duvet up to your chest and affectionately kisses your bare shoulder, "Is it warm enough?"
"Mmh," you hum in answer.
He's aware that you're barely awake and probably wouldn't remember having this conversation with him the next morning, but he's been meaning to ask you something all evening.
"Mmh?" Your hum is muffled with your head buried in his chest.
"Do you love me?"
He looks down to see if you're awake but your eyes are tightly shut, "I love you," he mutters.
"Love you," you mutter back with a sleepy tone.
He chuckles at how you keep replying to him even though you're drunk and half asleep, he can't help but place a kiss on the top of your head.
"What do you think if we get married?" He playfully asks.
"Do you want to get married to me?"
"Is it a 'mmh yes' or 'mmh no'?"
Chan laughs again and rewards you with another kiss on your forehead for being so cute. Even though tonight doesn't turn out the way he wanted, he still appreciates it as it is, another precious day shared with you.
"Will you marry me, baby?" He asks, while
"Mmh," you reply with another hum but this time along with a subtle nod.
He then takes the box he's been keeping in his jacket pocket all night and takes out the ring. Slowly, he puts the ring into your ring finger and then places a kiss on it.
"You can't take back your answer, you hear me?" He warns you.
Chan has said it before but he didn't expect to meet you in a dating show and finds the one he's looking for in you and everything seems to fall into place ever since, it feels as if he's fated to be with you which assures him that he made the right decision to propose you.
But it seems like Chan has to try again tomorrow.
The morning sun blinds you when you open your eyes and you immediately close them again.
Your hand flies to your head as it's pounding from all the drinking last night and the alcohol evaporates through the pores of your skin.
"Oh, God!" You mumble with your hand rubbing on your temple.
The more you shift on the bed, the more you feel sick and you unintentionally wake up the man lying next to you. He scoots closer to you and looks at you through his half-shut eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asks with a deep voice.
"Not okay at all," you groan, putting away the hair stuck to your sweaty face.
He props his elbow against the mattress, "Headache, mmh?"
You nod as you massage the side of your head as much as you can to lessen the pain.
"I'll get you something for the headache, okay?" He says with his voice heavy with sleep.
"Yes, please?" You whine.
"Wait a minute, yeah," he says, dragging himself out of the bed half-naked.
He shortly returns with a tube of ibuprofen in his hand and sits on the edge of the bed. Shaking the tube, he manages to take out a pill and hands it to you.
You shove it right into your mouth and take the glass of water from Chan's hand to wash it down. It's a suggestive thought but you already feel so much better.
"You're right..." you mumble.
You slump down and lay back down, "Those wet pussy are dangerous."
Chan chuckles as he rubs his hand up and down your arm then kisses your shoulder, "Now, you learned your lesson," he says.
"How drunk I was last night?" You curiously ask even though you know you wouldn't like the answer.
He sucks air through his gritted teeth and thinks for a moment, "You kept saying it was hot and you started taking your clothes off."
You cringe imagining in your head how you behaved last night while you were drunk out of your mind.
"How embarrassing!" You groan, covering your face with your hands.
"Nah. You were so cute," he adds with a sly grin that showcases his dimples.
"You enjoyed it, huh?" You elbow his side to get back to him.
He nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck and begins to pepper your neck and face with little kisses. When his lips are about to capture yours, you look the other way.
"I have a really stinky breath right now," you explain, covering your mouth as you speak.
"Since when do I care?" He takes your hand away and leans in again.
You usually wouldn't mind but for this morning with your breath reek from last night's drinking, you quickly dodge away for his sake.
"I seriously need to brush my teeth," you tell him.
And remembering that you didn't clean your face last night, you need to wash up immediately.
"Okay," Chan says with a pout.
To make up for it, you give him a quick peck on the lips and a longer peck on his cheek.
"I'll be back in a minute," you tell him as you get up from the bed.
It's horrifying to see your makeup melted and smudged, you're surprised that Chan is not disgusted already. You thoroughly brush your teeth and finish it with a cup of mouthwash.
You wipe your face with a damp towel to remove the excess makeup and scoop cold water to splash your face with. All the time you're standing in front of the sink and looking into the mirror, you've been seeing something different about you but can't tell what it is.
It's when you put your hand under the running water to scoop some more water you finally notice it, a ring on your finger.
Thinking that you're still slightly drunk or hallucinating, you bring your hand close to your eyes to inspect the ring, it has a beautiful teardrop-shaped diamond on it and it's on your ring finger so does this mean...
You hear Chan's faint reply to your call from the bedroom, "Yeah?"
You can't seem to fathom your thoughts into words and end up calling him again, "Baby?"
"Yes?" He answers again.
With your eyes stuck looking at the ring, you walk back to the bedroom without drying your face first. You hold your hand up and show it to him.
"Did you see this?" You ask with a bewildered look on your face.
Chan is slyly smiling as he watches you get on the bed and sit in front of him, "Yes."
Not close enough to you, you decide to sit on his lap facing him, "Is it like... uh..."
Probably from the alcohol you consumed last night, your brain can't seem to compute words and your heart can't stay still inside your chest.
You inhale air to calm yourself, "Is it a gift or.... uh, something else? Something I don't know happened last night?"
Chan is grinning ear to ear, he seems excited to tell which one it is to you. He rests his hands on each side of your waist then says, "What do you think?"
"Whichever it is, I'm going to give you head for it," you playfully answer.
He chuckles with his tongue slightly sticking out from the corner of his mouth, "It is what you think it is," he cryptically says.
"I think you just can't wait to get a head from me," you joke again.
He laughs again and you gently hit his chest from beating around the bust, "Just tell me what it is," you whine.
He takes your hand and holds it, rubbing the diamond on the ring with his thumb, "Since I met you, I get this feeling that I couldn't love anyone else this much except for you like I have this much love inside me and it's only there for you."
You tip your head to the side as you intently listen to him talking his heart out.
"I'm stuck with you... in the best way," he remarks with a light chuckle, "and I think we may as well..."
It's endearing to see how he's slightly nervous and excited at the same time. You lean in close and tease him, "May as well what?"
He chuckles again and licks his lips, "We may as well get married. What do you think?"
You place your hand on the nape of his neck, "Of getting married? To you?"
"Yeah," he answers with a nervous sigh slips out of his mouth.
You brush the soft curls on the back of his head as you stare into his brown eyes and try to fathom your feelings into words, "Oh, baby... All I ever wanted is having all your love just for me," you playfully say.
You hold the side of his face and see that his eyes are pooling with fondness as they gaze into you, you get that fluttering feeling inside you.
Oh, you love him so much and you also think you couldn't love someone as much as you love him.
"I think I'll never get enough of it, I need it for the rest of my life," you continue.
Chan takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what he's about to ask you, "Will you marry me, my love?"
There's only one right answer to that, one that you know for sure you'll never regret.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes... " You peck his lips again and again for every yes you give him.
The last peck lasts the longest that you run out of breath and gasp for air when you let go, "A thousand times, yes."
Chan brings your head close to him so he can kiss you, kisses you so hard yet so gentle that you can feel the emotions he puts into it.
It's one of those moments where you feel like you and him are the only ones existing in this world. It's just you and him, encased in this moment forever.
When the kiss breaks, you melt into his hug and feel your hearts beating so close to each other as you hold him close.
"I love you, baby," he mutters with a rub on your back and a haste kiss on your neck.
You lift your head from the crook of his neck and look at him as you say those three words back to him, "And you know I love you too," you steadfastly say.
Chan just can't have enough of it the first time so he crashes his lips onto you again and his arms are tightly wrapped around you as if he tries to crush your body.
The kiss takes things further as you start grinding on him and when your lips aren't on his, you place slobbering kisses on his neck knowing how much he likes them.
While you're busy kissing him all over, Chan reaches for your back to unclasp your bra and takes it off of you. He grabs you by the waist and dives right into the valley of your breasts.
You look down to watch as he takes your breasts into his mouth in turns, switching between sucking and fondling them.
Your lips eventually land on his again, kissing him hard before going down to keep your promise. You pull his hardening member out of its confine and repeatedly stroke it.
Chan lifts your chin to place a kiss on your lips before you lower your mouth on him, taking his cock into your mouth and sucking on it.
You compensate the rest of his length you can take with your hand. You sync your hand and your mouth to give him the utmost pleasure.
He gathers all of your hair in his hand, making a makeshift ponytail, and holds it away from your face so he can see how you take his cock in your mouth.
"Mmh... just like that, baby," he breathlessly mutters to you.
"Keep going, yeah," he mutters again, throwing his head to the back in pleasure.
He keeps muttering sweet praises to you as you pleasing him with your mouth and once in a while, staring at him with your mouth full of him.
"You know how to please me, mmh?"
"You're so good at it, baby."
You know you're doing the right thing when he starts tugging at your hair harder and his breath becomes erratic. Continuing with your hand, you keep the pace knowing that he's close to his release.
"Cum for me, baby," you seductively say.
You maintain eye contact with him with your hand relentlessly pumping his cock, leading him to his high until the white of his cum spurts out of the tip, making streaks on your chest and chin.
His cum feels hot and sticky on your skin, he uses his boxer to wipe it clean for you, not wasting time crashing his lips against yours after that.
"Why are you so good at making me feel good, mmh?" He takes you down the bed and pins you under.
He has his lips constantly pressing on you, kissing you so hard that you're struggling to either kiss him back or take a breath in between.
He breaks the kiss only to kiss you elsewhere, down the column of your neck, and eventually presses his mouth close to your ear.
"I'd like to have my wet pussy now, please," he sweetly whispers, making you tingle inside.
As if he needed your permission, he pulls your underwear down and out of your legs, not wait another moment to dive into your wet cunt.
There's no doubt that he knows his way around you, making you arch your back to seek more of that delicious lick of his tongue between your folds and sends his nose pressed on your clit, but there's one thing you want more than his skillful mouth.
Failing to stop him a couple of times, you tug at his hair a little too hard to finally get his attention. Chan lifts his head, looking at you with his mouth and chin glistening with your essence.
"Want you inside me, baby," you sweetly ask.
He comes at you, hovering inside you to press his wet mouth on you, "Want me inside you, mmh?"
You let him kiss you again before telling him what you really want, "Want you to make love to your fiancé," you say with a smile.
"Fiancé, huh?"
It seems to only hit him that you are his fiance, "Fuck yeah you are my fiance."
You wonder how he gets this hard even though he has just cum a few moments ago, you can feel how stiff he is when he enters you. You moan at how good it feels to finally have him inside you.
"You're so hard, baby," you whine as you sloppily kiss his mouth.
Your head falls onto the pillow, overwhelmed by the sensation of being filled by him, "So hard, mmh... so good," you
Chan puts your legs up and against him, holding them close as he starts thrusting into you. You grip the sheet underneath you as each thrust launches you to the back of the bed.
He slows down the pace and puts your legs around his waist, lowering himself onto you so he suffocates you with more kisses as his hips pulsate into you.
The gaze he gives you is affectionate and soft, in contrast to his slow yet deep thrusts. He is indeed making love to you, putting all of him into it, and you feel as if you became one, body and soul.
Chan sets everything on the dining table, the cake and the bouquet of flowers which he has now put in a pitcher filled with water to keep it from withering.
You finally out of the bedroom after hours of showering, dressing up, and doing your make-up to get ready for the video call for the show reunion.
"Oh, you prepared this?" You gasp, seeing the little surprise on the dining table.
"If you weren't so drunk last night, you would have seen it," he sneers with eyes squinted.
You chuckle at that and come up to him, putting your arm around his waist, "I'm sorry I ruined your surprise," you sincerely apologize along with a sweet peck on his lips.
"I'll forgive you if you let me take pictures of you and that ring on your finger to let the world know that you're taken," he requests with a sly smile dancing on his face.
You chuckle again and enthusiastically agree to this request, "With pleasure!"
Chan takes countless of photos of you with the surprise he prepared for you and countless more of you together, showing off the dainty ring on your finger.
"Should we share it with the group?" He asks.
There's a group chat of everyone from the retreat and you're still in contact with them through it. It's a good idea but you want to hold that plan for a bit since there's someone more deserving to know the news first.
"Maybe later after the video call?"
Chan considers it for a moment and then nods, "Yeah, I think so too."
You reach for the bottle of champagne and hold it out to him, "What about having a toast?"
"Only if you promise not to get drunk," he jokingly says.
"Oh, my God! Let it go already," you dramatically sigh while Chan hugs you from the back and kisses your neck.
You clink your glasses of wine together, having a toast to your engagement and having a little celebration, eating the cake right away with forks.
"Is it the time already?" You ask, shoving another spoonful of cake into your mouth.
Chan checks the time on his laptop screen and confirms with a nod, "Yep. It's time!"
HOST: Next up on my hot seat is the couple whose relationship was as sexually charged as it was fiscally reckless. Before we talk to them, let's take a look at some of their best bits.
[Video plays]
HOST: Hi, lovebirds!
YOU & CHAN: Hi, hi! [Waves hands]
YOU: Lovely to see you!
HOST: I see that you guys are together. Where is your location?
YOU: Take a guess! [Smiles]
CHAN: Yeah, take a guess.
HOST: Er... maybe I'm projecting it too much but it would be good news to know you guys are... in... Australia?
YOU & CHAN: [Applause]
HOST: [Exhales] Oof... What a relief to know that you guys are together at the beginning of the interview but I think we can safely say that almost everyone in the world is now watching your love story unfold.
YOU & CHAN: [Nods]
HOST: So where are you guys now in your relationship? Like... what has happened since the retreat?
YOU: [Turns to Chan] Want me to answer it or...
CHAN: Yeah, you.
YOU: Chris and I, came off the retreat and Chris went with me and stayed with me for a couple of days.
HOST: Didn't you guys plan on going to Australia together after the retreat?
YOU: We did. Then I got a call for work so I had to postpone it.
HOST: Was it like being away from each other? Because you guys can't seem to keep yourself away from each other in the show [laughs] How are you guys making it work?
CHAN: I obviously wanted to stay longer but I had a few things I need to work on too. The long-distance thing didn't put that much strain... it wasn't easy but we managed.
YOU: Right. We managed. We did alright, I guess [laughs] CHAN: We video call each other a lot.
YOU: And always sending nudes to each other.
HOST: [Eyes widen] Oh, wow!
YOU & CHAN: [Laughs]
HOST: And now you're back together, in Australia!
YOU: [Nods] Yes.
HOST: What did you guys do? Tell us all about it.
YOU: It's been an absolute blast. I had so much fun. I met his family, went sightseeing, tried all of his favorite foods, met his friends—
CHAN: She had too much fun, in fact [chuckles]
HOST: Whatever kind of fun that is I hope you've done it responsibly and safely [squints eyes]
YOU: To be honest, I got drunk last night and I had the worst hangover a few hours ago. Thankfully, this man [points at Chan] took care of me well.
CHAN: She had too much wet pussy.
HOST: Excuse me, wet what?
CHAN: It's an Australian thing, it's the name of a drink here. She got drunk on that.
HOST: Sounds like a fun drink.
YOU: You should try it. It's delicious.
HOST: I want to but I don't know if I'll ever find myself bold enough to say that to the bartender [laughs]
YOU & CHAN: [Laughs]
HOST: So... I do have to bring up a couple of sticky things. Uhm... first is Mac. Do you have any regrets about going on that date with Mac?
YOU: Uh... [glances at Chan] [Clears throat] I regret how flirtatious it got. It was really hard to watch that back because I was like... did I really say that? I was nervous about how Chris would react at that moment.
CHAN: Honestly, I hated to have that part included in our best bits [Shrugs]
HOST: [Cackles]
CHAN: But I was more than proud of her after it once I watched the whole thing.
HOST: We'll quickly move on from that and onto the future. I want to know about the future of you two. Have you got anything you want to share with us about... future plans maybe?
CHAN: Well, we've been looking for a place together and... also... at rings [Giggles]
HOST: [Gasps] Oh, my God! It's so happening! Has the question been popped yet?
CHAN: [Looks at you] We may as well, yeah?
YOU: [shows off ring] He already did!
HOST: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! I don't know how to react, it has never happened before!
YOU: Just so you know he proposed to me this morning, like literally a few hours ago.
HOST: We need the details. Please!
YOU: Well, remember that he said I was drunk, right? [Laughs] he prepared this surprise with a cake and flowers, he initially planned to propose last night but that didn't go as planned so he tried again this morning.
HOST: And you said yes?
YOU: He obviously knew I wanted to marry him [smiles]
HOST: [gleefully laughs] YES! I'm loving this so much.
CHAN: I couldn't imagine being with anyone else [smiles]
YOU: He's just so cute [smiles]
HOST: You are aware that Lana's rules no longer apply. You guys can totally kiss right now.
YOU & CHAN: [Kisses]
HOST: [Coos] I kind of in love with this love story right now. Oh, wait, were we the first to hear about this?
YOU: We want Lana to be the one who knows about this.
CHAN: And obviously to everyone who is rooting for us [smiles]
HOST: Lana, girl, you should hold a wedding for them! The first Too Hot To Handle wedding.
YOU: Lana sponsor us, please? [Laughs]
CHAN: Jokes aside, we thank Lana for bringing us together and—
YOU: That's true.
CHAN: In case you don't know, Lana is doing God's work [chuckles]
HOST: Are you going to celebrate it with more wet pussy?
YOU: [Laughs] Yeah, that's actually a great idea.
HOST: How about you, Chris?
CHAN: I just had it this morning [Holds in laughter]
YOU: [Covers his mouth] [laughs]
HOST:... OH?!
CHAN: I'll probably have it again later at night.
HOST: [Blinks eyes] Oh... I expect nothing less from you guys.
YOU & CHAN: [Laughs]
HOST: Oh, my gosh, you guys! It's been incredible talking to you both. I wish you nothing but the best.
YOU: Aw... thank you. It was a really great reunion [Lightly claps]
CHAN: Thank you, Lana. Thank you, everyone [Waves hand]
YOU: Much love [Blows kisses]
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ryker-writes · 3 months
to say that I'm obsessed with your broken siblings series is an understatement
i LOVE them it's just so comforting for some reason and i had an idea about one with epel, but then you posted the Leona one and i just need the no forgiveness ending
the pain my heart needs
but i'll still tell you my epel idea obviously
so imagine growing up with epel as your brother, always admiring him for his hard work and outgoing personality and that even tho he looks cute he can still beat ass
but then you get to nrc and he changes, and doesn't spend as much as with you as you guys used to, imagine vil separating you bcz you're not a good example for epel (+bonus points if reader is part of savannaclaw and epel gets bitter bcz they were always the fragile sibling and yet he was the one in pomefiore)
i don't imagine this relationship as angsty as the others, i can imagine epel getting over his jealousy pretty fast if it meant hanging out with them rather than listening to vil
it's actually really hard for me to imagine epel being a bad brother to his siblings, i think he just wouldn't realize they're hurting bcz he's too busy with his own problems
finally had some motivation so here we are! I completely agree with you that Epel's probably isn't as angsty because Epel actually would be a good sibling lol, but for the sake of angst, I deliver
Request Rules and Masterlists
Broken Sibling relationships
Epel as a sibling (Broken relationship)
You and Epel used to be very close!
When you were younger, the two of you used to play together a lot
Being some of the only kids around the same age in Harveston, you two spent a lot of time together
But you two were very different...
Epel had always been stronger than you were. He would show you how to do a lot of work on the farm, and he never let anybody just walk over him
You admired him!
In a way, you looked up to him and wanted to be like him. While he was stubborn and fierce, you were more calm, and weaker than him
But that never stopped you two from being close and spending all your time together!
That was...until you went to Night Raven College
You both had been very exited to go to NRC
In fact, you two were practically attached to each other before the entrance ceremony
The magic mirror called his name, and told him "Pomefiore"
it was unexpected, but you were happy for him! He certainly was cute enough get into Pomefiore, and he had the spirit of tenacity. There was a part of you that was optimistic about getting into Pomefiore with him
But then the mirror called your name, and said "Savannaclaw"
You felt your stomach drop at the word. Savanaclaw was known to be a very athletic dorm and filled with stubborn and tough people, so why were you put there?? It seemed like a dorm much better fit for Epel, not you
Had the magic mirror somehow gotten the two of you confused? Shouldn't it have put Epel in Savannaclaw? But the magic mirror doesn't make mistakes with this kind of thing
Savannaclaw was very overwhelming for you. Without your brother by your side, it was very tense. Everyone there was much different from you, and it was hard to feel like you belonged there with all of them
At least you could still spend time with your brother outside of dorms, right?
Anytime you went to Pomefiore, you were turned away by some Pomefiore student
"You're too much of a distraction."
"We don't need any Savannaclaw brutes here."
"You'll taint his beauty."
"Epel has more important things to worry about."
"Can't you just take a hint? We don't want you here."
Each and every time, you were told you weren't wanted there, and that you shouldn't be around Epel
While originally you kept trying, it got pretty disheartening after a bit to hear repeatedly that your brother didn't need you there or that you weren't welcome near him
When you kept trying, you were eventually met with the housewarden himself, Vil Schoenheit
"You clearly can't take a hint, can you? You are not welcome in Pomefiore. You would be nothing but a bad influence on Epel, and I will not stand for Pomefiore's reputation to be tarnished by you."
His tone left no room for arguments, and he left immediately after
It really started to feel like Epel himself didn't want you there at this point, and it hurt you
Eventually, you stopped trying. They made it clear you had no place in Pomefiore, and you would forever be part of Savannaclaw
It felt hopeless
You had once been so close to your brother, but now, you can't even talk to him
It's as if the two of you were in entirely different worlds now
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oneforthemunny · 2 months
okay SO. i know i don't even go here, i'm a janitor!eddie girlie BUT i feel very strongly about hockey!eddie because he's insane but also so dumb and i love dumbasses. anyways. i was reading what you said about him being grossed out by his teammates when they cheat and i had this idea so i wanna share it with you
imagine, if you will, that reader becomes really good friends with another hockey wife. young couple, maybe they recently had a baby and reader is obsessed, eddie is obsessed because omg my girl with a baby why is this awakening something in me, it's all very cute. double dates type of shit, maybe this is the first time reader has felt included in the wives and girlfriends club! and then eddie's teammate cheats on his wife and reader finds out. she's DEVASTATED because that's her friend!!!! that's her adopted nephew/niece!!! why would that asshole do that??? so ofc she goes and tells eddie and eddie is LIVID. next day at the locker room eddie breaks his nose or something lmao
god this is so sick and so good because i feel it. like i can see it so vividly.
she finally gets into the group, feels apart of it, and is enjoying herself. plus, she's with this other wife, who seemingly has made it work ya know? husband still plays and she's with him, but also has a balance to her life and schedule, and a baby??? it's like everything reader has wanted, and she's seeing someone have it, and it gives her hope. like all these fears, they're silly bc this can work!
eddie's close with the teammate, but not the most close, bc they're on opposite sides (defense and offense) so they don't really practice and play as much. but still, he likes him, thinks he's a cool guy.
they all get super close, especially during off season, and hang out all the time. guys got a wife, a career, a baby? he's older, been traded before and kinda takes eddie under his wing. truly, they're very very fast friends.
then they go out one night. maybe they had a press thing to do, or a team meeting, decide to go for a beer after it.
eddie's thinking nothing of it, they're sitting at some bar or club or whatever, and next thing he knows, there's two girls?? the guy had called them?? he kisses the one girl in greeting and eddie is immediately sick to his stomach. floored, shocked, disgusted, hurt- all of the above.
he leaves, right there. no warning, nothing, just leaves. is visibly shaken when he tells you later, rambling, eyes wide, just perplexed.
i feel like he wouldn't jump right into beating him. you both talk and are like "no way, there's no way, right?" maybe they're in an open relationship? maybe they swing? maybe they're freaky like that?
so eddie tries to talk to him the next day about it. "i know you'd never do that, man. i'm sorry. i just, i kinda freaked."
but his teammate doesn't reassure him. doesn't tell him that his wife knows. he kinda gets quiet. "i mean, no, she doesn't know, but she really doesn't need to. now does she?" he kinda shrugs. "i mean, we just had a baby, and ya know, she's so tired all the time. it'd be shitty of me to ask her."
eddie is, once again, sick. jaw dropped, he can't even speak, he's so fucking sick. "plus the road gets lonely. you know what i mean." the teammate continues. "look, i love my wife. i don't think there's anything wrong with getting a little something every now and then. it's purely physical. i wear a rubber, get what i need, and come home and keep them happy. i mean, what's the point of causing issues in my own marriage, when i could do this? take care of it."
"you don't think fucking around on your wife is causing issues in your own marriage?" eddie sneers.
"no." he scoffs. "not unless she finds out. what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?" he shakes his head, shrugs it off nonchalantly. "look, kid, i get it. you're in love right now with your girl. it's all about her and nothings better, and that's great. for now. then you'll want a little more, and, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. it's biologically encoded in our dna as mammals to need more than one mate. monogamy, it's barbaric. and you'll understand. one day... you know, shit won't look the same, feel the same, and you'll-"
that's when eddie breaks his teeth. knocks him clear out, his coaches and team mates running to break it up, confused why there's a fight on the sidelines? no regrets from eddie. he got fined, had to run suicides until he threw up, but it was worth it. knocking that piece of shit out, totally worth it.
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kerubimcrepin · 1 month
Live-Read: The Remington Comic [PART 2]
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We go, we steal, we leave… I don't want any trouble, Remington, got it? Wohaa, as if… I'm telling you, we steal Beating Heart and that's it.
The way Luis is drawn in this comic is so cute, sorry...
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Very intrigued by the books standing on top of a flowerpot standing on top of a stool, the random kettle on the floor, a blanket half-covering an unidentified fucking object, more books, and what seems to be a bell, or a bottle, standing on the floor.
Kerubim and Atcham seem to have been away for A While. And Joris doesn't like to clean.
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Make less noise when you walk. If we wake the guy up, meow to make him think a cat got into the home. Uh uh.
This idea is so stupid for so many reasons, both ones Remington and Grany should know, and ones known only to us... It's kind of admirable.
Also I still can't get over how fucking messy Joris is. Either it's his depression, his ADHD, or Kerubim's Upbringing that made him that way. Man...
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Do you remember where it was stored? Don't worry. Here it is!
THE RANDOM ELEPHANT FIGURES?? I bet they're Keke's... Also, once again, many, many books left everywhere. He's insane.
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Come here, you. What was that? No idea… You must have moved something that fell.
While I wish it was Luis, it's actually an unrelated monster under Bonta that will be a big problem in the next issue of the comic.
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Come on… let's go! Yes… that was indeed the talking bow meow… who was transformed by a certain Ush.
The way he's talking about them here is so science-y. As if whether they would come or not was like an experiment to him. It's so funny.
Also, Pupuce!!!!! My beloved Pupuce. <3
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My instincts tell me to go hang out in the slums for a while. If only he could stay there...
Once again, I am grateful that Ush's weird and creepy relationship with cats (albeit... sentient cats, at least) was retconned into a more positive one in season 4 of Wakfu. I still think it's fucking weird, but it certainly makes him funnier as a character.
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Ush hates Bump, and it's really like... "my noble sentient catfucking (while i myself shapeshift into a cat) vs. your creepy and barbarous panty collecting."
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Hello, you may call me Joris, I would like to meet the noble Ush in order to ask him a few questions about a rogue and a bow meow that... Master does not accept visitors. ??
THIS IS SO FUNNY. THE WAY HE INTRODUCED HIMSELF?? The way this guy closed the door. God...
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Also, his cunty little hand on chest thing.... I CAN'T.
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Mhh, very well… Let's see. Mhm... If anyone knows where the beating heart is, then that person is here. YYAAAAHH!
LITTLE GUY!!!!!!!!!!?? YOU SWAG TOO HARD. I CAN'T DO THIS AYMORE. His pure and beautiful whimsy... He's so happy to be running... Like a gazelle.
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YAAH AH AH!! Anyone? And who're you? We're prisoners… Get us out of here, I beg you. D'you know a rogue and his bow meow brother?
Y'know, this page does haunt me a little. Because he's so, so informal here — and kind of insane too. HE BRINGS OVER A STOOL TO TALK TO TWO PEOPLE ACTIVELY BLEEDING OUT, JUST TO TALK TO THEM WHILE MAKING EYE CONTACT. After that, no vous/vous for them, and when they ask for help, he's like "yeah no, first tell me — do you know that guy who wronged me?"
I'm obsessed with him.
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Do I know them? Of course, I know them. You could even say I'm here because of them. They talked about Ush, that's why I came. You get us out of here, and we'll help you find them. Oki-doki... cross my heart! But you'll have to find the key to open it. A key? To close things it might be necessary, yes, but not to open. You're small but mighty, I say!
While I think Joris is a good person and would have helped them even if they knew nothing, I do think that asking about Remington before he freed them was a way of subtly suggesting they help him in return.
Love the way he says "oki-doki"... this 600yo man and his multitudes...
Also, Joris can bend metal. Now imagine him chained up and just... casually breaking the chains, once he's done pretending to be trapped. No wonder Ush needed dragon slobber to restrain him.
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He's a bit shaken up, but he should be fine… Stop that… I'm going to puke.
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This reaction Ush has to this huge-ass thing goes out to the Ush fans among my readers.
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Saw your Drabble list and I have to say, I have not clicked on a “ask me anything” button that quick in a very long time!
Could I pretty pretty please request Jax Teller & Number 16? Eeekkk!! 🤤
You can indeed! This one kinda got away from me a little. I'm like that, though. My drabbles get wordy, lol!
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Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
You've been dating Jax for a few weeks now, spending time with him going on dates, or, more often than not, hanging out at the club. Just like tonight.
"Are we really playing this goddamned game?" Happy grunts, folding his arms. "It ain't like any of us is gonna welch on a dare, or not tell any kind of uncomfortable truth."
"Truth or dare?" Tig shouts, drumming his hands off the table.
"Did you really fuck Jackie Adams?" You have no idea who the woman is, but the very mention of her name seems to make Happy suddenly stiffen up.
He glares, lifting the shot glass to his lips. "Fuck you."
"Ahhhh!" Tig roars, "yeah, you did! And you don't want to give up that uncomfortable truth, that you banged a broad who's at least sixty-five!"
"She's a hot sixty-five, and shit, at least she still had a pulse, you corpse-humping motherfucker."
You stand there and laugh, shaking your head, Tig spying you.
"Hey! (Y/N), you down for a little of this?"
"Not if those are the kind of questions you're gonna ask!" you cry, laughing.
"Why, how many sixty-five women have you been banging recently?" Jax asks, bobbing his tongue between his teeth playfully with a huge grin when you scowl at him.
"I'll give you something more appropriate, that's if you pick truth. So, truth or dare, baby!"
A nearby Chibs winces for you. "Now you've done it, lass." He isn't wrong either.
"Flash us your tits," Tig demands.
"Told you, but I'm kinda not mad at him. Could have been a whole lot worse, that was a pretty tame ask, for him," Chibs chuckles, turning to wink at you. "No disrespect, Jackie, but your girl is crackin'."
"None taken, because I know she won't do it either," he replies, taking a sip of his beer.
You shrug, making a small humming noise. "A dare is a dare." With that, you pull your top up to an absolute barrage of whistles, yells and table thumping, Tig applauding you the loudest. "She don't even wear a bra! That's amazing! Here, hon, take a shot. Nice rack."
Pulling your top down again, you take it, tapping the shot glass off the side of his and sinking it, turning to Jax, trying not to laugh as he shakes his head, not able to bite back his grin.
“Did you really just do that?”
“I did,” you confirm, Jax still shaking his head. 
"You're trouble."
Pulling him close by his belt, you plant a kiss on his lips. "Trouble you can handle." With that, he ducks down and throws you over his shoulder, his brother's wolf whistling in your wake, carrying you off to his usual bunk room, kicking the door shut and throwing you down on the bed.
He hovers above you, eyeing you in a way you can't quite read, a little flare of panic rising in your throat. "You're not mad at me, are you?"
He snorts, shaking his head. "No, darlin'. Well, maybe a little, that the guys got a better first look at your tits than I did." He then strips you of your top, kneeling between your legs, his large, ring-adorned hands stroking the soft flesh of each breast, fingertips teasing at your nipples. "Mmmm, they're pretty."
"There's something else I have that I'm told is pretty, too." He follows your gaze downwards, looking back up with a soft burst of laughter through his nose, unbuttoning your jeans, pulling them and your undies off in one swift tug.
"Well," he begins, parting your thighs, taking a very good look at you. "I'm glad I'm definitely the first to be able to agree with that." He then falls silent, except for the sound of him running licks through your folds, sucking hungrily on your clit, and making you wonder why on earth it took you three weeks to get to this point with him.
Good job you chose that moment to honour the dare and flash your tits, really, isn't it?
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the-kr8tor · 26 days
Reader is being so gentle and sweet and friendly that Hobie literally CANNOT even remotely be mean to them. Don't get me wrong he'll still tease them and all the above but being actually mean? God bless his soul he would rather dry up on land with the sun on his whole body as he becomes roasted octopus instead.
Reader who has big eyes and a big pretty smile, always happy to hang out with Hobie in his cave. He can't stop himself from letting them sit on his lap and feeding them some little bits of food as he works on his next client's potion.
Manatee Mermaid Reader! who is very sweet and playful, adores attention and just likes being happy. Just a soft ball of good emotions, which Hobie adores even more so. He knows what precedes him and so do you and yet to still come out to his cave, seek him out only to ask him if he wants to play with you.
Reader isn't innocent by any means, just maybe a bit more affectionate and emotional than some of the other mermaids. Which might be why they're led to be away from Hobie, at least the others try to. Hobie dislikes that, dislikes the fact that they're trying to "protect" you when he has never touched a single hair on your pretty head.
He adores showing you tricks he's learned, even better if you don't understand them the first time. He truly loves to help you understand it all, he shows you things, keeps you safe from anyone who actually has it out for you. He makes his cave less spiky, he's scared that if you two play fight too rough that you might end up scratching yourself.
Deep sea witch Hobie just adores how soft and affectionate you are. Gentle surprise hugs and soft kisses are all you know it feels like, whether that's true or not. He isn't used to the gentleness, he's used to being cut bruised and hurt. He's used to survival. He's used to be cunning and sly. With you he's the person he needs to be. You bring it out of him for the worst or the better.
He recognises you have a slightly poorer sense of danger as well, it's not a bother to him. It's more of a light worry, so he tries his best to accompany you when he can. He doesn't enjoy a good amount of the society but he's able to have scary dog privileges, which means you stay safe. Because who messes with a witch so powerful they can steal their shadow, soul and heart. And you. Then there's you, right next to him with your hand in his as he stands ominously behind you. Staring at whoever you're speaking to, ensuring your protection only in the case where he feels there's genuine danger.
-🪦 I cannot stop the brain is speeding and isn't making any halts or stops
Roasted octopus 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣 yum calamari! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Deep sea witch! Hobie def has scary dog privileges!
Awww they're so adorable!! Imagine that they met bc R was basking in the sun right on the beach and they had no idea that there were some humans coming their way so Hobie had to drag them out of the beach with his tentacles and when you're finally safe he realises that they're still fast asleep! He's like "dumbass, now I gotta protect this dumbass." And when r wakes up they're not even scared of him just blinking confused at how she got back to the ocean and he's like "uh oh, I kinda fancy this dumbass now."
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solarsleepless · 2 months
hello all
basically, i'm going to be watching bsc episodes and listing down the autistic traits i see in kristy. i may have a bonus part for the other girls but i'm mainly going to be focusing on kristy as she is my favourite.
without further ado, let's do this
Episode 1
right off the bat we get the line "I was doing the most talking, as per usual." autistic people have a tendency to dominate conversations or to "monologue"
also, mary anne is kristy's only friend at the very beginning. most autistic people find it challenging to make any new friends, both due to any communicative issues and because they don't want to change up their routine. kristy is clearly just fine with having only mary anne as a friend, which is shown in later episodes
"it was boiling in there, like surface of venus levels hot and he just kept droning on and on" autistic people are wayyy more prone to sensory issues than most other people, and that can include temperature, especially if they start sweating, which for many people causes sensory distress. autistic people also find it hard to concentrate for a myriad of possible reasons, including filtering out information our brains deem 'irrelevant' even if they're not
"If he was such a genius, why didn't he say all people?" autistic people tend to have a strong sense of justice and a black and white view of things, having very clear ideas of what is right and wrong in their head. yes, kristy's a feminist, but her willingness to correct him without a care for manners reads as autistic to me
"except apparently, i raised my voice, and didn't raise my hand." manners, even well remembered ones like raising your hand, can sometimes be forgotten by autistic people if it's something they're passionate about: in this case, kristy's need for correction and fairness overrode that
"[the boys in the back are] wiping sweat on each other, but somehow, i'm the disruptive one" autism in AFABs is often seen as being rude or disruptive despite them often just being passionate about the subject. also, sensory issues again?
"claudia and mary anne and i used to hang out all the time. but that was before claudia decided she was more into boys and clothes than us." another example of how kristy has had very few people in life she considers friends and has stuck with them for most of her life. also, possible rejection sensitive dysphoria made kristy see it as bigger than it actually is, because they seem to be fine when they interact, like nothing happened
in the next scene, we see kristy helping david michael with a puzzle. puzzles are often enjoyed by autistic people due to being structured, logical, visual and with a clear end, all of which are treasured aspects of things for autistic people.
stimming!!! lots of stimming. when explaining her new concept which she has clearly quickly hyperfixated on, we see her pacing and fidgeting with her hands as well as gesturing. also, having a strong moral code and wanting to put in effort for kids to be happy
she seems pretty startled when stacey appears, and is a little upset when it's obvious claudia has told her about the club idea: autistic people find it hard to find their footing after their expectations of how something would go are thrown off, but kristy's new hyperfixation overrules this change of plans
even though her need to infodump and talk about this new idea made her not lose her cool, she's visibly still unsure when stacey suggests things. even afterwards, she tries to... "villainize" feels to strong a word, but tries to make reasons for why she disliked her even though it's obvious she was just taken off guard
"maybe new people weren't an invading force to be repelled at all costs" here we get to see how much kristy detests change—even when it's beneficial, she'd rather stick with one or two friends. pay special attention to the wording: "at all costs". kristy will always try and evade change
another sign of her intolerance for change is how much she just dislikes watson, even though he seems like a nice guy. she doesn't want to accept that he is going to a fixture in their lives because it will mean that her family will change a lot, at least in her view (though i will say she has a lot of abandonment issues and trauma from her dad leaving her which shifts her perception on any guy her mom dates)
also from here on out i think we can see a clear hyperfixation on business and law, judging by her attitude and comments later on about the club
this whole dinner scene just feels very autistic to me: she takes what her mother says about "feeling okay about it" very literally and bulldozes any attempt of conversation. she is not okay about the idea of her mother marrying watson and she doesn't understand the social cue of her being more gentle about it. she genuinely doesn't understand why her mom would ask about it if she, in kristy's perspective, was not going to listen to her, when kristy is the one not listening to her over a misunderstanding.
this might be more of a me thing, but kristy trying to send her mom an email to apologize just feels really autistic to me, as it resonates hard with me and what i've done in the past. i used to leave messages in google translate for my parents to apologize. idk but its worth looking at
"i'm bossy, get used to it" shows that not only is she fairly controlling, but she's also aware of this fact. i couldn't find much research on this, but many autistic people are bossy or controlling so they know what to expect and so that things go exactly to plan.
kristy's lack of tact and sense with the phone. just. that.
claudia remarks that she's starting to remember why she stopped hanging out with kristy so much—because she's controlling and "bossy". this is partially due to feeling like everything that happened with her dad was out of her control and so it intensified the shittier he became, combined with that, autistic people can tend to come off as too much. also, rejection sensitive dysphoria—stares off into the distance and doesn't talk.
autistic people tend to be very trusting of others, taking lots of what they say at face value, and struggling to comprehend why someone would lie to them. despite only knowing stacey for a short amount of time and not even completely liking her, she's devastated when it turns out stacey was lying to them.
"this whole situation has spiralled out of my control, and that's a feeling i really, really hate." same points that have been made above—absolute control over what happens when they're involved is a big thing for autistics so they know completely what's going on. add on her trauma about her absent father, and it makes sense why she acts the way she does.
more about the trust!! she trusts stacey to not only know about her hyperfixation but also to be directly involved in it—that's a really big deal for us autistics!! it means we Trust you!!
more hammering in about kristy's control issues. i'm glad i've only seen One (1) fic demonizing her for it but at the same time that's one too many
kristy being just. so blunt. i love her. "you're controlling my THOUGHTS now?" "yes." a lot of autistic people don't see any reason to not be honest most of the time.
is just. dead serious about the "i should resign before i'm impeached".
more bluntness!! "when mary anne gets scared at something you think is silly, do you make fun of her and call her a baby?" "yeah, sometimes." "oh. but you're still her best friend, right?" "yes." but also, bluntness isn't always a bad thing. kristy just casually throws in the "i love you" because she thinks it at that moment and means it, so she sees no reason not to say it because it's true.
more finding it easier to say stuff like "thank you" over text than in person, just like the "i'm sorry" earlier
additional notes:
mary anne is autistic too!! we see her stimming, though, stroking the end of her braid during her convo abt the club with stacey, kristy and claudia. also her just letting kristy speak a lot feels autistic but idk how to explain it. also, she's good with visual organization, such as keeping things orderly in a google docs and writing minutes. i feel like she'd rather her do it than anyone else, that way she can help the club and make it easier for her to concentrate on the club itself. also, stacey and even claudia, her childhood best friend, both remark that she doesn't speak a lot. she definitely isn't nonverbal, but she absolutely lets people talk over hers and seems to find it more comfortable to not speak, at least early on. i could only find stuff for nonspeaking and nonverbal autistics, but i've had several periods where it wasn't uncomfortable to speak, but i was much more comfortable not speaking, which i think might be the case for mary anne, though it could be a mark of her simply not knowing what to add.
claudia CLEARLY has adhd!! she doodles and fidgets a lot, and many adhders turn out to be artists due to their creativity and excess energy that they expel via doodling. she draws on her shoes, and the teacher remarks that she "wouldn't want another failed quiz on your average", indicating her struggle with school, which we see even more of in the coming episodes, and people with adhd tend to have poor academic perfomance, mainly for their struggle with executive dysfunction skills.
claudia also spells "prety grate" instead of "pretty great" in her email to kristy. judging by this and later scenes in the series, it's possible she has dyslexia and/or dyscalculia, which has been reported to more or less have a 25% comorbidity with adhd
janine is also pretty obviously autistic-coded; her room is very dimly lit, she hardly ever leaves it, has flat affect, doesn't pick up much on claudia's social cues, has a special interest in computer and tech and whatnot, has a very extensive vocabulary, and butts in on conversations with her advice without asking before leaving after they get what she's saying
and that's it for episode 1 !!!! tell me what you think, and i'll see you all with part 2 very soon :)
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it's so hard to reclaim the name of christianity. when i'm out in the world interacting with people, interacting and reaching out and saying fuck you to social norms and ideas of appropriateness rooted in discrimination just to validate everyone's humanity. just like my religion taught me to. it's hard when i go out there and realise just how many people have been hurt and i pray for justice and repentance from those in power, just like my religion taught me to. because so many people have been hurt by it. hurt by fear that was instilled and abuse of power by people who are real fucking insecure and think Knowing God And Being Right will mean they can feel better and just not. realising they're hurting people. because their hearts are too hard, and that's something my religion taught me too. that there are people like that. but the people like that. they have impact extending far, far beyond what they could have ever dreamed. impact making people think oh no this god could never want me and i can't live the kind of half life that you do. it always crushed me as a child when i saw people felt like this and--those were the days where it happened to older people around me, and i thought i wasn't grown up enough to ask about it. i grew up. couldn't hold myself back from that empathy anymore, because you learn how to love by doing it. it's quite basic actually, core of what's being human is to love your neighbour as yourself. that's what my religion taught me. and i get out there and i fucking listen and it's everywhere and the people in my religion, they just don't see it unless they've felt it themselves too. most aren't intentionally or even themselves doing the things that are hurting people, but they're so naive to hang around those who do sometimes and in a way, they're just as bad. and yet when you hear their stories, they believe in a god of love. they just think everyone does. no, i say, how are people to see that this is the god we believe in if the only ones making noise are the ones using fear? they go on with their little lives and they care for me, but i am nothing like them. i never could be. so i share my story, just like my religion taught me to. i share how i don't fear punishment (in fact i've been known to chase after it only to realise what i've forgotten again and again, that there's a god who gave everything because of not wanting me to be punished) but i do care about justice. i do want an impact that turns social structures upside down, and why my god became a man this was what was talked about. i do care about almightly all powerful all everything comfort for those who need it just like how my religion taught me and captured me because otherwise i would try and do it all on my own and god knows that would kill me faster than any kind of threat to my existence from outside. and yet, there are all these people who claim to have the same god. i don't understand them, oh wait i do, i see their shame and how uncolourful their lives and hearts are and how they just don't know how to love. themselves. others. think this is what's best for them (something to do with eternity that i won't talk about because. they're got it so simplified it may as well be outright lies) and so. just providing 'facts' is a substitute for warmth.
when did you lose your happiness? when did you lose your heart, your soul, the very thing you sacrificed pleasure to save? i don't relate because my pleasure comes from connection, and before i knew about my neurobiology or my sexuality it was my religion that showed me examples of that. that showed me i wasn't wrong to exist as i do. the same religion, supposedly, that people are all over being hurt by. it makes no sense. it doesn't check out. but wait, it does perfectly. what a better way to harm people than to gatekeep their greatest source of love by dressing it up like hate? telling them by your actions that they would never want it, portraying it as hurtful through your existence, even despite inviting people in. washing out all the richness, because richness makes you uncomfortable: richness makes you not be able to control people. it makes you have to feel, how dare we feel anything, how dare we when we follow a man who cried when his friend died even though he knew bloody well he was about to resurrect the guy 5 seconds later? inviting people in as if you have the authority to do so, but making it so fucking ugly why would anyone in the first place? and genuinely not understanding that and getting discouraged as to why, not realising it was you, you who butchered the entire thing. what is a greater kind of evil? especially as it's one done by accident and through hurt and shame and insecurity and the things all humans carry, warning us by your existence, that you and the evil you've become could happen to any of us. could become of any of us, and no wonder there are people who want to be as little like you as possible, associating you with the religion that is mine. well, not mine, it belongs to the one who created it. but i experience it. do you? because yours is nothing like mine. and yet. it's like darwin's finches, for i could find an evolutionary cousin in the people around me in this building who embodies each step of the transition between my experience and yours. am i any better? do i need to be? all i know is you've hurt me too. you hurt me by telling me to love others and twisting that to say i should serve you. you hurt me by saying emotional intimacy is just as important as physical, and then withholding the emotional intimacy until i find someone to have sex with and sign a piece of paper saying i will with only them. you hurt me by hurting people, other people, who i am one with and connected with just like my religion taught me, long before i heard of the concept of boundaries (the kind that mean you don't feel others' pain as your own). don't you ever think there's a deity who might feel the way you do? you claim to fear him yet you don't realise, do you, that you're breaking the heart of a god. you fear punishment, i don't, so why aren't you scared there might be consequences even if you believe this god doesn't want you to take this path and did everything so you might not have to? or are consequences something you only associate with people who make you uncomfortable?
and that is why i have to reclaim the label of christianity. i have to exist in a way that makes you uncomfortable, armed with quotations from the god you claim to follow driving me to do everything i said, everything that makes you uncomfortable. pass on the truth of those millions that you've hurt, pass it on like it's my truth (because it is now) to the next finch in the line, normalise talking about it until they too, see that there is more to life than the perspective you thought you could make us believe, the one that stunts love. you have your power through control, we have ours through connection and truth, just like our religion told us to. so we don't shut up, keep it going along the chain of finches, every experience widening its own horizons only by a step, hoping that maybe, maybe those who have been excluded might be free to exist with us, should they choose to. so that the power you have over us is gone and you are just a broken human once again, maybe then it might thaw you as the light comes in and you'll be harmless once again. you'll open up to love received when you have no ability to give and nothing to hide behind. really, i'm reclaiming this label for your own good, just as you say you are hurting me for mine. but i shouldn't fight fire with fire. or ice with ice. not when i know how to capture hearts with a truth that is bigger than me, i learned that from my religion. not when there are people, hurting people, whose experience of you i can't undo but i can share it with them, be someone who maybe, just maybe, might offer some semblance of a corrective experience. showing the world how insignificant you really are, by simply being too stubborn to let you and your twisted interpretations of love become a category, a label of a faction of personhood that i happen to relate with too. people like me exist, and our existence doesn't require stolen power that could be gone, it is going, at the drop of a hat. our label isn't something convenient--you took that away from us--but rather something we're ashamed of, because it has been used for great hurt. but if it really is infused with the power of a god, a god who loves justice for the oppressed, then it is something i don't feel worthy of. but i know that never for one second will i let anyone get away with portraying it so absolutely, destructively wrong without fighting to destabilise this worldview. and take back the label of christianity.
inspired by a couple of (admittedly distressing, but validating and true) posts i've seen floating around and the lovely @tleeaves' curiosity.
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goth-automaton · 2 months
'001 | Send me a fandom' and I will tell you my:' Curious about your thoughts on KH?
Oh dear... I don't know, if it's a good idea, given my strong love-hate relationship with canon. It might be unsafe for all parties. XD But let's try!
Favorite character: Bold of you to assume I have only one. ^^" I'm in general really fond of Organization XIII (except Xemnas). And Naminé. She baby. 🥺
Least Favorite character: It's a tie between all Xehanort incarnations and Ansem the Wanke- Ansem the Wise.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I'M A MULTISHIPPER, I CAN'T CHOOSE!!! T^T Uuuuuuh... Luxord/Vexen, Larxene/Aqua, AkuSai, XigSai, DemZex... And literally any gay ship with Marluxia. That bitch is a slut (affectionate) and definitely has banged all adult guys in the Org. *a while of thinking* Except for Axel. No idea, why, but this one doesn't click. (Disclaimer: While I'm okay with Marluxia/Zexion, I see them strictly non-sexual. Also no idea, why).
Character I find most attractive: Marluxia
Character I would marry: No one, I don't self ship in this fandom. ^^"
Character I would be best friends with: too many to choose ! T^T But I think it'd be cool to hang out with Xigbar sometimes. ^^
A random thought: KH and "The Bouncer" are actually the same universe, fight me.
An unpopular opinion: Hoooooooo boiiiiiiii, where to start... I'm not very fond of this whole recompletion process, how it works and, in general, how it's handled. It just rubs me wrong... The reasons are very personal, though, so maybe I won't elaborate. ^^"
My canon OTP: Soriku. 💜 (don't at me, they're canon, SE are just cowards and afraid of losing Mickey Mouse priviledges!)
Non-canon OTP: *gestures at the favourite ships answer*
Most badass character: Marluxia
Pairing I am not a fan of: Marluxia/Larxene. In general, I don't like, when they're paired with people of opposite gender... But this combination is especially nope to me.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Given all fucked up shit happening in canon, I'd say almost everyone. But if I were to choose one... Repliku. He deserved a happy ending and didn't get any. T^T
Favourite friendship: Xion and Naminé and Kairi. 💜
Thank you! 💜
Fandom/ship/character ask game.
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moonsghostwriter · 5 months
Types of Yanderes
The different archetypes of yanderes in media
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of Murder, Suicide/Self-Harm and Domestic Violence
•Mugai-gata: The Harmless Type
"As long as they're happy, I'm happy"
The most harmless type of yandere, the one where they've fallen in love in an unhealthy, obsessive way, but they don't do anything insane about it. They'll try hard to become your partner, but won't harm anybody in the way. If you get a partner, they won't attack you two, they'll be happy you found happiness, and maybe still have hope that you choose them in the end.
•Kanchigai-gata: The Wrong-Idea Type
"They gave me an eraser...they must like me!"
They get the wrong idea when you do something in order to match their expectations. If you say you don't love them, they'll think you're lying because you don't want to hurt them or something. If you do something out of kindness to them, they'll think it's out of love. And so on.
•Shuuchaku-gata: The Obsessive Type
"I sent you 50 messages, why didn't you answer? Where were you? What were you doing?"
Tries to learn everything about you. Personal info, hobbies, routine, etc. Sends regular messages to check on you, asks why you haven't answered if you didn't, wants to know what you're doing always. All the time. And, if possible, walks around with you all the time too.
The obsession type doesn't necessarily want to monopolize you. They'll let you hang around with friends, etc. but wants to know everything you do. They probably want to go with you, too. If they can't go somewhere with you, they might stalk you.
If they learn a person is too close to you, they might attack.
•Sutookaa-gata: The Stalker Type
Follows you around, often without you knowing. May be in broad daylight or at night, when you're walking alone on the streets. Maybe even online. A person of this type is also often of the obsessive type.
•Dokusen-gata: The Monopoly Type
"Why were you talking to them? I thought I told you not to talk to them."
They want to monopolize you. Will ask who you talk to and hang with, in extreme cases won't let you be with anyone else, not even your friends.
This type of behavior is unfortunately common in real life. It displays insecurities and lack of trust in the relationship which might develop into much worse yandere behavior.
•Ison-gata: The Dependent Type
"Where are you going? Are you leaving me? Please don't leave me, I need you! I can't live without you!"
Can't live without you. Begs you to not leave them or throw them away. Says they will die if you go away. May lose will to do anything if you aren't watching. If you do leave, they might go full crazy and end up doing something crazy like going on a murderous rampage or something.
•Touei-gata: The Projection Type
"You're just like them."
After their former love turned out to be a completely different person than they loved, or got a partner, or died, or something like that, and they can no longer stay with them, they searched for someone who was just like what their love was, and they found you.
This type of of yandere is very innocent at first, but if they're given power to dominate their new beloved, they might end up trying to make them more and more like what their old interest was. For example, wearing the same things, doing the same things, etc.
Sometimes, they might project her ideal lover not on someone else but on same person. That is, they might say "you are not them, they do this," to you even though you actually are them and you don't do "this."
•Shoushitsu-gata: The Disappearance Type
"They'll never love me, so what's the point in living?"
They love you, maybe you know that, maybe you don't, but unknown this gives them a crushing depression. They think you'll never love them and they have no chance, but they can't stop their unhealthy feelings of love. They think you're too good for them, or that they're too worthless for you. This makes them slowly fade away, disappear from your life. Until they snap and kill themself
This is an atypical yandere since it has so little effect on other characters' lives.
•Shuumatsu-gata: The Final Type
"I don't need a world where they don't exist."
After learning that you died or you left them, they lose purpose in life. The world for them was you, and you're now gone. What this results in varies. Most of the time, they become broken emotionally, as expected. They might also kill themself, or sometimes, they might destroy the world that let you die/"took you away from them", or just go on revenge killing spree.
•Boruyoku-gata: The Violent Type
"I'm hurting you? That's too bad, I told you not to do that!"
When jealous, feeling ignored, etc. uses violence against you. They'll beat you and say it's your fault. This can be either discharging pent-up rage through violence and you just happen to be their favorite punching bag, or deliberately punishing you for doing something they didn't like.
Both cases, unfortunately, are also common in real life.
•Haijo-gata: The Removal Type
"You don't need other people. You have me."
They will remove from your life everyone they think you don't need. Which means everyone else. This can include things like excluding your contacts and messages to even murdering everybody who approaches.
This type of yandere has two sub-types:
First, the one that removes people secretly. They see you hanging with someone, the next day that person has mysteriously disappeared. You are probably as clueless as a sheet blank paper about this incident, and the next several incidents like it.
Second, the one that removes people openly. This also ranges from removing messages to killing people. They might be expecting you agree with them, "yeah, you're right, I don't need other people," or they might just want to show you what they're capable of.
•Shinjuu-gata: The Double Suicide Type
"Let's be together forever!"
Why be always together in life if you can be forever together for all eternity? This type of yandere will propose what no sane person would: let's die!
Sadly, suicide pacts are a thing. Double suicide, lovers' suicide, too, is a thing. One of the most famous pieces of literature, Romeo & Juliet, sort of ended up in a double suicide.
One thing different in an yandere double suicide is that, often, you don't really want to die. It's more like they want you both dead and they'll kill you then themself. Although there are also actual consensual attempted double suicides involving yandere.
•Jiko-gisei-gata: The Self-Sacrifice Type
"I would die for you."
They'd make any sacrifice for you, as long as it means getting you to love them. They don't even mind dying for you or fighting bloody battles, sustaining multiple injuries, etc. as long as it means staying with you.
Unlike the self-harm type, the self-sacrifice type isn't seeking attention with their suicidal behavior. Instead, they want to make themself useful and support the one they love.
This is easier to visualize in anime where fighting monsters, etc. is normal. However, this kind of sickness also exists in real life. Some people do sacrifice themselves for a beloved one in an extremely unhealthy and unrewarding way, just because they "love" them.
•Suuhai-gata: The Worship Type
"I would do anything you ask of me, I am devoted to you."
They worship you and will do anything for you. Sometimes even without you asking. And more: they don't even mind if you love them or not, or what will happen to them. Killing, dying, committing crimes, losing respect of others, they'll do anything if it means providing support to your infinite greatness.
This is one of the least-harmful type of yandere since they would never do anything to harm you and will never be in your way. Nonetheless, it's also one of the most depressing types; it makes you feel sorry for the yandere, who thinks of themself less like a person and more like a tool who might get thrown away if they're not useful enough.
The difference between the "worship" type and the "self-sacrifice" type is that the "worship" type is also like the "disappearance" type. The "self-sacrifice" type wants to be useful so they can be loved, the "worship" type doesn't mind if they are not loved back, in fact, they probably thinks they are not worth being loved by the delusive greatness they consider you.
They wouldn't, for example, attack your partner or other people out of jealousy, but they might attack a person approaching you because they think the person is stepping out of your boundaries and being presumptuous by daring talk to your greatness without proper respect.
•Choukyou-gata: The Training Type
"Say you love me... come on, say it. Say you love me. SAY YOU LOVE ME! Good! Here's your reward."
The word choukyou was once only about training animals or breaking animals. In modern times, it's also used in BDSM contexts, dominate training submissive. It has nothing to do with training for sports.
They'll break you into loving them.Sometimes using torture, a punishment/reward system, brainwashing, etc. This probably involves you getting kidnapped and forced into it, although there might be more subtle ways to accomplish this.
•Koritsu yuudou-gata: The Loneliness-Inductive Type
"Shh it's alright. You didn't need them anyways. I'm here, you can always count on me."
They will make, induce, or force you to feel or be alone. By spreading malicious rumors about you that make others alienate you, by murdering your friends and family, etc. Then they'll jump in and present themself as the only one you can count on when you're most fragile mentally and in need of company.
Inducing things that don't make you feel lonely but give some sort of mental damage, trauma, also count as this type. Conversely, if your friends and family get killed on their own and you're alone but they had nothing to do with it, it's not the same thing since they didn't induce it, although an yandere might abuse your condition to get closer to you.
This type is similar to the "dependence" type, except it's not the yandere that's to become dependent on you, it's you that's to become dependent on the yandere.
•Kyouki-gata: The Bizarre-Seeking Type
"I love you, so... can you give me your fingernails? I want them so I can always have a part of you with me!"
Undeniably in my opinion the weirdest type of yandere. They will murder you, and not by accident, not by jealousy, not by revenge. They will murder you because they love you. And then they'll keep your rotting corpse in their bed, or home, or preserved in some way because there's no way they'd throw you away.
In a sense sane people are better off not even trying to understand, the bizarre-seeking type of yandere is purely insane, mad way beyond explanation.Undeniably the worst type of yandere, she will murder you, and not by accident, not by jealousy, not by revenge. She will murder you because she loves you. And then she'll keep your rotting corpse on bed or preserved inside a glass because there's no way she'd throw you away.
In a sense sane people are better off not even trying to understand, the bizarre-seeking type of yandere is purely insane, mad way beyond explanation.
The word kyouki, used in the type's name, is normally associated with disturbing imagery involving gore, blood and worse stuff. It's also related to "grotesque" art, guro グロ, which's dubbed "pornography involving gore" despite the fact nobody in their sane mind can figure out how the fuck can someone even get off to this
Likewise, nobody in their sane mind can relate to the grotesque love of bizarre-seeking yandere. Ranging from murder, mutilation, and maybe something ever worse us mere mortals can't even begin to imagine, their bizarre displays of love can only be summed up by: what the actual fuck?
•Mousou-gata: The Delusional Type
Similar to the "wrong idea" type above, but far worse.
When their insane love is unrequited (for obvious reasons), and you start literally running away from the crazy bitch, they'll think it's because you're embarrassed, and not because you don't want them. Their love distorts the reality they perceive. They see a bunch of delusions instead.
The delusion type may also be in denial something unpleasant happened. They'll just forget it happened. Their memories may also be replaced with delusions: they'll remember you being extremely nice to them when you were indifferent, you saying you liked them before you even met, or other people rubbing themselves on you like cheap sluts when all they did was saying "good morning"
•Jishou-gata: The Self-Harm Type
"If you leave me, I'll hurt myself!"
They harm themself, cutting wrists, etc. in order to get your attention. This often happens when they're ignored. The "dependence" type might evolve into this if they are abandoned.
There are two sub-types to this.
First, the one where they harm themself in secret and have you notice their injuries, then they say "it's nothing to worry about" hoping you worry about it more. This is usually something light like a knee bruise or small scratch, etc.
Second, the one where they harm themself in your face as a way to say "I'll kill myself if you leave me," forcing you to stay by their side out of guilt.
And that's all for now! If you find yourself or a loved one in a relationship with a person that seems to act similar to any of these behaviors, please, please, please leave them/help your loved one to leave them. This is all supposed to be about fictional archetypes, however sometimes someone who is severely mentally ill or simply a bad person can exhibit these behaviors and it is UNSAFE!!! If you find yourself relating to any of the yandere types themselves, please seek mental help.
And if you're reading this because you like horror/psychological thrillers then I hoped you enjoyed and feel more informed about the yandere archetype! I had a lot of fun compiling this list.
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⭐ For Yume! ⭐
1- 4- and 20!
Do you have a song that represents your OC, if so why?
I have SEVERAL songs that represent Yume. Last time I answered a song in this post, that made me think of Yume's overall time in Twisted Wonderland. (It's a sorta long post with analysis.) And @bunnwich has said that "Waiting on a Miracle" from Encanto reminds them of Yume. Most recently the song that represents Yume for me is. Camera's by Matt and Kim.
"No time for cameras We'll use our eyes instead No time for cameras We'll be gone when we're dead No time for cameras We'll use our eyes instead I see flashes of gold."
I love the idea of Yume slowly coming out of their shell and learning that they need to be more than just a spectator in life if they wanna be happy not only in the future but now as well! 0v0
Honestly, I should just drop and Yume Ume Playlist. (And my cheez whiz Yume x Idia playlist too)
Who is your OC’s closest platonic friend?
But Ruggie and Yume are besties y'all! They don't really know how it happened either considering Yume disliked his smug aura and hates when people steal from them specifically. And Ruggie can smell a goodie too shoes a mile away. Of course, that's just the surface-level projection of both of them.
Once they get to know each other in and after chapter 2 they both see past that and realize they have things in common and of course a dumb similar taste in humor.
Add that to the fact that Yuuta and Leona "hang out" and also Jack and Yuuhi "hang out", and it leaves Yume and Ruggie as the platonic 3rd wheels. So they kinda just gravitate toward each other during those times too. Don't get them wrong, Grim, Deuce, and Ace were their first friends and hold a special place in their heart. But I think they get along with Ruggie on a very visceral level that they didn't expect lol. Reminds me of this OLD but still good meme:
Tell us about a complicated relationship your OC has with another character?
Last time with this question I talked about Yume's relationship with Jamil! So this time let me talk about Yume's relationship with KALIM!
Oh boy where to start. Yume didn't officially meet Kalim until chapter 4 and was very skeptical meet a genuinely kind person at NRC, especially after getting betrayed by Azul. So when Kalim is just genuinely nice and kind it kinda threw them for a loop. And then he started talking and saying nice things ABOUT Yume. Compliments they've never heard from anyone before! Plus the fact that he was so touchy (in a good way! Yume enjoys casual affection)
And the whole flying carpet under the stars didn't help (even with their brothers with them the whole time.)
So yeah it kinda developed into a big time crush, unfortunately. Though after going through the events of chapter 4 they realize that Jamil and Kalim have their own things to work through and that maybe trying to get into a relationship with Kalim...isn't right at the moment. (Plus all their fear of rejection/vulnerability/ and inexperience when it comes to dating in general. Oh, and not to mention the feelings they're definitely not catching from some shut-in gamer boy too.) Still they don't really shake their crush completely until I'd say the near end of my fic The Diamond in the Rough and the Boy without a Fairy. (Which takes place between chapters 4 and 5 in game)
Though they still find things awkward around Kalim so that leads to them just kind of...avoiding him for a while. It's a lil shitty on their part but eventually Kalim notices and they both officially have a talk of sorts that clears the air in Chapter 5 (during the VDC training camp.) I do plan on writing it one day but right now I'm in the middle of writing other lore!
What are your OC’s minor fears?
SPIDERS, TALKING TO STRANGERS, TALKING ON THE PHONE. HEIGHTS, ADVANCED DARKNESS! FLOYD LURKING IN THE CORNER WITH THAT LOOK ON HIS FACE! (the usual) 20. What chapter does your OC get the most personal character development? @cyn-write asked this question too!
Definitely Chapter 3! I feel like in me and @bunnwich timeline so many things happen around that time.
The Ramshackle gang getting to know their respective love interests, Yuuta/Yuuhi getting their respective weapons, Yume snapping and going a little insane on how to plan and get back at Azul and showing that they're not just a shy goody goody. It just is a time when the brothers are starting to really feel like they understand and belong in Twisted Wonderland to a degree y'know?
ANYWAY SORRY THIS GOT SONG LONG! The muses possessed me.
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stoookes · 17 days
Oh, Omegaverse chapter 4 was a total treat!!! My heart broke for Stu, poor thing, pretending to be someone he's not 😭💔 But three cheers for Ali for realising how uncomfortable Stu is and doing everything in his power to find out why, and being kind to him. Also, Jimmy, babe, be a bit more sensitive please? And listen to Ali. He gets the right idea more often than you do! XD
And then Tim's introduction!! Brendon threatening Stu, Stu getting his first proper whiff of an alpha scent and his biology betraying him ahhhh 😭 that scene was so well written! And I definitely let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding when none of the English alphas were able to find out Tim's secret.
Also, ngl when I saw Stu/Kev as a ship, I went ??? But that part was excellent! I loved Stu not being sure of himself throughout, and struggling with his omega inclinations. The scene was very well done, the dubious consent really came through, and it was just wrong enough to make it feel right, if you get what I mean. Also ugh, Kevin promising that next time he'd be the one filling Stu up... yuck please no don't put stu through that! 😭😭
And then Virat's introduction!!!! I love Stu being protective of Virat right off the bat, even though he's never met him, and feeling a kinship with him. I also love how Virat's causing an inner turmoil in Stu, about how beneficial it would be to reveal his second gender. And then Virat causing a stir among the English alphas... 🫣🫣 I'm scared for him now, espo with Kev around. Although let's be honest, if any omega could keep Kev in check and have him wrapped around their little finger, it's Virat. He's coy enough to pull it off, and I'm confident he can handle himself even if it's Kev he's dealing with. He'd turn the tables on Kev's claim of omegas doing as they're told alright! Makes me wonder, are we gonna get some Virat/Kev action next chap? 🫣 Also, thank you for the little morsel that Stuart notices even Jimmy was in on the conversations about Virat, speculating about the date of his debut and how soon they'd play him. As a Virat/Jimmy enthusiast, I appreciate that nugget! 😉 Ahhh, now I want to see the scene of Virat's first match against England, every alpha being lewd with him, and Stu trying to keep him away from all that as best as he can, but Virat also holding his own and letting them know he can't be pushed around so easily.
Awww yay! I’m SO glad you enjoyed it 🥰🥰🥰
So, as mentioned, Freddie has given Ali a nudge to go be muma bear with Stuart because he obvs knows Stu is avoiding them all because they hang together and Stu is trying to avoid Freddie. And we all know Ali, he’s certainly not letting this go (he’ll get Jimmy to play nice).
Tim was another thing that wasn’t ever originally planned but then had to come in due to timelines. I like that Tim is there, playing as omega, but scenting because this still gives us VK as the first open OPENLY playing omega, as has always been planned (plus there’s a whole bit about how BCCI feel of NZC bringing in an omega which will be in VK’s fic). Brendon ofc would be so damn protective of any omega because Brendon 🥰 and I love how Brendon thinks Stuart reacts to his scent badly because, as alpha, it should smell bad to him, when really it’s having the direct opposite affect. It makes me so happy you think that was well written 🥹
It’s interesting that KP/Stu doing something together didn’t feel on the radar, considering how close they are and so how any changes to Stu’s behaviour was going to be noticed. It certainly does make sense what you mean and that balance of feeling wrong but right is exactly what I was striving for so I’m glad that came across!
I did tell you all VK was coming! 😂 And here he is! I certainly wouldn’t worry about our little firecracker; he may be unbonded right now but he certainly knows how to hold his own around omegas. KP should probably just stay away… 😂
Thank you so much for the comment! Absolutely makes my day to receive them 🥰 Next chapter hopefully coming soon!
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Ok so initially I didn't want to make this ask because your blog doesn't allow anon, but I really need to get all these thoughts about the newest helluva boss episode out. This is gonna be very long and may be a bit confusing as I have a lot to say and English isn't my first language, so sorry about that
First of all I must say that I'm quite disappointed about this episode. I half expected it to be a continuation of the season 1 finale where Stolas would confront Blitzo about their relationship, reveal the purpose of the Asmodean crystal, tell Octavia the truth about his and Stella's marriage... basically get it all over with. But when I looked at the thumbnail, I saw that this was going to be about Octavia and Loona, not their parents. And you know what? I was ecstatic that it was! Those two are my favorite characters, plus I think we need a break from the Stolitz storyline to focus on something else, keeping things fresh y'know?
So why was I disappointed? It because the episode ended up revolving around Stolitz anyway, yet somehow their story didn't gain an inch of progress. It seems that the show's writers forgot half-way through that they were supposed to focus on Via and Loona and tried to messily jam the plots of previous episodes into this one. The result was a rushed episode with no focus on any character whatsoever. It started out with we have to find Via because she could be in danger, but suddenly it switched to watching Blitzo pretending to be a good comedic actor, and then we have to see how obsessed Moxxie is with art... In the end we only get a little information about Loona's past, see a tiny bit of Via and Loona's relationship, and see how Stolas and Blitzo interact with each other after the events of the finale
Speaking about Stolitz, I don't know why the hell they act that way the entire episode. Aren't they and their relationship supposed to be at their lowest point? Did they just... conveniently forget about their first "date"?? Or pretend nothing happened??? Why did Stolas act all lovey dovey towards Blitzo when he realized that their relationship was "full of comfortable lies" just a few episodes back? Why didn't Blitzo try to stop him if the idea of Stolas being seriously in love with him was unthinkable? Why didn't both of them show any awkwardness or discomfort when being with each other if their last time hanging out was so disastrous??? Even if they're focusing on finding Via (and then got distracted anyway), the fear and worries of loosing her shouldn't interfere that much with the state of their relationship, and it definitely shouldn't be a miracle that magically bring them back together
Now let's talk about Via and how weirdly forgiving she is towards her dad. Despite Stolas' shitty parenting and him repeatedly hurting her emotionally, she keeps forgiving him for seemingly no reason. But I think there is a reason. I don't know if the writers intend to write her like this, but it looks like Via only forgives Stolas so that he won't leave her. Think about it, Via has had abandonment issues since she was little, and it's hinted that only Stolas cares enough to be with her and comfort her. This could lead to her forming a codependent relationship with him, and this episode kinda proved it with how she just happily watch the fireworks with Stolas after a whole day feeling angry, frustrated and hurt that he "hate(s) [Stella] more than he loves [her]". It also proved that while he does try his best and is better than Stella at parenting, he's still an awful dad and I don't think Via would ever be trully happy with him
Oh and that little speech Loona gave Via about how they both should cut their father figures some slack? I hate it. As someone who grew up with horrible and abusive parents who do care and do love me, I have to remind myself constantly that they are still abusers and what they did to me and my sister is wrong, even when they didn't mean it or didn't know better. Their lack of parenting skills and issues are explanations as to why they fucked up, but not excuses for them to get away with it. And while it's best for abuse victims to eventually forgive their abusers, they should only do that as a way to move on and absolutely not to (re)gain the abusers' affection. But considering that both Loona and Via depend on their dads, plus how Loona is stuck feeling grateful that Blitzo adopted her and is the first person in her life to care and love her, they're not gonna learn this lesson any time soon. I also have a feeling they won't get much development once the Stolitz story is done
Overall, this episode is... bad comparing to all others. To me it's probably the worst so far. For the first time ever I didn't get a satisfying feeling after watching helluva boss and it was thank to this episode. I'm a bit worry for the show's future now, I mean I know it has problems with inconsistency since the middle of season 1 but this has to be the worst case. I'd still watch it, I just don't think I can enjoy it as much as before
Never feel bad about ranting to me guys, I mean look at MY posts, they’re like….essay style long lol, I love hearing y’all out! 💕
And yeah, I agree with everything you said. I’m ganna say it now, this has got to be one of the worst episodes of the series ever. Like I didn’t think we could stoop lower than the Cherub episode and Ozzie’s (in my opinion) but HERE WE ARE lol. As for the writing as a whole, I’d say I hope the show gets better, but I really don’t know. I’m so tired of this show doing certain characters dirty, and only obsessing over this dumb toxic ship. To me personally, every time an episode releases I feel like we scale further and further down the hole, but I’m not going to say there’s 0 hope. It’s up to you as the viewer wether you’re going to keep watching or not, but yeah this episode was….not written well. I had some hope for Adam Neylan, but now that I know he wrote this episode, my faith is ruined, which I know is petty but it’s the truth.
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I saw you went from militant atheist to agnostic. I'm seeking advice as a 17-year-old agnostic who is still upset with religion. I'll try to articulate it to the best of my ability.
How do you respect people's religion? I have some form of religious trauma (raised Protestant), and leaving it was very hard for me. I'm done with religion, but I was very angry for a while. I've mostly moved away from the Anger Phase, but I still, feel annoyed.
For example, when religious people oppose and demonize homosexuality (no wokeness, by the way), it annoys me. I don't think there is an objective reason why homosexuality should be seen as sinful/evil, and bringing up nature doesn't mean anything. It's frustrating that they're willing to die on that hill to please a God they can't see and to adhere to some book dogmatically.
I don't have an incentive not to hate religion. After all, the environment that I'm in (friends and school peers) has normalized it. But I'm starting to realize that it's not worth it, and I want to be indifferent to the lifestyle choices of others. How can I achieve that?
First off I'd look at the term "religious trauma" and evaluate if it's accurate. Did being raised Protestant actually traumatize you in the legit, phycological sense? Or did you just have an unpleasant upbringing because you didn't identify with or support the religion you were being taught? I don't know which it is, but one thing that everyone should learn is perspective. Not every bad thing is traumatizing. In fact, most aren't. Trauma is a very real, very serious thing. If people go around labeling non-traumatic things as traumatic, it can make you react worse to something that really isn't that bad.
But aside from all that, the best advice I can give you is you need to learn that what someone else believes has nothing to do with you. You are never going to convince the religious to give up their religion. In fact, if you try, you're just going to make them dig in further. Don't try to burden yourself with the need to "enlighten" the religious. It's pointless. And all it does is lead to frustration, anger, and hate on both sides. Some people are always going to believe things you don't believe. And as long as they aren't pushing those beliefs on you, it shouldn't effect you at all. You don't need to like those people or hang around those people. It's perfectly okay to keep them at arms length. And this goes for anyone you don't get along with. Instead of getting angry, learn to just roll your eyes internally whenever someone starts going on about things you find silly or stupid. Change the subject, or think about something else, or walk away if you can. You don't owe anybody your time or your attention, especially if they're being rude by preaching to you when you don't want to be preached to.
The thing about religion is that everyone interacts with it in a different way. Yes, some use it to bully others and justify their hatreds or their bad actions. But many more use it as a guiding light in their life. They take comfort from the idea that some all powerful being exists and loves them. They take comfort from the idea that their loved ones who have passed away are in a place of perfect happiness and are waiting for them to join them. How do we deal with our own inevitable death? A lot of people believe that something better is waiting for them on the other side. Or that we get reborn into a better live if we live well in this one. Or that we'll become part of the spirit of the Earth. Or that there's nothing after death, and some find comfort in that, too. Humans have always dealt with the unknown by telling stories and trying to understand things that don't have an easy explanation. Some of us turn to science. Some to religion. Some to philosophy. Some to other things. Some to all things. Just because someone chooses a different path towards understanding doesn't automatically make them wrong.
And if you want a scientific reason for benign agnosticism over militant atheism, in an infinite universe like the one we supposedly live in, anything that can happen will happen. Because even if something has a 0.000000000001% chance of happening, 0.000000000001% is still more than zero, and if you roll the dice an infinite number of times, eventually every result will come up, and more than once, too. If it's at all possible that a God, or Gods, exist, then they exist. Or have existed. Or will exist. What we don't know vastly outweighs what we do know. And it always will. We will never be able to explore even 1% of the observable universe. To me, that's one of the saddest things I've ever heard. I cope with that sadness by hoping that one day, humans will discover a way to break what we now call the laws of physics and learn how to build faster than light hyperdrives, or create wormholes, so we can explore more than what we think we'll be able to. I have a kind of faith that humanity will go beyond what modern science says we can achieve. Have you ever had similar beliefs that fly in the face of all accepted logic? Or do you only believe things that other people tell you is true? I really hope it's the former. And if it is, then that feeling of faith is what the religious feel about God. It's a commonality believers and non-believers have. So that can be a starting point to understanding the religious and how they think. It might even be a starting point to finding some common ground with the ones who aren't super zealous.
As for the "gay being a sin", thing, I do agree with you. Despite the sometimes abhorrent actions of the so-called "gay community", the act of being attracted to your own gender is no more inherently evil than being attracted to redheads, or blondes, or people with glasses. My logical brain tells me that any system of beliefs would reflect the times those beliefs came to be in. Back when Judaism was created, which is the foundation for Christianity and Islam, the Jews were going through hard times. I can easily see how, in a small, persecuted population that had already experienced slavery and violence by the time of Moses, the act of homosexuality would be potentially dangerous. If more men are laying with men instead of laying with women and procreating, then one day there might not be any more Jews. Especially if they keep getting killed and exiled every time they try to settle somewhere. So those Old Testament passages about homosexuality make more sense, from a secular, historical perspective, if you think of it that way. In addition to that, there have been literally thousands of religions invented since humanity has existed. They're all different. Even the ones that share a common origin are different. Just ask the Catholics and the Protestants. And we're just one species, on one planet, in a potentially infinite universe. To assume that any one single human religion has gotten everything right seems to be to not only be unrealistic, but massively hubristic. Maybe God exists, but he doesn't care who we fuck. Maybe he cares a lot, but Jesus got him to calm down about it. Maybe Apollo killed God and now the only deity that's still alive wants everyone to be gay. Who knows? We don't. And I think it's pretty silly to get upset when someone else believes something that is, in all probability, at least somewhat wrong.
I don't know of any of this helps you. But when I first got out of my militant atheist phase, thinking about things like this helped me a lot. It made me realize that I was acting just like the religious zealots I hated when I tried to push atheism on everyone and lashed out when they didn't convert. And I think that's the second best piece of advice I can give: Don't become the people you hate, or even the people you dislike. Be better than them. Or at least different. You'll be a lot happier that way. I know I am.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Hello again! Thanks for answering my and others asks, I really love to read your answers >_<
But hey, can you tell me about your MC? I think our MC can be... Friends? JK... Unless... 👀
And again have a good day :3
/and sry for my english, if something I said wrong :0
Hello again! I honestly love answering asks (even if it sometimes takes me a minute to get to them), so I'm happy to get them! I'm glad you're enjoying my answers, too!
OH YES our MCs can absolutely be friends if you would like!! My MC's name is Ciaran and I have a lot of information about them in this post! You can also find more posts about them under the tag "#misc mc ciaran" as I know there are some more posts I've written, generally in response to asks, about them.
But briefly, Ciaran is a fun-loving troublemaker type who has a short temper. They don't like to be teased or treated as "lesser" in any way, which is part of why they take such issue with Lucifer specifically. They're not afraid to stand up for themselves or get into an argument. They're creative and like to paint. They're very outgoing and while they do have the short fuse, they're also confident and friendly. So I guess they're kind of all over the place lol. They can be chaotic, but they can also be serious, it just depends on the situation. I kinda wanted an MC who is just as crazy as the brothers are, but also doesn't take any shit.
Anyway, I'm always down for MCs hanging out together and being buddies. I just really like the idea of MCs meeting each other and becoming friends!
I hope you have a lovely day as well!
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